a-chaotic-dumbass · 11 months
I could take yaoshi why'd they gave them 6 hands if not to hold my boobs and ass
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ur-boyfiend · 7 months
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-> realized we wouldn't have the thing we planned on posting ready on time so we decided to do this ^^ -> we're writing this at 2am so feel free to let us know if u notice any typos or plotholes or anything -> gonna write more for this btw !!! i just wanted to get smth kinda halloween theme out in time
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clouds shuffle across the sky, obscuring and revealing the moon in an unending cycle. a crow flying above you caws, and you stop walking. a few seconds later the bird breaks through the canopy of trees and lands on your outstretched arm.
you scratch under its chin, and it leans into your touch.
"find anything edgar?"
the bird pauses, and you soon get a flow of information, almost like you're watching a movie. you see a sleek, black cat running through the trees, a large dog close behind. edgar had followed, as soon as the cat scrambles up into a tree the vision ends.
"well, we can't just leave it. lead the way."
edgar caws again, lifting into the air and flying close enough for you to follow him easily. it's not long before you hear barking, and the sound of the dog's nails on tree bark.
edgar caws at the dog, who doesn't seem to care that much. however, when you step closer, it seems to change its mind, taking off through the trees.
edgar lands on the branch the cat is perched on, nudging its side with the top of his head. the cat swats at him, but its claws are still sheathed so you're not worried about him getting hurt.
"hi lovely, wanna come down?" the cat trills, and you consider the best way to get it back out of the tree.
before you can figure out what to do, someone bursts through the trees. the cat trills again, and you figure that must be the owner.
"salem why are you in a tree, again?"
edgar caws at the stranger, who looks startled by his presence.
"got chased by a dog," you offer, and the stranger whips around to look at you.
guess they didn't notice me either.
"edgar dragged me over," upon hearing his name the large bird flies the short distance to land on your shoulder, tilting his head at the cat's person.
they nod, and you think you see a smile, "thank you."
you give a soft smile, "'course. i couldn't just not do anything."
the person redirects his attention to the cat, holding out his arms for it to jump into, holding it close to his chest when it does.
"so, why're you in the forest at," you glance at your phone, "2:30 in the morning?"
"i could ask you the same."
"i asked first."
they scoff slightly, but don't argue further, "needed to get some stuff set up for the full moon. you?"
"ah, same. i mostly need to make sure i get moon water this month."
you make eye contact for a second, neither saying anything. a silent understanding passes between the two of you, and you laugh slightly.
"who would've thought?"
they smile, seeming to have the same idea, "what're the odds."
"so, since i no longer have to worry about being burnt at the stake, i'm y/n. and you are?"
"i'm minho, this is salem," he indicates the cat in his arms, who meows in response.
"this is edgar, allen and poe aren't out right now."
minho nods, "so, walk with me?"
you grin, already liking his personality, "of course, lead the way."
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paleparearchive · 1 month
The Bonds of The Soul
El Greco's initial 4★ story (2/3) ( 1 - 2 - 3 )
Location: park (morning) | Characters: El Greco, Courbet, Munch, Aoi/MC
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Munch: Niko-chan, what kind of ritual will we perfoorm?
El Greco: What we're about to perform is a traditional ritual of gratitude that is passed down on the island, the purpose of which is to connect the mind and body with the familiars and become one with them.
Courbet: I don't get it… You need to be more specific, El Greco.
El Greco: We imitate them to show our gratitude to our kins, who are connected to us by a soul bond.
Courbet: Wha… You imitate animals!? Why should we do something like that!
El Greco: When one knows the feelings of their familiars, flowers of gratitude will bloom from deep within the earth.
Courbet: Other difficult words… Hey, Munch. What is he saying?
Munch: He's saying that if you know your friends' thoughts and feelings, you will develop a deep sense of gratitude!
Courbet: A sense of gratitude… I get what you're saying… but imitating animals..
Aoi: N-Now now… If things continue as they are, El Greco-kun's painting won't be finished, so you should help us, Courbet-kun.
Courbet: … Sigh, guess I have no choice.
El Greco: Courbet, Munch, deputy director. Thank you. Then let's begin the ritual.
Munch: Okay! I'll be a little birdie then!
Pitter-patter pitter-patter…! Woof woof! Woof woof!
El Greco: Munch sure understands how my familiars feel.
Courbet: What are you talking about!? That sound is probably a dog, no matter what you think!
El Greco: No, there were also birds who barked on the island. In this country they're called parrots… I think?
Aoi: Someone must have made them learn to make dog noises…
Munch: Pitter-patter pitter-patter! Woof woof! Woof woof!
Courbet: What the hell is this ritual…! Hey, El Greco! Don't tell me you want me to imitate that bird, too?
El Greco: No. I would like you to do another animal. Let's see… Would you mind imitating a rabbit for me?
Courbet: A rabbit…? What's his sound?
El Greco: They don't make sounds. They bounce. Here, I'll show you an example.
*jumps* Hah, hah, hah…!
Courbet: That's just a rabbit jump!
El Greco: Ah, I guess they call it the rabbit jump in this country, too. Then you know the drill. Imitate a rabbit.
Aoi: Courbet-kun… Do your best!
Courbet: W-Why do I have to jump like a rabbit…
… Ah! Fuck it!
*jumps* Phew, phew, phew…
El Greco: Courbet understands how rabbits feel, too. He's like a real rabbit.
Courbet: *jumps* Haah… haaah… ugh. Phew, phew, phew…
Aoi: (Courbet-kun is getting passionate about it... I hope he doesn't get muscle pain…)
El Greco: Now, as for you, deputy director… Right. I need you to imitate a cat.
Aoi: A-A cat!? U-Uhm… like this? M-Meow, meoooow…
El Greco: That's wrong. That's just an imitation of the sound of the cat. Become a cat with all your heart.
Aoi: R-Right…! Meoooow. Meow meoooow!
El Greco: It seems the deputy director is beginning to understand how cats feel. Cats make all kinds of noises, so it's important to know how to use them.
Aoi: U-Understood. Meoooow. Meoow meoow. Meoooooow!
El Greco: You're a great imitator of cats. You're just as good at being a cat as everyone else on the island.
Courbet: H-Hey… You let people do all the work and you do nothing? … Haah, haah.
Munch: Woof woof! What kind of friend will you be, Niko-chan?
El Greco: I'm about to imitate a fox. Watch me.
… Kon kon. Kon kon kooon.
Courbet: You're the most unmotivated of all! What's with your weird pose and monotone speech!
El Greco: …? What are you talking about? This is how a real fox should be. Kon kon.
Munch: Niko-chan's fox is very good!
Aoi: I-I don't know what El Greco-kun's standards are…
Courbet: What an odd coincidence, deputy director. I have no idea what that guy's standards are either.
El Greco: Kon kon koooon.
Munch: Aaaah, it was fun! I hope we can do it again togetheeer!
Courbet: Haaah… haaah… I-I can't take this anymore…
El Greco: Everyone, thank you. This should have conveyed the gratitude to my familiars.
Courbet: Haaah… Will this really attract the animals?
Aoi: El Greco-kun. I brought your sketchbook. Do you want to try drawing something?
Munch: We all worked so hard on this, I'm sure they got the message! Niko-chan, hurry up and draw!
El Greco: … Yeah.
~~~♪ ~~~~~♪
Aoi: (I hope this brings El Greco-kun his animals…)
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cyniixal · 2 years
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miscellaneous deuce spade headcanons
he eats food in the stupidest yet most endearing way possible. he grips his utensils in a fist - fingers curled around the handle of the utensil with the thumb underneath… like a fist (ykwim im so bad at explaining it but it makes sense once u see it </3). lovingly, he shovels food into his mouth like that. it’s slightly jarring watching him eat food, but the way the corners of his lips slightly curve up makes up for all (most) of it
“why do you eat food like that”
“like what?”
he cannot eat spicy food if his life depended on it. he’s the classic; face has a rosy flush, eyes glaze over and he starts sniffling. his body hates him whenever he eats spicy food too, can’t catch a break fr - he’s not the “salt and black pepper is spicy” but the “if you add a small pinch of dried chili flakes i will be heaved over in pain”
“dude stop eating, your whole face is like redder than the housewarden’s hair”
“but you- you made this— for me-”
he definitely has piercings, nothing drastic though. probably a lobe, upper lobe, and a helix back from his delinquent days. initially at the beginning of the year, he didn’t wear any of them. he really wants that good boy (tm)-picture perfect-student of the month-honor student but later on in the year he starts wearing earrings. (its cuz the prefect said they were cool)
“where’d you get the piercings?”
“i pierced myself…”
probably owns chain necklaces LMFAO tiktok eboy silver/black jewelry. i mean he looks good in them, genuinely. he gets slightly (very obviously) embarrassed wearing them - gets reminded of when he was a bad boy(tm)
“deuce you look so emo right now”
“can i take these off now,,,”
likes sour candy. yeah, that’s it. lemon heads, toxic waste, warheads, etc. he loves them. keeps a handful of lemon heads in his bag to occasionally snack on (do not tell riddle), i feel like he bites through hard candy too instead of sucking on them. no particular reason, you just turn around and he’s crunching on some hard candy the prefect gave him
“hey deuce can you-“
“did you just bite down a whole fucking lemon head”
randomly copies the noises around him - based off his mrow line during history lessons LMFAO he hears birds chirping? he’ll unconsciously copy them via whistling. dog barks? he barks back. cat meows? he meows back. ace avidly makes fun of him for it but heyyy he cant help it. has tried to get himself to stop copying random noises he hears (it never works)
cat meowing in the background
“pft deuce-“
“don’t tell ace…”
tldr: deuce is an idiot and we love him <3
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cyniixal || Please don’t repost, plagiarize or copy my work, thankies !
