#he is not just the big evil and an old fashion villain
giallo4ver · 2 years
Watching people seriously ship romantically Sauron/Galadriel in the Rings of power knowing full well that he is the ORIGINAL Mansplain, Manipulate, Manslaughter and that he is manipulating the whole audience too into believing he has actual feelings and not just a thirst for power and corruption of pure souls:
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My avatar tla hot take ACTUALLY UNPOPULAR and not just minority opinion is that Azula is a terrible addition to the series. On her own? Oh, her character was great, complex, etc. She is a queen, a great diva, wonderful villain, interesting, deserved a great redemption too (She is 14! A baby!) etc. She just would have suited a magic girl show, a horror movie (in the typical scary, powerful little girl fashion), or a darker, more mature show with more characters like her, meaning child prodigies, better.
Combined with the rest of the atlab story? Kinda makes me laugh. She is such a ridiculous addition that makes it obvious this is a kids’ show. When I first watched the show, Zuko's father and the fact he had branded him was such a serious “oh shit” moment. Like, that is a father whose expectations are truly ridiculously high. It was scary. I mean who could meet them?
Zuko, whether a villain or an anti-hero, was a special, unique character the first few episodes because he was intimately acquainted with the scary main villain in a way no one was.
Then comes Azula. Come at me to debunk me (I may not even try to argue because this is such a weird opinion in the fandom, for real I haven't heard it) but she feels like a writer self-insert. Not a little kid’s writer self-insert, mind you, she feels like a well-written, dark, and complex self-insert or oc written by a talented fic writer in her 30s with years of experience that may become an original writer someday, but an oc nonetheless.
Azula feels like “oh, Zuko could never live up to his evil father’s ideals? Oh here comes my oc Azula, despite being 2 years younger she is soo much better at firebending and does everything better, even being evil, she is the main villain’s golden child and sidekick! And the sister of the main antagonist who interacts with him constantly!” (oh isn't that so cool?) “oh shit wait she needs flaws otherwise she is a villain Sue, let's see.… perfectionism! Perfect flaw! and at the very end after needing a 2 against 1 setting to be defeated she has a mental breakdown, perfect!”
“But gifted children and prodigies exist!!” you may say. Yesss I knowww. She is both too dark of a concept and too corny for atla. I see the flaws and contradictions in the ~vibes~ Azula gives me, thank you anyway. But regardless of rationally being aware of this, the reveal that this powerful character that comes to replace Zuko in causing the gaang trouble (Because let's face it, the beginning of Zuko's redemption arc and needing an even bigger bad to replace him and shock the viewers by how much more dangerous/powerful they are is the whole reason for Azula’s existence) is his 14-year-old LITTLE sister is so… dorky and laughable for me personally. And not only because of her gender in case you come to attack me from that angle. Zuko's prodigy little brother would perhaps have been an even worse and more ridiculous big bad replacement (Girls being shorter is understandable, but with a little brother we would visually see how much Zuko would be able to beat him if this weren't a kids’ show with magic, it would be even harder to suspend my disbelief to). Like, I am sure the reasons I hate the concept are the very same reasons some others love it, but you are telling me that the one capable of fulfilling the evil child burner father's expectations is… simply some rando younger child? It is not that Ozai was a freak who wanted the impossible, it is just that Zuko wasn't it. It is corny, it is dumb. It is so obviously meant for kids. Thanks, I hate it.
Azula also combines in a very weird and bizarre way with Zuko's tragic origin story (Also it is just another source of angst that is completely unnecessary, that distracts from what his father did to him and never living up to his expectations or being too compassionate for his own good, now there is a little sibling in the way being better than him at everything). Call me crazy, but Zuko as an only child, or at least a child without crazy op YOUNGER siblings would have had a MUCH more interesting relationship with his father. Perhaps an even ANGSTIER and more complex relationship where his approval is just within reach but also not quite there. Where it seems conceivable and yet out of reach. Where Ozai is the type of abuser who gives him praise when he does something right just to tear him down mercilessly when he doesn't.
What Zuko has in canon with Ozai and Azula is also interesting, painful, and angsty, but it is “never be able to be this other random younger child who happens to be a prodigy so what is even the point of trying when dad always reminds me of how meh I am compared to her” instead of “never be able to be like my father who is putting all his hopes and that of his empire on me, who at times seems to care so much”. That last one is much more compelling for me personally for a character that ends up being the opposite of his father and learns being like him is not a good thing, it also gives Zuko a good, believable reason to keep trying to please his father: there is actually a chance, there is no one there who has already won the race. Oh my, his search for the Avatar would have made so much more sense without Azula why does Azuka exist in this universe whyy 😭
Don't get me wrong, the sibling rivalry and abusers putting children against each other, having a golden child and a scapegoat, is realistic in many families, but from a storytelling perspective I find it VERY whatever, MEH. Like, the moment Ozai burns Zuko would have been a much greater instance of utter betrayal and shock if Ozai actually acted at times like he had some hope in his son instead of being constantly comparing him to his sister. Now everytime I am made aware of what Ozai did to Zuko I am like “duh” what were you expecting, Zuko, baby? It is still evil as fuck, but no longer shocking or a wtf moment, it is just the boring, edgy and predictable culmination of Ozai already having a “better” child he prefers to succeed him, a total overkill, and in fact, knowing Ozai, he should have done so earlier or straight up had Zuko killed, it makes no sense he is still alive when Azula is a much better successor from his perspective. It means nothing and Zuko should of fing course be traumatized and emotionally and physically distraught by the damage done to him by his own father, but he should not longer logically be that shocked or struck dumb. From a fictional, storytelling perspective, for me personally, the moment loses a tiny bit of its power, at least from the betrayal-someone-who-should-care-for-you—hurting-you—instead aspect.
If I had been there to write the ~big worse bad before Ozai~ meant to replace Zuko as he begins his journey of redemption, I would have chosen something much more serious (I get “abused child soldier” is serious, duh, I just mean serious in a way that makes me fear for the gaang being faced not with a peer but with someone bigger and much more experienced, and not just distract myself with how horrible it is that a “father” makes a 14-year-old girl into a soldier for an invading army). I would have chosen an equally or even more powerful, ADULT, right-hand man (or woman) of Ozai. If it really had to be a sibling of Zuko, it would have been a brother or sister 5 years OLDER, and that is AT THE VERY LEAST, perhaps the son or daughter of a minor wife or concubine (To fix the issue of why they are not the heir and why Zuko could be jealous of their much better skills while at the same time still having a good reason to keep trying to earn their father's approval, which is that there is still time to learn and improve as the younger party, this could have also made Ursa more sympathetic since the “evil” sibling is no longer a child of hers that she emotionally neglected). This could also give the character depth in the sense that they hate the fact they have no claim to the throne despite being older and “better”. They could still care for Zuko while having a love hate relationship with them, a sibling rivalry, Ozai turning them against each other, same as Azula, without taking away from Zuko's interesting relationship with Ozai (I just want his urge to overpower his better sibling to come from a place of his father actually expecting him to do it and be mad he doesn't instead of just Ozai putting all his hopes on the other sibling and Zuko for some plot related reasons still wanting his father's impossible approval despite never being able to earn it because Azula is there, better at a younger age, is that too much to ask? Like at this point Zuko should be smart enough to see that firebending skills are inborn and related to ~fantasy-version-of-genetics~, he should logically have seen it is not his fault and stopped trying to be Ozai or Azula MUCH earlier).
