#I'm building underground for... reasons?
derp-craft · 1 year
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I spent far longer than I'd like to admit trying to make this purely aesthetic lil tea bar automated before I gave up and made it only partially automated. Plus some interior shots of the other side. Decorations pending lol
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katsukikitten · 6 months
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Men suck! So why not drain their bank accounts for wasting your time?! It would be foolish not to. Even more foolish to push the buttons of a very powerful man in the underground world of Tokyo.
But hey wait! He messaged you first! He wanted you to be his sugar baby so badly it makes him look stupid!
Although Bakugou Katsuki is anything but stupid.
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It was supposed to be an easy mark. He followed all of the rules of the unspoken game between sugar baby and sugar daddy. He reached out to you first. He set the time and place for the first date and he asked about your pricing.
To which you told him was a steep two thousand consultation.
Immediately there was a notification with your fee plus a little extra for the expedited meeting in your bank account before he messaged you again.
Wear somethin nice.
His profile was vague as most marks were. Choosing to keep their identity a secret, embarrassed to have to buy a woman's time with their endless cash flow for one reason or another.
Some because of their looks, some their abhorrent attitude, some because they were too busy drowning in their work and some because they just couldn't be bothered for much of anything real only to fall in love after the third date thinking they could buy your heart like they did everything else.
Because at the end of the day all of these marks had something in common. Something to exploit.
They were all terribly lonely.
And despite how forward this mark is, like others have been before him, he was no exception to this rule.
You roll your eyes as you doll up for tonight's meeting. You always wore something nice and appropriate for the setting yet undeniably sexy. Something that made every eye rove over you with the heated gaze of envy. Something that made you everything those men wanted you to be.
A trophy, a status symbol, a yes I'm fucking that.
Scrolling his profile or lack thereof, a little bit more in an attempt to be his perfect baby girl. Knowing that to have a good long lasting con to afford you the luxuries you sat in now, you had to shed your true skin and stuff yourself into something two sizes too small.
Because all men expected that of all women. Of anything of their desire. One must cut away the truest, deepest parts of themselves in order to hold a man's attention span for longer than five minutes. The second you start to look anything relatively human and anything more than a walking sex kitten or cock sleeve is the second they lose interest.
A man often times doesn't want to actually fill the loneliness, not with anything long term, they just want to relieve the ache in their cock.
At least that's all you've ever known and so who was anyone to judge you to exploit them how they exploited others.
Smiling at your reflection as you apply dark eyeliner to your lid, dragging it across your lash line as you go for a more noire mysterious look since you cannot find out much about your potential benefactor. Not that that worried you, you'd worn many skins before.
A recently divorcee, a 'single mom', but most benefactors liked a heavy power imbalance. They lived for the broke college girl act. Showing up in threadbare dresses that were still cute in an old shit box car you'd borrow from a friend and some classical piece of literature those fucks could recognize but knew they'd never read.
Mostly you figured they enjoyed that broke college girl act because they felt they were "helping you build a solid future" all while neglecting their own real daughters at home that they constantly compared you to. Showed you pictures of, similar in age to you and you'd have to stamp down the disgust at these men who probably didn't even know their real baby girl's favorite color.
Absolving themselves of guilt you supposed.
However this new benefactor was something to be excited about, mostly because of the unknown that he seemed to shroud himself in. No interests filled in, no movies or hobbies or songs that he likes.
Not even a profile picture or his name. Just GZ for now and when you checked the banking information on your wire in, it didn't give you any real leads. Received from a business or estate account that google results had no address or number for.
Only his age, 32. Three years your senior.
Which wasn't too bad of a gap well to you anyway, he saw your age as 25 because anything older than that, even one fucking year, men's interest dropped by sixty percent.
Another message comes through the little app.
GZ: Give me your number.
Aggressively forward as you giggle to yourself reading the message, let the read receipts show your interest when you lock your phone and don't reply. Taking the time to apply a nice dark shade of lipstick that made your mouth absolutely sinful as you wore a skin much too close to the real you. Going to your closet for your dress, knowing he was taking you to a very expensive, very highly rated restaurant, most likely to both flaunt and prove he has money.
Zipping up the velvet body con dress with a halter top, the hem stopped just above the knee and you knew it would ride up when you sat down or walked in your black heels with the pearl strap. Pulling on bicep length lace gloves and putting on an onyx ring on your middle finger before adding your pearl necklace to make a suggestion of what he could do to you at the very steep price of seven thousand dollars.
Some men even paid it and even asked to do it in the parking causing them to pay an expedited fee of four thousand. It meant nothing to you and every bit of power they thought they held over you to them.
Opening a drawer to your vanity all with unused pairs of underwear. Choosing a black lacey pair where the ass would be half exposed by lace and strings digging around for the to go tide pen so you could lightly bleach the crotch to make it seem as if they'd been worn all damn day "just for him"
Fuckin gag me.
Your phone pings again, another notification from the SDSB app.
GZ: I don't like waiting, Sweetheart, give me your number.
This time you reply but only after looking over your outfit in the mirror, debating if he'd be into stockings and ripping them before you realize it might make you look a little too conservative for his tastes.
Bbgrl: tell me what GZ stands for and I'll give you those special digits
GZ: I don't barter
Bbgrl: Everything comes at a cost. You know this otherwise you wouldn't be messaging me.
You watch the bouncing bubbles pop up before his quick reply.
GZ: Ground Zero
GZ: Now give me your fuckin number Princess.
Bbgrl: maybe in person, Mr Zero.
Not giving away your actual number was your number one rule and because the last sugar daddy you cut off went full tilt you had to disconnect your other phone and just hadn't had a chance to get a burner yet.
Picking up a small clutch purse you shove inside your lipstick for the night, your phone, the doctored pair of underwear and you don't even bother to bring any sort of wallet.
Walking to a public place a block or so from your luxury condo before you flag down a cab giving them the address as the man smiles down at your cleavage. Enjoying the view in the rearview and it's a wonder he doesn't crash and kill you both. Leaning down to meet his gaze with a disarming smile, wearing a skin to protect both you and him from harm as you force a giggle.
"Eyes on the road silly." When really you wanted to take the knife strapped to your ribs and slit his throat for thinking he even deserved to stare at you like that.
You wore this dress for attention yes but there is a fine line between appreciation of a body and straight up eye fucking you.
And just because you wore this dress didn't give him the right to stare. Counting down from ten as you have pretty visions of gouging his eyes out only for him to pull up right to the restaurant, acting as if he was going to get out and help you.
"No need." You smile politely, "And the fare?"
You look at the triple zeros and his eyes flash to it in embarrassment, so busy eating you alive with his eyes he forgot to start it.
"On the house for a pretty lady."
Forcing a smile as you give him a thanks, leaving the cab as quickly as you can before you walk inside, twenty minutes late for the date.
Tardiness was a big part of the game, whether it agitated them or made them anxious, it would certainly place a little more power on your initial interaction. Gaging their reaction to your power play always determines how you'll respond. Clueless, lost, down right stupid.
The hostess gives you a warm smile as she welcomes you into the restaurant asking of your party size. You're quick to tell her you're here for GZ.
"Or maybe under the name Ground Zero if the initials are too vague." You smile and watch the hostess blanche a moment before she fixes her face.
"Right this way." Expect she doesn't lead you all the way over there, stops just before the darker corner of the restaurant making a gesture with her hands and you chalk it up to nerves. That maybe he owned the whole fucking restaurant.
Watching his large palm swirl a bourbon straight, watch his other heavily ringed hand card through his ash blonde locks.
"Mr Zero?" You ask with a cat like smile, coming to stand beside the table. He glares up at you either oblivious or acting it as you wait for him to pull out your chair.
"Yer fuckin late Princess." He doesn't wait you out though can tell from a glance you'll stand there with your sexy ass heels rooted to the hardwoods of the restaurant before you'd ever sit down. He doesn't give in, this just happened to give him a chance to show his stature. He slams his drink down, clattering the water glasses and your wine glass filled with a pinkish color. Most likely something sweet. For a moment it makes you wonder if he read your profile considering most men didn't bother and showed it often on their first dates that they hadn't when they ordered you red wine. Which you had as your top dislike.
When he rises he's much much bigger than you. Tall enough you have to crane your head up to look at him, broad shoulders and now that he's fully facing you you can see his scarred face. A deep fissure of discolored skin from just over his eyebrow cutting through his eye flaring over his cheek before tapering off at his throat before it meets another deep scar that's hidden under his shirt.
He didn't even bother with a dress jacket, only a dress shirt, black, with the sleeves rolled up to his elbows exposing his tattoos and even more scars, his black vest if swirling velvet on the front only emphasizes his broad chest and tapered waist.
He stands there a moment watching you take him in and he cannot lie he is surprised. Most women cowarded at his size especially when they see his scar and his half clouded bromine eye but you just smile. Maybe even a bit of excitement flashed in your eyes but you stand unmoving still that fuckin cat smirk on your dark stained lips.
"My chair, Mr Zero." You remind him and he snarls, leaning in close to your face tipping your chin up to him. It's here you realize how large his hands are, especially when the other settles at your ribcage a moment. You just hope he doesn't feel the knife nestled there and take it as a threat to himself.
"I told you I didn't like waiting." He growls, "So what makes you think Imma continue this date?"
"You're still here aren't you? Besides," You half guide him by moving your face gently from his grip, stepping towards your chair and he follows, "You wouldn't want to cancel a date with such a pretty girl would you?"
"A pretty woman." He corrects with a growl, pulling back your chair and shoving it in roughly when you sit, leaning behind you to whisper in your diamond clad ear, "Yer no girl that's for sure."
As if to say a predator recognizes a predator but you feign ignorance.
"Year?" You ask, smelling your wine before taking a sip. It's fruity, peach you realize with hints of citrus and angel food cake.
"Didn't ask." He bites waiting for you to ask where the menus were, he makes eye contact with the waiter to signal to start their meals. Oblivious, you take another sip of this amazingly delicious wine.
"Bit of a dessert wine isn't it?" You comment, usually men would blunder by now realizing they aren't as prestigious or well versed as they pretended to be but this man proves to be different once again.
"Peach pairs well with spicy and smokey." Glaring right back at you before a mean smile curls his lips, "Unless ya lied twice on your profile."
You set the wine glass down thanking the waiter when they leave fresh bread. Zero is faster than you grabbing for the crusty pre dinner treat as he butters the rich white center before placing the slice on your plate before starting his own.
"Hmm, I haven't lied on my profile." You refuse to touch his offering for now.
"Sweetheart, you may look twenty five but I know that you're closer to thirty than what you want to admit." There's that cruel smile of his again.
"It's quite rude to make a woman seem older than what she is. Touchy subject ya know?" Going back to sipping your wine as you've decided you may need a buzz to endure this date, "Or maybe you don't have a lot of experience with women. Is that why I'm here?"
Smirking over the vein protruding from his throat but the satisfaction only lasts so long, thoughts rounding back to wondering how the fuck he knew your real age and so quickly.
Suddenly you feel his fingers wrapping around the back of you knee as he pulls you forward leaning over the table.
"Haaah? Ya think I don't have experience with women? Oh sweetheart I could have you begging to take my cock in this bathroom in under ten minutes. But I need you for somethin else." He lets his bruising grip go when he sees a flash of the real you, sees your pretty lip snarl in disgust before you fix your face so quickly it would have him wondering if he ever saw that snarl or not.
He thinks he likes this version more than what his right hand picked out from your profile.
Your profile was vague but your photo album was filled with a lot of photos that men could easily project on or imagine themselves with you. Looking demure, easy going, a submissive.
Really Bakugou can tell you're a fucking brat at best and far from demure.
"Is that true Mr Zero? Sex on the first date is quite expensive." You smile cutely, make it a giggle all while the steak knife whispers to you that it belonged shoved through his hand on the table.
"I bet it is sweetheart." He spits back.
"So…our contract?" You're ready to rush this along thinking that maybe this benefactor isn't going to work out and that you'll have to save your underwear for another time.
He leans back, finally looking a little more relaxed as you bring up business as if contracts and dealings were part of his expertise. Taking a sip of his bourbon as he looks you over in that fine velvet dress he imagines on the floor of his expensive bedroom.
"Dunno can ya behave long enough to talk about it?" Deadly smirk on his lips now, one that makes your stomach clench.
"I always behave, Mr. Zero." A purr, one that changes the tone of the entire dinner, at least for now.
A light scoff but he's smiling, genuinely and he looks so handsome like that. His eyes catch something you don't see before the waiter comes over with two starter salads.
You look down at the fresh bed of greens matching his and try not to grimace that he's most likely ordered dinner for you. Hating when benefactors took it upon themselves as they never paid enough attention to order even remotely right.
"Let's see how dinner goes first yea, princess? Gotta make sure I like it before I buy it." A clear taunt and stab at you to which you give a tight smile. Him placing himself above you but you were determined at the very least to secure the after dinner deposit fee from him that was clearly stated on your profile.
Any dinner lasting longer than two hours or is set after eight thirty pm is considered to be equal to two consultation fees.
He already violated the time since he messaged you at exactly six pm tonight and you were always sure to take your time getting ready.
But you had to finish the fucking date first.
"Okay." Agreeing without issue as you bite your tongue. Finishing your salad and your wine, asking him to order you another glass. Batting your eyelashes and for a second you see his face flash with something other than his gruff nature. Standing with the brief explanation of "freshening up."
Annoyed as you enter the ladies room, looking at your reflection as if to share a what the fuck glance with a friend before rooting around in your bag. Touching up your lipstick, spraying yourself with a bit of your perfume that made all the men insane for you before turning your attention to your hair.
Making sure it was still in perfect placement as you angle your pretty face this way and that. Clutch open on the vanity, the dummy pair of underwear threatening to fall out. Checking your account to see if the rest of this date was worth it when you see your stipulation fee is sitting in your account despite the date only being an hour long thus far.
Figuring you'll make this date worth it now, mostly curiosity getting the best of you over what is going to make this contact so fucking special he's more than willing to pay everything upfront.
To deal with your more cheeky side you used to scare off weaker men.
Clawed fingers curling around the soft pair of underwear, rubbing them between your hands vigorously to make them warm to the touch. To have him thinking that this sexy lingerie style underwear was nestled right to your cunt.
Balling them up as you make your way out of the bathroom while the waitresses gossip over the fact that some violent ringleader was dining there tonight and that he was "dangerously hot." Hushing when they see you pass the refreshment nook before you make your way back to the table.
Thankfully his left hand with all his rings is resting on its side on the table giving you more than enough space to press the warm fabric into his palm and curling his fist around it before sitting back across from him. Giving a flirtatious smile to the large blonde who turns his hand to see what you placed into his palm. Smirking and shaking his head as he looks down at the fabric.
Unfurling it with his large hand and seeing the pair of underwear with a little spot on the crotch that makes him chuckle.
You look over your meal that's been set out, can tell he was polite enough to wait for you as the aroma of spicy smoked meat sits before you. Breathing deeply and hating to admit that you'd actually like this dish. Picking up your fork as you let him become dumbfounded over the thought that you were bare under your dress when that was far from the truth.
Bakugou leans over the very expensive meal on the small table. Grabbing at your jaw a bit tightly so he can turn your face to husk in your ear.
"Now gimme the ones you're actually wearing, Princess." He growls, pulling back to hold out his hand expectantly.
Feigning innocence you look up at him and bat your eyelashes since that worked earlier, even letting your eyes get a little glassy.
"Wh-what are you talking about Mr. Zero?" Voice soft and going softer still when you add, "Those are my underwear. I wore them just for you."
He laughs loudly in your face and his grip tightens, mouth back at your ear with a deadly tone. A mix of playful flirtation and restrained anger.
"Now Princess, 'fore I get mad."
It sends a chill down your spine and a jolt to your cunt. Breaking your facade entirely when you let sharp nails bite into his thick wrist as you yank away your face. Looking around trying to come up with an excuse that this was too much of a public place before he adds.
"We're secluded enough." Letting his fingers wave impatiently with his palm up. Your eyes widen as you see how serious he is. Unable to hide the snarl on your lips or the flash of deep seeded anger in your eyes as you obey a benefactor's command instead of tricking them into thinking they had control.
Shimmying up your little bodycon dress, hooking sharp clawed thumbs into the band of the underwear to bring it down past your thick thighs that part for just a moment exposing your pretty mound to Bakugou by accident. It makes saliva coat his tongue and his cock twitch in his expensive pants.
Quickly fixing the hem of your dress that still tries to ride up thanks to your hips and thighs, balling up the black underwear and slapping it into Bakugou's waiting palm harshly. The corner of his lip curls up as he realizes it's a thong, much better than the dummy pair you gave him moments ago.
"You're such a fuckin pervert." You cross your arms over your chest, pushing up your tits giving the ash blonde a snarling pout. Wholly forgetting about your dinner now as you look away from him, can't believe he's won this round.
"Yea? Who's fault is that? Yer the one who gave me a clean pair of underwear to make me love sick for ya so I'd cough up all my cash." He makes no move to pocket the thin pair of underwear you've just given him, making your eyes dart to look for the approaching waiter, "This work on most men Sweetheart?"
"Tsk, yes." You scoff, "Then they send me whatever I fuckin want."
Pushing away a bit, thinking of leaving from how condescending his tone is. Inspecting the first pair you've given him now that he has the actual pair you'd been wearing, looking closely at the crotch.
"Did ya use a bleach pen on these 'fore ya came in?" He laughs when he watches your face blanch, most men couldn't tell. Just thought it was real and went with it, asked for more.
The waiter starts to come back to the table with another glass of Bakugou's bourbon and your wine, trying not to crack. Shoving down the panic and letting your nails bite into your palm letting crescent moons form in your soft skin. To try not to shove his hands into his lap to save you the embarrassment because the last thing you want him to know is that he's actually getting under your skin. He looks over his shoulder to follow your gaze, feral smile on his mouth.
"Besides, who's the real pervert here, Me for enjoying a pretty woman's time," He rolls the dark fabric around in his hand, still warm from your cunt and when he gets to the crotch it's damp, sticky, "Or you, for getting off to playing some dumb ass men outta thousands."
"I'm not-"
"Not what? Wet?" He laughs, letting his thumb slide through the slick of your underwear, uncaring that the waiter is here now. Setting down the drinks and forgoing asking how the meal was quickly slipping away in hopes of not bothering Ground Zero.
"Sweetheart I bet I could run my fingers through that sticky cunt and everyone in this restaurant would hear it." Bringing his thumb up to his mouth licking at it as one would to get sauce off their fingers, his eyes flutter and suddenly your cheeks burn.
"You're insufferable." You hiss, crossing your legs now, still unable to look at him.
"Ya know, I hate liars." He tosses your fake pair of underwear, pocketing the thong you wore with one hand while the other swirls his drink, "Ya've lied three times now."
"I have not."
"Ya have. Yer age, yer whole personality, yer underwear." He lists them on his fingers and funny enough you chose to die on only one of those hills.
"I am twenty five." You hiss, grabbing at your wine and downing it in three swallows.
"But yer not." He chuckles, eyes flicker to your face, you don't have foundation on, going for a mostly natural look, and Bakugou has good eyes where most men didn't, "Ya've got crows feet sweetheart. Seems like ya've smiled a lot in your life."
Reflexivity you go to hide the corner of your eyes, they crease heavily when you really smile. Everyone who knew you, actually knew you, always made the comment of "you smile with your eyes."
"Ah come on they're barely noticeable and nothin to be ashamed about." He chuckles, pulling at your wrists so he could see your face again, "Gimme a smile."
"Fuck off." You hiss waving him away dismissively trying to regain control, "The contract Mr Zero."
He sighs, annoyed as he leans back, "We haven't finished dinner."
"I'd like to skip to dessert." A snarling hiss as you push away what was probably the best meal you could've ever had.
"Oh would you?" Deadly smirk, "I could skip to dessert iffin ya want. In my car or the bathroom, your pick Princess."
"Again you're fucking insufferable." You make motion to stand, to leave, only for his strong hand to catch your wrist and pull you into his lap making this somehow worse.
"What's wrong? Embarrassed now?" He tilts your chin to him and you squeeze your eyes shut in defiance he chuckles lowly, "Tell me yer real age and I'll stop teasing, for now."
You open your eyes to glare at him for a long, long time. No judgment in those bromine eyes as he patiently waits for your answer. You sigh, scratching roughly at his undercut with your long nails whether it was a strategic move or your fingers having a mind of their own, you weren't sure. The only thing you were sure of was that this man was trouble.
Big trouble.
Yet you answer honestly anyway.
"Twenty nine." It's soft, genuinely this time as if you might be a little embarrassed about it when you know you shouldn't. He smiles up at you, letting his thumb linger at one of the corners of your eyes before he lets his fingers trace your face down to your jaw.
"See, won't so bad to admit it was it?" Genuine gentle tone, his hand on your hip squeezing at the fat there.
Your heart races and that foreboding feeling creeps up your throat as you're slowly realizing that you are no longer the one who was hunting.
No, no, now you were being hunted.
Nails bite harshly into his nape as you stand, snarl to your lips and all he can do is chuckle at your flippant attitude.
"M leaving." Holding out your manicured hand, "Give me my underwear back."
"No, I paid for it." He growls really spurring on your temper now.
"All you men are the same. Pigs who want to keep their dicks wet." A scoff as you snarl your pretty lips.
"And I can say all women are the same. Bitches who want to keep their pockets full." He retorts forcing your sharp claws to grab onto the cheeks of what you don't realize is the most powerful man in the entire country.
Even making sure your nails bite into the skin of his cheeks, "I don't need your fucking money."
"Then why're ya here sweetheart?" He smirks up at you, grabbing onto your wrist tightly.
"Fuck you. You don't know me." Shoving his face and escaping his tight grip before you begin to stomp from the restaurant with your head held high.
"You'll be crawling back to me, princess." He calls out with a chuckle.
"I won't!" You send a snarling growl back, unable to get through the too quiet dining room to the exit of the five star place.
Hissing through your teeth with an echoing groan as the night air hits you doing little to cool your temper while you hail a cab.
Pulling up the sugar baby app on your phone going to his profile to block him but before you can a message pops up.
GZ: See ya in two months sweetheart.
You'd never blocked a mark faster in your entire life.
But the thing you don't know about him yet is that Bakugou Katsuki always kept his promises.
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A/N: yay! You've gotten to the end! Thank you so much for reading! Now I have plans to make this a series however I'm not very good at long term things if I'm being honest. Lmfao but please! If you liked or loved this reblog it! I'd love to hear in my inbox or in the body of the reblog or even in your tags of your reblog what you thought of this!
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gallusrostromegalus · 7 months
Hi Gallus, I'm doing some worldbuilding and you seem like you could be connected enough for me to find an answer to the problem of dwarven agriculture. Many problems are created by the requirement of no sunlight, as even the common response of mushrooms still need light to break down decomposing matter as a primary energy source. Currently, we're thinking that they use a special type of mushroom that breaks down rocks in an energy-producing reaction, giving them enough energy to absorb nutrients and grow - this would serve a second purpose in explaining why building a massive hollowed-out mountain fortress doesn't produce an equally large amount of gravel.
Any thoughts? We're grasping at straws kinda lol
Well, some thoughts:
There's plenty of cave systems (especially Karst Systems) that are at least partially open to Sunlight- especially the kind that have rivers running through them, which is something else that's really helpful for agriculture.
For Example: This Cool AF Sinkhole cave in china that has an entire Forest in it
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Now There's a view to put outside the city Gates!
Karst specifically is a landscape where underground rivers hollow out the limestone underground and then the cave roofs fall in. This kind of landscape answers your gravel question nicely: the hollowed out mountain does produce an equal amount of gravel, but the gravel turns up as the sandy banks of the river system hundreds of miles away.
So, there's your sunlight that can be used directly, or reflected or magically transferred deeper into the cave system.
Or they just put more holes in the roof! Unless your dwarves are also vampires, there's no reason for them to not hollow out a few Skylights into the mountain too.
But let's talk some other cave ecology and agriculture!
For starters, your dwarves could be sitting on top of a literal gold mine that would allow them to trade for a lot of needed materials and crops.
And by gold mine, I mean Salt Mine.
Historically, salt comes out of hollowed-out mountains and is worth more than gold.
Also something the humans have historically fought a bunch of wars over, so there's some free political tensions if you needed that!
