#I promise I wish I could’ve said is coming soon
opheliaweeps · 1 year
I wanna write fanfic about ‘an action hero’ (2023) and there is no one around to stop me
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kaveehs · 6 months
Sweetener — Gojo Satoru
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fem!reader, wc 0.8k, fluff, established relationship, workaholic!gojo, first years make a cameo <3
synopsis: gojo had always liked sweet things, you were no exception
a/n: i’ve been so busy lately but i finally finished this piece!!! recently i’ve been missing gojo so much so i had so much fun with this <333
requested by: @the-weeping-author
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Gojo Satoru undoubtedly had a sweet tooth.
Sure, he had a variety of pastries and candies at his disposal that he could use to curb his insatiable need for sweetness in his life, but they all paled in comparison to you. From the moment Satoru first met you, he could tell something was fairly different about you.
At a first glance, he could tell you were a bit apprehensive of him. This was nothing new, after all he carried such an intimidating title attached to him since he was young. Despite it all, you always greeted him with a smile and such warm words. There was no doubt that you were a kind girl at heart, but there was so much more to it than that to him. Your compassionate nature didn’t come with a catch, nor did it waiver the closer you and him became, it only strengthened his feelings towards you.
You always thought he had been exaggerating when he had expressed how just you alone could calm his overwhelming sweet tooth when your relationship with him first began, but he truly meant every word of it, no matter how dramatic it sounded.
“Honey!” Satoru called out to you, snapping you out of your thoughts. Of course it was only natural for him to call you something so sweet you couldn’t help but smile. “I didn’t expect you to be back so soon, let alone spare time to visit me at work, how was it?” Before coming to his office, you had been scoping out a new bakery he had been dying to go to, but couldn’t due to being constantly cooped up at work.
“Great, I brought back some things I thought you might like,” you answered, handing him the small box of pastries you’d saved for him. He pulled back half of his blindfold, happily accepting the box into his hands which had been much larger than the pastry box. Just as he flipped open the lid, he noticed a shift in your expression.
“What’s with the sad face, sweetheart? You wanna try some too? You know I don’t mind sharin’,” he teased. His comment caught you somewhat by surprise— you didn’t even notice the change in your face.
“No, it’s not that,” you slightly bit the lower corner of your lip. “I just wish we could’ve gone together. You’ve been workin’ so much, y’know?”
Satoru paused for a moment, placing the treats on his desk as he got up from the comfort of his office chair. “I know baby,” he uttered sympathetically as his arms engulfed your body. “‘M sorry,” he said as he pressed his lips to your forehead. “When I have free time, I promise I’ll take you on the best trip ‘n you’ll have my full attention.”
“You mean it,” your eyes glistened with excitement at his words. A full trip where you could simply enjoy each other’s company, the thought alone was lovely.
“Y’know I don’t like to make promises I can’t honor,” a grin found its way to his face. “Of course I mean it.”
As you subconsciously squeezed him tighter, pulling him closer for a soft kiss, you heard the sound of snickers just as your lips were about to connect… his first year students. You pulled away from him, despite the small pout on his face.
“Before we get to that, I gotta assign my students here, more work. Clearly they seem to have a bunch of time to kill,” he spoke in a sarcastic yet matter-of-fact manner, laughing at their pleads for mercy. “Utahime’s been houndin’ me about your academic performance anyway. Perfect timing if you ask me.”
“Come on ‘Toru, go easy on them,” you remarked while trying to contain your own laughter.
“…Maybe I’ll let the assignments slide for today.”
“And just like that, he folds,” Itadori blinked, in awe at how quick he was to change his decision because of your interjection.
“It’s almost impressive how much control she has over someone like Gojo,” Nobara chimed in. Megumi shook his head.
“It’s nothing like that,” he sighed as if he knew all too well the truth of his mentor’s nature. “He’s just soft. Always has been.”
“Now now,” Gojo cleared his throat, it was telling he had been a bit embarrassed by the back and forth banter of his students. “Maybe I should switch things up a little bit— and teach you all a small life lesson.” This promise of a new lesson seemed to pique the interests of Nobara and Itadori. “When you find the love of your life—” he began as he looked over to you, however his speech was cut off by the simultaneous groans of his students.
“How informative,” you joked, followed by such a genuine laugh that spread to him so easily. Though you did learn something new with his eight words— that he saw you as the love of his life.
Maybe it wasn’t so bad to be Gojo Satoru’s sweetener afterall.
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petersasteria · 6 months
You're Losing Me - T.C.
Pairing: Timothée Chalamet x fem!Reader Warning/s: angsty Words: 4,155 Note: I was inspired to write my first ever timmy fic bc of @meetmyothersouls! <3
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Flashing lights of the cameras and photographers calling out your name echoed the red carpet as soon as you stepped out of the limousine. You smiled brightly, excited to be attending your first red carpet event. You’re an actress that was given her big break last year and now you’re at the premier of your first ever movie starring Tom Holland and yourself. It was fun working with Tom Holland and you’ve grown closer as filming progressed. You can finally say that he’s now one of your best friends along with his girlfriend, Zendaya.
The whole time at the movie premier itself was a blur. You treasured your first ever movie, but you were way more excited for the after party. You couldn’t wait to meet new people and make new friends while you party all night.
You quickly got changed after the premiere and went straight to the after party venue. There, you saw him. Timothée Chalamet. You’ve obviously never met him before, but you always wished to be even in the same room as him and there he was, talking to Tom and Zendaya.
Tom glanced your way and motioned you to come over. “There’s Y/N!” Tom smiled.
Timothée looked in your direction and you could’ve melted right then and there. He was so magnetic. You were so drawn to him that everything began to move in slow motion. He gave you a warm smile and when you were finally with the group, he offered his hand for you to shake and simply said, “I’m Timothée. It’s nice to finally meet you!” 
You shook his hand and blushed a little, “I’m Y/N, and it’s nice to meet you too! I’m a huge fan of yours.” 
“Really? Because, I’m a fan of yours too. The way you portray your character is amazing and it feels real, if that makes sense. There’s no doubt that you’re very talented and I’m excited to see more of your work!” Timothée said.
“T, you don’t need to be so formal around her.” Zendaya chuckled. 
“Oh, that’s alright! It’s actually pretty cute.” You giggled. Tom and Zendaya looked at each other with a knowing smile before looking back at both of you.
“Z and I will get drinks for us four. We’ll be back.” Tom said as he winked at you. You found it weird, but you shrugged it off.
“So…” you started. Timothée looked at you and asked, “Are you nervous? I don’t know, I just feel that vibe from you right now.”
“Yeah, I kind of am.” You admitted with a laugh. You sighed in relief after getting that off of your chest. Timothée laughed and said, “What are you nervous about?”
“Honestly? Seeing you made me nervous. You’re just so great and being able to stand next to you is already such an honor. You’re, like, my celebrity crush.” You told him. It surprised you how casual you were in saying all that. He was surprised to know that he was your celebrity crush.
When the after party ended, he followed you back on Instagram and asked for your number. From then on you’ve been texting non-stop. You started becoming friends and Tom was really happy for you. Turns out, he and Zendaya have been wanting to set you up with Timothée for a long time and they seized the opportunity when they found out he was invited to attend the after party.
After a year of being friends, he asked you to be his girlfriend. Of course, you said yes despite hearing many people tell you that he’s sort of a playboy. You didn’t care because the only thing that mattered was you and him. Immediately, headlines about your new relationship began to emerge. He was your first serious boyfriend and in the headlines, you were just another one of his girlfriends. It hurt that people saw you that way, but Timothée reassured you that he loves you and he’s serious about you too.
The first year of your relationship with Timothée was the best. He took you to Paris and gave you a promise ring. “I know it’s not an engagement ring and I know how much you want to get married, but I just want to give you this ring as a promise that I’ll replace it with an engagement ring someday.” He said as he blushed. His nose was pink because of the cold and he slipped the ring on your finger before giving your hand a kiss. You smiled at him and gave him a huge hug. “I can’t wait!” You exclaimed happily. You truly loved him with all your heart. You felt nothing but utter bliss.
Along with the first year of your relationship came some small struggles. Timothée got busier with movie projects left and right and you were struggling a bit in handling your new fame. You were lucky that Timothée was there for you to help you. You attended all of his movie premieres and he attended all of your important events too. Everyone loved both of you and even called you “couple goals”. You were supportive of each other and his fans were thankful for you for posting pictures of him often. Both of your fan bases grew from there. Despite the growing popularity, you and Timothée started a tradition. You and him decided that every Friday night would be your “indoor-catch up-dinner date”. You loved every second of it.
The second year of your relationship your acting started to boom. Soon, your name was as big as Timothée’s. Seeing as your relationship was very public, many directors always cast you and  Timothée alongside each other for a more real chemistry on and off screen. Your Instagram was soon full of behind the scenes photos of you and Timothée. The fans absolutely loved it. This continued on until the fourth year of your relationship. Because of the money you both earned, both of you decided to buy a house together to move into. It was you and him against the world.
Timothée entered one of the rooms and was in awe. It was empty, but the light that shone through the window made the room more beautiful. It wasn’t the master’s bedroom, but it was special. Without thinking, Timothée looked at the realtor and said, “We’ll buy it!” You looked at him like he was crazy, “We didn’t see the other houses yet.”
“I know, but this room right here is too special to pass up. The light in here is just as gorgeous as you and y’know we could make this our game room or a date night room. We could slow dance in here or play cards or work. I’m just so excited to be spending some time with you here.” He said as he lovingly looked at you.
The fifth year of your relationship started being rocky. You never thought anything of it. Timothée did bring up the idea of not accepting projects that have something to do with you and him being together. “Oh, may I ask why?” You asked, wondering why he brought it up. “Y/N, I love you, but I miss being able to work with other people. I hope you don’t take it the wrong way. I loved working with you as a couple for, like, three years. We made over six movies together and I cherish every single one of them. I just want to work with someone now.” He confessed. It hurt hearing him say that, but you knew he was right. Both of you needed to grow as actors and for that to happen, you had to work with different people. You looked at him and gave him a small smile, “Alright. I understand.”
“Thank you.”
Soon, he was casted in a lot of movies with different people and you decided to widen your range. You walked on runways, you starred in commercials, you guested on podcasts, and you starred in music videos. You were always present when Timothée had a premiere, but he started lessening his public appearances with you at your events. Everyone didn’t seem to notice. Maybe because his projects were overshadowing yours or maybe because your important events didn’t seem as important as his. You didn’t mind, though. You just longed for him to be next to you.
In your sixth year, a video of Timothée went viral when an interviewer asked about you and his smile dropped a bit and said, “Y/N’s doing great. I’m happy for all her achievements. As much as I want to talk about her, I’d like to focus on the film please. That’s what we’re all here for, anyway.”
Meanwhile, a video compilation of you talking about Timothée went viral. Many fans noted how different you two are. Many say you didn’t deserve him. Others say that you’re too clingy for Timothée’s liking. You decided to post on your Instagram story, defending Timothée.
You defended him a lot more times after that.
You got nothing in return, though.
You stared at the promise ring on your finger during your seventh year and wondered when Timothée would propose. You were experiencing the seven year itch; it’s your make it or break it year as a couple. Many fans speculated a break up after seeing Timothée do nothing. You still defended him amidst all negativity. You posted him all the time and he only posted you once on your birthday. You were growing tired, but you faced every single day with a smile on your face, hoping to trick yourself into being your usual self.
Timothée started bailing on your Friday night dates, often choosing to party with his friends to celebrate something that didn’t concern you. You still cooked and made the whole place look nice, though. You didn’t know why. Maybe deep down you knew that your relationship is in shambles and that you needed to convince yourself that everything’s fine. You knew many people were questioning Timothée’s love for you and in an effort to save his reputation, you took a picture of all the food you prepared and posted it on Instagram with the caption: tim may be out with his friends now, but he made sure to cook these for me before leaving. thank you, my love.
You didn’t know what hurt you most: the fact that you did that or the fact that Timothée liked the post and commented “no problem. Anything for you. Enjoy.”
You cried yourself to sleep that night. Timothée arrived home when you were silently crying. You felt the bed dip down on his side and he whispered, “Thanks for the food. I’ll eat it tomorrow.”
You made it through another year. It’s your eighth year dating Timothée and he still hasn’t made his promise come true. However, you drowned yourself in your work. So much so, that you were even busier than Timothée now. Headlines were vile, though. Timothée was out of the country filming his new movie and you attended red carpets on your own. Many people compared your relationship with Tom and Zendaya. Many people attacked you for Timothée’s lack of presence.
“Y/N! It’s so great to see you. How do you feel that Timothée is not here with you on your special day? You’ve been nominated as Best Actress in your new film, but Timothée is nowhere to be found.” The interviewer asked.
“He’s out of the country filming for his new movie, actually! I’m extremely happy for him. He’s been truly blessed.” You smiled brightly at the interviewer despite feeling sick to your stomach as you had to put up an act in front of the interviewer.
“Well, I’m sure he would make time for you. Tom Holland always finds a way to support Zendaya on the red carpet all the time. Why can’t Timothée do the same?” 
“Um,” You started. You feel so uncomfortable right now. “I don’t think you should compare my relationship with others because every relationship is different. Timothée supports me too in his own way. He’s a silent cheerleader, always has been and I accept him for it. Thank you.” You said before walking away. You wanted to cry.
After that, Timothée never even called or texted to ask if you were okay and how the event went. You entered the room you and Timothée loved and sat alone in the dark and cried. You were so tired of feeling this way, but you loved him with all your heart.
Your ninth year comes around and you find yourself glaring at Timothée almost always. You were just waiting for him to break up with you already so you could move on with your life. However, Timothée has been spending time with you a lot lately which made it hard for you to get mad at him. Even if what he’s doing is the bare minimum. He’s been taking you out on dates, he was bringing back the Friday night catch-ups, he’s posting you more on social media, and he even took a break from acting just to be with you on set. It gave the fans joy. It gave news outlets something to report about. Most of all, it gave you hope. Maybe the old him is finally back for good.
During your tenth year, a lot of people were confused. Everyone thought you’d be married with children by now. An interview of you and Timothée from ten years ago recently went viral. In the video, the interviewer asked you and Timothée where your relationship stands in ten years. Timothée, in the video, simply answered, “probably still together” with a small chuckle. You, on the other hand, excitedly said, “by then we’d most likely be married for about five years with two or three young children”. The fan who posted the short clip on Twitter captioned it with: it’s been ten years, but nothing happened at all i hope my parents are okay :(( 
Your body language has been on autopilot for a while now. In front of the cameras, you smiled brightly and laughed more, but if you looked closely, your eyes had no life. Your heart grew cold too. You were immune to any shenanigans Timothée has put you through. After years of not being in the same movie together, you and Timothée were casted as the main characters of a film by Greta Gerwig.
In the press conference, one interviewer asked you and Timothée about the video that went viral. “Yeah, we saw the video. I forgot about that to be honest.” Timothée chuckled as he looked at you with a small smile. You never looked back at him, though. You just stared at the interviewer and said, “I forgot about it too, but y’know when you’re working, you always don’t know that a few years have already gone by. One day, you’ll just realize ‘oh wow it’s been a long time!’. So, yeah.”
“Any plans on getting married soon? I mean, I think I speak for everyone when I say that everyone wants to see the Hollywood It Couple to finally tie the knot.” The interviewer added.
“I’m always ready for marriage. I think I’ve always been ready… no matter how tired I was. I think I’m just waiting to be asked.” You chuckled half-heartedly as you put down the mic on your lap and looked at Timothée, who was now looking at the interviewer. You looked at him with hope. You wanted him to defend you just once because you knew you looked like an idiot waiting for him. Thinking about it made you tear up, but you held your composure.
“You know, for me, marriage is just a piece of paper. I feel content with what I have now. Let’s see again in ten years.” Timothée joked, causing everyone to laugh with what he said going over everyone’s head. You nodded to yourself and looked away from him. You gave a big smile as everyone laughed. You were dying and he was laughing. How can he be so dense?
