#Day 2 Prompt Serial Killer AU
phlebaswrites · 1 year
Chasing a Criminal
Izuna and Tobirama are very good cops.
It's just that no one can control everything.
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Rating: Mature Fandom: Naruto Relationship: Senju Tobirama/Uchiha Izuna, Senju Tōka/Original Female Character Word Count: 962 (Complete)
Entry for @izunaweek​
Day 2 - February 5: Hokage | Stolen/Gifted Eyes | Serial Killer AU
This is also the sequel to my previous story, Proper Police Work.
Tobirama yanks hard on the steering wheel, sending their car careening around the corner.
"Nee-san!" Izuna is yelling into the phone, but Tobirama has no idea how he thinks that will help - the endless ringing is audible even from the other side of the car. "Damnit, nee-san! Pick up!"
Izuna's worry is perfectly reasonable of course, it was a terrible shock to discover that the serial killer they'd been tracking down was actually known to them.
They'd suspected he was trawling dating sites for his prey, and there were clues which Tobirama is sure would have eventually led to his arrest, but it's really Izuna's paranoia which uncovered his identity.
Much though Tobirama has always personally deplored the way Izuna and Madara do background checks on the romantic partners of their siblings - it's an abuse of power, and he stands by that assessment - the practice has borne unexpected fruit.
Upon realising that Kuro's internet date tonight matched the profile of their perpetrator, they'd immediately headed to the restaurant only to find an apologetic manager and a glass of drugged alcohol.
If Kuro is hurt... Tobirama isn't sure what Izuna will do.
What he is sure of is that he won't stop his friend and lover.
If Izuna crosses that line, Tobirama will bury the body himself.
Read the rest on AO3.
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blkkizzat · 8 months
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ღ 𝐆𝐡𝐨𝐬𝐭𝐟𝐚𝐜𝐞!𝐂𝐡𝐨𝐬𝐨 𝐏𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝟐 ღ
𝐏𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝟐 𝐨𝐟 𝟐 (part 1)
kizzatober series: Smooth Criminals
Kinktober Prompts: Clothed Male/Naked Female, Thigh Riding, Knife Play Synopsis: The university campus is being terrorized by a copycat Ghostface killer. As a popular sorority girl with a dumb jock bf, you are a prime choice to be his next victim especially given how he can't stop thinking about you. But you're no ordinary Sorority Girl bimbo, now are you? CW: AU college fic. blood obsession/hematolagnia, bimbo reader, murder, slight DV/SA mentions (from your npc jerk ass bf), unprotected sex, masturbation, LOTS of teasing/foreplay, slight age gap (roughly 21 vs 28) and dark content. NOTE: If death/killer romanticization related shit triggers you this is probably a fic to avoid because that is happening all through this bitch. I literally wrote a murder fluff smut fic lmfao. WC: 9.9 of 15.4k Lightly black fem coded (reader is an AKA lmfao) but no descriptors.
A/N: I had no idea so many people would be this hyped for Part 2. No really, I'm shocked! But It gets real here peoples! Lots of smut and dark shit below so please read the content warnings! I don't want no crying in the mentions and DMs cause y'all should know how out of pocket I am by now and I took it there lmfao.
If you riding with me still Thank You for putting up with my OCD bullshit and for all the support, comments and reblogs on Part 1! y'all real asf & ilysm
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“Whatever, let’s fucking go Y/N. We have an important party to throw later.” 
Dean grabs your wrist and jerks you away with you barely being able to grab your bag. 
Your stomach twists and you are at a complete loss for words but manage to flash an apologetic look at Choso while you are dragged off. 
However when your eyes meet he looks right through you.
The expression on his face is stone cold and it sends a chill up your spine.
For the first time ever in your life you are miserable at a party. 
To say you had been excited leading up to today would have been an understatement. The initiation party after rush was one of the biggest events in the greek system and you had led the charge this year in planning the party.
Nevertheless, any cheerful enthusiasm you held had been trampled on by the disaster that had taken place earlier in the day with Choso. 
If getting out of going wouldn’t be more trouble than it was worth you would have faked being sick. It’s not like you hadn’t already stressed yourself into a headache.
Yet here you were suffering through, completely sober. Not even being able to bring yourself to drink away your problems.
How could you even pretend to enjoy yourself when your forced smile cracked as soon as the mental image of Choso’s icy expression looped through your mind?
Your chest got a little tighter each time you remembered and it frazzled your nerves.
Just about everyone and everything annoyed you right now.
Even the party: Hunter vs Hunted, one of your favorites, was soured. 
Typically the theme entailed girls dressed up as various exotic animals or woodland creatures and the boys dressed as safari game hunters or woodsmen. But this time around, no thanks to singular frat boy hivemind, they all got the bright idea to collectively cosplay as Ghostface.
Taking a new meaning on Hunter. 
They couldn’t carry knives on campus of course so they all carried around metal bats which they probably stole from the baseball team.
Sure, let’s all dress up as the masked serial killer while he is still on the loose. 
You rolled your eyes. 
The pilfered bats were a hazard waiting to happen too. You could only be thankful that the party was at Dean’s frat and not your own sorority so him and the rest of those idiots could fuck their own shit up once they inevitably got way too hammered and started swinging them around. 
You mostly just wished they hadn’t changed the plan without telling you. 
Then at least you could have dressed up in line with the horror theme and wouldn’t have had to wear this sexy Bambi costume which although skimpy, the fur parts made it way too hot to be wearing in a crowded party indoors. 
On edge and not being able to leave, you did the next best thing and sequestered yourself in the kitchen pantry. 
It was spacious and a lot cooler than the rest of the house.
You made yourself look busy in there by restocking snacks and making sure there was an ample supply of red cups ready to go around for the keg. 
When someone did notice you tucked away, you gave the best fake smile you could muster and made-up an excuse not to join in on whatever drinking game they were playing promising you would ‘catch up in a minute.’ 
Fortunately for you, most of your friends and sorority sisters were a bit too faded by this point to notice you missing and never joining in. 
Maybe a bit longer and you could slip out unnoticed? 
That was your plan at least until you felt Dean throw an arm over you from behind.
“There you are babe!”
The overwhelming ick and nausea you felt from him touching you rivaled your worst hangover. 
You immediately shrug him off.
“Come on babe don’t be like that. Get a freshman to take over.  We're gonna play rage cage.”
You threw Dean a wary look.
You try to tell him you aren’t in the mood but of course your selfish dickhead of a boyfriend ignores you.
Dean then proceeds to pull your arm and lead you out of the pantry through the kitchen. 
On a different day you probably would have just given in, easier to go along with the flow than cause an issue. Today however was different and the last thing in the world you wanted to do was play fucking rage cage with a bunch of horny frat boys who were just trying to get girls drunk enough to fuck.
“Goddamnit, Dean I said no!”
Your tolerance had boiled past its limits.
You forcibly snatch your hand back, knocking some empty bottles over on the counter in the process which come crashing down to the floor shattering into pieces. 
Your words and movements dripped with so much aggression you surprised yourself, Dean and the people around you who had turned to see what the commotion was. 
”No? No? You’re really telling me no Y/N? After you’ve been acting like a fuckin’ bitch all day since I crashed your make out session with that freak.”
Immediately self-conscious, your eyes darted around the crowd of people that had now turned their full attention toward you.
You hated confrontation and never wanted to be that couple fighting at a party.
Ducking down quickly, you begin to pick up the shattered pieces of bottled glass on the floor. 
The pounding of your headache against your temples grew feverishly and the harsh fluorescent kitchen lights started to make you feel faint, you hoped Dean would just let this go if you backed down. 
“Look, we’ll talk about that later, ok? Just please don’t be an asshole Dean, I really don’t feel good right now.” 
You pleaded with him, quietly trying to quell the situation. 
But true to his infamous asshole nature, Dean wasn’t going to let you off so easily. He wanted to humiliate you as he felt you humiliated him in front of his friends earlier with that nobody loser.
”Now, I’m the asshole?” Dean questioned to his frat brothers smugly.
“Hey, maybe I am for having a girlfriend like Y/N, who would slut herself out for a grade in front of the entire quad!” 
Dean had all but yelled that last part out. Your drunken clown of a boyfriend didn’t care if he caused a scene at your expense.  
Now you had the full attention of everyone in the kitchen. 
You took a shaky breath as you stood up and felt the crunch of broken glass beneath your heels.
An unfamiliar sensation of rage rises within you.
It really wasn’t in your nature to be angry even when you were upset, you mostly just cried but now you were pissed to say the least. 
He has some fucking nerve. 
Especially when you knew no one starting on the football team studied at all and were all automatically passed through whatever easy bullshit major they signed up for.
You start yet pause for a moment, trying to keep your cool.
“–you know how hard I study.”
Twisting the proverbial knife in your back to wind you up further Dean continued.
“Yeah, Y/N That's what’s so pathetic about it. You get Bs. That pussy ain’t even good enough for an A. I would know.”
Collective gasps, snickers and whispers arose from around the kitchen. Word had spread of your fighting as more people gathered in the doorway.
Typically this is where you would have run off crying. However, you were exhausted mentally and emotionally. You had already cried for a good hour today while getting ready. 
The only emotions you had readily available to tap into was the hidden well of resentment and ire you held for Dean.
“And how would you even know what good pussy is Dean? You can’t last longer than two pumps, is it not all the same for you?”
You snapped back. 
Your fists had formed into a tight ball.
You are so enraged you can’t even feel the prick from the broken glass bottle still in your hand puncturing your skin.
How long has it been since you stood up for yourself? 
You can’t remember the last time you even fought with anyone like this but it felt good seeing the smug look on his face fall as his friends around him jeered and laughed.
“I know how to settle this Y/N.”
Dean mused as he yanked one of your sorority sisters nearby toward you.
“How ‘bout we ask Aaliyah then, eh? She got more than 2 pumps last weekend after you left the party to go chase after Ghostface–”
Your head snaps to your AKA sister in question, Aaliyah, who looked like she saw a cursed spirit as all the color drained from her face. Her eyes shamefully hit the floor before they met your gaze. 
She couldn’t even look at you which only further solidified Dean’s accusations. 
So Dean himself confirmed he’d been cheating on you? Cool. 
With your own Sorority sister, who you considered one of your besties since you both rushed together? 
Even better. 
Blood slowly trickled out of your hand to drip on the floor from how rigidly you held onto the glass but the small red puddle went unnoticed as your whole vision was already saturated with the color red when you looked at Dean who hadn’t even finished his disrespectful tirade. 
“–Although on second thought, it was probably an excuse for you to go suck off that loser freak TA of yours right?”
More heckles erupted from the crowd around you and you don’t think you have ever hated someone so much in your life as you hated Dean right at this moment. 
Sure you were upset with Aaliyah but your fury was purely focused on Dean. 
He had some nerve to start so much shit earlier over an almost-kiss when he was fucking your good friend behind your back. 
“And how fucking out of her mind was she then, huh Dean? Would she even remember? You pathetic piece of shit...”
You get directly in his face. 
“...that limp dick of yours fumbles orgasms like you fumble passes. That’s why we lost the big game last week. And guess what? That's also why we’re now OVER!”
Dean’s bulky build towers over you but he might as well have been 3 feet tall to you as the razor edge of your words eviscerate him.
“So who’s the fucking loser now Dean?”
Everyone in the room was stunned into silence by the venom dripping from someone they had never even heard raise their voice before.
You don't notice anyone else's reactions though as suddenly you became hyperaware of the large fractured piece of bottled glass cutting into you. 
Your eyes flickered back to Dean as your hand twitches.
For a fleeting moment you felt an inkling urge to drive the glass in your hand directly into Dean’s smug ass face.
Yet whatever dark fury burned in you was instantly snuffed out as you felt a flood of cold bitter beer splash down on you from Dean’s red solo cup. 
”Why don’t you cool off for a bit dear,” Dean cooed at you, mocking you and your now ruined Bambi costume as he and the frat boys around you started to roar with laughter.
That was it. 
You were done. 
Dean had succeeded in humiliating you. 
Any contention or further will to fight within you had dissipated the moment you were doused in beer. 
The glass in your hand drops onto the ground as a dull ache radiates from your wound that continues to seep blood onto the floor.
“I hope you realize this is the last time an AKA will grace this sorry ass frat for a party. I’ll see to that. Enjoy the rest of your night fellas!”
The icy air of your words contrasted with the perfect pageant smile you gave them and it unsettled those around you especially as they all notice the blood gushing from your hand. 
The crowd immediately parts as you leave. No one dares utter a word to you as you exit the party through the side kitchen door. 
You can feel your phone go off as you get a flurry of group texts and missed facetimes. Most of your sisters weren’t even in the kitchen to witness the scene.
You respond to the group chat to tell them just to stay and enjoy the party and turn your phone on ‘do not disturb.’
You just wanted to be alone. 
You’d deal with the fallout tomorrow.
Choso wore a twisted grin hidden under his Ghostface mask.
The hunter vs hunted party meant a perfect time for him to hunt. 
Leaning against a building Choso was shrouded in the dark cover of shadows far removed from campus lights.
Old habits, he mused. There was really no need for him to hide at all tonight. 
He could actually walk around openly as Ghostface now without causing alarm seeing as how most of those fraternity morons were dressed up like him tonight. 
This made things even easier. 
Choso scanned the area for his next prey. 
Someone, anyone alone would do. 
Choso had been itching to spill blood since he had the enticing inclination to slash your boyfriend’s throat earlier.
Currently he wanted nothing more than to see a violent geyser of blood spurt from his next victim. Having it be a shithead frat guy would only sweeten the kill so he had stalked close to frat row for his latest victim.
Seeing movement in the distance, a lone figure, Choso cautiously advances trailing in the shadows towards them until they come into focus under the street lights.  
He nearly does a double take when he recognizes it's you.
Shouldn’t Miss-Perfect-Social-Butterfly be having the time of her life right now with her cretins being crowned queen of the frats or something?
Choso thought bitterly. 
That is, until he got a good look at you. 
You were wet and shivering as you failed to sniff back the tears pouring down your face.
Despite his desire to stay angry with you, his jaw involuntarily clenches as he had never seen you this upset before. 
Something had happened.  
Choso confused look turns deadly as vision travels down to see you nursing the hand you cradled to your chest. He recognizes blood running down your forearm to stain your already soiled costume.
A territorial urge swelled within him, not knowing you had inflicted your own injury. 
You were his prey. 
It was unforgivable for someone else to spill what was his to enjoy.
Choso immediately concluded the cause of it was Dean.
Boyfriend or not he would gladly gut that motherfucker at the drop of a dime. 
He hadn’t forgotten how roughly he had dragged you off earlier. 
And more importantly how you had let that asswipe drag you off. That honestly had fired his temper more than anything. 
A storm of conflicting feelings, Choso yearns to see more of your blood splattered on the ground as much as he secretly covets to have you writhing underneath him.
Should he approach you? 
No. Not yet.
Although, he would never have a more perfect chance than now to kill you if he was ever actually going to go through with it.
Securing his knife on the inside of his robe, Choso silently propels himself after you. 
Never falling too far behind, he vigilantly watches you from a distance as both your protector and predator.
A warm shower was just what you needed but you were pissed you had to wash your hair 3 times to get the smell of Milwaukee's out, which proved insanely hard to do with one functioning hand. 
You could have killed Dean. 
No actually though, as you remembered the dark seething compulsion you felt. 
You weren’t sure what had gotten into you earlier.
Pushing those thoughts to the side though you focused on the gash in your hand, it was pretty gnarly. 
You were just thankful the first aid kid in your sorority house had enough gauze and tape until you could get to the campus nurse tomorrow. 
You probably needed stitches as any sudden movements had the fragile skin of your palm bleeding again.
Returning to your room in a comfy pink cotton bra and thong you throw your towel over a chair.
You start to reach for your fluffy robe when you see Choso’s black track jacket on your desk. It still had the small coffee stains on it from earlier but you opted to slip into it anyway.
Truthfully, you lied to him.
You hadn’t just been carrying it around waiting to give it back to him.
You had worn it more times this past week than you would willingly admit to anyone. 
You even took it on purpose instead of your actual jacket this morning not actually thinking you would run into Choso but when you had seen him, you knew you wanted him to see you in it.
