#I don't know why I didn't eat dinner. I definitely got the plate of food but I didn't eat it
maitanii · 5 months
IT WASN'T LOVE. He wasn't in love. Ran Haitani, definitely, wasn't in love.
However, as his finger scrolled through the phone screen each night, attempting to delete some blurry photos where only the outline of a smile was discernible, laziness conveniently took hold, allowing those files to continue occupying space on the phone.
On closer inspection, you're not that pretty. He wouldn't even say you're pretty, just an ordinary girl. Those five freckles scattered across your cheeks aren't that beautiful, even though they reminded him of the constellations Rindou always points out when they travel to the countryside. The poorly painted nails, slightly bitten at the corners, are just another sign that you're a mess, although he always brings a nail file for you to use. And the small chip in your front teeth? Nothing out of the ordinary, but he was with you when the fall happened (and watched you cry yourself to sleep while holding you on the couch).
"Are you listening to me?"
"Loud and clear."
"Right." Returning to spear the fork into the salad, you made sure not to pick any tomatoes. Those were left for Ran. "When is the fight?"
"Tomorrow." Reaching for his cutlery, he began to stab at his food. "Are you worried?" he commented before starting to chew.
"Don't talk with food in your mouth, pig." Placing your face in your hands, you turned your head to look out the window.
The red lights from the opposite building reflected on your forehead. In just a minute, Ran had noticed you had gotten new highlights in your hair. He also spotted the small pimple that had popped up near your chin and the poorly applied concealer on it. The tension in your shoulders. And that you didn't want to look him in the eyes.
"What time is the fight tomorrow?" you asked as Ran's slender fingers played with the engraving on the fork.
Ask me not to go.
"At seven. But South always asks us to arrive earlier. Should we order dessert?"
Ask me not to go.
Come on, ask me not to go.
Taking his gaze away from some point on your face, he lowered his head. The ambient music in the restaurant slipped into the silence of the conversation. How could he fall in love with someone who worried about him getting hurt in a fight? Trust was the foundation of any relationship, right? Damn it.
The Mont Blanc and the cheesecake didn't last long on the table. In a fork battle, the desserts soon disappeared. Rindou had always suffered the consequences of stealing bites from his food, so why had he fought with you to accept eating the last piece of Mont Blanc?
"I have exams soon, and I'd like to get up early. Can you take me home?"
"Sure." Smiling, Ran thanked the waiter who cleared their plates (the first time he didn't thank him, you reproached him for it). "But you have to let me pay."
"Then I guess you'll have to walk home alone."
"No problem."
He sighed. Fighting was pointless. In all the years since your friendship began, you had never let him pay an entire bill. Not even when your ex-boyfriend left you and gave you several jars of ice cream could you avoid leaving some coins on a piece of furniture at his house. Or when he gave you that bouquet of flowers on Valentine's Day, and you left two boxes of chocolates on the backseat of the car.
The way back home was quiet. To no one's surprise, you chose the music, and he chose the topic of conversation. The guys from your economics class. The new mascara that didn't leave many clumps. The scholarship you had applied for months ago. He was so engrossed that he got distracted and ended up driving through several streets, prolonging the journey. Well, what a silly mistake.
"Thanks for bringing me home. And thanks for today." Raising your thumbs, you drew a slight smile on your face. "I needed to get out for a while."
"I know, you took too long to respond to my messages."
"I always do that."
"Not to an invitation to have dinner at your favorite restaurant."
"You know me so well." Pinching his cheeks between your fingers, you watched as he squinted his eyes.
Closing the car door, Ran watched as you began to search for the keys to the gate in your bag. Taking out his phone, he checked the messages he had received during dinner. Two taps on the door prevented him from replying to the meme Rindou had sent him. Your perfume once again invaded the interior of the car.
"Ran." The concern in your voice made him immediately turn his head. "I know it's a lot to ask, but please try not to go to the fight tomorrow. You can come up with any excuse and come to my house. But please, don't go."
A smile began to slowly form on his face.
He wasn't in love. But when he got home and wrote a message to South saying he had a fever, he had done it with immense joy in his heart. And when he went to bed and looked at the photos he never deleted from his gallery, he would write again in his notes the places he wanted to take you. But he wasn't in love because what he felt was beyond any of that."
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books-and-catears · 2 years
Hey uh sry to bother you but can you do a Mc who is TERRIFIED of the demons and every time they are threated, put in danger, attacked and killed, they don’t forgive and avoid them even more. They run away from them, in constant fear and paranoia and they hide in their room and barricades the door. They now carry a weapon like a knife or something and stay up with it because they are paranoid that they will break in and kill them. How are the bros gonna fix this?
Oh I'm gonna love figuring this one out. Let's see how far these demons will really go to fix this one. God I can feel this MC's fear and anger in my heart.
Edit: This became so long I had to divide it into two parts. The Headcanons or reactions of individual characters will be in the next part.
Also I'm so sorry for all the delays in answering asks btw. Its been super busy and overwhelming to write like I used to. I get so many lovely asks but I delay writing them or sometimes can't even write them at all. I'm genuinely so sorry.
Love and Consequences
(Pt. 1) || (Pt. 2) ->
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Alone. You're all alone here. This was the one lesson that night taught you. Not the angels, nor the human is on your side.
They are all age old immortals who've known each other for centuries. And you are just human who tried to their very best. You risked your life each day for monsters who would watch you die without batting an eye.
If the whole realm wasn't crawling with demons, you'd have run away without a second thought . But the best you could do now was hide, keep yourself safe and locked in your room, clutching a knife in your trembling hand.
"Oh, you dumb little human..."
Your blood still ran cold at his words, at his eyes. Noone had ever looked as terrifying as he did last night. It wasn't him that scared you, though, not at all.
It was how easy it was for the rest of them to not care. To move on, to watch you be betrayed and welcome the traitor with open arms. No you couldn't stay here any longer.
There was the dull knocking on the door again. You prepared yourself.
"MC, please, you haven't had food for days, please open up and eat some-"
"Why? So you can poison me this time? Watch me struggle to hold onto dear life again?" You screamed. "Get away from my door!"
Asmo backed away from the door, flinching as if you'd slapped him across the face with all your strength. He went back to the dinner table, dejected.
"They refuse to come out. Screamed at me to get away again."
"MC is going to fall seriously ill at this rate. They haven't eaten in days." Satan ran his hands through his messy hair as he dropped a stack of books to the floor. Human Anatomy and more, they were called.
"Luke tried calling them last night. MC didn't pick up his call either." Beel said, fidgeting with the food on his plate.
Lucifer's eyes widened at the news. Then he glanced up the stairs and let out a deep sigh. If the baby angel wasn't acknowledged, the rest of them were definitely done for.
"Mammon you can't keep doing this too! Lucifer, look!" Levi pointed. His eyes were puffy, nose bright red. How long had he been crying?
Mammon wordlessly tilted his plate, all his food falling on Beel's plate. "I'm just not hungry. I'm leaving now."
"You said that yesterday too. Just listen to me. Sit down and eat, Mammon." Lucifer was too tired to be stern anymore.
"Listen to you? A whole lot of good that did to us." Mammon chuckled dryly as he got up and left without another word. Lucifer closed his eyes and leaned back.
"MC really hates me now huh?" Asmo sniffled. "I'm not used to being hated. I didn't know it hurts this much..."
"Ha. Welcome to my world." Levi let out a sardonic laugh. "Have fun, it keeps getting worse."
"Can we keep some food for MC in the fridge? Just in case they sneak out of their room to eat once we're all asleep?" Beel suggested.
Satan agreed, "I don't think we have another optio-"
"MC'S NOT IN THEIR ROOM!" Mammon screamed as he stumbled down the stairs.
"The windows were open, there's a rope made of the bedsheets attached to something, everything's a mess, they're GONE!"
"They escaped through the window?!"
"But when did- how- but MC- all alone-"
"There's no time. Everyone get your coats, we're leaving. I'll inform Diavolo and the others. We'll split into two groups and search for MC." Lucifer stood up, rushing to grab his things. Everyone else followed suit.
"I'm guessing that doesn't include me." Belphie said bitterly, still seated while everyone else was up and rushing about.
Mammon glared red at him. "Don't you dare follow us." He was the first one out the door.
"Considering what you did to the last person who tried to include you," Satan said, putting on his jacket, "it'd be better to leave you locked back in the attic."
Belphie looked at Beel. The sight of the rest of his brothers sickened him. But Beel only said, "On their very first month here, MC risked their life to save me from one of Lucifer's deadly attacks. If you were there, they would have saved you too."
"I thought I'd find you here."
Solomon's voice almost startled you off the tree branch you sat on. He was inches away, simply leaning against the trunk, sitting on the branch under yours.
You readied your weapon. "If you dare tell the demons, I'll-"
"I have no such intention. I simply came here at Luke and Simeon's request. They've been worried sick. And believe it or not...so have I." He gave you a pained smile.
You simply exhaled and rested your head back against the trunk too. "How did you find me?"
"You brought me here once. Told me this tree reminded you of one from your backyard and that me and this tree were your little piece of home in this hellhole." He answered.
"My mistake. You're more part of this world than you ever were part of mine." You cradled the knife in your hand.
He turned quiet, staring ahead, desolate.
"You should run soon. They're almost here." It was the last thing he said, before getting off the tree. But on the road back, he kept glancing back at you.
You sat up, alert. You could see Asmo's pale pink hair and Diavolo's panicked face in spaces between the fluttering leaves.
"MC! Is that you?! MC, wait!" Someone spotted you as dropped. You dived headfirst into some dread rose bushes.
Damn your eyes, Satan.
"Surely you knew this would happen." Simeon's voice was low but held repressed anger, about to overflow.
Barabatos sighed and shook his head. "I assure you, I did not. I donot look through the time portals as often as you think."
"Could you not look to see where MC is right now?" Luke shouted, turning around. He was running far ahead than anyone else.
"I did try looking, Luke. I'm afraid it showed me nothing. Someone is obscuring MC's presence with powerful magic." The butler replied.
There was a crease of worry on his usually calm face,that refused to go away.
"Magic powerful enough to obscure your portal? There's only one person strong enough to do that and he's been gone for the past hour." Lucifer grabbed a fistful of his hair and groaned.
"Hey look! Isn't that Solomon? And he's carrying something?" Luke pointed ahead, as the white haired sorcerer walked through some bushes with a solemn face.
"He's.. he's carrying MC! MC's unconscious!" Beel exclaimed before lunging forward at break neck speed.
"I'm taking MC home. They're too weak to spend another day here. You can meet us there, once MC's condition improves." Solomon said, coldly.
"What happened? Where did you find them?" Lucifer demanded to know.
"MC was trying to escape through the bush maze because Satan spotted them in the trees. I was waiting near the exit." He answered.
"By that time, MC looked exhausted, using the last of their strength to hold the knife close. I bent down to help them up, "Don't let them find me again. Please, Solomon." That's the last thing they said, before collapsing on me."
Silent tears spilled out of Luke's eyes. His entire body trembled with worry. Simeon put a hand on his shoulder, barely keeping it together himself.
Lucifer stared at your closed eyes and the knife you still held onto. He lowered his gaze and moved out of Solomon's way. "Get home safe, MC."
Barbatos summoned a portal without any prompting. "I humbly request you'll let us know when MC gains conciousness."
"No promises." Solomon said, before walking through and disappearing.
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ashwhowrites · 1 year
Request for fluff? You got it, darlin!
I'd like to request a fic with Steve surprising Reader at college. For whatever reason, she wasn't able to make it home for Thanksgiving break (plane tickets, bad weather, exhaustion, etc). So he decides to go to her, because why not? Her roommate went home so he just stays with her in her dorm and they eat cheap Ramen and make waffles for Thanksgiving.
So cute! Definitely
Not sure why most of my fluff ends in allusions to sex
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"I can't make it home. I can't afford to fly and I don't have a car to drive. I'm sorry" Steve felt himself deflated at her voicemail. Sadness filling him as his girlfriend canceled their thanksgiving plans. She was at college, states away and he hasn't seen her since summer. Which was way too long not to see his girlfriend. Steve didn't have a close family, so his thanksgiving was going to be him alone in his room eating junk food while he missed his girlfriend.
But it didn't have to be that way. Steve wasn't going to wait to see her until Christmas, he wanted to see her now. He had a car, and he had money. That was the only two things he needed to go to her. He packed his bags, throwing in random clothes.
Throwing his bags in the car, yanking out a wrinkled map, he planned his road trip. He was about to call her, tell her that he was coming to her. But maybe surprising her would be better.
Smiling to himself as he started his car, hitting the open road
Y/N was cleaning up her roommates mess, brain over thinking in many different directions. She called Steve hours ago with the bad news, and he never called her back. She understands he was upset but she wished he'd at least called. She felt guilty enough as it was. Knowing both of them would spend Thanksgiving alone, she didn't want him to be upset with her on top of that.
She moved to the door when there were rapid knocks. Quickly opening the door, to see her boyfriend.
"STEVE?" she squealed, not waiting a second and jumping in his arms. He held her thighs as she wrapped herself around his waist.
"god I missed you" he groaned, wrapping his arms tighter around her. Squeezing her as hard as he could without cutting off her air supply.
"what are you doing here?" She asked, removing herself from him, allowing him to walk in her small dorm.
