#I’m not saying we should never engage in debate ever I just don’t understand the urge to engage in discourse that’s not actually meaningful
sunnibits · 2 years
literally do not understand why people will come on this website and actively engage in activities that are Not Fun. like why would you do that. what is the appeal. this is the website where you’re supposed to only do Fun Things on your specifically tailored Fun Blog. why do you people not like Having Fun. does it give you joy to write discourse essays or argue with people or send hateful anons??? is that fun for you?????? I just genuinely don’t get it. why would you do it if it’s not Fun
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By: Andrew Doyle
Published: Feb 15, 2024
How do we argue with those who are incapable of argumentation? This is a question I’ve been grappling with for some time. If your child is demanding sweets before dinner, screaming like a banshee and committing various acts of domestic vandalism, you have few options. You might attempt to initiate a debate, outlining the pros and cons of ingesting unhealthy food in advance of a nutritious meal, but this strategy will invariably fail. In the end, you’ll just have to tell the little brat to shut up and do what he’s told. Or, better still, avoid having children in the first place.
Many of us will have experienced something similar on Twitter (or X, if you insist). Something about the platform has the effect of curdling the sweetest Dr Jekylls into the most repugnant of Mr Hydes. And when someone just bleats insults, or mischaracterises your views, or generally cannot engage in good faith, the best thing to do is to block them. You don’t owe anyone your time and attention, and you’ll only drive yourself insane trying to reason with the unreasonable. Most clever adages end up being attributed to Mark Twain whether he wrote them or not, and this one is no exception: “Never wrestle with a pig; you just get dirty and the pig enjoys it”.
One of the best things about withdrawing from Twitter is that I am no longer bombarded by complaints that my blocking people on the platform proves that my commitment to free speech is inauthentic. The typical tactic is to screenshot the cover of my book Free Speech and Why It Matters as a kind of “gotcha” to illustrate my hypocrisy. And while I am grateful for the publicity, it does get rather tedious having to explain this most common and basic of misapprehensions. The podcaster Stephen Knight put it rather succinctly: “Someone implying that being blocked on Twitter is somehow a violation of their free speech is the fastest way you can tell people you don’t understand free speech.” Instead of smugly posting images of my book, perhaps they ought to read it instead.
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In a surreal twist, my blocking habits on Twitter recently made the news. Just after Christmas, an article by Pierra Willix was published in the Metro with the headline: “Confusion as GB News presenter who champions ‘free speech’ blocks critics”. In truth, I have never blocked anyone for polite criticism; I welcome it. And while it goes without saying that nobody expects factual accuracy from the Metro, we should be concerned that an individual who aspires to make a living in journalism does not appear to understand the concept of free speech.  
Willix has fallen for what Helen Pluckrose and James Lindsay have called “the fallacy of demanding to be heard”. They make the point that just as freedom of religion incorporates freedom from religion, the right to speak and listen also entails the right not to speak and listen. If you’ve ever received an unwelcome phone call and hung up, you have not impeded on the caller’s rights. If you choose not to read my books, I cannot claim to have been censored. If you block someone on social media, all it means is that you’re not interested in what they’ve got to say. I’ve been blocked by hundreds of people online and, although this clearly reflects poorly on their taste and judgement, my freedom of speech remains intact.
Permit me to suggest a workable rule of thumb when it comes to blocking online. Just imagine if someone came up to you on the street and exclaimed: “You’re an evil ugly Nazi and you should be thrown into a live volcano”. (I’m paraphrasing one of my more disgruntled critics.) Now what would you do in that situation? Would you…
Stop for a moment and say: “Goodness, that’s an interesting point of view. Let’s discuss that a little more, shall we? Perhaps over a glass of crème de menthe?”
Walk away.
If you opt for the latter, that’s the equivalent of the block on social media. Blocking is not censorship. It’s the difference between choosing to cover one’s own ears or forcibly stopping someone else’s mouth.
There are many other good reasons to block. I generally block those who throw insults, post threats or libel, assume bad faith, or those who tell me that they know what I am secretly thinking. These amateur telepaths are remarkably common on social media. Total strangers have variously informed me that I am a men’s rights activist, a white nationalist, a Tory voter and a raging homophobe. All of these happen to be the precise opposite of the truth, but since my detractors speak with the certainty of Old Testament prophets, their lies tend to gain traction. I’ve even been told that I’m being funded by “dark money”. This money must be very dark indeed, given that I have never actually seen any of it. 
If one wishes to avoid being drawn into endless arguments with these fantasists, many of whom seem to believe that the promotion of liberal values is some kind of “far-right dog-whistle”, blocking is a sensible option. But even if you were to block someone on a whim – for overusing emojis, or being a Sagittarius, or because they can’t spell “parallelogram” – this would be your prerogative. I have started blocking those who claim that blocking is a threat to their free speech. Not that I’m intolerant of the intellectually challenged, it’s just that I prefer to keep them off my timeline. Call it quality control.
Another option is to mute the worst offenders, but of course this does leave you open to malicious campaigns of mass reporting. In addition, there is a certain species of online troll that feels no compunction in posting libellous tweets wherever possible. Although muting them means that you will never have to see it, they are still able to use your tweets as a springboard to defame and smear. Why give them the satisfaction?
In the midst of pile-ons, I have been known to block the most sociopathic offenders and all of their followers. This instantaneously has the effect of curbing the swarm; a clipping of the winged monkeys, if you will. Of course, this does inevitably result in a degree of friendly fire, and I am always happy to unblock those who have been caught up in the melee. It’s an imperfect situation, but once you have reached a certain number of followers, Twitter becomes unsustainable without weeding out the more bizarre and abusive users. (In other words: if I’ve blocked you by accident, don’t take it personally.)
Being in favour of free speech doesn’t mean you want to listen to what every single maniac or numbskull has to say. It means that you don’t want anyone to be censored. Far from being a threat to free speech, the block function on social media is a guarantee of free speech. It means that each individual user gets to decide for themselves what they read. It means we don’t require big tech overlords, or those sinister Silicon Valley “Trust and Safety Councils”, to decide what’s best for us and ban those accounts deemed to be “offensive” or “unsafe”.    
That said, we need to wary of the “echo chamber” phenomenon. I’ve never understood those who only wish to hear their own opinions repeated back to them. How can you possibly develop your ideas if you don’t leave yourself open to be challenged? Without humility, we cannot grow, and there is always something we can learn from even our bluntest critics. I have no interest in echo chambers, which is why I go out of my way to engage with those who disagree with me. I read their books and articles, I participate in public debates, I invite them on to my show on GB News. But the idea that Twitter is the best forum for these discussions is absurd.
Somehow, in the quagmire of social media, we have to find a way to restore civility when it comes to our differences. The block function is a useful tool in this regard. We should all be open to persuasion, but that does not mean we should waste our time wrestling with pigs. There is little point in attempting to defend a fictitious version of yourself that your detractors have invented. Instead, reserve your time and energy for those who are still capable of adult discussion. Leave the rest to roar away into the vacuum of cyberspace.
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panharmonium · 2 years
one more... 13 for Sakura or Sasuke. or both!
13. Unpopular opinion about XXX character?
I’ll do Sasuke, because fandom opinions about Sakura are so utterly unhinged (in wildly non-textual, completely contradictory ways) that I don’t even know what would count as “unpopular.”  
Anyway, my most unpopular opinion about Sasuke is not an unpopular opinion, it’s an unpopular fact, but I’m just gonna let that one lie, because even in an ask meme designed for the sowing of salt, there are some things that I just don’t have the energy to complain about. X) 
In lieu of that, I’ll say instead that I guess my unpopular opinion is that both Sasuke’s diehard haters and his diehard fans are equally disconnected from the fundamental purpose of the story.  Which is totally fine - it’s fandom, so if people prefer playing with whatever pieces of a story appeal to them and not engaging with it as a comprehensive whole, that’s fine; have fun; we’re all just here to enjoy ourselves.  But when we’re talking about reading the story as it was written and as it was intended to be read, both extremes of the Sasuke debate are missing the point.  
When it comes to his haters - when people watch this show without caring about Sasuke, without rooting for him, without hoping for him to get the closure he needs and surmount his pain and free himself from his chains and find his way back to the people who truly love him, then they’re not watching the story as it was meant to be read.  That is literally the premise of the entire manga/show.  The whole “we’ve gotta save the world from all these evil guys” stuff is just a vehicle for the real storyline, which is and always has been “will Team 7 be able to help Sasuke find his way out of the darkness?”  Watching this show while hoping that the answer to that question will be “no” is like...well, I don’t know what you would get out of it, I guess.  Rooting for Sasuke to reunite with his friends and finally be loved and cared for and healed is the beating heart at the center of this story, and if you hate him and think he doesn’t deserve that kind of resolution, then you’re not reading the story as it was written to be read.
At the same time, takes that are like “Sasuke did nothing wrong to anyone ever and has nothing to apologize for and his ‘friends’ are evil and he never should have gone back to them” miss the mark just as widely.  I understand that this attitude is probably just a reaction to the fact that the ending missed its landing so badly (yes, it IS completely ridiculous to write an ending where justice is never done and the whole Uchiha massacre/government cover-up is literally dropped like a hot potato; that is NOT the conclusion we were promised by this story’s previously developed themes and I do not accept it as believable canon), but to watch the story of Naruto unfold and legitimately desire an outcome where Sasuke doesn’t someday come home to rejoin a loving community of friends/surrogate family is like complaining that an author who wrote a book about a particular story didn’t instead choose to write a completely different book about a completely different story.  We ALWAYS knew Sasuke would come back to Team 7 eventually, because that’s what we were promised in the very first chapters of Part 1, when Kakashi teaches his students the sacredness of teamwork and lays the foundation for their friendship.  It has literally never been a secret that this story is going to be about the sundering and subsequent mending of Team 7′s bonds; we KNOW this story is supposed to be about the re-forging of these relationships; that is literally the entire point.  Loving Sasuke to the exclusion of everyone who is written as genuinely loving and caring about him is just as nonsensical as hating him and thinking he doesn’t deserve that kind of love in his life.  That’s not the story we’re being told; it never was.
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dancingwiththefae · 1 year
I saw your post a few days ago about chords and someone being unkind about it to you and I wasn't gonna say anything (cause I don't have kids) but it's been on my mind ever since. I don't think it's wrong to relate to it as a parent. It's like telling Joey and Madeleine they shouldn't write about parents struggling. Idk. It feels stupid to me. They write songs for people to relate to them. To put yourself on someone's else shoes. I can relate to it and I don't even want kids. They don't have any and they wrote it. Why would they if it was for nobody to relate to it? Admitting you understand what it is about because you've had a difficult time as a parent is not bad. It's pretty brave actually. Parents struggling is kinda taboo and it's very stupid that more people can't speak about how difficult it is to be responsible for the life and health of another human being. I don't get how anybody could fault you for relating to that song and those who do need to fucking grow up and learn that people aren't perfect.
I was debating whether or not to reply to this, not because I don’t appreciate this message, I totally do. But you know what? Let’s talk about parenthood. Here is the original post that I made when the album came out. This is ending up being a long post so I’m going to stick a lot of it under a read more and then anyone who is not interested can scroll on by. Seriously, just scroll on by. And anyone who purposefully misinterprets anything I say, I will not engage with you. I am not talking about abusive parents, never have been. I’ve been there. I know.
I would like to say though, that it is not necessarily having a difficult time as a parent. More so that almost every parent has felt like they are not good enough, even if they are (I am). I don’t for a second think that I am in any way special for having a child, nor do I think anyone who doesn’t want one should have one. It doesn’t unlock some secret understanding to human existence. It’s simply a part of life you may engage in. At the same time, no one who isn’t a parent understands what it is like to be a parent. That is just a fact.
Also, TW for post-natal depression, near death experience and injury.
Let’s start with a story. Yesterday my child hit their head pretty badly and we spent all of yesterday in hospital. Mostly waiting around, keeping him happy and calm (and distracted). I felt like a failure. I went to bed at 1am and I felt like a failure. It was a total accident. Nothing could be done about it. I couldn’t stop feeling like I could have prevented it. Should have prevented it. It’s conditioned within you to believe that you should bear the sole responsibility of their lives, even the things that nobody has any control over. In actuality, I did pretty well. And so did they.
On to the song. The song depicts a pivotal moment in a parent-child relationship when the children are grown up and move out of the family home. The song is from the perspective of the parents. I find it a little jarring that I do not see anyone analysing their thoughts and feelings even though the song is about them. But rather taking it solely from the perspective of the children who are absent from the song. (Any other parents who feel things about this song make yourself known). The most I see is that madeleines character may or may not have mental health issues. To me that’s a bit of a cop out. “Mental health issues” covers such a wide range of things and sticking that phrase on the character of a mother and moving on is a little undeserving. Did she suffer post-natal depression? Was she supported? Was the father?
Post-natal depression is extremely serious and frankly there are not enough resources out there to help those struggling. I suffered badly. Note: my child did not. But it ravages your body and mind until there is nothing left of you. What nobody will ever talk about though, is that years later, those feelings of guilt over not being good enough stay with you. Doesn’t help that everyone and their dog love to tell you it too. Unwarranted parental advice that is actually saying “you’re not doing this well enough and I think you should change”.
And this is on top of the fact that I actually almost died having them. And not even having a second to myself to recover because immediately I am feeding a baby every 2 hours, changing them, holding them and soothing them as I attempt to come back from almost the dead. Me and my husband slept in 2 hour shifts for weeks after because they would not settle unless they were in our arms. I won’t lie to you, it was hell. But then of course you can’t say that because how dare you have any negative feelings about this life changing thing that will take up all day every day for the rest of your life that you chose to do (side note: NEVER say this. Some people did not have the choice). Those were the “winter nights”.
I am not at the stage the parents in chords are. My child is still young. I miss the baby they were, even though it was hard. Is that so bad of me? Is it so bad of Madeleines character to miss her children being small? Would Joeys tell her she was loved and enough if she was so terrible?
At the end they come together to wish their child well, also to say that they are welcome to lay all the blame at their door and they will not love them any less. Hasn’t everyone bad mouthed their parents to their friends? Even if It wasn’t wholly justified? Hasn’t everyone had arguments and disagreements with people that they live in close quarters with for years? The way I personally understand it is that my child can think of me as the worst person in the world because I can take it. I can take it from them. One day I hope they see me through their adult perspective, not simply through being my child (as many people do when they grow up). If they don’t, that’s fine. I know that I did everything I could for them. I have no maternal instincts for other children. I am autistic and struggle to relate to kids. I would move heaven and earth for my own. In the midst of lockdown when I was mostly on my own all day with a baby and then a toddler, I taught him to talk and read, to play football (I hate football, they love it), to dance (I am dyspraxic), sign language (I learnt it for this reason. We learn together), the list goes on. I am confident that no one on this earth can tell me I am a bad parent. I am a FANTASTIC parent.
