#Coney Island Pizza
thatssocheezy · 8 months
Coney Island Wood Fired Pizza - Hamburg Turnpike in Riverdale, NJ
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I took my dad to Station 1 Records in Pompton Lakes for his birthday and on our way back we decided to check out Coney Island Wood Fired Pizza. I've been driving by this place for close to a decade at this point but I've never stopped in because, you guessed it, it's a pie place. We decided to split a pie and got two toppings to share, buffalo chicken and sausage truffle. Besides being a little small, it was a good pie! I preferred the buffalo chicken personally as it had a better blend of toppings and just was all-around a solid buff slice. The sausage truffle had a balsamic dressing drizzled across that brought it down a notch in my book. I also had no interest in the tomatoes but I just picked ‘em off. Other than that, I'm just not a fan of the crust on "wood fired" pies like this because they have that charred taste and unfortunately that happened to me here too. So would I recommend Coney Island? Maybe. It's good, but expensive for the smaller size of the pie (I think we paid $15?) so just take that into consideration.
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jazeerajin · 11 months
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@tabibaby ilysmimysm, awesome eyes I wanna pluck one them out n put it in my socket.
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235uranium · 10 months
I never actually realized that jets is a detroit chain despite not living in detroit for over a decade
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pjackk · 1 year
The gays in the local scene always call me mr.new york city because i would always come into the bar with a pizza slice in 1 hand an a coney island style hotdog in my other 1 hand & i would squeeze my arms together to hold a largw cocola & hopefully not spill it (yes i used a long straw to drink it..) usually i would go home right when i finish my snack but 1 time i let a drunk twunk bust on me in the bathroom cuz i liked his devil may care attitude.Hes long dead now & i miss him honestly i just wish i learnt his name so i could have 1 last hot dog in his honor before they run out and shit since they going to be replacing them with BugDogs made out of crickets & roaches smashed into a puddy since that seems to be the way sjws are taking this fcking crazy planet,making us eat dogs made of bugs for no reason other then made up bull shit to make us live in fear? Of what?
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ao719 · 8 months
…Sometimes Not (Part 10)
Love is Ruthless
This is a submission for @choicesflashfics, using prompt #3, “Well … that was unexpected.”
Title inspo: Foolish - Forest Blakk
A/N: This is an au mini series to my Always You story. Not beta’d. Please excuse any errors.  
Book/Pairing: TRR; Liam x OC (Reyna)
Rating: T • Warnings: None but some mild language.
Word count: 2500
Catch up here
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Pushing open her apartment door, Reyna stepped inside with Liam following behind her. She slung her bag over the back of one of the stools at the counter before heading to the living area and flopping onto the sofa. 
“Tired?” Liam chuckled as he sat next to her.
“No,” Reyna smiled. “Just need to sit for a minute. We did a lot of walking today.” After walking around Battery Park earlier, the pair headed to Coney Island. “Are you hungry?”
Liam looked at her, mirroring her grin as they tried to read each other’s thoughts. “Pizza,” they said in unison. “Jinx.”
Reyna pulled her phone out of the pocket of her sweatshirt and brought up the website of the nearest establishment; after a few moments, she set her phone down beside her. “Should be here in about 25 minutes.” 
Liam nodded as he stood from the sofa; he walked to the kitchen and grabbed two bottles of water from the refrigerator before returning to the living area. “Here,” he said, handing her one as he sat.
“Thanks,” Reyna grinned. 
Reyna subtly glanced over at Liam. He’d been in the city for a week, and while she intended to finally talk to him during his visit, she hadn’t been able to. Every time they hung out, she’d build up the courage to bring it up, and then something would interrupt them.
The first day they met up, their time together was cut short when Liam got a phone call and had to go back to his hotel for an unplanned virtual meeting. They met up later that evening for dinner, but Reyna struggled to talk herself back into it after the moment had been ruined earlier.
The following evening, while at her apartment, just as Reyna talked herself into broaching the subject, Daniel showed up. He was a tad tipsy and had taken an Uber from the bar he’d been at to her place to tell her all about the terrible date he’d been on. After telling them his dramatic tale, he ended up passing out. Liam helped Reyna get him to the spare bedroom before he left to go back to his hotel.  
The next day, Reyna had been intent on bringing it up; she had the entire conversation planned out in her head. After Liam arrived at her apartment that afternoon with lunch, she was about to bring it up when Maxwell called to tell him that he’d just heard from Drake for the first time in nearly three years. That, of course, threw Liam for a loop and altered his mood entirely … along with her plans.
Reyna didn’t attempt to bring it up in the two days that followed; she wanted to make sure Liam was in the right headspace for the conversation. Tonight, however, was his last night in the city before he’d be heading home. It was a now-or-never situation. She had to tell him tonight.
As a silence settled between them, Liam shifted his gaze in her direction; he noticed that Reyna had been acting off all week. Whenever they were together, she seemed a little on edge with her thoughts seemingly occupied by something else most of the time. He couldn’t help but wonder if it had something to do with his confession. They’d talked via phone calls and video chats since then, but this was the first time they’d seen each other in person since that trip she made to Cordonia. He was worried that what he’d confessed in a moment of weakness when he was unable to keep quiet about his feelings any longer — something he regretted doing almost instantly — had now made things awkward and weird. 
The truth was that Liam was left feeling both guilty and humiliated by his confession. Not only was it something he sprung on her out of nowhere but something he didn’t put any thought into, which was why it had come out in a frustrated word vomit. He’d spent the time since working on coming to terms with the fact that she no longer felt the same. 
Glancing at her again, Liam took note of the way Reyna’s leg was bouncing nervously. His eyes flickered up and he knitted his brows when he saw the contemplative expression she wore as she stared straight ahead. “Are you alright?” he finally asked.
Reyna looked at him. “Fine. Why?” 
“That is a lie,” Liam chuckled. “You’re doing the anxious leg jiggle and you look like you’re trying to solve world peace.” She offered a smile that he noticed didn’t reach her eyes. “Seriously, Rey, what’s wrong?” 
Reyna let out a breath and shifted her body on the sofa to face him. Now or never. “I … I need to talk to you about something …” 
“Ok …?”
“It’s something I’ve been meaning to bring up all week, I just … I haven’t found the right time,” Reyna explained. He nodded as he stared at her expectantly, waiting for her to continue. “It’s about what you said when I was in Cordonia. Your … confession.” She watched him stiffen uncomfortably at her words, and she let out a breath. “Listen, I know you said not to say anything, but I need to tell you why I didn’t push harder to respond and—”
“Rey, don’t,” Liam interrupted. “Can we please not do this?” 
“I just need you to hear me out because—”
“Stop,” Liam pleaded as he shifted his position on the sofa. “Please … stop talking.” 
“Liam,” Reyna admonished.
“Reyna, you don’t have to do this. Really.” Liam sighed, running his hand through his hair. 
“Do what?”
“Give me an explanation out of pity,” Liam said as he threw his hands up in frustration. He didn’t want to sit there and watch her suffer through trying to explain herself. She didn’t owe him an explanation of any sort. “I get that three years went by … that your feelings changed and our chances slipped away. I just … I just want to move on from it and not think about it.”
Reyna stared at him, both puzzled and frustrated. She’d been hesitant enough about telling him, having to build up the courage just to do so because that fear she had still lingered. She’d chosen to do it, however, because she finally conceded that the risk was worth it … he was worth it … they were worth it. And now, here he was, begging her to stop talking when she was finally ready to pour her heart out and tell him everything … because he had come to the conclusion that she simply fell out of love with him over the years. 
What the hell am I supposed to do? Reyna thought as she closed her eyes and let out a breath. I have to tell him tonight. Then, an idea struck. She hadn’t known what exactly she was going to say or how she was going to say it, and clearly, she hadn’t started out well since the conversation seemed to be over before it began. But there was a way for her to tell him how she felt and show him how wrong he was without having to say anything at all. 
“Stay here,” Reyna said.
Liam watched her stand and disappear down the hall, leaving him flustered on the sofa. As he muddled through the thoughts filling his head, a knock came on the door. 
“I’ll get it,” Liam called out, assuming it was the pizza she’d ordered. He rose from the sofa and pulled his wallet from his back pocket, opening it up and fanning through the cash inside; he slipped his thumb between the bills to hold his place as he opened the door. 
Liam froze when he saw Luca standing on the other side … holding a bouquet of roses.
The two men stared at one another. They’d never met face-to-face, but they knew exactly who the other was, both in real life … and Reyna’s. 
