#I love how she’s got a bag of chips 😂
theworldofotps · 6 months
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This is one of the cutest pictures I’ve seen
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meowzfordayz · 11 months
when you hop on their back — mitsuri, kyojuro, giyuu, tengen
Author’s Note: feeling silly today hehe. 🤪 Translation: played a lot of Terraria earlier, and should prob go touch grass ~soon. 🥴
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when you hop on their back — mitsuri, kyojuro, giyuu, tengen
Kanroji Mitsuri x Reader, Rengoku Kyojuro x Reader, Tomioka Giyuu x Reader, Uzui Tengen x Reader
Word Count: ~500
CW: none
Suggestion Fulfilled: can you write one like when u slap their ass but if you just hop on their back and do not let go for the life of you? (love u btw your fanfics are awesome)
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Mitsuri’s absolutely delighted ☺️
Def gushes about how cute you are, clinging onto her back as she putters around the kitchen
“Honey, I’m hungry,” you declare, pouting into her neck
“Wanna get down and cook something?” she offers, fondly squeezing your thigh
“No.” 😇
“Okay!” 😁
And w/o further ado, she gets to work cooking you brunch
She’s got one arm locked firmly around your leg, the other doing its best to make eggs, readjusting you every so often to prevent you from slipping off completely 🥺🍳
Occasionally asks if you can grab something for her, leaning over to bring you closer to the spices, and the particular spatula she adores
Lowkey Mitsuri doesn’t even break a sweat (altho you might 😂)
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Accepts his fate 
Happily 🥰
“Where are we going?” he asks, grinning from ear to ear
“I dunno,” you giggle, hooking your chin over his shoulder, “To get a snack?”
“Any snack?”
“Sure…” 👀
And that’s how you end up being piggybacked all the way to the corner store, your feet nearly knocking things off the shelves as Kyojuro peruses the options 
“Babe, maybe you should put me down?” you squeak as he deftly catches a bag of chips, breath pushed from your chest from his sudden movement
“No, no, no,” he chuckles, readjusting your position, “I will not let you, or the Doritos, fall!”
Thank gosh you visit the corner store ~regularly (snacks are a must w/ a Rengoku in the household) 😋
Otherwise you’d prob be kicked out by now 💀
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Flustered, but not surprised
He 100% heard you coming from a mile away 😂
“My love, what if I drop you?”
“Shh, you would never!” you grin, kissing the side of his head, “You’re the best horsey!”
And now Giyuu’s conflicted
Should he focus on how warm and soft he feels knowing you trust him wholeheartedly? 🥺
Orrr should he be concerned that you just called him ~horsey? 😭
“Darling?” 💞
“Hm?” 💞
“Never call me horsey again.” 🤠
He thinks that’s the end of that, until he feels you whisper against his nape, “Not just any horsey, the best horsey.”
You’re very fortunate that his love for you somehow outweighs his sudden and intense urge to buck you off his back
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Jokes on you
Tengen mercilessly teases you, and refuses to let you down 🥴
“Awww, are you too tired to walk on your own?” 😃
“Can’t keep up with my strides?” 😎
“Y’know, this ride’s gonna cost you.” 🤑 // “But Tengen, I asked you to put me dow-” 😒 // “Tsk, tsk, you must wait until the ride comes to a complete stop before disembarking!” 🤗
“Keep your seat belt buckled!” 🤓 (seat beat = your arms hung loosely his neck)
“So what’s it like, watching the world go by in a blur?” 😌 // “Tengen, you’re literally strolling.” 😐 // “But I could start sprinting.”🤠  // … // “Please don’t.” 😭
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5secondsofmoxley · 9 months
Here it is guys. The bits and pieces of the hook fan fiction I wrote in a note on my phone. Spacing is very weird because of that. Also, I’ve been on tumblr for 7 years and still haven’t learned how to post right so bare with me 😂 The story needs work and hopefully I’ll get to that at some point. Maybe once I learn how to indent on tumblr 😂
He stuck his hand in the bag, grabbing another chip, acting like his attention was on his phone. He couldn’t help but to keep drifting his eyes up across the room.
There she sat, laughing at John Silver filming a bit for BTE. God, she’s gorgeous, he thought to himself. But he could never bring himself to speak to her. And he had plenty of opportunity.
She’s one of the friendliest people there, hell maybe even the friendliest person he’d ever met. She could make a wall talk back to her. It doesn’t help that she’s also super funny. Anytime she walks by him, or anyone for that matter, she always smiles and sometimes says hello. She always says hi to him though. That he knows for sure.
He hadn’t realized he’d been staring at her, until her eyes caught his. His hand froze in the chip bag, not knowing what to do. She made it harder for him when she gave him a small smile and a wave. His cheeks flushed in embarrassment, and he just barely got his hand up in greeting. Managing to give her a smile back, he quickly looked away, wondering how long she’d caught him staring.
“Danhausen thinks you should go over there.” Hook jumped in surprise, looking to his left and finding Danhausen munching on the same chips he had been snacking on.
Furrowing his brows, he titled his head and asked, “how long have you been there?”
Danhausen glanced down at the chips, and back to hook. “Since your third time staring at her. You got two minutes in before she caught you.” Danhausen shoved another chip in his mouth.
Hook quickly snatched the bag away from Danhausen, giving him his infamous glare. He couldn’t stop his cheeks from blushing further. “I was not staring. And don’t touch my chips”
“Danhausen thinks hook’s crushhausen likes him back.” Hook’s head snapped up to his friend in interest.
“Really? You think.” Hook paused for a second. “She’s not my crushhausen. I don’t have a crush on her.”
Danhausen smirked at him. “Sure you don’t. Don’t worry, Danhausen will not tell anyone. Or try to curse her. Maybe she can join hookhausen. The fans seem to love her. She can bring us more of the monies.”
Hook rolled his eyes. “We’re not asking her to join our team.”
“Then maybe she can join Team Taz. Danhausen thinks they could use a femalehausen to dominate the roster.”
Crushing the now empty chip bag in his hand, he looked up to his painted friend. “So maybe I have a crush on her.” He sighed. “Which is why I cannot be on a team with her. I can barely say hi when we pass each other. How I would be around her everyday?”
Danhausen looked at Hook confused. “But you are around her everyday.”
“Not like that. It’s different seeing each other in passing versus actually having to work directly with each other.” He couldn’t help himself but to glance her way again. He was disappointed to find her walking away with the dark order. His heart sped up when he caught her glance over her shoulder at him. He just barely caught the smile on her face as she looked away quickly.
When he heard his friend chuckle, he turned his attention back to Danhausen.
“Oh, you’ve got it bad.” Danhausen laughed.
Hook rolled his eyes, standing up from his seat. “C’mon. We’ve got a segment to get ready for.”
✨shortly later✨
Hood over his head, he bounced on the balls of his feet, punching the air in front of him. He rolled his neck back and forth, trying to get in the zone to head out to the ring. But it was hard for him to focus with his friend going on and on about plans to get hook with his “crushhausen.”
“What if I did curse her?” Danhausen asked, rubbing his hand on his chin.
Hook looked over at his friend, confused at the suggestion. Sighing, he asked, “and why exactly would you curse her?”
