#Fire & Rescue Shifters
sonic-spirit · 1 year
Fire & Rescue Shifters series, by Zoe Chant
Book reviews? Book reviews!
So, my lovely mate is fuckin’ prolific about reviewing and logging media: Books, movies, TV, comics, their big Pokemon playthrough project—it’s all so damn awesome. So, watching them and hearing them share their writing? I wanna play, too!
So, I’m trying to record and review the books I read and listen to, too. ^_^;; Even though the amount of times I’ll revisit the same book series is pretty excessive. But hey, you won’t know that! Yet…!
Anyway. I read a lot of shifter romance novels. I got into it looking for some good smut, and stayed for the stories. The cheesier and lighthearted fluff (with an underlying Actual Story), the better. I am but a simple lad.
So yeah, the Zoe Chant books (actually a shared pen name for several authors) are a regular go-to for me, since they usually have the tones I’m looking for, and there’s a ton of them.
^_^;; These quickly started to balloon out from simple blurbs to something more thought out, so it’s kinda hilarious to watch that progression.
Firefighter Dragon (Fire & Rescue Shifters, #1)
Dates Revisited: December 21-22
Format: Audiobook
“Re-read” the audiobook of this again to give my mind something to do while working on some stuff. I always forget that the female lead, an archeologist, is called Virginia Jones. And that she’s OBVIOUSLY called that because of Indiana Jones.
It’s not subtle, but I keep missing it anyway.
The inadvertent and somewhat anti-colonialist subplot is hilarious in light of Indy and Virginia’s reverence for museums. “The Queen’s a dragon! Her hoard is the British museums! Oh, at least your family’s ancestral treasure isn’t the results of grave robbing and pillaging! But the Bad Dragon? His hoard is TOTALLY stolen spoils. And he doesn’t even take CARE of his artifacts!”
Welsh is cool and all, but I still always want a red dragon named Dai to be Asian. He can be Welsh-Asian, I’d take that.
Firefighter Pegasus (Fire & Rescue Shifters, #2)
Dates Revisited: December 22-December 23
Format: Audiobook
This one’s WAY better than Firefighter Dragon. For one, Connie, the female lead, gets to do more in the plot than get kidnapped and menaced. I like that she gets to actually be the pilot for the race her future hinges on, instead of Chase swooping in to do it. I also like that this one sets up Ivy, and that she’ll come back into the orbit of these characters going forward.
The sex scenes do start falling into the “He hilted and she came immediately,” thing that I have a problem with in several Zoe Chant books, but they’re still pretty good.
I started reading the Wildfire Shifters series before this one, which follows this crew’s kids, and it’s SUPER obvious they didn’t work that hard on making the logistics of that work. Connie calls Chase “Rainbow Dash” at one point, placing this firmly post-2010, rather than like, the 80s that this would have to be set in to make the timeline work if the Wildfire series is present day, when the offspring are all in their 20s and stuff. But that’s more of a nitpick than anything else, it does distract me a bit sometimes, though. Especially when Ivy’s goth gear would be more at home in the 1980s than the 2017 this book was written in (or at least the audiobook was produced, admittedly I’m not checking the publishing date right now).
Firefighter Griffin (Fire & Rescue Shifters, #3)
Dates Revisited: December 23-December 27
Format: Audiobook
Hecc. I got suuuper sick with appendicitis and had emergency surgery to fix the problem Tuesday the 27th through Wednesday the 28th, and I’m still dealing with a lot of post-surgery brain fog (as of writing this on the 30th). ^_^;; Naturally I wasn’t really in a state to log a review when I finished the book, and advanced on to the next book in the series, Firefighter Sea Dragon, immediately upon finishing so that I could use the story as distraction from the pain. So that was fun.
This one is…I dunno. Look, I’m still recovering, and have a lot of brain fog.
Again, I read the Wildfire shifters books first, so the reveal that Griff is a Griffin? Yeah, I already knew that. That he was born with 2 inner animals who constantly fight and try to literally rip each other apart and NEARLY KILL HIM? Well, that I did not expect.
Anyway, Hayley’s cute, Danny’s cute, and I like the non-traditional family they end up having with Danny’s bio-dad, Reiner, even though every time he blustered about how nobody thought he was fit to be a parent, especially during his bid for sole or primary custody I wanted to knock his damn teeth in. YEAH, NO ONE THINKS YOU’RE FIT BECAUSE YOU WERE COMPLETELY UNINTERESTED AND NON-CONTACT WITH YOUR KIT FOR THE FIRST 5 YEARS OF HIS LIFE, AND IT WASN’T UNTIL HE HAD HIS FIRST SHIFT THAT YOU GAVE TWO SHITS. So no, you aren’t fit for sole or primary custody of your kit. But you do clearly care, and you are trying now. Moreover, I get that he comes from an abusive background, and is doing his best within his understanding of how to do that.
And that, canonically, his understanding of what a good pride (as in lions) looks like is wrong (and that Danny’s is right).
So I can respect every part of that. I liked Reiner’s visceral horror when he realized he nearly hit Danny when the kit stood up to him. I liked that everything he’d been taught about how to be an “alpha lion” was blatantly wrong, and that the story knew it was wrong…even though it still takes “alpha” as an actual concept, and not super wrong information formed by observing the behavior of captive wolves in mixed family groups. Fuckin’ WHOOPS.
Also, props to Danny, “999 told me not to call for a firefighter unless there’s a literal fire, and I really, really need to be rescued by the firefighter I know? Okay, got it, will set a fire.” What a fuckin’ great kid.
Firefighter Sea Dragon (Fire & Rescue Shifters, #4)
Dates Revisited: December 27-December 30
Format: Audiobook
This one’s another that’s not as fresh, because again I was listening to the audiobook to distract myself from a lot of pain in the ER waiting room before I could get in for emergency surgery. Like, I’ve read or listened to the audiobook for all 7 of these books at least once before, but that doesn’t mean I remember everything super well.
I’m not sure how I feel about this one, it’s complicated. There’s some things I really like about it, some things that I think are missed opportunities, and some that I think are pretty bad mis-steps…and I’m not always sure which is which.
John Doe (and his future son, Joe Small) are some of my favorite boys in these related series, but I think John’s at his best when he’s a wise, supporting character threatening to force-feed his oath brother terrible soup or singing to the rain? And this book’s delving into his home and background ends up, heh, washing those vibes away a bit. At least I kinda feel that way. I dunno. Something makes me not vibe as hard with John in this book, possibly from just going from the more open to interpretation feeling regarding sea dragon culture to actually defining how striated and frankly sterile the daily life of at the very least a knight is. Like. I’m always gonna rankle at vows of chastity being a requirement, especially for an entire class/rank of person. Those being a requirement to become a knight is wild to me, and then the abusive, racist, controlling knight commander (who is admittedly The Bad Guy) just leaves a bad taste in my mouth.
It’s not super fair to judge Atlantis’ flaws on this and the later books in the Wildfire series, but the more we actually see of sea dragon culture the more basic and less interesting it even is. I think mostly it’s just not terribly well-developed, since a lot of these books are based more on aesthetics, “Which flavor of sexy beefcake do you want to sweep you off your feet, lady reading this?” than deep exploration of the cultures involved with these hot shifter boys. It’s just more glaring with the sea dragons, since they do live entirely apart in a hidden secret world that can operate on its own. But even in text, it goes from being firmly established as a culture where the inhabitants spend most of their time in their non-human forms, only shifting to treat with dignitaries since using human language is often the only way to communicate to…IDK, shiny be-pearled Ren Faire stuff. I’ll try and dig into it more when I get to Wildfire Sea Dragon, since that’s where the shallowness of Atlantis’ culture/development as a real place really becomes obvious, or maybe where the efforts to develop the Pearl Empire as a real culture stopped.
Otherwise…fuck royalism. Fuck the monarchy, fuck all that shit. Like, it’s bad. Glad Neridia’s actually a professional conservationist, and therefore has both training and knowledge of how to address the population problems Atlantis is facing, and a scientific background with which to approach leading. But fuck. It’s not like scientific grounding is genetic and lasts beyond one generation. Hereditary leadership. What a stupid fucking concept.
The Master Shark’s Mate (Fire & Rescue Shifters, #5)
Dates Revisited: December 30-? And then again January 17-18
Format: Audiobook
I literally cannot interact with this book without thinking about Knives Out anymore. I ADORE that the titular Master Shark’s Mate is called Marta. I fuckin’ love Marta. She’s fuckin’ wonderful.
I love that Marta’s a coyote. I love that she’s a grandma, and a widow. She already had the “Love of her life,” even if he wasn’t her One True Mate, and still feels loyalty to those vows. I love that memory of Manny, her dead husband, is what allows her to let go of her self-imposed stagnation to embrace her mate.
I love that the Master Shark’s given name is fuckin’ Finn! And that it’s that because his mom, a human, had a sense of humor! I love that despite being almost totally socialized in undersea society he has such warmth and respect for others under his stern outward presentation.
I love seeing the everyday turmoil of Marta’s coyote pack vs. the local rattlesnakes, and how, though it initially feels so much smaller than the big problems we’ve seen elsewhere in the series…it’s the same. I love that Finn bridges that gap with the same empathy and ability to peacekeep, THROUGH his power and shark-itude, as he does for the sea kingdoms, and that he never once treats their struggles like smaller or lesser ones.
I fuckin’ love this book, guys.
Like, it’s not flawless. And a lot of its strengths come from the context it exists within. But inside that context? It’s so, so damn good.
Firefighter Unicorn (Fire & Rescue Shifters, #6)
Dates Revisited: January 18-January 19
Format: Audiobook
I HATE the Unicorns Need Virginity thing. Hate, HATE, HATE. With a bloody fuckin’ passion I hate it, and I refuse to shut up about it. I especially hate that the whole damn trope comes from fuckin’ christianity, which, in my very ardent opinion, is a religion of abuse. It’s almost cliched that actual articles about unicorns would make a point to state that the “purity” thing was changed to “virginity” with the rise of christianity, and that before that “You could be a mother of 12, so long as you were pure of heart.” So like. C’mon.
So having Hugh’s struggle stem from his inability to handle sexual impurity…? UGH. The issues being tied to orgasms is…interesting, but I still hate that we have to dance this dance.
But FINE. We’ll DO THIS.
Unicorns, if you didn’t know by now, are KINDA MY JAM. I’ve been a lifelong unicorn boy, and Wildfire Unicorn was the first book of these series I picked up.
