#Sirius x rabastan
gildy-locks · 21 days
I spent so long on this but eh @jamespotterbbg here it is.
586 words,
Sirius loved Rabastan. Fully, unequivocally he figured. He didn’t know how it happened but it did.
Rabastan was kind to him, less cold than usual. He accepted the change. And he wasn’t too bad looking.
And he hadn’t even counted how long it was until the test came back.
Pregnant. He, Sirius Black, was pregnant.
And he didn’t know how to tell Rabastan.
Every idea his brain came up with, was immediately shot down.
He took potions to hide it, and to help the sick feeling, he hadn’t realized how bad it was.
He was only able to hide it for so long until Rabastan found out.
“We’re having a kid?” He had walked in one day while Sirius was writing a letter, a letter to himself.
Sirius froze and turned around,” Rab-“ he began before seeing the smile at the edge of Rabastan’s lips as he inched forward and grabbed Sirius’ kids,
“You’re really?” He asked,” Are you sure? Oh, Merlin, we have a kid.”
He looked happy and who was Sirius to bring it down with anxiety as he nodded and brought Rabastan closer for a kiss.
To a third party, it would seem like a hot moment, two people fighting for control, pushing and pulling at each other.
But to them, it was intimate. It was pure love.
“I love you,” Sirius whispered letting his head fall against Rabastan’s. It was the first time he had said it but he felt like it was necessary.
Rabastan stayed quiet taking in the words,” Black, I don’t think I could-“
“I love you.”He watched Rabastan grow a lovely red and smiled as his partner opened his mouth to speak before closing it again.
“I will always love you and you’re gonna let me love you okay?”
Rabastan had a beautiful smile, Sirius just had to note. It wasn’t big, and it showed no teeth. It was hidden blurred into his features. But his eyes shined and crinkled. He looked absolutely lovely. He had the need to make him smile more.
“Oh, we’re going to have a kid.” Rabastan repeated, melting into the stars,” We could name him L- we’re going to have to go by tradition aren’t we?”
“Corvus.” Sirius agreed,” It’s really the only choice.”
Rabastan nodded and smiled again,” our own kid. Who would he look like?”
The answer came a year later. Corvus looked like Sirius, Rabastan thanked each God he could think of, with Rabastan’s eyes. Sirius had made a point of that.
Sirius had visited Lily the year after, she had a lovely child. Harry. He looked like a mini James. Quite a lovely pair he had to admit.
Lily had been awfully sweet. He wondered how she was, considering the war.
“I wonder how Rodolphus is doing,” Rabastan voiced aloud, “He and Bella seem to get along.”
Sirius raised an eyebrow but made no comment, watching Rabatsan as he got stuck in his own head.
Rabatsan did that often and would get lost in thoughts. Sirius never really knew what happened in there but he knew it was somewhere he wanted to visit. He wanted to know every part of Rabastan, every secret. He fell back into the bed with a soft smile, the reminder came flooding through his brain. Every question he had and everything he wanted to know, he was able to find out. Because Sirius loved Rabastan. Fully, unequivocally he figured. He didn’t know how it happened but he never regretted a second of it.
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daily-hp-shitposts · 2 years
Sirius: Never have I ever had a threesome
*Bellatrix, Andromeda, Narcissa & Regulus take a shot*
Sirius: Wait, what the fuck
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hprarepairfest · 7 months
Rare Pair Fest IV Works - Day 16
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Pansy and the Lestrange's getting some time in the sun today!
~ Title: Nothing, Something, Everything and Many Author: thefrenchpress Ship: Neville Longbottom/Pansy Parkinson Prompt: #346 Rating: E Word Count: 17244 Warnings: Implied/Referenced sexual assault Summary:
In her youth, Pansy was never given any impression she couldn't have whatever it was she wanted. When her rude awakening arrives, she struggles to come to terms with the idea that this was never true to begin with, and that some secrets will come out no matter how closely they are guarded.
Title: The Badger and ther Bird Author: @arwrites Ship: Pansy Parkinson/Percy Weasley Prompt: #63 Rating: E Word Count: 10,245 Warnings: smut, lots of smut, Summary:
Percy and Pansy are both lawyers on opposing counsel defending what they believe in, JOKES FOR ALL. They need stress relief somehow.
Title: Being her Good Boy Author: @berserkerrose Ship: Bellatrix Black Lestrange/Rodolphus Lestrange Prompt: #308 Rating: E Word Count: 1228 Warnings: None Summary:
Bellatrix and Rodolphus try a BDSM scene for the first time.
