#Alice Cullen . writings
qdbs-writes · 9 months
How do you think the Cullens would act around a disinterested crush? Maybe they're fated but reader isn't having it lol
(I love your twilight writing btw thank God someone is still doing it 🤤🤤)
ah it has been many moons since I've gotten a twilight request yay!
Cullen Clan Reacting To Their Crush Being Disinterested In Them
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Carlisle Cullen
Being alive for just over 400 years tends to give one a good perspective on life and the bigger picture, and Carlisle sure has a pretty good idea of how all things pan out. So you're not interested in him? That's fine, Carlisle can wait for as long as you need to change your mind.
In the meantime, Carlisle will continue to maintain your friendship and continue to show just how hard he's worked to become the kind caring father figure he is. He knows you'll fall for him, eventually.
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Esme Cullen
Obviously, she's not going to stop caring about you just because you don't return her feelings. But she might switch up how she shows her affection.
Rather than flirty winks and suspiciously candle-lit wine tastings, she'll back up to more traditionally motherly affections. Making sure you're eating right, baking cookies, etc. And of course, giving you homemade soup when you're sick is still one of her favourite things to do, no need to stop now.
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Edward Cullen
Of course, you're not interested, how could anyone love a monster like him? Who did he think he was, thinking he was worthy of your love? Or so his inner monologue goes.
But it's really not that dramatic, it almost never is, Edward just sprung his crush on you suddenly and it caught you off guard. It was largely the excessively long preamble about how he was an irredeemable murderer that put you off first, but of course, he won't realise that until considerably later.
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Rosalie Hale
She's a little relieved actually. All her mortal and immortal life, Rosalie has been aggressively pursued by people she wasn't particularly interested in, so the fact that she can crush on someone who isn't really that interested is a wonderful change of pace.
For the first time ever, Rosalie has butterflies in her stomach, she fumbles with her words when she speaks to you, and she feels like a silly, mortal teenage girl again, begging her mother to let her go to the dance just so she can sneak away to catch a glimpse of someone just like you.
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Emmett Cullen
You and Emmett had been good friends for a while so when he casually drops a blissful "We should get married" into the conversation, you initially choke on your drink in laughter.
Emmett's a little heartbroken that you'd laugh at something like that, considering that he was being 100% serious. But since you've known him, the both of you have been constantly cracking up jokes, trying to get on each other's nerves, so no wonder you thought this was another one of his pranks. He decides to take this reaction as a blessing, you have no idea he's actually into you, now he knows he has to work out a different way to confess his feelings for you.
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Alice Cullen
She's a little confused obviously, having multiple visions of the two of you in a romantic relationship kind of gave her the impression that it might've been going to come true, but your disinterest says something else altogether.
But the worst part is that those damn visions of you and her together keep coming back, taunting her, luring her in deeper to despair with the thoughts of what might be. It's all getting so intense, so she decides to skip town for a bit, see if that changes anything, or at least helps her clear her head.
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Jasper Hale
Oh well, so you're not interested in a romantic relationship, so what? Doesn't mean you can't still be friends. Doesn't mean he can't be the charming Southern gentleman he is. Doesn't mean he can't still pull out chairs or open doors for you. Or send anonymous bouquets to your house. Or leave your favourite snacks in your locker when you're having a rough day. Of course not.
It doesn't mean he can't worry about other people who might want to date you. Doesn't mean he can't scare off people who'd be bad for you. I mean, what else are friends for?
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aliceismypixie · 8 months
Please can you so a jasper x reader where the cullens and Bella all think that the reader or oc isn't good enough for jasper so jasper and the oc or reader elope and the cullens meet them again you can make the rest up.....
Can you please tag me if possible if you end up writing this weird story idea thats keeping me up at night
Thank you
Let's run away together
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Pairing - Jasper x human!reader
Pronoun - She/her
Warning - No proof read, meantion of blood bag (vampire stuff yk yk), light swearing, Jasper gets mad but no Major
Words count - Too lazy to count y'all will have to do with it
Set - After Eclipse to after Breaking Dawn
Main Masterlist - Characters Masterlist
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"Let's run away together."
These were the words Jasper told you a few years ago. You met each other at school, you were sixteen, almost seventeen, and he was supposed to be eighteen. You arrived in the middle of the semester of senior year. Due to you amazing intellect, you were a year advanced and you found yourself in the same english literature class as him.
"Alright class, we have a new student joining us for the rest of the year." Mrs. Danvers told and you entered the class.
The sound of your heels click-clacked on the ground as you entered in the class, a low waisted blue jean along with a black off shoulder with pale pink furr at the top. Your hand bag in your right hand was made of pale pink furr to match your top and your school hand bag was around your left shoulder. You had a golden necklace with a heart locket, a bunch of golden bracelet around both wrists and very rosy cheek. Overall you guessed ut, you looked like the perfect mean, fake and plastic girl.
"Hi, I'm Y/n L/n/n I moved here from New York and I'm sixteen, almost seventeen." Your voice was sweet like honey and suddenly every boys of the class were drooling.
"Thank you miss. Y/n/n you can sit beside Longbottom." The teacher told and a red head boy quickly rose his hand to the annoyance of the rest of the class. The girls because you were competition, and the boys they were jealous.
As you reached your sit, you saw your new sitmate move the chair for you and you widened your eyes a little before letting out a soft giggle. At this sound every boys of the class awwed while the girls huffed as you sat down.
From the back of the class, Jasper heard his brother, Edward, scoff before rolling his eyes and the blond empath looked at you once again. He didn't knew why but he couldn't feel anything from you. He was curious, because he couldn't feel anything from you but you weren't numb either. It was as if you were feeling something but you weren't. Then Jasper realize that in fact you were feeling something, he was the one not feeling anything anymore. From the moment you stepped inside of the classroom, everyone else's emotions disappeared and only your calm state stayed. At the end of the class, Jasper wanted to greet you, only to be blocked by a bunch of boy running to carry your bag or propose you a bunch of snack and you disappeared between the hue of students.
The next time Jasper saw you it was at lunch. At first he didn't notice you, but when Bella's akwardness toward Mike and Carter's love sick feeling for Alice suddenly disappear, Jasper couldn't help but look up. And there you were, surrounded by a bunch of guys as they were holding your bag, trail of food or handing you some homeworks to copy.
"Please not the new girl." Jessica groaned and everyone at the table looked toward you.
"I had a class with her this morning. I heard that her father was the CEO of a car company that was moving here. She is so spoiled, in class she almost crying because Jane took her notebook and wouldn't give it back when she asked." Jessica started her daily gossip and Edward rolled his eyes.
"She can't fool just anyone with that smile." The mind reader huffed as you passed beside their table.
"Hey Y/n !" Mike grinned like a lost puppy and you looked up from your pink cell phone toward the sound.
"Oh hey, Micheal right ? In spanish ?" You tilted your head and Jasper suddenly felt like his dead heart skipped a bit.
"It's Mike actually... but it's fine ! Wanna sit with us ?" The boy grinned and you looked around the table.
Then there was a silence as you glanced at everyone, noticing their rather annoyed or uneasy expression on their face before that your e/c eyes met his golden eyes. It was as if the world stopped, you held your breath in aww as you looked at his golden lock and his sharp jawline. He had a pale skin, very pale, like three other people at the table but his looked the best of them all. His golden orbs were shining due to the light of the cantine and you couldn't help but want to press your pink glossed lips over his.
"Y/n ?" Mike called and you snapped out of your trance, looking back at him with an apologetic smile.
"I'm sorry. But I don't think I'll sit here." You walked away and the group could here the boys bombarding you with invitation to lunch as you went to the back of the cantine.
"Shoot ! Man ! It's your weird hair that scared her !" Eric teased and the two boys started to bicker.
"She doesn't seem that bad...?" Angela hesitated and Carter passed his arm around Alice's shoulders who looked tense.
"I don't think we should be friend her." The petite vampire expressed and Jasper frowned.
"Why ?" He asked and Alice shared a glance at Edward before looking back at her untouched trail of food.
"Just because."
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After this day Jasper would see you everywhere, in the corridor, the parking lot, in class, he even saw you in the forest a few time, by a lake that flowed close to the town. Yet even with Alice and Edward's warning he couldn't help but want to see you. Whenever you were around, he would feel at peace. So he started to chance his path at school, passing by your locker so you would be near by, waiting until you start to head inside to head in english, parking his car near yours every morning. He wanted to be beside you as much as possible but still respect your boundaries.
