#Tgcf x atla
Hey guys, I started writing my greatest crossover ever
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wonderlandgoblin · 2 months
Okay, so I don’t watch Hazbin Hotel (if I wrote it wrong, sorry) but for like weeks, the only thing I see in the asexual tag is people complaining about allos shipping ace characters in a very allo way, and it’s been annoying me to no end, because while we do have to be upset about that, the ace tag should also function in a way for us to share jokes, have fun and enjoy our identity without having to fight for our right to exist.
So I propose we do something different. Let’s annoy the aphobes. I propose that from now on, every character becomes ace/aro/aroace. No more shipping fanfics, just platonic relationships and friendships. Every fanart is now SFW and has the ace/aro/aroace flags colors.
Tell me the characters you’re claiming!
My ace claimings are:
1-Luffy (any pairing with him just gives me nausea)
2-Zoro (fuck zosan, he prefers swords over anything except maybe luffy, who he has a squish on)
3-Bakugou Katsuki (I love that kid, I’m making him one of my own)
4-Sasuke (I hate that guy, but he rejected both Sakura and Naruto, that kid’s definitely aroace)
5-Yor (my queen mama prefers killing over kissing, that should be an obvious sign)
6-Yona (no one’s touching my queen, she never liked Soo-won nor Hak, it was all social pressure to not end up alone, fight me)
7-Xie Lian (I don’t like the idea of anyone touching the god I worship, so that means he’s ace now)
8-Kageyama (idk why, he just has a vibe)
9-Handa from Barakamon (I don’t think this needs explanation)
10-Fushiguro Megumi (I like him, he’s one of my own now)
11-Maomao (she prefers venoms over sex)
12-Mash from Mashle (like, look at him, that guy just wants to exercise, eat and be with his family)
13-Violet Evergarden (I don’t think I need to explain this, this girl dedicated her entire life to understanding romance as it made no sense to her, aroace queen)
14-Sokka (he’s too smart to like sex)
15-Zuko (he’s an angel, angels don’t have sex)
16-Magnus Chase AND Alex Fierro (they’re my babies, I identify too much with them, the idea of them having sex gives me the ickies)
17-Jude from the Cruel Prince (I liked her better before she fell for that stupid fairy)
18-Edmund from Narnia (he was my childhood crush, I’m making him ace)
19-Annabeth Chase (she’s too perfect to have sex)
20-Alec Lightwood (I just like imagining Magnus loosing his shit every once in a while because of it)
21-Leo Valdez (bc why not?)
22-Blue Sargent and half the women she lives with (no explanation needed)
23-Dick Gansey the Third (he prefers dead kings over sex)
24-Katniss Everdeen (if you disagree, what is wrong with you?)
25-Castiel (fuck destiel shippers, angels don’t have sex)
26-Felicity from Arrow (haven’t finished the series but as far as I know, she’s too cool for sex)
27-Barbie (she’s a doll, she has no reproductive organs, she can’t feel desire)
I could probably pick more characters but I think this is enough for now, have fun annoying the aphobes!
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currently-0bsessed · 1 year
- Hunter X Hunter (Anime)
-Mob Psycho 100 (Anime)
-Omniscient Readers Viewpoint (Online Novel)
-They Both Die at the End (Novel)
-Jujustu Kaisen (Anime)
-Miraculous ladybug (Cartoon)
-The Owl House (Cartoon)
-Kazetsuyo (Anime)
-GrandMaster of Demonic Cultivation (Web Series, Donghua)
-Heaven Officials blessing (Anime, Donghua)
-Haikyuu!! (Anime, Manga)
- Avatar the Last Airbender (Cartoon)
-Bungo Stray Dogs (Anime)
-Portal/ Half-life (VideoGame)
-Generation Loss (ARG)
-Tondemo Skill de Isekai Hourou Meshi (Anime)
-Harry Potter (Novel)
-One Piece (Anime, Manga)
-Good Omens (TV Series)
-ChainsawMan (Anime, Manga)
- Death Note (Anime, Manga)
- Murderous Lewellyn’s Candlelit dinner (Manga)
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perseph0ne-13 · 11 months
WIPS + Completed works
I was inspired to make this by other pages I’ve seen do this, as well as to keep track of my own things + so that you guys can stay updated as well! So, I bring to everyone: A comprehensive list of all of my WIPs and completed works, organized by fandom :>> (except for the WIPs, those aren’t organized by fandom, sorry)
“fighting in only your army” - Rangshi fic, Rangi POV, inspired by Taylor Swift’s song “You’re losing me”
“we don’t know where we’re going (but we know where we belong)” - beiguang modern high school au, it’s loosely based on glee/brittana (because I am a nerd. I’m waiting to finish this one because I want to play the sumeru archon quests and add in the appropriate characters)
we’re reeling through the midnight streets - ATLA x Catradora AU. Adora is the Avatar
when you’re gone, it’s forever - 1st installment of my TGCF x Catradora AU. Adora is a God, Catra is a Ghost Queen, and everything that can go wrong goes wrong. (Catra POV)
tread the water child, and know that meanwhile rises the moon - 2nd installment of TGCF x Catradora. This was Catra’s interlude fic of her friendship with perfuma in the 4 centuries between her and Adora meeting again. Super cute, I was really proud of this one!