Liam cleared his throat as he stood a little taller. “Luca, right?” he said, extending his hand for a shake in an attempt to be polite. 
“Right,” Luca nodded, shifting the bouquet of roses into one hand while he shook Liam’s with the other; he gripped it a little tighter than necessary as he held Liam’s stare. He certainly didn’t expect to see him there.  
“Luca?” Reyna questioned from behind Liam. Both men turned to look at her, meeting her surprised gaze as it flickered between them. “What … what are you doing here?”
Luca slid his eyes to Liam then back to her. “Can we talk?” 
“Uh … sure …” Reyna nodded. “I’ll be right back,” she said to Liam before she stepped into the hall to join Luca, closing the door behind her. 
Liam could feel his heart racing as he stared at the door. Are they …? He let out a breath. Perhaps this is what she wanted to tell him. Maybe … maybe they were getting back together … or already were, and that’s what she was trying to explain. His heart sank at the thought. Too curious and nosy for his own damn good, he took a step forward and quietly pressed his ear to the door.
In the hall, Reyna’s eyes dropped down to the bouquet in Luca’s hand, and his gaze followed. “I, uh … brought these for you,” he said as he handed them to her.
“They’re beautiful,” Reyna replied somberly; she had a guess as to why he was there. “What … what did you want to talk about?” 
“Us …” 
Inside the apartment, Liam drew back from the door. He’d heard enough. No, he didn’t know the whole context of their conversation and he wasn’t going to continue to listen in; it wasn’t his place. Regardless, the evening had taken a turn. 
Liam chugged the remainder of his water bottle before heading down the hall to use the restroom; he was biding his time. When he returned to the living area and Reyna still hadn’t come back inside, he thought it best to leave them be and go back to his hotel. He pulled his phone from his pocket and sent a quick message to Bastien that he’d be out front in a few minutes. 
Just as he slipped it back into his pocket, the door opened, and Reyna stepped inside, holding the roses. “Well … that was unexpected.” She noticed he was standing, lingering near the door. “I’m sorry about that.”
“You’ve nothing to apologize for,” Liam said. “I think I’m going to head out.”
“What?” Reyna said, feeling a slight panic at his words. “Why?” 
“I’ve still got to pack for my flight in the morning and you’re heading to the mountains with Aunt Elsie bright and early, so …” 
“Liam, I hope you don’t think … Luca stopping by, that wasn’t—”
“Rey, it’s fine,” Liam interrupted, knowing she was going to attempt to explain again. He moved, stopping in front of her, and resting his hands on her shoulders. “I don’t want anything to ruin this friendship we finally got back. I’d rather you be in my life as my friend than not have you at all. I can’t go through that again. So, it’s ok. Really. You don’t need to say anything else.” 
Reyna stared up at him, once again puzzled and frustrated; she sorted through all the jumbled words she both wanted and needed to say but was too bemused by what was happening to speak. 
“I’ll see you when you get to Cordonia. Have fun on your trip, and tell Aunt Elsie I said hello,” Liam halfheartedly smiled before leaning down and kissing her cheek. 
With that … Liam left the apartment, leaving Reyna standing in a still-stunned silence as she stared at the door he’d just walked out of. What the hell just happened? She let out a breath as she glanced down at the roses in her hand. Luca had come there intending to see if there was a chance they could work things out; why he had that thought after all this time she didn’t know. He said that once he saw Liam there, he knew there was no point. He apologized for dropping by unannounced and left. 
With a grumble, Reyna threw the roses onto the counter and headed to her room. She flopped down onto her bed, burying her face into her pillow as she let out a muffled frustrated scream. She sat up a moment later and her eyes landed on the item she had come to retrieve to give to Liam; she had tossed it on her bed in surprise when she heard Luca’s voice carry down the hall. 
As she stared at it, Reyna decided she wasn’t ready to give up. Not yet. She’d finally talked herself into doing this and she was going to be damned if she let it go without Liam knowing the truth.
Early the following morning, the SUV pulled up to the jet on the tarmac at JFK. Liam slipped out of the backseat and followed behind Bastien, who had his bag. 
As Liam made his way up the stairs of the jet, a horn blaring startled him; he whirled around and furrowed his brows when he saw the familiar black Navigator belonging to the Aldridges screech to a halt alongside the jet. He slowly made his way back down the steps as Reyna came into view from around the vehicle. 
“Rey?” Liam said as she approached him. “What are you doing here? I thought you were leaving with Aunt Elsie this morning?”
“I am. I made a pit stop here on my way to pick her up.” 
“A pit stop for what?” Liam asked.
Reyna stared at him, forcing herself to not hesitate with this. “You think that you have me and my feelings all figured out—”
“Shut up, Liam!” Reyna barked in exasperation, and his eyes widened in surprise. “You’ve said enough. It’s your turn to stop talking,” she said. “I will respect your wish to not say anything not just because you won’t listen to me but because neither of us has the time to stand here right now and hash all of this out. But I need you to read this …” She revealed a book he hadn’t noticed was tucked beneath her arm and held it out to him; it was what she went to grab from her room last night before they were interrupted.
Liam took it, furrowing his brows; it looked familiar, but he couldn’t place why at the moment. “What is it?”
“You think I simply fell out of love with you over the years … but hopefully reading this will make you understand. It will tell you everything you need to know. Promise me you’ll read it.”
“I …” Liam met her gaze again with both hesitance and confusion but nodded. “I’ll read it.” 
Reyna eyed the book for a moment; it held her entire heart … and now it was in his hands. She let out a breath as she glanced back up at him. “I’ll be off the grid while I’m with Aunt Elsie … but I’ll see you when I get to Cordonia in a week. You have until then to read it … and then we’ll talk.” 
Reyna perched up on her tiptoes, and Liam instinctively leaned down; she kissed his cheek before turning away, walking back toward her vehicle without a backward glance. He watched her disappear behind the SUV before it drove off the tarmac a moment later. 
Liam glanced down, realizing he was looking at the worn brown leather cover of a thick journal; he turned it over in his hands, examining it as he made his way onto the jet. 
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Perma Tags (if you’d like to be added or removed for this story, please let me know): @zaffrenotes @cocomaxley @emichelle @sweetest-marbear @indiacater @gibbles82 @the-soot-sprite @esmckenzie @dcbbw @burnsoslow @deb-1106 @bbrandy2002 @charlotteg234 @neotericthemis @foreverethereal123 @choiceskatie @sirbeepsalot @gnatbrain @openheart12 @sincerelyella @superharriet @queenrileyrose @aestheticartsx @kingliam2019 @indiana-jr @bascmve01 @rainbowsinthestorm @emkay512 @marshmallowsaremyfavorite @forallthatitsworth @walker7519 @iaminlovewithtrr @amandablink @mainstreetreader @mom2000aggie @princessleac1 @21-wishes @appleone @tessa-liam @pixelatedpassion @malblk21 @queen-arabella-of-cordonia @lovingchoices14 @nestledonthaveone @forthebrokenheartedthings @nomadics-stuff @differenttyphoonwerewolf 
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atomicwinnerdreamland · 5 months
Heyyyyyy I saw you were taking requests :)
Can we please have some NY and Louisiana hc’s?
Hii! Yes of course :D
New York:
-He likes to paint and read. His favorite things to paint are sunsets/sunrises, architecture (CA's Golden Gate, FL's Disney World, his own buildings, etc), and plants. His favorite types of books to read are psychological thriller, fantasy, and coming of age classics (occasionally romance as well, though he'd never admit it)
-He and California have little arguments where they talk about how similar they are to each other. "I have the Brooklyn Bridge!" "Well I have the Golden Gate!" "I have the New York Times, you copycat!" "No you're the copycat, I have the Los Angeles Times!" They're not really arguments though since these conversations usually end in laughter.
-Speaking of the NYT, he likes to journal. Whenever he can't resort to violence to let out emotions, he writes his feelings out on the nearest piece of paper he can find. Sometimes he burns them, other times he keeps them in a special drawer to read for later. He also likes to write little moments that occur in his life that he finds interesting; like eating good food, making a snowman, discovering a new song he knows he'll hyperfixate on for months, etc. He also likes to write books, though most of the time they're just little picture books you could read to kids because that's all he has time for
-I've mentioned this before, but New York plays board games with California. He wins against Cal in Monopoly but loses against him in Uno. New York also plays games (board games and party games) against his northeastern besties and he's very competitive when doing so.