"Alright class ! Today we'll start a few group project about the book rode in class. You will be paired up by two and work on a presentation of one of the book we studied in class." Mrs. Danvers announced and you looked up from your pink fluffy notebook.
"Before anyone ask. I am making the group and I want no complaining." The teacher told and everyone groaned in annoyance.
"I said no complaining ! Alright now let's form the group." The brunette teacher announced and started to name a few people of the class.
You weren't expecting anything. You would go along with anyone. You just hoped that you wouldn't be paired with Edward Cullen or Jasper Hale, even if he was handsome, because strangely enough, their entire family and himself hated you for some reasons.
"Tonny and Mark." Mrs. Danvers told and Tonny, your sitmate, groaned.
"Sad we could have been together !" He told you and you sent him a half sad smile.
"That's unfortunate." You replied and he slouched on his chair.
"Y/n and Jasper." The teacher announced and you felt your blood run cold.
Turning around toward the said blond, you ignored the whine of the boys and your eyes locked with his for the second time since you moved here. You couldn't read him. You didn't knew if he felt happy or horrified that he was paired up with you. Yet you knew that it was definitly not going to well between the two of you. He hated you for whatever reason and your father hated boys in general.
At the end of the class, you went to your locker, followed by your usual among of boys and put your english stuff in your locker before seeing Jasper approching you from afar. You quickly told the four boys around you to go and fixed your high poney tail before that the godlike blond stops before you.
"Hey." Jasper greeted you and you sent him a shy smile with a tiny wave.
"Hey, Jasper right ?" You asked. It was a habit of yours, always checking if you had their name correctluy first.
"Right, and you're Y/n right ?" He asked back even if he knew it.
"Right, that's me." You let out a shy, uneasy laugh and the boy smiled softly.
"So for the english project, are we doing it at your house or mine ?" Jasper asked and you frowned slightly.
"Cloud we do it at yours ? My father isn't really happy when I bring someone home, especially when it's a boy you know." You looked and away and Jasper nodded.
"Right okay. So this afternoon at mine ?" He clarified and you nodded quickly.
"Yes ! This afternoon, at yours !" You confirmed with an excited shime in your eyes and Jasper chuckled.
You were cute. He could feel how excited you were. He didn't knew if it was because you wanted to work of if it was because you would get to see his house, or even if it was because you wanted to spend some time with him, but he hoped it was the later, because he couldn't wait to spend some time with you.
So for the rest of the afternoon he waited patiebtly for the end of class to arrive and once he finished his biology class, he quickly made his way to the parking lot, seeing you already waiting by your car.
"Hey !" You greeted and he smiled a little.
"Hey, ready to go ?" Jasper asked and you nodded closing your cell phone before putting it in your hand bag.
Luckily, today your father was the one to drop you off at school which mean you didn't need ton follow Jasper in your car but could simply ride with him to his house. On the way there, the two of you had a short discussion. You discovered that he had two more sibling as a plus of Edward, Carter and Alice and that they liked to go hiking on sun days. You learned that the loved to have game nights when everyone was at home and you couldn't help but smile at the way he was talking about his family with such a big smile on his face.
"What about you ? Anything to share ?" Jasper offered and you thought, your eyes drifting to the scenery around you.
"Well, my mother dies when I was seven, since then I live with my father. In contrary of what people could think, he's a very present father even if he's busy with work. Sometimes, when he comes home, we have a few dinner together and we always share a few joke. He loves to bake so whenever we can' we're baking together ! We also paint a lot together, whivh you saw me a bunch of time by the river painting the scenery." You grinned and Jasper's eyes widened.
"How do you know that I see you ?" The golden eyes boy questioned and you giggled.
"You're not very well hidden by the trees you know ?" You teased and if he could, Jasper would have blush in embarrassement.
"It's okay, you can join me next time Jaz." You giggled before realizing how you called him.
"I mean-"
"It's alright. You can call me that." Jasper cut your apologize and you mirrored his smile.
"Alright." You looked back at the road as a soft music was playing from the radio.
You couldn't wait to know him more.
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Then you and Jasper got closer. At first it was only a few shy 'hi' or tiny waves but after two weeks on working on your project together, Jasper would pick you up everyday, and bring you home everyday. At first your father didn't like it, but he came around eventually. After three weeks of hanging out together, Jasper told you that he was a vampire. He knew it was dangerous but when you squealed and told him how cool this was, the empath couldn't help but love you even more.
"You can't be serious ?" Edward glared and Jasper huffed.
"Yes I am, I don't see why Bella could have dinner with us but Y/n can't." The empath replied angrily.
"Come on, you should have told us sooner, Esme didn't cook enough for two ! And Alice already told you to not hang out with that girl ! She is dangerous !" The golden brunette scolded.
"We all know that Bella never eat everything Esme made and no Y/n is not ! No one of you even tried to befriend her ! And what did you even see to be so reculant into meeting her ?" Jasper glared toward his sister.
"Jasper don't talk to your sister like that !" Esme stepped in and the blond rolled his eyes.
He had enough. Everytime you would come to his house for the english project, his family would say rude comment regarding you. From the way you dress for Alice to your weak looking body from Emmett to your parfum from Rosalie, they were always criticizing you somehow and each time Jasper could feel how it upset you or made you sad. He had enough of it.
"What did Alice see for you all to be so rude with Y/n !? Even you are Esme when we know that you are the sweetest woman on walking on Earth !" Jasper pointed out and the rest of the family stayed silent. Even Bella was there and she looked incredibly uncomfortable.
Then Emmett moved to open the door, revealing your figure about to knock at the door. He boy shoot you a tiny glare and you sent him an uneasy smile with a hint of fear.
"How long have you been standing there ?" The bearlike vampire asked and you shifted nervously under his gaze.
"I'm sorry I didn't mean to overheard anything but then I heard shouting and I didn't want to knock in the middle of an argument. I can leave if you-"
"No." Jasper glared at Rosalie, who rolled her eyes, before sitting and joining you at the entrance.
Looking at you, Jasper frowned a little as he notived how you weren't wearing your usual tight shirt with dentel and a vest but you had a fletter sleeve white t-shirt instead, your usual low waisted jean was replaced by a high waisted jean with large leg, your heels were replaced by a pair of sneakers and your usual high pony tail was down, letting your hair cover your neck as much as possible, blocking the slight ordor of the different fragrance you used tonight. Jasper noticed how you tried your best to hide the freckles on your face with some make as one time Bella made abad comment about them. He noticed how you changed your entire look just to please his family's taste and he hated it. He loved how you would always ask him to tie your hair for you, or how he would count your freckles when he was bored.
"You look different." He acknowledged and you smiled brightly, but he could see it was fake.
"Yeah ! I didn't want to wear my usual style today ! Trying something new you know. Do you like it ?" You asked hopefully and Jasper frowned slightly as he heard Edward's snicker in the living room.
"It's... unusual for sure ?" The blond vampire replied as he moved out of the way, inviting you in.
"I must say, this smells really good Mrs. Cullen." You tried to compliment as everyone sat around the dinning table.
"Surely it smells better than you." Rosalie muttered, but made it loud enough as you could hear it from your sit and your smile fell a little while Jasper glared.
During the dinner the mood was tense. You knew it was because of you and Jasper could feel your guilty from across the room as you slowly ate your food.
"So Y/n ?" You immediately rose your head and looked toward Carter curiously.
"Jasper told us your mother was dead when you were younger. It must have hurt." The bruney male pointed out and you let out an uneasy laugh while looking away.
"Yeah it was." You muttered.
"How did she die ?" Bella asked blantly and you held your breath a little, image of your mother's death replaying in your head.
"She hum... she died in a car accident." You tried your best to not stutter and Jasper looked at you with worry, all he wanted was to comfort you.
"How old were you again ?" Edward smirked slightly, keeping the topic on.
"I was seven." You lowered your head and they hummed.
"That's young, how can you be so okay with it ?" Alice asked and Jasper glared at his siblings.
"Guys, stop." He growled lowly.
"No no, we want to know how did she cope with it all." Rosalie gave you a sickening sweet smile and you felt your stomach fell inside of you.
"I... Well I guess it was with time. And I was young, I didn't knew my mom very well-"
"So you didn't felt a tiny bit sad ?"
"What ? Oh no I felt devastated-"
"Were you in the car accident too ?"
