#Hobie saying he doesn’t want to get too attached not realizing he has already left claw marks and sunk his teeth into all his friends
milimeters-morales · 6 months
I’ve been thinking of Miles thinking he has a crush on Hobie and not really understanding that he’s just really enjoying being his friend and assumes anything outside of “friend” in this box he’s mentally constructed around himself and Hobie means “crushing” because i personally don’t think he’s . good at social/romance stuff. Anyway Hobie does not like this and it makes him so upset/uncomfortable because he sees Miles as WAY younger than him, and in this scenario he isn’t, he’s just perceiving the gap between him and Miles being so huge from his mental baggage and fear of “chaining” people down, and also just wouldn’t return the feelings anyway. and Hobie doesn’t want Miles to see him like that either. So he just starts calling Miles kid in the “you’re too young to know anything lol go home” way because he knows Miles hates it, and hopes this pushes him away and gets rid of the “crush” so they can return to normal again. The final push is Hobie physically shoving Miles away and giving him mean ass looks, which causes a fight, which results in the usual “because i love you! I want to be with you! / no, you don’t! You don’t know what you want!” dialogue that im a sucker for esp when it’s true. Oh waiter, more difficult and uncomfortable situations to put Hobie and Miles in that are a result of poor communication, fucked up societal standards, and autistic traits please!!!
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alpacaparkaseok · 3 years
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Requested by anon - a picture of your request will be at the bottom of the post! Thanks for sending it in, I had so much fun with it! :)
Pairing: best friend!BTS, maybe some secret crushes going on? 👀
Premise: You + all 7 members of BTS visiting a haunted house. What could go wrong?
So, so much.
Word Count: 4k
Warnings: they are touring a haunted house, so there’s gonna be some scary story/spooky things going on. hopefully there’s enough fun things/fluff to counter it? 
a/n: this was longer than I expected it to be...but I was having fun with ot7. hopefully nobody minds lol
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It wasn't your fault that Hobi had never seen "A Quiet Place". He had mentioned it as you scrolled through the options on his TV while lounging on his couch like an overgrown cat. Everyone else was in the process of scarfing down their dinner, popping popcorn, and laughing over whatever Jimin and Yoongi were bickering about.
Obviously you had to watch it.
Naturally, the conversation had drifted to a bit more spooky topics. You'd come back from grabbing more popcorn surprised to find Jin talking about his friend that wanted to open up a house they'd inherited for ghost tours.
After nudging Jimin out of the way, you took up your usual spot next to Taehyung. They all watch you with amused eyes, knowing full well that Taehyung is the only one that willingly scratches your back on movie nights.
"Really, like is it the kind of haunted house where people dress up and scare you?" Jungkook asked, his interest piqued.
Jin shook his head. "No, not really. It sounds like they just walk you through the house and tell stories and stuff."
You and Jungkook share a look, already thinking the same thing. A glance at Hobi shows him clutching a blanket to his chest, caught between the events of the film and the conversation taking place.
"We should go," you ventured, immediately earning a startled stare from both Jin and Hobi. The others chuckle in response, Namjoon swatting Jungkook's hand half-heartedly as he tries to steal more popcorn from him.
"...noooo," Jin began. "It's not like it's up and running yet, they're just working on getting it ready for the fall-"
Jungkook picks up where you left off. "Perfect! We can be their test group. That way they'll know what they can do for the general public, get an idea of what works and what doesn't."
You jump in again before Jin can protest more. "C'mon! And besides, this may be your only chance just to go for fun! Otherwise you'd have to find a way to go without running into all of those people, and have to contact management about it..."
Jin sighs, looking at Hobi who stares back at him with an expression of defeat. You grin, Taehyung chuckling beside you.
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It was all too easy. Standing here now, you can see just why they want to open this up for ghost tours. Of course you won't admit it, but you already have chills running down your spine.
Or maybe that's just because Jung Hoseok is currently breathing down your neck.
"Alright," Jin's friend, Gina stands at the top of the steps, smiling down at you all. "Everybody ready?"
Jungkook and Taehyung, completely riled up, let out whoops and cheers while everyone else grunts in acknowledgement. Hobi clings to the back of your jacket, whimpering like a lost puppy.
This should be fun.
Jungkook doesn't bother to wait for everyone else, heading straight inside after Gina. Taehyung and Jimin are hot on his heels, joking about something back and forth. You follow after them, glancing back at Hobi with an amused grin.
"Oh," he realizes that he's still clinging to you. "Right." Extracting his hand from your jacket, he lets you move forward. He remains close behind you, Jin at his side.
Namjoon and Yoongi bring up the rear, hardly paying attention to anything that's going on as they chat about a business they saw not far from here.
"We'll begin in the front study here," Gina adopts a spooky tone as she stands in the candlelight. Shadows dance along the walls, making the hairs on the back of your neck stand up straight.
Suddenly you wish that Hobi was still holding onto you.
Slowly, so as to not draw the attention (and teasing) of the maknae line, you step back until you're between Namjoon and Yoongi.
The two of them smirk down at you, knowing full well that you're already spooked.
"What are you doing?" Jin whispers back to you, eyes wide while he rubs his arms as though he's cold. "Trying to abandon us to the ghosts?"
You shake your head fervently, hoping that they don't notice the way you're sneaking your hand into the pocket of Yoongi's jacket.
"No, the middle is the safest place," you argue. Yoongi gives a breathy chuckle beside you, his hand finding yours in the warmth of his pocket and giving it a squeeze. Thankfully the house is dark enough that the blush on your cheeks shouldn't be visible.
Absentmindedly you link your other arm through Namjoon's, hardly able to breathe properly when he instinctively moves closer.
What were you even saying?
"A-and now you've got three in front and three in back. You're totally safe."
Hobi and Jin look at each other like they know exactly what you’re up to, but don't push it as they suddenly begin walking again. Gina leads the way toward the dining room, weaving a tale of how the estranged wife of the owner of the house swore she would never leave the property.
"Did she?" Jungkook asks from the front, peeking in closed off rooms along the way. You can't help but marvel at his fearlessness.
Gina's eyes glow with excitement, almost as though she were waiting for someone to ask that. "No. Years later, when the owner sold the house, the new occupants said they found a sealed off room in the basement." You gasp, the sound echoing through the hallway. You miss the look Jimin gives you, too attached to the story.
"What..." you clutch Namjoon's arm, the fabric of his jacket bunching in your hand. "Did they ever open up the room?"
Gina grins. "They did. They hired someone to come and open the sealed door. However, the man they hired only got about halfway before quitting. He was terrified."
Yoongi leans down to whisper in your ear. "Are you trying to cut off my circulation?"
It's only then that you notice you've been squeezing his hand with startling strength. "Whoops." Going to remove your hand from his, he frowns, holding it tighter before you can move.
Well, if this isn't a rollercoaster of emotions.
"Why was he so scared?" Namjoon pipes up beside you, a hint of a smile gracing his features as he reads the expression on your face. Oh, you're so screwed. "Did he find something?"
"It's not so much what he found as what he didn't," Gina replies. "But we'll have to save that for last. For now, the dining room. Come on in, everyone."
Hobi looks back at you, a mixture of horror and overall curiosity on his face. “Oh, she’s good.”
Indeed, Gina definitely seems to have a way with words. You’re just having a hard time understanding them as your heart beats loudly enough to drown out any other noises. Yoongi has taken to tracing circles on the back of your hand, which you think are meant to be soothing. 
It only serves to send your heart rate skyrocketing. You stare at the portrait on the far end of the dining room, practically boring holes into the painting of the young woman. 
Breathe, don’t do anything stupid.
You blink, finding yourself to be the sudden center of attention. Jungkook grins widely at you. 
Jungkook repeats his question. “Are you doing alright?”
Jimin bursts out laughing. “That’s not an answer, jagiya. Need us to protect you from the ghosts?”
Your wide eyes immediately give you away, and even Gina is offering you a look of pity before deciding to continue on with the tour. Before you embarrass yourself even more, you slip out of Yoongi and Namjoon’s grasp, sneaking up behind Jin and Hobi.
“Hello boys,” you drawl, making Hobi nearly jump out of his skin. You earn a laugh from the group, Jin chuckling at his scared friend. Hobi just glares at you. 
“This sucks,” he whispers to you, pulling you up to stand between him and Jin. Immediately they stick to your sides like magnets and you realize that you have indeed done something stupid as Jin’s breath ghosts over the shell of your ear as he goes to whisper something to you.
Out of the frying pan and into the fire, it would seem. Your heart certainly agrees. 
“I’m not scared, you know,” Jin whispers. You take a deep breath, reminded yourself that these idiots are your best friends, not menu items. 
You shoot him an incredulous look. “I doubt that.”
He grins at you, eyes lingering a bit longer than usual. “You’ll see.”
Tearing your eyes away from his and hearing his deep chuckle, you wonder if it’s too late to ask Gina where the nearest exit is. 
Don’t do anything stupid.
“Shall we head up to the attic?” Gina asks. “It’s a small space, we can only go three at a time. However, there are some really interesting old photographs up there that we should look at.”
In the blink of an eye everyone is paired off, and you find yourself face to face with Jimin. He grins at you like the Cheshire Cat, making you wonder if he isn’t the most dangerous thing in this house. 
Jin and Hobi have the glorious opportunity to go up together while Gina leads the way, and several screams accompany their little trip. In the middle of the candlelight in the hallway, you chuckle with the rest of your friends. 
“It’s been interesting so far,” Jungkook muses. “I really want to know what they found in that sealed off basement room.”
Taehyung hums in agreement. “Mmm. Or rather, what they didn’t find.”
“What does that even mean?”
Nobody is given a chance to answer Jungkook’s question as Hobi and Jin come scrambling down the ladder, faces pale even as they laugh. Gina chuckles from above, beckoning the next pair to come up.
Jimin looks at you with an arched brow. “Wanna go next?”
“Sure.” You follow him up the ladder, laughing as Jin recounts how he swore the woman in the photograph blinked. 
The attic is filled with moonlight, and under other circumstances it might be pretty. However, amongst the old heirlooms sits an ominous scrapbook, filled with black and white photos of less-than-happy people. 
Jimin reaches down, grabbing your hand and helping you to your feet as you look around. When he lets go you aren’t sure whether or not to be disappointed. 
You’ve hardly made up your mind when he leads you to where Gina stands beside the scrapbook and slips behind you. A moment later his arms encircle your waist, chin propped up on your shoulder. 
So there’s that. 
Gina points to the first photo, a grim-looking man standing behind a chair where a young woman sits smiling. “This is the estranged wife, before she was estranged, of course. And this is the owner of the house. From what we’ve been able to dig up about his past - no pun intended - he was always deathly serious.”
Jimin hums in acknowledgement, the vibrations going straight into your spine. Unsure of what to do with your arms, you gently place them atop his arms around your middle. 
You swear he smiles for a moment before turning pensive again. “Why did they separate?” You manage to ask, applauding yourself for getting a complete sentence out while Park Jimin hugs you from behind. 
“Rumor has it she cheated on him with his best friend,” Gina whispers, pointing to another photo where the solemn owner stands beside a smiling man. “He was driven mad with jealousy. Terrible, isn’t it?”
Gina gives you a long look, and suddenly you straighten your spine. “I-uh, yeah. Horrible.”
She shows us another photo, explaining something about it while Jimin mumbles out a couple of questions. You hardly process any of it, staring at Gina and wondering if she thinks that you are somehow cheating.
But on who? Jin, maybe? Since that’s her friend?
“Alright, send up the next pair,” Gina croons. Jimin detaches himself from you, suddenly leaving you cold. You turn to follow him, but stop as Gina places a hand on your arm. 
“Yes?” You ask, struggling to keep your tone even. Gina motions for Jimin to keep going, pulling you back to the scrapbook. She tilts her head to one side. 
“Forgive me for maybe overstepping a boundary but...” she motions toward the ladder, where everyone waits below. “Don’t tell me you’re flirting with all of them.”
Your eyes widen, and a breathy laugh comes out. “Me? What? N-no. They’re my best friends, why would I-”
Gina laughs, the sound too loud for the small attic. “Well, they’re flirting with you.” She playfully elbows me. “Speaking from girl to girl...enjoy it. For the rest of us.”
Nearly choking, you frown but nod all the same. “...ok?” When she makes no move to say anything else, you head down the ladder. The boys look up at me with confused looks, Jimin waiting at the bottom to make sure you get down safely. 
“What was that about?” Jin asks, looking a little nervous. “She didn’t say anything to make you uncomfortable, did she?”
You blink at him, wondering for a moment if the boys have always been like this around you. Surely not. It’s just the haunted house bringing out this protective side, right?
“No, she just wanted to show me something else. She’s actually really nice.” You think.
The other groups go up, and nothing else happens to pique your interest. Gina comes down last of all, giving you a wink before walking down the hallway. 
“I think we’re ready to go down to the basement, everyone!”
Somehow you end up at the front, surrounded on all sides by the maknae line. You crane your neck, looking back to see the older boys all lost in a heated discussion. Hobi catches your eye after a moment, elbowing Namjoon who looks up at you with fake innocence. 
You frown, Gina’s words coming back to you. “They’re flirting with you.”
You must have lost your mind. Was the haunted house really that traumatizing as to make you start coming up with such ridiculous things? How silly of you. 
The feeling of a hand resting on the small of your back has you yelping, jumping to face forward again. Taehyung gives you a sheepish grin. 
“Sorry,” he mumbles, gently pushing you forward to stand in front of him. “Are you really that spooked?”
“I...no.” You fail to come up with a complete sentence, but shrug it off. Taehyung smiles brightly at you, gesturing for you to head down the stairs. 
“You seem distracted tonight, are you alright?” 
The way your heart had begun palpitating calms down as you notice the obvious concern on Taehyung’s face. You give him a small smile, allowing yourself to relish the feeling of his fingers splayed against your back as you move down the stairs. 
“I’m fine, don’t worry. Just distracted by the story.”
Taehyung looks at you for a moment longer, not quite believing you but shrugging it off. He brings both hands to your shoulders as you enter the basement, an obvious chill in the air. 
You fight off a shiver, Taehyung noticing and beginning to rub at your arms in an attempt to warm you up. Gina immediately notices the action, hiding a smile as she pretends to cough. 
“Well,” she says once her ‘coughing fit’ subsides. “We’ve made it to the final leg of the tour. How’s it been so far?”
This time everyone cheers with renewed vigor, although a part of you has a hunch that it’s because Hobi knows he’s nearing the end of this scary experience. The thought makes you grin. 
“Earlier, you guys asked me what was found in the sealed off room. It’s easier to show you, rather than explain.” Gina walks backward, motioning for everyone to follow her. It’s darker down here, only a few candles light the way. Despite being surrounded by people you trust, you can’t fight the fear that sneaks inside of you. 
Rounding a corner, you see a small hallway with a half-open door. Jin curses behind you, clearly feeling just as freaked out as you.
“Remember how the estranged wife said she’d never leave this place?” Gina nods toward the door and dark entryway. “In that room there’s evidence that she may have had an...extended stay here. It’s very small, and the door only opens to a certain point. Almost as though whoever designed it didn’t want to have an easy escape point.”
Chills run down your spine, and even Taehyung’s ministrations pause for a moment as he takes in this new information. 
Jungkook speaks up, ever the curious one. “Wait...her body isn’t still here, right?”
Gina shakes her head. “No, although we think that she may have been buried somewhere on the property. We have yet to find her, though.”
“That...” you shake your head, shuffling from foot to foot. “That sounds so ominous. Like she still walks the property or something.”
The smile Gina sends you is enough to make your blood run cold. “We haven’t ruled anything out.” She gestures toward the door. “Due to fire hazards, we can only have two people at a time in the hallway and in the room. Do I have any volunteers?”
Jungkook’s hand immediately shoots up in the air, and he looks at his hyungs pleadingly. You remain still as a statue, refusing to look up for fear of being called on. 
You swear you can almost hear Taehyung sigh before he speaks. “Well, obviously you have to go.” He nudges you forward, and you whirl on him in absolute horror. 
“What?!” You shout. “How could you betray me like this?! I- no way!”
The boys can’t help but laugh at you, Namjoon clapping Taehyung on the shoulder. Taehyung gives you an apologetic look, shrugging. 
“C’mon, I’ll keep you safe,” Jungkook promises, his big pleading eyes on yours.
You hate how you can never say no to him. 
Gina pats your shoulder as you walk past, laughing lightly. “Have fun,” she croons. “Ok everyone, let’s go into the open area just around the corner-”
“You’re leaving us?!” You shout again, stopping in your tracks. “Noooo, no no. Not happening.”
“Jungkook will take care of you,” Yoongi says over his shoulder. “Or do you not trust him?”
Jungkook pauses, looking at you with those big brown eyes. “You don’t trust me?”
Yoongi chuckles darkly before leaving the hallway, and you know he’s aware of what he did. You’ll have to make him pay for it later. 
Possibly in the form of food.
“No, I do Kook,” you sigh. He extends his hand out to you, waiting patiently. 
You take it a little too quickly.
Gina was right, the door only opens to a certain point, leaving you no choice but to shimmy through. Jungkook inspects the entire area, pointing out what looks to be scratches on the doorframe. You shiver. 
“It’s not real,” he reassures you, keeping his hand in yours as he shimmies into the room. You hesitate for a moment, daring to glance at where your hands are connected before following after him. 
It’s nearly pitch black in the room, hardly allowing for you to see anything. “Can you even see anything?”
Jungkook laughs, squeezing your hand. “Nope. I think we’ll have to wait for our eyes to adjust. You good?”
You squeeze back. “Yeah, I think-”
The door is shut.
The door is shut. 
Suddenly delved into complete darkness, your breath hitches in your throat. “Jungkook,” you whimper. “Jungkook, I’m scared-”
“Shhh,” Jungkook hushes you, pulling you closer until you bump into his chest. “You’re fine. They’re just pulling a prank on us.” 
Without thinking anything other than, I’m too young to die, you instinctively wrap your arms around his waist, burrowing your head against his chest as he chuckles. 
“I can’t die, Jungkook,” you mumble into his chest. “I’m too young. I have so much to do. I have a test this week to take, and I’ve studied so hard for it, I have to take it. That’d be so stupid to die before taking that dumb test. And I have to yell at Yoongi or something, I don’t know-”
Jungkook’s giddy laughter pulls you out of your daze, and if you weren’t so scared you would be glaring at him. He laces his fingers behind your back, pulling you impossibly closer.
“You’re so cute,” he whispers into the dark, making every last thought eddy out of your brain. “Have I ever told you that before?”
Finding just enough willpower to move, you shake your head. Jungkook harrumphs above you, the sound almost pulling a giggle from you. Then you remember the situation you’re currently in. 
Jungkook sighs. “Well, you are. That, and a lot of other things. Would you like me to tell you what else I think you are?”
Hands bunching in the fabric of his clothes, you find your voice. “...yes.”
Jungkook takes a deep breath. “Scary smart. It’s horrifying.” A chuckle bubbles up from your chest. “And inclusive. That’s so underrated these days, you know? But you’re always making sure everyone is involved and enjoying themselves.”
You can tell that he’s holding his breath from the way his chest has stopped moving, and you’re about to ask him if he’s alright when he hesitantly runs his fingers through your hair. 
If that wasn’t enough to send you over the edge, he lets out a shaky breath before continuing on. “I’m sorry I haven’t told you those things before.”
You manage a laugh. “I’m sorry that it took us going on a haunted house tour for you to say it.”
Jungkook smiles down at you, your eyes finally adjusted to the dim room. He stares at you for a long moment, and you wonder if he’s going to kiss you.
You wonder if you’d let him.
He must see the question in your eyes, but he gives you a knowing look before heading toward the door, making sure your hand is in his. 
“You don’t have to worry about that,” he says, testing the door and giggling at your sigh of relief when the door is unlocked. 
“Worry about what?” You feign ignorance. Jungkook sees right through your, tugging you along as you head out the door. 
He shrugs, suddenly unable to look you in the eyes as pink no doubt paints his cheeks. “You know...overstepping any boundaries.” He looks down at his feet. “Making a move.”
“Why?” The question comes out before you can stop it, and you inwardly curse yourself. Jungkook smiles softly at your inquiry. 
The sound of everyone chatting makes you almost want to cry with relief. They must be just around the corner, waiting for you to return. 
Jungkook leans over, whispering to you. “Because we have a pact.”
You turn to question him further, eyes wide. He anticipates this, taking long strides until you find yourselves back in the open area with everyone else. 
“We’re back!” Jungkook announces, shooting you a smirk. You can’t help but stare at him, mouth slightly agape. 
A pact?
Gina smiles broadly. “How was the room? Did you find anything interesting?”
You shake your head, trying and failing to stop yourself from overanalyzing every glance the boys give you. “...no. I was too freaked out to even look around after the door closed on us.”
“Yeah, who did that? We didn’t even hear you guys,” Jungkook asks. 
Everyone looks at the two of you before looking at Gina, clearly just as confused. 
Gina, on the other hand, looks absolutely terrified. 
“Ummm...” she begins, rubbing her arms in an effort to warm herself up. “Remember how I said that we haven’t ever found the body of the estranged wife?”
You nod your head but stop, the words sinking in. The hairs on the back of your neck rise up, and you find yourself shuffling over to stand next to Jin, clinging to his arm. 
“Yeah...” Namjoon says, eyes darting around the room.
Gina sighs. “Alright, everyone, single file line. Head out as quickly and quietly as possible.”
You don’t need to be told twice.
this has been turned into a series!
 series masterlist ∆∆∆ join the taglist
oooh so spooky ;) 
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personasintro · 4 years
My Tiny Secret | 13; Not Welcomed
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𝑴𝒚 𝑻𝒊𝒏𝒚 𝑺𝒆𝒄𝒓𝒆𝒕 𝒅𝒓𝒂𝒃𝒃𝒍𝒆 | 13; Not Welcomed
⏤𝒔𝒚𝒏𝒐𝒑𝒔𝒊𝒔; Pretty face doesn’t make it up for an ugly personality. And Kim Seokjin is the perfect proof of that.
⏤𝒑𝒂𝒊𝒓𝒊𝒏𝒈: seokjin x reader
⏤𝒈𝒆𝒏𝒓𝒆: angst, smut, mistress au, unexpected pregnancy au
⏤𝒘𝒂𝒓𝒏𝒊𝒏𝒈𝒔: toxic relationship, strong language
⏤> 𝒇𝒊𝒄 𝒊𝒏𝒅𝒆𝒙
buy me a coffee?♡
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The packages looks exactly the same for him, the only difference is various kinds of brand and pictures decorating the same thing. He can’t even tell the difference between those sizes — just another thing that makes him frown and groan in frustration.
“How the fuck am I supposed to know which ones are right?” he asks through clenched teeth, muting his voice down when a woman with toddler attached to her hip passes by his frustrated and puzzled figure.
If Namjoon could see him right now, he would laugh his ass off. Never in a million years he thought he would be standing in this kind of aisle, completely confused and so out of place.
“I showed you the package!” you exclaim at the other side, your sigh of disbelief booming through Seokjin’s phone speakers.
“I fucking know that!” he exclaims back while a woman that’s grabbing one of the packages from the aisle gives him a glare, but he could care less. He looks away with coldness in his eyes, rubbing his eyes with his free hand that’s not holding his phone.
You specifically showed him the exact diapers package he needs to buy, even described it when he had it in front of his face. It caused him to snap at you ‘I’m not an idiot for fucks sake, I get it’, that’s what he told you. It turned out that he didn’t get it and is, an idiot after all. You would like to point that out, but you bite into your lip in amusement at his distressed tone. It kind of makes you wish you were there to witness it with your own eyes.
“I’ll send you a photo of it,” you sigh at the other side, the rustling sound can be heard before Yoojin’s soft whimpers follows right after. “I know baby, you’ll have to wait. Your daddy can’t remember a single package.”
He hears the amusement in your voice, the way you try to hide a giggle but he ignores it at the name you called him. Daddy. It’s so weird hearing that. It’s been a month since he became a father, but it still comes as shock that he can never fully recovers from. Still, the corner of his mouth twitches at the new nickname, a weird tension clenching his chest.
“You’re coming with me next time.” he grumbles before he can fully dwell on that new feeling, shifting on his spot as he stares at the baby that’s on one of the diaper packages.
Yoojin is cuter, he thinks as he hears you humming in agreement before you curse under your breath.
“Someone’s knocking, I’ve to go.” he hears you mumbling, the same rustling sound reaches his ears and he wants nothing more than to grumble in annoyance, but his eyes widen instead.
“What-- no-- what am I supposed to do? Send me that damn picture.” he stutters over his words, face red with frustration.
“Ask someone.” you quickly tell him before the line is dead, his eyes closing as he tries to calm down himself.
You were his only hope and now he’s stuck in the middle of grocery shop in front of diapers, babies on the packages looking at him. Fuck, he never felt so ridiculous. He’s starting to regret his offer of buying diapers for Yoojin once you found out there are only few left. Something he noticed is, that small babies use a lot of diapers throughout the day.
“Hello, sir. Do you need some help?” A cheerful lady with a name tag on decorating her red shirt reaches him. She must’ve seen him struggling for the past ten minutes that he’s been standing in the same spot, glaring at the various types of diapers. Ten tremendous minutes that he’s been too cocky not to call you straight away, since he thought he won’t need your help. It turned out that he did need it and well, still needs it since you declined the call.
“Err, yeah.” he says, preparing to embarrass himself in front of her as she keeps smiling at him — too much for his liking. Doesn’t her cheeks hurt from all that smiling?
“Well, what size do you need?” she asks, understanding that he’s looking for the right package and size.
How can buying a diapers be hard? Yeah, he thought. That’s what he gets for being too cocky and confident.
“Well-- I-- I’m not sure.” he mutters, scratching the back of his neck as he avoids her big eyes.
“It’s okay,” she smiles, “How old is your baby?”
He already feels annoyed by the amount of questions and her overly cheerful expression that she’s obviously faking just because it’s her job. Still, she’s his only hope.
So with that thought, he sighs and gives her an answer. “He’s newborn. Well, one month old.”
Wow, is he already one month? He wonders as she nods and already reaches for one of the packages.
“This one should be perfect.” she says, handing him the item before he takes it and examines it with curious eyes.
He looks at the price, not surprised she gave him the more expensive ones but he doesn’t care. As long as it the good size, he’s going to pay anything.
“You sure? He’s really tiny.” he says, turning it around to read the description that’s written on the backside.
The saleswoman smiles at him while he’s busy reading the back of package with a small frown settled on his thick brows. “Well, if it’s wrong you can always return it. Just don’t forget to take receipt with you.”
He barely manages to thank her before she disappears behind another aisle, leaving him alone with diapers package in his arms.
Fuck it, he thinks as he goes with the one she handed him while he makes his way to cashier.
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The timing of the knock couldn't be worse, considering the unstoppable wailing that comes from the baby in your arms as you try to open the door with him in your arms.
You mumble repeated apology to your son, your lips brushing over his soft hair as you finally open the front door with a sigh of relief. The person behind the front door has a raised hand, probably ready to knock again since you took your time answering the door. But you don't have enough time to think about it for too long, surprised by the sudden visit you've never expected.
Your best friend stands in the front door, which brings a complete shock to you since his first and last visit was the day you moved it. You haven't seen him for weeks, at least in person, only through the screen of your phone.
Missing Hoseok is daily part of your life, especially during times when Seokjin goes home. Back to the times when you were living together, you never felt lonely. Not in the way you do right now.
He hasn't changed much, he looks exactly the same way he always does and you almost blurt 'what are you doing here' but stop yourself at the very last minute. It might sound rude and you're nothing than happy to see him standing in front of you.
“Hobi,” you breathe out, a large smile spreads across your chapped lips. “You're here.” you say with disbelief and happiness in your voice while he gives you a soft smile.
“Yeah, dropped by the last minute. Am I interrupting?” he asks, hiding his hands into the pockets of his jeans as he eyes Yoojin squirming in your arms.
He probably thinks he does at the sight of your bare exhausted face with baby crying while you pat his back to calm him.
“No! Of course not! Come in!” you say quickly, opening the door wider for him as you watch him cautiously cross over threshold.
He doesn't hug you, silently taking off his super clean sneakers to yours which makes you slightly frown. He's acting weird and considering he came to visit you, the lack of enthusiasm makes you feel tense. Maybe he doesn't miss you as much as you miss him, maybe he's glad he doesn't have to take care of you anymore.
Yoojin's wails turn into loud cries and you cringe at the volume, a look of distress dominating over your exhausted face when you look at Hoseok. “He's hungry. I have to feed him.” you apologize to him.
“No worries, I'll wait.” he gently says, fingers running through his lock that seemed to be longer and you wonder if he plans to grow it out.
“Thanks,” you smile at him, bouncing Yoojin as you're ready about to step into the bedroom before you turn around to look at him. His eyes are already on yours, their warmth lacking of something. “You can sit down or anything you want.” you tell him causing him to nod in appreciation before you're rushing to feed Yoojin.
It takes only ten minutes until he burps, his cries no longer existing as you step into the living room where Hoseok patiently waits and sits on the couch. He's occupied with his phone, his brows slightly furrowed in concentration before he looks up meeting your eyes.
His eyes soften at the sight of Yoojin and it makes you slightly relax, just a tiny bit. “He grew up so much.” he comments as you make your way to him to sit next to him.
“Really? Seokjin says he's tiny.” you say without realization, until the words leave a weird taste in your mouth as you look in alarm at your best friend.
He doesn't seem to react, his eyes focused on your son as he stares with look of adoration.
“Do you wanna hold him?” you ask softly and he nods with no hesitation which makes you smile.
He carefully takes him, supporting his head and back before he's pressed against his chest. It's nice to see him remembering all the important facts. Despite of his sudden visit, and mostly weird behavior, you smile at both of them finding the sight in front of you adorable and touched. But as you carefully eye Hoseok you know he doesn't came here for a simple visit, since he sort of avoids your eyes.
Over the years of knowing him, you just know there's something else that bothers him and you've no idea what that is. The only option is to ask and for couple of minutes in utter silence,  you're trying to find the guts to do it.
“I didn't know you were planning on visiting. I would've bake you your favorite cheesecake.” you nervously smile, your voice thick and complete contrast to the silence between you two.
He looks up, causing your breath to hitch at the weird look in his eyes. His throat moves each time he gulps while his face twitch in the weirdest grimace as if he was in the pain.
“I didn't plan it.” he decides to speak, his tone dry as he cringes at it.
Is he trying to be cold to you for some reason? Because he's doing an awful job at it when he seems to be regretful right after he opened his mouth.
It's unusual to see him being so distant, but it's enough to create a weird lump in your throat.
“Open it.” he cuts you off, pulling out a folded paper that's wrinkled by the pocket of his jeans.
He throws it on the couch, the paper landing just couple of inches from your thighs as you give him a look of utter confusion. But you don't question him any further, reaching towards the paper. As you slowly unfold it with knitted brows, your eyes widen as you finally read what's written on there. Opening your mind, you're not sure what you're about to say, you just know you've to explain it.
“What the hell, Y/N?” he asks, brows furrowed so much that you've never seen him being so angry – at least not to you.
He never looked at you this way and it only makes you want to shrink and hide.
It's a printout of his bank account, coming and incoming transaction as the huge number on the paper screams at you.
You surely knew he wouldn't be happy once he finds out, but you never expected him to come here and be so angry with you. Nevertheless, you don't feel like you've done something wrong.
It was a few days back when you finally got the time to sit down and transfer the money Seokjin gave you, to Hoseok's bank account. You've wanted to do it ever since he gave you the money, to repay your best friend for everything he has done for you and Yoojin. If it weren't for him, God knows how would everything turn out.
You completely forgot that you've sent him that money in the first place and judging by Hoseok pissed off look, he probably found out just today.
“I'll transfer that money back.” he cuts you off, his jaw tightly set as he pats Yoojin's back.
“What? No!” you protest right away, scowling at your best friend which mimics your expression.
You've never really got into fight with him, there never was a reason to, and you surely believe there isn't right now.
“The money is for you. I told you I would pay you back and honestly, this is the least I can do for you. You deserve them, Hobi.”
“I don't want them. You should have them. Buy something for Yoojin, yourself or just leave them in your bank account. I don't care, I don't want any money from you.” he's determined, his eyes burning yours as he makes sure to emphasize every word.
“We don't need them.” you tell him softly, scooting closer to him as you place your hand over his knee.
It makes you realize how much you've missed his warmth and proximity. He is the only person who would embrace you in a hug, the only person that makes you feel loved and appreciated. Feeling him even through the fabric of his jeans is enough to make you emotional, because you miss your best friend. You miss having him close and cuddle to you while watching boring movies and TV shows. You miss living with him, not caring that his apartment isn't as big as yours and not fitted for three people.
Even Hoseok himself, seems to relax under your touch while his eyes stay on yours. But there's still that irritated darkness in his eyes.
“We're fine.” you assure him, his eyes leaving yours to look around.
His eyes set on the picture of you and him, that's been there from the day one. It brings a soft smile on his lips, enough to make you do the same as he sighs.
You and Yoojin are really fine. And by that you mean you're being taken care of well.
Seokjin makes sure there's nothing missing for his son. He visits more often, mostly during weekends and later in the evening after he's done in the company. You even went for a small walk in the nearby park together, which was really awkward at first. To walk side by side with Kim Seokjin while pushing Yoojin's pram, in front of neighbors who couldn't help but turn around with shocked expression every time you passed by them. It felt awkward, weird but nice at the same time.
There's nothing much you both talked about, the only topic of your conversation was Yoojin himself. It surprised you, because Seokjin took a huge interest in his son as he asked the most detailed questions. You answer all of them casually, although you were freaking out inside.
“I-- it's a lot. I can't take it.” he manages to choke out, his eyes widely open once he looks back at you.
It's a lot – but still enough for everything that he has done for you.
“You can and you will.” you smile up at him, your eyes boring to each other with so much intensity to see who will budge first but you're stubborn to do so.
“Half,” he decides to say. “I'll take.. only half of it.”
He doesn't look comfortable with his own proposition, showing discomfort on his face but you can happily agree with him. It's a progress he even agreed to take the money – at least some of it. With cheerful squeal, you hug him as much as you're allowed considering he's holding Yoojin. He shakes his head at you, a playful grin shining your way at your stubbornness while he pulls you closer to him with his free hand. You both sigh in happiness, the familiar scent of his favorite cologne is like a peaceful smell for you.