With a sigh of frustration, you dove face first into the pillows of your bed as you curled into his jacket. 
It was your only comfort at the moment. 
Your mind wanders and you can’t help but think of how better a boyfriend Choso would have been to you.
Dean would never let you wear his jackets, no matter how cold you were. He said you were too air-headed and would ruin or lose it. 
Not that he wasn’t right, you definitely were accident prone.
But that's why it had meant so much to you when Choso, not even your boyfriend, had given you his own without a second thought.
You only hoped he didn’t hate you now. 
Not that you could blame him if he did.
Even you hated you a bit for even being with a jerk like Dean in the first place no matter how convenient you thought it had been for you. 
How could you even face Choso in class next week? 
Despite your heart crumpling when you thought of Choso’s cold intimidating gaze being cast upon you again, you admittedly had never seen a look that intense before from anyone. 
It was also impossible to forget the ravenous look in his eyes when he was so close to kissing you. 
He looked as if he would devour you whole. 
God, everything about him was so sexy.
His strong jaw set firm, his eyes dark pools that sucked you in even from memory, his lean muscular body.
You wish you had realized how bad you had been crushing on him sooner. Before everything got so fucked up. 
You fidgeted as an ache developed between your legs.
Turning your head to the side you used your bandaged hand to gently push his jacket collar into your face. 
It still smelled like him despite how many times you’ve worn it this week and despite the faint smell of old coffee from earlier.
Squirming on your bed, you tried in vain to keep your legs from sliding against each other creating more friction as your body became increasingly hotter. 
A shameless whine escaped your lips as you huffed his woody masculine scent in and out. 
Your legs rubbed together more eagerly. 
Shit, you were so horny. 
Still laid flat on your belly you lifted your hips up for access as a manicured finger pressed into your clit toying with yourself from the outside of your pink cotton thong.
Choso was so meticulous, so knowledgeable in everything he did you were sure he knew how to make you cum. 
You were desperate for him as you remembered what it felt like when he caught you from falling last week. 
How good would his sculpted chest feel pressed into you now?
Would he look at you with the same want that flared across his features when he had gotten a glimpse of your panties you had intentionally put on display for him? 
You didn’t miss how it matched the look he gave you when he nearly kissed.
You moaned out loud. 
You could feel the wet spot your teasing was earning you spread over your thong as your cunt continued to drool over your fantasies of him.
Craving more you lifted your ass up higher while your fingers fumbled to slide under the flimsy fabric.
“A-ahhh s-shit Cho– F-fuck!”
You panted as you sunk two fingers into your cunt. You worked to diligently pump them in and out of you as you pressing your palm down firmly over your swollen clit. 
Your face buried itself deeper in his jacket as you gasped and your warm breath pushed back against you as you imagined it was his own tickling your neck.
All your senses screamed with want to be consumed by him and you pined for the feeling of his cock stretching your wet cunt instead of your slim fingers that weren’t cut out for the job.
“F-fuck C-Choso.. Mmm, let me cum.” 
You practically sobbed when you glided a third finger into your pussy, two wasn’t enough to quell the craze that had overtaken you.
Ironically and unbeknownst to you, Choso (who had hidden himself in your closet during your shower), was mere moments away from losing his own goddamn mind.
Wholly entranced, he listened to you wantonly call for him like a sweet siren song and watched utterly fixated on the way you fiercely finger fucked your pussy like it was his own cock.
All the while in his jacket sniffing the sweaty soiled material like some filthy fucking pervert.
When he had followed you back to the sorority house he had finally resolved to kill you, but now he was at a standstill as there was no plausible way this was actually happening in front of him.
The obscene ASMR of your cunt sloshing rang in his ears and your legs quivered obscenely with you approaching your orgasm. 
Your desperate thrusts caused his oversized jacket to ride up to your hips revealing the way your ass bare ass jiggled when you drove your hips down and pushed your digits up deeper into your core that waited greedily to suck them in.  
You chanted out Choso’s name with urgency straining your voice as you climaxed. The bed creaked from you now humping the mattress while riding out your high.
Shit you were fucking sexy. 
Thought you'd just been toying with him for fun all this time...
Until now.
Choso’s grip on his knife tightened as adrenaline surged through his body. 
He could feel the blood pumping through his dick. 
He wanted to fuck you. 
Give you what you’ve both been needing all this time. 
Choso fully bricked, suppressed a hiss through clenched teeth as he palmed the bulge in his pants but remained otherwise still.
He can’t imagine a positive reaction if he burst out of your closet as Ghostface nor could he just take off his mask and pop out of your closet as your TA like he was some fucking creeper.
This was pure agony. 
You never failed to find some way to unravel him.
Choso was so tense, his body coiled so tightly, he couldn't control his thigh involuntarily twitching and his knee recoiled against your closet door.
He cursed himself for the millionth time at the lack of control he had around you, he had never had to restrain himself so much around anyone else.
Ecstasy was etched on your features as you looked around puzzled from where the noise came from.
However, the even louder boom of the front door slamming shocked you out of your blissful daze and stole your attention away.
You sat up quickly and wondered if your sorority sisters were back already.
You glanced at the clock.
10:32 pm.
It was still much too early for them to leave.  
But who else could it be? 
You groaned and reluctantly hopped off the bed, zipping up Choso’s jacket fully to hide the slick between your legs and went out to greet them so you could avoid them coming into your room and return to your solitude as quickly as possible. 
You were tired, frustrated and still horny as hell. 
You only wanted make yourself cum hard enough you could fall asleep and end this miserable ass day.    
“Girls~! You really didn’t have to leave so early~!” 
You call out to your sisters.
It was a little late for a show of solidarity if that's what they thought they were doing.
You rolled your eyes. 
But it was eerily quiet as you received no response. 
That’s odd.
Walking down the hall you froze once the view from the top floor opens into the foyer below and you see the front door wide open. 
Not a single soul in sight or to be heard. 
Fight or flight senses kick into gear altering you to the possible dangers below. 
You might be a bit of a ditz but you studied enough forensics and had seen enough scary movies to know how this shit usually ended.
You turn back to run to your room to call someone but stopped as you noticed your phone on the entryway table by the door. 
Steeling yourself you slowly inched your way towards the staircase, stopping at times to lean over the banister for any signs of someone.
“This isn’t funny girls! You know I’ve already had a really shitty night!”
But only the hollow sound of wind whipping through the door answered you as it swayed on its hinges. 
This was an older house.
Maybe you didn’t close the door all the way in the beginning? 
No one in your sorority house ever locked the doors, which now you considered probably wasn’t the greatest tradition to keep up while you were at home all alone and a serial killer was on the loose.
You crept down the stairs trying to silence any creaks as best you could.
“I swear on a stack of Vogues if this is a prank you all of you whores will all be on campus clean-up community service duty for the rest of the semester!”
Still nothing but silence as you reached the bottom of the staircase.
The lights were on in the entire house. From what you could tell the den and living room areas surrounding the foyer were empty. 
You sighed. Maybe it was just the wind.
You close the door and this time make sure to lock it as you clutch your phone and turn to scamper back upstairs when you feel something grab at you from behind.
“Want to die Y/N?” 
You let out a screech as you whip your around to see a figure you recognize as Ghostface reach for you as you stumble backwards into the den. 
Tripping over your own feet, you fall back landing on your injured hand and knocking your head against the edge of a coffee table.
A roar of laughter erupts as you groan dazed from the floor.
“You really are a clumsy ditz, babe.” 
Puzzled and near concussed, you blink through blurry vision to see Dean pull off the Ghostface mask as he crouches down to your level and leans on his metal bat tauntingly.
Pain blossoms sharply in the back of your head and you can feel the puncture wound on your hand open and saturate your bandage.
“The fuck are you doing here Dean?” 
You glared up at him through your one good hand that covered your face as you struggle to get your bearings back. 
You couldn’t catch a fucking break tonight.
“Still being a huge bitch even though I came all the way over here to say sorry, eh?”
Dean hummed, brow raised as he chuckled.
“I thought a little fright would put you in a good mood, Y/N.”
“Nice way of apologizing Dean. Insult me, scare me half to death and give me a concussion.” 
You knew this man was not sorry at all.
Someone sober enough had probably informed Dean that you did have the power to essentially kill their fraternity’s social life, cucking his entire house for the foreseeable future. They likely sent him to make things right with you ASAP. 
But even with all that on the line your tool of an ex was such a huge dick he couldn’t even do the bare minimum to give you a decent apology like an actual human being (not that you would have accepted it).
“I see I was right about one thing though.” 
Dean got your attention as he pointed down at the moisture running down your legs.
You immediately pull Choso’s jacket down further to cover yourself. 
You couldn’t give a fuck what he thought at this point. You’d confess to fucking the entire Forensics department if got him out of your face.
“Sure Dean, think what you want okay? Just fucking GET. OUT.” 
You felt dizzy from the pressure thrumming in the back of your skull.
“Yeah and if I say no whore? Then what?” 
Dean slid a clammy hand over your knee which sent another wave of nausea through you, your head spinning.
You squeezed your eyes shut as you tried to stop his hand traveling lower before you suddenly noticed Dean’s body being ripped away from you entirely.
The scene that followed occurred in a whirlwind as your head felt like it would explode trying to focus on anything.
Your eyes strain to keep up with the action only registering fractions of it through your blurred vision. 
You see…blood?
Is it yours?
No. It’s flowing from Dean’s shoulder.
Another person?
Your double vision struggled to pinpoint exactly what was happening as Dean and the masked Ghostface fought for dominance, somehow ending up back in the foyer. 
Dean was barely able to keep the large hunting knife from sinking into his chest.
Was this even real?
Were you really about to witness a Ghostface crime scene in action?
Were you next?
You felt like you were witnessing it all play out through someone else’s body as your mind floated off and you felt more disconnected. 
Your awareness faded in and out.
There was no doubt, you definitely had a small concussion. 
Your head snaps up as you finally hear Dean shouting your name although it sounded like you were in a fishbowl.
He had somehow gotten leverage and evened the odds with the killer as they both now had a hold of the blade’s handle.
“Y/N! Pay attention you ditzy ass bimbo! Don’t just sit there looking stupid, get the fucking bat.”
You scanned the floor around you. 
Sure enough, there was the scuffed metal bat shining back at you resting by your knees.
Your injured hand grazes it and you see a red trail of blood smearing across it as the cool smooth metal soothes your ruptured skin.
“Y/N, what the fuck are you daydreaming about?! Get your ass over here!”
You grip the bat’s handle, ignoring the pain to use it and the coffee table as leverage to push you up off the floor.
You sway on your feet as your blood pressure drastically drops from standing too quickly. 
Your head feels light. 
Your body feels light. 
Surprisingly too, even the large heavy metal bat now feels light in your injured palm. 
“Fucking finally, Y/N!”
Dean yelled as he saw you on your feet.
“It’s not like I’m trying to fight off a killer here or anything dumb bitch.” 
Dumb bitch?
Oh yeah, he means you.
God, Dean was fucking annoying you just wished he would shut up sometimes. 
You couldn’t even think straight. 
What were you doing again? 
Right, the bat. He told you to bring it to him.
You wanted to sit down again. You were so tired.
You couldn't rest though as Dean’s voice was ringing in your ears. 
You just wanted him to shut up more than anything so you willed yourself forward. 
“Give Dean the bat, Give Dean the bat.”
You lowly repeated in a mantra like state.
Your vision was spotted with black dots swirling like the pain in your head.
You gripped the handle in both hands.
You were going to give Dean the bat.
“Y/N! Goddamn bitch move your lazy fuckin–”
The slick sound ricochets throughout the entryway and reverberates in your ears.
You feel warm droplets of moisture spray on you.
The bat and Dean’s motionless body both simultaneously hit the floor with a thud. 
You closed your eyes.
You felt… relief? 
Like you could breathe again as the hazy veil that had shrouded your thoughts lifted and the throbbing in your head slowly receded. 
You weren’t sure how to describe what you were feeling but it was some mix between euphoria, exhilaration and… freedom?
Well, you were finally free of Dean for good now.
You couldn’t help but be amused by that thought as you wiggle your toes in the warm red liquid that pooled around them. 
A child-like giggle resounds from you. 
Was this post nut kill clarity?
Catching a glimpse of yourself in the hallway mirror you noticed blood and chunks of brain matter strewn all over Choso’s jacket. 
You wouldn’t be able to go without washing it now.
You frowned at the thought of his scent being washed away as well as you unzipped it, checking to see if the stains seeped through the lining too.
You had made such a mess. 
Quick movements out of the corner of your eyes reminded you of the fact you were not alone.
The actual Ghostface killer stood mere feet away from you, his intentions clear as he visibly heaved and extended his knife out to the side approaching you.
You sighed exhausted. 
“I’m not going to be able to blame this one on you, am I?”
Ghostface shook his head, confirming what you already knew.
Choso felt his own adrenaline reach a frenzied peak.
He approached you with the animalistic stature of a predator who was sizing up another. 
You were a killer now, no longer simply his prey.
Proving as much as eyes showed no remorse for the life you had taken.
Yet given what he had walked in on just minutes ago and how distraught you were leaving the party, there was nothing for to mourn anyway.
The only emotion your shown was concern for the on coming threat of him as you backed up to keep from his advances. 
Heh, that could just as easily be him right now bleeding out on the floor.
He mused as he side stepped Dean’s body to stalk closer towards you.
Choso smirked, he was only disappointed he wasn’t the one to kill him.
Although he couldn’t deny how beautiful you looked creating your own work of art.
A bit abstract and not as precise as his own methods. 
Nevertheless, Choso continues to be amazed by how his cute and clumsy little undergrad just showed him a darkness he had only previously recognized in himself. 
Choso watches you back away until your ankles hit the bottom of the staircase.
Your feet and hands were slick with blood and you couldn’t find your footing on the steps nor support yourself on the railing so you were forced to scooch up the stairs. 
Yet given your injury even that proved difficult for you.
What would he do with you now?
“W-We’re even right? You saved me, I saved you.” 
You tried to bargain as you saw him crawl up the staircase after you.
Ghostface cocked his head to the side considering your words as he reached you and stopped your escape with a strong gloved hand digging into the flesh of your hip. 
Ghostface suspended himself over you covering your frame entirely and his metallic blade glared in the light as if it would pierce into you at the slightest whim. 
Were you going to die like this? 
Despite the danger you couldn’t help but be a bit turned on.
Especially as Ghostface’s touch reminded you so much of–
“Did you get off on killing your boyfriend Y/N?” 
Ghosface taunted, speaking for the first time.
“...or were you already this fucking wet from fantasizing about someone else, hm?”
Your eyes widened.
Your mind raced too fast to reach a succinct conclusion. But you were disappointed to hear a voice box distortion instead of the actual person's voice beneath the mask.
Your flurry of jumbled thoughts are paused when you feel the cool caresses of the flat metal side of his blade drag across the skin of your stomach leaving goosebumps in its wake. 
Your chest heaved slowly with steady intensity as your breath shuddered. 
“Are you turned on now Y/N?”
You look away from Ghostface as he taunts as you. You feel more self-conscious considering who you think is under the mask.
Just how fucked up was it you were turned on from murdering your boyfriend in cold blood to save a serial killer who might have been the guy you had just been masturbating to who was also the serial killer Ghostface and very likely about to kill you now? 
Very fucked up was the answer.
You would have been ashamed if you could bring yourself to care.
Choso’s jerks your face back to him as the hand with the blade parts your legs. 
The lust in your eyes and your drenched cunt were all the answers he needed.
You cry out as you feel the smooth metal come down to slap your clothed pussy hard and slide against your lips. 
You fight the urge to close your legs. You can’t or the sharpened edges of the knife would stab your thighs.
You bite your bottom lip to the point of drawing blood. 
This does not go unnoticed by Choso as he brings his gloved hand to your lips to soothe the bite. 
His soft leather covered thumb hooks past your lips to guide your mouth open, exploring your mouth as you openly moan. 
“Tsk, Tsk, we can't have you breaking skin and wasting more of that pretty blood that belongs to me.”
You shiver at his words dripping in possessiveness and your mouth encloses around his thumb, sucking as your tongue still squirms under its pressure.
