#Well thats a lie i do like the absolute core of it. And a lot of the ideas. And a LOT of characters!!
hajihiko · 23 days
I don't even like danganronpa but your art is so fucking shaped I love it so much
I barely even like danganronpa either
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thesungod · 8 months
their theme is so inconsistent like at the beginning it feels clear, being who you are and accepting each other’s darkness, but the way its done is 😬 and then it switches up to being literally budget toa saying “well everything can change yk??? don’t stay in the darkness” but in a horrible fashion and they’re acting like this is what they’ve been trying to tell me in the past 400 pages when it ISNT dont LIE to ME
i don’t think EITHER of them was reading the book as they write they were just mashing words together bc im watching a book promo for it rn and rick’s saying that will likes nico bc he likes nicos ““darkness”” and how intrigues him and mark’s saying neither of nico or will wants to change that core part of the other. which explains away him in BOO trying to tell nico that nobody disliked him—being that will was projecting his own feelings about nico onto others—and also relates will to apollo even more with their need to reach out to outcasts and love them. but then they didn’t write that they literally wrote that will doesn’t like it and he wants to fix it. thats my STEP SON and they did that to him.
rick did not want to write this book at all, and mark probably projected their nico stanisms onto the other characters without justifying the stanisms. you can really tell when rick has a passion for writing something and when he could not care less. the subtle toa promo in one of the gorgyra scenes and apollo’s updated glossary—he wants you to read toa so bad he could not gaf about this book. and yet apollo is never mentioned positively like give him back to me.
speaking of mark i think this is just a consistent issue they have when writing. i read reviews of one of their books (anger is a gift) and some were very negative about the way the narrative made the protagonist the most righteous person ever and completely revolved around them. ifl that issue bleeds into this book as well.
i saw people (including the writers) say this book is darker than a lot of rick’s other books and i really need them to shut the fuck up; THO literally had kids tied up in crucifixes to be burned at the stake 😭
ok sorry for the ramble i see the letters tsats together and i go on a rampage
you absolutely ate this up!!
also laughing at you calling it “budget toa” because that’s exactly what i said to a friend about this book once. i felt almost offended over the authors trying to fit the “everyone can change!!” narrative last minute and make Nico the symbol of re-invention after five whole books of ToA. i was very “how dare you stand where he stood” about it which is childish but alas.
i’ve also mentioned several times how will and nico’s conflict in the book was not intriguing to read about because it was inconsistent. not to mention that according to the timeline they’ve been together for a year!!! an entire year!!! and the book still has Will acting #shocked that Nico, idk, likes darkness.
the Mary-Suing of Nico literally the worst thing to ever happen to me. i’m usually all for my faves winning, but that’s after they’ve been through the mortifying ordeal of losing, yk. and i get that Nico has been through a lot but the book was basically a 400-pages-long ass kissing and i couldn’t do it.
i couldn’t even feel particularly moved or vindicated by Bob pledging loyalty to him in the end because it wasn’t cathartic at all. i was like we get it dude lol
same with his “friendship” with Piper tbh. not everyone needs to like Nico😭 i would have totally loved it if the book had shown a friendship progress organically through their grief for Jason or common interests (even if just briefly narrated through a recollection!! i’m not saying we needed chapters of flashbacks or Piper as a third main), but Nico does not mention her once ever. they didn’t even like each other in HoO!! then at the end of the book he calls her and he is all like “of course she wouldn’t be angry at me for not calling after Jason died <3 she understands that grief is complicated <3”
my king Piper isn’t angry at you for not calling because she dgaf about you. why would she. who are you to her
another thing I’ll never get over re: Nico and Will’s relationship is how, per the book, Nico encouraged Will to come out and was the first one of the two to do so, when every. single. thing written about them in the Hidden Oracle suggests the opposite.
why the fuck is Nico so reticent and embarrassed about admitting to be Will’s boyfriend in the first book of ToA if it’s Nico who came out first? IN FRONT OF THE WHOLE CAMP might I add?
because i get that coming out to someone doesn’t necessarily mean being comfortable coming out to everyone, but Nico announced his crush IN FRONT OF THE WHOLE CAMP. and asked Will out. and Will wasn’t out at the time. so whyyyy is their dynamic on THO literally the opposite of this? with Will pushing Nico to be more open about their relationship while Nico plays coy? because Apollo is Will’s father? idk, maybe i guess😭
but it’s pretty obvious the change in the dynamic was established later on and that the impression we were supposed to have while reading THO is that Will was the one more comfortable and in tune with his sexuality. like, come on.
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idk if i can be anon for this but i want a reading!! (if thats fine with u ofc) ermm my initials is M.W and idk can it just be a general reading? thank u!!
Hello! You can absolutely be anon, it's no issue.
I'm sure the more I do these it'll be clear I always say this, but it's never a lie; this was so fun to do! Thank you for the request. I hope this resonates, and please let me know if it does/doesn't and such! Even if just the form of an ask, I love hearing back from people. (however, there's no pressure! I understand that sometimes that can be a bit intimidating.)
"What do they need to know right now?"
Ten of Swords reversed: Victimhood, Restoration, Transformation. Letting go of what doesn't serve you anymore, this is a card of re-evaluation on all levels. Things are changing, and that's okay- people change. It's scary, you're probably having to learn to let go of things that maybe you valued a lot; but they're not who you are now, are they? This is a time of huge transformation, and growing up is hard, but sometimes it needs to happen. (Ironically, I listen to music during these readings, and Contractual by Chase Petra came on. I'm not claiming that if you give it a listen you'll relate to it, it's just a funny thing I noticed and I felt the need to say so since it's... comically relevant, in a way.)
The Empress upright: Goddess, Femininity, Mother Earth. Straight from the guidebook, "In short, go enjoy yourself!" In a time of major transformation in which you're letting go of old parts of yourself, or your life, it can feel like life or death- go take a break. You don't need to figure it all out in a day, you can take some time for yourself! You should, even. Do what nourishes your soul. This could also be a call to connect with more feminine energies, even your own femininity if you struggle with it- but to me this feels very strongly like a call to invest in yourself and take some down time.
Justice upright: Law, Objective, Fair. Take accountability, and hold others accountable. With the other cards in mind I would take this as looking objectively at the situation and not letting your emotions cloud your judgement. Be honest and fair. Lay all the facts out and look at things with logic. Since I wasn't quite sure how to interpret Justice within the overall reading, I asked for a clarification card and got- King of Wands upright: Natural Leader, Visionary, Entreppreneur. This sounds to me like it's a reminder to look at your passions, your goals, with an objective viewpoint. Keep going towards those things! But think about it clearly; can you continue towards what you want without letting certain things go, like the ten of swords is talking about? Maybe there's a bias in the way and the justice card is telling you to look at that. You have the skills to lead, and to make your way towards those goals, just make sure you're being logical in the way you pursue them. This could be a warning against letting those passions get the better of you and using underhanded means to pursue your goals, as well.
The Tower upright: Destruction, Abrupt Change, Lightning. I know, I know. It's a scary card to get. But, as a Loki devotee, I feel like this card is given a bad rep. With the other cards in this reading, I feel like this is about a change that's ultimately for the better. Sudden change, terrifying change, destroying the life you've built- but all so a better one can take shape. Things might feel out of control, and likely it's because they are- The Tower implies a change that rocks your whole world, cuts to the core of who you are and makes you re-evaluate who you are as a person. The guidebook uses the term "rude awakening," and I feel like that fits. It's not fun- but it's needed. Be gentle with yourself, because change is scary, and ultimately move forward with power. "With destruction comes creation."
Strength upright: Fierce, Endurance, Courage. This, undeniably, tells you that you CAN get through this. Maybe you feel otherwise- judging by the other cards, this change is probably not an easy one. But you are growing, and you can handle this change with courage and a strong presence that you may not know yourself to be capable of. Forgive me for adding my personal experiences in; but sometimes, you find the strength to deal with situations as those situations happen. Sometimes, the "world-ending" thing you've been afraid of happening is EXACTLY what causes you to grow and become a stronger person for it. Strength is a card that reminds you of self-control, inner power, and your ability to step into it. This reading is not an omen, it's not telling you your life is ending; it's telling you it's beginning. Listen to that.
Overall, big changes are coming- or maybe they've already happened. What I'm getting is a reminder to take control of what you can in this situation, steady yourself, and step into your power. Allow yourself to feel things, grieve the loss of whatever you're letting go of if need be- as The Empress implies, take time to yourself, whatever that looks like. Then move forward in life, because you can and you're going to prove it.
That being said, If you liked it and are financially able to tip, here's my Ko-Fi! If not, then no hard feelings, as this helps me show people what my readings look like! This one was about half the max size of a (basic, not in-depth) paid reading, so it's not the best example. Here's my Ko-Fi if you'd like to tip, or for anyone who wants to go check it out:
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2xplusungood · 9 months
People will be like "vote with your wallet!" when game companies do bad things like oh you sweet summer child you should know by now thats not how it works.
For starters, while usually the term "whale" refers to Free2Play games, it can be applied to the industry as a whole, where if a company gets big enough, it will form a group of die-hard fans who will fork over money for anything the company puts out in an effort to be THE BIGGEST FAN. Like I hate to tell you this, but there are companies out there who are completely beyond consequences to the point where it could be revealed that the company has a secret "Puppy Kicking department" and there are people who will spend what limited time they have on this earth making posts like "Can we just stop for a moment and appreciate all the work the developers at *COMPANY* has done" or "theres a hate campaign against *COMPANY*"
This is not me shitting on people for liking things, either. The fact of the matter is, nowadays being a "fan" of something means much more than showing support. Big companies, even a lot of those outside the gaming industry, have exploited the fact that some people make the things they enjoy a core part of their identity, thereby an attack on *COMPANY THAT MAKES THING THEY LIKE* is an attack on THEM, because they like that thing. If thing they like is bad... that makes THEM bad, and they aren't bad, they just like thing.
If you're the kind of person that has bought the games, the clothing, the knickknacks, the figurines, the posters and whatever else the company has sold you, its gonna take something the company doing something REALLY FUCKING BAD to dislodge its branding from your identity
Secondly theres the implication that there is some sort of black and white system of "if things do well do more if things do bad do less" becuase at the end of the day, companies want to make money right? WRONG. They want the MAXIMUM amount of money possible, which sometimes means playing the longer game and doing things that they know will not be well-recieved, not because they think it will be successful, but because they want to push the boundaries of what the average consumer will tolerate.
The best example of this in practice: Oblivion's Horse armor DLC. People fucking DESPISED it. The concept of paying REAL MONEY for something that offered no actual gameplay content and instead offered purely cosmetic changes, FOR A SINGLEPLAYER GAME, was insane at the time. Hell, thats why minecraft has Horsearmor that does absolutely nothing, because at the time it was so egregious that it was grounds for parody.
