#Volturi History
volterran-wine · 2 years
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𝟑/ ∞ 𝐕𝐨𝐥𝐭𝐮𝐫𝐢 𝐇𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐨𝐫𝐲 ― The Volturi-Romanian War In the year 387 AD The Volturi initiates the war that would change the course of vampiric history for over a thousand years. Prior to the war the two covens had taken to spying on one another, until one faithful morning when a small group of Volturi guards took out two vanguards stationed close to Volaterrae; a declaration of war followed soon after. Three major battles took place over the course of a century, with skirmishes common throughout Europe and parts of Asia as often as every week. What turned the tides were The Volturi’s focus on a predominantly gifted guard with well trained non-gifted guards to cover potential weaknesses. Compared to the modern day roster, only Felix, Corin and Chelsea remain in the guard to tell the tale of the battles won. While Aro & Sulpicia took the role of strategic counsel, it was Caius, Marcus and Athenodora who led the the guards to victory on the battlefield. The war came to an end in 492 AD, with losses on both sides and The Volturi emerging victorious. A new golden age was ushered in under Volturi Law.
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nebulousfishgills · 1 year
Alright, I went a little nuts. Watcher Screenshots as Twilight Characters
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venusofvolterra · 1 year
If I ever join the Volturi the first thing I’m showing those walking artifacts is epic rap battles of history in hopes that it gives them an aneurysm and I can usurp the throne.
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therealvinelle · 1 year
I wonder, do you think Caius comes from Sparta ? It would surely explain why he's so strict with the discipline. Aro and Marucs for example I always imagined as being from Athens
They're older than either of those cities (well, Sparta is a bit of a gray area since not much is known about Sparta's early history but they certainly predate the Sparta we remember), and were already several centuries old by the time the Greek dark ages were over and the Ancient Greece history has remembered blossomed.
I headcanon Aro as being from a sparsely populated island for whatever reason, but the Mycenaean era being what it is (not well known and more to the point, not something I know much about) I couldn't say anything specific.
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felixschokehold · 1 year
🩸Felix Volturi headcanons🩸
1/?: His History
he lived his life as a soldier of Sparta in Greece, an eternally remembered soldier with some marble statues made of him; this is where his gift of combat comes from
Felix loved his mother and was taking care of her after his father died from disease; he was an only child, and took it upon himself to retire for his mother until they found a proper caregiver for her
he was devoted to his family and his country, especially his village and was a renowned hero
he gave up the love of his life to care for his mother; the young woman had given him an ultimatum, and he could not find a good reason to abandon his mother (perhaps he was a mamas boy)
his mother was Greek, but his father was Roman which is why he was given a Latin-based name
Aro had heard the tales of a strong soldier who had never lost a battle and approached Felix twice, being rejected both times so he turned Felix in the middle of the night one night; Felix was 32 when he was turned
during his transformation, he ran from his home in fear of killing his entire village, he ran so far he made it to the forest and spent several days there as he turned
it took him longer to turn because of his size
after turning, he fed on the local animal population and went back home where he found his village burning to the ground, his mother the only human survivor
he held his mother in his arms as she died, resisting the instinct to feed on her
he has no memory of meeting Aro in his human life, his first memory of Aro after he turned was when Aro "randomly" was passing by and saw what had happened to the village, thus taking Felix in as a member of his coven
Felix, never wanting to think of or see his village again, has never returned to Greece and has no plan to, ever; miraculously, he is one of the few members of the Volturi who do not need to use Corin's gift to feel a sense of complacency as his mother's death fuels him to forever be the cruel, frightening guard he is
if he is ever freed from the Volturi (explanation here), and he happens to go back home to his village, he would find the village rebuilt into a beautiful, thriving small town and in the middle of town there is a marble statue of him holding his mother, Hero in Despair, created by an unknown witness who saw what had happened
his village was named after his mother; Eos, meaning "dawn", and they hold a yearly festival in memory of her
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i want felix to break my back both metaphorically (sexually) and literally (my back hurts pls end me)
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elliedearest · 9 months
It's crazy that all it took was Bella wanting to keep her demon baby (who no one originally wanted) for it to give the Volturi an excuse to try to end the family.
Bella, in general, was a risk to the family, but if she would have just turned when James bit her, the Volturi might not have known or cared for her if she was just another vampire.
