#Lesbian masterdoc
nerdchic · 1 month
Citing the lesbian masterdoc is crazzzyyy like now I KNOW you’re not a lesbian.
If you need to cite a document made by a bisexual to prove something about lesbianism then you’re simply not a lesbian lmfao. Imagine needing a document to add “validity” to your sexuality instead of just simply being a woman who is attracted to women exclusively.
Compulsory heterosexuality isn’t real. You jumping from having sex with males to having sex with women does not mean you’re a lesbian.
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spicetwinkmansion · 6 months
picking apart the comphet and cishetnormativity you've been taught is fucking HARD. plus it's frustrating thinking about how non of us asked to be born into instant ingraining of misogynist bullshit. but deeply rewarding as you become more actualized in yourself and your sexuality/sexual self. reading the lesbian masterdoc was a turning point in realizing I don't want to have sex or romance with men (or anyone subscribing to similar ideals).
I don't identify as a lesbian partly because I'm trans and agender, and partly just because "queer" feels much better as a label. but a lot of the masterdoc was still helpful and applicable to me. I can recognize that I want to prioritize sexual, romantic and every type of relationship with women, now. feels like a huge tension in me is slowly releasing.
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ketterdamnitall · 5 days
on another note, the lesbian to haikyuu fan pipeline needs to be studied
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eggg23 · 29 days
Is there something like the lesbian masterdoc but for aromanticism. Like talking about amatonormativity.
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imohars · 5 months
Imogen Heaney moments from Heartstopper season two as the lesbian masterdoc! ( Part one, maybe? - as there’s definitely more!)
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justangrymacaroni · 1 year
the way ppl talk about the lesbian masterdoc is so funny. like it was some big scary evil thing that was made to try to convince you to be a lesbian.
in reality it was just a doc made up of several different ppl’s interpretations of comphet. so yeah it’s gonna be flawed and not fitting for a lot of ppl. doesn’t make it evil lmao.
like if someone reads it and thinks they’re a lesbian and then later realizes they’re actually bi/trans/whatever, why is that a bad thing?
it seems like ppl took it very personally when it was just some random ppl’s opinions on what helped them figure out their own sexuality. labels change and this stuff is hard. stop shitting on each other.
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staticscr33ns · 1 year
Annie Edison and the lesbian masterdoc:
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i feel very passionately about this
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tastethea-bow · 4 months
Friendly reminder that the Lesbian Masterdoc isn't really a good source of "am I a Lesbian?" as one may think/may have been led to believe.
I'm not gonna touch on the "creator/writer/editor being bi, actually" thing cause I can't really find anything on that nor do I think that really matters. But I think the Doc being biphobic (mspec-phobic in general)/misandrist/misogynistic/aphobic should always be said with it.
IF IT HELPED YOU REALIZE THAT YOU ARE ACTUALLY A LESBIAN, THAT'S GREAT. This isn't supposed to be a Lesbophobic post! I just want people to be aware that the Lesbian Masterdoc isn't at all close to end all be all of Queer theory.
You can like different sexes/genders at different amounts and still be mspec. Hating men doesn't make you a Lesbian (if Straight Women can understand this then COME ON GUYS). Liking certain fictional characters doesn't really determine your sexuality. CompHet is a general Queer & Feminist thing, and not just a Sapphic/mono Lesbian thing (welcome to being Queer in a heteronormative world 🎉 / welcome to being a Woman in a patriarchal world 🎉). Hell, there are more labels out there than just straight, bi & gay/lesbian. Aspec people exist! You could have split attraction going on, and if so, welcome to the Dark Side 👏👏👏
All in all, if you think you're Queer, don't just stop at ONE (1) piece of "if you're ___, then you'll find this applies to you!". It's a spectrum, a rainbow if you will (haha), and not every ___ is going to have a carbon copy experience. Do some serious introspection folks, I love y'all ♥️
Here's some reading: 🐸 / 🐸 (this YTer has great bi/mspec content in general) / 🐸
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that-bitch-kat3 · 11 days
just read the lesbian master doc. i’m having feelings. and also thoughts.