Vogue did a photo shoot with you and Timothée on your anniversary. They interviewed you too about having a long relationship. At that point, you were lying to yourself. Any body language expert would see that your eyes had no spark as it once had when you started dating him.
You were at the point in your relationship that you couldn’t feel him anymore. There’s only so much your heart could take. In your eleventh year, you found yourself sneaking out of your shared room to go to yours and Timothée’s favorite room. You would sit in the dark and cry at ungodly hours. You would sleep there too. Timothée never even looked for you. He just assumed you had work and left early. It happened a lot. Sometimes, when you walked out of the room, you’d smell something good coming from the kitchen. He was cooking breakfast.
“Oh, you’re here! You’re lucky I cooked a lot.” Timothée chuckled and set up a plate for you. He looked at you and it was evident that you’ve been crying. “Are you okay?” He asked.
Hearing that made you cry again. For the first time in a long time, he finally asked you that. Regardless, you nodded through your tears and wiped them away. “I’m alright. I was just reading a script that someone sent me and it just hit hard, I guess.” You answered with a teary-eyed smile before sitting down on your usual seat. You started eating the food he cooked as tears streamed down your face.
Your birthday came around and Zendaya threw you a surprise party at a club that you liked. Timothée wasn’t even there. He was working late on set. He probably forgot about your birthday. You didn’t care anymore. Your relationship is already in shambles anyway whether he knew it or not. When the party ended, it was raining hard outside. When you arrived home, there was no electricity due to the heavy rain. You didn’t go straight to your shared room with Timothée. Instead, you went to your favorite room and there was Timothée in the candle lit room with a small cake on the coffee table. He smiled at you and said, “Happy birthday, Y/N! I’m so sorry. I forgot, but I hope this makes up for it. I know it’s not perfect, but hey, today’s Friday catch-up. What a great way to celebrate your birthday, huh?”
You sat on the bean bag chair, stared at the cake, and looked at him. You were crying again. He frowned and knelt down in front of you, “What’s wrong? Do you not like the cake? We can get a new one tomorrow, I promise-”
“When are you going to stop with these promises, Timmy?” You said, your heart wrenching in pain. It was heavy, what you were feeling. You couldn’t handle it anymore.
“What do you mean? I don’t understand what you’re saying.” He said. He was lost.
“I know you don’t understand. You never did understand anything.” You cried. “It’s time to stop lying to ourselves. We haven’t been okay for so long and I feel sick to my stomach seeing you act as if we’re okay all day, everyday. I’m tired, T. I’m so tired.”
He looked at you; he really looked at you. It was then that he saw the bags under your eyes, the puffiness, the redness, and he saw the pain in your eyes take over the spark of joy. How could he be so blind? You were long gone.
“I’m tired of putting up a happy face in front of everyone. I’m tired of pretending that you’re happy for me. I’m tired of wondering how you can watch me walk the red carpets alone while you’re away in some country filming a movie. I’m tired of comparing and wishing for you to become more available to me. I’ve been supporting you since day one and you couldn’t even do the same for me.” You cried heavily.
“Is that how you really feel? I brag about you all the time to my friends whenever I see you strutting on the runway or walking on the red carpet with your castmates.” He said softly.
“That’s different, T.” You sighed heavily and stood up. “That’s different.”
“I wanted you there with me.” You sniffed.
“I am-”
“No! You’re not! You’re never here for me!” You shouted angrily as hot tears streamed down your face. “You left me to fight my own battles. You left me to fend for myself. You left me to defend you when many people said awful shit about you.”
“Who said I needed defending?” He asked, stubbornly. “No one did.”
“No one asked me to defend you, but I did it because I loved you! Don’t you get it?! I made sure to paint a good picture of you in front of everyone because I loved you!” You cried.
“I’m tired of pretending that I’m okay. I’m tired of hoping that the old Timothée I fell in love with will come back to me. I’m tired of asking myself when we’ll finally get married. I’m tired of defending you. I’m tired of proving to other people that we’re very much in love even though we haven’t had a picture in years.”
Timothée looked at you as tears streamed down his face. He was so blind to it all. He kept quiet as he listened to you.
“Prolonging this relationship is a huge mistake.” You confessed sadly. “I feel so sorry for myself because I look delusional, thinking you’ll back me up for once. Thinking maybe you’ll surprise me on the red carpet, but no. It’s always been your projects over mine.”
“Our friends are married and they have families now and I’m sick and tired of being left behind. I feel like I wasted years of my life just for this relationship to work, hoping every year that maybe things will change. I guess I never learned my lesson. I just wanted you to see me, but you never looked at me at all. I just wished you would look at me with the same passionate look you would give to the crowd. It’s hard to admit that you love them more than you love me.”
“The fucked up part is I can’t seem to hate you because I love you too much to do so. It breaks my own heart to decide not to be with you anymore.” You cried. “All these years waiting for you to just leave me is tiring. I’m leaving instead. My world revolved around you and it’s time that it stops.”
“I gave you a chance multiple times. You never did anything for me. You never said anything. You never lost anything. You never even risked one day of filming just to come see me. Your loyalty lies with your job and if it wasn’t clear to me before, it’s crystal clear for me now. I’m sorry for not being good enough.” You sobbed. You looked down at the promise ring sitting on your ring finger for the past ten years. You looked at him and walked towards him. You took off the ring, grabbed his hand and placed it on his palm. “Give it to the next girl you promise to marry. Just follow through with it this time.”
“Y/N, the only girl I want to marry is you.” Timothée cried. “I was going to propose tonight.”
Both of you sobbed as you looked at each other with very different emotions. You looked at him with tired eyes and in defeat. He looked at you with forlorn and hope; he hoped you would change his mind, but he knew deep down that you were tired of choosing him all the time. He knew you were going to choose yourself now.
“You’re so unfair, T. If you said that years ago, you knew I would’ve said yes even before you knelt down and showed me the ring. An engagement ring isn’t a band-aid for a broken mirror. If I said yes now, we’d still be broken; I’d still be broken while you’ll be out chasing the world as I’d chase after you.”
“I love you, Y/N.” Timothée cried. “I really do. I hope you know that.”
“I love you too and I’m afraid I always will, but I have to go.” You sighed heavily as you wiped your tears with your hands. Timothée pulled you in for a tight hug and you did the same.
News of your break up with Timothée was all over social media. You decided not to say anything. You were too tired of fending for your relationship on behalf of you and Timothée for years. It was his time to return the favor.
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mirkwoodshewolf · 9 months
I belong with my One; Fili x Dúnedain reader
*Author's note*
So this took me a few days to finally get finalized and write down so I hope @futuristicyouthvoid I hope you enjoy this fic. For this fic I've put that instead of Kili getting shot by the Morgul arrow, reader gets shot saving him and ends up getting sick.
Warnings: reader poisoned, near-death experience, some angst and some fluff.
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So much has happened in such little of time.  First Gandalf offers me a proposition for aiding a company of Dwarves, then we’re being pursued by orcs, then get imprisoned by the Elven king Thranduil.  Now we find ourselves at the mercy of the Men of Laketown.
Thankfully another friend of mine Bard was willing to let us stay the night at his house but of course the Dwarves had to screw it all up by going to the armory to steal the weapons and end up getting caught by the Master of the Lake’s guards.  But by some miracle, we were granted the supplies we needed to get us to Erebor to complete the quest before sunset.  Of course I knew it was because of the Master’s greediness that he agreed to help, he never was a good man.
“You do know we’re one short, where’s Bofur?” Bilbo asked.
“If he’s not here, we leave him behind.” Said Thorin.
“We’ll have to, if we’re to find the door before nightfall. We can’t risk no more delays.” Balin agreed grimly as everyone began piling into the boat.  But as I was just halfway over the plank, I felt a hand stop me.
“Not you.” I turned to see Thorin.
“We must travel at speed, you’ll only slow us down.” He told me.
“I’m coming with you all to the Mountain. I promised Gandalf that I would.”
“(Y/n), you have been a big help to me and my kin. The first Ranger to truly stand for our cause. But lately you haven’t been up to par on your health. Stay here and rest, rejoin us when you’re healed.” Just because I’ve been feeling a bit sluggish since the river incident, doesn’t mean I’m helpless.
“I will say no more on the matter.” Without another word, Thorin went back onto the boat whilst I had no choice but to sit back down on the docks, feeling a chill suddenly come over me.
“I’ll stay with the lass, my duty lies with the wounded.” Oin said as he voluntarily got off the boat and came up to me.
“Uncle, (Y/n) has done more for this company than any other outsider could’ve done for us. You cannot repay her by leaving her behind.” Fili stepped up for me.
“Fili no.” I told him.
“I will carry her if I must!” Fili argued.
“Fili, one day you will be king and you will understand. I cannot risk the fate of this quest for the sake of a Ranger. Even if she were the only one willing to help us.” As Oin began feeling my forehead for a temperature, I soon watched as Fili stormed off the boat but Thorin stopped him.  “Fili, don’t be a fool. Your place is with the company.”
“My place is with her!” he snapped back at his uncle before taking back his arm and came over to me.
“Why did you do that? I thought you always wanted to see Erebor, you told me so yourself.”
“I’ll have plenty of opportunities to see the kingdom in my lifetime, but your wellbeing is more important to me than all the gold in Erebor.” I felt my cheeks grow warm as I softly thanked him.
“And don’t think it’ll just be Fee that’s gonna help you get back on your feet.” We turned to see Kili had also left the boat.
“Kili, you didn’t have to stay behind too.” Fili said.
“Yeah I could’ve gone but it’s my decision too.” He came up to me and stood on my right side.  “You saved my life back in the Woodland realm, I’ll gladly do everything I can to help you now (Y/n).” I smiled and looked at the brothers.
“You guys truly are the best friends I’ve ever had. Thank you.” They both nodded and as the Laketown band played a victorious fanfare to wish our friends luck, a sudden dizziness overcame me. 
My vision was going in and out of focus and as the crowd cheered as the boat with our friends departed from the docks, I suddenly fell forward, the last thing I heard was Fili’s voice calling my name.
*3rd Person POV*
When (Y/n) had passed out on the dock, Fili cried out (Y/n)’s name as Oin came up and began searching over her body for any trace of an infected wound or trace of blood.  Knowing that she had saved Kili from that arrow back when they were trying to escape the orcs on the river, there must’ve been a wound he might’ve missed before they came across Bard.
“OH, did you miss the boat too?” they soon heard the missing Dwarf, Bofur’s voice say.  But the moment he saw (Y/n) passed out, his concern grew as he asked Kili.  “What happened to her?”
“We don’t know. She just—suddenly passed out.”
“Her fever’s spiking lads. We have to get her help right away!” Oin said.
“Kee, help me out here!” together the brothers lifted her up by her arms while Oin and Bofur got her legs and they walked back towards the Master’s manor to ask for help.  After pushing through the guards, Fili cried out. “Please wait! Please, we need your help. Our friend is sick!”
“Sick? Is it infectious?” the Master exclaimed fearfully as he covered his nose with his handkerchief and fearfully cowered behind Alfrid. “Get back! Alfrid, Alfrid don’t let them come any closer!”
“Please. We need medicine.” Oin pleaded.  Alfrid walked closer as he sneered at them.
“Do I look like an apothecary? Haven’t we given you enough? The Master’s a busy man, he hasn’t got time to worry about sick Rangers! Let alone this one right ‘ere. All she’s ever done for this town is ruin the Master’s good name and turn the people against him.”
“She’s helped these people in their hour of need! Are you willing to let her die because of your own selfish needs?!” Kili demanded.
“None of our concern. She’s not a paying citizen here, therefore she’s not our problem. Now off you pop! Less we use more drastic measures.” With that Alfrid and the Master shut the doors and the guards ordered them away.
After being rejected by the Master, they tried going to other people to see if they could help but all of them were either too scared to go against the Master’s wishes, or didn’t have enough supplies to help aid her as well as their own sick family members.
With no other options left, the Dwarves raced back to Bard’s home.  Knowing of their friendship, they’d hope that at least he could help them.  Bofur knocked on the door frantically and as soon as Bard saw them, he sneered.
“No, I’m done with Dwarves. Go away!” he went to shut the door but Bofur stopped him pleading.
“No, no please! Please! No one will help us. (Y/n) is sick.” Bard opened the door further to see his good friend now sickly pale, strands of her hair stuck to her face from the profuse sweating she was doing, and her breathing was now choked gasps.  “She’s very, very sick.” Even with the grievance he had with the Dwarves for risking the safety of not only his children but the entire town of Dragon fire, he didn’t have the heart to turn his dear friend away.
“Bring her in.” Bard stepped aside and the four dwarves quickly piled in while Bard quickly looked around before shutting the door.  “Put her over there. I’ll see what I have.” Bard went to the back of the house as the Dwarves set her down on the nearby couch.  Fili took her hand between his and squeezed it.
“Hang on (Y/n), we’re all here to help you. Just…..don’t go where I cannot follow.” He whispered to her stroking the back of her hand with his thumb.  Kili watched his older brother and knowing of his feelings towards the Ranger, he couldn’t help but feel guilty knowing that it was because of his carelessness that the woman his brother loved got hurt to save him.
As the night overcame the lake, (Y/n)’s health was gradually becoming worse.  Oin did managed to find a small graze just underneath her elbow.  A graze that came from an orc arrow tipped with poison.  Already the wound (even for as small as it was) had already started to become infected and the poison was spreading fast.
(Y/n) was tossing and turning, panting as her body was glistening with sweat.
“Nothing’s working! Can you not do something!?” demanded Fili who was growing more frantic by the second seeing the woman he came to love be in such agony.
“I need herbs! Something to bring down her fever.” Bard soon came in with some more supplies and began listing them off.
“I have nightshade, feverfew…..”
“No, no there no use to me. Do you have any Kingsfoil?” said Oin but Bard told him.
“No. It’s a weed we feed it to the pigs.”
“Pigs? Weed. Right. Don’t move.” Bofur said before leaving the house.  As Kili was continuing to dab a damp, cool cloth across (Y/n)’s face and neck to ease her of her sweating, a rumble was soon heard coming from the mountain.
“Da?” asked one of Bard’s daughters Sigrid.
“It’s coming from the mountain.” Answered Bard’s son, Bain.  Bard had feared the worst, the dwarves had awoken Smaug the Terrible and soon the prophecy would come to pass, the Lake will shine and burn.
“You should leave us.” Fili said as he walked up to Bard. “Take your children, get out of here.”
“And go where? There’s nowhere to go.” Bard told him in defeat.  Little Tilda stepped in front of her siblings and asked her father fearfully.
“Are we going to die Da?” Bard looked at his youngest child and assured her.
“No darling.”
“The dragon, it’s going to kill us.” Bard then turned towards a beam just above the kitchen and gripped a thin but firm piece of what appeared to be black iron.  He pulled it down from the beam to reveal that it was a Black arrow, the very same black arrow that can only be used to kill the dragon.
“Not if I kill it first.” Bard said determinedly.  He then asked his son to come with him while the girls stayed behind with the Dwarves to help take care of their Aunt.
Time passed and (Y/n)’s fever was getting even worse.  Her breathing was sharp and panicked and she was now starting to writhe in agony.
“Durin’s beard where is Balin with that Kingsfoil!?” Fili demanded.
“I have the right mind to go out and look for him myself!” Kili snapped.
“You can’t leave! With the guards on patrol, they’ll arrest you too and aunt (Y/n) will never get better!” Bain said.  “No one is leaving this house understood!?” hearing the young man take a stand against the Dwarves made them both feel shock and admiration.
“Very well laddie. But I don’t know how long (Y/n) has got left, she’s growing weaker by the second.” Oin said to Bain.
“Tilda, Sigrid, come with me to get more rags and water for aunt Hela.” The siblings soon left while Fili gripped (Y/n)’s hand tighter.
“Fi…….li.” she choked out.
“I’m right beside you (Y/n).” he whispered to her.  Slowly opening her eyes she croaked out.
“Fili…..if anything hap-happens to me—”
“Don’t talk like that (Y/n). We’re going to heal you, Bofur’s probably found the Kingsfoil by now, he’s just probably ducking the guards and taking longer. Please don’t give in now.” He squeezed her hand between his.  “Don’t go where I can’t follow.”
