#What's The Best Exercise To Lose Belly Fat
freeonlineworkouts · 23 days
What's The Best Exercise To Lose Belly Fat
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Workouts At Home To Lose Weight: Lose Weight The Fun And Easy Way!
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focuspoint2023 · 11 months
How to lose stomach fat?
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Take control of your weight loss journey today! Download our comprehensive and effective weight loss eBook now for expert tips, meal plans, and workouts. Start achieving your goals!
Losing stomach fat can be a common goal for many people seeking to improve their overall health and appearance. While spot reduction is not possible, focusing on overall weight loss and adopting healthy lifestyle habits can help reduce stomach fat over time. Here is a detailed description of strategies to target stomach fat:
Create a Caloric Deficit: To lose fat, including stomach fat, it's important to create a caloric deficit by consuming fewer calories than your body needs. Calculate your daily caloric needs and aim to reduce your intake by 500 to 1000 calories per day, through a combination of dietary changes and increased physical activity.
2. Eat a Balanced Diet: Focus on a balanced diet that includes whole foods, plenty of fruits and vegetables, lean proteins, whole grains, and healthy fats. Reduce your intake of processed foods, sugary snacks, refined carbohydrates, and saturated fats.
3. Portion Control: Be mindful of portion sizes. Use smaller plates and bowls, and practice portion control by measuring or estimating serving sizes. Pay attention to hunger and fullness cues, and eat until you feel satisfied rather than overly full.
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4. Include Protein in Each Meal: Protein is important for preserving lean muscle mass and supporting weight loss. Include lean sources of protein such as poultry, fish, legumes, tofu, and low-fat dairy products in each meal to increase satiety and support fat loss.
5. Stay Hydrated: Drink plenty of water throughout the day. Water helps keep you hydrated, aids digestion, and can contribute to a feeling of fullness. Replace sugary drinks with water to reduce calorie intake.
6. Engage in Cardiovascular Exercise: Incorporate regular aerobic exercises, such as brisk walking, jogging, cycling, or swimming, into your routine. Aim for at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity cardio exercise or 75 minutes of vigorous-intensity exercise per week to burn calories and promote overall fat loss.
7. Include Strength Training: Strength training exercises are important for building muscle mass, which can help increase your metabolism and promote fat burning. Incorporate exercises like weightlifting, bodyweight exercises, or resistance band workouts two to three times per week, targeting all major muscle groups.
8. High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT): Consider adding HIIT workouts to your routine. HIIT involves short bursts of intense exercise alternated with periods of rest. These workouts can increase calorie burn and improve cardiovascular fitness.
9. Get Sufficient Sleep: Aim for 7 to 9 hours of quality sleep each night. Inadequate sleep can disrupt hormonal balance, leading to increased appetite and cravings. Sufficient rest supports overall health and weight management.
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10. Manage Stress: Chronic stress can contribute to weight gain and abdominal fat accumulation. Practice stress management techniques such as meditation, deep breathing exercises, yoga, or engaging in hobbies to reduce stress levels and support healthy habits.
11. Be Consistent and Patient: Losing stomach fat takes time and consistency. Stay committed to your healthy eating and exercise routine, and be patient with the progress. Focus on overall health improvements rather than solely on the appearance of your stomach.
Remember, it's essential to consult with a healthcare professional before starting any new diet or exercise program, especially if you have any underlying health conditions. They can provide personalized guidance and ensure your weight loss efforts are safe and suitable for your individual needs.
Take control of your weight loss journey today! Download our comprehensive and effective weight loss eBook now for expert tips, meal plans, and workouts. Start achieving your goals!
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after-witch · 3 months
To the Top [Yandere Chuuya x Reader]
Title: To the Top [Yandere Chuuya x Reader]
Synopsis: Over the past few months of your pregnancy, you’ve never been sweeter to Chuuya. Little does he know that for every smile you’ve given him, you’ve stashed away something for your escape. 
Word count: 3100ish
notes: yandere, kidnapped reader, reader is pregnant, abusive behavior  (chains, restrictions, food control, etc)
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Life in this shut-up penthouse was never exactly invigorating--but over the past few months it has become unbearable. And that unbearable, stifling heaviness weighing you down every single day has taken its toll in more ways than one. 
It’s made you feel like you’re going to lose it at any moment. It’s made you feel like you’d rather be anywhere than here.
You want to get out.
Chuuya had rules for you, of course, when he first started keeping you here. They came slow--a leash that tightened before you realized it--and sure. 
But now, with your belly swollen and growing bigger by the day, he’s completely taken control. 
You’re not allowed to go outside, even with Chuuya, even surrounded by bodyguards ready to take a bullet or unload them into any would-be assassins. Those brief bouts of fresh air were one of the few bright spots in your life, now blotted out from Chuuya’s paranoia of losing you. 
You’re not allowed to use your exercise bike or take a swim in the heated indoor pool tucked in the basement. It doesn’t matter how much you argue that you should be exercising for the sake of your health, because Chuuya says he does let you exercise. According to him, anyway.
He only lets you do the mildest--and you do mean mildest--of aerobic exercises in the pool. Only under supervision, and the moment you look like you want to start leaning into the water and getting in a nice backstroke, Chuuya orders you out and you’d best comply if you ever want to see the pool again for the next 2 years.
You’re not allowed to eat whatever you want, even when your cravings feel like they’re going to eat you from the inside out. He doesn’t starve you, no, no, no. But you can’t have a big juicy cheeseburger topped with bacon and a side of onion rings, a heavenly concoction that makes you drool just to think of it. 
If you must have a burger, and it’s a big if--Chuuya allows you to eat a made-from-scratch ground turkey burger with low fat cheese and a side of mashed sweet potato (no butter, no extra salt!) all courtesy of the well-trained personal chef Chuuya hired to live in the building. 
They’re the reason you are eating three square meals and two snacks a day, and the reason each and every meal is perfectly designed to eat every nutrition goal. Everything you eat is always nutritious and sure, the food isn’t disgusting… but it’s not fucking fair, is it, that you can’t just eat what you want when you want. 
Chuuya insists you eat only the best of foods. He makes sure every meal comes with a little cup of medicine--prenatal vitamins and anything else the doctor thinks will help keep you safe during your pregnancy. 
He doesn’t let you run around or fret or clean or do much of anything at all. He doesn’t want you to exert yourself, he says. You can’t eat what you want or do what you want or go where you want. 
It’s all too much.
You fought at first. You argued. You pleaded. But it didn’t do anything but make Chuuya tighten his hold on you.
And that’s why you accept his rules now with the utmost of patience and sweetness that you can muster. Oh, you haven’t given in. You aren’t meekly submitting to Chuuya and agreeing that he surely knows what’s best for you.
You’re just biding your time for the day when you can get the hell out of here.
Besides, you needed a little bit of freedom if you were going to escape. And a little bit of freedom was all you were going to get.
Early on in the pregnancy, Chuuya kept you locked in the bedroom when he was away because you fought him too much. A chain around your ankle kept you from even trying to get out the bedroom door.
