#Red python demon
wuzhiqi-enj0yer · 1 year
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I redesigned her
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the-monkey-ruler · 1 year
Dream Journey 6 Heavenly Dog (2019) 大梦西游6天尨神犬
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Director: Zhou Jiawen
Screenwriter: Song Zheng / Li Rou
Starring: He Yutong / Ye Lingchen / Liu Zhen / Chen Jing / Sun Guohao / Wang Weide / Wang Ziwen
Genre: Fantasy / Time Travel / Fantasy / Myth
Country/Region of Production: Mainland China
Language: Mandarin Chinese
Date: 2019 (Mainland China)
Duration: 90 minutes
Also known as: Dragon God Dog
Type: Reimagining
In order to prevent Sun Wukong from wreaking havoc in the Heavenly Court, Erlang Sheng, Yang Jian had a vicious fight with him at the South Heavenly Gate. The two fought in the dark, the God Dog, Xiaotian, roared to help Yang Jian’s fight, but both fell into the mortal world with Monkey King. The mortal girl lost her life to save Xiaotian, and Xiaotian voluntarily fell into the underworld again, enduring the pain of hell fire tempered for thousands of years and endless reincarnation. After going through 300 reincarnations, Xiaotian finally managed to save the reincarnated mortal girl Xuerou in this life, but he also sacrificed his life. Afterwards, Xiaotian returned to the underworld, this time he was sent to control the demon office.
Source: http://chinesemov.com/2019/Dream-Journey-6.html
Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YVhCLvIkEj0&ab_channel=%E5%8D%8E%E7%AD%96%E5%BD%B1%E8%A7%86%E9%9D%92%E6%98%A5%E5%89%A7%E5%9C%BAHUACEGLOBALFUN
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spoonsand · 28 days
Dutch- disposable fruity flavoured (mango) vapes, Duolingo
Hosea- rollerblading, old VHS movies, The Sound of Music, ear studs, small hoops, and ear cuffs
Arthur- LED strip lights, therapy, The Joy of Painting
John- Ax body spray, deodorant, those little arm floaties little kids wear in the pool
Mary-Beth- Lego flowers, The Notebook, Pinterest
Tilly- Easter egg hunts, making slime, slumber parties
Karen- Tube/crop tops, jean shorts, weightlifting
Sean- make your own mead kits, TikTok, “kiss me in Irish”, SUNSCREEN
Abigail- AirTags (she would put one on little Jack), Roasting marshmallows, Crime shows/courtroom dramas, Man! I Feel like a woman! By Shania Twain
Uncle- recliner chairs, dog sledding, Wheel of Fortune, Crosswords
Susan- Dark nail polish, cats(I’m 100% sure she’d own either a black cat or a tortishell that would sit on her lap/shoulder), dishwashers
Kieran- Creep by Radiohead, Tv shows about veterinarians, friendship bracelets (with Arthur)
Reverend Swanson- Support groups, The Robert Langdon series (especially Inferno, Angels & Demons), communion wine
Javier- Cards Against Humanity, online sheet music, ear gauges
Molly- Champaign toast anything from bath and bodywork’s, naval AND lip piercing, SUNSCREEN
Bill-sexy firefighter calendars, Grindr, Bumbl, all the dating apps, apples dipped in caramel, jolly ranchers
Charles- IMessage games (mini golf and battleship in particular), those long distance ‘thinking of you bracelets’, 90’s sitcoms
Lenny- The Carpenters, cologne to make him seem grown up, head pats
Trelawney- Harry Houdini, 50-60s movies, smoke bombs, dramatic flares
Strauss- a soul, Nigerian Prince scams, telemarketing
Sadie- gyms, self defence classes, the free Britany movement
Micah- staying in the strawberry jail, toothbrush + paste, good posture
Pearson- small businesses, handmade gifts, trying TikTok recipes
Annabelle- Gwen Stefani, sequins, Fast and the Furious
Jack (young)- The Backyardagains, cocomelon, a little toy train
Jack (epilogue)- Monty Python, skateboarding, swimming
Bessie- Bette Midler look a like contests, growing old, brown eyeliner, SUNSCREEN
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sparrowrye · 3 months
Alastor x Fem! Reader {soulmates} Part 2
Synopsis: soulmate AU where you have the same mark on your body as your soulmate, and if your soulmate dies you also die. Alastor needs to make sure that his soulmate is safe so he can continue his reign - whatever that takes.
Part 2 summary: Escape is futile
Part Pilot
"And the winner is Python!"
I turned my head from the bloody sight. I had brutally murdered an innocent fighter like myself. But I had to do it. It was my only chance out of here and they were far too mentally gone to even have a chance at a normal life.
I pushed myself up on one foot and limped to the gate. The crowd above roared my fighter name and bets were being collected. My master picked me up and looked down at my injured foot. Usually a head collar was strapped on to keep me from using magic against him, but he had recently gotten more comfortable without it.
I flicked my wrist behind his back. The sweat from my forehead jumped off and sliced through his throat. He dropped me and fell, clutching his throat. I scrambled to my feet and bolted around the cages containing my brothers and sisters in fighting. I ran past the unknowing guard at the gate and into the crowd.
I could taste the sweet taste of freedom beyond those fences. All I had to do was hide in the woods until dawn. It was easy. The crowd didn't know what was happening and people often tried to run out on a poor bet. No one would interfere.
Except one.
Rope wrapped around my throat and snapped my head backwards. The force slammed my back into the cold ground. I coughed violently as I pulled the rope loose. Spit fell out of my lips as I looked up. Standing on the other end of the rope was Striker, a Full mage who liked to terrify others with his illusionist demonic appearance.
He pulled on the rope and it tightened again. I slipped my hand under it and tried to dig my chin between my neck and it. He pulled even tighter, rougher, and pulled me forward, forcing me to fall on my stomach. I sent wind and dirt but he casted a shield of around himself.
I looked to the side and pretended to lift something. His glance was all I needed. I leaned forward and pulled the rope over my head. I barely made two steps before something caught my foot. I tried to pull that one off but the ropes kept coming. My neck, my shoulder, my wrist, and my knee. I flailed and threw every magic I could at his ropes. Yet it did nothing. A Slight hand was no match for a Full mage.
Henchmen appeared and pulled the ropes in different directions. It was mere seconds to have me completely immobile on the cold ground. Striker stepped inches from my face before kneeling down and grabbing my chin. He lifted the rope around my neck at the same time, painfully contorting my neck in what felt like a 90 degree angle.
"Looks like you're mine now, sweetheart," he purred, "'til the day you die." He let go of my head and my face slammed down into the pavement.
I jerked my head up from the pillow with a yelp. I found myself in an old, dusty room with sunlight streaming in from the window. I sat up and examined every inch of the room. How the hell did I get here?
I tried to think past the nightmare but was met with a mental block. Who's house was this? Why am I here? When did I change into a white gown? Who's bed is this?
I put my feet on the cold carpet and padded over to the window. I looked out at a wide open sea and a sheer cliff-face. That's when it connected. I had evaded the worse fighter master for five years and landed right in the claws of the Radio Demon.
A light knock came at the door. I dove into the corner and put my hand up, ready to cast at a moment's notice. But the person who entered wasn't the Radio Demon, but a different one. He resembled a combination of a cat and bird, his entire body covered in gray and white fur and his wings a gorgeous bright red. He had a black top hat sitting between his ears.
"You're awake," he said, "Good. Your clothes are in the wardrobe. Alastor wants to speak with you before he leaves so hurry up." He shut the door.
My neck hairs bristled at being told what to do. I didn't waste five years of freedom to be told what to do again solely because my soul happened to be bound to the worse Full mage of the century.
Yet there was nothing I could do.
I opened the wardrobe to find old dresses that looked like they were from the 1930s. Maybe the 40s or 50s? They were old, that much was obvious. Not my style, either.
Now he's dressing me.
I swallowed hard and picked a long skirt and button down. I locked myself in the bathroom, grateful that it had a lock, and quickly dressed. The sink had a bowl of water in it which told me this old house didn't have working pipes.
I gently splashed my eyes with the ice cold water to wake myself up. I found an old brush in one of the drawers and brushed out my messy hair. It had taken nearly three years to really understand how to take care of this hair. I had grown it out after escaping the rings to make myself more unnoticeable.
I let out a sigh. I closed my eyes and took a moment to ready myself for the next encounter with the mage. He couldn't kill me. He would kill himself in the process. If he tried to keep my in a cage like the others a little self harm should do the trick. I had options. I could handle this. I had handled worse. Right?
Outside the room wasn't much better off. The floorboards caved under my weight and spewed dust up in my face. I sneezed a few times on my way down, careful not to touch anything in case it disintegrated upon contact.
The staircase to the foyer was tight and narrow. I could clearly see the deep purple and dark brown accents of the house now. It didn't exactly look pretty. Though I couldn't imagine much thought was put into any part of this old house.
I turned at the last step to find my soulmate standing by the cold fire. He seemed to be looking at something before he spun to face me. His eyes looked me from head to toe and back again. My fingers tightened into a fist subconsciously.
"Mm, it'll do." I bristled at the comment but he crossed the living room in seconds to stand in front of me. I took a step back. "How did you sleep?"
"Come sit, I have much to tell you before I leave." He stepped to the side and gestured to the room. His other hand was behind his back holding his cane; the cane that made me feel like I was always being watched with the creepy little eye on it.
I looked up at his red eyes before forcing myself to walk into the room and sit on one of the hideous old chairs. He sat on the other one on the opposite side of the fireplace and crossed his legs elegantly. I crossed my ankles and put my hands in my lap. I hated dresses but I had watched enough women and explored the internet enough to know how to sit 'properly'. He seemed like the type to correct me on manners.
"I'll make this simple since I have places to be," he started, "My rules are very simple. Rule number one, you're not to leave the premises. You have until the tree-line before you're considered off this property. Rule number two, you can go anywhere in the house except for my room and office. They're beside each other on the second floor. Don't worry, they're locked so you can't mistake them for another room." His eyes narrowed a tad. "Rule number three, don't bother me. You can do anything you like, request nearly anything from Husker, but do not disturb me."
"May I ask a question?" I ventured. My head was tilted down a little and my eyes glared up at him.
"Yes you may." He laid his cane on his lap.
"If you want nothing to do with me, why the hell are you keeping me here?"
"Silly girl," he chuckled, "I told you last night. I need not worry about my soulmate dying in wasteful ring fights. If you die, I die. Not to mention, if people discovered we were connected you would undoubtedly find yourself against very powerful mages that could kill you in half a second." I gritted my teeth, unsure of how to respond. "And as I said last night, you should be grateful that I'm providing you with a safe haven."
"A safe haven that's about to collapse?" I remarked, looking around at the dusty boards and picking at the old ratted chair.
"Well," he laughed, "if you're bored you could always fix up the place."
"Can't you do that with your oh-so-powerful magic?"
