#I’m sooo normal about that chapter (lying)
apotelesmaa · 11 months
Something I’ll also never not be bitter about wrt the soul eater anime ending Like That is that black star is robbed of so much of his character development it’s insane esp wrt his relationship with kid and resolving the loose ends there in their rematch. Gnawing on concrete the end of the salvage arc is so so so good it makes me crazy.
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luvjunie · 8 months
— Unforgettable ( 3 )
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part one • part two • part three • part four • part five
pairing: e-1610!miles x fem!reader
contains: sooo much fluff, plot progression, a glimpse into reader and miles’ relationship, the moment we’ve all been waiting for 🤭, and another itty bitty plot twist
summary: a bump in with a certain boy at the bodega threatens to ruin your previously perfect afternoon until he offers to fix it. you assumed things would end there, and then you ran into him again. wc: 3,254
a/n: i know y’all ain’t think i forgot about this series!!! but here’s a long chapter as an apology since i made y’all wait so long </3 also did i say an ‘itty bitty’ plot twist? cause i be lying. recap of part two is in small italics!
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“You had her approval as soon as you called her Mrs. Morales.”
Your head tilted in question, eyes panning to the ceiling in thought. “Isn’t that normal? Calling someone’s parent by their last name?”
A comfortable silence settled, just for a moment.
“You’d think so.” A smile curled Miles’ lips, the memory of when he’d introduced the first girl he’d ever liked to his parents flashing into his mind; his interest in tossing the ball paused momentarily as images from the past flooded his thoughts.
Wait… Why was he thinking about her?
. . .
“Huh?” Miles blinked quickly as he brought himself back to the present, his slightly startled gaze landing on your puzzled expression.
“Earth to Morales?” Your tone leaked with a playfulness as you quirked a brow at him. “Did you hear a word I just said?”
“Nah, sorry,” Miles cleared his throat, then scratched his forehead with a laugh he hoped didn’t sound too awkward. “Just spaced out for a sec. What’d you say?”
“I saiddd,” Laying on your stomach as your thumbs twiddled along the screen of your phone, you sent a quick text before you continued. “—It’s getting kinda late, and if I’m not home in the next thirty minutes my Grandma will alert the entire police force over my absence.” you chuckled, the perpetual buzzes of replies sounding from your phone only furthering your point.
“Oh— Yeah, you’re right. My bad, I didn’t even realize.” Miles stood and grabbed his coat from the hook off his closet door before he turned towards you with a warm grin.
“C’mon, I’ll walk you home.”
Miles had been staring at his ceiling ever since he got back home, headphones blasting music over his ears to drown out the inevitable. For what seemed like hours, and for what probably was, he was trapped in an endless rumination he didn’t want to be a part of.
The grace his weekend temporarily granted him had unfortunately come to an end, and before he knew it, there was a knock on his bedroom door that reminded him of the upcoming drive him and his dad had to make back to Visions.
“Dude, this is so stupid. My head is about to explode from all this thinking.” Clad in a wifebeater and plaid boxers as he laid on the top bunk, Miles whined out what had only been his hundredth complaint in the span of fifteen minutes.
“And I can’t find my bonnet!”
Miles’ voice was muffled by the fluff of his pillow, the same pillow that was clutched tightly and caged between his arms as an effort to cling onto the last bit of his sanity. Also the same pillow that’d gone flat nearly two months ago. How convenient.
He thought talking Ganke’s ear off about all his feelings would help sort through his thoughts, but it did the exact opposite. Miles’ feelings for you were growing, that was an undeniable fact, so he still couldn’t figure out why after an entire year, Gwen was still on his mind. Why couldn’t he just forget about her?
“I really like this girl, man. Like, really, really like her. Like, Sunflower ain’t got shit on this girl, like her.” Miles blinked, astonished at his own words as he carried on, “Like, I offered to walk her home instead of having my mom drive her, like her—“
“Bro— Bro. I get it,” Ganke interrupted.
“I didn’t even know I could feel like this for someone else!” Pulling himself into a seated position, Miles let his legs dangle over the side of the bed. “I mean, I even let her meet my parents. You know how I am about that!” He exclaimed, arms outstretched as if they would help him present his case better. Ganke, in fact, did not know how he was about that.
“That obviously means I’m over Gwen! Right?”
No answer.
“I dunno, dude! Now you see why I don’t even bother dealing with that kind’a junk. It’s confusing as hell. “ Ganke’s eyes darted from side to side as they tracked the video game on his PC’s monitor, tongue poking at his lip in intense concentration. His half-baked advice to Miles was as much as he could muster without losing focus on his Call of Duty mission. “That’s love for you, man.”
Miles’ eyes went wide and his heart began to race. “Woah woah woah— I ain’t say anything about love!” Technically, he did, just in different words.
With a weighted sigh the controller plunked out of Ganke’s hands and down onto the desk, ‘MISSION FAILED’ flashing in bold onto the screen.
“Alright, look,” Ganke spun around in his chair and glanced up at the top bunk. “If you like this girl as much as you say you do, why don’t you just go for it? What’s stopping you? A girl who’s not even here anymore?” he scoffed. “Quit dwelling on the past and look at what’s right in front of you. You know, someone who’s actually in this universe.”
Miles sat with pursed lips as he stared down at his open palms, treading in the water of his thoughts.
“You know what,” Head raising, he looked to his roommate with a newfound determination. “You’re right, Ganke. Starting tonight, I’m done thinking about the past.” Miles nodded.
“Great, now either let me get back to my mission in peace, or grab a damn controller and help me.”
Ganke was right. Gwen’s gone, and she wasn’t coming back. It’s not even possible.
Miles let the conclusion settle within him as he dug around in the junk drawer for the spare controller.
It’s time for him to move on.
As you relaxed on your back in the room you’d been in more times than you could even remember at this point, head idly bopping to an album by Tears for Fears, you thought back to the time before you knew Miles. And even though you hadn’t known him for nearly as long as you’d known yourself— maybe just caught up in the whirlwind of something new and exciting, or him in general— you couldn’t help but feel as if his presence had been missing from your life this entire time.
Spending the day with him had become as normal as breathing to you. His space had become your space (his words), and it rang true as you hummed along to the tune echoing from the record player on his desk.
“Help me to decide. Help me make the most of freedom, and of pleasure. Nothing ever lasts forever…”
The song ‘Everybody Wants to Rule the World’ wrapped you snug in a warm sense of nostalgia, it having been one of your favorites since middle school. And paired with being around your favorite person— you were sure you never wanted to leave this moment. You smiled to yourself at the upside down image you had of Miles as you let your head hang over the side of his bed, the beads on the ends of your braids clinking against his wooden floors when your head tilted with a new found query.
He hummed, but it wasn’t the kind that sounded as if you’d interrupted him, or as if he were annoyed. It was the kind that let you know he was interested in whatever you wanted to tell him, and that you had his attention even if his eyes weren’t on you.
“Okay, bear with me here. And answer carefully, because this kind of decides the type of person you are and whether I’ll even speak to you afterwards.”
“Wait, what is it?” He quickly looked up at you—upside down you, at least— with concerned eyes and you struggled to hide your grin.
“What color do you think science is?”
“Are you serious?” He deadpanned.
Your brow raise was his answer.
“Green, obviously.”
“Interesting choice. Why green?”
Miles shrugged, “Cause of the environment. Plants are green. And when I think of plants, I think of photosynthesis. Photosynthesis, equals science. Therefore,” pen in hand, he made a ‘viola’ gesture. “Green.”
“Mm,” You scrunched your nose, eyes panning back to the ceiling. “I guess I can see that.”
“And math is blue.” He tacked on.
“Blue!?” You balked, flipping over onto your stomach so his face was right side-up now. “Math? Blue? Are you deadass?”
“As dead as ass can be.” Miles quipped with a snort and continued to scribble away at the page he’d been sketching on for the last half hour.
“History is blue, not math!” You scoffed.
“Alright Y/n, what other color would math be then?” He asked incredulously.
“Red, duh.”
“Red?” He repeated breathlessly. “Why would math be red?”
“Well,” you started, “Math makes me angry. And when I think about anger, I think about the color red, just like everybody else does. And I hate red, just like I hate math. Numbers and letters do not belong together, just like pineapple on pizza. Therefore,” you mimicked his previous gesture to the air with a confident grin. “Red.”
“Pineapple— Numbers… What?” Miles blinked at you with both disbelief and confusion, the corners of his mouth threatening to expose his amusement as they lifted. “That’s it? That’s your grand explanation?”
“Mm-hm.” You hummed proudly, chin perched in both your hands.
Miles shook his head as his smile finally made itself known, dimples and all the moment your lashes batted at him.
“Not gon’ lie to you, that sounded like a whole bunch’a bullshit.” He laughed at your fake offended expression.
One of Miles’ favorite things about you was how you always seemed to ramble about everything, and nothing at the same time. He thought it was adorable.
“Well, the math part I understand, I guess.” he shrugged. “But you can’t possibly hate the color red all that much.”
Your brows furrowed at him, “What makes you say that?”
“Cause,” Miles turned his sketchbook towards you, the drawing he’d been working on this entire time revealed to be a moment he’d caught of you, gazing up at his ceiling just the way you were a moment ago. “Look.”
You nearly felt your heart stop as you took in what was in front of you. All this time while you were in your own world, singing along to whatever song came and went, he’d been focused solely on you. You dragged your eyes up from the paper so they’d meet his, your calves swiftly tucking under your thighs when you rushed to sit up in a straighter position.
“I—Is that me?” You blabbed out before you could think.
“Nah, it’s Boo-Boo the fool.” Miles huffed out a laugh. “Yes, it’s you dummy.”
Gentle strokes of red to the thin paper framed your face and lips, the attention to detail he used brought your eyes to life on the page, and he’d even managed to capture the beads on the bottom of your braids, too.
“How the hell did you do that?”
He shrugged shyly and turned his artwork to face him once more, studying the page as if he hadn’t been doing just that all this time. His heart was beginning to race faster than he’d originally predicted, and he wondered if he should’ve shown you.
“It’s kind of muscle memory at this point.”
Miles heard the words that came out of his own mouth, and you did too, but it was like the both of you comprehended exactly what he’d said at the same time.
“Don’t—“ He tried, but it was too late, you were already gushing, and he was already blushing.
“Milessss!” you teased, ignoring his plea.
“Stop it.” Flustered, he shielded a smile behind his hand and tried to look anywhere else but your face.
“You’re so cute when you blush.”
Things were beyond easy with Miles.
The two of you never ran out of things to talk about and he always matched your energy, as if he were the other half of you.
There were no awkward moments, or pressure towards the other about making a move, because deep down you both knew what this was, and that everything would fall into place with time.
It was apparent in the way he looked at you, in how perfectly you fit in his arms when he hugged you goodbye, and how you always relaxed in his embrace when he would hold onto you just a bit longer.
Your first date went perfectly. Well, not really, but that’s what made it even better.
An ominous ‘be ready in 20 mins’ text to your phone and about a half hour later, Miles popped up at your door, pink tulips in hand and a smile big enough to match his signature jacket.
The two of you decided to catch a movie after a short train ride to the theater, and he let you pick. Horror being one of your favorite genres, that’s what you went with, and like everything else that came with you, Miles agreed.
But just thirteen minutes in at one of the simplest jumpscares (if you could even call it one), Miles let out a scream belonging on one of the highest vocal registers your ears had ever heard, and it sent you into such an uncontrollable fit of laughter that you ended up accidentally spilling your fresh popcorn all over the floor.
Miles’ ego wasn’t nearly big enough for him to remain embarrassed once the tears started rolling from your eyes, and eventually, the laughter he tried to stifle made itself known to everyone sitting around you. And when you say everyone, you mean everyone.
It only took two minutes of you guys cackling and snorting before the both of you were asked to leave, and you had no idea how you made it out of the theater with how hard your stomachs were cramping.
Sure, the movie hadn’t gone quite as planned, but you didn’t mind and neither did he. As long as you both were in each other’s company, you wouldn’t mind watching paint dry.
The blue hue of the night had long enveloped the city, and as you and Miles sat up on the roof of his apartment, the dimmed fairy lights twinkling in the darkness from where they were strung across the perimeter, you made a mental note to study up on the movie you told your Grandma you were staying out late to see.
You leaned into Miles and rested your head on his shoulder, knees pulling to your chest as you exhaled softly.
“You cold?”
Far from it, actually.
A perpetual breeze prompted your bodies to curl into each other more, though goosebumps and chattering teeth were nowhere in sight, only fingers secretly inching closer and hearts growing fonder.
“I should be asking you, I’m wearing your jacket.” you joked.
“Nah,” he chuckled. “I’m alright.”
The silence was comfortable. You didn’t want to go home just yet and Miles wasn’t ready to say goodbye for the night, so you stayed.
This had become a new norm for the two of you, so much so that this was pretty much how all your hangouts ended. You’d stay just a little longer, and then he’d take you home. You couldn’t put your finger on it, but for some weird reason you always felt much safer when you were with Miles, like he’d be able to protect you if anything were to happen when the two of you were together.
“Have you ever been in love before?”
Miles’ voice was quiet, nearly drowned out from the lively sounds of the city around you. You were surprised you even heard it.
You swallowed, and it took so much effort to form your lips around the simple word you answered with. “W-what?”
He cleared his throat as his posture straightened slightly. “Like, do you know what love is? Is what I mean...” He clarified quickly, mentally cursing himself for how badly he worded things, even if it’s what he meant. He didn’t even know if you felt the same.
You lifted your head from his shoulder, prompting his own to turn towards you, but you didn’t meet his eyes. You settled for toying with the sleeve of his jacket as your heart began to thrum a little faster.
Nibbling at the inside of your lip, you inhaled quietly before answering. “When they’re the first person your mind thinks of when you hear the word ‘love’. Or maybe when the thought of them gets you out of bed in the morning instead of your alarm clock. You know when you know, basically. That’s what I was taught, and I think it checks out.” you glanced over at him, and he felt like time stopped when your eyes locked.
“Do you?” you asked.
“H-Huh?” Miles was enthralled with how pretty you looked, and how your features were perfectly illuminated by the gentle glow of the city lights, so much so that he could hardly think straight.
Rolling your eyes and suppressing a giggle, you shook your head at him. “—Do you know what love is, dummy.”
“Not exactly— uh, I don’t think so, no.” Miles’ jaw tensed and his gaze met yours once more. The twinkle in your eyes temporarily dimming due to the fear of this all being in your head.
“Oh.” you murmured.
“But I think I know what it feels like.” He said softly.
Lips parting slightly for a shaky breath to pass, Miles nodded. “Positive.”
Your eyes fell down to his lips almost immediately, then lifted back up to see that his had done the same to yours.
“Well… What does it feel like?”
The question left your mouth long before you could’ve thought to stop it, yet regret was the last thing you felt. What you were feeling was something entirely different.
Your faces grew closer until your noses brushed against each others, a second spared as a chance for either of you to bail on what you both knew was bound to happen in a matter of time.
He leaned in and you let him— let your arms curl around his neck and his around your waist so your lips could meet faster. Let your lips move against each other’s because it felt right, because that’s what you knew love to be. Letting something happen because it felt right.
He felt right.
Miles pulled away, but barely, his breath warm against your lips. “Come to my parent’s party tomorrow?” He blurted.
Hands holding the back of his neck, you blinked yourself out of your daze, brows furrowed. “What?”
“My dad, they’re making him police captain. We’re celebrating tomorrow, here, and I want you to come.” Miles licked his lips. “Well I— I was gonna invite you anyway. But now I really want you to come. And I wanted you to come before this happened, obviously—“
“I’d love to.” You smiled, and let him pull you back into him the second you’d given your answer.
Miles remembered what it was like to be so head over heels in love with someone that it consumed him entirely. How it corrupted his days and fogged his mind with nothing but the thought of them, and he could feel himself slipping back into it again, but this time, with you. And if he were being honest, it kind of scared him, how quickly you’d claimed his heart.
But what he did know was that you liked him, and he liked you. He’ll admit, he didn’t expect his feelings for you to develop as fast as they did, for them to hit him as hard as they had. But he was past that now. Tomorrow was going to be special, and not just for his family, but for the two of you. He was finally going to take the leap he’d been too scared to make before tonight.
You were the perfect girl, that he was sure of. And who’d be dumb enough to not accept perfect when it was right in front of them?
He wanted this. He wanted you.
But any chance for another sensical thought was interrupted when the impossible happened.
‘Impossible’, being the multi-layered hexagonal portal that suddenly opened up on his ceiling, and the blonde-haired, gap-toothed girl he thought he’d never see again, appearing with it.
Bright and beaming down at him with a heart-halting grin, Miles felt his stomach drop as soon as she spoke.
taglist: @burymeinside @secret-ssociety @whatamidoing89 @urmotherswhor3 @valovesyou @inlovewithfictionalppl @edgyficuselastica @motherwanda @mybfmiles @axeoverblade @miumiulicious @sukisprettyface @gwennesy @simpnotapimp @kanvis @cleo-dearts @retirement-home @lunaramune @silas-222 @citrusequalsfrogs @itsberrydreemurstuff @spritecranverry @mewhenimanangel @wisteriaflowersss
(if you asked to be tagged and i didn’t tag you, that’s because your user didn’t show up 💔)
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lincolndjarin · 10 months
Best Kept Secret
chapter nine : shuk'la rules (RE-UPLOAD)
ao3 link ✿ series masterlist ✩ main masterlist ✧
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pairing : bodyguard!Din Djarin x afab!princess!reader
rating : 18+ mdni
word count : 5.6k
summary : you spend some time in the library with the mandalorian
warnings, etc. : language, p in v sex, fingering, sort of a glove kink situation that is not verbally expressed but is def there, slapping, def like dom/sub vibes but also not spoken on, sort of a dumbification situation, degradation and also praise
A/N : i had to change accounts so this is a re-upload of my ongoing fic bks!!
You need sex.
Normally you would be satisfied for quite some time after getting off but for some reason with Mando it was different. But it’s only been two days and you need more. 
Instead of taming the beast it’s like he let it out of its cage and now it’s running rampant. 
But you had to have your stupid rules.
Maybe you could just get rid of the second one. 
You pick up the book, flipping to the back cover, staring at those damned words.
This is Purely Stress Relief. 
What an idiot, in your stupid quest to make sure things stayed casual you were somehow denying yourself casual sex. Maybe you could just fake stress, or start a fight with him. No, he’d see right through that. You’re in a genuinely good mood after yesterday, you’ve got no reason to start shit with him.
But you need sex. 
And he’s sooo good at it. Annoyingly so. 
And you can’t just ask for it, because he’ll tease you about it. (Which probably wouldn’t be all that bad now that you think of it.) But you need him, terribly. You’re lying here in your closet bed, doing everything in your power to will away the ache between your thighs because you don’t have the time to deal with it yourself, Elaine and Lysa will be here at any minute. So you stuff your face in a pillow, and let yourself have a good long groan as you hear your bedroom doors open outside the closet. 
The closet doors fly open and Elaine steps in, grinning down at you. 
“Good morning ma’am, is everything alright? You’re normally awake by now, you must have had a long day yesterday.” She’s raising an eyebrow as you groan again. Bringing another pillow up to smash against your face. 
“I’m fine. Just tired.” You mumble into the cushion. She reaches down to tear the pillow from your hands, picking you up under your arms and lifting you to your feet. “Maker, you’re strong…” 
“I have to be to take care of you ma’am. Now, up. Time to dress.” She steps out and you follow her to the mirror as Lysa goes to find you a dress. 
“Something green.” You yell over your shoulder, maybe he’ll fuck you if you wear another green dress. Gods, you hope so. 
Okay, pull yourself together. You can’t be acting like this around him, he’ll use it to his advantage and you can’t let him get the upper hand on you, not when you’re in this state. Who knows what you’ll do or say to get him to touch you. 
    You zone out as they go through the usual routine of dressing you, the jade dress hugging your torso making you smile, maybe this will work. Once you’re all done up you take Elaine’s hand in yours.
“Thank you… seriously, you’re a miracle worker. You and Lysa have taken such good care of me.” You give her a warm smile and you're taken aback by the way she squints at you before returning the smile. 
“Thank you ma’am.”
That’s all she says as she steps back, looking you over once before nodding and taking Lysa’s hand before leaving. 
You put it aside in your mind though because when they open the door you catch a glint of silver. You need to think fast, how are you going to seduce him? Gods, you're pathetic. Whatever. Just get out there, maybe actually seeing him will make this easier, the moment he starts being a jackass you’ll be able to resist him.
It doesn’t work. 
He’s nice today. Uncharacteristically so, it’s actually off-putting. He had greeted you with a compliment on your dress, had walked you to the library with no complaints, no teasing, and no resistance. And had so kindly handed you the book you’d left off on last time, he had even opened it to the page you’d left off on before he sat across from the nook and opened his own book. 
What’s his angle here? You’re having a hard time focusing on your reading because now you’ve got to figure out what he’s plotting. 
Stern, protective, annoying, persistent, nice? The Mandalorian is a lot of things but he isn’t necessarily nice. 
He isn’t cruel by any means but it’s off putting to have him acting like this. Sadly it doesn’t make him any less attractive to you at this moment because you’re still imagining all the different ways you could lure him back to your chambers. Your thoughts are interrupted by the low hum of static that always comes before he speaks. 
“You seem distracted.” When you look up the helmet is staring at you and his book is closed. Kriff. 
“Nothing, just a little…” 
“Mmm. Want to play that game? Might help alleviate some of the boredom?” He sets his book aside as he leans forward, elbows resting on his knees. You’re about to blow him off with some lame excuse so you can keep plotting on how to bed him but you’re struck with an idea. 
“Sure. What does the winner get?” 
“Is there anything in particular you want?” Predictable, you knew he wouldn’t pick one himself.
“Hmm… how about the winner gets to break one of the rules?” He leans back in the chair as he’s seemingly considering the offer.
“Which rule did you have in mind?” 
“None of the important ones, just the second one. The stress relief one. Winner gets to break it once, at a time of their choosing.” He doesn’t need to know that you plan on cashing it in immediately when you win.
“Sounds fair enough, same rules as last time? Pass three times and you lose?” There’s a much stronger hint of amusement in his voice this time around and suddenly you’re nervous he might actually try to win. “You can go first again if you’d like.” 
Might as well start with an almost guaranteed pass. 
“Last time we played you said you needed the credits from this job, why?” 
You sit and try to hold back a smug smile as you wait to hear his response but it never comes. He just sits there thinking. 
“And you can’t lie.” You eventually add, in case he was trying to come up with an answer. 
“I need a ship. I know someone on a different planet that I’d like to go see.” He says each word slowly and carefully like he’s trying to phrase it a certain way. It makes you furrow your brow. You don’t have time to ponder it for long though because he’s already moving on. “What did you buy from that woman yesterday?” Shit, you had wanted that to be a surprise for him. You could always just use a pass on this, you’d still have two more, you aren’t really all that private he’s just managed to pick out a very specific thing you don’t want to answer. 
“Pass. Did you eat the food I gave you?” You should probably be focusing on more hard hitting questions if you want to win but you are genuinely curious.
“Yes. I had half last night and half this morning.” He sounds almost sheepish when he says it, like he’s admitting defeat. You want to laugh but you’re worried if you do he won’t take food in the future. “Why do you wear those horrific dresses on the fifth day of each week?” 
He is right though, they are horrific. And it’s a huge relief that he’s seemingly done putting on the creepy over the top polite act he had going on. 
“Blue is Kodo’s favorite color. They dress me in it on days where I see him.” He lets out a huff at your response. 
“That’s a stupid reason.” 
“Do you often take note of what colors I’m wearing?”
“Is that your question?”
“Then yes, I do. Especially when it’s green. Did you wear that for me?” He nods at the jade gown you’re currently wearing.
“Is that your question?”
“Yes.” You silently wish he was sitting closer. 
“Yes. Do you like it?” 
“Is that your question?” He sounds like he’s grinning. 
“No. I just want to know.” 