i’ll be around on sunday - 3rd installment of TGCF x Catradora. Adora and company enter Catra’s territory and commit a bit of arson. Adora POV
i need you closer (and you’re not even an inch away) - 4th installment of TGCF x Catradora, Catra interlude fic (again), the story behind the black sword Adora found in i’ll be around on sunday
i need less voices (just you and me) - 5th installment of TGCF x Catradora, Catra (thankfully) kidnaps Adora- but not without consequences. 
there’s nothing like a mad woman (what shame she went mad) - 6th installment of TGCF x Catradora, Catra is on trial for every. single. crime. she has ever committed. Sh*dow We*ver makes a surprise appearance and clears every god in the room. (Adora POV)
your smile, my ghost, I fell to my knees - 8th installment of TGCF x Catradora. Catradora + Glimbow travel around the ghost realm to search for Sh*dow We*ver. Adora doesn’t understand how Ghost’s work, Catra is terribly insecure, and Bow confirms something. (Catra POV)
I only have one finished for them and I think that’s truly a crime. I will get on this, soon. Trust. 
my achilles heel - Beiguang soulmate AU, 4 times Beidou got hurt + 1 time Ningguang got hurt. First fic I ever uploaded, and it’s still my most treasured upload 
i gotta get better - Ellie/Dina, basically just a sickfic. Ellie has chronic pains and migraines
passing notes in secrecy (don’t you let it go) - Rangi keeps finding letters around the mansion- love letters written for her. She goes insane trying to figure out who it is. 
i don’t remember who i was before you - He Xuan character study, he doesn’t remember who he was before impersonating Ming Yi. 
we hang back, but it’s all in the timing - Hualian genderbend modern AU, Hualian audition for the school musical and shenanigans ensue
That’s all for now! I’ll edit this post as I upload and finish things. I hope this is helpful to everyone! If you’ve read some of my work, don’t hesitate from commenting or reaching out, I’d love to talk to you!!!! Thank you all for reading <33
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pichirobi · 4 months
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fire, air, water, earth.
prince xie lian is one of the most promising up-and-coming avatars the world has yet to see. that is, until disaster strikes his home earth kingdom of xianle. when his people die out at the hands of a plague spirit, bai wuxiang, the nations blame the avatar. with his reputation destroyed, xie lian joins the air nomads for 20 years and travels the world as a scrap-collector. although he has lost the respect of the people he is destined to protect, the spirit world is thrown into chaos without his guidance. xie lian works thanklessly to maintain global balance all on his own. but unbeknownst to him, there's one person, upon the throne of the fire nation, who still believes in the avatar.
welcome to my tgcf x atla au!
click here to follow this tag for updates. read more below for my story notes.
xie lian is born to the king and queen of an earth kingdom city-state, xianle, and is quickly discovered to be the avatar. a wildly talented one, at that. he learns firebending second, and waterbending third. still young and pampered, xie lian struggles with the humility associated with airbending principles.
at just the age of 17 he begins to travel the world to master the four elements and [katara narrator voice] to restore peace and balance in the world. he acquires a servant (firebender mu qing) and a bodyguard (earthbender & childhood best friend feng xin). it's during this time that he tours the fire nation, meeting with political figures and impoverished citizens alike, gaining a positive reputation for his determination and skills. to celebrate the summer solstice, xie lian is the face of a festival in which he proves his elegance, combative strength, and firebending prowess. during the ceremony, he controversially interrupts it to save the life of a 10-year-old urchin boy.
the lines between the spirit and mortal worlds bleed together during solstices. it's xie lian's festival which attracts a particularly violent spirit to emerge into the mortal world: bai wuxiang. the white-clothed calamity.
xie lian's life is filled with promise until he turns 22. he catches word of a disaster taking place in his home kingdom. he puts a pause on his tour of the nations to return to xianle. there, he finds that a strange and highly contagious disease has begun plaguing his people. its symptoms are unnatural; the work of an angry spirit. xie lian works himself to the bone trying to save his common people. he fails.
when xianle falls to plague, to chaos, to fear, its people blame the avatar. he is dubbed the avatar of misfortune. a failure. xie lian's reputation crumbles to dust and he is helpless to restore his people's faith in him. when the rest of the world learns of how xianle came to ruin, the avatar becomes not a figure of peace to be revered, but a bad omen.
having lost his two companions, his parents, his kingdom, and the global adoration he's come to rely on for his self-worth, xie lian runs away. he disowns his past identity and seeks to start a new life. he finds himself in the northern air temples, where the air nomads pay him no mind, although xie lian is a bit of an oddball. (xie lian might look rougher and jaded but they certainly recognize the avatar. they pretend to not know him—the nomads keep to themselves and as long as xie lian doesn't cause trouble, he is welcome.) he eventually befriends a monk named shi qingxuan.
