nutcasewithaknife · 3 months
9 Fandom Peeps to Get to Know Better
Thank you @bbcphile @deepbluewithyellow @kingsandbastardz @potahun @seventh-fantasy @redemption-revenge and @heyyo-heyyo for tagging me! Sorry for y'all waiting for days, the procrastination demons got to me ;-;
3 ships you like: Oh dear. How do I pick only three!! Okay, here are some that have been on my mind the most these past few weeks.
Liansanjiao from Mysterious Lotus Casebook. Kinda obvious but I adore every side and the whole of this triangle.
Moshang from SVSSS. Ice Demon Lord and his pathetic hamster man. God and his most beloved blorbo. Fucking clowns. They have the range.
Chengqing from The Untamed !!! They are both so very alike and understand each other better than anyone else possibly could. They could have chosen each other, but never begrudge the other for not doing so either. I'm obsessed with how doomed they are in canon and how perfect they would've been if they'd ever gotten a chance.
First ship ever: Solangelo! I was a gay teen and this was my first gay ship and I went insane about them for a solid year.
Last song you heard: 天下 by Zhang Jie!! Been slightly obsessed with it since I heard it being performed at the MLC concert.
Favorite childhood book(s): Oh, there are so many. The first Percy Jackson series my beloved. The Ajaya dulogy, which is a retelling of the epic Mahabharata from the perspective of the Kauravas (conventionally the bad guys) and rewired my entire brain. ANNE OF GREEN GABLES!! Also was in love with the James Herriot books so much.
Currently reading: Finishing my Good Omens re-read! I also started Geetanjali Shree's रेत समाधि (Tomb of Sand), reading the original Hindi and the English Translation simultaneously! (Kind of an experiment. It has very short chapters, so I read each in Hindi and then in English before moving on to the next.)
Currently watching:
Dead Friend Forever - Thai slasher/murder mystery/psychological thriller/BL (airing weekly, one episode left!)
House MD - Medical Malpractice Georg my beloved (rewatching after a long, long time. Save me unhinged autistic man. save me.)
Currently consuming: Tea :)
Currently craving: The inspiration to write something absolutely devastating or utterly silly. Also a donut.
Tagging @fangdoubing @mx-myth @difeisheng @linacies @toppingjeffsatur @t4tadrienette @tejoxys @salamander89 @wuxia-vanlifer (no pressure ofc) and really anyone who wants to give it a go! Especially if you've spotted me lurking in your notes!!
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shiftingparadise · 1 year
heyyyy! it’s been a loooong while since my last request and i keep thinking about an enemies to lovers fic with gojo 🫠🫠 i mean like “i hate you. i hope you die a horrible death.” typa beat at the beginning.
i’m not sure if you’re taking requests atm, or if you haven’t watched jjk, so feel free to ignore this if that’s the case, i will completely understand^^ have a nice day<3
aaaa, I really loved writing this one. I'm sorry it took so long, but I was busy with school :(
I hope everyone's having a great day, enjoy reading 🤍✨
No warnings.
Word Count: 3100
“Yaga’s going to send me on a mission with him”, you let your head fall back. “Please Suguru, just kill me”. You earned a small chuckle in response, “I don’t understand why you two hate each other”. “And I don’t see how you could be friends with someone like him”. “He’s not that bad. I mean, he’s an arrogant piece of shit, but so am I”. 
For some reason, it felt as if the corridor to Yaga’s classroom kept expanding. Which was a good thing. You didn’t want to see that white-haired bastard.  
“You’re not arrogant, you’re confident. There’s a difference”. “He is the strongest sorcerer. His birth technically changed the balance of earth”. “I’m strong too, and smart”, jealousy flooded through your veins. “Y/N”, Geto stopped walking, “Don’t underestimate him. He may act foolish, but there’s more to him”. “Whatever, I’ll see you around”. 
You hated it when Suguru defended him. It was bad enough that they were best friends, he didn’t have to defend him every time you complained about Satoru. 
“Okay”, you closed your eyes once you saw the door to Yaga’s classroom, “Maybe he just wants to settle things with me and that idiot?”. 
“Nope, he’s going to send us on a mission together”. 
“S-shit”, your heart dropped to your stomach at the sudden presence behind you, “Asshole. I almost died because of you”. “Almost?”, he clicked his tongue, “What a shame”. “I’m not going on a mission with you”, you turned around, angry eyes staring into his blue ones. “As if I would ever go with someone like you”. “Excuse me?”, heat rose to your cheeks. “You’re selfish. You’d never sacrifice yourself for someone. Honestly, I don’t even know what you’re doing here. A sorcerer needs to protect others”. “What do you know about me?”, you shakily replied. “I know that you’re in love with Suguru”. “W-what?!”, your eyes wide open, “N-no, that’s not true!”. 
It wasn’t. He was wrong, but nonetheless, a cherry-red glow was left on your cheeks. 
“Stop it. Both of you”, Yaga opened the door, a stern expression on his face. “Sorry”, you mumbled. “Hm”, Gojo scratched the back of his head, “What do you want?”. 
Right. His disrespect for his peers never failed to amaze you. 
“Sit down”, Yaga nodded towards the wooden chairs. “Why?”. “Just sit down”, you angrily pushed your shoulder against your classmate, “The world doesn’t revolve around you”. “Actually-“. “Shut up”, you sighed as you sat down. 
“Gojo”, Yaga’s stern voice broke through the silence, “Sit down”. “I know you’re sending us on a mission together”, he lazily leaned against the wall. “That’s right”, Yaga ignored his disobedience as he turned to look at you. “Now, I know –“. “Not happening”. 
It was your turn to be disrespectful. Everyone knew how much the two of you despised each other. Was this some kind of joke? 
“Y/N-“. “Let Suguru hop along. He’ll be delighted”, you pushed your chair back, ready to leave. “If you two don’t go on this mission together, you’ll both be expelled”. 
“You think you can blackmail me?”, Gojo loudly laughed, “You guys need me”. “I’ll be expelled?”, you widened your eyes, “But I-“. “We know”, Yaga replied, “Just go on this mission together, and we won’t have to”. “Perfect”, Gojo smiled as he clapped his hands, “She gets expelled, I get to stay since you guys need me and-“. “Please”, you softly whispered, “I can’t get expelled”. “I don’t care”, he turned around, his hands childishly waving in the air, “My life will be a lot easier with you gone”. 
Yes, you hated him. Yes, you wanted to kill him for being so ignorant, but… 
“Please”, you lowered your head, “I’ve got nowhere else to go”. “I’m sure your rich family will happily welcome you back-“. “I don’t have a family”, your voice shaking, “If I get expelled, I’ll have nowhere to go”. “Huh?”, he tilted his head. “Satoru, just go on this mission with her”, Yaga pinched the space in between his brows, “It’s easier for everyone”. “Why do those old people from higher up want us to work together? I know this wasn’t your decision”. “I don’t know”, Yaga sighed, “Just do it”. 
“Let’s try to be nice to each other, shall we?”, he nonchalantly walked through the hallway, not caring to look at you. 
“Fuck off”.
 Why, out of everyone, did they send you on a mission with Satoru?
“You should thank me. All I know, is you’d be sleeping on the streets if I didn’t agree to go on this mission”. 
“You’re an asshole”, you stopped walking, “I hate you, and not because you’re arrogant, not because you’re always bragging about how strong you are, but because you’re heartless. You don’t care about anyone except yourself. You only ‘save’ people because it makes you feel good. You’re a self-centered idiot”. 
“And what do you know about me?”, he looked over his shoulders. 
“Easy”, Suguru’s voice tore down the dense atmosphere, “It’ll be nice”. 
God, why did he always have to smile? 
 “Nice?”, you turned around, eyes wide open, “Nothing’s nice with that idiot”. “I disagree”, he smiled as he slowly walked towards you two. “Dinner?”, Gojo ignored your insult. “Starving”, Geto smiled as he walked past you, softly patting your head. “He’s not that bad. You’ll see”, a soft whisper. “Hm”, you pouted, “See you”. “See ya”, Geto happily waved, “Oh, when do you two have to leave?”. 
“Tomorrow morning”, you placed your hands in your pockets, “Want to play UNO after dinner?”. “Don’t be a crybaby when you lose”. “I won’t lose”, you smirked as you turned around, “Later Geto”. 
“Are you in love with her?”, Gojo smirked. “No”, Geto coldly replied. “How can you be friends with her? She’s annoying”. “Why? Because she’s almost as strong as you?”, a smirk on Geto’s face. “She isn’t”, Gojo grabbed something from his pocket, “We’re the strongest”, he smiled as he put his shades on.                               
“Car’s not big enough for you?”, your angry eyes staring at him. “What?”, he coldly replied. “Your legs, could you spread them even further?”. “I always sit like this”. “I don’t care”, you angrily pushed against his knee, “I need some room too”. “Brat”. “Excuse me?”, your eyes studying his face. “You heard me”. 
One more word and his cheek would have a stinging, red glow. 
“You’re a brat”, you childishly replied. “We don’t have to talk”, he let his head fall back, “We’ll be there soon”. “Give me that”, you snapped the tablet from his hand, “Want to know what we’re dealing with”. “All yours”, a smirk on his face. 
Special grade curse? This must be a joke, right? You weren’t that strong and- 
“Why didn’t they send Suguru on this mission? I’m not that strong”, your heart dropped to your stomach. Your cursed energy wasn’t special, not like Suguru’s or Satoru’s. 
“Don’t know, but I’m not responsible for your safety”, he stared out of the window, “I won’t sacrifice the mission for your safety”.  
“Just worry about yourself, I’ll manage”, you quietly responded, a worrying frown on your face. 
“Hey”, his cold voice greeted your ears. 
You dreaded this moment. 
“Hey”, you walked past him. 
“Y/N?”. “What?”, you stopped walking, eyes glued to the painting at the end of the hallway. 
“I’m sorry”. 
Sorry wasn’t enough. It could never be enough. 
“I was just a kid-“. 
“You’re still a kid”, you scoffed back, “You only think about yourself”.
You waited for a response, for another sorry, but only silence filled the air. 
“Don’t worry. I’m only here to see Sukuna’s vessel”. “When are you going to accept my apology?”. 
“Accept? They expelled me because of you”. “But you got transferred”. “And I never saw Suguru again. I never got the chance to talk him out of it”. 
Why were you even explaining things? 
“You killed him. You killed your best friend”, a lump in your throat. “He killed an entire village, Y/N. He wasn’t the Suguru you used to know”. “I don’t care. You don’t give up on the people you love”. 
“He gave up on us”. 
He didn’t. Even if his motives were wrong, even if he did evil things… He wanted to make the world a ‘better’ place for the people he loved. 
“Goodnight, Satoru”, you wiped a tear from your cheek, “Always nice to see you again”. 
“What do you think?”, Yaga looked at you, his dark shades masking his eyes. “You made the right decision. He’s strong, even without Sukuna”, your eyes twinkling, “Can I train with him tonight? Just for research?”. “As long as he’s okay with it”, he lifted his shoulders. “That kid”, you nodded towards the dark-haired boy, “He’s strong too, isn’t he?”. “He has the most potential”, Yaga crossed his arms, “You don’t know who he is, do you?”. “I know. Thanks to his dad-“. “Yeah”, Yaga interrupted, “That’s him”. 
“So, you let him take over whenever?”. “N-no”, the pink-haired boy backed away, his cheeks red with embarrassment. “Does he talk to you?”, you tightened your grip around his jaw, your eyes studying every part of his face. “Y-yeah, he’s annoying”. “Can I talk to him?”, you eagerly asked.  “It’s too dangerous”, a stern expression on his face, “I don’t want to risk the safety of others”. 
“Don’t worry”.
“Get out”, you slowly backed away, resisting the urge to turn around. “Come now, that’s my student”. 
He was smirking. You could feel it.
“Yuji”, his footsteps drew closer, “Let him out. I’m the strongest, you know that”. “B-but Gojo sensei-“. “Let him out”, he lifted his blindfold with his thumb. 
You didn’t want to see him, to give him some form of satisfaction, but… You were so curious, so fascinated… 
 “And I’m here too”, you softly agreed, “I’m strong too”. “She is”, Gojo happily smiled, “And smart. She’s the most highly paid researched in the sorcerer community. Her books are being used in every sorcerer school”. 
“Tsk”, you clenched your jaw. “She doesn’t seem to like you”, Yuji tilted his head. “That’s because we’ve got some history-“. “N-no! Not like that!”, you blurted out when you saw the look in the student’s eyes. 
“Let him out, Yuji”, Gojo smirked. 
“Okay”, the boy shrugged his shoulders before closing his eyes. 
Your heart was racing, your mouth dry… You were nervous. 
“That brat gave me 30 seconds”. 
“H-huh?”, you jolted, “H-his voice… The marks-“. 
“Sukuna?”, you slowly walked closer. “Long time I’ve seen someone this pretty. She yours?”, the curse widely grinned at Gojo. “Your time’s almost up”, Gojo smiled back, “It’s been a pleasure”. 
“W-wait!”, you tried to buy more time, but you could already see the marks disappear. 
“What did he say?”, Yuji shook his head, as if he tried to shake the curse away. “I’m never leaving this place as long as you’re here!”, you swung your arms around the boy’s neck, “I’m going to write so many books about you!!!”. 
“G-gojo sensei?”, the boy tried to ask his teacher for help, his cheeks glowing red. “Hey, she never hugged me”, Gojo loudly laughed, “Just enjoy it”. 
“So peaceful”, you sighed as you looked at the stars above you. 
You always loved the smell of a hot summer night. A clear sky above you, thousands of stars, the soft touch of grass underneath you… 
You were sitting in the middle of a park just outside Jujutsu high. It must’ve been 3 AM, but you didn’t care. This was worth it. 
What was this sudden feeling? This sudden eeriness?