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morosexualharrow · 3 months
I made a video about the lesbian masterdoc!!!! I've had big opinions about this for a long time. Check it out if you like Adrienne Rich lol
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mrgaretcarter · 4 months
people always mention the "lesbian masterdoc" being biphobic (which it is) but not the fact that its also lesbophobic, which seems even more pressing under the circumstances lmao
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myimaginationplain · 1 year
so many online conversations about "comphet" feel like they begin with the assumption that the subject is in fact a monosexual gay person who's tricked themselves into believing they're attracted to the opposite sex, & then work backwards in order to justify that preconception.
the (in)famous "lesbian masterdoc" was a prime example of this. the document reads as if it was written with the assumption that anyone & everyone who read it would be a lesbian, so every single train of thought leads to the only conclusion the author ever intended to make—the reader is a lesbian. if you're attracted to feminine men you're a lesbian who's seeking womanhood in male partners, if you're attracted to masculine men you're a lesbian who's overcompensating. if you've never consciously felt attracted to anyone before, don't worry, that somehow makes you a lesbian too.
but that attitude didn't begin & end with the lesbian masterdoc; I still see it all the time in sapphic spaces, constantly, often in reference to fiction but all too often in reference to real people too. of course you'll never see any evidence of other sexualities being possible (namely bisexuality, but asexuality as well) if you're only willing to entertain the notion of lesbianism. of course every crush a sapphic woman has on a guy will look like a lie to you if you begin with the assumption that it's a lie.
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miloway · 2 months
Just read the lesbian masterdoc out of curiosity, and I realise how much being arospec kinda muddles everything.
Cuz, I don't really feel romantic feelings, have 1 sexual experience and that was with a fem presenting nonbinary person, and we both had no idea what we were doing.
I have been in a online relationship with a guy, but we broke up cuz 1. he was an asshole, 2. I figured out I was arospec (now I'm questioning if it was just cuz he was a guy, but then again I don't really feel romantic feelings with women either)
So I've come to the conclusion that I need to kiss a guy and if I feel something, I'm not lesbian, but if I don't feel anything, I am lesbian.
But the question is how the hell am I supposed to do that when I'm awkward as hell, and like only 2 people in my entire life time have hit on me (irl), one being the said person earlier, the other being a science museums cafeteria worker literally 4 hours after my grandpa died 💀 (I am not joking, I couldn't even see what she looked like cuz I wasn't wearing glasses cuz of all the crying)
So I sorta feel like I'm in a stalemate with myself, how the hell am I supposed to combat this, do I just wait until something happens? I'm the mean time I'm just gonna identify as queer cuz I don't have the time or energy to go looking for answers rn,
that being said advice would be greatly appreciated
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colourfulgreyscales · 5 months
I am going to tell you something.
It's fine if Renee Rapp determined she is a lesbian after believing she was bisexual. I am bisexual and I believe that the bi-to-lesbian journey is absolutely valid.
She doing it because of the masterdoc doesn't sit well with me. I fit a lot of the masterdoc criteria and I am still bisexual but I wonder if I would have felt the same way had I read the Masterdoc early in my journey.
Also, the original author turned out to be bisexual.
All of this is just my opinion.
By the way, as per the last time I checked, Cara Delevigne still doesn't identify as a lesbian.
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aroaceconfessions · 2 years
my "oh my god im arospec and acespec" moment happened when i was reading the lesbian masterdoc and was all like
"haha yeah that perfectly describes my relationship with men"
"... wait i feel that way about non-men too-"
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ravena-ohridska · 10 days
Today I spend the day reading the lesbian masterdoc and, in conclusion:
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Thanks to everyone involved in this masterpiece.
Comphet is still a problem to me but fuck, HOW I LOVE WOMEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I especially wanted to thank Chappell Roan for releasing the most CURSED (affectionate) song of my life that made me have a meltdown at 3 am because "you're nothing more than his wife" sounded worse than death 💀
May 30, 2024
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