#Arrow Queen of Thieves
elven-butts · 27 days
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it's her birthday 🥺
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lachlanzeez · 2 years
being wednesdays sister and everybody falling for you pt1
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parts: [1] [2] [3] [4]
you and your sister wednesday had recently moved to a new school. A one for freaks
when you were being introduced to everybody in the courtyard you saw a lot of people looking at you instead of your sister, which weirded you out a lot.
bianca and xavier were still together in this and ajax and enid were just getting into a relationship. Rowan and kent were still single.
They couldn't stop looking at you, because you have long white hair and you looked so soft and gentle unlike wednesday.
so when xavier and bianca were walking around at night the came across you singing an old pirate song
hoist the colours
The king and his men stole the queen from her bed... and bound her in her bones
The seas be ours beyond the powers where we will we'll roam
Yo, ho, haul together Hoist the colours high Heave ho, thieves and beggars Never shall we die
Some men have died And some are alive And others sail on the sea With the keys to the cage... And the Devil to pay We lay to Fiddler's Green!
The bell has been raised From it's watery grave... Do you hear it's sepulchral tone? We are a call to all Pay heed the squall And turn your sail toward home!
Yo, ho, all together Hoist the colours high Heave ho, thieves and beggars Never shall we die!
she sounded so angelic for a dark song. Her voice sounded like honey, and they way she danced while singing was magical. Thought xavier and bianca was staring at (name) like she and bianca were the only ones in the world, but xavier didn't mind, because (name) was an exception.
rowan saw xavier and bianca walking around so he was sneaking off to the nightshades library. Since he wasn't in them anymore he wasn't allowed in there. And if anybody caught him, he would be suspended and he doesn't want to spend his break with his unloving and uncaring mother and father. Until he heard singing, he went to investigate and saw (name) singing while dancing in the middle of the moonlight
she looked magnificent dancing in her white dress, her hair flowing with every jump.
you didn't know 3 people were watching you dance and sung last night.
you went out to jericho and went to weathervanes cafe. It sounded like a sweet place so you went in.
tyler was trying to work the coffee machine but the words were in latin so he didn't know what to do. Until a nevermores student came up to him asking if he wanted help.
he had never seen anybody with white hair but it was beautiful. He felt like he could stare into those y/e/c forever.
After the coffee machine was fixed by this beautiful looking girl, i gave her a hot chocolate on the house from helping me.
i hope to see her again thought tyler while he stared at her walking out and walking to a car.
enid and ajax were walking near the lake when they saw wednesday and her sister (name) shooting arrows on the target.
they watched (name) while she was getting her gloves on, she was wearing her beautiful white archery outfit with her arrows in the bag
she looked so magical, liked she came out of a fairytale and enid and ajax were head over heels, but what they didn't know was kent was swimming in the lake and was watching them stare at (name). He felt angry that they were trying to take her away, and how bianca and xavier were trying to take her away.
he was going to do something about it.
lachlan zeez
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death-before-ilion · 2 months
Life of Paris (Alexander)
1231 (age 0) Queen Hecabe of Troy dreams that she is about to give birth to a flaming torch that sets her city aflame. Aesacus, son of Priam by his previous wife, interprets the dream and declares the child will bring the downfall of Troy. On the day of Paris's birth, Aesacus further prophetizes that any royal child born that day would have to be killed to save Troy. Paris is born that same day before nightfall. Priam spares the child, unable to kill his own son. Herophile, priestess of Apollo, insists the child must be killed. Priam asks his chief herdsman Agelaus to kill Paris. Agelaus cannot kill the child and exposes him on Mount Ida, where he is suckled by a female bear. Five days later, Agelaus finds Paris alive and adopts him and tells Priam the child is dead.
1216 (age 15) Paris routs a gang of cattle thieves and returns the stolen animals to the herd, thus earning the nickname Alexander. Soon afterwards, Paris becomes the lover of Oenone, daughter of the river god Cebren and oread nymph of Mount Ida.
1214 (age 17) Paris and Oenone get married.
1212 (age 19) birth of their son Corythus on Mount Ida.
1211 (age 20) Paris starts organizing bull fights on Mount Ida, which he wins almost every time.
1209 (age 22) Paris offers a golden crown as a prize for his next bull fight. Ares chooses to participate, transforms into a bull and wins the contest. Paris gives the crown to Ares without hesitation, the honesty of which catches Zeus's attention and leads him to decide that Paris will award the golden apple he has been keeping since the marriage of Thetis and Peleus to the fairest goddess. Judgment of Paris: Paris attributes the golden apple to Aphrodite, earning Hera's and Athena's enmity, but winning the promise of Helen's love, most beautiful of all mortal women.
1208 (age 23) To atone for the supposed murder of his own son, Priam has been organizing expiatory games. Paris's favorite bull is taken to be the prize of this year's games. He decides to participate to win it back. Paris wins all the games, which angers his brother Deiphobus, but his sister Cassandra recognizes him with her seeress powers and Priam welcomes him back to Troy.
1207 (age 24) Paris hires Phereclus to build a fleet, as advised by Aphrodite.
1204 (age 27) Paris and his cousin Aeneas and a contingent of warriors leave for Greece, pretexting to visit and enquire about Hesione, Priam's elder sister. They travel through Greece, and when they reach Sparta, they are welcomed and entertained by Menelaus, husband of Helen who is immediately smitten with love for Paris, as promised by Aphrodite. Menelaus must leave for Crete, for the funeral of king Catreus, his grandfather. As soon as he is gone, Helen embarks with Paris for Troy. However, to avoid being pursued, they detour south of Crete, to Cyprus and Phoenicia. Paris and Aeneas sack Sidon.
1203 (age 28) The fleet reaches Troy. Paris and Helen marry.
1202 (age 29) Birth of Bunomus, their son.
1194 (age 37) Birth of Aganus, their second son.
1193 (age 38) The siege of Troy begins.
1192 (age 39) Birth of Idaeus, their third son.
1191 (age 40) Oenone sends their now adult son Corythus to Paris to participate in the war against the Greeks. He is welcomed by Helen and is stricken by her beauty. Paris does not recognize his son and kills him out of jealousy before he is informed of his identity.
1188 (age 43) Troy is struck by a minor earthquake, but the three sons of Paris and Helen are killed by the collapsing roof of their house.
1184 (age 47) Paris duels Menelaus and is saved by Aphrodite. He wounds Diomedes and later kills Achilles with an arrow guided by Apollo. Philoctetes wounds Paris with an arrow bearing the poison of the Lernaean Hydra. Helen rushes to Mount Ida to beg for Oenone's healing skills. She refuses and Paris soon dies. Oenone commits suicide.