I wish people could have a little more nuance than “every parent has to be perfect in every way and if they are ever not then they are bad parents.” You simply don’t understand parenthood. People are still people just because they have children. I didn’t stop feeling like me when I had a baby. I still feel like a child amongst adults who doesn’t know what they’re doing (like everyone else). I’m still winging a lot of parenthood (like everyone else) because raising a child is not in a book. I’m not raising a dog or a robot or a textbook “baby”. I’m raising a human being with their own unique thoughts and emotions who is going through the frankly awful time of working out who they are and how they fit into this world.
Chords is about parents. Please respect parents. But I have still deleted the song from my library and have it blacklisted. I simply cannot engage with that guilt anymore. 
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rise-my-angel · 23 days
I am an avid fan of your work!
Seriously, the Dany fans are worse than militant Swifties sometimes lmao. (I also feel it necessary to point out that I’m referring to the deranged swifties) Don’t let them bother you (which is easy to say, I know)
It’s clear from some of the hate you’re getting that there is a particular culture of Dany fans who have no skills in engaging with texts critically - in that sometimes they have to consider both sides of an argument. If they see anyone disagree with their ‘absolutely right opinion’ then they throw huge temper tantrums.
There’s nothing wrong with people who like her and I’m not saying they’re stupid at all but that little microcosm of people who are obsessed with her and actively go out of their way to harass you clearly lack any sort of decorum and make it so very clear they don’t understand the series lol.
Or better yet, if they don’t like seeing posts that are anti Targaryen then perhaps they should consider not interacting with that post.
In my opinion, I think it’s daft to feel so passionately about a character who is clearly extremely power hungry, because if a Dany stan was magically transported to Westeros they likely would have been burned because let’s face it, she doesn’t care about her people to the extent people suggest she does, she only cares about power.
Basically, I think you’re great and your writing is beautiful and keep it up!
It sort of just baffles me at this point how often they feel the need to defend her against any and all criticism. I see criticism of characters I love, but I ignore it. I see a lot of Ned Stark criticism from Rhaegar stans but I simply instead make my own post about my own views and opinions on that matter rather than engage in arguing. I am fine with the fact that I probably haven't changed anyones mind on Dany as a character, I am here to just explore my interpretations and why I got to them. Not to debate her fans on their own personal enjoyment.
I've had a surprisingly high number of even random one off anons tell me to just "shut up about her keep her name out of your mouth" and it's like, I never tag her name alone. I only ever use anti tags so that people who disagree or like her don't have to see my stances against her but it's like they seek out ways to get angry when I never post my thoughts to the tags I know normal Dany stans will be in. I can be a snarky smart ass sometimes in my tags but I don't actually go out of my way to upset these people.
Blindly defending everything a character does to me, seems nonsensical when we are talking about a character with a violent streak for cruelty and uses her dragons as a threat for mass death. I feel like on a very surface level analysis, those are things which naturally deserve criticism about her as a character. Even with my favourite characters, I can explain WHY they did something negative but I won't blindly defend them as being correct or in the unquestioning right about the matter.
I had someone yesterday send me an ask claiming I was being disingenuous and blaming Sansa for something by pointing out a bunch of things I write literally did not say, because they were just mad they disagreed with my point.
It just doesn't make sense to me, going to someones blog or adding onto someones own post JUST to tell you they think your interpretation of something is backwards and wrong or stupid and mean.
That is not a productive way to convince someone that you have a point worth listening too.
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This is for people who think Ron and Hermione had no intellectual debates or Ron can't stimulate her intellectually. Here their intellectual debates in the books-
1. House elves
“They’re hats for house-elves,” she said briskly, now stuffing her books back into her bag. “I did them over the summer. I’m a really slow knitter without magic, but now I’m back at school I should be able to make lots more.”
“You’re leaving out hats for the house-elves?” said Ron slowly. “And you’re covering them up with rubbish first?”
“Yes,” said Hermione defiantly, swinging her bag onto her back.
“That’s not on,” said Ron angrily. “You’re trying to trick them into picking up the hats. You’re setting them free when they might not want to be free.”
Ron is the only one that confronts Hermione about SPEW and really engages into it (So that its clear: Hermione defends that the elves should be free at all costs, Ron says they should be aware and included in this choice = two points of view, both defended = intellectual debate)
2. Discussing the ministry
“It could be a frame-up!” Ron exclaimed excitedly. “No — listen!”
he went on, dropping his voice dramatically at the threatening look on Hermione’s face. “The Ministry suspects he’s one of Dumbledore’s lot so — I dunno — they lured him to the Ministry, and he wasn’t trying to get through a door at all! Maybe they’ve just made something up to get him!”
There was a pause while Harry and Hermione considered this.
Harry thought it seemed far-fetched; Hermione, on the other hand, looked rather impressed and said, “Do you know, I wouldn’t be at all surprised if that were true.”
Ron =shows how it could have been a frame-up and presents evidence; Hermione =considers his side and changes her mind; they were discussing something and reached an agreement over facts = intellectual
3. In the creation of the DA, we see Harry behaving quite emotionally (understandable but this does not qualify, using your definition, as intellectual). Ron and Hermione make their case for why he should be the teacher and basically organize the entire thing themselves
“Let’s think,” he said, pulling a face like Goyle concentrating. “Uh . . .
first year — you saved the Stone from You-Know-Who.”
‘ “But that was luck,” said Harry, “that wasn’t skil —”
“Second year,” Ron interrupted, “you killed the basilisk and destroyed Riddle.”
“Yeah, but if Fawkes hadn’t turned up I —”
“Third year,” said Ron, louder still, “you fought off about a hundred dementors at once —”
“Ron and I have been sounding out people who we thought might want to learn some proper Defense Against the Dark Arts, and there are a couple who seem interested. We’ve told them to meet us in Hogsmeade”
Hermione and Ron recruited and organized everything for the DA
4. Discussing Dumbledore and Snape
“I did think he might be a bit better this year,” said Hermione in a disappointed voice. “I mean . . . you know . . .” She looked carefully around; there were half a dozen empty seats on either side of them and nobody was passing the table. “. . . Now he’s in the Order and everything.”
“Poisonous toadstools don’t change their spots,” said Ron sagely.”
“Anyway, I’ve always thought Dumbledore was cracked trusting Snape, where’s the evidence he ever really stopped working for You-Know-Who?”
“I think Dumbledore’s probably got plenty of evidence”
5. Sirius death
They stayed together in the Hospital Wing for weeks and it can be correctly inferred that this was discussed given their behavior towards Harry
“Ron and Hermione left the hospital wing completely cured three days before the end of term. Hermione showed signs of wanting to talk about Sirius, but Ron tended to make hushing noises every time she mentioned his name”
6. Mad-Eye’s death and the 7 Potters mission
“Oh, Ron’s mum forgot that she asked Ginny and me to change the sheets yesterday,” said Hermione. She threw Numerology and Grammatica onto one pile and The Rise and Fall of the Dark Arts onto the other.
“We were just talking about Mad-Eye,” Ron told Harry.
7. Hermione’s parents and the Ghoul (they planned and prepared for the mission together)
“Didn’t realize that Ron and I know perfectly well what might happen if we come with you? Well, we do. Ron, show Harry what you’ve done.”
“Nah, he’s just eaten,” said Ron.
“Go on, he needs to know!”
“Oh, all right. Harry, come here.”
8. How to destroy Horcruxes
“Hang on,” said Ron, frowning. “The bit of soul in that diary was possessing Ginny, wasn’t it? How does that work, then?”
“While the magical container is still intact, the bit of soul inside it can flit in and out of someone if they get too close to the object. I don’t mean holding it for too long, it’s nothing to do with touching it,” she added before Ron could speak. “I mean close emotionally. Ginny poured her heart out into that diary, she made herself incredibly vulnerable. You’re in trouble if you get too fond of or dependent on the Horcrux.”
9. Hallows x Horcruxes
“Well, I don’t suppose it matters,” sighed Hermione. “Even if he was being honest, I never heard such a lot of nonsense in all my life.”
“Hang on, though,” said Ron. “The Chamber of Secrets was supposed to be a myth, wasn’t it?”
“But the Deathly Hallows can’t exist, Ron!”
“You keep saying that, but one of them can,” said Ron. “Harry’s Invisibility Cloak —”
10. Formulating a plan to keep Hermione safe
“Ron glanced at Hermione, then said, “What if purebloods and half-bloods swear a Muggle-born’s part of their family? I’ll tell everyone Hermione’s my cousin —”
Hermione covered Ron’s hand with hers and squeezed it.
“Thank you, Ron, but I couldn’t let you —”
“You won’t have a choice,” said Ron fiercely, gripping her hand back. “I’ll teach you my family tree so you can answer questions on it.
Hermione gave a shaky laugh.
“Ron, as we’re on the run with Harry Potter, the most wanted person in the country, I don’t think it matters. If I was going back to school it would be different. What’s Voldemort planning for Hogwarts?” she asked Lupin.”
11. Off page discussion
“What’s happened?” Ron asked apprehensively. He and Hermione had been poring over a sheaf of scribbled notes and hand-drawn maps that littered the end of the long kitchen table, but now they watched Harry as he strode toward them and threw down the newspaper on top of their scattered parchment.”
12. Off page (2)
“You can’t tell me you’ve stopped having funny dreams,” Hermione said now, “because Ron told me last night you were muttering in your sleep again. . . .”
Harry threw Ron a furious look. Ron had the grace to look ashamed of himself.
“You were only muttering a bit,” he mumbled apologetically.”
Yet another evidence of their connection and off-page discussions
“Neither Ron nor Hermione spoke, but Harry felt sure that they were looking at each other behind his back, communicating silently.”
Ron and Hermione have emotional AND intellectual discussions throughout the series. So if you think Ron can't stimulate her intellectually you havent read the books. 😊
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nextdoorharry · 3 years
imaaaaagine a world like that..can you?
in which you and harry are exes, but still remain good friends when you’re always there for each other. both of you can’t help but reminisce…in your head.
a/n: super sorry i haven’t written in FOREVER!! been crazy busy with school (still am) and i will get back to the writing grind when i’m not as busy, with that being said this is just a quick thing i was thinking of. also, no hate to olivia and harry’s relationship at all. pr or not, both deserve respect and anything written in this piece is solely for writing purposes only. no hate will be tolerated toward an individual. we’re all human.
it happened when you were on your way home from dinner with your friends. a call from harry. this wasn’t out of the ordinary for harry to call you, being exes and all. you both apologized after the breakup and agreed that you both couldn’t let 5 years of love, being close with each other’s families, and a pet cat all go to waste. you agreed upon being friends with him. still hang out here and there after the breakup, acting all platonic. you can’t help but have a glimmer of hope its a call wanting to start a relationship again.
“hello?” you said, one hand on the wheel, other holding your phone.
“hi love, sorry s’a bit late, was wondering if i can come over. it’s about olivia.” harry says. still sending you butterflies when he said the simple yet warming term of endearment. but once he said olivia, your heart dropped.
she’s beautiful, confident, and makes your harry happy from what the tabloids portray. the last time you and harry spoke was before he went off to LA, filming for don’t worry darling, a movie his new lover produced. still a few texts since then like “happy birthday!” “congrats on the grammy,” or “how’s the cat?” you two always saved catching up for in person. it was just your thing you kept during the 5 year relationship and after. it keeps things more meaningful at the time, rather than texting or quick phone calls.
“ah, olivia. isn’t she my replacement?” you teased while laughing. you hear a burst of giggles from the other end of the line. god you missed hearing that everyday.
harry on the other end of the line, heart aches a bit hearing you say that. no one could ever replace you. ever. you are so special to him. if only it wasn’t for his team making it difficult for him to ease down on touring for a bit for you. you asked for one thing from harry, which was to start settling down. you both were only getting older and the talks of marriage and kids were frequently becoming the topic of discussion with family. a year and some after the breakup, which happened to be during quarantine, where he had so much time on his hands without you, he reflected on what could’ve been and how stupid he was for letting you go. you were always so patient with him. going to his shows, god awful dinner parties with industry people, changing your work schedule just to fit into his. you asked for one thing. and instead of fighting for you with his team, he instead sided with them, and let you go.
teasing not dying down, harry goes, “someone keeps up with me in the tabloids, eh?”
it’s the fact that he’s not wrong. you remember that tabloid very well. when the first pictures of harry and olivia came out in an article titled, “harry styles and olivia wilde new romance? is y/n replaced?”
your heart was hurting.
“of course i am. keep having to make sure my name is finally out their mouths.” you joke. “i’ll be home in about 15 minutes if that’s okay?”
you pull into the driveway already seeing harry sitting on your porch chair. he waves at you and you get out of the car, walking up to him. he stands up and greets you with a bear hug.
“missed you, y’look nice. where’d ya head out to?” he asked, hoping and praying you weren’t out on a date looking like that. he knows you only wear a red lip when its date night. his mind filled with jealousy at the thought of you with someone else. whereas he has no right being there are pictures of him kissing, cuddling, and whispering to olivia on a yacht in italy. all for the cameras. his stomach turns. that was supposed to be you and him. on a yacht on italy. except leaving the display of affection for the bedroom.
“on a date” you say blatantly.
his heart drops. and lets you go from the hug. lying through his teeth he says, “ah really? happy for ya, you have to tell me about it, hope it was with a good bloke.” he says lightly.
“i’m kiddingg, was out for dinner with friends. mel got engaged by the way! was celebratory dinner for her.” you say, unlocking the door, letting harry in.
harry sighs in relief. “that’s good! m’happy for her, pass on my congratulations.” harry follows you into your kitchen, sitting down on the counter stool, watching you making his favorite “calm down” drink, loving that you remembered how he likes it. he didn’t even have to ask you to make it. you just know its what he needs right now. he can’t help but ponder that it should have been you. it should be your friends out for your celebratory dinner for your engagement with him.
you pass him his tea, knowing he’ll only take a few sips of it yet keep it in his hold for warmth. you were on the other side of the counter across from him, making a mini cheeseboard you two can snack on while talking.
“so..what happened?” you ask, heart not ready if you can handle what he’s about to say about his new lover.