“Right, I should’ve known better”, you slowly stood up. “I can never get a moment of peace”, you angrily mumbled. “Don’t hide. I know you’re here”, you wiped some dirt from your uniform. 
“Hide?”, a chilling voice greeted you. 
This wasn’t a normal curse. This was trouble. 
“Who are you?”, you widened your stance, one hand in your pocket. “Mahito, nice to meet you”, a tall figure happily walked towards you. 
“What do you want?”. “You. Dead”, a big smile on its face. “Try me”, you grabbed a bag of blood from your pocket. “Oh, blood manipulation. Interesting”, the curse scratched underneath his chin, “But then again, I already knew that, didn’t I?”. 
It knew? 
“Just like I know about your little accident years ago. Don’t you want to get revenge? Don’t you want to make him pay?”. 
“It was an accident”, your heart racing, “He didn’t mean for it to happen”. “Then why are you still mad at him?”, a fake confused expression on Mahito’s face. “You know it’s his fault. You know it’s his fault your body is covered in scars”. “He didn’t mean to”. 
It scared you how much doubt there was in your voice. 
“He did”. 
T-that voice-
“S-suguru?”, you turned around, your legs shaking. 
“Missed me?”, a smile on his face. 
He was dead-
“Suguru!”, you immediately ran towards him, your arms eagerly wrapped around his body. You didn’t care what he’d done. He was your friend. You two were inseparable- 
“S-suguru?”, tears in your eyes as you fell to the ground, a sharp pain in your side. “Don’t worry, you’re not going to die. We just need Gojo”, a disgusted look on Geto’s face as he looked down at you. 
“W-what-“, “Don’t worry”, Mahito’s happy voice interrupted, “I can heal you, and your scars”. “D-don’t-“
Why couldn’t you use your cursed energy? 
“You’ve been poisoned”, Suguru coldly added, “You can’t use any cursed energy”. “Why did you do this?”, your sight blurry. “Don’t worry. The Suguru you know is gone”, a smirk on his face. 
Right. The Suguru you knew would never do this. He’d never- 
“You aren’t-“, “What a smart girl”, he kneeled down. “Mahito?”, Geto brushed some strands of hair from your face, “She’s useless. Do with her as you wish”. 
“Get your hands off her”. 
For once, you were happy to hear Gojo’s voice. 
“Finally. Let’s see how strong you really are”, Mahito laughed. 
“S-satoru-“, darkness surrounded you, “Leave”. “Leave?”, a gentle smile on his face as he walked towards the curse, “I owe you one, remember?”. 
“Suguru?”, you slowly opened your eyes. “Ouch”, a chuckle, “I saved your life, you know?”. 
“Satoru”, you immediately sat up straight, “Where am I?”. “In your room. Shoko took care of you”.  “S-shit”, you grunted as you felt a sharp pain in your side. “Careful”, his hand immediately behind your head, “Shoto did what she could, but you need plenty of rest”. 
Normally you’d rather die than let that idiot touch you, but now it felt kind of reassuring. 
“Thank you”, you whispered, “If you weren’t there, I’d be dead”. “As I said, I owed you one”. 
You knew he expected you to ask what had happened after you passed out, but you didn’t want to know. Not yet anyway. 
“Got you these”, he took something from your nightstand, “They’re my favorite”.
“Thanks”, an unintentional smile on your face. “They’re not regular mochi, you know? I got these from-“, “I recognize them, Satoru”, you gently smiled, “Thank you”. 
“Y/N, listen”. 
What a strange sight. He actually seemed nervous. 
“I never meant to… I didn’t know”, he clenched his jaw. “I hate myself for what happened back then. For the pain I caused you”. “I know”, you softly whispered. “If I knew there was another curse, I wouldn’t have-“. 
“Where were you?”, a lump in your throat. “I don’t blame you, but I’ve been wondering why you suddenly disappeared after I exorcised the first curse”. 
“Flowers”, he mumbled as he looked at the ground. “What?”, you frowned. “I was getting you flowers”, his hand massing the back of his neck. 
“F-flowers?”, you widened your eyes, cheeks blushing. “I guess I was in love with you back then”, he cleared his throat, “That’s why I was such a jerk… I thought you loved Suguru and –“. 
Why was he cute right now? Gojo wasn’t the type of man to seem insecure and shy, but it kind of suited him. It was refreshing to see a blush on his cheeks. 
“When you exorcised that first curse, you seemed so proud”, a nostalgic smile on his face. “I never doubted you for a second, but you did. You always underestimated yourself, so… I wanted to celebrate. I had this stupid idea of buying you flowers and asking you out on a date”. 
You finally understood. You understood why you hated him all this time. Why you never got close to him. Why he was the one person who could get under your skin. 
“I know it’s silly”, he chuckled, “Please don’t tell the students I have a crush on you”. 
“Have?”, you repeated the words in your head.
“Ask me”, you quietly responded, “Ask me if I want to go on a date”. 
“H-huh?”, his blue eyes towering over his glasses as he looked over them. 
“Ask me”. 
You didn’t love Suguru, you never did. You remembered why you even tried to get close to Suguru in the first place. You wanted to spend time with Gojo. 
“Do you want to have dinner with me?”, his voice sounded raspy. 
“No”, you nervously smirked. 
“Do you want to go to the arcade with me?”, he smiled when he realized what you were after. 
“Nope”, you shook your head. 
“Fine”, he playfully sighed, “Do you want to order pizza and watch a movie?”. 
“Bingo”, you held out your thumb. 
Why was the room so cold all of a sudden? 
“Can I see?”, a dark expression on his face. “What?”, you frowned. “What I’ve done to you”. 
“You haven’t done anything to me”.  “I want to see, Y/N”. 
Don’t run. Don’t run. Don’t run. 
“Okay”, you slowly unbuttoned your shirt. 
He was disgusted. He had to be. The dark scars on your stomach and chest, all the way to your arms… 
“I’m so sorry”, he lowered his head, a crack in his voice, “I’m sorry for the pain I’ve caused you”. “Do you still think I’m pretty?”, your eyes hanging low. “No”, his digits slowly tracing over your scars. 
“Right”, you closed your eyes, “That’s fine”. 
“I don’t think you're pretty, " the sweetest smile on his face, “I don’t think there are enough words to describe how beautiful you are. You’re divine. A goddess. I’ve always thought so”.
Shit. You were blushing. 
“T-thanks”, you awkwardly responded, his nose brushing against yours. “Ask me”, he smirked. “W-what?”, you loudly swallowed as you felt his lips hovering over yours. “Ask me to kiss you”. 
“Kiss me, please”. 
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avgeliic · 1 year
You froze as you watched a group of pro-hero’s run into in alley way right in front of you. You frowned as you continued walking to your car, just a little faster than before.
You quickly pulled out your car keys, unlocking your car. You sighed as you closed the door, placing your bag on the passenger seat. You inhaled sharply as you ran your hand through your hair. “Why the long face?” You shrieked looking back.
“Dabi? What the hell are you doing in my car?!” You frowned, rubbing your temple. “Hiding from them—“ He shrugged as he leaned back, looking out the window.
“Why in my car? What if you get caught?” Your eyes widened as you looked back at him. “I won’t if you don’t tell~” He hummed as he looked over at you, a small smile creeping on his lips.
You sighed, shaking your head. “Where am I supposed to take you?” You mumbled as you turned on the car, your hands on the steering wheel.
“I thought we were going to your apartment..?” He frowned fixing his hood. “I’m not taking you to my apartment Dabi.” You stated as you began to pull out.
“Why not doll? It’s not like I’ll do anything.” You rolled your eyes at the pet name. “Fine fine, I’ll take you but you can’t do anything but sit, got it?” You mumbled as you kept your eyes on the road, only stealing a few glances from the mirror.
“Yeah yeah..” He grumbled as he looked out the window.
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You sighed as you sat on the couch beside him, a book in your hand. You slowly opened the book, reading through the pages.
He sighed as he slowly placed his head on your lap, his head facing up. Your eyes widened as you looked down at him, you inhaled nervously as you held back the urge to wipe that stupid smirk off his face.
“Sorry, I’ve been sitting for too long. Plus, I’m exhausted.” He sighed as he looked up at you, his arms crossed. “Fine whatever, just don’t bother me.” You mumbled as you moved the book closer, trying to hide the blush that was beginning to form on your face.
“Yeah yeah..” He mumbled as he closed his eyes. sure this was others would call a ‘sweet’ moment but you’ve known Dabi for a few years now. You can’t deny he was an attractive guy, but you can’t crush on your best friend. Right?
He knew you didn’t care, you told him to leave but you never pushed him off. He smirked as he got more comfortable in your lap, your thighs the perfect pillow for him.
You sighed as you scrolled through your phone, Dabi’s breathing beginning to slow down as he hit a deep slumber.
what is bound to happen next..?
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strawmyberry · 1 year
aaa omg i absolutely loved your headcanons they are so cute!! 💗 also im tumblr is being mean 😭 i hope everything gets fixed soon <33
aa do you think you could maybe write something with kenny?? lee or ler is fine, anything you want!! your hcs for him are just so adorable i can't choose which side i like more 😭 i honestly am just looking forward to anything you have planned <3 tysm!! i hope you have a good day! 💗💗
aaaa!!! toast you are the sweetest 🥹 thank you so much for all the love and support!! it truly means the world! im so sorry this took so long!!! i hope it’s at least a little bit worth it- im still trying to get into the swing of things- so im sorry if it isn’t the best! also it has a super long intro sorry sorry sorry!! i hope you guys enjoy!!! (first fic yayyyy!!!)
— ❤️🍓 strawberry 🍓❤️
Swallow Your Pride!
Lee Kenny / Ler Stan and Kyle
Word Count: 3,038
With Cartman in Nebraska for the first few weeks of summer, Stan and Kyle think a celebration is in order! Kenny is a bit iffy on the idea; but every problem can be solved with just a little bit of friendly persuasion!
“Oh shit, dude. I’m so sorry to hear that.”
That day had started like any other. The sun was shining, the birds were chirping, and even though it was summer, the snow kept snowing. Softer than it normally would, sure, but the snow was a bit of a damper on the Teen Beach Movie summer that Stan had secretly been yearning for. 
It wasn’t hard to believe that Stan expected today to go like it typically would: a casual hang-out, at his house, with his friends, the four of them having a fun little Mortal Kombat: Onslaught tournament. 
“No! No, really, I am! It’s not gonna be the same without you, man. How long are you gonna be there for?” 
But it seemed like fate had other plans today. With his phone held against his ear, Stan would pace around his living room as he spoke. Kyle sat criss-cross-applesauce on the floor while Kenny laid on his side behind him, resting his head comfortably on one of Stan’s throw pillows. They were (not so) patiently awaiting Cartman’s arrival. They wanted to start kicking some ass already!
Every now and then Kyle would manage to make eye contact with Stan, shooting him a look that could only be described as a mixture of irritation and confusion. “Where the fuck is he? What’s taking so long?” He’d whisper, crossing his arms tight against his chest as Stan held up his “give me a second” finger. He’d grumble a bit at that, adding an eye roll to the mix. They could’ve started thirty minutes ago if Cartman came when he was supposed to! 
“Yeah.” Stan would pause, nodding his head. He’d turn, his eyes bouncing between Kyle and Kenny. “No, don’t worry. I’ll tell them.” He’d say, turning back around as he’d begin pacing a bit more. That seemed to peek Kyle’s attention even more, now turning to Kenny with a raised brow. 
“What do you think they’re talking about? What excuse is Cartman gonna try to pull this time?” He’d ask, trying his hardest to keep his volume low. He had never really been the best whisperer. 
“I don’t know..” Kenny would shrug, getting up from his comfortable laying position to be able to hear better. 
“Maybe he died.” Kyle would joke, letting out an overdramatic sigh. “That would be fucking awesome, wouldn’t it?” He’d add, cupping his hands together in a wistful Disney princess pose. 
Kenny couldn’t help but let a few giggles slip at Kyle’s dramatics, beginning to tighten his parka. Kyle would start softly chuckling to himself as a result of Kenny’s infectious laugh, being quick to shush Kenny while still staring at Stan intently. “Shhh! Duhude, shut up! I can’t hear!” He’d whisper through his own giggles, batting his hand at him. 
“I hear you. Okay. Yeah. I’ll let them know.” Stan would stop his pacing, now beginning to walk himself back to the center of the living room. Kyle’s giggles slowly faded as he analyzed Stan’s facial expression. He looked…upset. Shit. Did something genuinely happen? He was only joking about Cartman dying-!
“Yeah. I’ll talk to you later. Bye, dude.” 
Stan would wait for the click, shifting his eyes from his phone to the two curious boys sitting in front of him. He looked…sad. The somber expression on his face scaring away the playful atmosphere that had once graced the room. Kyle couldn’t help but hesitate before asking his next question. 
“…What happened?”
Stan would blink at that question, staring at his phone again before slowly sliding it into his pocket. “Kyle…it’s Cartman…” Stan would start, his tone heavy and serious. Oh god. Kyle would begin mentally preparing himself. He prayed to God that Stan wouldn’t start crying. He couldn’t handle Stan crying. But, after a split second, it was apparent he wouldn’t have to worry about that at all.
“Cartman’s gone for two weeks!” 
The mood in the room completely changed. Stan’s face completely changed. The frown on his face turned itself around real quick, now replaced with one of the most vibrant smiles Kyle had ever seen. Dramatic asshole. That was his first thought. After he had comprehended what Stan said though, he had a completely different thought. 
“You’re shitting me!”
“I’m not! I’m not shitting you!” 
“You’re not shitting him?”
“No! No, I’m not! Cartman’s-“
“-going to Nebraska-“ 
“No way!” 
“-to see his family! For two weeks!” 
