#I would stare at his hair throughout math class
lukasagitta · 1 year
Too many anime boys had excellent hair and that’s why I didn’t find out that I was gay sooner
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r3ynah · 4 months
Extended Family
An Au where, Maddie is Damian and Danyal, Biological mother besides Talia, Basically Talia and Maddie(+Jack) both grew up in LOA and were very best friends(lovers?? at some point including Jack). Talia wanted a natural birth for her son, as she was not really fond of the idea of a test tube baby. so she asked Maddie a favour to become a surrogate. which Maddie happily accepted. because of her experience with Jazz and Danyal's birth, Talia was sure Maddie can give birth to her son safely.
This was approved by Ra's Because he deemed Maddie as someone that could be trusted due to her becoming one of the most strongest and smart assassins in the LOA(He was fond of her, like really really fond.) So he accepted his daughter proposal for Maddie to become the surrogate.
And then Damian was born, Jazz and Danny basically loved Damian and would not go anywhere but the baby's side. Jack loved taking care of Damian due to Maddie and Talia not knowing how to take care of a baby with physical affection.(basically house husband behavior,).
As the kids grew they become closer through the years until you know, it wasn't safe for them in the LOA anymore so they helped Damian escape first to his Bio dad's place(They did let him pick though, if he wanted to stay with the fenton-nightangles or go to Bruce, he chose the latter because if something happened to them he'll have connections.) and then Maddie and Jack escaped with their children in a random town named Amity park. which turns out was a hotspot for Lazarus pits or Ectoplasm. (They decided to change the name cause everytime Jack hears the word pits he started laughing).
The children of course never severed their communication throughout the years. And Bruce never asked about his life at the LOA so he never introduced his half siblings.
Damian hated his older brother, Danyal with all his might. if you asked him to choose between his Half-sister Jazz or Danyal. He'll choose Jazz in a heartbeat.
He hated him, because of his foolishness and absolute neglect of his surroundings, making him a easy prey amongst people who wants to take advantage of him. He disliked Danyal's poor choices in life especially now.
The youngest wayne stood in the middle of one of the many hallways of his highschool as he stared at a certain, black haired and blue eyed girl, who was waving at him ecstatically, he contemplated if he should fight the girl head on or just run and escape.
Obviously in this situation he would pick the most desirable option to make sure his day wasn't ruined by his older brother, so he picked the latter. Damian dashed through the hallways, making sure to lose the girl before the third period started. He slowed down as he looked warily at his surroundings his back against the storage room incase he needed a hiding place from that test tube spawn.
When suddenly a pair of arms phased through the door embracing Damian as he tried to escape.
The girl giggled as she kept her hold on the older boy who tried to get her off him. "Hi uncle Damian!"
she greeted as she finally let go making space for the boy to take a step back.
"Danielle. Why are you here, Did Danyal send you to pester me?" He glared at his niece, as he kept his guard up.
"Kind of, mama sent me here to check up on you." She explained "You kinda went MIA when you stopped answering his texts and calls."
"This is absurd, I can take care of myself. him thinking something happened to me for not answering his calls is offending, I am not like him." Damian stated as he finally lowered his guard. And started to walk away expecting for Elle to follow to which she did.
"Eh.. You know him, His just paranoid he always is" Elle exclaimed as she looked at her schedule. "What's your next class Uncle?"
"Ooh Yey! We're classmates, let's sit together!"
A groan left Damian as Elle chuckled and continued to look at her class schedule beside him, Peaceful quietness welcomed the two as they walked to their shared class.
"Do you have a apartment nearby?" Damian asked as he stood up from his table waiting for Elle as she packed her notebooks, only filled with doodles from both party.
"Nope, Mama requested that we move here for easier transport but i didn't wanna bother with all the moving stuff." Elle explained as she finished tidying up. "Beside I can just fly back and forth, what's the use of my powers if I can't abuse em."
"Your logic is as worse as Danyal." Damian exclaimed as they both headed out the door. "Follow along. you'll be staying at my manor this week."
"Why?" Elle asked suspiciously
"Because, It is a tiring job to use your flight ability for something so stupid." The boy explained.
"Is that really all?"
"Ofcourse not, As your uncle it's my job to keep you energized and unbothered, But as your mother's brother its my duty to annoy him for thinking i was in danger. so I'm basically taking you hostage at the manor." Damian grinned, as he took his niece's hand to make sure she doesn't get lost through the maze of hallways
"So basically kidnapping? I'm in."
"Master Damian, welcome home." Alfred greeted as he opened the front door. "And who might you be?"
"Hello Alfred, This is Danielle your Great-granddaughter." Damian said, making Alfred raise his eyebrows slightly before returning to his relaxed state.
"Well, nice to meet you Lady Danielle" Alfred greeted with a smile, as he shook her hand.
"Please call me Elle, Alfred" Elle brightly smiled
"Very well then Lady Elle." Alfred chuckled.
"Is father home yet?" Damian asked
"No not yet master Damian, you two may go to the living room as I prepare the guest room for Lady Elle." Alfred exclaimed as he headed to the kitchen to finish what he was doing.
Elle looked at Damian, Damian looked at Elle.
"I can feel my phone vibrating from my bag." She laughed. Her mother Danny was certainly going to be sad that his little brother kidnapped his daughter for a Uncle and niece Hangout.
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mouschiwrites · 6 months
Heyy I love yourrr writing soo muchhh and I wanted to ask if you could write a Kyle x y/n like the first moment when Kyle is going to have a crush on her 😍I would love that !!
I’m very glad you like my writing!! Here you go!
Word count: 682
South Park - Kyle Falls for You
You were totally lost. The numbers on the whiteboard might as well have been in another language; you couldn’t make anything of them, despite your valiant efforts to follow along throughout the entire class period.
You sighed, slumping forward in defeat. You rested your head on your palm, tilting it slightly to the side as you eased into the pose.
Your eyes landed on the paper next to your own. You idly watched the pencil scribble numbers down rapidly, circling one number in particular.
The teacher loudly announced the answer. It was the same number that your neighbor had circled on the page.
In a burst of shock (and perhaps a little frustration) you exclaimed:
“How did you do that?!”
You felt your cheeks turn pink. Luckily it wasn’t loud enough for the whole class to hear, but unfortunately it was loud enough to reach this brainiac’s ears.
To your surprise, he started talking back. “Oh, I just used the formula. You find the a and the b by looking at the dimensions of the shape…”
Quickly blinking away your initial shock, you followed along with his explanation. It actually made more sense than anything the teacher had been saying for the past hour, and, trying it yourself, you were able to get the same answer!
“Ha!” You beamed at your page. Then you turned your smile to your benefactor. “Thanks!”
He barely even looked at you. He just bobbed his head in acknowledgement, returning to his own work. You were too happy to interpret this as rudeness, so you went to your own work gratefully.
Kyle twisted the lock on his locker, carefully inputting the combination to unlock it. But the second he removed the lock, the door flew open on its own, papers and textbooks spilling everywhere. It had entirely emptied out onto the linoleum floor of the hallway; the only thing remaining inside was a rather large coat. Kyle knew that coat.
“Cartman..!” He fumed, slamming the locker door shut with force.
He was already almost late to class; the hallways were practically empty. He threw the coat as far as his arms would let him before stooping down to attempt to gather his things.
He was surprised to see the majority of them already gathered in a pair of hands that seemed vaguely familiar. He followed the arms to a face that, again, gave him a strange sense of recognition.
The hands jutted out, offering the stack of pages and books to him. He reluctantly accepted them.
“Thanks,” he said slowly, dividing his attention between this person and his locker as he stowed the supplies.
Their face wasn’t unpleasant to look at. No, not at all. With e/c eyes and h/c hair, Kyle might’ve actually said that this person was… attractive.
Ultimately, it was their smile that did it. “That’s for helping me in math today,” they jested with a twinkle in their eye.
Kyle stared dumbly. So that’s where he’d seen them before! He wondered why he hadn’t noticed them then; they were certainly more eye-catching than anyone else at school, now that he was looking at them.
A little laugh filled his ears. Oh no. His heart officially melted.
“Uh, we should probably get to class now.”
“C… class. Right.”
They cocked an eyebrow. “Yeah… class.” With an amused smile, they shut his locker for him and turned around, hurrying away to their own class.
With a sinking feeling, Kyle realized he was about to miss an important chance. “Wait! What’s your name?”
They turned their head just enough to call over their shoulder.
“Y/n,” he repeated quietly to himself. “I’m Kyle!”
He watched them disappear around a corner. His eyes flicked to Cartman’s coat on the ground. Maybe he wouldn’t have to throttle him after all…
His heart was hammering, and he was certain that his cheeks were darker than their usual tone. He didn’t mind, though. Just to have met this wonderful person… it was worth all of it.
The bell rang.
On second thought, Cartman was dead meat.
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Thank you for your request! And thank you for reading, take care you sweethearts <33
(divider by saradika)
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user2772636 · 2 months
Mr. Beauty and Brains
A chicken shop date
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An interview with a famous philosophy professor who gained fame from being one of the youngest in his field and being an attractive one, too. Is an interview for a first date too much?
Professor!Joseph Descamps x Interviewer!Reader
Warnings: None, just fluff
Yes, this is in direct reference to Amelia Dimoldenberg's Chicken Shop Date.
Joseph Descamps was just a normal philosophy professor. He taught at an English university, a bit far from home, but it pays well.
Emphasis on was.
When one of his students posts a video of him with the caption, "When your philosophy teacher is your age," he goes from living a normal life to worldwide news.
Everyone commented on his young age, yes, but they mostly comment on how good-looking he was. Back in France, he wasn't really considered good-looking. More so "mid-looking." He guesses it's him growing out his hair.
So, maybe, just maybe, when you were scrolling through your news feed and found the man in an article called "Young and beautiful: Philosophy professor gains fame," you thought to interview him.
It would benefit you and your fans. Your fans because they seem to be interested in the man, too, and you because your channel can grow. Plus, a date with beauty and brains? Who would turn that down?
So when you got in contact with him, asking for a date-interview, expecting him to say no, he surprisingly agreed.
There you were now in that chicken shop, ready for a date with the hot philosophy professor. What could go wrong?
"I actually watch your videos." Joseph says casually, dipping his fries into some ketchup and nibbling it down. Though he teaches in London, his french accent is very audible.
"Really?" I ask in disbelief. I didn't know professors, especially pretty ones like him, watched videos like mine.
"Yeah. That's why I agreed." He chuckles, taking a sip of his drink. "I saw your text and didn't believe it. I was in the middle of my class, my students were taking an exam, and then suddenly, your name popped up. I literally stood up from my chair in shock. Ask one of thosw kids, they'll tell you."
I laugh at the situation, then act unsurprised. "Oh, yeah, well, I tend to give people that reaction. You know, Jude Bellingham quite literally passed out."
He laughs out loud, whipping his head back. When he regains composure, he asks a question that gets me weak in the knees, and I'm already sitting down.
Fuck, he sounded good. It's weird to think he's a teacher.
"Well, anyone would if it's a date with you." I smile slightly, blush coating my cheeks.
"I know."
"I heard you used to model." He chuckles, bringing a hand to the back of his neck.
"Yeah, I did. Just needed to pay for my own education." He tilts his head, smiling up at me. Why is he so cute?
"That's cool. I mean, you are pretty tall." I shrug, keeping my act up. He smiles at this even more.
"Why do you act like that?" He asks, voice low.
"Like what?" I act dumb, nibbling on my food.
"Like you hate me." I squint, looking to the side.
"Well, what if I do?" I raise my eyebrows in question.
"You don't." He's right. I don't.
"How are you so sure?" I clear my throat, the tension in the air thick.
"I just do." He leans back in his chair. "But that's alright. Turns me on."
"Yeah, I totally hate you." He laughs a breath, and I roll my eyes with a smile.
"What's your type?" I ask, sipping on my drink.
"Um, probably smart girls. I like them smart." He nods, and I nod along.
"Well, not to brag or anything, but I competed in maths all throughout high school." I purse my lips, shrugging. He leans in with endearment.
"Did you really?" He seems so eager. I'm suddenly thankful for all of the late nights I stayed up during my school years.
"Yup. Nothing special." I take a bite of my chicken, and Joseph only stares with wide eyes and a half open mouth.
"That's... That's fucking hot." He leans back, wiping a hand on his face.
"Oh, don't be so dramatic." He chuckles briefly, leaning back in with his arms on the table.
"Oh God, marry me." It was my turn to laugh. When he doesn't laugh with me, my smile drops.
"Are you serious? Why?" I furrow my brows, genuinely confused. This beautiful and smart man in front of me wants to marry me?
"Cause I'm in love with you? I mean, I got a job early in my age, maybe I should get married early, too." He shrugs as if it were simple.
"In your dreams, Mr. Descamps." He licks his lips with a smile, and I almost melt.
"I was hoping for an "I do", but that works, too. I'll dream about you." Why does he have to talk like this. Damn the french.
When I get reminded of the fact there's a camera crew neside us recording every single interaction, I secretly wish they hadn't captured the way his knees touched mine under the table, or how his fingers fiddled with the tips of mind when both our hands were on the table.
We were about to say goodbye, when-
"Can I get your number?" Joseph asks, towering over me with his hands in his pockets. I was gonna say yes a million times, then pull him in to make out with me, but that's a bit too much. Some teasing might work.
"What, you want another interview?" I ask, smiling a bit up at him.
"No. But I won't mind it. I just want you." I blush at this, my legs feeling jelly again, worse now that I'm stood up.
"Sure, whatever, I don't care." He hands me his phone, and I jot the number down, not failing to notice the name,"Mrs. Descamps" placed on the contact already. I don't stop it.
"I'll text, I promise." He purses his lips, looking at me with genuinity. I smile softly, kissing his cheek.
"I know you will." I get up on my tip toes to kiss his cheek.
So, you may or may not be on the top most tweets on the internet, name next to Joseph's on the tag, "#MrDescampsCSD."
After the video was posted, people started shipping you. They gave you the ship name "J-Y/N." You wouldn't say it bothered you, because it doesn't.
And yes, the media caught you kissing his cheek. And yes, they think you're dating. But who's dumb enough to believe that?
"Chérie?" A voice calls out from your flat's corridor, followed by the door closing and keys dropping on the table.
"In here!" I shout from my place on the couch. I feel lips press on my temple.
"Half day today, I told you. I'm making lunch." Joseph Descamps says as he peeks at what you're reading.
"What's J-Y/N?" He squints his eyes at the screen, trying to read a bit more. I pull the phone from his sight, sitting up.
"Nothing you need to worry about, joli. Come here." I stand up, wrapping my arms around his shoulders. Always, after work, no matter what time he gets off, he'll receive a hug and more from me.
He sighs deeply, loosely wrapping his arms around my waist and inhaling my scent.
"I needed this."
"You always do." I kiss his hair, swaying absentmindedly.
Okay, you have to admit, it's pretty cool thinking that you were just interviewing him and now you live in the same place. He was only a professor before he met you. Now he's in love.
This is so cutesy. Also made this bcs of lando. Like ik im late asf but atleast its smth 🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️
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lemonyko0 · 2 years
Mr. Jeon: Obedience
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you know you're fucked when you forget your homework for a third time. you didn't know just how fucked, you were going to be.
» genre: series, smut, fluff
» description: innocent, virgin, student reader x soft dom jk. lots of touching, f!ngering (f receiving), oral (m receiving) rough sex, overstim.
» word count: 3k
Part 1 | Masterpost
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"y/n-ah~" soojun whines, laying his head against my desk as soon as i sit down. i look at him and laugh. "why so whiny?"
he puffs his cheeks out and pouts. " i can't find my math homework and you know how mr. jeon is about that stuff, can i copy yours?" my eyes widen at the mention of homework. "wait we had homework?!" soojun looks at me wearily, "you didn't do it? oh now we're all screwed." he slouches against his seat and plays with his pencil, and i think of the hundred ways to get out of this mess.
