#Tyler galpin x reader cute
pinkydevil16 · 2 years
Tyler Galpin x reader (alternative)
Tyler placed a hot chocolate down infront of Y/n as she stared out the window, his smile widening as she jumped slightly and turned to grin at him thanking him as she looked at the new drink. Moving to grab her money from her black bag only for Tyler to sit opposite her and stop her.
"Nope, it's on the house. As a thank you." Y/n quirked an eyebrow at him as she slowly placed her purse back into the black bag, her hair falling over the side of her face as she turned back to him tucking the hair behind her ear as she moved to pick up the drink. Sniffing it as she smiled down at it, the smell of gingerbread filling her body as she sighed out.
"You make the best hot chocolate." Taking a sip she let out a happy moan which made Tyler blush dark as she closed her eyes and savoured the amazing drink, Tyler leaning against his hand as he stared at her happy face, she was hard on the outside but inside she was a softy. He admired how she looked in the deep red dress, he had almost spilt someone's coffee down them when she walked in, her boots thudding against the ground as she entered. He had to admit this was one of her favourite type of outfits, a dress with fishnets and boots especially when she wore a dress like the one she currently wore. The cut shorter and slightly tighter, this one especially with the v cut, he had stuttered an apology to the customer and rushed to the register as she looked around before spotting him and smiling, the dark red lips and eyeliner really worked for him. Especially the way her legs looked in the fishnets, as he thought about it now he saw her sharp acrylics snap in front of his eyes as he zoned back in. A dark blush on his face as he chuckled nervously at her questioning face, a carved eyebrow raised in question before she shrugged and took another sip before casting her eyes back towards the therapy office.
"Someone new is in there." She spoke, side eyeing him as they both watched a girl slide down the gutter and sneak around, Y/n's eyebrows shot up as she turned to watch the girl enter the coffee shop.
"She's hot." Y/n whispered as Tyler rushed back to the counter, Y/n's eyes trained on the goth girl in Nevermore uniform as she walked towards the counter and began talking to Tyler. The girl looked oddly towards Y/n then back to Tyler so Y/n stood, abandoning her hot chocolate swinging her bag over her shoulder and moving so she could lean on the counter near Tyler where he now fussed over the coffee machine. Her dress showing off her cleavage as she did, Wednesday staring at her before looking back at Tyler as his attention was stolen by Y/n.
"Stop staring at her and give me the instructions." Y/n laughed as Tyler stuttered handing her the italian instruction manual, moving to lean against the counter so Y/n's head reached his waist as he crossed his arms and stared at Wednesday as she somehow fixed the stupid machine. Y/n raising an eyebrow as she stood up straight and smoothed down her dress Tyler's eyes following her hands as they smoothed over the back of the dress until Wednesday spoke.
"Fixed. Now i need a ride." Y/n looked towards Tyler enjoying how flustered he was around the mysterious girl.
"I don't finish for an hour, i'm sure you can sit with Y/n as she's also waiting for me?" Tyler looked towards Y/n begging her to agree with him as she smiled showing off her oddly sharp canines for a normie.
"That doesn't work for me." Y/n dropped her smile and tapped her sharp nails against the counter as she watched the girl try to bribe Tyler to abandon work. Tyler turning her down but she kept adding money until Y/n chimed in.
"Sit down and wait, jeez let Tyler finish his shift. I won't bite." Y/n rolled her eyes tapping Tyler's shoulder and grazing along it with her nails as she moved back to her seat, slumping down and picking up her hot chocolate. Wednesday deciding she seemed the most interesting and more her type of person and taking the seat opposite her, Y/n sending a wink to Tyler as more customers flooded in. 
"I'm Y/n." Y/n spoke first extending her hand as Wednesday stared at it before Y/n raised her hands in mock surrender and rolled her eyes.
"Wednesday." Y/n looked at her as she drank some more of the luke warm hot chocolate, the door chiming as three boys entered.
"If it isn't L/N, with an outcast? Who would have thought?" One of the boys laughed as Y/n ignored them but Wednesday watched how her nails scraped against the cup and eyebrows slightly creased in annoyance. Tyler rushing to serve the customer as he saw the small gang of popular kids stand by Y/n, wiping his hands on his uniform and smiling at Y/n who in turn put down the hot chocolate.
"Hey guys come on." One of the guys turned to Tyler pushing him back.
"Stay out of this Galpin." Y/n stood up quickly pushing the guy away from her best friend as they stood chest to chest.
"Don't touch him." She warned, Wednesday now standing up as the mayor's son pushed Y/n, her face turning dark as she threw a punch at him whilst Tyler watched Wednesday beat up the other two until all three laid on the floor.
"You okay?" Y/n asked tenderly as she turned to Tyler, her hand on his chest as she looked up at him, his eyes dropping to where her knuckle had split upon contact with the jackass on the ground. His dad soon walking in and sighing as he looked at Y/n until he noticed Wednesday behind her, suddenly turning stern.
"What happened here?" Tyler tried to explain but his dad was too focused on Wednesday as Tyler wrapped his arms around Y/n.
"They started it dad, Y/n and Wednesday just defended themselves." The sheriff stared at Wednesday until Principle Weem's interrupted. 
"Ahh Miss Addam's this where you've snuck off to." Wednesday stared at her blankly as she watched the tall principle look at the damage.
"You're an Addams? You Gomez's kid?" Wednesday ignored him as she followed Principle Weems, the sheriff spewing nonsense of her father being a murderer until they were out his sight, now turning to face Tyler and Y/n as his son smiled sheepishly at him whilst Y/n hid her fist behind her back.
"Show me your hand kid." Y/n stuck out her hand, her long black acrylics still in perfect condition as the sheriff sighed and ran a finger over her knuckles.
"Just a bruise, damn it now i have to explain this all." Y/n and Tyler moved backwards as his dad rounded up the three lads, Y/n snickering when the mayor's son winced in pain and glared at her. Tyler squeezing her arm in light warning as she dropped her smile and rolled her eyes once more, leaning into his arm around her as they all left. 
"I like her." Y/n spoke turning and resting her chin on Tyler's chest as he wrapped his arms around her back lazily, looking down at her with a sweet smile on his face.
"You would." Y/n scoffed playfully, lifting her hand to smack his chest as he faked hurt and betrayal making her laugh as she moved away from him towards her cup. Turning back to him with the cold drink and a sheepish smile.
"Think i could get another?" Tyler playfully smiled at her, taking the cup and rolling his eyes mocking what she always did, Y/n gasping in fake insult following him towards the counter as he made her another. 
"How's your knuckles?" He spoke as he pumped the gingerbread into the cup, watching her eyes sparkle as he did a chuckle coming from him as he poured in the hot chocolate and placed it in front of where she leaned on the counter. Y/n standing up and moving round the counter allowing Tyler to hold her waist as she jumped onto it, his body between her legs as he took her hands watching her open and close her fist.
"It's fine, his face was soft." Y/n laughed as she spoke, watching as Tyler grabbed a clean cloth wrapping ice in it and placing it on her knuckles making her hiss through gritted teeth.
"Such a toughty." Tyler laughed as she glared at him, going to roll her eyes as Tyler handed her her hot chocolate enjoying how she instantly smiled and took it off him gently. The make shift ice pack falling in her lap as he picked it up moving it next to them as he placed his hands either side of her thighs and looked down at her.
"Thank you." Y/n took a hand off the cup to wave him off, dismissing the whole event as though she hadn't defended him against the asshole. Looking at him over the cup she smiled lovingly at him.
"What are best friends for? You never know, one day you might repay me and beat someone up instead." Y/n laughed as Tyler groaned, taking the cup of her as she whined now forcing the ice pack onto her knuckles and holding his warm hand against her now cold one.
"Yeah yeah, let me fix you up." Y/n grinned at him trying to sweeten him up as he tried his hardest to stay serious before he caught her eyes and cracked a smile back.
"You can't get out of everything by smiling." He taunted her, moving the ice pack and placing both his hands over hers to reheat it.
"I don't know, i get out of most things, plus i have the sheriff's son wrapped around my manicured pinky." Y/n cheekily smiled at him as he rolled his eyes and moved to poke her cheek as she moved to slap his hand. 
"You're lucky i like you so much." Tyler spoke poking her again to annoy her as she pouted at him.
"You can't help it." She laughed poking him back as the two began laughing and playfully fighting. 
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
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l3xi3luv · 2 years
pov. new remus lupin fancast?... maybe? no? just me?
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7K notes · View notes
Could you do a oneshot where the reader gets chased by the Hyde through the woods (doesn't really see what it was). She runs into Xavier and he makes fun of her about the "moster in the woods" but when he sees how freaked out she is he gets her somewhere safe and comforts her? Maybe Rivals to lovers or friends to lovers? Thank youuu! I'm obsessed with your Xavier stories! He's so in character xx
thank you so much!
Pairings: Xavier Thorpe x Fem!reader Summary: ^^^ Warnings: none Notes: I'm sorry for not getting to Requests sooner, there are so many, also apparently some of them aren't appearing that people have submitted, so I am sorry for that!
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you ran past the trees and jumping over the logs and rocks on the ground as you fled the forest, trying to escape the huge lanky monster.
you didn't have enough air in your lungs to scream for help as you ran as fast as you could.
you tripped on a rock and fell down as you got to a shed on the edge of the woods.
you quickly pulled yourself up from the dirt and hurried around the shed where you your head collided with a chest, you backed up startled in fear and sighed
"Xavier!" you yelled
"hey, what's wrong?" he asked, seeing your sweaty, tired and tense state
you heard a noise behind you and your head snapped in the direction. seeing a rabbit come out of the bushes, you looked around your surroundings and began tearing up, freaked out.
