#I love New Moon a lot don't get me wrong but Old Moon's and Sun's relationship wasn't black and white (as much as NM wants to insist it was
meagancandraw · 6 months
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You ever think about how neither of them got to say goodbye?
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tsams-confessions · 2 months
Hello, hi, I have never done this before but I have been floating around in the TSAMS bubble for a while and have been around since the channel started uploading in its first few months of existing.
Anyway, my main point is that I really miss when The Sun and Moon Show was that, the *Sun* and *Moon* Show. I miss the older episodes where it was just Sun and Moon when they had their wacky adventures and dealt with Eclipse and the fact that regardless of the outcome, they stuck together till the end because they were all the other really ever had, aside from good pal Monty. So when I watch the newer episodes and see all these new characters they've gained, I just realize how much that dynamic really changed. No longer was it just Sun and Moon, it was Lunar, Earth, Solar, Frank, etc. And don't get me wrong, I love all of these characters too, I think they're all great additions. I just kinda noticed a lack of actual bonding between Sun and Moon themselves. Sure they still do it sometimes and they also play games together of course, but it's just not the same. I don't really know what their bond is anymore. Maybe things just really changed when Old Moon died and New Moon came? I love New Moon, of course, more considerate compared to Old Moon, but it seems Sun and Moon have just kinda drifted apart. Which makes sense, they are their own people, they don't have to be around each other 24/7, but I just miss when it was just: Sun and Moon, against the world. They were like the Yin and Yang, you know? I kinda hope that in the future Sun and Moon can have an episode where they just bond again, properly? Maybe I'm not seeing things in full view, I have missed out on a lot more episodes recently to be honest since the show just hasn't intrigued me as much. This got a bit lengthy but I hope maybe others will feel relieved that someone said this? It's just a sad realization I had.
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its-chelisey-stuff · 1 month
is this a classic in the making?? Too early too tell but I really miss obsessing over kdramas, so maybe this brings back into it?
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finally caught up with Queen of Tears and I must confess I don't know what to make of Kim SooHyun's character yet. I get that the guy is only human, but the fact that his first thought at finding out his wife might die from a rare decease is happiness, it's cold. And wrong.
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I mean I guess that's kinda the point, right? This guy thinking he's happy at this terrible news, is clearly an indication that the situation he's been living in since he married has messed up his head, but... I dislike him a lot for it anyway hahaha
And I know that it takes two to tango, and the way their marriage has come to this is definitely something that holds both people responsible. I see that the toxicity, manipulation and constant scrutiny from the Hong family (mixed up with the fact that HyunWoo's family is quite dependant economically on him and his marriage) could drive a guy insane, particularly a guy who seemed so in love with his wife at the start ready to take on everything and everyone, in the name of love.
But of course, now we have the added layer of the miscarriage/baby loss and it definitely complicates a loooot of things while also explaining them in a way. I could say HaeIn just shut off completely and decided to use Elsa's method of conceal don't feel, while the opposite happened to HyunWoo and the guy just couldn't help but feel everything. All the pain, the hurt, shame and stuff caused by the overbearing family in law and even his wife. I get it. But still, you once loved this woman, how can you feel happy at the thought of her death? Sociopath dare I say.
If it wasn't clear enough, at this moment, I'm on HaeIn's side, meaning that I feel more for her and her situation than I do for Hyunwoo, because I can relate a bit to her way of shutting everything out and where she's coming from. It's clear as day that she has experienced a lot of trauma from her early years (the loss of her brother, her mother blaming her for it) and now facing the terrible news that she might die on top of having scary episodes in which she doesn't remember shit. And she doesn't know how to properly deal with any of it. I'm sure that, when she first married, she was happily in love and in the bliss of it all, she forgot all of this unresolved trauma, but now that so much more has piled in, her only way of dealing is becoming ice. And I find that a lot more tragic than Hyunwoo's situation, so don't argue with me lol you won't make me change my mind
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but damn, I still do root for them and want them to find a way back to each other...
I know kdramas and I know this writer and eventually, HyunWoo is gonna wake up to the fact that underneath all that resentment and poor communication, he still loves her. A LOT. I roll my eyes at the fact that another man had to come into the picture for him to start feeling dormant emotions and finding his wife attractive and beautiful, but I guess I'll take what I can. I know he will suffer terribly in upcoming eps, cause you don't just cast KimSooHyun to make him happy and silly. NO. You cast him to make him suffer and make him cry and cry and cry. (I still tear up at his breakdown scene from The Moon that Embraces the Sun).
At the end, if I'm to be guided by old dramas from this writer, my guess is that HaeIn will recover and live in the end. I'd be very surprised if she doesn't but tbh I'm preparing for that possibility. What I do know is that my girl is gonna suffer, and for that, I'm not that well prepared, nor do I look forward to it as with HyunWoo's pain and misery.
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I mean, look at that face! I will protect and defend her till the end!
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starheirxero · 1 month
At this point, the creators are just trying to see, how far they can take the angst until we all turn to dust-
The fact that Lunar actively doesn't want to feel, because they see themself a danger to everyone is making me become a feral dog-
Earth, oh for God's sake, she just keeps breaking me- The way she talked about Solar😭 He was her best friend, and her support system! He was the person, who always knew what to do, who always spent time with her, and now he's gone… THEY LITERALLY WANTED TO KNIT LITTLE ANIMALS THE DAY HE DIED- I am perishing-
It's very interesting to note, how different they all cope though! Earth, though heartbroken, is actively grieving in a healthy manner, or at least trying to! Meanwhile, her brothers are very much not coping- Lunar is numb, Moon is overworking himself, and Sun honestly doesn't seem to know what to do! None of them are quite able to process, it seems.
Eclipse's section was so fascinating as well! He seems so genuinely confused about Earth's words, about her lack of wanting to hurt Ruin! He was so quiet when he listened to her, pretty much soaking in her words! For the first time, he actually seems to see her, see a perspective beyond his own-
Not to forget her sympathy. Because yes, Eclipse's life was fucking tragic, and still is, his wrong doings don't change that!
If this continues the way I think it might, then to be honest, it'll almost be better if Solar didn't return- Don't get me wrong, I love the guy with all my heart, however, his death is a lot more…meaningful? It's different from the rest.
In the past, there has been a consistent case of quiet mourning, and not just for the dead. For example, Lunar's grief for what he could've had with Eclipse, which caused him to be sent to Solar's dimension in the first place! It's a very consistent thing that still lives on, even without actively talking about it!
Other death's were quietly wept for in the past. When Eclipse died, no one was shown to grieve him, though Lunar likely did quietly. Again, that was probably partly why Moon sent Lunar to Solar's dimension!
Bloodmoon too, was quietly mourned for, though it was only mentioned briefly! For one, with KC, and in a video, Lunar went to Solar's dimension and they watched baby photo fanart together! Somewhere, Lunar mentioned Bloodmoon's death, and Solar stopped the recording for a while! After that, it wasn't talked about anymore.
Lunar's death itself was rather different, as it was clear from the beginning, that he was alive, though it didn't change the weight of it! It was shown in the way Sun would get quieter when he was mentioned. Though it was never actively talked about, the weight was there.
Old Moon is a whole issue in and of itself. It was obvious, just how much Sun wept for him, but that too was done quietly, often avoiding the topic all together! Likely feeling like he couldn't mourn at all, because it'll be unfair towards new moon. It was a constant weight at the back of his mind.