“I've missed this.” you mumble, boring your head into his chest as your nose nudges Yoojin's small hand.
“Me too, I missed you guys,” he says back immediately, hand caressing your shoulder in calming manner as you feel him snuffling your hair. “It feels lonely without you.”
He's talking about his home, causing your heart to shiver at the way he says it. It makes you sad that you've left him and although, you can't complain about how you live right now, you still miss him. That will never change. You both got so used to living together that now it feels lonely and weird. But you both always knew that time will come.
“I miss this baby pumpkin.”
As you look up, you see him admiring your son with heart-shaped eyes but you see the slightest glimpse of sadness in them. “You should visit more often.”
“Mhm, maybe I should.” he hums, kissing the top of your head as you giggle, the both of you grinning at each other. God, you missed him.
Hoseok has always been very affectionate, the both of you are to each other. It's just the way the two of you are – not anyone would truly understand it. Not everyone would get the fact that you're comfortable with each other.
“What the fuck?”
The loud booms between the walls, breaking apart the two of you as you jump away from Hoseok in shock. Seokjin stands between the living room and corridor with a huge look of disapproval and anger, his eyes deadly set on Hoseok. You can't seem to bring yourself to check on Hoseok, your eyes focused on the father of your child and his growing scowl. He looks intimidating, causing your throat to go completely dry for some goddamn reason.
“What the fuck is he doing here?” he impatiently asks, the intensity in his voice is much bigger now as he stares back at you – sending daggers your way.
It's only now when you notice the huge package of diapers in his arms and if it were under different circumstances, you'd laugh at the rare sight in front of you. But you can't find anything amusing, especially right now when Seokjin looks like he's planning Hoseok's death. This is what you wanted to never happened, the two of them meeting since you're pretty aware of the grudge they hold against each other. It completely blew out of your mind that Seokjin is supposed to come here.
“Seokjin, please--” You're not sure what you're begging him for, but you don't want him to cause a scene even if there's just the three of you. Plus Yoojin, who luckily doesn't seem to be affected by the sudden loudness.
“Why the fuck is he holding my son?” he growls, taking a few steps forward as you're quick to jump on your feet.
Before he can truly charge at your best friend who seems to be awfully quiet about the whole situation, your hand is firm against his hard chest as you stop him.
“Our son,” you remind him with a frown and stern voice as he looks down to take a glance at your irritated gaze. “And stop making a scene. Hoseok is my best friend and he came to visit us, whether you like it or not.” you speak slowly, but firm and loud enough for everyone in the room to hear you.
You really want to check on Hobi, but your eyes are set on Seokjin as he challenges you with his firm and dark eyes. His jaw clenches and unclenches, complementing with himself.
“You told me this is my home,” you speak, the darkness of his eyes shifting between yours. “If I want him here, he's going to be here. If you have something against this, I can pack my stuff and leave.”
“Are you threatening me?” he scoffs.
You've no idea what's going on in the man's head, but he probably thought of it as you taking Yoojin away from him which is ridiculous, because you don't live together. Maybe he thinks you won't allow him to see him, which is again – ridiculous. You wouldn't do that, at least not now considering how they've just started to bond together more. Yoojin brings a different side of Seokjin, unrevealed and new one.
“I'm informing you.” you correct him and it causes him to scoff again, but he holds his ground and slightly relaxes underneath your palm.
Forgetting that you never moved your hand, you cautiously do with a sigh before you turn around to glance at Hoseok who stares at your interaction with unreadable gaze. He stands up, careful not to drop Yoojin as he smiles down at him before he walks closer to the both of you. Your breath is caught in your throat while you cautiously watch him, slowly handing Yoojin to his father. He drops the packages onto the floor with a huge smack, greedily taking Yoojin from Hoseok's hands.
“Hey, kiddo. It's daddy.” he doesn't forget to emphasize, glaring at Hoseok while you glare at him for making unnecessary comment. Hoseok is more than aware of Seokjin's position in Yoojin's life, there's no need for him to remind everyone around him.
“I'm gonna go,” Hoseok speaks with soft voice, hand caressing your touch as he draped an arm over your shoulder to bring you to a faint hug. You're about to tell him he doesn't have but he only shakes his head at you, smiling at the distress and determination on your bare face.”I'll come later, yeah?” he assures you and with a weak nod, you smile at him.
He leaves, your heart dropping when you hear the front door closing as you glare at Seokjin. “Was that necessary?” you snap, irritated when he only looks at you with a pleasant look.
“Actually, I think it was.” he mutters sarcastically, hinting at something with the roll of his eyes which you're not sure what's that about.
Your blood boils inside of you, angry from what has just happened and the fact Hoseok must've left because there was no choice. He could stay but it wouldn't do any good and you know he made the right decision to leave. You just feel angry that he felt like he's not welcomed here, thanks to Seokjin.
“It wasn't. Hoseok is my best friend and he'll get to see Yoojin whenever he wants to. He was there for me during my pregnancy and after it. He has done so much for the both of us,” you glance at Yoojin before you continue. “So stop acting like a fucking prick.” you snap at him.
“If you just told me about your pregnancy in the first place, I could've been the one who would take care of you.” he snaps back, glaring at you.
“You mean, before you tried to buy my son from me or after that?” you mockingly ask him, a shame flashing in his eyes as he looks away with locked jaw.
“Look, it doesn't matter now. All I want for you to act decent if the two of you are going to meet in the future. It's for Yoojin's sake as well. He's too little right now but I don't want him to grow up and see the hate between you two.”
The fact that you don't scream at him and not letting your frustration to get the best of you says a lot about your patience. But you need him to understand this. He isn't stupid but he's Kim Seokjin. Nothing is ever easy with him.
He's silent, cuddling to Yoojin as his plump lips touch his soft hair. You try not to melt at the pure sight and not let your guard down as you stare at him with intense glare. His eyes shift between you and the wall behind you as the wheels are running in his mind. But you don't budge, lifting your brow in waiting manner as he rolls his eyes.
“Fine.” he doesn't say anything else, nibbling on his bottom lip to calm down himself as you sigh in relief.
You're on your way to the kitchen to cook the chicken soup, knowing Seokjin will stay for lunch before you pause and call out his name. “Oh, and stop being fucking possessive about me or Yoojin. You don't own anyone.”
And with that, you leave into the kitchen with satisfied smirk on your lips.
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(comment on the most recent chapter to be added)
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Vampire Hoseok Scenario
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Hoseok was used to spending most of his life alone. That’s not to say that he was okay with it. Quite the opposite really. He hated what he was, and even though he doesn’t want to admit it if he could die he would have done so a long time ago. He didn’t want to spend his eternity alone.
Sure he had people in his life that came and went. However the inevitable always happened. They found out he was a vampire, and would either run away screaming, or curse at him and call him a monster. The last girl he was with absolutely broke his heart in pieces and he couldn’t trust anyone ever since. They had been together for a year, she promised no matter what she would always love him. But that was a lie. As soon as she found out what the was, she left. They always leave. And it’s that very 3 word phrase that keeps repeating in his head over and over again when he finally thinks he may be able to trust someone again.
That was 5 years ago that the girl he thought he’d spend his eternity with broke his heart. Now he goes through life with a gloomy look on his face, his usual happy and upbeat disposition completely gone. People pass him on the street and look at him with concern, but none care enough to ask him if he’s okay. Until you came along that is.
You were sitting in the park with your dog in your lap, having decided to go for a walk at night. You saw a man sitting on the bench across from you. You couldn’t help but think his expression looked so incredibly sad.  It hurt you to think someone could be hurting that bad on their own with no one to comfort them so you decided to approach him. He eyed you with suspicion as you got closer to him and sat next to him. Now his eyes had widened into pure shock, he doesn’t say anything, just stares at you. Your dog seems a little uneasy about this stranger and protectively jumps into your lap. 
“Um.. I’m sorry I hope I don’t sound weird for saying this but, are you okay?” He doesn’t answer you at first, he seems to be processing if he actually wants to continue this conversation with you or not.  Hoseok is having an internal battle with himself, a big part of him is telling himself to tell you he’s fine, that he just had a rough day and to please leave him alone or to just ignore you all together. But he doesn’t want to be alone any more. He’s so incredibly lonely and sad but it’s that that small sliver of hope, that maybe things will be different that encourages him to answer you.
“I mean.. no not really but it’s fine. You don’t have to worry about me I will be okay.”
“You don’t seem okay. I know you don’t know me but, I hate seeing people sad and your expression really says it all.” His expression crumbles as he feels the first few tears leak out of the corner of his eyes. This surprises you. You weren’t expecting him to be so affected by your words. You pick your dog up off of your lap and set her on the ground as you tentatively grab the man’s hands and place them in your lap, running your thumbs along his knuckles. “Is this okay?” He sniffles and nods his head. 
“Can you.. can I-…” He seems to be struggling to ask for you but you know what he wants without him having to say it. Without hesitating you wrap your arms around his neck and pull him into a hug. You feel his tears dampen your shirt as you hug him tightly in an attempt to comfort him.
“Hey listen it’s going to be okay. Everything will be fine. I know things seem bad now but I promise they’ll get better.” He pulls away and looks at you intensely.
“How do you know that?”
“Because. If they don’t on their own then I will do anything I can do make sure they get better.” 
“But you don’t even know me.. I don’t even know your name.”  You hold your hand out and smile at him. 
“Y/n. My name is y/n. And this little ball of fluff right here is Puff. And what’s yours?” He chuckles at the name of your dog.
“My name is Hoseok. It’s nice to meet you y/n.” He takes your hand and shakes it, but finds that he’s unwilling to let go. He hasn’t had human contact in 5 years and he now finds that he’s craving it. Your dog suddenly jumps up and places her paws on his legs, begging for his attention. “Oh I’m sorry how rude of me! And it’s very nice to meet you too, Puff.” Your dog seems to instantly take a liking to him as she jumps into his lap and curls up getting ready for a nap.
“Puff no! Bad girl!” He lightly pats your dogs head and runs his fingers through her fur.
“It’s alright. Really I don’t mind.”  You both sit in a comfortable silence after that for quite some time until your curiosity gets the better of you.
“So what was wrong earlier? You don’t have to tell me if you don’t want to but, I just figured it might help to talk about it, ya know?” He sighs heavily and reaches his hand over, as if he wants you to hold it. You grasp it as you patiently wait for him to tell you.
“I guess I might as well get this over with before I get too attached to you. There is no easy way for me to say this so I guess I will just come right out and say it. Everyone always leaves me because they think I am a monster. And they aren’t wrong. I am the monster every parent warns their child about. Countless horror movies have been made about my kind so I can’t really blame them. I’m a vampire.” He flinches as the words leave his mouth as he prepares himself for the inevitable yelling. He can’t help that he tightens his grip on your hand, a silent plea begging you not to leave. He releases your hand after a moment to give you the opportunity to run away but you don’t. He looks at you expecting to see fear in your eyes but he sees nothing but compassion and empathy.
“I am so sorry Hoseok. People can be horrid I know. I can only imagine the cruel things people have said to you but, I’m not like that.” Now his mouth is repeatedly flapping open and closed like a fish out of water. He can’t find the right words to say to you, he can’t think of anything to say at all.
“You.. you aren’t scared of me?”
“I mean if you were going to hurt me you would have done so a long time ago we are the only 2 people in this park you know?” He glances around and realizes that you’re right. “Hey, look at me Hobi.” If it were possible for him to blush he would be bright red right now. You’ve already given him such a cute and fond nickname and he doesn’t know how to handle it. “I’m not going anywhere. I promise. I’ll be your friend.” You smile warmly at him and he feels like he is going to break down in tears again.
“I… Thank you.” You squeeze his hand and let go as you stand up from the bench.
“I should probably get going now.” 
“Can I walk you home? It’s late and I am worried about you walking home alone..” 
“Sure Hobi! Let’s go!” You both spend the walk home talking and laughing happily with one another. Hoseok feels happier than he has in a very long time. This time, he feels like things will be different from the others. He also takes note of the fact that you haven’t let go of his hand the entire time he’s been walking with you. When you approach your door you walk inside your front doorway but feel yourself suddenly tugged back.
“Uhh, you have to invite me in first.”
“Oh! Of course, come in. You’re more than welcome here.” 
“You trust me enough to allow me into your home?” 
“Yes? I think we already established you aren’t going to harm me right?” You walk into the kitchen with him trailing behind you.
“Can I get you anything to drink?” He laughs at your question and you blush realizing what your question was implying.
“Not me! Oh god that was so dumb of me I’m sorry. I’m not used to this whole being friends with a vampire thing.” He’s still doubled over in laughter. “Okay it wasn’t that funny Hoseok!” You playfully smack his arm and he finally stops laughing. 
“I’m sorry your face was just really cute.” You grab his hand and lead him over to the couch to sit down with you.
“Have you um.. fed lately? How does this whole thing work you don’t.. kill people do you?” He sits down on the couch and sighs loudly. 
“I’m not going to lie to you and say that I never have but.. no not recently. I don’t like hurting people. I don’t even like taking blood from them no matter how small the amount but I have to in order to survive.” He looks away from you as if he’s ashamed.
“Hey none of that now, you can’t help it. It’s okay. You know if you ever uh need anything you can ask me?” 
“You’d let me do that?”
“Why? I don’t understand why you’re being so kind to me.”
“Because everyone deserves a chance. I don’t know why but I feel like I can trust you already and that I have known you for a long time. I know you’d never do anything to harm me.” He stares at you for a moment before he breaks down and starts sobbing loudly. You are alarmed and aren’t sure why he’s so upset. “I’m sorry! I didn’t mean to upset you, are you okay? What did I do? Oh gosh me and my big mouth I swear to God.” He looks up at you as he’s laughing through his tears at your little outburst. You wipe his tears away with your thumbs.
“I’m sorry for breaking down like that you just don’t understand.  Every single person that has came into my life has eventually left. Most run away screaming or cussing me out and you’re just so.. gentle and understanding I don’t know how to handle this.” You cradle his face in your hands and wipe his last few stray tears away.
“Well you better get used to it. Because I’m staying and I am going to make up for all the affection and love you’ve been missing for however many years it’s been.” It’s in that moment when he sees the determined look on your face that he’s realized he’s already falling for you. Quicker than he has with anyone before. But he finds that he doesn’t mind. Because just as you trust him not to hurt you, he decides he is going to trust you the same.
“I think I could get used to that very easily y/n.”
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kimnjss · 4 years
Fuck it.
They're both idiots and both horrible. I take no argument on that. NONE.
Up first, Jimin. I appreciate that he told her that instead of just sleeping around or restraining himself for 2 years and thus possibly being annoyed with her because he felt she was a hindrance to him doing whatever. But he's a fucking dumbass. You don't tell someone you want to be able to see others and then end up plastered everywhere putting your dick in all these women. Especially since it was clearly a constant. More so because even if it wasn't on the internet they went to the same school and he's well known, so him sleeping with everyone was bound to work it's way back to her. It wss just a dumb fuck move, but I don't blame him or hate him for telling her what he wanted in an attempt to not end up doing it and hurting her more.
That leads me to my other issue with him though. Despite him being the type to focus on what he wants, he was good at gauging YN's shit too. Her feelings were something he was aware of. So him coming back after telling her that and sleeping around is fuck shit. Especially because he should at least realize that seeing him plastered everywhere after sleeping with this and that person would hurt. Especially if his dumbass didn't keep in contact. That part should be fucking obvious, which should lead to understanding of how telling her he wanted to see others as he worked hurt her. Even if she is the one who broke up with him.
I refuse to say he broke up with her because they were broken up and that was very much her decision, not his.
Now, on to dumd fuck YN. Her feelings are valid. Going through all that and then having him decide he wants to see others would hurt like a bitch. And since I don't know if he emphasized that his seeing others was temporary or not to her, I can't touch on that. Not that it takes away from her pain. But what is not valid is her deciding her fuck girl antics making her kinda shitty. I brought it up before and I just despise this rating game she's doing. It's trash. Even if the guys don't know, her friends do. And no one seems to he telling her shit. Like wtf JK! I expect better from him. To stop her from being that bad at least. And for Hoseok to not have to he the one to call her out on her shit. Like JK has dropped the ball and I don't care for him at the moment tbh.
But anyway, to go to the mention of her rating people. I could be wrong in this, but I'm going to say it as if I'm right. Because Jimin's sexual exploits were everywhere for her and anyone to see she wanted to do the same thing. Put her sex life on blast on the internet, but she doesn't have the balls to make that clear to others not in her friend group let alone Jimin. So she plays her little rating game and it's almost like she's on an even playing field with Jimin. As if they're both hurting each other with annoucing their conquests. Which just makes shit sad. Makes her kinda sad to think about.
Like I want to get that she lost her friend and then her boyfriend, but seeing as Jimin didn't make that choice until he was leaving to somewhere else from New York she should've been processing that shit. It takes a while, but that should have been in motion. Especially seeing the dumpster fire of a "friend" fles after he tried to hurt her one last time. So I can't truly accept that as part of the reason she's acting out. It's basically a nonfactor for me when it comes to it. And it isn't a necessary addition. Him hurting her is enough for her to make a change (even if part of that change makes her kinda trash).
I also feel the need to point out she can sleep around all she wants, but issues are with everyone else.
Oh and back to Jimin. Well not Jimin, his friends. I need those dumbasses to stop telling him to drop and actually fucking sit there and tell him he needs to fucking see past what he wants. Yes, they say it but intertwining it with leave her alone forever isn't helpful. Tell him he needs to sit and think about what he did. Or lead the dumb bitch to the answer. Fucking do something. Punk ass Yoongi still got shit to make up for and is bestie's with Hobi so he might as well be useful for once. AND YES I'M STILL MAD AT HIM!
Like everyone is failing at this point expect Hobi. I only trust him right now. It's fuck JK hours if that wasn't clear. Disappointing little shit. Also I get because he and Tae are being baby back bitches who refuse to address whatever the fuck happened he'd be less inclined to get YN to, but I expect better from him got damnit. I'm surrounded by idiots and Hobi.
Also to repeat YN is just as bad as Jimin. They are equals. Until he learns what the fuck he should already be seeing or she admits her feelings and talks to him they shall remain equally dumb bitches. Though I expect her to make things worse, ngl.
Sigh... I shall live in a world where I get to love and cuddle Hobi so I don't have to deal with Dumber and Dumber.
Also I apologize if that's all over the place, I lost focus during some parts.
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righhttt! jimin telling her wasn't a bad thing, honestly. he thought he was doing the right thing instead of sleeping around behind her back. he knows himself nd the fact that sleeping around even crossed his mind, he figured breaking things off with her first would lessen the blow . buut what he failed to realize is that w his new fame and the fact that he's been with everybody – everything that he's been up to is like right there in her face.
him not seeing that how he acted would hurt yn simply comes from him not wanting to believe that he would ever hurt her. because he loves her. just how he didn't want miju to have feelings for him, so he just ignored all the signs. jimin hasn't changed in that sense that's the way he's been and it takes someone literally pointing it out like this is xyz for him to finally be like 'oh, maybe that could be true'.
yeah, she definitely broke up with him. but bc jimin wasn't technically onboard, him going back and saying 'we should definitely see other people' was like a double back on it. up until then they were just holding out for each other.
for jeongguk and hobi calling her out (gonna skip over jin bc that boy is in love and really doesn't have time to worry about all this pettiness) but hobi has (and will) on many occasions try to call yn on her bullshit, but she'd either brush him off or explain away her reasoning until he's backing off. jeongguk use to back hobi up, but since his break up with taehyung he's been siding with yn more and rooting for her outlandish behavior. so it's lowkey two against one nd they never listen to hobi, but he never hesitates to point out where they're wrong.
this. the rating theory, dude. this is why i love reading your asks so much bc that's exactly it! mixed with her not wanting to get attached so she thinks doing this would keep them at an arms length, but honestly – it comes w her having to see jimin doing his thing left and right and she's sort of like 'i can do that too'. but of course, they're still in college and people talk, so she doesn't want to be the point of gossip, so she does it secretly nd keeps it between her and her friends.
jimin's friends not speaking to him properly and only telling to leave yn alone is mainly bc they saw everything that yn had to go through with getting over jimin, but at the same time them being friends with jimin is kind of a blocker?? if that makes sense, they know how jimin is aand how he reacts in situations and how he can sometimes be overbearing, so if they were to tell him what's wrong he would do the most and might make things worse. also, they're all in their own lives (joon being newly married, taehyung dealing w his feeling for jeongguk) that it really leaves it to yoongi to fully step in and he's already feeling some type of way for ruining things the first time.
yn is definitely not in the clear though, they've both did their part in making the relationship the way that it is now. and it's going to take the both of them to fix how things are going to be in the future (if they have a future) but it's just jimin who's going to have to take the first step nnot only bc yn is stubborn, but bc he 'left' first.
hobi though, always listen to hobi. he's the only rich guy we can trust!!
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gingerpeachtae · 5 years
Concentric [4]
Words: 6.2k
Genres: fantasy!AU, angst, fluff, enemies to lovers, eventual smut (?)
Warnings: extreme violence, death, attempted rape (no actual)
Summary: You had been ready for the end of the semester. You had been ready to spend time away from your best friend, Jimin, and finally move on from the feelings you harbored. Yet, after your friend was forced to reveal a secret, you found yourself in a new world that was chock full of magic, war, and wonder. So, here you were, basically thrown into your own fantasy novel, with your best friend on one side, and six male warriors on the other.
A/N: this... kinda veered from how I originally planned this chapter to go 😅 hope you all engoy it! (also GoT got me FEELIN some type of way)
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The wolf’s growl converted into a sharp yelp as the hunter’s knife entered its side. After digging the blade in deep and twisting, Amarok felt the large wolf go limp on top of him. Dead. Pushing the weight aside, he removed his knife and wiped the slick, hot blood off on the fabric of his pants. He stood up then turned in a full circle, taking in the other canines that had fallen victim to his rage.
They may be classified as predators, but tonight, they had been his prey. They had needed to atone for what they did. For the destruction they had caused to Amarok’s home, life, and family. And they had. The den entrance, surrounded by their blood-matted corpses, could attest to that.
The hunter released a roar of victory and crushing pain. As he sheathed his blade at his waist, he heard a delicate whining. Turning in another circle, the male verified that the noise did not come from any of the wolves on the ground around him. They were all dead. There would be no more barks, growls, howls, or whimpers coming from them. As the whining sounds rose up again, Amarok realized that they were coming from within the den, so he entered the caves, eagerly searching for more things to bury his blade into. The moonlight ceased its reach within a few feet inside of the entrance, but Amarok was still able to navigate his way through the rocky, underground maze thanks to his draeva connection. After only a few minutes, the hunter came across three wolf pups. Each was howling in want for their mother, who was no longer alive.
He pointed his blade at the small creatures. “Now, what to do with you…”
He heard a croaking, guttural reply, and the hunter stilled, wondering where and whom, it had come from. It did not come from the stranger he had dragged through the snow with him. It couldn’t have. The cowardly male had served well as both bait and distraction and was now in pieces after being ravaged by the wolf pack.
There was no physical entity left that could have spoken the words, so the hunter almost dismissed it as his head playing tricks. But then he heard it again.
It was bizarre, though, as Amarok did not hear it through his ears, but rather as a harsh whisper raking against his mind.
“Kill them. Or don’t. It doesn’t really matter to me. What matters to me is you.”
“Who are you? Tell me your name,” Amarok demanded to the seemingly empty cave, eyes narrowing as he turned slowly with his blade raised.
The voice laughed in a way that screamed both high intelligence and pure madness.
“I am something that can give you purpose. I can give you the chance to wreak the havoc you desire,” the voice choked out, ignoring the hunter’s second question.
“I already got my revenge.”
“No. It doesn’t end with those beasts. It ends when the rest of the world suffers the same pain as your wife and daughter. It ends when all of Illain has erupted into chaos.”
“What do you want?” Amarok questioned the voice.
“I want your allegiance, your loyalty, your embrace of all that I am.”
“And what are you?”
“You will soon find out…”
And he had.
The knowledge had turned him into a new kind of monster. He had welcomed all the evils Opitax had bestowed upon Illain that winter and he had become them. He was barren. He was savage. He was deadly.
And he was ready to watch the world burn.
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As the three strangers stepped into view, you hunkered down closer to Yoongi. You both watched silently as they came to a stop, not even 15 feet away. They took in the area, noting that it appeared empty. Little did they know that one currently defective magic user and one self-doubting human were crouched down right next to them.
As you watched one of them kick the embers of the dying fire, an idea came to your mind. You rubbed your neck and thought back to when Jungkook attacked you when he was glamoured. Just as you were about to get up to try to scare them like a ghost and get them high-tailing it out of there, Yoongi placed a warning hand on your arm as if sensing what you were about to do. Giving him a glance, you saw that he had a face that screamed “what the fuck are you thinking?” Before you could attempt to mime scaring the strangers, he drew a single finger across his throat and then pointed at you.
Well shit. No playing Casper then.
As you mouthed “What do we do?” to the mint-haired Saeni, one of the strangers spoke.
“Looks like they packed up and left already to try to get him back.” He returned his crude, wavy sword to its scabbard as he finished his sentence.
Another with long hair laughed. “Yeah, they’ll try, but they won’t stand a chance against Eltoc, especially since their own magic user is incapacited right now.”
“Aw. How considerate of them to be going along with our plan,” the third and final stranger, who had a ring at his hip filled with countless smaller rings, voiced.
As you stared, you had to raise a hand over your mouth to stop the gasp that almost escaped past your lips. Some of the smaller rings had beads or feathers attached to them. Your stomach dropped when you recognized what they were: Saeni earrings. From the way he was displaying them like some kind of sick trophy, you concluded that they must be from people he’s killed. You were beyond disgusted, and then what he said registered with you.
Plan!? What plan?
At his statement, you looked to Yoongi and gave him “oh shit” eyes. He still appeared mostly calm, but his own pink orbs held a slight glimmer of panic as he listened to the three other Saeni.
“Not considerate enough to leave something we could take.”
“That’s not why we’re here!” Long Hair pushed Wavy Sword before continuing. “But don’t worry, I’m sure you’ll have your pick of their shit once they’re dead.”
Your face lost color at the comment.
“Good. I’ve been wanting to get a nice set of short swords for a while now.”
Trophy Ring chuckled sinisterly. “That fancy recurve bow with the modifications is what I want to get my hands on. Not to mention that that Saeni’s earring would make a lovely addition to my collection.”
He ran his hand through the earrings at his waist, stroking some of the feathers with a loving expression on his face.
Touch Tae and you’re fucking dead. Touch any of them and I’ll send you to meet Illai personally, assholes.
You were seething. Who the hell were these people? How dare they threaten the kiela? Yes, one of them resented you and you weren’t totally sure about the others’ feelings towards you, but you still cared about them. They were Jimin’s family, after all.
You turned to Yoongi again when you felt his hand grip your arm tighter. He was breathing heavily, and if looks could kill, the three Saeni would be dead on the ground. His entire body was shaking as he regarded them.
Long Hair barked at the other two. “Alright, let’s head back and report that they’re already on the move.”
You both remained silent, anger and panic coursing through your veins, as you watched the three strangers exit and disappear into the trees. Yoongi held a finger to his lips, telling you to stay quiet.
He kept his finger there for almost a minute before whispering in a trembling voice, “Okay, they’re far enough to not hear us now.”
“Yoongi!” You whisper-screeched. “What are we going to do!? The others are walking straight into a tr-”
“A trap. Yeah, I heard.”
You watched as he tried to get up, but his legs collapsed, and he moaned in pain while clutching his wrapped torso.
“Fucking Exia!” He punched the dirt below him in frustration. “I-I need to tell them! Or else they’ll... they’ll…”
“Hey! Hey, you need to stop, or you’ll hurt yourself more.” You put a hand on his back and rubbed soothing circles while trying to speak as gently as possible.
“Y/N, they’re going to die! Don’t you get that!?” His eyes were blurring with tears as he craned his head to look at you before shoving the heels of his hands into his eyes. “Those fuckers have a magic user and I won’t be there to protect them!”
Your heart ached at his words. You reached out to pry his hands away before taking his face in your own and forcing him to look at you. “They’re not going to die, okay? I’m going to find them and tell them what’s going on. You can’t go, so I will. They’re not going to die.”
You repeated the last line over and over as the usually composed Saeni broke down in your arms. You held him close for no longer than a minute, since you knew you had to leave as soon as possible. As you pulled away and rose to your feet, his hand darted out and grabbed your wrist.
“The glamour on you will fade soon since Hobi isn’t here to reinforce it.” He squeezed you tighter and looked you in the eye. “Please. Please bring him-bring all of them back.”
You didn’t nod or say that you would. Because in all honesty, you had no idea what you were going to do, how you would find them, or if your interference would even make a difference. All you could do was blink at him, yank your wrist away, and run in the direction the others had left. Leaving the mint-haired Saeni with little to do besides praying to his gods.
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As you sprinted through the forest, thoughts filtered through your head at what to do.
I could scream for the kiela. You ducked under a fallen tree limb.
No, that might give away their position and distract them too much. Maybe I could try to save Jimin myself… You sharply inhaled as a branch scratched against your cheek.
And that would be an instant death. No thank you. Plus, Yoongi said the glamour will fade soon. Should I just run until I find them? You leapt over a bunch of roots protruding from the earth.
That would take too long. Fucking hell what should I do!?
Your feet slowed to a jog, and you hoped the slower pace would allow a lightbulb to go off in your brain. You didn’t necessarily have to find them. You just needed them to hear you. With their superior senses, you could probably shout it from over a mile away and they would hear it. But you couldn’t just scream out that they were walking into a trap because then those fuckers would know that they know.
This would be so much easier if they had cell phones or another way of communicating besides in person.
Hold up…
But what if you could just scream it out? The wheels started turning in your head as you considered a different way of communicating. Technically, the language you had been speaking wasn’t your normal tongue. It was only possible because of magic. Maybe you could speak in English if you focused hard enough?
Your feet had completely stopped at this point, you were now fully concentrated on the task at hand.
English. English. English. English…
“…English. English. I want to speak in Engli-Yes!” You pumped your fist in the air and did a fast body wiggle in celebration.
Before you could second-guess your plan, you resumed your run through the woods, only this time you were shouting as loud as possible.
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A few miles away, high up in a tree, was Namjoon, Jin, Tae, and Jungkook. They were anxiously waiting for Hobi to return from doing recon so that they could formulate a final plan before infiltrating the camp where Jimin was being kept. They were in the midst of running through several possibilities when a sudden yell echoed throughout the forest.
“What in Exia’s name is that?” Jin whispered as they all heard the shrieking in the distance.
Jungkook listened closely. “Is that-”
“I think so.” Tae interrupted.
They may not have known you for very long, but they could distinguish that it was your voice yelling gibberish at the top of your lungs. At least, it was gibberish to the majority.
“She had one fucking job. I swear I’m going to-”
“Kook, shut up.” This time, it was Namjoon who cut off the youngest.
As the leader turned back to the direction you were yelling from, he closed his eyes and listened attentively. The rest of the Saeni fell to silence as they adjusted their grip on the branches of the large tree they were perched on. Shadows casted on their faces by the leaves, they gave each other questioning looks before shifting their gazes to their leader, wondering what he was doing. It was quiet for several minutes, save for your occasional yell, until…
Without facing his members, Namjoon opened his eyes and addressed Jungkook, “Go find Hobi and bring him back here.” He then turned to look at Tae, his yellow eyes filled with gratitude. “Looks like your little scorja’s giving us a message.”
The eldest member spoke up, “And that message would be…?”
“We’re about to walk into a trap.” The leader sighed and shook his head. “Looks like we’re going to need to approach this whole thing differently. Now hurry up, Kookie, and go get Hobi so we can figure this out.”
Jungkook followed his orders by dropping from the tree and going to fetch their spy, grumbling the entire time.
“Joon, they’re going to get her if she’s running around screaming like that!” Tae said in a worried tone.
“Y/N’s not dumb. I think she realized that going into it,” Namjoon responded levelly. “If we do this right, we’ll get her and Jimin back safely. We asked her to trust us earlier, now let’s return the favor and put some faith in her.”
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Jogging around another tree, you took a deep breath before yelling, “IT’S A TRAP! GUYS, YOU’RE WALKING INTO A TRAP! PLEASE KNOW THAT IT’S A FUCKING TRAP! THEY HAVE THEIR OWN MAGIC USER!”
You have no idea how long you’ve been screaming and running around like a chicken with its head cut off, but you couldn’t stop. You wouldn’t. Not until your legs and voice give out. You just hoped that the kiela would be able to hear you at some point and that Namjoon knew enough English to understand you.
Stopping to brace yourself against a sapling, you collected yourself once more and shouted, “WOW! I CAN’T BELIEVE IT’S GONNA BE A TRAP. NAMJOON, YOU BETTER GODDAMN UNDERSTAND ME WHEN I SAY THAT THIS IS ALL A TRAP AND THEY HAVE A MAGIC USER!”
Coughing as you finished, you tried to gather any spit you had in your mouth to coat your throat as you went on and rounded yet another tree. But as you made your turn, you screamed for real as you were yanked back against a chest. A hand lifted to cover your mouth and a knife was placed against your neck.
Your glamour must have been officially gone.
You started to struggle against the entity holding you until you felt the blade start to nick your delicate skin.
Then you heard a voice grunt in your ear. “You better stop worming around, pretty thing.”
He spoke in Saeni, but luckily, your daily petals hadn’t worn off from the morning, so you could still understand him. You tried to remain focused as you slowly eased your body into stillness.
Stay calm. You knew this was going to happen eventually when you started this insane plan.
“That’s better.” His hot breath against your skin made you shudder. He removed his hand from your mouth and transferred his knife to rest against the small of your back. “Now walk.”
You didn’t move a muscle. Not even when he repeated himself.
“Are you stupid!? Walk!”
You stood there like a stone until you felt the sharp tip of the blade begin to poke into your back more forcefully.
Wincing, you turned your head to the side to look at him, flinching slightly when you recognized him as the Wavy Sword Saeni from earlier.
Then, in English and mock confusion, you said, “Walk?”
You were testing to see if he could understand you. You highly doubted it, but if he did, then your whole plan was complete garbage. Plus, you didn’t want him to know that you could understand him. It was an advantage that could really help you out in the upcoming seconds, minutes, maybe even hours.
“What the fuck are you saying?”
Fighting back your smile as well as the urge to exhale in relief, you continued to feign confusion by cocking your head to the side. You then lifted your hand and made a walking gesture with two fingers as you replied, “Oh honey, you got a big storm comin’.”
