#zoe chant
checkoutmybookshelf · 5 months
Yes, The Otter Puns are Otter This World
Ok, I find winter holidays in general and my preferred one (Christmas) extremely stressful for a lot of reasons that honestly got worse the longer I was in grad school. That said, a fluffy, cozy Christmas romance definitely hit the spot and made a stressful season a little bit more fun. Let's talk my first Virtue Shifters book, A Christmas Like No Otter!
When Blaire Hobart takes a job as a choir mistress and general music teacher in the small town of Virtue, she is understandably a bit wigged out when her pianist quits on her on day one. However, rather than leaving Blaire in the lurch, Mrs. Fenn leaves her with an adorable man-child of a nephew, Abraham "Abe" Fenn. Abe is a great piano player, excellent with kids, and an otter shifter.
Guys, I have read a few different shifter romances at this point. I am used to shifters' animals reflecting traits, but I'm used to the stoic and oft-quiet dragons of Elva Birch or the sharp, witty gladiator shifters of Murphy Lawless. What I was not expecting from Lawless writing as Zoe Chant (which, for those of you who might not know, is a pen name a rotating cast of authors write cozy shifter romances under--and I plan to explore them further!) was the adorably overbearing otter in this book. As soon as it recognizes Blaire as Abe's mate, it literally gets the zoomies in Abe's head. Like, to the point where it is so distracting for poor Abe that he can barely string a coherent sentence together when he first meets Blaire. And then this DARLING LITTLE FURRY MUSTELID basically just keeps having the zoomies in Abe's head all the way through the book. The otter also gets in a fabulous otter pun-off with Blaire when she discovers that Abe is a shifter. It is perfect, I wouldn't change a thing.
The other absolutely amazing thing about this book is the second meet cute Abe and Blaire have. The first one is obviously the human meeting, but there's always a shifter meet cute in these books (when one partner is a true human) when the human finds out that their boo is a shifter. This one is amazing. Abe invites Blaire out to a semi-secret and very romantic hot spring for a date, and when she gets there, she and Abe don't cross paths. Abe has beaten her there, and is taking advantage of being early to do some sliding into the water in otter form. Then this happens:
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You guys, I could not EVEN with this. It was a sheer delight to read.
This book is a very quick read, but the town just oozes Christmas, and a few of the kids in the choir have really lovely, distinct characters on top of the focus on Blaire and Abe.
If you're looking for a cozy, spice-free, wholesome Christmas read that will make you laugh, I cannot recommend this book enough.
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mizkit · 10 months
Ask the Author: writing for Zoe Chant
Ask the Author – the Question: I am curious about how you got in on the Zoe Chant action. And how exactly does it work when multiple authors write under a single pen name? Hah! I got in on it because I have a friend who writes for Zoe and she spent years trying to get me to apply to write for them. Eventually I did. And while that sounds easy enough on the surface, it took me two rewrites of one…
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sonic-spirit · 1 year
Fire & Rescue Shifters series, by Zoe Chant
Book reviews? Book reviews!
So, my lovely mate is fuckin’ prolific about reviewing and logging media: Books, movies, TV, comics, their big Pokemon playthrough project—it’s all so damn awesome. So, watching them and hearing them share their writing? I wanna play, too!
So, I’m trying to record and review the books I read and listen to, too. ^_^;; Even though the amount of times I’ll revisit the same book series is pretty excessive. But hey, you won’t know that! Yet…!
Anyway. I read a lot of shifter romance novels. I got into it looking for some good smut, and stayed for the stories. The cheesier and lighthearted fluff (with an underlying Actual Story), the better. I am but a simple lad.
So yeah, the Zoe Chant books (actually a shared pen name for several authors) are a regular go-to for me, since they usually have the tones I’m looking for, and there’s a ton of them.
^_^;; These quickly started to balloon out from simple blurbs to something more thought out, so it’s kinda hilarious to watch that progression.
Firefighter Dragon (Fire & Rescue Shifters, #1)
Dates Revisited: December 21-22
Format: Audiobook
“Re-read” the audiobook of this again to give my mind something to do while working on some stuff. I always forget that the female lead, an archeologist, is called Virginia Jones. And that she’s OBVIOUSLY called that because of Indiana Jones.
It’s not subtle, but I keep missing it anyway.
The inadvertent and somewhat anti-colonialist subplot is hilarious in light of Indy and Virginia’s reverence for museums. “The Queen’s a dragon! Her hoard is the British museums! Oh, at least your family’s ancestral treasure isn’t the results of grave robbing and pillaging! But the Bad Dragon? His hoard is TOTALLY stolen spoils. And he doesn’t even take CARE of his artifacts!”
Welsh is cool and all, but I still always want a red dragon named Dai to be Asian. He can be Welsh-Asian, I’d take that.
Firefighter Pegasus (Fire & Rescue Shifters, #2)
Dates Revisited: December 22-December 23
Format: Audiobook
This one’s WAY better than Firefighter Dragon. For one, Connie, the female lead, gets to do more in the plot than get kidnapped and menaced. I like that she gets to actually be the pilot for the race her future hinges on, instead of Chase swooping in to do it. I also like that this one sets up Ivy, and that she’ll come back into the orbit of these characters going forward.
The sex scenes do start falling into the “He hilted and she came immediately,” thing that I have a problem with in several Zoe Chant books, but they’re still pretty good.
I started reading the Wildfire Shifters series before this one, which follows this crew’s kids, and it’s SUPER obvious they didn’t work that hard on making the logistics of that work. Connie calls Chase “Rainbow Dash” at one point, placing this firmly post-2010, rather than like, the 80s that this would have to be set in to make the timeline work if the Wildfire series is present day, when the offspring are all in their 20s and stuff. But that’s more of a nitpick than anything else, it does distract me a bit sometimes, though. Especially when Ivy’s goth gear would be more at home in the 1980s than the 2017 this book was written in (or at least the audiobook was produced, admittedly I’m not checking the publishing date right now).
Firefighter Griffin (Fire & Rescue Shifters, #3)
Dates Revisited: December 23-December 27
Format: Audiobook
Hecc. I got suuuper sick with appendicitis and had emergency surgery to fix the problem Tuesday the 27th through Wednesday the 28th, and I’m still dealing with a lot of post-surgery brain fog (as of writing this on the 30th). ^_^;; Naturally I wasn’t really in a state to log a review when I finished the book, and advanced on to the next book in the series, Firefighter Sea Dragon, immediately upon finishing so that I could use the story as distraction from the pain. So that was fun.
This one is…I dunno. Look, I’m still recovering, and have a lot of brain fog.
Again, I read the Wildfire shifters books first, so the reveal that Griff is a Griffin? Yeah, I already knew that. That he was born with 2 inner animals who constantly fight and try to literally rip each other apart and NEARLY KILL HIM? Well, that I did not expect.
Anyway, Hayley’s cute, Danny’s cute, and I like the non-traditional family they end up having with Danny’s bio-dad, Reiner, even though every time he blustered about how nobody thought he was fit to be a parent, especially during his bid for sole or primary custody I wanted to knock his damn teeth in. YEAH, NO ONE THINKS YOU’RE FIT BECAUSE YOU WERE COMPLETELY UNINTERESTED AND NON-CONTACT WITH YOUR KIT FOR THE FIRST 5 YEARS OF HIS LIFE, AND IT WASN’T UNTIL HE HAD HIS FIRST SHIFT THAT YOU GAVE TWO SHITS. So no, you aren’t fit for sole or primary custody of your kit. But you do clearly care, and you are trying now. Moreover, I get that he comes from an abusive background, and is doing his best within his understanding of how to do that.