There was KC as well. Moon made it clear, how angry and upset he was, but it was never quite elaborated on, likely hanging over him quietly.
My point is, that all their grief was something quiet that stayed in the background, pushing itself to the front every once in a while. No one ever took the time to grieve properly before, to sit down and weep, to scream at the sky. There was always too much happening!
Deaths were never the focus!
This time though, it's different! Solar's death is a constant cloud hanging over them, never leaving them alone. It feels more meaningful, y'know? It's in the forefront now, it's complete center stage!
It will likely also cause quite a bit of character development, seeing with Eclipse already.
Not to forget, seeing as it's something hanging over them, we'll likely see our main characters going through all the process of grief, and slowly learn to live with it, to move forward. At least that's where I think it might be going-
Which, if that's the case, would feel meaningless if Solar returns.
Then again, if he does come back, I WILL cry tears of joy, so-
Genuinely any sort of "we were supposed to do xyz" when a character died fucks me up SO BAD. They had plans. They had hopes. They assumed they'd both be alive by then ☹️☹️☹️
AND YEA THEY'RE ALL HANDLING IT SO DIFFERENTLY ITS AUGHHH. Genuinely yea Earth (and maybe Sun?) seem to be the only ones grieving in a healthy way and it's so heartbreaking to watch all around. AND ECLIPSE. ECLIPSE..... YEAH HIS MEETING WITH EARTH WAS WILDLY FASCINATING TO ME. Even Earth herself noted that Eclipse didn't insult her, just kinda questioned and then left.
AND EVERYTHING YOU SAID ABOUT DEATH IN TSAMS YESYESYES!!!!!!!! Genuinely me n my qpp were talking about something SO similar the other day, how no other characters had this level of grief from the characters and the videos!! There's always the obligatory "so-and-so is DEAD?! in vrchat" video but there was never a "missing Lunar" or "grieving the old Moon" video!! Like you said, it was always this quiet grief that seeped between the cracks and gunked up their ability to fully think or feel, but everyone was always so busy with Everything Else.
Now, we're at a point where most of the danger is dealt with or not a very immediate threat. Stitchwraith and Bloodmoon are more Foxy and Monty's problem, the Creator isn't targeting Sun and Moon (as far as we're aware, at least), and Eclipse is sort of... docile right now. The celestial family has time to grieve and they have every right to grieve because we really don't know if Solar is coming back.
I get you so hard btw I am genuinely so torn on whether I want Solar back or not for realzies ahsiahdj 😭😭😭
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Hey, do you feel their a double standard between the old moon and the original eclipse ? People will defend original eclipse actions like he was alone. Nobody gave him a chance, BUT when you bring up old moon and some good he did or say he was hurt too they be no old moon was terrible and irredeemable don't get me wrong I do consider them similar they both have s connection to the killcode and they did hurt people but I feel one get criticized harder than the other
Yeah, no I completely agree with you.
Old Moon wasn't as terrible as people made him out to be.
Yes, he was an abuser and toxically codependent with Sun. To the point he even told Sun he's not allowed to feel any emotions other then happiness or he won't be happy.
But the love was Damn there. Old Moon sacrificed everything he could to keep his family safe. Which carried over to the new Moon spectacularly.
NewMoon is very hard on his old self. Because he didn't like how he treated Sun. OldMoon tortured and tormented Sun until they separated and decided to become brothers.
Evil!Sun even said that Moon and Sun becoming brothers in that outcome is rare across dimensions. One or the other kills each other, or Moon dies early.
OldMoon also because of his trauma he sympathized more with villians, which is why Eclipse got to the position where Sun destroyed Moon's manna pool that lead to his death in the first place. Oldmoon feeling compassion for Lunar who took him in as a brother without Sun's permission. OldMoon who couldn't kill KC once he showed signs of change. OldMoon who took the deal with Eclipse.
OldMoon took on so many responsibilities on himself, because he saw himself as the Protector of "Sun's innocence" and his One singular family member was all he had back then. So of course he'd be protective and he even said that Sun was the only good thing in his life.
(Kinda reminds me how Solar sees his own Sun.)
But now... NewMoon has many family. Earth actually helped raise Moon in a sense, cause as far as NewMoon is concerned, his sister has been here since the start. And Sun was greiving and mourning, so Earth Stepped up and showed Moon how to become a compassionate person, even before Sun told him to watch the videos on their channel. I don't doubt she was an extremely positive influence as he developed into his own person.
NewMoon does carry the traits of the old Moon, caring deeply about his family, but he's FAR LESS codependent then he was. He now has different trauma of building up his old self, and villians in his head as more then how they are. He's just scared of becoming something he doesn't want. Or going back to the old bad habits he did have. Which is why he veers so hard in the other direction.
OldMoon sympathized with Villains? Well, now NewMoon won't give them a chance (Although I think that changed when he saw how pointless and pathetic Eclipse is)
NewMoon even attempted to hug and comfort Sun very early in his life. Which Sun pushed away, or flinched inwards at, because he wasn't used to affection from Moon. Even Now, NewMoon is sad that he doesn't get a lot of hugs.
OldMoon did have his good points, but his bad points too.
I actually do like to think OldMoon is watching Sun through NewMoon's eyes. Happy of the brother he can finally be now.
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ctommy-chileno · 1 year
Here's a list of some ongoing fanfictions I've been following if you want some literature
(Ongoing as in. Updated in the past month or this month)
Butterfly Reign: You know this one, it's the angst full and oddly yellow one. I always end up finding out it updated a day before it released how does that keep happening?. It's a good read, the characters get deeper the more you read it, and yet even with all their hidden lore and ok ish intentions I still want them to suffer because I'm a spiteful bitch. Unreliable narrator to you I believe him.
In the name of the fucking moon: Its a magical girls AU with the benchers and the family, more on the old school monster of the week type of magical girls but with continuity. If you imagine the scenes in your head while reading please add an 80's anime filter over it. Fun to read 👍 I got halfway through and I'm waiting for it to finish so I can binge it.
Guided evolution: Only read this if you have a lot of free time or the time management skills of a lawyer because this here is 300.000+ words and incredibly good. Every chapter I do nothing but worry for my spider son. Hasn't he been through enough I ask, while seeing I'm on chapter 52 out of 75. I know the answer, and it only serves to hurt me.
How to be the biggest trainer ever: Crimeboys go in a pokemon adventure. A very friendly fun read, like the pokemon anime but with your favourite white boys having fun 👍the world is set on gen 1 I think, so use that soundtrack
The stars and their children: Ive only read till chapter 5 and that's enough to know its good (also the fact that I follow the author here on tumblr so I get spoiled every once in a while hehe) This one is more sandduo focused and it has cool sci fi monarchy and it's also very near to end?? I didn't know that. Guess I'll get up to date then. Star tommy did nothing wrong I haven't seen him do much of anything but if he does in the other 19 chapters be aware he did nothing wrong
By the morrow: this one is weird and interesting in the most enticing way possible. What the fuck is going on. I must know all the reasons behind what is happening here. It can be quite macabre so be aware. I only found this one because the author posted the updates to tumblr. Oh yeah the synopsis, superhero au where the ctommy is a nobody who dies and fucks around the town in his ghost form but shit hits the fan incredibly quickly.
