#I didnt expect to have ideas cuz I didn’t the other day
crowning-art · 1 year
Bro this is so depressing to read, I'm just just sitting here like
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Def not having fun reading about Xie Lian's current condition....
I dunno how to feel like my heart was warmed but also there was a sense of pity and sadness for Xie Lian as we read about him attempting to rob some travellers and like boi tried his best to find a way out which was so precious but he just couldn't at the end :(
Like dude out here with 10 million mental health issues and now there's one more added to the trauma checklist lol
He didn’t dare stop anywhere where there were people, because he constantly felt the others were staring at him, judging him for how unkempt he was. Finally, he came to a graveyard with not a single soul before he stopped in his step
The more he thought, the angrier he became, and he started mumbling in spite of himself. “…What the fuck.” Xie Lian had never cursed before. This was the very first time such words came out of his mouth. But the curious thing was, after he cursed, the stifling tension in his chest seemed to have dispersed instantly. Thus, like a child who had tasted sweets, Xie Lian clung on to the side walls of the burial pit and used all his strength to yell with a deafening voice.
What the heck
and hahah wow ya, I needed to get that out of the way lol
“So cold,” Xie Lian whispered. His voice was tiny, afraid that anyone would overhear. However, that ghost fire heard, and it came flying, pressing itself against his body, its flames suddenly much brighter than before, like it was burning itself up with all it had. Still, a ghost fire was cold.
NO WAY!!! ITS THOSE 30 HEAVENLY OFFICIALS??? THOSE SAME ONES THAT HUA CHENG FOUGHT FIRST THING WHEN HE BECANE GHOST KING!! damn it's crazy like in hindsight, these people had signed their death wishes that day and they were none the wiser like it was so small but they had no idea
With that cry, the other heavenly officials became alarmed too. “WHAT’S GOING ON?” That heavenly official seemed to be in excruciating pain, covering his face and bent at the waist. “A, a ball of ghost fire hit my eyes just now…is he playing tricks?”
I dunno this was so freaking cute that I had to pause reading for two seconds to make a tiny sketch cuz tiny Hua Cheng deserves it 💗
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Ok listen, why does White NO Face always pick the WORSE POSSIBLE TIMES to make an appearance???? Plz is he just waiting behind a door like yaaaa seems like Xie Lian is at his worst, lemme drop by and say hi to my bestie!!
Ugh, smh, what is this weirdo up to NOW?
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tabbytiger · 1 year
I’m going to explode if i keep these ideas in ny head none of yall know anything abt my dnd characters but its okay this is mostly for me before i fucking combust
Me thinking abt the seperation of koda and fran and also what their reunion would be
Cuz they didn’t say goodbye to each other it was open ended and to both parties it felt like too much was unsaid and it was not at all a satisfying parting bc they’re stupid and gay
Koda basically was delivered the news that like, he’s being sent off and that he has to leave and be on his own. Dude only got like half a day to get his shit together and get out so he doesn’t even time to process his feelings or the news. Nettle (Fran’s bird that is co owned by both of them. Who often just keeps an eye out for koda) Picks up the news and she flies back to Fran who drops literally everything on her fucking plate and rushes to intercept Koda before he can even leave the forest. My guy is so disoriented he’s just walking and he ends up at the one place they had together and she’s there.
Rip to this bitch bc He’s the only person that has never asked anything or expected anything of her other than to be his friend. And he’s the one person she can breathe arnd or feel comfortable bc back w the pack she has so much responsibility and expectation on her shoulders while at the same time none of her pack mates treat her w much seriousness or respect because she’s the runt of the litter. But one of the heads of the pack saw some like real potential in her and started training her to eventually become part of the council as well. Koda’s literally just a stupid himbo and the longest closest friend shes ever had and shes stupidly in love with him. This is like earth fucking shattering news bc he’s leaving and theres nothing either of them can do abt it.
So their last ever conversation, She can’t even like show her face to him, the entire time she keeps her skull mask on, partly bc she left so fast she didnt think abt it since its like a dress code thing. And the other part is she doesn’t want her emotions to betray her so she’s putting back up her cold front, the front she puts on when shes with the pack. Bc she has to, no one takes her seriously unless she came off as cold and stand offish. She always has to walk arnd and command respect and it just ends up w her not having any sort of personal connections to anyone of her kind. Bc they just see her as someone to follow, and the pack mentality is strong. So shes like always feel alone and like an outcast with her entire family (which ykno is super extended werewolves are fucked huh) She’s also just so like distraught that shes going to lose him and has no idea if they’d ever see each other again, all she can do to cope with the moment is to push him out. Koda is also like distraught because she hasn’t been this cold towards him since their first initial meeting years ago when they first met as kids. And he’s upset because he knows she’s not just pushing him away but to him it feels like shes shutting the door. All he wants is to hold her or feel some sort of last closeness, he wants to reach out and pull off the stupid mask, actually like say goodbye on a good note but he’s so afraid to upset her even more that he just stands thhere helplessly in the situation. He’s telling her the news and all she says is “I know.. I heard”, just short and matter of fact responses. and eventually after much more strained silence he just defeatedly says “I have to go” and really to twist the knife even deeper in this situation the only thing she says is “So go then” and so koda leaves and nettle flies out after him as far as she can before she stops and recalls. And then they just never send each other any correspondence bc the whole thing is so painful both of them just pushed it aside and focused on their seperate like adventures and shit. They’re both stubborn in that respect and they refuse to write each other anything bc hes still holding onto the unspoken goodbye and she’s terrified that shes going to actually lose him so they’re both just blindly hoping its not the end of it.
I think when and if they reunite again the first thing Fran and koda would do is just hold each other bc they’re both people that really communicate best with each other through silent and sometimes subtle gestures. They’ve never been a couple to express love out loud through words. But i think the sheer relief would be so immense she probably can’t help but breathe out something like “I’ve never stopped thinking of you” and he’d be stupid and stutter out something so stupid like “I-W-did you get a little taller than we last saw each other?” and then they’d kiss. He doesnt even have to ask how she knows he was back in the forest bc she never stopped looking out for him. Her bird over the entire time has always been out surveying the whole forest because of course she’d know. She’d always be the one to be there for him like how he’d always be there for her. Koda would 100% get the party to his village in like a daze and sneak off in the middle of his own welcome home party and disappear for like 3 days and then probably ask her to marry him or something.
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boomerang109 · 3 years
oK SO I’VE HAD THIS AU IN MY HEAD FOR TWO FKN DAYS AND I HAVE COME TO EVER SO GRACIOUSLY INJECT IT INTO YOUR MIND- THE GAANG PLUS YUE AND THE FIRE NATION GALS IN BANDS. a battle of the bands au. tHINK OF THE aRt. THE ARt wOuLd bE ePiC. n i’m thinking zukka and yueki, but zuko+suki are with mai, azula, and ty lee, and the rest of the gaang+yue in another band, and they meet at battle of the bands but yk...we got 2 sets of pining idiots yk yk. i thought this up 2 days ago and i cant stopppp(cont.)
unfortunately my brain never functions better so what ended up happening is that i maybe forgot this was in here. but i’m gonna answer now and im still very excited
i actually ended up having many thoughts based on your SPECTACULAR idea and you can def tell i know nothing about rock music or battle of the bands. but i’ve got the spirit
wait you could also make this such a pining mess cause you could have the two cross-band romances (yueki and zukka) and then you could have each in-band relationship (mailee and kataang) and then azula and toph can bond over being surrounded by lovesick idiots
wait suki with nation girls (azula especially) is so powerful i actually 😍
suki as electric guitarist? and backup singer while azula is lead singer?? zuko on the drums? ty lee on keyboard? mai on another instrument—maybe she’s on drum and zuko is also a guitarist? or an instrument im forgetting (ty lee and mai are also backup singers with suki. there’s at least one song where suki is lead singer/duets with azula). zuko writes most of the songs, but mai helps a surprising amount. suki likes to edit more than write her own lyrics
im calling fire nation + suki fan the fire (get it?) and i feel like it’d be kind of an angrier rock vibe cause these are tough kids. deep lyrics for sure. but also lots of girl power (especially cause Zuko barely ever sings so it’s all female viewpoint). moments where true fans can see emotion but overall this could be the band an angsty 13 year old would blast
no creative title for this rock group. maybe aang’s gaang? aang’s the lead singer. katara’s on a normal guitar and lead female singer. sokkas on electric guitar. yue on keyboard. toph on the drums. although aang and katara are technically the band’s lead singers theyre really big on group vocals which is what sets them apart. (yue especially provides a gorgeous harmony, it’s soft but without it the songs wouldn’t be the same).
they still have a rock vibe, but i gave katara a regular guitar cause you know she’s an indie bitch and as the main writer she does get that in there. aang and yue do the music writing, katara and sokka (usually separately) do most of the lyrics, toph helps both but usually just when they’re stuck
the kind of rock that actually has encouraging lyrics and family vibes cause katara is wholesome. some of sokka’s depresso bits sneak in there too tho
okay battle of the bands. sokka hates zuko from day one cause he looks so good-looking and full of himself and even ignored sokka when he tried to introduce himself. (spoiler alert, zuko’s hearing loss + playing the drums = one oblivious boy
zuko sees sokka day one and says pretty boy—no, no. competition. gotta stay focused and crush the competition
at some point (i kinda like the idea of suki and yue kinda knowing each other and just being friendly/competitors. and then one day....) yue realizes that suki is way too damn pretty. and suki wants to hear more of a certain soft voice
when zuko and sokka get together, yue threatens to tell katara if sokka doesn’t use his new boyfriend to get yue and suki together
lucky for yue, zuko and suki were having pining sessions together and are more than happy to start going on double dates
actually kataang is established and cute. i think mailee isn’t and they should take longer than zukka/yueki cause they’re idiots (loving). but the night of some big show, zuko and sokka both dont show up cause they were locked in a closet. everyone’s pissed, fraticide likely on both sides
after the reveal of zukka, reporters are looking for more dirt on both bands. yueki gets exposed and yue tries to deny it
suki is upset, but yue eventually admits it’s just the internalized homophobia but she loves suki and does want to be with her
neither half of the couples want to compete with the others, and the rest of the bands are getting conflicted cause friendships
they become one Super Band (is this possible??? seems super cliche but whatever)
on their debut show, ty lee and mai kiss for the first time (unplanned) and if this was a movie instead of a tumblr post, it would end with azula and toph’s shared look of aro pain at being surrounded by so many damn couples
i want art of this (hey egg you art good, if you wanna?? haha jk.....unless👉👈)
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Headcanons-Care to dance?
