#Star Wars Adventures: Weapon Of A Jedi
sinvulkt · 1 year
Angstpril: 9. MEMORIES FEEL LIKE WEAPONS (Sin and scel- at some point)
@whumpril - Day 5. Defiance
Frustration bubbled in my chest. 
“What do you know?” I hissed. “What do you know of being trapped, no release in sight. What do you know of losing everything you had ever cared for? Of realising it meant nothing in the first place?”
A sad glint lit Scélérat’s eyes.
I froze.
Right, he knew. Because of me… He knew all of the above.
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wizard-finix · 4 months
LU Star Wars AU: Part 2
feeling very validated by the fact that people like this SO LETS CONTINUE
Next up, Four and Wind!
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A droidsmith and technician by trade, he and his grandfather run a shop dedicated to repairing ships. However, Four is also skilled enough to make his own technology out of parts when he sets his mind to it, and as a result he has expanded his skill set to making and repairing droids, and he's even learned how to forge and repair most kinds of weapons.
When Four was young, he met an older man named Ezlo and learned how to make droids in the brief time Four knew him. Four has made hundreds of tiny miniature droids in the years since, and is very fond of all of them. (Four named his first one EZ-10.) Ezlo also taught Four how to meditate and attune himself to his surroundings, but it wasn't until much later that Four learned that these were actually basic Jedi training techniques— and with that, the fact that Ezlo may have been a Jedi, and that Four himself had the ability to use the Force.
Four has no interest in having a lightsaber, and claims he has better weapons of his own suited to him. Vaati showed up shortly after Ezlo, and he causes problems for him and his grandfather. Four was also friends with Shadow until his death at Vaati’s hands.
Wind is young, but like Legend he has spent much of his life traveling across the galaxy, and he feels most at home in his small spaceship, the King of Red Lions.
Wind originally got his start as a crewmember of the famous intergalactic pirate Tetra of the Outer Rim territories as a way to rescue his sister Aryll after she was wrongly arrested by the Empire. He then later traveled on Linebeck's ship not long after parting ways with Tetra. Wind found** the Red Lion during his adventures, and has been traveling the galaxy with it since. He's still close friends with Tetra.
Wind is very in tune with the Force, especially spirits, and better learned how to use his abilities when he was traveling with Linebeck. He doesn’t have a saber, but he still has a weapon or two of his own and plenty of tricks up his sleeves.
**(stole it from spice traders)
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karttaylir-darasuum · 3 months
a resource page for all your clone related needs
some tips on how to unwhitewash the clones in your content: 1 2 3
a folder of literally, like, 100s of photos of tem for all your reference needs
avoid racist, ableist, & otherwise negative stereotypes when writing about wrecker: 1 2
types of clone troopers
trooper weapons
technical sw terms
every canon named clone up until 2020 (images and names only)
ever canon named clone up until 2021 (images, names, battalions, & jedi officers)
every canon named clone up until 2023 (names and battalions only, no images)
assorted clone lore: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
reader inclusivity (has fic resources + poc moodboard images)
some links + videos about māori culture you might find useful if it's relevant to your works: 1 2
disability inclusivity
māori, mando'a, and huttese dictionaries
star wars and clone specific fic dividers: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
some things to keep in mind as we're celebrating characters played by and modeled after a māori man:
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you can find the full pdf these are sourced from + more information on the subject here
if you're like me and you want to see some māori films that have māori cast members from the star wars universe, here's a list with free watch links where available:
tem's māori-focused films: once were warriors, what becomes of the broken hearted?, river queen, rain of the children, mahana/the patriarch (i'm also fond of a tv show he did called adventurer)
whale rider (keisha castle-hughes, aka queen apailana & emerie karr)
hunt for the wilderpeople (julian dennison, aka clone cadets deke & stak in tbb s3)
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graveyard-stray · 3 months
Bedtime Story | Obi-Wan Kenobi x GN Reader
Synopsis: Obi-Wan tells the younglings the story of a courageous Jedi Knight who has saved him in battle quite a few times.
Includes: fluff!, battle, VERY small cameo from my own personal Star Wars OC, Sassy reader, Rex is a little shit but we love him, ONE use of Y/N, Clone Wars & ROTS era Obi-Wan, italics are flashback!
Not proofread
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Word count: 2.4K
The door to the younglings common area closed with a thud as Obi-Wan entered the room, a soft smile on his lips as he brought the young Jedi back from their afternoon training session.
Obi-Wan wasn’t usually tasked with teaching the younglings but Yoda was a bit busy so he took up the responsibility without complaint. As they returned to the main area he was about ready to send them off to their quarters to turn in for the night. “Okay young ones, it’s time to head off to bed for the evening. I’ll see you all in the morning.” He said with a smile.
As he turned to leave the room he felt a small tug on the bottom of his robes. He tilted his head down to see one of the younger children tugging on the bottom softly in order to get his attention. “Master Kenobi…can you tell us a story?” Mumbled the small voice.
He chuckled a bit, “a story? About what exactly?” He asked, squinting down to get on the child’s level. “One of your awesome adventures!” Another kid chimed, this one on the older side.
Obi-Wan thought for a moment before it finally hit him, “oh I’ve got the perfect story for you all” he decides before moving to sit in a comfortable seat on the far end of the room. All the younglings quickly scurry to gather around him, sat all over the floor smiling and visibly excited for a tale.
“This is the story of one of the bravest Jedi knights I know. They have saved me more times than I’d like to admit!” He explains, leaning forward to further engage and interest the kids. “One of the bravest things they have done was at the very start of the war.” he starts. “We were in a fierce battle on the planet Felicia, a beautiful colorful planet that at this time was crawling with droids! And we were surrounded!” he began to tell the story to the beaming younglings
The battlefield is loud, Obi-Wan and You are surrounded by at least 100 B1 battle droids with seemingly no way out.
Obi-Wan backed up till he felt himself bump into you. His head turns but his body stays in a battle ready stance. “Seems like we are in a bit of a situation here.” Obi-Wan pointed out. You rolled your eyes at him, also in a ready stance. “Oh you don’t say!” Your tone is very clearly sarcastic and you lean against his back for support, your tired and struggling to catch your breathe.
“Sorry dear, just trying to lighten the mood.” he apologizes briefly. “So, you got any plans?” You roll your eyes again at this. “Do I have any plans? I thought you were the genius council member. Your lucky your pretty” you joked, agreeing that maybe a joke to calm you both wasn’t horrible in this situation, it always benefited you to stay calm.
He let out a low chuckle, “alright alright, we could always just charge and see what happens” he suggests. You shrug at this, “I mean we could but we are a bit outnumber” you point out. “Ya know we could-“ you started
You hear a voice that breaks you both from this side conversation and interrupts you, “why are you just standing there! Drop your weapons!” One of the droids yell. This turns Obi-Wans head sharply towards the source of the voice. “Didn’t your mother ever teach you it’s rude to interrupt people!” he said with a shocked tone before quickly charging towards the group of droids and attacking them.
You rub a hand over your face in defeat, “charge it is then.” You say to yourself before taking on the droids that you had been facing.
The two of you were doing a very decent job holding your own in this battle. Obi-Wan had always been very skilled with his lightsaber and general martial arts, his fighting always reminded you of a dance and this was something you admired about him. You on the other hand were also good with your saber but were a bit less elegant and focused more on the force. A talented force wielder you managed to rip plenty of droid heads off their bodies in quite a short amount of time.
Just as the two of you thought you were in the clear and safe from the droid attack, another wave hit. At Least two hundred more droids came at you from all angles and once again the two of you found yourselves surrounded.
“This is your last chance. Surrender or be exterminated.” one of the droids said, in their usual robotic tone. Obi-Wan turned to you, “I’m not sure we have another option.” He confessed. But you wouldn't give up so easily. You frantically looked around the area for anything that could possibly help you in this situation, and that’s when you spotted it. There was a ledge near by, it was high up but if the two of you could just make it up there you would be able to get away with ease.
You grabbed onto Obi-Wans arm. “Aww you know I don’t mind you holding on to me love, but there is no need to be frightened.” He attempted to comfort. “Dont flatter yourself Kenobi. I’m getting us out of this mess.” You said before tightening your grip on him and using the force to jump the both of you high into the air. Obi-Wan let out quite the yell at the surprised and you would feel bad if it wasn’t for the fact he screamed like a girl and it was quite funny.