I can also mean the possible fucking enormous piles of bat guano that accumulates in Karst caves, which is the world's most insanely good fertilizer, and ALSO something that has been worth more than it's weight in gold.
Speaking of Gold, another thing that often lives in sinkhole caves in abundance is BEES. turns out, limestone stalactites are a terrific place to build a hive that is difficult for predators to reach, stays dry and the stone substrate means the hives can reach many tons in weight before they start having structural issues. That sweet, sweet insect-derived liquid gold is already important to Dwarves in a lot of folklore- it's really hard to have a Traditional Dwarven Mead Hall without the honey to make the mead, you know?
So you got your mushrooms, you got your sunlight-grown sinkhole crops, you got your traded goods and you got your source of alcohol- the only thing really missing from an ancient food pyramid here is a staple carbohydrate. To that end, may I propose our good Peruvian Friend: The Potato.
Grain crops aren't actually all that nutritious and were kept around in ancient societies more as legal tender that kept the peasants busy, because wheat or rice takes months to grow, an enormous amount of labor to harvest, and wheat also needs to be milled before it can be turned into food- all enormously time-consuming processes that keep peasants busy and easy to rule tyranically over.
Potatoes though? Pop one in the ground in spring and you can dig up fingerlings all summer, and if you make potato towers, you can harvest up to 40lbs of delicious, easy-to-prepare-and-store carb out of a single plant- a real space-saver for the limited sinkhole skyspace.
If your dwarves have cheese, the potato makes even more sense, because Potato+dairy is the easiest, most nutritionally complete survival food there is.
Finally, consider: Dwarven Vodka.
This post is open for anyone to comment suggestions on, but that's my take: put your dwarves in a Karst-sinkhole cave system, give them a highly in demand resource like salt or guano, bees, and taters. Boom. Whole agriculture, economy and political scheme starters.
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jewelleria · 2 months
I don’t usually talk about politics on here, if ever. But it’s been almost six months since the conflict in the Middle East flared up again, and I’m finally ready to start. Here are some of my thoughts.
I say ‘flared up’ because this has happened before and it’ll happen again. Because, even though what's currently going on is absolutely unprecedented, those of us who live in this part of the world are used to it. Let that sink in: we are used to this. And we shouldn’t have to be. 
But I use that term for another reason: I don't want to accidentally call it the wrong thing lest I come under fire for being a genocidal maniac or a terrorist or a propaganda machine, etc., etc.—so let’s just call it ‘the war’ or ‘the conflict.’ Because that’s what it is. Doesn’t matter which side you’re on, who you love, or who you hate. 
This post will, in all likelihood, sit in my drafts forever. If it does get posted, it certainly won’t be on my main, because I'm scared of being harassed (spoiler: she posted it on her main). I hate admitting that, but honestly? I’m fucking terrified. 
I also feel like in order for anything I say on here (i.e. the hellscape of the internet) to be taken seriously, I have to somehow prove that a) I’m “educated” enough to talk about the conflict, and b) that my opinion lines up with what has been deemed the correct one. So, tedious and unnecessary though it is, I will tell you about my experience, because I have a feeling most of the people reading this post are not nearly as close to what’s happening as I am.
How do I explain where I live without actually explaining where I live? How do I say “I live in the Red Zone of international conflicts” without saying what I actually think? How do I convey the fear that grips me when I try to decide between saying “I live in Palestine” and “I live in Israel”? I don't really know. But I do know that names are important. I also know that, due to the various clickbaity monikers ascribed to the conflict, it would probably just be easier to point to a map. 
I haven't always lived in the Middle East. I've lived in various places along America’s east coast, and traveled all over the world. But in short, I now live somewhere inside the crudely-drawn purple circle. 
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If you know anything about these borders you probably blanched a bit in sympathy, or maybe condolence. But in truth, it’s a shockingly normal existence. I don't feel like I've lived through the shifting of international relations or a war or anything. I just kind of feel like I did when COVID hit, that dull sameness as I wondered if this would be the only world-altering event to shape my life, or if there would be more. 
I've been told that, in order for my brain to process all the horrific details of the past six months, there needs to be some element of cognitive dissonance—that falling into a sort of dissociative mindset is the only way to not go insane under the weight of it all. I think in some ways that’s true. I have been terrifyingly close to bus stop shootings when my commute wasn’t over; I have felt my apartment building shake with the reverberations of a missile strike; I have spent hours in underground shelters waiting for air raid sirens to stop. 
But. I have also gone grocery shopping, and skipped class, and stayed up too late watching TV, and fed the cats on the street corner, and cried over a boy, and got myself AirPods just because, and taken out the trash, and done laundry on a delicate cycle, and bought overpriced lattes one too many days a week. I have looked at pretty things and taken out my phone because, despite it all, I still think that life is too short not to freeze the small moments. 
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So I'd say, all things considered, I live an incredibly privileged life—compared, of course, to those suffering in Gaza—one filled with sunsets and over-sweetened knafeh and every different color of sand. One that allows me to throw myself into a fandom-induced hyperfixation (or, alternatively, escape method) as I sit on the couch and crack open my laptop to write the next chapter of the fic I'm working on. 
But there are bits of not-normalness that wheedle their way through the cracks. I pretend these moments are avoidable, even if they’re not. 
They look like this: reading the news and seeing another idiotic, careless choice on Netanyahu’s part and groaning into my morning coffee. Watching Palestinian and Jewish children’s needless suffering posted on Instagram reels and feeling helpless. Opening my Tumblr DMs to find a message telling me to exterminate myself for reblogging a post that only seems like it’s about the war if you squint and tilt your head sideways. 
These moments look like all the tiny ways I am reminded that I'm living in a post-October seventh world, where hearing a car backfire makes me jump out of my skin and the sound of a suitcase on pavement makes me look up at the sky and search for the war planes. They look like the heavy grief that is, and also isn’t, mine. 
Here's the thing, though. I know you’re wondering when the ball will drop and my true opinion will be revealed. I know you’re waiting for me to reveal what demographic I'm a part of so that you, dear reader, can neatly slap a label on my head and sort me into some oversimplified category that lets you continue to think you understand this war. 
No one wants to sit and ruminate on the difficult questions, the ones that make you wonder if maybe you’ve been tinkered with by the propaganda machine, if you might need to go back on what you’ve said or change your mind. We all strive for our perception of complicated issues to be a comfortable one.
But I know that no matter what I do, there will always be assumptions. So, while I shudder to reveal this information online, I think that maybe my most significant contribution to this meta-discussion spanning every facet of the internet is this: 
I am a Jew. 
Or, alternatively, I am: Jewish, יהודית, يَهُودِيٌّ, etc. Point is, I come from Jews. And, like any given person, I am a product of generation after generation of love. 
I'm not going to take time to explain my heritage to you, or to prove that before all the expulsions and pogroms, there was an origin point. If you don’t believe that, perhaps it’s less of a factual problem and more of an ‘I don’t give weight to the beliefs of indigenous people’ problem. But, in case you want to spend time uselessly refuting this tiny point in a larger argument, you can inspect the photos below (it’s just a small chunk of my DNA test results). Alternatively, you can remember that interrogating someone in an attempt to make their indigeneity match your arbitrary criteria is generally not seen as good manners. 
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Now, let’s go back to thathateful message (read: poorly disguised death threat) I received in my Tumblr DMs. I think it was like two or three weeks ago. I had recently gained a new follower whose blog’s primary focus was the fandom I contribute to, so I followed them back. I saw in my notes that they were going through my posts and liking them—as one does when gaining a new mutual. Yippee! 
Then they sent me this: 
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I tried to explain that hate speech is not a way to go about participating in political discourse, but the person had already blocked me immediately after sending that message. Then, assured by the fact that I surely would never see them complaining about me on their blog (because, as I said, they blocked me), they posted a shouting rant accusing me of sympathizing with colonizing settlers and declaring me a “racist Zionist fuck.” Oh, the wonders of incognito tabs.
Where this person drew these conclusions after reading my (reblogged) post about antisemitism…. I'm not actually sure. But I greatly sympathize with them, and hope that they weren’t too personally offended by my desire to not die. 
For a while I contemplated this experience in my righteous anger, and tried to figure out a way to message this person. I wanted to explain that a) seeing a post about being Jewish and choosing to harass the creator about Israel is literally the definition of antisemitism and b) that sending a hateful DM and refusing to be held accountable is just childish and immature. But I gave up soon after—because, honestly, I knew it wasn’t worth my effort or energy. And I knew that I wouldn't be able to change their mind. 
But I still remember staring at that rather unfortunate meme, accompanied by an all-caps message demanding for me to Free Palestine, and thinking: the post didn’t even have any buzzwords. I remember the swoop of dread and guilt and fear. I remember wondering why this kind of antisemitism felt worse, in that moment, than the kind that leaves bodies in its wake. 
I remember thinking, I don’t have the power to free anyone.
I remember thinking, I’m so fucking tired. 
And before you tell me that this conflict isn’t about religion—let me ask you some questions. Why is it that Israel is even called Israel? (Here’s why.) Why do Jews even want it? (Here’s why.) But also, if you actually read the charters of Islamist terrorist organizations like ISIS, Hamas, and Hezbollah (among others), they equate the modern state of Israel with the Jewish people, and they use the two entities interchangeably. So of course this conflict is religious. It’s never been anything but that.
But I do wonder, when faced with those who deny this fact: how do I prove, through an endless slew of what-about-isms and victim blaming, that I too am hurting? How do I show that empathy is dialectical, that I can care deeply for Palestinians and Gazans while also grieving my own people? 
There's this thing that humans do, when we’re frustrated about politics and need to howl our opinions about it into the void until we feel better. We find like-minded souls, usually our friends and neighbors, and fret about the state of the world to each other until we’ve gone around in a satisfactory amount of circles. But these conversations never truly accomplish anything. They’re just a substitute, a stand-in catharsis, for what we really wish we could do: find someone who embodies the spirit of every Jew-hating internet troll, every ignorant justifier of terrorism, and scream ourselves hoarse at them until we change their mind.
But, of course, minds cannot be changed when they are determined to live in a state of irrational dislike. In Judaism, this way of thinking has a name: שנאת חינם (sinat hinam), or baseless hatred. It's a parasite with no definite cure, and it makes people bend over backwards to justify things like the massacre on October seventh, simply because the blame always needs to be placed on the Jews. 
So when a Jew is faced with this unsolvable problem, there is only one response to be had, only one feeling to be felt: anger. And we are angry. Carrying around rage with nowhere to put it is exhausting. It's like a weight at the base of our neck that pushes down on our spine, bending it until we will inevitably snap under the pressure. I’m still waiting to break, even now.
I wish I could explain to someone who needs to hear it that terrorism against Israelis happens every single day here, and that we are never more than one degree of separation away from the brutal slaughter of a friend, lover, parent, sibling. I wish it would be enough to say that the majority of Israelis (which includes Arab-Israeli citizens who have the exact same rights as Jewish-Israelis) wish for peace every day without ever having seen what it looks like. 
I wish I could show the world that Israel was founded as a socialist state, that it was built on communal values and born from a cluster of kibbutzim (small farming communities based on collective responsibility), and that what it is now isn’t what its people stand for. 
I wish the world could open their eyes to what we Israelis have seen since the beginning: that Hamas is the enemy, Hamas is the one starving Palestinians and denying them aid, Hamas is the one who keeps rejecting ceasefire terms and denying their citizens basic human rights. Hamas is the governing body of Gaza, not Israel. Hamas is responsible for the wellbeing of the Palestinian people. And Hamas are the ones who are more determined to murder Jews—over and over and over again, in the most animalistic ways possible—than to look inwards and see the suffering they’ve inflicted on their own people. I wish it was easier to see that.
But the wishing, the asking how can people be so blind, is never enough. I can never just say, I promise I don't want war. 
When I bear witness to this baseless hatred, I think of the victims of October seventh. I think of the women and girls who were raped and then murdered, forever unable to tell their stories. I think of the hostages, trapped underneath Gaza in dark tunnels, wondering if anyone will come for them. I think of Ori Ansbacher, of Ezra Schwartz, of Eyal, Gilad, and Naftali, of Lucy, Rina, and Maia Dee, of the Paley boys, of Ari Fuld and of Nachshon Wachsman. I think of all the innocent blood spilled because of terror-fueled hatred and the virus of antisemitism. I think of all the thousands of people who were brutally murdered in Israel, Jews and Muslims and Christians and humans, who will never see peace.
My ties to this land are knotted a thousand times over. Even when I leave, a part of me is left behind, waiting for me to claim it when I return. But when I see the grit it takes to live through this pain, when I see the suffering that paints the world the color of blood, I look to the heavens and I wonder why. 
I ask God: is it worth all this? He doesn't answer. So I am the one, in the end, to answer my own question. I say, it has to be. 
Feel free to send any genuine, respectful, and clarifying questions you may have to my inbox!
EDIT: just coming on here to say that I'm really touched & grateful for the love on this post. When I wrote it, I felt hopeless; I logged off of Tumblr for Shabbat, dreading the moment I would turn off my phone to find more hate in my inbox. Granted, I did find some, and responding to it was exhausting, but it wasn’t all hate. I read every kind reblog and comment, and the love was so much louder. Thank you, thank you, thank you. 🤍
Source Reading
The Whispered in Gaza Project by The Center for Peace Communications
Why Jews Cannot Stop Shaking Right Now by Dara Horn
Hamas Kidnapped My Father for Refusing to Be Their Puppet by Ala Mohammed Mushtaha
I Hope Someone Somewhere Is Being Kind to My Boy by Rachel Goldberg
The Struggle for Black Freedom Has Nothing to Do with Israel by Coleman Hughes
Israel Can Defend Itself and Uphold Its Values by The New York Times Editorial Board
There Is a Jewish Hope for Palestinian Liberation. It Must Survive by Peter Beinart
The Long Wait of the Hostages’ Families by Ruth Margalit
“By Any Means Necessary”: Hamas, Iran, and the Left by Armin Navabi
When People Tell You Who They Are, Believe Them by Bari Weiss
Hunger in Gaza: Blame Hamas, Not Israel by Yvette Miller
Benjamin Netanyahu Is Israel’s Worst Prime Minister Ever by Anshel Pfeffer
What Palestinians Really Think of Hamas by Amaney A. Jamal and Michael Robbins
The Decolonization Narrative Is Dangerous and False by Simon Sebag Montefiore
Understanding Hamas’s Genocidal Ideology by Bruce Hoffman
The Wisdom of Hamas by Matti Friedman
How the UN Discriminates Against Israel by Dina Rovner
This Muslim Israeli Woman Is the Future of the Middle East by The Free Press
Why Are Feminists Silent on Rape and Murder? by Bari Weiss
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pupyuj · 8 months
jock g!p yujin that likes to brag about her length and about the countless of girls she has banged when in reality she's a virgin 🫢🫢 sub jock g!p yujin in short 😵‍💫😵‍💫
omgggg what if you're like, kinda popular and yujin has this big dumb crush on you but she doesn't know what to do with it so she just becomes super annoyinggg?? 😭😭 as anon said, boasts about the very much not-real girls that she has fucked just to build this fuckgirl reputation of hers bcs she thought it would make you notice her more... and it did! for the wrong reasons! one day rumors started going around that yujin has had sex with your friend jiwon but as far as you knew, jiwon was a virgin and she would definitely tell you if she got fucked by anyone! by ahn yujin, no less! and, according to the rumor, in that pool party you hosted two weeks ago!! so naturally, you started to investigate this bcs you didn't like that people were bothering your friend about the true state of her virginity 😠
apparently, your way of investigating was cornering yujin in the locker rooms after her soccer team's practice. smiling and waving at her teammates, even chatting for a bit, and appearing so warm and sweet until you turned your attention to yujin and became cold and intimidating. but maybe that was yujin's crush on you talking. she was taller than you, built, and most likely stronger, but you had her backed up against the cool metal lockers, her breath shaking and legs feeling like jelly. god, you were so pretty up close—yujin's cock was hard already.
"i don't like that you're ruining my friend's reputation just to boost your own." you had said, glaring up at the taller girl. yujin swears she nearly moaned as the sight of you swiping your tongue across your bottom lip for a split second! she was so whipped 😭😭
"w-w-well, what're you gonna do about it?" yujin knew she had lost the battle before it even started but she wasn't going to go down without a fight!! she didn't think it through though 🤨 yujinnie hugging a textbook so close to her chest while you leaned closer,,, god if looks could kill... yujin would be rotting underground right about now,, still, despite being fucking terrified for her life, her cock only grows harder and the slightest friction made her whimper,, and GOSH it didn't help that you were within kissing distance!! yujin feels your breath on her lips and she—did she fucking moan???
hehehsidjd yujin dropping the textbook to cover her mouth,, soooo embarrassed of herself while you stared at her incredulously,, then your eyes happened to roam further down and there it was...
yujin wanted to sink into a bottomless hole right then and there, but it was when you cupped her bulge that her mind goes blank,, quite literally, too! she couldn't move, she couldn't think, she couldn't do anything!! 😵‍💫 mmssdhjsdgdj softly squeezing her hard cock through the shorts she uses for practice,, staring at her so intently as she tries her hardest not to moan too loudly bcs people were still outside!! and yujin knows she could be loud :((( "hm? what? i thought you've done this before, yujin...? bending a girl over right there, on the sink... you love talking about that one, don't you?" you would say while she squirms and swallows down her sounds,,
"f-fuck... no, i-i-i'm sorry, alright?? i'll s-stop saying all that shit, i swear..." yujinnie whining :((( she didn't know whether she should stop you or not bcs on one hand, this was everything she fucking wanted in life but on the other, her pride is telling her to keep up appearances especially in front of her crush!! ☹️
"what? are you saying you've been lying?" oh you were so sick. your lips curling into a dark smile when the pup looked down in the embarrassment... "aww, big and tough jock ahn yujin is a virgin after all, huh?" you placed a finger under her chin and made her look up,, her eyes were tearing up from humiliation,, "you're lucky you're hot. or else, i would've destroyed your stupid reputation." and suddenly, you're pulling out her dick??!! "don't worry, yuj. after all of this, nobody will doubt that you've had some good pussy." fuck, yujin thought she was going crazy 😵‍💫😵‍💫
sitting her down on one of the benches, getting down on your knees and taking her cock in your mouth <33 eyes looking right into hers as you both sucked and jacked her off 🤤 her not knowing what to do other than just sit there and moan and whine :((( strings of curses leaving yujin's lips as her fingers brush through your hair, tugging at it lightly everytime you swipe your tongue over slit 🤤🤤 "what's wrong, baby? feels too good...? ah.." watching as yujin nodded helplessly,, god she was pathetic... slumping back against the lockers with drool dripping down the side of her mouth... you wanted nothing more than to break her 😵‍💫
feeling her get tense and stiffen up and immediately pulling your mouth off of her, "w-what... i was about to—" nearly knocking the air out of her lungs when you stood up and pulled down your panties 😳 "i know. this'll be way better." you climbed onto her lap, kissing her forehead before sitting down on her cock 😵‍💫 it took her by surprise, your warmth and how tight you felt around her dick 😵‍💫😵‍💫 yujinnie's head collapsing on your chest while you made yourself comfortable, her hands clutching your uniform tightly bcs she didm't know what else to do :((( having to grab her face to make her look up at you, "look at me while i ride you." oh yeah yujin was so going to jack off to this tonight—
gawddd her moans being louder than before as you bounced up and down her cock 🫠 it should be noted that the door opened and immediately closed at least five times while you were riding yujin 😭😭 thank god yujin's moans scared everybody away... or else they would've seen your pussy getting stretched out by this loser jock 😵‍💫
yujin screaming in pleasure as she held you close, face buried on your neck, "mmhn...! ahh—(y/n)... i-i think... fuck..!" and suddenly she's gripping your ass???
"i know... gonna come, baby? hm?" reaching under her shirt and cupping one of her tits, squeezing and pinching her nipple just to bring her to tears bcs of all the pleasure she was feeling 🫣 and somehow yujin finds it in herself to buck her hips upward and finally fuck you, moving your ass up and down while similtaneously thrusting,, she wanted to come, she wanted to breed you—everything! "good girl..! good girl, just like that, fuck mommy like the good dog that you are..." good god, yujin could quite literally faint.
that was all it took for yujin to finally release all of her seed inside you,, sobbing as she emptied herself in your walls, having to kiss her a bit to shut her up bcs wow she gets so loud... having to stay seated on her cock for a while bcs she came so much?? but what did you expect from a loser virgin who had the biggest, dumbest crush on you 🥴🥴
so.. now i have to write sub g!p yujin with a mommy kink, right??? RIGHT?????
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writing-house-of-m · 11 months
Till death do us part.
Wanda Maximoff x Reader
Genre: Fluff, and some Angst
Warnings: Talks of death, blood and vomiting.
Word count: 7179
Summary: It was a joint decision between you and Wanda wanting to raise your family together full time. There is just one last mission before you retire.
A/N: Who do I think I am, posting three weeks in a row 😂 This one has been a long time coming. I was given the prompt (a long time ago) “She wakes to the sound of you dying.” by @cuinaminute229 - I finally completed it mate! I hope you all enjoy. Let me know what you think 😊
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The three of you are running through the halls. You don't know how but an alarm was triggered and now you want to make it out of the building before a fight starts.
Too late.
Turning the next corner you are met with five guards all equipped to take you down.
This is not what you wanted.
The plan was so meticulously thought out, you allowed yourself to be optimistic, that this mission could be done without a hitch, but you should have known. Better to keep expectations low, right?
You can only hope they haven't found out about the support you have outside the building.
Tony, Sam, Vision and Wanda.
Two days ago
"Y/l/n, you're with Rogers and Romanoff."
You look up from the file on the table in front of you to the man holding the meeting feeling slightly perplexed.
"But sir, I'm normally partnered with Wanda because of how well we work together," you blurt out, before you can stop yourself.
"I know, but we need Wanda outside where her powers will be useful while the three of you get the job done inside," the man with the eyepatch clarifies.
You grimace slightly and it doesn't go unnoticed by Fury. So he continues, "I know you like spending time with your wife, agent, but you will have to spend a few hours away from each other this time," he finishes, getting a few chuckles from around the table.
You smile and nod your head to show you have acknowledged him. It is not your fault, you can't help but worry about your wife.
"How about Pietro? Where is he? He'd be perfect for this with his speed," you try to reason.
Fury is still smirking from his previous joke and keeps it going for his audience like this meeting is his very own stand-up comedy set, "Throwing the brother-in-law under the bus isn't going to work," causing another round of chuckles. "His skills are being used elsewhere," he finally clarifies.
Wanda notices your reluctance next to you. She takes your hand from the file to hold in her lap under the table for the rest of the meeting. The weight of her hand and the occasional squeeze she gives it brings you a semblance of calm.
After the meeting is over and everyone leaves to get prepped for the upcoming mission, Wanda speaks to you to reassure that everything will be ok. She has a soft smile on her face, "We've been apart in missions before, we'll get it done and be on our way home in no time."
Her hand still hasn't left yours since she took it earlier. You take a step forward leaning your forehead against hers while taking her other hand in yours, "I can't help but worry, it feels different this time."
You know she can take care of herself but you didn't want to be anywhere that wasn't by her side right now. This mission feels as though it has come at the worst time.
Present day
Taking out the five guards was easy work for the three of you.
Turns out they were just a warm up.
When you make it outside, you see Tony disarming someone who had a missile launcher aimed in Vision's direction. Vision throws two guys into the air that Sam finishes off as he flies past and Wanda, you can't see her, but you can see the red tendrils of her powers meaning she too, was engaged in combat.
After your quick assessment of the area the three of you spring back into action.
The base is in the middle of a forest deep underground. It's the reason the plans were so detailed, Hydra would have seen you coming from a mile away.
Hiding and manoeuvring behind and around trees you do what you are best at - taking down the enemy.
With Natasha by your side, watching each other's backs, you take down a few soldiers next to what looks like a turret. It is shooting out energy blasts to try and knock you unconscious so you can then be taken as prisoners. Once the area is clear you take over the controls using it to take out a similar one on the opposite side of the battlefield.
The machine makes it easy to take down bad guys while you do your best to avoid your teammates. For you this is just another 'day at the office' so your mind drifts to your home life.