xie lian seeks enlightenment. he incorporates himself into the monks' way of life, releasing all ties to material possessions and worldly indulgences. he abstains from sex, alcohol, anger, and, hardest of all, grief. he goes on to live 20 years as a scrap collector, practicing what he was taught by his teacher and guide, monk wu yong. xie lian knows it's time to leave the temples when he finally masters airbending.
humbled, xie lian rekindles his fighting spirit. the common people loathe the avatar, but he forgives them. he will save them.
as xie lian wanders the nations, he learns that during his darkest years, literature, art, and scholarly works of the avatar have been destroyed. most people don't even remember what he looks like and much less have the means to learn anything about him. (hua cheng carving xl's face into the side of a mountain: HOLD MY BEER)
meanwhile, there is a fire nation urchin boy who has grown into someone powerful enough to be feared. through his unmatched wit and charisma, he has worked his way up the capital's political hierarchy. a city governor who calls himself hua cheng, is the first aristocrat to challenge the firelord to an agni kai. he is also the first to win. he delegitimizes the royal bloodline and single-handedly reshapes a generation's idea of a competent ruler. bonus points for the previous firelord being xie lian's indecent cousin, qi rong.
now 35 years old, the new firelord, terrifying yet respected by all, leads his people to prosperity and vanquishes every enemy. peculiarly, he seems somewhat uninterested in his position of power. instead, he enjoys turning his attention towards erecting a shrine, a palace, in honor of avatar xie lian.
the avatar preceding xie lian, jun wu, oversaw great conflicts between the four nations. it is during one of these wars that a seemingly insignificant teenager dies. his soul drifts aimlessly in the spirit world, vulnerable, alone. he encounters the trickster spirit koh who steals his face. time is hard to account for in this realm, and the once-a-teenager forgets his past life, his own identity, simply choosing to refer to himself as wu ming: nameless. many years later, the avatar cycle begins anew with the birth of xie lian.
at 7 years old, prince xie lian and his best friend feng xin are outdoors playing with swords. feng xin takes a break, as he is called inside by the king of xianle, leaving xie lian outside and unsupervised. (feng xin will shortly be told that xie lian is not only his friend, but now his responsibility.) meanwhile, xie lian is left without a sparring partner. until a ghostly silver butterfly flits in front of him. it playfully weaves around the flourishes of the blade. xie lian chases it, away from the palace grounds, across the fields and into the brush, where he falls head-first through a burrow. when he stands up, his sword has disappeared, but not the butterfly. it pulls his attention upward, where he takes in his surroundings: the spirit world.
xie lian continues to play and greet spirits, who are all pleased to meet the new avatar, eventually finding a sad, dissipating ghost fire. the ghost introduces itself as wu ming. xie lian works very hard to cheer it up, promising they'll be friends in this lifetime and the next. wu ming brightens and confesses that koh has stolen its face. xie lian fails to tolerate this news: if he's to be the avatar, he must protect the innocent and slay monsters. with wu ming's warnings, he marches to koh's den to demand his friend's face back.
xie lian succeeds. wu ming doesn't remember much these days, but he's sure that no one has ever showed him such incredible kindness. when wu ming expresses his desire to disappear, xie lian gives him a mantra: "live for me."
xie lian has to leave, to return to a very worried feng xin (who is scared he's already failed his new bodyguard job on day one), but wu ming is invigorated with life like never before. his soul persists, stubbornly, for the avatar. he is reborn back into the mortal world as a fire nation boy. although, the encounter with koh would leave a mark on his body: the sclera of his right eye would be an unsettling blood red. the people of his village would know him as hong hong-er.
elsewhere in the spirit world, the ghost of avatar jun wu senses young xie lian's presence. he also senses the persistence of the ghost fire—a soul reborn. could he, too, return to the mortal world? jun wu entertains a simple but horrifying thought: by swapping places with xie lian, could he achieve immortality as the world's last avatar? thus, jun wu hatches a plan. he strikes a deal with bai wuxiang, the white-clothed calamity, a malevolent plague spirit. bai wuxiang would possess the body of jun wu to eliminate the new avatar. to kill xie lian, and to be reborn.
the plan doesn't go—well, according to plan. the people of xianle are wiped out before he can get his hands on xie lian, and the destruction of a people leaves behind a universal distrust of the avatar. jun wu realizes he would be unable to seize power in such an environment. his new strategy must involve controlling young xie lian, manipulating him into a puppet. it takes a while to pin him down, but jun wu eventually finds him settled in the northern air temple, at his most emotionally vulnerable. jun wu will impersonate a monk teacher, changing his name to wu yong. he will bide his time and play his cards until the world is ready for his return.
hualian are middle-aged men in this au because it makes sense timeline-wise, but also because sexy silver fox xie lian is what i see every time i close my eyes.
narratively, i'm torn between hua cheng loving the avatar, or hua cheng loving xie lian. thinking about this timeless lovestory, "you, not the state of you," i can see it both ways. hua cheng might love the avatar, xie lian and all of his reincarnations regardless of their body. or, he might love xie lian, regardless of the "avatar" title. ("avatar" may also be this world's equivalent to hua cheng respectfully calling xie lian "dianxia".)
