sanguinessunflower · 5 months
I only know how to draw Jason as a 90's mom apparently
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j-restlessgeek · 2 months
🌼🧚‍♀️🌧🐚🧞‍♂️ :3
Meow there :3 😸😸😸
🌼 - go to comfort food:
quick and easy without much work- dinosaur nuggets, they make me smile and are fun to eat.
Ben & Jerry's had this really really nice flavour kind, that I always bought when I felt down but they stopped producing it 😔😔😔.
At the moment I am also really loving this quick and easy pasta dish from my mom: creamy pasta with peas, I love peas 🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰. Is done in like ten minutes. 🥰🥰🥰
🧚‍♀️- what calms you down?
Hmmm I would say getting out of the situation, if possible, getting fresh air and some space. Worst would be to hug or touch me in such a moment, don't do well with that, so definitely not that.
Best for me is getting out of the situation and usually its over after a few minutes. I try to avoid high stress situations since I almost always get migraines from the stress.
🌧️- what do you like to do on a rainy day?
Watching the rain, covered with a blanket and maybe enjoying a nice hot chocolate 😋😋 and hoping that the rain stays until its night because I sleep best during rain. The pitter patter is nice 🥰🥰🥰🥰
🐚- pancakes or waffles
Oh 90% of the time its pancakes, nice and fluffy, unless there are heart waffles, pancakes win
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^ these go over everything, soft and light and really nice with powdered sugar, could eat a bunch of them 👀👀👀👀. Especially when they come fresh and hot out of the iron, the sugar melts a bit. Burned my mouth so often but worth every time 🤤🤤🤤🤤🤤.
🧞‍♂️- what's something you're excited for?
Oh two things, two very big things this year :3
First is gonna be the finland travel (gonna be the first solo trip) and i will hug my friends and go see Käärijä 🥰🥰🥰, gonna be big 👀👀
Second will be me going to lab school in fall, basically two months after Käärijä/finland :3, been working towards it for the last two years and I am really excited about it. I absolutely love working in laboratories and met amazing people during an internship. I miss them a lot sometimes, they were really amazing 🥹🥹🥹🥰🥰🥰🥰. Helped me discover my passion and what I wanna do for the rest of my life.
Laboratory work is amazing, you have set rules, work in medicine and the people are usually all the same 🥹🥹🥰🥰. Doing my best to get there.
Thank you for the asks and have a nice day 💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛
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pink-flame · 3 years
Wrap me up
This fic is dedicated to @blush-and-books who wrote fanfic about my fanfic and made my life infinitely better for it. I hope you enjoy this indulgent Juke sickfic. 😊
Sorry that I keep giving you the flu, Julie. It’s in the name of the fluff which we all desperately need right now. And always. Definitely always need the fluff. 
Enjoy! 💜
Julie was absolutely miserable.
She was home sick which on its own shouldn’t have been the worst thing in the world. She was never one of those kids who went for the perfect attendance award, her mom always ranting about how some parents were willing to let their precious children infect the entire school in pursuit of a useless paper certificate. There were generally a few days every school year where Julie caught some cold and got to spend the day propped up on the couch watching trashy daytime tv and chugging hot tea. Overall, even with the slight discomfort of a stuffy nose and a headache it usually evened out to be a relatively enjoyable experience.
The problem was that she didn’t have a cold. She had this new strain of flu that was going around that was twice as contagious and notably more intense than the normal one, leaving Julie feeling a lot more than slightly inconvenienced by her illness.
She was exhausted.
She was sore.
She was burning up and freezing at the same time.
She was...absolutely miserable.
She was also more or less on her own.
Her dad had of course wanted to nurse Julie as hands on as possible but Julie had insisted that he try to keep his distance. It was her abuela’s birthday that weekend and it was a big tradition that the whole family would go visit her. She was in her 90s and living in an assisted living facility. She didn’t get many visitors and she looked forward to them coming for weeks ahead of time. That family togetherness meant a lot to her especially after losing Julie’s mom.
So it was sad enough that Julie wouldn’t be able to attend but if her dad or tia caught her flu there would be no birthday visit at all. Carlos wasn’t exactly offering to come in and tend to Julie but she wouldn’t have let him even if he was. So despite her dad and her aunt protesting she had eventually convinced them to check on her from a healthy distance away and leave her meals and tea in the doorway to her room. Julie did her best to act as though she wasn’t feeling too bad when one of them popped in just to keep them feeling comfortable with the arrangement. As soon they left for the hour or so drive to her abuela’s facility, promising to call and check in frequently, Julie had sagged more fully against her pillows letting her true feelings about the situation wash over her fully for the first time.
Her head was pounding, she was shivering, her throat burned and every breath she took rattled in her chest. There was more than that though. She wasn’t with her family going to visit her abuela and she wouldn’t be...she wouldn’t be performing at the music program showcase the next night. It was meant to be her first solo performance, well at least the first officially sanctioned one, since she had lost her mom.
Yes, she had come so far and yes the boys had given her the confidence to perform in places she never would have believed six months ago. But this was different. This was supposed to be her opportunity to prove to everyone at school that she was back to her old self, that she could stand on that stage alone and rock it. This was supposed to be her opportunity to prove it to herself.
Instead here she was sick. Alone.
Julie suddenly felt a familiar burning sensation pricking at her eyes as tears welled up, threatening to fall. She tried to blink them back, frustration rising up at the thought that she would not only be miserably ill but also cry over it. Unfortunately, being incredibly frustrated was just as likely to make her cry as being sad was so she now had no chance of avoiding a full on emotional outburst.
She pressed the side of her face against her pillow and squeezed her eyes shut harshly, as though if she buried her head far enough into its fluffy surface she could convince herself that the tears weren’t falling, and her head wasn’t throbbing and…
Julie blinked her eyes open sluggishly, waiting until her vision cleared enough to let her see who was standing over her bed. Not that she needed to see him to know that. She would recognize that voice anywhere at this point.
He stood beside her bed staring down at her, his forehead creased with worry as he shifted from foot to foot with anxious energy.
“Julie are you ok? I had this weird tugging feeling and then I just thought I should come see how you were doing. Are you...are you crying?”
Julie fully intended to open her mouth and say yes, to say she was fine, that her eyes were just watering because her sinuses were backed up but actually she was feeling much better.
Instead when she opened her mouth all that escaped was a sob.
She raised one hand quickly to slap it over her mouth as though she could somehow take back the sound that had just escaped before Luke registered it. That was of course wishful thinking.
Luke’s expression immediately descended into panic, his hands flapping uselessly around her bundled up form as though searching for the spot he could touch to fix whatever was wrong with her.
“Hey, Julie...Julie...Jules, what’s wrong?”
His face was so worried and sweet and concerned and it only made Julie cry harder.
“Don’t cry,” He begged, before seemingly coming to a decision.
Even though he was only a step away from her bed he poofed out of existence and reappeared lying horizontally next to her, his hands instantly reaching out to stroke down the sides of her face, chasing the tears that tracked down its surface.
“Don’t cry,” He repeated, his voice softer and less alarmed as her breathing calmed under his touch. “Don’t cry, Jules.”
Her tears started to slow and finally dried up entirely as though his words had been a command and not a desperate plea. She thought for not the first time in the last few weeks how grateful she was that the boys were tangible to her now. It would probably never stop feeling like magic to her when Reggie bumped his shoulder against hers conspiratorially or Alex leaned down to rest his chin on the top of her head. But when Luke’s hand brushed against hers when he handed her his lyrics journal or he pulled her into a warm hug, just because?  
That would probably never stop feeling like a miracle.
Her tears were gone but Luke’s hands were still resting gently on her cheeks, his fingers dancing softly up and down her skin soothingly, finding the perfect rhythm, just like he always did.
He broke her from her thoughts with a single word before continuing quietly as though afraid to startle her back into tears.
“You ok?”
She nodded then thought better of it, exhaled a shaky breath and shook her head.
“I was supposed to perform at the showcase tomorrow and now I can’t and I feel awful but I have to be alone so I don’t get anyone sick.”
One of Luke’s hands slid down to rest on the top of her arm, his thumb rubbing soothing circles on the skin he found there as an affectionate smile tugged at his lips.
“You can’t get me sick,” He reminded her. “And you’re not alone.”
Even through her raging headache and her lingering emotions she couldn’t help but mirror his small smile with one of her own.
“Cause we’ve always got each other?”
His smile grew into a certified grin, the kind that had quickly become something she looked forward to and did her best to bring out of him as often as humanly possible, even if she didn’t want him to know that. It’s power was definitely not diminished from this close.
“Exactly,” He answered, biting his lip as he jerked his head in a quick nod.
She thought his eyes might have dropped to her lips for a moment but it was so quick she thought she also might have imagined it. Given the fact that she knew she looked like an absolute mess at the moment the odds were pretty good that she had. She definitely hadn’t intended to summon him when she was in that state but she didn’t exactly have a handle on how she was doing it in the first place so she hadn’t had much choice. She didn’t regret it though. Not during their show at the Orpheum and not even now, dripping nose and frizzy hair and all.
“Why didn’t you tell me...uh, us...you were feeling this bad?” Luke asked, his face sinking back into a frown.  
It was true the boys had come to visit her as soon as she came home from school feeling feverish and had slunk directly to her room instead of heading out to the studio for band practice. They had hovered around her, expressing concern in their well meaning but chaotic way before she had assured them that it was a cold and she would be back to rehearsing in no time. They had popped in a few times since, Luke especially, to offer a distraction or company. She had always sent them away in the name of rest even though the truth was she just didn’t want them to see her like this.
With Luke’s soft gaze trained on her now though...she was having a hard time remembering why she had spent so much effort keeping him away.
She didn’t say any of that out loud, choosing to simply shrug and lift her eyes up slightly to meet his.
Luckily he seemed ready to let it go, letting her lack of answer pass as he shifted a few inches closer to her until she knew she would be able to feel his breath on her face if he had still needed to breathe at all.
“What can I do?” He asked, the hand still on her cheek rising up to trace a tingling line from her temple to her jaw.
Julie let her eyes drift shut so she could take in the sensation of his calloused fingertips dragging gently against her skin even more intensely.
“This is a good start,” She muttered, smirking a little as she heard his answering chuckle rumble out.
Unfortunately she didn’t have long to enjoy such an amazing moment as a particularly intense throb of pain exploded across her forehead and behind her eyes. She managed not to groan but her discomfort must have shown on her face because Luke withdrew both of his hands from where they touched her.
“Where does it hurt?” He asked, his tone more serious than she was used to hearing it.
Julie forced her eyes open though even the dull light of the lamp next to her bed suddenly seemed a little unbearable.
“Kind of...everywhere,” She admitted, her voice catching with a slight croak. “But mostly my head.”
“Stay here,” Luke instructed firmly as though she had any plans to be anywhere but her bed for the foreseeable future.
Before Julie could point that out though he had already poofed out of the room. When he returned a few minutes later he took the long way, the boys having not managed to master poofing any objects with them other than their instruments and their clothes. Thank God, for that second part. Although...she would be lying if she said those barely shirts Luke had a habit of wearing didn’t make her curious to see the few parts of his upper body they left to her imagination.
Julie realized too late that Luke had said something to her and quickly stammered out a response, hoping it was the right one.
He raised an eyebrow as he set a box of crackers and two tylenol down on her bedside table.
“I asked if you wanted a warm washcloth for your head,” He said, the hint of a laugh behind his words.
“Oh,” She could feel herself blushing and thanked whoever was listening that she could at least blame the flush of her cheeks on her fever. “No thank you.”
She sat up sluggishly and Luke handed her the pills and a glass of water and she took them gratefully, swallowing the pills with a little difficulty due to her swollen throat.
“You should try to eat something too,” Luke insisted, nudging the box of crackers towards her. “I’m pretty sure you’re not supposed to take pain medicine on an empty stomach.”
Julie forced down a couple of crackers even though she hadn’t been hungry all day. Luke sat down on the edge of her bed.
“You’re pretty good at this,” She told Luke as she slouched down a little further, the energy required to sit up quickly draining out of her.
His eyes darted away for a moment before returning to meet hers again.
“I’m just trying stuff my mom used to do for me.”
Julie knew that just because Luke had finally gotten some closure with his parents didn’t mean that it wasn’t still hard for him to linger on his thoughts of them. Especially his mom. She also knew that if the last few months had taught her anything it was that sometimes doing the hard thing was the right thing in the long run. Thinking of people you had loved and lost was hard at first but it could become a source of happiness if you let it. She had that with the memory of her mom and she wanted the same for him, even if they were dealing with different kinds of ghosts.
Julie reached out and pulled Luke’s hand into her somewhat clammy one, giving it a gentle squeeze and pointedly ignoring the questioning look he sent her in response.
“What else did she do?” She asked.
Luke hesitated for a moment but then a soft smile appeared on his face and Julie felt a surge of warmth that cut straight through the ache in her chest.
“She would wrap me up in a blanket like a burrito,” He told her, an excited tone edging into his voice. “And let me watch all my favorite movies.”
Julie turned Luke’s hand over and traced gentle patterns across his palm with the tips of her fingers.
“That sounds really nice.”
He seemed distracted by her actions but he managed to stutter out a reply.
“Yeah...uh, yeah, it was.”
“Anything else?” She asked, her fingers not ceasing their circular route around his palm.
“Um…” Luke dragged his eyes away from what she was doing as he ducked his head bashfully. “She would tell me stories sometimes.”
Julie finally stopped her motions, folding her hand softly over his.
“That’s so cute.”
“I mean, I was a little kid,” Luke shrugged, but he didn’t seem to entirely hate her using the word cute to describe something even distantly connected to him.
Maybe it was the fever or the exhaustion or the gratitude to not be alone but Julie was having a hard time mustering up any of the awkwardness or self-doubt or nerves that would normally plague her if she was this close to Luke. She wanted to be close to him and she felt too rotten to deny herself.
An involuntary shiver ran through her and as much as she would have liked to blame it on the proximity of a certain dead guitarist, she was pretty sure this one was due to this damn flu.
“Are you cold?” Luke asked, that familiar, concerned frown settling back onto his face.
Julie nodded.
“A little.”
Luke jumped up from his spot on the edge of her bed and rushed over to the chair sitting against the wall, grabbing the fuzzy blanket she always kept folded over the back of it. He was back at her bed in an instant, pulling down her comforter and letting a rush of cool air wash over her.
Julie stared at him in confusion, another shiver travelling through her body.
“What are you doing?”
Luke stretched out his arms, her blanket extending until he was just peeking over it, only his eyes and floppy hair visible.
“Blanket burrito,” He explained excitedly. “Is that ok?”
Julie couldn’t help but smile a little at his enthusiasm and she nodded.
He was instantly leaning forward to wrap the blanket tightly around her, pulling it all the way up to her chin and tucking it under her all along the edges of her body until she felt like a toasty...well, burrito. When he was satisfied with his work, Luke pulled her comforter back up, patting it with satisfaction before sinking back onto the bed next to her.
Julie nodded.
In the end the blanket burrito wasn’t the only sick day tip they borrowed from his mother. Luke fetched her laptop and managed to follow her instructions clunkily to pull up Netflix. They watched Thirteen Going on Thirty because it’s one of her favorites, and because it’s full of 80s references which Luke gets too.
“Isn’t it a little creepy that she’s really 13?” He asked at one point.
“Only if you think about it too hard,” Julie rolled her eyes. “Besides they’re obviously soulmates. They were always meant to end up together somehow.”
“Hmmm…” Luke hummed, seeming to seriously consider her words even as a comedic scene played out on the screen. “You believe in stuff like that?”
“Soulmates?” Julie hesitated for a moment, hoping that her face wasn’t giving away just how much she had invested in this question. “Yeah, I guess I do. What about you?”
Luke’s answer didn’t come right away and when it did it was spoken in an impossibly soft voice.
“Yeah, I guess I do too.”
After that they don’t talk until the movie is finished, but he does make a point to reach out and rub comfortingly at her shoulder whenever a ragged breath or cough escapes her.
When the movie is over Julie started to lose what little energy she had, slumping further and further down involuntarily until she finds herself completely horizontal again. She fought to keep her eyes open but it was a losing battle.
“You should go to sleep,” Luke told her, affection clear in his tone. “I’ll keep you company.”
Julie nodded and he stretched out behind her as she rolled onto her side, the blanket burrito hindering her for a moment before she managed to wriggle free. She hesitated for a few seconds then reached back and pulled one of his arms forward to drape over her waist. She knew she was really pushing the limits now of their friendship, of the tightrope they had been walking ever since “interesting little relationship” and “no regrets” and the heady realization that they could touch each other. She just couldn’t quite bring herself to care about the implications in the moment.