"I wasn't going to sit at home all sad when I could just make my way to you. I want to be with you" he said, throwing his bag on her roommates bed
"that's so sweet" she awed, throwing her arms around him and kissing his lips. Steve kissed back in seconds, loving the way his body relaxed as he moved his lips against hers. He missed her lips, her kiss, and just her.
"I kinda don't have any food for a big thanksgiving dinner" she laughed, opening her cabinet
"what are you talking about? Ramen noodles? cheese itz? Potato chips? That's a solid dinner right there" he gasped out.
She rolled her eyes at his sarcastic comment, grabbing the noodles and snacks
"oh definitely. Best thanksgiving ever" she joked
Steve wrapped his arms around her waist as she filled the ramen noodles with water
"as long as I'm with you, it's definitely the best thanksgiving ever. No matter what we are eating" he confessed. Kissing the back of her neck
"holidays make you so lovey" she teased. Placing the noodles in the microwave as she turned around in his arms
"I brought waffles for breakfast, but we could always eat them now" he said, Eskimo kissing her nose
"can never say no to waffles"
The two sat cuddled on her bed. Eating their noodles and sharing a plate of waffles. Watching random reruns of tv shows to fill the silence
"chip me" Steve said, swallowing his mouthful of waffle
"nasty" she teased, throwing a chip in his mouth. His teeth nipping at her fingers with a wink
"I love you" he whispered. Pecking her lips
"you taste like syrup and chicken flavoring" she faked gagged. Laughing as he frowned
"shut up and kiss me"
Once they finished their meal, she cleaned it up. Watching as Steve yanked off his shirt and pants. Climbing into her small bed in just his boxers
She changed into a shirt of his that she stole, wearing underwear underneath as she slipped next to him. Smashed against him in the small bed
"you know we didn't have dessert" she thought outloud, turning her head to face him
"I have a few ideas" he smirked
She watched confused as he moved down the bed
Face heating up as he disappeared under the covers
"Steve what are you do-oh god...fuck"
Steve definitely had his thanksgiving dessert.
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yoomiwritingstuff · 2 years
Apartment Number 713
nanami kento x f!neighbor!reader
renting a place for yourself doesn't sound so bad. especially when a certain blonde grade one jujutsu sorcerer keeps stealing your attention — and maybe even your heart as well.
words: 1k
“gosh why is staring up at the ceiling so entertaining?”
you've been talking to yourself out loud for the past hour now. this has got to be one of the greatest nights of your stay here in this city – just sprawled on your bed with absolutely nothing to do.
it's been awhile since you've had your own quiet time after you've started living alone, eager to be an independent adult. juggling your studies and part-time job are such a hassle and it can be annoyingly stressful trying to balance the time you put in them. as you predicted, it strained relationships you have with people around you. not to mention, it also affects your health, and self-care is thrown out the window.
you can feel your stomach starting to hurt from hunger and from all that lazing about, prompting you to stand up from your bed to get to your kitchen. as you were about to look in your fridge while planning a schedule to buy groceries in your head, a knock from outside makes you halt.
your stomach growls in protest when you decide to check who the person that interrupted your relaxation was.
what you didn't account to see was nanami kento — the good-looking man whom you share a floor with — knocking on your door this evening and randomly asking if you wanted to eat something he cooked.
talk about impeccable timing.
confused yet appreciative of the offer, you could only nod and stand there watching as he went back inside his own apartment, and returned with plates full of delicious dishes that had you almost salivating.
“w-wait, are you sure you're just going to give all these to me?”
“my date cancelled out of the blue and i'd rather quickly clean up everything i prepared so i wouldn't be reminded of this disaster once i go to sleep.”
that certainly wasn't the answer you were expecting from all that seriousness and intimidating aura he seems to possess.
caught off guard at his blunt reply — like damn you didn't need to know that much, now you felt kind of sorry for him — you continued to stare back and forth at the man and the food he was holding while you tried to utter something.
at the very least you just wished he just told you ‘yes i don't really mind’ or even just a stern yet polite ‘please accept it and we can go on our separate ways’ but no. nanami just had to tell you someone ditched him and left him alone to eat the dinner he made.
how were you supposed to simply accept the free food, knowing he's probably going to sulk around in his own room wondering why his date didn't show? nanami wouldn't do that but you didn't know better.
the urge to be more friendly and welcoming threatened to come out of you then. you knew that particular feeling of loneliness brought by being alone all too well recently. doing something nice for him in return for what he gave you wouldn't hurt anyone.
you just hope nanami wouldn't think anything ill about the sudden casualness in your behaviour towards him.
again, you didn't really know the guy.
sure, you've seen each other in passing a couple of times before and even exchanged greetings and idle chat, but this interaction is definitely new territory for the both of you. heck the two of you are currently in front of one another, and you're here stuck in your thoughts conjuring up the courage to finally befriend the handsome neighbor you've been curious about ever since you moved here.
cringing internally, you suppose you have nothing to lose anyway. the worst he could do is reject your offer, making it awkward for you in the future to interact further with the man. you either go big or go home.
“well since it would be a waste of your effort to just ditch everything, would you be okay if i was the one accompanying you right now?”
you see him slightly tense. biting your lip, you waited anxiously for what he'll say.
he briefly meets your eyes, deciphering whether or not you were serious. the intensity of his gaze suddenly makes you feel self-conscious about the way you're dressed in comparison to him.
nanami as always, was wearing something sophisticated befitting a businessman (or so you thought that was his job). a white dress shirt paired with light beige suit pants and black slippers complete his whole outfit meanwhile you're just in your plain favorite oversized sweater and shorts.
you unconsciously grip the hem of your top, avoiding any eye contact with the older man. you hear him sigh, grimacing at the way it sounded. you guess being awkward with him for the rest of your life it is.
“only if you're comfortable enough to stay with me through the entire night.”
startled at his calm acceptance, you gazed back at him with more interest. though nanami wasn't looking at you anymore, you're sure you see the faintest redness on his cheeks if you squint. this makes you put on a small smile for him to see. he clears his throat and directs his attention to you again.
“you'll be alright with eating at my place?”
he asks after a few seconds. you then gave him a little noise of confirmation. a ghost of a smile can be seen in nanami's mouth but you pretend you don't notice to stop yourself from swooning. he tells you he'll return the food back to his apartment and will wait for you there.
once you were sure he was gone, you quickly ran to your bedroom and screamed with your face flat against your pillows. you can't stop the little giggles that erupt from your chest as your feet swing back and forth in the air.
you can't believe that just happened!
you're eating with nanami tonight! just you and him sitting there all alone in his apartment, spending time getting to know each other.
you could just die right about now!
oh my god you're eating with nanami tonight with just you and him in his apartment?!
dread abruptly stops the flutters you feel in your body.
how exactly were you, a working college student who barely even gets out with her friends nowadays, going to act with nanami, an older attractive man who must surely have his life together?!
you for real could die right about now.
next part → (soon)
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fandoms-in-law · 9 months
Stories Chapter 2
chapter 1
Chapter Summary: Robin and Steve get to Steve's house and after dancing around Steve's reaction to his notebooks being found get distracted by something bigger
Warnings: child abuse and neglect, suicidal indeation (all warnings are for things that happened in the past of the story, not the present)
That evening came too soon for Steve, but he was at least able to focus on the fact he and Robin were closing meant all the kids should be in their homes before he got to his, so only Eddie and Robin would have any opportunity to ask any questions.
Eddie was waiting on the sofa when Robin and Steve got there, cuddling one of the notebooks Steve had definitely asked to be put in his room and ignored.
"It's the one Lucas borrowed to take notes in. Don't worry, after your call I moved him next to me so neither he nor any of the other brats could keep reading your writing. He stuck to just the pages at the back he was taking notes on before they decided to see what these are hidden for." Eddie explained before anything could be said. "I said it's your choice if the pages are torn out for him to add to his dnd notes or he needs to copy them from one of the others.”
Steve nodded after a moment, holding a hand out to get his notebook back before heading to the kitchen. "I need dinner and a drink if Robs is set on actually talking about this shit. But thanks for that. It's just private stuff though, stupid nonsense."
"Didn't seem stupid to me, but you're right. There's no pressure to talk about anything you don't want to." Eddie countered but got up to follow him through.
"There is. It's something I should work through and this one is set that we're going to help each other through the trauma we've faced whether that's Hawkins hell related or not apparently." Steve sighed, tuning out Robin's reply and the conversation that grew between her and Eddie as he focused on cooking a simple pasta.
"Dinner and are you planning to bring up the elephant in the room now, or after we've eaten?" Steve asked eventually, turning around with the plated food and going to the fridge to grab drinks out.
Eddie hummed, "You okay if we say now? I mean this seems to be making you more tense the longer it's delayed and they are just some stories."
"I'm fine and no. They're what was needed for King Steve to exist! These are pages telling me the monsters can be defeated, that we can be safe in a town sitting atop hell like Hawkins is." Steve shook his head, hand automatically going to his notebook to prevent anyone else taking it even though neither moved.
Robin shrugged after a moment. "Why did king Steve need to exist if you had to write stories to be him? Stories you can't stand us knowing about let alone sharing."
"Want me to list what a Harrington is for you? Cause you won't find stories, read or written or simply dreamt anywhere in there." He huffed, eating before he could say anything more and wondering if he could get out of answering too many questions by keeping his mouth full. It didn't seem likely; if he tried they'd just wait until he finished.
Eddie confused him however by looking around the room, wandering into the living room for a moment. "You know I've wondered before why there are no book here and assumed they're all just kept in cupboards or something. You're telling me that no, you're just not allowed them? Seriously? Fuck money if it means you can't have stories! That's fucked up Stevie!"
"It's what my life has been. Fit the expectations, never give away the times I struggle to reach them and keep our name important to the town." Steve stated.
There must have been something in his voice or expression because Robin shared a look with Eddie before asking, "What happens if you don't meet their expectations?"
"This, at first at least." He gestured broadly to the house around them, empty as always. "Then later things like the pool heating being turned off so I either couldn't practice or risked hypothermia each time, being kept from school trips, and you know money was cut off when I didn't get into college. That wasn't the first time though. They were never here way before then and the amount they left for me to survive on was based on how well I was meeting their expectations. The amount they sent for extended trips just the same."
Neither knew how to respond to it and after a few moments of seeing Robin and Eddie both try to think of what to say Steve continued, "Do you get it now? Everything has to be what they want or that could happen again. It can't - I can't - I've no fucking clue how to let it go because it's still hovering there. Doctor Owens said they'd do something after realising my parents weren't around to confirm the keep quiet payment, but that just got me paperwork."
Robin frowned at that, then clapped her hands. "Show us this paperwork then dingus. Maybe he did do something since we got full bank accounts to keep our mouths shut. Didn't you?"
"Third time, this time, yeah. I guess I did." Steve said after thinking for a moment.
"I'm calling Nancy. You two chat." Robin declared. "Don't give me that look. I'm just asking what she and Mike got for keeping shtum. They've been in this from the start so she'll know if getting paperwork is weird which I'm sure it is."
They watched her disappear into the living room before Steve jumped up to clear their plates away. "I could swear she's waiting as long as she can before asking to look in the notebook."
"Was Dnd what you meant when you said I do things daily you'd prefer to face Russians than do?" Eddie asked instead of responding.
"Just sharing stories." He shrugged. "I just want to feel safe enough for that."
"I hope I'm someone that can happen around, Stevie. The bit I read before realising you probably wouldn't want us reading that was really good. You've been telling yourself stories for a while, haven't you?" Eddie's voice was soft, gentle as he watched Steve decide to clean the dishes.
Steve paused in his movements before glancing back at him almost shyly. "I think you will be. I've thought about showing them to you before, but it's just-"
"Everything drilled into you mind by the genetic excrement you came from." He finished, making Steve laugh when he understood the insult to his parents.
"And Nancy agrees it's weird you got paperwork instead of a full bank account. Where's the paperwork you got?" Robin called, coming back through and looking over the table as if expecting it to be there now.
Both men rolled their eyes. "It's in my room. If you're really set on looking through it then let's go. It's not gonna change anything. My parents still rule the house."
"Legally that might not be so." Robin tutted. "Let's go."
"I'm leading the way and putting my notebooks away before doing anything to get this paperwork out." Steve insisted, catching her shoulder to pull her back when she tried to hurry up the stairs ahead of him.
All his notebooks were out, scattered over his bed, some left open even and Steve didn't give his friends a chance to follow him in, slamming the door behind him to make sure nothing more was read of them. He couldn't bring himself to rush putting them away though.
These books felt like his friends just as much as the pair outside his door and the kids who caused all this were. He wouldn't risk damaging them or the stories that had comforted through pressures and nightmares alike.
Only once the were safely back in his wardrobe did he open the door to Robin's knocking that had been constant from the moment he shut it.
"How long did Dustin take to bring a notebook down for Lucas to take notes in?" he asked to Eddie, already having realised that he'd have been called earlier than he was if all his notebooks had been seen by everyone.
Eddie thought for a moment before admitting, "Long enough that Mike was about to rip pages from his notebook for Lucas and in his words 'drag Dustin to the game by his ears'. Erica volunteered to do the same."
"Which one looked through the notebook that convinced you to call me?" Steve knew how shy he felt over the subject was clear in how quiet his voice had become.