“Well, Danhausen wouldn’t fully curse her. Because you would get in the middle and save her. Since I cannot curse you, you would be unaffected and effectively save her. Surely, that’s a good conversation starter.” Danhausen lit up the more he thought about it.
“Aren’t you guys friends?” Hook asked, pulling his earbuds out, fully focusing on his friend.
Hook stared up at the ceiling for a moment, completely annoyed. “Why would you try to curse her then?”
Danhausen froze for a moment. “Danhausen can figure out an explanation. Maybe I wanted the monies. Or maybe she-“
“Stop.” Hook interrupted. “You’re not cursing her. Or attempting to. And you’re not meddling.”
Danhausen’s face dropped. “But don’t you want to be with her?”
Hook went silent for a moment. Obviously, he thought to himself. But fearing the rejection he was sure he’d get, he figured he’d just settle for admiring her from afar. Before he could reply, a production team member came up to them.
“You guys are on in five. TK needs you at the tunnels.”
Squaring his shoulders, he put his game face on. Finally focusing back on the task at hand, he pushed his crush to the furthest depths of his mind. Unfortunately for him, it didn’t go very far when he and Danhausen ended up passing a certain girl on their way to the tunnels. She was just leaving, having spoken with Tony about her match later on.
Catching his eye, she smiled at him. “Have fun out there guys. The minute the tron showed you guys were up next, the crowd has been going nuts.”
“That’s good for us!” Danhausen exclaimed. “Fans that love us give us more monies.”
She giggled at that, putting a hand over her mouth to try to hold back some of the laughter. “It’s not all about the monies. You gotta have fun too.”
“Fun is good. Monies is better.” Danhausen said.
Her smiled widened at that. “Well, I gotta go talk to Kiera about our match later. I’ll catch you guys later.”
“Bye!” Danhausen said, nudging Hook to get him to speak up.
Hook glared at him before quickly turning back to her. “Later,” he mumbled, turning towards the face tunnel. If he hadn’t turned away so fast, he would’ve caught her blush and smile, before scurrying off.
✨after the show✨
“Everyone is going out after the show.” Hook’s hand froze in his luggage, Danhausen interrupting him from packing his things.
“You’re coming with Danhausen. It will be good team bonding.” Danhausen sat down next to Hook’s bag. Hook watched as his partner proceeded to reach into his bag, stealing from his chip stash. Hook rolled his eyes at that.
“Clearly, we don’t need team bonding if you’re comfortable enough to just reach into my bag. Maybe you should get your own stash.” He zipped up his backpack, then returned to packing up his suitcase.
“Okay, well if you don’t want to go for Danhausen, I know a different reason you’ll want to go.” Danhausen stood up from the bench, walking to the table across the room to grab a water bottle.
Hook’s head snapped up, following Danhausen’s movement. “She’s going?”
“Of course she’s going!” Danhausen explained. “You know better than anyone how outgoing she is.”
“What does that mean?” Hook zipped his suitcase up, putting on on the ground to get closer to his friend.
“Danhausen told you, she likes you.”
“You’re insane.” He rolled his eyes again, turning away from Danhausen to head to the door. Pulling it open, he was stopped in his tracks when he saw who was on the other side of the door.
“Hey,” she smiled at him, glancing down at his suitcase. “Did you wanna stop by the hotel first to drop off your stuff or head straight to the bar?”
Hook stared at her confused, then glanced over his shoulder to his friend. Seeing the look on Danhausen’s face, he knew his partner had something to do with this.
“Danhausen was just telling Hook about going out.” Danhausen walked up behind Hook, putting his hand on his shoulder. “Danhausen invited her to tag along in the car ride. She rode to the arena with Anna, who’s going straight to the hotel with her boyfriendhausen.”
“Do you mind me coming along? If it’s a bother, I can catch a ride with someone else. I know you don’t usually go out with everyone, I was kinda surprised when Danhausen said you were tonight.” Hook could tell she was nervous, as she started fidgeting with the handle of her suitcase.
“Nah, it’s fine.” He ran his hand through his hair before adding in, “Danhausen convinced me we needed team bonding. Didn’t really give me a choice in the matter of going out.” She giggled at that, and his heart skipped a beat at the sound.
“Well, I’m glad he convinced you. Tonight will be fun.” She smiled at him, tilting her head down the hall. “Let’s go!”
✨at the bar✨
How is she doing it? He wondered to himself. How is she having so much fun sober while I’m two drinks in and miserable. God, I need to smoke.
“What are you doing over here by yourself moping?” Danhausen interrupted his thoughts.
Hook sighed, twirling the glass in his hand to hear that satisfying clink of the ice. “I don’t like big groups like this. If the lads were here, it’d be a different story.”
“You know everyone here.”
“Yeah, but not like that. I’m not close with everyone. I keep to myself.”
“You like to party. Danhausen has seen you.”
“Yeah, when I’m with my friends.”
“Danhausen is your friend.”
Hook sighed, chugging the end of his drink. “Yes, you are. That’s about it.”
“She can be too. Put in the effort.”
“What would I even say to her?”
Danhausen turned to look at her, before turning back to his slumping friend. “Well, she just lost her third game of pool. Do you know how to play?”
Hook shrugged his shoulders, giving a slight nod.
“So, go offer her some help. Ask her if she’d like a partner.” Hook glanced her way, catching her pouting at Adam Cole taunting her for her defeat. He couldn’t help but find her pouting completely adorable.
“But-“ Hook started, being interrupted by Danhausen almost immediately.
“No buts. No thinking. Just go over there.” Danhausen pulled him out of his seat and shoved Hook in her direction.
Hook quickly caught his step, before heading over to her while trying to act casual. With all his effort, he couldn’t get his heart to slow down even the slightest bit.
“3-0! Undefeated bay bay!” Adam laughed, putting the pool stick down on the table.
“I told you I suck!” She said, crossing her arms over her chest. “I can’t even play 8 ball on iMessage.” Rolling her eyes, she glanced to her left and was surprised to find Hook approaching.
“Need a hand? I’m pretty good at pool. We could team?” Hook reached back, rubbing his neck anxiously.
She smiled at him, before turning to grin at Adam in victory. “Yeah, why don’t we have a nice game of two v two. You won’t be bragging by the end of that!”
Adam laughed, glancing down at his watch. Before he could say anything, Britt approached him. “Ready to get going? We got an early flight home tomorrow so I can make my appointments.”
“Aw, you’re lucky, Britt’s saving you from having your winning streak ended.”
Adam laughed at that. “Trust me, kid, you’d still lose even with a partner. Rain check for that game.” Adam wrapped his arm around Britt. “Night, guys.”
Hook and her watched as the couple walked away. He felt defeated as he watched his chance with her go out the door, no longer having a need to play pool.
“He was right, ya know.” His eyes snapped in her direction, finding her already looking back at him. “I’m really bad at pool. We would’ve lost.”
“So, maybe it’s good he’s leaving.” Hook leaned past her, grabbing the stick Adam had left on the table.
She tilted her head in confusion. “Are you going to kick my ass in pool now?”
He laughed at that. “No, I’m going to teach you how to play, so we can kick Adam’s ass next time.”