“...Yes.” He takes a moment to just stare at you and that stupid heat is back in the library. “What’s your actual question?”
“Has anyone seen your face before?” You probably shouldn’t ask, it seems way too personal for how the game has been going so far but you’re in this to win it. 
Huh. You hadn’t expected an answer. And you definitely hadn’t expected that answer. 
“What do you think I look like?” 
You hadn’t expected that question either. 
“It’s a little arrogant of you to assume I ever think about you in my spare time.”
Or all the time, constantly, and in your dreams. 
“So you’ve never thought about it?”
All the time, constantly, sometimes in your dreams. 
“I have.”
“Then what do you think I look like?” 
Of course you’d thought about it, it’s hard to not wonder what the best sex of your life looks like under his helmet. You didn’t want him to actually take it off of course, you understand how important it is to him but your mind is allowed to wander. And you can’t help but hope that he at least takes it off to use that stupid mouth of his at some point, even if you can’t look. 
“Well… I always assumed brunette, even before getting confirmation. I don’t know, sharp features? Clipped short hair, unruly facial hair? I can never figure out your eyes though, I just can’t picture them.” 
He sits on it for a moment. 
“They’re brown.” 
That suits him. He seems like he would have soft, warm eyes that could turn cold and deadly in an instant. 
“That doesn’t count as my question by the way.” You snap at him, trying to relieve the intimate tension that’s suddenly settled between you. 
“Of course not.”
“How many bounties have you caught?” 
“I don’t keep track.”
“That’s not an answer.” You huff at him as you roll your eyes. 
“Fine.” He takes a moment as he thinks about it before you hear the familiar crackle of the modulator. “All of them.” 
Okay he’s got to be doing that on purpose. That low voice where he acts all serious, you want to call him out for it but it goes straight to your pussy and if you say something somehow he’ll end up finding out so why bother. 
“What’s your favorite color?” He sounds so genuinely interested when he asks you things like this. It breaks your heart every time because no one else ever seemed to care so much.
“I don’t have one.”
“We’re really on a hot streak of not answering the questions princess.” He tilts his head to the side.
“It used to be blue. Now I don’t have one.”
His helmet straightens up and he’s silent for a beat. You have to pray he isn’t giving you a look of pity under there. 
“How about for now it’s green. We can share a favorite color until you get a new one.”
It’s hard to remember that you’re just friends when he says things like that.
You should say no. Say it’s purple now, or orange, or anything else. 
But green is growing on you. 
Why is this dumb game so much more serious this time around? 
“Why is your favorite color green?” Your voice has lost its teasing edge, only sincerity remains. 
He’s silent again. 
“I knew a kid a while back who liked green.”
There’s something new. 
You can’t place the tone he has now.
It’s almost… sad . It makes you want to stand up and walk over to him, take his helmet in your hands and tell him he’s okay. Only for a second though because of course he has to ask a question that completely pulls you from the moment. 
“When did you know you wanted me?”
Presumptuous. Either he really wants to change the subject or he really wants to win. 
He’s leaning forward again and it makes you want to slap the stupid helmet. You decide against it, you’d only end up hurting yourself in that situation. 
“I’m not sure.” You puff out your chest slightly as you say it. 
“So you pass?” 
“No.” Shit, okay, do you even know the answer? “Maybe… the last time we played the game? I’m not sure.” 
“Good enough for me.” It’s annoying how satisfied with himself he sounds. 
“Was I your first time?” You don’t know why you ask it, you’re almost certain you weren’t because he shouldn’t have been that good his first time. Maybe you just want to knock him down a peg. It makes him scoff.
“Was I not up to your standard?” 
“It’s not your turn.” You try to sound indifferent when you say it. 
“Is this really how you want to play this game princess? Because I can make this a lot harder on you if it is.” His voice somehow manages to get lower, Maker, he’s the worst.
“Are you passing?” Is all you say as you straighten up in your little nook. He seems to almost mirror you as he sits up in his chair.
“No. You were not my first.” This time when you don’t bother trying to hide your smug smile at his response, it’s nice to for once feel like you’ve got the upper hand on him.
“Was I the best you’ve ever had?” 
Well it was nice to have the upper hand for fifteen seconds. 
“You know no one wants to ever hear the answer to that question.” 
“I do.” 
Of course you do.
“Pass.” You really shouldn’t but it’s best to not give him the satisfaction of the truth.
“You know that’s basically an answer in itself. I’m willing to let you un-pass this one if you say it.” Gods you’re gonna kill him, after you win and fuck his brains out. Then you’re gonna kill him.
“I said pass.” 
“Okay princess.”
Why is he still so hot? He’s too nice and he’s hot, he’s an over confident dick and he’s hot. He should be studied at this point. You can’t help but ask a question for your own personal imagination of him now that he’s got you all riled up. 
“How old are you?” 
“I’m not sure. I stopped keeping track when I took the creed, somewhere in my late thirties probably.”
“You don’t know your own birthday?” 
That shouldn’t make you as sad as it does. You get over it pretty quickly though when he asks his next question. 
“Do you think about me when you touch yourself?”
You could kill him. You didn’t think you’d be back to the point of plotting his untimely death so soon but you could kill him. You could also lie but you have to remind yourself that that would be a hollow win, it would always loom over you. No sense in putting it off. 
“Yes.” Might as well use his own question against him, even if it ends up embarrassing you if he says no. “Do you? Ever think about me?” You would give anything to sound less timid at that moment. 
Maker, is this your punishment for cheating on your husband? The agonizing temptation of the man before you?
“Do you ever think about Kodo?” Oh he’s sick. But right, his tone indicates that he already knows the answer to his question.
“No.” It’s barely above a whisper. “Why were you acting so weird this morning?” You’ve all but given up your little plot at this point, you’re pretty sure you’ll be able to convince him with or without the win at some point later. 
“You were being all cordial and polite. It was weird.” You’re still whispering as he scoffs.
“Oh come on.” You didn’t often beg for a follow up during this game but you were desperate to know, especially if he didn’t want you to know. 
“I’ll tell you if you let me win.”
Hmm. That’s not an easy choice but you’re losing so why not just let him have it, maybe tonight you could try inviting him in again. 
“Fine. You win, now tell me. Why were you acting off?” You cross your arms as you glare at him.
“For the same reason you chose to play the game.”
He was trying to seduce you.
He’s good. It’s infuriating how good he continues to be at this. He keeps winning at this whole sexual chess game you’ve been playing. You don’t have time to mock him for being so theatrical about this whole thing because he’s standing and in the blink of an eye he’s in front of you, leaning down and grabbing the bottom of your skirt, lifting it up to your seat.
“I win.” His voice is low and husky and it doesn’t even seem like he’s basking in his victory all that much because he’s too busy collecting the layers of your dress and holding them in place up at your hips. You don’t have a lot of time to process what’s going on as one of his hands is gripping your jaw. “Is it okay if I cash in my prize now?” He’s asking for permission and honestly all you can do is dumbly nod as he grabs your hips and roughly pulls you by the waist of your dress so your ass is barely hanging off the edge of the reading nook, one of his hands comes up to your mouth and he’s tapping his pointer and middle finger on your bottom lip. “Open.” 
You should be snippier with him. 
You want to be. You want desperately for him to not be in charge all the time. (Of course you do want him to be in charge some of the time but that’s besides the point.)
And you’re getting what you want so what’s the point of fighting now. You open your mouth and he slides his fingers past your teeth, not far enough to make you gag but enough to fill your mouth with the material. 
Metal, gunpowder, leather. 
It’s not all that unpleasant, especially since he’s slotting himself between your legs now. 
“Bite down.” You furrow your brows but gently bite and he pulls his hand free, keeping his glove between your teeth. “Keep that there, okay sarad? Nod if you understand.” 
What a prick. Talking down to you like that, if it didn’t make you so wet you’d spit his glove back in his face. 
Instead you nod, because afterall you’re only human and you have needs. 
“Good girl.” His condescending tone is infuriating and if you weren’t so horribly turned on by it you’d kick him where it hurts but his ungloved hand is unzipping his flight suit at the crotch so you decide to let this one slide. “Hold your skirt up for me, cyar’ika.” He mutters out as he manages to free his cock from his pants, already standing at attention, fully erect. 
It’s enough to have you tragically drooling at the sight of a man who wants you so badly he needs no time to prepare himself. 
To the best of your ability you grip the edges of your skirt up for him as his still gloved hand reaches under all of the tulle, fishing around for a moment until he finds the hem of your panties, shoving them down to your ankles as you let out a small groan into his glove. His still gloved hand is spreading your thighs as he slowly strokes himself with his other hand, once you’re seemingly exactly how he wants you you can faintly hear a sharp inhale as he takes in the sight of you staring up at him. 
“Cyare…” He mumbles as he switches his hands, bringing his bare hand between your legs. 
You shouldn’t whine the way you do. You wish you could have held it back but you’re already a mess just in anticipation of him and you just pray to the gods that the glove muffles the majority of it. Of course it doesn’t. Because he lets out a gravely laugh. 
“What’s wrong sarad?” His tone is not unkind but it is sarcastic as you feel his fingernails lightly scraping at your inner thigh. You can nearly see his confused look through the Beskar as he takes a moment to contemplate before he brings his gloved hand back between your legs as you nod pathetically. “Is this what you wanted? I thought you thought my gloves were stupid princess?” 
The tough leather on his fingertips is ever so slightly dragging through your seam as you let your head fall back. He hums in approval as he brings his bare hand back to his cock, jerking himself off gradually as he sinks a finger into your dripping cunt. 
No sense in maintaining any of your pride because the sensation forces an obscene groan out of you, accompanied by the lewd squelching sound as he withdrawals the single digit before sliding it back in. 
His fingers had already filled you so exquisitely, with the added thickness of the gloves you were pretty sure you died and went to heaven. He doesn’t wait long before he adds a second finger and honestly you’re pretty sure you can’t physically take a third as he slams them in and out of you brutally, he doesn’t give you anytime to catch your breath as he pulls them out almost entirely before sliding them home, down to the knuckle. 
You’re not sure where to look, there’s a lot going on right now and yes you had wanted this terribly but you didn’t think he’d give it to you so suddenly and you’re feeling a lot of things right now. 
You settle your eyes on his length. That perfect pretty cock of his. He’s matching the rhythm of his strokes to the rhythm of his other hand. Maker, you don’t deserve the show he’s putting on for you as he lets out quiet grunts, staring down at you. You let out a particularly loud whine as you feel his fingers curl ever so slightly.
“I love those pretty little noises you make but you have to be quiet mesh’la.” His hand briefly comes up to your mouth to shove more of the glove past your teeth as you whine softly. “If you can’t be quiet I’ll have to stop, do you understand?” 
He pulls his fingers from you, wiping his glove on the inside of your dress as you let out a small cry at the loss of contact, it makes him click his tongue. 
“Be a good girl okay? I know this is what you wanted, is that why you wore this? So I’d fuck you like the slut you are? All you had to do was ask, I don’t care all that much about your rules. But we can’t have anyone walking in so I need you to quiet down.” He’s lining the weeping pink tip of his cock up at your entrance so you swallow the moan threatening to burst from your throat.
You still aren’t used to how talkative he is during sex. Sure he talks to you but never like this. Most of the time he only ever says what he needs to to get under your skin and then he’s done. But when you’re like this, it’s like he can’t stop the words that fall past the modulator. 
He’s slower this time. The first time, he had fucked you like he would never get a chance to touch you again. Animalistic and mercilessly. Now it’s like he’s taking the time to savor you entirely. 
You want to spit the glove out and beg him to just fuck you without caution but you’re certain he would just go slower if you did that. Or worse, stop entirely. So you bite down on the glove and grit your teeth as he continues at his agonizingly slow pace, lazily shoving himself into your tight hole, inch by inch. He takes his time, dragging it out, he’s barely halfway in and he’s panting, his hand squeezing the still fresh bruises under your dress. 
Before you can stop him he starts pulling out again, you’re unable to fend off the meek whine that happens as he starts shallowly slow fucking you, never pushing himself more than a few inches in. It’s got you thrashing as he pins you down in place, your cunt milking the head of his cock. Your hands abandoning your skirt to hold onto his forearms for support .
His gloved hand came down with a smack on your inner thigh that has you keening as he starts massaging the red mark, spreading your legs a little wider. His thumb began rubbing rough circles against your clit. Just fast enough to make you squirm but not fast enough to push you over the edge. You can tell by the hoarse laughter that comes between his grunts that he’s doing this on purpose. Not fucking you deep enough to hit the spot that he know’s you’re hopelessly trying to push it against.
“Man-ooh” You spit out past the glove. You point your toes to try and get some traction on the ground. Struggling to drive him deeper into you, he responds with a harsh slap to your clit that has you jolting backwards against the window. 
“Ah ah, I thought I told you to be good. Good girls stay quiet.” He pushes his thumb down against your bud, applying pressure but holding it torturously still. 
“Pleath-” Is all you can manage to mumble out past the leather, tears pricking at the corners of your eyes, as you try to writhe under his grip, anything to get him deeper inside you but he holds you in place as he impales you on his length.
“Please? Good girls don’t beg until they’re told to sarad.” He rocks his hips forward as he continues to mock you. 
It’s a real shame he knows how to work you up so easily. You’d love to slap that stupid tone out of his voice and tell him to fuck you proper but there’s something about the pure domination that he exudes the moment he decides he wants you. It’s intoxicating. You’re drunk on him when he gets like this, the primal needs to submit to him in the moment is overwhelming. He delivers another slap to your clit to get your attention that has you letting out a muffled yelp.
“Are you paying attention, mesh’la?” His voice is so low and condescending and it makes you tighten around him earning you a growl from the Mandalorian. “You like it when I treat you like this huh?” He gives you another snap of his hips, just enough to kiss that spot with his cockhead. 
You can feel a moan bubbling in your throat but bite it back, trying to stay silent, opting for a nod instead. 
“Good girl. Now say you’re sorry princess.” One of his hands is splayed out on your thigh, holding you spread open for him as the other hungrily gropes at your chest over your bodice. 
You close your eyes as your head leans back to avoid letting him see the crimson that is creeping up your face. You’ve come this far, why draw the line here.
“Thowwy” You should probably feel more shame. You’re the princess of a very important planet yet you’re here, in the library, being fucked sensless by a man who is notably not your husband, mumbling apologies through a gag. It’s easy to forget all that though because your pathetic sorry earns you a patronizing pat on the head, which subsequently results in a rush of heat between your legs. 
You might be a bad person for getting off on this.
Maybe think about that later, right now you’re too busy servicing the bodyguard your husband hired. 
“See, that’s better.” He brings his thumb up to swipe at your bottom lip, taking in the beads of drool before bringing it back to your clit. “Good girls get rewarded.” He snaps his hips forward, pushing just a little deeper. Finally letting the blunt head of his cock rest against that sensitive spot inside of you. 
It’s like he knows your body better than you do. It’s a little aggravating but it’s hard to be mad when he starts deliberately slamming himself against that spot. Matching his ministrations on your clit to his thrusts which has your entire body tensing as that wire in your core threatens to snap.  
You have autonomy. And he’s just a self-righteous asshole who is devastatingly good at sex. He likes to remind you of the fact that you don’t technically have the authority to dismiss him but you’re pretty sure you’re still his boss.
So why are you staring up at him now with pleading eyes as he fucks you, your eyes darting between him and the leather sticking out from your lips. You could spit it out, but instead you wait until his thrusts slow ever so slightly as he pulls the now soaked glove from your mouth, a line of drool going from it to your lips. 
“What is it, copikla?” He says it so derisively that you don’t need a translation to tell you he’s teasing you. 
Normally you wouldn’t do this. Not unless a guy explicitly asked for it and it was your only option. But you know that if you ask for permission he’ll probably just let you and you woke up pent up and then there was all the teasing and the heat is going to your head so you can’t stop the babbles that spill from your lips. 
“Can I cum Mando? Please let me cum I’m so close please.” Hearing yourself say those words is a little humiliating, (for an unrelated reason you’re sure you get wetter as you say them) but it seems to work because he picks up his pace as he plunges himself into you. There’s no hesitation as you plead with him.
“Elek olaror sarad’ika. Cum for me.” His voice is a low growl as he holds your hips, pulling you down against him to push himself deeper into you as his thumb rolls over your clit just so. Everything combined with the Mando’a he seemingly can’t stop speaking has your eyes rolling back as you feel your walls clamping down on him, strangling his cock as you climax, your vision going a sharp white for a moment, his hand comes up just fast enough to muffle the cry that escapes your throat. Simultaneously he slips out of you, shooting his load onto your swollen soaked pussy.
You’re both just panting for a moment as you come down from your respective orgasms. He recovers first as he shoves himself back into his pants before kneeling down in front of you, pulling your panties up, keeping his cum on your skin. 
It’s filthy. The thought of spending the rest of the day with his seed between your legs is hot enough to hopefully keep you satisfied for a few more days than last time. 
Your head is still tilted back, resting against the window as your chest heaves. You barely even register the hiss of air, or the gentle kiss that’s placed against your inner thigh. 
Soft. His lips are soft, not chapped like you’d thought they’d be, with just a little bit of stubble. 
By the time you look down at him his helmet is back in place and you aren’t even sure it really happened. He straightens the layers on your skirt and stands up, his still ungloved hand brushes your hair back as he caresses your face.
“Are you okay? Do you need anything?” He’s back to that soft tone he uses only for you and you scowl at him.
“You’re mean during sex.” 
It’s nice to hear him laugh in earnest. He tucks a loose strand behind your ear.
“I think you like it.”
“Can I get you anything princess?” There it is again. That tone where he makes it sound like an endearment.
You don’t really need anything but you do have something you need to do so you give him a distraction.
“Could I convince you to get me some water?” 
“There isn’t a lot you couldn’t convince me of.” 
It’s things like that that make it hard to remember this is a platonic arrangement. But he’s already walking to the door so you rush to find some stationary and you write out everything you need before stepping out into the hall. No sign of Mando so you whisper-yell Leodall’s name. It’s like he appears out of thin air, you should figure out how he does that at some point if you’re gonna keep having secret sexual relations. That isn’t your mission right now though so you hand him the paper and dismiss him before hurrying back into the library. Patiently awaiting Mando’s return. 
As you sit back in the nook you rest your head on the adjacent book shelf. 
Two days. 
You’ve had your rules for two days. So far you’ve broken a rule every day you’ve had them. 
Everyone makes mistakes.
You just won’t break any more rules from this point forward. 
“…All you had to do was ask, I don’t care all that much about your rules.”
That’s what he had said.
This is Purely Stress Relief. 
Maybe you can keep breaking one rule. 
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luckbealincoln · 1 year
Best Kept Secret
chapter nine : shuk'la rules
pairing : bodyguard!Din Djarin x afab!princess!reader
rating : 18+ mdni
word count : 5.6k
summary : you spend some time in the library with the mandalorian
warnings, etc. : language, p in v sex, fingering, sort of a glove kink situation that is not verbally expressed but is def there, slapping, def like dom/sub vibes but also not spoken on, sort of a dumbification situation, degradation and also praise
You need sex.
Normally you would be satisfied for quite some time after getting off but for some reason with Mando it was different. But it’s only been two days and you need more. 
Instead of taming the beast it’s like he let it out of its cage and now it’s running rampant. 
But you had to have your stupid rules.
Maybe you could just get rid of the second one. 
You pick up the book, flipping to the back cover, staring at those damned words.
This is Purely Stress Relief. 
What an idiot, in your stupid quest to make sure things stayed casual you were somehow denying yourself casual sex. Maybe you could just fake stress, or start a fight with him. No, he’d see right through that. You’re in a genuinely good mood after yesterday, you’ve got no reason to start shit with him.
But you need sex. 
And he’s sooo good at it. Annoyingly so. 
And you can’t just ask for it, because he’ll tease you about it. (Which probably wouldn’t be all that bad now that you think of it.) But you need him, terribly. You’re lying here in your closet bed, doing everything in your power to will away the ache between your thighs because you don’t have the time to deal with it yourself, Elaine and Lysa will be here at any minute. So you stuff your face in a pillow, and let yourself have a good long groan as you hear your bedroom doors open outside the closet. 
The closet doors fly open and Elaine steps in, grinning down at you. 
“Good morning ma’am, is everything alright? You’re normally awake by now, you must have had a long day yesterday.” She’s raising an eyebrow as you groan again. Bringing another pillow up to smash against your face. 
“I’m fine. Just tired.” You mumble into the cushion. She reaches down to tear the pillow from your hands, picking you up under your arms and lifting you to your feet. “Maker, you’re strong…” 
“I have to be to take care of you ma’am. Now, up. Time to dress.” She steps out and you follow her to the mirror as Lysa goes to find you a dress. 
“Something green.” You yell over your shoulder, maybe he’ll fuck you if you wear another green dress. Gods, you hope so. 
Okay, pull yourself together. You can’t be acting like this around him, he’ll use it to his advantage and you can’t let him get the upper hand on you, not when you’re in this state. Who knows what you’ll do or say to get him to touch you. 
    You zone out as they go through the usual routine of dressing you, the jade dress hugging your torso making you smile, maybe this will work. Once you’re all done up you take Elaine’s hand in yours.
“Thank you… seriously, you’re a miracle worker. You and Lysa have taken such good care of me.” You give her a warm smile and you're taken aback by the way she squints at you before returning the smile. 
“Thank you ma’am.”
That’s all she says as she steps back, looking you over once before nodding and taking Lysa’s hand before leaving. 
You put it aside in your mind though because when they open the door you catch a glint of silver. You need to think fast, how are you going to seduce him? Gods, you're pathetic. Whatever. Just get out there, maybe actually seeing him will make this easier, the moment he starts being a jackass you’ll be able to resist him.
It doesn’t work. 
He’s nice today. Uncharacteristically so, it’s actually off-putting. He had greeted you with a compliment on your dress, had walked you to the library with no complaints, no teasing, and no resistance. And had so kindly handed you the book you’d left off on last time, he had even opened it to the page you’d left off on before he sat across from the nook and opened his own book. 
What’s his angle here? You’re having a hard time focusing on your reading because now you’ve got to figure out what he’s plotting. 
Stern, protective, annoying, persistent, nice? The Mandalorian is a lot of things but he isn’t necessarily nice. 
He isn’t cruel by any means but it’s off putting to have him acting like this. Sadly it doesn’t make him any less attractive to you at this moment because you’re still imagining all the different ways you could lure him back to your chambers. Your thoughts are interrupted by the low hum of static that always comes before he speaks. 
“You seem distracted.” When you look up the helmet is staring at you and his book is closed. Kriff. 
“Nothing, just a little…” 
“Mmm. Want to play that game? Might help alleviate some of the boredom?” He sets his book aside as he leans forward, elbows resting on his knees. You’re about to blow him off with some lame excuse so you can keep plotting on how to bed him but you’re struck with an idea. 
“Sure. What does the winner get?” 
“Is there anything in particular you want?” Predictable, you knew he wouldn’t pick one himself.
“Hmm… how about the winner gets to break one of the rules?” He leans back in the chair as he’s seemingly considering the offer.
“Which rule did you have in mind?” 
“None of the important ones, just the second one. The stress relief one. Winner gets to break it once, at a time of their choosing.” He doesn’t need to know that you plan on cashing it in immediately when you win.
“Sounds fair enough, same rules as last time? Pass three times and you lose?” There’s a much stronger hint of amusement in his voice this time around and suddenly you’re nervous he might actually try to win. “You can go first again if you’d like.” 
Might as well start with an almost guaranteed pass. 
“Last time we played you said you needed the credits from this job, why?” 
You sit and try to hold back a smug smile as you wait to hear his response but it never comes. He just sits there thinking. 
“And you can’t lie.” You eventually add, in case he was trying to come up with an answer. 
“I need a ship. I know someone on a different planet that I’d like to go see.” He says each word slowly and carefully like he’s trying to phrase it a certain way. It makes you furrow your brow. You don’t have time to ponder it for long though because he’s already moving on. “What did you buy from that woman yesterday?” Shit, you had wanted that to be a surprise for him. You could always just use a pass on this, you’d still have two more, you aren’t really all that private he’s just managed to pick out a very specific thing you don’t want to answer. 