"Dustin again. When I called for a break he told Lucas to look in the front and got all the shitheads involved except for Erica who said she'd murder them if they acted like that over her notes and bet you would too."
Steve snorted at that. "Which was when you called me to prevent any murders?"
"Which was when I confiscated the notebook to check if it was private. I think there was a suicidal character on the page they were looking at then. That's when I called you." Eddie was serious now, searching Steve's face for a reaction and clearly surprised when he relaxed a little more then.
Steve just waved a hand, standing to start finding the paperwork from Doctor Owens. "Best way to story myself calm; project then have characters argue with it."
He froze when arms wrapped tightly around him, first one pair then another, halting his actions.
"You ever feel like that again, call me, call Robin, just fucking promise you'll let us help rather than just storying yourself calm." Eddie's voice was choked, rough and it took a moment of repeating the last things they said in his head for Steve to understand why.
"It wasn't a big thing, just thoughts after a nightmare. You know, middle of the night thoughts that mean fuck all in daylight." he tried to reassure. "I'm not going anywhere back then or now."
"Promise us anyway. We want to be here for you like you're here for everyone else." Robin insisted now, her grip on him tightening.
Steve huffed a laugh, hoping hearing it would help them relax that he's there and happy with them. "Fine, I promise that if ever thoughts of being better off dead are in my head I will try to reach out. Not saying for certain though."
"I guess that's good enough." They both pulled away, still watching him with concern.
"Can we focus on these pages and pages of nonsense that are meant to get me to keep quiet about the first two encounters with the Upside-down?" Steve let go of his wish to comfort them, opting for distraction instead. He quietly thought that since it would still be helping him they'd feel better doing that than the other distractions he was more tempted to use for himself.
Thankfully the pair accepted it, taking the pages, though still shooting concerned glances at him every so often. “So I'll take whatever you got the second time this happened and Robin can look through the first time things?” Eddie suggested, already taking the first pile out of Steve's hands and he pulled it out from his bedside table cabinet.
“I think it's all mixed together...” Steve mused, looking at the rest of the folders he'd put it in as he tugged it out. “You don't want me to go through it with you?” He asked a moment later, realising Eddie hadn't mentioned him.
Eddie chuckled slightly. “Stevie, if you actually cared what all this is, you'd have looked through it or tried to understand it before now. Or asked what it all is whenever Doctor Owens gave it to you. We're not going to force you into trying to understand it when you don't like 'paperwork' and the many things that word could include.”
“You could bake us some cookies or something to snack on while reading.” Robin suggested, recognising the feeling useless pout as he let it form. “I know you've been complaining about never getting to bake anything more interesting than sugar cookies or chocolate chip ones because the kids always ask for them.”
Steve looked between them for a moment. “I'm baking bread, then a Swiss roll. We can have French toast in the morning.” He decided.
He was halfway through baking the Swiss roll, doing some of the washing up in the short time it needed when he heard Robin come downstairs to the living room. “Yeah, hey Hopper, need some how to advice, you got a minute?” She said a moment later, piquing his curiosity enough that Steve moved to hover in the doorway between the rooms.
“Yeah, I want to know how Steve can change his landline number and how difficult it is to change the locks on doors?” If he wasn't already curious just because she was calling Hopper, that sentence had him hanging on every word, wishing he could hear Hopper's replies.
“You'll show us how this weekend? Seriously? Perfect and the phone? It's a company or phone line provider thing? Thanks, I'll get on with convincing him it's necessary then.” Steve felt like his eyebrows were about to detach and start climbing his hair with how high they must have gotten in surprise over what seemed to be implied that he'd be doing now. It definitely startled Robin when she turned although that might just have been that she wasn't expecting him to be in the doorway.
For a moment she hovered, waiting for him to speak or trying to think of something to say, Steve wasn't sure, but he needed to make sure the Swiss roll came out at the right time. “If you're already making plans like that for me, you're probably ready to come down here and start explaining what all those pages were. I bet not looking at them would be another way I've failed to meet my parents expectations.”
“Pretty sure if they know what they are, there's no complaints from those assholes that you haven't looked at them.” Robin grinned when he glanced back, heading to the oven. “But sure, Eddie and I will bring the important ones down now. Quick question first, how do you feel about redecorating?”
Steve froze where he'd been opening the oven. “It's not allowed. Mother will throw a fit if I even suggest getting rid of the plaid in my room.”
“Good answer.” Robin agreed cryptically, as if he'd said let's get wallpaper tomorrow instead of refused. She disappeared upstairs before anything else could be said.
Refocusing to ensure the Swiss roll was actually rolled before the cake would crack instead of rolling, Steve absently wondered if that was the point. If he was changing the locks, changing the phone number, then his parents wouldn't be able to access him or the house without knocking so he would be able to change things.
Thankfully that was finished before Eddie appeared in the kitchen, spinning Steve around and into a seat with the loud declaration of “You have a choice of good news, great news, and fucking fantastic but never tell the kids news.”
"I'd say start with the best but dude, do what you want. It's not like third place in your list is a bad thing." He laughed, gesturing for Eddie to continue.
"Well then, third place for awesome things found in your reward paperwork, your dad is a moron who I bet didn't read the papers the government got him to sign. You could claim ownership of almost anything from him as reward for the shit you've gone through and he can't argue because of this little page!" Eddie brandished the piece of paper as if it was a shield. "He gives you shit for not reading documents just point out he probably didn't either."
Steve smirked, taking the page and pretending to read it now. "He'd just fall back on the 'I trust the government' line until realising I could actually do this. Only thing I'd want is like ownership of here and money for bills."
"Perfect time for me to bring up that you already have that then!" Eddie cheered, another document pulled from behind his back. "Deeds to the house, irretractable and permanent unless you decide to sell. If you want the pool heating back on that's your choice to make."
Steve's jaw drops and he sags backwards before startling forwards from not finding the back of the chair when he expected to. "This is mine? Fully mine, not just 'pay the bills yourself since you failed to get into college' mine?" He repeated, staring around the house as if unable to process the news.
"Yeeesssss." Robin drawled out. "Which leads to the best of it all, you can decorate it however you like and I'm already saying the kids are not being told and should be banished from your house until its done because you Know they'll try to take over and correct any choice you make to their tastes."
Steve blinked at he for a moment before nodding in slow motion, clearly still not processing what it meant. "I can have posters and photos up in my room?" He asked.
"Your room, down here, anywhere. Hell you could plaster the fridge with embarrassing photos or artwork by the kids if you wanted to." Eddie gestured widely around the room as he spoke as if just waving would produce the pictures.
Steve carried on his slow nodding. "Right. This is my house and I can make it a home if I want too. Does that mean you two could move in so it isn't completely empty always?" He looked vulnerable, curling into himself as he realised what he'd asked.
Both of them laughed slightly, "We'll have to see about that. Seems like a big adjustment for all of us when you need the support here." Robin tried to gently reject the offer.
Eddie thought for a moment, watching Steve's reaction and letting the reason why he was asking settle into his brain. "If you can convince Wayne he doesn't need to check I'm alive and not on the run again then maybe in a month or two. We can have plenty more sleepovers before then as we help you though." He offered instead.
"That sounds good. I'd - Can we have a sleep over tonight?" Steve requested, looking between them.
The agreement for that comes easily, all three of them moving back to the living room to put a film on and have some of the cake Steve made.
chapter 3
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daddysfangirls-dc · 3 months
UnTamed Ch.7
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Too Pretty.
That's what Astraea thought. As she looked around, the restaurant was very fancy. It was so fancy, in fact, that Damian got her a fancy dress and shoes to go with it and even did her hair. I got her all dolled up and didn't tell her why. He just dragged her until they arrived at the restaurant, then was taken to a private booth with curtains in the back. Money gets you fancy privacy. It was all so fancy and pretty. Even the food was pretty.
"It's too pretty," she whispered as she eyed the plate of food. She felt Damian's nervousness and confusion. " It's too pretty to eat. Looks like those art pieces in those fancy places I'm not allowed in." It was two lamb chops on top of mashed potatoes; it wasn't much, but it was still pretty. More to look at than eat. 
"Try it. You'll like it," Damian encourages her to eat. 
Not one to turn down a free meal, she forwent the proper eating utensils; she just picked up the bone taking a big bite of the lamb. Damian watches as she devours her plates within minutes, the proper table manners not seen or considered. Once the plate was clean, she whispered," I'm still hungry." He waved the waitress over and ordered some desserts.
"Why are we here?" she finally asked 
"I can't take you to a nice place for a nice meal."
"Damian," she spoke his name softly, "what are we doing?"
Honestly, he didn't know. Their relationship had changed, or at least Damian's view of it had. He had grown romantic feelings for her. He didn't know how to go about these feelings, so he sought out help and advice. For Asta to remain a secret, he could not ask his brothers or father for advice. He instead went to two other trustworthy confidants, Jon Kent and Alfred Pennyworth. They provided as much advice as they could with vague and little information.
Jon just told him to ask her to be his girlfriend and give her some flowers. Jon Kent never had a girlfriend.
Alfred advises him to take her out to a nice dinner and talk to her about his feelings and a possible relationship. He advised a slow approach. Damian took his advice and ran with it. 
He got a fancy restaurant, food, and clothes, and the atmosphere was here, but now he couldn't speak, put words together, or find them. He should have gotten advice on how to talk to her. It was a conundrum, but he needed to figure it out and do it. 
"These past few years, I've enjoyed your companionship, our friendship. " Asta smiled as this was the first time he'd ever acknowledged their friendship. " My feelings for you have changed and grown and can no longer be ignored. Astreae, I like you, like you as more than a friend, and I'd like to enter into a possible romantic relationship. If you'd like that as well." Definitely wasn't the best wording. Despite how vast his vocabulary was he was never good at conveying his feelings through words. Honestly, he wasn't good at conveying his feelings, period.
"what does that mean?" Asta asked. " I ... I'd like for us to be in a roman-"
"No, I mean, what does that mean? What does being romantic mean? For us?" 
It was a good concern for Asta to have. The only true exposure she had to 'romantic' relationships was to victims of domestic violence and prostitutes. And she wore less than prostitutes. Love was something people in the alley mostly ran from or used as a tool. How would they change? What would romance look like with them? Would they really be romantic?
" ... I like spending time with you and would like to spend more time outside of our nightly occupation. More dates, perhaps." Admittedly, most of their meetings were at sunset or under the moon. " I'd like to touch you like that. I mean, like holding your hand and a perhaps kiss. I don't want to change what we have; I want more of it."
There was a moment of relief that was quickly followed by a new nervousness as he waited for her response. He didn't know what he'd do if she rejected him. He probably just ruined his first friendship.
"I'd like to be romantic with you. I want to hold your hand, kiss you, and see you in the light." 
Damian didn't fight the smile that spread across his face. He raised his glass " to the light," and she raised her glass as well (she's never done the toast before)" To the light."
As if realizing the serious conversation was over and had ended well, the waitress finally brought over their desserts. Another fancy plated dish is lemon tarts. 
"Another pretty dish. After this-"
"We'll go get pizza."
Alfred watched as Damian quickly slid the back seat. He notices how giddy and happy his young master is as he settles in. He was glowing with joy. " I presume it went well." 
"Yes" was a single-word response but held many emotions. " Very well," the joy radiated off the boy was just so pure. He had never seen the boy so happy. "And when can I expect to meet this young lady?" Damian didn't say anything, but his face was answered enough, a look he had seen on Bruce many times before when asked about his lovers. 
Bruce rarely, if ever, talked about his lovers, not including the little flings he brought home occasionally. He used to learn about love interests such as Talia Al Ghul and Minhkhoa  Khan through reports and ones like Selina Kyle by wounds they left on his body. He hopes Damian love interest won't fall into that second category. Another hope is that he wouldn't have to wait several years to meet the young lady officially.
"Alfred" His voice was small 
"I'd appreciate it if today's activities stayed between us. I don't want the others-"
"Damian, no one will learn of it from me."
"...Thank you."
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twoidiotwriters1 · 1 year
Copycat: Genesis —(Marvel Fem!Oc)
A/N: Cat is so pathetic lately I love her so much -Danny
Words: 1,320
Phase Six Masterlist
Previous Chapter // Next Chapter
Listen to: ‘Afterglow’ -by Taylor Swift
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iii: Cat Needs A Friend
When Cat got out of the bathroom Parker was already placing two plates with food on the coffee table. She took a moment to examine his apartment:
It was definitely smaller than Matthew's, consisting of one room with no divisions. Next to the front door, there was a small kitchen with no cabinets and a tiny breakfast bar with a variety of canned goods and spices on top of it. A half-empty package of crackers was there too, but overall it looked organized and clean.
In front of the kitchen, she found his living room. The electronic devices were not that different from the ones in her world, but they did have different logos and the shows were clearly not the same as the ones in her universe. He had a couch that could fit two or three people, and in the middle, the coffee table where he was putting their dinner. A few feet from where she was standing at the bathroom's entrance, Peter's bed was on display. That was the only thing that looked almost new, Cat suspected that he didn't get to use it often.
"There you are!" He smiled before returning to the kitchen. "Juice or milk?"
She approached the living room and took a peek at the food on her plate. "Juice." Cat sat down and pointed at the tv. "Is that the news?"