"you know y/n, that's the third time you've ‘forgot' your homework. and you're the head of the class, isn't there some kind of punishment for that?"
i whine and run my hands through my hair, "yeah, death." i sigh, a horrible and almost nauseous feeling growing in my stomach. the usually loud classroom quickly falls quiet as i feel a presence behind me, "actually, the punishment is up to me."
i cautiously turn around to the voice, coming face to face with my very intimidating maths teacher. instead of scolding me, he smiles. "we'll figure that out later, for now, everyone who did do their homework, pass it forward."
he walks up to his desk as the students hurriedly get out their homework and do as instructed. after collecting them all, he puts them in a neat stack on top of his desk, and continues his lesson.
throughout the hour i stare continuously at the clock. not as if i'm excited for his punishment, i'm actually dreading it immensely. no one has been punished by mr. jeon, ever. most students have 5 chances, but because i was head of the class, i only had 3.
i knew i had a valid reason for being so forgetful, but i didn't like using excuses, and i wasn't even sure he’d ask for an explanation.
the bell rings and i almost jump out of my seat. soojun notices and laughs, collecting his stuff and standing he pats my back, "good luck y/n-ah, it was nice knowing you!"
i throw a pencil at his back and he only laughs more, "mrs. y/n, now you're throwing things in my class?" i blink rapidly at him, sitting at his desk. "n-no sir, i'm sorry." he nods, his face completely slack, no emotions whatsoever. "pick the pencil up then come here" all students were already out, not wanting to stick around to help me or anything. i slip out of my desk and bend down to grab the pencil.
as i bend over i see him shamelessly checking out my ass. i stand back up and tug at my skirt, thinking it was all of the sudden too short, and it would be yet another thing i would be in trouble for. i stand in front of his desk and he leans over the table, "so what's your excuse?" my thoughts race, "i-i have none."
he raises his eyebrows and sits back against his large dark colored chair, “you don't have any reason for not doing your homework?” i shake my head, not daring to make eye contact as i stare at my fingers.
i hear him pull a chair beside his, he pats it, silently asking me to sit down. i walk over and beside him, slipping into the chair. he turns to face me, "tell me the truth, y/n."
i shake my head, staring at my feet. he takes a hand and lifts my chin to look at him, "look at me when i'm talking to you." i nod quickly, staring into his dark eyes, "and use your words."
"y-yes sir."
he smirks and leans back, "good girl, see? you can listen. you just need a little, disciplining." i nod my head as he stares at me, almost like he can read all of my thoughts. "tell me what's going on. i promise i can help you, but you have to tell me first." he places a reassuring hand on my exposed thigh, but to me it feels hot.
"i-i'm just stressed."
"what's stressing you?" his fingers run along my leg assuringly, and i stare at them distractedly.
"s-school. family. everything." he hums, letting his hand gently stroke my thigh, "i understand, school can become a lot. if you needed a break you should have told me."
i shake my head, "im fine, just, forgetful. it won't happen again."
he smiles, "i know it won't, because after i'm done disciplining you, you'll do anything i ask."
i look up at him, his words confusing me, "what do you mean?"
"y/n-ah," he starts, grinning mischievously. i notice his hand significantly higher on my thigh than it was before, his fingertips dipping under my skirt. i open my mouth to speak but he interrupts, "do you know the best way to relieve your stress?" i stare at his hand and gulp, shaking my head. he leans in closer, whispering beside my ear, "i wouldn't offer this if it weren't for the fact that you respond so well to me."
i hum and nod, his hand disappearing completely into my skirt, as the other one slowly pulls at my knee, spreading my legs just enough for him to lay his hand over my heat. he watches contently as he applies pressure, making me jolt slightly, these feelings all so new and weird to me. i don't know what's happening, but i don't want him to stop.
"look at how well you respond baby, you're already doing so well." i nod and keep back the noises growing in my throat as his fingers begin to move in circles against my panties. my knees instinctively try to shut but he holds them open with a chuckle, "you're so sensitive, has anyone ever touched you like this?"
i close my eyes and shake my head, already lost in the feeling. he takes his hand away, resting it on my hip. i look up at him and he smirks, "wanted me to keep going? i told you to answer me with words. so let's try again, has anyone ever touched you like this y/n?"
“no, no one.” he nods his head, his hand grabbing at my panties, "good girl. can you take these off for me?"
"yes sir." i quickly comply, lifting my hips up as i pull them down and off. he watches me carefully, holding himself back no doubt. i may be a virgin but he's not very hard to read. he leans back in his chair, taking in my embarrassment. he pats his thigh, "come here." i walk over to him, stepping between his thigh as his hand directs me towards his thigh. "straddle it."
i do as told, one leg on each side of his. the hand he has on my hip pulls me down to sit. i feel the pleasure slightly pulse through me again.
he grins, seeing my eyes widen. "go ahead baby, feels good doesn't it?" he gives me a little push forward and i get the memo. i begin to slowly work my hips against his thigh with his hand guiding me on my hip, feeling my stomach grow tight and my body feeling more and more hot the faster he makes me go. it becomes too hard to hold in the noises and a few begin to slip out, he hums and sprinkles gentle kisses against my neck, "i want to hear you baby, let it all out."
"y-yes sir." he starts to leave hickeys on my neck, claiming me as his and the pleasure between his lips and him grinding me onto his thigh becomes too much. "-sir i feel hot." he pulls away and looks me up and down. "you gonna come for me baby? go ahead, cum all over my leg."
he moves me faster against him and i feel his thigh flexing underneath me and i let out a loud yelp that turned into a moan. "-it's too much, i-i can't." i grip onto his other hand, not knowing what was happening to me.
"yes you can baby.” i shake my head, ny eyes screwed shut as i fight my high, “f-feels like m gonna pee.”
he hums, “you're okay baby, just let it out. if you do this for me i'll give you a reward" he holds my hand in his and guides me through it, i feel my first orgasm wash over me, my back arching and my legs shaking as i pant. he groans at the sight, letting the hand that was once on my hip rest against my back, i fall into his chest, feeling suddenly tired, he holds me close and plays with my hair. he gently kisses my forehead, "do you feel better?"
i nod against his chest. i hear him chuckle, "don't fall asleep on me yet, you deserve a reward for that show."
i glance up at him, his dark eyes glossed with lust and need. "what kind of reward?"
he presses his forehead against mine slowly, "a special one, for being a good girl." he steadily leans closer, my eyes stare at his lips, imagining what they felt like, and as if on command, my wish is granted.
he kisses me softly, carefully, treating me like a glass doll. the further he leans my back the less balance i have, causing me to grab down for support. instead of his leg i reach for his hard on instead, causing him to break the kiss with a groan.
"you think that's funny baby? are you that needy? gonna beg for your teachers cock?" he growls in my ear, biting at it in the process.
i whimper and shake my head, "no i-i didn't mean to sir, it was an accident."
he hums, connecting our lips again in a chaste kiss before pulling away to tell me, "don't be afraid then, you can touch me too princess." my cheeks heat, having absolutely no experience with this stuff. "like how?" he grins at my innocence, "want me to walk you through it?" i nod eagerly, wanting to please him for helping me. "okay baby, on your knees."
i comply quickly, shuffling down to the cold tiled floor of the classroom. he unbuttons his pants and pulls them down just enough to pull himself out. my eyes widen, never having seen anything like it before. my confusion is even more arousing for him, he grabs the back of my head firmly, tugging me towards his crotch as it's now just inches from my lips, and i suddenly feel the need to taste. i look up at him for further instruction, "open your mouth princess, use your tongue, and when you're ready, use your mouth. no teeth."
i nod, letting my hands rest on his thigh, and the other coming to his hands hardly grasping it. i begin to lick at the tip, not knowing where else. i swirl my tongue around, more and more as i feel his thighs flex and he moans quietly, "more baby.”
i'm all too eager to oblige, attempting to take as much of him into my mouth as i can. he lets out a long groan, his hand pulling at my hair before forcing me down further. "you're doing so good baby, you listen so well." i hum against him, not being able to adhere to his spoken rule, this only adds more pleasure as he keeps me bobbing at a steady pace.
"if you need air or want to stop, tap my leg." he instructs, not knowing i was perfectly fine as i was. instead i speed up on my own, taking him almost all the way. "god fuck baby," he curses and groans, throwing his head back in pleasure, "do you like mouth fucking your teacher?"
too focused on making him feel the same way as i did only moments ago, i ignore his question. thus causing him to tug on my hair and pull me away from him. spittle running down my lips to my cheek and my baby hairs dancing across my forehead, but to him i was the picture of beauty.
"i asked you a question. answer." i whine, "yes sir, i like how you feel in my mouth." i tell him honestly. he smirks, "you're so eager, how about we both help each other out?" i look at him with questioning eyes, "how?" he stands, the smirk on his face growing, "let me show you."
i follow his example and stand up, he's quick to grab my face and kiss me wildly. he bites at my lip and i recognize that sign, opening my mouth as his tongue dominates mine with ease. his hand, once tightly on my hip, tread lightly down my thigh, then around it to my heat. he drags a finger along my slit, feeling my arousal. he groans, "you only came once and you're this wet? or did you actually get off on my dick in your mouth?" i moan and close my eyes in embarrassment,
"both." he reconnects our lips, being just as aggressive as he was to begin with. kissing me sloppily as a way to distract me from the possible pain he would cause as he slips a finger inside of me.
i yelp from surprise, the feeling all too new, "focus on me baby." take his advice, getting lost in his lips yet again as he begins to slowly move his finger, pushing further and further into me. it eventually becomes distracting, causing me to whimper into his mouth. he chuckles, "want more?" i nod quickly, "p-please, more." he grins devilishly, slipping a second finger inside of me, stretching me out much more than the last one. i flinch and grab onto his other hand and he hushes me, "you're okay, it'll go away," he gives me a few quick pecks, “want me to kiss you again?”
"mhm" i choke out, wanting another distraction. i know i'll have to get through this for the good feeling to come back. it's not long until my grip on him loosens, and he takes it as a sign to begin to shove his fingers further. he goes faster and faster until i'm struggling to kiss him back. he gives up and opts for watching me instead of kissing me. he begins to pump his fingers expertly inside of me, curling them as well. i let out a long moan and grip onto his arm, needing something to hold onto as he brings me so close to orgasm again, only to rip it away.
he pulls his fingers away, looking me in the eyes as he licks them clean, "think you're ready now princess?"
"yes, please, i want you sir." he tucks my hair behind my ear, then pecks my forehead, "since you asked so nicely, here's your reward."
he lifted me to lay on his desk, wedging himself between my legs, running his hard cock against my slit to collect the wetness. instead of immediately pushing in, he grabs my hand, and puts it around his wrist, "squeeze me when you want me to stop, let go when it's okay, got it?"
i nod, "y-yes, please put it in me already sir."
he chuckles and shakes his head, "whatever you want princess." without further hesitation he begins to enter me, being as careful as he can. after a few minutes of struggling, he bottoms out, giving me a few moments until i let go of his wrist, the pain subsiding enough to make it bearable.
he leans down, his chest against mine as he mumbles cuss words in my ear, "you're so fucking tight princess, you're gripping me so well." i hum at his praises and he slowly starts to work his hips back and fourth. the pleasure being a good starter, but after a while, not enough.
"s-sir, more." i whimper out. he speeds up in an instance, obviously wanting to pound into me for some time now, but too scared to hurt me. i decide to let him hear exactly what he wants to, "fuck me harder sir, i-i can take it." he groans in my ear and lifts himself up, gripping my hips and slamming me onto him each time he pulls out, "don't beg me to stop now, you wanted this baby."
he slams into me harshly, causing me to cry out and screw my eyes shut. i begin to clench around him sporadically, being so close to orgasm before.
he notices and goes even harder, his hands gripping onto my hips only adding to the mosaic of marks he's left along my body. i moan uncontrollably, feeling him twitch inside of me. "fuck, come on baby, come on my cock." his words twist something in me, not being able to hold on longer i burst, tightening around him and cumming hard on his cock. he groans and continues to thrust inside of me, overstimulating me quickly. "s-sir too m-much." he ignores me and chases his own high, abusing my insides, "be a good girls and let me finish"
my body goes numb from pleasure, and after a last few thrusts he spills into the condom with a loud groan.
he catches his breathing and wipes his sweat on his arm. then pulling out and disposing of the used condom. i lay still, not entirely sure if i could move at all if i tried. he laughs lightly, "did i go too hard?"
i hum, eyes closed and dozing, "felt good. so tired." he cleans himself off and puts his pants back on before taking some tissues and asking to help me out. i nod my head lightly and he touches me gently, wiping away at my area. once he finishes he lifts me up and into his lap, "i’ll take care of you baby, you can sleep, but on one condition."
i hum and cuddle into his chest, "no more forgetting your homework okay?"
i nod and smile childishly, "yes sir."
* ੈ✩‧₊˚* ੈ✩‧₊˚* ੈ✩‧₊˚* ੈ✩‧₊˚* ੈ✩‧₊˚* ੈ✩‧₊˚
this is a new mini-series!! ive got good things planned for this, both smut + actual plot 😩 if you'd like to follow along you (with either this series or all posts) i've opened a taglist, it's linked in my masterlist! thank you for reading and i sincerely hope u enjoyed! have a fantastic day <3 - ara :)
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megururus · 1 year
staring problem ¦ nagi seishiro
cw : none!
a/n : i wrote this on a late plane ride back home from vacation, so i apologize if it literally makes no sense lmao but i just wanted to write sumn for this headcanon i have of him
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( april 19 — 1:31pm )
you never considered yourself to be overly anxious or paranoid, though right now, you felt like you were being watched.
actually, not even only now have you felt like this. throughout the day you felt as if a pair of eyes have been boring into you, watching your every breath and move.
you tried addressing the issue to your friends, but they told you they haven’t noticed anyone being weird around you nor anyone lingering around you. this just made the unnerving feeling worse, since not even your friends, who are with you all the time, could notice it.
here you were, sitting in your 5th period literature class taking down notes in your notebook. you were zoned into the lesson, when again, you felt a pair of eyes staring at you.
placing down your pen quietly, you subtly looked behind you on both sides of your body. your eyes scanned the room but saw nobody looking particularly suspicious, just some girls passing notes, and a guy with white hair resting his chin down comfortably on his crossed arms atop the desk.
that guy…you’re pretty sure his name is nagi seishiro. he was in a couple of your other classes throughout the day, like your art class, math, anatomy, phys ed, japanese history…actually he’s in every class of yours.
you made heavy eye contact with him. his grey-blue eyes lazily stared at you, he almost made you feel slightly intimidated, though that feeling quickly went away when you really inspected his eyes.
they looked so bored.
i mean, you don’t blame him— no one likes literature. you just took the class for the gpa boost, then that gets you wondering why he took the class.
your questions disappear as nagi sticks his tongue out at you. it was barely noticeable, as he only let a tiny bit stick out.
your eyebrows knit together in confusion, and you squint your eyes to affirm if he’s actually sticking his tongue out like a child.
he was.
you giggled quietly at him, sheepishly shaking your head at his little action. he lifted his head from his arms at your smile.
he continued to stare at your face even as your giggles died down. you turn around to face the teacher and their lesson once more, picking up your pen to continue your note taking.
there it was again, the feeling of someone staring at you. only this time, you didn’t feel paranoid. it almost makes you feel giddy, instead.
nagi couldn’t even suppress the small smile that adorned his lips.
he hadn’t noticed he’d been staring at you all throughout the day. he knew he had a staring problem, reo mikage, his best friend, loved to point out the blank stare he tends to give people when he’s either tired or found something of interest.
though it’s known that nagi seishiro is always caught dozing off or seems to be in a tired state continuously, he can’t even deny the fact that he’s been staring because he found you interesting.
he notices you, obviously, since he’s in all of your classes. though, it wasn’t until the other day, he noticed you secretly playing one of his favorite mobile games during you guys’ shared math class when you piqued his interest.
obviously you were not on his level, though he would consider you rather decent at the game.
ever since he noticed the common interest, he just found his eyes naturally gravitating in your direction. even reo has been noticing the snowy haired boy’s lingering gaze that rested on you whenever they passed by you in the hallways or cafeteria.
“just go talk to her, man,” reo would say after catching his best friends eyes wandering in your direction and not paying attention to the field in front of him.
nagi gave the same reply everytime, “that’s too much work…”
so instead, he continued to do what he did best, stare.
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©megururus april 21, 2023
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hornyanimegirl · 2 years
Pairing: Levi x Reader
Series Masterlist
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“Just wait a little longer”
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“I’m home” Levi called out. He had been working late hours now that he inheritited his fathers business, and you have been at home alone studying.
“Love? Where are you?” Levi had begun to search for you throughout your shared apartment after not receiving an answer from his entrance. He walked into your office and saw you sleeping on your desk. Hands crossed and being used as a pillow for your head. He brushed his fingers through your hair and admired your peaceful face.
He knew you were working as hard as you could to earn your degree, but he was worried you had been pushing yourself a little too hard. Levi crouched down to your level and stroked your cheek, whispering your name so you would wake up. He watched as your face scrunched up after a few seconds and how your eyes fluttered open to stare at him in a sleepy daze.
“Yes love I’m home”
You wrapped your arms around his neck and lightly tugged on his neck hairs to tell him you wanted to be carried. Levi hoisted you up, wrapping your legs around his waist and walked to your shared bedroom so you could take a nap together.
As you and Levi laid together in bed, you cuddled in his chest while he strokes the back of your neck. Fingers lightly tracing circles on your skin, lulling you to sleep. Levi kisses your forehead, and in a barley audible whisper you hear him say “I love you”. You softly smile, but too tired to answer back as you were already asleep a few seconds later.
“Levi what do you think about kids”. The question had come out of no where, shocking Levi out of his trance. You both were sitting at your dinner table quietly eating and enjoying each others company. The sudden question breaking the silence startles him.
It had officially been a year since you guys moved in together. Twenty year olds still as in love as they were in the beginning and nothing was going to change that.
The question brought back memories from Levi’s childhood. He remembered being sixteen, utterly in love with a girl in his math class, someone he had dated for a year. Freshman to sophomore year they were inseparable. She had asked the same question. Levi being so young and so naive he said he didn’t mind as long as they stayed together.