Title: Secrets I Have Held In My Heart (Are Harder To Hide Than I Thought) Author: @caitiewantstobeavadakedavrad Ship: Sirius Black/Rabastan Lestrange Prompt: 355 Rating: E Word Count: 1379 Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Summary:
Bellatrix’s wedding is bound to be a hellish event; good thing Sirius has Rabastan to keep him entertained
See the whole collection HERE!
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marvol0 · 7 months
OUTSIDER (5) || Rabastan Lestrange WTM
Series Synopsis: When the truth comes out about the future inside the walls of Hogwarts, on the first night back in 1977, what will happen for those involved with the chaos that ensued?
Secrets outed, Lies revealed and true intentions determined
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Pairing: Rabastan Lestrange x Fem!Regulus Black
Notes: Angst ;)
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"𝐓𝐇𝐀𝐓 𝐖𝐀𝐒 𝐅𝐔𝐂𝐊𝐈𝐍𝐆 𝐀𝐖𝐒𝐎𝐌𝐄." Evan Rosier muttered staring at his godson in wonder, Barty Crouch Jr was leaning forward next to him nodding along. Soon the silence was once again broken by Narcissa Black, soon to be Malfoy, snorting out a laugh.
Her eyes widened, hand coming to cover her face. "I am so-" She was cut off by herself bursting into a fit of giggles, the rest of the hall soon joining her. The Black family were trying their best to keep a straight face, Walburga was not one of their favourites, that's for sure.
Regulus was dressed in a long-sleaved black dress, her hair cascading in waves over her shoulders, a pendant sat on her chest.
"Kreature." Her unusually sullen voice called out, a pop sounded before a wrinkly elf with floppy ears appeared, he to had a look of dread of his face.
"Is it just me or does he look more manic than usual?" Barty asked wandering what his best friend was doing.
The people who had met said elf nodded in agreement.
"Miss Regulus, are you ready to leave?" Kreature asked in his usual gravily voice. The youngest Black nodded taking his long-fingered hand in her own.
The scene changed, moving across rabid waters until it landed on a jagged rock. Regulus stood tall, her loyal house elf stood timid next to her dress which was waving in the heavy wind. The young woman's cheeks and lips rosy from the biting cold, hair wetting in the spitting downpour.
Rabastan turned to his long term girlfriend, voice a whisper, "You look like a warrior, Darling." Regulus blushed slightly in response, lowering her head onto his shoulder.
A mix of reactions came from the residents of the castles hall, those who knew the girl wandering what she was doing on a random rock in the middle of nowhere.
She turned towards Kreature after taking a deep breath, squeezing his hand slightly to show she was ready to carry on her journey. A wave hammered down onto the now empty rock showing they had moved on to her final destination.
Regulus had caught on to was was happening and pulled her sons body close to her, trying to comfort him or maybe she was trying to comfort herself? Atlas gladly hung onto his mother also catching on.
"A blood payment is needed, Miss." The elf offered as they walked to a damp rock wall. Pulling out the had crafted dagger her cousin had gifted her for her tenth birthday, she slowly slit her palm placing it on the wall quickly as to not waste her precious blood.
"You still have it?" Bella questioned happy that her gift was of use.
"Of course Bella." Regulus replied. Arcturus Black, the lord of House Black, spoke up next "I do hope you know what you are doing, Regulus, blood payments are nothing to take lightly."
The girl turned to face the aging man, "I do, grandfather." Arcturus had always been closest to his youngest grandchild and judging by the determined look in her eyes, he knew she had already been planning for whatever was about to happen.
Debris started to fall from the wall that was slowly moving to the side, a damp, dark cave with shards of crystal hanging from the top was revealed. Regulus moved inside, determination in her every movement unlike her house elf who hesitantly followed his Misstress.
After a calm boat ride to a small island in the middle of the cave, the young woman stood in front of a crystal basen, the reflection painted on the deadly liquid inside mocking her.
"Take the letters to them for me, Kreature." Muttered the teen girl. The elf stared at her sadly, that was all he could do as he had tried for nights on end to stop this from happening but there was no stopping a Black family member from something they have their mind set on.
"Regulus, if whatever is happening is what I think will happen, I will kill you myself." Narcissa warned, she to had caught the look Arcturus did, her baby cousin knew what was happening. She only hoped it wouldn't end as she thought it would.