firelord hua cheng presents himself at what he believes is his ugliest, most intimidating form: exposing his burned right eye. as san lang, however, he is at first ashamed to reveal such a vulnerable part of him in front of his love; he covers it with an eyepatch. (the people of the fire nation are like: "a platypus?" [san lang takes off his eyepatch] "PERRY THE PLATYPUS?!?!")
hua cheng teaches xie lian how to bend lightning. they easily trade bolts back and forth to each other in a cute and intimate way. feng xin and mu qing are horrified when they first see this in action.
hualian's first kiss happens when they're battling a sea monster underwater and xie lian loses his concentration enough to accidentally pop hua cheng's air bubble. a little mouth-to-mouth resuscitation will do the trick until they can float back up to the surface.
ruoye = xl's spiritual serpent guide (kind of like roku's dragon)
e'ming = hc's super clingy fire ferret
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24hlevi · 3 months
2,500 ℱ𝑜𝓁𝓁𝑜𝓌𝑒𝓇𝓈 ℰ𝓋𝑒𝓃𝓉
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hello and welcome to my 2,500 followers event! thank you all so much for enjoying my writing, i really cherish and appreciate it! 🫶
for this event, i will be accepting requests for all my fandoms that I'm currently writing for! this includes ;
— attack on titan
— alice in borderland
— blue lock
— bleach
— bungou stray dogs
— chainsaw man
— demon slayer
— jujutsu kaisen
— tokyo revengers
— spy x family
— vanitas no carte
— tian guan ci fu
— jigokuraku
— one piece
— sakamoto days
— sweet home
— resident evil
— gen v
— yellowjackets
for this event, i will be accepting fluff, angst, and smut requests from these prompt lists
angst prompt lists
fluff prompt lists
smut prompt lists
for this event, i will be accepting one prompt per character (ex. fluff prompt 4 from list 2 with gojo satoru). you may also add a bit more details on a plot if you'd like as well in your request
reminder : i do not write for character x character ships on this blog, however if you request it i might post it on my ao3 account, but it will not be posted here | i accept all types of readers (gn, male, female, transfem, transmasc, nonbinary, etc.) so please put that in your request, otherwise i will label it as gn by default
thank you guys again for 2.5k!
"is that my shirt?" saka days gaku x gn!reader
"drowsy" atla suki x gn!reader
"star shopping" bleach ichigo x transfem!reader
"sleep is better with you" saka days nagumo x gn!reader
"kiss land" bleach rangiku x male!reader
"what you need" saka days gaku x fem!reader
"love's train" atla suki x gn!reader
"goes to waste" aib kuina x gn!reader
"smile" jjk shoko x gn!reader
"sleepy tale" jjk nobara x fem!reader
"bleed it out" saka days nagumo x gn!reader
"loft music" saka days nagumo x gn!reader
"pizza party" tgcf hualian x male!reader
"good girl" bllk isagi x fem!reader
"we meet again" tbosas lucy gray x gn!reader
"safe with you" aib chishiya x gn!reader
"moonrise" yjs nat x gn!reader
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morethansky · 2 months
WIP Game
rules: in a new post, post the names of all the files in your wip folder regardless of how nondescriptive or ridiculous. let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them and then post a little snippet and tell us about it!
Thanks for the tag, @wolveria! Only listing the ones with more than 1k written, because otherwise we'd be here all night. Bolded the ones that I've already started posting for reference.
Miscellaneous Star Wars
Mend This Old Wound (Obi-Wan/Maul)
the chains are the easy part (Obi-Wan/Maul)
down that wild road (Obi-Wan/Maul)
A Future for Us (Echo/Fives, Jesse/Kix, Cody/Obi-Wan, Barriss/Ahsoka)
wait for the warm sun to return (Echo/Fives)
lay down the scepter and crown (Cody/Rex)
Tomorrow Bright Before Us (Rex/Anakin)
Departure (Anakin/Ahsoka)
A Symmetry to Such Things (Thrawn/Eli)
Intoxication and Ecstasy (Thrawn/Eli)
sendoff kisses (Thrawn/Eli)
skybridger soulmate au (Ezra/Luke)
Star Wars: The Bad Batch
Another Way Back (Crosshair/Hunter)
sift through the ash and dust (Crosshair/Hunter)
the side effects that save us (Crosshair/Hunter)
your laugh through the wall (Crosshair/Hunter)
settle down my shivered bones (Crosshair/Hunter)
coming back from what seemed a ruin (Crosshair/Hunter)
happily ever after first date (Crosshair/Hunter)
tantiss amnesia (Crosshair/Hunter)
A Fragment of My People's History (Tech/Wrecker)
lead me to the ark (Tech/Wrecker)
so put down the knife (Tech/Wrecker, Wrecker/Clone X)
And All My Tomorrows (Ben/Assane)
a love that will see you through (Ben/Assane)
darling, without you i'll go on searching (Ben/Assane)
Revision Within a Rigid Framework (Megatron/Optimus)
Paradise Elusive (Megatron/Optimus)
soundrod fix-it (Cyberverse, Soundwave/Rodimus)
in this life we're the perfect match (Jackson/Yixing)
the most beautiful melody (SDC, Qiao Zhi/Huang Xiao)
love is a kind of faith (SDC, Qiao Zhi/Huang Xiao)
i wish only to face the sea (SDC, Qiao Zhi/Huang Xiao)
want you for my whole life (GOT7, Jackson/Jinyoung)
let's start again from the beginning (GOT7, Mark/Youngjae)
camboy au (Bruce/Dick)
fairy tale identity porn (Dick/Damian)
dickroywill (Young Justice, Dick/Roy, Dick/Will)
The Universe Ablaze (Part 3 of Supernova) (ATLA, Zuko/Aang)
always a space for you and me (Good Omens)
telling my own fortune (Good Omens)
The Dawn Breaking (MDZS, Wei Wuxian/Lan Wangji)
Kintsugi (TGCF, Shi Qingxuan/He Xuan)
just to be awake in the same world as you (Staged RPF)
survive more, love harder (TMNT 2012, Leo/Raph)
Jfc, this is so chaotic, and seeing them laid out like this breaks my brain. Ask away!