The relationship ended when he found out she had been cheating on him for three months. It shattered him completely and walls were quickly built.
“I don’t know kids are nice I guess”. That wasn’t the answer you were expecting. Or really you didn’t know what answer you wanted. You liked kids, and you saw kids in your future with Levi. You thought he would be an amazing father. 
You only asked the question because you had gotten baby fever from all the Instagram babies you had seen lately.
“Do you want any kids” you tried pressing for a clearer answer from him. Wanting to know his exact thoughts.
“Maybe in the future but it’s too early now”
The answer didn’t hurt your feelings, it made sense. It had only been a year since you moves in with each other and you both were so young. You didn’t know what other answer you were expecting.
“Yea in the future” you gave Levi a soft smile. The atmosphere becoming tense and awkward for the rest of dinner.
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Taglist: open
@daoreogirl  @galactict3a  @thel0v3hashira143​
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dontfeeltoohot · 2 years
Would you maybe write some sneezy Jonathan denying he’s got a cold? Any kind of pairing or lack of pairing is fine.
((Set post S4.))
The thing is, he really doesn’t have time to be sick. He’s got classes at Hawkins Community College, a part time job with the local paper taking photos, plus he has to schedule in some family time, and if he’s lucky, friend time. So when Jonathan wakes up with a stuffy nose and sore throat, he’s almost inclined to fall back asleep so he can have a redo. Maybe he’ll wake up again and it will have been a glitch.
Catching a glance at his clock on the wall, he scrambles out of bed, eyes darting around his room to find clean clothes. He’s barely got his shirt off when an intense itch unfurls throughout his head, like something cracked open and flooded his sinuses.
“hUHRrSChheww! Fugck,” the man sniffles and winces at how thick it is. Rubbing his eye, he gropes blindly for the shirt on his bed with his free hand, yanking it on. His nose is running like crazy, making him move to the bathroom so he can grab some toilet paper and blow it. He does, repeatedly, but it doesn’t seem to help.
Checking his watch, he sees he’s only for 22 minutes to get inside his classroom across town for some stupid calculus bullshit. High school math sucked, but damn college math sucks worse. Fixing his hair, he grabs his bag from his room and heads out the door quickly, waving at his mom who’s on the phone.
He manages to get into the room with one minute to spared sliding into a chair next to the guy he’d never really thought about before Hawkins decided to once again fall into turmoil back in March- Eddie Munson. In retrospect, Jonathan could have seen him hanging out with the guy, even if he was a little dramatic and loud for his taste. They both enjoyed music, movies, and weed. It was a win win.
“Dude, you good? You’re never late, that’s my thing,” the guitarist looks at him with a raised eyebrow.
“I woke uhhhp la- EHhISHHOoo! snf! late,” Jonathan manages to turn quickly enough he doesn’t sneeze on the guy, but Eddie scrunches his nose up all the same.
Jonathan’s about to ask what the musician means but his nostrils twitch and he turns to his side. “uhEKSTCHHHoo!”
Class is a haze of trying to pay attention, sniffling, sneezing, and the beginnings of a headache. By the time they’re done and up out of their seats, Eddie is staring at Jonathan with a look.
“Maybe you should chill out the rest of the day. I know you have that other class…whenever, but Jesus, dude, you sound like shit.”
Jonathan shakes his head before he fully processes what the other man is saying.
“Can’t, got socioeconomics and then work, plus I’m not sick, it was cold in there is all,” he gives a soupy sniffle and Eddie fake gags.
“At least blow your nose man or you’ll get a sinus infection or some shit.”
“I don’t…have any.”
Watching the curly haired man roll his eyes theatrically, a black bandana is pulled from a back pocket.
“Take it, seriously. I’ve got a bunch at home since Steve gets sick so much, so you can keep it. Have fun being a walking biohazard.” Eddie salutes him and heads down the hallway, no doubt to go smoke.
Jonathan stands there a moment before bringing the bandana to his face, blowing his nose a few times, coughing after. Maybe he is sick.
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whitewolfonthehunt · 1 year
Math class. What a bore. Of course it isn’t too bad for him considering he should be about two levels up and never gets lost in class, but Anakin still finds it boring to sit while the Master explains problems to everyone else.  
And it’s not everyone else’s fault that they’re not as mathematically skilled as him. But still...
He sets up his ‘notebook’ and flips through the pages among pages of drawings of you, mixed in with little notes he wrote to you throughout each class, like ‘you just smiled in disbelief at the ridiculous answer to number twenty. I think your smile shines brighter than the Tatooine suns’. And next to it, a singular sketch of your lips curved upward in that smile he loved so much.
Your presence fills the space as you enter the classroom and he looks up from his desk, watching you walk to your own and greet a few friends in passing. Gods, he would murder everyone in this room just for a chance to sit next to you, if that’s what it took.
But instead, he’s blessed with a seat more towards the back, so his eyes can always be on you. You look so beautiful today, even in the robes that everyone typically wears. Even though your hair is in a braid like it most commonly is, it still strikes Anakin as something so beautiful and uniquely you.
Anakin grabs his pencil and immediately starts to draw you sitting in your desk, not missing a single detail- even the small scratch in the side of your own pencil is noted on his paper with a simple swipe of graphite.
In just ten minutes, he’s got almost everything sketched in, his muscle memory practically taking over at some point. How many times has he drawn you now? At least a thousand. And every time he gets better and better, perfecting you until he’s sure he can open a page and see you staring right back at him. Sometimes, he wishes it would be the real you. But how possible would that even be? You probably don’t even know his gods-damned name.
None of that matters. Not when he knows your name. Your birthday. Favorite color. Class schedule. He even knows how many sips of water you typically take throughout class- with math, it’s more, almost like it’s a nervous tick for whenever you get lost. Maybe the water helps you relax.
In possibly one of the lowest moments of this infatuation, Anakin finds himself jealous of the straw your lips wrap around with each sip of that water. Perhaps a Force trick can turn him into a straw. That’d be wholly ridiculous but it’d at least get him closer to you.
“And for that reason,” the Master’s voice cuts into his daze. What reason? What did he miss? “We will be partnering up for the worksheets. I encourage you to find someone who may be on the opposite end of the learning spectrum as you, so that you may learn something from each other, rather than just from me.”
Fuck. Anakin holds in a sigh, shifting to the worksheet that landed on his desk at some point. When did the Master even walk by? Who cares. His biggest problem is that he hates partner work. Nobody ever really wants to work with him anyway other than to just get the answers from him. There’s no connection, no conversation, just them looking at his paper. Absolutely ridiculous.
He turns his focus back to you, watching you and your friends look around to decide who to partner with. Who will you choose? You seem like you’d be picky with your selection.
0 notes
eideticmemory · 3 years
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A story of math, and pretty boys.
Word Count: 2.6K
Warning: Losing your virginity w/ graduateschool!virgin!spencer.
When your mathematics professor informed you that tutoring would be provided by graduate students, you’d never hopped on an opportunity so fast. Your grade was plummeting at an alarming rate and anything you could do to save it, you would do in a heartbeat. So, you showed up at the university library extra early, homework in tow, pencils and calculator laid out in front of you, and you waited.
Spencer walked up to you after 15 minutes or so. Slowly, hands nervously clutching the strap of his satchel, “Hi.”
You looked up at him, “H - hi.” You were utterly stunned by his beauty - the perfect structure of his face, the shine of his hair, the redness of his lips. “Um, are you, are you one of Professor Kaye’s graduate students?”
“Uh, yeah,” he nodded, taking a seat across from you. “I’m Spencer.”
“[y/n],” you replied, eyeing him closely. “Um, how old are you? If you don’t mind me asking.”
“Oh, I’m 18,” he answered.
“Wow, 18 and getting your doctorate? That’s, that’s awesome.” You sat there, astonished someone your age had already accomplished so much. No wonder Kaye trusted him to tutor the class.
He ducked his head as he blushed, “Just lucky.”
“You’re humble,” you grinned. “You should cut that out. Start bragging on yourself a little.”
He shook his head and bit at his bottom lip to keep from smiling, “So, uh, derivatives?”
“Yeah, yeah, um, they’re kicking my ass. We’ve got a test coming up and if I don’t do well then I’m gonna have to drop out of school,” you said. “No pressure.”
Spencer stared up at you, his lips parted in pure shock and horror.
You couldn’t help but laugh, “Oh, no! I’m kidding. Totally kidding!”
“Oh,” he sighed.
“Yeah, but I do need to do well. I just, I don’t know - calculus and my brain do not mix.”
“I can help,” he nodded. “Can I see the worksheet?”
“Oh, yeah, of course,” you slid the paper in his direction, and there was brief connection between your hand and his as his took hold of the assignment. It sent shock waves throughout your body.
“Oh, okay, chain rule, not bad,” he whispered.
“Says the genius.”
“Y’know, I don’t think intelligence can be accurately quantified but —“
“You’re a genius,” you cut him off. “I can already tell by that sentence alone.”
He giggled. It was an angelic sound, “Fine, I’m a genius.”
“I knew it.”
Yes, you were flirting. And yes, shamelessly. It was you who rounded the table, bringing your chair along, so you could take a seat beside him, watching his fingers trace over the paper as he became lost in thought.
“No way you’re doing all this in your head,” you remarked, catching his attention. “Gee, can I use you on the exam instead of a calculator?”
He pursed his lips in a small smile, “I think that qualifies as cheating.”
“Not if I put you in my pocket,” you shrugged. “Write the word Calculator on your forehead.”
“Hm,” he hummed. “That just might work.”
I’m in love, you thought. I’m in love, I’m in love, I’m in love. So in love, that you never, ever - not even in your wildest dreams - missed a session. Being close to Spencer for two hours, laughing, joking, while simultaneously getting your work done was like being in heaven. Your calculus grade skyrocketed, and Spencer would high five you every time you recieved an A.
He went to high five you once and you kissed him instead. It caught him completely off guard. But he kissed back. The lighting was low in the library, no one around for miles and the only sound filling the room was your breathing.
You pulled away and immediately began to scope out the room, curiously and quickly turning your head in every direction but Spencer’s, “Who did that?” You joked, eyebrows furrowed in faux confusion.
Spencer didn’t move. Not until you looked at him. Then he pressed his lips back onto yours in an instant, your eyes fluttering closed and your mouth curling into a grin.
“Oh,” you giggled. “I think I really like calculus.”
Today, you decided to have the session in your room. Your suitemates would be in class at the time, so they could not harrass Spencer on his way in.
For twenty minutes, the two of you sat in tension. On the bed, thighs pressed against one another’s, backs laid against the wall and study material in your laps. You don’t know why you’d been cursed with the sex drive of a teenage boy, but nonetheless, it was your cross to bare and it was getting harder second by second. Spencer, however, seemed to be just fine. No glances, no attempts to touch you, kiss you - just calculus. Although, there was one thing different today - he was doing the homework for you. Hands working at astronomical speed to jolt down the answers and flip to the next page.
And before he could flip the finished packet over, you snatched it from his hands and tossed it on the floor. “Okay, all done, thanks.” And you pulled him into a kiss. By the way he gripped onto your shirt, you could tell he’d been waiting for you to make the move. Your body laid back against the pillows, bringing him along with you, your arms tightened around his shoulders.
“Um, can I, uh,” he stuttered.
“If you don’t lay on top of me, I might scream.”
He chuckled and placed his torso between your legs, suddenly and boldy rolling his crotch against yours. You let out a muffled moan against his lips at the sensation, just barely stopping your eyes from rolling to the back of your head.
“S-sorry,” he mumbled.
“Don’t you dare apologize. Keep going,” you pleaded.
So, he did. Until your bed was squeaking with the rhythm of his hips, and your breathing became so ragged that you had to stop kissing. You eagerly gripped onto his hips, pushing his shirt up his waist and tucking your fingertips into the waistband of his boxers.
“Can I touch you?” You asked.
“You, you are touching me?”
You tilted your head at him and raised your eyebrows, bold enough to ask but not bold enough to elaborate. You could see the moment it clicked in his head, his face softening into a mixture of shock and excitement.
“Oh,” he said, clearing his throat. “Oh, yes. Yeah. Yes.”
You giggled, kissed his nose, and continued to explore his body. Your small hands easily undid the buttons on his pants and pushed down the zipper that hid his erection. This gave you easy access to shove your hands down his boxers, earning a surprised gasp from Spencer as his eyes squeezed shut and he struggled to hold himself up.
“Are you okay?” you asked, your hand gently wrapped around his cock. “Is this okay?”
“Very okay,” he huffed. “Your, your hand is so soft and, and warm.”
You blushed, watching the look of ecstasy on his face and pushing his hair back. “I, um, I have something softer and warmer if . . . if you want to try that out?”
His eyes shot open at your words, barring into yours with a hint of fear in his pupils. “R-really? I — I’ve, um, never, um,”
“Me neither!” You exclaimed. “First time for everything, I guess.”
He kissed you in response. Slowly, softly, and when he pulled away, he stood up beside the bed and began to undress. His hands trembled and he seemed so unsure of himself, that you couldn’t help but follow his lead. When you removed your shirt and pushed your jeans down your legs, he smiled shyly and removed his final article of clothing. His pants dropped to the floor - just leaving him in his boxers, the fabric strained against his boner.
He stared at your chest for a long, long time. Covered only by a bra and panties, he was free to take a good look at every part of you, but all he could do was watch your breasts. The way they moved, sat in the pretty red bra and sparkled under the light.
“Do you like them?” you laughed. He took a seat on the bed and he watched as you removed the bra, your chest rising and falling with each breath. He moved almost immediately. He sat beside you, pulled you into his lap and put himself at eye level with your chest. His eyes flickered up to yours as he licked his lips, silently asking for permission.
“Go ahead,” you nodded.
His lips closed around your nipple, sucking lightly as he hummed in delight. You rolled your head back, instinctively moving your hips against his as you straddled him. “This is it. This is heaven.”
Spencer didn’t hear you, so lost in his task of sucking on your skin, going back and forth between each breast like he couldn’t decide which was his favorite. Your hand tightened its grip on his hair, encouraging him to continue. You, on the other hand, turned your attention to his boxers, attempting to pull them down his legs without breaking his concentration. Eventually, he gave you a hand, forcing the clothing off of his body and kicking them to a far corner of the room.
Precum covered the tip of his erection, staining his stomach as you pressed your clit against his cock. His tongue ran along the center of your chest, bringing his lips to your jaw and then to your mouth.
“I, um, I have condoms,” you mumbled. “If you still want to.”
“I want to,” he said quickly. “I want to.”
“Cool,” you giggled and reached underneath your bed, where a box of condoms sat unopened. You placed the box beside Spencer’s thigh, opening it and pulling out one packet. “This is the lucky one.” You remarked, holding the item up in front of Spencer’s face.
He chuckled, “No, that’d, um, that’d be me.”
You blushed and shook your head, “Oh, hush. I’m going to let you have sex with me, no need for compliments.”
You kissed his cheek, subsequently tore open the condom wrapper and pulled the slimy thing out. “Okay,” you said, positioning it over Spencer’s erection. “Come on, fifth grade sex ed, don’t fail me now.”
The condom rolled onto him without a hitch, causing you to squeak in excitement. You held up your open palm for a high five, but he kissed you instead, holding onto your waist and running his fingers up your spine.
You giggled, the soft laugh turning into a moan as you melted into him. You laid back on the pillows, wrapped your arms around his torso. You’ve never wanted someone inside of you so badly, it was insane. And when he started kissing your neck, it was nearly as though you lost all brain function.
You used every ounce of energy you had to reach down and grab onto Spencer’s cock, feeling him pulse through the condom. He held eye contact with you as his hand pushed your thighs apart, and his finger traced the trim of your underwear. You used your other hand to push the garment down your legs, letting Spencer pull them the rest of the way down until they dropped to the floor. You spread your leg, felt his shaky hand press against your clit, and as you gasped, you absentmindedly gripped onto the base of his cock until he squealed.
Resting your head on his shoulder, you watched your wrist move. It was clunky and uncoordinated, and because Spencer was following your lead, the circles he rubbed on you were just as sporadic but they were nice, and felt good. He was so unsure of what he was doing, scared that if he pushed his limits, he would hurt you or disappoint you or be asked to leave. But you were dripping all over his hand and it was so easy for him to push his way in. Two fingers, thin and long and buried inside of you before you could comprehend it.
Your hold completely loosened on him, and you went limp against the side of his body, tucked under his arm, head resting on his shoulder. He concentrated on your face, monitored for any reactions, good or bad. And they were all good. Your jaw dropped open as his fingers curled inside of you and pumped slowly. He kissed your cheek, your jaw, held your chin in the cup of his hand. You were too embarrassed by the flow of moans and groans falling from your lips to open your eyes, but you could feel yourself rocking your hips, following his rhythm, your hand gripping onto his waist. When he would push in a little bit harder, you would squeak and he’d apologize and you’d beg him to do it again.
