#Duty vs Freedom
brucenorris007 · 1 year
Connected to prev post:
This is also another contrast between Sonic and Shadow as characters.
Shadow’s formative experiences with technology and industry pertained to preserving life, specifically Maria’s, and purportedly the betterment of mankind; it was later, when GUN raided the ARK, that he learned how technology can be wielded as a weapon.
Sonic’s just the reverse; Eggman’s industrialization stole his friends and destroyed the biome’s he called home. It wasn’t until he met Tails that he saw how tech might be used for good.
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harveywritings92 · 1 year
[Soap meets Orphan’s bodyguard and partner Smoke and the two share a drink while watching Ghost and Orphan talk at a pub.]
Soap: Man, Ghost and Orphan have been spending a lot of time together.
Smoke: I don't like it. He is not good enough for Miss Ivy.
Soap: But they seem happy together.
Smoke: He is a bad influence and he is taking advantage of her because she is young and naive..... and delicate.
Soap, looks at him like he’s grown six heads: Delicate? She killed ten men with an 8ball tied to a bungie cord! 
Smoke, choked up: She’s a precious flower.
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soldier-poet-king · 2 months
Anyway fuck it, work emails sent I am logging tf out of GLAM sector optics and politics and donor relations for the weekend tyvm I am a creature who likes research and processing and finnicky metadata not front facing tasks
I'm putting popcorn chicken into a salad with mozz sticks and calling it dinner idgaf
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nonbinaryphantom · 11 months
ive been putting way too much lore into reaper au especially stuff like reaper biology/abilities and psuedo reaper abilities
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oh-katsuki · 1 year
satosugu fic crumbs >:)) 
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derwent · 6 months
trying to pick up guys at the freedom bar by telling them about otherside picnic but they keep realising they're girls and using black market irradiated HRT artifacts and growing their hair out so much it gets hard to wear gas masks :/
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venusiancharisma · 10 months
What Type of Lover Do You Attract - Natal Chart Edition
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This is a fun way to reveal the type of lover or type of energy you naturally attract into your life based on specific placements in your chart. Since I am not including specific transits, just keep in mind that this is on a broad & more thematic scale that doesn't include what you, yourself may actually want and need from a lover. It is tapping into the type that YOU ATTRACT based on natal placements
I will be honing in on Venus sign & house, 7th house ruler & descendant, and Mars' sign & house placements
—> 7th house & descendant slightly differ; descendant is a point on the cusp & this is where we find our specific relationship preferences vs the house as a whole which can usually fall into 2 signs & show a more nuanced theme of attraction <3
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Venus Sign:
Venus in your natal chart represents your approach to love, relationships, and attraction. The sign and house placement of Venus can offer insights into the type of lover you might attract and the qualities you value in a partner. Here's a general overview of Venus in each sign and house:
Venus in Aries: You attract passionate and dynamic partners who are assertive and independent. They're drawn to your boldness and enthusiasm.
Venus in Taurus: You attract partners who value stability, sensuality, and comfort. They appreciate your loyalty and enjoy shared pleasures.
Venus in Gemini: You attract communicative and intellectually stimulating partners. They're drawn to your wit and curiosity.
Venus in Cancer: You attract nurturing and emotionally connected partners who seek a strong bond. They appreciate your sensitivity and warmth.
Venus in Leo: You attract partners who are confident, expressive, and appreciate your creativity. They're drawn to your charisma and playfulness.
Venus in Virgo: You attract partners who are practical, detail-oriented, and helpful. They admire your diligence and desire to contribute.
Venus in Libra: You attract harmonious and diplomatic partners who value balance and fairness. They're drawn to your charm and willingness to compromise.
Venus in Scorpio: You attract intense and passionate partners who seek deep emotional connections. They're intrigued by your mysterious and transformative nature.
Venus in Sagittarius: You attract adventurous and open-minded partners who appreciate your love for exploration. They're drawn to your optimism and sense of freedom.
Venus in Capricorn: You attract partners who are ambitious, responsible, and value stability. They admire your determination and strong work ethic.
Venus in Aquarius: You attract unconventional and intellectually stimulating partners who value individuality. They're drawn to your unique perspective and open-mindedness.
Venus in Pisces: You attract compassionate and spiritually inclined partners who seek a deep emotional connection. They're drawn to your empathy and dreamy nature.
Venus House:
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1st House: You attract partners who are drawn to your appearance, confidence, and how you project yourself to the world. These individuals are captivated by your charisma and physical presence.
2nd House: You attract partners who value stability, comfort, and shared resources. They're attracted to your practicality and the way you handle financial matters.
3rd House: You attract communicative and intellectually stimulating partners. These individuals are captivated by your conversational skills, curiosity, and the way you express your ideas.
4th House: You attract partners who seek emotional security and a strong sense of family. They're drawn to your nurturing nature and your ability to create a comfortable home environment.
5th House: You attract lovers who enjoy creativity, fun, and self-expression. These individuals are charmed by your playfulness, enthusiasm, and the way you express yourself artistically.
6th House: You attract partners who value practicality, organization, and a sense of duty. They appreciate your helpfulness, attention to detail, and willingness to take care of them.
7th House: You attract harmonious and balanced partners who seek companionship and cooperation. They're drawn to your diplomacy, charm, and your ability to create harmonious relationships.
8th House: You attract intense and transformative partners who value deep emotional connections. These individuals are intrigued by your passion, intensity, and your ability to share your innermost feelings.
9th House: You attract adventurous and open-minded partners who value exploration and personal growth. They're drawn to your enthusiasm for new experiences and your philosophical outlook on life.