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ddarker-dreams · 2 years
OKAY NOT AN ASK BUT IVE NEVER EVEN WATCHED HXH AND YOUVE SINGLEHANDEDLY MADE ME OBSESSED WITH CHROLLO. I AM BARKING AND MEOWING FOR THIS MAN. like the dialogue is so natural and i can perfectly visualize it in my head. i’ve literally spent all of the last three days reading and rereading your fics like holy balls they’re so good. u are an amazing author thank u for ur service (also as an enby i really appreciate that you write gender neutral readers :D) OKAY THAnK YOU HAVE A NICE DAY
THREE DAYS ... WHEEZES ... omggg thank you for dedicating so much time to reading my chrollo stories!!! especially since you haven't watched/read hxh?? i hope you'll consider giving it a shot at some point 👀 it is my all time favorite anime and i swear by it. chrollo is such an interesting character, if you like his vibe in my fics, you'll enjoy him even more in canon!! he's got this enigmatic thing going on that just draws in your attention. although this could be said for almost the entire cast of characters in hxh... they're all so amazing that it blows my mind.
thank you again!!! and Ah,, i always feel very worried about how i write gender-neutral readers since i’ve seen some discussion around it not always being done the best. i’d honestly really appreciate it if anyone had like. some resources they want to share about how to do it better/some common pitfalls to avoid. i’m able to remain cognizant of avoiding things that’d allude to reader’s body type/race, but when it comes to doing gender-neutral readers well, i’m sure there are some blind spots i’m not aware of... so please hmu if there’s any advice on this floating around out there. i’d greatly appreciate it. 
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THANK YOU PRECIOUS ANON 💖💖 this is actually a pretty accurate assessment of chrollo. the guy is chill while simultaneously having no chill, if that makes sense. a paradox of sorts. ice cream would do him some good. 
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‘slimy yet pretty’ i love this description of chrollo omg. it’s so true. i’m so happy to see you guys enjoying my chrollo you have no idea ... writing for him is such a joy, i’m glad you guys are having fun reading his stories!! i’m not sure how to describe it well, but there’s this different Vibe from dark content stories that take place in modern times. i love writing for genshin, but i use so much modern lingo that i sometimes want to scream when i remember those idioms haven’t been invented yet. it’s okay though. that’s what my hxh writing is for. 
genshin has me looking stuff up like “how do ink and quills work”. y’know. just to make sure i don’t miss any details. 
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Hello! I’m the anon that send the exceedingly long ask.
I’m glad you enjoyed it! I always have story ideas floating in my head that I never do anything with, but I decided to write this on a whim and since you like azul so much and you understand his character so well, I though you would be the best person to judge it.
The spoon does indeed meow. I wanted to do something Scuttle-esque, but instead of the Mc not knowing how things work, they just show things that work in a weird way, like the spoon. (I think it would be pretty funny if the Mc showed Azul something and he just believed that it worked like that on land, and when he actually went there he was shocked that it did not, in fact, work like that.)
I had ideas for other weird inventions, like a whistle that makes noise not for the outside, but inside the person, or a pen that turns everything someone writes into gibberish.
I love the idea of them stop seeing each other in person. It makes so much sense!!
(Also while thinking about the part were they dance I was listening to kiss the girl and thinking about how Jade and Floyd would definitely cockblock Azul)
Thank you so much for reading it. Your answer made my day!
[Reply to this post!]
OMG YOU REPLIED AWAWAWAWAWA I know you sent that idea months ago so I thought you wouldn't have been able to see my reaction ;u; I'm so glad you did
Now you have to pay for making me go through hell and back in my brainrot over the idea because what the fuck I'm actually WRITING the damn idea down
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and ooooooh so it really does meow!! Yeah I could feel the Scuttle influence from that invention oughhh that's such a good twist to Scuttle's character actually.
ACTUALLY WAIT THAT'S A GOOD POINT, AZUL STILL WOULDN'T KNOW A LOT ABOUT LAND CULTURE AS A KID LMAO oh my God can you imagine he thinks spoons fucking meow though xDDD
I did consider changing the sound from a meow to a dog barking in the fic to allude to Eric's dog HFSKDHKSJDFHDS but not sure, it's an idea that can be changed.
uwooohhhh I love the idea of the inventions being everyday things that just work the opposite of what they do. Grandpa's very funky I love it. How would that whistle work though? :0 like, would the sound be heard only by you, or would you just feel the high pitch go through your body sfnsdfdslfnsdfjs
on the part about the dance naurrrrrr Jade and Floyd pls just give this to Azul bksfdkjsdnskjfkdsnfsf pls don't cockblock him </3
your ask made my day for real nfksdfnsdfnd thank you for responding
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It’s PalePaw time! I think u will like this one
“ PickleStem, could you help me? It’s about PalePaw “ 
ParsleySeed meowed, walking into the Medicine den, PickleStem looked over at him 
“ Of course? What’s wrong? “ 
PickleStem asked, trotting away from her herb shelves, looking up at him
“ well, She has been having issues staying focused, often spacing out when we try to give her instructions. I was hoping maybe you can talk to her, see what up “ 
ParsleySeed mewed, and PickleStem nodded. 
“ You stay here, I’ll go and talk to her, I don’t want to pressure her “ 
PickleStem mewed, and trotted out of the den, and looked around camp, glancing around to find her. 
“ PalePaw! There you are, would you like to come out herb gathering with me? “ 
PickleStem asked, and PalePaw glanced up at her from where she sat with her siblings. 
“ I’ll go! I like herb gathering with you! “
FringePaw meowed, quickly standing besides PalePaw, PickleStem chuckled lightly 
“ I took you last time, why don’t I take your sister, come on dear, it’ll be nice “ 
PickleStem mewed, and PalePaw nodded, walking up besides her, and both trotted out of camp
“ So how has training been? Learn any good moves? “ 
PickleStem asked, gently nudging PalePaw with her hip, causing her to jump slightly 
“ Oh, I Uhm…Learned how different types of trees require different types of climbing…birch trees have thinner bark, while Maple bark is thicker..”
PalePaw mumbled, and glanced of into the woods, PickleStem dropped her ears, something was on her mind, she just couldn’t tell what.
“ That’s interesting, I never knew that. If I do ever need leaves to use, I’d find them on the ground, or ask a warrior to help harvest some, your a very good learner PalePaw “ 
PickleStem mewed, and stopped, PalePaw was looking down the trail that lead to the graves of the cats who died in the great battle.
“ Do you want ti go visit CurlyTails grave? We can make sure it’s clean “ 
PickleStem meowed, and PalePaw nodded, walking ahead of PickleStem. PalePaw stayed silent until they made it to CurlyTails grave, and PalePaw sat in front of it. 
“ PickleStem….I..don’t feel comfortable…in my fur…”
PalePaw mumbled, and PickleStem tilted her head, glancing over at her. 
“ What do you mean dear…? “
PickleStem asked, and PalePaw looked at her, her ears flat. 
“ I don’t fell…like I’m right. Like I’m not supposed to be me “
PalePaw looked pack down at the grave, and sighed.
“ I don’t feel like I should be a She-Cat “   
PickleStem widened her eyes, and smiled softly.
“ Oh, Dear, you don’t need to feel so worried and nervous. No one would be upset about that. I have friends who went through something like you “
PickleStem purred, and PalePaw tilted her head. 
“ You do? “
“ I do, KestrelFlight, the WindClan medicine cat, doesn’t feel like a Tom or a She-cat, They don’t feel a need to be in a section, so they don’t use a title, and I had a good friend, PygmyLeap, who went through something like you. He was born a She-cat, but decided he felt more like a Tom, His Clan accepted him, and he lived a happy life. “ 
PickleStem meowed, and PalePaw smiled slightly. 
“ So if I wanted to be a Tom, I wouldn’t be a weirdo? “
PalePaw asked, and PickleStem chuckled. 
“ Of course not, and if anyone says different, there the weirdos. Just know it may take some cats a little bit to adjust. They may still call you a she, but as long as you keep reminding them and they correct themselves, it will all be alright. “
PickleStem purred, and lapped at his head, PalePaw smiled. 
“ So would you call me a Tom then? “
PalePaw mewed, and PickleStem nodded, and stood up.
“ Of course I will, now come on, I’ve been low on kale for a bit, I’m sure you could carry lots “ 
PickleStem purred, and PalePaw chuckled. 
“ I’m coming, let’s go “
This is so cute, you’re right I love this
Reconfirming that Picklestem is the best mother, these kids are so lucky to have her
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aphrorite · 2 years
06/18/22 in honour of my 🎉 100th pwost, hwere r 100agere questions! 💕
cwredit to @/pickledratinajar for dis template. m will fill tis out theoughout da days so few questions a day :D find the template here ૮₍ ˃ ᵕ ˂ ₎ა
08/20/22 update: din realize i not finish dis!! so ‘m went ahead and did so :D
1🐝 what age(s) do you regress to ~
im noot sure ))): im tink for me, is good to not hav specific range or 2 put certain stuffs into category like dat cos it feel like a rule n rules really mess mwe up !!! o_O
2🍯 do you pet regress as well / what animal ~
hmmmm ,, im dont kno !! i lwike sayijg roar and im know how 2 meow n bark hehe but i like bunnies n kittens a lot so mayb if i were 2 petreg it b dose 2 ˃ w ˂
3🥮 how long have you been regressing ~
im officially started regressin on may 18 th ‘22 i tink!!! buuuut thwere hav been time where im guess i was regress/agedre without knowing it befor i discover agere on tumblr 😋😊
4🐌 is your regression voluntary, involuntary, or a mixture ~
a mix of both!!’ a woottt of time it acc vent regress becaus i need destress or am not happy mood, but is also play regression a lot too !!! sometim if i regress a lot doe it become involuntary n is not ideal 4 workie ); is ok doe im make it theough ( ^ω^ )
5🐻 what's your personality like when regressed ~
umm ummmm ,, is more talkativ, bubbly, smiley cheery :3 lot emoticon,, hoppy jump around giggle smile lots skippin big doe eyes uhhhhmm like dat hehe but is often masked bcos i in publicks or aorund fam >_<
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6🐴 how often do you regress ~
nowadays when stressed )); some weeks on and off doe jus cos focus on other tings sometime ! but righ now i regress for fun cos is weekend :3
7☕ what helps you get into headspace ~
cute thingies !!! nicknames , “can u do x for me?” my tweddy bear, kicking my feet, skipping when walking hehe!! going on tumblr o_O , stuffies !!!!
