#I so much need to go for the dang walk (otherwise I fear I will start hurting stuff or myself)
mitamicah · 9 months
After shouting and swearing at the UPS AI bot on the phone I finally got through to a person at the contact - it seems that must have been a mistake in my address so it should’ve been corrected now so the package may arrive tomorrow or the day after that
Tbh I am mostly just happy that it won’t be send back to Finland
and also I am both furious and tired and just over everything and it’s only Tuesday
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silver-and-stars · 2 months
Rewatching from season 4
Turns out it's the Buck Begins' season (how appropriate) and
How I HATE his parents ("You have to know, we never blame you" HE HAS TO KNOW ??? Let me hit them with a shovel PLEASE). They are all nice and open now but I hate them even more for that. In season 6 they made a 180° turn, like nothing happened, with Buck and Maddie (my poor Maddie). They deserved at least a harsh slap, they deserved a way meaner treatment. What is it with the Madney family and wanting to introduce to your kid your shitty parents that gave you trauma so she can have "a normal family" ? You mean a family with history of neglect and emotional abuse ? She doesn't need grandparents like that. Sometimes nothing is better. CUT TIES WITH EMOTIONALLY ABUSIVE PARENTS. DO IT. and do like Buck, go see a psychologist. Otherwise they will keep eating at you even after their death. It's like poison.
Damn I love the 118 family. When they all come into frame to help Buck in the fire. Ouch my feelings (with So Far playing in the back, double Ouch)
So much Buddie in those first episodes, unparasited by poitnless love interests (I'm not talking about Tommy), at least until episode 6. Now that my hope is rekindled I fear the disappointment.
Next episode Bobby goes "Hey" at the fake firefighter, the guy runs away and IMMEDIATELY Buck goes "I got it" and start running after the guy, yelling "Hey, I just wanna talk" while the guy tries to escape him. Peak golden Retriever moment. I love him.
That probably makes me a bad person but I'm living for the scene where Buck tells Chris Eddie got shot (a+ acting) and how Buck is barely holding it together, crying while trying to stay strong for Chris and then breaking down once he gets the news Eddie is gonna be fine. He was so scared and is so relieved. And he makes, once again, a GREAT parent. (Also Athena holding that riffle is.... 🤌🏻)
And then Buck does that heroic but reckless crane rescue, being maybe a tiny tiny bit suicidal cause Eddie got shot and it should be him instead, and he is happy about the rescue but then his eyes meet Bobby's and oh nooo, Dad is pissed. I adore the Buck-Bobby dynamic. One had SHITTY parents, the other lost his children, but now here they are having that father-son bound. Those relationship between the characters in the heart of the show and why I keep watching even when all those accidents and calls starts to stress me or make me paranoid.
For MONTHS Eddie was walking around, knowing he wrote Buck into his will like "yeah if I die that man will take care of my son" LIKE BRO. He trusts him with his life but, stronger than that, he trusts him with his son's. And then Eddie gets shot, standing in front of Buck. He doesn't remember anything after hitting the ground but I wonder if he thought about that, about his son and if he was relieved to think Buck would be there for his kid. DUDE. And Buck tells him it would have been better if he was shot instead of Eddie, like he doesn't matter. Buck, who feels worthless unless he is a firefighter, who felt unwanted, is who Eddie choose to look after his son if he dies, the one Eddie is ready to entrust his son's life and happiness to. And Eddie sees him thinking so little of himself. And he is freaking wrong. Pretty much all the 118 fam at some point must have wanted to shake Buck to make him understands he matters A LOT to them. But Buck doesn't believe that yet because of his AWFUL parents. Dang.
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johnsongrey · 1 year
April 2023
Where We Are:
Life is good. I have so many reminders and feel-good moments throughout my week that affirm me of where i am and how exciting it is to be where i’m at, and to do what I do. I really be living my best Uncle Paralegal life! i don’t think i’ll ever get too sick of realizing that my 2018 dream came true. And although I say it happened in 5 years, i had a thought today where technically it could've been shorter than that - since I hadn't been counting the pandemic and how it had changed things up. I'm loving every second of where I am. Still get those usual waves of missing what it was to be younger and more energetic and less burdened (Lol) - but im also working on seeing and embracing the unique Good of this season. (I also give myself kudos for remaining as light and positive and funny as the people in the office say i am, despite trauma brought on by Sandy )
zwicker has become a distant memory. especially after lisa betrayed me and severed that tie so yeah. we are moved on, we're happy, we're getting & gaining more, all the while deepening a gratitude for Tampa that I never have before and .. yeah. it’s all good. really really good
i had a good day - did my first ever at-home signing which was pretty cool! Linda complimented me on how good i am with clients and i Won a raffle. :) i worked out, ate some good food, shat on Jurassic World 3 for umpteenth time. made Ari laugh, had the best shower. and opened my own bottle of wine that attorneys gifted us for employee appreciation week. its not good. LOL. and also lol @ me drinking in a cup with ice as if its grape juice or soemthing. lol adulting!
Anyway hi here's what April 2023 was!
Stuffs that happened this month!
Kelly & Andy's Tea Ceremony Aw it was so so cute. and to go to my first Tea Ceremony was great! And surprisingly? it was so good to see Randy & Kenny.
Dinosaur World for Caden's 3rd Birthday Cant believe we considered missing out on a day that would end up being so precious and so remarkably fun for us with the siblings and family.
Songs - What It is Hoe - Doechii - Wicked OST (still - BUT GURL those first pics of Ari and Wicked fiming! SCREAMING) Our month overall: It was good! I first felt like it paled in comparison to the wonder & majesty and excitement that was March 2023, but i think April was cute and adorable, still. Dinosaur World being the high point and being sick/having a cold soar being the low.
Additional Notes: I love working corporate, i love the perks of being part of a big major resourced firm, i love walking downtown - i love that i don't feel internally chased down by a never-ending fear of needing to hurry to the next place and that fear of feeling ilke im not "making it". I love this beautiful little corner ive' built for myself, this world where I'm the star of my own Sex and the City spin-off - and that im in a place where im constantly invited to see how I can improve and expand upon myself. whether its in working out physically, dancing bc i want to, or being an uncle that my family needs. and even though its not a long-lasting romance, or a wedding, or children, or anything like that that im building- i love that I've built this little lane for myself to belong, and thrive in, and that it's real and that its mine. And that one day i can leave this lifestyle knowing I had it, and knowing that parts of me grew where I wouldn't have otherwise.
I'm loving that each day im stepping into a more disciplined, more mature, and more bad ass version of me.
And i honestly loav thah faur may
Next Month:
We have so much family fun coming in May! Busch Gardens, Ezra's Baptism, etc etc. I can't believe that Summer is already here and already a thing and. I mean yeah, i guuess its the halfway point of the year. but dang!
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For You
Warnings: vampire, feeding blood, IV, drawing blood, forced drugging, passing out/collapse, blood loss, delirious state of consciousness, hallucination, death thoughts, fever, starvation, pills, forced medication
There was no strength left in their body. No strength to run, no strength to fight, and absolutely no strength to take care of them.
Villain laid on the cool, wooden floor of their bedroom, too weak to do much more than periodically twitch their fingers. Their eyes drifted closed every once in a while, only to open when they remembered that Hero was starving in the bes above them.
Villain rolled over onto their stomach, the motion causing the world to contort and waver into a dizzying pallette of pastel colors. They breathed deeply, gathering their arms underneath them before heaving themself up and into a sitting position.
After about five minutes of sitting there with their eyes squeezed shut, trying not to sway from their taxing position, Villain reached forward and grabbed the IV off the night stand.
"V-villain," Hero murmured. Villain cast them a long glance. Their nemesis was hardly conscious on the bed, starved and heavily drugged. Villain gulped. They didn't want to keep them sedated like this, but they would try to kill Villain otherwise.
"Sorry," Villain slurred, their voice was as fragile as Hero's.
"Mmn," Hero groaned and slightly opened their mouth, awaiting the meal. Villain gave a small nod that nearly caused them to fall back onto the ground. They put a tube into Hero's mouth then inserted the needle into their own wrist.
Within a second, the delirious and greedy vampire started to gulp frantically. Villain's bottom lip trembled as they felt their limited blood supply diminish.
After only thirty seconds, Villain began to feel incredibly light-headed and contemplated whether or not to stop Hero's feeding. But one look at the desperate face made Villain decided on the former- just a minute longer.
"Hmph," Villain gasped as they slumped forward onto the bed, their consciousness wavering. With shaky hands, they clutched the needled and deftly drew it out of their vein before falling completely unconscious.
Villain drifted between sleep and wakefulness for a while, still collapsed on Hero's bed. During their brief stints of consciousness they woule remind themselves of Hero's next dose, but couldn't bring their depleted body to do so.
They feel vaguely feel the awakening Hero stirring under their body. Villain pushed themselves backwards, planning on standing fully up and going about their day, but their body had other plans. They fell back, hitting their back against the ground as the world was submerged in a dark shade of ebony.
"Villain! Open up!"
Villain moaned and tried to peel their eyes open, but they were too heavy.
The voice- it was a voice, they were sure- came again, "Villain. You need help, open the door!"
Villain didn't need help, they were sure of it. Hero did- Hero needed to eat and Villain was able to take care of them. For them.
"For you," Villain whispered, almost like the faintest breeze.
Their fingers curled into the hard ground. They were aware of the floor's cool features, but oddly it felt warm. Too warm.
Villain forced their eyes open and saw a trickle of blood coming out of their veins from where the IV was still attached. They were so certaib that they removed it and seeing it felt like a rock was dropped into their stomach.
Villain tried to reach over and pull it out, but failed, letting out a strangled sob as they tried to call upon their healing powers. Using them made them completely exhausted, but it kept them and Hero alive.
Villain, after a few agonizing seconds of calling their power, finally felt a comforting tingling through their fingers as their body created some blood. It was low in oxygen and lacked all the necessary and vital functions that blood cells carried out, but it did a decent job at feeding Hero.
Villain sighed in relief as the new warmth spread throughout their body, drawing them back into sleep...
Villain woke rather unpleasantly. They were only aware of the heat gathering in their head and the fact that they were cold- oh so cold. They moved their hands about, testing their environment, but was quite confused at the outcome. Wet. They were wet and cold.
Villain cracked open an eye and looked around. White walls with small shelves that held various bottles. Looking down, they saw tiny glaciers floating around a small expanse of artic water.
Suddenly, they tensed, scared and completely convinced that they were indeed trapped in a frigid ocean.
"Shh," came a voice, foggy and distant as if Villain's ears were underwater. Maybe they were, Villain couldn't tell for panic consumed them.
So Villain continued their struggles even as ropes wrapped around their head pulling them against hard surface. A boat. They were going to be crushed by a boat. They kicked and resisted the ropes that tied them so tightly against the imminet danger.
"Let me go!" Villain yelled, pushing away. The ropes let go, cut away by the knives that threatened to slit Villain's throat.
The term "knives" was literal. There wasn't just one silver dagger, but five, all working to free Villain before they decided to end the suffering person themself.
Those knives grabbed Villain's bare chest, right above their heart as they were pulled right back against the boat.
"Villain. You need to calm down. You have a fever, you are safe, okay? So is Hero. Do you hear me? Hero is being taken care of."
Hero... taken care up... Villain allowed their tired body to slump deep into the cold waves as they waited for one to take them to their grave.
But the merciless ropes and knives held them up, keeping them from drowning. Soft tendrils drifted through their hair and for a moment fear enveloped Villain at the thought of a mysterious plant suffocating them.
But, once they decided that the tendrils were kind, they leaned into the gesture, closing their bloodshot eyes as darkness closed around them...
Villain woke up, dazed and confused. They struggled under the thin sheet that covered their pale body, but was too weak to push it off.
Looking around, they noticed that they were in a foreign- possibly dangerous environment. The memories of the night before were foggy like they were swallowed, threwn up, then swallowed again.
But they did remember Hero, sick and starved on Villain's bed.
"Ah your awake," came a tired voice. Villain's gaze shot to the person sitting next to them. It took a moment but...
Villain flinched and tried to run away, only to get tangled and stuck on the floor. Carpet, not wood.
They weren't in their house.
Villain squirmed, terrified of the all too familiar face. The face that brought tears of pain to many. The face that was probably here to punish Villain for taking care of a hero.
But Supervillain only walked to the other side of the bed, scooped the weak villain up, and laid them prone on the bed.
"Are you too warm?" Supervillain asked, placing their cold hand upon Villain's burning forehead. The cold hand that was going to be the death of Villain...
"Still running a fever..." Supervillain murmured and turned around. Villain barely had time to register the words before they were faced with a small, evil-looking, torture device.
Oh boy did it look simple and the possibilities were endless of what it would do. Villain imagine maybe it had a hidden needle and they would be drugged. They also wondered if it contained a knife- knives were threatening them before, why not do it now?
But nothing prepared them for the way Supervillain clutched Villain's jaw, forcing it open and sticking the device under their tongue.
Nothing prepared them for the lack of pain other that a sharp pinch. Their eyes began to flutter closed. After all, Supervillain wasn't torturing them...
A loud beeeep brought them back around. They stared deep into Supervillain's concerned eyes.
"I'm going to get you some medicine. Okay?" Supervillain laid a hand on Villain's head. "Try to stay awake for me."
Villain swallowed and nodded, small and helpless. Weak and fragile like a thin glass just waiting to break at the slightest touch.
But, despite Supervillain's request, Villain began to doze off only to awake when they felt like they were falling. They kept on forgetting what their half-consious self was dreaming or thinking about after those falls.
"Dang it Villain," Supervillain groaned when they entered the room and saw their colleague's eyes half-rolled into their head as they stared at the ceiling without any real object or reason.
"Come here," Supervillain cooed and gently cupped Villain's chin, opening it, and slipped the medicine into their mouth. They hoped that the sick villain still had some instinctual reflexes as they dumped some water down their throat. Supervillain then went to work on rubbing Villain's throat until they swallowed, taking the tylenol nto their stomach.
"Good job," Supervillain praised. They wiped Villain's sweating brow with a wet cloth while their patient drifted off to sleep. Supervillain did nothing to stop it.
Hero was struggling against the restraints as henchmen pried their mouth open.
"Gosh!" One of them squealed when Hero nipped at their hand. "They got rabies or something? They are wacko."
"They are a vampire you dim-wit," another henchman growled. That same henchman took Hero's mouth with some pliers and held it open long enough for the other to slipped some tablets into their mouth.
The hero swallowed and hissed.
"Okay. Supervillain told me that those will keep their vampire side at bay until they gain some weight," Henchman1, the one got bit said, wiping their nose with their hand.
Hero continued snarling until they exhausted themselves, slipping into sleep. Henchman2, the other, stood up and started to pace.
"Knock that off," Henchman1 snapped, standing up themselves. "You are taking first watch."
"No. You," Henchman2 shoved their friend. "I am not sitting with a freaking vampire. Did you see Villain? Part of me wonders if they were mind controlled."
"I thoroughly assure you that they weren't," Henchman1 rolled their eyes and slipped away from Henchman2. They opened the cell door and left.
Henchman2 walked over to Hero where they laid on a cot, unmoving. But, as if the presence of another was like a stimuli, the hero woke up.
Their eyes this time were not filled with desperate starvation or anger, but of worry.
"Where's Villain?" They asked, looking around. "They are not thinking. It's dangerous... it's..." they trailed off, their gaze meeting Henchman2's. "Are they dead?" They chirped.
"No, but sick and unconscious," Henchman2 replied, relaying the last update. That was about five minutes ago.
"They need my saliva," Hero continued. "To quicken the healing process. I cannot stimulate blood production, but I can share my healing."
"Villain has a healing factor as well and it doesn't seem to work."
"Because they are beyond exhaustion. Pair that will blood loss and starvation themselves, their chances of surviving are low. They need my saliva."
"How do I know this isn't a trick. A way to eat more?"
"I am human now. I need actual food. When the vampire takes over is when I can only consume blood," Hero glanced down at their bony wrists. "Blood satisfies like candy, but it is far from nutrious, but I thank Villain. Truly."
Henchamn2 smiled despite their best effort to remain nonchalant.
"I'm glad you do."
~ not going to edit, so I apologize for any mistakes
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peach-the-owl · 3 years
Exu crew and an artificer kid? The crew enters the kids home town and they don't seem that happy about it but doesn't say anything, everyone goes different ways to shop/explore/etc and while everyone goes their own ways the kids old bullies pull them into an alleyway and just bully them breaking anything kid made/name calling/pulling hair just being unbelievable mean. The bullies all freeze, then kid looks over their shoulders and sees the whole group behind them looking intimidating, the bullies run away while the other ask what's going on and try to comfort their child.
Wow this was longer then I expected SORRY!! I hope you have a wonderful day ❤️
There’s no need to be sorry for an idea 😁 I hope this turned out good
(Second piece to deal with a bullying theme, dang)
Fine Craftsmanship
ExU Crew & Child!Artificer!Reader
The trip to Byroden was a longer one then you first thought, having to make a few pit stops to rest and restock on food, but it did have its perks, giving you time to work on some projects while on the road. They weren’t anything huge, you wanted to surprise everyone in the group with a personally crafted item, everything was fine at first until you recognized the town you were currently approaching.
"Are you alright (y/n)? You seem a bit jumpy." Dorian comments, having noticed your fidgeting hands. You take a quick second to calm yourself before replying.
"I’m fine, this is actually my hometown. I haven’t seen it in awhile, you know." He gives you a small nod and gets himself a better look out the window.
"If you’re from here that means you know where all the good stops are right?" Dariax asks excitedly.
"I’m still a kid, I wouldn’t know what’s 'good' in your opinion." You stare blankly, it was a bit strange sometimes to be one of the smartest people in the group.
"Right, right. No drinking for you." Dariax says, as if he already knew all this. You playfully roll your eyes at him and smile a little, maybe this wouldn’t so bad after all, so long as you stayed close to everyone. You enter the town and find a good place to park the Glitter-Shitter (I can’t even write the word with a straight face) before making your way into the marketplace and instantly Opal is off browsing the different shops and stalls of the market, dragging Fearne along with her and Fy'ra Rai trailing behind them, telling everyone to meetup in an hour. Dorian heads over to the tavern hoping to sweet talk the folk there for some food for the road, Dariax tagging along most likely to grab some drinks and test his luck with some gambling. Orym had disappeared from your sight entirely, heading off to do his own thing if you had to take a guess. You sigh unsure of where to go, now just hoping things go by quickly and without trouble as you sit by the wagon pull out some tools and continue to tinker away at a small gift you were making for Fearne for a while, placing your mind into a false sense of security.
"Well, well, well. Look who decided to come home." You hear a chillingly familiar voice spite at you and look over at the three people you were hoping not to see. There was Marty, Hamna, and their self proclaimed leader Fion (I just made up some names here, idk), they used to terrorize you relentlessly until you’d finally had enough and snuck on that cart to Emon, which lead to the adventure you were on now, a story come full circle in the worst way to you. You get up quickly hoping to dash over to where Opal and Fearne where looking at some sparkling necklaces for protection, you don’t move quick enough as you’re yanked back by your hair by either Marty or Hamna as Fion covers your mouth to avoid you shouting for help. Once pulled into a nearby alleyway, away from public view, Marty and Hamna each restrain one of your arms. You thrash and struggle to try and free yourself, managing to loosen their grip slightly only to get socked in the jaw by Fion giving the other two the chance to readjust their grip into a more secure position, trapping you.
"Let go! Leave me alone!" You shout as you continue to squirm to try and free yourself.
"Awww, and what are you going to do if we don’t?" Marty teases. You wanted to cast something to no avail with their tight grip preventing you of freeing yourself and grabbing your tools.
"Look at them," Hamna laughs, "they’re too weak to even break free." You glare at them. Fion walks over to you and starts rummaging around your bag, mindlessly throwing around the various items you’ve worked on for a long time to make.
"What’s this supposed to be?" They ask, holding up a hair clip you had intended to give to Opal.
"That’s for my friend! Put it back!" You shout a little too loud for their liking and the two holding your arms use their free hands to cover your mouth, muffling your words or cry’s for help. The one holding the hair clip looks it over in their hand before looking you in the eyes and snapping the item in half.
"Oops, sorry. My hand slipped." Their voice dripped with sarcasm. They continue to rummage through your bag, or look through the small pile of items they threw out of it, pulling out items you wanted to give to everyone as gifts. Every time they’d inspect one item, they'd just as quickly break it, smashing it on the ground or snapping it in their hands. You struggled and tugged against the two still holding you back and muffling out your voice, but it was no use, you were restrained, unable to call for help and left to helplessly watch as they destroyed your hard work. As if things couldn’t get worse, they pull out your tools, the literal lifeblood for your magic, look you straight in your eyes and while struggling a bit manage to break them too.
"Awww, they’re crying like a baby." Hamna laughs.
"That’s because they are a baby." Marty continues.
"If you really want to cry like a baby, we’ll give a reason to cry." Fion eggs on, getting the other two to harshly shove you to the ground. You curl into a ball preparing for the worst, you wait a moment and when nothing happens you peek up to see the three of them frozen in place with fear in their eyes. You adjust yourself to have a look over your shoulder and see everyone standing with intimidating looks on their faces.
Dorian stared daggers at the bullies, while also subtly fiddling with his handaxe. Opal twirled her knives in her hands, magic sparking at her fingertips, and if you looked closely enough you could see a faint glow emit from her necklace. Fearne stood tall, her snake staff coming to life and hissing at the three, Mister well perched on her shoulder screeches, purposely showing the fiery interior of his mouth. Orym takes a step in front of you, acting as a shield for you while placing his hand on the hilt of his sword, you knew well enough he wouldn’t actually draw his sword on the other kids, but they didn’t know that. Dariax on the other hand looked very ready to strike at the three, holding a tight grip on his spear.
"Are you hurt bad?" Orym asks quietly, looking over to you. You shake your head giving an equally quiet "no".
"I’m not a fan of people hurting my little friend here." You hear Dariax say, now fulling pointing his spear at the others, the three each take step back. You finch at the feeling of being suddenly lifted off the ground, finding yourself in Dorian's arms, he gives you a concerned but reassuring smile.
"Let’s get out of here!" Fion commands and the three turn to leave but are stopped when Fy'ra Rai blocks their exit, her eyes burning into them with fury.
"You’re unjust actions should not be left unpunished. You dare to put down this child as if they are weak, when it is you three that are the weaklings. Knowing you would never stand a chance alone you group together and single out the ones you see as vulnerable. It is sad and pathetic, now leave while we still show you mercy." Her voice held such a powerful tone to it, it almost felt like the ground itself shook at her words. Fion, Marty and Hamna scramble over each other before running off, one of them crying for their mommy.
"Who where those children? Do you know?" Dorian asks. You let out a long sigh and explain to everyone a bit about your life when you still lived in the town.
"What’s all this stuff here?" Opal speaks up, staring at the broken pile of items.