And that, canonically, his understanding of what a good pride (as in lions) looks like is wrong (and that Danny’s is right).
So I can respect every part of that. I liked Reiner’s visceral horror when he realized he nearly hit Danny when the kit stood up to him. I liked that everything he’d been taught about how to be an “alpha lion” was blatantly wrong, and that the story knew it was wrong…even though it still takes “alpha” as an actual concept, and not super wrong information formed by observing the behavior of captive wolves in mixed family groups. Fuckin’ WHOOPS.
Also, props to Danny, “999 told me not to call for a firefighter unless there’s a literal fire, and I really, really need to be rescued by the firefighter I know? Okay, got it, will set a fire.” What a fuckin’ great kid.
Firefighter Sea Dragon (Fire & Rescue Shifters, #4)
Dates Revisited: December 27-December 30
Format: Audiobook
This one’s another that’s not as fresh, because again I was listening to the audiobook to distract myself from a lot of pain in the ER waiting room before I could get in for emergency surgery. Like, I’ve read or listened to the audiobook for all 7 of these books at least once before, but that doesn’t mean I remember everything super well.
I’m not sure how I feel about this one, it’s complicated. There’s some things I really like about it, some things that I think are missed opportunities, and some that I think are pretty bad mis-steps…and I’m not always sure which is which.
John Doe (and his future son, Joe Small) are some of my favorite boys in these related series, but I think John’s at his best when he’s a wise, supporting character threatening to force-feed his oath brother terrible soup or singing to the rain? And this book’s delving into his home and background ends up, heh, washing those vibes away a bit. At least I kinda feel that way. I dunno. Something makes me not vibe as hard with John in this book, possibly from just going from the more open to interpretation feeling regarding sea dragon culture to actually defining how striated and frankly sterile the daily life of at the very least a knight is. Like. I’m always gonna rankle at vows of chastity being a requirement, especially for an entire class/rank of person. Those being a requirement to become a knight is wild to me, and then the abusive, racist, controlling knight commander (who is admittedly The Bad Guy) just leaves a bad taste in my mouth.
It’s not super fair to judge Atlantis’ flaws on this and the later books in the Wildfire series, but the more we actually see of sea dragon culture the more basic and less interesting it even is. I think mostly it’s just not terribly well-developed, since a lot of these books are based more on aesthetics, “Which flavor of sexy beefcake do you want to sweep you off your feet, lady reading this?” than deep exploration of the cultures involved with these hot shifter boys. It’s just more glaring with the sea dragons, since they do live entirely apart in a hidden secret world that can operate on its own. But even in text, it goes from being firmly established as a culture where the inhabitants spend most of their time in their non-human forms, only shifting to treat with dignitaries since using human language is often the only way to communicate to…IDK, shiny be-pearled Ren Faire stuff. I’ll try and dig into it more when I get to Wildfire Sea Dragon, since that’s where the shallowness of Atlantis’ culture/development as a real place really becomes obvious, or maybe where the efforts to develop the Pearl Empire as a real culture stopped.
Otherwise…fuck royalism. Fuck the monarchy, fuck all that shit. Like, it’s bad. Glad Neridia’s actually a professional conservationist, and therefore has both training and knowledge of how to address the population problems Atlantis is facing, and a scientific background with which to approach leading. But fuck. It’s not like scientific grounding is genetic and lasts beyond one generation. Hereditary leadership. What a stupid fucking concept.
The Master Shark’s Mate (Fire & Rescue Shifters, #5)
Dates Revisited: December 30-? And then again January 17-18
Format: Audiobook
I literally cannot interact with this book without thinking about Knives Out anymore. I ADORE that the titular Master Shark’s Mate is called Marta. I fuckin’ love Marta. She’s fuckin’ wonderful.
I love that Marta’s a coyote. I love that she’s a grandma, and a widow. She already had the “Love of her life,” even if he wasn’t her One True Mate, and still feels loyalty to those vows. I love that memory of Manny, her dead husband, is what allows her to let go of her self-imposed stagnation to embrace her mate.
I love that the Master Shark’s given name is fuckin’ Finn! And that it’s that because his mom, a human, had a sense of humor! I love that despite being almost totally socialized in undersea society he has such warmth and respect for others under his stern outward presentation.
I love seeing the everyday turmoil of Marta’s coyote pack vs. the local rattlesnakes, and how, though it initially feels so much smaller than the big problems we’ve seen elsewhere in the series…it’s the same. I love that Finn bridges that gap with the same empathy and ability to peacekeep, THROUGH his power and shark-itude, as he does for the sea kingdoms, and that he never once treats their struggles like smaller or lesser ones.
I fuckin’ love this book, guys.
Like, it’s not flawless. And a lot of its strengths come from the context it exists within. But inside that context? It’s so, so damn good.
Firefighter Unicorn (Fire & Rescue Shifters, #6)
Dates Revisited: January 18-January 19
Format: Audiobook
I HATE the Unicorns Need Virginity thing. Hate, HATE, HATE. With a bloody fuckin’ passion I hate it, and I refuse to shut up about it. I especially hate that the whole damn trope comes from fuckin’ christianity, which, in my very ardent opinion, is a religion of abuse. It’s almost cliched that actual articles about unicorns would make a point to state that the “purity” thing was changed to “virginity” with the rise of christianity, and that before that “You could be a mother of 12, so long as you were pure of heart.” So like. C’mon.
So having Hugh’s struggle stem from his inability to handle sexual impurity…? UGH. The issues being tied to orgasms is…interesting, but I still hate that we have to dance this dance.
But FINE. We’ll DO THIS.
Unicorns, if you didn’t know by now, are KINDA MY JAM. I’ve been a lifelong unicorn boy, and Wildfire Unicorn was the first book of these series I picked up.
So like, it was interesting to see that Hugh had hidden that he was a unicorn from the rest of his squad for so long, that shifter culture held that unicorns were make-believe in a world of dragons, pegasi, and phoenix, and that they took THIS LONG to finally get to the Hugh-nicorn pun. Also strange and interesting that they had unicorn hunting as an imminent threat in a setting where most believe unicorns don’t exist. Always a weird choice to hold those plotlines simultaneously…but whatever, I guess, it gives us some of our conflict.
Though honestly? Even though the virginity and the unicorn hunting are such huge unicorn tropes, and I’d find it weird if they didn’t get mentioned in passing or lampshaded for your Unicorn Outing of the series…the book’d be tighter and the story’d be better if Ivy’s struggles were the ones we worked on, without both those plot threads muddying the water.
Cuz Ivy’s struggle with her wyvern, with class, with past homelessness, with the loss of her emotionally abusive (or at least neglectful) mom, her guilt over and love of her sister Hope (first prominent gay character, cuz I don’t count Marta’s daughter as “prominent”!), and her past of scraping by in shady dealings…that’s where the good meat of the story lies.
I don’t think the book went far enough in paying off how wrong Alpha Team had been about her, how shitty they were to demonize her, and how she’d just been jumping from bad situation to bad situation, struggling to get by, while Chase is a billionaire’s son, Hugh is an earl’s son, Griff’s family has land and a distillery, and John’s never had to live in the evils of capitalism and had Griff to live with and get him culturally acclimated when he came up from the ocean. Super easy to be judgy when you’re rich and have no clue, have never had the threat of homelessness hanging over your head. So while that theme is there, it’s not quite prevalent enough for me.
Then Hugh’s virginity thing swoops back in and eclipses everything again. Because that’s the important part.
I just really can’t hammer home how much of this book is about whether Hugh and Ivy should bone, and the fallout of them boning, and how the secret all along was boning, but like, the right way. It’s…seriously fucked, honestly.
