#I'm gonna regret making this post aren't I
It's not like I've ever seen anyone here have any filter for what political messages they reblog, people just see someone talk about a situation in a way that makes them feel like they know who the villain is and press reblog, without question or applying any prior knowledge to their interpretation, especially if it's something that doesn't affect them personally, and especially if it goes against what they think most people believe so they can stick it to the man and feel like they know better. It's not something new and I usually don't hold it against anyone, I'm definitely guilty of it myself, but man does it feel more pervasive than ever now that every 5th post is taking a very confident stance on a war they only know from news and social media, all saying the same thing, enraged that anyone would ever claim otherwise. And it never hit so close to home for me, it was always someone else's problem for me too, someone I didn't know, but this time I got to spend a day wondering if a loved one was still alive, this time I get to be careful in public so I don't get killed for someone else's crimes.
Can we just all (myself included) think a little more, do a little more research before we decide what nuance does or does not exist? I promise you that you're not obligated to post about everything, you're not obligated to have an opinion on everything, and I promise you are going to be wrong sometimes.
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wehelddarkness · 2 years
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bi-moonlight · 1 year
#nura rambles#idk somehow it's easier to tap on tumblr post button and type in tags then open the journal and write there#my friend met someone and they r already talking serious topics like marriage and stuff and i'm happy for her but it's also a sign that idk#time is ticking and our lives are progressing and changing#and i am once again filled w anxiety and regret?? and thinking that i missed smth and am continually missing smth lacking smth#and also i finally accepted the idea of it being my choice to stay here and that the moving abroad ambition wasn't mine after all and now#that i'm past that i can see another thing that is and was anxiety fuelling and that's this constant not fear but just silent notion that#if my so in the future happens to be not a man there's a huge possibility of us moving abroad cause i'd want my kids to be able to exist#lmao i'd want to be able to marry my partner#but like it's out of my control rn so why am i worrying about smth that might not even happen and making it a huge problem and isolating#myself even in my thoughts uhhhhhh i haven't realised until now that it's been worrying me constantly tbh#and when i tried telling my mom about my anxiety framing it as time passing worrying me because i think our family's life hasn't changed in#the past 5 years at all and it's depressing and that it shocks me that my friends are apparently soon gonna start marrying and their older#siblings did and are having babies now while i'm a nervous mess only now figured i have sad and lost winter months of past few years to it#and my older brother is apparently stuck has been for 5 years#and my parents aren't getting younger and her takeaway was that i'm thinking of marriage and it terrifies me lol#yeah mom u should think of it when u tell me my character is difficult and wonder how anyone will fit me??#anyways time isn't real and i think i'm a little baby#this week is so long jfc
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etz-ashashiyot · 2 months
I know I'm gonna regret posting this, but I just can't not say something: I'm so sick of people who are actively contributing to the ongoing oppression of and violence against Palestinians calling themselves "pro-Palestinian."
In the same way that so many people in the anti-abortion movement are actually pro forced birth rather than pro-child, there are a lot of you who aren't pro-Palestinian, you're just violently antisemitic or in it for yourselves.
If you aren't:
Also angry with the other countries that abuse their Palestinian populations, refuse them citizenship, keep them in displaced person camps under horrific conditions, and/or close their borders entirely to them;
In support of genuine grassroots movements that aim to create some kind of stability, peace, and safety through diplomatic relationships and community building, because that's ""normalization"";
Willing to condemn antisemitism in the diaspora, which helps fuels right-wing rhetoric in Israel;
Willing to shut down lies, propaganda, and disinformation even if it "supports" Palestinians in theory, because lying repeatedly associates the Palestinian movement with lying and makes it harder for survivors to tell their actual stories and be believed outside of the far left movements (and also the truth is bad enough - there's no need to lie);
Willing to focus on practical problem solving over political posturing, especially when it will save Palestinian lives;
Willing to condemn Hamas, which started this most recent disaster, steals aid meant for civilians, uses civilians as human shields, and has been torturing dissenters for years;
Willing to work with Israeli leftists who hate their current government and want peace and full equality for Arab Israelis and their Palestinian neighbors, and also have the best shot at making that change happen; and/or,
Willing to learn about Palestinians as living human beings and value their lives over using them as a political cudgel, whatever that looks like on the ground;
.............then maybe you're more interested in looking radical and jerking off to some fantastical version of The Revolution, and/or hurting Jews than you are in promoting peace, safety, dignity, and self-determination for Palestinians.
Like seriously with "friends" like these, do they even need enemies??
Anyway you should call out the Israeli government for its very real abuses of Palestinians and nothing in this post should be construed otherwise. But if you genuinely care and aren't just in it for internet cool points or leftist cred or feeding your Jew-hate boner or whatever, you gotta prioritize solutions that have a realistic shot at short-term relief and long-term possibility over whatever fits some idealistic goal that will only ever end with more dead Palestinians.
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quartzalynlove · 7 months
Coming Home Injured
Pairing: Liu Kang, Kenshi, Johnny Cage, Raiden, Sub Zero, Scorpion, Smoke, Reptile x fem!reader (separately)
Summary: returning from a mission with a few bad injuries
Warnings: Canon typical violence, some descriptions of bad wounds
A/N: let's see if I can make personalized pet names for each of them without them being cringe. Feedback encouraged. Also if we're gonna keep writing for all 8 of these guys at once it's gonna take a minute for me to post so sorry abt that but more mk1 content is coming
Liu Kang
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The two of you sat in silence from the moment you returned home. You had completed the mission, but only by an inch of your life. The image of Liu Kang's concerned face, before you fainted in his arms, was still clear in your head.
Liu Kang assessed your injuries before treating them, trying not to be alarmed by the long, deep gash cut from your side into your abdomen. All the while, that look on his face never faded. You had seen Liu Kang when he was concerned many times, but this was different. That crease between his brows was deeper for some reason. As his hands shook, uncharacteristically, while he cleaned your wound, you finally identified the expression. It was the same one you saw when Kenshi lost his sight on the mission to capture Shang Tsung.
"Darling," your voice was weak as you looked down at him.
Immediately, Liu Kang's eyes shot up at you. With his worry growing, he placed a hand on your thigh.
"My light, please do not exert yourself."
Slowly, your hand took hold of his. Your grip was so weak that Liu Kang could hardly bear it. Instead, he took your hand in his and kissed your knuckles. You felt a shuddering breath against your skin as he pulled away.
"Don't you think you're a bit too concerned?" You asked.
With deep regret, Liu Kang bowed his head, not able to look at what he'd done to you.
"You shouldn't have returned this injured," his low voice started to break. "I shouldn't have—"
You stopped him before he could say another thing, "Lift your head," you told him.
Liu Kang looked up at you, slowly, his breaths still heavy and unsteady.
"You used your judgment as well as you could, and I fulfilled your orders. I came back to you."
Starting to calm, Liu Kang nodded in understanding.
"Not every round of Kombat is easy, but I'll be okay."
Upon seeing your reassuring smile, Liu Kang's breathing finally steadied, and his grip on your hand started to soften.
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You winced in pain as Kenshi finished a stitch on a rather brutal injury. If he hadn't gotten to you sooner, the blood loss would have killed you. What you did lose on your staggering trek back home already made you lightheaded. Kenshi insisted on you resting; he made you something to eat and made sure you were drinking water. As you laid on the couch, resting yourself after a tough mission, Kenshi was rubbing your feet. You noticed his clenched jaw and the tight line his lips formed. Part of you wished you could sit up and hold his face, but you didn't want to risk popping a stitch while it was still fresh.
"What's on your mind, Kenshi?"
He turned toward your voice before trying to dismiss you with a shake of his head. "Nothing, my flower. Please try to rest."
"Don't say 'nothing' when it's clearly something, love."
You didn't say anything else, still too out of it to try and coax anything else from him. Thankfully, he wasn't going to make you do the work.
"I should've been there," He said quietly. "If I were there to protect you, you this wouldn't have happened."
Kenshi was such a gentleman, your very own knight in shining armor, but he often piled too much on his plate without noticing. He did know he didn't have to save you every time, didn't he?
A lazy smile graced your face, "Honey, I'm fine." You told him.
"You aren't fine—"
You interrupted, "I'll be fine," you said slowly. "You've patched my wounds, forced food and water down my throat, and you're even keeping me company here and rubbing my feet. You've saved me already, my hero."
Kenshi sighed as your words put him at ease, silently accepting that you were right.
"Besides," you continued. "I'm a big girl; I can handle myself. You should ask Sento to show you the other guy."
As Kenshi started to chuckle, you wore a proud smile before feeling yourself fall asleep on the couch.
Johnny Cage
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Johnny was all over the place. While you held onto your side on the couch, he searched the area frantically for God knows what. All you could hear was his half-rambled sentences around.
"Johnny." You tried to get his attention.
He stopped for just a second just to point a finger at you. "Hey, don't move over there. I just gotta..."
As he left again, you let your head fall back, sighing in pain.
"I'm calling Liu Kang." You said.
Something in the kitchen clattered as Johnny shouted. "No, don't call him; I've got this!"
"I've been bleeding on our couch for five minutes!"
Sighing, Johnny came back again and looked at you. In any other circumstance, it would be cute how frantic he was over you. Unfortunately, however, your life was at stake and he was running around the house like the Roadrunner. Finally, Johnny finished assessing your injuries.
"Water," he snapped his fingers. "I'll get you some water."
"Johnny!" You stopped him before he could take off again.
In Johnny's defense, he was very worried. It was written all over his face. As you sighed, you spoke to him very carefully.
"I keep a first aid kit in the bathroom cabinet."
With many understanding nods, Johnny seemed to calm down before heading to the bathroom.
"First aid kit," he said to himself. "Why didn't I think of that?"
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You didn't know how you were still alive, and if it weren't for Raiden, you'd surely be dead. Once you got through the portal, you tried to make it home to him, but Raiden ended up finding you collapsed on the academy grounds as blood quickly made a pool around your stomach. When you came to, the only sensation you could make out was Raiden's feet striking the ground as he ran with you in his arms. You must have managed to say something because you saw his eyes meet yours before darkness obstructed your vision again
The next time you woke you were somewhere indoors. A bright yellow light blinded you before your eyes could adjust. You felt Raiden squeeze your hand as your head turned.
"You're awake." He gasped.
All you could muster was a faint smile. That searing pain from the gash that opened your stomach still wasn't gone.
"Not for long." You said weakly.
Raiden's face became worried as he inched closer to you from his chair at your side.
"I must keep you awake," he said almost as a plea to you. "I've taken you to the medics, and they said if you wake I couldn't let you close your eyes again."
You whined with a frown. "It hurts, Raiden."
Raiden brought his free hand on top of yours, trying to comfort you with small rubs.
"I know, but I am here. I've got you."
As you looked at Raiden, the pain seemed to lessen. Everything felt warmer as long as you focused on him.
"I bet Shao thought he killed me." You said.
A bright smile appeared on Raiden's face at your decision to stay with him. "He is in for a surprise the next time you meet."
Sub Zero
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You were a victim of Bi-Han's cold frustration. Honestly, it agitated you more than the searing pain caused by the cleaning of the open wound across your side.
From the moment you came back to him, limping through the front door with the last of your strength, he didn't utter a sound. You remained in awkward silence as he had you sit on the kitchen counter with your back straight while he patched you up.
As he stitched you up, Bi-Han was moving at a harsh pace. It wouldn't harm your wound, but it was almost more painful than the wound itself. Bi-Han was aware of the sharp breaths you sucked in and pained gasps, but they were no deterrent to quickness.
"Bi-Han," you finally snapped at him.
With a cocked eyebrow, Bi-Han stepped back, eyeing you with such an icy glare and that scowl you thought wasn't welcome in your home.
Your eyes searched his face, hoping to find your lover buried beneath that avalanche, "You're hurting me." You said.
A scoff came from Bi-Han as he attempted to work on you once again. "This can't hurt nearly as bad as your other injuries."
You wouldn't let him come back to you, however, pushing him back with the palm of your hand. "Well, it isn't exactly helping."
Bi-Han folded his arms over his chest. "Do you expect me to coddle you?"
"Some sympathy wouldn't hurt." You spat back.
In disbelief, Bi-Han came back to you, forcing himself into your view. "You want my sympathy for the consequences of your reckless actions? My assistance is enough comfort."
He readied the needle for the next stitch, but before he could jam another hole into you, you took the needle out of his hand.
You didn't look at him as you spoke. "I would rather help myself."
After staring at you for a moment, Bi-Han walked away with a grunt. However, even as he started to leave, your wincing continued. You tried to finish the stitching yourself, but the wound was in such a place that you couldn't reach it without straining the rest of your body. Not to mention aggravating the wound itself.
Bi-Han couldn't bear to watch and listen to you struggle. You were only hurting yourself more. Casting his face down for a moment, Bi-Han exhaled before returning to your side.
Before you could begin another stitch, you felt a cold hand stop the needle.
"The stitching will be ineffective this way."
That growl had left Bi-Han's voice, and his face softened, save the deep crease between his brows. Although his gaze would not meet yours, you gave the needle back to Bi-Han, feeling in the air that his anger had dissipated. As he went to work once again, he was much more gentle, and his work didn't hurt nearly as much. Still, he was very quiet. It was clear he wasn't angry with you anymore, but something still troubled him.
Once the stitch was finished, Bi-Han went to tend to your smaller injuries, remaining so quiet and drawn away from you. As he went to clean a cut on your cheek his eyes remained fixated on the wound, not once glancing towards you. Becoming concerned for him, you stopped him with a gentle hand on his arm.
"Bi-Han," you began turning to face him, but his face turned away. "Will you look at me, sweetheart?"
He couldn't; he was ashamed to do so. Although he should have had better control over himself, Bi-Han lost his temper with you.
"I was worried," he said, his face finally falling. "Seeing you come home in this state concerned me. I'm sorry I let it contort into anger."
With a small smile, you took the side of Bi-Han's face in your hand, fixing it towards you. It melted him a bit to see your face. Even after how he had acted, you still smiled at him.
"I knew of your anger long before we got together," you said. "And while it can be frustrating, that doesn't mean I'm not willing to work through it as long as you are."
Bi-Han leaned into your touch, sighing as he let his eyes close. "Just promise you'll act more carefully on future missions."
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Kuai Liang tended to the large gash across the length of the back. The wound was deep and wide, he could hardly fathom how this had happened to you. However, his focus remained on bandaging you before it suffered any infection. Kuai Liang worked gently as he secured the bandages around you, but you dreaded turning back to him. Once you did, you turned away quickly from his gentle face, eager to get away from where his eyes gazed. Confused by this, he stopped you, taking a soft but firm hold of your arm.