If you're seeing this, you're tagged!
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eyes-of-mischief · 2 years
here are all my fic recs from...
aftg - all for the game atla - avatar: the last airbender aot - attack on titan | shingeki no kyojin bsd - bungou stray dogs bnha - boku no hero academia | my hero academia dbh - detroit: become human dc descendants disney - walt disney dn - death note dr stone fma - fullmetal alchemist (brotherhood) genshin - genshin impact ghibli - studio ghibli hannibal hp - harry potter + fantastic beasts and where to find them hq - haikyuu jjk - jujutsu kaisen knb - kuroko no basket | kuroko's basketball mcu - marvel cinematic universe mdzs - mo dao zu shi + chen qing ling | the untamed merlin mp100 - mob psycho 100 naruto orv - omniscient reader's viewpoint sherlock solo leveling svsss - scum villain's self-saving system sxf - spy x family tgcf - tian guan ci fu | heaven official's blessing tmnt - teenage mutant ninja turtles tua - the umbrella academy tw - teen wolf yoi - yuri!!! on ice
i regularly alternate between prompt and non-prompt posts
all prompt posts here
all non-prompt posts here
list of all prompt posts:
amnesia animal bureaucracy/office dimension travel (no crossover) eating disorder/food problems empathy/telepathy escort/sex work fae harry potter fusion/crossover murder mythical creatures naruto crossover possession/body sharing recovery resurrection sixth sense au/ghosts self-harm self-insert/oc-insert sleep social media suicide attempt/suicidal thoughts time loop time travel terminal/chronic vehicle
find me on ao3 at heartofsilverseas
i will mention if a fic is mature/explicit and all its content warnings except for 'creator chose not to use archive warnings'
if i miss any warnings please let me know! same as if i recommend a fic more than once, because i accidentally do that sometimes
fandom (especially anime) and fic recommendations, reviews, and prompts are always welcome!
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mutherless · 3 months
fefe. xxviii. what's up i'm an evil lesbian. it's the 2024 attempt at my multi.
if you sexualize minors, are racist / a zionist, are a transphobe (especially a transmisogynist), or a homophobe i'll beat you to death with my bare hands. no minors allowed.
CHUUYA NAKAHARA (they/he) > bsd
DONATELLO HAMATO (they/them) > tmnt rise
UTENA TENJOU (she/they/he) > rgu
HARUKA TENOH (she/he/they) > sailor moon
HOMURA AKEMI (she/her) > pmmm
BOTAN (she/they) > yyh
HUA CHENG (he/they) > tgcf
WEI WUXIAN (he/they/she) > mdzs
KURAPIKA (they/he/she) > hxh
CLAUDE VON RIEGAN (they/them) > fe:3h
CATRA (they/she) > spop
AZULA (she/her) > atla
ZERO KIRYUU (he/they) > vk
FUUMA MONOU (he/they) > x/1999
TIFA LOCKHART (they/them) > ff7
NOCTIS LUCIS CAELUM (they/he) > ffxv
YATA MISAKI (he/him)> k project
SHIZUO HEIWAJIMA (they/he)> drrr
KUROGANE (he/him) > trc
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ithappensoffstage · 9 months
tagged by @lolahardy , thank you as always!