-He's a fashion icon. The other states ask him for fashion advice and he delivers since fashion is a passion for him 💅 He's been told he could be a model, but he never actively pursued a modeling career bc of his statehouse responsibilities
-I feel like he'd be a huge fan of Taylor Swift, especially 1989 TV. Evermore's another one of her albums that he vibes with since a song called coney island's on it and bc it's a calming album for him :)
-He's friendly to Vermont, New Hampshire, and Maine. All three states are kind and don't annoy him, and New York appreciates that. They also all play in the snow at times. He also has a soft spot for Indiana, Wyoming, and Alaska.
-This one's a popular one, but my baby over here has insomnia. The only way he can get a true night's rest is if somebody's there to cuddle him ane calm his mind down, like *coughs* California. This fic by @alaskashigh is a great example of this if you want to read one :)
-Him and Illinois get along well. They buy each other coats for the winter and argue a lot about pizza and sports teams. Through this, New York managed to get along with Indiana and Minnesota, and now all three of them like to grocery shop together lol
-When that whole fiasco of the skies turning orange occured in the Northeast, the first person New York turned to was California, and rightfully so. California helped patch New York up and gave him advice on how to deal with stuff like that. New York told the rest of the NE what Cal told him so that they also know what to do.
-He shows he cares through gifts and actions. He doesn't say "I love you" very often, but he'd hurt anyone who hurts his loved ones, give you his coat when you're cold, make you some food, or plants specific flowers when he finds out what flowers you like. New Jersey usually helps New York with the planting part, and that's one of the rare times those 2 get along.
-Louisiana hangs out in the woods with Florida and Texas just to get away from the Statehouse and to gossip.
-One of his favorite songs ever is House of the Rising Sun, and he never misses an opportunity to sing it. You can hear him sing it while he cooks, cleans, or when he does really anything. The states aren't annoyed about it though because his voice is captivating.
-He's a very comforting person. The states go to him whenever they need somebody to talk to because Loui can do it all: he can listen, cook, and make jokes.. whatever you need to feel better.
-He enjoys learning about old folk tales, urban legends, and superstitions in the US and around the world. The states often catch him watching paranormal true crime documentaries with a grin on his face, and the only state that's not unsettled by this is Florida.
-Speaking of Florida, he and Florida go on dates by doing the most dangerous stuff. Skydiving without parachutes, doing hit and runs, armed robbery in important government buildings just to make Gov mad, whatever crazy things these goons can think of. But on other times where they're feeling relaxed, their dates are just them cuddling or eating. They enjoy both bc they have each other :)
-(TW: suicide, death) If he was a normal person, he'd be dead a long time ago. He's been stabbed, shot at, beat up, hanged, basically killed, but since he's a personification he just sustained the injuries and went on about his day. When he found out he was a personification, he killed himself just to see what'd happen. Would he clearly see the paranormal stuff he likes so much? Would he see an afterlife? Imagine his surprise when nothing happened to him.
-He can read, but he just doesn't want to. He just likes to read his Mama's recipes and children's books. When New York makes a new children's book, Loui usually asks him if he can read it, and New York lets him.
-He was a nice kid in high school. Respectful to his Mama, probably indulged in some sports, escaped to the woods once in a while, and had a decent group of friends that were just as wild as him. He's the type of guy to not make any enemies, and he was one of those rare ones who were good looking in high school (I wish that were me lmao)
-He and Texas are buddies and cook together a lot. When Louisiana needs help with anything, especially natural disasters, Texas is the first one to make sure he's okay and vice versa. When Florida's off doing... something that definitely is a threat to his life and/or someone else's (aka being himself), Loui and Texas go to parties together. Loui gets drunk and usually almost blacks out whereas Texas only takes a couple drinks to make sure he and Loui get back home safe. They got each other's backs, basically.
-He and South Dakota get along most of the time, and the only time they don't is when SD talks about Pierre and pronounces it "peer". Loui doesn't take it too seriously, but they like to jokingly argue about it.
-He has a big heart and it's obvious. He likes to show love through his words and his actions. Like New York, he wouldn't hesitate to throw a punch to someone who has hurt you, but he also would stop whatever he's doing to make sure you feel loved and taken care of. He's almost burned the statehouse down once because he was comforting his buddy Arkansas, but California was around to stop this potential fire. He also likes to say he cares about you, you can occasionally hear him say je t'aime mon amour/mon ami(e) & tu es magnifique. (I love you, my love/my friend & you are beautiful).
That's all I have for now, thank you for the ask :D
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mmhcs · 10 months
E1610! Miles x Bronx! Reader
A/N: Because I don't know why we haven't thought of this yet! P.S.: I'm not a Brooklyn-native. P.P.S.: I tried my best to make this as gender-netural as possible!
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Y'all most definitely argue over which borough is better. Miles, of course, proceeds to list a million and one reasons as to why Brooklyn is better.
He's fascinated by the differences in the way you two speak. He loves it when your "accent" is audible in the way you speak.
Miles tries his best to indoctrinate introduce you to Brooklyn culture. He takes you to hotspots (Coney Island is one of the first that y'all hit up), but mostly sticks to local, Brooklyn-exclusive places (i.e. his favorite pizza spot, some of his favorite places to graffiti, that one small, Black-owned business that he gets some of his favorite clothes from).
Miles most definitely loves the South Bronx better than the North due to its street culture and abundance of unique graffiti. He literally drools when he sees a beautiful mural on the wall of a bodega or deli. He goes inside and asks the owner about the artist, get said artist's name, looks them up so that he remembers, and then proceeds to go back outside and take an abundance of photos of the mural before taking the next ten minutes to study it like a museum exhibit.
If you live in the North Bronx, Miles still finds to things to love. He still goes feral for any street art that he sees, and he'll make an effort for y'all to go out on adventures where you show him and/or discover new places in your area.
If y'all go to the Bronx Zoo, Miles takes a billion pictures in front of the entrance, claiming that he has to because this is an "infamous New York location!"
His favorite Bronx stops on the train are probably Simpson Street and Prospect Avenue.
I feel like Miles's dad, Jeff, and his Uncle Aaron used to spend their adolescent years out and about on the streets of New York. They grew especially fond of the Bronx, leading to them starting to visit the borough regularly and establish friendships and connections. However, Jeff ultimately fell out with this affinity after he started attending police academy. Aaroon kept up with it, though.
^Despite his shock, pain, and grief over his uncle, Miles forced himself to go through his uncle's apartment after his death. There, he found some old-school records and mixtapes, the latter mostly by local, underground artists from across New York. Miles kept them and has them stored somewhere safe in his room (probably his closet).
^^Y'all go through the collection, listening avidly as you study the flow of each of the artists, analyze the album cover, and the artists' styles.
^^^Most of the mixtapes feature Bronx-native artists.
^^^^Miles, refusing to accept this, runs out of his room and into the living room where his parents are sitting. He begins to explain the situation and asks Jeff to tell you that Uncle Aaron loved and represented Brooklyn through-and-through.
^^^^^Jeff laughs, a bit nervously because he's always raised Miles to take pride in where he's from (yes, the borough representation is real, people). He then explains that, yes, while Uncle Aaron loved Brooklyn, he loved the Bronx almost, if not just as much. He loved traveling to and from, made a lot of good friends and connections there. The Bronx is also where a few of his greatest and most memorable "honeys" are from.
^^^^^^Okay, I know that this is supposed to be a Miles Morales headcanon, but: when he wasn't out, working as the Prowler, Aaron was actually "away from a few days" as he says in his voicemail. He would travel to the Bronx to hang out and see friends. He was actually pretty well-known in some parts of the borough.
^^^^^^^Before his death, Aaron was serious relationship with a woman from the Bronx. Despite them seeing each other steadily for a year or four, he didn't tell Miles because he didn't want to introduce to him to someone that he would love, care for, and cherish, only to have it go up in flames. He most definitely gushed about her to Jeff and Rio on the down-low, though.
^^^^^^^^Aaron also thought about moving in with her and even marrying her more than once. Major Jabari x Meadow vibes.
^^^^^^^^^Uncle Aaron looking down at Miles with a smile because he's taking after his uncle.
^^^^^^^^^^"'Dem Bronx folk, man. They'll do that to 'ya."
If You Attend Visions Academy:
If you attend Brooklyn Visions, Miles texts you from the moment that he wakes up in order to make sure that you wake up with enough time to comfortably do your morning routine, get ready, and catch your train(s) with added flexibility in case of train delays.