"I wanted to surprise you all with some gifts I made, but now their all broken." You sigh sadly.
"You made theses for us?"
"I tried to, I know they aren’t that good but you’ve all been so nice and carding to me, I wanted to retune the favour."
"That’s really sweet of you." Fearne smiles, giving you a pat on the head, you smile a little at this.
"Why don’t you just fix them? I’ve seen ya do stuff like that before." Dariax butts in.
"I would, but they broke my tools too." You pout.
"Well that’s easy, we'll just buy you some new tools." Dorian states, shuffling you in his grip a bit to have a better hold on you. You look up at him with big hopeful eyes.
"Really? I don’t want to bother you."
"It’s no bother at all, your our little genius, the last thing we’d want are some small town jerks preventing you from ever thinking that." He proudly proclaims, getting affirmation from the others. Fy'ra Rai walks over and gently lifts your chin up to look at her.
"Listen to me little one, you are much stronger then you'd ever believe, don’t let anyone tell you otherwise." You give her a small nod, not entirely sure what she means but finding her words encouraging nonetheless.
"You know what? I do remember seeing these really awesome looking tools, while searching for a cloths shop. Here I’ll show you." Opal brightens up a bit, grabbing and dragging Dorian and by extension you off into the market again.
"Opal!" Dorian calls in surprise, holding tighter to you so you wouldn’t fall. You just giggle at the two, looking over your shoulder to see the others hurrying to catch up.
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xmagicxshopx · 4 years
💋 Often 💋
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Genre: Slice of Life, Comedy Rating: M (smut) Warnings: strip club, oral (f receiving), protected penetrative sex Pairing: stripper!jungkook x reader Notes: AU fic. Not idol!jungkook. Single quote marks ‘ ‘ are for thoughts and double “ “ are for talking. Additional Notes: This is a project and collaboration by myself, @katebacks​ and @taevjim​ Mine is based on the song Often by The Weeknd
Summary: She asked me if i do this everyday, i said often. Asked how many times she rode the wave, not so often. Bitches down to do it either way, often. Baby i can make that pussy rain, often.
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You were all about the routine. It was what you knew and what you were comfortable with; the different and the unknown being your two biggest fears in life. You had a routine. A simple five-day, nine-to-five job that paid you well. A morning schedule of get ready for work, coffee and bagel for breakfast, feed the cat, and drive exactly 20 and a half minutes to get to work. Your evenings were no different as far as having a set schedule. Come home, feed the cat, pop dinner in the microwave, eat, chill, sleep.
All of your friends and family, even your coworkers, tried to gently and kindly nudge you into mixing your life up a bit. Add some spice to it. Broaden your horizon. But you were just fine with the way things were. You didn’t need any spice in your life and your horizon was as broad as you wanted it to be. Your belief? Don’t fix it if it’s not broken and your life wasn’t broken in the slightest. Everything was just peachy. You were happy and that’s what mattered most, right?
Or were you happy?
You scoffed at your reflection in your bathroom mirror as the self doubt started to creep into your brain like an ominous fog. Of course you were happy! Why wouldn’t you be??? Brushing off the sudden wave of doubt that managed to fill your very core, you continued getting ready for work before heading out the door. But of course not before feeding your cat at exactly ten minutes till eight.
Upon walking into the office, you noticed that it was just another day. Everyone already at their desks typing away in their little cubicles while papers could be heard shuffling around into neat, organized piles. The copier buzzing away as it performed the tasks asked of it. You liked this. This was your comfort zone. Routine was good. Everything was good. You had just put your purse away and went to sit down at your desk when one of your coworkers popped up over the top of your cubicle.
“So, girl friend! It’s a Friday and I’m taking you out whether you like it or not. Be ready by nine!”
Wait what???
“Wear something slutty, too.”
Okay, yeah. Because that was totally your style. As your coworker went back to her own work, it was now your turn to carefully climb onto your desk on your knees so that you could look over the other cubicle. Scoffing softly, you tried your best to argue over why you couldn’t go out with her tonight.
“But Gigi, I don’t have anything like that and besides, I go to bed by nine. I need my beauty sleep.”
You knew your words were weak and sounded feeble even to your own ears. What kind of excuses were those??? Well, in your defense, you really didn’t have anything in your wardrobe that Gigi would consider ‘slutty’ and the both of you knew this. With a soft huff, your coworker simply rolled her eyes and said with a confident grin,
“Fine. I’ll lend you something to wear. We’re similar in size and body build so it’ll totally work. And tonight you’re skipping out on that beauty sleep. You’ll have plenty of time to recover over the weekend.”
Just as you were about to try and come up with yet another lame excuse, Gigi continued in addition,
“And today you’re not driving home. You’re driving to my place. I’ll give you the address and we’ll make a whole evening out of it. We’ll order take-out and stuff our faces so that the food can absorb the alcohol we’re gonna tank ourselves in tonight. It’s gonna be a blast!”
Somehow you highly doubted that. None of that sounded like a fun time to you. Well maybe the take-out part. Pouting in both defeat and confusion, you couldn’t help but wonder what had gotten into your coworker. You and Gigi weren’t official friends or anything so why was she doing this for you? Why put so much effort into someone who didn’t want it? With a soft huff, you muttered in defeat,
It was all you could think about during the day while you tried to focus on work. Sure you knew there’d be a lot of time spent in the safety of your coworker’s home, but then where could she possibly be taking you that had to wait till after nine at night? Wait----She mentioned alcohol. Ugh. It was probably a club. Gross. Loud music, sweaty body odor every time you turn around, the stench of cheep beer. Ugh. That was not your idea of a fun night out. You didn’t even dance. You don’t even dance in front of your cat!
Before you knew it, it was five o’clock and time to pack up for the day and start the weekend. Normally, you’d be treating yourself to some drive thru food and just staying indoors till you had to leave for work the next Monday morning. However, thanks to Gigi, those plans had changed and you still weren’t all that excited about it. Pouting like a child who hadn’t gotten her way, you trudged yourself out of your cubicle to see a beaming Gigi by the elevator waiting for you.
“Don’t look so glum, we’re gonna have a great time!”
“Why are you doing all of this? You hardly know me.”
Just then, the elevator made a bell sound indicating that it had finally reached the floor you were on and the doors opened up for the both of you. As the two of you stepped inside, Gigi pressed the lobby button before clearing her throat a bit shyly and replied in a small, sheepish tone,
“I just hate to see you missing out on life, you know? I’m still new in town and I don’t have a lot of friends and you’re the only one who’s shown me any sort of kindness. I really appreciate that so I know you’re a good person and I just.....I dunno. This is going weird. Just go with it, okay?”
Never before had you seen your coworker so awkward. Gigi was always strutting her stuff with her body language screeching ‘confident’. To see her so shy and sheepish like this was new for you but somehow, you found yourself smiling and feeling touched. Suddenly feeling quite timid yourself, you cleared your throat and said softly,
“Well, I don’t know how good of a friend I’d make, but we can be friends if you want?”
You weren’t expecting the loud squeal of joy followed by the near tackle to the elevator floor as Gigi practically flung herself at you. It never dawned on you just how lonely your coworker must feel after moving to town. An area where she knew absolutely no one. No wonder she was overjoyed to hear your words. Awkwardly patting her back, you smiled up at the elevator ceiling before the doors finally opened again and brought the two of you out into the lobby.
“We’re gonna have so much fun, girly! I just know it! Dinner’s on me tonight, okay? You can pay for your drinks but dinner is definitely my treat. Come on, I’ll just meet you over at your place so you can leave your car and then we’ll drive together over to my place in my car.”
Everything was happening so fast and you definitely weren’t used to it. You preferred life in the slow lane but dang. Gigi was making that a thing of the past. Perhaps it was just her happiness of having made a new friend that caused her to be live like a wire and talking 90 miles a minute? Either way, before you could blink, you were giving her directions to your house and dropping your car off so that you could hop into hers.
During the ride to Gigi’s place, the two of you discussed what to have for dinner. Turns out she was indeed taking you to a club later tonight so alcohol was on the table as well. You could only imagine what a light weight you must be considering the fact that you really didn’t drink much. You were more of a celebratory drinker. Things like holidays and such. Otherwise, you never touched the stuff. You preferred your teas and coffee.
After deciding on Korean BBQ, the two of you placed your orders and had it delivered to Gigi’s place where the two of you eventually dug in; getting sauce all over your faces and laughing at each other over how messy the two of you looked. It was nice. This was nice. Something that you really didn’t think you’d feel based on your previous mindset. Perhaps getting out and socializing wasn’t so bad? This wasn’t so bad.
However, as the night hours passed, the hurdles only got more and more difficult to get over.
“Can’t I just go in what I’m wearing???”
“Girl----You’re wearing work clothes. No one goes to a club in their work clothes.”
The blush on your face was enough to zip your lips as you let your coworker now turned friend do her thing. Work her magic, you supposed. Would you even look right wearing something other than your usual conservative attire? Subconsciously nibbling your bottom lip in worry, you watched Gigi as she started pulling out pieces of clothing to inspect them, only to put them right back. You knew it. Nothing was going to look right on you. This just wasn’t your bag.
“Ha! Found it!”
Dang it.
Trying not to pout too loudly, you watched the girl whip out a dress that looked way too form fitting for your liking. It was drenched in sequins and jet black. Well....black went with everything, right? At least it was a color you were used to wearing as most of your work clothes were black. Perhaps that was what Gigi was going for? Something that she knew you’d at least be somewhat comfortable with due to the familiarity of it. If that was the case, then you were extremely grateful and liking this newfound friendship more and more.
“Okay so you’ll be wearing this and I have some stockings for you too. Once we’re dressed, we’ll put on some makeup.”
“Yes, makeup. We’re going to a club, girl! We gotta look pretty for those boys.”
“You’ll see, girl friend.”
You simply whined and pouted with sagged shoulders as Gigi flashed you a cheeky smile and wink in return. This was too much. Yet at the same time......you were......curious? Yeah. That was it. Definitely not excited. Just curious. Still pouting, you went to work on unzipping the dress she handed you and started to carefully step into it. Gosh it really was form fitting, wasn’t it? Your cheeks flared up in embarrassment but went ahead and had Gigi zip you up.
No turning back now.
Once the both of you were dressed, it was time to put makeup on. You had quickly informed the girl that you didn’t know the first thing about makeup which didn’t come as a surprise to either of you. In fact, Gigi had full intentions of doing your makeup as well as her own. You weren’t sure if you should have felt insulted or comforted. In the moment, you were more relieved than anything because if you were in charge of doing your own......you’d just skip out on that step altogether.
“Okay, so I’ll have you watch me first and then I’ll do yours. Just in case you ever decide you want to try and do your own someday.”
The probability of you doing your own makeup one day was slim to none but it was still sweet of your coworker to say such things and offer such advice. With all the products Gigi had spread out on her bathroom counter, you figured this would take awhile. No wonder she was starting so early. You could only imagine how much all of those products cost her. It looked like a small fortune scattered all over the counter. But it wasn’t like you’d know.
However, you did as she asked and decided to watch and it wasn’t till it was over that you realized just how wrapped up you were in watching her. It was like watching a painter perform art with Gigi’s face being the blank canvas. You had no idea watching someone apply makeup could be so.....fascinating? Interesting? You weren’t quite sure of what word you were looking for but you found yourself blushing when she caught you being quite involved in paying attention.
“Okay! Your turn, girly!”
So there you stood with her applying all kinds of products to your face. You were pretty sure she put at least three different kinds of things on your lips. Something about a foundation layer and then eventually topping it all off with some gloss. Dunno. You got lost with how fast she was going through it all. Gigi knew what she was doing and that much was clear. Once she was done with your lips and you could talk freely, you couldn’t help but ask in a small and timid voice,
“So how did you get so good with makeup?”
“Oh I used to work in one of the malls and my sole job was to do people’s makeup while introducing them to the latest products. It was fun for the longest time but it didn’t pay enough. So I moved here when a job opening came up.”
Wow. You knew exactly what type of employee she was because you’d always eyeball the young girls getting their makeup done just for the fun of it while you roamed the racks for new work clothes. No wonder Gigi was so good at this. It had been her job for the longest time. You felt the need to at least give her some kind of tip but you knew right away that she’d never take it; insisting that she was no longer on the job anymore.
“There! We’re ready to par-tay!”
Gigi said that it would be pointless to do either of your guys’ hair so you two just simply brushed it a bit and let it hang loose. Having only your bulky purse, Gigi kindly offered you a clutch purse that went with your dress perfectly; offering to keep the rest of your belongings at her place to keep them safe. But you had all the important stuff in the clutch and that was good enough for you.
The two of you would take an Uber so that the both of you could get trashed as Gigi so elegantly put it. You highly doubted you’d drink enough to get wasted but it was a smart idea. This way you could just go straight home in case you wanted to leave before your friend was ready. You had the feeling you’d be leaving way before she did.
Upon arriving at the club, you could feel your body going into some kind of panic mode. Eyes wide, face flushed with heat, and you’re pretty sure your heart is swimming in your stomach. Perhaps you shouldn’t have ate so much. The possibility that you could puke was high at the moment. Looking all around you, were strippers. The majority of them female but you could spot a few males and good lord. Your eyes. Your poor poor eyes. In a shouted whisper, you scolded the girl next to you.
“You brought us to a strip club!?!!?”
“Don’t act so mortified. Lots of people go. See?”
“I’m not one of those people, Gi!!!”
But all you got was a coo in response as your coworker-turned-friend squished your cheeks together at the cute nickname you had just subconsciously given her. Before you could further complain and even rush out the door, you were being dragged to the bar area. Good lord. There were naked and half naked people everywhere. How could anyone call this fun??? It was barbaric!! With cheeks still flushed in shock and now embarrassment, you simply let Gigi order the drinks for the two of you so that you could try to pull yourself together.
It was going to be a loooonnng night.
With a couple drinks in your system, you were definitely starting to feel it. A light weight. You knew you were a light weight but dang. Allowing the tipsy Gigi to guide you over to a table close to the stage, you didn’t find yourself whining at the idea of being so close up to someone who was going to strip right in front of you. Perhaps it was the alcohol messing with your brain and you just didn’t have the energy to care anymore. You were stuck here so might as well make the most of it, right?
And then he walked out.
If you weren’t so out of it thanks to the alcohol, you would have had better control over your bodily functions. Like trying to prevent from drooling all over yourself. He was absolutely gorgeous. And that was putting it lightly in your opinion.
His facial features reminded you of a rabbit but he was anything but cute right now. Those doe eyes of his were sharp yet hooded as he put on a show of pure seduction while on stage. Yes. This man was a stripper but you couldn’t bring yourself to care right now. Your embarrassment was traded in for fascination as you watched him saunter his way to the center of the stage.
Dark locks hung in front of his beautifully handsome face and the product used in it made it appear as if he had just gotten out of the shower and his hair was still wet. It wasn’t the only thing wet right now as you tried to press your thighs closer together. Good lord. What age were you? Sixteen? Subconsciously licking your dry lips, you watched as he began to unbutton the sleeves of his dress shirt.
Yes. He was fit for all purposes of the word. You could tell this guy went to the gym often because of the way his muscles bulged within the confines of his outfit. His dress shirt had some sort of sequins in it that made it sparkle under the harsh lighting of the stage. It was like he himself was sparkling in all his gorgeousness. You truly had never seen such a more handsome man before. Not even on magazine covers.
As he worked on unbuttoning the rest of his shirt, you let your eyes wander further down his body. God his thigh muscles. How on earth did he even fit in those pants? They looked painted on! The next thing you knew, he was pulling the hem of his shirt from the confinements of those skin tight pants. If you weren’t certain he went to the gym before, you were absolutely positive now.
After watching him allow his dress shirt to fall on the stage floor, you were definitely drooling at this point. In fact, you were so wrapped up in watching this mysterious man perform that you didn’t even notice Gigi leaving you to your own devices. Had you been paying her any mind, you would have pouted at her smug expression of victory as she moved back to the bar for another drink.
With the man now shirtless, you took your good old time admiring his freshly exposed skin. He was perfect. You were pretty sure no other man could be as perfect and flawless as him. At least appearance wise. If this guy wasn’t proud of his body, then he should be. From the looks of things, perhaps he was a little too proud. You were a little drunk but you weren’t blind drunk. You could be blind and still be able to see the confidence that radiated off of him in waves.
What you didn’t expect, however, was for him to walk off the stage and into the crowd.
Walking right towards you.
Wait what????
Your eyes widened in shock as he strutted his way over to you. There was no mistaking that it was you he was after because there was no one else at the table you were sitting at. No. His eyes were all on you and the heat was spreading from your face, all the way down your neck and to the tips of your ears. Gosh this was so embarrassing! Where was Gigi!?!? Your heart pounded in your ears over the music as the man slowly held out his hand for you to take.
As if you still had no control over your own body, you found yourself placing your shaking, clammy hand in his own. Gosh his hands were big too. You felt so small at the realization as he gently gripped your hand in his. The next thing you knew, you were being swiftly pulled from your chair and twirled around only to land in a solid, hard lap. You were sobering up pretty quickly. Or at least it seemed like it.
Dear god this was so mortifying!!
“The name is Jungkook. I’m guessing from the frightened look on your face, you don’t come here often. Would I be guessing correctly, beautiful?”
God you needed to say something, anything, but you were just too shocked and embarrassed by your current situation that all you could do was part your lips but no sounds came out. Your eyes did all the talking as they stared into his own; yours full of helplessness and yes you were definitely scared. A shirtless stranger had you in his lap like it was no big deal. Handsome, sure, but still a complete stranger. He smiled and chuckled softly in endearment before carefully helping you off his lap and back to stand on your own two feet.
“I’ll take that as a yes. But worry not, beautiful, you’re safe with me. I won’t hurt you. Here, take this and once I’m done performing, hand this to the bartender and he’ll bring you right to me. I promise it’ll be worth your while.”
You stood there like a bump on a log as you watched him fish in his back pocket for something. How could he fit anything in those pants besides his hot ass and thighs? Seriously!? Those things weren’t painted on??? Blinking and feeling half numb by this point, you felt him press something into your palm and even helped close your fingers around it. As he walked away coolly back towards the stage to do his thing, you stared down at what was in your hand while fumbling to find your seat again. You definitely needed to sit down right now.
A key. This Jungkook guy had given you a key. It looked pretty antique and vintage, like something you’d see back in medieval times, but you weren’t going to question it. No. The real question was---were you really gonna take him up on this offer of his. Then again.....what exactly was he offering you? A private lap dance? That had to be what it was. Something that you wanted no part of.
Or did you?
Ugh. This was so troublesome. So annoying! Then again.....what did you really have to lose? But what if you couldn’t trust this guy? There was just so many things you didn’t know. Not to mention you were scared of looking like an even bigger idiot in front of him. He probably thought you were some spineless virgin. Granted the spineless part wasn’t far from the truth but at least you weren’t a virgin...
And before you knew it, the man was sauntering off stage back towards the curtains where he disappeared from sight. You almost choked when you realized he had stripped down to nothing but his boxer briefs. Was it a shame that you only caught his backside in that state? Wait----Of course not! You didn’t want to see what this guy was carrying around in his pants......
Or did you?
Trying to decide if you had too much to drink or not enough, you sat there for a few minutes longer weighing your options. On one hand, you could go in and see what he was proposing and if you didn’t like it, you could always back out. On the other hand, if you walk away now, you might be missing out on something that you didn’t realize you wanted. Heck, you never imagined you’d start the weekend off with a new friend. Perhaps you really did need to broaden your horizons.
Taking a deep breath, you stood from your chair and headed over to the bar where Jungkook, you’re pretty sure that was his name, had told you to hand the key over. The bartender seemed nice enough as he took the key and nodded his head with a soft ‘this way, my dear’. Oh boy. Here we go. No backing out now. It was now or never. You had half a mind to text Gigi what you were doing but something told you she didn’t miss the whole scene of you sitting in a stripper’s lap.
You were guided through a door that no doubt lead to a backstage type setting but you were totally not prepared for the scene you practically stumbled upon. Girls. So many girls. Some were half dressed while some walked around completely naked. Holy----Your eyes. Again, you weren’t a virgin but you might as well have been considering how warm your face had gotten. Some of them even giggled and flashed you cheeky winks. Oh boy. Apparently privacy wasn’t a thing around here. You could only hope there would be more privacy where you were headed.
Speaking of, after walking down two more hallways, the bartender finally reached a door and used that very same key to unlock a door before cracking it open just enough to let someone know you were here. Of course you could only presume it was Jungkook. Good lord. Hopefully there was no one else in the room. One stripper was all you could handle right now. And heck you couldn’t even handle that!
After the bartender politely bid you farewell, you found yourself gulping down a lump that had suddenly formed in your throat as you stared at the slightly cracked open door. This was it. Supposedly Jungkook was waiting on the other side. What if he was already naked??? Dear god maybe you should just politely decline and catch an Uber home. Yeah. That sounded like a good idea. Get a nice cup of black coffee and some headache pills so that you wouldn’t suffer a hango----
“You can come in, beautiful. It’s safe. I promise.”
Why did he have to sound so soothing and convincing for, huh?! Wishing you had a tall glass of ice water to jug down right about now, you did your best to brace yourself for what was on the other side of the door. Gosh your face already felt like it was on fire. How embarrassing! With a clammy and shaky hand, you put your weight on the door and eased it open further so that you could poke your head inside.
It looked so.....normal? Perhaps even.....casual and dare you say.......soothing?
It was pretty much set up like a master bedroom you’d find in any normal house. There was a mini bar set up with some expensive looking alcohol and drinking glasses already filled. Soft R&B music was playing in the background but the volume was so low that it indeed sounded like simple background noise. You could smell something. It was soothing but you could only guess it was coming from some kind of candle or maybe a diffuser.
“Hello there, sweetheart. I’m glad to see you took me up on my offer. I can assure you, I don’t bite. Unless of course you’re into that kind of thing.”
He was dressed so casually compared to the last time you saw him only moments ago. He was decked out for comfort despite what you believe his intentions were. Dark gray sweatpants and a matching hooded sweatshirt. They looked thin in material so it was probably just to help keep him modest while in your presence. His hair still had that wet look to it thanks to the mountain of products he probably had in it.
“Come sit with me and have a drink. Or would you prefer some water? You look quite flushed.”
“W-Water would be nice, thank you.”
Not realizing your legs had felt like jello, you managed to hobble your way over to the couch where you took a much needed seat. Your hands were still shaking a bit but perhaps it was just from the lingering nerves. The atmosphere really was soothing thanks to the dimmed lights that gave off a warm and soft glow; casting the perfect amount of shadow over everything. You were pretty sure you were smelling lavender and it was a comforting scent for sure.
“Here you go, love. Just try to relax. I’m not here to do anything you aren’t comfortable with. But you looked like you needed to loosen up. Maybe someone to talk to?”