Yes, you were given food by a stoic bodyguard throughout the day and it wasn’t like you were left to fend for yourself, but still. It would be impossible to leave if you were stuck in the bedroom all day.
Now, though, Chuuya lets you walk around the penthouse when he’s gone. He allows the chef to premake some of your meals so that you can microwave them if he’s not here to feed you; you can watch a movie in the living room or take a nap on your shared bed or whatever you’d like, as long as it’s quiet and calming. 
Because you’re good, and you’ve behaved, and you let him do what’s best for you. 
It’s not a lot of freedom. But it’s enough to give you the chance to start stashing away supplies for your escape; it’s enough to give you the perfect moment to pretend to fall asleep on the sofa before Chuuya leaves one day, so you can look just in time to see the passcode he enters on the electronic lock attached to the front door.
It’s enough to put you on the path towards freedom. 
Chuuya paces back and forth so rapidly that you’re starting to feel a bit dizzy. There’s a framed picture of flowers--your favorite--on the wall behind him, and you focus on that to keep yourself steady. Chuuya… flowers… Chuuya… flowers. 
“Maybe I shouldn’t go tonight. I could send someone else for this.”
“Or I can send one of my guards to stay in the apartment while I’m gone. Just to be safe? Shit, I don’t know.” 
“Fuck it, I’ll call it in, I’m not going--”
He stops, and you take the opportunity to step forward and grasp both of his hands in yours. You pull them against your chest and watch as his expression goes from agitated and fretful to sweet, almost puppy-love. Every time you touch him without being told, it’s like you can see a sweet light spark in his eyes. Too bad you lost your spark a while ago. 
“Go,” you say, soft and sweet and so fake you wonder that he can’t see through it. “I’ll be fine. The building’s being guarded, and the door will be locked.” The tension begins to melt from his shoulders, and you continue. “Just come home safe, all right?”
His frown holds for only a moment more, then it splits into a grin.
“Yeah. Yeah… You’re right.” He lifts his hands, taking yours with them, so that he can press a short kiss to your knuckles. “I’ll be back in the early morning--don’t wait up for me, you two need your sleep. Got it?”
We won’t be here when you get back, you think. “I know. We’ll go to bed early,” you say. 
And then you lean forward and kiss him softly on the lips, your stomach brushing against him as you do. 
He expects a kiss whenever he leaves and you’re almost happy to give it, tonight, because you know it will be the last one he ever gets from you. 
You don’t act right away. You’re not stupid. It’s about 2 hours after he leaves that the plan is ready to set into motion. In the meantime, you’ve read and reread the same page of your book a thousand times; sweat has begun to cling to your back as your eyes dart from the page to the clock. 
The sensation of your stomach in knots is equaled only by the frenzy of activity inside your belly--you swear they can sense what’s going on. Can they feel how your heart has begun to race? Can they tell that your muscles are tense? That your ears are strained, listening for the sound of his footsteps, in case he changed his mind?
You’re thankful that you’re not alone when you finally retrieve your bag from its hiding spot. You’ve got supplies. Some cash, food, a few water bottles. Underwear, clothes--yours and the babies--and some of the baby things Chuuya has already picked up. A blanket, a package of bottles, in case he doesn’t take to the breast.
It’s not a lot. But it will be enough to get you through to safety and freedom, and that’s all that really matters.
The bag shifts on your shoulders as you stand at the door, heart pounding, breath coming in short puffs. The guards outside the door are doing their rounds--back and forth, stopping in front of the front door of the penthouse and again at the door of the elevator just a few steps away, then going round the corner to complete a circle. 
It takes them 15 seconds to walk down the hallway once they walk away from the elevator. And you have about 60 seconds to get from the front door into the elevator before they come back. Maybe 90 seconds, maybe 2 minutes, if they stop to chat. They don’t do that with any regularity, so it’s impossible to plan for it. So you don’t. 
Instead, you count, one hand on your belly, one hand poised above the numbers on the electronic lock. It makes a noise so you have to wait to just… the right… time…
Despite all of the careful planning that went into this, as soon as your fingers press the code in, all thinking seems to cease. You are running on pure instinct. The door opens and you don’t even look to make sure the guards aren’t there, instead you fly right to the elevator door and push down.
It could all go wrong here. If someone is in the elevator, if someone is coming up from the floors, if the elevator didn’t return to the top after Chuuya left.
But the door has mercy and opens right away, and you rush into it, almost tripping over the threshold. Your finger trembles onto the close door button and it shuts. You don’t hear shouts. You don’t hear panic.
They didn’t see you.
Timing, again, is everything. You press the fifth floor so that the elevator will stop there long enough for the guards at the bottom to--you hope, you hope, you hope, if you timed it right--be around the corner as well. But there’s no telling if your timing is correct here. Maybe they don’t leave the doors at all, on the bottom floor. Maybe there are more guards, maybe they take shifts. All these maybes ball up in your stomach and take the air out of you as the elevator reaches the ground floor and opens.
You rush out without looking, but no one is there. You’re at the private back entrance and you don’t waste time thinking about how lucky you are or what to do next; you simply push yourself out the door and begin to run down the street.
It doesn’t take long for your feet to hurt. The house slippers Chuuya gives you are not meant for concrete, not meant for uneven sidewalks where people occasionally drop glass bottles and cigarette butts. 
You don’t let the pain stop you. You never have before. 
As you run, solid thoughts finally begin to return to your mind, which feels less fuzzy and more aware of the danger that you might be in. You did it. You’re out. You’re gone. You’re free. 
But not just yet, right? You need to stay hidden. You need to be safe.  You need, above all, to get off the highly visible streets. 
A sign for a bus stop catches your eye. Yes--a bus. You could let it take you as far as it will, and then go from there. But the sign says the bus stops on the hour, and there’s still 30 minutes to go--you can’t stay out on the street that long.
Instead, you slip into an alley just a little bit away from the sign. It’s close enough that you could press yourself against a wall and still keep an eye out for when the bus arrives. Will it be comfortable? No. Will it be smelly? Probably. Will you be out of public view? Yes--so that’s what you do.
You slip into the alley and immediately every nerve on your body raises because there is someone here with you.
No. Scratch that.
Two someones.
There is a man standing that you can only see from behind. He is shrouded in the shadows of the alleyway’s end, which isn’t lit by anything but the hint of light from the street. 
And there is a man on the ground, pressed against the farthest end of the alley, begging for his life. You only catch some of the words that tumble out of his desperate lips: I didn’t betray you, I swear, I swear, I can tell you everything you need to know, it wasn’t me, oh please, fuck, I swear--
And then he doesn’t speak anymore because the first man shoots him in the head. He falls backward and something hits the wall and you can't help the noise of startled horror that slips out of your mouth.
The man turns around, gun drawn, and you have just enough time to think--this is it--before he steps forward. 
And… says your name?
The man is Chuuya.
The man is Chuuya, who holsters his gun and, mouth gaping, has his hands on you before you can even think about running. He’s checking you over--for bruises or cuts or who knows what else--and his grip on your forearm is relentlessly strong. 