A strained hiss comes from Choso and his eyes roam down to admire the slime trail of sticky fluid your clothed cunt dripped his blade.
Before Choso can get a peak at your pussy your hands fly down to cover yourself. 
Amused, Choso gently removes his hand from your mouth to palm your inner thigh as his thumb slick from your spit rubs circles into your flesh.
His coaxing has you spreading your legs wider as he brushes up against the hands covering your cunt.
“Show me Y/N.”
He breathed out.
You pouted and shook your head.
“Is my little slut a liar then? I recall you telling me you didn’t mind if I saw your panties.”
Your suspicions confirmed you gasped in realization but Choso could no longer control himself as his hunting knife returned to your body to trail up your stomach this time the pointy edge hovering over your soft skin.
Your stomach sucks in to create distance between the blade and your skin causing your chest to push up through your arms but it's exactly what Choso had wanted.
With a swift slash through the air his blade slices your bra in two and its straps fall back down your shoulders laying bare your breast and hardened nipples to the cool air.
Exposed, your hands instinctively move from you core to cover your tits.
You see Choso pull back from you to sit up fully.
No longer touching you as he opted to imprint into his memory the imagery of your wet puffed pussy glistening through the soaked and now nearly transparent thong which clung to your lower lips like second skin.
He shifted his mask as the voice box moved from over this mouth.
“Y/N” he sighed.  
Hearing his actual voice had you whining with need again.
Choso couldn’t keep his hands off you for long as he grasped hold of your thong and slipped his fingers between the fabric covering your cunt.
Choso rubbed the sticky moisture on the thin fabric between his thumb and forefingers while his knuckles bullied into your clit, causing your toes to curl.
“Mmm C-Choso.”  
Your hands went from simply covering your tits to messaging them, pulling on your nipples, as you couldn’t hold back the sounds from the pleasure you felt from him touching you.
Shit. He wanted to ruin you.
Choso’s knife returns to your throat applying soft pressure dangerously close to breaking skin.
“So tell me what you want then, Y/N?” 
Choso knew you wanted him but he wanted you to say it. 
He needed you to admit it to him outright before he could really believe it.
His knuckles had stopped teasing your clit and your body trembled as you bucked your hips into his hand and pouted.
“I want you to hurry up and decide if you’re going to fuck me or kill me before my sorority sisters get back Choso!” 
Choso smirked under the mask. 
Becoming a killer turned you into a bit of a brat.
But he knew how to handle you.
Heh, fair enough.
Driving the knife into the staircase behind your head he pulls you up, swapping positions and seating you on his thigh.
He pulls his soiled track jacket off of you and you shiver as the cold air hits your back. 
“Mm, Fuck me Choso”
You sighed longingly, arms encircling his neck.
“Mm, Should I though?”
Choso questions out loud as you melt deeper into him from his hands roaming your body.
One settles on your hip under the band of your thong and the other peels you back by your hair so Choso can see your eyes blown out fully with lust.
“Or should I make you wait like I’ve been waiting ever since you first stumbled into class in that slutty green skirt?”
You cried out and our tongue lolled out of your mouth when he yanked your panties roughly by the front, pulling the material between your pussy lips.  
Your clit was cradled in the steamy fabric and you clutched the front of his robes for stability as your eyes rolled back.
“Do you know how much you made me suffer thinking about that pretty pussy of yours? How many times I fisted my cock? How much blood I spilled to forget the way you looked in those slutty outfits?”
Choso's own desire was apparent in his raspy voice.
You shake your head and tears spill as he pulls the fabric tighter over your clit. 
“I-I w-wanted you too” you sniffled out.
“Then prove it.” Choso breathed out huskily.
“I want that needy cunt of yours to beg me by fucking herself real nice on my thigh like she did on your mattress earlier.”
You could have combusted as he admitted he had in fact been watching you from your closet but you couldn’t help but obey his orders.
The frantic way your heart pounded in your chest couldn’t trump the unbearable arousal between your legs.
You braced yourself on his shoulders as you began to rock your hips on him.
“That’s it baby.”
Choso encouraged you as you heard a loud rip and realized he had cut away your thong when you felt him snatch the material right off of you.
Your plump pussy lips parted when pressed onto his thigh and you felt the rough material of his heavy robes directly chafing against your clit. 
Surrendering to pleasure you circled your hips to grind down on him as Choso started bouncing you on his leg.
The impact of your weight forcing your clit down while his thigh pushed up into you shaking.
“S-shiiiit D-daddy!”
You cried out arching back. 
Choso could have busted in his pants completely untouched when he heard you call him daddy. 
You didn’t know how much you had him wrapped around your perfectly manicured fingers. 
He would kill every single one of those bastard frat fucks on campus on a whim if you asked him to.
He would do anything for you.
Choso's muscular thigh flexing underneath your cunt felt amazing but your hole was screaming to be filled as it gaped around the phantom thought of his cock penetrating you.
“N-Need more. S’not enough Daddy”
You beg, whining into the mouth opening of his mask.
Your breath enters through the material as your hot tongue presses against the cloth barrier hungrily. 
His own tongue responds in kind, entangling with yours through his mask and you moan deeper into the opening.
You feel so good yet are still frustrated that you were naked while you couldn’t even see a sliver of skin from him still in his full Ghostface attire.
You move to lift up his mask when he stops you, breaking the makeshift kiss.
“Now, now Y/N.”
Choso playfully chides. 
“Can you think of nothing but my dick? You’ve forgotten so quickly this is still a crime scene?”
You panted as you looked over your shoulder and spot the gruesome remains of Dean’s lifeless body and half bashed in face. Blood stained the foyer rug and pieces of tissue splattered on curtains, walls and even the fake plants.  
You still had no idea what you were going to do about that situation but Dean was already dead. He wasn’t going anywhere.
Honestly you felt as if you might die as well if you couldn’t get Choso’s dick inside of you soon.
Your hips never stopped grinding down on his thigh as you returned your attention to him.
You knew if Choso couldn’t even kiss you, he couldn’t fuck you either as those same rules applied to both potential sources of DNA. 
“S’fine.” You pout.
“I-I had your jacket, y-your DNA could c-come from that.”
Your injured hand came to cup the slide of his masked face and your other rubbed the outline of cock over his jeans, feeling the precum soil through them despite the thickness of the fabric. 
Blood from your hand smeared onto the pristine white Ghostface mask as you pulled your foreheads to touch.
“I’ll admit Dean was right, w-we w-were sleeping together...”
Choso chuckled.
“..and get me expelled for sleeping with a student on top of a motive to connect me to your victim?” 
He gave your ass harsh smack. 
Your cheeks clenched and your panting grew more ragged as you chased your high against him. 
“Y/N you gotta think with that sexy little head of yours not that needy little cunt if you really want me to fuck you. I know you’re smart. This should be easy for you.”
You groaned. 
Thinking was virtually impossible right now. 
You wanted to give up and resort to begging again but Choso calling you smart (something your recently deceased ex never did) and now rubbing your thighs encouragingly, had made you so happy you wanted to make him more proud of you. 
You reluctantly stopped your hips, ignoring the fiery ache shooting through in your cunt but you wanted to cum from his cock not his thigh.
You closed your eyes and exhaled a shaky breath.
Focus Y/N, you willed yourself.
Focusing became harder to do though when Choso became impatient and had nuzzled his masked face into your chest.
His mouth latched to your nipple through the black cloth, swirling his tongue and grazing his teeth against your bud causing it to swell.
“Oh!” you smiled sweetly down at him and his abs tightened as he held you closer to him.
“We get rid of the body! Clean up and make sure there's no crime scene to be found!”
“That’s correct,” Choso praised you as if you answered a question in class correctly.
 “Now, most importantly, how exactly will we get rid of the body, Y/N?”
Your fingertips grazed your lips and you bit a nail as you pensively considered your options. 
You looked like you were thinking so hard on this.
So fucking cute.
“Come on baby, tell me.”
Choso was the one begging you now while he lifted your hips just enough to pull up his robes and position you to straddle his dick straining against his jeans. 
You were so close to the answer. He knew it would come to you and he wanted to be inside of you as soon as you got it.
You clasped your hands together and gave him one of your pageant winning smiles he grew to love. 
“We make a kill room!”
“Smart girl” Choso said as he lifted his mask and his lips came crashing down on yours.
You cried as you lower yourself onto Choso’s cock. 
You had begged and pleaded him for this but Choso was so much bigger and longer than you expected. 
You never had a problem taking dick before but not only was Choso huge he had 3 rows of top and frenum ladder ball piercings on his long veiny cock that dragged against your gspot when you tried to force him inside you.
You still had about an inch to go and his fat cockhead was already pressing against your cervix.
“Fuck baby you really been keeping all this good pussy from me?”
Choso spread your cheeks to assist you down on his enlarged length but your walls vice gripped his cock preventing him from guiding you down further.
Choso grunted, he was going to cum fast if you didn’t ease up.
Pulling you back, he captured your lips again devouring them as he violently pushed his tongue into your mouth in a sloppy kiss, dominating you completely. 
A tremor shot through your cunt as your hips jerked and your legs quivered.
“My slutty girl is so sensitive she came from just kissing?”
Choso teased knowingly pulling back to allow you air and lapping at the drool from the corners of your mouth.
It wasn’t just a kiss. 
Without the hindrance of a mask Choso’s kisses felt like he was eating you alive and set your body ablaze.
Your orgasm came with enough intensity to loosen your walls allowing you to finally sink down to the base. However your legs were still vibrating and unable to support you riding him.
You fell forward into the crook of his neck. 
“C-can’t D-daddy” you babbled into his neck drooling.
Choso wanted to tease you more. He wanted to goad and praise you enough so you would ride him in earnest until your perfect pretty face sobbed for him to fuck you but time was of the essence now.
You both probably had a good hour and a half left before the cops broke up the party and members of your sorority started heading back. 
He needed to finish you quickly and he silently promised to take his time with you later.
Rising up, Choso positioned his arms under your thighs to keep you seated on his cock as he walked up the few steps to reach the landing in the middle of the staircase. 
Placing your back carefully against the wall he glides his hands over your sweat and blood laden skin to lift your legs onto his shoulders. His grip settles onto the fat of your ass and he marvels at how his fingers sink into them.
Choso allows you time to get adjusted to the new position as he now held you in a standing mating press.
You nod and Choso takes that as his greenlight to rigorously fuck you into the wall with such vigor you felt it quaking behind you.
There was no possible way you could have ever been ready for that though and your hands dive into his hair tugging at the roots under his man buns as if you intended to scalp him. 
Your reactions fuel his cruel thrusts as Choso greedily drinks your guttural screams into his mouth. 
They sound more heavenly than any he had heard before even from his own victims.
Slamming you down on his cock, Choso manhandled you like you weighed nothing to him.  
His piercings and engorged veins continue to scrape the walls of your core with every stroke as you gush around him soaking his robes.
Choso wanted more of you.
He didn’t think he would ever get enough.
You felt so fucking good he could fuck you like this for hours and he cursed the dwindling time he had before he needed to remove himself from the warm comfort of your mushy cunt.
The hallway echoed with sounds of his hips sadistically ramming your body further into the wall as well as the sloshy vulgar noises his cock tore from your tight creamy cunt.
“S-so c-lose Cho–” 
Were the only words you could croak out as your cries become lodged in your throat.
The pleasure you received being folded between Choso and the wall had you salivating like crazy. Drool was pooling in your mouth faster than it could dribble out down the sides. 
You locked eyes with him. 
The wild glint in them was so primordially feral you can’t believe you ever mistook the restraint he tried to maintain around you for shyness. 
Frankly, there was nothing timid about him. 
The cold confidence of a true killer radiated off of him and into your core as each of his thrusts felt like they were stabbing into your womb.
Your whines turned into horse croaks as you desperately gasped for air.
Like a killer he showed you no mercy as his long cock shifted your guts up and into your lungs.
Choso was quite literally murdering your cunt.
“Yeah Y/N? Is my girl gonna cum all pretty like on this dick?” 
Too cockdrunk to reply, your pussy readily spoke up for you as your walls clenched and spasmed. White stars flood your vision as your body vibrates against him as you cum hard, gurgling his name.
Choso’s hips stuttered and his moans increased as he fucked you through your orgasm and chased his own. 
He knew better than to cum inside you, he wasn’t wearing a condom and didn’t even know if you were on birth control. 
But your cunt was like a drug to him so Choso resigned himself to cleaning you up after as he gave one last thrust, injecting you with his hot seed that scorched your insides and sent you spasming all over again.
It took a few minutes for Choso to catch his breath but he gently released your legs down to touch the floor as he pulled out of you.
You groaned immediately at the loss after being so full as you still tried to regain your own steady breaths.
Not missing a beat, Choso moved with reverence as if he was worshiping your form from the kisses he peppered down your chest and belly.
“Eyes on me baby,”
Choso ordered, glancing up at you. 
You nodded your breath hitching once he reached below your belly button and he threw one of your legs over his shoulder again.
He shamelessly breathed in the scent of sex wafting off your pussy.
The musky mixture of his cum and your juices combined with sweat and blood entered his nostrils and sent his eyes rolling back into his skull.
You shuddered. 
You wanted to feel his mouth on you more than anything but you knew you couldn’t both remain like this in the open hallway for much longer.
Seemingly forgetting all concerns of time, Choso’s thumbs lightly ghost over your battered pussy lips as he slowly peeled back the slippery folds.
His chest swoll with pride seeing how much of his cum you had taken inside of you. 
Choso's tongue salaciously darted out to catch the drippings that seeped out of your messy little cunt.
Despite your concerns, you can’t resist bucking up towards his face as he brought your hips off the wall towards him. 
“Be patient princess, let me enjoy this.”
Choso open handedly spanks your pussy, landing a direct hit on your clit which has you shaking as your squirt spritz onto his face.
His thick tongue rolls out of his mouth like a man starved licking his lips at the feast before him
“Goddamn, I already love her so much”
He cooed into your cunt while looking up at you with puppy dog eyes.
“Go out with me, yeah Y/N? I’ll treat her right. Just let me have a taste of her everyday.”
You almost came on his face again from the utter display of depravity he was showing you, not missing the fact he was so pussy drunk he was technically asking your cunt to be his girlfriend instead of you. 
To be fair you were both way past the point where he needed to ask you out anyway as he was an accomplice to your homicide and soon-to-be cover up.
“Okay Choso, I’ll be your girlfriend,”
You grinned at him.
Choso thanked you by gently placing a kiss on your clit before nose-diving into your folds like a mad man between your legs.
Seeing how sensitive you are it wasn't long before he had you thrashing on his lips from the nasty way he heartily ate your cunt out.
The suckling, bubbling and squeaking sounds of him inhaling your pussy nearly had you at your peak again.
Yet you were snapped out of your pleasure when you heard the grandfather clock in the hall ring signaling it was midnight. 
Fuck what if the party got broken up earlier than expected?
“W-we don’t have time for this Choso.” You plead anxiously as you pry his head out of from between your legs.
The sounds of the clock chiming and the sight of Dean’s body still laying in the entryway made you more nervous with every passing minute it remained there.
His eyes narrowed dangerously on you as he nuzzled his nose back into your cunt hooking it under your clitoral hood.
“Oh? My sweet girl gets one kill and thinks she knows better than me what we have time for?”
His expression dares you to pull him away again as he drags the flat of his tongue lazily over your clit.
“Please Choso…”
Choso relents as he feels you tense up more, he wouldn't be able to enjoy himself unless you were.
“You trust me right Y/N?” 
You breathe out as his fingers play with your puffed pussy lips.
“Do you have the key to the basement?”  
You nod.
“And you know exactly where the supply closet is, baby?” 
You nod again.
“Perfect. This won't take long at all then.”
Choso assures you as his confident words calm your worries.
“So now just relax princess and let me take care of you. This isn’t my first clean up job babe…”
You weren’t sure if Choso was talking about your cunt or the dead body, but you didn’t doubt he was experienced in both.
“Give me 15 minutes to see how many times I can make you squirt on my tongue. Then we can finally make that dexter kill room you like so much, yeah?” 
You nodded once more and Choso wasted no time drowning his face back into your cunt.
You sighed contently.
He was already the best boyfriend you ever had. 