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The Brothers Sun ep8
Understandable that the Tea Leaf guy won't talk unless Big Sun is brought down
Aw, they're staying in a motel
Mama Sun is so done that Bruce couldn't get the name for dragon head right 😂
She makes her son drive at night because she gets lost😭
She bought 6 pasta strainers just because they were on sale
"You are not a crime boss. You're my mom." She can be both
I get where she's coming from, but it never sits right to be mad at the kid who didn't
NOOOOOOOOOO Charles nooooooooooooooo
Oh thank god, he shot above his brother's head
The mom's hand on Charles shoulder 😭 I bet she came running
I love that Bruce said that it's going to lead to decades of therapy (that his brother was sent to kill him by their father)😂
Charles don't hurt your brother! He has a point about killing your father
The fact that Bruce said he'd do anything to protect his brother 😭
The way the mom admitted that the chairleg incident was a test and she didn't push back against the father when he forced Charles to kill the first time😭
At least she's showing the remorse and guilt she feels for sacrificing
"Forget dad, you can be Charles -churro baker Sun"😭
The way that the mom has a charger for her son's phone😭
Oh, Charles just realized how he was betrayed
Xing telling the Wang bros that they need to shut up makes me hope she at least feels some guilt for betraying
The dad is such an asshole
Good for you Charles, telling your dad you want to stay. I'm proud of you❤️
The way I cheered when Charles shot those douche bags😂
Oh no, Xing is going to kill the mother and brother 😭
Well fuck indeed, Charles, fuck indeed
Alexis saying that they don't have shrimp chips😂
Him asking for a charger is not permission to track his phone
Alexis is far worse than Charles ever could be
Mama Sun wearing an oversized jersey is so cute
Yeah, Xing sucks and blood boots would never
The fact that the mom is immediately chastising Bruce for getting the wrong milk😂
Bruce is absolutely playing her😂 the improv classes work!
I love how Charles is just as shocked that the mom can fight 😂😂
Bruce planning to kill their dad😂
I mean, him being good at Laser Tag and also beating his actual assassin brother at a shooting video game is hilarious and actually makes sense
Bruce: "Neither of us are who our parents thought we were."
Charles"Yeah, but both our parents are crazy."
Bruce: "yeah."
Bruce, hugging Charles: "I don't think we've ever hugged before."
Charles: "Well, you're probably gonna die, so might as well get one last one before you go."😂
Bruce: "Right."
Bruce, handing his visitor badge to Alexis: "The Brothers Sun don't work with cops." HA!
Oh no, Bruce don't listen to that serpent of a father who's telling you to join him.
I love that Charles made sure to shoot his dad and missed the internal organs 😂 It definitely pays
The way that Bruce said he'd use his spit to make his taco dumplings 😂
I'm pretty sure that it was Bruce's plan all along to get his brother and mom to cook for him forever😂
Awwwww she bought her son a bakery 😭🥺
Hopefully that other girl isn't
The way she brought gifts to her friends
I love that she wants her kids to have lives and be happy 🥺❤️
Good for Alexis that she got a tower of her snack
The pictures in the mom's room with both her boys🥺😭
I'm crying with Bruce and Mama Sun too😭 nothing bad better happen to her
Oh nooooo, Charles is leaving too😭 I mean I'm happy that he's gonna get some time with his mama and that she's finally getting what she wants
I love that June has dinner reservations already 😂 she's got her priorities straight
The fact that Bruce still struggles to drive his car is hilarious and relatable af😂
I really hope we get another season, just because this was so well written and I enjoyed this show so much. But it also ended on a great note.
Ooooooo I wonder who that guy with the sunglasses sounds like he's being sent after Tea guy
Also still curious about who the man was that Eileen had been dancing with in Taiwan
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mylevisdontfitanymore · 5 months
I just came back from watching Wonka with my mum and IMMEDIATELY ran to Tumblr to tell somebody, so sorry if these are spoilers, but there's a song in the movie called "Sweet Tooth" and they sing about bribing somebody with chocolate by compelling their sweet tooth, and there's a line that says "don't look at your waistline, it's fine, come on, who needs to see their toes?" and "if your wife's complaining, body shaming, it's amazing what a tailor can conceal" and I full lost my mind, and I've been thinking about Steve and Bucky, or Andy and Ransom, or Nat and Bucky and Steve, or any other combination of people accidentally fattening their significant other with chocolates and them developing a sweet tooth and they steadily crave all sweet things but chocolate at the top of that list.........
I still haven't seen Wonka, and don't I have plans to 😅😂, but... that is really fucking compelling 🥵 that just might be the thing that gets me to see it, lol.
I can't blame you for thinking about that, I mean, the song is literally begging for it 👀 And I know we talk a lot about Andy and Ransom here, but for me, with the specifics of "your wife," I'm thinking about Andy and Laurie...
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(Here's the scene on YouTube 🫣)
Like - in a world where they don’t have a child and the events of Defending Jacob don’t happen, rather Andy is just another assistant district attorney - it makes sense that this would happen with Laurie and Andy.
Andy has an extremely high stress job and so he’s not thinking about his looks. Besides, he’s married, he has the woman of his dreams, he loves her to death, and he’s not thinking about impressing anyone. Really, he’s thinking mostly about how to relax when he finally gets home. Plus, he’s thinking about what he can do for Laurie that isn’t paying for shit with his job and being the typical “breadwinner.” He loves her. He would do anything for her and she deserves to know that with his every action. And… he’s thinking about the way she smiles so bright when he compliments what she’s made them for dinner. He’s thinking about how warm and content he feels, sinking into the sofa next to her, after he’s had juuuust enough of that delicious dinner to feel a little beyond sated. He’s thinking about the way she winks at him when they’re cuddling on the couch and she breaks a piece of chocolate off of the bar she’s munching on and he opens his mouth so she can feed it to him.
He’s not thinking that it doesn’t matter if he’s craving more of the sweet things that usually are more of Laurie’s pallet than his own (so what, he’s stressed, he’s allowed to have some sugar to make himself feel better) because he doesn’t even know.
Laurie is so beautiful and smart and distracting. She smoothly weaves in more compliments for him, she sneakily slides a few more items into his lunch box before he heads to work, a bag of gummies here, a bag of chips there, she slowly but steadily increases his portion sizes at dinner, and she keeps feeding him more junk food on the couch after dinner, bite-sized pieces that feel more like foreplay than eating.
Andy doesn’t know he’s got a starter belly going...
Andy doesn’t realize that it spirals to the point that when he buys Laurie a big, big box of expensive, rich chocolates for Valentine’s Day and they all end in his belly rather than Laurie’s. It’s hidden under her blinding grin and heady caresses. The way she touches him doesn’t change. So, how is Andy supposed to know he suddenly has a beer gut? Also, she keeps switching out his clothes - roomier slacks, longer belts, looser undershirts, and bigger dress shirts - as they steadily tighten around his growing frame. Further burying the evidence.
It started by wanting to show Laurie how much he loves and appreciates her, and it’s still for that, half of the things he ends up eating, he wouldn’t eat if it weren’t for Laurie feeding them to him or encouraging to have seconds thirds “if he wants to,” but it’s so much more than that now, too. Andy’s appetite just increases and increases. He’s hungry all the damn time. He’s stressed all the damn time at work, too! He’s stressed unless he’s across the dining room table or on the couch next to Laurie with something in his mouth.
