#Poe Dameron x Finn
ke-119 · 6 months
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just look at ✨ THEM ✨
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spctrsgf · 2 years
here’s to me wishing that disney had given poe a lightsaber
even though he probably would’ve nearly chopped finn in half (on accident, he would never intentionally hurt his boyfriend)
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herwold · 10 months
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Poe Dameron and Finn - moodboard
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mimisempai · 2 years
Your arms are my only safe place
Since their first embrace on their reunion, Finn has never been able to forget the warmth of Poe's arms.
This ship has always had something of the Holy Grail for me, so this is my first fanfic about them, bear with me, I'm still figuring out their personalities a bit. I hope I did them justice.
On AO3
Rating G - 929 words
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As he sees an X-Wing land on the busy runway, Finn starts to run. He stops as the canopy opens and a pilot with a familiar silhouette comes down. The helmet prevented him from recognizing him, and Finn stood there watching until he was jostled by BB-8, who pushed past him and rolled toward the pilot at full speed. 
The pilot took off his helmet and Finn's heart began to beat faster. 
It was Poe! 
Poe rushed towards BB-8 and suddenly looked up and saw Finn.  
He looked as stunned as Finn who had started running again and exclaimed, "Poe, Poe Dameron!" 
They ran toward each other and embraced. 
"You're alive!" 
"So are you!" 
"What happened to you?" 
They interrupted each other, questions rushing in with the joy of reunion. 
Then Poe moved back, too quickly for Finn's taste and asked, "What happened? I was thrown from the crash, I woke up at night, no you, no ship, nothing." 
Poe looked over at BB-8 who beeped something then turned to Finn. 
"BB-8 says you saved him." 
Finn shook his head, "No, no, no. It wasn't just me." 
Poe put his hand on Finn's shoulder and said with a big, genuine smile, "You completed my mission, Finn." then paused, looking puzzled, "That's my jacket?" 
Finn, embarrassed, hurried to take it off, but Poe stopped him, "No, no, no. Keep it. It suits you." then he added in a softened tone, "You're a good man, Finn." 
And those words were as comforting as the embrace of their reunion. 
Thinking of that day, Finn instinctively pulled Poe's jacket tighter around him. Ever since that day, it had been like an extension of Poe's arms around him. The memory of the day Poe had told him he was a good man.
The way Poe had looked at him, the words he had spoken, had been like an extension of that hug, leaving a warmth in Finn that he craved after.
This kind of touch was foreign to him and he had not expected the multitude of sensations that had overwhelmed him after.
And especially not this warmth.
There had been others hugs after the first one.
Comrade hugs.
Co-general's hugs.
Friends' hugs.
Lovers' hugs.
From then on, hugs had taken on a different meaning for Finn, who also knew that no other hugs would be as important as the ones Poe offered him without restriction.
Nothing was better for Finn than Poe's arms wrapped around him, locking him in an enclosed space filled with warmth. 
Probably one of the safest places in the world for Finn.
No matter the time, no matter the place, and no matter the way, the embrace of Poe's arms had the power to stop the world for Finn. Just like that day in the middle of the hustle and bustle of the rebel base.
From the moment Poe had embraced him, it had been just him and Poe, Poe and him.
And the time which passed had not changed anything there.
The sensations were always the same, even stronger, because they were nourished by the love which they shared from now on.
There wasn't a night when he didn't fall asleep or wake up in his lover's warm, loving embrace.
Before Poe, Finn never stayed in bed longer than the time he needed to rest. It was a habit ingrained in his training as a Storm Trooper from an early age.
A habit that had persisted long after he had deserted.
But Poe had changed everything, even his nights.
Because now Finn had a reason to let his nights linger.
Because of the man who shared them and who was currently watching him walk out of the bathroom on their bed wearing only a pair of boxer shorts, his hair wet from the shower he had just had. Poe, who looked at him with so much warmth in his eyes.
They gazed at each other for a few seconds in silence and then, as always, Poe straightened up a little and lifted the comforter, a sign for Finn to join him.
Finn slipped under it and pressed himself against Poe, the fear of being too clingy long gone because Finn knew that Poe loved to hug as much as Finn loved to receive hugs.
