#So all you can do is embrace the nostalgia... say goodbye to friends...
glitteringaglarond · 1 year
Lord of the Rings is the only story I have ever consumed where the ending makes me so heartbreakingly nostalgic for the beginning
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cottoncandyruby · 2 years
So, i am way behind on Rhinktober but just fulfilled the cuddle prompt and it’s Rhett’s birthday so here! You can read on archive but also under the cut - peek, if you want some sickly sweet softness 💚
Rhett was a creature of habit, and of late he’d acquired a new one that he had only recently told his wife about. It had been just for him, something his therapist suggested he try after he brought up an issue he’d been having.
As Rhett had stated many a time, he was an introvert and more pertinently, he wasn’t a fan of physical touch. While his wife and other friends of his preferred to receive affection, he was happy having a quite pronounced personal space bubble. He was selective with both the touches he received and the touches he gave out.
Due to his imposing height, he had a well-practiced lightness to his touch too; never wanting to apply too much pressure during a hug or allow his weight to be felt by someone significantly smaller. One person he was less self-conscious of bothering with his touch was Link. Ironically, they weren’t very affectionate friends. He had other friendships like his relationship with Mike where touches were more regular; greetings were often hugs instead of handshakes, as were goodbyes, because Mike was an affectionate person and he also respected people’s boundaries so if ever Rhett declined a hug he wasn’t as concerned about hurting his feelings. With fans or new, friendly people it felt more challenging for Rhett to say no.
With Link, touches were so few and far between, neither of them wanted anything more than what they provided for the other. That was until a few weeks ago.
In his future-oriented philosophical way, as the day of his forty-fifth birthday grew nearer, Rhett couldn’t help but ponder his mortality. Considering the frequency with which he and Link looked back and tapped into their nostalgia, it was hard not to get all bittersweet and emotional from time to time, even if he did so privately. With one son off at college, vow renewals, near forty years of friendship and the plentiful peaks and valleys of life he couldn’t stop himself from wondering if he was misspending his time.
Were the better, more worthy things he could be doing? Heck, were there better, more selfish things he could be doing? It’d taken him years to retry butt plugs; what about all the new experiences that eventually would become too awkward, too difficult, too dangerous for him to try?
Rhett couldn’t help but stew on these questions and his therapist encouraged him to embrace the concerns he had but make them actionable; find the time to experience new things on his own. So, Rhett did. He embraced the rare occasions he had a free day to himself and explored L.A for new solo adventures until one day he found himself at a spot he’d never actually been to but was greeted by a familiar face.
Jean was more than pleased to see Rhett, though she was very surprised when Link didn’t follow him through the door. That late afternoon, Rhett partook in a group session with about eleven other people he’d never met before, some cuddle professionals and some strangers lookin’ for a hug. He spent a lot of his time in one corner with this other first-timer who was a little overwhelmed by the group dynamic but eventually warmed up to one of the professionals there.
Rhett managed a lean on someone’s shoulder, finding himself more comfortable on the floor and immediately seeing himself as the alternate “Rhett” from ‘Buddy System: Season 2’ just sans the silks. Jean noticed his hesitance and paired him up with Liv who was a very tall woman, who either had to be a former basketballer or volleyballer. She was muscular and had a warm smile that helped put Rhett at ease, but he still felt a little weird when she invited him to lay down next to her, the only welcome surprise that prevented the awkwardness of a possible arousal was that she suggested she be the big spoon. It was as though she had sensed his reason for coming. Outside of Rhett’s genuine curiosity in an experience like cuddling with strangers, there was also a part of him eager to understand what it would feel like to be…the little spoon.
It was that specific curiosity that led Rhett to make many return trips to the Cuddle Sanctuary. Eventually, he grew weary of the awkwardness of interacting with several new people in what was still a relatively intimate way considering he wasn’t physically affectionate by nature.
Jean had suggested private sessions to him after they had a candid conversation about some of the specific needs he wanted fulfilled. Despite the fact that it was an incredibly wholesome arrangement, Rhett couldn’t help but feel a little dirty, even when discussing the sessions he was about to have and the first meet with the professional cuddler, his brain likened it to hiring a prostitute. Not that there was anything wrong with sex work or any shame in soliciting sex workers, but it wasn’t what Rhett was looking for and he didn’t want anyone getting the wrong idea that he was cheating on his wife or something.
Jean did her best to assuage his fears and Freddie, his one-on-one professional cuddler, was a delight. They got on pretty well upon first meeting and slowly built up from a starting point of casual closeness: sitting on beds or couches with their bodies touching at the arm and leg. Steadily, they graduated to an arm around Rhett’s shoulder and then to different configurations of hugging.
Yes, occasionally Freddie got aroused as it was a possibility when close and relaxed with someone you may happen to find attractive, but he always kept things professional and would announce the problem to Rhett and suggest a new position to keep things cool.
Though the first time it happened Rhett wound up a little wigged out, by the third time, his ego was starting to inflate, and he wasn’t feeling so nervous about their proximity anymore. The charmer in him did have to reign in the flirty side of his personality though; despite the whole premise of Cuddle Sanctuary originating on the idea of physical affection being non-exclusive to romantic or sexual partnerships, Rhett couldn’t help but think of romantic and/or sexual things. Even Freddie, who was certainly attractive, had Rhett blushing at their closeness. Rhett was very comfortable in his sexuality and open to exploring it, but this wasn’t the forum for exploring his sexuality.
It was just a part of Rhett’s process to help de-stigmatise the need for physical affection between male friends. It was normal and privately, Rhett was proud of himself for championing the pursuit of tenderness that he so often avoided with other men.
So far, as part of Rhett’s journey to getting more comfortable with physical affection, he had had five sessions with Freddie dotted here and there and had recently committed to weekly scheduled sessions for the next two months. Price wise it was going to cost.
He was at the Creative House one Friday after work and had forgotten to change his mailing address to his home. The first few letters of communication between him and the Cuddle Sanctuary had transpired when Rhett was still yet to tell Jessie; his insecurities eating at him until he realised of all people, Jessie would be the last one to judge him and, as he expected, was genuinely excited for him to get more comfortable with affection. Besides, she’d benefit from it too.
It was a win-win...until it wasn’t. Link arrived at the Creative House about forty minutes after Rhett, he had to stop at his house first and had picked up their mail on the way in. Rhett, ever the workaholic, had breezed by their post to get to work in his office space.
Link didn’t usually call out to him when he arrived, preferring to just wander into his office when he was making a drink or something, so Rhett was confused when Link shouted at him to come to the living room.
As he made the short trip from his office to the front door, beads of realisation took the form of sweat on his forehead as he observed Link squint at his letter. At the Creative House, both men had agreed they were free to open mail addressed to whomever since it was usually about business ventures involving the two of them, not personal matters they might not want the other reading about.
“You’ve been goin’ to the Cuddle Sanctuary?” Link asked, shrugging off his shoulder bag and toeing off his shoes. “You don’t like being touched.”
“Yeah, well…times change.” Rhett replied with a casualness he didn’t feel as he entered the living room, hovering by the sofa.
Link frowned at him, “But…you – you don’t even hug. Isn’t it like a group thing – you’re just touching strangers?”
“Hey, what’s with the tone, Neal? We’ve met Jean, yeah it seemed like a woo-woo thing initially, but it has meaning for people. Plus, there’s plenty folks we know who feel better after a good hug. Look at Mike or our wives.” Rhett edged closer around the coffee table, hoping to snatch his letter from Link’s grasp.
“Yeah, but you? I just…I don’t know. Colour me surprised, I guess. So, this is for private sessions? Rhett -”
Link darted out of the way, despite Rhett’s large wingspan, his movements were too predictable for his friend to not see coming, “- Just, give me that. Link -”
The younger man speed-walked around the hazard the coffee table was becoming, “- ‘Dear, Rhett, this is to confirm your first payment of two-hundred and fifty dollars for your private session with Freddie Tompkins’. A private session? With Freddie? Who is Freddie?”
Rhett was getting agitated now, “Link, you ‘bout to piss me off, brother.”
Link widened his eyes, a look of teasing shock on his face, “What? I’m just curious, I didn’t know you were so touch-starved that you were paying for hugs from Freddie.”
Rhett sighed, maybe coming clean would stop Link from embarrassing him any further, “Maybe I am.”
“What?” The smirk fell from Link’s face as he watched Rhett deflate like a burst tyre.
“I. Shit. I’m not ‘touch-starved’, me and Jessie are good, and plenty affectionate or whatever. It’s just…” he faltered, knowing however he phrased it, Link was gonna be weirded out.
Link could see Rhett getting self-conscious; it wasn’t often that he got that way around Link though and he didn’t like it, “Say it.”
“Link, I’m trying to but listen, this isn’t some joke to me, I’m serious about this. If you’re gonna start ripping into me for it, then I don’t wanna explain it to you.”
Link rounded the corner of the coffee table to approach Rhett with hands open in a surrendering gesture, “N-no, Rhett. I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to come off as judgy, I’m just confused. You’ve never…you’ve never wanted that so…what made you change your tune?”
Rhett cleared his throat, “I’m a big man. Sometimes I wanna be the little spoon.”
Link made a face at the lacklustre explanation, “That’s it? You...want to be held by some guy? What – is Freddie seven foot or somethin’?”
He could hear Rhett’s jaw clench, “Link, I swear –“
“- Sorry, I…so you’re telling me you’re paying this dude two-hundred and fifty bucks to be your big spoon?” The look of incredulity on Link’s face wasn’t doin’ a whole lot for Rhett’s confidence; an air of resignation settled around him.
Rhett shrugged, “Yes, do you have a problem with that?”
Link flapped his arms like a peacock puffing out his feathers, “Well, yeah!” He pushed the letter into Rhett’s hands as he brushed by him, angrily huffing his way toward the kitchen.
Rhett responded with an impersonation of the blinking guy meme, taking a second to process the abrupt change in mood, “What, why?”
He entered the kitchen to find Link searching the drawers for some utensil he’d misplaced, “Why wouldn’t you ask me? I’m a big guy, I could be your big spoon!”
“Wha-you don’t like hugs! Least not with me, we don’t do that,” Rhett countered.
More clunks could be heard, and Rhett was getting increasingly sure Link didn’t actually know what he was looking for he just wanted to occupy his hands, “Well, I thought you didn’t want to. If you’re just wantin’ a different kinda hug, I can spare you the money man. Honestly, that’s what driving me nuts that you’d spend that much money on this. I assume you were gonna be seeing him more than once?”
Finally Link settled, palms resting on the kitchen island as he appraised Rhett, “I already have seen him. He’s a good cuddler.” Rhett couldn’t help but smile beside himself which only seemed to rile Link up more.
“He freakin’ better be with that rate.”
Okay, so there wasn’t as much out-right scorn as Rhett expected; that was a good thing but this angsty energy was tiring him out.
Link’s head had bowed now but Rhett couldn’t tell if he was staring at the cutting board on the counter or closing his eyes from…frustration? “So…we’re good?”
Link sighed, “Yeah, yeah, we’re good man.”
Rhett doubted it but he was also fully done with this conversation, “Cool. Alright, I’mma be in mine – okay.”
“Yup. You want a coffee?”
“I’m good,” and with that Rhett made for his office while Link set about filling up the kettle, muttering something to himself that Rhett couldn’t make out.
Well, that went down like a lead balloon.
About two hours later when it was nearing half past eight, Rhett was snapped out of his work reverie by Link sneakily appearing in his doorway and lingering there until Rhett felt eyes drilling holes in the back of his head.
He rotated slowly in his chair, turning to face his friend, “Link?”
“Am I a bad hugger?” he asked, one arm creating a triangle between his head and the doorframe.
Rhett closed his eyes and rubbed the sleepy dust that was forming there, “What?”
“Am I a bad hugger?” Link repeated, straightening up as he crossed his arms.
No. No, I don’t think so. I mean, I don’t think we hug enough for me to have an opinion -”
“- Okay, let’s hug right now,” Link shook out his arms as though he were stretching before a fight.
Rhett held up a hand in the universal ‘wait’ motion, biting back a yawn as he questioned his friend, “What? Link, what is this about?”
“I wanna know if I am a bad hugger in your eyes or not. So, get your butt over here and hug me.” Link beckoned him over with widening eyes, like he would a disobedient Jasper.
Yup, it was weird now, but Rhett got up from his chair and walked over to Link anyway, “Alright.”
Rhett stood before Link awkwardly, both hesitant to initiate the embrace.
“Well?” Rhett prompted, wanting to get this over with soon rather than later.
Link made a half-hearted noise of affirmation before tentatively stepping forward, his arms bent at the elbow reaching out to Rhett. Rhett brought his arms raised up like chicken wings and wrapped them around Link’s back.
Usually, when they hugged it was a quick one-armed pat situation, or a side hug. Rarely did they walk into the other’s embrace to the point where the stomachs could touch. Nowadays, that kind of hug only really happened if it was necessary for some skit they were doing for TikTok, ergo Link had forgotten how to comfortably lean into this type of hug.
Instead of his usual back pat touch, something he didn’t want to inspect too much possessed him to gradually glide his hands up Rhett’s back until they found a comfortable resting spot. Both men chose not to note the strangeness of this action, or the full body shiver it elicited from Rhett and instead stood quietly, listening to each other’s breathing.
One of the things Link had always found intense about the full body hug with Rhett specifically was that he was perfectly aligned to hear his heartbeat. If asked why that bothered him so, he would answer “because it reminds of his pumping blood and then I get nauseous” but he knew that wasn’t the true reason.
To avoid the heartbeat issue, Link would often raise onto his tiptoes so that he could lean on Rhett’s shoulder but Rhett hadn’t bent his back like he normally did and thus Link was forced to press his cheek against Rhett’s chest. The thump of Rhett’s heart was simultaneously grounding and dizzying. Not before long was Link disentangling from the taller man, hands finding their way back to his hips as he reinstated his question, “So, am I a bad hugger?”
“You’re fine Link. Honestly, it’s more comfortable for me to hug taller folks anyway then I don’t have to worry bout bending too much. It’s…nice.”
This was so bizarre, they rarely sincerely evaluated each other’s ability to comfort another especially physically. Not a lot of friends did to be honest, unless they were teasing or joking around but this was almost too serious Rhett wanted to laugh from the dramatics of it.
“Alright then. So that means I can be your big spoon.” It was less of a question and more of a statement of fact, but Rhett couldn’t say he was surprised that Link was just declaring things now.
He shook his head, a fond smile on his face he made no attempt to conceal, “Um, what are you talkin’ about?”
“If I ain’t a bad hugger, I can be your big spoon when you’re…wanting to be held and you won’t have to spend however much money you were gonna spend on this dude,” Link reasoned, as if it was the most obvious conclusion he could come to after hugging Rhett.
Rhett laughed, “Link, you’re not a bad hugger but he’s a professional cuddler. There’s a reason why this is a service people pay for.”
“So, I just need practice. Come on. What exactly is he doing that’s worth all that money? Come on, show me – I bet I can do it better.” While Rhett was pouting, trying to figure out what to say to put a stop to this whole thing, Link had grabbed him by the wrist and was waking them back to the living room where he left Rhett and promptly sat on the couch.
He patted the spot next to him. “It’s cuddling right? So, do you sit and do it? We were always on a bed when Jean was showing us those positions. I could get the blow up out -”
“- No!” This is weird enough.
“Okay, couch is fine then.” Link patted the cushion next to him again and the Friday fatigue ushered Rhett to sit beside the smaller man, despite the plentiful protestations his brain had at the ready.
“So…how do you start?”
Rhett blew a puff of air from his lips, “I guess, typically we’ll just sit next to each other first and it’s kinda like your personal space rule; we’ll be touching so that our legs are against each other, usually our arms are touching too, and we’ll just chat about our day.”
“Okay.” Link nodded; their legs often touched at the knee when they sat by each other at the desk so he wasn’t it unfamiliar territory. He shuffled closer to Rhett so that their thighs were also touching and let his arm press against Rhett’s bicep.
“So…how was your day?” Rhett was up like a shot, shaking his head as he turned to face Link.
“No. Link, I don’t wanna do this weird roleplay with you- ”
Link frowned at him, “- It’s not roleplay, I’m trying to solve this financial predicament you’re in- ”
“- It’s not a predicament if it’s something I want and am choosing to pay for.” Rhett had a point, but Link wasn’t hearing it.
“But you don’t have to Rhett. It’s a waste. Plus, I am right here.” For some reason, neither man knew why but the last thing Link said seemed to carry more weight for both of them. It felt like a plea more than a statement of fact that he’d presented Rhett with before.
“Just…just lay with me. Let me be the big spoon. If that’s the main reason you’re with this Frank guy- ”
“- Freddie.”
“Whatever. Then maybe it would be cheaper to just use me.”
The energy in the room was shifting, Rhett could feel it, but it didn’t deter him the way he thought it would.
Without waiting for a response from Rhett, Link moved to lay back against the leather sofa on his side, patting the very thin space beside him as he stared out across the room.
Rhett tried not to look at the slither of skin that was now peeking out under Link’s white worn tee but failed. He shook his head, “I’m too big for both of us to fit.”
“Then you’ll have to get close,” Link replied smoothly, still avoiding Rhett’s gaze as he tried to hold in his stomach as if he could make more room for Rhett by doing so.
Rhett knew this wouldn’t be comfortable but sat down on the sofa anyway, lingering there for a moment in case Link changed his mind but he just kept waiting.
Like a man with brittle bones, Rhett gently lowered himself onto his left side, his legs awkwardly dangling off the couch that couldn’t accommodate his full height.
For a minute or three, the two friends laid beside one another, both holding tension in their torsos that refused to relax as they tried and failed to avoid connecting at the pelvis.
Link tentatively reached out his right hand to leisurely stroke up and down Rhett’s shoulder and upper arm, “You need to relax, Rhett.” His whispered words caused goosebumps to appear at the back of Rhett’s neck.
Rhett closed his eyes, knowing that had helped him when he started his sessions with Freddie.
Link tutted, raising his head to assess Rhett’s position, “You’re half off the couch, get closer.” The temporarily taller man pulled Rhett in by the hip so his butt was now flush with Link’s front. There was a sharp intake of breath from both men that they once again chose to ignore.
Rhett stiffened momentarily, his eyes flying open as he fought the desire to pull away or laugh or say something stupid to diffuse the tension.
When he felt Link’s head move forward to rest against the back of his own, some of that tension fell away. Link resumed his ministrations on Rhett’s arm, hoping it was soothing as intended.
The feather-light touch of Link’s fingertips on his arm made the sensation somewhat ticklish but Rhett didn’t mind. When Link started drawing figure of eights, it began to feel less ticklish and more comforting.
“Is this okay?” Another whisper wrapped itself into Rhett’s curls.
Rhett shut his eyes again, “Yeah. Yeah, it is.”
He couldn’t actually feel it, but Rhett was almost certain Link smiled into his hair and pressed his chest even closer to Rhett’s back although they were practically fused already.
Eventually, Link’s hand stopped moving and a soft snore indicated he had fallen asleep but his hand remained on Rhett’s arm and the warmth of his body spread along Rhett’s until he was sufficiently toasty. His front was getting cold in comparison, so Rhett did the logical thing.
As carefully as he could manage, Rhett rotated to face Link, having to bring his legs up and weave them between Link’s to get comfortable. Though he and Link had attempted the human braid position before, it wasn’t one he’d practiced with Freddie and in retrospect, he was glad of that.
It felt nice knowing this was just something he and Link had. He placed his left arm on Link’s hip and began rubbing his thumb there ever so slightly, distracting himself with the gentle action. Rhett looked up at Link’s face, his mouth was yet to fall open like it did but his glasses were at an odd angle. Rhett raised up onto his elbow so he could remove Link’s specs with his right hand, and he laid back down, not knowing what to do with his free arm that wasn’t lightly caressing Link’s hip.
He couldn’t tell you why, everything was already so intimate, but he took Link’s right hand in his own and closed his eyes before he could find out if the movement had stirred Link from his slumber. It didn’t. But a sleepy smile appeared on Link’s face to match Rhett’s aura of soft contentment. Link squeezed his fingers in Rhett’s hold, and the two slept peacefully until dawn.
Being the little spoon had never been so…lovely; Rhett would definitely be requiring Link’s services again but thankfully, out of the goodness of Link’s heart, he promised not to charge him a penny.
Maybe, it was a win-win after all.
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slasherhaven · 3 years
Any headcanons for being childhood friends with any of the slashers? (preferably the Sinclair brothers but any are fine)
These got so long, I’m so sorry! 😂 But please enjoy!
Thomas, Michael, Jason, Brahms, and the Sinclair Brothers
Being Childhood friends and reuniting:
Thomas Hewitt
You went to school with Thomas and it was easy to see that you were the only friend he had.
Kids can be cruel, especially when they see someone as an easy target. Thomas was a quiet, insecure kid and they picked on him for that. His scars were the main thing they bullied him about.
You couldn’t remember how many times he cried to you, until he eventually stopped crying. Then he would just deal with it, keep his head down and take it. You knew it still bothered him, so you still comforted him, he didn’t even need to ask you to do so.
Beside his family, you were the only person he had. 
You knew each other into your teen years and he adored you. He loved you, whether those feelings were platonic or not.
Luda May loved as well, since you spent most of your time at the Hewitt residence visiting Tommy. She was glad that he had a friend.
But when everyone started leaving town, your family thought it was time to move as well. You can remember running to the Hewitt residence the night before you left to say goodbye to Tommy, you had both cried before you had to leave him.
A few years passed. You became an adult and moved away from your parents. You had heard them talking though, about how there Hewitts apparently never left town, about how they insisted on staying. Everyone thought they were crazy for it and while you loved the family you couldn’t help but agree. There was nothing in town for them anymore, how where they even getting by?
But you decided to pay them a visit. You still thought about Thomas and the family a lot, so you wanted to check in on them. Now that you weren’t living with your family.
You walked up to the familiar house and knocked on the door. Luda May was the one who opened it and she instantly recognised you, smiling brightly and inviting you inside for a cup of tea.
The two of you sat in the kitchen, catching up, until she came to her senses and pointed out that you were probably here for Tommy. So, she called him down.
When he stepped into the kitchen, he just stared at you. He couldn’t believe you were hear after all that time passed. He thought for sure you would have moved far away and forgotten about him.
He had always been taller than most people but now that he was an adult he was even taller, and broader, but you still recognised him as Tommy.
Luda May smiled at you both and told you that she would give you some privacy before leaving the kitchen.
“Hey, Tommy” you greeted him with the kind smile that he still remembered, even after all this time. “I heard your family never left town, so...I came to see you” you explained your presence.
Once he was sure that this really was you and that you were still looking at him the same way you used too, Thomas crossed the kitchen and pulled you into a hug. You smiled into his chest and you returned the embrace.
“I missed you too, Tommy” you confessed.
You couldn’t imagine the people who remained in the town after you left became any kinder, you couldn’t imagine how Tommy felt. Dealing with their ridicule and not having his one friend to turn too.
But you were here now and that’s all that mattered, you are here for as long as he needed you to be.
Michael Myers 
CLICK HERE for Michael’s post.
Jason Voorhees
You had been Jason’s only friend at camp, sweet, kind, and caring. You would defend him against the bullies, wipe his tears when he cried, and hugged him to comfort him. You had even met Mrs Voorhees once and she loved you, you were the only person who was sincerely kind to her son.
But then the ‘accident’ happened and you never saw Jason, your best friend, again. The camp closed down so you never returned, not until years later.
You were an adult now, flipping through an old photo album, smiling at an image of you and Jason as children. You had never forgotten about the boy, how could you? 
And of course you had heard the rumours of him having come back to haunt the camp, and it pissed you off that people would use your best friend’s death as a scary story.
It was then that you decided to take a trip up to the camp. Parking your car and walking into the old abandoned camp, memories of your summers here coming flooding back.
Jason had heard the car and expected a group of teenagers that he would have to deal with, but instead he saw one person with flowers in their hand.
You walked along the dock that the accident happened on and sighed, placing the flowers down at the end. There was no memorial for him but you thought the poor boy deserved some flowers.
Jason watched from the safety of the trees, watching you place down the flowers and pay your respect to...him. When you turned around he got a better look at your face. It took him a minute but he could finally place your face, how could he forget you? You were older now but he could recognise your face.
You had decided to explore the old camp, thinking back with a sad nostalgia. Jason watched you the whole time, no intention of hurting you, you had been the only one who cared for him. He was more considering whether he should approach you or not. He decided against it, not wanting to scare you.
Eventually you left, saddening Jason, but your visits became a regular thing. You’d bring flowers to put at the end of the dock for Jason, even though you noticed that the last bouquet you left was gone by your next visit.
This time, you had sat down at the end of the dock, looking out into the water, and you spoke. You apologised for not having been there, for not being able to help him all those years ago, told the still water that you missed him.
He had missed you too and maybe that’s why Jason found himself walking towards you, standing still at the start of the dock, waiting for you to turn and notice him. 
Finally, you did, gasping at the sight of his large masked figure. You panicked at first before piecing the rumours together, could this really be Jason or where you letting stories get to your head.
“J-Jason?” you took your chances and he nodded, confirming your theory. “You’re...I...but, how?” he didn’t respond, of course, he just stood still and tense. “The rumours...the stories...they’re all true, aren’t they?” he hesitates but nods. That’s when your gaze fully focuses on the machete in his hand. All the stories were true...
Noticing your focus on his weapon, he dropped it to the floor. He wanted to show that he wasn’t going to hurt you, he remembered you.
Jason was alive...kind of? Well, he was standing in front of you and you could only feel happy about it.
He completely froze when you ran up to him and threw your arms around him, telling him that you missed him and that you were glad he was alright. He expected you to be afraid but all you could focus on was your childhood friend being right in front of you, and having been alone all this time. 
He cautiously wrapped his arms around your body and relaxed. You were exactly how he remembered you. Still sweet, kind, and caring. Now that you knew he was here, your visits were about to becoming much more regular.
Brahms Heelshire 
CLICK HERE for Brahms’ post.
Bo Sinclair
You had lived in the little town of Ambrose and been about the same age as Bo. It wasn’t a large town so there weren’t many kids your age, you thought Bo was lucky to have a twin, until you realised just how different they were.
Bo was a difficult child, no doubt about it, he clearly had a lot of trouble controlling his anger, but you never let it bother you. You always pushed past it, showed him that he couldn’t push you around, and eventually befriended him, even if he wouldn’t admit you were friends.
He left the house more than his twin brother, in fact he seemed to prefer being away from the house. So he ended up spending a lot of time with you.
You eventually found out why he liked being away from his house, learning how his parents treated him when you accidently saw the scars that wrapped around his wrists. He told you everything then, with a brave face, he didn’t let one tear fall even though you partly wished he did.
He was an angry and angsty kid, but it never bothered you. You’d still smile and laugh. He was a bad influence, having you sneak out at night to meet him. But you were the light at the end of a shitty day for Bo.
Then he left town, him and his brothers just left one day and you didn’t see them again. It broke your heart, even if Bo was difficult he was your best friend and now he was gone.
Eventually you moved away from the little town, hoping for something bigger and better, but something just kept tugging at the back of your mind. You felt like you had left something there.
Years passed but eventually you decided to head back, just for a trip, nostalgia and all that, and to hopefully get rid of that nagging feeling.
You were so close to the little town when your car broke down. Luckily, a man had been driving by and offered you a lift. He asked if he knew you, recognising your face, but you told him that you didn’t think so. You didn’t recognise him. But you told him that you grew up in the town and where just visiting, that’s when he knew he had to mention that to Bo.
He took you into town and dropped you off at the garage before leaving. When you headed inside, nobody was there.
When Bo heard about the new visitor being somebody who grew up in Ambrose from Lester, he didn’t think too much about it. It was strange, sure, but in the end it didn’t really matter.
It didn’t matter until he wandered down to the garage and saw you, nearly instantly recognising you. He hated that he remembered you, that you had enough of an impact on him to be worth remembering him. Something told him that you might remember him as well, and you definitely would when he gave you his name. He probably caused enough trouble as a kid to be worth remembering. 
“Well, what brings you back to Ambrose?” Bo asked, his voice making you turn around, a little startled.
“I...Bo?” recognition of the man in front of you interrupted your explanation.  
“Thought you actually got out of this place” he seemed unfazed by you being here but you knew him better than that. He always acted less bothered than he was, unless he was angry, then it was the complete opposite. 
“I did...kind of. I left but something just had me coming back” you shrugged. 
“Miss me that much?” Bo asked with a smirk. It was good to see that his arrogance didn’t disappear during his time out of town. 
“In your dreams” you joked, too happy to see him to even try to keep your smile off of your face. “When did you even get back to Ambrose?” you asked. 
“A while ago. I mean, it’s ‘home’, right?” he scoffed a little. He had never been a huge fan of the little town. 
“How are your brothers? Are they here too?” you asked.
“Sure. Vincent is up at the house. Lester drove you here” Bo nodded. 
“Oh God, that was Lester? I didn’t even recognise him!” your eyes widened. 
“‘course you didn’t, he was a kid when we left” Bo chuckled, shaking his head at you. 
“Why didn’t you let me know you were back in town?” you asked. You didn’t think he would ever come back to the little town, you thought he’d want to get away from it. 
“You weren’t that important” he shrugged. 
“Oh please, you recognised me as soon as you walked in here. You missed me too” you scoffed, reminding him that you knew him better than that.
“...welcome home, Y/n” a genuine smile grew on Bo’s face, making you smile as well.