"I have more important things to use my magic on. Besides, your Slight magic should be enough to fix up the things you need." I was about to argue when he abruptly stood up. "Well, I must be going now. I do hope I won't have to remind you of my rules. They are rather simple and easy to follow. Good day." He didn't bother to use the door, disappearing into the shadows and melting into the floor.
I stared at where he had disappeared for a long moment. My eyes then trailed around the room, examining its every inch. It was quiet. Too quiet.
Boards creaked and I looked over to see Husker appearing from the hallway. "I'm sorry to hear that you have a shitty soulmate," he said, sounding genuinely apologetic.
"I never believed in soulmates, really." I stood up to walk over to him. We looked roughly the same height until I got closer and discovered to be a few inches taller. "Is there a reason why you're...here? With him?"
"I'm under Alastor's service for an extended period of time," he answered, turning back down the hallway. I followed him through the narrow entryway and came to an old kitchen. "He told me I'm to fulfill most of your requests."
"Why do you listen to him?"
"For my own reasons," he growled, "I'm not about to let you run off, if that's what you're trying to get at. He can't kill you but he can kill me, and he will if I let you run off."
"Right." I quietly left the room to explore the rest of the house. Next to the kitchen was the dinning room. It was full of random old furniture that looked like someone had dumped the insides of a victorian home here. It circled back to the staircase and sitting room. On the other side of the sitting room was a library study. The books looked like they were nests for spiders, moths, and bookworms.
Upstairs had another sitting room but was mostly filled with old bedrooms and bathrooms. I quickly discovered which rooms belonged to Alastor. Directly across from 'my' bedroom were two locked doors side by side. So long as he came and went at early or late hours of the day, I could avoid him easy.
Escaping shouldn't be hard, though. A pang of guilt went through me as I thought of Husker having to deal with the repercussions. He was obviously a Full mage if he could conjure up a demonic illusion like that. Though what for while he was here, I'm not sure. Perhaps a scare tactic. I shook the thought from my head. I had killed people with my bare hands on the concept of "Me or them". This would be no different.
"Say," I found Husker drinking something in the kitchen, "could we fix the pipes so we can have running water?"
Husker shrugged. "Sure. You want to help?" The side glance his black eyes made me want to incline.
Outside had a cool, ocean breeze crossing the field. I instantly found the tree line Alastor spoke of. The first challenge of escaping would be crossing the field. There was nothing to hide behind or use for a shield. I had to buy time to cross the field and take shelter in the dense trees.
Husker went to the side of the house where an old well stood a few paces from it. He put his hands on the ground and seemed to search through the earth. A moment later he snapped his black eyes open and looked up at me.
"Clean out the well and dig further down until you reach water." He said as he pointed to the stoned circle. I stood on the side that put it between me and Husker. I had heard too many tales of people losing their life to a deep well.
Husker fixed the pipes underground and through the house while I fixed the source. I knew my next request to him was to allow me more clothes that fit my style. And more pants. I kept quiet until the brown water turned into pristine, clear running water from all the faucets.
I dried my hands on my dress in the kitchen and asked, "How did you know I had magic?"
"Alastor told me."
"I've also seen you in the fight rings before."
"You what?" I bristled.
"Relax," he grabbed the same bottle from the counter, "I wasn't a master or anything. I was running the bets and gambling." That didn't make me feel any better. How could he just let them keep those fights going? His appearance gave me my answer.
So I changed the subject. "How would you suggest I ask you for different clothes? These aren't exactly right for me." I looked down at the elongated skirt.
He let out a sigh and pulled out a phone. My heart quickened. "Find what you're looking for and screenshot what you want. Then tell me your size."
"You know, that's not exactly how sizes for women work," I tried. "One size in one store could be very different than another."
"Then pick one store and tell me what sizes," he replied. My heart dropped and I took the phone from him.
I gave myself a week before my first escape attempt. I had to know Alastor's schedule and Husker's routine. I also need to ensure they weren't bracing for my first attempt. A week should be long enough, surely.
Alastor left in the mornings before or right at dawn and returned at some point well after dusk. Husker preferred to be in the living room or on the outside porch drinking alcohol. I guessed that he had some kind of magic that kept the effects of alcohol to a minimum so he could still keep an eye on me. I made it a habit to join him on the porch most of the time, reading the one book I could think of off the top of my head for him to get.
Alastor had made two more rules since my arrival. Well, one official rule and one implicit. The explicit one was no unsupervised internet access. No phone, no computer, nothing. I had no connection to the outside world.
The implicit rule was my clothing style. Any 'modern' clothing that was even close to being considered immodest disappeared from my wardrobe the next day. This meant he was keeping a close eye on me despite his rules to keep as much distance between the two of us as possible. I had to be careful. I didn't know what type of magic he was using and if he could see me at any point.
But I was ready.
It was a blue evening, the setting sun hidden behind a raincloud. The rain hadn't quite reached us yet but the strong gusts were moving the clouds closer and closer. As much as I didn't want to escape on a rainy night, it was the best chance I had. Muddy conditions and rain made it difficult to see and operate in. For most people. Most likely for Full mages who were used to having everything handed to them on a plate thanks to their power.
Husker had just finished another one of his whiskey bottles and went inside for another. I whispered an apology as the door closed and I stood up from my chair. I used my magic to push against the wood from underneath so they didn't creak. I jumped the stairs and as soon as my feet hit the grass I ran.
I pushed wind against my back to help carry me across the field. My heart pounded in my ears as I reached the tree line and disappeared behind the closest large tree. I sank to the ground and peaked around the tree. I didn't see Husker yet.
I turned and ran further into the forest. The wind from the storm made it easy to maneuver through the dense forest. I had no idea where the closest town or city was but I needed to put as much distance between me and the house as possible.
There was no notion of time as I kept running. My legs burned and chest hurt but I didn't dare stop until I could barely stand. I pushed through the pain and veered off to the side, hoping they would search in the other direction. The rain had started and trees bent against the strong winds, pushing back as best they could. I took this as my cue to find a hiding spot until the storm cleared up.
I picked one of the trees and started pulling up the dirt and roots. I would dig myself a little burrow and wait out the storm. The wind pulled aggressively on my clothes and hair. It felt incredibly strong for a storm and it made my blood run cold. I frantically looked around in search of the bright red of Alastor's coat or Husker's wings. This wasn't natural wind. This was from magic. They were searching for me.
The trees practically uprooted themselves as the wind pushed against them, opening the forest floor to the sky for a moment. I briefly saw Husker's red wings in the sky before the trees cut my line of sight. I dove to the side before the trees opened again. I felt like a field mouse running from a coyote in the field grass.
Husker dropped through the canopy and locked eyes with me. He curled his claws inward and the tree branches reached for me. I pushed against them with wind and snaked through their reaches. I stayed as close to the ground as I possibly could. I needed someplace to defend, somewhere that he couldn't reach me. The forest was proving to be a horrible idea.
Wind and fire were my best friends as I evaded and burned the branches that grabbed at me. Husker went back to the skies and attempted to create a wall with the trees. A branch caught my foot and dragged me towards its trunk. I opened the earth near it and pulled its roots up. I used the storm and pushed the tree all the way down. I jumped into the ditch and pulled the roots back over me, partially covering me from the sky. Husker flapped overhead, arms crossed.
I dug into the earth and filled it up behind me. The further down I went the farther I was from the reach of the trees. Several times he tried to catch me with the roots but he couldn't see me anymore. I had broken his line of sight. That's how you defeat a Full mage, I realized. If the mage couldn't see you, then they didn't know what they were doing.
I picked a random direction and started tunneling again. I didn't get far, though, as I realized my great fault. I had filled most of the earth behind me and it cut off my airway. It was freezing this far down and I was lacking oxygen. I was suffocating. I was already sweating and exhausted but not I was truly fighting for my life.
Praying that they were digging after me in the original spot, I start tunneling back up. Going up was far easier than going down but I was already exhausted, physically, mentally, and magically. I had to take several stops, struggling to breathe.
After what felt like an hour, I reached tree roots. I grabbed hold of one and used the last of my magic strength to pull myself through the dirt. I clambered through the dirt and sucked in the fresh air. I frantically looked around, half expecting Husker to jump on me from behind. But he was nowhere in sight. The light rain had turned into a downpour but the tree I was under gave me enough shelter from it.
I looked around for several moment before collapsing against the trunk. I took deep breaths of the sweet fresh air and let the rain drops patter on my face. Had I done it? Were they digging after me or looking elsewhere for my tunnel exit? It didn't matter. I just needed a few minutes to recover.
"Well done."
My breathing caught in my throat. I looked up to see Alastor leaning against the tree staring down at me. His smile was still plastered on his face and the sarcasm was heavy. I scrambled to my feet and backed away from him.
"I must say I'm impressed that you managed to evade Husker but I'm sorely disappointed that you can't follow simple instructions." He was leaning forward enough this he was at my eye level and creeping towards me.
“I'm disappointed you thought I would just stay put like a pet," I returned with heavy breathing. I was so tired. I didn't know if I had the energy to run from him.
He chuckled at my retort. "I knew you would attempt to run. You watched my schedule. You knew I wouldn't be back until later. I know exactly how your mind works."
“Do you, now?" Using my peripherals, I willed the roots from the nearest tree to uproot and wrap around his legs, making sure not to touch him yet. "Then you'll know that a cornered animal fights back until they die." I snapped the roots tightly around him. He looked down and I ran. I was so tired but desperation kept my blood boiling in all my fights.
I used the strong wind and rode it into the sky. I threw myself as high as I could and looked around. It was nothing but trees. No town, no city, no house, absolutely no sign of humanity. I was in the middle of nowhere.
I dropped into the trees and hide among the branches, eyes desperately scanning the ground. I leaned back to sit on my heels but the strength in my arm had disappeared. I lost my grip on the branch and fell backwards, hitting branches on my way down.
I landed hard on my back and felt a crack run through my spine. I sucked in a gasp of air and stared up at the gray sky. I gripped at the wet grass and tried to pull my strength back in. Alastor appeared above me a moment later, smiling down at my paralyzed body. He knelt beside my head so his ugly yellow smile came closer to my face.
"This suites you," he said, "this desperation. You're trying so hard to escape no matter what it does or if it kills you." He pushed a strand of hair out of my eyes. "Unfortunately for you, it matters to me because we share the same fate."
"Fuck you."
His smile lessened slightly. "I'll add another rule for you to follow." He grabbed my throat and hoisted me to my feet. His claws dug painfully into my skin until I could feel my blood soaking my shirt. He pushed me against a tree and leaned in close to my face. I pulled on his wrist and tried not to cough in his face. "Rule number five. Never speak to me in such a way again." He paused. "Words like that are unbefitting for a woman."
"You can..." I struggled to speak clearly, "you can...keep me here but...but I'm...but I will not play...play by your rules." My heart was racing as his grip tightened even more so. He dies if you die. He dies if you die. I repeated in my head.
He let go of me and I fell face first into the ground. I gasped and coughed up spit as I rubbed my throat. "Give it time." I saw his feet walk around to stand in front of me. "I can be very persuasive."