Parker looked over his shoulder at the screen. "I don't really listen to them, it gets me down. I use it as background noise while I cook and I turn it off once I sit down to eat."
Cat had a hard time hiding her concern. "I don't own a tv, but I'm not sure that's how you're supposed to use it."
"You don't spend much time in your apartment, so I wouldn't be surprised if you didn't know how to work a coffee machine," he replied without looking at her.
Cat remembered her time working as a secretary. Parker placed her drink on the table and then sat next to her, the first-aid kit was there, and his hand was wrapped in a bandage.
"Nice outfit," he joked. Cat looked comically small in his shirt. "You know, the good thing about wearing oversized clothes..." he rolled up her sleeves, "is that you don't have to be half-naked in order to patch up."
Cat held the fabric while he began to apply some sort of ointment on the cuts. "Speaking from experience?"
"It's hell when I have to take off the suit and I'm bleeding," he sighed. "It clings onto the body like it's a second skin."
She wrinkled her nose. "That's why nanotech—"
"Yeah, yeah, god bless nano," he glanced into her eyes. "But I didn't fail to notice you're not wearing a suit..."
Cat was absently staring at the corner of the room. "Sergei took it."
"The hunter?" She nodded, still lost in thought. Parker started to gently apply the ointment to her face. "It's a nice change to be patching you up instead of myself, makes me feel better."
The mutant hummed. "No friends to help you still?"
"Don't feel ready to have the talk," he laughed shortly.
Cat tilted her head. "No one knows you're Spider-man yet?"
"Not even your aunt May?" Cat's frown deepened. "Are you still not talking to her?"
Parker's eyes brightened. "You remember that?"
"I remember everything. I don't really know what I know unless it's brought up, though," the young man lifted her chin and she continued. "So, May..?"
"We're talking again," he nodded. "I went back to school."
"That's great!"
"It's exhausting," Parker admitted. "But I found my way back to your universe thanks to that, so I'm not gonna complain."
"You still sell pictures to the daily bugle?"
"My Peter works there too."
"Really?" He sprayed something on her neck and Cat flinched away, hissing at the sensation. "Sorry! I should've warned you—"
"It's okay, it didn't hurt," she shivered. "It felt weird, that's all."
Parker shook his head, he was trying really hard to hide how worried he was about her current state. "Tell me the whole story."
Cat lowered her face and he stopped curing her. "Promise you won't judge me too hard."
"I would never."
Parker was a great listener as usual, but this time he didn't even make a noise during the whole thing, he focused on healing her, sometimes she could feel his breathing shaking a little as if trying to hold back his tongue.
"You know, when I was fourteen," she said, "everyone wanted to hear my story. The Avengers, S.H.I.E.L.D... then I went to school and everyone wanted to hear about my past, and I always found it so..."
"Unnecessary. They wanna know everything about you to figure out ways to get a hold of you. That's why I was such a good agent as a kid, my weak spots were hidden. Then I grew older, I found out things about my past, and my past found out things about me in turn..."
"But not everyone is looking to control you," he told her, "some of us just want to know who you are."
"Not enough people are like that," she sighed. "Not enough." Parker picked up their empty plates and Cat sat back and stared at the ceiling so the ointment around her throat could be fully absorbed. "But I would hand in my biography to Kingpin if it could protect everyone," she continued out loud. "Isn't that ironic? I'm supposed to be the mightiest hero of all, and I can't even look after myself."
"I don't think tonight's the night for self-pity. Maybe I should show you my research so we start working?"
"I won't be of help," she lamented. "I'm not smart. Mouse would always..." her voice cracked, M.O.U.S.E. was a whole universe away.
Parker startled her when showed up, her ears were still not fully recovered. The young man took a seat beside her and clasped his hands together, deep in thought. Cat stared at him, this time trying to spot the differences between him and the twenty-six-year-old he'd been when they'd met.
His hair was shorter, the shadow of his beard was easier to see, and his frame was a few inches broader. He had a couple of wrinkles, probably thanks to the lack of sleep and sunscreen, it could also be that he smiled a lot. He still had dark circles under his eyes, and his voice was still the same, but he carried himself with a confidence that he hadn't exhibited the first time they interacted.
"You should sleep," he said at last. "I'll come back in a few hours."
With a quick assessment of his appearance she noticed he was wearing the suit under his sweatpants and hoodie. "You can't leave," she stated.
Parker looked at her with a grin. "There's only one bed here, and I want you to use it. I'm not tired, don't worry about it."
She felt her face getting warmer. "I don't know your— I'm... please... don't leave." She took a quick breath, begging not to stammer in the process. "I know I left you when you were lost— but there were bad guys all over the city and I had to help my Peter— you don't have to go outside tonight, and I know how that sounds but I'm not—"
Parker stopped her rambling by placing his hand above hers.
"You'll be safe. My world's quieter than yours."
"But I don't need quiet," she pouted. "I need a friend."
Parker glanced towards his bathroom, thinking of the people out there and all that could happen if he didn't do his patrols. He also remembered his promise to her, it'd been a thing none of them had really meant nor believed at the time, but he still felt obligated to keep his word.
"Okay," he gave in, feeling her hand shaking under his. "Alright. I'm staying."
She pulled him closer and leaned against his arm. Parker froze, Cat had to be hurting a lot if she was that comfortable touching him. "Thank you."
"I'll figure things out," he wrapped his arms around her. "I promise you'll go home."
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Next Chapter—>
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purpleturtle9000 · 1 year
reality check ficlet 2: dinner edition
A metal three-fingered claw shoots out, landing on a bread roll and retracting just as quickly to its housing on the back of Leo's wrist.
"Hey, who taught you to do that?" Leonardo asks, appalled.
"Tello, duh," Leo says around a mouthful. He didn't even take it from the hook first, he's just biting pieces off between the fingers.
"Don't talk with your mouth full."
He doesn't expect to be listened to, and from the eyeroll he gets from Leo, it's clear his words are forgotten as soon as they're said. He'd be honestly surprised if Leo was paying attention long enough to realise what was said the first time.
Across the table, Hamato's disapproving expression clearly says what an uncontrollable gremlin. Currently, he's Leonardo's favourite, since he cuts food into precise pieces with a fork and knife before eating them one at a time.
Unlike the wannabe anaconda sitting at Leonardo's left.
"Alpha gets to eat with his hands," Leo mutters.
Well, that's because Alpha bites, and Leonardo has enough scars from his bastard twin without adding any by his bastard child. He's not going to say that, though, because it's definitely going to give Leo ideas. And Leonardo is not going to be responsible for that.
Instead he shrugs. Fortunately Alpha doesn't talk much over food, and there's little chance of him being the one to bring it up. There's also the chance that he doesn't want to encourage Cobalt to keep biting, even though Cobalt has never tried biting Alpha, as far as Leonardo can tell. Why would he?
"If you use a spoon, you can launch food at people," Baby Blue says, and promptly demonstrates with a piece of broccoli.
"Don't do that," Hamato says, and takes the spoon away from him, to replace it with his own fork that he hadn't yet used.
Leonardo's pretty sure that Blue could find a way to do the same thing with a fork, if he so chooses, but apparently Hamato is a good influence. The little guy seems to look up to him. And apparently Blue could use some positive role models.
All things considered, Unicorn's habit of reading at the table is now less aggravating than it was last week. Sometimes Leonardo swears that there was a blue-purple mind swap before they found her, with how often she's got her nose in books. At least she's getting an education. Although she doesn't seem to realise the argument going on just two seats away from her, so they might have to work on how much situational awareness she has.
"I don't think it's that rude," Lee pipes up. They shoot a grin at Leonardo, then get up, one knee on the tabletop, to reach across and grab Leo's wrist for a better look at his prosthetic. Leo lets him.
"Not rude," Echo agrees, though he makes no further contribution. At least one of them is eating his hamburger quietly. For the most part, anyway.
It's better than the time Lee hollered a swear word at the top of his lungs and Echo repeated it even louder. Twice, in fact. And neither of them had gotten in trouble for it, because the rest of them agreed by popular vote that neither of them had done anything wrong.
Heiwa, for their part, is staring at them all like they're a set of exotic animals that were air-dropped into their bedroom. They eat a broccoli floret with a fork every so often, chewing slowly, but for the most part they're just staring at one of them.
Must be the consequences of growing up as an only child. Leonardo finds all this strange enough, and he grew up with three siblings. All things considered, Heiwa is doing pretty well, adjusting to a sudden family of seventeen.
Right now Tello's being awfully quiet, and Leonardo wonders how long it'll be until they try to make a break for their lab. They know Leonardo won't yell at them in front of the others, but it's only going to be so long until the blueberries disappear and Tello is left to his mercy.
"Who wants dessert?" Sunflower asks, glancing around. They've got a sweet tooth, and a set of sunflower-themed dessert plates to go with it. Most of their dishes and cutlery are mismatched, picked up one or two at a time, but Leonardo hadn't been able to resist surprising them with the plates when he'd seen them.
They'd hugged him for a full two minutes, and made him (and only him) cinnamon rolls. Leonardo had been the envy of the entire family, and had only been a little bit of an ass about it.
Now there's an idea.
"Whoever misbehaves, from now until the end of dinner, is going to be forbidden from Sunflower's desserts for two weeks. Am I clear?"
There's swearing from Leo, and a collection of politer objections from other turtles. Even from Alpha, although Leonardo thinks that Sunflower might just object to being barred from giving Alpha treats. Sunflower is one of exactly two people who can get him to smile, and considers their bond extremely important.
Leonardo agrees, but he does wish there was some way he could get Sunflower on his side when it comes to keeping Alpha in check. Then again, Alpha doesn't ever misbehave, that he can tell. The biting isn't actually a problem, considering how many of them have that habit.
"If you behave, you have nothing to worry about," Leonardo says, and grins to himself at how the vocal objections have been reduced to a couple quiet grumblings and one equally quiet hiss.
Good enough.
There is no more claw use during dinner, and Leonardo considers that a total victory.
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Tuesday, January 9th, 2024!
4:49pm Having a nice rainy day! Waiting for it to clear up before I drive to the Straz! Very excited! A good day :)
5:45pm I don't have anyone to talk to about this because nobody really knows it happened buT the last/ first time I went to the Straz I was pretty badly embarrassed by this one (I'm sure they're not all bad) old bitch usher who I would say rudely informed me that I couldn't bring cheese/charcuterie plate into the theatre seating area.... When I just turned around from buying it at the concession stand in their building?? Nobody at the counter informed me that I would have to wolf it down in the lobby with <10 minutes left before showtime. What the fuck? I was like seriously?? Why tf do y'all sell these if you can't eat it while you're watching the play??? Then I noticed other people who were definitely also in my situation wolfing down hot dogs and sandwiches standing*! in the freaking lobby in their best black and white suit and tie like a fat kid harking down an ice cream sandwich. It was clearly ridiculous and I felt so embarrassed at the time, which was supposed to be a very enjoyable time. I probably would have gotten over this gracefully except....... You know who was glaring at me like I was the most retarded person ever in existence and I was embarrassing him!! Which made me even more red/embarrassed/ flustered/ wanting to run away and hide in the bathroom from my anxiety ratcheting UP and UP as it got closer to showtime. Also to note, normal me would've actually gotten a real dinner before going out, except I had no time to because...... I had to spend 1.5 hrs in traffic picking his spoiled ass up from work during rush hour before the play!!! So we were already running later than I like to be. So just not how I like to do my experiences clearly. And yk he just acted like a spoiled brat constantly. Also I bought him his sandwich there which he promptly took two bites out of and threw away!! Jfc like we were in this together except now you're glaring at me probably wishing I would also throw my food away like bitch this is overpriced $15 each meals I was so pissed off like he just has NO BALLS PUSSY ASS SHIT and instead of laughing it off, eating quickly WITH ME, just fucking staring at me like I'm some pig that is so stupid for wanting to eat some food when I hadn't eaten anything all day and didn't really want to sit there for three hours on an empty stomach. He was such a LIL BITCH HOLY SHIT FUCK YOU. A real man would have NOT PULLED THAT SHIT and would've at the bare minimum agreed with me that it was strange and kinda fucked, but no he just thought I was retarded and like bitch did you know and not tell me?? No lmao you just like to act like you're fucking better than everyone you're around, CUNT. NEVER AGAIN. EVERYDAY I'M REMINDED OF WHAT I'M *NOT* MISSING OUT ON 😂 AND that's some shit where he would never admit any wrongdoing and therefore would ABSOLUTELY NEVER CHANGE. Think about that shit. NEVER AGAIN I STG. I really needed to vent this out and get these feelings off my chest.
Ok so here's to going to Straz and having a blast!! Let's fucking GO!! ❤️ Love you girly ❤️
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A/N- so here you are. Turns out i was not caught up but i am stupid, i posted day 7s on day 8 for some reason so basically i am stil behind. Byt moving swiftly on, whumptober day 9- a very noisy night. Enjoy.
Whumptober day 9- "a very noisy night"
Have fun<3
"inquientum sonmnum." The witch commanded shouting at Castiel. He expected himself to react in some way, knowing that he just got cursed by a witch.
sam and dean emptied their entire clips into the witch. Before they ran over to him and just watched.
"Are you ok?" Dean asked.
"i- i- I feel fine."
"Are you sure? She definitely spelled you right?"
