good 4 you is Gortash coded and you can't change my mind
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unmotivated-student · 7 months
Okay, time to ramble a little about q!Roier [from my own point of view]:
To me, q!Roier seems like the "I have to be fine so I can help everybody else to be fine" kind of guy.
He has experienced tragedies, suffered betrayals and suffered losses, he knows how important it is to have someone by your side when dealing with pain, so if anyone needs him, he will most likely be there.
After losing Bobby he found happiness in his new family formed by q!Cellbit and Richas, although we must not forget the importance of his relationship with other islanders [like Leo, q!Foolish, q!Jaiden...] and after a while, it seemed like he was finally moving forward with his life again...
But now? With the disappearance of the eggs and all the Federation stuff, the mental stability of the islanders [or some of them] deteriorates little by little and his is no exception. He's tired, he's sad, he doesn't look very good/healty but he doesn't want to show it, he needs help but he doesn't want to ask for it because how could he?
How could he ask someone else for help when everyone is dealing with their own stuff? Not only that but how could he ask for help from people he doesn't even trust enough to confide in with his problems and feelings to that extent?
And don't get me wrong, he trusts his husband, he really does, but he knows q!Cellbit still going through Richarlyson's disappearance and he knows how hard it is to lose a child [he already went through that].
In recent days, he has been constantly watching his husband suffering because of it and investigating day and night looking for clues and much more, he can see how tired q! Cellbit is, he can see his husband is not okay...
So how could he add more weight to q!Cellbit's shoulders by making him worry about him too?
Instead, he prefers to keep his feelings to himself so he can help with whatever his husband needs and disguise his pain with jokes, because humor helps heal, right?
And if those silly jokes also help to bring out a smile to his husband's face [or the face of whoever is with him acutally], that's more than enough for him [no matter how small the smile is].
Also, although it may not seem like it at first glance, I think he is a very empathetic person [or cube].
Maybe you believe me or maybe you don't, but I'll explain it anyway. Let's take a look at the next example...
When q!Bagi told him everything about the twin stuff [my apologies, I suck at explaining lore], she let him know how worried she was about her relationship with q!Cellbit, how worried she is about him, just like how much it terrified her that he wouldn't even want to look at her after discovering that they were siblings.
After that he asked her "do you want me to talk to him?" and she answered "yes please".
But here's the thing, he knew there was probably a reason why his husband hadn't told him anything, like he probably wasn't ready to do it. But he was so sure that q!Cellbit would tell him eventually without the need to pressure him he decided to bring that up himself.
He couldn't just minimize Bagi's feelings. No, he was respectful and careful with his words, deciding to tell her what she needed to hear to have some peace of mind "He is not mad at you, I will help you, at the end of the day you two are sibligs and that's never going to change and you have to love each other, next time I see him I'll talk to him" [Paraphrased] And then finish with "Everything is going to be okay and if it's not okay, it will be" [when he said that, part of me thinks he was also saying that to himself].
When he finally talked to q!Cellbit he never pressured him to speak, he let him do it at his own pace. He only mentioned what q!Bagi had told him until q!Cellbit started talking about his past [and fulfilled what he promised q!Bagi in the process].
Also, the way he worried about those two's relationship shows how much he cares about the state of his new family and obviously also shows how much he cares about his husband. In a way, he was their support throughout the entire process.
He knows how hard and painful it is to drown in loneliness and he doesn't want q!Cellbit to suffer anymore either.
Am I overthinking? Of course I am, I always I'm.
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mondstaub1 · 9 months
JaceLuke vs Lucemond
I started the fandome with Lucemond and now I am drifting towards JaceLuke: Here is why
So Lucemond has a lot of posibilities and I started reading it when their war less then 140 storys of it on AO3 now there are amost 3000. I still like it a lot but here is the one thing that bothers me somethimes. A lot of the storys (I guess over 50%) have either rape, voilents or some kind of non-con in it. There is nothing wrong with writing or reading that of course but I am just to soft for it. I want a sweet healty (at least as much as a story basted on the Targaryens can be) relationship and that is sometimes hard to get with Lucemond. It makes sence considering it's a lovestory based on a morderer and his victum. And the incident with the eye. And the fact that Aemond had not the best emotional upbringing or rolemodel when it comes to relationships. Still the point stands: I want my sweet Lucerys to be happy and save. Meanwhile Aemond is just the picture perfect supervilan for a farytail.
That is realtive new from me but I grew to like it, because it's rather sweet. They have a good and healty relationship from the get go. They love each other as brothers and it's easy to built a loving romantic story on that. Jace is used to take care and protect Luke and Luke is used to look up to Jace and go to him for comfort. They would never want to hurt each other. In addition to that is their rather healty emotional upringing. Jace is raised to be responsible and wise. Damn he is like the prince in the fairytail who rescuse the princess (and Luke is the perfect damsel in destress, the princess in the tower).
So yea that is my reason for loving JaceLuke.
Mind you this is not meant to criticize anyone or anyones taste
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loveemagicpeace · 2 years
🍬Astro Notes🍬
🔥Jupiter gives you real happiness! So wherever u have jupiter there you will find your happiness. And what will really inspire you to keep going.