"What are you doing, Love?" Rabastan asked the girl, an uneasy feeling setting in his stomach. She only looked at him sadly, pecking his lips and holding him tighter.
Atlas and the rest of the future generation shared a look, they knew where this place was and how much this would help them in the future. But they were here to change that, they would make sure she survived and her life story saved from ending so soon.
She took a shell from the ground scooping up some of the mixture, downing it and taking another. She successfully drank all of the potion before the pain hit, waves of it mixed with her nightmares was enough for her to finally brake down.
She fell to the floor "Please!" she screamed out for help even though she knew nobody would come to her rescue.
At the same time Sirius had tears rushing down his cheeks, he hated seeing his baby sister in pain, its why he had endured his time under the Cruciatus Curse given by his mother.
Rabastan and her friends were no different, cheeks wet from their salty waterfalls.
Kreature stumbled over, unlatching the pendent from around her neck, replacing the one in the basen with it. He patted her head comfortingly before apparating away feeling dreadful about leaving his little Miss.
Regulus crawled as best as she could to the side of the island, all she wanted was a drop of water to sooth the burning encasing her body.
As she reached out, a bony hand suddenly latched onto her leg from behind, dragging her from the waters ledge in front of her to the one behind. Her hands were covered in scratch marks from her failed tries to hang on to the jagged floor.
"NO! Please no, no, no!" She screamed. "Sirius! Please, I'm sorry, I am so sorry!" She continued, please filling the echoing cave as she continued to be dragged by the Inferi.
Sirius Black let out a sob, 'sorry, sorry, I'm so sorry Reggie I shouldn't have left you.' he was whispering to himself becoming maniacal. Remus and James were trying their best to sooth him but they to had tears in their eyes as well as the entire Great Hall.
Rabastan shoved his head into the crook of Regulus' neck hiding his sobs from the staring eyes, Barty and Evan were clung onto her legs eyes stuck on the screen, unable to look away.
"Rab, Please! Evan, Barty!" she continued, soon she was hanging onto the ledge of the island. 
"I Dont Want To Die Anymore!"
The cave fell silent, the echoing words lingering in the air.
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hxuse-xf-black · 2 years
Regulus, upon seeing Snape:
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Druella after Andromeda turns down Rabastan's proposal to be with Ted:
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Sirius & James when McGonagall enters the room:
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Sirius, during a strategy meeting:
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Bellatrix, to a random happy couple:
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Andromeda, about blood purity:
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Bellatrix before killing someone:
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nauticalparamour · 12 days
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Chapter Seven
"Just how exactly did you manage to weasel your way into my family?" Sirius wondered out loud, looking at her with his head cocked to one side. "Are you the ugly step-sister that my mother was forced to take in because my father stepped out on her?"
"I don't think she's ugly," the pudgy wizard behind Sirius said, apparently unable to help himself.
Hermione bit the inside of her cheek to stop from shouting out that he was a terrible rat who betrayed his friends. Honestly, if Hermione didn't know who Peter Pettigrew was, she doubted that she would think much of anything about the ordinary boy.
"Shut up, Peter," James hissed, the first thing that he said.
Ha, Hermione thought to herself, some Head Boy he was turning out to be. He was meant to be a good example, welcoming, well behaved. But, it seemed that he couldn't reign in his best friend even for a second if he was on a tear. And the way he talked to his own friend, well. Hermione wasn't too surprised to see that there were cracks in the Marauders friendships.
"Does it really matter?" Hermione asked, finally. "How I came to be in your family — the family that you left behind, mind you — is irrelevant because I'm not going anywhere."
[FFN] [AO3]
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dovrt · 1 year
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// Which friend group or ships do you want me to include in my headcanons and incorrect quotes? Multishipping is obviously the way here so just let me know if there is any ship I haven’t already posted about (nor I have in mind since there are other ships I am going to include) and I will make sure to include them in future posts.
Just make sure at least one or 2 person in the ship (polycules are very welcome as well) is a Slytherin since this is a Slytherins centered blog.//
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mundrakan · 6 months
Lifelong Obsession
You know me. You know every thirst period I reliably produce something that may or may not be a bit on the dead dovey side. That may or may not include Sirius. You know it is likely a rare pair. And you aren't wrong.
In celebration of things -
Rabastan gets something he always wanted.