10th House: You attract partners who are ambitious, responsible, and value their public image. They're captivated by your professionalism, leadership qualities, and your drive to succeed.
11th House: You attract unconventional and intellectually stimulating partners who value individuality. These individuals are drawn to your unique perspectives, your involvement in social groups, and your ability to connect on an intellectual level.
12th House: You attract compassionate and spiritually inclined partners who value deep emotional and spiritual connections. They're intrigued by your empathy, your ability to connect on a profound level, and your willingness to support them emotionally.
7th House Sign/Descendant:
Zodiac signs that fall in the 7th house and Descendant of a natal chart can provide insights into the type of lover someone attracts and the qualities they seek in a partner. The 7th house is associated with partnerships and relationships, while the Descendant represents the qualities you're drawn to in others. The pairing of opposites is the energy that each similarly take on when they are placed in this house -
this section isn’t saying that if you have a sign in the 7th house it means that your descendant becomes the opposite sign, it’s just that the sign of the 7th house would energetically match the coordinated sign of the descendant sign
Youre gonna look your 7th house sign as well as the rising as the 7th house sign… it’s shows what you’re attracting vs what they are attracted to in you and depending on your projection, it can change from relationship to relationship. I’m Aries descendant/7th house and Libra rising… some relationships I attract super independent Aries type energy, allowing me to project a more balanced energy while some relationships I attract the diplomat/balance seeking partner which puts me in an energy of projecting my more Aries qualities.
Aries in the 7th House / Libra Descendant: You attract partners who are assertive, confident, and dynamic. These individuals are drawn to your independence and enthusiasm. They may seek balance and harmony in relationships, and they appreciate your direct approach to resolving conflicts.
Taurus in the 7th House / Scorpio Descendant: You attract partners who value stability, sensuality, and emotional depth. These individuals are drawn to your loyalty and your ability to provide a strong sense of security. They may seek transformative and passionate connections.
Gemini in the 7th House / Sagittarius Descendant: You attract communicative and intellectually stimulating partners. These individuals are drawn to your curiosity and your ability to engage in meaningful conversations. They may seek a partner with whom they can share their adventurous spirit.
Cancer in the 7th House / Capricorn Descendant: You attract nurturing and emotionally connected partners. These individuals are drawn to your sensitivity and your ability to create a supportive home environment. They may seek a partner who values responsibility and commitment.
Leo in the 7th House / Aquarius Descendant: You attract partners who appreciate your charisma, creativity, and leadership qualities. These individuals are drawn to your uniqueness and your ability to stand out. They may seek a partner who values individuality and innovation.
Virgo in the 7th House / Pisces Descendant: You attract partners who value practicality, attention to detail, and emotional depth. These individuals are drawn to your nurturing nature and your willingness to provide support. They may seek a partner with whom they can share their dreams and ideals.
Libra in the 7th House / Aries Descendant: You attract harmonious and diplomatic partners. These individuals are drawn to your charm and your ability to create balanced relationships. They may seek a partner who values independence and takes initiative.
Scorpio in the 7th House / Taurus Descendant: You attract intense and transformative partners. These individuals are drawn to your depth and passion. They may seek a partner who values stability, sensuality, and loyalty.
Sagittarius in the 7th House / Gemini Descendant: You attract adventurous and open-minded partners. These individuals are drawn to your enthusiasm for exploration and your ability to engage in stimulating conversations. They may seek a partner with whom they can share their ideas and experiences.
Capricorn in the 7th House / Cancer Descendant: You attract partners who value responsibility, commitment, and emotional connection. These individuals are drawn to your practical nature and your ability to provide security. They may seek a partner who values family and home.
Aquarius in the 7th House / Leo Descendant: You attract unconventional and intellectually stimulating partners. These individuals are drawn to your unique perspectives and your ability to express your individuality. They may seek a partner who appreciates your creativity and authenticity.
Pisces in the 7th House / Virgo Descendant: You attract compassionate and spiritually inclined partners. These individuals are drawn to your empathy and your ability to create a harmonious environment. They may seek a partner who values practicality and attention to detail.
I will continue this in the next post, stay tuned!
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astrolovecosmos · 3 months
Aries - Libra Axis: Tells a story about taking action vs. indecision, inaction, and procrastination. Tells a story about selfishness but also giving to the detriment of self, lack of boundaries, assertion, charm, persuasion, force, peace and war, leadership and cooperation, independence vs. partnerships, passion, romance, self-awareness vs. shallowness and detachment, insensitivity vs. tact, cheating and deception, winning and losing, honesty and bravery. Tells a story about lovers and fighters.
Taurus - Scorpio Axis: Tells a story about control, power, jealousy, resentment, stubbornness, indulgence and sensuality, comfort and thrill, safety and danger, possessive behavior, materialism, emotional strength and influence, inner security or contentment and inner empowerment and passion, willpower, revenge, grudges, manipulation, obsession, seduction, self-destruction, transformation and rebuilding. Tells a story about self-mastery and self-esteem.
Gemini - Sagittarius Axis: Tells a story about communication, learning, knowledge, teaching, exploration of mind, body, and the world, trickery, con artists, betrayal, support, lies and truth, versatility, duality, variety, curiosity, superficiality vs. depth, philosophy, morals, logic, spontaneity and fickleness, symmetry vs. asymmetry, restlessness, carelessness, freedom, exaggeration vs. factual, movement, cunning wit and intellect as well as wisdom, optimism vs. skepticism, dissembling, analyzing, deception, schemes, gossip, boasting, charm vs. tactlessness, and promises. Tells a story about storytelling - lessons and adaptation.