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roy-dcm2 · 11 months
All of the Ganons in the Canon
I am once again warning people that if you haven't played Tears of the Kingdom, I'm going to be Spoiling a few key details. Please turn back now.
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The biggest revelation, in my opinion, has to be the fact that there are actual multiple versions of Ganon / Ganondorf in the Time Line of Legend of Zelda. We were approaching the Zelda Universe under the assumption that Ganon was always the same person, but "Demon King Ganon" that attacked the first King of Hyrule in TotK is clearly a different person from "Great King of Evil" Ganondorf from OoT.
I think we need to reconsider all the Ganons as completely different people.
"GANNON" the Prince of Darkness (Zelda 1)
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Very little is known about this version of Ganon. He leads an army of monsters, he stole the Triforce of Power, tried to take over the world, and captured Princess Zelda. He was DESTROYED at the end of Zelda 1, and there is a threat of his resurrection in Zelda 2.
[Special note - the original LoZ novel says Ganon was a demon king revived from a thousand years ago. Ganon's cycle of rebirth was there from the beginning.]
"Mandrag Ganon" (A Link to the Past)
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The second version of Ganon was called "Mandrag Ganon" by the U.S. instruction booklet. This version started out as a human leader of a band of thieves. It is hard to tell what exactly happened to him... did he automatically become a pig-demon when he entered the Golden Land, or did he transform into that after finding the Triforce. In the end he was obliterated by Link and the Silver Arrows.
Ganondorf, the Great King of Evil (Ocarina of Time)
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The most famous version of Ganon. As the only male Gerudo born to the predominantly female tribe, he was made a leader. He performed several acts of terrorism, usurped power, and was defeated by Link and the Seven Sages. He had two endings, one where he was sealed inside the Sacred Realm, and another timeline where he either was executed, banished, or he got away.
"Mindless Beast" Ganon (The Oracle Series)
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Ganon makes a brief appearance at the end of the Oracle games. He was resurrected incorrectly by Twinrova, so he came back with only the urge to destroy. He was once again killed by Link.
Ganondorf, the Master of the Forsaken Fortress (The Wind Waker)
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While Ganon from OoT might be the same person as WW Ganon, they could be different people considering how different their faces are. WW Ganon has a flat nose, while OoT Ganon has a pointed nose like many Gerudo. WW Ganon is likely a Gerudo since he mentions living in the desert with a group of his own people. This might be the most sympathetic version of Ganondorf in all of the games. Unfortunately for him, he dies at the end of Wind Waker.
Ganon, King of Darkness (The Four Swords Adventure)
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One often neglected version of Ganon is his appearance in TFSA. This version also began as a male Gerudo that was transformed by the Trident of Power, and the local monsters worship him. He was sealed inside the Four Sword at the end of the game.
"Dark Lord" Ganondorf (Twilight Princess)
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The next most prominent appearance of Ganon was his role in Twilight Princess. He started off as a desert thief, and powerful sorcerer. He tried to invade Hyrule, but was caught and banished to the Twilight Realm. He returned many years later, leading an invasion from the Twilight Realm, but was killed by Link at the end of the game.
"Demon King" Ganon (A Link Between Worlds)
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The Ganon that appears in ALBW is suspiciously similar to the one that appears in ALttP, but the previous version was destroyed by Link. This version says he had been sealed away, so it couldn't be the same one. In the end, the new Link destroyed his new Ganon again.
"Demon King" Ganon (Tears of the Kingdom)
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The newest incarnation of the curse of Demise and probably the earliest in the timeline. He is also a Gerudo chief that rebelled against the first King of Hyrule. He killed Queen Sonia, was sealed for 10,000 years, and he was ultimately killed by Link and Zelda at the end of the newest game.
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msweebyness · 6 months
MiracOlympus- Formal Introduction
Howdy, ya'll! Here's the formal introduction to the characters from my new AU! The background is pretty simple, the Miraculous characters are the Gods from Ancient Greece! Enjoy! @imsparky2002 @artzychic27
God of the sky, king of Olympus
A much fairer and more compassionate ruler than Zeus
Still a sunshine boi
Doesn't sleep with a bunch of women, actually loyal to his queen
Team Dad
God of the seas
Crazy-ass Middle Child
Constantly losing his trident
Protective of the ocean and its creatures
Likes challenging the other gods for fun
God of the dead, lord of the Underworld
Oldest child, protective of his two younger brothers
Chose the Underworld because he likes peace and quiet
Not the bad guy mortals make him out to be
Very respectful of Marc, i.e. never kidnapped him
Queen of the Gods, goddess of marriage and family
ROCKS that peacock aesthetic
Acts more like a team mom than a queen
Doesn't try to murder any other girl who's interested in Adrien
Likes to ship people with Rose
Goddess of the Harvest
Loving and nurturing, makes sure mortals are taken care of
Protective of Marc, her younger brother
VERY passionate about the environment
Mediates conflicts on Olympus
Goddess of the home and hearth
Gentlest and humblest of the Gods
Gave up her throne for Nino, since she never really wanted it
Has a hard time saying no
Amazing cook
Goddess of war
Believes in honor and fighting for a worthy cause
Has never lost a battle
Rides a kickass motorcycle
Always armed, just in case
Goddess of love and beauty
Supportive of all sexual identities, ACE PEOPLE ARE VALID
World's biggest shipper
Very humble about her looks
Adores Juleka beyond all sense of reason
Goddess of the hunt and the forest
Shy, prefers to spend time with animals
Always has her bow and a quiver of arrows
Gets pissed if you insult her mom or Rose
VERY against abusive relationships
God of music and prophecy
Never seen without his lyre
Most beautiful voice in the history of all time
Juleka's wingman
God of fire and blacksmithing
In his forge 70% of the time, Mylene drags him out to take a break and get some sun
Buffest of the gods, but super humble about it
Olympus' repair man
Still a soft, gentle boi
Goddess of travelers, thieves and messengers
Carries messages between all the realms
Has a winged pair of rollerblades
The ultimate prankster
Fastest of all the gods
God of Wisdom & Innovation
Always accompanied by his owl, Markov
Gets exasperated with the foolish choices of his peers
Actually still good friends with Kim
Always working on something new
God of Wine & Festivity
Ironically, drinks in moderation
Has so much energy
Plans all parties on Olympus
Shares a passion for theater with Jean
Goddess of truth and justice
Oversees all trials conducted on Olympus
WILL call you out if you're acting unfairly
Only Nino can get her to cut loose a little
Goddess of the sun
Has an ego the size of, well, the sun
Nothing can shine as bright as her
Knows EVERYONE'S business, because the sun sees all
Has a soft spot for her sister, the moon goddess
Goddess of sea creatures, queen of the oceans
Rules over the sea with Kim, makes sure he doesn't do anything too reckless
Has tea meet-ups with fellow Goddess Queen, Marinette
Unceasingly bubbly and optimistic
Goddess of strife and discord
Thrives on conflict between the other gods
Lies to get her way constantly
Starting wars is a hobby
The others only put up with her because they have to
Keep an eye out for more of this AU! Leave thoughts in the comments and reblogs!