Characters: the main 4
About:s/o dancing with the following mc characters
Note:may or may not do the other characters later
He never danced before and kinda thinks its ridiculous
But if its for you he can try
Since he has never danced in his life at all he needs to do something simple and slow paced. Like one of those slow dances in movies
You'd have to take the lead at 1st but once he gets the hang of it he'll lead if you want
Expect him to step on your feet from time to time, he probably still has heavy fucking footsteps even when dancing so you should be careful
All and all he can be a pretty decent dancer once he's taught
Will also be willing to learn other dances if you want something different but frankly he prefers the slow dance
Probably danced once or twice in his life so he has some experience
Theres really no specific kind of dance he knows of he just goes with the flow
But is willing to try a specific kind of dance for you, like foxtrot or something
Now just because he is a experienced dancer does not mean hes a good one
Hes actually pretty bad 😂
His dancing is pretty silly half the time and he does not give a shit
He loves seeing you smile and laugh as he does a silly dance move and pull you in a dance with him
Its romantic either way 😊
Dis edgy bitch knows how to tango
He has no idea how he knew it but he does, cuz he's like hank with having no dance experience yet he somehow knows how to tango
Maybe its cuz hes a clone but you dont know if it works like that
Either way it was neat
If dont know the dance he can try and help but hes not much of a teacher. Thats mainly 2BDamned's job
If you do know the dance he will not hesitate to pull you into the dance. Him taking the lead of course
Expect dis mf to have like a fake rose between his teeth as he dances with you. Cuz he so would
Hes a good dancer like a 8/10
100% knows how to waltz
When you asked how he knows he just shrugs and says "i always knew"
You kinda think hes lying but you didnt pry
When you asked him to dance the waltz with you he didn't even reply but stood up and holds out his hand
Like dis man was ready since you walked up
If you knew the dance or not hes pretty patient despite him losing his mind every day by everyone's bullshit
If someone dares interrupt yalls dance he will tell them to fuck off. even if its hank
10/10 on the romance. Maybe a 7/10 on the dancing
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oshicakes · 3 years
their s/o not giving them any affection
pairings. kenma kozume x reader, suna rintarou x reader, iwaizumi hajime x reader
genre. fluff
other: hinata, bokuto and tendou, semi, sugawara and terushima
Kenma Kozume
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your boyfriend's been very busy lately with his acads, volleyball and video games. so you decided to not bother him and let him do his stuffs. thinking that he might get mad at you if you continue being clingy to him. since kuroo said kenma doesn't like someone being clingy to him.
it surprised you. you've been dating him for a year and a month and you just know about it.
it goes on by a week that you didn't bother him. even when he's done playing you'd just ask him how was the game, did he eat and he should get some rest. after that nothing.
he's used to, you hugging him after he's done playing. you'd sometimes style his hair for it not to block his eyes. you'll let him play with your fingers. massage his head or after a game starts you'll kiss his forehead for goodluck. but now he ain't getting any of those.
"im done playing." he looked at you with that knowing look, like he's signaling you to come to him and give him the hugs and kisses you're depriving him.
"oh, okay. you should rest now." that's it? he thought. he sits beside you since your doing your assignment in his desk.
"are you mad at me?" that made you stop from writing. you looked at him with confusion written on your face.
"no, why'd you think i am?"
"you're being distant with me, you're always clingy to me. are you mad because i play too much? im sorry, i promise to give you my attention from now on."
"no, no, no, it's okay. you don't have to change, i mean, im okay with you being preoccupied with games. you love it and you're already doing that even before you met me, so it's okay."
"then why?"
"i... uhm... kuroo said you don't like clingy people.... you should've told me that, i promise not to bother you whenever you play!"
"hey, i didnt say something like that. i... i actually like you being clingy to me."
"really?" he nodded. "i really worry about you sometimes. you're too gullible and kind. kuroo's taking advantage of it to use it against me."
"sorry." you lowered your head, disappointed with yourself. "no, it's okay. but don't listen to kuroo anymore, okay?" he remided his self not to set for kuroo for a week or two as a revenge.
"aye aye, sir." you playfully salute to him.
"can you continue that later? i miss your hugs." he rested his chin on your shoulder and hugged you sideways. you patted his face gently.
"do you want something to eat?" he shakes his head and made his hug on you tighter. "let's just stay like this for a while." you just hummed. he then kissed ypur hand that was caressing his face.
Suna Rintarou
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you had this stupid bet with the miya twins. it's 'operation: y/n stop being clingy to his stupid boyfriend for a week'. yes, it was childish but you want to prove something to the twins.
all throughout the week you avoided being near your boyfriend. although you still text him good mornings and good nights, check on him but won't reply after he replied to you.
to be honest, day by day, suna's getting too cranky. the twins noticed it and they just laughed at him.
so for the last day, atsumu had a little idea to fuel things up. he told suna that you're at the back of gym withsome guy who looks like confessing to you.
atsumu smiled, triumphantly. suna ran his way to the back of the gym. right there he saw you talking a guy. what made his blood boil was when he saw you laughing.
that's it, he thought. he abruptly pull you away from the guy and drag you near to the open field where theres no student hanging around.
"hey, why'd you do that? that's rude, suna."
"wow? suna? im suna now? after a week of ignoring me, not talking to me and no hugs, kisses and you're not waiting for anymore. then ill see you with some other guy, laughing, while me, your boyfriend you can't even spare a minute to glance at me. what do you expect me to do? to feel?" he just exploded right there, and it left you dumbfounded.
"just.. break up with me if you don't love me anymore. don't torture me like this." he was ready to turn away and leave you behind when you hugged him and cried.
you didn't know that he's thinking like that, he'll react like this and feel this way. guilt and regret crept into you. how stupid of you to have that bet on the miya twins.
"why are you crying? shouldn't it be me?" his voice was too soft. it made your heart ache more. oh ghad, how could you-
you could feel how hesitant he is to hug you back. he sighed and stroke you're back gently.
you looked up to him to see his eyes. it reflects a lot of his emotions. there's a hint of hurt, regret and longing.
"im sorry, im really sorry. don't think that way, rin. i love you, like, i love you soooo much!"
"are you sure it's me that you love and not the guy you're laughing with?"
"of course, it's you. you're my one and only. he's just my classmate, nothing more."
he released a heavy sighed. "are you still mad?" you asked.
"yes." that made pout. you where about to get away from his hug when he tighten his embrace.
he raised his eyebrow to you then tighten his embrace to you. "who said you can escape my hug? you need to make up for the week you didn't give me your love and attention. you're stuck with me all day."
"i know, i was just about to kiss you but i guess hug is enough for you." that made his eye widen. "what? i want kisses too! this hug isn't enough."
you tiptoped and kiss his cheeks without breaking his embrace to you. he pouted to hide his smile. you cupped his face and just stare at him, lovingly. "im sorry, i hurted you like this. i made a stupid mistake-" he cut you off. "yes you did. you still have a long way to make up with me."
you nodded. "and ill never do something that will doubt my love for you. i didn't consider you're feelings when i agreed to the miya twins' scheme. i won't ever ever do this again. i love you and don't ever doubt that again, okay?"
"wait, what?! i new it! that's why whenever they see me, they'd whisper to each other and then laugh. i should upload all their stupid fighting videos." you swayed your body and his to grab his attention cuz his eyebrows are now nearly connecting like he's plotting for the twin's downfall. "i missed you." you finally grab his attention.
"i missed you too. can you stay at my house today? i don't have an early practice tomorrow." you nodded at him delightedly. and planned what would you do to make up for what you did.
Iwaizumi Hajime
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"y/n-san, the coach wants to talk to you and oikawa-san." the juniors called you.
it's been a very busy week since qualifying match for the nationals is nearing. you need to make sure everyone's on their top performance and monitoring the team while helping the coach gathering informations about the players.
you barely have a moment with your boyfriend which you miss hugging so much. speaking of your boyfriend he's been extra grumpy and keeps on glaring at you and oikawa.
today's the same, it's late and exhausting but you can't take it anymore, you need a power hug from your boyfriend. so approached him when there's only few people are in the gym.
"hajimeeee!" you ran to him and instantly wrap your arms around his waist. even though he's sweaty, he still smell nice and manly.
"so now, you're hugging me?" you we're taken aback with what he said. he raised his eyebrow at you.
"huh?" you we're about to move away when he squinted his eyes and glare at you. so you remained hugging him.
"don't huh me, y/n. you're always with shittykawa." that made you giggle. its a rare event to make your boyfriend jealous. you pinched his both cheeks.
"fyi mister iwaizumi, were just discussing about the team's performance and besides can't i hug my boyfriend after a long day?" you released his cheeks. you giggled when you saw his red cheeks.
you released from the hug which made him pouty. "you should change while i just check the equipments, okay?" he followed you. and before you knew it, he's already ready to go.
"im walking you home." he said. "aw did my boyfriend miss me too? don't worry i missed you too." you teased him.
"shut up, y/n or you'll regret it."
"ey, why can't you just admit it? poor me. my boyfriend doesn't miss me. i should just go home by my self. heeey! are you listening to me, hajime?"
he abruptly kissed you on your lips. that made you stuck on your feet. you could even feel your face heat up.
"that should shut you up. and fyi mrs. iwaizumi, i missed you too that's why im staying at your house this weekend. so reserve that day only for me, okay?"
he slowly interteined his fingers to yours then kissed you on your nose. oh ghad! when did he become sooo cool????
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nemeseos-noctua · 3 years
Since requests are 𝑓𝑖𝑛𝑎𝑙𝑙𝑦 open :"DD May I request for Venti, Scaramouche (if not him then either Diluc or Kaeya) and Xiao? S/O has been gone for years thought to be dead, only one day while they're investigating some ruins or something, they saw S/O and later discovered they were the Prince/Princess of the abyss?
𝐅𝐄𝐀𝐓𝐔𝐑𝐈𝐍𝐆: venti, diluc, xiao (separate) x gn!reader
𝐖𝐀𝐑𝐍𝐈𝐍𝐆𝐒: mondstadt burns (literally), not proofread, may be formatted weirdly cuz tumblr is weird, reader gender not specified, just the use of 'highness'
𝐍𝐎𝐓𝐄𝐒: srry i didnt do scaramouche! i have no banner for him :skull:
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honestly? he kinda lost hope
when you first disappeared, venti would definitely try to look for you and hope you come along with the wind. but after two years, he gave up and fell into a slump
your spirit didn't even return to him, to mondstadt. the only possible place you could've been was somewhere across teyvat or your doom in the mare jivari
and even so, venti would not admit it. he'd go drinking a lot more at diluc's tavern, and by the third year of your disappearance, he'd come to a conclusion that: the only way to numb the pain is go into a slumber
so he did that
but then he was stirred awake by... you?!