"hey, hey, hey, tell me what's wrong, why are you sweating?"
"big, tall- skinny, huge-" you stuttered
"me?" he joked
"monster, in there, chased me" you panted as you pointed to where you came from
"A monster? in the woods" he chuckled "did Ajax get you high?"
"I don't do drugs, there- it chased me, it was right in front of me!" you pleaded for him to believe you.
you two were pretty close friends, so you thought you could trust him with things
"are you sure it wasn't a deer or something?" he questioned
"Xavier there was a fucking monster chasing me in the woods, I know what a deer looks like. I want to leave this place right now, it's not safe here and I'm really scared" you begged
"oh, you're being serious?"" his face fell as he saw the tears in your eyes and the way your body was shaking
he looked around and wrapped an arm around you, pulling you close as you shuddered
"come on. we'll stay here for a bit, in case it comes back." he lead you into his shed
Xavier didn't fully believe you, yes, he believed in monsters, how could he not? but he assumed you just got startled by something and started running, but something about the way you trembled and sobbed made him question his thought process.
he sat you down to comfort you, telling you it will be ok and that you were safe, even though he didn't fully know that.
he wasn't scared as much as he was worried. but definitely feared for your safety.
"what if it comes back?" your voice wobbled
"I don't want to find out, but if it does, I'll protect you" he spoke softly
"no, no. you wouldn't be able to do anything, it's massive, Xavier. it would be able to kill both of us at the same time" you panicked, remembering how close it got to catching you
"I don't care, it could have me as you run away, I'll distract it, I don't care, as long as you're safe. I. will. protect. you" he argued.
"-no buts, ok? I love you and I won't let anything happen to you" he cut you off
your eyes widened as you looked at him in the eyes "you love me?"
"of course I do, now, describe it to me" he sat on a stool beside you and took his sketchpad and a pencil to start sketching
"it's a feeling you have for someone or something you care deeply about" you started to answer him
"I meant the monster, Sweetheart" he looked up at you with a smile
"oh- right sorry" you apologised sheepishly
"it's alright, we can do this later" he placed the book aside, moving closer to you
"you feeling any better?" he rubbed your back
you shook your head as you stared at him
"why not?" he muttered
"because I'm already freaking it out and you telling me you love me is freaking me out more" you exclaimed
"ok, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to upset you" he held your hand
"it's not upsetting me it's freaking me out, you told me you love me!" you rushed
"alright. well I've been more focused on making sure you feel safe" he reasoned
"I do feel safe, I'm with you" you admitted, making him smile down at you
"that's good to hear" he chuckled
he pulled you closer to him, pulling you onto his lap and cradling you in his arms
"I won't let anything happen to you" he cooed as he kissed your forehead
I was gonna make them kiss but then realised you don't have to kiss, you have the right to wait.
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a-things32 · 2 years
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Ya'll better start writing abt tyler galpin x reader shit cuz I can't wait anymore
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creamecafe · 2 years
Low-key eager to make a Tyler Galpin x Male!reader just because the actors gay IRL and why not??
Also I was heartbroken finding out he was gay BC MANS PLAYED SO WELL ACTING STRAIGHT IN THE SHOW I WAS FALLING FOR HIM 😭😭
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iikkeee · 1 year
Hot Cocoa || t. galpin
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Tyler Galpin x reader fluff!
Summary: When Y/n goes into the cafe she meets a boy who she immediately falls for
Warnings: none, just pure fluff <3
A/n- I decided to write this based on my other post, hopefully you guys like it. I had a lot of fun writing it, alright bye love you guys <3
You blew hot air into your frozen cold hands, adjusting your headphones to hide you ears from the snow falling in front of you. You looked around and tried to hide yourself away from the looks of Jericho's residents, as they looked at you in disgust from your blue uniform that resided on your body.
You sighed before walking through the different shops, looking to the side to see a fairly empty coffee shop with a sign that said ''The Weathervane''. You could definitely go for some hot chocolate you thought to yourself and hurriedly reached for the doors blue handle and peaked inside.
There were only a couple people inside, with the majority of them waiting at the front to grab their pickup or sitting in the corner by themselves and reading books. Your eyes shifted before you walked inside, quietly letting the door shut behind you, you walked to the empty counter, saying small ''excuse me''s to the people standing around.
You bounced you finger's on the cold counter as you flipped through the music on your phone, mindlessly enjoying yourself as you waited.
"Hey, sorry for the wait'' a young man said nervously as he slipped behind the counter, leaning on it as he came in front of you. He had brown fluffy hair and golden brown eyes, a small smile was on his lips as he looked at you.
"Oh, it's fine'' you smiled as you laid your headphones on your shoulders and placed your phone in your pocket, you were sure your face was flushed as you looked at his handsome features that seemed to warm your body from the cold outside.
You quickly skimmed through the menu before saying ''Um, could I get a hot chocolate?''
"Of course'' He said as he gave you finger gun before going to the machines and filling the coffee cup, you quickly pulled out your wallet and grabbed 5 dollars as you watched him. He skillfully worked the machines and filled cups up, giving them to the people patiently waiting. Soon the shop was mostly empty with only a few people still around.
You waited and looked around, seeing that the snow was getting worse, you sighed as you thought of having a soggy uniform as soon as you got out.
''Oh I forgot to ask...do you want whip cream with that?" He asked peeking behind the counter
''oh yeah!" you replied almost forgetting yourself from how much you were admiring him.
"Oh yeah here's the money'' you said putting the bill on the counter.
''Um, no need.. consider it on the house'' He said giving you a smile, which almost made you burst at the seams.
'Thank you, I'll be over there then'' you smiled and picked it up, before pointing to a table closet to the counter, which he nodded before opening a can of whip cream.
You sat down, looking outside of the window as you rested your head on your hands. Your hand moving to scroll through you phone aimlessly, you heard the slide of a glass and looked up to see a cup that smelled deliciously of a rich chocolate, A pile of whip cream on top, with a chocolate drizzle coating it.
Your eyes widened as you looked at it, quickly turning to laughter. “Here you go” He said chuckling as he sat in the opposite side of the booth. “I love it just from the way it looks” you smiled as you grabbed the hot cup in your hands and sipped it “thought you might like it” he smiled as he saw your reaction, it tasted smooth and like the best thing you have ever tasted in your life
“Holy shit, this is so good” You said to him as you took another big sip, enjoying the burning of it in your throat that retaliated against the cold air.
“I’m sure it’s not that good” he said sheepishly as he chuckled
“no seriously, this might be the best hot chocolate I’ve ever had” You reassured him.
“I’m surprised your treating me this well” you scoffed as you looked outside
“why is that?” He asked leaning back as he crossed his arms
“it’s just that, since I’m from nevermore…well people don’t treat me that well” you sighed looking into you half empty cup.
“I don’t think the kids from nevermore are any different from us, sure you guys might be other creatures but your more alike us then we think” He said giving you a reassuring smile as he squeezed your hand.
“And just because your from nevermore doesn’t mean that I can’t give a free drink to a beautiful girl” He smirked while looking into your eyes, you blushed at his compliment and quickly hid your face in the coffee cup. Gulping it down as you couldn’t handle the embarrassment of what he had told you.
“Ah well I have to go” you said quickly putting the cup down and grabbing all your belongings from the table, be waving and semi-running outside of the building into the snowy outside.
Your cheeks were flushed as you thought of your interactions with the boy, he was so handsome and sweet you thought to yourself as you plugged in your headphones and headed for the cab which would take you back to you dorm.
Once you got back you immediately plopped onto your bed and hugged a pillow, kicking your feet as you thought of the boy from the coffee shop. You only stopped when you heard the door open to reveal Enid
“oh y/n, I knew you would be here!” She said as she closed the door behind her and jumped into your bed, you hid behind your pillow but sat up.
“Hey what’s wrong with you?” She pouted as she tried to grab the pillow from your face “nothing…” you mumbled as you tried to control your embarrassment
“Omg…is this what I think it is?” She said grabbing your hands in hers and squeezing them tightly
“I don’t know what you think it is but it’s probably not-“ you blurred out as you thought of the possibilities of Enids wild mind
“You have a crush, who is it???” She replied practically jumping up and down, you peeked your head from behind the pillow and looked at her excited features.
“Xaiver….Eugene??? Wait maybe Ajax or um Wednesday!” She said blurting out random names, which you shook your head to.
“Then who is it tell me” she pouted as she pounced on you and brought you to your back on the bed
“The guy from the weathervane” you mumbled as you looked off at the ceiling
“No way! Him? Wow…I guess he is pretty cute” She said getting up and putting her finger on her chin as she thought about him
“Wait how did you even know that I had a crush” you said out loud as you processed her reaction
“I just have a knack to things like this” She giggled while winking.
“Well, now that we’ve established that…what are you going to do about it???” She asked quickly sitting up and grabbing your hands
“What?” You replied in confusion
“What’s you game plan?” She replied rolling her eyes
“Well the plan was to act like it never happened” you replied, bringing your knees to your chest as you sighed
“Are you kidding me?? You at least have to go for it” she said righting her grip on your hands, that could for sure make you lose circulation
“Let’s see…did he at least flirt with you?”
“I don’t know…I mean he did say a was beautiful” you mumbled, your cheeks turning pink at the thought
“Good then he’s into you!” She snapped her fingers
“Well then you have to try, I’ll tell you what…how about you go this weekend and try to talk to him more…maybe like a date!” She said thinking to herself out loud
“Are you kidding?? I don’t even know his name” you sighed as you looked off into the distance
“Doesn’t matter!!” She smiled
Throughout the next few days you sat at your normal seat and drank the same thing, from time to time sharing snarky comments with the boy who worked there. You would usually either be listening to your music or “studying” whatever homework you had for that day, you knew that the boy probably knew that you didn’t become a regular because of the hot chocolate but because of him, and he didn’t mind the extra attention at all.