Luke’s hand flexed awkwardly on her side before he seemed to reach a similar conclusion, sliding it around to settle against her stomach, tugging her more firmly against him. She could feel his head nudging at her hair and was filled with a sudden rush of concern.
“My hair’s in your face.”
“It’s fine,” He mumbled, his voice closer to her ear than she was prepared for.
“No really, you’re going to smother yourself,” Julie insisted. “We don’t have to cuddle. You don’t have to stay at all if you don’t want to. You’ve already…”
“Jules,” He cut off her nervous rambling, using his arm to guide her gently onto her other side until she was facing him.
He hadn’t moved back at all and their faces were now so close that their noses were almost brushing. Her first thought was that it was a good thing that she couldn’t get him sick because this position would definitely have done it. Her second thought was that she was this close to Luke and how delightfully overwhelming that experience was.
“Better?” He breathed through a chuckle.
Julie managed a nod.
Luke’s arm remained firmly wrapped around her waist, his fingers starting to trace random shapes along her back.
“Go to sleep, Julie,” He instructed, and once again her body seemed to take his words as an order.
An order she didn’t have the strength to disobey, not that she was trying very hard.
Her eyes slid closed.
This moment was so close to perfect (as perfect as anything could be when she felt this sick) it felt selfish to push her luck for more. But Julie wasn’t the type to settle and Luke wasn’t the type to deny her what she asked (anything, Julie, you know that). So she spoke up, eyes still firmly shut.
“Tell me a story.”
There was a pause before his answer came, his voice embarrassed but something else lingering in his tone that she was too afraid to call love and too smart to call anything else.
“I don’t remember any,” He admitted.
“Make one up,” She suggested, one of her hands finding its way to his arm, running her nails gently from his elbow to his wrist and back again.
This time it was his turn to shiver and if she felt a rush of satisfaction at that she did her best to keep the evidence of it off of her face. She was pretty sure he knew anyway.
“Once upon a time,” He started finally, his voice soft and amused. “There was a princess with a gift for music. She was a wicked beauty but she was lonely. She lived in a tower without anyone to sing with. Then one day the princess found this cd and three princes who also happened to be ghosts showed up…”
Julie let his voice lull her into a sleep more restful than any she had experienced in the past week. She kept up her motions tracing gently along his arm until finally as she drifted off her hand sagged down to wrap around his hip. The last thing she was aware of before losing consciousness completely was his warm fingers stroking her spine, the music in his fingers present even when his guitar was out of reach.
She was exhausted.
She was sore.
She was burning up and freezing at the same time.
But she wasn’t alone.
And she was definitely, definitely not miserable.
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bi-wheeler · 3 years
Some random kleinsen/jared headcanons:
-Jared's favourite colour is green (like a forest green) and when they were younger kids teased him about it bc "who likes green lol thats the worst colour". And one day Evan heard and said that green was a nice colour bc it was the colour of trees and the kids teased them both at that point like "lmao Jared is that why you like green bc ur boyfriend likes trees? Gay" type of shit. So Jared started lying and saying red was his favourite colour. But one day ("present" time) Jared gives Evan one of his shirts cos he slept over and Evan asks him "why do you have so many red shirts (also a headcanon of mine that Jared wears a lot of red specifically maroon) and Jared says its his favourite colour and Evan is just like ???? What Jared no its not its green??? And Jared is touched that he remembers but obv covers it up with a sarcastic comment like idk I cant come up with one I'm not that smart. Yea.
-okay this one is not only mine cos I've piggybacked off of others hcs I've seen but Jared has a cat named spaghetti but he calls her spakitty (like spaghetti... Yknow if u didnt get the joke) and he loves this little gremlin of a cat. Also I hc that she's a black fluffy cat and he always complains about her fur getting everywhere but he also forgets to brush her like ??? So whenever Evan comes over he brushes her fur bc its soft and she purrs and its comforting. Spakitty almost loves Evan more than Jared... Almost. And Jared is absolutely livid about it like " I FEED you you little shitstain why do you love him more than me" and Evans like "she doesn't she just appreciates that I brush her Jared..." And Jared just huffs and puffs about it.
-okay okay also also they get outfits for Spaghetti like Jared always gets the stupid costumes and like the ones that have legs at the front so it looks like a person walking and like those stupid hats that make cats mad. And Evan buys her cute outfits like dresses and like super super cute ones except one time he got her a costume where she looked like a tree like the hat was big and "leaves". She hated it. Also Jared buys her a polo shirt like Evans and its adorable. One time evan fell asleep on Jared's couch while they were watching say yes to the dress and spaghetti (wearing matching polo shirts with evan) fell asleep on top of Evan and Jared took a picture of it. When they start dating Jared makes it his lock screen.
- okay going off the last one so Jared enjoys watching shitty TV like reality tv and competition shows. He likes to pretend he only watches it to make fun of the ppl but he secretly gets so into it. And he starts talking about it so often to Evan that Evan gets curious and mentions wanting to watch them. So Jared makes him binge watch some of them with him and Evan gets so into it too. He can't watch them all the time bc sometimes its too much drama for his anxiety but most of the time its kinda good for him like to get his mind off of his own problems by watching other peoples problems lol. Evan really likes 90 day fiance bc sometimes it ends happy and that makes him happy.
- they also watch say yes to the dress bc like the dresses are nice and its addicting to watch like when they put it on they can't stop for at least 2 hours. and they criticize all the ugly dresses. Jareds always like "ew omg why would they even pull that dress out of the crypt its so ugly" "omg do you see those ruffles they're hideous" and Evan tries to be like "uhh yea its kinda ugly but like look the bride likes it she looks happy!" And Jared's like "how unfortunate". And and and Jared loves to bitch about the family members that are annoying like the moms that are overbearing (cos his mom is overbearing... Jared honey you're projecting) like "omg why won't her mom shut up ITS NOT YOUR DAY" and with this Evan gets super into it too bc he totally agrees like the moms should be stopped.
-okay next one please... Jared mom is overbearing like he loves her but she literally will pester him about everything and when she wants to know something she will stop at nothing to figure it out. Thats why Jared straight up lies to her instead of telling half truths or being vague bc if he's vague she will not let up. Anyways she's nice just a bit too much. And she's always trying to set him up on dates with kids of her "friends". And I say "friends" bc sometimes she's like "Jared honey you remember that lady who works at the supermarket... You know the one who always cashes us out? Well her daughter is lovely and single she was telling me all about her she sounds wonderful why don't you go meet her? Huh why noooot if you don't put yourself our there Jared....." And he hates it he absolutely despises it. (Also yes this has been in a fic I think it was a fake dating kleinsen fic I read and I love the idea so much its now a part of my headcanons if anyone want to know which one I can find the link)
- Jareds parents are split up and his dad is a dick... But not always. Jared has some good memories with him but at the same time he also has a lot of animosity. His dad lives like an hour drive from him but he doesn't see him all that often. His dad has some... Bad views (*cough* kind of homophobic *cough*) but its not like "oh I hate gay people" its more like "I don't hate gay people but why do they have to be so obnoxious sometimes" or one time when he was young (like 12 and he already realized he liked guys) his dad was talking with some buddies and one of the buds said Smth abt his daughter being gay and jareds dad said "if Jared turned out to be gay I mean... I wouldn't disown him... But I wouldn't want him to be gay. I would rather him just be normal." And Jared fucking lost it in his mind like he struggled with that so hard cos he just wanted his dad to be proud of him and he felt like a disappointment. Which is why I hc that he struggled a lot with his sexuality growing up and took a while to come to terms with it. But when his dad and his mom split and he started disliking his dad, he started giving less of a shit abt what his dad thought and he was more open with it whatnot.
-also on the sexuality thing I hc musical Jared as bi. I just always have and it may be me projecting but IDC. So like this played into his childhood trauma of trying to be "normal" and not like boys. Bc he still liked girls so his thoughts were like "okay so I just have to love a girl thats it and then dad will still be proud of me" but yeaaaa nope that didn't work bc Evan exists.
-I also hc Jared's dad as being kind of mean abt Evan while they were growing up like he would never do it to Evans face but whenever Evan would leave their house Jared's dad would talk to Jared or his mom abt how "weird" Evan was. And he would say shit like "if his dad had stuck around he could've showed Evan how to man up" and dumb ass shit like that and one day Jared got mad at him and told him "Evan has anxiety he can't "man up" just leave him alone" and his dad got super embarrassed about it but was like "don't talk back to me blah blah blah"
-moving on from sad parental stuff onto nice parent stuff, Heidi actually loves Jared and how he gets to bring Evan "out of his shell" a little bit more. Jared occasionally sleeps over at Evans house and heidi always says yes bcs its nice for Evan to have company while she works late. And she loves to see Evan peaceful or happy so she got into the habit of taking pictures of them whenever they're together or videos. But like never to share anywhere and with their permission... like she sees them happy watching TV on the couch and she goes "say cheese!" And Jared usually puts up the finger guns and Evan does a peace sign.
- anyways anyways going off the last one, one time Jared and Evan are on the couch joking about some stuff and Evan starts laughing like... Really laughing. Something Heidi hasn't heard in years. And she starts recording them while Jared's on the floor clutching his stomach and evans face is red and she starts crying bc she's so happy that Evan can have moments of light and happiness like this. Oh and she's caught them sleeping on top of each other a few times on the couch and has most definitely taken pics of that. When they start dating Evan definitely makes one his home screen background.
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skybrightpixie · 3 years
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BABY BABY BABY BUGS!!! And I finally I found a moth that I can happily draw that won’t trigger my mottephobia!
Chichite — level 20 — Chicheena — High Friendship — Chichinam
Dex entries are under the cut with everything else!
Chichite, the Love Bug Pokemon
အချစ် (Love) + ချစ်တယ် (Cute)
Type: Bug/Psychic
Ability: Cute Charm (Hidden Ability: Anticipation)
Height: 1′00″ Weight: 7.9 lbs/3.6 kg
Dex Entries
It loves to hug other Pokemon and their trainers. Unfortunately, this can also get them easily snapped up by predators.
The fluff around its neck is incredibly soft and trainers love to catch them so they can receive lots of fluffy hugs.
HP: 47 Attack: 52 Defense: 55 Special Attack: 45 Special Defense: 45 Speed: 46
Learnset (by level up)
lvl 1: Tackle lvl 1: String Shot lvl 8: Struggle Bug lvl 15: Psywave lvl 22: Bug Bite lvl 29: Sweet Kiss lvl 31: Heart Stamp lvl 36: Bug Buzz lvl 43: Flail
Chicheena, the Wrapped Pokemon
အချစ် (Love) + မြစ်ကြီးနား (Cuddle)
Type: Bug/Psychic
Ability: Cute Charm (Hidden Ability: Anticipation)
Height: 1′08″ Weight: 16.1 lbs/7.3 kg
Dex Entries
Its gift-wrapped appearance and loving demeanor makes it a popular Pokemon given as a present to someone special.
Though it is usually gentle, if threatened, it will wrap its silk ribbons around its opponent and suffocate it until it passes out.
HP: 57 Attack: 72 Defense: 95 Special Attack: 55 Special Defense: 75 Speed: 36
Learnset (by level up)
Evo: Stored Power lvl 1: Tackle lvl 1: String Shot lvl 1: Stored Power lvl 1: Bug Bite lvl 1: Psywave lvl 1: Wrap
Chichinam, the Love Bug Pokemon
အချစ် (Love) + နမ် (Kiss)
Type: Bug/Psychic
Ability: Cute Charm (Hidden Ability: Huge Power)
Height: 4′06″ Weight: 94.8 lbs/43 kg
Dex Entries
It loves to lunge at opponents and give them hugs. Its soft and cuddly hold may cause the one it’s hugging to stop battling.
It is even more excited to hug others now that it’s bigger. This can sometimes lead to injury, if it gets carried away.
HP: 77 Attack: 90 Defense: 90 Special Attack: 70 Special Defense: 75 Speed: 50
Learnset (by level up)
Evo: Body Press lvl 1: Tackle lvl 1: String Shot lvl 8: Struggle Bug lvl 15: Psywave lvl 22: Bug Bite lvl 29: Fell Stinger lvl 32: Heart Stamp lvl 36: Zen Headbutt lvl 39: Lunge lvl 43: Sweet Kiss lvl 46: Bulk Up lvl 50: Superpower
I had a hard time naming these guys because translating Burmese into English phonetics is not really easy. Like, Chichite is technically Kyikyitaal but I really highly doubt anyone who only speaks English knows that “kyi” is not pronounced with a k sound. From what my mom and dad taught me, “kyi” is between a ch and soft g sound. I really liked working on these guys because I remember when I was little, my parents would call me “kyikyi” and I thought that was cute. Also it was fun designing a moth Fakemon that I wouldn’t immediately be scared of. Chichinam is based on a Rosy Maple Moth!
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I wish you would write a fic where Andy gets fluffy with the reader 💜
A/N- My first time writing for Mr.Barber, but he's damn fine. I hope I did him justice. 
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It's just after 11 pm and you yawn while stuffing the last salad in the fridge. Andy is standing at the sink, doing the last of your dishes, and you hip check the door shut before going to him, leaning your face against his back and groaning, rubbing against it as you slide your hands under the soft grey tee he's wearing and press your hands against his stomach. “Mmmhhh remind me why I agreed to throw this 4th of July party again Andy?”
He chuckles as he pulls the plugs to the sink and drys his hands off on a dishtowel nearby, turning to lean himself back against the sink, and this time you cuddle up to his chest, his own hands sliding down to rub your back. “Cause you're the block mom, and always volunteer.” 
“Oh yes, aren't you a lawyer and supposed to convince me not to? I think that was your threat last year.” You snicker a bit in his shirt, remembering this was just about the same scenario you faced then. 
“Your skills are better then mine, maybe you should become assistant DA.” He kisses the top of your head, and you laugh. 
“I would probably kill someone.” Andy barks out a laugh and you tilt your head up. “Little too dark? Late night shenanigans do that to me.” 
“Your secret is safe with my Love. Come on, lets head to bed. You have a party to throw tomorrow after all.” He takes your hand and with a groan at yourself overextending yet again. Up the stairs, down the hall, and into that all familiar bedroom, you let go of his hand and head for the closet to grab your PJs. 
“Did you call for that permit Andy, so that we could light off those fireworks?” You're tugging your tank off and bottoms, changing into a sleepwear tank and boy shorts. The hot July mugginess that made up Massachusetts has whisps of your hair sticking to the back of your neck. Andy is turning down the bed, already stripping down to his boxers for the night. Grabbing the bedside remote, he flicked on the AC, just as your going over to stand in front of it, lifting the hair off the back of your neck to let the breeze cool you off. 
“Yes, I also informed the local station what's going on, just a reminder that we might get a bit rowdy... within reason I was warned.” He sat on the edge of the bed and watched you a moment before holding out a hand to you. Which you came over and stepped between his legs, letting your hands rub on his shoulders and give him a smile. “Thank you handsome. I would probably be a mess without you.” 
Teasing he grinned and winked. “But a damn hot mess baby. You're still wearing that little sundress number you showed me last week?” You grin at him, remembering how he couldn't keep his hands off you when he saw it, whispering naughty things in your ear such as how perfect it showed off your legs, or how it was perfect for a quickie during the party if they could sneak off somewhere private. Wiggling your brows at him, you bite your lip and run fingers through his hair, tugging gently. “I'm holding you to that promise of if you catch me alone Handsome.” 
“Oh I accept the challenge. Andy Barber never backs down.” Folding his arms around you, he swings you into the bed, and cages you in, kissing down your neck while your squealing with laughter, pushing at his chest. “Save it for tomorrow, its to hot tonight.” He huffed against your neck and pulled back up to catch your lips, settling down at your side afterward. Even though it was hot, he didn't really let go of you, just reached to turn up the AC higher. 
You wriggle in against him, really not caring that it was 90 degrees outside, muggy as fuck. You just wanted to cuddle with your man, and relax. Tilting your head up, you kiss his jawline, and rub your hand over his stomach. “Love you Andy.” 
His head tilts down to meet yours and kisses your forehead. “Love you more Y/N”
“Oh I hope so, cause uh, I need a small favor tomorrow. Do you mind picking up more sparklers?” 
He rolled his eyes good-natured and of course agreed. Anything for you. 