Er, you do if Namjoon was able to hear me.
“Yes. That.” He nodded in irritation. “Now go!”
You began inching forward, doing your best to arch away from his knife as he led you to who knows where.
After a few minutes of awkwardly stumbling over roots, having numerous branches whipped across your face, and being yanked this way and that by your captor, you heard a couple of hoots and hollers. You assumed they were from the other two Saeni you had seen with Wavy Sword.
You were right.
“Ohhh. Looks like you were the lucky one who found the screamer.”
Sure enough, Long Hair and Trophy Ring appeared next to you, and it took everything in you not to glare at them. You had to remember to keep up your act. No doubt, your life probably depended on it now.
Okay, Y/N. Blank face. Blank face. Blank face.
“She doesn’t look very smart.” Long Hair said after taking note of your expression.
“But at least she’s pretty. Real pretty.” You wanted to gag at the look Trophy Ring gave you.
Blank face. Blank face. Blank face.
“I don’t think she can understand a thing we say.” Jerking you more upright, Wavy Sword murmured into your ear while stroking a finger down your cheek, “But yeah, she is a pretty thing.”
You closed your eyes in an attempt to block out their nasty words. You felt the male behind you nudge his knife against your back, urging you to move again. As you continued to make your way through the forest with wobbly legs, you listened to what the Saeni were talking about. Needless to say, you sort of wished you couldn’t since it wasn’t exactly a pleasant conversation to listen to. First, it was how eager they were to watch the kiela suffer and die. They truly did not spare any details on how they wanted it to go down. You even heard them betting on how each member would die and who would get the “honors.”
Blank face.
Then, it was about how mad they were that they missed out on being the ones to capture the “half and half bastard.” Jimin. They all groaned when Trophy Ring mentioned how they probably missed their chance of getting their hands on him.
Blank face.
Next, it was what was to be done with you. They debated killing you along with the kiela, but they all whined about how it would be “such as waste of a female.”
Keep it together, Y/N. Blank fucking face.
They argued between killing you, raping you, keeping you as a slave, as well as other horrid things. You felt your chest tighten with panic and you were struggling to maintain your façade. However, Long Hair came to a resolution that was the best you could get at the moment.
“Just let the higher ups decide what to do with her.”
You let out a shaky breath as the other two grumbled but agreed.
Not long after that, you arrived at what you presumed to be their camp. It was bigger than the simple camp you and the kiela had been setting up. Much bigger. This one was so large that you couldn’t even see the end of it in any direction. They had numerous tents erected throughout the entire thing as well as Saeni guarding the perimeter. As you weaved your way through the fires and tents, you counted thirty or so Saeni. Thirty to five. And those were just the ones you were able to count. Not the best odds, but you were still putting your trust in the kiela and their “battle-trained” skills. You were immediately brought out of your mental math when you arrived at the center of the camp. You gasped and widened your eyes at what you saw.
Jimin was on his knees in front of a thick, wooden pole that had been hammered into the ground. His arms were tied behind him and his shoulders strained from the angle. You whispered his name and his head shot up when he heard it. You wanted to cry at his bruised and beaten face. It was covered in purple and blue and even red from where they had split his skin above his eyebrow. His left eye was swollen shut and his plush lips were stained with crimson. When he saw you, he shouted your name and began fighting against his restraints. He screamed how he was going to kill the Saeni if they touched you and continued yanking on his restraints until one of the guards next to him punched him in the face. You cried out as Jimin’s words were abruptly cut off and blood dribbled out of his mouth onto his shirt. He turned and spat a mouthful of his blood at the Saeni who hit him. You whimpered his name again and struggled to get to him but stopped trying to wrench yourself free when you felt the knife start to dig into your back again. In retaliation for his action, the guard began to repeatedly beat Jimin until he was slumped against the pole, his head hanging in unconsciousness. A lump formed in your throat and you glared bloody murder at the Saeni.
“Fuck. You.”
The one who knocked Jimin out looked at you then at your captors, “Who is she? What did she just say?”
“She’s been travelling with them and we found her running around yelling nonsense. We can’t understand a damn thing she says but she doesn’t speak Saeni either.”
The guard strolled up to you and you lifted your head in defiance while narrowing your y/e/c eyes at her. She gave out a dry snort at your behavior before grabbing your chin, forcing your head to turn as she observed your features.
She smirked and released you. “Amarok will like her. Tie her up next to the prince.”
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Jungkook crouched on the tree branch he was on, leaning over to whisper to Tae that the next patrol would be there in 30 seconds. Tae responded by notching one of his arrows and getting ready to draw. Jungkook slipped down to a lower branch, not making a sound, and eased into the shadows cast by the green foliage. Elsewhere around the enemy’s camp, Namjoon, Hobi, and Jin were each getting ready to take out their designated patrol units.
The burgundy-haired Saeni breathed steadily as he withdrew his twin short swords from where they crossed behind his back and mentally counted down the seconds. Just as he hit the half-minute mark, two Saeni appeared and walked underneath the tree he and Tae were in. Not bothering to glance at his companion, Jungkook leapt down from his perch and pierced his target’s back with both blades. He heard a thump as Tae’s arrow found its way into the other Saeni’s chest. Blood flew in the air as he removed his short swords from the body and the red fluid dripped down the metal onto the ground until he wiped the blades off with his clothed forearm.
Joining Jungkook on the ground, the grey-haired Saeni went over their next step. “I’m meeting Namjoon at the west entrance and you’re meeting up with Jin at the south.”
Jungkook nodded in acknowledgment and gave him a small smile before darting off. As he ran, Jungkook re-sheathed his swords behind his back. Not an easy feat to do, especially while sprinting, but he’s had years to perfect the action. Making his way clockwise around the perimeter of the enemy’s camp, Jungkook stopped when he heard a particular bird call. Pausing for a few seconds to judge where it came from, he jogged for a bit before climbing up another tree to greet Jin, who clapped him on the shoulder.
“Glad to see that you and Tae had no trouble.”
Jungkook scoffed at the words, “Of course we didn’t, hyung.”
The two Saeni fell back to silence as they turned to look at the southern entrance of the camp. This entire operation would be tons easier if they had the dark to blend in to, but unfortunately, they didn’t have the luxury of waiting until nightfall. Not when they didn’t know what was happening to Jimin. Or you. Though, right now, all he could do was wait with Jin for their signal to infiltrate. Several minutes passed and Jungkook muttured to himself, wondering what was taking so long.
Suddenly, it seemed like all hell broke loose to their far to their left. Cries for reinforcements and help could be heard and Jungkook smiled to himself. Between Joon’s knack for destroying shit and Tae’s elegant fighting style, he was sure they were creating a beautiful mess.
“Alright, let’s do this, Kook.”
The eldest and youngest members jumped to the ground and started running toward the camp. The guards on duty were more focused on what was happening to the west than doing their damn jobs. Not that Jin or Jungkook were complaining. It made their task of killing them quite easy. Jin brandished his longsword mid-stride and struck down the first two while Jungkook finished off the third. The guards’ gasps of pain caught the attention of other Saeni in the camp who had been heading west. When they saw the south entrance being hit, they turned course and ran to meet Jungkook and Jin, who readied their weapons for the onslaught.
To the north, Hobi knew it was time to complete his part of the plan when he heard additional cries for backup. Without making a sound, he dropped down from his tree directly into their camp, landing on the balls of his feet lightly. With majority of the attention focused at the opposite side, he was able to slip by the tents unnoticed. He was tempted to go straight to find you and Jimin, but he knew he had to take care of a certain someone first. If that person was still breathing at the end of all this, then none of them would be making it out alive.
Hobi twitched his fingers as he ran past an open area to slide behind a tent. He paused, listening to the chaos surrounding him.
“Eltoc! We need you at the south side of camp!”
“No! The west side!”
Screams for the magic user’s help at both entrances dominated the air until Hobi finally heard his target’s response.
“Calm down you twats. I’ll go south-west to help out since, apparently, none of you can fight for shit.”
Peeking out around the edge of the tent, it was fairly simple for the spy to locate the speaker, since his hands were already beginning to glow with magic. His back was to Hobi as he strutted toward the opposite side of the camp.
Mapping his route out mentally, the white-haired Saeni ran to the right and ahead of Eltoc and his band of guards. Climbing up a tree that would intervene with his path, Hobi drew out a small, curved knife for each hand and waited close to the trunk for his opportunity. Breathing quietly with his muscles tense, he shifted into a striking position as he heard his marks approach.
Just as the he was walking around the tree, muttering about how he always had to take care of things himself, Hobi stepped off his branch and landed on top of the magic user. Eltoc fell down from the abrupt weight, hands flaring up with magic, but the spell went nowhere as both of Hobi’s knives were thrust deep into the magic user’s neck. The indigo glow of the spell faded to nothing as Hobi ripped his blades away, slashing the punctured skin and allowing Eltoc’s lifeforce to drain away in mere seconds. As soon as Hobi verified that he was indeed dead, he flung the knives at the nearest guards. They had frozen in shock at Hobi’s arrival and now it was too late to take action against the kiela’s spy. Too late to save their magic user, and too late to save themselves.
Hobi rapidly reached around his body to access the blades he needed to finish off the rest, throwing each and every one with startling accuracy. Gargling and choking sounds emerged around Hobi as each of his blades found its new home. When he was done and the chirping of the forest was all he could hear, Hobi urgently gathered what knives and daggers he could from the bodies before sprinting to the south entrance. When he arrived, Jungkook was slashing one of his swords in a downward arc, killing the last of the reinforcements that had come. Neither he, Hobi, or Jin blinked twice at the blood that splattered onto the nearby tree as the opponent fell.
“Magic user?” Jin questioned.
To which Hobi replied, “Meeting the mother goddess as we speak.”
Jin gave a curt nod and ran off to help Namjoon and Tae finish off whoever they had left to go through.
As Jin left, Jungkook and Hobi ran further into the camp, searching for you and Jimin. They expertly disposed the Saeni that challenged them whenever they turned a new corner, leaving a trail blood and bodies behind them. When they reached the center, they spotted a male knelt before a pole. Both of them sprinted toward Jimin, who was hoarsely shouting as he tugged at his restraints. As the duo ran to him, Hobi efficiently threw his blades at any Saeni who dared to cross their path. Those who were lucky enough to evade the small weapons were immediately cut down by Jungkook. So, in the end, they weren’t so lucky after all.
Jimin’s head whipped to them as he heard them approach, and he began screaming at them to go into the tent to their right. He was begging and pleading with them, so Jungkook gave Hobi a look to convey that he should go ahead and free Jimin. The youngest of the kiela slowed his feet and approached the tent with caution. From inside, he could hear yells of pain as well as the sounds of struggle. He entered through the opening and saw you and another male. He was about to charge forward, but he stilled when he registered that you had a dagger in hand.
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Saeni were rushing in panic all around you. The guards that had been stationed next to you and Jimin’s posts had run off a few minutes earlier. Shouts cut through the pandemonium and curses chased after them. You heard the clashing of metal and screams of agony. As one Saeni charged past, you heard him shout to another, “They killed Eltoc! Go reinforce the west side!”
“They need help on the south side!” The Saeni yelled back before sprinting off.
You smiled to yourself because the kiela must have heard you. Your stupid, insane plan actually worked!
I warned you that a storm was coming. You smirked at the camp that was falling into utter disarray.
Next to you, Jimin groaned and tried lifting his head. All the commotion seemed to be rousing him finally.
“Slim Jim? Hey, you need to wake up buddy.” You encouraged the half-Saeni. “Come on, Jimin. There you go.”
As you talked your best friend out of his involuntary slumber, Trophy Ring stumbled over to you with a blade clutched in his hand. Shouts continued to echo throughout the encampment as he crouched in front of you. Looking to Jimin in panic, you saw that he was not completely coherent yet. Reluctantly, you turned your head back to the male in front of you, internally freaking out while wondering what he was going to do. The repulsive male was breathing heavily and reached around to cut your restraints. Before you could do anything, he gripped your torso and hoisted you over his shoulder.
Your scream woke Jimin up all the way and the first thing he saw was the male carrying you away while you punched and kicked to try to get him to drop you.
“Y/N! Shit. Y/N!” He shouted after you in alarm.
You could see his desperate attempts to break free and get to you, but he couldn’t. Not when his own restraints were perfectly intact. Jimin shouted your name again and again as he watched the Saeni wrestle you into a nearby tent.
The male threw you on the ground and murmured to himself, “If I’m going to die, I might as well get my dick wet from such a pretty thing first.”
Oh shit. Shit. SHIT. No!
You tried crawling away from him, but he grabbed your ankle and dragged you back to him. You swore and kicked out with your legs, doing your best to just keep moving.
“Stupid bitch. Stop it!” He was trying to pry your legs apart and lay his weight on top of you.
You thrashed your legs, trying to get your knees high enough to get you feet under him while also attempting to drag yourself away with your arms. After a few long seconds of your vicious squirming, you managed to kick him in the face and scramble out from underneath him. Out of the corner of your eye, you saw a couple burning candles and you hurried toward them. Picking up the closest one, you turned and threw it at the male who cursed when the hot wax made contact with his skin. Not missing a beat, you grabbed the other and ran up to the male while he was distracted and smashed it into his face, the burning wick and melted wax causing him to shout and clutch his face in pain. You went to run for the tent entrance, but his arm lashed out and caught your own, immediately halting your escape. As he jerked you back to him with a growl, you caught sight of the dagger strapped to his lower back.
He raised his free hand and slapped you. “You fucking cunt. I swear to Uzjuk I’m going t-”
He never got the chance to finish as you seized his blade and plunged it deep into his lower back. It was surprisinng how easily it entered him. Before you could dwell on the disturbing fact, you felt hot blood gush onto your hand as you pulled the dagger from his flesh.You quickly brought the blade around to his front and stabbed it into the general area of his heart with a defiant yell. You let go of the handle when crimson bloomed around the wound and started to spread across his chest. You felt his grip on you loosen and he crumpled to his knees. The hand that had been on you shifted to grip the handle sticking out of him as he gasped. Blood bubbled over his lips and spilled past his chin to trickle onto the ground. He slowly eased the dagger out with a groan. You backed away in horror as he dropped the blade and cast you a final, malevolent glare before collapsing face first on the dirt. Keeping your eyes on the now dead male, you began to hyperventilate while walking backwards. You sobbed into your blood covered hands as your body began shaking and your breathing became erratic.
One uneven breath, one step back. Another uneven breath, another step back.
You continued backtracking until you felt something warm and solid against your back and arms snake around your waist. Screaming, you turned and tried to hit your new attacker.
“Ah, stop! Y/N, stop! It’s me!”
Hands encased your wrists to hold your arms and fists still as you peered up and saw Jungkook’s face through your tears. His green eyes were wide as he looked at you in astonishment
“Hey, see, it’s just me.” He let go of your wrists and placed his hands around your upper arms, giving you a slight squeeze. “You’re okay. Let’s get you out of here.” 
You gave him a timid nod and with that, he ducked back under the flap of the tent. You were about to follow him, but you hesitated. You looked behind you to take in the male, the bloody dagger on the ground, and the crimson puddle that was pooling around him. You felt no remorse as you spat at his body while your tears left tracks down your dirtied cheeks. Wiping them away, you replaced them with smears of red. The scent of iron filled your nose as you took one last look before turning on your heel and exiting the tent.
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show me your rosettes, baby (g)
summary: The world tour is over and the Bangtan Boys finally get their well-deserved break. When Namjoon suddenly can’t find Jimin anywhere, things take an unexpected and pretty unbelievable turn. “Kim Namjoon!” “Hyung. How common is it for people to turn into cats?” word count: 6.1k note: woooo a looong chapter. contains a special guest. the guessing is over. who is at the door? you’ll see. have fun! ✨
masterlist | moodboard masterlist
[ prologue | one | two | three | four | five | six | seven ]
what happened before:
“Oh God, no, Jimin-ah,” Namjoon pants in surprise and tries to grab the little one who is just way too curious for his own good. Those blue eyes glow with babylike innocence and Namjoon has to hold on to the wall to not fall for the younger’s charms. No, he wants to say sternly, but something tells him the little leopard doesn’t understand the concept of… things… yet. So all he can do before the doorbell rings a fourth time is to kinda push Jimin away gently and ignore the playful mewl and the sharp claws digging into his big toe. That should occupy him enough, Namjoon hopes and grabs the door handle.
Opening the door feels like playing the lottery. He wonders whether it will be Seijin or someone else. When Namjoon’s brown eyes hit familiar warm eyes, his heart stops for a second. Jackson!? Shit. What do I do?
It’s just his bad luck that he’d not only forgotten to check his business calendar but that he’d also neglected his personal one. With all the changes of plans that Jimin had bestowed upon them during the last days, could anyone blame him, though? Probably not.
Of course, Namjoon does what he has to - he pushes Jimin a little further away, but not far enough to go into a stretched-out position (cause he doesn’t want to look like an idiot in front of his friend - his first impression was enough embarrassment to last a lifetime) and forces a smile to Jackson, one person he’s rarely ever fake-smiled at.
“Kim Namjoon. I want to be mad at you,” is what Jackson says with a pout, “You left me standing here for almost five minutes. You’re lucky I’m so patient.”
Namjoon bows. “I’m sorry. Please come in.”
There’s a clear feeling of defeat when Namjoon feels something sharp digging into his toe. He winces. Not the big one. Jackson notices, looks concerned and sniffs. He’s got a cold, already reaching in his pocket to get a tissue.
“Hyung, are you in pain? Oh, you got a cat?”
“No, why would you think that!” 
It’s a fast answer, way too fast and not believable at all because Jimin presses his little body against Jackson��s ankles and everything is ruined. There’s a little rumble and then, from Jackson, a little coo. Plus, a dawning realization (along with an amused cackle).
“This why it took you so long to open the door? You tried to hide this fella?”
“Yeah, I was worried that staff would find out, so I thought that I should be careful.”
“Gotcha. Aw, he’s so cute.”
This hangout is going to be a challenge, Namjoon knows it already with the amount of inner panic that he has to push away even with this one pronoun in Jackson’s mouth. How does he know, is what flits through his mind, but he pushes it away. Jackson doesn’t know. Jackson just called Jimin he because all he sees is a little cat and Namjoon hasn’t specified and actually, why the heck is he worrying so much? Korean doesn’t even have gendered pronouns. Why is he filling in the blanks with his own words? He’s freaking out over nothing, once again. Get your shit together, Kim Namjoon. Don’t assume stuff. He hopes Jackson will buy his acting.
The visiting rapper just continues to talk to the cat, stepping into the apartment and walking into the living room. It looks like Jimin doesn’t quite know what to do from where he had been sitting, distracted from his previous quest to chew up Namjoon’s big toe. Should he follow? It’s like watching the exact moment Jimin’s cat brain makes a decision because after licking his paws once, the kitty gets up and runs after Jackson.
“Yeah, right. So handsome. Oh, and you’re hungry too. Come on, there’s probably something good for you in the kitchen.”
The cub seems to like the guest because it lets itself be picked up without protest or hesitation and rumbles against Jackson’s chest while the two of them make their way to the kitchen that still looks a little wild from breakfast, to be honest. Namjoon would like to sink into the ground when he suddenly becomes aware of what a mess the kitchen table is (an abundance of tuna-mashed-vegetable-spread on the table, yes, directly on the surface). But it seems Jackson really doesn’t mind, he doesn’t even say anything. Instead, he picks up some tuna.
“He’s not on a diet, right?”
What a weird question.
“Uh, no?”
The little cat meows, probably demanding the food Jackson’s been holding in his hand too long.
“Yeah, that’s right. You wanna grow, huh? Become tall and strong. So you can protect your hyung.”
While this interaction is adorable, Namjoon feels like he’s stuck in some sort of film. He half expects someone to come around the corner and yell script lines at him. Is there something specific he has to say next? Are there YouTube tutorials for situations like these? The only thing he knows is that Jackson reminds him of Taehyung in this moment, with that bright love for animals and the gentle, playful way he treats them. It’s not good. Taehyung gets attached too easily and Namjoon is already thinking about how to sell this story. He could pretend that this was a stray cat that he’s found by the apartment. Yeah, that sounds somewhat believable. But what do normal people do with animals like this? Animal shelter, right? Are there any animal shelters nearby? But then Jackson leans back and looks around and Namjoon doesn’t even speak up first.
“Wow, it’s so quiet. Where is everyone?”
“Oh yeah, the others went home to visit their families. They’ll come back in a few days.”
“Even Suga-hyung?”
“At the studio. He’s working hard even on his day off.”
“Wah, your hyung is so diligent. I want to ask him something later. Do you know when he’ll be back?”
“Did you come by to hang out with me or Suga-hyung?”
Both of them laugh at the fake exasperation and the little cub makes happy munching sounds and even purrs a little. When Jackson lets him lick the last bits of fish off his fingers, the leopard cub is eager. Just the feeling of that little raspy tongue on his skin makes Jackson laugh.
“That tingles,” he scolds the kitty. Namjoon watches from the side with a slight feeling of sweat on his forehead. How do I fix this? Once they’re clean, Jackson lifts up the little one, a special warmth resurfacing inside of him. The kitty’s gentle burp vibrates against the palm of his hand.
“Ooh, I can feel how full your tummy is. You’re stuffed, baby.”
Once again, he seeks Namjoon’s eye.
“How long has he been like this?”
“Like this? Here? Um, an hour? Half an hour? Honestly, I was just-“
“Crap Joon, does your management know?”
“No,” Namjoon replies, deflated and retreating into the living room. No, they don’t know. They won’t, because this could ruin Jimin’s career. It could be Bangtan’s end. Namjoon will do everything in his power to keep the secret. Even if he knows secrets are literally the worst thing to keep (next to headaches and caught colds - Namjoon always makes sure to throw them back as fast as possible). And, in his made-up story, management doesn’t know about the stray cat in his apartment either. Stick to your story, Namjoon, he warns himself.
Jackson has Jimin on his arms and whispers something into his fur.
Then, he smiles and says, “Uh-oh. He’s so cute though. They probably won’t be mad.”
The look in Jackson’s eyes is almost loving as the kitten rubs its cheek against the human’s. Soft purring floats through the room and Namjoon wants to coo but he can’t because he has to think. He can’t tell his friend that this is Jimin. Because how awkward would it be to say, “The butt you’re scratching is my dongsaeng’s butt but he seems to like it so please keep going.” Just… no. Seeing that he’s left with no other valid option, Namjoon decides to keep the lie up. How unlikely is it that this is some sort of stray cat? Not that unlikely, especially in Seoul.
“What are you gonna do?”
Namjoon isn’t sure what the question refers to exactly, the way that Jackson says it just sounds so… ambiguous? Like there’s a nuance of this conversation that Bangtan’s leader cannot fully grasp. He hopes his voice doesn’t betray his insecurity.
“What’s the most responsible thing to do? I’ll probably bring him to the animal shelter later.”
“I mean, there’s no way we could keep him. It’s inevitable that staff will notice and it will be a mess.”
The dogs are fine and Seokjin’s sugar gliders too, but they all have primary places they can stay while not being with their Bangtan owners. Another animal and management would pull their hair out, probably. Namjoon remembers now that ironically, Jimin and Jungkook had asked for a cat before, but that wish had been denied. For logistical reasons. No one wants to carry another animal around on their trips, especially the tours, with all the airport paperwork and staff having to take care of the stressed animals. Plus, cats usually want to run free, outside and on their own, so how can they ensure that a cat would come back from a walk in a strange, foreign city? Summed up, it’s just not a good idea. Or, rather, not a practical one.
“You’re not serious, right?”
Jackson musters Namjoon like a hawk, like he’s searching for something deeper in his friend’s eyes than just the surface calm. Namjoon is aware, wonders what nuance of this conversation he missed, but knows he has to keep up the lie. This is surreal. Even his heart knows it and pounds heavier than usual.
“Yeah why not? Yoongi-hyung, Hobi-hyung, Tae and I have dogs but that’s already a huge responsibility we often can’t really take care of well. We can’t add another pet to the situation now. Also, strays are not always safe to keep.”
For some strange reason, Jackson looks terrified. He grips Jimin tighter and holds him up against his chest protectively. Why is he so upset? Namjoon is sure he’s a good liar. But he can’t lie about the nervousness spreading in his chest. Suddenly, every little twitch in Jackson’s eyes turns into suspicion until Namjoon isn’t sure anymore if what he’s saying is credible. I should switch the topic. Wait. That’s too suspicious. Oh shit, what have I gotten myself into?
“I really can’t tell whether you’re really cruel or just pretending.”
“Uh, it’s called being responsible. Look-“
“No. I don’t believe you. Because your heart is pounding so fast but it has been the entire time since before I rang the doorbell and you’re sweating but that could just be the heat in this room and I’m not sure how to read all the signs in your scent and-“
“Wang Jackson! W-what are you talking about?”
Jackson looks like he’s on fire with the way he suddenly stands up and tosses his baseball cap on the ground. The snapping spooks Jimin a little, the kitty’s tail puffing up as his head snaps to the side and when he can’t read the situation, he sneaks away to bury himself deeply into Namjoon’s hip.
“Hyung, this is Jimin! And I really can’t believe you’d give your dongsaeng away because of this.”
Even in this heated argument, even with his head spinning, Namjoon can see the tears in Jackson’s eyes when he says this. There’s a feeling of fear in the air and Namjoon can’t grasp the unspoken words between them, the reason for this exposition of emotions. What haunts him all the more are the rising questions. How does Jackson know? Is is that obvious? How would he know something like this? I must be a really bad liar… what did I say? Will he hate me for lying in his face like that? Oh, God…
Honestly, Namjoon is out of words and doesn’t even know how to breathe with all these oppressive worries clogging up his brain but apparently, Jackson does have a couple of words for him because he’s still ranting on. He looks really mad. Thinking turns into a race that only stops when the other taps his shoulder gently. The touch pulls him back and makes him notice how his own fingers are trembling on Jimin’s back.
“Yeah,” Namjoon croaks, feeling like the calm from this morning has slipped away completely, like he’d dreamed it up. Maybe that was a completely different day. Now, all that’s present is the feeling of sitting in the rain. It’s cold and depressing.
“Hyung, did you not know?”
He looks at Jackson, his friend, who sports an expression on his face that spells confusion rather than anger at this point, with two dog ears flat against his head. Wait, dog ears?
“Yoongi-hyung and I…. What is-?”
Only then Namjoon realizes there’s something soft gently moving behind Jackson and he stares at the sleek grey thing. A tail.
“Is that a- Are you- Uh, what…?”
“Hyung, I’m a hybrid. And Jimin-ssi is a shifter. How did you not know?”
How would I have known? It’s not like that’s a thing. No one told me. Hybrids. Shifters?
“I didn’t- what’s a hybrid?”
By now, Jimin seeks closeness to his hyung, placing his paws on Namjoon’s lap as if he feels that comfort might be needed. After checking the dimpled face, he nestles himself into those squishy, strong thighs. Jackson watches the younger, giving off a calmer vibe.
“We’re half-half. Half human, half animal. And you’re living together with one. Well, not quite, since he’s a shifter. They’re a little different from us.”
“What’s the difference?”
“Uh. Shifters are… shifters are like the Hulk. Hybrids are more like Spiderman. Kind of like an 24/7 thing. But that’s not the most important right now. Do you know how hard it is to keep something like that secret? Did the others not know either? And why is he so small? Do you not feed him properly?”
When Namjoon doesn’t answer, overwhelmed by how casually Jackson throws these questions at him like they’re all supposed to make sense, Jackson kneels at Namjoon’s feet to reach up and rub Jimin’s ears.
“Do they feed you enough? Do you have everything you need?”
The little cat doesn’t answer, at least not that Namjoon notices and soon, he’s the target of his friend’s hawk-like glance again. What did I do now? What’s wrong?
“Why is he like this?”
“He doesn’t respond.”
“Um, should he? He’s a cat, after all.”
“Hyung,” Jackson sounds offended, “shifters don’t lose their minds when they change. We’re not animals. Well, not entirely.”
He pauses. Sniffs the room. Sniffs Jimin, which translates to Jackson burying his nose in Jimin’s belly fur. As allowing as the little one has been during the whole time of this hyung’s visit, he protests now with a river of sweet meows and an ambitious hiss that is not at all menacing.
“Unless… is this his first time shifting?”
It’s a feeling of helplessness and stupidity crawling over Namjoon’s soul and he hates it so much. Whereas he’d just enjoyed spending time with his dongsaeng during the last days, it had been sweet and downright adorable as much as it had been a learning experience, now the realization that he actually knows nothing at all crystallizes. It feels like crap. And it’s bad because he should be the one being able to figure everything out, leading the other six members securely into one direction, towards their goals. He should be able to take care of their needs. And now he’s overwhelmed. What a leader I am. Can’t even see the path I’m on. Namjoon buries his face in his hands and soon, he feels a kind hand rub his arm.
“Ah, hyung-nim. Don’t worry, okay? It’s not easy, but I’m here for you. Hey, you’re all good. You’re doing great.”
Namjoon breathes. Grateful for the emotional bandaid. Normally, Hoseok would be here to do this, but Jackson isn’t so bad at guiding him either. He’s grateful that baring himself didn’t push this friend (one of the few he has) away.
“It’s the first time I’ve seen it, at least,” he manages to breathe out, “I didn’t know he could do that.”
Jackson hugs him, sensing how heavy this is on his friend who always carries such an air of responsibility and leadership. And this isn’t just a small thing. Being introduced to the entire world of this without any pre-knowledge is no joke. Jackson knows the feeling, has experienced it first-hand a couple of times. He watches the cub squirm and sets him down on the sofa, away from his hyung. Jimin just marks the sofa with his little claws but his sparkling eyes never forget to return to Namjoon. It’s clear the little one adores his hyung.
When Namjoon looks up, grateful for the warm embrace that lifts his spirits, his eyes are drawn to a pair of silvery-brown dog-ears on Jackson’s head. They point at Jimin and move with every sound the little one makes. That… is not what he expected to come out of this hangout that had already been rescheduled three times and almost didn’t happen. Life is crazy. Those are real.
“Okay, could you show me his room? I need to get his scent.”
As if this conversation isn’t weird enough already, it makes no attempt at stopping the approaching weirdness. Rather, it embraces it.
“We emit pheromones, it’s like a secret language.“
“I know how animal communication works.”
“Great! Has Jimin peed anywhere yet?”
Namjoon almost chokes on his spit. Shit. Will Jimin pee in the apartment? Wait. Where has he peed the last days? Other than on Yoongi-hyung and me… shoot. We took him outside a couple times but what if he-?
“I hope not,” he mumbles weakly. It would be a lie to pretend it’s not fascinating to watch Jackson’s tail wag in obvious amusement.
“He should at least once. It’s his home and he should mark his territory,” Jackson states without batting an eye and when Namjoon’s mind won’t stop thinking about that, quickly jumping to the obvious follow-up question, he blushes.
“Oh God,” Namjoon mumbles and jumps up, followed immediately by his friend.
“I ain’t gonna set foot in your apartment again. Hell no. I don’t even wanna know.”
Jackson cackles, no, erupts in of those laughs where he bends his whole body to slap at his thighs because he enjoys the joke just that much. Namjoon frowns. Yikes.
“Let’s go see Jimin’s room.” Jimin is eager to get off the couch and run after his two hyungs the best he can, tail flopping and paws hitting the floor rhythmically.
“He’s a leopard,” Jackson mumbles, “that’s super rare. You’re gonna have a lot of work on your hands once he’s grown.”
“Grown? He grows?”
The look Jackson gives him is stunning. It’s his typical deadpan- Bro, are you kidding me? look.
“How big?” Namjoon whispers, feeling small under the hybrid’s gaze.
“Have you ever seen leopards? They’re big, Joon. Hence the term Big Cat.”
They enter Jimin’s room, which is clean of course, except for the stuff on the floor that Namjoon hasn’t cleaned up. Jimin doesn’t like chaos (even if he’s dirty while they’re on tour but who is not?) and loves inviting people (aka Taehyung and Jungkook), so it’s mostly clean. Neat for finding things. (Maybe Namjoon should start cleaning up his stuff too. Hoseok would certainly thank him.)
Namjoon looks at Jackson, not exactly sure what to expect from the other, whose eyes travel all over the place. Maybe he’s looking for something specific. How does this even work?
“How’s the, uh… scent?”
He regrets the question as soon as it’s over his lips. There’s another wtf? look for him and he shrugs apologetically. There’s a big chance Jackson’s just messing with him, like he does all the time, but Namjoon isn’t sure if his question might have been offensive or not. It’s not like his ordinary human nose can smell anything other than the mild fruity-bubbly scent that seems to penetrate everything that belongs to Jimin (it’s that frickin’ body spray he brought home from Tokyo when he went with Jungkook, and Namjoon bets Jimin would probably bathe in it if he could because the younger keeps reordering it). (Oh, and the scent mixes with something sweet, probably that glorious liquid gold hair oil. That one is definitely worth the money for Namjoon too.)
“This is definitely his room, smell-wise,” is all the commenting Jackson does before inspecting the room. Mind-blowing conclusion.
Jimin seems happy to be in here, in his own space, and curls up on the bed, happily rumbling to himself on the sheets. When they make eye contact and Namjoon remembers what Yoongi taught him, to blink slowly, Jimin takes the gesture like a gift, purrs in a kitty-thank you and bares his belly. Aware of the high degree of trust that’s on display, the rapper keeps a tight grip on his wrist.
Don’t rub his belly, Yoongi had recommended, nay, warned.  What kind of cat expert are you, hyung?  That’s common knowledge, had been the elder’s casual reply. 
So instead of succumbing to his urges to let the adorableness meet his fingertips, Namjoon stealthily takes a photo. The leopard ears swirl at the audible click. At the same time, Jackson turns towards him. Caught, Namjoon blushes but it doesn’t seem like his guest minds. The tail is still wagging. This is so surreal.
“One thing is strange,” Jackson notes and Namjoon can’t help but imagine the worst thing right away. Is something wrong? Is he sick? What if-?
“What is it?”
“Jimin’s scent is really… weird, somehow.”
“What do you mean?”
“I’m not sure… I have a suspicion, but I don’t want to say it as long as I’m not sure.”
“Is it bad?”
“I don’t think so. Don’t worry. I’ll let you know if I can confirm it.”