“What the fuck? What the fuck?” He says, not believing the sight of you, even as he touches you. “Babe, what’s wrong? Did something happen? Where’s--”
And then he sees the bag slung over your shoulder. Sees how full it looks. He glances down at your stomach. Then back  up at your face.
“You were trying to leave?”
The hurt on his face might induce pity, if you weren’t currently dealing with the most horrific adrenaline rush in the world. 
“No,” you sputter. “Yes. No. I--” 
And it’s then that your body and mind crash together, and the realization that you’ve been caught catches up with you. You should run. You will run. 
And you try, but it’s a lost cause. You don’t even have enough leverage to take a step back with how tightly he’s holding you. Your mind knows this, but your body doesn’t accept it quite yet, and you squirm fruitlessly against him.
He only needs one hand to keep you by his side as he takes out his phone and barks out an order at someone to come take care of the body of the poor dead man in the alley.
Then he looks back at you and hurt, fear, anger, play out on his face in a series of moments. 
“We’re going,” he tells you. He’s back on his phone, another order. A car to pick you up. 
His voice promises locked doors and lost privileges, yes, but there’s something else simmering in there that has you yanking back feebly as he drags you out of the alley and into an unmarked car.
Every guard Chuuya crosses stammers out apologies, swears they don’t know how this happened. Chuuya deals with them in clipped tones that make you wonder if they’ll survive the night. Reassigned, if they’re lucky.
The penthouse is just as you left it. Quiet. Clean. A now runny smoothie, fortified with vitamins and calculated with the perfect natal nutrients, sits on the counter; you didn’t drink it tonight.
Chuuya drags you through to the bedroom. All this time, he hasn’t let go of your hand. There will be finger-shaped bruises tomorrow.
You expect him to scream at you. Maybe even hurt you. A physical slap might hurt less than this all-consuming fear as he pulls you into the bedroom and gently guides you to sit down on the bed. What will he do? What will he say?
Your hand grasps your belly--please don’t hurt me.
Chuuya growls out bubbling anger, turns, and punches the wall so hard that his fist goes through the drywall. His knuckles have freckles of blood on them.
The sound, the sight of the blood, the anger pressing down on your shoulders--it’s all too much and hot tears spill over your lower eyelids and down your cheeks, salty, burning. 
He’s on his knees, immediately, wrapping his arms around your midsection and pressing kisses to your tear-stained cheeks.
“Babe, I’m sorry--I didn’t mean to scare you.” He hushes your hiccuping sobs, wiping and kissing your tears in alternate measures. “I was just so fucking mad.” 
At me? You think. 
“Those guards,” he continues, frowning. “They weren’t watching you like they should.”
“But I…” You don’t finish: But I’m the one who ran away.
Your confusion must show on your face, because he presses a kiss to your cheek, to your lips. 
“Hush. I know you’re prone to fits like this. I don’t mind. It’s why I do so much to watch over you, y’know?” He rubs at your cheeks with this thumb and cracks a smile. From the corner of your eye,  you can see the blood on his knuckles. “It was either the wall or one of those guys’ heads, right?” 
He doesn’t wait for an answer as he kisses you, more lingering this time.
“You make me crazy,” he whispers against your lips. “You know that?”
“Chuuya,” you whisper, breath mingling with this. “Please, I want to… I want to…” Leave. Be free. All words you could say, that never make their way past your lips.
He sits up taller on his knees and rests his head against your stomach. There’s a flurry of movement inside you--does the baby know he’s there? What does the baby, in all its primordial growth, think of any of today’s events?
“I know it’s scary,” Chuuya murmurs. “You don’t have to tell me. We’re about to be parents. Anyone would be worried.” 
That’s not what you wanted to say. It’s hard to say if Chuuya knows it and pretends otherwise or simply doesn’t acknowledge your resistance at all. 
He sighs through his nose and closes his eyes.
“I’ll have to bring the chain back out for a while. Maybe until the baby comes.” He opens his eyes just a little and glances up at you with a smile. “But I can make it long enough for you to walk around. Doctor said you needed to stretch your legs every day, babe.”
He closes his eyes again and you don’t know what else you can do but reach out and rest your palm against his head. He leans into your touch.
“I know,” you croak out. There’s a few beats--of your heart?--and your fingers curl against his hair. “I’m sorry I went outside.” What else can you do, but lean into Chuuya, but apologize for doing what he insists you never do. Leave him, be free, live your own life.
He sighs and nuzzles himself against your stomach. He presses a soft kiss to it before pulling himself off the floor, leaning down, and kissing you on the head.
“I know, babe. Don’t worry. I’m not mad.”
You wonder what Chuuya might have done if he had gotten angry at you.
Perhaps it’s better not to know.
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boytumms · 9 months
Okay so, I’ve had this one fantasy for a long time (probably since my sexual awakening lol) and it’s a double whammy of stuffing and pregnancy. A very vain person is kidnapped and told that the only way to leave is to clear the massive dining table of all the food on it.
They protest at first, they have an intense and strict diet and exercise regime and the food on the table is all fatty meats and buttery sides and carbs and sugary desserts. But their captor persists, giving them water spiked with appetite stimulants, and eventually they relent and try a bite. They’re so hungry at this point that they start gorging themselves, and even when they start to be in pain and really want to stop eating, they can’t. It’s like their body has a mind of its own as they eventually make their way through all of the food.
By the end their stomach is red and sore, they’re rubbing it desperately to try and find some relief but it’s like every available inch of space is taken up. Eventually, their captor enters the room and taunts them with how much weight they’ll gain because of this binge and the vain person is absolutely horrified. Then, the captor gives them an alternate option. Instead of gaining that weight, they can become pregnant with a child that is the equivalent weight. Best of all, they’ll give birth within the week and then they can just lose the leftover baby weight.
The vain person agrees immediately. They know pregnancy won’t be great for their figure but it’s better than having to work off fat. And how much could one stuffing like this cause? Five, at worst ten pounds? Easier to birth than exercise away. What they don’t realize is that the amount of food they ate was the equivalent of 30 pounds of weight gain and they are going to give birth to a toddler sized child in a week.
I've said it before and I'll say it again, stuffing + pregnancy is so top tier and they need to be combined more often!!!
What if, to make it worse for the poor guy, he agrees to the pregnancy thinking that the baby will replace the food he just ate, but instead, he get's impregnated on top of his fully stuffed stomach. While he wont gain the weight from the food, it's still in his stomach and has to be digested while the baby grows in his belly at the same time. Since he was forced to eat so much, it takes ages for his gut to process the food, so while he's still so overly stuffed, his tummy continues to swell even bigger with the huge soon to be 30 pound baby.
In a matter of days his belly doubles in size, becoming so large and heavy that he can barely stand on his own two feet anymore. The baby's growth is only aided by the copious amounts of nutrients from the food, so it grows big and strong extremely fast. It kicks and punches, twisting and turning in the poor boy's tummy, making him feel sick as his stomach cramps from the food it's still trying to work through. He spends his time trying to rub and sooth his restless belly, whimpering and trying to keep the baby calm to stop it from beating his tender tummy.