"Your highness..." A raspy voice whispered, barely enough for the dormant archon to hear as he blinked his azure eyes.
He was woken prematurely... he was supposed to sleep for another thousand years or so!
So why... was he here?
And why was it so grim? Ugh! If only he were in Diluc's Tav—
The archon flinched.
when his vision finally cleared, he never expected it to be you on the other side
the other side... of what? the hierarchy between right or wrong? the socially accepted dark and light?
and then, he noticed the abyss mages surrounding you. racing into full flight or fight mode, his eyes widened once you called the mages down, them heeding your words
"[n-name]?" venti stuttered, standing up with his bow drawn, movements flimsy from preparing for a celestial rest
"venti," you acknowledged, eyes cold and devoid of any emotion. if it weren't for looking like you, venti would've thought you were some stranger who... abyss mages listened to
"what happened to you...?" venti stumbled forward, hand outstretched to feel your warmth, the warmth he's missed for so long
but he was stopped by a damned mage
"hah," you chuckled dryly, staring blankly at venti with crossed arms, "what happened to me?"
you turned away, walking deeper into the forest you found the archon in
"nothing did."
venti choked, trying to run after you
but like the wind he wielded, you slipped in between the crevices of his fingers, left with the aftereffects of the wind that used to kiss his cheeks
nothing did, nothing did. he kept repeating in his mind, watching the sights of his burning city in the background
was this the price? of past deeds? of the hatred of gods?
the answer was in front of him—in the form of his beloved city's ashes
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he was out and about, you know, doing diluc things (protecting mondstadt cuz the inefficient knights of favonius can't)
and then he stumbled upon a couple abyss mages
and then he laid waste to them
and then he heard a voice. a voice so familiar to his ears, a voice he hadn't heard in at least four years
"Oh? Hm? The Darknight Hero? Heh, cute."
Diluc's eyebrows widened, creeping closer to the side of the ruins as he pressed his ear against the cold moss-lined stone.
"Your highness... wasn't the Darkn*ght hero, your partner?"
"I have no idea what you're talking about."
diluc's eyes widened.
that's where he recognized that voice from, because that voice was yours.
ever since you had disappeared, diluc had come to the conclusion that you were dead. not because he didn't believe in you, but because after 6 months, it was the only plausible option
he rather rest easy knowing that you died peacefully, so that's what he'd come to
so why, just why were you here? consoling his #1 enemy?!
ignores the way his name is censored
not wasting a second, diluc quickly reveals himself from the shadows, though, it seems you were already aware of his presence by the way your once-beautiful [e/c] eyes glared at him
and then, he pieced everything together. you had joined the abyss, worked your way up, became their leader.
you, you became diluc's number one enemy.
diluc doesn't want to imagine that. what used to be you, became his number one enemy.
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xiao just thinks of the abyss as a nuisance
since he obviously swore loyalty to rex lapis, he sides with his archon. that means? the abyss is wrong and every celestial god is right
so one night, when he's out patrolling and stumbles upon you, surrounded by abyss mages, xiao doesn't know what to think
you were long dead, he knew that. you were gone for four years and you were not coming back
is he hallucinating? are the shadows of his past finally materializing and coming to life? even he can't tell
so he inches closer, polearm drawn as it glints dangerously under the moonlight
closer, closer, hoping you'll disappear. disappear like he had envisioned you to be, disappeared so he can finally sit atop the roof of wangshu inn without wondering if you're out there, waiting for him
he got one part right, you certainly were out there.
you just weren't... waiting for him
"[Name]?" Xiao croaked, he couldn't even recognize his own voice as he laid his eyes upon your form. Yet, even while you were surrounded by abyss mages, you did not look battered.
Alerting the mages, they quickly spun into action, their shields appearing almost instantly at the voice of the Yaksha.
"... Xiao."
The adeptus winced.
You sounded so... different. So cold from what he remembered. The only [Name] he knew was a warm and affectionate one, so seeing you like this certainly was not... expected.
just as xiao was about to wipe out of all the mages, you disappeared into a starry portal. xiao watched with horror as you left his life again, after tantalizing him with your presence, you disappeared with the quickest of exits
and then, he realized.
you were a part of the abyss, now.
xiao... loves you. he does, he loves you so much. he loves who you used to be.
perhaps he should use past tense.
xiao loved you.
but now that you have succumbed to the darkness, it's up to him to eradicate it—even if that means eradicating you
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o-pandora-o · 3 years
Brothers in the Human Realm
No one was a demon to begin with (maybe luci though but-). You meet the brothers as human in the human realm. How would you meet them?
Apparently some schoolmate of yours have done some violations in the school grounds and they used your name
You were sent to the Principal's office where you were questioned by Principal Diavolo about your wrong doings
You were trying to defend your innocence, but it was no avail
Coincidentally Lucifer was just dropping paperwork to Diavolo
Lucifer is your strict and scary and handsome college professor
He overheard the conversation and he defended you since he knew that you weren't lying
"Mr. Diavolo I must say, MC is one of my exceptional students, they would not do something as idiotic as that, and I clearly observe the behavior of my students"
Your H E R O
The next day, someone gave Principal Diavolo evidence of those who did wrong
Your name was cleared
Apparently you saw Lucifer giving those schoolmates detention, threat, and punishment. You may or may not seen a hint of killing intent in his eyes
You decided to thank Lucifer
"No worries, I just clearly observe the actions of what is mine"
"Wha-" you replied
"Ah MC I have to go to my next class, take care"
Is a famous model, often the cover and centerfold of the monthly Majolish
For you Mammon was okay? I mean he is famous and many people likes his face
You were going to buy a limited edition  sunglasses that have hint of yellow and orange
You went to a sunglass store and asked the attendant if they they still have it but apparently the one on the display is their only stock
You decided to buy it
Apparently, Mammon also came to that specific sunglasses store looking for sunglasses that is the same as the one you bought
"I'm sorry sir, but apparently it was already bought and we have no stock" the attendant said
"Who bought it?"
"They did, sir" the attendant said as they point to you
"Oi! Can I buy the sunglasses from you? I'll pay double, no one can refuse the great Mammon"
"I'm sorry but I have to refuse. I really wanted it." you said
"Don't you know who I am? I'm-"
"The Great MAMMON, who is a famous model and often seen on Majolish magazine" you cut him off. "R-right! Now can i buy-"
"Nope sorry" you replied as you rushed to the exit
"Oi! What's your name? And contact details" he asked
"the name is MC, thats all you can get from me" you said as you rushed to the crowd
He was swarmed by the number of fans who saw him
He managed to find you and he chats you "Can I buy the sunglasses now?"
In the end it wasn't just sunglasses you talked about, you also talked about his struggle of being a model and your life
Your username DestructoSheep is well known in the realms of Obey them
You always rank 2nd in pop quizzes
However no matter what you try, you can never beat your enemy, L3v1
Today, you got a letter from obey them, acknowledging the top players and giving them limited edition items
Ofc you have to go (there are limited items after all)
So you arrived early at the meetup place, no one was there yet so you played some obey them
A purple haired male entered the room, he looked fidgety, nervous, and he was mumbling something about normies
Cue giving of merch
The purple haired male tripped on the tiles and he dropped his phone in front of you
You helped him up and picked up his phone only to see his player name is L3v1.
"You.... You are L3v1." you sai
"Y-Yeah?W-Why?" he said as he was going to grab his phone away from you
"Waaaah! I'm DestructoSheep nice to meet you, oh but you can call me MC" you said as you reached his hand for a handshake
"I-uhhh I'm sorry I'm not used to touching, thats very normie-ish" he said as he averted his eyes
"My name is Leviathan, levi for short"
"I've always thought that the top player is always prideful and such but here he is being shy" you said as you chuckled
"H-hey! I'm still the best one in obey them mind you! I got every event cards at lvl 150 and skill lvl 10 and-"
"Yeah yeah I know" you said
After both of you received the merch, you both talked nonstop about obey them, other games, and anime
It was more like Levi bragging the amount of games and anime he played and watched
It was almost dusk till both of you notice the time
"Ah i got to go early, need to cook dinner. Chat me sometime!!!" you said as you gave him your contact details
Expect no sleep cuz both of you kept chatting till dawn
He saw a kitty in a box in an alleyway near his apartment
Everyday, he often stops by to give the kitty enough food for the day
Is often disgusted by the fact that most people dump their pets in trash because they don't have anything to feed it
Saw you going to the alleyway
He suspected the worst and he thought that you were gonna harm the kitty he was feeding
"Hey don't harm-" he stopped
He saw you feeding the kitty
"Ah I assume you thought that I was gonna harm it?" you asked
"Well I thought the worst, humans are naturally scum anyways, but even so I do apologize"
"Ah it's alright, it's not a big deal anyways" you replied
"You come here often? I mean to feed the kitten that is" he asked
"You can say that, but not as often as you do" you said
"How did you know?did you perhaps-"
"Ah I happened to saw you feeding the kitten, I was just shy to approach you" you said
"Well I come to believe that people who are close to cats are not necessarily bad"
"I have to say I have to agree" you replied
"Ah I have to go, let's chat here again next time" you added
The alleyway became your meeting place to chitchat about cats
The famous M.A.D. Company released a new and limited edition Devil Set makeup and you were dying to get a hold of one
You spent a day looking at different stores but it was either unavailable or sold out. However, you were lucky to find another store that has one last stock.
You didn't notice someone else was also going to get it and so both of you grabbed the last set
"Uh... I'm sorry I have been looking this for the whole day, may I have it?" you politely asked
"Awww sweetie, I have been doing the same thing! Can you be a dear and let go of it?" the male with champagne-colored hair replied
Cue 1 hour of both of you saying "let go" or "it's mine"
"I have an idea! Let's just buy the set and divide it" you said
"Ohh! Good thinking! I will take the lippies, Devil shadow palette and the foundation!"
"That's literally EVERYTHING IN THE SET"
Cue two more hours of bickering.
Both of you didn't notice someone took it while the two of you are bickering
You noticed that it was gone
"Um... Someone already bought it while you two were... fighting" the saleslady explained
Both of you left the store empty handed and sad and you decided to break the atmosphere
"Pffft I'm sorry for fighting because of a Makeup set, btw my name is MC" you said
"I'm also sorry dear, although I wanted it I still didn't get it. I even missed my appointment to the salon!"
"And my name is Asmodeus, perfect name for a perfect being!" Asmo added
"Alright Mr 'Perfect' " you rolled your eyes
Let's just say that both of you talked about makeups on your way home.