"Yeah I was-"
"But you're fine ? Don't you think it's a little unfair for your mother ?"
"Guys. Stop. That."
"I think-"
"Don't you wish it was you ?"
"You don't even have a scar."
"I fould feel guilty if I were you."
"That's kind of unsensitive if you don't."
"I'm sorry. My father want me home." You stood up quickly without even looking up, afraid to show them you tears stained face.
Quickly walking out of the three story mansion, you didn't see the grins on the Cullen kids' faces and Jasper's worried and alarmed expression as you stepped in your car;
"Y/n/n I'm so sorry, I didn't-"
"It's okay Jaz. I don't even know why I showed up when I knew that your family hated me." You wiped away a tear as Jasper stood by the window of your car.
"No no, none of this is your fault don't feel guilty please I should have known they were going to be like that. None of this is your fault they were just a bunch of asshole please don't cry darling." Jasper put one of his cold hand against your cheek and you grabbed his hand in yours leaning in his familiar touch.
"I'm sorry Jaz... For not being good enough for you or your family... I'm sorry I couldn't reach their expectation." You started your car and Jasper moved away with sad eyes.
"Please don't leave me darling." He whispered and you looked down at your lap before sending him a sad look.
"I'll see you later Jaz." You drove away and Jasper watched your car disappear between the trees of the forest, his hand slowly clenching into fist.
He was mad. He didn't understand why was his family so rude with you. They all accepted Bella when she forced herself on the family why could they not accept you even after how hard you tried to reach their standart, how hard you tried to understand their life style and always covering for them whenever a teacher would ask here they are when they hunt. Jasper hated how his family blantly hated you for no reasons at all when all you did was making him happier than he ever was.
"Why would you do that ?" Jasper whispered not even turning around to face his family.
"Jasper you have to understand-"
"WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT !?" It was the first time Jasper rose his voice and his eyes were dark, almost black.
"Jasper don't-"
"Please don't. You two did nothing while they are harassing Y/n questiong that clearly made her uncomfotable what is wrong with you all !? I was finally at peace !! I was finally truly happy, not because someone else felt happy but because I felt genuinly happy for once in my immortal life and you had to ruin it !? You had to be rude, you have to make her feel worthless !?" Jasper growled and his siblings and Bella frowned slightly.
"Why do you care so much anyways ?" Emmett crossed his arms on his chest.
"BECAUSE I LOVE HER !!" The empath reveale and everyone stood there in disbelief.
"I love her so much it fucking hurt to see her and feel her so demaged by the one who are supposed to support me forever. I don't understand why you would accept Bella when she pratically forced herself on our famil but can't accept the strongest and kindest girl walking on Earth. Why do you all hate Y/n so much ?" Jasper asked deseperatly but only got the silence as an answer causing him to scoff at his family before starting walk away.
"You all are unbelievable."
That night, Jasper showed up at your window to see you curved into a ball, soft whimper and sniffs audible from under your cover.
"Oh darling..." The words slipped from his lips and you looked out of your cover with glossy eyes, only killing his dead heart even more.
"I'm so sorry darling... I love you so much I'm so sorry..." Jasper whispered as he slided beside you and you immediately vurled inside of his arms, seeking for the warmth only he could give you even with a cold skin.
The both of you stayed in that position, for a while, him slowly caressing your hair and you sniffing from time to time as you listened to the silence inside his chest, calming your nerves. After a while, Jasper looked down at your figure debating if he should do his next move or not. But you needed to get away from them. Both of you.
"Let's run away together" His voice was calm and you looked up at him with red eyes from crying.
"But your family-"
"Won't do anything. I don't think I can trust them for a while after tonight." Jasper cut you and you frowned.
"Is it because of m-"
"Darling, nothing is your fault. We're going to pack your bag and tell you're dad what happened. He will understand." The vampire told you and you hesitated before nodding.
"But what about your family ?" You questioned silently.
"This is their fault. They will have to assume the result of their actions."
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So here you were six years later, barely twenty-three years old, cooking in the kitchen waiting for your husband to come back from his day at work. Yeah Jasper was working. He was actually working in the library near the town you decided to settle in. You worked too, you were a teacher for pre-schooler. Then you heard the bell ring at the door and your dog, Fanny, barked loudly causing you to frown.
"Fanny ! Don't growl !" You scolded as youi wiped your hand on your appron before opening the door.
There stood a girl, she looked like she was eleven or something, and she held a box of cookies in her hands with a smile. To be honest she kind you reminded you of someone but you didn't knew who.
"Hey, can I help you dearie ?" Your soft adult side came out and Fanny ran at your feet.
"Hello ! My name is Renesmee and I'm here on behalf of my family ! My four siblings, our two parents and I moved a couple of miles away and we wanted to invite you and your family for dinner. These are for you." The girl grinned while handind you the box of cookie and you sent her an apologetic smile.
"I'm so sorry, I'm already making dinner. Come on in thought." You invited and the golden brunette smile while stepping inside of the house after you.
The little looked around in aww as the vintage style was all around the house. On the wall there was a few painting, along with some pictures of your dog, yourself and Jasper all around and the smell of fresh bread greeted Renesmee as she sat down.
"It's very pretty here." She complimented and you smiled.
"Thank you, my husband and I settled here a few years back ourselves. You could invite your family for dinner thought. I always love to meet new people." You replied and Renesmee nodded gently.
"Come by in thirty minutes, everything should be ready by then." You added and the girl nodded before walking out of your house, escorted by Fanny who got a few scratches behind the ears as a reward before that the little waved see you later.
So now, thirty minutes later, you were placing seven more plates around your dinner table that you extanded. You texted Jasper to tell him about the unexpected guests so he could prepare and you smiled as the bell rang and Fanny ran to the door.
"Ay you big girl, out of the way." You shooed her away before opening the door, a bright smile plastered on your face as you saw seven people by your door. They all looked oddly familiar but you and your amazing memory couldn't remember from where you knew them.
"Hi, hello ! You must be our new neighbor. I'm Y/n L/n/n-Hale, please come on in." You moved out of the way, missing the glance the family shared between themselves before stepping walked in the dinning room and they all sat around the dinning table while you grabbed some hot plat with a kitchen glove.
"You're house is lovely." A wavy brunette woman complimented and you grinned, she looked around twenty-six to twenty-eight years old.
"Thank you, my husband and I designed it a few years back, he should probably be home soo-" Your reply was cut short when Jasper bargged inside of the house with a serious yet worried expression.
"Darling are you alright !? I've smell a couples of vampires around the house and-" Jasper cut himself when he noticed who was sitting around your dinner table while you froze in confusion.
"Jasper ?" The father of the family asked and you forwned slightly before that it cklicked inside of your head.
"Shit !" You swore under your breath as you finally recognized the people in your dinning room.
"What are you all doing here ?" Jasper growled slowly making his way to you.
"Jasper we weren't-"
"Why are you here ?" Jasper glared and you moved around the table to join his side.
"Jaz, honey, calm down alright ? They were not going to do anything." You bit the inside of your cheek as your husband leaned into your touch.
"If he is my uncle Jasper then are you the problematic mean girl ?" Renesmee asked and you turned to her in confusion.
"I'm sorry ?" You replied.
"Y/n was anything but problematic." The ex-soldier stepped in and Edward glared at him.
"She made you run away from us ! We're literally your family !" The golden brunet replied and you looked down, it was the same thing all over again.
"If you all weren't that awful with her I would have never proposed her to run away with me. You all were blantly rude and totally ignored her discomfort, you made her question her whole being from her personality to her way of dressing, I had to spent years, YEARS, to help her regain her confidence again do you know how helpless I felt ? Listening to the love of my life criyng herself to sleep without being able to make her feel better because it would have just creat her some fake happiness ? Do you know how I felt when no one of you even tried to befriend her while alml of you sacrified your life plenty of times for Bella while she was just human ?! You disregarded my feelings and thought only because you were selfish enough to think that I only belonged with you. You made me run away from you." Jasper revealed with venom as his eyes darkened and the room fell silent.
"Jasper we're so sorry..." Alice's voice was small as she took a step foward and you felt Jasper hold tighten around your waist.
"The day Y/n arrived at school I- I saw you both together. And you were happy. But the rest of us weren't. And then I saw you both running away and I thought- I thought that Y/n somehow turned you against us. I saw us fighting over her I thought- I thought that she would break us apart somehow and..." Alice trailed off and you frowned slightly at the realization.