Who the ever loving fuck made me a prince: Its an Isekai yipee, our main boy (el ctommy) reads a book where a kid prince dies. L. Then he wakes up as that same kid!!! Oh no!!! Good news is he's reincarnated right in baby zone so he has plenty of time and skill to make sure won't die 👍, its fun, if you like isekais and don't mind some anime trope baby ism then you will live another day
Proof that life hates tommyinnit personally: This is a mystery!!! Spooky!! With touches of angst, perhaps more than some touches but hey the thrill!! The search!! I enjoy the use of the "it's not paranoia if they're really put to get you" tag. Its one of those fics that if it ever gets dropped I would go to the authors house to ask how was it supposed to end. I need. To know. Oh yeah summary: el ctommy is homeless and has many friends in a local mall who don't know that. This is only one (1) of his problems as he's recently gained a stalker, and everything points to being someone he knows ?? Question mark?? Fun.
TommyInnit's Declassified Vigilante Survival Guide: Ah a good old vigilante fic, just like mama used to make. it checks all the marks: benchtrio living together, villain sbi, when the family is founded, heroes yet bad?? and introducing a cool new power to the boy, what a joy! It is funny and it is cool
Our love it's like a burning sun: you've heard of racconinnit, birdinnit, ratinnit, cat shifter innit, possumi- hm I haven't heard that actually, anyways get ready for Red Panda innit, here's a red panda shifter who runs away from mean kingdom and goes to nice kingdom where he can find some family. And sometimes that's all you need to face the horrors
Thunder on my bones: ANOTHER superhero au listen man this one is good trust me. We have superhero boy being sidekick to mean superhero then gets moved to nice family of superheroes and the family is found :)) but also there's villains that want to fuck him up , uh oh! How will they found the family in this conditions! I also really like the design of the tommy superhero outfit, it has a really nice detail that I love imagining in my head ^^
There are more but these are long and easy to get into
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creativeafterdark · 8 months
Chapter 8
So unfortunately this week I have no sketches for the chapter due to slight burn out and work related reasons (also I had completely forgotten we get introduced to the pilgrims minus Sanzang in this chapter and their designs are anything but ready). As a result, I'm just going to write my thoughts.
First things first: Guanyin. I love Guanyin. They're just so calm about being attacked by two monsters and letting Hui'an handle combat. It also shows the sheer difference in strength between the four disciples, after seeing the trouble that he went through fighting Sun Wukong. Guanyin is a true being of mercy, not really making a big fuss out of being attacked and I commend them for it, I would be chewing Zhu and Sha's heads off. Though the "Perhaps in Two or Three Years" answer they gave the great Immortal, I'll need to pay attention to how much time passes to see if that's accurate (but I recall the full journey takes 14 years? Correct me if I'm wrong).
Next up: Sha Wujing. So after I'd previously read the Abridged Version, I was utterly confused as to why the Jade Emperor was petty enough to punish this poor man for BREAKING A CUP. Then I found a comic by antidotefortheawkward that explained how breaking a cup could be seen as a signal to attack. And I was like "...ah. That makes more sense now." Still a little petty, not hearing him out, but it made sense that it would be his first thought. Especially if he was cast out AFTER Sun Wukong's Havoc. I don't think we got a clear answer on that timeline (again feel free to correct me!). Even if he did eat people, I still love this pilgrim and can't wait for his chapter.
Next: Zhu Wuneng, aka Zhu Bajie. Quick to lower his weapon for a woman, lol. Jokes aside, it seems as though he's very unlucky with women (and vice versa). There is his flirting with the Moon Goddess (which is still unclear if it was consensual or unwelcomed, that would change my opinion of how this all went down), him killing his new form's mother and siblings (I've heard people say human flesh tastes like pork, so I guess that's where he got the taste for it, huh?), and the death of Second Elder Sister Egg (and him getting all her stuff). Unlike Sha Wujing, it does feel like Zhu Wuneng was begging a lot more for mercy. But Guanyin chose to believe his intent as being genuine, so he will be the next disciple.
Next: OUR DRAGON BOY. I'm gonna call him Bai Longma, as that's the name most know him by. I feel out of all of these, his punishment was the most unfair, and the fact that his father went to the Jade Emperor and seemed to be just fine with a DEATH SENTENCE honestly kills me. Like, I feel as though everyone was so on edge after Sun Wukong that punishments just amped up. I am glad Guanyin immediately jumped to his defense, and as a result got Sanzang a much better mount than any old horse.
And finally: Sun Wukong. Our old monkey. And the start of my favorite relationship in the story (the friendship between Guanyin and Wukong). Sun Wukong is still very bitter of Tathagata's trick but appears willing to do what he must to get free, though knowing what I do, I'm already thinking "Uh huh. Sure. Whatever you say, Great Sage" in a sarcastic tone. But that's for another chapter.
And with that, Guanyin continues their own journey to Chang'an to find our Tang Sanzang.
All in all, a very short but important chapter, setting the stage for journey and meeting the key players.
I probably will be doing more writing than drawing for the next few chapters (minus the intro to Sanzang), to both get off this burn out and because I don't recall any characters that show up more in the story aside from these chapters, so I don't see a point in making a design for them.
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anonymousfoz · 7 months
The Earth, Stars and Moon (Part 7)
Taglist: @quinnharperwrites, @holdmyteaplease, @yesireadbooks, @teacupsandstarlight, @vite-poh, @theoracleofgiana, @writeblr-of-my-own
Part 6 | Part 8
"Marekh?" The sounds of soft sobbing as a female remained at the remains of a burnt village, the crack of thunder matching with her frustration and grief. "Mars!" The female looked up as quickly a golden deer came running before transforming into their human-like appearance.
"They are all gone… The chil- I- I couldn't save them. Midnight was-My tribes is gone"
"There is time for grief, now is not the time."
"My job is to get you to safety." Aelius grabbed Marekh and began to descend into deep parts of the earth until it was fully pitch black before light began to arise. "This is a place she will never come to, because it is also the Land of the Dead."
"Dead? I'-"
"You don't have to do anything with the bodies." The two kept descending until landing at what appeared to be a dungeon. Marekh had never seen one, but Aelius told her about the ones he had built before. "Just stay quiet for a minute while I talk things out with-"
"Who?" A voice rang from the entrance and a body came down a set of stairs. "Who did you bring here? It better had not be that wife of yours."
"Look, Stolas. I would never do this unless something truly happened."
"I'm not babysitting anything. Last time it nearly ruined my home. Do you know how hard it is to manage the souls of the dead and send them back with a giant bird in your castle?" Aelius took Stolas into one of the dungeon cells leaving Marekh alone. The sun god picked up Stolas and pushed him against the wall.
"My wife just murdered my sibling tribes and wants her dead due to a prophecy one of your oracles made. I want Mars to remain safe and you are going to take care of her until I can find a safe way for her to be up at the surface or else when the moon cracks, Midnight will come for you and I won't stop her."
"If Mars dies, you're next on her list. You know her as well as I do since you're her fucking brother. Either do this or I will murder you myself."
"If you didn't interrupt me; I was going to say since she's down here, I can just train her to take Midnight down. I'm not dumb Aelius, but you keep doing this shit and not giving me a heads up. Send a messager!"
"Are you two done?" Aelius stood nearby the gate and Aelius put Stolas down before walking out towards Marekh and hugging her. Mars hugged back before walking with Stolas up the stairs. Aelius remained standing in the dungeon until ascending through the Earth and back to the surface. He would have to see her in secret. Only time could tell until Marekh could be safe around him on the surface. Until then, there was nothing he could do. He set the sun and went into the clouds where his wife was waiting.