So like, it was interesting to see that Hugh had hidden that he was a unicorn from the rest of his squad for so long, that shifter culture held that unicorns were make-believe in a world of dragons, pegasi, and phoenix, and that they took THIS LONG to finally get to the Hugh-nicorn pun. Also strange and interesting that they had unicorn hunting as an imminent threat in a setting where most believe unicorns don’t exist. Always a weird choice to hold those plotlines simultaneously…but whatever, I guess, it gives us some of our conflict.
Though honestly? Even though the virginity and the unicorn hunting are such huge unicorn tropes, and I’d find it weird if they didn’t get mentioned in passing or lampshaded for your Unicorn Outing of the series…the book’d be tighter and the story’d be better if Ivy’s struggles were the ones we worked on, without both those plot threads muddying the water.
Cuz Ivy’s struggle with her wyvern, with class, with past homelessness, with the loss of her emotionally abusive (or at least neglectful) mom, her guilt over and love of her sister Hope (first prominent gay character, cuz I don’t count Marta’s daughter as “prominent”!), and her past of scraping by in shady dealings…that’s where the good meat of the story lies.
I don’t think the book went far enough in paying off how wrong Alpha Team had been about her, how shitty they were to demonize her, and how she’d just been jumping from bad situation to bad situation, struggling to get by, while Chase is a billionaire’s son, Hugh is an earl’s son, Griff’s family has land and a distillery, and John’s never had to live in the evils of capitalism and had Griff to live with and get him culturally acclimated when he came up from the ocean. Super easy to be judgy when you’re rich and have no clue, have never had the threat of homelessness hanging over your head. So while that theme is there, it’s not quite prevalent enough for me.
Then Hugh’s virginity thing swoops back in and eclipses everything again. Because that’s the important part.
I just really can’t hammer home how much of this book is about whether Hugh and Ivy should bone, and the fallout of them boning, and how the secret all along was boning, but like, the right way. It’s…seriously fucked, honestly.
Firefighter Phoenix (Fire & Rescue Shifters, #7)
Dates Revisited: January 19-23
Format: Audiobook
My feelings on this one are…complicated. Like, there’s a ton to like about it, but also…
In the good column, I always prefer when both parties are shifters. I just like the dynamic better, when one doesn’t have to induct the other into this hidden world, they’re mutually powerful, they know the ins and outs of having, in this series’ case, an animal inside them, and that just…lets us cut to the place I’m interested in. Especially the “ways the different animal natures interact.” That’s a huge part of what I come to shifter stories for, I want the POV through the eyes of these animals. (Chaos, is the specific vibe I’m looking for hard to find.)
I’m not super in love with the One True Mates thing this series has going (and not just cuz I’m polyamorous), but it’s a staple of shifter romances, and it gives the authors fewer excuses to arbitrarily separate their pairs—which doesn’t stop them from still doing it, but means they have to get more creative than the annoying sitcom-style “Overheard the wrong statement out of context,” type tripe you often get in your cheesy low stakes romance. Look. I’m here for cheese and low stakes, not morons who can’t have a conversation. Them caring enough to have an uncomfortable discussion is definitely a perk.
(Halp. I just finished Jennette McCurdy’s “I’m Glad My Mom Died” and now I have her narrative voice stuck in my head!)
In the…not bad but personally fraught category: OOF. Like, the narrative doesn’t dwell on it as hard as it could, it’s got cheesy romance and sex scenes to get to, after all, but CHAOS, IS ASH’S ABUSER CORBIN A FUCKIN’ GARBAGE MONSTER OF DEATH. Just…coming from my own abusive parents, and having been sucked into a few cults and cult-like situations…FUUUUCK. So yeah, it gets close to being a bit triggering. Triggering adjacent, if you will. Where it doesn’t cross the line into bringing forward any of my specific trauma, but it has me tense and ready for it. So that gets a bit rough.
But again, the book doesn’t dwell on it, so neither do I have to. Yay!
In the Actually Bad, even though it’s making a solid effort to justify itself, though I’m not willing to give it that generosity: Ash Fucking With Rose’s Memories, and fucking her 20 years later with her NOT KNOWING about their first actual meeting and that she ACTUALLY LOST HER VIRGINITY TO HIM 20 YEARS PREVIOUS AND HER THINKING THAT SHE’S STILL A VIRGIN NOW AND SHE HAS NO IDEA!!!??? AND THE BOOK TRIES TO DWELL IN THIS AS ROMANTIC!? DON’T TRY TO TELL ME THAT THIS IS ANYTHING BUT A HORRIFIC PILE OF NONCONSENT! “Oh, but she never was anything but loyal to Ash, even though she knew nothing about it and thought, WITH GOOD REASON, that her One True Mate was dead!” SO THIS WOMAN WHO WOULD OTHERWISE BE INTERESTED IS TOO EMOTIONALLY SCARRED TO TRY AND FIND SOMEONE ELSE!? (Or even have a casual hookup!?) UNTIL SHE’S IN HER 40S!?
Like, it’s one thing entirely if you’re ace. Being ace and uninterested for 20 years, cool. Hell, being demisexual and uninterested for 20 years! But THAT IS NOT THE CODING WE’RE WORKING WITHIN, HERE. We have an individual we have no reason to believe is anything but allosexual, who is too traumatized by loss to try and look for connection…who is mourning someone she HONESTLY BELIEVES DIED BEFORE SHE MET HIM. Oh, also? HE’S BEEN HANGING OUT IN THE PUB SHE OWNS AND LIVING NEARBY AND A FIXTURE IN HER LIFE FOR 10 YEARS.
Yeah, fuck that plotline straight to the earth’s core. Yeah, Ash’s stupid fucking idiocy does end up being A Problem for him. A Big Honkin’ Plot Problem, even. But no, I’m sorry. This is not okay, and doesn’t get a pass from me. Like, there’s enough narrative retribution that I wouldn’t begrudge anyone else for forgiving this utter bullshit, but it doesn’t get absolution from me.
Anyway. The epilogue is kinda hilariously long and all about setting up the Wildfire Shifters series, passing the torch, as it were. And I’d probably have been annoyed to spend such a long epilogue in fankid hell territory, but again, I read the Wildfire books first, so joke’s on them, to me this was a prequel series the whole time.
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saraswritingtipps · 24 days
13 fantasy - Romance themed love tropes
Fated Mates: Characters are destined to be together by supernatural or magical forces.
Magical Bond: Characters share a mystical connection that binds them together, often influencing their emotions and actions.
Creature and Human Romance: A romantic relationship between a mythical creature (such as a vampire, werewolf, or fae) and a human.
Royal Romance: Characters from different social classes or kingdoms fall in love, navigating the complexities of power and duty.
Forbidden Love in a Magical Realm: Romance between characters of different magical species or factions, facing prejudice and persecution.
Rescuer and Rescued Romance: One character rescues the other, leading to a deep bond forged through shared experiences.
Magic-induced Love: Characters fall under the influence of a love spell or potion, complicating their romantic feelings.
Immortal and Mortal Romance: A romance between an immortal being and a mortal, grappling with the challenges of mortality and eternity.
Elemental Romance: Characters representing different elements (fire, water, air, earth) find love, symbolizing balance and harmony.
Shape-shifter Romance: A character with the ability to change form falls in love, exploring themes of identity and acceptance.
Guardian and Ward Romance: A romantic relationship between a guardian figure (such as a mentor or protector) and their charge, built on trust and loyalty.
Cursed Love: Characters cursed to be apart or cursed to love each other, seeking a way to break the curse and be together.
Ancient Prophecy Romance: Characters fulfill an ancient prophecy together, their love playing a crucial role in the fate of the world.
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anisespice · 2 months
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It’s always been known as the Dragon’s Keep.
A stone-walled prison guarded by a ferocious, fire-breathing monster with an insatiable appetite for death and destruction, a keeper of all things valuable. Stories were spread far and wide about the greedy creatures, terrorizing lands and snatching princesses right from their homes. In the keep, she will remain trapped in the highest room of its tallest tower, no means of escape for she was now a part of the never-ending collection.
That is until the arrival of her prince, her knight in shining armor, who’d slay the beast with a courageous thrust of his mighty sword, piercing through its heart in exchange for another. She’d be rescued from an eternity of loneliness, riding off into the sunset with her true love—A happily ever after. The End.
Fairytales. Propaganda, more like.
Even when he was just a wee hatchling, IWAIZUMI knew better than to believe the falsities spread by ignorant non-magicals. No matter if they raised their pitch forks and torches till their arms grew numb, he was taught to wear his scales with pride. Dragons weren’t ferocious or greedy, they never stole nor snatched neither gem or damsel.
They were protectors.
Gentle beasts who roamed Mother Earth to bask in her warmth and enjoy the fruits of her labor. Villagers would sought out their caves for refuge against harsh winters as guests, not as hostages. Princess’s fled unwanted betrothals to hide in their tallest tower by their own free will, not stripped from their beds in the dead of night to be doomed to eternal loneliness.
Iwa wasn’t certain how the rumors began, or why. He didn’t care—Their opinions meant little to nothing to the dragon shifter. One thing was for certain, “They’re a sickness. Nothing short of a plague on our kind, and by allowing them to live it would only mean our demise.”
But, his sentiment fell upon deaf ears. Oikawa hummed absentmindedly, too busy messing with his hair using a gold-encrusted spoon as a mirror. No matter if the reptile preached until he was blue in the face, his commander wouldn’t yield even if he were paying attention. The brunette’s tail flicked in annoyance, the strong appendage whipped around to whack the fellow shifter in the back of his head.
“Oucha!” Oikawa cried out, spoon dropping on the table with a loud clatter as he used both hands to rub away the pain in his now throbbing skull. “What was that for?!”
“Have you not heard a single goddamn word I’ve said?!” Iwa bellowed, making the other wince at the volume with his developing headache.
“Can’t really hear much of anything with a concussion, y’know…”
“The younglings returned from scouting, they’ve reported human activity near one of our northern territories. We’re not certain what they’re up to, but it can’t be anything good.”
He practically shoved the scroll into Oikawa’s chest. He grunts at the force, shoots his second-in-command a half-hearted glare before taking a glance at the report. Skimming through it he pursed his lips before looking back at Iwa, wearing an expression that didn’t take long to piss the other shifter off.
Iwa glared. “What?”
“Oh, nothing.”
“Just this...this teenie, tiny little thing, no big deal, just couldn’t help but notice-”
“Spit it out, Shitty-kawa.”
Oikawa flipped the scroll around, pointing at a particular section of the report. “[_____]’s been crossed out. Pretty sure she’s a human. Which, according to your logic, would make her dangerous. Right?”