Softly thanking him for the water, you tried not to chug it back but it was hard given how shook up you were. Not to mention your face still felt pretty warm. Perhaps you would have been better off to just splash yourself in the face with it instead. Managing to take a couple gulps without looking silly, you held the cup in your lap before looking over at him with guarded and curious eyes.
“So.....we just sit here and talk?”
“If that’s what you’re comfortable with? I’m at your service. Your wish is my command as the saying goes.”
His soft chuckles filled the room and you couldn’t help but find yourself smiling a little. Were all strippers this chill? Now that you thought about it, what made strippers different from anyone else? It wasn’t like they were some kind of exotic creature. They too were just normal, every day humans making a living. It wasn’t like they were a different kind of species.
Maybe this would be okay after all.
“So......you’re not here to give me a lap dance?”
“Oh my god! You’re so cute! I can’t!”
You watched in utter amazement as Jungkook, who had since been siting next to you on the couch, started to curl in on himself while he laughed; carefully holding his glass of whatever alcohol he was drinking in one hand while his other wrapped around his waist. Pouting and semi folding your arms due to the fact that you were still holding a glass of water, you mumbled in your own defense,
“What?! It’s a legit and reasonable question!”
Still pouting while watching and waiting for him to pull himself together, you decided to distract yourself with your glass of water. At least the blush in your face was letting up. Did that mean you were already getting comfortable with him? This guy.......He was like magic in that way. Knowing exactly what you needed to feel comfortable and relaxed. Then again.....he probably did this with everyone he brought back here. You suddenly felt the need to stand rather than sit on the couch.
“I swear, we’re only here to do whatever you want. So if you want a lap dance, I can do that. If you want to just sit here and chill, I can do that too.”
“But......why me? You had tons of other girls out there to pick from to bring back here. So why pick me? Clearly I’m an awkward turtle. Doesn’t exactly scream sexy.”
It was a fair question. A question that you were eager to have an answer for. Watching him closely, you noticed he was rubbing his chin in thought as if he was trying to find the right words to explain his reasoning behind bringing you back here. With a soft hum of said thought, Jungkook took a sip from his glass before replying casually while meeting your eyes,
“I guess you just looked.....lonely? Lost? You looked like you needed this. Clearly you didn’t come to a strip club by choice or at least not entirely. I could feel your tension clear across the stage. I was going to offer you a massage but I don’t want to do anything you aren’t comfortable with.”
Okay well that was fair. You couldn’t help but notice how good he was at reading people. Or perhaps you were just simply an open book. Yeah. It was probably that. You had often been told by everyone in your family that you carry your heart on your sleeve and your emotions along with it. Just as you were mentally scoffing at said family, Jungkook’s voice once again broke through your thoughts.
“Tell me, cutie, if it’s not too personal or prying to ask, when’s the last time you got laid?”
Well so much for that fading blush of yours. Granted, you knew you didn’t owe him an answer. Your sex life was your business and no one else’s. However....there was just something about Jungkook that made him easy to talk to. He gave off this aura of comfort and made you feel like you could tell him anything. With your cheeks still rosy and your ears just as red, you timidly sipped from your water again before mumbling in shame,
“Too long ago.”
But rather than laugh at you again, he offered you a sympathetic, lopsided smile; his eyes full of understanding and a small nod to go with it. You were grateful that he had picked up on the topic being a sensitive one for you and therefore respecting your feelings and not wanting to hurt you by poking fun. You watched him out of the corner of your eye as he set his glass down on the side table that was on his end of the couch.
“Well, to be frank, I’m more than willing to give you a lap dance if you think it’d help you relax and unwind. I personally think it’d be good for you. You’ve got too much pent up tension there and I think we’re both in agreement when I say everyone needs a good release every once in awhile.”
Was he inclining what you thought he was inclining???
“You mean you want to have sex with me?”
His soft snort of laughter made you pout once more while you subconsciously tried to fan your face. Sure the lighting was dim in the room but was it doing anything to hide your raging blush? With a soft and warm smile, Jungkook couldn’t help but shake his head at you in fond amusement. You really were the cutest. Dramatically raising his hands as in defense or surrender, he said casually,
“All I’m saying is, that I’m more than willing to make you cum, pretty girl. You really look like you need a good release. I have no doubt you’ll feel better afterwards. I’ve been told I have the golden touch.”
Despite your lingering embarrassment, you weren’t too far gone to roll your eyes at his overflowing humbleness. But now you had a decision to make. Clearly Jungkook was a safe guy to be around. He wasn’t some crazy trying to rape you or anything. Or at least you were pretty sure he was a decent guy with a straight head on his shoulders. Absentmindedly nibbling on your bottom lip, you took a moment longer to think about it.
“So......how exactly do you give me a lap dance? Do I sit in a chair or something?”
Gosh you were absolutely adorable. Precious, even. Jungkook swore that if you got any cuter, he was going to have to retire and ask you out on a date. Or at least ask for your number and maybe meet up for coffee. Did you like coffee? You probably did. You looked like a coffee drinker. He wondered what your favorite drink was. Mentally shaking his head and focusing on his job once more, he smiled with his eyes sparkling in warm amusement before saying casually,
“It all depends on what you’re comfortable with, really. I can also easily give you a little show on the bed. Actually, the bed would probably be more comfortable for you.”
He then added with a slightly more serious tone,
“But if you do decide this is something you want to do, just remember that you make the rules in this too. While I have my own set of guidelines, I’m only here to do what makes you comfortable.”
Nodding in full understanding, you bit your bottom lip once more as you decided if this was something you really wanted to go through with. Jungkook really was a handsome young man. You’d probably be stupid to turn him down. And it seemed like he was allowing you to call most of, if not all, the shots in this. He would only do what you asked of him. What you permitted him to do. That alone was comforting enough for you to say----
“So the bed?”
“The bed. Make yourself comfortable, baby girl. I’m gonna take good care of you. Promise.”
Your face flushed pink yet again with a small, shy pout as he flashed you a bright smile and cheeky wink. Good lord you were really going to do this. Okay. Okay. You could do this. You needed this. It wasn’t like you were entirely blind. Of course you needed a good release but you had just never been given the right push to get there. Not to mention it had never fit into your daily routine.
After all, you were all about the routine.
Perhaps Jungkook would become part of that daily set schedule of yours....
“It’s okay to keep your clothes on but you might find yourself more comfortable if you take them off. Just saying.”
He had a point. You were already warm thanks to your permanent blush. This was it. Time to throw all caution out the window and just go for it. You weren’t a teenager having her first time. No. You were a young woman with a body to be proud of. You deserved this. Steeling yourself up with that confident mindset, you nodded and started to undress till you were left in only your black bra, matching panties, and your stockings.
Seeing that you had started to warm up to the idea and was becoming more comfortable with things, Jungkook decided it was his cue to finally get into character while being mindful of your shy nature. He felt like a lion and you were his little lamb. So pure and yet easily frightened. There was just something about you that spoke out to him. He wanted to help you. And that urge confused even himself.
“Okay, beautiful, I’m going to start now.”
With his hands reaching back for his light sweatshirt, he couldn’t resist adding with a smile and a bit of a warm and playful glint in his eyes,
“You look absolutely gorgeous, by the way. Keep those stockings on too.”
While mumbling a soft and shy thanks, you watched him as he did that super hot thing guys do when taking off their shirt. That thing where they magically tug the piece of material over their head from the back. Why was it so hot, anyway?? Was that just something every woman came to accept? It must have worked on you because Jungkook’s soft chuckles filled the room once more. Looking up into his eyes, you noticed he was rather smug and pleased with himself.
“Like what you see, cutie?”
“Well----I mean----You have a nice body. So yeah. I guess I do.”
You hated how choppy your sentences sound but it was like this guy knew how to turn your brain into absolute mush. You were already like putty in his hands and he had only taken his shirt off with those sweatpants hanging perfectly from his hips. Perhaps you really did need to get laid....
Just then, you watched as he started to swivel those very hips in a way that had you involuntarily gulping and pressing your thighs together. The last thing you wanted to do was make a mess of this bed. But then again.....perhaps that was part of Jungkook’s plan for you. He said he wanted to make you cum, after all. You hadn’t realized your throat and lips were so dry till you sucked in a breath at a particularly sudden hip thrust. Oh wow. He was so good!!
You definitely made the right decision to go along with this.
“Touch yourself if you need to, baby girl. It’s okay to explore.”
“I-I’m good. Just ke-keep going-ing.”
You could get used to his warm chuckles of amusement. It felt good to know that he wasn’t really laughing at you in a sense of mocking you. It was more like.....maybe he found you endearing? Whatever it was, you were just glad he wasn’t mocking you or belittling you for your lack of experience in all of this. Despite being a stripper, that certainly didn’t make Jungkook a bad guy.
You could actually see yourself sitting down with him over a cup of coffee. You wondered if he even liked coffee? He seemed like the kind of guy that you might find in a cafe sipping on a nice iced Americano.
“Focus, baby. Try not to let your mind wander or you’ll miss all the fun.”
He must have realized you were really zoning out and getting lost in your thoughts because after blinking mental images of coffee shops away, you nearly choked when you saw that he had stripped away his sweatpants and was left standing in front of you with nothing but his boxer briefs on. Dang he was built! He had to be pure muscle. Had to be!
Unknowingly licking your dry lips and swallowing a new lump in your throat, you decided to make yourself more comfortable by scooting back further onto the bed where you could rest your back up against the pillows and headboard. Once you were in a good spot, you turned your attention back to Jungkook and found he had somewhat of a dangerous smirk on his face. Oh boy....
“You really do look beautiful, baby girl. I can’t wait to take care of you like you deserve. If you’ll have me, of course.”
Not able to find your voice, you simply nodded while subconsciously playing with your fingers in your lap; thighs still pressed tightly together. Grinning, the male made sure to move his hips just right as he approached the foot of the bed. You couldn’t help but wonder what his game plan was to take care of you. And that was when he tilted his head to the side in curiosity and asked in a light tone,
“May I join you, lovely?”
“Wonderful. Let me know if I do anything that makes you uncomfortable, okay?”
Still not having much of a voice, you simply nodded and watched him approach you like a predator after his prey. That smirk was back as he slowly climbed onto the bed; the mattress dipping under his weight. You could hear your own heart pounding in your ears as the anticipation built. This was your last chance to back out but for some reason you remained silent. Perhaps you really did want this.
The next thing you knew, he was gently running his hand along your one leg while his lips were ghosting up the other. Goosebumps rose from your skin at his touch and yet your core was starting to get hotter and hotter. Perhaps Jungkook really did have the golden touch? You felt your breath catch when he finally started planting actual kisses to your leg; starting with your knee. He was being so gentle and slow. Something that you were extremely grateful for.
“Your skin is super soft, baby. You must take really good care of your body. I can appreciate that in a woman.”
“Th--Thanks. I try.”
Jungkook knew you were extremely nervous despite your agreement to go along with this so he wanted to take things slow and sort of ease you into the whole idea of what he had planned for you. As he finally reached up to your thighs, he couldn’t help but playfully nip at the delicious skin that greeted him. Your little yelp and jump was so cute. With his head nearly resting on your thigh, he couldn’t help but sneak a glance up at you.
Your face was so red and you knew it was. Hardly anything sexy to look at but to Jungkook you were so precious and endearing. He could just eat you right up. Lucky for you that was exactly his plan. Planting a soothing kiss over his little bite mark, he then moved up to where he was eye level with your cleavage but still looking up at you with eyes dark while full of excitement and curiosity. Licking his lips, he asked,
“May I?”
Upon seeing your timid nod of approval, he smiled more warmly before moving his eyes to his latest target. You had really nice breasts from what he could tell. Just the right size, too. Not being able to help himself any longer, he moved till he was more comfortable on his knees and gently took one of your soft mounds into his large hand. Oh yeah. You were soft. And just like that, a small moan fell from your lips. Like music to his ears.
“Don’t hold back, beautiful. I won’t know if I’m doing a good job if I can’t hear you.”
Knowing it was something you enjoyed, he decided to give your other breast his attention as well by using his free hand. With both palms now happily occupied as they slowly massaged your supple mounds, he couldn’t help but let his lips wander. Their next target? Your neck. He briefly wondered if it was a sensitive spot of yours because it would definitely seem your breasts were sensitive. He rolled his thumbs over your nipples and could feel them harden through the fabric of your bra.
“So beautiful. I bet your tits are absolutely divine. Would you let me see them, baby girl?”
You shivered and released a shaky moan as his lips lightly brushed up against the length of your neck. His hands were amazing and he had hardly touched you. There was a small voice in the back of your head that was screaming at you to say no. That this guy was still a complete stranger and had no business seeing your tits. However, this stranger was also making you feel things you didn’t realize you needed or wanted.
“Ye--Ye---Yeah. You can.”
Being careful as if not to frighten you away, he removed his hands from your bosom so that he could slowly and gently reach around you to unclasp your bra. While his deft fingers worked on the clasps, his lips found their way to your neck once more where he started planting soft, open mouthed kisses. Once he freed you from the confines of your bra, he slowly dragged the straps down your arms before taking the thing off completely.
Tossing the black bra somewhere behind him, he couldn’t peel his eyes away from the sight in front of him. You really were quite pretty and he wasn’t just talking about your tits. Although they were nice too. Absentmindedly licking his lips in eagerness, he couldn’t help but mumble,
“You’re absolutely gorgeous, my lovely. Do me a favor and lay down for me. I’m going to worship this body a little bit longer.”
Worship you? It just didn’t sound right to your ears. Then again, your self-esteem always did need a bit of work. Blushing to the point of lightly fanning your face once more, you nodded and timidly wiggled in between his legs so that you could comfortably rest your head on the pillows. Staring up at him with your eyes full of curiosity yet uncertainty, you asked shyly in a small tone,
“What are you gonna do?”
You poor thing. Had no one really ever treated you to something like this? And he wasn’t even going all out. For some reason, it really irked him at the thought that no man had ever truly took time to appreciate your body like this. However, not wanting you to think he was grumpy with you or having second thoughts, Jungkook wore a warm smile with softened eyes and spoke sincerely but with a hint of teasing in his voice,
“Well since you look positively delicious, I was thinking of eating you.”
Not giving you time to respond, he added slowly while his lips drew closer and closer to your bosom,
“First, I want to suck on these pretty tits of yours. Then.....”
You watched with a slightly heaving chest as he gracefully crawled down your body till his lips were just centimetres away from the waist line of your panties. His intense staring of your core was making you squirm and a soft whine slipped out before you could bite your tongue. His grin suddenly came back as his eyes flickered to make direct contact with your own.
“Then I’ll eat you out like you deserve. You’re a goddess and that’s how I intend to treat you.”
The next thing you knew, words were flying out of your mouth on your own accord.
“Can we just skip the tits and you eat me out now? I don’t think I can wait any longer. It’s killing me to wait.”
It really had been forever since you last did anything. Whether it be at the hands of someone else or yourself. You were quickly getting used to the permanent blush on your face and your embarrassment was quickly being replaced with impatience as you stared down at him where he was perched between your legs.
Yep. He was going to retire, quit stripping, and sweep you off your feet; carrying you out into the sunset to live happily ever after. You were just too freaking cute for words. He liked them shy and innocent because then he could completely ravish them till they were ruined and begging for more. You were totally his type. Grinning like a fox, he teasingly gripped the waist line of your panties between his teeth and tugged only to let them snap back against your skin before saying in a low tone,
“Well I did say your wish was my command.”
It wasn’t till he was lifting himself up to rest on his knees and thighs that you realized just how worked up you had gotten. The sexual frustration was starting to get the best of you; especially as you were sobering up pretty quickly. Not having realized that you had spread your legs for him at some point in the game, you simply spread them wider so that he’d have plenty of room to do whatever it was he had in store for you.
That fox-like grin still on his face, Jungkook couldn’t help but lean back down onto his elbows so that he could gently nuzzle your chest before planting soft kisses around your nipples. You were torn between whining and moaning as you both enjoyed the touch but also grew all the more impatient for where you really wanted him. After releasing a soft groan of pleasure, you couldn’t help but gently tug on his soft locks in warning while saying in a whining tone,
“Jungkoooook. Stoooop. You said you’d eat me out now!”
His rock hard body shook gently against your own as he chuckled at your adorable display of impatience. He was pleased to see you finally letting go and allowing yourself this moment. It had been a task and a half, but he finally got you here. Planting one last kiss to the underside of your breast, he slithered down your body like the seducing snake he could be and finally started planting kisses down your stomach to the waist line of your black panties.
“I’m sorry, love. But I can’t help myself. You’re just too beautiful not to admire.”
However, playtime was over. Gently tapping your thigh, he gave you the cue to lift your bum so that he could slip off your panties more easily. With a blink of an eye, you were left with nothing but your stockings which Jungkook had insisted you keep on because it made you look all the more sexy to him. You couldn’t tell if his compliments were sincere or not but you were so wound up that you didn’t really care at this point.
“God you look absolutely delicious. I can’t wait to taste you, baby girl.”
His words made your walls clench around nothing and it only caused more slick to pool between your thighs as Jungkook had since gotten himself more comfortable between your legs, throwing them over his shoulders. Gosh he was so muscular. You could see his muscles bulge as he worked on positioning you right where he wanted you. You both licked your lips as eyed each other with equal amounts of hunger.
You watched him lower his head before feeling his tongue for the first time. Eyes instantly snapping shut, you felt your back arch off the bed and a moan fall from your lips. Yes. Jungkook not only had the magic touch, but he had the magic tongue. You were certain of it. The male gently dug his shortened nails into the meat of your thighs as he too let out a moan of his own. You tasted just as wonderful has he imagined you would.
“God, babe. You’re delicious. You’re spoiling me here. Where have you been all my life?”
“I-I d-d-du-dunno.”
Your thighs started to shake when you felt his tongue flick over your sensitive bundle of nerves. Maybe it was because someone else was touching you but not even your most expensive vibrator could make you feel this good. Needing something to ground you, your hands found their way into his mess of hair and you found yourself gently tugging on the soft locks that lay between your fingers. The action made Jungkook moan and you felt the vibrations with full force.
The male enjoyed having his hair pulled despite how dominate he naturally was. He considered hair pulling one of the many signs that he was doing a good job and that was something that had always been important to him. He enjoyed making others feel good. One of the few reasons he hadn’t quit his job as a stripper. But there was something about you.......He just couldn’t place it.
You really did taste amazing, though. His eagerness was more genuine than for show. Wanting to increase your pleasure, he pressed his face harder into your core, his nose buried in your scent while his tongue got to taste you to the fullest. You were so warm and wet. Jungkook could only imagine how you’d feel around his cock. Which had since grown hard within his boxer briefs. Gosh it was always the cute and shy ones that turned him on the most.
As he went back to teasing your clit and sucking it with hunger, he heard your moans coming to a halt as you half shouted in a desperate tone,
“Jungkook-----I want your cock! Please! I need you in me! Now!”
Well that escalated quickly.
However, he wanted to make absolutely sure this was something you wanted. Pulling his face away from your core, he looked up at you through his eyelashes with eyes that had grown dark with lust. Yours too were just as dark which was a huge contrast to the innocent shine they had shown only moments ago. You suddenly weren’t so shy and definitely not innocent.
You were a total wreck at this point. Your mind was a mess but you knew what you wanted. You had long sobered up from what few drinks you had and you knew this was something you wanted. Something you needed. It had truly been awhile since you last experienced an orgasm and you were long overdue for one. Jungkook, stranger or not, was your ticket to release and nothing was going to stand in your way.
Not even your routine.
“Please, Jungkook. Please.”
“Easy, baby girl. I’ve got you. I’ll take really good care of you.”
Releasing your legs and climbing off the bed for just a moment, he could feel your eyes on him as he fished out a condom from one of the side drawers. You were so wrecked and it was a beautiful sight. Your eyes hooded with your chest heaving. He had hardly touched you. Poor thing, you must be really sensitive.
Climbing back onto the bed, he made quick work of ripping the package and rolling the condom onto his rock hard length. You really did turn him on. Normally, he had to work himself to full mast but you being you.....it was no problem. Perhaps you yourself was magic too. Given his line of work, it wasn’t often he found a client who could turn him on as much as you did.
“You’re going to feel so good around my cock, baby girl. You sure you don’t want me to stre-----”
“No! Please! I’m good. I promise. Just hurry! Want you so bad!”
Jungkook had no doubt that you could have quite the dirty mouth on you if you were to let yourself go far enough. It was almost hard to believe that just mere moments ago, you were this shy young woman who wouldn’t dare do something so scandalous as having sex with a stripper. Yet here you were, desperate under his touch. He loved it. Thrived in it.
The lion had his little lamb right where he wanted her.
Not wanting to keep you waiting any longer, he made himself comfortable between your legs once more before aligning himself with your sopping entrance. You were so beautiful with your face all flushed and chest rising and falling at a slightly rapid pace. Your soft locks sprawled all over the pillow. So so pretty. And all for him. Trying to focus, he slowly eased himself forward till he could feel the tip of his length nudge your entrance. God you were so warm. He could only imagine how wonderful you’d feel once he was fully inside you.
“You’re so freaking tight, baby girl. It really has been awhile, huh?”
“God too long! Too long! Please! Ruin me, Jungkook!”
He knew it. You could be a dirty little girl if you’d just let yourself loose from your own leash. He certainly hoped this wouldn’t be the last time the two of you saw each other. You were a real treat in his book. A treat he wanted again and again. Someone he could easily become addicted to being around if you’d let him.
He could feel your velvety walls clenching around him as you were stuffed full for the first time in a long while. Not wanting you to go into some sort of shock, he gently rubbed your sides with his warm hands in soothing, repetitive motions. Leaning down, he gently planted kisses along your face. Just anything to take your mind off the slight sting he knew you’d feel.
“Deep breaths, baby. Deep breaths. You’re right here and I’m not going to let anything hurt you, okay?”
“Ss-s-so full.”
“I know, baby. I know. Bet you’ve never had cock this good, huh?”
“Ne-Never. Never ever. Ss-so good.”
You were already ruined and he hadn’t even moved. You poor poor thing. Depriving yourself for so long of something so good. Well he was going to make sure you didn’t miss out any longer. Feeling your body ease up from underneath him, he took that as a silent signal to start moving his hips. God you felt so good around him. His length involuntarily twitched what little it could while being buried inside your warm wet walls.
“You feel just as good, babe. So warm and tight. Just the way I like it. You were made for me, baby girl.”
Your moans filled the room along with his own as you found your arms wrapping around him to gently dig your nails into his muscular back. You needed something to hold onto despite his slow and easy pace. While you appreciated him taking things slow......you had long since grown impatient. Testing the waters since you really hadn’t done much yourself, you bucked your hips at just the right time so that they collided with his own.
Yeah. That felt good.