“Pass. Did you eat the food I gave you?” You should probably be focusing on more hard hitting questions if you want to win but you are genuinely curious.
“Yes. I had half last night and half this morning.” He sounds almost sheepish when he says it, like he’s admitting defeat. You want to laugh but you’re worried if you do he won’t take food in the future. “Why do you wear those horrific dresses on the fifth day of each week?” 
He is right though, they are horrific. And it’s a huge relief that he’s seemingly done putting on the creepy over the top polite act he had going on. 
“Blue is Kodo’s favorite color. They dress me in it on days where I see him.” He lets out a huff at your response. 
“That’s a stupid reason.” 
“Do you often take note of what colors I’m wearing?”
“Is that your question?”
“Then yes, I do. Especially when it’s green. Did you wear that for me?” He nods at the jade gown you’re currently wearing.
“Is that your question?”
“Yes.” You silently wish he was sitting closer. 
“Yes. Do you like it?” 
“Is that your question?” He sounds like he’s grinning. 
“No. I just want to know.” 
“...Yes.” He takes a moment to just stare at you and that stupid heat is back in the library. “What’s your actual question?”
“Has anyone seen your face before?” You probably shouldn’t ask, it seems way too personal for how the game has been going so far but you’re in this to win it. 
Huh. You hadn’t expected an answer. And you definitely hadn’t expected that answer. 
“What do you think I look like?” 
You hadn’t expected that question either. 
“It’s a little arrogant of you to assume I ever think about you in my spare time.”
Or all the time, constantly, and in your dreams. 
“So you’ve never thought about it?”
All the time, constantly, sometimes in your dreams. 
“I have.”
“Then what do you think I look like?” 
Of course you’d thought about it, it’s hard to not wonder what the best sex of your life looks like under his helmet. You didn’t want him to actually take it off of course, you understand how important it is to him but your mind is allowed to wander. And you can’t help but hope that he at least takes it off to use that stupid mouth of his at some point, even if you can’t look. 
“Well… I always assumed brunette, even before getting confirmation. I don’t know, sharp features? Clipped short hair, unruly facial hair? I can never figure out your eyes though, I just can’t picture them.” 
He sits on it for a moment. 
“They’re brown.” 
That suits him. He seems like he would have soft, warm eyes that could turn cold and deadly in an instant. 
“That doesn’t count as my question by the way.” You snap at him, trying to relieve the intimate tension that’s suddenly settled between you. 
“Of course not.”
“How many bounties have you caught?” 
“I don’t keep track.”
“That’s not an answer.” You huff at him as you roll your eyes. 
“Fine.” He takes a moment as he thinks about it before you hear the familiar crackle of the modulator. “All of them.” 
Okay he’s got to be doing that on purpose. That low voice where he acts all serious, you want to call him out for it but it goes straight to your pussy and if you say something somehow he’ll end up finding out so why bother. 
“What’s your favorite color?” He sounds so genuinely interested when he asks you things like this. It breaks your heart every time because no one else ever seemed to care so much.
“I don’t have one.”
“We’re really on a hot streak of not answering the questions princess.” He tilts his head to the side.
“It used to be blue. Now I don’t have one.”
His helmet straightens up and he’s silent for a beat. You have to pray he isn’t giving you a look of pity under there. 
“How about for now it’s green. We can share a favorite color until you get a new one.”
It’s hard to remember that you’re just friends when he says things like that.
You should say no. Say it’s purple now, or orange, or anything else. 
But green is growing on you. 
Why is this dumb game so much more serious this time around? 
“Why is your favorite color green?” Your voice has lost its teasing edge, only sincerity remains. 
He’s silent again. 
“I knew a kid a while back who liked green.”
There’s something new. 
You can’t place the tone he has now.
It’s almost… sad . It makes you want to stand up and walk over to him, take his helmet in your hands and tell him he’s okay. Only for a second though because of course he has to ask a question that completely pulls you from the moment. 
“When did you know you wanted me?”
Presumptuous. Either he really wants to change the subject or he really wants to win. 
He’s leaning forward again and it makes you want to slap the stupid helmet. You decide against it, you’d only end up hurting yourself in that situation. 
“I’m not sure.” You puff out your chest slightly as you say it. 
“So you pass?” 
“No.” Shit, okay, do you even know the answer? “Maybe… the last time we played the game? I’m not sure.” 
“Good enough for me.” It’s annoying how satisfied with himself he sounds. 
“Was I your first time?” You don’t know why you ask it, you’re almost certain you weren’t because he shouldn’t have been that good his first time. Maybe you just want to knock him down a peg. It makes him scoff.
“Was I not up to your standard?” 
“It’s not your turn.” You try to sound indifferent when you say it. 
“Is this really how you want to play this game princess? Because I can make this a lot harder on you if it is.” His voice somehow manages to get lower, Maker, he’s the worst.
“Are you passing?” Is all you say as you straighten up in your little nook. He seems to almost mirror you as he sits up in his chair.
“No. You were not my first.” This time when you don’t bother trying to hide your smug smile at his response, it’s nice to for once feel like you’ve got the upper hand on him.
“Was I the best you’ve ever had?” 
Well it was nice to have the upper hand for fifteen seconds. 
“You know no one wants to ever hear the answer to that question.” 
“I do.” 
Of course you do.
“Pass.” You really shouldn’t but it’s best to not give him the satisfaction of the truth.
“You know that’s basically an answer in itself. I’m willing to let you un-pass this one if you say it.” Gods you’re gonna kill him, after you win and fuck his brains out. Then you’re gonna kill him.
“I said pass.” 
“Okay princess.”
Why is he still so hot? He’s too nice and he’s hot, he’s an over confident dick and he’s hot. He should be studied at this point. You can’t help but ask a question for your own personal imagination of him now that he’s got you all riled up. 
“How old are you?” 
“I’m not sure. I stopped keeping track when I took the creed, somewhere in my late thirties probably.”
“You don’t know your own birthday?” 
That shouldn’t make you as sad as it does. You get over it pretty quickly though when he asks his next question. 
“Do you think about me when you touch yourself?”
You could kill him. You didn’t think you’d be back to the point of plotting his untimely death so soon but you could kill him. You could also lie but you have to remind yourself that that would be a hollow win, it would always loom over you. No sense in putting it off. 
“Yes.” Might as well use his own question against him, even if it ends up embarrassing you if he says no. “Do you? Ever think about me?” You would give anything to sound less timid at that moment. 
Maker, is this your punishment for cheating on your husband? The agonizing temptation of the man before you?
“Do you ever think about Kodo?” Oh he’s sick. But right, his tone indicates that he already knows the answer to his question.
“No.” It’s barely above a whisper. “Why were you acting so weird this morning?” You’ve all but given up your little plot at this point, you’re pretty sure you’ll be able to convince him with or without the win at some point later. 
“You were being all cordial and polite. It was weird.” You’re still whispering as he scoffs.
“Oh come on.” You didn’t often beg for a follow up during this game but you were desperate to know, especially if he didn’t want you to know. 
“I’ll tell you if you let me win.”
Hmm. That’s not an easy choice but you’re losing so why not just let him have it, maybe tonight you could try inviting him in again. 
“Fine. You win, now tell me. Why were you acting off?” You cross your arms as you glare at him.
“For the same reason you chose to play the game.”
He was trying to seduce you.
He’s good. It’s infuriating how good he continues to be at this. He keeps winning at this whole sexual chess game you’ve been playing. You don’t have time to mock him for being so theatrical about this whole thing because he’s standing and in the blink of an eye he’s in front of you, leaning down and grabbing the bottom of your skirt, lifting it up to your seat.
“I win.” His voice is low and husky and it doesn’t even seem like he’s basking in his victory all that much because he’s too busy collecting the layers of your dress and holding them in place up at your hips. You don’t have a lot of time to process what’s going on as one of his hands is gripping your jaw. “Is it okay if I cash in my prize now?” He’s asking for permission and honestly all you can do is dumbly nod as he grabs your hips and roughly pulls you by the waist of your dress so your ass is barely hanging off the edge of the reading nook, one of his hands comes up to your mouth and he’s tapping his pointer and middle finger on your bottom lip. “Open.” 
You should be snippier with him. 
You want to be. You want desperately for him to not be in charge all the time. (Of course you do want him to be in charge some of the time but that’s besides the point.)
And you’re getting what you want so what’s the point of fighting now. You open your mouth and he slides his fingers past your teeth, not far enough to make you gag but enough to fill your mouth with the material. 
Metal, gunpowder, leather. 
It’s not all that unpleasant, especially since he’s slotting himself between your legs now. 
“Bite down.” You furrow your brows but gently bite and he pulls his hand free, keeping his glove between your teeth. “Keep that there, okay sarad? Nod if you understand.” 
What a prick. Talking down to you like that, if it didn’t make you so wet you’d spit his glove back in his face. 
Instead you nod, because afterall you’re only human and you have needs. 
“Good girl.” His condescending tone is infuriating and if you weren’t so horribly turned on by it you’d kick him where it hurts but his ungloved hand is unzipping his flight suit at the crotch so you decide to let this one slide. “Hold your skirt up for me, cyar’ika.” He mutters out as he manages to free his cock from his pants, already standing at attention, fully erect. 
It’s enough to have you tragically drooling at the sight of a man who wants you so badly he needs no time to prepare himself. 
To the best of your ability you grip the edges of your skirt up for him as his still gloved hand reaches under all of the tulle, fishing around for a moment until he finds the hem of your panties, shoving them down to your ankles as you let out a small groan into his glove. His still gloved hand is spreading your thighs as he slowly strokes himself with his other hand, once you’re seemingly exactly how he wants you you can faintly hear a sharp inhale as he takes in the sight of you staring up at him. 
“Cyare…” He mumbles as he switches his hands, bringing his bare hand between your legs. 
You shouldn’t whine the way you do. You wish you could have held it back but you’re already a mess just in anticipation of him and you just pray to the gods that the glove muffles the majority of it. Of course it doesn’t. Because he lets out a gravely laugh. 
“What’s wrong sarad?” His tone is not unkind but it is sarcastic as you feel his fingernails lightly scraping at your inner thigh. You can nearly see his confused look through the Beskar as he takes a moment to contemplate before he brings his gloved hand back between your legs as you nod pathetically. “Is this what you wanted? I thought you thought my gloves were stupid princess?” 
The tough leather on his fingertips is ever so slightly dragging through your seam as you let your head fall back. He hums in approval as he brings his bare hand back to his cock, jerking himself off gradually as he sinks a finger into your dripping cunt. 
No sense in maintaining any of your pride because the sensation forces an obscene groan out of you, accompanied by the lewd squelching sound as he withdrawals the single digit before sliding it back in. 
His fingers had already filled you so exquisitely, with the added thickness of the gloves you were pretty sure you died and went to heaven. He doesn’t wait long before he adds a second finger and honestly you’re pretty sure you can’t physically take a third as he slams them in and out of you brutally, he doesn’t give you anytime to catch your breath as he pulls them out almost entirely before sliding them home, down to the knuckle. 
You’re not sure where to look, there’s a lot going on right now and yes you had wanted this terribly but you didn’t think he’d give it to you so suddenly and you’re feeling a lot of things right now. 
You settle your eyes on his length. That perfect pretty cock of his. He’s matching the rhythm of his strokes to the rhythm of his other hand. Maker, you don’t deserve the show he’s putting on for you as he lets out quiet grunts, staring down at you. You let out a particularly loud whine as you feel his fingers curl ever so slightly.
“I love those pretty little noises you make but you have to be quiet mesh’la.” His hand briefly comes up to your mouth to shove more of the glove past your teeth as you whine softly. “If you can’t be quiet I’ll have to stop, do you understand?” 
He pulls his fingers from you, wiping his glove on the inside of your dress as you let out a small cry at the loss of contact, it makes him click his tongue. 
“Be a good girl okay? I know this is what you wanted, is that why you wore this? So I’d fuck you like the slut you are? All you had to do was ask, I don’t care all that much about your rules. But we can’t have anyone walking in so I need you to quiet down.” He’s lining the weeping pink tip of his cock up at your entrance so you swallow the moan threatening to burst from your throat.
You still aren’t used to how talkative he is during sex. Sure he talks to you but never like this. Most of the time he only ever says what he needs to to get under your skin and then he’s done. But when you’re like this, it’s like he can’t stop the words that fall past the modulator. 
He’s slower this time. The first time, he had fucked you like he would never get a chance to touch you again. Animalistic and mercilessly. Now it’s like he’s taking the time to savor you entirely. 
You want to spit the glove out and beg him to just fuck you without caution but you’re certain he would just go slower if you did that. Or worse, stop entirely. So you bite down on the glove and grit your teeth as he continues at his agonizingly slow pace, lazily shoving himself into your tight hole, inch by inch. He takes his time, dragging it out, he’s barely halfway in and he’s panting, his hand squeezing the still fresh bruises under your dress. 
Before you can stop him he starts pulling out again, you’re unable to fend off the meek whine that happens as he starts shallowly slow fucking you, never pushing himself more than a few inches in. It’s got you thrashing as he pins you down in place, your cunt milking the head of his cock. Your hands abandoning your skirt to hold onto his forearms for support .
His gloved hand came down with a smack on your inner thigh that has you keening as he starts massaging the red mark, spreading your legs a little wider. His thumb began rubbing rough circles against your clit. Just fast enough to make you squirm but not fast enough to push you over the edge. You can tell by the hoarse laughter that comes between his grunts that he’s doing this on purpose. Not fucking you deep enough to hit the spot that he know’s you’re hopelessly trying to push it against.
“Man-ooh” You spit out past the glove. You point your toes to try and get some traction on the ground. Struggling to drive him deeper into you, he responds with a harsh slap to your clit that has you jolting backwards against the window. 
“Ah ah, I thought I told you to be good. Good girls stay quiet.” He pushes his thumb down against your bud, applying pressure but holding it torturously still. 
“Pleath-” Is all you can manage to mumble out past the leather, tears pricking at the corners of your eyes, as you try to writhe under his grip, anything to get him deeper inside you but he holds you in place as he impales you on his length.
“Please? Good girls don’t beg until they’re told to sarad.” He rocks his hips forward as he continues to mock you. 
It’s a real shame he knows how to work you up so easily. You’d love to slap that stupid tone out of his voice and tell him to fuck you proper but there’s something about the pure domination that he exudes the moment he decides he wants you. It’s intoxicating. You’re drunk on him when he gets like this, the primal needs to submit to him in the moment is overwhelming. He delivers another slap to your clit to get your attention that has you letting out a muffled yelp.
“Are you paying attention, mesh’la?” His voice is so low and condescending and it makes you tighten around him earning you a growl from the Mandalorian. “You like it when I treat you like this huh?” He gives you another snap of his hips, just enough to kiss that spot with his cockhead. 
You can feel a moan bubbling in your throat but bite it back, trying to stay silent, opting for a nod instead. 
“Good girl. Now say you’re sorry princess.” One of his hands is splayed out on your thigh, holding you spread open for him as the other hungrily gropes at your chest over your bodice. 
You close your eyes as your head leans back to avoid letting him see the crimson that is creeping up your face. You’ve come this far, why draw the line here.
“Thowwy” You should probably feel more shame. You’re the princess of a very important planet yet you’re here, in the library, being fucked sensless by a man who is notably not your husband, mumbling apologies through a gag. It’s easy to forget all that though because your pathetic sorry earns you a patronizing pat on the head, which subsequently results in a rush of heat between your legs. 
You might be a bad person for getting off on this.
Maybe think about that later, right now you’re too busy servicing the bodyguard your husband hired. 
“See, that’s better.” He brings his thumb up to swipe at your bottom lip, taking in the beads of drool before bringing it back to your clit. “Good girls get rewarded.” He snaps his hips forward, pushing just a little deeper. Finally letting the blunt head of his cock rest against that sensitive spot inside of you. 
It’s like he knows your body better than you do. It’s a little aggravating but it’s hard to be mad when he starts deliberately slamming himself against that spot. Matching his ministrations on your clit to his thrusts which has your entire body tensing as that wire in your core threatens to snap.  
You have autonomy. And he’s just a self-righteous asshole who is devastatingly good at sex. He likes to remind you of the fact that you don’t technically have the authority to dismiss him but you’re pretty sure you’re still his boss.
So why are you staring up at him now with pleading eyes as he fucks you, your eyes darting between him and the leather sticking out from your lips. You could spit it out, but instead you wait until his thrusts slow ever so slightly as he pulls the now soaked glove from your mouth, a line of drool going from it to your lips. 
“What is it, copikla?” He says it so derisively that you don’t need a translation to tell you he’s teasing you. 
Normally you wouldn’t do this. Not unless a guy explicitly asked for it and it was your only option. But you know that if you ask for permission he’ll probably just let you and you woke up pent up and then there was all the teasing and the heat is going to your head so you can’t stop the babbles that spill from your lips. 
“Can I cum Mando? Please let me cum I’m so close please.” Hearing yourself say those words is a little humiliating, (for an unrelated reason you’re sure you get wetter as you say them) but it seems to work because he picks up his pace as he plunges himself into you. There’s no hesitation as you plead with him.
“Elek olaror sarad’ika. Cum for me.” His voice is a low growl as he holds your hips, pulling you down against him to push himself deeper into you as his thumb rolls over your clit just so. Everything combined with the Mando’a he seemingly can’t stop speaking has your eyes rolling back as you feel your walls clamping down on him, strangling his cock as you climax, your vision going a sharp white for a moment, his hand comes up just fast enough to muffle the cry that escapes your throat. Simultaneously he slips out of you, shooting his load onto your swollen soaked pussy.
You’re both just panting for a moment as you come down from your respective orgasms. He recovers first as he shoves himself back into his pants before kneeling down in front of you, pulling your panties up, keeping his cum on your skin. 
It’s filthy. The thought of spending the rest of the day with his seed between your legs is hot enough to hopefully keep you satisfied for a few more days than last time. 
Your head is still tilted back, resting against the window as your chest heaves. You barely even register the hiss of air, or the gentle kiss that’s placed against your inner thigh. 
Soft. His lips are soft, not chapped like you’d thought they’d be, with just a little bit of stubble. 
By the time you look down at him his helmet is back in place and you aren’t even sure it really happened. He straightens the layers on your skirt and stands up, his still ungloved hand brushes your hair back as he caresses your face.
“Are you okay? Do you need anything?” He’s back to that soft tone he uses only for you and you scowl at him.
“You’re mean during sex.” 
It’s nice to hear him laugh in earnest. He tucks a loose strand behind your ear.
“I think you like it.”
“Can I get you anything princess?” There it is again. That tone where he makes it sound like an endearment.
You don’t really need anything but you do have something you need to do so you give him a distraction.
“Could I convince you to get me some water?” 
“There isn’t a lot you couldn’t convince me of.” 
It’s things like that that make it hard to remember this is a platonic arrangement. But he’s already walking to the door so you rush to find some stationary and you write out everything you need before stepping out into the hall. No sign of Mando so you whisper-yell Leodall’s name. It’s like he appears out of thin air, you should figure out how he does that at some point if you’re gonna keep having secret sexual relations. That isn’t your mission right now though so you hand him the paper and dismiss him before hurrying back into the library. Patiently awaiting Mando’s return. 
As you sit back in the nook you rest your head on the adjacent book shelf. 
Two days. 
You’ve had your rules for two days. So far you’ve broken a rule every day you’ve had them. 
Everyone makes mistakes.
You just won’t break any more rules from this point forward. 
“…All you had to do was ask, I don’t care all that much about your rules.”
That’s what he had said.
This is Purely Stress Relief. 
Maybe you can keep breaking one rule. 
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obstinaterixatrix · 1 year
yo bookwalker’s having a coin boost event on yuri until 6/25/23, there’s a sale but it only applies to ‘yuri is my job’ (personally I wasn’t compelled by that one). anyway here are some of the series on the list I like:
Still Sick—office lady romance about a woman who draws yuri being found at a convention by a coworker, one of my absolute faves (3 volumes, complete)
5 seconds before a witch falls in love—collection of stories, main story is a two-shot about a witch hunter and a witch duking it out (really like this one) and there’s a oneshot about the most normal girl in existence but a demon and angel obsess over her (not personally a fan). regardless if you like the oneshot, imo the main story is SUUUUPER worth it, I love it a lot (1 volume, complete)
Failed Princesses—high school romance with the energy of a hot-blooded shounen. these gals shout passionately about their feelings. the main character is a popular girl who’d talk shit about the unpopular girl but then her boyfriend cheated on her and the unpopular girl was like ‘hey. you have to be happy. you’re not allowed to be unhappy (because I resent you for being the perfect popular girl)’ and the popular girl was like ‘oh my god… you are sooo NICE I’m obsessed you forever now’ (this is all in like the first two chapters) (6 volumes, complete)
black and white—honestly? I’m not entirely sold on the writing (I don’t think it really coheres in terms of why the relationship develops how it does) but the novelty of having office ladies violently beat the shit out of each other carries it, especially since sal jiang’s art is really good. like those gals are BRAWLING for real, it’s kind of refreshing (1 volume, incomplete)
here are series that I fell off of because I lost interest but they weren’t bad or anything:
The two of them are pretty much like this—slice of life established relationship between a voice actress in her early 20s and a novelist in her 30s (I think). it’s cute, it’s good for folks who like fluff, I fell off because it felt more meandering whereas I like stories with heated drama and momentum (3 volumes, probably ongoing?)
School zone girls—high school gag 4koma, really good for folks who like the *stupid* high school energy. This is a manga with rowdy gals who are idiots. I fell off because it’s one of those really long + big cast kinda manga, yknow, like tsurezure children or gekkan shoujo, so it’ll probably suit folks who like those types (4 volumes, ongoing)
Hello Melancholic—high school gals in a band (I think they do jazz? or it’s some kind of brass band? well the main character plays trumpet), it’s pretty cute and has a solid gloomy gal with hella anxiety + excitable gal who Will Get Her Way No Matter What dynamic, I just fell off of it because I wasn’t interested at the time (3 volumes, complete)
Otherside Picnic—college gals investigating another world/urban legends, the main character is someone who just wanted to chill in another world and the love interest is Looking For Someone Who Disappeared. it’s fun and entertaining, it’s a light novel and the main character has a lot of fun biases—when she says she’s just a normal girl who has experienced a normal life, she is absolutely lying. Good for folks who like urban legends and kind of… investigative arcs? Action and mystery vibes? I read up to volume 4 and fell off because that was all that was out (7 volumes, incomplete, vol 8 is coming out in august)
She loves to cook, she loves to eat—slice of life with working women, the main character loves to cook, the love interest loves to eat. Good for folks who like more grounded stories, the main character thinks a lot about how she’s seen as A Great Potential Wife rather than someone who just has a hobby and the love interest gets underestimated a lot (I think she works in construction??) and gets judgement from being a woman who, yknow, likes to eat. from what I read it’s a very tentative kind of romance of a couple of women finding someone comfortable to be around, I fell off because I get more grabbed by internal/interpersonal conflict rather than external/societal influences but I think it’ll grab folks who 1) like more grounded stories, 2) likes food (3 volumes, I think incomplete?)