Three Ships: Ineffable Husbands (Good Omens), WangXian (MDZS/CQL), Hawkbeej (M*A*S*H) (Cody); Harringrove (Stranger Things), Protagoniel (Tenet), VegasPete (KinnPorsche) (Jas)
First Ship: I realized the other day that it would've been Zuko x Katara from ATLA, though we were only 7 at the time and not so aware of the concept of "shipping" yet! (Both)
Last Song: A Long Dream - SE SO NEON (Cody); BACK TO ZEROBASE - ZEROBASEONE (Jas)
Last Movie: I showed my wife one of my favorite movies, the 2014 queer union film Pride!! (Cody); The Fellowship: Break the Wall ATEEZ concert film (Jas)
Currently Reading: I am currently deciding on what to read next, as I just finished Aristotle and Dante Dive into the Waters of the World on Sunday and it wrecked me emotionally (Cody); TGCF volume 5 (Jas)
Currently Watching: The Bear (Cody); Jujutsu Kaisen (Jas)
Last Thing I Wrote: A cover letter lmao; I'm a little checked out of writing at the moment (Cody); my book (Jas)
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royungsworld · 11 months
This blog is a mess, you can find things about 19 days, atla, blue lock, boku no hero academia, bungou stray dogs, csm, haikyuu, jujutsu kaisen, kny, kuroshitsuji, minecraft, mdzs, owari no seraph, pokemon, sk8 the infinity, snk, spy x family, tgcf, tokyo revengers, vanitas no carte, yuukoku no moriarty (tagged as I wrote them) (there are spoilers), other manga and anime that I forgot, and a lot of non-fandom related stuff that I didn't tag, have fun
Also, I don't mind spam of likes or reblogs, you see something you like, hit that button
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Sooo… does Long Feng qualify to be an imperial perceptor? I’m just asking for my TGCF x ATLA Crossover
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babyrdie · 4 months
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Post with some basic details just in case.
Why I block?
I'm against using AI to generate "illustrations". If I see that you have something on your blog that suggests that you support it (posted the result after you used it, reblogged it knowing that it's AI, said that you agree, etc.) I will block you. It could be a reason why you're blocked.
I usually don't like online wars about characters. I'ill probably ignore or block you. Even if you haven't specifically arranged a discussion with me, I'il still block you if your blog has a type of discussion post almost every time, even if you're arguing alone. It could be a reason why you are blocked. It doesn't have to be personal, I just prefer to keep it out of my feed. But of course, if you don't usually argue much, I'm not going to be a hypocrite and say "aha, they're looking for a fight!". After all, I do argue sometimes.
You post a lot about a topic I have no interest in, but you keep showing up in my feed. It's more effective to block you than to block tags, so that could be a reason. Again, it's not personal.
You post offensive things. This is very rare for me to find here on Tumblr, so it's probably not the reason.
There's a possibility it could be accidental! I'm not even kidding, It's happened before.
My art
I stopped posting my drawings here because of the whole AI thing, but I haven't deleted them. They are all about Greek mythology, because I only posted design training inspired by Greek mythology and I didn't post other fanarts from other fandons that I drew. Anyway, my artag is #IK.
But I ended up posting again a few times, but only requests I received via ask.
Art reblogs disabled because Tumblr has an annoying thing: even if you delete your original post, the reblog continues. This means that if I ever want to disappear with my stuff, it won't really be possible if someone reblogged me. So disabling reblogs on drawings for control reasons.
Blog content
This account has mainly reblogs.
I'm multifandom and multishipper. You'll see me reblogging things that have nothing to do with each other, like ATLA and TGCF. You'll see me reblog different ships with the same character like Shinomitsu and Obamitsu, including ships that I don't even ship like Apolo x Hyacinthus (I just haven't read any of them yet, so no opinion).
Since I'm already mentione character wars, I also want to add for those who came here because of Greek mythology that I like "morally questionable characters". This extends to Medea, and Clytemnestra as well. If you don't feel comfortable with someone appreciating them, be aware that I do and I'm not going to give any post I make about them a "hey, I know this character isn't a good person, but…" disclaimer because I don't do that to any character and I think this tendency of people wanting others to let people know that they know the characters are "problematic" is stupid. Also, I like """controversial""" ships like Medea/Jason (I don't think they're that controversial, but I've seen people who are uncomfortable). And because I see this bringing a lot of debate…I ship Patrochilles romantically! I don't have a problem if you prefer them platonically, but be aware that I like them romantically, so you'll see posts about that regardless of media (if it's TSOA, if it's Hades, if it's from myth, if it's from some comic, I don't care. Food is food , beautiful fanarts will be reblogged). And that is it, I think that for the other content that I consume, there are no characters or ships that I need to warn about.
The overwhelming majority of my posts have reblogs disabled, and this is explained here. You'll see even the most harmless ones with reblogs disabled, like one post that's basically a screenshot of Stardew Valley. To simplify things: I simply prefer that most of my posts don't spread too far.
In case you care about age, I'm of age.
I'm definitely not fluent in English. I may not be an active name in any fandom (those people who post and interact a lot), but I'm open to interaction! I don't care about text reblog, comments, private messages or game tag. Just be aware that perhaps our language barrier can generate…well, misunderstandings of tone or wording.
I'm wordy and sometimes too much extroverted when interacting. It can bother some people, so if you don't like/think it's too much, advise me and I stop. I'm fine with it!
I often use the ask system, but always without being anon. But I don't get bothered if someone wants to ask me something using anon, so go on if you want (I don't know why you would ask me anything, but hey it's okay!). The tag is #ask.
If you see me using "gringo", know that's slang for "foreign". It's not offensive.
Por que eu bloqueio?
Sou contra o uso de IA para gerar "ilustrações". Se eu ver que você tem algo no seu blog que dê a entender que você apoie (postou o resultado depois de você usar, reblogou sabendo que é IA, falou que concorda, etc), vou bloquear. Pode ser um motivo para você estar bloqueado.