Of course it wouldn’t be long before you discovered the town’s little secret and then there was no way that they could let you leave...it gave Bo the perfect excuse to keep you around.
But for now, you could just reunite with old friends.
Vincent Sinclair 
You had lived in the little town of Ambrose and been about the same age as Vincent. It wasn’t a large town so there weren’t many kids your age, you thought Vincent was lucky to have a twin, until you realised just how different they were.
Vincent was the quieter twin, the one who was left with severe facial scars that he was incredibly insecure about, Bo was louder, more abrasive and that’s what kept you away from him. 
Any other kids weren’t too kind to Vincent, but you were and that’s when you both grew so close. He adored you for your kindness. 
You’d hang out in the Wax Museum or around the back of it, anywhere private where it could just be the two of you.
You never judged him, you were never cruel. You would comfort him when he was upset, make him laugh and smile. He had even let you see his face from time to time. You never reacted poorly, you always smiled, you even told him he was handsome. He adored you.
But then he had to leave...and he didn’t think he would ever see you again, and neither did you. After that, he became even more quiet and secluded.
Eventually you moved away from the little town, hoping for something bigger and better, but something just kept tugging at the back of your mind. You felt like you had left something there.
Years passed but eventually you decided to head back, just for a trip, nostalgia and all that, and to hopefully get rid of that nagging feeling.
You drove into town, getting an eerie feeling from how quiet and empty it seemed. Maybe a lot of people had moved away...
When you couldn’t find anyone, you headed for the Wax Museum. You and Vincent would hang out there a lot as kids, since his parents owned it and he didn’t like being out in public too much.
You explored the familiar building curiously. It was dusty but not as unkept as it should have been. Somebody had been here. Maybe not everyone had left the town?
Vincent had seen you as soon as you entered the building, and watched you wander around. He noticed how the family pictures made you smile, how you admired the art work, but what he noticed the most was how familiar you looked.
You smiled some more as you picked up one of the pictures, the one of three young brothers. That’s when it hit him. He knew you, he remembered you, and it seemed that you remembered him as well.
You continued to explore before turning to the doorway, gasping at the large figure standing there. 
It didn’t take you long to recognise him. He was a lot taller than the kid you knew and he had let his hair grow even longer, but the mask was a dead give away.
“Vincent?” you asked gently, a smile forming on your face when he nodded. “Uh...do you remember me?” he nodded instantly, making you smile some more.
Vincent appeared to be just as cautious as he was all those years ago, walking further into the room.
You met him half way, giggling to yourself about how tall he had gotten. “Y’know I came here because I missed you? Thought it’d be fun to revisit some old memories but...this is much better” you told him.
His head tilted to the side curiously, like he was asking if you were being honest.
“I mean it, Vinny. I missed you” you assured him, placing a hand on his arm.
Just like that, Vincent wrapped his arms around you and pulled you into an almost desperate embrace. You smiled and instantly returned his hug, needing it just as much as he did.
Vincent never thought he’d see you again, his only friend, but he missed you and was glad to have you back. He still adored you and hoped you would stay, he couldn’t lose you again. He was just terrified of what you would think when you found out the truth about this town.
Lester Sinclair 
You had lived in the little town of Ambrose and been about the same age as Lester. It wasn’t a large town so there weren’t many kids your age, so you and Lester became very close friends.
At home, Lester got the least attention out of his brothers. Bo was a handful and Vincent seemed to by their mother’s favourite child, so they got most of the attention. He didn’t mind that much but he did like that he got all of your attention when it was just the two of you. You made him feel important and you both got along incredibly well.
The two of you would hang out all the time, often getting told off for running around too far in the woods.
And then, the brothers had to leave town, breaking both of your hearts. Neither of you thought you’d see each other again.
Eventually you moved away from the little town, hoping for something bigger and better, but something just kept tugging at the back of your mind. You felt like you had left something there.
Years passed but eventually you decided to head back, just for a trip, nostalgia and all that, and to hopefully get rid of that nagging feeling. 
You were so close to the little town when your car broke down. Luckily, it wasn’t a long before a truck appeared driving up the road, pulling over when the driver saw you struggling with your car.
Something about the man seemed familiar when he hopped out of his truck but you couldn’t place it.
“Need some help?” the man asked with a smile. He was dirty and something about him seemed a little odd but he didn’t make you uncomfortable and he seemed friendly enough. 
“Uh...yeah, if you don’t mind. It just stopped and I don’t know that much about cars” you sighed, glaring the car down as if it personally wronged you. 
“I can take you into town, to the garage” he offered. 
“That would be great” you accepted the offer with small smile. 
“What brings you out here anyway?” he asked as you grabbed a bag from your car, slamming the door shut.  
“I was actually heading into Ambrose. I grew up here. Something just pulled be back, I guess” you told him as you walked towards the truck. 
“...Y/n?” the man asked your name, surprise evident in his voice. 
You turned back to the man, wondering how he knew your name, but then it hit you. “...Lester?” you asked, putting a bright smile on his face as he nodded. “Oh my God, I thought you left town!” you threw your bag into the truck and quickly ran over to him, wrapping your arms around his neck and hugging him.
Lester instantly returned your hug, holding you close. He had missed you so much. 
“We came back a while ago. Saw you moved away” Lester explained as you pulled away from the embrace, your hands resting on his shoulders and his on your waist.
“We? Your brothers?” you asked, eyes widening slightly.
“Yeah, they’re in town. Bo runs the garage actually” he told you. “Are you staying for a while?” he asked, seriously hoping you’d say yes.
“I was planning on staying a few days but now I have to stay longer” you smiled brightly. You didn’t plan on leaving him again so soon.
“C’mon, I’ll take you to the house and get Bo to look at your car” Lester offered before releasing you and heading around the truck to climb inside.
“Hey, Lester?” you stopped him by grabbing his arm, making him turn back to you. “I missed you” you told him.
“I missed you too” Lester smiled at you, glad to hear he wasn’t the only one.
The two of you climbed into the truck and headed towards Ambrose, ready to see his brothers again. Lester worried about you discovering what they were up to in the town, he just wanted to be able to spend some time with you again.
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monodipita · 3 years
COPE (Yandere!Getou x Reader)
Word count: 1,914
Warnings: Yandere content warning, drug-related themes (curse used as a drug)
He couldn’t cope with the rejection. You wouldn’t see Getou again—maybe weeks or months would pass of constant no-contact with him, until suddenly, your phone rang with his name as the caller ID. “I want to see you again,” he said smoothly into the phone.
This was your chance to make things right. “Yes, I’d love to. Where would you like to meet?”
”How about the usual cafe? If you remember where that’s at. I know you'd like to play with the cats and kittens. They recently told me that Narnia gave birth to some kittens a few weeks ago, and that they're already attached to the customers that come in.” The cafe that you frequented with him when you were with him. “Of course.” You responded with a small, oblivious smile pressing into your lips and cheeks. Kittens were always fun. “I’ll see you there.”
This was exciting and anxiety-inducing, wrapped into one meeting. You couldn’t wait to see how he was doing, but you were also nervous to see how he was faring after… well, after you rejected him. Your friendship was far too valuable for a relationship to come in and possibly ruin that, and plus, you were dating someone now. You just couldn’t date your best friend. You couldn’t.
You threw on something casual and nice, and began to head that way, toward the cafe. It was a cutesy cafe for cats. You always dreaded coming to this place because of your allergies, but the cats and their cute presence always made it better when you were there. After taking the subway station and hailing a cab, you were staring down the face of the building. The sign read ‘OPEN’ in large, adorable paw-print letters. You looked in through the window, but there seemed to be no sign of Getou. Curious, you step inside.
The sound of the familiar bell jingling overhead you while you stepped through the door gave you a strong sense of nostalgia. A soft, homely sigh escaped your lips and a smile spread across them. It was so long since you two last came here. If you had the gall to come here by yourself, you would’ve.
”You must be [Y/N]! Welcome, we’ve been expecting you. Right this way, please!”
You hesitantly looked up to see a smaller woman speaking to you. You nodded at her words and followed her over to a table that was already set-up. Getou sat in the seat facing the wall, with his back away from you, but you could tell it was him. That jet black mane of his, and those large ears, were unmistakable characteristics… or just characteristics you happened to associate with him. “Getou?” You called his name sweetly to call his attention, bringing another smile to raise itself on your lips. You see him turn to face you.
He’s as handsome as ever. It’s hard not to swoon at the sight of him—he always had that about him where he was so devilishly handsome. And the smile on his face was equally charming as it spread from corner to corner of his cheeks. “[Y/N], it’s good to see you,” he was relieved. He turned before he stood completely and wrapped his arms around you, pulling you in for a tight embrace. You kissed his cheek welcomingly before pulling away and staring up at him to absorb more of his features up close, marveling in his beauty. He was so gorgeous! To go with that beautiful personality of his, he was truly the perfect man!
You pulled away and went to take your seat. The woman who lead you here was long gone by that point to go aid people who wanted to play with the cats that all lounged in the center of the beautiful cafe. Meanwhile, your eyes looked to the drink that he sipped on. “Looks good,” you hummed.
“Thank you. I got it for you.” Getou stiffly responded. You raised a brow with surprise. “You did?” You took the drink off of the table and observed the top of the cup. “What’s in this?”
”It's your favorite.” Oh… he still remembered. That was so cute. It was months ago, yes, but you truly expected him not to remember or care about what your favorite drink was. It was a kind gesture, though. You took his offer to drink it and did so. It was nice, and it made you happy.
Silence overcame the both of you. You didn't mind, though. Your eyes wandered to those who played with the kittens, primarily children. It was an adorable sight. The cafe itself wasn't packed, but it was still enough to make an introvert uncomfortable. Moments had passed when you realized that you were far too caught up in enjoying the sights, and not a word had been uttered between you two. It must've been awkward for him, right?
“So, I…” you started.
“I was hoping you could reconsider everything. About our relationship.” Getou overrode whatever you had to say. You stared at him, baffled by his words. Reconsider what? Not being in a relationship with him? “Why is that?” You asked. Getou folded his hands over his lap. His head hung a bit while his eyes lingered on the drink on the table. ”I just don’t think that there’s anyone else in this world that is worthy of being in the position to be with you,” he responded, “I don’t think anyone can protect you like I can. Like I would be able to if it was necessary for me to.”
You sat back and absorbed this information. Your eyes looked everywhere before landing back on his, and to your surprise, he was staring right back at you, as if his gaze was on you the entire time. Why were you even considering this? You had a partner.
”Getou,” you quietly cooed. “It’s a bit too late for that, now.” You assumed a worried expression. “I’m… dating someone now—“
His expression remained unchanged. “Break up with them,” he said bluntly. Your eyes widened with shock. Did he not respect what you have and what you were, now that the two of you weren’t together? “What the hell, Getou?” You furrowed your brows. “You don’t mean that—“
“I do. Break up with them.” He interrupted you.
”Did you invite me here just to say this?” You narrowed your eyes. “This isn’t funny.”
”I didn’t realize I was saying something that solicited a humorous reaction,” He was being completely serious. How terrifying. "Umm, no," you folded your arms over your chest while you glared at him. "If this is all we're going to talk about, then I'm leaving." You checked him over for any signs of a reaction before you reached down to grab your belongings. "It was nice seeing you," you said. However, Getou grabbed your wrist and squeezed it firmly, making you look up at him with an exasperated expression. "Please don't do this." You say softly. "Not in front of all of these people. Not in front of these children."
Your eyes began to feel heavy. You were beginning to feel heavy, like the world was putting all of its weight on you.
"Then I'll make it easier for us both,"
Getou stood with you, making the both of you rise. Instant attention came your way, as it often did when someone did something out of the norm. Behavior that was introduced to humans as children, where they'd watch someone walk in and out of a room. As you were older, it didn't make you any less uncomfortable. You smiled worriedly and forced yourself to grab his hand, threading your fingers together while a smug grin rested over his expression. He reached into his wallet with his free hand to produce the yen necessary to tip off the waitress who would be attending to the table, and then he began his trek away from the area. You were forced to follow him out of the cafe and into the street.
At this rate, you were depending on him to keep yourself afloat. You found yourself leaning into him and clinging to him. His hand squeezed yours, and you looked over at him. "It's just like the old days," he spoke softly, a gleam in his eye, and a smile on his face. You felt the entire opposite. "I'm feeling unwell..." you meekly coo to him, "I need to go home."
"Then I'll call a cab for you. It's the least I can do, right?" He said cheerfully. "You are going through a lot right now."
"Thank you..." you gently moved away from him. He let your hand drift away from his. You stumbled to the side, nearly into someone else. Getou pulled you back to his side, just as the person spoke up to voice their concern. "Are they okay?" They asked Getou, referring to you. He looked down at you and wrapped his arm around your body. "Feeling unwell. I'm getting a taxi, don't worry."
"Alright... well... I hope you two feel better." They say and wave their hand goodbye to you as they stepped away. You watched, feeling much like Tom while he was drunk, your eyelids lazily blinking as a car pulled up into your peripheral. Oh good, your taxi. "Thank you so much, Getou. I don't know what's come over me..." you utter.
He helps you into the taxi. You utter your thanks and focus on seating yourself and strapping yourself in. Thinking on it now, having your significant other pick you up would've been the better option, but you trusted Getou enough to help you leave.
But to your surprise, Getou gets in the car. "W-what..?" You stir from your tired state and sober up a bit to glare at him. "What's going on?"
"Did you think that I was going to let you have a say in this?" He asked you. He held his hand out to your nose and waggled his fingers in a beckoning motion. "The curse did a good job, didn't it, [Y/N]? Now I don't have to see you put up a helpless fight. You can come out now, Kiri."
You only caught a glimpse of the mischievous blob of black that resembled Kiri before your world went black.
Your eyes opened. Groggily, you rise and scratch your head. "[N]?" You call for your significant other. There was no response. This was your home, right? "Doesn't it look cozy?" That answered your question. You could see Getou emerging from around the corner. "I made sure to copy it down to the smallest detail. Anything for you and the life that we could've had together, [Y/N]."
"Could've had..?"
"I've been pining for this exact moment. To be able to finally call you mine in a house that I'll no longer be alone in!" He made his way over to the bed you laid in. You started to move away from him. "No!" You shouted at him. "Get away from me!"
"Don't deny me this moment! I have spent months, months trying to get into this exact position!" Getou snapped at you. He clambered over your body and forced you to stare into his eyes. "You don't get a say in anything. We're going to live as we should've lived. I'll take [N]'s place as your beloved. We'll live happily together, you and I."
He couldn't cope with the rejection.
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infinitebells · 3 years
annoying: chapter 18
iwaizumi hajime has hated you, his assistant athletic trainer, since he knew you in high school. you on the other hand have bothered him for fun for as long as you knew him, not realizing your romantic feelings for him had manifested in that way. what happens when you two blockheads finally come to terms with how you feel?
— — —
you were buzzing with excitement as you watched kageyama send that one quick set that him and hinata had been refining for years to the orange haired spiker, and the stadium erupted into a cacophony of cheers as japan won the third and final set 28-26. atsumu, who on the sidelines with you, jumped up screaming, grabbing your hand and rushing you both onto the court to meet bokuto and yaku halfway. the four of you embraced in a group hug, you only being faintly aware of the sweat dripping down the boys bodies.
“WE DID IT!!” bokuto’s ecstatic shouts filled your ears, and he separated from the other two boys to wrap you in an even bigger hug, lifting you halfway off the ground. you could hear the telltale sign of cameras flashing around the two of you, but you really couldn’t care at the moment.
“i’m so proud of you kou,” you murmur in his ear. he sets you down with a huge smile on his face.
“oi,” a deep voice grabs your attention, and you turn to see suna standing with his hands tucked into his shorts. he stands there expectantly, and you shuffle over to stand in front of him, hand reaching up to pat his head gently. he smiles softly before taking his hands out of his pants to give you a short, tight hug.
“you did well sunarin,” you mumble, and he squeezes your sides at the comment before leaning back and smiling at him. neither of you notice the way iwaizumi stares unabashedly at you from the sidelines.
“oi assholes! we gotta line up!” yaku yells, and you give them all smiles again before heading back to the sidelines to watch them line up and bow to the opposing team before shaking hands with them. you refuse to acknowledge the athletic trainer only a few feet from you. you simply turn away and start to clean up some of the larger items on the benches before grabbing your own bag. by the time you’ve finished, the boys are having their post-game talk with coach. you can feel iwaizumi’s eyes on you as you continue to watch them talk about the game.
“y/n-chan!!” your ears perk up at the sound of the familiar voice you’d grown to love in high school. you turn to the side to see oikawa tooru in the flesh walking your way, arms crossed over his broad chest with that cheeky smile of his.
“oikawa,” you say smugly, turning your nose up to shoot him what you hope is a snide grin. neither of you can be petty for long before his arms open up and he welcomes you into a warm, inviting hug. his head rests on top of yours and you bask in the nostalgia hugging him brings.
“i missed you y/n,” he says, and you giggle before detaching.
“i think that’s just because i was a good kisser,” you say, and he sputters indignantly.
“well yes but that’s not why!” his face flushes, and you laugh out loud at his reaction.
“i know, i’m just teasing! i missed you too ‘kawa,” you say, tilting your head and closing your eyes as you smile. when you open then, he’s grinning widely.
“are we still good for tonight?” he asks, and you nod excitedly.
“yup! i’ll meet you outside the stadium after you’re showered and dressed ok?” he nods with a smile in respond before offering a quick goodbye and wave. as you go back to the bench, you see iwaizumi sitting with a clenched jaw and white knuckles. you pray that he doesn’t notice you as you move behind him to grab your water bottle, but of course, life isn’t that kind.
“what were you and shittykawa talking about?” he grits out. you can feel the annoyance radiating off of him, and it almost scares you how palpable the tension is between you two.
“nothing that concerns you,” you say sharply, choosing to swallow your obvious discomfort and sit a few feet away from him on the bench. neither of you look at each other. it’s vaguely familiar.
“well you’re my coworker and he’s my best friend so excuse me for asking,” he says, finally turning to look at you. your patience wears thin, and you can’t stop yourself from snapping.
“yeah well neither of those facts gives you any right to know about what goes on in my personal life,” you say. his eyes widen, and he does nothing but stare as you stand up and walk away from him.
“hey coach, i’m going to step outside for a bit, it’s a bit crowded in here,” you say, and your coach nods and watches as you walk out to the back of the stadium, behind the locker rooms and showers.
by the time you’re outside, it’s nighttime and the warm, tokyo breeze blows your hair softly. the atmosphere brings you back to your senior year of high school.
— — —
“tooru-kun! wait for me!” you yell through the open field, and oikawa only turns back to shoot you a breathtaking smile before stopping in the middle of the soccer field, blanket and backpack in hand. the moon shines brightly above you two, illuminating the grass for just the two of you.
“so slow y/n-chan,” he tsks, and he laughs as you catch up and flick his forehead.
“not everyone is a pro high school volleyball player you know,” you say, plopping down onto the blanket laid out for the both of you. he sits down next to you, pulling your body to his so that you’re sat in between his legs. one of his arms is set behind him for balance while the other wraps gently around your waist.
“and soon you’ll be a professional argentinian player,” you whisper. he hears you all the same. you can feel the lump in your throat growing against your will, and you know damn well he noticed the shift in mood. he’s silent for a moment, choosing to kiss your temple before speaking.
“i’m sorry darling,” he murmurs, and you shake your head, forcing your tears down as you turn in his grasp so you’re seated on his lap and facing him. your hands hold his cheeks gently, and you smile sadly.
“don’t apologize for chasing your dreams tooru. if i was in your position i know you’d support me all the same. i’m happy you’re able to do what you love,” you say sincerely. his watery smile is unconvincing, but he leans forward and pecks your lips all the same.
“have i told you i love you?” he asks, leaning back so he’s laying down with you two pressed chest to chest.
“i think so.” you grin, and he grins back.
“i won’t stop loving you, even if we fall out of love, i’ll always love you.”
— — —
you don’t remember when you shifted to the front of the stadium, watching swarms of fans exit the stadium and head towards the metro station. you lean back on the bench, eyes staring up at the various stars dotting the sky. the moon is almost full tonight, and even if it’s imperfect, it’s still beautiful.
“your head still in the clouds y/n-chan?” you sit up to see oikawa squatting in front of you, glasses perched atop his messy brown locks. his eyes are warm with joy, and his smile is genuine. it’s been a long time since you’ve seen him smile like that.
“it’s always been there,” you reply, and he giggles before standing up to his full height and offering you a hand.
“shall we go?”
“but of course good sir.”
— — —
taglist: @babyoomi @honeysunny @halesandy @autumnandhotchocolate @velociraptorenthusiast @fluffyviciousbunny @darlingkuroo @youtuboo @b0bablinds @nerdynstoned @jovialweaselskeletonfan @amboisez @bbyhaji @astral-vroom @miwtze @seijqhigh @mrswhitethornbelikov @atsumubabie @lvrkuroo @navymacaroons @daphnxy @mangobangi @galagcica @its-the-aerieljeane @the-golden-jhope @cece-lives-here @kellesvt @nachotrash @jewlmin @anngelllla @poppi144 @trashy-simp @ysatrap @hogwarts--imagines @mariachiii @thestarsanctuary @indecisivehusky @bakugouswh0r3 @erinoikawa @freyafolkvangr @tetrapot-melon-tea @meiankolia @sya-arts-blog @d0llpie @rintarawr @winunk @roschea-behindthescreens @roselleviennesstuff @chaichai-the-weeb @lady-tokugawa-of-mikawa
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fanmoose12 · 3 years
the devil you know
Сharacters: Hange Zoe, Levi, Moblit Berner, Zeke Yeagar, Armin Arlert
Genres: Action / Drama
Summary: Can you still miss a person, if everything you knew about them was a lie?
Сhapter 4/?
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Every single night, she was tormented by the same nightmare. Every single night, the same memory replayed behind her closed eyelids. She saw that fateful night, the night when she had decided she couldn’t keep pretending anymore.
It was the night before the great battle, and, as always, Levi fell asleep in her bed, curled around her body, holding on to her almost desperately, as though he was afraid that should he let go even for a second, she’d vanish.
Levi thought that his embrace could keep her with him. Hange wished for it to be the truth.
Getting out of the circle of his arms was a considerable effort, he held her too close, too tight, and Hange… Hange didn’t want to leave that sweet embrace. Levi was wrapped around her like a vice, he was a poison ivy that had its twigs engraved so deep it reached to the very depths of her heart.
Hange had to cut it out, to cut him out. And, by gods, was it an unwanted progress.
But after a few moments of quiet struggling, of silent curses and pants, she slipped out from his embrace and their bed. That small victory was well-earned, but not enjoyed. Hange felt her heart break the moment Levi’s arms were no longer around her. Without him, she felt so cold. With every inch she put between them, the ice that began covering her heart continued growing.
Next, she packed her scarce belongings. She wanted to take more, she couldn’t do it. Everything she’d take back home – her uniform with Wings of Freedom splayed proudly on the back, her heavy notebooks with dozens of notes and sketches done by her beloved assistant, that book Erwin had once given her, the scarf Mike had knitted for her, the flower Levi had gifted her, the very same one she treasured just dearly as the memory of him confessing after the gift had been presented, - all of it was going to be looked at and thoroughly analyzed. By her Marleyan comrades, friends and possible prosecutors.
She could take nothing that could be conceived as dubious, but that jacket, the one that was shared by both of them and still held his scent and warmth— she wasn’t strong enough to leave it behind.
So she put it on, praying for it to give her strength.
A long way home was awaiting her.
And Hange couldn’t leave without giving him, the one man she truly loved, a goodbye kiss.
“I know you won’t,” she whispered against his brow, her fingers caressing his hair with a feather light touch, “but please try to forgive me. It was out of my control, Levi.”
It was his fault too. When Levi came, the ground had been kicked from under her feet. And a simple mission turned into a tragedy.
When she gathered enough strength to leave the room, the hallway was empty. Hange knew it would be, she was familiar with the workings of Survey Corps like the back of her hand. She strolled through the well-known hallways without fear, trailing her hand along the walls.
The Military Headquarters back at Liberio was better built than this building. Even Warriors’ barracks, despite being designed to hold Eldians, were built so much better. Those buildings were sturdier, more technologically equipped, much more comfortable.
But, god damn it, she was going to miss Survey Corps’ headquarters, this shitty building that was situated in the middle of nowhere.
Compared to Marley, everything in Paradise was ancient, outdated, useless. But it didn’t stop her from loving that fucked up little island. It didn’t stop her from loving people that were living there, despite them being branded as monsters by her nation.
She turned the corner, took the stairs, and, at the end of it, just near the exit Hange saw a shadow.
She meant to duck behind the corner, to run and hide, but the form of that shadow was all too familiar, and she was just as familiar to that shadow. Hange had no choice but to stop and surrender to another cruel twist of fate.
“Squad Leader!” Moblit ran up to her, smiling and endearing as always.
Fucking hell, and Hange thought that saying goodbye to Levi would be the hardest task. However, Levi, at least, hadn’t been awake.
“Are you nervous, as well?" he asked, curiously peering into her eyes. Was she nervous? That was an understatement. "Personally, I can’t sleep! I’ve been thinking and thinking, and I even wrote a letter to my Momma, do you remember her?”
Of course, Hange remembered Moblit’s Momma, the soft and caring Mrs. Berner, a far kinder woman than Hange’s Momma was.
“I told her about our mission and how proud I am for participating in it. And… I added a second part, the one that would be sent in case…”
“No.” Hange shook her head resolutely, her hands clenching into fists. No, no, no, she refused to even entertain that foul idea. Impulsively, she took a step forward, circling her arms around her sweet assistant. “No, Moblit,” she repeated, voice muffled by his shirt. If he heard the quiet sniffling, Hange didn’t care. Moblit never minded her eccentricities. “You will survive. You will survive this shit and the next one you will undoubtedly face. You will make your Momma and everyone else around you proud.” You will make me proud. “And you will leave a glorious, happy and long life. You promise me?”
“Squad Leader…”
“Promise me!” she demanded, bordering on desperation.
In that moment, the dream always divided from reality.
In reality, Hange waited until he had given her a promise, and then feigned exhaustion, leaving Moblit to use another exit. But in a dream, Moblit made her stay, coercing her to have a cup of tea with him. And in the candle-light lit mass hall, they met Erwin, then Levi joined their impromptu party, gluing himself to her side and blinking sleepily at everyone who had gathered.
In a dream, Hange never left. She stayed under Moblit’s care, was guided by Erwin’s wisdom, was surrounded by Levi’s love.
And that’s why that dream was a cruel, excruciating nightmare. It showed her things that could never be. It showed her the future she desperately wanted to come true. Escaping from the clutches of that fantasy was hard, painful. And if that was complicated….
Well, waking up in that bed was pure agony.
Every single morning, Hange woke up lost and disoriented, and had to spend a few long moments, making sense of it all.
Her first instinct was to stretch her arms, to yawn and reach out – to warmth and comfort, to loving embrace, husky voice and reluctant kiss. To him. To everything she had lost. To everything she never actually had.
But she was alone in that bed.
There was no Levi, lying next to her, complaining about her morning breath. There was no Squad Leader Hange, no four-eyes , who would smile and start singing in Levi’s ear.
There was only she, a broken, empty shell of a person.
A Marleyan who fell for an Eldian. A war chief that devised weapons for her enemies. A fool with twisted loyalties and convoluted goals.
She betrayed her homeland, she didn’t have a home.
She was abandoned by her fellow countrymen, was rejected by the people closest to her.
But, strangely, as pathetic as she was, as miserable and wretched, she was not alone. Even in her sorry state, despite her vile betrayal, she still had a friend.
He was by all means her enemy, a monster and a devil, and yet he saved her life more times than she could count.
Even now, when her lies had been discovered and her villainy uncovered, he remained by her side, continued to care for her.
If all Eldians were truly as monstrous as she had been told since her birth, then how to make sense if the existence of one extremely brave, inexplicably kind Moblit Berner? Hange, as genius as she was, couldn’t understand him, couldn’t explain why someone as good and bright as him had decided to stick with her.
“Good morning!” he walked into her room with a smile, carrying her breakfast on a plate.
He had been repeating the exact same routine every day for the past month. He had been doing this ever since Erwin had appointed him as her assistant.
In that room, that bed, nostalgia, memories and regrets were impossible to escape.
Hange tried telling Moblit that he didn’t have to this, didn't have to care for her as though she was still his comrade. But Moblit was relentless. And she was too lonely and miserable to cut off the only kind soul that remained loyal to her.
“I managed to get your favorite biscuits this morning,” he continued, moving around the room to put the cutlery down on a table and open the curtains to let the sunshine in. “Almost got in a fight with Sasha because of it.”
Despite herself, Hange snickered. Moblit always had that kind of an effect on her. He possessed the uncanny ability to cheer her up with a simple, but heartfelt and caring gesture.
There was only one other person who was better at it than him. But after everything that happened between them… the hell would freeze sooner than she would hear praise and a comforting word from him.
Waving those sullen thoughts away, Hange stretched her arms and rose from the bed. She followed the sweet aroma of biscuits to the table Moblit had set for her.
“Any updates on Gabi and Falco?”
That was the first question she asked every morning. And every morning, Moblit gave her the same disappointing answer.
“I’m sorry,” he ducked his head solemnly. “We didn’t manage to locate them yet.