When the weekend came you didn’t know what to expect, you brushed yourself off as you tried to feel comfortably in the clothes you borrowed from Enid, thankfully she gave you the ones that were as colorful as her others. You breathed deeply before opening the door to the coffee shop and walking to counter to be greeted by a familiar face.
“Hey stranger” He said as he smiled at you
“Hey” You said flustered as you stared into his golden eyes
“You can sit down, I got you” He smiled once again before gesturing to the same booth you sat at previously with him.
You composed yourself and walked over, sitting down as you fidgeted with you hands. Soon a familiar drink was placed in front of you, only this time a small pastry sat next to it.
“Oh what’s this?” You asked him as you picked it up
“Lemon tart, thought you might like it” He said pointing to it as he sat down.
“Thank you” you smiled as you played with the wrapper of it
“I never quite got your name” He said leaning closer to you
“Oh it’s Y/n…Y/n L/n” you smiled moving your hands to pick up the coffee cup and sip the chocolate goodness that resided inside of it.
“you have a beautiful name” He complimented
“Thanks, and what would yours be?” you laughed nervously as you tried to contain your excitement and blush.
“Tyler Galpin” He smirked as he looked at you flustered complexion
“Oh the sheriff’s son then..?” Your eyes widened as you thought of his father who never liked any of the nevermore kids.
“Yeah…” he sighed while looked down at the floor and shifted uncomfortably.
“Your dad must not like the fact that your talking to me…” you mumbled as you hid your face in the hot chocolate
“What he doesn’t know won’t kill him” He laughed as he shifted his eyes at you.
“Tyler would you like to….” You said, getting cut off as you noticed him lean in closer to you. His lips halfway to meet yours, your eyes shifted from his to his lips.
He pressed his lips on yours delicately, his hand moving to caress your cheek as you set down your drink and wrapped your arms around his neck. He pulled away, your foreheads touching as you both breathed heavily.
“Your dad is going to kill me…” you said as you thought of the consequences of your actions
“Who cares…” He whispered before kissing you again, you melted into his arms and ran your fingers through his hair.
He didn’t break you kiss as he got up from the other side of the booth and came to sit next you, his arms snaking across your waist. You both pulled away to get some air, staring at each other deeply as you held each other close.
“I like you Tyler…” you whispered as you held yourself close to his lips
“I like you too” He smirked before giving you a kiss.
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alwaysaglader · 1 year
You caramel drizzled my heart (Tyler Galpin X Reader)
Y/N's P.O.V
Pushing open the glass door of the all too familiar Weathervane cafe, I walked in past the "Closed" sign, looking around confused as to why Tyler wanted to meet me here, after hours.
Noticing my favourite person in the cafe was nowhere to be seen, I continued to walk up to my usual booth in the corner, only to be greeted with a beautiful bunch of sunflowers in a glass vase set on the middle of the table alongside a note that read "Will be right with you darling".
Smiling to myself, I sat down on the red cushion, admiringly running my fingers along the bright yellow petals of the flowers, that Tyler knows makes me smile the brightest.
Being dazed by the sunflowers for a moment too long, I did not notice the book placed next to the vase at an initial glance with yet another note in the first page. "Start reading darling. I know you don't like to be idle. I'll be right there".
Feeling myself smile even more, I leaned back into the cushion before starting to read, though my mind was running around in circles as to what my boyfriend was up to, knowing he has many tactics up his sleeve to make me smile and blush bright red, "like a beautiful rose", he would say.
After a few minutes of trying to focus on reading the words imprinted on the crispy white pages, I heard a familiar voice and with a glance I noticed my favourite mop of caramel coloured hair standing in front of me with this charming toothy grin.
"Happy Valentine's Day darling!!" he said cheerily, placing a big cup of hot chocolate in front of me with a caramel drizzled heart in the middle of the light brown coloured drink, which made me feel all fuzzy and warm at the sight.
"Tyler!!" I gasped, already feeling the blush creep up to my cheeks, before squeezing myself out of  the booth and to his arms, which immediately wrapped around me tightly, pulling me closer to his chest where I could hear the gentle beat of his heart. "Happy Valentine's Day Tyler".
In complete silence, we stood there for a few moments - rocking from side to side for a little bit, just hugging before I pulled back a little nuzzling our noses together and peeking a glance at the table.
"I love the heart you caramel drizzled on my hot chocolate" I whispered and pressed a loving kiss on his forehead, lifting a few of his caramel coloured curls away from his eyes, "you aced a perfect heart Tyler".
Slowly, he leaned in with a chuckle and cupped one side of my jaw, trailing his fingertips over over my skin. "A perfect heart is what you have darling".
"Someone is being extra sweet" I chuckled shyly at his words, catching his big orbs looking lovingly at me. His fluffy strands of hair was sticking up in the most adorable way.
"That is more of a messy drizzle of a heart" he said sounding a bit disappointed, "I've been practicing for weeks to make it perfect but this is as close as I could get...".
"I could have drizzled the caramel better" he pouted nuzzling into my neck. To cheer him up a little, I pressed a kiss on his nose and then nuzzled it with my own again, making him grin.
"Tyler Galpin, you caramel drizzled every inch of my heart since the day I met you" I smiled softly up at him, his eyes fluttering shut when I placed a lingering kiss on his lips.
When he drew away from me, he gave me a small smile with a little twinkle in his eyes, "Now who's being too sweet".  Grinning, I couldn't help but give him a playful shove, "I can't help it".
"You caramelised my heart Tyler" I told him, and felt him radiate heat again, cheeks glowing brightly as his piercing green eyes began to sparkle.
A lovesick feeling washed over me, numbing my senses and fluttering hard in my stomach as he leaned in towards me and pressed his soft lips against mine, kissing me so carefully.
Now grinning myself, I placed my head back on the place where his heart is to listen to the familiar beating, as I felt him bury himself deeper into my arms, where I'm now sure no-one will hurt him anymore, because I'll protect his broken soul, and will do everything to heal him the best I can.
Tyler's P.O.V
I found myself unable to stop smiling as I watched Y/N look back up at me with her sweet eyes  while I pulled out my laptop from my bag, as we sat back down on the booth, turning on a movie which made her squeal excitedly & bump her forehead against mine. Her eyes sparkled brightly, showing me her happiness. "Hot chocolate, sunflowers and high school musical 3! Tyler this is the most perfect date ever!".
"I thought I put you through enough by having you watch High school musical 1 and 2 with me" she smiled shyly, which made me puller her closer than possible, peppering her face with a million kisses, which made her giggle more, making my heart flutter with every sweet sound she made.
"Darling, I enjoyed every second I got to cuddle you through both the movies while you sang out every song... and this time we get to sing together" I smiled, watching her eyes light up like the beautiful crystals they are as I felt myself get lost in her eyes, so mesmerised, falling deeper and deeper to an infinite pool of love. "We?".
"I learnt the lyrics for every song in High school musical 3 so we can sing together" I confessed shyly as I watched her smile grow with every passing moment what got my heart missing a pulse or two. Y/N did something to me I couldn't define, but it felt like some kind of force, something that I couldn't fight against.
She smiled brightly with rosy cheeks, her expression softening as her eyes looked at me up and down. Her face up close was even more beautiful than when I looked at her from a small distance. Y/N dealt with me like this a lot. She knew I tend to daydream in front of her, but she never knew it was about her.
Only when she carefully cupped my cheeks into her palms, as if I'd break any second, did she pull me out of my daydream about her. "Tyler shall we start?".
"Yes yes" I pulled back with slightly reddened cheeks to which she quickly pressed a kiss on my lips, what made me smile, my heart fluttering at her adorableness. "Let's start".
Being cuddly, I slowly pressed myself against her and wrapped my arms around her body to hold her, listening to the change of her breathing pattern. She'd stir for a second and then relaxed while being held in my embrace as close as possible as I let out a happy sigh in return.
There was nothing more I loved than to hold Y/N.
It was the best feeling to be in her arms, where I feel safe.
Halfway into the movie, the song I've been waiting for started playing, as Y/N gave me a puzzled look when I stood up extending my hand to take hers. "Darling, can I have this dance?"
With bright red cheeks this time, she nodded, as I took hold of her small hands, giving each a little kiss and placing them around my neck. Then I placed my hands on to her waist and pulled her closer as we started to sway back and forth gently to the beat of the music. We shared a small kiss, and smiled, feeling happy.
After a few moments, I swiftly twirled her around to which a small giggle escaped her lips as I caught her in a hug, and felt her growing boneless in my arms, relaxing to the warmth of my body and the steady beating of my heart.
"You are my person Y/N" I blurted, and felt my cheeks go red in embarrassment when my emotions suddenly poured out of me, as if I finally opened myself up to her, this time all the way.
When I drew away from her, she gave me a small smile, shyly looking down. "I am?".
My hand closed in on hers, fingers sliding between the gasps of her digits. With our hands intertwined, she finally dared to look up at me with her beautiful pair of eyes that still showed me the world. "Yes, you are".
"You are my 'I messed up, what do I do now' person" I said, pressing kisses on her hair. "You are my 'wanna grab a coffee together?'person" I placed a big, sloppy kiss on both her rosy cheeks, making her giggle sweetly. My heart fluttered in adoration.
"You are my 'for you, a thousand times over' person" I cradled her baby-soft cheeks between my palms & pressed a long kiss to her forehead to which Y/N smiled softly with such pure eyes that it took me aback a little.
"You are my 'let's go watch the sunset' person" I continued slowly but with lots of smiles and giggles, which cheered me up, honestly. Y/N is always so happy when I kiss her, and vice versa. The gesture just makes my heart warm and makes butterflies tickle the walls of my stomach. "You are my 'I am hungry, Let's go get something' person".