Beel is your classmate during Physical Education class at college
Is a famous football player in your campus and he is also known for his handsomeness
His practice hours were often morning to late lunch and late lunch til dusk
During late lunch you saw him in the cashier by the cafeteria, asking if they still have cheeseburger available
But to his dismay, the cashier said "I'm sorry you already bought the last cheeseburger, and that's the last quota for the day"
He seemed sad and still hungry
You still have a cheeseburger to eat, but when you saw the time you knew you weren't gonna make it on your next class
When no one was looking, you decided to approach Beel and gave him your cheeseburger
"Are you giving this to me?"
"Yeah, I was going to eat it but I don't have much time for my next class" you replied
"Thanks, I owe you one"
You saw how happy he was when he got the cheeseburger
You were shocked how fast he ate it
Did he like inhale it or something
After your class, you noticed that he texted you saying "Thanks for the cheeseburger, I'll repay you next time you get hungry"
Let's just say you both got closer after that
It's your first day of online class, and your first subject has a 4 hour lecture
You forgot to disconnect your meeting link and you didn't notice until you were about to do homework
As you were about to disconnect, you saw that you weren't alone and you're classmate is still connected
You didnt want to leave him so you tried your best for your classmate to notice you. You tried spamming and saying " hello"
After 1234 attempts he finally noticed you
"Ah I'm sorry I slept during the boring lecture, thanks for waking me up"
"Ah it's no problem" you replied
"My name is Belphegor as you can see, but you can call me Belphie"
"My name is MC" you replied
"Say... How are you still here after hours after the lecture?"
"I forgot to disconnect" you replied
"Uh idk if this is too much of a favor to ask, can you wake me up again next time? After lecture that is, I don't want to be late for other classes"
"Sure, I don't mind I guess" you replied
After that, both of you got to know each other and you forgot to do your homework and you became a personal alarm clock
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ellitx · 3 years
Hii Elli I hope you're enjoying your vacation!!🥺💚✨
But I can't stop thinking about if Himmel got his darling pregnant before graduation- (totally didnt have this weird super vivid dream were I was a pregnant college student) how would he react? He's noticing you're not feeling as good and quite sluggish and youre not even eating breakfast, bb is worried -💚
Hi anon! It’s just a one day vacation and im back to writing again haha but thank you!!
Moving on to your ask:
You are panicking inside. Himmel doesn’t know that you’re pregnant, nor does his brother. You’ve been quiet all day, shifty, and frantic whenever your boyfriend’s there with you.
And you’re very much aware he’ll notice your weird behaviour but you can’t help it no matter how much you assured him that you’re fine.
The two of you had already talked about this before you got into this predicament but most of them were just plans for the future and some soft familial ideas you and himmel loved to share with each other.
You remember you asked him what you’d do if you get pregnant. His eyes would lit up and sparkled in joy whenever you bring it up and it just made you think he’d be happy about it, right? What if all those midnight talks with him were just petty promises? Will he really live up to his words and stay with you? Or what if he wasn’t ready yet?
There’s no guarantee every thing he says will surely happen if he received the news you’re carrying his child. Those talks with him are more about the future, the plans the two of you will do once you graduate but this is the present. Still in college and middle of studying and preparing for everything.
It’s too early for you both to become parents, for Himmel to become a father. Will he panic? Try to avoid you for now and disavow any knowledge to ignore and avoid the responsibilities that parenthood demand so he can focus more on his studies than you and the child?
Needless to say, if the above comes true, it will more than break your heart. Even worse if he tells you to have an abortion. Your friend, Lumine, sees how distressed you are. She was there to calm you down and helped you. She suggested to have a serious talk about this with Himmel, which is what you’re planning but you’re just scared. You fear if his reaction about the news wasn’t what you’re expecting.
Lumine called Himmel to come over to your dorm room and hearing that you were also there, he didn’t asked any further. He was greatly worried about you and your avoidance but he’s there. No matter what it is that’s in your mind, he’ll help you.
The day he found about the pregnancy was a month before he left college and he had mixed feelings of fright yet excitement. He was numb and speechless at first, still processing all the info that had been thrown at him altogether. But when he saw you tearing up and bawling your eyes, he was panicking.
You thought he’d be against this because of his silence. You thought he’s still not ready yet because he still has more things to prioritise in his life. Though it is true that he was scared what’s going to happen in the future, he’s more than happy to support you and your child. He may had set his hopes too high for these kind of things that he thought everything will go okay but he still needs to think and realize that it may change in an instant.
Himmel pulls you into a tight hug and nuzzles his head onto yours, kissing the crown of your head and cradling you in his arms. He wipes your tears away and softly brushed his lips on your face to sooth you and calm you down.
“I promised you that I’ll still stay with you, isn’t it? You don’t know how happy I am despite of me being shocked and startled at first. You know I’ll do my best to live up to our dreams.”
He’ll whisper to you how happy he is, how excited he is once he graduates so he can support you with everything he can to help you and live the life both of you had always wanted.
I can imagine himmel is already financially stable even before you told him about this cuz he’s that kind of person who’s always prepared for literally about anything and maybe he was already expecting for this to happen. And though he already expects it, he still gets surprised— surprised from the news that it’s going to be twins. Oh just imagine the look on his face haha
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shreddies-scribbles · 4 years
Hermitcraft Stardew Valley Au
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hopefully no ones done this already hahah
i didnt get around to everyone oof maybe one day 
some background under da break 
-Background- -Concorp is the Joja of this AU -Most people have lived in hermit town most of their lives -The hermits are just one big happy family :,) -Most hermits are based off characters in the game but moved around to suit them more!
Mumbo -Local electrician -Extremely shy at first -As you get to know him he opens up and you see his giddy side!! -spent sometime in the city to try and make a name for himself,,, which didn’t really go to plan,, Relationships -Grian (best friends, when they’re not working they like to explore the woods!!He knows it’s one of grians favourite things to do and doesn’t want to let him go into the woods by himself, who knows what’s out there!) -Iskall (friend, helps mumbo when he’s experimenting with new circuits) -Xisuma (childhood friends, X is the one who convinced mumbo to move back from the city to the valley)
Grian -Works part time in concorp -Only recently moved to the valley to get away from his past in the city -Is friendly to everyone but only considers a few people his good friends, has some trust issues -loves exploring the valley, he likes the difference from the busy city life Relationships -Mumbo (best friends, had known mumbo from his short time in the city, when he moved to the valley he felt mumbo was the only one he could trust) -Iskall (friend, mumbo has introduced the two, immediately got along as if they’d known each other their whole lives) -Scar (met the wizard on one of his adventures in the woods and kept pestering him until the wizard finally broke and showed him some magic)
Iskall -owns the general store, Sahara (calls it his mega store of doom) -knows all the towns gossip from “overhearing” conversations on his shop -everyone considers him the heart of the town, he can put anyone in a good mood with that contagious laugh!! -Doesn’t like concorp... wants to get grian to work for him instead to get him outa that corporate chain!! Relationships -Stress (Best friends, whenever they’re together they light up the room with laughter and good times B^) Iskall likes to visit her ranch and see the animals) -Mumbo (admires mumbo for his amazing wiring skills, a little jealous of mumbo, he gets to have the job iskall always wanted, but he won’t let that get in the way of their friendship) -Grian (from the minute grian moved into the valley iskall knew he wanted to befriend him, his gut told him he wouldn’t want to be on grians bad side) -Ren (used to be really close but drifted overtime)
Stress -Owns the ranch -mostly produces dairy products but has some chickens too -she doesn’t like being on her own, so she likes to surround herself with friends as much as she can Relationships -Iskall (best friends) -Doc (roommates, she’s renting out a spare room to Doc, she can see past his icy cold exterior and knows that deep down he does care about his friends) -Cleo and False (being so few girls in the valley they all stick together, they meet up at the end of each week to gossip about the boys)
Doc -Works full time at Concorp, absolutely hates it -was studying to be a scientist in the city, but when and experiment went wrong causing him to lose an arm he lost all motivation -he wanted an escape from the shame the city brought him and seeked a new life in the valley -renting a room from stress but is rarely there, most of his days start at work then bring him to the saloon -he wants more from life but doesn’t know where to start relationships -Ren (Best friends, they always crossed paths in the mornings until eventually doc decided to introduce himself, the two hit it off and now see the other a brother) -Stress (Roommates, get on better than you’d expect! doc admires her strength and power too pull through the hard times and come out on the better side) -Beef (Friends, when you spend most of your days in the saloon you get to know the bartender pretty well lol) -Etho and False (he loves hearing their story’s from the mines, he’d love to join in but is too scared to put himself into danger considering what happens last time he tried something risky)
Ren -Aspiring actor, he likes to write short story’s and get his friends to act them out with him -Twin brothers with renbob -He’s a bit full of himself but aren’t all actors ;) -but all of his talk of making it big time in the city someday he is front, behind all the boasting is a lot of doubt in his skills and as he gets older the more he puts off moving to the city to start his career Relationships -Doc ( Best friends, doc is the only one rens ever shared his worry’s with, but doc always supports his acting career and encourages him to take that leap and follow his dreams) -Renbob (twin brother although they couldn’t be more opposite, ren loves city life, keeping up on trends and success while renbob is all about being one with nature and doesn’t care about his appearance or how people see him -Iskall (used to be really close but drifted overtime)
Renbob -Works in the saloon with Beef -all about that hippie life -not really a major character but he’s there!! :D relationships -Ren (twin brother) -Beef (Boss, but they get along great)
Bdubs -Carpenter!! need a house built?? you’ve come to the right guy -very bubbly and eXTREMELY outgoing -has a very strict sleep schedule which leads to strict working hours to ensure all his works done for the day -when he first moved to the valley he set out on building a huge house with lots of spare rooms to have guests over or to rent out Relationships -Cub (Roommate, cubs renting out a room to do research on the local flora and fauna, they won’t really talk much but bdubs admires his brains) -Keralis -Etho ( Ethos guilds club house is near to his home and since they were so near each other they became good friends)
Etho -Owns the miners guild -expert at monster fighting, he has the highest number of kills in the whole guild! (there’s only one other member... but let him have this!!) -keeps to himself most of the time but wishes he was closer to more people Relationships -False (guild mates, he admires falses skill with a sword, he thought her everything she knows) -Bdubs (he kept starting conversations whenever etho saw him so they become good friends, it took etho a while to get used to his bubbly personality) -Beef (they have a mutual respect from etho being a regular at the saloon after a day of fighting in the mines) -Doc (they aren’t that close but doc likes to listen to his story’s from the mines)
Beef -Owns the saloon -a jolly guy who’s friends with just about everyone, he knows his regulars more than some people who’d only be at the saloon after a long day -an amazing cook, prepares all the meals by himself Relationships -Etho -Doc -Renbob (employee)
Scar -the wizard who lives deep in the woods -extremely isolated but longs for more friends but he knows it’s a dangerous idea considering how his last friendship turned out -spends most of his days brewing up be potions or researching new spells Relationships -Grian (tried to keep his distance but grian kept pushing to learn some magic, scar gave in and thought him a transportation spell) -Cub (former friend, scar had to remove cub from his life when he was using him for research)
Cub -A scientist from the city researching what the valley has to offer -reports back to concorp unbeknownst to the others -knows what he’s doing is wrong... :( and wants to change but doesn’t know where to start Relationships -Scar (former friend, when scar found out what cub was up to he banished him from his tower, cub feels awful and wants to fix this) -Bdubs (roommate, renting a room from him in the mountains)
Xisuma -the mayor -gets sick easily, why he always wears a mask -loves his town and community and will do everything he can to keep everyone afloat -tends to distance himself from everyone so he can keep up his image Relationships -Mumbo (childhood friends) -Keralis (wishes he didn’t get that job at concorp...it’s been changing him :( )
Cleo -aspiring artist, preferred method of art is sculpture -lives in a cottage in the woods to get inspiration for her art -holds art exhibitions in the museum when she’s low on funds Relationships -Joe (best friends, with joe also working in the arts they love to brainstorm ideas together) -Stress and False (girl time B^> )
False -Works part time in sahara with iskall -spends most of her time in the miners guild club house or in the mines -etho recruited her to join the guild after seeing her in action down in the mines -someday soon she’s going to outrank etho in terms of monster kills but etho won’t admit that ;) Relationships -Etho (mentor, thought her how to fight properly and protect herself in the mines) -Cleo and Stress -Doc (they aren’t that close but have a mutual respect for each other, they sit together in the saloon most nights with etho)
Joe -aspiring poet -writes beautiful poetry but always doubts his skills and never published most of them -lives in a small hut on the beach, the seas always been a huge inspiration to him -has a pet dog, but the dog doesn’t have a name, he’s just waiting until the dog introduces himself Relationships -Cleo (best friends, an unlikely pair considering cleos outgoing nature but they just go perfectly together) -TFC (sometimes when joe goes to the mountain for some solitude he sits with tfc and listen to his story’s from his life, this has inspired quite a few poems)
thats all for now heheh, if any of that don’t make sense it’s cuz i wrote it at like 1 in the morning 😳
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torivikachu · 3 years
recently, I see so much hate everywhere. magnetic storms or what but fandoms are getting rlly nasty when clashing with each other.