That’s when he’s calm.
When he’s with her and he’s chewing, and she’s looking at him with fire in her eyes. That’s what he needs. He needs her touch, her eyes on him, and anything she wants to feed him. He needs. He’s so hungry for her. And it’s making him pile on the pounds. Completely unaware of it. So what if he can’t see his toes? Who can actually see their toes? So what if he hasn’t seen his dick in months? His wife can, she can more than see it. So what if he’s looking a little more filled out? He’s getting older. It’s not like his clothes are tight or his wife is complaining. He can’t be getting fat! It’s not possible.
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aurumacadicus · 2 years
They are all Dragons, Steve and Bucky courting Tony but because they are from a different Dragon Tripe Tony doesn't get that they are courting him and think they are so nice to him, while Natasha watchs on she. She is courting Pepper and she told her she is courting her and things are moving along nicely between them
Natasha is from the same tripe as Steve and Bucky and they don't get how she is doing will with Pepper and they are not moving along with Tony (because they forgot to tell Tony they are courting him yheir way)
Just the most shenanigans between everyone :D
I love your work so much
Asdfksdjfh you know I’m always down to write them being idiots in love😂
Pepper frowned at Tony’s larder. It was much too full for one dragon--several bags of dehydrated meat, casks of beer and fruit wines, crates of fruit and vegetables. She’d watched him take the gifts happily, at first--he liked gifts, and he liked food, and gifts of food were the best of both. She knew he especially liked accepting gifts from Steve and Bucky, because he was carrying a torch for both of them, and it made him feel special.
But now his larder was too full, and winter was coming, and he wouldn’t be able to throw enough parties to get his friends to help him eat it. He was going to have to throw it out. And Steve and Bucky were planning to visit again--they’d certainly bring more.
Pepper turned, watching as Tony fussed with his human form, worrying over his hair and the way the scales still lingered around his eyes. ‘Like human wrinkles,’ he’d lamented, as if it didn’t make clear how self-conscious he was about being older than Steve and Bucky. She grabbed Natasha as she began to shuffle past her into the larder. “We need to talk to Steve and Bucky.”
“Why,” Natasha complained immediately.
Pepper slanted her a sharp look. She motioned at the larder.
Natasha looked, uncomprehending, before squinting back up at her. “I fail to see the problem? Unless you think this isn’t going to be enough for all three of them for the winter.”
“I am once again reminding you that our kind sleep more during the winter,” Pepper told her. “Also, Steve and Bucky won’t be staying the fucking winter if we don’t talk to them.”
Natasha blinked, absolutely confounded. “Why wouldn’t they? All this food gifting has led to this.”
“Do you remember the first time you brought me a side of beef, and I asked if you were calling me too skinny in a way that made you want to die?” Pepper asked her pleasantly.
Natasha preferred not to remember those times. “He’s got to gain weight for an egg,” she reasoned, a touch frantic at Pepper’s severe frown. “Even if you guys do sleep for a month.”
“We do not sleep for a whole month,” Pepper began, realized she was being derailed, and scowled, grabbing Natasha’s shoulder to drag her in close. “You know courting gifts in our colony are jewels. Tony has not received even a chip of sapphire, his family jewel. He doesn’t know he’s being courted, he doesn’t know Steve and Bucky expect to be invited to winter with him, and it’s going to hurt all of their feelings. And Tony hates waste, so you know he’s going to be upset when halfway through the winter, he has to throw out half this food, and Steve and Bucky are going to be hurt when they learn about it.”
“They could just ask him, like I asked you,” Natasha muttered petulantly.
“Steve and Bucky are fucking stupid,” Pepper whispered harshly, shaking her. “You know they’re fucking stupid. They started out posturing instead of giving him food, Natasha.”
Natasha winced, because Tony was oblivious even on the best of days, and posturing merited less than a short blink of confusion before he brushed it off. It had been Jim who had told them that posturing wouldn’t work, mostly because he felt bad after the second time Tony had responded to it with, “...Anyway.”
“Tell them to bring him a chip of sapphire,” Pepper hissed, danger dripping from each syllable.
“Pepper, I look old,” Tony whined, turning.
Pepper gave him an unimpressed frown even as she unclamped her hand from Natasha’s shoulder, ignoring the spots of blood that welled up from her claws. “Shut up, Tony. You still look like a lovable twink.”
“I can’t be a twink,” Tony exclaimed, offended, as she walked over to him. “I’m over three thousand years old!” He paused, then sagged again. “I’m old.”
“I’m telling Jim you said you were old,” Pepper said flatly.
“Noooo he’s five hundred years older than me he’s going to whack me with his tail,” Tony wailed.
Natasha took the opportunity to sneak to the front of Tony’s cave so she could intercept Steve and Bucky. She needed to tell them to get Tony the biggest fucking rock they could find so Tony could see they were earnest.
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crinkled-emotions · 1 year
28 and 29 sick prompts for Bradley please 🥰🥰🥰
Of course!!
Everyone please welcome Dee; I mentioned her in a Hangman sickfic or two recently and she's actually the character I've been writing a long term fic about since August! I have a lot of the fic planned... but as we writers know, just because you have a fic planned out doesn't always mean it's going to be written or land as well as you hoped it would 😂
This is also me, again, making sure I take care of myself by changing characters and locations.
28. "I'll try not to sneeze on you" and 29. "You have a fever sweetheart, of course I'm not going anywhere."
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"Dee, I'm home!"
"In my office, B!"
Rooster kicked his boots off at the front door, tucking them on to the shoe rack as an afterthought. He put his work bag on the couch, knowing it would drive Dee crazy later, and headed down the hallway. The door to Dee's office was half open, signalling she wasn't on call with a client or her colleagues, and when he opened it he sent her a soft smile. Dee glanced up at him, her shoulders relaxing from their tense, hunched-over position. She had the look on her face, one that told Bradley she'd been elbows deep in a complicated case and frustrated.
"Hey, how was your day?" She asked, tossing a file to the side.
"It was fine, y'know; the usual. Flew some jets, embarrassed some kids, Mav embarrassed me right back to keep me grounded. Yours not over yet?"
Dee gestured to the paperwork around her and Rooster winced. He'd been buried in paperwork before, but never like Dee's legal bullshit she had to work with.
"It won't be for a while, Roos, m'sorry. I know it's my night to cook, but-"
"-are you feeling chicken or steak?" Rooster asked, moving from where he'd been leaning on the doorframe to kiss her hair.
"I would love some chicken- maybe with some of that salad you did a couple weeks ago? Do we have the ingredients for that?"
"I can make it happen. You focus on your case, I'll bring it to you."
"You're the best, B. Thank you."
"Don't sweat it."
Bradley and Dee kissed, Dee squeezed his hip, but then she went back to work. With a new plan in mind, Bradley headed for the kitchen.
Stomach full of pizza, Bradley flopped on to the couch, listening to Dee work away in her office. When she got stressed, he could hear her humming 5 Seconds of Summer songs. He'd never particularly enjoyed them but she said it was easy to remember their lyrics. Right as he was about to flick on the TV he heard footsteps and when he glanced up he realised she was walking around in the kitchen, looking for her stash of Chips Ahoy. Bradley cleared his throat.