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xkpopobsessedx · 4 years
Soft Moments
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- Gif credit goes to owner/creator 
- Fluffy St. Van
3 months, 90 days, 131400 minutes. That was the amount of time Geumhyuk was away. If it was any longer I was gonna lose my mind.  The boys got home early this morning so I decided to wait until later in the morning to invade the dorm, especially with my five-year-old son joining me. 
I watched Jace as he ran ahead of me, his backpack full of toys to show the boys matching the sound of his footsteps. “ Come on Momma! We are almost there!” He called looking over his shoulder. I’m pretty sure he was way more excited than me, not sure how that is possible. 
“ All right I'm coming.” I picked up my pace quickly catching up to him as we reached the dorm door. “ Hey, I need you to listen to me for a second.” I gently grabbed his shoulder, “ I’m not sure who is all gonna be up, so when we go in, we need to use our inside voice.”   
“ Yes, Momma.” Jace whispered, his dimples appearing as he smiled, “ Can I put the code in?” 
“ Do you remember it? “  He nodded stepping forward, his little fingers typing it in with ease, he waited for the beep before pulling the door open.  “ Let's go in.”  we kicked our shoes off before entering.
To my surprise, the dorm was a little loud as I reached the living room. A few of the guys were scattered around the living room.  Anyo was mindlessly staring at the tv, while Ace and Baron were lost in their phones. “ Hey, guys.” 
“Morning,”  Anyo mumbled sliding deeper into his blanket. 
“ You guys look like zombies.” 
“ Hey,  just be glad we don't smell like one.” 
“ So glad you don’t.” I laughed waving my hand in front of my face. 
“ Noona?” The sound of footsteps brought my attention to the kitchen doorway, a red-haired Ziu peeking around the corner. 
“ Good morning traveler.” I smiled as he walked over pulling me into a hug. 
“ Ziu!” Jace shouted from behind me. 
“ Good mor- Jace!” Ziu screeched pushing me to the side. 
“ I see where I stand.” I sniffled wiping away fake tears,”  is Vannie still asleep?”  
“ He is. Jace wanna eat breakfast with me?” 
“ Are we having noodles?” 
“ You bet my man!” 
“ Alright let's go!”  Jace pulled Ziu by the hand as he walked away. 
I shook my head walking away as my feet mindlessly carried me down the hall.  my heart pounded as I pushed his door open. 
He laid on his stomach, white sheets pushed down exposing his bare torso. Even sleeping I could see how tired he was. 
“ Vannie.”  I hummed gently sitting down next to him running my fingers through his messy hair. 
His eyes fluttered open, a soft groan accompanying him as he stretched, “ Jagiya.” He mumbled rolling into me, arms wrapping around my waist. “ Lay down with me.” 
I slid myself down the bed, Geumhyuks arms pulling me into him once I was laid down. “  I couldn’t wait any longer to see you.” 
“ I was kinda hoping you would be the one to wake me up. Because if it wasn’t you, it would be one of the guys, and waking up to them gets old.” He nuzzled into my neck placing soft kisses. 
“ Glad I was one to do it.” 
“ I missed you so much, it’s strange when I don’t get to see you after a show.” He mumbled still half asleep. 
“ I missed you too. Hopefully next time it will work out that I can go with you for at least a few days.” 
Geumhyuk hummed pulling the blankets up even higher ”, I’m not ready just yet to wake up. In plus it’s nice to just be next to you again.” 
We laid in bed until he was fully awake and ready to get up. I watched him as he moved around the room getting dressed. This toned muscles flexed under his beautiful skin, if he hadn’t just gotten back from tour, id have to jump him.
“ Like what ya see?” Geumhyuk laughed pulled his shirt down slowly. 
I shifted on the bed, “Yes, definitely. “  
“ Did you bring Jace with you? The house just seems to quiet.” 
“ I did, he was gonna eat noodles with Ziu. You that has become their thing.  He will be excited to see you.” 
He laughed shaking his head, “ Come on lets head out.” 
Everyone was finally awake when we made our way out.
“ They finally made it!” Jacob shouted 
“ Vannie!” Jace shouted tossing his controller down and running over. 
“ Hey, buddy!” He knelt down wrapping Jace in a hug. “ Whoa, I think someone has been working out?”  
Jace squeezed him harder, “ Its cause I have.” 
I snorted, “ Working on snaking while playing video games.” 
“ Savage Mom.” Anyo laughed 
“ So are we gonna do anything today?” Jace asked giving his best puppy eyes. 
“ Buddy, they just got from tour. I think maybe we just chill here and order in.” 
“ I know but… I just missed you guys a lot and was hoping to do something. “ Jace let his head hang low. 
“ I tell you what bud, let me get something to eat then we can go do whatever you want.”   Geumhyuk winked standing up. “ What do you guys think? 
The rest of the guys agreed shuffling out of the room to get ready for the day. Guemhyuk pulled me over and into him. “ I hope you are ready for a day full of fun.” 
I wrapped my arms around him, my hands rubbing his back, our eyes meeting as I looked up at him.  “ Thank you, I know you guys are exhausted.” 
“ Anything for him, I adore him so much. Plus, I can rest later. Now come eat with me.” 
“ You are an amazing man.”  
“ Thank you.” He bent down kissing me, “ I love you Y/N.” 
“ I love you too.”  
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harryandmolly · 5 years
Complicit // 5
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summary: Shawn is under more pressure than he’s ever known. He craves release and comfort, the simplicity of sex. He gets more than he bargained for.
warnings: language, NSFW (my permanent tag for this series), fraying at the edges
WC: 7.3k
The dialing sound Niall’s phone makes is the British one. He tries to feel comforted by it. It reminds him of calling his nan. He could use some comfort, that’s why he’s calling Niall. 
It rings twice more. Shawn’s very sure he’s about to get his voicemail which he doesn’t even think Niall checks and he doesn’t blame him because Shawn mostly texts him anyway, but he really wanted to kind of talk this out and--
“Hey, mate,” Niall greets. It sounds like he’s outside, probably in London. He hears traffic and distant car horns.
“Heyyyy,” Shawn begins casually, pressing his fingers through his hair and striding out to the balcony of his house even though he’s completely alone, “What’s up, man?”
“I’m over in London for a couple meetings and a friend’s wedding. Headin’ out to me local. What’s up?”
Shawn sighs. He squints one eye at the horizon, then the other. “I just did something… really stupid.”
Niall chuckles. His favorite start to any story. “How stupid?”
“Pretty… fucking stupid,” Shawn groans, closing both his eyes, “I just got back from Vegas.”
“I know! Everyone’s buzzin’ about iHeart Summer. Heard you killed it, mate, congratulations! Good craic?”
“Yeah, yeah, it was great,” Shawn mumbles distractedly, “But I brought Penny.”
“Oh,” Niall chirps, clearly expecting him to admit something much worse, “That’s fine, lad, I’ve flown Karina’r out places before. ‘S not a big deal.”
Shawn nods impatiently, “No, no, I know, it’s not that. We just… god, we had the most amazing night. It was… honestly, I really think it was the best sex I’ve ever had. And then I did something completely insane.”
Niall’s brow furrows. He keeps one eye up on the crosswalk signal. “Don’t tell me ya fookin’ married ‘er.”
“I… I bought her a necklace. A really, really expensive, insane necklace. Frank Sinatra gave it to Ava Gardner in like the 1950s. I had it delivered to her.”
Niall guffaws. His cornflower blue eyes dance as he cackles, stepping into the street, unbothered by the eyes he draws. “You’re kidding me.”
“I’m not,” Shawn croaks, slumping a shoulder against the sliding door, angling his eyes down, “I don’t know what the fuck I was thinking. I got carried away. We just… that night… and then the festival, I mean, shit, I’ve never played a show like that before. I’ve never had a night like that onstage. I thought I had and then I played that show and it’s like… god, Ni, she got me somewhere. I don’t even know where. 
“So I got back after the show like, buzzing. We were out all night celebrating after. I got back at like 5 AM and I called the guy that helped me pick out those earrings for my mom for Christmas and he said he had this necklace and Sinatra fucking designed it and, dude, she loves Sinatra, like loves him, and I just snapped and bought it. Put the fucking deposit on my Amex and called La Splendeur to arrange the delivery.”
Niall’s still laughing. “Wow.”
“I’m such an asshole,” Shawn mumbles, letting a short chuckle break through, “I mean, what the hell is she going to think? She’s going to think I’m fucking obsessed with her.”
“It kinda sounds like you are,” Niall prods, shoving his free hand in his pocket as he strides down the busy street.
“I know I am, but I don’t need her knowing that!” Shawn gripes.
“Listen, girls like her get fancy gifts all the time. She’s used to it, mate. It probably won’t faze her.”
That definitely doesn’t make Shawn feel better. If he’s going to be an obsessed asshole, he at least wants to be the only one in her life.
“Or worse, she’ll think I’m just throwing money at her because that’s all she’s worth to me.”
Shawn realizes with a swoop of his gut that that’s his true fear. The idea that Penny thinks he just wants to buy her makes him want to lose his lunch over the railing. He winces and rubs a hand over his eyes. 
“Mate, you’re overreacting. When you’re with her, do you treat her like a hooker?”
Shawn blinks. “No, of course not.”
“No. Because you’re a good lad. She’s spent enough time around you to know that. She’s not going to think you’re trying to reduce her to a piece of jewelry. She’s probably flattered. I’m sure she loves it. It’s a thoughtful gift, too, if she loves Sinatra. Hey, I love Sinatra and you’ve never bought me a priceless necklace that he designed.”
Shawn snorts. “When you fuck me like she can, I’ll get you his whole collection of pinky rings.”
Niall beams. “That’s the spirit.”
“I haven’t even touched it yet,” Penny hisses into the phone, circling the red box sitting dead center on her bed like a snake charmer eyeing a viper.
“Well, you should. It’s been in a box since the 90s. It deserves a little skin,” Silver replies.
Penny purses her lips. “I… cannot believe he did this.”
“Well, not to sound… anyway, it’s hardly the most expensive gift you’ve ever received.”
Penny’s mind jumps to the Aston Martin in her garage and she bites her lip. “No, I know… but… I mean, it’s so soon.”
Silver bobs her head and runs her finger along the strand of pearls at her throat, they themselves a gift from a client long ago.
“It’s the buzz, baby. Everyone’s saying his name after that performance of his. He probably just wanted to show you some gratitude. Several thousand dollars worth.”
Penny perches beside the open Cartier box, still a safe distance. She reaches out with a fingertip, timidly stroking the largest stone at the center, where it would hang beautifully between her collarbones if she weren’t too chicken to try it on.
She swallows. “He can’t… know how much this means to me. He can’t possibly, I’ve only mentioned it in passing.”
She’s referring to her lifelong love affair with Frank Sinatra. The people who know her well, and there are few, know Old Blue Eyes has been the apple of Penny’s eye since she was a kid. So to own something that was once his, that he helped to design, something he made for someone so important to him… 
“I don’t know if I can keep this,” Penny breathes.
“Don’t be ridiculous,” Silver nearly snaps, “This isn’t a sweater you can return. This is practically a historical treasure. And it’s yours, he wanted you to have it. And… Pen, it was Frank’s.”
“That’s the other thing!” Penny squeaks, springing up from the bed to launch into another pacing session, “I’m sure he has no idea of the implications of this necklace. He doesn’t know the story. Ava Gardner was the love of Frank’s life. He loved her madly until the day he died. Everything they went through together, everything they put each other through… it’s the stuff of Hollywood legend. It’s the kind of love you wish on your worst enemy.”
Silver quiets. Penny is flying off the handle. The only way to calm her down is to keep head head low.
“You’re right, I’m sure he doesn’t know. Please don’t panic, Penny m’love, it’s a nice gift. Take it as that. And for the love of god, insure it.”
Penny slumps into the vintage 40s armchair in the corner of her sun-strewn bedroom, eyeing the necklace again.
“Peter’s going to die when I tell him.”
Silver smiles. “I’ve got to dash, petal, give me a call tomorrow when you have time to run through our corporation paperwork.”
Penny signs off and drops her phone into the seat beside her. Slowly, she stands, heading for the full length mirror. She focuses on her neck, her unblemished throat, her stately collarbones. She runs her fingertips against her skin. She reaches down and lifts her tank top, tossing it aside. Her breasts are soft and full, more than a generous handful crowned by perky brown nipples. She cups them, massaging her warm skin, enjoying the weight of them in her hands. Then she goes for her pajama shorts, the little blue ones with the fluffy white clouds on them. She pushes them down until they drop around her ankles.
She stands naked as the day she was born in her bedroom. She turns, admiring the swell of her ass in her reflection, the glorious mapping of stretchmarks around her hips and thighs, brushing a hand over the birthmark on her lower back. She takes a deep breath and steps to the bed, reaching for the red box.
The necklace is so heavy. She knew it would be heavy, studded by 159 diamonds (she counted), but it’s even heavier than she imagined. Maybe it’s heavier to her because of its significance. 
The clasp is fiddly. She very gently eases it open, lifts her gaze to the mirror and guides it around her throat, only releasing her hold when she’s very sure the clasp is secure. Her eyes are closed. She adjusts its position until she can feel with her fingers that the largest diamond is dead center in the little valley between her collarbones. She can’t look until it’s perfect.
And oh god, it’s so perfect.
One of Penny’s hands covers her mouth, the other rests against her stomach as she sucks in a gasping breath. Her eyes well. Her bronzed cheeks flush. Slowly, she pries her fingers away from her mouth and takes a closer look.
It’s magnificent. It’s the most beautiful thing she’s ever seen. And it’s hers.
He got it for her.
Penny wets her lips and closes her eyes, overwhelmed again. He can’t possibly know it, but he just gave her her most prized possession. How does she thank him? More importantly, how do they proceed from here?
The latter question seems too much to answer so soon. So she focuses on the former.
Chewing on her lip, staring at the largest center stone like it will show her the secrets of the universe, Penny thinks. After a few moments, her eyes flit to a shelf holding a bulky black DSLR camera with a folded tripod stashed underneath.
An hour later, she’s loading a set of photos onto a thumb drive and planting a pouty berry red kiss onto a piece of cardstock. Both get folded into a padded envelope addressed to a Mr. Shawn Mendes with no return address.
Standing over his suitcase with a hand on one hip, Shawn scrolls down to “Orthodontist” in his contacts and hits “new message,” feeling heat rise in his cheeks.
He hasn’t been home from Vegas for 48 hours yet. He’s unpacking his suitcase only to repack for the next festival, Wet & Wild Summer Fest in Atlanta. He’s calmed down a bit about the necklace fiasco. Niall helped assuage his concerns, as did a little time and space. Not much, but a little. He finds he starts to get twitchy after the 24 hour mark away from her when he doesn’t have another booking lined up.
It should be concerning. It should have him stepping back to reevaluate his priorities. It should mean his dick is fucking exhausted.
But it doesn’t.
Hey Penny, it’s Shawn. Idk if Colette gave you my number. I wanted to see if you’re around before I leave for Atlanta on Wednesday. So… tomorrow I guess lol
He hits send before he can think too hard about it. Thinking too hard is always his downfall. He hopes the message comes off as charming and casual. He shoves his phone in his pocket, on vibrate of course, so he doesn’t stare at it and pick it apart.
After-overthinking. Also one of his downfalls.
Five minutes later, the buzz in his back pocket feels like it gives him a mini heart attack.
Orthodontist: Hi! I wish I could. I’m not available tomorrow. 
Orthodontist: P.S. Received your gift. It took my breath away. I’m sending you a little something to show my gratitude.
Shawn drops the phone on top of the pyramid of sock rolls he’s loading into the suitcase and presses his face into his hands with a groan.
So much to overanalyze.
Admittedly, he had half deluded himself into imagining he was her only client now, that she’d cleared the bench for him. But that was naive. Of course he’s not her only client. Not only is she likely one of if not the most sought after women at La Splendeur, she has an established career with probably plenty of regulars. He’s just been lucky so far that she’s been so available to him.
He shouldn’t be reading into this as a “stay away from me you expensive necklace-buying freak” thing. Right?
Plus, she’s sending him something. What the fuck could she be sending him? His mind floods with possibilities, from the filthy to the ridiculous. 
But, really, the biggest thing is the pang he feels at the idea of going at least another week without seeing her. He would like to imagine their last encounter, as… un-fucking-believable as it was, would keep him on a high long enough to get him through it, but he’s too hooked on her already. He seems to need a fix more frequently than even last week, and even more desperately.