But regardless of how horrendously it had been received, the cosmetic DLCs would keep coming became a standard in the industry. They even turned around and said "Day one cosmetic DLCs allow the artists more work while the game is getting ready to ship" and a lot of people believed that, as if it really was the consumers job to supplement the artists paycheck after HUGE MULTI-MILLION DOLLAR COMPANIES UNDERPAID THEM IN THE FIRST PLACE, and this disgusting fucking lie was bought by a lot of influential people in the journalism side of the industry.
Or just take the concept of "Always Online." No one fucking LIKES games being always online, no one fucking WANTS games to be always online and yet, despite public backlash EVERY SINGLE TIME a game is announced to be always online, it doesn't fucking matter. The internet can petition and boycott ALL it wants it aint going to make a bit of difference when the thing they are boycotting is backed by millions of dollars worth of marketing.
All "voting with your wallet" is, is playing The Company's Game by the Company's Rules and 9 times out of 10 the house wins. Thats why things are so fucking bad today with Microtransaction Games as a Service.
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shotorozu · 3 years
encountering a ‘pick me’ girl
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character(s) : kirishima eijirou, todoroki shouto, bakugou katsuki (bnha)
warning : PICK ME GIRL, misogyny (?) pick me girl makes an off handed comment about your body but it’s not detailed at all
legend : [Y/N = your name] afab! reader, but they/them pronouns used, quirk not mentioned
headcanon type : fluff, angst if you squint
note(s) : i made 2 versions of this post so,, if you’re reading this— then i probably decided that i liked this one more than the other one i made,, anyways, i used real life examples 💀
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kirishima eijirou
i’d imagine that eijirou would have an idea of what a pick me girl is— i mean, there were probably 2 of those girls in middle school
but has he experienced it first hand? nahh.
though, eijirou didn’t think he’d encounter one when he was already in a healthy and committed relationship!
eijirou is practically friends with everyone— and yeah, even the most unexpected. so, he’s bound to accidentally befriend a pick me girl
him, being the nicest one out of all of the characters in this list, will still be nice to said pick me girl, despite wanting to snob them to the core
because really— you can’t really fight fire with fire in some cases
but, he can be everything but lenient when the pick me girl starts insulting you for doing certain things, and for absurd reasons too
like,, how you laugh, and how you take care of yourself (for example— if you wear makeup, or how you style your hair)
which is odd! everything about you is everything but the things the pick me girl has stated so.. he cannot stand by.
the girl giggles to herself after that snide comment leaves her lip gloss coated lips. eijirou shifts uncomfortably— honestly taken aback by the anything but subtle insult that was thrown at you
“like.. seriously! it’s honestly quite superficial if you look at it like that. who the hell would put that much effort infront of your boyfriend? i’d assume they’d see everything AND everything but.. i guess not.”
you blink. superficial? now that’s a new one. the girl infront of you has been babbling insults sugarcoated in boasts the entire time, and you’re just wondering if it’s about time you guys leave but—
“well that’s unfair,” your boyfriend laughs, “i put the same amount of effort as this cutie right here,” eijirou pokes at your cheek, earning a quick laugh from you— which he can only thank the heavens for that
“but that’s different. it actually looks put together when you’re doing it, eiji.” the certain glint in her smile makes you want to wipe it right off with a dirty mop, “it’s impossible to look put together with expensive clothes, but being built like a—”
the sound of the sliding of a chair is quicker than your actions, and it easily cuts her off.
“i’m sorry, but we gotta go, it’s totally not cool of you to say those things about Y/N!”
“what? but i mean.. it’s true, right? i’m looking out for them! they’re literally out here l—”
“bye!” eijirou waves her goodbye with your hand, dismissing the sour expression on her face— as he dashes off with you
you’d question how he’s just so nice to people like that, but when he turns around, you could see the distaste in his eyes
“so that’s what a pick me girl’s like,” shaking his head, his expression lights up with such a quick manner “i’ll never make friends that are like that again!”
safe to say, eijirou’s friend list has been a a person shorter ever since that incident
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bakugou katsuki
oh, so that girl’s bold bold.
if she thinks she could get away with being a not so subtle pick me girl infront of bakugou katsuki, then she couldn’t be more wrong.
it’s absolutely revolting— i mean, he hasn’t displayed any romantic feelings towards ANYONE that isn’t you.
also, they’re quite gutsy if you ask me. so congrats for having guts??
i don’t think he’d be friends with a pick me girl. he’s very selective of who he’s befriending, so it’s probably your friend that’s the pick me girl in this case
he wouldn’t know what a pick me girl would be, but he’d probably know the description of one.
over some time, he’d grow some resistance to insults directed at him, but when someone insults his s/o
oh boy. that’s not good. remember when i said that katsuki was almost like your scary and intimidating dog
this is what i mean
knows he can’t make a scene, so his first option is to be dismissive asf— but if said pick me girl literally can’t get it, he won’t be afraid of shoving some explosions into her face
because his hands are rated e for everyone
“so you wanna be picked or something, is that it?” he hates how you literally have the resistance of a rock— which is something he always liked, but in this case hated. if it weren’t for you— he would’ve blasted explosions into her sorry excuse of a face until it’s beyond recognition (that wouldn’t be hero like, is what you’ve said in the past, but he disagrees.)
but seriously? ugh. he just wants to leave this horrid place, and make some dinner with you in the comfort of his home. why are you even friends with her anyway? she’s not even trying to be slick at this point.
“p-picked? i’m not understanding, katsu.”
“it’s bakugou.”
“right,” her laughter is like nails on chalkboard, “i’m just watching out for Y/N, y’know? there’s no point in wearing all of that.. on their face.” and she’s obviously referring to your obviously very well done makeup
“it’ll make your skin terrible in the long run! and really— i couldn’t really understand on why someone would wear that much, when you could survive with i dunno.. lip gloss at most?”
you would’ve actually said something as a rebuttal, but your boyfriend is quicker, and a lot more direct than anyone else in the area.
“just say you can’t do makeup and fucking scram,” katsuki’s ice cold glare finally breaks out of the act he’s been trying to hold together for you
“their makeup is fucking bomb as hell, compared to your ridiculous spider lashes, lady. come back when you’ve watched james charles’ entire fucking channel.” he harshly states in similar bakugou fashion, despite the lack of screaming.
and if you squinted hard enough, you could see tears welling up in her eyes. but katsuki tugs your hand before anything else could be said
“let’s fucking go, you need better friends.”
he makes you cut ties with all of them, and he practically scolds your terrible choice of friends— but he goes quiet when you tell him that you’ve been friends with her since middle school
“good fucking riddance. next time, i’ll punch them as soon as they say something outta line, got that?” and next time (hopefully, there won’t be a next time) you’ll actually lash out— or maybe,, you’ll let him loose for once.
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todoroki shouto
now shouto might be,, socially unaware sometimes. but he can tell whenever someone’s trying to insult his s/o
like,, right away.
now— you both run into this person after a pleasant date, and she eagerly presented herself as your friend
so, her attitude catches him off guard because who’d have anything rude to say about you and towards shouto’s face? especially when it’s about something normal.
like,, wasn’t she your friend?? why is she even like this?
his hostility is very well known, so they should be scared.
he gets detached from the conversation, and he’ll immediately go cold— and shouto would probably go as far as walking away with your hand in his
doesn’t matter if he properly says goodbye or not— if a girl’s being rude to his s/o, they obviously don’t deserve his usually polite attitude. nope, that’s a luxury.
oh— and what more when they’re seeking for his validation. newsflash! said pick me girl won’t be get any from him.
shouto couldn’t stop the bitterness bleeding into his mouth, when the girl in front of him continued to babble and take up the valuable time he had left with his s/o
initially, she presented herself as your friend from middle school— but as of now? she seems to be more interested in him more than you, despite knowing you first.
she’d ask him a string of obvious questions with very obvious answers, like ‘is she treating you well?’ ‘is she acting correctly?’ and questions of the sort
“oh, sorry! i’d hate to cut this conversation short, but—” you finally decide that it was about time to leave, while shouto looks pretty,, deadpanned right now, you could tell that he was gradually starting to get irritated by your friend’s words.
“wait. thats.. kind of controlling, don’t you think? do you ever let shou make decisions?”
“uh.. controlling? since when??” you question at the accusation. this girl knows nothing about your relationship dynamic, and she’s already jumping the gun and making conclusions.
your gaze snaps back to shouto, who looks just as surprised as he could possibly be.
“yeah! it clearly looks like he still wants to talk” which is an obvious lie, shouto just wants it out of here “i wonder how you managed to snag such a guy like him,” she comments with a smile that looked anything above suspicion (yet, it makes your stomach churn)
you could see the way her hand gets gradually closer to him— and frankly, you’re not sure about what she was planning to do next, “you wouldn’t need to dress all expensive and fancy, if you’re with a girl with an already classy appear—”
“i think this conversation is over,” shouto grip is firm on the wrist that was attempting to grab his shoulder, shouto makes no attempt to even look at the girl infront of him “i don’t know what you’re trying to do, but it’s not humorous. at all.”
“what?” she stammers, drawing her hand back “i-it’s obvious they don’t know how to take a joke! this is why there are barely any good w—”
shouto’s next actions knocks her speechless, his hand rests at the small of your back, before gently guiding you forward— “love, what movie are we watching later?” he says, making an effort to press a quick, yet intense kiss on your lips
“oh,” you breathe out, surprised by this action. “don’t be so tense, love.” shouto comments on how tense your shoulders have looked, ever since she started running her mouth, “now.. what movie do you want to watch tonight? comedy? thriller?”
“you pick,” you laugh at the quick shift of topic. and when you look behind you, you could see shame and defeat welling up on her face. shouto finally feels like he could smile again, the bitterness dissipating from his mouth
after shouto questions you if that was what a pick me girl was, he makes sure that you guys won’t ever encounter such thing again
“you.. don’t have more friends like that, right? if you do— we could always do another friend list cleansing.” this statement makes you laugh but shouto is anything but joking
but being reminded of his reaction to that ‘pick me’ girl does puts a smile on your face.
»»————- ♡ ————-««
likes and reblogs are appreciated, thanks for reading!
i do not own bnha/mha and it’s characters. boku no hero academia/my hero academia belongs to horikoshi kohei, i only own the writing and i do not profit off of my hobby
do not plagiarize, reupload, translate, or use my works for audio readings without permission
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mrsbsmooth · 2 years
Will NSFW Headcanons
OK Full disclosure, this is my first time writing HCs for a nonbinary character so I'm hoping it's okay and that everything gendered appropriately! VERY open to feedback!
Moonlatui did a great set of HC's for Will already but I had an ask come through so I thought I'd add them on to my little set as well.
18+ (Obviously)
-> Would have absolutely no idea what their number is. 1. Because it’s high. 2. Because they would never have even thought to keep track of it.
-> It's longer than most would expect. Not the thickest, but they do have a small tattoo right at the base.