"You are my 'I have something to tell you' person", my fingers tucked a piece of hair behind her ear, making her even more beautiful than she already is, as I trailed the back of my fingers over her cheek to caress while keeping my eyes on hers, "you are my 'what would I do without you?' person".
"You are my 'I can only talk to you about this' person" I whispered, resting my head on top of hers as we stood, enjoying our own little bubble.
"You are my person Y/N" I held her hands and placed them on my chest where she could feel every beat of my heart. Every beat which is present because of her.
"I know I am not close to even deserving you Y/N" I said, my eyes filling with tears "but god, I want to. I want to spend the rest of my life trying to deserve you".
Neither one of us said anything to each other for a while, we just looked deeply into the other's eyes. Y/N had that look which made my heart beat in my throat. It was the kind of look that said more than words, more than gestures. It was something that just spoke to me.
"There will never be another" I vowed. When I said this to her, I made sure to look deep into her eyes to make sure she understood every word I spoke, "I promise that I will love you for the rest of my life".
Y/N and I continued to look at each other for a little bit longer before I let my own eyes flutter shut and then leaned my head a little to the right to properly kiss her.
"I love you Tyler" Y/N suddenly whispered against my lips, causing my heart to do flips and jumps. It took so long before she first said those three words to me. And she doesn't say them without a reason.
"You are my person too Tyler" Y/N whispered back at me, and looked at me with her eyes clouded with love, which took me aback a little because I had never seen these emotions so intense.
Grinning, I brushed my hand over her hair, as my arms held her close to my chest, as if I wanted to protect her from the outside world and everyone else. "I love you too Y/N".
"You will always be my forever" Y/N murmured and shyly looked down with slightly reddened cheeks before looking back into my eyes. Once I looked at her I could feel the happiness blooming inside me, as if her eyes were the calm, beautiful morning after a night full of storm.
"If not you, then no one else" I smiled wetly as I grabbed her face in my hands and pulled her closer to my own, just to press my lips on top of hers in need for her love. Y/N froze in shock for just a second before she caught up with me and kissed back.
When our lips were locked, moving gently, I could feel my head spinning, my emotions encircling me like a tornado.
Her heartbeat was audible when I kissed her, causing my cheeks to glow even brighter. We were always so excited to be alone and to show each other love.
After a few minutes we pulled back and just stared at each other while resting intertwined, letting our heartbeats match.
A smile that reached both her eyes was plastered on her face, looking peaceful and at ease with me. My own smile couldn't be held down and became visible as I pulled her closer to my body and brushed my hand through her hair.
Our eyes kept staring at each other, drowning in the colours of our irises, heartbeats changing until they were beating on the same rhythm. It felt like I couldn't breathe.
We stood like that for about 30 seconds, just staring at each other like we saw water burning in front of us. My thoughts were blank, clouded and unclear, as if the feeling of love fogged up my senses.
"My heart is perfect because you are in it" I heard Y/N whisper in that angelical kind of voice that got me swooning over her as she pressed a kiss right on the place where my heart is located. A wave of warmth consumed me. It was something only she could make me feel like; it was something indescribable but so incredibly good. I could only define it as love. Pure love.
At that moment I felt the safest I had ever felt. There was something about the way she kissed me, about the way she wrapped her arms around my neck and kept me close. There was something about her that silenced the demons in my head and made me feel normal, like a normal person.
My armour, that I wear to get through every day, fell off.
Every time I see her smile my heart forgets it was broken.
Each of us is a story waiting for a devoted reader who will take us off the shelf and embrace all our plot twists and I don't know anything about the future of my story but I find myself sitting with her on the beautiful side of hope.
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streetwnoname · 2 years
Hi There! I hope your doing great today, could I request a m!reader x Tyler Galpin? Something soft for the heart <3 I have no idea why I have it so down bad for this man please send help
coffee shop cutie
tyler galpin x m!reader
this might be bad but oh well
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you sighed, tired of the dehumanizing stares from the people of jericho. you weren’t even in your nevermore uniform, but you still stuck out like a sore thumb. you hated being in jericho, but you loved going to the weathervane. you loved the coffee shop for one reason: the cute barista. he always watched you as you sat and drank your coffee, and he’d get so flustered when you’d catch him staring.
you approached the counter, ringing the bell so that you could place your order. you smiled as you saw the barista emerge from the back. “hey! it’s you again, welcome back…you want the usual?” he asked, happy to see you. “yeah, that’d be great.” you said, sliding cash across the counter. he took it and immediately went to retrieve your change. you reached out to take your change, feeling butterflies in your stomach as your fingers brushed his. he froze for a second, getting flustered due to the contact. he stayed like that for a second before snapping out of it, “oh! sorry, i’ll go make your drink…” he quickly got to work as you took a seat, watching him closely.
within a few minutes, he had made your drink and was placing it infront of you. you thanked him, but instead of walking away, he sat across from you. raising an eyebrow, you asked, “what’re you doing? shouldn’t you be working?”
“i’m just spending some time with my favorite customer…besides, it’s a slow day, i’ve got nothing else to do.” he responded, propping his head up with his hand as he watched you take a sip of your drink.
“aw, i’m your favorite customer?” you teased, watching him blush in response.
“well, uh, i just think you’re super handsome…” he laughed nervously, too flustered to look at you. you grinned, moving to sit next to him.
“you’re handsome too, whatever your name is.” you reply.
“uh, tyler, my name’s tyler,” he said, “what’s yours?”
“y/n. so, tyler, would you wanna go on a date with your favorite customer some time?”
he looked up at you, “really? i mean, yeah, of course!” he nodded.
“sounds good,” you said, checking the time. “oh, it’s almost my curfew, i need to get going.” you sigh and get up, but not before kissing tyler’s cheek. he smiled to himself as he watched you exit the coffee shop, placing a hand over where you had kissed him. he was totally blissed out, celebrating his upcoming date in his head…until he realized he hadn’t gotten your number.
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ariasdistress · 1 year
pervert stepbrother!rafe cameron imagines.
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warnings: heavy nsfw, stepcest, drugging, dub-con, coercion, jealousy.
pairing: rafe x fem!reader - all of my characters are over 18!
© to ariasdistress. no translations/reposts.
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perv stepbro!rafe: always thought you were pretty and voiced it, he was such a good step brother! like the older sibling you never had. he made sure to tell you how beautiful you were while leaning on your underwear drawer, using his free hand behind him to steal a pair; hiding the act with a charming grin and a few nods as you spoke. you always wondered where they disappeared..?
perv stepbro!rafe: took your phone constantly, jealousy issues you assumed. you bought a backup just in case.
perv stepbro!rafe: wrapped your laced panties around his hardening dick, stumbling upon your photos on ‘my eyes only’. hundreds of lewd images of you. soap covered tits- bent over- legs spread- your small fingers fucking into you mercilessly. his eyes locked at the screen, large hand gripping the small phone until his fingers turned pale. your older stepbrother now achingly close to climax, laughing to himself knowing he’d probably split you in half with his length.
perv stepbro!rafe: gets jealous whenever he sees guys around you in the hallways. once, your friend matt hugged you before class only to get into a fight straight afterschool. the next day, coming to class with bruises and refusing to tell you what happened.
perv stepbro!rafe: comes back from the fight with topper, sneaks into your room to take his anger out on you by eating you out. he doesn’t let you cum until he says so and forces you to keep it down. “our parents shouldn’t hear their precious stepdaughter moaning like a slut right?” he mumbles, kissing your inner thigh. “from her reckless older stepbrother too? they’d never let you out the house” pushing his tongue deeper into you.
perv stepbro!rafe: rests his large hand on your thigh during family dinner. under the table, his fingers sneak up to your inner thigh, you stumble in your words. your parents asking you if you’re alright as you recover. rafe’s calloused fingers now teasing your clit over your thin panties to hear you stutter while continuing telling your family about your day.
perv stepbro!rafe: whenever you walk up the stairs in front of him, he smacks your ass. sometimes tripping you up, slipping a hand up your skirt and groping you roughly all the while calling you an airhead for falling.
perv stepbro!rafe: pressures you to try coke - “c’mon don’t you want to be cool like your favourite step brother?” while you’re high, he slips two of his lengthy fingers inside you, spreading your legs with his large palm. all the while you’re squirming, getting wetter due to the drug induced overstimulation. “i didn’t realise my little sis was this much of a stupid coked out whore, don’t think too much sweetheart let it happen.”
perv stepbro!rafe: at a party, he calls you the best step sister in the world in front of your friends. immediately afterwards, cornering you into the bathroom and fucking you relentlessly - making sure your pretty voice is loud enough for others to hear outside. the older male assuring to everyone that you’re off limits.
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author’s notes: so happy to be posting on this new account! purely because @devilworeprada is my secondary blog n i get no notifs.. idk what happened :( but i hope you guys enjoy this - i’m currently working on a tyler galpin oneshot but i got writers block… currently high rn and watched a cute porn scene lol so i wrote this. thank you for reading! aria. ᥫ᭡
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pinkydevil16 · 2 years
Tyler Galpin x reader: part 3
Part 1 Part 2 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 Part 8
Y/n made her way towards the old townhouse, finding Wednesday's tracks as she did calling out to her as she found her on the ground with a severed hand near by. Y/n gasping as she fell to her knees trying to awaken her but the hand started signing something and weirdly enough Y/n felt like she understood, stepping back she watched Wednesday as she came too, staring oddly at Y/n as she stood.