Three months ago
Stirring awake you rub the sleep from your eyes. The warmth from your two bodies encased by your covers provide you with enough comfort to make you want to fall back into slumber.
You are about to nod off again when her soft whisper brings you back to reality, "You better not be going back to sleep," Wanda says, her warm breath that smells of toothpaste fans over your face making you smile silly.
"Of course not love," you lie, "I was just thinking about all the things you needed me to do around the house."
You hear her chuckle, "Oh, I'm sure you were." She pushes your shoulder so that you roll on to your back. Wanda presses most of her weight on top of you, stroking your cheek.
With your eyes still closed she places a few soft kisses along your neck and jaw. "Hmm...I could get used to this," you crack open one eye slightly, "but you missed a spot," you say, pointing to your lips.
"Uh uh, not until you've brushed your teeth, Morning Breath," Wanda says, slapping your chest once, causing you to whine as you stretch a little.
Wanda is always the one to wake up first. Usually she will get a head start on anything needed for the day. But considering it is a weekend she has chosen to come back into bed and allow herself a morning to lounge around.
Now, with both your eyes open, you move one of your hands that was resting on her waist to her cheek and look at her freshly washed morning face.
"Good morning," you finally say, rubbing her cheek with your thumb. Despite her 'morning breath' statement she gives you a peck on the lips and returns the greeting.
The two of you have been home for two weeks. No missions. No dire need of your presence required at the compound. Just you, Wanda an-
You hear the patter of small feet and a few knocks on the door signalling the end of your peace this morning.
Having had the luxury of experiencing it more than a few times these past weeks, you know how this is going to go.
"So, what's our play this time?" You whisper to her.
"I like the one where we pretend to be asleep," she whispers back. Being quiet is detrimental so the two, soon to be, intruders are none the wiser.
You take your positions, relaxed bodies, closed eyes, waiting for the unavoidable moment when they can't help themselves and try to sneak into the room.
The sound of a soft click, notifies you the door has been opened, along with hushed tones of, "Shh, be quiet!" You admire their efforts, they are still new recruits in covert operations after all.
When they are close enough the two of you sit up, arms raised with a loud, "AHHHH!" They both let out high pitched shrieks while the two of you can't help but laugh, giving each other a high five, Wanda giggling as she leans against you.
Tommy is the first to speak, "That wasn't funny!" Followed by Billy, "You do this every time," they groan.
You and Wanda are still giggling as the boys climb onto the bed. "That's what you get for trying to sneak in here," you say triumphantly, "when will you ever learn, huh?" You question as they get comfortable between you both.
Wanda can't help but wonder, "Why are you two always awake so early on the weekends?" The boys look at each other while you sit and watch the interaction in awe as she continues, "I struggle to get you out of bed on school mornings."
They turn back to their mother and shrug, "Weekends mean more time for fun," Tommy responds. The boy, always ready with a quick quip.
Wanda gasps as she moves forward, "Why you little-" she says, tickling him.
Tommy begins to laugh while you and Billy giggle as if you're watching a show play out in front of you.
Once everyone settles back down your stomach rumbles, starting off another round of laughter.
"Ok, ok, I think that's the signal for us all to get washed up and get some breakfast sorted," you instruct.
Just like clockwork, Wanda makes her way to the kitchen while you try and get the boys to cooperate.
After a little bit of a struggle to wrangle the energetic boys together you get them to complete their morning routine.
Before you head down, you check to make sure they are done with what they were told and eventually, you make it downstairs disturbing Wanda's peace.
When you arrive in the kitchen, Wanda smiles over her shoulder at you. Kissing her on the cheek, you take over flipping pancakes so she can finish getting morning beverages sorted.
The boys bicker about their toys as they wait in their seats for their pancakes. You and Wanda sit, passing plates around and help with any fruits they want.
You can't help but feel content at the quiet, the only sounds in the room coming from cutlery hitting plates as well as the occasional competitive comment from the boys about who can finish eating first. This is what your life is and you love every second of it.
Both you and Wanda are in agreement, you couldn't be happier with the way your lives have turned out.
These weeks have only solidified yours and Wanda's plans; officially retiring from the Avengers.
Present day
The fight feels never-ending. Bad guys showing up left and right. You can't afford to think about your fatigue, a distraction could mean the difference between life and death.
You feel something rush past you and the three guys you are shielding yourself from behind a sandbag wall are knocked to the floor.
Vibrations travelling through the floor from a loud roar signals Banner is also here, making you smile with relief. You are thankful some backup has arrived.
"What? You didn't see that coming?" The speedster says, putting his hand out for you to take so you can get off the ground. "And where's my thank you?"
"For taking so long? You know, for a speedster, you're pretty slow," you joke back to Pietro.
He laughs lightly before speeding off, "Try to keep up in-law!" The gray haired man taunts.
The battle seems to be coming to an end, only a few brave soldiers on the opposing side are still trying their best even if they are losing.
You take in your surroundings and deem the area you are in as clear before making your way to find Wanda. You follow her powers like a beacon to get to her.
Seeing her take out an enemy brings a proud smile to your face. You can see she is exhausted but will always fight till her last breath.
Feeling your presence, she turns to you after taking down a final soldier. She smiles at you tiredly as you make your way to her.
"I'm sorry honey, I wanted to get to you sooner to show you I was okay, but I was a little busy," you say when you reach her, hands cupping her cheeks, rubbing them and feeling her relax a little in your presence.
"Don't worry malysh, I knew you were here," she rests her face in the crook of your neck inhaling, "I could feel you." The vibrations of her voice against you make the hairs on the back of your neck stand on edge.
You take a short moment for yourselves, before you meet with the rest of the team gathered in one place as you usually do once the fight is over.
Making your way, everyone checks the bodies they pass on the floor to make sure they are fully knocked out, ready to be detained. The clean up crew will be here soon.
Walking towards where the rest of the team is, you notice you are the last to arrive. The team all gathers and you relax a little by one of the sandbag walls beginning small chit-chat. You allow Wanda to fully press her back against your front as you lean against the wall, anything to help with the tiredness she is feeling.
Bruce confirms a silent alarm was triggered when you, Steve and Natasha got to the targeted archive room.
All that mattered now was that the mission was complete, with no major casualties.
Wanda is now leaning heavily on you so you keep your arms wrapped securely around her to keep her upright.
As SHIELD agents start to appear they begin their part of the process so your team begins their trek in the direction of the quinjets.
Still feeling a little tired, you wait back with your wife, who is now sitting on top of the wall, to allow her a little more time to replenish some energy. When she is ready she takes your hand leaning into you again after you help her down.
"When we get back I'm running you a nice hot bath," you say into her hair.
Wanda moves her head to make eye contact with you, "I hope you're taking this bath with me," she smiles.
"Like I'd have it any other way," you shake your head, smiling back at her, chuckling.
As you look ahead of you while you walk, you hear something and see some movement from the corner of your eye.
In that moment everything feels as if it moves in slow motion.
You see an enemy soldier laying on the ground. Their arm sluggishly moves, taking something from their belt and pulling the pin. Your eyes widen as you turn to Wanda, pushing her away behind another wall you are passing.
It all happens so fast.
The grenade flying through the air in your direction, followed by a loud explosion of heat.
Your body flies backwards, hitting a tree.
In the last seconds of your consciousness pain radiates through your body but all you can think about is if Wanda was out of the blast radius.
One month ago
You seem to be spending more and more time at home now that the Avengers have recruited more help, one of them being Natasha's sister who you were surprised to learn about.
There has been a steady flow of smaller missions where you then get to spend a full week at home. It has been a good time to be able to get a schedule into place. Creating a normal home life for Billy and Tommy.
As you put the boys to bed you hear Wanda in the bathroom throwing up everything from dinner for the third night in a row.
Even though she tells you it must be a bug and that it will pass soon, you feel worried.
The next day arrives and you take Billy and Tommy to school on your own for the second time this week when Wanda said she wasn't feeling too good this morning.
She hasn't been able to keep much down, first it was some dinners but the previous day she didn't keep anything down at all.
By the time you get back you hear her in the bathroom emptying the contents of her stomach once again.
You have been kneeling next to her rubbing her back trying to help her through this as much as you can. When she seems to be done, she sits to the side and you help her lean against the wall then take a seat in front of her.
"Three days in a row can't be a coincidence, my love," You think you might know what is causing this but-
"It's too soon, right?" She finishes your thought out loud, "I know I'm late but I thought that was from the stress of everything going on. It took months with Billy and Tommy."
"Either way, I've already made an appointment with Dr Cortez," you can't help the panicked look on your face. Wanda thinks it's admirable so she smiles at you.
"And when did you make this appointment?" Wanda asks, raising her eyebrows, "Also, when is it?"
You smile sheepishly at getting caught. "I called yesterday, she had a cancellation for this afternoon," Wanda shakes her head amused. She puts out her hand to show she is ready to get up so you help her to her feet and don't let go until you see she is steady.
Wanda wraps her arms around you and presses the side of her face into your chest, "Have I told you how much I love you?"
You kiss the top of her head murmuring into her hair, "No, not today you haven't," you scoff slightly.
She lifts her head to look at you with her chin now resting against you. You try not to make a face but you do. You know you have been caught from seeing Wanda's expression changing so you say something before she can, "If you think you're going to kiss me with your vomit breath, you've got another thing coming."
Wanda moves away and looks at you in the mirror as she reaches for her toothbrush, "What ever happened to 'in sickness and in health'?"
"Oh, I can still love you in sickness, it doesn't mean I have to kiss you," your response is a little too quick for Wanda's liking. "Besides I still remember you calling me 'morning breath', it's only fair I return the favour now," you finish with a cheeky smile meeting her eyes in the mirror.
"Not one for holding on to the past I see," Wanda muffles past the foamy toothpaste in her mouth sarcastically. While you just smile at her comment.
When you make it to your appointment, Dr Cortez takes some samples and instructs you to await her call.
You are done in time for the school run so the two of you pick the boys up and treat them to pizza for dinner.
Wanda's sickness still hasn't lightened up, you are glad she suggested the safe choice of a soup instead of the greasy food so you had picked that up too.
She ends up bringing up her dinner and instead of hovering around her you keep the boys busy with deciding on a movie to watch because they are done with their homework. The last thing you want is them to notice and be concerned for their mother's health.
Once you have them settled you go to check on Wanda. As you get to her she is already leaving the bathroom with a tired expression on her face.
You take her in your arms and comfort her. It's the only thing you can really do. Wanda wraps her arms around you leaning against heavily into your side as you make your way to the living room.
Once you make it to the couch, as always the boys are situated in the middle. You help Wanda sit on one side while you move to sit on the other side.
This is how you spend most evenings, cuddled up relaxing. This time the choice of movie is lost on you because all you can think about is Wanda and what could come from the test results.
You don't notice Wanda looking in your direction. She moves her arm to the back cushions stretching over to run her fingers through the back of your hair, "Your thoughts are loud, honey," she keeps her voice low so the boys don’t divert their attention from the television, before you look over.
"I'm sorry, I jus-"
She is smiling softly when she interrupts you. "I know, but please don't worry. We don't know anything yet," she continues speaking quietly.
Your gazes are pulled away by a small voice coming from between you. "Are you sick mommy?" You see Billy looking in Wanda's direction as Tommy pulls his eyes away from the screen.
Kids are always more perceptive than you realise.
"I have been feeling sick, yes Billy," Wanda answers truthfully.
This time Tommy speaks with a follow up question, "But you're gonna be okay. Aren't you?"
"She's gonna be fine," you reply, for her. "We went to see the doctor today, we just need to wait and see what they say."
Present day
Placing her hand to her pounding head Wanda tries to get past the ringing in her ears. When she stops feeling nauseous she looks around her immediate vicinity. She begins to panic when she doesn't see you.
Wanda was only unconscious for a moment and now that her mind has cleared a little she realises can't feel you as strongly as before. It is as if you are fading. Her mind concludes that she has awoken to the sound of you dying when she hears you wheezing, making her panic grow.
There is dust and debris everywhere and Wanda does her best to look through it trying to find you. She feels a breeze pass her and in the next second Pietro is in front of her, "Sestra, what happ-"
"Where's Y/n?!" Wanda exasperates, her worry overwhelming because she can only just about feel your presence.
Pietro helps her scramble to her feet as they both look around. Wanda walks in the direction she thinks you will be while Pietro trails behind her, looking around to make sure they are safe.
"No, no, no, no," she panics, seeing your boots a few feet away.
As she gets closer Wanda can hear you coughing and your wheezing gets louder. In her mind it is as if your light is dying out.
She can't lose you.
You can't die.
One month ago
The movie still playing in the background is long forgotten.
You and Wanda continue to tell the kids not to worry and you should hear from the doctor soon.
As if he has an epiphany Billy asks, "Could it be a baby?" This gets Tommy perking up too.
You can't help but be curious how he got to that conclusion, "What makes you ask that?"
Billy responds like it's obvious, "You and mommy were talking about having another baby."
Tommy seems to have picked up how Billy got the idea, "Yeah, and we saw something on TV where someone said she was pregnant and that's why she was being sick."
You and Wanda glance at each other for a quick second, smiling at how smart they have gotten. Kids really are more perceptive than you give them credit for.
"We're not sure yet. That's why we went to see the doctor," you respond.
They still have questions. So Tommy asks, "But why did you go to a doctor, can't you check at home?"
"You check on a stick or something like that?" Billy adds.
"This sickness has been different from last time and it's come on quicker than when your mommy was carrying the two of you," you explain to the two boys listening intently.
"We were more prepared and it took a lot longer for you two to turn up," Wanda smiles, tapping Billy's nose making him smile. "And because this sickness is a little different, we thought it would be best to go see Dr Cortez. She said we will find out soon enough," Wanda finishes.
The boys ask more questions and you do your best to answer them. Eventually the conversation dwindles and you notice how late it has gotten. So you announce it is time for bed.
When you lay facing each other, you reassure Wanda, "Whatever this is, we'll get through it together."
You seal your promise with a kiss and hold Wanda until she sleeps. It takes you a little while longer, every bad scenario playing in your head regarding these test results.
Considering your track record of losing loved ones, your mother to leukaemia, your father to an aneurysm and your sister in battle, you don't like your odds. 
Your stomach is in knots, something in your chest feels heavy while your eyes burn. You hope that these test results come quickly and not at all at the same time. You are not ready to lose the love of your life.
Present day
You can just about hear the footsteps closing in on you as you cough out the dryness in your mouth. But you don't care, you just want to go back to your dream. The memory of your family on the couch watching a movie. Talking to each other about funny parts.
As the frantic steps get closer, you close your eyes, ready to be finished off. You think of your boys and of Wanda, sorry that you won't be able to see them again.
You swear you hear someone voice you recognise.
"Y/n!" A different voice shouts.
At least you think you recognise them. It is hard to tell with it sounding like you are underwater.
You can barely feel it but cold hands meet your cheeks, rubbing your skin. So that's who it is. Wanda rests your head in her lap as your hand makes its way to hers resting on your face.
Quickly catching up and remembering where you are, relief fills you when you see her, "Wanda," you smile tiredly. "You're okay."
"I thought I had lost you," Wanda sighs. "I saw you lying here, I thought…"
"No, no. I'm okay," you wheeze out.
"Try not to talk, okay? You need to save your energy," she says with tears filling her eyes.
The back of your head is covered in blood. Dust and mud is mixed all over your face and uniform.
You soon realise you are not actually okay. You know what is going to happen, how this is going to end. You can already feel life slipping away from your body.
Pietro is trying to reach someone through his earpiece but it seems to not be working.
"You're the best thing that's ever happened to me," you begin quietly, your voice breaking as tears fall from your eyes.
"Stop… please don't talk like that," your wife begs you. She turns to Pietro and hurriedly tells him to get some medics and a stretcher to your location as fast as he can.
"Wanda, please look at me," you request, before the speedster disappears.
As always you are captivated by her green eyes that the forest surrounding you could never compare to. "Tell the boys I love them," your hand moves to rest on her stomach, "the baby too."
Wanda shakes her head not wanting to accept this was your end as you continue, "God, I hope they get your eyes."
One month ago
The day after your discussion with Billy and Tommy everything is normal, well as normal as the past week has been.
Wanda is forced to stay home because of her sickness while you take care of the boys then take them to school afterwards.
On your return you help Wanda however you can and get her to sit down to relax for most of the day, making sure she takes it easy.
To distract Wanda and even yourself you discuss a variety of things, from; getting things finalised with Fury - he says you will be needed for a little longer while they get the newcomers trained, he promises no big missions are in the near future, to; Billy and Tommy's progress at school.
It isn't until early afternoon that Wanda's phone rings.
She looks at you after she reads the caller ID on her screen, she finds you already looking in her direction.
You turn off the television as Wanda puts down her book to answer the call, picking up the device from the coffee table in front of you.
The look on your wife's face is undecipherable as she responds with short answers and verbal nods. You can't tell if she looks panicked, excited or nervous, maybe a mixture of everything.
A new appointment is set up which makes your stomach flip. Before you can say anything she thanks the doctor and hangs up.
Wanda takes in the apprehensive look you have on but a smile spreads over her face, tears pricking the corner of her eyes. Wasting no time she reveals, "I'm pregnant."
Your eyes grow wide as your tense muscles relax. The smile on your face now mimics Wanda's wide one. You lunge forward kissing Wanda wrapping your arms around each other. You celebrate with teary smiles, hugs and kisses. Words of not believing this is real take over as you place your hands on her stomach.
"You're pregnant," you whisper into the quiet room, the smile never leaving your face as a happy tear falls from your eye.
She puts her hands over yours, "We sure are."
When you arrive home with Tommy and Billy after collecting them from school you share the news. You sit them down and tell them this is a little family secret. They couldn't tell anyone, not yet.
You were probably being a little too cautious but you didn't want to jinx it. It was an easy agreement between you and Wanda to not let anyone know until at least three months into the pregnancy.
Present day
"Well, I hope they get your beautiful eyes," Wanda responds, "we'll see who wins in seven months, okay?"
You breathe out a pained laugh, "You're really gonna fight me on this, right now?"
Your eyes are barely open but grow heavier as your blinking becomes slower. Wanda looks up to see if help is on its way.
As she looks around you take in all of her features. The beauty marks dotted around her face, laugh lines you are proud to be the reason for helping make, her soft skin you like to trace in the mornings. Especially the mornings you wake up before her.
You feel colder and the weight of Wanda's hand in yours is no longer there. The end is near so you take in as much as you can before you say your final words.
Reaching up, you stroke her face with your finger, you hope you are not pressing too hard, "I love you. Always remember that."
When she looks at you, you continue, "You don't have to do it all by yourself-"
"Stop that. I'm not losing you," she desperately cuts you off.
It doesn't deter you from saying what is on your mind. "You have Pietro and Nat. Even Clint is always giving his advice even when we don't ask for it," you laugh getting a small smile from her until you fall into a coughing fit with blood spluttering from your mouth.
Once it subsides she looks at you with her eyebrows cinched, "I'm not losing you," she says firmly and slowly. "I can't lose you."
"You'll never lose me, I'll always be with you," you say, putting your hand to her chest. "Always." A tear makes its way down the side of your face.
You know you don't have much longer. There is not enough time but you feel like you have so much you want to say.
Your eyes begin to droop close, "No, I can't lose you," you just about hear. Your ears feel cloudy, just like your vision. You try to tell her again how you love her, your voice but a whisper using the last bit of energy you have to say it one more time, "I… lov-" with all your energy dispelled you don't stay awake long enough to finish your sentence as your consciousness fades into darkness.
One week later
There is a small smile on Wanda's face as she dreams of you and the boys - it is you laughing with them. Well, you are laughing at your own jokes and the boys giving you a weird look because they don't understand the punchlines. Instead of explaining you chase them around the room jokingly chastising them for not understanding them.
She loves to observe moments like this in your daily life, appreciating having a family of her own. A dream that had to be dropped after she joined Hydra. For a long time she didn’t think she would find her place in the world. Be at peace. But she found it with you.
Her limbs are stiff in her uncomfortable position on the chair she fell asleep in. Night after night of sleeping in an awkward position has not done well for her aching body.
Shortly after you fell unconscious, Pietro returned with Natasha and transportation to get you both out of there. Wanda didn’t let anyone else handle you, afraid they would jostle you too much so she used her powers to levitate you to the stretcher which she then moved to the truck where the medics hurried to look you over. There was no way she could risk losing you if she hadn't already.
If Pietro wasn't there she would have hit the ground as she collapsed, her fatigue catching up with her. She was checked over and apart from a few cuts and bruises she was deemed fine.
No one knew to check the baby.
Something stirs her awake, as usual she hears the sounds of the machines around the private room and footsteps walking up and down the corridor behind her. This time however there is a new sound, not new exactly but it’s you, laughing.
Once Wanda’s confusion subsides she realises your laugh isn’t a lingering sound from her dream. It’s real. Her eyes finally focus enough on you laughing because of something Sam said who is standing beside you on the opposite side of the bed.
The sound is interrupted with you coughing in pain holding your ribs, “You’re the one that needs to stop making me laugh, Wilson.” It is enough to get Wanda to sit upright, the other man in the room, Bucky, catching her movements first out of the three of you.
“You’re awake,” Wanda rushes from her seat to sit beside you, carefully wrapping her arms around you and pressing her face in the crook of your neck, “I was so worried.” She can’t help but let a few tears fall, which you feel soaking into your hospital gown.
After checking you over the nurse was going to wake Wanda but you stopped her, wanting to let her rest. When the nurse was exiting the room she found the men lingering outside your door until she was done for their daily visit.
You whisper reassurances to Wanda, that you are okay and explain that Bucky, Steve and Sam were the closest to the room when you woke up.
Steve left after a few minutes because he was needed elsewhere - training duty with potential new Avengers. He expressed his relief saying he was glad you were okay before hugging you then leaving shortly after.
Bucky taps Sam on the shoulder, signalling to the door to give the two of you some privacy.
"I didn’t mean to wake you, love,” you say as Wanda pulls away, wiping her tears. She takes your face into her hands, “Sam was telling me to - 'Stop laughing, your wife will kill me if she wakes up hearing you in pain'," you mimic Sam as best as you can.
Wanda scoffs and shakes her head at your antics. She looks at you, really looks at you as if assessing you. You look tired, the bruises and cuts that litter your face, arms and peaking out from your robe not helping.
You cup her cheek, tracing a fading cut there as you get her to meet your eye line, “I’m okay,” you promise her, then move your arms around Wanda as tight as you can. You power through, your aching body not liking the movement of your limbs even if the feeling has been dulled down due to the pain medication running through your veins from the bag attached to your arm. 
Wanda can’t help but voice the deepest fear she has had this past week, "I thought I was gonna lose you." Your eyes well up because of her shaky tone.
"I know, I'm sorry," you pull back, "I'm sorry. I thought that was it, I was so worried. I had to tell you whatever I could." You look into her eyes, the ones you will be able to continue waking up to, thankful you still get to live your life with her.
Putting your hand on her stomach, you swallow the lump in your throat in fear of the answer you were about to receive, "Did you get checked out? Bucky and Sam didn’t mention anything about the baby."
When Wanda awoke the following day after the mission, she was told she was healthy. It hit her all at once about them not knowing to check the life growing inside her.
She places a hand over yours, with tears in her red rimmed eyes thinking about the worry she went through. First the possibility of losing you, then maybe losing the new part of you she had left.
“Natasha was there when I woke up, she found a doctor so fast when I told her,” Wanda recalls, remembering the sheer urgency she showed to find someone. Natasha all but dragged a doctor into the room to make them check Wanda.
"They did a sonogram," she trails off. You look at Wanda with regret in your eyes for not being there, "I got to see this little one for the first time," she says looking down to her stomach then back at you smiling, "they confirmed, everything is fine."
You sigh in relief, holding her hands between you, "I wish I was there to see and hear their heartbeat with you."
Wanda rubs the back of your hand with her thumb, "Would you like to see?" You respond by nodding your head. Wanda checks the pocket of the hoodie she is wearing and when it is empty she sees the small square photo paper on the chair she has been calling a bed.
Reaching over she grabs the photo that is face down and sits next to you after you scoot over making space for her, "We've got a strong one here," she says holding the image from the sonogram. You rest your head against Wanda's shoulder as you take in the blur of a baby in the picture.