“Again . . . ah! Again, again . . . oh, my god.”
His arm was weakening from supporting your weight, so he laid you down, following close behind. Your head hit the pillow, and his lips collided with yours, his cock pushed against the inside of your thigh. You reached down to grab him and he jolted away, his mind immediately assuming that you wanted him to stop.
“No . . .” you whimpered.
“What?” he rushed, his words soft and full of concern. “What is it?”
You wrapped your palm around his cock, tugged on it lightly, impatiently. “Put it in,” you begged. “Pu — put it in.”
It suddenly became very real to Spencer that this was, in fact, very real. The act was real, this bed was real. You. You are very real. And he can’t stop anticipating what you must feel like, deep inside, in places no one else has ever been. The anxiety bubbles inside of him and explodes into shakes all around his body. He pulls himself closer to you, hands on each side of your head, in position. As you guide his way, he pushes his cock into you, timidly, almost shy. He’s not even halfway in before he collapses on top of you. At this point, he’s got it, and he rolls his hips against yours until he’s buried to the hilt.
You both just need a moment. Because it’s not how either of you imagined it at all. It’s different, and you can’t seem to get adjusted fast enough.
“You okay?” he whispers in your ear.
“Mhm,” you nod. “You okay?”
“I’m . . . I’m . . . not feeling like a genius right now.”
You chuckled, you turned his head and kissed him, your hands holding onto his biceps. You could feel the movement of his muscles as he withdrew from your body, pushed himself back in gently. He could hardly hold himself up, and he apologized when he had to pause again just for a moment. He was just too overwhelmed, and he could feel the heat inside of you coaxing his entire body.
“Okay . . .” he said, as he pushed himself up, looked you in the eye. “Okay . . .”
He found his rhythm, slow as it was. He had found it. He would pull back, push in, fill you up until a soft gasp left your lips. You held each of your legs at the knees, keeping yourself bent and open and easily accessible. It made the tip of Spencer’s cock find the way to your stomach, and there was just a hint of pain that dissipated with each and every passing minute. Spencer squeezed his eyes shut, huffed and puffed, and couldn’t keep his mouth from hanging open.
“What ya’ thinking about?” you asked him, followed by a quiet moan.
“Derivatives.” He didn’t look at you. He would burst if he looked at you.
“Oh, yeah?”
“Yeah,” he panted. “The — the derivative of six X to the third power plus . . . cos X . . . is . . . i — is . . .”
“Eighteen X to th — the second power plus sin X.”
“Oh, that was good!” he pipped, and he made the snap second mistake of opening his eyes, looking at you. Looking at you laying there all sweaty and glowing and euphoric and looking at him. He moaned, and had to close his eyes again. But the damage had been done, and he sped his hips up, a wet noise filling the room as your skin collided with one another’s. Your ankles draped over his shoulders, tapped onto him to the same beat as the bed shook.
“Tan X plus . . . plus . . .”
He tried.
“F — five . . . five . ..”
To keep himself distracted.
“Mm . . .”
To hold on.
“Ah . . .”
To not lose himself in you so completely, so fast.
But you saw it coming. More specifically, him coming. And you dug your nails into his back, wrapped your legs tightly around his waist, and held him as he spilled into the condom. The rasp in his voice was loud enough to shake the walls, and his nails puntucured holes into your pillows.
You licked the sweat off of his neck, and he crumbled on top of you. “I tried,” he said.
You giggled, ruffled his hair, “You did good . . . hell, you did great.”
Instead of using his regained strength to reply, he pushed himself up, pulled himself out of you and placed soft kisses down your sternum.
“What are you doing?” you smiled.
He looked up at you as he hooked his arms underneath your legs, holding them apart. “I’m not sure . . . if I’ll be any better at this . . . but I really want to try.”
You bit your lip, trying to contain excited and shyness all in one expression. “ . . . I’d . . . I’d like you to try,” you giggled.
He flashed you a pretty smile.
And you watched that pretty face disappear between your legs.
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prettywon · 3 years
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# pairing : Sunoo x Reader
# synopsis : Once hit with the devastating news that you need to join a club to guarantee your spot in your top college, you ever-so conveniently come across a flyer requesting for more people to join the gardening club. You were planning to get by the year doing little-to-nothing in the club but your entire year is thrown off course by the one and only, Kim Sunoo.
# word count : 4,128k words (I WAS EXPECTING 2K)
# warnings : kissing ? Sunoo being Sunoo? Jay makes bad puns ? swearing ! not proof read ! Obsession over grades ?
# a/n : been a while since I've written a oneshot ngl, hope it works out LMFAO, loosely inspired by K-On!, ALSO THIS IS THE LONGEST STANDALONE WORK I'VE EVER WRITTEN ??
# taglist : @liliansun @ddeonuism
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You felt your world crumble when in reality, you were only engaged in a conversation with Jay. "Hello? Earth to Y/N?" Jay waved his hand in front of your face as he chewed on a piece of chocolate. "Yeah, uh.. so my top college won't let me in if I haven't done anything outside the major I want?" You wanted clarification, you couldn't believe your ears.
"Yeah, it's this whole weird thing, since you need out-of-major credits to graduate, if you don't show any interest in other topics in high school what are the chances you're going to in college" Jay finished his chocolate with a shrug
"I don't get why they would reject me because of it though, I have high grades and have taken a bunch of classes related to the major I want, I don't see why I shouldn't be accepted" None of it made sense, you were a perfect student for the major you wanted and you could be rejected just because you didn't do some stupid clubs?
"Don't complain to me but don't say I didn't warn you if you get rejected" Jay was now eating a bag of chips, how his stomach could handle that was beyond your imagination. "Well of course I'm going to join a club now" You slumped in your chair, what club would you even want to join?
"I'd look at the bulletin boards, you're lucky it's still the beginning of the year so clubs are still accepting members" Jay pointed to one of the many bulletin boards scattered around the campus "Don't worry about it too much, you only need to do one club for a semester" Jay attempted to calm down the worry that was evident on your face.
"I'll check it out later" You walked out of the cafeteria, saying farewell to Jay, and made your way to math class. 'This is stupid, I've never even joined a club before' you walked at a fast pace throughout the currently empty halls.
At least they were almost empty as you bumped into someone, unfortunately that person happened to be holding flyers. As the two of you stumbled to the ground, the flyers made a more graceful descent to the ground as they scattered around the two of you. 'Shit.' could your day be any worse?
"I am so, so sorry" the boy was in a frenzy, picking up as many papers as he could. "It's alright.. really" you were lying, but tried to be polite enough to pick up some flyers. "Oh thank you!" the boy had a glint of hope in his eyes, as if the information on the paper was going to spark your interest.
You stared at the paper. One day sooner and you wouldn't have given the sheet a second glance, but now that you know that you need to join a club, it seemed impossible to miss the big lettering that said "Join the Gardening Club today!" at the top. Sure gardening wasn't your first choice for a club, but a club is a club, right?
"Hey, are you the president of this club?" You stood up, making eye contact with the boy, who was surprisingly tall now that you looked at him properly. Blonde hair, pretty eyes, nice nose, he must be popular with the student body; specifically the females. The boy smiled from pride and puffed out his chest slightly, "The one and only, Kim Sunoo," his smile was sweet, almost poisonously so "Are you interested in joining?" the two of you had broken eye contact as he continued picking up the remaining flyers.
"Well, I'll definitely give it some thought," you examined the advertisement further, in smaller lettering it said 'All students interested please meet in the library after school next monday!' the paper itself was very well decorated, it was clear effort was put forth "it's a shame I don't know much about gardening myself" your eyebrows furrowed, maybe you should look for the other clubs and settle for something simpler, like drama club, you could just be a ticket collector that way.
"I'll teach you everything you need to know, the club sounds complicated but it's really simple" Sunoo showed his smile one more time before looking at the clock "Crap, I need to post these before lunch ends, hope I see you next Monday!" Sunoo hurried down the hallways, leaving you alone with a sheet of paper in hand. 'Maybe I will see him next Monday..'
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The rest of the week seemed to go by without a second thought, the only thing you remember was when you told Jay about the gardening club. "Gardening? Didn't think you were that kind of person, but hey, it's definitely out of major" Jay wasn't really one to judge, he was in art club after all. At last Monday had arrived and you were anxiously waiting for the school day to end as you sifted in your seat during science, your last class of the day.
As the final bell rang, you quickly walked out of the classroom, Jay waving a dramatic goodbye to you, fake crying and saying bad jokes like "Y/N is finally branching out, literally. Get it, because they're going to the gardening club informational meeting? No? Okay." You found your way to the library, which was harder than expected considering going from your science class to the library happened to go the opposite direction of the current traffic flow.
After being shouted at once or twice, you finally made it to the library where you already found a handful of people sitting in their own seats. A group of maybe 3 people stood near the front, you recognized one to be Sunoo from the other day. As you closed the door, Sunoo turned and had a wide smile on his face as he pointed towards you and told his friends about how the person he had bumped in to was here.
No wonder they needed more members, looks like they only have three and you need four to keep the club... You sat down in the far left as a different boy handed you another paper, this one was about the same height as Sunoo, he had cat-like eyes but they were soft, more like a house cats, and he had prominent dimples.
"Thank you for coming! Sunoo has mentioned you a few times before, I'm Yang Jungwon" You shook his hand as you read the paper, it was straightforward enough, stay after school and tend to the school gardens. You had brushed over the fact that Sunoo mentioned you, it wasn't really anything you were concerned about.
Sunoo walked up and introduced the club and let the people that were interested sign up, from the 10 or so people that were there, only 4 signed up, including you. The reason you decided on gardening being that you had visited the other clubs and their energy was obvious -- we don't want new members. It kind of made sense in your head, clubs have certain relationship dynamics between the members and they want to keep it that way.
While you wrote down your name, Sunoo leaned over the table and whispered in your ear "Thank you for coming today, I really appreciate it" His breath against your skin sent your senses into haywire, he smelled like citrus but it was hard to miss the scent of roses. How fitting. You quickly finished filling out the form before leaving the library since the meeting had ended.
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Once you walked out, your spirits were dampened, literally. Rain was pouring down with no signs of stopping anytime soon. While thinking of what to do, you mind wondered to the real reason you had joined the club. You were positive that Sunoo thought you actually wanted to be in the club, how could you tell a face like his that you were only doing it because you wanted to get into your dream college and all of the other clubs scared you half to death? You were too occupied with your own thoughts to hear the conversation happening behind you.
"Sunoo take my umbrella and walk them home"
"But what about you Jungwon?"
"I'll just use Jake's"
"I'm going to walk up to them now and expose you."
"Ok I'm going I'm going"
Before you knew it Sunoo was standing next to you. "Uh, want me to walk you home?" Sunoo was beyond nervous, he assumed it was because he didn't want to embarrass himself in front of a new club member and leave a bad first impression as the club president. Then again he probably left a bad first impression when he bumped into you. And now you probably think he's creepy for whispering in your ear earlier. Sunoo internally swore.
"Sure, my house is that way" You pointed to the right, and Sunoo was relieved "Oh I live that way too, convenient isn't it?" Sunoo started to walk, you following suite. The air between the two of your felt almost electric as invisible sparks flew around you both, how you and Sunoo were so unaware of the romantic flickers happening everywhere you went was a miracle.
You failed to notice how you excused looking at him longer than you should've as trying to be polite. Sunoo failed to notice how he was slowly walking closer to you and how his eyes occasionally flickered to your lips whenever you talked. When lightning struck Sunoo didn't mind when you grabbed his arm out of fear, and you never knew that you were afraid of lightning, you didn't realize that you only wanted to experience the feeling of his skin against yours.
Once you reached your house, he walked you to the door, because he didn't want you to get wet, not because he didn't want you to stop clinging onto his arm. The front door was reached and the two of you faced each other, you finally letting go of Sunoos arm. You cleared your throat "Thanks, for everything" you realized that your wording was poor, Sunoo didn't know that him bumping into you saved you from getting rejected by your college of choice.
"What do you mean? Thank you for joining the club even after I knocked you over" Sunoo felt his eyes flicker to your lips one too many times as you licked them due to dryness. Sunoo felt himself lean forward, he didn't know why, it felt so natural to him, as if the entire walk here was building up to this moment. His eyes half closed, he gently lifted up your chin with his free hand, the other putting down the umbrella.
You found yourself doing the same, your hands involuntarily wrapping around his neck, bringing his head closer to yours. "Is it okay if I do this?" Sunoo mumbled a soft inquiry for consent and when you nodded, Sunoo closed the already short gap between you and him.
If kissing Sunoo could be described with one word it would be.. euphorical. Your lips seemed to be molded perfectly for each other as flowers bloomed in Sunoos stomach, his heart racing so fast that your neighbors could hear it. Sunoo's hand had left your chin and now both arms were wrapped around your waist, your hands still around his neck, you pushed his head closer to you, deepening the kiss.
Eventually the both of you separated, ears red and eyes looking in different directions. "Thanks for walking me home" you said, walking up to your door and pulling out your house keys. "Yeah no problem" Sunoo cleared his throat before picking up the umbrella and leaving. Thoughts echoed throughout your mind, but one stood out.
'Maybe I should've joined the art club with Jay..'
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The following days were a blur. You were almost as dazed as you were the night Sunoo walked you home. Almost. You somehow stood your ground and didn't make a complete fool of yourself as time passed because of Jay, who was willing to listen to anything remotely interesting.
"I would like to make a confirmation"
"What Jay"
"Did this happen because of gardening club"
"Yes, why bother asking"
"Just wanted to see if I would be credited for your relationship"
Jay sipped his coffee, a teasing smile evident on his face. It was the Sunday before the first proper meeting as the gardening club and you were dreading it with your entire being. Jay however, seemed to be having the time of his life as he watched your worries pour out onto the coffee table you two were sitting at.
"This is going to be the death of me" Your picked at your croissant, you weren't in the mood for anything to eat. "It's not like it was your first kiss" Jay leaned over the table and ripped off a piece of your croissant, and you didn't make any efforts to stop him. "Yeah but it's not like I go around kissing every attractive man I know less than a week after meeting him" You slumped in your chair, you felt miserable.
"I still can't believe there's another man in your life"
"Jay? You mind having priorities for once"
"You know that kinda thing doesn't come to me naturally Y/N"
At this point Jay had finished your croissant for you, you were ready to leave and figure out what you were going to do in the comfort of your bed. "Farewell, my dear comrade" Jay overdramatically bowed before parting ways. He was never shy about doing these things in public, contrary to you.
The day went by faster than you wanted it to as you felt yourself drifting to sleep. Thoughts swarmed your mind as you strived to find mental peace in the war that was currently happening in your mind.
'Why didn't I join art club?'
'Why did I kiss him?'
'Will I tell Sunoo why I actually joined the club?'
The last thought echoed in your mind, everything has gone quiet, but it wasn't the kind of quiet you had wanted. Sunoo seemed so happy that you were joining and it seems to selfish of you to bring it up on Monday, ways the conversation could fall raced though your mind.
'Hey I just want you to know that I don't want to do this club because I like gardening but I do like getting into the college I want!'
'Okay, maybe not that exact wording'
You would just keep shut and hope that the club would grow on you, and with Sunoo running the club it shouldn't be that hard right? As you drifted to sleep, you smelled the faint scent of citrus, and thought of Sunoo.
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The day was definitely something you didn't want to go by as fast as it did. Yet here you were, in science. You were supposed to be reviewing for a test you had the next day, but you weren't interested, praying that Sunoo hadn't told anyone about what had happened. Were you to blame for what occured? Your notes on the trends of the periodic table were filled with scribbles as you tried coming up with a solution that put your mind at ease. None came. 
Traffic flow was against you, once again, as you made your way to the front of the school, your fingertips leaving prints on the handout Jungwon had given to you just last week as you readjusted your grip. The feeling of what was going to happen was suffocating you, what if Jungwon thought the two of you were dating? You were far from wanting to date yet. You mind raced and before you knew it, you were walking out of the school and into the front yard.
Typically students aren't allowed within 7 feet of the flowers, hence the fence surrounding the foliage, but you were given a pass by Sunoo this morning. Recalling it, the event had made your heart leap out of your chest, you were praying that he wouldn't mention the kiss, and to your luck he didn't. Before you could take in a deep breath of air to mentally prepare yourself, Jungwon was standing next to you.
"Hey, glad to see you could make it" Jungwon opened the gate and walked past the fence, heading over to a shed near the side of the school. "Glad I could make it as well" you feel like you were giving dry responses, you probably were, but Sunoo was currently your only object of interest. You mentally halted your thoughts. Surely you hadn't meant that Sunoo was the only thing you were worried about? You brushed it off and continued following Jungwon.
"I'll show you around today. Sunoo would do it but he left early for a doctor's appointment" Jungwon opened the shed door and held it open for you, not aware of your relief.
'Thank God he isn't here today' a sigh almost left you before you stopped yourself, you didn't want Jungwon thinking that something had happened. Looking around the shed, you took a second to process that you were going to be doing this for an entire semester.