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mango-bango-bby · 2 years
Yandere royal momo yaoyorozu x fem normal reader where the reader saved momo from thiefs (without knowing that momo was the princess since she wore a disguise)in the past and momo never saw a lady with a sword and arrows so she fell for her and stalked her and knew she was a bakers daughter and then she asked her father if the reader could be her personal guard but he said no cuz women cant be guards so when her parents died and she became the queen she asked (forced) the reader to marry her ( and if she didnt marry her she would murder her whole family and make them suffer in front of her until she say yes )
♡ The Queen ♡
(A/N: This was really fun to write!! I haven’t written for Momo in a while but I missed writing for her 😭😭 I hope you like, I think it’s really cute and I love royalty au 💖)
Content Warning ⚠️: Yandere, royalty au, kidnapping, mostly just fluff 
Summary: After unknowingly saving the queen of the kingdom, she becomes obsessed with you (Yan!Momo x GN!reader)
Masterlist ➸ ♡
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♡ Momo had been in love with you for as long as she could remember. At least since the first time she saw you, when you two were both younger. Two years ago Momo, the princess soon to be queen of the kingdom, went into town just to see how things were. She was disguised so she was cornered by a couple thieves. Luckily for her, you happened to by near.
♡ Your father owned a small bakery in the kingdom. You had been working with him since you were a young child, you had also been trained with a sword since you were a child. The bakery wasn’t exactly in the best part of the kingdom so you often found yourself need self defense. So when you saw a woman around your age being cornered by some thieves you were quick to pull out your sword, threatening the thieves to stay away.
♡ Momo only thanked you before returning to the castle, completely star struck. You were so beautiful. You were selfless as well, trying to help her. You were so strong. You were so graceful. Of course, after such a chance encounter she wanted to know more about you.
♡ After ordering the guards to learn more about you, she only fell in love more. You were always helping with the bakery. Your family loved the bakery even if you didn’t get much money in it. She thinks though, if you were to just marry her, she’s sure she could help put your family. She wants you to be hers. She could help you, give you a better life.
♡ She knows you stay up late to help your family. She knows you give some of your little money to other families to help them. She knows you give free bread and sweets to the local children. She knows you help people in the community. Shoe knows you don’t go to bed until very late. She knows you’re tired. You need to be cared for too sometimes, and she can do that. She could coddle and care for you when you need it.
♡ So the moment she becomes queen, she’s ordering guards to go out and bring you to her. The moment guards turn up at the bakery, ordering you to come with them, you’re terrified. You think you’re being arrested and you’re terrified because you have no idea what you did wrong.
♡ The moment you arrive at the castle, Momo is just smiling so widely. You’re even more lovely than she remembers. Sadly, it doesn’t seem like you remember her. She loves seeing you again, but she also sees the bags underneath your eyes and she sees how tattered your clothes are.
♡ She will be able to give you a better life by her side.
Thank you for reading, darling!!
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herosstoic · 1 year
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To be posted in the next day or so ... The QUEEN CAPER
A full fledged Arrow HEIST, because why not?
We have the Charismatic Mastermind (Check)
The Unstoppable Tech Genius (Check)
The Calm& Collected Getaway Driver ... er... hmm ... sure (Check)
Here's to OTA by way of Ocean's 11. An original tale of honest thieves and subtle traps
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mjjune · 9 months
⭐ share a snippet where a character is the best at something
💙share a snippet where a character falls out of love a little
Ok below is a one snippet from twtr, and one from avof2 !!! enjoy!
⭐ enjoy avery being casually badass as usual from twtr
They laugh, until they see The Queen emerging from the side of the training grounds. The men regain composure and straighten up, and the man with the sloppy stance nods to Avery. “There’s no way, though, really. This bow must be botched.” “It’s top-tier shadow steel imported from the north, then designed by the military’s own smith. How could it be botched?” Wallis shakes his head. Avery approaches, holding out his hand. The soldier hands it to him and he tests out the weight and examines the craftsmanship. Long, shimmering in the sunlight as it should, with the little seal from the northern markets on the lower tip, guaranteeing the steel’s grade and legality. He pulls one of the arrows from the soldier’s quiver, who steps out of the way. With his mother’s form, he pulls back, aims, and releases. The arrow whizzes through the air and pierces the target, dead center. He hands the bow back to the soldier. “It’s fine.”
💙 this is the closest thing i could think of! enjoy painful avof book 2 mild spoilers
He leans in a little closer, so she can smell his metallic yet sweet lavender scent, and whispers, “Do you want me to fix it?” Her heart skips a beat, and she meets his eyes. “I’m not Auri anymore.” Lara lets the memories wash over her from when she spent her time traveling with a very different version of Danny. In that life, they would’ve done anything for each other—run away, thieve, kill. “I would still do it.” Her chest aches, wishing she could summon the feelings she used to have. But she is a different person, and so is he. Yet he is still willing to submerge himself in violence and death to break her chains, just for the memory of what they used to have. She shakes her head, grateful that he is not touching her, for the gentleness of his hands would break her. “No, it is my fight. I will find a way out myself.”
TWTR & AVOF COMBINED TAGLISTS: (message or comment below to be +/-)
@aether-wasteland-s @annetilney @aritany @artbyeloquent @bebewrites @ceph-the-ghost-writer @cljordan-imperium @dogmomwrites @dustylovelyrun @elijahrichardwrites @eventideintrigue @faithfire @flowerprose @forthesanityofstorytellers @garthcelyn @ghafasinej @helioscenic @isabellebissonrouthier @jamieanovels @jezifster @knosium @lexiklecksi @little-mouse-gardens @malimaywrite @marrowwife @mr-writes @macabremoons @perasperaadastrawriting @phantomnations @thyroidhormones @tracle0 @vacantgodling @verba-writing @void-botanist @vollzz @vsnotresponding @wildswrites @wip-nook
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madamefluffnstuff · 8 months
I have since decided; here's a list of all of my current ESO characters!