-> Will’s place isn’t set up as bedroom, living room, kitchen etc. The decor, furniture, and usefulness of the space are all fluid, meaning that the sex is happening anywhere and everywhere.Outside? Giant ottoman? Kitchen bench? Sure!
-> Nothing is off the table with them. Nothing
-> Naked. Always. This is not a drop-trou-and-fuck affair. This is going to be a full body experience involving every single one of the senses. She won’t even know what time it is when she leaves, but it will be days later.
-> Taste: would incorporate food, and not just as a novelty. The experience will match the vibe.
-> Sound: soft, rhythmic music. It’s not a sex playlist, this is just what their house always sounds like.
-> Smell: They’ve got incense burning. It’s a woody, spicy scent. Bergamot? Something dark and sensual.
-> Sight: ~~~ mood lighting ~~~. And that stare.
-> Touch: Using hands is encouraged. They are tracing a finger down her body from her hairline, down her neck, over her body, all the way down her body, down her legs, and to her feet.
-> Fingers in their mouth. (canon)
-> Mirroring is actually a big part of sex for them. It builds intimacy and trust, as well as showing them how she likes it.
-> If she starts tracing their tattoos with her tongue they are moaning
-> 34+35
-> While they’re going down on her, their hands are roaming over her stomach and thighs, touching her.
-> Wants her hands in their hair.
-> Permanent eye contact.
-> Not fussed on BJs. Would prefer touching or sex.
-> They have many, many, many, many positions that they enjoy, and they are willing to try all of them with her to see what she likes.
-> The goal is not orgasm, the goal is the experience
-> Butt stuff? Toys? Sure! They have a small collection of them on hand and would love to bring them in.
-> Because the spiritual experience is the goal, their favourite position is gonna be Lotus. They’re sitting up, she’s on top, on her knees, facing them.
-> E Y E C O N T A C T
-> Second favourite is her on her side, them between her legs, lifting one of them. Funny name, but the pretzel
-> Kama sutra, and they are taking charge. And they will absolutely have something ready to tie her hands up, if thats what she wants.
-> Like Oliver, doesn’t have a type, but Will is bewitched by the way she moves. Usually doesn’t go for doggy or reverse cowgirl, but there’s something about the way her back and hips look while she does it that drives them insane.
-> When she’s getting close, they will have a superhuman ability to hold the exact position that they’re in. The amount of core strength is incredible.
-> They’re both getting multiples. Especially her. Like… 3 or 4 minimum.
-> Sweat, sweat, sweat. Lots of it. But it’s so hot.
-> Regular water breaks. They might even bring a cool towel to her to wipe the sweat from her and make sure she’s comfortable.
-> When they’re getting close to coming, matches their breathing to hers.
-> Whispering her name repeatedly.
-> Has excellent control of their own body. Can get themselves close or hold off for as long as necessary because they want to come together.
-> It genuinely is a spiritual experience for them. Coming inside her is also really special for them.
-> Not worried about cleanup. Just lie naked together for the next few hours. Or days. Stroking her body, holding her, telling her they love her.
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prizzierizzie · 2 years
Why you should watch everything, everywhere all at once
So I watched everything everywhere all at once and it was pretty fucking cool. Here are my thoughts.
Aka half genuine review half unhinged review brought to you by yours truly.
And raid shadow legends.
1. It’s a genuine cinematic masterpiece.
As if it wasn’t obvious enough already: I like this movie. A lot. I do not say this lightly. Yes I know what you are going to say. That you’ve heard this before, and that you’re tired of this phrase being used a billion times on tons of movies, many of which, are frankly streaming hot garbage. But trust when I say that this movie is not. It’s a genuine masterpiece of art, of storytelling, of well done character arcs and development, and is stunning from both a visual and artistic standpoint. You can tell that the creators poured their very heart and soul into this film and it really shows. It was created by truly passionate people who genuinely wanted to make something different, and it is. In fact, I believe theres nothing quite exactly like it. It’s honestly so good I can’t quite put it into words.
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2. The acting is incredible
This movie and its characters are the centerpiece of this gorgeous work of art. The characters are lovable and you feel connected to them, no thanks to the incredible actors behind them. Michelle Yo is fantastic, but the one that really stole the show for me was Ke Huy Quan’s performance as Waymond. He manages to have such a charming and wholesome persona but he can switch on a dime to become serious and really hammer home the performance. He is absolutely incredible and is just such an underrated and talented actor and god damn this man is a gem and I love him please and thank you and goodnight New York.
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You think you were going to get rid of me that easily..
You poor naive fool I have more shit to ramble about
3. Gay people
I needn’t elaborate this is tumblr and I know who you fucks are.
Oh and did I mention the costume designs???
Absolutely iconic.
Like l o o k oh my goddess i’m screaming
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And the score?? Gorgeous.
Every time I listen to it I feel something. It’s just so vivid and colorful and alive.
4. It’s something new and refreshing
I won’t lie when I say that this movie is a little unorthodox. Which one may expect from a movie that deals with parallel universes, talking rocks, people who evolved with hot dogs for fingers, an extended ratatouille metaphor, talking piñatas, a literal everything bagel void, and more. It’s a strange movie in hindsight, but thats also part of its charm. The film has a kind of weird core aesthetic that may seem strange at first, but the deeper you go into it, the more you see its heart. And all of the crazy, wacky strange ideas all cone together in one culminating final act. And it’s absolutely beautiful. There are brief glimpses, minor interludes of this film that create such a strong feeling of motion, of color, and an overwhelming sense of euphoric bliss and a pure celebration of life that is almost indescribable with words. It’s something that has stuck with me long after I finished it, and something I won’t be able to ever forget.
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Also it’s pretty god damn funny. I wasn’t expecting to laugh as much as I did man it had moments that were very funny. But it was equally balanced in its seriousness. It’s quite the contemplative film. This movie makes you really think about some pretty deep shit and I think thats cool as fuck and more people should be talking about it because it’s criminally underrated and a true masterpiece.
Have I not convinced you to go see it yet?
Still on the fence about it?
Well fuck youuu
Anyways reblog you fuckers for I crave attention and validation from the internet
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nonbinaryspacegoo · 3 years
the sudden reawakening of my special interest in portal has yet to die down and i am full of Thoughts
specifically im full of Thoughts about a core!chell and human!wheatley au
so uuhhh
portal 1:
* glados boots up the Test Core (Chell) and releases her into the test chamber, you know the drill
* eventually glados decides that this isnt all that interesting and goes to incinerate the core, only for said core to, against all odds, make a daring escape off her management rail and through a hole in the wall
* determined that no tech in HER facility will defy her, glados attempts to hunt the rogue ai down but the fact that chell was outfitted with a portal device attached to her hull makes it bizarrely hard
* somehow the little bastard makes it all the way to glados' chamber and takes her out but not before having her portal device removed and incinerated, and being shut down (for now!)
portal 2:
* chell is powered on after she is assigned to caring for sleeping test subjects. too bad theyre almost all dead
* chell goes through the survivors, waking them up and trying to help them through the test chambers to help her find her portal device and make her escape to the surface. they keep dying on her which is...less than ideal, but she Perseveres and eventually comes to her Lucky test subject, Wheatley [redacted]
* hes chatty, and his testing and puzzle solving techniques are strange and often involve breaking things, but chells a results kinda core and hes gotten further than any other human so who is she to question his methods
* he manages to find her a Personality Core Hull Attached Portal Device and attach it to her and they move on together
* eventually they come to the end of her management rail and she communicates that she wants him to catch her. there are two options for this: 1. he does manage to catch her in his arms and is promptly knocked to the ground under her not insignificant weight and velocity and gets to lie winded on the ground with a metal orb on his chest and a nose bleed. or 2. (bastard addition) he realises at the last second that Hey Thats A Big Metal Ball, gets war flashbacks to high school soccer practice, and promptly jumps back, letting chell hit the ground
* either way they move on glados' old chamber and wheatley openly wonders who finally took her down. they make it to the control panel and wheatley plugs her in. now either chell activating the lights or him hitting buttons at random boots up glados
* wheatley attempts to talk his way out but glados is much more interested in the little core who fucking MURDERED HER
* wheatley attempts to bargain for his freedom ("well i see you two have some history, how about you just pop me up to the surface and ill let you two catch up. (possible further dialogue depending on how much of a bastard you like your wheatleys) or maybe you should um, send her with me, i mean, seems reeeaaalllyy dangerous, and im sure youd want her far FAR away from you. so you could just... hand her over, send us to the surface, and we'll both be gone Forever, never have to worry about her coming for you ever again"
* glados informs him that since hes awake and gotten this far, though shes "sure the Testing Core did all the real work", he can start testing while she deals with this rogue (insert musing about how to make an AIs death as painful as possible here)
* at this moment chell manages to wrench herself free of the claw that was holding her and makes another bid for freedom. (she either 1. slips through another well-placed hole in the floor or 2. is quickly crushed and her lifeless body is tossed away as glados laments how easy she got off before turning her attention back on wheatley. either way she tosses him into a test chamber to get started
* wheatley goes through several tests before engaging an aerial faith plate only to spot chell, after several jumps he manages to get the gist of what shes trying to tell him (shes alive and shes going to get him out of there, just keep testing)
* chell does just that, busting her human out and taking off together
* wheatley comes up with a plan to take her down and they do it
* they manage to install chell as the new chasis. not sure what she does with glados but i am feeling wheatley kicks her severed head at one point
* now theres a few versions i can think of
1. chell betrayal: chell makes wheatley test instead of releasing him
2. wheatley is forced to sit around waiting for chell to try and find a way to get both of them out and many nasty words are said
3. wheatley betrayal: wheatley pulls some fuckery to try and ditch the core and send himself to the surface, or even shut the whole facility down, or maybe control the place through chell, either way its a bastard move.
* idk what happens after that part thats all i got plotwise lol
but here are a few little tidbits on core!chell
* she was built to keep glados entertained by running tests
* she does love doing puzzles and pushing herself but she does NOT care for being put down and the constant threat of death or dismemberment and she certainly doesnt care for people trying to kill her
* someone told her that there was a whole world outside the facility (im thinking glados, as a way to taunt her with the fact that shed never see it) and now she wants OUT
* does not speak. at all. ever. she has a vocal processor and should be able to but she doesn't
* based on how some people will "nod" and "shake their head" by jiggling the camera up and down or side to side, or jump to express their feelings while playing, i headcanon that she communicates via expression (as best a core can), lots of wiggling, pointedly looking between items of interest, and spinning
* heavier than most cores because she was built to withstand an absolute beating, with thicker plates and so on
* very impatient, very smart. surprisingly expressive, and can be pretty affectionate when things are going well
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jamesvanriemsdyk · 3 years
Best GMs and coaches in the league ACC to you?
we can start with gms because coaching is a bit more complicated. best gms in the league is easy to look at because like, who has a good team? who has had a consistently good team? whose locker room is the most cohesive, whose coaching staff is the best? who is the best at acquiring and keeping the best players, coaches, staff, etc? and you can see that in the way teams play. 