As you managed to land on the ledge you both tumbled to the ground from the momentum and the fact that your not used to force jumping with another person. “God you know I hate flying.” He grumbled as he got himself off the ground. “Yeah, ya know a simple thanks for saving my life would’ve worked too.” You scolded. He chuckled and planted a kiss on your temple, “Yes yes, thank you for saving me.”
the two of you looked down at the swarm of droids below who were no frantically searching for you. “We should probably get going.” You figured. He nodded and hummed in agreeance.
Thankfully a rescue ship had already been dispatched and took little time finding the two of you stranded out on the planet. It landed nearby and you ran over just excited to get home and into your beds.
“Welcome back Master Kenobi and Commander [Y/N] .” Said Rex as the two of you boarded the ship. “Ah Captain Rex, never thought I’d be so happy to see your face!” You said with a grin as you took a seat in the common area of the ship. “When I heard the two of you were in some trouble I knew I had to come down and see the sight for myself!” He explained. Obi-Wan rolled his eyes, “of course, truly insistent on our failure aren’t you.”
“Only when I’m bored” Rex responded with a chuckle. He leaned back in his seat as another one of the clones came in from the cockpit, “We are going to liftoff now sir. Are we heading back to Coruscant?” He asked Rex, who just nodded. “Alright, enjoy the flight” the soldier nodded before turning on his heel and heading back to the cockpit.
You all sat in silence for a moment before Obi-Wan asked, “How exactly did you hear about us being trouble anyway?” Rex smiled, “Anakin. Him and that girl he always hangs around were headed to come find you but I insisted they let me come instead. Told them they have much better things to do then clean up after their old masters!” He smiled. You nodded, “Ah of course, those two always can be found together. Well I guess I’m grateful for it in this instance since you saved our asses!”
Obi-Wan quirked a brow at this. “He saved our asses? Far from it, it was you who save us!” he said with almost shocked expression. “They saw we were surrounded and launched us into the air and onto that ledge you found us on. Without them we would’ve been toast!” He exclaimed.
“Oh I mean it wasn’t really that impressive I just got us out of the way is all.” You said humbly, propping your legs up on a footrest. Obi-Wan interjected, “and humble too, truly the finest Jedi you’ll ever find!” He praised. Rex laughed out loud and the two of you looked at his confused.
“God no wonder your padawans are so obsessed with each other, look at how the two of you act with one another! Like an old married couple!” He insisted. You both got a bit red in the face because, you basically were an old married couple. Of course you weren’t actually married but you might as well be. Rex didn’t know this, I mean how could he, but the fact he noticed something at all between the two of you definitely had you a bit anxious.
Obi-Wan shook his head, “No we are not, that’s ridiculous. I am simply thankful that they saved my life that’s all.” He insisted. “Anakin and Kaya are simply the way they are because they are both very strange creatures.” He elaborated. Rex laughed again, “well I can’t disagree with you there! Anyway, we should have a bit of time till we land so I suggest the two of you take some time to rest up, I trust you’ll have some meetings to attend to when we arrive home.” Rex advised. You agreed but Obi-Wan just sighed. His hatred for anything business related sometimes would out way his love of being a Jedi.
“And that, young children, is the end!” Obi-Wan announced as he leaned back in his chair. He was expecting to be met with claps or excitement but instead he was met with booing and complaints. “We want more!” “What happened to the Jedi knight?” “Who are they!?” were all yelled almost ontop of each other from the crowd of younglings. He was a bit taken aback by the reaction.
He threw up his hands defensively, “woah woah slow down one at a time kids!” He tried to calm the situation of the rowdy children. “Okay, said Jedi knight is fine! They are still a knight and went on to do a lot more good during the war and they still do good to this day. Nothing else to be said!” He answered definitely.
Another groan could be heard, “what was their name!” Asked one of the older kids. “None of your business.” Answered Obi-Wan. “But I wanna know! Please master Kenobi!” The child begged.
Obi-Wan just shook his head, “you must learn patience and to not dwell on such trivial things.” He insisted- which was really just his own clever way of avoiding the question. For some reason he felt like it would be obvious his feelings for you if he mentioned that it was you he spoke of, and he feared the kids mentioning his stories about you to you when they saw you. But much to his dismay….
“Ehem.” A voice cleared sounded as someone cleared their throat. All the children’s heads turned quickly to the source of the sound which came from the door to the room. Leaned against the doorway was the same Jedi Obi-Wan was oh so familiar with. “You telling stories about me in here Kenobi?” your voice echoed in the large room.
The children looked from you back to Obi-Wan and began giggling almost knowingly. He got flustered, “oh uh well the kids wanted to hear a story from my adventures so I figured…ya know we’ve been on a lot together so it was really inevitable and. How long have you been standing there..?” He asked.
You chuckled at his embarrassment, “pretty much the whole time. I appreciate the tales of my heroism though but you left out all the times you’ve saved me.” You noted. Obi-Wan turned back to the children, “see kids, as humble as ever!” Which caused the kids to laugh some more.
“Anyway it’s time for you all to be off to bed isnt it. Go on now! You’ve got training with master yoda bright and early tomorrow.” He said, crossing his arms and motioning with his head to the younglings private quarters.
They all groaned but shuffled away to their rooms, a few “good nights” could be heard from the exiting crowd. As the door to the private area slid shut, Obi-Wan felt a hand on his shoulder. He turned to face you and wrapped his arms around you, leaning his head on your shoulder. “Gosh those children truly drive me wild sometimes.” He comments and you nod in agreeance. “Yeah well don’t all children.” You added which made him laugh.
“Didn’t realize you liked me saving you so much Kenobi” You teased, leaving a peck on his cheek. He brings his head away from your shoulder to look at you and you can see his cheeks go a bit pink again, “what can I say, after saving so many others it’s nice to be the damsel in distress every now and again.” he defends. “Yeah well if you ever need saving. You know I’ll be there.” You promise, putting your hand in his hair as he rests his head against you once more.
“My knight in shining armor” he mumbled as you two stood there alone for a moment, relishing in the peaceful times like this you got to share oh so rarely. “Well I think it’s time we get off to bed aswell.” You added, noting how physically tired he seemed after the long day you knew he had.
He stood up fully, “yeah your probably right, like always.” he agreed as he took your hand in his. “I’m just glad we convinced them to let us share a room, or all these sleepovers would look very suspicious.” He laughed. “Oh yeah- definitely!” You agreed.
The two of you walked hand in hand, the hallways luckily being pretty empty at this hour, till you made it to your living quarters. You both changed into some comfier clothes and slipped under the covers, more than ready to get a good night’s sleep.
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gffa · 7 months
Do you know if the Jedi Temple had a Danger Room-style training facility which included realistic holograms of dangerous scenarios?
Hi! There are two things that come immediately to mind--different continuities, but with as scarce as Jedi Temple worldbuilding is, sometimes we gotta take what we can get where we can get it! 1. The Force Unleased (Legends canon) has a room that sends out training droids to fight in the middle of a large "Padawan Training Chamber". You can watch a walkthrough of this particular mission here (this specific part starts at about 3 minutes in), where there aren't any holograms being used but it's otherwise kinda a Danger Room-style training area.
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2. Obi-Wan & Anakin (Disney canon) has young Anakin training against a droid that he himself layered a hologram of Darth Maul over it in an open training area. Mace and Obi-Wan are surprised by this, Obi-Wan says he knew Anakin was working on something, but not quite this, which seems to imply that the Jedi don't really have Danger Room-style holograms used and this wasn't something they were used to seeing, if it was a surprise when Anakin created one.
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It's always possible that I'm missing something in a novel somewhere or a piece of Legends content I haven't read yet! But generally, what we see of Jedi training areas are focused on more simple sparring together in dojo-style areas (Rebels and Tales of the Jedi) or training remotes defended against with their lightsabers or bokken (wooden swords) for those not ready for lightsabers (Choose Your Destiny: An Obi-Wan & Anakin Adventure) or open air courtyard training (The Clone Wars). So, I would say, no, they don't have a Danger Room-style training area and probably didn't really see it as important to develop one, because they're more about training their connection to the Force, rather than pure physical skills, because they deliberately chose to limit themselves in their physical training and weapons:
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(Star Wars vol. 2 ongoing) Their bigger point of the Jedi's training philosophy was that they wanted to seek peace and forge a deeper connection with the Force, so that's what they'd focus more on, that their martial arts training was the real thing they wanted to focus on. However, the pieces are there for you to create one, if you want it! And this is my view of the Jedi (with evidence for why I think that way, of course) but there's nothing stopping you from saying, well, the Jedi would want to prepare for more dangerous situations.