"I read somewhere taking breaks is actually proven to be more productive than working late into the night."
"Roos, I don't want to talk about it, babe. Not right now."
"Okay, I just- I was about to watch the new episode of The Last of Us, but if you don't want to... maybe we could open that pint of ice cream we got last week?"
He could hear the rustling of the cookies, and then his wife sighed.
"Yeah, okay. I'm bringing ice cream and spoons so sit up."
He moved his feet back to the floor and Dee joined him on the couch, putting the ice cream on the coffee table. She leaned into his touch, eyes closing.
"Will you be really upset if I sleep through the whole thing?" She asked. Bradley immediately shook his head but he had a teasing smile on his face.
"Absolutely. Unacceptable; an offence that is grounds for divorce."
"Excuse you, you fell asleep last week watching Outer Range.”
“What can I say; Rhett looks like Bob but western and it freaks me out.”
“You didn’t ask him if he had a twin?” Dee teased. When Bradley sent her a look she rolled her eyes.
“Fair enough. C’mon, start the episode.”
Dee cracked open the ice cream and then nudged her husband. He lifted an arm and she curled up beside him, patting his thigh.
“Say ah, Roos.”
Dee woke with her face pressed into Bradley’s chest, listening to the soft (rather obnoxious) sound of him snoring. It was louder than usual, heavier, and she frowned as she reached up to feel his forehead. The furrow between his brows deepened and he moved abruptly to the side to cover his face when he sneezed.
“Fuck, Dee, I’m sorry. I’ll try not to sneeze on you.”
“You okay?” She asked, huffing as she sat up. They’d somehow managed to fall asleep together, Dee’s head on Bradley’s chest. Rooster grimaced again, frowning as he put a hand to his head.
“We gotta stop meeting like this,” he teased, “makes my neck hurt and not in the fun way.”
“You’re an idiot,” Dee snorted, but she was already getting up to look for the Advil.
“Stay there baby, you’re warm,” she called out to Bradley. He scrubbed at his stache.
“M... yeah, guess I’m a little warm.”
“Yeah, well, you’ve definitely got something. You haven’t been hanging out with the new guys have you?”
“Dee, my job is to train the new guys,” Rooster deadpanned. She snorted from where she was in the kitchen. When she finally had a glass of water and a couple of pills, she returned and sat on his thigh.
“You don’t feel sick though?”
“Now that you mention it... thought it was the stress, but I’ve had a headache all day.”
“You asked!”
Once he’d downed the pills and they’d managed to make the kitchen decent enough it wouldn’t make them cry tomorrow morning (it still smelled like burned chicken), the pair got into bed together. Bradley rolled on to his side and Dee pressed her face into his back, sighing as she closed her eyes.
“Baby, m’sorry, I’m just a little too warm for snuggles,” Bradley whispered. Dee snorted, scooting back a little.
“Aaaaaaaand there goes the cute moment. Love you.”
“Love you.”
Somewhere in the middle of the night Dee stirred, gasping as she gently pushed on Bradley’s shoulders. He’d moved in the night and was now lying on top of her, pressing her into the mattress. Dee huffed, turning her head to the side and running a hand through her husband’s hair. He wasn’t usually like this, affectionate but not accidentally pin her to the mattress affectionate. She frowned, feeling the fever running through his body.
“Roos... I need you to wake up, I think something’s wrong.”
He lifted an arm to his face, Dee narrowly missing being accidentally knocked in the nose, and then he frowned.
“You need to move, I feel like I’m about to boil.”
Bradley moved slowly, finding a cool spot on the sheets and shivering. Dee ran a hand over his back, propping herself up on one side.
“Can you tell me what’s wrong?” She asked. He grimaced, teeth clenching into the sheets.
“Dunno, just... I’m hot, but I’m shivering, and- and my head hurts.”
“How bad?”
“I can’t help if I don’t know what’s wrong.”
“Definitely not the worst, never let Hangman pour the tequila, but it’s up there...”
Dee reached into her bedside table drawer, grabbing the bottle of Tylenol and her water bottle. Bradley sat up and down the pills, wincing as he squeezed his eyes shut and put a hand to his head.
“My face hurts, Dee, why does my face hurt?”
She took two fingers and jabbed him on either sides of his nose. Rooster swore, staring at her in shock.
“What the fuck was that for?”
“Just checking. I think you have a sinus infection, B. Go back to sleep, I’ll check on you before I go to the office tomorrow morning.”
With a lot of gentle coaxing, Bradley curled up on his side of the bed and Dee lay flat on her face, listening to him get comfortable before eventually he started snoring. She was already forming a plan in her head, but she had to wait until a decent hour for it.
Bradley woke to sunlight threatening to take over their bedroom despite the curtains still being drawn and immediately panicked, throwing himself on to his other side to reach for his phone. Glancing at the time he kicked off the blankets, pausing before he could get up when a bout of dizziness hit him like a truck. When it subsided he realised Dee’s phone was on her bedside table- she took that thing everywhere, she had to when she was working. Rooster carefully made his way around the bed and located his favourite hoodie hanging up in their wardrobe, the one he only ever pulled out when he was feeling like shit because it didn’t fit like it used to. Once upon a time, it smelled like his biological dad; now it tended to smell like whatever detergent Dee used and his cologne. The hoodie started when he was a toddler, when he realised dad wasn’t coming home ever and his mom had to go back to work to support them. He’d suffered separation anxiety for years, between his mom and Mav. One night when he was having trouble winding down, his mom pulled out one of Goose’s hoodies and wrapped him in it. Since then, every time he missed his dad or was sick, she’d pulled the hoodie out. For the longest time, she’d sprayed his cologne on it too, but that hurt and she’d eventually stopped because it made her cry. Maverick didn’t know what cologne his best friend used, and by the time Bradley was old enough to ask his mom she was on her deathbed.
The living room was empty and so was Dee’s office. Bradley frowned and rounded the corner into the kitchen, eyebrows raising when he saw Dee rifling through their drawer of medicine by the microwave.
“Uh... morning?”
She jumped a little, turning with a soft smile to greet him.
“Hey. How are you feeling?”
“Not great... Dee, your case... shouldn’t you be at work?”
“Not when I woke up at least once to get you a cold compress- you don’t remember that?”
She burst out laughing, walking over to wrap her arms around his waist. He leaned into her touch, sighing when her fingers tangled in the bottom of his hoodie, the edges frayed from over thirty years of use.
“You have a fever, Roos, of course I’m not going anywhere. Work can wait.”
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squidyyy23 · 2 years
Hello. Am I texting you right now as I send you this? Yes. Yes I am. But I have a few questions that the world needs to know!
In you kitchen sink cookies, which topping was chosen by which Gallagher sibling? And also, if the Mandy and Mickey (and any other Milkovich siblings) ever get invited to Thanksgiving at the Gallaviches, what toppings would they ask for? And also, also, what about Franny and Freddie'd choices?? And also also also, what would be yours if you got invited??