(putting this under the cut because it got long. and i mean Long.)
so, in no particular order: kyle dubas (leafs), steve yzerman (red wings, i will explain this later), don waddell (canes), julien brisebois (lightning), joe sakic (avs), and kelly mccrimmon/george mcphee (golden knights) (god i still hate that name and also will explain this later too) are the best in the league in my opinion. honorable mention to marc bergevin, who has held onto his job much longer than he arguably should have, but still has a decent team on the ice and a decent coaching staff, although the french rule does severely handicap them (i understand why it exists but it does, it just does). 
david poile (preds) is the longest tenured gm in the league (has been the preds gm since fucking 1997, thats insane, thats legit before i was born, what the fuck), and i do genuinely think he is very good at his job, and that he is very hockey smart, but oh boy have his recent decisions been suspect as hell, and that reflects in the state of his team. doug wilson (sharks), who is the second longest tenured gm in the nhl, is in the exact same boat (the karlsson deal is a nightmare, and also did he just forget that his star core was gonna get old and retire or ??).
with dubas, waddell, brisebois, sakic, and mccrimmon/mcphee all have the same basic strengths: they draft well, they have a fundamental understanding of their team structure and how to manage public perception of the team and everything that implies, and they have two fingers on the pulse of their locker room at all times. im not going to pretend to know as much about sakic and mccrimmon/mcphee as i do the eastern gms, but it doesnt take much to figure it out. look at the avs, and their locker room, the success theyve found after being dead fucking last in the league. look at the knights and their incredible success that theyve found after literally not existing before 2017. ive talked about dubas a lot on my blog, but its incredibly easy to see that waddell and brisebois do the same shit he does, and i can do a deep dive on them if asked. bergevin has moments of brilliance, like the suzuki trade and acquiring caufield and anderson, but things like kotkaniemi’s development and their entire blue line give me a massive pause, which is why he’s not in the main list. he’s a good gm. he’s just not the best.
in regards to steve yzerman: you have to understand that this is the man that built the tampa bay lightning as we know them. this man was gm of the bolts until fucking 2018. tampa bay has been a monster in the eastern conference for years, BECAUSE of the work steve yzerman put in. his team set the franchise record for wins, and he was the first and is the only lightning gm to have won gm of the year. look up the 17-18 roster. it is, essentially, the roster that won them the cup last year. make no mistake, i think brisebois is great, and hes on the list for a reason, but the biggest part of brisebois’ success was steve yzerman’s incredible hockey mind. brisebois essentially had to sell off a fourth of his roster, and the lightning are still a top team in their division and in the league, and thats why he’s there (it is so incredibly easy to fuck shit up post cup win), but the brisebois lightning would not exist without steve yzerman, plain and simple.
what steve yzerman is doing in detroit should be watched very, very closely by every single person in the hockey world. youre fucking nuts if youre not paying attention to them, not gonna lie. the mantha trade was excellent, if really sad if you know even a bit about the wings, but the amount of draft picks steve yzerman has amassed and the way he’s using the prospects and players he already has is really fucking admirable. mike babcock left the red wings organization absolutely in tatters, and i think, honestly, it was always steve yzerman’s plan to go home to detroit and rebuild. if there is anyone who is going to strike absolute gold this draft year, it is steve yzerman. watch the red wings, i am telling you, keep a beat on detroit. they are going to be good. its not an if, its a when.
(real quick on the knights situation: mcphee was the first gm of the knights, and was also president of hockey ops at the same time, and then in 2019 mcphee said he was just gonna focus on his job as president, but we all know hes still an integral part of the way the knights are run, and he and mccrimmon have kinda been building the knight together since the beginning anyway bc mccrimmon was originally mcphee’s agm. so. thats why theyre together)
as for coaches, it’s very simple. rod brind’amour (canes), sheldon keefe (leafs, yes im biased, we’ll get into it), jared bednar (avs), joel quenneville (panthers), jon cooper (lightning), barry trotz (isles), and mike sullivan (pens).
(disclaimer: obviously coaching is done as a team, and assistants and specialist coaches and staff are all very important, but the head coaches set the tone and organize the entire machine, if you will, so im going to be talking about head coaches as if theyre the entire coaching staff. its just easier this way im sorry)
im gonna just start with the easy ones: barry trotz, mike sullivan, and jon cooper have been in the league for years. cooper is the longest tenured coach in the nhl for a reason (again, just look at the tampa bay lightning. its the gm’s job to make the coach’s life easier and the coach’s job to make the gm’s life easier, and this is one of the prime examples of it in the league. its dope as hell tbh), trotz is one of the most respected coaches in the hockey world for a reason (the caps lost something when he walked. they just did. and now the isles are absolute hell to play against and that is largely the coaching of barry trotz, you legit cannot tell me im wrong), and while mike sullivan does have his faults, i think hes found a way to please both management and the crosby-and-malkin unit, which has been really really fucking hard to do. he also led the pens to back to back cups, which you can never really uh. ignore. lmao. so theres those three.
i know less about bednar, but again, another example of the coach and gm working together to make each others’ lives easier. sakic gets bednar the players and staff he needs to make the avs better, and bednar takes those players and staff and makes them into the absolute giant they are. it wouldve been really, really easy to fuck up makar’s development, or bowen byram’s, or sam girard’s, or ryan graves’s, or jost or mackinnon or rantanen’s, but he hasn’t, and he hasn’t just given up on players like burakovsky or kadri, he’s given them new life as players and made them more successful.
joel quenneville is the reason the bl/ckh/wks were a legacy team point blank period. sure they had the talent, sure the gm drafted well, but you do not get the legacy of the chicago bl/ckh/wks without joel quenneville. they fired him on a whim and it absolutely was a mistake, and the moment the cats hired him i literally out loud said ‘oh no’ because i knew exactly what that meant for the leafs and their position in the standings. the panthers are underrated generally, yes, but they would not be the powerhouse they are this season without quenneville. just look at q’s wiki stats. he’s absolutely unbeilevable. he won the jack adams in fucking 2000, before he’d even won any of the cups with the h/wks. i cant tell you what kind of a locker room coach this guy is, but i can tell you his teams win and win convincingly, and that firing him was the biggest mistake the h/wks have made in years.
whenever i talk about coaching, i talk about rod brindamour and sheldon keefe in the same breath every single time because there is no match, and i mean none, for the love inside those locker rooms. the avs, maybe, but my point stands. keefe and brindamour fucking BLEED team spirit, it is at the center of their coaching styles and their teams are good because of it specifically. marner and matthews are good, yes, and they always have been, but they have surpassed all expectation and then some with keefe. aho, teravainen, and svechnikov are good, yes, and they always have been, but they have surpassed all expectation with brindamour. brindamour and keefe have both hashtag played the game, so they Get It, and more than that, theyve grown and changed their understanding of the game as the game itself has changed, and so they can command the authority of their teams while also connecting to them on a really deep level. i should make a note here that keefe and brindamour are incredibly, deeply hockey smart, and that they are also just technically good coaches, skimming their wiki or nhl dot com articles will tell you that, but what makes them stand out to me is that their players would fucking die for them. the leafs would go through the end boards for keefe, the canes would do the same for brindamour. travis dermott said it best when keefe got promoted: boys wanna play for him. beyond that, the management skills both brindamour and keefe have are just frankly amazing (the amount of ego keefe specifically has to manage in the leafs locker room is astounding and he does it so incredibly brilliantly). the leafs and the canes are talented, yes, and would have been talented regardless of who was coaching them. but brindamour and keefe bring both of those teams from talented to exceptional, and the true mark of an amazing coach is not only how many games their team wins, but how they win them, and the leafs and canes have been winning games this year for and because of each other, and that starts with their coaches. what makes a great coach, to me, is not the talent on the team (though that certainly helps), but how the coach manages his players no matter who they are, and how he helps those players grow not just as players as people, because no matter how much pure stats people and twitter hockey dudebros wanna deny it, that shit does affect on ice play, and it does make good players better.
so theres my analysis of the best coaches and gms of the nhl, im so sorry this is so long, oh my god. also, shoutout to @bishops--knifetrick for sending me an ask about this literally a month ago that i just never answered, sorry for that, but here i hope this is good. :)
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prodigious-ladybug · 3 years
wishmaker thoughts
in terms of it being a single installment in the larger narrative of miraculous ladybug, i don’t have a lot of thoughts on wishmaker other than ‘haha cool someone knows both of their identities at the same time wonder where this will go’ bc like. i am unable to separate myself from the idea that i absolutely cannot judge something (in this case, season- and series-long arcs) until i see it in its Entirety, in its Proper Complete State (which i know doesn’t exactly mesh with television as a serialised art form but jhdfghj wtvr thats a whole other discussion) so i don’t, and won’t, really have an opinion on luka knowing their identities until i see what the show does with it
on the other hand, in terms of its own merits as an episode (as in, the parts of the episode that are self-contained and are supposed to have their own story arc within the 20min) wishmaker was probably one of the weaker episodes of the show? alec’s akumatisation practically came out of nowhere - the show usually does a pretty good job of setting up the through lines that lead to a character’s akumatisation right from the start of the ep (you know, like with actual foreshadowing and good writing and shit) but wishmaker felt more concerned with the interactions between luka & adrien & marinette than having the villain feel natural within the story. which is all well and good, like this episode is about those three and should be focused on luka’s relationship with adrien & marinette if it wanted to have the proper impact of luka finding out their identities, but it just seemed like the episode couldn’t balance being both a run of the mill, monster of the week episode and an Event episode at the same time (that being said, i doubt this episode would’ve been enough to hold its own across a two parter so i get how the unbalance arose). instead of throwing alec’s characterisation out of whack they couldve used his early screen time to lead up to his akumatisation more naturally - surely something about being a tv presenter and having to be fake all the time for a living and not staying true to what his younger self wanted or SOMETHING would like. be putting him down in the dumps or smth. idk. that’s just off the top of my head surely the writers could come up with something more substantial. and yeah this might take away some attention from the emotional core of luka, adrien & marinette but it’d at least 1. tie in with the theme of the episode and 2. set some precedent for his negative feelings instead of him getting akumatised in like. ten seconds hgfdfghjk
the only other thing that kinda rubbed me the wrong way was how wishmaker’s power seemed especially contrived, even for this show? like i Know half of the akumatised powers are to either get ladybug and chat noir to kiss (contrived for the sake of romance which is. generally fine in a romance show and also approved by my shipper brain) or reveal their identities (which actually ties into the plot and the villain’s motivations and therefore makes it...not really contrived) so wishmaker being used to reveal their identities is fine. but um. the leap hawkmoth made in how his powers would do that is. wild. it’s like:
reveal people’s childhood wishes
reveal lb & cn’s identities
and again, i know hawkmoth has given an endless list of powers to people that make you think ‘what the fuck was he hoping to accomplish with that?? what did he THINK would happen?’ and i’m all for hawkmoth having dumb plans, being soundly beaten and then having to figure out smarter ways to beat lb & cn, but i guess my problem here is that in this episode he was actually proven RIGHT. like he had no guarantee that lb & cn wouldn’t have childhood wishes a la dino man and mr banana, but he really put out this fairly weak akuma with the immediate assumption that it would reveal their identities and like?? if viperion wasn’t there he’d have achieved it! (well, idk abt ladybug, he’d at least probably hit chat noir, which is. an interesting au to think about). the link between revealing childhood wishes and revealing lb & cn’s identities seemed like a massive leap in logic to me (more than this show usually makes), and idk if anyone else felt that when watching the episode but like kjhdfghjk hawkmoth buddy can you explain your thinking for just a second like i’ll accept what you’re doing i just need to know why the fuck you’re doing it and how you got there
but other than that! i really really liked this episode and i was hyped up the entire fucking time!! i had to keep pausing it bc i was getting overwhelmed LMAO. i guess one thing i will say so that this doesn’t seem like a wall of negativity (which i swear i didn’t mean for it to be, there were only two (2) things i didn’t like about the episode that i felt weakened it, it just takes me a billion words to get to my point) is that however they handle luka knowing their identities in future episodes, i fucking loved the way they handled it in this episode. for some background, i’ve honestly never cared much either way abt luka, i have zero negative feelings about him, it’s just that he has the unfortunate case of not being a character type i particularly care abt, and the writing hasn’t done anything much to endear him to me. he’s fine, and i certainly like him more than other characters, but i’m pretty much as neutral on him as you could get. UNTIL THIS EPISODE! okay not really, something abt him agreeing to be friends with marinette in crocoduel made me go ‘:) what a nice boy :)’ BUT! THIS EPISODE! i’m proud to announce i’m officially a luka stan. LYING BALD-FACED TO LADYBUG? KING. LYING TO LADYBUG AFTER THE SEASON OPENER OF HIM GETTING AKUMATISED OVER MARINETTE LYING??? i am SO here for internal character conflicts YES! this is what i WANT! set up a character who has a strict line in the sand and put them in a situation where they’re forced to cross it anyway, and see what happens next!!!! i really would not mind a whole character study on luka after this. like....the fucking intrigue.......why did he lie, and how does he feel about it? does he regret it? does he consider it a necessary evil? i’m sure all of this will be answered in like. a single line from him five episodes down the road bc that’s how this show handles shit like this but. those last few minutes were really just straight bangers i’m still not recovered
well this was. longer than i thought it’d be. and again, i liked this episode a lot, idk what compelled me to write all this out. i usually don’t have a lot of formulated thoughts like this after an episode of ml; i think that it was just bc there were a couple things i could actually critique in the ep that it made it easier to pick apart my feelings. but anyways!