"What's wrong?" He looked over at his once loving wife. Midnight sat down and gestured her hand for the moon to starting rising.
"I found out what you did." His wife went quiet before hugging him almost as if she was trying to soothe him, Aelius moved out of the hug not wanting his wife touching him at the moment.
"Sometimes, sacrifices are made and people betray one another. All that matters is that we are together under the sky." Aelius refused to look Midnight in her eyes and eventually headed out in frustration. He was truly upset about the entire event, but what was more upsetting was she wasn't trying to hide what she did but instead excuse and lie about Marekh. While heading out, Aelius hoped Stolas was a good teacher; if this prophecy was going to come true, Marekh would need to be ready to take down Midnight.
Sapphire sat exhausted watching the sun rise. She had completed the task which she was given which required a lot of digging and transporting of sand before creating new sand to replace the old one. The task itself wasn't difficult but the way to create new sand is what took the most energy out of her.
"If I needed sand this badly, I would had done it myself." A deep dark voice called from behind before picking up Sapphire. "You poor kid, left alone to do the dirty work."
"That's what I always do, Stolas." Sapphire responded as the two began to descend down to the Land of the Dead where a messager was waiting. Stolas ignored the messager knowing it was one of Midnight's but assigned one of his guard's to deal with the problem.
"Remember, don't call Mother. She tracks the usage of that name." The guard nodded before going to talk to the messager.
"How does that work?" Sapphire looked up at the large man who continued to carry her around his castle like structure.
"Every time you go by a tribal name or any of your friends, she can see where you are based on if you say or think it." Stolas responded. "It's how she figured out Aelius had a child, the woman called him by his tribal name, but she never tracks Neptune because Neptune doesn't call him that dumb tribal name of his." Sapphire would have to note this later but for now she was taken to Stolas' office and allowed to help with his numerous jobs as Death. It was less killing and a lot of paperwork. Sapphire was reorganizing Stolas' files based on alphabetical order by last name. Each filing cabinet was the different locations the souls were, in the Land of the Dead, and which were ready for rebirth. It was monotonous but it was better than anything Moth- Midnight would force Sapphire to do. Yet all the work made her wonder what Beary was doing at the moment. She would have to find out later as she was still sorting by last name, the files were long and cabinets were even longer. Once she finished, she reunited with Stolas who was fixing some food, he could go without food but did miss the taste of food.
"Could you inform me of the prophecy again?" Stolas went quiet before handing Sapphire a plate of dumplings.
"It was stated long ago that the earth and stars would turn against the moon. A new person would take her place and the old moon would be sent to the depths of the hell. An illegitimate child, generations of livestock on the hill of trauma and fear and a sacrifice of true love... a chaotic list of events that leads to the downfall and cracking of the older moon." Sapphire sat listening while eating a few dumplings. She had enough time now to fully figure things out. She wrote down a few notes and had more questions than answers but it was better than nothing. "Don't think about it too hard, you will figure it out eventually. If anyone can, you can." A small smile creeped onto Sapphire's face before Stolas gave her the rest of his dumplings before he returned to work. Sapphire sat in the kitchen alone in silence yet felt more safe than she had been in years. Taking another bite of the dumplings, she took in the silence as things would never be peaceful like this again. She eventually sent a messager raven to Wolfie. She would be able to figure out the rest of the prophecy and answer her questions. It was still only a matter of time before they would have to start unwinding the prophecy.
"¡Adelita! Ven aquí, ¡te necesito!" Sist- Adelita quickly rose from her room as that was her mother's voice. She wasn't sure what her mother really needed, it could be anything from needing to know the English's translation to a horrible beast in the house.
"¡Ya voy!" Sister Wolf ran to her mother who was in the kitchen cooking dinner for the familia. "¿Qué necesitas mamá?" Adelita was getting used to the no tribal name rule but she was less used to her mother screaming her name throughout the casa. Her mother stood cooking empanadas while Adelita's oldest brother Joaquín stood at the counter cutting fish.
"There is a raven outside from Sapphire." Her brother responded. "Also Mamá wants to know if the new one eats empanadas."
"Neptune will eat anything you give her, she's not a picky eater." Adeltia opened the door and headed on the porch. "¡Muchas gracias Joaquín!"
"¡De nada Addie!" The raven sat on the porch holding an letter from Sapphire. The raven cawed before being pet by Adelita and feed a piece of fish that Adelita had swiped away from Joaquín during lunch. The raven exchanged the letter for the fish before walking inside to play with the family's dog. The letter was nothing new, Sapphire and Adelita always sent letters back and fourth using the raven and Land of the Dead. Adelita went to her room where she opened the letter. She read the letter quickly before she was needed to help with dinner.
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glitterslag · 5 months
About the blogger meme
Thanks @moodyeucalyptus and @doubleappled for the tag and thanks apple for the fic shoutout! 🤠 Nice to read your answers 🤗
Star Sign(s): cancer sun (boooo 👎), libra moon, leo rising
Favourite Holidays: gotta say christmas for the food and festive cheer
Last Meal: i just made a chicken sausage and white bean stew thing for my dad
Current Favourite Musician: Right now probably Little Simz
Last Music Listened To: my last listened song on spotify was Modern Love by David Bowie
Last Movie Watched: The Wicker Man 1973 lol! Feels kinda wrong at this time of year but I'm dreaming of summer ig
Last TV Show Watched: Taskmaster UK, new season!! Recommend to all, highly silly and light-hearted
Last Book/Fic Finished: I recently reread American Psycho by Brett Easton Ellis (PB was my halloween costume this year and I wanted to get into a yuppie mood heheh)
Last Book/Fic Abandoned: The last book I DNF'ed was I'm Glad My Mom Died by Jennette McCurdy, which I had to read for a book club. The subject matter is obviously pretty heavy and it was sadly a little much for me at the time, although I could still see it being a good read if I'd been in a more robust mental state lol
Currently Reading: Just started reading Where the Crawdads Sing by Delia Owens.
And my current festive reading is this! Such a good magazine if you're into your folk horror (which I am, if that wasn't glaringly obvious)
Last Thing Researched for Art/Writing/Hyperfixation: I've been watching quite a few vids about homesteading and of people building their own log homes for my Appalachian Sydcarmy fic! It's super interesting and such a cool lifestyle, it would be cool if more people lived that way!
Favourite Online Fandom Memory: My first fandom on here was Queen/Borhap. I miss those days! That was such a lovely community and it made Covid lockdown days a lot brighter :')
Favourite Old Fandom You Wish Would Drag You Back In/Have A Resurgence: Borhap fandom for sure!
Favourite Thing You Enjoy That Never Had an Active or Big "Fandom" but You Wish It Did: Ben Howard is my longest running favourite musician and there isn't really an online community around him which makes me sad. I'm in his subreddit but it's kinda boring there lmao, it's not really like fandom vibes. I wish more people would make art and stuff
Tempting Project You're Trying to Rein In/Don't Have Time For: you know what, I'm being rly good lately and not starting too many things!!!
I do intend to return to my sydcarmy fic Sagittarius Season in the new year, but first I need to finish my baby BOJ and put it to rest 🤗
I do have A TON more supernatural sydcarmy au ideas up my sleeve but i think i'm just gonna enjoy them in my head :))
This was rly fun thank you!!! Tagging some The Bear babes: @angelica4equity @lunasink @sennenrose and some hellcheer babes who have tagged me in other things recently I believe : @hangon-silvergirl @erythromanc3r (pls accept this as a response I am forgetful and I lose track)
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sailoropal · 6 months
My Pinned Bio / Summary
Hallo // This pinned bio makes it easier to explain myself, this blog, and what content will likely be spammed with it. As well as reaching out to other fans also thriving here, heh.