So in summary, believe it or not, I like Azula. I like the whole child prodigy golden child psychologically groomed and abused by evil father angle and I would love a redemption arc for her. I just don't like her AS an atla character. I feel like she does a disservice to Zuko by even existing due to how complex and interesting yet overpowered she is, actually. She ruins his motivations imo. Ironically enough, Zuko does not do a disservice to her, he makes her more interesting because he is a warning of what could happen to her if she is not perfect, he makes her vulnerable. But here is the deal, this would work better if she was the protagonist.
Edit: I just realized it is not just Azula who does a disservice to Zuko's story, it is the whole “Ozai straight up hated the little fucker since birth and tried to kill him before as a child therefore what he did to him was not a consequence of Zuko being compassionate as fuck, Ozai might as well have been looking for an excuse”. It just cheapens it immensely.
Zuko caring for those soldiers still counts just as much (of fucking course), but it would have been more poignant story-wise for his suffering to have also be a direct consequence of his first signs of goodness + his father being an abuser pshyco and not just the latter + Ozai always hated him because Zuko is the good guy and his father’s empire is evil so we need a way to make the children see Zuko is good and not like the rest from the beginning in a painfully simple way by making Ozai inherently hate him or smt because abusers “loving” their children in fucked up ways is too complicated
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flowersandbigteeth · 18 days
Hiiii 😭New in blog!
Do you have any tips/source in writing orcs?
Bc planning to do some bc got the spark your fics an inspiration 😩😩🙌
Halllooo! Welcome! 🥰 I started answering this question and it got so long 😭 I could honestly write an essay on this, there's so much to think about. So my candid thoughts are below 👇🏽
As far as pop culture goes: I generally like Durotan in the warcraft movie as my favorite Orc "look". I'm not too inspired by Tolkien's Orcs personally, but technically the DnD Orcs are based on that description. I started out basing my Orcs and half Orcs on the DnD races and elder scrolls online (orsimer are an orc like race) and then it grew into developing my own lore.
The DnD community is great because there are a lot of OCs to consider for reference and spin off games and lore, though (not saying you would, just for those who need to be reminded) you shouldn't steal other people's OCs. You can browse OCs on toyhouse and Pinterest, as well. Warhammer, Magic, and Warframe also have orc type characters to look at for character design ideas. Tolkien originally developed his Orcs from old English monsters, so that would be an interesting rabbit hole to jump down for inspiration.
Aside from the aesthetics there is a big pitfall to look out for when writing Orcs specifically:
Orcs started out as a villain race, but I find that extremely reductive. Orcs deserve culture, art, motives, and a spectrum of personalities. Tolkien's Orcs have been criticized as well as DnD rules about Orcs. I'm not going to do a deep dive into that because there is a lot to parse through. You can look it up if it interests you. There is far, far more discussion on it than I'm going to get into right now.
But my ultra, ultra simplified take away from what I've read is it's important to acknowledge the personhood of any character you write. And that's true for any writing really. Not to say you can't write an orc as a villain, but, for example, there is difference between writing a mindless killing machine and a villain with a personality, motive, strengths and weaknesses, and backstory if that makes sense.
If they are a mindless killing machine, there should be a reason other than Orc=bad. What happened to them to make them that way? Is there a societal expectation that they are trying to live up to? Do they have an internal struggle about it or do they feel justified for their violence? Are they under a spell or brainwashed? Why is that?
Villains are tricky because you want a satisfying ending, the villain may be complex, but they have to reach a point of no return where the hero has to act. So what was it that sent them off the edge? Vanity? Greed? Revenge? Etc.
Separate from Orcs it is a good way to look at all monster writing. As the counterpart to "born sexy yesterday" I think "born evil yesterday" is also kinda blah.
I'm not at all going to say I am great at this, it's often hard to create full, complex characters in short fiction but it's something to strive for. I'm sure I have characters on this blog I could have developed better, but I try to keep it in the back of my mind the more I learn about writing.
It's the same for an Orc hero. Orcs aren't dumb, malleable studs. I personally like expanding on Orcs canon skills (strength, loyalty, stamina, leadership) and flesh them out. Saber is strong, but he's also nimble and charming. Reven is big and can be scary, but is skilled in style and fashion, as well as being steadfast and loyal. Cedar is a warrior but studious and kind. Golmad loves weapons and is a leader but also gentle and good humored.
For visual ideas, I look at a lot of different styles and cultures, but it usually has a lot to do with the environment. I like to look at ye olde hairstyle and clothing ideas relevant to the place the Orcs are from, if that makes sense? Like if they lived in the artic you'd look for cultures that live in cold weather and draw inspiration from the materials they would have at hand for processing, sewing, and decorating.
In general, I tend to lean on more traditional depictions of mountain Orcs, but jazzed up? I don't like ripped, careless dirty rags, but clean, utilitarian and neatly cut leather and furs, as they are big hunters there rather than farmers. If they live in a village or town they'd wear whatever is in fashion, cotton or linen. Where are they from, their social class, and what types of clothes would be best for that environment are good questions to ask when developing costumes, next their personality. Whether they are vain, utilitarian, or cocky and like to roll around with their shirt off. 😸 I think keeping the environment and personality at the forefront of your mind, you won't fall into cliche traps. There's nothing wrong with having dirty ripped clothes but if it doesn't make any sense in the context of the world you're building it flattens the character. The assumption that Orcs are filthy or unskilled at tailoring by nature doesn't work for me.
Idk without going on too long, I hope some of that helps?
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Amy Propaganda
"Despite the fact that Sonic has said outright that she is important to him and someone he's glad to have around, fans choose to ignore that she is shown to be a good friend and has lots of friends- Cream, Big, Tails, Blaze, Knuckles, Shadow, Rouge(? They didn't seem to get along, but she invited Rouge to her birthday), Vector, Espio, Silver, E-102 Gamma, Elise, Belle, Sticks, and again, Sonic- in favor of pretending that she is a creepy, obsessive fanatic and a stalker who forces herself into Sonic's life and the lives of those around him without ever being wanted. It's quite frankly disturbing."