Namjoon’s head feels like it’s spinning. This is worse than a Seoul-New York jet lag. Honestly, he’s never heard of any of this stuff and he doesn’t know what to think about it either. He only knows that with every passing second, his desire for Jimin to turn back intensifies. Just to turn back, stay human and not cause more stress than necessary. He can’t even imagine what this means for all of the members on a long term basis. A dramatic gasp pulls him out of his sorrowful thoughts.
“Where did he get these?”
“Get what?”
Jackson holds up one of the pill containers from the nightstand next to Jimin’s bed.
“Oh, those are supplements his parents make him take since he was young. Vitamins or something, I don’t know the exact details. But he gets sick without them.”
“Hyung, these are really high-dosed suppressants.”
“Is that… bad?”
“What do they suppress?”
“His shifting, most likely. Look, his genetic root is a leopard, not a domesticated cat, so you can expect the genes to be strong. Hence these high-concentration suppressants. I bet they wore out, his body got used to it. This,” Jackson looks at the pill tube, reading the banderole, “is a really high dose. It certainly explains why he’s shifted this late. They’re not healthy for his body because they suppress what’s natural for him. Shifters usually turn as children and their parents teach them to control their two forms and their instincts. If he’s taken suppressants since his childhood, it’s all been suppressed and he’ll have to learn all of that now.”
“But will it cause negative long-term effects?”
“I can’t tell you. The only thing I can guess is that his parents are shifters and when they noticed his drive to dance, they wanted to enable him to pursue his dream, to make it far. Hybrids and shifters both aren’t exactly appreciated in the industry, hyung. They wanted to give him a chance. So you’ll have to support him as much as possible. He won’t have it easy now.”
When did Jimin ever have it easy? Namjoon can’t say that this new information sounds good. He takes a look at his dongsaeng that seems comfortable under Namjoon’s warm hand. His mind wanders to Jackson’s dog ears that turn towards Jimin when he starts to purr.
“So, do you have any dog-like instincts or behavior? Or characteristics? Apart from the ears and the tail.”
Jackson’s tail flops against the sofa cushions in a steady, happy thrum. To Namjoon, it sounds like a little beat, happy, maybe bordering on cheeky. Typical Jackson. And this is when Namjoon takes note of how intertwined these animal traits must be - because there’s no way Namjoon can spot the line where they flow into his human ones. It’s all Jackson, all one person. It will be the same for Jimin, right?
When his friend laughs, body moving along with the freehearted sound, Namjoon blushes. Just a little. In retrospect, the question is so weird.  So embarrassing.
“Man, I’m surprised you ask. It’s so obvious. You know how I like meeting people. I love people. Also, I’m super athletic. I’ve been told that’s very dog-like.”
After a second of nodding in complete acceptance of the facts, Namjoon’s mind hits the brakes. Hard.
“Tae…” the idea seems ridiculous but kind of realistic enough and he just doesn’t know. He ends up whispering, “…is Tae a dog hybrid like you? He loves people as well and people love him. He’s like a puppy sometimes.”
In his mind, it’s not too impossible, considering he hadn’t known about Jimin all this time, much less Jackson. So when the other shakes his head, Namjoon isn’t fully convinced.
“Why not?”
“He’s not, Joon, don’t worry. He smells human. Don’t get paranoid now.”
“Am not paranoid,” Namjoon mumbles and plays with Jimin’s tail until the cat starts chasing after his fingers. It’s fun to see Jimin playing so freely, even if the claws come out and break Namjoon’s skin.
“Just a little?”
“No. So, how long will he stay like this?”
“When did he change?”
“This is his third day.”
“Since it’s his first time, probably still a day? He doesn’t know how to control it, so it will just happen at one point.”
“It just happens? Like, how?”
“Like farting. It just happens.”
Namjoon’s mind just… blanks. It’s too much information at once. Jackson’s humor doesn’t even register. There are too many things that don’t fit in Namjoon’s mind. He feels emotionally exhausted. Even if there’s nothing that’s really happened during the last minutes. He thinks about Yoongi-hyung, living his best life in the studio. Probably napping. Namjoon wants to nap.
“Or like blanking out,” Jackson cackles, “are you okay, bro?” He only gets a hum in return.
“You know what,” Jackson proposes, “I’ll get you a specialist to come by and check him out. I know someone trustworthy.”
“Jackson,” Namjoon starts and he doesn’t quite know how to go on from there because he feels a headache coming. It’s all too much.
“It’s okay, I’ll give you some time. Text me if you need anything.”
And then, Jackson slips a business card in his hand. It’s a little thinner and strangely, more solid than any other business card he’s ever held. The light catches on it softly, making the vivid grey surface shimmer in the sunlight. It stuns Namjoon when the card warms up against his fingers and he’s even more surprised when the fine white Chinese characters on it somehow… thrum a little against Namjoon’s fingers, like they’re alive and want to get his attention. As if the light and the warmth had stirred them from a hibernation sleep, they swim together and reform into Korean words right before his eyes. Namjoon gasps, looking up at Jackson, who just smiles and shrugs. Surely this can’t be real…? When he looks back to the buzzing paper in his hand (is that even paper?), the card spells, “Call me on this day in a month. Jimin won’t need me until then. You’re doing well, Kim Namjoon. But make sure to tell the others.”
After he’s read the words, they swim together again and almost as if he’s watching a little animation, he sees a white-line drawing of a figure picking up, washing, and feeding a little cat. That’s me. His eyes widen. 잘 했어, 김남준 appears again, after the figures fade. A big sigh falls from his lips. Well done.
When the card keeps silent, no more than the bare grey from the beginning, he’s a little confused. What kind of business card is this? Doesn’t leaving out a number or a name defeat the purpose of a business card?
“There is no number,” he points out. Jackson doesn’t look surprised whatsoever. “Or name.”
“The contact details will be there when you need it.”
“Is this magic?”
“You think Jimin turning into a leopard is not? Everything is magic. We just don’t see it all the time. Actually, you’re a musician, so you should know that by now.”
It’s difficult to keep a straight face after this new information that doesn’t actually make sense (but what does, on this strange day?) and while Namjoon still hasn’t an idea about what to make of the card, he slips it into his pocket. Reassurance softly bumps into his heart without warning, settling there. Relief spreads. It’s nice, a bubbly feeling like champagne. Namjoon finds it almost addicting. It will all work out.
I’ll put the card by my mirror so I won’t forget it, Namjoon thinks. However mysterious the contact may be, if Jackson trusts them, he’ll trust them too. He sits on Jimin’s bed, still working on sorting through all his thoughts and questions. Jimin nuzzles into his hip and Namjoon lets himself fall back. When he closes his eyes, everything swirls around in wild circles. The cat’s fur is soft between his fingers and he strokes Jimin’s back as well as he can, careful to be a gentle giant.
Something rings back in the kitchen and Namjoon is certain that it must be Jackson’s phone. Sure enough, the other rapper perks up from where he had been rummaging through Jimin’s drawers, still looking for something like a clue, something he can’t describe to Namjoon but something that would be helpful in understanding Jimin’s situation.
When Jackson leaves to take the call, Jimin just looks up to Namjoon with his big blue eyes. The latter isn’t sure what he can seem in them.
“What’s wrong, hm?”
The little leopard doesn’t answer, only puts a paw on his hand to sort of hold it there and nibble on Namjoon’s index finger. Maybe he’s teething, Namjoon thinks. I should really get him some toys that he can bite and chew on. Or-
“Are you hungry again? Jiminie?”
Jimin doesn’t reply, only gags and mewls when he takes too much of the finger into his jaw. Namjoon quickly caresses Jimin’s back while the little one shakes from the force of his own body protesting against the intrusion.
“Be careful,” Namjoon chides. He can’t deny the little spike of panic inside of him when his dongsaeng gagged. For a second, he’d been afraid that Jimin would throw up his food from before but right now, the younger seems fine, moving back to chew on Namjoon’s spit covered finger. To prevent further accidents, Namjoon lifts Jimin up and walks towards the living room from where Jackson still hadn’t returned. Hopefully the call doesn’t bring bad news.
Jimin wiggles around in Namjoon’s grip and the rapper feels the small muscles and bones in his hand, can feel the pricky little claws snagging on his skin, can feel the fluffy fur brushing against his fingers. Jimin is a little ball of contrasts, just the same as he is in human form. Cute but fierce. In an alluring kind of way. Small but strong. Kind but ready to hurl you against a wall if need be. Not that Jimin really does that regularly. But he can, potentially, and just knowing that the possibility exists adds to his appeal. As a human, obviously. As a leopard cub, he fits into Namjoon’s two hands.
Namjoon steps into the living room to see Jackson shove his phone back into the pocket of his jeans jacket.
“Management,” he rolls his eyes. Namjoon wonders how often their members get called in by management.
“I actually gotta go, I’m really sorry that this didn’t work out,” he adds and while Namjoon understands, there’s a little hint of disappointment crawling into his mind. But honestly, he’d already forgotten their original plan to hang out to have fun and talk about their lives. Priorities, right?
“It’s fine. Better go before they worry,” Namjoon waves it off, hoping that his own worry won’t show. He’s been with Jimin for three days (not knowing what to make of the situation for three days), so he should be fine (although letting the guy who actually knows stuff go is the stupidest idea ever). It shouldn’t be a big deal and yet, Namjoon really isn’t sure. He knows that the internet is useless in this case (it’s hard to believe that almost every human being on this planet uses it and there’s still next to no helpful stuff on there). On top of that, he isn’t really emotionally ready to prepare the talk with the members and with management on his own, without any advice from an expert.
“Hey, are you going to be okay? I know it must be a lot for you, with Jimin like this. I’ll try to help you as well as I can, yeah?”
“Yeah. Thank you, Jackson.”
“Anything for you, bro. Just let me know. Seriously, just text me.”
“Kay,” Namjoon says. It doesn’t mean he’s happy with how this hangout turned out. “You owe me. Let’s go out for dinner next time.”
Jackson nods.
“Bye Jiminie, hyung is leaving,” he reaches out to boop Jimin’s nose and the little cat rasps a sweet purr as a goodbye. “Yeah baby, see you soon.”
Namjoon looks at the cub fondly, feeling oddly warm about the fact that his dongsaeng treats his friend so well - it’s not that he doesn’t expect him to, Jimin is a very sociable person who loves his friends dearly and Jackson is a loved-by-all social butterfly but Namjoon feels honored to have his younger brother appreciate his choice of friends. It’s just - nice to see.
“You’re such a Dad,” Jackson teases.
“Oh come on, shut up,” Namjoon grins but blushes a little, just like every single time the other rapper exploits this old joke.
“They are all your children, admit it,” Jackson cackles, and while it’s just a joke he loves to bring up over and over again, it’s a little irritating because Namjoon knows that there’s a grain of truth in it. There was a recent interview where he even admitted that wish of his. It’s old, his wish, old with yellowed edges, old with moments of pondering, of wishing that things could be different. Moments of imagining what it would be like to hold little hands in his big ones, to have a little body on his chest, sleeping, to have the power to take all nightmares away with a kiss, to have the power to create a life and make it precious by filling it up with love. Yeah, Namjoon wants that. Sometimes, the wish becomes a painful aching in his heart, mingling with doubt, producing tears. It seems impossible sometimes, and that’s why he is grateful when he meets Seokjin’s eyes and recognizes the quiet understanding in them. It’s those days and moments that Jimin usually sneaks up to him, giving comfort even if his mind doesn’t feel the same longing. It doesn’t matter, Jimin loves to give comfort and Namjoon gives thanks every time. So, until the day comes where Namjoon can really be a Dad (he had confided in Jackson long ago), he will just take care of this group. Maybe not like a Dad would, but he could swear he’s raised Jungkook. And that has to count for something.
“Except for Jin-hyung,” the cackling builds up and Namjoon swears if Jackson doesn’t stop, he will- “he’s your husband, of course.”
“Yah, you’re such an annoying friend, honestly.”
Jackson bursts into laughter even as Namjoon shoves him towards the door.
“You’re so shameless it’s criminal,” he says, groaning.
“I know. That’s my appeal,” Jackson waggles with his eyebrows until Namjoon can’t keep the warm laughter inside his belly anymore.
“You’re ridiculous. Go smooch Jinyoung.”
“Kim Namjoon! Don’t make fun of my babies only because you’re bitter that yours are gone.”
“Oh my god. Okay. Tell your babies I said Hi.”
“Will do,” he gives a thumbs up until his phone rings a second time, “have a good one.”
“You too, man.”
When his door closes, Namjoon stills. He is looking at an empty apartment, quiet now where laughter had been a few seconds ago. He still feels it in his body, the joy that always stays behind when Jackson leaves.
masterlist | moodboard masterlist
[ prologue | one | two | three | four | five | six | seven ]
tags: @taeshuworld, @justanemptydream, @hoodmeup, @gingerpeachtae​
18 notes · View notes
junghelioseok · 6 years
wine. | 03
↳ at long last, you both get what you want.
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◇ yoongi x reader ◇ smut | restaurant!au ◇ 8.4k [3/3] 
notes: happy thanksgiving, everyone! hopefully bartender!yoongi will give you something to be thankful about, lmao. 
warnings: smut, obviously. oral and dirty talk - all the good stuff we expect when it comes to min yoongi, tbh.
01 | 02 | 03 | + saccharine. ✓ 
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Morning dawns bright and sunny, a few wispy white clouds floating aimlessly across the periwinkle sky. Rolling over to shut off your alarm, your gaze skitters across the phone sitting so innocuously on your nightstand, and all at once every sordid memory of last night immediately floods to the forefront of your mind. A tap of the screen shows that there are no new notifications, and you aren’t sure whether to be relieved or disheartened at the sight. Reason and logic remind you that Yoongi is probably still asleep—you would be too, if you had the morning off—and it is with that thought in mind that you head into the bathroom and prepare for the day ahead.
Forty minutes later, you are standing at the bus stop with a half-eaten apple in hand, scrolling through your phone aimlessly. You convince yourself that you aren’t waiting for it to buzz with an incoming text—least of all one from a certain pale-haired bartender—and by the time you step onto the bus, you have successfully distracted yourself with one of the many games you have installed.
The journey to Cypher is short. Stepping off the bus, you head inside and are immediately greeted by a shock of startlingly bright red hair poking up from behind the bar. The man attached to it straightens up a second later, a brilliant smile stretching across his face at the sight of you. “Good morning!”
You return the smile, joining him at the bar and setting your apron down on the counter. “Hey, Hobi. Haven’t seen you around in a while. Everything okay?”
“Yeah, everything’s great!” he chirps. “Thanks for the cover yesterday, by the way. Mickey ate something weird and got sick, so I had to take him to the vet.”
The mention of harm befalling his dog has your eyes widening in horror. Though you’ve never met the little brown and white pup, you’ve seen more than enough photos to know that Hoseok loves him dearly. “Oh no, is he okay?” you ask, peering up at the taller man in concern.
Hoseok nods. “Yeah, he’s already doing a lot better! Mickey’s pretty tough, even if he doesn’t look it.”
“Thank goodness,” you say with a relieved sigh, smiling as Hoseok laughs and rakes a few wayward strands of red hair away from his forehead.
“Nothing a bit of rest and relaxation can’t fix, right?” he asks with a cheery wink. Then his attention turns to the dishwasher behind the bar, a thoughtful frown creasing his lips. “Hey, that’s weird. Yoongi didn’t empty this before he left last night. He’s usually pretty good about it.”
“O-oh?” You can’t help the stammer in your voice at the sound of the pale-haired bartender’s name. “I mean, yeah. That is pretty weird.”
Hoseok glances up at you from where he’s opening the stainless steel door of the small dishwasher, plucking out a few martini glasses and setting them aside. Something glitters in his expression, but he doesn’t press you about your awkward reaction. Instead, he simply offers you another radiant smile, handing you a stack of water glasses. “Wanna throw those in the back with the rest?”
“Sure,” you reply, grateful for the distraction. Ducking away to the back of Cypher, you deposit the cups on their designated shelf and take the opportunity to start up the coffeemaker as well. By the time you return to the front, Hoseok is standing behind the bar polishing wineglasses, a sleepy-looking Jimin sitting across from him with a stack of napkins and silverware. You take a seat beside the blond-haired young man and pluck up a napkin, carefully folding it into a neat rectangle. “Morning, Jimin. You okay?”
He gives you a tired smile. “Yeah, I’ll be fine; I’m just a little sleep-deprived. The neighbors next door threw a party yesterday, and it kept me up for most of the night.”
“At least you don’t have to work tonight,” you console, patting him on the back. “Catch up on your rest.”
Jimin nods. “Believe me, that’s the plan. I already can’t wait to go home, to be honest. It sucks that you both have to work a double, though.”
Hoseok looks up from where he’s inspecting a water spot on one of the glasses. “Gotta make money somehow,” he says with a shrug. You nod in agreement, reaching for another napkin, and for a few minutes the three of you work in peaceful silence. Jimin begins polishing silverware while you finish folding the last stack of napkins, and Hoseok tinkers around behind the bar before coming to a sudden stop.
“What’s this?” he wonders aloud, drawing your attention as well as Jimin’s. Together, you pause in your work to watch as Hoseok pulls a very familiar wooden crate out from behind the cash register.
“Oh, those are new wine samples,” you respond automatically, only realizing your error when the red-haired man gives you an odd look.
Jimin is staring at you with similar curiosity, his honey brown eyes wide. “Wait, really? How do you know?”
You wave a hand dismissively, trying to quash the sudden uptick in your heart rate. “I heard Yoongi mention it the other day. Something about needing to expand our wine selection, or something.”
Hoseok hums contemplatively. “Well, he’s not wrong,” he remarks, and when he pulls out a bottle all your memories of that night come rushing back. You can practically taste the wine on your tongue, recall every crisp, aromatic note. And then your thoughts suddenly shift to Yoongi, his hands tangling in your hair and his lips warm and addictive against your skin. Before your mind can wander down a more salacious path, however, Hoseok speaks again, his voice cheerful.
“Looks like some of these are open, so what do you guys say? Should we do some sampling of our own?”
“That’s the best idea you’ve had all morning.” Jimin reaches for the proffered wineglasses in Hoseok’s hand before you can even process the question, and you mutely accept when he turns and hands one over. Hoseok is quick to pour a generous helping of wine for each of you, grinning his dazzling trademark grin all the while.
“Here’s to some of the best coworkers around,” the red-haired man says after he’s re-corked the bottle, picking up his glass and raising it in your direction.
Jimin lifts his own glass. “Here’s to making some damn money today.”
“Here’s to… drinking on the job,” you add after a moment’s deliberation.
“Hear, hear!” Hoseok cheers, clinking his glass against yours. Then he perks up, eyes alighting on something behind you. “Hey, Jin! Want some wine?”
Work is much more pleasant with a little alcohol swimming in your system. The lunch rush sends you and Jimin dashing about frantically for a good hour, but the influx dwindles down to a mere trickle by one o’clock. After distributing checks to your last few tables, you find yourself sitting at the bar with a pile of freshly-washed silverware and a polishing cloth, wincing as your fingers come in contact with the hot metal.
“Careful!” Hoseok warns as he sets a stack of knives down in front of you, dripping hot water all over the counter. “Let me finish unloading the dishwasher real quick. I’ll come help you polish afterward.”
You flash him a grateful smile. “Thanks, Hobi.”
He offers you a playful salute before turning back to his task. Gingerly, you pick up a handful of spoons and begin the tedious task of wiping them until they shine, humming softly under your breath.
“Order up!” A plate of pasta suddenly clatters down in front of you, causing you to almost drop the spoon you’re polishing. A moment later, Jimin plops down beside you with his own plate, sliding a third to Hoseok before stealing a fork from your pile of silverware and shooting you a grin. “Hope you’re hungry. Jin made way too much.”
“May have overdone it on the fries too.” Jin’s voice comes from behind you, and you turn to see him approaching with a basket of French fries, still piping hot. “Got drinks for us, Hobi?”
“Well, we can dip into Jimin’s whiskey supply,” Hoseok says between a mouthful of pasta. Swallowing, he continues, “Or, we can try some more of Yoongi’s wines.”
“Yoongi has his own whiskey back there too, you know,” Jimin protests, perking up at the mention of his not-so-secret alcohol stash. “But yeah, let’s have wine. What else is he hiding back there?”
Hoseok disappears behind the counter for a few moments before reemerging with several bottles. “Looks like he’s got both red and white, so take your pick!” he proclaims cheerily. Retrieving a handful of glasses, he slides one to each of you before pouring himself a glass of riesling. Jimin grabs the pinot noir, and you wait patiently as he fills his glass before pouring yourself a generous helping.
“Pass me a bottle,” Jin says, sliding into the seat on your other side and pushing the basket of fries in your direction. “Doesn’t matter which one.”
Kindly, you pass him two—one red and one white—before reaching for a few fries and popping them in your mouth. “These are really good.”
“Garlic and parmesan,” Jin says by way of explanation. You hum in acknowledgement, taking a few more to munch on before sliding the basket closer to Jimin and Hoseok, who dig in with relish.
For a few minutes, the four of you eat in relative silence, broken only by the clinking of silverware and the splashing of more wine being poured. Jimin is well into his second glass by the time you finish your first, doing your best to suppress the way the familiar tartness dredges up every memory you have of a certain bartender and his wicked, wicked tongue. Hastily, you ask Hoseok to pour you a cup of water from behind the bar in lieu of more wine.
“Lame,” Jimin says, watching as you accept the glass Hoseok hands over.
You stick your tongue out at him childishly. “Some of us have to work tonight, you know.”
The blond man just laughs, scooping up another forkful of pasta. “That sucks.”
Hoseok retaliates by chucking a fry at him, bursting into hysterical laughter when it hits him squarely in the chin before flopping sadly onto his plate and sinking into a sea of marinara sauce. “You’re working a double tomorrow, so I wouldn’t be so smug if I were you,” he chides after recovering from his bout of hilarity. “Besides, {Name} drinking less just means that there’s more for you. You should be thanking her.”
Jimin chuckles and raises his glass in your direction. “I’ll drink to that,” he announces before tipping the rest of his drink back. Giggling, you nudge the bottle of pinot noir closer to him, and he thanks you with a grin as he pops open the cork to pour himself a third glass. “Good thing we don’t have customers right now, huh?”
The words have barely left his mouth when the front door bursts open, bringing with it a gust of chilly air. You whirl around with your best customer service smile and a greeting on your lips, and Jin is already halfway to his feet when he suddenly stops and barks out a laugh.
“You’re early, Yoongi. Did your apartment go up in flames or something?” The chef steps to the side, and you find yourself gazing up into the devastatingly familiar face of Cypher’s bartender, his platinum hair tucked messily underneath a black beanie. For the briefest of moments, his dark eyes lock onto yours, but even that fleeting glance sends your heart ricocheting up into the back of your throat.
“Joon asked me to come in and finish up some paperwork before my shift,” Yoongi explains, tugging off his beanie and giving his hair a quick shake. “Slow day so far?”
“Super slow,” Jimin pipes, lifting a heaping forkful of pasta to his mouth. “I’ve barely made any money.”
Yoongi raises a brow. “I see you’ve gotten into my wine selection though,” he says dryly, taking a few steps closer to where you and Jimin are sitting beside each other at the bar. His shoulder grazes yours as he leans across the counter and picks up the nearest bottle, holding it against the light to see how much liquid remains inside. “You bring these out, Hobi?”
Hoseok has the decency to look somewhat abashed. “Yeah. Was I not supposed to?”
“Nah, you’re good,” Yoongi drawls, popping the cork. “Hand me a glass, will you?”
The red-haired man lets out a relieved laugh and obligingly turns to fetch one from the rack, sliding it across the counter into Yoongi’s waiting hand.
“Thanks.” Expertly, the pale-haired man pours himself a glass of cabernet sauvignon before turning to you, a smirk curling one corner of his mouth. “Gonna need a drink or two to get through all that paperwork, right?”
Surprised by his sudden attention and continued proximity, you barely manage to stammer out a response. “Oh! Um, yeah. Right.”
Yoongi chuckles and steps back, just far enough for you to finally regain control over your lungs. “I’ll be in the back if anyone needs me,” he announces, to muted hums of acknowledgment from Hoseok and Jin. Jimin has already turned his attention back to his lunch, and you are about to do the same when the pale-haired man suddenly meets your gaze again, offering you a mock toast and a mischievous wink that leaves you breathless all over again. Wordlessly, you watch him turn around, following his retreating back and willing your frenzied heartbeat to slow as he disappears around the corner and into the office.
You don’t want pasta anymore. Instead, a very different type of hunger slithers between your ribs and settles in your tummy, molten like lava and just as hot. Suppressing the flush that threatens to bloom across your cheeks, you pick up your water and take several long sips, savoring the coolness. Thankfully, none of your companions have noticed anything amiss.
It isn’t long before Jimin is slurping down the remainder of his pasta, all the way to the very last dregs of marinara sauce. Wiping at his red-stained mouth with a napkin, he bounces to his feet and grabs his empty plate. “You didn’t need me to do anything before I leave, right {Name}?”
The sound of your name draws you out of your thoughts regarding a certain platinum-haired bartender. Startled, you look over at Jimin, who is gazing back at you expectantly.
“{Name}? Are you okay?”
Hastily, you nod. “Y-yeah, I’m fine! Um, I think we’re good here, so you can go if you want.”
Hoseok chooses that moment to pipe up, waving his tomato-stained fork in farewell. “Yeah, we’ve got this covered. Get outta here, man.”
Jimin grins, already beginning to walk backwards toward the door. “Sounds good to me. See ya!”
“Good riddance!” Seokjin exclaims, shooing the younger man away as if he were a particularly annoying fly. Then he leans over you and grabs the basket of fries, peering inside with a frown. “Definitely made too many,” he mutters as he shoves five in his mouth simultaneously. “Oh well. You two finish eating—I’ve got to clean up a bit before the dinner shift starts.” Standing up, he dusts off his apron and sneaks another handful of fries for the short walk over to the kitchen. Moments later, you hear the metallic clang of pots and pans, followed by the hum of the large dishwasher that sits in the back of the restaurant.
“Hey, are you done?” Hoseok nods at your nearly-empty plate. “I can take that if you are.”
“Thanks,” you reply, handing over your dish along with the ones Jimin and Jin left behind. Hoseok smiles and drops them in the bin beneath the counter before turning away to gather up the empty glasses. Meanwhile, you eye the half-full basket of fries thoughtfully, an idea starting to form in your mind. “Hey, Hobi?”
Hoseok hums. “Yeah?”
“I’m going to bring Yoongi the leftovers,” you say nonchalantly. “Will you be okay by yourself for a bit?”
He waves you off cheerfully. “Yeah, no problem! It’s pretty dead right now anyway, so go ahead and take a break. I’m all set here.”
“You’re the best, Hobi.” Flashing him a grateful smile, you pick up the basket of fries and head toward the back of the restaurant, your heart picking up speed as you approach the closed office door. Tentatively, you raise a hand to knock, waiting until you hear Yoongi drawl a soft come in before entering.
“Hi,” you murmur, taking in the sight of the pale-haired man sitting behind the desk, a neat pile of documents near his left elbow and the computer monitor up and running on his right.
Yoongi’s eyes widen in surprise, his mouth twitching up into a crooked little smile. “Hi yourself, sweetheart.”
“I brought some food,” you continue, tamping down your nervousness and holding out the basket. “Thought you might be hungry.”
He cocks his head, accepting the proffered basket and setting it down on top of a stack of manila folders. “I take it this means you’ve forgiven me for keeping you up last night?” Dark eyes rise up to meet yours, dancing with barely-suppressed mirth.
A warm flush blossoms across your cheeks at the sordid memories, but your voice is surprisingly steady when you reply—teasing, even. “Maybe.”
His smile curls up into a full-fledged grin. “Maybe?”
“Maybe,” you confirm with a grin of your own. “But I can be persuaded to reconsider.”
Yoongi chuckles, mischief twinkling in his dark eyes. “Oh? And how would I go about persuading you, dollface?”
It takes every ounce of discipline you possess to hold his gaze as you step around the desk to join him on the other side. He watches as you come to a stop just inches away, and slowly spins in his chair to face you. He’s sprawled across the leather in the most attractive way—legs parted, posture slouched—and you cannot help it when your gaze drops below his belt. “You know how,” you murmur, swallowing down your nerves along with the sudden influx of saliva in your mouth.
Yoongi huffs out another soft chuckle and leans back in his seat. “Then come here and let me convince you,” he purrs, patting his leg. Agreeably, you approach—but just before he can pull you onto his lap, you sink down to your knees in front of him. Placing a hand on his thigh, you meet his eyes once more, inhaling sharply when you notice how they’ve darkened to glittering obsidian. “Fuck, sweetheart,” he breathes, and a thrill runs through you at the slight quaver in his voice.
“You did tell me that I could suck you off next time,” you remind him, tongue darting out to moisten your lips. Yoongi follows the motion hungrily, his fingers already twitching toward his belt buckle, and you are quick to lend a helping hand. Gently, you slide your hand up his thigh, relishing the way he tenses beneath your fingertips before grasping his belt. Yoongi’s gaze never once wavers as he watches you slip the black leather free from its loops, one hand coming down to cup your cheek tenderly.
“So impatient,” he teases, stroking his thumb along the skin just below your eye. “You want my cock that badly, dollface?”
“You know I do,” you retort breathily, teeth digging into your bottom lip as you unzip his slacks. Yoongi lifts his hips so that you can slide them down, hissing out a curse when you purposely brush against his erection in the process. Curiously, you tilt your head and bat your lashes up at him in a perfect picture of obliviousness, innocently inquiring, “Yoongi?”
His head falls back against the leather backrest as he pinches the bridge of his nose, mouth curling up into an irrepressible grin. “Christ, you’re going to be the death of me,” he laments.
Your mouth moves before you can stop it. “But dying with my mouth wrapped around your cock wouldn’t be so bad, would it?”
Yoongi looks momentarily stunned. After a moment’s hesitation and several harsh bobs of his throat, his mouth twists into a smile, his fingers finding your cheek again. “Sweetheart, I can’t imagine a better way to go.”
You grin, leaning into his touch and pressing a kiss to his palm. “Don’t go dying on me yet, Yoongi.”
“Wouldn’t dream of it,” is his response, his thumb brushing along your bottom lip in a motion so tender that your heart stutters in your chest. Almost instinctively, you chase after him, and Yoongi inhales sharply when your mouth closes around the pad of his thumb, enveloping him in wet warmth. “Christ, sweetheart.”
You release him with a wet pop, fighting to suppress the smirk that threatens to bloom across your face when you notice how his cock twitches against his stomach, the tip beaded with white droplets that leave you aching for a taste. A prickling sensation along your nape tells you that Yoongi’s dark gaze is still on you, and the knowledge that he is watching your every move sends pinpricks of heat dancing along your spine to pool in your core. Sucking in a deep, calming breath, you lean down, your fingers digging into the black slacks bunched loosely around his hips.
Yoongi releases a soft, shaky sigh when you give the tip of his cock a kittenish lick. One hand slides up to twine in your hair, stroking through the strands as you take more of him into your mouth. The other finds its way to yours, drifting across the ridges of your knuckles before gently loosening your grip on his slacks and twining your fingers together. His thumb draws slow, soothing circles into your palm, and you feel your heart swell at the tender motion even as you close your lips around the flared head of his cock and run your tongue around the velvety skin.
He tastes just as good as you imagined. The slickness coating him is pleasantly musky, with a distinct tang that hovers somewhere on the edge of sweet and salty and lingers deliciously on your tongue. Greedily, you suck lightly on the head of his cock, dipping your tongue into the slit at the top and relishing the way his thighs clench beneath you. A barely audible hiss escapes him, and you, determined to elicit a more vocal reaction, sink down farther onto his cock to trace the vein along the underside. By now, you can feel the head of his erection prodding at the back of your throat, and as you deliberate whether or not you want to proceed farther, you steal a glance up at your companion.
His teeth are tightly clenched—you discern that almost immediately. A tiny bead of sweat drips down his left temple, and as you follow its descent you notice a prominent little ridge that disturbs the otherwise straight angle of his jaw, just below his ear and bobbing slightly as he swallows. Your gazes meet, and the hunger glimmering in his dark eyes is enough to send another wave of heat down to your core. You are absolutely certain that you’ve soaked through your panties by this point, but the embarrassment you would normally feel at the realization dulls in the face of Yoongi’s ravenous expression. You need to make him come.
And so with that thought in mind, you sink down onto him until you can go no farther, your nose pressed up against his navel and your throat swollen with the entirety of his dick. Despite your preparatory deep breath, your gag reflex still flares at the intrusion, and it takes every ounce of control you possess to fight it into submission. Once your reflex settles, you swallow around him, and the sharp inhalation that sounds from above you is enough to send a satisfied thrill running through your body. Carefully, you lick along the part of the shaft that you can reach with your tongue, caressing his length with a tenderness that contradicts every other aspect of your sinful actions. Then you swallow again, and this time Yoongi rewards you with the tiniest moan you’ve ever heard—barely more than a shaky exhalation into the open air of Cypher’s back office. Still, it’s enough to boost your confidence—enough to stoke the flames of arousal in your core—and with newfound determination you begin a slow, bobbing rhythm along his length.
Yoongi’s hand tightens in your hair when you begin to move in earnest. He exhales audibly when you pull back enough to lick at the flared head of his cock, and groans lowly when you dip down again. Your free hand reaches up to give his balls some attention as well, and when he rasps your name—his voice dark and deep in the best way possible—you moan brokenly around him.
“Christ, {Name},” Yoongi repeats, his head lolling back against the chair. “I would’ve let you suck me off so much sooner if I’d known how good you are with that pretty little mouth.”
A pleased grin pulls at the corners of your lips. Taking a careful breath, you relax and lower yourself down again, moaning as he sheathes himself fully in your throat. The vibrations from the sound have Yoongi tensing up again, and it only takes a few more swallows from you before he is coming undone with a groan, painting your throat in warm spurts of white. Pulling off of him, you lick your lips for every last drop, and Yoongi huffs out a chuckle as he gently pulls you to your feet.
“Jesus, sweetheart, you’re really something,” he murmurs. He strokes through your hair tenderly before curling his hand around your nape, and you barely have time to breathe in before his lips find yours. He kisses you heatedly—hungrily—and before you know it, you find yourself seated firmly on his lap, one leg on either side of his thighs. His hands find their way to the curve of your bottom, and you gasp when he gives the ample flesh a squeeze.
He chuckles, pulling back to fix you with a raised brow and an amused little smirk. “Listen to you,” the pale-haired man croons, deft fingers finding their way to the buttons of your shirt. “I almost think you’re doing that on purpose just to get me worked up.”
