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JERSEY SCORE Director: Chris Steele
Featuring: Dean Coxx Derrick Vinyard
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filthy-vigilante · 1 year
What are Dick's hobbies in Canon? What does he like to do outside of being Nightwing? I don't know to much about him beside his general personality.
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maiko-coy · 1 month
Since we got The boys TM-
May we have the girls?
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The girly pops <3
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midnightfox450 · 8 months
My dealer: got some straight gas 🔥😛 this strain is called “Fearful Symmetry” 😳 you’ll be zonked out of your gourd 💯
Me: yeah whatever. I don’t feel shit.
5 minutes later: dude I swear I just saw Chungledown Bim in the Nightmare King's Forest
My buddy Riz pacing: kalina is lying to us
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franklyimissparis · 3 months
Beatles Wives on Self Help
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inspired by paperback book covers of the 60s and 70s, here’s a little graphic design project i’ve been working on pondering the question: what kind of self-help(esque) books would have been useful to the beatles WAGs circa 1968 - then creating them as if they had written them theirselves.
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canisalbus · 4 months
I really appriciate how often Machete is depicted struggling and feeling like a burden, while still being loved and supported by Vasco. It gives the top tier angst of "i'm not good enough, I'm not worth it" but you frame it in such a way where it's clear that's just how he *feels* and is not how things really are, but also it's so nice to see someone who struggles quite often in a loving and unique relationship that suits them. The narrative of not being able to love or be loved unless you're consistently healthy is really tiring lol.
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lazylittledragon · 6 months
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finally got out of my slump and finished the prologue!!
(psst i have this and other stuff on my webtoon)
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taikanyohou · 8 months
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"You don't get it, do you? You don't get it."
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heyimkana · 7 months
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a little context:
yuuji's VA voices a guy named Haruto in this track. he's dating his childhood friend Souta (you'll notice that he keeps moaning souta's name) and they've been dating behind our back for a while (yes, we're actually involved in the story lol). what's happening here is basically they're having sex in the living room, trying to be as quiet as possible, while we're secretly listening to them doing it from the bedroom 😳
I will post bottom gumi soon 😇
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stressfulsloth · 9 months
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Thinking about Disco Elysium and stars. Something about communal experience and simultaneous isolation, hope and idealism, fear and beauty and terror and burning. The inherent horror in the vast romantic starscape of the sky, the melancholy and loneliness inherent in the untold distance, a communal experience of something too enormous to fathom. Stars bear witness to humanity, to the millions of tiny people crawling on the face of Elysium. They watch the people, and the people watch back, and make up stories about the stars. Stars symbolise love, hope, something unreachable and unattainable.
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The way that the light of the stars reaches every single being in Elysium, from human to phasmid, but no matter how far it reaches it is still a cold and distant glow, always on the verge of going out. A moral brilliance, a holy light to strive towards, something always at risk of burning out, but there's a dichotomy too. A duality between the stars as brutal unfeeling observers, moralists even, like the aerostatics flying overhead, tiny dying lights that watch impassively over every terrible thing in the world, and the flipside; stars as the burning kernels of hope, furious burning flames that parallel Harry and his golden-orange forest fire nature. Stars as the light of communism, the star-and-antlers. They're hope and dreams- a million years in the stars. Rockstars and superstars. The light of a brighter future (however short-term that future might be) coming towards them at the end of the tunnel. It makes me think of Sacred and Terrible Air and the light pollution in Vassa- ending light pollution as the world ends. "You may laugh at this, but in the evening, when the big world in the distance swells into a bloody maelstrom, families come out into the street in Vaasa and are insignificant together. Only distant explosions disturb the deep peace of the winter night, its flawless starry sky. Everyone watches, heads tilted back." The stars are a shared experience. Something that everyone watches, insignificant together, when there's nothing more that can be done. Light in the face of darkness, community in the face of inevitability. Togetherness. The stars are there in the church with the ravers. They're there watching Harry and Kim together. Insignificant together. In dark times, should the stars also go out?
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rollforjackass · 11 months
look we all know that aziraphale is mr. fiddlesticks-not-fuck and dearie-me-good-gracious, but my favorite thing about him is that there is also, at all times, a fuck-shit little bastard inside of him just begging to be let loose. he's petty, he's passive aggressive, and the Second he decides that playing by heaven's rules isn't going to help anybody, it's all "i know who you are, you idiot!" and "you STUPID man" and "FUCK"
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beanghostprincess · 3 months
Zoro would cringe so much if he looked back at his past self from when he met Luffy.
Past!Zoro: I can't cut this cell! Guess I'll just carry with my bare hands the guy I just met and instantly fell in love with while I'm bleeding out.
Zoro: Ughhhuhhshhhgughhh what are you doing iughhh it's so fucking lame why did I do that???? I couldn't even cut the damn thing and then I just carried Luffy like that ughhhhwghhh
Nami: This has to be so embarrassing for you right now
Zoro: Ughwhhhhhhughhh I was so weak back then
Nami: And you wanted Luffy so bad-
Zoro: Fuck you. Shut up. Shit, I was a loser. I hate myself. Iughghhh.
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oatm1lkcowboy · 11 months
i do enjoy how both of the canonically married qsmp couples have that one guy who’s super into rpg games and the other guy who says he doesn’t know enough virgins to have been taught how to play them. good combo
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highseas-swede · 5 months
...I seriously cannot stress how much I hate tags like "Give us BAMF Aziraphale" because it seems to imply that he's not badass.
He IS. Tell me how well most people could endure 6000 years of consistent, persistent demoralization, harassment and shitty treatment without snapping?
Do you know how HARD it is to be kind when you've been put through a system that actively discourages kindness and softness, a system that tries to beat it out of you - not physically, but still. The fact that Aziraphale got through all of that and is not just still kind, but still has the capacity to be kind to the very people who hurt him, is fucking remarkable.
Aziraphale is badass. Period. Full Stop.
It's well past time that we stopped equating physical and fighting prowess as a measure of badassery. Just about anyone can exercise and get strong enough to fight someone. Just about anyone could possibly get weapons training. Neither of these things is half as brave as putting yourself in front of a crowd of people and holding off 70 demons with just conviction and a candleholder because it's the RIGHT THING TO DO.
EDIT: I had to add this while I was thinking of it.
I feel like people are buying into Heaven's version of badassery. Angels were made to FIGHT. To fight the last big battle against demons and Hell.
Aziraphale is a deviation because he DOES NOT WANT THAT. He doesn't want to fight a war that will hurt billions and destroy the world. His defining moment in Season 1 is when he stands in the face of the quartermaster and refuses to fight the way they want him to. Instead of a weapon, he chooses to find another way.
If anything, I would think it's leading to the idea that Aziraphale feels he must fight, that he has no choice, and then, when it comes right down to it, finding another way. A kinder way. A BETTER way.
By the standards of Heaven, Aziraphale picking up his sword and fighting would be Normal. Him refusing and finding another way is what makes him Unique. THAT'S what makes him badass.
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skitskatdacat63 · 7 months
Fernando Chair Lore: 2013 edition(no lore, just pics haha):
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giallo4ver · 2 years
Watching people seriously ship romantically Sauron/Galadriel in the Rings of power knowing full well that he is the ORIGINAL Mansplain, Manipulate, Manslaughter and that he is manipulating the whole audience too into believing he has actual feelings and not just a thirst for power and corruption of pure souls:
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