Firefighter Phoenix (Fire & Rescue Shifters, #7)
Dates Revisited: January 19-23
Format: Audiobook
My feelings on this one are…complicated. Like, there’s a ton to like about it, but also…
In the good column, I always prefer when both parties are shifters. I just like the dynamic better, when one doesn’t have to induct the other into this hidden world, they’re mutually powerful, they know the ins and outs of having, in this series’ case, an animal inside them, and that just…lets us cut to the place I’m interested in. Especially the “ways the different animal natures interact.” That’s a huge part of what I come to shifter stories for, I want the POV through the eyes of these animals. (Chaos, is the specific vibe I’m looking for hard to find.)
I’m not super in love with the One True Mates thing this series has going (and not just cuz I’m polyamorous), but it’s a staple of shifter romances, and it gives the authors fewer excuses to arbitrarily separate their pairs—which doesn’t stop them from still doing it, but means they have to get more creative than the annoying sitcom-style “Overheard the wrong statement out of context,” type tripe you often get in your cheesy low stakes romance. Look. I’m here for cheese and low stakes, not morons who can’t have a conversation. Them caring enough to have an uncomfortable discussion is definitely a perk.
(Halp. I just finished Jennette McCurdy’s “I’m Glad My Mom Died” and now I have her narrative voice stuck in my head!)
In the…not bad but personally fraught category: OOF. Like, the narrative doesn’t dwell on it as hard as it could, it’s got cheesy romance and sex scenes to get to, after all, but CHAOS, IS ASH’S ABUSER CORBIN A FUCKIN’ GARBAGE MONSTER OF DEATH. Just…coming from my own abusive parents, and having been sucked into a few cults and cult-like situations…FUUUUCK. So yeah, it gets close to being a bit triggering. Triggering adjacent, if you will. Where it doesn’t cross the line into bringing forward any of my specific trauma, but it has me tense and ready for it. So that gets a bit rough.
But again, the book doesn’t dwell on it, so neither do I have to. Yay!
In the Actually Bad, even though it’s making a solid effort to justify itself, though I’m not willing to give it that generosity: Ash Fucking With Rose’s Memories, and fucking her 20 years later with her NOT KNOWING about their first actual meeting and that she ACTUALLY LOST HER VIRGINITY TO HIM 20 YEARS PREVIOUS AND HER THINKING THAT SHE’S STILL A VIRGIN NOW AND SHE HAS NO IDEA!!!??? AND THE BOOK TRIES TO DWELL IN THIS AS ROMANTIC!? DON’T TRY TO TELL ME THAT THIS IS ANYTHING BUT A HORRIFIC PILE OF NONCONSENT! “Oh, but she never was anything but loyal to Ash, even though she knew nothing about it and thought, WITH GOOD REASON, that her One True Mate was dead!” SO THIS WOMAN WHO WOULD OTHERWISE BE INTERESTED IS TOO EMOTIONALLY SCARRED TO TRY AND FIND SOMEONE ELSE!? (Or even have a casual hookup!?) UNTIL SHE’S IN HER 40S!?
Like, it’s one thing entirely if you’re ace. Being ace and uninterested for 20 years, cool. Hell, being demisexual and uninterested for 20 years! But THAT IS NOT THE CODING WE’RE WORKING WITHIN, HERE. We have an individual we have no reason to believe is anything but allosexual, who is too traumatized by loss to try and look for connection…who is mourning someone she HONESTLY BELIEVES DIED BEFORE SHE MET HIM. Oh, also? HE’S BEEN HANGING OUT IN THE PUB SHE OWNS AND LIVING NEARBY AND A FIXTURE IN HER LIFE FOR 10 YEARS.
Yeah, fuck that plotline straight to the earth’s core. Yeah, Ash’s stupid fucking idiocy does end up being A Problem for him. A Big Honkin’ Plot Problem, even. But no, I’m sorry. This is not okay, and doesn’t get a pass from me. Like, there’s enough narrative retribution that I wouldn’t begrudge anyone else for forgiving this utter bullshit, but it doesn’t get absolution from me.
Anyway. The epilogue is kinda hilariously long and all about setting up the Wildfire Shifters series, passing the torch, as it were. And I’d probably have been annoyed to spend such a long epilogue in fankid hell territory, but again, I read the Wildfire books first, so joke’s on them, to me this was a prequel series the whole time.
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blinkpen · 11 months
i like when you draw zoe all floppy. hes like a sopping wet stuffed animal
its like if the milky webkin was full of blood! we're so lucky his blood is green, and not red, that way no matter how much of it gets everywhere it's magically not fucked up anymore
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did you guys enjoy your bees
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seychellse · 1 year
shitty erotic chick lit honestly brings me such unbridled joy I will never let go of my kindle collection
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ssturniolo · 10 months
Late night swims
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𝔭𝔞𝔦𝔯𝔦𝔫𝔤 - Matt x fem!reader
𝔰𝔲𝔪𝔪𝔞𝔯𝔶 - during a late night swim, Matt confesses his feelings.
𝔴𝔞𝔯𝔫𝔦𝔫𝔤𝔰 - confessions, one swear word, kissing, I think that’s it? (Not proofread)
𝔞/𝔫 - based off of the Belly and Jere pool scene. Request was originally sent to @thetriplets3
Night swims have always been something that acted as an escape for you. Something that you could always rely on to make you feel comfortable. Safe.
That’s why when the clock hit 1:30 am, and you still weren’t asleep, you decided to go for a swim. Nothing was necessarily bothering you, you simply just couldn’t turn your head off long enough to get some sleep.
Slipping on your swimsuit, you grab a towel and tiptoe out of your summer house, and pad over to the pool.
Not bothering to dip a toe in, you dive, weightlessly gliding through the water.
After a couple laps, you come up for air, startled to see Matt sitting at the edge.
“Mind if I join you?” He asks, already lowering himself into the water.
“Not at all” you say, ducking back under the water, pushing yourself to the bottom.
Feeling a hand grab yours under the water, you open your eyes to see Matt directly in front of you. Resurfacing, you rub your stinging eyes with your free hand.
Opening your eyes to meet his, you grow nervous at his serious expression.
“Y/n” he starts, taking your other hand in his.
“Hm?” You hum in response confused as to why he seems so nervous.
“I know you have a thing for Chris, I see the way you look at him. But… but when will you see that I’m the only one that’s stuck by your side, the only one that’s never hurt you, betrayed you. When will you see that I love you?” He lets out, breaking his eyes away from yours.
Sighing, you smile shyly at his confession. “And when will YOU see that I’ve never liked Chris. When will you see that I love YOU too” you say, your cheeks flushed in the dim porch light.
Meeting your eyes once again, Matt cups your cheek in his hand, smashing his lips against yours. Wrapping your legs around his waist, his hands move to your hips pulling you as close as possible.
Tilting his head to deepen the kiss, you twist your fingers in his messy, wet hair.
You couldn’t believe this was happening. Matt has always been your best friend, your wingman, so when feelings started to develop, it scared the shit out of you. Because of that, you had pushed yourself away and started hanging out with Chris more, causing Matt to believe you like him.
But none of that matters anymore. Pulling away to catch your breath, you smile.
“Last one in is a rotten egg” you chant, pushing off Matt in the direction of your towel.
“Oh it’s on” he says, laughing at your childish words.
Everything about this night was perfect. The way the water ran through your hair, how easily you cut through the water, the peacefulness of the night, but most of all how Matt was beside you for all of it.