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talonabraxas · 3 months
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“Apollo is Helios (the Sun). Phoebus-Apollo ("the light of life and of the World") who arises out of the golden-winged cup (the sun); hence he is the sun-god par excellence. At the moment of his birth he asks for his bow to kill Python, the Demon Dragon, who attacked his mother before his birth, and whom he is divinely commissioned to destroy — like Karttikeya, who is born for the purpose of killing Taraka, the too holy and wise demon. Apollo is born on a sidereal island called Asteria — "the golden star island," the "earth which floats in the air, (better said, in the ‘space’) which is the Hindu golden Hiranyapura; "he is called the pure, a;gno;ß , Agnus Dei (the Indian Agni....), and in the primal myth he is exempt "from all sensual love" ("Book of God," p. 88). He is, therefore, a Kumâra, like Karttikeya, and as Indra was in his earlier life and biographies. Python, moreover, the "red Dragon," connects Apollo with Michael, who fights the Apocalyptic Dragon, who wants to attack the woman in child-birth (See Revelation 12), as Python attacks Apollo's mother. Can any one fail to see the identity? For the way to understand the Bible lies through Hermes, Bel, and Homer, as the way to these is through the Hindu and Chaldean religious symbols.” – Madame Blavatsky, The Secret Doctrine
Apollo Vanquishing the Serpent Python Talon Abraxas
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aspoonofsugar · 9 months
Blake's Jungle Book
The Jungle Book is Blake's secondary allusion, which is used to describe our Cat Girl's political plotline, her relationship with the White Fang and her interactions in Menagerie (her personal Jungle).
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Rudyard Kipling's The Jungle Book is a metaphor for the author's moral and political beliefs. Unluckily, these ideals are not that good, as Kipling is the author of The White Man's Burden, a famous racist poem. In short, Kipling believed it was the duty of the white man to colonize and educate the "savages" (ugh).
This philosophy appears in The Jungle Book, as well (luckily not as much and together with better themes). Now, RWBY counters this by turning Kipling's premise upside down.
Kipling's works often present the English Colonialism as positive and helpful
Blake's Jungle Book shows a discriminated minority fighting for freedom, conquering violence and helping the world
So, RWBY's Jungle Book becomes an answer to the original tale. It refuses its racism, but keeps intact the vibrating characters and the powerful themes of freedom and self-discovery.
The Jungle Book is not a novel, but rather an anthology of short stories that often have animals as protagonists. Among these, Mowgli's fables are the most famous and the focus of this meta.
So, here comes a summary of Mowgli's coming of age journey, which is told in several separated tales.
One night, a couple of wolves (in some versions Rama, the father, and Raksha, the mother) find a human cub and adopt him. They call him Mowgli (frog) because he is hairless. Still, the tiger Shere Khan wants to kill the baby. The matter is discussed at the pack's meeting, where Akela (the leader of the wolves), Baloo the bear and Bagheera the panther all defend the child. In the end, Mowgli is accepted into the group thanks to Bagheera offering a bull for him.
Mowgli grows like a wolf of the pack and lives several adventures under the mentorship of Bagheera, Baloo and later on Kaa the python. He follows the Law of the Jungle and feels part of the pack (the free people). Meanwhile, though, Akela grows weaker and Shere Khan spreads his influence among the younger wolves. He convinces them to antagonize Akela and Mowgli. One night, Akela fails to kill the prey, which means the other wolves can kill him. Shere Khan wants to use this chance to seize the position of leader and have Mowgli die. However, Mowgli steals a pot of fire (the so called red flower) to use against the tiger, has him run away and saves Akela. Still, the pack is left with no leader and Mowgli himself feels betrayed by the other wolves siding with Shere Khan. So, he leaves the jungle and goes to live with the humans.
In the human village he is adopted by a woman called Messua and starts herding the buffalos. One day, he is reached by one of his wolf brothers who warns him Shere Khan is coming to kill him. Mowgli decides to attack first and has the buffalos run over the tiger, who is stomped to death. A human hunter sees this and enters a fight with Mowgli over the tiger's skin. The hunter turns the other villagers against the boy, who is forced to leave. He goes back to the jungle, where he is now considered a king, as a result of him killing Shere Khan.
However, the humans think of Mowgli as a demon now and lash out against Messua. They have the woman and her husband tied up to be executed. Mowgli frees them and then decides to destroy the village. He asks for the elephants' help and has them stomp over all the fields. In this way, the humans are forced to relocate and the village gets engulfed by the animals and the vegetation.
Some time later, a new wolf pack is born, but they are soon threatened by the red dogs, who are very aggressive and kill everyone in their path. Mowgli decides to fight together with the wolves and asks for Kaa's advice. The python helps Mowgli lead the dogs where the bees live. The insects emerge from their nest and kill half of the group, while the other half is defeated by the wolves. In this fight, Akela finally dies and tells Mowgli to go live with the humans.
Years later in spring, Mowgli follows Akela's advice and goes to another human village, where he finds Messua again. He goes to live with her and says goodbye to the jungle. Bagheera kills a bull just like the one he offered for Mowgli's safety in the beginning. This is the panther's goodbye and he, Baloo and Kaa all bless Mowgli, as he leaves.
Mowgli's story deals with themes key to Blake's arc.
1- Freedom
Your hopes have become my burden. I will find my own liberation…
Mowgli's pack is called the free people and Blake's White Fang fights for the faunus's freedom. Not only that, but the jungle animals call each other's brothers and sisters, just like the faunus in Menagerie do.
Bagheera went on, "Open your eyes, Little Brother"
Ghira: It's your brothers and sisters.
So, both Kipling's animals and Blake's faunus explore freedom. On the one hand the jungle animals follow the Law of the Jungle and are noble and free because of it. On the other hand the faunus must decide if giving up their own morality is a price they want to pay for their liberation.
Does being free mean you chain someone else up? Or is there another path to freedom?
2- The animal/human dychotomy
Past Blake: It’s simple, really. You could just be human, or just a cat, if you wanted. Really, it’s up to you. Blake: Why would I do that? Past Blake: Like I said, it’s simple, much simpler than trying to be a bridge between Humans and Faunus. Why struggle with that responsibility?
Mowgli and Blake are both animal and human. This in itself is a double-edged sword. On the one hand they find friends and allies both among the faunus/animals and among the humans. On the other hand they sometimes feel they don't belong anywhere. This conflict is explored by them moving freely between the 2 worlds.
Mowgli goes back and forth between the jungle and the human village:
He grows in the jungle, but leaves after the fight with Shere Khan
He lives in the human village for a while, but things do not work out and he goes back to the jungle after killing the tiger
He becomes an adult in the jungle, where he grows powerful enough to lead his pack against the red dogs
He finally chooses to start a new life among humans
Blake goes back and forth between Menagerie/the White Fang and Remnant/team RWBY:
She grows with the White Fang (her pack), but chooses to leave it after Sienna Khan (Shere Khan) becomes the new leader
She lives at Beacon (the human village), where she hides among humans and tries to conform. Still, things don't work out and Adam and the White Fang (the jungle) catch up to her
She goes back to Menagerie (the jungle) and grows strong enough to lead her people (the wolves) against the White Fang (the red dogs)
She finally leaves Menagerie and the White Fang (the jungle) and starts a new life with her team (humans)
So, Blake's story can really be told through The Jungle Book. Let's see to what extent and how the faunus of Menagerie fit the jungle chatacters.
Before we start, though, here are some metas by @blue-cheeseinmyoffwhites, which explore the Jungle Book allusion:
Ilia as Mowgli
Kali as Raksha
Ghira as Bagheera
I am going to reference several ideas present in these posts, so a big thank you to the OP's contributions!
The Jungle Book starts with a disagreement between Mowgli's parental figures and Shere Khan. They fight over the future of the newfound human cub. Should he live or should he die?
This same conflict is present in RWBY, as well. It is just that here the ideological clash is not about a single human child, but rather on the human race, as a whole. Should faunus try to live peacefully with humans or should they fight them violently?
Two leaders come to opposite answers to this question.
On the one hand there is Ghira (together with his wife Kali):
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Kali and Ghira allude to all of Mowgli's parental figures, who are:
Raksha - the mother wolf who finds and adopts Mowgli
Akela - the leader of the wolf pack
Baloo - the bear who teaches the little cubs the Law of the Jungle
Bagheera - the black panther who used to live with humans
Kali is loosely based on Raksha in the sense that she alludes to the Goddess Kali, who is worshipped in some areas (like Bengal) as Raksha Kali (Kali the protector). She is also Blake's proud mama wolf (even if she is a cat :P) and is ready to do anything for her daughter's sake.
Ghira instead shares traits with all 3 of Mowgli's fathers. He is the leader of the White Fang, just like Akela is the head of the pack. He transmits his ideals of peace and equality to Blake, just like Baloo teaches Mowgli the Law of the Jungle. Finally, he is the chieftain of Menagerie, just like Bagheera used to live in the raja's menagerie. This is also why the black panther knows more about humans than the other people of the jungle. Similarly, Gheera wants to co-exist with the human race.
On the other hand there is Sienna Khan:
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Sienna obviously alludes to the tiger Shere Khan. She is a tiger faunus, who despises humans, just like Kipling's character. Moreover, her personality is on some level similar to Shere Khan's:
Sienna: I'm starting to doubt either of you fully comprehend what it is that I want. I want humanity to fear the Faunus, to know that we demand respect! I do not want to start a war with the humans that we cannot win!
Here, Sienna basically says she is not gonna start a fight she is gonna lose. This personality trait is confirmed by her semblance Grudge, which lets her grow stronger and faster when facing a weakened enemy. In short, she symbolically grows more aggressive and powerful against an opponent already on their last leg. This is similar to the tiger, as Shere Khan is famous for fighting mostly when he has the advantage.
What's important is that Ghira and Sienna's rivalry mirrors Bagheera/Akela and Shere Khan's. On the one hand Bagheera and Shere Khan are opposites ideologically. The panther respects humans, while the tiger hates them. On the other hand Akela and Shere Khan are political enemies, as they fight over the control of the wolf pack. Similarly, Ghira and Sienna embody opposite ideals and disagree on how to lead the White Fang.
In the end, the 2 characters' stories mirror those of their literary counter-parts.
Bagheera and Akela remain close to Mowgli, who keeps following their teachings. In particular, Akela loses control over the wolves, but he is saved by Mowgli who grows into a leader of his own.
Shere Khan briefly becomes the leader of the wolves, but is defeated twice. First politically, as Mowgli humiliates him in front of the wolves. Secondly physically, as he follows Mowgli to kill him, but ends up dead instead.
Likewise, Ghira gives up the leadership of the White Fang and retires. Still, he gets his daughter back and Blake becomes his political heir. Sienna instead influences the younger generation (Adam, Blake and Ilia), but is killed by Adam, who steps up as her ideological successor. Her death even combines both of Shere Khan's defeats:
Mowgli wins against the tiger by using fire, which the people of the jungle call red flower. Adam is the red flower (cursed red rose) who steals Sienna's support and organizes a coup (political death).