Cancer - Capricorn Axis: Tells a story about protection, self-preservation, endurance, practicality, emotions and rationality, defense vs. offense, vulnerability, attachment, clinging vs. self-reliance, sentiment, nostalgia, home and family, ambition, purpose, clans, tribes, societies, private world vs. external/outer world, moods, cycles, authority, parents/mothers and fathers, caution, responsibility, duty, patience, compassion vs. cruelty, intuition, shrewdness, strategy, contentment vs. dissatisfaction, security vs. insecurity. Tells a story about needs and being uninhibited, as well as control and discipline.
Leo - Aquarius Axis: Tells a story about leadership, charisma, confidence, individuality, self-expression, creativity, innovation, the power of one vs. the power of the many, attention, compulsion, pride, ego, play and discovery, experimentation and rebellion, drama, curiosity, socialization, influence, dignity, generosity, benevolence and/or common good, chaos, destruction, passion vs. dispassion, humanity, divinity, fellowship, organized groups, separation or standing apart, control or tyranny, strangeness and what's rejected vs. what's accepted or even celebrated. Tells a story about the king/queen/politician and anarchist/rebellion/revolutionist.
Virgo - Pisces Axis: Tells a story about the spirit and body, healing, helping others, service, caring for others, listening to your body or your intuition, purity vs. corruption, compassion, sensitivity, impressions, flexibility, logic, imagination, being receptive, mysticism, confusion, illusions, clarity, distillation, categorizing, researching, analyzing - a thorough search for facts/truth. Tells a story about sacrifice, empathy, saving others, discernment, efficiency and productivity vs. procrastination and rest, modesty, free and flowing energy vs. precise and predictable energy, perfectionism vs. admiring flaws, realism or skepticism vs. idealism, details vs. big picture. Tells a story about the dreamer and the worker, the ability to make our dreams come true.
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undiscovered-horizon · 9 months
Vikings preference: your friend hits on you and gets aggressive
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Ragnar Feels genuinely hurt because he thought he could trust your friend. Whenever Ragnar went away, he'd ask your friend to keep an eye on you and generally make sure you're safe and sound. Makes veiled threats and passive-aggressive jokes at first, hoping that he can both force a boundary and not sour any relationships but his humour is gone when he realizes that your friend is not keen on taking no as an answer. If you raise your concern about "safety vs. keeping a friend", Ragnar makes a sarcastic comment about your sentiment - because a guy who forced himself on you is such a great friend to keep, right?
Gives you a knife to keep on you at all times. If you have the guts, and such an occasion arises, to stab the man once he gets physical with you, Ragnar will have your back no matter what. Also, low-key thrilled. But if you don't end up fighting your own battles, he'll gladly do it for you. Not an ounce of regret on his face during or after.
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Bjorn Pretty direct. Makes plausible threats and will fulfil them. Terrifyingly calm and collected for the most part. He's angry but also disappointed that someone you considered a friend could repay your kindness and affection in such a way.
If you tell Bjorn that you're unsure what to do because you want to keep your friend or you think that he's overdoing things, he might get short with you but it's not out of malice. He's worried that if you don't see your male friend for the lying snake that he is, you might get even more hurt and that possibility enrages him so much he doesn't entertain that thought longer than necessary.
Bjorn is definitely the type to make his revenge somewhat public. Not only will that make others keep their distance from you but it will also earn him respect among other men - he takes his husbandly duties seriously. Whether your "friend" lives or dies is entirely up to them and how callous they have been with you. Whether he meant to or not, Bjorn causes people to look away from you when you're walking through the town. No one wants to risk getting your friend's treatment.
After that, Bjorn will never trust any man who tries to be your friend or claims to be one.
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Ubbe Tries to be the bigger person at first and has a stern word with your friend. Ubbe is probably the only one to seriously take your word/assurance that there's nothing to get worked up about. He will also wait relatively the longest before getting seriously involved - not because he doesn't care, it's quite the contrary. He doesn't want to impose on your independence, so even if he's uncomfortable with the situation but you keep saying "I've got this", he will keep to himself although will voice his concerns (and will refuse to leave you alone at any place or time). When things become serious and the man starts to get physical, Ubbe will make it clear that from now on he's more concerned about your well-being than your freedom: "I'm sorry for disregarding your wishes but I can't sit and watch you get hurt". Believes to be responsible for your safety as your husband.
Ubbe is the type of person who will seek your friend out on his own and resolve the issue right then and there. He goes to the other man's house one night and leaves it only when an agreement is reached - doesn't matter how far he has to go to ensure that. Ubbe's not afraid to get his hands dirty for the right reasons.
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Hvitserk Also hurt because he was actually getting along well with the other man. Hvitserk will ask about your perspective and wishes but if your safety is compromised, he won't make them a priority. At first, he's trying to get you out of harm's way, so you're leaving your house only if he's by your side. But once he learns that your supposed friend forced his way into your home and put his hands on you, Hvitserk is determined to take things into his own hands. He won't seek out your friend on his own but rather wait for an opportunity to arise; doesn't start the fight but surely will end it. The next time another unwanted advances are made towards you, Hvitserk has an axe in his hand and this time, he's the one who doesn't take no for an answer.
If you ever befriend another man after that, Hvitserk will tolerate him but never let go of any suspicions. Also, might tell the story of your previous "admirer" to scare your new friend into behaving properly.