“Thank you, GOD!” Kyle would cheer, jumping up from the floor. “Dude we gotta- we gotta do something!” Kyle could hardly contain himself as he celebrated. Deep down, he wanted to burst out into song. ‘The Witch Is Dead’ sounded like a pretty good option at the moment. And he wasn’t the only one pumped up either! Kenny was bouncing on his toes with excitement! They had prayed for this day for so long- and it was finally happening! 
“We need to celebrate!” Stan would exclaim. “Uh- shit! What should we do? It has to be something special.” He’d begin pacing around the room again, only this time; he was joined by Kyle and Kenny. 
“We should go get food!” Kyle would suggest. 
“Yeah! Let’s get food!” Kenny would second. Sure, you couldn’t see the smile on his face because of his parka; but you could pretty much hear it! 
“Okay! Food!” Stan would agree. Perfect! This was going great! “It’s settled then! We’re getting food!” He’d announce, the real question settling in as the words left his mouth. “…Uh. Where are we going to get food?” Oh. Yeah. They hadn’t really thought about that. Huh. The three boys would exchange looks, waiting for one of the other two to offer up an idea. 
“Bennigan’s!” Kyle would confidently propose, an accomplished smile on his face. “We never go to Bennigan’s! Let’s do something new and go to Bennigan’s!” 
Stan’s jaw would drop, nodding his head. “Dude! You’re a GENIUS! Hell yeah, let’s go to Bennigan’s!” With that settled Stan would rush over to the door, Kyle following closely behind. The two were so eager, they wouldn’t even notice how Kenny wasn’t following after them. 
“I can post it on TikTok- so he knows how much fun we’re having without him!” Kyle would smirk. He had always dreamed of this moment. He could only imagine how red his stupid, smug face would get after seeing how not-in-shambles they were without him there. 
“Dude. Perfect! This is gonna be sick!” Stan couldn't help but smile as he opened the front door. He’d turn, now noticing how Kenny was still in the same place that he was ten seconds prior. Maybe he hadn’t heard them the first time? “C’mon, Kenny! We’re going to Bennigan’s!” He’d call, beginning to make his way out the door.
“You guys go without me- have fun!”
Well- that wasn't what they expected. Stan would walk back into the house, Kyle following. He’d close and lock the door, a frown forming on his face as he walked toward Kenny. “But...you have to come! It won't be a celebration without you!” He’d insist. 
“Yeah! ...Do you not like Bennigan’s?” Kyle would ask, trying to offer up solutions. “We can go someplace else if you don't wanna go to Bennigan’s!” 
“No…Bennigan’s isn’t the problem.” Kenny loved the sound of going to Bennigan’s. Sitting and eating with his friends sounded like so much fun. But…he didn’t think he could afford that right now. It sucked that he had to turn the offer down, but it was much better than the alternative-
“Kenny…you know we could pay for-“
“No.” Kenny would deny Kyle’s offer before he even got the full thing out. It wouldn’t be the first time this exact scenario had played out; and every single time Kenny agreed to let them pay for him, he’d get home and have to deal with the guilt of it all. He didn’t wanna deal with that today! 
“Dude, it’s really not a big deal. Kyle and I can split-“
“I don’t want you to pay for me.” Throwing himself down onto Stan’s couch, he’d cross his arms. He wasn’t going to budge on his one. “Just go. Have fun!” Grabbing the drawstrings on his parka, he’d pull it shut, signaling that he was done talking. Conversation over. 
“But, Kenny…Kenny, we really want you to-!” Kyle would start to say, only to get cut off by a hand being placed on his shoulder. He’d turn to Stan to give him another look; just to be met with a completely different look staring right back at him. 
They’d stare at each other for a few minutes, not a word leaving their lips before Kyle finally broke the silence. “…Gotcha’.”
“Kenny…” Stan would start, glancing at Kyle every now and then to make sure he was getting into position. “We really want you to come.” He’d say, sitting down on Kenny’s left. He’d wait for Kyle to sit down on his right before continuing. 
“Surely, there must be some way we could-“ Snaking his hand around, he’d loop his hands under both of Kenny’s arms, turning him counterclockwise. “Twist your arm on this?” With that line dropped, he’d give Kyle a wink. His silent way of saying “He’s all yours.” 
Kenny would let out a surprised yelp at being grabbed, taking a second to truly comprehend the predicament he was in. He’d try to open his mouth to bargain, or beg, or something that could save him- but Kyle wasted no time. All he managed to get out was a startled, “Wait- please don’t!” before Kyle began digging his finger into his sides. A squeal would be ripped from his throat as he immediately began to thrash from side to side.
“Guhuhuys! Stohohop ihihit!!” He’d giggle, a bit embarrassed by how easily it was to make him laugh. He’d thrash around in Stan’s hold, kicking his legs in an attempt to break free.
“Don’t kick me, Kenny! I’ll make it, like, ten times worse!” Kyle would teasingly threaten, squeezing both of his sides one at a time. Like a little pattern! “You know, I’ll stop tickling you if you come to Bennigan’s with us!” 
“Mm-mhmhmhmhm!!! I dohohon’t wahahanna!!” Kenny would frantically shake his head, throwing himself to and fro as he laughed. He’d clench his hands into fists, yanking himself forward. But it seemed whenever Kenny thought he got the tiniest bit of leverage- Stan would just tighten his grip. 
“Kenny, c’mon! Kyle’s being so nice to you right now!” Stan would remark, speaking from experience. Actually, he couldn’t help but feel a little bit jealous. Why couldn’t he go that easy on him? “Don’t you want to quit while you’re ahead? He’s being super merciful.”
“Stan. Don’t backseat drive, dude. If you think you could do better, we could just switch-“ Kyle would scoff, although it was easy to tell he wasn't as offended as his words made him sound. “If you don't trust my tickling abilities, that’s fine-” He’d grumble, sneaking his fingers under Kenny’s parka. He’d walk his fingers up and down his sides, making Kenny squeak from the sudden switch-up.
“No! No no- I get what you're doing- building suspense! I'm down for it, 100%. I'm just... bargaining with him! Tactics. You know?” Stan would quickly change his tune, nodding in agreement.
“Chrihihist!! Thihis ihis sohoho duhuhumb!!” Kenny would whine through his giggles, throwing his head back in annoyance. “I sahaid I dohon’t wahahanna gohoho! Stohohop ihit alreheheady!”
“But you do wanna go Kenny, that’s the problem!” Kyle would insist. “We know you wanna come- make things easier for yourself! We don’t mind paying, just swallow your pride and have lunch with us!”
“Nohohoho!!!” Kenny would squeal as Kyle started poking at his ribs. He’d jerk even harder, still being trapped between the couch and his two friends. “I dohohon’t wahahanna gohoho anywhehere wihihith yohohou dihihickheheads!”
Kyle would gasp in feigned horror and offense, halting the tickling momentarily; whereas Stan would just blink in confusion. “Where did you get dickheads from? I don’t think I’ve ever heard you call us dickheads before-“
“Dickheads! He called us dickheads, Stan!” Kyle would shout, a stunned expression on his face. “We can’t let him get away with that, right? He called us dickheads!” Kyle would repeat yet again, just in case the word went totally unnoticed. “Say sorry, Kenny! Say you didn’t mean to call us dickheads!”
Kenny would visibly weigh out his options as his sat there, Stan’s arms still holding his tight while Kyle’s hands laid flat on his ribs. Sure, the logical choice would be to just concede and chalk it up to a slip of the tongue. But…Kenny just wasn’t in the mood for that. “…No!” He’d confidently exclaim after a couple of beats. “You guys are dickheads and I don’t wanna go to Bennigan’s!”
“No? Fine! Suit yourself, dude. Stan, can you focus up there?” Kyle would ask, removing his fingers from Kenny’s parka. He’d crack both his knuckles, watching as Stan grabbed both of Kenny’s wrists with his left hand before beginning to hold them above his head. “You wanna be an asshole? Fine then, be an asshole!”
Kenny would giggle in anticipation, pulling at his arms, hoping for some miracle surge of strength that would let him pull his arms down. But it seemed like his luck really wasn’t there today, since no miracle surge would ever appear. He’d squeeze his eyes shut, bracing himself as he got ready for the countdown. They would have to do a countdown, right?
Wrong. Kenny was very wrong. Stan and Kyle would have some prolonged eye contact for a little bit, communicating when to start. About five seconds after Kenny closed his eyes was what they settled on. Kyle would give Stan a moment to go first, nodding his head as Stan abruptly began scribbling his fingers into Kenny’s armpits.
“WAHAhahait! Stahahan!” Kenny would jump from the sudden attack, a peel of laughter pouring out. “Hehehey, nohoho fahahair! It’s two agahahaisnt ohoneEE-“ Kenny would start to complain, not really expecting Kyle to actually go for the kill. Sure, he said he would…maybe he should’ve known better than to doubt him. But doubt him he did, so he was nowhere near prepared when Kyle dove into his hips.
“SHIHIHIHIT!” Kenny would jolt, letting out a noise that could only be described as the scream of a man who was being brutally murdered. And, for this situation? Pretty valid. “NAHAHAHAT THEHEHEHERE!” He’d cackle, practically screaming with laughter at this point. Very fitting. He’d flail his legs, trying his hardest to get one good kick in- just for a little bit of leeway. Even if it meant he had to roll off the couch, he’d take anything at this point.
“Aw, damn it…” Stan would let out a very fake sigh of disappointment, tsking as he shook his head. “I’m sorry to do this to ya’, Kenny…but I can’t understand you. Like. At all.” He’d say, pouting his lips. Just for the dramatics of it all! “I’m normally fluent in Kenny! I don’t know what happened…” He’d sigh yet again, going agonizingly slow with his portion of the tickling. “…Kyle? Do you know what he said? It’s really bumming me out…”
“Oh, Yeah! Don’t worry dude, I got you!” Kyle would nod with a bright smile, immediately going along with Stan’s little bit. “He said “Please keep tickling me Stan and Kyle! I love being tickled allll over! It’s just soooo much fun! That’s the real reason why I’m being such a dick to you guys! I just loveee being tickled!” Thank you for being so honest with us, Kenny! You should’ve just asked sooner!”
“Ohhhh, I gotcha!” Stan would nod, speeding up his fingers. “Yeah, you should’ve just said so sooner, Kenny! We could keep doing this all day! Oh- actually- that just gave me an idea! Let’s do this instead! We don’t need Bennigan’s, let’s just tickle Kenny alll day long!” Jesus fucking Christ on a bike, Kenny felt like he was going to turn into a fucking tomato. With how red he was, there wouldn’t be that much of a difference. Kenny wanted to keep on a brave face, just let them have their fun until the eventually got tuckered out. But upon hearing Stan’s new “brilliant” idea, Kenny couldn’t help but worry that they actually would put that plan into motion. He couldn’t handle that. Actually, he couldn’t really handle this.
Kenny would wave his verbal white flag of surrender in the air, and it would only take milliseconds for both Stan and Kyle to stop tickling, remove their hands, and let him go. He could’ve sworn he saw the two fist-bump as they did, but he was so out of breath, maybe he hallucinated it? He probably didn’t, but he wouldn’t point it out. Just in case.
“Great! Don’t bring your wallet, ‘whole thing is on us!” Stan would casually say, making his way to the door yet again. Kenny wasn’t able to fight the look of utter confusion on his face. The two acted like nothing had just happened, like they didn’t almost kill him a few seconds ago. How the hell-?
“We’re really happy you’re coming, Kenny..” Kyle would say, staying behind for a bit as Stan walked out the door. “You can catch your breath- but don’t take too long! Stan and I are gonna wait for you outside, and we’re not going without you!” And just like that, they were gone. Like nothing had happened. Kenny would be left on the couch; feeling breathless, confused, and kind of…grateful?
They really wanted him to go that bad? He thought he was just being a burden, but they went through all that trouble convincing him- just so he would come? That meant something, didn’t it? Maybe they had a weird way of showing it; but that meant they cared, didn’t it? It had to, right? Words couldn’t really describe how he felt at the moment. In fact, only two words would be able to leave him mouth; let alone come to mind at all.
“‘Fucking dickheads…”
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asksprchars · 3 months
I'm assuming this ask blog is dated to be happening after the events of SPR. So, Base Cleph, Tretone(if he is brought back a life for the blog or we're talking to a ghost). Options of each other after the whole final battle, and no second musical war actually happening in sight?
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Base Cleph : “Tretone was a foolish man for being Antagon’s follower. However, i commend his open mindedness. No matter what, he didn’t deserve to die
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Base Cleph : “I just got chills”
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Tretone : “ Base Cleph has a strange moral code. I’m not sure on opinions but he has changed alot since back then “
Tretone : “ And hopefully, the peace treaty is still on, hopefully there no longer will be war anymore”
((you guys really gotta stop getting autocorrected man 😭😭😭 i’ve been getting strokes from reading these since the cogen ask /nsrs))
i am genuinely so sorry because i feel like i’m mischaracterizing people like base cleph, tretone, antagon and such—
((also sorry i took so long to answer because damn are they confusing to draw in any sort of change for my art style 🙏🙏🙏 also next ask is about protagonist so AAAA))
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kiwisoap · 11 months
hi!! i just came across android update required and i am SO into the writing style and ur characters. i saw the sneak peek n im intrigued... do you have any thoughts about them, or any ideas abt other ocs or works
aaaa THANK YOU sorry it took me so long to respond to this!!! i'm really glad you like my silly little guys!!! :-) (also link for anyone who is unfamiliar)
i DO I have SO many thoughts that i haven't had time to write about because i have been
trying to write my master's thesis (uauauaugh) BUT!!!!!! YOU HAVE GIVEN ME A CHANCE TO SHARE MORE OF MY THOUGHTS THANK YOU
ok the work that the sneak peek is from is. still In Progress. it has been at a standstill for the past uhh little while (through gritted teeth. graduate school...) and its currently the longest of my wips for them in terms of like, completed and edited wordcount. however i have several other wips for them including but not limited to:
mace has to take a group of middle schoolers to a robotics competition (he hates this)
Ajax becomes a bit of a secondhand parts dealer for a small subset of the local android community
Ajax gets fucked UP by an off-label software update
Work shenanigans >:3
I also have just. so many thoughts about them all the time so if you or anyone else is curious i am HAPPY TO ELABORATE FURTHER
As for other ocs or works, i really wanna write more about mav/hana/indy from employee onboarding!!!! They were originally just supposed to be throwaway characters but. i got attached ajsdfkajsdf
I also have a ton of background lore for that story as well cus i got way too into dreaming up stuff about hypothetical research stations for inhospitable environments and went down a rabbithole collecting floorplans of antarctic research stations (Amundsen-Scott south pole station my beloved)
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flygefisk · 8 months
OOOO OK YOU ASKED FOR PEOPLE TO ASK ABT YOUR DRAGONS IM SO DOWN, so much so im going off anon for this shit /pos gods im obsessed with howl and synder rn, the writing was phenomenal!!! Since on my side fr is doing its maintenance thingy I cannot look at your lair, but id looove to know more about them!!