8📜 are you a baby, toddler, or big kid regressor ~
umm… all !!!! :OO (no static/set in stone answer)
9🦇 do your likes change when regressed ~
when i rwegress i dont listen to my same musics (am hiphophead!!!), am listne 2 littol ost’s and softie musica, iii like stuffies even more when rewgressed, and i stay far far way from anytin a kid wouldnt want see when regress !
10⏳ do you have a baby voice in headspace ~
ya . my vwoice in head very baby like but when i talk aloud my voic already pwetty hwigh so im dont need to chang voice hehe 🍀🐥
11🍪 what makes you instantly small ~
certain peopol n my stuffie >_<
12🧋why do you regress ~
trauma based
13🌙 pink or blue ~
both!!! periwinkle blue n likeee bubblegum pink r so pwretty ! :3
14⭐ dragons, unicorns or fairies ~
hhmmm… mayb all o_O more leaning toward fairies hehe
15☁️ dinos, princesses, space or safari theme ~
dino princess n space !!!!! :O
16💫 neon, pastel, neutral or dark pallets ~
pastel n neutral~~
17🐮 favorite regression clothes ~
shorteralls , ruffled socks , hair clips , dresses :3 anytin angwlicy
18🌸 favorite color ~
umm… pink, red, blue, white, black, certain greens, pastel yellow n neutrals HSJDHSH
19🐭 do you collect stickers ~
i want to !!!
20🧁 coloring book or paint by numbers ~
color book all da way .
21🍧 playdoh, legos or slime ~
i lwike lego and slime !!
22🦄 finger paint or brushes ~
hmmm both. but finger paint mig b more fun cos is messy hehe
23🧼 crayons, colored pencils or markers ~
all !!!!!!
24☀️ do you have a cg / name for cg ~
no unfortunateleys );
25🌻 do you have a baby sitter ~
26✨ do you have any sibbies ~
27🧺 do your parents know about your regression ~
nuh uh
28🧋 favorite nicknames / pet names ~
umm,, monkey !! moo,, boo,,, buddy, pumpkin, bubbles/bubs, bun or bunbun, honey, sweets!! bubba, cutie, darling, lovely, cub, little bear
29🍕 ideal playdate ~
m dont know ):
30🐱 sleep in crib or with cg ~
boths. if im had cg doe den sleep in same bed as cg def cos i luv cuddles
31🍼 favorite snack ~
popcorn!!!! 🍿🍿🍿 yumyumyum
32🧸 favorite juice ~
orange juic, peach or apple!
33🍪 favorite icecream flavor ~
cookie n cream, minth choco or cookie dough :3
34🩹 favorite type of milk ~
stawberry or soy!
35🐶 sweet, sour, spicy, bitter or savory ~
sweet spicy n savoury hehe
36🍰 favorite dessert ~
donuts, cake mmm, cupcake,, cookie, churroo, brownie
37🍦 favorite type of chocolate ~
milk chocco!
38⏳ mac & cheese or nuggets ~
nuggets yum
39🎒 favorite movie ~
pixar up!
40🍬 favorite cartoon ~
m don know. but am currently watch molang hehe
41🚀 favorite game ~
ummm. robloxks, sim 4, leagu of legend… lbp2… lbpk,,,, umhmm… sims 2!! stardew valley… sekai colourful stage.. m like lots!
42🎀 favorite disney princess ~
dun hav one o_o
43⚾ if you could have any 1 superpower what would it be ~
invisibility or da ability to stop time!!
44🍄 anime or cartoons ~
45🍓 favorite carebear ~
dunno o_0
46✏️ shows or movies ~
movie! but m dont watc much >_<
47🐛 do you believe in fairies ~
YES !!!
48🐸 do you have a comfort character ~
nooo not sure o_O
49🌱 do you like rain at night ~
yes is so calming !
50🦕 are you easily scared ~
yes ): vv easily scare
51🧃 are you also a carer ~
nooo m not. but in my head i talk to myself as a carer n it helps with motivation ^_^
52🌵 are you independent or dependent ~
boooth. buut if i had a cg im want be more dependant! like a lwittle babie.
53🍃 what pulls you out of headspace ~
idk how answer dis one.
54🍏 are you scared of bugs ~
they are creepy crawlers :S
55🦝 favorite toy series ~
i… i dont know ):
56🚛 do you use pacis ~
nooope! im suck my thumb doe and dat does the trick :P
57🦴 do you use diaps ~
nuh uh.
58🦈 gear wishlist ~
https://www.amazon.ca/hz/wishlist/ls/66AGC83L85DD?ref_=wl_share hehe
59🍵 favorite regression item ~
my bear! i wuv him so much.
60🐾 sippy cup or bottle ~
sippy cup!
61🦊 oldest stuffie ~
m’ oldest stuffie probbbabbly m’ smol teddy bear named blacky. m found him in a bag full of childhood ones and he was supa cute so m took him up to my room!
62🎃 do you sleep with a stuffie ~
yess. i sleep wit my bear!
63🔥 how many stuffies do you have ~
i haf 7 in my room buut probs more in dat bag if i picked out ones i lwike. i haf bear, blacky, uni, turte, panda, sharkie, and kooky in m’ room.
64🍂 newest favorite stuffie ~
dunnnooo. bear has always been my fave!
65🏵️ build a bear, amusement park, or disney store ~
66🥧 stuffed animals or dolls ~
stuff animal, doll scare me :S
67👽 do you have a bedtime ~ 
sometimes ya sometimes not hehe
68🍭 do you keep an agere journal ~
yes m doooo!!!! and i want buy more stickers for it cos i luuuuv luv luv stickers.
69⚡️ do you have rules ~
70🍥 blankie or paci ~
blankie <3
71🌈 night light or glow-in-the-dark stars ~
both, i luv litol lights like dat!
72🌿 bedtime stories or lullabies ~
both again - i lwike bedtime story cos cg would tell em, but lullabies r not so sleepable for me, though i do like stardew valley dance of the moonlight jellies, howeva dats not really specified as a lullaby.
73🎩 favorite thing to do outside while small ~
hop around and skip!
74🐵 favorite thing to do inside while small ~
hug my stuffies, dwraw, watch cartoooon, scroll on agere tumblr hehe
75🦋 blanket fort or bouncy house ~
blankie fort!
76🐯 stroller or walk ~
77🔮 dress up or tea party ~
78🦜 do you like the playground ~
i luv da playground!
79💖 early bird or night owl ~
night owl hoo hoo 🦉
80📝 indoors or outdoors ~
81💕 warm or cold weather ~
warm weather :D
82🦢 dogs or cats ~
i luv dem both equally!
83☎️ do you have any pets ~
yess! im hav a cat name roscoe n he orange and white n supa cute <3 i got him last years in september!
84💌 favorite animal ~
too many!!! i like foxes bunnies red panda panda bear dog cat tiger lion turtle duck chicken rooster monke >_< list goes on and on
85🍒 favorite holiday ~
chrismas or halloween!
86🐇 favorite season ~
87❤️ what’s your big age ~
big age is big secret!
88🌼 what’s a nostalgic place for you ~
primary schoo!
89🐳 playdoh, legos or slime ~
90🐙 do you collect anything ~
stuffies ^_^
91🐠 bubble baths or bath toys ~
why cant have both?
92🍑 are your agere interests more fem or masc ~ mmm not sure! i lwike cars and dinosaurs but i also like pink and space n so call girly stuffs.
93☔️ do you stim more while regressed ~
wha dat 0_0
94🎨 favorite place to regress ~
as of rite now, at home!
95🧵 favorite regression youtuber ~
dun hav one.
96🌈 favorite site/app for regression community ~ tumblrrr!!!!
97💐 what do you wanna be when you grow up ~
happy T_T
98📒 what’s the most nostalgic electronic for you ~
da wii, da macintosh, ds! tomodachi
99📀 a toy you always wanted but never got as a kid ~
build a bear, american girl dolls! polly pocket, littlest pet shop, my little pony, pretend play stuffs, bratz dolls, da list could go on!