Iwa attempted to remain neutral, but the slight flick in his tail was enough answer for the commander’s suspicions. Not to mention, the pink hue now dusting across his cheeks. “She is the only exception.”
“Uh huh. Seriously, dude, you gotta drop this radical agenda of yours because I’m certain trying to wipe out her whole species would be considered a huge turn off.”
“Shut up, you don’t know what you’re talking about. She understands my goal, we even share the same opinions.”
“Really? Such as?”
“We both agree that humans are selfish creatures fueled by fear and greed. They despise anything they don’t understand, and destroy what they can’t control. That is why they’ve painted us to be the monsters in their stories—Makes their evil deeds feel justified.”
Oikawa nodded, unconvinced. “Fascinating. What else?”
Iwa huffed, arms crossed. “We also agree that without human interference, we’d be able to restore balance in nature. Migrations would go undisturbed, vegetation would thrive due to the forests no longer being stripped of its resources—We would have a fresh start.”
“Mhm. And, does she also share your sentiments on genocide, or were you planning on shoehorning in that part of your goal to her?”
There’s a brief silence. Both dragons merely stared at one another.
“Tsk.” Was Iwa’s only response.
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© 2023-2024 anisespice ッ all rights reserved.
likes, comments & reblogs much appreciated!
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minniesmutt · 3 months
Out here on my hybrid!skz agenda but mythical beast instead of their skzoos with a tad bit of Magical being!Reader (this go so freaking long)
Acient Dragon!Chan, his hoard are his handpicked weird little family including you. Very possessive if someone outside of his family were to even so much as look at you wrong, their existence will shortly cease to be. Marking what is his, sent marking (golden shower time or filling your cunt to the brim with his cum), leaving actual marks (scratches, bites, hickeys, handprints), making you wear his clothing is a big one, they may be slightly tatterd from his claws or mildly singed from his fire though.
White Tiger!Lee Know (the white tiger was seen as a guardian in some older asain cultures) ofc a feline. Seemingly cold and standoff-ish but is really just watching his pride and ensuring their safety. He is most definitely an absolute cuddle bug behind closed doors. Kneeding your thighs, stomach, arms, hands, but most importantly your ass and tits, just the most perfect spot to lay a hand and dig his claws in
NachtKrapp!Changbin (Night Raven) a guardian for the good kids who can't sleep and a nightmare for the troublesome kids who won't listen to their parents. The NachtKrapp is known to sing soothing melodies for those who wish to sleep and will take and punish those who refuse to sleep. But for you he'll always sing you the sweetest melodies and wrap you in his wings where you'll be nice and warm away from nightmares and all that may haunt you. Better yet he even will let you play with the softest down feathers at the base of his sensitive wing but you'll have to deal with the half chub he's sporting because of that.
Nuggle!Hyunjin once just a water spirit that looked after the beauty in his rivers and lochs but when one little farm boy got too curious as to who was pulling pranks on his family livestock, he found Hyunjin mesmerized by the herd drinking from his rivers. But ever the Channie to the rescue giving the lively jokester spirit a different body of water to look after and let beauty flourish in and around. But once he met you the flora began to match the shade of your eyes and hair, waters full of your favorite little sea creatures that will follow you along the water's edge because Hyunjin tells them day after day that you are the most beautiful being he's ever had the pleasure of meeting.
Jersey Devil!Han nothing but pure chaos and rambunctious energy, just bouncing off the walls, pulling pranks alongside Nuggle!Hyunjin, extremely agile and a never ending stamina. Refractory period, nonexistent, he can go blow for blow. He accidentally broke your favorite possession, make him blow loads for hours on end until he is sobbing apologies and promising to be more careful around your things. But the second he finds out that that item was already already repaired by Channie seconds after he broke it he'll be getting his payback on you for how many loads you made him waste.
Feline Shifter Familiar!Felix He is the only one that you knew before you were welcomed into Channie's little lovely family. Felix was your childhood best friend and your first for many things. He helped you find out your true nature and you showed him what a good familiar he was even if he was still learning the little things about making his appearance look normal in either form. Once he learned he could keep certain feline attributes in his human form he asked if he could eat you out with his rough cat tongue. And it took a few moments for him to find the perfect middle ground between human tongue and cat tongue so that he didn't hurt you but once he did you were crawling back for head from him because he had your legs shaking in seconds with that tongue.
Hellhound!Seungmin really lived up to his name because boy did he make you life hell occasionally. A hellhound in rut and a pretty lover near by, you bet he kept you all to himself the moment his pre-rut made itself known. He will have all the time he could ever want to bend you, fold you, hold you, breed your needy holes, and talk all about how stunning you'd be carrying his pups, he will stuff you full of his come till the sheer volume is pushing him out if your cunt.
Last we have the maknae on top
Kitsune!Jeongin a mischievous spirit that lil do anything you ask of him be it mundane task or a treterous journey for a single ingredient you need for whatever concoction you are working on now. BUT when you ask him to use you like a chair so can hold onto him while he plays his games or works. He grabs your wrist to move your hand that was drawing mindless patterns on his abs, right into his pants and tells you if you can make him come before is match is over he'll let you do anything to him .
🍄 <3
something about hellhound!seungmin tickled my brain just a bit to good. idk why, but it did
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thecreaturecodex · 1 year
Ada Shorewalker
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Image © @iguanodont
[Another OC, and one of the first ones I came up with before realizing that I could make an entire Monster Girl Summer out of it. Ada is definitely a version of myself, much like Jade Seven is. I tied her to Castle Xyntillian in this flavor text because it seemed like a good fit for for her, either as a powerful ally for lower level players, or as someone in need of rescue for higher level ones.]
Ada Shorewalker CR 8 N Monstrous Humanoid This anthropomorphic seal has long red hair and a gentle, curious expression. She wears a seal-skin cape and carries a spear.
Ada Shorewalker was always more interested in observation than in the actual hunt. While other selkies of her pack preferred to play malicious tricks on humanoids, Ada spent her time in tide pools and beach-combing, paying special attention to those land organisms that came to rest or forage on the seaside. As Ada grew up, she practiced her shapeshifting to emulate the other animals around her, and eventually grew in tune with nature to the point of learning druidic magic. She has now left her pack behind, exploring on land in order to learn more about the life that exists independently of the ocean.
Despite her gentle nature, Ada is especially interested in things like predator-prey relationships, decomposition and toxicology. Fungi are fairly rare in the ocean, and so she is fascinated by fungi and fungal creatures. When she is comfortable with someone, she often infodumps to them about all of the things she’s learned; her idea of “fun facts” is decidedly morbid and sometimes very gross. She views undeath as an aberration, but a particularly interesting one.
In combat, Ada switches from fun-loving to all business. She uses her animal focus to take on aspects like dolphin, orca or turtle, and then closes into melee with her spear or natural weapons. She prefers not to fight in wild shape mode, as Ada usually saves it to take a flying form if she needs to make a quick getaway. Ada is a little headstrong, and is not used to working alongside others, but given time and practice could become an excellent teammate.
Due to her attraction towards macabre topics, Ada Shorewalker has been considering an expedition to Castle Xyntillian. She has heard that Lake Xyntillian is home to an entire population of freshwater plesiosaurs, for example, and unusual plants and fungi grow throughout the grounds. She is confident that she can deal with any undead creatures that she encounters, because she has underestimated the sheer number of powerful undead that live on the grounds. She has no idea, for example, about powerful guests such as The Sickness or Debbie Twice-Born, or that Hubert Malevol the Huntsman has never stalked a selkie before and would be happy to add her head to his trophy collection.
Ada has red hair and a fat build in all of her humanoid forms. She gets along especially well with gnomes.
Ada Shorewalker          CR 8 XP 4,800 Female selkie druid 6 (variant feral shifter) N Medium monstrous humanoid (shapechanger) Init +8; Senses darkvision 60 ft., Perception +14, scent Defense AC 19, touch 14, flat-footed 15 (+4 Dex, +5 natural) hp 90 (12d8+36) Fort +11, Ref +12, Will +14; +4 vs. fey Resist cold 10 Defensive Abilities resist nature’s lure Offense Speed 20 ft., swim 50 ft. Melee masterwork spear +15 (1d8+6/x3), bite +9 (1d8+4) or bite +14 (1d8+6), 2 claws +14 (1d6+4) Ranged masterwork spear +15 (1d8+4/x3) or sling +14 (1d4+4) Special Attacks animal focus (6 minutes/day), aquatic focus, powerful blows (bite), shake, wild shape (2/day, Tiny to Large animal, Small elemental) Spells CL 6th, concentration +10 (+14 casting defensively) 3rd—greater magic fang, neutralize poison (DC 16), speak with plants 2nd—barkskin, bear’s endurance, elemental speech, slipstream 1st—faerie fire, obscuring mist, produce flame, speak with animals 0th—detect magic, detect poison, purify food and drink, stabilize Statistics Str 18, Dex 18, Con 17, Int 16, Wis17, Cha 16 Base Atk +10; CMB +14; CMD 28 Feats Alertness, Combat Casting,Improved Critical (bite)B, Improved Initiative, Natural Spell, Power Attack, Skill Focus (Knowledge: nature) Skills Bluff +9, Diplomacy +9, Disguise +9, Knowledge (arcana, dungeoneering) +9, Knowledge (geography) +12, Knowledge (nature) +17, Heal +12, Perception +14, Sense Motive +14, Spellcraft +12, Stealth +13, Survival +14, Swim +21 Languages Aquan, Common, Druidic, Gnome, Sylvan SQ change shape (any Small or Medium humanoid, alter self), echo of reason, hold breath, nature sense, trackless step, wild empathy +9, woodland step Gear seafoam shawl of resistance +1, pearl of power (1st level), wand of cure light wounds, scroll of lesser restoration, masterwork spear, sling with 10 bullets,coral and pearls worth 46 gp Special Abilities Animal Focus (Su): At 1st level, as a swift action, a feral shifter can take on the aspect of an animal, gaining a bonus or special ability based on the type of animal emulated. This functions as the hunter’s animal focus class feature. The feral shifter can use this ability for a number of minutes per day equal to her druid level. This duration does not need to be consecutive, but it must be spent in 1-minute increments. She can emulate only one animal at a time. This ability replaces nature bond. Aquatic Focus (Su) Ada Shorewalker draws her animal focuses from the list for the aquatic beastmaster hunter archetype. Echo of Reason (Su) A selkie can instinctively alter the intonation of its voice to make anything it says sound more pleasing to those who understand it. When using the Bluff skill, a selkie treats its lies as one step more believable for the purposes of bonuses or penalties on the check. Shake (Ex) On a successful critical hit with its bite attack, a selkie automatically violently shakes a Large or smaller target. The target must succeed at a DC 16 Fortitude save or it is dazed for 1 round. Even on a successful save, the target still takes a –2 penalty on all attack rolls and skill checks for the next 2 rounds. The save DC is Constitution-based.