I think it is important to understand, that we shouldn't be bashing others, whatever we or they might like, as long as it is not offensive or reasonably immoral - and I stress, REASONABLY! some people believe homosexuality is immoral and that is just /warning! offensive language/ dumb.
as a huge fan of SNS I see a lot of anti's this days - antisakura, antiending, antinarusasu, antisasunaru, antinaruhina, antisasusaku, antiboruto and whatever. and - ugh - as much as I myself hate to admit that.... expectant drums sound.... nobody cares!
I mean - it's Kishimotos work. it's his idea, it's his story, it's his vision and - sadly - we don't get to decide whether he was wrong or not.
whether he should have ended the story with SNS,
whether he should have made female characters more prominent,
whether he should have killed Sakura off,
whether he should have made Naruto a better father,
whether he should have done many other things we all want him to do,
because - no matter how much we love the story or the characters - we are not the ones who created them, not the ones who understand them the most.
I mean, I have written myself a couple of paragraphs on how much I hate what is going on in Boruto - so yeah hi hypocrite! - but I sincerely mean well. yeah it pains me a bit to watch Boruto cuz of nostalgia I feel for Naruto series but I keep on watching, because I can't cut out that part of my heart that is responsible to crave more of Naruto universe even if I hate it.
and I am probably going to keep criticizing every damn thing - like, have you heard the Kara soundtrack? omfg I facepalmed the whole episode after that - and I wish it was better, but I am not going to bash characters for being created that way.
bc you know what? people are shitty. good people are shitty. bad people are shitty. everybody is shitty. so I guess made up characters get to be shitty too.
I mean, bashing Sakura for not having same problems as Naruto and Sasuke and thus not always getting them? - duh! remember yourself at 12, 13, 14, 15, you were a fucking whiner and you know it. and what were your problems? not getting a laptop you wanted? being punished for bad grades? getting into the fight with your parents for being unreasonable?
yeah, like you never said stuff like I wish I didn't have parents. I remember a moment after the fight I wrote a note to my parents before going to sleep that literally said ' sorry you got such a bad daughter I wish you didnt have to deal with me' and then went to sleep. in the morning - having completely forgotten it - I was woken up by my crying mom who said it was the stupidest thing on earth I knew I hurt her with it. and I regret it. it was dumb and shitty and I normaly consider myself a good person, but that was a huge shit I pulled. and I can't take it back. but I was like 10 and I didn't know better at the time.
why would I hold Sakura to higher standards then I hold myself?
then people bash her for being mean to Naruto - well, duh again - KIDS ARE MEAN. she got older and managed to see Naruto for who he was, but people still see her as a bully.
well, if we are not ready to accept peoples mistakes if they have managed to live up to them, I dont want to be a part of that 'we'
next I see a lot of bashing for Sakura being a bad mom - ugh, duh again /what is it, third time?/! how come? yeah she works a lot, since she is a single mother and all, but she genuinly cares for Sarada, even if she gets a bit overprotective at times. she doesn't have a very working relationship with Sasuke - well sure, he is never home!
then there's bashing Naruto and Sasuke for being bad fathers - you might think they'd learn to appreciate a family after being orphans.........
well where do I start. Sasuke is clinically afraid of losing loved ones after he has lost so much, so he is much better off not having many bonds and it is obvious as day. it doesn't make what he does right or good or wrong, it's just who he is. Naruto... well, lets start with the fact that he never had a role model. he had Iruka - at times, he had Jiraya for three years, but he never really had a family. he was a good dad - as we can see - when kids were little and he wasnt a hokage...
but now... he might work too hard, he might overdo it a bit at times, but if you think that he struggled his whole life to get appreciation why would you think he'd stop now? he just wants to manage everything, but he cant, and it kills him but he doesnt stop and its beautiful. yeah, its unhealthy and stupid but beautiful, because that is what the core of his character is. thats what this world has shaped him to be.
BUT THEN AGAIN THAT IS JUST MY PERCEPTION. I am pretty fucking sure Kishimoto and authors had their own reasons for it that are justified and totally okay because these are his characters who he can do whatever he wants to.
just like we people can.
and I can go on, because there is just SO MUCH HATING AND BASHING I just can't take it anymore.
I mean this whole war of sasunaru and narusasu - why would you care who fucks whom as long as both enjoy it and dynamics in bed dont influence dynamics in the relationship.
I mean... fanfics are not real. hell, even Naruto is not real, but fanfics exist entirely separately from the anime (most of them don't even get personalities right) and it is OKAY. they can exist separately to please those who are unhappy with how things go.
but please please pleeease stop bashing everything just for the sake of it. and I don't mean you are not entitled to feel and I am not telling what you should feel but there is so much more wholesomeness and awesomeness and beauty in portraying and seeing Sakura as a supportive friend and Sasuke as a helpless child inside and Naruto as a strong person who just really can't catch a break. and Boruto and Sarada as a way to make SNS canon in some twisted way.
you know? positive thinking.
but Next generation still sorta sucks.
no offense, though
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frogtanii · 3 years
its 🔮 anon here!
it takes a lot of things for me to loathe a character, and even more to loathe a character i adore, so CONGRATULATIONS FROGGY ✨i now want to shove osamu's head against a brick wall✨
(of course i've been an atsumu ghorl this whole time, idk what you're talking about, osamu who? 🤨)
yachi already done with everyone's bs and its only been 4 chapters is funny to me HAHAHAHAHA
meiko shove your fake-ness up your ass, thank you.
osamu shut the f up please you embarrassing yourself-
i don't know what to tell you miss ma'am, cuz i've been getting more and more into stories where the mc or y/n is more raw and relatable, and THIS REALLY HITS THE SPOT. lowkey i get sad when people talk bad about self-insert stories or y/n stories and then the reason they do is because of some cliche element majority or a large chunk of writers already dropped.
self insert fanfics are a comfort to me? in a way? idk how to explain it, cuz it sounds weird when i try typing it out loud- but HEAR ME OUT FIRST OKIE? most fics ive read are oneshots or stories that dont require much assessing or reflecting of a situation because most have similar plots aknxjdbdj i know i sound awful akdnidjd and i kind of know what to expect.
on the other hand, the ones written more realistically, like this one, wherein y/n isnt a simp right off the bat of the guys asking for forgiveness, y/n has her great moments and not so pleasant moments, with her inner turmoil and a d e e p dive into theirs and the guys character and providing new insight is where i kinda insert myself kandhsnjs. though y/n doesnt always do what i would do, reading more realistic self inserts help put things into perspective to me. they help me actually think about what i would do in a situation like that and eventually apply what i decided on later in life. like toxic friendships and relationships-
LOWKEY THESE ALSO MAKE ME EVEN SCARED-ER OF MY FEELINGS BECAUSE I KNOW I WOULDNT BE ABLE TO DO WHAT THE BADASS Y/NS DO and i would let whatever toxicity in a relationship back into my life like the idiot i am.
a n y w a y s
im listening to melanie martinez at the moment, and i thought of some.... dark-ish? ideas.
t/w: mentions of blood, murder.
pre-poker face events.
meiko snapped, killed y/n in cold blood with a knife. the guys find her, they help her cover up the murder. they comfort her. kenma or bokuto give in first, they tell the police. the image of y/ns body in a pool of blood was too much, the nightmares got to them.
OR MEIKO AND Y/N WITH "PACIFY HER". like meiko lowkey wanting atsumu and hating that y/n had all his attention, so she sends osamu to get rid of y/n.
or y/n who is also a power hungry woman who wanted to dominate the hyper house and all she needed left was osamu, and he was very much blinded by meiko so y/n sends suga to get rid of meiko (under the pretense for him to get revenge for what she did to him, but really it was so she could get osamu alone.)
HAVE YOU HAD YOUR 8 GLASSES OF WATER YET? you gotta wash out those toxins and negativity outta your body!