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ae3qe27u · 2 years
How about a Soft Wars Star Wars au where the Coruscant Guard does have a jedi assigned to them - multiple, actually. The Creche masters. They're bound to Coruscant, and the Coruscant Guard provide an excellent way for the little kids to go on big adventures to the nearby ice cream shop.
And the creche masters check in on the Coruscant Guard and treat them like people, which gets noticed by the various parents who also take their kids to the various dessert places that the Jedi travel to.
I want to see a little girl give Commander Fox a little care package. She put cookies, some fruit, and a little stuffed massiff in there for them. She's got a gap in her teeth and she wants to be just like them when she grows up. Her parent stands nearby, a little embarrassed to be bothering the guard, but hopeful that he'll humor the girl.
Fox has trouble finding the words to say, but manages to say something appropriately gracious. He accidentally promises to let her use some of their paint if she ever gets armor of her own. So. She's totally going to pout (and tooka-eye) her way into a miniature set of toy armor next chance she gets.
The stuffed massiff becomes the unofficial mascot of the Guard. They have a little chair for it and everything. (The chair was from a doll collector's collection - it got put into Guard lockup when the previous owner was found dead in their home, killed by a jilted lover. The chair was thought to be the murder weapon, but it was actually the dollhouse bed. Hound quietly kept the chair from going out to trash or to auction.)
One of the creche masters gives the Guard some extra blankets and also maybe sews them all quilts, that's a really nice mental image. The blankets are very soft and warm, well-worn fabric imbued with the joy of generations of younglings.
The blankets were originally for Grizzer, but the Guard took them instead. There are a few spots and stains that never quite washed out, but they don't care. They're nicer than anything else they've ever slept on, and they even have fewer nightmares. Productivity goes up, too, so they're able to justify it. Not that anyone asks, but just in case.
The Coruscant Guard is still eternally exhausted and emotionally abused by politicians, but they have a bright spot now in their dreary lives. And maybe the creche masters send them audiobooks to listen to while on shift. And one time, a creche master instinctively used their preschooler voice on a senator who was being snotty to one of the Guard, and the senators are maybe just a little less likely to be insulting in the Senate Dome. You never know if a Jedi might be nearby, and that would be mortifying.
"Remember, we don't use our no-no voice with our friends" or something like that. Senator Whatsface never lives it down.
I want to see a very soft helping hand help lift the Guard up, but also a slow tread up that incline. It takes time to heal those kinds of wounds, but having Jedi allies from the beginning could also help keep it from getting quite so bad in the first place.
It also totally boosts the Guard's reputation among the common citizens of Coruscant - instead of being weird guards that just stand around, they're the bodyguards that sit patiently and offer color composition advice while little baby Jedi plaster fingerpaint all over their nicely-painted torsos. It's hard not to warm up to someone when you see that.
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archduke42 · 2 months
OK, I've had time to really reflect with this trailer
I still have some mixed feelings. Part of me hoped they would not bring Barriss back because maybe it was time to move on. After 11 years, I felt like I was just being suckered by red herrings. It's a little exhausting when opportunities happen and everyone speculates but it becomes a false alarm. Plus I used to be rather arrogant over the thought of Barriss being an Inquisitor. Used to irritate me a lot that fans even wanted that to happen. "How can anyone want this?" I used to ask myself. But I'm old fashioned, from a time when good guys were good, bad guys were bad, and Hero(ine) blows up the super weapon. All this character ambiguity people embraced for their Star Wars was a bit alien to me. It was enough that she was supposed to die in Order 66, but this was almost too much. The backlash against "The Wrong Jedi" was a tidal wave at the time, and lots of fans (myself included) cried hard at Filoni and Lucas' casual retcon.
But then, I'd been writing hero journey stories for Barriss since 2005 or 2006 and the whole villain plot twist was infuriating. And there was so much hate for Barriss on the internet at the time. I cursed Filoni's name with an old man's fiery blackened heart. My Muse had become the most hated character in Star Wars, and I had become a hot mess for several years after so much heavy emotional investment. I wanted to channel all my energy into Barriss stories (and eventually Barrissoka stories, since they were such a perfect couple) I also commissioned some shipping/wedding/marriage art to maybe push back against people's notions of a revenge fight between Ahsoka and Barriss. I have been blessed with discovering a huge Barriss Offee/Barrissoka fan community out here, and I think we have all built so positive energy in our love for these characters. Being a writer and reading the works of so many others has helped me grow with the community and learn so much. I am grateful to the art of people like @grissaecrim, and stories by people like @jedimasterbailey and @stellanslashgeode (and so many others) I can be excited that Barriss is officially coming back! The wait is over, and my anxiety returns. but I also have had a long period of time in 11 years to accept these new dynamics for Barriss. I am ready to accept whatever Destiny is in store for Barriss, though I suspect Filoni will be giving her a journey of sorts and not just leading these episodes towards a villain death for her. I suspect this journey may even go to live streaming with Ahsoka involved but time will tell. I still loath the concept of challenging expectations, but I realize that Star Wars characters have to grow out of two dimensional designs. Heroes don't need to be sparkling perfect and Villains can have a moral compass of sorts. I just wish Lucasfilm would stick to a consistent history with all this. I'm certain Filoni will have more retcons to drop on us. It's his style. But in fairness, the trailer was exciting, the animation looked really good. And I enjoyed seeing other minor characters involved, like 4th Sister, Grand Inquisitor, etc. I look forward to the exciting battles with Elsbeth and Grievous, etc. Most importantly with this trailer comes the enthusiasm to see Barriss return. Much of the hate is gone, and the Star Wars community in places like Youtube, Tumblr, etc is blowing up with excitement for this. The majority fans are ready for her adventure to continue with open minds. I think that gives me more joy than anything, that fans actually want to see her again, and want her to win at this in the best way possible even though she is starting from a dark place. I'm ready to see how this goes. This could be one of the best Star Wars experiences of 2024.
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andiinaraethtash · 26 days
*slides into your mailbox with lightsabers and blue cookies* I have this idea of Paul getting Percy a lightsaber as a wedding present because not only is he marrying Sally, he’s also stepping up as a father and for the family moon, they go to Montauk and have a lightsaber duel while Sally roasts marshmallows watching her two boys get along and is happy because Percy gets to be a kid
I love the idea of Paul stepping up, he is the best, I love him so much.
Also I'm taking this as permission to rant about @itsybitsybatsyspider and my au, which just. Buckle in, it's a long one.
So it's very much a "Percy Jackson in the star wars universe," type thing, but like. Non-specific in terms of when in the timeline it takes place? I've kinda got it in my head that it's after KOTOR/SWTOR, but before the high republic.
So the idea is that the twelve Olympian gods are the twelve Counselors, with Zeus being the Grandmaster of the Jedi Order. All the rest of the gods have their different rolls related to their areas of power. Eg, Demeter is the Gardenmaster, Hestia is like. Jocasta Nu in terms of her role? She maintains things, though she's not on the Counsel. Similarly, Hades is the Head of the Jedi Shadows, and he sat in on a lot of the meetings when he was on planet.
Percy is a young (ie, like. 14) Force-sensitive who gets brought to the temple. He eventually gets apprenticed to the Nautoluan Jedi Master Po'Seiden (I should mention that in this au, Percy is half-Nautolaun. For absolutely no reason. Totally has nothing to do with the fact that Master Po'Seiden visited his home planet 15 years ago AND met Sally, no sir, not at all).
Anyway, he meets and immediately irritates young initiate Annabeth Chase, who's been trying to get Master Athena's attention so she'll be her Master. Percy's impertinence is getting in her way of being chosen as Master Athena's Padawan.
So naturally they get pulled into an adventure, and end up becoming fast friends, and share a friend in the (possibly part-Deveronian? Tdb) Grover Underwood, who's Master is a Seeker, finding young Force-sensitives and bringing them to the Temple.