With a soft growl of pleasure, Jungkook found himself staring heavily into your eyes as he said in a low and slightly threatening tone,
“Ooohhh. So baby girl likes it rough, does she? Well two can play at this game. Let’s see if you can keep up.”
Oh boy.....
And just like that, the male pulled out of you only for him to flip you over onto your hands and knees. All the sounds you could make were soft yelps of surprise before suddenly feeling him ram his hips into yours; successfully sheathing himself deep inside you once more. The action alone caused a loud moan to fall from your lips as you hung your head; body slightly shaking with overwhelming pleasure.
“Yes! Yes, Jungkook! Please! More!”
“Greedy little lamb! So eager for my cock. Gonna absolutely ruin you! Fuck you so good you’ll forget your own name and only remember mine!”
The room became filled with your moans along with the sounds of skin slapping against skin as Jungkook pounded into you from behind; his hands gripping your hips till he left marks. You had never been with someone who was so strong. His movements were so powerful that he was making the bed shake as well as yourself. Your moans came out shaky from how he managed to move your body with his powerful thrusts. You then felt him drape himself over your back.
He reached around you so that one hand could massage your breast and play with your nipple while his other hand slithered down to where he found your clit. It had already been a challenge for you to stay on all fours when he started ramming his hips into yours; let alone when he started feeling up your weak spots. God you had no idea you were so sensitive till Jungkook came along. It was like he already knew your body like the back of his hand.
“Jj-Ju-Jungko-oo-ok. I’m cl-cl-close!!”
“Already, baby girl? Surly you can last a little longer till I get there, hmm? Can you wait for me, beautiful?”
Normally, he could care less when his clients came. Sometimes, the sooner the better. But with you? Jungkook was just having way too much fun and you really did feel amazing. However, there was also that little nagging voice in the back of his head whining about how he didn’t want to let you leave. There was so much he wanted to ask you. Hell, he wanted to get to know you. Which he still hadn’t figured out why. Maybe you were just an easily likable person?
Your moans were even cute as you let out all your pent up sexual frustration. However, his strength must have gotten the better of you because he watched your arms finally give out from under you. Acting quickly, he used his own arms to lift you up so that you were leaning back into him; the both of you now on your knees.
With his nose buried in the crook of your neck, he began to place sloppy kisses to your heated skin while an arm wrapped around your chest; massaging your breast while that other hand went back to work on rubbing figure eights into your clit. He could feel your thighs shaking and quivering as he slowly but surely brought you to your end. He could tell you were close from the way your walls clenched around his length repeatedly.
Then you surprised him by reaching back behind the both of you to try and grab at his ass. Well well well. We’re you getting a little brave? He couldn’t help but smile against the expanse of your neck before gently biting down on the skin and sucking it gently; leaving his mark for you to remember him by tomorrow.
“Jungkook!! Please!! Please let me cum!!”
“Go for it, baby girl. Cream all over my cock. Be a good little lamb and cum for me.”
Definitely not needing to be told twice, you could feel the knot in your lower belly finally snap and your release hitting you like a tidal wave. It was so easy and natural for you to scream out his name as your body arched and shook against his own. You were so lost in your bliss that you didn’t realize he had a protective hold on you while he too found his own end; releasing into the condom. Shame you couldn’t have felt him fill you up instead.
The only sounds filling the room were the soft music coming from Jungkook’s phone along with both of your heavy breathing. You could feel his heart pounding against your back as you had to lean against him for support; thankful that he was still holding you up. However, it wasn’t long till he gently pulled himself from you entirely before easing you down onto the mattress like a real gentleman.
“Let me go dispose of this and get a wash cloth to clean you up, okay baby?”
Still floating on your cloud bliss, you simply nodded your head against the pillows while hearing him chuckle once more. You felt like dead weight but it was a good kind of feeling. Whew. How much tension had you really held inside you for all this time? You had no idea how badly you needed this. Sex with a complete stranger. Who would have thought this was how you spiced up your life and broadened your horizon.
Just as your eyes were about to close completely, you heard him come back and ask casually,
“So are you a coffee drinker?”
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Opposites Attract
Request: hey may I request a one shot for your Peter Pan story if yes can you, use my real name (Zai) instead of Y/N if you please and can you have me pans total opposite like sweet, shy everything he would hate but in the end he falls for her and becomes really protective
Pairing: Pan x Zai
Warning: None
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Part 2 >
It was so surreal, everything around me seemed to move in slow motion as if I were a character stuck inside of a movie, high pitched ringing pierced through my ears and stung my brain like a thousand tiny knives pricking it. An uncontrollable tremble grabbed a hold of my body refusing to let go, toying with my muscles as though I were nothing but a puppet on a string dancing for the demon that now had possession of my tiny frame.
The air was cold, so very cold, nipping and scratching at my fare skin as I silently sat on the leaf-covered floor. So many questions ran through my mind, too many to count, too many to keep ahold of. What was this dark place I had found myself in?
Dirt and pinecones filled my nostrils as I took heavy, deep breaths in and out, in and out, in and out.
A pair of eye's shot daggers at the back of my head, sending shivers to travel up and down my spine. The knotting in my stomach became apparent, growing tighter and higher by the second. I tried my hardest to fight off the fear which coursed through my veins and stole my heart, but I couldn't. There was no power in the world, no bribe was big enough, and no prize was worthy enough to get me to turn around and meet the eyes staring at me.
As time passed I felt more and more eyes creep up behind me, taking their place and just silently watching. That's when I heard them, footsteps, shuffling, whispers in the night running through to cold air from person to person, or perhaps from monster to monster.
"What have we got here boys?" A jovial voice sounded, too old to be a child's but it held the power and wisdom of a thousand lifetimes.
"We-we think it's a girl, Pan." Another said.
Pan, so that was the creature's name. In any normal circumstance, someone might jump for joy at the sign of another person, but this was no normal circumstance and the confirmation of other people only made my skin crawl. Every red flag was waving and alarm bell ringing, I was not safe, not one bit.
"She might be dead, or unconscious," Someone sounded, "she hasn't moved in a while."
Whoever this Pan was leant down close to me, so close I could feel his breath travel down the nape of my neck. He placed two gentle fingers on my pulse, paying for a second.
"She's not dead," He confirmed, "James and Dan set up a tent for her, Felix see if she has any wounds and take care f them if she does."
It was Clear Pan had authority over everyone else there as if he were some kind of mayor or leader, the boys named did nothing to displease him as their footsteps grew quieter and quieter.
"Where are you going, Pan?" A rather deep, husky voice spoke, curiosity dripping off every word yet he was confident in his ways. Maybe he was somewhere higher up on the food chain in this strange land that he had to power to question and possibly even disobey.
"To ask the shadows why they bought a bloody girl to the island." His tone had changed, sounding more aggravated than intrigued.
There were no other words exchanged between the two and I could feel myself being lifted off the cold ground, I felt weightless in the arms of this stranger that I was too afraid to look at.
Perhaps I would become a burden to the boy, but I had no energy left to think about that, I had no energy left to think about anything. I wanted nothing more than to drift off into a peaceful sleep but my body would not allow it for the danger had not yet passed, it kept trying to fight and fight but finally lost the battle and sleep had won out.
I woke up, my head pounding like there was no tomorrow. I found myself in a white tent, laying upon a mattress, only a thin blanket keeping the cold from consuming me. Swinging my legs over the side of the make-shift bed I walked towards the fabric flaps, sunlight poured into the room as I pulled them back, almost blinding me.
A tall figure hovered over me, blocking out the sun. For a split second, he looked like a dark, black giant but once my eyes adjusted I took a closer look at his face. Is pale blue eyes stared at mine for what seemed like a few minutes, becoming familiar with my brown ones. I noted down the scar that ran down his cheek, how did he get it?
"Pan," He called, "she's awake."
My eyes averted to the boy, who looked no older than seventeen, quickly stalking towards us. Panic flashed through my body enduring my paralyzed, there was nothing I could do but watch as they got closer and closer despite the urge of wanting to run and flee.
His eyes stood out to me the most, the vibrant green colour seemed to radiate off him, capturing and gaze and holding it there. This boy had power, that much was obvious, what scared me was how he used it. There's no doubt in my mind that he could mortally wound or even kill me if I looked at him the wrong way, the safest route is to be obedient otherwise I could end up dead.
"Follow me." He said sternly, I didn't dare speak, I didn't dare to even breathe I just nodded my head in his direction before silently following after him like a little lost puppy.
One step after another I felt more and more eyes scanning over my body, however, I would never meet anyone's gaze. I wouldn't dare give any of these people the satisfaction, after all, they still need to tell me how I got here in the first place. I felt like an animal caged up in the zoo, just a pretty and unusual thing for them to stare and gawk at, all the meanwhile missing my home.
A pain shot through my chest, a deep aching at the thought of my family and friends, at the thought of everything I had left behind.
"Sit." The leader spoke, snapping me from my thoughts.
I complied without any issues, placing myself onto the wooden stump poking its head out of the ground to say hello to the golden, glowing sun beaming down on everything below it. I hadn't noticed just how beautiful this place was in the day time, the lush green trees, the birds tweeting, the odd deer walking by before scattering and running off from the wild people whom they shared the land with.
I felt his strange green eyes watching me, finally, I had worked up enough courage to look into them. They were filled with wonder and amazement, much like a child seeing snow for the first time.
"You can start by telling me your name," The boy's thick British accent becoming prominent.
"Zai," I whispered, nearly audible but he heard it and so did the forest.
"Zai," He repeated as if he were testing out how my name sounded on his tongue, "Cute. Now, what are you doing on my island?"
Oh, so it was his island.
"I don't know," I said, my tone sickly sweet but the boy in front of me could tell I was being genuine.
"You're a strange one aren't you?" He claimed, tucking a piece of hair behind my ear an act that made my cheeks turn a deep shade of red as I desperately tried to hide my face from his view.
I should be afraid, I should be terrified, running for the hills and never looking back. There was danger behind those vibrant green orbs, so much danged but for some reason that only drew me in more. The very thing that should make me leave is the same exact thing compelling me to stay, how can that be?
I had never been one for diving into the deep end or taking risks, I liked to be in control of my fate and how everything played out, I know this boy could never give me security so why am I being pulled closer and closer t him?
He's attractive yes, as if he were chiseled by the God's themselves, but it's more than that, it's deeper than that. The risk, the excitement of it all is what drew me in and managed to hold me there. Maybe staying here wasn't as big of a heartache as I previously thought.
"Well I guess that's irrelevant, I'll be sending you home now." He announced.
"What makes you think I want to go home?" I asked, standing up defensively.
He raised a single eyebrow at me, the expression on his face caused me to shiver, "So you want to stay little one?"
I could feel a smile creeping its way onto my face at his words, "Perhaps to do, I could be of use to you,"
I desperately tried to come up with a list of jobs I could do just so he could let me stay, although I was still scared I had this feeling deep inside on me. Way down in my bones as if I were meant to be here as if my soul belonged here.
"I can cook." I blurted out.
Only to be met with a smirk, "My boys can cook too."
"I can clean," I said.
"So can my boys." The leader retaliated.
"Can they?" I asked, raising my eyebrow to him, mimicking his previous actions, he gave a low husky chuckle to my somewhat sassy comment.
"Oh, I'm sorry princess, is it not up to your standard?" The boy smirked in return, toying with me a little. He could sense when I was on edge, I knew he could, maybe a skill he had picked up in the years that he had been alive.
"Please, I'll do anything, anything you ask of me!" I pleaded, hoping and praying that he would allow me to reside here with him.
"It doesn't matter what you want." His demeanor suddenly turning nasty at the flip of a switch, the green eyed boy stalked closer and closer to me until my back had been pressed against a tree, leaning down he whispered, "I don't have girls on my island, you're weak I have no need for your kind."
I felt my blood being to boil, this misogynistic-
I held myself back from doing something that I regret, out of the fear that I could possibly end up dead at any second.
"Maybe they are where you're from," I said in a low yet innocent tone, my words sounding like a smooth lullaby slipping into his mind, "But I am different."
"Fine, I'll be interested to see how long you last around here." He stated, "I'll get Felix to show you around."
He took a few steps back, giving me the space that I craved. I let out a breath that I didn't know I was holding in until now. Pan's comment not only sprinkled fear and dread into me once more but also seemed to excite me as if I had something to prove to these people. One thing was apparent, they were not people I wanted to play with or tourment. I was better off just seeing how this plays out and trying not to end up dead in the process.
Within the day I had circled around the island twice seeing all the beautiful sights and scenery as Felix, who is the second in command around here, told me what was what. His explanations were only met with a nod as I was far too shy and nervous to open my mouth around him or any of the boys for that matter. Luckily for me, Felix wasn't much of a talker either, we spent most of our little adventure in awkward silence.
The more I explored the more I wanted, no longed to stay here. The crystal blue seas, the majestic waterfalls, the tall towering trees, and the white sandy beaches. This place seemed like paradise, shame the people who inhabited it didn't radiate the same energy.
The once pale blue sky turn to a dark navy as tiny, white sparkling dots hang high in the sky, a roaring fire was situated in the middle of the camp the boys all sat around eating, laughing, and having a good time. They all seemed so happy, yet the damage behind their eyes was apparent, they all had the same look behind them.
I felt a presence sit down beside me, "Zai," they spoke, to which I said nothing. I didn't turn my head to look at the person whose voice I had heard not hours before.
Before I knew what was happening a hand was placed under my chin, forcing me to look in their direction, "It's not a wise idea to ignore me, little one."
"Sorry," I whispered, I knew he heard my faint words but I wasn't entirely sure they made that much of a difference.
"Funny, just hours ago we were having a perfectly fluent conversation and now you seem so shaken up you're hardly getting your words out, tell me, why is that?" He knew what he was doing, it was apparent, he knew he had the upper hand, he knew I was still scared.
I shrugged at their so-called king, not giving him the satisfaction he craved, he wanted me to squirm, but I wouldn't allow that to happen.
As the days went by my shyness didn't disappear or get easier, in fact, it seemed to get worse. I was on edge, especially around Pan, it wasn't hard to tell that the boy was ruthless.
It was hot, the sun beaming down on the island. We all slowly walk deeper and deeper into the forest the boys not only thankful for the shade but excited for the activities ahead. Pan had promised us a game of target practice, something that I had learned I was terrible at.
Silently, I watched from afar as the boys took turns shooting apples off one another head. Of course, there were many injuries but they loved the thrill of it. I got many stares, none of which I paid any attention to, but what riled me up the most were to comments.
"What's she even doing here?"
"Why would Pan allow a girl into the camp?"
"Look at her she wouldn't even hurt a fly."
"She doesn't have what it takes to be one of us, she's too sweet."
"I wish she would just go back to where she came from."
Biting my tongue, I tried not to let their words get to me. Sometimes I fantasize about those boys tied to a tree, no means of escape or survival, I would pull the arrow back tight, stretching the string of the bow before letting go. The arrow would soar through the air before landing deep into their skulls with a satisfying think, bullseye.
I could feel the wicked smile on my face grow as my heart became that little bit darker. What was wrong with me? I had never wished ill will upon anyone before, so why was I starting to know. Maybe it was the island, supplying me with anger as if it were some kind of git, some means for survival if in a wretched yet beautiful place.
Suddenly, everything stopped and silence grabbed hold of everyone around. My interest was peaked, I rose from my makeshift seat to see what was going on. There the leader of the lost boys had one of his very own pinned to a tree by an invisible force, choking and spluttering as his legs kicked and kicked.
I wasn't sure what had brought this on, but my gaze was held hostage by the scene unfolding before me, the boy begged and begged apologizing relentlessly, but none of that mattered to Pan. We all stood there and watched, some boys with tears in their eyes as their friend asked for mercy and was not given it, I almost felt bad for the boy until I had realized who it was.
Adam, the little ring leader of the group of boys who liked to push my buttons.
We all looked on as the light slowly left his eyes, his cold body slumped to the floor, no one dared to move.
"Fun's over boys," His powerful voice boomed, echoing all over the forest, "Get back to work."
One by one the boys went back to camp, they were shaken up, but not as bad as I was. I still felt a sense of remorse for the poor boy, but the more I reminded myself of all the things he said the sad about it I felt. I still wasn't able to take my eyes off his lifeless body until there was no one else around apart from Pan.
I looked up at him, but no words left my mouth, they were all choked up in my throat. The smirk on his face let me know he was proud of what he had accomplished a minute ago, what kind of a monster was he?
He left, leaving a wink as his parting gift to me.
A cold shiver ran down my spine, I didn't like what he had done and worst of all I didn't like how he had just made me feel.
I hope you guys like part 1!!
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12 Days of Danganronpa; Day 2: Fuyuhiko Kuzuryu x Reader
Christmas at the Kuzuryu manor was always the same; the staff would make the food, then leave to their own families while Peko, Natsumi, Fuyuhiko and their parents would sit and eat. After the dinner, they would exchange presents to each other, then return to their separate activities. 
This year, however, would be different. You would be spending Christmas dinner at the Kuzuryu manor, and you weren’t the only one nervous.
“Peko! Make sure the cleaning crew gets every inch of the house!” The Ultimate Yakuza called to the swordswoman as he fixed a crooked painting that was hanging on the wall. “This place has to be fucking spotless when Y/N gets here, you got that?!”
“Understood, Young Master.” Peko responded, bowing at the waist before heading off further into the house.
Fuyuhiko looked frantically around the house, nervously fixing any little thing that seemed out of place.
“Jesus Christ, Fuyuhiko, will you calm down already? You’re freaking the hell out.” Natsumi complained from a doorway. “You’re going to scare your girl away before a messy house does.”
Her brother turned to glare at her. “Oh, shut the hell up, Natsumi!” He snapped, clenching his fists. “What do you know?!”
The younger Kuzuryu crossed her arms. “More than you, clearly!” She retorted. “Y/N doesn’t give a shit about the house. She cares about you, dipshit. The look on her face when she looks at you makes me sick.”
Fuyuhiko rolled his eyes and turned away from his sister. “Whatever.” He muttered. “I just wanna make sure she feels welcome. That she knows I care about her.”
The self-proclaimed ‘Ultimate Little Sister’ raised a brow. “And polishing the house until it’s blinding is gonna prove that?” She asked. 
The Yakuza heir paused, his hand on the mantle midway from brushing off dust. 
Natsumi snorted and shook her head. “Just relax, Fuyuhiko. Y/N’s nice. One of the few people I can actually bear being around.” She smirked. “If she won’t break up with you for your personality-” Fuyuhiko shot her an annoyed glare, causing Natsumi to chuckle before she continued. “-then she won’t leave you if there’s a speck of dust out of place.”
Fuyuhiko sighed and ran his fingers through his hair. “I just...I really like this girl, Natsumi.” He muttered quietly. “She’s the first person to take the time to get past the fact I’m a Yakuza and get to know me. She...makes me happy. And I don’t wanna lose her.”
Natsumi gave the older boy a small smile and placed a hand on his shoulder. “And you won’t. Like I said, she’s crazy about you. I don’t think there’s anything you can do to get her to leave your crazy ass.”
The short boy chuckled and looked over to his sister. He opened his mouth to respond, but was cut off by the sound of the doorbell going off. This caused Fuyuhiko to stiffen, and Natsumi snorted. 
“Looks like she’s here.” She informed Fuyuhiko with a smirk as Peko made her way to the front door. The younger sister looked to Fuyuhiko, then ran her finger over the mantle. When it came back with dust on it, she chuckled. “You missed a spot.” She teased, then ran the dust covered finger on Fuyuhiko’s shirt.
“Hey, what the fuck?!” He exclaimed as his sister quickly dashed away. He let out a frustrated sigh and ran his hand over his face as he turned towards the front door. There, he saw you moving back from a hug with Peko. The Yakuza tugged at his shirt collar before approaching the entrance. 
You smiled at Peko as you parted from the hug. “It’s great to see you, Peko.”
“And you as well, Y/N.” Your friend greeted you, smiling softly at you. “You look wonderful today.”
“Yeah, you look, uh...beautiful, Y/N.”
You and Peko both turned your heads at Fuyuhiko’s voice. You beamed when you saw your boyfriend, and you quickly made your way over to him, throwing your arms around the shorter boy. “Fuyu! Hey, babe!”
The baby faced gangster slowly returned the embrace, his cheeks flushing a light pink. “Hi, Y/N.” He greeted you as you parted from the hug. “It’s nice to see you.”
You giggled and looked around the house as Peko closed the door. “Wow, this is a really nice place, Fuyuhiko! Really neat, too.”
“Heh, thanks.” Your boyfriend smiled softly and reached his hand out to take yours. You happily accepted it, placing your hand in his and allowing him to lead you towards the dining room. “I hope you’re hungry. The staff was working all day preparing dinner, and there’s a lot of it.”
You looked over the table and saw enough food to feed an army. You snorted. “Dang, I didn’t know there was that much food in the country.” You teased.
Fuyuhiko chuckled. “Yeah, well, they always do end up making too much.” He explained as he pulled your seat out for you.
You smiled gratefully up at him as you sat in the chair and he pushed you closer to the table. He then took his seat beside you, and it wasn’t long until Natsumi and Peko joined as well, taking their seats at the large table. You looked around at the two empty chairs and frowned as the others there began to get ready to start eating. “Um, wait, what about your parents?”
There was an awkward silence.
Peko cleared her throat and looked sadly at you. “Uh...They haven’t joined us for Christmas Dinner for a few years now.” She informed you quietly.
Fuyuhiko and Natsumi both looked down at their plates, picking at their food.
You bit your lip and looked to your boyfriend. “I-I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to-”
“It’s fine.” He interrupted you. “It’s normal here.”
“Mom and Dad are too busy with business to spend time with us anymore.” Natsumi spat out. “But hey, that’s just part of being a Yakuza. You’ll have to get used to it if you end up staying with Fuyuhiko.”
Fuyuhiko glared at his sister. “Shut the fuck up, Natsumi.” He snarled. “Just drop it.”
“Oh, well excuse me for warning Y/N that if she wants to be part of this family she’s gonna have to expect you to never pay her any attention!”
You watched as Fuyuhiko’s face turned an angry red. “Fuck you, I would never do that to Y/N!”
“Young Master, Young Mistress, please.” Peko called to them both softly yet sternly. She glanced at you. “Save this for later.”
Natsumi humped and began eating her food, while Fuyuhiko shot you a glance before doing the same.
You tried your best to shrink into your seat and disappear.
What the hell had happened?
After a very awkwardly silent dinner, Natsumi immediately left to her room and Peko began gathering the dishes to clean. Fuyuhiko looked to you and sighed, grabbing your arm and pulling you down to his office.
“F-Fuyuhiko, I’m sorry!” You apologized as he closed the door behind him and ran his hand over his face. “I didn’t mean to upset anyone. I-I didn’t know-”
“I know.” He assured you. “I know you didn’t. It’s fine. It’s just...Our parents are a really sore topic, especially during the holiday season.” He scratched at the back of his neck and looked up to you. “It’s...part of why I was excited to have you over. New company, something to fill that void.”