Ik it’s short but I hope y’all like it! :)
XOXO - Zoe
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robielie · 2 months
Zoe De'Sol
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Unique Magic: Touch of the Sun. As she comes from a long line of healers, with a short chant, she is able to heal broken bones any external wounds except the erasure of scars
Bio: Nicknames: Sis (Ruggie), Miss Zoe (Jack, Epel, and Duece but she hates it) and then later on Big Sis (Epel), Sharktooth (Floyd), Jeune Fille du Soleil/Maiden of the Sun (Rook). Childhood friends with Leona, and former captain of the Fight Club until an unfortunate incident out of her control causes a scarring injury and its disbandment. On top of that,  her first year of hard work creates the perfect image as Leona’s guard goes to waste, and it is painfully obvious something changes as she returns to school. 
She is an only child.
She met Leona when she was 6 and he was 9 when it was agreed that she would become Leona’s guard. 
Leona was her first kiss when she was 6 (She was saying goodbye) 
Leona and Zoe never shared so much PDA in her first year at NRC. That changes after she gets hurt. 
Was previously in a relationship in her first year.
She has her own room thanks to Leona’s status, but prefers to sleep in Leona’s bed. (She, Leona and Noah used to take naps together when they were kids) 
Her Mother is the former fight club leader.  
Although it is unknown to her now, her grandmother Nora has an unfortunate history with Lillia Vanrouge that’s unfortunately similar to her and Sebek. 
Because of the club’s disbandment and more of her free time, she takes a part-time job at the Mostro Lounge as either a bartender or bouncer. 
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d8nielaa · 3 months
"How Soon Is Now?/Daughter Of Olympus" - Series Masterlist
Summary: A girl. Not just any girl. A girl handcrafted by the Greek gods themeselves. Every trait and feature, was a gift from the gods. She would always be at their service. No matter the cost. She was raised by them, she would forever be in their debt. Until, one day they had decided she was ready. Ready for her first quest. Except, she doesn't know what or who she's looking for. All she had was a crystal. One that would glow, whenever the gods were trying to communicate. Little did she know, she was in for quite the trip.
Alesie/Yn: Reader
Nikolas: Reeve Carney
Basilia: Eva Nobelzada
Adonis: Charlie Bushnell
Hermes: Lin Manuel Miranda
Demeter: Zoe Saldana
Persephone: Amandla Stenberg
Zeus: Oscar Issac
Apollo: Sam Clafin
Aphrodite: Halle Bailey
Artemis: Sadie Sink
Posiden: Logan Lerman
Nyx: Dove Cameron
Athena: Danai Gurira
Ares: Adam Copeland
Dionysus: Jason Mantzoukas
Hypnos: Tom Sturridge
Hepheustaus: Lewis Pullman
Hestia: Rachel Zegler
Hades: Jay Duplass
Hera: Emily Rudd
Playlist (songs may vary/lots of Hadestown songs lowkey) 
1- All I Wanted - Paramore 
2- Not Strong Enough - boygenuis 
3- No Church In The Wild - JAY-Z
4-labour - Paris Paloma 
5-Wait For Me - Cast Of Hadestown 
6- The Moon Will Sing - The Crane Wives 
7-The Old Therebefore - Rachel Zegler 
8- Smells Like Teen Spirit - Nirvana 
9-Outro - M83 
10-Sign of the Times - Harry Styles 
11- Hayloft ll - Mother Mother 
12- Sarah - Alex G 
13- O Children - Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds
14- Gilded Lily - Cults 
15- How Soon Is Now? - The Smiths 
16- Any Way The Wind Blows - Cast Of Hadestown 
17- Chant (Reprise) - Cast Of Hadestown 
18- Flowers - Eva Nobelzada/Cast Of Hadestown 
Prologue: The quest begins... https://www.tumblr.com/d8nielaa/745538006624157696/how-soon-is-now-daughter-of-olympus-prologe?source=share
Chapter 1: Any Way The Wind Blows https://www.tumblr.com/d8nielaa/747253648467345408/how-soon-is-nowdaughter-of-olympus?source=share
Chapter 2: tba
Chapter 3: tba
Chapter 4: tba
authors note: Hey guys! I hope you like this series that i've come up with. its kinda like a mix of percy jackson, hadestown and my imagination. this is an idea that i've had on my mind for a while and that i just had to get out there. enjoy!!!
Pinterest Board Link:
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dreamypqulson · 1 year
— the first christmas pt.4
requested by anon: would you be okay with writing a fic with April again? Maybe a Christmas fix where they all celebrate together and it's the first time she celebrates with them, maybe even the first she actually celebrates. Some cute family moments and some drama. Madison and April being best friends
pairing: cordelia goode x misty day x april oc
word count: 3300
pt.1 | pt.2 | pt.3 | pt.4
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"We have to write your letter to Santa, baby!" Cordelia said as she got out a piece of paper along with a red and green marker for the girl to write with. She placed it onto the small breakfast table in the kitchen.
Although living in a swamp was difficult during the christmas season with Misty having little to no money, it never stopped the christmas spirit. Misty always found a way to be April's santa and gift her what she could.
"Mommy, why can't I meet Santa?" April asked, being lifted up and placed onto Cordelia's lap. The girl was still too short to see the top of the table.
"Good question, sweet love. I heard Santa's visiting the mall this year. I was thinking we could visit him while he's down here."
Misty walked into the kitchen, only for her to be bombarded with happy toddler yells. Her eyes widened and she took a step back. "Mama! I'm gonna meet Santa, Mama!" The young girl cheered, immediately known of her mothers presence in the room.
Madison walked in from the living room with her arms crossed, annoyed that her peace was interrupted. They had grown close overtime but it still never failed to irritate Madison when she got a little too loud. "Yeah well tell Santa to make Zoe finally let me top her."
"Madison!" Zoe said, walking into the room after hearing her girlfriend already begin to stir up trouble. "I'd appreciate it if you don't share all of our personal details with the entire world. Especially in front of a three year old!"
"Please, like they don't hear us all night. And she doesn't even know what i'm talking about anyways." Madison took a seat at the table across from the mother and daughter.
"Anyways...that's so awesome, bug. It's ya first time meeting Santa!" Misty redirected the conversation to a more child-appropriate approach. She walked over to her two loves, kissing her little one on the head and older one on the lips before sitting beside them "What're ya gonna ask for this year?"
April shrugged her shoulder, nearly blowing the topic off. "I want cuddles from mommies."
"Well i'm sure he can bring you a bunch of that," Cordelia said, squeezing the girl ever so lightly tighter. But she felt saddened that April had never been able to experience a big christmas with presents galore. "But what about some toys too?"
The girl pondered for a moment before finally getting an idea, "More dolls!"
"More dolls? Perfect!"
It was december 23rd, April skipped down the long hall of the mall, holding both of her mothers hands. Cordelia cringed as she watched April's freshly curled blonde hair tied with a red bow become tussled at her movements. She had yet to take her pictures with the mall Santa and she was already beginning to get messy. Her red christmas dress, however, stayed in tact, completed with her white tights and tiny black shoes. April had never been so nicely dressed up before Cordelia had became her second mother.
The mall was already decorated with garland, bells, and bows galore. Last Christmas played softly out of the speakers. As they approached the center of the mall, they began hearing kids laughing, yelling, and pictures being snapped.
They patiently waited in line with a bright smile painted on Aprils face. She was brave, she was excited, but as soon as Cordelia began walking her towards the fake Santa, her smiled was replaced with a frown and terrified cry.
"Mommy!" The girl screeched and clung onto the supremes leg. "Mommy! Mommy," she chanted when she didn't get an immediate reaction. The mall santa still sat there with a smile as he was used to the reaction.