"You're here?" Y/n smiled helping her up as Wednesday explained everything she'd seen, Y/n's head snapping towards the woods as she heard a noise, looking through the holes in the wall to see a beast the otherside, screaming as she fell backwards onto the ground. Wednesday rushing to the door and seeing the beast run away, Thing helping Y/n up as Wednesday went running after the monster. Y/n trying to keep up with her as she ran, Thing on her shoulder as she tried to calm her pounding heart eyes darting around as she bumped into Wednesday. Xavier stood in front of them as rain began to pour, the footprints disappearing as Wednesday tried to explain to Xavier what happened but even though Y/n had seen it it sounded crazy. 
"I saw it too." Y/n said, removing her jumper to try to cover her hair as the rain pelted down, Xavier's eyes running over her body before he snapped out of it and looked back Wednesday helping the two girls under the umbrella as they made their way back to town. Tyler running towards them soaked head to toe as he hugged Y/n to him, he had woken up naked and afraid a few minutes ago by a pile of his clothes and chucked them on, now he held Y/n he saw flashes of her terrified face in his mind as he tucked his head into her neck and pet her hair.
"Thank god you're alright, why did you run off like that?" He spoke pulling back and caressing her soaked face as Wednesday and Xavier left the two, arguing as they went but Tyler couldn't get the fear of Y/n hating him out of his head. Y/n smiled up at him as she guided them towards the coffee shop, getting out the rain as she began to shiver, Tyler taking her jumper and his coat to put them on the radiator in the staff room. Y/n curling up at a booth as she shivered, her make up slightly smudged under her eyes but Tyler thought she still looked beautiful as she tried to heat herself up. Tyler grabbing his jumper from behind the counter and bringing it over to Y/n as she thanked him throwing it on and smushing her face into it as she sighed at the warmth.
"You always smell so good, i need to steal more of your jumpers." Y/n smiled as she saw the bashful look take over Tyler's face, quickly rushing to the counter so he could make them two hot drinks to reheat them, his eyes on Y/n as she curled into his jumper enjoying how cozy she looked in it. Adding the syrup to Y/n's hot chocolate he carried them over, sitting next to Y/n and wrapping her in his arms as she shivered tucking herself into his side happily stealing his heat.
"You really are the best Tyler." Y/n sighed drinking her hot chocolate as she relaxed into Tyler, his hand rubbing up and down her arm comfortingly.
"What was Wednesday saying about the townhouse?" He asked trying to not sound suspicious as he drank his hot chocolate, burning his mouth slightly but enjoying the pain, he had noticed how much he had changed the past few months but he liked it. He felt stronger, more capable and ready for anything, he could protect Y/n now. 
"She thinks the monster can turn into a human, you should have seen it Tyler, it was horrifying." Y/n looked at Tyler with wide eyes, Tyler looking at her sadly as he pet her hair comforting her as he tried to get her scream and face out of her head, he didn't remember a lot or know why he was out there but he would always be haunted by the fear he had caused her. 
"No one will ever hurt you Y/n" he whispered as she closed her eyes, taking a sip of her hot chocolate as she completely calmed in his presence. Tyler looking out the window as Miss Thornhill drove by, smirking at him as he looked down quickly not wanting to see her as he concentrated on Y/n. Moving his eyes back to the window when she was gone, watching the rain slowly stop until there was only puddles and mud everywhere Y/n now almost asleep against him as he continued to stroke her hair enjoying the moment. 
Y/n and Tyler didn't see Wednesday for a good few days after Y/n had seen the monster, he stayed at her house each night as she struggled to sleep constantly seeing the monster's face but Tyler's body tucked around hers helped her to sleep. Y/n woke up smothered under Tyler's arms as she snuggled further into him, her might dress ridden up to her hips as her leg was thrown over his hip one of his arms slung low on her waist and hand spread out across her thigh. His hand almost burning her as she tried to not squirm under his hold, feeling her chest brush up against his and his leg move making her grind against it where she half straddled his leg. Her eyes widening as she felt a shock go through her, this was not good Y/n thought as she tried to move, Tyler groaning in his sleep and yanking her on top of him as he laid on his back. Y/n tried not to make any noise as Tyler crushed her to his chest, her legs now either side of his hips and body pressed tightly into his chest. His hand gripping her thigh as he sighed out tucking his head into her neck, Y/n deciding to just relax into his hold as she grazed her nails along his shirt thinking about nothing as she traced shapes on his chest. Tyler stirring at she did, adjusting as he thrust upwards trying to get further into the bed but jolting Y/n as she let out a small moan at the sudden contact making her slap a hand over her mouth as she blushed dark red. Tyler moving his hand from her back to run down his face as he groaned then yawned before realising the position they both were in, his face lighting up red as he let Y/n go allowing her to move backwards to sit between his legs as they both sat up. Tyler bashfully smiling and scratching the back of his neck as Y/n pulled down her night dress smiling shyly at him as she did.
"Think i forgot you weren't a pillow." He said trying to diffuse the obvious tension making her laugh and push his chest as he fell back onto the bed laughing with her as he looked up at her.
"Yeah thanks for that, i love being thrown about in the morning." Y/n stood up rolling her eyes as she left for the bathroom, Tyler running a hand down his face as he thought of her words willing himself to not get a boner over how they were when he woke up, he had almost wanted to pretend to stay asleep and keep moving against her but when she moaned he couldn't hold himself together. Y/n returned from the bathroom, a dressing gown now covering her body as she dropped between his legs laying her back against his front and relaxing into him.
"I don't want to go to work." She groaned out in annoyance as Tyler played with her hair, enjoying how the crease between her brows dissipated as she closed her eyes and enjoyed his attention.
"I'll drive you and pick you up if you want, i have therapy at 9 then work til 4 so you might have to wait a little bit." Y/n nodded turning on her stomach so she could push her head into his chest and whine at the thought of leaving bed, Tyler laughing as he pet her head.
"I'll take that as a yes, come on we need to get up." Y/n shook her head trying yo bury herself into the bed then stopped when Tyler let out a noise, her eyes opening as she felt something against her stomach, both of them awkwardly staying still. Tyler moved her off of him as he went to apologise instead stuttering out the word bathroom and grabbing his bag, Y/n sat up red faced watching him scurry away as she pushed back her hair. Quickly shaking her head and rushing to get dressed, Tyler coming out fully dressed as Y/n pulled on a jumper, the two awkwardly smiling at each other. Tyler reached for her bag as he threw his over his shoulder, admiring her jeans and smirking when he noticed she was wearing one of his old jumpers, Y/n raising an eyebrow at him as his confidence boosted.
"Nice jumper." He commented grinning widely as she looked down at it and realised, looking up at him playfully.
"Thanks don't remember where it's from, probably some rando." Tyler laughed at her comment, pulling her into his arm as they left the apartment, Y/n locking up and getting back under his arm as they walked towards his car. Tyler opening the door for her as she thanked him and climbed in, Tyler running round to get in his side and driving off towards Pilgrim World, Y/n leaning back into the old seats as Tyler moved his hand from the gearstick to hold her thigh as he always did whenever they drove together. Y/n's playlist coming through the speakers as she flipped through songs on her phone deciding what to play, Tyler tapping his fingers along to the random song that played as Y/n soon got distracted as a colleague text her. Huffing out annoyed as she stared at it, Tyler casting his eyes to her before squeezing her thigh in question.
"The mayor is coming down today which means my mum is coming aswell, can i call in sick?" Tyler laughed lightly as he pulled up outside her work, parking the car as he turned to her.
"Just ignore her, i'll be here as soon as i finish alright?" Y/n nodded leaning over and kissing his cheek as she climbed out, sighing as she put on a fake smile entering the staff room with a wave to Tyler as he pulled out the parking area. Y/n sat in the staff room putting on her make up and changing into her pilgrim dress as she prepared herself to see her mum. Exiting the room she instantly saw her mum, practically dripping off the mayor as she smiled widely at everyone Y/n trying to hide the sneer on her face as her mum called out to her and ran in her heels to hug her.
Tyler drove off slowly still thinking about what had happened in the morning, his mind stuck on the way Y/n had quietly moaned and then embarrassment taking over as he thought about how he had gotten a boner whilst she laid on him. Hitting the steering wheel gently as he groaned in annoyance, parking next to the coffee shop as he checked the time, climbing out as he walked towards Dr Kinbott's office. He passed Wednesday as she left, briefly saying hi as he climbed the stairs smiling at Kinbott as she opened the door for him to enter, thanking her as he sat down. Wednesday standing by the door for a minute as she debated what to do, she had suspicions of everyone but Y/n as she had been the only other person who had seen the monster but she didn't know if she could trust her or Tyler. Wednesday waited an hour for Tyler watching from the window as he left Kinbott's office entering the coffee shop he smiled at her as he grabbed his apron and moved to the counter. Waiting a few minutes as he served a customer and made a quad with ice for Wednesday, placing it infront of her as he sat down across from her. Wednesday ignoring him as he tried to spark up conversation until he built up the confidence to say what was on his mind.
"Are we friends? Because it feels like you come in and use me as a pawn, aswell as Y/n then ignore us." Wednesday's eyes widened ever so slightly before returning to their previous state.
"You are both my friends. It's complicated." Tyler tried not to be offended just nodding at her as she started going off on whatever tangent she originally had planned on talking to him about. 
Y/n walked around Pilgrim world with her mum ranting on and on about what had happened since she last saw her, her nails digging into her palm as she tried to ignore how ignorant her mum was.
"When are you and Tyler going to go on a date?" Y/n choked on her own saliva, having to stop walking as her mum hit her back a few times as her daughter coughed out loudly and hit her chest. 
"What." Y/n said trying to ignore her body being on fire and the way her heart beat a hundred times faster, calming her coughing enough to stand up and stare wide eyed at her mum.