Hange expected as much. And yet, the lack of news still troubled her. Where were fierce Gabi and adorable Falco? Were they—
She shook her head, pressing lips together. Of course, they were still alive. They were candidates, the best of all best. Mentally repeating that mantra a couple of times, she forced her mind flow into different direction.
“What’s our plan for today?” she asked through a mouthful of biscuits. “Are we going to work on a new uniform again?”
Working on that project was fun. Having Mobllit as her assistant once again was fun. In the moments, when her brain was too occupied with an idea, she could almost pretend that everything was normal. That she was Squad Leader Hange, working with Executive Officer Moblit on a new project. Sometimes, Hange got so lost in that little game inside her head, she even expected for the door to burst open to let a grumpy Captain inside. But, of course, that couldn't happen.
These distant memories, they were comforting. They reminded her of the rare times in her life when she was truly happy. But the past... was in the past.
“Eh, you see…” Moblit raised a hand to his head, scratching the back of it with an apologizing smile. “Armin asked me to look into something. I was actually wondering if you would like to accompany me. I bet you’re getting sick of spending days in these four walls.”
She was starting to feel like a wilting flower, that was true. It would have been nice to go outside. However…
“Am I even allowed to leave this room?”
Moblit winced. “I’m not really sure about it… But I was assigned to look after you. I think it wouldn’t hurt if you go with me. Besides…” he sat on the chair next to her, looking at her almost pleadingly. Oh, Moblit and his perfect puppy eyes, Hange could never resist them. “I’d like to have your company. And, perhaps, your advice as well…”
“Advice?” Hange frowned. “On what? What is your task about exactly?”
“Don’t know if I can tell you,” nevertheless, Moblit leaned in, lowering his voice to a whisper. “But they found out that one of the volunteers, Yelena, has been conspiring with Eren. They asked me to interrogate the other volunteer.”
“Oh?” that sounded both ominous and intriguing. Hange curled her lips into a grin and raised an eyebrow. “You want me to use my interrogating skills?”
“No!” paling slightly, Moblit frantically lifted his hands, shaking them from side to side. “No reaping out nails, please! No threats of bloody violence! Just… talk with him.”
She almost forgot how easy it was to tease and embarrass Moblit. Oh, how Hange missed him.
“Alright, I’ll do my best to control the violent urges,” she winked at him, laughing at his scandalous face. “And thank you for inviting me. It’s been ages since I saw the world outside that room.”
“There is another thing I have to ask of you...” Moblit cast his eyes down, playing with the sleeve of his coat. “Technically, I’ll be representing Survey Corps, so…”
Oh. Hange shifted her gaze to the wardrobe, where her old uniform was still hanging. That feeling inside her, she couldn’t quite identify it. Was it shame? Or trepidation?
She showed nothing of it to Moblit. As their eyes met, she faced him with an easy smile.
“Sure, I don’t mind. I do wonder if that thing still fits me.”
“It is. It always will.”
The remark was short, it could be read as meaningless. But Moblit’s voice was deep and gravely, full of conviction. Hange tilted her head, stealing a moment to study him more closely. He looked back at her, his hazel eyes honest and kind.
A lump in her throat was thick enough to make it hard to breathe. It brought tears to her eyes. Hange closed them tightly, to keep the tears from falling down.
“I need a moment,” she murmured, facing away from Moblit, “I’ll be ready in five.”
“I’ll be waiting in the hallway,” he said and let her be.
Walking through the streets of Sina was both pleasant and excruciating.
Feeling the sun on her cheeks and the wind in her hair after so many days of being confined to a one single room was enjoyable, enough to put a smile on her lips. And Sina, so very different from Liberio, was a lovely city with interesting architecture and narrow clean streets.
But these places were too familiar, the alleyways etched into her mind too deeply. And the uniform… the long green coat fitted her too well, and, at the same time, suffocated her. The shiny Wings of Freedom were burning her even through the clothes.
This proud emblem, it wasn’t hers. She wasn’t worthy of wearing it.
And the looks people had been given her, the awe and pride— fuck, Hange would rather prefer they cursed and flanged stones at her.
“Their smiles make me uncomfortable,” Moblit confessed. “They used to throw shit at us after every expedition. But now that Eren has killed a bunch of people, they suddenly decide that we’re heroes.”
“You always have been heroes.”
You, not we. There was nothing heroic inside of her.
“Remember that tavern?” Moblit’s cheerful voice and excited expression didn’t chase away the shadows completely. But the shadows took a step back, frightened by his light. “We had a glorious fight with MPs there.”
The fond memory brought laughter to her lips. “You almost got your arm broken in that fight.”
Moblit chuckled along with her. “Thanks to you I didn’t. I thought that punch of yours would get that guy obliterated.”
Hange touched her knuckles tenderly. Moblit was right, that was one hell of a punch. If she closed her eyes, she could almost feel how the force of the hit had reverberated through her skin, tendons, muscles and down to the bones. Perhaps, that time, she had overdone it. She always had troubles reining in her anger.
“And remember that guy Captain Levi kicked? I see him around from time to time. Because of his broken jaw, he still has trouble speaking clearly.”
Ah, Hange remembered that guy as well. He was red-headed and had an ugly moustache. He also left a nasty bruise on her cheek. Levi’s kick to his jaw was a payback for that.
“Those were the times, huh?” Moblit nudged her, offering a kind smile.
Hange averted her eyes, feeling her lips quiver. Yeah, those were the times. Distant times, now they seemed more like a dream. A dream Hange wouldn’t want to wake up from.
Sensing her discomfort, Moblit steered them to the side, taking their conversation in another direction as well. “Speaking of Captain Levi, I sent him the new uniform. He wrote back that he liked it.”
The uniform she accidentally created with Levi’s size in mind. It was in no way intentional. She thought of Survey Corps’ soldiers when she was making a design. And in her mind, the perfect example of the scout was Levi. She was surprised she still remembered his size. Although, considering how much time she had dedicated to studying his body…
The new uniform was a sudden project, a product of the abundance of free time on her part. She wasn’t going to show it to anyone. Even Moblit found out about it by pure accident, when he stumbled upon her crude drawings. She was surprised he liked it. She was surprised Levi liked it. Did he really, though?
“He actually wrote so?”
“Well, he wrote that it could be useful, and in his words…”
Oh. As high praise as one could get from Levi.
“You write to him?” truthfully, that was another surprise for Hange. She didn’t remember Moblit and Levi have any sort of relationships, especially this close.
“We talk a lot,” Moblit shrugged, looking anywhere but at Hange. She was starting to wonder why, but his next words quickly unveiled the mystery. “Technically, we’re the only adults in Survey Corps, and after you left, we… found that we have a lot in common.”
Well. At least, her betrayal had one good outcome. It gave birth to a new friendship. And destroyed several old ones. Hange winced at the last thought.
“Oh, look where are we!” Moblit once again pulled her out of the abyss with his clear, loud voice. The wonder, added to it, however, seemed a little bit too faked. As smart and sharp as he was, Moblit could never excel at lying and pretending.
Not like she did.
Forcing these thoughts away, Hange followed the direction Moblit was pointing at. She couldn’t help but smile at what came into her sights.
Sina’s pastries. The best bakery in the city. In Hange’s humble opinion, the best bakery in the whole damn world. The one they had back at home, on the corner of the street in Liberio, right next to her apartment, didn’t even compare.
Just looking at the sign made her mouth fill with saliva.
“Moblit,” she grasped at his sleeve, her hold desperate. Her eyes were still trained on that shiny sign made in cursive. “Moblit, I know I’m asking a lot—”
He grinned. “Want me to get you that cherry pie you loved so much?”
Oh god, yes. Right now, Hange wanted it more than anything else.
“I understand it if you can’t. I mean, I’m a prisoner from a foreign country. Isn’t buying pies considered to be treason in this case?”
Moblit chuckled warmly. He looked at her, and his expression was kind and gentle enough to make the saints weep. He curled his hand around her shoulder, and from the place where he touched her, warmth spread through her body. “I wouldn’t mind committing treason for a friend.”
Fuck. Hange felt it once again. Her heart squeezing painfully, her throat constricting, tears welling in her eyes. She had to shut her lids to keep them from falling down her cheeks.
Her eyes still closed, with her voice cracking, she asked, “Would it be weird if I give you a hug right now?”
“Don’t know. Is it weird that I really want that hug?”
Her sob turning into a giggle, Hange surged forward, falling right in Moblit’s waiting arms. He pressed her close, his palm patting her on the back. Hange buried her face in his chest and relaxed against him, inhaling his faint scent of citrus and cinnamon. Sweet and pleasant, just like Moblit.
What was she doing all that time, without him at her side?
Moblit smiled at her as they separated. Hange meant to smile back, but in that exact moment— her stomach gurgled. Loudly.
She cringed.
“So… about that pie?”
“I’m on it,” Moblit promised and darted to the bakery.
Perhaps, it was fate. It was destiny, divine intervention, that led her to this moment. To the wooden bench in the park, to the bird’s singing in her ear, to the sweet, heavenly taste in her mouth.
The pie was perfect, so much better than Hange had remembered. It was soft enough to melt in her mouth, leaving a pleasant aftertaste. It was sweet, but not sugary, the cherry toping adding slight bitterness.
Fantastic, the pie was fantastic. If Hange could, she’d stay in that bakery until the end of her days, devouring those phenomenal pastries until she exploded. Ah, what a happy death that would be…
Moblit observed her with an amused grin. “Did they not feed you at all in your Marley?”
“Not like this.” Hange managed, despite her full mouth.
Food in Marley was more diverse than on Paradise. They had more resources, they had a bigger variety of products and ingredients. But Hange was a soldier. She either ate at barracks or she cooked for herself at home. Food, made by army cooks, was nourishing, but lacking in flavor. And the dinners, prepared by her, almost always consisted of something quick and extremely simple.
The only place where Hange could eat to her heart’s content, where food was made out of the best, freshest ingredients and prepared by the most skillful chefs, was the official events, organized by the brass. And as the leader of the research facility, one of the most recognized war chief and the only child of her father, one of the Marleyan’s biggest heroes, Hange was always a welcome guest on these events.
But they were so boring that not even a promise of good food could make her sit until the end of them.
“Well, wait until you try Niccolo’s food. He is a true master.”
“Already did,” her stomach once again gurgled, this time the embarrassing sound was provoked by the memory of Sasha and Connie treating her to some of the maestro’s masterpieces. Sasha certainly was a lucky girl. “I ate so much, I thought I was gonna puke.”
“Yeah, I know the feeling,” bashfully, Moblit rubbed his neck. “The first time he made food for us, I was eating like the man starved. I was so ashamed, but then I looked around,” he chuckled lowly, a wistful smile tugging at his lips. “And realized I wasn’t the only one.”
“I see you had a lot of fun,” she said, swallowing the bitter taste in her mouth. She wasn’t one of them, and never was. The suddenly appeared sadness was foolish and unwelcome. She had her own friends back home. Perhaps, they still thought about her. Perhaps, they still cared. “And what about that guy you need to interrogate? Is he also an amazing cook?”
“No, he is a soldier, he taught us so much about your technology! He was the one who was in charge of controlling the airship we used to get to Liberio.”
So their new friend was a pilot? And, apparently, a skillful one at that. Navigating through Liberio during all that chaos was certainly a challenge. Hange wondered if she knew him.
“So what is the name of that ace pilot of yours?”
Moblit lifted his chin, something close to pride appearing in his gaze. "He really is amazing. His name is Onyakopon."
Hange's jaw dropped. Her precious pie almost dropped as well. Hadn't she misheard? Onyakopon? The same Onyakopon who had spent almost a year as her understudy? Who taught Hange how to pilot the plane? That Onyakopon?
Could it really be? Could they really meet here, after so many years, on Paradis of all the places? Or was it some other Onyakopon who also happened to be an ace pilot?
"Hange-san?" a worried crease lay between Moblit's eyebrows. "Are the two of you—"
"Don't know," she shrugged, promptly finishing the last of her pie. "Shall we go and find that out?"
Moblit nodded resolutely. Hange felt something like nostalgia stirring up inside her.
For a man who was supposedly under a close watch and a possible suspect, Onyakopon had the nicest of accommodations. Much better than Hange's single room.
The house was small, but cozy, surrounded by pretty garden and vast green fields. If one were to ignore the lonely guard who was munching on an apple in the shadow of the tree, the front yard possessed absolutely no flaws.
Hange immediately shared her observation with Moblit, telling it to him in a faint whisper.
"Let's hope Onyakopon isn't a traitor and we won't end up dragging him from this heavenly place," he answered her.
If their Onyakopon was the same Onyakopon Hange knew, they wouldn't need to take the drastic measures. He was a smart, honest and good man. And, judging by Moblit's set expression, he knew that too.
As they approached the house, a man came in their sights. Dark-skinned, tall and handsome, he was reading a book on the porch, a look of complete concentration on his face.
All doubt left her mind. It was the same Onyakopon. The bright, curious young man who wanted to learn from her and who taught her something in return.
At the sound of their footsteps, Onyankopon looked up. And recognized her too, from just one glance. As their eyes met, his grew in size, almost comically. So he didn't know she was there as well. Strange, Hange would have thought he overheard the commotion she had caused on their trip back to Paradis.
But, perhaps, Onyakopon was too focused on piloting the airship and keeping all of them alive.
"Hange?" his voice was no louder than the wind's song. Hange nodded swiftly, having troubles finding her own voice. She wasn't sure it would obey her. "Oh I'll be damned!" Onyakopon jumped to his feet and all but ran to her. He squeezed her elbows, peering into her face in disbelief. "I'll be damned, Hange! I've heard the talks about some Marleyan soldier, but I could never guess that it was you! No one told me that you were captured."
Well, captured might be a strong word to describe what happened to her. Levi didn't capture her, he simply caught her - unaware and unprepared. Hange saw the face that was haunting her dreams and didn't even think of fighting against him.
She thought that Levi came to kill her then. She was almost ready for him to do it, to finish it once and for all. Being killed by the humanity's strongest - was there a greater honor? Being killed by the man you loved so dearly - was there a bigger joy?
Gently, Hange pried Onyakopon's hands off her. "It's a very long story."
"I have—"
"You don't," Moblit took a step forward, partially hiding Hange behind his back. "We need to talk, Onyakopon. I'm sure you've already guessed why."
"Yeah. Your friend here," Onyankopon threw an accusing glare at his guardian who was enjoying the afternoon shade, not disturbed by their conversation. "Already warned me. Alright," he let out a defeated sigh, "Do you guys want tea or coffee? Maybe, some snacks?"
Moblit gave him a tight-lipped smile. "We've already eaten, thank you."
"I— I'll bring some tea anyway."
He disappeared inside the house without another word. Hange and Moblit watched him go, then, when he vanished from their sight, they shared a look.
"He doesn't seem nervous," Hange remarked.
Moblit seemed to be of the same opinion. "He looks rather disappointed. I really hope he is innocent. But..." he shook his head and mumbled, more to himself than Hange, "I was always bad at figuring out liars."
Ouch. If after everything she had been through, Hange still possessed a heart, Moblit's words would have dealt a fatal blow.
Alas... She felt but a small pang. It didn't make her wheeze with pain, only forced to cast her eyes down.
Onyakopon returned after a few minutes, carrying a tray with three cups on it. Jerking his head into its direction, he led them to a table on the backyard.
Once they all took their places, heavy silence hanged over them. Onyakopon was the one to break it.
"So, no offence," he tilted his head to the side, his gaze slowly switching between Hange and Moblit. "If this is the official business, then… why Hange is here?"
"It's a long story," Hange said at the same time as Moblit claimed,
"Hange and I have been working together before."
"Wait..." a frown appeared on Onyakopon's face. It was almost immediately taken over by the look of shock. "Are you telling me that the famed Marleyan spy I've been hearing so much about, the one who spent five years on Paradis and almost became the Commander of Survey Corps, is Hange Zoe, one of the brightest minds of Marley?"
"Something like that, yeah," Hange took a cup of tea in her hands, hiding her embarrassment behind it.
"Wow... that's certainly... a lot to take in. I heard so many things about you."
"Nice ones, I hope?"
The corners of Onyakopon's lips slid down. "Not really."
"Ah... Understandable, I guess."
"But if you're the famous betrayer, why are you here? Are you—"
"We've been working together for a long time," Moblit repeated. "I trust Hange's judgement."
"I have an exceptional talent of picking out bullshit. And," Hange grinned, the curl of her lips just this side of being feral. "I'm a master of reaping fingernails out."
Onyakopon promptly chocked on the tea he was drinking. Sending her the most disappointing of his looks, Moblit jumped out from his seat to help the other man to cough it all out. His panicked face did awake a bit of shame in Hange.
"It was a joke," she hurried to assure.
"A very bad one," Moblit grumbled, softly patting Onyakopon on the back.
"I see nothing has changed about you, Hange," after returning his breathing under control, Onyakopon raised his eyes, giving her a joyful smile.
Hange wasn't sure if his words held any truth, personally, she hadn't felt like her happy, curious and driven self from years ago, but, nevertheless, she answered his smile with the one of her own.
"Now, let's talk about you," Moblit returned to his place, sitting down on the opposite side from Onyakopon. His back was straight, his expression relaxed but solemn. He grew, Hange noted absentmindedly. He was no longer that timid, shy man she had met all these years ago. "Do you know what happened with Yelena?"
"I understand that she is in the same boat as I am right now."
"Not quite," Moblit retorted. "We've recently found out that she has been talking with Eren behind our backs."
Onyakopon put the cup down, his hands a little more unsteady than Hange remembered them to be. "I... didn't know about any of this. Do you know what they were discussing?"
"Commander Pixis and the others are attempting to make sense of it as we speak."
"And in the meantime you decided to interrogate me." Onyakopon's demeanor changed, his eyes flashing. "Have I not done enough, Moblit? For you and for the people of Eldia? Haven't we helped you enough? And yet, you still don't trust me. You come here with—" his gaze shifted to Hange, but whatever Onyakopon wanted to say didn't leave his mouth, Moblit's hardened expression stopping him.
"You know how hard it is to earn trust," Moblit spoke calmly. "Especially now. Personally, I don't think that you're involved in Yelena's dealings. But I have to make sure of it. Wouldn't you do the same, if you were in my position?"
"Besides," Hange chimed in, "Even Eren is imprisoned. Do you really blame them for not trusting foreigners?"
Onyakopon took his time before answering. His jaw clenched, as he fixed his gaze on the wooden surface of the table.
"Maybe, you're right," he said at last. At his admission, Moblit relaxed. But Hange knew that Onyakopon wasn't finished yet. "But I risked my life to help get Eren back. Doesn't that count for something?"
"Yelena took part in that mission as well." Moblit reminded.
"I'm not Yelena." Onyankopon harshly retorted.
Moblit scowled. Onyakopon was glaring back at him, hands crossed on his chest. Hange decided it was time to intervene once more.
"Are we thinking of the same Yelena?" she interrupted their staring contest, easing the air around both men. "Tall, blonde and absolutely crazy?"
Not taking his eyes of Onyakopon, Moblit nodded. "She also has a strange obsession with Yeager brothers."
"Ah," yeah, Hange knew her. How could she not? Yelena was... "A lovely girl. Even I get chills from her. I doubt that Pixis would be able to get something out of her."
"That what worries me," Moblit confessed, rubbing his temples. The gesture was familiar to Hange - Moblit always suffered from headaches when under stress. "The Queen is coming back soon. If we don't secure the capital..."
"Historia is coming back?" Hange wasn't aware of it. When she asked Sasha about a little girl that once was called Christa and then grew up to become a Queen, Sasha said that she was also getting ready to become a mother. Was bringing her to the capital a good call then? With everything in such state of disarray?
"It was her decision, not ours," Moblit explained. "When the Queen learned what is going in, she deemed it necessary to intervene."
"Hopefully, the Queen is loved more than Eren Yeager."
Yeah, that would be the best case scenario. For everyone - even Marleyans - involved.
"In these uncertain times..." Moblit hanged his head with a deep, weary sigh. "Hope is all we have. Thank you for your time, Onyakopon. We'll be heading back now."
Having said that, he stood up. Hange meant to follow his suit, but at the last moment, Onyakopon stopped her, catching her sleeve between his fingers.
"About what happened in Liberio," he stiffly began. "Marley destroyed my hometown," Hange solemnly nodded. She was forced to take part in that particular operation. She hated every second of it. "I can't and I won't forgive them for that. But..." his voice softened, his thumb rubbed comforting circles around her pulse point. "Liberio was your home as well. So I know what you're going through."
Taken by surprise, Hange blinked a couple of times, gawking at Onyakopon. She expected anger from him. In the worst case - pity. But he offered her only his understanding. She was grateful for that.
“Goodbye, Onyankopon,” she smiled sweetly.
“Hopefully, that wouldn’t be our last meeting.”
Hange could very well agree on that.
When they were back in Sina, the sun was already setting, painting the streets and buildings into shades of orange, red and pink. While walking through the town, Hange was once again reminded of how beautiful it truly was. The abundance of trees and flower bushes, the shiny cobblestone and petite houses added to its charm, making Sina look almost magical.
“Pretty as a picture,” Hange had once called it, during a walk through the town with Levi by her side. Her fascination, that careless mishap almost got her lie uncovered.
“You look like you’re seeing it for the first time, four-eyes,” Levi had thrown that line carelessly, but his had narrowed ever so slightly and his frown had deepened. “Didn’t you say that you have grown up in the city?”
In that moment, Hange had almost started panicking. She could almost see it too – Levi finding out the truth, Levi dragging her to Erwin, Erwin getting everything he could out of her, him, Mike, Nanaba, Moblit, Nifa, Keiji, Abel, Levi and countless of others feeling disappointed and betrayed. The story would have ended with her standing on the gallows.
Perhaps, this end would have been more merciful. But that day, her joyful, only slightly forced laughter and a meaningless ‘Don’t you know me, Levi? I always have my head up in the clouds?’ had saved her from the early demise. And doomed her to many years of torture, heartache and self-hatred.
“Hey,” a gentle hand on her elbow broke her out of the internal misery. Hange looked up, meeting Moblit’s hazel eyes. “It will take some time until we reach the headquarters. Can we talk in the meanwhile?”
“Sure,” she shrugged. “What do you wish to talk about?”
“I actually want to ask a question. You don’t have to answer if you don’t want to, but…” Moblit trailed off for a moment, pressing his lips in a line. Hange smiled faintly, she knew that expression too – he always wore it when he was contemplating his next move. As soon as his mind was set, it vanished, the usual kind face returning. “I would like to know why… you came here in the first place.”
That was it? Hange almost exhaled with relief. She thought he was going to ask something truly awful.
“Didn’t I tell you already? Just like Hoover, Leonhart, Braun and Galliard, I was sent to retrieve the Founding Titan.”
“But you didn’t do it. You had countless opportunities to take Eren from us, and you never acted on any of them. So why did you really come here?”
That was… a question more complicated than Hange was ready for. She didn’t know what to tell Moblit, how much she was willing to share. She had never talked about this, not to a single soul. Her comrades and friends from Marley would never understand her anyway. But Moblit wasn’t Marleyan, he didn’t possess the same mentality. Perhaps, he wouldn’t judge her. Hange was counting on that.
Without another second spent on doubt, she began her tale,
“My father was a hero – a soldier, brilliant tactician, an even better politician. He was resolute, fearsome and absolutely merciless to his enemies. No surprise that many considered him to be an ideal Marleyan citizen. And I was his only child. Naturally, everyone expected me to be as brilliant as him. I began my training at the age of five, and by the age of twelve I was already a perfect soldier. However, that’s not who I wanted to be. I wanted to explore the world, to travel to distant lands, but as the child of my father, I had my whole life controlled by him, and then, when he passed away, by the expectations everyone had for me.”
Taking a pause, Hange chanced a look at Moblit, expecting him to be disgusted or annoyed by her whining. She had everything given to her on a plate, a bright future guarantied, and she still yearned for something more. It was pathetic, wasn’t it? She was pathetic. However, Moblit… didn’t seem to share that opinion. At least, his face didn’t show the signs of it. Instead of the outrage Hange had expected to see, she was met with sympathy.
It made the pain in her chest grew tenfold.
Nevertheless, she forced herself to continue.
“I could never decide for myself, my whole life was controlled by my father’s legacy. I wanted to break free of it, by whatever means necessary. So when I heard about the mission to retrieve the Founding Titan, I latched onto that chance, convincing the brass to send me there with the kids. But I’ve arrived earlier than them, and we got separated. And so… I decided to use that time to do what I always wanted. To study and explore.”
It was the most brilliant of her adventures. She loathed being a soldier and having to kill countless enemies of Marley. But there was no war at Paradis. The only enemies were Titans, and as much as Hange felt for their struggle, she managed to convince herself that she was killing them for their own good. That she was freeing them from their never-ending curse.
“No one knew me here, and I could be whoever I wanted to. And I liked being Squad Leader Hange, because Squad Leader Hange was allowed to be as weird and curious as I wanted. People here accepted me. For the first time in my life, I felt like I found the place where I belonged.”
Of course, that wasn’t true, a mere fantasy, a delusion on her part. She was a Marleyan, a child of the man who condemned thousands of Eldians. She had no place in their world. And yet, Hange was happy. It was the bitter truth she was afraid to admit for so long - she loved the persona of Squad Leader Hange. So much more than the persona of the Professor and war engineer, Hange Zoe.
But nothing could last forever. And when the time has come to return to Marley, Hange was devastated. She lost herself in playing her own game.
“That’s it, I guess,” she said, rolling her shoulders. Looking up, she saw they were almost by the stables where they left their horses in the morning. So deep inside her own head, she failed to notice how much time had passed. “I ran away because I was sick of my life back home. And I spent five years pretending to be someone else.”
“Were you really?” Moblit watched her, his gaze inquisitive. “Were you really pretending to be someone else, Hange-san? Or did you finally allow yourself to release your true self?”
That was… a scary statement. And much more loaded than Hange could deal with in that moment.
“I could be wrong, though,” Moblit shot her an innocent smile. Hange cursed under her breath, a true devil, that’s what he was. Getting her to admit to so much of her insecurities, Moblit surely had a talent for it. And to think he asked her to help him with interrogation. He seemed to be pretty adept at it himself.
“Stay here, I’ll bring our horses,” he started walking in the direction of the stables, but at the last moment turned away, and, meeting Hange’s eyes, added, “I’m glad that you took that mission, Hange-san. And I’m glad that I got to meet the real you. All of us are.”
Hange snorted, watching Moblit go. Perhaps, her father was right about something. Devils, all of them were. How else to explain the ease with which they wormed their way into her heart?
Her shoulders dropped as soon as Moblit had disappeared from her view, and she turned to stare at the setting sun. Certainly, it was one hell of a draining conversation.
But as her thoughts were still scattered in disarray, her heart felt so much lighter. She never shared this part of her with anyone, was afraid to admit it even to herself. But now she was glad she had finally done it. Perhaps, she should have done it a long time ago. Her life could have been easier then, the amount of regrets considerably lesser.
She swept her gaze around the plaza Moblit left her at. With the day coming to an end, not a lot of people were there. As far as Hange could see, the only ones still present were a happy mother with a two children, who were feeding the pigeons on the bench at the far side of the plaza, an elderly couple, and—
And a girl that sat at the edge of the fountain. The short stature, slumped shoulders, that luscious long black hair were familiar to the point of setting Hange's heart ablaze.
She couldn't see the face, was afraid to, but even so, Hange denied what her eyes saw. Surely, it was her imagination, her mind conjuring things that weren't there. This girl, she was—
A shadow, fathom. It couldn't be— it couldn't be her. Even the possibility of it was raising the hairs at the back of Hange's neck.
It wasn't Pieck, just a random girl. Hange was wrong, simply seeing things. Those familiar traits belonged to someone else. Pieck wasn't here, in Paradis, Pieck couldn't be—
"Hange?" she jumped, and whirled around so swiftly her head went dizzy. Before her stood Moblit, his eyebrows knitted together worriedly. "Everything alright?"
She exhaled with relief. "Peachy," she answered with a smile she didn't feel. Her eyes shifted from one side of plaza to the other, searching for the figure she had seen. But like all shadows do, she simply vanished.
"I brought our horses," Moblit gestured for her to follow him. Hange did, not looking back even once.
Even so, she felt someone's gaze burning into her back all the way to the headquarters.
"Sorry," Moblit stood at the threshold of her room, shifting his weight from one foot to another. "I need to report to Zacklay and Pixis."
His expression was nearly apologetic. Hange patted his shoulder, touched by his not so subtle concern. "Stop worrying so much, Mob. Nothing would happen if you leave me for one evening."
Moblit kept frowning, looking as unconvinced as ever. "I'll tell Sasha and Connie to bring you dinner,” he nodded to himself. “And if you need anything, just tell the guard to call for me."
"Alright, alright. Now go!" Hange gave him a forceful push. "And make me proud!"
She didn't get an answer out of him, but she did see a faint blush appear on his cheeks. That was enough for Hange to chuckle victoriously.
Once Moblit had disappeared around the corner, Hange shoved the door closed and leaned against it. It was an exhausting, eventful day. She wanted nothing more than to rest. She headed towards the bed to fulfill that exact goal.
But no sooner than she had seated down, she heard the knock on the door. Albeit quietly, it was repeated three more times.
Sighing, Hange stood up again and walked back to the door. She swung it open, expecting to see Sasha and Connie. She was hoping to get a warm meal inside while gossiping with the two teenagers. A second later, the door stood open. And Hange's throat was closed up.