TL;DR wishmaker, in its self contained elements, felt a bit weak as an episode bc 1. alec’s akumatisation was mad rushed and 2. the way his powers were used to further the plot felt contrived to me (yes, even for miraculous). but, in the episode’s over-arching elements within the season/show, i immensely enjoyed it, primarily because of the amount of intrigue it set up in 1. luka’s characterisation and 2. the possibilities emerging from luka knowing lb & cn’s identities
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smutty-ki113r · 3 years
Hiya! I saw your blog and was interested in asking for a romantic matchup! You can involve nsfw if you would like.
My name is Ronan, my nickname is Ro, my most used pronouns are she/her/he/him. My sexuality is demi-sexual meaning I don’t get sexual attractions to people unless I have formed a strong emotional connection with said person. My zodiac is Scorpio (that’s pretty much all I know about that lmao) also my personality is ISTP-T
Starting with my mental trash I have a VERY low self esteem. I never liked the way I look and probably never will. I suffer from chronic depression that’s pretty much taken over my life. I have a very hard time with social cues and can come off as an asshole most of the time and I’m extremely blunt. People tend to think I’m cute since I’m fairly small; I’m a 5’3 Nordic female with thicker thighs. I am absolutely OBSESSED with The Legend of Zelda franchise, it’s been apart of my life for as long as I can remember. I’m pretty musical; I play bass, drums, and sing. I also voice act so that’s really fun. Not gonna lie I say I have a huge ego but really I just hate everyone. Having depression I mostly lock myself in my room and work on my art.
How I look: I have black/brown hair in a boy cut. I have big round hazel eyes, my face is round with slightly chubby cheeks and freckles. I want to get my lip pierced but sadly have not gotten to that yet.. My fashion sense is kinda everywhere but I typically go for the cottage core aesthetic. I love muted nature ish colors, I think they look so pretty. I love to go on long walks and sit alone at my local park. I find being alone outside very calming. When I’m not outside or in my room I’m mostly playing video games with my friends and kicking their ass. Believe it or not I used to do boxing but now I just lift weights and workout some. I have a long history of physical illnesses that really render my body kinda useless so I always try to strengthen myself up however I can. I spent most of my childhood in the hospital due to these illnesses. I have been homeschooled my whole school years but I taught myself German, Japanese, and computer science. I actually have a job around it. I’m terrible at explaining my feelings and asking for help so telling people I love them is a huge chore for me. A lot of the time you can find me alone singing to myself with my eyes closed daydreaming.
I love to read. My friends say I’m really boring but whatever. OH I’ve always wanted to be a DJ. I know its a really weird dream but it just looks so cool. Nobody ever expects the sick quiet girl to want to be a DJ. Speaking of shy I’m a huge introvert if you couldn’t figure that out already. I’m extremely shy, don’t talk to me I’ll run away or you’ll be enveloped in my Zelda talk. I have amazingly crazy music taste (according to my mom) I listen to mostly heavy metal and Corpse Husband.
NSFW: Huge HUGE brat. You want me to do something? Yeah fuck you. I’m a huge sub you can pretty much do anything to me. I have a big daddy kink like please let me call you daddy UGH. Also praise but degrade me at the same time? Please thanks. I’m also a pillow princess. Um um ddlg yes thanks.
I match you with…..💖BEN_DROWNED💖
NSFW bellow~
OK OK I KNOW I KNOW, DON’T @ me for picking Benny boy for you Ro. I just think it’s the right fit. Let me start off with the whole depression thing, BEN relates to locking himself in his room and hyperfixating on something. At least you’ll have a gaming buddy to get you through it. Plus, he’s a very competitive guy. Get him to not cheat and you will have fun for hours. Not to mention you sound a bit like Jeff in the way that you can come off as rude. BEN and Jeff are pretty good friends, so you’ll make a wonderful partner for BEN.
Voice acting? BEN will love that, he’ll try to get you to do different characters from his video games or even anime characters. He loves your chubby cheeks, likes to squish them and make them puckered and then give you kisses. It’s quite adorable. Zelda talk? Yeah you don’t need to worry about him running off about that.
BEN will be obsessed with the cottage core, probably likes those little white flowy dresses. Maybe one day wear those elf ears and surprise him, I think he’d think it’s cute. You should definetly do his makeup, put that holographic glitter on his cheeks and some hair clips in his hair- maybe a skirt if he feels up to it.
BEN is very understanding about your illnesses, in fact he would be super impressed that you even lift weights. And is so so supportive about you wanting to be a DJ. He gets excited and calls over Jeff to show him. He’s not very shy about saying I love you, maybe the first time but after it’s constant affection.
For the smut! He can get rough sometimes, loves the daddy kink. He’s the type to soak all that up like a sponge. Praises you for taking his cock so well but will call you pathetic for making those noises. Probably wants you to wrap your thighs around his head and suck your clit for hours, he likes to feel you cum.
Ok Ok I hope you enjoyed that! I love how you have a big ego and then- low self esteem, sounds like me. I literally hate myself so much and then… holy shit I’m the hottest person alive. I know what depression is like, those thoughts just wrap around your throat and choke the life out of you, and it’s not even fast. It’s every day just heavier and heavier, dragging you down and making you feel horrible. I mostly lock myself in my room too, but writing helps me through it. I love love love your hair, boy cuts are so cool. And get that lip piercing! IT WOULD LOOK AWESOME. I love that you’re talented in music, I wish I was musically inclined. Scorpios are so cool, like I said, my best friend is one and so I LOVE YOU GUYS.
I am so incredibly proud of you, homeschool and then the illness stuff must be so hard but you are so strong for going through it. You don’t deserve it but sometimes life works that way. It’s ok to be shy and introverted. For the record, I think you would make an awesome DJ. DO it, I believe in you, so should you. I mean we all have our passions, work hard enough and I promise you’ll get there. I used to write a lot about my feelings and nobody ever read it, but I continued and look where I am now! Im so proud of myself for having this account, and you for being ALIVE. Thats all you need to do, you don’t need to be cool, or popular or skinny to be an amazing person.
Ro, I swear you are an awesome person. I can clearly see it, and I promise one day you’ll look in the mirror and think the same. If your friends say you’re boring they aren’t your friends. They sort of suck because reading is so cool. Without readers I couldn’t be a writer now could I? I believe in you. I know you can do it. Lifting weights is so badass I couldn’t even- I can barely do 5 pound weights man. Ya know I believe that the people who go through the most pain and sadness are the ones who will be the happiest in the end. The universe has to give us back what we lost, there is balance in everything and pain is only temporary. Everything is temporary. So I promise it’ll be ok man, and hey, you’re valid. I see you ro, and I know that you’ll make great places someday.
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chemicallydamaged · 4 years
Recovery: The Stigma Of Struggle 2/2 (TW)
Please do not read further If you are easily disturbed or affected by mentions of self harm, weight gain, or suicidal behaviors. I wrote this to help someone feel less alone and share my experience- not to potentially trigger someone. Please be safe.
I told my parents about my several-year long addiction to self harm, despite starting at the age of seven. I've never once been to a therapist, counselor, psychologist, or a psychiatrist. I mainly have scars on my thighs, but I also have them on my waist, face, feet, hands, hips, and so on. I have used needles, glass, push pins, scissors, exacto-blades, knives, razors, and whatever else I could get my hands on. It became an addiction before I even knew what and addiction was.
(This is an unprofessional, messy rough draft that I wanted to post so you know i'm not dead. I may edit this sometime in the future and delete this lil message thingy.)
Suddenly, you become a liar- that's how these things go on for so long, that's how this cycle eats you alive; “I hate getting wet”, “I just get cold easily”, “The cat scratched me”, and so on. You do anything to protect this secret, this horrible fucking brain eating, exhausting secret- while also hoping someone would ask how you are, maybe ask what's going on, and yet you still lie to them. Help doesn't feel for you- help doesn't always feel like an option. 
I always felt like everytime I cut, it was like shutting my thoughts up for a few seconds. I had so much swarming in my head, so many negative, screaming thoughts eating away at my brain, that I would do anything to relieve the tension. Everything irritated me. So when I got home, and all these memories of screaming parents and asshole students and shitty teachers screamed in my thoughts, I couldn't take it. For me, I convinced myself of two options; self harm, or ending my life.