“s’just so complicated. originally it was supposed to be a pr stunt for the movie. but now i don’t know how the pr team messed up so badly but they did. no one is really believing it. everything was executed poorly. it sucks because it’s her team conducting everything which means i barely have a say in it. i look like the bad guy being portrayed as a home wrecker, and she’s not doing anything about it! s’like she’s enjoying it. the kissing, the night outs, etc. she knows that if my team did have a say, it would have been over a while ago.” he breathes out. he’s been wanting to rant to someone for so long about this. he also just wants you to know that he’s not into her. it’s all for show. he’s still all about you. he wants to make that crystal clear.
you nod your head listening to everything he’s saying. body feeling uneasy filled with jealousy when harry says she’s enjoying the intimacy they have to do for show.
“well, did you talk to her about it? or talk to jeff at least? there has to be something he can do..?” you ask.
harry sighs, “i’ve tried so hard. jeff said nothing they can do about it. and he’s telling me not to mess with olivia because her team can do more damage than good with my name. not that s’already ruined.” harry rubs his face with his hands, feeling stressed.
the way he’s acting is familiar to you. early on in your relationship, when you two were a freshly new couple, you guys wanted to be completely private. during that time, with harry and the band’s album coming out, his management made him do pr stunts like these. he was as stressed as he is now. you were so new to dating something in an industry. he didn’t want to scare you away. but you understood. you get it. and you still get it as he’s speaking.
“hmm..if i can recall, back when you had to do a stunt with kendall on the yacht, m’pretty sure it was the same situation. with kendall’s team being difficult, your’s not having much of a say. do what i told you back then, stand your ground, harry. tell olivia like you did with kendall. also kendall’s team at the time played dirty, yet they still were understanding with you and got someone new for a stunt. olivia’s team will probably get someone new as well. and how badly can they ruin your rep? everyone knows you’re the nicest person who wouldn’t kill a fly. and tabloids are tabloids. would you rather have a few bad headlines about you or would you rather deal with a stunt for what? another year now? that you feel uncomfortable with?” you state. smiling a bit because you know harry knows your right, he’s smiling a bit too. he knows you love being right and debating, pulling out facts. that’s what you always did during an argument. which is why you were always right.
man. why couldn’t he stand his ground with his team. why didn’t he take your advice back then? he should’ve sided with you. not his team. why is he always so scared of them?
self-loathing, harry breathes out a laugh, “always have to be right don’t ya? you know what to say every damn time,”
“what can i say? the lady is always right.” you say, smiling proudly while cleaning up the remains of the cheeseboard you and harry snacked on.
“thanks y/n, really, i know i can always come to you with this stuff,” harry states. looking at you with his piercing eyes, meaning every word he said.
you smiled and nodded, cleaning the kitchen a bit. it started to pour early on when you guys were having a chat about his situation, hoping silently it would come down faster so harry has an excuse to stay, you offer nonetheless. “why don’t you stay back for a bit, hm? s’pouring out there, only gonna get worse. we can watch something?”
“love island?” harry suggests.
“thought you’d never ask.”
few gasps and scoffs at some of the islanders and their drama later, you slowly were drifted off to sleep. harry, sitting on the other sofa from you, peaks to see if you’re still watching. his face was in awe. he misses this. domestic nights with you, chatting away eating in the kitchen, then watching something afterwards. only difference is that you two are on different sofas. whereas before you’d be coddled under his embrace. he slowly drifts off to sleep as well. rain still going on, technically he can still go home. driving in the rain was never an issue for him. but he’ll always use an excuse just to be with you.
iMessage: Olivia Wilde
1:34 AM - I miss you, and our casual hookups. Can’t stop thinking about it.
that was one part harry left out of the story. he hooked up with her.
ahhhhh!!!! lmk if you guys want a part 2!!!
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fallout4reactsblog · 3 years
could probably use some lighter courser ask storm prompts after all those whumpy angsty sounding ones, hmm. companions react to sole builds a raider cage but decides to see what happens if they bait it with fancylads, discovering later that it consistently traps coursers. each companion's personal part has them open it to find a different random courser inside, including named ones like x6, z2, & chase (who has some explaining to do). the jarring ooc surreality of the situation is amusing.
Ada: “You seem to be stuck.”
The courser inside glanced up at the sound of her voice, box of snack cakes in hand, and slowly nodded. “I didn’t realize it was trapped.”
“Usually this is baited with chems in order to trap raiders,” she said, beginning to fiddle with the release mechanism. “I am unsure why it is baited with cakes this time, but I’m sure it’s just a mistake. Don’t worry, you’ll be out shortly.”
“Thanks,” they said, slowly getting to their feet.
“Here, another box for your troubles,” she said, pulling one out of her bag. “Though I don’t believe I caught your name.”
They took it with a nod. “I’m X4-18. Nice to meet you.”
“I am Ada. My apologies for the inconvenience.”
“No problem,” X4 said. “Thanks for getting me out.”
In a flash of light, they were gone.
Cait: A rattle from inside the raider cage gave her pause on her way back home. She almost didn’t stop, the raider cage was sole’s problem after all, but what the hell. She was a little on edge today, and maybe beating the shit out of some unsuspecting soul would do the trick.
“Hi there!” A voice said from inside.
That gave her pause, but she went on fiddling with the lock. These things were usually baited with drugs after all. Wouldn’t be the first cheerful raider to come out.
The door swung open to reveal a blond courser, grinning ear to ear.
“I seem to have found myself in a bit of a predicament,” he said, sticking out a hand. “X7-22, nice to meet you. Don’t suppose you’re willing to help me out?”
A courser? Hell no. Slowly, she shook her head and started closing the door again.
“Hey! Wait a second, I’m sure we can come to some kind of agreement.” He shifted to stay visible through the gap in the slowly closing door. “There’s gotta be something I can offer you. Money? Supplies? Anything? Come on, talk to me-”
With a click, the lock re-engaged. She dusted off her hands.
Coursers in the raider trap. Now that was a problem for sole.
Codsworth: “Oh, dear.”
He slowly hovered around the cage. The courser watched him with wary, predatory eyes. Codsworth made a noise akin to a sigh.
“They never learn.”
The courser opened their mouth to protest, but he waved his saw arm through the air, cutting them off. “Sole simply refuses to listen! I told them nothing good would come of this, and now look where we are. A courser is stuck in the raider cage. No good!”
He poked at the lock, still griping. “The raiders I could understand. No-good hooligans need to be disposed of. But this is madness. What is there to gain?”
The courser had shrunk back into the cage, presumably having realized that this lock was not built to be opened by a Mr. Handy, and they were going to be stuck listening to what he had to say for a while.
At least there was snacks.
Curie: “Pardon me.”
An unfamiliar voice made Curie jump, and she spun to see a man with slicked-back brown hair staring at her from the raider cage. She stiffened and turned back around.
“Ah, c’mon,” he said. “Don’t ignore me. I’m harmless.”
“I have no interest in speaking to such an unsavory character as yourself.”
“Not even a little sympathy for a fellow synth?”
She glanced back behind her, eyeing the man in the cage. He gave her a slick smile.
“What is your name?” she asked.
She frowned a little, gears turning. So he was a synth, and a courser at that. And by all accounts, she was a synth that needed to be brought back to the Institute.
...Hadn’t sole said something about needing to kill a courser?
She took one last look at him, still looking every bit like the cat that ate the canary, and put on her best smile. “Oh, but of course I will help you. I simply must find the person with the key. If you will wait but a moment, I will bring them.”
Not waiting for a reply, she went off in search for sole.
Danse: The trap’s mechanism was very simple. The cage was built so that you had to step inside to get the bait, then the weight triggered the door to close and lock behind you. Sole had built it to trap raiders in, usually baiting it with chems, though he couldn’t say how many times they’d sent him to go get Hancock out of there. That ghoul never learned.
Today, though, it was him eyeing the cage from across the street. Yesterday, he’d seen sole baiting it with no less than three full boxes of Fancylads Snack Cakes they’d pulled out of an old vault. That meant they were in pristine condition, untouched by the taste of radiation. He’d been too shy to ask them for one of the boxes, and now seemed to be his chance. He just had to get them out of there.
Glancing around to make sure no one was watching, he approached the trap, bracing one foot against the small step up into the cage and curling his right hand around the doorframe. If he leaned in, he should be able to...
Evidently, lose his balance and fall in.
With an unceremonious crash, he toppled to the floor, door slamming shut behind him. For a brief moment, he stared around at his surroundings, truly confused on how this had happened.
At least he hadn’t landed on the snack cakes. Might as well make the best of a bad situation, right?
Deacon: “Well this is awkward.”
Chase glared up at his mischievous grin as he asked, “So, how’s the weather in there?”
“Exactly the same as it is out there. Let me out.”
“C’mon, Chase. At least finish the snack cakes. That’s what you’re in there for, after all. Don’t tell me you ate them already.”
She glared at him in lieu of a response, and he fake gasped. “Chase, there was, like, three boxes in there!”
“Coursers burn calories very quickly.”
“Probably all that running and shooting and all.” He sighed and started to fiddle with the lock. “Well, no sense in leaving you in there. You’ve got work to do after all.”
“This stays between us. Understand?”
He laughed and said, “Sure. Between you, me, Glory, Dez, whoever they tell...”
“Oh, you’re impossible.”
Gage: The satisfaction he got from seeing a locked raider cage was like nothing else. Commonwealth raiders were stupid bastards, and if they were dumb enough to go into a very clear trap, well, they were dumb enough to die.
He chambered a round in his rifle as he swung open the door.
An Institute courser snarled and swiped at him with a very large, mean-looking knife. He narrowly dodged, shifting to dodge her second strike, and slammed the door in her face. An unholy screech of metal on metal echoed down the street, and he winced.
“Damn,” he muttered. “Coursers these days.”
The whole cage shuddered as the synth inside slammed herself against the door, shouting obscenities. He took a step back, debating whether or not he was willing to open it up again. On the one hand, there was a synth that needed killing. On the other, well, he still had one eye left, and he was keen to not lose it to a very pissed-off courser.
“Overboss!” he shouted up the street. “There’s some kind of feral thing in your cage.”
“What? Hold on, let me come look, just give me a second...”
A second was never just a second with the Overboss. He sighed and resigned himself to a very long wait.
Hancock: "Well, hey there.”
“Oh! Monsieur Hancock. What wonderful timing!”
Curie grinned up at him with a smile to light rooms, and he almost shielded his eyes against the brightness. Geez, this girl was bubbly.
“Whatcha doin’ in there, Curie? I don’t take you for the raider type, and last I checked chems weren’t your style. Mine, yes. Yours, no.”
“It is a funny story, really,” she chuckled. “I saw this box of snack cakes inside. They are in pristine condition, and one of my few vices, so for a moment I simply was blind to the fact that-”
“Snack cakes?” Sure enough, there was a mint condition box in Curie’s hand. “Holy shit, share.”
In a flash, he ripped open the door and launched himself at the second box of snack cakes. And damn, were they good. Untainted by the taste of radiation, they were perfectly balanced between sweet and sour, sponge still moist, coating still soft. Heaven in a crinkly plastic wrapper.
“Um, Hancock? Is it not rather cramped for the both of us?”
Oh, yeah. He’d landed right on top of poor, unsuspecting Curie. “My bad. I got excited.”
“Oh, no, that I do not so much mind. I simply wonder how we are going to get out now.”
MacCready: “The way I see it, this stands to become a mutually beneficial exchange.”
Ol’ Z2 looked disgruntled, but asked, “How so do you mean?”
“I mean we could both gain something from this. I let you out of there, and you offer me something in exchange. Sounds fair, right?”
He rocked back on his heels. “So, what do you have to offer?”
Z2 frowned and dug around in a pocket. “I have some fusion cells.”
MacCready rolled his eyes. “No good. Sole’s got tons, and I don’t use a laser weapon.”
“I have a few bottlecaps.”
He squinted into the cage. “What, like, ten? Yeah, no. Not gonna cut it.”
“Well, then I’m afraid this won’t work out. Coursers travel light.”
MacCready tutted, tapping a finger against his chin. “I don’t know, that coat of yours looks pretty snazzy. Bet it’s well-armored, too, huh?”
Z2 looked almost offended. “Are you suggesting that I hand you my coat?”
“The way I see it, you don’t have much of a choice. You can hand me the coat and get out of there, or wait for a less sympathetic person to come along and shoot you like fish in a barrel. Your call.”
It took only a moment’s hesitation before Z2 agreed.
Nick: "...Danse?”
Former Paladin Danse’s head shot up, and for the first time probably ever, he actually looked happy to see him. “Nick?”
“What on Earth are you doing in the raider cage?” He cut him a sideways glare. “Don’t tell me you picked up a chem habit.”
Danse looked appropriately embarrassed, and held up a box of snack cakes. “No. These were the bait this time, and I rather foolishly thought I could retrieve them from the trap unharmed.”
“Isn’t the whole point of the trap that you can’t get them out without falling in?”
“Of course, and I knew that. I simply allowed my pride to get the better of me. I should have left them alone, but couldn’t resist the temptation.”
Nick just shook his head. “Well, at least you can admit it.”
“Would you mind letting me out? It has been a significant amount of time.”
“Yeah, fine.” He set about picking the lock. “I assume you’d rather keep this between us.”
“If that’s an option.”
“I guess. Wouldn’t want someone spreading it around if it was me.”
“I appreciate that.”
Old Longfellow: There was a long moment of silence. He stared into the raider cage. Reinhart stared back, still slowly chewing on a snack cake. The eye contact seemed to last forever as Longfellow tried to figure out what the actual hell Reinhart was doing.
“Did you need something?” Longfellow finally asked.
“Did you?”
“I’d like to know what you’re doin’ in there.”
“I’d like to get out of here.”
Longfellow folded his arms. “You answer me, and I’ll let you out.”
“I wanted the snack cakes,” Reinhart replied, sliding an open box across the floor. “Here. There’s still a few in there, if you want.”
“I’ll pass, you keep ‘em.”
Reinhart slowly slid the box back toward himself. There was silence again.
“So are you going to let me out, or...?”
“Right, right. Yeah. I guess I’ll go find sole, they probably have the key...”
Piper: Piper Wright looked and felt every bit like the cat that caught the canary.
“Well, well, well, look at what we have here.”
“Miss Wright-”
“For the first time, we have a courser who has embarrassed himself in media res. Incredible!”
“Piper, please-”
“X6, can I get a quote? What do you have to tell the people?”
She held out a fake microphone, which was actually a rolled up copy of the Publick. He just sighed and said, “Could you please let me out?”
“Not a chance!” she laughed. “At least, not until you tell me how you got stuck in there. I mean, c’mon X6, a raider cage? You’ve gotta be smarter than that.”
He visibly deflated. “Unfortunately, Fancylads Snack Cakes are a common vice among generation three synths.”
Piper practically crowed with delight. “Snack cakes! You’re in there for snack cakes!”