Kairi Propaganda
"The Kingdom Hearts game series is about Mickey Mouse battling the forces of Darkness with an alliance of fashionable anime boys. Kairi is a major character, and one of the few female characters. She is part of a trio of childhood best friends, with the protagonist Sora and their other friend Riku (who had a villain arc and then a redemption arc). Though Kairi is constantly and clumsily sidelined by the canon narrative, she arguably has more backstory going on than any other major characters. She is a refugee from another planet. She implicitly lost her beloved grandma at five years old in the traumatic destruction of their hometown. She was kidnapped and experimented on by an evil wizard-scientist—she escaped thanks to having a magic charm that basically teleported her to her soulmate(s). Then she had to adjust to living on a new planet and being adopted by a new family. In the very first game, when she's 14, she turns out her pure heart is one of 7 in the entire universe to be free of Darkness—she shows a full emotional spectrum of fear, sadness, frustration, defeat, but she isn't vulnerable to corruption. In KH2, she becomes one of the Chosen Ones who wield a magical weapon called a Keyblade. She loves her friends very much, and she has the unique talent to instantly recognize them even when they've been transformed into monsters. She has saved them several times with nothing but the Power Of Love in her heart randomly manifesting in, like, telepathy and teleportation and resurrection—she doesn't even consciously know that she has powers, her love is just so great that it's accepted as a tangible force of nature. She is frustrated and ashamed by her role as a damsel in distress, and she wishes to be stronger and combat-capable so that she join her male friends on their adventures instead of waiting around where it's safe. Also she was kidnapped by an evil assassin clown who's ten years older than her, and then they became friends. NOT ONLY does the fandom plug its ears and claim there is nothing interesting about this character and no potential in her story—Kairi has been demonized by the fandom for about 20 years. Somehow Kairi is useless and boring while also being a Mary Sue at the same time. She was called a bitch and a slut and a whore. She was hated for wearing too much pink and wielding a girly weapon with a floral design. She was criticized as a slut for wearing a short skirt, and for THE PLAYER being able to manipulate the camera into a contrived angle to look up her skirt to see her panties in the first edition of KH2. You can find nearly 20-year-old fanfiction and fanart of her being twisted into an evil schemer driving her friends apart, and of her being gleefully brutalized and insulted. Haters STILL comb for every crumb to make elaborate anti-canon theories about why she's an agent of evil, even though canon has FIRMLY ESTABLISHED for TWENTY YEARS since the very beginning that she's THE ONE CHARACTER incapable of growing Darkness in her heart. The theory is that she exists only as a puppet sent by the main villain to sabotage her friends (the plot for two out of the four main female characters) for all ten years of their friendship. The theory is that she's been using her powers to force her friends to love her—and their Power Of Friendship that is the EMOTIONAL BACKBONE OF THE STORY, and THE MAJOR FORCE OF GOOD IN THEIR UNIVERSE, and THE MOST CONSISTENT MOTIVATION FOR THE HEROES is all Just Misdirection LOL building up to a shitty Plot Twist. The theory is that she's secretly a custom-manufactured Chirithy (a cute talking animal companion that serves and guides humans)—and not a human girl with her own natural feelings and aspirations. AND THEN after stripping her of every important trait and role, these fans claim they're making Kairi more important and interesting than she is in canon. I don't know what causes the fandom to so desperately hate a sweet 14-year-old girl who literally canonically never did anything wrong."
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hollowsart · 2 months
I had to make the Morbius variant of Acedia into its own post, but here's some funny concepts n stuff I came up with while working on her with a friend.
Warning for topics with slight discussion and mentions of blood and vampirism.. cuz this is about a vampire lol
enjoy my thought process minus my friend's input that helped with a little back-and-forth to come up with this stuff:
tfw you're just trying to get some fruit, but this weird ominous looking older man doesn't hesitate when he sees you holding the last perfect honey crisp apple in the whole store.
goth as a subculture apparently didn't exist until the 80s in the UK with the introduction of a specific genre of music. the subculture itself is just heavily music based. it's not fashion based, although most who listen to the music will end up wearing clothes that reflect the music or the styles of those who made the music.
But that's not to say Old Man Morbius couldn't dress very dated and have a more victorian style of dress. gives him that "gothic" look
he stands out from the rest of society at the time in the 50s and he doesn't do much outside of getting necessities and then going back to his penthouse.
there were rumors that he was a vampire, mostly from the younger crowds and some older folks who loved to gossip. Acedia didn't believe it, thought it was rude to spread such things about people without any real proof…. but it didn't stop her from feeling nervous.
boi howdy was she wrong to think he wasn't a vampire.
He followed her from the store and dragged her into an alley and attacked…. taking the dang apple she bought as he fled.
Acedia hating the taste of blood, but the vampire-ness is CRAVING IT.
I think we need a better explanation for "LIVING vampire" as currently, vampirism technically means you're kinda dead tbh. you're dead and you're reanimated differently than a zombie.
I did have a concept where vampires can still eat and drink other things besides JUST blood.
They can eat raw meats and possibly blood sausages, too. they lean a bit further into being carnivorous, but they're not cannibals (not to say there isn't at least one or two vampires who may or may not have gone cannibalistic due to some kind of trauma, but y'know--)
Vampires can go out during the day, but they require coverage from the sun. umbrellas, extra long gloves, big ole hats with massive brims. pants, long sleeves, long dress, etc.
most tend to be nocturnal, but will go diurnal if necessary or for any number of reasons they may have for being awake during the daytime. (like keeping up appearances and trying not to seem so out of place to the regular humans they live around)
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Morbius!Acedia is a silly fun "non villain" addition to this whole sinistersona concept.
she has no desire to cause harm and, much like Earth-4622's Morbius, she is more of a street-level hero. She uses this for good, not evil. and has her own issues to deal with outside of that world's "Spider-Man"
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Acedia: (airhead extraordinaire)
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you're not special, Morbius.
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me, who knows I'm hungry and should get something to eat yet is still sitting there taking +1 damage every 3 minutes that I'm NOT getting up to get food: …….maybe.. I already AM a living vampire? ..just without the desire to drink blood?
me meeting Morbius and he's like "I haven't had blood in 3 days, I am going to kill someone--"
me: ? only 3 days? the last time I had blood was uhh… 4? 5? days ago?
Morbius: Morbius, now feeling terrified, knowing I'm a variant of him: ….How are you still speaking to me?
me: I have other means of food that tastes better than blood. smells better, too.
I get hungry fast, but I still sit there and tolerate the pain. sometimes I'll drink something to kill the hunger pains. that helps me pass the time.
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dustymagpie · 1 year
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Meet the blorbos!
Esme Richards, Alvin "V" Richards, Seraphim Reed, Wembley, Richard "Dick" Ripper, and Scott Dodd.
This already needs an update!
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Esme Richards
Former nomad. Only daughter with four brothers, one of which is V.
Partner of Viktor Vektor.
Loves driving in open stretches of road where she can just put her foot down.
Smokes too much, but is cutting down.
AU 1 (semi-retired): Works as a sales rep for Kiroshi Optics.