^He never used to wake up early before, but he doesn't want you to be late. Not that it's a big deal (Miles has been late more times than he can count) but he doesn't want you to have frequent lateness on your record. Plus, the earlier you get there, the more time you two have to talk and prep for the upcoming day.
Often asks if you feel homesick. He can't imagine how it must feel. He only lives a few blocks away and yet he feels so far from home (hehe, get it?).
^^Does his best to make you feel accustomed to Brooklyn. He makes it a point to take you out and show you around so that you develop a sense of familiarity and don't feel out of place or lost.
If someone says that Brooklyn is the better borough, Miles will occasionally chime in with a reason or two as to why the Bronx is superior.
^You owe him a Brooklyn-based adventure after this, though.
^^If y'all are dating, you owe him kisses and cuddle-session in addition to a Brooklyn-based adventure.
Best believe that he's at the train station with you ever Friday and Sunday, helping you lug your suitcase and additional bags to and from Visions.
If You Don't Attend Vision Academy:
Y'all video call regularly to discuss your respective days as well as plan an in-person meet-up.
Y'all often meet-up in Manhattan because neither one wants to give the other the satisfaction of traveling to their respective borough for your meetups.
You two mainly meet up in the expensive, upper-class parts of Manhattan, though because Miles's parents threatened to ground him for two years if he was ever caught hanging around 125th Street.
^Miles takes that threat very seriously because he knows that, as the captain of the NYPD, his father has eyes everywhere.
When y'all get tired of watching the rich, expensive, and privileged go about their daily lives, y'all quite literally spin a wheel to see whose borough you're meeting up at next time.
Miles uses the times that you visit him to show you his life, starting from Brooklyn Middle, to Visions, and then his house.
He uses Brooklyn-exclusive menagerie to subtly flex and persuade you into admitting that Brooklyn is the best borough.
^ "They don't pizza like this in the Bronx, eh, mami?"
One time Miles suggested that you two visit Staten Island.
You looked at him for a moment, confused, because What's Staten Island?
Once you remembered, you gave him another look. He thinks he's so damn funny.
Y'all actually did end up going and had an above average time, surprisingly.
The next time Miles gets on your nerves, though, you threaten to banish him to Staten Island.
^His parents like the threat and start using it, too.
Bonus: "Hey, Miles, how come Brooklyn has a friendly neighborhood Spiderman but the Bronx doesn't?"
"Well, you see..."
A/N: Hi, hope y'all enjoyed! This was all in good fun and we love and support every borough (yes, even Staten Island).
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mediocre-daydreams · 2 years
pov: your camera roll if you were dating bucky barnes
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when bucky first returned from wakanda, he was overwhelmed by the food options. you took him to get pizza, claiming "everyone likes pizza!" from then on, he proclaimed it his favorite food. (not that it had anything to do with the fact that he got to spend more time with you everytime you'd tag along to get a slice.)
natasha had dragged you and yelena out for a girl's night at a vineyard, where the three of you took advantage of stark's black card and got absolutely smashed. you'd called bucky to pick the three of you up, and he'd tried to take a picture of you, laughing at how carefree and adorable you looked while drunk. unfortunately, he'd flipped the camera to selfie mode.
you'd asked bucky why he only took his coffee black. he revealed that it wasn't because of a preference, but because he'd never had coffee any other way. scandalized, you dragged him to a café the next day and caught a picture of him mid-laugh as he marveled at the latte art on the drink you'd ordered him.
bucky never attended any of tony's parties, claiming there was no reason to since he couldn't get drunk. once he met you, though, he "suddenly" became quite the party animal. that night, thor had brought asgardian liquor and bucky went a bit overboard. you and sam got a kick out of an inebriated bucky shamelessly showering you in compliments and clinging onto you all night like a lost puppy.
bucky was exhausted after a long meeting with senator ross, where he was belittled and passive-aggressively patronized the entire time. he was ready to sulk in silence; instead, you cut him some fruit and brushed his hair, whispering sweet things to him until he fell asleep. that was when he realized he loved you.
maybe it wasn't the smartest idea to ask tony if you could fly in one of his suits. so what? it's not like you broke any bones. bucky could never find it in himself to be mad at you, but he did grumble the entire time he carried you to dr. cho's office, insisting that you shouldn't be walking on a sprained ankle. (once cho cleared you, bucky administered his own medicine: kisses to make the boo boos go away.)
you'd never listened to sam and wanda every time they told you how bucky looked at you with the stupidest lovesick eyes, like he was worshipping a deity. it was only until you captured the look on camera that you believed it. that was the moment you realized how far you'd fallen in love with him.
you and bucky had gone on a double date to coney island with sam and his girlfriend. maybe it was the cotton candy sugar crash or simply a sleepy delirium, but on the way back to the tower, you caught a rare picture of bucky, completely relaxed and laughing unrestrained. you blamed it on the leftover excitement from the day, but steve had told you that ever since you entered bucky's life, he'd never seen his friend happier.
after returning from a long mission, all bucky wanted to do was take a long bath with you and use the new pink bath bombs you'd bought him. instead, he was dragged to a debriefing meeting where he'd sat at the table all broody and grumpy. he glared at you, thinking it was sam coming to bother him again, but when i saw it was you, he peppered your face in kisses until tony had called it disgusting and kicked the two of you out. bucky was more than willing to oblige.
moodboard made by me (i do not own any of these images)
taglist: (comment to be added)
@yourallihave @bambamwolf87 @im-a-slut-for-fluff
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stonecoldhedwig · 1 year
Fic List
I have not done an updated fic list in a while, so here it is! I want to finish up my WIP this year, and then in the works I have a Dating App AU Jily fic (Remus is a dairy farmer?); another Oxford Chronicles installment; a massive Jily Hogwarts era thing; a Lily Luna/OC Quidditch AU; and about 19 other ideas.
A Great Many Things (M, eventual E; Alicia Spinnet/Oliver Wood; canon compliant; probably my favourite OC ever)
Celandine (E; Wolfstar, Jily, Blackinnon, literally every ship ever; open relationships; magical AU)
Coming, Evans? (M, but eventually E; magical AU inspired by Around the World in 80 Days; Jily and Wolfstar)
Highgate Mews (M; established Wolfstar, Jily & Dorlene; Muggle AU; part of the Marauders Map series)
Honeybee Mine (M; Muggle AU; Jily and Blackinnon; James Potter keeps bees)
The Shoelaces Case; or, the many ways to spend your 37th birthday (M; Blackinnon; magical AU; time travel)
Use Your Best Colours (T; canon from Hedwig's perspective; it's so stupid)
Multi-Chapter fics (completed)
In Love and Death We Don't Decide (M; eventual Blackinnon and Jily; Hogwarts era fic)
Miracles series (James Potter as the Boy Who Lived):
A Bitter Little Eucharist (T; established Wolfstar and Jily)
The Marauders' Map series:
Hepburn Avenue (M; text fic; utter chaos as the Marauders meet the girls at uni)
Canterbury Lane (T; Wolfstar; Remus checks Sirius out in a car)
Costa del Sol (T; text fic; established Jily and Wolfstar; the gang go on holiday; currently unfinished for a really petty reason and tbh, probably staying like that)
Caraway Street (E; established Jily and Wolfstar; the post-uni years)
Peverell Hall (G; fluff; James Potter's idyllic childhood)
The Oxford Chronicles series:
The Paintbox (M; Blackinnon, background Jily and Remadora; Muggle AU)
Jily One-Shots
A Little Bloom of Hope (T; Muggle AU; flower shop)
Better Ways (G; pre-relationship)
James Potter and the Case of the Lacy Black Bra (E; everyone lives)
Last Rites (E; canon compliant; emotional smut)
My Heart is Overcome (Gen; canon compliant; fluff and angst)
The Parting Glass (T; fluff)
The Way the Light Looks (T; fluff, but in an angsty setting)
Blackinnon One-Shots
Confession (M; love confessions)
Oceans and Glaciers (E; ok, it's actually a 2 shot, but hey ho; very explicit)
Wolfstar One-Shots
Mosaic (E; 8 one-shots with a lot of different kinks, I guess)
Snowed In (T; first kiss; Hanukkah; Jewish!Remus)
Until It Shines (G; mild angst but also very fluff; canon divergence)
Hinny One-Shots
A Lesson Overheard (E; first time[ish]; canon compliant)
A Place for Hidden Things (T; canon compliant; post-canon; sad but with a happy ending)
Opaline (E; post-war; angry sex and unhealthy coping mechanisms)
Three Gnomes in a Knitted Trench Coat (G; technically canon compliant; a bit of a crack fic tho)
Misc. One-Shots
Afternoon Delight (E; Colin Creevey/Draco Malfoy; yeah, I hate myself too)
Enough Pizza to Feed a Horse (G; canon compliant[ish]; the OotP girls hang out)
Giving Us Doomsday (T; angst; original OotP celebrating New Year)
God Bless the Shed, and All Who Sail in Her (G; fluff and humour; the Potters being Potters)
hoax (G; Marlene/Gideon; angst; implied cheating)
Remember that You are Dust (M; 2nd person POV; the universe addresses the Marauders at the time of their deaths)
The Theory of Relativity (T; established Jily and Wolfstar, previous Remadora and Blackinnon, but not in a misogynist way; Lily is enby)
Rabastan Lestrange/Narcissa Malfoy fics
coney island (M; angst; sex; adultery)
The Burning Edge of Dawn (M; angst; who is Draco's dad?)