"You should let me help with getting you ready for bed. I don't want you exhausting yourself, precious."
You huffed, but couldn't lose your temper with Kuai Liang's warm eyes gazing at you. Still, you snatched your arm back, turning your back to him again.
"I can manage, Kuai Liang." Your tone wasn't exactly angry but somber instead, bringing a confused expression to Kuai Liang's face.
He started to catch up to you again, "Your injuries are very serious, Y/N." He said as a word of caution.
As your jaw clenched, you quickly turned back to Kuai Liang, your tone more serious now. "And I said I can manage."
Suddenly, a sharp pain radiated through your shoulder, causing you to wince and grab at it. You turned too fast. Kuai Liang placed a hand on your shoulder, generating the softest heat to ease the pain.
"Beloved, what is wrong," He said with concern as he turned back in front of you. "It can't just be your injuries making you this upset."
With a soft sigh, you started to break your frustration, letting the sadness you truly felt manifest in your face, "Aren't you disappointed?" You looked up at him.
Kuai Liang's brows furrowed in confusion. Your expression was so sad and apologetic. How could you think he was disappointed?
"In you," he asked in disbelief. "Of course not, precious. Why would I be?"
Gesturing to yourself, you let out a shuddering breath, "Look at me," your voice began to break. "This is no state for a champion to be in after Kombat,"
Kuai Liang felt his heart break; he knew you always held yourself to a status that kept you worthy of the mantle that was Earthrealm's champion, but he hated to see you acting this harshly towards yourself.
As tears started forming in your eyes, you continued. "You and your brothers fight to bring honor to your clan's name; you persist no matter the challenge. How can I be a champion when I haven't done the same for Earthrealm?"
You faced the floor as tears streamed down your cheek, but Kuai Liang wouldn't let you shut yourself out from him again. Lifting your head with his index finger, Kuai Liang started wiping your tears as his hands cradled your face.
"Beloved," his voice was soft as he spoke to you. "You accepted your challenge and fought with all you had. Honor isn't about winning but fighting valiantly in the name of your clan. By engaging in Kombat for the glory of Earthrealm and its champions, you have brought honor. For that, I am proud of you as I always am."
As your tears slowed, Kuai Liang gazed into your eyes with a nod of understanding. Once you nodded back, he planted a kiss on top of your head.
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Tomas hadn't left your side since you returned home last night, and though he tried his best to conceal it, you could feel how worried he was. All of your wounds were patched up, and you were starting to feel better, but he still insisted on doing every little thing for you. It was sweet; you knew how much he cared for his loved ones, especially you, but he did know you'd be okay, right?
By the time you had woken up, Tomas was in the shower, and you were starving. It wasn't going to strain you to cook breakfast, so that's what you went to do.
You had just begun cooking when Tomas came out of the shower. When he returned to your bedroom and found the bed to be empty, he froze in fear. Frantically, he hurried around the house, looking for you. It didn't take him long to reach the kitchen where you were cooking at the stove.
"What are you doing out of bed, my love?"
You turned to see Tomas' concerned face. Smiling, in hopes you would put him at ease, you gestured to the pan of bacon on the stove.
"Cooking," you answered him. "I'm hungry; I bet you are too."
With a small frown, Tomas sighed softly as he leaned against the island, "I could've handled this." He said.
As you turned back to the stove, you nodded. "Yes, but you were in the shower. Besides, I felt like cooking."
You could hear Tomas grumbling behind you as he came closer. Suddenly, he put his hand on top of yours, trying to take the pan from you.
"I'd much prefer it if you stayed in bed, my love."
Tightening your grip, you looked back at him. "I've been in bed since yesterday evening, let me cook us breakfast."
By this point, Tomas didn't know what to do other than pout disapprovingly, but you weren't going to have it.
"Tomas," you called him. "Look at me."
With a sigh, he listened, backing up to eye you before you explained your instruction.
"I'm doing better. It's not like I'm going to fall over at the stove."
He tried to interrupt, "You don't—" But you silenced him with a hand on the center of his chest.
You continued softly. "Go sit down and wait for your food."
The two of you shared a brief look before you closed your eyes, waiting for him to kiss you. Once he did, you opened your eyes to Tomas walking to sit at the table.
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You hissed as Syzoth finished a stitch on your shoulder.
"I know it hurts, but we're almost done." He tried to calm you.
Usually, you tried to fight him when he patched you up, but you came home in pretty rough shape. The only complaining you could manage was in the form of winces and grunts. Syzoth never really minded, though. If anything you reminded him of his younger siblings when they'd hurt themselves playing.
"There," He said, putting the needle down. "You'll be fine in a few days."
As Syzoth looked at you with a soft face, you couldn't help feeling a small sense of shame.
"I'm sorry." You apologized, playing with your hands in your lap.
Syzoth tilted his head at you. "For what?"
"I can be so stubborn when you're only trying to help."
An incredulous slithering laugh started to leave Syzoth at your words, confusing you a bit. Putting your hands in his, Syzoth looked into your eyes.
"Firefly, I have faced much worse than you upset about getting a few stitches. As long as you're okay, you can bicker and grunt at me all you like."
Syzoth kissed you on the forehead before leading you to the bed.
"I never did ask how your opponent ended up." He looked over at you.
With a proud smile, you answered him. "Let's just say if I was injured the same, would have done more than bicker at you."
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abbysbug · 2 months
— Two Little Lovebirds
ellie being a cutie little loser
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Pairing; Streamer!Ellie x Streamer!Reader
a/n: this is how i imagined my streamer!ellie to ask my streamer!reader out
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@stegosauruswilly sooo are you and y/n dating or what?
@ladydcansteponme yeah come on ellie. we've seen what you've been posting
@minecraftergod LMAO they're definitely dating look how red her face is going
Ellie's eyes scanned over the chat, reading every message. She and you weren't dating, not yet, at least. She wanted to ask you out but couldn't find the courage.
"Uhm." She mumbled, trying to keep up with her energetic mood. She had been playing Roblox horror games for the past hour, and everything had been okay until people started to mention you.
Don't get her wrong, she adored talking about you. But having to talk about her relationship with you made her feel embarrassed. She had been talking to you for two weeks and she hadn't asked you out. That is so not lesbian of her.
@m0mmym11kers oh shit. maybe theyre not dating.
"Okay, guys. I think I'm gonna wrap it short today. Have fun at, Y/n's stream!" Ellie clicked on the button to raid your stream, sending all her viewers to your channel.
She slumped down in her chair and ran her hand on her face. God, she needed to ask you out.
A large grin spread across your face when you saw that Ellie raided you.
"Thanks for the raid, Els. Oh, wait. Is she not here?" You frowned, not seeing Ellie's familiar username pop up in chat.
@minecraftergod uh yeah ellie ended stream really randomly and i guess she didn't join
@rubberducksex she seemed kinda upset ngl maybe check on her
You opened your messages with Ellie.
You: hey, are you ok? people said you looked upset and ended stream randomly.
Ellie: when are you free?
You: like in an hour
Ellie: can i come over in an hour then?
You: yeah ofc. u ok tho?
Ellie didn't reply to you. You bit your lip in concern.
You ended the stream 30 minutes later. You were concerned about Ellie and couldn't keep your mind off of her. There was a knock on your door and you looked over to check the time. Shit, has it been an hour already?
You opened the door and smiled at the sight of Ellie. You threw your arms around her. You pulled Ellie inside, closing the door behind her.
"You okay, Ellie?" You asked, "You're quiet."
Ellie shrugged, playing with her fingers.
You frowned, taking her face in your hands. You ran your thumb over her cheek. "What's wrong?"
"I wanna be your girlfriend," Ellie blurted out, immediately regretting her words. That was not how she wanted to ask.
When you didn't reply immediately, you felt Ellie started to pull away from you. But you wrapped your arms around her neck and pressed your lips against hers. Your actions shocked Ellie, but she quickly reciprocated. Her arms wrapped around your waist.
The kiss was messy but full of love. You pulled away when you started to run out of breath, and rested your forehead against hers.
"So, is that a yes?" Ellie asked.
You giggled, nodding your head. "Of course it is."
Ellie gave you a shy smile.
"Wanna tell me why you were upset now?" You questioned, playing with the baby hairs at the nape of her neck.
Ellie sighed, attempting to look away from you, but you tilted her head to look at you. "I just- Everyone kept asking me if we were dating and I wanted to ask you out so bad so I just felt like a loser for not having the courage."
You frowned. "Ellie, you aren't a loser for not having the courage. I didn't have the courage either, does that make me a loser?"
"No, but-"
"Exactly. You aren't a loser."
Ellie sighed. She knew you were right. You kissed the tip of her nose and smiled.
"Feel better now?"
She nodded.
"Wait, I gotta flex to Twitter that I'm dating you." Ellie pulled her phone out and swiped to her camera app. Ellie wrapped her arm around your neck and pulled your faces together. At the last second, you turned your face, kissing Ellie on the lips.
A light blush spread across Ellie's face when you pulled away, grabbing her phone to look at the picture.
"Awe, this looks cute. Post it,"
Ellie smiled and typed out a post.
@carpetmuncherwilliams FINALLY GOT THE COURAGE AND ASKED :p WHO WANTS TO COME TO THE WEDDING!!! *1 image attached*
@buffjesse replied gay as hell DOWN WITH THE GAYS
@dinaisbetter replied jesse stfu they are literally so cute why dont u post photos of me huh??
@buffjesse replied *4 images attached*
Ellie laughed at Jesse and Dina’s conversation, passing the phone to you.
“If you ever post photos of me like that, I will kick you so hard.”
Ellie held her hands up in defensive.
“I absolutely will not.”
She definitely will at some point.
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dotster001 · 5 months
How they Get You under the Mistletoe, Part Two
Summary: Staff and Non NRC students x gn! Reader
Part One
CW:It's in my pinned post, and I've mentioned this in a couple posts, but if this is the first of my stuff you've read, I view NRC as an actual college, so reader here is 18+. If it makes you more comfy, imagine it as grad school age. Also, use of alcohol in Crewel's part.
Dire Crowley
Rage Bait
The ghosts thought they were helping. They had decorated Ramshackle, and you were having a holiday party before your friends left for winter break. But they'd also put up mistletoe. And every time you tried to take it down, they'd float up and move it farther out of reach.
“Surely there's a special someone who'll be here tonight,” one of them said with a giggle.
“We just don't want you to regret not making a move, when you're our ages,” another one said with paternal softness.
You grumbled and stormed back over to the party, which was quickly getting out of hand. The later it got, more people showed up, and now there were more strangers than friends in your living space. And as though that wasn't bad enough-
You groaned when you heard the headmage’s voice. You turned around from the broken glass you were sweeping up, and sighed.
“What can I do for you, headmage?”
“I consider myself very generous, and can overlook a simple celebration, but this is out of hand.”
“Yah think?” You shouted, gesturing at the fight that had just broken out in the corner.
“How do you plan to shut it down?”
“I'm working on it!” You snapped, walking away with a dustpan full of glass, ready to sweep up the newest disaster.
“I have an idea,” he said, half a step behind you, not missing a single beat, despite the crowd doing its darndest to separate you.
“What is it?” You said, only half listening as you set down the dustpan.
He grabbed your arm, yanking you to the side.
“Kiss me,” he said with a wicked grin.
“What the fuck!”
He smirked even deeper, pointing up. And there was the mistletoe from earlier….but you could have sworn it was over there….
You made eye contact with one of the ghosts who winked at you.
“H-how is that gonna help?” You stuttered.
“Surely, your peers would find it unsettling to see the Headmage kissing his lover.”
“Lover?” You rolled your eyes. “You're not my lover-”
“But you'd like me to be,” his eyes twinkled.
“You don't even give me enough money to reward Grim when he actually passes a test.”
“Doesn't matter. I'm a handsome man. You can't say you're resistant to my charms.”
You pulled out of his grip and snapped.
“Oh please! If I was going to go for any of the staff, I'd go for Crewel!”
“Really?” His eyes narrowed. “Perhaps you're too scared to kiss me.”
“You're worried that if you kiss me, you'll be forced to accept your feelings.”
“Shut up!”
“I'm a very generous lover-”
You slammed your lips against his, angrily. He kissed back with just as much force, his hands twining in your hair. The anger turned quickly to passion, and you were soon overwhelmed by the feelings inside you, shoving him away from you as you pressed your hands to your open mouth in shock.
He smirked, and you realized no one was in your dorm, except Ace, who was staring in complete disgust.
Divus Crewel
Double dog dare you
Vargas and Sam were both drinking with Crewel at the staff holiday party. It was meant to be a calm relaxed evening. But you'd shown up to interrogate the Headmage about something, and now Sam and Ashton were acting like fools.
“C'mon, man up!”
“We know you want to.”
“Gentlemen, please, let's be professional,” Divus grumbled as he threw back his glass.
“They aren't in your class anymore!”
“And my friends say that they are head over heels for you.”
“C'mon man up!”
“If you say man up one more time!” Divus scowled.
“If you don't, he will,” Sam snickered, pointing at Crowley, who did, indeed, seem to be trying to huddle you over to the mistletoe that someone had decided to put up for some reason. Though, the longer Crowley was shifting you, the clearer it became that this was a malicious plot.
“I dare you to swoop them up from under his wing, and give them a kiss they'll never forget,” Vargas said childishly.
Divus looked over at you, snatched Sam's drink, chugged it down, then stormed over to the both of you, buoyed on by the cheers of his friends.
“Scuse me Headmage,” he slurred, yanking you to him and kissing you sloppily.
When he woke up the next morning with a killer hangover, he would have thought it was all a dream. Until he saw you sleeping in a chair by his bed, holding a bucket full of vomit.
Mozus Trein
The Parent Trap
He'd invited you to the holiday party at his estate in the country. He thought it would be a low key way to introduce you to his daughters. If you got overwhelmed, you could blend into the crowd, or hide in his guest room upstairs, and no one would even notice you'd slipped away.
His daughters were a little too excited that he was dating again.
“Papa, you gotta!”
“It would be so romantic!”
The good news was, they liked you. Unfortunately (fortunately?) they might have been a little too excited.
“I'm not going to pull them away from the party, just to kiss them under a leaf,” he said with a glare.
“Don't worry, you don't have to pull them away!” Ania said with a smile, pulling out her magic pen. Unfortunately (fortunately?) Ania was incredibly gifted with flora magic. Materializing mistletoe above the two of you would be simple.
“I absolutely forbid it,” he hissed.
“Y/N! Over here please!” Darleen called to you. You politely excused yourself from the conversation you were having, and walked over to the group, eying his children nervously. Your gut instincts were definitely right.