"You didn't want to lose your best friend and brother..." You finished silently and everyone turned to you.
"I know how that feels." You chuckled bitterly before moving away from Jasper's hold.
"Jasper was the first person you ever considerated family, you both spent years together before finding the rest of your family. Even I could see the close bond between you two. Between you all." You smiled softly, disappearing in the kitchen before coming back with a letter.
"I understand why you did what you did. You could have probably be less harsh sure, but I understand. And I forgive you. Not because I know that Jasper would never forgive you if I don't but because I genuinly forgive you all." You put the letter on the table and everyone awwed at your kindness.
"We got your letter Rosalie. At first I didn't believe that you would be the first one apologizing, after all you were probably the scariest, but your words really had an effect on me." You told and the blond godess smiled.
She sent you this letter over four years ago, you didn't knew how the letter actually got delivered at your house but when you received this letter, you and Jasper just had marry and it was probably one of the best wedding gift ever.
After that everyone was now in the living room, catching up with each other. Jasper was still a little bit tense, his family understood why, but you didn't pay attention to it and continued to smile, offering them a cup of blood you had in your fridge in case Jasper had an emergency. You learned about Bella's pregnancy and the whole half-human, half-vampire baby war while the Cullens learned how Jasper made a lot of improvement being around humans.
"We're very sorry for the way we treated you before Y/n." Esme apologized one last time and you shrugged it off.
"Please forget it, the past is the past and we have plenty of years ahead of us." You joked and they all smiled.
"Are you planning on being turned by the way ?" Bella asked you and shook your head causing a few of them to rose their eyes.
"I'm waiting until I'm atleast 25 years old. I want to enjoy my youth as much as possible without passing like a weird girl being married to a twenty year old librarian. But until then I'm just fine while being human." You announced and the rest of the Cullen nodded in understanding while you poured Renesmee some apple juice in a tea cup.
"I still can't believe we thought you were bad..." Emmett muttered and they all shared an awkward laugh while you brusted in a fit of giggle.
"It's okay really. And it got me some times alone with Jaz for a while." You replied and your lover passed his arms around your waist, resting her chin on your shoulder.
Then a loud gasp was heard.
"ENGAGED OR MARRIED ALREADY ?" Alice rushed to your side, grabbing yours and Jasper's hand quickly and the rest of the family widened their eyes.
"Engaged. Y/n forced me to wait until all of us will get along again. She wanted my family to attend the wedding as much as hers." Jasper kissed you cheek and you chuckled leaning into his touch.
"Bless that girl, I hope you didn't expected to have you wedding without me." Alice playfully glared and everyone laughed.
If someone would have told you five years ago that you were getting along with Jasper's family you would have give them a big sad smile with an 'I wish' for answer. Now you couldn't wait for the awaiting future with your new family.
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Taglist - @thisismyblogname5678
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Carlisle Cullen x Reader (3)
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AN: This fic is a continuation of this one and this one. There are no warnings for this installment.
It didn’t take your children long to divide themselves into teams after they heard that you would be playing baseball instead of refereeing like you usually did.  Carlisle stole a quick kiss as you accepted the baseball bat that he offered you.
“I choose dad.  Sorry mom,” Rosalie called to you.
“I choose mom.  Sorry babe!” Emmett fired back.
Your gaze fell on Edward who was whispering in Bella’s ear.  You had an idea what your eldest son was saying.
“Edward!  Get over here!  You’re holding everyone up!” Rosalie complained.
“Yeah, Eddy!  We don’t need mom to know that we cheat.”
“Too late,” you quipped.
Edward rolled his eyes in response and darted across the field to join Carlisle and Rosalie.  Emmett was batting first and he hit the ball with a thunderous crash once Alice had thrown it.  Edward took off into the forest while Emmett darted around the bases.  He must have sensed Edward’s return because Emmett skidded to a stop on the third base at the same time that the ball smacked into the glove Alice wore.
Jasper was the next to bat.  Alice pitched the ball to her mate and just as it had with Emmett, bat and ball collided with a tremendous bang.   Jasper sped around the bases as Rosalie chased after the ball and he had just managed to make it to the second base when Rosalie hurled the ball back to Alice.
You stepped up to the plate and you saw Carlisle motioning to Edward and Rosalie to spread out – you fought a grin; your mate knew you too well. 
“Bring us home mom!”  Emmett cheered.
The clouds darkened from a light grey to a darker shade while you squared up.  Your daughter launched the ball at you and with a heavy boom, the bat and ball connected.  Tapping into your powers, you sprinted to first base, tapped your hand into Jasper’s as you passed second base and high fived Emmett as you approached third.  Your children raced over to the home plate and crossed it; Bella announced that they were safe immediately after they had each stepped over the plate.
You had almost reached the home plate when you were tackled to the ground.  A hand cupped the back of your head to prevent it from slamming onto the ground and you became aware of your mate’s body pressing into you as you heard the ball slamming into Alice’s glove.
“You’re out, darling,” Carlisle purred.
Tearing your gaze away from your mate’s golden, mischievous ones, you called out to Bella.
“Safe!”  She yelled back.
You saw the question in Carlisle’s eyes before he noticed that your outstretched fingers were actually resting on the home plate.  He chuckled and climbed off of you before offering a hand to help you to your feet.
Your children swarmed you within seconds and you received countless hugs and birthday wishes but the best hug by far that you received came from your mate.
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pupupuphuca · 10 months
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2am at a coffee shop
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divyasoup · 2 months
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I want everyone to know that I wish the Cullen's had fangs btw. Important feature that should have been included.
part one
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smallcatwoman · 9 months
I am too tired to correct the errors here but I hope you get what I was thinking.
What do you think the hypothetical kid of Jasper and Alice gift would be?
My sums of money on hallucinations cause survival reasons. (to combat Renesmee's gift)
Alice I imagine has resentment to Renesme because she blocks her visions. Hence the to combat part. Jasper's gift is emotionally based..SO I was thinking Alice's feelings would also become his cause he feels everything...
First of all, I am shocked in the best way that someone is asking a Twilight question like this to me as if I know anything. I'll try my best.
For the sake of this ask, lets assume Alice inherited Bella's horrendous taste in names and named her child Greige.
As of canon, Jasper can already sense and manipulate Alice's emotions, including her frustration at Renesmee blocking her abilities. If her and Jasper's child is a hybrid, they would also block visions by default.
But let's say, that Greige doesn't block Alice, adopting this as part of their gift, similar to how Renesmee isn't blocked by Bella. This is if we're going off of the theory from @therealvinelle and @thecarnivorousmuffinmeta that hybrids gifts are very powerful and versatile, and focused on helping them survive. This would make Greige significantly less annoying to their mother than Renesmee, especially if Alice also gets to dress them up in adorable outfits and hyper control their life to an even greater extent than she controls Bella.
I do think Greige would have some skills of emotional manipulation, similar to how Renesmee seems to enthrall others and make them love her. But in terms of combining Alice and Jasper's gifts, the only thing I can think of is sensing the emotional outcome of decisions.
So like, if it's going to rain and Greige doesn't put on a coat, they can't see themselves getting rained on, but they can sense the annoyance and discomfort they would feel. If Carlisle decides to kiss Aro in front of everyone, Greige can't see the horrified expressions of the Cullens and everyone arguing about it, but they can sense the horror, disgust, jealousy, etc that the Cullens would feel, as well as the happiness and love that Carlisle and Aro would feel. Maybe not as useful as Alice's visions, but still helpful in a pinch.
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pvvryq · 2 years
Hello , so how about you write for your fav yanderes with a "go with the flow " reader , like no matter what the yandere does reader is just fine with it cus they have attachment issues and don't want to let go of the yandere even if they get hurt
(I came right away after seeing the announcement)
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Ty for the Request, i decided to do my Favourite Characters that i write yandere for :} VV
Ft. Alec Volturi (Twilight) Alice Cullen (Twilight) Leon Kennedy (Resident evil 2) Kai Chiaki (Bnha) Toru Oikawa (Haikyuu) Patrick Hockstetter (IT) Wilbur Soot (Dream smp, Character Not irl)
Also obviously, characters like : Leon, Oikawa and Patrick can’t be full on yandere and like kidnap your cuz of various circumstances so i’m just making them as yanderes with a saviour complex who Gains darlings trust By saving them from a situation or something, and Patrick’s wasn’t as yandere but just slightly creepy cause its Patrick.