“Yes, if you could just-”
“Sole!” she shouted up the street. “You gotta come see this!”
X6 resigned himself to the fact that he’d never live this down.
Preston: The person in the raider cage was not a raider.
She glared at him through the bars. He could only stare back in shock.
“You’re a courser,” he finally managed.
“No shit.”
“How... how did you get in there?”
She hesitated just a moment before replying, “Snack cakes.”
He pinched the bridge of his nose and muttered, “Dammit, sole. Everyone told you this was a bad idea, but you did it anyway?” To the courser, he said, “I’m sorry about this. We’ll get you out of there, promise.”
“Thanks,” the courser replied, then added, “I’m X9-96.”
“Preston Garvey, Commonwealth Minutemen. Nice to meet you X9. I’m no good with locks, so I’ll need to go get the key. Will you be okay in there until I get back?”
She shrugged. “So long as no more rifle-toting raiders come by, yeah. No promises I won’t kill him if he comes back though.”
So Gage had been by. Just great. Under his breath, Preston muttered, “Be my guest.”
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Helloo. Not a request.
I had this question: If a writer doesn't have a big and complex vocabulary, does it matter? Like if a person writes really well yet needs words? Does it mean they are a good writer?
Short answer: yes vocabulary absolutely matters, but vocabulary isn’t what defines if you are a good writer or not.
Long answer:
Point 1 - Vocab as icing
To me at least, one way to think about it is that vocabulary is the decorations on a cake. Excellent vocabulary can make your writing more appealing because it sounds beautiful, or allows you to communicate what you mean in a more specific and sometimes more effective way.
E.g: house, home and residence all mean more or less the same thing, but ‘home’ is the word that has connotations of cosiness and safety. Therefore, if you want to make it clear that a character likes where they reside, and feel like they belong there, ‘home’ would be a good word choice. 
E.g: asexual. The word for someone who does not experience sexual attraction.
Both examples illustrate the way that having a vocabulary matters. The first because the subtle nuances of how we use language does matter and does have an impact on readers. It is why you study word choice etc. in English classes etc. The second because it is a really good example of it can be difficult and even stressful to try and express something if there is a specific word for something that you are trying to explain, but you don’t know the word. Words and definitions, and so vocabulary to discuss things, have power that should not be dismissed. This is what powers our ability to persuade and convince other people effectively, which is what powers things like politics and so the world. 
On a purely creative writing level, having having a good vocabulary can mean you make word decisions faster, because they are at the tip of your brain rather than something that you need to look up. 
However, as I said, vocab is decoration. If I buy a cake and it’s all icing and the actual cake beneath it is just not that great, I’m going to be personally very disappointed by that failure of a cake. The cake of writing is skills like characterisation, coming up with an engaging plot, being able to pace the story well, or come up with interesting ideas or world building. They all matter just as much, if not more to me, than vocabulary.
I could describe both home and asexual in different ways and still get my point across without using the specific word. Hence, decoration. 
Point 2 - It’s always better to be understood
To me, at least, it is more important to be understood than anything else. 
The whole point of communicating is so that the other person can understand you - there has been debate in this over different time periods and writers, but that is something I feel strongly about. If I have to swallow a thesaurus to know what someone’s story is actually trying to say I’m not going to bother. It pulls me out of the story. 
That is not to say that writing should never stretch the reader, because that is how we learn new words, but if the whole thing is so thick with jargon or complex words that it gets in the way I’m not going to be overly impressed. 
Leading to...
Point 3 - Complex does noes not mean better
The thing about writing and vocabulary, as partially highlighted by the example in point 1, is picking the right word for what you want to tell the reader. 
Just because a word is more complicated or more obscure doesn’t mean it does the job better. The example I always fall on is ‘said’. I use words other than ‘said’ as a dialogue tag, but you will notice I use ‘said’ a lot even if it’s the most basic dialogue tag ever. Why? Because we are so used to ‘said’ that our brains do not fully register it. It allows the reader to track who is speaking without actually interrupting the story. 
Contrast to:
“I don’t care!” the villain screamed. 
“Yes you do!” the hero uttered. “You care so much that it kills you.”
“Shut up!” the villain wailed. “Just shut up!”
It’s clunky! 
Simple doesn’t mean ugly or worse.
Point 4 - Everything starts with a first draft
Unless you need to spit out a piece of writing in the next five minutes without time to draft, edit or consider, it doesn’t matter what you have at your immediate disposal. Like touch typing, vocab can make it easier to grab at what you mean, but beyond that...
We save numbers on our phone so we don’t have to memorise them. 
You can type something and [roughly want I want here, come back later after I looked up the word] before continuing. 
That’s editing. And editing is at least 50% of writing as a craft. 
Vocabulary has its impact, and I’m not going to dismiss it because writing is made up of language so having a good grasp, knowledge and understanding of language does help. 
However, it is not the end all of writing. You can absolutely be a good writer without a big, complex vocabulary.
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bts-reveries · 3 years
young one | 23
Jungkook sat on the couch staring at his phone that’s on the coffee table, for almost thirty minutes, debating whether or not he should call you right now. 
What if you were busy?
What if you were in the middle of an exam?
Out with your parents?
Having fun with Sian?
He didn’t want to bother or disturb you. 
But what if you were waiting for his call? 
Jungkook tilts his head to the side, maybe it wouldn’t hurt to try. As he leans forward to grab his phone, he hears a knock. 
“Jungkookah!” He hears as he walks towards the door. Turning the knob open, his four friends walk in without a single word from Jungkook. He sighs.
“What’s with the sad face,” Donghyun asks Jungkook. “We brought drinks and fried chicken.” They put everything on the coffee table, covering everything he had on top. His phone and a little box.
“I’m just not in the mood for it today,” Jungkook tells them, grabbing his stuff from the table. 
“Again? Wait. Is that--?” Yuri stares at the box Jungkook had in his hand along with his phone. Without hesitation she grabs the small box and plops down on the couch. Jungkook lets out a big sigh, sitting by her as she opens the small box.
“An engagement ring?” Sungjae asks, sitting in front of Yuri. 
“It’s pretty,” she says. “Guessing she said no? Is that the reason why she left?” Yuri says taking the ring out of the box. She’s about to try it on when Jungkook snatches it back from her.
“Rude,” she laughs out. Jungkook scoffs.
“Says the one who took it from me first. Don’t put it on, it’s not for you,” he says, annoyed. Yuri looked at him unamused.
“Why did she leave anyways?” Minhyuk asks, mouth full of food. 
“We’re both on different paths. She was always busy with work and school so she barely had any time for any one. Her mom suggested they stay with her for the meantime so she can focus on her education.”
“So she doesn’t work anymore?” Donghyun asks. Jungkook shakes his head no.
“Wait why couldn’t you go with them?” Minhyuk asks next. 
“Umm..” Jungkook tilts his head to the side. “Uh, she thought it’d be good for us to go on a break. While we figure out our life separately.”
“That’s good, you get another chance in life,” Sungjae laughs. 
“Yeah. She ended his life right when we graduated college, no?” Donghyun adds in, looking at Sungjae. 
“What?” Jungkook says, shocked. “Ended? That’s right when my life started, what do you mean?”
“You barely had any time to figure out what you wanted to do and when the whole Yn baby thing happened, you had no choice but to pick that path in life,” Donghyun explains.
“But I like how my life is now,” Jungkook says, confused at what his friends were trying to say.
“Then why are you so mopey?” Yuri says, rolling her eyes. “You were always so fun whenever we hung out.”
“Because both the best people in my life are gone?” Jungkook says as if it wasn’t obvious enough.
“You have us now,” Yuri tells him, putting her hand on his knee. Jungkook quickly pushed her hand off. 
“In the past, Yn took you from us.”
“I guess we came back at the right time to get you back on a life that fits you,” Donghyun says, following after Minhyuk.
“We five started together, we’re ending together,” Sungjae says, lifting up his drink. 
“Maybe if Yn wasn’t too selfish and greedy, we could’ve been friends,” Minhyuk says, making Yuri laugh.
“No way! I don’t think we’d get along. I never really liked her,” Yuri says, grabbing her drink from the table. 
Jungkook tilts his head to the side, “that’s something you both have in common.”
“She didn’t like herself either? HA. Selfish, greedy, insecure,” Donghyun listed out. “Why did you ever like her?”
“She’s far from any of those. Maybe if you were a little nicer and gave her a chance, you’d like her too,” Jungkook tells him. “I’m starting to see why she doesn’t like me hanging out with you guys,” he says quietly.
“What?!” Minhyuk says out of shock. He laughs a bit, “She really hates it when you have any fun. Nothing’s changed.”
“Yeah I think it’s a good idea you two took a break. You can’t have her controlling your life. She doesn’t know what’s good for you, you’re your own person. She can’t tell you who you can and can’t be friends with. A break will be good for you,” Yuri speaks. 
“My own girlfriend for over six years doesn’t know what’s good for me, but the lady I hit with my shopping cart suddenly does?” Jungkook says, laughing. Yuri looks at him surprised.
“I knew you before she did!” She argues.
“Jungkook, just take this as a sign that the world is giving you another shot in life. Don’t let it go. You have a choice this time, pick the right one,” Sungjae tells him. 
Before Jungkook can speak up, he hears a knock on the door. He gets up without a word and walks to the front door.
“Hyung...s,” he says, surprised when all six of his older brothers stood outside his door. 
“How are you holding up buddy? We finally were all free at the same time,” Hoseok says sheepishly, holding a plastic bag filled with ice cream. “So we wanted to check up on you.”
“Would you be down for a guys night?” Jin says, holding Haneul in one arm. “Haneul wanted to see you too, so I brought him with me.” Haneul smiles at his uncle Kookie and waves his little hand. 
“Mingyu wouldn’t stop screaming when I was leaving, so…” Jimin says, pointing to the cheeky baby on his chest. “Brought him too.” Jungkook finally breaks into a smile when he takes in all of his hyung’s faces and also his nephews.
“I’m down, co--”
“Jungkook who’s at the door?” Yuri yells from behind him. All the boys’ eyes grew wide as they heard a girl’s voice coming from inside. 
“My friends!” Jungkook yells back at her. 
“The babysitters?” Donghyun answers back with a laugh.
Jungkook looks at his hyungs with a tired look. “I didn’t invite them over, they just came.”
“Like us?” Taehyung says with a smile.
“Yeah, but you guys aren’t getting on my nerves so it’s okay. Come in,” Jungkook says, walking away from the door. 
It was rather awkward. Jungkook has never expected this to happen. You and Sian gone and his two separate groups of friends gathered around him in his living room. 
“Why is that staring at me?” Yuri says, scratching her head and pointing to Haneul.
“T-that?” Jin stammers, looking around at his friends. “What are you saying about my kid?” 
“I’m saying tell him to stop staring, that’s rude,” Yuri answers.
“You’re one to say what’s rude or not,” Jungkook mumbles. 
“I can’t help it that my kid likes to stare at strange looking things,” Jin tells her. Yuri gasps and the maknae line tries to hold in their laugh. 
“So are we just going to sit here and stare at each other or what,” Yoongi says, scanning his eyes over Jungkook’s friends.
“I mean we were all hanging out and doing fine but you all decide to show up unannounced,” Sungjae says. 
“I heard you four did the same,” Jimin says. 
“Yeah but we’re Jungkook’s friends,” Yuri answers. “He likes it when we’re over.”
“And we’re Jungkook’s family, he likes it when we’re over,” Jin tells her. 
“Oh, you guys are the ones who act like Jungkook’s dads right? The ones that tell him what to do and who to be friends with…” Minhyuk says, “I heard you guys don’t like us either--”
“We don’t.” Taehyung tells him without expression.
“Is that why you came,” Donghyun says.
“No, we came for Jungkook,” Namjoon finally speaks. “If you guys are his friends you know what he’s going through.”
“Which is why we came and celebrated,” Sungjae says, slapping a hand to Jungkook’s back. 
“Celebrated? What’s there to celebrate,” Hoseok laughs. 
“Yn and her kid finally leaving and giving Jungkook his old life back,” Yuri says. 
“Giving Jungkook his old life back?” Taehyung asks, confused. 
“When we were in college, that was the best time of our life,” Minhyuk explains. “It was just us five. But then Yn came and our friendship started to falter. It was fine at first--”
“No it wasn’t. Ever since Yn came it got so boring,” Yuri says.
“Well Yn would come with us to parties, but she’d get drunk too fast and had to go home before the party started started. You know? Or she’d ask Jungkook to stay at the dorms with her or study with her instead and so Jungkook started hanging with us less and less,” Minhyuk continues.
“Eventually, Yn did start having fun at parties with Jungkook but they often go off on their own rather than actually be with us four,” Dongyun adds. 
“Then she got knocked up and they stopped hanging out with us completely,” Sungjae says. “Jungkook really had no choice.”
“I beg to differ,” Jin says. “It was Jungkook’s choice to stay or leave Yn and he chose his life now. He never regretted any of it either.”
“How would you know, you weren’t there,” Yuri argues. 
“I wasn’t there?” Jin says, looking at her with a smile. “Yah. Who do you think helped out with Yn and Jungkook’s starting family?” 
“Hyung was the first one to have a kid out of us so he knew what to do and everything. He helped me and Yn from the beginning,” Jungkook speaks up, after hearing what everyone had to say. “And he’s right, I chose to stay with Yn. She never told me to stop hanging out with you guys back then and she still hasn’t now.”
“I believe you four are just holding a, what, seven? year long grudge that you have over Yn.” Namjoon says, looking over Jungkook’s friends. “You believe that she took Jungkook away from you four because you were friends with him first but he chose Yn over you four. You can’t seem to wrap your head around the fact that Jungkook likes-- loves-- Yn more than the four of you and you like Jungkook way too much to put the blame on him. But really, none of it is his fault. He’s his own person, he can choose who to like, who not to like and who to leave and who to stay with. No one can make him choose. If someone does force him to choose someone else, then he would be living in regret right now. Do you understand?”
“Are your little brains comprehending this?” Yoongi says, staring at them with a straight face. The four’s eyes shift from Namjoon to Yoongi quitely.
“Are you understanding what uncle Namjoon is saying?” Jin asks, looking down at Haneul who’s sitting on his lap. Haneul nods his head, even if he really doesn’t know what’s going on. “Yaaaah~” Jin lets out a proud noise. “Even my son has a bigger brain than you,” he says, pointing at Yuri. She scoffs at him.
“So for example,” Namjoon says, continuing, “if Yn told Jungkook to choose her over you four, and Jungkook didn’t want that, he’d be living in regret right now. But he’s not. Jungkook chose what he wanted, so he’s content with the life that he has now.”