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© ʙʟᴋᴋɪᴢᴢᴀᴛ 2023. ᴀʟʟ ʀɪɢʜᴛꜱ ʀᴇꜱᴇʀᴠᴇᴅ. ᴘʟᴇᴀꜱᴇ ᴅᴏ ɴᴏᴛ ꜱᴛᴇᴀʟ, ᴛʀᴀɴꜱʟᴀᴛᴇ, ᴄᴏᴘʏ ᴏʀ ᴄʜᴀɴɢᴇ ᴀɴʏ ᴏꜰ ᴍʏ ᴡᴏʀᴋꜱ. ᴛʜɪꜱ ɪɴᴄʟᴜᴅᴇꜱ ꜰɪᴄꜱ, ᴅʀᴀʙʙʟᴇꜱ, & ɢʀᴀᴘʜɪᴄꜱ. ᴛʜᴇʏ ᴀʀᴇ ᴀʟʟ ᴍᴀᴅᴇ ʙʏ ᴍᴇ ᴜɴʟᴇꜱꜱ ᴏᴛʜᴇʀᴡɪꜱᴇ ꜱᴛᴀᴛᴇᴅ. ᴛʜᴀɴᴋ ʏᴏᴜ
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A/N: How was that? Did I do our emo kang justice? Lmk! (y'all better lmk cause y'all busted my balls for days over this lmfaoooo)
Also ding dong Dean is DEAD thank fuck. Whew I made that man as horrible as possible so you could kill him. Tbh, I would kill a nigga just for pouring Milwakees in my hair alone, that shit smells and tastes like cat piss lol.
Also here if y'all wanna see a cute lil pixivi I made of me bimbo!reader x Ghostface!Choso.
You know the original idea for this was actually based on a fic I was writing where Choso, Yuji and Sukuna (all brothers) all transfer to your university and bimbo!reader (no bf this time) clearly likes Choso but his oblivious emo ass has no idea and keeps being a dick to you cause he thinks you are just making fun of him. LOL! I may in the future still end up writing a version for that since this ended up going in a completely different direction with Ghostface thrown into the mix.
Y'all this fic was way too fuckin long. I know theres likely errors/redundancies still so I will comb through it later and I may edit/reword somethings too but general content will stay the same. Tbh, what took so long is the last scene cause I decided I cannot write a smut fic with Choso where that man isn't acting completely deranged and unhinged over the taste of pussy. He's munch, he can't help it.
Reblog for Ghostface!Choso to be your personal munch, but likes and comments are appreciated all the same!
Next up on Kizzatober, Werewolf!Toji from Thrilling Ghouls! (PWP)
ღTaglistღ: @callm3senpaii @arxliana @jujutsualy @luxiethefairy @akaza-simp01 @fredswh0re @missphanosaur18 @moon-esque @samicamy-13 @strvqtt @wisteriaflowersss @spookyy-gracee @jujutsualy @anakalana @crying-person @missphanosaur18 @jazzmynerule @megatqistina @trobed1312 @mimiemie @insomninaz @bloodysweetcat @cyyberm00n @nikkitc0703 @briefrebelfanalmond (so sorry if I missed anyone but I'm delirious rn forgive me ily)
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bylerween2023 · 10 months
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Announcing the daily themes for Bylerween!
Each day has three themes: one horror theme, one in-show theme, and one fluff theme. Feel free to use inspiration from just one, two, or all three themes for each day!
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Day 1, October 26:
Ghosts & Hauntings
Trapped in the Upside Down
Haunted House
Day 2, October 27:
Slashers, Gore & Body Horror
Demogorgon & Flesh Monster
Halloween Party
Day 3, October 28:
Demons, Devils & Exorcisms
Will’s S2 Possession
Pumpkin Patch & Apple Orchard
Day 4, October 29:
Psychological Horror
Attacked by Vecna
Sweater Weather
Day 5, October 30:
Came Back Wrong
Carnival Night
Day 6, October 31:
Supernatural Creatures
Trick or Treat, Freak (2x02)
Trick or Treating
Day 7, November 1:
Witches, Wizards & Necromancers
Renaissance Festival
Rules and guidelines for posting can be found in our intro post here.
Extra prompts and ideas for these themes are under the Read More cut! Also, look below to see which themes are Double Date Night themes. For Double Date Nights themes, we encourage other ships to be featured along with Byler (but it's not required)!
amazing art by @light-lanterne!!
Here are some additional ideas that you can use as inspiration for each day's themes! You don't need to follow these prompts at all, but feel free to jump off of these ideas.
Day 1 - Ghosts & Hauntings, Trapped in the UD, Haunted House:
Ghosts & Hauntings - Mike and Will move into their first home together... but it's haunted. Ghost!Will haunts Mike, or Ghost!Mike haunts Will. Ghost movie AU. Young Mike and Will hide from a scary ghost in the closet or under the bed. A midnight stroll through a graveyard goes wrong.
Trapped in the UD - “It’s like home, but it’s so dark. It’s so dark and empty. And it’s cold!” Mike, Will, or both are trapped in the Upside Down this Halloween.
Haunted House - Creaking floors, spiderwebs, skeletons, and spiders! Mike and Will break into the scary, abandoned house down the street, only to run away when there's a creepy noise coming from the attic. Did Mike and Will get part time jobs as monster actors at the Hawkins Haunted House this October, or are they just going to the Haunted House as guests? Double Date Night: we encourage you to feature other ships with this theme!
Day 2 - Slashers, Gore & Body Horror, Demogorgon & the Flesh Monster, Halloween Party
Slashers, Gore & Body Horror - Slasher movie AU’s. Serial killer Byler, cannibalism Byler, or Frankenstein Byler.
Demogorgon & Flesh Monster - Looking back at our S1 and S3 monsters! The demogorgon or flesh monster are on the prowl and looking for victims this Halloween.
Halloween Party - What costumes are Mike and Will wearing to the party? Who has a few drinks, gets a little extra silly, and starts some drama? What feelings bubble up at the party? Loud music and dancing, spilled drinks, drunken confessions, and kissing in the dark corner of the room. Double Date Night: we encourage you to feature other ships with this theme!
Day 3 - Demons, Devils & Exorcisms, Will’s S2 Possession, Pumpkin Patch & Apple Orchard
Demons, Devils & Exorcism - Will and Mike make a deal with the devil. Demon x Exorcist enemies to lovers AU. Exorcism movie AU.
Will’s S2 Possession - Looking back the scenes of Will saying ominous things, not remembering the names of his loved ones, Mike sitting by Will’s bedside in the hospital, and the shed scene. What if Mike had been possessed instead of Will? What if Mike and Will were already dating in S2 when Will was possessed?
Pumpkin Patch & Apple Orchard - Picking out the biggest pumpkin at the pumpkin patch, carving pumpkins, baking pumpkin treats, and wearing ugly pumpkin sweaters. Getting lost in the apple orchard, climbing trees together, picking apples, drinking apple cider. Riding the hay bale and sneaking kisses.
Day 4 - Psychological Horror, Attacked by Vecna, Sweater Weather
Psychological Horror - Ramp up the horror, terror, paranoia, and fear! Psychological horror movie AU.
Attacked by Venca - Looking back at our S4 villain, and the horror filled visions he uses to attack his prey. Vecna returns on Halloween this year.
Sweater Weather - Everyone wants to cuddle up once the weather gets colder! Mike and Will start wearing their cozy sweaters and flannels. Falling leaves, hot cocoa, bonfire nights, smores, and camping.
Day 5 - Came Back Wrong, Flayed!Mike & Flayed!Will, Carnival Night
Came Back Wrong - Resurrecting your beloved childhood friend and sweetheart from death comes with a price... they're not the same now as they were before. A call back to good ol' Phineas Gage.
Flayed!Mike & Flayed!Will - Rethinking S3 if Mike or Will were flayed. Suspicions are raised and fear mounts: Mike or Will aren't quite acting like themselves and it's a fight to rescue them from their gruesome fate!
Carnival Night - Will and Mike play carnival games and go on rides. Bobbing for apples, getting lost in the corn maze, face painting, and feasting on carnival food. Double Date Night: we encourage you to feature other ships with this theme!
Day 6 - Supernatural Creatures, Trick or Treat, Freak (2x02), Trick or Treating
Supernatural Creatures - Vampires, and werewolves, and monsters, oh my! Mike and Will encounter a supernatural creature this Halloween, but is it friend or foe? Will as a werewolf, Mike as a vampire, Will as a goblin, Mike as a centaur? The options are endless! Monster x Monster Hunter AU.
Trick or Treat, Freak (2x02) - A look back on our beloved Halloween episode. Mike is complaining about Max, Will sees the Mind Flayer looming in the sky, and Mike takes Will home. Crazy together, right?
Trick or Treating - Mike and Will take Holly out trick or treating. Adult Mike and Will hand out candy. The early years of Mike and Will trick or treating with the party, TP-ing a bully’s house, and swapping candy afterward at home.
Day 7 - Witches, Wizards & Necromancy, D&D, Renaissance Festival
Witches, Wizards & Necromancy - Witch covens, a trickster wizard, or a necromancer raising zombies from the dead! A witch hunter falls in love with a witch, or Zombie Boy comes back to life.
D&D - Paladin Mike and Will the Wise celebrate the spooky season! Redecorate the Will the Wise costume with some Halloween vibes, or alter Will's S4 painting of the party to give it a spooky twist.
Renaissance Festival - Dressing up as knights, fairies, wizards, and more! The knights are jousting, everyone is eating a turkey leg, and Mike and Will are playing ax throwing games. Entertainers are juggling swords, fire eating, and putting on raunchy comedy skits. Are Mike and Will attending as guests, or working at the Renaissance Festival this fall? Double Date Night: we encourage you to feature other ships with this theme!
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Rules and FAQ
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The fastest gift exchange around. Objectively a bad idea. 48 hours of hyperfocus.
Schedule: (All times in EDT)
Tag Nominations Opens, Discord Opens: 0:01 August 14
Tag Nominations Closes: Midnight August 20
A03 Sign Up Opens 0:01 August 21
A03 Sign Up closes: Midnight August 27
Creation Phase: Noon EDT August 31 - Noon EDT September 2
Treating Week: September 2- September 9
Discord Closes: Noon September 9
Everybody admires everyone else's work: September 2 - Ongoing
The exchange is multifandom, and open to both artists and writers. Fandoms do not have to have a canonized Ao3 tag to participate.
You must be a member of the Discord, for communication purposes.
Once assigned, participants will have 48 hours to deliver their gift.
Artists are expected to deliver a decent sketch, Writers have a 300 word minimum
No AI-Generated content.
This exchange will be operating on DL:DR when it comes to what the mods will police and what we ask you to respect in terms of other people’s requests. The single exception is RPF, which has additional rules. 
RPF is allowed. Persons nominated for RPF must be famous in their own right and over the age of 18. Persons famous chiefly for their participation in facist regimes or as serial killers will not be considered for nomination. Mods reserve the right to reject RPF nominations in poor taste.
Original Work is allowed. Use the "Original Work" fandom. If it is important to you that a person within a specific pairing is a specific gender, make that clear within the tag, for example "Middle-aged King (M)/His Loyal Bodyguard (NB) (Original Work)".
As this is a 13+ exchange, there is no NSFW allowed, even if you’re sure that both you and your recipient are adults. This applies both to sexual content and to extreme (e-rated) gore.
To increase matching options, tags must be seconded (nominated twice) to make it into the tag set. Because of this, tag nominations will be collected through a google form.
You can nominate tags for up to ten fandoms, with up to twenty tags nominated in each.
You will have one week to submit relationships and characters to a tag set, one week to write your prompts, and 48 hours to deliver your gift.
Participants are required to request at least three fandoms (with associated prompts), and offer to create around at least three fandoms.
To increase matching options, at least one prompt has to work as an art prompt, at least one prompt has to work as a fic prompt, at least one of your prompts has to be either Gen (platonic relationship) or a single-character prompt.
Please include anything you absolutely don't want to receive (Do Not Wants) in the Optional Details field in your AO3 signup. Only DNWs in the Ao3 signup will be enforced, and mods will not enforce DNWs that are overly restrictive or used to box a recipient into a specific gift (i.e. I don't want anything that isn't a space au with the mc's other major love interest dead off screen.)
This exchange uses Ao3's matching algorithm, and as such, you need an Ao3 Account.
Make sure the email attached to your AO3 account is one that a) you check regularly, and b) are comfortable with exchange mods seeing. You can verify your email here: archiveofourown.org/users/[your ao3 name here]/change_email
As per Ao3 and Discord’s TOS, you must be at least 13.
Ao3 Collection Here
Tag Set Here
Nominate Tags TBA
Tag Nomination Rules Here
Discord TBA
Intro to how to sign up for an Ao3 Exchange Here. Variant using a gifter letter here.
Sign up for Ao3 Here (there is a waiting queue.)
Additional Challenges (just for fun):
One Day: Fulfil your gift within 24 hours.
Word Count: Write 5k or more on a single gift.
Multi-media: Fulfil a gift for an art and for a fic.
Multi-fandom: Make gifts for 3 or more fandoms.
Why? Because.
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phantom-0-writer · 8 months
table of contents
regular boy: daniel wayne (ao3)
baby swap au
danny is bruce's bio-kid
ghost-king danny au
nightwing the cosplayer
what even is ur life danny
prompt 01: gotham academy's mentorship program
danny and damian turned danny and batfam
crack taken seriously
but also kinda fluffy
danny gets assigned to be damian's mentor at school
scene 1: damian's not-so-very-bad day scene 2: tim's arch nemesis scene 3: get in loser, we're going shopping scene 4: after school activities for normal kids scene 5: to win a war, fight the battles
prompt 2: tim's birthday present
tim and danny adopted siblings pre-batfam
dimensional shenanigans
the case of the serial killer (3729 words)
dick and danny
one- shot
second chances don't come for free (7652 words)
demon twins au / demon siblings au
one-shot (?)
prompt 3: angry colors
biodad dick
empath danny
5 times jason was terrified to be a dad and 1 time he thought he might be okay (ao3 link)
biodad jason
halfa danny
operation mousetrap (9207 words) (ao3 link)
cadmus project danny
dick bio-brother
my asks are open ;) my ao3: diamond_rozie
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aethon-recs · 6 months
HP Rec Fest, Day 13 ❄️
@hprecfest daily prompts running through Dec 31. Goal is to find lesser-known or underrated works, even by well-known authors, to feature here.
Day 13: A Fic >100k Words
One Year In Every Ten by @saintsenara (E, 165k, WIP)
Summary: A decade after the final battle, a serial killer emerges, with a message that proclaims the Dark Lord has risen again. Harry is assigned to the case. Why I rec it for this prompt: Casefic is a very underrated genre for the Tomarrymort ship, and Asenora absolutely delivers in this case, with a richly layered and complex murder mystery, as well as the beautiful unfolding of a tenuous working relationship between Harry and Voldemort and all the steamy tension that builds up in between them.
if we were lovers by @reggieblk (E, 143k, WIP)
Summary: When Harry arrives at the most prestigious theatrical school in the country, he doesn't have many expectations. The most unexpected thing he encounters is Tom Riddle, and subsequently, falling in love with the only other person who deals with feelings as well as him. But maybe, just maybe, he and Tom will find out that not all love stories have to end in tragedy. Why I rec it for this prompt: The character work is so rich and detailed in this coming-of-age story in a modern AU setting. There's so much thought that went into all the character interactions here, and I love the way that @reggieblk cleverly weaves in elements from plays and uses the theatre backdrop to develop in such a lovely and fraught and realistic way how Harry and Tom end up falling for each other.