By the end of the week he's absolutely exhausted. His mountain of a tummy is so big it pins him to the ground, skin red and tight, so full now he can't even rub the painfully taut surface anymore. His massive toddler sized baby rolls and kicks within him, tenting the too tight skin and making him cry out in pain. Each movement threatens to rip through the paper thin skin of his swollen mound, and all he can do is clutch his bloated sides and pray his belly holds together.
The week is finally up and his captor excitedly waits for his labor to begin. After 7 days of torturous agony, the boy will finally be free, that is if he can survive giving birth to a gigantic 30 pound baby. His contractions start and his baby squirms inside him, eager to be born, but it still takes hours for his waters to finally break. By the time they do, he's already moaning and screaming in pain. He throws his head back in agony as the pressure heightens to the point he thinks he's really going to pop, when instead he feels something burst inside and a rush of hot fluid soaking his trembling thighs.
His captor laughs at him as he shakes and thrashes, arching his back and throwing his contracting belly into the air. He feels his captor place his rough hands on his squirming tummy, rubbing and squeezing his sides and making him choke out a garbled scream. Despite his weak pushes, the baby inches down towards his ass like it's trying to crawl out on its own. His canal stretches around the massive head, it's so big it feels like it's the size of a small melon.
Hours of pushing later it reaches his hole and begins to ram against the tight ring of muscle. The boy's voice is ragged from screaming, but he can't help by let out a torn cry as the baby spreads him wide. Slowly the head begins to emerge, stretching him further and further until he feels the skin begin to tear. He kicks and thrashes in pain, begging his captor to help him, but they laugh and tell him there's nothing they can do even if they wanted to help, which they don't.
The baby's head comes to a crown, and to the exhausted boy's horror and dismay, comes to a complete halt. He pushes and strains as hard as he can against the pain, but it's useless. His baby is stuck stretching him at it's widest point and he simply doesn't have the strength to force it to move. wailing in despair, he thrashes back and forth, trying to spread his trembling legs wider, clutching at his sweaty deformed belly, anything to get the head unstuck. Nothing works, and he falls back panting and moaning.
His eyes flutter as his vision blurs. He's too tired to push anymore and his head rolls back on the floor, letting the contractions rip through his body with his mouth hanging open in a silent scream of pain. Suddenly, his body jerks and his belly jumps. His eyes widen and his hands fly to his tummy, crying out as it jerks again. He looks down at his quivering belly in fear, watching in horror as it jerks over and over, pulling his body with it with each lurch. A sudden crack and he weakly cries out, feeling a rib break.
He realizes what's happening, his baby is trying to kick its way out of his belly. It's strong arms and legs push and kick at his insides, and cracking his ribs in the process. Each kick sends his mind spiraling with pain, arms wrapped around his tummy as far as he can reach in a desperate attempt to stop it's movements. He sobs and babbles incoherently as his baby forces its way out of his body, beating his insides to a pulp and tearing its way through his entrance.
With one last kick, the head bursts through his hole along side a gush of blood and fluid. His body convulses as the baby wriggles and writhes the rest of it's body out, leaving him gasping and wheezing, no longer able to scream anymore. The baby slides out between his legs and he hears it take its first breath and begin to cry. It's a miracle he's somehow survived giving birth to a baby the size of a two year old.
Standing over the boy, his captor picks up the crying baby. They look down at him and smirk, lifting their boot over his still swollen tummy and placing it right over his stretched out belly button. The boy seems unresponsive at first touch, but his captor drives their heel deep into the bloated, puffy flesh of his tender belly, immediately eliciting one last gargled shriek from the boy. Fluid spurts from his torn hole as the heel twists and digs into the poor boy's tummy, forcing the placenta out with a sick splatter onto the messy floor. His eyes roll back in his head and his tongue lolls out the side of his mouth, vision finally fading to black as his mind finally blacks out.
He should have just gained the 30 pounds
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flyingfitandsugarfree · 3 months
Cut down on diet soda. I currently drink 1-1.5L a day and I'd like to cut down to just 1 glass a day - if that - by the end of the year
Stop binge-eating. Right now I can't trust myself to buy multipacks of anything or buy food in advance because I just binge the whole lot within 24 hours of buying it
Reduce the amount of processed food I eat. It would be impossible to cut it out completely, but ideally I want to be eating at least one homecooked meal a day and more fruit than processed snacks.
Lose the fat that's accumulated around my belly and thighs. I want to see my abs and I want to feel good in my clothes!
No specific weight goals - just wanna stay within a healthy range!
Things to aim for
Daily yoga
30 mins additional exercise at least 3x/week, ideally 5x. This can be weights, cardio, dance or even walking.
My BMR is 1249 kcal/day, so I'm aiming for a net total of 1000-1250 (it's totally okay to be a little under or over. But someone slap me if I try to go under 800) Ideally I want a gross total of 1500-1800 and then burn 300-500/day
^^^^^But what's more important is what I eat and how I feel about myself, and I'm not going to hold myself to strict calorie goals.
A sugary snack a day is fine because I will go mad otherwise
Due to my working hours being exactly when a normal person would eat dinner, I'm going to try intermittent fasting. I can eat between 8am and 4pm every day, but no food after work.
Try to plan in advance and do my best to stick to my plan. This includes both exercise and diet!
Don't beat myself up if things don't go to plan; just try again tomorrow.
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healthy444 · 13 days
What are the best ways to reduce and eliminate belly, abdominal, and thigh fat?
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Reducing belly, abdominal, and thigh fat typically involves a combination of diet, exercise, and lifestyle changes. Here are some effective strategies:
Healthy Diet: Focus on eating a balanced diet rich in whole foods such as fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, and whole grains. Limit intake of processed foods, sugary snacks, and beverages high in calories. Consider portion control to manage calorie intake effectively.
Regular Exercise: Incorporate both cardiovascular exercises and strength training into your routine. Cardiovascular exercises like walking, running, cycling, or swimming can help burn calories and reduce overall body fat. Strength training exercises such as squats, lunges, and leg lifts can build muscle and boost metabolism, leading to fat loss over time.
High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT): HIIT workouts involve short bursts of intense exercise followed by brief periods of rest. This type of training can be very effective for burning calories and improving overall fitness levels, including reducing belly and thigh fat.
Targeted Exercises: While spot reduction isn’t possible, targeted exercises can help tone and strengthen specific areas like the abdomen and thighs. Examples include crunches, planks, leg lifts, and squats.
Increase Daily Activity: Find ways to incorporate more movement into your daily routine, such as taking the stairs instead of the elevator, walking or cycling instead of driving short distances, or doing household chores.
Get Sufficient Sleep: Aim for 7–9 hours of quality sleep each night. Poor sleep can disrupt hormonal balance and increase appetite, leading to weight gain and difficulty losing fat, including belly and thigh fat.