“Content? When we first came here he looked so upset--”
“Because Yn and Sian aren’t here,” Taehyung says. “The two people that made him the happiest are gone.”
“What’s Haneul minus happy?” Jin says, looking at Haneul once again.
“Sad!” Haneul yells, making a sad face. Jin looks at the four with an expression that said ‘what’d I say??’
“So what are you all trying to say,” Yuri asks, tired of the six boys.
“We’re saying you four are selfish for thinking of yourself rather than Jungkook. You call yourselves his “friends” yet disregard his feelings. When the blame is put on you, you throw it at someone else that has no part or fault in the situation. You four are adults now, yet continue to act immature. You can’t go back to the past, it’s the past for a reason. Jungkook was fine before you got here. Having other friends is okay but you can’t come in here and start controlling his life as if you were a part of it in the first place. You were his past yet you act like you’re his present and future. You step into his life and judge every part of it. You don’t bother to understand what Yn is going through or give Sian a chance. He’s a really sweet boy and Yn is one of the most selfless people I know. Yet you judge her for something your mind made up years ago. They aren’t the bad guys here. They didn’t ruin Jungkook’s life. If they did, I don’t think their relationship would have reached this far. So stop saying Jungkook had no choice. He chose to be with Yn, he chose to stay with her when she got pregnant, and he chose to live his life with the two. You four have no business coming in and taking him away as if you know what he wants. Jungkook’s a really nice kid and he sees you four as his old friends. You’re lucky that he’s able to see past all of your flaws and accept all of you as his friends but I think your true colors are finally appearing to him. None of you deserve to have Jungkook as your friend if you can’t accept the life he’s living right now and the people in it.” Namjoon says. Everyone was quiet. Namjoon looks at Jungkook and the young one mouths a ‘thank you’ to him as if he said everything he felt the past hour that he couldn’t put into words. 
“And I think I’m speaking for Jungkook, and everyone else here when I say this,” Namjoon continues, “but please get out.”
The four silently turn to Jungkook who nods his head. Yuri was the first to get up, rolling her eyes as she walked to the front door. The three followed silently.
“So they know how to shut their mouths,” Hoseok says with a small laugh.
“Namjoon hyung was so good,” Jimin says, with wide eyes. “Right Gyu? Uncle Joonie is so cool, no?”
After the four were out of their sight, Namjoon looks over at Jungkook and the young one sighs out of relief.
“Hyuuuungg,” he whined, walking over to Namjoon and sitting on his lap, wrapping his arms around his neck and pressing his cheek to Namjoon’s forehead.
“Hyung, thank you,” he says, hugging Namjoon tightly. Joon pats his little brother’s back.
“You’re too nice sometimes you know. And color blind,” Namjoon says, pulling away from Jungkook slightly and tilting his head up to look him in the eye. “When you see the red flags, drop them.”
“I told you you’re oblivious,” Yoongi says, pointing at Jungkook. “Your so called friends are so rude and you let them walk all over you.”
“They act like it’s their world and we’re just living in it,” Taehyung says with a smirk. “When really… I’m the main character here.” Jimin and Hoseok look at him as if he was stupid.
“I thought I was the main character,” Jungkook says, pointing at himself, pouting.
“You are,” Jin says, looking at him. “For now.”
“Ugh, whatever,” Jungkook says, “give me him.” He gestures for Jin to pass Haneul to him and Jin does so. Namjoon groans at the added weight.
“Hand over Gyu Gyu as well,” Jungkook says, reaching his arms towards Jimin. Namjoon’s eyes widens and Jimin laughs as he walks over to the three, adding Mingyu on top.
“Yah-yah y-yah Jungkook,” Namjoon says as Jungkook bounces the two on his lap. He holds the two of them to his chest and leans into Namjoon’s chest. 
“I wanna stay like this until my babies come back,” Jungkook says. 
“I- I don’t,” Namjoon says, struggling to breathe. 
“Okay well what are we going to do about this,” Taehyung says, looking at all the food on the coffee table. “They really just leave their trash behind.”
“Are we going to eat it?” Hoseok asks, opening one of the boxes.
“I refuse to eat anything those demons touched,” Jin says, taking out his phone. “I’ll order. What do you guys want?”
“Mommy,” Mingyu says. Jungkook frowned.
“Me too,” he says, looking over at Jin who just looked at them with a blank expression. 
“Well that’s not on the menu.”
young one
♛ part twenty-three: uncle joonie is so cool ♛
pairings: photographer, dad!jungkook x hostess, mom!reader
a/n: hope this make y’all feel better 🥰
taglist: @kookietsukkie @brinnalaine @chocobetterknot @silentlyimpractical @aianloveseven @jayhope88 @preciouschimine @noelitaaaa @butterflylion @yogugui @jikachoo @samros95 @yoongis-cumsock @strwberry-jam @sope-and-shine @cosmicdaylight @eatjeanjin @rjsmochii @i-swear-im-a-soft-stan @peoplejustcanthandlemywierdness @prdshobi @marmaribelarova @ramyagovindraj @casspirit0705 @ssyubb @smauslut @taexmichi @codeinebelle @cecedrake2217 @hellotherehoneybee @ddofa @winterwidow27 @ephyra1230 @heartfeltscribblings @nightapple4jk @applejuice5000 @salty-for-suga @lemonteacyst @princessjazzyjazz @bamboozled-jaykay @bigimpression @dammit-jjk @kookie-sun0097 @kookoo-kachoo @waddlebby @taekookcaneatme @jikooksgirl19 @tanumiki @strawberryforever25 @hobiismyhopeu
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erricdraven · 3 years
i'm really intrigued by your s6 spuffy thoughts can you talk more about what you mentioned in your tags???
lol yeah i really lost my entire mind in the tags oops
but sure, i'm happy to talk more about it. it's the one hang up i have about the show that i still have yet to make peace with and honestly don't think i ever will. i really respect now as i've gotten older how characters challenge us to think from new perspectives, and buffy has always been a character that challenges me in a few specific areas. when it comes to buffy and spike, i'm immediately predisposed to empathize with spike when i comes to the way he's treated regarding his feelings because i'm very much a heart-on-my-sleeve, all in person with love myself, and so it's a really hard thing for me to consume something so personally difficult in media i enjoy. i also feel like i need to preface this by saying that at the root of all my thoughts about what their s6 arc is, i believe they are both in the wrong in certain aspects. i'm not saying that spike has done nothing wrong and buffy is the one making all the bad choices and saying all the bad things.
so, with all that said--
the best way i can think to pinpoint why i'm really bothered by buffy's part in their issues can be summed up in the scene in entropy (?) where buffy accuses spike of spying on her on the grounds that she believes that's well within his character to violate her privacy and life like that, and with all the things she lists that he does (lie, cheat, steal, manipulate), he says "i don't hurt you." that interaction really highlights how the power dynamic is really fucked up and skewed for buffy to use to take advantage of. she knows that spike loves her (and though she's really resistant to acknowledging he really does love her, she believes that he believes that he loves her) and has repeatedly acknowledged outright and acted on the fact that he wants to spare her pain in any way that he can. he wants to protect her from getting hurt and if he can't, he wants to comfort her and try to make it better. granted, sometimes his solutions aren't conducive for her, but the intention (which is really important!!) is always to help her and support her.
with this in mind, i think that is why i have such a hard time with s6 buffy. i've yet to get to a point where i can feel comfortable watching her relationship with spike in this season because of how tremendously cruel she is. i understand that she's in serious pain and she feels horrified at herself for wanting to engage in this dark twisted thing with him, but at its heart, i feel like the thing that makes it dark and twisted, given that she knows that he loves her and that sex with him means something, is that she has backed him into a corner by setting a boundary of "i can only accept this so long as it hurts us". as soon as she starts facing her feelings, she can't bear to let him in anymore. we see at the start of s6 that the dynamic between them is something very sweet and gentle and kind. spike is careful and kind and supportive of her as she tries to feel out how to live in the world again. he's understanding of her circumstances (empathizing with the pain and trauma of having to claw your way out of your grave), he kept his promise to care for dawn without any thought of reward (and continues to from then on out), she admits that when she wants to be alone, she still feels most at peace when she's alone with him, and she seeks his input and advice on how to try to figure out the things that she feels like she's way over her head about ("so what do you know about finances?").
people are fallible and characters aren't meant to be perfect, and i believe that's really how writing should be, but this is something i feel like is much more complex than just a flawed character in the throes of an extended major depressive episode. we don't really see any genuine remorse from her directed at spike for how she has treated him even when she admits her disgust with herself for how she was taking advantage of him. when we see buffy fall apart to tara in devastation at the person she's become, i feel like what we're seeing is just an overwhelming amount of self-hatred at what she sees when she looks at herself. it feels like very...self-focused shame, like people who are disgusted at the realization that someone sees and classifies them as a bad person. we recoil from that moniker because we know it's wrong, and that's what we see in buffy. she hates that she's "a bad person", but what feels really lacking for me is the self-awareness to then turn that self-focused shame into a more... i don't know, i hate to call it this, but altruistic shame at the way she has been hurting spike purposefully. taking responsibility for her cruelty i feel like should have looked like her bearing the burden of her shame about her actions, accepting the discomfort of having to humble herself and hold it and say 'yeah, this is mine.' all throughout s6 in particular, spike is consistently the bad guy in every equation when it comes to his relationship with buffy, and that has always felt wrong to me, like a huge disservice to the story and his character. is he a bad guy broadly speaking? yeah, he's more villain than hero for sure. but is he the bad guy in their relationship? i'd argue no, he's not, and we never really get catharsis for that!!
especially with spike having his soul in s7, the tumultuous and abusive dynamic of their relationship in the previous season is treated as something they can just look back at and say "oh well we can move on now and be good and okay because we're never going back there again" even though buffy never apologizes to him for what she did to him and acknowledges it was wrong by taking that responsibility. it's always framed as buffy's stance being "sex is bad and dirty, and engaging in "dark" sex with you was bad so we'll never do it again." i tried to hunt it down and couldn't find it, but @chasingfictions made an amazing post that really struck me, talking about how, while the idea of the soul being a determination of good and a lack of soul being a determination of evil is a bit too simplistic and unsatisfying in the debate of good vs evil, spike's pursuit of a soul and actually getting it all on his own so that he could be a better man to the woman he loves and the world she risks her life every day to protect is so powerful and beautiful. the fact that in the show's canon, no one that becomes soulless has ever sought out getting their soul back, and no only does he get it back, he wins it back!! he fought to have it as a step towards being better, and that intention of choosing to be better means so fucking much! and he made that choice to take an action of good without the soul in question, after having, on many occasions, acted contrary to his nature to be better.
the writing leads us to a point where we support spike's pursuit of redemption and are moved by it, but to me, i think buffy should have been driven to seek her own redemption too. without it, i personally feel a very pervasive sense that catharsis for everything they went through in s6 was never really achieved.
in conclusion (lmao)... everyone interprets text/subtext differently, and that's absolutely okay, so i'm not saying that this is the only right interpretation of things! but for me, after spending a really long time trying to reconcile this discomfort i feel with buffy's character and not being able to get there, this is where i've landed.
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jonsa101 · 3 years
Thoughts About Sharpwin in Episode 3X14
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Hey guys!! I feel like there has been so much pandemonium in the fandom since all of these spoilers and content has come out prior to the finale on Tuesday.  I have revised this meta so many times due to new things coming out every day and I honestly debated if I should even still publish a meta before the finale. Either way, I’m putting this out there because I still have some thoughts to share and it was highly requested by y’all! 😉 As always, I’m going to try and share my thoughts as honestly and as logically as I can. 
Going into the season finale, I think the question we need to ask ourselves is what are the most important aspects of the season finale? For me, I’ve always believed that the time-jump and the cliffhangers would be the most important aspects of the episode and based on what we’ve seen so far, I think that opinion still holds true. True to his words, in this interview here https://tvline.com/2021/05/25/new-amsterdam-season-3-finale-spoilers-time-jump/ , Schulner specifically said that the finale episode would be nothing like we’ve seen before. From yesterday’s spoiler, it’s fair for us to assume that that the episode we are about to see on Tuesday is linear and is a full time jump episode. How long is the time jump? I’m not sure but my guess is that it’s at least 3 months.
Now you might be thinking “what if the time jump is only a week or two?” Here’s why I think it’s not.
Look at this picture with Helen and Mina.
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In this week’s episode Helen and Mina were still bumping heads after weeks of Mina living with Helen. They were talking about college applications and it wasn’t until the end that we finally see Helen and Mina put their walls down and start to connect with each other. Again, look at the picture down below! Clearly their relationship has done a complete 180 and they seem closer than ever. Mina is literally on the verge of tears as she and Helen are about to say their goodbyes. That relationship transformation doesn’t take place in a week or so. I personally don’t think it takes place in a month either. That type of transformation and healing takes time. Also, if one of the primary reasons that Helen is in London is to drop off Mina for college that means Mina had to go through the whole college application process which is incredibly long! Mina would have to write essays, take the SAT or ACT, go on interviews and hell, probably go on college tours too! In 3x13, she was just starting that process guys. So, if we are seeing Helen drop off Mina for school, at the BARE MINIMUM it has to be at least a three month time jump. Mind you, I’m doing the bare minimum here because I’m not sure the show would commit to a 6-months to a year time jump, which is typically a standard timeline for the college application process.
Now also look at Floyd’s photo.
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He is serving breakfast in bed y’all!!! Do you know what that tells me? It tells me that this man is COMFORTABLE and has been in the midst of his situationship for a while now. Logically, do you think that he can get this comfortable with Dr. Malavo within the span of a week or two especially after the episode that we just saw? No!! A person like Floyd who has gone on and on about his life plan since season one definitely would have had to be worn down for a while for him to be caught up and comfortable in a situationship!
Again, this is just how I feel. I could be wrong but to me I feel like at least a 3- month time jump would be realistic. Moving on from the time-jump let’s talk about these cliffhangers. Y’all I STRONGLY believe that there is a reason why we are receiving so much spoiler and promotional content before the finale. Based on everything we’ve seen, at this point we should all know that we are going to see Helen and Max finally become an official couple in the finale. This is a given! We are all excited to see them finally get together and without a doubt how that unfolds is a huge part of the finale. I just want to make an argument that Max and Helen finally coming together isn’t the most important point of the episode. 😬😬😬 Again y’all, look at the content we’ve received so far! We got a Sharpwin focused promo, a ton of promotional photos, we got that amazing sneak peek voicemail from Max and hell, we even got Ryan Eggold telling Us Weekly that he just felt like it was time for these characters “to go one way or the other! “All of this is great but at the same time it’s super heavy handed! Mind you, in episode 3x12 which was a pivotal episode for Sharpwin, we barely got any spoilers, in fact I think even the episode synopsis was delayed as well. Clearly, I understand that the show hasn’t shown us the most important parts of how Max and Helen are finally going to get together but what I am saying is that they’ve shown us enough to make me believe that isn’t the most important point of Sharpwin’s story in the episode. In the finale for Sharpwin, to me, the question isn’t about if they’re going to get together or how they finally get together, it’s about what’s in store for the FUTURE they choose to have together. Max said it perfectly himself in that voicemail when he said 
I need to see you.