Like for example, is there any more about Syndor you can lore drop about? Is he a regular ol guy (species wise) or a lil something else?
Oh and Howl!!! Im sorry if its obvious and I just missed it cause its late but what is she?? It sounds like shes some sort of badass zombie but Id love to know
OH AND i am in fact very curious about the most recent anciets you got, they are so so cool!! I adore gentle giant characters, hugging the big ladies finger rn <333 I unfortuantly dont have a lot of ideas for names for either, but the sea monster is giving me K, A, or M vibe names, ones that sound sing songy to speak!
aaaa thank u!! i have. No confidence in my writing tbh so i very much appreciate it <3
syndor, biologically, is a very average dragon. he's just been through some stuff. he is trying very hard to keep his past in the past. after all, his present is so wonderful.
howl's meant to be a little bit unfathomable, so fair! but they're not a zombie- the body they're in is totally alive. mortal, even. it bleeds! it hungers! i guess they were reincarnated, but with more intent.
i had written more about what howl was before their death but didn't like the pacing, so i scrapped it. the tl;dr version is she was a girl (who was actually transmasc/genderqueer in an era where that was not an option), murdered by a suitor. a wild god found the body, found the wild thing that was howl, and gave it a new life. their initial story + the scrapped portion is under the cut if you want the whole thing!
howl and syndor are kinda two sides of the same coin- howl is completely free from its past, living in the present, happy. i'm not sure how much they remember of their last life. syndor, though, is hiding from his past, it sits like a shackle holding him back. he lives in the present, not out of the joy of life, but because he can never go back and feels he doesn't have a future.
they're good for each other like that. syndor helps howl navigate a new world, howl helps syndor find his own way.
tbh i was kinda thinking calypso for her! iiii haven't had a lot of time to think about either of them tbh, its been. a rough week asfsds
once, long ago, there was a girl. this girl was a farmer's daughter, loved by all in the village for her kindness and beauty.
the girl had many suitors. carpenters, merchants, knights, all loved the girl. she never courted any, though. her father hoped she would marry, find some wealthy husband who could support her, and was always quietly disappointed when she turned them away at the door.
the girl knew what she was supposed to do. she often spent time with the other girls in the village, laughing at their talk of boys and secret kisses and nights spent hidden away together. she knew she was meant to marry a man and have his children and clean his home.
to the girl, this sounded like hell on earth.
the girl had something she was hiding- something that lived within her, something wild and angry, that she could not describe. the something rioted against the idea of being a housewife, reviled the thought of motherhood.
its snarls and howls grew louder and louder with every suitor. she was sure that one day, the something would eat her alive.
once, long ago, there was a prince. this prince enjoyed traveling his country, meeting folks from all walks of life, giving gifts that, to him, were pocket change, and, to his subjects, were life-changing. it would be easy to assume this habit made the prince a kind man.
the prince met the farmer's daughter, and was struck by her beauty. he took her polite smile and sweet laughter as acceptance of his courtship.
the prince gave the girl and her family lavish gifts- jewelry, silken gowns, bottles of fine wine each costing more than her home. the girl's parents were overjoyed, of course. they would be nobility, if she married the prince, rich beyond their wildest dreams.
the wild something in the girl howled every time she saw the prince. it snarled when he kissed her hand, screeched when he placed another golden chain round her neck.
she imagined its teeth gnawing at her bones, so full of hatred it tore its own skin with sharp fangs and claws. she imagined her own mouth full of fangs like that. she imagined those teeth tearing into the prince's throat. ripping out his honeyed words. clawing out his selfish eyes. staining that fine silk and velvet with dark blood.
how sweet that would be.
once, long ago, there was a farmer. he had a daughter, a kind and beautiful girl loved by all who met her. and his daughter had a suitor, a prince who loved the girl.
the farmer loved his daughter, and wanted her to be happy. he felt that she was unhappy sometimes, though she always wore a sweet smile, and he felt it was due to their lifestyle. he was certain if she married the prince, she would be happy. safe from poor harvests and harsh winters. warm, well-fed, and happy.
the prince came calling one day, while the girl was out, so the farmer happily told him where she had gone. the farmer hoped today would be the day the prince proposed.
the girl was picking berries along the creek- she loved walking in the forest, listening to the sounds of the wind and birds and insects rather than the incessant chatter of the village. quiet and peaceful. the wild something was angrier than it had ever been, but it seemed calmer in the forest.
until her quiet afternoon was interrupted. the prince on his white horse, his voice so loud and vain and self-obsessed. the girl's father had been right, the prince had come to ask the girl to marry him. again.
no, she said, for the dozenth time. the wild something growled. he asked again, insistent and irritating. the wild something snarled. again and again he asked, until it was more of a command than a question, and the wild something howled and bit and clawed until it leapt from her throat, her sweet voice full of rage as she rejected him once and for all.
the flash of metal, the tearing of fabric, of skin. the spilling of blood.
she died with his blood under her nails.
once, long ago, there was a god. it was a wild, ancient god, one of blood and lust and life. a forest god.
the god scented blood on the air, civilized blood. it cared little for civilized folks, as most gods do. it cared little whether they lived or died. but it was a curious god, so it tracked the scent, bounding on deers' hooves to its source.
the god's paws left no tracks in the bloodsoaked earth around the creature's remains. it touched the weapon buried in the thing's stomach, ran its talons over the strange covering it wore, brushed a bit of hair from its face. the god considered the creature for a moment: its face contorted in rage, its hands and coverings stained dark. there was another scent here, under the obvious blood and rot, one even more familiar to the god.
a wild something, indescribable even to the god of such things, coiled around the body that was once its own. it stared up at the god, its teeth bared. the god raised its head and howled in its many voices, joined soon by the wolves and coyotes and hawks and hares of the forest, in a mournful harmony of all wild things.
the something howled too, until its song became a scream, letting loose all the sorrow and love and rage of a life that would never have been enough.
the forest went silent. the god lowered its head and nuzzled the something, like a doe to her fawn, like a bear to her cub. wild things understand each other. they understand the cycle, that nothing lasts forever and nothing really dies. the god understood the something's desperate plea, no need for words.
another chance.
once, not so long ago, there was a man. he walked through an overgrown forest, dirt on his hands and his shovel. he loved walking in the forest, listening to the sounds of nature. it was calming.
he paused near a burbling creek to wash the sweat from his face. he sighed in grim satisfaction- tired, sore, numb. but it was over.
the man realized, after staring into the water for long minutes, that something was different. wrong. the forest was silent here. his eye was drawn to a large stone behind him- half his height or more, veined with black and glittering white patches. on its face, a handprint made of something dark.
a strange impulse took over, something wild within him, and he began to dig.
a scraping sound. crumbling earth. cracking twigs. then, light. sunlight. warm and bright and so welcome after so long in the dirt.
the creature reached out from its grave. its hands- long, clawed, discolored- shook as it pulled itself up. it blinked against the morning light, yawned as though waking from a long nap.
it almost didn't notice the man with the shovel. he stared at it, his expression unreadable. it ignored him, letting the world wash over it: a cool breeze on its face, the sound of the water, of birds and insects, of wind through the leaves, the cloying scent of dark earth giving way to flowers and trees.
finally, the man held out a hand- blistered, covered in soil- and the creature let him pull it from the earth.
the man removed his cloak, wrapping it around the creature's broad shoulders. it rubbed the fabric between its clawed fingers- soft, warm, dark like good soil- and smiled. it should have been frightening, with its sharp teeth, but the man just smiled back.
wild things understand each other.
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Haha I've been thinking of angst between Constantine and sona but i would share that w all of you through a x reader fanfic!!!
Keep in mind i only know bits of 6.5!! So if i get anything wrong. I AM SO SORRY!!
So... let's start!!
I have no title so (Constantine x reader angst)
You simply couldn't bear it. Hearing the news Constantine was defeated. Charlemagne noticed the sudden changed in your behavior. "Master, I'll tell the rest of what we heard... I'll come back, ok?" Charlie gave you a reassuring smile, you nodded. As Charlie left, your knees felt weak.
Did anything in your actions went wrong? You left him be with what you believe was going to make him happy. Instead that lead to his own demise...
'Why am I so bothered? We weren't that close for long. It's none of my business of what he does...' you bit your lip.
Maybe you had fallen for the kind hearted emperor. You stand up wiping the tears falling off your eyes. Charlie came back with an unexpected guests. Seeing the woman Constantine loved; you couldn't help but be hurt more.
"Do you need anything, Pope Joan?" You asked in a slight cold voice. She shooked her head, "I just want to pass this. I saw this paper signed by Constantine. Since you were his past master, I think you have every right to this paper at least" she showed no sign of being a threat. You took the paper from her hand.
It was indeed signed by him. You looked up to Joan, you see her hurt eyes too. Have he not confessed to her?
"I believe we should at least read this together" you offered. Pope Joan's eyes lit up at your words and thanked you. Charlie stayed, hoping to hear his words too. You start reading out loud from the paper.
"I believe I may have not been the best man out there. Both in ruling and personal life, but I pray the next time I may become a servant. I wish to set things right, for Joan, for (Y/N), for my comrades , for my friends , and for Rome. I pray that this time fate can offer a more peaceful path. (Y/N), my master, the biggest regret I would ever had is about (he/them/her). It's been fun protecting and loving Joan, but I couldn't help that I see my last master in her eyes. If fate could bring us together again...or God can bring us back. I would do my very best to make it up to (he/them/her). Once again, I'm thankful but in grief.
-Signing off Constantine XI Dragases Palaiologos "
You hear a sob come out from the pope, but you noticed that your eyes were in tears too. Maybe you both fallen for the man, and maybe he loved her but couldn't forget you. It's a harsh reality of love, but you still smiled at the woman.
"In your next life Joan, I will cheer for the two of you" you hugged the woman as she sobbed. You pat her back, "Make sure when I'm really REALLY old you guys are considered married. You better promise me" Joan nodded while crying.
"As long I see you two happy, I'm happy" "You're too nice (Y/N)..." Joan hugged back tight. "Maybe, because this relationship is not worth pursuing. Maybe he would be better for you...You two deserve each other.." You smiled while patting her head.
As Joan left, Charlie turned to you. "Master, you handled that so well you looked so cool!" He smiled brightly. You smiled back at the man, "Of course! I'm the coolest Master out here you know?" You pat his back. "Anyways, back to our plan!"
You didn't come out happy with the man you fell in love with, but at least you got your mind focused on your goal. Maybe for now.. love shouldn't be a priority.... Oh well you still have your servants that you trust.
This is my first time writing a fanfic like this tbhhh but hope you guys liked it!!
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oswaldsleftbicep · 2 years
Alright, let's do this.
Hi I am a June Cancer by zodiac sign, but like winter a bit more I think. I am very shy and quiet with strangers, but I am more open with good friends and family. I still have a hard time with people because I never know what to do with my feelings and I can't put them into words very well. I also have to say that I have big mood swings.. I like to paint and I also like to read, but only things I really like. I want my partner to be honest with me, not a show-off, to feel comfortable with me and treat me well. I think that arguments are part of a relationship, as long as we find a reasonable way. I like to keep my relationship more private and on the road small attentions are perfectly fine. I like to go on little dates, no matter when, but I'm also often a homebody.
That's everything so far... I really like your idea and wish you a happy birthday😚. I'm curious to see who I'll be dating soon and I'm looking forward to it👍🏻:).
aaaa omg hi!! sorry this took so long, i hope you enjoy!!!
i ship you with....