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Sigurd The most probable to get into a brawl right away. At first, he feels quite self-conscious seeing another man flirting with you but when the man in question starts to become aggressive, Sigurd coins his insecurity into hostility, effectively picking a fight. After what seems like lakes of blood and an entire concert of bones breaking, the brawl ends. Sigurd looks like he's been through Hell and still that's a lot better than your friend, who would be pronounced dead if it wasn't for the sporadic raise of his chest as he tries to take in a ragged breath. Sigurd will also voice his anger as he's caving in the other man's skull ("Was it fun when you grabbed her? Enjoying a little manhandling, eh? I'm happy to provide").
Gains respect in his brothers' eyes but none of them quite wants to admit it.
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Ivar He would also feel self-conscious at first. Considers your friend's bold behaviour an assault on his masculinity ("You think I'm not man enough and therefore think you have any right to bother my wife"). Not surprised in the slightest. Hated the guy's guts from the very beginning and made it obvious. Might actually say the dreaded "told you so".
Because he perceives your friend's aggression as somewhat personal, Ivar is driven to go quite far in order to make the punishment fit for the crime. Not only does he do it for your sake but also to make sure that everyone knows just how much of a true Viking is inside him. Some say that "silence is golden", so if your friend decides to use less-than-savoury language towards you, he might end up with his throat filled with liquid gold to ensure no more offence leaves his mouth. Similarly, he's going to suffer the "equivalents" for whatever other thing he's done. He grips your hand so hard there's a bruise? Ivar will wrap his hand with a chain and slowly tighten it until all the bones crack and the wrist is literally torn away from the forearm. But no matter what he does, in the end he still feels like it doesn't quite make up for your friend's wrongdoings.
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calentvre · 3 months
that one person in the replies of the black sails vs ofmd poll arguing against black sails being "an actual queer show" is being deliberately obtuse and a troll but i can't sleep so. sure. i'll say why dismissing black sails like that is intellectually dishonest
defining how black sails is a "queer show" or how queerness is written into its core is i think explained best by the other things that black sails is about. queerness is but one among the show's most important themes, that all overlap and intersect each other
on the societal level: hierarchies of power and influence - hinging on wealth, status, gender, reputation, et cetera. transatlantic empires - colonization, slavery.
on the personal level: identity, image - the performances we put on for others, safety, independence, dependence on other people. the narrative of a life. how human life resists narrative payoff. becoming, then bearing the burden of what you've become.
in general: stories - the power they and the act of telling both hold. the truth and its importance; its irrelevance. reasons. consequences. inevitability.
black sails is about all these things and it connects the threads between them with precision, narrative grace and emotional payoff. it is a tragedy about disenfranchised characters that are navigating their wants and needs in the face of various expectations, crafted with historical plausibility in mind.
if it's somehow still unclear how queerness ties into the show's themes... it is insulting and frankly absurd to denigrate the queerness of the show with arguments dismissing flint's struggle just because there wasn't on-screen sex between men. flint not being straight is only the backbone of the plot! and reducing wlw relationships that span the entirety of the show's four seasons into "male gaze fodder" or whatever is an incredibly disingenuous take that not only glosses over how multifaceted and integral their characters are but also reveals the bad faith nature of these arguments. the first season featured a lot of sex and violence, sure, to lure in a mainstream (GoT era) audience, but the mere existence of a wlw relationship alone? what about anne and max building their trust and love, balancing against duty and image caters to the straight man, exactly?
yeah, black sails does not really play for representation points - instead, it has real things to say: about fighting against a rigid society that would rather get rid of you. about choosing either idealism or pragmatism in the face of oppressive forces. about escaping your identity or holding onto it and the violence and freedom concealed in each choice.
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hajimedics · 11 months
I have lots of thoughts about the latest welcome home update. but for now I wanna talk about eddie/frank in particular
eddie and frank’s interactions from the secret audio are quite interesting. clown has stated that they’re a couple but their interactions didn’t exactly spell out that to me. they refer to each other formally (”mr dear” and “mr frankly”) and is at most amicable towards each other, frank usually being dismissive of eddie while eddie is a bit “intimidated” by him. can be heard from an audio recording, “eddie’s big lift” being the example here.
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they’re supposed to be a couple, no? my take is that what if the audios are scripted as per part of the official episodes? that's why eddie and frank aren't “acting like a couple”, being sweet to each other, holding hands, etc etc, anything of the same margin from the content I’ve seen in clown’s blog. doesn’t mean one cannot be hopeful, though -- there’s this small yet sweet exchange between them.
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now onto the 8-14-ef audio page. oddly enough, eddie and frank looks to be a bit more friendly. eddie refers to frank as “frank” instead of “mr frankly” like he always did, then immediately corrects himself... perhaps into what he’s meant to say. frank still refers to him as “mr dear”, but takes on the friendlier, more laid back role here, while eddie is the one getting exasperated over a bug. eddie also went to frank for help (most likely because he’s the person who knows the best about bugs but hey subtext could be there) despite frank being dismissive of eddie in the “eddie’s big lift” storybook audio.
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I’d also like to mention the cinderella play that sally made. frank is prince charming while julie is cinderella. the two characters who are fated to be in love by the end of the story. frank and julie are best friends, and they’re very close, paired together in a lot of content retrieved from the playfellow co archives. I don’t have a shred of doubt of that. however, this might be stretching a bit, is this supposed to symbolize playfellow co trying to get them to be together? or this is simply just sally being sally, her over-the-top, glamorous self?
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but! oddly enough, in the stickers page, frank and eddie is placed next to each other often and look at each other in some images. despite how playfellow co. portrays them as only mildly friendly towards each other, the restoration committee’s merch of them pairs them together...? what’s with the difference?