I need to talk to you.
I need to be with you in all the ways I’ve been dreaming about.
That last line is so significant because to me it tells me exactly where his mind and heart is at. Apart from the obvious where Max is clearly thinking about making love to her, I think Max is also dreaming about having a life with her. Again y’all! From episode 3x12 an onwards the question has never been about if they want to be together. It is clear that they both WANT THIS. The question is what that looks like for them and where they go from here after they come together. There are a lot of important conversations they need to have and decisions to be made, hence Max’s “I need to see you,” and “I need to talk to you.”
This brings me back to the cliffhangers. In the article I linked above, Schulner made it a point to emphasize the importance of cliffhangers this year. According to him there should be at least five cliffhangers in the season finale. In my mind, that means all of the main characters should have a cliffhanger that immediately sets them up for their main storyline in season 4. Especially considering the fact that the season 3 finale will already be a time jump episode. So, if the finale is centered around Sharpwin and we know that we should expect cliffhangers, shouldn’t we expect that Max and Helen will probably have a big cliffhanger that impacts their relationship going forward? It wouldn’t make sense for Iggy, Lauren, and Floyd to have these pivotal cliffhangers in finale while Max and Helen just end up as a happy couple. I could be wrong but that logically doesn’t make sense to me. We should totally expect them to maybe have the biggest cliffhanger out of everyone else since technically this episode is mainly about them! I like to think that Max and Helen have a collective cliffhanger but it’s also possible that they have cliffhangers as individual characters and those cliffhangers effect the trajectory of their relationship. By the way, I’m absolutely expecting a positive cliffhanger/cliffhangers for Max and Helen. I truly do believe the best is yet to come for them! All I’m trying to say is that I think this is going to be the most important part of Sharpwin’s story in the season finale. Not how they finally get together! 
For me, one of the big things that sticks out that could play a role in a collective Sharpwin cliffhanger or an individual cliffhanger is Helen’s trip to London. I predicted this trip would be a trip of healing past wounds and finding answers when it comes to her family in my meta here: https://jonsa101.tumblr.com/post/649841094458310656/max-goodwin-and-his-declaration-of-love-and this seems to be panning out. I think this trip is really going to put things in perspective for Helen about what she wants and the things that really matter to her. I think about episode 3x4 where Helen proclaims that she keeps “running out of time” in the areas of her life that are really important to her. Her deepest desires have always been to have a family and a child of her own. As she heals, reconnects with her family, and reflects on what matters most to her, I wonder if her desires for a family of her own will be at the forefront of her mind when she reconnects with Max? What’s that state of her mindset after a trip like that? I might be thinking entirely too deep about this but these are the thoughts that run in my mind now as we head into the finale.
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For Max, we saw him sort out the custody battle for Luna in 3x13. We also saw Helen basically tell him that their relationship was worth the fight. From yesterday’s sneak peek, we know at the beginning of the finale he is deeply longing for Helen and is clearly pondering a life with her. What shifts his focus away from that is when he thinks he’s misplaced his wedding ring. We all know that this episode will be the final step Max takes to let go of his past and embrace his future with Helen but again what does that look like? Again, all of this plays a role to what I think will be the most important part of the episode. 
Their Cliffhanger!!!
So, what exactly could their cliffhanger or cliffhangers be? At this point, the possibilities are endless! Like I said, I believe the best is yet to come for them and that any cliffhanger coming their way will be a great one! At the very beginning of the season, I said that this is the season of love declarations and commitment and that I wouldn’t be surprised if Max and Helen ended up engaged: https://jonsa101.tumblr.com/post/649841094458310656/max-goodwin-and-his-declaration-of-love-and. Max saying he wanted to build something better for Luna and Helen struck me and these were my thoughts.
“Max is just giving me MAJOR “I love you and I’m trying to commit and build something for us vibes.” I think one of my greatest gifts in life is the ability to read between the fucking lines. As a grown 26 year-old women, if a man that I have feelings for that I know has feelings for me comes to me and says, “I want to build something better for you,” we are either married or a marriage proposal is around the corner. A man is not trying to build something better for/with a friend or a confidant. Ok! You build something with someone you want to spend your life with! These are the types of conversations you have with your husband, wife or life partner! Period! After everything they’ve been through before and especially after a year of being in a pandemic, I think now more than ever Max is going to get or has already gotten clarity about what and who he wants and he’s going to go after it. When you realize how quickly life can change it literally shifts everything and makes you change your priorities and go after what you actually want. To me, this will be reflected in the show.”
Oddly enough, I think my words are pretty similar to Shaun Cassidy’s tweet about this finale:
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Max will get clarity.
Max will see the light.
Mind you, I wrote this meta after seeing the first episode of the season. Now as we head into the season finale, after all of Max’s personal suffering, after everything Max and Helen have been through together, after Max’s second death or life experience, I think Max seeing the light or gaining clarity is a hell of a lot more than them just becoming a couple! It’s established that Max wants her! It’s established that Max wants to be with her and they’re going to be couple! Shaun is already out here retweeting “couple era” tweets. I think seeing the light holds weight and I think an engagement fits the bill. I think Max and Helen are at a point in their lives and in their relationship where they want a life together! They are completely all in I just think they’re trying to navigate what the hell that looks like. Also, like I said earlier, where we leave off in the season 3 finale will be the setup for the main storylines in season 4. I think many people in the fandom believe that at some point in season 4 Max and Helen will try for a baby and we will see her infertility struggles play out. I have my own personal opinions on this topic but I’ll save that for another meta. If there is an expectation that in season 4 we will see Max and Helen as a happy couple, Helen stepping up as Luna’s mom/co-parent and them potentially wanting to expand their family, don’t you think it makes sense for Helen to at least be his fiancee?! Honestly y’all! Think about it! Do you think Max would start the process of trying to get pregnant with Helen without marrying her first? I don’t think so. I definitely think he’s a put a ring on it type of guy! Another point that I want to make is this. Luna is in the picture. Luna and Max are a package deal. Helen knows this and when they have this conversation about how they’re going to navigate their lives together, I know that without hesitation we are about to see Helen loving Luna unconditionally and basically being her mom in season 4. Loving your partner’s child unconditionally as your own is the highest form of love and commitment you can show and do for your partner. I know without a shadow of doubt that Helen is going to do this. So as Helen shows him her love and commitment, how can Max tangibly SHOW her how much he loves her and is committed to their lives and their future together? These are just things I’ll leave y’all to think about. 
To wrap this up here are some other quick thoughts I have about the finale.
At this point I strongly believe that Max and Helen are in New York City based on the promos and spoilers I’ve seen. One thing I will say though is at the same time don’t discount the possibility of Max and Helen at some point in the episode also being in London as well. Remember all the promos, spoilers and sneak peeks we’ve seen so far are things they want us to see!!!! We only have pieces of the full story and because of that ANYTHING IS POSSIBLE! I remember back in season one when spoilers came out for the season finale. Going into the finale, most of us who were in the fandom back then already knew there would be some sort of accident/ ambulance crash. At best we thought that it would only affect Max, Georgia and Luna. We had no idea that the season finale would also put Bloom and Helen’s life at stake as well!! The point I’m trying to make is this, even though we saw the spoilers we didn’t have the full picture of what exactly was filmed in those spoilers.
I think when Max and Helen finally have their moment it will be glorious and romantic af! I’m expecting to see kissing, lovemaking, and everything in between but the most important thing are the conversations!! I’m expecting to see a lot of deep conversations about how they’re going to make this thing work after they say there I love you’s. 
Long before the episode synopsis came out, I told y’all that Max and Reynolds moment in the season finale would be pivotal for Sharpwin in this same meta https://jonsa101.tumblr.com/post/649841094458310656/max-goodwin-and-his-declaration-of-love-and and that’s what we are going to see play out on screen. It’s natural for Max to have an emotional attachment to that ring. He was married to Georgia and had a life with her. That doesn’t negate how he feels about Helen. Even more so than that do you know what I also think is at play here? Guilt. The guilt of him trying to move on with the woman he’s had feeling for since season 1. I mean, I personally don’t think they’re using voiceovers of Max and Helen’s conversations in season 1 in their promo for no reason. I don’t see why they wouldn’t address it especially when for us as an audience we know that’s the case. I also think it’s not a coincidence that Reynold’s finds himself in a situation that’s pretty similar to where Max was at. So in my mind, I think it needs to be addressed in order to move on. As he starting a new relationship, he should be honest about having feelings for Helen while he was married and get that off his plate. I think he’s been carrying the weight of that guilt since season two and it’s time to let it go.
Last but not least there is the Mina and Max scene from the spoilers. I don’t know what to make of this but if Mina is in London and the finale is a full time jump episode with no flashbacks, I don’t see how Mina and Max could have a convo in NYC. If they’re having a conversation, I think it’s going to be in London. That’s just how I see it! I could be dead ass wrong but again this is just my opinion. It could be possible that we might see more than one day take place in this episode. I mean realistically, I don’t see how Helen can listen to his voicemail, send Mina off to school, reconnect with her mama and then fly to NYC and meet up with Max all in the same day. That’s super unrealistic to me! Spoilers don’t give us the full scope of what’s going on. Also, I think it’s a little bit weird for Max and Mina to be having a conversation at night with no prior relationship with each other. So, my guess is whatever conversation they’re having would be after Max and Helen have established themselves as an official couple. Just my two cents. 
As always feel free to reach out with me with any questions you might have and also let me know what cliffhanger you think is in store for them!
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rp-meme-central · 2 years
Stardew Valley - Abigail - sentence starters
1. “I know my _____ mean well, but sometimes they just cannot understand my point of view. Weren’t they ever young?” 
2. “Sorry in advance if I say anything rude. I didn’t get much sleep last night.” 
3. “The birds were happily chirping today. They’re too simple to understand the future. It’s better to be like them, isn’t it?” 
4. “You’re an interesting ______. I’m glad you moved here.” 
5. “I may fight with my _____ a lot, but I know they’re just looking out for me. They’re doing what they think is best.” 
6. “It’s too cold to go outside much, but I do enjoy building a snowgoon.” 
7. “One thing I’ve learned living here: everyone stares at you if you look different.” 
8. “Bummer. _____ says we have to stay on the beach. And I brought my sword and everything.” 
9. “I had an interesting dream last night, with you in it. It was a good dream.” 
10. “Me? Married? I never thought this would happen. We’re going to have a lot of fun together.” 
11. “I’m engaged to a _____. Wow! Our lives are going to be a lot different from now on.” 
12. “Go away! We’re adversaries until the egg hunt is over!” 
13. “I really hate dancing in front of everyone. It’s so embarrassing. _____ makes me do it.” 
14. “But... but I wanted to dance with.... Just kidding! Of course I’m dancing with you. I love you.” 
15. “I’m just debating what I should do today. I’m not used to having this much freedom!” 
16. “The dark... the rain... It gets my excited.” 
17. “The sounds of the night are louder out here. I’ll never stop enjoying that.” 
18. “Maybe I’ll boot up _____ today. One of these days I swear I’ll beat it on my own.” 
19. “I was just gazing out into the windswept woods. I swear I saw something darker than black shifting around the trees.” 
20. “It’s a good night to see a ghost.” 
21. “I felt like making soup for dinner. I hope it’s not too disgusting.” 
22. “I had a dream that _____ will grow up to be a famous monster hunter. I’ve already been thinking about a little armor set.” 
23. “Did you hear that? Sometimes I’m convinced this house is haunted.” 
24. “Hey. I know you’re smart, but I still worry about you sometimes. The world is full of monsters. Just promise me you’ll be careful. I don’t want to lose you.” 
25. “I actually like the cold weather. It just gives me an excuse to get cozy!” 
26. “I guess you’re wondering why I’m in the graveyard at this hour...” 
27. “I’ve lived in _____ my whole life, but I’ve never really done something memorable. I want to go on an adventure!” 
28. “See this? It’s called a spirit board. Have you ever used one?” 
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simoviacourt · 3 years
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Channel 6 studios, outskirts of Zonneminster, late August - roughly three months have passed
*NOTE: this is a VERY long and text-heavy post discussing the current Simovian political situation, consider yourself warned*
Arturo: Good evening to our viewers and of course to our amazing studio audience! Welcome to another evening with The Talk! Tonight we’re going to dive into all the latest news of the week and with me around the table I have our wonderful guests for the night...
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Arturo: (continued) First, let me present to you Anne Kortehof, the controversial yet always impeccably stylish Queen of Simstagram!
Anne: Thank you Arturo, happy to be here tonight!
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Arturo: We also have Simovia’s national pride and the newly minted captain of our national football team… Elmer De Marees! What do you think, will we bring home the world championship this year?
Elmer: We’ve got some tough opponents but the team and I will be giving it our best!
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Arturo: Great to hear, it really has been too long! Then, I’m happy to introduce to you a woman I greatly admire - Iza Laan, the founder of the political think tank “Future Solutions” and the youngest woman to appear on the cover of Money Monthly! Welcome!
Iza: Thanks, Arturo, it’s a pleasure!
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Arturo: And finally, my very good friend and a man whom we all adore - Nandu Talkar!
(huge applause from the audience)
Nandu: Thanks Ar, great to be here, as always! 
Arturo: Now, a little bird told me that you might have some new songs to share with us later tonight…
Nandu: Only if you behave…
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(audience laughs)
Arturo: I’m sure I have no idea what you mean! But, first, let’s dive into this week’s headlines...
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Arturo: (continued) Well, now that the summer is over, our newly elected parliament is in session, with a new prime minister! On Monday Her Royal Majesty officially took Mr Caan’s pledge of fealty and opened the parliament for the year...
(booing from the audience)
Arturo: Ah, it would seem that not everyone has much love for the Prime Minister..
Anne: Or they don’t see why a man should have to kneel in front of a useless woman…
Nandu: Oh wow, are we even five minutes in?
Iza: Well, I think that’s the last time we will see that man kneeling in front of anyone. 
Arturo: Not a fan of Mr Caan’s, Iza?
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Iza: Not exactly, no, though I know Anne here adores the man. 