❧ a fellow cancer :D although i'm a july cancer aksfkdjfk lucas is a virgo and virgos are supposed to be pretty compatible with cancers!! both of my exes are virgos but shhh it's ok
❧ to me lucas seems like an in between seasons kinda guy, like autumn and spring, but i could see him totally vibing with winter. he'd take you to all the scenic locations that get really pretty when it snows, and he goes all out with the comfy sweaters and hot drinks and cuddling by the fire
❧ he finds your shy side very endearing and adorable and has no problem with taking over conversations with new people for you. he finds that there's value in being quiet when you first meet someone as you can give yourself the opportunity to get a feel for their character and personality before revealing yourself to them. he also loves seeing you begin to slowly open up around others and show your personality; he saw it for himself when you guys first met and he loves rewatching it everytime you make a new friend
❧ he's incredibly patient with you and gives you all the time you need to put your thoughts and feelings into words. if it's just the two of you, he'll sit you down and listen carefully to you explaining what you're trying to say and then makes suggestions as to what that feeling could be or re-explains it to see if he understands. if you're with others and having trouble he'll still show the same level of patience and leave it up to you to decide if you want to keep trying to find the right words or if you need him to help you out. if it's the latter, all you have to do is look over at him and he'll basically try to fill in your sentences for you until you get caught up. and if anyone tries to interrupt you while you're talking or judges you for being too slow, lucas will send a sharp glare their way that instantly shuts them up
❧ the mood swings aren't a problem for him either. he has your personality down pat from being with you for so long that he's an expert at handling them. he focuses on what you need from him in that moment, whether it's to be left alone or to vent out your frustrations, and he'll do whatever it is. his main priority is to make sure you don't hurt yourself in any way, like if you're prone to throwing or breaking things or hitting yourself or exhausting yourself to the point of collapse, he'll make sure he prevents those outcomes before he acts on what you need from him. it's a very fine tuned process he has, but it suits your needs perfectly. if you feel any guilt from your mood swings and try to apologize to him, he'll gently shut you up with a kiss and reassure you that you'll never be a bother to him and he loves every part of you, no exceptions
❧ he's not super good at or into painting, but if you want him to paint alongside you he'll do it, but his painting always end up being something related to you. he'll do a portrait of you or paint your favorite flowers or animal or recreate the landscape where he took you on your first date. he'll keep anything you paint and somehow finds room to display every single painting. i hc him as a bit of a maximalist so his walls and shelves are full of stuff, but he always finds room for you <3 he'll also gift you new paints and canvases and brushes and even invests in a nice easel for you. if you like to work from observation, he'll help you find the perfect reference to work off of; he'll even go as far as to take you on a little trip to the most beautiful scenery if you're in the mood for painting a landscape. his house isn't super big, but he dedicated a little corner as your own art studio, it even has a window for natural light
❧ he loves reading too, but he's more of a casual reader, like he'll read maybe one or two books a month. he has plenty of books on his shelves for you to choose from, but the selection is far from that of a library or a bookstore, so if you can't find a book that suits your fancy, he'll take you into town so you can browse bookshops and libraries. if you prefer to buy books rather than borrowing them from a library, he'll treat you and buy you one book every month so that way you can grow your own personal library of books that you really like
❧ lucas does keep a few secrets, and he speak in riddles sometimes, so it may feel like he's hiding things from you, but all you have to do is confront him and ask him to tell you things and, although he may be hesitant to tell you if it happens to be a serious matter, he'll eventually tell you what he's keeping, and he never lies to you. the worst he'll ever do is lying by omission, but upon your request he'll tell you whatever it is you'd like to know
❧ he's far from a show off, but he does try to do little things with the hopes of impressing you, but that's mainly things like trying a new recipe or demonstrating a new spell. he feels there's no reason for him to show off cuz he's got nothing to really prove to you; he believes that you love him for who he is and he shouldn't have to fight for your love and attention
❧ he may have been kinda distant with you at first, especially before you two became a couple, but that was mainly because he was scared of losing you. now that y'all are in a great relationship, he's loosened up a lot and shares things about himself and even started delving into his past, lucky you. and a big part of this is because he trusts you, he knows that you won't turn against him or leave him for someone else, and with this he knows that he finally has his person and allows himself to let his walls down and finally let someone in
❧ he treats you so well, like he'd do literally anything for you; he looks at you like you hung the stars up in the sky by hand. he indulges you in all your interests and wants to try them out himself as he wants to understand you on every level he can. and his treating you well goes much farther than just spoiling you every now and then and paying attention to your personality and interests; lucas respects you. he knows that you can take care of yourself and he doesn't see you as someone who needs his care. don't get me wrong, he wants to care for you, but he recognizes that you're capable of so much and you don't need him babying you and making all the decisions for you. if you need his help, he'll be there in a heartbeat, but until then he trusts you to and knows that you can make the right decisions for yourself. he's your partner, not your keeper, ya feel?
❧ he agrees that arguments are necessary and inevitable in a relationship. he loathes the idea of fighting with you and yelling at you, so if he ever feels that one of you is getting too heated during an argument, he'll advise that the two of you take a break to cool down and then y'all can come back to it later. arguments would probably be something that was brought up as a concern early on in the relationship cuz he knows they happen and he wants the two of you to be on the same page for when they come up. he'll make sure to hear you out when it's your turn to speak and he'll never interrupt you, and the arguments always end in a compromise and no hard feelings
❧ he's not a very braggy person, so keeping your relationship on the down low is no problem at all for him. he might bring it up in conversations, saying something like "oh yeah y/n, my partner, is making dinner tonight", but he'll never bust into a room yelling about the details of your relationship lol. pda is fine by him as well, i could see him enjoying holding hands or having an arm wrapped around you or helping you down a step or even kissing the back of your hand. his pda is all subtle and sweet; it's clear to others y'all are in a relationship but it's not so much that it's rubbing it in everyone's face
❧ i often mention him taking you places on dates or on little adventures, which is for sure something he loves doing with you, but he also understands your desire to stay home and just chill. i see him as the kind of person who is always out and about doing something, but with you in his life he's come to appreciate just being at home with the person he loves most. he starts suggesting more at home date nights, like reading a book to each other or trying a new recipe or even a fun painting game. he loves how domestic just being at home with you can be; y'all don't even have to be doing anything special, it could just be a cleaning day and he'd enjoy every second of it as long as it's spent with you nearby
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shxtodxroki · 1 month
hi hello it's me again
i've finally gathered my thoughts (more or less)
i just need to tell you how much i loved the match-up you don't even understand
first of all night drives ????? deceased.
i would die. i imagine just sitting in an empty parking lot overlooking the city and just
talking for hours
god i love him
my unhealthy obsession with the bevarage is crazy and if he ever greets me with an iced coffee on an early morning i would propose to him then and there i'm not even kidding
also I'd definitely make him a playlist too i think we would just add to them
him being a PDA guy makes so much sense because same. i mean who would refuse a guy like that hello ??
it's just so
i can't
also him not wanting to get invested in shows and movies is so funny and adorable i would always indulge him and then later point out how much he likes it
i just think he'd be great to talk with about the characters and the plot and everything and ugh
i love him
i love you
i love this
once again thank you so much we absolutely have to interact more <3
Aaaa omg omg I am SO sorry I took so long to reply to this, I had 2 research papers due this weekend and was so busy I could barely check Tumblr lol but this ask made me so happy to see :> I'm literally always so nervous when it comes to match-ups because I'm worried I'll match someone with a character they don't really care for lol so knowing you loved both your match and your runner up made me so relieved :D
That's EXACTLY what I was picturing with the night drives lol I was worried I had worded it weird so I'm glad the vision came across well <3 And he's literally such a dork pol I could SEE the thing with the TV shows in my mind so I just had to include it
I'm so so glad you liked it, I had so much fun doing this exchange with you and I look forward to interacting more in the future :]
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onlyswan · 9 months
hi art! it’s the same anon who sent in the came for ___, stayed for ____ ask and i’m here to tell you which works of yours made the most impact on me 🥹
so first off, the first few works i read of yours, i actually didn’t realize they were all written by the same author (aka youuu) :o surprisingly, i don’t think it’s actually the “in which” series that prompted me to check your masterlist of works, but your piece winter rush! you actually inspired me to download cats & soup and i still have the game on my phone to this day 🤭 (even tho i have a hard time committing to it these days)
as for your “in which” series, these are some of your works that stood out to me most vividly before i took the chance to read the entirety of the “in which” series!
in no particular order:
in which jungkook won’t tell you what’s wrong and you get emotional motion sickness - this one just really hit home for me in the way i deal with conflict and arguments, and how i tend to get quiet when i’m really upset and i always try my hardest to cry silently
in which jungkook comes home drunk but bam can’t speak - this one always makes me giggle! it’s just so domestic but truly so jungkook-coded, ya know? and i always love imagining owning a pet w/ a partner, it’s just peak domesticity for me
in which your period cramps bring you to tears but jungkook’s gentle hand is warm - as a girly who always needs attention (but even more so on her period) just reading about oc waking up and having jungkook tend to her as soon as he senses something wrong just makes me feel so warm, safe & loved 😭 and imagining his big, warm hands giving oc a much needed massage (i aspire to have this love one day 🥺)
and lastly, in which jungkook wants you all for himself and you buy him flowers - just something about buying jungkook flowers and him being like “for me??” and it just makes me hope that whoever he ends up with buys him flowers regularly :((( & ofc i’m always weak for a bam appearance!!
whew this is SO long but i really wanted to answer your thoughts/questions so here i am yet again! thank u for the time, effort & creativity you put into giving is a little safe space on the internet, i don’t think you’ll ever truly understand the impact you have made on me and so many others 🫶🏽 u deserve the world art! i am rooting for you always, wishing you nothing but happiness & good health always
and with this post, i feel it’s only right to name myself as one of your anons!! i shall be cats&soup anon (very fitting hehe) (sorry for any typos & errors it’s so long and i’m tired & i can’t be bothered to proofread)
until we meet again with your next works,
- cats&soup anon
cats&soup anonie 😭🫶🏼 might be my favorite anonie name yet!!!! omg it’s so cute that drabble prompted some of you to dl the game like it’s genuinely one of my little joys in life :") i can’t play it much nowadays but just watching them run around gives me sm serotonin boost lol i want u guys to experience that too + i didn’t expect that drabble to be so loved 🥺 so it’s really cool to know this !!
in which jungkook won’t tell you what’s wrong and you get emotional motion sickness - this really broke my heart to write but it also felt important to understand them more :( to those who could relate i hope you have a person you love and trust that you can always lean on 🫂 sending you a big hug my beloved
in which jungkook comes home drunk but bam can’t speak - HEHEHEHEHEH i’m geeked this is honestly one of my favorites 🤭 i’m so happy it makes you giggle too
in which your period cramps bring you to tears but jungkook’s gentle hand is warm - i read this myself sometimes when it’s the time of the month and nearly cry myself :(( like he’s the best bf always but in this drabble 🥲 warm, safe, & loved are the perfect words to describe it. aaaa this drabble succeeded in its mission 😭🫶🏼
in which jungkook wants you all for himself and you buy him flowers - omg yesyes really did write this to say pls give your bf flowers too!!! :((( 💐 it could make them feel so happy and loved too. esp jungkook, he deserves all the love and prettiest flowers in full bloom :")
no matter how long i’ll always love hearing ur thoughts !! it’s so cool & interesting to see u talk abt specific drabbles 🥹 my heart feels very full with love i’m smilinggg. thank you so much anonie for taking the time to satisfy my curiosity and for the kindest wishes :") ilysm and i hope you have a wonderful week ahead! 💖
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aizawawhore · 2 years
Better than breakfast // Aizawa x fem!reader smut
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AN // WOW IT’S BEEN A HOT MINUTE SINCE I WROTE SOME GOOD ‘OL AIZAWA SMUT EH? so sorry guys...hopefully this small little one-shot makes up for it for now! I’m planning on working on more things soon but I was just in the mood for some Aizawa pussy eating tonight ahah. As always enjoy fam! 
TAGS // oral...fem!receiving ,, daddy kink, petplay, dirty talk kinda? morning sex.
You wake up to the rustle of your bedsheets. You can tell by cracking an eye open that it's extremely early in the morning, the sun just peaking through the window ever so slightly. You look at the clock...6:00 AM. You turn your neck to look over at what woke you up from your deep slumber. Your handsome older boyfriend was standing with his sweatpants hanging dangerously low on his waist, showing off his v-line. He's looking down as he ties his long ebony hair up in a ponytail. You've never been more in love with a man in your whole life...he's perfect. Looking at him brings back memories of last nights bliss. Your man surprised you with a dinner date. A fancy restaurant with amazing food and a couple of drinks. You loved being spoiled by him, to be treated like a princess....then be treated like a dirty slut when you got home. He bought you a new collar and leash which you two put to good use after you returned home. He made you crawl to him, made you worship and choke on his cock until you were crying for him to fuck your pussy. He didn't nor did he ever disappoint. You smiled to yourself as you watched him, until you both locked eyes. He smirked, damn that smirk alone made you so wet. "Do you like the view kitten?" He said in a gravelly tone. You rolled over onto your back, the sheets pulled off of your top half exposing your bare chest. You smiled widely before reaching your arms out over your head and stretching. "Mmm...yeah I do. Why are you up so early?" You spoke. Aizawa leaned forward propping his hands on the bed and looked you up and down. "I was gonna make you breakfast, but I think I wanna eat something else first." You giggled, playing innocent. "Oh yeah? What did you have in mind handsome?" Aizawa crawling back on the bed and moved so his top half was hovering above you. You bit your lip and grabbed onto his forearms, rubbing them up and down and feeling the toned muscle under your touch. Aizawa captured your lips in a deep passionate kiss...his tongue prodding at your lips to get permission to enter. The kiss then deepened more, your hands now moving to his jaw line where you felt his beard stubble. You moaned into his mouth before he pulled away. Whining, you tried to pull him down again for more contact but he refused. "I know you want me to do more than just kiss you...right kitty cat?" You nod, and Aizawa immediately started to kiss down your neck and down to your breasts. He sucked one of your nipples into his mouth and you yell out his name. "Aizawa! Fuckkkk~" He makes a small 'mmhm' sound before moving down to your stomach and trailing kisses down the whole way. You looked down as the man you love was about to devour your pussy. Once he finally reached your dripping cunt, he gave the slit one long lick until he reached your clit...then took the bud into his mouth. You almost screamed, you grasped onto the sheets as you wrapped your legs around his neck in pleasure. "Oh my god, daddy you're so fucking good at that-aaaa~" Aizawa loved hearing your moans and pleas. He was so hard but making you feel good was more important to him at this moment. You started feeling heat rise in your belly when he swirled his tongue around your throbbing clit...before darting into your sloppy hole. He groaned at the taste of you, his perfect angel...his kitten..only his. You moved your hands to his hair and started to softly tug at it. "Daddy I'm gonna cum, can I cum on your mouth daddy?" You whine. There was no way possible that you were going to be able to hold on much longer, he was just too talented at giving head.  His eyes flicked up to yours while he tongue-fucked your hole before pulling away slightly. "Fucking cum all over my face baby. I wanna taste my kitten's juices." You yelp loud as you shut your eyes tight. And then the heat in you finally bursts. You see white while you orgasm all over Aizawa's mouth...the whole time he's licking and sucking on your pussy. You go limp and start panting while Aizawa cleans up the mess you made, his chin glistening with your juices. He grins when you crack one eye open. "Did you enjoy that kitten?" You nod...and Aizawa lets out a chuckle. "I love making you cum...so much better than breakfast."