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melishade · 1 year
Could you write a one-shot of Optimus in his Dinosaur mode?
Funny thing about this!
So when writing Attack on Prime back in 2013, I had no idea that Rescue Bots was also part of the Aligned Continuity. I had no idea that Optimus could transform into a Dinobot. Even if I knew back then, I still wouldn't have added it because it would've made Optimus too over-powered and also too chaotic.
That being said, this was a conversation I had with @justawannabearchaeologist and @echoblaze5 because of some AU bleeding over into different forums that got extremely out of hand.
So we'll say that Optimus is able to transform into his Dinosaur form. Thing is, he keeps it a secret. He's never told anyone back at the base, and he clearly felt no need to do it now. Plus, a place where humanity is on the brink of extinction because of titans is already bad enough. Having him transform into an unknown species that he can lose control of is going to cause panic. Extreme panic. So he keeps it under wraps.
Until Zeke shows up, and invokes his ire and drops the bomb that titans are humans. With an already high strung situation and that breaking the camel's back, Optimus gets pissed off and unleashes his Dinosaur form and roars, getting everyone's attention. Including Megatron, who was in Shinganshina at this time. And before Zeke can even react, Optimus breathes fire on him and starts burning Zeke alive, ignoring Ymir's titan transformation and the castle collapsing. The Survey Corps have to come and rescue the crew at the tower, and are met with the sight of Optimus using his jaw to tear Zeke apart while he's still on fire. Hanji realizes that Zeke might be a titan shifter and quickly tells Eren to stop the T-Rex. No one is sure if that even is Optimus. The color scheme is the same, but he's just so out of control. Eren transforms and yanks Optimus off of Zeke, and Eren is trying to wrestle an out of control T-Rex. Optimus manages to throw Eren off of him, and Eren is at Optimus' mercy. Optimus is ready to tear into him, but Megatron kicks Optimus, sending him flying across the area.
Megatron sees a threat and doesn't recognize that it's Optimus. He watched him die anyway. When Megatron approaches ready to kill him, Eren has to grab him from behind and pull him back with all his might. Hanji screams at Megatron to not kill him! It's Optimus! And before Megatron can even challenge Hanji's statement, Optimus transforms back, unconscious, which takes everyone for a loop. They do manage to capture Zeke, who's pretty charred, and Megatron and Eren carry Optimus back to Wall Rose. Everyone waiting in Trost is pretty shook at the sight of Optimus injured and unconscious, Megatron being there, and a human that was charred beyond belief slowly healing from his wounds.
Levi takes one look at Megatron: Who's this fucker?
Megatron: Someone who can squish you like a bug!
Hanji: Can we not?!
When Optimus wakes up, he's shocked to see Megatron and pulls out his blaster and demands what he's doing here? And Megatron replies: "I don't know which situation I should be more furious at. The fact that you're still alive, or the fact that you could turn into a Dinobot and DIDN'T TELL ME!"
Optimus is mortified that his secret is out to his former enemy, but the Survey Corps is also there, and realizes from their faces that they know the truth too. And he has a lot of explaining to do.
So a few things:
-Optimus does confess that he was able to transform into a Dinobot starting on Earth, but kept it under wraps because it was ultimately going to put the Rescue Bots in danger during the War. Megatron is 0.5 seconds away from blowing his lid. Rescue Bots?! Prime what the hell?! But the form was also extremely hard to control, since it was organic components mixing with Cybertronian biology. He lost his mind, quite a few times, to this form, and decided that it would be best to keep it a secret considering the negative side effects.
-Hanji is both excited and angry! How dare you keep this from her?! Levi is just annoyed. So annoyed. He's already dealing with enough! Why is this an addition to the bullshit?! Erwin sees potential, perhaps there was a way this form could be controlled.
-Megatron does end up confessing who he is, cause he technically kind of outed himself from what he's been saying. But Megatron says he'll play by their rules, because he wants answers out of Optimus, and he might just kill him for it!
-Zeke is kept underground and interrogated, but doesn't reveal anything, and Reiner and Bertholdt, understandably keep their mouths shut. However, Marley wants to know what the hell happened to Zeke, and that's a whole other issue.
I would like to post bits and pieces from the conversation, but I'll only post my half. I don't want to overstep and post their parts without permission.
Optimus: Roaring at Zeke as a Dinobot Zeke scrambling to run: WHY IS THIS SO MUCH WORSE?! Hanji: TITAN BRAWL!!!
Levi: I looked inside myself to ask "What am I willing to put up with today?" Gestures to Dinobot Optimus NOT FUCKING THIS!
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daniwib · 9 months
911 Mature Fic Master List
This is a master list of my Mature rated 911 fic. There are separate master lists of my fic with other ratings.
Rating / Ao3 Warnings: Mature / none
Genre: Crack, whump
Chapters / Length: 9 / 50k                                          
Main Pairing: Buddie getting together
Set: season 3
After the tsunami, Buck convinces the LAFD to upskill firefighters in swift water rescue skills and so the 118 go on a white-water rafting trip. Team building and pranks happen – and some other things too.
Choices & Consequences
Rating / Ao3 Warnings: Mature / none
Genre: Whump
Chapters / Length: 5 / 23.5k
Main Pairing: Buddie getting together
Set: season 5b
Athena was wrong. The man she thought was the Speed bomber was innocent. And now Buck and Lucy were missing.
Trust me, Darlin’
911 / Supernatural crossover written with TheInverseUniverse
Rating / Ao3 Warnings: Mature / Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Genre: Whump, angst
Chapters / Length: 11 / 77.8k
Main Pairing: Buddie
Set: post season 3
“Trust me, darlin’,” Dean whispered in his ear, and Buck nodded, all too aware of the gun against his head.
They’d met twice before, their paths crossing as they worked their ways across the country. Two chance meetings, two very enjoyable encounters. Years later, a series of demonic church arsons bring them back together.
Being taken hostage was not how Buck expected to reunite with Dean.
The Benefits of Massage
Rating / Ao3 Warnings: Mature / none
Genre: Crack
Length: 3k
Main Pairing: Buddie getting together
Set: post season 5
Buck navigates one of the trickier aspects of parenting, and does it pretty well, or so he thinks.
Until everything comes to light at a 118 barbeque.
There walks darkness
Rating / Ao3 Warnings: Mature / Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings; Rape/Non-Con (presumed rape not actual, but there is non-con)
Genre: Whump, heavy angst
Chapters / Length: 7 / 27.7k
Main Pairing: Buddie
Set: season 5
Maddie didn’t kill Doug in the woods when he attacked her. Instead, he was arrested and sent to prison for life. The same prison the 118 are called into to deal with the riot fires in started during a prison brawl…
Buck doesn’t get a good look at the second escapee in the ambulance until it’s far too late.
All the time in the world
Rating / Ao3 Warnings: Mature / none
Genre: Hurt/comfort
Length: 1.8k
Main Pairing: Buddie getting together
Set: season 6b
A missing scene between when Buck fell asleep on Eddie's couch and the kitchen scene in which Eddie has a panicked flashback and Buck comforts him.
Losing Hope
Rating / Ao3 Warnings: Mature / none
Genre: Mpreg, miscarriage
Chapters / Length: 2 / 10k
Main Pairing: Buddie
Set: season 3
Hope can be a powerful force, but what happens when it's lost?
Buck and Eddie's love story takes a tragic turn as their relationship ends abruptly after Eddie feels betrayed by the lawsuit. Alone, Buck faces the consequences of their actions when he learns he is unexpectedly pregnant – then loses the baby.
In the midst of his heartbreak and despair, Buck decides to keep a secret that will haunt him forever. With secrets and misunderstandings threatening to tear them apart again, Buck and Eddie must discover whether their love is strong enough to overcome tragedy, or not.
The Reluctant Werewolf Support Group. Founder: Evan Buckley
* WIP, has not been abandoned.
Rating / Ao3 Warnings: Mature / none
Genre: Crack. Utter, utter crack.
Chapters / Length: 3 out of 4 / 14k
Main Pairing: Buddie
Set: post season 5
Eddie gets bitten while on a call. Buck is convinced that Eddie is a werewolf. Eddie is not.
Rating / Ao3 Warnings: Mature / none
Genre: Angst
Length: 428
Main Pairing: Buddie
Set: no particular time
When civilian lives are lost in a large fire, Eddie watches Buck grieve.
Buck – yer a dragon!
Rating / Ao3 Warnings: Mature / none
Genre: Utter crack, shifter AU
Length: 9.8k
Main Pairing: Buddie
Set: post season 6
Eddie and Buck finally talked after that poker game and have been happily together ever since. Life couldn’t be better. Eddie was happy – and Buck was, too.
So happy, in fact, that Chimney had started teasing him about his expanding waistline now that he’s in a settled relationship. And he has been too tired to do much working out lately…
Then one day, Buck starts having stomach issues. No one can figure anything out – until disaster strikes and suddenly there's an egg. Yes, that’s right. An egg.
OR: Buck lays an egg.
empty, broken, lonely, hoping
Rating / Ao3 Warnings: Mature / none
Genre: Presumed Dead, angst
Chapters / Length: 9 / 44k
Main Pairing: Buddie
Set: post season 6
Eddie's world crumbles when Buck’s apartment building becomes engulfed in a cataclysmic seven-alarm fire, resulting in a devastating mass casualty event. Amidst the chaos, Eddie and the rest of the 118 grapple with the heart-wrenching belief that both Buck and Christopher have met a tragic fate within the merciless inferno.
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blueikeproductions · 8 months
Since the last EarthSpark kids book pitches went well, here’s some more I toyed with, some focusing more on Mandroid… mostly because I forgot him when focusing more on the Decepticons.
Book Idea 9: Following his latest defeat by the Terrans and Autobots, Mandroid’s lab and equipment are in shambles. As his shell program tech was destroyed in the skirmish, Mandroid turns to other means: leftover weapons from The Great War. He learns of the Robo-Smasher, a device developed by Shockwave and used by Megatron to increase his ranks on Cybertron and Earth.