Running list of recs:
Day 1: Favorite under 5k | Such a Noble Villain Day 2: Comfort Fic | In Somno Veritas | Ouroboros Day 3: Podfic | a taste so good (i'd die for it) Day 4: Fic with Art | A Soulmate Like You Day 5: A Non-AO3 Fic | The Anti-Midas Day 6: Unreliable Narrator Fic | Anabiosis Day 7: A Canon-Compliant Fic | In Your Soul is Sealed a Pleasure Day 8: A Canon-Divergence Fic | Thirst Day 9: A Rare Pair Fic | dust in your pocket | A Breed Apart Day 10: A Fest Fic | In Your Image Day 11: A Dark Fic | As Portioned from a Whole Day 12: A WIP Rec | Lover's Spit | Revolution of Configured Stars Day 13: A Fic >100k Words | One Year In Every Ten | if we were lovers
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sailorbowie · 6 months
Abel Gideon/ Bedelia I think could be an interesting pairing, especially with their banter with Hannigram I can imagine them together, also Francis Dolarhyde and Randall Tier would be such a chaos duo! (just random thoughts)
As for your prompt (it doesnt have to be those pairings) au where the FBI finds out about a serial killer dating app and makes Will Graham go undercover on it and all the serial killers try to match with him and are completely besotten. (one of wills pictures does include him with a fish)
Okay go off!!! I could see it kinda. On the other hand, Dolarhyde and Tier would have been a beautiful powder keg to see on fire. I think even if they saw each other the way they would want to be seen by the other, they would still be beasts ripping at each other's throats by the end of it. They would have fucked nasty tho I'd love to have seen it.
2. Based on your prompt~
Matching With Killers
Will Graham never expected to get involve in covert work, not even like this, for God's sake. He wasn't even supposed to be out in the field, that was what the actual agents were for. But Jack insisted his input was important.
One of the investigators had discovered a suspicious platform called 'Collectors 4 Love'. On the surface, it looked like a dating app for collectors, and people who liked collecting various kinds of items. Upon further investigation, it was found that some of these 'collectors' were people that fit various profiles of serial killers they were looking for. Their preferences of 'collecting' needed no elaboration.
It seemed the actual collectors were able to differentiate themselves from casual, unassuming users with different emoticons. They also took photos with few identifiers, and used pictures of people that were definitely not them.
This had to be a place where the Ripper was lurking, thought Jack Crawford. And so Will Graham was nudged, (or rather, forced) to make an account on C4L.
Will's profile was pretty simple. He avoided using his real name, going instead as 'Holden'. Like the other users, Will mostly avoided photos of his face, instead using pictures of the woodland scenery near Wolf Trap, the lake, one of his dogs. He included one where he held up one of his larger catches of the day, and included a very brief and concise bio: "I like fishing, collecting fishing flies, and my dogs. I reel in the big ones, and never let em' get away. Maybe the next one is you?" Will felt himself die inside as he put this all together. The aim was to have a semi-legitimate looking profile to look into the other users, but it worked a little too well.
A week later, and Will was gritting his teeth responding to what must have been the 20th user matching with him. He spoke with a myriad of profiles, ranging from genuine hobby collectors to the actual less than savory collectors of lives. It seemed the killers were all too pleased to find a common kindred soul in 'Holden', who thoughtfully listened and offered assurance to the killers. Will Graham was successfully able to build 12 criminal profiles from the 12 suspicious users he spoke to, not one being the Chesapeake Ripper. Not that he'd think someone like that would have the gall to use such a ridiculous app, but the chance was always there. The other remaining 8 people he'd spoken to were either inconclusive or were too legitimate to be considered suspicious. Everyone at the BAU was delighted to hear these results, and to hear about Will's results. Some were surprised Will could keep a conversation that long, let alone have the charisma to do so. And some weren't that surprised. Jack was satisfied with the results. "I never want to do that again. I never want to be asked to do something like that again. It was nice when they asked about the fish I caught, I'll admit. But it got very annoying when I was asked about how capable my 'rod' was outside of the lake," Will explained, during one of his weekly sessions with Hannibal. The doctor across from him tilted his head slightly. "You were approached with interest by many interested parties, a lot of whom were the very killers you chase every day. How does that make you feel, Will?"
This made the other man pause, and let out a very long sigh. "I'm....flattered? I think? I mean, it's really hard to know what to feel when someone who thinks of killing you might want to take you out to dinner first. Uhm, I still don't think I'd ever want to do that again. Even for casual means, no. I don't think I could ever do that again. Never again....." Will's eyes stared off into space again, his body shuddering at the thought of trying to talk to some stranger again on a virtual space.
To this response, Hannibal nodded softly. He took out his phone, and his lip twinged with regret as he tapped the 'delete application' button.
Maybe they'd get the Ripper next time.
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spntoxicfemslashevent · 5 months
full prompt list
hey everyone! this is the full february prompt list for this event. we're going to have six prompts every day, so it's big! smaller versions containing only some of the prompts are forthcoming. ideally a piece submitted for a certain day should be inspired by at least one of the prompts for that day.
[conceptual prompts only] [pairing prompts only] [format/style prompts only] [prompts by date] [submission guidelines] [intro post]
conceptual prompts:
feb 1: manipulation || rot || political play
feb 2: tied up || burning flesh || jealousy
feb 3: suburbia || betrayal/judas kiss || doll
feb 4: blackmail || cannibalism || age gap
feb 5: blasphemy || executioner || genderless
feb 6: “...and it felt like a kiss” || on the rack || handmaiden-feudal lord
feb 7: sainthood || blood || isolation
feb 8: poison/drugging || barefoot and pregnant || murder suicide
feb 9: scars || heaven and/or hell || voyeurism
feb 10: shallow grave/midnight gardening || exes || serial killer(s)
feb 11: crossdressing || corpse || brat
feb 12: war/opposite sides || soulmates || guts/gore
feb 13: demonization || immortality || "forgive me father"
feb 14: unrequited || butch || imprisonment
feb 15: high school sweethearts || justifications || resurrection
feb 16: stabbing || masturbation || somnophilia
feb 17: turn the straight girl || kidnapping || ritual sacrifice
feb 18: stalking || substance use/abuse || comp het
feb 19: amnesia/mindwipe/lobotomy || flogging || forcefem
feb 20: vessel || make each other worse || gothic
feb 21: mistress || forced marriage || petplay
feb 22: demon deal || power imbalance || state of mind/dreams/confusion
feb 23: experiment || bastard child || what happened to her first husband/wife?
feb 24: curses || possession || infidelity
feb 25: controlling || temptation || "i ran into a door"
feb 26: victim || right hand || true crime
feb 27: humiliation || dubious consent || brainwashing
feb 28: family || true form || obsession
feb 29: closeted || sins of the father || not passing the bechdel test
pairing prompts:
feb 1: rowena mcleod/billie
feb 2: linda tran/ofc
feb 3: hannah/naomi
feb 4: rowena mcleod/alicia banes
feb 5: raphael/billie
feb 6: amelia novak/naomi
feb 7: abaddon/colette mullen
feb 8: ruby/astaroth
feb 9: cassie robinson/fem!dean winchester
feb 10: linda tran/mary winchester
feb 11: cassie robinson/meg masters
feb 12: linda tran/abaddon
feb 13: risa (endverse)/meg masters
feb 14: kelly kline/dagon
feb 15: linda tran/tasha banes
feb 16: billie/amara/the empty (meg)
feb 17: meg masters/jo harvelle
feb 18: patience turner/claire novak
feb 19: mary winchester/antonia bevell
feb 20: lily sunder/claire novak
feb 21: bela talbot/ruby
feb 22: patience turner/magda peterson
feb 23: fem!castiel/fem!crowley
feb 24: missouri moseley/ellen harvelle
feb 25: jody mills/donna hanscum
feb 26: lily baker/lilith
feb 27: hannah/caroline johnson
feb 28: raphael/naomi
feb 29: eileen leahy/mary winchester
format/style prompts:
day 1: canon divergent || drabble (exactly 100 words)
day 2: canon character/oc || traditional art
day 3: scifi au || non-traditional art medium
day 4: post-canon || gifset
day 5: canon compliant || metered poetry
day 6: reverse!verse/roleswap || sketch
day 7: epistolary || flash fiction
day 8: episode rewrite || fanmix
day 9: gender changes - het to femslash || script format
day 10: canon a little to the left || headcanon
day 11: outsider pov || fancam
day 12: 5 + 1 || exquisite corpse/round robin
day 13: for want of a nail || sequel
day 14: dark fluff || webweave
day 15: vignettes/fragments || fansong
day 16: polyamory || abstract
day 17: unreliable narrator || screencap edit
day 18: meta plot/metafandom/carver edlund novels || non-song based fanvid
day 19: crossover/fusion || multimedia
day 20: trans headcanon || podfic
day 21: humor || amv
day 22: au || fiber arts
day 23: gender changes - slash to femslash || comic
day 24: pre-canon || digital art
day 25: omegaverse || sentence fics
day 26: mundane au || photography
day 27: selfcest || freeverse poetry
feb 28: character study || fanwork-of-a-fanwork
feb 29: rashomon style || fic rec list
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kanerallels · 2 months
@chenford-prompts Day 5 of 2 Weeks of Chenford: Silence!! I wrote a little ficlet for my Chenford vigilante au, set before "Not Just Pretend" sometime
One of the most important parts of Tim’s life as a vigilante was knowing when to keep quiet. Not just while following a criminal, or while staking someone out. It was more about one’s secret identity, and that of their fellow vigilantes.
There were only a small handful of people who knew about Tim’s work as Orion. Angela and Talia, as his best friends and a pair of incredible smart detectives, had figured it out incredibly fast. They’d actually given him his code name, which he’d objected to at first. Now… it had its uses.
Past that, he had a couple of contacts who knew, and his former army medic who usually patched him up with minimal judgment when he really needed it. And that was all he needed. The less people who knew, the less people there were who could be endangered.
Tim himself didn’t know the secret identity of most of his fellow vigilantes. And if he did know, he stayed silent. That was the job.
There were times, though, when he was really curious about a few of them.
But it didn’t matter. What mattered was doing his job— both as a vigilante, and running his late father’s woodworking shop— and doing it well. Whether or not he knew someone’s secret identity wasn’t important, even if it was—
“Hey, Tim? Earth to Bradford!”
Lifting his head, Tim met Lucy Chen’s inquisitive gaze. “Hi,” she said. “Are you okay?”
“Yeah— fine,” Tim said, waving a hand. “Just lost in thought.”
“I can see that,” Lucy said, looking amused. “Well, do you have enough time for your favorite customer?”
Tim scoffed. “Okay, if anyone’s my favorite customer, it’s your roommate. He’s the one who keeps ordering end tables or whatever he’s got this time.”
“New chairs for the kitchen counter,” Lucy corrected him. “Which I’m here to pick up— and honestly I’m a little offended you didn’t personally work on your favorite customer’s order.”
Arching an unimpressed brow at her, Tim said, “You got Nolan working on it. He’s the best there is. Where’s your receipt?”
Digging in her pocket and retrieving a folded slip of paper, Lucy said, “Well, I like your work.”
There was… plenty Tim could read into that sentence. Lucy Chen was something of an enigma to him. Despite his gruff attitude and his best efforts, she’d stuck around, even dropping in with coffee when she didn’t have an order to pick up. She was friends with Nolan, so it probably made sense.
At least, that was what he told himself.
Shaking his head to dislodge the errant thought, Tim reached out to accept the receipt. And then he saw it.
It was just a ring. Silver band, set with a large white stone. A moonstone. Any other time, Tim wouldn’t have given it a second thought.
Except he knew that ring.
He’d found it, out in the middle of the desert, when his partner had been kidnapped and buried alive.
Lyra. Bringer of light, both literal and figurative. Tim had never met someone so optimistic and kind as well as so blasted stubborn. She’d nearly died half a dozen times in their first year of working together, when he’d finally caved and started to show her the ropes of being a vigilante. The time when a serial killer’s protege had buried her alive had been particularly painful, for all of them.
But he remembered it, every detail. He remembered searching desperately, panic pounding against his chest. And then he spotted it— a tiny silvery gleam in the dust.
He’d never seen Lyra wear any identifying jewelry before. But he’d known, without a single doubt, that the ring was hers. That she’d left it to mark where she’d been buried, that she’d saved herself.
He remembered bringing her back to life. And he remembered returning that ring, almost a week later, after keeping it in his pocket. Every so often, Tim had reached in to touch it, to remind himself she’d made it.
At this point, he’d memorized the shape of that ring. He knew it. But that could only mean…
No way. Chen?
It made sense. Her roommate was a cop, and she had the same fire, even if she acted more easy going.
“Tim? You’re doing that weird spacey thing again.”
“Right— sorry,” Tim said, grabbing the receipt. Checking the number on it, he said, “Uh— actually, this order isn’t ready yet. Nolan’s got some finishing touches to do.”
“Oh, okay,” Lucy said, still eyeing him oddly. In a way that was so familiar, even without the mask, that Tim wondered how he’d possibly missed this. “Um— when should I come back, then?”
Was it really her? There was only one real way to find out.
A test— a Tim Test, in her words. Lyra’s words.
“Try back here on Friday,” he told her, passing back the receipt. “It should be ready then.”
Tucking it back in her pocket, Lucy shot him a smile. “Awesome. Thanks, Tim— see you then.”
Tim was already returning to the ledger he was studying when he said, “See you then, boot.”
Boot. The LAPD unofficial nickname for new rookies. And what Orion had taken to calling Lyra. She’d clearly understood it— another point on the colum of reasons it could be Lucy— and grumbled about it often enough. So it should be exactly the kind of comment that would make her realize who he was.
“See you then,” she said, heading for the door.
Or… maybe not? The bell at the door jingled as it swung closed, and Tim frowned. Was he wrong? Maybe it was just a similar ring. Maybe he’d been reading into things too much. Maybe he just liked the idea of knowing who Lyra was.
Maybe he was over thinking this. Rolling his eyes, he went back to reading the ledger.
Two minutes later, the door swung open with a crash.
“ORION? ARE YOU KIDDING ME?”Hmm, Tim thought as Lucy stalked in, glaring at him in a way that couldn’t quite conceal her delight. So I was right.
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khrrarepairweek · 1 year
KHR Rare Pair Week 2023
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The week will run from July 9th to July 16th
Day 1 - Storm Day: Monster Hunter AU | Ghosts Day 2 - Sky Day:  College AU | Corpse Retrieval Day 3 - Sun Day: Immortal AU | Body Switching Day 4 - Lightning Day: Modern Royalty AU | Single Parents Day 5 - Rain Day: Reincarnation AU | Oblivious Flirting Day 6 - Cloud Day: Roommates AU | Hair Braiding/Brushing Day 7 - Mist Day: Eldritch AU | Drunken Shenanigans Day 8 - Earth/Flameless Day: Serial Killer AU | Flirt Fighting
All forms of fanwork are accepted, and the prompts are subject to your own interpretation. Please include #khrrarepairweek2023 in your tags.
For more information:
About | Rules | FAQ | AO3 collection | Ask box | Discord
If you have questions or concerns, please don’t hesitate to send us an ask. We are looking forward to seeing all your wonderful creations!
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abellaheart-blog · 2 years
Master List
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Last Updated 02/11/23
My Master list is alphabetized. Parts 1-7 included. I will update it frequently with the recent date marked on the title.