HAVE YOU HAD A FULL MEAL? so you have energy to deal with the bs the world decides to ungeacefully drop on you-
SOME SLEEP? AT LEAST 8 HOURS OF IT? i know you didnt when i asked you in an ask a few days ago 🤨.
much love 💘
p.s. i tagged you in the masterlist of the series i told you about! idk if the notif got through? but have a great day bby!
HEY BESTIE <3333 oh n osamu’s nickname for yn would be cheeks or baby / doll??? don’t ask LMFAO alsoooo i entirely agree abt self inserts!!! m a big ol fan aksjks OHHOHH i love melanie n ur lil drabble ideas are so sick omggg (pps i didn’t see it!! maybe try it again?)
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iamtheempress · 4 years
Cold Blooded
A Dragon Ball Horror Fic {Part 9}
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Some days have come and gone, bruises were healed ribs are fixed back into place. Vegeta is off with Goku training themselves in the time chamber for the night, in all their forms to test themselves fully.
Bulma had asked her to house sit the entirety of Capsule Corp for the night, Carlie happily obliged since she still had her old room beside the balcony. The scientist rushed to her lab and came back up to her temporary bedroom and sat down on her bed, only to dress into a sleep shirt and pull out her bottle of whiskey, an old stache in her night stand and the new bottle of Merlot for Frieza. She ordered a hot pizza for herself and maybe Frieza if he was willing to eat. 
She had a movie ready to watch and unwind. An old classic and take on horror, Alien. A solid 3 hour long movie that she loved to watch when she was younger, one of the first movies that peaked her interest hardcore to alien races all together.
She singlehandedly carried both the pies and the wine and whiskey in her arms down the hall in the direction of the theater, which is on Friezas side of the building She felt one of the bottles slipping and started to quietly curse herself when it falls from her arms, she awaits the impending crash and liqour splattering everywhere. When it didnt she looked to her side to see a tail tip encircling the bottle.
 “Tsk. Well if that were to break that would certainly be tragic, wouldnt it, Ms. Carlie?” Frieza said standing beside her with a small smile, Carlie smiled at Frieza and laughed abit embarrassed. “Thanks, Frieza.. Want to help me eat these pizzas?”She lifted the pizza boxes and the smell wafted up to the Emperor, he hummed and held his chin between his fingers. “I am quite hungry. Pizza you say? Id love to accompany you, dear.” 
He holds the bottle and saunters beside her down the hall, tail fluttering slowly behind him, a bit of blood still on the very end of his terribly strong tail.. From his most recent murder that day. “I was actually going to watch a movie too, so hope you enjoy feeling lazy eating pizza and getting abit drunk cuz thats going to happen with me tonight” She giggled and gently nudged open the door to the large theater room. “Oh there is no issue with that, I was wondering how you were doing anyway so to spend some quality time within your company is just what i needed.” 
You too will realize this
Frieza curtly nods and places the bottle of whiskey down besides the two large pizzas with hot sauce to dunk in, Carlie lifted the bottle of merlot to Frieza and smiled. “Wanted to give this to you and we can get abit drunk together.. Except i dont know your tolerance to alcohol.” “Wuite alright, im no light weight.” “Excellent!” she claps her hands together and grabs a wine goblet and one Whiskey glass.
Frieza watches her form shuffle away, eyes raking slowly down to her pretty soft legs. Her bottom showing just slightly from the shirt raised up behind her. Frieza hums and seats himself on the extra large and extravagant couch bringing the Wine up and looking at it.. His little smirk showing in the glass bottles sheen in the movie theaters dim light. “Care to tell me what we would be watching.” She tilts her head and comes back with the glasses sitting comfy besides Freeza, the light of the theater dimmed very slowly until the only things visible were Friezas eyes and the screen turning on to suit the room. 
“This movie is one of my favorites from when i was younger. It is called Alien, plot is basically a bunch of humans awake from cryostasis and there's no reason why, and then this insectoid alien called a xenomorph makes its appearance and you'll see the rest. It's great!” “Ohohoho! How precious.. Humans having their own interpretations of Alien kind is quite amusing! Cannot wait to see what kind of monstrosity your kind has imagined.” He uses his ki to pour them both some wine and whiskey. “Hey you might like it, don't knock it till ya try it.” she giggles and clinks the drinks together and takes a sip. The movie begins and she is immediately entrenched in it like its her first time watching it.
Watching a classic with the late emperor. His arms are crossed as this large fluffy white quilt is brought up to her lap and encircles her so comfortably, her slippers fall off her feet to the floor. Frieza watches her out of the corner of his eye while she watches the screen with expectant wonder.. 
He watched her pretty gossamer locks, some that were tied up and some that were loose, falling out of her messily tied bun, down her shirt, her lightly tanned skin glistens with some nice smelling body spray, tantalizing and sweet. Like her. The fact she wasnt wearing glasses made her look more appealing and this deeply confused Frieza… His eyes snapped to the screen and he took a sip of his drink, his back curving to relax into the plush cushion. 
Friezas tail slid beneath her back, she didnt flinch, she shifted a tiny bit, maybe to make sure he was comfortable, maybe to welcome it.. He took it as the latter and proceeded to welcome the warmth of her back upon his tail. 
‘You beautiful little thing…’ he thinks crossing his ankles and watching her fill another glass full of whiskey, right as the first sight of the Xenomorph came up on screen his eyes widened and he tilted his head. 
Watching humans cower in abject horror made the emperor smile in pride of the idea that this is what humans find entertaining and terrifying..the tail around her waist slowly drags her to his side; spurts of blood and the absolute massacre that sprays forth from its victims peaks his interest. Down to the idea they grow and procreate and are fast and nimble, with predatory intent to kill and overwhelm, ambush with ease. 
The very similar comparison to his 3rd form was just the icing on the cake for the emperor that made this all the more amusing. Shes familiar with the immense amount of horror this form can bring...Maybe this was intentional.. Maybe she wanted him to see that he wasnt afraid of him, no matter what form he took. 
She had eaten almost all of this pizza along with the dip of the hot sauce that made her lips look glossy and inviting...a thought Frieza never entertained before but here he was, staring at her lips and her neck where Vegeta left a bite.
He sneers and his bright red eyes return to the screen, when she places her whiskey glass down her hand touches his thick cold tail while she puts it down the emperor cracks the goblet from the grip.. Not breaking it entirely just enough to crack it.
*Thats enough of this little game…*
This gives him an idea. One to finally act upon this beautiful little woman besides him whos blanched stark white and almost flush against the 
“"this movie is quite entertaining. Kill or be killed and absolute domination with zero regard for human life. Procreate and maim, all for the sake of their queen" Frieza muses, his arm bringing the soft white blanket into his lap and his cold strong hand finds her bare thigh, Carlie was abit tipsy but she wasnt blind... "You enjoy this bloodshed dont you, Carlie.” He lets the goblet go to float gingerly to the table infront of him and tilts her head to face him. “Frieza, what are you talking about.. Its just a movie.” He straightens his back hard and looks her square in the eye; a knowing look blooms across his minimalistic features and his red eyes dilate.
“I know what happened to you the other day. Vegeta harmed you while you were intimate, I saw your back and those horrific bruises and scratches.” Her eyes went wide and she backed her head up abit from him as he held her hand in his own. “Frieza.. Me and Vegeta are fine it was a one time thing that wont-” “And how do you know that Carlie?” “Huh?”
“Ive known Vegeta for decades. Since he was a small chimp with a dead father. I WAS basically his father figure, to hell with any of his old Saiyan counterparts. They had as little an influence as i did on him. He had a temper that could never be put out..”  He snapped, raising his voice harshly almost into her face.
 For a split second.. He felt bad for doing that.
“That Saiyan bravado is all brute force and abuse. Never anything gentle..” Carlies eyes remained wide as she slowly- like cold molasses on the brain-took everything he said in. “He would never abuse me..” She pushed his hand off her leg and his tail slunk slowly beneath the shirt to her smoothe soft belly, then to her thighs to keep her still, but not enough to harm her. “He did though..  He most certainly did though… your back had proof of it.. Why would he throw you so violently… you his little mate.. That damned ape knows nothing about delicacy… its disgusting…” 
He sneers forcing the girl to her back with little effort on his own part. Carlie started to panic... “Frieza, let me go. C'mon if i didn't trust Vegeta i wouldn't be with him, let me the heck go please.” SHe pleas and pulls against the tail as the emperor cradles her head and stares down at the little scientist, a hypnotic unblinking stare as his tail tightens around her soft midsection and her quivering legs, his tail pulsing around her body.
   “Carlie… Would I lie to you.. Vegeta’s a great danger to you, he's highly unstable and you know it.. No amount of affection or care will break that ape down to what you want.. He is a *Saiyan* careless, heartless, if you were to die he wouldn't bat a lash.. Just look at where you are.” His tail sliding between her legs to lock them together to ensure she doesn't struggle too hard. SHe was all ears as she complied and lain still turning her head to the side crying…
“He left you with me… alone.. Instead of staying he went off to probably train and..” the back of his knuckles slide down her cheek. His eyes looking longingly at the slender pretty neck and her soft plush lips back up to her eyes… 
What is going ON with him….
“Inflict more harm upon you…Possibly kill you..” He pulls away and sits up his tail uncurling quite satisfied with his claim. Hoping he made her change her mind he folded his hands in his lap. 
“You are my only friend Carlie, I'm saying this to protect you.” 
Carlie stood up and backed up staring at him. “I don't know where you get off.. Speaking to me like that.. Frieza I gotta go.. Dont fucking follow me i cant fucking think…” she slurs, turning on her heel and taking the whiskey and headed for the door.
  “Look at me.”
 She stops dead in her tracks. Frieza didn't even have to turn completely around. “That creature… the Xenomorph on the screen.. Is my 3rd form likeness..” 
3rd form… no one said anything about forms with him… “.............” She gulps and listens, letting him proceed. “This is my Final Form.. From this i can get stronger in my Golden form… one day i hope to show you its glory… But until then… know i could have killed you.. But i dont. I enjoy your company. If you choose to leave that is your choice, and i bid you a pleasant night my dear.” He raises the now full Goblet to his lips and sips.
He heard the door close and the emperor simply closed his eyes.. Her energy left the room. It was lonely. It actually *hurt* Frieza to feel her go.
"Consider this friendship squandered... i will take what i want... and what i wanted from the very beginning was you" He hissed under his breath. Continuing to watch the movie and enjoy the rest of his pizza. “I hope you have a lovely last night as Vegetas.. Because i will make you mine. Empress Carlie...you have no choice…” He muses eating a slice and licking his fingers clean. 
His tail rests in the spot where she sat. “You never really did.”