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Locked in a secret compound called the Tyrest Vault, authorized by Optimus Prime to keep certain tech away from GHOST, Mandroid uses his Arachnimechs to break in and salvage the Robo-Smasher, but also The Immobilizer, Resonance Blaster, Polarity Gauntlet and Phase Shifter for future use. Interested in the Robo-Smasher specifically, his first act was to use it to reprogram the generic vault guards and the Constructicons, who had been loyal to Megatron and were since granted civilian construction jobs per his request to GHOST higher ups. Now armed with the original Decepticon superweapon, Devastator, souped up with the Polarity Gauntlet, Mandroid launches an attack on the gathered Autobots and Terrans alerted to the vault breach. While the Autobots are overpowered, the Terrans more hyperactive and on the fly maneuvers with the Maltos are able to trick the simpleminded Devastator into using the Polarity Gauntlet to destroy the Robo-Smasher and the Arachnimechs. Hashtag is then able to hack into the Gauntlet and uses it to reverse polarity, forcing Devastator back into his component parts. Magnetized and cluttered with Arachnimech scrap metal and stuck to Mixmaster, the annoyed doctor escapes with the Constructicons minus one Polarity Gauntlet confiscated by the Autobots. It’s not a complete loss, as on top of acquiring the Constructicons, Mandroid had managed to back up the Smasher, building a custom Arachnimech to house its program for future use. Optimus receives a semi comical and hypocritical chewing out from Croft over the Tyrest Vault.
Book Idea 10: Mandroid is experimenting on how to use his remaining weapons on to himself, not trusting Devastator with the task after what happened with the Gauntlet. Unfortunately for Mandroid, the weapons back fire each time he uses them in an attack against the Autobots. The Immobilizer only succeeds in immobilizing his mechanical arm, the Resonance Blaster sends him flying into the next county over, needing to be rescued by a recently Robo-Smashed Buzzsaw, while the Phase Shifter leaves his arm stuck in a wall of a Decepticon compound because the Shifter can only phase Cybertronian bodies.
Forced to realize his limitations, Mandroid sets his sights on the most bizarre super weapon Megatron oversaw during the war: the giant purple griffon.
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Using the Constructicons to excavate it from its crash site and refurbish it with the Resonance Blaster and Immobilizer to demolish his Autobots foes.
While Megatron engages the weapon of his past alongside Optimus, Elita and Grimlock, the Terrans and Maltos race to find the one Autobot who defeated the Griffon, Commander Modesty himself, Sky Lynx.
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The idea I had is that this version has a robot mode similar to his Sky Reign combiner mode, his usual unique Beast Mode, while his vehicle mode is a jumbo jet similar to Fire Dagwon.
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Mostly as a means to explain why you can have Sky Lynx, but the Autobots didn’t just climb inside and fly back to Cybertron because he’s not a space fairing vehicle. I see his personality being the same as G1, but leaning more towards the nostalgic drunkard pilot Winston from the first Brendan Fraser Mummy movie. Finding him at his current job at the Witwicky airport sulking in a hanger, as he wasn’t scheduled to fly that day, the Terrans and Maltos appeal to Sky Lynx’s ego, and he races off in jet mode with the kids inside to face down his old rival once again.
Book Idea 11: A few months after the fight with the Griffin, Hashtag, Nightshade and Thrash and Malto kids are playing around filming videos until they find themselves inside a Decepticon bunker where they find Swindle and Chop Shop delivering parts to the Decepticon mob boss Turmoil.
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They learn Turmoil is planning to escape Earth with the other free Earth bound Decepticons, and that in secret, they’ve been rebuilding the remains of the giant purple griffin into a space ship called The Victory.
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Robbie and Thrash aren’t too concerned about this, the rabble rousing Decepticons leaving altogether would be better for everyone anyway. Nightshade points out however this would be worse because it means Turmoil could bring back hordes of surviving war mongering Decepticons out in space to Earth as revenge and destroy the fragile Cybertron Alliance and the planet. The Terrans are caught by Howlback who was patrolling the area, and the gang is captured by the Decepticons. Placed in cells with stasis cuffs, locked in Beast/Vehicle Mode, and under the watchful eye of Garboil, they’re forced to watch the completion and boarding of The Victory. Not all is lost, as upon the launch of the Victory, with the kids inside ready to be sold to the Skuxxoid at the nearest space port, Megatron, Sky Lynx and Dot arrive on the scene, Megatron having received a communication only Hashtag could provide. Now Turmoil and Megatron battle as the fate of the Earthbound Decepticons is decided upon here. Book Idea 12: The Decepticon scientist Vertebreak has been studying the Terrans, and is fascinated by their physiology and bonds with humans via the Cyber Sleeves.
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Wanting to understand how it works so he can duplicate it for use in the Decepticons, he manages to capture the Terrans and Maltos, and puts them through rigorous yet comical trials in his underground lab. Tarantulas and Wheeljack wise up to what’s happening and team up to save the kids.
Book idea 14: Agent Croft: Tomb Raider or The Secret Origins of Karen Croft!. Agent Croft is taking a vacation to get away from her responsibilities for a bit. However work follows her wherever she goes, as the Autobots and Terrans appear to foil the Decepticons’ schemes of the hour. Croft recalls her late high school-early college years, revealing she was functionally the EarthSpark version of RiD01 Kelly, always caught up in the chaos of the Great War. Even her and her brother’s Jeep turned out to be the Autobot Brawn.
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Unlike Kelly who just sort of accepted her lot in life, Croft snapped. The final straw was her and Schloder taking a camping trip to explore some caves. They stumbled upon the ancient remains of Fortress Maximus and the stasis locked Cerebros, but unfortunately so did Megatron and the Combaticons and Optimus’ Autobots and of course a fight ensued.
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Caught in a cave caused by the fighting, the siblings were rescued by Bumblebee, earning Schloder’s adoration, but Croft’s ire. When GHOST was formed several years later, Croft busted her butt through the ranks to become Executive Agent Croft in order to finally exact her position to take down not just the Decepticons, but all Transformers. In the present, her hot spring vacation is saved by the Autobots, but the Decepticons trying to use geo thermal power to generate Energon and create a super weapon superheated her spring, causing her to comically boil. As she stews over her predicament, Croft wonders what became of Fortress Maximus as the base was never recovered. Deep in the Tyrest Vault however in a secret room, Cerebros had long since been recovered, and is on life support.
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deathlessathanasia · 1 year
“Epic makes of Poseidon a great lord of the sea, emerging from his palace under the waves near Aegae to aid the Achaeans in battle, or rousing a storm to drown Odysseus on his raft. But Poseidon himself is a complex Mycenaean deity whose origins lie further inland; he is the Earth-Shaker, an ancestral god with ties to freshwater springs and horses. Even in the Iliad (13.10–30), the dominant image is that of Poseidon as a charioteer, driving his golden-maned horses over the sea. He himself is not a personification of the sea, but its ruler. If Poseidon is a lord of elemental forces, his Nereid consort Amphitrite is more closely identified in the Odyssey with the element itself: she breeds many monsters (Odyssey 5.417–22, 12.90) and the waves are hers (Odyssey 3.85, 12.55). Amphitrite is more than a literary invention; she often appears in cultic contexts with Poseidon, as at Isthmia (Pausanias 2.1.7). An archaic votive dump at Penteskouphia near Corinth yielded clay pinakes depicting Amphitrite with smaller-sized worshipers, or riding in a chariot with Poseidon.
In Greek mythology, the gods who represent the sea share its unbounded nature as the source of creatures formless and strange to human eyes. Monsters and shape-shifters, the latter often possessed of prophetic powers, come from the sea. Nereus and his congeners Proteus and Glaucus are Masters of Animals who control the supply of fish and other marine animals. In Greek fishermen’s folklore, these Old Men of the Sea were elusive shape-changers who could tell one’s fortune if captured. In Greek religious practice, on the other hand, the overriding concern with regard to the sea was safe travel. Many gods could be called upon to protect mariners, especially those resident in harbor towns (often Aphrodite or Poseidon). The Dioscuri, who appeared in ships’ rigging during storms in the form of St Elmo’s fire, were popularly viewed as saviors who warded off disaster at sea (Alcaeus fr. 34 Campbell).
Homer was also instrumental in shaping the image of the sea nymphs called Nereids, who were closely associated with the story of Achilles. Thetis, the Nereid mother of the hero, seems to have played an important role in early Greek cosmology; the Iliad alludes to her rescue and/or sheltering of Zeus, Dionysus, and Hephaestus in their times of need, while she figures in a fragment of Alcman as ‘‘the origin of all,’’ a primal creative force (Calame 1983 fr. 81). Thetis was destined to bear a son more powerful than his father and thus posed a threat to any god, including Zeus, who pursued her. Like Ge, she was imagined as a powerful primordial figure, who first threatened, then helped to bring about, the cosmic order, allowing herself to be subordinated in the process. Slatkin (1991:79) relates Thetis’ humble status in Homeric epic to the fact that her cult, unlike those of the Olympian gods, remained geographically limited. One of the few cults of Thetis belonged to Cape Sepias in Thessaly, where the Persians, having suffered heavy damage in a storm, sacrificed to her and the Nereids as local deities (Herodotus 7.191). A venerable Spartan cult of Thetis (Pausanias 3.14.4) may have inspired Alcman’s cosmological verses. Altars and thank offerings to the Nereids as a group, on the other hand, are relatively common. Like other marine deities, they could prevent disasters at sea. An early example is Sappho’s prayer to Cypris (Aphrodite) and the Nereids (fr. 5 Campbell) for the safe sea journey of her brother Charaxus. Ino/Leucothea, who was transformed into a Nereid after leaping from a cliff into the sea, saved Odysseus from drowning by giving him her magical veil (Odyssey 5.33–8). With her son Palaemon, also a sea-god and guardian of ships, Ino was honored at Poseidon’s sanctuary of Isthmia and elsewhere. Leucothea and Palaemon possessed a dual identity as drowned mortals (hence the chthonic and funerary elements in their cults) and as reborn gods who offered salvation to sailors in peril and the hope of an afterlife to those who drowned. Far more than the terrestrial nymphs, the Nereids were associated with death and rebirth. In epic, they play an important role as mourners of Patroclus and Achilles (Iliad 18.282–313; Odyssey 24.45–89), while post-Homeric literature and art focused on their ability to confer a blessed afterlife on the deceased, just as Thetis brought Achilles to the White Island in the Euxine where he was immortalized.”
 - Jennifer Larson, A Land Full of Gods: Nature Deities in Greek Religion, in A Companion to Greek Religion
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wolves-and-winters · 7 months
Ashes and Ivory
Never from an Enemy.
New chapter of a new series.
Tw: Blood and injury, betrayal, death mention, character death, lady whump, dragon shape-shifter whumpee, grief, gore, broken bones.