Anne: Me and half the country.
Iza: Which still seems ludicrous to me. But, populists will always have their appeal, I suppose. 
Anne: If by populist you mean that he isn’t afraid to go against the mainstream and say things as they are, then yeah, there’s definitely an appeal. Finally we have a prime minister who won’t play the same old political games that all the others have. Someone who will put Simovian interests first. 
Iza: And what does that even mean? He’d close our borders and end all international collaboration...
Anne: Which brought us to war once already and how well did that work out for us.
(cheers from the audience)
Iza: International collaboration also has created thousands of new jobs and there are countless businesses that rely on the good relations that the Queen works hard to foster. 
Anne: Ah yes, you’re one of those!
Iza: I beg your pardon?
Anne: Monarchists… you lot always -- 
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Arturo: Hey hey loving the exchange of views but let’s keep it civil!
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Elmer: This is exactly why I avoid these conversations.
Nandu: You and me both…
Iza: Easy for you both, with all respect. De Marees, doesn’t your grandfather sit in the House of Lords? 
Elmer: Yes, but…
Anne: The elite couldn't care less about the dealings of this country as long as they’re comfortable. 
Nandu: (laughs) Ha, that’s the first time someone has ever counted me among the elite! 
Anne: Well you mingle with them often enough… aren’t you friends with the Queen? 
Nandu: I’ve even never had the pleasure to meet Her Royal Majesty. 
Anne: Well, Prince Andrew then?
Nandu: I have met His Royal Highness and attended events with him, yes… but whether we’re friends, hard to say. He’s a nice guy, though, excellent company. But that doesn’t make me one of this “elite” you keep mentioning on your socials. I’ve worked hard to get where I am today. 
Iza: Yet your current position allows you to claim this apolitical stance.
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Nandu: Just because I don’t like talking about politics doesn’t mean I don’t care or vote, for that matter. I’m not clueless. My family still can’t vote in this country and though I was born here and grew up here, I doubt Mr Caan and his party would consider me Simovian. 
Anne: That’s not true, he has nothing against new Simovians. 
Nandu: As opposed to what? The old Simovians? How many generations does it take to belong to that group?
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Iza: And that’s just one of the reasons that I’m not a fan of Mr Caan, as you put it Arturo. His rhetoric is divisive at best and blatantly xenophobic at worst. And now he is the prime minister. I’m actually not a monarchist, there are so many things wrong with the institution but it’s times like these that I’m happy that we have a Queen who can push back on what he’d otherwise do to our country. 
Anne: Have you ever actually talked to him or attended one of his seminars? He has great plans for Simovia! I know that the media loves to paint him as this xenophobic loudmouth but he’s actually a really lovely man. He’s well educated but he doesn’t hide in his ivory tower. He knows that the people want freedom and he’s willing to give it to them.
Iza: You can’t be serious… freedom to what? Starve and end up on the street with no healthcare? I’ve read through his plans, they’re now out there on the government’s website and what I see is...
Anne: He just wants to encourage people to make the best choices in their own lives. Being controlled by some big political machine won’t let people do that. If you just opened your eyes, I’m sure you could see that.
Iza: I… Arturo please can we move on? Seriously... I can’t believe that I’m forced to debate politics with someone who clearly has no understanding of how society functions. 
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Arturo: Now Iza, she does have a right to her opinion… but, it is about time we moved on. After the break, more engagement rumours between Her Royal Majesty the Queen and His Grace the Landgraaf van Hoensbroek...
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blazedbakugou · 3 years
the epicenter of beauty and chaos
In which Itadori spends the day exploring the city with you and creating unforgettable memories along the way.
a/n: been thinking about him a lot lately if you haven’t already noticed
genre: fluff
warnings: food, somewhat reckless behavior, aged up characters
word count: 2.2k+
pairing: itadori yuji x gn!reader
fever - dua lipa & angéle
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No one ever knows what to do while waiting for your turn to cross at a crosswalk. It’s the awkward fumbling of the Notification Center on your phone, the constant tapping of the crosswalk button as if pressing it more than once would speed up the process, the burning hot stares of people in their cars as they watch you cross in front of them, almost as if they were rushing you. No one knows what to do at that moment but Itadori was sure that grabbing a stranger’s hair was most certainly not the right choice.
“I like your hair! Looks like cotton candy!” You smiled, reaching up to fluff up his hair.
“Uh…” Itadori looked over at the stranger beside him in confusion, and oh, wow you were really pretty, “thanks?”
He tried to walk faster, attempting to get away from you since your sudden introduction had startled him a fair bit. Apparently, you hadn’t gotten the hint that he wasn’t interested in engaging with you any further as you rushed to catch up to him anyway.
“So… what’re ya up to today? Got any plans, sweets?” You inquired, skipping happily beside him.
Sweets? He’d never met you before in his life and you were already giving nicknames? You were proving to be more bizarre than he’d initially thought.
“Nope.” Itadori sighed, looking onward.
“Great! Me either, so what do ya say me and you go check out Old Sam’s shop around the corner? Been craving one of his burgers for weeks.”
“Don’t know what shop you’re referring to, I’m not from here.” Itadori winced as soon as he’d let that bit of information slip, admitting to being new in town to a possibly crazy stranger was most definitely not a smart move.
“Oh? Well, consider me to show you around!” You grabbed his hand, “oh but first! We need to capture the moment.”
You fished out an instant camera from your bag, halting to an abrupt stop in the middle of the busy crosswalk much to the annoyance of the crowd around you. Itadori looked over at you with a puzzled expression, slightly mortified by your recklessness.
“Say cheese!” You grinned as you held up the camera in front of the both of you, snapping a picture and waiting for the film to develop.
“I really should get going…” Itadori said, shaking his hand out of your grasp and walking in the opposite direction from you once he reached the sidewalk.
You looked at the picture in your hand, laughing at his confused expression before pouting and rushing to catch up to him, “Hey! Wait up, don’t just go walking off on me.”
“I don’t even know you.”
“Well, in that case, allow me to introduce myself. I’m Y/n, the best tour guide you’ll ever meet! And you are?” You trailed off.
Itadori hated himself for thinking that your name was a pretty one. It made sense for you to have such a unique name, it suited you.
“Itadori…” he begrudgingly huffed, slowing down in resignation.
You smiled, “Nice to meet ya, Itadori. Whaddya say you and I grab a bite before taking on the city? We’re gonna need plenty of fuel if we plan on exploring around.”
“You sure are friendly, almost too friendly. How can I trust you’re not planning on kidnapping me or anything?” Itadori squinted at you.
“If I were a kidnapper do you really think I’d go for somebody with bright pink hair?” You countered, walking up to open the door to Old Sam’s.
“I guess you have a point… but I still don’t understand why you’re so eager to show me around. Don’t you have anything better to do?” He followed you inside, stomach grumbling at the sizzle of burger patties cooking in the kitchen.
“Nope. I like to keep my schedule open in case something fun like this pops up.” You plopped down into one of the empty booths, Itadori hesitantly sitting across from you.
“So you show strangers around town often?” He questioned. Maybe you weren’t lying when you said you were a tour guide— was he getting scammed?
“Only the cute ones.” You winked, grinning at the blush that spread onto the pink-haired boy's face.
Itadori hid his face behind the paper menu, “Let’s just hurry up and order.”
“Sure thing, sweets.” You hummed.
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*    *:・゚✧*:・゚✧
In the past two hours that Itadori had spent running around town with you, the sun had begun to set, impulsive decisions had been made, and a beautiful bond had been formed. As against it as Itadori initially was, he soon found himself enjoying your company even if he thought you were slightly annoying at first. It was odd how drawn to you he was, he hadn’t known you for more than a few hours and yet you managed to make those few hours one of the most enjoyable experiences he’d ever had.
Your hand fit comfortably in his as you dragged him down the boardwalk, a half-eaten cone of pink cotton candy in your free hand. Your eyes trailed from the sugary snack in your hand to the hair on Itadori’s head, a genius idea sparking in your brain.
“Quick! Go stand over there, I wanna take a picture of you.” You motioned over to the wooden railing of the boardwalk.
Itadori did as he was told, although he was slightly confused. He leaned his arms against the rail with his back facing the ocean, his hair matching the pink hues in the sky, and his yellow shirt contrasting the blue water behind him. He popped his lollipop into his mouth, the blue sugar lightly staining his lips.
“Well? Aren’t you going to take my picture?” He tilted his head back with a small smirk.
You rolled your eyes at his smug expression before snapping the picture. He walked over to you to see how the picture came out, a proud smile appearing on his face after deeming the picture good by his standards.
“Great, I’m a model. Now what?” Itadori shifted his weight onto one leg.
“Ooh! I know! Let’s go take some pictures!” You exclaimed, running over to the photo booth only a few meters away.
Itadori struggled to keep up, nearly tripping over his feet as you dragged him along, “You gotta stop doing that!”
“Yeah, yeah, now hush and get in.” You rolled your eyes, holding the curtain open for him as you waited inside.
Itadori sat down beside you, unsure whether he should scoot over or stay in the awkward position of having one leg out of the booth. He didn’t want to sit too close to you in fear of making things awkward though he was beginning to debate whether there was anything he could do that you wouldn’t be okay with. You seemed to be very carefree, or at least according to his observations.
You tugged his arm closer, “Oh, come on! I don’t bite, now scoot closer.”
“Okay, jeez.”
A total of four pictures had been taken in the next two minutes, one with a serious pose, one with the two of you wearing your matching sunglasses which you bought from some random street vendor, one with a funny pose, and the final picture, your personal favorite, a picture of you catching Itadori by surprise with a kiss on the cheek. You paid for two printouts before exiting the booth and moving on to find the next activity to do.
“How’s the Ferris wheel sound? Bet the view from up there would be incredible at this time of day.” You commented, motioning towards the nearly set sun.
Itadori looked over at the sun’s reflection over the water and frowned, he didn’t want the day to end, he was having so much fun with you. He wasn’t even sure if he’d ever see you again, which was why he was hoping to drag this out for as long as he possibly could.
“What’s the matter? Don’t like heights?” You munched on the last of your cotton candy before throwing the paper cone into a nearby trash bin.
“Nothing… let’s get on before we miss the sunset.” He smiled.
You nodded and got in line for the ride, letting Itadori hand the worker your tickets before getting into one of the ride’s capsules. Itadori took a seat beside you, thanking the worker as they shut the door and started the ride. You sat in silence for only a moment, letting the cool evening breeze chill your skin before Itadori spoke up.
“Uh… thank you.”
“Hm?” You looked over at him.
Itadori looked out towards the ocean, suddenly entranced by the deep shade of blue, “I’m just saying thank you for spending the day with me. I had fun today… but don’t think you can use this as an excuse to go making a big deal out of it.”
You reached out and gently tilted his head to face you, “I had fun too, more than I have in a long time.”
Itadori blushed at how close you were, the light bulbs on the edges of the ride’s capsule illuminating your frame beautifully. He cautiously placed a hand on your thigh, the other coming up to cup your cheek as he glanced down at your lips. You inched forward ever so slightly and that was all Itadori needed before mustering up the courage to lean in and kiss you. He sighed against your lips, the sugary remnants of your cotton candy lingering on your tongue. The kiss lasted for what Itadori could only describe as “the shortest eternity ever”, it had ended far too soon for his liking.
He leaned his forehead against yours, puffy lips molded into a goofy grin, “Will I get to see you again?”
“If you make an effort to search for me, then yes.” You replied with a smile. Itadori wasn’t entirely sure what you meant by that but he stayed silent in favor of not ruining the moment.
“I can do that.” He breathed out, leaning into his seat.
The ride had ended sooner than he had expected and before he knew it, you were already walking him to the local bus stop. Itadori knew that he had no reason to have gotten so attached to a stranger he’d only just met early that day, and yet he still found it difficult to part ways. The bus would arrive in a few minutes and he would have to go home with the uncertainty of ever seeing you again.
“Guess this is it, huh?” Itadori scratched the back of his head as he leaned against the bus stop pole.
“Looks like it.” You frowned.
“I know I already said this but I just wanted to thank you one more time for showing me around. You didn’t have to go out of your way to do that but you took a chance with me… and I’m glad you did.”
“Of course, though I must say… you sure have a certain level of crazy in you too for trusting a stranger as reckless as me. Maybe it’s why we work so well together.” You shrugged.
Itadori’s heart sunk as the bus came to a halt behind him, “Yeah, maybe.”
“Oh! Before you go, I have something to give you, think of it as something to remember me by.” You handed him the pictures you’d taken of him and a crumpled piece of paper.
“Thanks but I think you accidentally handed me some garbage?” He pointed at the crumpled piece of paper in his hand.
You smacked his arm, “That’s not trash you, idiot, just look at it when you get the chance.”
“Ow!” Itadori shoved everything into his pocket before rubbing at his arm, “I will— no need to get aggressive.”
“Better hurry up before your bus leaves you.” You nodded at the passengers getting onto the bus.
Itadori chewed on the inside of his cheek before nodding, “Right. Look, if I don’t see you again-”
“You will.”
“Let me finish!” He groaned, “If I don’t see you again then I want you to take care, okay? Seriously.”
You stepped forward to hug him, “Okay. Now go! You’re seriously gonna miss the bus.”
“Bye!” Itadori called out before scrambling onto the bus.
He watched you from the window beside his seat, waving as the bus took off. Itadori let out a deep sigh, leaning against the cold glass as he watched the city lights appear and disappear from view. After a few minutes had gone by, Itadori decided now would be a good time to look at the paper you’d given him. He fished it out of his pocket, uncrumpling it and holding it up to read it, “see ya around, sweets! xx” was scribbled on the back of the receipt from Old Sam’s. Sure, he appreciated the cute note but how was he expected to find you when you hadn’t even left your phone number? Were you joking when you said you planned on meeting him again?
Itadori quickly wiped away those negative thoughts— surely if you hadn’t intended on seeing him again then you wouldn’t have spent the entire day with him. He believed you were a genuine person and decided that he would just have to believe in the fact that you’d stay true to your word. Itadori felt this odd sense of dizziness but in a good way. It felt like his entire body was buzzing with this energy and tingling with joy— the after-effects of meeting and quite possibly falling in love with the most beautiful and chaotic tour guide he’d ever met.
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masterlist // taglist open // requests open
@combat-wombatus @sunflowersuki
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just2bubbly · 3 years
Imagine Angsty Kaider about breakup their relationship bc E.C not accept Cinder as empress, i need that.,,,
Well anon firstly 'Thank You!' for sending the ask, I definitely enjoyed writing it- I might have also grown attached to seeing it in my ask box but it's about time I replied to this, I know I took forever but you had popped up the request when I had already written 'Sometimes Love Stays' and I wanted to write in a new light so I too a long time, but here it is without further ado!