He really should think about slowing this down. Maybe stopping altogether.
… but god, what is she sending him?
She’s got Frank’s Come Fly with Me album spinning on the record player and her favorite Fleur du Mal skin-toned slip on as she brushes some Guerlain highlight on her cheeks, her eyes straying to the stunning necklace against her throat so often that she’s almost running late from the distraction.
Penny is never late.
She huffs at herself and stands back to assess. She catches Pamela’s big brown eyes in the mirror and grins, her shimmery nude-painted lips spreading.
“Stop looking at mommy like that,” she teasingly begs. At the sound of Penny’s voice, Pamela’s tail thumps against the ground. Penny laughs and shakes her head, her flossy curls bobbing around her upper arms as she reaches for her dress, a floaty sand-colored number by Alice + Olivia. In the right light, she looks almost bare. It doesn’t matter. Everyone’s going to be looking at the necklace.
With a final intoxicating spritz of Tom Ford Costa Azzurra, Penny steps outside to greet Gus.
Jamie got asked to a community center dance by a boy. Ty is beside himself, Gus likes to think he’s handling it well. Penny lives for the details.
Christian Becker is already waiting for her under the overhang of the Beverly Hilton. He doesn’t have to -- she wouldn’t have a problem following a young intern in to find him. He’s entirely too famous and important to be standing outside an event like this waiting for her. But he always likes to, so she lets him.
Christian is a thrice-divorced father of four. He’s the editor-in-chief of Vertigo Magazine, a once upstart music blog turned highly respected online publication (Lady Gaga was last month’s cover feature.) He’s also one of Penny’s oldest clients.
Gus rolls down the window as Penny gathers her clutch to step out.
“Evening, Gus,” croons Christian, smooth as ever as he leans into the passenger side with his wire transfer confirmation on his phone. Gus barely checks it. Christian is “good people,” as Gus likes to say.
“Mr. Becker, you’re looking well. How are the kids?”
“Getting bigger every day. How’re Jamie and Ty?” He holds open the door and takes Penny’s hand. Gus doesn’t bother to answer, smiling warmly as he watches Penny emerge from the back of the car. Christian releases a low whistle, looking her up and down as she steps out into the evening.
“Miss Penny, you’ve done it again.”
She tilts her chin coyly, narrowing her eyes. “And what is it I’ve done this time, Mr. Becker?”
“You got more beautiful. We’ve talked about this, Penny. You gotta stop that.”
She laughs, a laugh close to her very own. She shakes her head. “You sound like a grandpa.”
Christian mimes a dagger being driven into his chest, wincing. “I’m only 54.”
Penny nods placatingly, “And your Winnie is almost 16.”
“God, don’t remind me. C’mon, honey, let’s head in. Have a good night, Gus. Don’t worry. I’ll have her home by 10!”
Gus chuckles and pulls away back into the line of exotic cars leaving the event. Christian, head to toe in Dior, holds his flawlessly-tailored arm out for Penny to hold. She takes it and strides forward, matching his springy steps.
They look well together. Christian doesn’t look any older than 45, save for the salt and pepper hair. He’s extremely tall, fit and built, rugged, the kind of man who you can’t quite imagine without his facial hair. 
Christian’s smart. He’d have to be, obviously, to turn a blog screaming amongst the din of millions into a revered and oft-referenced bible of music. But he’s smart about the industry, too. He knows how it looks to walk into an event with a 21-year-old in a mini dress whose only contribution to a conversation is extolling the virtues of Ed Sheeran’s last album.
So instead, Christian brings Penny along as a friend. Truly, that’s all it is, all it has been since after their first night together. He said he liked her too much to continue sleeping with her, muttering something about how “everything my dick touches turns to shit.” Their dates are not sexual, they’re business. Penny can work a room. She can charm anyone into an exclusive interview, into drinks to discuss a potential venture. She’s his most powerful secret weapon and one of his favorite conversationalists. 
Tonight is Vertigo Magazine’s annual “Summer Lovin’” party where guests, exclusively musicians and industry types, gather to mix and mingle. Christian likes to brag that for the last eight years, a hit collab has come out of initial conversations had at “Summer Lovin’.” The bragging works -- it’s one of the hottest tickets in town.
The ballroom is packed. Real palm trees surround them, along with bamboo and waiters serving cocktails in exotic fruit. The theme is Blue Hawaii. Under the Dior, Christian’s in a custom designed Hawaiian shirt printed with Vertigo Magazine’s logo. The DJ is playing Iz.
Penny fixes him with a look. Christian barks a laugh.
“Too much?”
“I just got back from Vegas and I can confidently say, yes. This is too much.”
Christian grins in that boyish, easily forgivable way. “Just like I like it, then.”
He loops an arm around her waist as he surveys the garish decorations proudly, planting his lips on her temple as she swipes a frothy coconut beverage off a passing waiter’s tray.
Christian glances down at her and hums. “Speaking of too much, you’re the one dripping in diamonds.”
Penny only barely tries to hide her bashful smile. She lifts a delicate hand to press against the heavy stones. “Oh, you noticed?”
“Hard not to. A client gift?” he guesses, narrowing his eyes.
“Nobody you know,” Penny lies smoothly.
Christian laughs again, squeezing her hip. He ducks his head to speak into her ear when he gets distracted, waylaid by a passing VIP that Penny doesn’t recognize but probably should. Christian releases her temporarily to schmooze with a crooked smile and she turns to glance around the room.
She bobs her head to an oddly chosen Hawaiian folk song and twiddles the biodegradable straw in her drink. There are famous faces everywhere -- the Little Mix girls, Luke Bryan, Pitbull, Dave Grohl. Penny chuckles to herself. Only Christian could get away with throwing a party like this and still having the who’s who of the industry at his beck and call.
She sweeps a curl off her shoulder, unwilling to let anything get in the way of her necklace’s glimmer. As she does, she feels a gaze. It’s not exactly unusual for her. But there’s heat in it, enough to make her look back.
Head to toe in deep blue, shirt unbuttoned to mid chest, a perfectly placed curl hanging over his forehead is Shawn bloody Mendes staring straight at her, watching Christian Becker’s fingers absently trace over the ridges of the necklace against her collarbone.
Penny swings her head back around so fast her long hair swirls, catching in the scruff of Christian’s beard. She plays it off, giggling and swiping at it as she rests a hand against his upper back and tries not to feel like she’s on fucking fire.
This has happened before, she reminds her rioting body, You have been in this position. 
Of course she has. LA is a small, small town. There are only so many people that can afford her. Of course she’s been at public events and seen former or even current clients. It does not have to be an international incident.
But it fucking feels like one. Her heart is sprinting. Her head feels light enough to pop off her body to float around with the paper lanterns on the ceiling. Her hand on her chest is the only thing steadying her until Christian’s bulky, muscled arm pulls her back in gently by her waist.
Like the professional she is, she snaps in. Her smile is dazzling. Her quippy comment is light but witty, charming. The hand she places on Christian’s upper abdomen when they all laugh is soft but firm. She’s in control.
Shawn flies into a possessive, unadulterated rage for about 15 seconds before cold reality hits hard.
Somehow even before she turned around, he knew she’d be wearing it. She’s wearing his fucking necklace while another man’s hands are all fucking over her. His stomach is in knots. His neck burns hot, he bets even his exposed chest is flushed. He wants to scream, maybe even go full caveman and drag her away from Christian Becker, of all fucking people. He even likes Christian Becker. But Penny, he…
So not the path to go down right now.
Thankfully, the red mist doesn’t last long. He’s immediately disgusted with himself for even letting his mind start to go there. But he still can’t stop staring at her.
She didn’t take the Blue Hawaii theme as literally as he did. She’s radiant in a floaty dress that looks like a beach and he looks like a dopey extra on a movie set. He wasn’t even planning on coming to this party -- he’d much rather have spent the night with her in some hotel he doesn’t care about the name of getting his stupid mind blown. But Andrew convinced him, told him Tiffany had a suit ready, even had blue suede boots. 
So Shawn decided to play dress up and be friendly with industry types even if the only thing he cares about right now, other than Penny screwing his brains out, is the album he’s already written that’s being released in the fall. He’s not in the headspace to think about a collab right now. But that’s what he pays Andrew for.
It didn’t even cross his mind that she could be here. It did not even occur to him. But he knew it was her when he saw her even between throngs of people in dim lighting. It’s her bare shoulder blades. He adores them. He’d know them anywhere.
Once she’s turned back around, her poker face back on, letting Becker pet her and show her off, he slugs back a sip of his rum cocktail. He forces himself to turn around because he will certainly blow their cover if he keeps staring at the call girl he’s obsessed with from across the room.
Now that the rage is gone, it’s replaced by a hollow, whiny feeling. Turns out despite Niall’s sage advice and what Shawn thought were enough self reminders that this is something he could simply walk away from, he aches.
He’s being ridiculous. The truth is, he barely knows Penny. He doesn’t even know her last name. And it’s not like he thought he was her only client. He’s not insane. But… he feels a little lame beside Christian Becker. The man is a legend. He’s done blow with at least 75% of Shawn’s heroes. The stories he can probably tell make Shawn want to pout. 
But he can’t pout. He can’t even talk to her. He has to just deal with this and try to find a way to be a man about it. The best way is probably to ignore her as much as he can. It’s hard when she feels like a magnet in the center of a room, sparkling brighter than the disco ball even without the necklace.
God, the necklace. He had finally gotten to a place of feeling kind of ok about that outrageous gesture and now he can worry about it all over again, he can feel like a desperate young fool trying to get the attention of a sophisticated woman in a garish and heavy-handed way. He frustrates himself nearly to tears.
And then he sees her, in front of him this time, tooling with Christian around the bar. Before he can steel himself, he realizes she’s already watching him. He’s… stunned. He almost picks his hand up and, like, waves like an idiot but then she’s leaning into Christian as he says something.
He looks down. His glass is empty. He’ll wait to go to the bar.
It’s all she can do to keep from planting her feet, locking her knees and screaming “NO!” like an impassioned toddler when Christian suggests a trip to the bar. Shawn has been stationed there for 45 minutes with a couple members of his team and, inexplicably, Brad Paisley. She hopes there isn’t anything fruitful coming from that conversation. But soon she’ll be close enough to listen for herself.
She doesn’t usually drink so much on the job, for obvious reasons. But how she could be expected to get through this fiasco without booze is beyond her, so she keeps the pina coladas coming. Christian doesn’t seem to mind. Her strong desire to focus on anything other than Shawn and his sad, but somehow searingly hot eyes, his bare chest, his fucking blue suede shoes is compelling enough to have her at the top of her game. She’s wheeling and dealing beside him better than even he’s ever seen.
She talks a little louder, a little faster until she has slowly managed to get Christian far enough from the bar that she can breathe again. She still feels Shawn’s eyes every few moments, like he’s checking to make sure she’s still there, she’s still with her date, she’s still wearing the necklace.
As the night wears on, the eye contact grows… reckless. They’re both drinking. They’re both loosening up. They’re both curious. So they’ve made it a sport. They lock eyes occasionally, but never for very long, just long enough to get their pulses racing. Shawn will glance at her, she’ll tuck hair behind her neck, exposing the spot below her ear that gets her gasping his name. She’ll spare him a glance, and he’ll wet his lips before he takes a sip of his drink through a smirk.
It’s childish and irresponsible and it has Penny a little wet.
Finally, Christian takes the stage to thank his guests. Penny stands in the crowd, a beacon of grace despite the gallon of fucking Malibu rum in her system. She’s literally shoulder to shoulder with people like Questlove and Demi Lovato, but the only thing she can think about is where he might be.
And then, without knowing, she knows. She can feel him. He’s standing right behind her. She can smell his fucking cologne. She can feel the testosterone-fueled heat tumbling off him. She can even feel the smirk on his face -- it’s enough to make her want to turn around and force him to his knees. 
The worst part for Penny is knowing he’d go willingly.
She huffs an aggravated sigh and senses him chuckle, unable to hear it over Christian’s corny speech. She folds her hands over her front, nudging at her Cartier ring with her fingers. She tries not to imagine Shawn slowly looking her up and down but her goddamn skin is crawling with it like it’s ready to drag her back into his arms without her permission.
She grits her teeth and fights fire with fire.
Penny reaches back and drags her curls over one shoulder, exposing the shoulder blades he likes to teethe at, the clasp of the necklace he bought her, and the sensual nape of her neck all at once. She turns her face, lips parted, profile backlit by the stage lights. She doesn’t have to see him to feel him go stiff all over.
The night is winding down. Shawn can already feel his hangover starting in his fucking teeth. He didn’t watch Penny leave with Christian. The game they were playing seemed a lot less fun when he realized it had to end without them in the same hotel room. He stayed behind after his team left to catch up with a couple producer friends he hasn’t seen, and to prolong heading home alone to wonder if Penny touches Christian the way she touches him.
He shakes his big, heavy head and reaches for his phone. He wants to text her. What the fuck he would say is of no consequence -- he’s not actually going to do it. He just wants to think about the option.
He doesn’t have to think about it, though. Because she’s there, standing by the pickup line, slouched against a column, probably waiting for Christian.
He’s a fucking masochist, but she already knows that. He strides up casually and stands on the other side of the column.
“Nice night?” he grunts, just hoping his voice doesn’t break.
Penny doesn’t look terribly surprised to see him. Shawn bristles at his own predictability.
“You look… really beautiful,” he murmurs, his eyes holding on hers instead of scraping over her heavenly body, “The necklace looks amazing on you.”
Her eyes show a flash of guilt. She purses her lips and ducks her head. “Thank you. It’s…” She trails off, wetting her lips, “This means more than you know, Shawn.”
The same tingle he got when the jeweler sent him the photo sparks up again from his toes, the one that told him the necklace belongs to Penny. He lets it overwhelm him enough to look over at her, his smile tipping into goofy territory.
“I’m glad you like it.”
Penny runs a finger along the side of her neck. Shawn follows it, swallows roughly. He looks back down.
“Where’s… um…” He can’t bring himself to say his name.
“He left. His kids were waiting up for him.”
Shawn’s head lifts so fast his neck cracks a little. “He’s… you’re not…”
Penny’s nose twitches. She keeps her eyes forward on the cars. “Christian hires me to attend events with him. He enjoys my company. I act as a good buffer. We don’t fuck.”
She spares him one glance. His jaw has dropped.
“You’re… going home?” Shawn chokes.
“I’m going home.” Penny’s voice is smooth and warm like her naked skin.
Shawn takes a deep breath. He reaches behind the column and gently wraps his fingers around her wrist.
The air in Penny’s lungs leaves in a rush. She takes a moment to gather herself before glancing at him. She swallows and lifts her chin, ready to give him his marching orders.
“Stay here. Do the wire transfer. Gus will be here any minute. Show it to him. I’m getting a room. I’ll text you the number.”
He doesn’t have time to comment or argue (not that he would) before she turns on a heel and walks inside. If Shawn’s not totally delusional, she’s hurrying a little.
Gus is comfortable enough around Shawn to openly chuckle at his eagerness now. Another on the long list of indicators that Shawn spends too much time with Penny. Instead of bristling, he grins crookedly.
“Does she drive everyone this crazy?” Shawn asks, tucking his phone back into his pocket after Gus nods at the wire transfer confirmation.
Gus, behind the wheel, bobs his head with a mysterious twinkle in his eye.
“Yeah. But maybe you more than others.”
Shawn licks his lips and nods as Gus pulls away, still laughing. After two seconds of staring at his shoes, Shawn bolts for the elevator.
The party has cleared out, mostly. The only people left to see him bouncing on his toes waiting for the lift are the ones busy breaking down the event. When the elevator doors slide open, Shawn lurches inside. 
As it rises, Shawn grips either end of the mirrored doors, unwilling to look his reflection in the eye. He hears his own breathing, feels the way his heart riots in his aching chest. He closes his eyes. He has to calm down. He’s too riled up for her already, has been all night. The way she couldn’t stop looking at him, the way he couldn’t stop thinking about her -- about how she feels and tastes and sounds when she’s so close to coming that he doesn’t need the verbal warning she sometimes gives, he knows it like he knows his own name.
The elevator dings and he’s burrowed far enough into the thought of her that it actually takes him a second to scramble upright and get himself out before the doors shut. 
He knocks quietly, like he’s aware that the walls of this hotel held a lot of influential people only hours earlier. Tonight, he has to trust those walls with his secrets the way he trusts Penny. He fights not to scrape a hand through his hair -- Anna did it just so, so that the curl dropping over his forehead lands just right.