I must quickly clarify I do interact with 18+ content, so please, minors DNI and everyone else, proceed with caution; however, this post is SFW, hah!
About Me:
I go by Fae or Spec (She/They).
I am 24 years old - ENFP and queer [not a shock considering my sailor moon core]
A recent postgrad burnout woman who has resigned from the stressful 9 - 5 STEM grad job I had to now work as a disability student support worker. There's a lot more flexibility in this role that allows me to have passions and personality outside my Degrees and Academics, haha!
Regarding birth charts and for the sake of astrology I am Taurus Sun, Capricorn Moon, and Sagittarius Rising.
I have ASD - Like many women, I was late diagnosed due to many in my community dismissing my observational signs as "quirks" and "A wee bit away with the fae". I masked a lot in my life, but I realize it is essential for my mental health to unmask where possible.
My first language is Gàidhlig; later in my life, I learned English when I wanted to move from the Scottish isles, where I grew up. So, if you have a DnD/OC character influenced by Celtic Myth/Gaelic culture, I am happy to give advice and commentary.
Attack on Titan, Avatar-The Last Airbender, Aggretsuko, Anohana, Bleach, Berserk, Chainsaw Man, Devilman Crybaby, Digimon, Dororo, Jojo's Bizarre Adventure, Made in Abyss, My Hero Academia, Naruto, One Piece, Pokémon, Sailor Moon, Shiki, Yu-gi-oh!, Yu Yu Hakusho, Lovely Complex, My Love Story!!, Wonder Egg Priority, Romantic Killer, Toradora, RWBY, ROTTMNT, Adventure Time, Bee and Puppycat, and a TON of K-dramas/C-dramas/J-dramas - atm I am watching a K-drama called The Glory and my most absolute fave is Strong Girl Bong-Soon.
I am starting the likes of Jujutsu Kaisen, Demon Slayer, and I am open to more recommendations!
Video Games:
Animal Crossing, Bloodborne, Baldur's Gate 3, Fire Emblem, Bravely Default, Cult of the Lamb, Dark Souls, Diablo, Hades, Stardew Valley, Rune Factory, Monster Hunter, Minecraft, Resident Evil, Street Fighter, Mortal Kombat, The Sims, Style Savvy DS series (Dress-up Games are my weakness), Pokémon, Super Princess Peach (also looking forward to the switch release!)
Okay, I am also obsessed with Dating Horror Games:
John Doe, Something's Wrong with Sunny Day Jack, DachaBo!, Frost Bite, My Dear Hatchet Man, House Hunted.
(I know Your Boyfriend is a popular one - the game is fun, but I am not a fan of the creator.)
I intend to play the likes of Touch Starved, Courtin' Cowboys, Snaggemon, Trapped with Jester, and more, heh. :^
I read a lot of Fanfiction alongside actual works by Elizabeth Lim, Sue Lynn Tan, Sarah J Maas, Judy Lin - Anything that is literally Chinese Mythic Based Plot, and Fae Smut, if I gotta be honest with you PFFT. I am on Booktok a ton, so recommendations are appreciated while I organise my Kindle.
I have been roleplaying/writing since about 15/16, so I have a few years of writing experience creating OCs and writing out RP Ideas. I went on an extended hiatus as I finished university and took time off to deal with my mental health as I settled into a new routine. I am currently not outright seeking RP partners as I slowly find the time to write again, but I am open to people reaching out to discuss their OCs and RP ideas!
I am such a recluse who will binge fanart, headcanons, and fanfics - I love listening to people talk about their OCs, Fanfics, AUs, and the works. If you share my hyperfixations, don't hesitate to infodump! I might get distracted and forget to respond- but I WILL respond.
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visionthefox · 9 months
So lunar is back and they finally got a model it seems they commissioned the same person who did Earth's but interesting enough Lunar's is better looking (there's somethings like the mouth for example are hard to look at just feels like an empty void) and still has the cuteness factor.
Second as we progress the video puppet and eclipse have a talk a long the lines of "don't you dare bring him back, because I see things, I saw the future everyone is in danger" and puppet is like "I don't care I'm bringing him back" and he does. Before they depart back to earth Lunar is there sitting in his pod while the computer/ai is finishing the process once it's done Lunar is awake he says "why am I small?" But he just sounds very sad and dull, he doesn't sound like before all cheerful and happy. As they try to leave Eclipse takes over the AI and keeps saying to Lunar "something will happen to the people he loves and this time it won't be his fault it would be yours" and Puppet is just like "come on kid, let's get going, just ignore him" and the episode ends there.
On the TSAMS channel we have a therapy session between Earth, Sun and Moon. Idk if Kat (Earth's VA) is studying or studied something along the lines of psychology or they have done extensive research on the topic. But more like a therapy session I felt like it was when your mom sits you down with your sibling and talk about differences to come to an agreement, that's what I felt. Like earth noticed right away that something was wrong with Sun and sun didn't want to talk about it and what did earth do? She began trying to distract sun so they wouldn't talk about it and she also said "venting will make you feel better" or something. she then went to moon and moon was like "he lied to me" and the whole family session started and they both expressed their emotions "I see, so you know Moon cares for you Sun. And moon sun really cares about you. You both don't want anything to happen to each.." they brought the situation with the old moon and sun said "I'm just waiting... For it to happen again.." and earth is like "the memory reset?" Sun says "no, moon to start acting like his old self because he has the same mannerisms, the same anger.." and other things I can't remember. To which moon replies "well, I'm not going to be like that" and they didn't hug it out but at the very end they shift the tone from something serious to something cheerful by saying "Let's go to the Barbie movie" and Earth is like "yes I'll put a lot of things in my hair, let me go get my pink clothes" and moon is like "yeah, I'll put some tec I did that goes around my neck to project color without painting myself" and sun is like "you know we can change color" and moon is like "I can only change my eye color, do you want the tech I made?" Sun replies with a "no" and jumps out of the balcony and says "Thank you Earth"
I tried my best to summarize both shows so yeah! :)
- 🍍-
aah I think I saw a post saying Lunar was back, but the issue was if he is a child or not- as for models, it clear they had more time to actually work on it, unlike earth, who had to be rushed.. so I imagine he looks somewhat better (im sure the artist did their best!) as for Eclipse part-- im a bit confused.. is Eclipse now able to see the future? so far, the universe they live in is.. still Eclipse universe, the one he made.. so make sense he has some control but weak.. but is odd - does this relate to ruin Eclipse in some way? or will be related to them? since they dont belong there but .. stayed? apparently? as for Earth... eh. maybe I was wrong.. maybe she is good for them.. like, doing this , this talk and all.. but it feels.. wrong , like, please lets remember, she is a new person in both Sun and Moon life.. she may live there, and all, but is been a few months , is not enough time to trust someone with deep feelings.. even if, she is the only one to like them.. but eh, if she is actually helpfull, then good on them.. I have an issue with the "Sun doesnt accept new Moon".. like, is so normal to feel afraid and just.. not be happy with the whole situation, lets get on Sun's shoes or slippers - he had to share a body with someone broken, cruel, angry, who eventually grew to be a brother, who yes, was mean, hit him and wasnt "nice" BUT was caring on his own ways, and the two learned to care for each other.. that person, who Sun saw grow, trust and eventually got to be in good terms.. is gone.. is all gone.. now this copy is here, is nicer yes. but as Sun said "is acting similar" one part of Sun maybe just , love to have a nicer brother! of couse! but other will fear the old moon to be back.. and with that, the hits and all.. I may defend old Moon a lot, he wasnt an angel, but he was most of the time right, he was doing the best he could, yes, hitting Sun was terrible, but lets remember the whole "stick" joke wasnt been use in a loooong time still.. I just felt like, getting mad that Sun is not ready to accept the new Moon to be. really, a new Moon, is cruel.. Sun never got so say goodbye, never got to trully understand Moon motives.. he is always having to accept what ever happends- is a bit too much.. but aaah, anyways.. is confusing- but is good the two got to chat. new Moon should be patience and learn to wait for his "brother" to accept him - thanks you so much for your ask and time!! <3
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witchthewriter · 2 years
Hi!!! I found your blog a little while ago and I've reblogged some stuff beforehand but I'm gonna reblog more 1. Just to be safe and 2. Because I love your writing!!!!!!! (I'm @sidefanficaccounttohidemyshame) I was wondering if I could get the level 5 ship for twilight, Vikings, and peaky blinders? (Or just one if the three is too much!!!)