“You don't have to-” Ania covered Trein’s mouth with her hand, giggling excitedly.
“What's going on?” You asked, eying him in concern.
“Just stand right there!” Darleen said, both daughters taking three steps back, before Ania quickly muttered a spell. You looked up and saw the mistletoe, your eyes widening. You looked over to his daughters, but they were already running away, hiding in the crowd.
You looked at Trein, feeling your cheeks warm as he stared at you with an empty expression on his face.
“We don't have to-”
He said, gently taking your hand in his, caressing the back with his thumb.
“I would be a fool not to accept this gift,” he said, sounding bitter, but there was light in his eyes. You smiled softly, and he leaned in and pressed a gentle kiss to your lips.
Ashton Vargas
Decoration Team
He'd somehow tricked you into decorating the employee lounge with him. You always thought he was more brawn than brains, but this wasn't the first time he'd tricked you into manual labor, so maybe you were the dumb one.
“Hah! Good work!” He slapped your back affectionately, and you stumbled into the table you were decorating, causing a couple of the tchotchkes you'd just placed to tumble forward. You frowned, and sighed, but he laughed again.
“Forget the table. I need you for something,” he snatched your wrist, dragging you to a corner of the room. Then, with absolutely no warning, he picked you up, and placed you on his shoulders. You gripped his head, absolutely terrified that you'd tumble.
“Don't worry. I got you. That's why I built up these muscles!” He momentarily let go of your left thigh to flex. This did not ease your panic.
He reached into his pocket and handed you something.
“Hang that on the ceiling right above ya! Let me know when you're finished.”
You stared at the mistletoe, and sighed. The sooner you put it up, the sooner he'd put you down.
“So, uh, is this a popular decoration for a staff party?” You asked, trying to ease your anxiety through conversation.
“Nah? Done, by the way.”
He gently let you down from his shoulders, then turned you to face him.
“This won't get much use at the party. This decoration is for my….personal…enjoyment,” he purred as he took your chin in his hand.
*Gasp* you tripped!
Sam's shop always had weird things. But definitely the weirdest thing it had at the moment was the out of control mistletoe bush. A student had bought it, tried to cast a spell on it, then promptly returned it when he realized it was growing beyond his control. Normally, Sam had a strict no return policy. But he'd stared at it for moment, then agreed to the return.
It was the end of the night, and he was finally getting around to fixing it. He was simply staring at it, trying to puzzle out how to clean it up. You were staying far away. Partially because the monstrosity the mistletoe had become was horrifying beyond the realms of imagination, but also because….
You know…
Not that Sam wasn't unbelievably attractive. It just would be awkward if you both ended up near it. And Sam was a professional. He'd probably just laugh lightly and send you on your way. But still…it would be awkward.
“Sam,” you said, but he was so engrossed, he didn't hear you.
“Sam, I'm gonna clock out-” you had taken a step forward, but tripped over what felt like an outstretched leg, right into his arms.
“Ah! Are you alright, my little imp?” His voice sounded concerned, but the expression on his face didn't quite match.
“Y-yeah,” you said, trying to pretend you didn't notice just where you both were standing. He looked you up and down, rubbing your arms, as though looking for any injuries.
“You're certain?”
The mistletoe creature thing wrapped around the two of you, and you stiffened as you were pushed closer together. You tried to keep your mind off of the muscle you were feeling under his clothes.
“I know how to fix this. But should I?”
“Huh?” You gasped, mildly horrified about the implications.
“I can get out of this easily, but I could leave you as a sacrifice to the mistletoe.”
He snickered. “Or we can make a deal.”
Uh oh. You've seen him do this to other people, but never to you….
“Sam, you write my paycheck. You know I don't have any money to give you.”
“I don't want money. But you do have something I want,” he leaned in so that your noses were pressing together. “I'd like your heart. Think that's a deal you can make?”
Neige le Blanche
Marketing Campaign
After the SDC, Neige had pushed to get his manager to take you on. And now you were a notable up and comer, doing projects with Neige.
This campaign was for a cologne. It was winter themed, with hints of cinnamon and cloves, and Neige was to be the figurehead of the campaign. But he'd been insistent that you be his partner in this ad. You hadn't tested the product, you hadn't received a script or any information, other than the fancy outfit you'd been given for the photo.
Your manager was quickly giving you the rundown as hair and makeup worked on you, and you were just kind of nodding along, until,
“Wait, say that again?”
“You're going to be kissing his neck while you stand under the mistletoe?” Your manager said.
You stiffened, earning a scolding from your makeup guy for wrinkling your forehead.
“I know it's a big jump for his image, but your face will be at an angle, so you might not be associated with the image cha-”
“Does Neige know about this?” You asked, your voice squeaking a little.
“Yes. Of course he knows,” you manager rolled her eyes, before continuing with the brief.
Your manager continued briefing you, but you felt light headed and couldn't focus on her words.
Now that you were on the photo set, you stood stiffly waiting for the photographer to pose you.
“Sorry, Y/N, I meant to tell you about the shift in my image, but I forgot.”
Would it be unprofessional to say that it wasn't the image shift that had you tense?
“Don't worry about it, Neige,” you tried to laugh it off, but quickly you were being positioned for the photo, Neige tilting his head back, fully exposing his neck, where it was implied that he had used the cologne from the campaign.
You were positioned with your lips pressed to his neck. You really doubted you even needed makeup for this shot, your face was barely visible, but whatever.
“I'm really sorry, Y/N,” he whispered, barely moving his lips as the camera whirred.
“Don't worry about it,” you whispered into his neck.
“Alright, slowly kiss up his neck, then you're gonna grab his hair and kiss him. Slowly. We want to do this in one take,” the photographer said. You felt your cheeks grow warm, and you made eye contact with Neige, whose cheeks were slightly pink.
“Sorry,” he breathed hoarsely.
“It's fine,” you whispered, following instructions, slowly, and kissing him, the taste of apples invading your mouth.
“Got it!” The photographer shouted, and you both separated quickly.
The photographer grinned at the photos on his camera, then raised that smile to you, giving you a wink.
“You were right, Neige, they were perfect for this one!”
You turned to Neige, your eyes wide, and you noticed he was heavily avoiding eye contact, his face bright red.
Rollo Flamme
Purity check
Can you tell from how I write him that I have religious trauma? 😂
Now that you'd been studying at NBC for a semester-long exchange program, you realized how close you'd grown to him. But still, sometimes you felt like you needed him to back off. You weren't a child, you could do what you wanted. Including-
“It's none of your business if I made out with someone!”
“There are rules to be followed on this campus. I don't know how they did things at NRC, but we have standards here.”
“Look! I didn't make out with anyone! And if I did, I don't need to tell you about it!”
You both glared at each other. He broke first.
“Come,” he said, grabbing your arm, and pulling you to the corner of the room where the mistletoe hung. He shot a glare at the couple that was using it, and they ran.
Come to think of it….this whole party was illegal. Why was he zeroing in on you? How was that fair?
“Kiss me,” he demanded.
“What!” You shouted, and his glare deepened.
“If you're worried about appearances, we are under the mistletoe, so it would be socially acceptable.”
“That's not-”
“Kiss me, and prove that you haven't been illegally kissing someone while at an illegal party,” he looked so fucking smug. Like he knew he'd won.
“How is that going to prove-”
“I'll taste someone on you. If you have nothing to hide, you have nothing to fear.”
“Everyone here is kissing people-”
“You're here to purify you from those mage’s poison-”
“You're insufferable!”
“Please just kiss him!” You'd forgotten the vice president was with him, too caught up in the anger you were filled with. “If you just do it, we can all go home! Please!”
You both glared at each other, then you sighed, and kissed him. When you pulled away, he pursed his lips, eying you up and down, his cheeks dusted in pink.
“Return to your dorm within the hour, and you won't receive detention.”
And then he waltzed out as though nothing happened.
…I'm praying for your soul….
You stiffened. You knew that laughter. He was here. You'd locked every door and window, just in case. You'd told him you were spending a quiet night in, when he'd stolen Ace's phone to text you. And you intended it to stay that way.
But that voice was nearby…
You grabbed a throw pillow from the sofa, preparing for the moment he would appear.
You felt something smack you in the face. You looked at the thing that hit you, that had fallen to your feet. You picked it up, rolling it around in your hands, before your eyes widened.
“Wait…” you whispered, the implications of the mistletoe in your hands finally hitting.
The mistletoe was yanked from your hands, by an invisible monster. It reappeared above you, then a mouth was on yours. He tastes like stolen strawberries, and one too many desserts. The lips left yours, and you felt him disappear again. Then his tail appeared, wrapping around you, as you felt him set his chin on your shoulder, a purr making your heart rate calm.
“Mmm you're delicious. Glad I stole that little toy from Riddle,” he giggled.
“He doesn't know you're here, right?” You whispered.
“Hee hee,” he vanished with that giggle, as you heard.
“Y/N L/N! Relinquish the thief!”
Tag list- @shytastemakerthing @eccedentesiast-sapphic @leoll @stygianoir @lucifer5lucy
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ckret2 · 6 months
Chapter 28 of human Bill is determined to wiggle out of being the Mystery Shack's prisoner, featuring:
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Bill eagerly accepts an invitation to Gravity Falls' LGBTQ club. He is not allowed to go unsupervised. Stan (whose masculinity isn't secure enough for this), Ford (who's still hanging out in the closet), and Soos (who's engaged) aren't quite sure what to do. Luckily, Wendy's been looking for an excuse to go.
Melody rushed up to the cash register and said breathlessly, "Hey Wendy—I know it's almost your break, but could you stay on register just a little longer? Two of the baby dragons escaped and Soos and I have to find them before the next tour."
Wendy looked at the customers milling about the gift shop. They'd all just gotten out of a tour and were looking over the available souvenirs, which meant in just a few minutes they'd all be lining up to check out. "Ooh, I dunno. I'm pretty hungry..."
"Please, Wendy? You can take an extended lunch!"
Was that worth handling one extra post-tour rush? "Wiiith p—?"
"With pay, you extortionist." There was no real resentment in Melody's voice. She'd worked register duty. She understood.
"Okay, deal."
"Wendy you're a lifesaver." Melody hurried to the curtains to the Mystery Shack museum.
"Hey," Wendy called, "which ones escaped?"
"Orochi and Ryuu."
"Aww, not Oro. That sweet guy will get eaten alive in the real world."
"Right?" Melody turned on her phone flashlight and returned to the hunt.
A deeply tanned tourist with sun-damaged wrinkles approached the cash register. She wasn't holding any souvenirs. Wendy said, "Hey, how can I help you?"
She looked straight in Wendy's eyes and said, "The sun sets a deep blood red."
Wendy stared at her. Why did this place attract the weirdest customers. "What?"
Very clearly, the tourist repeated, "The sun sets a deep blood red."
"Um. If that's some kind of reference, I don't get it."
The tourist let out that sharp little nose-sigh soccer moms made when Wendy did things like refuse to take a coupon meant for a rival tourist trap, shook her head in disappointment, and left.
Wendy got the feeling she was going to regret staying on register.
Sure enough, within five minutes, the line started forming—and on top of that, Wendy discovered, the cash register drawer had jammed shut, preventing her from making change for the customers paying in cash. She was in the middle of explaining to the fourth increasingly irate child-toting customer that he either had to pay by card or in exact change, when two more customers came in the door and made a beeline for the register.
"Wendy Corduroy?"
"Hey," Wendy said tersely, stuffing a customer's t-shirts in a bag. "There's a line."
"We're not shopping, Miss Corduroy."
Wendy turned to face Sheriff Blubs, with Deputy Durland standing close behind him. The scratch cards. Her fake ID. She was going to jail. Dad was gonna find out about her tattoo. "Oh."
Durland said, "Could we ask you some questions?"
"Uhh..." She looked at the cops, and then at the growing line of customers. "Can I... grab someone to cover?"
Bill had been sitting at the kitchen table looking at the doorway, waiting for Wendy to appear for several minutes, when he heard her muttering, "Shoot, shoot, shoot..." from the living room. Here she came.
"Hey, Cool Girl. What's the hurry?"
"Goldie!" Wendy turned toward the kitchen. "Have you seen Dipper or Mabel? The cops wanna talk to me—"
Bill's eyebrows shot up.
"—and the register is insane and I need someone to cover—"
"They're both out today," Bill said. Mabel was over at Pacifica's alpaca ranch to help out for the day—but Bill had the sinking suspicion she'd asked to go help so she could avoid him. No clue where the other one had gone. "Sorry!"
Wendy groaned. Then looked at Bill. "Hey. Have you ever manned a cash register before?"
"Yes," Bill lied.
"Thank you so much," Wendy said, holding open the "Employees Only" door for someone Blubs and Durland didn't recognize: a woman with no makeup, no bra, and unshaven legs, wearing an eyepatch, a hideous Hawaiian shirt, shorts, and yellow foam clogs. Durland looked her up and down, elbowed Blubs, and muttered, "Hey Daryl. D'you think...?"
"Mm." He shrugged noncommittally.
The stranger took Wendy's place behind the register with an eager grin and called out, "Okay, let's keep the line moving!"
Wendy approached Blubs and Durland. "Thanks for that," she said. "So... what can I help you with?"
"Just a few questions about your weekend," Blubs said. "Where were you last Sunday?"
Wendy blinked in surprise. "On... Sunday?" She paused a moment, lips pursed as she thought back to the weekend. "I visited Shop Thrifty with some friends."
Blubs nodded, like this confirmed what he already knew. "And what were you doing there?"
"Shopping? I got some gift money I wanted to spend on cheap junk."
"What'd you get?"
Wendy furrowed her brows, but said, "Uh... some terrible horror movies, a doll that looks like a cross between a turtle and a teddy bear, and a clock made out of a hubcap?"
"So you didn't go near the men's clothing section?"
Wendy squinted. "Nooo?"
Blubs scribbled that down in his notepad. "About what time did you leave the store?"
"I dunno, probably like three or four?"
"Did you go back to the store later?"
"No? I went home and was there all night, you can ask my family," Wendy said. "What happened at Shop Thrifty?"
"A-ha!" Durland pointed over Blubs's shoulder. "How did you know something happened at Shop Thrifty?"
"Because you're cops and you're asking questions about it."
Blubs patted Durland's shoulder. "Keep trying, darlin'. You're becoming a better detective by the day." Durland beamed.
To Wendy, Blubs said, "But as it happens, we're investigating a burglary." He flipped through the pages of his notepad. "I don't suppose you saw any suspicious figures while you were shopping, did you? Perhaps hanging around... the men's section?" He pulled out a crime scene photo to show Wendy.