All's Well That Ends Well (even if it takes four years) with a lot of people (E; Wolfstar; angst then fluff)
WIP: The Secret "Oral" History with @jennandblitz (E; 1980s university; lots of drugs; we affectionately call this Coke Fic)
WIP: We Were Electrified with @siriusly-sapphic (M; how the Lestrange twins became the worst people ever)
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yourmomsgranddad · 2 years
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— PAIRING: Kate Bishop x fem!reader, platonic!bestfriend!Kamala Khan x fem!reader, platonic!bestfriend!Peter Parker x fem!reader, platonic!bestfriend!America Chavez x fem!reader
— SUMMARY: A perfect day goes awry when you and your friends accidentally end up in a robbery situation.
— WORD COUNT: 1.4k
— WARNINGS: tw!vomiting but not in big detail, one curse-word lolz, bad writing as usual, guns?
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"I'm hungry." America mentioned, rubbing her stomach.
"How can you be hungry at a time like this?!" You whispered in a loud tone because you were honestly frightened.
You were trapped in a watch store with your three best friends and America was acting as if this wasn't happening. When there was a literally a guy being held at gunpoint!
But let's back up a little bit.
To the beginning of the day...
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"K, what are you doing?" You asked as she was looking through her backpack, like something was missing.
"I feel like I lost something. I just can't figure out what."
You all were dressed and ready to leave but Kamala thought she left something so you had to sit there for about 10 minutes while she was digging through her stuff.
"Kamala!" Kate shouted as she was growing tired of sitting there.
"Sorry! I'm sorry. We can go now."
She put her backpack on and you all made your way toward the door, but Kamala stopped again.
"Let me just-"
"Kamala! We are losing daylight! Come on!" Peter was gesturing to the door, trying to get her to leave out the front door.
"Fine! But if I don't have everything I need, it's your fault, Peter." She pointed an accusing finger at him. You all chuckled before leaving out of the front door.
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"You didn't leave anything I promise." Peter reassured her as they walked down the New York streets.
He was taking big strides like a child.
"Why did you need all that stuff anyway?" America asked, looking at her with confusion in her eyes.
"First time in Brooklyn, I want to make sure I have everything that i came with." She answered, smiling to herself.
"So you can get mugged?" Kate asked, making Kamala roll her eyes.
"To avoid getting mugged." She corrected. "I have pepper spray, a taser, and I'm pretty sure a helmet. My mom made sure I had everything I needed to protect myself."
"Says the girl who can make a shield just from putting her hands up."
She rolled her eyes at you as you continued your walk in silence.
You all decided to show Kamala around Brooklyn since this was her first time there and you all lived there.
And since her mom technically couldn't come with her since it could be dangerous—she was there for superhero training—she gave her things to protect herself with.
As if Kamala didn't have powers.
"I love my mom but it is so hard to keep track of all of these things. If I lose one of them, she will go off on me." She explained, rolling her eyes again.
"You need to stop acting like your mom is going to breathe literal fire every time you do something bad." Kate gestured to her mouth as pretend fire.
You all laughed as Peter and Kate pretended to be breathing fire.
You were supposed to be showing Kamala the sights, but it went way off the rails when America shouted, "Ouu look at that!"
She pointed into a store and that's when it started.
You all ended up shopping and not really seeing the sights.
Although you didn't mind it, this was your normal activity. Buying things.
It was way better than going to the museum.
You went shopping, then got on rollercoasters at Coney Island. Which caused you all to throw up because America thought it was a good idea to eat two pizzas before getting on.
"Worth it." She got out before going back to vomiting.
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"I'm just saying we shouldn't have had all those pizza before getting on that roller coaster. I do not care how 'worth it' you thought it was. My stomach feels like the Cyclone." You mentioned, grabbing your stomach in pain.
"Part of your stomach probably is on the Cyclone." Kate joked.
And you happened to laugh a little harder than everyone else.
Truth be told, you kind of had a crush on Kate and all your friends knew about it.
They kept teasing you about confessing but in all fairness, you were kind of scared. What if she didn't like you back? What if she thought you were disgusting?
A lot of things were stopping you.
But if it meant the two of you would get together, you would definitely say something but your fear was holding your back.
(how were you scared of confessing your feelings when you're a literal superhero? beats me.)
"Um guys. I need to stop by this watch place real quick. I need to pick up a birthday present for my dad." You notified them. They all nodded, following you inside of the watch place.
You were looking around, trying to find the perfect watch for your dad but none of them were sticking out to you. The silver ones were gross and the gold ones seemed like they were for old people.
While looking at the watches, you noticed a shady man in a hoodie, walking in.
You decided to let your friends know before pretending to be normal.
"Yo, that guy seems sketchy. keep an eye on him."
They all nodded, keeping a close eye but not too close.
Out of nowhere, he pulled out a gun, pointed it at the salesperson. "All the money in the register! Now!"
Your eyes went wide as you tackled Kate over the table, falling on top of her behind it. "Get down." you whispered harshly as all your friends followed suit, getting behind the table alongside you.
"Holy shit! Those are guns!" You whispered at your friends as you were freaking out.
"I'm hungry." America mentioned, rubbing her stomach.
"How can you be hungry at a time like this?!" Your hands were flapping as you didn't now where else to place your terror.
"I'm pretty sure we can take him." America shrugged, she might've been a little overconfident at this time and it was making your fear worse.
How could she not be scared right now? She was scared last week when you found a spider on the ground.
Guess who she called to kill it?
"Um guys, he has friends. With bigger guns." Peter squealed, holding onto his legs.
He seemed more scared than you were.
The gunmen started being louder, screaming at the salesperson to go quicker.
"If we're going to die, I just want you guys to know, I love you!" Peter shouted, grabbing onto you.
"I dropped Peter's toothbrush in the toilet and didn't tell him!" Now it was Kamala's turn to yell.
"I have a crush on Kate!"
Kate looked at you questioningly, but she couldn't say anything since right afterwards, America yelled.
"Let's fight!"
She jumped over the table and punched the gunman so hard, she opened a portal and he flew through.
The other guys got scared and ran.
You considered that a first mission success.
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"I cannot believe you punched that guy into another universe!" Kamala shouted, riding off of the wind of that win.
"I can't believe you dropped my toothbrush in the toilet. That means I've been brushing with toilet breath for weeks." You fell over in laughter, causing your friends to go on without you.
But leaving you with Kate.
That's when you remembered, you spilled your guts a little bit ago.
"Hey." You greeted, swinging back and forth, trying to feel less awkward.
You walked slowly, just feeling the tension in the air, like it was solid enough to feel.
"Do you really like me like that?"
You wanted to say 'no! of course not! we're friends and nothing more!' but you knew you couldn't.
You had to be honest.
"Yeah. But it's completely okay if you do not like me back. It was just a spur of the moment type thing."
You turned toward her to gauge her reaction and she seemed to be thinking about something. No doubt about how to reject you nicely so you could remain friends.
But then she did something unexpected.
She leaned forward and plopped a loud smooch on your lips, so loud it sounded like it was a movie sound effect.
You stood there idle, not knowing what to say or do.
"What was that?" was all you could get out before your face closed up again, refusing to speak.
"I don't know."
You continued walking but she reached over and put her hand around your waist, guiding you almost.
"I like you too." She whispered against you ear, causing shivers to go down your spine.
Your mouth fell open causing the rest of your friends to look at you.
"Ouu!" They teased, but you just rolled your eyes.