"So.." Jungwon trailed off, trying to get your attention "Do you know anything about gardening?" Jungwon laced his hands together behind his back, his weight shifting from the back of his foot to the front, causing him to rock gently.
It took him gently reaching over and tapping your shoulder to get you out of your trance. "I'm sorry, what was that?" You mentally dragged yourself over a cliff. Now he probably thought you were a mindless ditz.
You mindlessly followed Jungwon throughout the garden, him explaining everything from the type of soil to the lack of fertilizer they had. You, were not paying attention. Your mind always wandered off to Sunoo, you wondered how many times he had gotten small cuts from working hard or if he had ever kissed someone before you.
You snapped back into your senses, everything becoming a bit too clear for your comfort. Jungwon was standing in front of the rows of soil in the shed. Everything felt louder as you shook away the feeling of something unwanted forming in your chest. It felt suffocating, but not the type of Suffolk you felt when Sunoo was walking you home, it felt sharper, and too uncontrollable for your liking.
Pushing your thoughts away, you finished up your first official day as a gardening club member. "That's all our club has to offer, well that and Sunoo" Jungwon had a playful grin on his face.
he knew
"Sunoo told me what happened on your walk home, you have good taste" Jungwon's smile was the same as it was the day you first met him, but his aura felt mischievous, as if you two had known each other for years. You felt as if everything you had been trying to do for the past few days were futile. Taking in a deep breath, you let out a flood of messy and partial incoherent thoughts.
"I'm sorry if you thought that anything was going to come out of me and Sunoo kissing, the thing is that I don't plan on staying here for all that long because I'm only doing this to get into the college I want so I'd really really prefer it if you don't take that too personal sense I know your club won't meet the member requirement when I leave after this semester ends-" Jungwon cut you off by placing a hand on your shoulder.
"You're leaving? When?" Jungwon's eyes were a bit wide with alarm, and you felt incredibly guilty. But if you were in this club for too long your grades might slip and you couldn't let that happen. "End of this semester" You could barely hear yourself, and it was shocking that the boy could hear you as if you were shouting with a megaphone.
Jungwon's hand lifted and he bit his lip, did the club really mean this much to him? "Just.. don't let Sunoo get too attached, he'll be heart broken" with a sigh, Jungwon opened the door of the shed and walked out, you following shortly after.
Jungwon looked back at the shed, long after you were gone, to find a familiar figure standing at the side of the shed, Jungwon was just behind the gates that blocked of the garden from the rest of the world but one thing was clear.
Sunoo was already heart broken
Sunoo wiped away his tears with his sweater paws as he stood up, the rose he was holding now broken with it's petals floating in the wind. He felt so stupid, as if the two of you could start dating when you had met not even a week ago.
Jungwon definitely didn't need to worry about Sunoo getting attached.
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You were rushing through the halls, trying to find Jungwon. The semester was almost over, and you were positive that Jungwon remembered what you had told him all those months ago. You needed to know one thing before you left the club, and what was it you wanted to know so badly?
Why Sunoo was avoiding you like the plague.
It's not like Jungwon had told Sunoo right? He wasn't that kind of person, granted Jungwon wasn't that kind of a person either ... you recalled the time he poured soil down your shoe, you could still feel the cool dirt in your socks as you opened the doors to the library, midterms were coming up so Jungwon should be here, right?
Oh were you ever so incorrect.
There was Sunoo, earbuds plugged in and a sheet of blank paper in front of him. You hesitated. You had made such a big entrance that he should've noticed you. Maybe his music was too loud, or maybe he just didn't care about you enough to look up.
I'm going to leave the club soon anyways, might as well tell the president himself.
Bracing yourself, you sat down next to of Sunoo, thanking the Lord's that the library was currently empty. "I'm leaving the club" You clamped your mouth shut, but the words had already been said, floating in the wind.
"I know" Sunoo was now doodling on the previously blank paper, the way he said it made it sound like he had known for months. "Wha- How'd you-" You fumbled over you words as you tried to stop the shock that was rising through your body. "Your first day, when Jungwon was showing you around, I was there listening in on the conversation." Sunoo spoke in such a cold tone, like you we're strangers.
You felt your world drain away, the feeling was familiar, you had felt this way the day you found out that you needed to join a club, but that felt so long ago. Then another thought hit you, and it hit like a truck.
"I'm sorry if you thought that anything was going to come out of me and Sunoo kissing"
your words echoed throughout, seemingly, the entire Galaxy as Sunoo couldn't help but mentally chuckle at your stupidity. You had definitely played with him. And it wasn't even intentional. "Sunoo I'm-" you could never seem to finish a sentence as something much more pleasant intervened. Something citrus-like.
Sunoo had cupped your face and had placed your foreheads together. He couldn't stay mad at you for long, it killed him to ignore you when you had questions. It had become easier for him as you stopped initiating conversation with him, but when he saw you talking to Jungwon his feelings weren't dampered, of all things they grew. With his love growing for months, Sunoo didn't want to wait for an apology, he was waiting for your lips on his, and nothing else.
Without asking, Sunoo closed the gap and the sparks started flying around the both of you, just like the day he walked you home. "We shouldn't be doing this here" You mumbled, the vibration of your voice sent Sunoo into haywire "Then you shouldn't have made me wait so long" Sunoo laced his fingers behind your neck, the warmth from it making your heart race faster than it already was.
Once the two of you separated for air, Sunoo grabbed your hand. "You're staying in the club.. right" Sunoo rubbed his thumb over the skin of you hand, nervousness overtaking his features as he hoped the librarian in the back hadn't heard the two of you. "Will you stop ignoring me?" You rolled your eyes, this boy could not be predicted "Of course I'm staying" You cupped his hand before placing a light peck on both of his cheeks.
Enlightened, Sunoo stood up and dragged you along with him. "Where are we going?" You stumbled out of your chair, clumsily following the love of your life.
"On our first date!" Sunoo stopped walking once you both reached the garden in front of the school.
"So where to, rose?"
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a/n : OMFG IT'S FINALLY DONE. if this flops it's gonna be hella embarrassing LMFAOO thank you for reading !!
- p.s. this was gonna be so much longer but I had to cut out stuff so rip ig
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movnts · 3 years
[mason mount fluff]
[side note: personally, i think this may my favourite piece of writing i have ever written... i might just be very tired and delusional though]
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“and do you remember when you moved in down the road from me? god, you were so shy!” mason hummed as he thumbed the photograph that lay in the palm of his hand, the corner of the image folded over so that half of your six year old freckled smile was hidden away. you’d grown out of your freckles as the years trickled by but mason still traced the shadow of where they once were in moments of intimacy, thumb-pad always stroking over the curve of your nose as he dawdled on the memory of when he joined them up with nervous squiggly lines with a half-dried sharpie he’d smuggled from art class.
“no, this one!” you giggled as you passed him a creased picture of you two in your old childhood garden, sticky hands grasping each other as you both smiled sickeningly towards the camera. mason’s eyes crinkled at the corners as he hung his head back with throaty laughter, the dull outline of a pretend marriage bringing back the soft scent of freshly cut grass and the cologne that he had found in the back of his dad’s wardrobe, drenching himself in it as he proposed to you during a family bbq. from that moment onwards your parents had clasped their hands together and cooed about how you two were destined to end up together; their faces mirroring the ones in the photographs from all those years back once you both finally swallowed the fear and confessed your eternal love.
“we danced in the kitchen that night, didn’t we? that’s where this came from…” mason’s finger danced over a scar that sat proud on your upper arm, cheeks blazing under the gaze of him as you dully remembered the way you tripped over his feet aged seven, knocking your head against a kitchen cupboard as he scurried off to find your mum because the thick pool of blood that had dripped from your arm wasn’t mopping up with the tartan tea towel he’d found. your spine twinged in slight pain at the thought of how much trouble you both got into that night.
and it was then, right there in that single moment, sat cross-legged on his photograph swamped carpet, that you stared at him through thick eyelashes with a gentle smile on your face. it was then that you knew, brimming away in your heaving heart, that you had found your forever. and forever’s only existed between the tattered pages of an old fairytale book that got passed on through family generations, your chubby toddler hands scribbling between the lines about a princess who had searched high and low for her prince-charming to no avail; and maybe this, right here, was your fairytale.
the world seemed to halt for a while as he reached over to you, his finger brushing over your thigh and leaving a trail of burning goosebumps as he passed you the pile of images that he’d finished giggling through. his laughter would be thick, laced with nothing but adoration as he blushed under your intense stare, “have i got something on my face?”
his question knocked you off guard; similar to the way he made you feel after pressing his lips against yours for the very first time after a maths lesson in high-school, his school tie tightened abnormally tight as he muttered and uttered over not being able to tell you that he wanted you to be his girlfriend. with a shake of the head you rested your chin in the palm of your hand, cheeks full of life as mason rocked back on his heels, palms dragging down the material of his tracksuit bottoms as he returned your fervent glances.
"what are you looking at?" he paused in his movements, hovered above the ground with bent knees as he peered over at you with a ping of curiosity toying with his features.
everything flooded through you at once - every tear that you'd shed, every smile you'd cracked, every argument you'd screamed. every little thing, knack, that he'd exposed to you throughout the years playing in your head like a short-feature film; the way he couldn't tie his shoe-laces when he was younger so he'd tuck them into his school socks and pleaded you to do them up for him, how he held your hand the entire walk home after you got drunk for the first time and didn't know what to do, his voice-crack during the phone-call he made to tell you that he'd gotten his first team call-up. every trembling touch of his hands; every nervous kiss on the corner of your mouth before a big game; every sleepless night he stroked your hair through when the nightmares were worse than usual. every-damn-thing formed into this beautiful life that you had been blessed with.
"you... i'm so in love with you."
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spencersawkward · 3 years
if you feel comfortable with it, I’d love a prof Spence where reader is a student and goes to office hours to initiate ~smutty goodness~ but Spencer is reluctant at first bc his job but they flirt more and eventually sleep together
me n my professor kink when i saw this: 😏 anyway yes i am quite comfortable writing about this lol. i took some ✨creative liberties✨ with your request so i'm sorry if it isn't exactly what you wanted! 
summary: reader is a student in Dr. Reid’s class, but she’s been something of a poor student-- office hours are the only solution.
relationship: Fem!Reader/Professor!Spencer
content warnings: unprotected penetrative sex, fingering, rough sex, super brief hair-pulling, creampie, dirty talk, spanking, age gap, degradation-- he gets pretty dominant oops.
word count: 4.5k
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popping in a piece of gum, I make my way to the back of the hall. there are a few people here already, but it's a little early. I'm never early. in fact, I'm usually late; my other class is on the other side of campus, and getting here involves a lot of embarrassing speed-walking.
but here I am, five minutes ahead of schedule and actually in a decent seat. as I flip open my textbook and pull my laptop out of my bag to prepare to take notes, my gaze slides down to the corner of the room, where Dr. Reid is standing up with a pile of papers. he walks over to the girl in the front row, handing her the stack and gesturing for her to pass it along.
I resist the urge to roll my eyes. he's a total luddite. the first day, Dr. Reid spent about ten minutes rambling about the importance of reading from a physical book rather than online sources-- which, although I definitely agree with, means a lot more lugging around folders and organizing all the readings he gives out. if he wasn't so hot, I would have switched into another course.
and I know it's wrong to be daydreaming about my professor slamming me into a wall while he discusses the intricacies of quantum theory. the complete cliché of it is embarrassing. but still, I just can't stop thinking about him: how his fingers would feel around my throat, the smooth wooden surface of his desk against my cheek as he bends me over and pulls my panties to the side--
"glad to see you've decided to join us, today, Ms. Y/L/N." Dr. Reid's voice startles me out of my thoughts. he's standing towards the front of the room while students file in. his hands are resting in his pockets with his eyebrows pleasantly raised.
"glad to see you've noticed." I retort, too irritated with his comment to care about being polite.
a couple people look at me. even though I'm generally not on time, he tends to just glance my way when I walk in and leaves it at that. I know he doesn't like it, although I personally don't care. I hate this course.
he seems visibly surprised by my response but doesn't reply, gaze lingering on mine before he turns to speak to a student trying to get his attention. I bite back a smile. fucking asshole.
as usual, Dr. Reid writes in his thin, messy lettering on the board while wandering around the front of the room. he's quite fidgety, even though his voice doesn't betray any sort of nervousness. it's like he's naturally overactive.
every word out of his mouth is enunciated, sometimes spoken faster when he gets particularly impassioned by the subject. he's interesting to look at, too. messy curls and a nice suit, stubble that straddles the line between refinement and ruggedness.
I type quickly, but it isn't fast enough and the strange illustrations he does on the board only complicate things. I try to write them down in my notebook, but my handwriting is jagged; sometimes it's hard to read. when a student raises her hand for a clarification, I take the opportunity to catch up.
my head jerks up as soon as I'm finished and he's looking at me while he speaks. even from so many feet away, the intensity strikes me. he's gesticulating and crossing the room. I hold eye contact.
I wonder if he dates often; a couple of the girls in my row always stare at him throughout the lectures. he seems to be completely unaware of the effect he has on people. sometimes I'll see him in the hallway and he has his nose buried in a book, or a to-go cup of coffee, or both. either way, there seems to be no more room in that head of his for romance.
which, naturally, makes me curious about how he looks when he's on the edge of orgasm. if that composure is replaced with a contorted pleasure. I want to break him.
it's like he can read my thoughts, because Dr. Reid averts his gaze. my stomach twists with a strange anticipation. he avoids looking my way for the rest of the time.
towards the end of class, I start to pack my things to go. I have three papers to write, and my utter lack of interest in this is making me eager to leave. I shove my textbook into my bag the second my professor starts to make closing remarks.
"don't forget that we have a midterm in two weeks!" he says in a slightly louder voice as people start to move around. "if you have any questions, my office hours are posted on the bulletin board outside."
at this, my eyebrows rise. I forgot about the midterm. I have a study calendar set up for all my subjects, but I've purposefully been putting this one off. I'm not super into math. and it doesn't help that most of my time is spent not listening. when I am, it doesn't make sense.
as I stand up and gather my stuff, I hear someone clearing their throat a couple feet away. my head turns to see Dr. Reid leaning against his desk.
"Ms. Y/L/N, can I see you for a second?"
my heart stutters in my chest. is this about my attitude? he's never asked to see me outside of lessons before.
I frown, making my way to him with a deliberate pace. the tension in the room builds as I watch the last of his students shuffle out of the room. my head turns from the door to him; my breath catches a little in my throat at the set of his jaw. part of me hopes I get yelled at.
"I'm concerned about your participation in this class." he says. his voice isn't cruel, but it is brutally honest— which is worse. participation? I feel my fist clench at my side. my professors don't usually say anything if you aren't doing things up to their expectations; if you aren't, then they give you a bad grade. simple as that.
"is this about me being late?" I ask. he lets out a sigh before answering. he sounds disappointed.
"you're constantly tardy, and when you hand in your homework, you barely seem to have put in the effort. it's messy."
"messy?" I start to get annoyed. I'm only doing this so that I can get my degree. it's a fucking requirement. even though I'm not the biggest fan of mathematics, I still do my best and hand in my assignments on time. plus, the latest I arrive is five minutes-- it's not like I'm stumbling in halfway through the lesson.
"you've never come to office hours to ask for help or explained your lateness, which I, as your professor, would have appreciated." he scolds. honestly, I don't know what to say. my eyes narrow.
"I have my studio class on the other side of campus." I explain. "I should have emailed about that and I'm sorry, but I'm also not being lax about my work."
he goes around to the other side of his desk and glances up at me while he organizes some loose documents to pack away. he looks way too good when he's exasperated: his hands tighten around the papers, his eyebrows come together in this cute way. his tie is a little crooked, too.
"are you struggling with the content?"
"sometimes, yeah. but I can handle reaching out for help if I need it." I reply. he's pissing me off with these questions. I can see from the expression on his face that he's surprised by my reaction.
"really?" he slides some books into his messenger bag. that was definitely sarcastic; I know it was. "because it doesn't really seem like you have."
"I like to find help on my own." I shoulder my bag and cross my arms over my chest. there's no way he's gonna talk to me like that and expect me to not respond in kind.
"I'm reserving a slot on Wednesday evening for you," he looks up and holds my gaze. hazel irises that dare me to challenge him further. "I want you in office hours so that we can figure out how you're gonna catch up before the midterm."
"fine." I turn on my heel and leave. I know I'm not supposed to talk to my professor like that, or even to behave with such apprehension. but something about him makes me angry in the kind of way that settles in my stomach. I hate that he's right. I'm not going to do well on that damn test if I don't get some help.
but that doesn't mean I can't have some fun with it.
when I rush into his office on Wednesday evening, the sun is just starting to set through his window. there's a pinkish glow that smooths over Dr. Reid's desk as he glances up at me. I had to run to get here.
"you're late." he nods to the clock on the wall. I roll my eyes.
"only one minute, though. I had another class."
he sighs and folds his hands on his desk. "how are you doing today, Ms. Y/L/N?" a strangely polite question for the look on his face. he's frustrated with me.