You smiled softly, before it faltered. “And then I fucked that up by bringing up your family.” You muttered. 
Fuyuhiko quickly shook his head. “No, no no! You didn’t know, and it makes sense you’d be curious!”
“But Natsumi got so mad at me!” You argued.
“She wasn’t mad at you, regardless of how it looked. Trust me.” He assured you. “She’s mad at our family. When she calms down she’ll come and apologize to you in her own way. She likes you. She told me herself.”
That soothed your worry a bit, though you were still anxious. “Still...I’m sorry I couldn’t make Christmas better for you.”
Fuyuhiko rolled his eyes and scoffed as he walked closer to you. “Please, that dinner was honestly one of the tamer we’ve had.” He told you. “Just you being there made it way more bearable than it would’ve been otherwise.” He reached forward and grabbed onto your waist, pulling you forward flush against him.
You blushed lightly at this motion. “R-really? You sure?” You asked quietly.
Your boyfriend nodded, a grin on his face. “Yeah, I’m sure.” He brought a hand up to your face and lowered it to meet his. “Look, just don’t worry.” He snickered. “Damn, and I thought I was freaking out about this.”
You raised a brow. “You were worried?”
Fuyuhiko nodded. “Yeah. I was worried if everything wasn’t perfect, you wouldn’t want to be with me. And after that fiasco, I thought you’d wanna break up with me for sure. But uh, seeing how worried you are kinda resolves my fears.”
You couldn’t help but giggle knowing you had both been worried about virtually nothing. You placed your forehead on your partner’s, now fully relaxed. 
The shorter boy smirked and closed his eyes before smashing his lips against yours, placing a hand on the back of your head to deepen the kiss. You followed suit, closing your eyes and gripping his shirt.
You lost track of time for how long you had been there, but eventually Fuyuhiko pulled away to breathe. “So perfect~” He breathed out, and you giggled.
Suddenly a knock was heard. As you both turned to see who it was, the door opened, and there stood Natsumi. 
“Hey, uh, sorry to interrupt, but I...wanted to...apologize, I guess.” She murmured. “I was...out of line earlier.”
Fuyuhiko gave you a knowing smile, and you smiled at Natsumi. “That’s really nice of you, Natsumi, though it’s really fine.” You looked between both Kuzuryus. “Why don’t we go watch a movie or something? Try to be...a family.”
Ngl, not super happy of this one. Not used to writing for Fuyuhiko, and I didn’t have an entire story planned, so it’s not my best work. I normally wouldn’t post this, but I needed to post something, so forgive me if it’s not up to my usual standards. But I hoped you enjoy Day 2 of 12 Days of Danganronpa! Fuyuhiko received three votes, coming in second to last! Come back tomorrow to see who got one vote higher then Fuyu and Hiro!
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k7l4d4 · 3 years
Midnight Striga: Fairy Tail/Owl House Cross Fic Episode 5 Part 1
Hello all, I come before you with another chapter of Midnight Striga. Just to let you know, this chapter will mark a shift in the tone of the story. While this shift will not apply to every chapter, and certainly not every scene, things will now move a bit differently. Thank you.
With a sigh, Amity Blight, scion and heir-apparent to Blight Industries, tied back her hair into its usual short tail. And at that, she had officially completed her preparations for today, the day of the Covention. There, she would be presented by her Tutor, Emperor’s Coven Head Lilith, as a standard of excellence. While normally Amity didn’t particularly care to be used as a living advertisement, for a position as prestigious as the Emperor’s Coven, it honestly brought a small smile to her face, a sign that her skills were being acknowledged. Nothing like her mother’s annoying “Private Sales” she had to put up with.
A ding caught her attention. Turning to her scroll, she read off the new message.
Hope it goz great!! Gonna be watching, you rule!!! ~Skara
Amity allowed a soft smile to cross her face. She was surprised, pleasantly so, how much hers and Skara’s relationship had grown. A girl she had originally written off as a mean-spirited bully actually had a lot of depth to her; sure, she was catty, she could be bratty, and was an absolute gossip machine, but she was bright, funny, and always willing to help her. If Amity knew of a way to head back in time, she’d probably try and talk herself out of pushing away Skara. She frowned. Maybe if she had been a better friend to Skara, or at least tried to be a friend at all, Skara wouldn’t be so broken up over Boscha.
Amity scowled at the thought of the three-eyed Witch. She had never had a high opinion of the other girl, she honestly had a high enough opinion about herself for the entire city, but that day, any respect she may have harbored for her died in flames. She snorted at the thought, remembering those strange flames Boscha had been throwing around that day. She had heard the story from Skara, that Boscha wasn’t in her right mind; frankly, Amity didn’t care. Boscha had always been a certain level of difficult, but Skara owed the girl nothing, and still defended even her worst actions.
Boscha was lucky she had been avoiding everyone for the last few days; otherwise, Amity would’ve personally informed her of her… displeasure. Still, today was an important day for her future, no reason to ruin her mood thinking about painful things. Yet, Amity couldn’t help but have her mind wander back to that day; she had humiliated herself, acted rashly, and most likely ostracized herself even further from Willow, and she offended someone she had never even met before because she couldn’t control herself.
Amity’s eyes narrowed. That human girl was an oddity; her kind were not from the Demon Realm, so how did she get here? How did she stop Boscha’s rampage? Amity needed to know. The next time they met, while she would certainly apologize for her conduct, she wasn’t walking away without a guarantee to get answers.
Chomping down on her lighter’s flame, and wasn’t that still a weird thought, Boscha languidly ambled along, having gotten up and ready early so she wouldn’t have to interact with her parents. The Covention was today, one of the biggest events of the year, especially for Hexside Students. Boscha scoffed. She had never really gotten what the big deal was; before, her future was set on the image of being a professional Grudgby player, so the whole Coven thing was an annoying distraction at best. Even now, when she felt lost inside, she didn’t get the full appeal.
Although… she would admit to being rattled from her confrontation in the rain. A shudder crawled up her spine as she recalled the Owl Beast, it’s Witch-like face twisted into an animal’s leer. If something like that came to those who defied the Coven System, not that she necessarily believed it, then she would try to toe the line a bit, at least in public. But, when she recalled that fight, the way her blood pumped, her heart raced, the heady scent of fire filling her nose, she couldn’t fight the feral smile that crawled across her face.
Boscha wanted to fight again. It was something she just knew she had to do. Just thinking about it, the threat of violence and the clashing of strength and skill, made her feel so alive!! But… the screaming would come back if she fought for real, she knew it. She could even hear it now, the screaming, the accusations. Boscha slapped herself, forcing her mind away from the thoughts that were coming.
Still, it was a new day, something she should make the most of. She should probably check out the Covention today, if only to keep word spreading that she was a no-show. She couldn’t help but feel worried though. Would Willow be there? Would Amity? ...Would Skara? Biting her lip, Boscha trudged along, lost in her thoughts, heedless of the eyes in the shadows tracking her every move.
Eda sighed, bored out of her Titan’s damned mind. Business was slow today, but she couldn’t risk the possibility of missing out on a sail, even if it meant having to put up with Luz and King reading those Titan awful books. Seriously, that flowery language was a disgrace to magic!! But… she couldn’t ruin their fun, not after that night. She had just gotten the house all back together, to Hooty’s relief, and Luz had been making sure she had her potion taken every morning before she did anything else. It was sweet of her, if annoying.
Now if only she had something to get through this stupid BOREDOM!!! She let her mind wander to her newest tenant, one who had been rapidly worming her way into Eda’s jaded heart. She wasn’t sure how, but the kid had managed to eek out a soft spot with her, much to her bemusement; maybe it was the little hints of something not being right, the way she clammed up about her past, the oddly large collection of magic books and texts, or the strange injuries she had that, while healed over, seemed to weigh on her at times. 
The kid had secrets, and had shared barely nothing about them, but Eda wasn’t one to pry. But if those secrets got her hurt, then even if it made Luz hate her, she’d pry them out and do everything she could to keep Luz safe and hearty. ...Titans, she was going soft!! Better prepare a crime to keep herself nice and tough.
Hello, it looked like they’d have a customer after all! If she wasn’t mistaken, it was that one kid, the human fanatic that came around every so often, what was his name… Goops? Whatever.
“Welcome!” She cheered, putting on her most customer friendly voice. Her eyes scanned the two, taking note of the details, specifically the lack of uniforms even though it was a school day. A chill ran up her spine. “What can I interest you two fine Witchlings in today?” Maybe she was hamming it up a little, but she needed something, dang it!
“Um, actually, Miss Owl Lady,” The girl, a stout thing with a friendly look to her, a noticeable amount of fearful respect in her eyes. Normally, Eda would’ve found it amusing, if she didn’t now have a better understanding of WHY Witchlings looked at her like that. She was going to have words with Lily next time they met. “We actually came to see Luz?”
“Yeah! I would normally LOVE to buy one of your treasures,” The Goops kid said with his usual enthusiasm, if not tinged with disappointment. “But we really have some awesome news to share with Luz!!” He certainly rebounded quickly, Eda would give him that.
Eda opened her mouth to reply, only to close it as Luz came walking up, King trotting at her heels. He was doing that weird breathing thing again, something that helped with those crazy spells of his, and wasn’t that a thought! “Hey, Hexsiders!” Luz smirked cheekily as she walked up. “Willow, Gus, what brings you two here? Isn’t it a school day?” She asked.
“Nope, not today!” Willow cheerfully said, Goops nodding along beside her. “The Covention’s today!!” Ugh, that thing!? No wonder the market was abandoned.
“What’s a Covention?” Luz asked, looking confused, and just a bit bored. Eda was never so proud to see a child wilfully dismissive of authority before!!
“It’s when the Covens put on a big expo to show everyone what they can offer!” Gus cheered. He settled down a bit for his next. “We were wondering if you wanted to come with us?”
And there was the moment Eda needed to start intervening! “Oh no!! No tenant of mine is ever going to set foot in that den of conformist propaganda! Coventions are for people who have no ability to question their lot in life and blindly accept whatever crap that authority spoon-feeds them.” She stated firmly. At the affronted looks of the two kids, and Luz’s own flat look of disapproval, Eda huffed, but relented a little. “No offense to you two.” Hey, she wasn’t going to completely back down!
The girl, Willow, Eda thought, shook it off. “Well, maybe coming will help convince you to find a coven to join!” She said trepidatiously, giving a hesitant smile. Now, ordinarily, Eda would’ve used a spell to mess with her for saying that, but after learning what she had about her reputation… she decided to go with a gentler touch.
Eda sighed. “Look kid, there is no possible way I will ever join a Coven. Even if they forced me, I would literally rather die than be in one,” She stated bluntly, steadfastly ignoring the shocked looks her statement provoked. “I don’t know exactly what you kids have been told about me, not fully at least, but there is nothing a coven can offer me that I might want.”
“B-but a Coven gives you a place to belong!” Goops exclaimed.
“Already got one, it’s called my house.” Eda replied, checking her nails.
“It helps you make friends!” Willow followed up.
“I can do that without a Coven, and the kind of people who would be friends with me wouldn’t care if I was in one or not.” Eda said, summoning a file.
““B-But, But!”” The kids stammered.
“Look.” Eda snapped lightly, trying to hold in her temper. “I don’t need to be in a Coven. I am happier without one, and I always will be happier without one. I’m not gonna force my beliefs onto others, however much I might want to sometimes, so the least you two could do is respect mine, okay?” She finished softly. The two meekly nodded.
“I think we should go.” Luz offhandedly mentioned, piping up for the first time since the back and forth started.
“””What!?””” The three shouted, Willow and Gus in glee, Eda in shock.
“Yeah, we’ve got nothing better to do,” Luz shrugged, gesturing to the abandoned market around them, before continuing, “And it gives me an opportunity to check out more of the Isles. And Eda, are you seriously gonna pass up the chance to shake down a bunch of Coven Stands for everything you can get?” She grinned, arching an eyebrow in challenge.
“Using my pride against me, eh?” Eda mused, before snapping her fingers. “Ah nuts, you sold me. But,” she drawled, shooting a look at the two Witchlings, “Absolutely no talk of convincing me to join a Coven, got it?” She said gravely, getting rapid nods from the two. Eh, Eda was willing to milk her worse-than-realized rep for as long as she could.
As the group set off, they were utterly ignorant of the rustling in the trees behind them.
A bloody scream ripped through the Guard’s throat. Why was this happening!? He was just doing his job!! Did these psychos not realize who they were challenging going after a guard like this??
“Quiet.” A gravelly voice, like stone shattering and scraping against steel, drawled from the dark, twisting the knife stabbed into the guard’s ribs. He screamed again, only to be cut off by a hard slap against his mask, so strong he felt his jaw loosen. “We don’t want to hear a peep from you unless it is to answer our questions.”
“DO YOU NOT REALIZE WHAT YOU’RE DOING!?” The Guard demanded, fighting through the pain. “I am a member of the Emperor’s Coven!! If my body turns up with obvious signs of torture like this, the Coven will rip you to shreds for trying to challenge them!!” There… maybe that would get them to comprehend their position!!!
The shadowed group paused, as if in contemplation of his words. Then, one of them snickered, then another, and another. And the entire crowd, a veritable army really, started laughing to the heavens, as if what he had said was the funniest joke in the world, fit only for the Titan’s ears.
“Gilihihihihihi!!” An oily, sickly voice laughed from the shadows. “As if any of these backwater weaklings could challenge us?” A note of hysterical madness crept into the stretched out figure’s voice, when suddenly, his long thin arms darted forward. For a moment, the guard didn’t realize what had happened, until a familiar wetness dripped down his palm. He screamed. Giggling, the figure stretched his hand out of the shadows; resting in his palm, were four of the guard’s severed fingers, ripped directly off his hand. The figure lightly tossed the digits up and down… and threw them back down his gullet, a sick laugh ripping out of his throat after he finished swallowing and chewing the bits.
“Now, now, we need him alive to answer our questions, gentlemen.” Another voice peaked out of the dark, this one smooth, polite, and as cold as the coldest nights on the Knee. “We wouldn’t want him to feel stubborn enough to deny us, now would we?” The cold voice chided, getting solemn nods from the other two figures nearest to the guard, almost like children being scolded by their parent. “Now, my good man, we’ve been at this for hours! You’ve resisted our attempts at bribery, even spat into the faces of my soldiers. Why, we even had to remove that left eye of yours to make you realize we weren’t bluffing!” He proclaimed, holding up the eye in question, the guard’s own familiar tawny coloring staring back at him. The figure bent down, smirking. “Now, just tell us what we wish to know, and your suffering will come to an end, okay? Otherwise…” he sighed, gesturing to the chuckling figures behind him, many hoisting up cruel instruments, such as hooks and skinning knives, all aimed towards him. “We’ll have to use you as a message for the next guard.” He finished ominously.
“N-next!?” The guard whimpered, finally realizing they were willing to kill him, to torture him to death for what they wanted to know. And just like that, all the wind left his sails, his resistance crumbled. “I’ll tell you.” He whispered. “Anything I know. Ask away. If I know, I will tell you.”
“Good.” The figure smirked. As he rapidly rattled off his questions, gesturing to his cohorts to record the guard’s answers, his smirk grew more and more as the guard answered in detail. About the Covention. About the special guest. About all the people who came to see it. About what it meant for the Emperor’s Coven. “Thank you, my good man.” He sincerely stated. Then, without preamble, he slashed his dagger across the guard’s throat, relishing the shocked horror and betrayal as the life fled his eyes as his blood poured down his front. He could even divine the question. Why? “I said your suffering would end.” He whispered to the soon-to-be-corpse. “I never said you would live.” And with that, a look of utter despair coated the foolish guard’s eyes… and they turned lifeless.
Tossing his knife to the figure who had eaten the guards fingers, ignoring the sound of the blood being licked off the blade, he calmly ordered his men to move, the large group mobilizing around him. As they exited the dilapidated castle they had appropriated from the recent demise of that rotten Octopus, he grinned in satisfaction as strategically placed flames went off, consuming the structure, and any trace he and his organization were ever there. ‘We shall devour this world.’ He thought, chuckling darkly. ‘And not even their precious Titan and Emperor will be able to stand against us.’
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Mine - Jackson Wang
So, @aggrocat121 said “If I could request a Jackson writing with your prompts ! and 25, I’m just a sucker for a jealous Jackson scenario!” and you know what I said? Mood hun, tbvh.
~2k words, fluff, if one squints, one can see the angst but honestly I think it’s just cute ok, 
Prompts: 1. “We’re not just friends and you fucking know it.”
25: “You’re mine. I don’t share.”
Summary: One would think jealousy only leads to dreadful things; and while it is true, it is also undeniable that, once in a blue moon, jealousy gives birth to even greater things.
It was not a date, per se. You did not phrase it like that. It was more of a meeting between two very close friends. Except you could have dialed anyone else’s phone number and request the presence of anyone else to accompany you in an afternoon shopping session. This meant that, with you explicitly calling him to join you and, subsequently, to spend quality time with you, it was more than just a meeting between two close friends. So Jackson settled for a date; in his mind anyway.
Jackson fantasized about confessing his feelings for you in an incalculable number of ways, his fictional plans leading to the same happy conclusion. Nevertheless, there’s a common saying that, although applicable, Jackson loathed: ‘it was never the right time’. And it truly never was. Not because he was unsure of his feelings, or because he didn’t suspect there was something on your part too, but because he discovered he was too much of a coward to take the reins.
And now he was stuck waiting for you to finish your conversation with an affable man who kept on repeatedly touching your upper arm as he grinned a tad too excessively at your words.
Jackson checked his watch and observed an excruciating five minutes had passed since he had met you outside your favorite shopping center and the only words you bothered to throw his way were a mere request to wait for a little bit, the rest of them undeniably flowing the stranger’s way. And boy, was he getting mad.
After your interminable conversation finally met its end, the man luckily went his way, refraining himself from doing an audacious thing such as hugging you, and Jackson let out a heavy sigh. You turned your body to him and were surprised you weren’t greeted with the usual bear hug and blinding smile. 
“Seunie, hello! Sorry about that, it was one of my co-workers.”
Jackson could figure as much. “Yeah, don’t mind. Shall we go?”
You blinked at the coldness of his words. Jackson started walking ahead, neglecting the usual pace he settled for when the two of you would walk together. You lifted a brow but chose to say nothing. He would ordinarily speak his mind on his own whenever something bugged him so you opted to wait for him to find his words.
However, it was a lie to say you were not intimidated by his icy silhouette.
“Thanks for coming. I know you must be busy with everything but I really need to buy some new jeans and office trousers. And we both know you’re more stylish than I am.”
Jackson glanced at you briefly and stuffed his hands in the pockets of his denim jacket. The brown trench coat you wore over a simple white shirt, tugged in the flared jeans and the low-heeled ankle boots were forming a look that Jackson planned on commenting about. Of course, you were beautiful regardless of the clothes you wore but that was positively his favorite look on you. “You’re exaggerating.”
“No need to get all modest now, Wang.” You chuckled and entered the first store for a quick scan. Jackson extended his arm to take your handbag so you could better look around. He kept a small distance from you, fiddling with his phone, giving minimal response to any of the questions you asked.
At first, you thought that he genuinely did not like anything that you showed him so you simply shrugged your shoulders and went on your way to the next store. It was the same irritating process in the next couple of stores you walked in. You’d show him an article of clothing, often picking ones that you truly liked, and he’d either nod his head or say you should buy it if you liked it. Jackson was slowly but surely stepping on your every nerve. If you wanted to randomly purchase something just for the sake of it, you would have sent your brother. 
His attitude was peculiar in itself. He had an annoying glimmer in his eyes and a pouty expression that you had never seen on him when he just wanted an ounce of attention. During all those memorable times you spent with Jackson, both good and bad, you fell for every antic he’d do, from jutting out his lower lip in a silent cry for hugs to the serene smile he only offered you when you were around him. It was, still, a bit far-fetched since he was friendly with every breathing creature. This time, his indifference toward you was a harrowing prospect.
As you were browsing through Zara, your eyes fell on some beautiful jeans that you were determined to try on, with or without Jackson’s help.
“Are you coming?” you asked shortly and walked to the fitting rooms without waiting for an actual response. Jackson followed you silently and folded your coat over his forearm, seating himself on an outer chair. It wasn’t long before he noticed the curtain opening. 
You were checking for the fitting when you called him over. “Jackson.”
Jackson stood up and walked over to you, almost chocking on thin air at the sight. He had shamelessly examined your curves before, occasionally informing you even, yet your ass looked splendid in that particular pair of jeans. He remembered he was upset, though, and he had to act accordingly. 
“These are okay.”
You could feel your eyes rolling out of their respective orbits. You pulled the curtain to change back into your clothes and stormed out by Jackson when you were done to pay for the jeans. You offered a small smile to the employee and offered your credit card; scarcely had you reacted when Jackson took the shopping bag in his hand and walked on ahead with that, along with your coat and handbag. That was the last straw.
“Okay, I am done receiving the silent treatment.” You declared and settled yourself by his side. “Can you please tell me what is going on with you?”
Jackson peeked at you, then turned his face forward. “Nothing.”
“Jackson Wang, I am going to ask this only once before I turn around and go home. What is going on?”
Jackson closed his eyes for a moment and took a deep breath. “How long have you known that guy?”
So that was the problem.
You scoffed in amusement. “Who, my colleague? Dang, Jackson, we’ve been working since I joined the company. If I think about it now, he is my senior by a year.”
Jackson did not find what he was looking for in your answer. The air in his lungs evacuated all at once in an excessive sigh. You did not know what to do with that side of Jackson’s. Well, one could always presume, but you didn’t know if he was simply dramatic for the sake of it, or was genuinely bothered. You looked up at him, a small smile plastered on your lips. 
“Jackson, we are only friends—“
“We’re not just friends and you fucking know it.”
Jackson mirrored your confused expression, although his was sprinkled with a mixture of fear and uneasiness. Your eyes were visibly widened.
“I was referring to my colleague, Jackson.”
He clicked his tongue. “Oh.”
You opened your mouth a couple of times, trying to form a coherent sentence, but failed each time. Out of all the things Jackson could have said, his last sentence astonished you. Or more accurately, it shook you down to your core. There was no turning back.
“Wait a second, are you acting like a brat right now because you are jealous?” you mumbled, your eyebrows knitted together. “I can’t believe it.”
Jackson scoffed. “I’m not jealous.”
“I don’t know who you think you’re talking to, but I am going to give you a moment to reconsider your answer.”
Jackson turned his body completely to you, moving all the articles to one hand so he could gesture his argument freely. “I don’t like it. How come a random guy out in the street gets to be all mushy-mushy with you?”
You chuckled and folded your arms over his chest. His face was priceless at that moment. “A random guy? I just told you he’s my senior!”
