tastethea-bow Ā· 17 hours
good morning gay people!!
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tastethea-bow Ā· 2 days
Happy Pride to all aspecs!
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Aspec - an umbrella term for anyone identifying anywhere on one or more a- spectrums, such as asexual, aromantic, aplatonic, or any others.
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tastethea-bow Ā· 8 days
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Figured Iā€™d share this for anyone struggling in Texas right now, or anyone who needs abortion help.Ā 
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tastethea-bow Ā· 9 days
This means a lot to me
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Aroace queen
I love that she's aware she exists within marvel
I love that she openly breaks the 4rth wall
She's lovely
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tastethea-bow Ā· 9 days
the thing that always gets me about the way sexual attraction supposedly works for other people is that like, people can just see like, naked boobs, or etc. things that they find attractive, or a person they find attractive, etc., and then like... that immediately makes them feel something/turns them on? that kind of thing is totally foreign to me, like, I think girls are cute and all, but like, just looking at them, or parts of them, I don't feel anything in particular? I don't really feel sexual desire in general, of course, but the idea of looking at someone or a piece of art or such and feeling strong desires and such is just totally alien to me, its interesting
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tastethea-bow Ā· 9 days
"Oh no, they're too WEIRD to be part of the queer commu-" BITCH WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU THINK "QUEER" MEANS?!?!
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tastethea-bow Ā· 9 days
i think a lot of white queer/trans people need to hear that "breaking gender norms" isnt just wearing a dress while masc or dying your hair. its also unlearning the beauty standards that impose ideals of white beauty and attractiveness on non-white folks. yes you have a nose ring but i just heard you tell your black friend with meticulously cared for natural hair "you'd just look so nice with straight hair is all im saying..." why does your blog fetishizing i mean uh. appreciating trans women only feature skinny white women who pass. when societal gender norms are so inextricably tied to whiteness and emulating whiteness it is not enough to simply change your aesthetic. you need to defy the gender norms in your own head too.
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tastethea-bow Ā· 9 days
Where are my fellow touch-starved "I want to be kissed and held but only by one specific person that I haven't met yet and that likely doesn't even exist and if anyone else touches me I will bite their head off" aroaces?
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tastethea-bow Ā· 9 days
for me romance repulsion is less ā€œoh gross people kissing, thatā€™s so disgustingā€ and far more ā€œoh my god that guy Iā€™ve been friendly with in class just asked me out and now I think Iā€™m having a panic attack because I donā€™t fucking want to be in this situationā€
itā€™s taken me a long time to realize that I have that reaction because I specifically donā€™t like the ridged rules and assumptions frequently made in a Romantic Relationshipā„¢. youā€™re supposed to feel a certain way, act a certain way, and do certain things in a certain order with implications on the seriousness of the relationship. Iā€™m aromantic, so feelings are vauge, changing, and unreliable as a foundation for a relationship. Iā€™m autistic, so social rules and assumptions are a nightmare. what if I want to do things out of order? what if I decide I donā€™t like something anymore? what if I donā€™t see something as a ā€˜step forwardā€™?
and itā€™s possible, but so hard to fit all these accommodations into a romantic relationship, and thatā€™s before you add that Iā€™m also poly and I donā€™t view relationships as a hierarchy. my friendships are as important to me as any other relationship. I donā€™t see romantic relationships as special or unique in any way, they simply ask for a different kind of commitment. traditional relationships just donā€™t make sense for me
in a romantic relationship, I feel trapped and misunderstood. I feel like Iā€™m lying and being lied to simultaneously. but if you take the same level of commitment, the same ā€˜romanticā€™ activities, but this time built on a foundation of communication and respect? if each step is chosen because it makes sense for our needs and wants, rather than following an outline for how it ā€˜shouldā€™ work? if Iā€™m allowed and expected to change, if itā€™s known and accepted that my feelings are unreliable, my attraction is nonexistent, and Iā€™m not expected to perform alloromanticism or allistic behavior to stroke my partnerā€™s ego? all of a sudden Iā€™m comfortable
romance repulsion can take a lot of forms. some people experience it very differentlyā€”but it can also be far more specific and arbitrary than most people would assume.
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tastethea-bow Ā· 13 days
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Yes geologists! Doing the important work šŸ’–
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tastethea-bow Ā· 17 days
Was asked by two different little girls if I was a boy or girl today, and the euphoria I felt from that šŸ„°
And even though I didn't answer truthfully, if they can see me "as a girl" then they can see that there isn't a certain way to be one ā™„ļø
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tastethea-bow Ā· 21 days
i have a burning hatred for relationship hierarchies.
Why is it offensive to want to just be friends? Why is it expected for romantic partners to always take prioritization over friends? Why is it rude to tell someone you aren't friends, just chill with each other? Why are queerplatonic relationships seen as a step down from romantic relationships? Why is it bad to not want to make step ups in romantic relationships?
these labels have different meanings and levels importance to everyone, therefore they have no meaning or importance.
in my world, there are two places you can stand. next to me or the fuck away.
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tastethea-bow Ā· 22 days
Asexual people can write about sex. Asexual people can sing about sex. Asexual people can talk, joke, read, watch, know, enjoy sex. It makes them no less asexual for it.
Aromantic people can write about romance. They can sing, joke, read, watch, know, enjoy romance. It makes them no less aromantic.
Aplatonic people can write, sing, joke, read, watch, know, enjoy platonic relationships. It makes them no less aplatonic.
Agender people can present as a certain gender, use "gendered" pronouns, not make effort to look androgynous/agender, use the name they were given at birth, enjoy typically gendered experiences. Agender people can refer to themselves by gendered terms. It does not make them any less agender.
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tastethea-bow Ā· 24 days
yes asexuals can fuck but we need to not forget that allos can possibly not fuck ? entirely too many times I hear people saying "lol you're probably ace" to people that are literally just celibate . like guys . please . stop acting like the asexual = no sex i thought we were far past that guys
theres so many reasons to be celibate from religious to health (both physical and mental) and all the way to just not wanting to and it can very much have nothing to do with attraction
(not to mention it feels weird to see as a celibate aroallo but that's a separate topic)
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tastethea-bow Ā· 27 days
Found this on a Radfem/TERF blog āœŒļø
the idea that restrooms, locker rooms, etc need to be single-sex spaces in order for women to be safe is patriarchy's way of signalling to men & boys that society doesn't expect them to behave themselves around women. it is directly antifeminist. it would be antifeminist even if trans people did not exist. a feminist society would demand that women should be safe in all spaces even when there are men there.
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tastethea-bow Ā· 28 days
This is cool as hell <2
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epic aro sculpture i did for class
the heart is made out of plastic bags wrapped with tape, so it's squishy ^_^ and the knife is qtips hot glued together. the knife is also removable!
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tastethea-bow Ā· 1 month
sometimes it genuinely feels so powerful to be single by choice. like yeah i Do like being single actually. i fucking love it itā€™s great you should try it sometime āœØ
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