Wendy had to stare at the photo a moment to make sense of the empty clothing rack; and then she cracked up. "Did somebody steal every pair of pants in the store?"
"Every pair of men's jeans."
"Oh, man. No, I didn't see any pants burglars hanging around—"
Durland said, "We're calling the thief the Bootcut Bootlegger."
Wendy snorted. "But uh... I guess I'll call you if I see anyone lurking in a dark alley selling jeans?"
"We'd appreciate it," Blubs said. "And, could you tell us the names of the friends you went with. So we can ask them if they saw anything too."
Wendy, who was no snitch, said, "No."
Durland shook his head sadly. "Kids these days. They don't know anything about their own friends. Not even their names."
"Nope," Wendy said. "Is that all you needed, officers?"
"I got one more question," Durland said. He leaned a bit closer to Wendy and pointed at the stranger manning the cash register. "Who's that new gal? I didn't know the shack hired somebody."
"Oh, Goldie? We didn't exactly hire anyone, he's just staying at the shack a while—"
"Ha! 'He'! I knew it!" Durland smacked Blubs's shoulder. "I told ya! Didn't I tell ya?"
"Heh. You sure did."
Durland cupped his hands around his mouth. "Whooee, you at the register!"
"Sorry, I can't make exact change, so I'll do you a favor: just round it to—"  Goldie blinked and turned toward the heckling cop. "Yello?"
"You're queerer'n a three-dollar bill, aren't you?" Durland called. Wendy cringed and quickly pulled out her phone to shield herself from the scene of public humiliation.
Totally unperturbed, Goldie replied, "I'm probably the queerest bill you've ever met! Why?"
Soos wearily trudged through the curtains from the Mystery Shack's museum. "Hey, Wendy. We found Ryuu, but we still can't find..." His gaze fell on Goldie and his voice died. "Wendy? What's he doing—"
Durland walked past the line of customers to lean on the counter in front of Goldie. "Hey, how long are you in town? You oughta come to a Rainbow Club meeting!"
"It's the local LGBTQ support and social group," Blubs explained. "We meet weekly at Town Hall. We're actually meeting this evening at seven!"
"We haven't had any new members in ages," Durland said. "Please say you'll come. We're so bored!"
The more they spoke, the more a grin spread across Goldie's face. "Gentlemen, you had me at 'rainbow.' I'd be thrilled to come! My schedule's free! I've been spending all my evenings cooped up in the shack because I don't know anybody in town." He slowly turned his grin toward Soos, who was watching in slack-jawed horror. "But hey, it's not like I'm locked up in here—right, officers?"
When the last customers trickled out and Wendy returned to the cash register, Goldie flashed her a quick smile. "Hey, Cool Girl." He nodded toward the Museum. "I saw Questiony tug you aside, are you in trouble?"
"Nah, not really. I guess he's just bothered I grabbed a non-employee to sub instead of getting him or Melody."
"I won't call the labor board if he doesn't." Goldie handed a wad of bills to Wendy. "Here."
"Thanks." Wendy looked around for somewhere to stow it until they could get the cash register drawer unstuck. "Hey, how'd you handle the customers paying in cash?"
"Told 'em I'd give them a discount for the inconvenience: if they were willing to round up to the nearest dollar from the sticker price, we'd eat the rest of the sales tax so they didn't have to fish for loose change. Everyone was thrilled."
Wendy processed that. "Oregon doesn't have a sales tax."
"Sure, but how many out-of-state tourists in a hurry remember that?"
"Ha! You went to work for the wrong twin, Stan would've loved having you in the shack."
"The Pines just don't appreciate what I bring to the table," Goldie lamented, swooping around the counter. He walked up to the "Employees Only" door, stopped, surveyed it like he wasn't quite sure what to do with it, and then very casually made a right turn into the curtained entryway to the museum.
A minute later, Soos escorted him back, an arm around his shoulder. "Museum's closed, dude," he said sternly. "We're looking for an escaped baby dragon."
"'Baby dragon'?" Goldie echoed. "You mean a lizard with fake wings glued on its back?"
"I mean—we're not telling the tourists that, but yeah."
He pointed toward the cash register. "Like the one stuck in the cash drawer?"
There was a pause. Wendy dropped to her knees to peer at the crack at the top of the drawer. "Oro! Can you hear me, boy? Are you in there?" She heard something rustle. "Holy—Soos!"
Soos shoved Goldie into the living room and hurried over to help.
"Less than five minutes," Ford muttered. "He's unsupervised in a public space for less than five minutes, and he makes contact with local law enforcement and sets up a social engagement. This is why he's not allowed out of—" He pushed up his glasses to pinch the bridge of his nose, grumbling.
Ford, Stan, and Soos were seated around the living room table, discussing how to handle the situation. With the sheriff and deputy expecting Bill, they couldn't not let him go, lest the cops come by again to ask what had happened—and the odds that they'd be satisfied by an answer from anyone but "Goldie" were slim.
"This is what he's been waiting for," Ford went on. "He's been biding his time for an opportunity exactly like this."
Soos said, "I'm sorry, Dr. Pines. It happened so fast! I wanted to go all, 'No, you can't go,' but then the cops would have gone, 'Why not?' and I didn't know how to not say he's our prisoner—"
"It's not your fault, Soos," Ford sighed. "It's not even Wendy's. She doesn't know how risky it is just to let him talk to the public."
"So, what do we do now?" Stan asked.
Soos said, "Maybe make him an 'I bite tourists' shirt?"
Ford said, "I suppose... we let him go. And one of us will have to supervise him."
Stan asked, "At the gay club?"
"At the gay club."
Stan, Ford, and Soos—two of whom had grown up in a time when "gay" was one of the worst things a person could be accused of being, and one of whom came from a very Catholic family—eyed each other uncomfortably.
From the doorway, Bill called, "Can I choose? I'm trying to decide who'd be funniest."
Without looking at him, Ford snapped, "Go away, Bill."
"Fine. I'll be upstairs." They listened for Bill's footsteps to recede up the stairs.
Stan spoke first. "Not it. No way. Absolutely not. What would the ladies think!"
Wryly, Ford said, "I doubt any ladies you might meet there would have been interested anyway."
"Well, what would the guys think! What if someone flirts with me, would I have to flirt back to maintain my cover? I'm not that good an actor. It's not gonna be me." He crossed his arms in finality, then looked at Ford expectantly.
Ford hesitated, then shook his head. "Not me." Stan cocked a brow, but when Ford didn't say anything else, he just glanced at Soos.
"Uhh." Soos tapped his fingers together. "I guess I might be kinda sorta willing? I mean, I wouldn't really mind? But, the thing is, I'm engaged, to a woman, and like, Melody would understand if I explain it's just to keep an eye on Bill. But what if people think me 'coming out' right before the wedding is because I'm cheating or—or dissatisfied or something?" His eyes lit up. "Hey, maybe Melody could come too! We could pretend to be bi. It could be like a date! Would that be weird? Two straight people at the queer club on a date pretending to be bi? It—it feels weird." His eyes un-lit up. "I think that's probably weird. It seems disrespectful. Yeah, no, maybe I shouldn't do that—?"
"Are you guys talking about Rainbow Club?"
The trio started and glanced toward the door to the gift shop, where Wendy was leaning in.
Soos said, "Yeeeah, haha, it's kinda awkward, but, Goldie wants to go, but he can't go by himself... so somebody's gotta take him... it's this whole thing..."
"Oh? How come? It's not that far a walk if you cut past the old church."
"Uhh..." Soos looked at Stan and Ford for help.
After enjoying exactly three seconds of awkward silence, Bill called from the doorway, "I'm under a curse that makes it impossible to open doors!"
"Wow dude, sucks for you!"
"Haha, I know right!"
Ford stood, slammed a hand on the table, and pointed at the doorway. "OUT!"
Bill raised his hands, rolled his eye, and left.
"So, hey," Wendy said. "Rainbow Club's for 16-year-olds and up, and I've... kinda been trying to work up the nerve to go for a while, actually. Just to, you know, explore... options?" She shrugged, grimacing self-consciously. "Maybe this is my excuse. So, if you need someone to open doors for Goldie, I could go?"
Stan, Ford, and Soos looked at Wendy with the blank surprise of two men raised in the sixties and one man raised Catholic who sometimes forgot that the categories of "queer people" and "people they knew" might overlap. Then Ford said, "You're not walking there with him."
"I can drive you," Soos said. "I'll just wait outside in the pickup. It's cool, I've got a lot of comics to catch up on."
"I don't know if it's safe letting him walk openly from the truck into Town Hall," Stan said. "Wendy, how do you feel about being handcuffed to him?"
Wendy stared at him. "What."
"That's not necessary," Ford said. "We can use the chain bracelets."
Wendy stared at him. "The what."
"Listen. Kid." Stan stood and put a hand on Wendy's shoulder. "I know we gave you the abridged version of Goldie's history, but lemme make this clear: this freak's on house arrest, and if you're going out with him, you're his ankle bracelet. Do not let him out of your sight. Don't even leave him alone in the restroom if there's a window big enough for him to squeeze through."
"I think his curse covers windows," Soos pointed out. Ford nodded.
"I don't wanna risk it."
"It's okay," Wendy said. "Treat him like a dangerous criminal. Got it. I've got crazy lumberjack ninja training, I can handle him."
Stan eyed her appraisingly, then nodded. "You're all right, kid." He clapped her shoulder and let go. "And if you're into girls, that's fine by me."
"Um," Wendy said. "Thanks? I'm actually not sure if... Thanks, Stan."
"All right. We've got a plan." He waved off Soos and Wendy. "Go have fun with the gays."
Wendy sat in the back seat of Soos's truck, staring at her phone, trying to figure out what excuse to give her dad for staying out late. She didn't think he'd mind her going to Rainbow Club—but it wasn't a conversation she was ready to have. Finally, she texted him that she was hanging out tonight with the Mystery Shack crew—which wasn't technically totally wrong—and put her phone away.
Goldie stared out the shotgun seat window as they drove past the sombrero-shaped Los Hermanos Brothers restaurant. "Hey. Can we get nachos?"
"You'll be late to your meeting, dude."
"Can we get nachos after the meeting?"
Wendy piped up, "I'd be cool with a taco run." Easier to tell her dad she'd been having dinner at the shack.
Soos considered that. "I don't see why not." He shrugged. "Gotta get them to-go, though."
"Yeah, fine," Goldie said, a tad irritably. He slouched down, kicking his feet up on the dashboard and crossing his ankles. "I'm not plotting anything nefarious in the restaurant, I just want nachos."
"Then sure, that's cool," Soos said. "Hey. Isn't it kinda... weird for you to eat nachos?"
Goldie turned to face Soos. "Weird how?"
"I mean. You know. Considering you're..."
"Considering I'm what?" Goldie grinned. "What about me would make it weird for me to eat triangular corn chips covered in yellow cheese? C'mon, Questiony. I wanna understand."
Soos glanced toward Wendy in the back seat, and then away. "Never mind," he mumbled. Goldie laughed.
Wendy wondered what on earth Goldie could possibly be that would make it weird for him to get nachos. After a moment of deliberation, she concluded the answer was probably "lactose intolerant." She cleared her throat. "Hey, thanks for giving us a ride, Soos." Even if it probably would've been faster to walk.
"Oh yeah, no problem dude," Soos said. "Hey—aren't you sixteen now? Are you gonna get your own car sometime soon? I don't mind giving you a ride. I'm just curious. Making conversation."
Wendy groaned. "No. I haven't got my license yet, and I don't want to. As soon as I can drive, I'll be useful. Dad's gonna ask me to drive the boys around, and I'll be the friend that gives everyone else rides, right? And being a taxi sounds like crap." She paused, remembering where she was sitting. "No offense, Soos."
"None taken."
"But it's starting to stress me out. My dad keeps asking when I wanna start driver's ed. And I've started having stress nightmares about needing a car in an emergency and not having one? And then Gideon's dad swoops into the dream to offer a Reasonably-Priced Discount Used Car?"
Soos laughed. "Oh man, like all those commercials he's been running on the local stations? 'There's no need to barter—'"
Goldie and Wendy both completed the line, "'—you can drive for a quarter.'"
Wendy groaned louder. "All those annoying Gleeful Auto jingles are seeping into my dreams. How does that even make sense! I don't understand the economy, how do you sell a car for a twenty-five cent down payment and make a profit off of it? What if the customer just doesn't pay the rest?"
Thoughtfully, Soos said, "I think it has to do with interest."
"Well, I'm not interested. Especially when I'm asleep."
"I think Mabel's got a pile of books on controlling your dreams right now," Goldie said. "You could ask her about them."
"Do any of those books teach you how to install dream ad block?"
Goldie laughed. "It can't hurt to check!"
"Easy, there," Stan said, watching from his armchair with a can of cider as Ford paced in the entryway, back and forth past the living room. "You're gonna wear a hole in the floorboards."
Ford did not stop pacing. "I should have gone with them," he said. "What does it matter that I didn't want to. Somebody who understands what Bill really is should be in that meeting with him."
"Come on. As long as he doesn't get an opportunity to escape, how much trouble can he really get in? What do you think he's gonna do, kill the sheriff with a folding chair?"
"I'm more worried about his opportunities to network. I don't want him making friends on the outside. That's more people he can manipulate."
"Okay, sure. But how could you stop it if you were there? What would you do, scold him every time he acts nice to somebody?"
A sigh. "I suppose you're right. I just... don't like not knowing what he's doing there."
Stan took a sip from his cider; swirled it a moment; and then cleared his throat. "Hey, Ford, uhh. You know what? Crazy thing, but—I was surprised you didn't volunteer to go to the gay thing? I mean..." He unnecessarily cleared his throat again. "Ever since high school, I always kinda thought you... I mean, I assumed... not in a bad way, mind, but I just sort of figured... Well, I must've assumed wrong. So. Sorry, I guess."
Ford had stopped pacing to look at Stan. He waited for him to finish stumbling through ellipses; and then, hands stuffed in his coat pockets, he said to his feet, "You didn't assume wrong."
Stan waited. "Uh-huh?" he said encouragingly.
Ford shuffled into the living room and took the chair next to Stan. "Truthfully... I can't tell you exactly what I am. When I should have been figuring that out, I was busy writing dissertations and hiding in the woods. Exploring scientific oddities instead of—well—exploring myself. And then thirty years away from Earth, and now that I've only been back among humans for a year... well—I've never figured myself out." He shrugged ruefully. "I can tell you more about eye-bats and gnomes than I could about my own... inclinations. But whatever I am, it's not heterosexual, I know that."