🌙Chiron Sextile Ascendant-you can easily find support in comunuty. Your tramums can be public or you share them with public. Struggling with pain. You openly speak about them.
⚡️Opposition It doesn’t always mean a bad thing! It just means that you achieve things in life later and on a long journey. There are more challenges and acceptance, the longer it takes you to accept it because something is the opposite. And oppositions are a challenge for us and therefore harder to accept. But when we accept them and deal with them, that is exactly why we can shine so brightly.
🎨You are most creative where you have Jupiter or Neptune in your chart. 🎨
🌞People with sun in their 1st house in fact, are not as proud as they look and also not as confident. They just emit such energy to people. But they are actually sad inside. A lot of people don’t like their looks or don’t see themselves as beautiful or capable. Many times they have low self-esteem.
👄People with Mercury in Aquarius have a monotonous way of speaking. I noticed that their way of speaking is so non emotional. And that their speech is usually very long. They interpret things in a logical way.
🧠3rd house shows how passionate you are about books. What kind of books do you like to read and what kind of attitude do you have towards them.
💄5th house shows your passion about movies and what kind of movies do you like. For ex.: Aries in 5th house: you will probably prefer action movies, movies that contain passion, good energy. Maybe horror movies. A film that will make you more motivated. Taurus in 5th house: cooking shows, movies that highlight food ,romantic films, music films, shows, documentaries about musicians. A movies that emphasizes some value. Movies have to be worth of you watching them.
🍿What I noticed is that sagittarius and sagittarius placements really love coffee! They could drink a lot of coffees in a day. They overdose coffee😂 Meanwhile virgos will always look for healty way of life.
🚬Signs that will often lead to bad habits (such as smoking cigarettes, alcohol ..) are scorpios , I don’t know if I ever meet scorpio who did not smoke, pisces because of their iliusions and dreamy way of living, sagittarius like to try new things, leos, aries are always loved on the edge of life, aquarius.
💘How you feel about music can be seen in 2nd house and where u have venus in your chart. Venus in 8th house means that you experience music through emotion and depth. It can be an important part of you. Venus in 12th house you experience music through spirituality, maybe you like calmer and quieter songs. Maybe you prefer the sound of the music to the actual lyrics.
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kredena-dark · 8 months
List 5 things that make you happy, then put this in the askbox for the last 10 people who reblogged or liked something from you. learn to know your mutuals and followers. ->(if you want to! No pressure <3)
I hope you have a lovely day/night!!
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1. Hugging my pillow in the morin' (and accidently falling asleep again-) 2. New little things like plushies, toys, or anything that I can see 3. Seeing new updates of my favorite comic's her (there is to many to list them) 4. Seeing my Mutuals and people that I look up to, getting the love that they deserve <3 5. Seeing that the Fam is healty, happy and had a good day (Love you guys <3)
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n444mi · 1 year
A Begining at the End.
The end of the year is a time for reflection, and as I sit down with myself and think of who I was and how i felt and acted, I see that I’ve lost some of myself. I did some thngs im not too proud of and didnt try my best to excel in all aspects of life, but namely school. Looking at my grades was a bittersweet expirience because at first glance, I did great, but i know i couldve done even better had I put in a tiny bit more effort. I stopped behaving with intention and was kind of just floating for a long time. Especially at the begining of the year. January to May was a really dark period for me. I didn’t care about life, but i wanted to work hard during it so once i got out of that state i wouldnt face a lot of draw back, but its hard to work for a future you dont really care to be a part of. I thank God that I made it out, but not nearly enough as I should and i regret that. I dont have many major regrets, but its the small ones that hurt the most. Things that couldve turned out a certain way had one small thing been tweaked. Those regrets are harder to accept. Next year i hope to not have regrets such as those. 
In 2023 Id like to return back to my path of becoming the woman I want to be. I feel like I was outside looking in for a while but now its time to break that window and enter. Work to become her. Today I deleted my tumblr and im taking this as an opportunity to rebuild and absorb what was there. I would look at the pictures and the inspiration without working towards it. Now I want to make sure this time I come back every few days to be reminded of what life and persona im working towards. 2023 is the year of elevation and consistancy. I wont lie, one thing that has stopped me from being a girl about getting money has been how vapid it sounds in my head. But lets be honest here, you cant go anywhere in life without it. The things that i want, require it. Im not in a family that is offering me handouts. I have to work for what I want. These are simply the cards that I was delt and now its time for me to work with what I have. 
Here are things Id like to adopt in 2023:
Good Finacial Habits
Real Study Habits
Good Skin
An Improved Wardrobe
An Excersise Regimin
A Better Diet
Strong Nails
Healty and Long Hair
I am happy with who I am, but that doesnt mean ill ever stop trying to improve.
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vermilionhealth · 1 year
5 Amazing Steps to Transform Your Diet and Totally Overhaul Your Life
We live in a world where convenience is king, and this often extends to the foods that we eat.
Fast food is a staple of our society, but this convenience often comes at a cost to our health and wellbeing. Overhauling your diet can feel like an expensive and overwhelming prospect, but this doesn’t have to be the case.
In just a few short steps, we will help you to transform your diet and totally overhaul your life.