AU 2: She is a ripperdoc who becomes a rival of Viktor’s. #rival ripper AU
There is also a vampire AU (#vimpire AU) and a showgirl AU (#the crooner and the showgirl), plus an “evil” AU (#evil esme #villainous vik)
Terrible cook – She never really improves, she can do enough not to starve (just about)
Alvin Richards
My V!
Former nomad. Youngest of five, Esme is his older Sister.
Bi/grey ace.
An incident when he was little left him in a coma with fluid on the brain and a badly damaged arm. It was touch and go for a while. It happened while trailing after the older kids in the clan, he slipped and fell off a cliff edge, he doesn’t remember a thing.
Was in a relationship with Jackie and Misty. He is still very good friends with Misty, they tried to make it work between them after Jackie, but without him, they were just not compatable romantically. Is currently with River (Misty has tretened River that if he ever hurts Alvin...).
Is generally quite chill but has a fierce temper on him (Jackie has literally had to pull him off a scav before).
A big hugger (You have been warned!)
Richards Ripper
Militech brat from a prominent Militech family.
Severe PTSD and memory loss. Cannot remember his childhood or how he came to be in Night City.
Insomniac – has nightmare/night terrors due to what happened in his time with Militech.
Former BD star, part retired high class escort, model, philanthropist and teacher. He likes to keep himself busy and he had found that with teaching. He covers topics from basic sex acts to more advanced ones to sex without any of these via online classes on the NC equivalent of only fans and with in-person classes.
Lover of old B-movies
Current boo, Cillian Moran
Seraphim "Sera" Reed
Pink! Trashy! Trashy and pink!
Artist, fashion designer, entrepreneur. She hopes to one day own her own boutique one day selling the clothes she designed.
With Muamar "El Capitán" Reyes. They eventually have a very unplanned child together. All healthy but she has a very hard time during and after.
Wembley’s younger sister. Sera helps him with customising clothes and outfits to help express what he was trying to convey when he was exploring gender and it sparked Sera's love of fashion.
Argumentative, she loves a good “spirited” debate.
Tall and rarely seen without heels of some sort.
Hairdresser and fixer informant – Always remember to tip your hairdresser!
Spent a large part of his childhood trying to find a gender, pronouns and name that he felt fitted him. His family were always supportive (although his mom was miffed that he didn’t pick one of the names she had put on the list of new names for him). He eventually settled in he/him pronouns but even then, they don’t fell 100% right.
Has slept with Muamar. He occasionally like to sleep with his clients and Muamar was one of them, happened long before Sera met him. (She thinks it’s funny AF!)
Hates body hair (on him) the full body tattoo covers any hint of it. But he did concede that a bit of facial hair suits him.
Friends with Richard (he cuts his hair and Richard is a big tipper *wink wink*) he was there for Richard during the grey hair meltdown. Best friend, lover, enemy of Scott. He hates his face.
Scott Dodd
Gets into lot of fights, partially because of his resting bitch face, partially because he runs his mouth off a lot.
Has had his face jewellery ripped out a few too many times, so he replaced his earlobes and sections of his lips with chrome to stop it happening again, (one time was by Wembley).
FWB with Mateo.
Best friend, lover, enemy of Wembley. He used to bully him when they were younger.
A big softy really!
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imsparky2002 · 9 months
I just saw this post from Weeby and had to ask you, what are the best deeds for Class Of Villainy. Even though they're bad, they surely must've done something notably good in their lives.
Mari DeVil: While she usually degrades kids for their seemingly inferior fashion sense, Marinette did give some small advice to a neutral student on one occasion.
Jafardrien: The sorcerer has saved his father from several assassination attempts. After all, if anyone's going to kill the man, it'll be him.
YzAlya: Some older boys were picking on Ella and Etta, and were turned into ferrets by Alya as a result. Only she's allowed to make their lives hell!
Honest Nino: The conman's got a soft spot for kids, and teaches them how to wheel and deal on the streets. He's also very supportive of his little brother.
Maxdrome: Max got revenge on those who attempted to steal his father's work. Max may be a villainous mastermind, but he loves his parents.
Alix Khan: The future Queen of the Jungle protects her villainous hybrid friends from other students, even if they are weaker than her.
Kimton: He remembered Ondine's birthday once, and got her a nice gift (though her friends told him what to get after twisting his arm.)
Mylensula: The sea witch is protective of not just her lovely aquatic minions, but all sea creatures. The ocean is her home, after all.
Ivan Oogie: Ivan scared away kids who were bullying his underlings, and he is a genuinely loving big brother to Sasha.
Juleficent: Juleka saved her old friend Reshma from walking the plank after Captain Anarka found out about her failed invasion of Neverland.
QRC: Sometimes, Rose lets her fellow villains win when she races them. Sometimes.
Nath of Hearts:He once spared a child from execution due to his fiery nature reminding the King of himself.
Lady Chloe: While she may be a cold and ruthless girl, she always had love and support for her half-sister, bonding over their love of cruelty.
Madame Sabrina: She once donated to a charity she sympathized with. A very small donation, but it was a good deed nonetheless.
King Marc: Marc has a lot of love in his heart for his little brother, and teaches him everything he knows. He also helps his friends to feel beautiful.
ZoeHans: She is very warm and caring for her half-sister, and makes sure that she'll always be a member of high society.
Kagami Yu: If she feels that her opponent is a worthy fight, she will give them a quick and painless death.
MimRore: While she doesn't intend to do good, occasionally her spells will accidentally improve someone's life, which she hates. She did help her girlfriend take revenge on those who abused her.
Mireides: The goddess of death gives abused kids a second chance at life, due to knowing what it's like to feel unwanted.
Jeanatoa: They will share his bling with friends occasionally, but usually just his wolfy boyfriend! 💖
Cosetteweather: She has helped their parents pass hybrid-friendly laws via promoting them on social media, albeit so that it gets more support for her evential campaign as President of France.
Doctor Cabello: Occasionally has let people out of deals, if they feel that the person has done enough already.
Simon Frollo: He saved his father's life from an attacker, declaring it a sin to try and kill a man of God.
Reshma Hook: The pirate defends her friends from bullies, like Juleka when they were young.
IsmaScar: The King of the Savannah treats his hyenas like family, knowing that if he abused them, it would bring about his downfall.
Lacey Gothel: She once stabbed a man who was about to rape a woman. Evil as she is, she's not evil enough to let that slide.
And there you have it! They may be villainous monsters, but they aren't always cruel! Thank you so much to Weeby for helping with the reasons. Make sure to reblog, reply, post and ask for more. @artzychic27 @msweebyness
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frasier-crane-style · 4 months
Aquaman 2 The Lost Kingdom
This is pretty much more of the same, but less. It's not as epic as the first movie but despite constantly referencing the events and character dynamics from the first movie, it's not really more depthful or character-driven. Sort of like one of those old Blue Thunder: The Series! pilots that was meant to spin a popular movie off into a TV show, only with a big budget.