Already, he’s gotten the two topmost buttons on your shirt undone. You let out another gasp when he leans forward to nip at your exposed clavicle, sucking on the delicate skin before trailing up the column of your throat to find your mouth again. This kiss is a bit more languid, his tongue sliding lazily against yours, and when Yoongi pulls back he is grinning like a cat that caught the canary.
“I’d like nothing more than to bend you over this desk and fuck you senseless, sweetheart. That sound okay to you?”
“More than okay,” you admit in a whisper, winding your arms around his neck to tug him in for another kiss. He returns it eagerly, and when you mold your body against his, you can feel his cock beginning to harden once more against your stomach. Grinning, you are about to wrap a hand around his erection when there is a sudden, loud knock at the door.
“Yoongi? You in there?”
Your eyes widen at the sound of Namjoon’s voice. Yoongi stares right back, alarm flashing across his face before he wipes it away and nudges you gently off his lap. Carefully, he reaches out to fasten your buttons again, and you hurriedly run your fingers through your hair and adjust your clothing while he turns his attention to his own uniform. Tucking himself back into his slacks, he gestures for you to take the seat opposite him and slides a pile of papers over. “You’re helping me,” he breathes softly, offering you a crooked smirk and a wink before speaking again, this time at a normal volume. “Yeah. Come on in, Joon.”
The door clicks open and Namjoon steps inside, one brow rising toward his hairline as he takes in the sight of you and Yoongi sitting on opposite sides of the mahogany desk with random forms and documents piled in the middle. “Oh, hey, {Name}. I wasn’t expecting you to be back here.”
“Hi, Namjoon,” you respond, giving him the most innocent smile you can muster and waving a pen in his direction. “Just thought I’d help out a little. It’s been a slow day, and Yoongi looked like he was about to drown in paperwork.”
Yoongi snorts, dark eyes flitting toward you for the briefest of seconds before landing on Namjoon. “Seriously, Joon. You could save so many trees if you just used the electronic forms.”
The tall manager laughs and adjusts his thick-rimmed glasses, seemingly oblivious to the lingering sexual tension in the room. “I’ll keep that in mind next time. For now though, can I ask you guys to come help me move some crates? The delivery guy just came, and I think it’s your new wine shipment, Yoongi.”
At the mention of new wines, your heartbeat quickens. Yoongi, however, seems unaffected by the news. “Don’t we pay Jungkook to do the hard manual labor?” he complains as he climbs to his feet.
“Kookie’s not scheduled to come in for another half-hour,” Namjoon replies, chuckling at Yoongi’s frown. “Come on, it won’t take long. And you’ll help too, won’t you {Name}?
You drop your pen and nod, standing up to follow the two men out of the office. “Of course.”
As promised, it doesn’t take long to move the crates. Hoseok is standing at the loading dock with a bright smile when you arrive, and with his help, the four of you finish the job in no time at all. Yoongi carries a couple over to the bar to stock his shelves, and you help Namjoon load the remainder onto a cart. As the tall man wheels it off toward the back of the restaurant, you return your attention to Yoongi, still standing behind his bar. His platinum hair is tousled slightly, both sleeves of his black uniform shirt rolled up to his elbows. Together, he and Hoseok set about cracking open the two crates of wine, pulling out bottles and arranging them carefully on the counter.
“Hey, that’s the riesling I had this morning!” Hoseok exclaims, pointing at a cluster of royal blue bottles.
Yoongi raises a brow. “You were drinking riesling? Amateur.”
“Nothing wrong with a sweet wine,” the red-haired man sniffs, bending down to shove the bottles in the fridge under the counter.
Yoongi chuckles, seizing another bottle of white wine to hand to Hoseok. As he reads the label, however, he suddenly pauses and glances up, catching your eye. Deliberately, he turns the bottle toward you, and when you spot the familiar ‘Lonely Whale’ label, your breath snags in your throat.
You recognize that wine. You can still taste creamy notes of peach and crispness of lemon—recall telling Yoongi that it was your favorite out of the three white wines you’d sampled that fateful night. And you definitely remember what happened afterward. But now, all you can focus on is the fact that there are now six more bottles of the wine you’d chosen, sitting proudly on the counter for all to see. The knowledge that Yoongi had indeed taken your preference into account stirs a warm feeling in your chest, and you are suddenly overcome with the urge to kiss him again.
“Care for a drink?”
Even without looking at his face, you know that Yoongi is smirking. You can hear it in the teasing lilt of his voice, and just as you are about to open your mouth to deliver a retort you haven’t yet thought of, another voice speaks up from behind you.
“Why don’t we all give the wine a try?” Namjoon suggests, suddenly appearing behind you. “{Name} and Hoseok can get a taste for it, and we can try and sell a few bottles tonight.”
“Good call, Joon,” Hoseok chimes from where he’s still huddled underneath the counter. A second later, he pops back into view, this time holding four wineglasses and wearing a cheery grin. “What are we drinking?”
“Lonely Whale sauvignon blanc,” Yoongi replies smoothly, flashing you a mischievous smirk. Reaching into his pocket for his wine key, he pops open the cork with a few deft flicks of his wrist and pours generous helpings into each glass.
Namjoon surveys the pale golden liquid within, holding his glass up to the light before bringing it to his mouth for a sip. “Damn. This is good. Nice choice, Yoongi.”
This time, the pale-haired bartender grins outright. “I had some help,” he says, and you want nothing more than to sink through the floorboards and disappear when he glances at you again.
Luckily, Namjoon is too busy reading the bottle’s label to inquire any further. Hoseok, on the other hand, furrows his brow and tilts his head curiously at Yoongi. You can see the beginnings of a question forming in the red-haired man’s mind, but Yoongi interrupts before he can voice it aloud.
“You two should probably finish your drinks,” he remarks. “Dinner shift’s starting soon, and I’m pretty sure I saw some napkins in the back that need folding.”
“I’ll go get them,” you volunteer, eager to escape Yoongi’s playful smirks and Hoseok’s prying eyes.
You only hope that you’ll make it through your shift unscathed.
To your utter relief, the dinner shift passes quickly—with minimal stress and only one broken dish, courtesy of Namjoon accidentally pulling the napkin out from beneath his dinner plate and drawing aggrieved sighs from Jin and Hoseok. Thankfully, Jungkook is quick to clean up the mess, and the reminder of the shift passes without a hitch.
You are closing tonight, and up until two days ago this would be enough cause for complaint. However, you’ve recently discovered that closing isn’t so bad—not when your last table has already left, leaving you and Yoongi alone to finish cleaning and locking the restaurant’s doors for the night. Taking a seat at the bar, you watch as he slowly puts down the towel he’d been wiping the counters with and approaches you, a smirk twitching on his lips and mischief dancing in his eyes.
“What can I get you this evening?” he asks softly, coming to a stop in front of you.
Your answer is simple. “You.”
At that, his smirk blooms across his face—crooked and self-assured as ever. “Then I’m all yours, sweetheart,” he murmurs, before leaning across the counter and tilting your chin up for a kiss.
You are fairly certain that you could sit there kissing him forever—consequences be damned—but Yoongi pulls away far too soon for your liking. Your eyes flicker up to his, a smile creasing his face as he takes in your petulant expression.
“I’ll kiss you again in a minute, sweetheart,” he promises, reaching up to tuck a stray strand of hair behind your ear. Then he’s walking away—rounding the bar with unhurried steps until he’s on the same side that you are sitting on. “This is much better, isn’t it?” he asks as you spin in your stool to face him.
You don’t bother giving him a verbal response. Your fingers twine into the silky hair at the nape of his neck, dragging him down to your level so that you can rejoin your mouth to his, and Yoongi is quick to return the kiss. His hands smooth down your sides to settle around your waist, and you sigh when he pulls you off your stool so that he can tug you flush against his chest.
By the time you pull apart again, you are gasping for air. Yoongi looks winded as well, though he doesn’t betray his lungs’ desperation for oxygen anywhere near as readily and recovers much more quickly. Dropping to his knees in front of you, he wastes no time in popping open the button on your pants and sliding them down your hips. “I think it’s time I paid you back for earlier, don’t you?” he queries, and you can only gasp out an affirmation when he reaches up to trace your damp entrance through the lace of your underwear.
Then your pants are pooling around your ankles, a warm flush suffusing your cheeks when Yoongi urges you to lift your feet and slide off your shoes so that he can pull them off entirely. His gaze is positively ravenous now, his eyes darker than obsidian, and when his tongue slips out to lick a tantalizing trail across his bottom lip, your heart stutters in anticipation.
Yoongi is clearly in no mood to tease. Pushing your panties aside, he circles your clit once with his thumb before leaning in for a taste. His tongue drags along your clit in a torturously long lick before he delves inside you properly, and you whimper at the sudden surge of wet warmth.
“G-god, Yoongi.” Your head falls back, your fingers tangling in his platinum hair, and Yoongi chuckles hoarsely against your core when you tighten your grip at a particularly adventurous dive of his tongue.
“Always such a mess for me,” he rasps, pulling away just enough to murmur the words. His lips brush against your clit with every syllable—the touch light and teasing and so utterly maddening that you want to scream in frustration.
Instead, you settle on your best sultry moan—intent on driving him further into debauchery. “Yoongi, please,” you entreaty. “You feel so good.”
“You taste so good,” he rasps, surging forward to press a firm kiss to your clit. The tender motion sends a breathless shiver down your spine, tingling heat pooling in your belly like molten lava, and when he speaks again you all but melt against him. “God, I could eat you out for days if you’d let me,” he mutters, hooking one of your legs over his shoulder.
You keen out an incoherent string of curses at the new position, which leaves you fully spread out and on display for him. Immediately, he takes advantage of your vulnerability and begins laying a trail of open-mouthed kisses along your inner thigh.
And then he’s burying his face between your legs, laving along your folds with the ferocity of a hurricane and just as unpredictable. He alternates between long, slow licks and punishingly hard sucks to your clit, and the different sensations are enough to make your head spin. His lips, his tongue—even his nose—are all focused on driving you to the edge, and when he doubly renews his efforts, you are left teetering dangerously on the brink, your tummy taut.
One final swipe of his tongue inside you proves to be your undoing. Your body collapses into a searing orgasm, spasms wracking you as your legs give way, but Yoongi is there to catch you with open arms and a warm smile as you chant his name. Two hands curl gently around your hips as he straightens into a standing position, and you sigh contentedly when he pulls you flush against him and traces a soothing finger down your spine.
“Fuck, I love making you cum,” he rasps, nosing his way through your hair until he finds your ear to make his confession. “You’re so gorgeous when you fall apart, sweetheart—I already want to make you do it again. Think you can take my cock now?”
Your fingers fist into the soft material of his shirt, pulling him down until you can plant a kiss to the little ridge along his jawline. “Yes, please,” you murmur, perfectly polite.
Yoongi laughs, chasing your mouth and bringing you in for a deep kiss. His lips move against yours urgently, his hips pressing forward until you can feel his hardening cock branded against your thigh. Boldly, you reach down to cup him through the material of his pants, giggling when he breaks away with a low grunt.
“Didn’t get enough earlier?” he asks, nudging your hand away so that he can begin undoing his belt.
“Never,” you breathe, an electric thrill coursing through you when he fumbles with the buckle. Teasingly, you place your hand over his, slipping your fingers into the spaces between his. “Need some help, Yoongi?”
“Go ahead, dollface,” is his reply, allowing you to replace him. His hands venture up to the buttons of your shirt instead, flicking open the buttons greedily to expose your breasts. “Maybe now I’ll actually get to bend you over and fuck you like I wanted.” Two fingers slide under the elastic of your bra, seeking out the hooks.
You work his belt free deftly, now more than familiar with the piece of black leather. His cock springs free when you undo his slacks and tug the material down his hips, and this time you don’t stop until it’s pooled around his ankles. Yoongi kindly steps out of them, and you straighten up to work on the buttons of his black shirt, drinking in each inch of pale skin as it is revealed. “Then fuck me,” you say quietly, bringing your mouth to his sternum and laying a soft kiss there. His bare chest is warm and slightly damp, and when you press a little closer you can feel the reassuring rhythm of his heart, strong and steady as a drum.
There’s something different about tonight. He’s urgent, yes, and you’re undeniably just as desperate—but there’s still something in the way Yoongi’s dark, indolent eyes meet yours, shimmering with what might be tenderness as he leans down and traces the curve of your bottom lip with his thumb. Your lips part instinctively at the motion, drawing a chuckle from him and earning you a fleeting press of his mouth against yours.
“Cute,” he murmurs, pulling back before you have a chance to deepen the kiss. Still, he remains close, his nose brushing against yours as he blinks lazily down at you, his hot breath washing across your cheeks.
For a few moments, the two of you simply stand there. Somewhere above you, the heat turns on and sends a wave of warm air wafting across your bare skin, but you barely notice as Yoongi continues to trace parts of your body with his fingers. He drifts from your jaw down to the column of your throat, and when his thumb and forefinger pinch a nipple, you let out a gasp. “Yoongi!���
The pale-haired man simply grins and leans down, soothing the sensitive nub with a gentle lap of his tongue. His hand slides over to pay tribute to its twin, and your head falls back at the sudden spike of pleasure, another whimper of his name escaping your lips. Your fingers itch to tangle in his hair and draw him closer, but he’s withdrawing before you can even touch the silky strands, his chest rumbling with laughter when he notices your frown.
“Wouldn’t you rather have my cock?” he asks playfully, grabbing your hips and urging you to turn around. “Brace yourself against the bar, sweetheart. I want to be inside you.”
Just like that, heat is bubbling up in your core again, molten and ebullient. Obediently, your hands fly up to curl around the wooden countertop, a wave of arousal flooding through your veins when you remember how he’d fucked you on this very same counter just two nights ago. Anticipation curls in your belly, and when you hear the sound of a condom wrapper being torn open, it grows and coalesces into pure need.
“Yoongi,” you plead, rocking your hips backward and tearing a dangerously low growl from his throat.
“Patience, dollface,” he rasps, splaying a hand on your spine and effectively halting your movements. His mouth finds the crook of your neck and shoulder, brushing against the delicate skin with every word. “Be a good girl for me, yeah?”
His lips curl into a smile when you acquiesce, falling still in his grasp. The warmth of his body disappears, but you can feel the shift in the air as he positions himself behind you, painfully aware of how close he is. Every breath you draw feels like an eternity as you wait, not daring to turn around and look at him.
Two hands curling around your waist is all the warning you get before he slides into you. The surge of fullness tears a moan from your throat, the breath whooshing out of your lungs as he buries himself inside your drenched core. You can feel the slow throb of his cock sheathed in your walls, the weight deliciously hot and heavy as your body adjusts to the intrusion. “Oh, fuck,” you breathe. “Fuck, Yoongi.”
“God, you feel even better than I remembered,” he grits out, his grip tightening on your waist. You can feel his breath on your back, puffs of warm air that send gooseflesh prickling across your skin.
And then he’s pulling back, retreating until only the head of his cock remains inside before snapping forward again. The pace that Yoongi sets is relentless, but you don’t mind one bit, your eyes squeezing shut as he continues to drive into you. The air fills with the sound of skin against skin, your breathless moans intermingling with Yoongi’s obscene praises and occasional grunt of exertion.
“That’s it, dollface. You feel like a dream, you know that? Absolute nirvana. I could spend the rest of my life inside this tight little pussy of yours, fuck.” The words are snarled in your ear, his voice a full octave lower than usual. You can’t match Yoongi’s dirty mouth even when thinking completely straight, much less in your current state, so you settle on a garbled whimper in response, your fingers clawing for purchase on the wooden bar you are pressed against. A stack of coasters falls prey to your attempts to ground yourself, and when they fall to the ground and roll every which way, your companion chuckles and delves between your legs to rub at your clit.
“You’re making a mess, sweetheart,” he breathes, giving your earlobe a teasing nip. “Good thing I put all the glassware away, otherwise you’d really be in trouble.”
You inhale sharply when he suddenly changes his angle, hitting the spot inside you that will have you seeing stars. Yoongi smirks against your neck and rams into it again, and when his thumb begins drawing hard circles around your clit, you are sent spiraling, the coil in your belly snapping and sending electric heat through every inch of your body. His hips stutter when you clench around him but he determinedly continues to roll up into you, his fingers digging into the skin of your waist hard enough to bruise. His thumb doesn’t stop circling your clit, and you barely have time to suck in a breath before another wave of pleasure hits you, rendering your helpless as you shake apart in his grasp.
Yoongi only manages a few more strokes before the tight, wet draw of your body proves to be too much. He groans as he barrels over the edge, his forehead dropping down to rest against your shoulder blade as he empties himself into the condom. “Fuck,” he breathes, reverent. “Fuck, {Name}.”
It takes several long seconds for the two of you to recover, but eventually the pleasure recedes back into your veins. Yoongi pulls away, and you wince as his softening cock slips out from between your swollen folds. You hear him pad away to dispose of the condom, but you don’t have the strength to turn and look at him quite yet. It’s only when he returns, his warm hands settling gently on your shoulders and urging you to face him, that you straighten up and see the smile creasing his handsome face.
“You hungry?” he asks, handing you your shirt.
“W-what?” you ask, taken aback by the sudden question.
His smile widens. “Are you hungry?” he repeats patiently, grabbing your discarded bra off the back of a nearby stool and looping your arms through the straps. Embarrassed, you bat him away, and he relents with a chuckle and a soft kiss that he plants just below your ear. “Because I don’t know about you, but I could really use some food right now.”
You blink. “You… you do realize that we work in a restaurant, right?”
Yoongi snickers, his shoulders quaking with mirth. “Are you telling me you don’t get tired of Jin’s fancy food? Come on. There’s a great pizza place down the street that should still be open, and they’ve got stupidly good milkshakes and the best breadsticks you’ll ever taste in your entire life.” Glancing around, he gathers up the remainder of your clothes, handing yours over before slipping his shirt back on. “My treat,” he adds as he begins doing up the buttons, giving you time to wonder at his sudden invitation.
Maybe you’re reading too much into this. Maybe Yoongi simply wants company instead of dining alone. But you can’t help but notice the way his voice had softened as he spoke, and even looking at him now you can easily see the glimmer of affection lurking in his sleepy eyes.
“I’ll buy the milkshakes if you get the pizza,” you offer quietly, giving him a tentative smile, and your heart skips a beat when a gummy grin blooms across his face.
“Deal,” he says, reaching out to take your hand. His fingers slide into the spaces between yours, and you marvel at how natural holding his hand has become over the past few days. And as you follow him out to his car, there is only one thought turning over and over in your mind.
Maybe—just maybe—this is more than just sex to him.
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writersrealmbts · 5 years
Protect Them-Hybrid AU: Part 10/Finale
Description: Safe with Me Sequel! You work two days a week teaching kids the joys of learning and reading, your favorites being the triplets. When the triplet’s adopted older brother is the one that starts picking them up, you’re not sure what life just handed you but you’re pretty sure it’s just another little slice of heaven. Hoseok x Reader.
Warnings: I don’t even know, if you do, let me know and I’ll change the warnings.
Posted: 02/27/2019
Tags: Hybrid!au, hybrid!Hoseok, Safe With Me Sequel
Angst with fluffs: 2,016 words
A/N: We’re here. The end of this particular arc of the series. I still have a holiday request to fulfill (I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry, but I didn’t know how the story was going to go and it would have messed up my ability to finish the story) for Hobi and reader, but that might be a while. I’m also working on finishing up a story I’ve had in my drafts for a while that didn’t go quite like I planned, but it should be fun. I’ve been pretty focused on editing and posting Army Medics on Ao3, so I haven’t done much in the way of some of my WIPs. Also, we got three feet of snow this past weekend, so there’s even more snow than before. My car was buried. Anywho: Thank you everyone who has read it and given me feedback, thanks for the likes, the comments, everything. I’m sorry it took so long for me to finish this series (I posted the prologue on Oct. 5th and the first part on Nov. 14th), but thanks for sticking with me for the journey! I love you all.
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“Are you sure?” “Yeah. I’m sure. I mean, it’s a nice place and it’s actually not far from here. There’s a bus I can take to get to work, which will give me time to read.” You smiled down at the baby in your arms. “They’re adorable, Emma.” “I know.” She grinned down at her son, Jaehyun. “Is Aimi asleep?” “Yeah, she is,” You replied, setting her into the cradle before looking at Emma. “I should get going.” She set Jaehyun next to Ami, smiling as they curled into each other with soft, puppy-like sounds. You made a soft sound. “That’s adorable.” “Isn’t it? I missed when the triplets used to do this,” She lightly brushed their heads, then sat back and looked at you. “Have you talked to Hobi?” You shook your head. “No.” She nodded a little, tucking your hair behind your ear. “Are you going to?” You looked at your hands in your lap. “I…I don’t know.” She didn’t say anything more, simply rubbing your arm in a comforting manner. You looked up as Jungkook knocked lightly on the doorframe. “Hey, your bag is in Hobi’s car because he’s insisting on driving you.” You took in a deep breath, then nodded. “Okay, thank you.” He nodded, hesitating in the doorway before disappearing into the hallway. You got up and stretched. “Oh, time for another few hours of torture.” She laughed softly. “Don’t be so melodramatic. This give you the chance to talk to him. If it doesn’t go well, call me. Okay?” You nodded and hugged her. “Thank you for everything, Emma.” She hugged you tightly, then released. “I’m so glad you’re better.” “Well, as much as I can get better, yeah.” You sighed, smiling. The doctors said it was likely that now that they had started, you would continue to have seizures, probably for the rest of your life, and your vision in your left eye still fluctuated between blurry and blind, but your leg was fully functioning now. You were still not allowed to run and it still got tired long before your other did and would get sore, especially at night, but you could put weight on it and move. The triplets all nuzzled into your neck at once when you went to hug Nari goodbye first, causing you to laugh softly. “Why are you leaving?” Minsu asked, rubbing his cheek against your shoulder since Kaemon was blocking your neck. “Because I have to go back to living in my own place now that I’m all better,” You told him, pressing a kiss to his cheek, which prompted the other two to whine for kisses as well. Adorable. “But I like you being here,” Nari said. “Everything is good! I have a baby sister, and I have you and Hobi, and Eomma and Appa!” “And a baby brother,” You added. “I already had brothers, now I have a sister!” She said dramatically. “Be excited about both. Just think about it, one more kid to play with. You love your brothers.” She grinned at them. “I do.” Minsu giggled and playfully tackled her to the ground, rubbing his nose against hers. “You better.” Kaemon flopped on top of both, earning groans and giggly protests. Jin chuckled, watching them carefully from a distance. “Lunch is ready, pups.” “Food!” Minsu cheered. “Get off me! There’s food!” “He’s asleep. Again!” Nari let out a dramatic groan of disbelief. You laughed at their antics, standing and receiving the hugs from Jungkook, Jimin, and Jin. “I’ll see you on Monday,” Jin said, patting your shoulder. “It really was a pleasure having you with us. Don’t be a stranger.” “I’ll try not to be,” You answered, smiling and walking toward the door. Hoseok waved to his family, then followed you out. You two were almost to the summer house, your sister having left everything to you, when you finally broke the heavy silence. “I could’ve taken a taxi,” You started. He shook his head. “I won’t feel comfortable unless I know you’re okay.” “Right, because you feel responsible for me after seeing me get hurt,” You murmured, looking out the window. Anywhere but him. It was quiet again. “Wha…whe…” He made a couple more sounds like he wanted to ask a question before falling silent after a quiet and meaningful, “Oh.” You wouldn’t even look at him after he had parked in front of the house. He just sat in the drivers seat as you got out and went to the trunk to get your bag. You knocked on the trunk and he seemed to flinch before moving and popping the trunk, quickly getting out of the car. You carried the bag inside, even though you could sort of tell that he wanted to carry it for you. But you weren’t hurt anymore. He followed you inside. You set the bag on the couch and gestured around. “There. Happy? I’m safe.” He looked at you with surprise. “Y/n…can I talk to you? Sit with me?” “We sat in silence the whole ride, and you want to talk now?” He nodded, coming over and taking your hand, guiding you to sit beside him. “In the car, you said something about me feeling responsible for you after seeing you get hurt.” “I was just—” “Repeating what I said, that day in the bathroom back when you first got hurt. The day you were sick. I told you that.” He nodded. He seemed nervous. “I told you that my instincts went crazy after seeing you get hurt, and having your blood on me from carrying you to the hospital. But there was more to it. Sure, that’s enough to make a hybrid protective and attached…but when that happens and it’s someone that you like…really, really like…as in…romantically…well, it’s about ten times worse.” “Why are you—” “Not yet. Just, listen. Please. Hybrids can generally tell from a few interactions if someone they’re interested in could be a potential mate. We fall in love quickly. Easily. I’m not an exception. And seeing you that first day, with the kids? And then every time I saw you again…I got there early that day because I was hoping I could talk to you before your shift ended. Then the tornado, and the way you protect the kids. Risking yourself, getting hurt and then rubbing yourself on me so that hte kids wouldn’t notice my fear scent as much…” He was smiling warmly. “How could I not love someone as kind and caring as you?” Holy. Crap. You stared at him, unable to think of a proper response. “Then you got hurt. The guilt I felt…the anger…I couldn’t protect you, or keep you safe, because we were both trying to protect the kids and that led to you getting hurt and it killed me. Because I had to choose and I wanted to choose you, but it was too late and I knew that I would never be able to forgive myself if the kids…and you were so alone…” He was starting to get a little fragmented. “I know you think caring for you was burdensome and unflattering, but honestly, I’ve never really been happier because I got to be close to you and try and help you get better. And you did. And while there were times when you were discouraged you always put up a cheerful front for the pups and…taking care of them with you that week that all that crazy stuff happened was honestly the best week of my life because I got to pretend that we were really together, that they were our kids and we were in love and I had to tell you that I love you because if I don’t I think I might go crazy.” You blinked rapidly at him. “I love you. I love your stubbornness and compassion, and the way you sleep is adorable.” He was holding both of your hands. You weren’t even sure if you were blinking anymore. “Please tell me you aren’t having a seizure while I’m explaining all of this because I might cry if you are.” “I’m not,” You said softly, finally dragging your gaze from him to try and process everything. “That punk.” “What?” “Jungkook. He couldn’t have just said that I was being stupid and that you liked me too. I’ve been driving myself crazy, over something I could have had months ago because of you and your stupid explanations about hybrids and their sense of duty,” You hit him with a couch pillow. “Are you kidding me?! Do you realize, I’ve been tearing myself apart inside thinking that you, the most amazing man I have ever known, saw me as nothing more than your patient and that I would never stand a chance with you. I stopped almost every fantasy, I shunned every niggling idea of something more because…” You let out a shout of frustration. “I love you too, idiot.” He grinned and pulled you to him, lips pressed to yours in a kiss that you wouldn’t forget anytime soon. He had to be a god. “So much better than I thought it would be,” He murmured, kissing you several more times afterward. “Shh,” You scolded, locking onto his lips again. His lips parted from yours, kissing the scar on your face. “I’m moving in. You shouldn’t live alone when you could have a seizure at any time.” “Ok.” “I have to be at Emma and Jin’s before Jin goes to the Sanctuary, so you can ride with me to the house and then with Jin to the Sanctuary.” He tucked his head into your neck. “Mmmm,” You responded semi-coherently. “You’re stuck with me forever.” “However will I manage?” Your response was half-heartedly sarcastic and rhetorical, earning a chuckle from him. He kissed you again. “I’m mating you tonight.” You smiled up at him. The man that had driven you crazy for the past four months. “Fine, but you only have three years before I insist on having kids.” He grinned. “Sounds perfect.” He kissed you again, soft and sweet, then pressed his forehead to yours. “I love you.” “I love you too. More than you could ever imagine.” Maybe life wasn’t perfect and you had lost a lot, but you had Hoseok. “What did you say that night?” “What night?” “The night Emma and Jin went to the hospital to have the twins. I said they’ve got good genes, and you said something else, but I was half-asleep.” He pulled you into his arms completely, laying down with you after kicking your suitcase off of the couch. He was mostly on top of you, forehead pressed against your temple. “I said that ours would be cuter.” Nevermind. Everything bad was worth this perfect moment with him. “So…did you actually want to wait three years, or was that just in case I wanted to wait a few years? Cause, I’ve sort of had to deal with watching and imagining you as the mom to my pups so…” “Oh, that was totally for you, I’ve had baby fever ever since you said ‘our kids’ when I told you to tell people that the triplets were your kids.” “I don’t need the years.” “Then we’ll discard the years.” “Do you need time to adjust to the idea of us being in a relationship?” “Now that I look back on it, aside from the whole sex, sleeping together, and romance we were basically a married couple so not much really changes except I can stop torturing myself.” You nodded. “Huh. I guess you’re right.” “Yeah.” He pressed a kiss to your cheek. “This is really comfortable.” “It is,” You agreed, yawning. “Nap time?” “Totally nap time.” He wiggled a little, getting more comfortable, fluffy tail covering your legs as well as his. “Goodnight, y/n. Love you.” “Goodnight, Hobi.” His hold on you tightened and he grinned. You pressed a chaste little kiss to his lips. “I love you.”
Masterlist.  ~  Part 9.  ~  Masterpost. ~ Specials: Next
Tagged: @jiminslye @musicandmusing @it-is-dana @kimmie113080 @bluebirdphantom
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honeymoonjin · 5 years
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A/N: I’m currently in the phase where novelty has worn off but things haven’t got super exciting yet (same thing happened with all of my other series), so I really apologise if this isn’t great. I just wanted to get something out even if it wasn’t as long as my chapters normally are. This one is 1.8k.
LOST IN TRANSLATION ↳What do you do when you have no qualifications but want to see the world? You help teach English in a Korean primary school, apparently. ↳Principal!Jin, math teacher!Yoongi, PE teacher!Hoseok, English teacher!Namjoon, school nurse!Jimin, art teacher!Taehyung, and science teacher!Jungkook.
CHAPTER FOUR ↳You have your first English class and enjoy a welcome lunch with (almost) all of the teachers.
You lean over to the small boy sitting on the carpet next to you. “Hi there,” you whisper in slow but cheerful English, “my name is Y/n. What is your name?”
The little boy blinked comically, chubby cheeks adorned with two bright red patches from being put on the spot. “My name…is…Min-jae! Nice to mee chu!”
You beam at him and return the sentiment. The two of you were near the back of the classroom, directly across from Namjoon in a closely packed circle of cross-legged kids. You had just finished up roll call, and a pop quiz on what they had covered in their previous lesson, and now Namjoon was passing around little whiteboards with markers attached. It was a different class from yesterday, these kids a bit younger but just as enthusiastic.
After leaving the staffroom, you had immediately regretted turning down the offer of an escort and had ended up slipping into the English room at the last second, with no time to chat to Namjoon before they got started.
“Okay, class,” the teacher announced loudly, cutting through the excited chatter, “today we are learning some new words. We are going to learn how to talk about the weather! Does anyone know any English words about the weather?” The students look around the room curiously, none raising their hands. “Nobody?”
You wait for him to continue, but instead of moving on, he’s gasping, hands to his cheeks like a movie cover, staring straight at you. You give him a confused smile.
“Oh no, students! Y/n doesn’t know any English words about the weather!” The class dissolves into raucous laughter as you put on a glare, trying to stop your lips from curling up. “Y/n, do you never talk about the weather?”
“Yes, I talk about the weather!”
Namjoon’s eyes twinkle behind his silver wire glasses. “Y/n, how is the weather today?”
You take a look out the window. “Today is cold, brr, and it is raining.”
He lets out a laugh at your charade of rubbing your arms up and down. “Exactly! Class, did you understand that?” There was an unpromising proportion of head shakes to nods. Namjoon chuckles and cracks open a blue marker, beginning to write on the whiteboard. “Y/n said two things: it is cold, and it is raining. Cold, cold and raining, raining. Now, in Korean, we…”
You let yourself tune out a little to the explanation, choosing instead to look him over as he passionately explained the intricacies of verbs and adjectives to the bewildered students. You had noticed how he attempted to hunch over a little to make himself seem smaller among the tiny bodies of the children, although his gangly legs stuck out almost halfway into the little circle you were all sitting in.
His dress shirt was a little rumpled and you could see the finger smudges on his glasses from ten feet away, but he still came across as completely put-together and in control. He kept this encouraging smile on constantly as he both spoke and listened to the spiels of the students, and it looked like his skin was practically glowing in the lights of the classroom. You quietly seethed over the fact that your English teacher growing up was a stuck-up lady who was so behind in technology that she requested you fax your essays to her. If you had been taught by a man like Namjoon when you were in high school, you probably would’ve fallen in love on the spot.
What were you kidding; you could probably easily fall in love with him now. As if sensing your thoughts were on him, he glanced over to you and gave you a soft smile. You blushed and looked away quickly, busying yourself by picking at the fibers of the carpet.
“Now we’re going to play a game, everyone,” Namjoon broke off at the enthusiastic cheers, and you couldn’t help but laugh yourself. It seemed the only thing these kids did were games. “Get into groups of three or four and find yourself a spot in the room.”
Your heart grew three sizes when you were immediately flooded by more than five kids, the two on either side of you, Min-jae and a little girl you couldn’t remember the name of, latching onto your arms tightly. You look up at Namjoon, unsure what to do and a little startled.
Namjoon laughs. “Y/n will be with us for a whooole year, guys, so you don’t need to worry. Some of you can form your own group, okay?”
Four students reluctantly pulled away to bunch up together, and you were left with the two beside you, and another little boy who looked scruffy and mischievous. He proudly introduced himself as Ken, and the girl next to you whispered her name shyly, Jisoo.
The game was simple; shout out a word in English relating to weather and you all had to act it out. Groups that did the wrong action were out. However, you (and you suspect Namjoon as well) weren’t prepared for how earnestly the groups would fight for their place in the game. Elaborate backstories would be formed on why fanning your face actually meant it was cold (“because when it’s cold outside, Teacher puts on the heater and then it gets so hot inside!”) or why cowering from the sky wasn’t for rain, it was for sun (“I was being a vampire!”). Namjoon seemed to be an extremely softhearted teacher, and he would keep giving them second and third and fourth chances until the bell rung and you still hadn’t found a winner.
The kids scattered before Namjoon could assign homework, and you walked up to his desk as he sighed and tipped his head back.
“Good class today,” you quipped, “I certainly learnt a lot.”
You averted your gaze from the arched column of his neck as he swallowed before speaking. “I hoped you were a very strict teacher so that we would get some work done for once. But no.”