Reciprocity and complementarity.
Poe closed his arms around Finn and gently kissed the back of his neck as Finn let out a contented sigh and then whispered, "I'm home."
Poe must have heard him because he tightened his arms around him and replied, "Welcome home."
After a moment of silence, Finn murmured softly, "Poe."
"I love you."
Poe made Finn turn in his arms and Finn could see the same smile on his face from the day he told him he was a good man as he replied, "I don't know the reason for that spontaneous declaration, but you know I love you too."
Finn pressed a kiss to his chest and replied, "I don't need any particular reason, I just wanted to say it," then he buried his face in Poe's neck breathing in that oh-so-familiar, comforting scent.
Then Finn put his arms around Poe's waist and held him just as tight. Just like in their first embrace.
Poe reached out his hand to turn off the light. 
Finn could finally let go, safe in Poe's arms, surrounded by his warmth.
A warmth that told him, "You're home."
A warmth that told him, "You're safe."
A warmth that told him, "You're not alone anymore."
A warmth that told him, "I love you."
Don't hesitate to say Hi, I don't bite ! : <a href="https://www.tumblr.com/blog/view/mimisempai" rel="nofollow">here</a><br />
Still not beta'd
Still not my native language
Still hoping you'll enjoy this story 🥰
Still thanking you for bearing with me 😝
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Road trip question: do you have any SW ships? Also, I formally request one (1) headcanon for each of the following imps: Veers, Piett, Needa, Motti, and Jerjerrod.
I definitely ship Veers/Piett. I know that there are a ton of other Imperial ships out there, and I like most of them, but not as much as I love Veers/Piett. (That said, I think that all the Darth Vader ships are just crack ships.)
If you mean Star Wars as a whole, there are only two ships that I feel strongly about, and the rest I don’t really care.
Poe/Finn: Wonderful, iconic, gay, beautiful, and any other positive adjective you can think of. If this were a sequel trilogy blog you would never hear the end of this ship, but I try to stay in my original trilogy lane.
Reylo: Burn in hell. Words cannot describe how much I hate this ship. I hate this as much as I hate Dramione, and that’s saying something.
As for the others:
Leia/Han: I like it fine, but I think their breakup was realistic. They loved each other but were very very different people.
Anidala: I don’t think they were toxic or abusive, but neither Anakin nor Padmé were raised in environments that create emotionally well adjusted people, which was bad for their relationship.
So, those are really all my thoughts on ships.
Veers: Veers is a very patriotic and upstanding citizen. Back when he joined the military, it was still during the rule of the Old Republic. Though the Clone Army and the Jedi took care of 95% of personnel needs, he believed it was his duty as a citizen to serve the Republic, and later, the Empire. He has two kids, a son and a daughter, both of whom joined the Imperial military at his urging. (His daughter is a decorated TIE pilot, and his son is an infantry soldier who would rather not be an infantry soldier.) Veers believes that the most honorable thing a person can do for their country is to sacrifice their life in battle, which leads to a lot of dramatic speeches his soldiers have to suffer through. They rank these speeches by categories of Drama, Pretentiousness, Graphic Violence, and Delusions of Grandeur.
Piett: Piett is not married, nor does he have any kids. (That’s mostly because he’s too busy to date and too responsible to knock anyone up.) He has two nephews and three nieces, but he doesn’t see them often. It’s not because he hates spending time with them, it’s because he hates spending time with his siblings. Sometimes he thinks he might like to be a parent, but then he remembers that his life is stressful enough already.
Before Piett was officially the admiral, he was the de facto admiral. Ozzel was too busy arguing with other commanders and using too much vacation time to actually do his job, so Piett did it. The only reason Ozzel made it as far as he did is that Piett did all his paperwork. Being the admiral may make him more likely to get killed by Darth Vader, but at least he doesn’t have to be both the captain and the admiral at once.
Needa: Needa’s crew has an unusually large amount of respect and admiration for him. The Empire goes through captains fast enough that officers don’t usually get attached to each other, and most commanders are snobby and unapproachable. However, when he first became the captain of the Executor, he made an effort to get to know the people on the ship, especially those working on the bridge with him. Needa took full responsibility for losing the Millennium Falcon instead of throwing some technician under the bus, which most other people wouldn’t have done. When he got killed by Darth Vader, they held a brief impromptu funeral service for him.