WARNINGS : Not proofread because it is 4 am and I’ve literally JUST Got done with Patrick and Wilbur, Character death/gore (Alec,LeonWilbur) Kidnapping (Alec, Hinted at Alice,Kai) Stockholm syndrome ,Manipulation, mentions of suicide (Kai) and Death of a child (Patrick)
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— AT First, he was Most likely very sceptical of you seemingly ‘getting used’ to the Castle life and being content with the fact that he had parted you from your family ; you were part of the Denali coven and when The Volturi was issued to Kill Sasha, Your adopted Mother and the woman who had created you, Alec noticed you And Immediately Felt Something he couldn’t describe. Initially, He left the feeling on its own but grew more paranoid that he shouldn’t leave the feeling alone by the day and finally after a few weeks from first seeing you began to query Both Marcus and Caius about you; leaning towards Caius for general knowledge like how You and Alec were Turned at the same age and that You had An ability Similar to Demetris But slightly enhanced. He then asked Marcus about the Strange feeling and Marcus sensed that there was a form of bond between the two of you. Due to your ability ,Being able to Track down people and see their every current move in your mind, Aro had seemed to taking a liking to you andeventually gave in to Alec’s request to have you on the Volturi. For the first week, He noticed you were slightly distant to most — maybe smiling gently at A Lower guard in the hallways or Having a conversation or two with Heidi, but For the most part you wanted nothing to do with him nor most in the castle.
— AT First, he was Most likely very sceptical of you seemingly ‘getting used’ to the Castle life and being content with the fact that he had parted you from your family ; you were part of the Denali coven and when The Volturi was issued to Kill Sasha, Your adopted Mother and the woman who had created you, Alec noticed you And Immediately Felt Something he couldn’t describe. Initially, He left the feeling on its own but grew more paranoid that he shouldn’t leave the feeling alone by the day and finally after a few weeks from first seeing you began to query Both Marcus and Caius about you; leaning towards Caius for general knowledge like how You and Alec were Turned at the same age and that You had An ability Similar to Demetris But slightly enhanced. He then asked Marcus about the Strange feeling and Marcus sensed that there was a form of bond between the two of you. Due to your ability ,Being able to Track down people and see their every current move in your mind, Aro had seemed to taking a liking to you andeventually gave in to Alec’s request to have you on the Volturi. For the first week, He noticed you were slightly distant to most — maybe smiling gently at A Lower guard in the hallways or Having a conversation or two with Heidi, but For the most part you wanted nothing to do with him nor most in the castle.
After a while though, You began to warm up to Alec and accept him as your mate. You Would Speak to him quite frequently now and Although he enjoyed that you were settling in something about it didn’t feel right, he was constantly on edge about how easy it would be for you to disappear without a trace — Always knowing The Volturi’s moves before even they knew themselves, it definitely took some time for him to calm down (well, that and A Mindreading from Aro that reassured him you wouldn’t leave) but after a while he To warmed up to the situation and let himself realise that even if you wanted to, you’d never leave him — You’re his for all of eternity.
— ALICE probably met you at school, She Spoke to you in Biology and surprised you with How much she knew about the subject. She couldn’t help herself when she got attached to that Sweet Smile of yours and that big toothy grin you gave her — She Tried to take her time with you but it was almost as if you were walking right into her trap! It wasn’t long until she got you to meet her family — Formally introducing you as her s/o, Even though you and her had never discussed romance before ; especially with each other. To her relief, you were too naive to argue and after some time Esme was doting after you just like she did with her own children ; always giving you the option of ‘Spending the night’ or ‘Staying for as long as you please’ And why wouldn’t you? Sweet, Kind, Caring Alice Is always there to drive you home when its too dark, What was that you say? You can walk home along? Nonsense, have you never heard of safety in numbers — if you’re acting like this Then maybe you shouldn’t go home at all…
Surprisingly, Alice’s words Work on you and you decide to Stay in the Cullen home ‘Temporarily’ as you say, silly Y/n Don’t you know how little you have a say on the matter? After all, if your so naive to let Alice manipulate you like this then how does she know you won’t fall into somebody else’s trap? Just stay here with Alice, you won’t even notice that you can’t leave ad when you do — you certainly won’t want to.
— SEPTEMBER 29th 1998, the day of the Racoon city incident And the day you met Leon. You watched from The top Window of the Police Station as A Woman about your age parted ways with a Familiar man — Leon Kennedy. You were a higher ranking Cop who was working in the first floor west office when an alert came through your Radio : ‘Steer clear Away from the 2nd floor Office, Rumors of attacks Have been Reported — Seargent L/N Meet me in the Main hall To discuss matters. Over.” You held onto the top button of your radio. “Noted. Over.” As you made your way to the hall. As you met with the Othe r officer you noticed him slouched over one of the Lounge chairs with a Cigarette between his Chubby,Sweat-coated fingers. “Don’t just stand there, Go look.” He spat, showing no indicators of Helping you. Turning, You rolled your eyes and made your way to the second floor — releasing your gun from its holster and reloading it just in case. It Only took a Shriek of pain and smash of The office windows to alert you of the situation, You Straightened yourself up against the wall in terror as you turned your head slightly to peek over the corner. A Woman - A lower officer - Slouched against The now Smashed window that revealed the hallway, A Shard of glass that hand’s broken off Stabbed into her Abdomen as good poured against the floor. Another officer began to tear and rip skin from the woman, biting and swallowing her flesh. Wallowing in fear, you ran Up the stairs and made your way to the top floor — The puddles of blood and Guts on the floor showing that it had already spread up to the Third floor and would soon be at the top , whatever it was.
As you Ran through the mens shower rooms, you Ran into the stars office and locked the door firmly behind you — Checking for The infected in the room. When Proved to be clear, you ran to a window at the top and watched as Leon Kennedy said his goodbyes to An unknown woman, And fled inside of the station. You messed around with your radio slightly, fingers trembling yet the dozens of times you did this before helped you complete the task with ease. “Leon S. Kennedy? Seargent Y/N L/N, Reporting. The Stars office has been cleared of infection, But main Offices on both the second and third floor have been hijacked, over.” It was silent on the other end for a moment, you wondered for a second if it was too late — if he had been mauled by infected on his first step inside of the building but alas, an answer was eventually heard. “Y/n..?I-.Uhm. Officer Harrison and Smith have both been terminated, making my way towards the stars office now.. Over.” And with that the radio turned silent again, As you let your body drop to the floor and the radio slip out off your hand. For a decent while you stayed like that Until A Long,Bloody claw Smashed into the door, You Grabbed your gun And aimed it as the monsters muscles pulsed — breaking the whole door down easily. The monster looked as if it had been skinned, its brain out in the open. For a moment it walked around the room aimlessly on its claws, Until you decided to shoot at its brain, your sweaty fingers missing by a long shot. You shrieked as its turned around and was about pounce on top of you but As you squeezed your eyes tightly a liquid slashed across your face — Thick,Dark scarlet Ropes of blood sprayed your face as Its body went limp on the floor, looking to the doorway you saw A Familiar face — Leon. “Don’t worry, Your safe now.” What you were yet to know was that he would take that promised Very Seriously, Let Leon take care of you, Forever and ever.