-It feels like they tried to edit Amber Heard out without spending any money doing it... after fifteen minutes or so, the only lines she gets are roaring during action sequences.
-Because this is the era of no fun allowed, the villain doesn't have a sultry minx in a leather catsuit to carry out his will, but a dumpy-looking Thai ladyboy. But it's important Thai ladyboy representation like this that made Aquaman 2 a box office... oh.
-Jason Momoa makes no effort not to play himself, which kinda kneecaps the would-be drama. He's supposed to be suspicious of his evil brother Orm, yet yearn for connection (this dynamic is so entirely Thor & Loki that the movie eventually drops the pretense and just calls Orm "Loki" out loud)--but Momoa comes off more like a retarded Golden Retriever that's too stupid to know he should resent and mistrust his arch-nemesis. Even though the script gives him lines about how he resents and mistrusts his arch-nemesis. And it's not like he's supposed to be some golden-hearted exemplar of friendliness and compassion--he's in this mess in the first place because he killed Black Manta's dad like a prick.
-This movie made me realize how many CBMs arbitrarily have the hero in costume for the first act, take him out of costume for no reason in the second act, then put him back in the costume for the third act. I get putting Aquaman in a 'stealth suit' for toy sales, but did they think kids would be clamoring for an Aquaman in boho chic doll?
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I mean, it's not like he's enjoying a long weekend at this point in the storyline. He's on a mission, doing Aquaman shit, but he doesn't wear the armor or use the trident. Is it just a contractual power trip? His agent got WB to give him forty-five minutes of wearing street clothes in the middle of the plot just as a flex? Is he promoting a fashion line? Will Jason Momoa implode if he goes one week without wearing leather wrist cuffs?
I don't know, it's just weird to me that the first movie got so much praise for its accurate, good-looking costumes, and instead of showing those off, they're constantly putting the characters in street clothes or generic jumpsuits. Ocean Master never even gets a new costume. He spends the whole movie looking like a crewman on Gene Roddenberry's Andromeda.
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For Trioholders I'll suggest a Xiaolin Showdown AU. If you haven't seen the show you can disregard this, though I will recommend you give it a watch at some point, it's a fun show.
If you have seen it- the trio are xiaolin warriors trying to collect all the shen gong wu and protect the world from the heylin side. All three will be the dragon of one of the four elements (even though there's only 3 of them...) with Yoichi playing the role of omi, and AFO playing the role of Chase Young, trying to convert Yoichi to the Heylin side as his apprentice.
I have seen Xiaolin Showdown! What a blast from the past.
1. Yoichi is the young dragon of water. He and his brother were orphans raised at the temple together, until his big brother ran off to become evil. AFO is a huge embarrassment to Yoichi and he tries to pretend not to be related to him--which would be easier if AFO didn't call Yoichi "little brother" as soon as they ran into each other.
2. Kaiji is the dragon of fire. When they first meet, Kaiji is obsessed with technology and generally distant. Since Yoichi was raised in a temple, he's secretly fascinated with the outside world and wants to learn more. His secret pleasure is his weekly shipment of hair care products. Yoichi's favorite show is Captain Hero, because it's the only cartoon he's ever seen. The temple has a few ancient DVDs but no internet. When they first meet, Kaiji disses Captain Hero as an old-fashioned show and earns Yoichi's ire. They fight all the time. Secretly, Yoichi thinks that Kaiji is cool and Kaiji was infatuated with Yoichi from the moment they met.
3. Sanzou is the dragon of wind. He's calmer than the other two and plays peacemaker. Kaiji and Yoichi frequently fight over Sanzou's approval/affection. However Sanzou is fully aware that Kaiji and Yoichi have crushes on each other and feels like a third wheel. Sanzou does not realize they both like him too, because he has a blindspot in this one particular place.
4. Hikage Shinomori is the dragon of earth, younger by the others by a couple years. He's the true third wheel, forced to watch his seniors' endless romantic drama. He frequently hides in the temple basement to get away from it all.
5. Tomura Shigaraki is playing the role of Jack Spicer, competing with the trio for Shen Gong Wu and desperate to win AFO's approval. He's also perpetually caught up in the love triangle drama, and has a weird pseudo-friendship with Hikage over it.
6. AFO keeps taking advantage of how easy it is to magically force people to become evil/good in the Xiaolin Showdown universe to mind-control Yoichi. In turn, Yoichi is totally shameless about trying to force his brother to become good. There's a lot of face heel turns. In fact, one time Yoichi gets taken over by bad chi, but then when the other three come to rescue him, it's revealed that his chi is already fine and he sheepishly returns. It's unclear if it only worked because Yoichi expected it to work or if he just secretly wanted to spend some time with his big brother.
7. AFO also fakes being turned good repeatedly to steal Shen Gong Wu and Yoichi always falls for it. (In Yoichi's defense he's a preteen in this AU.) Also even when AFO gets turned good a couple times, he's still ruthless and basically only cares about Yoichi. He's just on a different side. Yoichi is in deep denial about this because he wants to believe his brother is good deep down when not influenced by that horrible villain "Garaki Bean."
8. In fact, you know that arc where Omi changes the past to bring Chase Young to the side of good? When Yoichi does that to AFO, nothing changes because it turns out AFO is just the same no matter his chi. Also when given a chance to sacrifice himself to repair the timeline, good AFO is just like..."nah I want to make my little brother happy and that means staying by his side. The timeline can get wrecked." Good ending maybe?
(All of these are free to use in my Three Weeks of Trioholders event.)
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m0rtisxfuchs · 27 days
Listen strade is like a god or something like that he’s so girly pop you should totally rant about him I’m listening and taking notes-🔪
Listen Strade is hot af I am a whore for older men especially big fat and hairy older men and he checks all them boxes off he’s like 5’8” I’m only 5’0” irl that mf would tower me almost and yeah he stinky that canon but I have a scent kink especially for “bad” smells on people so like. No big deal bro. Also Strade doesn’t look ashy nor whitewashed anymore and MFMFNF damn he looks so good.
I love how bubbly Strade is even when he’s torturing you like, it’s kinda charming? Which is the whole point of his character, he’s charming but fucking sadistic and perverted at the same time but his charm is so strong you tend to look past it and honestly it’s great! He’s a likable villain in my eyes. I also love how Strade doesn’t have a tragic past that made him this way or something; He had a good childhood and upbringing he just chose to become evil as hell and a snuff streamer for no reason other then bc he felt like it and it’s a breath of fresh air after the whole “tragic redeemable villain” trope got beaten like a dead horse.
Btw I pick hammer yes its probably the worse option bc with drill it goes by quicker but I am a masochist + I’m old fashioned okay?! Tbh if I could I’d pick both but Strade would whip out the wedding ring if I said that /JOKE.