I'm not sure how the Lightning Theif works exactly? But the basics stay the same: Zeus's weapon--a beautiful golden-white duel-bladed lightsaber--has been stolen, Zeus suspects Percy (reasons unknown) who then has to try to track down Jedi Master Hades, who's suspected to have had a hand in it. Only they find out that HIS weapon has been stolen as well, and both end up in the hands of Master Ares, a Zabrak who held the dubious honor of being the most aggressive practitioner of Djem So in the Order. He gets put on probation, especially once it's learned that he has been influenced through his dreams by the long-thought-dead Sith Lord Kronos.
As has the recently-knighted Luke Castellan, though by the time they realize that, it's too late. He's completely Fallen. It had been a long time coming; one of his crechemates and longest-time friends had been critically injured during a mission, and had been left behind on Zeus's (her own Master!) orders. Thalia had been rescued by Grover and his Master, but it was too little, too late. Thalia was so close to dead no one really had any hope.
We haven't quite decided whether Annabeth does get apprenticed to Athena, or to Chiron (who might be a Wookie, might be one of Yoda's species. Again, tbd). But she does get a Master by the end of it!
So Percy is half-Nautolan, and has a sea-green lightsaber. Itsy has art of him, but I don't wanna share it without their consent. (Also i want to let them share their thoughts.) But like. He has gills, which aren't readily visible, so Annabeth freaks out the first time she sees them in action, because they look like his throat has been slit in multiple places. Percy mostly uses the Force to manipulate his environment, eventually learning to make earthquakes.
Annabeth, meanwhile, is at least mostly human, who uses a shorter, bronze lightsaber, made mostly from components Luke had gifted her. The crystal, I think, is hers, just by nature of how kyber crystals work. She's very agile, using the Force to leap around and move quickly enough to get close enough to end her enemies before they can react.
We have a whole thing planned for SoM, sorta a plan for BotL, and some idea of how TTC would go. But if I keep going I'm gonna make myself so worked up I'm gonna be awake all night. Lemme know if you have questions! Also bug Itsy if you wanna.
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demifiendrsa · 1 year
Star Wars Jedi: Survivor - Official Reveal Trailer
Star Wars Jedi: Survivor, the sequel to Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order, will launch for PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X|S, and PC via Steam on March 17, 2023.
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The story of Cal Kestis continues in Star Wars Jedi: Survivor, a third-person, galaxy-spanning, action–adventure game from Respawn Entertainment, developed in collaboration with Lucasfilm Games. This narratively driven, single-player title picks up 5 years after the events of Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order and follows Cal’s increasingly desperate fight as the galaxy descends further into darkness. Pushed to the edges of the galaxy by the Empire, Cal will find himself surrounded by threats new and familiar. As one of the last surviving Jedi Knights, Cal is driven to make a stand during the galaxy’s darkest times—but how far is he willing to go to protect himself, his crew, and the legacy of the Jedi Order?
Key Features
Continue Cal’s Journey – No longer a Padawan, Cal has come into his own and grown into a powerful Jedi Knight. Carrying the memories and expectations of the Jedi Order with him, his crusade against the Empire has only become more perilous. The Dark Times are closing in, and with enemies new and familiar surrounding him, Cal will need to decide how far he’s willing to go to save those closest to him.
Go Beyond Your Training – The cinematic combat system returns with additional Force abilities and new lightsaber fighting styles. Creatively leverage all these abilities and weapons to strategically take on an expanded host of enemies, sizing up strengths and weaknesses while cleverly utilizing your training to overcome your opponents and solve the mysteries that lay in your path.
Explore an Untamed Galaxy – Discover new planets and familiar frontiers in the Star Wars galaxy, each with unique biomes, challenges, and enemies. Master new skills, equipment, and abilities that will augment the ways you explore, fight, and roam. With larger areas to explore and more to discover off the beaten path, players who adventure beyond the horizon will find hidden rewards.
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starblightbindery · 3 months
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Editor's Note from my bind, Designs of Fate, an anthology of Star Wars stories by Patricia A. Jackson.
Patricia A. Jackson is a criminally underrated Star Wars author.
I’ll explain.
Growing up in the late 1990s and early 2000s, it was challenging to be an adolescent Star Wars fangirl, particularly an Asian American one. Back then, fandom meant negotiating male-dominated online message boards where identifying as a teenage girl meant inviting a ‘fake geek girl’ grilling at best and sexual harassment at worst. Most of the published Star Wars books were about Han, Leia, and Luke. Han and Leia were in their thirties and the parents of three children...not super relatable for preteen me. As far as character development was concerned, our “Big Three” had established characterizations coalesced firmly on the side of good. For our heroes, there was no moral ambiguity as, novel by novel, they tackled the galactic Threat of the Week.
Bildungsromans, those books were not. When Jackson started writing Star Wars in the 1990s, there were no women Jedi or protagonists of color. If you wanted stories with original characters coming of age, your primary recourse was the West End Games’ Star Wars Adventure Journals and their published anthologies, Tales from the Empire (1997) and Tales from the New Republic (1999). I remember avidly poring over my dogeared paperback copies and stalking the internet for scans or transcriptions. Although I never played the D6 role-playing game, the short stories from the Star Wars Adventure Journals helped me envision that a character like me—a young Asian girl coming into her own—did have a place in Star Wars after all.
As evinced by the vitriolic reactions towards John Boyega and Kelly Marie Tran during the production of the sequel trilogy, Star Wars fandom can be a hateful environment for proponents of diversity and inclusion. A small but irritatingly loud faction of fascist-leaning, cishet, white male fans are actively hostile towards fans who advocate for change; they are more troubled by the presence of queers, women and BIPOC than our absence. Because of the ubiquity and popularity of Star Wars in America’s cultural milieu, the sentiments from these self-appointed gatekeepers have been—and continue to be—amplified by right wing extremists, and, to some extent, even by the Internet Research Agency as tools of Russia’s psychological and cyber warfare against the United States. During his Ph.D. candidacy with the Department of Information Studies at UCLA, Morten Bay, PhD., studied negative tweets about The Last Jedi and found that 50.9% of negative tweets were “bots, trolls/sock puppets or political activists using the debate to propagate political messages supporting extreme right-wing causes and the discrimination of gender, race or sexuality.”
“Russian trolls weaponize Star Wars criticism as an instrument of information warfare with the purpose of pushing for political change,” he wrote, “while it is weaponized by right-wing fans to forward a conservative agenda and for some it is a pushback against what they perceive as a feminist/social justice onslaught.”
The creation and inclusion of characters with minoritized identities in Star Wars is, therefore, an act of resistance. As far as I’m aware, Patricia A. Jackson was the first woman of color and Black author to write for the Star Wars expanded universe. Jackson has described the fan environment in the 1990s thusly; like many minoritized fans of color, she would be given pithy justifications such as "Well, there’s no Africa in Star Wars, so there are no Black people." Jackson noted, aptly, "That was just translation for “’You don’t matter. You don’t need to be here.’” Jackson's work for West End Games, particularly her sourcebook The Black Sands of Socorro, is a subversion of those expectations.
Before anyone else did, Jackson showed fandom that dominant mayo masculinity did not have to be the only way to tell Star Wars stories. Her stories existed before the prequel trilogy and three decades of Star Wars publishing, before FanFiction.net, Archive of Our Own, or Wattpad. She is the forerunner for BIPOC writers in Star Wars, followed by other luminaries like Steven Barnes, Daniel José Older, Nnedi Okorafor, Rebecca Roanhorse, Ken Liu, Greg Pak, Alyssa Wong, Sarah Kuhn, Saladin Ahmed, C.B. Lee, Justina Ireland, Alex Segura, Zoraida Cordova, Greg VanEekhout, Mike Chen, Charles Yu, R.F. Kuang, Sarwat Chadda, Sabaa Tahir, and Renée Ahdieh.
Jackson had and continues to have an incredibly prescient understanding of what makes a good Star Wars story. Any of the stories in this anthology could find a home as an anime short from Star Wars: Visions (2021). Ideas from Jackson’s Star Wars short stories have appeared in later media, sometimes decades later. Whether convergently evolved or directly influenced, the parallels are astonishing: Kierra, the snarky feminine droid consciousness who inhabits Thaddeus Ross’s ship, is a spiritual predecessor to L3-37, Lando Calrissian’s snarky feminine droid companion from Solo (2018) who ends the film uploaded to the Millennium Falcon. Jackson addressed concepts like slavery and Force healing predating the prequel and sequel trilogies. In “Idol Intentions,” she created an adventuring academic on the hunt for artifacts long before Kieron Gillen brought Doctor Aphra to life. Squint and the upturned red salt on the planet Crait in The Last Jedi becomes flying red soil on the planet Redcap. Dark haired, dark side tragic emo boy starcrossed with a fiery girl Jedi?—I think Jackson understood intuitively the appeal of this trope to a woman-dominated contingent of fandom well before “Reylo” topped Tumblr’s fan favorite relationship charts in 2020.