“Oh, so in this modern age all seniors get to run their filthy hands up and down your arm, thinking it comes as a motivational bonus?”
You felt your blood beginning to boil. You were not happy with the mixed signals he was giving you so faithfully, confidently traversing back and forth between platonic friendship and romantic interest, and yet you did not run to him to rub them in his face. “What’s it to you, Jackson? How come you’re suddenly interested in who gets to run their hand up and down my body?”
“You’re mine. I don’t share.”
You would have actually felt the heart skipping a beat in your ribcage had it not been for the veil of anger clouding your senses. You would have also realized you developed a weak spot for that assertive side of Jackson. Especially now as it was exclusively yours. “Oh? Since when?”
He ran an exasperated hand through his hair. “Since now.”
Jackson lost no time in cupping your cheek with his free hand and crashing his lips against yours. The air hitched in your throat as he pressed the lingering and otherwise addicting kiss to your lips. You froze in your spot, all the awareness exiting your body at once. He pulled back, his earnest eyes piercing through your soul. You could not remember a single moment when Jackson was that serious.
“I like you, hell, I like you so much that I simply don’t know what to do with myself in your presence. I don’t think there is anyone in this galaxy who adores another person as much as I adore you. You see all these people around here?” Jackson stopped succinctly to gesture to the crowded corridors of the mall. 
“Jackson, I don’t know what--”
“I know you must think I am exaggerating, or that I am crazy, or that I am a mess and God knows I truly am a mess, but trust me when I say there’s no one alive who can take care of you the way I can. I am horrified to lay a single finger on your beautiful skin, so who are they to think they even deserve such a blessing?”
There was no tremble in his voice, no hesitation in his eyes, not any snippet of insecurity in the words he spoke. To say you were petrified was an understatement. At least your blazing cheeks hinted you were alive.
“That and your ass looks majestic in those new jeans.”
Jackson lowered his hand to pat your ass playfully. He then straightened his body and cleared his throat, still studying your features carefully. A sly smirk was sketched on his lips as soon as he noticed your bright complexion and turned happily to skip away.
“Hey, Wang Jackson!” he heard you calling out his name and snickered to himself, wiggling his fingers at you. You were in a conspicuous state of denial as you dashed over to him. “Did you just brazenly flirt with me?”
Jackson intertwined his fingers with yours effortlessly. “Have been for the past century, but thanks for noticing.”
“No, no.” you shook your head and your now tangled hands. “Did you just confess to me?”
Jackson opted to wink at you, taking advantage of your perplexed stance. Out of all the countless scenarios he outlined in his mind, he had to admit that, with a little bit of outside help, that was probably the best existing way to break it to you. With much-desired success, too. 
“So what if I did? You have yet to give me an answer.”
You had had enough of his smug expression. Without letting go of his hand, you pulled him by the collar with your other one and returned the favor by attaching your lips to his in a heartbeat. He smiled into the kiss and you figured he got the message. That was until he slid his hand out of yours and into the back pocket of your jeans and gave your butt a light squeeze.
“What are you doing right now?” you cocked an eyebrow at him.
“I have to assert dominance.”
You burst out in laughter and decided to play along. You also stuffed your hand into the back pocket of his jeans. “What an eloquent way to say you just needed and excuse to grab my ass in public.”
Jackson let out one of his irresistible laughs and leaned over to you to peck your cheek. It was more comfortable than he thought it would be, walking like that. “Don’t act like you’re any better, Y/n.”
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starrybethany · 4 years
Clayton Keller: Part 4
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Word count: 2450
I wake up for the third time, sighing in frustration at the fact that I’ve been awoken from my slumber. Clayton woke me up twice during the night by kicking me- I don’t know why this man can’t let me have my space considering it’s a California-king sized bed, but for whatever reason he needs to be pressed up against me at all times.
I close my eyelids, planning on going back to sleep for a couple more hours before deciding to start my day. But something brushes against my nose. And then there’s a poke. I open my eyelids, and as much as I know that the adoring smile that’s on Clayton’s face should warm my heart, I narrow my eyes into a glare.
How dare he wake me up.
“Oh good, you’re up,” his husky, morning voice says. Butterflies fill my stomach but I make my eyes narrow even more at his words, still upset that he woke me up. He rolls his eyes like he knows why I’m upset and rests his head back down on the pillow, not taking his eyes off of me. “You’ll get over it.”
“What time is it?” I ask through a yawn.
“Nine o'clock.”
I groan. “My body still thinks it’s five o’clock. But maybe that’s because you woke me up several times last night.” I reach my foot over to kick his thigh and he grabs it, just holding onto my ankle.
“I did? Sorry about that.”
I don’t respond, resting my head back on the pillow and closing my eyes. I just want a few minutes of peace before I have to get up and start my day. Clayton begins to laugh so I open an eye, looking over at him.
“What are you laughing at?”
“You stayed over last night.” He reaches over, lacing his fingers through mine. “And I didn’t have to convince you too.”
“More like force,” I mumble. He makes a smart remark to that but I’m too busy thinking about his words.
Shit, I did stay over last night without a second thought. In fact, I cuddled him to sleep. Is that part of this arrangement? I thought this arrangement was mainly about sex but there seems to be more of an emotional connection than sex.
I feel like I’m in a relationship again and I’m not ready for that at this point in my life. That’s the whole reason why I rejected Clayton, I feel like I’m not ready emotionally to support someone else. Even just thinking about it almost gives me a panic attack.
“So does this mean that I don’t have to hold the contract over your head anymore?”
I snap out of my thoughts, looking over at Clayton. “What?”
“Now you can just hang out with me because you want to, not because I’m forcing you to. You proved it last night,” he points out.
“I stayed with you because I knew you would say something if I tried to leave,” I half-lie, reverting my gaze to the ceiling.
“That’s bullshit and we both know it.”
“Is it? Because I tried to leave that one night and you told me that I had to stay, so why would this time be so different?” I snap, turning back to glare at him. I don’t like the direction this conversation is headed in.
“Not a morning person, I see,” he murmurs.
I scoff, throwing my feet over the side of the bed to stand up.
“Where are you going?” He inquires.
“Home.” I grab my phone from his bedside table and head out of his bedroom and to the entrance. I’m pulling my shoes onto my feet when he makes an appearance, leaning against the wall like I’m boring him.
“Come on, you’re really going to leave because of a little teasing?” He raises his eyebrows.
“I just want to go home, Clayton.” I check to make sure my Uber’s arrived before yanking open his front door.
“Dang, I didn’t know you were this dramatic when I first started seeing you.”
I freeze at the words, anger flowing through my veins, before deciding to keep my mouth shut for once. I do slam the door for effect on my way out, fuming on the ride home.
I don’t have all day to think about how annoying Clayton is because I eventually have classes to go to, and honestly, it’s the perfect distraction. The girl next to me was confused about the lesson so I explain it to her in simpler terms than the professor used as we make our way to the parking lot where Betsy’s car that I borrowed is waiting.
I glance towards the direction of where I parked the car, freezing when I see a familiar person leaning against the vehicle.
“Y/N? You okay?” The girl asks.
“Yeah,” I respond distantly. Clayton noticed that I’ve seen him and stands up straight, his famous smirk spread across his face. “Um, does that make more sense?”
“Yeah, it does,” she nods. “Thanks for your help.”
“Anytime. See you next week,” I bid, hesitantly making my way to my friend’s car. “What are you doing here?”
“Felt bad after this morning so I decided to surprise you,” he shrugs like it’s no big deal but I can tell from his tone that he’s watching me closely for a reaction.
“How did you even know where I go to school?”
“I saw your shirt once and it had the school mascot on it. And I drive past here on my way to the rink every day so I’ve seen you a couple of times,” he admits.
I nod, crossing my arms over my chest and make eye contact with him. I don’t know why I’m giving him such a hard time, it’s not like our argument was that big of a deal. He was just pointing out that I stayed the night without a protest, but I guess I don’t like that I even did that so I’m punishing him for it. I know it’s not his fault and I know it’s petty of me to be acting like this, but I want to keep the upper hand in this relationship or whatever it is.
I feel like most of our rules favor him, so if I can win minor battles like this then I feel like we’re more equals.
“So I got you an apology present.” He pulls his hands out from behind his back and presents a small, square box to me.
I give him a questioning look but he nods towards the gift, so I take it into my own hands, brushing my fingers against his, and open the top of it. A bracelet with a thin gold chain with crystals around the chain lays in the box. It’s stunning. I’m not usually the type of person to wear bracelets, but I know once I put this bracelet on I won’t be able to take it off.
“Clayton it’s gorgeous,” I murmur, unable to take my eyes off of the bracelet. I know he has a smug look on his face from my reaction but I ignore it, setting the box on the hood to pick up the bracelet.
“Let me help,” he orders, taking the bracelet from my hands gently. I hold my wrist out to him and he wraps the bracelet around my wrist, the cold metal touching my skin. He clasps it but holds my wrist in his hands for a couple more moments.
I let him.
His hands drop and he takes a step back but his eyes tell me that he doesn’t want to.
“What are you doing tomorrow night?” He asks, rubbing the back of his neck shyly. It’s his tell that he’s about to ask me something important but wants to disguise it as unimportant, so I pay attention closely.
“I might go to the club with some friends but we haven’t planned anything concrete yet. Why?” Betsy said that she wanted to have a one night stand this weekend but I don’t know if she wanted Tyler and I to be her wingmans or if it was something that she was just going to do off of Tinder.
“We have a game tomorrow night and you should come.” I give him a look of uncertainty and he laughs. “Would it make you feel better if I used the deal against you?” I nod and he laughs again. “Rule three.”
“I forgot what rule three is,” I admit.
“You have to do romantic things with me. And going to my game is romantic,” he responds, leaning against the car.
I resist the urge to yell at him that he’s going to scratch Betsy’s paint, a fear of mine since she’s letting me borrow her property for free. “You think that me watching people beat you up and you beating other people up is romantic?”
“In an odd way, yes.”
“What time is it?” I tilt my head.
He raises his arm to look at his watch. “It’s two o’clock right now-””No, dumbass, what time is your game?” I giggle.
“Oh,” he blushes in embarrassment. “It’s at seven o’clock against the Winnipeg Jets.”
I raise my eyebrows. “Am I supposed to have any clue who that is?”
He cracks a smile. “Just know that you’re supposed to be cheering for the guys in red. I’ll leave you a ticket and an arena pass at the ticket window, just make sure you have your ID on you.”
I nod, watching as he walks towards his jeep. “Oh, and Clayton?” He turns around to face me, walking backwards. “Don’t lean against the car again.”
A cheeky grin covers his face as he turns back around and I try my best to ignore my blush as I get into Betsy’s Honda.
The usher leads me down to my seat and I’m surprised to see that there are already a few women and children in the seats next to mine. I smile politely at them as I sit down but make no effort to talk to them, instead pulling out my phone.
They talk in hushed voices to each other, trying their best to keep their words quiet but I can still hear some of what they’re saying.
“... Clayton can get a girl so pretty. No, really, aren’t you surprised, Ashley?”
“Say something to her!”
“But Clayton told us not to talk to her otherwise we’ll scare her off.”
Oh, so they know Clayton. How do they know Clayton? They’re gorgeous girls, don’t get me wrong, but they can’t be his hookups. He wouldn’t be as disrespectful to sit me next to his hookups, right? And they wouldn’t be friends if he was with all of them.
“Since when does Clayton control us, Rachel?”
“Fine, then you say something to her.”
“Hi.” At the word my head snaps up and I turn to see the brunette in the group is the one who’s talking to me. The two blondes are watching our conversation. “You’re with Clayton, right?”
“Something like that.”
She nods like she understands. “I’m Abby, Nick Schmaltz’s girlfriend, he plays on the team with Clayton. This is Rachel, Taylor Hall’s girlfriend and Ashley, Jordan Oesterle’s fiance.”
They look at each other excitedly, which I assume means they’re freshly engaged.
“So tell us more about yourself,” Rachel encourages, “Do you go to school?”
“Um, yeah, I go to a college not far from here.”
“Cool, what are you studying?”
I’m trying to be polite but this just feels weird to me. With the situation that Clayton and I are in, I’m not sure why he would invite me to his game and knowingly seat me next to some of the WAGs. It seems like something too intimate, something that a girlfriend would do and not a sugar baby.
I understand if he wants me to go to his games but to introduce me to people like I’m staying around for a while strikes me as odd.
We chat for a while before the game starts, then the conversation kind of dies down as we all focus on the game. I know hockey a little bit but I don’t know all of the rules so the girls explain some things for me when I rarely ask questions. I don’t want them to think that I’m dumb, even though I don’t know why I care what they think of me, so I keep most of my questions to myself and remain clueless.
I guess the Coyotes lose because the stadium is quiet as the game comes to an end.
“Are you coming to the locker room with us?” Abby asks as they stand up and collect their things.
“Oh, um, I’m not sure if Clayton would like that,” I confess.
“Well you have an arena pass so I’m assuming that he wants you to,” Rachel answers, motioning to the lanyard that I forgot was around my neck.
I follow them down to the locker room as they chat about the game, only answering questions when they direct them to me.
I wait awkwardly as all of these big men leave the locker room, approaching their WAG and greeting them before leaving with a friendly smile.
Abby, Rachel, and Ashley introduce me to their partners who exchange some kind words with me before leaving. All three girls make sure to get my phone number, promising me pedicures and a coffee.
I’m overwhelmed by the time Clayton exits the locker room and approaches me with a teammate in tow.
“So I heard that you lost,” I blurt out, unsure of what to say.
He smiles and the friend behind him laughs loudly and I quickly apologize at my words.
“So how did you like the game?” Clayton inquires.
“It was good,” I nod.
“Oh, um, Y/N this is my roommate and teammate, Christian. Christian, this is the girl that I was telling you about, Y/N,” the brunette introduces us and I reach out to shake his roommate’s hand.
What does ‘this is the girl that I was telling you about’ supposed to mean? What has he told him about me? Has he told him about our deal? Damn, I should’ve included a non-disclosure rule in the contract.
“Come back to our house with me,” Clayton demands. I roll my eyes but nod, knowing there’s not much place for argument.
And somehow I end up in his bed again.
“If I fall asleep here, wake me up,” I order, already feeling my eyes droop.
He doesn’t take me seriously because once again, I wake up in his bed.
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quirkfics · 4 years
a commission for the gosh dang fantastic @danteowesme !
wordcount: 3k warnings: sfw, mild flirtation, tension, first meetings pairing: Atsuhiro Sako | Mr. Compress x Reader (gender neutral)
A flicker of red catches your eye. It's instinct that has you turning towards the movement, instinct that has your heart speeding. The building is locked down, and no one is supposed to be moving in or out of the rooms they were in when the lock down started. 
Supposedly there's a villain inside, roaming the halls for as yet unknown reasons. So, the fact that you saw something moving out of the corner of your eye? Feels like reason enough for your heart to start pounding. When you stop and focus, a red gloved hand is less than an inch away from an expensive exhibit, frozen mid reach. Achingly slowly, your gaze travels up the attached arm, covered by a bright yellow sleeve, all the way to their neck, and then stops on their face. It's hidden by a white mask, streaked with black patterns. It’s eerie in the dim light, but the top hat they’re wearing is tilted at a jaunty angle. For some strange reason, that sight eases the sting of fear. You can feel your lips twitch and you have to clench your jaw to get them to stop.
For a few moments, you simply stare at one another, silence reigning supreme. 
"Will this be a problem?" He finally asks first, moving his fingers in a slow and dexterous wave, tilting his head to the side. Half of you waits for his top hat to tip, but it stays firmly on his head, even as he straightens from his half bent position. A slim cane comes into view, making you frown - you would have sworn he had nothing in his hands a moment ago - but all he does is rest the tip of it on the ground, curling both hands over the ornate top. “Well?” He prompts, when you don’t immediately answer. You have the feeling that he should be arching a brow, or possibly smirking - he makes no moves towards his mask though.
For many reasons, some of them terribly obvious, you shake your head. “Of course not,” you add, acutely aware of the tension in your words, in your shoulders, in every fiber of your very being. You don’t know much about him, and the announcement about the villain had been terribly vague - maybe he isn’t the one the heroes are searching for? "Should it be?"
He neatly sidesteps the question with a hum and a single tap against the chin of his mask. “You know, I wouldn’t blame you if you were to say - shout?” He rolls a shoulder, adjusting the cane so he can lean a bit of his weight against it. He rather looks like he’s waiting for a member of an audience to speak, with the way his head is still tilted. “Scream, perhaps? It would be the natural thing to do, I would imagine.”
And it would be the natural thing to do. The building is absolutely chock full of heroes at the moment. But the thing is, they’ve locked it down with all the civilians inside. From the way the heroes had come through, canvassing each room, and then each floor, from their angry mutterings and their bitingly quick reassurance - you’re fairly sure that the villain isn’t here to injure anyone, and though you’d like to keep trying to fool yourself, his statement kind of cements your initial thought. He is the villain they’re looking for. Why else would he bring up shouting?
You bite your lower lip, using the sting to keep your eyes from darting to the case he’d been about to.. Do something with. Semantics are everything in some cases, especially for some quirks. You can't even begin to guess what abilities he may or may not have, so it’s probably best to stick to technical truths.
“Why would I shout?” You decide to ask, cursing the itch of rising curiosity. “I haven’t seen anyone try anything illegal.” Which, you haven’t. A masked man reaching for a locked case isn’t illegal. Frowned upon, maybe, but plenty of people wear masks for a myriad of reasons these days. Heroes, civilians- How can you be entirely sure of his nature just by taking a single look?
The masked gentleman tilts his head back and laughs, uncaring when it echoes through the room. He taps his fingertips against the cheek of his mask when he’s finished, and you think he might still be smiling. His shoulders look a bit more relaxed anyway. 
“Oh, how delightful! Now, let me guess - you’re a villain in the making? Or-” He hums and then makes a vague gesture your way before he twirls his hand about in a circle. “Turn around if you would?”
Turn around? And give him your back? No. You don’t move, you only raise a brow, which draws a large sigh out of him, though the tone of it is still tinged with mirth.  
“Perhaps a neutral party then. In need of convincing?” He takes a few measured steps your way, and you know it’s idiotic, but you’re tempted to listen. After all, nothing about him has been truly threatening so far, and- Really, it’s likely that he’s only here to steal something. You can hold your tongue and let him entertain you until-
Well, until he gets what he wants and escapes, or the heroes show up to arrest him.  
“Try me,” you volley back, forcing yourself to loosen your limbs, to uncurl your fingers from your fists. This is nothing more than a friendly conversation, so there’s no need to be so tense, is there? You wonder how long you can lie to yourself before your brain stops accepting it. Probably the first sign of him pulling some sort of weapon- your eyes drop to the cane. No, you’re not going to think about it. He’s going to try and sway your opinion of villains, or so he’s implied.
He stops about halfway to you, drumming his fingertips over the top of his cane, watching you closely - or at least angling himself towards you that way. “Or,” he says after a moment, his voice no less smooth, though it lacks some of the pleasantness of earlier, “perhaps you’re a would-be hero? Trying to lull my poor self into a false sense of security?”
Your eyebrows pop up in surprise and then lower in concern. “I will say that I’ve no current designs to be any kind of hero, on purpose or otherwise.” You wait a moment, wondering if he’s trying to trick you into saying something incriminating. Or maybe he’s waiting for you to offer up something to prove you’re trustworthy? You lick your lips, hoping you won’t regret your decision, and offer your name. 
He walks closer at your admission, taking a single hand off of his cane and offering it to you when you’re an arm’s length away. You think he might want to shake hands, but you don’t reach out. What if his quirk has something to do with touch?
“Hmm. My compatriots generally call me Mr. Compress, or simply Compress, if you’d rather.” Compress drops his hand, apparently unbothered by your decision to withhold your touch. “Now, what exactly would it take to convince someone of your caliber that our society is.. Flawed?”
You scoff, and tense when he starts to circle around you. You turn to keep up with him, heart speeding when Compress chuckles at your antics. “It- it shouldn’t take much for most people to agree that our society is flawed. Unless someone is a hero hopeful, it’s-”
“But you’ve never been a hero hopeful?” He wonders, coming to a stop and tilting his hat back. “Not even once?”
“If someone says they haven’t even entertained the thought, they’re probably lying. Heroes have everything, and the rest of us-”
“You hardly sound like you need convincing,” Compress teases, reaching out lightning quick to tug gently on the strings of your sweatshirt. The touch sends a shiver down your spine, but nothing else happens to you. You’re still yourself, still whole, and when you flex your hands at your sides, you’re still in complete control of your own body. “Maybe you’re just enjoying the sound of my voice?”
“It is a nice voice,” you agree and then wrinkle your nose, silently horrified. That- You probably should have kept that to yourself. 
Compress, on the other hand, seems delighted. He spins to a stop, right back where he began, coat flaring out around his legs. Theatrics, at least, are very clearly part of his repertoire. “I am rather fond of it,” he muses and then turns his head towards the empty doorway and the hall beyond it. “I’m rather hoping to have an audience by the end of all this, in fact, so, seeing as you’re sympathetic, perhaps you could do me a favor?”
Your gaze finally darts to the case. The trinket inside looks expensive - and much too large to carry out. You glance back at Compress, curious about the favor, but… “That would probably make me your accomplice,” you tell him quietly, an echoing shout reaching the room from far away. 
“Neutral,” Compress says in a teasing tone. “And you’re correct, likely it would make you my accomplice if you were to agree. I suppose I’ll have to bring forth all the villainy I have stored in my bones then, yes?” He reaches for your arm, and though your heart chokes you, though adrenaline surges through you like a riptide, all he does is close his fingers carefully around your bicep. He’s gentle, though his hold is firm. Compress leads you close to the case and then turns your back to it. “Can’t have you learning my tricks, you understand?” He keeps his hold on your arm, only tightening when a soft click and then rolling noise across the floor makes you tense. “It’s quite alright, I promise you. Harmless,” he says, and then pauses, doing something else to the case. “Unless you slip on one,” he finally adds. “But I doubt you’ll need to worry about that.”  
You can hear thundering footsteps now, and with a start you realize that the heroes must have had someone watching the security camera feed. You’d even heard them talk about it when they’d made their rounds earlier. You glance up at it, unsurprised to find that the wires connecting it to the wall are- cut? And the lens has been covered, just for good measure.
“Now that that is all squared away,” he says softly, rolling his shoulder as he steps back from the case, tugging you along with him, “the favor.” Compress spins you until you’re face to face with his mask, the strange designs nearly making you cross your eyes. His cane is gone, you notice, as he places a hand on either of your shoulders. “All I’m going to ask you to do is listen to those dear heroes, the police, the medical personnel, and you will not only keep your neutrality, but earn a bit of leeway from both sides. How does that sound?”
“..Leeway?” You ask, not entirely trusting. 
