#The Quest For The Rings
mapas-fantasticos · 22 days
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Map of the 1981 video game the Quest for the Rings.
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boredtechnologist · 6 months
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The Quest For The Rings for the Odyssey 2 console
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mrkida-art · 7 months
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Young dwarf Thorin
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epiclad · 3 months
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""The tale of House Hoslow is told in blood." That's the kind of warrior I want to be one day, coz. Even if I'm scared, I'll still fight to protect everyone."
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oldschoolfrp · 5 months
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Saruman the White ponders his palantír. "You are the trusted apprentice to one of the greatest Wizards in all Middle-earth" in A Spy in Isengard (Angus McBride cover art for Middle-earth Quest gamebook #1 by Terry K Amthor, Iron Crown Enterprises, 1988). McBride has been memed more than once.
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realtacuardach · 11 months
One of my favorite takes on Frodo, and why I value him so much as a character: unlike so many central characters in fantasy, he was not a Chosen One.
Instead, he was the One who Chose, and that made all the difference.
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Ok, no, but can you imagine:
Aragorn (as Thorongil) having known baby Boromir-
And just casually mentioning it while they’re on the quest.
And of course everyone’s intrigued (and boromir is lowkey mortified when he realizes that “yes, i actually knew him when i was a baby”) and so aragorn just kinda tells one story about bby boromir (not to embarrass him or anything, just bc what else are they gonna do during all those days walking?)
But of course boromir is lowkey embarrassed, as one does when baby stories come up.
And legolas just-
Legolas, to Aragorn: hey, you remember the time you were so scared of climbing down from a tree, you spent an hour crying for me to get you bc you didn’t trust the twins as they weren’t “tree elves”?
Legolas just comes in clutch and levels the playing field. Boromir might be embarrassed bc of his bby stories, but Aragorn is now bright red.
Everyone is now pestering for Gandalf to tell some embarrassing stories about Legolas, but the wizard admits that Legolas was born in the 2nd age, before Gandalf came to middle earth and so he has none.
Legolas is just cackling in glee bc his siblings aren’t here to embarrass him in turn and he now has the pleasure of being one of the oldest for a change.
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telumendils · 1 year
the problem with "sam is the real hero of lotr" discourse is that it fails to recognize one key thing that the films (and the books, iirc) make a point of trying to convey: neither sam nor frodo could have made it all the way to mt. doom without the other there to bear his part of the journey's burden. frodo is able to carry the ring so far bc sam is there to carry hope for him, and sam is able to carry hope so far bc frodo is there to carry the ring. in this essay, i will
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slavonicrhapsody · 1 month
I’ve seen a bunch of theories about the snow witch that hinge on the assumption that her name is Renna, but what if Renna was never actually supposed to be her name?
what we know about the snow witch, or snowy crone, is that she was a weird old lady in the woods who taught the young Ranni heretical cold sorcery, and wore the pointed hat and robe Ranni wears now. Ranni’s doll body is said to be “modeled after” her… but it cannot be a perfect 1:1 impersonation of her, because Ranni doesn’t look like a “crone” at all!
Rather than an attempt to fully impersonate the snow witch, I think Ranni’s doll body is more of an homage to her old mentor. and with that in mind, I think that the name “Renna” might also be an homage to perhaps the most important mentor in Ranni’s life — her mother.
I think it’s very fitting for Ranni to use her new persona as a way of maintaining her connection to her teachers after she slew her physical body and abandoned her previous life. though Ranni is accused of being cold and unfeeling, she’s actually very sentimental — her co-conspirators are her closest childhood companions, her base of operations her childhood home. she still loves her mother and defends both her body and her legacy. she died wearing her mother’s talisman. wouldn’t it be sweet if she chose to call herself Renna out of love for Rennala?
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artbyleav · 1 year
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“I can’t just go running off into the blue, I’m a Baggins of Bag-end!”
Martin Freeman did such an excellent job with this role 🥹
(Done with procreate)
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tavvoc · 9 months
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Millicent (muh queen)
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aotearoa20 · 5 months
Aragorn: You brought an entire suitcase full of whiskey?
Legolas: No
Legolas: There's wine in there as well. I'm not a savage
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mrkida-art · 8 months
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Prince Balin of Durin's Folk
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playingthesaint7823 · 6 months
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Have sum Utami.
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doodlesdreaming · 3 months
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Had a dream where my DQ XI OTP were getting married, so naturally I had to sketch it out.
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captainwaffles · 2 months
Frodo: You kill people for money?!
Bilbo: I can explain
Frodo: and I’ll this time I’ve been doing it for free like a chump
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