On the other side of the threshold— there was no Sasha, no Connie. Only Pieck.
And so the shadow finally took form.
Pieck was dressed similarly to her, in the dark green uniform. Her hair was gathered in a low ponytail, a smile was playing on her lips. The subtle differences in her attire only added to the sense of disbelief.
At the sight of her lovely face, all air left Hange's lungs. She desperately tried to take a breath, opening and closing her mouth rapidly. She wasn’t sure for how long she would have continued gaping like a fish fresh out of the water hadn't Pieck taken the matters in her own hands.
"It's been a while, Hange," as always, she spoke in a quiet, sugary sweet voice. Usually it calmed Hange down. Now it was sending shivers down her spine. "Aren't you happy to see me?"
"Pieck," Hange meant to sound leveled, controlled. But even a single word came out shaky and unsure. "Pieck," she tried again, this time with more success. "What are you doing here?"
Pushing past Hange, Pieck walked inside the room, heavily sliding down on a chair. "Serving my country. Something you have forgotten about."
Pieck stared straight at her, hands folded in her lap, a picture of friendliness and innocence. But the smile Hange always found so endearing, now seemed almost chilling.
"Tell me, Hange, is this the part of your plan? Have you decided to use your old history with these people to destroy them from the inside? Or," Pieck paused, tilting her head to one side. She didn't look angry, or disappointed. If anything, she seemed simply curious. But the atmosphere in the room was tense, air electrified with trepidation. Hange knew Pieck all too well, she knew how dangerous the shifter girl could be. "Have you already forgotten what they did in Liberio, in our city? How they destroyed it? How killed thousands of men, women and children? These monsters almost killed Reiner, Porco," her voice wavered at the names of her dear comrades. But even then, she didn’t drop the unassuming façade. "And do you know what happened to Udo and Zophia? Have you seen what become of them?"
Stunned, Hange could only stare at Pieck. The words left her, her mind unable to come up with anything she could have used to explain herself.
Indifferent to Hange’s internal struggle, Pieck continued.
"Do you even care, Hange? About Marley, about us?"
"Of course, I do." How Pieck could even doubt that? Udo and Zophia, those bright, adorable children Hange couldn't quite imagine them being gone. "Pieck, you misunderstand, I've been captured, I'm not—"
"Don't make me laugh." Pieck interrupted curtly. "You have your own room, you walk freely through the town, you wear their uniform. Is this how they treat all of their prisoners? Awfully kind of them then, considering the monstrosities these devils committed."
"Pieck, listen—"
Pieck didn't want to.
"You always were a strange one, Hange," gracefully, the girl stood up, taking a step closer. With her hands behind her back, she started pacing, circling around Hange. "I could never understand what was going on inside your head. I still can't. But, naively, I thought that I knew you. That after years of fighting side by side, we grew close enough. And after the disaster at Liberio," she picked up a sheet of paper from Hange's desk, gave it a quick once over before disregarding it in favor of focusing her eyes on Hange once more. "I kept looking for you. I was so afraid to find your body under a fallen building or see you with a hole in the head. But you were nowhere to be found. Everyone was worried sick, the brass was livid - the devils from Paradis killed the Warhammer, took our Beast and now our brightest mind was missing as well. And then I remembered what I have seen during the fight. A short man approaching you, the same one who nearly killed Zeke, that Ackerman. I thought he had captured you, I thought you needed saving. Seems like I was wrong about that, huh?”
Even now, Pieck was keeping her calm. Despite the harsh accusations, her voice remained gentle, almost soothing. The smile was still in place, and her head was tilted up, peering into Hange’s eyes.
Hange did everything she could to escape that unsettling gaze.
“I also came to because I needed you,” Pieck continued. “I thought you would help me with my mission.”
Would she? Should she? Hange didn’t know. She knew what Professor Hange Zoe would have done. She knew what Squad Leader Hange would have done.
But what would she do?
“I guess it doesn’t matter. Whether you help us or not, the outcome will be the same. Paradis will fall, Hange. Consider it my only warning. If you wish to witness its demise alongside these devils, I won't stop you. But," without looking at Hange, Pieck laid a hand on her shoulder, giving it a firm squeeze. "If your decision ever changes, I'll be happy to fight by your side."
After that, Pieck left the room, closing the door softly on her way out. Hange, however, didn’t move, remaining frozen in one place, too stunned to follow after Pieck and demand a more thorough explanation.
However... what was there to explain? Paradis will fall. Plain and simple.
Right now, Hange couldn't quite believe it, although she was supposed to expect it. What could possibly happen to that little island after Eren's desperate rampage? But even before that, Paradis was already doomed. The events that transpired at Shiganshina proved to the outside world just how dangerous the Eldians could be. And Shiganshina was simply a plant that had grown out of the seed of Grisha Yeager's crimes.
There was no hope for Paradis. There never was.
Paradis will fall.
What could she do to save it? Could she do something, anything at all? Could she help them, expose her nation's plans? Could she betray her motherland like that? If she shared the truth with people of Paradis, would they even believe her? Would her people forgive her?
Hange didn't know. Her mind was in frenzy, her thoughts flying from one horrible outcome to the other. It was in that catatonic state that Sasha and Connie found her.
"Hange-san? Is everything alright?"
Hange looked up, meeting their bewildered gazes. In that moment she realized - she didn't want these kids to die. She didn't want for them to suffer any more than they've already done. And the others - Moblit, Levi - Hange couldn't bear the thought of them in harm. But—
She didn't want for her fellow countrymen to die as well.
Fuck. Why was everything so hard these days, why it was so damn complicated? When would her heart stop tearing into two pieces? Why was everything out of her control?
It was always an issue of hers, the lack of control. This time was no different. Caught between crossfires, Hange didn't know which side to choose. Perhaps then... she shouldn't choose at all.
Perhaps, she should take the back seat. Let everything transpire the way it was supposed to be. Let them fight, let someone win.
And so, with a heavy heart and troubled consciousness, Hange came to a decision. She would not alert Paradis about the threat hanging over them. She would not help Marley in their fight.
But there was another side to all of this. Another warning, another trouble that couldn’t be ignored.
There was a danger of Marley invasion, but equally disturbing was the events transpiring inside the Walls. Something was brewing, a storm ready to swipe everyone in its path. And Hange had a nasty feeling that at the center of it, two figures stood – Yeager brothers.
Nothing could be done about Eren, Hange had doubts that even his closest friends had a single clue of what was going inside the boy’s head, what dangerous ideas were forming there. But Zeke, Hange knew how to deal with Zeke. She also knew someone who could deal with him in the most efficient way.
She didn’t know what Zeke was planning. But she was confident that Levi would be able to find out.
She just needed to give him a little push.
“Sasha,” Hange smiled at the girl, wrapping an arm around her shoulders. “If you would be so kind, tell Moblit to visit me before he retires for the night.”
Moblit had mentioned that he was corresponding with Levi. The time has come to use this detail to her and the world’s advantage.
The world as they knew was changing, perhaps, it was already at the brink of collapse, horrible destruction. What did Moblit say? In these uncertain times, hope is all we have?
In that case, her only hope was Levi.
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missjanjie · 3 years
Somewhere in the Crowd There's You | Rosnali
Summary: Denali and Rosé were best friends all through middle and high school, but had to part ways after graduating in 1998. But even years later, the one thing that always connected them were the mixtapes Rosé would make. Ship: Rosnali Word Count: 2174 Rating: T
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Bonus: Denali's Playlist for Rosé
“Denali, so help me god if you’re late to graduation you will not make it to college!” her mother shouted up the stairs.
Denali groaned and rolled her eyes. “I’m coming!” she yelled back down to her. She pressed ‘stop’ on her CD player and popped the cover open, taking the disk out and putting it into its correct sleeve in her CD book. It was a smaller one, as it only contained her most precious ones - the mixtapes Rosé had given her over the years.
The two of them had been best friends since they had both transferred to the same Manhattan school in sixth grade, Denali coming from Alaska and Rosé from Scotland. Both of them had felt out of place and immediately sought refuge in each other and had been inseparable ever since. And one thing that had always been consistent in their friendship was Rosé’s love of burning CDs and giving them to her, whether it was for a special occasion or just because she thought Denali would like it, and she always did.
“And don’t even think about trying to take your walkman!”
She huffed, looking at it waiting for her on her bed. “Fine,” she threw her gown over her dress and grabbed her cap before hustling out the door.
Any attitude she might have had disappeared the second she got out of the car and saw Rosé. she sprinted towards the taller girl, launching herself into her arms. “Rosie!”
Rosé scooped Denali up without hesitation, one arm wrapped around her waist and the opposite hand holding her thigh. “Hi Dee,” she cooed, spinning around with her before eventually setting her back down. “I got something for you.”
Denali giggled as Rosé reached up under her gown because of course, she would manage to get away with wearing pants at graduation. She beamed from ear to ear as Rosé placed a CD in her hand. Written in pink glitter gel pen over masking tape was ‘Denali + Rosé: Class of ‘98’, with a heart over the ‘i’. She looked at the tracklist and smiled when she saw one was highlighted - that meant Rosé had recorded herself singing, and that was her favorite part. “Super Trouper?” she tilted her head, noting it was the only song on the list that hadn’t come out during their time in high school.
She shrugged, a tinge of pink ghosting her cheeks. “I like ABBA and the song made me think of you.”
“I love it,” she quickly assured, hugging her tightly before sliding the mixtape into her macrame crossbody bag. “Come on, we better go take our seats so we can say goodbye to our childhood.”
Rosé arched her brow. “Bit grim when you put it that way, but let’s go.”
After graduation Rosé and Denali went to dinner together with their families, then back to Denali’s house for a sleepover, likely one of the last ones they would have before college. But they didn’t want to think about that, instead focusing on enjoying the time they had together.
It wasn’t easy for either of them, and Denali was left with a difficult decision. When she was twelve, she acknowledged the fact that she was attracted to girls, but decided it was best to not do anything about it. At sixteen, she realized that it wasn’t just girls in general, that would be too easy to ignore. For the past two years, she had accepted the fact that she was in love with Rosé, but too paralyzed with fear to do anything about it.
So, she made a mixtape. Each song one declaration of love after another. And it had been sitting in her closet for a week now while she tried to talk herself into giving it to her best friend. She knew it was now or never, tonight had to be the night.
“Something on your mind?” Rosé gently prompted.
Denali hesitated, then shook her head. “I’m just gonna miss you,” she told her, sitting next to her cross-legged on the bed. “We’re gonna stay in touch, right?”
“Of course,” Rosé assured. “We can call each other and talk on AIM when we can get to the campus libraries,” she suggested, resting her hand on Denali’s thigh and squeezing gently. “I think we can make it work.”
She chewed on her lip and nodded. “If you think so, then I do too.” She glanced back at her closet, thinking, her heart racing. Rosé cared enough about her to want to make their friendship work. Maybe there was a chance…
“Hey,” Rosé prompted to change the subject, “I rented Cinderella with Brandi from Blockbuster, you wanna watch?”
Denali nodded, letting her fear quell her desire to give her the disk. “Yeah, I’ll go make some popcorn.”
Six Years Later
Manhattan felt almost as foreign to Denali as it did when she first moved there. Despite the nostalgia that filled her when she walked past Broadway, recalling seeing RENT there with Rosé for her eighteenth birthday, or the other little things that brought her back to her teenage years, she felt odd, out of place. It made her stomach churn with the way everything seemed to change.
It didn’t help that, despite all of the promises they had made to each other, she had lost touch with Rosé sometime after the start of her sophomore year. Their lives had gotten so busy, so involved, it just dissipated and she had to try her best to move on.
And most days Denali was able to go about her life as normal. She returned to her apartment with lunch for herself and her roommate. Her new normal. “Liv! Come eat!”
Olivia promptly emerged from her room, a piece of paper in her hand. “Check out this flyer I snagged from the café a few blocks over. They’re having a karaoke night tonight, we should go,” at Denali’s hesitation, she jutted out her bottom lip and batted her lashes. “C’mon, please? They’re gonna have alcohol.”
With a jokingly dramatic sigh, she acquiesced. “Okay, fine, but don’t even think about trying to drag me on stage before I’ve had at least three drinks.”
After lunch, the two of them got ready for the night, doing their hair and makeup and picking out just the right outfits for the modern y2k-era nightlife. The walk to the café was about ten minutes and they were able to get a table before the room started to fill up. Her attention faded in and out as people started to perform, nursing her drink and picking at the chips on the table.
“Alright, who’s next?” the event host prompted, scanning the room. “You, in the pink, right this way!” There were some scattered cheers as a woman took the stage, but Denali didn’t look up until she started singing.
Olivia noticed the sudden alertness in her friend. “What, you’re an ABBA fan?”
“No, no I know that voice,” she insisted, shushing her to focus on the stage better. There was no way, it couldn’t be…
“But I won’t feel blue like I always do. ‘Cause somewhere in the crowd there’s-” Rosé looked into the audience, her eyes meeting Denali’s and her breath hitching in her throat, nearly missing the last word, but when she got it out, it was as if she were singing to her once again, “...you.”
Before Denali could decide what to do, Rosé was making a beeline for her, then she was standing right in front of her, looking more beautiful than Denali could’ve ever anticipated. “Rosie?” she asked softly, afraid it was too good to be true.
A broad smile stretched across Rosé’s face as if she were wondering the same thing until that moment. “Denali!” She yanked the smaller woman to her feet and pulled her into a tight embrace, one that neither of them ever wanted to end. “When did you move back to New York?”
“Couple weeks ago officially. My parents moved out to Long Island, so I was staying with them while I was trying to find a place. That’s how I met Olivia, my roommate,” Denali explained, gesturing to the girl still sitting at the table.
Olivia offered a polite wave and smile in response. “It seems like you guys have some catching up to do, I’m gonna go on stage next then, um, keep myself busy,” she decided and scurried off.
“Let’s go outside,” Rosé suggested, the two of them leaving the café and sitting on a bench in front of it. “I’ve missed you so much. What have you been up to?”
Denali shrugged. “Got my BFA in dance, worked with a few different companies either performing or choreographic. And last year I was in Zumanity, which was quite the experience,” she blushed a bit as she recalled that, unsure if Rosé was familiar with the type of show it was, “and now I’m here as a full-time dance teacher and choreographer. What about you?”
Rosé’s eyes did widen at the name, feeling her face start to redden as her mind started to wander, wondering what sort of things Denali had performed on stage. While she hadn’t seen the show, she had seen commercials when watching TV late at night. She’d nearly missed her question, clearing her throat and centering herself. “Oh, well, my life hasn’t been as interesting as yours, I got my BFA in musical theatre, did various off-Broadway gigs, and… you’re going to laugh… I’m the understudy for the lead role in Mamma Mia here on Broadway.”
“Mamma Mia… the ABBA jukebox musical?” She covered her mouth as she tried not to laugh, a bit of giggling slipping through. “A little on the nose, isn’t it Rosie? But I’m very happy for you.”
“Maybe so, but I’m much more interested in this Zumanity stint. I mean, I always knew you had that skill level but that’s a… unique setting,” Rosé retorted, her interest, and perhaps something more, very piqued.
Denali looked down and grinned. “It was. Everyone there was incredibly talented too, it was so freeing, so queer,” she said, then hesitantly looked back up to reaffirm, “which I also am, you know, gay.”
Rosé chuckled softly and nodded. “I kind of suspected as much, just with the way you reacted when we saw RENT,” she recalled, then quickly followed up with, “I am too.”
An eight-year-long weight lifted from Denali’s chest at the confession. “Do you wanna come back to my place? It’s just a couple of blocks over, we can have a sleepover like we used to,” she suggested.
“I’d love that,” she grinned, and as they walked back to the apartment, she had her arm slung around Denali’s shoulders, not passing up the first opportunity in years to keep her close. Even though it was an apartment she’d never been in before, the fact that it was Denali’s made it feel familiar.
Denali toed out of her shoes and set her purse down. “I have something for you,” she said suddenly, disappearing into her bedroom before Rosé to question her. She rifled through her closet, pulling out a box tucked away and grinning when she found the items she was looking for. It was still a risk, but this time she knew it was one worth taking. She took a deep breath, then rejoined Rosé in the living room. “I kept every mixtape you gave me, still listen to them sometimes,” she said, holding up the CD book in one hand.
“You did?” Rosé put her hand over her chest, beaming warmly. “Dee, that’s so sweet.”
She smiled, biting her lip and looking down, trying to fight away the nerves that crept back up. “I, um, I made you one too. I was going to give it to you after graduation but I chickened out,” she confessed as she handed the mixtape she had hidden among her possessions all these years to the woman she made it for. “I think the tracklist will explain why.”
Rosé’s lips parted in surprise as she gently took it from her. “To Rosie, with love,” she read the title before turning it over to see where Denali had written the songs in silver sharpie. And, sure enough, it was one love song after another, songs she knew well, that she knew the shorter woman spent her time carefully picking out each one. “Oh, Dee, this is beautiful. Honestly, I don’t know what I would’ve done if you gave it to me back then.”
Denali swallowed thickly. “I guess more importantly, what are you gonna do now?”
There was only a half-beat of silence before Rosé smirked, setting the disk on the dining room table before cupping Denali’s face and kissing her deeply, moving one hand from her face to wrap her arm around her body and pull her close. “I’ve always loved you, Denali. I’d just resigned myself to seeing you as the one that got away.”
Denali relaxed, arms looping around Rosé’s neck. “I’m not going anywhere.”
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anotherbeingsworld · 3 years
a step forward
pairing: bryce x f!mc (alessia lyxienne)
book: open heart: third year
rating: general
warning: a few curse words.
word count: 4163
summary: a rewrite of the final chapter of book 3 (3:16) as Alessia will be making a hard decision.
ps: tags and a/n will be at the end of the fic!
I love you…’
‘I love you too.’
Clinging to the profound happiness on the rooftop of Edenbrook, her eyes fall onto him. He’s smiling. Wider than any other smile she has ever seen, he was happy. He is happy, and she is too. It felt like an ending to a fairy tale where they lived happily ever after, but life is far from it. She lets out a sigh, before burying her head into his shoulder for the night – enjoying the bright lights below them. At this moment, she does not know what lies ahead – however, she knows that the feeling of being on top of the world is the best feeling one could felt.
“Have you told your friends about the offer?” The voice of Mr.s Lyxienne booms through the call – somewhat a tone of excitement in her voice of a proud mother.
She shakes her head, as an attempt to tidy up her room before the roommates' dinner to celebrate the board results in an intimate setting than before. The sigh escapes her lips, as she rereads the email.
…offer for a new position… head of the diagnostics team….Arizona. We are looking forward to hearing from you soon.
Dr. Donald Reegan.
“Haven’t told them yet mom.” She replies, before minimizing the emails tab. Somehow, the email came a day after the party, after she receives her happily ever after. Its been days since then, as tomorrow is her final day as a resident – and her final chance to make a decision.
Her mom didn’t say a word, somehow knows how hard it was to make a decision.
“I know whatever you decide, they’ll be happy for you Alessia.” Her voice is calm, yet there is a hint of boldness in it.
“I know…”
“I’ll have to go now and whatever happens - we are very proud of you.”
“Thanks, mom, I’ll talk to you soon.” After saying our goodbyes, she immediately changed her outfit for their roomie dinner with the others.
She was wearing a suit, somehow, she feels much more comfortable in it along with her Vans slip-on. Her hair was tied into a ponytail, as she was met with the others along with Bryce, Kyra, and Rafael.
She took a seat beside Bryce, as he immediately greeted her with a peck on her cheek – she smiles, somehow it didn’t reach the eyes. He took a second, observing her for a moment before they began to order, with his hands around her giving a gentle squeeze. He knew there was something wrong, yet he didn’t wanna pressure her, and she knows it.
The night goes on, as they reminiscing. Talked about everything from the good, the bad, and everything in between. Alessia smiled throughout it all, forgetting about the offer for a moment, as she was drowned by memories. It has become one of the reasons why she hasn’t made a decision yet, Edenbrook gave her the chance to fulfill her dream, yet – it traumatizes her. The senator’s incident suddenly made an appearance in her mind, letting out a shiver – as Jackie calls out her name.
“Hey, you okay? You zoned out there.” Jackie asked as she took a sip of the drink, all of the eyes fall onto her.
Alessia just shook her head, as a smile plastered on her face.
“I’m just, reminiscing. I just can't believe it's been three years, and our residency is almost done.”
Sienna nods in agreement,
“Hey, we did it. And, I’m happy to go through these adventures with all of you!” She lays her head on Jackie’s shoulder, as they all nod.
“Easy for you to say, I still have an extra year! But, then – I’ll be a big-shot surgeon.” Bryce stated as he smiles smugly before the others let out a laugh.
“So, have all of you thought on what the future after everything?” Rafael asked as both Bryce's and his eyes fall onto all five of them.
There was silence at the table, the thought is still processing. The future is coming very soon for all of them. The silence was drowned by the other diners, hush whispers as Alessia’s words got stuck on her throat, somewhat a feeling of confusion, dread, fear was mushed together into one.
“I think I’ll be leaving Edenbrook – somehow, maybe a new chance to start again without being in my aunt’s shadow again,” Aurora spoke, as the other nods and starts to congratulate her.
“Where will you be going?”
“Mass Kenmore, I feel like I got potential – and maybe lead the diagnostics team there; who knows.”
“Good for you, I think I’ll be staying here for a bit. The research team is quite a safe space for me, and I got Zaid and Baz on my side. I think it's definitely where I belong.” A satisfied smile on Elijah’s face can be seen, as Jackie spoke.
“I think I’ll stay, being chief resident – somehow feels just right. Did I get to boss the interns while doing a good job at it? Hell yes.” Jackie smiles excitedly as the others let out a laugh and a nod in agreement. Jackie was indeed a good chief resident – Sienna clears her throat to gain the other's attention.
“I’ll be staying too. I talked to Dr. Banerji earlier – about…” She paused, as she met Alessia’s eyes who nod supportively from the side.
“Changing my residency. There are times, I feel unhappy especially lately – maybe it’s the pressure but, after rethinking more than a dozen times. I’ll be taking the fast track of residency in peds and, hopefully, retake the board exam once more.” She smiles, proudly – a decision has been made as they all cheer in happiness for Sienna.
The table went silent once more, as Kyra shoots the final question her way. Alessia looks stiffened, somehow her tongue was tied, she was hesitant, somehow dreading the decision she has to make.
“I…honestly have no idea yet.” Before stuffing some salmon into her mouth, avoiding the stares at her way. She felt him staring at her as well, his eyes on her with a similar shock expression on his face before he jumps in to save the situation.
“Whatever you’ll be doing, it’ll be a great babe.” He says before placing a kiss on her temple, as the others drop the topic sensing the awkwardness that follows.
She was grateful for the save, as they spend the night away reminiscing again and again.
4:39 a.m.
The clock never stops ticking as she stood up from the bed. Bryce is still sound asleep beside her, as she smiles over the sight of him. How much happiness one human being can bring to this world, to her world. How much he lights up her world – the darkness suddenly was lit up by his smile, his encouraging words, his kisses, his hugs, and everything about one Bryce Lahela.
She examines him from afar, as the city of Boston was visible from his apartment window in the living room. A few cars were bustling around town, to begin an early start of the day. The sigh escaped her lips, the decision seems to haunt her once more. 2300 miles away from Edenbrook, from her friends, from…Bryce. It feels like a difficult decision – because she couldn’t imagine being away from him. What life would be like waking without his smile? What life would look like without the laughter of her roommates who have made her time at Edenbrook much worth it? How different it is to not be greeted with Bryce’s kisses at the peak of dawn? All of the thoughts swirling in her mind bring back to a conversation from her first day of the final year of residency.
“I know, we will never change. But, look what Leland did – this is where we are heading Alessia, our life is changing, medicine is changing and we can’t do anything about it. Life is about change – and like Edenbrook it changed alongside us.”
She lets out a breath she is holding upon the revelation from Bryce. It is the truth, and it’s gonna fall upon them anyways somewhere in the future. She wanted to deny but, she knows it’s the whole truth – as her head falls on his shoulders once more.
Bryce pulled her into his embrace, as he slowly strokes her hair – letting out a sigh along the way.
“But, tonight – the future can’t touch us and, we will always going to be us, Bryce and Alessia.” His words were soft and gentle, somewhat an attempt to calm her heart down.
“Tonight, it’s only us and that’s the only thing that I want to know.” Her lips met with his, as they enjoyed the night together talking about everything and nothing – as the feared was buried at the back of their minds. Somehow, it still leaves a bitter taste for them as the truth will come to face them very very soon; but for now… they have tonight.
She shivers at the memory, somehow the change had caught up to her. Change is going to follow them for the rest of their lives – and, if they were lucky; it will still be the same. Yet, she knows it's already different. The change has begun before her thoughts were interrupted by familiar footsteps letting out a yawn.
“Hey, it’s still early – c’mon, let’s get back to sleep.” His voice was hoarse, yet she smiles at the request pushing the thoughts once again as she finally got some sleep. A few hours at the least, before she has to be up for her final day as a resident.
Her steps lead her to Dr. Banerji’s office who smiles at her presence, somewhat surprise but content with her sudden arrival to his office.
“Dr. Banerji – I need some advice.”
The day went by quickly, as the final patient of the day was checked – and the cases have been handled throughout the day alongside the diagnostics team. She stayed behind, somehow admiring the diagnostics office, a feeling of nostalgia washes through her before her moment was ruined by the arrival of Ethan and Tobias himself – who looked surprised to see her.
“Alessia, good to see you here once again.”
She smiles,
“I know, I’m just admiring this office for the final time – I’m gonna miss this place.” She lets out a sigh, as Tobias smiles.
“Hey, you and me both. But, never be afraid to start again somewhere – because life does works in weird yet rewarding ways.” He winks as Ethan lets out a chuckle.
“You have gotten wiser over the years huh.” Tobias just smiles at the remark before they congratulate her once again – leaving her with the empty room again.
She whispers something to herself, before shutting the lights off in the room.
She stared at the offer that lies in front of her, a deep breath follows as she dialed the number. A decision has been made, like a pinch of pain filled her lungs, somehow pulling her to drown, yet she keeps on running.
She needed to tell them, needed to tell him. Alessia left her room with the feeling of dread, and fear swirling in her stomach – as she was met with them all laughing together as they were watching one of Elijah’s long list of movies. She took a seat beside Jackie, joining them in the fit of laughter. She is ready to let the truth roll out - well, ready as one will ever be.
“So…I have to tell you guys something.”
There it is – the truth all laid out. A series of ‘why's and clueless looks on their faces. Alessia remains calm for the whole demeanor, somewhat manage to rehearse the speech in her head as the movie plays in the background of her mind.
The room was silent, taking a moment to process it. She was immediately engulfed in a hug from her side, Sienna has her arms around Alessia.
“That’s why you were quiet at dinner right.” A knowing tone in Jackie’s voice, as Alessia nods in response.
“I needed to decide. This was an experience, but – I need to spread my wings. And, Arizona isn’t too far ahead guys. I can visit, maybe Edenbrook and The John Mayo Clinic can work together – and we will be together as always.” She attempted with a cheery tone.
“It wouldn’t be the same – and, that room of yours; will miss its owner.” Jackie points at her room, but she couldn’t help to smile at her.
“Hey, that room will always be yours. Well, as long as Farley allows us to keep it.” They all laugh before Sienna calls a group hug session – a familiar gesture for them all.
“Don’t forget us in the big leagues Alessia,” Aurora stated, as she shook her head. “Never – all of you are too hard to be forgotten” She smiles as they continue to discuss her new position with everything in between – before, the room went quiet once again. Everyone has fallen asleep, as she was wide awake; meeting Elijah who wheels in from the kitchen, somewhat startled at Alessia being awake at this hour.
“Want a cup of tea?” He gestures at the cup he is holding.
“Yes please.” She smiles, as they indulge upon the tea – a comforting silence follows.
“You are leaving soon huh.”
“I guess I am, I just…I feel like it's time.” The words felt painful on the tip of her tongue.
“I wanted to say I’m sorry for how I reacted before about the Dr. Ramsey thing – I shouldn’t have lashed out at you and, I’m sorry.” Elijah sounded genuine, as he smiles at her.
Alessia nods,
“I forgive you, but it still hurts you know.”
He lowers his head, somehow feeling ashamed about the reminder of it,
“Yeah, I feel bad afterward – and, my ego was quite huge at the time. And, I’m very very sorry.”
Alessia returns his smile, as they talked a bit.
“Does Bryce know?” He asked, somewhat with genuine concern.
She shakes her head, letting out a sigh.
“I wanted to tell him, but…we just got our happily ever after here. And, I just…I planned on leaving quietly but, I can’t do that to him.”
“Maybe you should go to him right now, I think he mentions a late shift earlier at the doctor’s lounge.” Elijah pointed out, as Alessia nods – finishing up her tea, and pulls Elijah into a hug.
“Thanks, Elijah.” She was about to leave before Elijah calls her out.
“Hey, Alessia, for what’s it worth - you’ll be okay out there.”
She nods in appreciation, as her foot was set out of the apartment.
“Alessia – hey, what’s up!” He greeted her, as she sat waiting for him at the hospital lobby.
“Hey.” She replies as she hugs him, clinging to him – as Bryce lets out a laugh at the sudden gesture which he didn’t push her away.
“Someone’s eager.” He teased her, earning a nudge from Alessia followed by laughter as they walked out of the hospital together.