Suddenly a scream was heard and next thing everyone knew orcs began dropping down from the rooftop or coming in through the front door.  The dwarves grabbed whatever they could to fight off the orcs but there were too many of them, and with the tightly constricted area the house provided, there was hardly any fighting room.
Kili got the children to duck under the table and fought off any orc that tried to come close to them, while Oin and Fili worked together to fend off any orc that came near (Y/n).  When they thought they were done for, help came from both Legolas and Tauriel who had been tracking down the orcs since they left Mirkwood.
As Fili managed to block an orc’s attack with a kitchen knife, (Y/n) had managed to crawl out of the couch and use a fire-poker to stab the orc through its spine.  But she soon let out a cry of agony as she collapsed to the ground, the poison fully starting to overcome her.  Eventually, all the orcs were either killed off or had begun to retreat from the house.
“You killed them all.” Bain said as he and his sisters got out from under the table after all went quiet in the house.
“There are others, Tauriel.” Legolas ordered but Tauriel was hesitant.  As Oin came down beside (Y/n) and felt around her neck to feel her pulse was slowing down, Fili and Kili came down beside her as Oin said fearfully.
“We’re losing her!”
“Tauriel.” Legolas said to her.  She turned back to her prince and said.
“The Ranger has done no harm to us, is there nothing we can do to help her?”
“She is beyond help. I’m sorry, there’s nothing that can be done for her.” Footsteps could soon be heard racing up the stairs and as the two elves prepared for another battle with orcs, they stopped to see that it was Bofur carrying some Athelas in his hand.
“Athelas,” Tauriel exhaled as she took it from him and admired it. “Athelas.”
“What are you doing?” Bofur asked nervously.  Tauriel looked into the room before looking back at him and said.
“I’m going to save her.” Legolas’ eyes briefly narrowed.
“You may go if you wish Legolas, but I cannot leave the she-ranger to perish in such agony. Not whilst she still clings to life and that I now have her only salvation.” The young prince took a deep breath then exhaled.
“What would you have me do?” the two elves raced back inside and Tauriel ordered.
“I need water fast. Get her on a solid, stable surface. Lay her flat on her back.” Every in the room reacted quickly.  Tilda gave Tauriel the bowl of water for her to mix the Athelas together, whilst Legolas and the Dwarves worked together to get (Y/n) on the table.
She was screaming and writhing in pure agony, her mouth starting to grow black with the poison.
“Where is the wound?” Legolas asked.
“Underneath her left elbow.” Oin said.  Legolas took hold of her left wrist and raised her arm above.  But when she tried to struggle, he was forced to also grab her forearm to pin it down and there he saw it.  The black graze and he could see the infection had fully spread and blackened her entire elbow.
“Hold her down.” Tauriel said.  Kili and Bofur held down her right leg while Bard’s children held down her left.  Fili held (Y/n) by the shoulders and Oin helped Tauriel brew the medicine.  Once it was brewed, Tauriel cut through the sleeve of (Y/n)’s shirt to get a better access to the wound.
The female ranger appearing like a rapid animal, screaming, grunting and thrashing about trying to free herself.  Tauriel took some of the Athelas and began rubbing it onto her hands as she chanted.
“Menno o nin na hon i eliad annen annin, hon leitho o ngurth.” She then placed her hands over the ranger’s wound and (Y/n) let out an agonizing scream.  Fili softly shushed her stroking through her hair and whispering in her ear all the while Tauriel kept chanting the spell.
Bit by bit, (Y/n)’s animalistic behavior quietened and then she went still.  Her breathing now soft and not as frantic as it had been.  Fili looked down at her worriedly and Kili asked.
“Will she be alright?”
“Athelas has powerful healing properties. With time and rest, she’ll regain her full strength. A few more minutes and she would’ve been beyond even with the aid of the Athelas.” Responded Tauriel.  The dwarves and Bard’s children breathed a sigh of relief.
“Thank you.” Fili said to Tauriel.  She gave him a soft but tight smile as well as a soft nod.  Then both she and Legolas left to deal with the orcs.
After her healing, Fili wrapped up (Y/n)’s wound with some bandages and kept vigil at her side.  Never before had he felt so scared than he had felt at that moment.  Fearing that the woman he had come to become fond of—nay love throughout this quest, he wouldn’t have known what to do had she been lost to him.
“She’ll be alright Fili. She’s strong, she’ll be back on her feet in no time.” His brother tried to assure him.
“I know. But seeing her go through all that pain, all that suffering, and who knows if she even knew she had been hit.”
“Even if she did, she’s got the stubbornness of a Dwarrowdam. Perfect woman for a guy like you.” Fili turned to his brother.  “You may try to have hide it from the others but you can’t hide anything from me Fee. I’ve seen how you’ve been looking at her since Rivendell. You care for her more than just as a friend.” Fili sighed and looked down to her.
“I don’t even know how it happened. But after all that we’ve been through, seeing her in a—domestic way. The way she was with her younger cousin, the way the sunlight seemed to reflect off her hair, and the way her eyes shone like jewels in the dark. Kee……I feel as if she is my One.”
“And you should follow through that brother.”
“But would it work? A dwarf and a human? It’s never been done before?”
“Is that what’s really troubling you? Or is it that you fear she doesn’t feel the same way?” Fili remained quiet.
“This quest has shown me that life is too fragile. And at any moment, any one of us can be taken away by any means. I want to tell her my true feelings but—not now. Not while our lives are still in danger. Perhaps when we reach the mountain, I’ll work up the courage to tell her but I—”
“I understand brother. The turmoil that must’ve been stirring in your heart seeing her on death’s doorstep, if you had confessed your love for her beforehand and it be too late to save her……I can’t imagine the pain that would’ve been.”
“She’s too precious to me.” Fili said as he stroked her cheek with the back of his finger.  “I feel like if she had died tonight, my heart would’ve died with her. My body may have continued to live on but my heart would never be full again.”
“Take comfort now that she’s alive and that she’s recovering. No more darkened thoughts need cloud your mind anymore.” Kili said as he placed a comforting hand on his brother’s shoulder, gently shaking it.  Fili turned to his little brother and nodded giving him a soft smile.
“Thank you Kili. I know I’m supposed to be the older brother here but, I’m glad that you were here to be the one to ease my mind.”
“I’m always here for you brother, and I always will be. Together forever right?” he extended his other hand out.
“Together forever little brother.” Fili clasped his other hand with Fili’s as they pressed their foreheads together, drawing in each other’s strength.
*My POV*
 All I remembered was darkness, as well as a voice reaching out for me.  Then a bright light and soon silence.  I don’t remember much after that but I do remember hearing Fili’s voice along with Kili’s.
“This quest has shown me that life is too fragile. And at any moment, any one of us can be taken away by any means. I want to tell her my true feelings but—not now. Not while our lives are still in danger. Perhaps when we reach the mountain, I’ll work up the courage to tell her but I—”
“I understand brother. The turmoil that must’ve been stirring in your heart seeing her on death’s doorstep, if you had confessed your love for her beforehand and it be too late to save her……I can’t imagine the pain that would’ve been.”
“She’s too precious to me.” I felt something graze my cheek with the most gentlest touch.  “I feel like if she had died tonight, my heart would’ve died with her. My body may have continued to live on but my heart would never be full again.”
So did Fili actually feel the same as I have come to feel for him? Oh Fili, I-I love you too. And I do hope that one day I can say that aloud, but for now I was just too weak to even open my eyes.  I soon passed out once again but it wasn’t until the sound of giant wings flying towards us had me opening my eyes.
Smaug was coming for us. And he was out for blood.
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devoureddreaa · 3 months
“ i love you. ”
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“and where have you been.?” IK IK, i said i was gon have content coming and then disappeared for another month (mb!!). but here’s suguru cause he’s sexc asf. and i’ll try…to start posting more. alr, love you enjooooy!
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you and geto had been dating for a while.
but he’s never said “i love you” to your before.
it wasnt like he didn’t show it, he show’d in any and every way that he could. physically, emotionally, mentally, shit, even sexually. he was the best you could’ve asked for.
sometimes you just wished suguru would say it.
everyone that was close to him told you that you just had to be patient and wait for a moment. the man had a fairly hard time verbally expressing his emotions. so you waited, and you said those three words like you depended on them.
and soon enough, waiting turned into forgetting.
you simply learned to live without him saying it, and with him showing it. you got used to it, and loved him either way.
but, it was like the world froze when he finally said it. you turned your head with a face full to different emotions, “what…what did you say?”
“hm?” geto was totally playing the clueless act to get at you. or, maybe he was actually focused on tying his hair back up in his signature bun.
“what’d you just say.?”
“i love you..?”
it really did feel like time and space took a halt for a moment. you had no clue what to do. cry? scream? say it back? you didn’t know, none of it felt like a sufficient reaction. but before your mind could register it, ya body had practically ran and crashed into his with a few tears falling down the face.
trying to hide your now soaked face into his chest, this was probably one of the best days in your life. (the other one was meeting him.)
“i love you too.” you mumbled, and a light sniffle sound coming right after that.
he chuckled, wrapping his arms around your body. “i love you more, gorgeous.”
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okay…..so again, my bad for disappearing once again ;-;. but i PROMISE i’ll try to at least start posting more often (i lowk suck at coming up with x reader ideas, bare wimme yall). but yea geto fluff, cause again, he is one sexc ass man. i hope you enjoyed! love you, baaaiiii!!! (if you saw any typos, no you didn’t.)
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laniluvsuu · 10 months
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Basketball player!Ony x Overthinkingblackfemreader!
Didn’t proofread like usual y’all…
When your boyfriend first told you that you two were gonna be apart, specially across the ocean from each other. You were nervous, though you loved him and trusted him, something just still made you feel so uneasy about it.
As soon as Ony landed safely, and got into his hotel he called you. “Hey ma! I just landed, I’m in my hotel. This shit hard ngl.” He said smiling while explored around his hotel room.
“Hi baby. I’m glad you landed safely. Send me pics of your room later!” You said curious to see what his room looks like since he’s so excited about it. But more importantly you wanted to know what he was gonna do now.
“Sooo..whatchu gon do now?” You asked a little nervous for his response. You heard a lot of shuffling before Ony responded.
“Mmm I gotta go out with coach and the guys in a little, but after that imma be in here f’the rest of the night.” Ony said after dropping his luggage into his closet, picking out the clothes he was gonna wear out.
“Mm okay, well call me back when you’re back in baby.” You said tryna let him go so he can get ready.
“What? Why you tryna hang up on me mama?” Ony asked you confused now with his head in the camera frame. Y’all never hung up when the other was getting ready.
“Ion know…just wanna let you get ready.” You mumbled over the phone to him. Lowkey cheesing when you saw his confused face in the camera frame, only because he couldn’t see you’re face since yours was off.
“No need f’that.” Ony said as he started getting ready. You both stayed on the phone the entire time. Once he was done you two said your goodbyes, and you started thinking again. Thinking about what if he got curious and caught up in the moment. Thinking about what if tequila grabbed his neck and said “Don’t bitch up.”
So you gave in and called him. And told him how you were feeling, how uneasy you were about the whole situation. Tears threatening to fall out of your eyes while you expressed your feelings to him.
“Stop it wit that shit baby. I gotchu mama. I promise you, I didn’t come over here to play around with some other girl. I came over here to work and better myself. To help build our future life together baby, I really wish you would’ve told me how you felt before mama. Could’ve got your stubborn ass a flight with me.” Ony expressed to you as he leaned outside the bathroom bar wall waiting for your response. Once he heard you chuckle a little bit at the last thing he said he felt better.
“Mmhm you right.” You said wiping the tears that managed to fall out of your eyes. His words made you feel better, they made your heart flutter. The question that you had in his trust was completely gone and you felt bad for even having to question it. “I’m sorry baby..I feel bad now.” You said to him.
“Don’t apologize baby. I just need you to trust me. Can you do that f’me until I get back mama?” Ony said smiling and waiting for your response.
I don’t like this one. Might redo..lmk what y’all think tho. Anyways I love Coco Jones been loving her since miss roxie!!!
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nvrsaidiwasinurcloset · 5 months
Crazy For You- Ethan Landry
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Ethan Landry x Reader
Summary: After Ethan survives, you decide to visit him.
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When you got the news that Ethan survived, you didn’t know how to feel. Part of you was happy that someone you loved so much made it through the several surgeries he needed, but you couldn’t stop thinking of all the people you lost. You couldn’t stop thinking about Quinn chasing you around the theater with that knife. You couldn’t forget his dad yelling at him to kill you.
You’d recently started therapy, and against your doctor’s wishes, you decided to visit Ethan at the high security mental facility he was currently in.
As you pulled up to the brick building, you showed the guard your ID. He looked it over, before picking up the phone. You sat there, palms sweaty, not knowing what to expect. The guard gave you back your drivers license, before opening the gate.
“You’re going to go to parking lot B. When you get there, push the button at the door. Someone will be down to get you,” He said. You thanked him as you drove inside.
Once you made it to lot B, you were scared to get out of the car. You sat there for a while contemplating your choice to see him. You pushed past your fear, knowing he wouldn’t be able to hurt you. You needed answers. You needed to know why he went along with his dad’s plan.
You pressed the button on the door. It didn’t take long for a nurse to let you in. You made a little small talk, before asking the questions about how safe this meeting will be.
“Is he still dangerous?” You asked, after you got in the elevator.
“We have him on plenty of meds, and he will be strapped into the chair. He won’t be able to hurt you. He might not even speak, just be prepared for that,” she said, as we reached the third floor.
As the doors opened, the words ‘High Security’ were painted in bright red letters on the wall. You passed door after door of various inmates, all there for horrible crimes.
You were led to a room with white walls, a table and two chairs. You see Ethan sat in one of the chairs, his arms and legs strapped in. He turned his head as he saw you, a weak smile playing on his lips. You took a seat across from him, not knowing what to say.
“I’m happy to see you,” he said, words slurring from the medication.
You couldn’t say anything, you just stared at him.
“Baby, I’m sorry for everything,” your heart started beating faster. You missed him calling you ‘baby’.
“Why did you do it, then?” you asked, tears slipping out.
“I had to do what the rest of my family wanted,” he looked down at his lap. He’s never been able to watch you cry, and knowing he was the reason was killing him on the inside.
“Why did your family want me to die? I didn’t have anything to do with what happened to Richie,” you whispered, wiping away a few of your tears.
“We all expected to make it through, and you would know the truth,” he said, “But I couldn’t do it. I love you too much to hurt you.”
You heard him start to sob, still not looking up from his lap.
“We could’ve turned them in. We could’ve fixed the situation before it got bad,” you said, thinking of all the different ways things could’ve been handled.
“No, I couldn’t. Dad worked with the police. I knew if I didn’t go along with it, he’d pin it on me.” He finally looked up to you, his eyes red from crying, “I wouldn’t be able to be with you.”
“You’re not really with me now, though.”
An officer came into the room, telling you that you needed to leave soon.
“NO!” Ethan yelled, as he started to thrash around as much as he could in the chair.
“It’s okay, I’ll come visit again,” you said, seeing exactly why this is where he needed to be.
“I don’t want you to leave,” he whispered, throat raw from his screaming.
“I need to, but I promise I’ll come see you soon.” You said sincerely, standing up to leave the room. You were almost outside the door when Ethan spoke.
“Wait…do you still love me?” he asked, the smallest ounce of hope in his eyes.
“I don’t think I could ever stop loving you,” you whispered, as the nurse came over to escort you out.
“That’s the first time he’s cried since he’s been here,” she said, pushing the button for the elevator.
“Really?” you asked, a curious tone in your voice.
“We’ve heard him yell, he’s been violent, but that’s the first time we’ve seen that kind of emotion out of him.”
Your heart started to swell.
“Is that good for him?” You asked.
“I think so. The question is, is this a good thing for you?” she asked, walking you to the exit.
“Probably not, but I love him.”