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huangbae · 3 years
....you being clingy <33
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a/n: aaaa running out of gifs to use D: also this fic is fluff + the slightest bit of crack, anyways enjoy <3
< MARK >
you were both working on a group project
which you both may or may not have procrastinated on
the project was due in the morning
and it was 12:34 am
“y/n pass me the glue stick”
“for a kiss, maybe”
he dismissed you and shooed you away playfully
and got up to get the glue stick himself
everything was going fine
until you sat on his lap while he was trying to glue the pictures onto the posterboard
“y/n i hate you”
he cursed under his breath
then put his head on your shoulder
continued to do the project
you also did your part
while still in his lap
it took you like an hour to finally finish
you guys just stayed on the floor for a few minutes
then he picked his head up and said “you’re so unprofessional y/n, y’know that? (ᗒᗣᗕ)՞”
you were both walking back to your car after a date
he was walking slightly faster than you
so you ran up to him
trying to catch up
he took that as an invitation to start sprinting
you started whining at him
you eventually caught up to him
and instinctively wrapped your arm around his waist
“i’m never letting go”
it was subtle but he rlly liked it
he tried to express it but
he ended up going
“y-y/n i swear to god..”
after a few seconds of silence
he returned the favor and wrapped his arm around your shoulder
after you got into the car you held his hand while you were driving
he tried to avoid you by staring out of the window
but you ended up seeing his reflection
he looked so cute
:D personified
“i had fun with you today, renjun :))”
“alright thats enough :,)”
< JENO >
he dragged you on the ferris wheel w him
you were holding onto him the whole time
bcs you have a fear of heights
“y/n i can’t feel my arms .•́ _ʖ •̀.”
“jeno please i’m scared—”
just let you hold on
when you guys reached the top you closed your eyes and put your head on his chest
he didn’t know what to do so he just
pat your head
he could feel you breathing
he wasn’t uncomfortable just a little squished
considering you were smothering the hell out of him
“are we almost done jeno?”
“....i mean, i guess?”
you looked up to see where you were
and you were still at the very top of the ferris wheel
he laughed at you
but he felt bad
so after you got off the ride he treated you to a caramel apple
apology accepted
you just got home from work
you heard “y/n, i’m in here!” coming from the kitchen
you walked in and he was cooking you dinner
he refused to let you help though
he wanted to treat you
bcs you worked rlly hard
“after this is done we can watch a movie, then we can cuddle, and i can give you a back massage—”
while he was cooking you found yourself being rlly touchy w him
like just backhugging him while he was cutting vegetables
and holding his hand while he was waiting for the food in the oven to finish
not to mention the fact that you were calling him pet names the whole time
he almost imploded bcs he just felt so loved
after you both ate he carried you to the couch
and he rubbed your back while you both watched a movie
he also played with your hair while he whispered into your ear
“days like today remind me of how it felt when i first fell in love with you”
jaemin didn’t really do that much pda w you anymore
and it kinda stung bcs
it was jaemin
and he was always touchy w the dreamies in public
but when it was with you
you could tell he was restraining himself a little bit
so when the dreamies invited you and jaemin to go shopping w them one day
you started being rlly affectionate
just to show him that you liked skinship
it was just kinda hard bcs he didn’t return the favor
so when the dreamies were off in a different section of the store
you asked him what was up
“i mean, do you not like pda with me? if not, i’m sorry, please just let me know because if you don’t wanna wedon’thavetoitsoka—”
“nononono y/n i do!! i just thought you didn’t like it i’m sorry :(((( i shouldve asked you oh god i’m sorry iloveyouandihopeyoucanforgiveme—”
yeah so long story short you made up
the dreamies came back just as jaemin was planting a bunch of kisses on your forehead
“jaemin wtf”
“shut up if you have a problem go somewhere else (ง'̀-'́)ง”
i hope you enjoyed ^^ tysm for reading !! if you’d like to see me write something, send a request !! i’m sort of out of ideas rn, thats why i haven’t been posting as much so if you’d send a request, that’d be awesome !!
~ with love, huangbae :)
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k3rm1e · 3 years
hello!! <3 ok i love the love language hc's omg - can i pls have some hc's for wilbur with a reader who's love language(s) are touch and words of affirmation, but they have a really hard time asking for affection? (aka reader really really wants cuddles and compliments, but gets Very flustered at the smallest bit of it lol) - tysm!! :] <3
wilbur x reader love language hcs
hello!! <3 ok i love the love language hc's omg - can i pls have some hc's for wilbur with a reader who's love language(s) are touch and words of affirmation, but they have a really hard time asking for affection? (aka reader really really wants cuddles and compliments, but gets Very flustered at the smallest bit of it lol) - tysm!! :] <3
hi! sorry for taking so long to answer this, i’ve was kinda busy yesterday (and was procrastinating but we don’t talk about that) but here it is! hope you like it :]
cw: cursing (only like once but still)
wilbur w/ a s/o who’s love languages are touch and words of affirmation:
wilbur already gives you a lot of compliments and such
he is your biggest hype man
so there isn’t much of an issue on that part (besides the very red cheeks)
plus, he loves to just watch you smile anytime he compliments you
i know i always say this, but these boys are truly the biggest simps
always compliments how you look, even when you’re just in pajamas on a sunday morning watching cartoons
has secretly written a song about you
when he told you how you inspired him you were so flustered
which he thought was very cute
he always thanks you for putting up with his bullshit, especially when he was streaming in the house
listening to him scream late at night while trying to sleep
oh my god it would be so painful
and when wilbur apologized and thanked you for putting up with him you would just smile
and then he tells you how much he loves your smile
as much as you love the compliments, handling them is a different thing
every single nice word springs a sudden rash on your face
he mostly uses this to his advantage, in order to make fun of you
but onto the touch love language
wilbur is already pretty touchy
he loves cuddles and hanging out with you
it’s one of his favorite pastimes (besides streaming)
it’s always a big de-stressor when you guys have cuddle time
just all prior worries? gone. nowhere to be seen. just the biggest serotonin boost ever
dopamine released 
but sometimes, he can’t always cuddle with you
he has his music to work on, streaming, and all that stuff
so he can get pretty busy, which leads to many late nights
and, yeah, maybe you need some love okay?
but when you have to actually ask for it??
that's where it gets complicated
so usually, you wait it out because of how flustered you always get, whether it's during cuddling or compliments
just red red face
after a while, you finally figure that you’ll go talk to him
“i am a strong, independent person. i can ask for cuddles without getting flustered!”
so let’s say this was when he was still streaming in the house
you lightly knock on the door, already regretting your decisions
you hear him tell chat he’s muting up and wait for him to come to the door
“hey, what’s up? something happen?”
“no, no, nothing happened. i was just wondering when you’re ending the stream?”
“why, you miss me?” at your lack of response he chuckles “do you seriously miss me?”
he’s caught onto you and there’s nowhere you can go
and somehow, a sudden rash is on your face
“awwww, now you’re all flustered!”
and then you’re being dragged into the room with him
instant regret: level 100
he quickly unmutes the mic while still holding onto you, “chat do you wanna know what’s happening? they missed me and now they’re all flustered!”
which just causes you to become even more flustered
“chat, look at them!”
and now everyone in chat is bullying you
immediately you try to hide your face in wilbur’s shoulder, thus causing chat and wilbur to bully you even more
“no, no, chat, only i can bully them. be nice.” he lightly pats the back of your head as a comfort while you groan into his shirt
when he sits back down he pulls you into his lap
instant panic
“no, no, no no nononono, i don't need to sit with you, it’s okay will”
so he just holds you even tighter
the two of you hangout and talk with chat
and after about an hour, he ends stream
he makes sure to apologize and thank you for putting up with him when you guys are laying in bed and you’re red again, which causes him to laugh
you reassure him that it’s okay and finally you go to sleep 
you love him, even when he makes you flushed
aaaa, i hope you liked it! once again, sorry this took a while. i had a lot of fun writing it though! have a lovely day :)
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dreamii-yume · 3 years
SPOILERSSS for Twisted Wonderland Chapter 6 : 1-16!!!
*rubs hands* aight it wont take long before genshin has me in its gacha hell grasp again, I just barely escaped this time— NOW ITS TIME TO SEE THE BOIS CHAPTER 6 omg— wtf happened last time lol it’s been too long
So, no voice over because of some problems which is understandable but— meh I don’t feel like reading lol So I’m watching otome ayui translations this time, because im that one dumbass student who skipped kanji class and now i cant read without sounding like im five _:(´ཀ`」 ∠): “what up im yume im way passed 19 and i never fucking learned how to read”
Also watching Hanayura Kanon stream for the rest that’s not yet been translated lol Because he’s very good at voice acting for the characters and he’s funny af lol
- Fun fact : I haven’t watched Hercules yet so I legit don’t know what’s about to come lol
- Aw, that’s cute— We called over Ace and Deuce late at night AND THEY REALLY CAME OVER AAAAA
- I forgot how fckin pure their friendship is _:(´ཀ`」 ∠):
- Aight, so we actually have a huge-ass scratch from feral Grim lol That’s just fantastic, isn’t it
- FINALLY— We’re talking about Mickey and the stones my monster cat has been eating with Crowley AAAAA
- “Yeah there’s this bitch called mickey and i took his photo—“
- Bruh this crystal of blot sounds really dangerous why are we discussing this just now
- Speaking of this crystal, Crowley— you were looking for this crystal in chap one and when we asked you about wtf you’re trying to find you just went— “oH itS NothING.”
- I didnt see you searching for crystals after every chapter mr. crowley where were you 👁👄👁 dont you think it was weird that you didnt see a single one after like— five blotting incidents
- Oh so its rare i see— BRUH R U SURE ABOUT THAT grim literally found one every single chap LMAO
- Okay okay— see, he may be violent but listen— you aint gonna throw out my fucking cat okay
- Wh— THERE WAS A FESTIVAL!? Im dumb so its not just VDC LOL
- Aww, Ace and Deuce looked pissed about it too AAAAHH THE TRUE DEFINITION OF THE BOIS
- #Grimportectionsquad
- “It’s bout time for them to come” Who?
- FUCKING— CROWLEY STOP SAYING ITS NOTHING— This is why this school is so fucked, you never tell us anything ahead of time _:(´ཀ`」 ∠):
- Aight he left, Ace Deuce hurry help me what you guys got
- He may be a monster but see— the worst he did is eat the whole tuna stack SO PLS HES STILL BABY AND I LOVE HIM
- Ace ヽ(;▽;)ノ The character development— im so proud of you, son
- Fuck this is so beautiful— just me and the bois on our way in the middle of the night to find our MISSING CAT I—
- Kalim Kalim Kalim Vil Vil Vil— Pls we’ve been through so much last chapter HELP
- Leona…A big fat mood honestly lmao
- Ey ey riddle pls— dont make this any more difficult—
- Shut up azul stay where u are all you’ve done is nothing but chaos since you arrive so SHHH
- MALLEUS IS NOT HERE AGAIN LILIA PLS— where is he when we need him the most LOL
- Ortho, your bro where?? Also— SURVIVAL STATUS BRUH—
- oh i forgot idia lives in his tablet LOL OF COURSE
- Omg he’s in the apple trees still looking scary as shi aaaaaaa pls kitty come home u just had too much catnip
- “Starting operation” ORTHO WHAT TF
- EY EY EY oh good he’s knocked out sighhh
- Aight I know this has been translated but I can’t help but to look at the original japanese and im just— wtf is RTS and TAS idia i dont understand this advanced gamer otaku language
- But Idia and Ortho really do be speedrunning on who can fucking kick my cat the hardest LOL
- THATS RIGHT IDIA You understand me— Fellow cat lovers unite, Grim is very cute, he can’t do no bad
- …so can i have him back pls—
- Can we just appreciate the fact that these bois are willing to take the risk of getting their heads chopped off by Riddle by doing all this for us??