I'm an infp, Gemini sun, Libra moon, and Gemini rising, I'm 19 years old and my pronouns are she/her!
I'm black and darkskinned and I have sister locs down to my neck and right now they're orange but I like to dye my hair a looooot, mostly pastels cause those are my favorite colors. I'm chubby and abt average height but I feel like I look very cherubic to people who don't know me well lol
I have a lot of different aesthetics that I like but I mostly like anything rlly soft looking and cutesy, like rn I've been really into coquette clothes, cottagecore, and pretty much anything pink. I really love whimsigoth clothes and aesthetics too tho!!
I love collecting things, particularly rocks and anything that an old lady would like (I own like 8 vintage tea kettles rn and it is not enough I need more in my life), languages (I speak three well-ish and I'm learning like 18, (one of the three is literally ancient Egyptian because I like learning ones that are mostly useless to me) and linguistics, mythology, witchcraft, cats!! (Pretty much any animal tho, like I'm obsessed with them. Especially animals people are wrong about being ugly, like shoebill storks??? Giant Chinese salamanders??? Adorable. Some of the best creatures on this earth.) anything sweet, writing, which I'm hoping to eventually be able to do full-time, and just walking around in parks tbh, I'm pretty simple to please
My music taste is just loud and/or sexy, sometimes forestlike, but pretty much every song in their is just something I couldn't show to a Victorian child without them passing out
Also if u have any nsfw to put in that'd be awesome but it's absolutely not necessary, just wanted to let you know that I'd be fine with it!!!!
Sorry if this was too long!!! I hope it was actually helpful lol
Want to be shipped? Here be the instructions 🦋
Hey doll you sound so sweet! I love all the information. It makes doing these so much easier - and they’re more detailed and suited to the person. So, good job!
What each ship has in common:
⋆ Intelligent ⋆ Fierce ⋆ Loyal ⋆ Emotional Intelligence ⋆ Curious
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I ship you with Rosalie - you’re opposites. Like moon and sun. But you don’t clash. Instead, you see new ways of thinking from each other and learn. 
・Nudging her when she says something too blunt. She sighs and apologizes (half-heartedly.) 
・You’re the one wearing the pants in the relationship 
・Rosalie will defend you until her dying breath 
・She likes kissing your neck 
・Having a very avid sex life. She likes it when you’re the dom; taking charge and pushing her against a wall. 
𝑇ℎ𝑒𝑖𝑟 𝑓𝑎𝑣𝑜𝑢𝑟𝑖𝑡𝑒 𝑡ℎ𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑎𝑏𝑜𝑢𝑡 𝑦𝑜𝑢
Your open mind and curiosity. Rosalie feels as though she’s trapped as a vampire. Always standing still, never moving forward. But you showed her that that isn’t true. You gave her hope. And continue to do so every day. You’re her reason to live. 
𝑌𝑜𝑢𝑟 𝑏𝑒𝑠𝑡 𝑓𝑟𝑖𝑒𝑛𝑑
Your best friend would be Alice! You have similar energy and would spend so much time together. You would learn a lot from each other; especially since Alice has lived for so long. She tells you about different styles and aesthetics, and she’ll love dressing you up. 
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I ship you with Ubbe Ragnarsson. I think he would be the most emotionally intelligent out of the men. He has a lot of curiosity and respect for new cultures. He has an open mind in that way, which links to that aspect of your personality. I think you would do well with someone who was able to see the deeper meaning of something. 
・He’s actually a sook when he’s alone with you. He loves how caring and gentle you are with him. He needs tenderness. 
・So that means he has a mummy kink ... playing with your tits, biting, licking, and sucking. 
・Telling you about the dreams he has for your future. He loves talking to you.
・Knowing each other’s facial features so well that you can read whatever the other is feeling 
・He wants you to decide what he should do with his hair. Whether it’s braiding, shaving, tattooing etc
𝑇ℎ𝑒𝑖𝑟 𝑓𝑎𝑣𝑜𝑢𝑟𝑖𝑡𝑒 𝑡ℎ𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑎𝑏𝑜𝑢𝑡 𝑦𝑜𝑢
Your smile. He loves making you smile. He’ll do the most insane things just to see it. It’s not as if you’re a moody/grumpy person, but there’s something about him being the reason you smile, that gives him butterflies. 
𝑌𝑜𝑢𝑟 𝑏𝑒𝑠𝑡 𝑓𝑟𝑖𝑒𝑛𝑑
Would be Torvi. I think she has a lot to say and is very wise, but thinks about what she wants to say a lot, which leads her to not speak much. You encourage her to say what she wants, and she loves hearing your thoughts. 
𝐏𝐞𝐚𝐤𝐲 𝐁𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐫𝐬
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I ship you with Ada Shelby! I think you two would be a match made in heaven. Absolutely getting each other. You’re zodiacs match up, but not only that, but your values as well. 
・Reading together in front of the fireplace. You would laze between her legs, your head resting on her stomach while you both have a book in front of you. 
・Knowing that you’re safe because you’re a part of the Shelby family. You can do whatever you want in Birmingham and there are no repercussions. 
・Having civilized debates together; hearing the other’s opinion without it getting heated
・Dates at the movie theatre, picnics, lazily drawing figures on each other’s naked bodies
・She likes being in charge, stripping you naked and kissing every inch of your body
𝑇ℎ𝑒𝑖𝑟 𝑓𝑎𝑣𝑜𝑢𝑟𝑖𝑡𝑒 𝑡ℎ𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑎𝑏𝑜𝑢𝑡 𝑦𝑜𝑢
Your intelligence, determination, and desire for knowledge. Ada values these qualities in herself - so when she met you, it was like she felt seen. Ada loves talking to you about literature, about philosophy, languages, and animals. Anything you’ve learned she loves to hear about it. 
𝑌𝑜𝑢𝑟 𝑏𝑒𝑠𝑡 𝑓𝑟𝑖𝑒𝑛𝑑
Your best friend is Esme - she would definitely connect with your cheerful and blithe personality. You’d gossip with each other, invite her for tea and meet her own family. She’s such an interesting person that feels so mysterious to others, but to you, she’s your good friend. 