"April, it's okay, sweetie." Cordelia certainly was not expecting April to be so afraid. She was a brave kid and had been looking forward to this. However, she was still a child, a baby, and crying over Santa was nearly inevitable.
Misty walked over to her little family and kneeled down to April's level. "Bug, it's just Santa. Ya okay, I promise." She pushed a small blonde curl out of her daughters face and smiled. The girl rubbed her wet eyes with her fists and huffed as her cries died down.
"You don't have to if you don't want, little love," Cordelia reassured. The two women had an oath to never push April to do anything she was uncomfortable with. They didn't want the awful cycle to repeat from their own childhoods.
"Want to. Want mommies," April grabbed both of her mothers hands. They smiled at her. They weren't planning on being in the picture, but they wouldn't deny their girl of her sweet memories.
With a brave face, April tugged her mothers up to the mall Santa. He picked her up and sat her on his lap. Misty, still being unsure of anyone besides the women in the academy to hold her daughter, wanted to scoop her away. But she didn't; April was fine now and Misty and Cordelia were both by her sides, anyways.
The picture was snapped and after a conversation with him over what she wants for christmas, they were already making their way out of the mall. "You did it, love bug. You're so brave!" Cordelia lifted the small girl into her arms and kissed her cheek, causing April to giggle and scrunch her nose.
"That's my girl. So brave," Misty added, adding her own kiss to her daughters other cheek -and then to Cordelia's lips just because.
"What do you say, we go home and have some hot coco?" Aprils smile grew bigger and she clapped her tiny hands at the idea. She had a sweet tooth just like Misty.
"Yes please mommy! Hot coco!"
"Be super careful, dove. Ya don't wanna hurt ya fingers," Misty said, who watched her daughter carefully cut dough into little gingerbreads with the children's cookie cutter. She sat on Madison's lap, and although she trusted the movie star after having her practically babysit April, she was still weary.
"know, mama."
Cordelia walked over to the table where her family sat, she placed frosting and sprinkles on the table, well aware that April would be lathered in it by the time she was finished. She kissed Misty's forehead as she sat beside her, smiling at April who looked extremely concentrated, sucking on her lower lip.
Once she was finished cutting her cookie, Madison helped her open up the frosting. "Do you know what a gingerbread man looks like?" Madison asked, April shook her head. "Okay, so you want to add a face, put some buttons and a bow on for a shirt. You can even add fun lines at his arms and legs too."
"Putting big smile," April said, looking back at Madison with her own big grin. "Make it pretty like you?"
Madison wasn't an emotional person, but she sure did have to bit her lip to hold back a waterfall of tears. She had never really been called pretty, only more obscene words that didn't make her feel too beautiful. "Thank you," was all she said, simply, and the two mothers could hear, by Madison's voice, that it had really impacted her.
April continued on with her creation, trying her hardest to squeeze the frosting out of the bag. She beamed when it started to come together. As best as a toddler could, it looked somewhat like a gingerbread man.
Zoe walked into the room and took a seat beside Madison, taking an extra gingerbread cookie and eating it. April looked over at her other aunt, as she decided a couple months ago that all of the main witches would now be her aunts, "Auntie Zo, look, look!" The little girl moved back and rested on Madison's chest to show Zoe what she had been working on.
"Wow, Rilly! That looks so good! Did Auntie Madi teach you that? She's really good at making gingerbreads!" Zoe, taking on her own nickname for April, said. Madison slightly glared at her. She wasn't mad, but she still had to continue on with her usual temper. Otherwise, people would start to notice that Madison was becoming soft -they already did.
An excited "yeah" sounded from April. She went back to decorating her cookies that she would be leaving for Santa later tonight.
Once she had completed three of them, she stuck her hand inside the jar of frosting and began to lick off a majority of it. Cordelia, who had been caught up in a conversation with Zoe from across the table was the first to notice the huge absence of frosting.
"April!" Cordelia said, not too loud too scare her, but certainly concerned. She walked around the table to her daughter, gently pushed the contained of frosting away. Cordelia and Misty were fine with April having sweets and having her fun; they weren't going to be strict about food as they didn't want her to have problems with it in the future, but a nearly a whole tub of frosting certainly wouldn't be good. "Baby, no more, you don't wanna get a tummy ache."
April's lower lip began to tremble and her eyes became glassy with a puddle of tears. "April, don't ya get all sad, love bug. We just don't want ya to be sick," Misty said, gently, but April did not like that one bit.
"No!" She screeched, and the four women in the room cringed at the loud voice. Cordelia picked the little girl up from Madison's lap and placed her on her hip.
"It's okay, little love. You can have a bunch of christmas candy in the morning, but right now we have to be careful; it's a lot for your little tummy this late at night." With this, April's tears finally poured down, she kicked her legs around in an attempt to get out of Cordelia's arms.
"April Goode-Day," Misty said, stern yet without malice. It was hard to truly get upset with April. She stood up and walked over to her two girls.
"She's just sleepy," Cordelia whispered, "She's getting cranky." Because, typically, April was good about not throwing tantrums over little things. She was a happy, good-spirited child.
"Want frosting!" She said, louder this time. Cordelia realized that if her or Misty said anything more, it would only make it worse. She began to gently bounce and quietly shush her.
"Shhh, it's okay," At this, April rested her head against Cordelia's chest, too sleepy to keep going. Her cries, slowly but surely, began to die down until it was nothing except for heavy breaths. "there we are, that's my girl."
Misty wiped away the tears from her daughters pink-tinted cheeks. She smiled, "How about we watch a christmas movie, hm?" Misty asked April, knowing full well that April would fall asleep in the first five minutes at this rate.
The little girl simply nodded, the tiniest smile appearing on her face. They were lucky that she was so sleepy tonight; made it easier for them to play Santa without her waking up.
"Mommy! Mommy! Mama!" April, who had been sleeping in her mothers bed per usual, jumped on top of the two women as soon as sunlight began to shine through the curtains. "Mommies wakey!"
Cordelia was the first to wake at her daughters commotion, being a light sleeper. She groaned and rubbed her eyes, looking at the clock until her eyes finally adjusted to the young girl atop of her. "What are you doing up so early, little love?"
"Presents mommy! Santa came!" April attempted to tug the woman, who was much stronger and weighed more than her, up and out of the bed. She grunted and sat back down in her spot between her mothers when she failed to do so. "Mommy please! Wake mama up!"
"Let's let mama sleep, pretty. Okay? The presents aren't going anywhere." Cordelia grabbed April by her waisted and gently pulled her to lay down. She snuggled impossibly closer to her girl. The supreme kissed the top of Aprils head and hoped she would relinquish. "How about you get some more sleep too, hm? Then you can open all of your presents."
"No mommy. Not tired," the girl wiggled out of the embrace and sat back on her feet. For the first time, not wanting to be cuddled by one of her favorite people.
Cordelia sigh and sat up, looking over at her love who peacefully slept. She certainly was a heavy sleeper. "How about we make some strawberry pancakes and then maybe mama will be awake by then?" Cordelia offered.
The girl contemplated for a few beats, and then vigorously nodded. Cordelia wrapped herself in a robe and then rested April on her hip. "Merry Christmas, my sweet girl." Cordelia kissed the little blondes cheek, eliciting giggles from her.
"Merry Christmas, mommy," she rested her head against her mothers chest. Cordelia smiled at her.
"What's cookin' in here?" Misty, clad in her shorts and t-shirt pajamas despite the brittle december weather, walked in the kitchen only a half and hour later. She walked over to Cordelia by the stove, and April beside her sitting on the counter. "Good morning, Darlin."
Misty kissed her wife's lips and then her daughters forehead. "And good morning to you too, love bug," she addressed her daughter.