Authors note: Super sorry yall. lifes been batshit and i hope yall like this truly. Were coming up on the wrap up~
Taglist: @gallickingun​ @gonuclear​ @dragonblobz @dragonballcollector @lilfriezatyrant @mommaofthesayianguild @lizardhipsdontlie @supremeleadershitlord @thotful-writing @trans-asshole @memevember  @msgreenverse​ @dragonball-hcs-or-sum-shit​ @chickiedinner​ @kamehamethot​
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muwur · 4 years
do u think u could write something fluffy for atsumu? :D (if not, bc he just showed up in the anime, futakuchi?) nd they/them pronouns pls :3 ty ty!!!
dating headcanons
✧ hc’s ✧ for atsumu and futakuchi
❧ gn reader
✎ 1.6k words
a/n: oml my first request fgrinffej thank u anon <3 been doing sum ~research~ and brainstorming snaccing and i hope this is okay ! >:) for u i shall do both ppl hehe. feel free to lmk if you would like me to redo or add anything, i wanna do my requests justice :*)
also i find myself gettin inspo at 4 am ofhfuohf i hope this is a bit fluffy, tho its a bit playful n snarky as well fnoggrefjf. also this took me so long bc i literaly got this whole other idea LMAOOOO but i find it more suitable as a separate piece so be on the lookout for that (nudge nudge itll feature atsumu ;) i got a bit carried away AAHA). here u goo
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✧ boi’s a tease
✧ on days he stays really late to practice so like?? most days LOL  you drop by a nearby eatery and pick up some fatty tuna (or something else, you like to change it up sometimes even if fatty tuna is his fave)  for him to munch on (gotta replenish your body!!)
✧ even though it’s for him, he’ll make you share the food with him as you both sit on a field nearby the gym
✧ likes to feed you but exaggerates it just to mess with you
✧ “say ahh, y/n” he coos with a smirk when he holds out some food from his chopsticks
✧ and just to mess with him back, you close your mouth around the piece, taking it from the chopsticks slowly and never breaking eye contact with him until after you chew and swallow
✧ “ah, that was delicious, honey” you smile cheekily
✧ rip atsumu, he malfuncc inside
✧ however
✧ fights you for the last piece of any food or snack you’re sharing
✧ “why even offer sharing if you’re just gonna hog it all”
✧ “you were just slower than me, that’s not my problem”
✧ in the end, he would definitely just let you have it. Only fights you when hes bored and wants to provoke you, which is often
✧ pretty affectionate in public. likes to ruffle your hair or place a head on your hand, no matter what height you are
✧ especially likes to do this when you’re annoyed at him, which kinda makes it not cute anymore and you just wanna punch him in the face
✧ as annoying as he could be tho you had to admit that your bickering could be quite fun he was definitely a caring partner
✧ is quick to take notice how youre feeling, liek:
✧  “hey, are you feeling okay?”
✧ “yeah im fine, why?”
✧ “you know you dont have to lie, right? you cant hide these things, anyways, i can just tell if something’s up. what’s wrong, babe?”
✧ pulls you aside to talk things out a little, then offers to spend some time together after practice  
✧ squeezes your hand as he walks you home, plants a soft kiss to your forehead before parting ways, and says goodnight
✧ he also notices any changes, no matter how small, in your appearances:
✧ *scrutinizing you* “what do you want, atsumu?”
✧ “did you do something different today? maybe like with your hair or uniform or something?”
✧ “o-oh, yeah, i did.”
✧ “hm. it really suits you, actually.”
✧ “oh, thanks. it’s such a small change, i didnt think anyone would notice--”
✧  “dont get too ahead of yourself, i didnt say it looked nice-- im kidding, im kidding!” he has to say in order to defend himself from your piercing glare
✧ lowkey highkey cant go long without seeing you
✧ so when he finally gets to spend some time with you, he’s even more touchy than usual
✧ you eye him suspiciously before saying, “you’re acting like you missed me or something”
✧  “yeah, i did miss you. something wrong with that?” he asks, burying his face in your neck as he hugs you from behind
✧ “yes, because its been two days”
✧ expect lots of kisses and hugs, though. mans is deprived and he gets what he wants (with consent, of course)
✧ makes sure everyone knows he’s there to stand up for you if necessary, which can be pretty intimidating
✧ loves it when you fall asleep on his shoulder. will take selfies with your sleeping face and show you later
✧  “you look cute even when you’re drooling all over my arm”
✧ doesn’t talk about how he sniffed or kissed your head when you were asleep. definitely doesn’t admit how he was whispering about how lucky he was to be in love with you asdfghjk
✧ was the first to admit he loved you
✧ it occurred after his team won a game to qualify for nationals. excitedly, you raced your way to meet him and tackled him in a hug. who cares if he was sweaty. “i knew you guys would win, and im so proud, atsumu.”
✧ he stumbled a bit and hugged back. he pulled away shortly to look you in the eye
✧  “y/n, i love you.”
✧ and all you could do was blush before he pulled you into a soft, yet passionate kiss
✧ surrounded by like. literally everyone lol
✧ osamu just fake gags in the background
✧ later that day:
✧  “sooooo do I get a reward for winning ? ;)”
✧  “dont push your luck”
✧ but you do spend the night just chilling at his place, watching a movie and cuddling, unwinding from a long day
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✧ you met each other in class, bonding over how bored and sleepy you both were
✧ one day he started passing you notes and you went with along it until this class’s purpose in y’alls lives was just for goofing off and totally not to see each other’s smiles or be a bit flirty
✧ loves to mess around with you, but also thinks highly of you
✧ shortly after you started dating and met the boy’s volleyball team, moniwa asks you to please keep futakuchi in line
✧  “babe, please, you’re driving your seniors crazy”
✧ but ever since he became captain, you could sense that futakuchi seemed more responsible
✧ but poor bby was also wayyyy more tired than usual
✧ you poked his back with your pencil whenever you found him dozing off in class, just in time before he risked getting caught by the teacher
✧ you also nagged him about getting more rest and maintaining his health, doing things to help him out until he gave in and made a better attempt at taking care of himself
✧ unless you have other activities going on, you’d usually come by the gym to watch practice and then walk home with futakuchi
✧ you always bring him and his team snacks. they all love you, especially koganegawa
✧ “how are you and y/n dating, they’re so much nicer than futaku--”
✧ cant even finish his sentence before the captain smacks his head and poor kogane chokes on his snacc
✧ but les be real you also go to admire your manz
✧ on the walk home one day:
✧  “you hit a really good spike today”
✧ sheepishly scratches the back of his head, “oh, thanks. kogane’s sets are improving, so it’s getting easier to hit the ball”
✧ secretly loves and craves your praise
✧ futakuchi’s pretty down for pda. you two can often be seen walking down the aisles, hand in hand
✧ will also give you lots of pecks, especially on your cheeks and lips
✧ he also insists on helping you carry your things
✧ wants you to rely on him
✧ saw you shivering once and took his jacket off, draping it around you like nbd
✧ lets just say he wishes he coulda thought of that sooner dhqnwxhgergk  youre not allowed to look this cute
✧ but now you literally keep half his closet in your house cuz he always tells you to return it whenever you want
✧ could go on dates anywhere and literally have such a good time. the night market? y’all will share foods and play games the whole time. the park? he could go for a nice, relaxing walk, or if it’s at night, he’d love to lie in the grass and admire the night sky with you (as long as you hold hands lol). at home? would totally binge some shows or movies with you, has sour gummies n a blanket ready to share hog
✧ can be a tease, but will protect you at all costs
✧ glares at anyone who looks at you with interest (boi gets jealous)
✧ had to pull you into his arms and give you a kiss to save you from getting hit on by someone from a rival school. “hey babe, i’ve been looking for you. let’s head back, everyone’s waiting.”
✧ you happily follow him, not noticing how futakuchi looks back at his now sworn-enemy and sticks his tongue out at them
✧ he will fIGHT anyone who hurts you, is very overprotective to say the least
✧ always makes sure he knows where you’re at, starts to worry a bit if you’ve gone mia
✧ got reallly worried one time when he called you like 5 times and you didnt pick up!
✧ 20 minutes later his phone rings and he picks it up immediately. “hello? y/n? are you okay?? you haven’t been answering me for a while.”
✧  “ahh, yes, im sorry about that, my phone died :P”
✧ thinks the best cuddles are the ones in which you both end up falling asleep. also likes to admire your sleeping face totes not a creeper
✧ also loveloveloves to snuggle you from behind and bury his face in your neck and loves to just smELL you
✧ you told him you loved him first
✧ you were having a rough day when you heard a knock on your door
✧ opening it, you found a futakuchi giving you a small smile and carrying a plastic bag full of goodies. “i, uh, didn’t want you to be alone, so i thought we could hang out for a bit? just us two, your favorite snacks, and whatever else you want to do”
✧ touched by his gesture, you pulled him in by his jacket’s collar and gave him a long kiss
✧ after separating, you looked into his eyes as you cupped his face gently. “thank you, kenji. i love you. this means a lot to me”
✧ ejiufnicenjfdhksujsk he nearly melted in place
✧ later tries playing the pocky game with you, but then y’all forget about the pocky after your first round and stick to the smooching
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dapper-nahrwhale · 4 years
for the writing ask, number 3!
Asiksj thanks so much for the ask!! (Under the cut is some fantasy high riz and aelwyn friendship I've been writing)
"One scene you want to write but cant because its difficult"
I guess it's hard for me to write like cohesive scenes like I'm used to writing slightly connected oneshots like 5 + 1 type stuff, shortish scenes that arnt connected much. But writing like stuff with connected plots is difficult, coming up with ideas for plot is easy actually writing it all together is hard.
Like theres like this fantasy high mafia road trip thing au (the title would be Pretty like a Car Crash from some song I think) I'd want to write but... trying to put together a whole plot ugh I enjoy writing lil oneshots and scenes but trying to get it all figured put is hmm not my strong suit.
Like writing out whole scenes that are connected with actual plot is hard so I just write unconnected scenes and all I'd like to figure out how to do like whole stuff but idk.
Actually some writing (fantasy high riz and aelwyn friendship I've been cooking up) under the cut cuz it got pretty long
I'm not going to write out a whole entire plot multiple chapter thing here so I'll just write some stuff that I've been working on. Even though this is a multi chartered plot thing so.
The road to recovery is paved in sleepless nights and tired mornings. (Title)
The bad kids are rightfully wary about letting them hang out together. Partly because they're both paranoid enough to think the other would take an attack of opportunity on them. Of course what the bad kids didn't expect was for them to band together when someone else gets murdered. Basrar gets framed for murder. Riz and aelwyn are on the case.