June, maybe July of 2020. I haven't gone outside for a very long time, using covid fear as an excuse. I would be in such deep wallows of depression I could barely move; at that point I had gained so much weight I was scared of taking showers. I was scared of going outside. I was scared of eating. I used a group chat in one of my friend’s servers to get me through it, at least so I could socialize in one way or another. I wanted to get better, yet I was too exhausted to take the steps of recovery. I had tried to quit a few times at that point, only to fall back in. I would be taking a plane ride to see family (safely) and I was so fucking scared. It would be incredibly hot over there, I couldn't wear shorts, I was depressed, I had low-self esteem, and now I had to socialize with family I hadn't seen in several years. I was convinced they would be disappointed in me, I really didn't want them to be ashamed. 
When I finally got there, everything had changed. They looked so different- my little cousin, who I remembered as a toddler, was now a kid. My aunts were more stressed out than I had ever noticed before. Some pets had passed away, and the area of town had become pretty run-down. I had always wanted a little sister, and felt like I missed out on a lot of those years- so I tried to spend as much time with her as I could. She was so happy and so energetic, I was so surprised to see that she was excited to meet me. She didn't care about how I looked or how awkward I was, she just wanted to do art and make mudpies and jump on a trampoline, like a kid. I missed out on water balloons, refusing to wear shorts, which upset everyone because I wouldn't be able to play. I took that time to lock myself in a bedroom and cry. When I thought of her ever doing what I was doing to myself, I broke down completely. I would have been self harming for a year by her age. I missed out on so much. To think that she could ever go through that terrifies me and shakes me to my core. She is like a little sister i've never had. I thought of my brother and how he would be upset, so see his actual little sister go through this the whole time. This is still hard to think about. This was my first kick in the ass to recovery. I was going to commit.
I came home in a lot of pain. I couldn't stop thinking about it. I kept impulsively grabbing objects, picking at my skin, biting my nails, and going fucking crazy. I was so close, so many times. I can barely express the amount of stress I was in, not being able to use what I believed to be my only coping mechanism ever since I can remember, knowing for sure I absolutely could not and would not do it. I had to fight with my brain 24/7 just to stay afloat, to have self-control.
Fast forward 4-ish months and I was finally about to tell my mom, but at the wrong time. The closest self harming behavior I had was skin scratching, but that was better than cutting. We had gone to the store to pick out some clothes and I was really excited about it; however, the closer we go to the changing room the harder my heart throbbed out of my chest. If she went in with me, she would see all the scars. We had gotten to the changing room, and she went in with me. I froze up, in cold sweat, and couldn't do or say anything. Just as she said “Oh woops do you not want me in th-” I broke down. In a grocery store changing room. For everyone to hear. She sat me down and comforted me, like a cool mom. I was  surprised, I thought she would be embarrassed. I told her about everything. She supported me. I couldn't stop shaking, unsure of weather to be sad or happy. I finally said something. I was relieved. I finally did it.
My dad was less accepting after my mom told him first. Because he doesn't believe in “organized help” and instead believes you have to “get through anything on your own, because that's what I DO” It was probably a bit of a struggle for my mom to talk to him. He avoided me for a few days, until he was ready. When I had finally told him, it turned out to be ok. He wasn't happy with me but he wasn't pissed either so that's a positive. My brother had a similar reaction. A lot of friends didn't care. But some still did, and I'd rather have a few real friends than a lot of fake ones. Sounds like a bunch of hippie dippie Karen bullshit but I genuinely feel way more positive about this then when I first told my parents. I hope to get mental health help soon, although there are so many people trying to get it that its difficult to find a good therapist thats available (Thx c0v1d, u sur3 r g8 0n m3ntal h3alth <3). For now, i'm just doing the best I can- im still going to struggle, but that's part of life. Im happy with that. 
This is only my side of the story.
Yours doesn't always have to be the recovery, but it can be the ask for help.
Hope your doing well, wherever you are.
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wavesmp3 · 4 years
let’s make a trade: the sun for the stars; platonic jihoon x reader artist!jihoon, nude model!reader (so warning: mentions of nudity) wc. 2.1k
a/n: this fic is just a complete mess of a piece, absolutely no plot and was meant to be part text fic, just mainly a lot of random dialogue that came to me at 2 am tbh, also basically an ‘i’ll give you the sun’ fanfic because i love jandy nelson’s writing a/n 2: really read at your own risk, this isn’t even a fic this is like a half-baked outline at best
Jihoon thinks there’s something profoundly odd with nude art. What’s the purpose of nude drawings and painting and sculptures anyways? He knows of course what he’s been told the purpose is, in fact the instructor is rattling on about the purpose of nude drawings right now. It’s to capture the emotion, the stress, the lines, and the contours that would normally be hidden behind layers and layers of polyester and cotton clothes. It’s to capture beauty; take the fascination humans have with each other and mark them down forever. It’s to showcase the skill of the artist. Of course, today, with the nude model in the center of the classroom, the exercise is meant to bring out the latter purpose. But jihoon thinks there’s something more to drawing someone nude. There’s a vulnerability in it. It’s a vulnerable place for you, the model to be in. Because it’s more than just being naked. It’s subjecting yourself to be picked apart, piece by piece. It’s letting yourself be seen by a million different lenses. It’s letting the artists convey the little things, like the way you sit, or the way your bones come together, or how you have that one vein in your neck and forehead that sticks out a little more than the others. It’s putting on display the birthmark in between your collarbone and shoulder, the tattoo under the curve of your hip and the other one on your wrist. Jihoon knows he’s supposed to draw you as you’re seen, work from the inside out, bone blood then skin. But then why is it that he takes his pencil and sketches your vulnerability. (Portrait: The Naked Model Wearing Vulnerability As Clothes). 
“Smoking kills,” Jihoon scowls exiting from the art building a little earlier than normal, “you know that right?” 
You squint up at him. Sitting on the doorstep of the classroom and taking an extra long drag. Just in spite. 
“Yeah,” you mumble, driving the cigarette straight to the earth's core, “I know.” You stomp your foot against the bud, and the entire world shakes a little when you do. You stand up and look at Jihoon. You look angry. You didn’t hold this emotion in between your brows before. Maybe it’s new. Or maybe you’re just good at hiding it. Jihoon isn’t good at that. He wears his emotions on his sleeve and in his knees.
You exhale, rolling your eyes. “Is class over then?” You ask pointing towards the closed double doors. 
He shakes his head. “No, I got kicked out.” 
“For what?” You chuckle, but it comes out like a scoff. 
Jihoon shrugs. “Not completing the assignment.” 
You suck in your bottom lip. “Let’s see it then.” He blinks at you. You nod towards the sketch book he has tucked under his arm. Jihoon mutters a silent ‘oh’ before opening the book and flipping to the page where he drew you. You take it from him wordlessly. 
He supposes he should be scared by this. But he isn’t. It feels more like returning a favor. Because now he’s the one in a vulnerable position. But you take a long time to look at the drawing. You take years to dissect each line and shading. You burn over every inch of paper until the entire book is bursting into flames in your hands. He lets you take your time. You look up at him, something indescribable in your eyes. Something like fear or awe or wonder. You look at him like you would running into an ex-friend. Jihoon feels more than just vulnerable now. He feels like you’ve ripped behind his skin straight to the muscle and bones. (Portrait: A Bundle Of Muscles In The Outline of Person). He feels naked. He wants to feel no more. 
You shush him immediately. Accidentally silencing the entire world. And after another lifetime of you staring at the one page, the one singular drawing, you’re finally done. 
“It’s really good.” You breathe. Jihoon senses a but. “But it isn’t me.” 
He says it plainly. “It’s a version of you to me.” (Portrait: The Way You See Yourself Looking In A Mirror; The Way He Sees You Looking Out). “Don’t most models leave after the modeling?” 
“I’m waiting for my boyfriend.” You hand him back the sketchbook. “Well, see you around I guess.” You turn back towards the double doors of the art building. And right before you’re swallowed whole by the red brick and air conditioning, you lift up your hand in a silent goodbye without looking back. And you do it in an almost cocky manner as if you know he’s watching you go. In your defense, he is. 
The next time he sees you is in the same class later that week. Apparently, nude sketching is a week long lesson. Your pose is a little different this time. Hands covering certain parts, head turned away. Today, the instructor wants them to focus on conveying emotion through the body alone, no face. He does as he’s told. He draws you as you are, as others would see. He draws something that won’t get him kicked out of class. And on the next page, he draws you the way he wants. Something more abstract. Focusing on the strain in your neck and arch in your back. He highlights the insecurities you’ve dropped by your feet and creates a shadow around the confidence you wear around your head. 
[unknown number, 17:12]: hey it’s the nude model [unknown number, 17:12]: lol that’s probably not a normal greeting [unknown number, 17:13]: but anyways, this might be weird but I was kinda wondering if i could see what you drew in class today, you didn’t get kicked out so im curious. [unknown number, 17:15]: oh alos i got your number from mingyu lol hope thats not creepy [unknown number, 17:15]: *also
[jihoon, 22:37]: oh mingyu is your bf, yeah i’ve heard about you [jihoon, 22:38]: i can’t say it’s not creepy but here [jihoon, 22:40]: image.0315
[you, 23:04]: only good things i hope, also i can see why you didn’t get kicked out this time it’s nice [you, 23:04]: but [you, 23:04]: from what i can tell, it doesn’t really seem like your style
[jihoon, 23:54]: image.0316 
[you, 23:57]: yeah that’s more like it
The third time he sees you is at the end of the semester party. In truth, Jihoon is partly avoiding you. You text him a lot. He’d be lying if he said it wasn’t getting mildly annoying. 
He’s talking to Jeonghan and Soonyoung when a tipsy you and an even tipsier Mingyu make your way over to the couch and fall into the cushions. And something about the way you look at each other as if you’re kissing with your eyes. Something about the way you whisper something in his ear and he laughs. Something about the way he whispers something back, taking your hand in his and playing absentmindedly with your fingers. Makes Jihoon think that the two of you are so caught up with each other. Too focused on swallowing each other whole. That the walls could fall and the sky could come bursting into the room and neither of you would bat an eye. 
(Portrait: You And Mingyu Tearing Down The Walls And The Clouds)
Jihoon’s taking out his sketchbook and a pencil before he realizes it himself. 
“Hey let’s play a game,” you say while you and Jihoon are waiting for the movie to start playing in the movie theater. “where we each claim pieces of the universe for ourselves.” 
(Portrait: You And Jihoon Each Holding Half The Universe In Your Palms) 
“Sure.” Jihoon waits a moment, thinking which part of the universe he’d like to claim first. “I call the stars.” 
“Fuck,” you whisper into the popcorn, “I want the stars.” 
“You snooze you loose.” 
“It’s my game.” 
“Okay and?” 
You roll your eyes dramatically. “Anyways I call the sun.”
Jihoon: “Moon.” 
You: “Earth.” 
He takes a sip of his cola. “And everything in it?” 