Motti: Motti is very arrogant because he’s used to being the best. Back when he was growing up in the Outer Rim, someone of his origin had very low chances of making it into a high ranking military position. Motti was the only kid his age who was good enough to get a spot in the Imperial Navy, so he developed a superiority complex pretty early on. He’s never quite adjusted to the fact that he is no longer the smartest person in the room.
Jerjerrod: Jerjerrod originally just wanted to be an engineer, but family pressure and weird promotions from Vader’s homicidal tendencies put him in administration and management. I think he was a lot more involved in the actual engineering, problem solving, innovative parts of designing the new Death Star. After the war with the Rebels ended, he had planned to start an academy for Imperial engineers.
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obscureao3tags · 1 year
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biggestsimponhere · 1 year
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Star wars men you will always be famous, i’m in love with them.
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finnpoefanevents · 10 months
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Could have had it all 🧡
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peterokii · 1 month
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may the 4th be with you (gay)
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thefinnpoefiles · 1 month
this is how it’s gonna happen in canon #trust
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ke-119 · 1 year
FALLOUT - Chapter 14
Chapters Posted: 14 of 18
Rating: T+
Warnings: Canon-typical violence & fighting/blood/gore/graphic descriptions of injury/angst/hurt/comfort/Multiple POVs
Characters/Pairings: Poe Dameron/Finn, Karé Kun, Iolo Arana, BB-8, OCs.
Summary: Still reeling in the aftermath of Crait, Poe Dameron and Finn are sent to a secret Resistance base tucked away on Lothal to serve as acting generals. Their numbers dwindled to barely a handful, and with General Organa’s order grounding all surviving Resistance personnel to heal and regroup, morale is at an all time low. Poe grapples with his inability to sit still; the First Order looms, an ever-encroaching threat to what remains of the Outer Rim’s free space; intimate feelings grow impossible to ignore and a shocking return promises devastating consequences not only for those stationed on Lothal, but for the Resistance and galaxy at large. 
A/N: An AU adventure, a side-quest of sorts, to account for some of the time between TLJ and ROS. Stormpilot centric. Canon up until the end of TLJ (but does not take into account Resistance Reborn or the Finn/Rose arc).
Thank you to anyone who has read, liked, and/or reblogged! I am so grateful for you and your time.
“Have we met?”
Ira Nyx sat, hands folded before him on the table, his face impenetrable.“No. But I have heard your name and seen you many times. Now I know who you are.” 
Still hovering by his side, Finn’s eyes searched Poe’s. He hadn’t stopped staring since Poe had woken. 
“How do you feel?” Finn interrupted his exchange with Ira. A welcome break—it was too much for his sluggish mind to follow. A hollowness permeated his entire body, his head too light for his shoulders.
“Not really sure yet.” 
“Oh. Yeah, okay.” Finn sat back on his heels. “Take your time.”
Poe took in the bruises forming around Finn’s cheekbones, the cuts on his lip and chin. “Are you okay?”
“You’re asking me if—“ Finn’s face crumpled and he dragged his hands down over it. When he looked up, his eyes were wet, voice a fierce whisper. He grabbed Poe’s hand. “Don’t ever do that to me again.”
Poe’s heart skipped into his throat. “What?”
“Die. Almost die—whatever. Just… don’t do it again, okay?”
The edges of Poe’s smile trembled, his throat tight. “Okay.” 
Finn blew out a breath then turned back to Ira. “Enough with the cryptic back and forth. Out with it.”
“He survived Order 66.” Karé’s voice startled them. Poe had forgotten she, Iolo and BB-8 were standing by the door. 
Ira Nyx wasn’t the most subtle being—he had an innate reverence to him, a larger than life presence, only in small part due to his towering stature. That he had once been a Jedi… All the pieces clicked neatly into place. But as far as Poe knew, no one had survived Order 66. That was kind of the whole deal. Any Jedi from that era… They were all long dead. “How is that possible?”
“I hid.”