Anyways Strade come scoop my ass up put that collar around my neck I’ll be the best pet you’ll ever have.
Also if I met Ren while staying with Strade here’s basically how I’d react:
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dazzasarchives · 3 months
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Fantastic Four Volume 1 Issue 5
Alright so the last issue introduced the Silver Age to a big player within Golden Age comics. Well this comic introduces one of Marvels greatest villains of all time, Dr Doom ( Victor von Doom ). I'll be honest when I saw the cover I got really excited to finally have Dr Doom show up.
Anyway on with the story. It starts out with the Fantastic Four in the Baxter Building, of course Johnny and the Thing are harassing one another yet again. Though what I like about this issue is that it feels like they disciplined Johnny more so than the Thing for this small quarrel. It's the little wins for us Thing lovers. Anyway as this is all transpiring the evil Dr Doom is hovering over the Baxter Building with a giant net. An electric asbestos lines net. Quick sidetrack, most ways to stop the Human Torch involve Asbestos, ah the good old days when Asbestos silver everything. I also find it a bit funny with the sliding timescale, because I don't know what to use for in place of Asbestos, like is everyone still using it even with all the Asbestos commercials out there?
Anyway Dr Doom tells the Fantastic Four to send up Sue Storm, which they comply to, and then he tells the others to also board his ship, which they do. He then tells Reed, Johnny, and Ben that he has built a time machine, and he is going to send them into the past to search for Blackbeard's treasure and that they have 48 hours. Wow, five issues and we've already encountered aliens, and time travel.
Well the three agree to go looking for the treasure. So Doom sends them back into the late 1600s, early 1700s, it doesn't give a specific date. Anyway the three land in the past, and they don some pirate outfits. I'll be honest I really like these outfits for the group, they're bright, and colorful some of my favorite outfits so far in the series. They also use these outfits to disguise Ben giving a big hat, and eye patch, and a black beard.
They head to an inn, and end up getting drugged by a pirate, who captures them and shows them aboard his ship. The three break out and easily take control over the vessel, mainly due to them having literal super powers, and this poor pirate crew just having 17th century weaponry.
After taking control over the vessel they are then attacked by another pirate vessel, and the three members fight back hoping that it it's Blackbeard. They end up winning the ship battle taking the other ships plunder, again by using their amazing abilities.
Well after taking the treasure from the other groups or pirates the Thing is being praised by them for his immense strength. He ends up wanting to stay with the pirates since he's been praised for his strength. Johnny and Reed try to force Ben to come back with them in which he orders his crew to capture his two friends, then a twister appears.
The twister hurtles towards the ship destroying it and throwing the three heroes onto a nearby island. Along with the treasure of Blackbeard. That's right Thing is Blackbeard. Well Dr Doom summons them back to his castle, he opens up the chest only to find chains. The Thing then goes to clobber him, only to find that it's a Doombot. I really like when villains call their robots something other robots and usually with their name or title.
The real Doctor Doom then traps the three members on an airlock chamber sucking the air from, until Sue, finally saves the day. She shuts off the system and saves the other three, finally five whole issues until she's done something.
The Four then set Doom's castle ablaze with him inside it but in standard super villain fashion he escapes, with a jetpack, how cool. So the Fantastic Four head off to the Baxter Building when Johnny states, " Gosh first Sub-Mariner now Dr Doom loose on Earth, What happens next?" Oh Johnny if only you knew.
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So I really liked this comic Dr Doom is a decent villain starting out, again I love the cartoony quality that he has with his schemes. I don't mind the team at all this time, and Sue actually did something this issue, what a milestone. Anyways on to the character analysis.
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Mister Fantastic was actually pretty decent this issue. Also I love his pirate attire, it's very nice. Also it is through him that we get Dr Doom's backstory, or at least the beginning of his backstory. As well as the birth of one of the greatest rivalries in Marvel comics.
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Johnny was also pretty tolerable throughout this issue. In the beginning he was annoying but towards the end he was fine. Again I love his pirate attire, the yellow and green work really well with him, kinda makes me wish he would do a similar outfit later on.
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The Thing, or should I say Blackbeard. I yet again love the Thing in this issue, I love that he becomes Blackbeard, and that he wanted to stay with the pirates. I mean it makes sense in his world he is viewed as a monster. While in this world, he's the greatest pirate to ever sail.
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Sue, the writers finally let her do something besides get captured. I mean she did get captured but she single handedly foiled Dr Dooms plans. I'm so glad that she did, because this marks the beginning of Sue doing more with, and for the time, besides being a damsel in distress.
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Dr Doom, possibly one of the most iconic Marvel Villains of all time. He's probably one of the best masterminds that Marvel has made, and his rivalry with Reed Richards, is purely iconic. Though in this comic, he's practically the same as any standard villain, just he has two pets, a Vulture, and a Tiger, named Gunther. Yes that's canon. Anyway I look forward to seeing Dr Doom become the primary antagonist of the Fantastic Four, and a major player in the universe.
Alright so I think that settles it for this issue. Our next thrilling tale will have the Fantastic Four facing off against two previous foes. Who could they be? Find out next time.
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I do not own the images above they are property of Marvel Comics.
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videogamelover99 · 2 years
Wait I'm super curious about your Chief Taneda being the final boss theory :0 (also gosh dang I would really love it if Chuuya left the PM, it would be so satisfying)
A lot of the credit for that goes to @originalaccountname but BASICALLY:
Ango mentions a "seventh" organization that works in the shadows, that aparently was responsible for erasing Dazai's reccord.
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One big theme in BSD is that access to information, above everything else, is what can beat any strategy. This organization seems to not just have access to information, but is actively controling it, meaning that it is extrememly powerful, and would be hard for even Dazai to go up against, because Dazai relies on having more info than the oponent, be it through observation or good old-fashioned breaking and entering.
Now, another big theme in BSD is that of human sacrifice, and the morality of it. The main message is "it's bad". It's why Mori is considered a true evil, what sets apart Dazai and Dostoyevsky, and what each character, in one way or another, struggles with. Characters who recognize the value of human life are uplifted, while characters who value ideas, say, government or organization or world peace or the like over human life are criticized. Oda's message to Dazai was to "save people".
And here comes Chief Taneda:
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Someone who, we learn, does not value human lives as individuals, but rather as something to be quantified. If it's for the "greater good", he'll kill people that don't deserve it. It's why Ango doesn't trust him!
Now, if you would have picked any of the known characters to be part of this shady organization, who would it be? Plus, imagine the sheer power of someone who had Dazai's crimes erased and had him join the agency for some completely ulterior motive, for a plan that even Dazai couldn't predict. Dostoyevsky is supposed to be as smart as Dazai, but he's kind of losing to Dazai right now, and if we're gonna talk end-game mastermind villain, I would bet on the guy who managed to manipulate Dazai into doing something he thought was of his own volition.