Love Hurts, Love Heals!
Ship: Kaider
Words: 3k
Genre: Angst
A/N: Italics present in the further part of story is a flashback.
Cinder's Perspective:
"Kai! What were you thinking?" she barked.
"Your Majesty, are you hurt?" Torin enquired.
"How many times do I have to tell you not to call me Your- "
"Gosh, Kai stop making shitty excuses!"
"It's nothing really, you both don't have to fuss over me."
"You don't get to tell us that after pulling that stunt!" she exclaimed.
"I did not know those people would backlash like that. Besides, I can't stay hidden in the palace forever!" he reasoned to his furious fiancee.
"Don't you go logistics on me right now. Get cleaned up I will bring the first aid box- Torin keep an eye on him for me!" she ordered.
"Sure You- Cinder." He replied breaking out of his habit to call her 'Your Majesty'.
As she left the room, they both exhaled, Kai, laid on the sofa and seemed to flinch as his arm hit the soft cotton inside.
"Kaito, you really should not have done it," he said preparing himself to give the young reckless and selfless Emperor quite an earful.
"Not you too, Torin!" he groaned.
"Why would you go out knowing that there is a public backlash over the prospect of you marrying Cinder- any person in their right mind would avoid a public event like the one you held- that too without prior notice to your own advisor! Why would you put yourself in a position of danger like that??"
"I can't hide forever just because I'm marrying Cinder, can I now Torin?"
"You can't- but you can choose to wait for things to calm down first. Honestly, I wasn't expecting such an extent of backlash over the prospect of your marriage."
"Same, I thought it would die down in a week or two, it's been going for months now with no signs of peace out and now I'm really doubting of what will really happen at the wedding. I'm afraid things are not going to turn out as I wanted them," he said, rubbing his forehead that was injured and looked red with the young man's dried blood.
"You should wash up Kai- at least before Cinder comes back, she is really worried."
He nodded grimly and asked, "Do- do you think- er, wonder if-"
"If the wedding would have to be called off?" Torin provided.
"Yes... I'm doubtful of what the future holds for us."
"Kai, whatever happens, happens for good and only good will happen with you both. Don't stress yourself over that," he urged.
Kai smiled bitterly and said, "The past doesn't seem to agree with that. "
They both shared a choking silence- one which reflected upon the uncertain and bleak future of the Emperor and his fiancee.
"She is going to be a handful today."
"I know."
"She was scared for you Kai, from what I know of her she will shut herself out rather than hurt you. I'm afraid she might be walking on eggshells right now."
"She is not sleeping well- we both are on the edge for a while now. The worst of her expectations are coming true," he confessed.
The shut of the door was enough indication of Cinder's arrival.
"Why haven't you cleaned yourself yet, Kai? Shoo, now- Torin thank you for looking after him. I hope you have yelled at him for his mistakes."
Torin grinned at her and said, "I will leave you to that, I just merely helped it start."
Looking at the sofa where Kai had been recently sitting she said, "We have avoided it too much- I'm just going to get over it for once and all."
"Don't give him a hard tonight," he requested.
"What are you two conjuring up behind my back?"
"How to kill you before you do it yourself," she criticised, saying that she was cross with him would be an understated lie.
"I will take your leave - don't want to be stuck in between the crossfire. Take care, Kai and Cinder, take it slow!"
"Good night Torin- thank you for today."
"Night Torin and sorry about it."
And as Torin left the room only for the remaining two to confront their problems- that they had been avoiding to talk about as long as possible.
"I'm sorry, Cinder."
"I don't care," she said and walked towards the plush green sofa.
"Come here," she required and Kai followed in her footsteps.
As she drew his hair back with her metal hand to analyse the damage, the cool metal helped ease the dreaded feeling he felt about the issue at hand.
"Where all are you hurt?"
"Besides the injury on the head, I have a small scratch on the elbow and I might have also sprained my leg in the hurry," he told.
She exhaled sharply and asked, "Why did you go?"
"Uh- I had postponed my meet with factory owners for a long time now and well, the common people learned about my arrivals and a mob was present when I reached- I could not control the situation so-"
"Stop underselling yourself- you could not have done anything before an angry crowd. Nothing! However, you should have at least told me or Torin about it. Torin- he has to know- he is your advisor!" she yelled, calmly if that was possible, her voice quiet and slow but a note higher than usual. It was a tone that would scare the listener and make him feel guilty.
"You would have denied me from going- it was necessary! After the announcement of the engagement, things are stagnant among the aristocrats- quite tense for a while."
"Are you blaming it on us now?"
"I never said that!" he retorted.
"You implied it."
"Can we not have this conversation tonight?"
"How long before you agree that we have to talk about the problems our engagement has caused?"
"It has not caused any problems, Cinder-"
"Keep telling yourself that."
"I have reached a point where I neglect my problems until it loses the essence."
"It's not going to work this time- not with us in question."
"Not today, Cinder," he requested.
"C'mon Kai- we need to-"
"Please," he said pleading with his eyes for her to let go of this topic.
"Fine but we are not talking about it first thing tomorrow," she declared.
They turned silent as Cinder looked at his wounds- applying antiseptic that stung slightly but he didn't complain.
"Remove your coat so I can check your arm."
"Uh- Cinder you might have to help me out-I'm unable to fold my elbow due to the stinging sensation."
She helped him out the coat and rolled up the sleeves of his dress to get a clear view of the cut. He hissed when her hand met near his elbow.
And as she discarded his suit, dropping it on the floor and looked at her fiancee's arm, she gasped, "Kai."
"Ahh..," he cried through gritted teeth. It was a patch of a red and blue bruise along with a pinkish tissue scar and blood dried around it. The injury was by no way minimal.
"We are going to the medical wing now!" she exclaimed and tugged at his non-injured hand.
"Cinder it is 2 in the morning- I don't want to bother anyone."
"There is always someone in the medical wing who is awake to look after the Emperor if the need comes so ever!" He was truly testing her patience- was he always like this?
"I'm not going."
"Why can't you and I agree on something for once?"
"You are being adamant."
"I am but aren't you being reckless?"
"I have to run a nation."
"Exactly what I'm talking about. Running a country requires sacrifices, Kai- I know it."
"I'm not doing it."
"Why can't you just discuss the problem?"
"You promised we would not talk about it today."
"Let's not destroy our future over something as frivolous as love, Kai!"
"Fuck, Cinder but we are not 18 anymore to call it trivial- we are engaged."
"People call off their wedding all the time, Kai. Why make it a big deal?!"
"It's because I want to marry you. I'm the Emperor, I make the laws here and I want to marry the person I love. Ain't that acceptable terms to you or the citizens?" he yelled, loudly in her face.
"Kai aren't you understanding?! Y-you almost fainted because you are marrying me!!"
"It was a stone Cinder, NOT a bullet-"
"Are you waiting for a bullet to call off your wedding then?!"
"Are you so desperate to not marry me?"
"Yes," she said not thinking her words through and soon realizing the mistake she had committed. Hurriedly, she responded, "Kai I didn't mean it I'm-"
"Why say yes if you were so against the notion of marrying me then!" "I- it came out wrong. I just don't know what to do. My heart wants to marry you- my conscience tells me to disappear for the remaining of my life so I won't hurt you anymore."
"You are hurting me anyways, Cinder."
"I'm sorry, Kai," she murmured and sat in silence, her head hung low from embarrassment. The sudden silence followed by a lot of loud pitched yelling felt too harsh.
"I'm so sorry, Kai but-"
"Don't apologize and leave like you don't love me- just wait, hold on for me, for us. Stay with me. Don't leave me, please!" he said his voice wavering in the end. He was trying not to cry- he looked so vulnerable at that moment. Halting her inner turmoil and internal debate of convincing Kai to let her go, she enveloped him in a hug- a tight embrace to comfort him before a final blow. She drew circles on his back, it helped to calm him down while she prepared an argument.
"You have to understand, Kai," she said at last when he had calmed down. He sniffed for a minute before looking straight into her eyes- his chocolate brown eyes daring her to defy him.
"Promise me."
"I won't."
"Marry me."
"Kai, why don't you understand- what's the point of love that hurts more than it heals?"
"Our love is not hurting me."
"Then I am," she said sighing and looking away to the electronic portrait kept of them. Unlike their present, they looked so happy.
"I think we should let go."
"I'm going to pretend that I didn't hear that."
"Kai," she breathed with a heavy heart and a painful head. At least one of them could cry their heart out. This was being more difficult than she had expected. She held his hand and calmly looked at their intertwined fingers, she looked at the matching bands they were wearing- a gold ring with two diamonds and their respective birthstones in the centre. A carving of wire cutters on the underside. She was going to miss wearing the ring, she was going to miss him.
"Sometimes love doesn't mean two people living under the same roof, it doesn't mean them getting married- I think we are that kind of people. We don't need a ring to prove our love. So let's not bind ourselves to the norms of society. We almost had it, Kai, that's what matters. We have come so far. Thank you for loving me, Kai!"
"I'm not calling off the wedding. No matter what you say, what I have to go through - I'm not going to do it. I know what I signed up for when I asked you to marry me. You know what you agreed to when you said 'yes, we expected this all along- I don't want to run from the first sign of danger."
There was no use convincing him so she left- she might as well catch up sleep before her meeting at 7 in the morning.
The silence stretched between them- there was no distance between but the gap that their love was feeling right now was immense- it divided them like the river divided two adjoining lands, a full stop dividing a sentence, like an axe chopping off the branches of the same trees. They were Kai and Cinder. They were two intertwined lives, separated by the same fate, separated by the same prejudice, the same stigma.
Lunars, Cyborgs and Earthens, just the boundaries created by the human mind. Weren't they all humans, living because of the same oxygen, dying because their hearts stopped, surviving as a society, hating each other as a society. That's what humans are best at- hating each other, never trying to stand united but pretending as they do. Cinder was angry- a burning passion of fury in her heart to the wretched people who had hurt Kai, who were protesting against their marriage, who had been the cause of all her problems for a while.
"Send the witch back-"
"Lunars don't deserve to-"
"She is controlling the Emperor-".
Those were the very words that had been spoken by the crowd of people while Kai was away- that was the tiny part she had heard before Torin had closed his device.
"I'm really sorry Cinder for what you are suffering. I can't believe they are protesting against you after all that you have done-"
"It's okay Torin, it's not like I can wipe out prejudices overnight. Is Kai okay?"
"The guards say that he is slightly injured but other than that he is safe."
"You sure he did not tell you before going?"
"He did not. I'm sure he had a reason but I have no idea for why he left before informing."
Kai did not join her for a long time. There were sounds- tearing the bandages, hissing at various times, clearing the mess left behind, dropping stuff, the noise of flowing water. She felt sorry to give him a hard time while he was suffering but he wasn't understanding the prejudice people had in their minds and hearts for cyborgs, irrespective of if they were marrying the Emperor or not. They did not care whether the Emperor loved them or not. He was destroying his future, his public image for her.
Swiftly she felt the mattress dip when Kai sat on the very corner, hunched on the foot of the bed trying to get a hold of his emotions. No one said anything.
"Cinder," he called.
"Hmm.." she replied.
"I'm sorry."
"I'm tired, Kai."
"Please Cinder- don't go."
"What's the use in waiting Kai?"
"We deserve happiness Cinder, believe me- please!"
"I want it too but-"
"No buts Cinder."
"I don't know, I'm so tired of all the shit we are going through. I want a break, just a minute to breathe."
"You don't have to leave for that."
"I can't do it by staying here as well."
She looked at him, his hair was dishevelled and wet from the recent shower. He had changed into his pyjamas. His body looked fresh but his face showed concern. She cast a glance at his elbow- the bandages were sloppy but they would hold for a night - at least until she took him to see Dr Chang herself.
"I'm afraid Kai- I just don't want to become an example of right people wrong time. We are both being two ahead of our times is what I'm feeling. I'm not sure I can handle this for the rest of my life," she confessed what had been eating her mind for a whole lot of days.
"You love me?"
"Obviously, I do."
"I love you."
"I know."
"That's the only thing that matters."
"It's not Kai- you don't want protests because of our wedding. I don't want headaches because of it. I don't even know what I want right now- a good night sleep, some calm, being a human, you- the list is so long and I have not achieved any of it," she rambled.
"Look at me, Cinder," he said, lifting her chin up to look into her eyes, "- we are going to make it. Even with all the troubles, we are going to be together."
"You don't say things that are not in your hands, Kai."
"I know- but I know you will be my wife, the love of life and my partner for the remaining of my days and no one's going to change it. Trust me on this one."
"I want to."
"Then do it- no one's stopping you, just hold my hand and I will be there for you through thick and thin, through pain and misery and joy and love- I will be there to rub your shoulders after a busy day, I will stay beside you when the world leaders keep complaining on a boring day, I will be there to make you breakfast on Sundays and to bring you to bed when you stay out late in the palace garage. I want to just be there for you. Allow me to do that."
She breathed his smell- fresh sheets, cedar and sharp mint, she remembered how she joked he smelled like 'freshness in a person'.
It would be easier to leave him than to be with him- the hardships, the guilt and the regret that would come with leaving him alone would be impossible to deal with. Even if she goes through all the trouble to keep it away from him, to keep herself away from him, she might wake up one day thinking that if she had only been a little more strong enough to hold on for them- she would have been married to him, she would be the one who knew the cause behind all his laugh lines and she would be the one to make him laugh on a bad day. She could be the one- that she could have been that person if she had just tried instead of letting go, and that thought was what made a difference. However, there would be no point fantasizing 10 years from now when the time to do the right thing had already slipped from her hands.
"I won't leave, Kai. I promise."
A sigh of relief, followed by a bone-breaking hug and some sniffling and weeping along the way and murmured 'thank yous' and 'I love yous' was all that they required.
Love hurts, love heals but the most important thing is staying in love. Forever and Always, that's what it needs. In the end, some people are worth the pain, they are worth the fighting you have to do for them.
A/N: We are done! I couldn't help myself- I just love to bring Torin in each and every fic I write, tbh he deserves more representation so sorry not sorry! ;)
It was angst with an happy ending so I guess I fulfill @cinderswrench latest wish as well!
I think it would be good to say that I don't have any angst lined up for a while unless you all are kind enough to make some angsty requests!!
Thanks for reading! and for the readers who read on WP I have not published there yet!
Tagging: @cinderswrench @gingerale2017 @shellyseashell @shelbylmkaider @kaider-is-my-otp @linhcinder686 @kaiderforever (Tell me if you wanted to be added/ removed!)
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