A frown creased Finn’s brow. “For how long?”
“Since the day I watched them all die.”
“That’s what, almost 40 years?” Poe said. “Did you know what was happening during that time?”
“Yes? That’s it?”
It was quiet for a long time. Ira Nyx looked ancient when he spoke next, his giant shoulders sagged. “Indeed.” He stared at his hands. “I made a choice. Anyone around me would have been at risk.”
“But what about all the people you could have helped?” Poe carefully pulled himself to a seated position. “On Garel alone. Not to mention the rest of the Outer Rim.” 
“I knew what was happening and did nothing. That makes you angry.”
Poe willed the heated hammering of his heart to slow. “Look, I don’t know you, and I don’t really care that you did nothing. But you need to know how many suffered and died while you hid.”
“I know.”
Finn shifted. “Yeah?”
“I saw them. Not each one but many. Just as I saw you before I met you. Always in fragments. Scattered images. With you it was fire. Blood. Many beings dying. A great… wave razing everything in its path.”
“You saw the base explode,” Poe said.
Ira frowned, a far off look in his eyes. “Are there more?”
“Many more,” Finn answered for him. “Why?”
“I saw it four times. Each distinctly different than the last.”
The fire in the hearth snapped and popped into the quiet room. Realization settled heavily between them. Three other bases had probably been destroyed. There went that list, unraveling into oblivion. More names. More friends; gone. 
Karé broke the silence. “You can see the future?” 
“I cannot see the future.” Ira gave a good natured chuckle. “I see… echoes. Of what could be. What has not yet come to be. When I saw all of you, none of it made sense until we were face to face.”
“Did you see anything else?” Finn asked.
“Bits and pieces.” Ira pinched the bridge of his nose. “I cannot put it all together.”
Poe realized Finn still hadn’t let go of his hand as he heard him say, “Maybe we can help with that.”
* * *
With orders to stay in bed, Poe was left alone in the house while Ira led the others to where he concealed a landspeeder. Poe protested. He couldn’t help himself—he wanted to see what ancient model Ira had been hiding for the last forty years, and was eager to get his body moving, but with a fit of impressive squawking, BB-8 had won the argument in the end. 
The second the tattered cloth fell back over the door, Poe crept up off Ira’s makeshift mattress to stretch by the warmth of the hearth, watching the flames lap hungrily over fresh tree scraps.
A whisper of pain crawled up his side when he moved, and he’d never felt such deep muscle soreness in his life, but he was alive. He could stand, he could walk. As the minutes went on, his body awoke more, his brain with it too. The only traces of a near-fatal injury were the blood-crusted tatters of his shirt that hung open around his midsection. It was like looking down at someone else’s body, the gore dried dark brown in places, but no injury peeking through the ruined fabric. Only a shiny scar was left, skin knitted together in a jagged line, but miraculously healed and closed. Poe ran his fingers along his face and found similarly scarred over cuts and scrapes where shattered transparisteel had peppered his face. The same ghost-echoes of pain flitted across the healed skin at his touch.
He couldn’t remember anything after the bitter cold in the G-9’s cabin and Finn’s warm chest against his back… But he could feel echoes. A distant warmth, spreading through his core, replacing the cold. A stranger knitting him back together with their bare hands. Someone he had never met.
The full-body hollowness had evaporated and  been replaced with a tightness in his lungs. His confession to Finn. It was out in the open. Bits and pieces of the conversation floated back to him, but not much else. Had Finn reacted? Did he feel the same way? Like trying to catch a wisp of smoke between his fingers, the memory took half shape, but dissipated before he could grasp it. 
“It’s hard to believe—you standing here. Like nothing even happened.”
Poe turned to see Finn leaning against the doorway. He crossed the room. The tips of their boots touched. Poe wrapped his arms around Finn, burying his face in the crook of his shoulder. He squeezed tight, breathing him in; that familiar, comforting smell—sweat, leather, earth. Finn’s arms slid around Poe’s back and waist, pulling him in. Given the chance, Poe might never let go.
* * *
By the time Ira, Karé, Iolo and BB-8 filed back into the hut, the fog in Poe’s brain had mercifully dissipated. But only to make room for the onslaught of issues at hand. 