Manage Stress: Chronic stress can lead to weight gain, particularly around the abdomen. Practice stress-reducing techniques such as meditation, yoga, deep breathing exercises, or spending time in nature.
Stay Hydrated: Drink plenty of water throughout the day. Sometimes thirst can be mistaken for hunger, leading to unnecessary calorie consumption.
Limit Alcohol Consumption: Alcoholic beverages are often high in calories and can contribute to weight gain, especially around the midsection. Limit your intake and opt for healthier alternatives when possible.
Be Patient and Persistent: Losing fat takes time and consistency. Set realistic goals and track your progress, but remember that sustainable changes are more important than rapid results.
Hydration and Nutrition Timing: Drink water before meals to help control appetite and prevent overeating. Also, consider spreading your meals throughout the day to keep your metabolism active and avoid excessive hunger, which can lead to unhealthy snacking.
Mindful Eating: Pay attention to your eating habits and practice mindful eating. Chew your food slowly, savoring each bite, and listen to your body’s hunger and fullness cues. This can help prevent overeating and promote healthier food choices.
Limit Processed Foods and Sugary Drinks: Processed foods, especially those high in refined sugars and unhealthy fats, can contribute to weight gain and hinder fat loss efforts. Replace these with whole, nutrient-dense foods to support your weight loss goals.
Increase Protein Intake: Including more protein in your diet can help you feel fuller for longer periods, reducing overall calorie intake and promoting fat loss. Opt for lean sources of protein such as chicken, turkey, fish, tofu, beans, and legumes.
Healthy Fats: Incorporate healthy fats like avocados, nuts, seeds, and olive oil into your diet. These fats are satiating and can help keep you satisfied between meals, reducing the likelihood of unhealthy snacking.
Avoid Crash Diets: Rapid weight loss diets or extreme calorie restriction can lead to muscle loss, nutrient deficiencies, and a slower metabolism, making it harder to maintain weight loss in the long term. Focus on making sustainable lifestyle changes instead.
Stay Consistent: Consistency is key when it comes to fat loss. Stick to your exercise routine and dietary changes even when progress feels slow. Small, consistent efforts over time can lead to significant results.
Monitor Progress: Keep track of your food intake, exercise routine, and progress toward your goals. This can help you identify areas for improvement and stay motivated as you see your hard work paying off.
Stay Active Outside of Formal Exercise: Look for opportunities to stay active throughout the day, such as taking short walks during breaks, doing bodyweight exercises at home, or participating in recreational activities you enjoy.
Seek Support: Surround yourself with supportive friends, family members, or a community of like-minded individuals who can encourage and motivate you on your weight loss journey. Consider joining a fitness class, hiring a personal trainer, or working with a nutritionist if you need additional guidance and accountability.
By incorporating these strategies into your lifestyle, you can work towards reducing and eliminating belly, abdominal, and thigh fat healthily and sustainably.
Remember, it’s essential to consult with a healthcare professional before starting any new diet or exercise regimen, especially if you have any underlying health conditions.
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growmydarling · 2 years
I’m afraid to gain weight. I’m already obese — 255 pounds. 54 inch gut. 40 BMI.
I’ve always been fat but I’ve been hovering around here, my biggest, for over a year. Everytime I gain a few pounds I lose them.
I can tell that everyone already thinks I’m too big, my belly is too fat, my double chin too huge, my arms wobbly, boobs bulging, rolls thick and hanging, thighs cellulite ridden, and ass wide. I’m 100 pounds overweight nearly. So why do I think about seeing 260 on the scale? 270? Maybe 280, my longtime desired goal..
I’m afraid it’s going to be too big. I’m going to be too fat to ever go back! With the way my belly is rounding out and sagging, and that’s where I gain the most, I can’t imagine having 25 more pounds hanging off of me. What is everyone going to say? I’m sure I’ll get concerned conversations. And 25 pounds is enough to need a new wardrobe.. I’m already pushing the limits of mine (fat girl denial). I’m afraid to commit to that level of obesity, well within morbidly obese..
But I love to eat. And think about how humiliating it would be for the scale to climb any further. How even my fat girl tricks won’t be able to hide my gut any longer. But every time, I stop binging when my gut feels even heavier than normal, and I take it easy to lose the weight.
What do you think?
When it comes to a lifestyle fetish like this, it's true that you need to weigh the erotic benefits of seeing and feeling yourself grow versus the pain and embarrassment of others around you. My instinct is to say fuck everyone else, it's all about what *you* want for your body. You can easily be a beloved BBW and stuffer without intentionally gaining weight. You can focus on smoothing out the cons of gaining- wait until you can afford a new wardrobe, gain with healthful and nutritious meals and light exercise so your heart stays strong. It's good to think about often and thoroughly so you don't face regrets as your life continues.
From a feeder perspective of course I want to hear about your shirts straining to contain your new girth and the extra poundage blooming at your lower belly 😍 But most of all I want you to be a happy little butterball, content with your body and your life. Best of luck anon!
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greenbeverages · 9 months
What is the best way to start losing belly fat?
Maintain a calorie deficit by consuming fewer calories than you burn.
Eat a balanced diet with plenty of vegetables, lean protein, and whole grains.
Engage in regular aerobic exercise like walking, jogging, or cycling.
Include strength training exercises to build lean muscle and boost metabolism.
Get sufficient sleep and manage stress to reduce cortisol levels.
Avoid sugary beverages and limit processed foods.
Stay consistent with your routine for long-term results. Incorporate green tea into your routine for added benefits:
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Green tea contains catechins that may aid in fat loss and metabolism.
It can help increase thermogenesis, burning more calories.
Green tea is rich in antioxidants, promoting overall health.
Try Green Beverages for healthy green teas like Detox Kahwa Green Tea and Lemon Ginger Green Tea, which can support your belly fat loss journey. Start sipping today for a healthier you!
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vitalproduct656 · 9 months
Two effective weight loss products that will really reduce your excess weight, remove excess fat from your body and get you back to a healthy and fit life. So let's see what are the two effective weight loss products.
Number 1: Slimming Oil Fat Burning Belly Loss Fat Lose Weight Slim Down Natural Plant Extracted Weight Lose Slimming Essential Oils
Number 2:
Anti-Itch Detox Slimming Capsules Vaginal Tightening Shrink Fat Burning Flat Belly Cleaning Feminine Hygiene Weight Loss Capsule………………………..
Some more questions about weight loss issues. best over the counter weight loss pills. fda-approved weight loss pills. best pill to lose belly fat. supplements for weight loss for females . weight loss pills that actually work fast. best supplements for weight loss female. what is the strongest weight loss prescription pill. weight loss pills no exercise.
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weightlossideea · 2 years
When you’re trying to lose weight, it’s important to stay healthy and not just focus on the number on the scale. That’s why this list of healthy weight loss tips will help you shed pounds in a safe way that doesn’t sacrifice your overall well-being. Whether you want to lose 10 pounds or more, these suggestions will help ensure your weight loss is as healthy as possible and keeps up with your goals!