Mowgli kills the tiger by having the oxens run over him. Adam is the bull who stomps Sienna to death and kills her (physical death).
Ghira and Sienna leave behind two opposite political legacies, which are picked up by respectively Blake and Adam. So, the panther and tiger's ideological conflict goes on with the cat and the bull's antagonism.
Blake and Adam's conflict ties with The Jungle Book in 3 different ways:
Blake is Mowgli and Adam is Shere Khan - They fight for survival
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In The Jungle Book 2016 movie Shere Khan is blind from one eye. The tiger is said to have lost it to humans and their red flower (fire). This is very similar to Adam's backstory. He was abused by humans and lost an eye to them. As a result, he gets corrupted by a metaphorical red flower (the cursed rose), which turns him into a selfish beast. Both the tiger and Adam are blinded by their hate and are defeated because of this.
Not only that, but Adam's personality is really similar to Kipling's Shere Khan (way more than Sienna's). Both are bullies, which turn a wound (Shere Khan's injured leg and Adam's lost eye) into an excuse to hurt others. Both are short sighted and short lived leaders. Shere Khan's status as chief ends immediately because of Mowgli and Adam's command is lost because of Blake. Finally, both follow Mowgli and Blake to murder them, but are killed instead. The way Adam dies even alludes to the 2 ways Mowgli wins against the tiger:
Adam loses because of his anger blinding him, just like a crazy bull. Mowgli uses the oxens' fear and anger to lead them over Shere Khan.
Adam is defeated by Blake and Yang's combined efforts. In particular, Yang is the fire that helps Blake win against her personal Shere Khan.
So, Adam and Blake's conflict really mirrors Shere Khan and Mowgli's, with Blake gaining two big victories against the tiger/bull. The first political (at Haven) and the second physical (at Argus).
Blake is Bagheera and Adam is Shere Khan - They fight over Mowgli
Blake and Adam inherit Ghira and Sienna's philosophies. Not only that, but they make these ideals more radical:
Ghira: She's learned a lesson that evaded me until I was much older: That there is strength in forgiveness.
Adam: We're better than humans. We have everything humans have and more. Humans shouldn't just fear the Faunus, they should serve the Faunus.
Ghira admits that Blake has already surpassed him in terms of inner strength, idealism and ability to forgive. Adam claims that Sienna is not extreme enough in her grudge against humans. Humans should not only fear the faunus, but also serve them.
Blake mobilitates the faunus for peace and love, while Adam invites them to war and hate. So, what was a political disagreement for Ghira and Sienna becomes a full out fight for Blake and Adam. Once again, we have a black cat and a red beast fighting over how to deal with humanity. Symbolically this conflict becomes about one simple soul:
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Ilia can be seen as based on Mowgli, especially when it comes to her backstory and chameleon traits:
Blake: Why… why'd you join the White Fang? Ilia: Same reason as you. Blake: But… Ilia: But why fight when I pass for Human?
As Blake highlights, Ilia could pass up as human. In a sense, she is "hairless", just like Mowgli who is jokingly called by his friends "little frog". So, Ilia could easily blend in and this is at the center of her background:
Ilia: We lived in Mantle with the other Faunus working the mines. But my parents wanted something better for me. They managed to enroll me in an Atlas prep school. Imagine that - a little Faunus girl from Mantle going to the city of dreams. I felt like a princess. But I had to follow a set of rules. No bringing friends home, no talking about my parents…and absolutely, under no circumstances, was I allowed to change colors. No one could know I was a Faunus.
Ilia tries to integrate in Atlas (a human village) and perfectly follows her parents' rules (the Law of the Jungle). Still, things eventually do not work out and Ilia leaves Atlas disgusted and heartbroken:
Ilia: I lost control. Every inch of me turned blue as I wept. And suddenly all the girls that I'd laughed and played with… were scared of me. Blake: I'm sorry. Ilia: Don't be. I broke their teeth.
This story parallels and partly inverts Mowgli's. Just like the human cub, she finds herself adopted by people different from her. She feels part of the pack, but a sudden tragedy makes her realize this isn't the case. She is betrayed and leaves to go back to her people. She joins the White Fang, but finds a violent and controlling reality.
So, Ilia herself is the Mowgli Blake and Adam are symbolically fighting for. After all, she is a foil of both.
Just like Blake, Ilia is a young girl who finds herself in a toxic cult. She is confused and manipulated and can't really build up the strength to leave. Her arc also partly inverts Blake's. She starts by hiding her faunus heritage and goes on by joining a violent movement. Blake is initially a terrorist and later on covers her faunus trait. They conceal parts of themselves, both in the White Fang and among humans. Their goal is to be accepted for who they are.
Just like Adam, she is a faunus exploited by Atlas, who grows resentful towards humans because of the Kingdom's racism. They are also parallels when it comes to Blake, as they both fall in love with her. Despite their past feelings, they are also ready to hurt her. In particular, Adam comes up with the plan to kill Blake's family and Ilia takes part in it out of desperation.
In short, Ilia walks a fine line between Blake and Adam and can either turn a new leaf or spiral more:
Blake: That's what worries me about Ilia. She's not like Adam, not yet at least, but I don't know how long that will last.
Luckily, a happy ending awaits our chameleon Mowgli. The conflict between Bagheera and Shere Khan over her destiny is won by the panther and Ilia is happily adopted by the wolf pack:
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She finds a sister in Blake and new parents in the Belladonnas. This fits Mowgli's story. Even if he buries his wolf parents in their cave (just like Ilia's die in a cave in), he finds happiness and an adoptive mother in Messua (and Ilia joins Ghira and Kali).
Blake and Adam are two Mowglis - They fight over the Jungle
Mowgli is a character with a duality to him. On the one hand he is honorable, loyal to his people and he refuses to kill humans, even if they treat him poorly. On the other hand he is proud, angers easily and he destroys a village for revenge. He is both respected and feared by his peers:
Blake: We were being treated like equals. But not out of respect… out of fear.
Blake and Adam embody these 2 different sides of Mowgli.
Blake is the Mowgli who fights for her family, her wolf one (Ghira and Kali) and her human one (team RWBY). She is mistreated by both the wolf pack (White Fang) and the human village (society). Still, she doesn't give up on either:
Blake: We're not going to destroy the White Fang. We're going to take it back.
Yang: But you never gave up on them (people). Even when they hurt you. You never give up. You know what matters to you.
Adam is the Mowgli out for revenge, who doesn't forgive either the faunus (the wolves) nor the humans (the villagers). He wants to be on top and relishes his enemies' pain.
Allusion-wise, this difference plays out in the aftermath of Sienna's death, which parallels that of Shere Khan's final defeat. As a matter of fact the tiger's demise marks the beginning of Mowgli's conflict with the humans. This happens because an arrogant hunter wants to take credit for the kill, so he convinces the other villagers Mowgli is a demon.
Well, Adam comes up with a similar lie:
Adam: Give our former leader a proper burial. All who were here tonight will claim that Sienna was murdered by a human Huntsman.
He uses Sienna's death to spread hate towards the humans and the Huntsmen. Not only that, but he manipulates the people of Menagerie into believing the Belladonnas are liars and enemies of the faunus:
Ilia: The Belladonnas are the worse kind of Faunus! They want us to work with the same people that are trying to hold us down! If you truly, truly want to help your people… now is the time to support Adam, not the Belladonnas!
The result of Adam's scheme, though, is that Blake unites the Menagerie faunus (the jungle) by her side.
At the same time, Adam takes up Sienna's mantle as High Leader by killing her. This is how Mowgli gains the other animals' respect after showing them the tiger's skin. By this point, the wolf boy has the jungle antagonize the humans, just like Adam plans a full out attack on Haven.
Both Blake and Adam become the leaders of the jungle and have it advance against their enemy, like Mowgli does. It is just that Blake becomes an inspiration out of love and trust, while Adam grows into a king through hate and violence. So, their collision becomes a clash between 2 opposite ideas of jungle (faunus).
Mowgli's duality is nothing, but humanity's double nature. He can be both a god and a demon. Similarly, people can be both heroes and monsters. This juxtaposition is well conveyed through the red flower aka fire.
On the one hand the red flower gives light and warmth:
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Blake uses fire to symbolically draw Ilia into the light and force her to show her "true colors".
On the other hand fire destroys and burns:
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Blake: Humans didn't do this. We did this: Faunus. We did this to ourselves.
Blake chooses light and a loving rose who is hopeful and idealistic:
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Adam chooses destruction and a spiteful rose who consumes and burns:
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Blake and Adam's different ideologies are well conveyed through their two war songs:
This time The ways of the past we'll get over We'll climb Enlighten a new state of mind And now I'll stand with you shoulder to shoulder Out of the ashes a new flame ignite Rise up from shadows and into the light We'll stand undivided Our futures aligned A new brotherhood This time
I'm here I'm your savior I'll be lionized I am the path to reclamation This world will have no peace til our dream's realized No mercy no compassion our fate's justified Time to turn the table on who's tyrannized
Blake sings together with others. This is a recurring motif with her musical themes. After all, she sings alongside Adam, Sun, Ghira and Yang. When it comes to "This Time", though, the use of "We" shows how much Blake's community means to her. She thinks of the faunus as her brothers and sisters ("A new brotherhood") and considers them as equals ("I'll stand with you shoulder to shoulder"). She sees her pack as a political movement made of free people, ready to fight as one.
Adam sings to others instead. He presents himself as a savior and a hero, some kind of chosen one. By doing so he shows he doesn't consider the people he is supposed to fight for as equals. Everyone is below him. This feeling gets clearly exasperated with time.
He starts his own short with this:
Adam: Now - it's time we got what we deserved.
And he ends it this way:
Adam: It's time I got what I deserved.
He goes from "We" (community/brotherhood) to "I" (individual/savior).
Basically, Blake wants equality ("It's time to save our fate and walk beside the human race"), while Adam wants a new hierarchy ("Time to turn the table on who's tyrannized"):
Blake: I never wanted this! I wanted equality! I wanted peace! Adam: What you want is impossible!
Blake thinks true freedom is realized when everyone is free and equal. Adam instead believes freedom is simply imprisoning someone else.
These two mentalities tie with the idea of fighting, which is found in both Blake and Adam's rhetoric:
No way to avoid the warfare No way to escape this strife Hear now-listen to me This time retreat Spells our final defeat We must win our life
Lead them to salvation and regain our lives Behold your flaccid leaders Too weak to take the prize Replace them with a warrior It's time we mobilize
It is interesting because Blake and Ghira are seen as pacifists and even criticized for this. Adam and Sienna instead present themselves as fighters who are not scared to spill blood. And yet, the Belladonnas are the ones asking their people to fight:
Ghira: To do this, I think the answer is clear, we must go to Haven and protect it at all costs!
Adam and the White Fang instead claim they will fight in the faunus' place:
Ilia: He (Adam) will bring about the future that you deserve. And if you are unwilling to fight, know that the White Fang will do it for you!