 1. Ebonymist - My main and longest running Vestige. She's a Khajiit Nightblade with a black tabby coat and baby blue eyes. Eye of the Queen and Champion of Anequina and Blackwood. Bows and arrows are her specialty, along with alchemy (specifically Invisibility potions) and lockpicking. However she's not part of the Thieves Guild or Dark Brotherhood. 
She's a very sweet and motherly Khajiit who firmly believes in the Found Family trope. Her friends are her family, her gaggle of pets are her family, Taznasi and co. from The Stitches are her family, etc. Her most recent "adoptees" are Fennorian, Ember, and Isobel. Razum Dar and her were as close to being a couple without actually being a couple. Now Ebonymist is working up the nerve to confess her feelings to Bastian Hallix. 
She tends to be more on the sentimental side, holding on to anything of value (like her Urn from Coldharbor, a shield that was gifted to her by a friend who fell in battle, Jakarn's dagger he gave as thanks for helping, the like).  As well as pretty much any remotely shiny object or fascinating knick knack she finds. She collects.
2. Brenda Steel-Heart - Tall, blonde, can hold her mead, and can swing a greatsword with the best, Brenda is a Nordic Dragonknight warmaiden. She is fiercely loyal to the Ebonheart Pact and her homeland of Eastern Skyrim. In fact Brenda's loyalty is so strong and she's helped the cause so much, Prince Irnskar has dubbed her "The King's Arrow".
The concept of family and friends is weird to her- she doesn't remember her biological family (since Mannimarco wiped her memories), and she moves around so much she doesn't have time to make friends. Instead she considers her fellow Pact soldiers her Shield Brothers and Sisters. Centurion Gjakil and his wife Irna are the closest thing Brenda has to a "family" family, after she helped save their farm. (And her dogs, of course! All five of them.)
As far as romance goes, her heart is open. Woman or man, lady or lord, Dunmer or Nord, she doesn't care. Strangely enough she has a thing for Dark Elves. Specifically one Morag Tong assassin. Which would definitely be breaking some protocols if word got out, so they have a long distance relationship and exchange letters as often as they can.
3. Ursalie Fanstiana - Bretons are known for their innate ability for magic. Ursalie is no exception. She is a skilled mage in her own right, though she is just starting out and getting her feet under her. "Dark" magic and crystal magic seems to be her specialty, but she has been known to summon the odd unstable minor daedra or two (whether its intentional or not is unknown). 
She is terribly shy and has always had trouble making friends. Her summoned familiars are her more preferred company, though she's been making more efforts to open up more. Unfortunately her lack of experience in friendships has led to a few mishaps of not reading the room; Poor Ursalie has fallen for Jakarn's silky smooth words on more than one occasion, and Darien Gautier's shameless flirting has had her staying up overthinking conversations more times than she cares to admit. Crafty Lerisa has been helping her though.
Ursalie is the least developed of my Vetiges, as I haven’t played much of the Daggerfall Covenant storyline yet but I still adore her.~
4. Reldaleyna and Peliion - Reldaleyna comes from a long line of respectable  Altmer mages. From a young age she excelled at the arcane arts, and was trained by her grandparents in the art of upper echelon etiquette and borderline royalty manners. She is very popular amongst her family's circle of nobles. 
Peliion, on the other hand, is a feral gremlin of a Wood Elf with absolutely no concept of social graces or presence of manners. He claims he was raised "in the woods" (which would not be entirely unusual for a Bosmer, but he also claims he was raised by wolves). Thankfully very few people take his claims seriously.
They are dating and very much in love. 
Special thanks to @gortrash @arisenlicious and @alaxon <3
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Scoundrel's Folly
So I started off by speaking to Mercer Frey
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who sent me off talk to Gulum-Ei along with the option to talk to Brynolf
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which I did. i then set off to Solitude to met with Gulum-Ei
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Who I then bribed with a stolen case of Firebrand Wine from the Blue Palace
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Upon returning he gave us a little information but not enough so I Proceeded to shadow him to the East Empire Company warehouse
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It was upon entering that I realised that when I picked up this days equipment I forgot something rather integral to archery
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Luckily I managed to stealthily swim across the warehouse to where I knew Gulum-Ei would be and avoid most of the guards before entering Brinewater Grotto.
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It was here that I managed to scavenge what arrows I could while allowing Uthgerd, Serana and my Undying Ghost to tank while I took pot shots at the bandits.
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After fighting through the bandits I confronted Gulum-Ei once more
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Where he confessed that the person who hired him for the Goldenglow estate job was Karliah. I then set off to tell Mercer this information before remembering to go back to pick up the East Empire Shipping map to give to Delvin
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And it was after that alongside ransacking the warehouse for sellable goods I returned to Mercer and ended the quest
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quest lines active: Before the Storm (main), Speaking with Silence (thieves guild), Good Intentions (college of winterhold), Whispers in the Dark (dark brotherhood), Bloodlines (dawnguard)
quests started: The Grey Cowl of Nocturnal, A Soul Divided, The Rising Dead, Forbidden Legend, Guest for Dinner, Hendraheim, No Stone Unturned, Dawnguard, The Break of Dawn, When the Cat's Away
mic quests: learn more about the thieves guild from Delvin and Vex, return the queen bee statue to Delvin, return honingbrew decanter to Delvin, return east empire shipping map to Delvin, join the Imperial legion, join the Stomcloaks, Talk to the companion leaders for work, speak to the Jarl of Falkreath, speak to Constance Michel about adoption, participate in a drinking contest with Sam Guenvere, Bring a Dwarven arrow to Calcemo, visit the museum in Dawnstar, Find gold ore a mammoth tusk and a flawless sapphire for Madesi, Read Eltry's note
Places Discovered:
Blue Palace
Enchantment's learned:
Spells learned:
Turn Lesser Undead
Shouts learned:
Head: Dwarven crown of Winter (Increases your stamina by 40 points. One-handed attacks do 15% more damage. Two-handed attacks do 15% more damage. Stamina regenerates 10% faster.), Silver helmet, Scaled Helmet of Eminent Magicka (Increases your Magicka by 50 points.), Scaled helmet, Fine hat, Shrouded hood (sneaking is 25% better)
Body: Ward of Seasons (Increases Fire Resistance by 10%. Increases Frost Resistance by 10%. Increases Shock Resistance by 10%. Increases Poison Resistance by 10%.), Orcish plate armour, Thieves guild armor (carrying capacity increased by 20 points), Scaled armour, Fine clothes, Shrouded robes (destruction costs 15% less to cast)