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in-flvx · 1 year
Remus: people keep saying that I'm bad at identifying red flags
Sirius: *making out with rabastan*
Remus: but that's not true
Sirius: *winks at him*
Remus: I just happen to find them kind of sexy ~
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chaoticmultifandom28 · 10 months
Interesting behind the scenes for my fanfic #1:
I’m choosing to have Rabastan as part of the Slytherin skittles instead of Dorcas because the Lestrange brothers are essential for my future plans for my fanfic, when I get to that part I will go into more detail about my reasoning, I just didn’t want to spoil anything.
Dorcas will be in my fanfic though because I love her. Idk if I’ll do her justice though. But she won’t be slytherin because idk why she’s in Slytherin these days (she was part of the Order and considering JK Rowling had a beef against slytherins [except andromeda] I doubt she’d like a slytherin in the order unless it was Snape) and also because she won’t be a skittle I want to put her in hufflepuff with Alice because we need more badass hufflepuffs
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regulusblock · 2 years
password? pureblood.
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nightlysaint · 1 year
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“Are you really all right? You can tell me, you know. You could tell me if—you know, if you aren’t interested in being a Death Eater, anymore.”
Sirius and Rabastan from None So Vile by hsvh
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siriusly-sapphic · 1 year
What is your absolute favorite ship?
Shipping Asks!
This has been a struggle to answer lmao I'm terribly indecisive and my brain immediately went "favourite in which way though" so bear with me on this ramble.
Going by numbers, sirius/narcissa is my most written about ship. Out of the like 89 fics on my AO3, 21 of them are sirius/narcissa and I have like three more WIPs for them going on too. I also love them, so they're for sure a contender. Cissamione is next by numbers, but while I often write them I'm? surprisingly not very invested? It's confusing.
But then also, there's a lot of ships that I absolutely love, but that require such a specific set of headcanons and background that it's hard to produce content for that isn't a long fic? For example, I absolutely adore Rabastan/Narcissa or Alphard/Rodolphus and they're on my mind SO often, but they're harder to write for because my headcanons for them have become so convoluted and so depended on my own OCs (and @stonecoldhedwig's) dying lmao. So in a oneshot it often feels like infodumping a bunch, and I'm just kinda bad at writing longer fics that I already know most people won't be interested in. So I create a lot less for them, but I love them.
Then there are ships like Parvati/Lavender and Cho/Fleur that? I love them so dearly, but I'm just not that invested in creating for them because the things I like writing most are not things I want to do to them. (I don't love writing pure fluff, but I don't want to hurt them lmao).
I think all together, I love any Narcissa ship that doesn't include Severus Snape or a family member more closely related than a first cousin. I adore her with Sirius, but I'm also writing multichapter fics for her and Dorcas and her and Pandora, and I love her with Rabastan and Remus and Mrs Zabini and Hermione and Pansy and also Alecto?
By numbers, it's sirius/narcissa, all around, it's sirius/narcissa, parvati/lavender, and also simply narcissa/nearly anyone she wants.
My favourite ship is "narcissa/questionable decisions", maybe.
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mitsuki91 · 2 years
I think no one fully understood that I don't care if my ships are problematic. I don't care if you think is not okay. I ship for me and me only.
I can explain why I like the things I like but I don't have to justify myself for you.
You don't like something? Don't interact whit that thing 🤷 It's a "you" problem, not mine. I'm too old for the shipwars - but, I admit, I enjoy myself and your broken logic, lol.
If you think you can "win" an argument about my otp I'm sorry for you. I don't flame up with indignation or the need to explain to you or some other things you think that might happen - you really think that I cry myself out and say sorry and maybe beat myself for my sins? LOL. You are delusional.
I ship what I want.
I ship Severus Snape and Lily Luna Potter. I ship also plenty of other ships: right now, for example, I ship James/Sirius/Lily, yes, the three of them. I shipped Severus/Lily in the past. I shipped obscure things like Rita Skeeter/Rabastan Lestrange, and not so obscure but problematic ships like Gellert Grindelwald/Ariana Silente. Heck, I write about plenty of problematic stuff, age gap between two consent adult is not even a thing, I write for example about rape, violence, silly disturbing stuff like lemon Dobby/sock. You really think I care about your opinion? Lol.
The point is: is fictional. It doesn't exist. That cannot harm you in any way. I rate my stuff, I put trigger warning, I do all the right thing. If you don't like it... Stay away. For you, not for me. I don't care.
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aliciasora · 8 months
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