You laughed a little, stretching out your legs from being sat down on the floor for so long. “Do we have another class?”
Namjoon shook his head. “It’s, uh, break time. The kids eat lunch now.”
“Oh, okay. What do we do?”
He stood up, holding out a large palm. “We eat too. Let’s go.”
Instead of being led back to the staffroom, as it turned out, breaktime was spent with the staff gathering at a picnic table on the corner of the field, looking over the students as some brave ones decided to play in the rain.
No matter the weather, at least one staff member had to be watching over the kids outside during breaks, and, as Art Kim was explaining to you, they decided a few years ago that it was nicer for them to all be together outside rather than fighting over who had to eat alone.
“That is very cute,” you comment, “very nice.”
He smiles softly, grabbing some more meat from the middle and placing it on your still half-full plate before picking out some for himself. “We’ve become a little family here. It’s been the same staff since…” he trailed off, eyes distant, and you followed his gaze to see Jimin with a tense jaw and dark eyes, the first time you had seen him like that since meeting him. “Since a few years ago,” Art Kim finished awkwardly. He brightened up and jostled your shoulder lightly. “That’s why we’re all so excited for you to be here. It’s about time we had a new face in the school.”
Your eyes glaze over a little as you begin to devour small cuts of the beef you had been given. “Is it, um, you, sorry…” You try and do the grammar in your head as he waits patiently. “Is this food what you eat every day?”
He glances at the impressive layout of dishes on the uneven wooden beams of the picnic table. “Oh, no! This is a special welcome lunch for you. We all pitched in and got some traditional Korean food for you to try.”
You look around the table properly for the first time, seeing the kind faces of all the staff that had welcomed you with open arms. “Thank you so much! I’m very grateful.” But as you look them over, you notice one missing. “Uh, where is Teacher Min?”
Teacher Jung immediately bursts into boisterous laughter. The principal reaches out and whacks him on the forehead before turning to you. “He’s gone to get his lunch. Any moment now, he’ll come out and start accusing someone of stealing it.”
The science teacher rolls his eyes and stretches back in his chair. “Hobi’s been stealing Yoongi’s lunch and he thinks none of us know it’s him.”
The teacher in question gasps in offense. “Hey! Who told you?” He shoots you a quick glare before Jimin buts in.
“Ah, hyung,” he chastises, “you’re a terrible liar. All of us except Yoongi know.”
He frowns, crossing his arms over. “You haven’t told him?”
Jeon answers with an easy shrug. “It’s a lot of fun watching Yoongi grow more paranoid. We’ve got a bet on how long it takes him to find out.”
The principal splutters. “You what? Why wasn’t I invited into the bet?”
You feel like you’re watching a tennis match, head swiveling back and forth, mouth slightly open as you focus on each line.
It’s the art teacher that responds to him in a calm baritone. “You can place a bet now if you want. Me and Namjoon have already lost, we thought he’d figure it out within a week. Jungkook says by this Thursday, and Jimin says he won’t realize until someone tells him. What do you think?”
Principal Kim taps his chopsticks against his plate in thought. “What’s the prize?”
“The winner gives all of their homework to one teacher of their choice, who has to grade it. Excluding Yoongi, because he’s suffered enough.” You let out a little laugh at Jeon’s matter-of-fact explanation.
Principal Kim sighs out dramatically. “I don’t have any homework to give away! There’s no point in me taking part. I’ve already got enough on the line if Hoseok wins.”
Jimin looks at a spot in the distance behind you and his eyes fly wide open. “Can I change my bet?” he asks hurriedly. “I think he’s going to figure out right…about…now.”
The yell is so ferocious the students outside freeze in their tracks, and the PE teacher pales, face falling slack.
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saikokirakira · 5 years
[Hoseok, Jimin, Reader ft. Yoongi]
Fluff, Slight angst, Implied smut, slight triggering themes; 2k+ words
(It’s my first BTS fanfic I posted. Please be gentle. Feel free to leave me some icky praise if you liked it.)
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“What the hell?” I muttered as I stared at myself in the mirror. Thinking it was the bathroom steam fogging up the mirror, I grabbed my sweaty shirt that was heading for the laundry basket and wiped down the mirror.
As I feared, my mind wasn’t playing tricks on me. I leaned closer to the mirror and poked my own cheek. “Shit,” I hissed to myself.
I gained weight.
Grumbling in frustration, I violently threw my shirt and pajamas to the laundry basket and marched out of the bathroom. I walked over to my wardrobe and grabbed a pair of underwear and a matching bra, sliding the former up my legs, before removing my bathrobe to clasp on the latter. My irritation towards my little gain only grew when I felt slightly constricted in my bra, having to exert more effort in breathing as well as seeing both lumps of flesh starting to spill over the cups.
Great. Everyone loves quadra-boobs. Not.
Knowing that I was just going to hang out with the boys and help out Suga at his studio, I grabbed the first pair of jeans I saw and began sliding them up my legs. Until… I had difficulties when the denim reached my knees. Furrowing my brows in confusion, I bent down and checked the label on the pants to check if they were my skinny jeans.
They weren’t.
It would have been easier to take them off and just choose another pair of pants or put on a dress. Namjoon has been trying to be discreet by showing me old photos, especially those when I was wearing a dress. However, I was no quitter.
If these jeans wanted to be skinny jeans, then damn it, they were going to be skinny jeans.
I began hopping around my bedroom, desperately trying to pull my jeans past my thighs. When I stubbed my toe on my vanity desk, I reached my boiling point and started tearing up when there was a knock on my bedroom door. “Just a second!” I called out, forgetting the tears and resuming on my task at hand.
“What is going on here?” The door opened, and Jimin with Hoseok trailing behind him entered. “Why are you doing jumping jacks half-naked?” Jimin asked, trying to keep his eyes trained on my face. Hoseok, on the other hand, was not being too discreet with his glances.
“Have you ever heard of knocking?” I tutted at them, still trying to pull up my pants. I didn’t bother with my torso exposed. It really wasn’t something they haven’t seen before.
“We did knock,” Hoseok shrugged. “You look like you need some help.”
“I’m. Fine,” I gritted out, giving my pants one final tug before finally succumbing to wearing a looser outfit. Unfortunately, my jeans started to rebel against the rough treatment I have been giving it the past fifteen minutes and decided to make a ripping sound, voicing its complaint.
That was the final straw.
I began crying and fell back to my bed. I grabbed an RJ plushie and covered my eyes, having the alpaca soak up my tears. I felt someone sit on both sides of my bed.
“Jagi, talk to us,” Jimin said, rubbing circles on my bare stomach. Luckily, I wasn’t the ticklish type.
“My jeans won’t fit,” I said through the plushie. I was still silently crying behind the alpaca.
“Then let’s get you some other jeans,” Hoseok suggested. I felt him hop off the bed and began pulling off the jeans off my legs with minimal effort before placing a kiss on my left leg.
My legs felt as if they could breathe again and slightly itchy. Peeking from the corner of the plushie, I saw Jimin rummaging through my wardrobe, looking for another set of jeans. I sighed, “What’s the point? The rest are skinny jeans. They definitely won’t fit me now.” I sat up in a flash and angrily threw the plushie across my room.
“Jagi,” Jimin said, startled by my sudden outburst. “Are you… worried about gaining weight?”
“What else could it be?” I huffed, sitting up. I pinched a piece of chub near my waist and pointed at it with my free hand. “Look at that!” I shrieked, glaring at the offensive body roll. “I have a photoshoot in a week. I’m going to get shit for this.”
“Look, it doesn’t matter,” Hoseok said in a comforting voice.
“’Doesn’t matter’? ‘Doesn’t matter’?!” I said, my voice rising. “Of course, it does! Those people out there will eat me alive if they knew I gained weight.” I turned my head to Jimin, knowing he had firsthand experience on the subject.
Jimin gave me nothing but silence, but his expression grew dark. I couldn’t tell if he was disappointed at me, at Hoseok, at people who will be looking at me after the photoshoot, or even at himself. I couldn’t even bring myself to care because I was already thinking of the numerous ways I should do to shed off the extra weight in a few days.
“[Y/n],” Hoseok began, laying off the pet name for the moment, “it really doesn’t matter. ARMY loves you for who you are, not for this.” He gestured to my body. “Jimin, say something.”
“Hobi-hyung is right,” Jimin said stiffly.
I narrowed my eyes at him. “Spit it out. Whatever you want to say, say it. Lay it on me.”
Jimin sighed. “Hyung is right, okay? How you look will not compare what you do for BTS or for ARMY,” he said, “but I will not deny that you will get shit from this.”
“Jimin!” Hoseok exclaimed in warning.
“Don’t lie, hyung. It’s true, and you know it,” Jimin said. He sat on the bed to meet me eye-level. “But you should know whose comments should matter the most. Don’t let them dictate you on how you should look, okay? Just be healthy. Promise me.” He stared at me as he held my face, waiting for an answer.
Seeing the slight fear in Jimin’s eyes, tears began rolling down my face as I nodded. “I promise,” I whispered through my sobs. “I’m sorry. I’m sorry. I’m sorry.”
“Hey, hey, jagi.” Hoseok knelt in front of me, kissing my forehead. “Don’t be sorry. We all deal with body issues all the time. It’s alright.” He wiped off the tears from my cheeks with his thumbs. “Stop crying,” he hushed, giving me one of his bright smiles that assured me that everything will be alright.
“I’m sorry,” I repeated but solely directed to Jimin this time.
Jimin shook his head. When I apologized again, he hushed me by kissing me. “There’s nothing to forgive,” he said before giving me one last peck.
“Really,” I said, insisting. “I shouldn’t… I shouldn’t have put you on the spot like that, especially about body image. I’m sorry.”
Jimin paused before smiling warmly at me. “Again, there’s nothing to forgive, jagi.” He pulled me into his arms and gave me a reassuring squeeze.
“Besides,” Hoseok said as he sat beside me, slinging an arm on my shoulder, “if you really want to lose weight, you can always join me for dance practice.” Then he poked my nose. “But you’re definitely still eating, okay? No starving yourself.”
“No way, you crazy dance machine,” I stuck my tongue out at him. “I can never keep up with you and your intense moves. I would rather workout with Kookie.”
Jimin laughed at that.
“Ouch, that hurt me,” Hoseok playfully whined, rubbing his hand over his chest, but he looked mildly proud of my compliment about his dancing skills. “But if I’m being honest, I prefer you being more…” He trailed off and made curvy gestures in the air with his hands, making Jimin laugh harder.
I rolled my eyes. “Easy for you to say,” I pouted. “You already have the hips to seduce everybody.”
Hoseok chuckled and expressed his amusement by bumping said hips to mine.
“Besides, you don’t really need abs, jagi. I gave up on mine a long time ago,” Jimin said, wrapping his arm around my bare waist since my shoulders were already occupied. “Aren’t you still regaining the weight you lost from your last… relapse?” he asked, saying the last word more softly.
I shrugged nonchalantly, but deep inside, I was starting to be happy upon realizing that my weight gain was something I should be proud about. Keeping the light tone on the subject, I poked Jimin’s belly. “What do you mean you gave up? You definitely still have abs, you liar,” I laughed, continuing patting at his abdomen.
“Oh, he definitely still has them,” Hoseok grinned. He reached over and slyly pulled up Jimin’s shirt. “See?”
“Ah, hyung!” Jimin cried out, laughing. While Jimin was busy trying to retaliate by also pulling up Hoseok’s shirt, I bit my lip and snuck my hands under his shirt and pressed it flat on his stomach. Jimin jumped and fell back on the bed. “Your hands are freezing!” he whined as his abdomen tensed at my touch.
I blushed at the feel of Jimin’s abs under my palms.
“You should put a sweater on,” Jimin said worryingly, prying off my hands from his muscles.
“Why?” Hoseok smirked, reading my expression better than Jimin. “She’s ending up naked anyway.” His hands began rubbing on my shoulders, and I unconsciously moaned from the light massage. When I leaned my head back on his shoulder, his lips fell down on mine and immediately kissed me deeply, making me sigh into his mouth.
I felt Jimin’s hands run over my waist before climbing up on my bra strap behind me. With my lips still attached to Hoseok, I gave him a slight nod. Once my bra came off, I felt relieved over how I can breathe better, but I know it won’t last long, considering that these two boys will not let me catch a breath with their upcoming antics.
“This definitely is a fun way to burn calories,” Hoseok joked, and Jimin and I had to playfully kick him for that.
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I meekly entered the Genius Lab and shyly greeted Yoongi before apologizing for being late. Yoongi merely gave me a smirk and continued working, putting back his headphones. He handed me the notes containing the lyrics he wanted me to review.
“So, did you have fun with Jimin?” Yoongi suddenly asked.
“What?” I gaped at him with widened eyes.
Yoongi spun his desk chair to face me. “That’s why you’re an hour and a half late, right?” he chuckled knowingly.
“H-how did… you—?”
“Jimin posted a selfie,” Yoongi shrugged, waving his phone. “Pretty normal to others, but I know firsthand what he looks like after sex.”
I choked on my spit. It was no surprise that Yoongi was intimate with Jimin too, but also as much with Hoseok. Everybody says that they don’t have any favorites, but everyone also knows that that’s just one big fat lie. Despite that, there wasn’t any doubt that we didn’t each other. We all are crazy for each other that there is literally no room for any doubt.
“How big is the damage?” Yoongi asked, glancing at my covered neck.
I chuckled, pulling off my scarf. “I managed to convince them not to mark me. Photoshoot coming up and all,” I said. “Jimin was the one who wasn’t happy about it.”
“’Them’?” Yoongi smirked. “Now you’re just showing off at this point, [y/n]-ah. I’m a bit hurt that you didn’t let me join in on the party.”
I blushed and looked down, fumbling with my fingers.
“Was it Taehyung?”
I shook my head. “It was Hobi-oppa,” I smiled shyly.
“Ahh,” Yoongi nodded thoughtfully. He left a really long pause before he spoke again. “You got seduced by those hips, didn’t you?” He then flashed me one of his trademark gummy smiles. “Don’t worry. I’m guilty as well.”
I laughed and took his smile as an invitation to sit on Yoongi’s lap. He immediately wrapped his arms around my waist and nuzzled my neck. “We should eat out,” I suggested. “Does grilled meat sound good?”
“You really know how to seduce me as well,” Yoongi tutted his lips at me. “Using meat to get into my pants, you naughty girl.”
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The Meaning of Family | Chapter 5
Characters: Kim Seokjin, Kim Namjoon, Min Yoongi, Jung Hoseok, Jeon Jungkook, Kim Taehyung, Original Characters
Words: 10,192
Genre: Foster Dad!Jin, Preschool Teacher!Jin, Social Worker!Namjoon, Little Kid!Yoongi, Little Kid!Hoseok, Little Kid!Jimin, Little Kid!Taehyung, Little Kid!Jungkook, America!au, namjin but it’s more of a side thing
Warnings: fluff, angst, possible developmental delays (speech), mentions of homophobia, mentions of sexism, mentions of emotional/verbal abuse, awkward namjin moments, namjin onion chopping scene because that is life
Summary: Jin is a preschool teacher at a small center and has an absolute adoration for younger children. During his time as a teacher, he sees an unfortunate percentage of his students placed in the foster system, so he decides to become a foster parents himself, forming an attachment with five children that get placed with him and their case worker.
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Previous Chapter
“Why do I have to share my room?” Yoongi grumbled from where he was perched on his bed, hugging a teddy bear to his chest.
Jin was currently moving Hoseok’s bed into Yoongi’s room while Hoseok carried his toys into the room with Jungkook following him around. “Because Jungkook is a baby who still cries in the night sometimes, and you and Hobi are really close in age, so it’s better to have you two share a room from now on and let our new friend take Hobi’s room.” Yoongi let out a ‘humph’ as he clutched the stuffed animal closer to him, only letting his pout disappear when Jungkook crawled over to the bed and used the piece of furniture to pull himself up to stand, patting Yoongi’s leg with his hand. Yoongi let out a giggle and Jin smiled as he placed fresh sheets on Hoseok’s bed.
By the time all of Hoseok’s things were moved over, the doorbell was ringing. Jin opened the door and immediately smiled at the two-year-old in Namjoon’s arms. “It’s so nice to see you again, Tae Tae!”
Taehyung smiled widely and tried to lunge away from Namjoon into Jin’s arms. As Jin settled the toddler on his hip, he said, “Wan’ pasketti!”
“You remember us having spaghetti?” Jin gave his tummy a quick tickle before gesturing for Namjoon to come inside and closing the door behind him. “So, what happened? Isn’t he supposed to be with his grandma?”
Namjoon sighed as he set his briefcase down on the coffee table. “Let me start from the beginning. He was first taken into the system when his father was arrested for drunk driving,” Jin nodded, eyes widening when Namjoon finished his sentence, “while he was in the car….not strapped into a car seat.” Jin subconsciously held the boy, who was now running his fingers through his hair and giggling, closer to him. “So, we picked him up from the police station while his father was being held, then we spoke to his grandmother and were able to find a background check on her, since we had one on file already from something else, so we placed him with her with the terms that she could not allow her son to see him.”
“He doesn’t have visitation rights?” Jin asked.
Namjoon shook his head. “Not yet, he has to complete a checklist with specific items and we’ll check with him in two months to see about granting him supervised visits. Anyway, we got a call this morning from her neighbor saying that her son had moved in with her, which is of course against the terms, so I went back to the house and picked him up and here we are.”
Jin nodded and looked back down at the boy in his arms, who had moved on from his hair to prod at his face. “Well, we’ll have lots of fun here, Taehyung!”
“Some things you should know about Taehyung, he’s not potty trained yet,” Jin heard the little pitter-patter of feet coming down the hallway from Yoongi, and now Hoseok’s, room, “and his speech isn’t as well developed as most kids at this age. We did have a speech pathologist do a quick assessment and she said he’s not to the point of actually being delayed, but to watch it-“
“Joonie!” Yoongi and Hoseok ran up to the man and wrapped themselves around each of his legs while Jungkook giggled and attempted to crawl faster. “We missed you!” Hoseok exclaimed.
“Missed me?!” Namjoon inquired dramatically. “You just saw me!”
Yoongi giggled while looking up at him. “We still missed you!”
Jin laughed at the two boys as he tried to push Taehyung’s finger away, so he wouldn’t get poked in the eye. “Alright, boys, I’m sure Joonie has to get back to work.” Both boys pouted as they detached themselves from his long limbs.
“Oh, that reminds me!” Namjoon reached into his briefcase and pulled out a few pieces of paper. “Here are those forms for that trip you mentioned.” Jin took them from him and quickly skimmed over them. “Just fill them out and get them back to me by two weeks before you’re supposed to leave.”
“Alright, sounds good, thanks, Joon.”
Namjoon looked up, surprised at what Jin just called him. “Joon?”
Jin froze as he seemed to realize. “The boys have a nickname for you, so I guess I just mentally created one, too.” Jin felt his ears start to heat up. “Sorry.”
Namjoon cleared his throat as he picked up his briefcase. “Don’t be. I like it.” He bid the boys goodbye before exiting the house.
As soon as the door closed behind him, Taehyung smushed Jin’s face between his tiny hands. “Pasketti now?”
Jin chuckled as he removed the toddler’s hands from his face. “How about we have chicken strips instead?”
“I like chicken stwips!” Hoseok exclaimed, following Jin as he left to get Taehyung settled in his room.
Taehyung adapted fairly quickly after being placed with Jin, especially at school. Miss Ellie, the toddler teacher at the preschool, told Jin that Taehyung had already become somewhat of the leader by the end of his first day. All the other kids always wanted to follow in whatever game he started, they always wanted to play with the toys he played with, they basically followed him around and copied everything he did. At home, he gravitated between the older two and Jungkook depending on his mood. Sometimes, he would play with Jungkook quietly, enjoying the loud noises his toys made, and sometimes he would try to join in with Yoongi and Hoseok’s more complicated games, their willingness to include him also being based on their mood for the day. Jin also figured out the speech issue Namjoon had mentioned. It wasn’t anything to bring about worry, it was just that Taehyung would string together random sounds before actually saying what he wanted, sometimes making the random sounds in the middle of his sentences, which were gradually increasing in word count. The longest Jin had heard him say was a six-word long sentence (after taking out the mumbling and random sounds thrown in).
Now after having Taehyung for a month and a half, Jin was preparing for his first trip with the boys. Every year, the theme park named Silver Dollar City in Branson hosted a special weekend for churches, and his mother’s church always went. This year, she had begged Jin to bring the boys, and since he had been approved to take the boys out of state for the weekend, he had no reason to deny her.
Back before Jungkook had been placed with them, shortly after the Carter incident, Jin had instated a family night every Friday as a way to bring him and the, at the time, two boys closer together. It also alleviated some of his guilt by allowing him to spend time with Hoseok cuddling him and doing what the four-year-old wanted. They always had pizza that night, and most weeks they would watch a movie, but sometimes they would play a game. However, they wouldn’t be able to have their family night this week due to being out of town, because Jin’s mom had already made plans for Friday night after they got there. So, Jin had made an exception of having family night on Thursday this week. Currently, the boys were all sitting on Jin’s bed, leaning against his pillows. Jungkook was in Yoongi’s lap, who had his arms wrapped around the nearly walking infant. Taehyung had managed to squeeze himself between the two other boys, but as the movie played, his position had adjusted to his head resting on Yoongi’s lap next to Jungkook and his feet across Hoseok. As the boys watched Land Before Time, Jin worked at packing for the weekend. He was currently sorting the boys’ clothes into outfits, making sure to put together extras because he knew there was no way they would be able to stay clean throughout an entire day at a theme park. After counting to make sure he had five sets of clothes each for Yoongi, Hoseok, and Taehyung, he began to place them in one of the two suitcases he had laid out. As he was arranging the clothes to make sure there would be plenty of room for all three boys, Taehyung wriggled his way out from between Hoseok and Yoongi and crawled to the edge of the bed to peer down at Jin. “What doin’?”
“I am packing up your clothes so that we can go to Branson tomorrow.” Jin explained, reaching up to lightly pinch Taehyung’s nose. “We’re gonna stay in a hotel!”
“Jinnie,” Hoseok sat up, the movie now forgotten by all of the boys as they were more interested in Jin’s packing. “What’s a hotel?”
“A hotel is a place with lots of rooms and beds for people who are going on a trip to stay in.” Jin explained, now moving on to packing a surplus of Jungkook’s clothes into his diaper bag. “You know Nana?” This was the name his mother had chosen for the boys to call her. “She got a really nice room, and we’re gonna stay with her.” His mother really had told him to just stay with her instead of booking his own hotel room. He refused at first because of the possibility of his stepfather coming along on the trip, but his mother assured him that his stepfather would not be joining the church trip and he accepted after she complained about how lonely she would be in the suite room she booked.
“Will it have lots of cookies?” Yoongi asked. “She always gives us lots of cookies.”
Jin chuckled, making a mental note to speak to his mother about proper sugar intake. “We’ll have to see.”
After the movie finished and he put the boys to bed, Jin finally packed his own clothes for the trip and took both suitcases out to the minivan he had finally purchased shortly after the school year started. He double checked that he had placed a box of Jungkook’s diapers and a box of Taehyung’s pull ups in the trunk along with the two-seater stroller he purchased specifically for the two youngest for this trip before allowing himself to turn in for the night.
The next morning after he got himself ready for the day, he put together the snack and activity bags for the trip and placed them in the van as he did another check to make sure he had everything. Once he was confident he was ready to go, he got the boys up and ready for the school day. As usual, he dropped the younger ones off at the preschool before taking Yoongi to the elementary school. As he pulled up to the rear entrance, where the kindergarten drop-off was, he said, “Remember, Yoongi, I’m coming to get you after your first recess, okay?”
“Okay!” Yoongi nodded and hopped out of the car when the teacher on duty opened the door for him. “Hi, Miss Garrett!” He greeted the teacher.
“Hi Yoongi!” The teacher bid Jin goodbye and led Yoongi up to the door of the school as he drove off.
All throughout the day, Hoseok would continuously ask “is it time to go yet?” Every time, Jin would tell him that they wouldn’t leave until after they had lunch. When it finally got to lunch time, he realized he probably should have worded his answer differently.
“Slow down, Hobi, you’re gonna choke on your pizza bagel!”
Hoseok swallowed the food in his mouth before dramatically exclaiming, “but I have to eat fast so we can go!”
Jin chuckled, “We have to wait until everyone’s finished and everyone’s laid down for nap before we can go.” Hoseok pouted and picked up his cup of milk. Thankfully for the four-year-old, lunch was done in just ten minutes and, with the exception of about three students, Hoseok’s classmates were lying on their cots trying to go to sleep. “Okay, Hobi, go get your jacket and backpack on while I go get the other two.” Jungkook had fallen asleep shortly after being fed, but Taehyung was still wide awake as Jin loaded the three of them into the van to go get Yoongi.
When they got to the elementary school, Jin pulled into a parking spot and went around to the opposite side to get Taehyung out of the car. “Hobi, since you can unbuckle yourself, go ahead and climb out.” As Jin worked to unstrap Taehyung from his car seat, Hoseok climbed out of his booster and hopped out of the van, waiting patiently by Jin. Once Taehyung was free, he set him on the ground next to Hoseok and instructed them to hold hands as they followed him to the other side of the van to get Jungkook. Jungkook whined at being disturbed during his nap, but quickly settled his head on Jin’s shoulder as he was carried into the elementary school front office. “I’m here to check out Yoongi Min.” The receptionist nodded and dialed the intercom for Yoongi’s classroom, asking for the teacher to send Yoongi to the office for check out.
It only took a couple of minutes before Jin saw Yoongi bounding down the hall through the window in the front office. “Jinnie!” Yoongi exclaimed when he entered the office, throwing himself at his caregiver’s legs in a hug. “We had pizza for lunch!”
“We did too!” Hoseok exclaimed, diving into telling Yoongi every single detail about his lunch that day. As they talked, Jin escorted them out of the school, making sure to bid the receptionist goodbye, and loaded everyone back into the van.
“Okay, before we get going, Yoongi, do you need a snack?” Jin knew that the younger three wouldn’t be hungry since they had just eaten, but Yoongi’s lunch is fairly early in the day, and he picked him up before his snack time, so he wanted to make sure Yoongi was well fed.
Yoongi nodded. “Can I have a fruit snack?” Jin reached into the snack bag and pulled out a pack of fruit gummies, a snack Yoongi had begun to favor recently, and handed it to Taehyung while asking him to give it to Yoongi. Thankfully the two-year-old did as asked instead of becoming possessive over the snack as he had been of late.
Jin pulled out of the parking lot, and Hoseok and Taehyung were out just like Jungkook before they even left town, Yoongi falling asleep about thirty minutes into the trip. Jin turned the radio on low volume, enjoying the peace and quiet he would get for at least an hour of the drive, but he was hoping they would stay asleep for the majority of it.
About halfway through the drive, the boys began to wake up. “I have to pee!” Hoseok cried out.
“Do you have to go right now, or can you hold it for a few minutes?” Jin asked, peering at his GPS and seeing that a convenience store was coming up soon.
“I can hold it.” Hoseok responded, swinging his legs.
By the time they made it to the store, Taehyung and Jungkook had also awakened. “Alright, Kookie,” He picked up the infant and immediately felt his squishy diaper. “Let’s go get you changed.” He grabbed the smaller diaper bag that he kept in the floorboard in front of Jungkook’s seat for times like this and led the younger boys into the store and to the bathroom. The bathroom had a single toilet, meaning they would have to take turns. “Hobi, since you have to go so badly, you can go first.” Hoseok wasted no time in pulling down his pants while Jin silently cursed society for the fact that there were never any changing tables in men’s bathrooms. He got a baby wipe from the diaper bag and quickly wiped down the sink counter before laying Jungkook down to change him. “Taehyung, stop pulling the toilet paper from the roll.” The toddler giggled and skipped back over to stand next to Hoseok who was now washing his hands while Yoongi used the toilet. By the time he finished changing Jungkook, Yoongi was done and only Taehyung was left. Jin picked him up but noticed that the boy was still dry. “Hey, Tae Tae, you wanna try sitting on the potty?” He set the boy down on the ground and tried to lead him back over to the toilet.
“No!” The toddler cried before a mumbled strand of unintelligible sounds left his mouth. He then finally stated what he really wanted to say. “Don’t wan’ sit potty!”
“That’s okay.” Jin told him, picking Jungkook up and propping him on his hip. “We can try later.”
“No!” The toddler insisted as Jin led them out of the bathroom.
It was a little after 3:00 when they made it to Branson, and the two older boys had their faces pressed to their windows as they took in the new environment. As Jin got closer to the hotel, he used the Bluetooth the van provided to call his mom. “Hey, Mom, we’re almost there.” Jin informed her as he listened to Yoongi and Hoseok oohing and ahhing in the backseat.
“Great! I’m already here. We’re in room 111.” They chatted for a few more seconds before hanging up. They arrived at the hotel after just a few more minutes and Jin unloaded Taehyung and Jungkook while letting Yoongi and Hoseok climb out themselves. “I wanna help!” Yoongi insisted, so Jin gave him Jungkook’s bag and held in a giggle at seeing the five-year-old attempt to hold it up above the ground.
He only grabbed the boys’ suitcase, leaving his own in the trunk so that he could have a free hand to carry Jungkook, and led the boys to their room, letting Hoseok knock on the door. “Well, there are my precious boys!” His mother greeted them and gave each of them a hug and kiss before practically ripping Jungkook away from Jin. Jin told her he had to go back to get his suitcase from the car and ran outside, coming back in only a few minutes later to see the three older boys running around in excitement while his mother played peek-a-boo with Jungkook. When she saw that Jin had returned, she said, “Okay, so there’s the master bedroom,” his mother pointed to a room with one queen-sized bed, “then there’s the room over there with two beds, and the couch pulls out into a bed. Sleeping arrangements?”
“You can have the master bedroom,” Jin started off with, knowing that his mother had already mentally claimed it, “then the boys can share that room and I’ll take the couch.”
Jin moved the boys’ suitcase and Jungkook’s bag into their room. “I thought we could go see a show tonight.”
Jin sighed, “Mom, the shows here are really loud and might hurt their ears, plus they always last until 10:00, and if we want to get to the park early enough to beat all that traffic, we need to get the boys in bed earlier.”
His mom waved away his concerns. “I brought ear plugs because I knew you were gonna complain about the noise, and they’re on vacation, let them stay up a little!”
Jin held back a groan, knowing his mom wouldn’t back down. “How about a compromise? You can take Yoongi and Hoseok to a show, and I’ll stay here with Taehyung and Jungkook and get them to bed.”
“Fine,” His mom replied, not being satisfied with the decision, but knowing her son well enough to not push him further.
Jin let the boys explore the hotel room a bit, most of which consisted of the boys jumping on their beds. He blew Hoseok’s mind when the four-year-old asked him where he would be sleeping, and he told him about how the couch would turn into a bed. A little after 5:30, they loaded up into Jin’s van, his mother in the passenger seat, to get some dinner. “How do you feel about Olive Garden?”
“Mom, we can get Olive Garden back home.”
“Yeah, after getting through Little Rock traffic, which isn’t worth it.” Jin rolled his eyes and drove to Olive Garden.
Thankfully, they managed to just beat the dinner rush and didn’t have to wait too long before being seated. However, they’d already attracted some negative attention as Taehyung cried over being strapped into a highchair. After Jin finally got the strap buckled around the squirming boy, he quickly handed him a crayon and the kids’ menu, successfully calming the toddler down. When the waiter came to take their drink order, Yoongi pointed to a pink drink pictured on his menu. “I want that.”
Jin looked at it. “You want a strawberry banana smoothie? Are you sure?” The kindergartener nodded definitively, and the waiter wrote it down.
After he was gone, Jin immediately gathered the boys’ orders for when he came back. “Alright, Tae Tae, what do you want to eat?” Jin asked even though he already know what the boy would say.
“Pasketti!” This was by far the toddler’s favorite meal, as this was his answer every time he was asked what he wanted to eat.
“I want the chicken!” Yoongi pointed to the word that he had recently learned to read at school.
“That comes with pasta, too, Yoongi.” The boy nodded that he understood and went back to coloring in the picture of the leaning tower of Pisa on his menu.
“I want a burger!” Hoseok demanded.
“Well, lucky for you, they have burgers here.” Jin said as he saw cheeseburger sliders listed on the menu.
The waiter returned not much later, and they ordered their food, Jin getting the chicken and shrimp carbonara and asking for an extra plate so he could give Jungkook some of his food. The boys thoroughly enjoyed their experience at the restaurant. Hoseok and Yoongi were amazed by the never-ending breadstick basket (Jungkook particularly enjoyed that too), and they were all excited by the chocolate mints they received after their meal was over.
When they left the restaurant, Jin’s mother drove and dropped Jin and the younger two off at the hotel before taking Yoongi and Hoseok to a show like they’d agreed. The first thing Jin did was get the two young boys in the tub. While Jungkook splashed around in the water, he got to work shampooing Taehyung’s hair. Once the boy’s hair was lathered, he sculpted it into a mohawk. “Taehyung! You’ve got a mohawk!” Taehyung giggled and reached up to feel his hair before Jin rinsed it.
Once he got all the shampoo out of Taehyung’s hair, he turned to grab the shampoo bottle to start on Jungkook. He turned back to the boys in time to see Taehyung swiping the toy duck out of Jungkook’s hand, the one that was nearly identical to the one he was already holding, and yelling, “mine!”
Jungkook, of course, started crying. “Taehyung, you already have a duck, that one’s Jungkook’s.”
“Mine!” Taehyung yelled again, holding the duck close to his chest.
“Taehyung,” Jin made his voice firmer to let Taehyung know he wasn’t playing a game, “it’s not fair for you to have both ducks and not let Jungkook have one. Give Jungkook his duck back.” Jin began to shampoo the crying baby’s hair while he waited for Taehyung to respond. Taehyung eventually did so in the form of throwing the duck back at Jungkook, which it would have hit him if Jin’s arm hadn’t been shielding his face as he washed his hair. “Taehyung, we do not throw toys, especially not at Jungkook. Do you remember what I told you last time you threw your toy at him?”
At Jin’s words, Taehyung’s eyes widened in fear and he scooted to the far corner of the tub as he shook his head rapidly. “No time out!”
“If you throw a toy at him again then you will go to time out.” Jin told him the rule again. “Now apologize to Jungkook.”