You were honestly on cloud nine.
And you were not coming down any time soon.
"Oh my gosh! Can we please go home now?" You begged.
"Or we could get another pizza?"
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david3096 · 5 months
Before the day ends.
A new Parksborn fic is here!
I hope you enjoy it and have a happy new year 🧡
Peter doesn't know how he's going to fix this. He knows Harry will be furious and that scares him for two reasons. The first, because it is very difficult to make his best friend angry, the second, because this ruins the plan he had to confess how he feels about him.
Well, it's not a plan, it's more the idea of wanting to tell him, but still, now he'll have to apologize and try to fix everything. Plus the thought that Harry will want to stop being his friend is starting to get too strong.
He does his best to move faster, swinging through the city has never been so slow and stressful.
At least he's already heading towards the restaurant where the Osborns are having their party, that's a plus. The bad thing is that it's twenty past eleven at night and he's going to a New Year's Eve party.
The worst thing is that he was supposed to arrive at the Osborn's penthouse at five in the afternoon to play video games with Harry and get dressed up together, meet MJ at the restaurant that Norman rented and spend dinner together. Just like old times.
The unforgivable thing is that this is the fourth time this month that Peter has been late to an event that Harry invites him to.
First it was the movie Saturday that Harry organized just for the two of them. Then it was Friday at Coney Island, although at least that time MJ was able to cover him. Then it was Harry's birthday.
“Oh, damn.” He says aloud, he just remembered that he was also late for the cinema three days ago. In other words, this is now the fifth time he's been late with Harry. “If he didn't hate me before, he will now.”
It's not that he didn't want to be with Harry, on the contrary, it's all he really wants but it seems the criminals decided that the end of the year would be the perfect time to, well, commit crimes.
At least he got to spend New Year's Eve and Christmas with him. There was the original plan to confess his feelings, but he chickened out.
He sighs. He was just supposed to do a little patrol, make sure everything was in order. But a jewelry store robbery got messy, evolving into a carjacking and a crash and burn at a clothing store.
When all was in order he had to move quickly to another fire, now because of fireworks. He had to take three people to the nearest hospital. Then two children were lost and he reunited them with their parents.
And he realized it was almost seven o'clock. He took shelter on a rooftop and checked his phone.
He had lots of messages from Harry asking him if he was almost there, if he wanted pizza to eat, if something had happened to him. An emptiness formed in his stomach. He called him and Harry answered right away. He apologized and promised to be at the restaurant by eight-thirty or nine at the latest.
Harry told him it was okay. And the emptiness in his stomach got worse at that moment and it's getting worse with every passing second right now. Harry has never been so cold to Peter. Sure, his friend enjoys teasing him or saying hurtful things to each other from time to time, like any best friend would. But that seriousness is something that always terrifies him. It's when Harry ends up hiding things or isolating himself. It makes him think it could be the end of their friendship and what Peter wants is the opposite. He wants to love him and care for him with all his being.
He tries to take a deep breath and focus. Getting distracted was what made Taskmaster surprise him. It was a long and tiring fight. As usual he didn't tell him anything. Peter asked hundreds of questions, dodged as many punches and did his best moves. And as quickly as he appeared, Taskmaster was gone.
And before he could assimilate what was happening he got a call from Screwball. He was "inviting" him to a special end-of-year event. That's a funny way to call five bombs in important buildings and criminals trying to kill Spider-Man.
His heart stopped when he realized the time. He started swinging as fast as he could and despite that, he's still halfway there.
He doesn't know how he will fix this. He thinks the easiest way would be to finally confess to his best friend that he is Spider-Man. It's something he's wanted to do for a long time but he's terrified of it. Besides, while Peter is no expert at confessions, he's sure that one of those confessions would remove the importance of the other and that's exactly what he doesn't want. Both things are important, though he wants to prioritize his love for Harry, even though he doesn't know if it's the right choice.
“Man, I expected romantic life would be much simpler after fifteen.” After hearing his own voice he realizes how funny this is. He's in exactly the same situation he was in ten years ago. He's in love with his best friend, he wants to confess how he feels. He's Spider-Man and he wants to reveal his identity to him. And he does neither because he's a coward.
Before he can think anything else and make his anxiety rise, he sees the restaurant. He sighs in relief.
It's a strange place, at least to Peter. It pretends to be a castle or a bourgeois place, it is large, made of dark gray stones throughout. It's two floors and of course Norman rented the whole place for the party.
He hurries to get on the roof, a few days ago he left a hidden backpack to leave the black tuxedo Harry bought him and to leave the Spider-Man suit.
He undresses and gets dressed quickly. He notices that the clothes are a bit wrinkled, he assumes he has much bigger problems to worry about.
“He's not coming, is he?” Harry's voice makes him jump a little. He approaches the edge of the roof, crouching down. To his right, there's a really rather nice balcony. There's Harry and MJ. He's in his blue suit, leaning against the stone railing, looking out over the restaurant lawn that then leads to the parking lot. MJ is near him, only her right arm resting on the railing, wearing a wintry red dress and her hair in a ponytail and a bun.  
“He'll come, I can assure you.” MJ gives him a little squeeze on the shoulder.
“I feel like such an idiot right now.” Harry leans more against the railing, bows his head, covers the back of his neck with his hands. Peter can't see his expression very well but it's obvious he's having a hard time. “I should have done this months ago and not now.”
Do what? Peter wonders, moves a little closer, tries not to make noise. He doesn't know how morally good it is to be listening to this conversation, it's something Spider-Man does all the time but Peter, not so much.
“You're not an idiot, you're just in love.”
“You're the one who told me it was the same thing.” Harry straightens up, his back is to Peter, but he can hear his laugh, MJ smiles too. “It's obvious he's not interested in me, not like I am.”
“Really Osborn?” Now MJ pokes him in the shoulder. “I haven't spent the last ten years watching the two of you look at each other like you want to kiss each other out of existence for you to tell me you think Peter isn't in love with you.”
His heart stops for about five seconds, then races uncontrollably. Did he really just hear what he thinks he just heard?
“He doesn't look at me like that at all.”
“Oh really? I have proof, I already have a folder on my laptop exclusive to these moments for when you need them. You know, when you ask him to marry you or at your wedding, that sort of stuff.”
Harry laughs, but he hears sadness in his voice. It's all happening so fast he doesn't even know what the hell he's feeling. MJ looks up, he tries to hide but it's obvious she sees him. He sticks his head out again, his friend is still watching him. She motions with her hands for him to come down and help her with the situation.
“Look, how about I go see if Peter is downstairs. He may have already arrived and is looking for us.” Harry nods and focuses on looking at the sky, MJ winks at Peter and enters the restaurant through two huge glass doors, it has gold and square edges that make it look very elegant.
Peter walks down carefully, trying not to make noise and not to ruin the tuxedo either. He wonders if he should open and close the door for Harry to look at him, or cough, or just walk up to him, grab his face and kiss him like there's no tomorrow.
“Hi.” That's what he finally says, Peter smiles, feeling more nervous than ever. Harry gives a little jump and turns around slowly, as if he didn't believe he could be there. “Before you say anything, I want to tell you that I'm really really sorry and I'll do anything to make this right.”
“Anything?” He tells him in an almost seductive tone. But his friend folds his arms. “That will be very convenient when you have to get up to pick up the pizza every time we're at the penthouse.”
“I'll be happy to do it.” He takes a step, nervous. He still thinks this could go wrong in some way. It's just his luck, something bad always happens before something good. “Seriously Harry, I know I've been a really bad friend, you can get mad, yell at me, throw one of the vases that are inside at me, whatever.”
“Pete, I'm not mad.”
“You're not?”
“I'm not.”
“Come on, Harry, I know you.”
“Seriously Parker, I'm not mad.”
“Then why do you sound so mad?”
“Because you're exasperating!” Harry laughs, puts a hand on his waist and takes two steps towards him. “I hate it when you do that.”
“I'm sorry, but...”
“Wait, what time is it?” Harry doesn't wait for his answer, he looks at his watch. “Damn, I have less than five minutes to do this.”
“Do what?”
“Look, everything was going to be so much nicer and perfect. But you weren't on time and it's not a complaint, well, maybe a little but that's not the point.” Peter frowns, trying to understand what's going on, but is distracted when Harry comes closer. His navy blue suit, his also blue shirt but a lighter shade, his tie the same color  as the suit, his green eyes, his hair perfectly arranged, he wants to kiss him so bad.