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nochiquinn · 2 years
campaign 3 episode 36: and THAT'S MY WIFE
marisha is cute in those glasses
[screams in lovm]
that was so abrupt
I feel like I have to get this to counter the fact that I own the c1 deck from the geek&sundry days
"just wash her out with your tears"
ngl I was not expecting the concept of whitestone to hit me in the chest like this
like they're not even really IN the city yet and I can feel my heartbeat in my face
sun tree SUN TREE
whitestone, premier spring break destination
The Tree™
matthew mercer one-man show as the entirety of vox machina
"falls into step where derrig would have been" fuck you liam
what in the okami
liam: and THAT'S MY WIFE
none of us are over keyleth but liam o'brien is definitely not over keyleth
fcg. sam.
keyleth is non-denominational
"sometimes you have to meet them"
the way I can SEE keyleth aaaahhhh
"that fuck"
travis losing it in the corner
was it a "came back wrong" D:
lays in the floor
tiny de rolo??
Break the Moon is my indie post-punk band
…what if the two exu storylines connect over the different apogee solstices
flying city, flying balcony bar, same picture
liam is going to murder me
"that together form - " "voltron"
the clock turns into a mech
is it still the glasses with 87 lenses, we lost those in lovm but are they still canon here
oh there I go I'm broken
percy: [being pompous and intimidating] playing in the back of my head: "the BUTTFLAP is DOWN"
oh they finally said the name, thank god
matt as percy is killing me
(percy as percy is killing me, knock it off you edgelord fuck)
orym: look here you hypocrite
did he roll the advantage??
the bakeryyyy
"he's very old, he could go at any moment"
"daddy the moon's haunted"
"crackpots" percival
I was legitimately not expecting to go this feral over this
tlovm is fantastic but [gestures at the table and the faces and the reactions]
"were you here when the briarwoods were here" something like that
crying over a city
I'm love her
she contains multitudes
okay okay okay okay
just a simple housewife
"she was you"
ashton: well this might as well happen
"you hear that babe? we're legends."
oh we're just doing this
delilah u whore
the way EVERY MIC just blew out
I figured that'd be percy's reaction
get his assssss
percival you edgelord fuck
taliesin looks a half second away from answering as percy at all times sdkjfs
the taliesins are fightinnnnng
"his hand goes to the side of his coat" "that's fine"
fuck him uuuuuuup
"my children will not grow up in a world where that woman exists"
oh no ashton's unsupervised
[road to el dorado voice] he's LOOSE
oh no
is ashton gonna play dominoes
"that's not eyesight" mood
I missed trinket noises
"it's a good thing he's got arthritis"
ashton literally pokes the bear
new favorite dynamic
"they're on the council though"
"pike's mine now"
ashley create pike's house in the sims
is this where she lived with scanlan
"he's a complicated man" -> "he's a prick"
I enjoy that matt is using full titles; we obviously know this is vex and percy and keyleth but the hells don't, they're the Tempest and Lord de Rolo and Lady Vex'ahlia
man please imagine if liam had landed that Fuck You persuasion check
sam has played dragon age
when lady vex'ahlia shooshes you you shoosh
pike speedruns campaign 1
"we get a lot of fresh-baked goods, to be fair"
vex guest star party member??
sam riegel, forever wife guy to pike trickfoot specifically
"take a bet on my soul?!" percy's influence
fcg has a human body now a la curie from fallout 4
I wanna live, I wanna experience the universe and I wanna eat pie
vex: I KNOW he's a prick, I married him anyway
"fuck whatever THAT was"
I was never a huge pikelan person but the idea that this might be the house she shared with scanlan is still making me 🥺
excited for this dark ride at critical role land
just do it the old fashioned way dsklfjsl
ashton turn urself into an astral goldfish
"fucking clerics"
turn your back to the woods, hut, hut
dsjkhfs not the blueberry muffin
pate origin story
"I owe you a Coke"
that is Too Many
Scorching Marisha Ray
remembers the joke Matt made on twitter that his special attack is throwing his wife at people. It's the Marisha Ray.
"I would like to Win"
"that I will reroll bc I am not sam"
"if chetney dies so does christmas"
"your face looks like a butthole!"
guess about how much attention I've been paying to this combat sklfdjslds
"she's gonna know" "how will she know?" "she's gonna KNOW"
"chetney is now in campaign 4"
oh no
I was afraid of this
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jkbabiey · 2 years
In your ask, you have to include: your initials or your first name (wtv you prefer); your pronouns; your sun, moon, and venus signs; your love language; a word that you would use to define yourself; your favorite song at the moment.
Hi!! :)
My name is Bridget (B.S)
My pronouns are she/they!
love language quality time maybe???? gift giving? I’m sorry I haven’t had any relationships so I have no real idea lol
creative or ambitious maybe!
fave song the only living boy in New York by Simon and Garfunkel or Annie’s song by John Denver :)
Thank you so so much!!!
Hi Bridget!! So glad you joined the game!!
𝐀𝐛𝐨𝐮𝐭 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐬𝐨𝐮𝐥𝐦𝐚𝐭𝐞:
Your cards: King of Swords, Queen of Wands, Queen of Pentacles, The High Priestess
Very light skin. Curly dark hair. They may have a lovely smile or look very pretty when they laugh. That could also be related to the sound of their laughter. You may enjoy the way they laugh. Pretty hands and feet. They may have long fingers and you'll enjoy playing with their hands. Long lashes?? A lot of moles are along their whole body, or maybe they have freckles. They have a very cute vibe to them. Very cottagecore, idk. They may also have a big scar on the body, from a previous surgery, or something like that. A short and thick neck. May be a Taurus rising (idek why that came up, I'm not even looking for astrological placements, but that still came to me)
Your cards: The Tower, Judgement, The Chariot, The Lovers, The High Priestess
There's something different about this person. They have been the weird kid throughout their school years. They have a perfect sense of what is right and wrong and always tend to do the right thing. I'm getting that they don't care about trends. They won't do something they disagree with just because everyone else is doing it. But they won't judge anyone for doing anything they feel like doing, even if it's wrong. Like they won't judge their friends for doing wrong things, but they won't do it themselves. They are a very ambitious person. Romantic and old-fashioned. May not be the most open-minded person tho. They have a formulated opinion on EVERYTHING.
Your cards: The Hermit, Page of Cups, Queen of Cups, Justice (rev)
At the time you meet this person they will be working at a job they love. This is a job that requires them to think a lot and to have new ideas. Something related to creativity. At this job, they work alone and they don't like to work with other people. I don't think this job will pay as much money as they would want and probably not enough to compensate for how hard they'll work. They may work in the artistic area, maybe painting, or acting.
Communication Style
Your cards: Page of Swords, The Chariot, Ace of Wands (rev)
They talk with a lot of enthusiasm and are very lively. They talk a lot and their voice is very cheerful. They always want to talk about something new and are very curious. They are always asking questions. And they have a very big thirst for knowledge. The way they talk may be a little confusing and many will get lost in the conversation because just a few people can keep track of the talk and understand the way their mind works. They have a very cheerful voice but I don't feel like it's high-pitched. More low-pitched voice, but still very cheerful and lively.
Love Language
Your card: Strenght
I'm getting physical touch here, tbh. This person will like to touch you, in a sexual and a non-sexual way. They will love to hold hands, hug, to kiss. Cuties :)
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I hope you liked your reading, Bridget!
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brattata · 2 years
Hiii, I loved your event! Could I join it if it's still open? I'd like a Hunter X Hunter matchup, please! The letters are I, O and W from the fluff alphabet. Thank youuu!