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jaemnns · 6 months
rockstar bf 🎸 k.sm
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your rockstar boyfriend seungmin hasn’t been paying any attention to you.
pairing : rockstar!seungmin x fem reader
wc : 400+
genre : angst, fluff, established relationship
warnings : a bit suggestive at the end, not proof read
oh boy how much you’ve missed your boyfriend seungmin. he was on tour with his band. you guys only talked to each other roughly around 10 times during his month long tour. you knew he was busy but it still hurts how he wasn’t able to you more. you tried texting him today, no reply. maybe calling would work but no. just another day with no communication. when it was the end of his tour and he was coming home, you tried calling him. he finally picked up.
“seungmin are you okay?” you said very concerned.
“hey y/n, of course i am why?”
“well we haven’t talked in a while.” you paused. “are you coming home soon?”
“i should be home soon. i’m sorry we have just been really busy, you know?”
for some reason you thought his tone was off. thinking he was annoyed with you, you just quickly said, “yeah i understand.” and immediately hang up. on the other hand your boyfriend was confused but he was just 30 minutes away with a surprise hoping he didn’t do anything wrong.
“im home” is what you hear from your guy’s bedroom. you pretend you don’t hear him and continue to lie in bed. he puts his gifts to you on the table and walks towards the room.
“babe? where are you i’m here.” he notices that the room was pitch black. he turns on the lights and sees you “sleeping” or pretending to. he walks up to you and whispers in your ear. you shiver from the sudden warmth on your ear. “i got you” he giggles “how are you?”
“i’m upset seungmin” you say while slightly sobbing.
he sits you up and cups your face. “whats wrong? was it me? did someone say something?
“i just wanted you to talk to me. i saw the videos and lives of the tour. you looked so good and i was jealous. all the girls there seeing you but i couldn’t have a full conversation with you. your own girlfriend.” tears slowly falling down on ur cheeks.
while you were speaking, seungmin’s eyes never left yours and felt genuinely upset at himself. he saw where you were coming from. he quickly wipes your tears and places soft kisses on your cheeks. before he gets a chance to open his mouth you say, “i’m sorry.”
hes quick to shut you down. “you have no reason to be sorry y/n. i’m sorry i didn’t tell you how my situation was and it made it seem like i hated you. i would never ignore you honey, i promise.” he would never let you take the blame for something that was his fault. if anything he wouldn’t let you take the blame for something that could’ve been your fault.
he hugged you tight as you laid in his arms. he grabbed your chin and kissed your lips which you wished lasted forever. he pulls away but you kiss him again this time harsher. you could feel his hand slowly rise up and groping your breasts. you fall back taking a quick breath. you can see seungmin looking down at you with only lust and love in his eyes.
“ignoring you will be the last thing i ever do.”
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xkaidaxxxx · 7 months
Levi x Reader
Mentions: angst, pregnancy, and fluff
Random story I just created
More than likely to have errors it’s 1:50am and I’m TIRED.
Instagram: Cornerofdesires (artist)
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Levi x Reader
Things have been always out of control in paradis. You and Levi have been together in secret. Yes he was a busy man however he had the time to build a hidden home. Had the time to visit you as much as he could. It was often.
“It’s been awhile..” you said twiddling with your fingers. “ I know. I’m glad you’re safe” he said suddenly holding you tight. “I have something to confess.” You spoke. Levi stepped back. He started to panic.
Many thoughts ran through his head.
“Maybe she found someone else?”
“ maybe I don’t make her happy enough?”
“ Did I do something wrong?”
“ She probably hates that I haven’t visited her in a month”
“Does she want to kill me?”
“ she doesn’t love me anymore?”
He calmed himself down. “Yes? What is it?” He said with a calm voice. You placed your hand on you lower tummy. A barely visible bump. “ I’m pregnant.” He chuckled. “No you’re not.” You got angry and slapped him. “I’m pregnant!” You yelled . “ you can’t be. Not right now. Not with all of this shit going on.” He said sternly yet crying. Crying because he knew he wouldn’t be around 24/7 during your pregnancy. Worried something can happen to you. He’s lost almost everyone he’s cared for. “ Why are you crying?” You asked wiping his tears away. “You c-can’t be. I’m happy yes. That we’re together. That I’ll be a father but I’m scared something might happen to you. I promise I’ll be here as much as I can. I love you.” He spoke holding your hands. “ I love you Levi. Calm down. We will get through this together.”
Soon enough years later Levi informed Hange about you. She was shocked.
“Hey little guy copy and paste. Very strange how genes work.” She spoke. “ Hi lady” he replied sitting on your lap. “This is my wife. Y/n Ackerman and our son Levi Ackerman jr.” Levi said flicking hanges forehead.
Hange wished Erwin could’ve met you and your son. Erwin knew, Levi told him as soon as he got back to work after you had told him. Which is the reason he would come home a lot more often during your pregnancy. Erwin met him only twice. At a year old and at 3yrs.
“ what’s that?” Levi asked. Hange burst out in excitement “ some gifts for the baby!” She replied
You opened the big box. There were a lot of baby supplies and toys. Your eyes widened when you saw a fake mini odm gear.
“ maybe he’ll be interested to join the scouts one day.” She said. Levi quickly spoke. “ there won’t be any need of him thinking about joining. I’m sure everything will be fine by then.”
He rubbed your back giving you a peck on the cheek.
Time went by. Levi left early in the morning. Leaving a letter behind.
My dearest y/n,
I won’t be back home for a while. A few weeks? Months? You need to stay strong. Not only for yourself but for our child. I’ve left many supplies for emergencies along with more hunting materials in the cellar.I love you and our baby boy very much, more than anything. I’ll be thinking about you and Levi Jr everyday like I always do. My beautiful family. I promise this world will change soon.
When you get lonely think of me and you’ll definitely release. ;)
Love you my dearest y/n
Love you my wonderful son
You read the letter with a smile and tears slipping. Levi can always make you laugh with his dirty words. You knew he’d come back even though you worry 24/7 when he’s gone.
It’s been a 1 1/2 year. Levi hadn’t come home. You had come to the conclusion that he’s dead. You were heartbroken and Levi jr knew something was bothering you. He’d ask frequently about his father and your responses were along the lines of the military is a work that takes up a lot of time. That his dad was humanity’s strongest soldier.
Since you lived in a hidden part of paradis there wasn’t much you knew. The last thing you knew was the scouts infiltrating Marley as Levi had said when he returned then left.
Another few months went by. You were going insane. Crying everyday when your son was asleep.
“ He’s gone and left me alone. Humanity’s strongest soldier.. it was all a lie.” You cried into his coat. Your heart couldn’t take it anymore. “ how could you do this to me. You promised you’d come home. To our son and I.” Your body trembled and your knees gave out on you. Your body touched the ground. “ m-mama!” Your son cried seeing you fall. He looked around trying to find a way to help you. “ mama wait!” He yelled grabbing a cloth from the table and pulled the chair out. “ up mama up. You can do it.” He held your hand.
“Up y/n up. You can do it.” Levi said with a tch afterwards. You had just fallen due to tripping hard. You cried as he held your hand.
“There mama see you’re good.” Levi jr said as you sat down on the chair. It’s crazy how he’s identical to Levi. You remember what his letter said. “You need to stay strong. Not only for yourself but for our child.”
That got you back on track.
“Why are you crying mama?” He asked as you picked him up. “ I miss daddy that’s all. He should be home soon.” You replied. You did miss him but in your mind he wasn’t coming back. Not at all. He was K.I.A. “He’s coming home! Really!? My birthday is next week! so cool!” He was so excited. Full of hope and faith that his father would come home just in time for his 5th birthday.
The day of Levi jr’s 4th birthday was such a sad event. His dad was a no show. He still ate a pie you baked. You still sung his Happy Birthday. He still got a great gift. You always make them. After awhile Levi jr stopped asking for his father. He didn’t care about him.
Another year passed.
He was more focused on learning from his teacher, you. He learned how to read, write and learned many other subjects. He eventually helped you do cute little tasks around the house.
Setting up the table
Organizing your books
Clean up his toys
Help you sweep. (Didn’t do it 100% right but you appreciated the help)
You were slowly forgetting Levi. Getting used to living calmly with your little boy. Happy. “Mama it’s almost lunch time.” Levi jr said excitedly. Lunch is his favorite meal of the day. You walked outside shooting a goose. “Sweetheart wait here.” You ordered him. You walked over to pick up lunch. “ Hello ma’am?” A man spoke you quickly grabbed the arrow you shot the goose with and held it to his throat. He had beautiful ocean blue eyes and blonde hair. “Come back here and I’ll make sure you won’t live to see another day.” You spoke. “ Are you Y/n Ackerman?” He asked with a gulp following after. “ What’s your business?” You replied pressing the tip of the arrow enough to prick his neck. “ I’m Armin Arlert your husband is asking for you. There was a war. He was injured. It took awhile for him to recover. He asked me to come here until he was fully recovered. Here I am.” He said.
Levi jr quickly ran outside cutting the back of Armins knees. Not deeply enough to cause damage. You taught him how to defend himself. Armin hissed. Then looked at the little guy.
“Levi was correct. Copy and paste.” He spoke.
“ w-where is he now?” You asked carrying jr. “Good job Levi. You’re doing great.” Armin looked confused but then realized it’s important to fight. “Back at his house. Everything is peaceful now without the titans.”
You invited Armin into the house. As you cleaned his wounds he explained everything. You were still cautious so you kept a knife close by.
“ y/n?” Levi spoke. You saw him. His injuries. His fingers, he has faint scars on his face and his eye was white. He’s in a wheelchair so his leg must be broken. “Levi!” You spoke bending down to hug him tight. Your body shook. You couldn’t believe you were touching him. “You piece of shit. God I’ve missed so much. I love you.” You cried. “ I love you. I’ve missed you all along. I’m sorry I ended up like this.” He replied. You let him go. “ it doesn’t matter. I’m glad you’re safe. You’re wi-” you got interrupted. “ Mama!!” You turned and saw Armin chasing Levi jr. You giggled as he hugged your waist.
He immediately went silent as he saw his father. He starred at him looking at his facial features. He noticed how identical they looked.
“D-Dada?” He spoke with his hands trembling as they held your long skirt. “ yeah bud it’s me. You’ve grown so much.” Levi replied tears slipping.
Levi jr burst out in tears jumping onto his father’s lap. Levi held him close. “Dada you never came home. Mama cried everyday.” You frowned. You thought he never heard you. “ you stayed strong for mama?” He asked. Levi jr nodded giving him a bright smile. “Yes and for me too. We both did our best everyday! Cleaning and hunting and school!” He giggled. Levi pecked his cheek stating “From now on I’ll always be here with you both. I love you my son and my dearest wife.” You couldn’t help but cry.
“We love you too d-dada so much” Levi jr said with a sniffle.
As time went by you and your family were happy. Everyday was full of craziness. Some days weren’t perfect but they were beautiful.
The Ackerman family grew. You now have 2 boys and a little girl. The new house you guys lived in was amazing.
Later on you guys got a cat.
Life for the Ackerman Family was finally peaceful.
Kids Names ( levi wanted a L babies)
Levi Ackerman Jr
Lonny Ackerman
Lilly Ackerman
Cats name
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agendabymooner · 9 months
𝐡𝐨𝐧𝐞𝐲 𝐡𝐨𝐧𝐞𝐲 !!! 𝐥𝐧𝟒 — 𝐨𝐧𝐞
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chapter summary: honey-sue is… honey-sue. she knows who she idolizes (and have a crush on; mason mount), she knows that she’s looking forward to getting the hell out of the university after two years of her masters degree program, and she knows that she doesn’t care about the formula one teams that aren't mercedes amg - she also knows she cares about mick schumacher.
so when her fans (who were coincidentally fans of the sports as well) began to ask her things about her lack of interest, more people (mostly just a group of british youtubers and a certain f1 driver) immediately shifted their attention towards the socially awkward woman as she and her brother got invited to a party in monaco hosted by an f1 driver. newsflash: it wasn’t hosted by either lewis hamilton or george russell.
content warning: use of explicit language, chatfic + tweets, mentions of social anxiety
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jideeee 😚😚
who dis?
stfu you know this is your best girl stop capping
no? idk who you are
so if i were to say that i told simon about you using his towel to clean up the mess you made in his room then you wouldn’t be phased about it?
naw fam i’m all jokes 😭 don’t tell simon
what’s up, honey??? can’t pay your rent this month?
oh har har 😒 we all know who’s most likely got more money in her savings
and we also know who’s most likely to get someone anything she wants because that someone refuses to use her money on any stupid shit for once
fuck off i’m being practical. at least i haven’t lost my money to crypto
ouch ok. i’m hurt 😒
ong??? holy shit, that’s fast. did you make it to the president’s list???
ok but what do i get when i tell you the result? /jk
a pat on the back and congratulations? 🤣
i’m expecting for something more than that but as long as you’re fulfilling your promises i’m solid
smart ting you are what the fuckkkkk
happy for you honey!!!!! 😮‍💨
lowk wish i’m there rn to celebrate that with you and the mandem 🙃 stupid boxing trainings
ugh don’t even worry about it jj 😁😁 i was just v excited to share this to u
i’ll make it up to you i promise!!! i’m hella proud of u and ur ability to not even have a breakdown during those days ✊
i gtg tho 🙏 congrats again bro! lmk when ur graduation’s gonna be and what u want for this. i’ll ttyl
forget about it jj— i was just joking when i said get me sumn
it’s a good thing i don’t listen to you whenever you tell me not to get you something huh?
that’s just your guilt from calling me a sket on harry’s diss track.
haha just tell me what u want and i’ll get it sorted out as soon as possible
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oi honey
oi harold
i’m at the mailbox rn
u got a package
gee do you ever wonder what the mailboxes are for? 🤔🤔
i was going to bring it upstairs but i guess never mind 😒
a simple “oh really? thanks harry!” would suffice
just get up here and bring it 🤡 you could’ve just brought it up instead of texting me
what’s so special about it that you had to text me before you get up here n e ways??
i dunno. something about it screams fancy.
did you get any bag by chance because this seems a bit too expensive
i don’t buy expensive stuff online???
can you come up so i can open it?