"I'm quite well, Dr. Reid." I smile brightly, slightly excited by the anger on his face, and sit at the chair in front of his desk.
"I didn't know you were interested in art." he says simply. I'm confused for a moment before I remember that I told him that the course before his is a studio lesson.
"I didn't know you cared."
"do you make a habit of that?" he quirks an eyebrow.
"of what?" my expression is saccharine.
"being rude to people who control your grades."
"unless you're considering being unethical in your practices and allowing your personal opinion of me to influence my grade, then no." I counter. he's silent for a moment, taking in my words like they've left a mark on him.
"well, you'd most likely fail if I asked you to leave my office hours right now. whose fault would that be?" he fidgets with his hands and leans forward just a bit, his voice dropping to a lower tone. I bite back a smile.
"you wouldn't."
"and why is that?" he baits.
"because you're not a shitty professor, Dr. Reid," I lean back in my chair and cross my legs. "as angry as you are, you wouldn't be able to live with yourself if you kicked me— a struggling student— out of here for giving you a little attitude."
"a little attitude?" he scoffs. "you've spent the whole semester completely ambivalent."
"not completely." I shrug.
"Y/N, you draw all over your tests and leave at least one problem half-finished every time. you obviously aren't learning." he chuckles mirthlessly. I concede this point; I like to doodle when I'm bored. and there's absolutely nothing more boring to me than numbers.
"okay," I sit up and rest my elbows on the edge of his desk, staring at him. "then teach me."
Dr. Reid holds my gaze for a long moment. we're suspended, it seems, as his lips part and he finds himself speechless. the way I said the words obviously has another layer to it-- he just has to decide whether or not to take the bait.
"what are you struggling with?" he clears his throat and sits up a bit straighter in his seat. that answers my question, I guess. I poke my tongue between my teeth gently, but then pull out my notebook and flip it to a page with some problems outlined on it.
"these." I toss the thing onto his side and he begins to run through the assignment. I watch him pick up a pen and start to explain the steps, slipping into his usual educational tone. his shoulders relax a little as he writes.
I can't see right from the angle I'm at, so I stand and come around onto his side. I hear him pause his speaking for a moment at my proximity, but he doesn't move away.
"does that make sense?" he asks me once he's finished running through the first problem. he basically did all the work. the professor's head turns to gauge my reaction to the explanation, but his eye line is right at the hem of my skirt-- which is already pretty short. for all his attempts to be subtle, he gulps and looks up at me.
"mostly." I brush a piece of hair behind my ear and pretend to scratch at a spot on my upper thigh, dragging the edge of my skirt with it until he can see the smooth skin beneath, practically begging for his touch. "can I ask you a question?"
"sure." he keeps his eyes almost too focused on mine. I try to hide the smile tugging at my lips. now or never, I guess.
"what's your policy on professor/student relationships?"
"my-- my what?" this time, he's audibly scattered when he turns to me. his eyes are wide, dark. even he can't hide his feelings.
"you know," I run my fingertips over the tweed shoulder of his jacket. I can sense the tension beneath his clothes. "like, your policy on fucking a student."
"I--" his cheeks turn pink. he's flustered, albeit not rejecting my touch. "I've never had to think about it before."
"hmm," I look off to the side as if considering this point. his chair is fully turned to face me now, and I'm standing in front of him, almost completely his for the taking. all he has to do is close the gap. "well, what are you thinking about it right now?"
"it's wrong." he stumbles over the words.
"well, I mean, you're a student--"
"for a semester that's almost over." I cut him off. he opens and closes his mouth. I take a deep breath, toying with the hem of my skirt. "I know you've been looking at me during class."
"you're pretty good at hiding it, but you call on me a lot and you get all messed up when I hold eye contact too long during lectures." I say.
he looks down and back up apologetically. he's just sitting there, lap wide open. so I do what any sane girl in my position would do: I climb into it, straddling him and resting my arms around his neck. he sucks in a breath.
"you pretend I'm such a pain," I lean down by his ear, my core drawing over his pants. he tenses as I speak. "but you like that I'm your little problem."
"Y/N..." he trails off, but his hips are bucking up into mine.
"see?" I look between our bodies at his movements, then at him. I smirk as I look into those lust-darkened eyes. after a moment of him not speaking, I straighten. "look, I'll leave you alone if it really bothers you--"
as I start to get off his lap, he grabs me and pulls me back down. the force hits my center at just the right angle and I let out a slight mewl. he hears the sound and before I can register the pleasure, he grabs my face and yanks me closer to kiss him.
god, he feels so good. I rock my hips against his while our lips pass over each other hungrily. so much tension built up over the past few months, so many thoughts I've had of him, now coming to fruition. it's amazing.
"not so 'wrong' now, is it?" I chuckle against his mouth.
"shut up." he orders. one moment of broken contact to slide my top over my head and throw it on the floor.
I sigh as he starts to kiss across my jaw and down my throat. "I like when you talk like that, Dr. Reid."
one hand grips my hips tighter and he releases a groan against my skin.
"is that why you're such a fucking brat in my class?" he bites my collarbone and I moan. "because you want me to put you in your place?"
"mhmm." I hum. his fingertips move under my skirt, sliding up my thighs and toying with the waistband of my panties. he teases me by grazing my slit over the fabric, inhaling sharply at the wet patch.
"sitting in the back of my room, fucking dripping..." he mumbles to himself as he starts to rub me.
"touch me." I breathe out, trying to gain the friction that I need.
"not if you're gonna be a brat." he removes his hand and I let out a frustrated noise as I try to find the pressure I need elsewhere by grinding down on him. he grunts at the way I pant into his mouth, trying to kiss him with every chance I get. his lips are so smooth and sweet against mine. there's something affectionate about it even in its ferocity.
"I'll be good." I practically beg.
"that's what I thought." he slides his tongue over his bottom lip as he watches me whimper on top of him.
"come on, Spencer..." I use the name for the first time and he grabs my face in his hand, squeezing my cheeks.
"not my name, sweetheart." he stares into my eyes expectantly and I smirk.
"you're fucked up, doctor."
"so are you."
after he says that, he lifts me off his lap and stands up, pushing between my shoulder blades until my face is pressed onto the desk. I let out a needy whine, wiggle my ass back in hopes of finding his crotch, but he's not willing to give me that, yet.
instead, he gently touches my skirt, flipping it up so that he can see my ass. immediately, he starts to knead it. my palms are pressed flat against the desk with anticipation, silently thankful that my panties are still on. I think I'd be dripping down my thighs if they weren't.
"are you gonna be more respectful?" his voice is low, one hand tracing over my back. I shake.
"I won't spank you if you don't use your words, sweetheart."
"yes." I choke out, no longer wanting to give any sort of resistance. I had no idea there was this side of him, and I love it.
he loves it too, apparently, because his hand comes down sharply on my ass. I yelp at the contact and he runs his fingers over the point of impact, rubbing the flesh gently.
"too hard, baby?" he checks.
"harder." I beg. I can't see his face, but I can sense his smile as if it's my own. his palm hits me again, and I gasp.
"you like being punished?"
"yes." strangled and desperate.
he slips his finger beneath the fabric of my panties, collecting my essence and letting out a quiet moan when he feels me. I push my hips against his fingers, partly expecting him to remove all the pressure, but he doesn't bother waiting.
he slips his index inside and I gasp. starts to push in and out, his silence proving his arousal. I can practically feel his eyes on me. the pace increases a bit and he slides in his middle finger. I buck against the desk.
"oh fuck!" I cry out as he starts to go faster. he curls them against my walls and I arch my back.
"two fingers and you're already breaking?" Spencer chuckles as he moves inside me. he keeps one hand on my ass while he does it, starting to finger me at a ridiculous speed while I pant and moan and cry.
"I--" I gulp down air. "I need you in it."
he bends down by my ear, never breaking his rhythm. my legs are shaking from the force. "you need my cock?"
"yes," I feel myself closing in around him. "god, yes."
"you're lucky I wanna fuck you so bad." he mutters. I grin as I hear the clink of his belt coming undone, the sliding through the belt loops, the sound of him stripping down to nothing. I can feel my excitement on the inside of my thighs, spread around by his reckless fingers as he removes my panties and skirt.
he grinds himself against my pussy, coating himself in me, while he releases low, longing moans. I suck in a breath when the head pushes in, every inch pushing me open a little more. I don't have the ability to form words, so I bite my lip and grip onto the edge of the desk until my knuckles turn white.
his breath stops for a moment before he groans.
"so ready for me."
he's not even all the way in, and he has to pause to let me adjust. when he taps the inside of my thigh for me to part them more, I do it quickly and beg him to fill me up. I can barely take the pressure between my hips, but it burns in an inviting way.
"keep going." I direct him. he runs his hands over the curve of my waist and starts to thrust into me at a rate that leaves me panting. it's not too fast or slow, just impatient and needy. every sound that spills from his lips turns me on more.
"where'd the attitude go, huh?" he digs his hips into mine. his cock hits my cervix and I squeak against the wood, but he holds my back down. I don't even try to argue with him, too overcome with the pleasure that's coursing through my limbs. he starts to build up his speed. "don't have much to say when you're getting fucked?"
"Dr. Reid--" I moan.
he plows into me so hard, the desk shifts on the floor and he grabs my ass with both hands.
"take it, baby. fucking take it."
I get up on my elbows to look behind me, just to glimpse how he looks as he gets closer. his curls have fallen more in his face, and his shirt is gone. I want to touch him desperately, to feel the lovely skin of his torso and arms and everything else, but he keeps me down for the most part. all I get is the sight of his mouth open and his hips moving quickly against mine.
"look at me, there you go." he grabs my face and holds me there, our eyes locked. mine are welling at the sheer overwhelming pleasure inside, but his are dark and intense. they search mine for something I can only hope to offer.
"that feels so good, Dr. Reid." I pant. he bites his lip as he watches my mouth hanging open in lecherous shock.
"I bet it does," he explores my body. "coming in here, hoping I fuck you like you deserve. you're lucky I'm going easy on you."
"thank you." I whine.
"you might need some extra lessons, yeah?" he grunts out, moving into me with a bruising force.
"yes, please." I whisper. my voice is practically gone at this point, my mind entirely focused on the knot building in my stomach.
"what was that, baby?" he pulls my hair gently.
"yes— fuck— yes, please, Dr. Reid."
"what a beautiful girl." he smirks. I whimper when he runs his fingernails down my ribcage. I can feel it coming from the way he starts to move tumultuously, every thrust pushing harder and seeking more release. it's fervent, how he takes me and grips my hips like the force itself will push him over the edge.
"I'm so close..." I breathe out as I try for as much friction as I can.
"show me," he drops down so his stomach is flush to my back. "show me how you cum, Y/N."
the way he says my name-- husky and warm and full of lust-- causes me to snap. I cry out as he reaches around to clamp a hand around my mouth, climaxing and pulsing around his dick as I drop down against the surface again. I want him to finish inside, so I do my best to keep him here. and his thrusts are getting more staccato as he chases the sensation my walls create.
"can I fill you, angel?" he asks. he's breathing right by my ear, and the feeling is sending shivers down my spine. I love how his weight feels.
"yes." I moan and he slides his fingers into my mouth. I suck on them while he orgasms, jerking into my pussy and letting out unholy sounds of ecstasy. he says unintelligible things in the throes of his orgasm. pounds into me until I'm sure I won't be able to walk tomorrow.
"jesus christ, Y/N." he slows to a stop. when he pulls his cock out of me, the absence makes me whine. I miss his body already.
"oh my god." I clench my hands into fists as I try to catch my breath. I'm still bent over the desk as though I've been completely sapped of all my energy. I suppose I have. he doesn't touch me for a moment in the spirit of letting me recover from the small shudders still running over my skin.
"that was great." he says after we've both had time to fill our lungs. I push myself onto my elbows again.
"correct." I grin and straighten up more until I'm standing. he stares at me, at the cum now dripping down my legs, entranced.
"let me get you something to clean up." he snaps out of it a little. I can't stop looking at him, either, in love with the way he moves and the way he breathes after exerting himself on my body.
"come here." I bite my lip. for some reason, despite what we just did, this is scarier than everything else. he steps closer and I reach up, kiss him softly. part of me worries that he'll pull away and be terrified. maybe that he'll tell me that I've read too much into this.
he's much gentler than before. our first kiss was full of need and primal desire, but this is more affectionate. I remove myself from his embrace.
"okay, you can go now." I giggle. his fingertips linger on my waist and he smiles. I push his shoulder. "I literally have your cum all over me-- go."
"fine." he starts to put his clothes on.
"does this mean I get an A?" I joke. Spencer shakes his head.
"nice try. when we're done cleaning you up, we're gonna sit down and figure this out."
I let out a whine, and he kisses my cheek before looking me in the eyes. "it'll be fun. I promise."
"math is not fun."
"I can't believe I like a girl who doesn't enjoy such a beautiful subject." he rolls his eyes and I giggle. he's perfect.
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word count: 1,779
pairing: Bokuto Kōtarō x Fem!Reader
warnings: maybe some swearing, a sad boi Bokuto but just for a bit promise haha also i haven’t fully proofread this so im sorry if it makes: no sense LOL 
a/n: i am falling more and more in love with this adorable himbo just look at him lol. This fic idea is honestly all thanks to @satan-ruler-of-hells​ because they are practically my muse in life so thank you satan ilysm <3 i hope you guys like it! Gif below is not mine - credits to the original creator!
haikyuu masterlist
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Bokuto knew from the very second he laid eyes on you that he would love you with every cell in his body. He finally understood what it meant to be infatuated with someone (Akaashi had told him just the other week about the English and Japanese words for infatuation and almost immediately, Bokuto knew that that was how he felt about you). He looked at you and felt like his whole life had led up to this moment.
He spent weeks trying to get on your good side, though you just laughed a little at him and awkwardly slid away. But just like most people, you couldn’t avoid his happy-go-lucky attitude forever. He always seemed to leave you alone if you truly wanted him to, but he bounced around you like a golden retriever, grinning from ear to ear. You knew that Bokuto had quite the reputation to go 110% for anything he wanted to, and so you weren’t that surprised when a bouquet showed up at your desk before school after weeks of him flirting with you.
The volleyball captain stood awkwardly in the doorframe of your classroom as you stared at the flowers, a glow to your skin as you gently touched the petals. You liked him - you liked how honest he was about his feelings, how unafraid he was to show you, you liked that he talked so highly about his team members, that he even told you about some kids at another school that he had mentored for a bit. You really liked him, even if maybe you weren’t as enthusiastic in your actions. You turned to look at him, a smile on your lips making him sigh from relief. He shot you a wink and started to come into the class before Akaashi dragged him away, saying he also had class to attend to. 
When Bokuto finally asked you out, confessing to you with a grin on his face, “I’m not sure if you’ve noticed but I really like you, Y/N-”
“Bokuto, you left presents for me every day this week and you’ve been screaming it across campus that you like me,” you pointed out with a laugh. “I think I noticed.”
Bokuto’s jaw had dropped but he still managed to pull off that wide grin of his, “Oh! Good! So you got my signals! Would you like to go out with me then? We can go anywhere you like!”
How could you say no to that adorable sweet smile?
Everyone was well aware that Bokuto was infatuated with you, he looked for you at each of his games, spun you around in tight hugs every time he saw you acting like it had been forever since he had last seen you, and you were the second most thought about topic on Bokuto’s mind (besides volleyball, of course).
He talked about you non-stop, sometimes enough to get on the Coach’s nerves and earn himself a few extra laps. 
“-and then after practice today I’m going to go study with her because I’ve got that math testing coming up and she said that she would help me and-”
“Bokuto, you come off real strong ya know that?” Konoha chuckled, shaking his head slowly as he picked up another ball to practice serving with.
Bokuto tilted his head slightly, trying to decipher what his teammate meant, “Strong? What do you mean?”
Konoha just glanced at the team and smiled a little awkwardly, “I mean... don’t you ever think what you’re doing is a lot?”
The captain considered these words for a moment, a furrow in his brow the more he concentrated, “But... how is she going to know how much I like her if I don’t show her?”
“Just be glad she isn’t feeling suffocated by all your over-the-top acts of love,” Akaashi piped in, though almost immediately regretted it. His eyes glanced over at Bokuto, seeing the quick droop in his hair and expression.
“Suffocated?” Boktuo repeated with wide sad eyes. Could it be possible that you didn’t actually want him to do all the things he was doing? Could you actually hate everything he was doing and wish he would be different?
Akaashi tried to insist to his best friend that you obviously liked his actions enough to go out with him so he probably didn’t have anything to worry about, but it all fell on deaf ears. But the next morning, Bokuto decided that if it meant keeping you next to him, he would change how he was.
The next day, you were surprised to find no Bokuto standing at your locker with a smile and an eager story about something that happened at practice. You hung around just for a few minutes longer, wondering if he got held up somewhere, but eventually just shrugged it off, assuming he and Akaashi were busy.
But even throughout morning classes, you didn’t get any text messages, no memes being sent through any social media platforms, no snapchats of his bored expression when he was clearly supposed to be learning.