"Don't be so childish, you spend all your time together, have 'sleepovers' where i'm sure you spend half the time wrapped up in each others arms. You're basically dating already just ask the poor soul out before he moves on. He won't stay pathetic forever." Y/n felt tears come to her eyes at her mum's harsh words, moving away from her as she stood straight and spat back at her.
"You're one to talk, you might aswell drop to your knees in front of the mayor and beg him to fuck you even though he's married. Get a grip and piss off. Don't ever talk about Tyler like that again." Y/n stormed off towards the staff room, ripping off the stupid pilgrim dress and chucking it roughly into her locker as she slammed it shut and screamed into her hands. Her hands in her hair as she punched the locker, her mum was so out of line and constantly switching her mind on who she liked and if she wanted to be nice to Y/n or rude. Rubbing her hand down her face she sighed out grabbing her bag and throwing Tyler's jumper back on as she left the staff room, scowling at her mum as she relentlessly flirted with the mayor. Y/n rolled her eyes texting Tyler saying she would meet him at the shop as she only stayed at work for 3 hours because of her demented mum, starting her small walk back into town as she seethed over her mum's words. Y/n made it to town quicker than she ever had, her boots rubbing on her ankles as she stormed around people getting out her way as she beelined for the coffee shop pushing a man out the way as she banged open the door. Tyler looking up shocked as she marched up to him, his legs barely getting him past the counter before she threw herself into his arms and started ranting. Pulling from his arms during her rant so she could pace in front of him.
"I hate her, i hate her so damn much! Who does she think she is? Walking around like she's all that and ooo Tyler you should have heard her! Questioning our friendship, calling you pathetic! You! She's the pathetic one basically throwing her legs open anytime the mayor even looks her way and she just has to keep interfe-" Tyler cut her off pulling her into a tight hug as she groaned out loudly and dug her head into his chest, her hands stopping their actions to pull him closer as she tried not to cry.
"She's such a bitch." Y/n voice was muffled by Tyler's chest as she complained, his hand running up and down her back as he whispered soothing words to her wanting to pull her in and never let her go, he had to admit he was raging inside at her mum not for calling him pathetic. But for upsetting Y/n so much she had left work early and now was almost in tears because of her, moving his hand to pet through her hair as Y/n lifted her head allowing a tear to slip as she sniffled and looked at him. 
"Can you stay over again?" Y/n said, Tyler nodding with a smile as she dropped her head back into his chest, the shop almost completely empty as he rocked her side to side closing his eyes and leaning his head on hers. 
Thing snuck into the shop, seeing Y/n in Tyler's arm as he slipped a note into the tip jar and dinging the bell as Tyler broke away from Y/n confused when neither of them saw a customer Y/n noticing the note and pointing at it. The two read it confused until Tyler spoke.
"Wednesday wants us to be her dates to the raven...this feels like a trap." Tyler laughed as he spoke, Y/n cracking a smile as she wiped her eyes taking the note she smiled widely at Tyler.
"So we're technically going on a date?" Y/n blushed as she spoke quickly adding.
"With Wednesday, obviously..." Tyler smiled pulling her head to his as he held her close, their lips almost touching as they stared at each other.
"It's a date. Plus Wednesday." Y/n bit her lip as she smiled, Tyler's thumb pulling her lip free before he moved down capturing her lips as the two wrapped their arms around each other. Pulling apart only to put smaller kisses to each other's lips and smile childishly at the other.
"A date." Y/n repeated, going on her tiptoes to kiss him once more. 
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kermitkrqb · 2 years
The Usual pt. 2 || Tyler Galpin x reader
A/N: Thank you guys for the comments and support, you have no idea how much it means. As requested, here’s part 2 lovelies! 🫶🏼🫶🏼 Edit: All parts are out :)
What to expect: Gender neutral reader, flirting, flustered Tyler, reader just keeps him wanting more, yet again no spoilers in this fic!!!
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Tyler found himself getting antsy from your previous encounter, several days passing since the last time he saw you. He often found himself just staring out the window on quiet days just in case you would make another appearance. Just who on earth were you? His thoughts were interrupted by the devastating sound of the espresso machine malfunctioning, steam hissing loud enough to capture the attention of the customers inside the cafe. Tyler’s cheeks became tinted as he offered an apologetic smile before scrambling for the instructions. Shit. It was all in Italian, that information might have been useful if he actually knew how to read it. The steam rose again quickly, narrowly missing the boy’s face. A familiar face emerged from behind the steam causing the brunette to yelp, “Holy crap! Wait- Hey, it’s you!” You grinned at the coffee boy, “In the flesh. What’d you have there Galpin?”
Tyler sighed, “The espresso machine is having a fit, and of course the only instructions are in Italian.” Your brows furrowed, “Well, that’s no good! Luckily enough for you, I may just be able to help.” The curly headed boy tilts his head at you, his hair slightly bounces with the movement, “You know Italian?” You smiled shaking your head, “You normies are so cute sometimes!” The Galpin boy let out a sheepish chuckle to your statement but was curious to see how else you would help. Your hand hovered on top of the espresso machine, careful to avoid any steam coming out. Different parts and screws on the machine started to shift seemingly on their own, and before Tyler knew it, the machine was back to its original condition, “Woah.” You winked at the boy before you, “You’re very welcome.” Tyler grinned leaning against the counter, “Let me thank you-” You smirked interrupting the boy, “Over a hot chocolate. What time does your shift finish?” Somehow you had beaten him to asking you out. You were one hell of a person.
Tyler huffed suddenly remembering, “I’m working a closing shift. I know it’s not ideal.” However, your face remained unfazed as you grinned, “It’s perfect. I’ll see you then Galpin.” You turned on your heel to walk away but Tyler wasn’t quite done with you yet, “You’re not gonna order anything?” Turning your head towards him, you offered a smile, “Oh I just wanted to see my favourite coffee boy.” He raised his brow, “You’ve met me once.” Unfazed you replied, “And that was all it took.” A deep flush took over the pale boy’s face as he was unsure how to respond. You took his silence as the perfect opportunity to walk away. As you crossed the road, the brunette had run after you, panting as he caught his breath, “Wait. I still don’t know your name.” You looked into his eyes admiring the honey tones, you noticed how his breath hitched from the proximity as you leaned in to whisper, “You’ll find out later on our date.” You continued to walk away, leaving Tyler stunned once more.
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maybankswhore · 1 year
in the haze , tyler galpin x reader
the great war continued. . .
pairing: tyler galpin x reader
summary: you look back on your relationship with tyler before finding out he was the hyde.
note! this is the great war part two. since we don’t know what happened to tyler yet after he was captured – i thought a flashback sort’ve thing worked better! still a little unsure though! it was a little different style of writing in the last one so i hope that’s okay!
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The aftermath of what happened at Nevermore was indescribable. It seemed to you that people moved on so quickly. There were smiles and exchanges between others like this time away was simply vacationing between semesters. Nobody seemed to be as stuck in grief as you were.
You had let your feelings get so involved that you just couldn’t get over the way everything had played out. How invested you were.
It was hard to comprehend that nothing had been real.
You thought back to every memory he was attached to you in your brain , wondering if you had overlooked the signs. You tried to think back , doubting that every moment you took as love— was just him manipulating you , lying to you.
You couldn’t believe that your Tyler , wasn’t ever actually yours.
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Tyler sat across from you in the booth , a smile on his face as you ranted about the day.
“It’s just so frustrating because Bianca knows how bad I am at fencing so I don’t know why she thought putting me up against Xavier would mean I would win! I swear she wanted to embarrass me.” You ranted , rolling your eyes.
It wasn’t anything serious and you knew you were being over dramatic. But Tyler had just looked at you so comfortingly. He was so fond of you , thinking to himself at how adorable you were when you were all worked up. It didn’t find it annoying that you just ranted on and on. He loved to listen.
“I don’t think you should be embarrassed.” Tyler reached out to touch your face lightly , brushing at the apple’s of your cheeks. It was only for a split second , but it had felt so sweet to you– that your face warmed up at the thought of it.
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“You’re being ridiculous.” Wednesday scolded you as she walked into your dorm to say goodbye. “You should be happy this is all solved. Tyler can choke on his own tongue and die for all we care.”
You sat up on your bed and huffed at Wednesdays cold demeanor. You knew that it affected her too , whether she’d like to admit it or not.
“Don’t you think it’s kinda wrong!” You told her , crossing your arms. “That he played us and basically betrayed our trust?” You felt as you were pointing out the obvious.
Wednesday barely spared you a glance. “I should’ve known.” She responded plainly. “That’s on me.”
“No.” Standing up , you faced her. “We have every right to not feel like it’s our fault. He lied and we believed it because we thought he was good.”
“Nobody’s off limits.” Wednesday answered. “We should have remembered everybody’s a suspect.”
You couldn’t know for sure if you thought what Wednesday said was right. Because if everybody’s a suspect then that means nobody can be trusted , and that just wasn’t fair.
You should have had somebody to be as good to them as they were to you. You shouldn’t have had to assume he was doing the worst to you.
It just didn’t feel fair.
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You were so nervous the night of the dance. It had taken you days to find the prettiest dress. You spent hours doing your hair and makeup , bouncing off the walls with excitement.
Tyler was going with you and it was the first real ‘couple-y’ thing you two were doing together , and you wanted everything to be perfect.
The butterflies in your stomach were fluttering quickly when he knocked on your door.
You ripped the door open , excited to see him. He stood there with his best tux , the softness of his face flattered how his hair was messily off to the side , gelled only a bit.
He had just looked so cute.
“You look. . .” Tyled grinned as he looked at you , shaking his head almost speechless. “So beautiful.”
The sincerity of his voice nearly brought you to tears , and so did the small glint in his eye.