Jackson’s work is also significant for deepening world building. Much like how Timothy Zahn introduced analysis of fine art to Star Wars with his villainous art connoisseur Grand Admiral Thrawn, Jackson’s stories introduced concepts such as the evolution of Old Corellian, the acting profession, and Legitimate Theatre. These elements added verisimilitude to the expanded universe; it makes sense that different cultures in Star Wars would have archaic languages, folk songs, and old stories of their own from even longer ago in galaxies far, far, away. More recently, the franchise has started to flesh out in-universe lore in Star Wars: Myths and Fables (2019) by George Mann. Still, Uhl Eharl Khoehng in “Uhl Eharl Khoehng” (1995) remains the finest example of mise en abyme in any Star Wars related work.
Themes from Jackson’s Star Wars works, particularly around Drake Paulsen and Socorro, also connect contemporaneously with our real world. When the Seldom Different is essentially ‘pulled over’ by Imperial authorities in “Out of the Cradle” (1994), stormtroopers lie about Drake Paulsen having a weapon as a pretense to terrorize the teenager. It’s a collision of space opera with Black youths’ past and current experiences of police brutality and state-sanctioned violence. Accordingly, this capricious encounter is the rite of passage that jars Drake out of his childhood. I cheered when I read The Black Sands of Socorro (1997) and saw that the Black Bha'lir smuggler’s guild is named for a bha'lir, depicted in the book as a large...panther. Few Star Wars expanded universe authors—particularly in the 1990s—leveraged their influence to center characters of color or to allude to racial justice movements. Jackson did both.
For this anthology, I have copy edited and also taken the liberty of, when applicable, substituting some gendered or sanist language with more contemporaneous wording.17 The stories are otherwise intact. It would be remiss of me if I did not note; however, that one of the stories, “Bitter Winter” (1995), has sanist and ableist tropes that could not be contemporized without making dramatic changes to the story. In this story, the fictional disease brekken vinthern drives those impacted to violence; while it’s real world correlate of major neurocognitive disorder can include symptoms of aggression and agitation, extreme violence is rare and people with this condition are also at great risk of being harmed by violence. The tropes “Mercy Kill” and “Shoot the Dog” are depictions of non-voluntary active euthanasia, typically from the perspective of the horrified “killer” placed in an impossible situation. These tropes frame murder and death as “putting someone out of their misery” while downplaying any alternatives (ie: sedation to alleviate suffering, medical attention, or, say, ion cannons to render a ship inoperable without killing.)
Like in our society, the societies in Star Wars have consistently framed mental illness pejoratively. There are certainly valid critiques of the utter inadequacy of health care in Star Wars. Ableism is ubiquitous in entertainment media, and even with it’s problematic tropes, “Bitter Winter” remains one of the more humanizing depictions of a mental health condition in Star Wars fiction. I have included it in this anthology as a rare example of moral ambiguity in the franchise.
With the exception of “Fragile Threads” and “Emanations of Darkness,” the stories here are presented not in published order, but in chronological order as they would have occurred in the Star Wars universe. Ordering the stories chronologically helped clarify timelines; it also allows the anthology to begin with “The Final Exit,” which was a fan favorite back when it was first published. I’ve interwoven the Brandl family stories with Drake Paulsen’s coming of age adventures, as the Paulsens are such a strong foil to the Brandl family.
Since “I am your father” dropped in 1980, Star Wars has been big on Daddy Issues—intergenerational trauma, parental relationships, broken attachments, identity development, and initiation into adulthood (or, as Obi-Wan Kenobi would put it, “taking your first steps into a larger world.”) With Drake, we see that Kaine Paulsen is a father who is gone but ever-present. With Jaalib, we see that Adalric Brandl is a father who is ever-present but clearly far gone. Drake knows his Socorran roots; he has community and found family. Fable’s identity is adrift; she was torn from her roots after her fugitive Jedi mother’s death. Jaalib’s roots are scaffolded by disingenuous artifice. There is a diametric interplay of identity formation and parental legacy in these short stories that captures classic themes from Star Wars. And, the stories challenge readers to consider how we interact with shame, guilt, and obligation. Through the morally ambiguous dilemmas that are her oeuvre, Jackson’s characters discover who they are and where they stand.
While the thrill of having an Imperial Star Destroyer drop out of hyperspace is pure Star Wars energy, Jackson’s stories also disrupted what fans had come to expect. Published online as fan fiction, “Emanations of Darkness” (2001) polarized fans of the previous Brandl stories, particularly with Fable’s decision to throw her lot in with Jaalib and his father. At the time, Star Wars fan commentator Charles Phipps noted how the story dealt with the insidiousness of the dark side by taking potential heroes and crushing them. “Star Wars, I've never known to leave a bitter taste in my mouth,” he wrote, stunned. “I don't like what it's brought out in my feelings or myself...Bravo Brandl, you have your applause.” Although the Brandl stories were written and published before Revenge of the Sith (2005), Fable and Jaalib’s relationship mirrors the relationship between Padmé Amidala and Anakin Skywalker, down to both Jaalib and Anakin selling their souls to the same Emperor in hopes that will spare the women they love.
The prequel trilogy introduces the Jedi Council’s detached approach to attachments—don’t feel it, emotions like fear or anger are to be shunned, else suffering will follow. Anakin Skywalker’s broken attachments to his mother and Padmé lead him to turn against his values; his inability to integrate or tolerate his attachments is his downfall. It’s the same in the Brandl stories where, trauma bonded, Fable and Jaalib cannot let each other go. While Jaalib credits this as how he was able to preserve a bit of himself while under the Emperor’s thrall, his inability to extricate himself from his father’s influence or to let go of Fable ends up dooming her.
This is why I was thrilled to discover “Fragile Threads” (2021) on Wattpad twenty years later. In this story, Drake Paulsen helps his lover Tiaja Moorn save her sister, at the cost of losing their relationship when she decides to remain on her homeworld. Drake doesn’t fight her decision, he accepts it. He can hold onto that connection to Tiaja, just as he knows he will always be connected to Socorro, his father, and the Black Bha'lir. Drake can love freely because he knows what Luke Skywalker told Leia in The Last Jedi: “No one is ever truly gone.” He is able to straddle the fulcrum of attachment and love without letting it consume him, and that is balancing the Force.
Contemporary fandom discourse is also a struggle with attachment; the parasocial relationships we form with characters and stories are similar in process to how we attach to the important people in our lives. We imbue with meaning and carry these stories with us. As Star Wars storytelling enters its fifth decade, the divide between affirmational fandom (allegiance to manufactured nostalgia) and transformational fandom (allegiance to iterative and transgressive fan engagement) has factionized fandom. When Star Wars is seen as a totemic object, right wing fans have agitated for a return to a mythic past where white men were centered and morality was Manichean. From where I stand, at the heart of this debate is whether or not the reader or Star Wars is permitted to “grow up”—to leave the cradle, to evolve new identities and explore shades of grey.
To me, Jackson’s stories are a reminder that characters of color and complex moral dilemmas have always been a part of Star Wars. We have always been here. No other Star Wars author has been as exquisitely aware of the significance of storytelling; how it can help people challenge existing beliefs and discover themselves. Since the beginnings of the expanded universe, Patricia A. Jackson has spun yarn, and those fragile threads have tethered readers like myself to a galaxy far, far away.
Ol'val, min dul'skal, ahn guld domina, mahn uhl Fharth bey ihn valle. (Until we next meet, may the Force be with you.)
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tacticalhimbo · 1 month
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This is a list and introduction to my primary SWTOR OCs, some of which I have already posted about and some that are newer. I also redid this post to include better graphics, since I've remade some characters (transferring them all to one server) and since I just felt like being fancy.
Details will be below the cut, and will be written to correspond to the characters in order of top left to bottom right. Italicized introductory material comes from various canonical sources
Alecric is a great ancestor to a non-Legends/Canon Jedi Knight of mine, Marquin Jetthen, who dies protecting his padawan during Order 66.