Their steps fall into a rhythm, as they stopped by a 24-hour bistro; ordering themselves a box of loaded fries – a moment of déjà vu again; as she smiled at the memory. Bryce caught her smiling, as he took a bit of the fries.
“How’s your day been?”
“Nothing much I guess….oh - oh! I scored a major surgery today with Dr. Tanaka earlier – and the patient survives.”
She smiles at his enthusiasm even if it's at 4 in the morning; he managed to make even the saddest of souls smile, that was his power.
“So…what’s up? I mean, I’m not opposed to you visiting me at work or anything – but, this is the time where one should be asleep.” He raised an eyebrow at her, and she took a deep breath.
“We need to talk.” Her friendly tone has become serious, as the four-word which every human dread of hearing somehow become a wake-up call for him, as he sat up straight – the carefree expression has been wiped away with a look of concern, nervousness, and dread in between. She places her hand in his from across the table, giving it a gentle squeeze – calming him down before the truth was set free.
He blinked once, twice. As Alessia finished telling him – he was speechless, literally. The silence follows a few moments, somehow he is still searching for the words to say. Yet, all of the words in his mind have vanished. Zip, blink, nada.
She met his eyes, she looked worried, the expression of guilt was written all over her face. He manages a small smile, somehow – he didn’t say a thing. A part of him; still grasping upon the truth.
‘I accepted an offer from the Mayo Clinic at Arizona.’
His throat somehow went dry, as he took a sip of the remaining milkshake. Pulling himself together – and wished he has a guide upon facing these types of situations.
‘Oh..’ Was all that came out of his mouth, somehow…dumbfounded on how to respond to this sudden revelation.
After a moment of silence that follows – the sound of the instrumentals drowns the thoughts along with his hesitations upon the situation. He smiles, he smiles – which didn’t reach the eyes as much as he tries his best to. There was a mix of pride – of course, there was, he was proud of her. He wants her to be the best doctor she could be because she indeed is, it was one of the mantras from their first year.
He remembers the doubt in her voice, as they cling to one another at the on-call room. He looks at her and sees much more than what she sees in herself. And, this…its an opportunity for her. Yet, the sorrow in his heart began to grow; he wants her by his side – to be with him at Edenbrook. He wants to be with her every day, but; life never really gave him what he wants. But, one thing he knows – he is damn proud of her, as the sorrow has vanished in a second; as he stood– opening his arms wide for her, as she immediately sinks into his arms. No words were exchanged, as he kissed on top of her head; he was proud of her; he is – always.
He shakes the thought away, as he holds her there. It felt like home, and he wonders – if she goes away, what would home feel like anymore?
He has suddenly been busier, life pulled them apart – excuses were made. She knew he was deflecting, she stopped going to the hospital after her final day ended, as the moving process began.
All of her stuff has been packed, as some were already transported the day her parents came down to Boston. There was a bittersweet feeling upon the situation, as she struggles to get a hold of Bryce. They haven’t seen one another in weeks, as the last day – she left his apartment as he went into work. They didn’t talk, it was a silent night; no words were spoken, as they lay side-by-side. He dreaded the silence, but it felt like the future that will occur to them very soon, he sighs – better get used to it now.
And, that’s the time he last saw her. He has been busying himself with surgeries, requesting extra work to the point where he could be living in the hospital. It was hard for him to face her, the decision was only a few words – yet, the power that came with it. It’s unbearable.
He checked his phone once again, there was a new message from Alessia. He sighs before shoving the phone in his pocket – repeating his whole routine for the rest of the day.
Unfortunately, he has to change and get home every once and a while, and he did after his shift was over. He paused upon his footsteps, as he found Alessia waiting inside. The sad, gloomy expression is obvious – as he remembers, he gave her a spare key if she ever wanted to stay over for the night.
She stood up from the couch, keys in hand at the sound of the door opening. He looked like he hasn’t slept, as he saw her. It was an unexpected visit for her, as she was supposed to clear her final pile of stuff before it is shipped the next day.
His mouth open, as if to say something – which resulted in an exhausted ‘hi’ towards her way. She nods appreciatively upon the greeting.
‘Bryce, please – why have you been avoiding me?” She blurted out suddenly, the silence is killing her inside.
He didn’t reply, as he took a seat on the couch as she stood in front of him.
“I don’t know - I was busy with the surgeries…” He didn’t continue as Alessia feels a part of her was betrayed.
“Then, it wouldn’t even bother for you to reply to my texts? Or even text me, saying ‘hey, I need to take off some steam’… It's not hard Bryce!” He meets her eyes, somehow a pang of regret over his actions.
“I don’t know okay, it feels like everything is happening so fucking fast, and the fact that you’re leaving soon – I need to breathe. I need to clear my head, I…I can’t face you after that day.” His eyes fall upon his hands, somehow avoiding her eyes.
“Then face me now, tell me everything. Stop running away from me Bryce – as much as I am ready to begin the new journey; I’m dreading till the moment that we have to say goodbye.” She took a seat beside him on the couch, as he finally sees her. He finally meets her eyes, his brown one meeting her green ones. The wave of sadness in his eyes, mirrored with hers. Somehow they both have to say something – and they can't avoid it anymore.
“I…I was scared.” He lets out a light laugh, as she curled her fingers with his squeezing it.
“I never knew this would happen, I met somebody and that person made me feel terrified for once in a while. You made me scared of being without you – it felt like a norm, waking up with you beside me and our nighttime adventures. I…as cheesy as it is…” He laughs, as Alessia laughs along with him – the familiar air started to fill in the room.
“I was scared of not being able to wake up next to you again. My whole life; I have always been my own person – and then I met you. I was scared the shit out of myself on how much a person can mean a lot to me, how one person can change your life in a split second – and change it once more in a snap of a finger; and…I thought about it….” He paused meeting her eyes fully, somehow he was prepared. Weeks without her, made him think – made him wonder, made him realize, and everything in between.
He continues, “I want you to go, I don’t want to stop you cause you deserve the position Alessia. You are one of the best people I know, hence – the best damn doctor I ever know.” His hands land on her cheek, as she felt a tear shed, he smiles sadly over the sentiment wiping the tears away.
Alessia was about to reply before he silences her with a kiss. His forehead meeting hers, somehow – the words that follow, it made her heart happy.
“You deserve to be your person and be where you want to. I’ll always have your back, always have, and always will. I love you Alessia.” She smiles over the affection before she wraps her arms around him – relieved washed in her heart.
“I love you too Bryce…so so much.” She whispers to him, overwhelmed as she smiles again and again until the day she has to leave. She knew Bryce will be there for her always, and she will be there for him. Their story - it was a story for the ages of all ages - and it doesn’t have to stop as the universe was doing their thing; because in the end – if the universe allows them to be together, they will be together, because distance can be damned.
It won’t stop the story of Alessia Lyxienne and Bryce Lahela, because they both are too stubborn to let it go. There will be a pause – but never a stop button, and she is grateful for that, before she leaves Boston, into her new place. It wasn’t home, because home is a heartbeat with two eyes that lives 2300 miles away from her.
‘We got this.’ She whispers, gazing into her new place – as a new chapter begins for one Alessia Lyxienne.
a/n: okay, so I'm finally writing something which is to be fair quite late for an open heart tribute - but, hey; despite how shitty it has become, this book will have a special place in my heart. I mean, it started my writing, and well, the rest are history. Bryce Lahela is one of the characters I loved to write and writing his journey with Alessia, is one of the most unexpected things I have ever done, and, well. Their journey is over now in the game, however - deep down I know they are living their lives in a different universe. I also wanna dedicate this to all who have been supporting me from the start even, and a special mention to my gurl nikka, who actually made me not stop writing again, and well, this fic happened! I love everything about this and the whole experience, and I think I won't stop just yet...but, the future is always uncertain. But, I know I have a good time for the last year of doing this. Thank you <3
@bitchloveskcbaseball , @mvalentine , @storyofmychoices , @princess-geek , @lahellacute ,   @annekebbphotography , @dcbbw , @choicessa , @fantasyoverreality98 , @baltersome , @ofpixelsandscribbles , @thundergom @starrystarrytrouble  @kelseaaa, @choicesficwriterscreations, @lalizah, @drethanramslay, @eleanorbloom, @openheartfanfics , @brycesgirl,  @freckles-spangledvampire, @agentnolastname, @adriansbiss , @appiomofchoice, @ariondevereux, @natureblooms24 , @robintora (comment if you want to be tagged or removed 💜💜)
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Our Little Secret Part 12
Fandom: The Vampire Diaries / The Originals
Series: Our Little Secret
Part 1 // Part 2 // Part 3 // Part 4 // Part 5 // Part 6 //
Part 7 // Part 8 // Part 9 // Part 10 // Part 11 // Part 12 // Part 13 // Part 14 // Part 15 (Final)
Pairing: Klaus Mikaelson x Reader
Warning/s: none
Word Count: 1,376
Summary: Y/N Gilbert tried to put Mystic Falls - it’s problems, and her whirlwind romance with Klaus Mikaelson - behind her after she graduated, but all it takes is one unusual phone call to bring her right back to where she started and into the path of her first love as she races to solve the mystery threatening the lives of everyone in her home town.
Tags: @awesome-badass-cafeteria-sauce // @april-14-blog // @akshi8278 // @keiko0 // @mylovehes // @your-new-mom // @mikaelson-emma​
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“I haven’t been back here since graduation,” you voiced, needing to fill the void with something as you made your way through the school, conversation being the best way you could think of to keep everyone awake and alert.
“I remember,” Klaus replied, glancing back at you with careful eyes, checking to make sure you were okay. He seemed to hesitate before speaking again, seeming unsure whether he even should. “I tried to find you, after everything went down, I- you know what, it doesn’t matter now.” He shook his head.
You felt oddly heavy but you forced yourself to remain upright, trying not to think about the weight of the weapon in your hands as you mulled over what Klaus had said, and what he hadn’t. Why had he been trying find you? 
“Guess we’re not going to be sneaking up to the roof tonight,” you joked, earning a slight smile. It had always been your secret rendezvous with Klaus, a place where you could just be together, looking out at the stars and the town everythinng else always felt so far away. You’d been untouchable in those moments.
“Simpler times,” he said with a touch of nostalgia, mind no doubt going where yours had. You felt a bit of a pang then, your happier memories replaced by those that followed your sister and friends finding out about your little secret.
“There was nothing simple about it,” you reminded him, remembering your glorious dance at the ball, your nights in a cell, and your goodbyes.
He was solemn and silent for a moment. “I owe you for doing this,” he said honestly.
“You don’t owe me anything,” you reminded him. He hadn’t been the one to ask you to come back here, and even if he had, no one forced you. For all your talk about leaving Mystic Falls behind, you’d do anything to protect the people in this town.
“I do though - I’ve put you in an impossible position, yet again,” he sighed.
“Don’t, I knew what I was getting into then and I know what I’m getting into now,” you insisted, hand going out to his arm as you locked eyes. Unstoppable force meeting immovable object - you were both stubborn as hell, so he knew he wasn’t going to convince you otherwise. 
Instead he just nodded, resigning a little but still not entirely accepting your answer, ever needing to shoulder the burden.
“I left so I wouldn’t die here, seems the universe has a cruel sense of humour, because right now there’s no where else I’d rather be,” you said quieter, the thought playing in your head since you’d arrived. Everything you’d done to escape this place, make some kind of normal life, and here you were, sneaking through your old high school wielding a crossbow. 
“You won’t,” Klaus told you earnestly, pausing to check the coast was clear as you neared the hall.
“None of us will,” Ric said from behind you, matching Klaus’ tone as he willed himself to power through, the tiredness in his eyes impossible to hide as you got closer to the centre of... whatever this was. 
A noise in a nearby classroom had you all on edge, your reaction time definitely slower than it should have been as you prepared to face whatever was behind the door. 
Klaus and Ric shared a look, some kind of silent communication going on between then as the students cast nervous glances at one another. Ric took a step towards the door, counting down to Klaus, who pulled the door open on three, ready to attack.
“Dad!” A voice gasped, all of you equal parts shocked and relieved as you found yourselves face to face with Hope Mikaelson.
“Hope,” Klaus exhaled, pulling his daughter into a tight embrace as you lowered your weapons. 
Klaus’ eyes were gleaming as he took a step back, checking his daughter over to make sure she was alright before she went to greet the others, who were all equally happy to see her alive and well.
Well, maybe not equally.
You could see the protective way Klaus tensed when Hope hugged Landon, their touch lingering a little too long for his liking as he cleared his throat, Landon jumping back to a respectable distance as Hope rolled her eyes. 
She fixed her attention on you. “So, you must be Y/N,” she said. You had no idea what she knew about you, at all, but she didn’t say it with any malice, just... curiosity. 
“Yeah, I got your call,” you told her with a faint smile, taking her in for the first time. She was a Mikaelson alright, you could see that straight away.
“Sorry,” she told you, genuinely apologetic, “but so many people were already asleep and aunt Freya said New Orleans was affected too-” 
You cut her off, realising she should probably take a breath. “It’s fine Hope, I’m happy to help,” you promised, meaning every word as you look to Klaus for a moment. Even before you’d known the whole town was affected, she was still Klaus’ daughter and he was still... Klaus.
“You just left, you shouldn’t have just left, what were you thinking?” There was a chorus from Klaus and Ric, though you weren’t sure who said what as they reprimanded her for leaving the school grounds. You offered her a look of sympathy, but it wasn’t your place, they were also kind of right.
“I had to find out what we were up against, I had to find a way to stop it,” Hope insisted, carrying that weight of the world burden on her shoulders that reminded you of your twin.
“Did you?” M.G. asked, nervously glancing around. It was safe for now, but staying here for too long wasn’t wise; and you figured he’d seen enough movies to know that.
“Dozens of them came out of the Malivore pit, vampires but... energy draining, they can go out in the daylight too, I think it just drains them more,” Hope told you what she knew which, unfortunately, was pretty similar to what you’d already figured out.
“I can’t be the only one thinking this but they don’t seem... capable?” You tried to articulate, your brain way too cloudy to think straight, but they seemed to understand what you meant. Those vampires had been feral, to magically put a whole town to sleep... “How are they doing this?”
“There’s a powerful witch directing them, or controlling them, I’m not sure,” Hope explained, earning wide eyes from your group. Now this part, you absolutely had not known. Hope continued hurriedly: “She came out of the pit too, she- I think she created them, experimenting on normal vampires and turning them into these... things, and got put into Malivore for it.” 
You still weren’t entirely versed on the ins and outs of this Malivore thing they’d been dealing with, but none of that was good news. 
“Who? Why?” Josie asked what you were all wanting to know, “and to target New Orleans too...” Something popped into your head, a theory, maybe, a connection made somewhere in your mind, but it slipped away as a wave of dizziness washed over you. 
The others didn’t notice, thankfully, but it was only a matter of time before you lost the battle to remain conscious.
“I don’t know, but whoever they are, they’re here at the school,” Hope confirmed, “I’ve been trying to get to the hall, I hid in here to try and come up with another game plan, but there’s just so many of them.” A cry echoed down the halls as if on cue, bouncing off the walls as an icy shiver went down your spine.
“You’re not alone now, we’re here,” Landon reassured her, taking her hand and giving it a squeeze. He kept hold, but Klaus allowed it, realising that there would be time later to thoroughly scare the young man and demand to know his intentions for his daughter. 
It was an amusing thought, and it was encouraging to know you still thought there’d be a later.
“We’ll do this together,” Klaus said, looking at Hope but addressing the group as you all readied yourself.
“What are we waiting for?”
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artificialqueens · 3 years
Somewhere in the Crowd There's You (Rosnali) - Joley
Summary: Denali and Rosé were best friends all through middle and high school, but had to part ways after graduating in 1998. But even years later, the one thing that always connected them were the mixtapes Rosé would make.
(bonus: denali's playlist for rosé)
ao3 link
“Denali, so help me god if you’re late to graduation you will not make it to college!” her mother shouted up the stairs.
Denali groaned and rolled her eyes. “I’m coming!” she yelled back down to her. She pressed ‘stop’ on her CD player and popped the cover open, taking the disk out and putting it into its correct sleeve in her CD book. It was a smaller one, as it only contained her most precious ones - the mixtapes Rosé had given her over the years.
The two of them had been best friends since they had both transferred to the same Manhattan school in sixth grade, Denali coming from Alaska and Rosé from Scotland. Both of them had felt out of place and immediately sought refuge in each other and had been inseparable ever since. And one thing that had always been consistent in their friendship was Rosé’s love of burning CDs and giving them to her, whether it was for a special occasion or just because she thought Denali would like it, and she always did.
“And don’t even think about trying to take your walkman!”
She huffed, looking at it waiting for her on her bed. “Fine,” she threw her gown over her dress and grabbed her cap before hustling out the door.
Any attitude she might have had disappeared the second she got out of the car and saw Rosé. she sprinted towards the taller girl, launching herself into her arms. “Rosie!”
Rosé scooped Denali up without hesitation, one arm wrapped around her waist and the opposite hand holding her thigh. “Hi Dee,” she cooed, spinning around with her before eventually setting her back down. “I got something for you.”
Denali giggled as Rosé reached up under her gown because of course, she would manage to get away with wearing pants at graduation. She beamed from ear to ear as Rosé placed a CD in her hand. Written in pink glitter gel pen over masking tape was ‘Denali + Rosé: Class of ‘98’, with a heart over the ‘i’. She looked at the tracklist and smiled when she saw one was highlighted - that meant Rosé had recorded herself singing, and that was her favorite part. “Super Trouper?” she tilted her head, noting it was the only song on the list that hadn’t come out during their time in high school.
She shrugged, a tinge of pink ghosting her cheeks. “I like ABBA and the song made me think of you.”
“I love it,” she quickly assured, hugging her tightly before sliding the mixtape into her macrame crossbody bag. “Come on, we better go take our seats so we can say goodbye to our childhood.”
Rosé arched her brow. “Bit grim when you put it that way, but let’s go.”
After graduation Rosé and Denali went to dinner together with their families, then back to Denali’s house for a sleepover, likely one of the last ones they would have before college. But they didn’t want to think about that, instead focusing on enjoying the time they had together.
It wasn’t easy for either of them, and Denali was left with a difficult decision. When she was twelve, she acknowledged the fact that she was attracted to girls, but decided it was best to not do anything about it. At sixteen, she realized that it wasn’t just girls in general, that would be too easy to ignore. For the past two years, she had accepted the fact that she was in love with Rosé, but too paralyzed with fear to do anything about it.
So, she made a mixtape. Each song one declaration of love after another. And it had been sitting in her closet for a week now while she tried to talk herself into giving it to her best friend. She knew it was now or never, tonight had to be the night.
“Something on your mind?” Rosé gently prompted.
Denali hesitated, then shook her head. “I’m just gonna miss you,” she told her, sitting next to her cross-legged on the bed. “We’re gonna stay in touch, right?”
“Of course,” Rosé assured. “We can call each other and talk on AIM when we can get to the campus libraries,” she suggested, resting her hand on Denali’s thigh and squeezing gently. “I think we can make it work.”
She chewed on her lip and nodded. “If you think so, then I do too.” She glanced back at her closet, thinking, her heart racing. Rosé cared enough about her to want to make their friendship work. Maybe there was a chance…
“Hey,” Rosé prompted to change the subject, “I rented Cinderella with Brandi from Blockbuster, you wanna watch?”
Denali nodded, letting her fear quell her desire to give her the disk. “Yeah, I’ll go make some popcorn.”
Six Years Later
Manhattan felt almost as foreign to Denali as it did when she first moved there. Despite the nostalgia that filled her when she walked past Broadway, recalling seeing RENT there with Rosé for her eighteenth birthday, or the other little things that brought her back to her teenage years, she felt odd, out of place. It made her stomach churn with the way everything seemed to change.
It didn’t help that, despite all of the promises they had made to each other, she had lost touch with Rosé sometime after the start of her sophomore year. Their lives had gotten so busy, so involved, it just dissipated and she had to try her best to move on.
And most days Denali was able to go about her life as normal. She returned to her apartment with lunch for herself and her roommate. Her new normal. “Liv! Come eat!”
Olivia promptly emerged from her room, a piece of paper in her hand. “Check out this flyer I snagged from the café a few blocks over. They’re having a karaoke night tonight, we should go,” at Denali’s hesitation, she jutted out her bottom lip and batted her lashes. “C’mon, please? They’re gonna have alcohol.”
With a jokingly dramatic sigh, she acquiesced. “Okay, fine, but don’t even think about trying to drag me on stage before I’ve had at least three drinks.”
After lunch, the two of them got ready for the night, doing their hair and makeup and picking out just the right outfits for the modern y2k-era nightlife. The walk to the café was about ten minutes and they were able to get a table before the room started to fill up. Her attention faded in and out as people started to perform, nursing her drink and picking at the chips on the table.
“Alright, who’s next?” the event host prompted, scanning the room. “You, in the pink, right this way!” There were some scattered cheers as a woman took the stage, but Denali didn’t look up until she started singing.
Olivia noticed the sudden alertness in her friend. “What, you’re an ABBA fan?”
“No, no I know that voice,” she insisted, shushing her to focus on the stage better. There was no way, it couldn’t be…
“But I won’t feel blue like I always do. ‘Cause somewhere in the crowd there’s-” Rosé looked into the audience, her eyes meeting Denali’s and her breath hitching in her throat, nearly missing the last word, but when she got it out, it was as if she were singing to her once again, “…you.”
Before Denali could decide what to do, Rosé was making a beeline for her, then she was standing right in front of her, looking more beautiful than Denali could’ve ever anticipated. “Rosie?” she asked softly, afraid it was too good to be true.
A broad smile stretched across Rosé’s face as if she were wondering the same thing until that moment. “Denali!” She yanked the smaller woman to her feet and pulled her into a tight embrace, one that neither of them ever wanted to end. “When did you move back to New York?”
“Couple weeks ago officially. My parents moved out to Long Island, so I was staying with them while I was trying to find a place. That’s how I met Olivia, my roommate,” Denali explained, gesturing to the girl still sitting at the table.
Olivia offered a polite wave and smile in response. “It seems like you guys have some catching up to do, I’m gonna go on stage next then, um, keep myself busy,” she decided and scurried off.
“Let’s go outside,” Rosé suggested, the two of them leaving the café and sitting on a bench in front of it. “I’ve missed you so much. What have you been up to?”
Denali shrugged. “Got my BFA in dance, worked with a few different companies either performing or choreographic. And last year I was in Zumanity, which was quite the experience,” she blushed a bit as she recalled that, unsure if Rosé was familiar with the type of show it was, “and now I’m here as a full-time dance teacher and choreographer. What about you?”
Rosé’s eyes did widen at the name, feeling her face start to redden as her mind started to wander, wondering what sort of things Denali had performed on stage. While she hadn’t seen the show, she had seen commercials when watching TV late at night. She’d nearly missed her question, clearing her throat and centering herself. “Oh, well, my life hasn’t been as interesting as yours, I got my BFA in musical theatre, did various off-Broadway gigs, and… you’re going to laugh… I’m the understudy for the lead role in Mamma Mia here on Broadway.”
“Mamma Mia… the ABBA jukebox musical?” She covered her mouth as she tried not to laugh, a bit of giggling slipping through. “A little on the nose, isn’t it Rosie? But I’m very happy for you.”
“Maybe so, but I’m much more interested in this Zumanity stint. I mean, I always knew you had that skill level but that’s a… unique setting,” Rosé retorted, her interest, and perhaps something more, very piqued.
Denali looked down and grinned. “It was. Everyone there was incredibly talented too, it was so freeing, so queer,” she said, then hesitantly looked back up to reaffirm, “which I also am, you know, gay.”
Rosé chuckled softly and nodded. “I kind of suspected as much, just with the way you reacted when we saw RENT,” she recalled, then quickly followed up with, “I am too.”
An eight-year-long weight lifted from Denali’s chest at the confession. “Do you wanna come back to my place? It’s just a couple of blocks over, we can have a sleepover like we used to,” she suggested.
“I’d love that,” she grinned, and as they walked back to the apartment, she had her arm slung around Denali’s shoulders, not passing up the first opportunity in years to keep her close. Even though it was an apartment she’d never been in before, the fact that it was Denali’s made it feel familiar.
Denali toed out of her shoes and set her purse down. “I have something for you,” she said suddenly, disappearing into her bedroom before Rosé to question her. She rifled through her closet, pulling out a box tucked away and grinning when she found the items she was looking for. It was still a risk, but this time she knew it was one worth taking. She took a deep breath, then rejoined Rosé in the living room. “I kept every mixtape you gave me, still listen to them sometimes,” she said, holding up the CD book in one hand.
“You did?” Rosé put her hand over her chest, beaming warmly. “Dee, that’s so sweet.”
She smiled, biting her lip and looking down, trying to fight away the nerves that crept back up. “I, um, I made you one too. I was going to give it to you after graduation but I chickened out,” she confessed as she handed the mixtape she had hidden among her possessions all these years to the woman she made it for. “I think the tracklist will explain why.”
Rosé’s lips parted in surprise as she gently took it from her. “To Rosie, with love,” she read the title before turning it over to see where Denali had written the songs in silver sharpie. And, sure enough, it was one love song after another, songs she knew well, that she knew the shorter woman spent her time carefully picking out each one. “Oh, Dee, this is beautiful. Honestly, I don’t know what I would’ve done if you gave it to me back then.”
Denali swallowed thickly. “I guess more importantly, what are you gonna do now?”
There was only a half-beat of silence before Rosé smirked, setting the disk on the dining room table before cupping Denali’s face and kissing her deeply, moving one hand from her face to wrap her arm around her body and pull her close. “I’ve always loved you, Denali. I’d just resigned myself to seeing you as the one that got away.”
Denali relaxed, arms looping around Rosé’s neck. “I’m not going anywhere.”
10 notes · View notes
erismerald · 4 years
𝓐𝓷𝓰𝓮𝓵 (Ryo Asuka x plus size reader) 𝓹𝓪𝓻𝓽 1
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HeyHey my little angel, I’ve been a little off from Tumblr wasn’t I? Well I’ve been thinking about new fanfics and I’ve been enjoying the summer holidays, I hope everything is all right with you! From now on I’ll start writing again, and I’ll bring you news, in a few days I’ll open the requests again, so be aware!! 
 ✦ ✧ ✦ ✧ ✦ ✧ ✦ ✧✦ ✧ ✦ ✧ ✦ ✧ ✦ 
 𝓯𝓪𝓷𝓭𝓸𝓶: Devilman crybaby
 𝔀𝓪𝓻𝓷𝓲𝓷𝓰𝓼: none ( for now 🌚)
 ✦ ✧ ✦ ✧ ✦ ✧ ✦ ✧✦ ✧ ✦ ✧ ✦ ✧ ✦ ✦ ✧ ✦ 
 The sky seems more starry tonight, it seems like a dream you don’t want to wake up to, you miss the old days when you were with the people you loved the most, but that was a long time ago, until one of us left and you had to say goodbye to the only boy you really loved. 
 It has been a few years since you last saw Akira, he is older than you 2years so he has always treated you like a younger sister, Ryo was the same age as Akira and he treat you…well he treat you like a friend. 
The last time you saw Akira and you were 8 and he was 10 years old, of course they still exchanged messages and letters, but since your parents moved to Europe when you were 8 it was always a bit more complicated. After so many years you still felt the pain of having to see Akira crying after the news of you leaving, you knew the pain of losing someone you care about because some months before your best friend had left too. 
The three of you were inseparable, you and Akira were more emotional and more connected to each other, but your heart had chosen Ryo to be the person you would fall in love with.. why? You admired him and you always felt safe around him, besides he taught you many things and you were always amazed how a boy with only 10 years old could be so intelligent.
 You and Ryo had a bit of a strange relationship, you were different ages and had different mentalities but that didn’t stop you from falling in love with him. The day he left you and Akira cried a lot and fell asleep crying, it was painful to see someone you loved go away, you spent weeks a little depressed, but after some time you already felt better with Akira’s help.
 Since then, since you knew nothing about Ryo, you always tried to ask Akira through the letters you wrote but you always received the same answer “I don’t know anything about him either… I miss him too”. Where would he be? Would he still remember you? Nobody but you knew the feelings you had for him, neither your parents nor Akira and you preferred to keep it that way, it was easier to try to forget him… at least that was the idea you had in the first years but no matter how hard you tried it was almost impossible to forget his crystalline eyes… so you decided to hide these feelings only for yourself, of course you tried to have some kind of loving relationship with other boys but they didn’t last more than a week. 
 Today was the day you came back to Akira’s side, he was living with some friends from his parents and only they knew that you would come back, they offered if you stay with them and that was great news. You missed him, he was your brother from other parents, the last time they spoke was a few weeks ago and since then you try to hide the surprise of moving in with him.                                                                                      
It was a few hours before you got to the Makimura’s place and you couldn’t stop thinking about how Akira would be now. 
 You felt so comfortable that you ended up falling asleep in the cab on the way home, it had been a long trip and you were really tired. The hours seemed like minutes and without realizing it you had already arrived at the Makimura’s house. 
 “Thank you sir” you said when you took the bags out of the trunk and put them down, you thanked him and said goodbye. 
 A few seconds after you got out of the car you walked to the front door, you noticed that they had a motorcycle at the gate, whose would it be?You rang the bell and waited for someone to open it, you kept looking to the side waiting until they opened the door. 
 “Y/n?? Oh hi my name is Miki Makimura, come in,” she said giving you a space to come in. 