She opens the door barefoot, dressed but looking and feeling naked. In better light he can see the way the color of the dress nearly matches her skin tone beneath it. He grunts gently, letting his head fall back.
“Jesus, sometimes I just…” His voice wanders. He shakes his head and lifts it back upright to look at her.
“You fucking overwhelm me,” he mutters. His eyes land on the necklace again.
Still standing in the doorway, he wets his lips and shifts on his feet.
“Touch me,” she rasps, her chest filling as she inhales, tilting her chin up slightly as she invites him to her neck.
Shawn pulls himself into the room, letting the door shut behind them. He cups the side of her neck with one hand and explores with the calloused fingertips of the other, enjoying the way it sits on her, the way the largest stone in the center fits perfectly between the notches of her collarbone in the spot he likes to bite when she lets him.
“It’s perfect,” he whispers, his hand falling away. His smile is wistful.
You’re perfect.
His jaw clamps shut. He looks at her, waiting. Her eyes are hot with anticipation, but she’s not anticipating him -- it’s like she herself doesn’t know what she’s going to do to him, with him when she lets herself move. He revels in her electric indecision, willing and ready.
She throws herself into his body with a weak whine, one kind of like the sounds he’s prone to making around her. He catches her easily, holding her up so her toes skim the ground as she plunders his mouth. She’s still not quiet once she pins herself to him. She moans and whimpers and sighs like she’s never had him before. He’s too stunned to react beyond letting her do whatever the fuck she wants while he holds her.
Soon, she grows restless, unsatisfied by the limitations of standing in the center of the room, wrapping around him like a python. She needs more. Whatever it is, he’ll make sure she has it.
Penny nudges him backwards and wriggles until the tips of her toes meet the ground. She steers him to the bed, shoving him when they get close enough. He collapses into it with a yelping groan, but she swallows it so fast he’s gasping for breath in her mouth like he needs the oxygen in her lungs.
Does he know? Can he possibly know her so deeply already? The panic has been static in her mind for a couple of days since the necklace arrived.
Logically, she understands it -- she’s mentioned Sinatra, has played him a few times in Shawn’s presence. He probably just saw Frank’s name attached to the piece and thought she’d like it. He’s thoughtful. That’s all.
It doesn’t have to be deeper, but it feels so much fucking deeper. Everything did tonight. She’s never been so distracted on a date, even in similar circumstances where she was dodging one client while on the arm of another.
She’s deluded, she’s drunk on the night and his suit and his lips and his eyes and her fucking necklace but it felt… so big. Frank and Ava big. 
It’s just a necklace, it’s just a necklace, she chants in her head, squeezing her eyes shut as she shamelessly ruts against his pelvis, her dress riding up to her waist, the silk of her panties soaked through already. It’s no wonder why -- as she’s been tangling with her own mind, she’s been riding him hard.
She breaks off from his swollen mouth away to his jaw and he gasps an inhale so loud she thinks she was suffocating him. But he doesn’t let her go. He only locks his heavy arms around her tighter, one anchored to her ass, the other stretched between her shoulder blades that he loves so much.
“Fuck, Penny, I’m--”
She knows what he’s going to say. He’s beyond hard. He might even be as close as she is. He walked in the door under five minutes ago and she’s already heading for an orgasm like a train off its tracks.
She doesn’t fucking care. She’s not stopping now.
“No,” she hisses, “Just like this. Keep fucking me just like this.”
His breath stops in his throat. His eyes, glazed and dark, snap up to hers.
It’s just a necklace, it’sjustanecklace--
God, she’s going to fucking come. His cock is so hard against her clit even through their clothes. Her whole body pulses with it. She comes so much better, harder with something inside to clench down on but her body doesn’t care now.
It’s not a whisper or a murmur, it’s just a breath and he says it like it’s his last one.
It’s not just a necklace. It wasn’t just a necklace to Ava. It wasn’t just a necklace to Frank.
Penny comes jerking, hips spasming, thighs clenched around him. It’s short and sizzling hot and she chants his name right through it until she sinks her teeth into his shoulder and he comes too, silent like she’s never seen him, his face going bright red as his voice fails him and his wet mouth drops open in a scream without sound.
It takes him longer to come down than her. As he trembles beneath her, she noses at his earring, the little hoop in his left lobe, peppering it with kisses, tasting and licking the salt from his sweat dripping down from his sideburns.
He’s quiet beneath her like he’s not sure what to say. She has no issue with this -- she doesn’t have much to say either. His hand, the one on her back, traces the distance between her shoulder blades with his fingers like he’s trying to measure without looking.
Slowly, like it’s difficult to physically separate from him, she lifts her head. Despite the circumstances, his hair is still pretty intact. It makes her smile and tug at the forehead curl with a smirk.
“You like it?” Shawn whispers, his voice fucked and broken.
Was he loud while she was on him? She doesn’t know. She couldn’t hear anything over her own frantic thoughts, until he said her name. She’s not even sure he said it. Maybe she just watched his lips form around it and her vivid imagination did the rest.
“Yeah,” she coos, “It’s got me all shook up.”
Shawn snorts appreciatively and lets his hand wander up her back, under her hair to play with the clasp of her necklace.
Penny closes her eyes. She doesn’t want to keep thinking about it right now. About what it means, about what it could mean, about what it meant for the lovers for whom it was made 70 years ago. 
She lets him cradle her in his arms and tip her off him, rolling her onto her back. He ducks his face into her neck, fluttering kisses, a varying pattern of barely-there brushes and firm, wet smacks along her necklace, like he plans to kiss her once for each one of the 159 diamonds in the settings.
Penny relaxes into the bed, closing her eyes and massaging his scalp with both hands like she knows he likes. She’s got him purring like a kitten for her in under 20 seconds.
Through her welcome haze, she feels his hand trail up her arm, reaching for the strap of her dress, then the other. She wriggles free of the sticky, clingy material as he drags it off her, the clinking of the zipper teeth loud in a room only soundtracked by their breathing, which is picking up pace again. He kisses each of her puckered nipples through her satin slip, then pushes that away too, followed by her drenched panties.
He sits back on his knees to stare down at her. She can see his cock starting to twitch under the fabric again. She lifts her arms over her head and sighs loud.
Shawn shivers. He shakes his head and wets his lips to speak.
“Fuck Ava Gardner. Sinatra designed that necklace for you.”
Before he can see the shocked tears in her eyes, Shawn spreads her legs, ducks his head and buries his face between them.
Shawn is awoken in the afternoon the next day by his doorbell. He rolls out of bed and checks the app on his phone to peek at the doorbell camera. He quietly prays to whatever’s listening that it’s not a teenage girl. He doesn’t have the energy.
It appears to be a delivery. He pulls a shirt over his head and stumbles to the door, signing and accepting the padded envelope.
On a piece of off-white cardstock is a red lip print that makes his pulse pound in his ears. He dumps the envelope onto the coffee table. Only a thumbdrive falls out.
He races to his laptop, throwing himself onto the bed as it boots up. He tries to jam the thumbdrive in upside down, winces and flips it over.
The drive has encryption software installed and asks him to create a password. After a few flutters of his tired eyes and a heaved sigh, he types: Sinatra.
The folder opens to tiny thumbnails, about 30 of them, and Shawn’s chest shudders hard before he can even get a close look.
She’s bare except for the necklace. She’s perched at the end of her bed, lying on top of it, on her side, sitting up, standing by the window, facing him, turned away. He gets so overwhelmed by all the images he stops himself and focuses on the first one, lets himself digest it.
She’s sitting on the end of the bed (and his heart skips a beat just looking at it, knowing it’s where she puts herself to sleep at night) with her legs crossed delicately at the ankle like the first time he met her. Her posture is perfect and elegant but not at all forced -- it’s just how she sits. She has a hand lifted to her chest, acknowledging the necklace, and her face is turned, her eyes down. He stares at the photo for minutes on end and can’t remember why he ever regretted buying the necklace, not for a second.
The link to buy me a Ko-fi is in my bio, pals and gals!
Taglist: @smallerinfinities @the-claire-bitch-project @achinglyshawn @infiniteshawn @mendesoft @singanddreamanyway @alone-in-madness @abigfatmess @shawnitsmutual @awkwardfangirl2014 @september-lace @grittyisaho @sinplisticshawn @rollingxstone @yslsaint @randi-eve @fallmoreinlove @heyits-claire @itrocksmysocks @parkerspicedlatte @simpledomain @abeautiful-and-cloudy-day @thecurlsofgod @magcon7280 @bensbuttercup @shawnsmusical @paigeasourous @tell-me-when-ur-ready @softmendesss @searchingunderthestars @buggy-blogs @tnhmblive @greedydevil @tamegray @meltingicequeen @havethetimeeofyourlifee @normalcyisoverrated-beyou @t-i-n-y-d-i-n-o @hannahlouiseee @sarahlauramendes @shawnsmoose @mendezlatte @1dbetch
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twloha · 4 years
Meet the Interns: Andrea
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Things that make me happy: Potatoes, pasta… pasta filled with potatoes. All breakfast foods, movie theatre popcorn, hot chocolate with extra marshmallows, and cake batter ice cream. The first scoop out of a fresh jar of peanut butter makes me happy, as well as warm pudding. Fuzzy socks and comfy sweaters. Cold days where I can cuddle up on the couch and do absolutely nothing. Dying my hair, spa dates, and special effects makeup. Clipping coupons that I will probably never use and trying different kinds of fruit. Hedgehogs make me happy; chinchillas make me happy—if I’m being honest, most fluffy exotic animals. Genuinely playing The Sims, and not removing pool ladders makes me happy. Hugs from certain people bring me so much joy and mean more to me than any of the things I mentioned above. And of course, the love of my life makes me the happiest.
Why I’m here: I am here because To Write Love on Her Arms helped me when I needed help. Renee’s story resonated with me and opened a whole new world that I didn’t know existed—with people I could relate to, and people who understood. Their mission helped me realize what I want to do with my life, which is to help others. I want to be that reminder for them that hope is real, help is real. That was 12 years ago, and through different TWLOHA programs, events, and numerous applications, I finally made it here. Everything happens for a reason, and I believe that is why I am here now.
On the weekends, you can find me: Working all the time, or at least I was when I was in retail, but since I quit nearly 6 months ago, you can find me sleeping in, eating brunch, and then napping again. In the evening I am probably playing Catan and other board games with my family and friends or attempting to watch movies I’ve never seen but then getting easily distracted by literally anything. You can also find me once a month at an escape room with my family. Since becoming part of the TWLOHA team, weekends have been filled with learning the area and finding cute mom and pop places to eat, working at events, and taking my time to just relax. I still play Catan online with my family too.
We’re jamming to your playlist on a road trip, what artists are we listening to? On my drive down to Florida, I was jamming out to The Spill Canvas, Marianas Trench, Set It Off, Heartist, Jacob Lee and Palisades. I just got Spotify the day before I left, so those were the only bands I was craving to listen to. I am still an emo kid at heart, so I have a soft spot in my heart for early 2000’s emo bands and anything that makes me feel my feels. I am also a sucker for most 90’s pop and hip hop music for the nostalgia.
If you have dibs on the TV, what are you most likely watching? I rarely watch shows or movies over again and again—except for a select few like Sweeney Todd and Charmed (the original series, not the reboot)—but right now I am watching a few things. I am almost halfway through Supernatural, which has been a process! So many episodes, so little time! On Netflix I am watching Grace and Frankie, Chilling Adventures of Sabrina, Living with Yourself, Riverdale, Gotham, Sex Education, and I’m avidly waiting for the newest season of The Good Place to make its way on there! I also started Light As A Feather on Hulu and watched the first season in a day. Long story short, I’m usually watching spooky things with a small dash of lighthearted comedy.
If you could book a trip to anywhere, where would you go? I would absolutely love to travel to Europe and go back to Spain! But if I could choose one place, I think I would have to choose Iceland and visit The Blue Lagoon and see the Northern Lights.
What challenges you and takes you out of your comfort zone? Growing up I was a very picky eater. As I have gotten older, I have been in situations where I've had more opportunities to try different things. I have told myself that I need to broaden my food horizons otherwise my diet would solely be potatoes, but there are still so many foods that are difficult for me to want to try.
Favorite saying or quote to live by: “Love's completely real, so forget anything that you have heard. And live for the moment now.” – The Spill Canvas
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Im only messing with you 😘 while im here though could i have some fic recs puh-leaaase - 🍍
Ooh honey, you have no IDEA the can of worms you just opened :D (since this list is so long I’m gonna split it up into SFW Complete, NSFW Complete, SFW Ongoing, and NSFW Ongoing)
SFW Complete:
The Invisible Girl [sonamae]: OK SO it’s Hagakure-centric, with background Hagakure x Shouji and KiriBaku. My favorite part about this is that the romance is important, but not the focus. The focus of this oneshot is on the family she creates with Bakugou, Satou, Todoroki, Kirishima, and Tokoyami. Go read it, it’s great. BIG BROTHER BAKUGOU FTW!!!!!
Ground Zero [sonamae]: Speaking of Big Brother Bakugou, this is the next oneshot in the same series as the above one, but from Bakugou’s pov. Again, the romance is important but not a focus, and that’s so fucking refreshing and I love it so mUCH idk what else to tell you. Just go read these two. The rest of the series isn’t complete, but these two specific fics ARE, hence why they’re in the Complete section.
Lighting The Beacon [M3zzaTh3M3z]: This is one of the first bnha fics I’ve ever read, and I’m so glad this was my introduction to the fandom!! It’s a pretty fluffy oneshot, starting off with Kiri asking Baku out and Baku rejecting him because “who ever heard of a gay hero?” Aizawa hears about that (the basics, no details like names or anything), and things…start to change. Mic says he’s married to a man (its Aizawa), All Might comes out as pan, ace Midnight…and at the end, Bakugou asks Kirishima out very publicly. It’s so near and dear to my heart, and it honestly deserves more attention than it gets.
You’re only relevant until you’re older (they’re gonna talk about you over and over) [futurehearts]: Pro-Heroes Red Riot and Ground Zero are happily married and Baku has a reputation to slowly destroy :D (he’s soft, mainly for his husband, and he knows it…and now so does the rest of the world lmaooo).
Love Notes [PurplePersnickety]: Kirishima gets really, REALLY sappy love notes on his desk for a week or two and works to figure out who it is (spoiler alert, it’s Bakugou being a Soft Bitch). When Kiri asks him about it, he confesses everything and they date in secret for six months before telling the whole class (oneshot).
Sonder [Maplefudge]: I bet this bitch thought she wouldn’t get a shout-out well guess what you write good and there’s nothing you can do about it This is the first work of maple’s I ever read, and it’s perf <3 I’m love. It’s a look at the “totally platonic” (how much sarcasm can I add to two words?) Kiribaku from members of the class, over the course of 13 chapters. It’s full of fluff, useless mutual pining, obliviousness, and “platonic bro kisses”. Read it if you need to scream at some useless gays.
Anger Management [Julietwasanidiot]: The entire fandom is gearing up for S4 by writing hurt/comfort KiriBaku post-raid fics, and I am HERE for it. Because of when it’s set though, there’s going to be spoilers so if you’re anime-only you migt want to steer clear of this one. It’s got an ICONIC rice-and-anger line, though.
Stupid Mistakes [lemxnfox]: Kirishima and Bakugou got in a fight! They fight a lot, but this fight they’ve been fighting for six months and the class is #OverIt. They concoct a plan to lock the two of them in a room and force them to make up– and they DO. Side ShinKami and TodoDeku.
No More Fragments [Ischemia]: Canon-compliant…to a degree. Shinsou takes his place as the Superior Purple in Class A, gets himself a boyfriend (Kaminari) and a squad (the Bakusquad)…and loses it. Or does he???? Canon-typical violence, side Kiribaku, mystery plot.
Caught In My Own Web [anxioussaliorsoldier]: SHINSOU IS IN 1-A!!!!! And he fucks up when trying to use his capture weapon lmao. Kaminari finds him and they recreate the iconic Spider-Man kiss…and then Shinsou passes out from the blood rushing to his head. It’s cute guys.
Be Selfish For Me [A_Reflective_Projection]: WARNING– the entire thing is Aizawa asking 1-A to be careful as pro heroes, by taking them to a hero graveyard. It’s painful. It’s sad (especially when Aizawa brings up a classmate of his who died in their first year as a pro). It ends bittersweet, and there’s some good Dadzawa content in there. The most present ship is Erasermic, and that only really makes an appearance in the last chapter.