For more than 20,000 years, the Jedi Order has worked to promote peace and balance in the Galactic Republic, but each new day brings with it a new threat, promising to rip the Jedi and the entire galaxy apart. If the Republic is to survive, it needs leaders and visionaries; it needs the Jedi Consular. Jedi Consulars channel the power of the Force for strength in combat and wisdom in diplomacy. Years of arduous training and meditation have sharpened Consulars’ minds to cut to the truth as cleanly as their Lightsabers cut through their foes. Intimate attunement with the deepest Force mysteries gives Jedi Consulars the insight and empathy to deftly handle charged conflicts that confound even the most cunning Senators and governors—but Consulars know when it’s time to talk and when it’s time to fight. When negotiations turn aggressive, Consulars demonstrate their gifts of foresight—anticipating and deflecting enemy attacks with fluid strikes from their dual-bladed Lightsaber. Before they can dispel the darkness in the galaxy, Jedi Consulars know they must first come to terms with the darkness within. There’s no avoiding the temptation to take shortcuts or even to use their knowledge for personal power; Consulars must constantly check their own motives. When tempted to step onto the path leading to darkness, Consulars must remember the tormented fate of the Jedi who have passed that way before. This is the only way they can unite the Jedi Order and the Republic and rally the troops to rescue the galaxy from the menacing darkness.
AUKRII -> REPUBLIC TROOPER Iridonian Zabrak Female || Commando
Not all heroes carry Lightsabers. Some just have the will to fight. For decades, the armed forces of the Galactic Republic defended their civilization against the seemingly unstoppable Sith Empire. Despite countless setbacks, the men and women of the Republic military never backed down until the Senate ordered them to do so. These brave souls remain ready and willing to lay their lives on the line today. These Troopers are the embodiment of the Republic military’s highest aspirations—the most advanced fighting force in the galaxy. They are equipped to face any foe in any environment, but it’s not their gear that makes them tough—it’s their guts. The Troopers’ greatest weapons are their indomitable spirit, their unwavering sense of duty and their undying loyalty to each other and to the ideals that the Republic represents. In this age, the stakes have never been higher. The Republic must win or face extinction. The fate of the galaxy rests upon ordinary men becoming extraordinary heroes. This is the path of the Republic Trooper.
AUSDEVA WHIAKI -> SMUGGLER Cyborg Male || Vanguard
Sometimes luck is more important than skill, but it never hurts to have both. Lawlessness has become common in the wake of the devastating war between the Republic and Empire. Shifting political allegiances and marauding pirates have made independent space travel a dangerous enterprise. Cut off from traditional supply routes, entire star systems waver on the verge of collapse. An adventurous spirit who’s not afraid to break a few rules can make a handsome profit hauling cargo to these hotspots, but it requires fast reflexes, fast wits and a fast draw with a blaster. Even then, the life of a Smuggler is always a gamble. Stacking up enemies as fast as they stack up credits, Smugglers only survive in this galaxy by being slick, sneaky and street-smart. Whether sweet-talking an attractive alien or bargaining with a hardened criminal contact, the Smuggler’s charm is a notorious asset, and often the ticket to turning around a deteriorating situation. If circumstances get too complicated, though, count on a Smuggler to always have an escape plan. Experienced in flying under the radar, Smugglers are amazingly elusive. Yet when backed into a corner, they quickly become cunning and often deadly combatants. Above all else, Smugglers make their own destinies. Despite their affinity for credits, Smugglers have been known to turn down lucrative opportunities when the clients have demanded too much control. Some Smugglers are even more discriminating—refusing to work with slavers and representatives of the Sith Empire. It’s a business where one is always looking for trustworthy allies, but they are often few and far between. Whether running an Imperial blockade or shooting down a double-crossing gangster, Smugglers are always flying by the seat of their pants. Every deal carries the chance for wealth beyond their wildest dreams… or an anonymous death in the harsh void of space.
JAZAYLI STOWSHR -> JEDI KNIGHT Human Transmasc || Guardian
A symbol of hope in dark times, the Jedi Knight stands for the legacy of the Jedi Order—more than twenty-thousand years of protecting the Republic and keeping the peace across the galaxy. Jedi Knights have served as generals, guerilla fighters, and warriors for generations, with few able to challenge their legendary combat prowess. Through years of disciplined training and meditation, the Jedi Knight hones body and mind into perfect harmony. Combining the foresight of the Force with unrivaled reflexes and practiced physical precision, the Knight turns combat into an art form, gracefully executing acrobatic feats in tandem with elegant lightsaber tactics. A source of inspiration to allies and intimidation to adversaries, the Jedi Knight’s presence is welcome in any confrontation. The Order’s long history of fighting for justice has earned the trust of countless friends and the hate of innumerable enemies. Few, though, are foolish enough to challenge a seasoned Jedi Knight unless they have the skills and technology to even the odds. For many, the Jedi Knight is the guardian of a precious dream; a dream of peace, a dream of justice, a dream of a brighter future. The fate of the galaxy depends upon the Knight’s ability to keep this dream alive.
KAVRIX A'NESONDE -> SITH INQUISITOR Dathomiran Zabrak Female || Sorcerer
Kavrix is the daughter to Romos, and tragically does not remember much about him due to being taken from their colony at a young age and under traumatic circumstances. If, or when, she learns that he failed to protect her, she would funnel that fury into her Dark Side powers.
The history of the Sith Empire is fraught with scheming politics and dark secrets—the lifeblood of the Sith Inquisitor. Treachery hides around every corner in the Empire’s dark corridors, and survival depends on an individual’s natural cunning and the will to manipulate and defeat their enemies and allies alike. The Inquisitor experiments with forbidden powers to not only survive in this cutthroat environment, but to excel and seize authority. Regardless of potential, few acolytes succeed in facing the rigorous trials to become Sith Inquisitors. Only the most determined acolytes attain such an achievement, but these Sith are often the ones to watch. Due to their manipulative genius, Inquisitors are skilled at exploiting both their enemies and their allies to further their own personal agendas. Channeling this Force energy, Inquisitors are capable of draining the life from their enemies and using it to feed themselves and their allies. Though their skills are varied and many, Sith Inquisitors are most feared for their ability to channel the energy of the Force, making them a spectacle to behold on the battlefield. Seething sparks of lightning explode from the Inquisitors’ fingertips and wrap their enemies in tendrils of pure Force energy. Because Inquisitors can twist the Force into lightning to stun, subdue, or destroy their foes, it has become their signature. Those who have experienced the sensation of the Inquisitor’s Force Lightning and survived forever recoil from the crackling sound of electricity. To reach the highest echelons of power, the Inquisitor needs more than Force Lightning and a razor-sharp mind. The most formidable Inquisitors dare to explore unorthodox practices by investigating the enigmas of the past and by unlocking new powers for themselves. The Force is a source of unlimited potential—a wellspring Inquisitors tap and bend to their will. Such intensity allows Sith Inquisitors to become architects of the Empire’s future… or simply the architects of their own destruction.
LYRIJAN HACKSAW -> IMPERIAL AGENT Cyborg Female || Operative
The Empire dominates scores of star systems across the galaxy, but not through the power of the dark side alone. Behind the scenes, the cunning Agents of Imperial Intelligence track down and eliminate the Empire’s enemies—from intractable Republic senators to traitorous Imperial Moffs to bloodthirsty rebels with Republic ties. Imperial Agents must master the arts of infiltration, seduction, and assassination to advance the Empire’s causes; they face the opposition of a terrified galaxy and the capriciousness of their own Sith overlords. Imperial Intelligence cultivates a notoriously vast and efficient network of informants, enabling the Agent to navigate the galaxy’s political landscape with effortless suave. Naturally, the Agent’s allegiance to the Empire is without question, but great latitude exists for those so closely attuned to the Empire’s secret agendas—Agents often harbor their own mysterious motivations as well. Having pierced countless layers of intrigue, these spies know of conspiracies within conspiracies. Even close contacts find it hard to predict what an Imperial Agent will do until it’s done. The most elite operative within Imperial Intelligence is the ‘Cipher’ Agent—recruited and trained to carry out the most dangerous and sensitive assignments the Empire has to offer. Whether working undercover or carrying out assignments in broad daylight, the Cipher races along the razor’s edge of disaster, using carefully orchestrated tactics that leave little room for error—the smallest slip-up can be catastrophic. Each successful mission, however, shifts the galactic landscape in the Empire’s favor, and the Agent plays a supremely critical role in securing Imperial domination.