 “O-okay, and nice to meet you miss miki” you came in and looked down. 
 “Miss Miki? you don’t have to call me that, we are friends now, please call me miki” She said with a huge smile on her face, she was really nice, I remember Akira talking about her in one of the letters.
 “S-sure” you looked up and saw a smile from her dirrored to you, you felt a warmth in your heart, it was so good to be back. 
 “Well akira hasn’t arrived yet, he’s at a friend’s house and he won’t be back until later and my parents went on a business trip so it’s just the two of us and my younger brother” she bent down and grabbed my bag “you’re staying in my room for now, I hope you don’t mind”.
 “Of course not, I’m the one who has to apologize for being in the way” you smiled lightly following to your room. 
 “And here we are, it’s a small room but it’s good for both of us” Miki smiled and put my bag on the floor near the bed. 
“I loved it, it’s like my room in France, I lived there for two years”you said sitting on the bed, feeling miki sitting next to you “you traveled a lot, huh?” Miki asked if lying in bed. 
 “Yes…my parents’ job took us everywhere, the place I was the longest was here, where I met Akira and …. Well I spent 8 years here and then my parents took me to Europe, and we didn’t spend more than a year in a place, except in France, where I was two years” you explained lying next to her “honestly it’s good to come home, this feeling of nostalgia is good”. 
 “I’m happy for you, and I’m very happy to be with you personally, I’ve heard a lot of stories from you.” Miki said leaning on her elbow and looking at you, “Akira won’t shut up, he only talks about you, I think he’ll love it when he finds out that you’re here.”you look at Miki with a confused look
 "Have you heard a lot about me? I thought akira didn’t speak so honestly” you smiled and stared at the ceiling, you’re so excited to be able to hug him again.
 “So Y/n how old are you? I remember Akira saying that you are younger than us” Miki turned to you-
“Oh I’m 16, I’m two years younger, Akira always treated me like a younger sister… to speak truthfully I miss him” you spoke turning you in his direction to face her. 
“Oh that’s really interesting and sweet, I hope you don’t mind me treating you like a little sister” she said laughing.
 “Of course not! I always wanted an older sister! And once again Miki thanks for welcoming me here” you said and smiled at her and ended up laughing. 
 You two spent some time talking and did not realize the time, when you looked at the window it was already dark outside, you suddenly heard a noise on the floor below: 
 “Miki I’m home!!” this voice… was Akira? since when does he have a hoarse voice? “I’m coming down!!” miki answered looked at me 
“Well, your best friend has arrived, shall we?“ she said and pulled you by the arm. 
 We went down and when I saw him he didn’t look the same defenseless and crying boy from 8 years ago, he was now tall, muscular, his hair was uneven, he was much more attractive 
 "Miki I saw some bags down here, your parents hadn’t left in the morning?” Akira said turning around and stopping the moment he saw you:  
"Y/N?!?! ITS REALLY YOU!” he ran towards me and hugged you  “I DON’T BELIEVE THAT YOU ARE HERE” he said by grabbing your body. 
“H-hi, I missed you and I decided to come back, I’m sorry I left” you said embracing him “ Akira, you’re suffocating me” you said laughing a little bit. “oh sorry, it’s just that I was so happy to see you again, what are you doing here?” he asked away a little but not leaving the hug 
“I came to live with you, I got tired of traveling with my parents, and Miki’s parents offered to take me in” you said with a smile and looking at him “and since when did you get so tall? you were my size when we were kids” you laughed and hugged him again. 
“I think we can say puberty was generous to me, unlike you, you are still lower than I remember” he laughed and separated from your embrace and sat down on the sofa.
“Ah Ah, you became a comedian? I’ve grown up a lot, and let me sit there” you said, walking on the sofa to sit next to him.
“First of all I’m going to the supermarket and then I’m going to get the …., have some fun” Miki said laughing.
“Okay” both replied in harmony seeing Miki leave home. 
“So tell me all the news, how did you get like this?” “It’s a long story but I think you have time to talk now” Akira said seriously The conversation flowed and Akira told everything that was going on including the part of Ryo… that he had returned home, why didn’t he contact you? did he still remember you? There were too many questions in your head, Akira realized the confusion of feelings and put a hand on your shoulder. 
“Akira…do you think Ryo still remembers me?” you asked facing your hands. 
 “I think so, I was surprised to see him myself, but I’m sure so” he smiled and you tried to smile back but you were confused and hurt, you knew you were such an important person in his life, but did he ever have an interest? Some time passed and you both fell asleep on the sofa, you woke up with a weight on your belly, still a little sleepy, you looked at the place to see what Akira’s arm was around you ‘I have to find a way out, I have to help Miki make dinner’ you thought and tried to drag Akira’s arm to the side. 
 After a few minutes of many attempts you finally succeeded,you got up from the sofa and walked to the kitchen and glanced Miki in the cutting some ingredients. “Do you need help?” you asked with an embarrassed smile 
“I’m sorry I fell asleep, because of the trip I’m very tired it was almost impossible for me to stay awake” you explained while looking at her with an embarrassed look.
 “Don’t worry Y/n, I understand, and yes we can cook together it’s always more fun to cook with someone” she smiled and grabbed both your hands. You smiled and followed her directions. 
Finally you felt at home! 
  𝒪𝓃𝑒 𝓂𝑜𝓃𝓉𝒽 𝓁𝒶𝓉𝑒𝓇
You were living with the Makimura and Akira for a month now, it was really a dream and a nightmare to live with them, you, Akira and Miki always went to school and stayed until late to see their athletics training, it was an intressful sport but not for you, Even though you were younger than them, Akira always made it a point to left you in your classroom, It was a bit uncomfortable, listening to the girls’ comments addressed to you, because you were always with Akira but you didn’t really want to know that for anything. 
 You were supposed to go to the athletics training but as you had a math test that week, so you decided to stay and study in the library, and without realizing the hours went by and when you looked at the clock it was already 6pm. Is it already 6 pm? I’ll be home late and it’s raining a lot and I don’t have an umbrella’ you thought about how fucked up you were, you packed your books in your backpack and almost ran out. You could feel your heart beating, when you were leaving the building you felt a hand on your shoulder and you automatically got scared and put yourself in an attack position. 
 “WOW take it easy, fighter, we don’t want you to rip my arm off” Akira said laughing “Where have you been?” 
 “Oh I had an exam this week and spent the afternoon in the library, sorry I should have warned you” you said laughing, you looked more closely at him and saw two motorcycle helmets in his hand “are you going somewhere with someone?” you asked a little curious. 
 "Yes with you” he said quietly walking “I’m going to take you somewhere, so I stayed here waiting for you to leave. Come on". 
 “Wait  what? Do you know what time it is Fudo? We don’t have much time to go out there and besides it’s raining” you said refusing to move.
“Don’t worry, I already told Miki and you’ll like where we’re going, so come on” he paused waiting for your reaction but you didn’t move 
“Is that how you want it? It’s ok” he went to you and picked you up like a potato bag. 
 “AKIRA FUDO! it’s raining, i’m going to be sick on Idiot” you screamed as you felt the rain wetting all your uniform, he put you on the bike and gave you the helmet. 
 “If I die on top of this I will haunt you for the rest of your life” you said a little in panic. 
 “ahahaha don’t worry, it’s okay!” he laughed and took off. He was going really fast it was almost impossible not to have a accent but for your happiness nothing happened, you were watching everyone around and you saw that they were going towards a huge building. 
 He parked the bike and helped you down. 
 “Oh how thoughtful Fudo I had never seen a building before, now we can go home” you asked looking at it as it walked towards the entrance of the building.
 “Ah it’s really boring sometimes, don’t spoil the surprise, it took me days to get you here” he said opening the elevator shaft. 
 “Where are we anyway?” you asked curiously. 
 “At Ryo’s house, he owns the building and its surrounding area, I told him what I was bringing with me today, honestly I think he already knows it’s you” RYO? WAIT YOU IN THIS MOMENT ARE GOING TO RYO’S HOUSE?  you feel dizzy, and nervous, excited but scared, what will you tell him when you see him? Akira turned to you and realized again the confusion of feelings. 
 “You don’t have to worry, only if you yourself and let the conversation flow, so much for what I know he also missed you” those words hypnotized your mind. You heard the sound of the elevator a stops, you took a deep breath and you left the elevator… it was all white, wide and white, it was as if you were entering the sky. 
 “Good afternoon jenny! Do you still remember Y/n? she was 8 years old when you saw her” Akira said 
“Of course, how are you?” Jenny asked, you couldn’t fool her, she was a bit scary. 
 “I’m fine, thank you” you said with a warm smile on your face.
“Jenny where is Ryo” Akira asked you sitting on the sofa and pulling you to do the same, you looked around… 
 “I’m here, sorry for taking so long, as it was raining I asked jenny to prepare the service bathroom so you could take a bath” 
 When you finally looked back at him, all dressed in white, he had grown a lot too and was more attractive, you felt your Heart stopping a bit when his gaze crossed yours, you look quickly forward feeling your face burning. Akira got up quickly and went to hug Ryo, confused looked back to see you still sitting on the sofa looking forward intensely. 
Ryo approached the sofa and squatted beside you. 
 “After 8 years, this is how you will greet me?” he looked intensely at you, you turned your face slowly and still felt your heart beating super fast. 
 “H-hi Ryo, it’s good to finally see you again” you said shaking and smiling a little nervous 
 “Its really good to see you too Y/n” his answer was short but you couldn’t resist much more, without thinking you jumped off the sofa and hugged him hard, and to your surprise you felt him hugging you too, it was so comforting to be in his arms, his smell had changed now his smell was characterized by the smell of weapons, cigarettes and alcohol.
   𝑅𝓎𝑜 𝒫𝑜𝓋
 I looked away from the computer and observed the view from the window, it was raining a lot, I looked at the phone next to me and noticed that I had two messages from Akira. 
 Akira: Sorry I’m late, I just found her now 
 Akira: We are there in 10 minutes 
 I sighed and stood up slowly rubbing the back of my head. 
 “Jenny?” I called looking through the window glass. 
 “Yes?” jenny asked by my side. “Can you set up the service bathroom for when they arrive? and put the bag of clothes I bought there,” I said, walking away and walking up the stairs to the top floor. Why did he go to so much trouble to bring her here? She will be a distraction in our objective and I can’t let that happen. In a few minutes I heard voices downstairs, I left my room and approached the stairs, I could see her from there, she hadn’t changed much yet she was still small and her body was not the ideal that society asked but still she was beautiful, I felt the chest heavy but I could not let this affect me in any way.I went down the stairs and interrupted the conversation: 
“I’m here, sorry for taking so long, as it was raining I asked jenny to prepare the service bathroom so you could take a bath” I said approaching them, I watched Akira get up from the sofa to greet me but curiously she didn’t get up, she looked back and our gaze crossed if, her face was red and could see that her breathing was faster than normal. hugged akira and without thinking I approached the sofa squatting next to her waiting for a reaction. 
 “After 8 years, this is how you will greet me?” I said staring at her, slowly she turned her head to face me, her cheeks were red and her gaze was shy. 
 “H-hi Ryo, it’s good to finally see you again” her voice was shaking, she was nervous to see me? but why? without hesitating I answered calmly  
 “Its really good to see you too Y/n” I quickly saw the relief in her gaze, and in a few seconds her body was clinging to mine, automatically my body moved and corresponded to her embrace for a moment I let my body relax next to hers, her smell was mesmerizing, it was delicate but at the same time strong, my body almost melted close to hers. 
𝒴𝑜𝓊𝓇 𝒫𝑜𝓋
 You felt his body relaxing in yours for a moment it seemed like nothing else existed around you, but in a few seconds we were back to realidader. ~
“The bathroom is ready to use,” Jenny said, forcing Ryo’s body to separate from yours, for a moment you felt empty. 
 “Y/n if you want you can go first, I bought some clothes for you, they were there in a bag, I hope you like it” Ryo said when he got up, your gaze looked at him, you got up and followed him, you looked back and saw Akira sitting on the sofa moving his phone. “This is it, you can take your time, I asked jenny to buy some more delicate products for you, since from now on you will begin to participate in the missions with us…but we will talk about it later” Ryo said opening the bathroom door giving you space to pass, when you entered he closed the door.
 You couldn’t believe you were in the bathroom at Ryo’s house right now…it’s been eight years since you last saw him, both of you had changed…it was a lot of information to keep track of at that moment. 
You took off your wet clothes and went into the shower, the water was warm and on the wall there were lots of buttons, he really was too rich to have a bathroom like that. You got out of the shower and rolled up in a towel, you walked up to the black and red bag and took off some clothes, when you saw the mark you got scared, they were very expensive marks, how come he bought this for you? you took a dark green hoddie and some jeans and looked at yourself in the mirror, nearby there was a basket full of perfumes and expensive creams, it was really frightening the amount of money he had spent on things for you, you chose a random perfume and got out of the bathroom. 
 You walked to the room again and saw Ryo sitting on the sofa stirring the computer, you approached and sat a little far from him. 
 “Thanks for the clothes and the perfumes, I promise I’ll return everything as soon as I wash,” you said looking down, yet you could feel his gaze drifting away from the computer screen to you. 
 “You don’t have to give it back, from now on I’ll offer you everything you need, so keep the clothes with you,” he said smiling lightly, but his gaze was still on you “I suppose Akira told you everything about what’s going on,” ryo said as he put the laptop on our side. 
 “Yes he told me…” you were silent for a while waiting for a reaction from him “Ryo? What did you mean when you said I would be part of the missions?” you looked at him with a confused look, you had too many questions in your head to be able to reason properly 
 “What I wanted to say is that it’s too late to let it go, and I know that Akira will feel safer if you’re around… but I promised him nothing will happen to you I’ll protect you myself” even though his words seemed cold, your heart reacted in a different way making you blush 
 “Oh… I understand and thank you… I don’t want to get in trouble with anyone especially the two of you” you said by looking away and looking at the ground, until it occurred to you that someone was missing “Where’s Akira?” you said by looking everywhere 
 “Ah he went to buy some things at the mall, you two were going to stay here for the night” Ryo said as he got up from the sofa and walked to a small closet taking out a vodka bottle, walked to the window and opening it looking through the glass while the rain fell in the pool water. 
 To be in his presence after so many years is increasibly hypnotizing, he seems mysterious, cold, inaccessible, you could feel your heart beating fast, you wanted to get close to him, but the shame of your feelings did not leave you. 
“Y/n…” lost in your thoughts you were dragged back to reality with the voice of ryo calling you. 
 “Yes?” you stood up and walked to him, you waited for him to continue. “I heard that you’ve been traveling for these years, what made you come again to Japan?” he questioned without taking his eyes off the glass, you look at the landscape, gaining courage to answer him. 
 “I couldn’t forget the memories I made here, I couldn’t forget the friendships I had made, and no place in the world gave me the feeling of calm and security that you gave me here…I couldn’t forget Akira…I couldn’t forget you” without noticing you had revealed the nostalgia you felt for him, you immediately closed your eyes and cursed yourself mentally. 
 “To tell you the truth I knew where you were, all this time I had people who inform me about you and Akira, but I admit that seeing you in person was unexpectedly good” he says, walking away from the window and sitting back on the sofa putting his computer on his lap 
“Why don’t you come sit here? I knew you were good at research and languages, you could help me translate a document” he said looking back at your waiting, you smiled and nodded and sat down next to him. ~
✦ ✧ ✦ ✧ ✦ ✧ ✦ ✧✦ ✧ ✦ ✧ ✦ ✧ ✦ ✦ ✧ ✦ ✧ ✦ ✧ ✦ ✧✦ ✧ ✦ ✧ ✦ ✧ ✦ ✦ ✧ ✦ So what did you think of the first chapter of my new story? I hope you like it, soon I will bring the second part! Until then, take care🤍🤍
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caxsthetic · 4 years
Not Anymore
Kageyama Tobio x F!Reader
You lose them not because you didn’t love them anymore. You lose them because you didn’t prioritize them anymore.
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Kageyama Tobio didn't know what he needs to do when he saw you there, talking with one of the Miya twins while wearing your usual smile. It's been years since the last time he saw you, years since he left you not long after he knew that he will join V.League around five years ago.
Should he approach you? Are you going to be okay if he greets you? But somehow, he couldn't help but remember the look in your eyes that one time. Maybe he should just turn his back and leave the place where he stood right now. That would be the best option, but he seems to be taken by your presence.
His eyes bore on your figure, noting every little detail as you laugh. Your smile never changes, it's still the same smile that you used to wear when cheering for him on the stands. You still love to play with your hair, and it always calmed you down somehow. And your laugh still the same, a laugh that could make everyone in the room cheered up.
"Tobio," You called out to him, "Hey, I am here." He was sobbing and curled up in the corner of his room. When you heard he was home, you immediately ran there, knowing he needs someone to accompany him tonight.
Today, Karasuno has lost from Aobajohsai, Oikawa Tooru's school. Your boyfriend practised hard every day to show his senior about how much he has changed. He is not the same tyranny king as he used to be in Kitagawa Daiichi. But still, luck is not on his side today.
You immediately wrapped your arms around his figure. It was tense at first, still new with this feeling. You are his first girlfriend, it surprised everyone when they know someone would want to date him. Kageyama wouldn't lie, he was surprised when you say that you like him back.
Slowly but surely, his figure started to relax at your touch. You pulled his head to your chest, kissing the crown of his head and cradle him on your lap. His arms timidly circled on your neck, clinging on you like a baby.
Both of you stayed like that for a while, no words were spoken, but you knew your gesture was enough to make him understand the love that you were ready to give for him,
"H-hey," His voice was harsh after crying for hours, "Is it okay if you stay for the night?" The gaze that he gave to you was desperate, so the only right thing to do was accept him. He moves your body to his bed, pulling you to his embrace as he becomes the big spoon.
"You are so cute sometimes, Tobio~" You cooed, teasing him to ease the awkwardness from the air.
"I-I am not!" He pouted, but his arms wrapped around you tighter. You snuggled into his neck, feeling the warmth from his skin, "Hey, (Y/n)." He gulped, eyes staring to your messy hair. You hummed, still enjoying how his touch soothe you, "Can you promise me something?"
"Hm? What is it, Tobio?" You looked up at him, widened a little when you realised how close your face was. He was stunned too, especially with how your breath touched his lips, "Tobio?"
"S-Sorry," Blush crept on his cheek as he said it, "Please promise that you will never leave me." His voice sounded serious, it's like he couldn't imagine his life without you already. You blinked, didn't know what to say at first.
Confessing is scary, that's what always lingering in his mind. But he knew you, even if your answer wouldn't satisfy him, you will say it so carefully that he wouldn't mind at all.
"Okay," You smiled, kissing his nose at the process, "I would never leave you, Kageyama Tobio." He closed his eyes as you leaned in, touching your lips to his. It was soft and he feels like he was a winner today, already forget about the event this evening. The kiss was quick, not more than ten seconds, but it feels like forever.
You put your forehead on his, still closing your eyes while your thumb caressing his cheek, "I promise I will never leave," He smiled to hear you repeat the words, "Not until you asked me to,"
That night, he pouted and telling you that you are mean for even thinking that he wants you to be out from his life. But then, he is the one who broke the promise and asked you to leave. Kageyama shook away all of the memories, slapped his cheek before fleeing the scene.
You blinked, feeling like you saw a familiar figure at the corner of your eyes. So you turned to the left, found no one. Maybe it's just your feelings, after all, you shrugged it off and set your gaze back to the man in front of you.
"What is it, (Y/n)?" Miya Osamu could see the confusion that was written in your face, "Do you saw some old friends? Do you want to catch up with them? I could tell-"
"No no no!" You immediately know what he was going to say, "I will take these onigiris, okay? I want to be there for him!"
Kageyama currently walked around the hallway, both hands coated in his pocket. His mind kept coming back to you. It's been years since he's on V.League, he wonders what makes the woman that he used to love watching this one particular match. He let out a bitter snort when the realisation hit him, Used to love, my ass.
His eyes suddenly fall to a familiar figure. Orange fluffy hair appeared in front of him, making him smirk when he knew who it was,
"Not gonna have any bowels issues today, are you?" Kageyama smirked when the man in front of him turned his head. There he stood, one of the best comrades that he ever had. One of the people that brought him here. Not as a tyrant king, but as a great setter.
"Heck no. I am not the kind of guy who gets stomach troubles before games anymore." Hinata retorted, feeling confidence after all this time.
"You'd better not, you runt," Kageyama remembered that he used to yell and hit the wing spiker with so much force. But things change as they grow up. Hinata seems to want to say something to him, but suddenly, Miya Atsumu appeared behind Hinata, putting one of his arms on the wing spiker's shoulder.
"Tobio-Kun, wouldja mind not picking a fight with my wing spiker? Hmm?" Miya's voice was sly, and it always made Kageyama's annoyed every time he heard that voice. One by one, the others piled up in front of their locker rooms, trying to joke and brag about their achievement.
Something has been nagging on the setter's mind. Seeing Hinata with a new setter made him wonder about how powerful the new duo would be. Are they going to be better than the Freak Duo, or maybe on the same level? But they are all grown up now, of course, they would be more powerful.
After joking around and promising to themselves that they will beat each other, Kageyama and the others needed to go to the court. Everyone has been waiting for this match, after all. Once he steps inside the court, he immediately looked around.
The arena brought back some nostalgia in his mind, remembering one special seat that you always seated on. Kageyama thought that you would be standing there, maybe even cheering him on, or at least cheering for his team. But of course, it was just some wild wishful thinking of him.
Kageyama will be the first one to serve. He will do the same serve just like when Japan play against France, which scores him five-point on the game. But Hinata seems to changes since he could receive it with ease.
The ball flies high to the sky, Miya Atsumu was ready to make the announcement that their team wouldn't go on without a fight. He tossed the ball to Hinata, fulfilling the promise that he ever makes when they were in high school.
Hinata spiked the ball hard, telling the whole world that he's coming back home.
Kageyama looked at the scene that unfolded in front of him, a little bit annoyed with how Miya looked so smug after successfully toss the ball to Hinata. As the set goes on, something seems to burn in his heart. The orange-haired man has now become a lot better since the last time they play together.
Miya noticed how the black-haired setter always glared at him every time he tossed the ball to Hinata. It's like Kageyama missed the feeling to tossed for the MSBY wing spiker. After all, that man is the first person who Kageyama comfortable tossing to, the one who could spike his toss, and someone who always patience with his behaviour.
The first set was done, and Kageyama's team lost with five points different. It was much, and his team was surprised by the opponent ability. He sat down on the bench and looked around, scanning the stands once again, in hoping to see the glimpse of you. It's scared him to be honest, just one look at you and his feelings emerged immediately.
He was always longing for your touch, longing for how caring you are towards him. You were always there when he needed you. But it's his decision that particular day to break the relationship that's been going for three years.
It was March 2018. Every student practically searching for their best friend, taking a picture together one last time. Today is graduation day for Kageyama and the others, today is the day he will approach his girlfriend.
You looked so beautiful that day, flowers adorning your hair, given by all of your friends. The whole day, you haven't seen the tsundere boyfriend of yours, making you worried since he didn't answer any of your messages too.
These past few days, Kageyama has been distance. It's like there will be some big news that he will drop for you. But you shrugged it off, believing that maybe your boyfriend just stressed out about college.
"(Y/n)," You turned around when you heard the familiar voice. He looks cool with his graduation attire, creating a smile on your face as you took in the sight in front of you. Your friends could only giggle at how starstruck you are to the Karasuno's setter, "Can I speak to you alone?"
There it is, the announcement that might change your life. You nodded and say goodbye to your friends for now. Both of you walk around the school grounds, he was quite the whole time as you walked side by side. Suddenly, the two of you was now standing in front of the school gymnasium.
"Do you want to pass the ball for me?" His question is weird, he knew you would never turn him down. That and the fact he didn't dare to look in your eyes as he speaks was making your mind running wild. But again, you didn't want to push anything to him. You know he will straight up telling you when he's ready.
You were now passing the ball to him. Practise like this is a date for the two of you. He would sometimes engulf your body in the middle of passing, making the ball bounce to the court as he embraced you lovingly. Though, today he was acting so distance towards you. There is no warm that emitted from him, not even a smile.
"I will joining the V.League," You stopped your movement as you heard the statement. It was his dream for a long time ago, you couldn't help but smile at this. You immediately throw the ball in your hands to god knows where. Running and tackling the setter that you love so much.
"I am so proud of you, Tobio!" His arms immediately wrapped around your waist, securing you so you didn't hit the ground, "Why you didn't tell me sooner? I really thought you are going to break up with me or something since you are so distance!" You chuckled, didn't realise how he tensed up a little when he heard the word 'break up'.
"About that," His voice sounds uncertain as he pushed you from his embrace. Both of you were now sitting on the ground, he put his gaze on the floor, didn't dare to look at you, "I do want to break up with you." It was silence for seconds,
"Hahahahah! Don't joke around like that, Tobio~!"  He looked up to see you. There were tears in your eyes, either it's because of how much you have laughed or how you could sense the serious tone as he spoke. You could only hope that it's not the latter.
"I am not joking," That sentence was enough to make you stop laughing,
"I don't want to be your boyfriend anymore. I want you to leave," His words feel like a punch in the gut. How he repeated those cursed words, how serious he looked as he blurted it out, it's like a nightmare that you really want to wake up from, "I am not going to have time for you."
"But we can work things out, Tobio." There's certainty on every word you said, "I am not going anywhere, you know that." You immediately stood up, trying to process things, "I could go to your practice, we could always be spending time together when you are free, calling when we started to miss each other,"
"Stop it, (Y/n)."
"Oh! We could rent a-"
You gasped when Kageyama suddenly stood in front of you, eyes blazing with irritation. His hands gripped your wrist so hard that you know it will leave a trace. You are terrified, this is the first time you ever feel this way towards the setter.
He didn't let you go even when tears were already streaming down your face, "I-It hurts," You muttered, afraid that he will do something more, "K-Kageyama, it h-hurts, please." When he realised what he has done, he immediately let go of his grip.
Kageyama wanted to apologize as he looked at his own hands. But when he saw your face, he just couldn't let out any words from his lips. You are looking at him like he's some kind of monster, a look that he never found from you even when he gets frustrated after losing a match and let go all of his anger towards you.
Your eyes bore into his souls, scared that he will hurt you once again. So you ran, ran away as fast as you can and never looked back. That guy is not your boyfriend, he's not your Tobio, and you never want to meet him ever again. After all, he already told you that he didn't want you anymore.
So what's the point of staying?
Kageyama stood there, dumbfounded. Eyes still trailing at your figure that's going smaller and smaller, until he could no longer see you. He gulped, didn't know at the moment that it might be the last time he ever saw you.
How could he have done this? He promised (Y/n) he would never hurt you. He promised everyone to take care of you. And yet, he stood frozen in the middle of the gymnasium where you were used to spending time together, regret coursing through his body.
But he just stood there, not even moving his feet to chase you.
"Whoa! She is pretty!" Kageyama heard Hoshiumi complimenting someone, "Man, of course someone like Atsumu could get someone like her!" Now, he's interested in someone that will be stuck with Miya Atsumu, the douchebag. He smirked, it could be a good come back when they meet again outside of the court.
"Who is it, Hoshiumi-san?"
"I didn't know you are interested in something outside of volleyball." Ushijima remarked blatantly, "Somehow I am familiar with Miya's girlfriend," He pointed at Miya who's currently talking to someone on the VIP seat, "Is she from Karasuno?" When Kageyama sees the figure, it feels like someone just ripped his heart from its place.
There you were, standing in front of Miya Atsumu with the same attire from before. Your hands delicately patted his forehead with a towel, trying to get away as much sweat as possible. Miya said something in your ear, making you laugh before kissing your cheek with adoration stand out from his eyes. Everyone could see them both right now, and they would agree that the relationship will go to marriage.
The black-haired setter didn't know what to do at this point. He was the one who broke up with you five years ago, but why his heart still aching at the sight of you with someone else? But the man is not just someone else; it's Miya Atsumu, the second-best setter after him.
Both of them was the same. They are a setter from V.League Division 1 team, they have the same burden, they practised hard every day, and yet, he could have one thing that he needed to let go to be here right now.
Back then, letting you go seems like the best decision for him and you. He will never have time for you since he thought being in a professional team means less time outside of the court. He gulped down, still gazing at the two of you. Suddenly, Hinata ran up to you, hugging you in the process. You looked happy to see the wing spiker, patting his shoulders as the three of you laugh.
How he wished that was him.
The only thought that was running in Kageyama's mind was the fact that it could be him who stood in front of you, laughing together with Hinata. That could be him who was now circling one arm on your neck, kissing your forehead as you looked at the man with love adorning your eyes.
You used to look at him like that, you used to cheer on him in every match, you used to laugh from his action. But now you were all his; you were Miya Atsumu lovers.
"Now I know where I had ever seen her," Ushijima spoke out, the first time he saw you was when Shiratorizawa lost from Karasuno. You were tackling the setter and pamper him with kisses, it was gruesome in his eyes, but he couldn't forget how Kageyama looked at that time, loved. So when the ace found the setter's eyes glistening with tears, he knew that at one point, something was going downhill.
The referee blows the whistle, indicating the start of the second set. Kageyama stood up, eyes still focusing on you as you kissed Miya Atsumu with the same lips that once only for him. He shook his head, walking to the court.