100🪐 what is your favorite thing to learn about in headspace ~
my inner child and wha she likes (:
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trashlie · 10 months
(FP 235 spoilers ‼️) "if you won't let me have you" 🤸🏾‍♀️🤸🏾‍♀️🤸🏾‍♀️🤸🏾‍♀️🤸🏾‍♀️🤸🏾‍♀️🤸🏾‍♀️💥💥💥💥💥 *car brakes screeching* *glass shattering* *explosions* *sirens going off* *cats meowing dogs barking* *more explosions* MISS YOO MA'AM did you seriously just say that... do you even hear yourself..... maya was gagged we were all completely gagged i actually have no words. there is nothing to say. except for thank you maya and hopefully that bite doesn't leave a mark gfhsdgjfk
shinae about dieter: so nice :) so comforting :) teddy bear :) shinae about nol: HOW DARE YOU MAKE ME FEEL LIKE I'M GOING INTO CARDIAC ARREST YOU FUCKER I WILL KILL YOUU
also alyssa? is shinae.. jealous bc he's with alyssa? is it that unbearable that he's hers and not yours?? even tho the relationship is fake??? oh my god she really is down so so soooo bad. not that it's surprising it's just different to actually see it yk. listen i knew she'd match nol's energy/intensity (bc mirrors and all) but i was NOT expecting her to hit the ceiling like that and be *this* fiery. but i absolutely love it.
just had to get it off my chest because GSHADGSHJGK i'm sure u understand <3 -lil anon 😼
oh. it's insecurity too isn't it. bc now she's subconsciously comparing herself to alyssa. pretty, talented, successful alyssa and ;A; babygirl don't go there... 💔 i've actually been wondering if/how shinae's insecurities and low self-esteem would play into this, remember how she said she didn't understand why dieter would even like her. AAAAAH :(( at least hopefully she'll remember what he said about this "relationship" last night. AHHHHHHH. ok sorry for the spam i'm gonna go lie face down in the sea now byee -lil anon 😼
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Honestly you sum it up SO WELL i will NEVER be able to top it so honestly hats off to you Lil Anon you get it YOU GET IT YOU GET IT SCREAMS AAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH I CAN'T BELIEVE WE GET IT THIS IS HAPPENING?!
I CANNOT HANDLE THE LEVEL OF MIRRORIN THEY ARE DOING LIKE holy SHIT simultaneously figuring this out, HER ENTIRE REALIZATION MIRRORING HIS!!!!!!!!!! the same feral fucking energy lmao the next time she sees him.......... alfjafkakfjjkafjkafkakjfajkf someone NEEDS to hold her back she is SOOOOOOOOOOO DOWN BAD SOOOOOOOOOOO BAD OH MY GOD LAFKJAKJFJAFKAFJK
Someone recently messaged me with a question from quim's curiouscat that had asked if anyone in ILY is possessive and BOY FUCKIN HOWDY DID SHINAE GIVE US HER ANSWER HUH?! GODDDDDDDD
I think it's both jealousy and insecurity, though. Jealousy because SHE can't have him but ALYSSA can? EVEN THOUGH SHE JUST LEARNED THE NIGHT BEFORE THAT THE WHOLE RELATIONSHIP IS FAKE IT DOESN'T MEAN ANYTHING HE DOESN'T FEEL THAT WAY. But in that moment, as Minhyuk basically describes all the things Alyssa is - she's good looking and talented, look at that body, she's famous now, she's got what she wanted - everything Shinae ISN'T. And like WE know that NONE of that means anything to Nol, that it's instead all the things Shinae is that Alyssa isn't - compassionate, empathetic, grounded, the way SHE sees Nol.
But in that moment she just feels so pale next to Alyssa, what could he EVER see in her and SHE DOESN'T EVEN RECOGNIZE IT FOR WHAT IT IS. SHE'S SO JEALOUS AND GETS SO ROCKED BY IT THAT SHE /LEAVES WITHOUT EATING/!!!!!!!!!!!!!! She wants him SO badly - wants to see him, all of him!!!!!!!!! And Alyssa gets something she doesn't?!
But yes I also very much think it's the insecurity. She's not thinking rationally here or she'd remember what he told her about Alyssa and instead the part of her that knows, the part of her that's been acting on this, what's between them, sees how she stacks up against Alyssa and how, at face value, she can't stand against her!
I'm hoping that maybe getting some sleep will bring back the pragmatic side of her brain but hey, if she has to... charge in to Nol's room this evening after she wakes up and confront him in order to be reminded then HEY BE MY GUEST SHINAE. GO AHEAD ALFJKAKFJFAKJAFKJAFKAKFJJAKFJKAFJKAF LMAOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO
Ngl there's a part of me that SO BADLY wants and NEEEEEEEDS Shinae to have a moment of jealousy that slips out, the whole "if I can't have you" the "she gets to?" something that makes him remind her that Alyssa has none of him, that she never has, and that if anyone has him it's HER IT'S SHINAE THE ONE STANDING RIGHT THERE THE ONE WHO TOOK HIS HEART WHEN HE WAS LOOKING THE ONE WHO'S ROCKED HIS WHOLE WORLD.
Have you ever stopped to really consider the fact that like.... Nol just woke up from NEARLY FUCKING DYING and the first thing he does is realizes "OH MY GOD I HAVE FEELINGS FOR SHINAE" lmfao like. DUDE ALMOST DIED AND HE'S JUST HAVING AN AWAKENING OVER HERE LMAO
They're both going through ALL the stages of puberty in one go (don't think I missed those smutty mangas I HAVE EYES) and it's SO FUNNY. The moodiness, the irritability, incapable of handling their too big emotions, denial, embarrassment, the "I DON'T HAVE TIME TO HAVE FEELINGS".
Maya really was us she really got up to bat and hit it home for us. "I like this part" BITCH YOU SAID IT, WE DO, TOO. It was SO meta, sooooo good. "MY BOY PROBLEMS ARE REAL, HELP ME!" absolutely BROKE ME. One day Shinae is trying to pretend she doesn't care what people say behind her back and suddenly she is yakking poor Maya's ear off about a boy who IS SO CLEARLY STUPIDLY HEAD OVER HEELS FOR HER AFKLKJAFKJAFKJAFKJAFJLKAFJKAFKJAFJKAJKFAJFK
the way she just. LOOKED at Shinae and KEPT WATCHING HER rant and rave SHE IS US AND SHE DID THIS FOR US HURRAH also yes i hope ur feral cat Shinae bite mark heals fine lkjfkjafkjafkafkj LMAO
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zerobaseonefics · 11 months
YOURE UNBELIABELE… i dont really remember what i wrote but i chose the university in england and im working now full time and longer so i can get more money and this week is my last week and im getting my 2nd payment next week (i already got 1100€ and next week i will get 900-1000€) + i still tutor these kids and then next week im flying to turkiye and im searching now for jobs i can do online like translating soemthing etc so i can earn money there too and i found an apartment for £1600 i dont remember im too lazy to check the price again but it has 2 roots so its really cheap as for london and i will find a roommate so it will be even cheaper + it looks pretty there icl
bark for me kitten😜 IDOLS GET ASKED TO BARK?? WTF‼️‼️ and i dont believe that u didnt bark for shanbin. you were probably thinking sbout him and then just started barking snd this is your only excuse.
NO CUZ THE SONGS ARE SO GOOD BUT ONLY IN BLOOM AND NEW KIDZ ON THE BLOCK MADE IT TO MY PLAYLIST (im sorry i love the other songs too but i wouldnt listen to them on like daily basis yk i would listen cd but not spotify ykyk) which one is haos solo tho🤨🤨 WAIT I FOUND IT ITS ALWAYS OMG ITS SO GOOD ALSO GONNA ADD IT TO MY PLAYLIST‼️‼️ why isnt hot summer and jelly pop on the album tho😐😐😐😐 (update i finally didnt add it to my playlist because i rislike the beginning)
i love lying to kids/people on roblox and to my friends irl 🤭🤭
and girl you done even knoe how to write/make/do a heart😐😐
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explain. i want a valid reason. i dont accept anything like „omg the 2 is next to the 3 so i accidentally pressed the 2” or „im blind”
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#furry #acceptfurryplural #furrypride
btw i took screenshots of this so if you delete it again(🙄🙄) i will be able to send it to you eith no problem🥰🥰😇😇
kitten bark for me meowwww woof woof meoww grrrrrr woof meow 🥺🤍🫶🥺
AHHHHH im so happy u can move to england !!!! you'll be in london from what i understand? it's so cool that you'll be in such a big city, it'll be easier for you to find ur marks and find easily things to help you everyday
enjoy your trip to turkiye 🤭
i SEE WHAT U MEZN...... like the songs r good but im sorry it was boring asf i will probably listen to in bloom only 🙏🏼
for some reasons boys/girls planet groups dont get the mission songs in the debut album like produce groups used to...... kinda sad abt it ngl i wanted my kep1 u+me=love version
thanks for taking measures for me in case i accidentally flop again 🙏🏼
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ichigomis · 3 years
Hiiii! I’d like to request something. Like Iwa, Tsukki, and Kuroo’s (plus any character you want) reaction to the random noises their S/O makes at random times? Like they’d just be walking in a park and suddenly S/O just meows lol.
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with: iwaizumi, tsukki, kuroo
notes: HAHAAHAHA this was so fun thank u nonnie for requesting! i'm not sure if i hit the prompt right in the nail but here's me trying nfjefnerjhber also iwaizumi's is a bit suggestive(?) — crack!
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- you pick him up after a long day at the gym, he's equally excited to see you and just head home with you
- slinging his gym bag on his shoulder, he sees you excitedly waving at him and he makes his way out of the gym. but just as he was exiting, an acquaintance stops him for a little chat (much to his annoyance)
- you wait outside the glass door, watching your boyfriend, when he suddenly shoots you an all too well—he wants you to get him out of there.
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"aaaAAAWOOOO!" you howl, tapping on the glass. "wOOF WOOF!" you bark and everyone's eyes are on you immediately. you point at iwaizumi, whose face is now flushed a deep red, and beckon for him to come outside. he quickly shoots the person he's talking to a quick apology and runs makes his way to the exit.