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Phantom Blood ❤️🗡
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1. Johnathan Joestar x Reader
Johnathan Headcanons 🌬🗡💥
Boyfriend fluff (100 Follower Special)
Developing Crush on Powerful Hamon User who is friends with the Joestars
2. Robert E.O. Speedwagon x Reader
Speedwagon Headcanons 🎩
Developing Crush on Powerful Hamon User who is friends with the Joestars
Jobros who's easiest to seduce and why NSFW 🔞
Battle Tendency 🧣💥
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Caesar Zeppeli x Reader
Caesar Headcanons
Developing Crush on Powerful Hamon User who is friends with the Joestars
Jobros who's easiest to seduce and why NSFW 🔞
Stardust Crusaders ⭐🌟
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Noriyaki Kakyoin x Reader
Kakyoin Headcanons
Jobros who's easiest to seduce and why NSFW 🔞
Diamond Is Unbreakable 💎💜
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1. Jotaro Kujo x Reader
Jotaro x Reader Scenarios
Caressing Each Others Bodies NSFW 🔞
2. Jousuke Higashikata x Reader
Jousuke Headcanons ☮️💛
Boyfriend fluff (100 Follower Special)
3.  Koichi Hirose x Reader
Koichi Headcanons 💚🔉
Boyfriend fluff (100 Follower Special)
4. Okuyasu Nijimura x Reader
"You Want To Date Me?"(Okuyasu Nijimura x Reader)
Fluff, confession, Reader is raising Okuyasu’s confidence, takes place during part 4
Okuyasu Headcanons 💙💲Billion
Boyfriend fluff (100 Follower Special)
Jobros who's easiest to seduce and why NSFW 🔞
Vento Aureo/Golden Wind 🏹🐞
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My OC Content
Oc Ask Prompts (Abella Rosa Content)
Trish Una x OC
Sweet Theme F/o Asks
Trish x Abella Selfship NSFW Meme Post
Trish x Abella Relationship Card Selfship Post
Trish x Abella Relationship Level Selfship Post
"Mermaid In Love" (Trish Una x Mermaid Abella Rosa)
Trish Una x Oc Post: Offering Abella A Rose 🌹
Fugo Pannacotta x OC
Sweet Themed F/o Asks
Valentines Ask Game 💝 Part 1
Valentines Ask Game 💝 Part 2
"A Dance?" (Abella x Fugo Songfic)
"For Me Tesoro?" (Abella x Fugo Minific)
First Date Scenario (Abella x Fugo Minific)
1. Bruno Bucciarati x Reader
Mummy Bruno x Reader (Kinktober 2021 Day 2:) NSFW 🔞
AU, Bruno is mummy in modern world, rescues you and ends in night of passion
Moth Bruno x Reader (Kinktober 2021 Day 6) NSFW 🔞
AU everyone in part 5 is a mothmen, you’re a normal human but slowly you two become accuanted, friends to lovers
Bruno Headcanons 🖤🤐
Boyfriend fluff (100 Follower Special)
Bucci gang reacting to darling wearing tailored clothing to match with them Part 3 Bruno Bucciarati
Bucci gang reacting to their darling wearing jewelry customized to their Stand/Clothing Part 1 Bruno Bucciarati
2. Fugo Panacotta x Reader
“I Promise To Always Be There For You” (Fugo x Reader)
AU, everyone lives no one dies, takes place after the events of part 5. Warning: violence, mentions of murder, serial killer, and Fugo’s backstory
Mad Scientist Fugo x Undead Bride Reader (Kinktober 2021 Day:) NSFW 🔞
Frankenstein AU, Reader inspired by Emily from Corpse Bride, Mad Scientist Fugo = slight yandere behavior, went mad from being alone too long, angst with fluff, reader helps Fugo and they fall in love
Clown Fugo x Witch Reader (Threesome, Clone Sex) (Kinktober 2021 Day 9) NSFW 🔞
Monster AU, porn with no plot, hate sex, Reader clones herself and has threesome w/ Fugo
Panacotta Fugo x Reader (Short Love Letter) 🍓📝💚 #1
“Unexpected Late Dinner” (Fugo Panacotta x Reader) NSFW 🔞
Aged up Fugo, Fiancé relationship, takes place after Purple Haze Feedback, Romance, Smut, Sexual Content
“Dream On” (Fugo x Reader)
Fugo x Reader Scenarios
Manga Fugo's Crush Complimenting Him
Fugo x Secretary Reader
[F/o Post] Surprising Him w/ Cute Strawberry Dress on Next Date
[F/o Post] Fugo Proposing Ring Box
Fugo Headcanons 🍓🍓🍓
Boyfriend fluff (100 Follower Special)
Bucci gang reacting to their darling wearing jewelry customized to their Stand/Clothing Part 1 Panacotta Fugo
Date Headcanons
3. Giorno Giovanna x Reader
Plant Monster Giorno x Demon Reader (Kinktober 2021 Day 5: Double Penetration In Two Holes | Boot Worship | Lactation) NSFW 🔞
Monster AU, Dom Female Devil Demon Reader, Giorno Plant Monster inspired by poison ivy, Mates, Boyfriend and Girlfriend Relationship
Octoman Giorno x Mermaid Reader (Kinktober 2021 Day 6: Rimming | Breeding | Tentacles) NSFW 🔞
Modern AU, Reader turned mermaid, Romance, Fluff and Smut
Demon Giorno x Reader (Kinktober 2021 Day 11: Over Stimulation | Temperature Play | Stockings) NSFW 🔞
Fairytale AU, Angst with fluff and smut, romance, beauty and the beast inspired Warning: kidnapping, slight yandere Giorno
Giorno x Reader Scenarios
Getting Each Other Shoes 👠👞
Giorno Headcanons 🐞💜
Turned Cat Don Giorno Giovanna x Temporary Don! Wife Reader
Boyfriend fluff (100 Follower Special)
Bucci gang reacting to darling wearing tailored clothing to match with them Part 2 Giorno Giovanna
Bucci gang reacting to their darling wearing jewelry customized to their Stand/Clothing Part 3 Giorno Giovanna
Don Giorno Giovanna x Reader (Male & Female) NSFW🔞 Headcanons
4. Guido Mista x Reader
(I know I shouldn’t have made him #4 but I want this list alphabetized by their first names, sorry Mista!!)
Mista x Loch Ness Monster Reader (Kinktober 2021 Day 4: Begging | Breathplay | Leather/Latex) NSFW 🔞
Mista Headcanons ❤️💙
Boyfriend fluff (100 Follower Special)
Bucci gang reacting to their darling wearing jewelry customized to their Stand/Clothing Part 2 Guido Mista
5. Leone Abbacchio x Reader
Abbacchio Headcanons ⏸⏭
More Abbacchio content under "Bucci gang x Reader"
Bucci gang reacting to their darling wearing jewelry customized to their Stand/Clothing Part 4 Leone Abbacchio
Getting Over Stimulated and Passing Out After Their Partner Riding Them NSFW 🔞
6. Narancia Ghirga x Reader
Narancia x Zombie Reader (Kinktober 2021 Day 1: Monster | Knifeplay | Body Swap) NSFW 🔞
Angst with happy ending, fluff, eventual nsfw, takes place in part 5, Undead Reader Warning: mentions of death, corpse, violence
“Kissing Booth”💋 (Narancia Ghirga x Reader) NSFW 🔞
Summer Themed, Aged up characters, Everyone lives & no one dies AU, romance, Bucci gang in story, Adult Narancia Warning: Violence, eventual smut
Narancia Headcanons 💜🍊
Boyfriend fluff (100 Follower Special)
Bucci gang reacting to their darling wearing jewelry customized to their Stand/Clothing Part 2 Narancia Ghirga
Narancia x Self-Sacrificing Reader
8. Trish Una x Reader
Trish Una x Yandere Fairy Reader (Kinktober 2021 Day 10: Female Reader, Yandere Content) NSFW 🔞
Angst with fluff, eventual smut Warning: Yandere themes, Stockholm syndrome, kidnapping
Trish Una x Reader Scenarios ➗💛
[F/o Post] Wearing Matching Oufits and Surprising Her w/ Starbucks
Trish Una Headcanons
Bucci gang reacting to their darling wearing jewelry customized to their Stand/Clothing Part 4 Trish Una
Bucci gang reacting to darling wearing tailored clothing to match with them Part 1 Trish Una
Trish x Female S/o who Sews and Crochets
9. Bucci Gang x Reader 🐞🏹
Some content includes Trish Una since I consider her as part of the gang
Bucci gang Getting Overstimulated And Passing Out After Their Partner Riding Them (Abbacchio Excluded) NSFW 🔞
Team Bucciarati x Voodoo Doll Reader (Kinktober 2021 Day 8: Polyamorous, Orgy) NSFW 🔞
Bucci gang Most Perverted Secrets & Sluttiest Actions (+Trish Una) NSFW 🔞
Who's the Easiest to Seduce and Why NSFW 🔞
Ranking Who's the Best at Eating Pussy NSFW 🔞
Bucci gang as parents
Bucci gang walking in on there significant other changing (+Trish Una)
Bucci gang x Mischievous Turned Child Reader (Abbacchio & Trish Una Excluded)
Bucci gang letting their significant other do their nails (+Trish Una) 💅🏼
Bucci gang x Over Protective Crush! Reader (+Trish Una)
Bucci gang x Reader with Healing Kiss Stand and Similarities to Star Platinum (Trish Una Excluded)
Bucci gang x Crush! Reader who turns out to be surprisingly outgoing & carefree (Modern AU) (Trish Una Excluded)
Bucci gang Comforting Their S/o Through Past Trauma 💙
Bucci gang x Scary Significant Other (Trish Una Excluded)
Bucci gang x Significant Other Who Fangirls Over The Gang (+Trish Una)
Bucci gang x Significant Other Who Dresses in Both Sweet Lolita & Punk or Goth Styles (Trish Una Excluded)
What Lipstick they buy you 💄❤️
Bucci gang Receiving Cold Stone Icecream Cake From You For Valentine’s (+Trish Una) 🍰❤️
Get A Valentines Date: Team Bucciarati Edition! (+Trish Una) 💝 Quotev Results 
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La Squadra x Reader
Who’s the easiest to seduce and why NSFW 🔞
Eating dessert w/ their s/o
Walking in on their s/o changing (NSFW Themes)
1. Risotto Nero x Reader
Risotto Headcanons 🖤🤍🖤
Risotto Nero w/ an Affectionate Significant Other
Risotto x Short but Sweet & Violent Significant Other
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Stone Ocean 🦋💙💚
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1. Ermes Costello x Reader
Ermes Headcanons 💋
Catch their BF jerking off NSFW 🔞
Jobros who's easiest to seduce and why NSFW 🔞
2. Foo Fighters x Reader
Foo Fighters Headcanons 💧💦
Catch their BF jerking off NSFW 🔞
3. Jolyne Kujo x Reader
Jolyne x Reader Scenarios
Witch Jolyne x Shy Boyfriend NSFW 🔞
Jolyne Headcanons 🦋
Catch their BF jerking off NSFW 🔞
4. Weather Report x Reader
Weather Headcanons 🌧⛈
Boyfriend fluff (100 Follower Special)
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Steel Ball Run
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Gyro Zeppeli x Reader
Gyro Zeppeli Headcanons
Jobros who's easiest to seduce and why NSFW 🔞
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cha0ticspacebi · 1 year
✧.┊ ┊⋆ ┊ Welcome to Hellfire ┊⋆ ┊ .✧
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I am but a humble elder fanfic writer who has been so very willingly been taken back into the world of fandom by the man, the myth, the legend- Eddie Munson. I thought I was done with this life but when the DM calls, you answer! All my works are posted and updated first to A03 under the name Cha0ticbi if you'd rather read over there. All my works are Eddie Munson x female reader and I don't use y/n My blog is 21+ so MDNI! If you follow me and don't have an age listed I will block you!! I’ve decided to keep two of my works 18+ because in them the reader is 18. All others have been marked accordingly.
dividers by firefly-graphics
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➺ The Other Side of Reality (In Progress)✾ College student reader who dreams of more and gets just that when injured Eddie Munson falls through a hole in her ceiling. A canon divergent multiverse slow burn.
╰┈➤ 01
➺ You've Got Desire, So Let It Out ✾ You are a teacher looking for a dom to rock your world but along the way you help Eddie explore a side of himself he's never felt comfortable sharing until now. (Switch Eddie x Reader)
╰┈➤ 01 / 02 / 03 / 04 / 05 / 06 / 07 / 08 / 09 / 10
➺ You're an Image Caught in Time ✾ You got your soulmark when you were very young and don't know who left it. The mark never fades but some days you wished it would especially after meeting Billy. Childhood friends, soulmate AU w/ Dark! Billy Hargrove
╰┈➤ 01 / 02 / 03 / 04 / 05 / 06 / 07 / 08 / 09 / 10 / 11 / 12 / 13 / 14 / 15 / 16 / 17 / 18 / 19 / 20 / 21 / 22 / 23 / 24 / 25 / 26 / 27 / 28
➺ The King of the Hellfire Club ✾ You've traveled for your dads job before landing in Hawkins your senior year. You see Eddie Munson outside Nancy's house one night and now you just have to get the nerve to talk to him before gradation. Cliche high school sweethearts
╰┈➤ 01 / 02 / 03 / 04 / 05 / 06 / 07 / 08 / 09 / 10 / 11 / 12 / 13
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➺ I Hear Your Voice and it Carries Me ✾ Omegaverse/roommates AU with Alpha mechanic Eddie, omega college student reader.
╰┈➤ Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3 (Coming Soon)
➺ A Dungeon Master's Seven Deadly Sins ✾ Kinktober Prompts
╰┈➤ Lust / Envy / Wrath / Greed / Sloth / Gluttony / Pride
➺ The Next Scream You Hear Just Might Be Your Own ✾ Eddie is a scare actor at a haunted hayride and makes reader part of the show.
➺ Your Twisted Love Will Set Me Free ✾ Dark! Serial Killer! Eddie, He's possessive, obsessive, and we love him for it. This is dark as shit! Be warned!
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➺ Titanic AU
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mitz-prompts · 9 months
prompt: will is a children's tv actor
an AU where, instead of going into law enforcement, Will accidentally became an actor on children's television. like, think Steve from Blue's Clues. aimed at the 2-6 year olds.
his personality is the same as canon when he's off camera, but on camera he fakes it for 8 hours at a time.
the best parts of will being on kids tv is that
he would be genuinely very good at it because empathy brain lets him understand children better than others
he's very expressive when he wants to be, and he could be very expressive to communicate on tv
he would still think about serial killers all the fucking time and he would be absolutely terrified of anyone finding out about that. (as opposed to canon where everyone kinda already suspects that the guy who thinks about killing all the time is probably fucked in the head)
hannibal watching the tv show obsessively and super embarrassed about it because it's literally children's tv
there's a tiny part of hannibal that feels like watching his "friend" Will on the tv soothes the ache of his lost childhood
he thinks about how mischa would have loved this show and he cries.
you know how kids tv actors talk to you like they're in the room with you and you're their special friend??? yeah just drop kick hannibal in the heart
i dont know if this works for peter bernardone specifically because he's canonically pretty mature, but if hannibal is treating regressed and formerly-violent patients in the bshci, will could come visit because he keeps getting fan letters from them and he's the only children's tv actor who would actually give that demographic the time of day
will being just as friendly and engaging with the developmentally disabled adults as he would be with kids.... yeah
will probably does end up seeing hannibal for therapy because he (accidentally on purpose?) tracked down the minnesota shrike and confronted him when the fbi took too long to get there. or something. like i'm picturing will still falling into the canon plot beats by virtue of being interested in serial killers still.
hannibal lies about why he's so familiar with will's tv show... he intended to entirely fabricate an imaginary child but then his mouth started talking and suddenly he was describing his daughter mischa, oops
i can see will being like, sort of interested in Hannibal from the start of their interactions (however the hell they cross paths in the first place) but Hannibal definitely seems very adult and their relationship is very adult and... hannibal just seems so put together that will feels a little bit alienated from him. but the way hannibal's face lights up when they talk about the show, and how Will relates to the children through the screen.... Will thinks that at least he can vibe with Hannibal on the level of Hannibal's paternal love for mischa
then he finds out the truth and its like oh? shit. my boner. because hannibal just wants a friend in the most pure way even though he can't admit to it out loud. and its like the perfect mirror for Will who can't admit his darker edges and has to keep a clean veneer.... hannibal has a darker veneer but inside wants something wholesome too
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narrators-journal · 8 months
request: ryomina with your stalker au, with bottom minato.
prompts: 5,12,13 and somnophilia.
I tried so hard to make this one good. I tried SO hard! I WANT it to be good, but god DAMN have I been tweaking this for days. Between the other asks, art, and trying to get some downtime, I’ve been working on this and honing it. So, I pray it’s good. I hope you enjoy, and man could I use some encouragement for the persona asks. The only content that gets liked is hxh stuff, but my passion is for persona…
Sorry if that’s a bit whiney, lol. I also just want more traction on my kinktober stuff in general. I think I might be shadow banned for some of these lol.
Kinktober prompt list: Here
Kinktober masterlist: Here
CW: dubcon, drugging, stalking, serial killer Ryoji, 2 am writing lol. Somnophilia attempts. It’s at least lightly there, breeding kink is also at last implied, pet play, orgasm delay, it’s a p pervy mix!
Three years ago, at 10 pm on a Saturday night Minato Arisato would’ve been out drinking and flirting with any possible man who gave him attention. Prowling bars with his friends for any boost of serotonin or Dopamine he could get. 