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Shedding excess pounds safely
You’ve likely heard of crash diets, which come with severe limitations. They also come with extremely quick weight loss, but at a cost. If you’re trying to lose weight for good without putting your health at risk, it’s best to look into safe ways to shed excess pounds. Here are a few tips that can help you on your journey towards a healthier lifestyle. For example, check out how some of these tips have helped me personally. I’m confident they can work for you too! For example, I recently decided to focus on losing fat in my belly region (I had gained a lot over time) by cutting back my calories significantly—without going hungry or resorting to extreme measures like unsafe fad diets or unhealthy supplements—and simply eating natural foods while exercising regularly. It took some time and dedication, but in less than two months I was able to go from carrying around 10 extra pounds around my belly region down to 6. Not only did I get rid of those pesky extra inches; but more importantly, I felt better about myself knowing that I achieved my goal safely and naturally! Good luck on your journey towards healthy weight loss!
Keep an eye on your nutrient levels
It’s one thing to exercise regularly and take in a healthy, nutrient-dense diet—but it’s important to monitor your levels of vitamins, minerals, electrolytes, etc. This is especially true if you have a health condition or an ongoing illness that might make it difficult for you to feel (or see) any effects of making dietary changes. For example, someone with Type 1 diabetes may need higher levels of magnesium and/or zinc than someone without a medical condition. If you find you aren’t losing weight as quickly as expected or experiencing side effects from your efforts, speak with your doctor about supplementing your plan with extra nutrients.
Understand Why Some People Fail
Many of us assume our weight loss struggles stem from a lack of discipline or willpower, but research shows that our body is not as simple as we'd like it to be. For example, certain foods don't just pack on pounds; they also trigger hormones in your body that tell you you're hungry even when you've already eaten. Similarly, sometimes we don't gain weight because we eat too much—we gain weight because a hormone imbalance tells us not to stop eating. Many factors affect our bodies ability to lose fat; some are still mysteries for scientists, so it's best not to take yourself or your own health for granted.
Make Weight Lifting Part of Your Routine
Lifting weights is an excellent way to lose weight. It boosts metabolism, burns calories during exercise, and builds muscle. Increasing your muscle mass will also increase your resting metabolic rate—the number of calories you burn while at rest. Most important, lifting weights doesn't require much time or equipment: A good, 30-minute full-body workout can be done with just one pair of dumbbells, which you can find at most sporting goods stores for less than $50. You don't need a gym membership; all you need is enough space in your home to do a few basic exercises like squats and pushups.
Get Moving in Moderation
One of the biggest mistakes people make when they want to lose weight is over-exercising. It’s common for people trying to shed pounds to do lots of cardio, but what you really need are high-intensity exercises that work your muscles in new ways. High-intensity interval training, where you alternate between low- and high-intensity exercise for periods of 20–30 seconds like sprinting or shadowboxing is one way to do it. Try mixing in resistance training with plyometrics (exercises like squat jumps) which will help build muscle mass without adding a lot of bulk. Follow up these exercises with a 5-minute cool down where you stretch out all your muscles again, rather than rushing off right after your workout is done – cooling down prevents injury.
Change Your Diet, But Don’t Overdo It
Diet plays a crucial role in weight loss. Yet one of the most common mistakes people make when trying to lose weight is going on an extreme diet that leaves them hungry. Try eating small, regular meals instead of large ones (just be sure not to overeat). Make sure you have fiber-rich foods at each meal so you can stay full longer. Drink plenty of water—this will help keep you hydrated, which leads to healthy bowel movements. What’s more, according to research, staying well-hydrated may also prompt your body’s muscles to use more fat as fuel! These are just a few healthy weight loss tips you should start incorporating into your daily routine today.
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hourglassworkouts · 1 year
I Grew My Flat Butt and Lost Belly Fat at the Same Time by doing this Wo... Introducing the "Hourglass Workout" - a high-intensity workout that targets your glutes and core. This two-for-one deal combines strength training and cardio with resistance bands, weights, and dance moves. 
@Hourglass-Workout  Led by a certified trainer, you can do this from home with just a mat and weights. Say goodbye to your flat butt and stubborn belly with this challenging and rewarding workout.
Now, before you get too excited, let me warn you that this workout is not for the faint-hearted. It requires dedication, sweat, and a willingness to push yourself to the limit. But the results are oh-so-worth-it!So, what exactly does "HourGlass Workout"? 
Well, it's a combination of high-intensity cardio and strength training exercises that target your glutes and your core.Think squats, lunges, planks, and crunches, but with a twist. We'll be adding some resistance bands, weights, and even some dance moves to keep things interesting and challenging.But don't worry, you don't need to be a fitness pro to do this workout. 
We guide you through each exercise and make the experience fun and enjoyable.And the best part? You can do this workout from the comfort of your own home! 
No need for expensive gym memberships or fancy equipment. All you need is a mat, some weights, and a can-do attitude.So, if you're Ready to Say GOODBYE to your FLAT BUTT!This channel is made with love to help everyone who wants to build an hourglass body, a small waist, and a big 🍑 Creating a fitter, healthier and happier, more confident you! 💕
------------------------------------------ Timecodes: 00:00 I Grew My Flat Butt and Lost Belly Fat at the Same Time by doing this Workout! 00:10 Side-up Squat 00:55 Jump Squat 01:36 Half Squat Side Reach 02:17 Skater Hops 02:58 Split Jump 03:39 Glute Bridge March ------------------------------------------ Learn How To Do A Hourglass Workout, We Will Help You Lose Weight And Keep It Off! 🍑 Learn How To Build Hourglass Curves & Get Healthy For Life! 🍑 🍑This Hour Glass Workout Video is all about🍑: "Get Fit at Home with This At-Home Workout Routine" -----------------------------------------
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I think donuts are either my kryptonite or my path to apotheosis. Can’t figure it out. If I could have two dozen donuts right here and now, my shirt would be off and I’d be cramming those things in my mouth like my life depended on it. It’s always kinda weird when you’ve eaten everything you got to stuff yourself, even though you’re kinda full you could definitely still eat, but you don’t really have anything else around so you just kinda feel really unfulfilled for the longest time. I think that’s actually a decent part of the reason I started losing weight, there just wasn’t enough food around to really fill me up to the sweet spot. I love that sweet spot, you aren’t so disgustingly full that you hate yourself or feel like you are going to vomit, but you are filled right past the brim to where you feel a bit sleepy, incredibly satisfied, and you could graze on whatever for the next few hours. That’s really the point where you need a feeder, to keep you there for as long as they possibly can. The best stuffings I’ve ever had made it where I’m constantly hungry for several days afterwards, but it also feels like there is just a huge stone sitting in your gut. I think one of the best stuffing sessions I had was at home with several McDonalds meals. I don’t normally ever eat McDonalds, but I think the sum of everything I ate had enough fat and carbs for 10 days of the recommended total. It was as though I could feel the fat growing as I slept that night. I’ve also had heavy cream a couple of times, but I really wish I had gotten some chocolate syrup or something. At one time I got a bunch of the smaller peanut butter jars from the store and did my best to eat one a night. I think one night I managed two! Way back when I was in high school, I would buy a bunch of Pop-Tarts from the cafeteria and eat them all when I had the house to myself. I just wanted to get that out. I currently don’t have much in the way of alone time or resources. I guess I’m technically still trying to slim down so I can blow up, but I would absolutely be gorging on the most horrifyingly gluttonous feast if I had my way right now. I find writing sometimes helps me manage the urge to stuff my face with the closest concentration of calories for the smallest energy expenditure (because a soft jiggly belly does not thrive on exercise). Gosh- I used to be such a good fat pig. I’ve actually gained 5 pounds back recently and I can’t really tell if I’m into it. It feels good when I get closer to filling up and I’ve enjoyed occasionally feeling it stuck out again, but I just kinda want to see the weight loss through for its own sake as proof I can do it. I know that’s not what people want to hear me say, I’m supposed to constantly be desiring to get bigger and have no will power, but I really think that it’s not a good deal to let gaining become the basis of your personality. It almost happened to me, when I was starting to get the little folds on the sides of my back I was so excited about getting these precursors to real fat rolls for the first time! I was so ready to just throw myself into gaining, then opportunities to stuff myself dried up, and I started to dislike how round my face was getting. I started getting dissatisfied with the belly overhang and small belly apron I had so fervently coveted when I was younger. I was unhappy that I didn’t have a double belly, I didn’t like how small my love-handles were in comparison to my belly. I still loved how my moobs laid on top the shelf of my fat when I sat down, and I liked where it creased and folded- I was just discouraged. I think it might be one of those things where I wanted my fat to grow in ways that weren’t conducive to my genetics and body structure. Maybe I’m just one of those people who is happy when they are thin or fat, but are miserable in between. I don’t know. All I do know is that when I see a gainer who is where I was or further, I start feeling tempted to return.