"what was that!?" he asks as he closes in on you and you just wiggle your eyebrows teasingly.
"there's my beefy boy, woof!" you holler as you let your eyes roam around his body, letting him know you're checking him out.
iwaizumi turns another impossible shade of red, "what the hell?" he mutters as you take his hand and lead him away, still teasingly looking at him, "stop that."
he looks away from you and you bite your lip, you knew it was enough teasing for one day. you let out a chuckle and he whips his head at you nervously, "mkay, you hungry?" you ask going back to "normal".
he sighs, "are we not going to talk about what you did back there?"
you tilt your head and ask, "why? did you want me to do it again?"
despite your little act back there, iwaizumi can't deny he liked you hyping him up. you even got him out of that small talk earlier without him saying anything. perhaps, he can let this one pass.
"no, please shut up."
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- you stay over at his place so he can help you study for your upcoming test but for some reason you just can't wrap your head around the topic
- queue him teasing you about it and you getting slightly annoyed though you're pretty much used to it
- luckily, you have a few tricks up your sleeve
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"i can't believe you don't get it," he leans back on his chair, an annoying little smirk on his face. you use all your strength to keep it in because right now, you need your annoying boyfriend's help. "it's so easy." he snickers.
you breathe in clenching your fists, "that's the whole reason i'm here, i don't get it." if it weren't for this tough math test coming soon, you would have thought twice about asking for his help. you love this man, really and stupidly enough. but sometimes his teasing and your quick temper just don't mix.
he purses his lip vexingly, "so you'll come here every time you don't understand something?"
yup, you love this man. and loving this man meant you had to know how to counter his little antics. "ughh fine." you take your books and stand up from your seat, making sure your face showed how "annoyed" you are. "i guess i'll just ask your hotter and kinder brother."
he just stares at you, mouth agape in disbelief. a satisfied smirk plasters your face and you couldn't help yourself. you lift your hand and pretend to drop your mic, popping your lips. mission accomplished. the sound you just made rings through the room and tsukki's stare changes into a scowl.
"fine." he mumbles.
"fine?" you lift a brow at him.
"yeah, go on, call him." he challenges and you laugh.
"fine." you say simply, "akite-"
"fine, fine, stop. i'll do it. i'll teach you again," he stands from his seat and takes your hand, "just, don't make that sound again." you nod, smiling from your victory.
"and don't call my brother for help again..." ah, a double victory.
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- he picks you up after work and like always, the two of you stop by your usual convenience store to get some snacks.
- the two of you settle on one of the tables outside the store and just let time pass by, with no agenda in mind.
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you stare into the distance, watching people pass by. it's around dinnertime and everyone seems to be on their way home. tiredness washes over you. at times like these, it feels as if your brain has no filter and whatever comes into your mind, you speak.
"meow~" you say, still staring into wherever.
kuroo looks up at you, confused and a little bit weirded out. "what-"
you meet his eyes and shrug, "meow."
he furrows his eyebrows and reaches for you. he knew you were tired, but he didn't know you were that tired to be talking (or in this case, meowing) gibberish. "are you alright there?"
you sigh, letting your face lean into his touch, and nod, "meooooow."
he shakes his head and squeezes your cheeks together, "fine, if you're gonna be like that, let's play a little game." despite your weird antics, he still finds you so cute. he smiles to himself, was this how in love he was with you?
"first to actually call over a cat here wins," he says and your eyes light up.
"loser buys onigiri." you put your hand out to shake and he chuckles.
"so you can speak!" he coos and you just roll your eyes, "deal."
people passing by looked at the two of you as if you were crazy. well, two grown adults in office attire, meowing outside a convenience store, did scream crazy. but it's not like you cared, or perhaps you were just too tired to. and it's not like kuroo cared either, he'd indulge every little thing you do.
after a few minutes of playing around, the two of you finally head home. you happily walk, with your hand intertwined with kuroo's and the other holding up the onigiri you "won".
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p.s.: thanks to @reinpours for helping me brainstorm this stuff hehe~
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❦ dodging his love | ot7
↬ ᴘᴀɪʀɪɴɢ: ot7 x reader ↬ ɢᴇɴʀᴇ: fluff | requested | enhypen reactions ↬ ᴡᴀʀɴɪɴɢs: none ↬ ʀᴇQᴜᴇꜱᴛᴇᴅ ʙʏ: @kisshoons-main ↬ ʀᴇQᴜᴇꜱᴛ ᴡᴀs: enhypen reaction to s/o dodging their kisses/hugs ↬ ᴀ/ɴ: 
not sure if this was what you wanted (im sorry if it’s not 😭) but I hope you like it🤞
this is literally me just rambling ok anyways 
thank you for requesting! 💞
hee does this thing when the two of you are cuddling
where he plays with your hair with one hand while he has the other hand behind his head
while you trace random patterns on his chest
he loves it when you do it because the two of you just chat about the most random things
most nights it’s you venting while hee gives you advice
other nights hee sings you to sleep 
tonight you were having an off day 
so while you were cuddling, hee was about to play with your hair when you put on the hood of one of hee’s hoody
which meant that he couldn’t play with your hair
“i wanna play with your hair” he says with a frown
“no” you replied as you lay your head down
“why not?”
“because i like your hoody”
“i like it on you with the hood off”
“why do you like my hair so much?” 
“it’s soft"
“i wake up looking like a mess because of you”
“it helps me sleep” 
“you’re gonna have to earn it” then this man starts to aegyo just so he can play with your hair
and he’s good at it
so you let him
while you’re annoyed that you’re gonna wake up with messy hair because of hee
you don’t mind since it helps you fall asleep
this man doesn’t hesitate to show off his affection
whether it’s wrapping his arm around your waist when you’re out
or it’s kissing your cheek while you’re taking a selfie
sometimes it works out other times... he ends up making a complete fool of himself
engry bird here decided to sleep over (on the couch ofc)
you woke up to jay’s extremely loud voice
so you got up and headed to the kitchen where you saw him looking for stuff in your fridge
“where are the tomatoes?” you roll your eyes and go in front of him, grabbing the tomatoes which was literally right there
“you need new glasses” you tell him as he embarrassment fills his face
he wraps his arms around your waist, enveloping you in a back hug
you didn’t notice because it was such a subtle thing but you shrugged him off to get a glass of water which was right over the counter
of course he noticed 
because you could’ve held his hands while he was hugging you and both of you could’ve gone to get a glass of water
so now he’s pouting the whole time
he doesn’t tell you what’s wrong
and expects you to just know and read his mind but of course you can’t
so then it kinda gets quiet while you’re eating breakfast 
which is unusual since jay is always so chatty
so then you go, “you gonna tell me why you’re all mopey this morning” 
“you shrugged me off to get the glass of water”
“that’s why you’re pissed?”
“of course that’s why I’m pissed why else would I be pissed?”
“i accidentally washed your white hoody with the colors and now it’s pink”
“why the hell would you wash a white hoody with the colors?”
“i don’t know, I didn’t see it!”
“it’s white. maybe you’re the one who needs to change your glasses?”
“shut up! you’re the one getting pissed over grabbing a glass of a water”
“you shut up it’s not even my hoody at this point”
“ok, well what kind of person who gets pissed over grabbing a glass of water?”
“the kind of person of person who gets pissed over grabbing a glass of water?”
“clingy much?” 
he took that as a challenge then moved to where you were and lifted you onto his lap
jakey would probably get shy with hugs and kisses
but he loves it
how can he not love it especially from you?
you head into his place and instantly go to layla instead of greeting your boyfriend
you sit down on the floor giving hugs and kisses to layla who’s now paying attention to you
the both of you are in your own little world together as you and layla smoother each other with affection 
poor baby is like “what about me?”
he sits with you
wanting your attention so he puts his head in front of you, eyes looking up at you like that one live where he goes “i love you”
and he does just that
you roll your eyes, pat his head and you’re like
“i love you too but let me go back to paying attention to my baby” (baby as in layla)
layla actually barks at jake 
the auDACitY
so jake feels neglected since layla’s getting all the y/n love
which leads to him just sitting next to you in silence while he watches you both
he's happy that you and layla love each other but you’re supposed to be paying attention to him
eventually, you realize that jake is just sitting there so you look at him
he’s like,
“who do you love more, me or layla?”
you move so that you’re laying your head on jake’s lap while layla is curled up by your stomach
“layla, duh”
he’s on the quieter side in terms of showing his love in public
as a way of showing you that he’s there for you and that you’re there for him
your pinkies are linked together while outside
neither of you really know how it happened but it did and it’s your way of holding hands 
especially when you’re ice skating 
you’ve gotten better with hoonie teaching you and when he skates at your pace, you hold pinkies
you’re out on a date and hoonie’s about to link his pinky with yours
his pinky is a literally millimeters away from linking with yours
when all of a sudden you bring up your arms
in that brief moment your pinky knocks against his 
but you don’t pay it any attention and do what you were about to show hoonie
you do a spin on the ice 
hoonie’s proud of his baby for being able to spin on the ice when just a few months ago you could barely skate
b u t 
he wanted to hold your freaking pinky :( 
the two of you continue to skate alongside each other and you’re starting to realize that it’s quiet
too quiet
“hoonie?” you ask 
he looks at you like “yeah?”
when you ask him what’s wrong he says nothing and just shrugs it off 
so you start to think to yourself about what went wrong
you extend your hand and he hesitantly takes it
you lift up your hands
and he spins you on the ice with your pinkies interlinked
sunoo is such a clingy, clingy, clingy baby
hugging you whenever he can?