ROMOS A'NESONDE -> BOUNTY HUNTER Dathomiran Zabrak Male || Powertech
Romos is the father of Kavrix, and sought out bounty hunting as a way to care for his family. When Kavrix was taken and sold into slavery, he devoted himself to his work, hoping one day to find her and be able to bring her home (by any means necessary).
Countless enemies stand in the way of the Sith Empire’s drive for domination. The Empire spares no expense eliminating these threats, offering massive bounties to employ the galaxy’s most lethal hunters. Earning a death mark from the Empire means a life spent in fear, constantly looking over one’s shoulder. It’s never a question if a Bounty Hunter will find you… only when. Both infamous and anonymous at the same time, Bounty Hunters are far more than mercenaries for hire—they’re heirs to a professional legacy—an ancient brotherhood with a glorious history. Tracking elusive targets across multiple star systems requires expertise, especially when the targets can be prominent, powerful, and often prepared for confrontation. Thrill seekers from all walks of life set out to become Bounty Hunters, but only the most hard-boiled survive in this competitive and deadly business. The Bounty Hunter’s path lies along the edge—the stakes are always high—and the path only leads two places, to a life of infamous glory… or to a quick and ignominious death.
An unstoppable force of darkness, the Sith Warrior is entrusted with the task of destroying the Empire’s enemies and enforcing Sith domination across the galaxy. The Warrior channels the destructive emotions of fear, anger, and hatred to purge weakness from body and mind and become a being of pure, brutal efficiency. Destined to eradicate the incompetent chaos created by the Jedi, the Sith seek to rule the galaxy through power and intimidation. The armies of the Sith Empire are trained to accomplish this task, but they require the leadership of bold Sith Warriors—loyal and mighty overlords—who will drive them to conquest and victory. These cold-blooded conquerors waste no time with cunning manipulations and carefully-crafted plans. Sith Warriors crush their opponents and stride toward their goals with dreadful determination, leaving ruin and annihilation in their wake. Emanating awe and terror at every step, they accept nothing but absolute obedience from their followers. In turn, Sith Warriors can serve as loyal subjects to their own dark masters, often surprising enemies and allies with their rigorous honor and perfect discipline. Whether they align their ambitions with those of the Dark Council or become renegades in pursuit of their own goals, they are never far from the action. Their fierce hatred of the Jedi keeps Sith Warriors at the forefront of any conflict with the Republic. The passion to eradicate the Jedi Order fuels many of their actions, but that does not make them single-minded fools. Ultimately, the destiny of any Sith Warrior is his own to choose… and woe to those who would stand in his way.
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Bread's Game Of The Year Honorable Mention #4: Star Wars Jedi: Survivor
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I'm pretty burnt on Star Wars. Since the Disney era began there's been five movies, an ever increasing amount of TV shows, and an endless parade of circular arguments of what Star Wars is supposed to be, and it all drives me near to madness. The video games though? Those have been plugging along at a high quality, and somehow, it feels like it's easy to miss that. I'm generally of the mind that video games, by their very nature and existence, are better than movies and TV. Usually, if some big media property has a game version, that's going to be the one I gravitate towards, because playing video games is more fun for me than passively watching something. Enter: Jedi Survivor, a fairly iterative and not all that revolutionary sequel to 2019's Jedi Fallen Order, but a good one nonetheless. In a year full of bombastic, 10/10 video games, it's so easy to overlook something that's just good, maybe not super remarkable, but good. Jedi Survivor has a fairly similar setup to Fallen Order. Cal Kestis is still on the Empires most wanted list. Still running missions that he thinks will further the cause of bringing down the empire, and still, frankly, being endearing as hell. The story is a bit of a surprise this time, as instead of diving further into the fight against the empire for the bulk of the game, as would be so easy, a lot of it is largely focused on the recently introduced High Republic era of tie in media. As such there's a lot more Jedi mysticism, old feuds and lost temples in this one. Not that there weren't those before, but they really get the limelight here. The gameplay itself is fairly similar, but they make some key changes that I do think results in this one being the better of the two "Jedi" games. There are more combat styles to chose from, resulting in more varied gameplay that can range from fast and furious strikes with dual lightsabers, to a two handed claymore type weapon that favors high risk with slow moving attacks. While it wasn't my favorite, there's even an interesting combat style that straight up favors Cal firing a gun with his left hand while using the lightsaber in his right. Alongside the new combat, the game takes a piece of advice from the last game that I personally had hoped for, and increases the frequency of the boss battles by quite a bit. A big improvement from the first games relative lack of them. even if some of the bosses are obvious repeats of ones that had come before, or souped up normal enemies, it still provides a fun end cap to bigger moments that sometimes that original game failed to provide. All in all, Jedi Survivor is, as I said, a fairly iterative sequel. In a year where the frequency of good games is frankly absurd, that doesn't exactly stand out. Still, it deserves a shout out, It builds on and improves the foundation set up in Jedi Fallen Order, and makes a really solid action adventure game from that. It's one worth playing. Also this game has Turgle in it. I won't spoil who that is, but this game has them in it. 10/10.
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momojedi · 8 months
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— WATER GUNS: KIMEA ORNEEM ❝ i can't tell you where we're going, i guess there was just no way of knowing. ❞
type. character introduction note. kimea is one of the only humans in my cast and also one of my only padawans who's master is not an oc. she'll be the main character for now. she's based off a friend of mine who also absolutely adores star wars as much as i do ! I hope you'll like her ! warnings. none
star wars masterlist
full name: kimea orneem nickname(s): kimmy age: 16 y.o occupation: jedi commander birth place: alderaan jedi, sith or other: jedi padawan war ranking: commander (212th) preferred weapon(s): cyan, dual-wielding lightsaber
skin colour(s): tan, freckled hair: caramel hairstyles: ponytail tied w/ a thread
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eyes: hooded, down turned eye colour(s): deep blueunique feature(s): scar across cheek, freckles
likes: fairytales, sparring, physical training dislikes: meditating, mist, strict mannerisms personality: bubbly, cheerful, brave, chivalrous, curious favorite colour: blue favorite food: sushi hobbies: training, sleeping, exploring fears: failure theme song: true faith - new order
social?: slightly timid but quick to open up bravery?: very brave and challenging rebellious?: although rebellious; obeys orders tidy?: very messy
friends: ahsoka tano having worked with one another more than once thanks to their masters' constant cooperation, kimea and ahsoka quickly befriended one another and, despite their strict workplace, always find a free moment to step away from their respective troops to sit down and gossip/complain about their masters - in a teasing manner, of course
senator matide zoni after having spent some time together on one of kimea's first ever missions as a padawan to bodyguard the senator, the two girls kept in contact despite their surroundings raising a brow at the growing friendship and have exchanged messages throughout the war ever since.
commander cody the two commanders of the 212th didn't take long to build a lasting friendship, whether that may be influenced by their shared headaches caused by their general or their mutual opinion of general skywalker and the 501st's shenanigans.
212th as the 212th's commander, kimea had to gain the troopers' respect after first meeting them and quickly succeeded at that by treating them like the big brothers they behaved like around her.
cime daffolah having spent their youngling days together, cime and kimea have remained friends even after going separate ways to join their masters on the battlefield. despite that, they often come across one another in the jedi temple on coruscant, usually sitting together to exchange about their adventures and bringing each other small trinkets and gifts from the diverse planets and systems they had the chance to explore.
clone force 99 despite going off on the wrong foot, kimea quickly grew to like the bad batch's unique fighting style and coordination. she was accompanied by them to gather mo on abafar.
anakin skywalker seeing as he was taught by master kenobi before her, kimea is impressed by the infamous jedi knight, relishing in the stories he enjoys telling her about her master - some of them obi-wan probably wouldn't be too happy to hear about.
master/padawan: obi-wan kenobi immediately bonding with him, kimea quickly warmed up to her current master who gladly took her in with open arms. despite the seriousness of the battlefield, the two of them always find a way to share a laugh and look at the bright side of things, no matter how hopeless the situation may be.
rivals: orix & irato skyrd having come across them before, kimea thinks little of the two bounty hunters' schemes although they have proven to be useful before - which she respects.
enemies: kriz'hek'oamo "kriz" unlike the skyrd siblings, kimea holds a strong distrust towards kriz after she's worked to help the separatists.
born in alderaan, kimea started her journey as a jedi like most when the order picked her up while she was just a baby. she was mostly an average youngling, following the jedi's orders and behaving well during her training. at the gathering, kimea was the first in her group to find her kyber crystal. at thirteen, during the first few weeks of the war, kimea was assigned to train under the jedi master obi-wan kenobi and serve as the jedi commander of the 212th legion which she proudly took upon herself.