This is addressed in Blake's speech in Menagerie:
Blake: So why are we letting Adam do it for us?! By doing nothing and staying silent, we let others speak and act in our place. And if we're not proud of the choices they make, then we have no one to blame but ourselves. This is the message that Adam Taurus will bring to the world if no one stops him. But we can stop him! (...) I understand that to ask you to leave your homes and protect Haven Academy is asking you to put your lives at risk. But that's what's at stake.
To give up one's agency to another is the opposite of freedom. Blake wants her people to be active and to choose their destiny. Adam instead is happy with them being passive, so that he can choose in their stead. Blake inspires the faunus to take their lives in their own hands, while Adam convinces them they do not really need to. Blake truly wants people to be free. Adam instead wants people to be his subjects.
These are Blake and Adam's opposite political manifestos, which are conveyed through two different flags.
Blake's flag mixes the old White Fang's symbol with a new yellow one, as there is continuity between Blake's movement and Ghira's. At the same time, white and especially yellow are two colors linked to light:
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Blake symbolically brings Adam into the light and shows his real self to the world.
Adam's flag uses a red symbol, which appears more threatening. Red is linked to blood, as his movement is way more blood-thirsty than the original White Fang:
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Adam at Beacon is surrounded by destruction and red flames.
So, Blake and Adam's emblems represent the two different sides of the "red flower". One is a flame which burns gold and sheds light. The other is a flame which burns red and spills blood.
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The White Fang's red symbol brings to mind the Red Dogs. They are an aggressive group of dogs, which antagonize Mowgli's wolf pack in the second part of the story. This allusion is hinted at also by the Albain Brothers:
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They are literally two red dogs and serve as Adam's most trusted allies.
In general, the short story Red Dogs describes Blake's conflict with Adam very well.
First of all, the war with the Red Dogs is in the second part of Mowgli's story and it marks a reconciliation between Mowgli and the wolf pack. Similarly, Blake and Adam's fight happens after Sienna's death and it ends with Blake mending her relationship with the faunus liberation movement.
Secondly, this story just perfectly fits Blake's plot-wise.
It opens with the arrival of a stranger. He is a lonely wolf (Won-Tolla), who has lost his family and a limb to the Red Dogs. He wants to fight the dogs for revenge, but advises the wolves to leave.
He loosely resembles a certain firecracker:
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I am the golden one Who burns just like the sun Next time we meet is your disaster I'll bring the punishment Your song will be lament Revenge, my happy ever after
Luckily, Yang doesn't lose her loved ones to Adam (at least not permanently), but she still gets her arm cut and swears revenge.
Mowgli refuses to leave and urges the pack to fight. He says he is no part of the pack anymore, but that he will join the wolves for this battle. This is similar to Blake's speech to the faunus. She doesn't have to help the humans. Still, she is willing to and invites the other faunus to do the same. They shouldn't run away, but fight with pride:
Now is the time you must fight for your lives The battle is on you're already inside Don't turn back now There's nowhere to hide Nowhere to build a new world Nowhere to start anew Here. Now. Is all that we've got Ready or not There's a war to be fought Only one way through
Still, the real similarities between Kipling's story and Blake's struggle are found in her final confrontation with Adam:
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Mowgli defeats the Red Dogs thanks to a well-thought plan, while Blake wins against Adam thanks to her bravery. Still, the two fights follow similar patterns.
Both Mowgli and Blake face their opponents in a forest and lead them to a rocky area above a river:
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In The Jungle Book, this is where the murderous bees have their nest. Mowgli runs quickly past them and jumps in the river, where he is helped by Kaa. The dogs are instead killed by the insects and fall in the stream, which leads the survivors to the wolf pack, ready to finish them off.
In RWBY, this bridge over a river is where the bees (Blake + Yang) kill Adam:
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Symbolically, bumblebee even falls into the water to show that it is in fact the bees' river.
There are also other similarities. For example, Mowgli cuts the leader of the dogs' tail and uses it to provoke the group and bait them towards the bees. Blake and Yang instead try to take away Adam's sword:
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And Yang uses it to lead Adam to where Blake ambushes him.
Finally, Mowgli and the Won-Tolla kill the head of the pack together:
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Sure, Won-Tolla dies, while Yang survives. Still, in both situations the emphasis is on the necessity to even the score:
You may have taken the lead but I'll even the score You won the battle you won't win the war Not now and Nevermore
Both the wolf and our golden beauty are able to pay their "blood debt" and find peace.
Kipling's story ends with Akela's death. The wolf is one of Mowgli's parental figures and his passing marks the end of the book and the beginning of Mowgli's new life. After all, he is the one who advises the boy to go back to the humans.
Similarly, Adam's death represents a new beginning for Blake, as it grants her freedom.
Nevermore Will I be afraid Nor will I run away It's behind me Freedom is finally here
Throughout her arc, Blake grows close to several faunus, who offer different takes on freedom. It is thanks to them that our cat girl finds "her own liberation".
Initially, Blake wishes for everyone to be free and equal and yet she herself is a prisoner of her own shadows:
Blake: I joined the Academy because I knew that Huntsmen and Huntresses were regarded as the most noble warriors in the world. Always fighting for good. But I never really thought past that. When I leave the Academy, what will I - how can I undo so many years of hate?
She feels obligated to solve all of the faunus' problems on her own. Basically, she is ready to free others at the cost of chaining herself.
Adam is her opposite. He wants no limitations nor boundaries and is willing to enslave others to succeed. He starts with Blake herself:
Adam: What, do you want me to just abandon our cause? Like your parents? Blake: No! I'm not saying that! I… I don't know.
He traps her in an abusive relationship with no way out.
To escape Blake needs the help of a free spirit:
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Sun alludes to the bandar-log (monkey people). They don't follow any rules, they often change their mind and they're unpredictable. This description fits our Monkey Boy to a tee. Sun is air-headed and does what he wants with no regards for rules. He is a stowaway who runs from the police and happily steals some food for him and Blake. This is similar to how Kipling's monkeys act.
It is just that in The Jungle Book these characters are framed as negative. They kidnap Mowgli and are eaten by Kaa the python. In RWBY instead, Sun is one of Blake's most trusted allies and the two of them defeat a giant snake together:
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More importantly, Sun teaches Blake about freedom:
You're free to do the things you want But listen, so am I I've made my choice And now I'm making mine
Blake is free to make her own choices, but her friends are free to make theirs. She is free to leave, but Sun is free to follow her and to help her.
This mentality eventually gets through to Blake and even helps her save Ilia:
Blake: I'm going to try and help her the way you helped me. You showed me that sometimes you need to be there for a friend even when they don't want you to be. I was drowning in guilt and fear, I tried to push you away, but you didn't give up on me. And I can't give up on Ilia. It's about time I saved my friends for once.
Ilia is really the opposite of Sun. If Sun is free and believes everyone's free, then Ilia is trapped and steals others' freedom away:
Ilia says to a tied up Blake: We all have to make sacrifices for the greater good, no matter how much it hurts. (...) I was always jealous of the way you looked at him (Adam). I wanted you to look at me that way. But we can't always get what we want!
She represents the part of Blake who is a prisoner of the past. This is why Blake eventually frees her in two different ways:
Ilia: I still don't feel like I deserve the freedom you and your family granted me.
Ilia is given both physical freedom (she isn't arrested) and mental freedom (she joins a new liberation movement).
Going back to Sun, he helps Blake free herself and others. This may be why she decides to make the new symbol of the White Fang yellow (Sun's color):
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Still, Sun's mentality is not perfect:
And his teammates already had plenty to hold over his head. He wondered when they were going to get over it. So what if Sun had gone off to do his own thing for a while? That was just the kind of guy he was; he had to go where he was needed. The gang had been back together for weeks now, but it still hadn��t blown over. Scarlet was acting bossier than usual, and Sage had been giving Sun the silent treatment. At least Neptune always had his back, but something seemed to be off with him, too, no matter how much he insisted that everything was fine.
Sun's refusal to apply any kind of obligations to both himself and others is healing for Blake, but it doesn't work for long term relationships. If you share a bond with someone, you have responsibilities toward them, like they do toward you. Sun has instead the tendency to run away from these kinds of duties. He is incredibly generous with Blake, but he also leaves his team with no warning.
His relationship with Blake is summarized by this line:
Blake: Be careful. Sun: No promises.
Sun isn't gonna ask Blake to make any promises. She can come and go as she pleases, but Sun himself can and will do the same:
Sun: I go where I'm needed!
This is very similar to how the bandar-log act. They do not follow the Law of the Jungle, which means they are not bounded by it. Still, this also means they can't build strong relationships with the other animals. Mowgli and his friends instead do follow the Law, which makes them truly free.
Sun is a great friend to Blake, but our cat girl's freedom isn't found in the absence of obligations. It lies instead in the choice to share a vow with a person ready to reciprocate it.
I made a vow I'm not alone Not dying now we're protecting our own
Mowgli's story starts and ends with a bull. Bagheera offers the wolf pack a bull for them to accept Mowgli. This means the boy is forever in debt until another bull is sacrificed. This is why when Mowgli chooses to live with humans, Bagheera kills another bull. The panther is paying the debt, so that his friend can leave the jungle and be free.
Blake's arc starts and ends with Adam, a bull faunus. She is introduced at Adam's side and with time he becomes the main obstacle between Blake and her new life. In particular, Adam reproaches Blake for breaking her promise to him:
Adam: You know, she made a promise to me once. That she'd always be at my side. Heh, and look how well she's kept it.
Like Mowgli, Blake has still a debt to pay, which is addressed and solved in Bumbleby's fight against Adam:
Yang: Did she make that promise to you? Or to the person you were pretending to be?
Yang doesn't dismiss Blake's vow to Adam, but points out it isn't valid because Adam tricked Blake and did not reciprocate her promise. In other words, the relationship between Adam and Blake is unbalanced, which makes it unhealthy.
Blake and Yang's bond is different:
Blake: She's not protecting me, Adam. And I'm not protecting her. We're protecting each other.
It is a pact of mutual trust and love.
The metaphor is very clear. Blake's promise to Adam represents their romantic bond, which needs to be cut, so that our cat girl can start a new relationship with Yang. Bumbleby vs Adam being a chemical wedding just makes this symbolism stronger.
Blake disowns her vow with Adam and takes a new one with Yang:
Blake: I have people who actually care about me, and I promised I'd never leave them again. So I'm not dying now.
Just like Mowgli pays his debt to the jungle with the death of a bull, Blake is fred by her previous vow thanks to Adam's death. In this way, Mowgli can join the other humans in spring and Blake can start her new love story with Yang in Mistral (the Kingdom of spring):
Blake: I… I am not going to break my promise, I swear.
After Adam's fall, Blake affirms her promise to Yang once again. This is Blake's wedding vows to her golden beauty.
The end result is that Blake finds freedom and a new life full of gold and light by integrating with Yang (humanity):
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At the same time, she is and will always be a faunus (a child of the jungle) and is not going to betray the spirit and ideals of her people:
Blake: A simple life wouldn’t be my life! My family, my friends, my culture. I belong to them, just as much as they belong to me. To give that all away wouldn’t be simplicity, it would be betrayal.