Very. Important. Questions.
oh hey there, stranger. 😉 quite the homework assignment you’ve given me here! who knew some 🍪 cookies 🍪 could spark so many questions! okay okay, let’s see if we can’t turn everyone’s personality into a dessert topping. 
alright, so i started with a recipe and threw in some extra things of my own and ended up with six toppings. six toppings, six gallagher siblings. it works and i love it!
here's what we've got:
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chocolate chunks - liam. classic. reliable. no surprises. a traditional choice for the boy with an old soul.
pretzels - lip. a realist. had enough of all this sugar and sweetness. doesn’t trust this cookie making business. too smart. knows how it ends up. rebels by picking something savory. he’s not a child and everyone needs to know that.
toffee bits - fiona. sickeningly sweet. our selfless provider. but will break your teeth if you aren’t careful.
potato chips - carl. chaos. probably grabs the chip bag with a wild cackle. wants everyone to notice how outlandish he is. but actually ends up blending in quite nicely.
m&ms - ian. classic middle child. unassuming choice. no big statement to be made. but gotta throw a little color in there lest he get lost in the shuffle completely. 
salted caramel chips - debbie. salty and sweet like out little baby-stealing firecracker. (ok, these were a recent trader joe’s find i couldn’t resist. i’ll admit it. i’m an addict.)
(some of these are a stretch but let’s roll with it 😂)
now on to mickey and mandy…
mickey - he’s throwing in some nuts. peanuts, walnut, pecans, macadamia. he doesn’t care. it’s all about the endless puns in the kitchen which irritate his husband to no death. he then picks the nut back OUT of his cookies because he doesn’t even like them.
mandy - our girl got out and saw the world. she’s a cultured bitch now. she’s coming home with ideas. maybe a spicy chocolate or an exotic dried fruit.
as for the kiddos…
franny - she’s changes her mind a dozen times before the cookies are finished. every time someone pulls their topping out, suddenly that’s her FAVORITE!
freddie - he’s a baby. someone hands him the sprinkles and he’s happy to dump the entire container onto one cookie.
and for me, i’d say i’m either a chocolate chip purist OR one of my absolute favorite cookies is this 🎃 pumpkin spice honey cookie 🍯 (which is should totally make soon since we’re pretending it’s fall already)
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marcholasmoth · 1 year
OSRR: 3149
by going to my best friend's play today, i made $40.
but let's not get ahead of ourselves.
i started out going to shaw's and running into someone from high school, so we chatted for a few minutes before i took the flowers i'd picked and checked out. i stopped for starbucks and snacked on my way to marlborough. i happily enjoyed the play - Radium Girls, and my friend was the stage manager - minus one twenty minute segment where it feels like i was gonna lose my cocoa and all the candies i ate on the way over.
at the beginning of the play, before it actually began, the lady who was at the ticket counter announced a 50-50 raffle as many community theaters do to raise money. $5 for 6 tickets, so i gave her $10. i didn't care about winning. it was an opportunity to support my best friend's theater, so of course i was gonna take it. community theater is grossly underrated. so i was happy to contribute.
the intermission rolls around and before everyone splits to the bathroom, the same lady from before gets up and reads the number off, and it's mine! what they got from it was $132, so i got $66. which was so cool! when she told us it was time for the raffle, i had this irrational confident feeling, and i questioned it, and then i won, so i don't know what to trust. it's funny.
but also, i paid $16 for my admission ticket and $10 for the raffle tickets, so those combined with the winnings i made $40. thanks, marlborough community theater!
the play was WONDERFUL. i cried twice. i was super happy that i had put my tissues into my new little bag because i needed it.
anyway, i grabbed the flowers i brought for my bestest friend and i found her talking to two more people i knew from high school, her best friend and her boyfriend, who, fascinatingly enough, has at various points in his life dated all three of us 😂🤣 i was first, and then my friend after we were in high school, and now her friend. thankfully he's grown up enough that the two of them are good together. that makes me happy.
anyway, the three of us helped the cast and crew strike the whole auditorium. i helped sweep ("is there a regular dustpan somewhere?" "yup!" "*confusion* how did you know that?" "we work here now."), and i helped bring things out to the car and i helped move boxes and chairs with one hand ("i'm gonna be so jacked on my left side when i'm done with this") because doctor's orders. i succeeded in helping AND in following instructions. it was nice to help.
my friend and i eventually made our way to the cast party for a little bit, and then we went to dinner together where she was able to unload a little bit and decompress. i just adore her and i want her to be happy, and she has been through more shit in the last two weeks than jurassic park ever saw, total. but she's stubborn and won't go down without a fight, but all the same she's still human and i love her dearly. yknow the page from the funny bird book where it's like "i'd sell you to satan for one corn chip"? it's the exact opposite of that. even if the gods themselves demanded me to give her up i wouldn't. i don't care who you are. you're not taking her. and even when the things that challenge her and threaten her are things i can't help, i'll be by her side every step of the goddamn way because she deserves to be happy. when i get outta dodge, i'm inviting her to come with me. joel and me and kat can find a three bedroom apartment or something like that and i'll be there to take care of her when she needs to fall apart. can't live without her, yknow?
i love her more than life itself. more than cheese fries. more than chocolate and snickers bars. and more than bad puns. like how much i love joel, but add ten years and make it sisters.
i love her so much.
speaking of, i wanna see joel sometime this week. i miss him bunches. i wish to see the joel and i want to hug him and be in his adjacent space and hang out with him. i just wanna talk to him.
i gotta get up early tomorrow. physical therapy waits for no man. and unfortunately, sometimes i fall in that category.
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beardedmrbean · 2 years
"So nice lawsuit, even if there's no criminal charges she can still be paying part of the price her actions."
Don't say that, she got someone killed for $3, if she had to pay the price for her actions who knows how many people she'd murder 😂
I think it might go even worse for her if she starts to manage a body count, let's go back to the whole thing though gotta be something more going there.
Last time I can think of that someone went that nuts over such a small amount of money the kid that was trying to collect wound up riding his bike off a cliff.
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A tragedy,
It's ok though since Lane and Monique wound up finally getting to help each other learn the international language and Ricky found love as well, it's amazing what can happen when you ski the K-12.
Back to reality
The footage, which has been edited, skips forward to Mr Alba serving other customers, before the woman starts shouting from elsewhere in the store.
During that time, Mr Alba allegedly took the bag of chips from the woman’s daughter but that moment is not seen in the footage.
“You can’t touch my daughter. Don’t snatch that out of my daughter, you f***ing piece of shit,” she shouts.
“I’m gonna bring my n**** down here and he gonna f*** you up. My n**** is gonna come down here right now and f*** you up!”
Mr Alba is heard shouting back: “That’s not my fault, it’s not working. That’s not my fault, it’s not working.”
Kid's involved lots of things go out the window when your kid is involved. Got a strong feeling the guy did a quick yoink on the bag of chips and didn't touch the kid at all though.
Footage from a third camera, obtained by the Post, shows the struggle between the two men and Mr Simon’s girlfriend also grabbing Mr Alba in the fight.
Mr Alba is seen repeatedly stabbing Mr Simon as the two men grapple. The woman appears to take her own knife from her purse and stab Mr Alba.
Really should be some criminal charges on her too.