Tags: @stab-the-son-of-a, and @befuddled-calico-whump
Mission Status: Failed.
The blunt words kept repeating in her mind, each one like a slap to Skyruin's face.
I'm sorry.
Her mentor was dead.
I tried.
It wasn't enough.
I'm so sorry.
As if anything she said would bring Nightdancer back.
She's gone. Dead and gone. You should know Kelsey. You burned her body.
It had all been for nothing. She’d succeeded in rescuing her captured mentor, only for her to die of her wounds within the hour, despite Skyruin's best efforts.
Half mad with grief, Skyruin had refused to let anyone take the older woman's body away from her, snapping and roaring and breathing fire at anyone who dared try. Including the few allies who had accompanied her.
Nightdancer had been like a mother to Skyruin.
They had all left, and only after hours of silence did Skyruin burn her mentors body. Perhaps it had been risky to wait with her so long, but it was forbidden to bring the body of a deceased hero back to the base, in case of trackers implanted somewhere.
But Skyruin couldn't bear to leave Nightdancer to rot. So she'd used her firebreath to cremate her, and then, she'd lain with the bones until long after they'd gone cold.
Only Madia had waited for her back at their former camp, silent and tearful when Skyruin had returned, hugging her when the shifter returned to her human form, whispering that she was sorry.
Tears burned in Skyruin's eyes, mixing with the rain that pelted her wings and seeped between her scales.
The look of agony on Nightdancer's face, which had remained even after death, was seared into her memory.
Growling low in her throat, the shifter dropped lower, golden eyes scanning the horizon. Madia had gone ahead, to break the news of Nightdancer's death.
The only sound in the pre-dawn twilight was the occasional crash of thunder, and the flapping or the dragon's wings.
The pain that exploded in the side of her chest came as a shock, and Skyruin shrieked as a line of burning agony tore down her flank. Her tail lashed, and she kicked out, her claws striking something, and she roared as the pain in her side worsened, before her claws sliced through the object, even as she failed in her desperate attempt to control her descent.
The stench of burning blood filled the air, and Skyruin wailed again as she plummeted towards the canyon floor, eyes locking on the figure behind the massive crossbow anchored on the ledge, previously obscured by the vegetation.
Skyruin shrieked again, two kinds of pain echoing in the sound, even as she convulsed in agony, her tail swinging wildly, impacting with her former best-friend this time.
She let out a final shriek of agony as she crashed through the tree tops.
The dragon shuddered, reverting back into the shifter's human form as she fell.
The impact with the ground was accompanied by a shockwave of pain in her already wounded side, as the projectile was driven deeper into her flesh, and a sickening crack, as bone snapped like a toothpick.
That was the last thing Kelsey heard before she fell into a sea of darkness, which wasn't quite deep enough to escape the pain.
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Skyruin's fall
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Request: your hcs for how comics Pyro and show Morph get along because I think it would epic (and involve a lot of hilarious Shaw impressions)
I am rubbing my hands together with glee, thank you for this ask! I'm assuming this is a Krakoa-type situation where everyone is just sort of hanging out and technically on the same "team."
I think initially, they would not get along. Pyro would find Morph annoying and obnoxious; Morph, whose only experience as a "bad guy" was under severely traumatic brain-washing, would be put off by Pyro being a gleeful and mostly unrepentant murderer.
Then they get drunk together, and that's really all it would take. Pyro can be very personable and chatty, Morph does hilarious impressions, they bond over whichever mutant they hate the most. I'll say Sebastian, because I think Morph would hate Shaw just as much as Pyro, and because it's what we both want to see.
Shinobi starts paying Morph to perform regular Sebastian impressions, it's good for his mental health. Morph is like, "I kind of feel like a court jester here, but what the hell, you are paying me thousands of dollars and also fuck that guy."
Sebastian would offer to pay Morph to sit in on unimportant Council meetings wearing his shape, but realizes that Morph would be an absolute troll, vote against Sebastian's interests and find ways to humiliate him. He pays Copycat instead.
Pyro asking Morph ALL the questions about shapeshifting that he always wanted to ask Mystique but was too intimidated because Mystique has no patience for that kind of thing. In return, Pyro does cool fire tricks for Morph.
They absolutely do karaoke together. Pyro can sing, Morph can sound like whoever they want to.
They both have zero good decision making skills while drunk (and Pyro's decision making skills aren't great while sober either) so there are some epic shenanigans. I think Morph is slightly more responsible about not committing crimes and will draw the line at hurting people. They would, however, help Pyro rescue abused animals from shitty owners.
Morph also uses shapeshifting to walk right into Shaw's properties as Sebastian and help Pyro steal things. Sebastian is almost impressed, this is more planning and subtlety than Pyro usually displays.
This is reeeeaaally self-indulgent headcanon now, but I can picture Morph and Pyro both talking about gender roles and feeling "trapped" by everything that is expected of masculinity. You've got a nonbinary shape-shifter (who mostly presents in a "masculine" way) and a (gay) male romance novelist who likes to dress fancy, I think they would both be a bit frustrated by all the unspoken social rules about how a man is "supposed" to act. It takes a LOT of alcohol to get them to that point of vulnerability, though, so the conversation is near incoherent. I think they are also both able to have this kind of conversation because they don't have much of a connection besides drinking buddies, so they don't actually care that much what the other person thinks of them.
Morph is kind of envious to realize that Pyro and Avalanche are a couple, like "Why can't my ambiguously homoerotic best buddy also be my boyfriend?"
They might actually bang? I don't know, this might just be me shipping Pyro with every male or "male-presenting" character. But X-Men 97 has heavily implied that Morph has a thing for Wolverine, and is therefore attracted to men. I don't know if they are a one-night stand kind of person, but eh. Let Morph get laid, because we all know Wolverine will never actually sleep with them on the show.
Wolverine is all "Morph, stay away from that guy, he's a sleazebag and a bad influence, and Pyro if you hurt them I will be popping a claw through your skull."
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contrastparadoxx · 10 months
Wings of Fire
Summary- Apollo gets in a sticky situation and has to get rescued Cast- Apollo Faurux, Fether Khikwi, Chowow Sonshi ( @trollcafe ) Trigger Warnings- Violence Word Count- 1774
The noise was deafening. His ears had become so much more sensitive, and the sound of an entire crowd yelling and cheering and booing crashed around him, even with the muffling of doors being closed. The scents surrounding him too… Everything was Too Much and it was Bad. He couldn’t see anything, however, as everything was pitch black. Why was it black? He tried to move and instantly bumped into a wall. Okay then, maybe another direction.
It didn’t take long to realize he was in an entirely enclosed box. That’s when the panic and fear really started to set in, even before the entire thing started to move.
Fether Khikwi hated fight nights. Especially when they actually took place during the day, specifically so escapees had nowhere to go without burning. But they were a regular part of his life, and had been for most of his life, really. And there was some enjoyment in it, when he could outsmart someone, outfly them. Well, maybe not the later anymore. Ever since he almost pulled off an escape, they were sure to keep his feathers trimmed. He could use them to stay out of the hungry jaws of half mad shifters and starved Lusii, but not get any further.
Tonight promised some fresh blood, too. That was to be expected, since the watchers could only witness the champions beat each other up so many times before they stopped being willing to give money, after all. It was easy to pick out the newbies. Fether wondered how many would die, or if any would find themselves capable of surviving multiple rounds. Maybe they’d even see the birth of a new champion tonight. He snorted, as that certainly wasn’t likely, then leaned his head back against the wall. He might as well close his eyes and try to relax between now and go time. You get used to the sounds of the crowd eventually, after all.
All too soon, he was roughly yanked to his feet, his small stature making it all too easy for the large purple to jerk him around. It was whatever-- Fether had learned long ago it was easiest to relax and let them think they were being a bully. It saved more energy for the actual fight. Speaking of which, he was shoved into the arena from about the height of the stands. Practice kicked in, and the rust snapped his wings open, shortened feathers requiring him to flap hard to avoid the snapping jaw of what looked like a marred tiger mixed with some sort of giant insect. What were the ones with all the legs called? Centipedes, that was it. Instantly, everything below was in a bit of a frenzy. That was his job, wasn’t it? Rile everything up enough to put on an entertaining show, then get rescued back to the back for the next one. 
And if he failed, got too low, well… simply being there wasn’t the only thing that would whip the fighters into a frenzy. He felt a phantom pain in his leg from the last time he messed up. 
Everyone here was familiar, a mix of shifters far past remembering they were trolls, and a couple Lusii. They were all smaller fighters, as the champions would be pit more one-on-one later. The mutant scanned the group, already climbing over each other to get to him, to stop the breeze from his beating wings, to get to the morsel painted in sticky blood- a cruel facsimile of the almost protective paint of a proper clown. He knew it angered some in the crowd, to see mocked what they viewed as sacred, but the ones who ran this show seemed to enjoy that almost as much as the money that poured in.
Movement came from the lower wall. One of the reinforced doors slid open just enough to shove something new into the ring. A fox, with the most beautiful golden fur that Fether had ever seen. A shifter, then, rather than a Lusus, and one that was obviously well loved, either by themselves or someone else, as their fur was full and healthy. He was almost surprised to see them dropped in here to be torn apart, rather than sold to the highest bidder for a ruff. Mistakes were made, then, when the two made eye contact. Fuck, they were definitely still mentally here, and terrified. Fether cussed under her breath, before taking a deep breath and diving.
The sound got so much louder, as he was shoved out of the box and into a brightly lit arena, only now with  the snarling of angry creatures mixed in. Apollo instantly froze, cowering as small as he could manage, scanning rapidly as he attempted to figure out what was going on here. It was some sort of ring, filled with animals, shifters maybe? Maybe that’s why he was here. But oh! Someone above, a troll with wings, locked eyes with him for just a moment. Then the other started to dive.
Apollo started to move, his fur quickly picking up blood soaked sand in it, and didn’t look back. He stuck to the edges of the ring, ears pinned back. CRUNCH! The noise caused him to glance back just in time to see the winged troll drive his foot into the rib cage of a malnourished bear that otherwise would have just sunk its teeth into his tail. The pyrite’s fur bristled as the troll landed in an impressive roll, even taking their wings into account, then bounced up to his feet and started running. He could more see than hear what was being implied, go go go go, no need to tell him twice, so he started running again. The troll caught up, more used to running in sediment, and scooped him up. He could feel the other struggling with his weight, and avoided struggling to make it easier, instead watching as the pack was temporarily distracted by tearing the poor bear from earlier to pieces, now that it was down. 