— FROM the beginning, You knew that your fate had been sealed. For the most part, Kai never visited you and let his men do all the work for him whether it was feeding you or doing what he called ‘Mandatory Suicide checks’ Even if the reality of it was to just strip you from dignity and Privacy. He liked being in control but a part of him grew slightly paranoid that the longer he left you with his men, the angrier and more confident you would get and he couldn’t have you thinking this situation was yours to control, could he? So after A While, Maybe A Few weeks..Few months, Whatever he could last without Meeting you, he had Unexpectedly Walked through the Room that you were left in. Chisaki was Cautious when he first entered the room — Chrono Standing beside the door if you tried to do anything, But to his surprise you only gazed up at his figure , Smiling gently at him before Looking back down to the Blanket that covered your bed, seemingly unbothered. Kai was stricken for a moment, Thinking that your action was of defiance or a false ‘liking’, But after a reassurance from Chrono that you were usually compliant with most things the Shie hissaikai made you do, He started visiting more and more often. You really were what he thought you was — A Pure,Angelic Pet For his entertainment only, and nobody could do nothing about it
— “HELLO, You‘re Goshiki-Kun’s Older Cousin From [Home Country] — isn’t that right?” A Boy From behind you questioned, As you Jotted down notes from The practice game For shiratorizawa. You turned To Look behind you quickly, “Oh, Mhm..I’m y/n.” You Smiled gently before turning back to the game And Writing Dow the according notes. As the Hazel-brown haired boy sat next to you, “I’m Toru Oikawa..From Aoba Johsai Academy.” That got your attention. With that you slowly stopped Writing on the thin sheet of paper and placed the Notepad and Purple Sanrio Pen Beside you. “The captain’s told me a lot about you, its an honour.” You Nodded your head slightly in acknowledgment and gently smiled at the Boy. “..But I Need to concentrate so may i please ask for you to leave me be.” You let him down, Uninterested. Almost As if it was co-ordinated, Iwaizumi Came and Walked up behind you two, “Leave her alone Oikawa.” You turned your head slightly to see the secondary voice, You noticed as the Slightly more Musclier boy Pulled up Oikawa from where he was sitting and Looked at you, “I’m sorry for him, His Ego’s the size of his head And he’s never usually rejected.” You chuckled gently at the comment, Oikawa defending himself before being Dragged away by Iwaizumi.
A Feeling of jealousy raged throughout Oikawa body, And much to Your dismay, Was following you back on your way home as what he called, ‘A Safety precaution’ As your cousin, Tsutomu, was walking separate ways and ‘left’ you there. “I’m telling you Oikawa..You don’t need to…” For a moment You stumbled on your words, as if you Wanted him to stay but knew he shouldn’t. “..Get Inv-.Forget it.” You Shook your head And went to turn, yet he still followed. “My house isn’t far now, i Can walk on my own.” You said to him, watching as his face fell yet he smiled and Respected your wish. “See you soon, Y/n-Chan.” You just rolled your eyes and tightened your grip on your school bag, Dreading the normal way you would take. From the start to end of the sidewalk was where a few third years from A Really shitty School hung out, They would steal alcohol — get drunk and then proceed to catcall any woman They saw crossing the street. As per usual, They were there — catcalling you and trying to get you to cross the street and come with them, but Quickly they all stopped as They noticed somebody behind you. Toru placed his hand gently on your shoulder, “Ey Toru, Thats your girl Huh?” One of them slurred, Oikawa only smiled and chuckled a ‘yes’ in response. “Sorry Man, D-didn’t know!” Another boy Laughed ad hiccuped as if they weren’t just catcalling you. As you walked out of there line of sight you spoke, “You didn’t need to do that.” You said to Him, Trying to hide your smile of gratitude. “Ehh…No big deal.” He smiled a toothy grin, And you scoffed in return before continuing to walk back home, Toru Behind you. Maybe you should Let Toru Stay from now on, Whats the worst that could happen?
— DERRY Maine wasn’t exactly the type of town where you could be different, or At least be different without people knowing. It was a quick phase for some, maybe a secondary story on the local newspaper about them and a group of friends rebelling against say, the church. For others it took some time, 10 years back a Man shot his wife and Children dead in the Derry Townhouse, But even he lost his spark after a few years or so passed. The only person Who never outgrew his phase was Patrick Hockstetter, it started when Patrick was 3 or so, Parents at the daycare complained about His abnormal and violent behaviour, though it was quickly overseen. Then, when Patrick was 5, his parents had brought home Avery. Patrick remembers His parents Passing through the doorway holding what seemed like a baby in their hand, introducing it as Avery — Patrick’s brother. The baby was bearable for a few nights, Patrick even stood weeks with it in the home yet something stirred in his mind one night. The next morning, Police arrived at the door ; His father Holding an apathetic, out-of-it look on his face while his mother sobbed hysterically, he remembers his mother telling him there was an Accident, he remembers the loss for words he felt when he was about to tell her it wasn’t an accident — something in his brain told his he shouldn’t speak about it. Rumors only kept growing about Patrick until The winter of 1988, A New girl has moved into Derry. For the first few weeks she was fine, but after a while she tended to have frequent outbursts and fights. Not that Patrick ever witnessed one, she attended the catholic school on the brink of Derry and he rarely even saw her. He remembers the first time he saw her,it was the 9th of January 1989 just a month after she had moved to Derry and His friend Henry and him were waiting for his dad finish up a police interview with a ‘Rebel’ so they could get a lift to Victor criss’s house. Henry sighed in an impatient relief when his father came from the room, though Patrick’s eyes were on the girl behind butch. She must of been the So called ‘rebel’ but to him, she looked perfectly innocent — Well other than she Bruised, slightly swelled eye and bleeding nose she had. She let her hair fall into her face as she stared at the ground, She wore the white, shortsleeved blouse and Grew pleated skirt the catholic school made her wear but also wore a Log, blue trench coat above it, she shot patrick a glare as another officer let her leave the station.
He expected her spark to die down but she was still Acting up even after this long, to be honest he felt strangely connected to her — but not like those other girls who he perked around on , No,This girl was Different. By now it was the summer of 1989 and he was seeing much more of her now that school was closed for break, though he Really met her when Butch invited Patrick’s dad to come over to The rebel girl’s house to drink and watch football with her father, Patricks dad insisted he come because ‘Henry would be there’ . Patricks dad, to put it simple,lied. He wasn’t;t complaining though, rebel girl’s name Was y/n and She actually spoke to him For a decent while before abruptly leaving the house after a phone call. When she came back, it was late — maybe 1 or 2 in the morning and the dad had passed out drunk in the living area leaving patrick to Smoke On the patio round the back of the house. Y/n Came into the house, And went onto the patio when she spotted Patrick. Eve though the lights were dim, he could see the blood running down her face from the illuminating living room lamp that Shone Through the glass Patio doors. She sat down next to him as he took a long drag of his cigarette. “Somebody roughed you up?” He passed the cig to her, she scoffed as she held it in between her to fingers, “No I fell over.” She commented sarcastically before taking a drag of the cigarette. He looked at her,”Who?” For a moment she held a confused look on her face, wondering why he cared. “Scotty Prescott, that fuckin’ fag you hang out with.” She took another drag. “Want me to rough him up?” Patrick asked with a smirk. Done with his shit, Y/n Grabbed the end of the cigarette and let it out on Patrick’s resting hand , discarding it on the grass somewhere before going back inside, presumably to her room. He gazed down to his hand and Watched as a slight burn mark formed. Yes, she was definitely different than the other girls and he would do anything it takes to keep her close to him.
— DUST And ash Grew in Varying size Piles on The diner’s countertops and Tables — soot gathered in the cracks of the Once clean tile slate floor. The roof had been Knocked through, roofing tiles smashing from contact with the dirtied ground or slicing into the Pillowy, plush Part of the diner chairs. Still, It was the first place you ran when Various Booms and Bangs were heard only Miles away from the town hall where you were. All of your life’s hard work Just..gone. And to make things worse, The limp Body of A Worker was Laying across the floor — a gorey,bloody mess. You felt bile crawl its way through your throat as A Hand gently gripped onto your shoulder, “Look what we’ve done…” Wilbur Faked his Sorrow. “Its all your fault, you know?” He Carried on, as you trembled — falling backwards slightly before he caught you. ‘it you just told somebody, Anybody about the bombs, they would of stopped me.” Wilbur tutted as he let go of your shoulder, you felt completely brainwashed as he Leant closer to you and whispered into your ear. “Nobodies here to save you, just give in…” He held out his hand In front of you. You mumbled slightly in protest, shaking your head gently. “Cmon Y/n, It’ll be fun!” He Smiled as you gently placed your hand in his, too Confused to care — feeling too manipulated,guilt…you zoned for a moment until Will’s voice brought you back. “Just you and me, Against everyone…Forever.”
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light-miracles · 6 months
Alice: *burst through the door* YOU TWO ARE HAVING SEX!
Bella: *reading a magazine*
María: *playing a solitaire* Are we? Isabella, why didn't you tell me? I would have taken my clothes off.
Bella: I mean, she's not wrong.
María: Still.
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velvetcloxds · 7 months
hello! :)) I'M LOST - best friends dad! carlisle and reader having to confront their feelings for one another while also understanding the circumstances— your his sons best friend after all.
hopefully i did this right 😩
The vampire thing made age gaps seem all the wilder, in vampire years you were far older than Edward, you'd been friends for decades, and you'd known Carlise even longer than that and heaven knows though you were Edward's best friend first, there was no hiding how either of you felt for each other from him so why you attempted to hide it from each other was beyond him.