1. Plan Your Meals
When life is busy, it becomes tempting to reach for meals and snacks that are close, convenient, and accessible. More often than not, these tend to be the things that are less than healthy for us. By dedicating time planning your meals, you can ensure that you’re having a healthy, balanced meal every day, while also reducing your mental load during the week. For best results, prep meals in advance, giving you the convenience of freezer food with the added benefit of nutrition.
Read more: Can Being A Weekend Fitness Warrior Be Good For Your Health!
2. Shop With A List
Planning your meals also makes shopping easier, as you can compile a list of everything that you need for your week.  Shopping with a list makes the whole experience faster and easier, and can have the added bonus of saving you money since you only buy the things you need.
● Sticking to your list also helps you eat more healty, as you are less likely to impulse buy snacks and junk food.
3. Learn To Cook
You don’t need to learn how to become a Michelin-star chef. However, learning to cook a few solid, healthy meals is a great way to overhaul your diet. This will demystify the cooking process for you and show you how easy it is to create fast, cheap, and healthy meals.
● Developing the skills to cook something you enjoy will also make you more likely to stick to your diet. If you know you can create something delicious, there is no need to rely on fast food.
4. Reduce Your Takeout
Resorting to takeout food is the easy option when you are busy, but cutting takeout from your diet is one way to make you healthier. Cut down the number of take-out meals that you rely on. Try to restrict this to one or two a month.
● Remember, a healthy diet includes everything in moderation. Enjoying a takeout every now and then is a great way to keep you balanced and happy!
5. Drink Enough Water
A large part of a healthy diet is making sure you’re drinking enough water to keep your body healthy and hydrated. This can also help with weight loss. Sometimes, you will feel hungry when you are thirsty, so drinking a glass of water can help reduce the urge to snack.
Final Thoughts
A healthy diet does more than help you look great in a swimsuit. It is an integral part of living a long, happy, and healthy life. It keeps you strong and active as you age and grow.  With just a few simple changes, you can enjoy a healthier diet on a budget. As an added bonus, you can discover a range of amazing new recipes! If you like today’s tips, please share it!  
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topic: carrots
feeling- I love carrots . I love the way it looks, it is amazing in color. Moreover I like this veg because it's so healthy. It keeps my skin good.
charactaristic- Carrots are a great source of vitamin A ,C and K. They also contain beta carotin. You can treat many deaseas by only eating carrots. If you drink a glass of carrot juice daily , you will be able to maintain a healthy and glowy skin. It also fights against the flu and cold virus.
history- It was 2020, when i found a video of an Indian doctor named dr vivek joshi. He uploaded a video about carrot on his youtube channel. There i found that consuming carrot juices will make your gut healthy. This means a healthy gut is equal to a healty and radiance skin. So I started drinking carrot juice daily. After few days I started to see visible results on my skin. It became more glowy than before I was very happy with the results as well. Since then I recommended many of my friends who are struggling with their bad skin conditions.
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zchera · 1 year
rant.. as an "overweight" child in asian household
okaaay so i really wanted to rant this out but i cant vent to anyone because my life fucked up and my friends literally (make me feel they) use me for academic points and an option. So i needed to let this out and the only option j have is internet.
So In early days when i was 12 before pandemic happen, i weight 34/35 kg. and for that i often get bullied because my cousins are skinny and literally the only healty and who look sexy (literally with those curves that i get sexu*****) is me. And im the problem. Because im not skinny as them and it really hurt me to core whenever i get called name on daily basis. Walk on my elder cousins? Get bullied with my (overweight adult that she admit she is) aunt name and aim to make everyone laugh but me who literally get teary everytime i heard it. I always show signs of struggle and really depress whenever they bring im the "overweight" in the family by either going silent, going in the room, locking myself, suddenly lose appetite and they didnt care. The worst part doesnt even come in yet, my mom always gave me the "stare" whenever i didnt gave a (fake) laugh at those horrible and body shaming jokes EVERYONE said, and later on she always scold me for being rude and being so weird. the pain of being bullied by my own parent hurt more than the pain i get when my heart suddenly stop because of shock one time or the hyper acidity attacks i get. This even come to the point that i develop a skill in which i dont let out sob or a sound when i cry (beside them because they think its a bonding but theyll bully me before sleeping by hugging and telling how big my body is) just because ill get called crazy for crying over simple things like that...
Then this comes the crazy part, i often get admirers. Really, boys or girls from my school. Then when pandemic comes in, i cant really be happy at home with the continues bullying of my body, and i get bullied by my 4/6 year old cousin because my parents are so close to annulment. It get me depress. I tried many coping mechanism. I cut my hair whenever i felt cutting my skin on wrist, but i get scolded. I tried sleeping all my problem, i get scolded. I tried imagining things, im getting crazy (bcs i really cant know whats real and whats not) and im getting depress more because i cant cope with all the problems aside from my parents childish on and off relationship and constant bullying, plus the pressure to get high grades without support from my life inside the school. Then because my sister always get what she wanys and wished for food, thats when my coping kick in.