My pronouns are she/her, I'm a cis girl and I don't have any preferred gender! I turned 18 last week! 🎉
I’m a very smiling, optimistic and temperamental person. I believe I am very creative too! I'm energetic and playful, but a little irritable, selfish and stubborn sometimes. I’m boyish and clumsy, so I accidentally hurt myself a lot. My mood changes very, very quickly. Sometimes I can be very very stupid and reckless. I'm a very determined person and when something goes wrong for me I'll try again and again and again. But I'm very bad at hearing advices, so I usually don't know what time I should stop.
I love drawing, that’s my main hobbie! I spend a lot of time writing alternative universes on my computer or watching cartoons/anime. I simply love meeting new places, so I always want to travel! I love summer, the sun and the hot weather! I also love musicals and singing!
I like honest people that work hard for their dreams, and will be interested on my adventures, have honest conversations, unexpected dates, and have fun with me a lot! I'd like to fall in love with my best friend. A dealbreak is definitely when someone never goes after what they want and just idealizes everything. It's very frustrating, and so is pessimism, laziness and indifference.
My zodiac signs are: Gemini Sun, Libra Moon, Leo Rising and Venus Gemini. I'm an ESFP! By the way! I don't have any specific characters that I wouldn't want to be matched with, but I'd prefer to be matched with a character on the "good" side, I don't like villains lol
I think that's all! Thank you so much!
Happy birthday, and thanks for giving me my first ever request for Hunter x Hunter! It’s one of my newer fandoms, so hopefully I do it justice.
The more I read and re-read your description, the more I feel like the one for you is…
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Leorio! Okay, yes, your personality types are very similar, and Gemini and Pisces aren’t a typical match. But I think your shared personal values and compatible wants in a relationship make you a really good pair. You might be one of those “sharing the same braincell” type of couples, but as long as you put the braincell to good use when he’s being brainless and vice versa, maybe that’s a good thing?
I is for Inspiration:
I think you could help Leorio be a more authentic version of himself. He’s a hardworking and compassionate person, but sometimes he feels the need to cloak it in a layer of cynicism to seem more mature and worldly. You could help him see that it’s cooler to just be honest about his ideals. Also, I think he could help you be more careful with yourself. He’s soooo grumpy and naggy every time he has to patch you up, but don’t you feel a little bad for making him worry so much?
O is for On Cloud Nine:
Yeah, it’s extremely, painfully obvious that Leorio is in love with you. Every stranger who passes you on the street is going to know. Get used to Killua and Gon (but mostly Killua) rolling their eyes and making gagging noises at you two, because that’s going to be your life now. He’s a complete simp for you about 80% of the time and the other 20% you’re arguing, but even then it’s very obvious how much he cares.
W is for Wild Card:
You guys weren’t enemies-to-lovers exactly, but there was a touch of frenemies-to-lovers. Your first impressions of each other weren’t the best. He offered to help you after you were (recklessly but not seriously) injured during the Hunter Exam, which was nice, but he definitely said something super dumb about how you wouldn’t have gotten hurt if you acted more ladylike. To which, you replied that it’s weird and pathetic for a 30 year old man to be hanging around with a bunch of children. And thus, a great love story was born. 😘
I really hope you enjoyed the matchup, @kokkino , and thank you for joining the event (and for the follow)!
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veiled-clan · 4 months
(This clan is made using the monstrous mayhem challenge (with turn based combat) in the clangen discord and using the accessories+ mod)
long ago, Veiledclan was blessed by the dark forest with "gifts", but these so called blessing demanded new forms, so the cats were transformed, and starclan wasn't happy with that, so they cursed the clan to be confined within their borders, living in perpetual leaf-fall
(this is very silly and I don't have a lot of thoughts rn so this lore is subject to change, mostly the details tho)
Introducing now, the cats of Veiledclan:
(I will make some slight changes on their designs in the future)
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Goldstar, the leader of Veiledclan
He is 89 moons (at moon 0)
He is a mummy and has wraps in almost every part of his body, except the movable parts like joints, ears, etc and his skin is very very thin
An out of the box thinker and a good speaker. often defending those who cant fend for themselves. hes kind and loved by everyone on the clan
Hipnotic, has a chance to knock out opponents for a few turns or make them unable to continue fighting the battle untill the end Opponent is knocked out for 1-3 turns.
Undead Resilience (+15 HP): These monsters can’t be stunned or hypnotized, but are usually quite slow (they aren’t the first to attack).
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Emeraldgaze, the deputy of Veiledclan
89 moons old
He is a gorgon with snakes on his head and a rattle in his tail
He would kill anyone to protect his clan, despite the bloodthirsty nature, he's a beloved kitsitter
Stone Stare: The user sends a harsh glare at their opponent, and if they make eye contact, they're turned to stone temporarily and frozen in place. If frozen in stone, the opponent is no longer able to battle unless the user of the ability is knocked out or killed.
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Smokemane, the healer
57 moons old
He is a sphynx but more normal, with a cat head instead of a human one
He keeps the story of the clan and often goes out exploring and gathering herbs.
Decipher me or I'll devour you: During 3 rounds he will say a riddle and freeze an opposing cat until they answer it, if they answer wrong, they take 10 dmg, if they answer right: 1 time: nothing happens. 2 times: nothing happens. 3 times: Smokemane cannot attack that cat anymore. (I created this one hehehe)
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Featherfuzz, the mediator
35 moons old
He's a harpy, his front legs are wings and he has feathers instead of fur
He's a good speaker, despite his playful nature, and a good mediator
Convincing song: makes an opponent unable to attack for a few turns or forces them to attack an ally
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90 moons old
She's a demon, with a demon tail, horns, spikes, wings and black scleras
A demon who found herself unable to leave the clan after the curse was set upon them, shes an eloquent speaker, often using that ability to get away with the trouble she causes.
Manipulates shadows): -15 HP to opponent. There's a 25% chance of shocking or trapping opponents each time the ability is used, which will skip the opponent’s next turn.
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86 moons old
A dragon, with dragon wings, horns, spikes and talons
A skilled heart-reader,who spends most of her time with Smokemane, passing on the stories of the clan
Super Strength: They can deliver a -20 HP blow. There's a chance the opponent will be knocked out each time this move is used, thus making this ability-user victorious.
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56 moons old
A cow Centaur, with the upper half of a cat and the lower of a cow
A good storyteller, often seen entertaining the kits, and a good swimmer
Super Strength: They can deliver a -20 HP blow. There's a chance the opponent will be knocked out each time this move is used, thus making this ability-user victorious.
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23 moons old
A dryad, with plants growing from her fur.
A troublesome cat who dozes off easily.
Photosynthesis: They recover 2.5 HP every turn (only in the sun-light, so battles during the day).
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9 moons old
A Manticore, with a lion mane, bat wings and a scorpion tail
An adventurous cat and a picky nest builder.
Venomous: Similar to Cursed Bite, but they'll continually lose 2.5 damage instead of 5 until they flee the battle and are treated.
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10 moons old
A very tiny pixie with dragonfly wings and a sparkly aura
The sneaky and oddly insightfull pixie, he loves to steal and hide the other cats trinkets
Agility (-15 HP): These creatures are unusually fast! They’ll always attack first (unless facing an ability that nullifies theirs). They're twice as likely to avoid all attacks (making a 50/50 chance a 25% chance of hitting them).
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