Was... something wrong? You thought back to the last time you saw him, just before yesterday’s practice, when he had covered your face with kisses like he always did and beamed when you told him you’d see him tomorrow. “I can walk you home if you’d like!” He had offered.
“You’ve got practice in like 5 minutes, Bo,” you rolled your eyes with a smile. “I’ll be fine, don’t worry!”
He had shouted some compliments at you as you left making you laugh more as you waved goodbye to him.
Had something been wrong then too as you hadn’t noticed?
Bokuto seemed to be dodging you during break times. You’d see a flash of his dyed hair and by the time you got to where he last was, he had disappeared again.
Was he avoiding you? Was this his way of trying to break up with you? Your expression tightened into a frown - after just a few weeks, was Bokuto trying to ghost you in the most immature way possible? Sure, you knew he was childish and didn’t like to hurt people’s feelings too much, but you never expected him to try and disappear from your life like this.
You knew he had practice tonight so at the end of the day, you waited by the gym, awkwardly giving smiles and waves to his teammates as they walked in.
Soon, Bokuto’s eyes caught yours and he froze, looking around for some sort of escape. Your heart dropped just a little - so he really was trying to avoid you.
“H-Hi Y/N,” he smiled nervously, slowly walking towards you and trying to see if he could maybe slip past you.
“Are you trying to break up with me?” You demanded, searching his eyes for guilt or sadness, or any sort of emotion really.
But Bokuto just stared at you with shock, his head tilting the way it did when he was confused (which was often, to be honest), “W-What?”
“You’ve been avoiding me all day. And you didn’t come find me in the morning... or at lunch... and you haven’t texted me all day. It feels like you’re trying to run away from me,” as you spoke, you felt a bit of shame growing in you. Were you just being clingy? Were you overreacting for no reason? Maybe Bokuto was just busy today. Maybe he just needed space. Maybe you had gotten used to him being around you had started getting too clingy to him and he needed to get away from you. “If... If you needed space you could’ve just told me.”
“I don’t need space! I thought you did!” Bokuto gaped at you, reaching out for your hand but hesitating and pulling his arm back suddenly. “I thought... maybe you thought I was too much. Or suffocating you with how much I like you. I know you’re very independent so... I didn’t want to chase you away because I like you so much.”
“Suffocating me?” You repeated in surprise. You hadn’t ever really considered that. Sure, Bokuto came on strong but there was a sort of confidence in it that you really admired. You loved that he told you what he thought with barely a filter sometimes, you loved that he showed you all the time how much he loved you because you were honestly sure you were unlovable for a while. But where you felt like you were the darkness, he was a gleaming sort of light. A happiness that you never understood but always envied, a courage embedded in him that you wanted to get to know more and more, a gigantic heart that you could never understand how or why it chose you. “Bokuto, I am... completely infatuated with you.”
Bokuto watched you, his eyes getting bigger and bigger as the seconds passed. He knew that word (now in two languages) and he knew that was exactly how he felt about you. He grinned and quickly picked you up into a hug, squeezing you tightly, “I missed you so much today. Trying to keep away from you was the hardest thing I’ve ever done,” he whined, his smile not letting up the whole time.
You laughed and snuggled into his neck, squeezing him tightly, “Don’t go ignoring me like that ever again okay! I missed hearing from you all day. You’re the best part of my day,” you told him with a loving tap to his nose, making him beam all the more. 
“Never again! I promise! I’m much too infatuated with you to ever leave your side again, I swear!” he laughed, emphasizing his fancy new vocabulary and making you giggle. 
“Okay okay, go practice before you’re late. Then you can walk me home okay?” You told him and he jumped up excitedly, running off to make sure that practice went by quick so he got to be with you. You just watched him with all the love in your eyes, sitting in the gym and focusing on how he moved, how he soared, how powerful he was.
As practice went on, you couldn’t contain your laughter as Bokuto scolded Akaashi and Konoha for making him believe that he was too much and coming on too strong, insisting that you were the most perfect girl in the world so of course he had to show you how much he loved you.
His words just filled you up with so much joy, you could barely sit still. You were completely in love with Bokuto, but until you were ready for those words, infatuation really did seem to fit quite nicely.
haikyuu taglist (let me know if you’d like to be added!)
@al0ehas @aurumk @neko-chii1 @thisnoodlewritesao3 @satan-ruler-of-hells @trashy-simp @jeppiet @tobi-momo @darkvadeeer @haikyuutothetop @livy384 @babyshoyo @jesssobs @b-bakana​
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engagemachine · 2 years
Has Taylor ever had to ask Mr J to help her with her homework? 🥺
Omg, yes! I answered a similar ask here a while back, where an anonymous reader left a prompt similar to your question. I was never able to fill this prompt, unfortunately, but it's plagued me for quite some time, and I think about it a lot.
I've spoken in the past about how Taylor's never been a straight-A student, and while her best subjects were always science and math, it was by no means smooth sailing for either of those topics of study, and sometimes she would struggle with homework well into the night, to the point where Mr. J would find her passed out in random spots all throughout the house: the kitchen table, with her head nestled on top of her textbook, or on the couch, with the book laid unfolded, her stomach a makeshift bookmark, and on her bedroom floor, curled up on her side with her forearm as a pillow, all her notes spread out on the floor behind her, creating a half-moon arch, as if she were a creature or some little fairy with only one wing instead of two.
Well, he muses, he supposes ten milligrams of Ambien periodically crushed into a mid-afternoon glass of juice will do that to a person....
He doesn't dose her all the time, of course, just enough to keep her docile. Content. She fights him less when she's weary and exhausted from whatever medicinally-induced cocktail he's slipped into her drink--not that he minds her when she fights. It's just his way of keeping tabs on her when she's out of sight -- out of both of their sights. There's only so much Ressling can do, once she's enclosed within school walls, but the drugs ensure she stays sleepy -- at least, sleepy enough to want to come home right home after school. Sleepy enough to fall asleep during class. During the middle of a conversation with a classmate, or a teacher. He doesn't care if she flunks out. What does that matter?
The kitchen table is where he finds her most often, brows pinched together in studious concentration as she tries to work through her algebra equations.
She never asks for help -- not outright, anyway -- but one night she releases an exasperated groan of frustration, and there's a thunk as her head hits the table.
"Ugh! I can't do this!"
Her voice is muffled from where her face is buried in her textbook, and he almost chuckles at that. Always so dramatic. He watches her for a few more moments from where he's seated on the couch. Her blonde hair is haloed around her textbook, and the tips of her hair spill out over her spiralbound notebook and the calculator he paid one hundred and thirty dollars for. Taylor was so guilt-stricken, having to ask him for all that money.
He goes to her after a few more moments have passed, stands behind her chair and sweeps her hair aside so he can take a look at what's got her so flustered. He ends up arching a brow instead when he sees she's been doing more doodling than actual math. He smirks at a little round face she drew in the margins, a caricature of herself with her mouth stretched into the shape of an 'O', and a speech bubble above her head that says, 'WHYYYYYYYYY'.
"I hate this," she mutters. She turns her head to the side -- her right cheek smooshed against her textbook -- and tries to look up at him from the corner of her eye. "I can't do it."
He stares at her, his own eyes full of mirth. "Sure you can, baby doll," he says, perfectly cloying. "What seems to be the prolem, hm?"
Taylor huffs through her nose, briefly sending a strand of hair flying into the air.
"It's hopeless," she whines. "Why do they have to make math so hard?" The way she says "have to" sounds like half to, and he smirks again as his eyes drift back to her notebook.
"Well, maybe daddy will help you if you ask nicely."
She perks up at that, sitting upright in her chair, looking at him over her shoulder. Jesus, he likes it when her eyes get big and round like that. He wants to pluck them straight from their sockets and put them in his pocket.
"Really?" she says, "you will?"
He raises a single brow.
"I mean... will you, Mr. J? Pretty please? With cherries on top?"
He cocks his head to the side, reaching out to touch a strand of her hair, stroking it between two fingers. "And what exactly are these cherries on top of?" he asks.
Taylor scrunches up her face. "I dunno," she shrugs. Her eyes drift to where he's still stroking a stand of her soft hair between his forefinger and thumb. "Whatever you want them on, I guess."
"You?" he asks.
That makes her smile, her eyes darting back to his, a little mischievous. "I guess so," she giggles. "You can put 'em right here." She splays a hand on top of her head, grinning at him, and he licks his lips, resists the sudden urge to push her flat on her belly on the table, rip her little shorts off and tell her that the only cherry he's interested in is the one he has yet to pop between her legs.
He releases her hair and leans forward to brace his arms on the table instead, bracing them on either side of her, crowding up against her back so his chin is nestled just over her shoulder. So close, he can smell her strawberry shampoo. "Why, that sounds just good enough to eat," he says, and she beams at him.
All his innuendos are lost on her. It's a shame, really.
She turns back to her textbook with renewed vigor, seizing her pencil and tapping the rubber-tipped side against the top right corner of her textbook.
"It's this one, Mr. J," she says, all business. "I've been working on this one for like, twenty minutes! It's freaking impossible!"
That does get a chuckle out of him, and he nestles his chin a little more solidly against her shoulder.
"Freak-ing impossible, huh?"
Taylor, at least, has the decency to look sheepish over her outburst. "Sorry," she mutters, as if he's just chastised her for saying a very bad word.
"Let's see here," he says, plucking the pencil from her fingers. He scans quickly over the work she's already done, finds the mistake (she'd omitted a negative symbol) and instructs her to start the problem over again. He glances at her from the corner of his eyes as she works, tongue poking out from between her lips, eyes narrowed in studious concentration. He almost laughs. But then, he also almost leans forward and bites her tongue instead. The desire to viscously yank that wet, fleshy muscle into his own mouth is a temptation almost too good to ignore. He settles for gripping the table a little tighter instead.
"I did it!" she crows. She turns to beam at him, and he raises his brows.
"See? Knew my girl could do it." He straightens behind her. "Now do the rest."
"Wait!" she says. She spins in her seat, grips his forearm with both hands. "You have to stay! You're my lucky charm."
He looks down at her, his little octopus, clinging to his arm as if it were her very lifeline, and, well, she's not exactly wrong, is she?
He decides he'll give her this indulgence -- after all, he's certain he'll be tossing her over his shoulder and carting her off to bed fairly soon, if her drooping eyes are any indication -- and grins at her.
"Promise me more cherries," he says, leaning down low, so close their noses almost brush, "and I might be more inclined to say yes."
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randomshyperson · 3 years
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Gif is not mine.
Summary:  Pietro Maximoff is handsome and popular, but he can’t date before his twin sister. The problem is that no one can get close to his sister, Wanda Maximoff. To resolve the situation, a girl interested in Pietro bribes a colleague with a mysterious past to go out with Wanda and, who knows, try to win her over. Or The one directly inspired by 10 Things I Hate About You.
Words:  11,620K (Complete)  /// Read on AO3 too || Part I
Warnings: PG, fluff, language.
She doesn't answer your messages during the weekend. So you don't press her. But then you are on the field, in physical education period, and she is practicing.
You sit on the bleachers, trying to focus on the math homework you needed to finish, when Monica joins you on the bench.
- Hey, girl. - She says hello as she sits down. And noticing your gaze shifting from the notebook to Wanda, she comments. - What happened between you two?
You sighed angrily.
- I did the right thing. - You comment with irony, but seeing Monica's frown in confusion, you add. - She wanted to kiss me after the party. I refused because she was drunk.
- But the plan was working! - said Monica.
- So what, you called the whole thing off.
Monica giggled, and raised her eyebrows slightly.
- Yeah, I know, but it was...it was before what happened. - She said, and you looked at her with confusion. - Pietro kissed me.
You blink and then laugh, shaking your head. And then Bruce comes to join you two.
- I just talked to Wanda. - He says. - Look, she said she hates you with the intensity of a thousand suns.
You let out a dry laugh, running your fingers through your hair.
- Thank you Bruce, that's very comforting to hear. - You tell him wryly, and he nods uncomfortably.
- Maybe she needs a day to calm down. - Monica says, and the three of you look toward the field, where Wanda was training veritably.
- Maybe two days. - You comment as you watch her knock a girl down.
You managed to fix most of your motorcycle. And then you found out that your mother punctured the tires, and you stormed angrily into her room.
- Have you completely lost your mind? - You shouted, and she just took off her glasses and crossed her legs while looking at you. - You slashed the tires on my motorcycle?
- I told you that you were grounded.
- That's ridiculous! - you say. - You don't have the slightest respect for my things.
- Don't talk to me that way. - She warned, and you let out a wry laugh.
- Be damn sure that when my bike is up and running, I'm out of here!
You shout before leaving the room, slamming the door.
You were coming out of geography class when Pepper Potts came to talk to you again.
She pulled you into a far corner behind the closet, and held out a hundred dollars to you.
- Take her to prom. - She said. - It's all here, limousine, clothes.
She pushed the money in your hands, but you pushed it back.
- I'm done with this game, Potts. - You retorted, feeling extremely uncomfortable.
You started to turn to leave, but Potts stepped in front of you.
- Hey, hey, wait. - She asked, and then pulled three more bills from her purse. - Three hundred dollars, okay? Come on, it's just a date.
You swallowed dryly as you accepted, trying to push to the back of your mind how wrong it was. And Potts smiled mischievously, then left.
You went back to the same record store in front of the laundry room where you found Wanda that other day. And you tried not to be so nervous.
Looking around, you found her walking around the shelves, and she was admiring a guitar. You put your hands in your pockets as you watched her put on the headphones and try the instrument, sitting down on one of the stools in the store.
You moved closer, and could see her reflection in the mirror a few feet away, but Wanda didn't see you, as her eyes were closed while her fingers danced on the guitar strings.
You smiled at the image, she looked so peaceful and comfortable. You couldn't disturb her. So you just left the store.
You saw Wanda again the next day. You didn't give up talking to her, and ended up going to the only bookstore in town that you knew sold the poetry that Wanda liked to read according to the list Monica had given you.
And while you were browsing the shelves, you found her looking distractedly at a stack of books. You walked over to her, following her across the opposite shelf, and when the shelf was over, you ended up in front of each other.
- Excuse me, miss. I'm looking for an Avengers comic book, have you seen any around? - You joked, but Wanda didn't smile, looking annoyed.
- What are you doing here?
- I hear you like poetry. - You answer and she sighs impatiently.
- You're so...
- Charming? - You interrupt with a smile, Wanda rolls her eyes as she walks away from you. - wholesome?
- Inopportune. - She says irritated. You bite your lip and walk toward her.
- You're not as mean as you think. - You tell her.
- And you're not as bad-ass as you think you are.
- Oh, someone still has her panties in a twist.
- Don’t for one minute think that you had any effect whatsoever on my panties.
You let out a smug chuckle.
- And where did I provoke?
- You provoked my vomit, nothing more. - She retorts, then grabs a comic book from the stack of books in front of her and slaps it against your chest, walking away.
You stare at the Avengers comic book in your hand for a few minutes before handing it back, completely impressed by the dialogue.
At break time, the day after your argument with Wanda, Monica and Bruce approach you in the snack line.
- She's still mad at me, people. - You tell them as you put some noodles on your tray.
- Look, you embarrassed her, you need to apologize. - Monica said and you frowned.
- I'm not going to apologize for not taking advantage of her drunken state! - You retort. - It's not my fault she's stubborn, and would rather be angry than admit she's wrong.
You finish your lunch and get out of line, Bruce and Monica follow you to the table. They don't sit with you, but watch you sit next to Carol at one of the circular tables.
- Come on, Y/N, try to think of something to please her. - Bruce says, and you roll your eyes.
- You can sing your apologies. - Mocks Carol from beside you, making you laugh. But then Bruce and Monica have serious expressions and you frown.
- Not a chance! - You warn them, but they are already letting out excited exclamations.
Carol starts laughing next to you.
- I have the perfect idea! - Monica says. - You can sing a romantic song in front of the whole school! Any girl would love it.
- I'd kill anyone who did that to me. - Carol mumbles humorously, and you laugh.
- Can I at least finish my lunch in peace? - you say, and Monica and Bruce nod in agreement. You point to the free chairs at your table, and they are very happy to sit with you.
And then you ended up outside the school again. After infiltrating the upper booth of the soccer field and getting a microphone and access to the outside speakers. You also had to pay the band guy, but you figured it was only worth it.
- You're just too good to be true. - You sang into the microphone as you walked out of the booth toward the stands. Your voice echoing across the field - Can't take my eyes of you. - You continued as you walked. All the students were looking around trying to figure out where the voice was coming from. - You'd be like heaven to touch. I wanna hold you so much. At long last love has arrived. And I thank God I'm alive - You sing and finally become visible to the people in the field. - You're just too good to be true. - You look for Wanda in the crowd in the distance, and sing the last part while looking and pointing at her. - Can't take my eyes of you.
And then the band starts playing, and you follow the beats, continuing to sing the song, as the crowd claps their hands and enjoys your performance.
You keep looking at Wanda throughout the song, and even as the security guards pull you off the field, you see that she is blushing, and smiling.