“You look so handsome!” You gushed to him shamefully , cheesing as you reached up and cupped his face quickly to swipe the apple of his cheeks affectionately.
Tyler burned bright red as he reached out to you to hold your hand and guide you out. “Oh keep it in your pants.” He humored , kissing the side of your head as he closed the door behind you , walking you away.
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The semester would finally be over. Your parents were on their way , seemingly clueless about the things transpiring at school. Your things were all packed , and you’d be gone for some time , grieving the things that you lost.
You weren’t ready for it to be over already , but you didn’t have any other choice to make.
You missed Tyler , and you were hurt. He had betrayed you , and somewhere during that , he made you fall in love with someone who didn’t seem to exist.
You had so many questions that were going to be left unanswered , and so many feelings left unsaid.
It felt as though the war you were fighting had just ended , but a new one was already starting to begin.
tags! @lexxierave @snixx2088 @lucifers-golden-bitch-apparently @minkyungseokie @zdziebelko13
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creamecafe · 2 years
Dating Tyler Galpin Would Include...
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Navigation | Request Guidelines | Who I Write For | Tyler Galpin Playlist
Pairing: Tyler Galpin x GN!Reader (No pronouns)
Warnings: sfw, fluff, mentions of mommy/daddy issues
a/n: also to let you guys know that this is my first time doing a 'aesthetic' for my stories. I'm still trying to figure out a way to layout my stories because I love pictures and color themes and want to add that to my stories. Anyways sorry for the long rant that enjoy this HC!
*No spoilers included*
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Don't forget to like, share, reblog and comment on what you think!
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• He's the literal perfect definition of a golden retriever boyfriend
• So soft on many levels
• When he first saw you when you walked into the Neathervane coffee shop, he couldn't believe his eyes of how beautiful you were
• Loves holding your hand a lot
• Coffee just practically reminds you of him everywhere you go
• Having cute picnics dates together
• Walking around Neathervane just talking in the dark sky of autumn at 5pm brings butterflies
• Is protective over you
• Holds you close by him especially because of his mommy issues
• Whenever something reminds him of his mommy issues, he starts to be fidgeting thinking you'll leave him
• But you assure him and hold him, putting a kiss on his forehead that you won't leave him
• Always remembers tiny details of you
• Like your favourite ice cream flavor, how you like your coffee, favorite flower, favorite weather, he takes note of you
• When he gets you the wrong thing, he apologizes so much and will go get the thing you like even though you tell him it's fine. But he won't let it slide that he got you the wrong thing
• Sharing playlists with each other
• When you two are alone, you like to listen to music together with each earbud in opposite ears
• He just loves you so much and will do anything for you
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Thanks for reading! Don't forget to heart, reblog, share, comment on your thoughts, and follow for more works! You can also find me on Wattpad and my other socials in my bio. Feedback is always much appreciated!
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crazyk-imagine · 1 year
Cat Naps
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Pairing: Xavier Thorpe x Plus size! Cat!reader Characters: Plus size! Cat!reader, Xavier Thorpe
Briefly mentioned: Wednesday Addams, Enid Sinclair, Bianca Barclay, Tyler Galpin aka The Hyde Warnings: Cold and stormy night, Xavier is a secret sweetheart, reader and Xavier have a special moment or two, reader doesn’t handle emotions well (is explained), the other students are judgey, Enid tries to be a good friend, reader and Enid have a cute friendship Word Count: 1,469
You open your eyes, staring at the occupied stool in front of you. You push yourself off the ground, the blanket falling past your arm and bunching around your waist. Your eyes stare at the gray blanket, playing with the charcoal stains, finding it satisfying when you wash your hands and watching as the dirt slips down into the drain. 
“You’re up.” 
Your ears twitch, tail flicking side to side. “Xavier?” 
“Do you know anyone else with an art shed?” 
You don’t like his teasing tone, especially after a much-needed nap. You shrug, “maybe, I do.” 
“Really? Like whom?” He sets his pencil down on the desk beside what you can only assume to be his sketchbook. 
“Maybe one of the vampires or werewolves have a shed, you know for- for privacy.” You run your paw hand through your hair. 
He studies you, always fascinated with- well, anything you do. He finds himself wondering if your hair is as soft as it looks and if he was ever given the opportunity to run his hands through it, would you purr? He pushes himself off the stool and steps closer to you, holding his hand out in front of you. 
You glance up at him, tails flicking once his scent hits you. 
The change in your eyes makes him tilt his head, wondering what’s going on inside that head of yours. 
You’re weary to take his hand, but you do so anyway, he’s done nothing wrong for you to be scared of him. But you also don’t like touching people because they’re mean; the memories you have when you were in a normie school haunt you to this day. 
He pulls up, keeping his balance steady when you crash into him. Xavier freezes unsure of what to do, he’s never had a pet other than the fish he had when he was a kid since it wouldn’t run around the house and mess anything up when his dad was working. He's used to his creations than the actual living and breathing animals. He doesn’t know why this thought came to mind until he notices the shift in your posture and removes his gaze from your twitching ears. 
You stare into his eyes, leaning in closer as slowly as you could without invading too much of his personal space. 
“What- what are you doing?” No one’s been this close to him since Bianca but it’s oddly more comforting when you do it. 
You blink, eyes dilated. “You smell familiar, it reminds me of a happier time. It's nice.” 
No one’s ever said something like that to him before and without any emotion on your face, even more interesting. “Oh- uh- thanks. I guess.” 
“It’s a compliment,” you assure him. 
He nods, arms falling at his side when you step back with your hands behind your back. 
What he doesn’t see or realize is that your tail was curling around his hip, you can’t let him know you... accept his presence, he’s not nearly as annoying as the other students. 
“What- what were you doing here?” 
“I went on a walk. I got tired of listening to everyone talk about me, the new kid who might have clawed their classmates for no reason or whatever rumor they’ve been spreading around.” 
“And you thought the floor was a good idea?” 
You chuckle, looking back at your makeshift bed. “It was comfortable, even more so with the blanket. I thank you for looking out for my safety and well-being.” 
The corner of his lip’s twitches. “It was nothing.” 
“It took a lot of courage for you to be able to do that.” 
“What makes you say that?” 
“No one besides Rainbow has been nice enough to make an effort.” 
You nod, glancing around the room, venturing over towards his desk, flipping through the sketchbook he was working on during your nap. You tail flicks happily at the sight of an almost finished sketch of you napping. “The wolf girl who is roommate to the girl who thought you were the monster.” 
“The one who you would stare at because she supposedly saved you from burning in a casket during a game of hide and seek.” 
“She has little to no-” 
“I- I get it. I know who you’re talking about now. I just- I didn’t realize you were so close with her, either of them.” 
“I’m not but they make an effort and I... like that.” 
A light bulb goes off in his head. “Do you- would you want to stay while I work on some things?” 
You haven’t stopped staring at the sketch since you started talking. “As long as you finish this before we have to go back to the school.” 
He steps closer, wondering what you’re referring to. His body heat sends a pleasurable shiver down your spine, tail smacking his top of his hand sending you into a full body and brain shut down. Xavier glances down, smiling at the way your tail moves and how rigid you’ve become. “Why do you want me to finish it?” 
“I- I find myself to be pleasing to look at.” 
“Is that all?” 
You quickly nod before running around him. 
He turns expecting... something entirely different than what he sees now. 
You hop up on his desk and lay down. 
“How did you- how long have you been able to do this?” 
“A while.” 
His eyes widen, you’re a talking cat, A TALKING CAT! “Does this happen a lot?” He settles onto the stool, pulling the sketchbook closer. 
“Usually, my emotions have some kind of factor.” 
He nods, eyes wandering off his sketchbook but not over at you. “Is that why you pretend to not feel anything?” 
You meow at him, smacking his hand with your small paw. 
“Okay, okay,” he raises his arms. “No more questions.” 
You watch as he takes his times completing the drawing, eyes closing slightly until a crack of thunder startles you awake. You jump up and rush into his arms, shaking and shivering from the brisk cold air that seeps under the cracks of the door. You burrow your head into his chest, stealing any kind of warmth he has. 
He stares down at you before hesitantly raising his hand, slowly petting your head. You lower your ears, enjoying the way his hands softly glide through your fur, calming you. He keeps one hand on you while he continues. 
Eventually everything outside calms down and it feels like you’re squirming in his lap? 
Xavier looks down and finds a much bigger you, more human like that is. He doesn’t remove his gaze from you. 
You lazily climb off his lap, settling beside him not quite ready to abandon his body heat. Your head rests against his thigh, ears no longer twitching as you look up at him. “If you find yourself uncomfortable, I can remove my head from your thigh.” 
He shakes his head, “nope.” 
A relaxed smile dances across your lips. 
He managed to finish the sketch before it got too late. His hands gently scratching your head not wanting to startle you awake. 
You owlishly blink, straining your neck a bit to look at him. “Hm?” 
“I finished and it’s late. We should start heading back to Nevermore.” 
You shake your head, stretching your arms above your head. “I want to see it first.” 
“It- it’s not done. I lied. I need to-” He scratches the back of his head, avoiding your gaze. 
You trace along the lines with your fingertips while being careful about your nails. “Interesting.” 
“It’s nice to look, nothing compared to the others you have hidden away.” 
He turns his head, leaning in closer wondering if he heard you correctly. “You saw them?” 
You nod, “they were good, I like them.” 
“Oh, okay. Would you-” 
“I’d wonder what it would be like to actually know you’re drawing me, with my acknowledgement.” 
“We could plan a time.” 
“Yeah?” You turn to look at him with downplayed excited expression. 
“I think it could be fun... maybe we could even get something to eat afterwards?” 
“I don’t like fish.” 