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dudefrommywesterns · 2 years
i think the funniest part of our relationship would be my s/i trying not to make old man jokes at caius's expense. while he certainly doesn't look old, it's hard not to find a man who can casually mention ancient greece funny.
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jessicanjpa · 2 years
So it turns out Volterra IS just a couple of miles off the Via Francigena.
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bubblemcshmuggel · 2 years
Request are open to everyone sooo. If you want a story done I am available
Smut- depends if you want it.
Fluff- I will love to write one of these
Characters- make sure to put a gif.
Bdsm- I up for it
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volterran-wine · 2 years
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𝟏/ ∞ 𝐕𝐨𝐥𝐭𝐮𝐫𝐢 𝐇𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐨𝐫𝐲 ― The War against The Children of The Moon. Caius hunted the werewolves for hundreds of years, a man obsessed with his thirst for violence, torture and death; one he was unable to quench. Perhaps it had been the moirai who had spun their threads and guided him to a new purpose in death, the brutal king would never dwell on it for long ― for the high of victory clouded his senses until the world was stained with the blood of the moon’s children. 
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venusofvolterra · 1 year
Do you think Felix would love curvy women or girl who look like bella since he flirted with her multiple times and tried to call dibs on her
//CW: We are discussing historical views of sex/sexuality/beauty standards. Be warned there is some incredibly uncomfortable topics touched on briefly -- many of which involve consent that is dubious at best.
First things first: we are operating purely in HC territory
First, let's establish that we have exactly nothing as far as a canon backstory for Felix is concerned, we just know that he is really old.
Reasonably, based on Felix's unknown but incredibly old age, his rank in the Volturi despite lacking a gift, his physique and height, and his role as an executioner, enforcer, and strategist; many have headcannoned him to have been a Roman gladiator or soldier in his human life.
The historical context that may have influenced Felix’s preferences
I have discussed before how I do think a Vampire’s human life may have some influence on their preferences concerning physical attractiveness.
Without knowing exactly when/where in Rome Felix was born, it is impossible to pinpoint the exact beauty standards he would have been conditioned into appreciating. 
That being said, it is a common misconception that Romans were largely interested in curvier women. This was definitely a much more prominent beauty standard in ancient Greece. In Rome, a particular physique was not as emphasized as other standards of beauty were and the appreciation of curves varied in different places and times. Other beauty standards were generally more emphasized. For example, paleness, smelling nice, and generally speaking: athleticism was appreciated amongst Roman women. 
Here is a more extensive article on Roman beauty standards if you’re interested.
It is very common that in one way or another, most people’s preferences somewhat differ from those that are popular. This is for a plethora of reasons, however, much like today, it was very difficult for women who were not rich or nobility to fully attain these standards. 
As far as how much Felix’s own preferences matched these standards? Frankly, if he was a gladiator in his human life, that would not have mattered.
As a gladiator, Felix would have been a slave with no actual bodily autonomy.
That being said gladiators did have sex, however, they definitely couldn’t be as choosey as say, a free nobleman. Most of his sexual encounters would have either been with prostitutes that would have been paid for by his keepers or with female slaves (who were often forced to participate by their owners). 
Some scholarship even suggests that certain gladiators themselves were sex trafficked, and if this was the case, it was likely the strongest, most successful, or famous ones. Which is along the lines of how people headcanon Felix. I’ll leave it at that.
And Frankly, I don’t want to get into Felix’s potential exploits if he had been a soldier *cough cough* pederasty *cough cough*
Okay so let’s inch closer to twilight canon: we know he was probably there for the Volturi golden age in the Renaissance
As far as a time period that I think would have had an immense impact on Felix’s sexual preferences in which he was probably the most sexually liberated and autonomous he’s ever been? The Italian Renaissance bay-by!
From the context clues you can reasonably gather the Volturi and Volterra particularly thrived during the Renaissance and on into the Enlightenment.
Italy’s city-states were massive cultural centers.I can imagine that this is where the Volturi’s appreciation for the arts and sciences was reignited – much like how it was in actual history, this return to ancient heritage reignited these in Italy generally. World maps from the renaissance even place the Mediterranean as the exact center of the world. Even though the Volturi kept themselves a secret in the time, I do believe this would have been something of a golden age for them. The architecture of Volterra even suggests this and so does their rather Machiavellian style of rulership (Caius read The Prince and quotes it to win arguments with Aro now). 