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notasapleasure · 1 year
Robin Hood S03E11 (2009)
Another staple of BBC afternoon TV that I barely watched. I doubt I saw this episode and if I did I definitely forgot it.
In which we await Isabella and her goons :) She is the Big Bad, and Joplin's character has no name so I suspect this appearance is brief and backgroundy and one for the completists but I needed some silly medieval nonsense after all the drama of Doctors.
In the meantime there's some powerful homoeroticism going on - Guy and Robin are teaming up to fight said Isabella, but first they have to have a brawl in the woodlitter about how Robin's dad seduced Guy's mum and how they both loved the same woman who Guy killed. My my, that's a lot of history for three seasons!
Ah, this is like....the third from last episode ever so I guess it's going to continue to be 1000% Extra.
Oh hello love!
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Ok, he has no name, most of his lines are "Yes Sheriff" and he's largely there so Isabella has someone to monologue off, but otoh 🥵🥵🥵
Oh yes, there's also a soft wee Northern accent, it's rather lovely.
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That is a LOOK. For my fellow Lymond fans reading this, yes he is too tall to be Jerott, but also yes, I still have a type. 🥴💀
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And he has a little mission on his own now! Probably doomed tbh, given the no-name, one-episode, single-handedly being sent after the heroes kind of deal.
Thinking of @donnaimmaculata​'s tag for the show when Guy gets thrown in a jail cell and....all the inmates just fall on him, grabbing at him. The Guy of Gisborne fetish show indeed. And his brother Archer gets in on the action with some handcuffs and involuntary stripping!
Oop, arriving slightly too late to catch Robin at the Sheriff's table!
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Also the Sheriff apparently has a memory like a sieve, but whatever. Look at this:
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Pic spam incoming, he is a mere goon but GOD he’s my type of goon
Baby is having a dreadful day at work: one sheriff wants him to take two of these three idiots alive, but another sheriff has a vendetta against the third and just wants to have a good old fashioned hanging so he’d rather kill the lot. Nameless goons don’t get to argue with sheriffs :(
They do get really fricking sweet red-lined swishy cloaks though
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Even goons are amazed when one brother betrays another!
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Aww, like a very big cat bringing not-quite-dead shrews home to his boss.
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Sorry buddy! Sheriff of York overrules your boss.
Cue chaotic failed execution scene and heartwarming reconciliation between Guy and Little John.
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Sorry I only noticed the screenshots still had the control bar on when I’d closed the window and going back and getting new screenshots right now feels like excessive self-indulgence. Trust me when I say: big sword.
But he’s never going to get out of this, not with such excellent Villain Sword Handling Technique:
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As you’d expect for the villain’s henchman in The Robin Hood Show :’)
Dead? Decidedly. The show even showed Isabella being mad about it!
Evil? Now, far be it from me to apply modern concepts of morality to medieval society, life was often cheap and he lived by the sword. He didn’t kill the old man, he tried to bring the outlaws in alive, and the one he was going to kill was a nob. I don’t think he did anything wrong tbh.
Affects the plot? Oh my no.
4/5 my judgement is clouded by studded pleather, chainmail and big sword.
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terrence-silver · 2 years
Some wonky things about Cobra Kai S5 that just hit me like a brick over the head:
― The villains being shown as childless, family-less and ultimately loveless. They’re The Others. It is only the heroes and those on the path of redemption who have or will have families, found families, actual friends (they don’t have to bribe or buy), offspring (adoptive or otherwise) and committed significant others.
― The grounded, nuanced representation of Terry Silver we were promised somehow boiled down to an age old stereotype of a youth-corrupting, greedy, materialistic, manipulative, snake emblematic, wealthy, sleazy Jewish man who wants to take over the world and ‘Steal the soul of The Valley’. In 2022, year of our Lord.
― The characters morals and ethics are ultimately measured by their proximity to either Daniel Larusso and Johnny Lawrence as the sole arbitraries of all good, proper values respectively. If you’re on the side of all things right, you’re either on the track of being on their side, or merely getting there. 
― Women are mothers and girlfriends, and sometimes, when we want to supposedly up the anti and shake up the diversity, they’re also angry Asian Dragon Lady tropes --- who is also single, by the way. Because no heroic person is ever left unpaired with someone else and when they are left single, they’re going through a Dark Night of The Soul, the way Sam and Tory respectively did.
― Johnny Lawrence more than ever before being posed as the model of old timey, bygone 80′s masculinity and ideals and getting endless do-overs, second, third and fourth chances and rewards over literally doing the bare minimum and sometimes not even that much, with his character arc progressing backwards so much, he is literally a comedic caricature of his former self.
― Sometimes violence is bad and sometimes it is okay and even justified. Really depends who does it. If someone bad does it, then clearly, it is bad, and if someone good does it, then it is conveniently forgotten about, pushed under the rug, made light of, glossed over and scrapped as a plot-point.
― The complex, layered friendship between John and Terry being revised in such a weird, inconsistent fashion where Johnny Lawrence, is yet again, inserted in the midst of them as the one ‘John cared for more’ to once more, distance John from Terry and bring him closer on the moral scale to the ‘side of right’ by him having just a teeny, tiny bit of attachment more to the prime model arbitrary of the show. 
― The original pacifist heart and message of the whole franchise somehow culminated in an overblown sword vs sai duel one on one, Daniel pulverizing his foe in front of an audience in an elaborate humiliation conga, in an all out chaotic battle where everyone fought everyone on a big messy, violent pile and yet only Terry Silver got apprehended and nobody got questioned and at this point, this is all about as pacifist as a nuclear explosion.
― The importance of everything oscillating wildly and bizarrely depends where the plot needs it to be and depending who gets the sympathetic spotlight this time around. Last season, Terry was suffering from war flashbacks and obviously unhealed, suppressed trauma that has haunted him all his life. This season, he says he never had to scrape for anything (not even through Vietnam and a POW camp?). This season, we also get Samantha’s trauma nightmare nexus treated with the seriousness Terry doesn’t get.
― Cobra Kai (the evil guys) still being the most diverse of dojos, of course and don’t get me started about the lack of any other sexuality other than straight.
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3nigm4art · 2 years
Headcanon day 007 fest 2022
1. Porting Doom
When life gets a bit too serious, or you find yourself fixing your double-o’s broken equipment again for the 489th time that week. You will discover Q, porting the videogame “Doom” (1993) onto anything he could get his hands on. It has been a fascination of his just where Doom porting’s limits are after scouring Reddit one day and seeing that someone had managed to port Doom onto a pregnancy test. So he started doing it as well. At first, it was the Q-branch microwave (which would explain why the minions are around it all the time even though they weren’t nuking their food, but M doesn’t know this). Then it was the palm print sensor on the Walther PPK, which took him longer than he would like to admit. Since then, he did it on everything that has some sort of display in them, for example, the Q-dar, even the exploding watch had a secret Doom option (too bad that’s gone).