Catch these hands!—ex-delinquent and her old classmate that’s obsessed with her. The artist did love live doujins, I think? Anyway it’s fun, would appeal to folks who like things that are lighthearted and who enjoy weird women. I don’t think I was compelled by the emotional focus but I don’t think that means it was bad (4 volumes, complete I think)
I didn’t like these but a lot of people do:
Even Though We’re Adults—messy adult relationship, one of them is married to a man and the other one is like ‘this is so fucking stupid do NOT go through with this it is SUCH a bad idea’ and she goes through with it. shimura is a pretty renowned yuri mangaka, she’s the one who did aoi hana, it’ll probably be a good read for people who like emotionally complex and pretty miserable stories. didn’t have enough humor for my tastes and I fell off pretty early (6 volumes, ongoing)
Run away with me, girl—gorgeous and unique art, it’s about two gals who were high school sweethearts and then one of them went off to be with a guy, the gals reunite as adults and they end up running away together. one of the gals is pregnant and was in an abusive relationship, which is why she’s running. again, for people who like emotionally complex stories. I wasn’t satisfied with the love interest’s development, kinda reminded me of octave, but I know other folks who would probably enjoy how the narrative approaches her (3 volumes, complete)
SHWD—buff women and sci-fi action horror. good art. I don’t think any of the character archetypes or dynamics appealed to me but if you’re desperate for buff women and like sci-fi/action/horror this will help probably (1 volume, incomplete? idk)
Roadqueen—mira’s art is gorgeous but I’m not super compelled by the writing. Good for people who want something goofy and hot-blooded, the vibes are kind of… shounen gag manga? I think? (1 volume, complete)
I’m in love with the villainess—manga adaption of a light novel, one of the most successful (and. one of the very few) villainess transmigration romances, the main character transmigrates into the protagonist and her favorite character is the villainess. one of my friends really likes it and there’s some Sincere Feelings on What It’s Like To Be A Lesbian, but I find it to comedy-focused for my tastes in the beginning. There’s also a spinoff from the villainess’ perspective. Actually I don’t remember if I linked to the manga adaption or the light novel… uh… figure it out yourself.
Bloom into you—everybody loves this one. It has good writing. I don’t like it. High school slice of life coming of age, very emotions-focused, probably like 10 volumes or something I dunno
Superwomen in love—I actually despise this one but according to my strict principles I’m including it because the concept is unique and would appeal to people probably. it’s like tokusatsu yuri with a general defecting from the evil organization and teaming up with the hero. I would’ve liked it more if it was more sincere and less gag-focused. Read it for a fun time but not a deep time until they sprinkle in pathos of heroism and love etc and then they go back to comedy. I guess. I fell off a couple volumes in I dunno it probably gets better. However I like tokusatsu and romance too much to continue.
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leaderoffestivals · 1 year
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Madara: (Those are reeeally forceful words. And, it doesn’t look like they’re lying, huh?)
… … ‘Healing techniques’, ‘monsters’. There are so many things to be concerned about here… …
Got it. We’ll put our trust in you now. 
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Tatsumi: That’s right. It is regrettable, but we know far too little about the biology of those creatures you call ‘monsters’. 
We’ll leave this to you. However, if there’s anything that we can do, please tell us. 
Yuu: Thank you so much!
Spitzes: GRRRRR!
Rustoa: Yuu-kun!
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Yuu: Yes! Alright… …
Spitzes: Grrr… …?
Rustoa: It looks like everything has worked out well!
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Yuu: Yes!
Madara: (... … Those mysterious creatures have all calmed down. What in the world is this ‘Healing technique’?)
< A few minutes later. >
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Tatsumi: … … So, what you’re saying is that the power Yuu-san used earlier is called a Healing technique. It is an ability that can Heal the creatures that you call ‘monsters’, thus calming them down. 
Yuu: Yes. We’re here at the request of the sponsor of an event that will be held in ten days time.
This forest is adjacent to the event site, you see. That’s why we’re here to Heal the monsters, as a precaution. 
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Merc: —And that’s how we happened to stumble across you guys!
Mayoi: An event, you say? 
Rustoa: Yes, it’s gonna be a festival of song and drama!
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Rustoa: It’s called the ‘Stage On Fiesta’, a really grand event where many idols and theatre companies will gather!
Aira: Oh! Will there be idols coming TOO…!? What kind of groups will they be? I’m pretty knowledgeable about that, you know~!
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Rustoa: Er. Errrrm… …
Tatsumi: I understand how you feel, but we are straying from the point. 
Aira: AH! I’m so sorry! I didn’t mean to… …
Tatsumi: Well, in any case… … It’s all thanks to that, that our lives have been saved, haven't they? This too, must be God’s guidance. 
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Aira: (Wow, Tattsun-senpai’s adaptability stat is way too high, isn’t it? He’s conversing with them so naturally now… …
Unlike me… When I saw Merc-san, I actually yelled out loud, “The water is talking!” (2))
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Madara: WOOOW! I’ve witnessed something reeeally amazing! All those monsters were in such an excited state, but they went back to normal as soon as you used that Healing technique!
I’m reeeally interested to learn more about how these Healing techniques work and to be able to use them myself! I’d reeeally like it if you could teach me more!
Yuu: Too close, so close… …! This person is coming onto me really strongly!
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Madara: Haha~! That’s because I’ve never met a person with an ability like yours before. It’s been such a long time since my curiosity’s been piqued to such an extent! 
Yuu: I’m glad that you’re so interested, but, errr… you are—? 
Madara: I’m Mikejima Madara, but do feel free to call me Mama! 
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Yuu: ❓Errr, are you a… … Mama?
Madara: Umu… I wanna become everybody’s Mama, you see!
Yuu: I understand now. Since that is what Madara-san wants to be called by—
In that case—Mama-san! 
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Merc: Mama-san, it’s sooo very nice to meet you! 
Madara: I’ve had this thought before but—when I’m called like that so obediently, it kinda bothers me too!
Tatsumi: Let us take this opportunity to introduce ourselves as well, shall we? I am Kazehaya Tatsumi, and standing beside me is—
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Mayoi: —I am Ayase Mayoi. 
Aira: Shiratori Aira! Nice to meet you~!
Hiiro: I’m Hiiro. Amagi Hiiro!
Yuu: It’s nice to meet all of you. 
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Hiiro: Umu! Since we have had the good fortune to meet each other here, I really hope that we can all be friends!
Merc: Wai~! Of course, we will!
Rustoa: Yes, this is a once-in-a-lifetime encounter after all! It looks like we’re all performers attending the same event, so I’d want for us to get along well, anyway!
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Tatsumi: Is there an event?
Rustoa: Oh? Was I mistaken? I honestly thought the clothes you guys are wearing were the stage clothes you were going to perform in, though!
Aira: Ah, about this—We were dressed like this without us knowing how it happened… …
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Aira: There’s no doubt that these are our outfits, but we don’t know why or how we happened to be wearing them at all~. 
Merc / Yuu: … …?
Tatsumi: We would definitely need information on that too. Excuse me, but could you please answer some questions of ours for us to learn about our situation? In truth, we found ourselves in this place without knowing how we came to be here… …
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Yuu: EHH! Isn’t that an insanely bad situation for you guys? Please, do not restrain yourselves on our account; you may ask us anything about what you wish to know. 
Aira: Uwah~ You’re such a great help! Ah, we seem to be peers who are close in age, so it’s fine if you totally skip the use of formal language with us! 
Yuu: Alright, if you insist. 
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Mayoi: … … …
(Ahh~, he has a very adorable face too! He and Aira-san are looking more and more like a set together—)
Tatsumi: HAA—! BEGONE!
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Tatsumi: Ahh~, please forgive me. I had felt an unsettling presence just now… …
Mayoi: I’m sooo sorry for being so faithful to my desiresss!
Yuu: (It looks like you guys are coping pretty well… …)
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Tatsumi: I’m the one who derailed the conversation, so let me be the one to bring it back on course.  
First, let me share with you our situation here. The place we’re from is called Ensemble Square, or ES for short. 
Mayoi: Yes. And there, we were suddenly enveloped in a bright light… … and then thrown into this place that looks like a forest… …
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Mayoi: Uh… This place… Where exactly are we?
Rustoa: Mehterhaane. 
Aira: Huh?
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Rustoa: If you’re asking about the country we’re located in though, we’re in the one called Kingdom. Have you heard of it? Aira: KI—KINGDOM~!?
—————-To be continued——————-
Chapter 1 Pt 1 / Chapter 2
Translator’s Note: 
狐に化かされた kitsune ni bakasareta: being deceived / bewitched by foxes. Japanese myths speak of foxes as animals which have supernatural powers of transformation and abilities, which are used to play pranks on, or to spirit humans away. A Western localisation would be ‘kidnapped by aliens’.
Yuu’s companion, Merc, is a girl made of liquid and lives in a bottle. 
In the fantasy world of Merc Storia, there are 18 Countries . Kingdom (王国) is one of them 
It’s not proofed so if you have any feedback, please DM me. 
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circesoracle · 7 months
Ok I’m gonna shoot my shot for some spoilers while I go back and highlight the lore excerpts I’d love to know more about. (Apologize for being dumb in advance)
-will there be an Aria/Tevos spin-off (no pressure but 👀) in this universe
-Aria’s relationship to Liara fascinates me. Used to hate Aria. Kinda love her now??? Not sure how to feel abt that. Thank u for the conflicting emotions. Not really a question but like any extra elaboration on how they view each other from your perspective would be dope. Does Liara trust her anymore? Or is that just limited to Tali and Shepard atp?
-will we get to see a little bit of Shepard’s childhood/past kinda like we did with Liara? So curious about your taken on Terran culture and ALSO what Liara will think of them!? Which I realize you might not be able to answer but yeah I think abt that a lot
-is the “consort” convo over or like…is that door always open for Liara 👀 while it might be customary I feel like Shepard might have a lil something to say abt that
-will Liara in fact wear tight trousers
asdlkfgjsdg please oh my god this has made like my entire week!!
With regards to a spin-off, I have a couple of things planned, one of which is *kind of* Aria/Tevos. I’ve got two one-shots planned, one Jack/Miranda focussed one (get ready to meet them soon in EE ;3), and then one with Samara as a Justicar, establishing what those are like in this setting and also some of the consequences of Eternity being “reawakened” ie. some purebloods hearing the call and going a bit bloodlust-y, including her daughters. There’s a slightly bigger thing I’m planning, about five chapters, handling a lot of pre-EE events (featuring Aria, Tevos, Benezia, Aethyta, and even baby Shep and Anderson) 
I’m sooo glad you had that reaction to Aria btw I’ve taken great pleasure in watching people react to her as her motives kind of unwound, she’s a joy to write!! As for Liara’s trust in her, I think that’s a tricky thing. It’s less trust and more the assurance of being able to know when Aria is lying to her, and she’ll certainly never see her as the mother Aria wants (needs) her to. irt how Aria feels about Liara, she definitely still can’t quite amend all her conflicting feelings about Liara and the subsequent conflict that causes in her faith. Liara is Liara is Eternity but is also in a lot ways Liselle to Aria, she’s everything she’s ever loved and put her faith in and seen worth in, just out of reach. she can never have her daughter back, she can never have her faith back, she can never have Omega back, she can never have Liara’s trust back, she can never have the future she lost with Tevos back, so she’s grasping at straws trying to find meaning in what’s left. I’m really really excited to get to more in depth with some of her stuff in the prequel-y spin-off with both Tevos and her opinions on humans and how they formed quite as strongly as they did
In the coming chapters there’ll be a lot of reference to Shepard’s past, possibly some memory sharing in the meld, who can say? Terran culture is something I’ve had kind brewing in the background for a while, these next few chapters are going to be such a treat to write and I have as many references to things planned as I could reasonably manage. I went through a lot of ideas for how to make them different to asari, cultural touchstones and the like, and eventually settled on a sort of Norse/Germanic/Slavic merging, hard and square and cold, to oppose the very loose, curving warmth of Thessia. As for what Liara will think of them, she has a pretty heavy bias thanks to Shepard, so she’ll want to see the best in them, even if they are very very different to what she knows
As for the twelve consorts, that’s something Liara would invoke only to prove she is her own person and not beholden to myth (and maybe to rile up her Knight-Commander, possibly)
Liara in tight trousers is imminent, and no, Shepard will not be even a little bit normal about it, though she might have to get used to them if, say, Liara got a taste for studying and exploring again...
I had to control myself and not type like double this because I really really could just go off on like a dozen tangents and side notes alfdsgj you have no idea how unwell I am about these asks like 🥺
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miyaniacs · 3 years
Mafia AU - Bokuto x fem!reader
A/n: uhmmm sorry for not updating ... i haven’t been motivated to continue this and then i did and forgot that i had this update lol... so here you are. The beginning of the downfall is here. Sooo Tbh it will Kinda depend on your responds to this chapter if it will take months for me to continue it - or days 🙇🏼‍♀️
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Chapter 12 - A decision is made
Index ; masterlist ; Chapter 11 - The encounter
Warnings: uhhh... violence? Mentions of guns
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Bokutos POV
Monday 12 am
I want to punish him. I want to hurt him the way he hurt her, by messing up her life.
He looks at Ushijima with hate filled eyes, his whole aura shifts when he sees his arrogant smirk.
Why is he so sure of himself?
Does he really think that he, Bokuto, wouldn’t beat the shit out of him, right here in his office?
“Oh and Bokuto - hope you have fun with that hoe.” Ushijima smirks and now Bokuto fully breaks.
“Call her a hoe one more time.” Bokuto hisses. Furious wasn’t enough to describe what he was feeling right now. He was boiling with pure hate, his fist was ready to collide with this arrogant face of the male in front of him. He was ready to sent him straight into the hospital, hell he was even ready to kill him right here.
The one thing that was holding him back was the fact that such a quick death would be way too ‘nice’. He needs to suffer, he wants to break him, makes him feel all the pain in the world. Slowly peeling the skin off his body, until he begs him to finally kill him.
“And what are you doing then? Huh? I’m just telling the truth. She would have went to bed with you straight away the first time you saw her, just to get close to you and get informations.”  Ushijimas face is now almost touching his, sparks flying, both ready to beat each other up. “That’s only because you’d force her to do so.”
He laughs again. What is so funny, was it all a joke to Ushijima? A joke that he ruined your life, forcing you to throw yourself at random man, just to get information out of them? And for what? A small amount of money, comparing to what Ushijima probably owns? Oh he has to deal with the consequences at some point, he has to ... feel the consequences.
He can already see him hanging on a wall, blood dripping off the several cuts on bis body, his arrogance long gone as he looks up at him with eyes, showing that Bokuto did it, that he broke him.
Suddenly he feels someone tugging on his arm and he spins around, taking a few seconds to understand that he is still im the office. The fire in his eyes burning up again as he sees the fearful look on your face. He wants to comfort you and ask what happened, but then the shook took over him. You’re afraid of him.
He takes a few steps back, giving you some room to breath.
He couldn’t talk to you, the knot in his throat hindering him from telling you how sorry he is. Bokuto is lost in his thoughts the whole way back to the car and during the drive.
He is filled with guilt.
He hates himself for showing you this side of him.
All he ever wanted was to be a save space for you, to make you feel home and at peace.
He never wanted you to feel fear when being with him.
He has to do something and he knows exactly what.
“Go inside, I have to discuss something with the boss.” He says without looking at you his eyes still fixed on the street.
“Kou… let me explain… please.”
His heart breaks, you really feel the need to explain? To apologize? When he is the one that hurt you?
“Later.” He says way to cold for his own liking, but he couldn’t start crying now, even though he feels like it. He swallows the emotions that start to well up inside of him “I promise we talk later.” Placing his hands on your face he softens. You’re so beautiful.
He frowns when he sees small tears rolling down your cheeks.
No, why are you crying? He slightly starts panicking inside but tries to not show it. “Don’t cry my love.”
“I’m sorry.”  Here you go, apologizing for nothing, at last he doesn’t see a reason why your should apologize to him.
“No, don’t apologise. Non of this is your fault. I should have known better. You already told me how you’ve met Ushijima. It was my fault.”
Regret fills him up again.
Why was he so stupid?
He walked right into Ushijimas trap.
And now you were afraid of him.
He wasn’t good for you.
He wasn’t the right one for you.
The life he lives wasn’t one for you.
He had to get you out of this whole mess, you deserve so much better than this.
Even if that means, for him to leave your life completely.
He leans in for one last kiss.
“No. Don’t say anything. I promise you, you will never see me like this again. I can’t bear knowing that you’re afraid of me, even if it’s only a tiny little bit of you fearing me.” He mumbles before kissing you again. “Now please, get inside. And I hope to find you in one of my sweatshirts when I get back home.”
He hated lying to you.
But he had to.
“Okay, I can’t promise not to take your Vetements one tough.” You laugh and he smiles.
“Whatever I own is yours.”
My heart, my home, my car, my everything, he’ll make sure that you are save when he wasn’t with you anymore.
His cheerful smile dropped the second you were out of sight, he speeds through the city, not caring about the red lights or the other cars.
Monday 3 pm
“Sorry the Boss isn’t here right now.” One for the guards says.
Bokuto rolls his eyes and walks around in the empty office.
“What are you-“ the guard begins, “ I write him a note.” Bokuto huffs and scribbles something on a piece of paper.
“Make sure to keep Y/n save.”
He storms out of the building.
The Adlers really think they could simply tick him and the others? By putting Y/n in his life to spy on them? Are they really that desperate to involve such an innocent and pure soul as you into all of this?
The hate he felt for them just increased the more time he got to spent with you. Your pure soul lightens up his day, he smiles whenever he looks at you, his heart warms whenever he sees your smile, when he hears your laugh it’s the sweetest sound he has ever heard. All those days he got to spent with you for now, have been the best days of his life.
And how can such a beautiful person like you, work in such a dark world.
This isn’t a world that’s meant for you.
Sure he knows that you’re strong... but he isn’t stupid.
He can see that all of this is just a mask, you got used to this life, but it is not the life you wanted to be involved in. All your sarcasm, the cold look in your eyes, the raised eyebrow with that light smirk playing on you lips, whenever someone is saying something that could definitely get them into jail.
It is all an act.
And he knows that you know that he can see right through it.
Those nights he spent awake next to you, making sure to reassuring you that everything is alright and that he is right next to you, trying to keep all those nightmares away from you. He sees how you turn in your sleep, how your face frowns, he hears all those small no’s. And it breaks his heart whenever he feels your hands grabbing his shirt, clinging on him, burring your face in his chest while you whimper something only you can understand, your whole body shaking out of fear of whatever hunts you in your dreams.
Sure, you play tough, but he knows that deep inside your heart you want to leave all of this behind.
Enough was enough and he certainly had enough.
He takes his phone and type three small words before getting out of his car.
Opening up the trunk he pulled off the flooring revealing countless of guns and knifes.
It was a true old fashioned kamikaze mission, but he didn’t care.
Putting two of the small guns in the back of his pants, he grabs the loaded submachine gun in one hand, takes a deep breath and opens the door.
I’ll get you out of all of this, you’ll be able to live a normal life again, with or without me.
And he pulls the trigger, shooting the first guard.
Your POV
You stand in front of the big window, looking down at the passing people and cars, always looking out for one specific black one, but you couldn’t spot it. The longer you wait, the more restless you get, Bokuto was away for way too long now, he would have told you if it would take longer right?
So why haven’t he come back home now.
Your phone vibrates, before you could check it, you hear the door burst open.
“BOKUTO?!” You can hear Atsumu call out.
“Atsumu?” You walk over to him.
“Where is he?” The person next to him, Sakura asks.
“I was about to ask you the same thing, he dropped me off and told me he has something to do... but that was hours ago...” you mumble the next part, “ You... you don’t know where he is?”
“Does it look like we do?! The Boss is sending all of us out to find him!” Atsumu growls.
“Tell us everything that happened today.” Sakusa demands and you begin talking, describing the whole situation that happened with Ushijima and how Bokuto behaved slightly strange the way back to his.
The three of you stare at each other after you’ve finished and your attentions shifts to the TV.
“BREAKING NEWS - Countless of shots have been heard from the Casino, related to the infamous Adlers, we’re live - Cassie, what do you know?
‘ We all know nothing, civilians could all leave, all of them are talking about only one men, entering the building. The police is still clueless, but a few minutes ago, the shooting stopped and -“
“FUCK!” Atsumu screams and he and Sakusa run out of the door, “YOU STAY HERE!” He shouts before pulling out his phone already calling someone.
No. No. No no no. This can’t be real.
Your mind is racing while you collect your things and rush out of the apartment.
If there is one small chance that Bokuto is still alive, you have to take it, you had to save him at all costs. Even if it means breaking his heart and revealing everything... you just have to everything you can.
Looking down at your phone, you remember the message you got.
From: Bokuto
Please remember that I will always love you.
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@tendouthighs ,  @lilacshouko​@softhourswithseb​ ​@theperksofcoffee ​@cuddlesslut @shhhlikeme​​, @kynyta​​ @yammmers​  @asahi-is-jesus-periodt​​ @hxnni-bxnni​​ @theduvetpirate​​ @chromaticstudio​​@gywjd0131​​​ @haikyuusimp91​​​ @kara-grayson04 @saucysamu​​ @brokeyiam​ ​
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imagine-loki · 3 years
Blushing in His Colours, Chapter 16
TITLE: Blushing in His Colours CHAPTER NO./ONE SHOT: Chapter 16 AUTHOR: fanficshiddles ORIGINAL IMAGINE: Imagine Loki being a Daddy Dom, his adores and loves his little, worships the ground she walks on. She has vaginismus, but he couldn’t be more supportive with her. RATING: M
When Mia woke up, she was still lying on top of Loki, naked. He was still wearing his suit from last night, his arms were draped across her lazily. But he had also covered her with his cape during the night, so she wouldn’t get cold.
She wasn’t sure if Loki was comfortable with her on top of him, but she was far too comfortable, she didn’t want to move. He was so big in comparison to her, he was like a big bed to her.
Mia revelled in the comfort, snuggling in against his neck. After a while, Loki woke up and started trailing his fingers up and down her back, making her squirm.
‘Mmm, good morning, my little sweetling.’ He purred, sliding a hand right up to stroke the back of her neck, making her melt.
‘You’re far too comfy.’ She mumbled.
Loki chuckled. ‘Glad to hear it. Are you feeling alright? Headache? Stomach ache?’ He asked, continuing to stroke her neck.
‘No, I’m alright. Surprisingly, after all I drank last night.’ She blushed and lifted her head to look at him.
‘Probably the pizza we had before leaving the pub, greasy food is often a good idea after drinking.’ He grinned.
Mia couldn’t resist sliding her hand inside his shirt, feeling across his chest. She adored how strong he was, everything seemed so light and easy for him. Including her!
They had a lazy morning, mainly spent with Mia lying on top of him. She was just sooo comfortable and didn’t want to move. But eventually, she had to.
She managed to sweet talk Loki into helping her bake a chocolate cake for everyone.
‘Can’t we just keep this all to ourselves?’ Loki smirked as he dipped his finger into the mix, moaning at the taste as he sucked it off his finger.
‘Don’t tempt me.’ Mia giggled.
Loki moved behind her and wrapped his arms around her middle, his chin on her shoulder as he watched her finishing off the cake before it was to go in the oven. 
He dipped his finger in once more, but this time held it up to Mia’s lips. She blushed as she took it in her mouth and started sucking it clean.
Loki felt his cock stirring, but he tried to forget about it for now. Though it wasn’t just him that was getting turned on, Mia was too. Having Loki really close to her was more than enough to make her horny.
‘Good girl.’ Loki hummed when she had cleaned his finger.
He chuckled, noting how flustered she was, and he pressed a kiss to her neck before allowing her to move so she could put the cake in the oven.
While they waited, they sat down at the island in the middle of the kitchen, Loki had Mia on his lap. She had her laptop open on front of them and was doing some work on the social media account. Loki was helping her. Well, more distracting her than anything. But he claimed he was helping.
His hand under her top, constantly stroking and lightly tickling her now and then was definitely more distracting than helping, Mia found.
The smell of freshly baked cake had assembled everyone pretty quickly. Even Fury appeared, claiming he had just been checking in with everyone.
Mia would be lying if she said she didn’t like the way everyone loved her baking. When everyone devoured their slice of cake and commented how good it was, she was practically glowing. But not quite as much as when it was Loki praising her.
While they ate their own slices, Mia found herself on his lap again. He had an arm around her tightly and kept moaning at every bite.
‘Mmmm, so good. Almost as delightful as you taste, my sweetling.’ He whispered into her ear, making her face go bright red.
He kept whispering praises to her until the cake was all gone. Everyone having went in for seconds.