Non paywalled article link here
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drabbles-mc · 2 years
Which of the Mayans/SOA guys has a hidden stash of food at the clubhouse and: who knows where it’s at, but respects it and who shameless walks out making eye contact while eating something from it?
The chaos of this scenario made me giggle 🤭
For SOA-
Bobby has a stash of food at the clubhouse for sure. How many people actually know about it? Unclear. The only person he's ever told about it is Chucky, because even though Bobby thinks that Chucky might arguably be the weirdest person he's ever met, he does have a soft spot for him. Plus, let's be real, if anyone around the MC deserves a cookie, it's Chucky.
Tig also has a stash of food. The man has a stash of everything. Juice knows about it, because I firmly believe that Juice ends up knowing things about Tig that he really doesn't want to, things ranging from extremely fucking weird to absolutely mundane, like the fact that underneath Tig's bed in his dorm there's an old cardboard box filled with snacks. Juice thought about digging into it once when he was high, but then remembered that Tig would probably publicly execute him for doing so and he stopped himself. Happy, on the other hand, knows about it and he knows that he's the only person in the world more unhinged than Tig. So, one day when Tig sees him walking down the hall with a bag of his favorite chips in his hand and asks where he got them, Happy looks him dead in the eye and says, "I found them," and Tig doesn't try to argue.
I think that in the past Juice has tried to have a stash of snacks but he always eats through it super quickly. That’s valid and I love him for it lmao.
For Mayans-
Gilly has snacks and everyone knows and absolutely no one respects it. 😂 Coco and Angel count on him having snacks there so they don't have to buy their own. No matter how many times he tries to put them in a new hiding spot, they always get found. EZ doesn't go into it himself, but if he sees Angel headed for it he'll pretty much always make a request.
Coco keeps a stash of snacks but most of them are ones that he originally stole from Gilly. Letty is the most shameless of them all. She'll ask if he has any snacks, he'll tell her no, she'll disappear for a minute and reemerge with something that he knows he just hid. He'll ask her about it and she just shrugs and tells him that she doesn't know what he's talking about.
Creeper keeps a stash but he's terrible at keeping a secret. So everyone knows about it but they all have enough respect for him to not tell each other. So no one knows that everyone knows. Creeper's stash is also the only one that Bishop will accept snacks from because he does not trust Coco or Gilly like that.
I made myself laugh a lot thinking about this so thank you for that 😂💞
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Chocolate chip
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Requested: Yes! By @biscuitbean22
Summary: “Hi! I love your writing btw 😊 but I was wondering if you could do a cablexreader where the readers powers are walking threw walls and being invisible and she's running from deadpool using her powers cuz she took something of his idk lol and she ends up knocking cable over and she get super embarrassed cuz he's her crush? Sorry if it doesn't make sense 😂”
Word count: 610
Warnings: none
You knew it was a horrible idea. The minute you walked into Wade’s messy room that Colossus set up for him you knew you’d should turn around and get out. But then you saw what had driven you there in the first place.
Just few minutes prior you caught Wade sneaking through the mansion, carrying bag full of fresh cookies. Their smell filled the whole place and you knew he would not share. So you decided to intervene.
Chances were he would catch you and all hell would break loose. Once only once you took a bite of his chimichanga and he didn’t talk with you for weeks. A whole bag of cookies? He’d probably kill you for that.
Then again you needed those deliciously looking sweets no matter the dangers or the cost.
You slowly moved your hand towards the bag, you were all ready drooling like crazy. Your fingers lingered above the bag for short second and then you touched the very edge.
You had no idea how did Wade know you were there but you also had no time to think about it because you needed to get away as fast as possible. You quickly grabbed the cookies and you disappeared through the nearest wall. “Damn your powers Y/N!”
You heard him run after you but his feet were no match for your abilities. You were jumping from one room to another without having to worry about any obstacles.
You appeared back in the corridor and you were met with Wade’s raging and exhausted expression. “Give. Me. My. Cookies!” You couldn’t help but laugh.
The only thing he got from you, however, was only small wave and giggle before you turned and continued in your crusade.
And then your body collided with something firm and yet somehow warm. As you were falling on your ass you only realized that it could not be a wall.
“Are you okay?” Asked deep, ragged voice. Cable. Immediately you blushed and tried to get back up.
“I-I’m really sorry... I tried to... to-“ you were stuttering. Then you slipped and fell back down. Cable grabbed your sides and he slowly and tenderly pulled you up. His hands on your body made you shiver and blush even more.
By the time you were standing up you were shaking mess. That’s when Wade rushed to your side and he snatched the bag out off your hand.
Cable was awfully confused. His eyes flicked from Wade to you to Wade to you. Even with that shocked expression you thought he looked really good. Your heart was racing when Wade gasped.
Incidentally he was the only person in the whole world who knew about your crush on Cable and you just managed to piss him off.
His frown turned into mischievous grin. Your eyes widened and you mouthed: “No,” but you were sure that you were doomed.
“Oh I’m going to enjoy this...” Wade laughed as he leaned towards Cable.
You jumped up and wrapped yourself around Wade in order to knock him down. He stumbled as your bodies made contact but he still managed to yell: “Y/N has a crush on you!”
Cable smiled and slightly blushed but then he went back to his normal expression. “Really?” He only said. Instead of answering you slowly sunk down through the floor to avoid having to explain the whole thing. Wade was laughing his off.
You were mortified of having to face Cable but you knew it was inevitable. All of this trouble for damned chocolate chip cookies...
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s-lay-ing · 6 years
92 truths tag!
rules: once you’ve been tagged, you are supposed to write a note with 92 truths about you. at the end choose 25 people to be tagged I got scared at first because it says ‘write 92 truths’ and ?????? how ?????? 😂😂😂 Tagged by *at the tune of ioi’s very very* nomi nomi nomi aka @achuu-nice​ - thank you ☆
I’m going to do this rn bc I’m bored so I apologize to the other games awaiting on my drafts :p
☁ LAST drink: water phone call: my mom text message: my sister song you listened to: nega dola - boa time you cried: I had a world record but meh…december
☁ HAVE YOU EVER dated someone twice: I haven’t dated anyone, blessed been cheated on: nope kissed someone and regretted it: kind of lost someone special: 🙃 been depressed: nope been drunk and thrown up: whoever does that on purpose is a fool…so nope
☁ IN THE PAST YEAR HAVE YOU made a new friend: yess! ♡ (I see you wonhankwanhyukkyungsexing/hannie hate squad 😘) fallen out of love: …kind of? 😂 it’s not what you think met someone who changed you: not really? found out who your true friends are: 😣😣😣 found out someone was talking about you: I hope not :|
☁ GENERAL how many people on tumblr do you know in real life?: like four? All friends of mine do you have any pets?: my most precious girl Pinta ♡ do you want to change your name?: YESS PLEASE 🙏 what time did you wake up this morning: like 2pm…😃 what were you doing last night: watching questionable movies with emma 😂 something you cannot wait for: OT9 AND AN AFTER SCHOOL/F(X) COMEBACK have you ever talked to a person named tom?: nope what’s getting on your nerves right now: oh boy 🙃 blood type: at this point I don’t even know I mean people around the globe use A or B yet here we have numbers and other letters ??? Weird nickname: only cloud at the moment 😄 relationship status: single zodiac sign: scorpio pronouns: she/her favorite show: I don’t really have one? Unless ofd counts ?) sort of ?) I watch it whenever I’m bored (ofd1 bc ofd2 is super cancelled) college: graduated a year ago! Wow, time flies hair color: black do you have a crush on someone: not really what do you like about yourself: I think p much everything 😂 except being so lazy maybe ???