I always eat whenever i feel said and its every hour. My mom aijt against it because i eat when she wasnt looking. But it get me to the point that i cant stop, i meant that it become a hobby. Then fast forward i gain.. weight. It comes to the point that i weight 64 kg! The fuck it double rigjts???? Thats when everyone fucked my mental health again by constantly reminding me how i get fat and unhealthy during pandemic, that i look good before. And i was like what??? Doesnt you people always bully me? But they doesnt remember things like that it seem when they always point how "sexy" how "skinny" am i before oandemic and now im fat little bitch. It hurts me. Because it take so much time to diet when you only knew that food is the only one to comfort you.
When things get a little lighter and schools open, i get bullied again. It added. Because i gain weight that no one wnag me anymoee and if they want they only wnag because im smart burned out asian chikd who get her ass whooped when i didnt get ranked. It felt so bad. I hate it.
Now i dont do anything because when i exercise or diet they bully me. Amd it msde me sad so i eat again and i weight. But now because of constang stress and depression, im around 60 kg. Its a big flex.
If you experience fucked up things like this, dont let yourself knew you are alone. We can do this and get our (happy) life back.
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rhenuvee · 3 years
Just Lost (George Weasley x reader)
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Request:  hhii could i request a scenario with george weasley and his girlfriend talking about something really passionately and george just gets really lost in her eyes and says something like "God i want to marry you right now" extra cute and fluffy, thankyou so much stay safe and healty <3 
Hey thank you so much for sending a request! I hope you are safe and healthy as well, and sorry for taking so long with this.
A/N: No, I do not know if Alicia Angelina or Katie have been to an amusement park before.
It was an exhausting week for you and everyone at Hogwarts. The OWLs were just around the corner, and with the teachers finishing lessons so quickly, it was hard to keep up and absorb as much information.
Currently you were in the common room getting a headache at all your textbooks and papers sprawled out on the low table, huffing as you couldn’t even know where to begin.
“Studying?” asked a girl who made out to be Angelina Johnson who made her way towards the seat next to you.
“Yeah, I don’t even know what my name is.” you joked lightly. Alicia and Katie came over as well.
“Need help studying, (y/n)?” asked Katie.
“Don’t you guys need to study too?”
“We can study together!” suggested Alicia.
You spent a few minutes of organizing your notes, the four of you finally got a start of studying for the exams. It was gonna be a long week. You were deep in thought when suddenly some familiarly loud voice entered from the portrait hole.
“GOOOOOOOD EVENING LADIES!!!” announced Fred and George with their arms comically wide open. Several other students made faces, either scoffing at making so much noise or snorting for being embarrassing. You happened to fit into the first group.
“George, Fred, shut up will you?” you said partially joking. The girls giggled, making you give them a look for laughing for their loud remark.
“Sorry darling, just wanted to make sure you know when I’m in the same room as you.” said George plopping down on the couch next to you, wrapping an arm around your waist.
“Oh believe me, I know.” you retorted, smiling when you could see your boyfriend chuckle himself in the corner of your eye. 
“Ew studying? Count me out.” said Fred putting his hands up in surrender and jogging to his dorm as if to escape.
“So what were you two up to?” Katie asked George. You still focused on your paper, but letting your free hand hold his as you listened to the conversation.
“No good probably.” you replied. George perked up at your statement immediately and pinched your nose. You giggled and pulled away from his grip.
“Actually-” he said, sitting up a lot straighter. “I’ll have you girls know, I’m always on my best behaviour.”
“Right...” said Angelina shaking her head. 
“Did this best behaviour have anything to do with Ron and spiders?” you asked, knowing your boyfriend too well. He opened his mouth to say something, then closed it.
“And if it does?” he quipped, curious of what direction you’d take it in.
“Then, that means my boyfriend is normal.” you said kissing his cheek lightly. George and Fred (surprisingly) did not prank Ron today, but despite that he wouldn’t waste an opportunity to play around with you.
“Then I one hundred percent pranked Ron with a toy spider.” he said proudly. You chuckled at this, the girls shaking their heads at each other also knowing George wouldn’t do any less.
“Anyway, how was your day love?” George asked.
“It was alright, but this week’s gonna be full of books and my hand is probably gonna fall off from writing.” you sighed.
“Well, I don’t wanna bother you then...” he said. Your heart throbbed, you knew you had to study but you wanted him to stay. Your boyfriend’s support- even if it meant making cheesy remarks was all you wanted. But as you were about to tell him to stay, it seems like he already had that in mind.
“... with that being said-” George reposition his whole six foot self on the couch so that his head rested in your lap. You thought it was quite silly that George’s legs had to squeeze in so much so he could fit and be comfortable.
You rolled you eyes and ran your hands through his hair, which looked even more fiery red due to the light of the fireplace.
“Goodnight then Georgie.” you said sweetly.
“‘Night darling.” he said closing his eyes. 
Throughout the evening you managed to get a decent amount of studying done. You also took breaks with the girls talking about things like rethinking your life choices such as why you decided to take potions and torture yourself.
“When this year is over, I can’t wait for the summer holidays.” said Angelina with a relaxed sigh in her tone. 
“We should totally hangout together sometime.” you suggested, while writing the last of the lesson’s notes. 
“Where should we go?”
“Maybe the beach? It would be so fun eating ice cream and swimming.” said Alicia. The three of you nodded with words of agreement. You could only imagine the things you could do relishing in the sunlight with your friends.