Just before cleaning up, there was a loud rumble of thunder and a loud crack, causing a power cut as the room went dark. It was the middle of the day so was still light outside, but because of the clouds it was darker than it should be. Mia jumped out of her skin and yelped in fear, clinging to Loki.
She was terrified of storms. And Loki knew she was.
‘THOR!’ Loki snapped at his brother.
‘What? This isn’t me!’ Thor said with chocolate all around his mouth.
Loki still scowled at him anyway. But he tightened his hold on Mia and carried her back to his room. Able to see easily enough through the darker corridors. She just hid her face into his neck as she clung to him tightly.
When she was younger, she had been in the car with her parents during a storm, a lightning bolt had hit a tree and caused it to fall onto the car. Injuring them all, they had to spend a few days in hospital. Whilst they were all ok in the end, it had caused her to be terrified ever since.
Loki used his Seidr to shut the curtains when they got into his room. He wrapped her in his cape, knowing how much she loved it. Then he sat down on the bed with her curled up on him, he pressed kisses to the top of her head.
‘You’re alright, my little sweetling. I promise, you’re safe with me. Nothing will hurt you.’ He said softly, rocking her back and fore a bit, soothing her.
She did feel a bit better already, knowing he wouldn’t break his promise to her. She knew she was safe with him. Even if she was outside in it, she knew as long as she was with Loki, she would be ok.
But it still didn’t make her stop jumping every time there was a rumble.
‘Let me tell you a story about when Thor and I were younger…’ Loki knew his voice soothed her, so he would just keep talking until it stopped.
And he did. He told her stories of when he was young, making her laugh a lot. He showered her with praise too, telling her she was being brave. Even if she didn’t feel like she was. He knew how scared and traumatised she was with storms, it hurt his heart seeing her like that.
By the time the storm was over, she was feeling ok. Loki had managed to keep her as calm as she ever had been during one before. Normally she hid herself in a cupboard and covered her ears, speaking loudly to herself to drown it out.
‘Th… thank you, Daddy.’ She said quietly, hiding against his chest.
‘No need to thank me, sweetling. I’ll always be here for you, to keep you safe.’ He said as he kissed the top of her head and gave her a squeeze.
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senseitiddy · 3 years
Hush || Chapter 4
Note: guys I am so sorry for taking so long with this! It’s been a rough few days and I had my birthday on top of it, watching kids, a lot is happening. I’m sorry it’s such a short chapter🥺
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Rai was sat across from the emo ginger. She was picking at a string coming from the hem of her shirt. They have been quiet for at least 10 minutes, Pain was just staring at her.
“....sooo are you just going to be looking at me or are we gonna talk? Cause it’s making me uncomfortable-“
“Shut up.” Pain interrupted her. She put a thumbs up and just nodded with a small ‘alright’
He was trying to think of all the possible outcomes with allowing her into the akatsuki. He’s been staring at her because he’s trying to figure out if this is a good idea. He knew Rai would make the group stronger, and she’s experienced true pain.
“...can you please tell me what’s going on” Rai sighed looking up from her hands. She was anxious.
“I have made a decision.” He got up out of his seat and walked around his desk. “You, Rai Zuki, are accepted into the Akatsuki.”
“Oh my god really?!” She jumped up out of her seat, nearly knocking it down. “Thank you, you won’t regret it!”
“I better not.” Pain grumbled and handed her a cloak. “I’ll assign you to Tobi and Deidara. You’ll have a mission to complete tomorrow morning. You leave the hideout at 9 am sharp.”
“Thank you thank you thank you!” Rai hugged him tightly. He just patted her arm uncomfortably. He was not enjoying the hug. Pain doesn’t like hugs. “I’ll see you later!” She waved and ran out of the room.
Her little feet pattered against the floor, making a little sound. “TOBI!” She jumped on Tobi and he screamed really high pitched and fell over.
“Rai-senpai! You scared Tobi!” He exclaimed. She moved so she was sitting on his stomach, “Why is Rai-senpai so happy right now?”
“Pain let me in the Akatsuki!” She said cheerfully. “He even gave me a new cloak!” She giggled and showed him.
“Put it on!” He said happily and she got up off his stomach. Tobi helped the short girl put the cloak on and he giggled. “You’re so short that it just looks big on you.”
“I’m not short!” Rai giggled with him and looked down at the cloaks. She was like a little school girl getting accepted into a college, her joy was enormous. “We should go take a walk!”
“Tobi knows where a playground is!” Tobi grabbed her hand and dragged her away. Of course, she struggled to keep up with him. This man was hyper, way more than Rai. He stopped when they got outside, “it’s not too far away, we can walk!”
“You’re too quick” Rai laughed. He was still holding her hand, he didn’t let go of it. This crept a blush up her face, making her look away so he didn’t notice. But of course, the masked man noticed.
“Rai is something wrong?! Your face is all red!” He exclaimed stopping to grab her face. This only made it worse for Rai. Her face was a very deep shade of red now. “Here here here here let Tobi sit you down!”
Tobi sat Rai down under a tree for some shade. “Thank you Tobi” she whispered. She couldn’t see him smile under his mask, but he had the biggest grin.
Something about her reminded him of Rin. The feeling he got around Rin was the feeling he was getting around Rai. He was happy to be around her, like a sudden feeling of joy. And to keep this lady safe.
“Do you have a fever Rai-senpai?” Tobi placed his hand on her forehead to feel. To Rais luck, her face was all heated up. “Oh no! You’re burning up!”
“I’m okay,” Rai chuckled and he shook his head quickly. “Tobi I’m fine I promise” she reassured him, grabbing his hand. He sat down next to her and sighed
“You better not be lying to Tobi” He said sternly, she could swear his voice dialed down from his usually childish tone. “If Tobi finds out you’re not okay,” he leaned into her ear, “you will regret it” he whispered.
Tingles ran down her body, and she bit her lip. Something about his voice was making her clench her legs. “I-I’m not lying to you” She whispered.
“Good, now let’s go to the park!” He returned to his normal child voice and pulled her up. “Come on Rai-senpai!” He dragged her along with him.
“You’re too energetic!” She laughed and just tried to keep up with him.
It wasn’t too long before they got to the park. “Tobi push me on the swing!” Rai giggled and sat on it. Rai was starting to just get more and more hyper from being around Tobi. She was matching a 6 year olds energy right now.
“Anything for you Rai-senpai!” Tobi shouted and started pushing her.
She was having fun for her first day as an Akatsuki member. She had it perfect for her first day. Going out with her teammate to a park? Easy!
And Tobis thoughts? He was having fun as fuck with his new friend! He was going to protect her against anything. He wasn’t gonna let anything happen to her! He would kill anyone instantly if they were to hurt her.
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bethhxrmon · 3 years
passed down like folksongs, chapter thirteen- steve x reader
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[gif credit to @flyingrichardgrayson​]
chapter thirteen- i didn’t know if you’d care if i came back
series summary: Living in Hawkins was never easy for anyone. However, it becomes ten times more difficult than usual when you catch feelings for one Steve Harrington. What should be a simple schoolgirl crush ends up being complicated by your step-brother, Tommy Hagan, and the mysterious goings on in the town of Hawkins. [masterlist]
pairing: steve harrington x female! hagan! reader
chapter summary: The summer of ‘85 takes a turn for the worst when Steve helps investigate a Russian Base within the mall. Though, it does leave him realizing a thing or two about his own feelings.
warnings: swearing, ANGST, season 3 shenanigans
word count: 2.5k
a/n: Sooo this is mostly a Steve-centric chapter, really hope that y’all enjoy and that this goes in the steeb tag because it’s the main way that I get more readers. Though, reblogs also help a lot!!
The only major thing left in Steve’s high school career after prom was graduation. Somehow, he managed to get through it. If he was being honest, he firmly believed that you were the main reason he got through that last month of school. You would have insisted that he was the one who pulled it off. If anything, you were just the person who helped him get ready for his finals.
No, he wasn’t going off to college like Tommy was, but he made it out of high school. Steve wasn’t sure what he would have done if he flunked. At least he didn’t have to wonder about that anymore. Instead, he had to get on with the rest of his life. Whatever that was supposed to entail
College was out of the question for the next year. He got a job at Scoops Ahoy in the new mall, but after even the first day of slinging ice cream, he knew that he wanted nothing to do with that. It was advantageous to the kids since they used his position to get to the movies for free, but it didn’t have much for him. Not unless he moved up, and he wasn’t sure he wanted to be anything more than where he was at. Otherwise, that kind of implied he was going to be stuck there for a long time.
There were two pastimes that Steve didn’t mind so much. One was flirting with girls so Robin could have some kind of entertainment, and the other was talking to you whenever you showed up to the mall. Funnily enough, that was rather often.
You didn’t get a summer job, and that meant you spent most of the season bored. All you could do was either garden or go to the mall. Especially since Steve was working so often. Though, you were sure it would feel like a normal amount once you were busy with school for most of the day again.
For reasons you couldn’t quite explain, you knew that you were glad that Steve was going to be in Hawkins for just a while longer. It meant you didn’t lose your closest friend. Though, Robin would regularly tease the two of you whenever you stuck around to chat. It was nice getting to hang out with her too.
While there was still a glimmer of what you once felt for Steve two years ago, you were content with the way things were. You liked hanging out with Steve after he got done with work. Nothing was ever going to happen and you finally made peace with that. If anything, you dared Steve to ask out and flirt with his customers. Mostly because he always struck out and it was hilarious.
There was still a part of you that wanted Steve to say things like that to you again, but maybe it was for the best that nothing happened. The friendship you both had was so good.
One summer afternoon you found yourself in Scoops Ahoy and Steve was at the counter like he normally was. He always gave you a discount if he didn’t just let you take the ice cream. 
“Hey, I’m gonna have to raincheck on hanging out tonight,” he said as you stood at the counter, “My parents are having some family over and they wanted to see me since they didn’t make it to my graduation.”
You frowned a bit and then nodded, “Okay, well, then you have fun with that. Oh! Speaking of family shit, there’s gonna be a Fourth of July party at my house. Would you wanna come?”
“Depends on if we sneak off to go to that carnival,” Steve replied.
You grinned, “Obviously, I need a buddy to sneak off with, though, so what do you say?”
“I’ll be there,” he said.
Steve hated lying to you and what he hated even more was how easily it slipped out of his mouth. Once again, there was something he just couldn’t tell you. Even though you were probably someone who would want to help with sneaking into a Russian Base, he knew Dustin would have a cow if anyone else knew what was going on. Regardless of the fact that Steve knew he could trust you with his life.
Though, it wasn’t like getting into the base would be anything that could possibly take the literal days before the fourth. You’d never know what happened and it would be fine. He really wished he could tell you everything, though.
Having Robin right there with him as they snuck into the storage space with the kids was nice, but he really couldn’t help but imagine that you were there with him. It was an emotion that was only multiplied at the realization he was far too deep into this ordeal.
Getting stuck at the bottom of a Russian elevator with no hope of getting back up wasn’t something he put into the equation. Though, a part of him was glad he didn’t tell you anything because the less people having to experience this, the better. And maybe he would tell you about it this time around. This whole thing with the Russians wasn’t like everything else with the government. He could talk to you about this. Although, he was sure that you would have a hard time believing him.
Still, he knew that thinking about telling you all this stuff was more and more of a stretch in the first place. Mainly because that involved getting out of the elevator without dying. If some Russians spotted them, he knew for a fact that they were done for.
That night in the elevator was easily one of the worst nights ever. The only relief was that Robin was there to try and talk with him about the situation. A situation that had no solution.
“Do you think we could end up getting ourselves killed?” Robin asked in a low voice just in case Dustin or Erica happened to be awake.
Steve shook his head, “Nah, we’ll get out of this. It’ll be okay.”
Though, now that Robin mentioned it, the more he couldn’t help but wish that he told you everything. How he truly felt about you and what happened to him in all that time. You deserved to know.
Then he realized another reason as to why he had to get out of this okay. If he died, you wouldn’t have anyone who you were nearly as close to. No, you wouldn’t be as isolated as you had been after Barb died, but he knew it would hurt you. He knew  what you were like when you lost someone you were so close to. And worse, if everyone just said he disappeared? You would go looking and you would probably never stop.
He had to get out at any cost. If not for himself and the kids and Robin, then for you at the very least. Not even to tell you everything in his head, but just so you wouldn’t have to be alone. So you could have someone to go to that silly carnival with. There wasn’t any other option.
The main priority was to stick together and find a key to get out and use the elevator. Then, they were home free and could do whatever they decided to do. Maybe telling someone like Hopper was a good place to start, but he didn’t want to get ahead of himself. Getting out was the goal.
For the first bit of it, Steve had a cautious optimism about the whole situation. They didn’t get caught in the elevator. If they could just keep up that same trajectory, surely they would be able to get out. Then, they would be home free and there would be nothing to worry about. He would feel silly for even thinking that it was possible he wouldn’t make it out. It was silly. After everything he had been through already, this was almost nothing.
While a Russian Base as a concept was petrifyingly scary, it wasn’t anywhere near as awful as those tunnels. The base was going to be filled with people, and while they could cause a lot of harm, it wasn’t nearly as much of a death sentence as a hoard of man-eating monsters. Besides, if worse came to worse, he just wouldn’t lose the next fight he got stuck in the middle of.
Steve wasn’t sure how well sneaking around would continue to work as they got closer to where all the Russians were. The only Russian any of them knew was what was on that code, but if someone asked him to repeat it, he wouldn’t have been able to.
Still, they made it all the way in what had to be the comms room. Or something like that, Steve wasn’t sure what any of the rooms in this place could be called. Not that it mattered because they were all face-to-face with a Russian. He couldn't figure out who was more surprised to see who. Probably the Russian who was starting to pull out his gun.
Well, he promised himself he would win the next fight he was in. So naturally, Steve started off by screaming at the guy. Then, he just went for it. His heartbeat was through the roof and he hardly recognized just what he was doing as he punched the guy and tackled him. He barely realized he smacked the guy with the phone until Dustin’s voice kicked in.
“Dude, you just won a fight!” Dustin exclaimed.
They needed that key, but Robin seemed to be focused on something at the top of a staircase. Steve and Dustin went up to see what was there. He felt his heart sink to his stomach when he realized just what they were looking at.
Both of them specifically agreed that it couldn’t be this again. Yet there it was staring them in the face. Why in the world would the Russians want anything to do with the Upside Down? It was only going to get everyone killed. Now they had more of a problem on their hands than ever before.
He had to tell you, though. That was the important thing. The last thing he wanted to do was continue lying to you for the rest of his life. Though, that would have to wait as Erica noted that the Russian had left the room.
Almost on cue, more Russians came in. This wasn’t a fight he was going to be able to win. Not when all he had was himself. He wished that he had thought to bring his stupid bat. Instead, he thought fast and moved to get the kids in front of him. If anyone needed to get out, it was them.
As for Robin and himself? Well, he wasn’t too sure about getting out now.
It wasn’t that Steve gave up all hope, but he knew that he couldn’t count on anyone saving him as soon as he got taken by the Russians. All he had with him was Robin, though he supposed being alone would have been worse. He was pretty glad he didn’t tell you about any of this, though.
That was the only thing that kept him sane as he was punched across the face by one of the Russians. It didn’t matter what he said. He told a half-truth. Sure, he sort of knew what he was getting himself into, but he wasn’t involved with the US government. If he were, then he probably would’ve gone about this in a smarter way. Probably.
All that mattered to him was that Robin was okay. As long as there was no mention of Dustin and Erica, he was sure that was a good sign. Robin was still very much alive. There had to be some way to ensure they got out, but Steve had no idea.
Sure, the implied plan was for the kids to get out and get help, but he wasn’t sure how that was going to work. Although, it didn’t take long for any feelings of concern to subside. Whatever drugs the Russians had up their sleeves were, he couldn’t deny just how great they felt. It was just like the times he did weed with Tommy, only it was better.
Everything went by in such a blur that Steve could hardly describe what was going on. Hell, he barely registered what he was saying by the time Dustin burst into the room. If Steve thought everything was strange before, he knew that he was about to eat his words as he was swung through the whole base.
He couldn’t remember a whole lot before the high came crashing down around him and he was vomiting in the bathroom of the movie theater. At least, that was where he was pretty sure he was.
The only reassuring thing was that he wasn’t the only one puking his guts out. There was something nice about having an actual friend next to him as all this happened. Not that you weren’t his friend, but it was different.
“Have you ever been in love before?” Robin asked.
While the question took him by surprise, what caught him even more off guard was when he talked about Nancy. And sure, he had loved her at one time, but he was starting to realize that he had been in love more than once before.
“Wait, you don’t love me, do you?” he asked.
Robin was silent until Steve slid under the stall to see her. It seemed like she was almost in a different place entirely.
She shook her head, starting to explain that she was never in love with him. Instead, when she claimed to be obsessed with him it was because he had been the object of Tammy Thompson’s affections. Someone Robin had hoped to win over somehow.
Suddenly everything made a lot more sense and he almost felt a wave of relief. Even if learning the truth about Robin was a bit surprising. So he did what he did best, made light of everything with Tammy Thompson. Which only reminded him of the girl he actually wanted to be with.
He felt his face fall, “Shit! I was supposed to go to Y/N’s party!”
“What? Steve, it’s just a party-”
“But she doesn’t wanna be there, we were supposed to go to the carnival together. And I- I don't wanna leave her alone there.”
Robin nodded slowly, “I think I was supposed to be there with the marching band… wait, Steve?”
“Are you sure you don’t love Y/N?”
Steve shook his head, “What? No, o- of course not! Even if I did, I’ve screwed it up so many times there’s no way she would ever be able to love me back and I know that.”
Maybe he did love you.
“The worst she can do is say no,” Robin pointed out.
He laughed, “Nah, she’d tell me to go fuck myself and I wouldn’t blame her.”
“You didn’t just get out of a Russian Base to not take a chance with Y/N. Come on, there’s no way she comes by almost every day just because she likes the ice cream. There’s gotta be something there.”
Dustin barged into the room and Steve couldn’t quite comprehend what the kid was saying. What he could comprehend was that he needed to finish this and quickly if he was going to get to your party.
taglist: @flyingrichardgrayson​ @stonersteve​ @scooprtroopr​ @insideafictionaluniverse​ @l0ve-0f-my-life​
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Fallen From Grace
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A/N: Hi this is my first time writing anything like a/b/o dynamic stuff, so be kind, I’ve been reading a lot lately and I’m quite liking it. I’m hoping to make this a series, just gonna test the waters and see how this goes.
Series Summary: Before the incident she was one of the most powerful Alphas on the Avengers team; admired, idolised and possibly feared, nothing could stand in her way. However, after a mission goes terribly wrong, and she is brutally attacked, the injuries she sustains take all of her Alpha strength, reducing her status to a weakened Omega.  By the way of nature, the team can’t help but treat her in a completely new way. Especially her two closets friends, who now see her in a whole new light.
Pairing: Steve Rogers X Bucky Barnes X Reader
Series Warning: a/b/o dynamics (and the fun stuff that comes with that!), strong language, sexual content (smut is coming much later, and there will be added warnings on those chapters), fluff, angst, manipulation, corporal punishment (18+ only readers)
Part One// Part Two// Part Three// Part Four// Part Five// Part Six//
Part Seven// Part Eight// Part Nine// Part Ten//
Part Eleven: Workout Aches
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Chapter Warning: Spanking (Steve and Bucky get a little rough), Aftercare, Bucky and Steve Fluff
Word Count: 3.2K
You were laying in your Alphas bed, your legs dangled in the air, as you listened to the sound of the rain, as it pounded on the outside of the windows. Bucky was making you some lunch, while Steve had gone to train with Sam.
“What are you doing baby?” Bucky laughed, as he watched you trying to balance several pillows on the soles of your feet. 
“Balancing.” you strained, sticking your tongue out in concentration. 
“You’re such a silly, little Omega.” he singsonged, as he finished your grilled cheese. 
You jut your lip out, before throwing a pillow at his head. 
“Hey. Don’t start baby girl.” he scolded picking the pillow up and throwing it on the couch behind him. You threw another pillow at him, liking this new game. 
“I mean it baby, we’ve been lenient to you the last few weeks, don’t make me spank you.” he glared at you, as he walked towards you, plate in hand. You sit up to meet his hands, which passes you the plate.
“I can’t help it, I’m sooo bored,” you whine, as you take a bite of your grilled cheese, “why do you get to train, whilst I stay here?” 
“Don’t speak with your mouth full, sweetheart. And you know why?” he chided, watching to make sure you ate it all. You swallowed your food, before making a face at him. 
“No I don't.” 
“You do, Omega.” he pushes again, taking your already empty plate from you, “It’s because you aren't healed yet.”
“But I’m bored.” you huff, flopping back onto the bed. 
“What would you like to do sweetheart, we could watch a movie, read a book, do some cooking, whaddya fancy?” he says rubbing your leg.
“I want to go and train.” you say flatly.
“No Y/N. And that’s final. We can do something else together.” he reprimands. You huff once again, folding your arms over your chest. “Stop pouting. I’m serious I don't need Steve’s permission to punish you, Omega.” 
You told Bucky, you were going to hang with Wanda, when Steve got back from training. They had said something about going to see Fury, about some details for a future mission, and that you weren't allowed to come. You had stormed off in a mood after that, but they were already running late for the meeting, to tell you off, so decided to just leave you to sulk. 
You hadn't exactly lied when you had shouted to them that you were going to hang with Wanda, you just failed to mention the location of your hangout. 
‘Sub-Level 3- The Gymnasium’
“I don't like this Y/N, we could end up in so much trouble,” Wanda fretted, as the doors of the elevator opened, revealing an empty training centre. 
“Why, how could they tell us off for exercising. What are we supposed to say; ‘sorry for being healthy’.” you joked, making your way towards the boxing equipment. 
“No. They’ll say to you: that you weren't supposed to be down here, because you haven't completely healed, and then Vis will say to me: that I shouldn't have let you bring me down here, and that I promised to look after you.” Wanda panicked, as you thrust a pair of sparing pad gloves into her hand. 
“You are looking after me. You’re helping me recover.” you reassured her, lifting your gloves to your face, before releasing a few jabs, into Wanda's padded hands.
“They won't see it that way.” she mumbled.
“Look if you wanna go, then go. I’ll just use the bag.” you snipped back at her, motioning to the black punch bag behind her. 
“No. I’ll stay, so I can keep an eye on you.” she sighed.
A wicked grin of victory, stretches across your face.
“Knew I could count on you.”
You did a few more circuits of pad training, before moving on to some floor and ab exercises. You needed to get back into shape, you needed to prove that you have the strength of an Alpha, even if you aren't actually one anymore. 
Your new instincts as an Omega may make you want to submit, but it didn’t stop your want to protect. Yes you were an Omega now, but that meant you had two Alphas you wanted to look out for, you didn’t want them to feel pressure to always be the ones looking after you. You wanted....needed to pull your own weight. 
Your scarred abdomen was beginning to ache, when you began your sit ups, but you wanted to just push through the pain, power through like you used to. 
“I think you’ve done enough now.” Wanda says, as you stand slightly breathless, and take the water bottle that she offers you.
“No. Not yet.” you defied, handing it back to her, “just gonna do a few miles before we leave.” Wanda looks at you skeptically, but she did nothing to stop you, as you walked to the treadmill.
You were just coming into mile 3, when you sensed movement from behind you.  
“You aren't allowed to be down here.” you heard the young voice of Peter, you slowed the speed of the treadmill, but don't stop the light jog you’re doing, when you turn your head to look over your shoulder. 
“So what, none’s gonna know, all the Alphas are in a meeting.” you puffed, “I’ll be done by the time they are.”
You turn back to the wall, and turn the treadmill back up to its original setting, in hope that the whirring will drown out Peter.
“Alpha said we weren't allowed to let her train, Wanda.” you hear Peter, now speaking to Wanda. You catch the look of guilt in her eye, as you watched their reflection in the window to your right. 
“I didn’t want to let her, but she begged me. It’s fine Pete, like Y/N said; no ones gonna know.” her head snaps up to meet Peter’s cynic look, “unless you tell them. You can’t tell them Peter, we will get in so much trouble.”