"Mama! Santa came!" April, excited once again, kicked her little legs back and forth. Misty was so tired that she hardly remembered what day it was.
"He did? What do ya think he got ya?"
The girl pondered for a moment before answering, "me and mommy saw present that looks like another doll!"
"Oh boy, another one?" April nodded energetically.
"Had to make some strawberry pancakes for this silly one because she was up at six to open them."
Misty snickered and looked back at her daughter who sat there with a mischievous grin. She grabbed her and spun her around a few times, eliciting a ton of laughs and screeches. "Little stinker. Tryna get a head start?"
"Mama, you were sleepin' too much."
They both laughed at her and began to eat their breakfast before an eventful morning.
"Alright, bug, you can open them now," Cordelia said, who sat on the couch, cuddled under a blanket with Misty. The rest of the girls, Madison and Zoe along with Coco, Queenie, and Mallory spread out on the other couches and chairs. April sat beside the tree, making sure she was in hands reach of all of her presents.
Like a wild animal, April began ripping the festive holiday wrapping paper off the first gift. Beneath the wrapping paper, a small box containing a doll of Aprils favorite Disney princess -elsa- was revealed. The young girl gasped and then squealed.
"What is it, baby? Let us see!" Misty asked, as if her and Cordelia hadn't been the ones to wrap it.
"Elsa, Mama!" April held it up for everyone to see before quickly putting it back on her lap. She then stood up and walked over to her mothers. "Open, open please."
"How bout ya unwrap all of ya other gifts and then we'll open them all up?" April nodded because, either way, she was going to get a bunch of gifts. And if it didn't work that way, she would be too distracted by her new toy to open any of the other ones up.
"Here baby girl, this one's from me, come sit," Cordelia said, passing her a small gift that was beside her on the couch and then patting her lap. April climbed onto her and started to tear the paper. It was specially wrapped, different from the ones from 'Santa'; red paper with a gold bow.
Misty looked at her, puzzled. Her and Cordelia both got April a separate gift from all the Santa ones. She wasn't informed that Cordelia got her a separate one as well. It made her feel an a sense of warmth in her heart, that someone really cared enough for her and her daughter.
A small pink box was revealed, Cordelia helped April open it. "It's a promise necklace, baby. I know your fingers are too small for rings." The young girl took the silver jewelry out of the box, looking at her first ever piece of jewelry curiously.
Cordelia assisted April putting it on. It hung slightly big on her, but she would quickly grow into it. "This is so you know that i'm always with you, okay? I know I haven't been your mommy for your whole life, but now i'm never going to leave. I love you, my sweet girl. I'm so lucky and grateful to be your mommy, forever and always."
Misty was nearly in tears herself. She really had found the one and she knew it right then and there.
"Thank you mommy, love you. S' so pretty," The little girl wrapped her arms around Cordelia's neck for a hug, Cordelia reciprocated it and kissed the top of her curly blonde hair.
"I'm so glad you like it, angel."
When Cordelia pulled back and April ran back off to the tree for even more presents, she looked over at her love beside her. "Cordelia," Misty said, and her voice trembled with emotion, "you didn't have to do that."
"I know but I wanted to. I want April to know how much I love her and that i'll always be here for her."
"She knows. I promise she does. She's loves ya. We love ya." Cordelia softly smiled and her own eyes became glassy. She leaned forward to capture Misty's lips in a simply but passionate kiss.
"I have something for you also," Cordelia finally said. She pulled out a second tiny box, except, she didn't hand it to Misty. It was also unwrapped. Just a simple black box. She stood up, right in front of Misty, and then got on one knee.
The room gasped from the older girls. April looked over after hearing the slight commotion, confused. "Misty Day, I love you with everything in me. I will never stop loving you. You've brought me this beautiful girl when I thought all hope was lost of having kids. And you both showed me how to love again. I want to spend the rest of my life with you two. So...will you do the honor of marrying me?"
"Delia..." Misty and Cordelia were both drowning in their tears. Nobody, besides Cordelia, expected their first Christmas together to goes this way. It had turned out better than they all could've imagined. "Of course i'll marry you!"
Cordelia, with a big smile, slid the ring onto Misty's finger. Misty had jokingly proposed to Cordelia once before, before they even started dating. But this was real, this was official.
Misty finally pulled Cordelia into a deep kiss
and then hugged her and wouldn't let go. April spotted this and immediately ran over on tiny legs. "Mama, what's goin' on? I wants hugs too!" April lightly tugged on Misty's bottoms to get her attention.
The cajun witch bent down and picked her daughter up, resting her on her hip. She smiled big and bright. "Me and mommy are gonna get married, darlin!"
April looked over at Cordelia with suspicion, squinting her eyes, then back at Misty. "Mommy your...wife?"
"Ya, baby! Good job. How do ya feel about that?" As if Aprils actions spoke louder than words, because they did, she climbed from Misty's arms, into Cordelia's.
"Love it. I love mommy," she said, bringing on even more water works from the already emotional wrecks.
"And mommy loves you too, sunshine. Forever and always."
taglist: @loverofallthingssarah @goodeday2u @lanawinters-ily @strawberryshorttcakkee @sapphicforsarahh @ahsfan05 @stayevildarling @isle-of-earle @cordithatgurl @mistysswampmud @billiedeansbitch @billiedeanspearls @cigaretteology @favoriteredhead @lovingsarah @cordeliass @citizenoftheworld-stuff-blog
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checkoutmybookshelf · 3 months
Little Town, It's a Shifter Village
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I'm not sure what it is about old New England towns that literally predate the US, but they're often where tbe weird stuff happens. In the case of Virtue--a little town in upstate New York--the weird stuff is that it's a shifter sanctuary, which makes the town even more insular and uncommunicative with the rest if the world than even somewhere like Stars Hollow. Most people stay in Virtue their whole lives...but Zane Bellamy didn't. He had to come back to Virtue to meet his fated mate. Let's talk Wear Wolf.
This is your SPOILER WARNING, people. There are SPOILERS below the break.
The circumstances of a meet cute can range wildly, from a random happenstance coffee shop meet to something absolutely improbable like getting kidnapped by pirates. Somehow, Zane and Victoria manage to meet under just the wildest circumstances. Victoria is a long-term substitute teacher who has a year-long contract in Virtue. Her students talk her into entering a contest for a custom coture dress, and her win brings Zane back to his hometown. But that's just the SETUP for the meet cute. The actual meet cute is Victoria goig headfirst out a bathroom window to avoid the press (literally cannot blame her for that one) and Zane diving underneath her so she doesn't break her neck on the concrete. It's actually super cute and awkward.
And of course thats where the fated mate bond clicks in for Zane. The interesting twist, however, is that Zane has face blindness-- or prosopagnosia, for those of you wanting the SAT word. Zane doesn't see and click.with faces, so it more or less doesn't matter what Victoria looks like. What he does see though, is fashion. Partly because Zane is a world-famous designer, and partly because it's how he copes with and manages the ace blindness. So it takes him less than a second to clock Victoria's "everyday cosplay," which was honestly delightful in the context of their first spicy scene and jut a lovely little marriage of character quirks. It's not a secret that shifter romances--and particularly those shifter romances written under the Zoe Chant name--are meant to be sweet, fluffy, cozy, and spicy, without too terribly much in the way of depth. But even with those genre expectations, Murphy Lawless manages to do small, clever character things like this that give me just a little bit more to hold onto.