"yeah. I, I, just feel normal. Fine."
"great. Let's just take the win huh, guys?"
"Are you sure dean?"
"yeah. Let's go home, we got a dead witch so it's a long drive." Cass nodded and walked towards the car, Sam took Dean's word as Gospel so he let it go and dean wanted to get home.
on the drive back Cass kept on looking himself over. He kept thinking examining his mind for anything different but nothing was wrong, it was, all the same, all the same, the feelings thing was new but it still seemed to be working right.
when they arrived home Cass left to his bedroom, dean broke off to the kitchen to make dinner for the three and Sam went to the library with his laptop looking for the next case.
they didn't have a whole lot of food but dean scraped together what he could, he made a chicken and pasta bake (tofu chicken for Sammy) before he split from the kitchen looking for his family. He knocked on Sam's door, but no answer, he opened it and there was no one in there. No surprise there, he meandered to the library. He Saw Sam, his laptop open on the table in front of him and books piled up around him.
"dinner time Sammy, grubs up." He handed him the plate, "close the laptop and eat, I'm gonna go and get Cass."
"you mean to make sure he is ok?"
"hush. Eat." Sam chuckled.
"bitch." He walked off. He knocked on Castiel's door.
"hey buddy, dinner is ready..." No response "Cass? Answer me." He opened the door and saw Cass collapsed haphazardly on the floor. His limbs splayed out all over the place. He darted to his side. He took his shoulders in his hands,
"CASS!" When he didn't respond he shook harder and took to gently hitting Castiel's face.
"SAMMY!" Sam ran in at the mention of his name. He dropped to his knees next to Cass.
"What happened!?" He asked.
"I have no idea, It had to be the witch right?" Dean paused, trying again to wake him. "He isn't waking up Sammy what do we do?"
"What did she say? som, something" Sam muttered to himself."inqientum sonmnun!" He said. "that's all I heard, of course. It means restless sleep."
"so what he's having nightmares? Oh god, Cassie I'm sorry." Dean mumbled.
"just keep an eye on him, make sure he is ok. I'm gonna hit the lore, see what I can find." Dean nodded. He stood and watched Cass as Sam exited the room and headed back to the library. Dean watched, Castiel's face contorted into a pained expression, and he whimpered, tossing and turning in his sleep.
dean took his hand and stroked his raven hair, he settled slowly though Dean knew he was still unhappy and his nightmares were still occurring.
One thing was clear, it was going to be a noisy night.
Cass pov.
he woke up In a bed, with white sheets, white walls, white floor but it wasn't white like heaven white, like a dingy, off-white. The kind of white that makes you uncomfortable to look at, that makes you try to count the years it has been since it was cleaned, make you try to count the germs existing on it. He looked around the dimly lit room aching to go home and see Dean. Just then Dean appeared in the corner of the room,
"Dean!" He asked. "Why are we? How did we get here?" He looked around confused.
"I don't know, it was probably your fault though." Cass met his eye.
"What?" He asked confused.
"sell you know you. You fuck everything up. Your intentions were good but you screwed over everyone. You always do." Castiel's tears poured slowly over his lids bursting the surface tension of the tear banks welling at his lids. suddenly he felt a warm feeling fin his hand and stroking his hair, he looked into his palm but there was nothing there. He was confused. By the time this aggressive dean vanished Cas was sobbing on the floor in a ball, learning how to self-deprecate in a whole new way.
his mind kept wandering back to his empty hand, what had he felt though. The second it distracted him from his tears it sent Gabriel there to repeat the array of insults, it hit him very hard watching his brother of thousands of years insult him in such a way, telling him of his worthlessness. Gabriel who had known him really, known him better than anyone else in the world told him things that Gabriel would never say. After Gabriel went to Sam who tortured Cass with his words. After Sam Dean returned with a completely new set of insults feeling as if they were tailor-made to Castiel's deepest insecurities. He cried desperately pulling his knees to his chest and trying to relax himself.
Dean POV
"it's ok Cass, it's ok." Dean tried, he really tried to comfort Cass and the first time it had made a difference but now, now it did nothing, he snuggled up and wrapped himself around Cass trying to stop his flinching, bring him comfort in contact and warmth. Cass cried, his eyes still closed tears falling silently down his face, he started to flinch at the sound of Deans voice. And dean could do nothing about it, he took Castiels pulse again and it was weaker, it had been wavering slowly.
"SAMMY." He called. Sam ran in quickly.
"Yeah? Is Cass ok?!" Sam asked terrified.
"His pulse is getting weaker, have you got anything?" Dean asked looking away from Cass for the first time in hours.
"something, maybe, uhhh I called Rowena and she said that with something like this there is a very specific counter spell, we have it but the ingredients are um.... Tricky." Sam explained.
"and what you were just gonna keep it to yourself?! Come on get it ready." Dean demanded. Sam rolled his eyes and shot him the bitch look™ before walking off and readying the spell.
"its ok Cass, just hold on a little longer, just a little longer ok?" He mumbled to him.
"no pl- dean stop." Cass mumbled in return. Dean looked at him sorrowful and guilty.
"I'm sorry Cass. I'm so so sorry." He whispered. "I should have protected you. I'm sorry for whatever you are seeing."
Sam called from the other room. "DEAN, ITS READY." gently dean lifted Cass into his arms stirring slightly as he started towards the library. Sam looked at castiel in his arms and sams face contorted to one of concern, fear, one of sorrow.
"ok just lay him down there." He gestured to inside a red circle where dean put him down as gently as he picked him up. He stepped away slowly. Saw muttered something under his breath before he threw in a pinch of herbs and shouted what sounded like just random vowel sounds to Dean. The red ring caught fire around Cass, where he flinched before he began tossing and turning agressively. When the flames finally died down his rocking slowing to a hault at which point dean shot over to him,
"it didn't work." He put his fingers to his neck. "it's too weak Sammy."
"I don't know what I did wrong, I followed the instructions exactly, I did exactly as Rowena said." They were rambling now.
Suddenly Castiel shot up and gasped looking around, afraid and disoriented before looked to Sam and Dean and started to apologize, begging for it to end, for forgiveness. Dean looked at Sam shocked and confused before he darted over Cass wrapping him in a hug.
"it was just a dream, Cass, the witch put you in a nightmare coma thing. But you're back now, I've got you. You're ok." Cass seemed shocked and in his own world before he melted into the hug crying into Deans shoulder. Sam walked over and joined the hug on his knees protecting what little family he had in his arms.
"are you ok Cass? I mean you obviously aren't ok but I mean like, how are you?" Sam asked rambling.
"i- I don't know. I-"
"its ok Cass, its ok, you're ok. I've got you, we can keep you safe." Cass smiled before he buried face back into deans shoulder. After a few minutes Cass tried to stand and walk away but collapsed almost immediately falling into dean's arms who reached out to catch him, he was just too weak from the spell. He requested to be alone so dean took him to his room, closing the door swiftly behind him. Cass curled up and cried he covered himself with the blankets and he sobbed. He cried silently trying not to attract the attention of dean or Sam. Little did he know that dean had leaned against the door hearing Cass clearly, he wasn't going to go in because he didn't want Cass to fein happiness. Dean went to his room trying to ignore the sobbing ringing in his head from his friend.
hours passed and Sam was long asleep dean tried hard but he couldn't get to sleep he was tossing and turning trying to sleep but the look on Castiel's face, vulnerable, weak and pained in shone through his eyes everytime he closed them. He decided to call it, he knew he wasn't going to sleep so he decided to get up and check on Cass, he was sure he'd be asleep by now but he needed to know he was ok. He quietly slipped through the door, closing it almost silently he sat in a seat pulling it up next to Castiel's bed. Cass was laying there still dean pried the covers back from Castiel hearing Cass shriek from the surprise. Cowering away from dean he pushed himself down against the bed.
"hey Cass, you're ok. It's fine. What's wrong? Why arent you seeping?"
"uh... Nothing you just made me jump. I, I'm not tired." Cass lied.
"that's a lie and we both know it, you are too weak to stand. There is no way you aren't tired. And you actively shied away from me. What the hell did you see in there?"
"nothing, I don't remember." Cass lied again.
"what. Did. You. See?" Dean demanded.
"you, Gabriel, Sammy. All the people I care about. The only people I care about, more than anyone else in the world took turns telling me how awful I was, what a disgrace I was, how many people I hurt. like I don't hate myself for that anyway." Cass started to cry again.
"don't ever hate yourself. I love you." Dean shot a hand to his mouth shocked at what he had said.
"really?" Cass asked. Just as shocked.
dean considered lying, easier but he was sick of hiding how he felt from everyone, including himself.
"yeah. I kinda have for a while now. I know that you don't feel the same way and that is ok, I just -" Cass leaned forward and kissed dean gently frankly dean was as shocked at the fact he could sit up like that as he was that Cass was kissing him. he pulled away slowly out of breath and weak.
"I love you too, since I saved you from hell, since I put you back together piece after piece, I have loved you." Cass looked like he was fighting to stay conscious. Dean got in the bed with him, wrapping his arm around Castiel's shoulder. Cass fought off sleep much to the dismay of Dean.
"go to sleep, stop fighting it." Dean instructed.
"I'm fine, I'm not tired."
"Liar. You're afraid, that's ok. But I've got you, ill be here when you wake up, ill be here while you sleep. I will keep you safe." Cass just smiled and nodded, too weak to try and speak. His eyes closed, his head leaning solely against dean who chuckled and shuffled down in the bed. Looking at Cass, tranquil and relaxed dean felt calm. He slowly drifted to sleep his arm coiled around Cass trying to make him feel safer, fend off any nightmares before they start if any did. They snuggled up to each other, tight and warm.
"I love you." Dean whispered As he drifted off to sleep.
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eevyerndracaneon · 2 years
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cptspiegel · 2 years
Cooking for Them!
I got this idea while watching master chef. I go crazy for anything super domestic, so indulge me a bit here lol
Fandoms included (in order of appearance): Bleach, Boku No Hero Academia, & Naruto
Warnings: none, fluff, no specific pronouns for reader, some stuff may be ooc but this is how I see the characters!
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Ichigo Kurosaki
Honestly Ichigo stays out of your way, at least while you're cooking dinner.
He likes to lean or sit on the counter and snack on the little things you hand him.
Naturally, Ichigo sits there and just watches you. He loves the way you move so fluidly around the kitchen. It's like you're floating.
In my mind Ichigo is the type to take photos of the food/of him eating.
He wouldn't post it on social media, but he'll send it to close friends.
Before and after photos of him completely demolishing his plate.
Somehow always ends up with food on his shirt but in a cute way.
If you get him full enough Ichigo will fall sleep at the table.
Please let him dip his fingers in the dessert that you're making.
Be ready to snatch any chocolate chips because if not he will eat them all.
You know those little boxes with the layers? The bentos?
Ichigo loves those. He keeps one tucked in his robe when in the soul society because, "the food here sucks."
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Byakuya Kuchiki
Listen, we can't pretend like this man hasn't been cooked for his whole life.
It's a little different with you though because you aren't someone who works for the family. Not that he doesn't care about those people it's just they aren't you.
"You don't have to do that." Byakuya told you multiple times.
"I know, I like to. Go sit."
He does, but not before getting some tea and a notebook to write in.
Because every meal you cook Byakuya writes down the date and what you made.
He writes the faces you make when you take your first bite. Whether or not you served it with tea or sake.
Byakuya buys you top shelf cooking utensils and supplies.
Aprons galore!!
He asks to sit in front of you while you cook and it sort of becomes a little bit of couple time.
You two usually talk over dinner anyway, but it's something different about those pre-meal conversations.
I don't see him being the type to wash dishes.
He is still a noble after all.
But I do see Byakuya stacking them and making them neat for those who clean up after you.
He brings you your bed side tea personally since you serve him dinner.
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Shunsui Kyoraku
You're making breakfast food the most often, for multiple reasons.
One main reason is because this man naps all day.
He rarely wants to be waken up for lunch.
And Shunsui likes to go out for dinner most nights.
The other main reason is because Shunsui likes to party a lot.
A big greasy, unhealthy, carb heavy breakfast makes him feel like the leftover sake (and the hangover) is being sucked from his body.
There's nothing like waking up to some of the best smells in the world and the best sight in the world.
(that sight being you obv)
You know he's up because of the grunts and feet barely lifting off the floor.
He does not let go of you.
Like seriously this arms are wrapped around you twice with his head on your shoulder.
His eyes are closed and he's just going to town with the smooches.
Shunsui lays with his kimono open patting his belly when done.
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Shouta Aizawa
This one is different because it's not necessarily cooking for him.
The food usually goes to your pets or his students.
Not because he didn't love it. How could he dislike it?
That's just how things ended up.
Aizawa definitely hands out snacks during the breaks on training days. Replenishing muscles and what not for growing kids is important, but the store bought stuff is kinda bleh.
At least to you it is, so you make these awesome tasty bars for everyone.
Aizawa munches on one himself while rolled up in his sleeping bag.
The students love them. There's never a crumb left & always request for more.
Now the pet situation is the cutest thing.
I think Aizawa is a cat guy, but if you're allergic to cats that's okay because your house is filled with other animals.
Dogs, frogs, birds, lizards. Literally anything that breathes and can be taken care of.