Closer [MikeWritesThings]: Fluffy Erasermic, canon universe, where Aizawa starts calling in to Mic’s radio show cuz he misses him. It’s sweet af ❤️❤️
Meaningless Holiday [dysonQueer]: It’s a sweet Valentine’s Day fic, canon-compliant, with established Erasermic for the soul. I highly recommend it if you’re having a rough day and you need some feel-good fluff
Come Back Toe Me [Milligramme]: Aged-up, Pro Hero fic where Kiri has a shit day heroing, but he isn’t physically hurt. Not until he breaks his toe on the coffee table, that is. He can’t stop laughing, and Bakugou can’t stop worrying about his dumbass boyfriend.
Kiss Me Through The Screen [Ischemia]: Aged-up fic with ShinKami as the main focus and some side KiriBaku, but…uh, most of the Bakusquad aren’t full-time Heroes. Kami dropped out of UA completely, and Shinsou never went in the first place. So, Kaminari is working at Jirou’s cafe and works as a SFW camboy at night, while Shinsou is a teacher and watches the stream nightly. Later there’s a plot around a stalker, again please keep yourself safe Pineapple Anon!!
If I Don’t Act… [SilentNorth]: This is gritty and painful, but don’t worry! There’s a happy ending :D (I rarely read/write/recc pure angst, you’re safe here my child). Kiri is a college dropout working two jobs, living with Mina as his roommate, and with a hero complex the size of Texas. Enter art student Bakugou, who can save himself thank you very much. Some mention of depression/attempted suicide, as well as slightly less than canon-typical violence, please keep yourself safe and skip it if that’s going to trigger you, Pineapple Anon.
Not even close, not even a little bit, not even at all [theroyalsavage]: A Kiribaku “10 Things I Hate About You” AU where Todoroki asks Kirishima to fake-date Bakugou so he can date Midoriya. Everything is going smoothly until Kirishima accidentally falls in love *gasp*!!
The Skeletons Inside Of Us [firelord_zutara]: Erasermic, quirkless AU where Mic was the lead singer of Aizawa’s favorite local band in college. Aizawa has a crush on him, they lost touch after college, and they didn’t meet again…until their nephews (Aizawa adopted Midoriya, Shinsou is Mic’s sister’s kid) meet and by extension, the uncles. Background ShinKami and KiriBaku, written for EraserMic week (7 chapters).
Life’s a Drag(on) [PurplePersnickety]: FANTASY AU!!! You know, the Fantasy AU from the third ending. But altered, juuuuuust slightly. Bakugou lives in(? ish) a village and helps a dragon when it’s hurt. A day or so later, a (hot) new guy comes to town named Kirishima, and the dragon keeps coming around. Shenaniganery follows. :DDD
Space Dust [PurplePersnickety]: Do you like Star Wars, Star Trek, Firefly, and/or Men In Black? Then you’re gonna fuckin LOVE this :DDD It’s got half-alien Kirishima, cyborg Bakugou, mention of a larger universe outside of the planet (outside of the oneshot too, lbr). It is a oneshot though, even if it is a long one, with canon/typical violence and mention of kidnapping and child experimentation. Please put your mental health and well-being above everything else and skip it if it’s gonna trigger you!!!
Achromatopsia [PurplePersnickety]: DID SOMEBODY SAY SOULMATE AU???? No? Well hAVE ONE ANYWAY!!! Kiribaku soulmate AU (oneshot), where you only see in one color until you touch your soulmate for the first time. Fun fact, achromatopsia is the complete inability to see any color!! I’m sure that’s not gonna have any bearing on the story whatsoever…
NSFW Complete:
A Cast for your Heart [KTG]: Heads up, this is LONG. 90 chapters, 268k, it’s magic and sex and drAGONS and angst and almost-dying!! The fantasy system is completely original, set in modern times, and the OCs??? Don’t get me STARTED. Kiribaku, Tododeku, and Seromina are the bnha ships present as well as a lot of OCxOC ships. There’s also a sequel set to come out this month (July 2019)!!
Long Time Coming [Madam_Muffins]: I’ve probably recc’ed this before, but I just. I just love this one so much, ok? It’s massive Kiribaku slow burn, outlining what might happen if Bakugou is just a little bit more emotionally constipated. Baku fucks up, gets help, he and Kiri get together (and fuck a little), and there’s elements of the Reincarnation and Fantasy AUs in there towards the end!! Go read it, madammuffins is my amazing tumblr mom and I love her to bits.
SFW Ongoing:
Engraved In Your Mind [Hejter]: FACEBLIND BAKUGOU KATSUKI!!! It’s canon-compliant, except for that little detail, but she writes it so WELL that now I can’t look at canon!Bakugou without thinking that he’s faceblind. Kiri finds out and starts working to build trust with Bakugou and help him on his path to becoming the top hero, and it’s GREAT. Slowburn Kiribaku. Like,,,SLOW.
Define: Oblivious [PurplePersnickety]: I bet you thought I was done with the Purple reccs. I’m never going to be done reccing Purple. Deal with it. I mentioned, in the summary for Love Notes, that there was a six month time skip? This is what happens in those six months. SeroKami and MomoJirou are side ships in this one.
The Right Thing [TuesdayTerrible]: Established Kiribaku where they’re graduated from UA, and living together, and being pro heroes…and then one day Baku finds a little girl who tried to kill herself cuz she was quirkless. Needless to say, this strikes a chord in Bakugou (cuz…yknow, he kinda told Midoriya to kill himself in like episode one and then it was never addressed again). He can’t stop thinking about her, and while we haven’t gotten there YET it looks like it’s gonna end with him and Kirishima adopting her and Bakugou apologizing for the bullshit he put Mido through. There is mention of a suicide attempt (clearly), skip it if that’s gonna trigger you!!!
Hands Off! [PullingAllMighters]: Much like Kiss Me Through The Screen, Hands Off! is a non-canon compliant aged-up AU where not everyone is a full-time hero. Kiri is, Kami and Sero are his sidekicks, Ochako is in a different agency, and everyone else is doing Other Shit. Bakugou hasn’t revealed his full backstory yet, but it looks like he was a Pro Hero until a year or so ago when something bad happened and now he’s got PTSD. His old apartment building burned down so he’s living in Ochako, Momo, Jirou, and Mina’s guesthouse until he finds a job and another place to live. This has a fresh take on the hero system, and I really really enjoy it so far!! There is, however, a fairly detailed scene of Bakugou being triggered so if reading that would trigger you, please don’t!! Keep yourself safe, Pineapple Anon!!! Endgame Kiribaku
Blood of my Hand [PurplePersnickety]: Is it obvious yet that I LOVE purple’s writing??? This, I believe, was the gateway work, and I’ve dived headfirst in and not looked back. Fantasy AU, slowburn Kiribaku, and it’s. I can’t even sum it up. There’s too much. It’s too good. Game of Thrones WISHES it could be what BomH is. There’s mention of slavery and past child abuse, please skip that if it’s going to trigger you!!
A Boy and his Dragon [VanHan]: Oh look, another fantasy AU. Have you figured out that I have a type yet? Kiribaku but the Kiribaku hasn’t really happened yet, cuz Bakugou is a literal child who got kidnapped and is probably gonna get sold. He doesn’t even know Kirishima is Kirishima, he just knows him as the cool dragon in the cage. This one just barely makes the SFW list, because there’s no explicit mention of fucking, but there’s a really really gross pedophile that shows up fairly early on and hasn’t died yet. There’s also graphic depictions of violence in the first chapter, and once you combine those two things I would absolutely understand if you decided to give this one a pass, too.
Everglow [Maplefudge]: ANOTHER fantasy AU?!?! In MY fic recc list?? It’s more likely than you think. This one just started, and it’s got that enemies-to-lovers shit going on. Dragons plus my favorite tropes = FUCK YEAH!!!
Crimson [Crocodillia]: I bet you thought I was done with the fantasy AU reccs, didn’t you? Well, HAVE ANOTHER!!! This one has strong HTTYD vibes, and I’ve literally never seen anyone try that before with these characters!! So far there’s only two chapters, but I am HOOKED and if you like HTTYD…you’re gonna like this, too.
Becoming Human [FoolishFortuna]: Demon!Bakugou becomes Human!Bakugou when he refuses to take a kid’s soul. I think we’re three chapters in and he just got to earth and met Kirishima, as well as a few holy people (Midoriya, Ochako, Iida, and I believe Tetsu). Now he gotta find his daughter and keep her safe. Kiribaku with some fairly graphic descriptions of torture and cannibalism in the second chapter, don’t read it if that’s gonna trigger you!! Also he pretty brutally rips apart the girl’s abusive parents.
Surviving for Second Chances [SilentNorth]: TWEWY Kiribaku AU!!! There’s some differences between the original game and the fic, for pretty obvious reasons (medium, objective, and character differences being a few), but this got me to FINALLY watch a playthrough of the game cuz I’m too broke to go and buy it myself!! Kirishima as Neku and Bakugou as Joshua, plus Mina as Shiki and TodoDeku as Rhyme and Beat. Canon-typical violence, and we just finished up Week 1!!
Love And Other Allergens [thefrailtyofgenius]: A Quirkless AU where Todoroki is a lawyer with a flower shop underneath his apartment. Todo finds out he’s allergic to one of the plants, buys a different bouquet every week instead of, yknow, asking for help like a normal human being (I say, knowing damn well I’d just buy allergy medication and not even try to figure out what I’m allergic TO), and accidentally falls in love with the cute (and absolutely fucking ripped) flower boy (Midoriya lmao). It’s LONG. The TodoDeku is extremely slowburn, and there’s a fuckload of side ships. An incomplete list: Erasermic, Kiribaku, ShinIida (Shinsou and Iida), and MomoJirou. Bonus Endeavor’s Bad Parenting, Midoriya Hisashi’s Bad Parenting, and both of those assholes getting locked up forever :D (I’m so serious about the length tho, it’s like 40 chapters or something).
NSFW Ongoing:
Mixing Signals [Shippeh]: Kiribaku aged-up, but they’ve tried to date multiple times and every time Bakugou fucked it up. Every time they broke up, they pretended like they’d never tried in the first place (which…oW), but this time. THIS time, Bakugou swears he’s gonna make them work.
Heartbeat Thunder [Shippeh]: This is one of the few ABO fics I’ll recc, because it’s not just “ooh heat sex fun times”. This has THOUGHT put into it. They’re confused kids goddamnit, let them be confused!!! Basically Kiri doesn’t ever want to rut so he’s suppressing everything about being an alpha, while Bakugou thinks that trying to hide from your secondary gender is stupid. They do fuck tho, which is why the fic is in NSFW Ongoing.
Take a Chance On Me [FanficIsMyThing]: The other ABO fic I’ll happily recc. Kiri is an alpha which lets him be a hero, while Baku is an omega so he’s gotta be a vigilante until the laws get changed. They run into each other on patrol a few times, Baku helps Kiri and crew out a few times, and every time Kirishima *mysteriously* fails to catch the vigilante Chemical X. They haven’t actually fucked yet, but there’s been enough sexy times to put this squarely in NSFW territory. And it’s not just sex!! I don’t wanna spoil, but it’s good I swear.
Opposed to the Typical [Heronfem]: A model/fashion designer AU featuring HoH!Bakugou, model!Bakugou and designer!Kirishima, as well as a metric shitload of others. Basically Kiri is an intern with Fatgum who gets called to help another studio with their fitting, gets assigned to Bakugou, figures out he’s HoH and handles it like a champ. Because he does it so well, whenever Bakugou needs to get his measurements taken again, they immediately call for Kirishima. And ofc they gonna fall in love :3c But its more complicated than that, and I don’t wanna give too much away, but make sure that you pay attention to any trigger warnings at the start of the chapters!!!
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Summertime Magic (II)
A/N: I do apologize for such a late fic but real life been kicking me in the ass. In this part, we get a little of Y/N and N’Jadaka getting to know one another while Y/N does is hair.
No warning but I recommend listening to “Close to You” by Dreezy ft. T-Pain
To Catch Up, PRESS HERE.
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   It was Thursday afternoon when Y/N was in the middle of feed in cornrows on her client's coarse hair. She wore a black bleach tie-dye crop top with high waisted jean shorts. “So, girl I was telling my dude, like, ya boy is tryna fuck with my friend and what not and his ass gonna tell me so.” Y/N said, “wait, don’t his nigga got a girl though?” Her client clapped her hands between every word. “Exactly, bih. His girl just gave birth to their baby girl, too.” Y/N placed some gel on her part to smooth down flyaways. 
“Trifling. Niggas are something else I swear. But speaking of, how you and Monte”, Y/N asked as she started braiding a small braid in between the two thicker ones. Her customer smiled before speaking “beside his baby mama, we good. He a pain but he my pain. We actually moving soon.” Y/N nodded asking “where to?” She turned to face Y/N. “The Valley. Says it’s closer to his job.” The look on Leslie’s face was very sad but Y/N only grinned. They knew each other since high school and was apart of the same clique. “Finally, getting out of the hood, I see. Leaving me behind and shit. I see how it is”, Y/N said in a playful tone causing Leslie to smack her thick thigh.
   “Hursh. I’ll still come down to visit and whatever. You know I’m not gonna trust in upitty crackas in my hair. Hell no. I’ll make that long ass commute to get here. But what up with you though?” She smiled as she got another piece of hair to place in Leslie’s hair. “Nothing much. Met a guy yesterday. Kinda cute. Got some nice muscle tone and all. His name is N’Jadaka. He coming tomorrow so I can do his dreads for him.” Leslie turned slightly to look in her face. “Oh really? You got a pic? I need to see if I approve.” Y/N rolled her eyes laughing and showed Leslie the picture; her eye’s bugged out. “Oweeee, how you doing, Mr. Man!? Best friend, that man finer than a muthafucka. Wait, he coming here?” 
Y/N nodded as she placed some styling mousse on her hands to smooth over her friend’s hair. “He will be here tomorrow at 11 am.” Leslie looked at her friend up and down and said “aight miss thing. Don’t get in trouble now.” She took the money out of her bra and handed it to her. “You better come to out going away party, heffa. Its next week so ad it to ya calendar.” Leslie hugged Y/N’s fluffy body and was on her way out before Y/N locked the door.
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  Y/N got out the shower feeling amazing after exfoliating, shaving and oiling her whole thick body while listening to Daniel Caesar. She went into her closet to grab a cute, wine shade romper that complimented her skin tone. Her locs were in a huge bun and had her baby hairs in a wave shape against her smooth skin. Her phone buzzed from a text from N’Jadaka.
N’Jadaka: I’m outside. 
  She smiled and went to the window as he pulled up. Y/N pulled back the cream curtains to his navy blue Impala park in her driveway. As soon as he stepped out, her mouth parted slowly to her jaw-dropping on the floor. He was in a navy blue short sleeve that clung to every muscle and his smooth caramel skin. Gray sweat pants that displayed his thick thighs and navy blue Air Force Ones that completed the outfit. His hair was tossed to the right messily and his dimples were in full display when he noticed Y/N was watching with his back turned; she dodged his stare and stayed away from the door.
*Knock, knock, knock*
   Y/N opened the door with a smile. “Hey, it’s nice to see you again. Did you find the way okay?” She stood to the side as his tower-like frame strolled in looking down at her. “Yeah, I’m usually good with direction. How you doin’? You aight”, he asked with a smirk across his lips, flashing the white smile of his. Y/N nodded, totally spaced out by his charm. “I’m good. Ya ready?” She led him to a chair which had a hair wash bowl connected to it. N’Jadaka clapped his hands as he remembered something. He handed her a black tinned bag and she took it from him. “I was by the store and just thought you would the snacks you had the other.” Y/N blushed as he sat down and she placed a cape onto him with a towel wrapped around his neck; he lied back as she ran the lukewarm water. “So, how long you’ve been doing hair?”
“Eh, I started in eighth grade when my friend’s mom had her own shop. We used to watch her ever since we were way younger. It got crowded, clients and walk-ins were waiting but everyone was swamped so I ask if I can help. Ms. Witherspoon said go ahead and I did. I asked each one what they wanted and did what they asked. Washed, blow-dried, some cornrows for the ones getting extensions”, she said as she began washing his scalp. His eyes were closed shut and she noticed his incredible lashes. “So, Y/N was a baby hustle?” She giggled and said “yah, pretty much. Then I got a job there as the hair washer and assistant to her mom. My folks weren’t really up for it. They wanted me to enjoy my childhood but then I told them how much I would be making and with me being the oldest, I wanted to help out.”