Hands: Steel Plate gauntlets, Thieves guild gloves (lockpicking is 15% easier), Orcish scaled gauntlets, Gloves, Shrouded hand wraps (Double sneak attack damage with one-handed weapons)
Feet: Dwarven boots of waning fire (Increases fire resistance by 30%), Steel plate boots, Thieves guild boots (pickpocket success is 15% better), Scaled boots, Boots, Shrouded shoes (Wearer is muffled and moves silently)
Shields: Dwarven shield of dwindling magic (Increases Magic Resistance by 15%.), Falmer Shield, Elven Shield
Amulets: Amulet of Arkay (Increases health by 10 points), Amulet of Dibella (+15 Speechcraft), Amulet of Kynareth (Increases your Stamina by 10 points), Amulet or Stendarr (Block 10% more with your shield), Amulet of Talos (Time between shouts is reduced 20%) Saarthal amulet (Spells cost 3% less to cast), Gauldur amulet fragment (Increases magicka by 30 points), Gauldur amulet fragment (Increases health by 30 points)
Rings: enchanted ring (Increases health by 20 points), Muiri's ring (Created potions are 15% more powerful)
Forsworn bow
Orcish battleaxe
Dwarven greatsword
Elven warhammer
Ebony war axe
Dwarven mace
Honed Flamer sword
Dragon Priest dagger
Staff of Jyrik Gauldurson(Target takes 25 points of damage, and twice as much Magicka damage)
Staff of Magelight(Ball of light that lasts 60 seconds and sticks where it strikes)
Goblin totem staff (Lightning bolt that does 40 points of shock damage to healt and half to magicka, then leaps to a new target)
Staff of Sparks (Lightning that does 8 points of shock damage to health and magicka per second)
Steel staff of War (Elemental damage that does 4 points per second to health, magicka and stamina. Targets on fire take extra damage)
Staff of the Familiar (Summons a familiar for 60 seconds whereber the caster id pointing)
Wooden Staff of Shaming (Creatures and people up to level 8 flee from combat for 60 seconds)
Staff of Fury (Creatures and people up to level 4 will attack anything nearby for 60 seconds)
Forsworn Staff of Flames (A gout of fire that does 8 points per second. Targets on fire take extra damage)
Staff of Calm (Creatures and people up to level 8 won't fight for 30 seconds)
Staff of Frostbite (A blast of cold that does 8 points of damage per second to Health and Stamina)
When polling please be aware bows and two handed weapons will be included in the right hand poll while crossbows, staffs and shields are in the left. Also I have decided to implement a rule where if an option is chosen twice in a row for the next two polls it will be left out of rotation. This is to help to encourage us to mix up what we do a bit more.
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Really funny how More Fun Comics #73 introduced two of DC's most popular superheroes, both of whom had wildly different Golden Age origins than any other origin since, and yet both origins are on completely different axis of 'would be cool if they were an Elseworld story someday'.
To whit, Aquaman's Golden Age origin sees his father as an undersea explorer who discovers the ruin of Atlantis, and uses their advanced technology to grant his infant son the ability to breathe underwater and communicate with sea-life. I'd be really interested in a modern take on this idea - I did see a fanart a few years back that reimagined Golden Age Aquaman as a tech hero, old-school divers suit and all, and hell it would even be cool to have an Aquaman story not focused on Atlantis, but instead on Aquaman as Protector of the Seas.
On the other hand, Golden Age Oliver Queen is a white guy who has... ahem, ""gathered"" a huge collection of Native American* artifacts and cultural relics, which he keeps for himself and used to train himself in archery and the like, before all of the artifacts are destroyed when criminals burn his house down. Oliver seeks out a secret, long-lost Native American* city and runs into Roy Harper when his plane crashes. Roy has been on the island the city is buried under for years, with his only companion being Quoag, his Native American* ""manservant"" who talks like every racist Asian caricature from the Golden Age because I guess the writers were too used to writing WWII propaganda to be creative in their racism. Anyway, thieves show up, Quoag dies and is immediately forgotten, they force in some really painful references to Green Arrow and Speedy (like, if you thought the reasoning for Speedy's name in Arrow being 'Oliver's sister does drugs' was painfully forced...) and eventually Oliver and Roy find the Native American* city, which is made out of solid gold because... reasons. Rather than tell anyone about it, Oliver and Roy decide to dismantle the city, sell it brick by brick, and use the money to become wealthy, and also fund their superhero exploits because apparently they decided that was a good idea.
If DC ever brings back Golden Age Oliver Queen under any circumstances and the story doesn't end with Modern Ollie and Roy teaming up to shank him and redistribute his wealth, I'm going to kill someone.
*I say 'Native American' knowing that it's incredibly broad, but the comic doesn't offer a specific group. It also... doesn't call them Native Americans, which I'm pretty sure you can guess.
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elven-butts · 8 months
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OCtober day 6 - self indulgent Arrow time :3
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nicstylus · 11 months
Art Fight Master Post
(I will re-pin the other masterpost after Art Fight is done)
Art Fight Link: https://artfight.net/~NicStylus
Toyhouse: https://toyhou.se/NicStylus
Carrd: https://nicstylus.carrd.co
Jason Aequoreus (MotM)
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Jason's Links: Lore Document YT Playlist Spotify Playlist
Zorro (MotM)
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Zorro does not have any links because I've neglected them oops LORE: Zorro used his dark magic too much and got completely turned into a demon. Lucifer (Queen of Hell blah blah blah) fell in love with them, she turned out to be (surprise) a terrible person and they overthrew her. Now they rule the underworld and occasionally assist Jason in his objectives as they are (technically) best friends.
Elflacon (DnD)
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Elfalcon is my (dead :/ ) DnD Character. Since I've played him last though he's gotten a complete glow-up and re-write so here is the new-and-improved Elfalcon. LORE: Elfalcon is a Drow Elf who would be a royal prince if he hadn't been outcast by his family for being cursed. His Drow bloodline takes their lineage very seriously, so when he was cursed to become a Tiefling at night (in hopes that his family would be more accepting of Tieflings) they were outraged and banished him. He has since become a rogue with the intent to slowly whittle away at his families wealth and most valued treasures over time until they seek his assistance with catching this thief and accept him back into the family. At this point though he mostly just steals because fuck his family lol
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Arrow is my Minecraft Character I'm not actually sure if this counts as an OC, but... I'm submitting him anyway so take that LORE: Arrow is a blind archer (yes, blind.) He prefers Archery over anything else Minecraft related and prefers to hang out with his friends while doing so. Sun (Green hoodie) is his best friend, Breeze (blue hair and horns) is the Mom Friend and Panda (Pink hair) is the Little Sister friend that is completely unhinged. Arrow will match whatever energy you give him, and has the personality of a golden retriever.