However, that was in the era of his life before he had an unhinged, lovesick serial killer stalking him. 
So, instead of going clubbing on a Saturday, Minato was watching the clock tick down with a cup of coffee and some cheesy, garish game show to keep him up. Only two or three more hours. If I don’t get a lily by midnight, I’m free. He told himself. Tearing his tired eyes from the TV to peek out his living room window in hopes of seeing a familiar figure approaching his home in the yellow light of the street lights. Only a few more hours.
That’s what he reminded himself, anyway. Mostly to block out the nagging truth that one missed ‘anniversary’ didn’t promise freedom. He just had to keep up hope…
And piss. Minato had to piss like a motherfucker.
Taking a deep breath, he decided to bite that bullet. Putting down his coffee and making a swift beeline for the bathroom, the blue-haired emo tried to be quick so as to lessen the opening that lightning-fast bastard needed to get into his home. All the time he was away, keeping his senses on high alert for any sign of windows or door opening, floor boards squeaking, or any other minute sign of a change in his tiny home. Yet, when he finally returned to his couch, he found no signs of change.
No knife-wielding brunette lounging with a bag of chips, no love notes, no flowers waiting in a ribbon-tied bouquet on his wobbly coffee table. He could breathe a sigh of relief.
So, Minato happily flopped back onto the aged, squishy cushions of his second-hand couch. Stretching out and checking the time as his game show ended. 
10:55. Five more minutes, and it’ll only be two more hours. He told himself. Throwing his legs back off of the couch to go peer out of his peep hole for any sign of the serial killer, or gifts on his porch. Nothing. Two more hours.
So, downing the remainder of his coffee, Minato let out a slow breath and settled back down on the couch to wait out that remaining window with obnoxiously high energy shows. Focusing in on the bright colors and hyper visuals, Minato tried to put the time out of his mind. Keeping his hearing keen for any suspicious sounds, and...progressively drifting to the left.
Before he knew it, his eyes were struggling to stay on the screen, and the words of the characters were almost nonsensical.
Through that heavy fog of sleep, though, Minato felt something warm glide over his thigh. The first of many sensations to slowly trickle back in and pull him out of the claws of slumber. The presence of...someone, between his legs on the couch, hips pressed to his, and the garbled, nonsensical whispers of affection calling his consciousness back to the surface as equally as it stirred up a breath-taking bonfire under his pale skin. The fact that said someone was Ryoji Mochizuki, was the last thing to register.
Ryoji...Mochizuki. Minato’s serial killer stalker. The man who thought breaking into his house and almost murdering his parents passed as a date...
In a heartbeat, Minato’s grey eyes flew open. Fuelled by nothing but confusion and a groggy bolt of panic, the groggy man tried to see or push the person nibbling at his throat away. It was almost dizzying. Disoriented from waking up in a pitch-black living room and the chill of the AC’s cold air on legs he was certain were clothed when he’d passed out, Minato grunted. He groped around at the warm form above him until he could finally shove at Ryoji’s chest with a more coordinated intention to try and get that cursed, skillful mouth away from his throat. 
However, all the brunette did in response to that was to capture one of his wrists to pin it against the arm of the couch with the hand that wasn’t leaving an overwhelmingly hot trail from Minato’s knee to the front of his pubic area. Making the emo’s stomach flutter with a thrill he’d not felt for a year. “S-stop…” He tried, regardless of the bubbling stew of lust and carnal pleasure while attempting to blink away the groggy sluggishness and siren song of neglected needs. Letting himself grip Ryoji’s button-up shirt while the killer took a break from his siege of kisses to hum into Minato’s throat, the vibrations seeming to resonate throughout the blue-haired man’s bones. “Well, good morning, funeral lily~ Happy anniversary~” nipping the man’s sweet spot to pull out a small moan. “You’re so cute when you sleep, hope you don’t mind me jumping the gun a bit,” he added, nibbling and kissing a trail along his throat until the emo squirmed and vaguely tried to kick at him.  “Stop...wait…” He tried again, only for the brunette to sit up and lift his leg to his shoulder, making the sleepy man grunt slightly. “What the...Ryoji, don’t-” His mumble got cut off when the man leaned back down to kiss him. Drinking down the wheeze given at the shaggy-haired man being folded, before pulling away to smile warmly down at him as he let go of his captive wrist to cup his face. 
        “Relax, handsome, I just want to make you feel good. Just let those sedatives work their magic, and go back to sleep, okay?” He purred, I guess that confirms that...
On top of that, Ryoji already had an annoyingly melodious voice that stuck in Minato’s head, but the soothing warmth of the man’s gentle touches and kisses to his inner thigh, plus the haze of lust and drowsiness all worked together to make the words that would’ve normally dumped a bucket of ice water on Minato, captivating. God, but I’d listen to him read the phone buck...book…
With that slurred thought, the emo was finally drug back into the sweet embrace of a doze. Not that he properly slept, though, it was more like he was merely kept in some sort of limbo. 
Trapped in a state of unfocused consciousness that heightened each brush of Ryoji’s lips over his pale skin, or caress of his fingers down Minato’s belly, over his twitching, eager cock to a nearly unbearable level. Moans falling from the blue-haired man like water from a cracked bucket when the delicious feeling of the killer’s warm tongue pushing into his ass registered through the fog. Almost too warm to tolerate as it worked its way into him, but each thrust of the wet muscle still made Minato’s belly flutter and his breaths race.
Wait, when did he move though? A more sensible voice asked, the only voice of logic in the storm of bliss and drowsy thoughts. “R-ryoji!” he gasped, that inkling of confusion drowned out by a sudden onslaught of dizzying excitement crashing through the barrier of sedated relaxation. Rocking Minato’s entire body with the breathtaking flurry of keep going! Hurry! More! while a hand blindly reaching down to tangle into his stalker’s pushed-back hair. Arching his back and pushing himself against the stalker’s tongue when the man moaned into him and sent an earthquake of nearly blinding bliss up into the emo.
However, as much as Minato ground his hips into Ryoji’s mouth, the taller man detangled his fingers to sit back up, taking Minato’s knees onto his shoulders. Catching the emo’s hand when it didn’t follow the same way and kissing his knuckles.  “Not so fast, funeral lily. Let me enjoy my toy a bit longer.” He hummed, his husky voice making the groggy man shudder and twitch. Too aware of his ass on Ryoji’s strong thighs and the brunette’s impressive dick settled against him, instead of inside of him. It was frustrating. “I...wanna get off…” was his only coherent mumble in response. His grey eyes struggling to stay open to watch the man smile sweetly.         “Don’t I always get you off? I’d never dream of leaving my funeral lily needy.” He promised, letting Minato’s hand go to stroke the man’s erection as he continued in a lower, darker purr, “If I did that, you might go to someone else for relief, and we both know how I feel about sharing~” 
Almost a dare. An invitation for Minato to even try to hook up with someone a second time. Yet, with the restless buzz that zipped over his skin, and the bolts of pleasure sent through him with each slow, teasing stroke of the man’s hand, Minato didn’t spit back the usual venom, he just tried to see the serial killer’s soft, contrastingly friendly body that hid a scary strength under an average amount of pudge.
After all, he was a predator. So, like his voice, Ryoji Mochizuki’s physique was annoyingly appealing. With a round face, bright blue eyes that twinkled like demented sapphires, and dark brown hair he usually wore pushed back, but was now allowed to droop into his face from the blue-haired emo’s grip. If it hadn’t been for his ‘hobby’, Minato would have jumped him on sight after their first meeting..
But, Ryoji Mochizuki was still a serial killer. He got a senseless thrill out of the fear of killing unsuspecting bar goers who just so happened to meet him. He was dangerous, unhinged, and obsessed with Minato over...something he couldn’t be bothered to contemplate. So, instead of being a friend with benefits, the pretty man was Minato’s stalker. His personal amoral, possessive monster that even in his sleepy state, should disgust the shaggy-haired emo.
Yet, the only thing Minato felt was the tingle of taboo excitement and need. A need that worsened when Ryoji let go of his member to slip his hand lower and dip a finger into his hole.  “Damn, good thing I brought lube.” He mumbled, just before the drugged man returned into the relaxing in-between state. Giving into the floaty bliss of near unconsciousness to let the buzz of pleasure sink deeper.
All morality and reality forgotten in the dreamy pleasure of letting Ryoji kiss his thighs and work lubricant into his hole with skilled fingers that coiled the blue-haired man’s stomach into knots, but never let those painful knots come undone. 
No matter his whines, moans, or slightly slurred pleas, the brunette kept him just at the edge of that tantalizing euphoria. Taking breaks now and then to bring him back to earth and into the sway of sleepiness, but always returning to stroking his cock or thrusting one or two fingers into Minato’s ass. Even when the serial killer finally progressed the torment to slipping his cock into him, Minato was kept from that relief with slow thrusts and tender murmurs of,  “-so tight-” “I wish I could put a baby-” “-All mine. My funeral lily.” “No one else’s...all mine-” that only sometimes came into focus through the swirling storm of pleasure and sleep. Outside of that, Ryoji’s words were a garbled, unintelligible mess of noises that Minato struggled to even register hearing while his body jolted with each deep thrust into him.
What the hell is wrong with me? That sensible voice asked while the blue-haired man arched his back when the head of his stalker’s dick brushed that special spot within the blue-haired man, This shouldn’t be...hot. He tried to remind himself, but each growl of possessive ownership took his breath away regardless of that logic..
Their ‘relationship’ held no power here. All that mattered was the delicious sensation of being filled. Having another person’s skin finally slapping against his, and the desire Ryoji held for him was all that Minato could focus on.
Whether or not that desire was healthy didn’t matter either. The blood on the brunette’s hands didn’t matter. Hell, he could’ve been Satan himself, and so long as he stuck to that faster pace he began to set, Minato still would’ve whined like a whore with how each thrust sent ripples of pleasure through every fiber of his being.
He would’ve tried to coordinate his legs to wrap around Ryoji’s hips if he could’ve, but the serial killer still had his knees captive on his shoulders so he could thrust deeper.
      “Ryoji…” Minato wheezed, one of his hands clawing into the arm of the couch behind his head, and the other blindly feeling in the darkness until he found Ryoji’s hand to hold.  “Calm down,” The brunette purred, the dark edge of sadistic pleasure in his sweet words coiling around the emo’s throat like a cobra. The thrill of danger, and the thorough thrusts that almost drove the man into the couch inflating a bubble in his belly. The unfocused limbo of being half awake while being flooded with pleasurable friction only seeming to worsen the building pressure in his body. “Can’t. I’m-I’m gonna-!” As if the mere movement that speaking required was the final blow, that bubble burst. Washing away whatever remained of Minato’s drug-addled thoughts in a tsunami of white-hot bliss so strong, that it left him dazed, panting, and disoriented with a buzzing drowning Ryoji out.
When Minato came back to the situation, he could finally focus just enough to take in the pool of warmth deep in his belly, and the lovesick glint in those pools of moon-drenched blue that Ryoji looked down at him with.  “You’re so pretty, funeral lily.~” He hummed, gently putting Minato’s legs back down so he could freely lean down and kiss the emo’s lips with the tenderness of a loving soulmate until Minato fully gave in to the sedatives. Content with a belly full of cum and angelic kisses.
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johnica-weeks · 2 years
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Welcome to the 4th Johnica Week! I can't believe it's already the fourth edition and I'm so happy to have still lots of talented artists and writers joining the event and keeping the fandom alive by contributing (also) to the growth of this wonderful couple 🥰💕💕💕
When is the event? 📆
This year's Johnica Week will be a bit shorter, only four days, in order to keep entries more collected, avoid burnout for those faithful creators who want to challenge themselves and join everyday, and for everyone who loves to read fics but has less time on their hands. The event will start on Sunday 15th January and end on Wednesday 18th January, aka John and Veronica's 48th wedding anniversary!
Where? 🔎
Here on Tumblr, on AO3 and also on Instagram for visual artists!
💚 Use the tag #JohnicaWeek2023 in your entries here and on Instagram!
📚 > Here will be the AO3 COLLECTION where to post your fics! <
💚 Tag @eileen-crys​ and/or @johnica-weeks​ in your works so I can read, see and share them!
📚 At the end of the event I’ll make a Tumblr masterlist with all the works!
2020 Masterlist | 2021 Masterlist | 2022 Masterlist
The Theme 📚 
You’ve read it right, this year Johnica Week has a theme, linked to the 46th wedding anniversary, that is BOOKS. Like all the prompts, it’s up to you to follow the theme or not, consider it just as a general theme that you could build your entries around. I chose some prompts that might fit this theme, that are about books as physical objects or as idea for an alternative worldbuilding.
How? 🖼
You're encouraged to join with your preferred creative media or challenge yourself with something new! Fanfictions, drawings, comics, poetry, collages and photo edits, moodboards, anything you like! More in the RULES below.
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Like all Ship Weeks, this is a fandom event to share love and creativity related to a particular couple, so be sure to engage with the entries and support all the artists and writers that chose to join! Reblog, leave likes/kudos and comment on the artworks to keep the fandom alive! 💜💖💕💜💖💕
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These prompts are simply suggestions for the event, you can choose one, mix them together, follow them or not, be creative with the prompts or do something completely different! That’s up to you 😊 For each day I chose a situation that revolves around books, an undergoing theme, a literary genre and a type of Alternative Universe you can choose among.
💚 Day 1 - Sunday 15th
SITUATION: Transported from real life to a book’s world and living an adventure there/meeting the main characters. (Suggestions: Alice in Wonderland, Harry Potter, Lord of the Rings, etc.) Note: not as an AU, but more on the idea of "real John and Veronica live an adventure in a book" as themselves.
THEME: Having fun together
GENRE: Action
AU: Superheroes/Superpowers (“Superheroes with Superproblems” comic book, Fantasy or Sci-Fi, Dystopian, Fantasy, Cyberpunk, etc.)
💚 Day 2 - Monday 16th
SITUATION: Misplaced/stolen book.
THEME: Math VS Poetry
GENRE: Horror/mystery
AU: Noir/Detective story (Victorian, Modern Crime Scene, Serial Killer, Futuristic, etc.)
💚 Day 3 - Tuesday 17th
SITUATION: Finding/reading a book for the other one or for the kids.
THEME: Long distance
GENRE: Fairytale
AU: Historical Fiction (Royalty, 1920s, Arranged Marriage, World War, Ancient Greece, etc)
💖 Day 4 - Wednesday 18th (Wedding anniversary!)
SITUATION: Bonding thanks to a special book.
THEME: Pregnancy
GENRE: Comedy
AU: Romantic cliché (Soulmates, bookshop, coffee/florist shop, alternative first meeting, etc.)
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What can you do? ✒
You can join with fanfics, edits and moodboards, drawings of all kinds and if you want to sing or play an instrument please feel free to!
The requirements are:
John and Veronica Deacon as the main pairing;
Your love and creativity! 🥰
You can write/draw:
Fics with and without accurate settings and timelines;
Alternative Universes (AU) of any kind and genre, mixed or not with the promts (ex. Fem!John AU + coffee shop, A/B/O AU + Superpowers);
“What if"s;
Genderswap/genderbending of any kind;
Other Queen members, friends, pairings, family, poly ships (that have to involve both John and Veronica!), OCs, etc…
Fluff, angst, crack, hurt/comfort, action, mystery, sexy times… anything you fancy!
🔥 NSFW is allowed with PROPER TAGS! IMPORTANT note: please interact with NSFW only if you’re +18! 🔞
… and more! If you’re unsure feel free to ask!
We’re here to celebrate John and Veronica Deacon, not to create drama or fights nor to disrespect their privacy. So please be considered about your entries and comments and always try to be respectful to John, to Veronica, to their family and friends, to the people who ship them or ship other couples and to your audience.
Fics and fanarts about post ‘97 John ARE allowed.
Photos and videos from after his retirement in moodboards and edits ARE NOT allowed!
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HOW to post? 🤔
You can post your entries here on Tumblr, on AO3 and on Instagram, using the hashtag #JohnicaWeek2022 and tagging me.
If you prefer, you can post anonymously on AO3, HERE is an easy guide on how to do it!