"Huh." Stan nodded slowly, trying to wrap his head around the idea that you could just not know. He could maybe imagine a girl not knowing—the inner workings of a woman's body were still pretty mysterious to him—but in his experience most guys had a compass between their legs that was magnetically attracted to point toward what they desired, whether they wanted it to or not. What was going on with Ford?
Looking firmly at the wall, Ford added, "For one thing, I think there's been too many aliens for me to be straight."
Stan snorted. "Aliens."
"Well okay, Captain Cork—"
"Stanley, please." A smile tugged at the corner of his mouth.
"Leave it to my brother to even find a way to be queer in a weird way." Stan grinned crookedly. "You know—when we were getting close to graduating, whenever we talked about treasure hunting and getting babes, somewhere in the back of my head, I was making peace with the fact that maybe you'd find a sailor instead. I was fine with it! I just wasn't expecting you to go for the kraken."
"Stan!" Ford laughed in surprise.
"What! Not your type? What does it for you, Dracula? The wolf man? Mothgar?
"I am not telling you what does it for me."
"Okay, okay, fine." Stan probably didn't wanna know, anyway. Aliens. Yeesh. But who was he to judge, he'd gone on a date with a spider lady. "Is that why you don't wanna go to that club meeting? You don't want to talk about the aliens?"
"Not exactly," Ford said. "Attending a support group for queer people would mean opening up about a private, unexplored... scary part of my own identity. With Bill in the room. Maybe I should go to some of those meetings—but not when he's there." His smile from a moment earlier was gone; his mouth was set in a grim line. "When I thought he was my friend, I—offered him far too much vulnerability that I shouldn't have. I'm not letting him have any more."
And a couple minutes ago, Ford had been beating himself up for not putting himself in that position just to keep an eye on Bill. Stan said, "And he's not gonna get more vulnerability outta you. You don't have to tell that freak anything." Rummaging through his brain for the most supportive brotherly words he could find, Stan added, "But—I'm glad you told me."
Ford nodded. "So am I."
When Wendy and Goldie walked into Town Hall's main assembly room, Blubs and Durland were standing at the front chatting. Durland immediately waved. "Hey! You made it! You too, Wendy?"
She shrugged. "Yeah, thought I'd check it out."
"The more, the merrier," Blubs said. He gestured for them to follow him to a door at the front of the room, to the left of the podium. "A larger group uses the meeting room, so we meet in the mayor's office."
The door to the mayor's office was clearly marked by the folding table with snacks across the hallway and a stand next to the door holding multiple flags—American, Oregonian, rainbow, trans, and "Take Back the Falls" battle flag. Wendy paused to puzzle over the eleven varieties of bread on the snack table; when she glanced at Goldie, he'd gingerly plucked up the battle flag by a corner to inspect it. There was supposed to be a ban on acknowledging Weirdmageddon, but Wendy supposed the mayor could get away with showing a little pride in his citizens' resistance movement. "Were you still in the shack during... all that?"
"The big fight." Wendy lowered her voice, just in case the sheriff felt like enforcing the ban. "That's the flag we flew when we kicked the crap out of Bill's stupid pyramid butt."
"Oh. No. I was locked out of the shack," he said flatly. "Must have missed that." He let the flag drop. "I only remember the part where he kicked the shack halfway across the valley with its own leg."
Tyler Cutebiker waved from inside the office. "Wendy, hi! And a new person! Come in, come in! You're just in time. How's your dad?"
Wendy had been expecting that. "He's good, he's good. Y'know, busy."
"He's been swamped with work since he got the contract for the deathball arena. He's broken like eight axes, so, I think he's really happy."
"Oh, great!" Tyler beamed. "When we were deciding who to give the contract to supply lumber for the new facility, I thought, 'I know just the man to get it!' I'm so glad we could support our local lumber industry." He hesitated. "By the way, do you know if he ever... thinks about coming to a meeting? I've invited him a couple of times, maybe if you brought it up..."
"Listen. Tyler," Wendy said. "You're cool, but if my dad ever shows up at Rainbow Club, I'm never coming again."
"Okay, all right, that's fine, just thought I'd ask."
The mayor's desk had been pushed up against the office windows, and several folding chairs were set up in a tight circle that pressed to the walls. A couple extra chairs were quickly put out for Wendy and Goldie, and Goldie immediately claimed the seat on the mayor's right. All in all, there were less than a dozen attendees, and Wendy guessed she was the youngest one there by at least five years. One empty chair was left open hopefully by the door.
Once everyone was seated, Tyler said, "Okay, it looks like we've got a couple of new folks here today, so let's all go around the circle and introduce ourselves. Please share your names, your pronouns, and anything you want us to know about how you fit under our rainbow umbrella. There's no pressure, just whatever you feel comfortable with, this is a safe and supportive place for everybody. I'll go first: hi, I'm Tyler, and I use he/him pronouns!" He turned expectantly to his left.
Blubs said, "Hi, I'm Daryl, uhhh he/him, and I..." he turned to stare in Durland's eyes, "am in love."
Durland quickly said, "Hi, I'm Edwin, I'm a boy, and I'm in love too!" They grabbed each other's hands, giggling.
"Aww," Tyler cooed, "aren't you two sweet." He nodded toward the next chair.
"Hello. My name is Tad Strange, my pronouns are he/him, and I'm a cisgender heterosexual ally."
Seriously, Tyler said, "And we appreciate your support, Tad. And the snacks you bring every week."
Introductions continued around the circle. Wendy sorta knew a couple other faces, but didn't know anyone personally. The only other girls in the room were an intimidatingly beautiful woman whose gaze seemed to pass right over the awkward teen with unstyled hair and baggy flannel, and two little old ladies in a throuple with a little old man. 
The introduction spotlight finally landed on her. "Hey guys. I'm Wendy, she/her, and I'm, uh... questioning, I guess? Sorta?" She shrugged casually. "Yeah. Questioning."
Tyler said, "Since this is your first time—we keep things pretty casual, here, but I want to make sure this group supports everyone's needs. Do you think you could tell us a bit about what you're looking for in our little club?"
Wendy could feel every eye in the room boring into her. She fought the urge to shrink into her seat. You're sixteen. You're the cool girl. Act cool, girl. "Oh, nothing specific I guess. I'm just... exploring my options, you know. Exploring myself. Doing the self-discovery journey or whatever. So... I dunno what I'm looking for? I figure I'll know it when I find it."
Tyler nodded. "We've all been there," he said. "And I know I speak for us all when I say we're honored to be part of your journey."
And then, to Wendy's mortification, Tyler started clapping, and the rest of the group joined in. She smiled stiffly, feeling her youth even more intensely. What the heck, Tyler, you were supposed to be the cool adult. Wendy trusted you. Politics changed you.
To Wendy's gratitude, Goldie cut the awkward moment short by piping up before the last of the applause petered out. "Hiya! I'm 'Goldie,'" he put air quotes around his own name, "I've never cared what pronouns you people call me before and I'm not about to start now, and I do not have the patience for all the paperwork to figure out my sexuality so we'll just wonder together!"
Tyler laughed. "Oh, you're funny!" A couple other attendees chuckled.
"I'm just getting started!" Goldie blinked his unpatched eye. "Wink. Anyway, I'm here to meet new people and have some fun!" He turned an intense smile on Tyler. "So tell me, mayor—where do the people in your fine town go to party?"
By the end of the meeting, Goldie had collected six phone numbers—"I'd give you mine, but I'm between phones right now, long story"—and four loose commitments to do something somewhere sometime soonish. Wendy was simultaneously relieved to have some of the pressure taken off of her as the new person, slightly miffed that she hadn't gotten to know anybody, and resigned to the fact that as the only high schooler in the room they probably wouldn't have had much to say to her anyway.
As the club members milled around the snack table having bread, Goldie elbowed Wendy and muttered, "I can't believe they clapped for you but not for me. Is looking for a good time not a noble enough quest?"
"Pfft. Dude, are you jealous?"
Thirty years in the ghost dimension must do weird things to someone's need for attention. "When I introduce you to my friends, I'll tell them all to clap for you."
"I appreciate it."
The club loosely migrated through the assembly hall and toward the front double door. Durland reached it first, opened it, and quickly closed it. Agitated, he said, "Daryl! They're out there again."
"Oh, no! Again?"
The group came to a stop. Tyler took over, cracked open the door, and tutted his tongue. Goldie curiously peered over his shoulder, and Wendy took that as permission to look too.
Standing on the sidewalk in front of Town Hall were a dozen tough-looking men dressed in leather, heavy denim, and sharp metal accessories. They filled the sidewalk, arms crossed or fists on hips, glowering toward the doors. Tyler muttered, "Oh, every time we have a meeting. I wish they'd knock this off."
"Who're they?" Wendy asked. "Homophobes?"
"Oh! No no, nothing like that," Tyler said. "That's the weekly ex-convict rehabilitation support group—they use the bigger meeting room. They're actually a very open-minded bunch."
"That's right," shouted the tallest of the group, a muscular bearded man. He pointed at a leather pride patch pinned to his vest over his heart. "Love is love! We support queer rights, trans rights, uh... women's rights? What else."
"Immigrant rights?" a man with a gray ponytail suggested.
"Immigrant rights, that's a good one. And... any other rights, too! Except pig rights."
Another man shouted, "No cops at pride!"
The Rainbow Club turned to look at Blubs and Durland.
They heaved sighs. Durland said, "We'll go out the back."
The group out front visibly relaxed when the Rainbow Club came out without the sheriff and deputy. The bearded leatherman focused on Tyler as he passed. "Ty."
Tyler started. "Oh! Hiii, Ghost." His cheeks went bright red. "W-we missed you at Rainbow Club this week, again. Any thoughts about coming across the hall from time to time?"
"Those cops still showing up?"
"Well, yes."
The leatherman—who Wendy recognized now as Ghost-Eyes—shook his head. "Pass. But we can catch up next time you're at Skull Fracture."
"Oh—okay, sure. I'll see you there sometime."
"I'll buy you a drink," Ghost-Eyes said. "I like your new boots, by the way."
Tyler went red from his hairline down to his shirt collar. "I—well—you too, Ghost!" He quickly trotted off, giggling to himself. Wendy watched him go, then glanced over Ghost-Eyes—tall, broad-shouldered, auburn-haired, bushy-bearded, and as muscular as a bull on steroids—and noted wryly that Tyler had a type.
A high voice from approximately ankle height said, "Oh, hi Wendy!"
She looked down. "Gideon," she said. "Wow! ... Hi."
"Imagine running into you here! I feel like it's been forever! How're your folks doing?"
"Oh, great, great. Uh, yours?"
"We're all fantastic, thanks for askin'. I haven't seen you 'round here before, this your first time attending?"
Ah, great. Of all the people to find out Wendy was trying to sort out her identity. "Yep. Just checking it out. How's... the ex-con support group?"
"Oh it's just wonderful! Highlight of my week, honestly. It's good to talk to people who have gone through the same struggles as you."
"Aww," Ghost-Eyes said. "You're the highlight of our week too, Li'l Gideon."
Gideon started. "Oh, where are my manners! Blathering on like this. Wendy, you remember my friends, right?" He gestured around him.
"Yeah—the Discount Auto Mart Warriors, right? You guys are still hanging out?"
Ghost-Eyes said, "Of course! We have a brotherhood forged in the fires of battle against a chaos god's tyranny. Also, the court requires us to do group therapy, so it's easy to hang out."
Gideon said, "And I'm sure all of you remember Wendy."
The Warriors nodded in recognition. Ghost-Eyes said, "Weren't you the one driving through the weirdness bubbles last year? To get that kid to his sister?"
Wendy looked up at Ghost-Eyes. "Yep. That was me. No hard feelings for the whole trying-to-break-your-arm thing, right?"
"Of course not! You were fighting the man. At that time, we were the man."
Gideon said, "Really a terrible error in judgment on my part, I can't apologize enough."
"Aw, come on," Ghost-Eyes said, "it wasn't all your fault. We were all out there, too."
"No no, I take full responsibility." Gideon reached up to pat Ghost-Eyes's knuckle. "You all trusted me to steer you true and I let you down."
Wendy felt a slight tug on her wrist—and only then realized that Goldie had been a little too quiet, a little too long. She looked in the direction her magic bracelet was tugging, and spotted him waiting just up the street, leaning against Soos's truck, hands pressed to the small of his back.
"It was cool to run into you guys again," Wendy lied, "but I've got friends waiting for me, so..."
"Oh, of course, of course," Gideon said. "Are you working at the Mystery Shack again this summer? Tell Mabel I said hello!"
Wendy flashed Gideon double finger guns. "I will not do that." She power-walked away from Gideon's fan club.
As she caught up with Goldie, she said, "Hey. Sorry for making you wait." She squinted. "You okay?"
Face tinted a deep angry red and wearing the most sour expression Wendy had ever seen, Goldie said, "Sure. Why wouldn't I be okay?"
"You don't look okay."
"I don't control what my face does." At Wendy's skeptical look, Goldie pointed toward the Discount Auto Mart Warriors. "I was—thinking over something ridiculous they said. About fighting a chaos god's tyranny."
"Oh, they helped fight Bill—"
"I know that," Goldie cut in. "It just seems... weird to call it that!"
Recovering cultist, Wendy reminded herself. "What would you call it?"
Goldie considered the question. "Fighting a chaos god's anarchy."
She'd been half worried that Goldie was about to start defending Bill. Instead, Wendy tried to puzzle out the specific differences between tyranny and anarchy, and why it mattered to him. "Huh."
"No rules, no laws, freedom from time and physics..."
That was starting to make sense. "I don't know what Weirdmageddon felt like in the mindscape, buuut everyone I knew was still experiencing a lot of physics. When we weren't being turned into statues or imprisoned in tapestries," Wendy said. "Maybe Bill and his minions had no rules and no laws; but when only the guys in charge can do whatever they want, and everyone else is either serving them or, like, getting hunted for sport? I'd call that tyranny."
Goldie's sour look deepened, but there was something thoughtful in his averted gaze now. Like he was searching for a retort he couldn't quite find. "Huh."
Soos rolled down the passenger window. "Hey, are you dudes ready for nachos?"
The gossip grapevine moved faster than Soos's truck. By the time he'd dropped off Wendy and brought himself and Bill home, Wendy had texted a quick summary of "Goldie's" anarchy comment to Mabel, who passed it on to Dipper, in case this was a red flag they needed to keep an eye on; and Dipper in turn had passed the info on to Ford.
Ford wondered if Bill really didn't believe he was a tyrant, or if he just didn't want to be seen as one.
When Soos and Bill came in, the first thing Bill did was snatch his hoodie off the coat rack and pull it on, like a snake that regretted shedding its skin and was desperate to slither back inside. Cheerfully, Soos said, "Hey, Dr. Pines!"