Terror settled in him so deeply that even he felt cold.
The fox was… warm to the touch. Almost hot, really, certainly warmer than Fether himself, which was surprising, since he was a rust. Must be some sort of mutant. There was no time to dwell on that right now-- he managed to balance carrying the creature with his hip and one arm so he could use the other to reach and pluck one of his full length feathers. This was much harder to do with just one hand, and he had not expected to implement this plan tonight, but sometimes life gives you lemons.
Or, in this case, shifters whose lives you could save, if only you can pull this off.
  After twisting it a very specific way, Fether brought the feather up to his lips, and blew. The sound was nearly inaudible, even if you ignored the screaming of the crowd, though the fox winced. Sorry bud, this was a vital part of the plan. And sure enough, several of the fighters reacted, immediately getting whipped up into even more of a frenzy. It was an unfortunate side effect, but the way the guards immediately began checking their Walkies talkies and taking off told him the other half was in play. Good-- they would need the distraction.
He had never been able to test this previously-- that would have been far too dangerous-- so they had only one shot at getting out. He booked it to the one part of the fence that no longer had people around it. The fox needed to be dropped, since he had to have both hands for this. Hopefully they will understand and stick close. Khikwi held his wings tightly to his back as he got to work on jiggling the fencing, knowing it was loose in this area, so if he had just a few minutes he could get it open enough to at least shove the newbie through. Sweat soon started to drip, as he felt an intense heat from behind him. With no time to look, he had to just move and hope it wasn’t some new threat.
Some of the weaker creatures that were shoved out of the way of the bear had turned their attention back to the two, and the whistle had drawn even more attention. Apollo felt that they were trapped, though for some reason he trusted the winged mutant. Even he could see that they needed time, though, so he did the only thing he could think of and stepped towards the approaching enemies.
He snarled, fur rippling all down his back, as fire started to curl out of his mouth. More flames danced down his spine, following the line of fur before gathering and splitting at the base, manifesting as extra tails, and the sand around his paws started to almost glow from the heat the flames left as he stepped forward. Everything headed their way hesitated, unsure how to deal with this new threat. Good-- that’s all he needed, he thought-- that’s right, focus on him, let  his impromptu partner in crime do whatever it was he was doing.
Hopefully quickly.
Fether barely had time to get the fence open enough to possibly drag himself though when a strange blue with a cybernetic arm grabbed his own. Cold fear drove straight through the rust’s heart, but it was replaced by shock when instead of getting shoved back down, he was almost effortlessly pulled up and through. His wings caught on the fence, but after a bit of tugging, and losing some feathers, he was through. Instantly he turned, only then seeing the fire on the fox. The blue said something, a name, and the shifter instantly was put out, turning and leaping, getting pulled through as well. The fence got shoved back in place just in time for the tiger bug from before to slam into it with a snarl.
Fether’s chest was heaving. What was going on, who was this, his mind raced, but the adrenaline hit again instead. No time, no time, they had to go go go go! The blue took a moment to remove the collar from the fox that prevented him from shifting, then insisted they should follow. And… he did. He had nowhere else to go, and confidence tended to have a lot of strength in these situations. He didn’t catch everything said as they moved, but something about safety, and not going back, and the blue would take care of it. And for some reason…
Fether believed him.
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(Pictured, Fether Khikwi, post freedom, as drawn by @memurfevur )
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cf8wrk4u-us · 9 months
Okay, I'm getting a bit inside of One Piece lore and the topic about Devil Fruits caught my eyes 👀👀👀 (later I'll read about the Haki stuff and if there's other power granting stuff)
But since you are my guide for this, what Devil Fruits do you think would suit the Burns family and maybe the Bots (the Bots are machines but alive, so I don't know if a Devil Fruit can grant powers to a machine)???
I read a little about the Zoan fruits that are artificial??? So maybe you could say that Doc Greene made those fruits if you want to add them?? I don't know I'm still learning
Hey friend!
So glad you ask!
Devil Fruits are pretty rare in the One Piece world. Even finding one is a pretty big deal and can grant anyone a power of some kind.
They come in three classes: Logia who become turn into elements, Paramecia who can summon item or change things, and Zoan who can become different animals or even beings.
Artificial Devil Fruits have been created, but only Zoan so far.
Anyone can eat a Devil Fruit, be it a humanoid, an animal, or even inanimate objects.
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This is a bazooka who ate a Dog Zoan Fruit.
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This is a sword who was fed an elephant like Zoan Fruit.
The only consequence though is that anyone who eats a fruit would forever lose their ability to swim and if placed in water would lose there powers and weaken them. Kinda like it's their kryptonite.
Also if you eat another Devil Fruit you will die from poisoning.
You can't always choose what Devil Fruit you get but it's always a lucky thing to find.
With that info I say that these are the fruits that would suit the Burns family and bots.
Captain Charlie Burns: The Noro Noro no Mi or Slow-Slow Fruit, great to slow down escaping riminals or panicked people, and in rescue work slow down any dangerous debry or disaster. Or the Nuke Nuke no Mi/Through-Through Fruit, which allows the users to walk or travel through any solid surface (kinda like a Phase Shifter).
Kade Burns: The Bomu Bomu no Mi/Bomb Bomb Fruit or Mera Mera no Mi/Fire Fire Fruit, both are good at suppressing fires and making its user fire/burn proof.
Dani Burns: Fuwa Fuwa no Mi/Float Float Fruit or Kiro Kiro no Mi/Kilo Kilo Fruit, both fruits would alow Dani to experience flight or fly herself and possibly other out of the way. Or the Hana-Hana no Mi/ Flower-Flower Fruit, allowing users to grow different limbs in separate place, Dani as a first responder and EMT could use an extra set of hands.
Graham Burns: Giro-Giro no Mi/ Glare-Glare Fruit which allows user to see through anything like X-Rays. Good for an engineer like Graham, another would be the Oshi Oshi no Mi/Push-Push Fruit that allows the user to push anything they want and at any size as if it were soft clay.
Cody Burns: Kibe-Kibe no Mi/Millet Millet Fruit might work well for Cody, given by using it he could feed anyone or any being his dango and immediately befriend them. He probably have a lot of fun with the Tori-Tori no Mi/ Bird-Bird Fruit Model Falcon, where he can turn into a Falcon or the Gum-Gum Fruit like Luffy so he can stretch in anyway he likes. Or the Chiyu-Chiyu/Heal-Heal Fruit, where he could heal those who are hurt with just his tears. Or maybe the Hiso-Hiso no Mi/Whisper-Whisper Fruit that allows them to hear the hearts of animals.
Now for the Rescue Bots
Heatwave: Moku Moku no Mi/Smoke-Smoke Fruit, not only does it allow its user to be a smokey cloud, but it also allows them to be impervious to most physical attacks Not to mention it can cancel out fires. Not to meantion user their smoke to trap or carry others. But maybe the Mera Mera no Mi could work for Heatwave, despite the name, would rather not be able to create fires.
Chase: Ori Ori no Mi/Cage Cage Fruit, which allows the user to create cage like bars from there arms and cuffs to trap opponents. Perfect for a cop/rule follower like Chase. Another is the Nagi Nagi no Mi/ the Calm Calm Fruit, which allows the user to create silence barrier or take all sound away from a certain areas. Something that Chase could use to confuse opponents or create control for a situation.
Blades: I think Blades would like the Mini-Mini no Mi/Mini-Mini Fruit, allowing the user to grow as small as they want. Blades loved being as small as Dani when he was in her body and would probably enjoy how he can buy so much human stuff now that he can be the right size for it. Or even become a real human with the Hito-Hito no Mi/Human-Human Fruit.
Boulder: I think that Boulder would live Oshi Oshi no Mi/Push-Push Fruit to push things far more gently that he could with his own plow. Or the Hito-Hito no Mi/Human-Human Fruit or Mini-Mini no Mi/Mini-Mini Fruit to be as small as a human or become one and enjoy being one as much as they like with everything included. Though he also might like the Ato-Ato no Mi/Art-Art Fruit🎨where he can create abstract art out of anything, but if he's not careful anyone too😅
I did my best but there are way more and feel free to mix and match for the ideal choice for each character. Feel free to check out the website to explore them more ✌️
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kitchenisking · 2 years
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Part 8
Accept My Claim (As I Hold My Breath) by xcaellachx - (Accept My Claim) - (Rating: Explicit, Words: 47318, sterek)
Shifters outnumber humans and the world has accepted the ancient shifter ritual of Claiming. This includes courting, the verbal claim, the mating bite, and the public claiming. You guessed it, public sex.
Alpha Derek Hale has known Stiles Stilinski was his mate since the human was 15. Being Derek, he has issues, and doesn't make the move to claim him until it is almost too late. Theo Raeken is intent on Stiles becoming his mate and he doesn't intend to wait.
Stiles is feeling lonely since Scott claimed Allison as his mate and is wondering if he'll be alone forever. What is he to think when the psycho Theo starts sniffing around him and then suddenly the smoking hot alpha of Beacon Hills is paying attention to him too?
A is for Alpha by midnightcas - (Alphabet(a) Soup for the Sterek Soul) - (Rating: Explicit, Words: 2506, sterek)
“Relax, Stiles,” he said in a low voice, one hand coming up to rest by his shoulder, thumbing the soft skin by it, trying to urge the boy to calm. “I am relaxed,” Stiles snapped. . . .
"I am never having sex with you again."
Bleeding Love by BisexualInDisguise - (Bleeding Love pt 1 & 2 ) - (Rating: T, Words: 6919, sterek)
Stiles promised himself that the werewolves didn't smell the depression and desperation wafting off of him because they were simply distracted, not because they couldn't care less. He told himself that he's just good at hiding it.
Stiles was trying so damn hard. 
But he's broken so many promises to himself.
Scott's a bad friend and Derek's a fluff ball
Finding Aurelia by Warlock_Nerd - (Finding Aurelia) - (Rating: Mature, Words: 52613, sterek)
While on a run one day, Derek finds something horrifying. A pile of decomposing werewolf corpses. Hunters have been closing in, killing for sport. But within the carnage and blood, Derek finds something innocent amongst the rotting bodies… a baby, injured and barely alive. 
Can Derek save the pup? Will the hunters find the pack? How can Derek keep his pack safe from the very thing that killed his family all those years ago? Does history repeat itself or can the tale be retold?
Where We Belong by thecheekydragon - (Where We Belong) - (Rating: Explicit, Words: 16548, sterek)
Derek rescues a little werewolf girl and takes on the responsibility of caring for her. Stiles helps.