Não sou fã de guerra por causa de personagem. Provavelmente vou te ignorar ou te bloquear. Mesmo se você não tiver especificamente arranjado discussão comigo, ainda vou bloquear se seu blog for do tipo de dez em dez posts um é discutindo por personagem. Pode ser uma razão para você estar bloqueado. Obviamente não estou falando de pessoas que discutem aqui e ali, eu faço isso também já que ninguém é de ferro!
Você posta muito sobre um assunto que não tenho interesse, mas você continua aparecendo no meu feed. É mais efetivo te bloquear que ficar bloqueando tag, então pode ser um motivo. De novo, não é pessoal.
Você posta coisas ofensivas. Esse é bem raro de eu achar no Tumblr, então dificilmente é o motivo.
Há a possibilidade de ser acidental e eu nem estou brincando. Já aconteceu antes!!
Meus desenhos
Parei de postar meus desenhos aqui por causa de toda a coisa da IA, mas não os apaguei. Todos são de mitologia grega, porque eu postava apenas treinos de design inspirados em mitologia grega e não cheguei a postar outras fanarts de outros fandons que desenhei. De qualquer jeito, minha tag de desenho é #IK.
Ainda posto desenho aqui e ali, mas é porque estou atendendo pedidos que andei recebendo por ask. Então basicamente só posto pedidos kkkk
Minha postagens de arte estão com reblogs desativados porque, no Tumblr, se alguém te reblogar e você posteriormente apagar o posto original, o reblog permanece. Isso dificultaria minha vida se algum dia eu quisesse sumir com os meus desenhos nessa plataforma, então deixo desativado arte para facilitar meu controle das coisas. Os outros posts seguem normais.
Conteúdo do blog
Esta é principalmente uma conta de reblogs.
Sou multifandom e multishipper. Você vai me ver reblogando coisas que tem nada a ver uma com a outra, como ATLA e TGCF. Também é provável que me veja reblogar shipps diferentes com o mesmo personagem, incluindo os que nem shippo.
Como já mencionei as guerra por personagem, quero acrescentar também para quem veio aqui por causa da mitologia grega que gosto de personagens moralmente questionáveis. Isso se estende a Medeia e Clitemnestra também, não apenas aos masculinos. Se você não se sente confortável com alguém que é fã dessas personagens, saiba que eu sou. Também gosto de navios """polêmicos""" como Medeia/Jasão (não acho que sejam tão polêmicos, mas já vi pessoas que se sentem desconfortáveis). E porque vejo isso trazendo muito debate…eu shippo Patrochilles romanticamente! Não tenho problema se você prefere eles platonicamente, mas saiba que eu gosto deles romanticamente, então você verá posts sobre isso independente da mídia (se for TSOA, se for Hades, se for dos mitso, eu não me importo. Comida é comida, lindas fanarts serão reblogadas). Acho que os outros fandons que posto aqui não precisam de nenhum aviso específico, então por hora isso tá bom.
A esmagadora maioria dos meus posts têm reblogs desativados, e isso está explicado aqui. Você vai ver mesmo os mais inofensivos com reblogs desativados, tipo um que é basicamente apenas um print qualquer do Stardew Valley. Resumindo: eu simplesmente prefiro que a maioria dos meus posts não se espalhe muito.
No caso de você se importar com idade, eu sou de maior.
Prepare-se para ver posts meus em um inglês questionável.
Não sou aquelas pessoas de fandom que postam e produzem bastante e tudo mais, mas estou aberta a interações. Então sem problemas em comentar ou reblogar com texto alguma coisa minha, me mandar uma DM ou até mesmo me marcar em game tags.
Sou prolixa e às vezes muito extrovertida na hora de interagir. Pode incomodar algumas pessoas, então se você não gosta/acha demais para o seu gosto, me avise e eu paro. Não tenho problemas com isso!
Utilizo frequentemente o sistema de ask, mas sempre sem ser anon. No entanto, não me incomodo se alguém quiser me perguntar algo usando o anon, então vá em frente se quiser (embora eu não vejo por que alguém me perguntaria algo).
0 notes
ultfreakme · 6 months
I'm quite surprised you're not including satosugu as your fav ships. I'm with you, too, for me Geto >>> Gojo...You're the first one in tumblr (that I know of) that also love Geto more than Gojo as a character....
Also at first I thought the pic in your bio is xie lian from TGCF, then I realized is Zuko from ATLA (sorry....)
I love SatoSugu a lot but I didn't include them because I was thinking of ships I had for like, years and still obsessed over or can obsess over in the long-term. StSg is super new for me and I love them a lot but I guess I'll include them as my top ship if I can manage to focus on them for like, at least 10-12 months(I have....a very short attention span. This was once a blog for Hide x Kaneki and for Tokyo Ghoul when it started. And here we are). Jon and Jay are my fave ship and I liked them for years but they aren't on my fav character list.
I am. indecisive as heck.