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I noticed these because of how clown once said that there are prevalent queer themes in this story too. a connection between one’s desire vs one’s duty? playfellow co vs welcome home restoration project? trying to go against fate? are these feelings THEIRS? do they actually love each other when the episodes are over? or are the feelings that they have for each other becomes a factor to welcome home puppet show’s cancellation? are they even aware? of the strings? of the scripts? that they possibly don’t have freedom to be themselves even when they manage to break the veil? much to think about. whatever happens to them, I have a feeling it won’t be exactly pretty.
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whumpypepsigal · 5 months
so i found a new blorbo CHARLES SUN and…
you would have to sedate me i’m sorry
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*feral* the show is so good, excellently paced and well-acted…. plus, it has all the stuff we enjoy the most:
whump, crime family, family drama, daddy issues (MAJOR!), mommy issues (MAJOR!), well-done action sequences, trauma, “protect the family” sense of duty mindset, lots of baking (by my poor blorbo charles as a coping mechanism), sibling issues, oldest son vs youngest son dynamic (- two brothers, who have both spent their lives competing for attention, approval, and freedom; in their own different ways -), conflicted tortured oldest son, did i mention major daddy/mommy issues and PLENTY OF THE GOOD OL’ EMOTIONAL WHUMP.
and oh their troubled mother is played by THEE MICHELLE YEOH !!!!!!! ✨MOTHER✨
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ahhhh charles, his father brainwashed him, turned him into a ruthless killer and put him through so much trauma. my man just wants to have a normal life, bake pastries etc and reconnect with his mother and brother. like look at him (HE NEEDS A HUG AND SEVERAL CHURROS)
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i am a sucker for this type of genre. 10/10 no notes. HIGHLY RECOMMEND MY FRIENDS, GO WATCH IT 🎉.
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aloesarchives · 6 months
Tags/Warnings: Fem!Reader/Pronouns, Swearing, Gojo has a hard crush on you, Gojo vs Toji Part 3, The word ass being used, Toji straight up having beef and fighting a bunch of teenagers, Nicknames such as beloved and hon(ney), JJK OCs, Out of pocket moments and sayings, Me being an annoying narrator
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[Semi-proofread, informal formatting, and edited as of 12/22/2023 10:18am CST]
Summary: One of the truths behind Toji's beef with Gojo
Word count: 2.8k words
(A/N: I spent 10pm-6am writing this because I just need to or I would never forgive myself if I didn't! I promise I will have some of the "Toji lives" AU posts ready by next week because your girl got her ADHD meds back in stock!! Thank you for being patient with me and my inconsistent updates!!) (12/22/2023 6:05am CST)
💙I love you all! 💙🥰😚💙
💙❤️Please Enjoy!!!💙❤️
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The REAL reason Toji has major beef with Gojo is because Gojo had a crush on you during his high school days when you would sub for Yaga in the classroom and training sessions. He did try his best to keep it under wraps but Geto was like,
"Bro, she's the same age as Yaga-sensei. . . Stop reaching, Satoru. . . Do I need to remind you who (L/N)-sama is married to again?"
The Gojo responded with, "Suguru, I don't give a shit about that loser. He's a bum, anyway. The question you should be asking is why (L/N)-dono is fucking married and still in-love to a deadbeat like him. I would have been a better option. Face it Suguru, I'm right."
While Satoru has a point, as Suguru noted, it doesn't change the fact that Satoru was crushing on a MARRIED woman who had TWO kids.
Though it was true, Satoru would have technically been a good husband/father/lover. However, there are many reasons why it must be ruled out.
Satoru is over half your age. Picking him meant allegations and a prison cell. Gojo tried reasoning with you, "But (Y/N)-dono! Age is just a number, give me two years!" "And Prison is just a place, Satoru-kun. I don't want to be labeled as a child predator, let alone be framed for "seDuCinG" the Gojo heir. I want to have a clean record."
While his personality brought you happiness, his carefree nature would clash a lot with you. He can mature but his child-like spirit and carefree persona isn't something you would personally deal with.
He was more of your protégé/junior/student if anything. You saw him more as your son and acted like a parental figure. You wanted to watch him grow and mature. Not become his lover.
To spite the higher-ups and Jujutsu elders(excluding your clan). Given you were a powerful and skillful sorcerer, marrying Gojo would be "BeNeFiCiaL" to Jujutsu society. However, it meant that you were on a watchlist 24/7 and pressured to have an HeIR. It made you physically sick and ill thinking what those old useless dementia white-haired cowards are allow to do that just to better "society" but not its citizens.
You are MARRIED to a man who is trying to step up after his major fuck ups. It's not perfect but Toji is his best trying after you gave him his life and freedom. Since he technically can't leave your home or go to Jujutsu High without your supervision, he's basically househusband duty. And he was getting pretty damn good at it too. Plus Toji's hot, he got you feral and gnawing at your teeth with his signature smile and smirk. And the way his arms flex when he crosses them, or how they feel when you link arms together.
While it wasn't super obvious, okay it was obvious, you always shot down Satoru's playful confessions and light-hearted shenanigans. Basically rejecting him every time. Usually, Suguru would warn you in advance but you know it would happen with each interactions. While you firmly turned him down, you made him understand why it can't and WON'T happen. You still care for him, just never romantically, only platonically and motherly. You made it clear that his "love" for you was just a strong admiration and infatuation disguised as a crush.
Though he was heartbroken, at first. Satoru slowly understand what you mean and his crush slowly fades away as it's replaced with immense respect for you.