"Hello, Soos. Everything went well?"
"Yeah, no problem! We got nachos on the way back, hope that's okay. I left Bill in the truck. Without the keys."
"I almost died of heat stroke," Bill said.
Already headed toward bed, Soos said, "Don't lie, dude. I cracked a window for you."
"Okay, okay. I was fine."
Bill drifted into the kitchen to finish his nachos. Ford drifted after him, leaning in the doorway. Bill had pulled his hood up. He typically only did that when he was in a foul mood, but he'd seemed to be in high enough spirits as he bantered with Soos. Maybe he felt exposed after going into town without his "body" on. (Three decades ago, during the weeks when Ford had been wrestling with Bill for control over his sleep-deprived body, Bill had hidden a vicious little note in Ford's third journal where he mentioned taking off his "exoskeleton" to feed. Ford wondered if Bill saw this hoodie as a substitute exoskeleton.)
"Well?" Ford said. "How was it?"
Bill turned. The false eye on the hood stared blankly through Ford. "Excuse me?" Bill laughed. "Are we on friendly conversation terms now? You want to hear about my day? Or are you just hoping I'll slip up and confess something interesting."
If Bill didn't already know the answer, he wouldn't have bothered asking. "You can't blame me for trying." Wendy hadn't shared much. Ford hoped that if Bill didn't know what the humans had been saying behind his back, he might give away more about what he'd done at Rainbow Club. Talk of tyranny and anarchy was worrying.
Ford could feel the corners of his mouth turning down as Bill's half-seen smile widened. Bill said, "I thought you said you weren't playing games with me anymore." He turned to sit on his chair backwards, legs straddling the seat. "Okay, Stanford! I had a great time! The regulars welcomed the Cool Girl and me with open arms! Fresh air, unfiltered sunshine, an hour of conversation with a roomful of people who don't detest me, a snack table with eleven kinds of bread—"
Ford's grim determination veered sideways off the road. "Wait," he said. "Eleven breads?"
"Why were— What else did they have? Condiments? Sandwich materials?"
"Forks, napkins, and water bottles. That's it."
"Forks?" Ford echoed. "Forks?"
"Why did they have eleven breads and forks?"
Bill threw up his hands in an exaggerated shrug. "So it's not just me! I looked at that table and thought, 'This seems lopsided,' but who am I, I don't know everything about humans! One grain product or another is just about the most stereotypically human food I can think of, so—"
"No, it wasn't just you, that's—I can confirm that's weird. Why did they do that?"
"I don't know!" Bill laughed. "I don't know, no one else questioned it so I didn't say anything! I wasn't about to out myself as the alien in the room! I just grabbed a Hawaiian roll and made small talk!"
Baffled, Ford ventured, "Maybe it's a... a gay culture thing I haven't heard about?"
"It's not one I've heard of," Bill said, with a tone that suggested if it was a gay thing, he ought to have heard of it. "Hey, the club's token straight guy is in charge of bringing snacks. Maybe he thinks it's a gay culture thing."
"Maybe." It was a somewhat reassuring thought, that perhaps the bizarre spread was somebody's misguided idea of support.
"Glad that mystery's solved," Bill said, as though to him a theory was as good as an explanation. "Oh, speaking of mysteries—thought you'd find this interesting—the mayor's desk is still haunted by bears." He said it as casually as though he were picking up a conversation from a week ago, not thirty-three years ago.
That wasn't a mystery Ford had ever thought he'd get any follow-up on. "Really? Still?" Ford instinctively tugged his journal out of his inner coat pocket and searched for a blank page. "How many?"
"Just two that I saw. I don't know that the third one wasn't roaming the halls, though. I'm not quite the spy I used to be!" He gestured down at his regrettably human body.
Ford waved off the not-exactly-an-apology. "Of course. The limitations of human sight and flesh. Which ones did you see?"
"One male, one female. The smaller female."
"I find it hard to believe the mother moved on without her children. She's probably around Town Hall somewhere."
"If I see her next week, I'll let you know."
"I'd appreciate that." He started taking notes. "Why would they still be there? I would have thought after the last election..."
"I know, so did I." Bill stood and crossed the room with his nacho tray to peer over Ford's shoulder as he lightly sketched out a desk and a couple of black bears lying atop and in front of it. (Ford hadn't seen the mayor's office in over thirty years, but he'd rough out the shape now and fill in the details once he got a look at the desk again, that was how he always did it. Bill had invisibly watched him fill countless journal pages like this.) "The desk was wider. Nacho?"
"Thanks." Ford absentmindedly took a nacho between his pinkie and sixth finger without putting his pen down, and corrected his sketch at he chewed.
"I've got two theories," Bill said. "One: the bears weren't haunting the desk because ol' Huckabone was using it, but because of something he put in it. A cursed talisman or something!"
"Mm. Mayor Befufftlefumpter didn't tend to mess with forces like that."
"Maybe he didn't know it was cursed. Most people can't see the bears. No one else at Rainbow Club acknowledged them."
"And if there is a talisman of some sort, why don't you already know about it?"
"Just because I can see everything doesn't mean I pay attention to everything," Bill said. "I'll snoop for one if you want! Anyway, theory two: they were here for Huckabone, but they don't know he's passed on, and they'll hang around either until they're reunited with his spirit or somebody dispels them. But I don't like that theory as much," he said thoughtfully, "it's not as satisfying. I prefer the intrigue of a good cursed talisman. Don't you?"
"I doubt that whether it's satisfying is relevant to whether it's likely..." Ford glanced toward Bill and almost jumped out of his skin when a wide white eye stared back at him. That stupid hood again. When had Bill gotten inches from Ford's shoulder? His skin crawled retroactively. "What are you doing?"
"Helping?" Bill ate another nacho and offered the paper tray to Ford again.
Ford stared at Bill, stared at his page full of bear ghost notes, then snapped his journal shut and shoved it in his coat pocket. He was an idiot. Ford stalked off toward the guest room. Remember who you're talking to. There might not have been any bears at all. There might not even have been bread.
Bill called after him, "Maybe you should come next week. I think you'd fit right in."
Ice ran through Ford's veins. What did he mean by that? It took a force of will to keep walking to the guest room rather than turn around and confront Bill again.
He shut the door, closed his eyes, and reminded himself: how Bill's eye had glowed stoplight red when he'd threatened to torture Ford's gniece and gnephew; how Bill had shrieked with laughter when he'd invaded Ford's brother's mind.
Ford had been distracted by talk of ghosts and talismans and, and—and bread. (Bread? Really?) Mysterious and mystical talk made it easy to leave those dark memories sleeping undisturbed.
And that scared Ford. Because he thought, for a normal person, it shouldn't have been possible to forget those things, much less easy.
You'd fit right in with my freaks.
He opened his journal, scratched out half his notes about the bear ghosts, and spent half a page untangling how Bill had lured him into a conversation...
And finally concluded that Bill hadn't done much luring at all. He'd just... talked.
He finished with a "DON'T TRUST HIM!!" and underlined it twice.
Well. If Bill and Ford were playing verbal games now, Bill had easily won that one.
He'd peppered in twice that he planned to attend Rainbow Club again next week, and Ford hadn't protested. Ford had even said he'd appreciate it. All that, and Bill hadn't had to reveal that he was busily making friends with the local mayor, sheriff, and deputy, or that he now knew where to find his own wayward one-time "sheriff."
All the same. As much as he appreciated getting a win, he wouldn't have minded going 2 out of 3. Bill had done most of the talking. (One of his most endearing flaws, he thought.) He kinda wondered what Ford thought about the bears haunting the desk. Ford had a tendency to overthink everything in such interesting ways.
Patience. This was the longest conversation he'd had with Ford in decades that hadn't consisted of pure, grim business. He was making progress. Maybe next week he could bring home a haunted bear talisman, see where that got him.
He wondered what Ford had thought of his birthday gift.
(Thanks for reading! This is probably the longest chapter we've had so far, but I didn't want to cut off before they even got to the club. If you enjoyed, I'd appreciate hearing what y'all think!)
246 notes · View notes
jazzyblusnowflake · 3 months
Alright, we've had Nuzi headcanons. We've now had Vuzi headcanons... Let's heart it, you're Violent Biting Biscuits headcanons, N x Uzi x V... Or if you'd rather complete the set, eNVy headcanons. I am curious of both. (Your headcannons are just super cute)
Holy hecc, I'm so sorry for answering these asks so late but i'm gonna be honest- I just never think anyone likes my writings or ever reads them XD
okay then lets see- my ViolentBitingBiscuits headcanons- i will put eNVy for the next ask because someone else asked for it too and they wont all fit here lol.
My NUziV headcanons ovo<3 :
[once again these are only the drone versions, the human versions aren't involved / also i may add some 🔞🔞🔞 ones this time lol >:3 also uhhh apologies in advance but this one is long as all hell so....um]
K we know the drill, they are all together- hopefully in the future- even if any of them dies i'm gonna pretend i do not see 🙄 deadass gonna treat this like the jjba fandom- my faves are ALIVE AND WELL SHUT UP ARAKI-
Okay so there's some things that we have already mentioned in the previous headcanons- ill try to not repeat them unless they are necessary but ill also try to treat this as its own post and lightly repeat them real quick too-
N and V started out fighting over Uzi, and Uzi obviously was mostly into N at first- but after a while i guess Vs advances got to her- especially since she was- in a way- so desperate for attention/affection, so it felt a little overwhelming to her but in a good way. they very obviously flirted with her which got them silently treating it as a challenge- and Uzi being Uzi obviously loved the attention she got out of it- opting to let this just... kinda continue lmao. she didn't expect to let it go far enough for her to end up with both of them but here we are XD
We slightly touched this topic before about V but to reiterate- all of them have different levels of trauma that they all deal with and currently V has gone through the worst of it, both having to endure Cyn's torture in her mindspace and also having to watch N get slaughtered in front of her and possibly even having a hand in it. She fears losing people that mean to her so she became avoidant with a difficult personality to guard whatever's left of her. It took a really long time for her to decide to be with the two and to protect them and not run away from her feelings for anyone or anything. but some days its still difficult for her so sometimes N and Uzi have to literally trap her into a wrestling cuddle pile or something to get her to just... exist, without feeling like the whole universe is weighing her down. N and Uzi want her to know they are there to protect HER from those inner demons too.
sometimes the cuddle piles end up with N and V once again trying to get Uzi's attention lmao which ends up with them being a little too horny on main- whoops :) - everything starts with a little nibble here, a small bite there - maybe some pillow fights and climbing over eachother or holding one another down in different positions- aaaand then they wake up a few hours later with Uzi having regrets cuz these two are horny as f-
ANYWAY- N is probably the most patient of the 3, and although he usually never breaks up fights because he trusts the other two to handle their own problems without him needing to mom them, sometimes Uzi and V go a lil too far and he gets very tired of dealing with this kind of behavior. he never blows up at them- but he usually goes away to take a breather- sometimes hanging out with Thad or the other drones- and during this time Uzi and V kinda feel bad- but then they would think of stuff like maybe planning dates or getting food for him, draw stuff on cards and etc- or go around trying to find gifts to make him happy<3 sometimes they might add some extra kisses and unwinding sessions in the end as an extra treat :p N always forgives them obviously, he just needs some guys night out every once in a while or something lmao-
Getting close to Uzi became an excuse for N and V to get closer to eachother too. ironically, it first started with them bantering about who is better at what- but then it turned into unironically flirting and teasing eachother- but after a while they realized their relationship isn't going to ever be the same as what it was back in their old days but its also something completely new, so they become more willing to accept one another and explore their newer dynamic.
they all love being coddled and pampered every now and then. Uzi and V may not outright admit it- but they really do too. so they take turns with who they put in the middle of receiving affection :p
N and V are VERYYYYYY over protective of Uzi. to the point that they wouldn't even let the doctor [for tech repair obviously] check Uzi or touch her in any way when she had a small virus case lol. Khan had to pay the poor doctor extra for that.... deciding to leave his daughter in her room in a cuddle pile of two murderous demons that have glowing cat eyes every time he comes in the room smh.
V and N really like cuddling Uzi and sticking their hands under her clothes. or sometimes just flat out sleeping or cuddling naked. its less of a sexual thing and more so to do with the fact that the two MD's have higher body temperature and a less efficiant body for cooling- since they have a more compact torso and a lot less oil and coolant fluids going through them [since they need to consume it continuously] and having a bunch of working nanobots and nanites shoved into them to turn into weapons/wings/etc- and Uzi- although having the AS- is still very much less in need of cooling due to still having a more efficient body design for a "exoplanetary worker unit", with a still functioning cooling system inside that doesn't necessarily need extra oil to make it work unless under stressful conditions.... even if she probably does have worms and fleshy tentacles inside her now lmao. But either way Uzi's body is still a lot colder than the others so she's usually shared in the middle and at this point Uzi cant even be embarrassed when they slide their hands under her clothes and grab her wherever smh..... although V also does it as a semi possessive thing so there's that pfft. she was especially handsy after that doctor left XDDD.
Yes Uzi has very much in fact ended up at the medical/tech repair unit multiple times because N and V have sometimes ended up being a bit too much for her to handle- and the doctor [a character yall shall meet later] has absolutely had it. She had to literally sit the 3 down, explain to them their body differences via scans and the damages they may cause Uzi and it was basically the robot version of having "the talk" with your child- and Uzi wanted to die there and then.
Uzi sometimes just tells the two to drink blood from her- the first time they wanted to share oil they were scared about accidentally causing Uzi to overheat- but after a few times of trying it, they continued doing it more frequently either by kissing and regurgitating or taking turns to bite Uzi or vice versa. N and V typically don't use one another's oil because they already have high usage as it is, it wouldn't be efficient. admittedly N and V always have concerns when it came to biting Uzi- but somehow they found out Uzi actually enjoys it a little when they do it and well...they get ideas lmao- they just make sure to lick her indents clean with their regenerative saliva to make the AS work as little as possible on Uzi's body.
N really enjoys seeing his partners smooch..... for study purposes ofc lmao- actually he uses his visor to take pictures sometimes- let the man be a little horny in peace smh. and don't worry Uzi and V know all this- they just wanna tease him a little bit :p
Uzi and N usually chit chat while they are in the bed until they fall asleep- but V prefers to just hug Uzi on the side listening to them while they talk until she falls asleep too
they love going around in human based areas with shops and stuff to find books to read together or any other fun human stuff they can find- maybe table top games? lol- V goes for the sports stuff. she kinda wanna try hitting something with a bat...