Is it what Oikawa always felt when it comes to him or Ushijima? Losing something meaningful in his life to someone that was equal with him? His eyes bore to the opponent's setter who looks calmed and composed after the little break, his orbs filled with happiness and love, something that Kageyama hasn't felt just to be better in volleyball.
What hurts him the most was the fact that you didn't even notice his gaze. You used to have a sixth sense when it comes to him, knowing precisely if he ever in the same room as you. So when you didn't even turn to face him, he knew he had lost you entirely.
He feels like his heart is stumbling, ready to fall by the time the match is over. His gaze always falls to his opponent, the one who has you as a support system. It breaks him all apart, little by little. He really just want to get out from there, away from the thought of two important people in his life, slipped between his fingers.
Kageyama has lost in this battle to someone else. Someone who has the first person who could spike his toss without complains. Someone who has his first love in their embrace. Someone who was the same with him, but so different at the same time.
It was his fault to lose you, and it's not his right to complain why.
Because that time he told you to leave, he needed to remember that you were not his anymore.
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myveryownfanfiction · 3 years
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I laughed as Ben drunkenly swayed in place. He looked at the award in his hand and the pieces that were laying on the floor. I was fairly sober but at this point anyone was more sober than Ben. He looked up at me and shook his head as his laugh joined mine. 
“I’ll fix it later.” He picked up the pieces and tossed them onto his desk. He turned back to me and leaned on me when he reached me. “Come here beautiful.” I giggled as he wrapped his arms around my waist. 
“I’m proud of you Ben.” I whispered as I ran my fingers through his hair. He closed his eyes and hummed. 
“Remember when I used to be fat?” He asked suddenly. I raised an eyebrow. “No. Not just fat but a regular butterball. Bet your fern I was.” He looked over my head just as suddenly, scaring me slightly. Something wasn’t right but I couldn’t quite put my finger on it. “You remember we used to say that as kids? You bet your fern. But I was F-A-T.” I shook my head at Ben. 
“Why this nostalgia trip?” I asked as I pulled him closer. Ben shook his head. 
“I’m not quite sure. It just popped in there.” He pulled me into a kiss, effectively stopping all conversation on the matter. The phone ringing pulled us out of our repreve. “I hear bells.” Ben joked. “I’ll be right back.” I laughed and sat down on the bed, taking off my shoes. I could hear snippets of Ben’s conversation on the phone. Smiling to myself, I got up and leaned in the doorway of the room. Ben looked over at me and my smile fell. Fear was written all over his face. “We’ll come.” He hung up the phone and made his way back over to me. “IT’s back.” I would have fallen if it wasn’t for Ben’s quick reflexes. He sat me back on the bed before going and getting us drinks. 
“Are you ok?” I asked. Ben focused on pouring the drinks. 
“I don’t think I am sweetheart.” He took a drink before bringing me mine. “Not tonight. Not at all.” I took a sip of my drink before running my finger around the rim several times. “What about you?” Fear had dissipated some and concern was slowly taking its place. I let out a dry laugh.
“Knowing that damn clown is back in Derry?” I shook my head. “I’m with you Haystack. Not tonight. Not at all.” Ben wrapped his free arm around my shoulder and gently pulled me into his embrace. Once we had calmed down a little bit, Ben and I went for a drive to his latest construction site and we went up to the roof. Ben had brought the bottle with him and I watched him carefully as he swayed close to the edge. I was about to reach out and grab the back of his pants when he wrapped his arm around a piece of machinery to keep himself upright. I joined him and wrapped my arms around his waist. We looked out at the city and got stuck in our own flood of memories. Memories I didn’t want to remember and memories I wasn’t even sure I had forgotten to begin with. A smile made its way onto my face as the day I met Ben came flooding back with force. 
“You going to stand there all day?” I asked the boy that was standing in the middle of the sidewalk. He jumped with a start and turned around. “School’s out you know.” He nodded and moved to the side to stand next to me. Two girls pushed between us and I made a face at their backs. The boy laughed and looked me in the eyes for the first time. “Well.” I stalled before looking over to see my dad standing next to our car. He looked bored. “So long Ben Hanscom. I’m (Y/N) (Y/L/N).” I smiled at him and waved as I jogged over to my dad. I got in the car and watched Ben wave back before turning back the way he was going originally. 
“Who was that?” My dad asked as he looked at me in the rearview mirror. 
“Ben Hanscom. He just started school here today.” I answered before starting the reading that was assigned for class. We had been driving for a while before I looked up at the noise my dad had made. 
“Look at that Henry Bowers. Cutting up some poor kid again.” My dad slowed down enough to take a look at what was happening next to the bridge. “Someone’s going to call the cops on him one of these days.” 
“STOP!” I cried and fumbled with the door handle. I was out of the car before my dad had completely stopped the car. “HENRY BOWERS YOU LITTLE SHIT! LEAVE HIM ALONE!” I ran at Bowers, causing him to turn towards me. 
“Look what we have here! Little Miss./Mr. (Y/N). Come for yours?” Bowers laughed. I stopped just short of Bowers, nostrils flared and hands balled into fists. 
“You leave Ben alone Bowers.” I growled. “I beat you once. I’ll do it again.” Bowers quickly looked at his cronies before flicking open his knife. “That doesn’t scare me.” 
“But this scares the crap out of him.” Bowers lifted Ben’s shirt and went to carve his name in Ben’s stomach. I locked eyes with Ben and he nodded at me. I moved behind Bowers and Ben lifted up to kick Bowers back into me. I locked my arms around Bowers’ arms and threw him back. His knife went flying to the ground as Ben went over the fence. I grabbed the knife and ran to the fence to watch Ben.
“BEN!” I cried as I climbed over the fence and started down after him. 
“(Y/N)!” I could hear my dad from behind me. I turned to him and gestured for him to go after Bowers or get someone to help. He nodded as I went down after Ben. I found him and helped him up.
“Did you get the knife?” Ben asked out of breath. I nodded and showed him. We took off through the Barrens before hiding from Bowers. “Thank you.” 
“No problem. You’re lucky we took this route home today.” Ben nodded and I looked out hesitantly for Bowers and his gang. I watched as Eddie and Bill got the short end of the stick from Bowers before gesturing for Ben to follow me over to the other boys. “Come on. I’m going to introduce you to a couple of my friends.” I slipped my hand into Ben’s and led him over to where Eddie and Bill were standing.
“Let’s go to Derry.” Ben said finally as he turned back towards me. I nodded and followed him back down to his car. Everything moved in a blur. Before I knew it, I was sitting in a taxi driving parallel with the Barrens. Ben and I looked at each other before recognizing the bridge where Bowers had cornered him. “Pull over here will ya?” Ben asked the driver. We pulled up to the curb and we got out. “Wait for us.” I followed Ben down into the Barrens. “Doesn’t look like it changed in 27 years.” He squatted down by the river. 
“I was half expecting Eddie and Bill to be down here if I’m being honest.” I said as I squatted next to him. Ben looked at me and nodded. 
“Or Henry Bowers.” He put a hand on my arm to help keep me steady. Some kids running down a hill caught our attention and we watched, memories of when Ben and I had run from Bowers running back into my mind. I ventured a look at Ben and watched as he rubbed his eyes with the heel of his hand. I put my hand on his knee and squeezed gently. He looked back up and took my hand. I continued watching the kids while Ben stood up and walked off. I glanced over at him and knew that this was his personal moment of being back in Derry. The one that Pennywise would ruin. Mine had come when we had gone over the state lines. 
‘Leaving Derry’ stood in stark contrast to the green trees. I squeezed Ben’s hand and laughed as we sped out of the town. 
“Goodbye Derry! Hope I never have to smell you again!” I screamed at the top of my lungs. Ben laughed and pulled me closer. 
“I thought it was Richie with the one-liners.” He joked. I shook my head as the laughter kept coming. 
“He’s not the only one.” I leaned over and kissed Ben’s cheek. “Besides, we’re finally outta this dump.” Ben nodded and looked over at me with the biggest smile I had ever seen on his face. He floored the car and the wind whipped through my hair. I looked back to make sure that the top of the car was properly latched and stood up in the car. Ben held onto the back of my pants as I screamed with joy. “FUCK YOU DERRY! I AIN’T EVER COMING BACK TO THIS ASSHAT TOWN!” I plopped back down in my seat as Ben tore out of town. 
When I had come out of the memory, I had seen Pennywise sitting on the ‘Welcome to Derry’ sign. He had waved and I had ignored him. I was always good at that. Everyone else was seriously affected by him but for whatever reason I wasn’t. I looked up in surprise as Ben came back. He had a haunted look on his face and we both snapped to attention as the kids ran past. I put a hand on Ben’s arm and squeezed. 
“I’m going to head back to the car.” I said. Ben nodded before taking my hand and kissing the knuckles. “Too many memories too fast too soon.” I joked as I started back up the slope. I opened the car door and got in.
“Reliving your childhood down there?” The driver asked as we waited for Ben. I looked out the window towards the Barrens. 
“Something like that.” I muttered as I watched Ben round the taxi to get back in. He got back in and I quickly took his hand. The driver started back down the road. I leaned my head on Ben’s shoulder. “You look shaken. Everything alright?” He shook his head and leaned his head on top of mine. 
“I’ll tell you later.” He said. I nodded before Ben sat up and moved forward. “Are you seeing that?” I followed his gaze and let out a small gasp. Pennywise stood there with a balloon waving at us as we passed him. Ben and I turned to watch him as the taxi passed him. Turning back around, I nearly screamed before Ben’s hand came down on my thigh to silence me. A yellow balloon was in the car with us and as it slowly turned, we saw it said ‘Turn Back Now’. 
“Ben.” I let out shakily. He nodded as he rolled down the window and gently ushered the balloon outside where it bounced down the road. 
“I know (Y/N). I know.” He rolled the window back up and gathered me into his arms. He pressed a kiss to my head and I gripped his shirt. “I won’t let him get you. You can bet your fern.” Another kiss was pressed to my head, making me smile. “I promise.”
“I promise too Ben.” I said before kissing his cheek and settling back against his chest.
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nyxxhexx · 3 years
🎉 2021 Channeled Musical Messages for the Signs 🎉
Read for your Sun, Moon, Rising, and Venus 🌌
Overall Theme of 2021
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Colors pt. II by Halsey
This is the follow-up to a year of heartache, heart break, disappointment, disillusionment, forgetfulness, and forgoing all that was meant to be ours. Now, we begin this new year on a hopeful note - we step into all that was meant to be and believe that it belongs to us. The colors begin to shift from monochrome to radiant, and light falls upon even the darkest of nights.
You are going to be okay.
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We Are Sex Bob-Omb by Sex Bob-Omb
This year is irreverent. Declare who you are proudly and loudly, and don't let anyone forget it. Say what you need to say as it comes; don't let a single moment pass you by. Live for immediacy. Jump on chances when they come. You never know when you'll get another opportunity - last year proved that more than anything. You're ready for all that is coming, so be prepared to jump into the unknown. Find others who are willing to jump with you (or, at the very least, who are willing to wait for you at the bottom!) You will not walk through this year alone, even if you will it. Trust in the process, and accept that you are loved.
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Thnks fr th Mmrs by Fall Out Boy
It's time to let go of them. You know who. They aren't following you into this year, and holding on to them as more than they really are will only prove to be harmful. You have so much potential for love - stop pretending like you don't have feelings. Embrace newness; embrace change; embrace difference. Once you look back with clear eyes, you'll realize the memories are tinged with nostalgia and unrealistic expectations. Stop comparing others and view everyone with new eyes - they are each their own person, and not treating them as such will only lead to more heartbreak and disappointment. It's time to make the change, so make it. Jealousy will get you nowhere.
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Teddy Picker by Arctic Monkeys
It's not all it's cracked up to be. You have dreams and plans for this year, but you need to reevaluate what you think you want. Temper your expectations accordingly. The impossible can happen, and this year will be better - this isn't a message of discouragement, but a message of realistic expectations. Things don't just happen; they don't just change because the calendar shifts. You will get all you want, but you must actively put in the effort for it to ensure it's yours. Make sure you really want all you're pursuing. Don't waste your time on anything that's not worth your time and effort; throw yourself into everything else whole-heartedly. Just make sure it's not a distraction from something else. You deserve straightforward paths and clear conversation; never settle for any less. Make sure those around you know that, and this year will change for the better for certain. You already know the first step, so proceed boldly and with confidence in yourself.
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Forgiven, Not Forgotten by the Corrs
Do you really want to sit there and watch your days pass you by? You've been crying over this for so long; last year drew a lot of tears, but it's time for them to stop. You're still holding on; now it's time to let go. You need to tie up some of these loose ends before you can move into 2021. It's okay - the year's start can wait for you, but it won't wait long. Get up and start making moves towards forgiving yourself and forgetting others. You cannot accept all that this new year has for you until you make room by releasing the old one. You've been promised color and vibrancy - the blues and greys will fade over time, blossoming into reds, pinks, yellows, and brighter blues. You're ready to move on; all that's stopping you is yourself. Nobody is worth holding onto this way - especially no man. Let him go and accept the change for good. You're ready to move on once and for all. But just because you forget doesn't mean they will; if those old memories pop back up in your life, hold your ground and push them back out. You deserve better, so open yourself to it to receive it at last.
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Goodbye Graceful by Falling In Reverse
You're leaving behind something good. Maybe that's okay, and maybe it isn't. If you really need to move on, move on gracefully and without malice. Burning this bridge isn't going to help you at all; you might need to cross it again in the future. Take all that you've learned in 2020 and apply it to the new year - if you forget all that happened, what was it all for? Yes, it was terrible, but there is something to be learned even from the worst events. Sometimes you just need to know that, no matter what happened, you survived. You lived through it all, and you will be okay again. Take time for yourself, but don't cut everyone off. You are loved by so many, so find the balance between the need for isolation and the need to surround yourself with others. Trust those who prove they can be trusted, and bow out gracefully from those who can't. Have faith that everything will work out - this year is a year for believing in the impossible, so believe. Trust in the bell curve; things are gradually going to get better until you finally find what you're looking for.
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I'm Legit by Nicki Minaj and Ciara
This year is about shaking up your routine. Step out of your comfort zone and embrace your inner Leo. You're the best of the best, you know that, now flaunt it. Brag on yourself like you're writing a resume. You deserve top shelf everything, so splurge. Treat yourself to what you want, even if it doesn't seem practical. Above all else, remember that you don't have to change yourself to do any of this. You don't need to change your appearance, your lifestyle, or your friend group - you just need to change your mindset. These two ideals might not seem to be compatible at first, but over time you'll realize how they fit together to better your life and make 2021 all it's meant to be.
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My Propeller by Arctic Monkeys
The situation is urgent now, but don't rush it. You've been building towards something for the entirety of 2020, but it hasn't quite come to pass yet. Carry on towards it - the new year doesn't automatically shift things. You're very close to achieving that goal; the planets are synergizing, everything's falling into place. Make those last few moves. Say what you need to say, do what you need to do, and don't let time keep passing without setting things in stone. The time for waiting is over - the situation can't get started on its own. You have to set it into motion now, then keep the momentum going until you cross that finish line. Don't give up now; keep pushing for what you want and it'll come to you. Just be sure you do so with great purpose of movement and very, very carefully. Rushing things will only make them fall apart, but moving slowly and with purpose will make all the difference. Luck is on your side here; put it all into practice with faith, and you'll achieve your goals. The waiting between now and then is just a necessary evil, but it'll build your strength and stamina for the event itself. In the end, you'll be happy you didn't rush things, and everything will work out.
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Perhaps Vampires Is A Bit Strong But... by Arctic Monkeys
In 2020, you let far too many people suck the life, love, and energy out of you. That will not go on any longer. You know what you deserve now, so stop denying yourself everything you know you're owed. There will be no more thinking about all you could have or should have done; there will be only doing. Cut off the people who drain you once and for all. Instead, surround yourself with people who give and take in equal measure. Don't retreat too far into yourself, though - your instinct may be to run completely and hide behind your walls, but those instincts are wrong. You've got to find a way to walk the line and achieve balance. If you don't, you'll fall too far to either side, and getting back to the middle will be difficult, but not impossible. Maintain your balancing act and ask for help, no matter sure you are you can do it all on your own. There are those in your life who are ready and willing. Just say the word and they'll be there.
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All I Need by Matchbox Twenty
You already know what you need this year. What are you waiting for? What's stopping you? If it isn't monumental, then it's already yours; if it is, then believe in the impossible. What you have right now isn't a permanent solution to filling the hole in your chest. You've been searching and searching for fulfillment. Now, it's time to claim it. Reach out and take that missing piece - and then start helping those around you find theirs. The dream isn't over for any of you, so don't give up, and don't let them give up either. It can be hard to trust our own instincts, so trust the messages meant for you. Trust the synchronicities and confirmations. This is just the first of many, so keep an eye out; you're already being guided in the right direction.
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evermorehaikyuu · 4 years
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Day 2
Title: The Last Goodbye
Note: This one does have mentions of death and the state of dying in it, along with a character death; proceed with caution. Not going to lie, this is probably the one I've been looking forward to writing because one scene was inspired by the umbrella academy. See you on the other side.
“Hey, what do you think happens after you die?” Y/N said, sipping on her drink, staring at her best friend since they were babies. Sugawara Koushi, the boy she could trust with her life, the boy she would do absolutely anything for if it made him continue smiling. 
“Hmm…” He looked at the sky, swans migrating overhead from their original destination, before glancing at the lake across from them. They always went there whenever either one of them was feeling stressed or they just wanted to be together. “Well, there is a legend of what happens before you head to the afterlife. Why?” He poked her cheek, grinning from ear to ear. “You’re more curious by the day about everything, aren’t you?”
Y/N reciprocated his smile and grabbed his wrist gently. “Don’t leave me like that, tell me what’s the legend.”
“Well, the legend is basically that after you die, you wait three days and then you have a few minutes before heading off. You get to go and see the person you love the most and be able to talk to them before leaving. No one’s really allowed to speak about the moments. However, no one wants to talk about it because it hurts them. Some people leave too early and it’s heart-breaking.” Sugawara sighed out of sadness for what might have happened in everyone’s last moments.
Y/N hugged him tightly, her lips turned up. “You won’t leave me alone though, right? Not even when you go out with someone?”
He laughed and embraced her. “No, I’m never leaving you alone. You’d be reckless without me.”
“Hey, at least I can cook without burning the house down!”
“Can you really though?”
“I cooked for you last time, didn’t I?” She pouted, squinting at the boy before her that was currently doubting her skills. She ran her hand through his hair and said, “But seriously. You won’t leave me right? You’ll stay with me?”
“Of course, Y/N. I’m not going anywhere. I promise.” 
It was a phenomenon how someone’s day could be turned upside down with only a few words. Those words could convert the happiest day of your life into one of the worst days of your life. Bad news spread faster than wildfire, faster than rumors. Pitiful looks were one of the gifts you would receive as condolences for your loss. Moving on took time.
Unless you missed something that could’ve happened but escaped your grip faster than you could blink.
Nostalgia was a powerful emotion, more powerful than anything else. It was one of the emotions that you could not suppress no matter what. Any emotion could ruin you, that was for sure, but nostalgia gripped your memories and taunted you with them right in front of you. There was nothing you could do, nowhere to go. 
Y/N was currently walking back home from school, exhausted from the day’s work. However, she stayed awake, waiting for Sugawara to arrive around 8. Yet...he was late. He was never late to one of their hangouts.
Her phone rang around 9 pm and she looked at the caller ID, Daichi’s nickname appearing on the tiny screen. Answering the call, she said pleasantly, “Hey, Daichi, what’s up? Do you know where’s Suga? He should’ve arrived an hour ago.”
“Y/N.” His voice was breathless and rising in panic, but he tried to swallow it trying not to let her know what was going on.
But Y/N was too smart for that. Her arms started going numb as she swallowed dryly. “Daichi. Where’s Sugawara.”
“He…” Daichi gulped before speaking again, his voice coming out shakily. “He’s in the hospital...he got into an accident. Something happened to him, but Y/N--” His voice cracked, on the verge of tears. “They think he’s not going to make it.”
And just like that, the world around her collapsed, her earth spinning out of its axis. The sound of her phone falling to the floor was far away as the realization that her best friend was in the hospital, on his deathbed. Her legs were numb as she sunk to the floor, Daichi’s voice far away. “Daichi. Where are you?”
“On my way to the hospital.”
Grabbing her keys and ending the call, she started sprinting out of her house, adrenaline pumping in her veins. Her lungs started screaming for air and her legs were working themselves to their limit but still, she persevered, determined to get to Sugawara on time. You won’t make it, you don’t have the will. A tiny voice in her head said, trying to state the facts.
This wasn’t a Disney movie, she knew that. However, if she was able to get there, even if he was in a coma, even if he lost his memories, if she was able to get there and see him wake up, consequences and all, she’d thank every god there was above.
The hospital was in her line of view, her breath coming out shakily as she slowed to a stop in front of the tall building. So many people died inside of its walls. If Sugawara was one of them...she’d lose everything. Everything would’ve been awful, gray and bleak without him. He was the reason she woke up in the morning, he was the reason she laughed all the time, he was the reason she believed in love. 
And yet…
And yet, somehow, she never got to tell him. 
It’s not too late, she thought as she got to the receptionist’s desk, quickly giving the woman Sugawara’s information. She tried to look at the receptionist’s face for any sign of Sugawara’s status, whether he was hanging onto his lifeline or already gone from this earth. The stink of antiseptic made everything surreal.
“Fifth floor, darling.” The woman said, nodding towards the elevators.
Y/N ignored the mechanical devices and pushed her way through a wooden door where the stairs were. Her legs could’ve groaned at the sight above her. The fifth floor was high up but it was nothing. She wanted to see him, no matter the position he was in. 
Before she knew it, she had reached the fifth floor, barreling through the halls as she tried to find her way to Suga’s door. When she found the number A-14, she tried to open the door, only to find it locked.
“Come on, come on, please, please, please…” She pleaded, her breath held in her chest as she watched the door with desperation in her eyes. One sign. That was all she needed. One sign that he was still alive. 
She paced outside of the doors, trying to get her mind out of the worst situation. What seemed like an eternity later, the door opened, a nurse walking out of the room. She stared at Y/N and asked, “Are you here to see Sugawara Koushi?”
“Yes! How is he, is he in there--” Y/N knew he was in there and she tried to crane her head to look inside.
Several weary doctors walked outside and stood next to the nurse. With a melancholy voice, she said, “He...he didn’t make it. He passed away from blunt trauma to the head at 9:14 pm.”
9:15 pm. It was as if fate was tormenting her. She had barely passed the chance to see him, to see his smile one last time. Now she never got to say goodbye. The last words she ever told him were: “I’ll see you later.” And that never happened. Her world had already started crashing around her.
She shoved her way inside, pushing past the doctors and slamming the door open. Respect for the dead was something everyone talked about, and she’d actually do it if it wasn’t the fact that her best friend was there, no life in his body.
Cautiously walking over, she expected him to open his eyes and say something, anything. But he remained lifeless. She reached out to grab his hand. Cold. Limp. 
“No, no, no, no! You can’t die on me now!” She screamed after being silent for a minute. She gripped his hand, wishing that it could bring him back to life. “You promised me that you wouldn’t leave me alone! You promised!” She cupped his face, tears streaming down her cheeks as her hands only felt the coldness coming from him. He was gone. There was nothing she could do about it.
The dam in her broke, tears flooding through as she fell to her knees, covering her face as she sobbed. She sobbed until she couldn’t anymore and right when she stopped, she only had to see his limp hand over the bed and broke down again.
She didn’t remember heading back home. She didn’t remember getting into bed. Daichi and Asahi did that for her. But none of those memories would ever get back to her.
He was gone. 
It had been three days since Sugawara’s passing. Y/N could only roll out of bed, eat at least a cracker and climb back into bed. But...something was different about today.
Getting away from her bed, everything around her was hazy, yet she knew her routine. Without thinking twice about it, she started walking to the lake where, a long time ago, she had talked about death with Sugawara. She didn’t know it’d catch up to them so quickly. Not them, only him. 
The walk to the lake took longer than usual, only because she wasn’t chattering and laughing with Sugawara. She could only see the bleak darkness around her and she didn’t understand how everyone was happy. Then again, not everyone knew him.
The lake reflected the sunset, making the atmosphere around look ethereal. She stood there for a minute, her stomach twisting from the feeling of loss. It was funny how fast your life could turn upside down without a second thought. You were expected to mourn and move on as quickly as possible. How hard was it to lose someone you couldn’t say those three words to? How hard was it to lose someone who you had a chance with but never got to take it?
“It’s beautiful, isn’t it?”
Y/N whipped her head to look in the direction from which the voice came from. Her eyes widened and her lips parted as she realized who was talking. He appeared, shimmering from the light of the sunset. Sugawara was next to her again. He turned towards her, a sad smile on his face. “Come on, smile for me. I don’t want to leave without seeing your smile one last time.”
“I-I can’t…” Y/N replied, her heart twisting as she recalled the words he once said, the legend he had spoken about. 
“Turns out the legend was true, huh?” He extended his arms, looking at them. “Well, I do look shiny, that was on my bucket list, I guess.” Sugawara gazed at Y/N with a tender expression. “Remember what I said? You only have a few minutes to see the person you loved--”
“Or could’ve loved…” The realization sunk on her, her expression changing from lamentable to fruition. 
“Guess I should’ve said something earlier. Maybe I should’ve gone to you earlier, maybe we would’ve still had time.” His voice was creeping towards shrill before taking a deep breath and staring at her with despair in his eyes. “I don’t want to go, I’m scared, Y/N.” 
“You deserve paradise. You deserve every good thing that this world could not provide for you--”
“No. I’m not scared for me. I don’t want to leave you or Daichi or Asahi or any of them alone. I don’t want to ever feel you cry, I don’t want you to be alone. I broke my promise!” 
She wished she could touch him, but it was in every book: touch the spirit and they’d fade away. Y/N had to restrain herself from reaching over to hug him, even if her heart hurt for him. “Hey...you didn’t break your promise. I’ll be okay, I promise. I know it doesn’t seem like it right now, but it will be okay. I’ll see you when it’s my time. I swear I’ll look for you so we can be together again. Just don’t panic about any of us. I’ll look after them, it’s my promise to you.” Her breath hitched in her throat as she realized he was sluggishly fading away. 
Sugawara slowly beamed at her and pursed his lips. “You promise to find me when it’s your time? I want you to take your time, to live the life I couldn’t have. Do you swear that you’ll do those two things?”
“I swear, Koushi.” Her lip was quivering, but she forced herself to look at him with a brave face. 
“Good.” He looked at himself again, noticing that he was fading slowly. “Can I ask for a favor?”
“Of course.”
“Can you hug me as I go?”
She swallowed and reached out for him, bringing him into her embrace, squeezing her eyes closed. Quiet tears came out of her as she tried to cling onto him for a longer time, hoping that her grip was enough for him to stay with her, even though she knew that that wouldn’t happen.
Sugawara held onto her as long as he could, his vision blurring with tears as everything started going black. He knew he only had seconds before he left the earth, left Y/N alone. He didn’t want to go, he didn’t want to leave her alone, but if he had to go, he wanted to leave her with something that she would remember until it was her time. Clutching onto her tightly, he swallowed and whispered before fading away completely.
“I love you.”
With those words, he was gone.
Taglist: @skyguy-peach​ @jovialnoise​ @versatilewindow​ @tsukiibaka​ @jaegersblogh​ @kodzuken-pie​ @sugusho​ @kara-grayson04​ @erialexerz​
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thejamesoldier · 4 years
Every Tomorrow
AO3 Link
a/n: Did I write this fic bc I slammed face first back into the inuyasha fandom after the premiere of yashahime? Absolutely. Did I write this fic so I could get those g o o d domestic inukag feels? Absolutely. Did I write this fic as a way to come to terms with the fact that one of my first crushes as a kid happened to be an animated dog man? Absolutely. Enjoy yall xxx
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(this goregous gif isn’t mine!) 
rating: explicit 
pairing: inuyasha x kagome
tags: protective inuyasha, jealous inuyasha, emotionally constipated inuyasha, honestly whats new, youkai mates, soulmates, youkai culture, mate bonds, mate rituals, touch-starved inuyasha, shippo is kagome’s son dont talk to me, mirsan as parents, sesshoumaru is still kinda a prick but we like him now, angst and smut and fluff, domestic bliss, srsly this shit is so soft i should be arrested, non-canon compliant with yashahime, shit ton of inukag being cute tbh
summary: 'Kagome smiles through tears of insurmountable joy as a shadow passes over her. She tilts her head back and finds a familiar silhouette bending over the ledge of the well. The figure is still for a moment, as if frozen in utter disbelief, before a clawed hand reaches down to her and with a shuttering exhale, Kagome takes it. Inuyasha hauls her up into the light and suddenly, he's in front of her -- he's real. His silver hair, his ears, his red haori, those eyes of molten gold that stare up at her with nothing less than his very soul bared for her to see. Kagome observes such belonging in him, such love, and it completes her.'
my excuse to write some indulgent domestic inukag and explore their happy ending
Chapter 1 - mizpah 
The day is grey.
Clouds rumble low and thick over the skyline, swallowing the tops of buildings in the distance and casting deep shadows across the shrine grounds. Kagome is supposed to go out today, a few friends asked her to grab lunch at some new bistro that's opened up near campus. She'd been contemplating how to work the impending downpour into an excuse to stay home, never really having the energy for much these days. Parsing out when to expend the limited energy she did have had become a constant chore since being cut off from --
A familiar pain twangs through her chest, the ache almost welcome. It's all she has left of him.