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sorry i was on the gym
don’t break into my house
and yes??? you said to get you something right?
yeah but i was joking 😭😭
this is so cool
but this is expensive. do you take paypal?
no tf 🤣
as i said. i’d get you anything you want. but you didn’t tell me what you wanted so i just asked the boys
you never should’ve listened to harry lmfao
lol it was vik and simon who recommended we get you and harry those tickets lololol
i was like “hmm idk what to get her” so they were like get you a trip to monaco or something. they specifically said get you a paddock pass for mercedes
so like go see your michael schumacher or that ken doll you showed me
jj babes 🤣🙃 mick is in haas
and the fact that we’re taking your jet too 😭😭 you didn’t have to go all out on me
but seriously thank you thank you thank you
letting you know as well that will, filly and chunkz are coming along. they got passes from mclaren and all that. it'll be a full plane lol. so it won’t be as overwhelming for you and harry to go alone
no way?!!!! MY FRIEND FILLYS COMING ?! 😭😭
yeah lol
so you have fun in monaco. everything’s been paid for by your personal bank account
ugh my personal bank account is so fucking amazing
i could give ‘im a lil kiss on the mouth rn 😮‍💨😮‍💨
naw don’t do that i don’t think your brother would like that
lmk if there’s anything else you’d like i’ll see what i can do 👍😉
a little kiss of appreciation on the mouth for you?
no 🤣🤣🤣
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hey! i hope this isn’t so weird but you’re honey-sue right? wroetoshaw’s sister?
uh hi.
yes it’s me. it does say it on my username and bio. sorry if this is very rude.
no no! all good haha!
i just wanted to confirm! we got the information from will about you. i’ve known the sidemen and your brother but when he mentioned you were coming along to the race in monaco i had to look you up :)
i’m ria btw! i happened to be acquainted with him and filly bc we collab’d with them before. quadrant?
i’ve heard of you guys before because will spike a lot about you lots.
all good things i hope 😉
haha. yeah.
nice to meet you
likewise :))
we’ve been told of you because apparently you got lucky with ksi getting you free tickets and trip to monaco for the race
yeah idk.
i don’t watch formula one as much as i used to years ago. i don’t know much about who’s racing now and whatnot except from whatever’s happening with merc
oh… not at all?
not even mclaren?
no. this will be the first time i’ll be watching in a while.
you seem very nice!
listen, will and filly said you’re all flying in at the sunday before the race week begins. lando’s got will, filly and chunkz paddock passes and they’re all hanging around with us quadrant lots for the week.
would you and w2s be interested in coming with us? take you around monaco and get to know each other better since we all live in london and all :))) lando’s been wanting to meet harry for a while so him being in the monaco gp would def work out for all parties. lando will also be hosting a party in his flat in monaco. what do you think??
to be honest you’ve lost me at the first message. if you don’t mind— can i ask who lando is? i’m not like any sidemen people— i don’t watch f1 as much as i used to.
i’ve heard of his name before. but that’s because there are people on my twitter saying he’s made references about my videos and songs and whatnot.
i really don’t know who he is
ah right.
that’s alright ;)
lando drives for mclaren and he has the driver number 4. he’s actually one of the members of quadrant. he races and all that! that’s how will and the lots got their passes lol
oh okay.
about the invitation.
i think it’s ideal you ask my brother or shoot him a message in insta about it.
he’ll gladly answer
thank you for the offer. i’m sure he’d say yes. i have to go sadly. i’ll talk to you later!
okie. ttyl 👋
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you absolute knobhead
you call me socially inept all the time yet you’re out here trying to get me to talk to people?!
oh my god. i am so so sorry
i didn’t think ria would actually be sending and shooting a message to your way
you know what
i don’t even care
whatever it’s not like i’d be talking to them anyway.
if you’re talking about not being around them during the week nice try.
because harry just said he’d come along with us in monaco before the race. so the chances of you being friends with the quadrant lads are high.
i’m not sure if it’s just me but lando’s more than excited to meet you. harry just ok’d that you two would hang out with us.
oh my god. does anybody in my circle ever use their brain?!
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dotieeee · 3 months
The Gamemaker's Apprentice
Level 11
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Pairing: Dark!Young!Coriolanus Snow x You, named!Reader
Overall Warnings:
NON-CON, DUB-CON, Dark!Young!Coriolanus Snow, Snow himself should be a warning, lots of blackmailing, gaslighting, manipulation, obsession, possesiveness, eventual forced marriage, eventual loss of virginity, breeding kink, canon-compliant major character death, reader is named but has no physical descriptions in the fic so one might also consider her an OC but in 2nd POV, will have canon inconsistencies, drugging, somnophilia, and other stuff that may be added
Level 11 Warnings:
The blackest of mails, like vanta-blackmail lolol
Replay Level 10
Ready? Level 11 Start:
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Acacius Innis runs his fingers through his hair as soon as you finish telling your story.
You had just told him everything that transpired that day, save your mentor’s…gestures of affection. You ensured that he heard only what he needed to know: about his program being seized by the Citadel, you being promoted – perhaps so you could be kept under further surveillance – and about how you had said a few scornful words to Coriolanus Snow that you’re aware may bite you back in the ass.
Your uncle never spoke a word the entire time and chose to lend his ear instead.
He sighs, slaps his knees lightly and gets up from the couch, muttering to himself, ‘I’m getting a little too old for this.’
He saunters to the kitchen, emerging a few minutes later with two steaming mugs in either hand. He places one on the coffee table, and the other he makes you cup with both hands. He then encases your hands in his as he kneels before you.
Mmm. Hot chocolate. Almost as comforting as your uncle’s presence.
“I’m sorry I couldn’t protect you from all this,” he says in the most contrite expression you’ve seen on him. “I want you to know that I tried, I really did.”
But he has nothing to apologise for; he never has. “You led me to the Citadel that day, didn’t you?”
He lifts a corner of his mouth wanly. “I wanted you to see for yourself what kind of man you were dealing with. Looking back now, I wish I could’ve done more. I could’ve done so much more, Nellie.”
“No, uncle, you did everything you could. You always do. I couldn’t have asked for anything else,” you assure him. Your uncle has never failed you, but you have failed him time and again, and this is one of those instances. “I know you tried helping me without making it look like you were mollycoddling me.”
He tilts his head in agreement as he chuckles a little. “Yeah, well, you were always yapping about how you were ‘adult enough’ to handle things on your own,” he says fondly. “You were always independent, even when you were a little girl.”
Your tears have already abated back at the dumpster, but this time, they come back with an even more brutal force.
“I know…The truth is, uncle, I don’t think I can this time…I can’t do this anymore…” you choke on your own tears as your grip on the mug shakes.
“Hey, hey,” he says, putting down your mug on the coffee table. He cups your cheeks to wipe the tears away. “The fuck you can’t. You’re the bravest girl I know, Nellie. Now, I made a promise to your dad that I will look after you. And I will, until the day I die, plumcake.”
His expression turns sombre as he stands, running his fingers through his greying hair.
“That’s why I’m sending you to District 3.”
You whip your head up sharply at him.
“What?” Why does it sound like he’s sending you alone?  “You’re coming with, right? Uncle, you have to.”
“I can’t. I have to stay here.”
He sighs deeply as he takes his seat back on the sofa. “It’s much more complicated for me, plumcake. I’ll tell you some other time,” he adds, seeing the look of protest on your face. “Right now, it’s important that we get you there without anyone finding out. I can send the message to your aunt tonight. Listen to me carefully:
“You need to pack lightly, and we need to get to the earliest train leaving straight for District 3. That’s at five in the morning. Your aunt will pick you up when you get there, and she’ll set you up somewhere they can’t trace you.”
Uncle Cas leans forward and threads his fingers together in contemplation. Once again, the lines on his face and the bags under his eyes become more apparent. You worry that if you go, he’ll be left to deal with the aftermath of your actions.
“What if they, or he, think you helped me escape? Why can’t you come with me instead?”
“Then we make it look like you simply ran away,” Uncle Cas says casually. “You can even leave a note and shit. And don’t worry about me. Your uncle is a lot tougher than he looks.”
He flashes you a reassuring smile, before adding, “I will follow when I can, plumcake. Okay?”
But he says it in this tone that he uses on you when he’s hiding something, and he just wants you to let go of the matter. However, you are also well aware that if you don’t leave tomorrow for District 3, there is a chance you may never leave the Capitol again.
So you nod and begin stuffing your bag with essentials. You had to ensure it was an easy thing to grab if you ever needed to be quick on your feet. You pause when you get to the bookshelf. Your eyes immediately land on the far end of the arithmetic textbooks you’ve collected over the years:
Sejanus’s book of condensed romantic novels.
If you’re going to spend an indefinite amount of time to yourself hiding like an outlaw, you might as well take something of Sejanus with you. You grab the book and hide it among the clothes you packed.
You barely get any sleep in the next hours counting to four thirty, and when your uncle knocks on your bedroom door, you’re ready to go in ten seconds.
Your uncle manages to drive you himself to the train station without drawing attention, but as a precaution, he drops you off a few blocks away from the station building. Before you exit the car, he gives you his final instructions.
“I can’t be seen with you inside the station, and that building has cameras inside and out, so you’ll have to walk all the way there, I’m afraid. Just in case, I will park outside and wait; that way, if they ask, I’ll tell them you ran away and I’m looking for you. Got it?”
You nod once and gulp. This can’t be the last time you’ll see him in a long while, right? Nonetheless, you give him the tightest hug you can muster.
“Uncle, please be careful, okay? Video-call me write to me, or whatever, please?” you implore. You try to hold in the tears threatening to burst, but it’s getting close to impossible.
“I’ll be fine, plumcake, and yes, I’ll call every day if I can. Don’t cry now, you’ll be fine,” he whispers, patting your back and then pulling away, ruffling your hair as he urges, “Now, go. I’ll feel a lot better when you’re with your aunt.”
As you step out of the car, you glance behind you one more time just as your uncle drives off to a corner and out of sight. You wipe away any tears in your eyes and on your cheeks, adjust your bag, and walk as briskly as you can to the train station.
You keep a straight face as you go through the iris scanning at the peacekeeper station. The peacekeeper waves you forward once it’s finished and even gives you a polite salute, and your shoulders sag in relief once you’re several feet away. The ticketing booths are almost empty save for a few lone would-be passengers. The waiting area looks even more sparse. Only the freight section, located on the other side of the building, seems to be seeing any action, with the porters busy fork lifting large wooden crates to and from the freight carriages.
By the time you walk up to a booth, there is no one else on the line, so you ask the ticket agent for an express to District 3. You hand her the money in exchange for the ticket and casually proceed to the waiting area. You sigh as you sit and put down your bag. Filled with unease, which you guess will only abate when you’re inside a carriage, with the train moving as fast as it can all the way to District 3 where your aunt would be waiting, you check your watch every five minutes.
Ten-minute mark. Only ten minutes more and you’ll never see Coriolanus Snow ever again.
You almost jump as you feel a tap on the shoulder from behind. You turn to find the same peacekeeper who saluted you at the station, peering at you sheepishly.
“I’m sorry to bother, Miss Innis – I received the word late, you see – but my commander would like to have a word with you in his office. Please follow me,” he says.
If you had no reason to worry a while back, you have now.
Without causing a fuss, you follow the peacekeeper, who leads you to a closed office door on the station building’s second floor. He knocks twice and opens the door for you when he hears a voice call ‘come in.’ 
The door reveals a spacious office littered with desks that are currently empty, save the one at the far end occupied by another peacekeeper in his fifties scribbling something on paper and, right before the desk, sitting with his arms crossed and his face unreadable, someone else who  isn’t  supposed to be there.
“Uncle Cas?...”
He shakes his head once and gives you a look he hasn’t used on you in a long time:
Don’t ask.
You will your heart to stop pounding. This must just be protocol, right? They must’ve gotten a little more strict with district travel these days.
The peacekeeper at the desk, a commander judging by his uniform, smiles at you exasperatedly.
“Ah, there she is, your little runaway. You gave your uncle quite the scare, young lady,” he says, clicking his tongue after. “I found your uncle lurking in his car, saying he’s looking for you.”
“Commander Moss. You’ve met my niece before, I’m glad you found her,” he pretends to send you a disapproving look. You wipe the confused expression off your face. Showing any more could mean trouble.
“Yes, certainly we did. I don’t know who revoked her inter-district travel pass, but whoever did it, did it just in time.”
Oh no.
Commander Moss gets to his feet and announces, “Very well! Now that I’ve got the two of you here, I can now proceed with the real reason you were brought here.”
“Oh?” your uncle merely puts on an air of curiosity, but your instincts are telling you there’s something amiss.
The commander exhales as he paces behind his desk “Acacuis, there is no easy way of putting this, but the truth is, we were told a few hours ago to be on the lookout for  both of you.”
Your heart drops to your stomach.
Coriolanus got to them first.
Uncle Cas, however, maintains a curious facade. “Huh. Would you happen to know why?”
Commander Moss grimaces. “I’m afraid not, I’m sorry. And that’s not all,” he pauses as he scratches his temple with a finger, clearly uncomfortable with the information. “Aside from being told of your niece’s inter-district travel privileges being rescinded, I was also ordered to escort the two of you to the Citadel.”
Your Uncle Cas, ever the calm one, shrugs and says, “Alright. I wonder what it could be. In any case, Hubertus, we are at your disposal.” He takes to his feet, and you follow.
“I appreciate your cooperation. Part of our instructions was to keep this...matter as discreet as possible; this makes it a lot easier for all of us. I’ll drive you there myself; please follow me.”
The ride is quiet, and your attempts at getting your uncle’s attention are all but ignored, with him refusing to meet your eyes the entire drive to the Citadel.
As soon as you’re inside the building, you and your uncle are flanked by three peacekeepers each – one of them even confiscates your bag – and escorted to the elevator, dropping you off on a floor you’ve never been in. Before he’s pulled away by his escorts, your uncle tells you with a collected smile, “Everything is going to be okay, Nellie.”
Again with that tone.
They bring you to what seems to be an interrogation cell, dimly lit and empty except for what you suspect is a two-way mirror covered by blinds, and a table at the centre fitted with handcuffs. You don’t struggle when they place the cuffs around your wrists, but you keep asking them questions – where they took your uncle, why they’re keeping you here – all of which go unanswered. With nothing else to do except wait, you stare at the clock above the two-way mirror.
Five fifteen. The train would’ve already left, and along with it, your chance at leaving all this behind.
You were so close.
You rest your forehead on your arm and close your eyes, if only to hinder the incoming headache.
You’re jerked awake at the sound of the door closing and the footsteps that reverberate in the tiny space. As if this day can’t get any worse this early, a voice you had hoped you’d never hear again invades the space.
“Nellie. I came as soon as I could,” Coriolanus Snow flashes you a grin from across the table, with a hand inside his usual crisp, clean pantsuit pocket, the other clutching the leather briefcase he always brings to work.
He looks almost normal, smiling at you warmly like last night didn’t happen. That smile of his just raises the hairs on the back of your neck.
“I’m sorry we have to meet under these circumstances, especially after our little rift last night,” he says with a tilt of his head, his eyes unblinking and never leaving yours. “I want you to know that I will do everything I can to help you with this...matter at hand.”
You spare a glance at the clock. Just six twenty-five.
“I’ve been here for almost two hours. What ‘matter’ are we talking about here? What is going on? Where’s my uncle?”
Coriolanus just tuts. “That, and more, is what I came here to discuss. All in good time, sugarplum.”
He takes the seat facing you, takes a folder out of his briefcase and places it on the desk. He pushes it towards you, and motions to it, saying, “Open it and read.”
Narrowing your eyes at him, you comply much as your cuffs allow you to and gape openly at the contents of the folder.
A photo of a young Acacius Innis in his early twenties, wearing tattered, dirty overalls and in the middle of lighting a cigarette, is paper clipped at the corner of the first page, and under the usual label ‘Classified,’ his name, family history, and background – some of which you already know, some of which redacted and crossed out completely in black ink.
You blink twice at the section named 'Criminal Background Synopsis.'
Criminal Category:  Rebel, Class A
Code Name:  The Confectioner
Criminal status:  AT LARGE
Known criminal organisations:  The Unresistance
The list goes on with names of your uncle’s presumed ‘criminal associates’ for two more pages, most of which are redacted and none that you recognise. The next page is a chart containing the organisation’s member hierarchy, and you check at the bottom for your uncle’s name, only to find it isn’t there. Scanning carefully once more, your eyes land at the very top.
There it is:  Acacius E. Innis, President/Leader.
To say you’re shocked is beyond an understatement.
Coriolanus doesn’t bother hiding the mirth in his eyes at your reaction. He begins lightly, “You see, I’ve been acquainting myself with your family history, and I uncovered a lot of interesting facts.”
This can’t be right.  Your uncle openly discusses his disdain of the government around you, but a rebel? And a leader of a rebellious front, to boot?
The third page is a scanned photo of the group’s sigil: a raven perched on an olive branch, with the Latin phrase ‘In Tenebris’ in all caps at the bottom.
“It means ‘In the Shadows,’” he explains. “The Unresistance was an elite resistance group made up of smart, highly competent people from all over Panem. As their motto suggests, this group takes the battle behind the scenes instead of the frontlines. They held respectable positions in society: company shareholders, factory owners, teachers, doctors, and many other specialists; some of them still do, to this day. They infiltrated government institutions using their intellect and ability to blend seamlessly within their workplace. They were a network of formidable spies who gathered and traded intelligence for and with other rebellious groups. Intelligence reports say they were smart to disband as soon as the war broke out. They simply vanished, using their positions and money to bury evidence against them.”
Uncle Cas is a spy? He most definitely has the aptitude for it. But if this holds any truth, why hasn’t he been prosecuted, especially with all this evidence?
Coriolanus answers this as if he just read your mind. “In your uncle’s case, he was pardoned by President Ravenstill in exchange for his loyalty and his services to the Capitol. Your uncle was given immunity with the condition that he never engages with anything considered to be subversive to Capitol authority.”