"I'm fine," you were, truly, it was quite literally impossible for you not to be so why he was fussing, you had no idea. "He just nipped me," the he in question was one of Jacob's pack members, you were strolling, searching for flowers in the forest and you'd crossed into their territory by accident.
"Edward should've warned you," you were being carefully examined by Carlisle, gentle hands drifting over your cold skin and you couldn't help but smile, leaning back onto his desk to make him stop and catch his eye. "What?" you shrugged, he rolled his eyes, it wasn't convincing at all. "What?"
"Well, out with it, Carlisle, aren't you happy to see me?" he was, he just couldn't admit it out loud.
"We're always happy to have you, Y/n," he paired his words with a gentle cup of your cheek, a far too honorable kiss to your forehead, and a sigh only you could decipher. "Does Edward know you're in town?" you felt his absence almost instantly even if he only moved to the other side of the room, tidying up his desk though only to keep his hands busy, off you.
"I'm not here to see Edward, I miss him dearly though I write him often," you did feel a slight pinch when you stood up, sore, the bitemark to your wrist though far from danger definitely stung. "You, however, haven't written back to me in months, I was scared I'd done something wrong, offended you somehow."
"You could never," honest, he'd become an expert at disguising his feelings for you, but he'd never lie, never deny you the truth of his heart if only you'd asked directly. "I didn't have the words, is all," he paused, you stilled in place in front of his desk. "You were always better with them than I was, you'd described your heart so well yet I couldn't find a more poetic way of saying that I was entirely sure that I missed you infinitely more than you missed me."
"I never was one for poetry, Carlisle," you were the one to touch him this time, how it felt so different he didn't know. "I only wanted to know you felt the same."
"I do," he disregarded his papers and entwined his fingers with yours nearly desperately. "Of course I do."
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9firefly9 · 7 months
Pumpkin Carving
The Cullen family + Bella carve pumpkins for Halloween. Bella -because of how clumsy she is- isn’t allowed to carve a pumpkin. Everyone’s worried she’ll hurt herself.
Bella stares with agitation at Edward and Emmet as they hall huge pumpkins from outside into the inside of the large Cullen house. With an annoyed huff she turns back toward the table she’s been instructed to sit at and glares at the knives that were quickly shoved to the other side of the table when she arrived.
Today everyone planned to carve and gut pumpkins for Halloween. Bella was extremely excited to carve a design onto her pumpkin, but the first thing she had been told when she entered the house was to NOT TOUCH THE KNIVES. Apparently she’s “too clumsy” and “will probably hurt herself”. So she had been appointed the job of gutting her pumpkin only. Her least favourite part of making Jack-o lanterns.
So she sits at the table brooding while everyone else goes and fetches the pumpkins giving her an apologetic smiles as they pass her.
After a few moments the pumpkins have all been moved from outside to the big table. Everyone comes back to the table to take their seats. While no one’s looking Bella gets up and reaches for a knife. She’s so close to touching one when suddenly she sees a flash in the corner of her eye. Suddenly Emmet is standing in front of her, holding the knife she was just reaching for away from her. Bella groans as she slumps back into her chair.
“Sorry Bella, but we can’t have you hurting yourself. Your father would try to kill us.” Says apologetically and pushes the knives even farther away from her.
Bella watched Alice skip over to the seat beside her, knife already in hand. Alice grabs a pumpkin from the centre of the table and pulls it closer to her. Then with the speed of a bullet she cuts open the top of her pumpkin and begins digging her hands into it’s guts.
Alice turns to Bella and gives her a playful smile as she wiggles her orange mucky fingers at her. Bella scrunches her nose on disgust and seats Alice’s hands away as Alice threatens to move closer to her.
Bella goes to move out of her seat while giggling at Alice when she hears Carlisle laughing above her. Bella’s gaze quickly snaps up to meet Carlisle’s kind eyes staring at her in amusement.
“Here you go, Bella. I cut the tip for you.” He says with a warm smile, handing her a pumpkin that’s ready to be gutted. She grunts as the pumpkin’s full weight hits her weak arms and she struggles to keep her balance and not topple over. She manages to fling the pumpkin back onto the table and looks over at Alice. Her shoulders drop.
Alice was already done. Her pumpkin was gutted so perfectly that every spot on the inside was as smooth as glass. She had a perfect carving of a gorgeous witch with a large floppy hat. It looked as if there had been no struggle cutting the design. Everything about the pumpkin was perfect.
Bella looked back at her yet to be gutted pumpkin in defeat. She’d never be as perfect as Alice.
In the corner of her eye Bella saw Edward making his way toward her. When he gets close enough he takes a seat on her other side and grabs a pumpkin from the middle of the table. Just like Alice, as quick as lightning, he cuts open the top of his pumpkin. Bella sighs in frustration. She’ll be the last one making her Jack-O lantern. Why did she think this would be fun with a bunch of vampires with super speed?
Bella looks over at Edward and noticed that even though the top of his pumpkin was cut open, he hasn’t begun to gut it. Instead Edward was been looking at Bella expectantly. She looks over and sees that Carlisle, Esme and Rosalie are also staring her.
Looking at them in confusion Bella reaches her hand into her pumpkin and watches as everyone at the table (minus Alice, Jasper and Emmet who were already started/done their pumpkins) began to gut their pumpkins at a slow comfortable pace. Bella’s pace.
Bella feels a smile tug at her lips as she watches the vampires slow
their pace just for her.
After twenty minutes (yes, Bella knows she’s slow) she finished gutting her pumpkin and watched as everyone else scooped up the last guy in their pumpkin.
Edward, Esme, Carlisle and Rosalie grab a knife and begin digging it into their pumpkin. Bella stares longingly at the single knife left unused on the other side of the table. All she wanted was to carve a design into her pumpkin.
Bella hears quiet giggles from across the table and sees Esme pointing at her and Carlisle’s pumpkins as he smiles fondly, nodding his head along with her words.
“Look.” Edward says quietly. Bella turns her head toward him and looks over at his pumpkin. She smiles at him, trying her hardest to hide the sadness in her eyes. “It looks good.” She says as he points at his pumpkin. Edward’s smile drops as a sudden look of guilt crosses over his face.
After a moment of silence he passes his knife over to Bella. “Here. Take it.” He pushes as Bella hesitantly takes the knife from his hand.
“I thought I wasn’t allowed to use knives because “it’s too dangerous”. Bella says in a mocking tone.
Edward moves to walk behind her.
“Well, I change my mind now.” He responds.
Suddenly his arms reach around her and he grabs her wrist. “I’ll let you cut the pumpkin but I’m going to help you so you don’t get injured.” He says to her.
Bella feels heat flow through her cheeks. She can feel Edward’s coldness on her back through her shirt and everywhere on her arms where his skin touched. Even though his skin was cold, his touch burned against hers.
Carefully Bella stabbed the knife through the pumpkin and felt Edward’s hand steady hers so the knife didn’t wobble. Slowly he helped move the knife where Bella wanted it.
After around 12 minutes the pumpkin was carved. The two of them walked backwards and admired their (Bella’s) work.
Bella had decided to carve a werewolf into her pumpkin, much to Edward’s annoyance. Even as he tried to stare at the werewolf in disgust, he couldn’t help but feel fondness towards the carving, because it had been Bella that had carved it. (With his help)
Edward looked over at Bella’s happy face and excited eyes and knew that Charlie would kill him if he ever found out he let Bella use a knife, but Edward feels full heartedly that seeing Bella this happy makes it worth it.
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qdbs-writes · 8 months
Do you write fem readers?!? 😭 If so can you write some head cannons about the Cullens with a goth s/o
i proudly write for all readers, nonny! and I'm gonna assume this about about trad!goth, but I'll try and make sure this applies to most goth subcultures!
Cullen Clan x Goth!Fem!S/O
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Carlisle Cullen
He's confused but supportive. Back in his day, the term 'goth' only applied to the people who sacked Rome, which he'll remind you of regularly, especially if you're visiting the Volturi (who will also assume that you are directly connected to the ancient Goths, and would fear you as a result).
He'd be interested in your genealogy, because he thinks you're connection to the goth style can't be mere coincidence or personal choice, and it wouldn't be difficult to find out either, all he'd have to do is check if you have any Germanic ancestry from the last 2000 years.