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health-vision22 · 2 years
What is the Best Way to Lose Belly Fat?
Who doesn’t want to trim that extra layer of fat from around the midsection? Whether you have been unable to exercise for some time, need to lose some post-pregnancy weight or just cannot seem to lose the belly fat, there are answers. Here are a few of the top belly fat busting tips available to date.
Know Fat
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Your first order of business is to understand belly fat. Most importantly, what causes it in the first place. You may think your growing waistline is merely a matter of overeating and while that may true in part, it is not the only thing at work. Studies show there is a definite link between increased belly fat and cortical, which is a stress produced hormone.
Cortical is a hormone secreted by the adrenal glands. Specifically, it is created in the adrenal cortex. This is a natural function of the body but when stress enters the picture, it increases the release of specific hormones from the pituitary gland that stimulate more production of cortical and other glucocorticoid hormones. In the scientific community, cortical is good health enemy number one! Not only does it increase weight gain (particularly in the midsection) it also can lower immune response and cause high blood pressure and heart disease.
De-Stress to Lose Belly Fat
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Losing the stress in your life is much easier said than done! It is simple to tell someone to relax but the reality of crying children, mounting bills and strained personal relationships can make that all seem so out of reach. What is the first step in lowering your stress and thereby bust belly fat? How about getting a little more sleep?
Sleep- When you lose sleep every night, it does much more to your body than just make you feel tired. Lack of sleep throws off your body’s biorhythms, which can result in overeating and altered hormone production. You need to get about 7 hours of sound sleep, especially if you are trying to trim belly fat. Tips:
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    No TV- turnoff or better yet, remove the television from the bedroom. This instantly removes the temptation to stare at late night infomercials!
    Soft Music- If you have become accustomed to noise while you sleep, try changing it up and using soft soothing music or nature sounds to replace the jarring noise of your television.
    Prepare- do you have a nighttime ritual? Create new habits by starting a bedtime routine, shower, read, brush your teeth etc… whatever puts you in bedtime mode.
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Do you really want to bust belly fat and more importantly, the stress that is ruining your health? You already know exercise is the best way to burn calories. Getting your heart rate up, even just a little, goes a long way toward lowering stress and decreasing depression. Walking is a fantastic way to start, but the results are not instant so it makes it difficult to get motivated. If you are finding it difficult to get started, just keep in mind walking is just a start. The more you walk the sooner you can run, jog or start a gym.
Final Thoughts
A lot of people are under the mistaken impression that the best way to lose belly fat is to punish the body mercilessly. The problem with this approach is that most of the time, it does not make you feel good about yourself or your body. After all, you are punishing yourself! Start by rewarding yourself instead! De-stress, get more sleep and pick up a favorite exercise and you will see the belly fat begin to melt away.
The easiest way is to go for herbal medicine as these medicine are totally natural and do not possess any side effect. The medicine is known for its best of the result and can give you some weight loss in one week without exercise.
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behealthyrightnow · 2 years
We have all been there. You start off in the new year with the best of intentions. You eat healthy, exercise regularly, and are super committed to making this your year to lose weight. Then, you hit a plateau. Your belly fat is still there and you are not seeing any progress despite all your hard work.
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This article is going to discuss some tips on how to break through that plateau and get back on track with your weight loss goals this year! One of the most common reasons for a weight loss plateau is that you are not getting enough exercise. If you feel like your scale is not moving and you are not seeing any progress, it may be because you are actually losing weight, but just not fat. This will only result in a thinner body with less muscle mass and less overall calorie burning power.
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To regain some momentum and see some results again, it is important to increase how much exercise you are doing. You can start off by increasing how much you are doing today, and then gradually increasing your exercise over time. Try to break a sweat for at least 30 minutes a day. Even just walking for 10 minutes a day can make a significant difference in your weight loss goals.
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Don't push yourself too hard! You should be able to talk and breathe easily while exercising. It is also helpful to keep track of what type of exercise you are doing regularly. If you feel like the scale is not moving, try pushing yourself harder and increasing the amount of weight you're lifting. Some workouts that are helpful for weight loss include: High-intensity interval training, such as jogging or sprinting (but not every day). Strength training, such as lifting weights or going to a yoga class– Aerobic exercise, such as running or going to the gym and doing cardio (but not every day)Other helpful tips for weight loss include: Eating healthy options, including fruits and vegetables.
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Drinking at least 64 ounces of water a day; Keeping an eye on fat and sodium intake in order to avoid those processed foods that contain hidden salt and fat (many soy-based products are higher in sodium); and Try to eat breakfast, lunch, and dinner every day. Aerobic exercise It is also important to note that it is not recommended to do aerobics every day because of the risk of heart attack and stroke.
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itzabouthealth · 2 years
5 Things That are stopping you from weight lose
5 real things that are really stopping you from weight lose
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1. Stop eating too little
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A calorie deficit is the foundation of weight loss, but if you decrease your caloric intake too much, you could hinder your results. Very low calorie diets can slow metabolism and lead to muscle loss, making it harder to lose weight. How many calories you need to eat on daily basis varies from one person to the next. Talk to a nutritionist to help you develop an effective weight loss diet based on what your body needs. Pay attention to macros and be sure you’re getting the right balance of protein, fat and carbohydrates.