Kothal was under attack—yes, the galaxy was at war and that was an unfortunate byproduct—but the Resistance presence on Kothal had brought the fight to them. Kemi’s haunted eyes floated into his mind. It could have been lifetimes ago that they found her in the ruined market square, but the sharp memory of the betrayal in her eyes kept it fresh. They had to get back. They had to warn the other bases. Leia. 
Then there was the chip from the virus-ridden BB unit back on base. Whatever information they could glean from it. Poe paced the dirt floor of Ira’s tiny home. He was alive. In fact, he felt more alive than he had since arriving on Kothal and considering he had been essentially dead just a few hours prior… A reinvigorated fire burned in him.
BB-8 bleeped disapprovingly. 
“What? No, I—“ Poe looked down at the floor. He really had almost carved a figure eight into the dust. “Okay, fine. I’ll stop. Can you display the information on the chip and still protect yourself from the virus?”
BB8 hummed a resounding no, blinking expectantly at Poe. 
“Okay, gimme a second to think. Our G-9’s astromech was completely fried…”
Karé perked up suddenly. “Our nav computer still works. Everything else is shot, but we can at least try that.”
“That just might work.”
And so, in Ira’s landspeeder—Poe had been right, it was a creaky relic of a SoroSuub X-34—they returned to Karé and Iolo’s wrecked pod. It was in better shape than Poe and Finn’s G-9, but still completely unflyable. 
Ira stood outside the craft as the fighters crowded in, jostling wounds and pressed against each other in the tiny space made for two. BB-8 beeped in annoyance, shoving his way through their legs. He popped out his durasteel storage vault and Poe took the First Order branded chip from it, inserting it into an awaiting port.
The nav computer’s screen fizzed into static and went black. Just their kriffing luck. Then, white letters built themselves into words and sentences against the dark background. Some made sense, some just looked like a jumble of letters and numbers to Poe. 
But one thing stood out starkly to all of them, and Karé cursed at the name and title: Tallon Voxel, First Order Engineer. 
“I thought he was dead,” Iolo murmured into the stunned silence. “He went missing on that aid mission to Ryloth.”
Finn and Poe exchanged a glance. Everyone else on that mission had been killed.
“You’re as good as dead if they have you,” Poe said. “They’re not big on the whole catch and release thing. They must have had a use for him to keep him alive.” Although, there was no guarantee he was still alive at this point. The chip had served its purpose. Tallon Voxel might have already, too.
“Engineer.” They all turned to look at Iolo, who shifted uncomfortably. “He created the working model for our base network security protocols.”
“Single-handedly? He can’t possibly have all that information,” Karé said. 
Iolo nodded. “He designed the systems. They need him to override it.”
“So… it’s only a matter of time before the other bases…” Karé let the end of her sentence drop off. 
They were running out of time—against a ticking clock they could not see. It was foolish to hope that coordinates to every remaining Resistance base in the galaxy hadn’t been tortured out of Tallon. There was only so much you could withstand… if you were trained. Engineers weren’t. 
“Lothal was one of the planets listed as a diversionary location for General Organa,” Finn said. 
Iolo paled. “That means Cassidode IV, Primtara… and Mako Ta… could be gone too.”
“We have to warn the others.”
“And get back to Kothal,” Poe said. “Who knows how long the tunnels will hold.”
Finn rubbed his temples. “Our ship’s comms were destroyed in the crash.” 
Karé flicked the pod’s hyperwave communicator on. Predictably, nothing happened; the shredded antenna was the first thing Poe noticed as he had climbed into the wrecked craft. 
“I know where you can get a ship.” Ira Nyx startled them all. They turned to him standing in the gaping hole where the pod’s engine once sat. “Garel City. You can broadcast your message from there. The streets are crawling with First Order troopers, but their main area of concern is the spaceport.”
“And where exactly is this ship?” Finn asked, eyes narrowed. Poe already knew the answer. 
“The spaceport.”
“Of course it is.”
“A friend owes me a favor. Jem Cade. Hangar 71-C.”
“And you’ll be staying here?” Poe also knew the answer.
Ira Nyx’s mouth thinned to a grim line. “I will.”