He leans forward with his fingers laced on the desk. 
“Your uncle accepted the deal right after your parents died. Do you know what that means, Nellie?” He asks softly.
“He moved to the Capitol for me.”
Acacius Innis gave up on his ideals to raise his dead brother’s daughter all by himself. What if you caused his divorce, too? Are you about to be responsible for his hanging, as well?
“As touching as that may be,” Coriolanus interrupts your train of thought. “The fact remains: your letters to Sejanus were never monitored and were never sent through the official communications channels. This is evidence that your uncle was, or still is, in contact with them, therefore violating the conditions of his pardon.
“Now, imagine if someone gets ahold of this intel. If someone sends word to the president.” He finishes his speech with a smug expression, knowing he has the upper hand.
This makes you wonder: when has he  not  had the upper hand?
“By ‘someone,’ you mean you,” you scoff. “Did you revoke my inter-district pass, too?”
“It’s the protocol for a person of interest.”
“What is there for you to gain from all of this? You got your stupid program; it’s now official Citadel property. And if this is about the things I said last night, forget it: I’m not taking them back, and I’m not apologising.”
Coriolanus just lets out this sardonic hum, his smirk growing ever wider. “Did your uncle ever tell you about what happened during our meeting at Strabo’s home?”
You narrow your eyes at him as you recall that night. Your uncle had been so mad about it but had refused to disclose anything.
“That business proposal was supposed to bring the Snows, the Innises, and the Plinths great benefit. An arrangement to join our families together by way of marriage...”
He drums his fingers on the table while you digest, with much difficulty, what he just unveiled. 
“You and I, Nellie.”
No.  No, it can’t be.
“Who’s idea was that?” You ask in a hushed tone. It’s Strabo or Ma. It has to be.
“It was mine.”
“I pitched it to Strabo, and he agreed with it,” he goes on. “Enthusiastically, in fact. He was eager to pitch it to Acacius Innis, but no surprises here: your uncle blatantly refused. He said he’s giving you free rein on your life, and that if you were to get married, he wanted it to be of your own volition. Sweet, but from that day on, I knew he’d get in my way.”
“So this – all of this – it’s not about the program anymore...”
“Finally,” he praises. “It took you a while longer than I thought. Sure, it was my task to secure for the Citadel this vital piece of intellectual property, but...”
What is the end goal of the game?  Uncle Cas’s voice echoes in your head.
“My end goal was you.”
Coriolanus bares his teeth in a wicked grin, taking obvious pleasure at the way your breathing evidently shallows. You fight the bile rising to your throat and dig your fingernails into your palms since there’s absolutely nothing else you can do.
“It still is, in fact. So you hurt me a little when you insinuated last night that my feelings weren’t true, but that doesn’t matter. You were angry and I can see why. You wanted to protect your uncle’s work, and you simply lashed out when you couldn’t.”
He reaches from across the table to unfurl your fingers and hold your hands. Not exactly the most romantic thing, what with you in handcuffs and unable to swat his hand away.
“That’s why I came here,” he says. He draws circles on the back of your hand with his thumb as he continues, “I understand your actions and I’m willing to help you. I can fix all of this.”
“Don’t you mean to say you’re going to blackmail me again?”
Coriolanus’s grip on you tightens by a fraction. His initial warmth vanishes as he lets go of your hands and abruptly gets to his feet, his jaw tensing and his shoulders drawn back. With him gripping the edge of the table, he leans into your space.
“Let’s not argue semantics here, sugarplum. You are wearing out my patience,” he hisses. “I tried earning your trust so I could do this the right way: court you, bide my time, and then propose... Remember that you forced my hand in this.”
He flips the folder to its final page and pins it with his forefinger. “This is a report I drafted to formally inform Ravenstill of your uncle’s backslide.”
The leer on his face turns diabolical as he lays down his ultimatum:
“I am willing to destroy this report if you agree to marry me.”
You stare vacantly at the paper, not even bothering to read its contents. “This is your move? To force me to marry you?”
“Again, semantics. This is a big decision you’re about to make, so I will give you twenty-four hours to accept.”
“And if I don’t?”
And yet, as the question spills from your lips, the answer comes flooding in the form of flashes inside your head: your uncle climbing the steep steps of the gallows, a peacekeeper placing a black piece of cloth over his head as he readies the rope –
You’re taken away from the mental image by the sound of blinds lifting. He’s just adjusted the covers to reveal the occupant on the other side of the two-way mirror: 
Your Uncle Cas, sitting behind a table identical to yours, handcuffed like you, and looking extremely bored out of his wits.
Coriolanus just sneers at the sight.
“Then, I simply send my report to the president. Now, I doubt Ravenstill would be willing to spend time and fortune investigating the matter just to exonerate a former rebel, so I imagine your uncle will charged at once for conspiracy and treason.” The blinds close, and he circles the table slowly with his hands behind his back while he counts the ways you’ll surely be fucked once that stupid paper gets to the president.
“His assets, and in turn, the entire Innis Tech company, will be seized by the government of Panem, leaving you with next to nothing. The Innis name, forever besmirched and labelled traitors. You will be expelled from the University. No company will hire you, no matter your qualifications.”
He eventually reaches you and bends down to whisper over your ear:
“Everything your parents died for, everything your uncle worked for, will be stripped from you, all because you made the wrong choice.”
He pulls away from you with that self-satisfied smirk you’d give an arm to wipe off his face.
“Don’t look at me like that, sugarplum,” he tuts. “I am simply trying to make you see the consequences should you decline my proposal.”
You stare at him with all the loathing you can muster, but you doubt its efficacy; there isn’t much threat a handcuffed woman almost backed into a corner can do, after all.
“Why are you doing this?” So many things you want to say, and your brain settles for this train of thought. “You can have anyone you want in the Capitol. So why? Why go through these lengths when any other girl would willingly throw themselves at your feet?”
The expression on Coriolanus’s face shifts to something unreadable for a fraction of a second, but his mouth tilts once more into what seems like a pained grin, his eyes turning glossed over and – dare you say – gentle.
“You wouldn’t believe it if I told you,” he says softly. “But this I can tell you: nobody else compares, or even comes close.”
He paces the length of the room once more, just across the desk from you.
“I liked our camaraderie. Compared with other people, I felt like I could speak my mind with you to some degree. It’s refreshing, really, and for a time you were open to me in a similar way. I find that fascinating about you. You’re not afraid to speak your mind, and you do it so eloquently. You’re one of the smartest, most intuitive people I have ever met. Who wouldn’t want that for themselves?
“But then, you had to pull away.”
Every ounce of softness he just showed you vanishes, replaced by displeasure, staring you down with a curled lip at what he perceives to be a slight against him.
Is he referring to the kiss at the greenhouse, perhaps?
“That night at the party,” he continues, confirming your thoughts. “You knew and you played along. You had a plan, except it backfired in the end, didn’t it?”
He lets out a short, taunting laugh.
“I hope you learn something from this, at least: snow lands on top. Frankly, if you had the connections and the resources I had, you’d be a worthy adversary.”
Coriolanus strokes your cheek with a finger. You turn your head away just so you can keep from looking into those intense blue eyes, now genuinely fearful of being swallowed whole. Your action does not deter him. He sits on the table inches away from where you’re handcuffed.
“Watching you hold your ground against me...it was  exhilarating. I’m almost sorry it has come to an end; I was enjoying myself.”
Then those hands firmly encase the back of your neck and the sides of your face, his face drawing closer until his lips brush over your ear.
“You play the chase so beautifully,” he whispers breathlessly. “You’re beautiful, Prunella Innis. You’re almost perfect, now.”
When he pulls away, he observes your face for a moment, his hands still clasping both sides of your face. You don’t know whether to cry or lash out, so your face freezes with a glare and your body stays rigid, hoping you can convey just how much you despise him without saying anything.
He clicks his tongue but seems mildly amused. “Don’t be like that, sugarplum. You should be thanking me. Remember our little lovers’ tiff a few hours ago? I stand by what I said: I made you who you are. You’re perfect now because of me. Do you think you’d be able to find out just what you’re capable of without me pushing you to your limit? I made you. I own you,” he says as his thumb strokes your lower lip. “My  perfect little sugarplum.”
“If you’re that addicted to control,” you muster spitefully, “What good will it do you if you marry me, knowing I could cause you this much trouble?”
He gets off the table, now with a slight spring in his step as he flashes a conceited grin.
“Oh, but you won’t, Nellie. Not anymore, at least. I have the only thing – person, really – you hold of value. That should be enough for me to teach you to toe the line.”
You blink and face the floor to forcefully rid yourself of invasive imagery involving him harming your uncle just so he can get his way. But the grip on your chin makes you gaze into his crazed orbs: nothing but a bottomless blue abyss where he intends for you to fall freely. Once more, you’re subjected to his covetous scrutiny, making you shiver inwardly and wish you had heeded your instincts warning about him from the very beginning.
“Imagine,” he breathes, “One of the most accomplished, most brilliant women in all of Panem, submitting wholly to me? I suppose you’re right: I am addicted to control, and controlling you, forcing you on your knees before me, and  only me, is my morphling.”
And then, Coriolanus releases you. He picks up the folder and secures it inside his briefcase. A prized piece of family history, now reduced to mere blackmail material.
“Twenty-four hours. That will be – ” he glances at the clock above him – “Seven AM. Give me a call then, and we’ll talk.”
You really should’ve trusted your guts about him from the get-go.
From his pocket, he takes out a key and uses it to free you from your shackles on the table.
“They shouldn’t have handcuffed you like this,” he says as he pulls your wrist back to inspect it. “I’ll have a word with them. Come, let’s get you home. Judging by your eyes, you had not slept the entire night, either.”
He uses the same wrist he’s gripping to lead you away, but you don’t budge. You can’t leave when your Uncle Cas is still in the other cell.
Coriolanus guesses your concern correctly and assures you, “Your uncle will not be harmed while in custody; you have my word.”
“When can he go home, then? Why should he still stay here?”
“Leverage, sugarplum,” he smirks. “And he can go home once we’ve…settled this matter between us. For now, consider your decision of my proposal at home when you’re well rested.”
“And my bag? They took my bag,” you say. Sejanus’s book is inside that bag.
“They will withhold it until it’s properly searched. They will turn it over to me once it’s cleared. In the meantime, you will stay at home and sleep. You have a decision to make.”
His tone doesn’t leave anything for argument, so with a glance at the blinds, you allow yourself to be dragged from the cell, out of the building and into his car, which leaves once he gives the word to the driver.
You try not to cry the entire ride home as you think of Uncle Cas. Will they feed him? Will they interrogate him? Are they going to give him a bed to sleep on, at least? Sure, you could ask Coriolanus to make sure he gets whatever he needs, but any favours you ask him at this point would come at a hefty price you might not be able to afford.
Once the car pulls up to Corso III, you all but launch yourself out of the car – anything to get away from him as soon as possible – but a firm hand grabs ahold of your arm when the car door opens.
“I will take you there myself. I need to have a word with the peacekeepers,” he says.
Apparently, he had ordered two of them to guard the door to your apartment home, and you wait until he’s done giving them orders before you can get inside. Even in your own home, you no longer have autonomy.
He follows you inside your home as you sink into the sofa, take your shoes off and release a sigh, burrowing your face in your palms. Maybe this isn’t real. Maybe you’re still dreaming, and when you wake up, your uncle will still be here, in the kitchen, making breakfast for the two of you. Maybe when you open your eyes, he won’t be there anymore.
“Have you had breakfast, sugarplum?”
Damn. No such luck. 
You feel him touch your shoulder to get your attention, and you flinch away from his touch automatically. He purses his lips in apparent displeasure.
“Please don’t pretend to care," you say. "You already let go of that façade, remember?”
“if you still think this is a farce, wait until that clock strikes seven tomorrow morning. You’ll see then just how real this is for me.”
Wordlessly, you brush past him as you enter the kitchen and yank the fridge door open. As you scan the contents, you can feel his stare boring holes in the back of your head.
“Twenty-four hours, Nellie. I’ll wait for your call.”
With that final air of pompousness, he takes his leave, closing the door behind him with a click.
Feeling utterly depleted, you forgo getting food and go back to the sofa, launching yourself on it with a soft ‘oof.’ Your stomach growls, but how can you eat when you’re unsure whether your uncle would? You’re bone-tired, but you’re not even sure he’d get any rest in that barely furnished cell, either.
On the other hand, if Uncle Cas was here, he’d be berating you right now to take better care of yourself.
Perhaps you could spend the entire morning crying like about it like a child, but what good will that do? Begrudgingly, you grab whatever food you lay your eyes on in the fridge – in this case, a half-eaten bar of chocolate from The Headless Confectioner’s that your uncle resealed, probably to save for later. Once you’re done chewing on it with much effort, you drag your feet to your bed and bury yourself under pillows and blankets. Apparently, a cocktail of mental exhaustion and a restless night make a dreamless sleeping draught almost as strong as Dr Gaul’s concoction, and within minutes, you’re out cold, dead to the world for the next few hours.
You’re cruelly wrenched from blissful unconsciousness by the constant ringing of the doorbell. In an instant, you’re up, glancing at your alarm and scrambling to the door to check who it is. It’s five to three in the afternoon, so maybe it’s your Uncle Cas, and they confiscated his keys so he can’t get in! Perhaps they even let go of him due to lack of evidence and he’s just about ready to get some well-deserved rest.
Thanks to this wishful thinking, you’re extremely disappointed to find more peacekeepers milling on the intercom, insisting on coming in.
“Ms Innis, we have a warrant to search your home in light of recent events,” one of them says.
Is there no end to this day, you wonder?
The moment you unlock the door, the peacekeepers stroll inside and await orders, while one of them, a major no more than in his late twenties, salutes you, and shows you the search warrant.
“My name is Major Truman, Ms Innis,” he says. “My unit and I are assigned to search your home for evidence of subversive activities. We will, as much as we can, try not to disturb the peace inside your home and are instructed to only search areas where Acacius Innis might conduct his business. We are to also seize anything we deem as evidence. Would you kindly point us to the said area?”
Numbly, you nod and lead them to his office, and they privates waste no time sorting through the obvious place to start: the papers stuffed in boxes stacked haphazardly in the corner, where your uncle sometimes stuffs graded essays and test papers, and then forgets about them until he needs them.
There’s no point watching them tear the place apart, so proceed to the kitchen to make a pot of coffee.
“It must really be difficult, watching all this,” a voice says.
Your head snaps to see Major Truman, standing in the kitchen doorway stiffly with his arms behind his back.
“Your coffee has been ready for nearly fifteen minutes, in case you’re wondering,” he adds.
Shit. You let out a sigh of frustration as you realise you’ve been staring blankly into space for the said amount of time; probably more.
You press ‘reheat’ and wait. As an afterthought, you offer the major some coffee, which he gratefully accepts. He takes the seat just beside your uncle’s usual place.
“Have you found anything?” you ask, unable to control yourself.
“I’m sorry, I’m not at liberty to discuss matters regarding evidence,” he says contritely. After a sip from his cup, he says, “Thank you for being cooperative, by the way. I think it’s unfair, what they’re doing.”
You nod and focus on your cup, unsure how to respond. He’s a peacekeeper, after all – how much can you trust his type?
“You might not believe this,” he goes on, this time, with a much softer tone. “But I used to be his student at the University. I nearly flunked one of his classes because, well…I wasn’t into the field, to be quite honest.”
Major Truman flashes you a kind smile. “I don’t why I told him, but I did. I confessed I was only pressured by my parents to take the course.” He pauses to let out a dry chuckle. “He then asked me right then and there to write an essay about how I would hypothetically convince my parents to let me take a different path. It was weird, but I did. When I finished, he read that rambling thing I wrote, and I was dismissed.
“The next thing I know, the grades were coming in, and he gave me a passing grade.”
Curious now, you flick your gaze at him as he laughs heartily. “He did that?”
“I graduated a few years ago, but that, I’ve never forgotten to this day.”
Major Truman pats your shoulder awkwardly before he steps away, pausing at the doorway to say, “He’s a good man, Ms Innis. I’m sure this will all blow over soon.”