Like, yes of COURSE the fashion designer is going to clock the first grade teacher's subtle-enough-to-pass-muster-at-an-elementary-school sexy secretary and sexy librarian cosplays. And yes of course nobody else in said first-grade teacher's life is going to notice because humanity at large is bad at nuance (and also, let's be real: the US in particular would absolutely crucify [loaded word choice is intentional] any teacher for something like that if it wasn't kept 100000000% private). So to have these two beautifully complimentary character traits mesh just reinforces the fated mates thing and goes a long way towards feeling like yes, actually, even if there wasn't a shifter and a fated mate involved, these two characters have a reason they would work well together.
The other really lovely thing that this book does that I don't think I've seen in shifter romances before is that it codifies LGBTQIA fated mates. Dion and Aaron aren't a main couple by any stretch of the imagination, but they're there, they're gay, and they are absolutely adorable fated mates. Now we just need a book where the LGBTQIA couple is the main couple. I'm...fairly sure these exist and I just haven't found them yet? I hope these exist?
Overall, this was a delightful read, and I was over here kicking my feet and screeching "WHAT" at the book when the paparazzi pictures of Zane and a younger woman popped up. I think I literally yelled "THERE IS NOT ENOUGH BOOK LEFT FOR THIS" but it turned out there was, and it was adorable. I highly recommend Murphy Lawless (both as Lawless and as Zoe Chant) if you need a cozy shifter romance read.
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seekdevotion · 8 months
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*          𝐀𝐍𝐎𝐍𝐘𝐌𝐎𝐔𝐒     𝐀𝐒𝐊𝐄𝐃          :          hiiii  :3  spare  mws  please?
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haiiiiiiiiii  x3  already spared  twice  in  these  posts  here  and  here  ( feel free to peruse the whole tag, this post included in fact and please mind any repeats 🫶 ) but  worry  not!  i  shall  as  i'd  live  love  laff  to  complete  the  triology  and place cap on mw asks so  here  we  gaur!    —   sasha  lane,  jack  mulhern,  simone  ashley,    ayo  edebiri,  jessica  sula,  kaylee  bryant,  liv  hewson,  courtney  eaton,  ncuti gatwa, cailee  spaeny,  camille  hyde,  jennie  kim,  toby  wallace,  natasha  liu  bordizzo,  inde  navarette,  nicole  wallace,  grace  van  patten,  molly gordon, daniel  ezra,  yara  shahidi,  sophie  thatcher,  jharrel  jerome,  spencer  house,  barbie  ferreira,  tawny  cypress,  sophia  ali,  rain  spencer,  lee  know,  myha'la  herrold,  summer  madison,  maia  mitchell,  kiana  madeira,  haley lu richardson, vanessa  morgan,  fiona  palomo,  mason  gooding,  jordan  alexander,  chay  suede,  lauren  ambrose,  madeleine  madden,  choi  yeonjun, kedar williams-stirling, antonia  gentry,  ciara  bravo,  mark mckenna, sophia wilde, quintessa swindell, charlie  heaton,  brigette  lundy-paine,  natalia dyer, aimee  lou  wood,  emily  rudd, alice  pagani,  odessa young, eduardo  franco,  melanie  lynskey,  victoria moroles, carlacia  grant,  josh o'connor, brianna hildebrand, zoe terakes, samantha  logan,  asa butterfield, lovie simone,  hari nef, hafsanur  sancaktutan,  charithra  chandran,  owen teague, jessica  alexander,  mia  healy,  felix  mallard, sophie  nelisse,  roberta  colindrez,  sofia  boutella,  toby  wallace,  priscilla  quintana,  lorenzo  zurzolo,  nat  &  alex  wolff,  christopher  briney,  kaia  gerber,  nathalie  emmanuel,  odessa  azion,  raymond  ablack,  rebecca  ablack,  aimee  carrero, henry zaga,  erana  james,  jeremy  allen  white,  chante  adams,  park  jihyo,  kelvin  harrison  jr.,  golshifteh  farahani,  raveena  aurora,  alba  baptista,  kathryn  newton,  olivia  scott  welch,  jan  luis  castellanos,  mike  faist,  dacre  montgomery,  halle & chloe bailey, eli  brown,  reina  hardesty,  jonathan  daviss,  lee  felix,  kelly  mccormack,  greta  onieogou,  peter  gadiot,  alisha  boe,  madison  bailey,  kristine  froseth,  michael  evans  behling,  nicole  maines,  kim  dahyun,  son  chaeyong,  lana  condor,  cierra  ramirez,  jacob  anderson,  hwang  hyunjin,  lauren  tsai,  sean  berdy,  kevin  alves,  brittany  o'grady,  taylor  zakhar  perez,  diego  calva,  sarah  pidgeon,  rachel  sennott,  camila  queiroz,  maika  monroe,  keke  palmer,  simone  kessell,  julia  rehwald,  ryan  destiny,  belmont  cameli,  lalisa  manoban,  thomas  doherty &  lili  reinhart  !
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djmarinizelablog · 1 year
Hi! Can I ask for a Levihan Goblin AU where Levi is Grim Reaper and Hange’s Sunny? They don’t know whether to hold on to the sin of the past or focus on another chance given to them to focus on their personal feelings. But it’s totally okay if it’s not something you feel like writing😅
Here's to Our In-Between
Summary: A Grim Reaper named Levi Ackerman meets a mortal named Hange Zoe.
Sidenote: This ask was sent last July 2021... so if you manage to read this, Anon, I hope you're still in love with the fandom (and I am so, so sorry for being late, but writing emotional fics like this one do take time)
And thank you to @oyzoe for giving me a crash course on Goblin many, many months ago (love you lots!)
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For Levi, souls are mere dead baggage for his job. He collects them as they come and go. He's a grim reaper, for heaven's sake, so he's merely doing his job as clinically as possible. None of that melancholic angel-like voice guiding them in the afterlife, nor of the haunting chants of him ferrying the departed to peaceful paradise. Saving souls mean nothing to him. No one else ever remembers the past, anyway, so bother?
One thing that baffles him, though, is Hange Zoe's presence. He watches her like a hawk from a distance, curious and intrigued at her peculiarity. Humans can be interesting once in a while, especially when they don't fear death or being forgotten. She's graduating with her college degree, sure, but for a student, she sure does meditate a lot on mortality, philosophizing about it in front of her friends in cafes and libraries, and Levi can't help but listen and follow around, invisible.
Then the inevitable happens.
She trips right in the middle of the street, and a speeding car honks at her, lights blaring. Hange closes her eyes and doesn't move, thinks her end has finally come.
(It's not her turn to die yet, Levi is aware of it, and he'll make sure that doesn't happen today.)
So he appears to her for the first time, in flesh and blood, like a god-turned-mortal, pulling her back to the safety of the sidewalk. A mishap, perhaps---or is it fate? Levi can't tell how someone like Hange can stir old feelings inside him.
The crowd is hushed when he doesn't let go of her hand and Levi knows he's become human like the rest of them.
"Thank you, I--" Hange turns around to face her savior and they're both appalled when the strange man starts tearing up without reason. Levi pulls a hand to his face and feels the wetness in his cheeks.
After composing herself, Hange can only laugh at her lifesaver. "Am I that gorgeous?"
He bites his lip and hates to admit anything but the truth: all the memories of her in his previous life are flashing right before his very eyes.
Earth feels nothing like heaven, or even hell. Not that there's anything to look forward to on earth, anyway.
Unlike Levi, Hange doesn’t remember anything about her past. Not the rain nor the river. In fact, Hange doesn’t remember jumping into the rapids with a dead body to avoid captivity. At least, not in this world. There are no flashbacks in her mind when the stranger mentions these so-called memories.
"Must have triggered the recollection when I became human after the incident," he's speaking his mind, and Hange is appalled.
"Right..." she nods, not following at all.