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Kite is my TES Skyrim Khajiit (or Tabaxi if you speak D&D) with the stealth archer build. Kite honestly flips between being male and female in my head so they can be drawn as either or neither or both! LORE: Besides being the last dragonborn (and completely abusing that title) they've joined the Dark Brotherhood and became a Nightingale for the Thieves Guild. Kite enjoys doing trick shots with the bow, consuming every cheese wheel in sight, catching butterflies and decorating NPCs bodies (which may or may not be her doing) and committing unspeakable atrocities upon the townspeople of Falkreath. They're the most proficient in archery and thief skills, whatever that may be, and destruction magic, for some reason. Other than that he pretty much sucks at everything from blacksmithing to healing magic.
TO BE CONTINUED (and updated as I add new characters hopefully)
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havendance · 6 months
Santaquest pt3!
I'm falling behind on this, so let's speedrun some comics.
Limited Collector's Edition #34
Not Santa related, but the second story, features Captain Marvel where both Billy and Captian Marvel buy presents for each other. Billy does his best to be polite about his alter-ego's taste:
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Santa (not the real deal): What's this? From Capt Marvel to Billy?? Billy: Sure! Ha, Ha! Capt. Marvel bought me something I never had the nerve to get myself. Billy: Er--uh--I always wanted a loud necktie like this!
Story 3--the one with the real Santa!--we see that he and his dwarves are happy to throw down:
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Santa: Hmmm! I'm against violence, but... ...they were trying to steal our Christmas toys!
One of the thieves tries to get away, unfortunately there's a truck containing explosives!
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A move which destroys all the toys Angel and Sam collected for Santa!
DC Special Series #21
We've go our Santa appearance as previously documented by Zahri:
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Also in this story: an explosion breaks the time barrier!
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Destiny: As the fuel tanks exploded, the rocket-plane crashed through the time barrier--with an explosion that was seen across the ages...
The sort of comics pseudo-science I do enjoy
Best of DC #22
In a reprinted story from Batman #27, we have no appearance of the real santa, but we do have another appearance of the holiday bat-plane!
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Onward to our real santa story: The Seal Men's War on Santa Claus!
Our young Jed finds himself making a deal with the old miser who lives nearby to raise money for the christmas fund:
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Mr Gotrox (note: what a name!): I like your spirit, young fellow, so I'll tell ou what I'm going to do! If you can prove to my by midnight tonight that there is such a person as Santa Claus, I'll give that fund of yours a check for one million dollars! Nephew Gotrox: Uncle Titus! Jed: Oh wow! A million dollars! Do you really mean it, sir?
Will he succeed? Judging that this is our real Santa story I think he might, but we'll have to see. Fortunately, Jed is friends with the Sandman, and the Sandman is friends with Santa Claus!
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Narration: And after Jed has breathlessly told the Sandman his story... Sandman: Why, that'll be no problem at all! Santa Claus is a friend of mine from way back! He'll be glad to help out. Jed: Gee, Sandman, that's great!
Anyway, there's a whole adventure with the seal men and the nephew but in the end, Santa shows up and Mr Gotrox remembers his Christmas spirit. Santa even lets him ride in his sleigh!
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Santa: ... Is there something special you'd like for Christmas? Mr Gotrox: Yes, Santa, there is! It's something I've always wanted. Bzzzz-bzzz-bzzz Narration: And what is it that Titus Gotrox has always wanted, you ask? Well... Santa: Ho Ho HO! You're doing a fine job driving my sleigh Titus! But you'd better put on some hustle! The kids in Asia and Australia will be popping out of bed any time now, and we don't want to be late!
Finally, in the justice league story (no real) Santa, we get this little gem for the dinahollie fans:
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Narration: Oliver (Green Arrow) Queen and his Lady Friend, Dinah (Black Canary) Lance, interrupted in the midst of a more personal celebration... Oliver: Of all the lousy times for the JLA to call!
Hey! At least you've still got your clothes on...
Well, that was perhaps not quite so speedy but there really were quite a few christmas stories to get through. Well, until next time!
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pyroreadscomics · 6 months
Three Interesting & Oddball Catwoman Comics
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So, I'm working on a full Post-Crisis Catwoman reading list (pray for me) but I've realized there are certain comics that, while they wouldn't make any but the most bloated (and / or obsessively complete) reading guides, I find fascinating in some way.
So, here's three issues that are completely optional Catwoman reading: (Below the cut to save your dashboards.)
GREEN ARROW (1988) #86
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This comic on its own would be notable because Catwoman made shockingly few out of Gotham guest appearances during the New Earth era. Sure she’d pop up in Batfamily books every other month on average, but times when Selina broke out of the Bat-sphere are truly few and far between. In fact, in terms of guest appearances in other peoples solo titles there’s really only that one digital first Wonder Woman comic where Selina makes a very chibi appearance (it’s great) and… actually that’s the list. Even expanding out to the series of teams that don’t have Batman or Catwoman as members and aren’t Batman adjacent all you have is three pretty good issues of JSA: Classified and a debate about where or not the Birds of Prey being minimum half Gothamite at all times makes them bat-adjacent. 
This is genuinely the only guest appearance outside of Gotham she makes that doesn’t come with a bunch of asterisks. As for the plot of the book, Oliver Queen, currently not in Star City, ends up tangling with some thieves who’ve smuggled Incan artifacts out of Peru. While looking to defeat them he ends up teaming up with early Balent Catwoman. 
The interesting thing, for me at least, is that Catwoman’s above board here. She’s not just stealing the artifacts to sell herself, she's been contracted by the government of Peru to return their stolen artifacts. This is, quite possibly, the origin of the “Catwoman who steals artifacts to return them to their country of origin” trope that pops up in fan content from time to time.
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To be clear, the comic firmly establishes that Selina’s not doing this out of the kindness of her heart but more that a paycheck’s a paycheck and it’s less hassle than fencing the stuff herself. 
Still, it’s interesting to me that this trope both seems to originate in the comics, but also not be there a lot. I haven’t read the bronze age stuff. I haven’t read (all) the New 52 and Rebirth stuff.  But I have read almost 600 issues of New Earth Selina Kyle appearances and I'm fairly certain that this is the only appearance of “Catwoman, Government Repo Agent” or “Catwoman, reverse British Museum” in the entirety of the New Earth timeline.
And ain’t that interesting?