“No just the planet.” 
“Okay… I call the other planets.” 
“That’s a lot at once but I’ll let it slide as long as I get to have Pluto.” 
Jihoon shakes his head in a laugh. “Plutos barely a planet but yeah, go crazy.”
“Bet. And next…” you tap on your chin in thought, “next I want the asteroid belt.” 
“I want the Hubble Telescope.” 
You squint at him. “You’re weird.” 
“Says the one who just called the asteroid belt.” 
You press a finger to your lips. “The movies about to start.” 
[you, 9:23]: btw I call all bodies of water [jihoon, 9:32]: that is such a catch all [you, 9:33]: hey you can have rain [jihoon, 9:33]: bruh [jihoon, 9:33]: fine i’ll take rain but i call mountains too [you, 9:34]: i want flowers [jihoon, 9:34]: i want trees and beyonce [you, 9:35]: no way you can’t call ppl [jihoon, 9:35]: so you can call ALL bodies of water but i can’t call beyonce [you, 9:35]: my game my rules [jihoon, 9:36]: it was worth a try [you, 9:38]: oh i got a good one [you, 9:39]: i call music [jihoon, 9:40]: N O [you, 9:40]: we can stop here for today [jihoon, 9:41]: this game is so biased [jihoon, 9:41]: I WANT MUSICCC!!!!!! [you, 9:41]: whine about it more and i’ll call art too [jihoon, 941]: icallarticallarticallart [you, 9:41]: ur welcome [jihoon, 9:42]: u suck
“Hey,” you greet coming into jihoon’s apartment, with a frantic text about needing to escape for a bit. Luckily, you explain so jihoon doesn’t have to ask. “We broke up. Mingyu and I.”
You shake your head. “It’s fine though. Really.” (Portrait: You and a Lie Detector Flashing Red)
Jihoon opens and closes his mouth trying to figure out the best way to comfort you without coddling you. He settles for, “Do you wanna talk about it?” 
You inhale sharply. “No. Not really.” You sit on his couch and turn on the tv. After a moment, jihoon joins you. 
And it’s 20 minutes into whatever program you’ve chosen to watch that Jihoon finally knows what to say. “Hey,” he whispers, you turn your head towards him, “you wanted the stars right?” you raise a single eyebrow. “Take them.” 
“Really?” you say suspicious. 
“Yeah,” he nods, then with a smile adds, “but it’s gonna cost you.” you roll your eyes knowingly. “I want the sun.” 
You purse your lips in thought. Then after a minute, agree. And so a trade is made: the sun for the stars. 
[a/n: undeveloped bit of dialogue that would have gone somewhere] Reader: Are we about to kiss Jihoon: What ew no Reader: Ew? I mean I agree but ew? That’s harsh Jihoon: don’t make it personal Reader: Okay you know I have a bf right Jihoon: Oh my god I’m not into you Reader: Not even a little bit Jihoon: No Reader: Not even like last two people on earth into me Jihoon: No Reader: Ouch Jihoon: You’re the one who asked Reader: Still hurts to hear
[a/n: for context before this reader was supposed to give jihoon music] “Do you know how to play?” you ask, fingers ghosting the keys of the piano in jihoon’s apartment. 
“Of course. Why would I have one if I didn't?”
You shrug. “Play me something.” 
He sits down on the bench and plays a tune he memorized years ago. One that starts happy and shifts key into something almost unrecognizable. Not sad, not angry, but a fireball of emotions. Or at least, that’s how Jihoon’s old teacher described the piece.
“Hey, jihoon,” you say as he holds out on the last note of the song. 
“I’m glad I gave you music.” 
“Oh,” he says, voice turning mischievous, “me too.” He starts playing a new song. 
“Is that-” you sit up slightly “Is that the Wii theme music?” Jihoon hums along. “I take it back.”
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max-anonymous123 · 4 years
Playing Cards: The Solution to all your Problems with Random Stat Generation in D&D 5e
The other day I was playing D&D on discord, as you do, when one of my friends brought up their frustration with the default method of rolling stats in D&D 5e: the fact that RNGsus hates her. We commiserated briefly over the frustration of rolling shitty stats before returning to the game, but the thought stuck with me and I worked to solve the problem with my own innovative method of generating random stats. THE PROBLEM
The fun of rolling stats is getting something unique and having to work with it. Did you roll one really good stat and the rest shit? Did you roll moderately good results for everything? Did you get one hilariously low result and have to work out where to put it? All of this is fun and interesting, and part of that fun is the risk involved. Will you roll a coveted 18? or just absolute dogshit?
The problem comes when you actually DO roll dogshit. It doesn’t even need to be that bad, only worse than everyone else. If your highest roll is a 13, you’re just going to feel worthless compared to That One Motherfucker in your group who somehow rolled three 18s (you’d call hacks but he did it right in front of you).
Maybe you think I should just suck it up. I knew the risks going in, I made my bed, now I should lie on it. That’s all well and good for some games and groups maybe, where you can play your character with a death wish, die heroically and then bring in a character that you like more, but that doesn’t always work. Maybe the premise for the campaign is such that its really hard to bring in new characters. Maybe your group Doesn’t Kill Characters. Maybe you had a really cool character concept you wanted to play. Maybe you just don’t want to. All of these and more are good and valid reasons to look for an alternative that retains the fun randomosity of rolled stats without the chance of getting screwed, and thats exactly what this essay has to offer. (If your problem is that your players roll too OPly with their stats, then this article will also he helpful to you. That just isn’t a problem I personally have.) (Man I like to prattle on don’t I? TLDR: It sucks to roll badly when generating stats, here’s my better method:)
THE SOLUTION In a word: Cards. Dice have independent probabilities, meaning that what you rolled last time does not effect what you will roll next, but whenever you draw an ace from a deck of cards, that’s one fewer ace to be drawn in the future. 
Employing this simple fact, we can generate lines of stats that, while random, aren’t actually better or worse than each other. If you get one really good stat, all your other stats will be that much worse for it.
In this post I’m going to go over several different ways to generate stats with cards, depending on the personal preferences of you and your group: How wide a range of stats do you want and how much control do you want to have over them?
Take a deck of playing cards and separate all the cards from Ace - 6. This will form the core deck from which stats can be generated (we’ll be treating aces as 1s for the rest of this essay)
The standard array has 72 points of stats, while your core deck has 84. You will need to remove at least 12 points worth of cards to provide a balanced deck (sometimes more, depending on your goals)
If you remove the extremes (1,6) from the deck, you will get more average stats. If you remove the moderates (3,4) from the deck, you will increase the chance of getting very high or very low stats
If you want to be able to deal out your whole deck into six even stat-piles, the number of cards you remove from the deck must be a multiple of 6.
If you are using a ruleset that has a chance of providing stats over 18, you may want to impose the rule that any stat over 18 is reduced to 18.
With these points in mind, you can modify my given methods to provide the sorts of stats you want.
This will generate completely random stats that will largely imitate what you would get from point buy, with only a small chance of getting below 8 or above 15. 
With point buy you have 27 points to spend, with scores costing one point per number above 8 and two points per number above 13, to a maximum of 15. This method gives you the equivalent of approximately 26 points of stats (average), with a possible stat maximum of 18.
Take your core deck and remove four aces, a 3 and a 5.
Deal out the rest of the deck into six facedown piles of three cards.
Add up the totals of each of your six piles to calculate your six stats, which can each be allocated to whichever ability you like.
The generic method is all well and good, but I personally like a bit more variety in my stats. The slow grind of raising your main stat from 15 to 20 is pretty boring to me, so I’m totally down with letting my players start with a base of 17 or 18, but I also love a good 7 or 6 to spice up a character. (One of my main complaints about D&D is I want my character to be really good and really bad at things from level one, but on a d20 a +1 is not too different from a -1 really, and skill checks are often just too swingy for me to feel my character's skills actually matter.) Anyway, with this method, expect your results to be both a lot higher and a lot lower, while still summing up to 72. You may want to rule that any player with a stat lower than 6 ( or maybe 8) should roleplay some sort of disability (either a real world one or a fantasy one) related to the given stat, e.g. missing hand for str or dex, severe illness or curse for con, raised by animals for int, impaired speech or hunchback for cha, etc
Obviously you should be touching base with your GM before using any of these methods, but that is particularly the case for this one.
Remove three 4s from your core deck
Deal out the rest of your deck into six facedown piles. Note that three piles will have three cards and three piles will have four cards.
add up the totals of each of the six piles to calculate your six stats, which can each be allocated to whichever ability you like. If any stat is higher than 18, reduce it to 18.
Note: this method is designed to give you a high chance of getting three really good stats and three fairly bad stats. If you want only two really good stats and not-quite-as-bad other stats, remove four 3s from your deck in step 1 instead.
Xtra Control Variant: Using one of these decks, deal out two facedown cards to each stat and then distribute the rest of the cards as you like, perhaps dropping five cards into one pile if you want to ensure you get a superstat. 
The catch is that any stat higher than 18 is reduced to 18, so there’s a chance you will over-commit and waste points. 
XXtra Control Variant: Use the Xtra Control Variant but deal the cards face-up!
Xtra Control but more linked to the character and with a chance of fucking you: Use the Xtra Control Variant but deal the stats in order (the first pile is STR, the second is DEX etc.)
Anyway I hope you found this interesting. I think there’s a lot of potential in using playing cards for stat generation and I’ve only scratched the surface: it would be really cool to create some sort of stat generation mini-game!
I have other opinions on things, such as on racial stat modifiers and why they suck, so if this post does well maybe I’ll write about my solution to that too.
As always, if you use this with your group let me know, and if you have any opinions or counter-arguments I want to hear them. :)
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99centthoughts · 5 years
i keep reading 'orion' as 'onion' so thats. who they are to me now
ONION……………………….. now im picturing orion as onion from steven universe and i am very stressed out by the thought
MORE ASKS UNDER THE CUT!!! (a lot of asks im sorry)
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1) D..DONT DIE YET ANON……….. SOON!!! I have a break coming up and i wanna do more comics stuff 😭
2) LOL omg IM SORRY !!!! I Messed up the layout a couple of times while editing it so it must have been weird 😨
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1) Hiya! Honestly I think it would be best to get comfortable with more realistic proportions before you branch out into cartoon/anime style! I did it the other way round and I regret it a lot, bc I think it made my foundations really shaky and inconsistent. THAT’S NOT TO SAY u have to master the traditional art style before u start drawing any cartoons though!! I think it’s fine to do them together, just don’t neglect traditional anatomy and all that, bc it will help you a lot in the future regardless of the style you eventually choose to stick to!