As far as renaissance beauty standards are concerned, we do have many more exact depictions and articulations of what was prized. Things like curves, long, flowing hair, and dark brown eyes were preferred. 
Think of the works of Botticelli for example. 
On Bella and these standards
Other than being bigger, Bella does fit some of these beauty standards, so I don’t think it’s entirely fair to discount her being attractive to Felix if we’re assuming that Roman and Italian Renaissance standards played a role in his personal preferences. Bella still has long, beautiful hair, dark brown eyes, pale skin, and soft features.
But also, immortality and general worldliness
I do also find it difficult to believe that when one’s as old, worldly, and couth as members of the Volturi are portrayed as being that one maintains a myopic view of physical beauty. 
Now, this gets really nerdy but at that time (Renaissance into Enlightenment), contemplating and questioning beauty as a concept was very popular amongst the enlightened crowd (you bet Marcus was all over that shit). Even if you don’t think Felix is as interested in art, philosophy, and the sciences as the kings (I do), he was at the very least exposed to them and is decently well-versed in them. What well-off renaissance man wouldn’t have been?
Also, Vampires are on average significantly hotter than the average person. Which means regardless, Felix has met beautiful vampires from all walks of life, people he would maybe not have considered beautiful before meeting them. To put it simply: when you have access to the worlds hottest people, how much more picky are you really gonna be?
I also think that generally speaking, Felix probably isn’t all that interested in sexual relationships with humans unless under very specific circumstances. 
This all means two things: Felix’s dating pool is incredibly small and incredibly hot. 
Why he really flirts with Bella 
If I’m being honest, I think the reason Felix flirts with Bella is likely the same reason he winks at the secretary – because he can. 
It’s probably particularly gratifying to goad Edward by doing this. 
He’s the biggest, strongest person in the room and has a very high status in polite vampire society – what’s Edward really gonna do if he flirts with Bella? 
I think also with SMeyer it’s entirely possible that she was like “hot evil Italian vampires? Gotta make them flirty.”
The Volturi and sex on the job
This also brings me to one more point I wanna make: I don’t think the guard actually sleeps around as much as many others do, so Felix talks a big game for fun but doesn’t typically act on it. So who he’s flirting with isn’t a precise indication of who he’s attracted to.
There’s a few reasons for this but this post is already getting incredibly long. So to make it quick: Aro likes to maintain a professional standard, which means nothing that can be construed as coercive or an abuse of power is allowed – a standard which Felix has clearly maintained for over two millennia
TLDR; While examining the evolution of his preferences is fascinating, I don’t think Felix has many body type preferences and mostly flirts with Bella to be an ass. At the end of the day he’s a professional so sleeping around with secretaries and other vampires without rhyme and reason, potentially risking the wrath of the kings, probably isn’t something he’s doing. 
PS. In looking at it again, it seems like when he calls dibs on her it’s to kill her. Nonetheless, he does get to flirting with her — mostly after she’s turned tho.
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mochikofi · 11 months
Twilight Personal Favorites!