You end up in detention after hearing from Principal Harkness that she was impressed that you did romantic acts, and you laughed before leaving the office.
And then Professor Thanos was walking around the detention room, and stopped at the desk next to yours.
- You look nervous. - He said to the student who was sitting down.
- A little bit sir.
- You are sweating like a pig. - said Thanos.
- Yes sir. - agreed the frightened boy.
- Your eyes are red. - He said.
The boy nodded nervously, looking down at the table.
- You have pot, don't you? - said Thanos angrily, and the boy turned pale. - Hand it over right now.
After confiscating the boy's weed, Thanos walked back around, and then the door opened. You raised your head when you heard Wanda's voice.
- Professor Thanos, may I speak with you please? - she asked, entering the room and walking towards the man.
- What can I do for you, Miss Maximoff?
- I have some ideas for improving the team. - She says.
- Great! But we'll talk about them later. - Thanos replies with a serious expression, and as he looks across the room, Wanda looks at you, and quickly signals the window of the room. You blink in confusion, and when she whispers "window," Professor Thanos turns to her again.
- As you know, we have an important match against the Panthers coming up. - She starts to say, clearly trying to distract the man. You rush to gather your backpack and sneak out of his field of vision. - Wow, your muscles are huge! - She comments with a false sweetness in her voice, pulling the professor along and enabling you to run behind one of the pillars. The floor is very noisy and Wanda is trying to keep the man distracted by talking about match tactics, and when you finally reach the window, there is a metallic clatter and you think Thanos is going to see you, but then Wanda is pulling you by the arm again, and lifting up her own blouse.
The whole room makes a celebratory buzz and you try not to blush at the image of Wanda's exposed breasts, hurrying out, around the building on the fire escape and out the side.
It takes a while, but Wanda joins you.
- I can't believe you showed your breasts to a professor. - You remark with a laugh when she arrives.
- I can't believe you sang in front of the school. - She replies with a smile.
You shift the weight of your feet, staring at the ground for a second.
- Do you want to do something now? - you ask, and Wanda smiles as she nods.
You sneak off the school grounds, avoiding being seen by any security or teachers.
You end up in the city park, on the pedal boats in the middle of the sea.
- I can't stop thanking you for getting me out of detention. - You say with a smile as you pedal along together. - That was really nice.
- No problem.
You are silent for a moment, before you decide to ask her what she wants to know.
- What is your excuse?
- For what? - she asks confused.
- For behaving the way you do.
- I don't like to do what everyone expects. - She says. - Why should I meet other people's expectations and not my own?
- So you disappoint from the start, and then you don't have to worry?
She smiles lightly impressed.
- Yeah, something like that.
You nod, looking away.
- So you failed.
- How so?
- You've never disappointed me. - You confess, and Wanda looks at you. You smile at each other for a moment, before you look away again.
A few meters from the edge of the beach there is a paintball field.
- Hey, are you in? - you ask, pointing to the place.
- Yes. - Wanda agrees, slightly excited.
When you get off the pedal boat, you race to the paintball field, and Wanda absolutely beats you to it. You are laughing as you pay the entrance fee, watching her excitement.
After you put on your protective clothing, and get the paint ammunition, she moves first into the field, and hides, causing you to lose sight of her. You walk around looking around, and then feel something cold hit you on your back.
- Cheater! - You shout cheerfully, as you grab some paint from your ammunition pouch, and run toward Wanda, who is laughing as she tries to run away. You hit her in the leg.
And you stay in this race for several minutes, throwing paintballs at each other while laughing and trying to dodge the shots. At some point between ducking behind one of the obstacles, you corner Wanda, but she looks so cute that you don't have the heart to throw paint at her.
So you just put your hand down and smile. But seeing your hesitation, Wanda laughs and jumps at you, knocking you into the hay as she falls on top of you. You both laugh but your laughter dies down when you notice how close you are. And then she gets that look in her eyes again, and you want to kiss her, so you do.
And you kiss against the hay for many minutes, the feeling of having her against you makes you absolutely satisfied. And you continue there, until Wanda sighs against your lips, and you are warm, and it is better to stop before you are thrown out. And when you part, Wanda hits you on the head with a paint ball, and the moment changes completely. Soon you are back to playing and running.
On the way back to Wanda's house, you talked about the most varied subjects. When you are arriving, you start talking about the rumors that have been made at school about you two.
- I've heard that you sold your liver on the black market. - She remarked, making you laugh as you turned off the car.
- Those things are lies. - You retorted sheepishly as you got out and walked towards her backyard.
- The parole story?
- False - You deny it laughing. - The fight that ended in death in the parking lot?
- Rumor. - Wanda says with a laugh. - The robbery in New York?
- Just gossip. - You say. - And the kick in Tony Stark's nuts?
- True, he deserved it. - She says. - I'd do it again, he tried to grab me in the cafeteria.
You nod in agreement.
- What about your accent? - you ask curiously.
- I thought it was one at a time. - She jokes, and you shrug. You sit on her balcony. - It's real. My family is from Sokovia, we moved here when I was eight. - You grumble in agreement, waiting for Wanda's question. - Where were you last year? Since the parole story is a lie?
You laughed, looking away for a moment.
- I was in Colorado, living with my father. - You tell, and then look at her again, tucking her hair back behind her ear.
Wanda looks at you with curiosity and tenderness.
- Tell me something true.
- True? - you repeat with a thoughtful tone. - I hate peas.
She laughs lightly.
- No. Something real. - She clarifies. - Something no one else knows about.
- Okay. - You agree by coming closer. - You're sweet. - You tell her by lowering your head to her neck and kissing. - And sexy. - You kiss the skin on the other side. - And you're completely crazy about me. - You say as you bump your foreheads together, and Wanda laughs, pulling away a little.
- You have a huge ego, anyone ever tell you that? - she scoffs.
- I tell myself that every day. - You smile back, before kissing her. - Come to the prom with me.
- Is that a request or an order?
- Come on, go with me.
Wanda sighs.
- No.
- Why not?
- Because I don't want to, it's a silly tradition. - She explains.
- Now, nobody expects you to go.
- Why are you so insistent about it?
You look at her in surprise, feeling your heart race. Then of course you get defensive, because Wanda can't know. At your lack of response, she asks:
- What's in it for you? - She sounds suspicious and irritated.
- Now I need a reason to be with you?
- You tell me.
You look away, feeling extremely uncomfortable.
- You need therapy, you know. - You say back. - Has anyone ever told you that?
- Answer my question.
- Nothing. - You exclaim without patience, looking at her. - I get nothing, just the pleasure of your company.
You look out into the yard again, and Wanda lets out an angry exclamation before getting up and walking into the house, slamming the door.
You run your hands through your hair, hating that you accepted the damn money in the first place.
You thought Wanda was angry, but she calls you the next day after school. And she accepts the invitation. You are surprised, and feel guilty, but you are also happy to spend time with her.
She says she will accompany her sister, and meet you at the dance. So you stand at the entrance to the party, wearing your best clothes and trying not to look so anxious.
Wanda doesn't see you as she walks up the stairs to the party, and you bite your lip, impressed by how beautiful she looks.
You approach slowly, and whisper a hello in her ear, which startles her slightly, but she smiles turning to you.
- You look stunning. - You say breathlessly.
- So do you. - She replies with a smile.
You offer your arm for her to hold, and she accepts. You walk together toward the ballroom.
- How did you get such a fancy outfit? - she asks with a slight irony.
- Oh, I had kept it at home. For situations like this. - You joke.
- What situations?
- A date with a pretty girl. - You retort with a smile, and Wanda laughs lightly.
You walk to the entrance of the photos, and you lean against the pillar.
- I'm sorry I questioned your motives. - she says when you stop. - I was wrong.
You swallow dryly, feeling guilty. But you try to cover it up.
- You are forgiven.
Wanda smiles.
- Are you ready for the ball?
- Yes, miss. - You agree with a light laugh as you turn toward the party.
You dance together for a few minutes. The songs are terrible, but with Wanda, it's fun.
You also see Pietro and Monica dancing together, and Wanda exchanges a pleased look with her sister.
- Girl, have you seen him? - asks a redheaded girl walking up to Wanda. You know they are friends, and that her name was Nat or something like that.
- Who? - Wanda replies, confused.
- William! - she replies. - He asked me to come here.
You and Wanda exchange confused and amused glances.
- Natasha, please don't tell me you're hallucinating.
You were going to ask what they were talking about, but then you looked toward the stage and understood. You signaled for the girl to look, and she cracked a big smile when she saw Bruce Banner dressed as William Shakespeare waving at her, and walked off in your direction.
- I'm not even going to ask. - Wanda remarked with a chuckle before she went back to dancing with you.
And then the music is ending again, for a romantic one to take its place. You turn Wanda in your arms, kiss her tenderly for a moment, and then dance again, feeling her rest her chin on your shoulder.
And you dance for several minutes, and then someone pulls you away.
- Girl, what is Pietro doing here with that asshole? - Pepper asked aggressively as she pulled you away. - I didn't pay you to go out with Wanda and get nothing for it.
It was as if a bucket of cold water had fallen on you. Your gaze returned immediately to Wanda, and she was already looking at you with teary eyes.
- You have nothing to gain from this, have you?
she retorted wryly before walking away, bumping into you. You gave Potts one last look before following her.
- Wanda! Wait! Please! - You shouted as you walked out of the hall. She then stopped walking, and you let out a sigh. - Give me a chance to explain.
- You were paid to go out with me by the person I hate the most. - She retorted. - I knew it was a trick.
- No, Wanda. It wasn't like that.
- How was it then? An advance, and the rest of the money when you sleep with me?
- No! - You denied it with a shout. - I didn't care about the money! I cared about you.
Wanda shook her head, incredulously.
- You're different than I thought you were.
And then she turns and runs outside, and you sink your hands into your face, trying to calm yourself down.
- Where did she go? - You hear a male voice, and take your hands away from your face to see Pietro standing in front of you.
- Away. - You retort, feeling your stomach clench. - I screwed up.
- We did. - He says upset, putting his hands in his pockets.
- At least you got the girl. - You comment wryly before turning and walking away.
You think you're crying, but you don't care as you leave the party.
Your first lesson is literature the next day. And you know you will see Wanda, but you are hating yourself so much right now that you don't care. You arrive early for the first time in the whole school year, and sit in one of the back chairs.
As the other students arrive, you keep your head down, trying to distract yourself with your cell phone, even though you know that all your attention is on the girl sitting two chairs in front of you.
When Professor Fury finally starts the class, he is all excited.
- I guess everyone had time to finish the poem I asked for. - He announces standing at the front of the room. - Except for Mrs. Potts, who has an excuse. - He scoffs lightly, mentioning the confusion that occurred at the dance when you left, where Monica punched her in the nose. And now she was wearing sunglasses to cover up the purple. The whole room giggles at Fury's words. - Okay, does anyone want to start the reading?
The room is silent, but then Wanda raises her hand.
- I will.
- Lord, here we go. - Comments the teacher as the girl gets up, and stops at the front of the room. Wanda begins to recite the poem:
-I hate the way you talk to me. And the way you cut your hair. I hate the way you drive my car. I hate it when you stare. - She narrates, without taking her gaze from the notebook - I hate your big dumb combat boots, And the way you read my mind. I hate you so much, that it makes me sick, And even makes me rhyme. - She pauses, taking a deep breath - I hate the way you're always right, I hate it when you lie. I hate it when you make me laugh. - She looks directly at you, her eyes filled with tears and her voice trembling. - Even worse when you make me cry. I hate it when you not around. And the fact that you didn't call. But mostly I hate the way I don't hate you, Not even close, Not even a little bit, not even at all.
Wanda lets the tears flow as she finishes, and the room was too shocked to react. She rushes out next, grabbing her backpack on the way, and slamming the door.
You are trying to hold back your own tears as you stand up.
- I'm going to the bathroom, Mr. Fury. - You grumble as you leave, without waiting for permission.
But you don't find Wanda, and you decide that you’re simply not in the mood for school today.
You sell your motorcycle. You hate that it has the parts for the money Potts gave you, so when it is fixed, you call Carol, and she finds you a buyer. This means you are stuck with your mother for a longer period, but it seems like the right thing to do.
And then you text Wanda, asking her to meet you wherever she wants. She says she won't leave the house to talk to you, so you end up at her front door, shifting the weight of your feet before you decide to knock.
Wanda's father looks stern, and he doesn't smile when he sees you.
- Are you the girl who made my daughter cry? - he asks with a serious expression.
But then Pietro appears at his side, patting him on the shoulder.
- My God, Daddy, don't be like that! - he asks, smiling at you. - Y/N, you are here to apologize, I imagine. Let her talk to Wands.
Mr. Maximoff takes one last look at you before entering back into the house, and Pietro smiles, nodding his head for you to enter.
- Thank you, Pietro. - You tell him, and then he takes you upstairs.
He drops you at Wanda's door, and you take a deep breath before knocking.
- Come in. - You hear her voice on the other side.
Entering the room, you are slightly overwhelmed by the amount of visual information. Wanda has many posters. And she is sitting on the bed, with a book on her lap.
- Hey. - You greet her, closing the door. You leave your hands in your pockets, deciding whether to stand.
- Hi. - She replies, placing the book on the bed and crossing her legs. - What did you want?
You swallow dryly, and decide to sit on her bed, keeping your distance.
- To apologize. - You clarify, and she looks away. - Properly apologize.
- I don't know what you want me to say.
- I just want you to listen. - You retort and straighten your posture, feeling your heart soar. - I'm sorry I took Potts' money, because regardless of my motives, it was wrong to put your feelings on the line.
- Wanda frowns slightly, as if deciding whether to believe you or not. You clear your throat.
- I never should have accepted it in the first place, but mostly I should have stopped when I realized I was falling in love with you. - You say, and Wanda looks at you, surprised by your confession. - But I didn't stop, and I lied to you and kept deceiving you, when I should have told you the whole truth. I'm sorry I hurt you, Wanda. I swear I didn't think all of this would happen.
You take a deep breath, running your fingers through your hair. Wanda just stands there, looking at you as if trying to read your mind.
- I just wanted to say that. - You tell her feeling flustered,
- Are you in love with me?
Wanda looks at you intently, and you just smile shyly.
-Very much so.
And then Wanda approaches you, and when she is close to your face, she says:
- I'm still mad at you. - And then she kisses you. You have missed her lips, and unfortunately the kiss doesn't last long.
When you open your eyes, Wanda has already moved away again, leaning her back against the headboard.
- When you are no longer angry, can we do something together? - you ask her tenderly. Wanda stares back at you, as if to say something.
- I received my acceptance letter today. - She tells you suddenly, and you blink in confusion. Before you can congratulate her, she adds. - In California.
You look at her in surprise, feeling your heart race. Wanda was leaving.
- Oh. - You swallow dryly, shake your head slightly, and smile. - I'm proud of you, Wanda. Congratulations.
- I thought you'd be upset.
- No, it's okay. - You give her a sad smile. - I'll miss you, but it's amazing that you're going to college.
Wanda lets out a sigh, keeping quiet for a moment.
- What did you need the money for?
You are surprised by the question, and look away from her, feeling slightly uncomfortable that this subject is back. But you decide that Wanda has the right to know whatever she wants to.
- I needed to fix my motorcycle. - You tell. - My mom is... hard to deal with. We had a fight and she broke some parts with a hammer. The next day, Potts was offering me the money I needed.
Wanda looks at you for a moment, seeming to be absorbing the story.
- Did you fix it?
- Yes. - You confirm, but let out a humorless chuckle. - But I sold it later.
The girl looks at you, frowning in confusion. And you shrug.
- I felt bad about everything. I decided to try to do the right thing then. - You explain. - I think I'm stuck with my mother for a while now.
Wanda looks surprised at your conclusion, and you let out a sigh, flopping down on the bed as you stare at the ceiling. You are silent for a moment, and then Wanda crawls over to you and lies down beside you, looking up at you.
- What if you leave with me? - She whispers, running her fingers across your face, and you blink in surprise.
- What?
Wanda smiles shyly.
- I have a car. - she says. - And you could work, and we could share an apartment.
You straighten your posture, leaning on your elbow and looking at Wanda in amazement.
- Are you serious? - you ask, smiling, and she nods slightly. You let out a happy exclamation, and move in, kissing her on the mouth. Wanda giggles against your lips, but returns the kiss.
You quickly let go and sit down on the bed when Wanda's father suddenly opens the door.
- Keep this door open! - He warns with a stern look, and you swallow dryly.
- Yes, sir. - Wanda says with humor.
When he leaves, you throw yourself on the bed next to Wanda, and she goes back to reading while you lie beside her.
- Any chance you have any comic books around here? - You joke, and Wanda giggles, denying it with a nod.
You don't mind though, her company is enough to keep you distracted.
You end up using the money from the motorcycle sale to pay the deposit on the apartment you find for yourselves, fifteen minutes from her college. You get a job the same week, and you finally read the poetry that Wanda likes as you both drive towards California.
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