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rotzaprachim · 10 months
The thing about writing a post apocalyptic sw au (station eleven and TLOU) is that it helps anúnciate the reality that the sequel trilogy is a post apocalyptic narrative. Like, the sequel trilogy is really, really bad, and one of the places it’s so bad it becomes fascinating is in the gap between the Light Action Adventure corporatized media Pew Pew Pew series it Thinks it is with all its product tie ins and Lego sets and the knock em out balls to the walls Hopeless post apocalyptic narrative it actually is. Never is it convinced that anything in the galaxy improved or rebuilt after the return of the Jedi. Because it is not a Series Smart enough to come up with it’s own plot lines it simply regurgitates the original trilogy plot lines without the intelligence to make a nuanced commentary about intergenerational trauma or way survivors of fascism must continue to fight new forms. The sequel trilogy is a hamster wheel. The war never ended. Everything is the same. The Death Star is the same. The rebellion is now the resistance, a far more splintered, shatter shell that can fit into and out the back of a single hangars. The weapon that killed a planet now destroys a planetary system. And what gets me is the individual stories. These are the children of an apocalypse. Finn was taken from his family as a child to become the next round of stormtrooper canon fodder. Rey scrabbled for survival by physically tearing sustenance from the carcasses of a war. Poe was born during the last war and lives to see his adult live suited up into the same conflict his parents fought. Rose is a refugee of a planet destroyed like alderaan and kenari. Every one of them is born on this hamster wheel without a way off. It’s why I have a hard time reconciling rogue one and andor as existing in the same universe as the sequel trilogy, because I think RO and Andor are both so much more cuttingly brutal and so much more hopeful that what the ST provides. Finn and Rey and Rose and Poe are way some substantiation of Andor’s worst nightmares. They’re literally each living the lives Cassian and so many others died to prevent from happening.
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tinyreviews · 9 months
1980s Cinema
The 1980s were a dynamic and influential period for cinema, with a rise of blockbuster films, genre films, and movies that reflected the cultural zeitgeist. The decade's films continue to have a lasting impact on popular culture and serve as a nostalgic reminder for many.
Blockbuster Films: The 1980s marked the era of blockbuster films, with high-concept, commercially successful movies dominating the box office. Films like "Star Wars: Episode V - The Empire Strikes Back" (1980), "E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial" (1982), and "Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the Lost Ark" (1981) became cultural phenomena.
Action Films: The 1980s witnessed a surge in action films, often featuring charismatic and iconic action heroes. Movies like "Die Hard" (1988), "Predator" (1987), and "Lethal Weapon" (1987) blended thrilling action sequences with humor and memorable characters.
Teen Films: The 1980s saw the emergence of teen-oriented films that became immensely popular. Films like "The Breakfast Club" (1985), "Ferris Bueller's Day Off" (1986), and "Back to the Future" (1985) captured the spirit and experiences of young people, resonating with audiences.
Science Fiction and Fantasy: The 1980s produced a range of memorable science fiction and fantasy films. The "Star Wars" franchise expanded with "Return of the Jedi" (1983) and "The Empire Strikes Back" (1980). Other notable films include "Blade Runner" (1982), "Ghostbusters" (1984), and "The Princess Bride" (1987).
Comedy Films: The 1980s offered a variety of comedy films, often featuring popular comedic actors. Movies like "Airplane!" (1980), "Caddyshack" (1980), and "Ghostbusters" (1984) entertained audiences with their humor and memorable one-liners.
Fantasy Adventure: The 1980s produced several fantasy adventure films that became cult classics. Films like "The NeverEnding Story" (1984), "Willow" (1988), and "The Dark Crystal" (1982) transported audiences to magical worlds and captivated their imaginations.
Horror Films: The 1980s witnessed the rise of the slasher horror genre, with films like "Halloween" (1978), "Friday the 13th" (1980), and "A Nightmare on Elm Street" (1984) becoming iconic franchises. These films featured memorable villains and became synonymous with the decade's horror culture.
Brat Pack Films: The 1980s also saw the emergence of the "Brat Pack," a group of young actors who often starred together in coming-of-age films. Movies like "St. Elmo's Fire" (1985), "The Outsiders" (1983), and "Pretty in Pink" (1986) captured the experiences and emotions of young adults.
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sw-waterguns · 6 months
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— WATER GUNS: KIMEA ORNEEM ❝ i can't tell you where we're going, i guess there was just no way of knowing. ❞
type. character introduction note. kimea is one of the only humans in my cast and also one of my only padawans who's master is not an oc. she'll be the main character for now. she's based off a friend of mine who also absolutely adores star wars as much as i do ! I hope you'll like her ! warnings. none
full name: kimea orneem nickname(s): kimmy age: 16 y.o occupation: padawan birth place: alderaan jedi, sith or other: jedi war ranking: commander (212th) preferred weapon(s): cyan, dual-wielding lightsaber
skin color(s): tan, freckled hair color: caramel hairstyles: ponytail tied w/ a thread eyes: hooded, down turned eye color(s): deep blue unique feature(s): scar across cheek, freckles
likes: fairytales, sparring, physical training dislikes: meditating, mist, strict mannerisms personality: bubbly, cheerful, brave, chivalrous, curious favorite color: blue favorite food: sushi hobbies: training, sleeping, exploring fears: failure theme song: true faith - new order
social?: slightly timid but quick to open up bravery?: very brave and challenging rebellious?: although rebellious; obeys orders tidy?: very messy
friends: ahsoka tano having worked with one another more than once thanks to their masters' constant cooperation, kimea and ahsoka quickly befriended one another and, despite their strict workplace, always find a free moment to step away from their respective troops to sit down and gossip/complain about their masters - in a teasing manner, of course
senator matide zoni after having spent some time together on one of kimea's first ever missions as a padawan to bodyguard the senator, the two girls kept in contact despite their surroundings raising a brow at the growing friendship and have exchanged messages throughout the war ever since.
commander cody the two commanders of the 212th didn't take long to build a lasting friendship, whether that may be influenced by their shared headaches caused by their general or their mutual opinion of general skywalker and the 501st's shenanigans.
212th as the 212th's commander, kimea had to gain the troopers' respect after first meeting them and quickly succeeded at that by treating them like the big brothers they behaved like around her.
cime daffolah having spent their youngling days together, cime and kimea have remained friends even after going separate ways to join their masters on the battlefield. despite that, they often come across one another in the jedi temple on coruscant, usually sitting together to exchange about their adventures and bringing each other small trinkets and gifts from the diverse planets and systems they had the chance to explore.
clone force 99 despite going off on the wrong foot, kimea quickly grew to like the bad batch's unique fighting style and coordination. she was accompanied by them to gather mo on abafar.
anakin skywalker seeing as he was taught by master kenobi before her, kimea is impressed by the infamous jedi knight, relishing in the stories he enjoys telling her about her master - some of them obi-wan probably wouldn't be too happy to hear about.
master/padawan: obi-wan kenobi immediately bonding with him, kimea quickly warmed up to her current master who gladly took her in with open arms. despite the seriousness of the battlefield, the two of them always find a way to share a laugh and look at the bright side of things, no matter how hopeless the situation may be.
rivals: orix & irato skyrd having come across them before, kimea thinks little of the two bounty hunters' schemes although they have proven to be useful before - which she respects.
enemies: kriz'hek'oamo "kriz" unlike the skyrd siblings, kimea holds a strong distrust towards kriz after she's worked to help the separatists.
born in alderaan, kimea started her journey as a jedi like most when the order picked her up while she was just a baby. she was mostly an average youngling, following the jedi's orders and behaving well during her training. at the gathering, kimea was the first in her group to find her kyber crystal. at thirteen, during the first few weeks of the war, kimea was assigned to train under the jedi master obi-wan kenobi and serve as the jedi commander of the 212th legion which she proudly took upon herself.
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