- If this isnt what you call true friendship then i dont know what this is
- Lol ambrose is going to appear in this festival again and crowley’s prideful ass is QUAKING
- WHY are we not allowed to see him crowley im sure we can handle it— We’re the BOIS. CMON
- Imagine if they just summon a fcuking— magic vet or something lol
- It’s the next day lol
- I mean the NRC Tribe— ٩( ᐛ )و
- VIL. what you have my queen
- Vil pls dont remind me that my cat isnt here but thank you for saying thank you i do not deserve—
- Vil i miss the bad bitch but absolute oneesan energy but the apology— yeah are we gonna cry again lol
- AAAAAAHH why am i so proud— THAT vil is apologizing
- You dont need to maam what we had in chapter 5 was a fucking journey i regret nothing
- I swear if rook goes like— bitch that aint beautiful imma bonk him I WILL DO IT dont think i forgot what u did last chap
- Man i love me a man who can openly admit his mistakes MMMGH
- Rook i swear—
- Im glad that we’re not toning down ace’s brutal honesty lol
- Cheer up Vil, it’s not like it’s a complete failure anyways (;ω;) it was fun at least
- Hearing Jamil encourage Vil like this feels surreal BUT YES BOI U TELL EM
- What is this beautiful character development
- Ooff way to hit where it hurts the most vil my queen lol
- Bruh we appreciate Neige’s impeccable smile in this household— REMEMBER WHEN EVERYONE WAS LIKE NEIGE’S GON BE A BAD BOI??? WELP—
- It was me, i was that person and i shall drown in apple juice for it
- Of course, the ultimate Neige simp already knows that lol
- Bruh the background music has no business being this sad stop
- I hate it when vil is right sometimes omg— TRUEEE KALIM especially wouldn’t be able to stand properly on stage after knowing Neige’s own hardships aaaa
- Vil redemption arc??? 👀👀 you can help us cure our cat—
- !? Are we gonna get that money promised in that poster?? 👀👀
- Damn vil is STACKED He really didnt want to owe anyone anything LMAO YES QUEEN
- Kalim is making my heart go boom boom again baby boi ✨👁💧👄💧👁✨✨
- …sumimasen kalim for having a very rundown dorm 👁💧👄💧👁 but thank you for being nice about it lol
- But this man be such a sunshine holy shit i cant even be mad about it lol
- Aight adeuce pls— y’all dont have to force yourself to donate my guys (´;ω;`) being friends is enough lol i get it my bois
- Find me a man who can make me feel like this the way Vil can
- Man if only Grim is here :’) he’d be soo happy :’)) you can have all the tuna you want buddy :’)))
- Bro this is so wholesome omg
- Im sorry but still up to this day, my understanding of Epel’s accent is still lacking lmao
- Aight they be talking about how Rook already knew that they were going to lose from the very beginning
- The FORESHADOWING LOL The difference with how Rook said “What a wonderful performance” rather than “What a beautiful performance” sigh
- Honestly we gotta respect Rook’s resolve here lol man just knows what he wants
- Rook and Vil’s friendship lmao
- 👁👄👁 …!?
- EARTHQUAKE WTF How dare you ruin such moment—
- They look like something that belongs to the Ignihyde dorm HUH
- Oh bruh— Vil in his Dorm Leader mode is so cool AND YES I KNOW THIS IS NOT THE TIME BUT wheww~~ Vil YAS QUEEN
- so SO— the dorm leader’s have a protocol for outsider attacks like this 👁👄👁 OMG THEY’RE SO HOT
- They don’t seem like our bois anymore aaa just pure professionalism at this point—
- We were just talking about renovating it too wtf
- Bruh i dont know what is going on but dont touch my man’s face
- They’re targetting Vil and Jamil WHY— overblot men!!??? WHERE ARE YOU— GIVE THEM BACK
- I didnt understand what epel said here lmao BUT—!?
- BUDDYY >:’0000 Grimmm MY HEART—
- Are they kidnapping the overblot men?? What— the fucking absolute balls on these robots
- God we’re getting absolutely fucked in here
- I thought there’s going to be a festival not a fucking kidnapping event HEY
- Oh 👀 Rook pls help
- Oh ghad they got him during clubs WTF HOW—
- *nervous hornii chuckling* …angry expression silver 👁👄👁 im sorry
- AAAA Dorm leaders actually be acting like dorm leaders is soo cool i cant—
- Bruh the story is all chaos what is this chapter
- Are they gonna get Leona and Azul too what—
- RIDDLE BABY Jesus christ dont overblot like this again lol
- Whoever made these robots wtf is their deal lol TO BE ABLE TO BEAT A DORM LEADER—
- …Bruh where is our horned friend when u need him
- Silver and Sebek theorizing with dorm leaders but they took Jamil tho?? It’s probably the overblot men they’re after
- Also Malleus is probably good so you two calm down lol Lilia’s probs having tea with him right now
- Okay, Leona how are you going to get captured KING.
- Omg everything is getting destroyed wtf
- Bruh leona these are material robots— cant you just turn them into sand lol
- Oh they do have some kind of brand cmon just turn them into sand pls
- *hearing leona whisper his reasons ✋ 👁👄👁 🤚 okay sir im sorry
- Damn Leona acting like a real prince right now— it’s kinda hot 👀👀
- Idia : “bro we just chilling be cool— MY CHESS PIECE“
- “Aight ortho what’s the situation” “fucked"
- So Idia of course knows about this— why does he look like he’s so done lmao me getting the feeling this isnt the first time idia has encountered this situation before lol
- Man i want to see azul in action too but mehh— Idia told him to settle down cries
- Wait— are they taking idia too?? OH IS THIS THE DOING OF IDIA’S FAMILY
- AH THEY ALSO KNOW ABOUT THESE STYX BITCHES WHAT— and they’re just letting them GO whaaat
- Sounds to me that this must be idia’s family taking care of the overblotting students?? Like to protect Idia or something?? I DONT—
- “Gather all the dorm leaders” No, sir, they’re already gone besides my sunshine and the horn boi
- Malleus??? 👁👄👁 TSUNOTAROU
- Pls kill the robots they destroyed my place
- AAH UPSIDE DOWN LILIA long time no see lol
- Bruhh the diasomnia students are so lucky to have Malleus as a dorm leader omg
- Kalim sounds so desperate im so sad
- Bruh they just goku teleported their way out of the dorm lol
- Wait jack is not here lol did they just forget about him wtf
- Oh shit we here too i did not know LMAO
- S-So are we just gonna..continue school like— like these styx bitches didnt just ruin half the school, my dorm, injure my bois, and took my cat or…???
- So that’s why leona and idia be like bro this is not worth it
- O-Oh yeah— they…they didnt know that Vil overblot— PFFT
- Malleus pls information who are you talking about—
- Ey, overblot squad are assembled lol this looks so dangerous
- LMAOO Riddle was sleeping on Leona’s lap for three hours THATS SO CUTE
- Where the fck did they take them, ITS CRAMPED AF
- Bro they’re just exposing Vil and Jamil’s overblot that’s supposed to be a SECRET LOL
- Oji-tan can sound so wise and reliable like this if he really tried lol sugar daddy energy
- Wtf these guys never thought that idia was from a big shot family??? They thought it was just coincidence that they had the same family name PFFT
- AZUL AAAA He was right there my guy BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY MAN
- oh. They finally opened— isn’t this the ignihyde dorm what
This chapter is a fucking roller coaster like— literal 0 to 100 QUICC From having a moment with Vil and the bois to a FUCKING TERRORIST ATTACK LMAO IM HYPED FOR NEXT CHAP—
It’s been so long, I hope they released the next part soon (๑>◡<๑) I forgot how fine these men are lol at least I want to hear their voices again 👁👄👁
67 notes · View notes
innocence - 37
PAIRING: bodyguard!bucky barnes x innocent actress!reader
WARNINGS: angst 
A/N: aaaa we’re reaching the end in a few chapters and everything is starting to go downhill. hope you enjoy it xx
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Bucky barely knew Eliza. He knew she was Mr. Powell’s assistant and would mostly keep to herself, being as invisible as she could and only really speaking whenever someone spoke to her. Bucky had said hello to her once or twice, but nothing which he thought would led to her wanting to speak to him in private. It crossed her mind it could be regarding Mr. Powell but Bucky had been fired from being her bodyguard a long time ago and essentially did not pose a threat to him anymore. 
Eliza led him to a sheltered corner of the hall, looking around for anyone she deemed recognisable enough but there was no one. Media had been strictly forbidden to attend the trial and everyone else had pretty much left except for a small handful of people which were much further down, so they were pretty much alone. The young woman fished through her purse before taking off a small USB drive which she handed to him. Bucky furrowed her brows, not taking the USB from her.
     - Mr. Powell is set to testify against you for punching him on a Halloween party tomorrow. It’s a surprise witness but ... I feel bad letting him testify. He doesn’t have her best interest at heart and this USB proves it. 
     - What’s in it?
     - I ... don’t feel comfortable explaining what’s in it but it’s a video and if presented to the jury, it would make him an unreliable witness. - Bucky took the drive from her, putting it inside his jacket’s pocket. - You cannot tell Y/N, I gave you that ... or show it to her. I am really sorry I couldn’t stop it.
     - Stop what?
     - You’ll see. - she walked away leaving him to pounder on her words. Surely, it wasn’t anything bad, he told himself. 
He shook his head out of his worries, thinking about how much he just wanted to return to his wife. To hold her and tell her how much he loved her and try and make her forget what she had just seen. However, he wanted to see what was on that drive. He wanted to see it. He walked down the court hall and spotted one of the consultation rooms was open.
    - Hey Buck, we’re waiting for you. - he turned his head to see Steve walking towards him. - We got some pizzas. 
    - Close the door behind you. - Bucky told him as he walking into the consultation room, finding one of the computers was on. Steve merely did as he said, closing the door and turning on the light before taking a seat on one of the spinning chair. 
    - What are we doing? Are you okay? I know that video was rough. 
    - One of Y/N’s director’s assistants gave me a USB with a video. She asked me not to show Y/N. Sounded weird. 
He connected the drive to the computer. For all he knew, this could be some weird way to get his data if he connected it to his laptop besides with Y/N in the house it would be much harder to hide it from her, not that he exactly knew why he had to hide it from her. As the computer read the drive, a folder opened up with a video file titled with a date. Bucky cocked his head to the side, as he opened the video. It was an almost CCTV quality video of what looked like one the trailers at the trailer park where Y/N had been shooting her last movie. Both Y/N and the director were sat on the couch, a rather large distance between them. The sound quality was poor and muffled but he could hear his wife’s voice as he called the man by her side pathetic. Out of the sudden, Powell wrapped his hand around her neck and pinned her to the couch. He saw red. He could see it, he could see her squirming trying to get free from his hold. Bucky wanted to break through the screen, he wanted to help her, he wanted to stop him, he wanted to stop him but he couldn’t. 
    - Buck ... - Steve said in a warning tone, recognising the look on his face.
Bucky took the driver of the computer and shoved it back in his jacket before leaving the room in a fast pace. Steve tripped over his feet to follow him, watching as the super soldier closed his fist, the plates in his arm moving and whirring and his steps heavy enough they echoed in the hall. Steve ran up to him, standing in front of him and putting a hand on his chest to stop him. 
    - Get out of my way, Steve.
    - You need to calm down, Buck. 
    - Get away from me, Steve. 
    - You cannot get in trouble with anyone even somewhat related to Y/N. I know what you just saw is making you mad and we will deal with it once the time is right. You cannot do anything for your wife if you’re in jail. - Steve’s calm demeanor only made him angrier. - This is one less witness you’ll have to worry about. Y/N is fine but you’re under trial. 
    - Didn’t you fucking see what I saw? He attacked Y/N, he choked her, he could’ve killed her and no one fucking helped her. GET AWAY FROM ME, STEVE. 
Bucky twisted Steve’s hand away and continued his strut down the hall until he saw her. Steve continued to run behind him which warned Sharon who put herself in front of Y/N. Did she think he was going to hurt her? The mere thought of it slowed him down. 
    - How was it with Eliza? - Y/N walked from behind Sharon up to him, placing her hands on his shoulders. - Are you okay, Bucky? 
    - Yeah ... I’m just great, princess. - he swiped the hair away from her neck, his fingers grazing the skin there. He was supposed to protect her, he promised her nothing had happened. How could he’d let this happen? How could Eliza let this happen? Why did no one help her? He leaned his forehead against hers, his finger tracing the end of her jawline before he kissed her. - I love you so much, princess.
    - Are you sure everything is ok? - she held her hand against his face, moving her head slightly to the side wondering why Steve had just ran after him. 
    - Yeah, I’m just tired ... wanna go home. 
    - That’s fine, we can go home. I just need to pay Steve for the pizza.
    - It’s fine, Y/N. - Steve beckoned. - It’s been an harsh day. We’ll see you guys tomorrow. Call us if you need anything, okay?
    - Thank you, Steve. - she left Bucky for a brief second to hug Steve, Sam and Sharon. 
Bucky watched that with a sad look. She was so sweet, so kind and no one had done anything. That sadness quickly turned to anger. He was no longer angry at the trial, he was angry that the agency which was supposed to keep her best interests at heart had left her with a director who had treated her that way. She didn’t deserve that, nobody deserved that. Y/N waved everyone goodbye before going back to her husband, her hand immediately wrapping around his metal hand, the warmth of her skin almost giving him feel in that arm. She almost playfully swung their intertwined hands, leaning her head against his shoulder. He always felt safe to her, he always felt like home to her yet Bucky seemed lost in the middle of his mind, ever so often appearing to have no life behind his eyes. 
The drive was equally silent with his hand looming on her thigh throughout all of the way yet not in his playful or even lustful way, he kept his hand there as if someone was to snatch her at any moment. She doubted it, she was never really attention’s sweet centre, specially in her business. In all honesty, she was the one who should be possessive of him, not the other way around. Nevertheless, he held a possessive grip on her as if she wanted to escape yet it wasn’t jealousy. At least it didn’t appear as jealousy to her and she couldn’t read exactly what it was. The walk up to the flat was the same as the car and the exit from the court with him holding her hand and ensuring the climbed the stairs in front of him, keeping a firm eye on each and every movement. 
Once Bucky closed the door, the possessive and protective aura continued. She held her hands up to his face, cupping it and feeling the slight stubble against her palms before she leaned in to kiss him. It was soft, very soft, the sort of kisses he’d get in the morning from her whenever she had to leave early for interviews. So soft, so warm and filled with love. She was so kind and the world ... the would just ate way at her. 
    - Y/N ... - he broke the kiss, stepping back. - I need to go shower.
She stood there, perplex at his actions and almost frozen in the spot. She threw her bag onto the coach, forgetting about what she had discovered to go into the bathroom. She took her shoes off at the edge of the door stepping into the bathroom which was already filled with hot steam, the glass of the shower steamed with beads of water running down, yet she could see him. Y/N stripped off her dress and underwear, throwing it onto the laundry basket which laid just below the sink. She opened the door of the shower, seeing Bucky with his back turned to her, head looking down as the shower head dropped water like rain onto his hair. She wrapped her arms around his torso, leaning her head against his back. 