“A bit of freedom from-”
“I know the definition,” you interrupt, licking at your lips again in nervousness. The gesture doesn’t go unnoticed by Compress, if the slight downwards tick of his mask is any indication, but he doesn’t comment on it. “But I-” 
A terribly loud shout has you jumping, and then your back is to Compress’ chest and one of his gloved hands is curled carefully around your throat. Two heroes nearly burst through the empty doorway, taking some of the frame with them, but then come to a very sudden stop when they see Compress’ hand on your neck. 
“Just in time!” Compress crows. “I thought the lot of you would miss the finale - which would be such a terrible shame. I worked so hard on-”
“Release your hostage,” one of the heroes snaps, clenching their hands into fists. “And back away slowly. There’s no need for this to get any more-”
Compress laughs, tapping a single fingertip against your racing pulse. He leans in close, the brim of his hat pressing awkwardly against the side of your face. “I hardly think you’re in any position to be making demands. I’ve made- a friend here, and I make so few of them, I would hate to lose contact so quickly.”
“No one needs to get hurt,” the other hero declares, lifting her hands up in the air and taking a step back. “If you release them, there’s a good chance that-”
“They’re such bores,” Compress tells you, sighing loudly enough to stop the heroes talking. “Interrupting constantly, so worried for your safety. They’ll barely enjoy my show!”
“Barely?” You risk asking, trying to keep the trembling down to a minimum. He still doesn’t seem like he’s going to injure you, and you’re kind of distracted by the warmth of him against your back, the faint scent of soap and.. Shoe polish? You can’t quite decide how to feel.
“Barely,” he repeats. “Oh, there’ll be a moment of shock, a gasp, but this is hardly the reception I anticipated. Crowds are always terribly fickle.” He lifts a fingertip off of your throat and both the heroes tense, their eyes zeroing in on the movement. “I’ll make do though, it’s what I’ve always done.”
“I’m ordering you to-” One of the heroes starts, almost breathless, their eyes wide as they take in your face and Compress, slowly lifting another finger off of your neck. He’s slowly back up, giving himself some space, though he isn’t taking you with him.
“Please,” he says, projecting his voice so it echoes throughout the room, “a moment of quiet for the crowning achievement of the evening. I’ve slipped past you thrice, stolen priceless things right out from under your nose, and now-” Compress’ hand isn’t even truly touching your throat anymore, it’s simply hovering in front of it, close enough that the heroes aren’t willing to risk rushing him. Not yet. “A bow,” he declares, twirling his hand as he leans forward- and then the heroes are shouting. You don’t dare move, hardly able to breathe as the heroes dart across the space and take you in hand, corralling you in between them as they turn to survey the absolutely empty room.
“How did- Where-” One of the heroes mutters, and then it’s a whirlwind of an hour inside the building before the police are insisting that you go with the medics to the hospital, just in case. 
As soon as one of the nurses takes you to a private room to be checked over, she insists you ditch your sweatshirt, just to check for bruising on your arms and neck. As soon as you set it down on a chair, a soft little click reaches your ears as something falls to the ground and starts to roll away. A blue marble catches your eye, glittering in the fluorescent lights.
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Crops? Watered. Skin? Clear. Fifth Dimensional Imp? Redeemed, and here to help our Kryptonian Sunshine Child Learn Some Much-Needed Lessons on this Very Special Episode.
NEW AND IMPROVED MXY! He is excellent. Loved every second he was on screen, he had such a great dynamic with Kara, and the ENTIRE OPENING SCENE WITH ALL THREE OF THEM WAS HILARIOUS.
Give the Danvers Sisters More Comedy Scenes, Please
Man when he just walks across the furniture.
And then J’onn w/ his casual ‘Hey girls.’ SPAAAAACE DAAAAAD
(Man Supergirl’s Attic podcast just nailed that, huh?)
Loved all of the different viewing methods--Projector! MyxFlyx! Betamyx! Also the popcorn bucket gag, and how Kara’s just like: ‘...Yeah alright.’
And then we get to the first of the alternate timelines and OKAY, OKAY I see now why they need the bad wigs...they gotta match pre-existing footage, FINE. 
But UUUUuuuUUUUgh bad wigs. BAD.
You know what else is bad? Lena blabbing Kara’s secret to Sam!
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Because KARA DIES. 
And you know...we’ve seen Kara in some pretty gruesome fights, we’ve seen her in a coma, we’ve seen her die before but there is something final and painful and AWFUL about her flat-lining in the DEO. 
*openly weeps* *just like Mxy and Kara*
Look I don’t wanna keep harping on the wigs but good grief, Kara’s ‘Supergirl’ hair looks like it walked right of the set of a 70s sitcom.
Right, okay, so the chat with Lena! I sincerely doubt that Lena would’ve let anyone help her with Sam. Just sayin’. 
‘I had to go through that alone!’ Yeah, Lena, that’s kinda your MO, and you do it even when people level with you.
(As much as I enjoyed the cathartic release provided by this episode, I still found some of the dialogue in regards to Lena a bit...trying.)
(Like this part, and Sam insisting that the Kryptonite manufacturing was totally fine! No big deal!)
(Reader, it was not fine, and was, in fact, a Big Deal.)
“Wait you’re skipping a lot!”
“So much exposition.”
Awww, Beard-of-Wisdom Mon-El is back!
“You know Lena and I have a lot in common.” MMMMM-HMMMMMM.
In that both your story line and Lena’s were/are extremely tedious
But no, for real, it’s a really lovely exchange.
“You deserve the same compassion that you show others.”
Also, happy to report that the wig works best in the rain!
And speaking of Raineign... (har, har)
More Death! A recurring theme, with these alternate realities!
So, basically:
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Back at the loft! Loved the Friends-esque VHS titles
The One Where Lena Moves to National City
The One Where Lillian Admits She Loves Lena
The One Where Supergirl and Lena Fight the Nanobot Lady
And then we get the ‘First Meeting’* reveal and may I just say, the score? Lovely. 
*Not really the first meeting but ‘Third-ish meeting that was retroactively added in “Confidence Women”’ is a bit of a mouthful, so. 
“I have to recall all those alien detective devices because they clearly don’t work!” Or...you could recall them...because they’re bad.
Just a thought.
Love 20s news announcer Mxy and the newspaper spins.
I also love that this particular timeline is a direct response to...a specific corner of the SG fandom, and their ongoing complaints. ‘Everything would be better if Kara told Lena right away!’ Well, no, actually! It puts a huge target on Lena, just like Kara feared. ‘Why does Kara even need a secret identity? Almost everyone knows, it’s barely a secret, why bother!?’ because IT PUTS A HUGE TARGET ON KARA’S LOVED ONES, JUST LIKE KARA FEARED.
Alsoooooo the one out there going hard for and stanning the Luthor/Super partnership...is a fanatical cult leader.
Which I’m sure means nothing and isn’t a thinly-veiled commentary, or anything. 
And THEN we go to the darkest timeline.
Love Kara’s, “You know what? No thanks. Nope. Don’t need to see it.”
And then Dreamer! With a face scar! And as we all know, face scars are always code for Dystopian AUs. 
And it looks like the good guys are winning their respective fights! But then METALLO!LENA JUST STRAIGHT UP TRIES TO MURDER KARA. 
To quote Kara: No thanks. Nope.
But Mxy gets Hat’s hat and they’re safely back in Kara’s loft AND THEN
After 13 long, (loooooong) episodes, we finally get some gol-dang character development.
♫Aaaaaat laaaaaaaaaast, the skiiiiiies above are bluuu-uuueee ♫
And not just any character development! KARA CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT.
Whoop, wait, before we dig into that: Redemption for Mxy.
Who is now a FRIEND and not a creepy stalker! Which, lemme tell ya, really put a damper on the otherwise fun energy that a fifth dimension imp from the Silver Age should bring. 
I am very Pleased with these developments, is what I’m saying.
Okay, back to the good stuff. I’m just gonna quote it in full:
I recognize I made a mistake in hiding my identity from you for so long, but the past is the past, and I can’t change it. Forgive me or not, that’s your choice. Just like it’s your choice to work with Lex. I’m done blaming myself for your bad decisions...from now on, you’re accountable for your own actions. If you decide to forgive me, I will be there for you. But if you continue to work with Lex, if you go through with whatever it is the two of you are planning, I will do everything in my power to stop you, just like I would any other villain.
Amazing. Spectacular. Brilliant.
Kara’s happy face is so cuuuuuuute and the french fry toast!
It’s just so beautiful.
So in conclusion! I think, given the constraints set up by the season long arc, this was a really nice way to tie it into that story but also honor a lot of what came before. I know a lot of folks wish it had focused more on the Spacefam, and that we had more Season One call backs, and that’s fair, but personally, I didn’t mind it. (Because we got a beautiful Superfriends reunion in 5x11/5x12 and Eliza is coming back at SOME point in the future so I am Content. XD)
...Also let us all be grateful that it didn’t fall within one of the crossovers, like Arrow’s 100th episode. Oof. 
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brideofkylosolo · 4 years
I bestow upon you my latest fanfic.  Enjoy
And Baby Makes Three
Clyde Logan x Kadlyn Logan (OC) (Logan Lucky)
Synopsis: Clyde and Kadlyn have a baby.
Warnings: Pregnancy, labor.
      Clyde pursed his lips as he tightened the screw on the crib, slightly cursing under his breath at how hard it was to twist the screw into place.  While the rest of the furniture for the baby’s new room had been, so far, relatively easy to assemble, the crib was proving otherwise.
      He managed to soon finish, however and stood up to admire his handy work.  He had made it his personal goal today to finish putting the furniture for the baby’s room together so that they didn’t have to feel rushed before the birth next month.  Granted the doctor had said everything had looked good at their last appointment and they weren’t in any danger of the baby coming early, Clyde knew that could change at any moment.  Especially considering the Logan Curse.
     No, he wasn’t going to think about that.  Besides, that damn curse was broken.  He was married to the love of his life and they were expecting their first child together in less than two months.  They had a good life and it was only going to get better.
     As Clyde started to put his tools away, Kadlyn poked her head in the room.
     “My goodness you’ve really been busy,” she remarked with a smile as he closed his toolbox.  She kissed him on the cheek.  “It looks wonderful, bean.”
     “Thanks, bug,” he replied as he pulled her close and kissed the top of her head.  He placed his good hand on her pregnant belly, his large fingers caressing it.
     Kadlyn smiled and placed her hand over his.  She intertwined her fingers in his.  Beneath their hands, the baby softly kicked, making both of them smile.
     Clyde still couldn’t believe it.  They were going to have a baby in less than two months.  It almost didn’t seem real.
     Suddenly, the sound of someone knocking on the front door broke the silence.
     “You stay put,” Clyde instructed Kadlyn and hurried off to answer the door.
     He opened the door to Jimmy, Mellie, and Sadie, their arms full of bags.
     “What’s all this?” Clyde asked as Mellie pushed past him into the trailer followed by Sadie and Jimmy.
     “We got you presents for the baby, Uncle Clyde,” Sadie said as they set everything down on the kitchen table.  “We got you diapers, some clothes, and lots of toys.”
     Kadlyn walked in, surprise covering her face.  “My word what’s all this?”
     “We picked up a few things you’ll need,” Mellie said as Sadie ran over and hugged Kadlyn.
     “Did you buy out the whole store?”
     “Haha,” her friend remarked as Sadie dragged Kadlyn over to the table by the hand, eager to show her aunt what they bought.
     Clyde just shook his head as he smiled.  Ever since they had told everyone they were expecting their first child, Sadie had been overly excited about having a little cousin to play with, especially since they found out they were having a girl.  Heck, everyone they knew was excited when they had told them.
     “Since you’re here,” Clyde said to Jimmy, “I need ya to help me put the baby’s furniture where Bug wants it to go.”
     “You got the baby’s room almost ready?” Sadie asked.  “Can I see?”
     Clyde nodded and his niece took off towards the room in the back of the trailer.  Jimmy just shook his head and headed after his daughter, Mellie, Kadlyn, and Clyde following behind.
     “Wow,” Sadie gushed when she saw the light pink color of the walls.
     “You like it?” Kadlyn asked with a smile.
     Sadie nodded.                  
     “When did you paint all this?” Jimmy asked.
     “Last weekend,” Clyde replied.  “Woulda done it sooner but we couldn’t decide on a color we liked.  We finally found this one when we were in Charleston looking at furniture for the little one.”
     “Looks nice,” Mellie remarked.
     “You sure it’s not too much?” Kadlyn asked.  “I mean, I know I told you I wasn’t gonna have a pink room but I just really liked this shade and all.”
     “Girl, will you calm down?  It looks great,” Mellie reassured her friend.
     “Yeah, you’re gonna stress out the baby!” Sadie chided her.
     “By the way, have you guy thought of a name yet for the little one?” Jimmy asked.
     “Not yet,” Clyde replied.  “We’ve got a few we like, just can’t narrow it down.”
     “You should name the baby Zoe,” Sadie said.  “My best friend at school is named Zoe.”
     “We’ll think about it, alright?” Kadlyn told her with a smile.  “Now what ya say you help me tell your daddy and uncle where the baby’s furniture needs to go.  Then we can have some of those cookies I saw in one of the bags you guys brought over, alright?”
     Clyde just smiled to himself at that remark.  He knew his wife was going to be an amazing mother.
     Kadlyn woke up to a sharp pain in her lower belly.  She gasped as she suddenly sat up.  Clyde woke up as well.
     “You alright, bug?” he asked her as she sat up, concern making his face.
     “Yeah,” she replied, wincing as she rubbed her pregnant belly.  “I just have a cramp, that’s all.”
     “You sure it’s not contractions?”
     Kadlyn shook her head.  She gasped as another wave of pain hit her.
     “Think we’d better go to the hospital,” Clyde said.  “I think you’re in labor, bug.”
     “I’m fine,” she insisted as she gripped the sheets.  She gasped again.
     “Yeah, we’re heading to the hospital,” Clyde simply stated and got out of bed.
     “No, we don’t need to go,” Kadlyn repeated through gritted teeth.  “I just have gas, that’s all.”
     Another flash of pain hit her, this one making her scream.
     “Bug,” he pleaded with her.
     She rolled her eyes at her husband.  “Fine.”
     Kadlyn slowly got out of bed and waddled, for lack of a better term, to the dresser.  She grimaced in pain as she pulled a pair of pajama bottoms on.  Clyde brought her over a pair of flip flops and helped her into them; she smiled her thanks.  He put his good arm around her waist and helped her to the car.  She eased herself into the passenger seat as Clyde put their hospital bag in the back seat.  She screamed again as another surge of pain erupted in her lower stomach.
     Clyde looked at her in fear.
     “Just drive to the hospital,” she said.  “Please.”
     He nodded and drove off.  Kadlyn exhaled, trying to will the pain away.
     “Shit,” she groaned as another, stronger, burst of pain hit her.  “Please hurry, bean.”
     Clyde sped faster, not caring if the muskers pulled him over.  He had to get his pregnant wife to the hospital, come hell or high water.
     As he drove faster, a strike of lightning lit the night sky up, followed by a crack of thunder; rain soon followed.
     “Fuck,” Clyde cursed.
     Next to him, Kadlyn moaned in pain.  He pursed his lips and drove on.
     They soon pulled up to the Boone County Memorial Hospital.
     “Go in and I’ll park the car,” Clyde instructed her as he pulled under the overhang.  “I’ll be in as soon as I can.”
     Kadlyn nodded and slowly climbed out of the car.  She ambled inside and to the check-in desk, the pain in her stomach a dull throb.
     “I think I might be in labor,” she told the nurse as she gripped the back of a chair.
     “Has you’re water broken yet?” the nurse asked her.
     Kadlyn shook her head.  “No, but I think I’m having contractions.”
     “Well we really can’t do much for you unless you’re water breaks, hon,” the nurse replied.
     As Kadlyn grumbled a curse under her breath, she suddenly felt something wet in the crotch of her pants; she felt whatever it was slowly trickle down her legs.
     “Uh, miss?” the blonde-haired nurse questioned as Kadlyn looked down at the clear liquid pooling on the floor at her feet.
     “Oh God,” Kadlyn uttered as Clyde rushed in, the hospital bag slung over his left shoulder.
     Kadlyn silently reached over and grabbed onto his prosthetic arm, her vision becoming blurry.
     “Kadlyn!” she heard her husband call out to her as she felt herself fall backward.
     It was the last thing she remembered.
          The soft sound of the rain hitting the window woke Kadlyn up from her sleep.  At least she thought she’d been asleep.  She squeezed her blue eyes a few times before slowly opening them to the sight of her two best friends, Mellie and Desire, sitting in two chairs in a hospital room.
     “Dang girl,” Desire said with a teasing smile.  “Usually it’s the husband that faints when the water breaks, not the mom.  Think you’re the first.”
     Kadlyn shot her friend a look as she tried to sit up.  She winced at the sudden pain in her side.
     “Easy, girl,” Mellie said.  “The last thing we need is you fainting on us again.  Especially with all that pain medication the gave you.”
     “Where’s Clyde?” Kadlyn asked them as she settled back onto the hospital bed, rubbing her side.
     “Mellie sent him to get some coffee,” Desire replied.
     “How long has he been gone?”
     “Few minutes,” Mellie replied.  “You want me to go get him.”
     Kadlyn shook her head.  “Has someone called Jimmy and let him know I’m having the baby?”
     “Already did,” Mellie said.  “He’s on his way.”
     The lights flickered.
     “Damn, the storm’s really picking up out there,” Desire remarked.  “Hope we don’t lose power or anything.”
     “Don’t say that,” Kadlyn moaned.  “Shit, if Clyde hears you…”      “Don’t worry,” Mellie reassured her friend.  “I told him if he started with the stupid Logan curse thing while you were in labor, I’d shave his beard and mustache off.”
     Kadlyn looked at her in disbelief.  “You didn’t.”
     “Hey, it shut my big brother up real quick.”
     Kadlyn just shook her head as Clyde walked into the hospital room.  He hurried over to the bed.
     “I’m fine, bean,” she told him as he kissed the top of her head.  “I’m not even hurting no more.”
     That was a bald-faced lie.  Granted the pain wasn’t as bad as before, it was a dull throb in her lower abdomen.
     Clyde just gave her hand a gentle squeeze as the lights flickered again.  The group exchanged nervous looks as someone knocked on the door.  A nurse entered.
     “Oh good, you’re awake,” she said as she checked Kadlyn’s vitals.  “We were starting to get a little worried there for a minute.  Usually, it’s the dad that faints.”
     “That reminds me, you owe me twenty bucks, Mellie,” commented Desire.
     “I don’t owe you squat, Desire Klein,” retorted Mellie.  “The bet was that Clyde was gonna faint and he hasn’t done that yet.”
     “Wait a sec,” Clyde exclaimed, “you two bet twenty dollars that I was gonna faint during Kadlyn’s labor?  Need I remind you two I served two tours in Iraq?  And I had my arm blown off.”
     “Hey, I’m the one that bet you wouldn’t faint,” Mellie reminded her brother as Jimmy and Sadie entered the room.
     “Aunty Kadlyn,” Sadie exclaimed as she ran to her beside.
     “Hi, Sadie,” Kadlyn greeted her niece.
     “Is the baby here yet?”
     “Not yet,” Kadlyn said.  “It’s gonna be a while.  I haven’t even pushed yet.”
     “How long does it take to have a baby anyway?” Sadie asked.
     “It depends,” the nurse remarked as she typed a few things onto the computer in the room.  “Could be a few hours, could be more.  I had one lady that was in labor for almost two days.”
     “Two days?” Kadlyn exclaimed.
     The nurse nodded.  “The pushing part was easy but whew, was she in a heck of a lot of pain.  She must’ve had the highest dose of an epidural I ever saw.  And she was still hurting.”
     “Bean,” Kadlyn whined to Clyde.
     “Don’t you worry about that,” he reassured her.  “You’re gonna have an easy birth.  You heard the doctor.”
     Kadlyn just continued to look at Clyde in worry.  She was already nervous about the idea of pushing out their baby daughter but having contractions for two days?  And being in pain the entire time?  Shit, that was enough to get her tubes tied.
     The nurse put on a pair of gloves.  “Just need to check how dilated you are then I’ll get out of your hair.”
     “Think we’d better go wait in the waiting room for Joe, Sam, and Fish,” Jimmy said as she steered his daughter towards the door.
     “You called the Bang brothers?” Clyde asked him.
     “Joe called me as I was heading up,” Jimmy told him.  “I told him they didn’t need to bother but he insisted.  Said he wanted to be here for little Joe’s birth.”
     Clyde just stood there open-mouthed as the group left the room.
     “We’re not naming our daughter after one of the Bang brothers,” Kadlyn told him.
     “You don’t need to tell me that,” he told his wife with a smile.
     Suddenly the lights went out.
     Clyde cursed the damn Logan curse.
       The storm didn’t seem to be letting up any time soon, although luckily the generator of the hospital had kicked in pretty soon after they lost power.
     Kadlyn’s contractions had come back with a vengeance and nothing seemed to be working to help ease them.  All Clyde could do was rub her back and feed her ice cubes.
     “Easy bug,” he whispered to her as she lay on her side, trying to sleep.  She whimpered as she squeezed her blue eyes shut; Clyde’s good hand was rubbing her lower back.
     As she exhaled, a soft knock came from the door.  Mellie poked her head in.
     “How’s she doing?” she asked Clyde as he got up and walked to her.
     “Not so good,” he replied.  “Doctor said the baby’s breeched.”
     “What’s that mean?” his younger sister asked.
     “Said it means the baby’s not in the right position yet.  Said she needs to be facing down but she’s still on her side.”
     Mellie swore under her breath.  “Can they do anything?”
     Clyde shook his head.  “Just gotta wait for the baby to turn on her own.  Otherwise, bug’s gotta have a c-section.”
     He looked away before Mellie could see the tears form in his brown eyes.
     “Hey, it’s gonna be ok,” she comforted him.  “Kadlyn’s strong.  Besides you’re at the best hospital in all of Boone County.”
     Clyde just nodded at her.  Mellie rubbed his good arm and head back to the waiting room.  He went back to his seat next to his wife’s hospital bed.  For the first time in as long as he could recall, he prayed.
       Before they knew it, it was time for Kadlyn to push.  Thankfully, the baby had righted itself and the doctor gave her the all-clear to push.
     “Come on, baby girl, you got this,” Clyde encouraged his wife as he held her hand.
     “Give us one more push, mama, alright?” one of the nurses instructed her.
     Kadlyn nodded and pushed as hard as she could.
     “We got a head!” the doctor exclaimed.  “One more push, Mrs. Logan.”
     Kadlyn pushed again.  She squeezed Clyde’s good hand as hard as she could.
     “One more!”
     Kadlyn pushed again.
     Soon the sound of a baby’s crying echoed throughout the room.  Kadlyn collapsed back onto the bed, tears of exhaustion and happiness streaming down her face, as they placed their newborn daughter on her chest.