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𑁍 masterlists
Twilight masterlist - @americancowgirl19
Twilight masterlist - @cherryglossie
Twilight masterlist - (ineedmorefanfics2)
Twilight masterlist - (kimi240302)
𑁍 series
Daylight - Demetri Voltur - (kimi240302)
Wildest Dreams - Paul Lahote - (atlas-of-a-human-soul)
𑁍 Oneshots/headcannons
Period - Volturi's - Oneshot - (loveswrites)
Uno - Volturi's - Oneshot - (loveswrites)
Time - Volturi's - Oneshot - (loveswrites)
Child. - Volturi's - Headcannon - (volturissideslut)
Spills and corset. - Volturi's - Oneshot - (
The tracker, the fighter, the witch - Volturis - headcannon - (averagewriter-inthedark)
Volturi Kings/Poly - headcannon - (volturissideslut)
Sister - Queen - Volturi Kings - twoshot(?) - (americancowgirl19)
Who's the dad? - Volturi Kings - Oneshot - (the-dawn-star)
All the glitters. - Volturi Kings - Headcannon - (the-volturi-diaries)
Mate - Volturi Kings - headcannon - (twilightfansofcolor)
Bunny - Volturi Kings - Oneshot - (grampstaxidermy87)
Foursome - Volturi Kings - Oneshot - (cherryglossie)
Headcannon - Volturi Kings - (imaginingmanyfandoms)
Wooing - Volturi Kings - Oneshot - (mx-pastelwriting)
First time in bed - Volturi Kings - Headcannon - (mx-pastelwriting)
Worm - Volturi Kings - Oneshot - (demetris-cocksleeve)
Morning - Volturi Kings - Headcannon - (mx-pastelwriting)
Bisexual - Volturi Kings - Headcannon - (the-dawn-star)
Wives - Volturi Kings - Headcannon - (the-dawn-star)
Childish - Volturi Kings - Headcannons - (the-dawn-star)
Childish - Volturi Kings - Headcannons - (twilightt-fantasy)
Hit-On - Volturi Kings - Oneshot - (twilightt-fantasy)
Poly - Volturi Kings - Headcannons - (twilightt-fantasy)
Burn - Volturi Kings - Oneshot - (twilightt-fantasy)
Midnight snacks - Volturi Kings - Headcannons - (Twilightt-fantasy)
Big boobies - Volturi Kings - Headcannon - (cherryglossie)
Size - Volturi Kings - Headcannon - (cherryglossie)
The princess & the king - Aro Volturi - Headcannon - (averagewriter-inthedark)
Human mate - Caius Volturi - headcannon - (carlisles-girl)
Love of a cruel king - Caius Volturi - Oneshot - (kimi240302)
Similar - Marcus Volturi - Headcannon - (volturissideslut)
Naked - Volturi Guards - Headcannon - (imaginingmanyfandoms)
Our forever - Alec Volturi - Oneshot - (kimi240302)
Little things - Cullen Family - Oneshot - (the-twilight-diaries)
Period - Cullen Family - Headcannon - (creelmalfoylaufeyson69)
Flirt - Cullen Family - Headcannon - (charliedawn)
Nails - Cullen men - headcannons - (long-lost-cullen)
Coven mate - Cullen Family - Oneshot - (Congratzams)
Tomorrow - Cullen Family - Oneshot - (loveswrites)
Chaotic - Cullen Family - Headcannon - (carlisles-girl)
Okay and? - Cullen Family - Headcannon - (carlisles-girl)
Sick - Cullen Family - Oneshot - (loveswrites)
Too much - Carlisle cullen - Oneshot - (zmxchs)
Ludicrous - Carlisle Cullen - Oneshot - (velvetcloxds)
Sir - Carlisle Cullen - oneshot - (little-diable)
Shy - Carlisle Cullen - headcannon - (witchthewriter)
Clumsy - Carlisle Cullen - Oneshot - (homeofthelonelywriter)
Art history - Carlisle Cullen - Oneshot - (highwayorgantrade)
Perfection - Carlisle Cullen - Oneshot (specialagentlokitty)
I've got you - Carlisle Cullen - Oneshot - (marvelouswriter)
Hush now - Carlisle Cullen - oneshot - (little-diable)
Nsfw alphabet - Carlisle Cullen - (heyyyitsgrey)
Lies washed away by the pouring rain - Carslisle Cullen/Jasper Hale - oneshot - (little-diable)
Yandere cullen brothers - headcannon - (angelsworks)
Birthday! - alice cullen - Oneshot - (another-fantasy-world)
Sub - Alice Cullen - headcannon - (fairydxll)
Dating jasper - Headcannon - (kaylawritesfics)
Regrets - Jasper Hale - Oneshot - (undercoveravenger)
Crush - Jasper Hale - Headcannon - (slytherbun)
Honesty hours - Jasper Hale - Oneshot - (highwayorgantrade)
Exchange Student - Jasper Hale - headcannon - (nymphastoriasblog)
Texas - Jasper Hale - Oneshot - (little-diable)
Texas 2.0 - Jasper Hale - Oneshot - (little-diable)
Drops of water - Jasper Hale - Oneshot - (little-diable)
Consequences - Jasper Hale - oneshot - (little-diable)
Primal instinct - Jasper Hale - oneshot - (little-diable)
Break my baby - Jasper Hale - oneshot - (little-diable)