[okayyyy so tumblr doesn't let me write any more XD i def have more ideas but oh well. also ill save the eNVy for another ask that i have in my inbox so you'll get that soon too :p]
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lillysilvermoon · 1 year
Qualities of your SP
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Hi everyone! Hope yall are doing great, as I promised the Tarot Reading who won was Qualities of your SP, but don't worry, tomorrow I'll post What June will bring to you? (College starts Monday so I'll do my very best to make 2 readings tomorrow and post What are your psychics abilities? In the middle of the week). NOW let's get into the reading!
Pile 1
The reading is about qualities but I feel someone need to kind know something about what its going on with them??? (This is totally NOT planned but it's what I'm feeling). See, this is for a VERY specific person, below y'all gonna see the characteristics but this message has to be given to someone about their SP so, if you don't feel it's for you just continue the reading to see their characteristics!!
Hum, okay. Right now they going through a very thought situation, there is something ending in their lives but they aren't accepting and this is just making everything awful - with ends comes new begins and opportunities, but since they aren't accepting they are stuck. The cards literally complete each other, 10 of swords talks about endings and the importance of them for new things, but they are so strongly holding on that they are turning down opportunities, and the sad is: they are regretting doing this.
They are a very gentle soul, with and because of the others cards, I fell like they are imbalanced with their feminine and masculine side.
They are kind, like arts in all forms, very creative too, they like to use all their senses. They like to enjoy the pleasures life has to offer.
4ofC is astrologically aassociated with the moon in cancer, this card carries a passive receptive energy (and since you got the Empress too they definitely have more of feminine energy).
They have very "Je ne sais quoi" that many envy, they mastered the art of looking effortless. They don't follow trends and honestly don't care about them, very laid back and chill and youthful energy. They eat what they want when they want and workout when they feel like it, they believe life is to short. Hmm okay wait, they have too a big masculine energy, but because of things they have gone through they can look careless is selfish, but they are actually very kind and gentle, you will feel safe with them.
This is a general reading so: for some of you this person can be extremely toxic, with victim mentality, prone to overreactions and drama. What I'm picking up is: they are is a bad place right now, but this isn't who they are. They are NOT bad, narcissistic is anything, but they have gone through a lot and aren't their best right now (I feel you SP has been very judged by others because I feel so protective over them it's crazy like, has this urgency to say how they aren't evil or bad they are just so... omg they don't even know they just feel miserable but they have a good, kind, gentle side and it's their true self).
(Sorry pile 1 but I feel this is what you were needing to see right now😞)
Signs: scorpio, pisces, libra, house number 2, Jupiter and venus placements.
Pile 2
Hi pile 2, let's get into your reading!
They have "the whole package". They are smart, funny, and physically attractive (whatever it is for you), very masculine energy (saturn) and this is a VERY major part of their identity because it's from a major Arcana (The World) - wow pile 2 you guys are so lucky 😍 -
They are definitely into self care and they take very good care not just of their body but of their souls too, they may be into meditation or yoga, tai chi chuan.
They can be in a career who have to travel a lot, very into teamwork and social friendly, practical and effective in communication, they like to share and talk about the things they do/products they use and recommend to theirs friends, they like team sports.
Definitely someone very kind and compassionate, great with children, can be a people pleaser sometimes (but since this is minor arcana I feel this isn't too much a part of their personality, but can happen!)
They doesn't have a big ego, it's the kind of person who make you feel like you are in this together, when romantically involved would make everything to make the relationship works.
This isn't for everyone but, for some here they can also be someone that makes you feel like they are hiding something or keeping a secret from you - for some this means that they are someone who likes to make surprises to you;
They can be someone obsessed over some part of they physical appearance and go to extremes to preserve it, like work out a lot, have a extreme diet or be obsessed with eat only healthy foods, very regimented skincare routine etc, may have trust issues, struggle with repressive emotions, be closed off, would benefit from therapy but probably aren't open to the idea
(At this point feel like this group is divided into a healthy person and someone who needs to do shadow work, talk to a professional and probably receive a HUGE hug)
Signs: moon, mercury, Mars (saints! definitely masculine energy), aries, aquarius and Taurus.
Pile 3
I got to say: you are my favorite pile, Gods your SP is just SO CUTE and wonderful. Honestly the healthiest one here (what's going on with people now day huh???). But let's get into your reading, shall we?
Omg I am SO EXCITED I'm sorry I just can, this SP is romantic and sensible and has a LOT of pieces energy; takes great care of the appearance and makes their health a priority, dress casually but you can tell they made some effort to look sharp, empathetic and compassionate, you probably won't see them judging others, emotionally balanced, unafraid of their masculine sides, they are daring and take risks - 100% would call you on a date without fear of a "no" - also they support their feminine side by embracing their emotions, will make you believe chivalry is still here, they make you feel charmed but not manipulated.
They are a very happy, zen and calmest person you will ever meet, they are very grateful and never takes anything for granted, their spirituality have a HUGE impact on their life, "big picture" thinkers, probably likes philosophy or have profound conversations and they may not reveal this in the beginning of the relationship, they may come off as very sophisticated or they can appear modest when in fact they are super wealthy, they tend to consume a very well-moderated diet, the like to enjoy the finer things in life but they don't tend to abuse substances or overuse. They are emotionally intelligent and know how to deal with their emotions in a very rational way, rarely loses their temper but definitely have healthy boundaries, have gratitude practices, they put a great deal of value in the amount of energy someone invests in their relationships and they are always nurturing quality relationships with others. May works in something family related, anything related to family including pet services. They are someone who makes you feel serenely content, you might make the happiest, most peaceful memories in your life with this person. Excellent parent and 100% spouse material.
Signs: cancer, scorpio, sagittarius, aries, moon, Neptune (pisces energy, Leo.
I am honestly very happy with this reading, took me more time but I loved - I study more about the tarot related to personality, was really fun and I loved put the theory in practice.
Hope y'all liked, see you in the next reading.
- Lia
Share so more people can see♡
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atierrorian · 7 months
Could I request Lilia Vanrouge helping his SO dye their hair? (Reader is the SO, if that wasn’t clear.)
Dyeing the hair
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Context: He got a hair dye.
Warning: None.
Characters: Lilia Vanrouge
Note: It might be ooc but I haven't exactly been playing TWST for a long time now because I've been losing interest and I'm really busy. But I'll try my best to post as much as I can!
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"Are you sure you want to do this Lilia?" You sweatdropped while you held the magenta dye in your hand. Weirded out by the sudden request Lilia had demanded of you a few minutes ago. You had never even dyed someone's hair before in your entire life.
He nodded, "Yes, I'm sure I want to do this." He was already sitting down, waiting for you to start.
You sigh as you realize you really aren't gonna get out of this. But you do wonder why he chose you of all people, after all, he knows you have ZERO experience in this. You're worried you might accidentally do something bad to his hair...
"Why me? Out of all the others you seriously chose me? I think I have to remind you that I have no experience in this." You gently grabbed Lilia's new haircut that was caused by Malleus.
"Because I trust you."
"Do not say something you'll regret afterwards my love. Because I can assure you this will turn into a disaster."
And after a few minutes of bickering with each other, you decided to give in. It's tiring having to argue with him about something like this knowing he would not let up. You sigh as you begin to start the process and silently pray in your head to the Thorn Fairy that this will go smoothly.
"Please don't let this end in a disaster..."
After a few hours, you looked proudly at your handy work. It wasn't too bad and it actually looks nice! It also suits him so that was a plus as well. Lilia looked content with your work as well and pecked you on the lips for a good job.
"Thank you, my dear, this really looks nice! And it suits me." He said as he continued to admire his newly dyed hair. You nodded with a small smirk on your face while you clean up.
"I'm just glad that it didn't end in a disaster, who knows what would have happened... Besides, your haircut is already a disaster, so I'm glad I didn't make it worse." You muttered the last sentence to yourself. You don't know whether he heard you or not, but it didn't matter because he was still looking in the mirror.
After you cleaned up, you were about to go to your room and take a nap until Lilia suddenly grabbed your hand and kissed you on the lips.
You were, understandably, surprised and didn't even get to mutter a word when he pulled away and smirked.
"And another for complying with my request."
"Oh, so that's how your hair is like?"
"Yup! All thanks to my amazing love!"
"I'm surprised they even complied in the first place..."
"As expected from them! They are always amazing and talented!"
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gabriel-the-messenger · 7 months
Armored Core 6: Fires of Rubicon
Please play this game I am begging on my knees
Whats not to like:
Big robots fighting with oversized weapons
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A lovely photo mode for all the screenshots you would ever need
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Endless mech costumisation
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Endless LOGO and DECAL constumisation
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(This logo took about 3 hours of my day but I regret absolutely nothing)
Not one. Not two. But THREE great stories (with NG+ and NG++)
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"621, the Balam Corporation wants you to burn down this orphenage for a handful of COAM. It's just a job, all of it. Stay focused on the job 621"
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Handler Walter my beloved🥰
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(He's actually just a disembodied voice in the game, credits to u/Count15 on Reddit for the fanart)
Also, shoutout to the lady in my head that calls me Studmuffin (love you Ayre)
Coughing baby vs hydrogen bomb (i.e : if you're gonna commit war crimes and/or throw away your humanity, do it in style)
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(this one is just for you @zealfruity, if you're anyone else you can scroll past this one)
You can make a Transformer!
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(This one is by iiiveliii on TikTok. I haven't found any great Starscreams, meaning YOU should be the first!)
If you're not @zealfruity, welcome back! So, for my last and final point:
If you weren't already enamoured by the visuals of this game, wait t'ill you hear its soundtrack.
These are two examples I cherry-picked from my favorites, but there's nothing more atmospheric than fighting giant robots while having these bangers in the background.
AC6: Fires of Rubicon is an amazing game. It takes about 50-60 hours to complete (including NG+ and NG++), but I've sank more than 100+ hours into it as of writing this post. It offers an experience unlike any other, letting you not only build and costumize your massive war machine to your heart's content, experimenting with many different playstyles, but also let's you experience an amazing story with many hidden facades (in true FromSoftware style (did I mention this was a FromSoft game? Dark Souls FromSoft?)) and fight interesting and varied bosses.
Be warned, I have struggled on quite a few bosses, and even the tutorial boss is considered a "filter". However, when you do beat these ennemies, you feel a rush unlike any other.
I've spent all this time writing this and yet I haven't even talked about PvP, and thats because my enjoyment of it varies extremely depending on who I'm fighting. Some people run builds based around the meta (which I personnally find a bit boring, but if that's your vibe then go all out), but I find the truly entertaining matches to be players who aren't afraid to experiment, bringing unconventionnal weapons or builds and trying out interesting strategies. Some also throw all of that out of the window, and I've had quite a few matches end up with me and them simply throwing our weapons out and punching each other to death.
All around, I obviously could not recommend this game more. It's a good 9.5/10 for me, with my only criticism is that I wish there were more long-range and ballistic weapons (I'm a sucker for the sound of bullets ricocheing).
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bsverryin · 9 months
: ̗̀➛ Growing up together with HSR men
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╰┈➤ Gepard, Jing yuan, Blade, Dan heng
╰┈➤ Growing up!!
(this headcanon can be childhood friends to lovers or just childhood friends growing up together [platonic!!], your choice!!)
✎ HEADCANONS only!! Wholesome 🫶 I haven't been posting a lot because of busy schedule but I'm grateful for the people who appreciates my works 🥹 I cannot assure you of perfect grammar but I hope you enjoy!!
: ̗̀➛ GEPARD
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Gepard never really changed especially the way he treats you ever since you both were little kids. The only thing that changed was he was more passionate to achieve something and stricter to himself.
Ever since you were kids, Gepard was lively and you brought out the best of each other. He used to cry when you cried. You both used to fight just like a cat and dog but don't worry, he's always saying sorry first even when you both were slowly growing up.
When you're both growing up, he would always make sure that he's making time for you so the friendship would remain even in your busiest days. When it comes to problems, Gepard is the first person who you'd always run to and he does the same to you. You both aren't a burden to each other and it made him happy that you're each other's shoulder to lean on.
As adults, you both never really had a chance to see each other as often as before and you both knew that time would come sooner or later. There are times where you surprise him out of nowhere and you brighten up his day whenever you do.
Your friendship is always gonna be strong and so is your love for each other. Growing up with him mentally and physically made it easier for you to adjust and understand especially when it comes to your feelings.
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Jing yuan has the same knowledge as you. It's like, you're each other's clone and you share the same soul with him. Protecting each other and making each other your priority is something that you both did ever since you were young.
As kids, Jing yuan makes sure that you're protected by him. You weren't weak, in fact you were fearless that you'd always get bruised everywhere around your body. Jing yuan is the one who's always scared because you'd always cry out of nowhere and it was because there was blood around your knees, arms and the reason was your reckless behavior such as running and climbing rocks.
While growing up, Jing yuan really did go through a lot and lost so many of his special friends that's why you promised him that you'd always stay by his side no matter what. You weren't good at comforting him and he doesn't like communicating about his feelings, you were scared each day that he'd let you go just like his other friends. You tried to be more cheerful around him to make him feel that you're always there and you'd never leave him.
Finally, when you both were adults, he became much better and happier than before and he really did deserve it. There's no day where he forgets to say thank you to you, for not leaving him and for always cheering him. In conclusion you chose the same path as him because you're a person who keeps their words. Jing yuan deeply cares about your feelings just like what you did to him before.
He deeply cares about your feelings that he always makes sure that the path you chose was something that you do not regret and is something that you did for yourself and not for him.
: ̗̀➛ BLADE
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Blade is really used to you, there are times when he tries to push you away but there are times where he's happy to be your one and only friend. You both had so much to learn about each other before you became truly comfortable to each other.
As kids, blade was always the introvert type. It's not a need or want for him to have friends but he doesn't mind. When you came, it felt like you weren't really needed into his life and he guessed that you won't last long and you'd leave him sooner and if not he can just find ways.
Teen blade didn't expect you to last long, how was it that you managed to stay after all these years? He communicates well but at the same time he doesn't. At an early age blade knew that he shouldn't trust anyone. When blade was betrayed and went immortal he really thought that you'd leave him because of that but instead you accepted him for it, it was the first time he felt so safe and scared, he didn't know what to call it.
Being adults with him was easier than you were young. You both were more mature and finally he doesn't try to find ways for you to leave him. You made him feel like it's okay for him to change, he doesn't really like the person he is as you both grew up but you'd always find ways to make him feel better and he appreciates you for that.
Though he is a known criminal, you'll never ever report him because you already accepted the path that he wanted to choose. You'll secretly meet him and catch up with him just to make sure that everything is going well and of course help each other with your next plans and goals in life.