You take a deep breath and smile at your wife. "We need to get that retirement sorted, huh?" You half joke, “This little peanut needs to stay safe, we can’t risk something like this happening again.”
Wanda agrees but senses your worry when you place a hand back onto her stomach, looking at it as if you can see the baby. “The doctors checked everything. Twice over, malysh,” she adds to reassure you. “She’s fine.”
Your head snaps up so fast, a small smile taking over Wanda's face, looking down for a second and scrunching her nose when she realises what she has just let slip. You can’t help the happy tears that well in your eyes, “A girl?”
Wanda replies with a nod, smiling tearily, “The doctor thought I already knew.” You move forward and kiss Wanda as much as your body will let you.
A little girl. She will be the one to complete your family.
After a few moments of silence basking in each other's presence, your forehead leaning against hers, you break it, "I would never have forgiven myself if I died."
Wanda scoffs at your comment effectively breaking you apart, "You wouldn't have forgiven you?! I wouldn't have forgiven you!" You chuckle at her comment.
You take both her hands in yours letting out a breath, “So Nat knows about the baby?” You ask in a whisper and Wanda hums in response. "And who knows about the retirement plan?"
"Just Nat,” Wanda replies.
“We are never going to be able to keep anything from her, are we?" You joke, making Wanda giggle.
"Erm, of course you’re not," Natasha says, walking into the room. "You two are always so obvious when you're hiding something. Though, I will admit,” Natasha pauses as she places her hand on your shoulder when she reaches your side, “I was surprised by the news of the baby." The three of you share a smile before she continues, "How are you feeling?"
"Alive." You smile gratefully, looking at Wanda then back at Natasha, "I hear I have you to thank."
"I'm sure Sam exaggerated but yes. Please send your praises my way," she muses, smiling back at you, taking a step back.
“He did mention something about you bulldozing a few trees to get to me,” you remark.
This gets the three of you to chuckle. When the joke passes Natasha asks, "You up for some visitors?"
As if on queue Billy and Tommy enter the room with Pietro following them. They run up to the bed and practically jump on you.
"Careful boys!" Wanda warns from next to you. They reply, sheepishly in unison, "Sorry mom."
Your chest fills with warmth as you push their hair back while looking at them, "It's okay," you look to Wanda before saying, "I'm okay," with an emotional smile.
Both boys start rambling on about all the cool things they have been doing with Uncle Pietro; playing games, eating junk food and something about being able to jump higher on the trampoline because uncle Pietro can use his superspeed to help. On top of that, how fun it has been having 'Aunty' Monica over too.
"So, not one nutritional meal this week, I'll take it?" You look at Pietro with a raised eyebrow. Then continue with a sarcastic remark, "And I see you've been showing the kids how to be responsible with powers?"
There is a beat of silence as everyone's attention turns to Pietro.
"The candy was fruit flavored!" He exasperates. The boys nod at his statement as Natasha stands to the side with her arms crossed, chuckling while you smile at the scene.
Pietro is about to continue but gets cut off by Wanda with an unimpressed glare, "Let's not forget this extra house guest I wasn't aware of."
"I needed the adult company…?" He shrugs unsurely.
It gets chaotic with Wanda telling Pietro off, the boys trying to defend him and Natasha standing on the side laughing at the whole thing. Even with the pain you can feel you can't stop yourself from laughing too.
Eventually your laughs stop and with a smile on your face, you take in the moment.
You wouldn't have it any other way. This is your family. Your small and silly little family.
You are glad to be able to live another day.
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promise-you-doie · 6 months
Get a Guitar | S. Eunseok
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Summary: If you want something to play with... Pairing: Eunseok x Reader Sungchan x Reader words: 15k Genre: kind of a love triangle, fluff, angst. warnings: mild cursing, mentions of sex, mentions of death and Ted Bundy (Not proofread.) and thank you to @ningngyu for helping me write this
Saturdays were the one day of the week where you were guaranteed to be doing absolutely nothing.  
You’d usually spend your weekend sleeping or binging all of your favorite shows and locking your bedroom door to stop your best friend from attempting to drag you out to one of those really weird underground events that she liked.
Today was the same, without fail she’s pounding at your door, so much so that you can hear the aggressive knocking on the door even over your headphones that were turned up all the way. 
“Come on, just this one time please.” she begs through the door but you can’t hear anything she’s saying over the thumping of wood and the Beyoncé song you have playing in an attempt to blare her out. 
“Y/N i know you hear me.” 
Annoyed and frustrated you throw your legs across the bed and stomp to open the door, revealing your smiley bestfriend. whom you absolutely adored, but you’d be lying if you said there weren’t times when you wanted to sell her.
She was amazing but it was kinda like having a younger sister. No, it was exactly like having a younger sister. because although you guys are the same age, she didn’t have a license so she needed you to drive her everywhere and she stole your clothes.
“I'm not going out tonight.” you say before she could even speak. 
“oh please please please. there will be cute guys there.” Her bottom lip is poked out and her hands are held put in prayer form when she looks at you with puppy dog eyes. 
none of it phases you though, holding your ground which makes her plead more. 
“I'll buy you food and I'll even clean your car.” 
when she sees that you’re still not convinced she continues. “We can even leave whenever you want.” 
That's when you roll your eyes and sigh. “Fine, but my car better look brand new when you’re done.” you say and she begins jumping and gleaming. 
“thank you thank you thank you.”
your best friend was a liar, First she was broke so there was no way she could buy you food. Second, there was absolutely no one here that caught your eye. 
The unruly music blaring through the small crowded building made your ears feel like they were bleeding, and of course your best friend was nowhere to be found. As she left you the second the both of you entered the facility. 
you wanted to go home and lay in the comfort of your own bed, but you couldn’t leave her here with no way to get home. So there you stood, all alone arms crossed over your chest and a frown resting flat on your face. with your eyebrows unintentionally furrowed.
“Can’t be that bad.” a completely unfamiliar voice came from beside you, and it takes a lot of strength for you not to yell at them to go away. 
“This just isn’t my kind of scene.” you say not bothering to look at the stranger. hoping that if you show that you’re completely uninterested he’ll go away.
“I’m guessing this is your first time.” he asks
That's when you finally look at him, intending to give him a piece of your mind but taken back when your eyes find him. Maybe your friend wasn’t a complete liar, you think. because this man is so fine you catch yourself at a loss for words and thoughts. 
having to shake your head slightly before you find something to say. “Uh.. yeah. This is my first time?” 
“It gets better.” he reassures, breaking eye contact and looking at the band in front of you. which for some reason makes you a little sad. you enjoy having all of his attention on you. 
“Thanks.” you say, still looking up at him.
“What’s your name by the way?” You ask, hoping that he’d turn his gaze back to you, and it works. He looks back down at you and answers your question. “Silver stone.” 
“huh?” your mouth is agape when you look at him, confused by his answer. 
“That’s just my stage name. You can call me Eunseok.” he smiles as he holds his hand out for you to shake, his smile was the perfect asset to his already perfectly sculpted face. His hands are soft and strong at the same time, while his voice is deep and gentle, playing like a beautiful melody to your ears. 
“I’m Y/n.” You answer, still looking at him in awe, loving the way his eyes watch you. You can feel the heat arise from your cheeks. 
“So your stage name is Silver stone?” You ask, still dragging on the conversation. Just so his eyes wouldn’t leave your figure. 
“Yeah it’s a long story.” He releases a small deep laugh that causes you to suck your bottom lip in between your teeth. Eyes trained to his small movements, him dragging his hand through his “hair to pull it out of his face and rolling up the sleeves of his long sleeve sweater to reveal his forearms. 
The way he looks down at you with hooded eyelids makes the overly crowded building feel like it’s just you and him. 
“I’m guessing you’re in a band? If you have a stage name I mean.” you state, while tilting your head slightly to the side and looking up at him. 
“I’m the lead guitar player.” He says casually, which causes your brain to turn to mush and you to take notice of his long slim fingers. “Oh he has to be a player.” you think to yourself, but If it was possible you were now even more attracted to him, wanting to know more. 
“Hey, we've got 5 minutes.” You can hear and feel the bubble around you and Eunseok pop when two strangers come over and disturb your conversation. His eyes shift from you to the two boys beside you. 
“Oh?… I meant take your time. We can be a few minutes late.” One of them says while looking at you. 
“Sorry I don't mean to hold you up.” you trail off when he looks back down at you. 
“Sorry I gotta go perform really fast. But stay here I’ll be right back. Okay?” 
You move your lips to say “alright.” But he doesn’t notice as disappears into the crowd. Leaving you feeling alone again. 
“Oh my god Y/N. Do you know who that was?” someone says as they tap your shoulder. you turn to see your best friend pointing out the man you were just having a conversation with while slapping at your arm aggressively. 
“Eunseok?” you question, shifting away from her so she couldn’t hit you anymore.
“Silver stone!” she corrects, and continues “Oh my goodness, girl he was totally flirting with you.” she squeals. 
“I don’t think he was.”
“If you guys start dating just make sure that you set me up on a date Sohee, the drummer. my god he’s so cute.” 
Your question goes unanswered when the lights fade. Worrying you for just a few seconds before you hear a guitar riff that makes you turn towards the stage. Just in time for a bright spot light to hit the tall boy who was just standing in front of you a small moment ago.  
Hearing the music he’s playing has you gravitating closer towards the stage leaving your best friend behind as you do. Your eyes trained to the handsome guitar player. You think he looks like a star, shining perfectly with his fingers strategically working the strings of the red electric guitar. 
The music he’s playing is like a magic spell straight to your heart, feeling your body react to him in a way you’ve never felt with anyone else. Watching him so intently that you forget to blink. 
You suck in a sharp gasp when he looks up, and easily locks eyes with you. Never missing a note as he bites on his bottom lip and the rest of the band come in. Once again making it feel like it was just you, him and his guitar. 
You break eye contact first out of embarrassment, your whole body heating up just from the intensity of the eye contact. You’ve met attractive guys before, but this was different. This was completely different. It was something about him that was just captivating. 
“Give it up for R&R everyone.” The host announces and everyone begins to clap. 
You see Eunseok run off stage and make his way back to you. At the same time your best friend walks up beside you. 
“How were we?” he asks, partly out of breath.
“You were… amazing. Wow, that was really amazing.” you praise. 
“Don’t you think it was good?” you turn the question back around to him. 
“I do, I just wanted to know if you liked it?” he says. 
The members that you just saw on stage performing with him not too long ago are now standing beside him. Each holding a hand on one of his shoulders while he talks to you. 
“These are my bandmates. Sohee our drummer.” He introduces. 
The man whose name you’ve just learned sticks his hand out to meet yours, and you notice his bright smile and glistening eyes. You easily recognize his name, you just couldn’t remember where you heard it. But before you could even grasp his hand, your best friend slaps it out of the way to shake his hand instead. Batting her eyelashes and muttering her name and a small “Nice to meet you.” Sohee returns her smile as he turns to look at you and Eunseok all while keeping his hold on your best friends hand. 
He’s not as tall as Eunseok, but he’s just as pretty. He has thick dark brown hair that looks extremely soft and you can tell he’s a little younger than the rest of them. 
“And this is Seunghan, our lead singer.” Seunghan is taller than Sohee but not as tall as eunseok. He has a small sarcastic smirk that makes you feel like he knows something that you don’t. But you don’t question it aloud. 
“Nice to meet you.” You smile at him. 
“And lastly, this is Wonbin, our bassist.” Wonbin’s pretty, he looks like someone you’d find as a model for a luxury brand, his long hair just barely covering his face and his smirk towards eunseok makes you feel like you're missing something. 
“Wow you all were so good.” You boast at the four boys. 
“Thanks.” Seunghan smiles 
“But how good is our guitar player, I mean he’s so talented. And look how tall he is.” Wonbin begins to compliment him. 
“And he's a true gentleman. He knows how to treat a lady. He’d make a great boyfriend, I must say.” Sohee adds.
“That’s great because Y/n needs a boyfriend.” Your best friend holds your shoulder to show you off. You give her a side glare as Eunseoks friends continue to tease him.
“Okay guys that's enough.” Eunseok attempts to stop them but fails. 
“He’s free tomorrow by the way. Well only In the afternoons. He spends his Sunday mornings tending to children in need. Like a good humanitarian.”
“Alright, good night.” Eunseok begins to push his members away.
“I’m also free tomorrow.” You say urgently before he could walk away. you don’t know what possessed you, but you really didn’t wanna let the opportunity pass you by. When he turns back around to face you, you can't hide your smile. 
“Great, just uh give him your number and he’ll contact you about a time.” Sohee smiles at you and Eunseok. 
“He’s a true romantic, you won’t be disappointed.” Wonbin continues while Eunseok pulls out his phone for you to put your number in. His eyes trained on you as you do.
“Okay you two, enough of your shenanigans.” Seunghan drags the two boys away leaving you alone with Eunseok again.
“I’m sorry about them.” You pass him his phone back with your number now saved
“Don’t be. They seem fun.” You laugh softly. 
“They are, but it’s like having a bunch of annoying little brothers.”
You roll your eyes “Tell me about it.” As you say that, you feel your best friend's hard glare burning into the side of your face.
“So I’ll see you tomorrow then.” He questions after a small moment of silence between the two of you. 
“Yeah, you will.” You confirm.
“Perfect, see you then.”
“See you.” Just as he walks away to catch up with his members your best friend begins smacking your arm and squealing again. 
“Did you see him, isn't he cute?” she doesn’t fail to slap your arm until you’re holding her hands down. 
“Who? eunseok?”
“Girl no. Sohee. He’s so fine, god damn.” says your best friend.
“Oh yeah he’s cute, I guess."
“Stay away from my man.” Her smile drops and she’s glaring at you as if you really had intentions of taking (not) her man. 
“Huh?” you ask, genuinely confused.
“Okay let’s go home now. They’re all we came for.”
That night you had stayed up thinking about the guitar player you met earlier in the night, remnants of his smile lingered on your mind. Leaving you giggling into the palms of your hands to stop from screaming, squealing and waking your roommate up from her very deep sleep.
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You had a date with a band member. It felt even better to say aloud. Especially because it’s been so long since you’ve allowed yourself to like someone other than that basketball player you've had a crush on for over three months. 
“Okay which outfit?”
“One” you held the mini skirt to you waist with a top that you felt matched perfectly 
“Or two” you rotated and held up a cute baby blue dress that you thought would be great for a picnic.
“Mm def number one. I love the way that skirt fits your ass. I'm feeling like he’s definitely an ass guy.” Your best friend speaks unsolicited which warrants you to smile and roll your eyes. 
“Great, I’ll go with the dress.”
“Ugh, what’s the point of asking.”
“So I know which one not to choose.” Slipping the dress on easily and looking at yourself in the mirror, before you turn back to your friend. 
“How do I look?” You ask, turning to her, hoping for her approval. 
She doesn’t answer at first. Only walking around to you and fixing parts of the dress that you couldn’t see and moving some strands of hair into position. Once she’s satisfied she finally gives the answer you’ve been waiting for.
“You look great Y/N.” she says softly while looking at you through the mirror. Moments like this are what reminds you of why she was your best friend in the first place. But these moments don’t last long because she always says something right after to make you question your life's decisions.
“Your ass looks really good in this dress too.” She says looking down. 
“Thanks...” you say sarcastically.
“See aren’t you glad I dragged you out last night.” she's smiling at you although she already knows what you're going to say.
“No, not really.” 
“Look at my baby, she’s growing up and going on dates.” She coos ignoring your answer 
“Okay~ I think it’s time for me to go.” You say walking away from her.
“Yes, it is, he’s outside.” She checks your phone looks up at you.
“Outside? Like outside.” You ask to clarify.
“That’s what he just texted you.”
“Oh my god.” You yell.
“Girl go!”
“I'm leaving, I'm leaving.” You yell while you struggle with your shoes, and your best friend runs for your bag, phone, perfume and lip gloss. After you feel you’ve got everything you run towards the door with your best friend behind you. 
“Bye, have a good time and remember the rules.” She waves to you as you leave the apartment.
“Of Course bye love you.”
“The Rules.” We’re just a list of commandments the two of you made up on some random night but with good reason of course. 
Rule number 1: don’t have sex on the first date 
Everyone knows this one. It’s like a rule of thumb, but of course your best friend didn’t know this and she slept with some chlamydia infected rando. She spent the entire night crying which led to this being rule number 1
Rule number 2: when going on a date always keep your location on. Men are weird and the last thing you need is to find your girlfriend's body being discovered on the shore of a lake on national news.
Rule number 3: keep your phone charged, this goes with rule number 2. Safety first babe
Rule number 4: don’t go to a man’s place on the first date. The two of you spend too much time watching crime documentaries 
Rule number 5: make sure to get Sohee's number.
She just added this one after setting up your date with “silver stone.”
“There you are.” You immediately recognize the voice calling for you. Turning to find the very man you met yesterday. He’s just as handsome as you remember the night prior, but seeing him in the sunlight accentuates his features such as the curves of his cheek bones. 
“Sorry I’m late.” You apologize while walking towards him and his jet black suzuki bike. 
“I didn’t mind waiting.” He says standing up from leaning on the bike, with the smile you were quickly learning to love.
“Have you ever ridden on a bike before?” he asks, watching you examine the motorcycle behind him. “No, I’ve always wanted to but I'm so scared.” you admit shyly while shifting your focus back up to him. 
“It’s not as scary as you think, don’t worry” You stand in place when he slips his jacket off and walks closer to you. He leans forward and wraps it around your waist to prevent you mooning any drivers behind you if your dress rises up. “There you go”
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Eunseok was also a liar. It wasn’t too scary at first but the second he hit the highway you felt your heart drop to your stomach. You had to close your eyes and tighten your hold around his waist. Even though you knew that if an incident were to happen this wouldn’t save anything. You still just needed something to hold on to. 
The ride was only 15 minutes but you could’ve sworn it was longer, by the time he parked you felt nauseous and kinda light headed. 
Immediately you throw your helmet off to get some fresh air and calm your racing heart. Your back is turned to him, but you can feel that he’s watching you. 
“See that wasn’t too bad.” He smirks at you, while you're still trying catch your breath.
You just hold your index finger up to him because you're too afraid that if you speak, you’re going to throw up. 
“You- mm” you stop to take a breath. 
“I’m never trusting you again.” you add.
“You’ll get used to it.” he laughs and takes the helmet out of your hand. “Once we head back it’ll be better.” 
“Head back?” you hadn’t even thought about the fact that you were gonna have to do it again. “I’ll just take an uber back.” 
“Now why would I let you do that?” 
“You don’t have a choice.” Once your heart is calmed and you no longer feel the need to puke, you take notice of your surroundings. Quickly noticing that this isn’t the place that people usually host picnics.
“Where are we?” 
“My apartment.’ He says casually. 
“I thought we were going on a picnic.” You ask, now slightly scared. He didn’t seem too threatening, but neither did Ted Bundy when he picked up his victims. 
“We're getting there.” He begins walking and you follow after him, still a little nervous but justifying with the fact that he was tall and attractive. Trying to push back the idea of having to confront your best friend after she finds out you broke the second rule. 
You think to help yourself you’ll just turn your location off that way you could at least just lie and pretend that your phone died. Fortunately and unfortunately you didn’t have to lie because as soon as you turned your location off it actually died. 
So if he actually was a psychopath you were fucked. 
You allow him to guide you to his apartment unit, trying to shush any thoughts of the many torture methods he probally has planned behind his apartment door. Hoping that if you just comply he’d go easy on you. 
Once the both of you reach the door you mentally brace yourself for what’s next to come. Looking around and making sure to identify all of the exits in case it is needed. But to your surprise there's just a blanket layed out with snacks, drinks and a pretty decorated cake. 
“You put all this together?” you turn and look up at him. Being able to breathe easier, since you walked into his apartment. 
“It was kinda last minute, I’ll plan something better next time.” he admits.
If this is last minute you were definitely looking forward to what he’d do when he had the time. You sit down on the pillow seats that he laid out and he takes a seat right beside you, not too close but close enough for you to be able to smell the cologne that he was wearing.
 And he keeps that same distance throughout the entire evening. Never once laying a finger on you, even though you really wanted him to. Hoping that maybe he’d at least slide his hand over yours or something but he doesn’t, not even accidentally.
“So how long have you been in your band?” you ask leaning back on your palms to get more comfortable.
“Only a year.” He responds.
“a year? You guys are so good.” 
“You think so?”
“I do.” you tilt your head to rest just barely on your shoulder. Watching how his smile grows towards you. 
There's a silence between the both of you for just a second, but it isn’t awkward at all. You’re just admiring him and all of his beauty. Finding that he’s extremely easy to be around. His presence is comforting and not at all hostile, like the other guys you’ve talked to. 
You’d lost track of time just talking to him, getting to know more about him, just as you wanted. Being alone in his apartment ensured that you had his undivided attention and he had yours. He had nowhere else to look but you. And you loved the way he looked at you, with soft warm and inviting eyes. 
“Where’d you learn to play?” You ask when he sits back down with the guitar.
“My dad. He used to play all the time, I guess I just kinda picked it up.” He began to pluck the strings of the instrument.
“This was his favorite song,” he continues. 
His fingers dance elegantly along the strings of the guitar. Creating a nice sound to match for when he begins to hum along. “I can’t remember the words, but it went something like-” 
He continues to sing how he thinks he remembers the song going, playing along as he does. Naturally you close your eyes to just listen to him. Listening to how clear and deep his voice is, how it causes you to melt away. 
“Do you know any other songs?” you say when he finishes. 
He looks up at you, and pauses before he speaks. Taking a quick glance of your lips, he looks away faster than you can blink, but you still catch it. 
“Uh- yeah. Yeah I know a few.” he stutters a little trying to avoid making eye contact with you. 
“I’ll play another one.” He finally looks at you one last time, but you’re still giving him the lustful gaze you gave him a few moments ago when he looked at you the first time. He tries to look away but he likes the eye contact you guys are keeping. He likes it so much that he slightly throws his guitar from over his lap and reaches over to place both hands on each side of your face. Pulling you in for an intense and heated kiss. 
One hand still rested on your cheek and the other hand sliding behind your head right above your neck. He can feel you smiling into the kiss, happy for him to finally be touching you the way you wanted. 
You pull away first, lips swollen and heavy breathing but there's still little to no distance between the both of you. His eyes never leave yours when he’s still trying to catch his breath. You find that he looks even more attractive this way, he was charming before but he just looks so enchanting right now. 
He’s looking at you like he needs more and you’re more than happy to give it to him because you feel the exact same way. Now it’s your turn to grab his face and pull him into another eager kiss until he gently lays you on the floor and you wrap your arms around his neck to get him as close to you as possible. 
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You’d say the date went well, you got a chance to know more about him just as you wanted to. Just not in the way you thought you would. 
“Do you need me to walk you up?” He asks when you hand him back his extra helmet. “Um no, I think I’ll be fine.” You say although you’re really just scared of how your friend will react when she sees him bringing you back so late. 
“Oh…” He says rubbing his hand across the back of his neck. 
“But I did have a lot of fun tonight.” you hurry and say to stop him from getting the wrong idea. “Good, I enjoyed myself too.” he smiles when you do. “I think it’s time for me to go in.” You say although, you stand there for a while longer. Just looking at him. “Goodnight.” He replies to you. 
“Goodnight.” you linger for just a few seconds longer. “I’ll text you later.” you say lastly before finally getting ready to walk away. “Oh by the way…” He says before you could go anywhere. 
“Is your friend single?” he finishes. 
“Huh?” you’re at a loss for words. You don’t even know how to react to that question after the both of you just spent hours talking and making out on his apartment floor.
 He sees the way your jaw goes slack and he rushes to defend himself, waving his palm in the air. 
“No no no, It’s not what you’re thinking. Sohee was just interested, and very adamant about making sure that I got her information.” 
“Oh?” you laugh feeling relieved. “Oh, yeah that makes sense. I knew that.” you lie. 
And he lets out a sigh of relief
“Here,” He says as he pulls up Sohee’s contact on his phone. “You can just send him her number.” He continues as he passes his phone to you.
“Okay,” You say when you pass the phone back to him, having sent your bestfriends number to Sohee. “Great, I’ll text you tomorrow then.” He says. 