Just like Mowgli isn't forgetting the Law of the Jungle.
In conclusion, Blake's Jungle Book is a tale of freedom, both political and personal. Blake realizes she can't be free by imprisoning others, but also that she herself needs to be unchained to truly help people. She decides her own path as a bridge between humans and faunus and this choice itself is freedom.
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the-faramir · 10 days
Today seemed like any other day in the town square of Willowside. Townspeople milled about the shops, buying whatever foodstuffs and supplies the merchants had to sell.
Suddenly, calliope music started playing from one of the side streets. People turning to look saw a parade approaching the town square. At the forefront marched Midori, a kitsune woman with a red fox fur pattern and red hair, dressed in a green circus ringmaster's outfit complete with a green top hat. She carried a short staff resembling a stick of multicolored candy with a head resembling a snake's which she shifted up and down with the beat of the music, keeping the constituents of her parade in step.
Once the ringmaster stepped into the center of the town square, she gestured dismissively with her free hand and the entire parade faded into a green mist, leaving only Midori standing there as the calliope music continued.
She spoke with a magically amplified,  booming voice, reaching all in that part of town as if she were standing next to them.
"ANNNNNNND NOW, because we sailed all the way from Kerrick and we aim to entertain, we proudly announce tonight's performance of the only island-hoppin', xulgath-defeatin', carnivorous-plant-mulchin', demon-slayin', dinosaur-extinctin', ghost-bustin', aeon-stone-repairin', extinction-curse-liftin' circus in the Inner Sea, including THEEE VERRRY HEROESSS who brought Mistress Dusklight of the Celestial Menagerie to justice and freed those under her control: the CIRCUS OF WAYWARD WONNNNNNNDERRRRRS!"
Midori began to twirl her staff faster and faster in front of herself, finally tossing it high into the air and catching it deftly in her hands before it could hit the ground. She thrust the base of the staff into the ground, magically transforming it into a candy-striped ball python that started dancing to the music which began building dramatically as Midori prepared to sing.
Step right up, don't be shy, take a chance, Join the Circus of Wayward Wonders, be part of the dance. The ringmaster calls, with a voice so bold, "Buy your tickets now, let the marvels unfold!"
Come one, come all, to the grandest show in town, Where wonders await and smiles replace every frown. A spectacle of colors, where magic and reality blend, Axel's birds take flight, with sweets they descend.
The Dwarven Throwers, stout and brave, They soar through the air, the audience they crave. Elizia's serpents, a dance so divine, With Mr. Tickles, they twist and entwine.
Hear the music, feel the beat, in your heart, Magical Myrrie plays her part, a symphony to start. The Mystic Artists, with strokes so fine, Your dreams on canvas, in colors that shine.
In the center ring, the lights shine bright, Every act, a story, every performer a knight. The circus is more than a mere delight, It's a world of wonder, taking flight.
So gather 'round, the show's about to begin, The Circus of Wayward Wonders, where dreams spin. The ringmaster's song, a call to all who hear, "Come join the wonder, come join the cheer!"
Once the music had stopped, a few people in the square clapped politely. Midori took an over-exaggerated bow, picked up her snake, changed it back into a staff, and then meandered through the town square to sell tickets.
Surveying the crowds for potential buyers, Midori's attention caught on the brightly colored tail of...well, Midori wasn't quite sure. She—Midori initially thought the being was a "she," but rethought "perhaps 'they,' because it's better not to assume with an unknown being"—they certainly did not appear to be a local. Definitely, a sentient person of some sort as their eyes—all four—had a look of intelligence about them as they glanced about the town. They wore a humanoid-style top on their humanoid torso but had a snake-like tail similar to a nagaji's or lamia's. They also had horns, which were not unknown in the various forms of nagaji found across Golarion.
Midori sauntered over to the being to strike up a conversation. "Why hello, my good being! Not to be rude, not to make assumptions about you, but you appear to be from out of town. May I ask from where do you haii?" Midori's eyes widened as a grin crossed her face. "Are you in town for the circus? Have you heard about us in your homeland?"
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Red Character Bracket
Minor Bracket
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Hello, and welcome to the Red Character Bracket: Minor Bracket. This is how it’s gonna work- 64 contestants. Double elimination. Only one will make it out victorious. Now, for our contestants:
Apple White (Ever After High)
Hua Cheng (Heaven Official’s Blessing)
707/Saeyoung Choi (Mystic Messenger)
Matsuno Osomatsu (Osomatsu-san)
Riddle Rosehearts (Twisted Wonderland)
Opera (Welcome to Demon School! Iruma-kun)
Ikuyo Kita (Bocchi the Rock!)
Cromdo Face (Bugsnax)
Courtney (Dead End: Paranormal Park)
Char Aznable (Mobile Suit Gundam)
Alucard (Hellsing)
Anna Akagi (Kiratto Pri☆Chan)
Taiga Kagami (Kuroko's Basketball)
Tokiwa Anzai (Mewkledreamy)
Fuuta Kajiyama (MILGRAM)
Strawberry Shortcake (Strawberry Shortcake)
Ringo Akai/Mew Ringo (Tokyo Mew Mew)
Reimu Hakurei (Touhou Project)
Jibanyan (Yo-Kai Watch)
Shotaro Kaneda (Akira)
Jake Long (American Dragon: Jake Long)
Akito Takagi (BAKUMAN。)
Ruby (Battle for Dream Island)
Red Blood Cell/AE3803 (Cells at Work!)
Blast (Club Penguin)
Rosemaster (Cucumber Quest)
Honey Kisaragi/Cutie Honey (Cutie Honey)
Lilith (Darkstalkers)
Lina (DotA)
Red (Everhood)
Jack of Blades (Fable)
Wilt (Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends)
Major Motoko Kusanagi (Ghost in the Shell)
Nobuo Akagi/AkibaRed (Hikonin Sentai Akibaranger)
Ib (Ib)
Padparadscha (Land of the Lustrous)
Sally Yumeno (Sally the Witch)
ProtoMan.EXE/Blues.EXE (Mega Man Battle Network)
Dianite (Mianite)
Flain (Mixels)
The Spanish Inquisition (Monty Python's Flying Circus)
Orko (He-Man and the Masters of the Universe)
Camille Severin (Muted)
Tom Servo (Mystery Science Theater 3000)
Pop Harukaze (Ojamajo Doremi)
Scarlett (Papa Louie)
Pucca (Pucca)
Ranma Saotome (Ranma 1/2)
Benson Dunwoody (Regular Show)
Mira Hanayashiki (Sekko Boys)
Corporal Giroro (Sgt. Frog)
Kate (Shadows House)
Stereo Monovici (Space Goofs)
King Kazma (Summer Wars)
Lloyd Irving (Tales of Symphonia)
James the Red Engine (Thomas & Friends)
Captain Red Rackham (The Adventures of Tintin)
Clover Ewing (Totally Spies!)
Gold Ship (Uma Musume: Pretty Derby)
Rika Kawai (Wonder Egg Priority)
Pyra (Xenoblade Chronicles)
Yona (Yona of the Dawn)
Yugiri (Zombie Land Saga)
Polls will be posted every day at 12am EST, starting on April 2, 2023. The Major Bracket will be revealed at a later date. Good luck to all of our contestants ❤️
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thenomadclan · 9 months
Return of the Dragon
The roaring of an angry mob began to grow louder, but no one dared to step upon the sand that split them apart from 2 Enforcer Yautja’s dragging a Red & Goldish Yautja wearing bronze and wood like armor. Various trash was thrown at the young red warrior, he was brought upon the steps of Elders and Ancient as well as heads of all the Clan, one being Python the Clan Leader of his original Clan he grew up in. As the warrior known as Zan’to (Nomad) was forced to kneel, looking through his one eye that wasn’t completely swollen at the ones above him. The Ancient One lifted his hand into the air, calling for the crowd to hear him and to be silent.
Elder 1: Zan’to, you have been a proud member of the Twin Serpents (Xenomorphs) Clan, however due to further investigations…you never originated from that clan did you?
Zan’to (Nomad): ….
Python: No he hasn’t, he was a-
Ancient: -lifted his hand to silence Python-
Enforcer: You speak to your Elders when they speak to you tainted one! -he said as he then delivered a unseen punch to the swollen shut eye of Nomad)-
Zan’to (Nomad): No…I wasn’t born into the clan…I was a foundling…an orphaned pup.
Elder 2: So the reports say….we have your origins thanks to the Hish-Qu-Ten. Your father was a strong protector of the ancient forest of Hnndar, as for your mother on the other hand….she is where your problems start…from the Nomad Clan! A Huntress turned Warrior, possibly one of the best trackers and long ranged specialists…a truly dishonorable profession.
The crowd booed Nomad in disgust, spewing words like “Tainted One” , “Impure Blood” or “Hell-Spawn”. Nomad would do his best not to let it get to him, even though he knew about this history it stung to have it in the open so soon. The Elder would again raise his hand in the air to silence the masses of the others. Python only looked at Nomad with disgust with a low growl, eventually looking away.
Python: However that’s not why we are here, while we could forgive your unfortunate birth...your recent actions of trying to…reforge the Nomad Clan? A Clan that caused so much pain for everyone on this planet, that slaughtered innocent honorable lives? Why would you wish to bring an unworthy clan like that back from the hell it deserves to rot in?
Zan’to (Nomad): I guess that’s just the difference between me and those who still hold the wool over their heads want to see…Where you see something that doesn’t deserve a chance, something that’s broken and can’t be fixed….I see opportunity….I see a chance for a clan that was so powerful to successfully raid Yautja Prime and win!….having a armada that made Bad Bloods sweat from the look of their big guns…why shouldn’t we have that as a powerful ally-
???: BLASPHEMY! -Kicks Nomad in the face as he broke through the crowd-
Python: You know Nomad…when you went into Self-Exile, I knew why and I’ve always known where you came from. Remember what I told you would happen if I saw you again? That I’d have your head…on my wall as the last Nomad Clan member to HAD ever lived…kill him Soprano.
The crowd almost began to jump and tear Nomad to shreds if it wasn’t for the Enforcers, Soprano then held Nomad down with his mechanical arm forming into a blade. A war cry that shook the bones of everyone in the area was heard, looking to see a large black mass belonging to Black Momba. She was ready to start throwing and ripping Yautja’s apart, that was until it took a small army of Enforcers holding her back. They had her on the floor, begging her to stay down, not wanting to hurt her for the sheer respect they have for her, all while she cried for them to let go of her “little red”.
Soprano: We can end this here and now my Ancients to Elders. Let this traitor meet a dishonorable end, he doesn’t deserve that of a respectful warrior's death.
Ancient: ….Demon….
Elders & Soprano: What?
Ancient: DEMON! -he said pointing-
Those who looked from the Ancient to the end of his fingers direction, was a Yautja in a cloak. He walked with his head down while holding a strange stick on his hip. Enforcers that weren’t holding Black Momba tried to escort the wandering figure out of the way towards Nomad and his Judges of his life. They were quickly subdued with quick and precise strikes, leaving the Enforcers gasping for hair or completely knocked out. This quickness then got the other remaining Enforcers attention and charged the cloaked figure, to which he only stopped walking as he raised a mechanical red and gold arm in the air in the form of a fist.