You hear Wanda’s voice shake, and you roll your eyes, at your non-rebellious friend. 
“Look Peter you don't need to tell your Alpha anything. Just pretend you haven't seen us.” you yell over your shoulder, increasing the speed once again, as you’re coming up to your fifth mile.
“I can’t just lie to my Alpha, Y/N. I’ve never lied to an Alpha.” his lip wobbles a little at the thought of lying to his Alpha, “I’m sorry Y/N, I've got to tell Tony.” 
He leaves the gym, before you and Wanda could stop him. 
“What do we do Y/N?” Wanda panics, “If Vis finds out I’m gonna be in so much trouble.” 
You ignore her, you’re so close to beating your 10K Alpha personal best, you drown out her cries of worry, focused intensely on the numbers slowly ticking by in front of you. 
Then the stitch began. Your feet hammered on the treadmill harder and harder, you were so close, but the tightening sensation in your side was getting worse. You breathing becoming staggered, you hear Wanda’s faint voice behind you pleading for you to stop, but you don't listen. You were so close.
5.8 miles 
“Yes!” 6.2. You immediately stop the treadmill, jumping on the ridges as you double over in agony, the stitch in your side, tearing through you, but you can’t help but smile, through your heavy gasps. 
Your smile drops when you feel two very large, Alpha like, hands; wrap around your waist, lifting you off the treadmill, and placing you on the matted floor. 
You don't need to look up to know who it is, when; in your doubled over state, can see two pairs of shoes, that look very familiar.  
As your heartbeat returns to normal, and the pounding in your ears has stopped, you can now hear, the very loud voices, of some very angry Alphas.
“What the hell were you thinking, Y/N?” you hear Steve’s voice boom.
“We told you no training, until the wound on your stomach had completely healed. Yet we find you here trying to what...kill yourself.” you straighten up when he says those words, and disbelieving look crossing your face.
“I’ve been healing for months now, I can’t bare to sit around anymore.” you shout, clutching your side, and wincing at the stabbing pain. 
“We told you, as your Alphas-”
“But that’s the thing you’re not. You aren't officially my Alphas,” the two men stand staring at you in disbelief, “If you were really my Alphas you would have bonded with me already, and given me your mark. But you haven’t, so I don't officially belong to you.”  
The two Alphas don't respond, instead you watch as their eyes go dark, instead of with lust, which you were used to seeing, it was more rage.
Steve turned from you marching away, but Bucky lifted you up over his shoulder, and began to march after him. From this angle you could now see a frightened looking Wanda, who had bowed her head, as Vision stood over her. Peter was there as well, but he was having his head stretched in praise, making your blood bubble slightly.
They disappear from view, as the two Alphas take you from the safety of witnesses, and begin riding the elevator back to your floor. 
Departing the elevator, they get to your shared room, Steve practically kicks the door open, and glares at you as, he allows Bucky to walk past him, before he locked the door behind you. You gulp, before a shriek escapes your mouth, as Bucky throws you onto the bed. 
“What are you gonna do to me?” 
“Be quiet.” Bucky silences you, he begins to try roughly pull the sports leggings from your lower half, you clutched them, afraid of what they were gonna do.
“Let go Y/N.” Steve barks, going to sit on the couch. 
“No not till you tell me what you’re gonna do to me.”
“We’ve been too soft on you. We’ve been trying to let you adjust slowly. But it appears we haven’t made ourselves clear on who we are...or what we are.” his eyes are blazing, as you still, hold your leggings tightly to your body.
“Now let go of your leggings before I rip them off you.” Bucky growls, you look to him in fear, but the control in his eyes overpowers you, and you let go of your trousers, and Bucky tears them from your legs. 
“Stand up and take your panties off.” you shake your head, but Bucky picks you up forcefully, and stands you on your feet. He pulls your underwear down, before pushing you towards Steve, you freeze, standing between the two, Alpha males, covering your lower region with the t-shirt, Bucky had ‘graciously’ let you keep on. 
“Come here and bend over my knee.” Steve orders, your eyes going wide, when you realise what he’s about to do. You shake your head rapidly, trying to back away, but you just collide with Bucky’s solid chest. 
“Do as he says Omega.” Bucky bellows, “this is your punishment. A long time coming.” 
“Please don't...I’m sorry...you are my Alphas,” you cover, you try to go on your knees to submit, but you are heaved up by Bucky, who lifts you over to Steve.
“No Y/N. This will teach you, that we only want what is best for you. And what we do is for you, and your best interests.” Steve says grabbing hold of your hand, he places a pillow over his knee, so that he won't be putting too much pressure on your scar. 
“Please Alpha. I’m sorry. Can’t you just send me to bed, without dinner?” you try to reason.
“No, my love. We would never deny you food. That would be damaging to your health. This way, you can learn safely.” Steve responds, in a slightly softer tone. He tugs at your wrist once again, and you can do nothing but comply, as you slowly bend over his knee. The cold air on your behind, makes you shiver, but you tense, when Steve’s palm comes to rest on your bare skin. 
“Now we’re gonna give you 20 each.” you let out a cry, at the high number, but Steve ignores you and continues, “you’re going to count every one, from 1-20, then you will thank me. Then Bucky will do his, and you will do the same, counting from 1-20, before thanking him.” 
You whimper, but Steve continues to ignore you. His hand resting on your cheek, rises from your skin, and you jolt forward with the force it causes, as he brings it down. You let out a cry, as the sound echoes around the room.
“What do you say?” 
“Good girl.” 
He continues to spank you 18 more times, you imagine your cheeks are a very loud red, as it burns when he delivers the final one. You’re a sobbing mess, by the time you whimper out the number: 20. 
Steve stands you up, keeping his hand on your bottom, as he rubs gently, trying to cool the skin.
“Anything to say to me, baby?”
“Thank you, Alpha.” you whimper, as he shuffles you over to Bucky, who had sat and watched from the opposite couch. 
“Good girl.”
Bucky mirrors Steve, and places a cushion over the his knee, before he carefully bends you over his knee. 
“Ready sweetheart?” he rubs his hand, as soothingly as he can over the red skin. You nod, burying your face into his other knee, hoping to hide your tears.
“I need you to use your words, honey. Are you ready?” his hand moved from your bottom to your back, rubbing encouraging circles into the material of the shirt, that covered your skin. 
“Yes Alpha.” 
“Well done, baby. Not long now.” he soothes. He brings his hand down quickly, which you’re almost grateful for, as he doesn't make you wait to start part two of your punishment. 
“One.” you begin all over again. 
“Nineteen.” you choke, your entire lower half burned like hell, from the tops of your bum, to the tops of your thighs. Bucky had hit you harder, but he was being quicker than Steve.
“Last one honey, then it’s all done.” you sniffle at his words, and nod, before crying out in pain, as the final hit comes. 
“Twe-nty.” you strangle. You lose all your resolve, as you slump over Bucky’s legs, uncontrollably sobbing. Bucky lifts you off his leg, and pulls you into his chest, your knees going either side of him, resting on the couch, whilst the searing skin of your behind, is left to sit in the empty space between his legs. He’s careful not to touch any of the hot skin, on the material of the couch, and supports you, by wrapping his arms tightly around you, quietly shushing you, as you cried into his shoulder. 
“Shhh sweetheart, it’s all done. What do you say to me?” he asks you tentatively, stroking your hair, you’re grateful he doesn't make you look at him, as he excepts your blubbered apology.
“I’m...so-rry, Al-ph-a.”
“Good girl, baby, good girl.” he continues to whisper that praise in your ear, over and over, while you hear Steve crouch behind you. You gasp and try to move away from his cold touch, as he lightly brushes your cheeks, with something cooling, and wet. Bucky secures you in places so you can’t move, you whine and whimper, even at the gentlest of touches.
“Shhh, it’s okay darling, he’s just putting some cream on you, to help cool the pain.” he reassures pulling you impossibly closer, and caressing your back.
He lifts your shirt slightly, so that Steve can reach better, he slides his hand up, knowing you’ll calm down faster, with the skin to skin contact, as well as, pushing your head into his neck, so that his scent, can be a reassuring haze. 
It works, as your sobs turn into hiccups. Steve gives him a nod to signal he’s finished, and Bucky carefully lifts you into the air, and carries you to your bed. 
He leans down delicately, supporting your head, as he lays you on your side, before, slowly rolling you onto your stomach. He sits on the bed, his hand is almost stuck to your back, as his rhythmic movement never ceases. You reach a small hand out, and rest it on his thigh, he uses his free hand, to gently rub, along the exposed skin of your arm. Again knowing you just need to feel the warmth of him.
Steve walks over to the two of you, holding a water bottle with a straw, he hands it to Bucky, as he walks round to the other side of the bed, before he slides in. You fuss slightly, when he pulls you so you are now lying with your front pressed to his chest. But you settle down when, he manages to pull your shirt over your head, and undoes your bra, allowing you to feel the warmth of his skin against yours, you relax into his hold, but your hand, hadn't left Bucky’s thigh, and your positioning only travelled to his chest when he laid next to you and Steve. 
Lifting the straw to your lips, whilst Steve brushed your hair out of the way, kissing your scent gland, gently. You take a few sips of the water, humming as it rehydrates your strained vocal cords. 
“You know we love you, little one?” Bucky says sedately. You hum at his response, you are too exhausted to physically speak. 
“Do you love us, baby?” he asks quietly.
“Of course I do, Alpha.” you rasp, you wince at the scratchiness of your throat, “I am really sorry, for disobeying you, and saying you aren't my Alphas.” 
“We know you are honey, you just said it in the heat of the moment. But you understand why we had to punish you?”
“Yes Alpha. I just wanted to prove to you that I could do it, that I can be just as strong as I was when I was an Alpha.” 
“And you are as strong, baby girl, but that doesn't mean that you are mentally ready.”
You let a heavy breath fall from your lips, your body aches, but the smell of your Alphas, and the love they had for you, was enough to ease the aches and pains.
“When will you bond with me Alpha?” you ask quietly, you feared the response, you just wanted to be marked, to be completely connected to them, but you couldn't understand why they were so hesitant.
“We will precious girl.”
  A/N: Anyone obsessed with Defending Jacob, I’m sooo impatient with shows like that, I just need to binnnnnge!
Part Twelve//
@mikariell95​ @sexyvixen7​ @booboobella01​ @rororo06​ @vickstaahh​@krazykatkay456​ @winchester-wifey
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demigodlunar · 3 years
Scars - Chapter 3
Wow, people have already read this sooo fast! Thanks so much, I appreciate it :D
Chapter 3 - Take Over With Grace
“Mr. Grace?”
Jason was jerked out of his fantasies of being a normal child- for about the millionth time- when he heard his last name being tossed out carelessly in the large crowd.
He shielded his eyes from the camera’s flash setting and the just the sight of the showy clothes of the countless paparazzi and media that were here for the interview.
“Mr. Grace, what do you have to say about the shares in the stock market for Olympic Inc. going down last week?”, one of the nameless news reporters asked, arousing another round of nods and agreement.
And once again, Jason sighed in relief that the question wasn’t directed towards him. He was Mr. Grace, yes.
But not to the public. To the public, Jason was just a secretary or student intern that happened to be at the interview. No one important. His father, Zeus Grace, was the one that was being bombarded by questions.
Jason could hear his father's loud and commanding voice over the racket of the others, answering the question with a calm, precise tone and reassuring words. He gulped, being reminded once again that this could- would- be him soon.
The annoying little voice in the back of his head whispered again, you’re almost 18. Almost time to take over the company.
Jason tried to keep the headache at bay. He hated the fact that soon, he wouldn’t be a normal 18-year-old boy without a care in the world. After he graduated from high school next year, Jason’s father wouldn’t even bother sending him to college. He would take over Olympic Inc. the moment he threw his square graduation cap in the air.
Jason could remember a distinct memory from when his parents were still talking to each other.
8-year-old Jason Grace peeked out from behind the door to stare into the living room, where his parents were yelling at full volume, not even caring to lock the door or try to reduce their voices to not scare the children.
“He’s just 8 years old,” his mother, Beryl Grace, screamed, “A child! You can’t bring him into all your business and politics, I won’t allow it!”
“He’s my child, so I will decide whether I start teaching him how to take over the company when he’s older, and introduce him to the press.”, Zeus yelled back with just as much vigor.
“Your child! YOUR CHILD!” Beryl screeched, “He’s my child too! You already told the world about Thalia and now she can’t even leave the house without the media asking her if she’s going to take over the company!”
Jason winced at his mother’s voice, not even understanding what they were so upset about. If they could just talk it out, maybe they could come to an understanding.
“Thalia will not be taking over the company,” Zeus argued, taking on a defensive tone, “I vowed only my first-born son would be the head. Besides, Thalia wouldn’t want to take over. Once I tell the media that Jason will be the new CEO, they will get off her case.”
“And then what about Jason? Then they start stalking him? AT 8?” Beryl yelled, screaming a string of words that almost made Jason’s ears bleed afterward.
“Fine,” Zeus said, deadly calm, “Until Jason is legally an adult, we will keep him hidden from the public. I will still teach him what he needs to know, but he can be seen as a normal boy at least until then. Then, he will take over the company.”
Jason stood there, trying to figure out what “take over the company” and “new CEO” meant. Now, Jason was a smart boy, but this seemed to stump him. Would he become like Daddy? Working all the time and wearing those tight looking suits and ties?
Jason didn’t want to do that, that seemed boring.
He turned his attention back to his parents in the living room, and they had calmed down excessively. He tuned into the conversation to hear what they were saying.
“... you take Thalia and I will take Jason,” Zeus said, holding his hand out to Beryl.
She stared at it for a couple of seconds before grabbing it and shaking it briskly, “Deal, but they have to be able to meet. They love each other, you know.”
Zeus sighed, “Of course, every Saturday and Sunday?”
Beryl nodded and she started walking to the door that Jason was hiding behind. Jason jumped back as she pushed it open and walked up to Thalia’s room.
The next hour was a blur and all he remembered was Thalia crying and yelling that she didn’t want to go, and that made Jason cry too. He didn’t like to see his sister cry, she was really good to him. After they both calmed down, Jason learned a new word.
Divorce. It rolled off his tongue but in a bad way. When your parents left and lived in different houses.
Well, Jason thought, At least I will get to see them still.
But living with his dad was something that Jason never got used to.
Jason was startled out of the memory when a finger snapped under his nose three times in quick succession. He looked up bewildered at the snapper. Thalia grinned down at him and put her arm around him.
“Hey, little bro! Spacing out again I see.”
Jason rolled his eyes but smiled fondly, “You're only one year older. Besides, I was just thinking of when I have to take over the company.”
Thalia’s easy smile disappeared, and she frowned, “I still can’t believe that dad is giving you no choice at all. I mean, you're wasting your life on something that will never make you happy.”
Jason sighed, every time that this topic was brought up Thalia made the same argument. He tugged at his tie, feeling uncomfortable all of a sudden.
“Just let it go, Thals.”
Thalia huffed but didn’t add any more fuel to the conversation. Then, she smiled widely. Jason almost tripped from the sudden change of attitude.
“I just remembered! I gotta go, little bro, Piper is having brunch at her place today,” she said while wiggling her eyebrows in a weird way.
Jason felt heat rush to his cheeks when his sister mentioned Piper Mclean. He could remember the first time he saw her.
It was in the hallway during their freshman year. He saw her stand up to Drew Tanaka when she was bullying some poor boy who looked at her wrong or something. When she yelled at Drew and embarrassed her in front of the whole hallway, Jason felt like he’d been shot.
If it wasn’t enough that Piper was a kind-hearted, brave person, she was also painfully beautiful. Even when she cut her hair, and wore baggy clothes, she was still extremely gorgeous. She also never noticed him.
It was safe to say that he had a very big crush on her.
“R-really?” he stammered, blushing, and wishing he never told Thalia about his crush in the first place because she found a reason to make fun of him for it all the time.
Thalia smirked and whipped out her phone and went to her messaging app, bringing up Piper’s contact.
Thalia wanted to introduce Jason to Piper to help him with his hopeless crush, but he’d voted against it. As painful as it was, he couldn’t be introduced as Thalia’s brother, because that would mean explaining their complicated family tree, including Percy (who Jason hasn’t heard from in years) and the fact that he would be a CEO of a famous company in a little over two years.
Jason brought his attention back to Thalia’s phone, where she was texting Piper. Their conversation was pretty casual.
(AN: Thalia, Piper)
Today - 11:34 AM
hey Pipes
hey Thals
nothing much, you?
i’m here with my brother at one of my dad’s interview things
Jason almost shrieked, but that wouldn’t be very manly of him. Instead, he shook Thalia’s shoulder forcefully.
“THALIA!” he winced as his voice squeaked.
“What?” Thalia frowned at him.
He stared at her, and sudden realization dawned on her as Piper’s reply came.
you have a brother?
“Oh shoot, oh shoot, oh shoot!” Thalia yelped, juggling her phone like it was on fire, “Oh my gods, what do I say? Should I say I was lying?”
“Yeah, because she’ll definitely believe it if you say ‘oh I was just kidding, sometimes I imagine I have a brother!’ She would think you’re crazy!” Jason deadpanned.
Thalia glared at him, and then she sighed resignedly, “Well, she knows now, and she’s one of my good friends, so I may as well just tell her the truth.”
Jason didn’t like that idea, but Thalia was already texting Piper again. He looked at the screen to see the conversation again.
EXCUSE ME, but how come you’ve never told me about him?
never came up
fine, you win, for now. show me a pic?
And in the next second, Thalia found a picture of Jason laughing at a joke that Hazel made, and sent it.
Jason made a mad grab for her phone, but it was too late. Oh no, he looked so dorky in that picture.
“Chill it bro, you look fine,” Thalia said, her eyes still on the screen.
Then, her face looked like she’d hit a gold mine, and she pushed the screen in front of Jason’s face.
oh, that cute boy you sit with at lunch sometimes? He’s really good looking.
Jason almost dropped the phone, and stood there rooted to the ground as Thalia cackled in the background.
Piper. Piper Mclean. Thought he, Jason Grace, was good looking?!?!? Jason felt like he might die.
Thalia wheezed as her laughing fits started subsiding, “Oh-oh my gods. Th-that was amazing!”
Then she typed a reply to Piper.
yes, he is, and he’s also here looking at our conversation.
Thalia erupted into another bout of laughter, and Jason waited for Piper to respond. But she didn’t.
He didn’t know how to feel about that.
Jason’s watch beeped, and he remembered that he was supposed to be heading to Hazel and Nico’s apartment to hang out. He waved goodbye to Thalia (who was still laughing like a lunatic) and made his way back to the apartments where his cousins lived.
Gods, he needed to clear his head before he went brain dead, and spending time with family, other than his dad, helped with that.
My, oh my, this was gonna be an eventful year. _____________________________________________________________
Hehe, there's some Jiper for ya. Poor Jason, being stifled like that... I can relate :(
-Blossom ;)
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beeexx · 3 years
Chapter 2 of To all the boys I’ve Loved before Tarlos au is up. You can read it here.
Here is a little tease :)
TK makes it as far as to his locker, his and Carlos’s contract safely tucked into a book of his in his backpack, when he runs into Paul.  
 Ah, well fuck, he’s oficially screwed now. 
Paul’s eyes are narrowed and he has that very obvious ‘don’t you dare bullshit me’ look he’s gotten famous for in their group which they all know very well that lying is the worst thing you can do in that moment. TK sighs and motions for Paul to follow him to the bathrooms so they can talk privately. TK checks each stall to see if they are empty before he turns to a very impatient looking Paul staring at him.
“Okay, so I can explain.”
“Can you? Good, let’s go.”
“So what do you want to know?”
“How you went from ‘I’m never going to date Carlos I never want to see him again’ to locking lips with him where the whole school could see.” Paul imitates his voice and it’s way too high pitched to sound anything at all like TK does, but he ignores it. 
“I don’t think the whole school could see...”
“Most people videoed it.”
“Right, yeah… of course…” TK hadn’t even thought about that, well fuck, that’s not exactly something he’d want finding its way to the headmaster or to any future collage or university applications. 
“Well the day when you went off to see Lily.”
“For the chess club.” Paul corrects and TK rolls his eyes because that is not true, no matter how hard he tries to convince him of that.
“Anyway I almost reversed into Carlos, he was fine by the way. Then Matteo has been on my ass about me being lonely and ending up some kind of hermit or something and how I should get a boyfriend. He’s been really annoying and then some stupid letters I wrote ages ago got out, probably because they accidentally ended up in the Goodwill boxes I sent out only for Carlos’ to actually get his.” He rushes through the first part of the story so he can just get to the part where him and Carlos are fake dating, because that is now a thing.
“And he was all like I’m flattered but Alex bla bla bla Alex bla bla so I just kissed him on the pitch because Alex was there and I wanted to get back at him and Carlos was annoying and I lost my mind there for a moment I think. Cut to me running away to Cafe Corner to be cornered by Carlos again and for him to actually suggest we fake date to make Alex jealous, so now I have a fake boyfriend and it’s Carlos…?” Paul’s eyes have widened, like he can’t believe a word he’s just heard and TK doesn’t blame him because it sounds absolutely deranged to his own ears too. Then Paul starts to laugh, a little too loudly and a little longer than what TK warrants to be necessary.
“Man, this sounds like one of those cheesy romance novels you keep reading. This is like straight out of a movie, I love it!”
“Yeah, yeah, I guess.”
“This is so going to end badly.”
“What? Why? How?”
“Ah TK, my sweet innocent child.” TK huffs as Paul grabs him by the shoulders to pull him close, holding on very tightly which makes it impossible for TK to shrug him off.
“It’s going to end with feelings and heartbreak.” TK scoffs.
“Feelings? What are you talking about? Feelings for who? Carlos? Are you kidding, it’s all just pretend.”
“Well in a few months’ time I might say I told you so and gloat a little bit, but I will obviously be the shoulder you can cry on when I am ultimately right.”
“I’m just helping him get back at Alex, I don’t see that as a particularly bad thing.”
“Oh I have no problem with you getting back at Alex, he’s an ass, he deserves it, all I’m saying is that these things never work out the way you intend them to.”
“Whatever, also you can’t tell Mateo and Marjan, it’s bad enough that you know, we put no snitching in the contract.” Paul bursts out laughing even harder and TK feels his cheeks flush, but whatever, having a contract for these things are important, he stands by that. 
“I won’t say a word.” He says through his laughter and TK finally manages to pull Paul off himself and leaves while giving him the finger, to the sound of Paul’s laughter ringing in his ears as the door closes. 
The rest of the day stays blissfully boring.
“Mateo come on!” TK shouts for what feels like the 100th time this morning and throws his hands up in defeat when there’s no reply. “Okay fuck it, you can walk.”
“No swearing TK.” Owen chides and TK gives him the finger when he isn’t looking.
“I’m coming!” Mateo shouts but TK still can’t hear him make a move from upstairs so that’s clearly a lie since he’s been saying that for the last ten minutes.
“You go on your own, I can just drive him once he’s ready.” Owen suggests.
“Actually… well actually I’m not driving today.” He says carefully.
“No, Carlos is supposed to take the both of us.”
“Carlos? Carlos Reyes?”
“Yes, we’re I guess friends now…”
“Oh, that’s amazing, I’m happy to hear that.” His dad says overly excited for something as mundane as TK making friends, but the look on his dad’s face sends a pang of guilt through TK, he doesn’t want to lie to anyone, but then he really doesn’t want to have a conversation about how he has a pretend boyfriend to get back at Carlos’ ex that happens to be Alex either, so keeping his mouth shut about it seems logical and it doesn’t feel like his dad has to know about it just this exact moment so.
“Mhm.” He will leave Mateo though, because it’s becoming too much for TK to stand in the kitchen and lie right now.
“I’m here.” Mateo says, fucking finally done, and looking exactly the same as he does on any other school day so TK has no clue what the hell he’s been doing all morning.
“Bye kids, have a good day.”