It makes this man weak in the knees when he comes home to you throwing different things in the food processor & slapping them into molds for the pets to eat.
"Is this for Rambo?"
You nod your head. "I've got some for Coco, Simba, and even Lionel from next door!"
Please, the man wants to cry.
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Shigaraki Tomura
Let's be frank. Not much cooking is going on within the LOV.
You really don't have much to work with to begin with.
There's no pots or pans.
The water runs, but the stove is there strictly for decoration.
The fridge works, but there's never much in it.
To make lemonade out of lemons you spice up cup ramen for Shigaraki.
Even going as far as to put some pieces of lunch meat in there for him.
Just for Shig not to eat it because he doesn't trust it. Why be nice to him? Eat it yourself if nothing is wrong with it.
Then it finally clicks that you're showing him genuine affection.
You get the smallest little, "thank you" one day & it makes you want to jump and click your heels.
The guy doesn't take too good care of himself.
When he's not scheming, fighting, or just doing villain things, Shigaraki is playing video games.
You don't have to say anything at a certain point.
With a cup of ramen in hand for yourself, you hand one off to Shigaraki.
He promptly pauses his game, says thank you, and slurps down his noodles.
He doesn't cook in return. But Shigaraki does "buy" your favorite flavors & he makes sure the place you all hide out in has running water and a microwave at the very least.
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Man spends a lot of time on the road & you seem to know when he's going to be assigned a mission before he does.
But just packing things for him to snack on isn't a good idea because he'll either eat it all in two days or it'll get spoiled when he uses his bag to blind an opponent.
Something you learned the hard way, but you couldn't leave your man hanging.
He genuinely loves every meal you cook him. The domestic action is such a muse for him.
It leads Jiraiya to modeling a character after you in a slow burn romance novel. (It doesn't sell like Icha-Icha but it's the thought that counts lol)
Anyway, you make sun dried meals for Jiraiya. Little packets of seasoning to go with it & lovely containers of something simple and sweet like pudding.
Jiraiya came home from meeting with the Hokage & the kitchen looked like a science lab.
You had on a tank top, apron, and were zooming around the kitchen.
There were vegetables on the window sill to dry in the sun and Jiraiya went straight to them.
"Don't you touch those! They're for you trip!"
He isn't listening, still reaching for the food.
You have to kick off a shoe and toss it at his head. "I said don't eat it!"
"Ow!" Jiraiya looks at you with that dramatic pouting face, but it quickly turns into a face of gratitude. "How'd you know?" He asked.
You shrugged. "My intuition I guess." You turned back to the stove to finish his potatoes.
Jiraiya just watched. He didn't have to say thank you, you already knew he was thankful.
Missions sucked, he didn't like being away from you. But when he's taking a break under a tree, assembling a meal from you with some hot water Jiraiya can't help but to smile.
The little "I love you" written on the bottom of the box is a nice touch.
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Kakashi Hetake
In my world Kakashi doesn't like to use your front door.
He knows your routine down to the minute & likes to show up to your place just before dinner time.
But he's at your kitchen window, perched on a tree, waving with that one eyed grin.
It becomes such a habit that you picked a place for him at the table.
"Ya know the door works just fine Kakashi."
"But how will I be able to follow behind you with the drinks?"
You looked at him with squinted eyes and just laugh a little.
Kakashi is the one that cooks with you as well.
No teaching at the academy? He's got his own apron and is cooking with you.
Kakashi cooked for himself as a child and it showed.
His knife skills? Out of this world.
You basically become his sous chef. Leaning back and just watching the man work.
His steamed dumplings are the absolute best.
Kakashi cooks in your kitchen so much he knows where everything is & moves around like it's his own.
He surprised you one night with a spread to celebrate an anniversary.
"how'd you get in here Hetake?" You weren't mad just very confused.
"You should lock your window." He said leading you to the table.
"I did..."
"Nevermind that try this fish!"
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lowkeyerror · 2 years
More Than Just A Mission Pt 3
Wanda Maximoff x Reader
Word Count: 3104
Warnings: Violence
Summary: The kids have arrived and the Avengers are back
An: Its my birthday
Pt1 Pt 2
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So kids came faster than you expected. You don't even think Wanda had been pregnant for 48 hours before they were born.
They grew up just as fast. It seemed like one moment they were infants, the next they were 10. It was a little strange, but you loved your kids.
Wanda was a fantastic mother. Seeing her in a maternal state only made you fall for her more. You loved the way she handled the kids.
She was really good with them from the very beginning. You were a good parent too, but you definitely struggled a little more than Wanda.
" Billy! Tommy! Come help me with dinner. We're going to surprise your mom"
" I'll set the table," Tommy insisted.
" Me too," Billy followed
Tommy placed the table mats while Billy grabbed the plates.
" What are we having, ma?"
" Burgers and fries, home style"
That's when you hear Wanda closing the front door," Boys? Y/n?"
" Dining room," you all answered in unison.
You press a quick kiss to her lips when you see her causing your sons to make vomiting noises.
" How was work?"
She takes a seat at the table," Boring and mundane"
" That's a good thing babe," you bring out the food and everyone begins to eat.
" I know but, sometimes I miss doing exciting things," she picks at her fries.
You could relate to that feeling. After all, you used to be a villain. You did whatever you wanted to do whenever you wanted to. The adrenaline junkie inside of you was starved. You went from robbing banks with a group of psychos to N a stay at home mom who watched cartoons all day with your kids.
" Me too"
" Can you guys tell us about your old jobs again?" Billy said with a mouth full of fries.
Tommy nodded eagerly before he took a large bite out of his burger," Ya tell us"
The two of you shared a look with small smiles on your face," Do you want to go first or should I ?"
" Your stories are always way more exciting than mine," Wanda admitted.
" That's because I didn't have any rules to follow. Your stories are good for being a hero"
She rolled her eyes as you bragged, Your ma is going to go first"
Before you could even start, your sons were firing questions and demands.
" Is this a villain story?"
" Ma, do you like being the bad guy"
" Did you and mom ever fight?"
You held your hands up in surrender," Woah woah woah. Slow down, I haven't even started the story. Yes it's a villain story, yes I liked being the bad guy, and no your mom and I never physically fought."
" There was that one time I stabbed you with a fork," Wanda said, taking a bite of her burger.
The boys gasp, and you chuckle," That was an accident, a very painful accident"
" How did that happen?" Billy asked.
" Well, we're eating dinner, kind of like we are now. This was when your mother and I had first moved in together. We were staying at a cute little cabin in the middle of nowhere. We were having steak and salad. Your mom wanted to cut my steak for me. I insisted that I could do it myself, but she was persistent. So like any reasonable person does I put my hand kind of over my steak, so she couldn't see it. Then your lovely mother just thought I would move my hand if she tried to cut into the steak."
" Did you move your hand, ma?" Tommy asked.
You shook your head," I did not. She stabbed the fork into my hand and screamed like she was the one being stabbed."
The boys were laughing hysterically, while Wanda tried to hold in her laughter.
" I've still got the imprint of the 4 little holes in my hand"
Wanda grabs your hand and kisses the scar," I'm so sorry my love"
It was moments like these where you remembered why you liked this mundane life so much. Sure, you missed certain aspects of your past life, but moments like these with your kids and Wanda were irreplaceable.
The rest of dinner is filled with talks about what everyone did in their day. You talked about yard work, one talked about a work report, and Tommy and Billy talked about finishing an impossible level of a video game.
It was a usual dinner until Wanda started acting strange," Ok kids clear the table and then go play in your room. Your mom and I will do the dishes."
Wanda hated doing the dishes. You also hated doing the dishes, which is why you usually made the kids do them.
" Yes, mom," they said together, quickly bringing the dishes to the sink and running up the stairs to their room.
As you stood above the sink drying dishes, you looked at the woman," What's wrong?"
She shook her head," I don't know. Something just feels off."
You can see the worry in her eyes," Whatever it is, we can handle it together."
Wanda just nodded. Whatever it was, was seriously bothering her. She was tense, on edge, and that put you on edge as well.
When you finished washing the dishes, Wanda turning to you with red eyes glowing into your," They're coming"
" Who?"
" The Avengers. My powers are telling me, I can feel them Y/n"
You steel your gaze,'' We have protocols for this. It'll be ok"
" We have to tell the boys," you sigh, but follow the woman upstairs.
" Boys, remember when we told you that some people might come and try to break apart our family," Wanda starts.
Billy and Tommy look at each other and then at us.
" They're on their way, and we need to prepare," you add.
You pause to see their reaction. Instead of the fear you anticipated, they high five each other.
" So we get to fight?" Tommy says.
" Do we get guns?" Billy uses his hands to start shooting fake targets around the room.
" No guns, that's what your powers are for.We're only fighting if it is absolutely necessary. We're going to stick with plan A and if things go wrong there is always plan B. Do you remember the plans?" Wanda asks them and they nod.
" We get the door because they don't know us," Tommy starts.
" Our mom and dad are picking up dinner," Billy continues.
" We don't know anything about anything"
You smile at them," Good job, boys. What about if that doesn't send them away?"
" Billy's going to use his powers to tell mom," Tommy says, pointing to his brother.
" That's right. For now just keep playing, we'll figure the rest out if it happens," you and Wanda give them a hug before leaving their room.
The two of you rush into your room. You silently pull out your old gear. As you hold it up in the air, you wonder if you can even fit in it anymore.
" You'll fit just fine baby," when your eyes land on Wanda, she already changed into her Scarlet Witch get up.
You can't help yourself as you stalk your way over to her. Your hands rest on her waist, and you pull her close to you," I've always really liked this outfit on you"
" Why is that?" A small smirk plays on her lips.
" I think you know why?"
You were in your gear without even knowing it," I like yours too"
" Your magic will forever amaze me"
She laughs a little before looking deeply into your eyes," Are you nervous about this?"
You shake your head with a complacent smile on your face," No, we can take them. We've done it before, and we can do it again"
" You're always so nonchalant about things like this"
You shrug," I'm a villain at heart, my love. Carefree and cocky are in the description."
" Just in case this all goes sideways, I love you and our family more than anything," Wanda's hands find their way to yours.
" Well, since we're doing our last words. In case this does go wrong, I want to let you know that not calling you my wife has driven me absolutely insane, and if we make it out of this. We're going to have to fix that."
She blinks at you," Did you just ask me to marry you?"
" Should I have gotten on one knee or?"
You don't have time to finish the sentence, as Wanda's lips are on yours immediately. You smile into the kiss, feeling like this dream would never come to an end.
" Is that a yes?"
" I'll let you know after we win this fight."
You smile playfully," Well, I've really got to kick their asses."
The doorbell rings, interrupting your moment.
" Would they really ring the doorbell," you whisper.
" Well it would be a surprise attack, so I think the doorbell would be fine."
" Oh shit, um hi… kids. Are your parents home?" You can hear Tony's voice ring out through the house.
" Our mom and dad are out getting dinner," Billy tells him.
" Have the two of you seen either of these women," It's Natasha's voice this time.
" No," they say together.
" I could've sworn they'd be here," Vision says.
" I told you guys this was a waste of time," Clint is the next to speak.
" We're sorry we couldn't help," Tommy says, obviously trying to end this conversation.
" No we're sorry for bothering you boys, you kids have a good night," Steve said and with that you heard the front door close.
" Is it over?" You questioned.
" Not even close," Wanda's hands were surrounded in red mist," They know we're in here"
" How?"
" Two ten-year-old boys don't know the most famous superheroes in the world. Tony and Steve's ego would never accept that."
" Well on the bright side I didn't hear Bruce or Thor?"
Wanda nods," They aren't with the team"
" So, 5 v 4?"
" You think the kids can handle them?" Wanda bites her lip.
" They'll focus on Clint and Nat. We'll handle the rest," the two of you rush downstairs.
" Boys, they are going to come back any moment You two focus on Natasha and Clint We'll take the others"
" Do we get cool suits too?" Billy asked.
You shot Wanda a glance," Of course. We have to make sure you both are protected to the maximum"
In a flash, your boys are wearing their own gear. The strong material covers their bodies, just as similar material protects you and Wanda.
" Awesome," the boys observed.
" I say we take the fight to them. You ready?" You crack your neck and loosen your shoulders.
" Let's get this over with," Wanda says.
All of you walk out of the house. Unsurprised to see the Avengers still standing on your front lawn.
" Where'd you get the kids?" Tony asks as you face off.
" Old fashion way. When you're in a relationship with one of the most powerful beings in the universe, anything is possible"
" I'm giving you one chance because of our history. Y/n and I aren't those people anymore, we have a family"
Steve looks at the ground before looking back at her," I wish we could do that Wanda, but you know we can't. The powers above us are involved."
" Fine, but don't say i didn't warn you," she levitates off of the ground red chaos magic surrounding her.
You can hear the sound of Tommy's speed charging, and you see Billy ready to use his powers as well.
You raised your hands to create a calm sphere of water floating around you. Your eyes are shining in a blue furry.
Wanda wasted no time attacking Vision first. He was the biggest threat, and she was probably the only one who could deal with him.
Tommy took off running circles around Clint and Natasha, confusing the pair.
" Are we actually supposed to fight children?" Clint asks.
He immediately regrets it when Billy fires a mailbox into the vortex that his brother created. The box actually hit Clint in the head.