“And I’ll answer.” 
The conversation lingers for just a while longer before you watch him ride off on his bike and you make your way up to your apartment unit. Giggly about your date with Eunseok. You expect your best friend to be asleep at this time of night, so you try your best to be quiet when you sneak in. Carefully turning the doorknob and opening the door to your dark apartment. 
However you couldn’t be anymore wrong as your face is nearly met with a shoe the second you open the door. You don’t even get a chance to say anything before another one comes flying at you. “What the hell are you doing?” You finally get a chance to yell in between her throwing yet another shoe. 
“Do you know what time it is?” She yells at you. “It’s one in the morning. Where the hell were you?” She continues. “Why is your location off?” “Why haven’t you been answering my calls?”
She asks a million questions without giving you time to answer any of them. “Do you know how worried I was?”
 “Aww you care about me?” You clench your heart. 
“No! Who’s gonna pay your half of the rent if you’re dead??” 
“Oh?” you throw your hands back down to your side. 
“Well, now that I know you’re alive. Tell me everything.” She squeals and plops down on the couch. FInally calming down so you could sit down besides her. 
“Okay~ so we went back to his apartment-” “You went to his apartment?” She raises her voice to you once again. 
“Yeah, but look I’m alive.” You stand and hold your hands up in defense before she could hit you again. 
“...Fine.” She rolls her eyes and puts her arms back down from getting ready to hit you. “But why was your location off, and why didn’t you answer any of my calls?” 
“My phone died.” you try to plead your case. 
“So did you follow any of the rules?” She throws her hands down.
“Well-” You begin to say but get cut off when her phone rings and she shifts her attention from you to her phone. “Oh it’s sohee… continue.” she begins nonchalantly. 
“Okay so we-” You get cut off again when she begins screaming, “Sohee texted me, oh my god my man texted me” she starts jumping all over you when she comes to reality. 
“wait… you had sex?” she stops thinking about sohee to continue 
“uh.. look sohee texted you!” you try to distract her 
“Y/n don’t play with me.”
“We only kissed.” 
“with tongue?” she asks 
“maybe…” you say looking off to the side.
“Oh my god, I knew I should've given you those condoms.”
“We didn't need the condoms.”
“you’re right, I'm definitely ready to be a godmother.” She shakes her head. “Godmother?” you question.
“So does this mean Sungchan is out of the picture?”
“No, me and eunseok were just a one time thing. That’s what he does with girls anyways, Right?” 
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Sungchan, Jung Sungchan?  Tall and attractive basketball player you’ve been tutoring for three months and crushing on since forever? No. He’s never gonna be out of the picture. 
Although, it’s definitely safe to say he was never even in the picture. considering you’ve been waiting on him to make a move since he accidentally slipped up and directly described you as his ideal type. 
It was only 2 weeks ago but you really hated the anticipation of waking up everyday wondering if it was gonna be the day he finally asked you out.
And it still hadn’t changed even today when you walk into your biology class, searching for him immediately only to find that he was already looking at you. smiling and waving for you to come over.
“Goodmorning.” he speaks first
“I got you coffee.” He says placing the cup of iced americano in front of you. 
“You didn’t have to.” You take your seat besides him.
“I wanted to thank you for helping me pass my midterms.”
“It's my job.”
“and you do it very well. Also, are you busy today? It'd be nice to have you cheer me on at practice.”
“I’ll be there.”
You guys were already basically dating, with you showing up to all his basketball practices and games. going over to his apartment or having him come to yours. knowing all of his friends and even texting each other goodnight/goodmorning.
The only thing missing was the official title of being his girlfriend.
“Good morning class.” The professor starts and waits for everyone to respond before carrying on with her lesson for the day. “You all will be put into groups of three to work on a project. And of course, I will be choosing teams.”
She reads off the list for a while before getting to you. 
“Okay group number 5, Y/N, Eunseok…” The last name goes completely unheard. You’re scrunching your eyebrows thinking that maybe there has to be a mistake because you don’t have a class with someone named Eunseok. 
“Sweet we get to work together.” Sungchan nudges you and you give him a half smile while looking around the room for the person you met last night. and sure enough you find the handsome guitar player sitting by the window of the room. his eyes already on you. 
If there was a word that could accurately describe the emotions you’re going through it’d be fucked. Was there a better word? Probably but the only word that came to mind was fuck. Well actually the first word that came to mind was “Huh” because you had never noticed that you shared this class with him before now.
But also because you thought you’d never see him again after last night. Assuming that he probably had a list of girls on his roster. But now that you knew that you were gonna be seeing him a lot more than you thought, you were fucked. 
“Eunseok… Hey.” You say trying to muster up a sincere smile. 
“Oh do you guys know each other?”  Sungchan asks, looking at the both of you.
“Yeah.” Eunseok answers before you can say anything 
“Only a little.” you add, trying to ignore the way Eunseok looks at you. “There’s a seat right here.” Sunghchan says, pointing to the chair beside him. You were no genius but allowing your somewhat one night stand to sit beside your potential boyfriend just didn’t seem like the brightest idea. 
So that’d justify why you suddenly and aggressively yell “no” when sungchan offers. “I mean, you can just sit right here.” You giggle when they both look at you shocked. 
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Sports were never really your thing, but it became your thing when you started tutoring Sungchan. Loving the way he looks when he’s all sweaty, out of breath and his index finger always points directly to you right before he makes a shot.
Seeing him on the court always reminds you of why you stayed up late nights talking your best friend’s head off about him. He’s good at what he does and he also looks hella good doing it. Yes, him being tall, and a basketball player does play a big role in why you’re so attracted to him, but that wasn’t why you fell for him in the first place. It’d definitely have to be how special he made you feel, or how often he praised and complimented you. 
Or it could have been the way he always goes straight to you whenever he helps to win one of his games. You were still trying to figure out exactly why you liked him so much, but also trying to find out if he even liked you, or if you just thought he did.  
“Water?” you ask when he runs to you, and hunches over with his hands on his knees while trying to catch his breath. 
“Thanks.” He receives the water bottle from your hand and you observe how much smaller the bottle looks when he’s holding it. Your eyes stay trained to him when he brings the drink up his lips and he tilts his head back for the water to easily slide down his throat. You pay attention to the way his arm slightly flexed and how his damp hair stuck to certain parts of his forehead and around his face. 
“I’m gonna go get changed and then we can get ready to go.” He speaks through his heavy breaths, while pushing his hair back once again flexing his arm. 
He leans down again, this time his breaths are stable. He just wants to get on your level so you don't have to look up at him. Making eye contact with you when he does so. 
“You did a good job cheering for me.” He smiles at you, easily leaving you flustered when he speaks so only you could hear him. 
“Isn’t that why you asked me to come?” 
“That’s exactly why I asked, nobody else does it like you.” 
“Go get changed Sungchan.” You push him away weakly. 
There were many reasons why you liked sungchan, so it’s very hard to really pinpoint when you actually started falling for him and why. He was sweet, and funny, He was also very gentle with you. He was completely different from the stereotypes that other sports players had built for themselves.
“You have 3 months until the big game,” You begin to start a conversation while walking beside him to your car. 
“Yeah, I’m kinda nervous about it.”
“You’re nervous? You’re Jung Sungchan, best player on the whole team. You’re gonna do amazing.” 
“Are you gonna be there?” he stops in front of you.
“I wouldn’t miss it.” You say looking up at him.
“Then we’ll definitely win.” 
If only he was your boyfriend. If only he was your boyfriend you could kiss him goodbye instead of just imagining it. If only he was your boyfriend you could hold his hand instead of letting it just swing closely, just to get half the satisfaction of having your hand in his. 
If you had to give all of the reasons why you liked sungchan, you’d probably run out of time and breath. But if you were to give just the one reason you’d even consider looking at someone else it’d be because he strung you along as if you had all the time in the world. 
Because he’d say and do things that make you feel like there’s just no way he doesn’t like you the way you like him. But then he’d also say and do things that make you feel like you’re just reaching. 
“I’ll te-” His stopped mid sentence when two girls who you assumed were best friends walk up behind the both of you. Looking up at him, because of the way he towers over the three of you. 
“Sungchan.” one of the girls speaks. 
You watch him turn around to face the girls, and then switch your focus to watch them. They’re pretty, both of them. It doesn’t make you question yourself but it is something that you observe. 
“I think you’re really cute, can I have your number?” She asks, completely ignoring you standing behind him. even if she had acknowledged you it wouldn't change anything. it wasn’t like you could get mad and call her a home wrecker or anything.
But when he turns to you instead of answering first you feel a kaleidoscope of butterflies in your stomach. Nodding your head to ensure that you didn’t have an issue with him giving them his number. Were you actually okay with it? no. but you were curious to see what he was going to do.
He pleasantly surprises you when he shakes his head no, and wraps one of his arms around your shoulders. “I’m kinda busy right now.” 
“ah, I'm so sorry for bothering you guys.” the girl looks at you and then runs off with her friend
When they’re gone you look up to him expecting to talk about the interaction that just happened. but he doesn’t, only moving his arm from around you and continuing from where he left off before he was interrupted.
“I'll text you later.” he says, opening the door to your car.
“drive safe.” Is the last thing he says before you split ways.
“I will.”
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And the night with Eunseok? You plan on never talking or even thinking about it again. Was it fun? Yes, you definitely enjoyed yourself. And you wouldn’t be convincing anyone if you said that you hadn’t even thought about him once since last night. 
But if you were thinking about making things work with Sungchan, then you had to go about life pretending that Eunseok didn’t even exist. Which he was making very hard to do. 
You look away from your notes to look at the notification that pops up on your phone. Assuming that it’s probably Sungchan texting you just he assured you he would. However the name that flashes across your phone isn’t Sungchans. 
“Shit.” You whisper aloud and it causes your best friend to also look away from her notes. “What?”
“Eunseok just texted me.” You shyly admit.
“Why’s that a bad thing?” She sits up fully.
“I didn’t think he’d talk to me again.” 
“So you just wanted to fuck and never talk again.” She bluntly asks.
“We didn’t have sex… and yes. I thought that he did that with everyone.” 
“Okay what did he say?” She points to your phone, while still looking at you.
“He asked if I was busy.” 
“Well hurry up and text him back before he thinks you are busy.” She gestures to your phone.
“I can’t text him, what about Sungchan?” You ask.
“Sungchan? As in Jung Sungchan. Girl, are we still talking about this man?” You best friend rolls her eyes.
“Sungchan whom I’ve had a crush on since forever.”
“Exactly and where has that gotten you?” 
Leave it to her to be brutally honest with you, while also making you feel incredibly stupid
“We’re working on it.”  You say lowly and look to the side.
“Yeah right, tell him you’re free.” 
You aren’t doing anything wrong, right? It’s not like you and Sungchan are actually dating. Actually you are a free woman, so why not explore your options. Besides, you're just hanging out so really you aren’t doing anything wrong. 
His response comes immediately after you tell him you’re not doing anything. “He said he wants me to come watch them rehearse.” You bite your bottom lip while looking at your best friend. 
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You’ve come to find that you actually love watching Eunseok play. You can tell just how much he loves what he does. All in the way his fingers elegantly dance along with the strings, creating a captivating melody that has you mesmerized. 
While subconsciously leaning forward, you stop focusing on his hands and start focusing on his face. How concentrated he looks trying to get the notes right on his instrument. 
He looks up when he begins to feel you watching him, smiling when his eyes meet yours. 
“You wanna try?” 
“No, no I can't, I'll break it.” You shake your head and wave your hands but he doesn’t listen to any of your arguments as he stands up and gently hooks the guitar strap around your shoulder. While resting the heavy instrument in your lap.
“Eunseok,” You look up at him, protesting once again. 
“Just hold it like this.” He says, moving your hand to where it needs to be. 
“Then just…” He demonstrates by grabbing your other hand and using your own fingers to strum the strings of his guitar. Showing you a few times before he allowed you to try again on your own. 
“See you’ve got it.” He speaks right by your ear, still holding the neck of the guitar up so you’d be more comfortable. 
“I did it!” you smile, not noticing how close he was until you turn your face to look at him. When his lips are so close to yours, you suddenly feel like you have stopped breathing. Your body goes into complete shock for a few seconds, and you don't know what to do.
“Uh, what a nice guitar, how much was this?” You begin to ramble, out of complete embarrassment, Striking a few chords on his guitar and jumping when they come out horrible. 
“I’ll just give this back.” 
Your heart's racing now and you feel the heat rush to your cheeks. Why did you let your roommate talk you into this? The “why” is unclear and all you know is that his small and deep laugh doesn’t help aid in the embarrassment you feel right now. 
“I can teach you more if you want.” 
“Uh, no it’s fine. That’s definitely more your thing.” You shake your head and pass him the guitar back. 
You glance up at the other boys, seeing that they had paused their practicing just to watch you and Eunseok. “Actually, maybe I should go. I don’t wanna interrupt you guys' practice time.” You look back up to him. 
“You aren’t interrupting anything.” 
He says to try to stop you and when it doesn’t work he looks over at wonbin. Who’s only gesturing at him to go after you. 
“Let me at least walk you to your car.” He speaks up as he runs behind you. 
“Okay.” is all that you say, slowing down so that he can catch up with you and walk in silence. You have a bunch of thoughts running through your head, feeling the need to get them all out before you forget everything. 
“About last night,” He stops walking completely when you begin to speak. 
“I just wanted to apologize. I don’t usually do that, well I’m not usually like that. I don’t know what happened. And I hope that it doesn’t make things awkward between us.” You explain 
“We can just forget it all happened if you want.” 
“Could we?” 
“Of course.” 
He smiles at you and you smile back, relieved to have gotten that off your chest. Knowing that class is gonna be so much easier now that you aren’t giving him the wrong Idea. 
“But we can still hang out right. Because I really like hanging out with you.” He continues when you start to walk again. 
Hearing him say that makes you realize, you actually like hanging out with him too. Watching him play and getting to know him better. 
“I like hanging out with you too.” You turn to look up at him when you finally reach your car. 
“So I’ll see you tomorrow?” 
“Yes, you will.” 
It goes quiet again, mainly because there’s nothing else left to say. But you’re not ready to leave yet. You suddenly start to feel the same way you felt when you first met him. It could have been because there was no one else around so he had nowhere else to look but at you. 
Having his eyes on you was like having your own personal spotlight, his dark obsidian eyes shining down on you like you were the prettiest thing to walk the earth. That might have been the reason you slowly gravitated closer to him. Slowly closing the space between both of you until your chest was pressed against his. 
He leans down but only a little, just enough for you to feel his breath brush against your face. And he’s still not as close as you want him to be. So you latch on to each of his shoulders and get up on your tippy toes so that your face could be leveled with his. 
Now his nose is barely touching yours, and your eyes are trained to his lips. Pausing before you think to kiss him, “Are you gonna apologize for this tomorrow?” He asks against your lips,
“Probably,” you say and it comes out almost in a whisper. 
Despite your answer he still wraps his arms around your waist as if it were even possible for you to get even closer to him. And he attaches his lips onto yours, while leaning down to your height so that  you could place your feet flatly on the ground again. 
Your arms wrap tightly around his neck pulling him towards you like he’s the last man you’re ever gonna kiss. 
“okay.” you whisper when you break the kiss 
“goodnight.” the two of you go back and forth.
“I should probably go now.”
“Alright, get home safe.” he says but neither of you let go of eachother. your arms still wrapped tightly around his neck and his hands still sitting firmly on your waist.
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Maybe it was a good thing you let your best friend drag you out that night. Even though she never made good on her promises, but it wasn’t like you were expecting much from her. Being with Eunseok was so much different than anything you’ve ever experienced. He did all the things you wanted Sungchan to, and he was just as gentle with you as Sungchan was. He listened to you and made you feel desired.
Which is exactly why you agreed everytime he asked you out again. 
However, with going on dates with Eunseok and still somewhat kinda seeing Sungchan things had begun to overlap and it started to get hard balancing the both of them. So you went to get advice from the person that got you in this mess in the first place. 
“Alright how about this, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, are for sungchan. Since he was here first.” your best friend writes down on the notebook in between you.
“Okay.” you nod
“and then Thursday, Friday, and Saturday are for Eunseok.”
“And sunday?” You ask, looking up at her. 
“That’s your day off, this is a full time job.” She explains 
And you knew you could trust her. (No you didn’t) That’s why she was your best friend, she always had the best advice. (No she didn’t) 
Going between the two boys was actually quite easy, and even kinda fun. Coming home to recap with your best friend after everyday and using code names so that her new boyfriend wouldn’t catch on. 
“Any progress with the frog?” You best friend asked when you sat your laptop down on the coffee table and took a seat criss cross on the floor in front of it. 
“He told me his grades are getting better. That’s a good thing.” you answer. 
“You know that’s not what I’m asking.” You didn’t have to look to know that she was rolling her eyes. 
“He’s been practicing a lot.” You answer again, still trying to avoid the question you knew she was asking. 
“Did you guys kiss?” She just asks 
“Wait, Kiss? Like a princess and the frog kinda kiss? Wait, you guys have a frog that can play basketball?” Sohee sits up confused. 
“It’s just girl stuff, don’t you worry your pretty little head about it.” Your best friend says while leaning in to give him small butterfly kisses on his lips. 
“Okay.” He obeys and goes back to laying his head on her lap. 
“No, we didn’t kiss. We haven’t done anything.” You answer her question and turn back around towards your laptop to finish the list of assignments you’ve been putting off since you were spending more time with sungchan and Eunseok. 
“And the rock?” is all she says, but it causes your lips to turn up into a smile. And you have to look to the side so that she doesn’t see the way your excitement grows when you think about him. 
“We…” You start
“You really like him huh?” She asks 
“The rock?” Sohee sits up again. 
“It’s nothing, baby.” She shushes him. 
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She was right, you definitely did like him, a little too much you think.
So much so that even when you weren’t around him you were still thinking about him. So much so that small things reminded you of him. So much so that your heart did a little cartwheel whenever you got a message from him. 
It was just so easy to be with him, you didn’t even have time to think about if he liked you or not. 
Eunseok kept his hand loosely around yours while you jumped and squealed at all the sea animals in the aquarium. Pointing to the ones that you thought were especially enchanting, While you watched the swimming sea creatures he watched you. 
Paying attention to how he could see the reflections of the fishes through your eyes, seeing how your face lit up. 
“This is so beautiful.” You whisper. “Isn’t it?” He says
“Sometimes I wish I was a fish…” You speak while still staring ahead. “I could see this everyday.” you say referencing the pretty scenes of underwater life.
“if you were a fish, you’d be a jellyfish” he said looking at the fish swimming behind the glass.
You turn your head to watch him when he moves to stand behind you and wrap his arms around your torso. 
“Why a jellyfish?” 
“Cause they're my favorite sea animal, and they're really pretty.” He turns and  smiles down at you. 
“You think I’m pretty?” You ask but he doesn’t answer. Only leaning down to give you a chaste kiss on the lips. 
“You didn’t answer my question.” You turn your whole body around to face him.
“I don’t think pretty is a strong enough word to describe you.” He whispers against your lips right before he gives another kiss. This one being more passionate and intense than the first one. 
If this was something that he did with everyone, you bet they felt special. Because you definitely did. No matter how many times you tried to tell yourself not to get too attached to him, he always did something that made you imagine what it’d be like to go all the way with him. 
But then there’s sungchan…
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And when you were with sungchan things were just different. 
You kicked a bit of sand up every time you took a step, walking beside Sungchan with your hands dangling beside you. The beach was completely empty, it’s just you and sungchan walking along the shore listening to the crashing of waves. 
The shades of blue and orange reflected off the vast sea beside you. The wind blowing past your skin causes you to shiver and wrap your sweater tighter around your body. 
You weren’t a big fan of beaches, or more the idea of them. The crowds of people sunbathing in the sand and having your food stolen by unruly seagulls. But this wasn’t that, this was romantic and intimate. 
It was perfect, being here with sungchan not a care in the world.
“Are you cold?” He asks slipping his jacket off
“No, I’m okay.” He ignores you completely and wraps his varsity jacket over your shoulders
“Thanks.” You tug the ends of the jacket closer together. 
“The sunset is so pretty.” You look out beside you, watching specifically where the sky and the sea meet. Even with the harsh crashing of waves and screaming of birds, it still wasn’t enough to cover the awkward silence that the both of you had managed to maintain.
“I usually come here when I’m stuck on something and I don’t know what to do.”
“What are you stuck on?” You turn to ask him. 
He stops walking and it kinda starts to scare you. 
“I don’t know how to say this.” that’s when you hold your breath, for the first time in a long time you think he’s about to ask the question you’ve been wanting him to ask. 
“It’s okay, take your time.” you grab his hand without breaking eye contact with him.
Not another word leaves his mouth, because instead of telling you what’s been bothering him. He just leans down and connects his lips with yours. 
It’s gentle and tender. Just how you always imagined your first kiss with him would be. It was amazing, it’s like waking up on Christmas and seeing that you got exactly what you asked for. But when you pull away from the kiss and look up your heart drops. 
You liked being with Eunseok, but you’ve always liked Sungchan. You were very sure of it. So why did you imagine Eunseok when Sungchan kissed you? 
The thought confuses you so much that you go back for another kiss from him, hoping that his one would reset your brain and get you back on track. But it doesn’t because when you open your eyes, You still see Sungchan. 
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“How did it go, with the frog?” your best friend asks the second you walk back into your shared apartment. 
“It was good.” 
“It doesn’t sound too good.” She says, “Did anything happen?” 
“Yeah, umm we kissed.” You say nonchalantly 
“Oh my god he finally made a move?” She begins to celebrate for you 
“Wait, so are you like… into frogs?” Sohee walks to counter where you and your best friend are. 
“No, I thought I was but now I think I like the rock, because when the frog kissed me all I could think about was the rock and now I’m confused.” 
“You were thinking about the rock?” You best friend asks 
“So you like to kiss rocks?” Sohee adds  
“No boy hush.” She holds her index finger out to him. 
“GIrl what are you on?” she turns back to you 
“This is your fault, I knew I shouldn’t have continued to see him.” 
“Wait so you told her to kiss the frog?” Sohee asks, still very confused. 
“I told you to go out with him, have fun, be young. Not, fall in love with him.” 
“Are we talking about the rock or the frog?” Sohee interjects again. 
“I’m not in love with him, I don’t even like him.” You roll your eyes
“Okay I don’t know what’s going on but I know that’s a lie. Because the way you talk about the rock makes me want to find a rock. Sohee turns to you 
“So you’d cheat on me with a rock.” Your best friend turns to him. 
“No, of course not. There’s no rock in the world that looks at me the way you do.” 
“And there never will be.” She adds, “But my baby is right, you definitely like the rock.” 
“No, I like the frog.” You correct. 
“Not anymore.” they both say in sync.
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Confused as you were, you didn’t stop seeing him. You needed to find if  you actually like him, or if you just liked the way he made you feel. 
You sat right in front of the stage where Eunseok and his band performed. He was right, over time you’d gotten used to being at these kinds of events. Just not for the reason you imagined, you liked being here because he was here. You got to see him in his element. 
And you found this is where he was his best. 
Even though you’d gotten used to being here, it didn’t make the music any better. It just got easier to tune out. The only music being bearable was the music that Eunseok made. The music that got you here in the first place. The music that made you question your true feelings. 
You’re lost in thought, staring at him. Watching him flick at the strings of the guitar and while you were watching you failed to notice that the song he was performing wasn’t a song you heard before. It’s beautiful and different from any of the other songs they’ve done. 
It’s slower in tempo and amorous. Just the song he was playing made you realize that you might actually like him, You might like him alot. It wasn’t just the way he made you feel, it was him himself. 
And you become very sure of it when leaves the stage and makes his way to you kissing you in front of everyone. You become sure of it when he kisses you and you don’t imagine anyone else but him. 
“R&R everyone.” You faintly hear in the speakers behind you. 
But then there was sungchan. 
“You’re gonna be at the game right?” He asks, leaning against the door in front of you. 
“I told you a million times, I won’t miss it.” 
“I just wanna make sure you remember, I’ll be sad if you don’t make it.” 
“I’ll definitely be there, sungchan.” 
“Promise?”  he asks, holding out his pinky to you. 
“Really?” You laugh 
“Yes, I need you to promise me.” 