: ̗̀➛ DAN HENG
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Dan heng has changed so much ever since you were young, he went through so much and you couldn't blame him for it. All you did was stay and support him at all times.
As kids, Dan heng didn't really know why he became friends with you. One of his reasons was because you were great with arts and crafts and so that's how you played together as kids. He learned a lot from you that he used to only choose to hang out with you and ignore everyone else.
Growing up together felt like destiny, it was as if you both were made to have this kind of bond with each other but sooner, he changed. His identity was changed, he actually managed to run away from you and everyone. That time, you never stopped looking for him, it took you years to find him and you acted the same when you found him. After all, he's your best friend and nothing will change on how you see him even if he changed identities.
Adults, Dan heng would always let you stay by his side. He slowly learned to trust you too, you're not just good with arts but you're also good with words. For him, saying thank you wasn't enough. He didn't know that someone like you really did exist. Though you aren't part of their trio because you want to keep a simple life, you're always his guest and you loved travelling and visiting him.
Your soul is always attached to him, he feels the same way about whatever you feel about something. He tries to appreciate you the same way you do to him. He already ran away from you before so now he makes sure that he's making up for what he did before. He was really sweet and when he found out that you tried to look for him for years, he assured you that it won't happen ever again.
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henrioo · 2 months
꒰ SYNOPSIS ꒱ : Having social medias while dating Eustass Kid can be chaotic, but you wouldn't change that for nothing.
꒰ WARNINGS ꒱ : Male reader! Homo/gay relationship! Mlm! Law and Kid having some serious discussions (not that serious but mostly aggressive) a lot of curse, some slurs (fag), virgin shamming (kid doesn't like virgins), a lot of dirty jokes and some nsfw insinuations
꒰ NOTES ꒱ : This SMAU was actually in progress some time ago, but I never finished, so I decide to finish now to post while I finish the others stories because they are most hard to finish. Again, women = block, I am not discussing this anymore so be careful :3 and for the masc people welcome I have a lot of things planned for us hehehe
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ThepunkOwner posted
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liked by DeathEMO, ThepunkOwner and 332,546
ThepunkOwner how would ever say that Eustass Kid can be this soft?
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TheREDpunk no one because I would kill them
╰ Pastakiller yeah you aren't that badass saying that in a photo you look like a child petting a cat
╰ TheREDpunk fuck you
ThepunkOwner posted
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liked by hotheat, MONKEY, pasta killer and 465,789
ThepunkOwner the disadvantages of dating a band leader is this asshole getting back home at 3am and still sleeping
view all 1092 comments
Hotheat bruh the show didn't end that late
╰ ThepunkOwner then where fucking my boyfriend was???
╰ HighTensionWire ask Killer???
╰ Pastakiller don't put me in that shit, he wasn't at with me
╰ ThepunkOwner can you guys just tell me where he was before I get single again?????
╰ ThepunkOwner I'm fucking killing you when you stop sleeping but yeah I gonna get back to bed
TheREDpunk posted
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liked by HawHaw, ThepunkOwner and 890,667
TheREDpunk I'm fucking getting single after that
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Pastakiller nha you not, you are single for like years before (y/n), no one can hold you stupid ass
╰ DeathEMO and what? You are gay, don't make any difference if girls like you, you don't like girls
╰ DeathEMO cry about it fucking fag
╰ ThepunkOwner how a ice cream cone start this???
Pastakiller posted
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liked by MONKEY, Hotheat, TheREDpunk and 21.079
Pastakiller these two drunk asses are crying in my coach because they love each other so much?
view all 1567 comments
Hotheat they stole my bunny
MONKEY Gizao is funny, he asks me to be the priest to their marriage, I accept
╰ DeathEMO first you cannot be a priest, second he probably gonna regret that and is gonna even invite you to his marriage
╰ MONKEY oh :(
Pastakiller posted
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view all 360 comments
liked by MONKEY, hotheat, theREDpunk and 31.897
Pastakiller while we have Kid showing the snow dick he tried to do, we have (y/n) trying to make some animal with the snow and failing again for the sixth time
ThepunkOwner I'm gonna be successful, I know
╰ Pastakiller no you not, just give up
TheREDpunk you guys can't deny that was looking like a small dick
╰ Pastakiller yes we can
╰ Hotheat yup, definitely not a dick
╰ HighTensionWire that wasn't even a good try
╰ TheREDpunk I hate all of you
DeathEMO actually looks like a small dick... Your small dick
╰ TheREDpunk I'm fucking killing you
ThepunkOwner posted
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view all 689 comments
liked by Rorozo, DeathEmo, pasta killer and 238.098
ThepunkOwner looks at my poor baby... He tried so hard in his exam that his sleep from exhaustion...
DeathEMO yep... Definitely because of trying hard on his exam... Obviously not because you two were in a part until 5am... Obviously not
Rorozo bruh Eustass drink his ass off
ThepunkOwner can you two stop difaming my man??
╰ DeathEMO no
╰ Rorozo no
ThepunkOwner you guys are not invited to the wedding
TheREDpunk posted
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view all 1.756 comments
Liked by Pastakiller, hothead, MONKEY and 890.678
TheREDpunk Try to find another punk guy that would take his boyfriend to Disney because he wants to take photos with the princess and fail miserably
DeathEMO punks don't do that because they have dignity
╰ TheREDpunk well I cannot have dignity but at least I have a boyfriend you fucking virgin ass
╰ MONKEY oooooooh he got you traffy heheheh
pastakiller you taked photos with Mickey ears wtf you trying to hide?
╰ TheREDpunk stfu
ThepunkOwner don't worry bae, you still can be my scary punk even if you almost cry taking a photo with Mulan
ThepunkOwner posted
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view all 2.678 comments
liked by MONKEY, DinoDrake, pasta killer and 340.876
ThepunkOwner He didn't want to ride in the ponies with me :(( but at least I won a kiss
TheREDpunk the only one I want to ride is you baby 😈😈
╰ pastakiller Jesus nobody needed to read that
╰ DeathEMO bottom Eustass kid confirmed??? Ooooh I'm sending this in the college group chat
╰ HawHaw he always looked like a power bottom tbh
╰ DinoDrake yeah I don't think nobody is actually surprised...
╰ DeathEMO stfu and go choke with your boyfriend dick
╰ ThepunkOwner I just posted a cute photo of how this ended in a fight about my dick?
MONKEY is it true that your dick is bigger than Torao? Can I see it?
╰ ThepunkOwner NO
╰ TheREDpunk NO
TheREDpunk posted
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liked by Pastakiller, DeathEMO, ThepunkOwner and 897,878
TheREDpunk Happy birthday to us baby, another year having your beautiful ass on my side
ThepunkOwner sometimes I think I'm only my ass to you, and he is not that big
╰ TheREDpunk he definitely is, but dw prince, you can be the most ugly man in the world and I still gonna love you
╰ ThepunkOwner oh... Who would think that Eustass Kid could be romantic... I love you too babe
╰ TheREDpunk is better you do, because I'm never letting you go, you can be sure that you gonna be only mine even after death
╰ ThepunkOwner cute <3
╰ TheREDpunk only for you <3
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moyokeansimblr · 4 months
Not feeling so hot and I'm not going to do anything impulsive at 8PM on a Friday evening but
here is a link to a sfs folder with ALL of my content that's currently only hosted on patreon.
I want to add individual sfs links to the tumblr posts but that's a lot and I'm now regretting never adding alt dl links this whole time... and sorry I don't think the downloads in the sfs folder are in order... it also might be some other things, like fixed meshes or stuff. tbh I just added everything I've made after April 3rd 2023 since that was the last time I uploaded anything to sfs.
I guess while I'm here... I was going to wait until after I finish up the last of my active requests (probably by Monday, I'm almost done) but I desperately need a break from CC. I sent a group message on the 17th to my $4 and $6 patrons encouraging them to cancel, but I know not everybody knows patreon even has dms so maybe you'll see this post and I'll reach out again in the coming days so nobody is wasting their money. I am so immensely burnt out and I need to not create for a while. This is completely my own fault, nobody made me work on CC for 8-10 hours 5 days a week for the last several months and I fully knew it wasn't sustainable ages ago but I kept doing it because it made me feel good, until it didn't. Quite honestly, even before I sent the group message the instant wave of relief I felt just having made the decision to take a break... that caught me off guard but just confirmed I need this. I do feel really awful about it because I feel like I'm letting people down but at the same time I don't want to hate creating which was already happening. That being said, I don't know how long the lull in CC is going to be, and if you're only following me strictly for CC I apologize. As said I am still finishing up one request I still had, I'm about 75% done with that as of this post. But that's gonna be it for a while.
There is a part of me that wants to stop using patreon completely and unpublish my creator page (which is what I'm not going to impulsively do tonight without properly thinking it through...since there are positives like how easy it is to download files and whatnot) but I'd again encourage not only those who joined the $4 and $6 tiers but also the $2 tier to cancel so that you aren't wasting your money. If I did do this I would definitely do the individual sfs links on everything first. I'd not just leave you guys unable to download my stuff.
So, what does that mean for this blog? I'll spare ye, impatient readers, who have already read a lot because I ramble⬇️
Well, as of posting this I still have THREE HUNDRED AND TWENTY FOUR Strangetown posts in my queue. And I'm not tired of playing that.
I'm looking forward to having an opportunity to do all of the things I've been neglecting. I'm finally going to go through the subfolder within my downloads of everything I'm downloaded the last few months and decide if I wanna keep it in my game or not. And finish default replacing everything. And all my other various little projects I haven't been doing.
Also, I want to start playing Veronaville 😮I've already started downloading lots from kattaty to replace the in-game ones, and I found a cool replacement for the neighborhood map. I am leaning towards making a new sub-blog for this so that you don't have to try and follow Strangetown/LFT posts and Veronaville/ALT posts at the same time. I've only ever played the Veronaville sims for like one day as part of a super failed megahood years ago so I'd like to get to know them.
So basically, I guess I'm a gameplay blog for now? Until I want to create anything again anyways, but I don't know when that will be.
I don't know how to end this post... I'm sorry for the disappointment, but thank you so much for enjoying my stuff 💛💛
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silvyavan · 2 months
Okay so it's getting too chummy around here so I'm gonna throw a molotov.
This is gonna make a bunch of elf fans mad BUT I will take the bullet because I feel MANY missed the point of the Elf vs Clover conflict and how Zagred's bitchass plays into the politics of it all, and how the incident is an example of "divide and conquer" political infighting strategy.
Elves and Nobles fighting is essentially Big Mana on Big Mana Warcrimes and Zagred is acting as the political instigator to wipe out BOTH parties.
The story very clearly says that the elves are victims of genocide by the ruling class but even then it was seen in the elf tribe that there WAS suspicion and racism as well (Patri and Vetto). Licht, the only elf with critical thinking, literally says the elves also have some fear of the humans, similar to how the humans fear the elves.
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On top of that, their idea of vengeance was to possess the descendants of those who killed them and wipe everyone out which would have only continued the cycle of abuse. They quite literally possessed the nobles who ARE the descendants, and they could've very well just gone along with the Sephiroth ritual (I'm genuinely convinced the sephiroth is a reverse engineered qlipoth and clover kingdom of antiquity did the 1st qlipoth, but that's that's different story).
The point of the arc isn't "the elves should have been the ruling people of Clover especially with big mana and wispy white people appearances",
It's actually literally "crimes and massacres made out of fear and greed will end up turning history into a flat circle, with two powerful parties inciting violence that affects bystanders and common people as collateral, gaining nothing and only looking themselves into a cycle of endless violence".
The very point of Black Clover is a story about underdogs and those who aren't blessed. Massive mana doesn't make you a good person and being the victim of a hate crime doesn't make you a saint. Massive mana is also not a get out of jail card. They very much state several times they plan to genocide the humans like they did with them, regardless of mana or status. We're not even sure if the elves who were freed from the malice showed regret of their actions and attack.
Mana not being a reflection of a person is the point of the story, and even if you were hit first, that doesn't mean you get to mass murder the entire race of the offender, involved or not involved.
Was the wedding massacre deserved? Fuck no, these people just wanted to get married, but Tetia and Lumiere were NOT thinking this shit through of "fuck now, explain to the inlaws later".
Does that mean Patri was correct? ALSO NO, because we literally get told that Zagred can't outright manipulate and add malice into people, he can only incentivise something, like he did with the Clover royals, and how he did with elves.
The racism of elves and the genocide made by Clover royalty was very much nuanced. This has layers.
Zagred benefited the mutual racial tensions as a third party inciting the massacre. This man was using divide and conquer political infighting strats because he wanted to get rid of BOTH the Clover royals of the past and the Elves.
Hell, even Zagred's reincarnation spell corrupting some of the elves into violence is a metaphor for inciting violence not on the people directly involved, but on the whole demographic, only increasing the infighting between two demographics while he pushes whatever buttons he needs to weaken BOTH parties to take advantage of them. This man literally SAYS it!!! He was the fuckass that sent the elves to the present!!! He started this shit!!!
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He straight up confesses he tricked them into wrecking the vengeance with mass murder, he does not give a shit, he sees them as stepping stones and stepping stones alone.
He literally admits that he incited humans into the genocide, using their desire for mana and Licht and Tetia's Union as a call to action, based on greed and fear. Even some of the elves know that. This man says it how it is. He used Tetia as a way to incite fear into the humans and their mana prowess as a way to invite greed, while using the prior friction between species in the elves as a cause to incite hatred into them and the tragedy as a way to promote the massacre of humans 500 years later.
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His plan is victims of abuse and genocide into violence not just against the direct descendants of the tragedy, but the common people who had NO say or even action in the matter. Even Drowa, Gauche's elf counterpart, can admit that the common people of the present are not the same as the people who massacred them.
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Say what you will, but Zagred was making MASSIVE POLITICAL CHESS MOVES like this. Man literally almost succeeded too. The fact that nobody questioned the malice they had against humans outside of a few means that they believed the massacre against them would've been justified. Even Raia was low-key supporting the mass murder DESPITE KNOWING IT WAS UNFOUNDED.
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Because he wanted Licht to be reincarnated. Even thought Licht didn't want to start violence between the humans and the elves! Literally everyone is trying to get Licht back, without thinking what he would've wanted or done himself. Raia fucken says he didn't want to diminish their thirst for revenge. Dude knew this was all bullshit and still let them go on to make a possible genocide.
I feel like when you reread the series, like actually READ and DIGEST what they're saying and thinking, you're getting a lot more nuance on the topics at hand. Zagred is essentially the Conservatives pitting minorities against other minorities in an attempt to wipe out both. Smh, I need to reread this whole thing in bulk before the new chapter drops.
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