BATMAN BLACK AND WHITE (2013) #6/4 "She Lies at Midnite"
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Well first things first. Yes this issue was published after the New 52 reboot. However it’s very clearly set in the New Earth continuity. For those unaware, Selina’s personal history, interpersonal relationships, character depth and character development all got nuked by the reboot and this story has tied to several elements that a Non-Canon to the New 52. As such I, like the wiki, am counting this as “basically New Earth”
Secondly, while the other two stories are interesting to me for various meta reasons, this one is simply a compelling story (which also, makes me conscious of not wishing to dissect it like a frog to an audience that might enjoy a blind read.). Though being a Batman centric story, it explores the messier aspects of Bruce and Selina’s relationship in a way that adds a bit of nuance to their relationship while keeping  everyone in character (well… there's some lines of dialogue I don't quite vibe with, but everyone's actions, motivations and dynamics are in character and those are the important bits)
Also because it's one story in an anthology it's really short, only 7 pages.
So tell y'all what, I'll talk about the last story first, and then I'll do the full spoiler breakdown of why I find this story fascinating.
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This is, I believe, the only issue* of Catwoman where Selina never makes an appearance
Even when Eiko or Holly took over the role she at least made appearances in every issue even if they were minor. Here though? She's only referenced, though she's referenced alot.
(Note: yes Selina doesn't appear in either the first annual or Catwoman 1,000,000. But counterpoint, those are basically Sci-fi and Fantasy AUs and that’s a level of pedantry even I don't care for)
The plot itself goes like this: Doctor Harleen Quinzel goes to a TV company and pitches a show based on the adventures of Catwoman, as seen through Harley’s eyes. It’s a version of events where Harley Quinn is Catwoman’s best friend, and they commit crimes, team up with Poison Ivy, and fight Batman and Commissioner Gordon. The TV executives (who somehow seem oblivious to the fact that A) Catwoman’s a real person and b) the person they’re talking to is a supervillain) start reworking the pitch of the show to be more corporate and kid friendly, much to the anger of Harley who murders the executives with Joker Gas, ending the issue.
Now, talking about a story within a story is always going to get a bit meta, but I’m going to start small and then work my way up to the scene that inspired this whole post.
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Firstly… Harley’s TV pitch is where we get specifics on Selina’s parents background. Sure in they’re last appearance Brian was a racist white guy and Maria was clearly a Latina immigrant, but this is I believe the first (and potentially only) time Maria is labeled Cuban and Brian is labeled as Irish. Which also means, unless I'm forgetting another instance of this information being brought up, we’re just taking Harley’s word on this.
Secondly, Harley casting herself as Selina’s best friend is, amazingly, not necessarily incorrect.
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For context, this is a year and a half into Harley Quinn’s run as a canon character. Despite that she has interacted with Selina once before. It’s a bit of an involved story but the short version is, Selina get sent to prison. The person in the next cell ends up being Harley Quinn, who Selina ends up telling all about her childhood, then the pair escape, though Harley stabs Selina with a knife to pull it off and then, once they’re free, drugs and hypnotizes Selina into helping with a plan to kill Batman.
Now you’d reasonably think that that’s disqualifying behavior for best friend status but… counterpoint, who else is it? Her sister Maggie? They haven’t talked in a decade (both in universe and out). Holly? Same as Maggie. Arizona? She’s an amnesiac child and even if she remembers Catwoman, the writers have forgotten her. Zee and/or Clutterbuck? They were at best work colleges and ones who haven’t appeared in years at that (also if you remembered they existed at all i am genuinely impressed). One of the other rouges? She’s not great terms with any of them, even the ones who haven’t tried to kill her (which is most of them).
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(also "Which orphanage were you in?" damn Selina) Harley meanwhile is actually the first person in canon that Selina told her backstory to. Harley knew before Bruce about how Selina’s parents died. Also, despite Harley’s mind control gambit, Harley is insistent she cares about Selina, and Selina clearly doesn’t hold that big a grudge as, the same month this issue came out, she was in Harley’s solo for a party.
90s Catwoman, with a few brief exceptions, was so against maintaining a consistent supporting cast for Selina that Harley is the clear winner for the best friend award, at least in this moment of time.
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Third, minor point but I Harley’s little fanfic contains not merely the specific Catwoman/Harley/Ivy team up in comics, but also, the first time Ivy and Catwoman have teamed up outside of the Long Halloween (where all the rogues end up working together in the end). Indeed the last time Catwoman and Ivy were in the same comic it was Cataclysm and Selina ended up force feeding Ivy a seed that grew roots out of… everywhere. Needless to say, they weren’t friends at the time. Though, in Harley’s world, they were.
(In fact, for those unfamiliar, during the original Gotham City Sirens run, Selina and Ivy were somewhat antagonistic towards each other, but tried to get along for the sake of their mutual friend Harley Quinn.)
Lastly, and most metatextually interesting, is Harley’s exact words when her story got sanded down for boarder market appeal.
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“This isn’t my Story! Catwoman is a grownup! Her Friends are grownups! That big,dumb lump of a Ratman that she flirts with is a grownup! She Steals stuff, she fights with people, she outsmarts the cops! You don’t need to make all those stupid changes— she’s fine just the way she is!”
This story has a cover date of February 2001. Within a year, Brubaker’s run of Catwoman resets the numbering and radically overhauls the character. Catwoman’s characterization pivots out of “selfish loner thief who’s a bit of a bastard with a heart of gold buried so deep it takes mass tragedy to get it to show just a little” to “a vigilante with a found family who’s deeply concerned about the welfare of her one specific run down corner of Gotham.” She becomes a hero.
Now, I personally really like Brubaker’s run, he’s easily one of the three best writers the character’s ever had, but there’s no denying that it’s a change.
And so, reading that line of Harley’s struck me as… shockingly prophetic. Sure Selina didn’t get aged down into a teenager who solved crimes for the government, but she was toned down into a more explicit robin hood and made less adversarial with Batman. Now I doubt the line was written with knowledge of where Brubaker’s reboot would take the character, or even that Brubaker had even agreed to helm Catwoman when the script was turned in but… I can’t help but wonder why this issue was written. Because stories about stories are always meta in some way.
BATMAN BLACK AND WHITE (2013) #6/4 "She Lies at Midnite" (For Real this Time)
Right spoilers ago: This story starts with Selina paralyzed.
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Bruce takes a bit longer then me getting there but that is how we start. With a explainer that Catwoman got involved in a gang war that was targeting sex workers and got her spine broken for the trouble. And now the doctor is saying that she'll never walk again.
This deeply affects Bruce who has a flashback to Barbara’s paralyzation.
Bruce tracks the two gangs down to a standoff and... to quote Bruce:
I'll spare you the details. Skylight. Gunfire. Screams. The usual.