Jin pulled his hands out of Jungkook’s hair now that he had finished lathering and dipped his hands in the bathwater to rinse them as Taehyung scooted closer to Jungkook. “Sorry, Kookie.” The toddler said while patting him gently on the head.
In response, Jungkook leaned forward until his mouth brushed against Taehyung’s, making the two-year-old fall into a fit of giggles. “Aww, Tae Tae, he gave you a kiss!” This action had become one of Jungkook’s favorite things to do ever since earlier that week when he had done it to Jin by accident and Jin freaked out in excitement over Jungkook’s ability to give kisses.
After Jin got both boys bathed and out of the tub, he dressed them in their pajamas and sat in one of the two beds with one boy on either side of him as he read them a bedtime story. As Jin turned to the next to last page in Goodnight Moon, he noticed that the two boys had fallen asleep. He lowered his voice to a whisper for the final lines of the book. “Goodnight Stars…Goodnight air…Goodnight noises everywhere.” He quietly closed the book and adjusted the boys, so they were lying on the pillows instead of him and crawled off the bed without waking them up. He left the bedroom door ajar as he moved to sit on the couch, grabbing Yoongi’s backpack on the way. He grabbed the daily folder out of the kindergartener’s backpack and got to looking through it. He smiled as he pulled out Yoongi’s weekly behavior chart, seeing that he got all good marks with the exception of participation, which Jin knew was due to how shy Yoongi still was.
As Jin pulled out a stack of papers from the folder, the hotel door opened and Yoongi and Hoseok ran up to him. “Look what Nana got us!” Yoongi excitedly showed Jin the tiny doll that his mother must have gotten for the boys from the gift shop at the show.
Jin immediately put his finger up to his lips to signal for Yoongi to be quiet. “That’s a really cool toy, Yoongi, but we have to be quiet because Tae Tae and Kookie are sleeping.” Yoongi nodded and sat on the couch.
“Whatcha doin’ there?” Jin’s mom asked him as she approached them.
“This is Yoongi’s daily folder.” Jin explained. “And look, Yoongi, you’re gonna have picture day this week!” Jin held up the form for ordering pictures. “And we’ll go to the pumpkin patch too! Doesn’t that sound fun?” Yoongi nodded, obviously holding back from voicing his excitement so as not to disturb his younger brothers.
“I’ll get these two in bed so that you can finish that.”
“Thanks, Mom.” Jin acknowledged as he looked over the sheet for Red Ribbon Week, mentally planning out how to dress Yoongi according to the different themes. He knew he would have to go to the store to buy some camo and funny socks, but he was sure he could find clothes for the other days depending on what Yoongi wanted to go as for career day.
He finished up with Yoongi’s folder, making sure he completely filled out the picture order form and signed the permission slip for the pumpkin patch, and went straight to bed. He woke up earlier than everyone else the next morning to pack a backpack full of an extra outfit for each boy, snacks, plenty of juice boxes, and two sippy cups, one for Jungkook to pour the juice boxes in and one for Taehyung to use during lunch. They were able to leave the hotel in plenty of time to beat the traffic thanks to Jin’s mother being able to convince him that they could get breakfast at one of the bakeries in the park. Since they had the stroller with them, they parked in the lot closest to the park, so they could just walk up to the entrance rather than having to ride a tram. The boys enjoyed the cinnamon rolls they ate at the first bakery upon entering the park and the candy store they got to walk through (“we’ll buy some candy on the way out” Jin had promised them, secretly hoping they would forget, but he still caved in buying some chocolate covered strawberries for them to share). His mother went on to meet up with some of the other ladies from church while Jin took the boys through the glass blowing shed and the blacksmithing show before taking them to the rides, wanting to hit the educational aspects of the park.
As they finally began to make their way towards the rides, Yoongi stopped the group to point at one of the directional signs. “It says school!” Yoongi said, pointing at the sign that directed guests to the schoolhouse. “Can we go?”
“If that’s what you want to do.” Jin replied and turned the stroller to lead them down the small hill to the 1860s style schoolhouse.
Upon entering the building, they saw many desks littered with slates and chalk, a few other children sitting at desks while an older lady sat in the front of the room decked out in the same style of costumes the other employees wore. “Welcome, boys!” She greeted them as they entered. “Pick a seat and draw me a picture.” She instructed them, and the two older boys rushed to sit down as Taehyung began struggling in the stroller.
“Do you wanna go draw a picture, too?” Jin asked, and Taehyung just nodded. Jin got him out of the stroller and the toddler went to sit in the desk right behind Hoseok, barely able to see the slate on top of the desk. Jin sat at the back of the room in one of the chairs and busied himself by playing with Jungkook as he waited for the three boys to finish. Time flew by because soon enough Yoongi was approaching him with his slate. “Are you all finished?”
“I got an A, Jinnie!” Yoongi proudly held up his slate which showcased four stick figures, one blob, and the letter A at the top.
“Oh, look at this picture!” Jin said, taking the slate from Yoongi’s hands and looking at it. “Look, you drew people!”
“That’s us!” Yoongi said happily as he began pointing to the different figures, starting with the tallest one. “That’s Jinnie….and Hobi….and Tae Tae….and me!” He then pointed to the blob. “And that’s Baby Kookie!”
Jin felt tears pressing against the backs of his eyes out of happiness as he handed the slate back to the kindergartener. “I really love this picture, it’s too bad I can’t keep it.” He looked behind Yoongi and saw Hoseok and Taehyung getting their ‘grades’, Tae struggling with holding his slate by himself. “Why don’t you go put this back on the desk so that we can go ride rides when Hobi and Tae Tae get done?”
Soon enough, they had made their way across the park to where Jin’s mom was next to The Lost River ride. The weather was fairly warm for mid-October, so the water rides were still open and some of the preteen boys from the church were getting ready to go on the ride. Of course, Yoongi wanted to go too, begging Hoseok to come with him. Hoseok was wary of the three older boys that would be accompanying them, but after Yoongi assured him that he would hold his hand the whole time without letting go, Hoseok agreed to go along. “You two have fun,” Jin told them, “I’ll wait right here.” He sat on the bench next to his mother, pulling out a juice box to refill Jungkook’s cup. While he waited for the two boys to return, he busied himself by pointing to random things and asking Taehyung what color they were, since he was working on teaching the two-year-old his colors. “Okay, Tae Tae, what color is Kookie’s cup?”
Taehyung turned his head to look at Jungkook’s spoutless, spill-proof cup. “Ownge!” Taehyung yelled while clapping as he looked back at Jin.
“That’s right, orange!” Jin clapped with him until his ears picked up a familiar cry.
“It’s okay, Hobi, Jinnie’s right there!” He looked up to see a wet Yoongi guiding an equally wet Hoseok back to their caregiver.
Jin hopped up from the bench, leaving the stroller with his mom as he approached the crying boy, immediately scooping him into his arms, not caring about how his shirt was now wet. “What happened?”
“It was scary!” Hoseok wailed into Jin’s neck.
“You didn’t like it?” Jin asked, rubbing the four-year-old’s back comfortingly, and Hoseok shook his head ‘no’ without lifting it up from Jin’s shoulder.
“I liked it!” Yoongi exclaimed, tugging on Jin’s jeans.
“Really? I’m so glad!” Jin took Yoongi’s hand and led them back to the bench. “Let’s wait until Hobi calms down, then we’ll go to the bathroom and change your clothes before finding some more age appropriate rides.”
They did exactly as Jin said, complete with a near tantrum from Taehyung when Jin barely mentioned the possibility of Taehyung sitting on the potty. As they reached the area of the park designated for younger children, it was almost lunch time, so Jin directed the boys to the small outdoor area for eating. He ordered a chicken strip basket for each of the boys, planning on tearing up some of Taehyung’s chicken and French fries to give to Jungkook, while ordering a burger for himself. Lunch went fairly smoothly with the exception of Yoongi having a meltdown over the park having ‘the wrong ketchup’ (it was at this point that Jin realized Yoongi was, in fact, picky about certain foods).
The rest of the weekend went the same: smooth with a couple of bumps along the way. Jin timed out their leaving Sunday afternoon to hit around their naptime again so that they would sleep during the ride home, wanting a moment of peace before the busyness of the next few weeks came along. The first thing Jin did when getting home was grab a jar and fill it with candies, labeling it “Potty Candy”. After doing so, he went to Taehyung’s room and sat in front of him on the floor. “This is your potty candy.” Jin explained. “Every time you try to sit on the potty without crying or fighting, you can get one of the little pieces.” Jin pointed to a Hershey Kiss. “Every time you pee pee on the potty, you get one of these.” He pointed to a mini chocolate bar. “And every time you poop on the potty, you get a big one.” He pointed to a Reese’s cup. “Do you think you can do that?” Taehyung nodded, clapping at the prospect of getting candy. Normally Jin wouldn’t push potty training so much, knowing that that could just delay it even more, however, in just a couple of months, Taehyung would be turning three, and the toddler needed to be at least partially potty trained before promoting to the preschool class.
The rest of October was a blur for Jin. One day, he had to leave at the beginning of literacy time, leaving Jana to read the Halloween themed Pete the Cat book to the preschoolers, in order to accompany Yoongi and his class to the pumpkin patch. Sophia was also very excited to see her old preschool teacher there, dragging her mom to sit with Yoongi and Jin on the bus and during lunch at the patch. The next week, he had to wake up earlier than normal in order to get Yoongi’s outfits for each day of Red Ribbon Week together (he was extremely proud when Yoongi told him that he wanted to dress up ‘like Jinnie’ for Career Day). This was also the week that Taehyung peed on the potty for the first time, albeit it was because Jin suggested he sit on the small potty chair while he drew his bath and it was just luck that the timing worked out perfectly. He also had to go to his first ever parent-teacher conference with Yoongi’s teacher, which his nerves over it were only heightened due to worrying about his four boys messing up the classroom while he talked to the teacher. She expressed that Yoongi was a very good student, the only concern being his lack of participation and interaction with the other kids.
Finally came Halloween. Yoongi dressed up as a minion (having been obsessed with the movie for a few weeks now), Hoseok dressed up as Marshall from Paw Patrol (this being his favorite show), Taehyung dressed up as an Oompa Loompa (deciding on the costume after watching Charlie and the Chocolate Factory for the first time), and Jin had chosen to dress Jungkook up as Popeye (he fell in love with how cute the costume was after seeing it while out grocery shopping). After Yoongi insisted that Jin wear a costume too, he simply wore a plaid shirt tucked into his jeans after coming across a cowboy hat from his time in his high school’s theater department. He and all four of the boys had spent the entire day in their costumes, due to the Halloween parties both the preschool and Yoongi’s school threw. It was now nearing sunset, and Jin wanted to take them trick or treating before it got too late. But first, pictures.
“Say cheese!” The four boys smiled, with the exception of Jungkook who was sucking on one of his fingers as he focused on not falling over from where Jin had stood him up in front of Hoseok.
“Send it to Joonie!” Hoseok insisted as soon as Jin was done taking pictures.
“Okay~” He said while chuckling, opening up his messages with Namjoon from earlier that day, which mainly consisted of Namjoon asking Jin how the boys were doing, but ended up with Jin inquiring of the man’s plans for Thanksgiving. Namjoon had told him that he usually worked holidays, being one of the few case workers willing to do so. Jin planned to ask the boys in a few weeks, closer to the holiday, how they would feel about inviting Namjoon over to spend Thanksgiving with them.
Jin walked the boys around the neighborhood, reminding them to use their manners when going up to each house. When the sun finally started to set, he circled them back towards their house, reaching the front door just before total darkness hit. “Go poop~” Taehyung piped up, having been quiet for the walk home, as Jin unlocked the door.
“Right now?” Jin asked, panicking slightly due to Taehyung’s elaborate costume. The two-year-old nodded, visibly fidgeting. “Hold just one second Taehyung.” Jin picked up the toddler and rushed him to the bathroom, removing his costume as quickly as he could without ripping it, and set him on the toilet just before the poop came. Once Jin was able to breathe in relief at getting the boy to the toilet in time, he crouched down in front of the boy. “Look at you Taehyung, you went potty like a big boy!” Taehyung beamed widely, telling Jin a few minutes later that he was done. After Jin got him cleaned up and made sure his pull up was situated right and his hands were washed, he led the boy back into the living room where Hoseok and Yoongi were going through their candy while Jungkook had crawled over to his foam blocks. “Tae Tae went potty!” Jin announced, and the two older boys cheered for him, making Taehyung even happier about being ‘a big boy!’
“The boys wanted me to invite you to Thanksgiving.” Jin spoke into the phone as he was lying in bed, about to go to sleep.
“Really?” Namjoon asked into the phone. In all honesty, Jin had yet to ask the boys, but felt too embarrassed to tell Namjoon that it was really him that wanted the social worker to come over for the holiday. “Well, sadly, I do have to work that day.”
Jin felt his heart sink, not fully understanding why he was feeling that way, but he kept his voice cheerful as he responded. “That’s okay, I’ll tell the boys that you’re out saving more kids like them.”
Namjoon chuckled. “You make me sound like some kind of hero.”
“You are to them.” And to me. Jin kept that last statement to himself.
“Tell them I’m sorry and that I’ll see them soon.”
“Okay.” Jin bid him goodbye and hung up the phone, trying to push away the feeling of sadness that was creeping up on him.
A few days later, Jin was sitting in the cafeteria of the elementary school with Yoongi for the Kindergarten Thanksgiving Feast. Although he had just had a breakfast of Cheerios and mandarin oranges at the preschool, he was digging into his meal like he wasn’t gonna see tomorrow, most likely due to the stress he was feeling of trying to figure out what to do with Yoongi the next week that he was out of school. He knew he couldn’t bring him to the preschool with him, but he wasn’t too keen on his mother’s idea either.
“He can stay with me! We’d have lots of fun!” She said before playfully pinching the kindergartener’s cheek as he tried to fit his mouth around the too big bite of turkey.
“Mom, you know how I feel about him being around you know who.” He never said the man’s name around the boys, because he didn’t want them asking any questions and getting curious about who he was.
“He’ll be at work…” Jin raised his eyebrow, “…most days…”
Sophia’s mother, who was sitting across from Jin after Sophia’s insistence that they sit together, obviously overheard their conversation. “If you need someone to watch Yoongi, my mother acts as the neighborhood abuela and always keeps Sophia and other kids during school breaks. I’m sure she wouldn’t mind keeping Yoongi, too.”
Sophia gasped dramatically. “Yoongi, we’ll get to keep playing together!”
Jin chuckled and rested his hand on Yoongi’s head, stroking his hair. “What do you say, Yoongi? Wanna spend the week with Sophia and her grandmother?”
“Yeah!” Yoongi cheered, kicking his feet under the table in excitement.
Jin turned back to Sophia’s mom. “Thank you so much, it’ll only be for two days since the center will be closed the rest of the week.”
“No problem!” She pulled her phone out of her purse. “Let me just let my mom know and then I’ll text you her address later.”
For the two days that Yoongi spent at Abuela Martinez’s house, he always came back with many stories to share. Apparently, Sophia’s grandmother moved to America from Mexico when she was only three years old, a fact that Jin had never known through all the years he had Sophia in his class. Jin was exceptionally glad that he was able to send Yoongi to Abuela Martinez’s house for even just a couple of days as Yoongi was able to learn a lot, which he gathered when he picked up Yoongi on Monday and he was covered in flour after spending the day learning how to make tortillas from scratch.
On Thanksgiving Day, after Jin put Jungkook down for his mid-morning nap, Jin got to work preparing a Thanksgiving dinner for him and the boys. He put Hoseok and Yoongi to work peeling potatoes with the child safe peelers he purchased, and Taehyung sat at the table with them, using his own toy cooking set to make his own thanksgiving dinner as he insisted. Jin worked on chopping up vegetables to stuff inside the turkey that was nearly done defrosting, looking over his shoulder to check on the three boys every so often. Suddenly, the doorbell rang, which seemed to wake Jungkook up as Jin could hear him crying in his room. Jin rushed to answer the door, freezing in surprise when he saw Namjoon there. “Namjoon?” He asked before remembering he needed to console the crying infant. Namjoon opened his mouth, possibly for an explanation, but Jin held his finger up to stop him. “Hold that thought and come on in while I get Jungkook.” Jin closed the door behind the social worker before going to Jungkook’s room. The infant was standing up in his crib, holding onto the bars as tears ran down his face. “Oh, come here,” Jin cooed to him, picking him up and propping him on his hip. It didn’t take much longer for Jungkook to calm down, and there was barely any sign that he had been crying by the time he got back to the living room. “So,” Jin said as he entered the room, getting Namjoon’s attention, “I thought you had to work today. Sorry I look kind of like a mess right now.” Jin was suddenly conscious of the fact that he was still in his pajamas with a few food stains accumulated while cooking.
“Oh, it’s fine, don’t feel like you have to be all dressed up just because I’m here.” Namjoon waved off Jin’s worries before getting to his explanation. “I was looking over your file and I noticed that you’re due for your monthly home visit, so I thought, why not do it today so that I can still take you up on your invitation, that is, if it’s still open.”
Jin stammered for a few seconds before replying. “Of course! I’m cooking dinner right now, actually, but you can sit with the boys until it’s ready.”
Jin led him into the kitchen, where the boys were very excited to see him. He strapped Jungkook into his high chair, giving him a couple of toys from Taehyung’s set and a handful of Cheerios for him to snack on while Jin finished cooking. Namjoon’s arrival had thrown Jin slightly, so he was a few minutes behind schedule, causing him to rush through chopping up the vegetables. After a few minutes, Namjoon approached him. “Is there anything I can do to help?”
Jin looked up at him. “If you want…” He trailed off, not knowing if Namjoon was just offering to be nice while he didn’t want to or if he actually wanted to help.
“I mean, I’m completely hopeless when it comes to cooking, but if you give me an easy task, I’m sure I can handle it.” Namjoon smiled at him and Jin let out a laugh before directing him to chop up the onions.
Jin pulled the turkey towards him to begin stuffing it with the already chopped vegetables when he noticed Namjoon struggling with the task. “Here, let me show you,” First, Jin turned the half of the onion to rest on the flat side before placing his hand on Namjoon’s and guiding him in the proper way to chop. Jin looked up and his eyes met Namjoon’s for a few seconds before he felt his skin heating up and he pulled his hand away. “So, um, yeah, that’s how you chop onions.”
Namjoon cleared his throat. “Um, thanks.”
The rest of the day flew by with no more awkward moments between the two adults, and Namjoon left them with an assurance that Jin was still following all the rules and regulations and need not worry about anything.
After that, the holiday season flew by quickly. The music program the kindergarten classes had at the beginning of December (it had the theme of learning about the different states and Yoongi had scored a solo in the Pennsylvania Rap, which he and Jin both had been very excited for, along with Namjoon who had showed up to support Yoongi), his 23rd birthday party (which the boys all made a card together for him and he swore that was the greatest gift he had ever received in his entire life), the family night for the entire elementary school (which made Hoseok even more excited to be going to Kindergarten the following year, but also led to a tantrum from Taehyung when Jin explained to him that he couldn’t go to Kindergarten yet), the day that he had to take off work for the entire day due to both the Gingerbread House Party and Yoongi’s class’ Christmas party being held on the same day (but he was okay with that because he just checked Yoongi out after the Christmas party and picked the other boys up early and got a head start on their family night), and ending with the holiday party he had spent the entire month planning for the preschool (he wanted to incorporate as many winter holidays as possible, since he had a few students who were Jewish and one girl whose family celebrated Kwanzaa). It was now Christmas Eve, and for the first time in five years, his mother had convinced him to come to the family Christmas after assuring him that her husband had opted out of coming.
Thankfully most of his family was fairly open minded and accepting, so they hadn’t reacted too badly to the news of his sexuality. So, with the exception of a few people, who he had already made plans to avoid for the entirety of the party, he was having a good feeling about this party as he opened the door to his great-aunt’s house. “Jinnie!”
“Hi Aunt Gracie!” He hugged his aunt with one arm, as he was holding Jungkook with the other.
“You have to introduce me to these little cuties!” She gushed, crouching down to be eye level with the young boys.
“This is Yoongi, Hoseok, Taehyung, and Baby Jungkook.” He introduced the boys one by one, who all waved at the woman shyly.
“Well, come on, and I’ll show you around.” She walked them down the hall into the living room, where Taehyung’s eyes lit up.
“Puppy dog!” Taehyung rushed to the small animal, sitting on the floor next to it and barking like a dog.
Jin set Jungkook down on the floor, who took a few wobbly steps before crashing to his bottom, much as he had been doing over the past week. He picked himself back up, holding onto the chair next to him to steady himself, before taking the few steps over to Taehyung and sitting down next to him. “Is he just learning to walk?” Aunt Gracie cooed, and Jin nodded before his eyes fell on someone who made him freeze in place.
He barely registered his mom approaching and greeting him. When he finally found the motivation to speak, he turned to look at her and said, “I thought you said he wouldn’t be here.”
His gaze landed on his mother’s husband again as she sighed. “He changed his mind this morning. But you’re here now! No sense in loading the boys up and leaving so soon!”
Jin sighed and looked back at his mom. “I am not speaking to him and keep him away from me.” After checking to make sure the boys were okay, he left to go to the kitchen to see if he could find something to busy himself.
He failed at avoiding the man for the entire party, because shortly after Jin had settled on the couch for his family’s tradition of Dirty Santa, his mother’s husband sat next to him. “So, you work at a daycare-“
“Preschool.” Jin’s correction was ignored as the man continued.
“And you’re taking care of someone else’s kids for an indefinite period of time.” He scoffed before bringing his beer can to his lips. “Why am I not surprised that you’re doing a woman’s job?” Jin rolled his eyes but opted to ignore him as he received a text from Namjoon, who had first texted him a few minutes earlier. “And now you’re texting your boyfriend, still as fucked up as always.”
At that, Jin finally snapped. “I don’t see how who I am or am not dating is any of your concern, and for your information, this is the boys’ case worker who is just checking up and seeing how they’re doing.” Jin stood up from the couch and walked off to the bathroom, not letting his tears of frustration fall until the door was safely locked behind him.
After a couple of minutes staying in the bathroom and trying to calm himself down, someone knocked lightly on the door. “Jinnie, are you okay?” Yoongi spoke through the door.
“Yeah, I’m fine.” Jin answered, glad that his voice stayed stable as he responded.
“Tae Tae has to go potty!” Yoongi called back, and Jin quickly wadded up some toilet paper to wipe away any traces of tears before opening the door.
“Come on, Tae Tae.” He helped the boy onto the toilet and thanked Yoongi for bringing the toddler to him.
To Jin’s relief, the rest of the party went by smoothly and he didn’t have to deal with Joe again. He was relieved a few days later when he made it through Christmas without any surprise children being placed with him, and again when he made it through Taehyung’s 3rd birthday with most of his sanity still intact, and he moved happily into Yoongi’s final semester as a Kindergartener. He became especially busy again once February rolled around, and although his paycheck took a beating due to having less hours at the preschool, he didn’t regret going to every single activity with Yoongi. He loved seeing the bright smile on Yoongi’s face when they took a field trip to see a performance at a concert hall (Yoongi had always shown a love for music from the very first day at preschool and Jin supported it wholeheartedly), he felt a sense of pride when Yoongi bragged to his class about how ‘his Jinnie made all these cupcakes for us by himself’ at his class’ Valentine’s Day party (which worked out perfectly because he was able to make it back to the center for the preschool’s party), he beamed when Yoongi gave Hoseok something he made in art as a birthday gift for him (saying he wanted him to have a piece of Kindergarten to help him start), he gushed over how adorable Yoongi was in his I Am Sam costume for the annual book character parade (the ending to Dr. Seuss/Banned Books Week), he most certainly did not tear up at Yoongi’s 6th birthday party (where the only guests had been Namjoon and Sophia and her family with Yoongi’s insistence that he didn’t need a big party), and he soon found himself at Spring Break.
Yoongi was spending the week at Abuela Martinez’s house again since the preschool was still open, although they didn’t have very many kids due to the amount of families taking vacations. This was a big day for Jungkook, because it would be his first day in the toddler room since he was now fully mobile on his legs. “Here we go, Jungkookie~” Jin set the toddler down as he stood in the open door separating the toddler room from the preschool room, so he could still keep an eye on Hoseok and Taehyung as they picked out a center (Hoseok went to the reading center and Taehyung headed straight for the dress up center).
Jungkook looked around the new room before looking up at his caregiver. “Gyeomie?” Jungkook and Yugyeom had become fairly good friends in the infant room and, sadly, Yugyeom was not quite old enough to graduate to the toddler room.
“I’m sorry, Kookie, but Gyeomie won’t be here for a while.” Jin could see the way Jungkook’s bottom lip began to tremble as he was on the verge of a meltdown.
“Hey, Jungkook,” Ellie swooped in to aide Jin. “Do you like dinosaurs?” Jungkook tilted his head in curiosity. “Let me go show you where we keep the dinosaurs.”
Jin mouthed a thank you to her before closing the door and getting to work preparing for the day ahead, counting up their bananas to make sure they would have enough for breakfast that morning. The rest of the school year passed by uneventfully, with the exception of the kindergarten birthday party for those with March birthdays where he had offered to provide cupcakes again (this event had been paired with the class Easter Egg hunt so that was an extremely busy day), and another field trip where he accompanied Yoongi to the Museum of Discovery. As for the others, he was working extremely hard to make sure Hoseok was properly preparing for Kindergarten (a difficult mission as it was hard to assess Hoseok due to him having trouble staying in one place with one activity for an extended period of time), Taehyung was nearly fully potty trained, and Jungkook had, surprisingly, begun to sit on the potty himself, although he had not done anything yet.
Jin finally found himself at the annual open house for the preschool. Every year, they invited parents from the community, including parents who already had their children in the center, to join them for snack time and their afternoon activities to see how the center worked. Their goal was to convince parents to either continue keeping their kids in the school or enroll their children in the school. Jin was in the middle of distributing pretzels for each of the students when they woke up when the door chimed, signaling the first guest of the afternoon. He looked up to greet them but was shocked into silence. “Namjoon? What are you doing here?”
Namjoon struggled to open the child gate until Jin came over to assist him. “An invitation for the open house found its way to DHS and I thought I might as well come and check the school out.”
Jin smiled at him. “Well, that was very kind of you. I’m sure the boys will be very happy to see you.”
And happy they were. Hoseok and Taehyung insisted on sharing their snack with the tall man while other parents showed up. After snack and at the beginning of math time, Jin did a small presentation for the parents, explaining that they would be able to see firsthand what their child’s school day is like, and Namjoon was mesmerized by how fluently Jin spoke to the parents. Those feelings increased when Jin began the math circle time activities.
“Alright, I need five people who are sitting quietly and being good carpet leaders.” Jin looked over the children before calling out five names. “Let’s see…Caden…Emma…Charlotte…Grayson…and Ava, come on up.” He gave each child a card with groups of mice and their corresponding number from one to five. He arranged the children in a line, but their numbers were mixed up. “Are they standing in the right order?” The kids all yelled out no. “What do we have to do to fix it?”
Taehyung called out, “Ava needs to move!” Sure enough, if Ava moved to the end of the line with her five card, the numbers would be in order.
“That’s right, Taehyung.” Jin guided Ava to move to the correct spot. “Is it right now?” The kids all yelled out yes and Jin instructed the children to sit back down as he moved on to the shape of the week: an oval.
They transitioned into the gross motor activity time, aka Dance Time, with only a minor hiccup. “I wanna lead the dance!” Hoseok whined.
“But Hobi, you’re the Flag Holder this week and Aubrey is the Dance Leader.” Jin explained, and thankfully Hoseok accepted with nothing more than a pout.
When Dance Time was over and Jin dismissed them all to center time, Namjoon’s phone buzzed in his pocket, and he silently cursed upon seeing the caller ID. “Hello?” Jin tried not to be obvious about his listening in, but he was curious. “Again?....No, it’s fine, I’ll come get him now. I’ll be there in no more than 15 minutes.” He hung up the phone with a sigh.
“Everything okay?” Jin asked.
“Yeah, it’s just this kid, we removed him from his parents last week and this is the fourth family that’s called me about not being able to keep him anymore.”
“Four houses in a week?” Jin asked, unable to comprehend what a child could possibly do to make so many foster houses reject him. Jin watched as Namjoon gathered up his things and spoke before fully thinking it through. “I’ll take him!”
Namjoon paused in his putting his suit jacket on. “Are you sure? You don’t even know anything about the kid.”
Jin nodded. “I’m sure. If you can keep him with you for a few hours until I get off work, we can meet you somewhere to pick him up.”
“If you’re sure, then just text me when you get done and I’ll meet you over at your house with him.”
Next Chapter
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sunyoonandstars · 6 years
BTS Scenario 1.3.: Them being too busy with work to make time for you (while you are having a hard time)
I know, I’m probably a little late to this. But I just stumbled upon the whole ‘Kick J-Hope out’-issue that arose back in 2014 and couldn’t believe what I read. The hateful comments so-called fans left, including a hashtag demanding of BTS to kick out J-Hope (among other members such as Jin and Jimin) for being ‘fat’, ‘ugly’, ‘lacking talent’ and whatnot literally made me cry. Not only because I couldn’t stand the thought of our sunshine being hurt and discouraged like that, but because I was once again shocked that actual humans could do something like that to one another, bullying an innocent person they don’t even know, cowardly hiding behind their laptop screens, having no idea how big of an impact their cruel words could and would have on the other persons mind and life …
Things like that have to stop!!!
And - at least I believe that to be true - Hoseok is deep down a very insecure person, who is always trying to do his best, to improve for the sake of himself, the fans and the members, and always be the hope and the bright sunshine, everyone needs him to be, sometimes probably putting on an act and forcing himself to smile even though he is having a hard time himself. And I know from experience that the tough / sunshine act can be incredibly strenuous, so I deeply respect him for his strength and attitude. J-Hope doesn’t deserve such hatred. Nobody does. 
So, to give our sunshine and his stans the love they so much deserve, here comes a scenario for you! Enjoy! Fighting!
(By the way, I previously posted a similar scenario for Jin and Suga, check them out if you like!)