Another one - Jasper Hale - Oneshot - (little-diable)
Trust and lust - Jasper Hale - Oneshot - (joelsgeetar)
Figure it out - Jasper Hale - Oneshot - (k1nd4g4y)
Darlin, i adore you. - Jasper Hale - Oneshot - (joelsgeetar)
Cold. - Jasper Hale - Oneshot - (joelsgeetar)
Tell me all the ways to stay away - Jasper Hale - Oneshot - (joelsgeetar)
Insomnia - Jasper Hale - Oneshot - (junkdrawerfics)
Simple moments - Jasper Hale - Oneshot - (junkdrawerfics)
Crushing - Jasper Hale - Headcannon - (wintervalewriter)
Accident - Jasper Hale - Oneshot - (joelsgeetar)
Headcannon - Jasper Hale - (buckybarnesb-tch)
Awkward - Jasper Hale - Oneshot - (the-twilight-diaries)
Stand up challenge - Jasper Hale - Oneshot - (mychemicalimagines)
Polar opposites - Jasper Hale - Headcannon (americancowgirl19)
Innocent - Jasper Hale/Edward Cullen - oneshot - (ameliora-j)
Sharing a mate - Jasper Hale/Emmett - (little-diable)
NSFW alphabet - Jasper Hale - (ineedmorefanfics)
Dream - Edward cullen - Oneshot - (sage-exe)
Chaotic imprint - Wolf Pack - Headcannon - (fatiguing-thoughts)
Being paul lahote's imprint - headcannon - (nymphastoriasblog)
Just leave it to bella - Paul Lahote - Oneshot- (bangtanmix73)
Wolf form - Jacob Black - Headcannon - (qdbs-writes)
Wet clothes - Jacob Black - Oneshot - (t-h-i-n-g)
Secret - Jacob Black - Oneshot - (maladaptive---daydreamer)
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Notes! All of these are not mine, the users of the author is in the "()".
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zapreportsblog · 10 months
Hey babyyyyy,
Can we do some more poly!volturi kings x reader where the reader has a great family bond with the guards? And the kings are so proud like "that's the kind of queen we needed."
This sounds perfect, hope you enjoy it ✨
↳ bonds beyond blood ↲
➘ summary : the three volturi kings are proud that their mate is getting along so well with their top guards
➘ aro x reader x caius x marcus, twilight x reader , volturi x reader
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In the heart of Volterra's ancient citadel, where shadows danced and history whispered through the stones, the Volturi reigned supreme. Aro, the charismatic mastermind; Marcus, the contemplative soul; and Caius, the unyielding enforcer, ruled with an iron grip, their names synonymous with power in the supernatural realm.
But the immortal facade these kings presented to the world belied the intricate web of emotions they harbored for one human: (Y/N), a woman whose presence ignited a transformation within their centuries-old hearts.
The tale began on an unassuming evening, when (Y/N)'s fate collided with that of the Volturi. Lost in the labyrinthine streets of Volterra, she wandered into their world, unaware of the enigma that awaited her. Aro's gifted sight caught the glimpse of a mortal, a fragile soul amidst the immortal world. Intrigued, he beckoned her forward, a single interaction setting in motion a destiny no one could foresee.
As (Y/N) stood before the thrones of the three kings, her heart pounding, she couldn't ignore the inexplicable pull she felt. Aro's penetrating gaze, Marcus' contemplative demeanor, and Caius' unyielding aura seemed to draw her in, weaving a connection she struggled to understand.
The kings' curiosity grew as they observed her, each captivated by the essence she brought to their lives. Aro's laughter became more vibrant, Marcus' rare smiles more frequent, and Caius' stern façade softened in her presence. A silent understanding flowed between them, forging a bond that transcended human limitations.
While (Y/N)'s presence changed the kings, it also ignited an unexpected kinship among their loyal guards. Alec and Jane, the gifted twins who once struck fear into the hearts of enemies, found in (Y/N) a maternal figure they had never experienced. Her warmth and wisdom touched the depths of their immortal hearts, transforming their relationship into one of unwavering trust.
Felix, the formidable protector, discovered an unexpected gentleness in (Y/N), a trait that resonated deeply with his own spirit. Demetri, the master tracker, admired her determination, finding a kindred spirit in her unwavering resolve.