“Do you know If he’s okay? If he’s had anything to eat, or…” your worried voice trails off, as it dawns on you that he might not even be stationed at the Citadel for him to have access to this bit of information.
He nods, saying, “I gave him food a while ago. He recognised me, too. Don’t worry. I have friends there who owe me favours, and I can make sure he’s treated well. It’s the least I could do. Thank you for the coffee.”
With a final salute, he exits the kitchen, presumably to return to your uncle’s office to continue his supervision.
You inwardly thank your luck and the goodness of your uncle’s heart to have someone like Major Truman looking after him in that hellish place. Rebel or not, you agree: your uncle has a good heart.
Far greater than yours or anyone else’s.
That’s why it takes you a moment to compose yourself once you see the chaos that’s now his beloved home office.
His computer, all but taken apart now, had been packed into a box labelled ‘evidence.’ His bookshelf, its shelves sagging with the weight of the books it contained, now empty; documents and notes scattered all over the floor as the men haul his stuff outside. They’re taking items that you won’t otherwise even spare a second glance at.
At least until your eyes land on one of the boxes they’re still halfway through filling.
It’s your little rabbit plush – the one that had inadvertently saved your life when you went back to pick it up.
You hadn’t seen the rabbit plush in years, and you had actively avoided it as a child after it was returned to you just days after the attack. Your uncle seems to have tried his best to restore the plush. Dusty, but otherwise free of the dirt it had been coated with on the day of the explosion, you pick it up at once from the box.
A peacekeeper apparently has qualms about it.
“Miss, put that thing back in the box – otherwise, I’d have to report you for obstruction of justice abd tampering of evidence,” he barks.
Major Truman, however, approaches him with a stern expression. “Stand down, private. It’s just a toy. Unless the Capitol has issued orders saying rabbit plushies are now deemed subversive?”
The private gives him a salute before returning to sorting the papers on the table.
Flashing Major Truman a grateful smile, you exit the office and settle for the couch in the living room in case they finish soon, and they’d have final things to say.
Maybe even decide to storm your room once they’re done with the home office.
At exactly eight in the evening, Major Truman and his unit bid you goodnight, leaving you alone again in the entire apartment. You survey whatever’s left of your uncle’s office: computer parts they deemed unimportant to seize, several stacks of school-related documents, and a few other knick-knacks, all arranged neatly on what was once a table that had very little surface visible. At least they had the decency to clean up. Perhaps an order from the major himself.
Your Uncle Cas’s office, now stripped bare of his soul – it’s a sight enough to send you into a sobbing fit. No longer able to bear seeing the space, you sink into the living room sofa once more. As you mourn the injustice, and the treatment of a good, wise man, you hold the stuffed rabbit close to your heart, hoping it’ll save you again this time around.
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You run. Fast.
You run even as branches of the foliage get caught in your dress – the dress Coriolanus Snow made you wear on the night of that party – inwardly glad that it’s finally getting the treatment it deserves: getting torn little by little, hopefully until it’s forever erased from your memory.
You’re barefoot, you notice, but the ground is grassy anyway. You don’t need shoes when there are more pressing matters at hand.
Like that deadly…creature chasing you down as its designated prey.
You sprint as quickly as your muscles allow you to, through the ever-shifting landscape – a few seconds ago, it was a foggy, grassy terrain; now, it seems to have morphed into a series of tall bushes manicured neatly to form a seemingly endless maze. No end in sight, just grey nothingness outside the hedges.
Within the space, a voice you’re too unfortunate to recognise plays as if coming through the intercom. One of Volumnia Gaul’s little on-the-spot poems:
“Oh, me, there goes little Nellie, so pretty and frail; her big bad Snow is hot on her tail!”
The mad cackling that ensues is superseded by a faint voice in the distance.
“Nellie? Nellie! Come back here!”
Coriolanus Snow’s feral shouts float in the vast grey space, but you don’t look back. It isn’t Snow – it can’t be; the footfalls chasing you and seemingly inches away from you don’t sound human. There’s snarling behind you, and the sound of a snapping jaw is heard as your ankle narrowly misses its rabid bite.
The scream for your name this time is much more hysterical.
“Prunella Innis!”
Your frantic dash is interrupted by a succession of tiny pinpricks on your skin. Something live and crawling wraps around your leg, making you fall, with large sharp teeth digging inches deep into your flesh. You let out a pained cry as you fall to the ground, the stinging bringing involuntary tears into your eyes. An overwhelming scent envelops you as your fall is broken by a jagged, uneven surface. Vision clearing by the second, you realise what the forest floor had morphed into.
“I just want to talk to you!”
Another enraged scream from the creature hounding you.
Can it smell blood, you wonder? Because from the punctures on your skin, the red liquid now oozes freely, making you gag at the pungent, metallic smell. You don’t look at it. It’s always somehow easier to bear when you look away.
It had turned into a bed of roses and thorns in mere seconds. The red and white blooms attached to them seem to mock you in your despair. The thorny vine around your ankle grows, extending further into your leg, piercing it with razor-sharp spikes. The sound of soft whooshing from above makes you look up. 
It’s a drone older than the ones you’ve tested in the lab. The type that can only carry a single item at a time. It drops a water bottle a few feet away from you, and the bottle breaks when it lands.
The snarling creature seems to have caught up to you.
“I sent that to you.”
The imposing figure of Coriolanus Snow enters your line of vision. He smiles just as disarmingly as usual, his clothes just as you remember: brand-new, finely tailored and flawless in every angle. A stark comparison to your figure crumpled on the floor, unmoving and bleeding profusely.
“I thought you’d be grateful. I wanted to help you,” he says. He tilts his head to get a better look at your foot tangled in the brambles. It had already reached your thigh, tearing through your dress even further.
Yet his face is without an ounce of pity. Nothing but cold in those eyes – biting, ruthless, unyielding.
He bends on one knee to draw closer to your frame. “Don’t worry, sugarplum, you won’t need these anymore,” he says, his tone cloyingly sweet, as he strokes your injured leg. “You have nowhere to run. And you don’t have to run. Not when I have you.”
Movement from above distracts you from his leer. The sky folds back, much like a grey cloth, revealing a stadium full of Capitol residents, clapping and cheering and screaming, all to celebrate your downfall and venerate the cause of it.
Amidst the tumultuous applause, Coriolanus Snow’s victorious, haughty voice reaches you without delay or difficulty, as he looks down on you with those hungry, piercing, rabid eyes.
Like he’s burrowed inside your head and his words are echoing from within you.
“I won you, Nellie. The game is over. Aren’t you going to congratulate me?”
You open your eyes with a sharp intake of breath. 
It’s five in the morning and no word yet from your Uncle Cas. No calls, no knocks on the door or rings of the doorbell.
You’re just as alone as the moment you fell asleep. The rabbit plushie lies within your arms, its faded, beady eyes looking at you as if to ask, ‘what now?'
Coffee, that’s what. Coffee will make it better.
As the coffee maker gurgles in the background, you wonder vacantly whether your Aunt Marcelline had gone through this exact situation when she and your uncle had still been married. With him being a rebel, did she also have to deal with hours upon hours of no word from him, waiting almost desperately for any news of the fate that had befallen him? You’re lucky, considering you know where he is – probably the same interrogation cell they’d placed him in yesterday – but your aunt…how many of these days did she have to endure?
Was this the reason why she left him in the end?
The coffee doesn’t help. No surprises there.
Thirty minutes to six.
There’s still time for this trick to end. Hey, maybe you’re still dreaming all of this, or maybe this is some sort of cruel prank your Uncle Cas had designed.
Maybe you entered a parallel universe, and anytime soon, things will right themselves. Your uncle will be in the kitchen, making you both the sugar-heavy breakfast he’s partial to.
One could hope, right?
But as six rolls into the fray, reality finally rears its ugly head.
This is real.  Everything is real: your dear old Uncle Cas is still at the Citadel, and it’s only a matter of minutes before he’ll be sent to heaven-knows-where just for protecting you and the letters you had exchanged with Sejanus.
Unless you give in to the demands of Coriolanus Snow.
You allow yourself to spend the hour before your deadline in resigned sobbing – you’re sealing your life away with an obsessive sociopath, it’s the least you deserve – and by six fifty-eight, you pick up the phone receiver and dial his number.
Better you suffer than your uncle dead.
Six fifty-nine.
The other line rings thrice before you hear the click, indicating the receiver has just been picked up.
“Good morning, sugarplum,” that sickeningly sweet voice of Coriolanus Snow greets from the other line. “I was just about to dial the Presidential Palace.”
Curse you and your bloodline, Coriolanus Snow.
“Please let my uncle go; I accept your proposal.”
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Author notes:
Enter Level 12
Please reblog and comment, it's always appreciated!
Level 12 won't be out until next week, weekend, I think, because I will be going on a much needed vacay trip for a few days 😊 I'll be active still tho, so thank you guys for sticking around Ily all!! 😘
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vewyscawywriting · 7 months
Kinktober Week 4 - Overstimulation
Fandom: FNAF SB
Pairing: Sun x Reader x Moon
Wordcount: 669 words
Tags: fingering, overstimulation, punishment
Summary: After you’ve forgotten to tell your animatronic lovers you had the week off, both of them decide you need punishment for your forgetfulness.
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You groaned as the lights went back on. Moon had been in a frisky mood, and as soon as he had spotted you in the empty daycare, just here to say hi after one of you security rounds, he had pulled you somewhere out of sight to touch you all over. And it hadn't even started cute like he sometimes would initiate with some kisses, some hugging, maybe even some teasing tickling, no he went straight for his prize; your pants and underwear were down as soon as he had pulled you to a safe spot. 
"Good day to you too, Moon," you said as you realised you were now naked from the waist down,  Moon hovering over you with a shit eating grin, and fingers at the ready. 
 "Naughty little Star," he giggled, voice edged with his signature growl, "When were you going to tell me and Sun that you had the last week off?" 
Oh, that's what you had forgotten. You were a 100% certain you had told Sun at least once, but he might've been in the middle of wrangling some kids, and you had told yourself you'd tell him properly when he'd be able to actually listen to you. And then you'd completely forgotten. 
"I did," you squeaked, but didn't sound very persuasive as Moon already had one finger wriggling inside of you. "Moon, you're really-" 
"Liar, liar, pants on fire," Moon sang, thrusting one long finger in with every word. "For forgetting and lying I'm now going to punish you." 
And what a punishment it was. First you were unsure how him fingering you could be punishment, until you were so close to the edge and you suddenly feared he was going to deny you your orgasm. He didn't. With a growl he told you to come, and you gasped as you did, realising with fear he wasn't stopping his rough thrusting. His other hand had found itself under your shirt, kneading your boobs as he growled against the skin of your thighs. Sharp teeth just rubbing against the skin as his tongue came out to lick up against your outer lips. 
"That's one. Can you keep count for me, Sweetling?" 
And it hadn't stopped at that one, or the one after that, you were already sobbing in the minutes it took for the lights to come back on, sticky and sore as Moon had brought you over the edge quite some times. Relief flooded you as the lights sprung on, but Moon's giggle and the little wave he did promised you more to come. At least being with Sun would grant you some relief from Moon's pleasure turned torture, or so you thought. 
You quickly realised that was not the case as Sun came out, pout in his voice so evident you could've sworn his permanent smile had turned into a frown. 
"Sun, I really told you," you mumbled desperately, weak from Moon's onslaught, and so ready for a little break, but Sun wouldn't hear it.
"I can't remember, Sunflower, and therefore it never, ever happened. My memories are perfect, you know?" He wiggled his fingers, still slick from your juices, inspecting them briefly before pushing you back down onto the little nest that you were in. 
“Please, Sunbun, I need to get back to doing my rounds, my job-“ 
“Can wait,” Sun interrupted, almost sounding mean when he pressed his cool fingers against your clit that was still throbbing and swollen. “Moon had his chance to punish you, and now it’s my turn. It’s only fair!” He leaned down to give you a peck on the lips, but his sweetness was offset by the rubbing of his fingers over your body, telling you he was still being strict with you. Punishment far from over.
His long fingers slipped inside, and you sobbed as you felt you body respond instantly. And really, for all your complaining this was the best kind of punishment you could’ve wished for. It was going to be a long night.
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daevastanner · 6 months
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This is the love story of an orphaned priestess and a heartbroken spymaster. It is not for the poets or the scribes, but rather, for the dreamers. For those who look at the stars from the bars of a cell or the stained glass of a temple, and wish.
“You should be with someone who’s crazy about you, Jess.”
“That’d be really nice if it was coming from someone who hadn’t just punched me in the face.”
– Nick and Jess in Elizabeth Meriwether’s “New Girl” ep. 6 s. 2, directed by Jesse Peretz
“You’re not staying?” Nesta asked.
Azriel averted his gaze, straightening his bracers. For whatever reason, answering her question felt like he was confessing a secret. “No, I promised Berdara I’d give her a private lesson in dagger handling.”
To his relief, both Nesta and Cassian were both too preoccupied with the decrepit mortal village he’d winnowed them to to notice his unease. Why admitting such an arbitrary detail felt so disconcerting was beyond Azriel. He was Gwyn’s trainer after all. Trainers met with trainees one on one to help them further their skills all the time.
“I’ll be back in an hour,” Azriel said mildly.
He didn’t linger, allowing his shadows to swathe him in darkness and winnow him away.
Between one blink and the next, the shadows dissipated and Azriel found himself in open air outside the House of Wind. He spread his wings and banked forward, allowing the wind to carry him towards the opening that led to the training ring. Swooping downward, preparing to land, he saw Gwyneth Berdara already within.
As soon as his boots made contact with the ground, Azriel snapped his wings in, jogging to a stop when he realized the priestess was leisurely twirling a blade far too long and far too heavy for her.
His brows pulled together as he started across the ring towards her.
She was smiling at him, blissfully unaware that she was one wrong movement from seriously injuring herself.
Closing the distance between them, Azriel held out his palm, “Give me that.”
At the flat tone in his voice, Gwyn surrendered the dagger with a bemused expression. “My apologies, Shadowsinger.”
Azriel sent the weapon floating back to the weapon’s rack on a tendril of shadow, then reached into the bin of wooden sparring daggers, removing two. He handed one to Gwyn with a serious look. “Not only was that entirely the wrong size, but you could’ve put out your eye.”
Just saying the words gave him heart palpitations. Gwyneth Berdara had been through enough without carelessly blinding herself, or gods forbid, giving herself a nasty scar.
Gwyn’s expression was playfully grave. “Well, thank you for saving my best feature. I’d hate to lose it.”
While Azriel agreed that Gwyn’s eyes were certainly beautiful, he didn’t believe them to be her best feature. Her best feature, in his opinion at least, were her freckles. They dotted her skin like constellations in the night sky, reminding him vaguely of the stars he used to glimpse between the bars of his cell. They’d always given him hope during the dark days of his childhood. Much like Gwyneth Berdara. Because if Azriel had ruthlessly slaughtered four of Hybern’s soldiers and it had saved the life of someone so good, maybe there was hope for his soul after all.
Read the rest on ao3
@almosttenaciousmoon @vikingmagic33 @mystical-blaise @hlizr50 @headcanonheadcase @beaumaismortel
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yourangel137 · 1 year
Wanderer comforting reader who is going through very bad depression/self harm
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Last but not least, I have to repost this one 100%. I'm just also very proud of this one! Sorry not sorry :3
Pairings: Wanderer X GN!reader (Using of both Scara and Kuni in this story)
Warnings: Mention of blood, very bad self-harm, descriptive depression symptoms, descriptive suicidal thoughts
Genres: Angst + Comfort
Type: One-shot
Word count: 1025 words
POV: First part: reader pov, second part: Wanderer pov, third part: reader pov
Summary: Reader feels the urge to give up thinking Scara left them for good
For anyone with suicidal thoughts, selfharm thought. Please!!! Get help!! Call for help!!