 N’Jadaka nodded as her hands worked their magic through his locs. He hummed in relaxation as her fingertips massaged his scalp slowly. The voice of Dreezy the singer added more to the session as her she got the right amount of lather and suds. She was humming to the lyrics watching him. He looked so relaxed, so sweet. Her eyes watched his lips as mouthed off ‘fuck’ and ‘shit’ to his self. She had to snap out of it. “So, N’Jadaka. You have a very interesting name. Where is it from?” He chuckled flashing his smile, making her weak in the knees. “It’s African. My fam is from Wakanda besides my moms.” She rinsed his hair out and sitting him up. “Hav you ever been there? I’ve seen only the bad in Africa online and some shit.”
“Nah, nah. It’s beautiful especially Wakanda. When the sun sets, it’s amazing. The tint of the colors blended just makes you forget about everything that’s so fucked up with the world. When I visit, I just sit the mountain and my older cousin likes to sit with me. We talk about our childhood together.” Y/N smiled at his face lighting up and helped him walk to the chair. She walked ahead of him as he began tossing his hair and towel drying it watching her wide hips move side to side. He eased into the chair as she got the hot oil treatment ready. 
She wrapped a clean towel around his neck with a new cape before going into a shelf next to her hair area. She bent her knees with her behind close to the floor as she looked for the oil to warm up with the glass container. Soon the oil was hot enough and she went back to him with a smile on her lips; she began. “So, what made you move out here? From the sound of it, Wakanda sounds like a paradise.” She heard him take a deep breath before he explained. “Ya see, Y/N. I’m not like the people there. I was born out here, I’m from here. Them folks out there saw through that shit once my Unc. They only accepted me when they realized I was related to people who were a big deal.”
  After the treatment, she grabbed a locking moisturizer that didn’t cause build-up and began the tiring process. “Y/N, what you got planned for tomorrow? My boy got a housewarming party and it’s a 90′s theme. All my boys bringing they ladies and all. I know we just met and all but by the way you move, you be a great dance partner.” She rolled her eyes at the thought. “Not really the party type.” She heard him chuckling as he said: “shit, neither am I but it’s my boy.” She was standing to his left, still sectioning and twisting when he looked at her thick thighs. So plump, so soft looking. “Well, why me? I know you got flocks of girls throwing themselves at you. Choose one of them then”, she stated.
   N’Jadaka side up to her and admitted: “Yeah, I do but I ain’t interested in them at all.” This made her eyes fall to his. Was he being serious, she thought. Why her out all of the women in Los Angeles. The women he had thrown at him would probably be model sized. Tiny waists, long legs, thin thighs and all. She strolled around like she was confident but on the inside, she was always battling herself. She had to cry many tears, mend her broken heart and put on her big girl (no pun attended) lace panties to feel as she was can compete with those types of broads. Y/N’s train of thought came back to the track when she felt his hand on her calf. “Y/N, you gotta come. You can’t be a homebody forever. If you think I had ya back at the liquor store, then trust me. C’mon and come with me. I show you a good time.” He was caressing her thigh the whole time as he spoke and it made her feel some type of way, the good way. She sighed, wiggled her leg gently out his grasp and said “maybe. I’ll think about it, young man.”
   N’Jadaka chuckled as he sat back, head straight forward. “ Well, little one. Once you done with my hair, I better have an answering or I’ll do it myself”, he said with a fold of his muscular arms. Y/N rolled her eyes with a crooked smile as she continued. They shared a few laughs and smiles here and there then she twisted hs fresh dreads into two braids; the also exchanged social media networks. She passed him the mirror so that he can get a look. “Daaaaaaaayummmmm, this shit is nice as hell. Baby Girl, those hands of yours are like magic”, he stood and gave her a nice hug. She was taken back but when her hands fell on his smooth back, she melted into him like ice cream on a burning hot day like this one. The smell of musk and spices filled her nostrils as she lingered on. 
   N’Jadaka look down at her and asked “ya good, little one.” When her eyes opened, she realized that he had let go a long time ago but she still had her arms around his waist. She looked around and then to him. She slid her arms away and said “sorry. Guess I was daydreaming.” He chuckled as they made their way to the door. She placed her hand on the knob, twisting and opening the door but when he walked out he turned and leaned against the threshold with his arms folded again. His brow slowly rose up that made Y/N very confused. “Yes or no” he asked and got back a “huh” from her lips. “Are you going or not” he asked and Y/N folded her arms as well. He chuckled and said “fine. Then I will decide. You are going with me to this party. We will grab something to eat before and after. Party starts at 7:45 so I will be here at 6 on the dot so we can chill for a bit.” 
  Before she got to speak, he placed his hand on her chin and said “be ready by 6, little one. Aight” with a smile that made her knees weak. She nodded and he did the same back. “Ok good. I’ll hit you up later. Here ya go”, he handed a hundred dollar bill into hers but she looked up at him. “You are worth way more than what you charge. Thank me later” and with that, he walked off to his car and drove off with two honks. Y/N slowly closed the door with a sweet grin and made her way to her bedroom. After a nice shower and a good homecooked meal, her Instagram was blowing up with comments, DMs and brand new followers. She went to her page notifications and saw something she was mentioned in; a post by N’Jadaka himself; it made her smile from ear to ear.
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Ok, so this was long overdue because of real life health and all but I will be posting part III tonight, if not in a few minutes.
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wokebutsleepy · 4 years
snack-themed ask meme for the gays
And also for @ploodoe (thanks for being so patient)
popcorn: what’s something that never fails to get you excited?
chips ahoy: what’s your favorite simple dish?
Some sort of pasta. I recently made carbonara for the first time and it was so good and so easy!
sour keys: what’s your favorite thing to do while drunk/high? (alt: what’s your favorite thing to do late at night?)
Play games. I love any sort of games but also drinking games are hella fun
animal crackers: what animal would you love to be, and which would you hate to be?
I'd love to be a bear. Just big, fat, fluffy, and sleepy. And I guess I'd hate to be anything on the near extinction list
beef jerky: beef jerky vs. slim jims vs. steak nuggets - thoughts?
Wtf are steak nuggets? I've recently come around to beef jerky tho
dortios: describe the weirdest person you know
I can only think of like all my friends and I love that.
girl scout cookies: if you could only have 3 desserts for the rest of your life, what would you pick?
My mom's chocolate cake, this oreo trifle thing I have for my b-day every year, and probably cheesecake
twinkie: would u rather be seen as cute or elegant?
Handsome ;P but I guess like a cute handsome
soft pretzel: would you rather be a 90’s skate park punk or a 00’s mall rat punk?
Skate punk all the way!!!
fig newtons: what’s the weirdest food (or non-food you ate) you liked as a kid?
Lol I dunno if it's weird or just poor but margarine on soda crackers... mm *chef kiss*
sno-balls: do you yearn?
Oh baby, do I ever stop?
pringles: what is your favorite way to hold hands with someone?
Tentative interlock?
pistachios: what is your least favorite ice cream flavor?
Mint chocolate. I will NOT discuss this further
combos: what’s your favorite opposites attract pairing (nerd/jock, goth/prep, feral/chill, etc)?
I guess the nerd/jock
corn nuts: what’s your favorite thing to chew?
A long piece of grass that makes me look dangerous but pensive lol
yogurt: favorite dairy product? (lactose-intolerant alt: what’s the one dairy product you would go thru hell to have?)
ants on a log: what’s the first item that comes into your mind when you think nostalgia?
A deck of cards. It's probably how we learn to count in this family.
dippin’ dots: what are some of your favorite little moments from this month?
Playing with a puppy obviously
triscuits: what’s your favorite plant?
The aloe Vera plant. Because she just does so much
umaibo: who is your favorite food mascot?
I feel like this is a very Furry leading question 👀😂
rice krispie squares: what cereal would u want to eat with your partner on a chill sunday morning?
Reese's puffs!
bugles: what’s your favorite nail polish color?
A dark matte red? Oof. Fuck me up
froot by the foot: if your could make one part of your body rainbow, what would you pick?
My tongue
pez: favorite pastel color?
Probably pink because I feel like that's just its ELEMENT, ya know?
junior mints: thoughts on minecraft?
I dont get it
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more michael fluff pls & thx
im waiting for episode to give me two more free passes so that i can fuck around a bit more bc sleep? yeet
so ill write some fluffy headcanons for this good good music boy
michael mell is the cuddliest damn person in the world. he loves just wrapping his arms around u and holding u close at Any Point
especially if he’s taller than you. he likes to just sorta rest his chin on ur shoulder or on top of ur head, especially just. during random conversations.
“you good, mikey?” “yeah babe” “alright” 
michael is a man of a thousand playlists. he constantly makes them and remakes them for u bc he keeps finding good songs or sometimes he likes to put them in an order (and he just slides over to u like “dont shuffle this”) for u
especially when he cant sleep. you’ll just get a text at 3 am with a new playlist sometimes
okay michael? pretty hopeless in the kitchen. he and jeremy have no fuckin idea what they’re doing 90% of the time BUT.
michael absolutely loves cooking with u. he knows how to cook some things bc of his moms, since cooking together was a Thing when he was little, so he knows some shit that he could cook and maybe teach u how to cook in the process
but honestly, michaels the bastard whos snacking constantly
u, smacking his hand away from strawberries: stop that u bitch
michael: :(
michael who usually wears headphones but carries earbuds with him so that you two can share earbuds??? absolutely. he’d honestly probably be like “oh, shit, here-” and unplug his headphones, fish out his earbuds, and plug them in while still having the headphones around his neck.
its always a fun sight lmao
michael mell? tech boy. u cant change my mind. he absolutely enjoys running sound during productions once ppl got him into it
he likes bringing you up into the booth and showing u things and sometimes stealing lil smooches - especially if no one’s around? its sweet n soft moments filled with soft laughs because cmon, babe, pay attention-
okay but. michael absolutely falls in love with ur facial expressions. he likes when you get rly focused on things and just finds it rly rly cute??? 
especially if ur like. writing or drawing or doing math or something that he can visually watch you do bc you get so In The Zone that he just likes to watch you work sometimes. usually it’s when he’s neglecting his own work.
this boy absolutely takes any and every excuse to give you his jacket. you shiver one? take it. you dont have anything else to sleep in? wear his jacket and he’ll find some sweatpants for u if u want them. its cold outside and ur jacket isnt enough? he’s a warm boy, he’ll just bitch about the cold to jeremy because he just wants to keep u warm so take the jacket-
thts all i got for rn bc its almost midnight and i havent written anything like this in a while so sdfkjdshf this is just. huge warm-up for me lmao but thank u i love michael mell
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chemicalbrew · 5 years
Answer 21 questions and tag 21 uhhh people you want to know better.
Tagged by: @hyruviandoctor
Nicknames: Nika / Zelda (long ago ig) / listen it’s always hard to answer this so I’ll mention the slightly embarrassing fact that my mom always called me a little strawberry bc the russian word for it rhymes with my name
Zodiac Sign: Scorpio
Height: [redacted] *I almost never measure it and I hate this question
Hogwarts House: When I was reading HP and this fact was still relevant, I thought I’d be Ravenclaw for sure, but Pottermore put me in Slytherin and I was kinda mad The Last Thing I Googled: last video I searched for on YouTube was Moby’s song The Last Day so I could add it to my (kinda crappy) playlist. Last thing I actually googled was Yakety Sax because I didn’t know that that’s what that one famous song is called lol Favorite Musicians: GDI I haven’t properly used my mp3 player for months since it’s port is broken and these music Qs are coming for me... I guess I still like Moby and Daft Punk (and Mitsuda is of course a god among VGM composers jsdfghjdsfhsdjh)
Some Song Stuck in My Head: Factory City of Zeiss [Trails in the Sky OST] was stuck in my head when I woke up this morning and saw this tag... somehow... man I usually mute this song after a couple loops, why is it stuck now... I mean, I WAS playing SC last night, so it makes sense hjgjghm
Following: 1039 (whoa)
Followers: 319, 70% are probably bots, so I’ll say that when I’m active on here I tend to get 100~120 notes per 3 days lmao
Do You Get Asks: Verrrry occasionally... hell I’m surprised I got a bunch of asks for that character meme AND got tagged in this b2b. Thanks for helping procrastinate y’all
Amount of Sleep: Ideally like 9-10 hrs but since I’m a fuck who can’t resist playing Trails at night it’s a bit of a mess. Worth it though sjhdfjsdh
Lucky Number: 7
What You’re Wearing: it’s somehow really fucking cold at home these days, so I’m wearing my warm fluffy sweater with an owl on it (it says Sweet Dreams, and you can make it close its eyes and stuff with the cloth folds or something. it’s really fucking cute and I think it was a gift for New Year’s, but with how much I wanna sleep it’s painfully ironic). Also my favorite soft pyjama trousers cos they’re soft.
Dream Job: Oh fuck I WANT TO BE A TRANSLATOR!! honestly I don’t think I care whether it’s about technology-related text (user instructions and stuff) or an actual book with a story, I just wanna do it. I mean, being better and more involved in programming could also help, but man, the more I try that kinda stuff and the more awkward I feel around Maths, the more I just... SDHJASDHJ LANGUAGE
Dream Trip: at this point I’ll go anywhere we can, just no day-long car rides pls I mean, I still wanna go to the UK!
Instruments: nope, unless you count my voice as one because strangers on the Internet used to tell me I sing well, heh
Languages: Russian/English, afraid to learn anything else (especially without proper motivation) tbh
Favorite Songs: like I said, my MP3 player is busted, so I usually get by with this playlist (which shall expose me as a nerd), but it contains mostly chill music, so here’s a few more
Oppressed People \\ FFVII OST
To Be Suggestive \\ Trails FC OST - been using this as my wake-up call of sorts and I’m STILL not sick of it, lol. In fact, I wish it was in SC also, but hey IM RAMBLING AND YOU UNFORTUNATELY DON’T GIVE A FUCK ABOUT TRAILS MOST LIKELY
Petit Biscuit - Sunset Lover
Random Fact: I can still bend my fingers at an almost 90 degree angle?? Russian currently has a bit too many words borrowed from English which was the last thing I wrote an essay about??? I don’t know???
Aesthetic: check the #aes tag. and maybe [#l/d insp] too, since even though I barely think about that idea any more, thinking about how amazing it was and how cool all the stuff I compiled in the tag is gives me shivers sometimes
I’m a gremlin who’s probably gonna only tag @adellama-99 and @skywardrobot and @become-god because I don’t have time to think of any more people
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spideyxchelle · 6 years
ugh. okay. so netflix is coming out with this movie. and it looks so sickly sweet that i can’t help but be outrageously excited about it. and that means that i had to write a spideychelle inspired version. which is a fluffy monstrosity. this is all fluff. only fluff. enjoy!
Michelle Jones is secretly a hopeless romantic. She has been a hopeless romantic all of her life. And she blames nurture, not nature. Because she knows she wouldn’t be like this if it weren’t for her mother.
Mara Jones was the kind of woman that brought sparkle to every room, a trait Michelle believed she had not inherited. And yet, before her mother died, her Mom used to share some of that sparkle when the two of them would cozy up on their lumpy, million year old couch and watch Meg Ryan movies.
It was a Jones girls’ tradition. The two of them, and some slightly burned popcorn, used to bask in the warm distilled sunshine of 90s rom-coms. Every weekend. Her father would sometimes join them and grumble about the cheesy music and the terrible dialogue, but all it took was one smile from her mother and her father would grin stupidly and settle in.
After her mother died, Michelle stopped believing in fairytales and Prince Charmings. That shit didn’t exist. But she still had the ache of a hopeless romantic lurking beneath her steely exterior. And so, when she got a crush so intense it felt like it was crushing her windpipe she wrote a love letter. These letters severed as a goodbye to the boy (or girl) that fuzzied her usually clear head, to cast them out of her heart forever. After all, MJ had no room for flights of fancy. And, when the letter was done, she would lock it away in her mother’s old Church hatbox. Only then, the romantic ache would ease and for a while she would forget that, underneath it all, Michelle Jones was in love with love. 
And Michelle is determined to kick this Peter Parker thing. Just like she had kicked the others out of her head and heart.
While yes, she has written him four different goodbye letters, she believes she really does get over her crushes on him when she writes those letters. She stops looking at him like he’s the sun. She moves on.