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hackedbyawriter · 1 year
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new-november-moons · 11 months
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star wars incorrect quotes *** part two
part one *** part three *** part four *** (final) part five
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mimisempai · 2 years
Poe struggles to resist the temptation to kiss Finn, but BB-8 comes along and decides to act as a matchmaker.
On AO3
Rating G - 509 words
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It was an accident.
Or rather an accident caused by a third party.
By an astromech who thought he was Cupid and had interfered in matters that were none of his business.
BB-8 the matchmaker.
And no, Poe was not too close to Finn.
And no, Poe hadn't been openly checking him out.
And no, Poe wasn't dying to kiss him.
But yes, BB-8 had seen all of this, and all it took was for him to roll at full speed, barely grazing Poe's calves, for Poe to stumble, automatically reaching forward with his arms.
Fortunately Finn had caught him.
Unfortunately that had only encouraged Poe in his obsession.
He looked up, a casual "thank you" on his lips, the same smile as usual on his face and froze.
He was only inches away from Finn's face, his eyes, his cheeks, his lips. 
His lips, so tempting.
Even more tempting because their owner was not aware of it.
Poe only had to lean in.
Just a little more.
He looked up at Finn's eyes and as if reading his mind, his friend ran his tongue over his lips.
In response, Poe bit his lip.
Then he whispered, with a hoarse voice, "Finn, I'm sorry but..."
"But what?"
"I can't resist."
Finn's lips formed an "Oh" as Poe leaned in and after one last slight hesitation, he pressed his lips to Finn's.
At first he did nothing, just waiting for Finn's reaction.
Ready to withdraw at the slightest sign of rejection.
But Finn didn't move and just opened his lips a little more.
Then Poe began to move his lips slowly against Finn's. 
The kiss wasn't passionate or wild, it was just a gentle and sweet touch, but it was perfect. Finn's hands still resting on Poe's shoulders since he had prevented him from falling, gripped Poe's clothes just a little tighter.
Then they both became aware of their surroundings, of the hubbub of the base not far away, and reluctantly moved away from each other.
Poe placed his hand on Finn's arm and said softly, "Actually, I'm not sorry."
Finn, relief visible in his eyes, smiled broadly at him and replied, "I'm not either."
Poe said sheepishly, "I'm really sorry Finn, I really have to go. But I promise you, I don't regret anything. We'll...we'll talk about it later right?"
Finn nodded and Poe began to walk away followed by BB-8 who gave him a thumbs up. Poe looked at him and said, "You little rascal!" Then his expression softened and he added, "But thanks."
BB-8 beeped two or three times in self-satisfaction or joy, but Poe wasn't paying attention.
He couldn't resist and glanced back, hoping to see Finn one last time. He almost felt himself melt when he saw that Finn was still in the same place, touching his lips as if he couldn't believe what had just happened.
Poe turned around again to continue on his way, promising himself that he would do everything he could to make Finn believe that this had been real.
Still not beta'd
Still not my native language
Still hoping you'll enjoy this story 🥰
Still thanking you for bearing with me 😝
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weirdnotal · 10 days
Somewhere in the multiverse, Ben Solo, Rey, Fin, Poe, and Grogu have tons of great uncles and an amazing great aunt
Luke thinks he's gonna freak, but Dins just like: obviously this what every family unit should look like duh
No, Hans does not know how to feel about all the Boba fett lookalikes. He doesn't wanna talk about it.
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dameronology · 1 year
how about what would happen if the star wars boys made you cry 👀
ok i kinda did this in the scenario that you're arguing and they make you cry
characters: din, poe, finn, han, luke & obi-wan
din djarin
he is HORRIFIED the minute tears spring from your eyes
maybe you're fighting, maybe he got stressed and said something in the heat of moment, whatever it is, he's immediately forgotten about what he was mad about and he's by your side, floods of apologies coming from his mouth and gloved hands taking yours
he just kinda pulls you into his chest and holds you for a moment and my GOD he wants the world to swallow him up because he loves you more than anything in the world and he normally hates whoever makes you cry but right now it's him
truth is, you know din and you know that he would never do anything to intentionally hurt you so as far as apologies go, it's one you accept pretty quickly
he's gonna apologise for like a week after that
even if it becomes annoying
poe dameron
poe just sort of freezes and has this "oh fuck" look on his face
"oh god, don't cry. please don't cry. did i make you cry? oh my god. i made you cry."