The ground beneath the Enforcers began to shake as two large forces attacked them from different angles. They were grayish female gladitory warriors fending off the Enforcers, almost to the point of enjoyment while the hooded Elder walked forth towards Soprano. The Bionic Yautja growled as he turned his blade from Nomad's neck towards the hooded figure's direction, charging in despite the warnings of the Elders. Soprano readied his blade and struck with truth and justice…but the blade never tasted flesh, the figure only dodged trying to keep walking past Soprano towards Nomad.
Soprano: …d..did you just….DON'T WALK AWAY FROM ME! FIGHT ME COWARD!
The figure only kept walking till attacked again, Soprano would strike with attacks taught to him to end a fight, but was met with air or the red mechanical hand belonging to the hooded figure. This earned a growl from Soprano’s opponent, having him push Soprano away far enough for him to grab the hilt of his weapon. Soprano would again go in for a charge and just as the two met, the young warrior screamed in pain as he fell before the stranger and Soprano's mechanical arm was found a foot away from his…detached by the stranger's unsheathed Katana.
Soprano: Wha…what are you?
Hooded Stranger: ….-growled as he held his bloodied oiled Katana to Sopranos Neck similar to how he did to Nomad-
???: His name is Drago…Drago the Insane, The Red Dragon, The Demon Lord, The Oni of Aokigahara, The Boogeyman of Yautja Prime, The Nomad Clan Founder….
-Walks down past the Elders and Ancient-
…..he is the last original Leader of the Nomad Clan right?
The Hooded Figure shoved Soprano to the dirt as he walked up to meet the hulking figure, once met the figure known as “Drago” began to remove his hood to show a Oni like mask with horns and golden tusks. The Clan Leader known as Ragnarök only clicked in amusement, watching as other familiar faces surrounded Drago and Nomad.
Ragnarök: How’s that head of yours? I hope I didn’t break something important upon our first meeting, it would really explain this out of character move of yours. Then again…you got the title of “Insane” long before we ever met.
Drago: ….How’s that stomach of yours….last I checked you were holding your inners.
Ragnarök instinctively covered his stomach where a large scar still showed, Drago only held Nomad close to him for whenever someone got close they were met with Drago’s stare. The stare itself was like looking into death’s soul, causing others to back off.
Drago: As fun of a public embarrassment this was, I will take my young apprentice and leader of the Nomad Clan off this planet. This doesn’t have to be a repeat the last time I was here. -Drago said as he looked around trying to move again but felt a sharp point press against his back-
???: Unfortunately we can’t do that, like you said, the last time you were here ....was extremely a bad day….a day for redemption can be made here.
Drago: R’ka…you sure you wanna do this? I still remember our last encounter, even with your skills as a Bad Blood Bounty Hunter, you never could put me down. I spared you once…don’t make me regret it.
Growls from many sides that Drago had affected began to close in till one noticed a red dot on the Elders and Ancients, snipers from places not able to be spotted by the others.
Drago: What was that again Ragnarök? About out of character?
Ragnarök: You dishonorabl-
Drago: Don't take it personally, honor has nothing to do with it…I tried to show I was peaceful but I did need a fail-safe….this is survival of the fittest….now what I have are highly trained second generation snipers, if you think Luna (Nomads Mother) was a excellent shot…imagine 6 of them. Even if you do manage to find them and take you out, then I could always unleash the Daughters of Bruiser.
Python: He…he had daughters -looked at Black Momba who in return gave a look of amusement-
Elder: What’s your price, Bad Blood?
Drago: Let us walk out of here with my warriors and Zan’to…that’s all until I come back to finish this discussion about making the Nomad Clan an official honorbound Clan….don’t make me bring the ships in on this.
Drago growled showing how serious he was, The Elders looked up at the Ancient as he gave a nod with disgust. Python was outraged at the Elder while Drago clicked in amusement as he shoulder bumped R’ka on his way out, holding Nomad and dragging him away. All while calling “The Twins” to fall back much to their dismay.
Basher: Awwww! fight good though!
Boulder: Maybe….we….come back….then break more!
The twins talked in broken, not so high intelligence English, as they threw what almost were broken toys away. Nomad looked at Drago with one good eye, asking if he was serious about what he said back there. Drago silently chuckled, saying how he was completely bluffing and had no idea they’d actually believe it. Nomad went pale as this could have been “The Purge” all over again, as they walked away they were met by white skin with pink stripes Yautja who held 5 laser pointers.
???: Darling!
The Yautja hugged Nomad much to his dismay but mostly pain, held her back, her name was Snow or Nomad's mate. Nomad sighed in relief as he said how crazy everyone in this clan was, earning clicks of amusement from them. Black Momba waited at the ronde viewpoint seeing her little red, she rushed and hugged him tightly while also growling at Drago for putting her 3 children in danger. The Clan would bored the “Legionar” (ship name) and fly back to Earth, even with some ships following them…
To Be Continued…
Characters in Story:
• Drago (My OC / Art by @black-suns-rim )
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• Zan’to / Nomad (My & @black-suns-rim OC)
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•Boulder & Basher (My & @black-suns-rim OC)
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•Snow (@wolfsnowphoenix OC)
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•Python (@black-suns-rim OC)
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•Black Momba (@black-suns-rim OC)
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•R’ka (Owned by ChuckYT)
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•Soprano (Owned by SuperSpinoGaming from YouTube and art made by their Wife BATTERYBEAST_ on Twitter)
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(All are here goes to their respective artists)
@a-z-u-l-g @artiststarfire @araghorn07 @burninggladiatorprincess @bunnyraptor69 @captainraye @captainrayessketches @chillxxdash @daswhox @exileraptorda-goat1906437 @glitterfilledcriminal @gothikangelica @gracecelestial @kazumiabi @loser-brain @leechandoki @lunaerebus @probablyspooky @pauk-di @queenlybeastly @shaymin-99 @skadi-gemini @vinylghast @whereisxyro
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hisshiss-bitch · 3 days
just realized i never made one of these omg so
lets start with the basics:
☆ hi, my name is [redacted]* and i'm a minor, i go by she/they (demigirl), canadian, i'm pansexual and demiromantic, i use way too many emoticons and usually type in lowercase letters (for the aesthetic), and i am always so veryvery excited to meet new people on here :D ☆
*i go by a new online fake name every few months and i am currently wasting my life on baby name websites trying to find a new one. rn maybe call me ash? idk i like it
☆ fandoms: good omens | the vivzieverse | all of em studio ghibli movies (mainly howls moving castle and my neighbor totoro) | the osemanverse | pirates of the caribbean | all of those delicious tim burton films, beetlejuice especially (and the musical!) | sorta in the heathers fandom but i haven't actually watched the musical, just the soundtrack ;-; | night at the museum but only for the tiny gays lol ☆
☆ favourite books: anything by alice oseman | coraline | good omens | the book thief | percy jackson | harry potter* | honor | a good girls guide to murder | the graveyard book ☆
*not supporting jkr by any means i just am feeling torn cos i love the series but hate her views
☆ favourite movies/tv shows: howls moving castle | inside out | encanto | helluva boss | hazbin hotel | good omens | coraline | night at the museum | monty python and the holy grail | matilda | my neighbor totoro | ponyo | the harry potter series ☆
☆ favourite visual artists: @hg-aneh @cliopadra @crystallizedtwilight @dingledraw @greykolla-art @gleafer @hattersarts @honestlynotgonnalie @libbyframe @mrghostrat @marsipanart @plumbum-art @ufofrommarss | my best friend | vincent van gogh ☆
☆ favourite MUSICAL artists: girl in red | tv girl | queen | abba | bon jovi | britney spears | taylor swift | conan grey | musical soundtracks lol | beyonce | cavetown | laufey | lemon demon ☆
☆ things that make me happy: meeting new people online | doing puzzles | doomscrolling | the sound of keyboards | reading | my cat <3 | the color of bubbles ☆
anyways this is getting long, bye!
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wuzhiqi-enj0yer · 1 year
Legofacation ❤️❤️❤️
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the-monkey-ruler · 4 months
Do you think you could make a list from the strongest demon king to the weakest?
Maybe Wukong's sworn brothers other than the demon bull king wouldn't be included because we never see them fight (although I understand they fought alongside Wukong when he rebelled against heaven?)
I could only give out a rough outline since I'm not really a 'power scaler' and honestly it's hard to say if by strong you mean the most difficult or if they had powerful attacks. Most of Wukong's worst fights aren't, particularly because his enemies were physically powerful but just had a strong weapon or a single powerful attack while being a glass canon.
While Wukong's sworn brothers did join the fight against heaven, their own armies were captured. Not sure if this was to reflect Wukong's favoritism toward his own monkeys or to show how his sworn brothers were outclassed but I am not even going to try to guess.
So this will be more of a list of Wukong Most DIFFICULT fights to the easiest fights.
Hurt Wukong Trapped Wukong Fought (tie) Fought (lost) Lost without Fight Never seen Fight (inconclusive) Magic Item
Red Boy - made Wukong pass out, Guanyin subdued him, glass cannon
Scorpion Demoness - poisoned Wukong, killed by Pleiades Star Offical, glass cannon
Yellow Wind Demon - make Wukong blind, he needed Lingshan's help, glass cannon
Hundred-Eyed Demon Lord - blinded Wukong momentarily, also taken out by Star Official Pleides
Golden-Winged Great Peng - Talons overpowered Wukong, was taken out by Buddha
Silver Horned King - captured Wukong due to magic spell and has magic item, was killed later though
Single Horned Rhinoceros King - very powerful magic item used, subdued by Laozi
Yellow Brows Great King - powerful magic item and needed Maitreya Buddha help to defeat
Princess Iron Fan - blew Wukong away with magic item, he needed Lingshan's help
Golden Horned King - captured Wukong due to magic items
Six Eared Macaque - tie until Buddha gave Wukong the upper hand
Bull Demon King - impressive fight but still ran away after being overwhelmed in numbers
Yellow Robe Demon - impressive fight but Wukong still needed the 28 Star's help
Nine-Headed Insect - ran away until taken out by Erlang Shen
Black Wind King - good at escaping, needed Gaunyin's help
Great Immortal King of Spiritual Touch - Gaunyin defeated in the end
Yellow Toothed Elephant - defeated Bajie, lost to Wukong
Azure Lion / Lion-Lynx Demon - defeated Wujing, lost to Wukong
Grand Saint of Nine Spirits - Wukong had Tianzun to help
King of Dust Protection - captured Bajie and Wujing
King of Heat Protection - captured Bajie and Wujing
King of Cold Protection - captured Bajie and Wujing, was killed by Bajie
Lady Earth Flow - able to slip away, needed Nezha and King's Li's help
Great King Jupiter's Rival - had a magic item but never got a chance to use against Wukong
Tuolong Black River God - his own cousin took him out but even Wujing could fight him
Python Demon
White Bone Demon - hard to pin down but killed in one blow
Spider Demons - stole Sanzang but very easy to defeat
King of the Southern Hill
Tiger Strength Great Immortal
Elk Strength Great Immortal
Antelope Strength Immortal
White Deer Spirit
Nine-Tailed Vixen
Great King Fox Number Seven
Wansheng Dragon King
Demon King of Confusion
Dragon Demon King
Peng Demon King
Lion Demon King
Female Macaque King
Snub Nose Monkey King
Bear Mountain Lord
This is my personal take on the Demon Kings and as you can see, I did include demons that aren’t technically Demon Kings but rather the main antagonist in their arc. This also doesn't include ALL the demons or any gods or immortals that Wukong has fought with either, these are just the Demon Kings (or at least demons that are the big bad in their arcs) so there are still other antagonists that are in the book on here.