You’re still giggling but you wrap your pinky finger around his and give him the reassurance that he wants to hear. 
“I promise that I’ll be there. I’ll be cheering louder than anyone else.” You promise with your finger still looped around his. 
“Good.” He gets ready to give you a small peck, but out of panic you turn your head so he kisses your cheek instead and start fake coughing so he doesn’t think anything of it. 
“Sorry, I think I’m coming down with something.” You say in between coughs. “But I’ll see you tomorrow, Sorry, bye.” You don’t give him any time to say anything before you close the door right in his face. 
The second you close the door and turn around, you’re faced with your best friend. “That’s messed up.” 
“You know what.” She smirks, putting an emphasis on the “know”. 
“I didn’t know what else to do.”
“I'm not judging girl. do your thing.” she points and walks back towards her room. 
it definitely felt like she was judging, but you couldn’t blame her. you were judging too. 
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You were there, just as you promised.  Sitting on the bleachers, screaming his name whenever you felt appropriate. 
The scores are too close to even predict who you think is gonna win, but you think it doesn’t even matter. because no matter what, you just wanted to be here to support sungchan. 
Although you can’t help but feel your heart drop when you see the  look on his face, when he looks up at the scores and then looks around the gym to find you . Wishing that you could just just the numbers yourself. or that there was at least something you could do, but there wasn’t anything left to do but sit there and cheer for him like you promised you’d do.
When halftime comes around you make your way down to him, with a bottle of water in hand.
“you’re here.” He smiles even though he’s still out of breath.
“I told you I would be.” 
“I didn’t see you at first, I was starting to get worried.”
“I can tell.”
“Really, was I bad?” he asks, sitting up straight when he’s gotten his breaths tamed.
“You’re doing good Sungchan, can’t wait to celebrate when you win.”
“I’m glad you’re here.” he says lastly and you respond with “I made you a promise.” before he leans down to place a small kiss on your cheek. 
“Okay, now go win this game.” you pat his back. 
“you better be watching when I do.” He points to you when he runs back over to his team.
“Who's winning?” Your best friend asks in your ear.
“Omg you’re here.” you get up and squeal when you see her. 
“don’t be too happy, I'm only here to save your ass for what’s about to happen.” 
“What's about to happen?” You ask.
“If I tell you, then it won’t happen.” she shrugs 
This is one of those many times that you’d like to throw her in a box and ship her to australia. because now you’re trying to think of every possible scenario of what could go wrong. 
And you wished she’d just tell you, so you could prevent whatever catastrophe is about to take place. 
as you’re still thinking Sohee walks in and takes a seat besides your best friend. His arm instantly wrapped around her when he asks “who’s winning.”
“So far it’s a tie.” you explain distantly.
“oh yeah, eunseoks waiting for you in the hallway.”
“Eunseok?” you ask jumping up. 
“yeah. he’s in the hallway.” he says again.
You run out of the gym and into the hallway where you expect to find Eunseok. Looking around hastily when you see him already smiling at you. 
“What are you doing here?” you question when he pulls you into a hug, planting a small kiss on your lips.
“It seemed really important to you.” He looks down at you, with you still wrapped in his arms 
“Sungchan’s playing, and he’s been working really hard. so I just couldn’t miss this.” You explain.
“You guys must be very close.” he asks but it comes out more as a statement than a question.
“Yeah, you could say that.” You agree.
“Okay, well you finish watching the game… while i go get us some snacks.” he says in between kisses.
“I'll come with you. I need to make sure you get the right ones.”  You speak against his lips.
“I'll get the right ones.” 
“But i need to make sure.” You go back and forth with him.
“sounds like you’re just trying to make excuses.”
“I'm not making excuses, I'm just very picky about my snacks.” you smile up at him before going in for
Time went by so fast you didn’t even realize you were out for so long. Neither of you even made it to get snacks because you stood in the hallway kissing him. not realizing that the game was over until you heard claps and screams coming from inside the gym. 
“Fuck.” You curse under your breath when you realize that you had missed the entire game.
“i gotta go.” he starts to ask why but you don’t explain anything as you run back into the gym to see Sungchan and his team cheering. Making it obvious to you, who had won. 
This must’ve been what your best friend was trying to warn you about. this had to be it, because all the guilt you’re feeling right now makes you wanna cry. 
Especially when Sungchan runs over to you with the biggest smile on his face. A smile that you tried to match but failed. Luckily he was too proud of himself to notice how you were feeling. 
“you won.” you say to mask the guilt that’s eating you inside out.“I knew you would.” 
“I did it for you.”
It was sickening to say the least, Sungchan made the winning shot in your name and you weren’t even there to see it. What's even worse is when he grabs your hand to wrap up in a hug and places a tender kiss on your forehead. 
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“you gotta come out at some point.” you’ve locked yourself in your room and decided not to talk to anybody at all, because of how bad you felt about what you did to sungchan. And to be honest you weren’t really ready to face either one of them in class. 
“Go away.” You yell from your bed. 
“Girl. don’t get mad at me cause you decided to have your tongue down your man's throat while your other man was winning a basketball game for you.” She snaps back 
“You’re not making me feel any better.” You 
“You shouldn’t even feel bad, you think either of them are locking themselves in their room and crying because they kissed another girl.” she questions through the door.. 
That’s when you get up and walk to your door to say what you have to say to her face. 
“I don’t know how much it meant to him that I was there, and I missed it. I couldn’t even do the one thing he asked me for.” 
“Okay? He probably hasn’t even noticed that you missed the last three days of classes. And besides he’s just been stringing you along. It’s not like he was really ever gonna make any commitment to you.” 
She was wrong, but she’s always wrong. That’s something about her, she has a fantastic talent of being just wrong all the time. This time she was wrong about sungchan not noticing that you missed class. 
Because he stood right in front of your apartment door with your favorite ice cream. Getting ready to knock when he sees Eunseok get off the elevator with a paper bag in hand. They both look at eachother confused but Eunseok is the first to speak, 
“What are you doing here?” 
“I’m here to see my girlfriend.” Sungchan says adjusting the tin of ice cream in his hand.
“Are you aware that your girlfriend has a boyfriend?” Eunseok asks referring to your best friend, 
While you’re still explaining to your best friend why you’re so hurt about what you did to Sungchan. There's a knock at the door that causes you to jump slightly. You hold your breath while your best friend walks over to answer the door. 
“Y/n your boyfriends are here.” She yells which warrants them to look at each other and then back at her. 
“Huh?” They say in unison. 
“Fuck.” you curse under your breath.
You walk out to the living room, to see that indeed both Sungchan and eunseok were standing side by side staring back at you with confused expressions written on their faces. 
If you could pull out a sword and swallow it right there, you would. Right in front of them, maybe then that would solve every life problem you’ve ever had, including this one.  
“What.. umm. What are you doing here?” You’re not even sure which of them you’re directing it to. 
“I thought you were sick so I bought ice cream.” “I brought your favorite ice cream.” they both say at the same time. 
“You brought ice cream cause you thought she was sick?” Your best friend asks but she gets ignored when Sungchan looks down to the jar of ice cream that Eunseok’s holding. “That’s not her favorite.”
“She loves this one.” Eunseok looks at him.
“She likes cookies and cream.” Sungchan speaks holding up the ice cream that he's holding in his own hands.
“She hates cookies and cream,” Your best friend answers before you even get a chance to say anything.
“I thought you liked cookies and cream.” Sungchan finally looks at you. 
“I do like it.” You lie.
“Now girl, why are you lying?” You best friend speaks up for you.
“Shut the fuck up.” You turn to say to her with gritted teeth, 
“Oh my bad, she loves cookies and cream because she can’t ever just choose one flavor.” 
“Do you ever stop talking?” you ask passive aggressively. 
To that she just throws her hands up in the air and mutters a very insincere “sorry.” while walking to her room.
“So do you like cookies and cream? Cause I can go get a different one if you don’t like this one.” 
“I love cookies and cream.” You lie through a tight smile as you look at Eunseok who could very easily tell you were lying. And you knew it, especially with the way he cocks one of his eyebrows up. 
“Thank you guys for-” You start but get cut off by Eunseok. “Who’s Sungchan’s girlfriend?” He asks, leaving you confused. 
“Sungchan’s girlfriend?” You repeat, looking at Sungchan, your heart completely beating outside of your chest. 
“You’re my girlfriend.” He responds to you.
“Huh? Your girlfriend?” you ask now even more confused. 
“I thought we made things official that day at the beach.” 
“You didn’t say anything, you just kissed me” By the time you think to stop yourself, it’s too late. You’re too scared to look at Eunseoks reaction but you do anyways. “Do you like him?” he asks calmly and it makes you nervous. 
“I..” You're not even sure how to answer the question with them both standing in front of you.
“I understand.” He places the jar of ice cream in your hands and walks out of the door. “No, I-” Instinctively you go to chase after him. But sungchan’s voice alone stops you right in your tracks. “What are you doing?” 
What are you doing? Things were never supposed to get this serious with Eunseok. So why do you feel so disappointed seeing that Sungchan is still here instead of him. And would things be better if it were the other way around. 
“Sorry- I think you should go.” You finally look up at him. 
“You should just go.” You say once again, trying to blink back the tears that are threatening to fall. Watching him silently leave, taking the ice cream with him. 
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It’s been six days since you’ve talked to either Sungchan or Eunseok. You’d say it was better this was, but that’d be a lie. It was better when your heart didn’t drop every time you ran into Eunseok in the hallway, or at least when he would just respond to your text, 
It was better  when you didn’t feel a wave of disappointment whenever you opened your notifications only to see that it was just Sungchan begging you to talk to him. It was better when you didn’t go through your day feeling like there was something missing. 
The rain tapping against your window eases your mind as you reread through all of Sungchans messages. Your bottom lip tucked in between your teeth and your books laid out across the floor, from when you attempted to catch up on your homework but failed when google decided to notify you about your old photos with Sungchan. 
Sungchan: Hi
Sungchan: Can we please talk?
Sungchan: Fine, I'll just talk. 
Sungchan: I know I haven’t been really straightforward with you about how I felt. So I hope that I can fix that now, I like you. I like you alot and I miss you and I just want you to talk to me please. I don’t know what I did wrong but if you just tell me I'll fix it, I promise I will. 
The more you read the last message the heavier your heart gets. Once again you feel like you're about to cry, but you can’t because you’ve already cried all you can cry. You know you need to put your phone down and do something else to take your mind off of this but no matter how many times you tell yourself that you just can’t put it down. 
It doesn’t help that it’s completely silent, there’s nothing here at all to distract you from your own thoughts. and when you think about opening your social media accounts nothing seems entertaining enough to keep you from clicking off of them and back on to sungchans messages.
However, the knock at the door is more than enough to make you forget everything. you get up to answer it assuming it’s just one of your neighbors or something, but when you open it to see sungchan right across from you, you almost close the door in his face. or at least you imagine it. 
“Why are you here?” you mutter. 
“I really need to talk to you.” He walks right in and closes the door. 
“Just listen, I like you, I like being around you, I like talking to you. I like the way you support me, the way you make me feel. I know I’ll never find someone even close to you and I know It shouldn’t have taken me this long to tell you, but I was afraid of how you’d react. And even if you don’t like me the way I like you, I hope that we can at least just stay friends.” 
You can’t think of anything to say even though you know he’s waiting for you to say something. Your brain is full of over a million thoughts, that you fear that if you do say something it’s gonna come out mumbled and confusing. 
You did like him, you really did. But after a while it felt like you were just convincing yourself that you did. And this should’ve been enough to make it clear who your heart really belonged to but you’re still clinging on to the little bit of feelings that you have left for Sungchan. So you tell him “I like you too, but I think we should just stay friends for now. That’s worked out really good for us so far.” 
To which he laughs and pulls you into a hug. “It definitely has.” This makes you feel somewhat better. It hushes half the thoughts that you had before. Plus the hug is warm and comforting and exactly what you didn’t know that you needed. 
“Are you crying?” He asks looking down at you
“No.” You lie muffled into his chest. 
Now that things with Sungchan were going much better you were still trying to work out things with Eunseok.  And “work things out” just meant that you ranted to your best friend every day after class about how much you miss your rock. 
“The frog and I are okay, but the rock won’t talk to me, he’s ignoring all my messages and he won’t even look at me in class.” 
“Maybe because he’s a rock.” Sohee blatantly speaks but you ignore him and keep talking as if he isn’t even there. 
“I just miss him so much, I miss playing in his hair and listening to him play his guitar while I’m trying to study.” 
“Okay so correct me if I’m wrong but I’m starting to think that your rock is a code name.” Sohee interrupts again.
“Oh baby you’re thinking too much, you just need to relax. Here let me…” Your best friend places her hand on his shoulder to pull him back and stop him from saying anything else but it still doesn't work because he just lays his hand over hers and continues to make his point. 
“No wait, I have never seen a rock that plays the guitar and the rock sounds alot like…. Oh my god.” He yells the last part upon coming across his realization. 
“Is the Rock Eunseok?” He asks, jumping up off the couch. You’re too stunned to speak or even think. Your body is too stiff to move, you don’t even know how to get yourself out of this situation. “I’m right aren’t I?” 
“Yes, Eunseok is the rock.” You say shamefully 
“And the frog must be that Sungchan guy.” He adds
“You know Sungchan?’ You look back at him confused. 
“Yeah, the basketball player that you cheated on Eunseok with.” 
“Now wait, I didn’t cheat.” You hold your hands out as you're ready to defend yourself.
“You might as well have, Eunseoks liked you for so long that I thought the both of you were already married.” 
“But we’ve only known each other for like 3 months.” You speak, confused.
“No, he’s liked you for like ever. He used to bother us all the time about you during rehearsals.  He talked about you so much that Seunghan threatened to ask you out just so he would make a move.” 
“What?” Now you're at a complete loss of words.
“Bro yeah, we were all shocked that he finally talked to you when we saw you at the show. You should’ve been there, well you were but you know what I mean.”
Wonbin noticed you first, because you were the only person in the crowd who had a frown so prominent that he was worried your face was gonna be stuck like that. That’s when he taps Sohee’s arm so that he could see it too but Sohee was too worried about your best friend to really care about how mad you looked. So when he couldn’t get his attention he just turned to Suenghan and called it to his attention instead.
“Wait, I think that’s Y/n.” Suenghan says 
“Are you sure? She’s usually happier.” But when wonbin turns around Suenghans already gone to find Eunseok. 
“Y/n’s here.” Seunghan says pointing to you while looking at Eunseok. To which Eunseok just shrugged off without even looking in your direction because they’ve been playing with him like that all night. So he just assumed it was another one of their mean jokes. However when Seunghan just laughs and leaves he looks up just to check out of pure curiosity and it was actually you. 
He’d already told his band members that the next time he saw you he was just gonna talk to you. And he had intentions on going through with his promise even though you looked extremely unentertained.  
Sohee finished explaining the story about the night you and Eunseok met.
“And then he started talking about you even more once you guys finally did start seeing each other.” 
“This entire time?” You ask again. “And more.” Sohee adds which makes your best friend chuckle. “Girl, go get your man.” 
“He won’t even talk to me.” 
“He’s not the one that needs to do the talking.” For the first time in a really long time, your best friend was actually right. So you did as she told you to and reached for your phone. 
“I said go get your man not go text him.” 
“What if he closes the door in my face?” You ask in a whine. 
“Then it would have been very deserved.” She replies. 
“But-” You begin to make an excuse but get cut off immediately.
“Go!” They both shout at the same time. 
You’re now in the parking lot of his apartment, still hesitant on whether or not you’re ready to face him yet. You know that if you leave the car you’ll be forced to deal with reality so you decide to just stay there for a few more minutes and at least plan out what you wanna say. However all that’s going through your mind is static and everything that Sohee told you. 
You’re so confused you begin to talk to yourself. “This whole time?” you say aloud.
No matter how many times you try to talk yourself into leaving your car you just can’t. You even make it as far as to open your car door.
“So how’d it go?” your best friend asks the second you walk back into the door. 
“It didn’t.” 
“What do you mean it didn’t?” She pipes up.
“I got too scared to even knock on his door.” You speak.
She gets up from the couch and walks to the front door and closes it behind her leaving both you and Sohee completely confused. Then you hear a knock at the door so you answer it because you know exactly who it is. “That’s all you had to do.” She says when you open the door. 
That’s when you close the door in her face, and lock it right after. Although you knew she was right. If you wanted to work things out with Eunseok you definitely couldn’t allow your ego to get in the way. 
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Sitting in your bed, reading over the unsent message over and over again until you finally have the guts to push send. However the more you read it the more you decide against even bothering him. 
You let out a long, deep sigh, click your phone off and lay it on the bed beside you while thinking about something to help distract you. However everything you thought of led back to Eunseok. Even when you throw your head back on your pillow and close your eyes all you can think about is him. 
“What do I do?” you speak aloud to yourself. 
“Oh you need a break. Bad.” Your best friend trespasses into your room. 
“What do you have in mind?” you say simply turning your head over in her direction
“I’m thinking we're going to see this new band.” She sits beside you on the bed, while proposing her new idea. 
“I don’t think I’m ready to see Eunseok in person yet.” 
“He’s not even gonna be there, I’ll have Sohee make sure of it.” 
“This better not be one of your little tricks.”
“What? One of my little tricks?” she teases looking off to the side 
“I’m not going.” You state firmly.
“No, he’s not gonna be there. I swear.” 
“I don’t believe you.” 
“Suit yourself.” When she doesn’t beg like you expected her to, you start to get concerned. “You don’t want me to take you?” 
She shakes her head. “No Sohee’s on his way.” She continues. “I just wanted to help you take your head off of things.” 
“This is the first time you’ve ever actually done something good for me.” You speak gratefully.
“Mm mm girl this is for me, you sitting around here sad really messes up the mood. And the smell, girl, take a shower.” She covers her nose.
“Wow, thanks.” You sit back against your headboard to begin contemplating again why you were even friends with her. 
“I’m kidding y/n, you know I love you. And I really hate seeing you like this, It breaks my heart.”
“I’m sorry I’m trying to shake this feeling.” 
“Just come out with us tonight, please. If you’re not feeling it you can leave no questions asked.” She moves closer to you and cuffs your hands into hers. The look she gives you makes it hard to say no. Not that you’d say no anyways, you really could use a distraction. 
“You’ll come?” 
“Yes, I’ll come. But I'm driving myself. I don’t need to see you and sohee making out the whole ride.” 
Just as promised you showed up to the event and yet again your best friend was nowhere to be found. You didn’t even bother to look for her, you just stood with your arms crossed staring at the crowd in front of you and thinking about how long it had been since you were in a place like this. 
The music still needed some getting used to but you weren’t as uptight about it as you once were. You also notice that there is something different, you can't quite pin your finger on it but you definitely notice it. Maybe it’s just the vibe that’s off, you usually came to these things for Eusneok so now that he wasn’t here it felt kinda weird. 
Or it could have been that they painted the walls a different color. But it’s most likely the fact that the boy that you’re looking for can’t be found. Even though you told yourself and your best friend that you don’t wanna see him yet, you can’t help but look around occasionally to see if you find a familiar face. 
But you never do, no matter how many times you look or in what direction. He’s not there. 
“Looking for someone?” a voice says behind you and your heart drops immediately, You turn around with wide eyes but quickly release your breath when you see that it’s not the person you thought it was. 
“Just my best friend.” You answer him although you're not really in the mood to speak to speak to anyone at the moment.
“Did I scare you? I didn’t mean to.” The unnamed man continues
“Oh no you’re fine.” 
You are still talking to the man but someone behind him catches your eye and distracts you from the conversation. You watch them for a little and the longer you watch the more you’re sure that it’s definitely the guitar player that you’ve been looking for all night. 
Not another second goes by before you’re cutting the man off to push past the crowd and make your way to Eunseok. He doesn’t say anything when he sees you so you decide to speak first.
“Can we talk?” 
“There’s nothing to talk about.” He says bluntly.
“I have a lot to say.” You state but you don’t get the chance to get anything else out because he walks away from you and you’re forced to run after him just so you can at least explain yourself. 
“Eunseok.” You shout, and that’s when he finally stops
“I like you Y/n, and I can’t talk to you when I know about you and him. I don’t wanna be just friends.”
“And I like you too, when I’m with him I’m thinking about you. I’m always thinking about you. I just can never stop thinking about you.”
“Were you thinking about me when you kissed him?” He asks 
“I was.” You answer honestly 
“and you still did it.” 
“It was wrong to try and go between the both of you, I know. but I honestly thought you did this with everyone. how was i supposed to know how you felt?” you say in a raspy voice trying to stop yourself from crying. 
“how did you feel?” He questions 
“I felt confused. I never expected to like you as much as I do, and I never thought you’d like me back in the same way.”
you stop and watch him before you say something else
“Please forgive me, eunseok I’m sorry I really am. I don’t know how many times I can say that.”
you continue to watch him even as he walks closer to you and wraps his arms around you for you to rest your head on his chest. “I missed you.” cutting you off from apologizing anymore.
“I missed you too.” 
“And also do you really like cookies and cream Ice cream?” he asks suddenly 
“No, I hate it.” you laugh still burying your head into his chest. 
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icycoldninja · 1 month
Angsty Astarion headcannons
A/N: Ok, so way back in December of '23, I went through a short Astarion phase because I never went through a Twilight phase as a teen, and during the heat of said phase, I wrote this, and since I'm quite proud of how it turned out, I've decided to post it--but this is a one time only thing, it doesn't mean I write for Astarion or any BG3 characters, at least, not anymore.
Tw: Dark, dark, angsty themes that might make ya cry, proceed with caution.
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-Severely claustrophobic and nyctophobic as a result of the underground confinement Cazador had sentenced him to.
-Refuses to go into tiny spaces; his bedroll must be spread out wide like a mat, and his tent must be roomy and airy.
-Sleeps/Meditates/whatever with candles lit. (with a nightlight in a modern AU)
-If the power goes out/wind blows his candles out and he can't light new ones for whatever reason, he will panic. Unless he can go outside and relish in the light of the fire or celestial bodies, or unless you have a flashlight, he will curl up into a little ball and cry softly until either the situation blows over or if you come to help him.
-Despite how much he loves you, there is a tiny part of him that is still afraid you will use him for his body and leave him to die, used up and dry.
-Trust is hard to build with him because of all that's happened, but stay persistent and he'll let his walls down.
-Has night terrors almost every night but is too scared to go to you (or anyone) for help for fear of being found and kidnapped by Cazador somehow--the only exception being very terrifying nightmares that have him screaming.
-Touch starved beyond comprehension.
-Desperately needs someone to hold him at night, or just to hold him in general. It doesn't matter how long, if someone would just give him a hug, it'd make his day.
-Sometimes he worries that you'll leave him because of his heavy emotional baggage.
-Gets crazy jealous and will turn into a bat to spy on you if he suspects anything.
-As time progresses, his negativity and jealousy starts to build up and soon expresses itself through violence. If you two don't do something about it, he could end up hurting you.
-He'd never kill you, but rage clouds the mind. Astarion could hurt you pretty badly, especially with that knife of his, and if he ever did so for whatever reason, he would regret it for the rest of his life.
-Puts on a brave, flirty, sassy face in public, but cries a lot in private. Like a lot.
-Does his best to cry as quietly as he can; an old habit from his time with Cazador. He bites a pillow or clamps his hand over his mouth to muffle the noise, careful to breathe through his nose and limit the noises he makes.
-All he really wants is someone to snuggle his fears away and just be there for him, however possible.
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lazyevaluationranch · 1 month
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23/03 Creeping woodsorrel in the dome. Pretty much every greenhouse has it. We thought we'd been lucky so far - we received a plant with a woodsorrel stowaway and immediately fed the woodsorrel to the chickens, but alas, here it is, springing up from the ground itself.
Reasons every greenhouse gets creeping woodsorrel eventually, and can't eliminate it:
Batteries: If you leave any tiny root splinter in the ground, it holds enough energy to regrow the whole plant. (An unknown species of woodsorrel was domesticated into the root crop oca, granting that energy to humans. I'm sure this is fine).
Detonators: The seed pods build up water pressure in their tissues and actually explode, ejecting seeds in ballistic arcs around your greenhouse. So it sprouts very far away from wherever you last saw it.