Riz doesnt like or trust Aelwyn. Aelwyn doesnt care about his opinion, but it's easier to try and get along with each other to make this long suffering case go by quicker.
Aelwyn decided to stop doing super toxic things because her sister and jawbone have gotten her to and because she doesn't like or enjoy going to parties getting rekt and kissing strangers anymore. So she needs new, slightly less toxic habits and if staying up late researching stuff while not sleeping is that then the only one to also do that would work. Putting her high intelligence to good use. (Sleeping is hard for both of them, so why not be productive instead of going to have a bad time sleeping.)
They've both killed more people then they should have. They both refuse to talk about too much with jawbone, even though at this point they really should. Instead they avoid all of their problems by solving cases and researching stuff. They both value knowledge. Adaine isn't here because she'd only discourage them and they know it's not healthy to burn out like this but. Well. It's the only way they know how to function. So. They don't talk about their feelings or anything. They both don't sleep at all if they can help it. They just work themselves to the bone, refuse to sleep because of really bad nightmares and hope it's enough. It isnt. But they'd really like to think it was.
Combined, they would sleep about 6 hours, riz passed out for 4 and aelwyn trancing fitfully for 2.
(Aelwyn will trance for just a few hours, sitting in a creaky old chair while riz works on something or other. They make it a rule to always have one of them awake if the other is sleeping when they end up working late. Paranoia and all that. So whenever riz inevitably passes out in his desk aelwyn will keep watch and go over spells in her book to keep herself awake. It's a shot system but it works for the most part. Sometimes they'll both stay up the entire night, sometimes theyll both be too exhausted to stay up anymore and fall asleep at the same time.)
To solve the case they hole up in rizs office for a few days, everyone panics at first when neither go to school and then riz and aelwyn dont answer their crystals cuz it wasnt charged and they were so focused on the case they forgot to do school. They freak out considering what happend last time and actually bust down the door of his office and find them both sleeping. It's cute but they wake up and start fighting them before they realize oh it's just the bad kids.
(Undetermined time later)
"Just had to get away from adaine for a bit. She worries about me too much."
"Are you giving her reason to be worried?"
"I dont know how sam and adaine and everyone else can forgive me. I'm a terrible person." Alewyn
"Were. You were a terrible person. You arnt anymore. Even if you think you still are, you arnt anymore. The horrors you have done are not who you are. Or something like that. The you who did all the terrible things is still you and that sucks but you just have to do better now" Riz
"It doesnt make up for all the stuff I've done."
"Probably not. It might never."
"Ostentasia still hasn't talked to me or even been in the same room as me. and I cant blame her. I cant forgive myself."
"Yeah. I mean you did put her in a palimpsest prison for several months. And then almost get her and the other maidens sacrificed to our evil vice principle dragon. That's pretty messed up "
She feels she doesnt deserve her new family. She hasn't done anything to deserve their free love. She in fact has done more to hinder it than anything.
Adaine reminds her of love without expectations. It's hard to remember but shes getting better at it.
Jawbone tells her he wanted to adopt her. She didnt understand why. Shes almost old enough to be on her own she doesnt need anyone to look out for her. But it would be nice to have a parent who cares. At least that's what adaine tells her.
Everyone else is getting better and they both feel like they're not.
This is by no means all of it or in any way done or edited and I'm still working on riz parts of it, those are much more difficult than aelwyns for me to write as of now because they're so based on my own personal stuff kinda but I'm so wicked excited to be writing this! I just think they're friendship would be so intersting and all!
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jakeperalta · 3 years
Okay so it wasnt announced today..but maybe cuz she didnt want to release something the same day as Olivia Rodrigo? I kinda wonder why she hinted at today though in the Colbert interview. She did release a Fearless chapter but everything was pointing to 1989. I guess it gives us a little more time to imagine or brainstorm the cover. I agree with you..I would want something simple but bright colors instead to match the feel of the album. I know the original didnt really have bright colors though so I dont know what it could be. I agree that she'd keep the same style..half her face. I think a city skyline background could be cool but maybe unrealistic. I wonder what her hair or outfit would be..i know she basically just wears a tshirt anyway so would it just be a similar shirt..or saying I love NY lol. I like your ideas..i hadn't considered her taking the picture..and I think she will come up with something cool and creative that would match each album rather than just a filter. My guess for the announcement is after next week cuz Olivia's album coming out, but also I've seen people saying if 1989 could come out at the end of June which would only be a month but Fearless was a two month wait..so in July? Or it could be a shorter wait but I also saw people thinking it was gonna be announced June 4th. I dont mind cuz my sister and I are getting ready for the new Twenty One Pilots album next week which will keep us busy until then but I thought she just might announce it for today cuz she hinted at this date. I also kinda just wanted June cuz my bday is in a month, and I just wanna know the date, cover, vault songs lol but dont really mind waiting as much for the actual album compared to other people are upset about not getting anything yet. I wouldnt want it to be too long though.
yeah i was definitely expecting/hoping for more than a fearless chapter today! you could be right though, like she was going to move the evermore release so she didn’t clash with paul mccartney’s album release, i think she definitely does take into account other artists’ release schedules. weirdly i feel like the original 1989 cover colour palette doesn’t really match the album that much, i think bright colours would definitely work well for it and something incorporating new york would be cool because that’s such a big motif from the era. i agree i don’t really mind waiting for the album itself, especially since we already know the songs lol, but i’m so curious about the cover and vault songs!
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justthedegenerate · 3 years
the door
Welp, here is some ateez fanfic im building off of a weird ass dream i had. Im saying this ahead, its not gonna be constent, its der gonna be smutty at some point and i hope you like holes cuz its gonna be filled eith plotholes.
Ps. I also take criticism if you want, i didnt proof read it, i really just thiught one other degenerate out there might like it.
Enjoy <3
Its so weird. I was reading, peacefully, in a cemetery on st-jean street. I was supposed to go see some friends, but they were still cleaning their place. So i went to buy a coffee down the street. I talked about a decade old french show with the barista. She was nice. I went to sit somewhere further, the olympia passage. Or i think its called like that, no one knew what i was talking about when i called it that. Someone came to me to talk about poesy, and given my patient nature, i listened to him. I told him i was an illustrator, and could illustrate his poems if he wanted. He looked delited, and said it was rare that people didn't just ignore him, or look at him as if he was lesser than them. I din't know why, i left him my phone number, for the poem thing, and i took his. I really trust too easily, but if there is even a 1% chance that he actually just wants to create, then ill take that chance. Soon after he left, another friend, closer to me, came along. He was meeting someone at the same coffee i went to ealier. We planned to go converse shopping a few hours later. I walked with him down the street, then left when his friend arrived.
Further on the street, there is a really old cemetery, behind a small church. The worst tomb has a family in it, about 12 kids between 12 days to 12 years old. It's calm. There are a lot of trees, reminding me that at the end of the day, i belong to the earth. This type of calmness almost makes me look up to the day i pass.
I sat under the big tree. It is not especially big, but it is indeed larger than the rest. I opened my book, and read. It was very simple, a story about some gay witch with her equally gay otaku demon and a girl that disappeared. Maybe. The end was a bit fuzzy, so i wasn't quite sure. But i think that all along, the blue haired girl was actually a piece of the witch's imagination or something like that. I like these endless stories, you tend to think about them way more than stories that close entirely. So i put the book down and looked at my phone. My friend told me her cleaning wasn't done yet. I don't know what i was expecting.
Well, at least i can say what i wasn't expecting. To blackout completely, and to wake up in a small stinky backstreet on the other side of the world.
Now this may be a bit confusing, so let me explain a bit more. For the first part, it's honestly going to end there. I put my phone down, looked towards my friend's place and the world around me began to feel heavier, as if the sky was falling down. I felt victim of this kind of gravity shift, even if i'm pretty sure it only happened to me. Things began to move around me, but i was way too far to really pay attention to it. As i opened my eyes, it was night. I was laying against a garbage bin, one of those big store ones. I was in a small backstreet, hidden from the world. As i tried to get up, i felt like every single inch of my body was sore. I looked down, and i was dressed in some oversized off-white shirt, more yellow than white really but that was probably because of how dirty it was. I definitely had panties under, which i felt were probably more sexy ones than comfortable ones, but the lack of pants quickly put me off. Feeling my eyes, i had some makeup leftovers, that probably had just spread around even more. Despite all of that, what really chocked me the most was the weight i had lost. Not like 2-5 lbs, more like 15-20 lbs, and not in a healthy way. Whatever had just happened to me had been happening for a while.
As i was still taking it all in, i heared a door open, with voices coming out of it. Two people. I couldn't understand what they were saying, but i quickly recognized some korean words. More people came out. Three more, soon followed by another pair. As the last one came out, i decided that i my need for help was greater than the odds of them being bad people, so i went out of the streets. The bright neon signs of the convinient store blinded me for a second, before i could figure out the silouhette of 8 men. I let out a soft and painful, "help" before turning around to take in more of what was around me. Wherever i was, this was not home. I felt the panic start to rise in me so i turned to the men, who had stopped their walk to look at me. Some of them had cold, almost scared faces, but the one that sticked to me the most was the one closest to me. A tall, black and red haired guy, that almost looked in more pain than me. One of the people in the back said something, that from the loudness i assumed was to me, but I didn't catch it, since it was in korean. It's at that moment that it all came down.
I fell down to my knees. Eyes blank, looking at the ground. Tears were pouring out of my eyes, but my expression was not following them. The tall guy came down to my level, and in a broken english asked "are you alright?"
-Do i look alright, i spitted at him. I have no idea where i am, or what is going on, i'm clearly a world away from home, I don't understand anything that anyone here says, im hurt, im almost naked, i lost a shit ton of weight and i dont even know how, the only taste i have in my mouth is dehydration, i miss my cat, i miss my bed and my stupid ass friend who can't seem to ever be on time and....and...
I raise up my head to look at him. He pierces through my eyes as if he was looking for answers.
-and...im cold.
I fall in his arms, all strength gone.
I can feel his warmth get closer.
I can feel his heartbeat.
I feel some sort of warm blanket around me.
I feel a pillow, softer than any i ever had.
As i feel fingers going through my hair, I hear a melody that, even if for a small second, makes my believe that everything will be all right, and i find myself dreaming that this moment never stops.
I briefly open my eyes, just to see these dreaming eyes. "Who are you", i somehow ask, right before falling asleep. As if he knew that I wasn't there to hear the answer anymore, the mysterious man lowers himself to my ear and simply wispers,
"I'm Yunho."
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