I am solely going on how the fights went in my notes and what I can remember so if you remember these fights going differently and actually want to add any details please let me know. I didn't include anything that the demons like 'claim' to have or powers or feats that they have done, just what they ACTAULLY did in the story, cause actions speak louder than words.
There could be grey area with the demons with magic items. And you could argue how easily the demons that caused Wukong the most damage were easily defeated by other gods just because they could bypass their one (1) magic spell gimic that was just giving Wukong trouble. Two of these Demon Kings were taken out by the SAME ROOSTER just because they are insect demons and roosters are their natural enemies. So take that as you will... Other demons Kings were defeated just cause their owner showed up before they could really fight too.
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puppetmaster13u · 8 months
Prompt 22?
Imagine an Animorphs-esque Batman au
 Like, either Alfred as an andalite who crash-landed on the Wayne’s property and they just kind of pack bonded with him or some other andalite crash lands at some point. Either way, Bruce ends up being allowed to touch a morphing cube after the death of his parents. Perhaps is even given it to keep hidden- the one thing he has no files on just in case. 
 So he goes off on his training trip while hiding his whole shapeshifting, seeing as he doesn’t want to get stuck in animal form. (Though who knows, magic might be able to help if he ever does.) Only practices said shapeshifting or gathering animal forms when no one else is around, trying to get down the time and changing some things before others. Bruce doesn’t really use it for Batman, except for stakeouts. Honestly, who expects a vigilante to appear when there’s no one around but the birds perching on the buildings? And flying is always freeing. 
 Now he doesn’t mean to give his Robins the same ability, it’s not his power to give in his opinion even if it’s beyond useful. Also Dick and the others would have a far easier time sneaking out before they even became his official partner and kept trying to go off for revenge. But then Dick got separated from him and got hurt, then Jason nearly got killed, then Barbara nearly couldn’t escape something, and he brings them through the twisting tunnels one by one to the cube. There’s no take backs, only two hours in each form before they need to return to their base one. He doesn’t care about keeping secret identities, as long as they stay safe and alive. 
Some Animal form ideas:
 Alfred Human (If an alien) Raven Bobcat Polar Bear
 Bruce Wolf Capybara (Comfort to his kids) Tiger Hoary Bat Unicorn (He did in fact ride one before) 
 Dick Dog (Comfort thing) Squirrel Falcon Cassowary
 Barbara Queen Snake Owl Rattlesnake Komodo Dragon
 Jason Alley Cat (Easiest to nab) Red Fox Eagle Red Kangaroo Brown Bear
 Cassandra Cat Black Bear Mouse Eared Bat Python
 Tim Owl Raccoon Bobcat Crocodile
 Stephanie Pigeon Rat Porcupine Cape Buffalo
 Duke Goose Eagle Hippo Lion
 Damian Cat Leopard Brown Bat Elephant Demon-Bat
 Jarro Human Dog Robin Blue-Ringed Octopus
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nikofortuna · 5 months
JTTW Chapter 20 Thoughts
Chapter 20 for the @journeythroughjourneytothewest Reading Group! We’re through one fifth of the story! Also CW for snakes under the cut.
Tang Sanzang repeating the Heart Sutra this much reads to me like he’s got a new hyperfixation. Which is incidentally also a vocal stress stim for him if you will.
“[D]ined on the wind and rested by the waters, who clothed themselves with the moon and cloaked themselves with the stars” quite a fancy way of saying they were out camping. Though I doubt that the flowers are gone in summer, flowers still bloom in summer merely different kinds than in spring.
“[T]here are three of us altogether.” Aren’t you forgetting someone? Say a certain white currently long-faced individual maybe?
Oh if this was a play someone should have yelled from the back “Or transformation magic!” since both of them are capable of it. Though both of them did already mention being tired from travelling, so perhaps that is why they aren’t using it more liberally. Aside of Sun Wukong not caring much about what other people think of his appearance.
Yellow Wind Ridge sounds more like it’s a mountain range instead of a singular mountain.
More animals to check out! But first something I took note of when checking the poem in the Original Chinese. When going through the animal portion of it there were a lot of characters being repeated twice, which unfortunately didn’t show at all in English. I think some of those character pairs represent the sounds the animals make since they don’t seem to have much translation into actual words, none that make sense in context anyways. That’s only a guess of mine though, I’m not entirely sure since I can only get insight from translators and this also only counts for some of them not all. For example [丫丫叉叉yā yā chā chā] which is before the deer doesn’t translate to much with Google Translate, but [盤盤曲曲pán pán qū qū] before the snake does translated to “coiled”.
Anyways the character for deer is nonspecific again, so it indeed just means a deer with antlers. Though there were definitely no antelopes mentioned, it is likely just another deer as the J. F. Jenner translation reads as well.
[紅鱗蟒Hóng lín mǎng] indeed translates to “red-scaled python” and is likely a Python Brongersmai which is native to Southeast Asia! They are short but chonky. Most variants are also called Blood Python and one is specifically called Red Blood Python!
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This here beauty is an albino!
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I don’t know which monkey could be meant here specifically as my search only came up with potential species that are not native to Asia. My best guess is that it might just be an ape with a hairless face and not actually a “white” face.
Lastly the “blue bill” mentioned in the Anthony C. Yu version does not come up in any other. It’s a little misleading as there is no bird mentioned in this bit at all. Instead it is the mountain that is being described again.
Ah yes, the way to greet people by ripping off your own skin! Well, it probably is useful to shut people up.
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I wonder what was named after what. Did the Yellow Wind Demon take up the name after his dwelling or did he name the place after himself?
The German translation brings up an interesting aspect regarding the Yellow Wind [黄風 huángfēng]. Yellow represents the middle, the spleen and thought! Citing Liu Yiming Yellow Wind here carries the meaning of erratic ‘windy’ thinking and unstable consciousness. In turn the Yellow Wind Monster stands for a ‘wrong’ kind of thought, so only after overcoming them can there be true inner peace.
More deer! Specific deer this time as well! One of them at least, the first one is just an unspecified deer with antlers again. The second however is a [香獐 xiāng zhāng] or indeed a Musk Deer! Though a Google search of the characters also brings up Chinese Water Deer, which given their similarities makes sense.
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sketching-shark · 8 months
do you have any theories about Rumble and Savage? How do you think they could appear on the show?
Like but I would love to hear your theories/ideas on Rumble and savagehear your theories/ideas on Rumble and savage
I'd like to hear your theories/ideas on Rumble and Savage.
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asdgearfwd WELL @maidenofthecloud I know these guys were only invented to sell toys and That's It, but honestly before realizing the discrepancies between the lego sets and the show itself I had been looking forward to seeing Rumble and Savage in Monkie Kid! I was excited for Macaque to fully embrace the og classic Six-Eared Macaque role and be a terrifying villain, and getting some henchmonkeys/minions/horrible little skull sons seemed to potentially be part of that. Rumble and Savage could have been a neat callback to JTTW itself too, as there LEMH used the monkeys of Mt. Huaguoshan as his personal tools to achieve his aims, and what better way to signal this descent into villainy in legoland than to show Macaque being willing to bring other yao into existence specifically to be the means to his ends? I also imagined these skull simians to potentially be a signal that not only were we going to get to see more monkey yaoguai (maybe even some members of the Mt. Huaguoshan troop), but that LEMH would later down the line get to grow outside of his violent obsession with Sun Wukong. Having some more monkey yaoguai who were tied to him but then maybe started to grow some agency and resentments of their own seemed to signal that LEMH would have to deal with the consequences of his own misdeeds instead of always getting to blame everything on Sun Wukong, and the potential character growth for both him and the skull simians seemed like a cool thing to explore. Plus @ar-blackshaw came up with this really cool theory that Rumble and Savage were potentially tied to the Red Python Demon, which got me excited that we would get to see that giant snake at some point. Oh well! As is I like the idea that you came up with the other day, so that's what happens in the version of Monkie Kid that eixsts in my mind haha.
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prophetparadox · 6 months
DMC OC Week 2023 Day 4: Likes and Dislikes
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A simple prompt, but a fun one nonetheless. Let's (mostly) ignore how much of a bastard Avalon is for this day of @dmc-oc-week-specialedition and look at the things he enjoys and doesn't enjoy! Not much else to say for this one, so let's go!
Tim Curry movies (no matter how bad they are): Ever since he was a teenager, Avalon’s had quite the attraction to the actor. No matter the quality of the movie, the genre, or even if it’s supposed to be a kid’s movie, he’ll watch it. He’s committed if nothing else. Classic rock: What can I say? He’s a fan of the classics. Blue Oyster Cult, Ozzy Osbourne, Alice Cooper, Jimi Hendrix, the list goes on. Him being middle-aged doesn’t mean his music tastes have changed after all. He probably still has his old records too, the nerd. Black coffee: There’s just something about a black cup of coffee in the morning that he can’t describe. It tastes good and can make the difference when he needs it. Dry British humor: If there’s anything that can make him laugh, it’s this. Whether it’s Monty Python or Douglas Adams or Blackadder, it manages to make him chuckle without fail. Let him enjoy it, he’s usually a very grumpy man.
Demons: I mean, this is probably obvious by now but I gotta list it. Ever since the fateful night where demons claimed his parents lives, he’s despised them completely. He wants nothing more than for demons to be eliminated entirely, hence why he’s so dedicated to their destruction. Hybrids are not exempt from this of course, as being any part demon makes one less than human to him. Covering-up the truth: Another one connected to the Red Grave incident. It infuriates him that incidents like the one he lived through would be hidden from the public. The world should know about the threat lurking behind the scenes, the people have a right to know! At least it’s harder to hide things these days, but the wounds never truly healed from that old incident. Modern tech: It’s not that he can’t figure out new computers and smartphones, he just doesn’t like them. The man still uses an old Nokia cell phone, for fuck’s sake. In his mind, a cell phone should be a phone more than anything else. He doesn’t care about all these apps and games, all he wants is to make calls and send text messages. No, he doesn’t have Uno, stop asking him! Sweets: He really doesn’t care for sweet foods. Sure, he’ll have something small every once in a while, but as a whole he’d rather not have any. He’s never been much of a fan of them, he’s always preferred bitter flavors.
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