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thank YOU for enjoying my drawings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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ahhhh thank you so much for such a sweet message oh gosh ANON YOU’RE MAKING MY HEART GROW 3 SIZES!!! Messages like this make me want to share everything with everyone!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I’M HONESTLY SO HAPPY that my silly little tips and stuff can make drawing fun for you BC THERE IS NOTHING BETTER THAN HAVING FUN WHILE DRAWING!!! MAY YOU INSPIRE LOTS AND LOTS OF PEOPLE and most importantly I hope you always find joy in your own art!!!! THIS MESSAGE MEANS THE WORLD TO ME AND YOU DO TOO ILU ANON!!! IM GONNA KEEP THIS FOREVER
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1) A NERD AND A PUNK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
2) omg I have thought about basically every combination o f my ocs at least once anon lKMDLskdlj they would be cute!!!!!!! and a very calm couple… I feel like emmett would be patient enough to handle fay though it would take a lot to get there bc rn emmett is low key terrified of fay LOL 
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2) OH I googled around a bit bc tbh I have no idea what they are called too, and I think it’s called the terminator/ half tone?? it’s basically the bit of colour between the light and the core shadow (the darkest part of where the shadow starts) 
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THe coloured outline of shadows that alot of artists do is an exaggeration of how it looks in rl but it is pretty neat bc it makes the object look like it’s glowing haha 
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1) AW THANK YOU ANON!!!!!!!!! it’s so sweet that you’ve stuck around for so long and that you take the time to do that!!!!!!!!!!!!! I HOPE I’LL KEEP DRAWING AND MAKING ART THAT YOU ENJOY FOR YEARS TO COME!!!! 
2) OH no that plant is a random plant that I made up hahhaaa 
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1) HELLO AGAIN AND thank you ahhh it means a lot to me that you take the time to interpret and think about my art in such a thoughtful manner😭😭😭 It’s really sweet and it makes me look at my art in a different way? I was thinking that the redrawn version seems more stiff and I wasn’t sure if I liked them more than the old ones, but after seeing this message I was like ohhh that is true I did try different things with the new versions and that is something I should appreciate and be proud of !! so thank YOU for the lovely words, it is my absolute pleasure to share my art with u!! 
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1) I like using poses from magazines to study anatomy!! I either follow blogs that post magazine scans or I buy them myself when i can! Another thing I’ve found rly helpful was using fitness books/ videos as references… like those for muscle-building/ weight lifters, where there are diagrams of which muscles are working for a specific exercise. YOUTUBE has a lot of fitness videos, just type xxx workout, pause the video at any random frame, and u should be able to get a nice reference to study muscles with!! If u want references for the muscles themselves, some good books I’ve found helpful are: Strength training Anatomy and Anatomy for sculptors (I can give them to you off anon if you’d like)!
2) I HOPE YOU ARE enjoying the brushes !!! NO WORRIES AT ALL I’m happy to share my brushes with anyone who might want to try using htem!! SENDS YOU ALL OF MY LOVE BACK I HOPE YOU ARE ALWAYS HAPPY AND INSPIRED ❤❤
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1) omg this is so hard bc there are 213213 options and I could picture them as more than 1 type of fantasy creature tbh ……… BUT FIRST ONES THAT COME TO MIND WOULD BE : some kind faerie for fay haha, werewolf for tyler, centaur for emmett, vampire for jc, some kinda elemental spirit for cyrus, an orc for wade, and UHH some kind of wise gate guarding creature for parisi LOL 
ILY TOO AND thank YOU for loving my silly boys!!!!!!!!! 
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1) OR PERHAPS PARISI IS JUST ENORMOUS but also yes it’s true baby tyler is a tiny baby bean
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1) omg anon this is a lie I am terrible at drawing anything symmetrically and if I somehow produced anything to make u think so, it’s probably because I spent 10 hours on getting it to look ok LOL I.. TRY TO USE GUIDELINES and flip my canvas to check that things are balanced… that helps me out a lot :’D 
2) thank u anon for this ask it is beautiful and I will frame it and keep it in my room to encourage myself to start drawing batfam art again 
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1) HEY ANON and thank u! I have a list of resources that I’ve found helpful here (at the bottom of the page) !! I hope some of that might be useful for you and feel free to drop me another msg if u need more/ want something more specific!!!!!!! ALL THE BEST
2) omg I havent replied to asks in so long that I didnt even rmb what picture this was referring to and I had to go back and look LOL HE’S TRYING HIS BEST ANON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HE CANT HELP BEING AN AVERAGE MAN SURROUNDED BY MODELS HOW RIDICULOUS OF THEM !!!! 
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YOU CAN GO ALL THE DGM YOU WANT TO GO, Its not a problem at all! ⋆Ask me my “TOP 5” anything! LETS GO!5 - Lenalee Lee- I appreciate Lenalee now so much more than I used to appreciate, before. To be completely honest, she’s still very much a stereotypical female character of a shounen manga, but I do feel like Lenalee always had more Heart than other female characters filling the same stereotypical roles, on other shounen mangas (I’m thinking of Ky.oko on KHR, Sak/ura on Tsub.asa, even Urara.ka from BNHA). Its hard to explain now, but lots of things feel like Lenalee, rather than feeling like “heres the main girl from this almost all male cast”. Now I can understand her character arc and how it was about protecting her kindness on a cruel, cruel world, instead of assuming a cold, unbothered facade. On the moments she cried, it felt natural and even brave to do so. Its crazy to think that not every exorcist is absolutely overwhelmed with their depressing missions, and seeing Lenalee letting it all out feels refreshing, and it feels very her, too. She’s sensitive and a gentle soul who’s endured a lot and knows she’s endured a lot. And even though she’s brave and strong cuz she had to become brave and strong, her kindness is still very much her priority. When she sheds tears saying “welcome home” to Allen before they enter the Ark is… Is the Soul of DGM, you know what I mean? That one moment is DGM’s very own Soul.4 - LulubellUNLIKE! YOU! I really loved the anime, it was my defining anime, when I was growing up. And I do love how they explored Lulu’s character. I think she’s super Cool, man, the kinda side character that you fall in love with and dedicate yourself thinking about just on solely the very few moments she has. I love her power and I think it was one of the best ways I saw that kind of power being nicely explored on a villain (the “Changing your appearance” type). She’s cool, elegant, seems to be analytical and intelligent, all of that while being Lust and without (at least for a long time on the manga) being sexualized. 13 year old me Loved Her and dedicated a lot of Brain Power thinking about her and shipping her with Tyki.
 3 - Allen WalkerI Love Allen’s character! (Or Allie, if you prefer!); I love their kindness, and how, ultimately, their kindness is their strength. This has been explored time and time again on so many shounen mangas but I dont think it has ever been so well done as with Allen on DGMS’s first 9 volumes. I mean, Akumas are some of the fucking worst and most Cruel Creations as enemies on a shounen, and Allen wants?? To save them?? Has always wanted. Allen always respected them and Felt for them, out of their empathy for their souls and for the Loss they represent. Those feelings take So Much, so much out of them, and you feel it! You feel it while they cry about their resolution to save them, right on Crowley’s arc, and their cursed eye evolves, on volume 4. You feel that no one is with Allen on this, and they know. They keep on persevering to save as much as they can, how much they can, even when they’re fighting lost battles. The second volume with the Doll arc, represented that very well, and you could see how unreasonable Allen’s self sacrificing ways felt. Their dialogue with Kanda “We are destroyers, not savers” - “Then I wanna be a destroyer that can save”, so heartfelt, so stupid and so humble. Allen’s self sacrificial ways inevitably makes people around them Suffer, but they cant get rid of this trait because its their Core one. Its what drives DGM as such a humane, empathetic story, how you feel for the Fallen, for the Akumas, even for the Noahs, and you’re right to feel so, cuz Allen drives the story and they try everything to save (and feel for, and respect) lost causes. Something about Allen and their amount of kindness feels so, so, ultimately tragic.2 - Lavi Bookman Jr.One drawing I have of Lavi without his bandana was one of the first drawings Ive ever felt completely proud of, when I made it on seventh grade. I feel like Lavi’s character is almost entirely done on his very own character design. He’s so beautiful and daring and Cool, ya know? Something about him is so fucking chill. When we found out later he’s a Distant person who needs to dissociate from everything around him, naturally, almost by profession, it feels like him, too. How he’s so airy and calm when literally the Worst Fucking things are happening around. How he’s capable of smiling every time, even at the face of the worst situations. Bravery? No, our boy is a fucking coward. Its just Pure Dissociation (and a little bit of self hate).
I feel like Lavi always had those depths we can almost  touch out of how well they seem to come out of his character but… We never really got to see them entirely, and well executed and we probably never will. He was Hoshino’s first protagonist on one of her first ideas, so I think thats why she could give off that feeling on Lavi’s character. She knows him and have always knew him, better than us, and this is why he feels so real, but she will, ultimately never be able to tell his story on the way she probably meant to. 
And that shit hurts, but thanks for the memories, Hoshino. which is incidentally the fall out boy song I associate with Lavi, along with carpal tunnel of love.
1 - Kanda Yu,
Hey, I love my man. 
I could be done with only this phrase, but lets try to drive this car to memory road. Yu was the first character I headcanoned as something like trans/non binary without even knowing those terms. (again, confused 13 years old.) I remember reading tidbits of something that I realize now and only now, was hentai and it depicted Yu with breasts and I remember thinking “ah, cool, this might as well be.” or something, anyway yeah, fucked up that I was trying to read that, but I feel like it drives my point home about how I feel towards him. I liked his appearance a lot the way it was and felt it was kinda unnecessary when Hoshino made a point to draw him less pretty, androgynous boy and more manlish like on his face. But of course, nostalgia might be playing a factor into this. 
Kanda is just so fucking cool, u know? The way I like him so much is almost unreasonable. I like his clothes, I liked his weapon, I liked his Innocence powers, I liked his boots (to this day I headcanon he is the kind of guy who wears only boots on a modern day AU), I loved (loved) his introductory arc, with the Singing Doll, and his phrase “we’re destroyers, not savers” was said with so much … grief. It’s not like he wants to look cool in front of Allen, that was the phrase of somebody who witnessed so much loss and destruction, he got used to it, it was a warning from Kanda to Allen. The thing is that exorcists technically are saviors, they are the good guys and the world needs them. So Kanda telling this to Allen was indicative of some major shit he’s probably been through while going through missions and trying to save people. He always felt like the kind of character that was an asshole because he needed to become one (plus just his natural lack of social skills). Ever since the beginning, I had my eye on him He was very effortlessly cool cuz he honestly didnt give a shit to anybody else, as this lonesome character; and his disagreements with Allen felt very real and in place. Their personalities and attitudes just didn’t match and it created a good symmetry of having Lenalee and Lavi as their best friends and the people they had a soft spot for. Not gonna lie, the Lavi/Yu ship is a HUGE REASON as to why those two are in my thoughts even to this day. They completed each other effortlessly, by personalities; and Lavi was the only one to call Kanda “Yu” while Kanda called him “stupid rabbit”, it was nice, ok? also they were closer in age … Loved them so much, even their seyuus used to ship them. 
Anyway, Kanda up until like … volume 17 of DGM was 9/10, one of the most important characters in my life, just so you know.
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