“Well, you can complain.” He says, when he comes out of shock.
“I don't have time for that now.” Harry laughs. “I had it all planned out and had a speech written but.” His friend starts going through the pockets of his suit. “I can't find the damn paper, ugh, I'm making a fool of myself.”
“You're just with me, you're not making a fool of yourself.” Harry sighs, relaxed.
“Okay, I'll have to improvise.” Harry grabs his hands, he's cold. “You're my best friend Pete, no one knows me like you do. And I like to think no one knows you like I do.” Peter ignores the wave of guilt that sweeps through him. “You're handsome, smart, funny and...” Downstairs the guests start counting down to the end of the year. “Damn, ok, before the day is over, can I kiss you?”
Peter smiles and nods his head.
He closes his eyes, just as he starts to hear the fireworks, he feels Harry's hands on his waist and his lips on Peter's.
He starts to run his hands down Harry's back, he lightly bites his lip and doesn't stop kissing him. Peter feels breathless, but makes every effort to keep kissing him.
To be honest, he's surprised at how wild they're being, they don't care about the cold, or that the fireworks ended long ago, or that someone might be watching them. It's as if they're both hungry for each other, insatiable for the touch of their lips.
Finally Harry breaks the kiss and the first thing he does is start laughing. He joins his forehead to Peter's and he laughs too.
“Sorry for doing everything so fast.”
“Sorry for being late and make you do this fast.”
“Oh, wait.” Harry doesn't stop holding him, but pulls his face away to look at him. “I forgot the important part. I like you Pete, well, more than that. I love you and I want you to be my boyfriend.”
“Well, I love you too, and I want to be your boyfriend.” Harry smiles and moves in for a kiss, but Peter stops him. “But, you're still not asking me.”
“Really Pete?”
“Hey, I've fantasized about that since we were 15, I want you to ask.” What happens to Harry's face is indescribable, he goes through so many emotions, but in the end his face is so sweet and his smile so big that they make Peter fall a little more in love.
“Ok, Pete, do you want to be my boyfriend?”
“Only if you are my boyfriend.” Harry laughs and kisses him again and all his worries disappear.
This is definitely the best New Year's Eve party he hasn't attended.
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squ1dd · 5 months
I finally made a pizza-sona 🙏🙏🙏 I love him dearly (his name is Coney)
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Stupid info dump below 👇👇👇
He's pretty similar to my actual persona. I just pizza-ified him (literally)
He got infected with some....... Weird pizza virus parasite thing, probably from pizza head
He hangs out/lives in the sewers (or floor 4 to be more specific) which is probably why he's moldy
He's besties with fake bc I SAID so............
I got the name 'Coney' by searching up other words for pepperoni.... (Yes I'm. Unoriginal /) and Coney Island came up so I just took that (Also it's pretty similar to Cosmo)
He used to be an Astronaut from Deep-Dish 9
He thinks fake peppino is the real peppino 💀 since he met him before the actual peppino
Don't eat him you will get food poisoning and die /hj
The pizza parasite, or pizzsite (/j) is incurable. He tried everything.
Whenever a limb gets cut off, it grows back almost immediately. But he can still feel pain
He's most likely able to bleed, and his blood is marinara sauce
He DOES have a mouth, but you can only see it when he's like... Screaming or some shit. It looks like an enderman's mouth
His limbs can stretch pretty far, and he's pretty tall, almost fake's height (still shorter than him thought)
If I think of more info I'll add it but there ya go
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average-joseph · 1 year
Meeks is New York pizza and Pitts is Coney Island hotdogs.
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Whumptember 11th: Tummy Ache
Warnings: Character overeating to the point of illness. Not associated with an eating disorder, but I wanted to put a content warning just in case. Please read responsibly and practice self love!
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You shook your head as you poured the tea into two mugs. You should have known better than to let Steve go wild at Coney Island. You had never seen someone put away more food. You had been there about 6 hours total and in that time he ate three Nathan’s hotdogs, fried oreos, a full box of nachos, a large milkshake, full pizzas, funnel cakes, chili cheese fries, and then insisted that you get treats from Williams Candy. He had eaten two Jelly Marshmallows and a jelly apple. He made sure to get some Marshmallow balls to eat on the ride back home. To say you were both impressed and slightly concerned was an understatement. 
To be fair, he seemed to handle it all pretty well as you were walking around. The trouble came on the long drive back home. About thirty minutes into the drive, you noticed him starting to shift around in his seat. Ten minutes later, he was rubbing a few spots on his stomach and grimacing slightly. 
“You okay there, Jelly bean?” You smirked at him, knowing exactly what was the issue. 
“Ugh. Please don’t call me that right now.” He groaned, breathing out as if trying to calm down his roiling insides. “Do you think you could drive the rest of the way home? I need to close my eyes for a bit.”
You smiled but agreed. It wasn’t often that he would willingly give up driving. He loved driving, so if he was asking to switch, you knew he was in serious discomfort. He pulled over to the side of the road and you two swapped. He was buckled up but he had turned on to his side and brought his legs up as far as he could. It was almost comical to see this big, muscular man curled up into the smallest ball he could manage, but the look of pain on his face kept you from poking fun at him.
After what felt like forever to him, you pulled up to your apartment and he hobbled his way inside. He quickly made his way to change into more comfortable clothes and then miserably laid on the couch. You sat in front of him on the coffee table and gave him a small smile.
“What can I do, love? I have my heating pad that may help. And I can make you some peppermint tea. That always helps calm my stomach.”
He nodded and murmured a thank you. You set up your heating pad and let him get it into a comfortable position, hoping that it would help ease some of the stomach cramps he was having. You made him a hot cup of peppermint tea and as you brought it over to him, he thanked you and sat up slightly to drink it. After blowing on it to cool it down for a few minutes, he took a hesitant sip. You noticed his scrunched up face as he swallowed down the drink.
“Too hot?” You asked him, unsure of the cause of the face. He shook his head no and looked up at you sheepishly. “It could do with some sugar.”
A loud, boisterous laugh escaped your lips and you shook your head in disbelief.
“Sweetheart. The last thing you need right now is more sugar.” You laughed softly once more, smiling at him with love. “Drink your tea.” You commanded him.
 He grumbled at the thought of the unsweetened tea but dutifully drank it and then laid his head on your lap, his eyes closing as you lightly scratched his scalp with your nails. 
“I’m sorry I’m such a mess today. I just got there and couldn’t help myself. When I was young, the few times that we were able to go to Coney Island, we couldn’t really buy much fair food. I was always so desperate to try it all, especially the sweets. I guess going today and seeing it all and knowing that I could buy it made me want to. I may have gone a little overboard.” 
You laughed again but leaned down to give his forehead a kiss before you continued running your fingers through his hair. He closed his eyes in relaxation. He may be miserable from having eaten so much in such a short period of time, but if it led to him lying here with your hands in his hair, he would do it all over again.
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skinslip · 8 months
Hello friend. I'm sending you hugs on this drab evening. I hope you're feeling better.
Anyways here's a question to distract you from the sad times: what's your favorite food?
Hopefully when I meet you in person one day, I'll get to cook it for you. I adore cooking for those who are close to me. ☺️💖🧑‍🍳🍽️
Aw. You are such a lovely bean. I am going to hug the life out of you someday.🥰💜
I love carne asada street tacos, chile rellenos, hawaiian pizza, boneless buffalo wings, chocolate chip cookies, mozzarella sticks made with crushed chicharrones breading, kielbasa, coney island chilidog, chicago style hotdog, philly cheesesteak, Vietnamese pho, red curry, naan bread, bratwurst, nachos with extra jalapenos, and probably a million more.
I love food. I love when someone cooks for me. I love trying new things outs. And if you cook for me I will adore you forever.
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rachelkaser · 1 month
Stay Golden Sunday: Sophia's Wedding, Part 2
Sophia and Max decide to reopen their pizza-knish stand on Miami Beach. Dorothy picks up smoking to cope with the stress.
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Picture It...
Dorothy sneaks into the garage vestibule from the kitchen with a pack of cigarettes. Just as she takes a puff, the smoke detector goes off and Rose and Blanche run in. Forestalling Blanche calling the fire department, Dorothy explains that she started smoking again. She's under a lot of stress, particularly after Sophia's marriage to Max. The couple return from their honeymoon at that moment and Dorothy asks the other Girls not to tell her.