Suicide hotlines
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It’s not like he wanted to be busy, it’s not like he wanted to leave you alone, it’s not like he wished for you to leave, yet it seems to feel that way to you. Sometimes his harsh words can make you feel insecure or his harsh words seem to make you overthink at certain moments. Like today.. you haven’t seen Scara for at least 2 weeks now and it’s been extremely lonely for you. What if he doesn’t actually come back? What if he actually doesn’t want to come back? You’ve read his letter, you’ve read how he will come back as soon as he can and how he promises to bring you your favourite flowers as a compensation for leaving you for so long. But after that letter, you didn’t hear anything from him for so long.
Even if it’s only been 2 weeks since he left, it feels like an eternity. Your brain works overtime, thinking about possible negative outcomes, something your brain seems to do a lot whenever you are alone. Worry fills your brain, what if he’s hurt? But it’s also filled with disgusting comments about yourself because maybe... you really aren’t good enough after all.
You get up from your couch and walk towards the table where the letter you read still lies. Your heart aches, tears form in your eyes. “What do I do? He could’ve at least.. said goodbye to my face instead of leaving a letter. What if.. you never come back.” That’s when your eyes focus on the knife on the table. You placed it there for when you need to eat dinner, but right now your thoughts wander to a different reason for using the knife. Your brain fills itself with dark thoughts, darkness fully covering up the light you managed to create in your brain before. Your hand grabs the knife handle, lifting the sharp small knife and inspecting the sharpness by sliding your finger over it.
Your breath starts breaking it’s usual calm breathing pattern, blood rushing to your brain while you do the one thing you had told yourself never to do again. It hurts, it hurts to feel the wounds you created, it hurts to feel the blood gush out of them.. But nothing hurts more than your brain punishing you for just trying your best. The blood drips down onto the floor, painting the floor with the red drops of despair and sadness. What do you do now? Yet panic is the last thing you think about as dizziness starts to overtake your body instead. You drop the knife, shaking uncontrollable as reality starts to hit you slowly. Quickly you grab the table to stay stable. ‘What do I do now? Is this the end?’ You think to yourself. You didn’t even hear Scara opening and closing the front door and calling out to you. The last thing you see are his eyes filled with shock and disbelief and the flowers he had promised to bring along falling on the ground, before you passed out from the blood loss.
Before you could fall on the ground, Scara catches you and slowly drops you down to the floor with him. His eyes tear up, not being able to know how to reply to the image he sees before him. The person he loves is unconcious in his arms, bleeding like crazy.
‘what do I do what do I do what do I do?!’ He starts to panic. Why did you never tell him about your relapsing?! He wouldn’t have left otherwise.. “This is all my fault..” Tears fall down and drop onto your cheek. Immediately he thinks he lost you, thinking you died in his arms and he couldn’t do anything about it. But then the moment he sees your chest still rising and falling, is the moment he lifts you up and carefully brings you to bed. He has to do everything now to keep you alive and he’s willing to sacrifice anything. He stops the bleeding, getting it all over himself and the bed but he really doesn’t care. Then he bandages the wounds and keeps a very close eye to you while waiting for you to wake up.
“Please.. just wake up.”
The moment you open your eyes, you’re met with your lovers eyes. His eyes still teary and his cheeks still damp from the amount of tears he cried out while waiting for you to wake up. You wanted to speak to him, you wanted to apologize, you wanted to tell him that it’s not his fault, but he started speaking first. “Are you dumb?! Why didn’t you tell me you were relapsing?! I wouldn’t have left! This is all my fault.. You scared me! I thought I lost you!” Tears fell down his eyes again, showing you a vulnerable state he always wants to hide from others. You watch him hesitantly reach out for your hand, you eventually grab his hand the moment he got close enough to yours. “I might not say it a lot but I do love you.. I don’t.. want to lose you.”
You didn’t think it would hurt him so much to see you like this, but you can clearly feel him tremble a bit. “You.. were scared of losing me?” You hear him curse under his breath before giving your hand and soft squeeze. “Yes! Why wouldn’t I?!” He answers, his voice having a slight tremble as well.
“I’m sorry Kuni. It’s not your fault, please-“
“I love you.” He cut you off.
You open your mouth again to say something but instead you decide to shut your mouth instead. You watch him get up and soon enough you feel him softly press a kiss against your forehead. “I’ll get you some more help, I don’t think I bandaged you up very well. Take rest.” He let’s go of your hand and showed you a small smile. You simply nod before opening your mouth again to speak. “I love you too, Kuni..”
“I know you do. Now shut up and sleep, you’ll feel better soon I promise.”
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Thank you for reading, I'll always be here if you need someone to talk to <3
Much love,
Made on: 15-03-2023
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mollysolo · 1 year
can i pls request a song fic based off of seven by taylor swift with steve harrington x fem!reader?? congrats on 2.7k btw!
I Still Got Love For You
Pairing: Steve Harrington X fem!Reader
Summary: A love filled summer romance with Steve Harrington and its aftermath.
Warnings: Crying, mentions of Steve’s shitty dad + Steve’s trauma, the reader going to college, sadness, a breakup, angst with a happy ending
Word Count: 2k
a/n: i hope you like this !
My 2.7k follower celebration !
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Currently Steve was laying on his bed alone for once because you had to use your last night in town to pack up all of your things. You would be driving up to NYU first thing in the morning. Steve didn’t want you to leave but he also didn’t want to hold you back from your dreams. So he stayed silent on how much your approaching departure had started to hurt him.
You were all he had ever wanted and this love you two had shared seemed to be over before he knew it. And while he laid there, he began to reflect on your romance and picture the happy moments like you had asked him to.
He pictured that one day the two of you went swimming in lovers lake early into the summer.
Steve had climbed up a tree that hung over the lake just ten minutes ago, jumped in and he had somehow convinced you to try it not long after his head popped out of the water. But you were too scared to jump down.
“C’mon, (y/n)! It’s not that far! Hey, what about this? I’ll catch you!” he remembered yelling up at you, which eased some of your worries and moments later you jumped into his ready arms.
“See! I knew you could do it!” he had also said before kissing you for the first time while you two were still in the water.
You looked so beautiful that day and he wished that could live in that memory for the rest of time. That was one of the happiest day’s of his life.
And before he fell asleep that night, he pictured one of the more calm evenings you spent together almost a month and a half ago. You had been drinking iced tea together while cuddling on your porch swing and watching the sunset.
That was when you finally got the courage to tell him you loved him and he had said it back right away. “I think I’ve always loved you.” he had said afterwards, which made heat sprint to your cheeks.
He thought about the way you crossed over each others hearts and promised to not tell anyone about your love for a little while. You wanted to keep your loves to yourselves so that you could indulge each other a bit more.
The following morning, Steve didn’t come to see you off before you left. And though you expected this after how badly he reacted when you told him a couple weeks ago that you would be leaving for New York soon, you still wished that he would’ve shown up. You wished that you could’ve hugged and kissed him one more time, even though the two of you were now broken up.
But you still loved him with your entire being, even if he wasn’t there to hear you say it anymore.
The way he loved you this summer changed your whole perspective on the world and you would always be grateful for that. But you knew that all good things must come to an end at some point and for your relationship, now was that point.
And you couldn’t help but yearn for him as you drove away, almost considering driving to his his house. But you didn’t want to be late, so you continued on your way to New York.
It had now been a year since you had left for college and you were now back in town for the summer. And even though you didn’t think of or call Steve that often anymore as a result of your busy schedule, you still had love for him. You always would.
But you even with you back in town, you still didn’t call Steve. You were a little afraid that he’d be furious with you for not keeping in touch with him. When in reality, while he felt sad that the two of you no longer spoke, he was still happy for you and he still had love for you. He always would. That wasn’t something that would go away easily.
The love you shared was meant to last a lifetime, both of you were sure of it although you were still too nervous to speak to one another.
In the middle of one of the nights during your first week back in town, Steve called you and asked if he could come over. He said he wanted to talk and you said yes. How could you not when he sounded so sad and broken?
He arrived at your front door just fifteen minutes later, not using your bedroom window anymore. He wasn’t a teenager anymore after all and he wanted to seem more mature to you.
You let him in right away and tightly held his hand in yours. Once reaching your bedroom, you let go of his hand so that you could close the door and he hesitantly went over to sit on your bed. It was just as soft as he remembered it to be.
Your room looked a lot more bare than it did when he used to spend many nights here. But he assumed that was because you had taken most of your stuff with you to New York.
You then sat down next to him and took both of his hands in yours, “What is it you wanted to talk to me about?” you asked him, a look of concern on your face.
Tears began to well up in his eyes almost immediately, he looked so sad and that broke your heart. “I can’t take it anymore, sweetheart. I hate being so far away from you.” he told you while tears began to fall down his face.
You placed your dominant hand on his shoulder while you responded, “I know, I miss you too and I’m sorry that I didn’t call more or send a letter. I just got too busy. I still love you and I will always be yours, I hope you know that, Stevie.” you told him, making him smile for a second.
He then wrapped his arms around you and swiftly pulled you onto his lap so that he could hold you against his chest. “I still love you too, I never stopped. And I am still yours, I promise.” he replied, causing you to smile as well.
But although you two had resolved your problems and you were together again, his tears didn’t stop. You could practically see the gears in his head turning as he decided whether or not he was going to tell you what was on his mind.
You cupped his face in your hands and tipped his head up so that his eyes were looking into yours, his brown eyes looked so beautiful even as he cried. You pressed a light kiss to his lips before you spoke again.
“What’s on your mind, Steve? You can tell me, I promise. You’re safe here.” you said, encouraging him to get whatever was bothering him off of his chest.
He then buried his face into your shoulder, not having the confidence to look into your eyes while he told you what had been bothering him other than your relationship.
“My parents have been back in town for the past two months now.” he paused to let out a shaky breath, that was the longest they had ever been in town since Steve was 15, “And my dad is constantly on my ass about everything. He keeps telling me that he wishes I went college and became a real man instead of a failure. And whenever he talks to me, all he does is insult me and make me feel worthless. And sometimes I can’t help but believe him. I just don’t know what to do anymore.” he explained to you and you felt as though your heart had broken even more for him.
It didn’t surprise you that his father was still being horrible to him. Whenever you went over to his house last summer, it always seemed as though Steve’s house was haunted by his fathers violence and merciless screams.
You brought him closer to your body and began to rub his back in soothing circles, “First off, Steve I am glad that you felt like you could trust me enough to tell what’s been going on.” you paused to slowly pry Steve’s sad face from your shoulder, you wanted him to look at you while you said this next part, “And second, I need you to know that you don’t deserve to be spoken to that way. I don’t care what your father says or thinks, you are not a failure. You are more of a man than he could ever be. I mean, you’ve literally stepped in and saved my life multiple times. You are not worthless and even though we haven’t talked in a while, you are still my favorite person and you always will be. It’s okay to take things at your own pace, even if your father doesn’t think so.” you assured him, truly meaning every word you said to him.
He nodded once you finished speaking and gave you a tight hug, “Thanks, (y/n). That means a lot, coming from you.” he replied, still tightly hugging you as if his life depended on it.
“Anytime, pretty boy. I’ll always be here for you.” you said, making him chuckle at the sound of that sweet nickname you once had for him, causing you to chuckle with him.
Steve missed the sound of your laugh, it was like a beautiful symphony he wanted to listen to on repeat for the rest of his life. He could feel genuinely happy anytime he heard it and he adored you for that.
And while Steve got lost in the sound of your laugh, you started to think of a solution, when suddenly it hit you, “Steve, I have an idea. You could live here with me for the rest of the summer and in the fall, you could move back to New York with me. And you can even bring Robin along with us if you’d like to, I do have an extra room in my apartment after all. I don’t you want you to ever have to deal with your fathers anger again.” you suggested to him, hoping that he’d want to live with you.
He smiled up at you as these words fell from your lips, the first genuine smile that had appeared on his face since you left, “I’d like that.” he said, still smiling up at you.
“Good.” you replied, staring into his eyes for a moment before he closed the gap in between you two and kissed you. This kiss communicated all the love you felt for each other and how much you had missed one another during your time apart.
Steve pulled away from your lips a few minutes later, a certain set of questions now on his mind, “But what about your parents? Are you sure they’ll be okay with me living here for the summer?” he asked, a nervous tone to his voice.
You could sense his nervousness and pressed a quick kiss to his forehead then spoke again, “Don’t worry about that, Stevie. They adore you as if you were family. I told you, you’re safe here.” you answered, easily making all of Steve’s worries melt away again.
He nodded in response to your comforting words, “We’ll go over to your parents house tomorrow to pack up your things. But for now, I just want to cuddle with you and make up for all of that lost time.” you said, prompting Steve to scoop you into his arms and lay down with you on your bed.
And once the two of you were comfortable, you turned to face him and placed your hand on his cheek, “I love you, Steve.” you told him, a soft smile on your face.
He smiled back at you, “I love you even more.” he replied while he peppered kisses all over your face, making your smile even brighter than it was before.
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hwalilac · 1 year
some yeosang hurt/comfort i BEG 😭 give me something painful that'll end on a good note that's all i ask, i wish i had a plot in mind but i cant think of anything good :(
TW: pregnancy loss
(Sorry for the wait! happy ending, I promise!)
You’d been trying for months. The doctors said there was nothing abnormal with your body, that you just happen to not gotten pregnant yet. It really sucked. Yeosang had told you for years that he wanted a child. He’d even picked out some potential names. He couldn’t stop talking about it. Hell, even during your wedding night he talked about it.
When it finally officially came up as a conversation, you’d agreed to have a baby. The problem was, you two hadn’t thought about the ‘what if?’s. You basically decided it would happen and then tried. By the third month, some suspicions had been raised. You quickly reassured Yeosang that everything was fine, and that you might just need some tips from a professional.
Soon enough you were doing everything possible. From your diet, to old wives tales, to even making sure not a single drop of Yeosang’s sperm came out of you. You’re whole life was quickly consumed by trying to get pregnant. Your hope was quickly dwindling, but Yeosang was determined.
After two more months, you started having morning sickness, which led to a pregnancy test. Positive. You were pregnant. You felt like you were on the top of the world. Nothing could’ve made you and Yeosang happier. You rushed to pick out clothes and baby supplies. Yeosang blabbered on and on about which features the baby would get from both of you, as well as the name and type of person they would be.
And then tragedy struck. You were rushed to the hospital for a miscarriage. All of a sudden, you felt empty. Like you were in the pits of Hell. It broke you to see Yeosang so upset. He tried to be ok for you, but you could see his mask slipping. He was so hurt. Yeosang wanted a child more than anyone. He would’ve been such a great father.
The months went on and neither of you had brought it up again. The pain still lingered. You could see the sorrow in his eyes, but he didn’t want to pressure you.
You lay together one night, rain slamming down on the roof above you. His arms are wrapped around your stomach, and you swear you’ve felt him rubbing you a few times. You don’t say anything though. Your breathing coincides with his, so you take the opportunity to listen calmly. Through all the pain and difficulty, you’re glad he’s still here with you.
“I hope you know that no matter what happens, I will always love and support you,” he whispers gently. His voice is low but not rough. You look up at him, your eyes filling with tears. Your hands find each others and you grip strongly onto his.
“I know, baby. I’m just sorry I couldn’t do this for you.” He immediately shakes his head, and you fear you’ve said something wrong. He rolls over onto his stomach and puts his hands on your stomach. His face leans down and his soft lips touch your skin. He looks back up at you.
“Whether or not we are able to conceive, we will have a baby. Please do not ever feel like you’re disappointing me; you could never.” The look on his face tells you he’s serious. “Yes I want a child, but not more than I want you to be happy. Please don’t stress over this.” He comes back up to lay next to you, his arms covering your shoulders. You feel safe.
The next morning you took a pregnancy test for the hell of it, feeling an ounce of hope in you. The test sat on the counter, the impending answer is up in the air. You kept telling yourself there’s absolutely no way. And then you got a glimpse. Positive.
There was no way. And yet it was true. It was a mix of fear, excitement, hope, and love. Yeosang couldn’t have been more happy. In the end you realized it didn’t matter if it said positive or not. There would always be another way. And Yeosang would always be there for you.
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