Y E S 
kisses all over your face?
of course
playing with your hands any chance he gets?
every. single. day. 🤧
you’re out on a date at a mall and the two of you are sitting at the food court
while you’re eating with one hand, sunoo grabs the free one
he’s playing with the couples ring the two of you bought for your 6 month anniversary when you pull your hand away 
he looks at you with a frown
“that’s not nice, y/n-ah,” he mutters under his breath and you sigh,
“it’s not nice to distract people when they’re eating” you counter
he looks at you, a plan forming in his head
he then grabs your hand for the second time and then this man
takes your spoon
and while he’s holding your hand he decides to feed you with a triumphant smile on his face
it’s a win win for him since he gets to hold your hand and steal some of your food at the same time :)
wonie hugs are very, very, very warm and comforting
yk his broad shoulders?
and that⌛️ waist?!
the only way to describe his embrace is safety
when he hugs you your arms go around his waist and he rests his chin on top of your head and you just fit like two pieces of a puzzle
and he feels the same way exact same way with you
to him your hugs are the part of his day that he can just let himself go
some nights the two of you are cuddling and he cries into your shoulder because of all the stress he faces
the only thing you can do is be there for him, rubbing soothing circles on his back
so yea, he loves hugging you 
you show up to the dorm, for dinner with him and the other members
when you walk in he extends his arms to hug you but you hear your name being called
so instead of hugging him you duck under his arm and go to the rest of the guys
he’s standing there dejected, arms going down to his side and he turns around looking in the direction you walked off to with that “ehh??” look 
so he follows you and then he sees you Sunoo giving you a hug
and is like excuse me?
he sticks closer to you than usual but you’re not really sure why since he doesn’t say anything and he doesn’t mention what just happened literally just a few minutes ago
he’s not exactly mad... more like disappointed and jealous that you’d hug one of his hyungs when you didn’t hug him
as dinner goes on he acts like nothing’s wrong but deep down, he just wants a y/n hug :(
it’s getting late and while the boys are chatting, you rest your head on his shoulder when he then shrugs his shoulder which causes you to lift up your head
you look at him like
when he realizes just what he did but instead of apologizing he goes
“that’s what you get for not hugging me earlier” because he’s still kinda salty over it
you realize why he was acting weird so then you move and give a y/n hug to which he rests his chin on top of your head feeling kind of dumb that he was feeling that way earlier
which then causes ni-ki to tell the two of you to get a room
there’s this thing that he does when one of his hyungs touches his hair
he sorta leans into their touch kinda like a little meow meow (yoongi reference? 👀 ok anyways)
he’d probably be shy over hugs and kisses since he’s still young and isn’t really experienced in terms of dating
whenever you come over to the dorm, the two of you hang out in the living room since none of the other boys want either of you in a room alone so you both have to be somewhere they can see 
ni-ki’s the maknae and you get it + you don’t mind since it’s comfortable around them
whenever you’re on the couch, ni-ki does this thing where he lays his head on your lap but not your lap lap it’s like on one of your thighs I have no idea if that makes any sense-
you’d run your hand through his hair while he’s probably playing a game or something and it’d be quiet between the two of you but it’s one of those silences that you don’t need to fill
my heart is 💓💞💖💘 just thinking about it might write a riki hybrid au typa story soon idk ok back to the point of this post
so he does that thing where he leans into your touch 
even when y’all have a movie night, he ends up either laying his head on your shoulder or on your lap and your hand finds its place in his hair
it becomes a thing between you two and whenever you hangout
so you’re sitting on the couch one afternoon and everyone’s sorta doing their own thing while you’ve got your laptop with you and you’re trying to study/work on an assignment
ni-ki walks into the living room where you are, smiling to himself, and does that thing where he kinda giggles? idk 
so he makes his way to you and he sits down next to you but you’re too focused on what you need to do that you don’t even notice
ni-ki’s just about to lay his head on your lap but when you see it happening, you scoot away slightly at first he’s like what??
 and then before he knows it, instead of his head on your lap it’s on the couch
he looks up at you like “how dare you do this to me?@#$” and he clears his throat trying to get your attention
you pat his hair once but then he’s like juST one pat? and then he justs…
i kid you not this man claws at your hand
then he takes your hands and puts it in his hair and now you’re forced to do your work with one hand
❦ written by riri | blog masterlist
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mayaflowerxs · 3 years
(Maknae Line)
Synopsis: How you met him & how it’s going since. (Either dog or cat)
Warning: fluff, mentions of abandonment but of angst not much
Pairing: skz x reader (gender neutral)
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Sheltie dog he is. You met Jisung at a festival. They were selling dogs for a cheap price and most of the people crowding the center were looking to get puppies. Jisung happened to be the only adult dog there. With a huff, he stayed in his cage rather than run around in the small fenced area the other pups were doing. In his mind, he always thought that he would never get adopted. He wasn’t pet material enough for anyone to have any interest in. Or lovable enough at that. Deciding it was best to just try to get some sleep. That was until a group of college teens had passed by. Most of them awed at the cute puppies. You on the other hand saw Jisung in his crate. You didn’t know what to exactly call it, maybe fate but you really wanted the attention of Jisung’s rather than the pups. Making kissy noises to grab his attention. Jisung looks up and sees you crouched down. Your hand out to him, confused. This was the first time in months since he has gotten any sort of attention from a stranger. “Hi” you say softly at him. Jisung slowly gets out of his crate and makes his way over to you. Letting you pet him, you felt how soft he was. His beautiful brown eyes captivating you.
“You should take him.” The man who worked in the sale for pets said. “He’s been with us ever since he was a pup. No one even glances at him simply because he’s older than the puppies.” Jisung felt his heart race. Will this be the day? Will he finally have a home? He didn’t want to get his hopes up but no matter how much he tried to tell himself not to, he couldn’t prevent his tail from wagging vigorously. “Oh I...” you seemed hesitant to say yes. You didn’t expect to adopt a dog especially since you never owned one or taken care of one. You’re more of a cat type of owner. In fact, you have a cat back at home named Minho. Jisung’s tail slowly came to a halt. He knew it. He wasn’t getting adopted today or ever at that. Lowering his head, he tried to ignore the pang feeling in his chest. He really was getting used to the feeling of your soft hands petting his head softly. “Oh alright.” Almost snapping his neck for how fast he lifted it, he saw the bright smile on your face. “Great!” The man said. Jisung couldn’t believe it. He finally has a home, a human to look out for him. Or scratch that, a human he can look out for. Oh how he always wanted a human to give all his love and affection to. He couldn’t keep it in any longer. Jumping in glee, he covers you in sloppy wet kisses. Even if you groaned and tried to get him to stop, he couldn’t. That’s just how happy he was. Jisung absolutely adores you. A lot of the time you will see him admiring you from a distance, if not he’ll even sit by you and just stare. At first you found it weird but you got used to it. That’s how much he loves you. He’ll stick to your side a lot. Minho teases him for being such a clingy dog but he can’t help it. He adores you so much it hurts to be away from you. He has severe separation anxiety. Minho knew immediately the first day when you had gone to work, Jisung looked like he could lie dead any second if he didn’t see you or hear your beautiful voice. Now every time you go out, Minho doesn’t think twice. He goes to him and comforts him, tries to distract him until you come back home. When you do come home, the both of you spend the rest of the night comfortably in each other’s presence.
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Felix is most certainly an orange tabby. Your sister had a female tabby who was in fact Felix’s mom. When she gave birth to a litter of three Felix immediately had gotten attached to you. It had gotten to a point where he would neglect his mom, siblings and your sister to just be with you. Once when you had to go home, he had escaped and managed to get in your car. It wasn’t until you got the the first stop light where you heard the soft meow come from him. Squealing as you turn around and we’re met with his small self. Tilting his head as if to say he had no idea why you were so shocked to see him. You made a u-turn and had to bring him back, even though you didn’t want to but you knew it was for the best. Besides, Felix wasn’t yours and your sister seemed pretty attached to the cats as well. When coming back, your sister let out a breath she was holding in. Relieved, but seeing you hold Felix softly and carefully in your hands, she just knew how much the bond you and Felix made was a lot stronger than she could ever make with him. Your sister decided it was best if you kept Felix so you agreed without hesitation.
For over three years now you two have grown closer than ever. You know him like the back of your hand and so does he. He knows your every move, your routine, your thoughts. How you’re feeling, everything. He’s always prepared. He seems to know exactly how to cheer you up and keep you company. One thing that he doesn’t like, is the constant smell of other animals on you. Since you work at a veterinary clinic, you deal with all sorts of animals. So when you come home and he smells all the animals, he immediately rushes to you to scent you all over again. Wanting his and only his smell on you. When you get stressed, Felix knows to give you space so he usually naps on the couch until you cool down. But if he sees you’re about close to break down, he immediately rushes to your side. Running his soft small head to your hand, he loves being engulfed in your arms. Running his head in your chest as you pepper him in kisses and hold him close to you. Falls asleep in your arms, gets real whiny when you let go though. Over all, loves you so much that he hates just the mere thought of ever seeing you cry.
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This baby is most certainly a brown Labradoodle. It all started when you were at the carnival your city has every year. Seungmin’s pals (Jisung, Chan & Changbin) already have owners. Since they’re all pretty protective of their human, they had gotten out of their homes to spy on their humans to make sure they were not in trouble. Since no dogs are allowed, they walked to the sides and crawled under the trailers. Eating any of the corn dogs/sausages people dropped on the floor. Seungmin didn’t have an owner. In fact, all four of them were strays at one point. The three of them had found a home & Seungmin was the only one left. It’s not that he wasn’t desirable, believe me so many families/people wanted to adopt him at the foster home they were brought to when getting caught by the pound, nice woman she made sure the four of them didn’t get put down if not possibly adopted or picked up. But Seungmin always refused. He just liked being a stray dog. A lone wolf. Anytime they would adopt him, he would give them so much trouble to the point where they would come back and return him. It’s been two years and it’s still been that way. The boys still come out to see him. After a while, Seungmin had left the foster house and just wanted to live on his own. Maybe even leave the city for a while and see what’s out there. But that idea was cut short when the boys had convinced him to come with them to spy on their humans. He couldn’t help but roll his eyes as they coo’ed at the laughs their humans made. Conversing as they waited in line to get on a ride.