Maybe it's the rain, maybe its the gloom of the day pulling out the worst of her longing, but regardless she finds herself pushing silently out of her room, walking downstairs, slipping outside, and standing before the closed doors of the Bone Eater's well. Drawn back once again to what was stolen from her. Kagome had promised herself she'd stop doing this, stop torturing herself -- stop giving in to the inexplicable sorrow of living a life without him. But just like the other times, the temptation to let the true weight of her loss pour into the gaping hole in her soul and fill her to the brim, make her so heavy with it that she's brought to her knees, is a poison she's unable to resist. She does this more regularly than she knows is healthy, but its the only way Kagome feels whole anymore. If she's not drowning in loss then she's empty, and Kagome isn't sure which is worse. Without a word she shoulders the doors open and descends the rotting stairs.
The familiar musty smell of earth and something not quite alive but not quite dead hits her. Kagome's eyes water at the memories the scent yields. Before she can stop herself her fingers come up to caress the splintering lip of the ancient well. It feels...empty, same as it always does when she comes in here. The sensation is akin to a sense of hollowness, that the shaft of negative space that runs down the well's center is truly all that's left of the magic that used to come alive for her. A silent sob wrenches down her throat, rendering her vulnerable to the torrent of emotion that swells in her. She let's each gasping breath tear her open, tear out all that's left of her. A sick relief floods her as the sorrow emerges fully and, as always, she crumbles to her knees under the burden of it.
Just saying his name, even in the privacy of her own mind, tares something vital out of Kagome's core. She hopes he knows, hopes that despite it all he knows that she is still his in every way a person could be. Disassembled and broken as she is, Kagome offers her anguish to the well praying that if it wouldn't return her to him, then it could at least take her devotion instead.
Carry it to him, remind him he's loved...
For a moment she considers descending the well and curling up at the bottom of it, willing her feelings to reach him, but the thought of her mother finding her like that again...she couldn't bare it. Her mom had been so heartbroken, so overwhelmed with worry when she found Kagome lying at the bottom of the well, cheek pressed to the dirt and eyes seeping tears that wouldn't stop. She wouldn't do that to her again. With that thought Kagome tries to rally herself, to yank her heart away from the addicting agony of missing him and prepares to push her mind into the nothingness she utilizes to numb the pain. She had allowed herself this much and it had to be enough for now, anymore and she'd send herself into a deeply harmful depressive state.
Kagome closes her eyes and uses the well to help heave herself to stand, movements slow and body sore, feeling like her limbs are made of lead. Before she turns to leave, Kagome grips the well as fiercely as she can with both hands. A feeling of intensity overtakes her in that moment and she's unable to think of anything but:
Inuyasha, Kagome declares to the emptiness of the well, I want to see you.
What happens next astounds her. Fate smiles in glee as -- finally -- the threads of time align and pull taught. A gentle breeze smelling of sunshine and wildflowers drifts up to Kagome, it's warm fingers brushing tenderly through the hair that hangs in her face. Kagome's eyes open with an audible gasp. Her heart blossoms because there, lying at the bottom of the well, is a cerulean sky -- a few wispy clouds floating lazily by. The sound of birds singing echoes up to her and suddenly, the Bone Eater's well bursts to life. Kagome is embraced by the energy of the well like an old friend as it resurrects in silent sparkling splendor around her. It soaks into her skin, her soul, filling her with hope instead of sorrow. It's pure life, and it beckons to her with such surety that it breaks Kagome's heart.
Her mother's voice forces a sharp exhale out of Kagome, she hadn't realized she'd been holding her breath. Kagome can't look away from the impossible sky below her though, she's frozen in shock and wrestles with the possibility that this isn't a dream. She's had so many that happened just like this. Kagome...Kagome doesn't dare to hope...
"What's wrong?" Mrs. Higurashi asks as she makes her way down the stairs and comes to a stop behind Kagome, concern strangling the usual softness of her tone into an unsure waver.
"Mom," Is all Kagome is capable of saying, and it comes out in a hoarse terrified whisper.
Kagome hears her mother give a small gasp of disbelief, before Mrs. Higurashi steps up close beside her daughter and peers down the well too.
"The sky," Kagome hushes, still unable to fully accept what's happening but slowly becoming afraid that this will all be ripped from her. Again.  
A gentle hand wraps around her shoulders and pulls Kagome back from the ledge. Kagome lets her mother do this, lets herself lean into her mother's warmth in the face of all this crushing possibility.
"Mom I," Are the shaky words Kagome tries to preface her departure with, not sure what to even say -- lost in how she's meant to articulate the avalanche of emotion she's feeling. Because even if this is a dream she can't bare to wait any longer, she needs to know if...if maybe the well heard her and is by some miracle answering her prayers.
Mrs. Higurashi turns Kagome around to face her, hands soft as they frame her daughter's shoulders.
"Kagome," Her mother says her name and it holds all the world in it, Kagome looks up and is immediately swept away by the love in her mom's eyes. Mrs. Higurashi smiles at her then -- kind eyes closing on tears that are beginning to fall, and Kagome nearly collapses, "I understand."  
With a sob Kagome embraces her mother for the last time.
"Tell Sota and Grandpa that I love them," Kagome murmurs in a rush.
Her mother only squeezes her tighter and nods. They shake in each other's arms for another breath before both pulling away.
"I am so proud of you Kagome," Mrs. Higurashi says, voice trembling with emotion but warm, always so warm.
"I love you Mama," Kagome responds as tears begin to swell in her eyes.
"Give this to him for me," Her mother requests as she takes Kagome's face in her hands, and leans in close to press a searing kiss to her forehead.
"Oh Mama," Kagome weeps as her mother's love wraps around her heart and fills her with a kind of joy she hasn't felt in years.  
Mrs. Higurashi leans back a little and uses her thumbs to wipe the wetness off of Kagome's cheeks.
"Tell him that I love him, that I've always seen him as a son, and that I am proud to have him be apart of our family."
Kagome deteriorates into a watery mess as the sentiments her mother just shared wash over her. Wordlessly, Mrs. Higurashi helps her daughter climb up onto the lip of the well before they simply stare for a moment, taking each other in one more time. Then her mother bestows her one last parting gift.
"Live Kagome," Her mom hushes, fierce happiness triumphant in her voice, as she releases her daughter's hands and watches as she turns to leap down the well, body disappearing from sight moments later.
Goodbye Mama, Kagome calls back as she sinks into time.
Kagome relishes the sensations traveling through the well give her -- a fierce nostalgia gripping her chest at the bursts of cobalt light, the galactic vastness watching her fall past, the light at the bottom of the well welcoming her home...
When she lands on solid ground a part of her fears so intensely that she's still in her time, that she refuses to open her eyes. What if she were to look up and see her mother staring down at her? Kagome hesitates for a moment, eyes closed, standing so still, terrified that this isn't real, and then something throbs in her chest --
She feels him, feels his youki hurtling towards her and suddenly, Kagome is no longer afraid.
Kagome opens her eyes and squints at the sky above her, the breeze she felt earlier encouraging her towards her future. She makes it about three fourths of the way up the well when she hears him. The pounding of his feet against the earth as he races closer, his aura a brilliant thriving thing that feels like the sun against her skin. Kagome smiles through tears of insurmountable joy as a shadow passes over her. She tilts her head back and finds a familiar silhouette bending over the ledge of the well. The figure is still for a moment, as if frozen in utter disbelief, before a clawed hand reaches down to her and with a shuttering exhale, Kagome takes it. Inuyasha hauls her up into the light and suddenly, he's in front of her -- he's real. His silver hair, his ears, his red haori, those eyes of molten gold that stare up at her with nothing less than his very soul bared for her to see. Kagome observes such belonging in him, such love, and it completes her.
"Inuyasha," She says his name, says it just for him, and he inhales, "I'm so sorry, were you waiting here for me?"
Inuyasha's expression shifts and Kagome gasps softly at the chaos he's trying to contain, but then he says her name. Says it just for her.
A wet laugh escapes her lips at the sound of his voice, at how she used to long to hear him say her name, just like that.
"Inuyasha," Kagome murmurs again just because she can as her fingers play with the ends of his forelocks, eyes jumping all over his face trying to take in every part of him at once.
Unable to help herself, Kagome wraps both arms around his neck, relishing in the feel of his hair threading through her fingers, and presses her lips to his with a sigh. Inuyasha remains still for a moment, like his brain is one beat behind, before he clutches her to him so hard her lungs squeeze in her chest. Kagome doesn't care, in fact she doesn't feel like they're close enough. She wants to crawl her way into him and stay there forever, never to be separated again. The kiss feels like coming home, and it makes the part of her that sat empty for the past three years steadily fill. Inuyasha's lips are slightly chapped, she notes, and he kisses her like she's the only kind of devastation he'd willingly submit to. Impossibly, her love for him deepens further. Kagome pulls back with a gasp, trying to catch her breath as Inuyasha carefully sets her down on the ground, their lips brushing while the two of them tremble in the wake of such sweeping passion.
"Kagome," Inuyasha whispers her name again, like its the only word he knows, and dives back down to reclaim her lips.
She lets a soft noise shake loose from her chest when he tilts his head to deepen the kiss, his claws snagging on the material of her cardigan as he holds her close. Kagome feels a fang nip at her lower lip and, smiling into the kiss, she happily opens up for him. When their tongues meet, Inuyasha's hands raise to cup both sides of her jaw, mindful of his claws near such delicate skin. With something between a groan and a growl, he breaks their kiss to turn her head to the side, smoothing one reverent hand down the exposed length of her neck. Her heart beat picks up when in one long inhale, Inuyasha traces his nose in a steady line from her collarbone up to the patch of skin just below her ear. He makes a tender noise then, nearly a whine, and without preamble presses his face firmly into the arch of her neck, taking deep unhurried breaths through his nose. Kagome leaves one hand wrapped around the bulk of his shoulders, but brings the other one up to hold the back of his head in place against her. One of his ears flicks against her cheek and in a moment of raw delight, a giggle bubbles up from her throat as does a fresh wave of tears. Inuyasha flattens the offending ear against his skull but Kagome remains undeterred and drops a sweet kiss on to the delicate appendage, the soft fur tickling her lips a little. She holds him even closer as he melts against her at the intimate display of affection.
Oh kami she'd missed him so much.  
It takes a second for the two of them to come back down to earth, but the call of Shippo's voice encourages Kagome to turn towards the sound of approaching footsteps. Inuyasha makes a firm noise against the skin of her neck -- a warning, like he wasn't ready to let her go yet. He tenses when she ignores him and stiffens even further as Shippo continues to barrel closer. In the span of a heartbeat Inuyasha has Kagome behind him and lets a true growl rip from his throat. Kagome startles against his back, realizing belatedly that he'd just threatened Shippo.
"Inuyasha?" Kagome's words come out sounding like an odd mix of admonishment and worry.
Shippo looks genuinely shocked at being challenged with such a territorial threat display, having slid to an abrupt halt at Inuyasha's feet. Inuyasha comes back to himself after a few beats, brain catching up with his instincts, and his aggression falters.
"Slowly," Inuyasha grinds out as he steps to the side to allow Kagome to come forward, working furiously to relax his muscles.
Respecting Inuyasha's warning, Shippo moves very carefully towards Kagome, though he only manages to take two steps before Kagome is crashing to her knees and hauling him into her arms.
"Shippo!" She cries and Shippo immediately starts bawling.
The young kitsune grabs tuffs of her hair in his tiny fists and smashes his face into her neck, repeating her name over and over again unable to help himself. Inuyasha stiffens again at this, but grits his teeth against the instinct to tear the runt clean out of Kagome's arms. She wouldn't like that, and honestly neither would Inuyasha, he knows how much Kagome means to Shippo.
What's wrong with me?
"You, you made it back!" Sango bursts as her and Miroku catch up and come to a stop a few feet in front of them, kids in tow.
"It's been much too long Kagome!" Miroku calls in absolute astonishment.
"Miroku, Sango!" Kagome all but weeps as she rises from the ground, Shippo still held tight in her arms, and rushes to embrace them.
Inuyasha feels that angry tug in his gut again at the idea of so many scents polluting Kagome's skin so soon after getting her back, but the larger part of him can only smile as he watches his woman hug Sango then Miroku -- mindful of the kids in their arms and murmuring little 'hello's to them as well. He can smell the depth of their rapture as they all rejoice Kagome's return. It puts Inuyasha's heart into a state of profound contentment, and he realizes then that he's never felt this way before. Who knew anticipation could be a good feeling? Because damn was he ready to experience every single tomorrow with Kagome by his side.
The rest of the afternoon is spent celebrating. Kagome reunites with Kaede, the elder priestess nearly speechless with elation at seeing Kagome push aside the noren of her hut. To Kagome's surprise Rin is also there, the young girl delighted by Kagome's return as well, and hadn't hesitated to gush about how lonely Inuyasha was without her. Inuyasha had only shrugged at this, not denying it but still sent a betrayed glare Rin's way as color rose high on his cheeks. Kagome is welcomed back by the people of the village too, townsfolk she'd gotten to know during her time collecting jewel shards being especially pleased to see her, though they knew not where she'd gone. Kagome and Inuyasha stuck to each other like glue through it all, unwilling to part for even a moment. No one blamed them.
At one point Kagome started to panic because she had to pee of all things, and the thought of loosing sight of her hanyou if only for a minute terrified her. The fear that this was a dream kept gnawing at her, and the possibility that this could all be taken away at any moment made Kagome feel physically ill. She'd held it in as long as she could before walking nearly knock-kneed to relieve herself. It turned out Kagome needn't have worried at all because without a word Inuyasha had followed her, giving her true privacy for only as long as it took to empty her bladder before he was within her sights again. Kagome had blushed furiously when it occurred to her that him being so close while she used the bathroom probably meant that he could...smell it. When she tried to shoo him away he only stared at her, firmly shaking his head no once, and waited. After Kagome had finished she'd made her way back over to Inuyasha, feeling incredibly sheepish about the whole situation. The moment she was close enough though he'd pulled her into a desperate hug and whispered,
"Please bare with me Kagome, I-I can't..." He'd trailed off but Kagome was already hugging him back, refusing to let go. She understood.
They shared a grand feast with Sango and Miroku that evening, Kagome using the time to properly acquaint herself with their children. Shippo sat in her lap for most of the meal, and its as she stared at her friends -- her family, that Kagome realized that she'd been given something truly precious and everything in her vowed to never let it go. This was more than she could have ever hoped for, and the fear that this was temporary strangled her multiple times throughout the reunion. But Inuyasha was always right there beside her, and having him close ended up being the only way to ease the worst of her anxiety. After everyone finished their food and caught up on each other's lives as much as they could in one sitting (the serious questions being left for tomorrow), the pair said their goodbyes for the night. Shippo had fought to retire with Inuyasha and Kagome, but was stilled by Miroku's hand on his small shoulder. Kagome embraced Shippo before delivering a soft peck to his cheek, letting him nuzzle back for a beat or two more before promising to come back first thing in the morning.
Now Kagome and her hanyou are getting settled in a hut the villagers had built for Inuyasha that's set on the outskirts of the village. It's quite obvious to Kagome from the state of the place that Inuyasha hardly uses it, though she knows how lonely he gets by himself and she figures he probably spends most of his time with Sango and Miroku who live more centrally to the village. Inuyasha's hut is mounted at the peak of a sloping hill, the tallest in the surrounding area besides the shrine itself. At first she wondered if the villagers meant to ostracize Inuyasha by putting his hut so far from everyone else's, but as they reach the hill's zenith, she realizes it isn't a sign of disrespect but quite the opposite. The vista from his home has views of the entire village and even overlooks a decent portion of the forest. On the opposite side of the hut, miles of stunning countryside sprawls under the hazy light of the setting sun all the way to the horizon. Inuyasha would be able to spot danger days before it arrived, or gain minutes to whole hours of advantage if the threat was a youkai. The villagers aren't keeping him at a distance, they're treating him like their Lord, giving him the highest ground, the most control over the land -- trusting that he will use it to protect them. It makes Kagome's heart clench with raging pride.
"It's beautiful," Kagome finds herself murmuring as they stand side by side overlooking the village together, the wind shifting their hair about their shoulders.
"Yeah," Inuyasha says, sounding distracted.
His tone makes Kagome shift her gaze over to him but she finds that he's already staring at her. Before he would have turned away with a blush and started spouting some blistering nonsense in order to cover up the fact that he'd been caught, but now he lets himself look. It makes something in Kagome's lower stomach go tight. They take each other in for what feels like a bracketed infinity, the moment sacred somehow, and neither of them are willing to break it. Inuyasha takes a step closer and reaches his clawed hands down to gently collect her smaller ones. He brings her hands up to his chest, cradling them there, not once looking away from Kagome's eyes.
"I promise I'll protect you with my life." Inuyasha declares, his voice low and quiet and meant only for her.
Kagome takes an uneven inhale and her heart skips a beat as she realizes he's repeating the same vow he gave to her in her room the night her family was away at the hot springs all those years ago. It hits her then how utterly hers Inuyasha is, how devoted to her he was in the past and how he has remained that way since. It's his way of telling her nothing has changed. Inuyasha watches this epiphany play out on Kagome's face and his expression softens around the steadiness of his gaze.
"I will allow nothing to take you from me again, and I will never leave your side."
Shuddering in the wake of his oath, Kagome shuffles closer to him and finally says what she's always regretted never telling him directly.  
"I love you Inuyasha," She watches as his pupils drag wide at her confession, "You will always have me, and I will happily spend the rest of my life with you to prove that."
Inuyasha slowly lowers his head until their foreheads touch through the hair of their bangs, his eyes closing as he takes a deep breath in through his nose. Kagome feels a wave of peace come over her then that she finds she's quite content to drown in. She stays like that with him for another moment before pulling away just enough to catch his eye.
"My mother," Kagome hushes and Inuyasha instantly stills, "She asked me to give this to you."
Exactly as her mom did, Kagome extracts her hands from Inuyasha's and reaches for his face, fingers tender as they slide against the warm skin of his jaw. Panic flits across Inuyasha's features then, startled at being handled like he was something precious, and realizing he's horrifically unprepared for whatever is about to come next. Kagome's smile is nothing but fond as she tilts his head down enough so that she's able to lean in and deliver her mother's kiss to his forehead. Inuyasha's hands come up to wrap around her forearms, not to move her away but, Kagome suspects, just to have something to hold on to. His ears flatten under the gravity of the gesture. Kagome closes her eyes and remains there for another beat, before pulling away and lifting his face back up only to touch the tip of her nose to his.
"She also wanted me to tell you that she loves you," She murmurs.
Inuyasha releases a wet sounding exhale and attempts to move away -- overwhelmed by the rawness of all of this, but Kagome holds his face firm and presses on, wanting desperately for him to hear the rest because he deserves to know.
"She said she has always seen you as a son, and is proud to consider you family."
"Kagome," Inuyasha begs, his voice a wobbling mess as he nuzzles closer in defeat, unable to stand the depth of Mrs. Higurashi's gift to him.
After a long moment of them just breathing, he shifts his head and quietly slots their lips together. He releases his grip on her forearms so he can snake his arms around her middle, hands wrapping as far across her back as possible, before pulling her flush against him. Inuyasha keeps the kiss chaste -- utterly humbled. Kagome can only imagine what this must mean to him, and she hazards her mother must have known too.
They stay joined under the warm evening sky as the stars begin to shine through dusk's heavy golden canopy. The sun finally sinks all the way under the horizon, having delayed itself in order to cast as much light as possible onto the pair standing atop the hill -- presenting fate's masterful work to the heavens. A sudden gust of wind picks up around them, and it causes the two to sway a little. Hands clutching tight, lips molding softly, and hair floating around their heads as if submerged in deep water, they know nothing in that moment except each other.
Somewhere far beyond this world, a priestess -- no, an ordinary woman, looks down on Inuyasha and Kagome and smiles.
Kagome arranges the light summer quilt Sango lent her over the futon set in the back corner of Inuyasha's hut. She would have to do something (many somethings) in order to make this place livable. A shy glee erupts in her chest at the thought of decorating it, organizing a home for both her and Inuyasha to live in felt surreal to consider even in her own head. She used to daydream about this kind of thing, the fact that she finally gets to fulfill her fantasy -- that it's her life now, takes her breath away.
"Inuyasha?" She calls once she's finished fussing with the quilt, folding one corner down, ready to get into bed.
The hut is dark, the night outside is still, and the fireplace remains unlit so they don't overheat. Kagome tries to swallow the fear cloying up her throat. Ever since she spent a small eternity trapped in endless darkness with the Jewel of Four Souls, she finds she can no longer stand to be alone in the dark. Back in her time, it had to be either her mom, Sota, or Buyo sleeping beside her each night or she wouldn't be able to get any rest at best, and at worst she would descend into an anxiety attack. It wasn't until her grandfather had suggested installing a night light that she was finally able to brave the long nights alone, though she still prefers to have a warm body to cuddle. It was in moments like those that she'd longed for Shippo the most. Once she'd been able to sleep on her own she had the nightmares to contend with, and those always left her feeling as close to true panic as she'd felt when facing Naraku. There are no night lights in the Feudal Era, but Kagome figures she'll be okay as long as she has Inuyasha with her.
"Inuyasha?" Kagome says again, this time unable to keep the quiver of fear out of her voice.
In an instant she feels a rush of air hit her as he drops to a crouch beside her, like he'd bolted to her from across the room.
"Kagome? What's wrong?"
She melts into him and he accepts her weight against his chest easily, strong arms shifting forward to box her in.
"Where were you?" Kagome hopes she doesn't sound as small as she feels.
Inuyasha stills against her for a beat before wrapping his arms around her completely, securing her in his embrace. Kagome accepts this improvement with a grateful sigh.
"Just checking the window." He pauses, then very carefully, asks, "Is...are you alright?"
He sounds worried, crap.
Kagome feels a stab of guilt for freaking him out.
"I'm fine," Kagome assures quickly, "Just, um, I-I'm ready for bed."
Cringing internally, Kagome wonders if that was convincing enough. With that sharp nose of his, she hopes he doesn't pick up on her lingering (but quickly diminishing) fear. How on earth could she convince him to sleep on the futon with her? Surely he won't object? Not after everything that happened between them today?
"Okay, well, I'll uh see you in the morning then," Inuyasha stutters as he begins to untangle himself from her and pull away --
Kagome's panic skyrockets, and before she can say or do anything, Inuyasha must smell the spike in her fear because he immediately winds himself back around her body.
"Woah hey," He hushes, becoming even more alarmed as Kagome all but crawls into his lap.
"I-I can't be alone, at night," Kagome struggles to explain as she takes shelter in his renewed embrace, "The darkness it --,"
She cuts herself off when she feels Inuyasha pillow his cheek against the soft hair at the top of her head.
"I'll hold you till you fall asleep then," He promises in a soft voice, as soft as she's ever heard him speak.
She can feel his words vibrate through his chest, and it calms her nerves some. Kagome wants to argue, wants to push for more -- sleep beside me, hold me all night -- but she doesn't. He doesn't seem to want that, even after promising her he'd never leave her side. Kagome's anxiety gets the better of her and it seals her lips shut. She settles in the circle of his arms and is resolved to be satisfied with this, at least for now, knowing she's much too shaken to negotiate with him tonight. Kagome knows without a shadow of a doubt that she'll wake up the moment he sets her down on the futon, but she doesn't tell him that. Hopefully she can fake being asleep well enough to fool his hanyou senses, and hopefully the knowledge that he's nearby will be enough to stop her from having a full blown episode. If she can hang on till the early hours of the morning, maybe the fragile rays of first light will be enough to cling to. Kagome can admit to herself that she won't be able to maintain this routine for long, but she hopes it lasts until she's plucked up the courage to ask Inuyasha, point blank and without room for misinterpretation, to share her bed.
Inuyasha knew he wouldn't be getting any sleep tonight, no way would he risk making Kagome vulnerable to any kind of attack so soon after getting her back. His instincts wouldn't have allowed for any other course of action, and on this front Inuyasha is in rare agreement with his youkai half. But he doesn't expect Kagome to share the same determination. He'd panicked earlier when he smelled how fast and how sharply her fear had spiked. Inuyasha vowed to himself at that moment to never allow her to feel that way in his presence again, not if he could help it. She had held on to him so fiercely, and still is even after hours of being in the safety of his arms. Its like she's afraid he'll leave again. This knowledge makes something in his chest shatter and his gut ache. Unable to stop himself, he rubs his cheek where it rests against the top of her head and takes a deep inhale, letting her scent soothe him. Each time he hears her heartbeat slow and she starts to drift off, he waits a few minutes before trying to lay her down on the futon. Without fail though she's yanked back from sleep every time, as if his touch is vital in order for her to rest. A part of him relishes in this level of dependency on him, his youkai half preening at the fact that his mate --
Inuyasha grunts and stands, unwilling to entertain any thoughts about that, and makes his way swiftly out of the hut and into the mild night. He's careful not to jostle Kagome in his arms too much as he lowers into a measured crouch, and launches himself into the air towards the roof. Landing effortlessly on the balls of his feet, Inuyasha pauses as Kagome sighs in her sleep and twists her fists tighter into the material of his han-juban. Inuyasha blushes to himself thinking about how he had all but tripped out of the hut earlier when Kagome started changing out of her day clothes and into a yukata Sango had lent her in front of him.
With a firm shake of his head he banishes that particular train of thought from his mind, and lowers himself down to sit on the angled roof. After a minute of cautious shifting, he gives up and lies flat on his back, arranging Kagome's sleep-pliant body so she's tucked snuggly between his arm and his side. He tells himself this is different than sleeping on the futon with her, that this isn't breaking any 'rules of propriety' Kagome used to always yell at him about.
Screw it, he thinks, if I get sat for this in the morning it will have been worth it.
Inuyasha tries not to think about how much he sounded like Miroku just now, and grumbles under his breath about stupid delinquent monks and confusing female sensibilities.  
The stars are a dizzying pattern above him, the moon is a sliver in the sky, and Kagome is curled safely into his side with her cheek squished against his chest while one of her leanly muscled arms has thrown itself securely across his waist -- Inuyasha couldn't feel more at peace if he tried. Everything is as it should be. He hasn't felt rightness like this since...well, since Kagome left three years ago. A cool evening breeze floats over them then, shooing away the insistent press of the summer heat, and kisses their temples before moving on. Inuyasha lazily picks apart the different scents the wind carried -- sap from the trees in the forest, ash from the chimneys in the village, wet earth from the banks of the nearby river...he lets it all wash over him, one sensation at a time. He remembers Kagome caught him doing this once years ago, and when she'd asked him about it he'd told her it was kind of like how humans count sheep when trying to fall asleep. A self-soothing exercise is what she concluded it was similar too. Inuyasha didn't elaborate that the habit was an old one he'd developed during his childhood. Back when he was too weak to fight any of the youkai that hunted him, he'd find somewhere to hide and rock himself in time with his breaths, carefully combing through the scents in the air until he was sure the threat had passed. There had been a brief pause before Kagome asked what he could smell, no judgment or disgust, just innocent curiosity and a hint of fascination simmering in the umber of her eyes. No one had ever asked him about his sense of smell like that before. Inuyasha's heart had clenched in his chest, and it does so now as the memory unfolds before him only this time without the promise of pain. Reliving cherished moments of his time with Kagome used to only bring him anguish, but now...
Inuyasha turns his face into Kagome's hairline that's level with his nose, flares his nostrils, and proceeds to take a sleepy inhale. Her scent shoots straight up into his head and a sensation that feels bizarrely like dizziness makes his skull feel light, and his mind feel like its floating. Inuyasha attempts to turn away once the moment passes, but his body refuses to comply. Instead, before he really knows what he's doing, Inuyasha finds himself nosing down her forehead, over the bridge of her nose, past her slightly parted lips, and under her jaw. Kagome mutters something unintelligible in her sleep in response to all of his tender nudging (Inuyasha resolutely ignores the way it makes all of his insides go soft), but ultimately allows her chin to be directed up, exposing her neck to him. Something in Inuyasha flares hot at the action, and he's instantly compelled to guide his nose into the notch of skin between her neck and her jaw. This is what he'd been searching for.
Safe, something inhuman in his head rumbles, only here is safe.
Inuyasha couldn't agree more, Kagome had always been ineffable to him. He had known Kagome by her scent before he'd known her by her features, it's what first caught his attention when Kikyo's spell keeping him pinned to Goshinboku started to falter. Inuyasha hadn't realized it then, but he'd belonged to Kagome the moment she'd told him her name. Inuyasha smiles like a complete love-struck idiot as he remembers the way she had puffed out her chest and demanded that he say her name right.
Ka - Go - Me!
He allows himself to continue grinning like a fool against the skin of her neck because no one's around to mock him for it, and because it feels good to be happy. He's happy --
"Inuyasha..." Kagome suddenly hums, his name on her lips the sweetest thing he'll ever hear.
Inuyasha pulls his face back just far enough to take in her expression, and something glorious surges in him when he finds that she's smiling in her sleep.
Phew that was hella soft lol, lemme know what you thought down in the comments below if you'd like! I embellished certain moments a little bit to make them more dramatic bc i couldn't help myself, i hope you didn't mind! Tbh it felt so good to write inukag, like im not gonna lie, I grew up watching the show and it feels a little like coming home to get into these characters' heads. Ok I'm gonna go continue my re-watch of the show now xxx
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