☁ FIRSTS first surgery: my wrist, got a cyst removed first piercing: if ears don’t count then lip, I think it was on the left side? 😂 first sport you joined: oh man, idk 😂 first vacation: girl, my parents LOVE to travel so they took my siblings and to go around Chile p much entirely so idk ??? one of the first places I remember was either Mejillones or Iquique? The good old days first pair of sneakers: *in whitney houston’s voice* ohh, how would I know? (8)
☁ RIGHT NOW eating: lays chips drinking: I had some coca cola but rn I’m drinking water i’m about to: keep watching boa’s weekly idol episode 😂 listening to: Standing on the edge of tomorrow by The damned (loooooove that song) want kids: nope get married: nah career: musician 😭
☁ WHICH IS BETTER lips or eyes: eyes! hugs or kisses: none…but I guess hugs are more bearable shorter or taller: to be or to be with? 😂 whatever troublemaker or hesitant: a mix of both older or younger: it depends ??? idk ???? romantic or spontaneous: fuck romance sensitive or loud: a mix of both again! hookup or relationship: none
☁ HAVE YOU EVER kissed a stranger: sort of drank hard liquor: yess lost contacts/glasses: nope sex on first date: nope broken someone’s heart: …technically been arrested: nope turned someone down: here’s where the 'technically’ comes from 😂 man I was so rude, ugh* (also same nomi, I’ve turned down countless requests from people to hang out 🙃) fallen for a friend: nope
☁ DO YOU BELIEVE in yourself: for sure! miracles: yeah love at first sight: I’d say 'interest’ rather than love, yess
Tagging the last ten ppl on my activity just because: @heartofacarat @insecure-trash-bag @kflowergirl @jimineez @woozi-doozy @jeonghans-bunny @masomunos @imchaangkyun @wonwoq and @bbysquirrelsblog !
As usual, it’s okay if you don’t feel like doing it! :))
#tag games#yaay!#if you'd rather not to be tagged then let me know in the tags or sth!#or if you prefer to be tagged in games that doesn't require sharing some sort of personal info!#hello i'm cloud and i love cats and food#*= I'm going to briefly talk about my three unfortunate victims (ugh I hate me for that) these are their stories DUN DUN#1) there was this dude who was a bit bullied so I tried to be nice to him bc he was in my spanish class#but eventually he confessed his feelings to me on fb but I told him to go away and blocked him#HOW TERRIBLE UGH#in the end we stopped talking but as years passed whenever I ran into him I'd still say 'hello' and stuff#2) another ocassion where a dude who was bullied thought I was hitting on him just bc I was nice -.-'#but this boy gave me flowers...and I was like oh nope :l#so I asked a mutual friend of ours to tell him to stay away from me x_x#ISuck.jpg#just like the previous one...after a while I kept on greeting him whenever I saw him at school so yeah#3) that mutual friend we have happened to introduce a friend of his to my friends and I#and she was super nice and shit but eventually she got waaaaaaay too comfortable with me#(btw all this bs happened in a span of a year)#so again...I told this friend of ours to tell her to delete my number/fb/twitter/everything#but this time shit almost got serious#bc girl got super sad for it ???????? crying at school and shit ???????#and her friends were those kind of girls who would throw punches and shit so at school they'd yell stuff at me ?????????#and one of them sent me a message saying she'd hit me if I didn't apologize and shit ???????#it was wild#but after some time the girl and I started to talk again and everything was fine...until we totally cut ties#nothing in particular...we just stopped talking xd#btw the girl who almost hit me and I end up becoming uhh...level 1 friends? she even invited me to her birthday party at some club and shit#but just like all these three: after school we cut ties so idk what's up with her anymore :p#just so you know: I absolutely hate the way I handled all those three situations. Wish I had done better#that was story time with cloud :p
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kentonramsey · 4 years
Lizzo Reveals What’s In Her Tiny Bag & People Love It
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LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA – NOVEMBER 24: Lizzo attends the 2019 American Music Awards at Microsoft Theater on November 24, 2019 in Los Angeles, California. (Photo by Emma McIntyre/Getty Images for dcp)
It’s been less than two months since Lizzo’s XS Maison Valentino bag took the Internet by storm — getting its own Twitter account to boot — and the Cuz I Love You singer isn’t ready to let it go. Yesterday, Lizzo took to her TikTok page (followed by Instagram) to finally share what she really keeps inside her tiny purse, and like the artist herself, the contents were hilarious. 
“Hey Lizzo, you got a pencil?”, celebrity hairstylist Shelby Swain is heard asking the singer from across the room, to which Lizzo responded, “You know I got you.” What happened next, though, is when things really got interesting. In the video, Lizzo, dressed in a “Good As Hell”-embellished long-sleeved bodysuit paired with a hot pink harness, proceeded to pull a full-sized pencil out of her lilac Jacquemus Le Chiquito mini bag. 
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A post shared by Lizzo (@lizzobeeating) on Jan 13, 2020 at 11:26am PST
Simon Jacquemus’ ubiquitous Le Chiquito bag measures in at 9 cm high and 12 cm wide, whereas a standard #2 pencil is about 19 cm long, making Lizzo’s casual retrieval an impossible feat. That is, unless she put an Undetectable Extension Charm on the bag like Hermoine did in Harry Potter And The Deathly Hallows, but that’s a theory for another day. 
Things quickly escalated when Swain asked the singer where the remote is. After ruffling through her purse, which couldn’t be larger than a box of Animal Crackers, she’s finally able to yank it out and toss it across the room. 
Altogether, the minute-long video shows Lizzo extracting one travel tub of potato chips, a 750 ml bottle of red wine, a slime green lace dress (her outfit for the night), and a spare wig for Swain — which, according to the singer, is the only thing that she doesn’t have room for in her bag. 
The video, captioned, “YALL WANNA KNOW WHATS IN MY TINY BAG BITCH? 😏” is already making the rounds on social media. And just like her first rendezvous with a tiny purse, the reactions are perfection.
I was hoping it was chicken nuggets. Guess the “Truth Hurts”
— Jeffrey Fermin. (@JeffFermin) January 13, 2020
I want to be lizzo’s tiny purse
— uchi personality (@clamslap) January 13, 2020
Gonna get tiktok just to watch Lizzo.
— SJ (@sophiejames2303) January 14, 2020
— TikTok (@tiktok_us) January 14, 2020
It’s officially been confirmed, @lizzo is secretly Mary Poppins 🤭😂💯 #TikTok https://t.co/wHbQduHvG0
— DJ-K (Kenji) ♀️♂️🏳️‍🌈 (@Deejay_K88) January 14, 2020
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Lizzo Reveals What’s In Her Tiny Bag & People Love It published first on https://mariakistler.tumblr.com/
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