“You too.” Mateo calls as he closes and locks the door, just as Carlos drives up the road. 
“Oh, hell yes.” Mateo says excitedly as he sees Carlos’ car. TK thinks it is ridiculous and can’t help but wonder if Carlos is trying to compensate for the car in lack of certain things in other departments but he stops himself thinking along those lines immediately because nope, nope, nope no.
“Morning.” Carlos says smiling and makes sure to open the door for TK who rolls his eyes while Mateo swoons in the back.
“Stop being weird.” TK tells him and Mateo swats his hand away.
“I’m just trying to get used to the idea that you’re actually dating Carlos. EEEHH I am so happy for you.”
“Yeah totally.” TK tries to sound excited as well. Carlos gets back in the driving seat and starts the car. 
“Hi.” He says gently to TK and TK smiles and nudges him further away, Carlos chuckles delightedly. 
“Oh, here by the way TK, it’s from Grace.” Mateo says and throws something in TK’s lap, TK’s face lighting up immediately.
“Ahhh yes.”
“What’s that?” Carlos asks.
“Oh this? It’s chocolate from the Scandinavian store, it’s the best chocolate in town.” Carlos looks doubtful.
“It is! Here try some.” TK breaks off a small piece and gives it to Carlos who instead of just taking it off from TK leans his face close to TK’s fingers and very gently but purposely puts his mouth just at the tip of TK’s thumb and index finger and takes the chocolate off him, the tip of his tongue brushing against TK’s skin, sending shivers straight up his spine and making him blush ridiculously hard, Mateo wolf whistling in the back of the car. TK’s eyes snap to Carlos who is looking at him instead of at the road ahead and what he sees there makes him feel hot all over.
“Yeah, okay, wow it’s good.” Carlos is clearly impressed, his eyes lighting up, making his whole face glow in happiness, and TK breaks out of whatever the hell just happened and gulps and stares straight ahead in order to get his bearings together.
“Yeah it is.” Mateo says and for a moment TK had even forgotten that he was in the car.
“Where do you get it from?”
“It’s all the way across from town, TK is too scared to drive there himself but Grace and Judd live much closer to it and Grace is literally an angel so every now and then she goes to stock up for him.” TK tries to glare at Mateo for spilling his secrets, and giving away the location of the best supermarket ever, you can get so many nice things in those shops that you would never be able to get from the normal ones and TK is particular about keeping quiet about its location. 
“Who is Grace and Judd?”
“Our dad works with Judd and Grace is his wife, she’s a 911 operator.”
“Aahh, okay.” Carlos says and looks like that cleared something up he must have been very confused about. 
They make it to school much quicker than it normally would take when TK drives and Mateo is ecstatic, his whole face glowing in triumph when they step out to the parking lot, gaining some stares in the process that TK could really do without. Mateo hides his snickers.
“Morning.” Iris calls, comes up to punch Carlos’ shoulder, high fives Mateo and levels TK with a stare he doesn’t think is exactly hostile but not totally friendly either.
“Hi. Iris.” He takes her hand.
“Hi, TK.”
“Right, right, yes of course. I know who you are.” TK’s eyebrow raises because to her he’s probably the guy who made Carlos spill out their Chinese food just before summer ended.
“You’re Mateo’s brother, he’s told me about you.”
Oh, okay, that wasn’t exactly what he was expecting but he guesses he’s fine with that.
“Yeah, yeah, that’s right.”
“Sweet.” She leans against Carlos’ other side and puts an arm around Mateo’s shoulder, squeezing brotherly while Mateo looks like she’s hung the moon.
Oh no TK thinks.
“Iris, behave yourself.” Carlos scolds without heat.
“Me? I always behave. TK, if Carlos ever tells you that I was the one almost getting us arrested it’s a lie, remember that. It was totally him.”
“What? You almost got arrested?” Mateo pipes up by Iris’ side.
“Don’t go giving him any ideas Iris, I don’t want to bail him out.” TK says, a little sternly because he really doesn’t want to do that. Iris grins a little evilly, looking between the two, with Mateo giving her puppy eyes and TK trying to plead with her. 
“I think it’s a story for another time.” TK breathes out a sigh of relief and Carlos rolls his eyes at her. 
“Ignore her.” He whispers to TK and TK hopes he can. 
“Well, I have history, I kind of need to go…” TK says to Carlos, picking his phone up to double check the time, he hates being late.
“Yeah, sure, of course.”
“Come on Mateo, let’s go to chem.” Iris pulls Mateo with her and gives Carlos an unreadable look and sends him an encouraging smile as a parting gift, TK has no idea what their silent communication means, but they must know each other well if they can do it so easily.
“Okay, well I’ll see you at lunch, it’s a perfect opportunity for Alex to see.”
“Right, yeah, of course.” For a moment TK’s forgotten all about the whole making Alex jealous thing they got going but with Carlos’ reminder it’s suddenly very clear again that they are barely even friends. Come to think of it TK doesn’t even know that much about Carlos to begin with. He just nods and smiles and then picks up the pace to get to history and out of the vicinity of Carlos as fast as he can.
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silvia7272 · 4 years
4 ~ The End And Beginning Of Friendly Matters
Hey, so here's the fourth one, hope you like it. if you're confused, the Prologue was first, then Threats and Frights, then First Meetings Aren't Normal 1 & 2. I’ve decided to make a chapter with Chloé as I haven’t had a lot of content with her and I wanted to explore how I’m going to do just that so yeah. However, Miracle Queen hasn’t happened and never will happen in this fic unless I can spin the idea. I wanted to add some more information from the last fic. So, info dump? Yeah, let’s go with that.
Also, Chloé Bourgeois is like Weiss Schnee and no one can change my mind. I think that’s the reason I could never hate her.
I might start adding an extra opinion before the start of each story now.
Word Count: 5575
Tags: @queenmj10, @fangirl39, @animegirlweeb, @northernbluetongue, @daminett4life​, @raisuke06​, @indecisive-mess-named-me​, sorry if I forgot anyone.
My fic My ‘Lying’ Prologue got so much attention in these past few days I’m so surprised thanks so much guys. I’m so considering uploading my other stories on here.
If you wish to be tagged all you have to do is say so.
Also, one last thing, did I say what eye colour Rosina had? If not it's Silver now.
“What the hell are you doing hanging out with that traitor?” She was crowded around her again. When lunch appeared, she was whisked away again by her classmates. Day two and this had already become a habit?
“Huh? Traitor? What traitor? Who is it you’re talking about?” Rosina blinked in bewilderment; she had only been hanging around with her friend.
“Oh no, you really don’t know do you?” Lila exclaimed, tears stinging her eyes while Rosina stared in confusion.
“She had bullied and lied about everyone here over the past year. Girl, it's best you come with us.” Alya clarified, yet Rosina still didn’t understand.
“But Marinette has been so kind to me, her Parents even gave me some free pastries for me. How is that mean?”
“Because she’s only pretending to like you, soon when you trust her, she’ll stab you in the back as she did to all of us. Please, Rosina, we don’t want you to be hurt like we were.” They really didn’t trust Marinette anymore, that thought alone saddened her immensely, she wanted to understand why someone would do that?
She stood up from her seat, they all patiently awaited her answer. Believing they truly had changed her mind.
“I understand your ill will towards Marinette, however, please do not stop me. I want to make my own choices; I want to be friends with Marinette on my own. And if everything is true, I will have learnt it my way. Experiencing life first-hand is my priority. I hope you understand my choice” She walked off, with everyone too stunned to move or speak. But Adrien was just glad she didn’t say anything about Lila being a liar, no doubt Marinette would’ve told her.
“We have to keep her away from Marinette” Adrien was pulled out of his thoughts by all of his friends thinking of plans to persuade her further.
“But Alya you heard what she said, maybe we should just respect her wishes” Everyone looked as if he had grown two heads.
“Are you insane? Rosina is so sweet there's no way we could leave her with Marinette! We can’t let her be hurt like us!” Adrien slightly winced since he knew the truth but knew that deep down everything would be sorted.
“Yeah but she is new, she can still see for herself” Even if he and Marinette weren’t… Friends anymore it wouldn’t hurt her having a friend.
“Oh Adrien, you have no idea how manipulation works, since Marinette could just play victim all the time she’ll be wrapped around her finger in no time, we need to help our dear new friend.” Adrien had to urge himself not to roll his eyes.
“Yeah Lila, of course,” But he still had to be on her good side, his Father had made sure to remind him.
“Now let’s get back to the plan”
“Do you mind kidnapping me?”
“Nooooope, sorry but I missed you Mari, and everyone kept telling me mean things about you, you’re my first friend how could I stand by with them talking like that? I had to come and find you of course.” Marinette smiled towards her friend, she was weird but in a good way. She was just so happy to have someone she could trust, someone who would know her struggle with and someone she didn’t have to lie to anymore.
“Mari? Maaaaaaaarrrriiiiiiii? Oh, you zoned out, are you ok? You don’t need to cry again, do you?” Asking innocently as Marinette pondered how it was possible she never sounded sarcastic or even mocking in her tone.
“No, I’m fine, I’ll tell you if I need some space. Although I was wondering if you could tell me some more information?” Rosina nodded ecstatically.
“Oh, Marinette I was just thinking of that, we really are friends, huh does this mean we’re best friends?” They both giggled before looking at the view.
“You sooo owe me for that stunt you pulled”
“Aww but Mari you were so cute clinging onto me. You were like a Doll” She exclaims before remembering the scene. She had dragged Marinette out the window before running up to the roof.
“Yeah well, no more pastries then” She crosses her arms before looking the other way annoyed, but only half-heartedly.
“Nooo, anything but that! -Hugging Her- I won’t let go until you forgive me”
“Fine. So, what were you going to tell me?”
“Well err, maybe just some more information about the Revenant, but it’s really better at first hand. But can I see Tikki, she’s so cute?” Tikki flies out towards her and allows her to snuggle her cheek.
“Now where to start? Well, to make it easier the Revenant is stored in Trinkets, they are scattered around a location for a certain amount of time before moving away. Normally we can predict the location but sometimes we have to look for it. The last ones are always the hardest, but I’ll try to explain just like Aunty tells me.” She lifted her own Trinket towards Marinette and Tikki.
“They are a portal to a strange land; time is unnecessary and cannot expand. Travel you must, succeed and entrust, to destroy the Revenant at hand.”
“At least that’s as much as I can translate, I only ever remembered that much sorry” But Marinette was deep in thought.
“I get the first sentence but travel you must? Does that mean you have to search for the Revenant inside?” She clicked her fingers.
“You’re right on the square, we have to travel to get there” She was so pleased that Marinette found the puzzle.
“You mean dot” She pointed out.
“Same thing. There are so many foes? Yep that word, foes for us to defeat as well, you’ll understand more when we find one ourselves. Because if they are left it's incredibly bad. Like really really bad.”
“What would happen?” Tikki’s question caused her normally cheerful face to turn serious.
“If it's left out without being purified, it will start to crack and the Revenant has a chance to escape into our world, we aren’t sure if the Miraculous cure could even fix it”
“But that’s impossible? How did they even exist in the first place?”
‘And how come no one had told me about this?’
“That’s why I’m pretty sure it’s how Aunty and Mister Wáng met. They must’ve had to defeat one together but Marinette, I think it was the aftereffect of the Miraculous’ wish, from what I’ve been told it matches up from what Aunty informed me” Kwami and bluenette widened their eyes.
“And if Hawkmoth gets the Miraculous?” Realisation kicking in, if this happened because of the wishes, they really had to be careful.
“Yes, it would be even worse.”
“I had no idea that wish caused this” Tikki contemplated flying around the two.
“Well, there's nothing we can do now, but if you could possibly not tell Chat yet that would be good, Aunty and I need to make sure they really are here first. We don’t need to make people fret over nothing.”
“I understand, although I think he’s still annoyed at me because of what happened.”
“Don’t worry, if you’ll let me come on the next patrol or hunt, I’ll be happy to explain somethings to him”
“Of course you’re coming, I need to get you up to speed with all of the Akuma’s we’ve had to deal with” The bell rang, and they made it back to the classroom just before anyone else entered. They gave notes and silently talked throughout the day, with Marinette helping Rosina whenever she could before spending so much time together at home.
Not knowing about the next week's events.
“Well now class seeing as most of you have been on your best behaviour, I think it would be an excellent idea to reward you. And as our brilliant Class President Lila suggested we take an overnight trip here at *Le Jardín Du Luxembourg, I hope you’ve all packed up all of your essentials so let’s get inside” They walked over to the building with the students gasping in awe, it looked so great.
Although Marinette didn’t look too overjoyed, her only friend was being held captive by Lila who had latched onto her arm despite said girl looking uncomfortable. They made her sit with them on the minibus as well, the girl not able to voice anything. She appeared to be sad, possibly because she thought she had betrayed her first friend but Marinette tried to tell her it was alright, it wasn’t her fault to ease her concerns, but Rosina still felt guilty.
“Ok class, you’ll be in pairs so you’ll be able to explore to your own leisure you can enter the building or look around the gardens ok? So the pairs are Alya & Nino, Nathaniel & Max, Alix & Kim, Juleka & Rose, Mylène & Ivan, Lila & Adrien, Sabrina & Chloé, and finally Rosina & Marinette since you two have been getting along so well, you’ve really become a brilliant influence on Marinette” Marinette had the urge to roll her eyes but she was kiiiiiinda right. However, not everyone was pleased with the choices.
“Mlle Bustier please don’t make me go with Chloé, can’t I please go with someone else instead please, you know we shouldn’t be together after everything right?” With Rosina and Mlle Bustier shocked about the outburst the class minus Chloé and Marinette smirked as their plan was evolving.
“Oh, I’m sorry I had forgotten about that Sabrina? If anyone would be so kind as to pair up with Sabrina so we could get moving.” A hand shot up; the plan was moving along great.
“Mlle Bustier, I’m sure Adrien doesn’t mind going with Sabrina, and I would be more than happy to go with Chloé, after all, we need someone responsible to look after the class and I don’t mind doing that if everyone else can enjoy their time here”
“Wow Lila that’s so awesome of you” The class cheered as Chloé groaned.
“Do you really think I’d want to go with someone like you? I’d rather go with Dupain-Cheng” Said girl scowled but didn’t comment, whatever she thought, it was mutual anyway.
“Chloé, don’t be rude to her, she has graciously volunteered to be your partner, you could show some gratitude to her.” Bustier warned, a glare on her face.
“It's not like I wanted her too” She grumbled under her voice.
“Just like no one wanted to be near you in the first place” Lila whispered before walking away with the majority of the class.
“Oh, what do I care about that?” She rushed off so she wouldn’t be left behind, but a frown was put on a normally cheery face.
Some more time had passed, and Rosina was intrigued by all the sights she was seeing, everything had just looked so big to her, the teacher warned them not to get lost, so she was glad she had Marinette with her.
“Wow, that artwork looks so pretty Mari. Who do you think made it?” Entranced by the ‘artwork’ she didn’t see the deadpan look Marinette gave her.
“That’s just a window Rosina”
“…It's still pretty” She pouted.
“You can find anything interesting, can’t you?” It was so easy to joke around with her.
“Says the one carrying the sketchbook around”
“Touché, anyway maybe we should look around for some real art huh?” She nodded before they walked on ahead.
…Until Rosina stopped again.
“Huh, hey Mari is this a room? -Gasps- Is this a secret room for people to discover, just like in those puzzle area’s?”
“What no, it's just a closed-off area- Wait don’t go in there!” After the redhead had entered the secret room, Marinette had no choice but to go in as well. Making Lila’s plan a lot easier. Following the girls was easy considering they hardly explored anywhere interesting. She was sure Marinette didn’t want to be discovered by her former friends.
“Oh no Chloé, that’s the storage room we have to tell them. They could accidentally get locked up” Chloé, as ever, looked unimpressed.
“Why should I care?” Lila smirked, the right buttons were about to be pressed.
“Because if you don’t, I’ll tell Adrien you pushed me” Chloé stepped away, huh, had something happened to them? Perfect.
“What's wrong Chloé, afraid your “good friend” won’t believe you?” But all Chloé did was glare before flicking her hair walking away.
‘It's better than nothing. I can work with this’ She caught up to her, walking side by side until they reached it.
Since Marinette and Rosina didn’t close the door this would go flawlessly.
Her hand slipped out, and with a surprising amount of force pushed the blonde into the room.
And before the blonde could even push herself up, the door somehow shut and bolted, leaving her stuck and locked up.
“Oh no Chloé, I had no idea what happened, don’t worry, I’ll get Mlle Bustier and we’ll get you out soon I promise”
“The plan, what exactly could we do?”
“Well if we get them together in a secluded space surely Marinette would reveal her true colours eventually, right?”
“That’s great Lila, now how to get them closed off?” They had all thought the idea was brilliant.
“I think I know.”
She laughs as she walks away, she didn’t care if she heard it or not, who would believe her anyway?
‘Adding Chloé to the mix was a great idea, of course, I’d be able to think of that. I’m a genius after all’
Bang Bang Bang.
“Ridiculous, utterly ridiculous! I demand you let me off here!”
How dare she! When her Dad found out what had happened to her they’ll be hell to pay!
But who would believe her? Even if her Dad tried to do anything, they had blackmailed him in return, they had gotten smarter, because of that Lila girl. Her sprouting all of these accusations she had caused towards the liar of the school. She couldn’t do anything to her, and she knew it.
Bang… Bang…
She couldn’t do anything.
What did it matter anyway, why did she have to stay in this stupid school? Couldn’t she just be home-schooled like Adri- She paused. She didn’t want to think of him, not after…
“Utterly ridiculous” She slid to the ground, she wasn’t bothered anymore, she didn’t care if she might be Akumatized here, even if Hawkmoth could get there it didn’t matter anymore.
The tears were already falling.
“Chloé? What are you doing here?” Looking up, the redhaired girl stood in front bewildered. Furiously wiping her eyes, she answers the girl.
“That stupid Lila girl pushed me in here. I hate her and her stupid lies!” She yells but Rosina doesn’t turn away, instead, she crouched down to her level.
“Are you ok Chloé? Your crying” She tried to reach her hand out but Chloé swiped it away.
“Don’t even think of putting your fingers near me!” Before Rosina could reply Marinette came into view, and she wasn’t happy with what she saw.
“Chloé you can’t say that to Rosina she was only trying to help!” Marinette scolded even if Chloé didn’t seem to care.
“Marinette it's ok she’s already upset as it is, plus the doors locked so there's no use in fighting now.” Marinette gasped.
“What!? We’re trapped!? How did that happen? How are we going to get out!?” Again, before she could answer Chloé spoke.
“Oh, shut up Dupain-Cheng. Why did I have to be trapped you of all people!?” She counted.
“Hey-” She tried to intervene.
“That goes for me too, I think I’d prefer Lila” She retorted.
“But you-” She wanted to intervene.
“How dare you!? That’s low, choosing a liar over me!”
“Ha, you’re a liar as well don’t try to play the victim here!”
“Oh, you insufferable piece of-”
They turned their heads towards Rosina, they hadn’t seen her angry before, or anything other than happy.
“Oh, sorry. You were shouting and I just wanted you to stop.” It was silent before Rosina sat down.
“Why are you two fighting anyway? If you both hate Lila, why aren’t you friends?”
“I would never be friends with her!” They shouted in sync.
“Please don’t make me shout again” They stopped, allowing her to continue.
“Then why aren’t you friends? I just want to understand what happened that’s all” She smiled, desperately wanting to break the tension.
“Chloé here has bullied me since Kindergarten. I think that should explain everything” Rosina was confused.
“Kinder… Garten? Like a Kinder Egg, oh I loved them.” Marinette explained further so she understood.
“You haven’t exactly been nice to me either” She responded.
“You started it.” She muttered.
“What?” Marinette questioned after Chloé mumbled something.
“I said that’s not true” Marinette couldn’t believe the nerve of this girl, she’s made her life miserable for so long, longer than Lila has.
“You made my life miserable for the past 5 years, it was only last year that I finally decided to grow a spine against you, because of-” She stopped, but looked at Rosina for reassurance.
“That doesn’t matter anymore, I will still have Rosina, I may have lost to Lila once, but she won’t win. She won’t beat me” Rosina shared a smile that didn’t go unnoticed by the blonde.
“You weren’t the only person to lose to her you know. Sabrina hates me because of her lies, Adrien hates me because I called out Lila’s behaviour when she took Sabrina away. Everyone hates me anyway, I don’t have any reason to be here, I’m utterly useless” Marinette feel Déjà Vu all over again. Chloé was talking, really talking about her feelings again.
“And that’s why I can’t stand you Marinette…”
“Huh? Why? I didn’t-?” Rosina put her hand up to stop Marinette.
“Please explain Chloé, what did Marinette do? I want to understand.”
“…You’ve always been helpful, with a smile on your face. You wanted to make friends with everyone you met, and your-”
“That’s it! You made my life a living hell because of tha-!?”
“BECAUSE I WAS JEALOUS!!” She breathed before continuing.
“You could do anything you put your mind to, you’re a great designer and an amazing baker. All I am is a rich girl. I could never make a dress on my own, I could never make a cake on my own. All I could do was order other people to do my bidding. You could do everything while I couldn’t.”
“It was so easy for you to make friends, everyone loved you. I just couldn’t stand it. I couldn’t understand why they loved you so much, I couldn’t accept the fact that I was the problem, because I wasn’t you Marinette. I was always going to be friendless.”
“No matter what I did no one liked me, they just wanted me to leave so I was angry with all of them, and I always took it out on Sabrina. Someone who I pushed too far. I only realised I never really had a friend until Adrien and Sabrina left me. I only realised it was because of me when that happened, and I still didn’t change. Because I am useless, I even thought saving a train full of people that I purposely crashed would make me a hero” Rosina would ask later, she was confused when her Aunt told her that.
“Why did you compare me to yourself? You’re your own person Chloé. And everyone has these jealous thoughts, I’ve even had them about you” Shocked she looked up to look at the blue-haired girl.
“You could ask for literally anything, and your Dad could get it for you. Chloé you are beautiful, I’m surprised you aren’t a model yet.” Wow, this truth put a light on the two. There was silence again, but it was much more comfortable.
“So, can you remind me why you two hated each other again?” For once the girls couldn’t provide an answer, why was there so much hostility? She glanced at Rosina who was a voice of reason, she let the girls explain and even got to an actual problem they weren’t bothered to find out. She breathed out a sigh of relief, now their ‘rivalry’ looked silly for this reason.
“But I guess we were in the same boat for a while huh? I lost all my friends as well, before I made a real one” And then Marinette did something she never thought she would ever do in a million years.
“I know I said I’d rather have no friends than be your friend but, do you think we could reconsider and start over?”
“But I- You hate me?” She wasn’t fully convinced at all.
“That was before I understood, all I’m asking is for us to start over, so we can be friends. I can help you Chloé, only if you want it?”
She asked Chloé to be her friend.
“Y-Yeah, I’d like that, one friend for each of us” She wiped her remaining tears away and took Marinette’s hand.
“Make that 2, I’ll be your friend as well Chlo, I can call you that right?” But Chloé was confused by her words.
“Why do you want to be friends with me? You heard how I bullied Dupa- err I mean Marinette, what are you insane?”
“What? It's just the truth” Their problems wouldn’t be solved overnight, but at least it was a start.
“Weeeeellllll I’ve always wanted to be your friend; besides Marinette, you caught my eye when I came into the classroom. So, can I? Please?” She practically pleaded with stars in her eyes, two friends for her, it would be great.
“Fine but listen here newbie, if you betray us there will be hell to pay!”
“What? I have to set the grounds here; she needs to know who she’s dealing with”
“Of course, if I do betray you, feel free to slap me” She was way too ecstatic at times.
“…That’s forward of you, but I’ll make sure to remember it”
“Great -Hugs Them Both- We’ll be friends forever”
“Ugh get off me you- forget it, I guess this is my fate now” She eventually let go before an important question was raised.
“Err so how are we going to get out of here?”
“Yes, I can’t stand having to spend another minute in this utterly ridiculous cramped room” Rosina looked in her bag to see anything of use.