It's for naught, as Sophia can immediately tell and lays into Dorothy for starting her bad habit again. She promises to quit again. Max and Sophia decide to get settled into their new place. There's just one problem -- they don't have a new place. At some light guilt-tripping from Sophia, the other Girls invite them to stay for a few days while they look for their own place. Dorothy struggles with her cravings.
Three weeks later, Dorothy is in the shower and tells Sophia she'll be out shortly. Without a word, Max enters, takes off his glasses and enters the shower, making Dorothy scream. The other Girls run in and there's more screaming. Blanche tells Sophia that living with Max and Sophia isn't working out and other Girls are uncomfortable. Sophia and Max (who refuses to put on a robe) agree to start looking for a new place immediately.
ROSE: Dorothy, I know what you're going through. I smoked for years. DOROTHY: You smoked? Rose, that's like finding out Lassie was an alcoholic. ROSE: Lassie was an alcoholic?! That explains why she always tipped to one side when she waved goodbye to Timmy.
Sophia and Max reconvene at the boardwalk, having not found a new place. They look out at the beach and reminisce about Sal's idea to open a pizza-knish stand on the boardwalk in Coney Island. A nearby saxophonist starts playing, and Max requests Sal's favorite: "It Had to Be You," and he and Sophia slow dance on the boardwalk. Later, the other Girls talk about Dorothy's cravings -- Rose reveals she also used to smoke, to Dorothy's surprise.
Max and Sophia return home and excitedly tell everyone they've found the perfect place and ask to show them. When they arrive on the boardwalk, the "place" is an old, boarded-up concession stand. They've decided to reopen their own business -- though they'll have to live at the house until it gets off the ground. Sometime later, they've got the stand almost ready to go, and the other Girls arrive. They warn Max and Sophia they'll get a cold if they overdo it, which Sophia scoffs at.
DOROTHY: I have to give you two credit. It looks like it's really gonna happen! MAX: Why shouldn't it happen? I know the pizza business like the back of my hand -- *look at his hand* I never noticed that before. What do you think it would cost to remove something like that?
Smash cut to Max and Sophia sitting on the couch with terrible colds. They're afraid that they won't be able to open in time for the weekend's beach festival and will lose their lease. The Girls cave and agree to help them out. That weekend, Blanche, Rose, and Dorothy are hard at work getting the pizza and knishes ready to go. Rose inadvertently triggers Dorothy's cigarette cravings. Unfortunately, they don't get the customers they're hoping for as no one seems to notice the stand.
Sophia arrives on a wave of better health to check on the stand, and the Girls tell her they haven't sold since everyone's in the water. Sophia decides to show them what's what: She looks towards the beach and starts yelling, "Shark!" The terrified beachgoers immediately surge onto the boardwalk and up to the pizza-knish stand. That night, they excitedly say they completely sold out, and the business is saved.
FIREMAN: Well, we've finally found the cause of the fire. DOROTHY: Take me away. Cuff me. FIREMAN: …well, I'd like to take you to dinner first. Then we could play the rest by ear.
Unfortunately, Dorothy gets a phone call and they rush back to the beach: The stand is now a smoking ruin. In tears, Dorothy confesses she snuck in a cigarette while locking up. Sophia forgives her, saying it was an accident. However, a fireman appears and says the real culprit was an electrical issue, and Blanche says insurance will help Sophia and Max rebuild. Sophia and Max? They both say, "Eh," to each other's surprise.
Sophia and Max both come to the same conclusion: The business isn't the same without Sal and Esther. Sophia sends the Girls home for cheesecake, and she and Max sit on their bench to talk. They decide they aren't in love with each other like they were with their late spouses, and are better off as friends. The Catholic Sophia suggests they separate, and Max decides to return to his family in Brooklyn. The saxophonist shows up and offers to play "It Had to Be You" again, and Sophia and Max dance for themselves, Sal, and Esther.
"I don't need a divorce on my record with St. Peter at spitting distance."
Max and Sophia once again put the "whirlwind" in "whirlwind romance," as they fast-track through their honeymoon, starting a business together, and finally a separation based on mutual agreement in a single episode. There's a lot going on here, even by Golden Girls standards. However, I think the saving grace of the episode is the continuity between the two-parter, and because I think it at least sort of addressed the big problem I had with the last one.
ROSE: I don't understand. SOPHIA: You should have that printed on a t-shirt.
The addition of Max, a man who invades the Girls' sanctuary (albeit by invitation) adds an extra ingredient of humor to the first half of the episode, as they can't get used to living with a man once more. Though when I've lived with men who weren't married to me, I admittedly didn't often have an issue with them joining me in the shower because they've mistaken me for their wife. I'm not sure why Max and Sophia stay with the Girls for three weeks before looking for a house, but it at least provides some conflict.
Max and Sophia's decision to try and reopen the pizza-knish stand that the Petrillos and Weinstocks originally opened on Coney Island is a pleasant nod to the first episode in the two-parter. It's nice to see an expansion on Sophia's life before she moved to Miami to be with her daughter, and to see what she and Sal got up to during their long life together in Brooklyn. I'm not sure if pizza and knishes would do as well on Miami Beach as they would on Coney Island, but I'm not going to pretend I know anything about the food industry.
BLANCHE: Why don't you want to hear about my dream? DOROTHY: Because it is always the same thing with you, Blanche: Sex, sex, sex. I am tired of hearing it. ROSE: Maybe that's because you're not getting any, Dorothy. DOROTHY: Do you want the pot again, Rose?
The issue I had with the first part of the episode was that it almost felt like Max forgot about his recently deceased wife (and Sophia's former bestie) Esther. At the end of this episode, Max admits he doesn't love Sophia as much as he did Esther, and that he prefers to remain friends with her after their separation. He also admits that he misses Brooklyn, where his family and grandkids live, which clears up a factor I hadn't even addressed about how Max must have felt moving to Miami.
As for this episode itself, the problem I have with the primary story about Max and Sophia is that it doesn't seem to flow naturally from part one to part two. At first, the conflict is that Sophia and Max need to find a new place to live, then the issue is them starting a business they might not be able to keep going. They feel almost like two different episodes smashed together -- especially since Sophia simply tells Blanche they'll both be staying in her house until the business gets off the ground, despite them moving out being the motivation to go to the boardwalk in the first place.
SOPHIA: You want a Lifesaver? MAX: What kind you got? SOPHIA: Peppermint. MAX: I don't like peppermint. I like butterscotch. You got butterscotch. SOPHIA: Does it say 7-11 across my forehead? I got peppermint!
Speaking of the boardwalk, it's one of the biggest non-house sets I've ever seen on this show -- fitting, given we spend over half the episode here. Not only do we have the full-size pizza-knish stand, but we also get to see a large section of the boardwalk, including other shops, which include a palm reader, a newspaper stand, and a candy shop. And mentioning sets, they've redesigned the Girls' only full-size bathroom yet again for the single-scene gag of Max getting into the shower with Dorothy.
There's not a B-plot in this episode per se -- Dorothy's smoking is directly related to the A-plot, and plays a role in its conclusion. She says one of the reasons she resumed the bad habit is because of her stress over Sophia's remarriage, and the married couple staying in the house with them probably doesn't help. We never actually learn if she did kick the habit. She didn't actually burn down the stand, so she may not quit out of guilt -- perhaps out of an abundance of caution over what could have happened? I have no idea.
BLANCHE: Well, how was the honeymoon? MAX: I tell you, that Disney World hotel was just wonderful. It had everything: Good service, delicious food, a beautiful room! ROSE: What did you think of the rides? MAX: . . . they got rides? SOPHIA: Don't worry about it. You had a good time and you never had to stand in line.
Another issue I have is that Blanche and Rose have far less to do in this episode than they did in the last one. They've managed to lose all interest in Elvis Presley over the course of a month, and have nothing to do in the whole episode except complain about Max, try to help Sophia, and give Dorothy motivation to kick her smoking habit. Rose manages to sneak in several inane St. Olaf Stories, while Blanche's main contribution seems to be as the voice of reason for everyone.
That said, the last scene where Dorothy gets her final resolve to quit smoking and is absolved of her guilt simultaneously, then Max and Sophia agree to part ways, is very sweet and a nice way of tying the whole thing together. Max going home to his family gives a clean break while not requiring Sophia to move back from a different location, and it's a sweet way of paying homage to the two's original spouses. Also, it's always nice to hear "It Had to Be You," especially played on a saxophone.
Episode rating: 🍰🍰🍰 (three cheesecake slices out of five)
Favorite part of the episode
Dorothy dispenses punishment to Rose.
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