“We should go to Angie’s house, she has a nice couch.” said Katie. Angelina playfully slapped her arm and rolled her eyes. You and Alicia lauged- it was a running joke that ever since Katie went to Angelina’s once, that her couch was apparently very comfortable.
“Or the amusement park? It might be a long drive but it would be so much fun.” you suggested. 
“The amusement park? I’ve never been to one before.” said Alicia sheepishly. The rest of you gasped dramatically and yelled ALICIA as if to say “oh my god.” You didn’t notice that it happened to wake up your sleepy boyfriend who’s head was still on your lap.
“The amu- what now?”
“GEORGE- you scared me.” you said clutching your chest and looking down where his sleepy eyes were slowly opening. 
“Sorry darling.” he said sweetly, bringing his hand up to stroke your cheek. You sighed in content, how lucky were you to be with George.
“So what’s this about an amoo-whatever park?” he asked, still resting in your lap.
If this was looked at from a distance, you, Angelina and Katie would look like maniacs, talking your arses off about amusement parks as Alicia shrunk into her seat looking both horrified but amazed.
“Hello? George are you listening to me?”
To George though, you never looked more pretty. 
When you started dating, George always loved hearing you talk since you were naturally more quiet before warming up to him. He loved the reactions you made when he said something that he definitely wouldn’t say in front of his mom, and especially the smile from when he made you happy. Seeing you so passionate and excited about something felt really special to George. 
You couldn’t remember what you were in the middle of talking about, whether it was about funnel cake or the roller coasters. 
“God, I want to marry you right now.” 
Your mouth dropped, along with the other girls’. You couldn’t help the furious blush coating your cheeks as you relished in what your boyfriend just said. It wasn’t until a few seconds later he seemed to realize what he said.
“Well what are you waiting for lover boy?” interrupted Fred who burst out from his dorm again. George groaned, blushing himself. The girls cooed at how cute you two were being.
“George...” you said covering your blush with your hand. 
“Oh Merlin... I didn’t- I mean I did but...” George stumbled over his words as he got up from his sleeping position and rested his head down on your shoulder as if to scold himself for blurting that out.
“I just got so lost in your eyes.” he said blushing and smiling apologetically.
“Yeah or maybe you’re just lost in general.” you said trying to get rid of the red. The girls giggled.
“Ah, young love...- all of us better be the bridesmaids.” teased Alicia.
“You- oh quiet you guys, we’re not talking about that. ANYWAY, FUNNEL CAKE!” you announced as George naturally clung onto you by wrapping his arms around you. The girls and you continued the conversation, until George whispered something in your ear, and you’d be lying if it didn’t make your heart swell.
“After all this, I definitely plan to marry you... 
“...And we can go to that a-museum-mint park thing.”
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cutelittlevamp · 2 years
Hi! I was wondering if you could pls write a oneshot where natsu and lucy didn't go to tenou? Instead of 7yrs it was like 25ish? They eventually moved on in peace. Natsu became guild master and they have their own sorta large(?) family
(Have u watched aot? It yes can u pls make their oldest child adopted mikasa, she and eren had a baby who's now there grandchild) if not just oc kids(?)
The reunion is awkward and it stays like that for quite a long time as well (I mean they r adults now and have a family, sure they can goof around a lot but in the end when it come to business they don't mess around)
Is it possible for me to request one more thing after this?
Thank you! Have a good day! :)
Hey there^^
Thanks for the request. It gave me quite the struggle but I hope you like it a little. I haven't seen aot so I stayed with oc kids (taking Nashi from the original artwork and the name Jude cause I wanted to name one of their sons after Lucy's dad). I didn't write about the reunion much, I'm sorry .-.
and, feel free to request more if you'd still like to. I don't get a lot of requests anyway^^
Stay healty :)
Looking down at the photo album resting on her lap Lucy tried hard to suppress tears while looking at the last picture that was taken before Tenrou. Before they had lost so many friends. Natsu still refuses to acknowledge that they died and sometimes Lucy tries to imagine them living somewhere else, too. It made things easier.
Taking a deep breath she turned the page. The next pictures were from Alzack’s and Bisca’s wedding and of Asuka’s birth. That was when the guild slowly got back on its feet. Her own marriage with Natsu was 6 years later and Natsu became the next guild master after Macao just after the birth of their oldest daughter, Nashi.
So many joyful years followed and - even though they could never fill the empty space their friends left them with - they found happiness again. Soon now her little girl will be a mother herself. Lucy still had to laugh when she remembered the day when her daughter told them that she was pregnant. Natsu only stood and stared at her for a moment before he embraced her, crying out of pure joy.
They had a big party after that and Nashi’s little brothers grew very overprotective of their sister. The boys made sure that she had everything she needed. It was just too adorable to watch them dote on her.
Everything would be so very perfect if… if just…
Hearing voices coming towards her Lucy closed the album, stood up and turned around to see her twins running towards her. They were very excited, talking over each other trying to tell her about some strange newcomers.
“The metalface called me Salamander,” one exclaimed while his brother glared at him. “Metalface?” “Yes Ma, he has like … a ton of piercings and not just in his face!” The excitement of the teens died down when their mother looked at them wide eyed.