HOWEVER, it still linger and not widely known because Toji finally gets word of this through the grapevine. A.K.A, through his two children Megumi and Tsumiki. It happened one day when you brought the two to the school so you can keep a close eye on them since they didn't have school that day. Toji was out doing errands so the two kids are accompanying you. Megumi and Tsumiki were occupied with their books and toys while you taught and trained the students. Megumi and Tsumiki went to find you because they were hungry and you had their lunches. As they looked for you, they see you talking to Satoru. They meet him a couple of times but he's still a stranger to them compared to Shoko or Suguru. So when they see Gojo with you, all alone with no one around, they thought it was major sus.
As they snuck closer, they could hear bit and pieces of what Gojo is saying to you. Megumi lowkey thinks Gojo is super annoying and acts more of a child then he does. But what catches his ears first was something with along the lines of, "(L/N)-dono, please consider it-" "Satoru-kun, how many time will I need to say no to you? You know I can never feel for you that way. Plus it's bad for me to agree to it. You know that it's admiration and infatuation if anything. Not love."
See Megumi knows you only use love as in 'I love you" to him, his sister, and his dad. But to this dude? Nah, something fishy is going on and Megumi gotta tell his dad about it. Megumi comes running, yelling "Mommy!!!". You and Satoru turn to see your son running to you and colliding with your legs. You crouch down and pat your son's head and smile at your daughter following behind him. Megumi hands your hand tightly as you lead them away to have lunch with your kids. Satoru made a face at Megumi when he saw the kid glare at him.
Once you three made it home, you're in the bathroom changing into some home clothes. Meanwhile, Toji was cooking dinner while Megumi and Tsumiki were waiting for you at the dinner table. As Toji was asking them about their day with you, Megumi brought up Gojo's advances and confession towards you. When Megumi said this, the beef Toji was about to flip plopped right back onto the pan. He looks back at Megumi and asks if there's anything else that he can share. As Megumi shares what he has seen through his perspective, Toji asks Tsumiki to confirm is this is all true, to which she said yes, backing up Megumi's claims.
"Yeah, Papa. Satoru-kun is weird. Even though Mama keeps saying she's married to you, he still does it. Tsumiki saw it too."
"I see... Thank you, Megumi and Tsumiki for watching and taking care of Mama for me. I appreciate it a lot. Can you tell her that dinner is almost ready?"
The kids nodded and went to go get you. After dinner and putting the kids to bed, you were sipping your favorite drink as Toji is doing the dishes. You would have helped him but he said no. While you two were talking, he brings up Satoru and his school crush on you.
"Toji, beloved, you know that it's just a small crush. It's nothing more then puppy love for me. Nothing more and nothing less. And you know that you're the only man that I am willing to give my heart to."
"I know that, (Y/N). But what does this brat got on me to think he's a better match for you? Just because this kid is practically a god doesn't mean everyone will bow down to him. I'm definitely not one of them. And to know that said brat is flirting with you even though you're visibly married with kids, he needs to read the room. I will be going with you to school tomorrow. The kids go back to school the next day, and I already got this week's groceries and cleaned the house."
You would have protested if Toji didn't give you a searing kiss while caging you in his arms. Fuck he looked so hot. Curse him and his good looks *punching the air*.
"Fine, you can come. BUT, Toji you need to behavior yourself. You already knew the deal. You better not be doing any funny business."
"Yes, Ma'am. You're the boss, I promise you." Toji says as he gave you a kiss on the cheek before lightly patting your ass.
After dropping the kids off, Toji accompanies you to the school. Toji is just silent and sits in one of the chairs as you do your lessons. Toji is leaning on the chair with a smirk plastered on his face. Not a care in the world. After a few lessons, you were going to teach and train Gojo, Geto, and Shoko for the rest of the school day. As you went to their classroom, they greet you, especially Gojo. However, the mood changed when they saw Toji walk in behind you, wearing nothing but a black slim fit t-shirt and grey sweatpants. Toji gave a head nod to the teens while he just takes a seat in a chair to lean on it. The three were shock to see him.
Particularly because they did expect him to come with you to the school at all. Suguru had an idea but he hoped it wasn't going to be it. After teaching a lesson, you told the three to practice their curse techniques and let their curse energy loose. While doing so, you told them that you would have to speak to Yaga for a bit on something and would be back 15 minutes tops. You told Toji to behave, and he nodded and gave a thumbs up. As you leave the kids and your husband on the train grounds, that's when the storm started brewing. Toji walks up to Gojo and is 3 feet from him. He smirks while looking at him up and down, sizing him up. Shoko and Suguru are on the sidelines as Toji, a married adult male in his 30s, was beefing with a 16 year old high school student.
Suguru: "Satoru, I don't think this is a good idea-"
Satoru: "Hush now, Suguru. . . It's my time to shine. . . Watch the master at work."
Suguru proceeds to roll his eyes but becomes a little weary after his last encounter with Toji was. . . unideal. Given one of their teachers was shot in the throat by Toji saving Anamai, and himself getting injured. It wasn't something he wanted to constantly get reminded of. But ever since you liberated Toji from the higher ups and explained it to your students, Suguru has slowly been changing his views on Toji. It will take a while but it's getting there. Anyhow, Suguru told Shoko to book it once the two were going to throw down.
Satoru: "So, what brings you back here, Toji~? You just couldn't get me out of that little mind of yours~? You're mad I'm 1-0 with you?"