     - Tell me what’s wrong. - she peppered skins against his upper back and the scars which connected the metal to his skin. - Please, James. 
     - Nothing’s wrong. - he turned around to hold her, letting the warm water fall upon them both. 
     - Liar. - it sounded so innocent, sprinkled with that little naughty smirk of hers, still decorated in pink lipstick. - You’re my husband. I know you, Bucky Barnes. I know if something wasn’t wrong I would be pinned against the shower wall tiles but I am standing here. I can’t help you if you don’t tell me what’s wrong.
     - I promised someone I wouldn’t tell you about something I’ve seen. 
     - Well, I won’t tell anyone. - her chest and hands were flushed against his, streams of water running down both their skins, leaving wet trails in their path. Bucky looked up, letting out a jailed sigh before looking back at her, his hand pushing her now wet hair away from her shoulders to look at her neck, fingers going slightly up and down the skin. - What are you doing?
     - I know what Powell did to you. - he mumbled, almost afraid someone else would hear it. A cold shiver ran down her body and she looked the other way, hand coming up to push her hair in front of her collarbones and cover her neck as if those bruises still laid there. - There’s a video. 
     - What?
     - Eliza gave me the video to use to stop Powell from testifying. It’s not the best quality but it is clear who’s on the tape.
     - Oh ... - she didn’t exactly know what to reply to that. 
Various things crossed her mind on that moment from if anyone had seen the video, if Powell himself had the video to why Eliza had the video. She wondered why Eliza would’ve given him the video, she wondered how the video had even gotten into her hands but most of it she wondered what he felt like. Her stomach churned and she felt guilty for not telling him. After all, a relationship is all about trust and here she was, having something she had hidden come up. It wasn’t she trusted Bucky, she  did, she loved him so much but for whatever reason, one she couldn’t pin point the reason why she did not tell him. Maybe she didn’t want to be a disappointment, maybe she didn’t want him to worry, she didn’t know. She tried to cup his face but Bucky avoided her touch, instead exiting the shower and leaving her there. Her bottom lip dropped as she held in a sharp breathe, turning the shower head pressure up so the noise muffled the few tears that rolled down her face. 
She must’ve been there for a long while as once she finally stepped off the shower her skin felt raw to the touch. She put on her bathrobe, swiping the fog of the mirror to see herself. Taking a few deep breathes in, she slide her palms along her jaw before looking to the marble of the bathroom sink. 
Bucky was sat on the couch, nursing a cold beer and staring at the TV but Y/N could tell he wasn’t paying any attention. He was in Buckyland as she called it, a place where he’d go, inside his mind, and no one but him was allowed in. Not even her. She went up behind him, resting her chin on the top of his head.
    - Talk to me, Bucky. - she kissed the top of his head. - Please, don’t shut me out. 
    - What do you want me to say, princess? - Bucky sighed, hand creeping up to hold hers. - I can’t do anything fucking right. 
    - What is this about? - she walked around the couch to sit on his lap, leaning her head against his shoulder and cuddling him. Bucky leaned his head on top of hers. - I’m so sorry, Bucky. I wanted to tell you, I really did but I didn’t want you to worry after that stupid mission. It was just ... insignificant.
    - I should’ve been there to protect you. 
    - You don’t always need to be there to protect me. As I said it is insignificant but ... it’s good for our case, right?
    - You are the most significant person in my life. You are my wife, you are all that matters, all the time. I don’t want any man touching you or even breathing on top of you if you don’t allow it much less that man. 
    - So ... we’re okay, right?  
    - I didn’t want you to see what they showed in court. I am already a disappointment for the world, I don’t want to be a disappointment to you and after seeing that ...  thing ... I just ... - Bucky seemed to return back to Buckyland for a while. - I don’t have anything to offer you. I don’t know if I can have kids, I don’t know if I can give you more  than a crappy flat in Brooklyn but I knew one thing, I thought I could protect you. I’m a super soldier, for heaven’s sake.  
    - Being a super soldier does not give you the ability to be in two places at the same time. - she caressed his chin. - You do know I love you, not what you can offer me. I like you, I like being your wife and I like you being my husband. 
    - So that’s what you want? Mr. and Mrs. Barnes?
    - You say that as if it is a bad thing. I am not married to the Winter Soldier, I am not married to Sergeant Barnes and I am not married to my bodyguard. I am married to James Buchanan Barnes. I am married to you. I am not expecting anything from you other than waking up and falling asleep with you every single day. You’re the love of my life because you are you not because you protect me. 
    - I should be the one comforting you, princess. - he held her close to him as if someone was to take her away at any point. - God, that just happened to you and I’m here ... whining. 
    - Just happened? It was weeks ago, Bucky. Besides if I give it the attention it  needs, it’ll become a much bigger thing than it needs to be.  
    - It is a big thing, Y/N.
    - I’m an actress, Bucky. It happens ... more than it should but it’s ... fine. Who’d take my word on it even? They won’t even believe me when I tell them my own husband is not harassing me. Imagine them believing a whole industry is. 
    -  You need a better agent. 
    - Are you offering, Barnes? - she teased, giggling against his chest.
    - I’ve been a soldier, a brainwashed assassin, avenger, bodyguard ... I guess I could give it a shot. -  he kissed her forehead. - Are you alright, princess? 
    - Don’t worry. - she looked up to kiss him. - I’ll be fine, Bucky. However, you, Mister, cannot and will not do anything about it while you’re on trial and even when you’re not on trial.
    - I promise you that I will do everything I can to make you happy and safe. I can only do that if I’m out of prison so I promise not to go Winter Soldier on Powell. - he kissed her cheek and then her nose, cuddling her closer to him, no matter how closer she already was. - I don’t want to lose you. I don’t want you to wake up one day and realise you’re ashamed of me. 
His eyes softened, brows furrowed creating that little crease just in the middle  of his eyebrows and his nose seemed to twitch as if he was telling himself constantly not to cry or look any weaker than he already felt. She leaned her hand against his cheek, finger softly brushing his skin. It was warm, she was always so warm.
    - You need to stop thinking those things about yourself. You can’t change what they made you do, you can’t get that past back but you can live the rest of your life just like you want it. 
    - It’s not that simple.
    - It is, Bucky. And if anyone tries to hurt you, I’ll hurt them back.
    - You will hurt them back?
    - Yes. Sharon taught me how to punch and she said I have a very good aim. I almost managed to punch her. 
    - Why did you ask Sharon to teach you how to punch and not me?
    - Would you have taught me to punch? 
    - No. You don’t need to know how to punch, you could get hurt, someone could hurt you or worse you could break your hand. I’ll do the punching for you.
    - I’ll still do some punching.
    - Alright, princess.
The trial was a circus and not only was the whole ordeal a whole unnecessary mess but the press was having a field day covering both of them. Sam had even offered for the two of them to stay with him, Sarah and his nephews until the dust settled down but the last thing any of the two wanted was to destroy their peaceful life by having paparazzi all over their lawn. Instead, the two of them would only come out of the flat for court dates. While Powell had mostly cowered away once their lawyer threatned to expose the video if he didn’t back down as a witness, Hawthorne hadn’t been very happy with it. He’d mostly sent a very heavy worded e-mail to Y/N but she was much too busy trying to find any cohesive way to prove it was him. She knew he did it, she just couldn’t prove it. All she had was photos from the written mirror in her flat and his signature yet no one would take that in. They would just say it was similar handwriting or that she was imagining things to protect her “abuser” husband. Bucky, Sam, Steve and Sharon were all in the dark about it as she had chosen not to tell any of them what was happening. It was just a theory, just a silly theory and if it wasn’t true, she knew Hawthorne would go after all of them and she didn’t want anyone to get hurt. She was already the reason Bucky was in court, being called things that no victim and no person should be called. She was the reason the prosecution was revisiting his choice less past and pinning it on him as a reason to not have a regular life. If she didn’t know better, they  were upset about his pardon. 
Things seemed to progress fast with court days going on and on until they woke up in the morning of the last one. She knew he was nervous, she’d heard him in the phone with Steve and Sam before yet he put on this strong facade as if things would be ok but she herself had started to doubt it. The jury was biased, that much she knew and after all, the decision was theirs. The court room was silent as the prosecution finished their closing statement but she could read the environment. Everyone’s eyes bore at her husband as if he was a criminal and those who spoke didn’t speak in kind words. 
   - Does the defence have any closing statements? - the jury asked their lawyer who stood up and faced him. 
   - No, your honour but the defendant would like to address the jury.
   - I’ll allow it. - the jury beckoned and Bucky got up to face the jury. She wanted so much to jump from that bench and hold his hand but all she could do was remain there, watching him and giving him an encouraging smile whenever he looked her way.
   - Listen, uhm ... - Bucky scratched his neck, searching for the right words to say. - I know you don’t like me, trust me I don’t like myself either but I love my wife. I would never, ever hurt her and if she hadn’t wanted me then I would’ve been fine with that because ... look at her she’s the most intelligent, kind and warm woman I’ve ever met and I know she deserves better than me. I tried telling her a million times that she deserves the perfect movie man who has a stable job and isn’t over a hundred but for whatever reason she still decided to marry me and I am gonna spend the rest of my life trying to even be half the man she deserves. I would never hurt her even if someone forced me too. 
He sat down again and Y/N shimmied to the front of her bench to hold his hand through the wood bars that separated her from him. The judge excused everyone while the jury went to make their decision. Y/N excused herself to go speak to the lawyer while Sam and Steve kept Bucky occupied. 
   - You know, you do look a lot like your father. - he said as she approached him. - Never thought about going into the family business?
   - And deal with my siblings every day? I wouldn’t wish it. 
   - Is there anything you need?
   - I have a question to ask you but you can’t tell Bucky I asked you about it. 
   - I always have confidentiality with any of my clients so I wouldn’t tell him anything you’d ask me. What is it?
   - Do you think we’re gonna win? - she picked at the hem of her dress, stress filling her veins.
   - I don’t know. The jury is biased and without any evidence they’ll make their decision based on their opinions. We can always contest it but right now I think you’d do best spending some time with your husband now.
Everything needed to slow down as she walked away from the lawyer and she could hear her heels echoing on the wooden floors.  She saw Bucky laugh at something Sam had said yet she couldn’t hear him laugh, she could only see and as she saw it, she looked at the ring around her finger, the same ring he had on his finger too before turning her head harshly to where Hawthorne was standing. Suddenly sound came back and her steps quickened as she approached the head of her agency. 
   - We need to talk. - she said interrupting his conversation with Miss Olson. 
   - What about? - he spoke in his collected tone which only further angered her. 
    - Alone.
She followed him into one of the reunion rooms, hands fumbling with her phone just before closing the door behind her. She realised she didn’t really know what to say, she hadn’t prepared herself for it and she certainly wasn’t a natural. All she knew was to try, try and right now she was gonna try, she was gonna try for Bucky. 
   - I know you did it. - she tried speaking with an unwavering voice but it came out almost like a wave.
   - Excuse me? - he leaned against the wall, mocking her. - Did what?
   - Bucky couldn’t have done it, that night in my flat. He was in Brooklyn and then he was stuck in traffic that morning, there’s footage of it. He could’ve never gone to my flat when he dropped me off at 4 AM and then be stuck in traffic. I know it’s your handwriting, it’s like the one on the contract. Besides, no one knew my flat address other than Bucky and Miss Olson and not even Bucky or Miss Olson knew my family address. You did it. You know you did it. 
    - You’re clearly mental unstable but it’s okay because me and Miss Olson will get you the help we need after we get the marriage annulled. 
   - Stop. - she said. - You know no one else will believe me so at least tell me truth. Tell me how you screw up my husband’s life. 
    - Don’t be dramatic, Y/N. It wasn’t to mess up your husband’s life. Do you know how much money we invested on you? For you to destroy your image by going out with an American traitor? You think you could’ve gotten this role without me? You think you could be anything out of your little shows without me? You’re a good actress but take a look at yourself, you’re hardly what men want. You wanna break it into the business? Be hot or have connections and it turns out you can’t do both. That audition you did in London you tried to hide? Who did you think they called to give the news? Oh and if you’re wondering, it was a no. 
   - Did you do it? - she tried to maintain her cool but she knew she looked meek and she looked pathetic.
   - I thought with your Nancy Drew speech you knew the answer.
   - Did you or did you not? 
   - I did but who’s gonna believe you?
   - I don’t know. -  she opened the door, holding the knob in her hand as she pressed play on her phone, his voice saying he did it playing and echoing in the empty room. - They won’t believe me but they will believe you. 
   - Don’t toy with me, Y/N. I’ll make sure you never get a single job here or anywhere else. I’ll bring you down.
   - Maybe but if I’m going down, you are going down with me.
taglist: @disasterbi​​ @lookiamtrying​​ @buckysteveloki-me​​​ @americasass81​​​ @jamesbarnesappreciationclub​​​ @lostinthebeans​​​ @mariahthelioness29​​​ @oh-nohoney​​​ @peaches-roses-sins​​​ @theadorasabditory​​​ @sipsteacasually​​​ @saiyanprincessswanie​​​ @booktease21​​​ @noiralei​​​ @learisa​​​ @everythingisoverratedbutgreat​​​ @uglipotata72829​​​ @naturalthrone22​​​ @husherstan​​​ @mandiiblanche​​​ @vicmc624​​​ @newyorkgoddess​​​ @itsallyscorner​​​ @chipilerendi​​​ @emzd34 @writerwrites​​​ @bluevxnus​​​ @that-girl-named-alex​​​ @captnrogers​​​ @nsfwsebbie​​​ @sarge-barnes-sir​​​ @niki-is-a-thing​​​ @cynic-spirit​​​ @tenaciousperfectionunknown​​​
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