2. You’re stressed out
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“Stress affects our eating, exercise, and sleep habits-most often in negative ways. Stress also affects our cortisol levels which makes it hard to lose weight,” declares Rebecca Clyde MS, RDN, CD owner of Nourish Nutrition. Clyde explains where “I have so many clients who are trying to be perfect at following restrictive diets who just are terrified to ‘fall off the wagon’ and stressed out about sticking to their diet.”
Instead: If your diet is stressing you out, it’s time to find a better way to eat healthy and lose weight. There is no need for you to be miserable when trying to lose weight.
3. Oil Overkill
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Olive oil is a healthy fat — and so are some hyped-up expensive oils like grape seed and macadamia nut oil. Regardless of which type of oil you use, they all contain 120 calories per tablespoon. You need to be VERY careful about how much oil you’re cooking with or using in dressings and marinades.
4. Stop over-exercising
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It’s all about balance. Over-exercising can be just as detrimental to your weight loss as not exercising at all. Excessive exercise is simply unsustainable, and may increase stress levels and impair production of hormones that regulate stress. Stress left unchecked can lead to overeating, which will prevent you from reaching your weight loss goals. Again, working with a trainer — even for a few sessions — can help you develop a healthy exercise plan for your weight loss goals.
5. You aren’t drinking Tea regularly
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Yeah that’s true, Tea can help you a lot in weight loss, But if you follow these things we are going to tell you — If you want to loss weight fast by Tea then you have to do one thing, You have to use Tea Burn in your Tea regularly.
What is Tea Burn??
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Tea Burn is one of the health supplements that has helped many users to lose weight effectively and naturally. The creators of the Tea Burn supplement claim it is a safe formula that contains natural ingredients known to be effective in unwanted weight loss.
Various Tea Burn reviews mention that it is an all-natural powder formula that boosts fat metabolism, boosts energy production, and offers numerous health benefits. The best part of this health supplement is that it works naturally in the body to burn unwanted fat cells and help one have a slimmer and fit body.
It is one of the best weight loss supplements that you can mix with your food, Tea, water, or any other beverages as per your wish. No matter whether you want to get rid of stubborn belly fat or overall body fat, this fat burner is like a magic formula for you.
It does not have any flavor; without experiencing any of its bad or awkward taste, you can boost metabolism and energy levels, further helping you lose weight.
There is no other weight loss formula Tea Burn, backed with thousands of Tea Burn reviews. It is a 100% safe formula made up of pure ingredients that also help you reduce the appetite to further aid in weight loss.
Natural ingredients like green tea extract, chlorogenic acid, essential amino acid, l carnitine, and l theanine, added by the manufacturer in Tea Burn powder, are scientifically proven to assist you in weight loss.
According to the official website of Tea Burn, it is manufactured under safety standards and GMP practices. This Tea Burn formula is gluten-free and a suitable option for vegan people to add to their daily vegan healthy diet.
How Does Tea Burn Works?
Using an all-natural composition, Tea Burn works to promote weight loss and increase levels of metabolism in the body. Many people familiar with the daunting process of losing weight are already used to green tea and so on. Any good advertising agency of such products focuses mainly on the pro-metabolism effects of these natural supplements.
Green tea extract is the prime ingredient of Tea Burn and it is one of the most effective Tea Burn ingredients. Green tea extract is an excellent fat burner and it keeps the fat away. Tea Burn reviews note that Tea Burn keeps the extra weight away by preventing hunger pangs.
Tea Burn is clinically proven to increase metabolism and contribute to higher energy levels. The Tea Burn formula helps in burning fat quicker and preventing you from craving unwanted foods that lead to weight gain.
As per information available in the press release put out by the advertising agency of the manufacturers, Tea Burn has a patent-pending nutritional complex that supplements all of your body’s needs and promotes overall well-being. This is one of the website’s selling points. Tea Burn increases the ability of your body to drop weight naturally.
Side Effects of Using Tea Burn
There are not many side effects of using this supplement as it uses naturally sourced ingredients and does not contain any artificial additives. According to the official website, it is important to consult with your physician as you cannot take any information available online to constitute advice that is capable of replacing that of the opinion of a seasoned professional.
Even though many studies including a string of placebo test studies conducted by the national center have certified the product as safe to use, your personal body needs are not the same as everyone else’s which is why it is important to take medical advice before using any supplement including Tea Burn.
That being said, no Tea Burn review by any real customers has reported any side effects. It is safe to use for healthy adults at their own risk.
Our research and editorial team recommends that the product not be used by pregnant women or children. It is also not suitable for lactating mothers.
How to Take Tea Burn
The mode of taking Tea Burn is through hot or cold tea. Users need to add the formula to hot or cold tea, and then drink it daily a “super tea” that delivers increased weight loss benefits.
According to the creator, users should pour the contents of a single packet of Tea Burn into their tea each morning. They can enjoy the tea as normal with or without food.
Tea Burn contains caffeine, which makes it suitable for morning intake instead of afternoon or evening use. Besides, users can add Tea Burn to other beverages such as shakes, water, and other preferred beverages.
How Much Weight Can You Lose with Tea Burn?
As stated on the official website, scores of users have lost substantial amounts of weight with Tea Burn. One user claimed she “dropped 42 pounds” after using Tea Burn. Similarly, many other users said they lost significant weight with the formula without changing their diet, exercise habits, or putting any effort.
Overall, the creators of Tea Burn believe the formula works as advertised. They recommend it for creating rapid, powerful, and significant weight loss results in any person who takes it.
Pricing of Tea Burn
The most important factor that one considers while buying any product is its price. The creators have focused on making affordable and valued products. To buy Tea Burn, you don’t have to spend hundreds of dollars or burn a hole in your pocket. It is an affordable weight loss formula.
According to the official website, there are three different pricing packages available to purchase Tea Burn. You can choose any of the below packages, considering your budget and requirement.
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Buy one pouch of Tea Burn at the cost of $49. Each pouch comes with a 30 days supply which means 30 packets. One packet has to be consumed every day to gauge maximum effects.
Buy three pouches at the cost of $39 per pouch for 90 days supply with free shipping charges.
Buy six pouches at the cost of $34 per pouch for 180 days supply with free shipping.
Remember to buy Tea Burn from its official website only; it is not available at any third-party website. All websites selling Tea Burn are selling fraud and poor-quality products. Only its manufacturer is authorized to sell this product on its official website.
What If Tea Burn Does Not Work For Me
The best part of buying Tea Burn is it is backed with a money-back guarantee for 60 days. The company provides a 60 days money-back guarantee on every order; this means you can get a full refund within 60 days of its purchase if you are not happy with the product or don’t see any noticeable results.
The manufacturer does not ask any questions when you request a full refund. The only thing you need to do to claim your refund is filling a refund form. You are expected to return every packet and pouch to the company, and once your return is verified, the company will proceed with the refund procedure.
Where to buy Tea Burn at the lowest price
Tea Burn Is a 100 Percent Natural and Made In USA Product
Get Tea Burn From Its Official Website — Click Here
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