He blinks once, “oh, I wasn’t- I didn’t even think of that.” 
“Who tried to-” 
“Rainbow. She was trying to be nice, but it backfired. Just because I have few similarities to a cat does not mean I will live by them.” 
“Okay, no fish. Got it.” 
You walk behind him, putting on your clothes over your special body suit, no matter what form you take it stays on you which comes in handy when your emotions get crazy. You pout, you didn’t bring a jacket. 
He walks behind you and sets his extra jacket (that he brought for some reason, and he doesn’t regret it now) on your shoulders.  
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biggestsimponhere · 2 years
hii lovely!! i love your writing so much and i’m 100% on the tyler galpin love train
i was wondering if you could please write something for him with prompts 14 and 15, something comforting for the holiday season? it’s my first holiday without someone i love and i could use some tyler comfort🥺
thank you if you do, but if you’re too busy or don’t want to it’s all good! sending love, happy holidays!!
Warm comfort - Tyler Galpin x reader, “be my mess” and “can you come over so I can cry into you and hug you”, also I don’t know if they have winter break but I’m giving them one.
It was late in the evening late enough that you were back at your dorm. Your roommate left, She went home for winter break. But seeing as your family doesn’t want to talk to you, you asked principle weems if it was alright that you stay in the dorms. She said it would be fine because she and many other teachers are going to be staying on campus. You’ve been working on your assignments for the past couple of hours and just can’t seem to get it. You had been crying for at least fifteen minutes before your phone rang. You looked over to your phone, it was lit with your best friend Tyler’s contact photo (it’s a picture of you on Tyler’s back).
You grabbed your phone and answered the FaceTime, “hey! I just got off work, why aren’t you showing your face?” His voice came from the other end. “Hi, and I’m a mess that’s why” You responded tilting your phone enough for him to see some of your face. “Be my mess” Tyler said in response. “Ty you can’t say things like that” You said burying your face into your hands. “Why not? What if I wanted you to be my mess. My girlfriend?” Tyler said seemingly completely serious. “Tyler are you messing with me right now?” You said finally pointing the camera at your face. “No of course not” he said looking dead serious. “Of course you’d end up asking me out over the phone, yes I’ll be your girlfriend” you laughed. “Well you’re not here are you?” He said laughing with you.
“No but can you come over so I can cry into you and hug you?” You said suddenly remembering how much work you have to do. “Why, sweetheart, what’s wrong?” He asked looking worried. “I have so much work to do and I’m not understanding any of it, and well I just miss you” You said starting to tear up again. “One, miss you too, Two, do you want help with your work?, and three, I’m on my way right now” He said smiling at you. “Thank you Ty” you said smiling back. “You’re not at your family’s house right? You’re at Nevermore?, cause you know how much I don’t like you going over there” He said as he climbed into his car. “No I’m not at my family’s, I’m at Nevermore, and yes I know” You said moving from your desk to your bed.
“Okay I’m on my way, I will be there shortly but I’m gonna have to hang up because the connection gets lost on some roads, I love you goodbye” his finger hovered over the button before he hung up, waiting for you to say it back. “I love you, goodbye” you hung up the phone and pulled the covers back around you. After about fifteen minutes there was a knock on your door. “Come in” you called from underneath your blanket. The door opened to reveal Tyler with a bag in his hand. “What do you have there?” You asked peaking your head out of your blanket. “How’d you know I had something?” Tyler asked moving toward your bed. “I could hear it and now I can smell it” you said as he sat next to you.
“Well if you must know it’s food from that cute little Chinese place you love” He said pulling the food out. “You got that for me” you looked at him much like a puppy looks at its owner who’s holding treats. “Yes I got it for you, you’re upset and I’m going to make it my job to make you feel better sweetheart” He said reaching out to push your hair from your face. “Thank you, I love you” you said leaning into him and burying your face in his neck. “You’re welcome, I love you too” He pulled you out of where you rested in his neck. You looked from his eyes to his lips as he did the same. He leaned in and pulled your lips to his. It was a nice kiss, soft, full of love.
He pulled you closer to him and you deepened the kiss. “As much as I love kissing you, you have to eat sweetheart” he mumbled against your kiss. “Alright” you groaned pulling away with a huff. He handed you your box and you opened it. You started eating and you both continued to talk about your days. In between talking you’d steal a piece of chicken from his box and he’d gently swat your hand away trying to look angry at you but failing. You finished eating and pulled out your schoolwork as Tyler took care of the trash. You tried working on your homework, but couldn’t understand any of it. Tyler had gone to the bathroom and when he came back you were sat on your bed crying.
“Sweetheart?” He said as he came and sat next to you. “Ty, I can’t do it, I don’t understand, I’m so stupid” you said as he wrapped his arms around you. “Hey, don’t say that, you are not stupid, why don’t you take a break okay? You can always come back to it later” he said kissing your forehead. “Alright, will you lay with me?” You asked moving your school stuff off of your bed. “Of course” he said grabbing the last of your stuff and moving it. You pulled back the covers and you both laid down. He pulled you into his chest and you buried your face in his neck. “You won’t leave if I fall sleep right?” you asked your words slurring from sleep. “Always sweetheart” he said shifting into a more comfortable position before falling asleep with you in his arms.
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pandorascripts · 1 year
Can we have more 241 wednesday and reader? i'm just in love with your writing and with this history <3
241 III
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summary: cute stuff, also I'm sick of winter so this is a time skip into spring.
pairing: wednesday x gn!reader (could be read as fem)
note: i suggest you read at least 241 part II, I was also listening to Violent by benches and Where'd All the Time Go? by Dr. Dog when writing.
big note: I've decided to fight fire with fire, so I will now be putting my Wednesday fanfics in any and all tyler galpin and xavier thrope tags until people learn how to tag fics right.
part I, part II
What are we?
What are we?
What are we?
What are we?
You gritted your teeth together, hating how the question sounded so stupid. You shouldn’t have had to ask Wednesday what the two of you were, it should’ve been simple, really. You should just know. But you don’t, which is why on a Saturday walk in Jericho with Wednesday, you were anxiously biting your lip. The hand that wasn’t holding hers was stuffed in your pocket, chipping away at your nail polish. 
“You’re anxious, why is that?” Wednesday asked, turning her head up to you. 
You watched the rock you’d kicked seconds earlier skid and jumped across the uneven road.
Wednesday stopped in her tracks, not really minding the cool spring breeze. 
“Two months ago I made a promise. Do you remember what it conveyed?”
Wednesday squeezed your hand sharply, lending you a warning look. “No, I promised I would not lie, and in turn I believe you agreed too.”
You nodded, looking down to your sneakers. 
“So, I won’t make you tell me, but I do hope you know that I want to listen. When you’re ready.”
With that, Wednesday continued walking again, you trailing closely behind her. The sounds of Wednesday’s boots hitting the ground were heavy, a juxtaposition to yours, which were softer and much lighter. You wondered if she walked heavily because Wednesday often said she’s got the responsibility of three blundering idiots on her shoulders. You failed to mention that she’s too small to cary Eugene, Enid, and you on herself. 
The walk turned silent once again, a peaceful silence. You fished out something from your pocket, sliding one in your ear as you handed the other to Wednesday. She accepted it, a light smile coating her lips. Another part of Wednesday’s apology. Since she liked to repress her emotions, which caused a lot of problems, she’d suggested the idea that she be more open, and allow emotions to show. 
“Thank you.”
“Mhm,” you mumbled, scrolling through a playlist you’d made. Recently, you found out that Indie Rock was a genre Wednesday didn’t mind, so you clicked on a playlist you made previously, letting it shuffle through and selecting a song. 
Arctic Monekys, you thought, nice. 
Wednesday’s finger tips lightly bounced off your hand, going to the beat. You smiled, looking up to the sky. Green was restoring itself to the bare trees, the sky was happily blue with clouds dusting over gracefully. The wind brushed against your ears making you shiver occasionally, but you didn‘t mind. In a way, you felt like spring represented your relationship with Wednesday. In a since that you two were too welcoming old friends, feelings, and allowing them to grow and take root. Your future was, if everything continued like this, peaceful as the sky, with little disruption. The song changed to one you quite liked. It was on the slower side, and so you unconsciously slowed your walk down, breathing in thick air. Under you, your foot sloshed in a puddle created the previous day from the melting snow.
Wednesday tugged on your hand, grabbing the other and setting it on her waist. You smiled, not trying to hide your confusion. Wednesday linked her arms around your shoulder, and started swaying. Your chest felt like it might explode, your heart rapidly beating as you swayed too. 
Wednesday rested her head on your shoulder as her arms slid down to hold your biceps. “I’m sorry, you just seemed so… at peace,” she whispered. 
You grinned, also burying your head in her shoulder. As Wednesday turned to her left, you turned to your left, still swaying with the song. A shaky exhale left your lips as you sighed. Your body felt heavy as Wednesday guided you, your feet sometimes hitting hers. If she minded, she didn’t say anything. Even as the song changed, you two still stayed there, swaying in the breeze like the leaves blossoming on the trees. 
“What’re we?”
Contrary to what you were thinking, Wednesday simply continued swaying, not bothering to stop this moment. 
“I don’t know, but what I do know is that it’s up to you. I was foolish, and now I’d like to be yours again, only yours.”
You nodded into her shoulder, adjusting your grip on her so it was more of a hug. 
“I want that too,” you mumbled, sighing contently. 
Wednesday and your’s relationship was spring, it experienced droughts and tough parts, experienced rain, and muck, but most importantly, it gave joy and peacefulness. It made both of you happy as you started anew, greeting old feelings and memories, but also making room for new beginnings. You truly believed spring to be your favorite part of the year, and as you stood dancing with Wednesday under half-green trees, you felt at home.
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