“Does he have long black hair and is with a petite blue haired girl?” “How do you know that?” Lucy didn’t answer. As fast as she could she mader her way back to the guild. Natsu and Happy weren’t there right now as they were busy helping Nashi’s boyfriend get everything ready for the baby.
But this couldn’t be true anyway, right?
Bursting through the door into the guild she almost dropped the album she was still clutching tightly as she saw who was there standing in the middle of the hall. At her entrance everyone's attention focused on her, but she just stood there unable to say anything.
There they all stood, Erza, Gray and Juvia, Gajeel, Levi, the Strauß siblings and the Thunder Legion, Master Makarov and Wendy. Looking exactly as they had looked back then, as if no time had gone by at all.
Lucy’s own youngest son Jude stood right next to Wendy. He is 12 years old now, the same age as Wendy. She should be 37 by now.
First the album fell, then Lucy fell to her knees. This time she couldn’t stop her tears from falling. Obviously, she wasn’t the only one who was struck by this mixture of shock and joy.
“Lucy? Is that really you?” The question barely reached her but she didn’t have to answer anyway. “Of course she is, ice-brain. Really took you guys long enough to come back home.”
“Dad!” Jude hurried towards his father and older brothers standing behind him. He seemed to be pretty confused with the whole situation.
“That is actually your child, Natsu?” “Well, you’ve been gone for 25 years. Do you really think we would just sit around and do nothing, gramps? We had to keep Fairy Tail together until you came back.” He put an arm around Lucy’s shoulder smiling brightly with tears sparkling in his eyes.
“Yes,” the old master said. “You definitely did that.”
“Now that you’re back I’d say it’s time to throw a huge party. Just like we did back then.
Then everyone will know that Fairy Tail is really back.”
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relaxxattack · 3 years
heyo! totally agree with your take. i think it’s something we need to see more in media, the stuff with bee duo. it’s not very often that teenagers are portrayed in media with romantic relationships where both parties are happy and the relationship is healthy. it’s even rarer to see mom relationship portrayed that way. i mean, coming from a gay man you hardly see mom relationships at all, especially healthy ones, but i think letting teens be teens in media is good and healty, especially with guys.
there’s still that negative stigma around men being able to show feelings and love and that’s so huge among teenagers, so seeing two teens happily in love is great. not to mention, with the target audience of the dsmp it’s one of those relationships that people could look to and maybe feel comfortable with themselves.
plus like, teens are teens. kids fall in love and date all the time. they dream about marriage and houses. teens have boyfriends and girlfriends and they miss and hold hands and that’s totally normal. romance doesn’t equal a sexual relationship, and portraying c!bee duo that way isn’t bad, they do it themselves as well.
just, gosh i’m just trying to say your take is good, and i wish there were more people who see the benefits to having representation like that, especially when on all fronts it’s okay. how c!bee duo’s relationship stands atm is perfectly fine. it’s romantic, not sexual. they’re married and in love and do silly goofy things. that’s wonderful. it sucks that people try to push a platonic label for the sake of boundaries or legality when the cc’s who created those characters have stated it’s romantic, so it’s not against boundaries, and there’s nothing being sexualized unless someone is a creep, so there’s no legality issue.
anyway thanks for the take
aw :] you’re welcome, glad it could be a good fresh take
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Sometimes I wonder about how Zuko would have a different life in eart kingdom. Very calm, silent and a little relax life, working in a tea shop, having a pretty normal healty life. I never shipped Zuko with Katara (they look really good but I probably didn't see them as an option bc Aang was there too) or Mai (maybe a little bit Mai bc Zuko only shows his emotions with her we never see his side in the show but still someting is off). Honestly I liked that girl from eart kingdom Jin. She was cute and patient and most likely understand that Zuko is a firebender and still didn't say anyone. They were soo good in my eyes.
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Reckless actions and don't know how to act
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Full of energy and discovering new emotions
Hehehehehehe "offer so innocently"
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Well I know how to sword fight but hey...Okay
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Then this happened
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She didn't say 'hey could you do this a little ligh perhaps (ofcour she didn't know He is a fire bender) but Zuko did it anyway
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I was so happy for both of them ♡
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fancyphoenix · 3 years
The winx and the specialists after watching FATE.
Flora: So that was something... guys?
Bloom: I have to ask, am I so self centered? And annoying? And why Stella and I hate each other? Ugh it dosen’t make sense. And Sky and Stella, hell to the no.
Stella: Of course not, why the fuck did i date Sky? And why I’m such bitch? And where is my honey buckets. And i love fashion, it’s not and obligation. My mum is nice ok? Im confused...
Layla: At least they didn’t make you the black token friend, dont get me wrong she seems nice and all but that’s not me.
Flora: I Don’t meant to be rude but why i’m white? I look like a grown women, and why Riven and I treat eachother badly, he’s my friend. I miss Helia. I didn’t like it a LOT im sorry netflix. The only good think is the diferent body representation.
Musa: Fuck this shit, im not white either, gosh. Why the fuck im a empath? And why im dating that Sam dude hes not my type. I only talk to Riven ONCE, why?And why the fuck he dates that beatrix and not me? I Don’t get it.. At least my personality was kind of cool...