"I'm not crazy, I promise," the stranger named Levi leans towards her, careful not overstep his boundaries, as they sit across each other in a café near her lab.
"Why are you telling me this?"
"You saved my life," he says again, his voice very much human, "I owe you everything."
This person sitting across her doesn't have much to say anymore, except that he’s an old friend, a comrade from the past that she fought alongside with, but Hange has never entered the military. Not in this life, no. Neither does she dream of enlisting in it. Hange's world comprises of lab experiments and safety goggles, of test trials and meticulous methodologies.
It's only been an hour since she first met him. Hange's had an inkling that this could be a trick, a scam, but from the way he sounds so sincere and desperate, Hange might as well fall for it. "Mister... Ackerman, right?"
"You can call me Levi."
"What was I to you?"
"Someone..." He bites his lip, tries to think of the best thing to say. "special."
She looks up to the dark skies as if searching for something. Some sign or meaning behind this. "Levi," she says his name as if it would bring back something from what she's supposed to know, but nothing. “So, what else do you remember? About me?"
The man says in a heartbeat: "Everything."
He promises to fill her in with the details, perhaps try to sketch a portrait of their lives from the world he knew. Hange believes in the afterlife, and even though she's not religious, she's spiritual enough to know that there are ways for people to reencounter their lovers in another life. She asks him questions about grim reapers and souls, and Levi tries to think of Hange in their past life and sighs at how cruel and beautiful the world can be.
Settling into the human world (again) can be quite daunting at first, but Levi knows there's a limit to how long he can take a break from being a grim reaper. His heart breaks when he finds out that he only has another day until he loses his mortality once more.
"When you finally leave, I promise I'll be there to say goodbye," Hange tells him, holding out her pinky finger for him to curl his own against.
And indeed she does.
He meets Hange outside her house on the last day, says he has one last thing to do before he goes away. There's a somber look in her eye once she comes out of her door.
"I wish there was a way for me to see who I was in your lifetime," Hange confesses to him. Levi might have lived centuries as a grim reaper, but in reality, immortality brings him fear.
"There is one way, actually," he tells her. "A reaper's kiss will allow a person to remember their past life."
"Why didn't you say so right away?" Hange grabs his collar in her first, half angry and annoyed.
He doesn't dare tell her that he's afraid to know who he was to Hange in her past life. It was too much of a burden for anyone to bear, to see how tragic their previous lives were. Levi hopes this was the right choice. That in the case Hange would choose to see her past, he hopes that she'll only remember the happy times.
"Well then, Levi Ackerman..." Hange Zoe's voice is close to a whisper, almost a plead. "Will you kiss me?"
Slowly, he pulls her close to him and kisses her in the dark.
The memories instantly flood into her head, of saving Levi, of tending to his injuries, of sacrificing herself. Hange finds herself laughing with Levi as well as with other people--comrades, friends, maybe?--and of crying with the younger soldiers. It's full of heartache but it's also brimming with determination and comfort, of selflessness and love.
When he pulls away from the kiss, there's only silence at first. The sky has gone dark with the late-night hour. And this time, Hange is crying. "What did I just see? What was that all about?"
He kisses her once more on the forehead for good measure. "Our past life."
Levi prays that in their next life, the wait will be short and the meeting shall be long.
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bookdragonideas · 5 months
Azula redemption, but make it a Firefly AU.
Serenity is named Appa instead. Aang is the pilot, taking the place of Wash. Katara takes the place of Zoe, with Sokka being Mal. Toph is Jayne. Uncle Iroh is the Shepard.
Im not as sure who would be Kaylee and Inara.
Probably Yue for Inara, though maybe Suki instead. And I almost want to say Ty Lee for Kaylee? Which doesn't quite work with Zuko taking the role of Simon, but oh well.
And then Azula takes the role of River. Zuko got her away from the Alliance (not sure if Ozai is part of the Alliance or just the same sort of uncaring jerk that Simon and Rivers dad was)
Not sure how the rest combines but I like the idea of the Gaang hurtling through space, while Aang chants "I am a leaf on the wind, Watch how I soar."
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harrisonarchive · 2 years
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George Harrison, 1992; photo by Mark Seliger.
Song spotlight: "Brainwashed" —
“I say that everybody knows they’re all being brainwashed, by everything. So, in my music I just sing […]: ‘God, God, God, won’t you lead us through this mess?!’” - George Harrison, Billboard, June 19, 1999
“He was very cynical [in the songs 'P2 Vatican Blues (Last Saturday Night)' and 'Brainwashed'], and you can say the album’s cynical, but at the end of the day, when you look at what’s actually happening, it’s true.” - Dhani Harrison, Globe and Mail, March 1, 2003
“The song is very antiestablishment, just like punk music, or Rage Against the Machine. And all that stuff is great. But a lot of the time music that denounces what’s happening in society doesn’t offer an alternative; it just says, ‘Well, this is wrong,’ but it doesn’t say, ‘Go and realize God,’ or, ‘Go and meditate for a bit.’ And that’s why I think ‘Brainwashed’ is so strong — because of the contrast that he presents in the song. It leaves you with something positive rather than just denouncing the brainwashing and leaving you depressed.” - Dhani Harrison, Guitar World, January 2003
“We talked about putting a chant [‘Namah Parvati’] at the end [of ‘Brainwashed’]. A really nice vibration to leave you in a good place. He never liked sad stuff, and this is a light-hearted record, a joyous thing.” - Dhani Harrison, How’s Your Dad? Growing up in the shadow of a rock star parent by Zoe Howe (2010) (x)
Read more about Brainwashed in posts celebrating the album's 20th anniversary here.
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mizkit · 5 months
new blog post: Happy 2024!
new blog post on https://mizkit.com/happy-2024/
Happy 2024!
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Happy New Year, mes amis. I decided to go in to the office today for the precedent of it, although I have no particular expectation of getting anything done besides a blog post or two, which I could have done from home. :)
Last year was not awesome for me/us, and I’m not going to dwell on it much, although I was surprised a couple of days ago to realize I’d published three books and two novellas in 2023. Four books if you count URBAN SHAMAN’s re-release:
along with
So that’s actually not bad for a year’s output, which was a nice discovery. Also, today the re-release of BANSHEE CRIES is out and the 5th Dublin Driver book, DEATH BY IRISH WHISKEY, will be available on the 23rd of January, so we’re off to a rollicking good start for the new year. :)
Beyond that…I would like 2024 to be better in all ways for all of us, please. That’s mostly what I’d like.
I have a lot of hopeful plans for the year, all of which I am largely pretending don’t exist except for the one Actual Deadline I have, for DEATH OF AN IRISH DRUID, which is due in April. Beyond that, I am going to try Very Hard to take it One Book At A Time, as it were, because no plan survives first contact with the enemy.
I hope the new year treats you all well!
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wingsyouburn · 8 months
Thanks for the tag, @picklebrinedgoblinmind! Always happy to talk books!
Last Read: Wildfire Griffin by Zoe Chant. I got this free via one of the Stuff Your Kindle events, and I liked the fact that the firefighter crew featured different shifters than I normally read (all mythological creatures!) and an autistic love interest.
Current Read: I'm beta reading for my friend Visio as part of our holiday romance anthology. Their story is a queer romance set around the Day of the Dead and I'm loving it so far!
Also I'm technically still reading The Nanny by Lana Ferguson, and I only have like 40 pages left, but I lost interest. ._. Eventually I'll finish this just so I can put it on my shelf already.
Next Read: The Malediction of Oak Grove by Jen Zamboni, another ARC read for a Maine ML!
Tagging @runicmagitek @breserker @rosemochi @meredactyl but only if y'all feel up to it!
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