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Esme Cullen
If you're happy and comfortable, she's happy and comfortable. While it probably isn't her style personally, she's quick to see the benefits. For instance, black is a very easy colour to maintain, particularly with regards to cleaning.
Her only concern is getting you clothes other than black so that you can have something to wear to events that may require specific colours, like if you two are guests at a wedding (she wouldn't want you wearing black as it's bad luck for the couple).
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Edward Cullen
Edward himself is basically a diet-corporate goth, so dating you will probably help him develop his own sense of comfort in the style.
The two of you are regularly seen brooding in the Forks CVS, loitering around the hair dye section, silently terrifying all of the elderly people waiting at the pharmacy.
Edward is likely already very familiar with goth music, has absolutely been to some Bauhaus concerts in his time, and probably has a respectable collection of gothic rock records in his room.
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Rosalie Hale
It'll be like a Barbie/Oppenheimer-esque clash in aesthetics. I personally see Rosalie with a very Y2K aesthetic, so the two of you walking down the street together might turn some heads.
That doesn't mean that she isn't fully supportive of your style though, and appreciates the philosophy of the aesthetic, how it's a style built on defying expectations of conformity and obedience. In her short life, all Rosalie knew was to dress properly, smile, be open, happy, a willing host, an amusing guest. In death, she's proud to be herself, and even prouder to be with someone so comfortable with dressing exactly how they want, regardless of what others might think.
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Emmett Cullen
You dress scary and Emmett loves it. He has regularly compared you to a venomous snake, your black clothes and aggressive makeup mean that almost everyone in Forks steers clear of you. But not Emmett, he's never had the survival instincts to stay away from things that could kill him, in fact, your "unapproachable" style only drew him in more.
Absolutely loves wandering around Forks with you, even if you aren't particularly doing anything. He thinks it's hilarious that some people cross the street to avoid you, it's like having 'scary dog' privileges.
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Alice Cullen
She'd seen you in her visions for some time, but she almost didn't recognise you when you started dressing strangely and wearing heavy makeup. At first, it disturbed her, you looked like the sleep-paralysis demons that used to haunt her in the asylum.
Once she gets the chance to meet you in real life, that fear quickly subsides. Through your relationship, Alice learns how much of a safe space goth society can be, and that she can rely on other goths to not be judgemental towards her like so many others are.
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Jasper Hale
Greatly appreciates the Victorian-era elements that are incorporated into your clothes, it helps him feel less old. You'll make his day if you show any interest in his clothes and jewellery that he had in life, particularly the more morbid pieces (such as the ring made out of his mother's hair).
If you're looking particularly historical, he'll love to get in his original clothes from when he was alive (except the ""uniform"" that shan't be mentioned), and stroll about Forks with you, arm in arm, like a true Southern gentleman.
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Twilight Reimagined - Full series!!!
I am currently writing a Twilight reimagined! Same plot - much sassier main character and set in college, not high school. I will change plot lines further into the series but the main enjoyment from the first instalment will be Amber sassing Edward on a regular basis, because doesn't he deserve it?
It's starting on Wattpad right now but I hope I'll be approved for AO3 soon! The preface and the first chapter are up!
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Carlisle Cullen x Fem Reader (2)
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This fic is a continuation of this drabble here.
Warnings: mentions of death, destruction and one curse word. Edward is not manipulative or controlling in this au.
“It’s all going to be all right Bella,” Alice soothed.  “(Name) won’t mind if this runs over time.”
“But it’s her birthday,” Bella protested.  “She shouldn’t be worried about us.”
“She won’t be worried about us,” Edward replied.  “She and Carlisle are spending time together.”
Bella cheered up at that; seeing you and Carlisle together was like witnessing everything romantic in the world all at once.
“At the back there, pay attention!” Mr. Mason barked. 
Edward, Bella, Alice, and Jasper murmured apologies.
“Now that we are all focusing and not distracted, perhaps you can describe the painting that we are standing in front of.”
“They were talking about Edward’s mom’s birthday,” Mike interjected.  Mr. Mason ignored the comment in favour of staring at Edward until he began to speak.
“This painting is part of a series of three paintings called La Purga.  They depict the destruction of Olympus by its own King.”
Mr. Mason’s expression became a little less severe, “Miss Cullen, what is the backstory of the paintings?”
Alice needlessly cleared her throat, “The story behind these paintings is that the King of Olympus, Zeus, feared that someone he was related to would destroy Olympus.  He slaughtered everyone that he shared a bond with.  There are many interpretations regarding Zeus’ final fate but the prevailing theory is that his own power destroyed him.  In the last painting, the artist leads you to believe that his lightning rebounded and killed him.”
Bella looked at the bottom right corner of the painting where the artist had signed.  The writing seemed familiar and the longer Bella stared at the signature, the more she realised it was an anagram.  Reshuffling the letters in her mind, she came up with a recognisable name.  Rosalie Hale.
As Alice drove her to the Cullen’s home, Bella voiced her thoughts.  Alice grinned, “Rosalie may have painted the picture, but who do you think told her the story?  The real story?”
“No way!”  Bella gasped.  “I thought Zeus killed anyone even slightly related to him?”
Alice shook her head with the grin still on her face, “Zeus couldn’t detect (Name) when she lived with the Volturi which is how she met Carlisle.”
“Zeus was destroyed by his own power.”  Bella breathed, “Which was wielded by his own daughter.”
Jasper leaned forward, “As Emmett always says, ‘Mom’s a badass.’  To date, she is one of the only outsiders to have the Volturi’s respect.” 
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heyyallitssatan · 26 days
I have had a thought
Ik scary but hear me out
I have a new ending for twilight
So everything exactly as it does in the original, until Bella gets turned, at which point she realises she doesn’t actually love Edward anymore
All this time his throwaway line about how everything about him is meant to attract her (I don’t remember if this was ever explained or not, it’s also midnight so I’m not gonna check, just roll with me here I promise I’m going somewhere) was true
It really was just a chemical reaction and, somewhat accidental, manipulation from him, once she’s a vampire that disappears, his charms aren’t charms anymore cause he’s not trying to attract her, at least subconsciously, cause she’s not prey anymore, everything that makes him alluring when she’s human can range from unimportant to blatantly creepy/disgusting now
The juicy part is, that everything that’s happened in the og has happened still, they still have a kid together
Bella is trying to sort through becoming a mom in about three months (once again next to zero memory of watching this so this is all a guess) and being a vampire now, which while it’s something she’s wanted for a long time, it’s also a huge life altering change, and now on top of all of it she has to deal with not finding the man she did it all for attractive anymore
She’s trying to sort through these feelings, trying to decide if she still loves him, was her love just a chemical by product of her attraction, can those things exist separately for her?
And as she’s trying to figure it out, bam giant threat to her new family and daughters safety, so all of her feelings are going back burner to deal with this, and by some miracle they made it out alive, so she still has to deal with this, and her old crush who she has also realised she feels literally nothing for now has imprinted on her daughter, whatever the fuck that means
Then Bella decides she needs some time to sort this all out, her and Edward aren’t going to be romantically or sexually involved for awhile, after renesme ( you know in this au im also changing her awful awful name, idk what it should be, but not that, I’ve seen Carlie tossed around, that’s cute, let’s go with that) is all grown up, Bella is gonna take a long vacation to visit people, see the world and find her place in it, without Edward, then come back and see if they feel anything or if they just remain co parents and friends
She’s still apart of the family no matter what though and they will fight you on it
They had a meeting of who they would take in the divorce (it was mostly a joke, emmet maintains that he picks Bella, Rosalee agrees)
Edward was not happy about this arrangement, Alice and Rosalee yelled at him for a long while about it, Carlisle tried to talk to him, Esme too, even Jacob through his hat in as the other boy who Bella ditched (made things so much worse) but it was emmet and jasper taking him to the woods and beating him up for an hour while yelling “respect women” that convinced him
It can end however you want, them together or not, i don’t think that part matters as much as her getting to grow as a person outside of their relationship and making sure after all of this that it’s what she wants, she could obviously do that with out this au, but I enjoy it, so have my rambles and let me know what you think
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mnlssnight · 8 months
I started exploring Ashley Greene & Jackson Rathbone's filmography, and so many of them make me go "yep that's a modern jalice material right there"
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calitater-kid · 5 months
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1920s alice cullen ദ്ദി ˉ͈̀꒳ˉ͈́ )✧
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