Wires: creeping woodsorrel accumulates copper in its stems, which run for long distances along the ground and sprout roots wherever they touch down. Historically, picking woodsorrel and grinding it up has been a practical way to locate underground copper deposits.
I don't know what kind of Ineffable Device the creeping woodsorrel infesting every greenhouse in the world is intent on forming, but our dome is part of it now.
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owladaptive · 6 months
Unrelated to literally anything else I'm doing but I'm thinking hard about Trolls 3 - that infamous boyband medley scene with Branch and JD and Bruce and the *significance* threaded throughout it, hidden in the musicality.
Like hello, the big brothers pull in their baby adult brother Branch and he's dancing and they're singing but he's begrudging and not into it at first. But when he actually starts getting into it the lyrics start sounding a Little Bit like there's something between the lines to read; "you got the right stuff, Baby" starts sounding like they're words actually meant at least a LITTLE BIT for Branch, not only because they're trying to coax him into singing with them like they used to ie 'you got the right stuff' but also "Baby sounds a LITTLE BIT like they're addressing him specifically because they call him "Baby Branch" already like that's all they remember of him after 20 years.
And then they look literally right at him hands on their hearts and point to him and the words to the song here are "you're the reason why I sing this song" and yeah that's just lyrics whatever but that coincidentally is also the EXACT thing that Branch actually wants (NEEDS) to hear the most from the brothers who lost sight of what it meant to be a family group all those years ago and abandoned him. And so immediately after those words he's so uplifted and starts singing with them in earnest and he sings "you're all i ever wanted, you're all i ever needed" and it sounds come on at least a LITTLE BIT like he's addressing them back because literally all he wanted for a very very long time was for them to come back to him before he lost all hope they are the REASON he spent years building an underground bunker. At least a PART of him was WAITING for them all that time like COME ON.
AND THEN it's like "so tell me what to do now" which at least a LITTLE BIT refers to how he's unsure of where they stand and, indeed, what to do. Because just like he was hesitant to join them on stage for this medley he's also hesitant to trust that things can go back to how they used to be. And THEN when they sing "because I WANT. YOU. BACK" he's literally pointing and looking at each of his brothers specifically (but for their part they gesture elsewhere not at either of their brothers on stage). And then they go dumdumdumDAADAA but I don't see ANYBODY reference enough that JD and Bruce are literally supporting Branch through this part like both of his big brothers' hands are on his back, guiding him as they harmonize with him and it probably feels so so good and so affirming and then and ONLY then do the lyrics go "BROZONE'S BACK ALRIGHT" and the music and dancing picks up and Idk man I'm just THINKING ABOUT IT REAL HARD
I'm a theatre nerd nothing happens for no reason there's so much to read between the lines here man COME ON
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hermitscratch · 3 months
imp n skizz + 27... the besties. did you know skizz irl sometimes kisses impulse n the cheek. to annoy him
Send me a pairing + a number! || Accepting
27. A platonic kiss, Impulse/Skizz, 873 words
This may have been the greatest day of Impulse's life.
The exhilaration of starting anew had hit him full force. The space between seasons had been spent dreaming up builds of grandeur, and he was finally able to see what he was working with. Better still, he had a partner in crime to share his vision with. Providing Bdubs his first clock was a point of pride, and Bdubs had accepted it with promises of a great future ahead of them.
He'd made momentous progress. Maybe not on the scale of Doc and his villager operation, but the humble underground iron farm he and Tango constructed would serve them well. The land that would become a sprawling cyberpunk city was sectioned off. His strip mine was fruitful, piles of diamonds to be fashioned into armor and equipment as needed. Everything was coming up Impulse.
When the day was over, the rest was well-earned. The Mountaineers, as Scar had named them, reconvened to share dinner around the fire. He took the chance to wash up in the river- a water well would be a tomorrow project, once he had a place to lay his head that was more permanent than the blocked off mouth of his cave- and laid down for a good night's sleep.
...Any minute then.
Impulse rolled onto his back and sighed. It didn't feel right, and Impulse knew what was missing.
This may have been the greatest day of Impulse's life, because Skizz was there.
Skizz was there, and so much as thinking his name made the thread connecting them hum. Before Skizz was a hermit, when Impulse had been summoned and made the decision to stay, it was easy to ignore. The proximity now, though, made it impossible. His very soul knew its other half was near, and Impulse longed.
Skizz hadn't wanted to be coddled. He was determined to stand on his own two feet in this server of building gods and redstone masters. It was with full support that Impulse had agreed to let Skizz forge his own way, neighbors instead of roommates.
...But surely Skizz wouldn't mind a late-night visit, right?
Impulse relit the torches by his bedside. He didn't change, just throwing on his shoes. On his way to the door, he wondered if it would be worth taking his wings out. It would make the trip incredibly short, at the cost of nearly guaranteeing he'd spend all night at Skizz's. He wouldn't mind, but if Skizz did...
"Aaah!" A yell made Impulse jump as he opened the door, snapping him out of his thoughts. An equally startled Skizz stood in the doorway, a hand on his chest as he settled down. "You scared the dookie right outta me, dude," He said, heaving a breath, "Don't you know it's like, dumb o'clock in the morning? Nice jammies though," Skizz snickered.
Impulse snorted. Skizz was wearing a matching set. "These old things? Aw, they're nothin'," Skizz barks a laugh, and Impulse chuckles with him, a line of tension leaving his shoulders, "I know it's dumb o'clock in the morning, what're you doing at my front door?"
"Well I- y'know, I was in the neighborhood," Skizz started, wings held around his shoulders like a mantle, "And I'm thinkin' to myself, I think, y'know... I'm really feelin' it! And if I'm feelin' it, my best buddy over here, Mr. Impy Dimpy Dippledop, well, he's gotta be feelin' it too, right? Am I right? I bet I'm right," Skizz poked at Impulse's cheek.
Impulse huffed fondly, lightly smacking Skizz's hand away. Nobody could manage to be longwinded and straightforward like Skizz could. "I might've been on my way to yours for the same reason," Impulse admitted.
"Good thing I beat you then," Skizz cackled, "I don't have a bed yet!"
"Skizz!" Impulse laughed, "That's the first thing you do!"
"I was excited, okay? Some stuff fell through the cracks!" It only made Skizz laugh harder, "Are you gonna invite me in or not!"
"Okay, okay," Impulse placated once their laughter calmed into the occasional giggle. He stepped away from the doorway and gestured Skizz to follow him inside, "Come on in, make yourself at home. Don't forget to shut the door behind you."
Impulse heard the door close. The place was basic, really, meant for function over form. A double-wide bed, some chests for storage, and the simple wall that separated the space from the outside. There was a joke on the tip of Impulse's tongue, something about excusing a mess that wasn't there, but it's forgotten the moment he feels arms around him.
Arms, and then wings, warm and white and all-encompassing like a blanket settled around his very soul. If Impulse looked behind himself, he was sure Skizz's halo would be showing. In turn, Impulse's horns grew. Dark scales climbed up his arms where he held Skizz's arms across his chest, and his tail found purchase around Skizz's leg.
Skizz squeezed him in a hug, lowering his head to leave a kiss in Impulse's hair before burying his face in it with a content sigh that made Impulse want to melt into bed and never get up again.
"Yeah," Skizz mumbled, soft and tired, "This is home."
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I'm still saying Afton is not the Mimic
Spoilers for the Ruin DLC under the Cut. I wanted to include this in my mega post... but I know that the fandom is flooded with "the Mimic was Afton all along" theories right now actually.
There will be a lot under the cut, explaining some personal theories and the ending of the RUIN DLC so... be warned.
The Mimic, if you read the books, (but you probably haven't so I'll explain it in a few short sentences) is a character from the Tales of the Pizzaplex Books that was built by a Faz Engineer who made a robot to mimic his son to keep him company while he worked long hours while he lived in a factory. The child died in a car accident, and the Mimic kept miming his son's behavior. So in his grief, the engineer beat him to death in rage and grief. This infused rage in the machine.
So now the Mimic mimes behavior of a four year old, but it's corrupted and twisted. It will mime the action of 'scooping icecream' but will be scooping out your brains. It also has an adaptive learning AI so the violent pain it experienced, along with a four year old teaching it, it's a very dangerous thing.
It's also buried into the foundation of the Pizzaplex. And was reprogramed by some dumb lazy tech to clear the debris down there. By disassembling the robots and putting them in a pile. Which it did to all the human construction workers by disassembling them and putting them in a pile.
"This pile" I think is the Blob. Or as the game files refer to it.... "THE TANGLE."
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(hard to see but take my word for it. that's him)
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(cheating camera angle)
I think "The Tangle" is a infused pile of machinery, robots, and bodies that have all wound up down there.
So, we know that the blob is real. But I really think it's "The pile" that the Mimic has been stacking in the Book Epilogues. And it got out. Gregory/Mimic or Grimmick, says that something tunneled out of the building... And I believe this is 100% true. Because in Base Security Breach, we see this thing in the underground where Afton's room is.
But in RUIN.... This thing is on the top level??? HOw Did he get up here???
He tunneled up.
So... the reason why RUIN looks like it does, and HOW it looks how it does...
Is because The Tangle got loose. And has been using the Pizzaplex as it's own series and network of tunnels like a burrowing snake or ant. Causing the entire building to fall in on itself. The Pizzaplex is it's ecosystem now. So that's why everything is falling apart how it is. He's breaking the very foundation and walls of everything.
So we do know the Blob IS real.
And let's assume that he's "the pile" that the Mimic has been building in the Tales of the Pizzaplex Epilouges. Just... sorting all the garbage, bodies, and endos into piles that he can find and stack.
So we know the Blob is real... but is Afton Burntrap real?
Forgive me I don't have the proper collectable screenshots so I'm pulling from the Wiki:
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Throughout the game, you collect these real collectable comics that include all of the endings of Security Breach. And Cassie can recognize this as Gregory's art style, and has no idea when he had the time to make these or when he made them. EXCEPT Princess Quest. Which is pretty important I think. Which I think cements that Princess Quest is the definitive three star ending.
It's also worth noting that in Vanny's Room in the RUIN DLC... there is a book of "Fazbear History" by Vanny's Bed. So if Vanessa was freed and got out... we can assume she was talking to Gregory about the Fnaf lore as she knows it.
Also, it makes sense why some of these endings are a little insane now. cause it was just Gregory trying to process everything that happened to him at the Pizzaplex.
Gregory: So, I thought you had a twin sister for the longest time and-
Vanessa: Try again...
But anyway... if None of the previous endings were real.... Is Burntrap even real?
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We collect this before we face the Mimic.... of Afton and the Blob. So we know The Blob/Tangle is real.... but was Afton ever real? Was Burntrap ever real? That's what we need to answer...
But if he isn't.... Why is his charging station down here in the furnace room all clouded up? ....As if it never was opened. As if he rotted inside with no more remnant to collect???
Cause here's the thing... I can accept the soft retconning of Afton. And if he was never real to begin with, and this is just Gregory's personal interpretation based on what Vanessa told them about what she was suffering through, I will take that. Or maybe Gregory saw the Mimic and interpreted it as this... I will take that as well.
From what I said earlier... The Mimic... All his motivations in the game don't line up with Afton's.
He is doing exactly what he wants to do.
The Mimic is sealed in the back with Concrete... he's using Helpi and the VANNI Network to get Cassie to let him out. He just wants to get out of the basement and get Free.
Now... if Mimic is Afton the whole time...
and there is a case for it... they have almost the same idle animations as an endo, the Mimic does have Burntrap's claws on one hand. And he does have a similar pawed foot to Burntrap's design and they're practically identical height and pose.
And the Mimic is almost one-for-one linked with Hepi and the VANNI network. And I don't doubt that Vanny the person was using the VANNI network to get around the pizzaplex and become invisible to certain animatronics.
here's a big But...
If the Mimic's goal is to kill people with his bare hands... and to get out of the concrete sealed basement, and break all the Security Nodes so he can get free???
Why was the Human Staff all killed in the Pizzaplex?
Why are their children missing?
Why is Vanny hunting children and adults alike to kill in the first place?
This is not the Mimic's MO.
Because Vanny WAS working under influence of Glitchtrap and not the Mimic.
Because if the Mimic just wanted to get out... He would have told Vanny/Vanessa... head of Security.... To break all the Security Nodes A WHOLE LOT SOONER. Cause she literally has a VANNI Mask/suit and access to all of that.
The Mimic has no need for remnant or child killing or human killing if they aren't doing it themselves. The Mimic has always been very hands on with their kills.
But If Burntrap Afton is REAL... HE DOES have a reason for gathering this much Remenant.
He is growing in the charging station and trying to regrow his body.
And while the Mimic moves in a similar fashion to Burntrap, I think that's because he witnessed his behavior at one point and is copying it. But he never saw Afton in his prime. So he literally can't mimic the serial killer behaviors Afton is known for. Just likely his walk and how he breathes.
Because He literally can not copy Afton as a copy-cat killer, if there is NO Afton to Copy. There is no way that he could have learned who Afton was from all the way down below into the foundation. Especially with MXES keeping it hidden down there. And by "hidden" I'm sure it's hidden from Glitchtrap to even possess or check out that low.
People have to remember. The Mimic doesn't have access to illusion disc technology from the books. he can't replicate a corpse face. He's just a learning killer AI who has access to crappy mascot costumes. He can't look one-for-one like a person, even if he can sound like one.
So, there is a possibility that Burntrap Afton DID exist... He just rotted into dust once Vanny stopped collecting remnant for him.
Or there's also the possibility he was never real to begin with.
But.... Glitchtrap certainly was at one point. And Vanny was working with Glitchtrap to kill employees and children.
Not the Mimic.
Just their motivations and modus operandi don't add up if they are one in the same.
It wouldn't make sense for the Mimic to just tell Vanny to parade around in a bunny suit, kidnapping children and killing employees.
He would be telling her to disable the Security Nodes.
There is also the possibility that Vanessa sealed the Mimic in concrete after the events of Security Breach. But even then, I really don't think that she knew about it before hand until she went down to the basement to unplug Burntrap from his charging station.
Anyways... The only way I will see "Mimic is Afton" is that if Afton was using it's body. But then, it's not the Mimic anymore, it's just another Afton-clone.
And from everything from how I've seen the behavior of the Mimic in the DLC, it is operating completely divorced from Afton with it's own motivations and morals of it's own accord.
Oh, just to be clear, I'm not mad at this soft-retcon of burntrap. It's fine. Lol I actually prefer if he didn't exist.
And even if Burntrap was never real in the first place....
Then it means that Vanny was purely an agent of Glitchtrap.
Then when the Glitchtrap Virus got destroyed.... the Mimic hijacked the VANNI network and took it's place.
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miniwheat77 · 1 year
Sweet. (Captain Price x Reader)
!NSFW, Smut, Fingering, Roofies, Oral Sex (fem recieving), !MINORS DNI! Edited!
Summary: Price is a little harsh on Y/N until a mission goes a little sideways and he realizes just how he feels about her.
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When you were recommended for 141, nobody really seen why.
Captain Price didn't think you were all that special, none of the others did either. But nonetheless, he decided to give you a chance. He was a little hard on you for awhile, pushing you during training, being a little rough when it came to talking to you, and his punishments were even worse. He was very difficult and you didn’t understand why he seemed so passive to everyone except for you.
You hated being apart of 141, it was the worst thing Laswell had ever recommended. You thought maybe Captain Price hated you because you were young. He seemed to have the mentality that the military wasn't meant for young adults. Which, truth be told. It probably wasn't. But it was the only means of escape you had from your family.
"This mission is different." Captain Price makes his way inside the conference room. Stacks of papers in his hands. "And I think this is the perfect time, we see what Y/N's got." he smirks. This clearly wasn't an important mission. Otherwise he wouldn't have you on it. Because for some reason, he hated you. "This is capture or kill, preferably capture. Y/N will lead the way." He smiles.
You nod your head looking over the papers. All of the information you needed was on these papers right in front of you. You thought for a brief second. "Whenever you're ready, go ahead and draw out a plan on the board." He smirks. "Alright. Give me a minute." you stand up, picking up the dry erase marker, walking toward the white board. He watches you draw out a plan. In about 10 minutes, the board was completely covered. "Alright." you cap your marker, spinning around. "Most likely our target will be in the basement of this building. It's dead center and has guards around the perimeter, which tells me all I need to know. I can tell by looking at it there's most likely some sort of tunnel system to keep him safe. The diagram of buildings is just suspicious for me. I'm gonna guess there's probably exits at each of the outer buildings." you point to them. There were 3. "If Ghost, Soap, and Gaz get inside of these 3 buildings, they can guard the tunnel exits and close in on him, Captain and I will hit this building from above." you cross your arms. "Back up plan?" He asks. you throw the marker on the table. "Hopefully you have good aim. It won't fail." you say, walking away.
The following day when the plan went into effect, you and Captain Price were up in the helicopter. Price wouldn't let anything happen to you, but something inside of him wanted this plan to fail so he could hold it over your head. The other 3 were making their way into the buildings, silently killing each of the guards.
"I'll be damned." They hear Soap call over the radio. "She was right. There's a fucking tunnel entrance." Ghost calls back. "Here too, headed toward the center." They each meet in the middle, right beneath the main building. Gaz agreeing and making his way underground as well.
You and Captain Price drop from the helicopter, busting through windows to elimate anyone you seen. "Eyes! He's got on a black suit." You call over the radio.
You see him disappear into a back room, chasing after him. He jumps down into the tunnel, and when he thinks he's free, he's got 3 fully automatic weapons pointed at him. "Going somewhere, sweetheart?" Soap smirks. Each of them blocking the way. Gunfire around you comes to an end, Captain Price walking into the room behind you. "He's got ties to the Cartel, someone has already taken over for Valeria." You jump down, pulling his hand behind his back and zip tying them together. "I'll get in contact with Alejandro and Rudolfo." Soap walks away. "How do you know Y/N?" Gaz asks. "There's Cartel and memorabilia all over this place. It screams cartel."
A sigh falls from your lips. "You know. I'm a little annoyed that I got roped into this. I had intentions of someone else doing it." Captain Price chuckles. Sitting next to you in the limousine. "Well, sweetheart. You happen to be the only female around. Besides, you never said how you'll get him to tell you anything or how you'll capture him." He smirks. "I have a plan. Just trust me." He nods his head. He's wearing a suit and you have on the tightest black dress known to man. Tall black heels and your hair and makeup is done to the best of your ability. Something Captain Price hadn't ever seen before. "Follow my lead." You mutter. He follows you up through the front doors of the penthouse, very similar to the one you'd captured Valeria in. It's full of people dressed to perfection. There's a huge dance floor surrounded by tables. The both of you make your way inside, sitting at a table.
For the next hour, it's the both of you trying to blend into this party, even going as far to dance with one another on the dance floor. "I have eyes." You whisper to John on the dance floor. He spins you around, your back pressed up against him, his mouth right next to your ear. "I see him too, you ready for this ah?" he smirks. "Oh yeah." His hips brush up against yours and he closes his eyes for a second.
It doesn't take much for you to get your targets attention. Sitting a few stools down from him at the bar. "Whatever you do, do not let me be in a room alone with him for too long. No more than 5 minutes if you have no eyes." you mumble into the radio. "Copy." John says, he's a little confused by how crucial you've made it sound. The man sits down in the stool next to you and begins talking to you. It doesn't take long until he's wanting to get into a room upstairs with you. You sweet talk him the entire time. You get into the elevator with him, nervous the entire time. "Eyes." Ghost says into the radio, a sense of relief going over John. He had seen you enter the elevator.
Once he has you alone upstairs. He puts a hand on your side. "I know who you are. American Military ah?" He whispers, and the hair on your body stands up. "Yes." He wraps a hand around your throat and Ghost lines up a shot. "I came here to warn you. They planned to attack tonight. I'm on your side, I want you join you." You plead with him. John narrows his eyes, he's still sitting at a bar on the first floor. The radio is oddly silent. "Look now!" you plead, just as soon as Soap makes his way up the stairs, the man draws his weapon. Soap lets out a yell as the man shoots at him. "Falling back Captain!" Your radio goes off. The man narrows his eyes at you. "Why should I trust you?" he asks. "She knew he was going to shoot and didn't tell me. We need to leave, regroup, and find a new plan." Soap says into the radio. "The hell?" John shakes his head. "I'll tell you anything you wanna hear." you breathe out. He nods his head. He grasps your wrist, dragging you along. "Is she working for him?" Soap asks. "Don't know. Whatever you do Ghost, do not lose sight of her." John says into the radio, attempting to make his way up the elevator but it was taking forever. "Yes sir."
"That cheeky little minx!" Ghost exclaims into the radio. "What? What's going on?"
"She's just roofied him!" He laughs. "What? How?" Soap asks. "She must've convinced him it was acid. Put it on her tongue and than swapped it to him." He laughs. "Gross, like... she kissed him?" Ghost rolls his eyes as soap says it. "Shit, he's pulling her into a room. Get to her now, I have no eyes." Ghost says frantically.
Price hears it and gives up on the elevator, trying to make his way up the stairs.
He pushes passed everyone, reaching the second floor where you were. He opens the front door, quickly kicking the second open. The man is on top of you, and he's delirious but he's pulling your dress up. You're trying to fight him off, but he's got your hands pinned with his knees. John pulls him off of you, and he passes out as soon as he hits the floor.
"Y/N?" He asks. "Captain." You hug him quickly. "What happened darling? Are you hurt?" He pulls away, looking you up and down. "He.. He tried to.." John shakes his head. "Did he?" he asks. You shake your head. "It's alright. You did amazing Y/N." He breathes. Pulling you into his side. Soap pushes into the door, seeing the room is a little messy and the man is on the floor. "Why were you so adamant on 5 minutes?" Soap asks.
"She's a virgin." Ghost says, he's on the windowsill. He'd used a tool to get across to the building. "What?" He laughs. "You wouldn't notice at first glance. But around him she was a little awkward. Maybe a bad idea to throw her out there as bait." Ghost starts to tie up the man. "I had no idea." John says. You look at the ground, cheeks lighting up. "I... Yeah." John nods his head. "Come on, lets get him back to HQ."
"Hey." John says, tapping on your door that was already open just a crack. "Hey." You say back, turning toward the mirror. You were pulling all of the bobby pins from your hair. He closes your door behind himself. He pulls his hat off, sitting down next to you on the edge of your cot. "I owe you an apology." He says, grasping your hand in his to get your attention. You turn to look at him, your eyes were stunning to him, complimented perfectly by the eyeshadow you had put on. "I should not have sent you in there like that. I know how bad people like him could be to women and I didn't think about your well being. For that, I'm very sorry." You smile, looking down. "I should have been up front. I should have told you I was uncomfortable. I let him intimidate me in there. I didn't like it at all." You look down at your free hand, the other pulling out the final bobby pin. You almost take Johns breath away when your hair falls out around your face, something he hadn't ever seen before. "I just.. you're kinda hard on me. I wanted to prove to you that I could handle it, but having him stare me down like he did. Touch me like that. Just made my skin crawl."
He places his hand on your bare thigh. "I know love. I am a little rough on you, but I have to be. I want you to understand that if you let your guard down even just a little, you'll die. I care about you and I don't wanna see you hurt. Ever. If something happened to you, I'd never forgive myself." you nod your head. "You really proved yourself today, you did great. And by the way, you're a great dancer." He smiles. "You had me fooled, ya did. I would've never guessed you were a virgin." Your cheeks heat up.
"How the hell did you convince him to take the roofie ah?" you smile, looking down. "I'm very sneaky and manipulative, Captain. It was easy." he laughs. "Try it on me." he turns. "Okay." You look forward, taking a deep breath. "You know, this dress is a little tight." You spin around, pretending to be uncomfortable, moving closer to him. Staring into his eyes, you lean into him, pressing your lips to his.
He's got a tight grip on the blanket, and you keep his interest for quite some time. When you finally pull away, his eyes are closed and when he opens them again, you look at him, a smile on your face. "Okay. I don't see how that's manipulative in any way." You tilt your head, "Maybe not manipulative but sneaky.” You smirk. "Check your pockets."