Tecna: At least you guys where in there. Why im not good enough for their shitty show? Ok, but I do have to say this, at least like Musa says they didn’t fuck me up. But I’m no quite happy, that they don’t consider me one of the Winx, that’s kind of irrespecful.
Timmy: Of course you’re good enough, i love you. They screwed it up. I’m actually a little bit happy that im not in there, at least they didn’t ruin me.
Helia: I think the same thing as you Timmy, But i didn’t like what they did too my flower.
Brandon: I’M GOING TO KILL SOMEONE. Why they make my sweet honey buckets like that? And why she’s dating Sky?He’s my best friend and she’smy girlfriend. Gosh don’t they have some respect for us, or what?
Nabu: Im not there, and i hope not to be, because for sure the will kill me again. And they make the Black token friend like they did with Layla..
Sky: I quite like my caracther.. I just Don’t like the fact that I dated Stella. But my dad is alive,why would they kill him? Uhmm, Riven are you good?
 AND why i fat shame Flora? She’s my mate. 
I Don’t smoke it’s not healty, im a healty person.
And fuck no, i Don’t wanna fucking date the trix. And it’s Musa my girl, not that Beatrix. FOR GOD SAKE. I ONLY DATED DARCY, BECAUSE I WAS POSESED. ONE TIME, ONE FUCKING TIME. I HATE THIS. 
 And why my fucking best friend is Sky, that dosen’t make sense. I HATE IT. I WILL MURDER THEM AND DESTROY EVERITHING THEY LOVE.
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miyalove · 4 years
hello, i hope you're staying healty and feeling good! since requests are open can you write a scenario where atsumu confesses to his f!crush in a indirect way? "moon is beautiful tonight, isn't it?" it's a indirect way of saying "i love you" in japanese, for example. i hope that makes sense! thank you in advance~
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—pairing: miya atsumu x f!reader
—warnings: none, reader is into stars, that’s about it, *unedited
—synopsis: 1.2k | one late night, you and your best friend decide it’s a perfect time to go star gazing. during that time, unknowingly atsumu confesses his feelings of love towards you.
—a/n: thank you for requesting, anon! this was a little bit of a doozy for me, i won’t lie! also i couldn’t find any other ways to “indirectly confess” so i ended up using the example you provided! + request are open!
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you’ve always been fond of night skies. whether they be dark and stormy, where clouds blocked the bright moonlight or clear and chilly where the moon laid high and mighty. night time brought out a feeling within you that made you want to stay up late and trace the stars.
“(y/n)? is that you over there?” you hear a voice huff. it’s not too far from you so you sit up on the soft grass you were laying on. you’re smiling at the familiar voice that’s no more nothing more than a whisper.
“over here!” you wave him over to you and the blonde feels a sudden relief at your melodious call. he's glad that he didn't just come up to a random stranger because, knowing him, he’d probably make a big fool of himself.
as atsumu strides over, you make note of his messy appearance. different parts of his blonde tresses stick up in crazy directions. his outfit consist of loose fitting shorts and a hoodie that has different colored stains. it takes everything in you to not burst aloud at his horrible style choices.
your brows furrow at your close friend's effortless look. as he finds purchase next to you on the grass, you can’t help but to comment on your observations, “you look like you literally just rolled out of bed.”
you let out a soft giggle while atsumu quirked a teasing brow. “is not my fault i look like this. you called me at 3 in the morning begging to come meet ya here.”
pouting, you’re quick to snap at him, “well, you know you didn’t have to come."
of course he knows that. atsumu may not be the sharpest tool in the shed, but he knows that these stargazing nights are important to you. they make you happy and to see someone he cares so deeply about smile so contently at the moon is enough for him to fight back his grogginess and meet you at your special spot. 
despite the warmth growing in his chest, the setter pouts. lips gutted out and his eyes seep with feigned irritation. “course i hada come, doll. who woulda defended you from all the creeps walking around at night, hhm? i’m like your knight in shining armor!"
rolling your eyes, you wave off his words with a quick, “whatever.” before completely plopping down into the grass again. noticing your movement, atsumu was quick to follow.
side-by-side, the soft clusters kissed at your’s and atsumu’s exposed skin. your arms tingle with the familiar tickle from the grass. it was a sensation the two of you were all too familiar with. since you were kids, the two of you would sneak out to this very park to lay in the grass and just enjoy the silent tranquility the night air provided.
as a young child you were fascinated with the stars. opposite of you, kid atsumu was less then interested. he never really understood your love for the bright balls of gas floating around space but nonetheless he never spoke against it. he was far too excited at the fact that he made his first friend ever to be too caught up on how crazy she is. 
the blonde remembers the excitement of finally making a connection with someone that wasn't his twin brother. he remembers the absolute bliss that washed over him whenever you specifically called him over to play.
the pure euphoria that would course through him when you would pat the plush grass for him to sit with you. he never hesitated to run over and take the open seat. two kids admiring nature’s god given view. however as time passed, feelings changed.
it was in middle school when you visited the same park again with your blonde best friend not far behind you. it was reaching the early hours of the morning, almost 5 am when you two finally made it to the park. laying down, you talk about anything and everything.