" Keep running Tommy, I'll throw things"
Steve charged you with the shield, and you blocked his attack, but then you were hit with a wave of energy from Tony, knocking you flat on your back.
You sprang up more prepared than before. As Cap tried to attack you again dodge his attack but shot a power burst of water in Tony's direction sending the man flying back.
" Ma!"
You look over in time to see Tommy being captured by a net arrow while Billy keeps hurling items at Clint and Natasha.
" Billy throws the car"
" It's too heavy"
" Do it for your brother"
You see Billy struggling for a second, but then he gets it and the car flies towards the two heroes. They move what they presume is out of harm's way
That's when you use your powers to freeze them to the ground. You run over to Tommy, setting him free from the net.
" Are you okay?"
" Ma, watch out"
Out of instinct, you shove the kids away from you before bending back; only just avoiding Steve's shield.
" Did you just try to take me out while I was talking to my kids?"
You glared at Steve with anger like no other coursing through your system.
" You're steaming," Billy pointed.
" You're turning blue," Tommy added.
Tony tried to charge you, and this time you let him get the hit. He punched you into the air, keeping a tight hold on your torso.
That was, until he smelt something burning," That's impossible"
You were melting his suit," This is titanium alloy, the melting point is 3,034 °F."
" Well, I tend to get hot headed when my kids are involved," your fingers shoot towards the eyehole of Tony's helmet.
He let go of you before you burn through them. You were falling from the sky, cursing under your breath about being so careless.
Arms wrapped around your waist," I've got you"
" My skin is literally over 3000 degrees, are you doing this"
" You said it yourself sweetheart, I'm really powerful," she winks at you.
" Aren't you in the middle of something?"
She scoffs," I can't save my wife from falling to her death?"
" Stop this now," Steve shouts, holding both of the boys up by the back of their shirts.
" I'll kill you, Steve," Wanda speaks calmly and clearly. She means it," Let my kids go."
" Just turn yourselves in and this could all be over."
Steve, Tony, and Vision still stand. Nat and Clint are frozen to the concrete.
You try to use the water inside of their bodies like you did before, but there was a barrier. Something blocking you from taking control.
" Don't worry, boys, this will all be over soon," Wanda says confidently.
Billy uses the last of his powers to nudge Vision toward the two of you. Wanda kicked in his knee causing him to fold to floor her hand rested above his stone.
" Leave here and never come back, or I'll rip the stone from his head," the sinister tone in her voice put her ex teammates on edge.
" You're bluffing, you loved him," Tony calls her bluff.
Red magic encircles the stone, and it begins to lift from his head," Kids, close your eyes."
Their eyes shut immediately. Vision screamed in pain as Wanda slowly removed the stone.
" My family means more to me than this team ever did. If I have to go through you to keep them, I will. "
Tony became less and less certain of the bluff as the stone moved further and further from Vision," Ok! Alight. We won't come back, we promise, but it is back before you kill him."
" Do you agree, Captain?" He looked between Wanda, Vision, and Tony then sighed, releasing your kids.
" We won't be back"
As soon as Wanda gives Vision back his stone, Steve walks away with his shield on his back.
Tony rushed towards Vision, who was noticeably weak. You melt the ice holding Clint and Natasha down.
" Cute kids," Natasha says, looking at the pair of us.
" More like menaces to society," Clint shoots back.
" Make sure you tell them about us, the good things at least," with a small smile, Natasha and Clint are the last ones to walk away.
" Do you think they'll come back?" Billy asked.
You shake your head," This is a fight they'll always lose. So it's safe to say that they have finally accepted defeat."
Billy sighs," I think the arrow guy was kind of cool"
" The lady too," Tommy said, mimicking the Widow's pose.
It sounded just like what you said the first time you had encountered the team," Maybe one day a long long time from now we can try this again, an introduction with less fighting."
" Maybe, but just Clint and Natasha," Wanda said, wrapping her arms around your waist.
" Cool," the boys said, continuing to run around the front yard.
" I didn't know you could do that thing with your skin," Wanda kisses part of your neck.
You lean into her," Me either. I just got so mad that I started boiling"
" This just reinforced the fact that I love my mundane life with my two perfect sons and my incredible wife"
" You sure are throwing the word around a lot for someone who has yet to give me a ring," she teased you.
" I have it already. In case you weren't listening earlier, I've been waiting for this for a long time. Tommy, top left drawer in our room, bring me the velvet box in there please"
He was back before you could even finish the sentence. You got down on one knee, bones cracking. Clothes dirty from fighting, head sweating.
" Marry me," you open the velvet box.
" It doesn't sound like you're giving me a choice," she giggled.
" That's cause I'm not," you slip the ring onto her finger and slowly stand back up.
She leans in placing a delicate kiss on your lips," I love you Y/n Maximoff"
" I kind of love the sound of that," you kiss her again. Then you call your kids over," Maximoff's, family hug."
The two boys come crashing into your sides in a fit of laughter. This was it, life could not get any better. Your kids by your side, your wife in your arms. It's a life you never thought you could live, but you should've known with Wanda by your side, anything was possible.
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bexbaxx · 2 years
Viktor x Reader: Pride & Prejudice (2)
(Finally here's the next chapter! The previous one can be found here. Hope you enjoy!)
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You and Mel enjoyed a hearty breakfast the next morning, various dishes and juices laid out on the table for your pleasure. The previous night's events had ended slowly, with most of the guests taking their leave in the later hours of the night.
You had felt a strong sense of relief when it was time to leave, for while Mel had ultimately enjoyed her night and the company of one Mr. Talis, you were eager to put some distance between yourself and his friend, Viktor.
The man had definitely wounded your ego with his comment, and his overall behaviour throughout the night brought a scowl to your face as you took another bite of toast.
You assumed Viktor was from an insanely wealthy family, possibly more-so than Mr. Talis himself, considering his disinterest in the entire event, though you hadn't asked anyone about it.
No, you thought, asking about it would indicate a level of interest you certainly didn't possess.
"He's exactly what a young man should be." Mel started absentmindedly, playing with some of the food on her plate. "Sensible, good humored..."
You quickly interrupted her with a knowing smile. "Handsome, conveniently rich."
Mel laughed and turned to you, her face looking slightly warm. "You know perfectly well I don't believe marriage should be driven by a lot of money."
You grin widened, and you reached for your glass of juice. "I agree entirely! Only the deepest love would persuade me to marry, which is why I'll end up an old maid."
It was quiet for a moment as you continued eating. Though you hadn't drunk much last night, you felt an emptiness in your stomach and a tension in your head.
Mel spoke again, this time more quietly. "Do you really think he liked me?"
You scoffed, almost spilling the glass in your hand. "Mel, he danced with you most of the night, and stared at you for the rest of it."
Though your friend attempted to hide it, you caught a small smile spread across her face. You were a bit surprised by her infatuation with the man, for you had never known your friend to be so taken with another before.
Though, you supposed Jayce Talis was quite unlike most other Piltover highborn. He seemed quite grounded in the conversations you had shared last night.
"I still can't believe what Viktor said about you."
Viktor, however, was still an enigma you had yet to unravel, more specifically you wondered how exactly a man such as him had befriended Mr. Talis in the first place.
You thought for a moment, before replying. "It doesn't matter. I doubt we will ever speak again."
The conversation was cut short by one of the household servants approaching the table, a scroll in their grasp. They promptly stopped beside Mel, gesturing for her to take it, which she did so hesitantly.
She briefly looked at you before she undid the seal, and for a moment she silently read the contents of the scroll. You paid it no mind until a sudden gasp made you drop your spoon.
"I've been asked to dine with the Talis' tonight!"
Now, later in the evening, you found the rest of your day had been reasonably quiet. After you and Mel had, at great lengths, discussed how she would approach dinner at the Talis household, she left promptly after for her office.
Very rarely did she have any days off, and it seemed that recently the work of a Council member had kept her even busier.
You on the other hand spent most of the day enjoying a book and some rest.
Dinner was a modest event, your Mother still nursing a sickness most likely associated with her drinking the previous night, and your Father silently enjoying his meal.
You sipped your water, paying little mind to your Mother's rambling across the table. The two of you got along, though you found at times it was simply too difficult to keep up with the quickness of her speech when something had caught her interest.
Your Father, who by comparison was much more reserved, seemed to be listening intently as he ate. You had always wondered how two very different people like them seemed to be quite happy in marriage, especially considering it was not arranged for them.
A servant quickly walked into the dining hall with a scroll in her hand. You were a bit surprised when she wordlessly handed it to you, as it was not often you received letters from anyone.
Your Mother cleared her throat, before speaking up. "Ooh, another admirer?"
Your rolled your eyes and took the scroll into your hand. "I doubt that very much."
When you opened the scroll, you immediately recognized the handwriting. You wondered why Mel was writing to you now when she had seen you only a couple of hours beforehand.
"I've come down with a terrible illness during dinner. The Talis' have been kind enough to allow me to stay in a guest room, and a Doctor has already come to check on me. Apparently I've caught a cold.
Don't worry too much about me, I should be better by the morning."
Your head shot up. "Mother, can I take the carriage in the morning to see Mel?"
This time it was your Father who answered. "One of the wheels is currently being repaired, I'm afraid. You might have to go out on foot."
The next morning you woke early, and promptly searched for any correspondence from your friend. When you ultimately found nothing, you quickly left for the Talis residency.
You could use the walk, you thought, though you didn't own shoes that were good for it, and you eyed the mild breeze outside suspiciously.
You knew she would be slightly unhappy with your arrival, already probably embarrassed, but you couldn't help but worry for her. It was unlike Mel to ever really get ill, and if it had been bad enough to force her into bed rest, you needed to know she was making a swift recovery.
Upon arrival at the Talis home, you couldn't help but marvel at how grand it appeared. It was quite large, two stories, freshly coated in a white paint that almost sparkled in the sun. You noticed the accent of gold present throughout the residency, on the doors, windows and gates, and wondered if that was yet another similarity Jayce shared with your friend.
As you neared the front gate of the home, a servant of the family approached you. He greeted you formally, and guided you inside. His brief look towards your hair made you quickly run your hands through to smooth it down, though you realised it wouldn't do much good now.
Inside was even grander, and you slightly marvelled at the various paintings that hung off the white corridor walls.
"Missus Talis is currently in the drawing room." The servant informed you, and he guided you furthest down the hall until you entered a large, well lit room, filled with various chairs and two canapé sat facing each other.
As you moved further into the room, you saw a round wooden table, and two people sat. You recognized Ximena Talis holding a teacup in her hand as she conversed with the person sat beside her.
Your heart fell slightly, and you had to stop yourself from gaping outwardly at the situation. His appearance was slightly more humble today, he wore black dress pants and a dark maroon shirt, and over it a white waistcoat and tie.
As you moved to stand in the center of the room, modestly holding your hands in front of you, the servant formally introduced you to the pair before taking his leave promptly.
Viktor's head shot up, his striking eyes almost looking right through you with his intensity. Appearing slightly stunned himself, he swiftly stood from his seat.
His sudden action startled you, and you hesitantly looked away once Ximena spoke up with a warm smile. "Goodness my dear, did you walk here?"
You stopped yourself from attempting to smooth your hair again, though your hands found their way to your dress instead. Your reply was bashful. "I did."
There was a slight pause in the conversation and your eyes flickered towards Viktor once again, who continued to stand still by the table, and watched you with an interest that you assumed meant he had something to say.
When he said nothing, your gaze hesitantly fell to Ximena again. "I'm so sorry, how is Mel?"
Before the woman could even blink, Viktor finally spoke up. "She's upstairs."
His expression was absolutely sincere, which startled you out of words once again. This predicament was highly unexpected, you believed you would never see the man again, and yet here he stood with an expression of great interest towards you.
It was certainly strikingly different to the disinterested attitude he had towards you during the previous night's events.
Ximena spoke up again, cutting through the sudden tension of the room. "I'll have someone show you to her upstairs, dear. She's recovering slowly."
You nodded, and as the woman turned to speak to one of the servants stood beside the table, you curiously looked toward Viktor once again, a bit taken aback that his focus remained on you.
You would begrudgingly admit to yourself that he was handsome, and you took note of the way his hair looked slightly unkept, almost as if he had woken up not too long ago. His appearance, too, was strikingly different compared to the previous night.
"Thank you." You replied, eyes still focused on his.
You had never seen Mel so ill in your life. She was still bedridden, congested and rundown, however you had been told by the accompanying servant that she had improved considerably since the previous night.
You moved to sit on the bed beside her form, and she spoke with her eyes closed, in a strained voice. "You didn't have to come see me, you know."
You huffed out a laugh, reaching for her shoulder to comfort her. "You look positively awful."
She groaned, moving her hands towards her face sluggishly. "I feel so terrible for the imposition. They're being so kind to me."
"I must admit the timing of this is ingenious." You replied, still smiling as you caressed her arm softly. She was warm to the touch. "Mr. Talis must be most pleased to have you spending the night."
Mel opened an eye to glare at you, though in her condition it came off softer than usual. Almost as if summoned, Jayce entered the room after a brisk knock, a look of concern on his features.
You quickly spoke up, offering him a warm smile. "Thank you for tending to her so diligently."
He returned with a small smile, moving further into the room. "It's a pleasure."
He paused for a moment, before quickly fumbling to correct himself. "I mean, it's... Sorry. It's not a pleasure that she's ill, of course not. It's a pleasure that she's here..."