But it was Alec and Jane who held the most unique connection with (Y/N). With their childlike appearances frozen in time, they looked to her as a maternal figure they had never known. (Y/N) nurtured them with her wisdom, guided them with her love, and in return, the twins showered her with unwavering loyalty and adoration.
In the shadowed halls of the Volturi castle, an intricate dance of relationships unfolded. Kings and guards, vampire and human, became bound by bonds that defied tradition and expectation. (Y/N) stood at the heart of it all, an unwitting catalyst for change and unity.
As the days turned to nights, and (Y/N)'s presence continued to weave its magic, none could anticipate the challenges that lay ahead. Threats both old and new would test the strength of their bonds, and the very fabric of their existence would be shaken.
But in that moment, as the castle's stone walls whispered secrets of centuries past, the Volturi kings and their beloved human mate reveled in the newfound harmony they had forged. They were yet to understand that this harmony would become their greatest strength in the trials that awaited them.
In the heart of the grand Volturi castle, (Y/N)'s presence continued to illuminate the lives of both kings and guards. The bond she shared with Aro, Marcus, and Caius flourished, growing stronger with each passing day. It was a connection that transcended time, defying the very laws that governed their supernatural existence.
As (Y/N) navigated the intricacies of the immortal world, she found herself drawn into the lives of the twins, Alec and Jane. Their once-uncertain existence had transformed into one filled with warmth and acceptance, all thanks to the woman who looked upon them with the eyes of a guardian. She provided guidance, friendship, and a motherly love they had never experienced.
Alec and Jane, once feared for their devastating abilities, now wielded their powers with control and restraint, a testament to (Y/N)'s patient guidance. They had found in her the stability they needed, a figure of trust they could confide in and look up to.
Felix and Demetri, too, had been touched by (Y/N)'s presence. Felix's exterior, once unyielding, softened in the glow of her compassion. He had found solace in her calming influence, a touchstone of gentleness amid the tumultuous world he inhabited. Demetri, with his unerring tracking skills, marveled at (Y/N)'s strength and resilience. He respected her as an equal, an ally, and a friend.
As days turned to nights and the castle's halls echoed with secrets, (Y/N) embraced her role within the Volturi's inner circle. The kings, once distant figures of power, now confided in her their thoughts and hopes, their fears and aspirations. Their bond with her had opened a door to vulnerability, allowing them to share a side of themselves that had long remained hidden.
However, the tranquility that (Y/N) had brought to the Volturi world would soon be disrupted by shadows that lurked on the horizon. Rumors of a rising force, one that sought to challenge the very foundations of their rule, began to circulate. It was a threat that no one could ignore, and the unity forged among kings, guards, and their human mate would be put to the test.
As tension mounted, the intricate relationships woven within the castle walls would be shaken to their core. Loyalties would be questioned, and the limits of love and friendship would be pushed to their breaking point. The kings and their newfound family, bound by love rather than blood, would have to stand together to face the storm that approached.
And so, as the sun dipped below the horizon and cast long shadows across the ancient city, the Volturi prepared to confront a challenge that would either strengthen their bonds beyond measure or shatter the delicate harmony they had built. (Y/N)'s presence, once an unexpected thread in the fabric of their lives, would prove to be the source of strength that held them together in the face of adversity.
Within the towering walls of the Volturi castle, a sense of anticipation hung in the air. As (Y/N) moved through the grand halls, her steps were now accompanied by an underlying tension. The threat that loomed on the horizon was palpable, casting a shadow over the unity she had helped foster.
The kings, Aro, Marcus, and Caius, convened in their private chamber, their expressions etched with a rare mixture of concern and determination. (Y/N) was there, a steadfast presence amidst their deliberations, a living testament to the bonds they had forged.
Aro's eyes gleamed with his usual curiosity, though there was an edge of worry that betrayed his usual confidence. Marcus, ever the observer, seemed to contemplate the future with a weight that surpassed his years. Caius, the embodiment of authority, clenched his jaw, his resolve unwavering in the face of impending conflict.
Beside them, Alec and Jane stood, their faces a mirror of their guardians'. The twins who had found a maternal figure in (Y/N) were now mature beyond their years, their commitment to the family they had formed unwavering. Felix and Demetri flanked the group, their expressions a mixture of vigilance and readiness, ever prepared to defend those they held dear.