how classes seemed to be getting harder, how volleyball practice is going for him, and how he’s made more and more friends lately. you would hum at his words adding onto his stories every now and then. atsumu is a talker, everyone knew that, so it didn’t take much to be entertained.
as you looked up into the night sky attempting to count the stars for the umpteenth time that special night, atsumu looked up at you. your eyes shined despite the darkness enveloping your body. he was too young at the time to understand what he was feeling. too young to know that the warm sensation spreading in his chest whenever he saw you in the halls was something connected to infatuation.
this special place was a world only the two of you connected in. a place where all worries were washed away and atsumu didn’t have to think about his homework due or how the first years still need to polish up their serves. he could rest his hats as captain, student, and even brother when he entered this realm with you.
he had you to thank for this safe space. 
at the easeful thoughts, atsumu found himself looking up at the stars too. not quite matching your enthusiasm as you pointed out different constellations but nodding in awe as you rambled about them.
“wow, doesn’t the stars just always look so pretty?” you’re not looking at him so you don’t notice the way his usual smirk shifts to a genuine smile. the way the beaming orbs so light up your facade. it makes you look heavenly under the dark lights of the night. 
he’s so caught up in drinking every feature of you, that he suddenly realizes he hasn’t said anything in a while. not wanting you to suddenly catch him slipping, the blonde nods forcibly turning his attention away from you.
atsumu lets out a stifled sigh, forcing his attention to the brightest star there is, “yeah, but the moon looks beautiful tonight too, right?”
there’s a silence that envelops the two of you. the setter doesn’t think much of it. sometimes you get so caught up in your star voodoo stuff that you tune out things that he says to focus. he’s still staring at the large glowing moon when he feels your gaze set on him
abruptly, he turns to you, “you good, (y/n)?” quirking a brow, he tilts his head in concern. golden eyes meet your own and by the blank look in his hues you know he hasn’t connected what his words mean yet. 
‘the moon looks beautiful tonight’
his indirect confession echoes in your head. blushing at the double meaning that his response represents, a light chuckle escapes your lips. 
“miya atsumu, you will be the death of me...” your words are meek but not so much that they fall death to the blonde besides you.
as nosey as he is, atsumu pushes you to explain what you mean by that. he wants to know exactly why your face was rosy and what the moons is so important to you. in seconds, he’s raising his voice. practically demanding you to spill your secrets.
as he rises from the grass, he towers over your lax figure. his brows are scrunched together and golden eyes burning with something unrecognizable behind them. he’s pointing an accusing finger in your face as he paces around you. you can’t help but laugh at how childish he was acting.
watching your friend make a big deal about your secret, you decide that explaining what his words truly meant is a task for another day. 
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thehammondlegacy · 3 years
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Willow Palace - 11 pm - Queen Margaret’s private quarters 
Cristobal: Well, that was some party!
Margaret: I think you and Bella drank too much 
Cristobal: For once we are not fighting! You should be happy about it!
Margaret: I am... But I’m still worried about her
Cristobal: Yeah, she doesn’t look- healty
Margaret: I’m having tea tomorrow with her, maybe I’ll get to find out what’s happening... Honey...
Cristobal: Yes?
Margaret: What do you think about Olivia?
Cristobal: What do you mean?
Margaret: I mean, do you like her?
Cristobal: Of course I do! Don’t you?
Margaret: Yes, she’s lovely... Things between Davy and her are getting serious, don’t you think?
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Cristobal: They have been dating for almost three years. I think they already are pretty serious
Margaret: Yes, but Davy is almost gone to university, and they are still together
Cristobal: Do you think that’s bad?
Margaret: No! I think that’s remarkable! I’m just wondering if-
Cristobal: If she’s going to be the one?
Margaret: Well, they are still very young, but I don’t think we should ignore the fact that, whoever marries him, must be- suitable?
Cristobal *laughs*: You are not good at this, darling! 
Margaret: Ugh, I know! I hate the idea of judging the person he chooses to be by his side! But I’m wondering whether I should talk to him about this or not
Cristobal: Well, I think it’s too soon for that. I mean, he’s only eighteen. Besides, he may- you know- decide to play the field before choosing the one
Margaret *chuckles*: Yeah, just like you did, right?
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Cristobal *laughs*: Ok, I might have failed on that, but my point is we don’t know what’s going to happen, so I guess this is not the best time to talk about marriage with Davy. But, if this is really important to you, maybe you could speak to your mother
Margaret: Why Mama?
Cristobal: She was your father’s consort! Who better to tell you if Olivia has what it takes than the former wife of a King?
Margaret: You are the husband of a Queen!
Cristobal: I know, but I’ve been the husband of a Queen for two years. Before that, I was the husband of a Crown Princess. Your mother has been Queen Consort for almost fourty years! 
Margaret: I guess you are right... I just don’t want to make him choose between love and duty
Cristobal: You know we can’t do that. Your grandfather would kill me if I let you arrange a marriage for your son! 
Margaret: Please, don’t ever let me get in between his true love!
Cristobal: Don’t worry, honey. I won’t. I’m going to bed now *kisses Margaret*
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Cristobal: And stop thinking about that! Just talk to your mother
Margaret: I will...
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