Cherrybomb by the_deep_magic - (Derek Hale: Werewolf Cop) - (Rating: Explicit, Words: 13115, sterek)
Stiles is yanked up to his feet so fast that his world spins and his shoulder aches and he’s a second from screaming police brutality! when he gets a good look at the cop’s face. 
Holy shit. Stiles was just tackled to the ground by a fucking underwear model with a badge.
hope is the thing with feathers by ShanaStoryteller - (where thou art, that is home) - (Rating: T, Words: 28959, sterek)
Stiles is ten when he saves the Hales from their burning home and Derek from a wolfsbane bullet, and this establishes a pattern that seem to continue indefinitely. 
"Then he's facing a burning home, and he wraps the hood of his sweatshirt around his mouth before he pushes the door open and steps inside. There's Mr. Hale asleep - he hopes asleep - on the couch, next to - Stiles thinks that's his brother but there are so many Hales, who can keep track. He rushes over and starts shaking him, can see the rise and fall of the man's chest so he knows he's alive, but he's not waking up. He shoves away his hood so he can shout, "Mr. Hale! You have to get up, there's a fire! Mr. Hale, get up!" Nothing, he's not even twitching, both of them taking in deep even breaths like they're having the most peaceful of rests, and Stiles is going to cry. "Wake up, wake up, wake up!" There's a moment, where all Stiles can hear is the blood rushing in his ears and not the roar of the flames or the creak of wood, then with a violent, silent pop it's all back and both of the men are gasping awake, eyes open and jumping to their feet. "
pain and peace by jesuisgrace - (stiles gets migraines 'verse) - (Rating: G, Words: 476, sterek)
When Derek wrenches the window open to swing himself through it, Stiles makes an inhuman noise. The scent of pain in the room is suffocating. He crosses to the bed and nearly recoils from the pain that hits him when his fingers brush the side of Stiles' head. He moves closer, wrapping his hand around his head and watching his pain bleed into his body. It's so much. "Stiles," he murmurs, as quiet as he can, when the black trailing up his arm slows and finally fades.
Sparks Fly by linksofmemories_archive - (Rewritten) - (Rating: Explicit, Words: 13166, sterek)
“So how is you loving me not bullshit?” Derek asked, sensing that he had won judging by his stupid smug smile.
Of course Derek would be the only person in the world who was smug when someone wasn’t in love with him.
“Just shut up,” Stiles said. “Fine, I don’t love you. Not right now anyway. But I will.”
Sour Kush by alisvolatpropiis - (Sour Kush) - (Rating: Explicit, Words: 2947, sterek)
Stiles mentally curses Erica, because in all of her warnings about how brusque this guy could be, she forgot mention that he’s also hotter than the fucking sun. If Stiles had any lingering questions about his sexuality, they’d be completely settled by what this guy is doing to him. In fact, he might not even be gay anymore. He might be in the midst of crossing into some yet-to-be-named sexuality that’s all about a scruffy black beard and alarming green eyes and muscles and tattoos and this guy’s everything ever.
The guy’s name is Derek, his lust-addled brain supplies distantly.
Well that settles it, then. Stiles is Dereksexual.
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Story time
Back when I thought I was the hot shit and writing fanfic, I had the bright idea to merge the two fandoms that lived in my mind at the time, Wings of Fire and Boku No Hero Academia.
The idea was that Thorn decided to make a boat school (Jade Academy) and sailed around the world collecting kids Batman style
This was the chart I made (plus some info)
Qibli Scorpion Egyptian
Winter cold resistance Russian
Moon prophetic mind reader tai
Kinkajou Chameleon Australian
Turtle Glowfish greek
Peril boil blood Spanish Japanese
Anemone enchant Greek
Tsunami Water breath greek
Luna firesilk Columbian
Blue Butterfly Columbian
Sundew plant speak Brazilian
Starflight fire breath tai
Sunny quirkless Pakistani-Japanese
Clay fire immunity African-American
Glory venom Australian
Darkstalker magic scroll-villain Korean
Deathbringer slow moving Thai/filipino
Thorn Desert-principal Pakistani
Cricket telekinesis immunity British
Wasp mind control bees-villain British
Blaze sand shifting Nigerian
Jambu vanish Australian
Coral Gills greek
Willow memory feeler Brazilian
Lizard immortality Mesopotamian
Swordtail moth Columbian
Io spider Columbian
Wren language Mexican
Sky quirkless Spanish-Japanese
Webs webbed hands greek history teacher
Fatespeaker make believe Filipino
Pike Shark Shifter from Cyprus
Chameleon/Hisashi illusional disguise Japanese
Clay would cook a bunch of food and he would play Reaper Roulette w some of the others. One food has Carolina Reaper seeds in it (the spiciest part, i think), and whoever gets that food has to eat the whole thing. Sundew and Tsunami love it
Clay sleeps in The kitchen. And every morning, he makes breakfasts from around the world
Thorn created the school, so Sunny has lived there her whole life
Kinkajou and/or Sunny carries around stickon Rhinestones to bedazzle people.
Jade Academy is also a safe for young children until they can find a home. Or they just live there and get a great education
Queen Scarlet was a black market lord who ran illegal fights. Peril was her champion
And since Turtle is in the other dorm and Moon sleeps w Qibli, and Glory w Deathbringer, Kinkajou cuddles w Sunny. She is afraid to sleep alone because Thorn rescued her from child trafficking. She was taken while she was alone and put into labor exploiting
Most students change names once joining, sometimes to escape their pasts
Chameleon basically shifted into a Japanese man who married Inko, making Peril, Sky, and Izuku half-siblings
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ficwritingnerd · 2 months
An upside-down kiss | Mwarch prompt
Mwarch prompt chosen by DevvieDevDraws on Twitter
Tags: Fantasy AU, Fluff, Dragon Shifter Kirishima, Barbarian Bakugo, Rescue, Mild Violence Against Giant Creature
Bakugo and Kirishima had been traveling together ever since Bakugo had saved the dragon shifter from being captured by poachers.
The Barbarian had always hated the damn poachers who did nothing more than hunt beautiful creatures and try to make a quick buck of them, so he hadn’t thought too much about it.
Bakugo had never seen a dragon shifter before, but he’d heard of the legends of them and how loyal they were. He was still, however, very surprised to see the shifter follow on after him after being saved.
When he questioned the redhead on why he was following him, the dragon shifter responded with a genuine smile. “I owe you my life. I’ll never be able to repay you, so I’ll be at your service.”
Bakugo assured him that it wasn’t necessary. That he didn’t save him to earn a favor but Kirishima didn’t budge and so their bond had begun.
With that, they had become an inseparable pair. Going on adventures together had been fun but sometimes trouble couldn’t be avoided... 
“Katsuki!” Kirishima yelled as the giant spider-like creature sprayed the blonde in their web. The creature then scurried deeper into the giant cave.
“Shit!” Kirishima followed on foot in his half-shifted form. He had heard that these creatures could consume human flesh on occasion. He needed to find Bakugo and he needed to do it quickly.
He couldn’t fully shift inside the cave but at least he had his wings and the bow and arrow Bakugo had taught him to use.
The best part was that the tips of the arrows were infused with an anesthetic potion which would knock out the beast in seconds. All he had to do was get to where the spider had taken Bakugo and shoot at its body.
With this in mind, Kirishima silently made his way deeper and deeper into the cave. After about 15 minutes he finally reached what seemed like the creature’s main hideout. Everything was covered in webs with random web bunches dangling from the cave’s roof.
He could see the creature sticking something to the roof and then heard Bakugo cursing at the creature, little explosions going off but none having an effect since his body was completely wrapped in the fire-resistant material.
Their web was fire-resistant which is why the material was so rare and sought after. He then saw Bakugo hanging upside down, only able to peek at his face and hair.
Silently he situated himself where he could get a clear shot at the creature’s weak point. Even though they hadn’t been looking for it he knew they had no way out other than knocking it out for a bit. At least they could use the web to trade in the future. All he needed to do was shoot his arrow right into the red part of his back.
Taking a deep breath he steadied his bow, drew back the string, and sent it flying. A giant screech from the beast was heard as it turned toward Kirishima and started making its way toward him before it toppled over itself and fell to the cave floor.
As soon as the creature was down Kirishima flew up to Bakugo and cradled his cheeks and in an impulsive action filled with relief at seeing his favorite grumpy barbarian now safe, he kissed him.
It was only a peck on the lips. Still, Kirishima’s actions caught up to him as he after the fact at Bakugo’s soft hum at the contact.
Realizing what he had done he backed away and started rambling in a panic. “Katsuki, I’m so sorry. I didn’t ask! That is so not manly.”
“Kirishima.” Bakugo tried to interrupt.
“ Please don’t hate me. I was just so relieved that you’re okay and I-”
“Eijirou” Bakugo said more firmly which finally shut the panicking redhead up. “I’m not mad. Although I would have appreciated it if our first kiss didn’t involve me dangling upside down about to pass out I’m not mad that you kissed me... Could you let me down before we talk about this? I’m seriously about to pass out.”
“Crap, yeah sorry. Let me just...” Kirishima used one of his claws to cut the thread holding him to the roof and then quickly grabbed Bakugo, turned him, and softly laid him on the ground before continuing to free him with his claw carefully to prevent hurting the blonde.
Once he was free. Bakugo stood up, wiped his hands on his garments then walked up to Kirishima grabbed his cheeks, and kissed him softly.
Kirishima’s eyes fluttered closed lost in the moment as their lips brushed softly against each other’s and his hands reached for Bakugo’s waist to pull him closer.
Not even a minute later, Bakugo was the first to pull back earning a whine from the dragon shifter. “Don’t be a baby” Bakugo said with a chuckle. “We still have to get out of here before that thing decides to have us for dinner.”
“Ugh, fine. I hate that you’re right.” They picked up as much of the web as they could comfortably carry and left the cave.
“Ei?” Bakugo asked as they walked through the forest-
“How long have you seen me as a mate?” The blonde asked while his eyes stayed looking straight ahead.
The redhead blushed. “Since a very long time... why?”
“I wasn’t sure if dragon shifters mated with regular humans is all... that’s why I hadn’t made a move at all...”
The thought of Bakugo being mindful of his traditions and views had his heart melt.
“A mate has to be someone who is worthy... you proved your worth the moment you saved me and expected nothing in return. The fact that you’re beautiful is just a bonus.” Kirishima said with a shrug.
“Oi, you can’t just say stuff like that!” He said as he sped up trying to hide his blush.
In the end, he had immediately known Kirishima was special too. Guess fate was on their side after all.
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