What? How else are you going to pass the time when you are waiting for things to be 3D printed?
Oh, and Boris does this too, just with Tetris.
2. Drift king
Bond got a reputation for being some sort of drift king in Mi6 after a mission in Japan, resulting in him crashing his Aston Martin after losing a race with some kid on some mountain (it was the 90s, and Bond wasn’t really known for his cool-headedness). And it wasn’t a race really, he was just ticked off by the kid’s sick drifting skills and loud techno music and decided to chase after the kid.
After losing he asked the kid if he could teach him, but the kid refused, saying he has to sleep for school tomorrow. However, after persistent pestering and bordering harassment, the kid caved, gave him two tips and left. Bond tried them out, basically camping at the mountain’s parking lot every day so he could practice, especially those quintuple hairpin curves. Eventually, with months of practice, he finally managed to get to the level of proficiency he wanted. And he did find the skill useful in chasing down criminals in, for example, alleyways.
He gave Q a ride once but had a run-in with an Interpol fugitive. Which cured Q of his fear of flying but gave him an even bigger fear of riding in Bond’s car.
(Definitely did not come up with this after seeing the terrible car chase scene in GoldenEye)
3. Every Villain Needs a Good Entrance Song (scav hunt no. 4)
We all know that every good old-fashioned villain needs good entrance music, or how else are we going to let them go down in history? Of course, these songs would need a large amount of swag to carry, so when you imagine them entering, just imagine that they are David Bowie in Labyrinth or something.
Starting with good old Janus, the one who didn’t die, Alec Trevelyan. With his grudge toward the UK, it would only be appropriate to have his entrance song be UK-specific. With that said, his song of choice would be “Anarchy in The UK” by the Sex Pistols, accompanied by a swagtastic entrance, all guns blazing and a confused, honestly kind of frightened Bond by his big-dick energy. 
Le Chiffre was the guy with class, calm and collected and richer than nations, so his brand of swag was just that, class. Entering the casino from the valley of kings and the shadow of men who sold their lives to a dream, his song is “Glitter And Gold” by Barns Courtney, flashy, dazzling, only appropriate to the villain of Casino Royale.
Raoul Silva, momma’s boy; the rat that eats other rats. “Mama” by My Chemical Romance (I know I’m emo) could express his wrath towards M, screaming about bringing her to hell with him and how they are all damned. A song that is significantly different from the others on this list so far, but since he technically already has an entrance song in the movie, I thought: what the hell.
Since Blofeld’s schemes mainly centered around surveillance and keeping his eye on everything, the song “Evil Eye” by Franz Ferdinand is kind of just that. It’s pretty self-explanatory, just people wanting his network and power.
Safin is by far the hardest to come up with, his motives have been always kind of unclear. So I thought, as a joke, that “CAT GIRLS ARE RUINING MY LIFE!” by CORPSE was appropriate, because of his weird obsession with Madeleine.
Yeah, that’s it.
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I have just suddenly remembered my Kidclipse and Toddlunar AU, where Eclipse was a small child the entire time, and he designed Lunar and Bloodmoon to be toddlers so he would be the big brother. Kidclipse is basically 5, Toddlunar and Babyblood are basically 3.
Nobody realized he was a kid until the first time Sun went into the mindscape to talk face to face. And was confronted with a small child whose voice is so much squeakier without Sun’s voicebox filtering it. He came out of that spell panicking because that was not a scary villain, that was a traumatized child lashing out.
The months after that feature Kidclipse working through his fear of Sun and Moon, and his guilt about Babyblood (and July 16th) and Lunar (who’s birth went pretty similar to canon in that it freaked Sun out and messed up Moon’s head for a bit, causing Glamrock Freddy to be called in)
Kidclipse had a panic attack when Golden cast the suppression spell for the first time. He cried the whole time. And his voice was hoarser than usual when it finally wore off. Nobody really noticed, since that’s when they thought he was an evil adult.
He had another panic attack when Sun saw him in their mind, because he was freaking out about them knowing how small and weak he really is and scared they’d lock him away again. He got cuddles and affection out of it instead.
Priorities immediately shift from getting rid of Eclipse to getting this child his own body so they can actually raise him. Moon does most of the parenting until Kidclipse’s body is done.
Instead of the maternity chip, Kidclipse sabotaged Sun and Roxy’s relationship the old-fashioned way, with threats and bullying. He tied Roxy’s hair to pole once. He did it solely because he was sharing Sun’s body at the time and didn’t want her cooties.
Besides Roxy, he otherwise mostly acted like canon SaMS Eclipse until Sun saw him in their mind. He almost blew his cover several times though.
He still has Moon’s brains in his tiny child brain, so he still turns the barrels into deadly weapons. And doesn’t tell anyone. They fins out when Sun almost accidentally shoots a kid. Kidclipse and Gregory are great friends.
Kidclipse was grounded once for giving Gregory a disintegration gun. He’s also been grounded for installing swords in Babyblood.
Golden gives Kidclipse therapy when he babysits, because the entire family is too allergic to therapy tp actually book an appointment.
Toddlunar is the only one who acts like a normal child. Kidclipse is a snarky brat who likes to turn barrels into lasers and bombs, and Babyblood are the most violent and bloodthirsty toddlers anyone’s ever seen.
Glamrock Freddy was the second person to find out about Toddlunar. His sheer dad energy had Kidclipse confessing pretty quick, and apologizing for building a baby brother inside Moon’s head without permission.
Toddlunar just strolled up to Monty one day and declared them best friends, and Monty, under threat of Moon cutting them off from his bank account, had to go along with it instead of punting the toddler. Which quickly became “if anything happens to this child I’m destroying the world and then myself”.
July 16th still happened, but the twins are pint-sized, and mad about it once they realize they are not Sun-sized in the real world. Mass murder was so easy in Sun’s huge body, but the body they.manifested was tiny and can only kill rats. The new body was only a bit bigger, but much better for homicide purposes.
Monty get to babysit Babyblood during Daycare hours, because nobody trusts them near soft, fragile, tiny, blood-filled human children. Especially after Kidclipse gave them swords.
Kidclipse didn’t tell anyone about the Babyblood until October, because he was worried Sun and Moon would be mad at him. He made the mistake of telling Toddlunar, who spilled the beans by the end of the day.
KC, Moon, and Monty try to rediract Babyblood’s homicidal urges towards specifically assholes. It takes time because they are very small and need to learn how to take down adults for that.
When Killcode gains sentience, he immediately claims the four as his own, and has to coparent with Sun and Moon, his brothers.🦇
Oh right! I remember that. Reminds me of the one where they found out about lunar because eclipse panicked realizing his baby brother was alone in moons head and told moon so he wouldn’t mix him up with a virus or hurt him and because lunar was a baby and he needed to get in there to comfort the scared baby
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