     “I knew you could do it, bug,” Clyde praise her as he peppered her face with kisses.  “I knew you could do it.”
     Kadlyn just cried, too overwhelmed with happiness to reply.  She placed her shaky hands on her little girl’s back.
     “Oh bean,” she sobbed.  “Look at her.   Sh… she’s perfect.”
     Clyde gently placed his good hand on the baby’s head, softly stroking the infant’s dark hair.  He beamed in pride.
     “Hi little one,” he whispered as his new daughter looked at him, softly cooing.
     His wife was right; their new daughter was absolutely perfect.
       The sun seemed to shine brighter than normal as Clyde drove his car down the streets towards the double-wide trailer he called home, his wife and infant daughter in the back seat.  He made sure to drive slower than he normally did, making sure he got them all home as safe as he could.
     Before they knew it, they pulled into their driveway.
     Clyde helped Kadlyn out of the car and carefully unhooked the carrier from the car, handing it to her when he was done.  She carried it inside as Clyde followed, carrying their bags.
     “Welcome home, sweet girl,” she said, as she set the carried onto the table.  She unbuckled her daughter and gingerly held her against her chest.  Kadlyn began to rock back and forth.
     The infant made a noise and soon fell asleep.
     “Wanna hold her, bean?” she asked Clyde.
     He held out his hands and gingerly took his tiny daughter, gently holding her against his large chest.  She didn’t stir as he sat down on the couch.  Kadlyn sat next to him.
     Clyde still couldn’t believe it.  Their little girl was finally here.  Their little girl.  They were finally parents.  He leaned over and kiss his wife on the lips.  “I love you, Mrs. Kadlyn Logan.”
     “I Love you more, Mr. Clyde Logan,” she replied.  She stroked her daughter’s tiny head.  “And I love you, Miss Rylee Logan.”
     Rylee Grace Logan.  Their perfect little girl.
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dearlazerbunny · 5 years
Lie to Me (Ch. 21 of 28)
Pairings: Loki x Reader
Genre/Ratings: M eventually (aiming for a slow burn here); warnings for kidnapping and subsequent anxiety/PTSD (will be marked before every chapter)
Words: 1300
Summary: If you had to guess what the captured, traitor, trickster god Loki Laufeyson wanted or needed at this moment, a babysitter would be far, far down on the list. (Set after the events of Avengers 1.)
SHOUTOUT TO @molmcb and @jessiejunebug, long may they reign
Requested Tags: @deraniel, @iamverity,  @yasnooshka24, @wegingerangelica, @themusingsofmany , @dark-night-sky-99, @tarynkauai, @stuffandstuff-stuff, @angelicshinigami, @my-current-fandom-is, @geekysimmerthings,           @lokis-butter-knife, @help-i-need-a-social-life, @vodka-and-some-sass
WARNING: mentions of PTSD and anxiety
“And are you still visiting Mr. Laufeyson?”
Shifting uncomfortably on a leather couch, you twist your nose in effort to keep a look of derision off of your face. This is your umpteenth SHIELD mandated therapy visit due to your ‘incident,’ but the therapist in question never seems to get any less annoying. “He isn’t- Mr. Laufeyson.” That sounds absolutely ridiculous. “He’s just Loki.”
“Very well.” The blonde coiffed woman sitting across from you concedes the point. “Are you still visiting… Loki?”
“Um, yeah.”
“Why?” Her question utterly mystifies you. “Why wouldn’t I?”
“It wouldn’t be unusual for persons related to your accident to be triggering.”
“He wasn’t- he rescued me, it’s not like he’s going to set me off.” You glance down at your hands, which are weaving your fingers in and out of complicated patterns. Nervous habit. You’ve developed a lot of those, recently. You’re always nervous, now. “He helps the fear be… not as much,” you say quietly, mostly to yourself, though you know she can hear you.
“I see.” She writes down a few notes in a shorthand you can’t read- you’ve tried, several times. Is this how Loki feels on the other side of the glass? You don’t know how he’s able to stand it. “And how are you healing?”
Raising an eyebrow, you cast a look at the boot encasing your lower leg. “Peachy,” you say drily. “The doctors said the scars shouldn’t even scar.”
Apparently, being immune to sarcasm is in the job requirement for SHIELD therapists. “And emotionally?”
That’s… more complicated. You can deal with the shattered ankle, the newly forming ridges along your back, the bruises fading to ugly, mottled colors. What you aren’t dealing with is the trauma. The anxiety. The constant urge to scream and claw every last hair off of your head. How you check back over your shoulder so much you forget to look where you’re going; how you’ve gotten to know the shadows that crawl across your ceiling at 2AM very, very intimately because sleep only brings the reopening of healing wounds.
But if you say any of this, she’ll ask about it; and if she asks about it, you’ll have to tell her about it; and if you do that… you’ll be late to see Loki. And so you put on your best Trickster-approved poker face and say simply, “I’m fine.”
It’s very odd seeing Loki back in his cell, given everything that’s happened. If you squint hard and ignore your broken-to-bits body, it’s almost like nothing ever occurred. No kidnapping. No torture. No… whatever came after that. It’s all hazy in your mind, until waking up in the hospital bed becomes achingly sharp.
“Trickster.” You hobble in and give him a small smile, moving right past your desk in favor of sitting with your back perched up against the glass. It’s become habit since the incident- the closer you are to him, the less your hands tend to shake, and the more at ease your heart feels.
“You’re late.”
“What, you got somewhere else to be?” Loki rolls his eyes as you settle onto the floor, hauling your casted leg into a semi-comfortable position. “Sorry, therapist lady got all caught up talking about my feels today.”
“And what?”
“How are you feeling?”
For some reason, when he’s the one asking, you always answer honestly- and it has nothing to do with him being able to see through your lies. “Tired,” you admit in a small voice. “Sleep is hard. I keep seeing weird things.”
He gets up and mirrors your pose on the floor, so the two of you are reflected back-to-back. “Such as?”
Your eyes close, trying to remember. “It’s dark. I hear a gun go off, that must have been mine – god, I still can’t believe I shot you, I’m so sorry- but then there’s light, everywhere, in all sorts of colors I don’t think I even have a name for.” A lump forms in your throat as you remember the rainbow swirling around you. “A lot of gold, and blue, and green. Nothing tangible. And a voice.” It’s soft and warm, like being wrapped in all your best blankets, and more comforting than thumbing through the worn pages of your favorite novel. You seem to care quite a lot for my son. “I don’t know her, but I think- I know she was lovely.”
All of this sounds perfectly ridiculous, of course, but you’re not embarrassed. Not with him. “You were quite critical, darling. It is understandable your mind would… wander.”
“I guess.” You try to cast yourself back to your capture- something you can only do with Loki or sometimes Thor nearby, otherwise you just become an incoherent mess- and comb through what memories you do have, trying to see if there’s anything you’ve missed. Bits and pieces have filtered through over time, but it’s like you’re watching it all from third-person. “How exactly did you find me?” He’s been silent in this point every time you’ve asked, but you keep pestering him about it nonetheless.
“You-” there’s a pause, and you glance around to see what’s the matter. The god won’t look at you; his gaze is focused on the wall across from him. “You prayed to me. I could hear your thoughts, and trace your approximate location from them.”
Loki Laufeyson, son of Odin, Prince of Asgard, rightful king of Jotunheim
Your voice echoes in your head, speaking words you don’t remember saying but sounding incredibly familiar all the same. “I did,” you whisper. “And… that worked?”
You let out a breath. “What did I say? I don’t remember much.”
“Mmm.” You can hear the wheels turning in his head. “I am not sure I heard it all. I was rather distracted on locating you. But I am fairly sure you identified me as ‘a royal pain in my ass’.”
There’s a teasing lilt to his voice that makes you smile. “Yeah, that sounds about right.”
“You said… you said a prince is still a prince, no matter where he should come from.”
“Damn, that’s poetry right there. Imagine what I could come up with when I’m not bleeding internally.”
Loki gives a sigh that says please, don’t remind me. “That Thor loves me, and my mother does as well.”
“Both true statements.”
“And that I am nothing like you expected.”
You snort. “That’s for dang sure.” As he paraphrases your words, your own waver in and out of memory. You aren’t anything like I expected, but I’m glad you’re not. “Did I say something else? I feel like…”
“By that time I was close enough to reach you; my mind was solely on that purpose.”
‘cause I don’t think I’d love you nearly as much if you were
Your last thoughts slam through your body like a tidal wave. Had you… had you really said that you loved him?
Had he heard you?
“You sure that’s it?”
“Quite. Insomuch that I recall.” Now he does turn your way, concern in his eyes. “Is everything alright? I did not mean to upset you.”
“No, no, you’re fine,” you reassure him. “It’s not you.” It’s just that I said I loved you with my dying breaths. And I’m pretty sure I meant it. “I’m, um… just trying to process, is all.”
Despite your crappy dismissal, his gaze doesn’t leave face. You can feel his eyes capture every emotion walking across your own; cataloguing them, testing their weight, seeing what he can sift through and what to leave alone. It’s a look of such overwhelming tenderness and thoughtfulness you wish you could shatter the glass between you, just to kiss that look off his face and see if it tastes as sweet as it feels.
Yeah. Yeah, I definitely meant it.
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rboooks · 5 years
pls i needs more dimensions hoppers au. what happens when they go to Hogwarts? what about the twins deal ? and Will's quest for straight hair?
Based off the wonderful story C’est La Vie  by @cywscross. You should all read it! 
Orion was brushing his hair, marveling at how silky soft it’s gotten thanks to Will’s maintenance tips when Dad bursts into the room with a loud shout “It’s time to go! Come along Pup,I can’t have my future son-in-law wait too long!”
Dropping the brush, the young werewolf whirl around, face turning a bright red. “Dad! I told you it’s not like that!”
The answering grin he got in return was filled with mischievous glee, curling on his parent’s face in a terrible resemblance of the Grinch when he got a wonderful awful idea. Orion mentally kicked himself for comparing his Dad to the green abomination even if it had been Hadrian’s favorite Christmas movie and he had to watch it twice now.
 When Orion told the other boy he had never really seen movies the other took it as a personal challenge to bombard him with all the ones the other owned on VHS. Some had been rather entertaining, and he could see why muggles loved them so, but the Grinch haunted his nightmares. 
Not that he would ever let his best friend know. Nope, Orion was a Grif, he had pride thank you.
“Hadrian and I are merely friends,” He says lowering his voice from the high pitch on pure will alone. No need to give Dad more admission then he already had.  Marlin knows every time he gets embarrassed his cracks more than usual. Orion cannot wait till this whole puberty thing was over.  “Please refrain from calling him things like that. He may get the wrong idea which will make Hogwarts very awkward” 
Dad’s eyes dimmed just a bit  “Hadrian is a good kid. He won’t stop being your friend the moment you two get to Hogwarts.” 
For one terrifying second Orion feels like he may cry but he pushes the burning in his eyes away, stubbornly stomping down on the worry in his chest. “I know.” 
He watches his Dad open his mouth but reconsiders whatever he was going to say and closes it again. There is a bit of regretful longing in his gaze as he shakes his head. It must be about Har-Potter.  Dad only gets like that when he thinks about what he and Uncle James used to have. 
Sometimes Orion resents the fact his parents are still friendly with the Potters. Resents it so much it burns. How could they stand aside and smile when their son suffered so much around his bully? How can they invite the Potters over for tea while the youngest Potter made snib remarks of not wanting something prepared by a werewolf? How could they stand to watch the way Har-Potter make Father hunches his shoulders in shame?
How could they sit there, acting like nothing was wrong, while the person they invited into their home discriminated against them?
Orion had no intention of being friendly.
 He didn’t need to anymore, he had Hadrian now. Oh, he would be civil, would show Uncle James and Aunt Lily respect as Father would never allow anything otherwise but he will be distant. He will make it clear that they stand over there and he stands over here. 
Like he has done before. Like every time he walked Hogwarts halls and his classmates always seem to stand together while he watched in the far distance cripply lonely.  
But this time someone will stand with you an encouraging voice says in his head which sounds an awful lot like Will. You’re not alone anymore
It’s Dad’s answering smile that informs Orion his grinning like a loon. He tries to smooth out his face even though he knows it’s a wasted effort. “So, um are we leaving or-?”
“Yes, yes,” Dad says perking up.  “Your father is just packing you and Hadrian a meal for the train then we can be on our way. Will flooed just moments ago. He’s going to meet us at the station.”
Orion nods, picking up the dropped brush and adding it to his trunk. His eyes catch his house robes. For a moment he worries Hadrian will be sorted in a different house but disregarded the fear.  
His friend is one of the bravest people he’s ever met. Only twelve and already unwilling to bend to anyone’s command (except maybe Will’s. Hadrian seems unable to disappoint his brother. But then again, almost everyone is. Will is someone you just feel terrible about letting down.) 
When customers become unreasonable Orion always gets weary, unsure in how to handle the situation but not Hadrian. He had no qualms with throwing people out. Sometimes even did the physical removal of them himself. It was amazing to watch.
Surely, Hadrian will be in Gryffindor. And they would be living together.  Orion felt his face heat up as he imagines what it is like to live with Hadrian.  He would be able to tell him goodnight and have pillow fights and study nights and he would get to see Hadrian hair in the mornings. Right after he rolls out of bed, sticking up in the back like always and he just knows it be adorable-
“Orion? Are you ready?” Father asks from the door. 
“Oh, he’s ready. Been standing there for a while smiling in excitement at the thought of his second year.” Dad answers for him.
The werewolf jumps horrified that he forgot about his Dad. He peaks up at his parents and flushes a dark red when he sees the knowing look they trade. Dad is making that Grinch-smile again.  “Remember when we were second years? Takes me back to those days of young love”
“Dad!”  Dang it, his voice cracked again. 
An hour later Orion is kneeling on the cushions of the Hogwarts Express seats poking his head out the top half of the window. He keeps glancing around the crowd but he can’t spot the Evans anywhere. Why weren’t they here yet? What if Hadrian didn’t arrive? The train was to leave in only two minutes!
He is already inside, having picked the last compartment as far away from Potter’s group as possible. It also happens to be by the last door so boarding and un-boarding will be quick meaning they can avoid the crowd when they get to Hogwarts. Something Hadrian will appreciate….if he gets here.
The train horn goes off, signaling departure and his stomach drops. 
Father looks just as worried as he feels.  “ Do you think they don’t know how to find the platform? The Evans have never been to Hogwarts before.”
“Yes. I explain it to Will this morning in the Floo” Despite how he doesn’t try to show it Dad looks unsure himself  “I should have told them to come with us. At this rate, Hadrian will miss the train! Perhaps I should go look for them-”
“Please excuse us! We are very late! Pardon me, I need to get through!” Will’s voice breaks through the noise of parents tearfully saying goodbye to their children. He sounds polite but he’s elbowing anyone out of his way who isn’t fast enough, dragging a trunk and running like the hell hounds are after him.
Hadrian is one step behind, gently offering his own pardons, following the path his brother carved through the crowd. Orion doesn’t break into a large smile like he wants to- here in public he feels uncomfortable showing too much emotion- but he does wave his hand. 
He doesn’t worry about grabbing the Evans attention since Dad gladly does it for him. “You two are late!”
“Sorry, sorry” Will gasps coming to a stop before them. His hair for once looks absolutely fabulous. It’s all volume and fashionably tousled, curling around his head like a halo. It seems Will had finally given up on straight hair and had embraced reality, making something wonderful of it.  “It was all my fault. I was trying to get a natural wavy look but I-”
“You took too long in the bathroom!” Hadrian complains. He isn’t out of breath but his face is flushed from the run. Orion knows that means the two had been running for a long while. It takes a lot to make the brothers tired. “I told you not to try steaming it but did you listen? No.”
“Nevermind that! Get on! Quickly!” Father ushers the youngest Evans just as the train jerks starting to inch forward. Orion watches in some kind of fascinated horror as the man who practically embodies the concept of Big Brother boldly chucks Hadrian’s trunk onto the train stairs and in the same motion picks up Hadrian.
The train is moving quickly now, but the intent of the eldest is obvious. He’s running alongside the train, people jumping out of the way. Father’s eyes widen, while Dad’s smile falters and Hadrian screams as Will launches the boy into the air. “GRAB THE RAILING!”
Orion nearly throws himself out the window hands desperately reaching outwards even though he knows he won’t be able to help Hadrian. The boy lands on his feet, thankfully on the train, holding onto the stair railing with an angry snort. “Will!”
“I love you! Have a wonderful year! Remember to write, study hard and no boyfriends or girlfriends until your fourth year!” Will yells back seemingly to not be worried by the venom in Hadrian’s glare as the train leaves the station. Will waves making sure to lock eyes with Orion, his smile warm filled with brotherly adoration. “If you need anything from the store, Owl me! Bye boys! Have a good time! I love you!”
Hadrian huffs, grabbing his trunk before it rolls off and jerks the train car door with it until he is in. 
Orion barely resettles into his seat before the door to the compartment is open by a frizzled Hadrian. He walks into the room slumping onto the couch opposite of him, leaving his trunk on the floor. He tries not to laugh he really does, but the expression on his best friend’s face is too much and he bursts into breathless laughter.
 Soon pearls of laughter join his. They stay like for who knows how long until Orion can’t breathe.  “He threw you onto a moving train!”
“I know, I was there” Hadrian sounds put out upon but his smile is happy. “Good way to start the year I reckon.”
“If one is interested in barbaric displays I believe it would be considered a good start” A new voice has Orion freezing up. He shuts himself behind all the walls his built turning cool eyes to the doorway. He almost lets his mask fall in surprise as he finds himself staring at Draco Malfoy.
What was he doing here? The heir never left the front of the train, as it was where the “first class” students sat.
Hadrian, however, doesn’t seem started. But then again he never does. “Hi, Draco. How are you?”
“Very well Evans. And you?”  
 “I told you to call me Hadrian”
“I told you that won’t happen.”
Hey, hey, hey why was the blond acting so friendly with Orion’s best friend? “You two know each other?”
  Hadrian waves a hand inviting Malfoy to take a sit by Pureblood customs. The werewolf has always wondered how he seemed to know those, using them subconsciously at the oddest of times.  “When we first open, he was our first sale. Turns out we’re the only ones that sell the French Team Quidditch merchandise in Diagon Alley. He came in as soon as he saw them through our front window.” 
“You simply have good taste,” Malfoy said with great dignity acting as if though he wasn’t twirling the ring on his finger. Orion recognized it as snitch design rings he stocked in the Quidditch aisle three days ago. They were a real sealer.  “Someone in that place has to, I suppose”
“I suppose” Hadrian agreed easily, amusement in his voice. “How was France by the way?”
“Wonderful. It was a great vacation the likes of which I’m sure you are not used to. Father even bought me the lastest broom while I was there.”  Malfoy brags turning his nose upwards like the proud little Slytherin he is. Orion can’t fight the urge to roll his eyes. 
“I’m glad you had fun with your dad then.”  The werewolf is about to grimace in annoyance that Hadrian is being nice to the snake but he watches with small amounts of astonishment as the pureblood’s face softens. It’s not by much but in the world of upper-class wizardly politics, it’s the equivalent of beaming.  
“Thank you, Evans. Perhaps next time you can come along.”
“Hadrian” His friend corrects. He looks at the blond sitting at his side with a bemused smile then he waves a hand at the other male in the cart.  “This is Orion Black by the way. Orion, this is Draco Malfoy”
“We’ve meet,” Malfoy says suddenly coldly. The wolf in Orion sneers. “I take it you are the one Evans mention in the letters? Judging by your face you seem unaware Evans and I were owling this summer.”
Why did the bastard sound so smug? “I wasn’t. I was too busy working alongside him instead.”
“Ugh, guys?” Hadrian looks back and forth between them looking confused by the sudden tension. Orion himself is confused by it too but he’s too caught up in the moment to really care. 
“I see.” Malfoy frowns for only a split second before his face smooths out. He gently touches Hadrian’s arm as he stands “I shall be returning now to my cart but if you wish to join me later you may. It best to meet with those that will be in your house soon and I am more than willing to explain any questions you no doubt may have. I am, after all, the most suited.”
“Sure thing. Thanks, Draco,” Hadrian says a little wary still unsure of what just transferred. Not Orion. He knows what that was. It was a challenge. “If I need anything I’ll look for you.”
With a nod, the Malfoy gracefully leaves, back straight and head held high. Orion silently adds him to his mental hate list right under Potter as Hadrian watches him go. It’s not till the other second year has crossed train cars that Hadrian leans back into his seat, sliding the door close.  
“That was odd. He’s not usually like that.” Hadrian mumbles  “It’s almost like the first time…”
Orion’s jaw tightens. There is an odd nasty burning in his chest. “Why does he think you’ll be a Slytherin?”
Hadrian wasn’t…hoping to be in the snake house, was he?  
“I honestly don’t know. Draco’s just been saying that for months now.”
“You’ve known him longer than me” It’s not a question. 
“I met him a month before you actually. He just went to spend the summer in France a week before you and Remus came to the shop.” Hadrian’s eyes have a weird emotion in them, the kind that says grief but also hope. “Turns out he’s really easy to get along with if you listen to watch he means instead of the words he uses to express himself with.”
What the heck did that mean?  “What house do you want to be in?”
It’s a testament to their friendship that Hadrian doesn’t even bat an eye at the nearly desperate question as he shrugs  “Whichever one will have me I guess. I know your family was in Gryffindor but Draco’s in Slytherin and he seems alright. I’m sure Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff will be nice too.”
“Yeah,” Orion says feeling restless “Yeah I’m sure they are.” 
The rest of the train ride went on. Both boys ate the lunch his father packed- some beef ravioli for Orion and salad for Hadrian- laughing and joking for hours on end but Orion couldn’t shake the feeling he wasn’t going to be able to see Hadrian bed hair like he hoped-er thought.  
He was proven right when the sorting hat shouted for the world to hear “HUFFLEPUFF” after being on Hadrian’s head for seven minutes. He bites back the disappointment, clapping along with the crowd as his friend gracefull walks to the table of yellow and black. 
He is quickly greeted by Cedric Diggory who is a tad too friendly with the way he leans into Hadrian’s space. He doesn’t seem to notice the boy’s dislike of him yet, obviously too used to people falling for his charm.
His eyes flickered over the Slytherin and he locked gazes with Malfoy. No doubt he noticed the same thing he did. Orion is surprised by the nod he receives, returning it automatically. It feels like the acknowledgment of a warrior across battlefields allying together to bring down a bigger opponent.
It humbles him.
Gently he removes Malfoy from the hate list because Hadrian had been right. He’s not really all that bad it seems.
The next morning Hadrian casually sits before him at the Gryffindor table acting like he doesn’t notice the stares he’s getting for doing so and Orion allows himself one small smile. 
Why did he think anything would change when they got to Hogwarts? Hadrian Evans was far too good for that silly nonsense.
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