He narrows his eyes, feeling around his pockets, but they're all empty. You bring your hand from behind your back, holding a cigar and a dog tag in your hand. His eyes widen, a grin covering his lips. "You are a cheeky little thing aren't you?" He laughs. "That kiss even felt real." He laughs. Your smile falters a little bit. His eyes widening. "Oh, because it was, wasn't it?" He laughs. You blush and turn away from him. He smiles, grasping your chin and pulling your face to look at him. "Look at me, lass."
He presses his lips to yours again and you smile into his lips when you feel him reaching for his cigar. You push his hand away, sliding it into his pocket, not taking your lips away from his for even a second. He starts to lean back and he pulls you with him, lifting your hips up so you could straddle him as he lays back on your bed. Your lips stay on his and he needs to stop you, but he can't. "Y/N, you gotta stop me sweetheart. I can't stop myself." He pants. "I.. I don't want to stop you." He pushes you back slightly, flipping you over and he stares into your eyes. They glimmer in the light from your small lamp and he needs to stop. Before he goes too far and gets you both into trouble. In a way, he feels like he's taking advantage of you. But he can't stop himself. "Lay on your back." He mumbles. Once you do, he pushes himself between your legs. He leans down, kissing you again. This time with a little more desperation than the last. He pulls away, planting a kiss right onto your chin, than again on your neck. He trails them down, sucking love bites into your chest where your breasts were exposed to him. "Do you want me to stop?" He pulls away for a second, hands gripping the top of your dress. You shake your head.
He pulls the top down, revealing your breasts to him. You suck in a sharp breath. How someone could go from hating you to touching you like this so quickly was beyond you.
He plants a kiss to your nipple, maintaining eye contact as he does so, parting his lips just slightly to run his tongue along it. Sucking gently. A whimper falls from your lips, and you start to squirm underneath him. His facial hair scratches your skin perfectly, creating a burn that feels so good, you couldn't quite describe it.
He moves to the other side, doing it once again to your other nipple until you're starting to whimper a little too loud. You were waiting in anticipation, wanting nothing more than to feel that burn between your legs from his facial hair. The thought alone making arousal pool between your legs. He kisses down your stomach, tongue running along your skin as he moves, lower and lower. He pushes your dress up and over your hips, fingers wrapping around your panties and pulling them off. Revealing you to him completely. He looks up at you again, eyes meeting yours. As he lowers himself into you, he keeps eye contact. Licking the first stripe up your slit, swirling his tongue around your clit, having to hold back a grin when your eyes screw shut. Watching you fall apart beneath him. He's gentle, flicking his tongue against you, gripping your hands tight in his. He draws one of them back, gathering up the wetness from you and his saliva, pulling away for just a second to rub his finger up against your opening, gathering the wetness on his finger.
He lines it up with your entrance, and you take a deep breath as he slides it in. You feel full immediately. He flicks his tongue slow and steady over your clit, pumping his finger until he could get you wet enough for 2. Once he slides the second finger in, you practically melt beneath him. You cover your mouth with both of your hands, trying so hard to stay quiet. He wants nothing more than to hear you call out for him. Moan his name. He’d put money on it that ‘John’ would roll perfectly off that sweet tongue of yours. He starts to flick his tongue a little faster, sucking lightly on your clit when his tongue would get tired and you couldn’t help but buck your hips into him. He tries to hold you steady with his one hand, but you’re struggling. Moaning and whimpering but it’s muffled by your hand. Squirming and bucking your hips into him. At this point, he wonders if you’ve ever even been touched at all.
“John… I- I’m gonna cum.” You whimper. It’s so low it’s almost inaudible. He almost misses it. But he doesn’t, he pumps his fingers into you, scissoring them and curling them up into you, watching the way your body reacts so perfect to him, flicking his tongue against your clit. It’s so much for you, and finally. Your hips buck into him, a whimper escapes you as you reach your climax, John still flicking his tongue and pumping his fingers to ride out your high until you close your thighs around his hand, whimpering as you grasp his hand to keep him still. He smiles up at you, lips and beard glossy with your juices. Your face is flushed, you’ve got love bites all over you Mr skin, artwork. Your hair is a little messy now. He takes a deep breath, sitting up as he palms himself through his jeans.
“You taste fuckin sweet darling.”
Your cheeks burn.
It was intense, but you can’t help but want more.
“We’ll get you used to me. We’ll move slow, yeah?” He nibbles at his lips. You nod your head at him.
“Good girl.”
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rusmii · 7 months
Dazai with idol!reader.. yk how most idols aren’t allow to be in relationships? I hope you can elaborate further because I suck at putting my thoughts into words TT but I genuinely think that Dazai is the type to disregard rules and does whatever tf he wants
would be greatly appreciated if it’s yan too
> he's just a lil silly
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yandere!dazai x idol!reader(fem.) hcs
╰ back to navi
tw//: yan!dazai, stalking, gaslight gatekeep girlboss dazai, possessiveness, mentioned murder intentions, actual murder spree going on in the background as dazai comforts reader with a fake smile, lmk if I missed anything!!
♡: this is sooooo late I'm sorryy😭🙏 also i was writing this in the salon lmaooo
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before you became a big known idol, you and dazai had been dating for a couple of months
your management didn't really care much about your relationship back then, thinking you weren't going to be some big shot in the near future
how wrong they were
although your company wasn't too keen on restricting their idols with stupid rules, you couldn't help but feel as if they were starting to isolate you from dazai as your popularity grew
dazai on the other hand knew exactly what your company was trying to pull off and he wasn't having any of it
normally he would accompany you up to where the practice room was at in the company, occasionally staying as long as you did so he could drop you off himself
but after noticing the little stunts your company has been attempting to pull off, it just made him even more annoyed
no, he wasn't mad, just annoyed at the fact that he wasn't allowed passed the elevators anymore
annoyed at the fact that he was required a visitors pass from now on
annoyed at the fact that we had been restricted from entering the company's building, only allowed in the lobby on certain days
annoyed at the fact that your company had sent you both an email stating their new idol policy: "no dating"
upset at the fact that you didn't quit for him because you wanted to pursue your idol career
mad at the fact that the company seems to have been winning this tug of war
the management may have thought they were winning, but this was dazai osamu
the underground didn't dare utter his name with confidence after all
"I'll take care of you!" he would say to you one day
"quit your job. mine makes plenty." he whispers into your ears at night
"why would you want men staring at you? that's disgusting." he shames you
and when you confront him on everything, he just shrugs his shoulders and tells you that it's your fault if men look at you
took pictures of you, groped you, dragged you into the alleyway to rape you-
he was promptly kicked out of your place after that
he left you alone for about a day before he broke into your place and tackled you inside your bed at like 3am
"I missed you, I'm sorry!!" he cries into your shoulder
but despite all of that, your company still didn't understand why you just wouldn't break up with that douche
isn't he creepy?? a person from the front asks you
well yeah he was creepy but he still showed that he loved and cared for you, plus your company didn't really enforce the new policy onto you so you saw no reason to break it off
it was like for the next year or two. as your popularity grew, so did the heavy set of rules your company applied to you, and the possessiveness of dazai
everyday he would try and convince you to stay home and relax, especially when he knew you'd be busy that day
it did work sometimes, and boy did that piss off your company
so one day as you were lounging around with dazai, your head on his chest, you received an email from your company stating if you didn't break it off with your boyfriend you would be fired effective immediately
when dazai saw you jump up and say that you two needed to talk, he was not happy
after reading the email he zoned you out, not wanting to listen to your 'mini break' proposal
when you were finished and glanced at his face, you couldn't tell what he was thinking about; his face blank, lifeless as if he flatlined
after a moment of silence, he slowly turns his head with a smile and a nod, saying "I understand! my phone is always at full volume if you want to talk!!"
he was a bit too hearty for someone who just got semi-dumped, but you didn't mind, assuming that the situation was fine
so for the next few months, you were at the peak of your popularity. people knew you worldwide and you were constantly on the move
the management of your company had sat down together the night after you had broken it off with dazai and yelled cheers!!! as their glasses clinked against one another's
they had won and now it was time to celebrate
as they were busy drinking away at the high-rise restaurant, dazai was right down below them, in front of the building where he wore nothing but all black
he pulled his cap down as people passed by, letting out mintsy bits of laughter; his plan was already set in motion and it was too late for them to go back
one by one, the old greedy men fell, all of it ruled to be natural occurrences
at first it was just another accidental occurrence of natural death, but you did start to feel anxiety and scared of the sudden death streak of the management
it was the third one who died did you finally reach out to dazai, who happily comforted you, telling you to quit because it was too dangerous for you to be there
by the fifth, dazai had been on call with you every night, singing lullabies to you over the phone, always keeping his promise to watch over you every night
it had gotten to the point where you keep him on call with you at all times, sneaking calls with him every chance you got inside your company's building, or wherever you were currently at
each passing day didn't decrease your anxiety, the sudden death of your management now spreading to people around you
specifically male fans of yours
when you confinde in dazai, telling him about how you suspect that you may have a crazy pyscho stalker killing people who's interacted with you
and when dazai asks why you believe that to be the cause, all you did was break down
the idol life was becoming increasingly stressing, and each passing day caused you to have an inner breakdown whenever you went
throughout your entire rant, dazai has this smile that could always put you to ease, his gentle smile curling upward more as if he's making sure you know that he's going to stay
and stay he will, because he will be the only one left in your life
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°° ©churuai ; don't repost my works to other sites, copy/plagiarize my works, or translate my works into a different language without my permission. if you intend to use most of my ideas from a post of mine, please don't forget to credit ♡
rbs and comments appreciated <3<3
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multifan2022 · 10 months
Fearless 3
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Four pushes a set of double doors open, and we walk into the place he called "the Pit."
"Oh," you hear Christina whisper nervously. "I get it."
"Pit" is the best word for it. It is an underground cavern so huge you can't see the other end of it from the doors at the bottom. Uneven rock walls rise several stories. Built into the stone walls are places for food, clothing, supplies, leisure activities. Narrow paths and steps carved from rock connect them. There are no barriers to keep people from falling over the side.
A slant of orange light stretches across one of the rock walls. Forming the roof of the Pit are panes of glass and, above them, a building that lets in sunlight. It looked like just another city building when passed on the train. One of the reasons only the people here and the higher ups knew where the entrance was. 
Blue lanterns dangle at random intervals above the stone paths, they grow brighter as the sunlight dies. People are everywhere, all dressed in black, all shouting and talking, expressive, gesturing. A group of children run down a narrow path with no railing and you can see the sweat rolling down Tris's face as she tries to not yell at them to be careful or stop. 
You know it's shocking, as an Amity transfer you understood the shock but she had to keep quiet. You were praying she would stay quiet. "If you follow me," says Four, "I'll show you the chasm."
He waves us forward as we approach the railing,  you hear the roar of water, fast-moving water, crashing against rocks. Sighing happily as Four shakes his head, the most dangerous place in the area is your favorite. 
You watch everyone look over the side. The floor drops off at a sharp angle, and several stories below that is a river. Gushing water strikes the wall beneath you and sprays upward. To the left, the water is calmer, but to the right, it is white, battling with rock.
"The chasm reminds us that there is a fine line between bravery and idiocy!" Four shouts. "A daredevil jump off this ledge will end your life. It has happened before and it will happen again. You've been warned."
"This is incredible," says Christina, as we all move away from the railing "Incredible is the word," you hear Tris whisper. You cant help but listen to their conversations, feeling the need to know everything about this girl who you are supposed to 'save'.
Four leads the group of initiates across the Pit toward a gaping hole in the wall. The room beyond is well-lit enough that you can see where we're going: a dining hall full of people and clattering silverware. When we walk in, the Dauntless inside stand. They applaud. They stamp their feet. They shout. 
A smile fills your face as you watch the transfers, the shock slowly falls off their faces and smiles replace them. You all move towards an empty table, Four and you sitting across from each other. With Tris on one of his sides, Christina next to her. A quick scan of the rooms tells you that Tori is still at the shop. 
You quickly pile food on your plate, more than you will eat but you know the tank across from you will finish it. You watch as Tris grabs a burger following your lead, but pinches the meat between her fingers, unsure what to make of it.
Four looks up at you before grabbing the ketchup and setting it in front of her. "It's beef," he says. "Put this on it." "You've never had a hamburger before?" asks Christina, her eyes wide. Taking an unladylike bite you roll your eyes as Tris looks down at her lap "Stiffs eat plain food."
Christina's eyebrows pull together, "Why?" She asks as Tris looks up, smearing the sauce on her burger while answering. "Extravagance is considered self-indulgent and unnecessary." Tris answers in a monotone voice. You look up at Four remembering how many times he said the same thing to you. 
Christina smirks "No wonder you left." You sigh, rolling your eyes. "Yeah, I'm sure it was just because of the food." The corner of Four's mouth twitches as he tries to not smile at your attitude. Tris looks at you thankfully, before slowly eating her food. 
Only a few more bites in Christina is talking again, testing the little patience you have. "So Y/n, where are you from?" Before you can answer you feel Fours leg brush against yours, when you look up you can see what hes trying to say. 'You don't have to answer them.'
You smile and turn to look at the recruits who are all staring at you. "Amity" you say smoothly picking up whatever drink it is Four poured you. You try not to laugh when all of their jaws hit the table. Stuttering over their words as they try to comprehend how you came from the gentle loving community. Four speaks putting all their questions to bed before they can start.
"Theres a reason shes here. Unless you want to experience it first hand I wouldn't ask." 
The doors to the cafeteria open, and a hush falls over the room. Without looking you know who it is, you can tell by the way the recruits act. By the way Fours entire body tenses, his eyes falling from your face to the table. You know what the newbies see in the man standing in the doorway. 
"Who's that?" hisses Christina, staring across the room at his as he marches his way over. "His name is Eric," says Four. "He's a Dauntless leader." She gasps turning back towards us "Seriously? But he's so young."  Four gives her a grave look as if asking if shes stupid before waving over to you "Age doesn't matter here."
You feel him sit down next too you, wrapping his arm around your shoulder before leaning over to whisper in your ear. "Ive been looking for you." It sends chills down your spine, he is the only person you truly hate besides your brother. You take every chance to fight him that comes your way, even if its just verbally. 
"Well, aren't you going to introduce me?" he asks, nodding to the recruits. Four says, "This is Tris and Christina." You point your fork down at Peter "Thats Peter, we haven't been properly introduced to the other yet." 
"Ooh, a Stiff," says Eric, smirking at Tris. His smile pulls at the piercings in his lips, making the holes they occupy wider.  "We'll see how long you last." You see Tris wince but turn her eyes towards you and you roll your eyes and shake your head a little. Trying to tell her to ignore him. 
He taps his fingers against the table. His knuckles are scabbed over, right where they would split if he punched something too hard. Which he did, two days before you had gotten into an argument in the control room over how much involvement he would have in training. Like a teenage boy he punched one of the walls. 
"What have you been doing lately, Four?" he asks, his arm still around you even though you had pushed it off twice. Fours eyes land on it glaring before looking at Eric "Nothing really." 
"Max tells me he keeps trying to meet with you, and you don't show up," Eric says. "He requested that I find out what's going on with you." Four looks at Eric for a few seconds before shrugging and saying, "Tell him that I am satisfied with the position I currently hold."
"So he wants to give you a job." The rings in Eric's eyebrows catch the light as they lift. You smile down at your plate, knowing exactly which job Max wants to give him. He knows Four is a threat to his job, he also knows he wont take it until forced too. "So it would seem," Four says looking back at you trying to read how uncomfortable you are. You scrunch your nose at him  and chuckle a little at his protectiveness. 
"And you aren't interested." Eric says finally moving his arm from your body and leaning across the table a little. You see Tris lean away from him, Christina's eyes still locked on him 'God please dont develop a crush' You think. 
"I haven't been interested for two years." Four answers
"Well," says Eric. "Let's hope he gets the point, then." He claps Four on the shoulder, a little too hard, and gets up. When he walks away, when hes far enough away you groan and dramatically throw your head back. Thanking whoever was watching that he finally left, but also cursing them that he came over in the first place. 
"Are you three...friends?" Tris asks quietly, its like shes afraid to speak you dont know if your grateful for that or not. "We were in the same initiate class," Four says. "He transferred from Erudite." You finish sliding your plate with mashed potatoes and a half portion of green beans left towards him. 
"Were you a transfer too?" Tris says a little louder this time, causing the others to look back our way. You know he wont answer, and can almost see his walls slamming up.  "I thought I would only have trouble with the Candor asking too many questions," he says coldly. "Now I've got Stiffs, too?"
"It must be because you're so approachable," She say flatly. "You know. Like a bed of nails."
He stares at her, but she doesn't look away. Looking him in the eye is a challenge. Its yet another moment that shows her divergence. Another moment that shows how hard this is all going to be for you. "Four" You say lowly breaking his attention away from her, he looks back at you and nods when you flick your head to the side. Dismissing him without undermining his authority. 
But just before he walks away he says "Careful, Tris" in a tone that conveys he isn't done with whatever that was that was happening. Your eyes stay on him as he makes his way over to another table, the one with Zeke and Shauna. Both who wave at you before putting there attention on him. 
As you're watching him you're listening to Christina "I have a theory.. and that is... That you have a death wish." The two girls laugh and continue their conversation, but to you it isn't a joke. She doesn't understand the danger shes not only putting herself in, but all of you in. You don't even want to think about what would happen if they found out about her. 
Because if they found out about her, it wouldn't be a far leap to you. And if they found out about you, they would find out about everyone.. Anyone who was even slightly divergent would be in danger all because of one stupid girl. 
Anger rose in you quicker than you could get a handle on it. You stood briskly from the table grabbing both your and Fours plates and cups. Walking stiffly from the table, your breathing was getting heavier. You knew you needed to get out of the room, either to the gym or the parlor.
 You didn't meet Zeke, Shauna or Fours eyes as you practically storm from the room. The last thing you heard before the doors slammed behind you was Christina.
"Was it something I said?" 
You knew you only had an hour before you had to meet the group back down in the dorms. So instead of going to the gym where you would spend hours, or the parlor where Tori would ask too many questions, you went to your room. You didn't lock your door, knowing that one of your three best friends would be following. 
Most likely Shauna, and about five minutes later as you were changing into leggings from your jeans she walked in. Zeke was the only one of them who ever knocked. Shauna said it was because she had all the same lady parts, Four said it was because he had seen it all. Which wasn't the point, but whatever. 
"Ok Girl.. What was that? Did Four piss you off? Want me to sick Zekey on him?" She said quickly after shutting the door and throwing herself across your bed. You sigh, moving towards the bathroom to brush your hair up into a pony tail. You had to be careful on how you answered, you always did. It was yet another thing that was exhausting about your life here. 
"Those girls were just driving me nuts, after the stress of being in the city today I was just done." You say rubbing your eyes before leaning your hands on the counter. 'Arent you tired of lying to all your friends? ' That voice called doubt.. or depression asks silently in your head. 
Shauna is one of the easier ones to fool, Zeke a little harder but Four could read you like a child's book. You were grateful she was the one who came up, it allowed some of the weight to fall off your shoulders. Pulling your shirt off you stood adjusting your sports bra, then splashing cool water on your neck. 
"Want to hang out after you put the kiddies to bed?" She asks looking your way, even if she cant read you she can see the tension in your shoulders. 
You shake your head "Im gonna go for a run before I go to sleep, try to work out some of this energy. Gotta be on point tomorrow, I want to be the one to break that Peter fucker."
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can you talk about kuchel and levi pls i loved your last post abt levi
Hi, thank you so much for your question! I'm really excited because this is the first time I've received an ask like this :) Thank you as well for your kind words on my post!
Off the top of my head, I'll lay out some of my thoughts in general about Levi and Kuchel and some of the speculations I have regarding the circumstances they were in together:
Kuchel seemed to be a victim of sex trafficking. She fled to the Underground City to escape persecution, but prior to that, we can assume that she lived a relatively sheltered and privileged life, as the Ackermans served and protected the King. Because of this, it is unlikely she would have had the skills or knowledge to defend herself once reaching the Underground, so I'm assuming she was preyed upon—especially since it doesn't seem like she ever awakened her own Ackerman powers. We also know that human trafficking is common underground, given Mikasa's backstory and some of the "Bad Boy" panels that have been released.
Given that Kuchel became pregnant with Levi by one of her patrons while working as a prostitute, Levi is essentially the product of rape; Kuchel's occupation was more akin to forced labor and sexual slavery than it was willful employment. I'm certain the circumstances of his birth were never lost on Levi, as I'm sure he witnessed his mother being forced to have sex on a highly frequent basis due to their living arrangements.
To elaborate, I'm fairly certain Kuchel and Levi lived in the brothel she worked at. When Kenny went to search for Kuchel's address, the man he spoke with referred to her as "Olympia" (her prostitute name). That man was also aware of her health status in reference to her ability to see clients, so I'm assuming he was the brothel owner. Building upon Levi witnessing the sexual violence toward his mother by her clients, the reason I think this is the case is because I doubt Kuchel would have felt secure in having Levi leave the room. Given the danger of their situation and how hostile of an environment the Underground is, Kuchel would have wanted to ensure Levi's safety from kidnappers by keeping him in her presence. From what we see of the room Levi was in when Kenny found him, there was only one relatively small bed and a paltry amount of furniture. Not many places for Levi to hide, unfortunately.
The likelihood that Kuchel had postpartum depression (PPD) is quite high, as certain psychosocial circumstances increase the risk factors for developing PPD: stressful life events during the pregnancy, unplanned pregnancy, food insecurity, violence against women, low socioeconomic status, low social support, single marital status, sexual abuse history, and more. All of these aforementioned factors apply to Kuchel. It is exceedingly unlikely Kuchel would have had access to treatment for any PPD she may have had as well. Furthermore, it is well-known that PPD can adversely impact the maternal-infant relationship, particularly untreated PPD. This would have affected not only Kuchel's ability to attend to her own needs, but also Levi's needs.
Levi was dying from starvation when Kenny found him. I imagine Levi was stuck with his mother's decaying corpse for around a week, and one does not reach that level of starvation from going without food for a week. Simply from those panels alone, it is evident Levi had probably gone without sufficient access to food for months at a time. This demonstrates that Kuchel was having significant difficulties providing for Levi's basic needs. Based on this fact alone, Kuchel would not have had the capabilities and resources to provide Levi with higher-level needs, like the feelings of love and belonging that children need to thrive. I think Kuchel clearly loved and wanted Levi deeply, just based on the panel of her crying tears of happiness while holding Levi as an infant; however, the reality of her situation would have precluded her from properly relaying this love to Levi.
Let's take a look at Maslow's hierarchy of needs:
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Basically, human needs are arranged in this hierarchy, with lower-level needs required for survival having to be satisfied before moving on to higher-level needs. Higher-level needs cannot be met if lower-level needs are not. The more one progresses through this hierarchy, the harder it is to continue to move through the hierarchy due to the practical and interpersonal barriers that inevitably occur. Physiological needs are the most important because no other needs can be satisfied unless those are met. Practically none of Levi's physiological needs were being met during his childhood:
We've established he had no food.
Given the poverty they were in and the nature of the Underground, a lack of clean drinking water makes sense.
The barest minimum of shelter was provided, given the small room they lived in. The shelter itself was inadequate and unsafe.
Levi was dressed in rags when Kenny found him, so we can extrapolate that he did not have much clothing.
Due to the lack of sunlight and the known effects on circadian rhythm, as well as Levi's known issues with insomnia during adulthood, consistent sleep was also an issue.
Clean air quality also seems like it'd be an issue Underground, given the lack of electricity. Torches and oil lamps probably contributed significantly to air pollution, along with the proper lack of air ventilation.
On a different note, we know from Kenny's conversation with the man who I assume was the brothel owner that Kuchel got sick from one of her clients. Of course, it's possible that Kuchel may have gotten some other sort of illness from her client, but given the occupational hazards of her labor, I'm assuming this was a sexually transmitted disease (STD). We already know Levi is extremely wary and concerned about disease when he's older to the point of being seen as a "clean freak"; it seems pretty easy to trace this concern to his experiences living underground. Given how Kuchel became sick, it's not a leap to think Levi might associate sex with disease, especially if he ever learned about the concept of STDs. Levi probably internalized some very negative messages and associations regarding sex from his childhood with his mother.
Anyway, those are some of the basic thoughts I have in my head regarding Kuchel and Levi's circumstances. I do have some more, so I would definitely love to write more posts at some point on this topic. Thanks again for reaching out!
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