The problem is that he keeps doing absolutely, infuriatingly adorable things that make her tip headfirst back into like with him. One time the culprit of her crushing is the dumb floof of his eyebrow in history class that makes her heart seize. Another, it is when he organizes a money pool to help pay for Sally’s fees to get to a decathlon fieldtrip in Arizona. But this last time happens when he bends himself into knots lying to their peers about Spider-Man. 
Yes, he lies, he has met Spider-Man. 
No, he grits his teeth, the superhero is actually super tall. 
Uhh maybe, he blushes when one of the girls in gym class ask if he could hook her up with the webslinger on a date. 
And just like that, she is back into deep like with a selfless, stupid superhero.
Michelle wants to write her letter right away, as a way to cut out her crush like a cancer, but she is not sure she is ready to sever the warmth that she feels whenever she looks at Peter. It reminds her of Harry and Sally. Or grand gestures in airports. 
She figures love is like comfort food— it is good at first but if she indulges in it too long it will kill her. She knows Peter would never intentionally hurt her, they are friends after all, but holding onto this crush will hurt her. She has been down this exact road before. Peter Parker does not look at her the way he looked at Liz or Gwen or Felicia. 
She is his friend.
Not the girlfriend.
So regardless of how good, how all consuming, liking Peter Parker can be, Michelle yanks out a piece of paper in decathlon and starts to scribble furiously. Usually she does this very sensitive work at home in the safety of her bedroom with her mother’s hatbox standing by but she figures if this is going to be her fifth Peter Parker letter it does not have to be sacred. 
In winding, hurried cursive she writes:
Dear Peter,
I think if you knew how much your smile alone could level me, you would make an effort not to smile in front of me. You’re like that. You’re insanely sweet and kind and you shared your pudding cup with me in the second grade. That doesn’t have anything to do with the smile. And it has everything to do with it all at once. 
Look, to cut the bullshit, I would really appreciate if you stop being sweet and kind and nice. Because liking your loser butt is really screwing up my plans to be single forever and live to a hundred and seven. If you keep making my heart skip, I’ll never make it to a hundred and seven.
Please be kind to my health and stop making it so easy to fall in love with you.
Hopelessly and stupidly in love with your dumb face,
Michelle Jones, the conqueror of crushes
When she gets home after decathlon her father is fussing in the kitchen and burning a perfectly good kitchen. Michelle saddles up beside him and tilts her head at the ruined dinner, “What happened this time?”
Her father huffs, “I did everything the recipe said.”
Michelle can’t stop the smile that creeps up her features. She glances up at her father and teases, “It was the recipes fault, then?”
“I’m a victim,” her father nods.
She drops a kiss on her father’s cheek, “I’ll take orange chicken and fried rice.”
Her father waves his wooden spoon in the air, “I’m not ordering Chinese.”
Michelle yells, “And a boba tea.” She closes her bedroom door and drops her bag on her messy floor near her desk. She pads over her closet and flicks on the light, searching for the hatbox that she conceals beneath an old winter coat. And, when she brushes the coat away, she looks down at the soft pastel blue hatbox. Her mother’s hatbox.
She carries it to her desk and sets it preciously on the desk and pulls off the top. Hidden inside are her old letters and of the ten that are in the box, four of them belong to Peter Parker. Which mildly irritates her, but she cannot perseverate on that now, she has to lock her latest Peter letter in her special hat box and move on. Again. MJ unzips her backpack and searches for the offending letter.
Her hands come up empty.
And her heart races.
She dives back into her bag and starts to tear apart the contents—books, old homework, some Chapstick—but she finds no letter. She opens the front of the bag and looks there, too. Inside, her fingertips brush against lint and a crumpled up Harvard brochure. Again, no letter.
That is when the panic sets in. Because the last place she had that stupid letter was decathlon practice.
Oh fuck.
Michelle spends the entire night in an unnatural state of panic. For someone that spends a lot of her time telegraphing that she does not care, she is plagued with a sleepless night of worry.
When the alarm goes off, she jumps to action and barely has time to give her father a hug goodbye before she is running to the subway. And the stop-and-go of the train is maddening. The longer it takes to get to school the longer her letter will be left to the wolves. She needs it back and she needs it now.  
When she arrived at the Midtown stop, Michelle races into school and runs. She has never, in her life, but any stock in exercise, which now feels like a fatal flaw. Perhaps if she had actually practiced in gym and done her laps with the rest of her apathetic peers, she wouldn’t feel like her heart is going to explode now.
She tears around the corner and narrowly misses taking down a group of unsuspecting freshman in her pursuit of her letter. And she nearly does a victory lap when she pushes into the auditorium. But there is no time. Only her letter. When she gets it back she will do a victory…tea run. Because running sounds dumb.
Michelle searches the table she had written her letter and comes up empty. So, she checks the next  table. And the table after that. And she keeps going around and around the room like if she hopes hard enough it will somehow materialize. But she knows before she has the strength to give up that the letter is gone.
Perhaps it was thrown out with the trash. Perhaps it was swept under the stage to never see the light of day again. Perhaps—
“Uh, Michelle?”
She falters when she hears the squeaky voice from the doorway. She knows that voice. And she briefly imagines her mother’s smile. She had always loved romantic comedies and this would have tickled her pink.
Michelle slowly turns around and spots Peter Parker illuminated by the morning, standing in the middle of the double doors. But the most alarming part of his appearance is the letter hanging loosely in his fist.
Her letter.
“I think,” he croaks sweetly, “this belongs to you.”
Her face heats and she briefly considers spending the rest of her young life in a bunker underground. But she does not betray her embarrassment. She yanks the letter out of his fist and snaps, “You shouldn’t read things that don’t belong to you.”
Peter shrinks, “It was addressed to me. I-I didn’t know, I mean, how was I supposed to know?”  
“Know what?” she tries to sound breezy, but her voice cracks.
He raises his eyebrow and flushes a violent shade of red, “You know.”
“No,” she crosses her arms, and plays dumb. “I don’t. Go on. Tell me.”
“Em,” he whispers.
Her heart lurches traitorously. She had written her letter. The crush was supposed to be done and buried. Those were the rules.  And yet, here she was looking at him and feeling warm and silly and stupid. She swallows, “You shouldn’t have read that. It was wrong.”
“I’m sor--“ he tries to say, but she cuts him off.
“And inconsiderate. And nosy. And rude. And not to mention—”
“God, will you let me speak?” he cracks.
Silence settles over the two of them, both surprised at his outburst. It is the anthesis of Peter Parker. And its infuriatingly hot. Damn him. She awkwardly crosses her arms over her chest, and nods, “Alright.”
“Right,” he exhales. Her chest rises and falls. “Look, I’m sorry read that letter. I knew it was private like a sentence in but…”
“But?” she presses unkindly.
His eyes flicker to the ground, “But it was nice. Nice to read, I mean. And, uh, for the record I’m not dumb or a loser.”
“Yes, you are,” she mumbles on autopilot.
He smiles and it crinkles in the corners of his eyes. She has only ever known one other person to smile like that, like it lights up the room, and it all feels like her mother, wherever she is, is conspiring against her. Just like that Michelle Jones knows she will need to write another dumb letter, but she doubts it will work. Peter Parker is unavoidable. The dumb idiot has a firm hold on her heart.
“Look,” he reaches into his new backpack—he has a terrible habit of losing them—and pulls out a crinkled up piece of paper. He extends it to her and she raises a confused eyebrow. So, he explains, “It’s only fair.” She does not move. He adds, “For you.”
Hesitantly, she takes the crumpled up paper and reads:
Dear Em,
I liked your letter. It was nice. For the record, I also want you to live to a hundred and seven. You would be the coolest old lady ever. Scaring kids off of her stoop. You would definitely have a stoop. At least, I imagine you with a stoop.
I’ve never written a love letter before. I hope its clear that this is a love letter. Because I’m super into you. And you have no idea how excited I was when I read your letter. Because I never thought I had a chance in hell.
I hope I still do. And the letter wasn’t some kind of mean joke.
Peter Parker
PS. You have to stop wearing those cut-off jeans. Otherwise I’ll never make it to a hundred and seven. And I’m really invested in watching your old lady stoop saga.
Michelle can’t help it. She laughs. When she glances up at him, he is smiling that stunner of a smile again. And, damn her, she rolls her eyes and leans into it. Because she is one of those hopeless romantics. And she is gonna date the hell outta Peter Parker.
“My cut-off jeans?” she asks.
He looks surprised that is the first thing she says, but, to his credit, he does not miss a beat, “They’re heart arrestingly tight.”
Michelle bites her lip, “Have you been checking out my ass, Peter Parker?”
He shrugs one shoulder, “Guilty.”
“You’re lucky I like you,” she points out.
“Love me,” Peter corrects her with an offensively wide grin. “You love me.”
Her pulse quickens and she feels a flood of embarrassment drag her under the water. Without thought, she counters, “Yeah, well you love me.”
He looks over both shoulders to check if the coast is clear and Michelle waits, steeped in confusion. Then, he flicks his wrist, webs her waist and drags her in close. She blinks, startled, and he agrees, “Desperately.” Before she can make any kind of quip, he slants his warm mouth over hers and she falls into the weight and comfort of his lips. She has never been kissed like this before, like someone cares. It is so different than the messy slobbering kisses she has shared under the bleachers with boys that didn’t care if they even knew her name. This is the kind of kiss that people wrote movies about. The kind of kiss that used to make her mother sigh when they watched romantic comedies. This is the big kiss.
And she is a hopeless romantic, after all.
Or maybe, she thinks, she is just hopelessly in love with Peter Parker.
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archive-sugamoom · 6 years
Lunch Date | Min Yoongi BTS
Pairing: CEO!Min Yoongi x Reader. Ft Hoseok, Jimin (And lowkey Seokjin.)
Summary: Your usual lunch date at your husbands office gets interrupted after one of his workers and good friend Park Jimin bursts through the door.
Words: 1316
Genre: CEO AU, Marriage AU, Fluff
A/N: 90% of the CEO AU fics that I have read are smut and I wanted it to be fluffy. Also I’m very sorry it sucks it’s been like 2 months maybe since I wrote something again. Thanks for reading :)
‘’It’s now.. 11:55. Great just in time.’’ You said softly to yourself as you looked at the box you were holding in one hand. You always arrived at the same place for almost everyday of the week, the reason for that is to eat lunch with your husband Min Yoongi. CEO of a small but very respected and successful entertainment company. You let out a small laugh as you looked at the sign of his company remembering when he told you how he would call his company.’’
‘’Hey (y/n) can you come with me? I need to show you something important.’’ Yoongi said as he stood against the wall waiting for your reaction. ‘’Sure, what’s up?’’ you said as you walked towards him. He smiled at you and wrapped his arm around your middle as the two of you walked to his office. Once there he removed his arm and sat you down on his chair.
‘’Okay sit down, I have a name for my company.’’ He said as he looked at you. ‘’You do?? Did you finally decide on what it is?? What is it is it the one I suggested? I told you I have a talent in naming things.’’ Yoongi looked at you and chuckled shaking his head. ‘’Sorry baby but it’s not actually FYPWDBIM. Instead I decided to go for something shorter.’’ He said as he looked at your pouting face.
‘’Then what is it?’’ you asked curious as to what he has decided on. ‘’It’s going to be called ‘MH’ I tried to make a logo.’’ He said as he walked to his laptop and opening a tab to show you the logo. ‘’I know it kind of ugly but its just-‘’ ‘’Yoongi it looks nice don’t worry. And I like the name, what does it stand for?’’ You asked as you looked at him with a reassuring smile.
Yoongi felt his nerves disappear. ‘’It might be kind of dumb but it stands for Min Holly.’’ You stood smiling and wrapped your arm tightly around his middle hugging him. ‘’Yoongi that’s the cutest thing ever, I love you.’’
Now back to real time. You walked quickly inside and thanking Yoongi for having his office on the first floor, thinking about when he told you that working on the top floor was dumb and a little bit overrated. You walked towards the small reception desk greeting the receptionist as she opened the gate for you and headed towards Yoongi his office.
As you walked his secretary came in view and gave you a smile. ‘’Good afternoon (y/n) if you’re looking for Yoongi then he’s in his studio.’’ You smiled nodding your head. ‘’Oh good to know, Thanks Hoseok!’’ ‘’No problem, he did say something about being there soon so let’s talk okay??’’ He asked which you responded with a nod once again.
Once the two of your arrived at his desk you placed down the box with lunch and sat down in one of the chairs.
‘’How is Kwangsun doing? How did his first school day go?.’’ You said as Hoseok gave you a glass of water. ‘’Ah he’s doing great! It seems that he’s really enjoying it so far, and he seems already a lot brighter than before. Which makes me happy because I was a bit worried about that.’’ He said as he sat down.
‘’It’s normal to worry though Hoseok. It’s hard to raise a child alone, but you’re doing great.’’ You said as he started to smile at your words, which made you smile in return. ‘’So have you and Yoongi discussed about you know, kids?’’
You shook your head. ‘’Not really no, we never really thought about it really, besides we or at least I’m happy with how things are now. Why though??’’ Hoseok chuckled. ‘’Ah it’s just that Kwangsun asked me about it.’’
‘’Asked about what?’’ you turned around and stood up immediately with a big smile. ‘’Yoongi you’re here!’’ you said as you hugged him. He chuckled and hugged you back. ‘’Of course I’m here, This is my company and I work here.’’ You rolled your eyes at his comment and gave him a kiss. ‘’Yeah, yeah but you know what I mean.’’
‘’But Kwangsun asked about when the two of you were going to have kids.’’ Hoseok said as he turned on his laptop again. Yoongi looked at him and then back to you. ‘’Hmm… I see. Baby let’s eat.’’ He said as he grabbed the box with lunch and opened his office door letting you in first. ‘’Yes I’m kind of starving! Bye Hoseok!’’ You said as you went in getting a bye back from Hoseok.
‘’(Y/n) what’s this?’’ Yoongi said as he took a smaller box out of the bigger box. ‘’Oh that’s tea your mom gave it to me saying that it helps against period cramps.’’ He looked at you. ‘’Mhmm.. Alright then. He took out both of your lunches and smiled once he saw the food. ‘’it looks so good, working all morning honestly made me really hungry.’’ He said as he gave you your lunch and sat down.
‘’It does indeed, Seokjin really did his best with this one huh.’’ Yoongi just nodded as he opened the lid of his lunch. ‘’I mean he always has to go an extra mile but his food is really good.’’ He groaned as he ate which made you look at him as you were eating your lunch yourself. ‘’Uh Yoongi you okay?’’ you asked as you started to laugh at his unusual reaction to the food.
He looked at you and asked ‘’Why would I not be okay?’’ ‘’I don’t know it’s the first time seeing you groan when eating Seokjin his food.’’ He let out a soft ‘oh’ and the two of you continued to eat while talking about various topics, from how his morning went to yours, what the two of you had planned for the day and so on.
That was until someone barged through the door in a state of mild panic. ‘’Hyung I need your help!!’’ Yoongi moved his head a bit so that he could see who was talking to him. ‘’Jimin what are you doing here?’’ He asked maybe a bit annoyed that the younger man ruined his time together with his wife.
‘’Hyung I’m really sorry but the girl I like kind of got her period and I need something to help her when it comes to cramps.’’ Jimin said as he caught his breath. You stood up and grabbed the box of tea. ‘’Here Jimin use this, I heard it helps against cramps. Good luck!’’ you said with a smile as you placed the box in his hands.
‘’Oh thank you so much!’’ Jimin said and bowed a little to you and Yoongi. ‘’I’m really sorry for interrupting the two of you!’’ Yoongi rolled his eyes. ‘’Just leave now and all is forgiven.’’ Jimin nodded and left with a quick bye. ‘’Well then that was unusual. I didn’t know that relationships between co-workers here were allowed though.’’
At that Yoongi just shrugged. ‘’They can date whoever they want, besides Jimin actually liked the girl before she started to work here. Which is for almost 2 years..’’ chuckling you sat back down on your seat. ‘’Then can I work here as well?’’ Yoongi looked at you with an unreadable expression. ‘’No you can’t.’’ He said as he stood up and walked towards you. ‘’Aww why not?’’ Yoongi stood behind you and wrapped his arms around you and kissed your head. ‘’Because baby… If you did all I wanted to do was be at your side and hold you..’’
‘’That’s cute.’’ You said as you adjusted your body to face him a bit more. ‘’You’re cute.’’ He said as he kissed your lips gently placing one of his hands on your cheek.
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