He paused again, looking embarrassed, and your kind smile formed into one of amusement as he lamely finished. "...Being ill."
You hadn't seen the man looking so nervous before, you could only assume it was Mel's form beside you that was causing it. She would no longer be able to deny his attraction to her, you thought to yourself, it had become almost painfully obvious.
Jayce cleared his throat, before speaking again. "You're more than welcome to spend the evening with us. Viktor arrived not too long ago to show me some project plans, I could ask the kitchen to bring us something?"
You paused to think for a moment, looking down towards your friend. It would be rude to say no to such an offer, and the longer you could remain close to Mel the better you would feel about her condition.
"I would love to." You replied warmly, though in the back of your mind you couldn't help but worry about spending another evening in the same room as his friend, Viktor.
(@londonbrandcandy, @shrektiledysfunction, @madamerebloger, @veloceraptors, @supershunini, @telleroftime, @langaslefthairstrand, @famousalmondloverangel, @sweetcakuuuu, @ranfithegood and @glasstyrs and @abstracteddreality asked to be tagged!)
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fic-dumpster · 3 years
Deer in headlights | Short stories: The tattoos fiasco
Bonten x Reader | 1333 words
Warnings: imma start labeling them as crack fics, grammar mistakes, Can be read as a stand-alone fic, mediocre writing<it is a warning, innuendos. Idk
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With your first paycheck from working with Bonten in hand, you were buzzing with excitement. The number of digits left you dizzy at first, and you even went to Kokonoi and asked if there was a mistake. Apparently, there wasn't.
So here you are walking in the lower shopping levels of their office. For the first time ever, you had money to spare. You really didn't need anything, but there was this feeling of emancipation. You can understand some of Kokonoi’s fondness for earning your own cash.
“What to get?” You already had a lot of stuff, thanks to everyone, especially Kakucho and Takeomi. Then as you walked past a makeup shop, a black object caught your eye. “Oooh!! I’m getting that.” with quick steps, you walk in, paid, and left. Now bag in hand, you went back upstairs.
You announced that you wanted to go home and if anyone was available. You avoided saying the word taxi or walk alone; the last time you tried, they almost lost their shit, and Kokonoi went on a two-hour lecture about your safety and their peace of mind.
Thankfully, Mochi said he could drive you. He needed to run some errands, and by errands, you knew what kind. Before you could leave, Mikey held your wrist.
“Remember that we’re all going tonight.” you nodded eagerly.
“Dinner, right?” you asked, just to confirm in case... They had other plans, and you’ve forgotten about them.
“Yeah, Rindo’s turn to pick a restaurant,” added Takeomi.
“Why?” asked Ran with a teasing tone, “you wanted something else?” he curved his fingers around your waist. Squeaking a no, you walked out. “You’re cute when you shy away!” Ran’s strong voice echoed after you.
Mochi laughed beside you, “You look like a tomato,” he commented.
Dropping you off, Mochi said he most likely won't make it for dinner, so don't include him on the table since some of his errands would take time. Then, you both said your goodbyes.
Now alone in your place, you threw your shoes at the entrance and rapidly changed to something more comfortable for the project you had in mind. Almost bouncing your way to your discarded bag, you took out your new acquisition.
You know how everyone has those moments of losing control and bad decisions, do things you might regret later. In your case, it can happen but not how anyone would expect. Yours was a lot more.... different since your definition of danger consisted in crossing the street without looking both ways.
After reading the instructions, charging the device, and preparing yourself, with a low buzzing sound coming from the black object, you began.
A few hours later, the sound of the door announced their arrival. You could hear Kokonoi nag to Sanzu about not leaving your shoes neatly in the entrance and Sanzu just laughing it off and doing the same thing as you.
“Y/N! We’re home!” shouted Kakucho.
“Welcome back! I’m in the living room!” you stood up and stretched. Sitting on the floor for so long hurt your back.
“I got food; come eat!” Rindo said as he walked with multiple takeout bags.
So you made your way to the kitchen.
“Y/N, Rindo brought soup, so I need-” Kokonoi never finished his sentence. A loud crash made everyone turn. Kokonoi had dropped one of your plates. He froze from the image in front of him. There you stood and... “What the hell did you do to yourself?!?” He was going to have a stroke.
At his scream, everyone looked your way. Their reactions differed. Takeomi choked on his smoke. Rindo, who was purring soup on a plate, got distracted by your new acquisitions that he ended up dumping half of it out of the container. Sanzu seemed to love the concept and went running towards you and began to analyze your skin. From your arms to your legs, he even crouched down to have a better look.
“Hmm,” hummed Mikey as he poked your skin. He didn't seem mad, just curious.
“Mikey, stop jabbing your fingers in her,” Kakucho tried to stop his boss, “Y/N, sweetheart. Why-” the poor man was about to cry, and you panicked. Kakucho has always been so soft to you.
“Oh! No, no! Kaku-chan! The tattoos are fake! They last a day or so.” you reassured him.
“Thank god,” breathed Ran, who had been very quiet until now.
“Y/N, those aren't tattoos,” added Takeomi from your open window.
“I know they look weird... The machine wasn't doing a very good job,” you acknowledged. And it was true; your skin had a variety of smudges from different colors.
“The decapitated hello-kitty is my favorite,” said Sanzu
Kokonoi looked in horror at the amount of ink. “The what?!”
“Like I said, it wasn't working! It only printed half of it,”
“But why?” Asked Mikey, still poking at your wannabe tattoos as Kakucho kept trying to stop his actions.
“Ohh hmm... I saw the other day,” you lowered your gaze, “Ran and Rindo’s tattoos and Uhm...” your voice slowly became quieter and quieter. “A-and I thought they looked pretty.”
At your words, Ran fastly pulled you on his lap. You tried scrambling away only to be stopped by a chest on your back.
Rindo clicked his tongue in disapproval, “And where do you think you’re going?”
“Little Lady, here, likes our Tattoos, Rindo.” even en if Ran was talking to his brother, his intense gaze never left yours. “What should we do about that?” For a moment, the three of you forgot the rest was there.
“Would you like to touch them again...” Rindo guided your trembling hands inside his brother suit. “Like yesterday? I still remember. You know? Your grip is very tight,” that declaration had a double meaning. Ran and Rindo got a whimper out of you, and that’s when the other men present had enough.
Kakucho snatched your hand from Rindo’s hold. “That’s it; the food will get cold.”
“You horn dogs, behave.” Sanzu pulled Ran’s chair. As a result, you fell backward, only for Rindo to catch you.
“Sanzu, be careful!” shouted Kokonoi
“Yeah, Sanzu. Be careful; your jealousy is showing.” Rindo retorted.
A snickering Takeomi clapped a hand on Sanzu’s back. “Let it go; Mikey looks like he’s about to throw a tantrum.” His words were like a waking up call to everyone.
On cue, Bonten’s boss muttered, “I’m hungry; hurry up.” and following his words, your stomach grumbled out loud.
Everyone sat down. Although, you could see Rindo and Sanzu kicking each other under the de table.
“I’m helping you take all that,” Kokonoi’s voice interrupted the silence.
“It’s okay; they will be gone by tomorrow,” you explained once again.
“They look like bruises. We don't like that.” finished Kokonoi. You noticed he said we... And you looked around the table. All eyes corroborated Kokonoi’s statement.
Kakucho, who sat beside you, placed his hand on your thigh in a comforting manner.
“This was a horrible decision,” mumbled Kokonoi as he scrubbed a beheaded hello-kitty on your right leg.
“Yeah, kinda,” you agreed as your head popped up from the bubbles in the bathtub.
“I see you both are having fun,” sarcastically commented Rindo, who appeared at the door.
“Shut up,” you and Kokonoi let out at the same time.
“I’m thinking of managing your income from now on,” Kokonoi said while adding more soap to his washcloth.
“Good idea,” snickered Rindo, “no more spending five hundred in a tattoo printer.”
“It’s your fault! For looking all... All...-” your pouting face slowly submerged in the soapy water.
“All what? Hmm?” a teasing smile formed on Rindo’s lips. Rolling his sleeves, he dipped his hand in the bathtub. “Tell me, was it my tattoo?” he reached for your waist underwater.
“Yah! Stop! Yes! Your tattoo looks hot!” You screamed from the tickling on your sides.
“Rindo!! That's enough!” Shouted an annoyed and now wet Kokonoi.
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Day 153.3: Painting (Part 3)
Sorry for the wait, loves! You can start with Part 1 if you’d like
Living with Draco Malfoy was exactly like living alone for the first week or so after he moved in with Harry.
Harry barely saw him, barely heard a peep from him. And it made him feel irrationally sad. He made enough food for both of them and Draco left money on the table under the flower pot, but he never saw him eat and rarely even heard him come home.
It wasn't until one night when Harry came home from dinner and drinks with Ron and Hermione that he found Draco in the living room. He was curled up in the corner of the couch with three textbooks open, notebook set off to the side, computer in his lap, and pen in his mouth.
Draco's head jerked up when Harry came into the room and his cheeks flushed pink. "Sorry," he said quickly, taking his earbuds out and starting to close up his books. "I'll head to my room, ju-"
"Hey," Harry said, holding out a hand, "It's fine," he assured. "Please, if you want to work here, feel free."
"I was just a little chilly from walking back," he said uncertainly. "I'll get more wood for the fire," he added.
"It's fine," Harry said, waving him off. "I never pay for firewood. I just get more when I go to visit Luna on Thursdays. I help chop wood for her so she lets me bring it back."
"You're sure?"
He nodded, "Definitely. Is it okay with you if I sit over there and read?" he asked, pointing to the chair.
"Of course," Draco replied, "It's your house. Don't let me-"
"It's your home, too," Harry protested. "Draco," he said, shaking his head, "I want you to be comfortable. Seriously, there are no strings here, just," he shrugged, "be."
(Read more below the cut)
Draco chewed on his bottom lip, "You'll tell me if I'm in your way."
"You won't be," Harry replied, "But if it will make you feel better, yes, I will tell you if you're in my way."
He slowly settled back into the cushions and Harry made his way over to the overstuffed armchair that he loved to sink into, "What are you working on?" he asked.
Draco stretched, "A care plan," he said with a shrug. "This teacher isn't overly fond of me, so I just want to make sure that I've got everything right." He yawned and leaned his head back against the sofa, rubbing his eyes.
"You work too hard," Harry said softly.
A humorless smile crossed his face, "Until last week it was the only way for me to make ends meet."
Harry hummed, "You could work less now, if you wanted to?" he offered.
"Maybe," Draco affirmed.
Harry decided not to push it and opened his book. He let his eyes drift over the page but he couldn't seem to focus on what he was reading, too busy thinking about how much Draco had on his plate.
Over the top of his book, he watched Draco studying and typing away at his computer, amazed that Draco was able to type so quickly when he hadn't spent most of his life even knowing what a computer was.
When Draco paused again and closed his laptop Harry said, "Draco?"
"Hmm?" he responded, rubbing at the side of his neck.
"Do you have a day off this week?"
He nodded, "Tuesday."
Harry hummed. "Do you want to have an at home spa day?"
Draco cocked his head at him, "What?" he asked. "Why?"
He shrugged, "You seem like you could a bit of relaxation." He swallowed, "Luna actually put me on to it when-" he broke off, exhaling slowly, "Well when things were a little harder than they are now."
"I'm not sure-"
"They're not just for gay men," Harry said, his neck heating up.
Draco blinked at him and then laughed.
"They're not!" he protested.
He held out a hand, "No, I know," he said. "Sorry, I'm just laughing because you think I wouldn't do something for gay men. I hope it won't offend you," he added, "but I'm not straight."
"Oh," Harry said, his eyebrows rose to his hairline, "I didn't know," he said.
"Does it matter?" Draco asked, sounding a bit defensive.
He shook his head quickly, "No," he said. "No. Not at all. I-"
"I can leave, if it bothers you-"
"No," he said. "Draco. I'm," he swallowed, "I am too." He scratched his beard, "I haven't said that out loud before."
Draco stared at him.
He stared back for a moment, not quite sure what to say either.
"I," he cleared his throat, "I didn't know."
"How could you?" he asked with a humorless chuckle. "I didn't even know until a couple of months ago. Too busy trying not to die and all," he said, shrugging a shoulder.
Draco looked at him for a long moment, "Yes," he said finally. "Yes, I'd love to have a spa day."
"Great," Harry said, perking up at the memory of what had started this conversation in the first place.
"What should I bring?"
"Can it be my treat?" Harry asked.
Draco scratched the back of his head, "I don't want to feel like I'm a burden on you."
"You're not," he replied quickly. "You're already doing so much, working so hard. But I'm," he shrugged, "just here. I just have my art classes and the little projects around the house. Let me do this?"
Draco nodded once, slowly.
"Great," Harry said again, grinning brightly at him.
The corner of Draco's mouth tipped up in response. "I need to go to bed. I have a class at 7:00 tomorrow," he said through a yawn.
He nodded, "See you tomorrow?" he asked.
"If you want to?" Draco said, like he couldn't quite believe it.
"I'd like that," he said earnestly.
"Alright," Draco agreed.
And Harry smiled, feeling like he might be starting off on an adventure that was actually worth having.
Part 2 | Part 4
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