Looking around, he saw all the different people there having fun. Well all except you. You see, you weren’t exactly in a healthy friend group. You were in a group of three and the two other girls seemed to have kept you out of everything. You were standing behind them as they talked as if you weren’t even there. The ride could only let two people on at a time and when it got to your guys turn, you just now realized it and had to get out of the line given that you had no one to ride with. “Sorry” your toxic friends said nonchalantly as they got on. You crossed your arms as you nodded at them. A way to say ‘it’s alright’ even though you didn’t feel alright. You trailed behind them most of the time there and they hadn’t even realized you were there. You felt like a ghost. So you left, not like they cared. You went to buy a hotdog and sat down at the benches they had for people to sit and eat. As the boys were going to leave to go under another trailer and follow their owner’s Seungmin stayed behind. He felt...bad. Which is unusual for him since he usually doesn’t care for humans at all. “Seungmin?” Chan says, “huh?” “You coming?” “Oh yeah.” As they walk off, Seungmin did as well but in the other direction. When getting closer the frown on you only gotten bigger. God, how he hated seeing that frown on you. Walking under the table he poked his head out. Never once has he acted cute but I guess there’s a first time for everything huh? “Oh hey there. Aw are you hungry?” Letting out a soft bark, you share your hotdog with him as Seungmin happily eats the other half you gave him. You rub his head softly, your fingers feeling nice on his head. You felt bad that you had to leave him but you didn’t even realize he was following you until you got out of the carnival. The boys didn’t understand what Seungmin was doing until they saw you. Hope started rising in them. Hope that you would give him a home just like their humans did to them. Since your friends gave you a ride, you had to walk home. Luckily it was only a few blocks away but still you didn’t like walking alone. Hearing the constant click on the cement knowing it wasn’t you, you look behind you and see the brown Labradoodle. A bright smile plastered on your face. He didn’t know what he was doing nor what came over him but as soon as he saw that smile on your face he knew it was his duty to continue putting more smiles on your face. 3 months as passed by and you cut your toxic friends out of your life. With the help of Seungmin of course. He kept barking and growling at them every time they got near you. His black collar with gold writing of his name around his neck. His matted hair now freshly cut and combed. He smells like vanilla and he has a decent sized home with a large bed just for him, (even though he sleeps on your bed. You don’t like that his fur gets on your bed but he still sleeps on it without you knowing) Min absolutely hates seeing you stressed &/or upset. He usually gives you space until he knows you’re ready for cuddles. Then that’s when he slowly crawls his way to you and nuzzles his head under your arm for you to hug him. What a surprise you had when you opened the door one morning and saw three dogs sitting in front of your porch. Barking behind you, looking back and there was Min. Tail wagging as his tongue sticked out. You couldn’t understand what they were saying but it was clear as day that the boys were congratulating Min for finally finding a home and a lovely human to care for.
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Now, Jeongin. I see him as a Corgi. You met him at the shelter. You were actually there to adopt a cat since you grew up around them more than dogs and just felt like adopting one that day. As you were walking down the hall and looked at the animals locked up. You felt pity for all of them, oh how you wished you could adopt them all. As you walked by, Jeongin caught sight of you. His tail started thumping on the floor as his head peaked out a bit to get a better look at you. ‘Wow’ he thought. He frowned when he saw you crouch down and start petting a kitty. Scoffing, ‘that should be me’ Jeongin thought. “That should be me” Jeongin says. Obviously to himself. His barks starts to get louder to the point where he started causing a scene. The man who was showing you the variety of cats huffs as he apologizes to you. Walking over as he yells at Jeongin to be quiet. Jeongin lowers his head as he gives up. You on the other hand caught a glimpse at him and wanted to get a better look at him. Walking away from the cats, you approached the man. As he goes to apologize for the inconvenience, you crouch down. Making noises to grab Jeongin’s attention. His head perks up as he sees your beautiful self right in front of him. Getting up immediately as he rushes over to you. Damn door getting in the way of you two. His small tail wagged as his short legs tried to touch you. Wanting to do nothing more but be in your arms. Oh how much he wanted you to chose him. For a while there you were petting him. Keeping him entertained as he kept you entertained as well. In the end, you knew he had to come home with you. He felt sad when you walked off and thought ‘That’s it? No goodbyes?’ But his life was complete the second he saw that same man start to unlock the door with you behind him. Rushing over to your legs as he circled around you. Jumping on your legs as a way to tell you, ‘carry me’ It’s been three weeks since you adopted Jeongin and things couldn’t get better. He still has to adjust the new area. Seeing that he’s gotten used to the same four walls keeping him entrapped. He didn’t know how much space there was in the world. Oh and the car rides, 1000/10. Gets very grumpy when you don’t take him with you for any errands to be made. Still gets a bit confused when you tell him bad dog for peeing in the house. But if not peeing inside means that you remain content then he’ll gladly give that up. He growls softly at you when you tease him for his little legs. The trouble he has when jumping on the couch or bed. Thankfully you bought him small stairs making it easier for him to get on. The boy loves you dearly seriously. He starts howling when you take too long in the bathroom because he’s easily bored. And if you’re watching tv and he doesn’t find it interesting, he pushes your leg with his paw. Urging you the change the channel until he’s satisfied. Overall, loves you so much and your 540/10 best human to him.
(So sorry Felix’s was a bit shorter than the rest I couldn’t think of other ways to keep his as long as the others!)
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rotshop · 3 years
hiii welcome to I Just Fucking Remembered I'm Allowed To Just Write Hcs
today i bring you a meal (it is not poisoned you can trust me /threat)
anywayyy dogboy sheriff / catperson s/o hcs fuck yeahhahahahefffvhrefvg
-You two get on each other's nerves all the time, like you've just been like this for forever now. At first it was just like a little occasional jab and now u both are constantly challenging each other to stupid little things and having to haul the other's ass around after they get their shit kicked in (usually its you dragging sheriff around but shhh)
-admittedly though he was curious abt u the first time he saw you but he just. didn't say anything because he didn't really?? know how to properly do so???
-you two are both stubborn as shit you will be like. curled up on the couch and then you'll see him walk over to come sit down so you'll stretch and just. take up all the space just to spite him. "Is something wrong????? is there an issue??? what do you want." (9/10 it ends with him either dragging you up off the couch -which has led to you accidentally shredding it before because you dug your claws in to fight back- or him just sitting on your legs)
-DESPITE THAT THO,,,he's almost always hanging around you, he isn't sure why he just likes being around you. you'll be working on something or reading and he'll just walk over and rest his head on your shoulder while he watches / reads along with you. (you've pushed his head away several times and told him to stop drooling all over you -for the record, he wasnt- which lead to him licking the side of your face just to spite you which lead to you two roughhousing. dw he's still careful though it's just playfighting)
-because of your feline nature you can be a little more affectionate whenever you're in the mood to be. typically you'll just either kind of. grab his hand and sort of make him pet you or if he's in his room you'll go find him and lay down with him. (at first he was confused but over time he really enjoys it. it's just kind of a reflex of his now to pet you whenever you come in and curl up against him. also you started like. kneading on him or a blanket one time and he almost cried. thinks its cute as hell but he wont say it)
-he kind of does the same thing to you but most times it's because he wants you to talk to him or something. he'll just walk in and either just kind of. awkwardly stand or sit around or he'll lay his head on your lap or something. keeps sighing really loudly until you pay attention to him lmao
-you try and knock shit over but he's always too fast to catch it. also leads to you two either playfighting or challenging the other to something to see who has faster reflexes or something
-whenever you two get together he just holds your hand a lot, its SO obvious he's liked you for like. forever though since EVERY TIME someone mentions your name or he sees you his tail starts wagging and he visibly perks up, also there was one specific time you had to leave for a mission that ended up taking forever and he was like dead weight the entire time you were gone. that r/ambien post that's just 'my wwwiwfie wife is visiting her mom and i miss her' post but its him abt u. when you got back he literally ran up to yu and picked you up, did not put you down (unless you ask him to)
-he barked at you one time because you snuck up on him late at night and you never let him live it down. he's SO mad he can't retaliate because whenever you meow at him or purr he just thinks its cute so he cant make fun of you for it >:/
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oooooooooohh nooo thats so cute :(((( what u said abt young eden is so true omgg. they r also def the type of kid that brings stray cats n dogs 2 their home. so evrytime the orphanage carataker hears a meowing or barking inside they r like "gdi eden not AGAIN!!" but it wouldnt stop them lol. they r the type that r immune to scolding. after finishing wth being scolded theyll go back 2 do exactly what they r told not 2 do. oh n also they enjoy rough playing. so on top of being covered in dirt or mud, theyll always have bruises n scratches from getting into fights or just from falling or running around. also they have a habit of like, suddenly disappearing (maybe 2 the forest which makes them hard 2 track).
and lol ye i saw it, it made me go hmmm, a true missed opportunity. eden wouldnt let the chance pass. im manifesting a future update where we could give them oral spiderman style 🙏
a bit off topic but i was wondering if u have any ideas or hcs about eden n baileys relationship/friendship?? idk. eden being slightly aggressive n mad at u after they rescue(???) u from bailey when u miss ur payment kinda throw me off ngl. bc they dont act that way when they rescue you from remys farm or the asylum. like, wtf is going on??? idk. its a bit of head scratcher for me.