If you’re on Tumblr and want to post a fic anonymously please send me a DM and I’ll post it on @johnica-weeks on your behalf, crediting it as Anonymous author!
🔥 TAG your work APPROPRIATELY! This includes all potential triggers and smut. On Tumblr you can include the appropriate warnings at the top of the fic followed by a "keep reading” cut (you can add it in desktop version AND on mobile by writing :readmore: in a new line!) Also be sure to tag the rating of your fic, the genre and the themes of your story, enough to help the readers!
✨ If you’re still unsure, HERE’s a useful guide on how to tag your works!
As a reader... 📖
If you’re a fan of John, of Johnica or simply like to read fanfictions, positive interactions are always much welcomed! Support the authors by leaving likes, a comment (even a little one!) and sharing their work. On AO3 you don’t need an account to leave Kudos and Comments! (Unless the author has willingly prevented guests to comment). To leave a comment on AO3 you simply have to choose a temporary mail and set your email to get a notification for an eventual reply.
If a work is not tagged appropriately, you can reach out to me via DM and I’ll warn the author. If anything makes you uncomfortable, simply close the work! Do not engage by leaving nasty comments or messaging the author!
During the event, if any of you/your entries gets hateful comments or messages towards you, your entries, the Johnica ship, the event or other creators, please DELETE the hateful comment/message right away with no interactions and let me know! This is no place for haters, just for creativity and love.
If you see a hateful comment on other works do not engage, instead leave a positive comment to the same work and support the author! 💜
Realistic or not, remember that fanfictions are, by definition, FICTIONAL and not meant to be a documentary! There are lots of things we don’t know about John and Veronica’s private lives and don’t want to go in too deeply, gossip or speculate about them, so feel free to fly with your fantasy and let your creativity flow! 😊💖 Most of all… have fun, respect each other and support each other’s works!
If you have any question feel free to send me an ask or a DM!
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Header and graphics by @eileen-crys​ and @/firefly-graphics
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blackbloodteeth · 22 days
121 Soul ideas (Pt. 1)
For fun and because I love ramblin' around, I've decided to share all the newer prompts I had stored for the March of Madness event that I hadn't really brought up anywhere. Since they don't need to be left open for interpretation anymore, I've even added some more info to some of them. Honestly might return to some of the ideas myself some day, but if anyone gets inspired by anything feel free to do whatever haha
Since this list is pretty long, I've gone and split this up into two parts, which you can find the second half here.
Soul and Maka are rivaling hitmen constantly at each other's throats, however they are so evenly matched that neither can manage to outplay the other. One day, one of them finally figures out how to defeat the other, only to start to reflect on their long-going rivalry now that there's a means to put it to an end.
2. One day Soul wakes up to find that everyone in the world has vanished. In the original idea this is inspired by, it involved a short story of wandering around to find where everyone went, eventually leading to seeing people still inside the mirror and the character (in this case Soul) realizing he's trapped on the wrong side.
3. In his desire to protect Maka, Soul ends up turning into a monster and losing conscious awareness of himself in the process. Maka can only watch on in horror at the devastating power he now has.
4. A King Kong-inspired AU where Maka gets separated from her exploration team while on a previously undiscovered island, and ends up finding a giant ape (that being Soul) who is curious about her. Soul actually lives with his brother but had been lazing around by himself, and he is quite friendly and eager to show her some of his favourite views before she has him take her back to her team.
5. Every winter Soul leaves to live in the woods, as he turns into an inhuman creature for the entire season. His conscious mind most likely "sleeps" during this period.
6. Soul returns from his long-term Death Scythe training, and finds that during the time Maka had been simultaneously training her Grigori soul, she'd also picked up archery to expand upon having different ways to use Soul in fights. Mostly had been a one-shot idea where the two are eager to see each other again and compare their strengths since they were last together.
7. Due to his hunting instincts, Soul starts to lose control of himself whenever he smells blood. I had shark inspirations in mind for this one, however it's up to interpretation if he's a demon weapon.
8. Soul needs to consume at least a little bit of blood to use his inner power. Maka's blood has an unusual effect on him, however.
9. Due to demon weapons being more carnivorous (and probably more like actual demons), Soul needs blood as his main source of iron, which weapons need a lot more of. Human blood is more effective in maintaining good health and staving off hunger.
10. Soul and Maka investigate the ongoing case of livestock being taken and eaten. After splitting up, Soul however ends up not coming back once night falls, and Maka catches a glimpse of the thing responsible. Idea was initially werewolf related, however the details are left to interpretation.
11. Soul believes he has died and become a ghost, only for him to actually still be alive the entire time.
12. After Soul eats a witch's soul without knowing what it is, he discovers that he's actually a demon weapon when it results in his soul "overflowing" due to becoming bigger than his body, giving him superpower-like abilities including manifesting his scythe form outside of his body. Originally a doodle idea that I didn't get around to.
13. Soul wakes up in the middle of the night when a serial killer sneaks into his room after being attracted to his soul, which ends in Soul managing to kill the murderer in self-defense and waking up his family. This was a one-shot idea I had related to the previous idea, however it works as its own separate idea.
14. Soul finds he loves dissecting all kinds of things and seeing how they tick, but doesn't understand why.
15. Bloodborne-inspired AU where Soul is much like the Orphan of Kos, abandoned by the river after his mother passed away giving birth to him and sorrowfully looking up at the moon every night.
16. While investigating an abandoned lab with Stein, Kid, and Maka, Soul ends up getting forcefully taken by one of the machines after they accidentally start it up, and his body ends up getting near-perfectly duplicated. His soul, however, does not.
17. AU based on Exit 8. Soul finds himself trapped in an endlessly looping hallway and must find the differences to progress, only going forward when that iteration of the hall has no anomalies. Unbeknown to him, Kid is monitoring him as this is actually a test.
18. Soul has the ability to move objects telekinetically like you would in VR, however he mostly just uses it to be lazy. A potential idea I had for this world is that powers like these are usually restricted outside of their homes due to how easy to misuse they are, which contrasts with Soul using it in the most mundane way imaginable. Hey I mean couch snacks are couch snacks.
19. Soul loves the smell of the freezer, however this ends up getting him in trouble when opening it up for too long and too often causes ice to start spreading into the rest of the surrounding apartment.
20. Soul and Maka run a diner at the edge of the multiverse. Bonus points if they act like an old married couple.
21. Soul and Maka challenge each other to seeing who can beat a Sudoku puzzle first. After a few rounds, Soul’s puzzles start containing strange symbols and he finds out that he must complete the puzzle he started or he can’t leave.
22. After riding his motorcycle out to take a walk in the woods, Soul unknowingly encounters Siren Head until it's too late and he's then grabbed by it. The shock ends up turning him into a scythe (an ability he didn't know he had) and only saving him because the sudden transformation startles it, causing him to be dropped and letting him escape back on his bike. This was originally a one-shot idea that ended up changing a bit as I thought of it as an art piece as well.
23. I had a dream of adding a prompt where Soul turns into a werewolf and eats someone's livestock with the phrase "Sorry Maka, I was so hungry." Seems to be based on the earlier one where Soul and Maka investigate the missing livestock case.
24. As a prank, Soul pretends that he laid an egg when he woke up that morning. When he continues to incubate it for the joke, it hatches into something unexpected.
25. In a Wonderland, the “Mad Hare” is keeping “Alice” captive at a tea party, and must decide if he will let her go or take her soul to finally leave Wonderland for himself.
26. After finding out he’s a demon weapon, Soul travels through the Nevadan Desert on his own to find the elusive Death City, and sees some strange wildlife along the way.
27. Soul is a circus performer who works alongside a Clown (as in the kind like in Soul Eater but not with the same lore), and despite him feeling more at home here, he’s lately been struggling with feeling like he doesn’t fully belong when he sees the other troupe members start to have deeper affections for each other. And then Maka comes along.
28. One-shot idea where Soul is watching the cicadas call at sunset before Maka joins up with him, and it leads into the joke of Soul saying "Trees are screamin' again." These two are scholars in some sort of alternative time period, and Soul is taking a break out in the grass while Maka, as usual, is carrying far too many books/scrolls.
29. IT-inspired AU where child Soul is lured into the drainage by a reality-bending clown, however because Soul isn’t afraid of all the fun circus-y stuff (and because of his sharp teeth), the clown decides to just keep him instead.
30. After finding a cool rock stashed away in a tree in the woods, Maka takes it home and leaves it displayed in her living room. As it turns out, Soul's soul is inhabiting said rock and has now been awakened, making him haunt her apartment. Maka is oblivious to him being there, and because he can't really be detected or have much influence on the world, Soul ends up mostly moping on her furniture because he's lonely and depressed. Eventually though, she starts to see him after something causes her to "connect" with him and leads to them steadily interacting. At the height of the story, it is revealed that Soul was merely cursed to be trapped inside the rock after wishing he could be left alone, but now he wants to break free with the two having ended up befriending each other.
31. Partly a joke idea based on a video of a small group of people trapped inside a room with a pig-masked chainsaw murderer outside, and them escaping by just phonk walking out with the killer not knowing what to do. I'll leave this one up to your imagination.
32. Everyone’s always joked about how “it’s the humidity that’ll get you” until Soul gets pursued by the fog.
33. Soul is coerced into joining along in karaoke night because people (especially Maka) love the sound of his singing voice. He, however, does not and spends the night trying to figure out how to worm his way out of singing.
34. Based on the one hypothetical scenario where "if aliens invaded, would you fight them or try to hide," except it's actually occurring for real. I think this idea made me wonder if DWMA has any protocol for if aliens ended up being real and invading.
35. Post-canon idea where Soul and Maka end up going on a break of sorts to improve their connection and resonance when it gets worn thin, though things turn a little awkward when the "mind" and "body" portion involves close-contact social activities such as back massaging each other and soaking in the same hotsprings together.
36. Soul finds a plush rabbit that turns out to contain the soul of Maka who'd been sleeping before he took it home.
37. Soul and Maka, whom have never met, are being arranged to marry very soon. Soul dreads this because the wedding rings will bind them for the rest of their lives, however he comes to realize that Maka is far more dangerous than his family is.
38. A one-shot I call Who's Afraid of the Were-turkey. It's a Thanksgiving-themed idea where there's a local urban legend about a "man turkey" that will catch you around Thanksgiving if he finds you during the full moon, and will either eat you if you've eaten turkey or simply turn you into one if you anger him. While Soul's a little more wary of the possibility of this tale being true, Maka wants to debunk it after their idiot group of friends kept going on about it, and drags him along to disprove it once and for all. As it turns out, following the neighborhood turkeys was probably a bad idea when they all corner them and summon the Man Turkey. After reigning his judgement and the two are swarmed by the turkeys, they wake back up covered with scratches and bites, and the turkeys are nowhere to be found. They both look up when they remember the moon if full, and decide to hide under their jackets while returning home.
39. Another one-shot idea I've had for a long while where after Soul and Maka get stranded on a snowy mountain during a trip with no way to contact anyone for help, Soul reveals he is a were-animal and willingly changes to keep her warm for the night. Given there were two different iterations of this idea, I don't mind it being more open to interpret for the time being.
40. …Okay apparently I did have the other iteration on the list hah, can't say I wasn't tired by this point haha. After Soul and Maka get separated from their friend group in the mountains, they decide to seek refuge in a small cave for the night and Soul reveals he is a werewolf as he willingly transforms to make sure she’ll be warm during the snowstorm.
41. Another one-shot idea, where Soul's mother is on the run with her infant son while being hunted, as demon weapons are seen as actual demons in this world. To save him, she drops him off at the door of a church before running the other way to distract her pursuers, leaving him crying in the rain before Spirit (who is a part of the church to hide his own weapon nature) quickly takes him inside when he catches on to what's happening. At first he's nervous about there potentially actually being a demon baby as Soul has started growing in sharp teeth by this point, however he's soon taking a liking to him when Spirit's presence calms him, and he carries Soul further inside to help dry him off.
42. Another one-shot idea, where a young Soul is taken to the square with his brother to watch a young Maka be publicaly executed for being a witch. Despite the pleas of her father and Maka's tears, the fire is lit until suddenly it goes out, the crowd then parting as dozens of arms reach up from the ground, all running away as Soul walks up to Spirit quickly freeing his daughter. Now with her back in his arms, he thanks Soul for saving her while the strange hands return to his shadow, and offers him to come with them to live a new life. Soul turns to see Wes is already gone, and quietly nods, fleeing into the shadows with his new family.
43. After Soul gets convinced to skip school on his first day, things are all fun and games of being one of the cool kids until he gets turned into a donkey. Pinnochio-inspired AU.
44. Soul and Maka take on a special training assignment where they must face their innermost fears separately, and then together.
45. Soul is the Pied Piper, able to control any living creature with the sounds of his music playing. He doesn’t like to speak much as Black Blood is his sickness. May take place after the events of spiriting away the children of the town that refused to pay him for his service.
46. Had one prompt listed that was just me picking out any of my SoMa Week prompt ideas, such as "Catharsis" where a non-linear story interweaves the events of Soul playing piano for Maka after he smashed a mirror, and "Confession" where Soul finds Maka sleeping in a way that reminds him of the scene of Juliet being "dead," causing him to ramble out his feelings about Maka until it turns out she wasn't ever actually asleep.
47. Sekiro AU where Soul has the form of a wolf in the shape of a man, and Kid is Kuro. Was noted that it didn't have to be lore-heavy since it would've probably been loosely described for open interpretation if this had been chosen.
48. When a curse is spreading where people suddenly turn into animals, Soul ends up afflicted by it and turning into a wolf, a common but highly feared iteration. As fate would have it though, he finds himself waking up the next day as a human despite that being completely unheard of, with only the vague memory of a hand and the face of a girl having been in front of him.
49. The gang decide to set up a game of water balloon tag. This was originally an idea I had long ago where it was set up like the Hunger Games simulator, except just… water balloons haha
50. One morning Soul gets a frantic phone call from his best friend Maka, and quickly bicycles over to her house with a couple Poptarts still on hand. He's surprised to find that not only has she apparently woken up as a Kadabra, she's talking to him with just her thoughts, and he soon offers her a remaining Poptart of sympathy.
51. Soul and Maka go to investigate a wrecked house for an assignment, and once inside, their reflections begin to move and start messing with their heads.
52. Soul suddenly wakes up in the display case of a museum, not knowing how he got there.
53. Soul is a cyborg that utilizes DWMA's recent tech which operates on the power of one's soul, in turn making a literal phantom limb that is able to be used physically. When he gets infected, however, his false arm begins to act strangely.
54. Soul was once a spirit of the forest, now reduced to being only a nature park. He is wary of humans, but approachable to those wanting to help preserve and restore nature, although part of his skittishness stems from a dark look-alike that seems to be his direct counterpart and a spirit of pollution.
55. Wes is the dragon of the West Winds, Soul is the dragon of the East Winds. The two travel around on their respective halves, however sometimes they end up clashing and causing great storms.
56. Fern Gully-inspired AU, where Soul gets shrunk down and meets the fae of the forest.
57. Having been owned by a witch his whole life, Soul suddenly finds himself not knowing what to do when said witch is killed during the confrontation with a lone weapon in a suit of armor. The warrior, despite being heavily injured, refuses his help, and not being used to the concept of free will, Soul decides to follow her anyway until she passes out. Having carried her the rest of the way to have her injuries treated, he lingers around afterwards to help her recover back to health, and finds out more about who they both are.
58. After Soul jokes about wishing he had the memory of an elephant, he ends up getting turned into a small elephant.
59. A story like The Three Little Pigs where little piggy Soul lets a big bad wolf inside when he claims to be here to talk to his parents. After keeping him company like a proper guest, because Soul has been raised with good manners, his mother comes in, terrified, and the wolf simply leaves her with a warning to look after her son a little better as he was put in a good mood. It's then revealed that this is Soul retelling having unknowingly met Free when he was a kid to Maka.
60. A young Soul gets lost in a crowd and separated from his parents until a strange man finds him and offers to help reunite him. Soul isn't really aware of what's going on, but the strange man has them both avoid the dangers lurking around them (part of the cause of why Soul ended up separated), and soon enough gets him back to his family as promised. When Soul tries to point out the stranger that helped him, however, the man has already completely vanished.
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