She found something.
“I don’t know a solution, but I know a way to pass sometime”
The two girls looked at each other, they had no idea if this was a good or bad idea.
“I hope you were all able to find some pieces of artwork that were fascinating to you. And I do hope you have all of your belongings with you before we go to our hotel” The hotel Lila had claimed to have booked would’ve been a 5-Star Reserved one because of a favour a friend owed her, but the school faculty couldn’t possibly allow that as they’ll feel indebted and booked a hotel reservation elsewhere causing the students to pout in disappointment.
However, one student had noticed one important thing, or three things to be specific.
“Mlle Bustier, Rosina isn’t here, she’s still in the building” The others gasped as well before Adrien pointed out neither Chloé nor Marinette was present.
“Huh, you don’t mean? No, she couldn’t possibly have?” Lila muttered but the reporter spotted it.
“What Lila?”
“I saw Chloé go into a room and lock it after her, I wasn’t sure what she was doing but she told me not to follow her. I’m so sorry but I think she might’ve had Rosina in there” She claimed as the tears fell down.
“That’s a very bold claim you’ve stated. Maybe if we went to that room we’d know”
“Mlle, of course she’s not lying, she must’ve trapped her in there like she had Juleka locked in the bath stall.” The class nodded while Sabrina grimaced at what she did, she had apologised so much to everyone and thankfully they had forgiven her.
“Well Lila if you could show us the room so we can see please”
“Of course,” They all raced up the stairs, some worried if the plan had worked and some worried for their friend's safety. They didn’t know the plan was going to turn out like this.
They were starting to become weary.
“Mlle its this door, but I think I hear something” They stayed quiet and true to her word, they heard very familiar voices.
“Why you! You little traitor, Marinette we have to stop her!”
“Yeah, it's over Rosina” That was all it took before the teacher was able to open the door.
But a sentence was able to change the whole atmosphere.
“Since I can jump in that’s UNO and I win now. Yay, I’ve won my first game of UNO, can we play again? It was so much fun.” The girls in front of her stopped causing her to turn around.
“Light? We’re free hooray!” She was able to swiftly pack up the stuff and meet everyone outside.
“Oh, Rosina thank goodness your alright we were so worried!” Rose hugged her as the girls crowded around her.
“Worried? Why?” She tilted her head to signify her confusion.
“Because you were stuck with Marinette and Chloé. They didn’t do anything to you?” They started to glare with daggers in their eyes at the girls mentioned before Rosina held her hands up.
“What no of course not. We just played UNO. I’ve never played it before, it was so fun.” She smiled remembering the game they played, but a certain teacher was not impressed.
“I’m glad you’re alright but why were you in there in the first place?” With a sheepish smile, Rosina answered with an embarrassed smile.
“Oh hehe funny story, I thought it was a secret room so I went to check it out even though Marinette told me not to and then Chloé came in and said it was locked so we had to stay in there and we played UNO. Are we going to the hotel now? I would love to go to bed.” She seemed to only have one set of emotion played at times.
“Chloé would you care to explain how you got locked inside?” Bustier asked, it wouldn’t be the first time she’s done something like this.
“It was Lila, she locked us in there” Marinette interrupted.
“Me? But I wasn’t anywhere near you Marinette, I was worried about all of you and you blame me?” Her tears were already forming as the class looked angrily at the blue-haired girl.
Chloé looked on in wonder, it was utterly stupid what Marinette had done, she had nothing to gain from it, why had she done that?
“I bet you locked the door instead”
Why claim to be the bad guy?
“You’ve always been jealous of Lila’s success stop trying to throw her under the bus”
Why do something so selfle-
“Marinette you should know better than to lie”
Wait… That was the reason?
“But she didn’t lock us in the room”
“So, we can be friends” Those words echoed through her head.
“Rosina it’s alright, you don’t need to stand up for them, just please tell us the truth” Alya pleaded.
‘So that’s why’ She knew what she had to do.
“The truth was Lila pushed me into the room, locked it and laughed as she walked away. And how dare none of you notice that we weren’t there, what kind of a class are you, one full of morons I believe!”
“Chloé! Not so mean” Marinette berated but was glad she was trying.
“Chloé we went through this; Lila couldn’t possibly have done that she has Arthritis.”
“Well believe what you want, but that’s the truth and I’m not about to let my friends take the blame for something they hadn’t done” The class was perplexed.
“Friends? When did that happen?”
“None of your business, now come on. We’re going to our hotel, a much better place than the one their going. I doubt they even gave us a room in the first place, and since my room is bound to have space, I suppose you two can stay with me, wow my generosity astonishes me as well.” Grabbing their hands, she walks away from the whole class, they were too shocked to oppose.
And when they were far away Marinette breathed a sigh of relief.
“Wow Chloé thanks so much, that’s so kind of you” Chloé beamed at the attention.
“Of course it was, I-” But it was short-lived as Marinette coughed.
“It was nice of you to offer but you shouldn’t boast about your generosity, it makes the deed seem less important” She groaned.
“Fiiiiiine, whatever. Now hurry up, will you?” They smiled before they all walked to the hotel, actually having a genuine conversation with her newfound friends.
They’d left them.
They’d actually left them.
After spending an amazing time in the hotel Chloé provided for them, which was amazing by the way if you couldn’t tell, they were told the minibus would pick them up at 9.
Marinette, enough of being lied too persuaded her newfound friends to leave early, and after some apprehension from Chloé, the blue-haired girl won.
But it was still too late, they were able to see the bus leave, and become smaller and smaller with time.
“This is utterly ludicrous! How dare they leave us, what type of teacher do we even have? And they even left Rosina, how could they do that!” Wow, Chloé was getting extremely angry at that.
“Didn’t you get a text? Wouldn’t they tell us we were leaving earlier?” Marinette put her hand on the silver-eyed girl's shoulder.
“I had to block all of their numbers because of some unpleasant texts they sent, and I doubt they would tell Chloé either” Rosina looked at them both, they didn’t deserve this, they had been nothing but kind and she just couldn’t see the bad in them, but she also felt bad about the others, if Lila had been lying for so long, she could’ve said anything and they would believe her, she could be planting so many seeds in their heads and they would be none the wiser.
She just wanted to find out why. Surely everyone had a reason to do anything, even if they thought it would be fun? She just wanted to understand.
But now wasn’t the time to think about Lila, she had a job to ensure her friends got back safely, and she would guarantee that.
“Well since we’re friends, I believe I can help out this time, Chloé, this is my gratitude for letting us stay with you.”
“Err what?” Chloé was confused while Marinette looked panicked.
“Wait you don’t mean-”
“Yep.” Popping the P her ring lit up, a light travelling around her finger.
“I Bequeath This Blade To Dance”
Something bright blocked the girl's vision, and as they looked back, they could see a board. A hoverboard.
With the blonde perplexed and bluenette sighing in relief the redhead giggled with joy.
“For a minute I thought you were going to say something else”
“You mean if I revealed that I’m Crisono Tassa? No, I wasn’t going to say that” But then she realised her mistake and saw the horror on the blondes face much to her amusement.
“Y-You’re Crisono, what the hell you can’t just tell me like that, I hardly know you!” She reprimanded until Marinette coughed.
“Like you did it any better” Chloé took offence.
“…I hate you”
“Enough, I trust you Chloé, you’re my friend after all. So c’mon, let’s go. We can probably beat them there and enjoy the rest of the day” Before they could reply they were already shoved onto the hoverboard. The girls had to grip onto each arm as they shrieked in horror.
“Ahhhhhhhh! Rosina I am going to throttle you when I get off this thing!”
“Make that 2! Ahhhhhhhh! Slow down! I think I’m going to be sick!”
“Oh c’mon guys this is fun, it's just like flying, I promise you’ll enjoy it” Their feet were secured so Rosina couldn’t understand why they were so scared.
“Rosina, there's the bus, let us pass it and I might not hit you”
“Whatever you say my friend” When they passed the minibus she had to knock on the window to get the attention of one blonde girl who screamed in surprise gaining the attention of all the other students who couldn’t help but stare in awe.
Alya immediately pulled her phone out, but Marinette told Rosina to get going before and so they zoomed off.
“Ok that was awesome, I take it back, it really does feel like I’m flying here, I guess this is remarkable.” They whizzed of past the cars and lights, flying like a bird through the air. It was, as Chloé put it, marvellous utterly marvellous. That feeling was extraordinary.
But it was nothing compared to the shock of the class when they see all three girls there for class and have their arms linked together.
That’s it, folks. I hope you enjoyed it, I hope I made all the characters in character, I just really hoped I made a good redeemable Chloé, so I hope it worked. And I drew this for what Rosina looks like in her normal clothes. I might change it later on.
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Anyway, I don’t know what you want me to write after, more character interactions with the Marinette defence Squad, meeting Chat Noir or something completely different? Well, I hope to see you next time, take care. All comments are welcome, prompts and ideas too.
~~~ Means flashback
*Le Jardín Du Luxembourg It was the first thing I picked, so sorry if the information was wrong, but oh well, it's not really going to affect your day to day life. And this is just for fun anyway.
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snaileer · 4 years
Chips & Salsa Chp 3
Quick recap from last chapter:
Lance winced and grit his teeth, stumbling forward again before straightening harshly, “This is sweet and all but I’ve really got to go.”
“Why,” Pidge asked, her voice betraying the anger on her face for desperation, “We just got you back from the Galra and now you’re trying to leave! Why?!”
Lance’s eyes narrowed with a cold hardness to them, “Because they chipped me like a f*cking dog and I’d bet you they’ve already called Animal Control on my ass.”
“What?” Everyone paused at the declaration. “What do you mean they chipped you?”
“I mean, they held me down and played a rousing game of Operation as they put a piece of metal inside my body like the bunch of purple furry creeps they are.” Lance bitterly ground out the words. It may have seemed like a joke but they could tell it was just a cover.
“And if they put a chip in you, they can track you anywhere you go and you need-” 
“I need to leave,”  -  “You need our help.” Keith and Lance finished the sentence at the same time, though in vastly different ways
“Lance, why would you leave!?” Keith whipped around to face Lance from standing next to him.
“Because I’m a danger to you. I’m putting you in danger just by being here!”
“We can fix this. We can get rid of the chip, we can help!” Pidge cut in again.
“Not without the Galra finding us first, I don't even know where they put the chip! Once they find out I’m gone, they’re going to come for me! And they’re going to find me... I can't be here when they do, I can't put you guys in more danger, not again.” Lance’s voice was still angry and defiant, but it also sounded a little guilty. As if Lance had any responsibility for what was happening.
“Lance, you’re not-” Keith seemed ready to start up another full-blown argument, but not before Hunk cut in from his surprised silence.
“What if we were able to temporarily disrupt the chip long enough to get it out?” Or maybe not surprised silence, but planning silence.
“How?” Lance turned his head to Hunk, finally stopping his lackluster struggle against Allura. He seemed to be honestly considering the possibility; it was progress.
“Well, remember when we were first fighting Zarkon, and he kept chasing us around the galaxy but we couldn’t figure out how he was finding us?”
“You mean when Allura and Keith decided to run away together in a fit of teenage angst and endanger the whole team? Why yes, Hunk, I do remember that.” Shiro threw a glare at his brother and the princess, who had the good sense to look mildly ashamed. He turned back to Hunk, “But what does that disaster have to do with this one?”
“Well, when we were still trying to figure it out, and before we knew it was the Black Lion’s connection, Allura wormholed us into a space storm that we thought would disrupt their trackers. So...” Hunk seemed to be rambling a little bit, losing certainty as he talked.
“Sooo, if we can find another metallic storm like that one, it would cause enough interference to give us time to remove the chip!” Pidge caught onto the idea quickly and gained confidence the more she thought it through, “Hunk, you're a genius!”
“So, Lance, are you willing to work with us on this? Take a chance?” Shiro looked to Lance with hope and determination. They were so close to being done with all of this.
“I’m sensing I don't actually have much of a choice, do I?” Lance said with a small chuckle at his friends.
“You always have a choice with us. But not this time, not really, no.” Shiro chuckled back with a smile. Lance had barely been back for more than an hour and the team was already healing, he could tell.
“If I let go of you now, you’re going to stay then?” Allura asked.
“Yeah, Princess, you’re good. I’ll stay,” Allura finally released her grip and stepped back, “But only to see if this works, if you can’t get rid of the chip, I will leave. You have to let me leave.”
“Lance, no. We can't do that-” Hunk started, but Lance interrupted him with a stern look.
“Promise me,” Lance looked at all of them, even Coran who’d approached at some point, “Promise me, if we can’t stop the Galra from tracking me, you’ll let me leave.”
“But we-”
“Fine,” Shiro stopped the other’s arguments, “We promise to let you go if we can't fix this,” he paused again, “But I trust in our team’s capabilities, you should too, Lance.” Then he stepped back and led everyone back to the bridge for Allura to wormhole.
Everyone would be lying if they said it didn’t make them smile when Lance sat down in the Blue Paladin chair.
“Whenever you’re ready, Allura, I’ve entered the coordinates for the strongest storm I could find nearby. Zylo-Tuun Quadrant actually. Why, I remember my first trip to Zylo-Tuun, on the planet Ghakin, ugly planet that one, too far from Altea, the people there were too hard, in my opinion. Nothing like you squishy humans.” And by the time Coran was finished talking, they’d already made it to the other side of the wormhole. The team stood to head off to the medbay. Except Lance.
“Lance, you coming?” The dazed look on Lance’s face made them hesitate, but it disappeared with a quick shake of his head as Lance got up and walked over to the group. 
“I’m fine you guys, just ready to get rid of this thing. I just want to get back to normal.”
“That we can do,” Coran moved behind them down the hall, “First, I’ll need to do a scan of your body to find the quiznacking thing before we remove it.”
“And how do we do that, Coran?” Shiro asked as they entered the medbay, blatantly ignoring the left-over mess and bits of shattered glass on the floor.
“Just need you to step into the stasis pod. It’s not going to close, so no need to worry about that, my boy.” Coran motioned to Lance and moved him into the open pod. A blue light projection scanned over his body and caused something to beep on Coran’s holo-pad. Lance stepped out of the pod.
“Oh-no,” Coran’s aura of cheerfulness drooped as he looked from the pad to the team.
“What is it Coran? What’s wrong with me?”
“Nothing’s wrong with you Lance, it’s just… the chip… this might be harder than we thought. It’s not somewhere we can just get rid of it.”
“Are you saying you can’t do it? That I’m stuck with this thing?” 
There was a sense of desperation in the air, though it was audible in Lance’s words, no matter how angry they sounded.
“No, but… Lance.. the chip is implanted in your brain.” Coran turned the holo-screen towards them. It showed the scan of Lance’s body, zoomed in on his head, with a tiny solid light blip in the diagram of his brain. 
“Oh my God.” Lance’s voice was breathless, “Oh. My. God,” The second time sounded a bit deranged, especially followed by the huff of almost-laughter. Lance looked down at his hands.
“I knew it. I knew something was off,” Lance shook his head, then put a hand to his hair. He looked back up, a sort of broken, angry, sad smile on his face, “That’s why they cut my hair… Of course!” He laughed again.
“Sorry, what? They cut your hair?” Keith asked, stepping forward. He didn't like the look on Lance’s face and Keith was just as close to breaking down, probably into a fight.
“Uh yeah, Keith, they cut my hair. You know what that is, right?” Lance’s words were bitter and sarcastic, “Maybe you should try it on that mullet sometime. But this undercut thing I’ve got going on wasn’t my choice. They did it for the surgery! To put that god-forsaken THING in me!” Lance whipped around to point directly at the screen with the chip diagram.
“And now! We can’t get it out! And isn't that just fan-freaking-tastic!” The yell sounded angry and exasperated, but most of all tired. Lance didn’t want to deal with this, he just wanted this whole mess to be done with. 
He had to leave now, Lance knew he would have to leave. It was stupid to think he could stay with his team.
“Lance, we have time. We’re safe in the storm. It’s blocking the chip from sending out a single, they can’t track us here,” Shiro knew 
“But you’re still in danger. I’m still a danger to you.” Lance 
“No, you’re not Lance. We care about you, we’re a family, you’re not putting us in any danger we can't handle.”
“But I’m the one that’s dangerous! Don’t you get that!? I’m the one that hurts people! I’ve done it before! You don't know what I did in the arena! What if I’ve changed?!” Lance’s heart ached as he looked at his team.
How could he ever stay on Voltron? He had so much blood on his hands, blood put there all on his own. And it still wasn't enough blood to keep him from needing to fight.
Shiro stepped in, putting a hand on Lance’s shoulder, “You’re still our family. You don't have to feel guilty for what they forced you to do, Lance. You told me that before, now I’m telling you. What happened was not your fault.”
Lance roughly yanked his shoulder back from Shiro’s touch. He scoffed and his face grew angry, “Well, not everyone can be as perfect as the universe’s golden boy, Shiro. Not everyone is as good as you are on the inside. Some people are just bad!” He stormed out of the room after throwing a hard glare at Shiro.
How could Lance ever stay on Voltron? How could he willingly ruin Voltron with his darkness, his problems? What need did they have for someone like him? Someone who only relaxed when he was fighting and hurting others. Someone who survived on the suffering of others, on hurting them. 
But Lance wouldn’t let that happen to them. Not to them. Never to them. 
Not to Hunk.
Not to Pidge.
Not Shiro. Or Allura. Or Coran,
And not to Keith.
Even if that meant he couldn’t stay, no matter how much he wanted to.
Lance hesitated at the doorway to his room. It seemed like this small pocket of normal that hadn't been touched by everything that had happened. The motion sensor opened the door for him, allowing him in to sit on the bed.
He could stay. He could just lay down now, fall asleep and act like the bed didn't feel too soft compared to the cold floors of a cell. Wake up in the morning, go to breakfast with the team, complain about Altean food goo with them even though he’d tasted worse in the prison. He could pretend.
Lance breathed deeply, trying to convince himself it was okay to stay with the team. As he breathed out, his calm was ruined by the ringing sharpening in his ears. 
His fingers twitched with the urge to hit something.
Of course he couldn’t stay, not when he couldn't control himself. Not when he was still addicted to the fights. Addicted to hurting the people around him. Killing them just because they befriended Lance when-.
No. He still needed to leave. Lance got up from the bed, changing out of the healing suit and into his Earth clothes. And how he relished the feeling of air between fabric and skin. Of the feeling of the cotton in his favorite t-shirt and the rough smoothness of his jeans. It was amazing: the feeling of wearing something he liked, that was comfortable and not prison rags that stuck to his body with blood and dirt.
Still, as he took off the med suit, Lance had to remind himself there was nothing similar in the way this fabric stuck to his skin with sweat from the day.
Keith had destroyed a probably, only maybe, tinsy bit excessive number of training bots after Lance had left the medbay. Shiro had gone to bed halfway through, telling Keith to do the same. Which he didn’t and would probably get chewed out for but it was pfff, whatever. 
He was currently heading towards the showers, if only because he’d get to- have to pass Lance’s room on the way. Usually he’d be fine showering in the morning instead.
Keith turned back to see Pidge standing in the hallway outside her bedroom-turned-workshop. 
“Pidge, uhh, what are you still doing up this late?” 
Pidge raised an eyebrow at him, “We’re both standing here, fool.” 
He winced. “I’m coming back from training, just heading to take a shower.”
“Down the one hallway with all of our rooms?”
“I’m worried about him, sue me.” Keith was more than a little worked up from training so hard and all he wanted to do was-
“Don't have the money for it. Oh, this is perfect! I need a second pair of eyes, come here, I want to ask you something.” She perked up for a second then grabbed his arm and dragged him into her room.
“God, Pidge you really need to clean in here,” Keith precariously stepped over the piles of stuff on the floor. “I don't think this place is up to any sort of fire safety code.”
“It’s organized chaos Keith, get with the program.” She leaned over her bed to grab her open computer, which was tangled in a number of wires. “Anyways, I was looking over the coding in the chip Coran found and I can’t tell if I’m missing something.”
“So why ask me? I know literally nothing about coding.”
“Thanks for the vote of confidence, Pidge,” He leveled a look at the gremlin.
“No problem, always happy to help. You don’t know coding, but you do know strategy,”
“Uh..huh, and?” Keith was still lost with why she needed him.
“And implanting something in someone’s brain is crazy difficult, especially on a different species. So why would they go through all that trouble instead of just putting it in his arm or something?”
“Maybe so we couldn’t get it out?”
“But-” Both paladins heard a dull thump in the halls and looked towards the door. 
“What was that?”
“I don’t know, I didn’t think anyone else was awake.” Keith started out of the room, Pidge right behind him.
The corridor had barely enough light to see, just enough for Keith’s Galra genes to catch a bit of movement coming from one room in particular.
The figure froze, their shoulders bunched up like a teen caught sneaking out of the house past curfew.
Lance turned around slowly, “Heyyy, Keeithh. What’re you doing up this late?”
“Training.” Keith narrowed his eyes, “What are you doing?”
“Oh, y’know, just getting a drink from the kitchen.”
Pidge stepped out from Keith’s shadow, “With all your stuff?” She glanced down at the bag Lance was carrying.
“A long drink...?” Lance shrugged cautiously.
“Give it up, Lance. Why are you trying to leave in the middle of the night?” Keith stepped forward angrily.
“Because I’d thought there’d be less people awake at 1am and that seemed like a better option than midday.”
“Cut the crap, Lance. I’m serious. We want you to stay. What would have happened if you were gone when everybody woke up? Huh? Did you even think about that?” Keith got closer, his voice furious.
“Of course I thought about it!” Lance yelled at him, then immediately lowered his voice again, “Of course I thought about what would happen. How you would feel. I want to stay too… but I also want to keep you guys safe. You’re my team, and I can’t keep you safe if I’m a danger to all of you.”
Keith was close enough now to set his hand on Lance’s shoulder, “For the last time Lance, you’re not a-” 
“Let me leave. All of you promised me, you told me you’d let me leave if I was still dangerous to the team.”
“Yeah but I also told Shiro I wouldn't punch Iverson, yet here we are.” Keith motioned with his hands, “Iverson’s only got one working eye and I’m definitely not letting you leave.”
Pidge piped in after Keith, “Please, Lance, I’m working on something.”
“So, It could help with the tracker in the chip. It would let us get back to being Voltron.”
Lance looked doubtful. Keith didn’t, “Lance, I believe in her. If she says she can make something to stop the chip, she can make something to stop the chip. Right, Pidge?” Both of the boys looked at her for the affirmation.
“I can. I know I can.”
Keith turned back to Lance, “So, just give us a chance to help you. Even just one night.”
“One night? Really? You think you can disarm high-quality alien tech in one night?”
Pidge smirked to hide her uncertainties, “Oh Lance, you should know by now not to doubt me.”
“We both know I’ll never learn, Pidge.” Lance looked at Keith seriously, “I’ll give you one night. One. Because I trust Pidge, not you Mullet-Man,”
“Good, then see you in the morning?” Pidge said hesitantly. Neither of them was leaving before Lance, just to make sure he stayed with them this time.
Lance sighed and rolled his eyes before he stepped back towards his bedroom door, “Yeah Pidge, see you in the morning.”
Once the door closed, Lance slid down to sit against the cool metal. He listened to his friends murmur and settle back to their rooms.  
Lance crossed his arms on top of his knees and rested his chin on them. He stared out at the dimness of his own room. It felt crowded and empty at the same time. It was blaringly bigger than the cell he’d been kept in. Yet every available surface was crowded and filled by knick-knacks and souvenirs that he’d found and kept, it just seemed like so much. 
Lance sighed deeply with resignation; there was no way he was sleeping tonight. He moved to the center of the room with a small grunt. 
He laid his back against the ground, breathed once and then sat up. Down. Back up. Down. Back up. Down. Up. Again. Again.
Next Chapter: https://snaileer.tumblr.com/post/616522538695213057/chips-salsa-chp-4
First Chapter: https://snaileer.tumblr.com/post/613092735756402688/chips-and-salsa-chp-1
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