The Scenario 
They’re busy with work, and don’t seem to be able to make time for you, so you keep dropping by. Because you also have a very demanding schedule and only ever get a few days off a week / month, so you desperately want to spend your valuable free time spend with your love …
angst, fluff, hurt/comfort
3. J-Hope / Hoseok
Officially starting to date and commit to Hoseok was the best decision of your life. Or so you thought at first. Of course, he was one of the most caring, endearing, positive, sweet and strong people you knew, and he tried his best to shower you in affection and make you smile whenever he got the chance. But lately, those chances seemed to make themselves scarce, and increasingly so. Hoseok had received thousands upon thousands of mean and hurtful comments on social media throughout the last months after falling on stage at a performance on live TV and practically ruining the show, at least in the eyes of countless so-called ‚fans‘. Though the members had handled the situation with grace and tried to shrug it off jokingly later on in an interview, Hoseok took the criticism and hate he received pretty hard and has been practicing relentlessly ever since. You couldn’t take them anymore, those disrespectful people trampling about on his heart, the hundreds mean comments and memes roaming around the worldwide web, solely created in order to make fun of your love, calling him a a club-footed horse, to name only one of the offending nicknames heartless haters had assigned to him. They had no idea what they were doing to him, and it broke your heart to see your hopeful sunshine so distraught and discouraged. You tried your best to support him in any way possible, but couldn’t help but feel helpless, watching him dance to exhaustion each and every day. Whenever he thought you or the members didn’t look, you could witness his precious smile fade and fall. Something you could under no circumstances allow to happen, just standing idly by. So you dropped by the studio every day after university without exception, even if you were sick or tired, bringing by healthy snacks and bandages for Hoseoks maltreated limbs, trying to get him to eat and take a short break now and then. He mostly refused. „No, thanks, honey. I know you mean well, but I have to get this right, I have to improve, to become the dancer and artist my fans deserve. And that won’t happen by taking breaks.“ You knew, disagreeing with him on this wouldn’t lead anywhere, so you merely ruffled his sweaty hair, giving him an encouraging smile. „Alright. Fighting!“, you cheered him on, making a cute gesture, actually managing to educe a loving smile from him before he turned the music back on and concentrating on practicing the choreography again, you watching him all the while, seated in one corner of the dance room, amazed at his beautiful body and what it was capable of. Hours went by and you finally decided to turn in for the night, almost having fallen asleep on the studio floor. Hoseok didn’t even notice you leaving, still completely absorbed by his dancing, even though it was already long past midnight. Already at the door, you looked back at him one last time, tears starting to fill up your eyes, desperately hoping he would at least get some sleep tonight. You left the food you had brought on the threshold, a sticky note attached to it, saying:
I love you, Hobi! Don’t overwork yourself! Your life & body are very precious to me! Remember to EAT & SLEEP! Your body needs fuel! You won’t make any of your fans happy by dying of exhaustion…  -.- - Much love, your biggest fan! Don’t ever forget how amazing you are
You had ended it with a number of hearts you had quickly scribbled onto the pastel pink paper. As you turned to go you wished your little message would make Hoseok smile before going to a hopefully peaceful sleep. On your way home you fell asleep in the bus, incredibly tired after a long and strenuous day at the university and library, having spent your last remaining energy on supporting Hoseok. The bus driver woke you politely when you had reached the final stop, informing you that there would be no more buses departing from this stop tonight. Confused and still half asleep you blinked against the bright streetlights, now out in the cold, some place you’d never been before, not being able to recognize anything in your surroundings, having no idea how you would get home from here. You tried to make out a close by street sign in order to pinpoint your location, however it was far too dark and you weren’t able to spot one, so you decided to wander around the deserted streets. You took out your phone, planning on using a navigation app to find your way home somehow, only to discover that your battery was running dangerously low. „Shit!“, you cursed, your voice echoing unnaturally loud in the dark of the night. You felt a shiver run down your spine, not only because of the cold but rather because you can’t help but picture horrible scenarios of danger and violence, a mysterious stranger creeping up to you in the darkness, not a soul around to come to your rescue, however loud you would scream for help. No, this was not some thriller. You were just an ordinary girl, walking through an ordinary street on an ordinary Friday night. Nothing would happen to you, of that you were sure. You just had to keep on walking at your regular hurried pace, not letting strangers see how desperately lost you really were, fighting back the tears of anger, fear and fatigue. Angry. Yes, you were angry. At yourself, for being so stupid. How could you have fallen asleep in a freaking night bus!? You were better than that! Stronger than that! After all, your strength and positivity were two of the things Hoseok loved most about you, and you had to stay strong, no matter what, not only for yourself but for him, too, in his time of hardship. Only now you realized how big a toll Hoseoks situation had taken on you, as well, to which extent you had neglected your own health and happiness over the last few months to be there for him, and how much energy it had cost you. And suddenly, you just couldn’t carry on anymore. Couldn’t be strong anymore. Having wandered around this strange and desolated part of town for over an hour already, you ultimately broke down, plummeting to the pavement, grateful for the stinging pain in your knees, which finally allowed your tears to fall. For countless minutes you just sat there in the middle of the street, weeping freely, shaking in the cold breeze. Only your phone vibrating in the pocket of your sheer jacket brought you back to your senses. When you took it out, the screen showed Hoseoks face, flashing the sweet smile you loved so much, brightly gleaming in the darkness. He was calling you, at half past two in the morning. You quickly looked up to the starless night sky, praying that nothing bad had happened to him. You cleared your throat, swallowing the remaining tears, so he wouldn’t hear them in your voice, before you eventually answered the call. „Y/n, where on earth are you?“ He sounded decidedly worried, his voice growing into a high pitch as he kept on speaking. „I came by your place after practice, hoping you were still awake, because I felt so bad about letting you leave like that. I found your note, so sweet, honey! But when I let myself in your flat was empty. It looked like you hadn’t been home tonight. Where are you?“ „Hobi, I’m lost! I fell asleep in the bus, they threw me out at the final stop and I don’t know where I am! I’ve never been to this part of town, and it’s so dark and cold. I have no idea how to get home!“ You couldn’t help it, contrary to your intention bursting into tears again at the sound of Hoseoks soft and familiar voice. „Please, honey, don’t cry! It’s gonna be okay!“ „I’m really scared, Hobi …“, you reluctantly admitted. „Of course, you are! Wandering around in the middle of the night all by yourself is incredibly dangerous! I can’t — My heart can’t take this! I don’t even dare to imagine what could happen to you!“ You could hear him inhaling deeply over the phone. „Now, do you have no idea at all where you are? What line was the bus you took?“ You closed your eyes, trying hard to remember. „It was definitely the blue line, that’s all I can recall…“ „Okay, y/n, just stay were you are and try to keep out of harms way! Avoid strangers and dark alleys! I’m coming for you! Do you hear me? I’m coming for you!“ „No, Hobi, you must be so tired. You have to get rest! You have a concert in a few days!“ Your phone beeped repeatedly, reminding you of its low state of battery charge. „What is that sound, honey?“ „It’s the battery. My phone is about to die. I —“ „Don’t worry, honey. Let’s just end the call now to save some battery. I’ll locate you through the app, try to keep your phone running for as long as possible! Disable any applications you don’t need at the moment. And remember, y/n, it’s gonna be okay. I’m coming for you, okay? I promise! I’m coming your you! See you soon!“ He hung up before you even got a chance to reply, and you instantly missed the sound of his voice, having allowed you to forget about the lonely cold and the frightening darkness for a few precious moments. You couldn’t help but feel proud of Hoseok for handling such a terrifying situation comparatively calmly, overcoming his fearful nature to venture into the night in order to come to your rescue, not even thinking for one second about himself. Promptly, you felt an intense warmth growing around your heart, being reminded of his love for you and the reason both of you kept fighting so hard for this relationship to work. After a few more minutes, your phone eventually died, leaving you cut off from Hoseok and the rest of the world. But knowing that he was coming for you and not doubting him for a second, you stood your ground with certainty, shivering in the cold, embracing yourself to preserve as much body heat as possible. Hobi is coming for me, you kept reminding yourself, having trouble staying awake by now. Hobi is coming for me, I just have to hold out for a few more minutes. A jolt went through your limbs, shaking you out of your sleep, as you felt your body being lifted up from the cold ground. „Shh, it’s okay, honey, I’m here now“, you heard an all too familiar voice whispering into your hair, leaving no time for you to panic. „Hobi“, you murmured, weak and still half asleep, your voice muffled by the soft fabric of his shirt. „You really came.“ „Of course, I came, y/n. I promised, don’t you remember?“ You could feel something heavy on your shoulders, and figured that he had wrapped you in his coat before he’d lifted you up to carry you in his slender but strong arms. But he must be so tired, you kept thinking to yourself, trying to free yourself from his embrace and get back to your feet. However, he didn’t let you, holding on to you tightly. „Hobi, please, put me down. I’m awake now, I can walk by myself. You must be exhausted after practicing yourself half to death, not having eaten all day. I can’t even bear the thought of robbing you of your last strength. I’m fine, really. Put me down.“ He paused, holding you away from his body in order to sneak a look at your face, smiling one of his bright, hopeful smiles. You couldn’t believe he still had the energy left to pull off one of those. This man was a marvel.   „Y/n, I would do anything for you, you know that, right? And I realized that I didn’t appreciate the efforts you made over the past few months. I was so focused on my work, I didn’t even realize that you were the only thing that kept me going. Your smiles and your daily visits gave me the strength to go on. So, now, please let me repay you, hmm? Or I’ll tickle you senseless right here and now.“ You couldn’t help but laugh at the image. Yes, his tickles were indeed powerful. „Okay, if it makes you happy“, you agreed reluctantly, smiling up at him. „But don’t overdo it.“ „Don’t worry, the taxi is parked right around the corner.“ So you leaned back into him, burying your face in his chest, soaking up his comforting scent, until you put you in the back seat of the taxi, seating himself next to you, gesturing you to lean against him. Gladly you rested your head on his shoulder, gradually going back to sleep. You woke up in your shared bed to Hoseok kissing your cheek repeatedly. „Good morning, sleeping beauty“, he greeted you, as you slowly opened your eyes, extending one hand to ruffle his fuzzy bed hair, at which he smiled, turning his head to quickly for you to react, placing a soft kiss in the palm of your hand. „I tried to make breakfast“, he announced with pride, smiling widely. „However, I failed miserably. So I cheated and called Jin over to help me out.“ You couldn’t help but laugh at that, still sleepy, Hoseok joining you immediately. „So, come on, wakey wakey!“ You pulled a pillow over your head, not yet ready to leave the warm comfort of bed. „Don’t be a party pooper, y/n! Get up! It’s PANCAKE TIME!“, he declared, beginning to tickle you until you finally burst into laughter and fought back, the two of you now involved in a raging tickle war, until you rolled out of bed, falling to the ground and onto each other, laughing even harder. „Okay, okay! I give up! Bring on the pancakes!“, you sighed, still out of bed, raising your hands in playful resignation. Hoseok got up first and extended a helpful hand to you, effortlessly tasing you to your feet, capturing you in a tight hug. Suddenly, he let go of you, bringing some distance between the two of you so he could meet your gaze. The look in his eyes was caring and warm, his soft features caught in an affectionate smile. „What is it?“, you asked, feeling your cheeks blush. „I just love you so much, for everything you are and do for me. You can’t even imagine how much you mean to me. I have never met someone as warm and caring as you.“ „I have“, you replied. „You.“ „Aww, you’re too sweet to handle“, he giggles, blushing himself now. „But now, let’s have those pancakes. I even asked Jin to put in some chocolate chips.“ „Chocolate chip pancakes? They’re my favorite!“ „I know“, he replied, grinning happily, lifting you up on his hips to give you a piggyback ride to the kitchen, repeatedly spinning around on you way there, letting butterflies dance in your stomach and making you laugh out loud in excitement. When you reached your destination he carefully put you down, placing a breathless kiss on your lips. „This is so much fun, y/n. Everything is with you, really. I can’t believe I missed out on this, on you, because of some idiotic fan rant. I’m so glad and crazy grateful you went through this with me and never left my side. I won’t ever forget that. I love you, my hope.“
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Hope you liked it and it did out Hope justice! 
Thanks for reading! Take care! 💜
Here you can find my Masterlist if you feel like checking out more of my BTS fiction!
All GIFs used are NOT mine. Credit goes to the initial creators. Thank you for your hard work and dedication.
© 2017 @a-r-m-y-g-i-r-l​ ALL RIGHTS RESERVED
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- Connecting It All -
Okay so I’ve realized that the videos can actually connect to some parts of a theory I wrote when BS&T jpn version came out (pictured below)
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  Jin jumps timelines trying to “go back to that time” like his posters say because he wants to save the others. He’s like their guardian angel in that way. But something always happens. Either he dies in the timeline (INU jpn vers) to save the others or the others die (jk car accident/tae suicide/hobi overdose). Either way nothing can go back to normal. 
Jin is meant to fix everything. So when he fails, the timeline collapses and he has to start over again. Him changing shirts shows the different times/ways he’s tried to save them. The one time he made a selfish act and decided to see the girl w the notebook instead of work on finding the boys not only does he see her get hit but it reminds him of Jungkook’s accident which he at one point in the timeline feels he has caused, so he is brutally reminded of his role and starts the timeline over again. It also happens in the very beginning of the story rather than the end. 
 The train crossing represents the passage between the realm of the living(earth/reality) and the spirit realm (like from Demian).
 The girl serves as a reminder for Jin. The notebook was his. She was already dead from the car crash in the beginning, heading toward purgatory. Dropping Jin’s notebook was meant to make Jin realize he can’t run away from the past and leave things broken. Everything will just start over again. 
Jungkook has amnesia and in the Begin short film we can see the inside of his mind. As it wears off he starts drawing both in the timeline (2nd teaser) and in his mind (painting and drawing). He’s remembering someone (Yoongi). 
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Grabbing that girls hand shows him grasping his memories. The girl, his memories, trigger his flashbacks with Yoongi by making him pay attention to the song Yoongi’s girl was playing. When he finally has those flashbacks the girl is no longer needed to remind him of his memories. He recovers mentally and physically. Like the child of Omelas, his surroundings are bright and peaceful but he himself is left in the dark, his mind like the basement the child was trapped in. 
While Jungkook tries to hold onto his memories Yoongi tries to get away. He’s always rejecting help (RUN mv & teaser 3) but even after Jungkook gets hurt and he blames himself, he’s still trying to shake off the memories like he does as he’s walking around the streets drunk (he has turned to self destructive tendencies) trying to get the girl, his memories and reminder of Jungkook, to go away. He prefers not knowing, (ignorance is bliss) thinking it’s easier than getting involved or attached which is why we see him covering Jimin’s eyes (he originally was suppose to cover Jin’s in BS&T too) because things are better left alone than pondered on. Because of his actions, Jungkook was hurt so now he hopes his inaction protects himself and the others. He feels as tho he is the white lighter in their live and he brings misfortune as he is seen with a white lighter in INU and the teaser videos (the myth of the white lighter is that it brings death and misfortune to artists). “Don’t come near me, you’ll only be hurt" 
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The issue with Jimin is that Jimin is thinking ‘i want to BE her’ rather than ‘i want to be WITH her’ (there’s been a lot of misunderstandings here) the camera recording is important, think back to Lie short film. He makes the girl as his best possible self, the one who can help Hobi, so he tries to be like her by ‘watching’ her closely/recording her as she’s with Hobi, he’s actually studying the things that make him happy. However what he misses is that she remains close to hobi and by his side while Jimin stays distant cause he still thinks he’ll hurt Hobi somehow "I lied because there is no reason to love someone like me” he’s creating a persona of this girl who can be Hobi’s missing mother/sister figure because he doesn’t believe the person who he is now is capable of loving/being loved, taking care of hoseok, etc basically- his camera in the highlight reel is him taking snapshots of what he should be like, while the one in lie is capturing what he’s actually like- just sitting there fighting w himself. 
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When they collapse it’s because Jimin’s mentality and self confidence is breaking down. They’re two sides of the same person. When he scrubs the blood off of him he his trying the remove the remains of his facade. Hoseok tries to save Jimin. He’s carrying the girl because this persona of him is who he knows. The stripped down figure of Jimin is him watching as he dies. Perhaps Jimin is always wet because it’s how he tried to kill himself and cause he was soaked while Hobi tried to carry him to save him. 
Hoseok truly embodies the angel thing. Even his quote is selfless “as long as you shine, I’m okay”. In the MAMA short film we see that he has Munchausen Syndrome, caused by emotional childhood trauma. This disorder has no physical affect but the patient will feign symptoms in order to receive sympathy and attention. They are treated with a placebo, but rather than a sugar pill, Jimin was his placebo. Jimin’s nurturing persona acted as the placebo he needed to fill the void his mother left in his life. Without Jimin, he turns to other placebos like a sugar pill (pure white/INU) or even actual drugs (MAMA/BS&T jpn).
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Namjoon is just watching. His failure to save Tae in the past leads to him being too hesitant to take any action. It’s possible that the girl is Tae’s sister from stigma/inu. He can’t be there for Tae in other ways but watching out for the girl. He sees her as what he should be but since he can’t take that action he’ll watch over the one who does. He even leaves the girl a hair tie when he sees she used a rubber band. The girl is someone he admires, she’s an activist, just as he once was admired by Tae. He can become someone better, but he can’t act right now because “it’s not the right time”. She is a reflection (wink wink) of who he wants to be.
Tae on the other hand was the follower then, but now has a follower of his own. The girl serves as a reminder of him and namjoon. He takes action by protecting the girl and stepping out in front of the police. In a way, he’s repenting for his past by not letting her fall onto his path. He finally takes responsibility. Rather than following after Namjoon or being protected he starts fending for himself. “Won’t Trust Can’t Trust Don’t Trust”.
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 After feeling betrayed by Namjoon and the phone call that was never answered he cuts everyone off (chucking his phone) and he goes by “won’t trust can’t trust” and for a while he lets the girl follow him, or more so drags her with him, as if she is a reminder of what he’s done and what’s he believed in. But then he finally lets go and faces reality and consequence.
The time traveling would explain the double Jungkook’s in Spring Day and Jimin’s in BS&T jpn videos. The timelines could have morphed. Based on “Through the Looking Glass” everything follows the butterfly effect and the slightest change could disrupt everything 
Jin catching the flowers before they fell could be an action that, following the Butterfly Effect, could have changed everything. 
A freight train refers to hauling around burdens and problems; each of the boys had a different situation that weighed on their minds.  
The girls all put weight on their consciences. Notice how Hoseok is the only one who can’t let go. Tae takes responsibility for his actions, Namjoon learns to better himself, Jimin stops his facade, Jin accepts his role, Jungkook finally remembers his past, an Yoongi drowns his sorrows and memories in alternative methods. Hoseok however cannot bring himself to let go of whatever filled that void in his life.  
At the end of everything Jin catches the flowers, showing that no matter how many times he has to go through with this he’ll try every time. There are times when he wanted to give up, like when he set the flower petals on the floor in INU after he failed the timeline, but he can’t give up on his friends. He’s their guardian and he will save them. 
The story of Love Yourself is one of forgiveness, acceptance, and change. Forgiving others, and forgiving ourselves. Acceptance, and divergence. Changing ourselves for the better, and for a brighter tomorrow. It is a long passage, burdened with those reminders and memories on your conscience but you can set off the little things that will make a big difference.
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kwriteskpop · 7 years
DOUBLE TROUBLE - (Reader X Taehyung X Hoseok)
Genre: smut Word Count: 4k PART ONE "Are you just gonna fuck him already?" You almost spit out your morning coffee at Tae's sudden and unexpected bluntness. You set the white mug down, splashing out more of the dark substance inside. "Jesus Tae what the fuck." You wiped your mouth while mumbling at the boy. He only shrugged. "I mean come on. You're so wet for this guy it's painful to watch." You cleaned the marble counter with the few napkins you found nearby. "Why's it any of your concern anyways?" You grumbled, unamused at your roommate. You had crushed on the popular, incredibly talented, and insanely hot dancer since your first year of high school. He had just moved to your school that year, immediately making friends. He was friends with all your friends, yet never once spoke to you. Not until graduation day when something strange had happened. Your best friend had grown close to him in the years. Graduation day she wanted a picture with all of her closest friends, including you and Hoseok. Everyone wrapped an arm around the one next to them's shoulders. Hoseok's right arm slung across the top of your back, fingertips resting on your right shoulder just as your left arm was doing to him. He leaned over whispering, "You look really nice in that dress." With a subtle smirk just before the photo was taken. Leaving you with a surprised look forever captured on the film. "For fucks sake you went to high school with the dude. And now you're in college. You'd think you would've hopped on his dick by now." "I don't just wanna ride him." You countered while rolling your eyes at the blonde boy. You slid off the bar stool, leaving the counter behind. "You're so shallow Taehyung." You shouted behind, heading down the narrow hall towards your bedroom. You kicked the white wooden door closed behind you before falling onto the purple bed. Small particles of dust flew up as the sheets moved from your force. You watched as the dust swirled around the single beam of light coming from a window. You sighed wondering if Tae was right. Were you being too cautious? Too scared? Was it really that big of a deal? Couldn't you just go up and talk to him? Final year of high school, that questionable graduation day, you thought nothing more of Hoseok's comment. A pretty, popular, fuck boy trying to get another lay. You weren't ugly. You knew that. Yet somehow, you never felt enough for Jung Hoseok. You shook your head, clearing any thoughts your dumb roommate put into your head. "He doesn't like you, (Y/N) he's just a player. Forget him. You can do it." You repeated to yourself in your mind. The following day you walked down the campus pathway, cold air hitting your skin. Your hot breath escaped. The smoky patterns formed in front of you and dissipated as you walked through them. Tae followed beside you. His strides were larger than yours, you struggling to keep with him. "Jesus Tae slow down we're not late." He only scoffed at you. "Don't you wanna have time to say hello to your lover?" Your hands clenched into fists at your sides. You opted for gripping your bookbag straps instead. "I'm gonna fucking slap you, you piece of shit." He skipped ahead of you slightly, spinning around to face you. "A hot piece of shit though." He teased with a wink. He continued skipping backwards to the main entrance. He mocked you the whole path up. "Oh Hoseok!" He moaned in a high pitched voice. "Oh god yes please Hoseok! Deeper! Deeper!" He mocked your voice, failing miserably. You only rolled your eyes harder and harder each time as you walked to the doors. Many times your finger flew to your lips, in attempt to quiet your roommate. Too many people begun staring in the short walk. "Oh yes ple-" "(Y/N)!" Tae suddenly covered his mouth with his hands as Hoseok yelled your name from a distance. He tried his hardest to hold in his giggles, turning away from you and the approaching boy. "Uh hey Hobi. What's up?" You greeted, nervously rubbing your bag straps. Your arched back and forth slightly on your toes. He bounced in front of you while coming to a harsh stop. His orange dyed hair bounced with him. "Hey (Y/N). Jin-Hyung is having a party this weekend. Wanna come with me?" He asked, referring to the elder. Kim Seokjin, infamous pretty boy, known for his parties. Even though "his" parties were always taken over by his close friend, Kim Namjoon. Infamous genius, with a bad boy persona. Funny how all these people worked in cliché ways, like a typical high school. But this was college. A musical arts college. You, the composing major. Your roommate Taehyung, the vocal major. Your crush, Jung Hoseok, the dance performing major. "It's a couple's masquerade thing. Jin-Hyung told me to find someone." He laughed nervously towards the end of his sentence. His hand stretched up to his neck, rubbing its back nervously while he looked at the floor. "Uh. Yeah. Yeah sure." You said, just as nervous as he appeared to be. You looked also. "I-I don't have a mask though. Or..anything dressy for that matter." Hoseok suddenly bounced up, his excited state returning. He grabbed your shoulders tightly. "Oh don't worry about that! I'm sure I could find something in the costumes for he dance sets." He assured with a wink. After Hoseok left, you were greeted by a smug Taehyung. "Oh shut up you piece of shit." You swatted Tae back with the magazine currently in your hand. He backed off the couch, rolling and falling onto the floor. He held his sides, giggling as you continued your relentless attack. The magazine swatted at his cheeks, his hair, his arms, his chest. You took the open opportunity to swat his neck when he turned to avoid your chest-smacks. His neck quickly swelled at the pressure. Tae immediately stood up, face twisted in pain. He gripped his neck while moaning. "Ow fuck (Y/N) what was that for?" He removed his hand from his injured neck, a large red spot appearing before your eyes. You gasped at the mark. "S-Sorry Tae." You said with your hand over you mouth. You tried not giggling at his apparent frustration. You feigned sympathy. You sat trying to contain your giggles, before you realized what was happening. The pair of much larger hands were suddenly latched onto your hips. The sweet and sexy scent of the blonde man right in your face. The light hairs tickled your cheeks. His lips were suddenly attached to your neck as you tilted sideways, confused at the sudden onslaught. He sucked harshly. Pulling at your flesh hard, leaving dark purple marks that went deep. He playfully bit them, adding to the pain. Then licked them, as a silent apology. The attack continued up from your collar bone to the underneath of your jaw. "Oh Tae." You moaned in a whispering tone. Your voice had completely gone. Your hands flew to his hair, searching purchase in the soft, blonde locks. You rubbed circles in the strands as his mouth continued assaulting your neck. The intensity of the bites never let up. You bit your bottom lip as he pulled away. You moaned in silent pleasure feeling his breath ghost against your cheek. He rested his forehead onto yours. "Only fair." He breathed, breath gone as well. "Now your neck has marks too." He said mockingly. You scoffed, hinted with laugh. "That was... hot." You whispered against him. He only smirked. "Didn't know you had a thing for me (Y/N)." Slight giggles escaped you both. "I could say the same for you." "Can I fuck you?" "Tae!" You screamed at his unexpected bluntness. The boy never ran out of it. "Can I or not because you look so hot." You didn't even realize how he was referring to your messed hair from the previous fight. And your oversized black shirt that covered your shorts, making you appear as if you weren't wearing any pants. You stuttered for moments, at a loss to find the right words. He simply pointed down to his crotch, impatient. The tent in his sweatpants easily visible. "If not I need to take care of this." Without even answering, still at a loss for words, you pushed Taehyung back by the shoulders. His back hit the floor, large hands coming up to meet your hips as you straddled him. With each knee on different sides of Taehyung's torso, you bent down catching his lips in a kiss. As how unexpected this was, it felt so good. So normal and so okay. You relished in the pleasure of his soft lips as he moved them against you. His tongue swiped against your bottom lip, asking for access. You easily granted permission. You opened your mouth slightly as his tongue slid inside. He discovered all the places inside your mouth, tongues battling each other as you fought for some dominance. His tongue, however, easily won. Instead you opted to your hips, rolling them against his erection. He hissed into your mouth, whilst bucking his hips up into your own. You continued, grinding at a painfully slow back and forth motion. He gripped your hair, pulling your head backwards. "Fuck, (Y/N)." His teeth bit into your bottom lip. You retracted, leaving his mouth empty. He held a firm grip on your hips while you pulled the black cotton fabric over your head. Your hands lifted the hem of your large, black shirt. You pulled it over you slowly and dramatically, teasing Taehyung further. His hands tightened on your hips as the fabric was discarded somewhere in the room. Next, you reached behind your back, searching for the hook of your bra. His expression grew sly as the black-laced fabric fell off your shoulders. It also was discarded somewhere within the room. Taehyung leaned up. His arms wrapped behind your back, keeping you stable in front of him. He leaned his face down, level with your breasts. You continued to straddle him. He took one of your nipples into his mouth, the hardened bud sensitive to his hot breath. He gripped it softly between his teeth, moving it around ever so slightly. He tugged it, causing the perfect amount of pain as he bit and pulled. And the sweet moans pouring from your mouth were only fuel to Taehyung. He released the pink bud, only to swirl his tongue around it. Meanwhile, his other hand moved to your neglected breast. He began kneading it, also continuing to lick and suck the other. You shifted your hips ever so slightly for the much needed friction. You could feel Tae growing harder beneath you. "Taehyung-Ah." You moaned, drawing out your syllables sloppily. The sensations and pleasure proving all too much. Disorienting you. He released both breasts. Only to grab under the hem of his own black skirt. He lifted the snugly fit, V-neck over his head. His blonde locks spilled out as the shirt was taken off. A third garment, discarded somewhere unknown. He smirked, pleased at your reaction. You starred at his chest. His sculpted pecs and abs, flexing as he moved. His body was hotter than you imagined. In all the time you roomed with Taehyung, you never saw him shirtless once. You assumed men were just naturally made to always have their shirts off. You expected a half naked Tae roaming your dorm normally. However, it was quiet the opposite. He never was around without full clothing. Shirt, pants (always full pants, hardly ever shorts) and socks. Taehyung hated his feet cold. But you never denied Tae's looks. Of course he was beautiful, more than you thought of yourself. He was so hot and always so kind. "What a perfect guy." You thought after the first week of living with him. That is, until you discovered his annoying child-like side. The side that had teased you no more than minutes ago about your "lover", Hoseok. As of right now, however, he was no child. His hooded eyes were dark and full of lust as he looked up at you. You pulled his hair roughly, the blonde violently tugged between your fingers. You slammed your lips onto his. He again easily dominated your mouth, hands now roaming up your bare sides. Your naked chests pressed together as you passionately kissed. His hands traveled up further, snaking up your sides to your breasts. He softly kneaded them, occasionally pinching your nipples between two fingers. "Are you gonna take me on the floor?" You asked, a mixed laugh and breathy moan. Taehyung replied by standing quickly, grabbing under your arms to lift you with him. Your legs wrapped around his waist as he carried you down the hall of your shared dorm. He stopped at the first door, his bedroom, and kicked the door open. Your back suddenly hit the soft surface of the mattress as he threw you down. He leaned over you, dark eyes staring into yours. His hands rested on the top of your pants rather than your chest. He hooked his finger under the seam, tugging it slowly. He looked up at you, asking silently for permission. You nodded, unbuttoning the denim your self. The pants released their tight tension against your waist as they were unbuttoned. You laid back, sighing in anticipation as Taehyung began pulling them off. The pants were thrown onto the floor, adding to the collection. The other clothes, however, lost in the other room. He positioned himself in between your legs. You spread them slightly, opening your clothed womanhood to him. Taehyung placed small butterfly kisses up your thighs. He held one leg in his hands, placing the open mouthed kisses from your knee to just near your panties. His lips ghosted over your slit as he moved to the other leg. You gasped at the contact, raising your hips and arching your back. One of Taehyung's hands flew up to your hips. He held them down harshly. "Be good and don't move for me, princess." He demanded nicely before returning to his task at hand. He kissed your other thigh. This time painfully slower than the other. He finally made it back to your clothed heat, blowing his hot breath against it. "Tae please...stop teasing." You whined, hands reaching for purchase in his blonde hairs. "Whatever you want, princess." He quickly removed your matching (before the bra was rudely discarded) black laced panties. He continued to breathe against your heat, the hot of his breath painfully pleasuring. You attempted to close your thighs, naturally and subconsciously wanting the much needed friction. He started slowly, given kitten licks to your core. The small licks provided little relief to your swollen clit. You moaned loudly, pulling roughly at his hairs. "Tae." You complained. He responded by wrapping his lips around your clit. He began sucking harshly, leaving little room for you to gather your composure. His lips sucked roughly as he groaned against you. The vibrations adding to the almost painful stimulation. "T-Tae. Tae..too much." You hopelessly gasped for mercy as he continued his onslaught. His tongue slid along your slit as he sucked on the sore muscle. His groans became louder and louder, the vibrations heavier. "Ah! Tae!" You screamed out. You raised a hand from his hair to cover your mouth just as he threatened. "Don't cover up your moans or I'll punish you." You obliged, nodding in fear as your hand dropped back to his locks. He continued on your core, changing his pace, but not relenting. He turned to long, slow, flat licks against your clit. Meanwhile, two fingers entered you slowly. He pumped them in and out. The painfully slow pace causing you to burn his scalp. "You're so wet for me, (Y/N)." He teased. His fingers went deeper, slightly curling upwards. He searched for your spot while, again, humming against your clit. You moaned the loudest yet as he curled his fingers, hitting your walls. You absently played with his hair as you began seeing stars behind your tightly closed eyes. His fingers increased their pace. They curled up, searching every space of your walls. They pumped in and out of yourself quicker. They dove deeper. All while you laid, a moaning mess pulling relentlessly at Taehyung's hair. You walls suddenly clenched and tightened around Tae's fingers. He knew you were close, increasing his thrusts. "Don't come unless I say so." He warned, dark eyes looking straight up at you. You stared back, afraid of looking away. His fingers kept their fast pace. He continued curling, still searching for the special spot that drove you crazy. His lips no longer assaulted your clit, as he raised his head to make direct eye contact with you. Suddenly, the tips of his fingers brushed up ever so lightly against that certain spot. Your back arched high, despite his one hand still holding your hips. The power of sensations from your g-spot overtook his hand's power. You moaned out loudly, pulling Tae's head up with the rest of your body. "Ah-Ahh fuck!" You cursed. Tae smirked, staring at writhing figure knowing he had found what he was looking for. He returned to the spot. He relentlessly thrusted into you, brushing roughly against the spot each time. Your breathing increased and your moans grew louder. It became increasingly difficult to hold back the heat pooling in your stomach. You so badly wanted your release. Your walls tightened even more as your orgasm was right on the edge. "Tae please." You begged, knowing you wouldn't last longer. He said nothing, however. Only continuing his attack on your weakness. In seconds you were seeing white, your release hitting you unexpectedly. Your eyes twisted shut as your walls closed around his fingers. Your came against them, your juices running down them. Tae pulled out, a dangerous look in his eyes you didn't see, your eyes still screwed shut. He climbed on the bed, crawling over your heavily breathing figure. His unsoiled hand gripped your chin and pulled your face up to meet his. You opened your eyes as he suddenly faced you in close proximity. His eyes were dark and hooded with lust. "I told you not come." He reminded in a dark tone. You shrunk back against the bed, your head pushing into the pillows. He took one of his two soiled fingers into his mouth. He sucked on it, making explicit sounds. His eyes teasing you while he did. He pulled it out of his mouth slowly. A string of saliva connected his mouth to the finger as he did. "Mmm." He moaned. "You taste so good." You only watched as he licked his lips before you. "Taste." He shoved his finger into your slightly parted mouth before you even registered what he had said. You took his finger into your mouth, surprised. He moaned watching you suck on his digit, whilst tasting yourself. You licked up and down his long finger as you eyed him sexily. You swirled around the tip of his finger suggestively. He inhaled sharply at the sight. He quickly removed his finger, the building pressure in his pants finally too much. Taehyung backed off the bed. He stood at its edge, removing his sweatpants. They were pulled off in one swift move. They pooled around his ankles as he reached to throw them, discarding them with all other clothing items. You were surprised to find him naked under the pants. "Commando huh?" You asked in a smug tone, your lips curling into a mocking smirk. He only looked at you innocently. "Whatever works." He stood in front of you, completely naked. His toned chest and sculpted abs enough to have you dripping between your legs. His waist slowly descended into a v-line, his hips looking so delicious. You admired his figure as he stood. His now revealed cock, stood tall and proud against his stomach. The pink flesh of his tip gleaming, dripping with pre-cum. He slowly moved towards your waiting self. He hovered over you, arms placed on either side of your head, resting on his elbows. You looked up at him, anticipating. "You're sure this is okay right?" He asked. His sudden nervous and goofy side showing through. You only giggled slightly while nodding. "Please for the love of god Tae, fuck me. I need you." You pleaded, desperate to feel him inside you. The much needed friction and pain had returned to your core. You guided his cock to your entrance while his arms remained at the sides of your head, stabilizing himself. His tip brushed against your entrance ever so slightly. You closed your eyes, moaning lightly. Taehyung grunted at the sight beneath him. You pushed him in slightly yourself, allowing him to find where he was going. Once adjusted, he thrust inside quickly. Your hands moved to Tae's back, gripping him roughly. You moaned as he filled you up, stretching you out perfectly. "Move." You demanded desperately. Taehyung responded, pulling his hips back. He pulled out of you almost completely (and so slowly), before slamming back into you at full force. His hips hit yours, the sound of skin slapping echoing in the room. "Fuck Tae!" You screamed out at the sudden force. He continued this pace, pulling out so painfully slow before thrusting back inside hard, and what seemed like deeper than the previous thrust. "Ah Tae please. Faster." You begged, your moans small and weak as your voice failed you. "And I told you not to come earlier." You sighed, head falling back against the pillows. You knew he wasn't going to relent on his painful pace. He latched his lips to your neck as your head turned to the side. Your eyes closed shut, reveling in the pleasure. His lips sucked as harsh as they had earlier, returning your mind to the start of this all. He left deep, dark marks as his hips thirsted in and out of you. His slow pace started to pick up, himself getting frustrated. You began thrusting your hips down on him, looking for any extra force. You moaned louder and louder as his thrusts became quicker and quicker, sloppier and sloppier. He chased his own release. The familiar feeling returned to your stomach as his pace had now reached acceptable standards. You moaned out, fingers digging into Taehyung's back. Red marks that slowly welled up began forming on his broad back. The marks stung as your fingers left them, the cool air hitting his back. You tightened once again around Taehyung, you orgasm rapidly approaching. "Ah-ah fuck T-Taehyung.. I'm close." You warned, your body beginning to shake. He thrusted harder into you trying to bring you closer. One hand removed from the side of your head down to your hips. He rubbed small circles with his thumb against your clit. The double sensation almost sending you over the edge right then. "It's okay." He grunted. "Come for me baby." His thrusts became sloppier as his high neared as well. He pushed down harder, the force on your clit increasing. Second later you were seeing stars again as your high hit you. You tightened around Taehyung, your walls clenching in pleasure. You gasped out, ripping into the smooth flesh of his back. "Ah ah f-fuck." You drew out the words. You barely could produce any sounds other than moans, gasps, strings of curse words, and Taehyung's name. Which sounded delicious to him rolling off your lips in such a sweet tone. Your high came to an end as Tae helped you ride it out. He continued pounding into you as he still looked for his own release. The overstimulation began kicking in. You writhed under him in a painful and pleasurable mix. "Agh Tae, fuck!" You gasped as he brushed against your overly sensitive g-spot. With a few more sloppy and quick thrusts, Taehyung reached his high, coming undone inside of you. He sat still, shaking slightly as the pleasure washed over his body. The white, hot ribbons spilling inside you. You shuddered at the feeling. Your hands slowly slid down his toned arms. He, also slowly, pulled out of you before falling next to you. You both panted, exhausted. The sweat on both bodies gleamed against the sunlight pouring into the room. "Woah." "Yea." You smirked. "I have an idea." You stated. The television blinked in front of you, the rest of the shared living room dark. Taehyung turned his attention from the screen to you. "What?" He simply asked, unaware of your dirty intentions. "What if we invite Hoseok?"
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