Toji: "Kid, I'm pretty sure that it's 1-1 since I won our first battle. Anyway, I heard through the grapevine that you gave (Y/N) a love confession. Don't you know it's bad to confess and hit on a married woman who has kids? Were you taught any manners? Then again, by the way you act, you probably have none."
Satoru: "You're just mad, Old Man. That I, Satoru Gojo, would treat (Y/N)-dono better and treat her worth. Face it, Old Man. I'm a better match for her than you'll ever be."
Toji: "Like she ever goes for someone half her age, Brat. Plus, you'll never look at you as a lover ever. You're more of a son to her and that's the closest you'll get."
Satoru: "Well, she doesn't need a bum like you around. Imagine fighting a bunch of teens and getting your ass beat by said teens. Skill issue if you ask me."
Toji: "Watch your tongue, Boy. Remember who made you struggle for the first time in your life and actually killed you. While, you know, fucking up your best friend, the second strongest sorcerer, with no curse energy? I got your ass with no gifts other than being a superhuman with weapons. You can never beat me, I'm just built different, Kid."
Satoru: "You wanna test that, Toji~? You got no curse weapons with you. I can pack you up like you're a school lunch."
Toji: "Kid, please. I don't need any weapons to beat you, let alone kill you. You see this? This is a rock, and I can use it to beat you. I also still have my hands too. And I am more then willing to give it to you, Gojo~kun."
Satoru: "You think I'm scared of someone like you? I've ascended, enlighten if you will. If you even know what that word is. Throughout Heaven and Earth, I alone am the honored one. Remember those words, Fushiguro-san? Remember them good because I will put you six feet underground."
Toji: "I see then, Kid. . . So you're playing God? I guess that makes me a God Slayer then. . . Prepare yourself, Kid. . ."
Satoru: "Alright, bet then, Bozo."
Thus, Gojo and Toji started to go at each other for round 3. Shoko was already gone and the two started fighting in the training grounds. Five minutes have already passed and they have made five decently sized craters. Just as both of them were about to throw a punch at each other, they suddenly felt a powerful presence which halted them. They turn to you walking towards them with a furious face unimaginable.
You moved like a blur and appeared next to them vice gripping their forearms tightly. You dragged them to the nearest empty classroom you can find or any room. You were just so livid that you didn't hear Gojo whining about your grip and asking to let you go like a child. As you let them go once you dragged them far enough, you smacked both of them hard on the head. Shoko and Gojo were watching this as Yaga appeared right next to them shortly. It was interesting seeing two of the most broken people in the world kneeling with their heads down in-front of a woman who doesn't have god-like abilities.
"BUT (Y/N)-dono! He-"
"Okay, Hon. I take full responsibility for my actions today."
"But (Y/N)-dono, I was not going to kill him last time-"
You start to calm down but you are still firm with them.
"I know this started because of Satoru's crush on me. . . Satoru, I will not love you romantically and date you. Please understand that. I care for you like family and that is said for the rest of you. Yes you, Suguru, Shoko, and Yaga. And Toji, I'm not leaving you for a child. I would be in jail and not working here. . . Geez, I saw this from a mile away but never expected this to happen. Now, you two better behave yourselves or else. You two don't have to say sorry or anything like of the sort. Just don't go tearing at each other's throats when I both am and am not around. Please, for me. . ."
The two looked at each other before saying a soft yeah. After that, Yaga told you to go home early and he would take it from there. You had to patch up Toji a bit but it wasn't anything of concern. From then on, Toji and Gojo just banter and bicker with each other. It's funny to watch except for Megumi since he's seeing his dad beefing with his unofficial adoptive older brother 24/7.
Satoru eventually grows out of his crush for (Y/N) but Suguru and Shoko never let him down. Hell, it's a running gag in the school about Gojo's old crush on you. Gojo always gets super embarrassed about it, especially when you join in but it's all fun and games with you all.
The only person who genuinely hates it is Megumi because the thought of Gojo having romantic feelings for you and trying to woo you made Megumi visibly ill and sick to his core. He would lowkey help his dad beat up Gojo if Gojo's crush on you became serious again.
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💙Author's Notes💙: 💙I am truly grateful to each and everyone of you in showing me that my writing is enjoyable to read!!! I appreciate you all from the bottom of my heart for making my comeback worthwhile! I hate to sound giga cringe but every single one of you that likes, reblogs, and comments on my writing post make me want to continue writing because I know that there are people out there that like what I make.💙 💙So once again, I am truly grateful and feel appreciative that everyone single one of you enjoy what I have been writing. I hope you all stay healthy, drink your water/favorite drink, treat yourself kindly, and take a break because you earned it!💙🥰 ❄️💙💙Happy Holidays to all of you, my GOATS!!!💙💙❄️
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kazz-brekker · 2 years
hotd episode 9 thoughts:
thought i might miss rhaenyra & daemon & co in this episode, but there was enough tension and drama that i honestly didn’t and i think it was a good choice to have the whole episode be centered around the greens.
i do have to admit i’m a little amused that the way they stretched out the green council plot was by having people run around king’s landing looking for aegon. an egg hunt, one might say…
olivia cooke was absolutely FANTASTIC in this episode she did such a good job of showing how alicent was pulled between her love for rhaenyra and what she thought was her duty.
rip lyman beesbury you spent most of your screen time talking about boring finance stuff but you were a real one when it counted.
let out an actual flinch when they mentioned storm’s end and lord baratheon’s unmarried daughters. if you know you know.
helaena with her bug embroidery was so cute.
i don’t know who in this fandom coined the phrase “mommy’s favorite war criminal” in relation to aemond and alicent but i am literally incapable of not thinking it when they have a scene together now, so that’s your influence.