and then he probably starts crying too
because he always wants to cry when you cry but the fact that he's the one responsible for it? woo boy
he swallows it down though and doesn't let you see because he doesn't want to seem like he's taking away from what he's done
his immediate reaction is to want to hug you, but he waits for a moment to see if you'll let him because he doesn't know if you're gonna swing at him tbh
if you let him, he holds you fucking tight. he doesn't apologise then and there, though, not until things have calmed down - normally a few moments later - that he says sorry and you know it's from the bottom of his heart
he goes out his way over the next few days to make it up to you; flowers, dinner, a romantic trip to a distant planet, but above all, he makes an active effort to never let it happen again
and that's what matters most
honestly finn looks like a kicked puppy
because he tries so hard to never argue with you or get mad EXACTLY FOR THIS REASON and he has failed in his attempts and oh lord he wants to die
he doesn't jump immediately to apologising, mostly because he wants you to say what you need to say and he doesn't want to talk over you
and he listens!! he wants to know what he did and what he said so that it never happens again
then he apologises, and it's always straight to the point but still eloquent and meaningful
finn isn't gonna be the kinda guy who apologises for days (oh, din) or goes out his way to shower you in sorry gifts (ah, poe) because mostly he just wants to move on from it and get back to a good place with you but it's like...not in a way that he forgets about it??
it's more of a thing that he hates things being off with you. like it literally kills him inside. so he encourages you to both move forward and get back to the good stuff.
but he also makes it clear that he has learnt from it
han solo
han literally doesn't know what to do. he can barely handle people crying at the best of times but when a) it's you and b) you're crying because of him?
his immediate reaction is to run, because it's han and he always wants to peg it away from every single issue but his chest hurts at the idea and it hurts even more when he knows he's the bastard that made you cry
he just goes silent and is kinda 🧍‍♂️for a second because his brain is computing but then he realises that he does know what to do when you cry and that's attack the thing that upset you
then he realises that he can't do that and goes "well i can't fucking blast myself, so i don't really know what to do right now" and it's stupid and dumb and oh my god han read the fucking room but at least it breaks the ice a little bit and you smile
because, despite everything and despite han being...well, han, you know he's trying his best and the fact he's even still in front of you is actually something of a miracle
that's your cue to rip into him, by the way, because even if you're crying it is canon that the only way to get han solo to listen to you is to tear him a new one (or three) so he will stand there and take the bollocking
after that, he apologises. han isn't good with words so it's a little bit spacey and awkward but the intent is there
but he also makes it abundantly clear that he never means to hurt you and you know, from the bottom of his heart, that he means it
luke skywalker
luke literally stops in his tracks and he's holding you immediately and going "i didn't mean that, i really didn't mean that, please don't hate me"
literally his entire facade his gone - the stubbornness, whatever he's arguing about - just disappears and he realises immediately that none of it is worth making you cry
so the man is literally holding you before your tears even start and he's already apologising over and over
he does want to listen to you though and hear what you have to say, so he's all ears
tbh, it's hard to stay angry at luke for long because you know he's completely pure intentioned and good hearted but you can absolutely opt to give him the silent treatment or take space for as long as you need and he will let you do it
after that, he buys you flowers and will make it up to you in every way he knows how
obi-wan kenobi
out of everyone on the list, obi-wan is the one who is the most shooketh to his core when he realises that he's made you cry
because he's so chivalrous and loving and might as well live to serve you so the idea that he's hurt you is quite possibly his greatest fear come true
his immediate reaction is to give you space. he'll apologise first and let you know that he's ready to talk whenever you are, simply because he doesn't want to overstep or push you to make up until you're ready
but as soon as you are, he's all ears and listening to everything you have to say
again - and i feel like i'm saying this for every character here lol - you know that he'd never hurt you intentionally and although that's the main, the proof is in the pudding when he actively listens to you and makes an effort to avoid it happening again
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