Also omg I can't believe there aren't more people who liek Geto more than Gojo???? I love Gojo too but he's like....well his S1 impression was bad for me, S2 is what made me like him. Geto though, instant favorite. I guess it's because his character arc and his design are something that I always tend to like (long haired pretty boys who are always second best and are unable to deal with the pressures of their society- so that's Jiang Cheng from MDZS, Zuko from ATLA and Junpei from JJK lolol). I really like tragic characters a lot and Geto's character journey was very relatable. I think we've all felt like cogs in a machine that endlessly torments us and the people around us with no way to escape or overcome it. He's a genius from hard work, as Gege Akutami put it, and I love characters like that.
Gojo's just to unreachable in terms of being relatable, I don't fully understand him though I empathize with his worries and his difficulties.
And I understand why you mistook Zuko for Xie Lian. I copied Starember's hanfu design for him because I really liked Xie Lian's clothes.
Me: Can I copy your homework? Starember: Sure, just make it a little different. Me:
Tumblr media Tumblr media
I figured it was fine since this is official TGCF art and I really wanted to put Zuko in a pretty outfit that had softer colors of fire rather than the harsh red, and then I remembered this Xie Lian design. I'm no expert in hanfu so I really didn't want to design a new one and cause offense or do something wrong so. Voila! I also basically copied the positioning and posing for my banner. I promise the other art works are all original or referenced from irl people photos.
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vrishchikawrites · 3 years
I’m here to rec you TGCF x MDZS fanfics (again bc the ask got deleted I assumed, gee thanks Tumblr)
Atlas by etymologyplayground
Pros and Cons of Keeping Wei Wuxian’s Spirit Hostage cringewerewolf (HC keeps WWX’s soul at a spirit trapping pouch. Canon still happens from there)
Raise It Up, Roll The Dice by Ghostysword (about LWJ demanding for WWX’s body and soul)
after midnight series by uraa (WWX prays and Hualian heard his prayers)
when you’re ready, we’ll turn the page together series by merthurlin (XL ascends during pre-canon of MDZS, so he left WWX in the Jiangs. Things still happened like canon)
In Those 13 Years & Full Moon by Mizukiyoru_Shiroko (there is YMSJ reconciliation hint in second installation so just heads up. First series had no mention of him)
When you go, take this heart by comicfuss (about wwx fluff with Hualian taking care of him during death and when he was alive he has his family again)
Even across a thousand miles by merryofsoul (XL and WWX switched bodies. Things go from there)
It wasn't eaten! I was just a bit lazy because I add links to the replies now :) I see you've added a few new ones so I'll add links to those!
Atlas by etymologyplayground
Pros and Cons of Keeping Wei Wuxian’s Spirit Hostage cringewerewolf
Raise It Up, Roll The Dice by Ghostysword
after midnight series by uraa
when you’re ready, we’ll turn the page together by merthurlin
In Those 13 Years & Full Moon by Mizukiyoru_Shiroko (Was able to find it!)
When you go, take this heart by comicfuss
Even across a thousand miles by merryofsoul (XL and WWX switched bodies. Things go from there)
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cuterocks · 2 years
sideblogs: guardian ❀ art & classic lit ❀ personal
mxtx tags scum villan's self saving system - novel - svsss read • mdzs - mdzs first read ⁕ the untamed - bts - novel - fatal journey 3zun, nielan, nieyao, xiyao - songxiao, lanlan art, edits, fics - cosplay - meta, headcanons - memes • heaven official's blessing - novel - tgcf read
novels corto maltese les miserable moby dick sherlock holmes the blind concubine the epic of gilgamesh
tv shows advance bravely - novel alice in borderland atla - beyond evil caleb gallo cash or trash columbo criminal minds fleabag good omens hannibal - reaction interview with the vampire justice in the dark killing eve legend of fei - braincell throuple love death and robots - zima blue lucifer miraculous ladybug misfits ms cupid in love our flag means death - art, edits - meta, headcanons - memes rocco schiavone severance shadowhunters supernatural the blooms at ruyi pavilion the flaming heart the good place tlok - art, meta, headcanons the long season the sandman the terror the umbrella academy the way of the househusband the witcher what we do in the shadows winter begonia x files your highness class monitor
movies be somebody crimson peak disney how to train your dragon il signore delle formiche interview with the vampire mamma mia mcu - thorki, stucky, loki, venom pacific rim prince of egypt rocky horror picture show studio ghibli - howl’s moving castle sympathy for mr. vengeance the green knight the hunger games the matrix thirst (2009) too cool to kill twilight what we do in the shadows
actors baron chen chen kun dev patel freckle harvey guillen ji chen ji xiaobing li bowen liu yuning meng ziyi qi peixin rhys darby shuntaro yanagi song jiyang tim curry vico ortiz wang yang wang yibo wang yizhou xiao zhan yu bin yu qing zheng fanxing
other acnh brian david gilbert chris fleming gris stardew valley pokemon speak your language day the arcana other
favourites: poetry, stories - visual, concept - reaction images hands, red thread, tarot, trans things important - translations - media links - asks - my things private links
dmbj - art, edits, fics - meta, headcanons - memes ⁕ word of honor - bts - novel wenzhou - yewenzhou, yexie - hanwenzhou art, edits, fics, fic recs, cosplay - meta, headcanons - memes
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