rhaenys was such a badass in this episode, i love her very much. her scene where she told alicent that she wasn’t seeking freedom but rather to make a window in her prison wall … oh hell yeah it was everything i wanted someone to say to alicent.
the whole otto vs alicent plot was SO good i am ready for their relationship to fall apart. alicent calling him out for manipulating her whole life was incredibly satisfying, i’ve literally been waiting all season for it.
criston cole saying all women are made in the image of the mother and they should be treated with reverence … i believe that’s what we call irony.
i enjoyed aemond complaining about aegon and how he should be king instead, it was a great insight into his character. also, aemond targaryen canonical nerd.
i do have to respect mysaria for just being totally on her own side with her own agenda and willing to support whoever will further it.
her stuffing aegon underneath the sept to keep him safe was honestly kind of hilarious.
aegon running away from his coronation was a bit funny but mostly just very sad. he doesn’t want it! he doesn’t want to be king! this whole tragedy could have been averted if not for the forces pushing him around!
the fight between aegon and aemond WAS extremely funny though. the hair pulling, the spitting, the rolling around on the ground shouting … peak sibling behavior.
as a twin i greatly enjoyed the building tension between erryk and arryk and their conflict about serving aegon, it’s going to lead to so much drama.
i could have lived a long and happy life without seeing that scene between alicent and larys. but unfortunately i have seen it. and now i must life with the trauma.
big fan of how completely dead-eyed and miserable aegon looked during the coronation scene, props to tom glynn-carney for his acting.
the scene with rhaenys and meleys bursting through the bottom of the dragonpit was extremely cool and i was rooting VERY hard for her to murder aegon even though i know it wasn’t going to happen. your dragon stepped on a bunch of people what’s torching one guy after that!
category 5 event imminent i spy aemond taking off his eyepatch and vhagar up to no good in the trailer for episode 10. 
literally since the moment this show was announced i have been steeling myself to see That Event at storm’s end adapted and now that we’re almost there i would like to publicly announce that i am still! not! ready!!
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aroaceleovaldez · 7 months
im just saying: underutilized dynamic of Nico as a hound and Jason as a wolf.
something something Jason a wolf in captivity vs Nico a hound in the wild. Jason who is forced to become a dog and Nico who is forced to become a wolf. Jason constantly seeking freedom and to return to his nature and Nico constantly seeking company and shelter and someone to be loyal to. Nico the sheepdog with the thorny collar that stabs anyone who gets too close, but his duty is entirely to protect with his life. Jason the wolf with the tracker collar being monitored his entire life, who even set free is never out of their sights. Jason the wolf who sees a reflection in Nico but they're from opposite worlds. Jason and Nico who are both canines but so very different. Nico and Jason who are both canines being forced to be something they're not. Nico and Jason who want everything the other has but know they can't. do you see my vision.
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howlsofbloodhounds · 20 days
I like thinking about and considering the ways Killer (and his Stages, or possibly due to the existence of his Stages) might’ve struggled to adjust to servitude under Nightmare vs servitude under Chara.
With Chara, their reasons, goals and objectives were more broad and allowed Killer more freedom and autonomy in how he went about fulfilling Chara’s orders and their expectations of him. Chara—at least in Killer’s eyes—seemed to care about things and did the things they did for amusement/entertainment, power and control, curiosity, and companionship.
Thanks to things like Chara’s ability to Reset, consequences don’t really mean much of anything. The only real consequence Killer will ever face is from Chara themself; so he must keep them happy.
Always remain obedient and loyal—make Chara feel loved and appreciated, don’t ever, ever, ever make them feel like Killer doesn’t want to be around them, doesn’t like what they do or say, or is attempting to leave or betray them.
But don’t be too predictable. Don’t let them get bored of him. Always remain some level of unpredictable—but never give Chara a reason to doubt his loyalty.
His existence isn’t really useful to Chara in any way except to fulfill their emotional needs. The only thing they need from him they can’t really do on their own is his company, and being a constant source of entertainment and curiosity.
Killing people, torturing people, exploring every new avenue and possibility? Chara can do that just fine without him. But they don’t want to. All he has to do is ensure they never do.
Easier said than done, but it’s different with Nightmare. Nightmare has a use for him, but he is just one of thousands of Killers—he can be replaced, so he must remain useful.
Consequences are real with Nightmare, and not only just from him. If he isn’t careful, Killer can be captured, killed, or seriously hurt—something Killer might’ve actually struggled to understand and come to terms with at first. If he isn’t useful to Nightmare, then it’s a roll of the dice if he keeps Killer around.
With Chara he wasn’t so replaceable. Chara invested a lot of time and energy into him, he’s the only Sans/Killer in his AU/AT. It would take a lot of time to replace Killer and it won’t even be with another version of himself.
Another thing is killing. We can see in the Stage 4 comic that ST2 refrains from killing unless Nightmare orders him otherwise because the Boss—or Killer’s “friend” as he called him—needs the negativity and can’t get it if the victims are dead.
Unfortunately for them both, Stage 4 didn’t seem to catch that memo. Or if it did, if it truly understands that their situation and the circumstances have changed, it simply doesn’t (or can’t) care because it has remained loyal to Chara’s goals and desires and its “duty” to see them through.
Makes me wonder if Nightmare ever punishes Killer for the things he says or does while in the other Stages? 🤔
Might also make a post about the possible cognitive distortions Killer & his Stages likely all developed about themselves, and their relationship with Chara. Possibly also of Nightmare and the other people that were in the Underground with him and Chara.
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