It's not until he's done breaking "every leg in the house" that he runs into a surprise appearance: Slam Bradley, who's taking care of the mooks outside. (for the Catwoman readers: firstly, thanks for reading this far, secondly, Slam’s… honestly an important character overall but the short version is his a bar brawling P.I. who was one of the few love interests Selina’s ever had that’s long term relevant)
Bruce is unsurprised to see him, given his connection to Selina, and tries to commiserate with him in his own Batman-y way, but that's all thrown for a loop when Slam reveals that he's here because Selina asked him to handle these gangs earlier that night  (You know, when she should have been conscious in the hospital)
And… honestly I can’t put this next bit better than the comic itself.
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Jesus fuck Selina that's cold
Anyway, Bruce immediately tracks Selina down (It's not hard, she's robbing the leaders of the gangs houses while Batman was putting the membership in a hospital) bringing Slam along just cause I guess.
Bruce is beyond pissed off and wants answers and after this... wonderful panel, Selina explains
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When Bruce asks why Selina didn't just ask for help, Selina laughs and says "Slammy here, him I could just ask! You'd put it on your tp-do list, somewhere way down, past Joker's latest attempt to poison the water supply or Eddie's latest Head-Scratcher"
That wasn't fast enough for Selina, and given she wasn't up to the job she certainly didn't want it handed off to one of the Robins. Therefore, if it was a job that needed Batman, but it wasn't important enough, Selina had to make it important to Bruce.
Hence... faking being paralyzed and also deliberately invoking one Bruce's old traumas against him. Which I get but also damn Selina.
Bruce is actually so pissed off it looks like he's about to fight Selina, but Selina surrenders instead and the story ends with Selina in the batmobile, in cuffs, (though Bruce agrees to stop for ice cream on the way to the station, indicating he's... maybe cooling off a bit).
While it's not actually the worst thing Selina's ever done to Bruce technically, this incident didn't even draw any blood. It's.... It reads like a profound betrayal of trust. Selina took an insecurity of Bruce's she could only know about after being inducted into the Bat family and used it against him without remorse. (Which... post: Tower of Babel Bruce does not get to criticize this move but it's still cold).
And then, there's the fact that Selina did this because she, reasonably, couldn't actually trust Bruce to help her out without that manipulation. It's not even Selina acting selfishly for once, it's Selina trying to protect innocents.
And the weird thing is, outside of a few dialogue choices, everyone's perfectly in character here. This is a stunt canon Selina would easily pull if the circumstances lined up the same.
I will say, I totally get where Selina's coming from, even sympathize with it a little. Batman is someone who's constantly pulled in a thousand different directions and can't actually be relied on to help in a weird way. There's a reason the worst sections of Gotham keep getting dedicated superheroes (Onyx for the Hill, Catwoman for the East End) and that's because Batman doesn't have the time to help these areas as thoroughly as they need.
And of course, being a part of these communities in a way Batman just can't be, they end up seeing the problems much more up close and personal.
Like, take the original storyline where Selina commits to being a vigilante rather than a supervillain. In that storyline there's a serial killer going after sex workers and while Selina has reason to be invested (She used to be sex worker, she finds out because a friend who is a sex worker shows up at her safe house looking to hide,) the thing that tips her over the edge into action is those things PLUS the inaction of those who should be dealing with the situation. The police straight up do not care (there's a scene where they find a body and they instead of trying to record evidence go through her wallet for cash and crack jokes) and Batman, while he's... not malicious like that, it is called out by Selina that while they may be victims, to Batman they are still criminals in his eye and thus not high on his priority list, even if they are being murdered.
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That's all canon.
So... what's Selina to do? There are two gangs tearing up the streets and killing sex workers (which, conversely to Bruce, is something that always sits at the top of her priority list). If she can't just rob them out of existence, doesn't have the skills to fight them on head and win, and Batman ain't doing shit... what opinion does she have but to manipulate Batman into action. (and, to be clear, if Selina had already decided the correct solution to this problem was manipulating Batman, and also had enough time to set up the whole deception, then Batman had time to respond to the situation on his own and didn't.)
To Selina, this whole operation, while a punch below the belt on Bruce and potentially permanently damaging their relationship, would save lives. Her motivations were pure.
It's just...
It's still betraying Bruce's trust, using knowledge of his private pains against him. Skipping right over the asking for help step because she didn't trust him to help. And yet, the only way any of this works is if Bruce trusted Selina enough to let her in, and Selina trusted Bruce to avenge her. (Also side note: very much the only reason Slam's here is as a counterpoint to Bruce as someone Selina trusted to help without manipulation. Which depending on when this is supposed to be timeline wise (are they dating, is this before or after Selina lost his granddaughter) potentially speaks volumes about Selina's trust in Slam.)
It's such an emotionally messy story for only 7 pages and it’s the sort of shit I live for.
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atherix · 2 years
Thinking about thief Rapunzel AU in the context of Midnight AU and someone tried to rip-off renowned bandit Cleo. Such a slight cannot stand so that person had to die. But then BDubs discovered a baby that their target clearly kidnapped. They take the baby but have no idea who to go to for the reward of finding said baby because the kidnapper didn’t write down a plan or directions or anything useful. The 37th prince has been missing for years.
So fun fact about me but my dad was always working and my bio-mother was very absent even before she straight-up left us, so a lot of my raising was left to my oldest sibling. So, rather than parental figures- "big sibling raising me" vibes. Cleo, a kid from the streets themself, growing up into becoming a notorious Bandit Queen, barely (if even) 18 themself and leading a band of thieves that they used to run through the streets with- none of them know what the fuck they're doing, barely more than kids themselves and only just starting to make a name for themselves (thus why some hotshot bandit who managed to steal the literal Elven Prince from his palace thought they could screw Cleo's gang over). Scar would be probably acquired as a toddler rather than an infant (for Reasons), too young to remember twenty years later and unable to speak anything other than toddler-y Fae. But just. JHFjkdjkfdkj the image of a whole village of bandits trying to take care of a toddler when they're LITERALLY BANDITS and don't even have their own lives together-
Scar, growing up surrounded by all these bandits. Trained by the bandit queen themself. He can talk CIRCLES around you and just- hjkfdsjkfdsl Also, seeing as Cleo and BDubs have their polycule (<3 you can rip poly hermits from my cold dead hands <3), everyone just. Banding together to raise this weird Elf child whose hair grows way too long and too fast to keep up with, and teaching him how to handle weapons (bow and arrow is his go-to ofc <3) and talk his way out of anything but failing to give him a healthy dose of fear/self preservation skills and kISYTFHSJKS
Also. Also. This would give Scar a reason to kidnap Mumbo, if his bandit crew got arrested one day. Just him, bargaining- "Your prince for my family" style hjfdskfdsk
I am. So normal about all this- hjfdsjkfdskj the thirty-seventh prince has been missing for years-
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