Ooooo boy Eden and Bailey's past is something I often think about.
Under a cut for sheer length
Okay so I think they are about the same age (late 20s to early 40s) and that they grew up in the orphanage together.
I think Eden was there since very young/birth, but Bailey came later.
Eden not having sole primary care takers fucked up their socialising skills and they felt more comfortable on their own (read:fear of abandonment).
Bailey I think came from a really abusive impoverished home, and thats what made them obsessed with money. They have a weird vendetta against their birth parents to be 'better' than them.
Eden had a stray dog they cared for, but one day when they were running through the forest, a wolf got at it. Hence their 'non of these would survive in the wild' line at the pet store, and their obvious interest in puppy play.
After that, Eden started to shut off even more, being aggressive with the other kids, until Bailey started hanging out with them.
Bailey was angry to be in an orphanage and could see that Eden obviously wasn't happy, so they sort of gravitated towards each other.
Bailey was also the only other kid that didn't cry when Eden hit them.
They're the only two people that know each other's birthdays, besides anyone who looks at their very real legal documents.
As they hit puberty and start growing, they get competitive. Both are rather controlling, so they make a ton of bets against each other. One of them being who can lose their virginity the fastest.
Eden is rather blunt at asking, scaring a lot of the potential partners off, while Bailey is smoother about it and of course wins the bet.
Some fellow orphans start going missing, making everyone uneasy.
This is also when they start noticing the rampant sexual assualt in town, travelling as two most of the time so they can fight people off easier, if needs be.
Terrible at school. Eden was great at English, decent at history, but good luck making them show up half of the time. Eden had a talent for art, however, particularly carvings.
Bailey was there to socialise and steal lunch money, but they had okay grades.
If this is set in England, they would have gone to a secondary school with a sixth form. This means ages 11-18 as students, and I hc that when they were in year 7 (1st year of secondary) Leighton was in sixth form (years 12 and 13). They did not get along for the brief time they would meet in the halls.
I also think Eden would have dropped out in year 11, at age 16, and probably had an apprenticeship with a woodworking company (explains making the coat rack and love seat).
Bailey starts getting into more and more criminal activities, dragging Eden into them too, until a local crime boss notices them. The boss takes Bailey under their wing, thinking Eden won't be right for the job.
Instead they ask Eden to get a job at the police station and help them get further footholds there, that's how Eden has all of those collars (inspired by that one anon), and possibly their rifle. Alternatively, Eden leaves for the military and comes back later.
It works, and they end up covering a lot of their tracks. It's probably around this point that Landry does a few smaller jobs around the place and starts hearing about the Boss' new protégé.
They both have money now, for the first time in there lives, and this is when their differences start to show.
Bailey wants more and more, where as Eden wants to be comfortable.
Bailey fits into the mobster life fairly easily, but instead of the drugs that a lot of the others peddle, Bailey specialises in extortion and blackmail.
They slowly end up getting quite a few powerful figures under their control, and when the boss dies and Bailey ends up in charge of the money? They buy the orphanage.
I think Bailey might have cared for the orphans at one point, in their own ways, but their greed got the better of them.
Working under the mob and the corrupt police has Eden start to hate and fear the town. The only place they felt safer was the forest - which was full of deadly animals. But Eden could protect themselves now.
Being tall and muscular means that Eden is often sent to intimidate or even physically hurt people, often times getting hurt as well. Not to mention when arresting people, some are rather adverse to going to jail and take stabs at them.
If I go with Eden joining the military, they come home hoping to have a familiar setting calm their nerves, but it doesn't. Working for Bailey to earn money also doesn't help, one job having them break into the police station and setting fire to their files (that's another way Eden could find the collars, think of their old dog, and take them in nostalgia).
Eden cracks when they're asked to kill someone off, only to realise its a kid. That's too far.
They go to Bailey and tell them they're done. They need an out, they're fucking miserable, barely sleeping, constantly anxious, and Bailey tries to convince them to stay at first, before realising that they could lose their best friend once and for all if they force them to stay.
So they start planning together what Eden should do, and eventually come up with the cabin. Bailey has Quinn/their predecessor in their pocket by this point, so some cash and threats have some builders help make it, including running water.
When in town, Eden supplies Bailey with animal furs for custom coats. Bailey gets Eden new books, cans of food, more bullets. And if you miss your payment, Bailey eventually gifts Eden with a spouse.
Eden gets angry if they 'rescue' you from Bailey cause its a reminder of the past they try to avoid, and they take it out on you. Of the fear they had as a young orphan of disappearing, something Bailey is now enforcing on more orphans. They take it out on you because violence has always been a way they've coped.
Occasionally, maybe on one of those birthdays, they sit at the lake and drink some whiskey together. They don't talk about their feelings, they're both too stunted for that. But it's comforting knowing each other is still alive and well.
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silenceofthecookies · 4 years
Hiya Cookie! UwU I have a non-One Piece HC idea, as per ur newly updated rules UwU. I have been reading the BNHA manga as you know so now my heart is very UwU for those characters. Could I mayhaps ask for Shoto, Eiji and maybe Keigo with an S/O (F/GN, up to you) who volunteers at a shelter and drags the bois along for an afternoon? 😇 very fluff! Many a thank and soft hugz for u!
Hazeeelll ❤ I swear, you always come up with the cutest request ideas. Just writing these gave me serotonin. I hope they do the same for you reading them! I went with GN reader. Many hugs and kithes for you! ❤
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Shoto’s very curious about volunteering with you. He knows you’ve been doing it for a while and you’ve told him a lot about it. He isn’t sure if he’ll be of any use, since he doesn’t know about animals at all, but he’ll try.
He’s pretty awkward with dogs and most of them just bark at him, which confuses him a little. Do they see him as a threat? The dogs are used to you and much prefer you, since they know how excited you are to see them, and they’re equally excited. The cats flock him though. More specifically his left side. He has some trouble getting them to leave him alone, so it’s best to leave the cats to him.
He doesn’t mind cleaning litterboxes or brushing them. The brushing doesn’t go too well though, because he’s being way too gentle and is mostly just stroking their fur with the brush. It’s a cute sight though. Once you tell him how to do it properly, he’ll ask if that doesn’t hurt the cats. Only after confirmation that it doesn’t will he do it. It does earn him a few scratches from the cats who don’t like brushing though, so you may want to disinfect those for him.
Seeing Shoto play with the cats is possibly one of the cutest things ever. He’ll move the toy around, unaware of the small smile on his face as he is watching the small fluffy creature chase it. He’s so focussed that he won’t even notice if you snap a few pictures.
Shoto’s complete attention is on the cats. He learns that day that he’s quite fond of them and he may even suggest adopting one or two to you. He thinks they’re cute and soft, and the calm ones make for great company.
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Eijiro is super excited to go with you. He loves animals and he loves you, so what better way to spend the afternoon than with both? He knows a little about animals, though he’ll still be counting on you to show him what to do, since he never volunteered before.
Eijirou is pretty good with both cats and dogs, but he prefers dogs himself. He’s a great help with brushing the cats, since he can harden his arms so he won’t get any scratches from the cats who don’t like brushing.
His favourite things about helping you is walking and playing with the dogs though. He loves running around with them, burning their energy quickly during walks. Playing tug of war and fetch with them is something that he loves at well. Seeing the dogs come running back to him with the ball in their mouths, having them drop the ball at his feet and look up at him, tails wagging,… it brings a big smile to his face.
He likes playing with the cats too, but they aren’t too fond of him. Mostly because he’s rather loud, and these lazy bastards want some peace and quiet. He does manage to befriend some of the younger cats by playing, most the majority of the cats in the shelter are older and just want pets and naps.
Eijiro would love to adopt a dog, but he isn’t too confident he can take proper care of the animal as a student or a pro hero. He knows a lot of time goes into these animals, and he doesn’t want to adopt one just to neglect it. If you mention you want one as well though, it doesn’t take much to persuade him to adopt one together when the time comes.
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Keigo gladly goes along with you to volunteer. It’s a cute date idea, and it’s good for PR as well. He’ll also gladly take any excuse to spend more time with you, which is his biggest motivation to go. He’s often caught up in his hero work, and he feels bad for not being able to spend enough time with you, so he’ll jump at any opportunity.
Keigo is a wizard with animals. They all love him, and though he doesn’t know much about taking care of animals, he’s a quick learner. Dogs sit down on front of him and demand attention, and cats curl around his legs and meow up at him.
The only thing he has to watch out for is his wings. Mostly cats, but also some dogs, love his feathers and want to play with it. Cats even like to jump into them. It doesn’t really hurt him, and the might even use his feathers to play with them, but he needs to be way he doesn’t have any stowaways when he leaves their rooms.
Keigo is not afraid to get his hands dirty. Cleaning litterboxes, scooping dog poop, brushing the animals,… it doesn’t matter, he’ll do it without complaining. Mostly he’s making jokes about it. He actually enjoys brushing the animals, he thinks it’s relaxing.
Whenever you give an animal a bit too much attention to his liking, he will demand your attention as well. He’s not really jealous of these animals or that’s what he tells himself but he loves seeing your face when he pretends to. And really, any excuse to get attention from you is a good excuse.
If you suggest adopting one of the little animals, Keigo will seriously think about it. He’d prefer a cat since they’re more independent, but he also knows that will mess with his plumage. Dogs are fine by him as well, they can protect you in his stead when he’s out.
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