As the kings deliberated, (Y/N)'s gaze shifted to the window, her thoughts a whirlwind of emotions. She had become a part of this intricate tapestry, her life interwoven with those of kings and guards alike. The unity they had cultivated was a source of strength, but it was about to be tested in ways they couldn't predict.
News had reached the Volturi of a faction that sought to challenge their dominion, a group that believed their way of life was threatened by the kings' rule. The realization that their world could be on the brink of upheaval sent ripples of tension through the castle's inhabitants.
With a sense of resolve, Aro turned his gaze toward (Y/N), his voice steady yet tinged with urgency. "My dear (Y/N)," he began, "we are faced with a challenge that demands our unity. The bonds we have formed must not falter in the face of adversity."
Marcus, his usually somber eyes showing a glimmer of determination, continued, "We have faced countless challenges throughout history. Our strength lies in our ability to stand together."
Caius, the embodiment of authority, spoke with a conviction that sent shivers down the spines of all present. "We must protect what we've built, even if it means confronting those who seek to undermine us."
And so, a plan began to take shape, a strategy that relied on the unique strengths of each individual. (Y/N)'s role in this impending conflict was not to be underestimated; her presence had already proven to be a beacon of strength, a source of inspiration for those who fought beside her.
As the sun dipped below the horizon and cast long shadows across the castle walls, a sense of anticipation settled over the Volturi stronghold. Bonds forged through love and shared purpose would soon be put to the test, as the unity of kings, guards, and their human mate stood against the gathering storm.
And as the first drops of rain began to fall, (Y/N) braced herself for the challenges ahead, ready to stand by the side of those she held dear and face whatever trials fate had in store.
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volturissideslut · 7 months
Sometimes it's nice to just be looked after, so heres Marcus being a casual dom
Casual dom Marcus who handfeeds you strawberries while you talk. He just worries if his darling has enough nutrients or not.
Casual dom Marcus who brushes your hair for you before you go to bed. It's become a ritual at this point where he asks you to tell him about your day.
Casual dom Marcus who insists you sit on his throne and stands himself
Casual dom Marcus who helps with your studies. He's been here for 3000 years give or take, and he knows a lot to help you
Casual dom Marcus that takes you outside on nights when you're sad or overthinking. He will point to every star there is and tell you it's history, the stories assigned to it. He'll do it over and over again until you need better
Casual dom Marcus who loves to be of assistance. Let him zip up your dress. He wants to put your earings in for you. He would get down on one knee anytime and anywhere to tie your laces or tighten the strap on your heels
Casual dom Marcus who never let's you cary anything. Be it a box or a handbag, he wants you to hand it over to him
Casual dom Marcus who kisses the crown of your head in passing or when he's busy. He loves you, so please be patient and hell be there in a moment.
Casual dom Marcus who adds you to the family painting of the volturi elite after you so much as glance at it for the first time
Casual dom Marcus who is in heaven when your head is laid on him, and though vampires can't sleep he's at peace so much so that his eyes close for a while
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greycloudsinwinter · 30 days
Yandere Marcus Volturi and female soulmate reader headcanon.
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🦇 he lost his mate which made him loose touch with himself and others .
🦇but him meeting you gave him new meaning . a fresh chance. You weren’t mates but you were something different perhaps it was your eyes or your smile .
🦇meeting you when there was a tour but you had wandered from the group to stare at the paintings decorating the halls. He was enchanted by the way you seemed to enjoy and take in how wonderful some history is.
🦇others you a job which you humbly agree to your task is to clean and take care of everything. And to not ask questions if you find some blood on the floor.
🦇starts to court you by showing you were the secret paintings are and even gifting you a few.
🦇when you are asleep he just stares at you …
🦇desperately wants to change you and once given permission does. It doesn’t matter if you go on a rampage and kill those humans as long as you stay by his side.
🦇once turned keeps you in a room no one knows about but him so no one can hurt you or him.
🦇all your needs are quickly met .
🦇rivals are drained of there blood or burned.
🦇has paintings of mostly you but has a few of you and him together…
🦇obsessive and desperate yandere
🦇he WILL do whatever it takes to keep you safe .
Thank you for this request ❤️❤️
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