#Ace beans be very welcome around here
gaoau · 6 months
Friday 11th – The Girl Upstairs
The Girl Upstairs note — theres mentions of suicide ahead. also, theres an afterword that id appreciate you read. hold on tightly, cause this is almost 4000 words long. thank you so much for reading! warnings — none. word count — 4.1k
prev. — next.
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Akaashi stepped through the metal gates and onto the brick path, appreciating the familiar scenery of his apartment complex. The lights in the main lobby were turned on and shining brightly against the crystal double-doors; an eye-catching contrast against the pure darkness of that moonless night. His long fingers, exhausted from handling and tossing volleyballs for the past days, wrapped loosely around his phone as he scanned through the exchanged words. [Name]'s messages took him back to the previous Saturday.
Nationals had been intense. Bokuto's emo mode stealing the spotlight during their very first match already had shaved ten years off his life. But his team was strong and incredibly capable with or without their simpleton ace — although having their ace working alongside everyone else was pretty satisfying.
Akaashi had, of course, played his best as well, despite the occasional trip here and there. After all, he had wanted to show [Name] just how much fun she could have watching a volleyball game. Sure, she had stayed multiple times during afternoon practice, but the match at the Spring Tournament was her first official match ever. First impressions mattered a lot.
If her messages had told him anything, it was that she had made time among all her school work to drop by and watch them play. Keiji-san, she had written in kanji. You can do it. I'll be watching. He could have sworn that when pointing at Hinata watching on the side, he caught a glimpse of [Name] wearing her teal scarf as she cheered them on from behind a sea of people. Weirdly enough, she hadn't seen — let alone responded to — any of his texts after their match on Saturday.
As he scrolled through the messages left unread, he wondered if [Name] would brew the coffee this time for him. He was pretty tired, what with playing match after match, rally after rally, and then celebrating with his team until that Friday. Maybe she would be willing to boil the water and grind the beans herself for a change. He pressed down on [Name]'s phone number and brought the device to his ear. It rang; once, twice, thrice — voicemail. He shoved his phone into his gym bag.
The lock of the double doors clicked behind Akaashi after he entered the building, the warmth from the internal heating greeted him with a welcoming hug. His eyes traveled instantly to the elevator; he wanted to check on his neighbor before anything else. [Name] was never one to pick up her phone, as he had come to find out, but not replying to his messages made questions and concerns rise. Chances were she had broken her phone during one of her episodes, or perhaps she was opting to ignore everything and actually catch up on school work. He'd have to find out.
Sending a polite nod to the elder receptionist — whose name he still didn't know — he headed for the elevator with steps faster than intended. He stopped dead in his tracks at the sound of his name being called. "Akaashi-kun, do you have a second?" Akaashi craned his neck backwards and met the grimacing eyes of the old man.
With one hesitant glance to the steel doors of the elevator, he walked over to the reception counter. "Is everything okay, sir?" The man had produced a sealed envelope and a scarf from behind the counter, setting them atop the furniture for Akaashi to see. Akaashi's long fingers tightened around the strap of his bag.
A scarf. A woolen scarf. A teal, woolen scarf. Was that [Name]'s scarf?
The man smiled at him; a smile that brimmed with pity and a weak attempt at comfort. "[Name]-san left this for you. I saved it until you came back." Akaashi's throat closed up. He glowered with wavering eyes at the scarf before him. The teal became black as it reached towards him to swallow him into nothingness. "It's such a shame." The receptionist's words bounced off his ears while he glared at his name, written in messy kanji on the back of the white envelope. "Who would've thought she was struggling so much? She was such a nice girl, too, always greeting good morning and wishing good days all around."
Why did he keep speaking in the past tense? Why was [Name]'s scarf trying to choke him? Why was his name written in kanji with [Name]'s handwriting? [Name] hated kanji. "Excuse me." Akaashi finally found the voice to ask his questions. As much as he feared the possible answers, he knew he had to get at least one. His tongue burned. "What are you talking about?"
"Oh, did you not receive the news?" The term news made his heart rate pick up, his palms sweat, his fingers twitch, his mouth dry. He managed to shake his head in response. "Oh, dear… Poor [Name]-san took her own life last Saturday."
Blank. Akaashi's head turned blank. The sentence alone took what felt like endless eons to sink in. The previous Saturday, as he played his first match of the Spring Tournament, [Name] commi—impossible. It was impossible, simply impossible. He had seen her; [Name] had been sitting on the bleachers, cheering him and his team on. She had sent text messages of encouragement. She had said she'd be watching — she had been watching. Akaashi knew for a fact [Name] had been there with him.
He hadn't imagined it, had he?
"I— That can't be right. She— [Name], she— [Name]-san messaged me. She wished me luck on my match. What do you mean she's dead…?" Akaashi Keiji, normally cool and collected, stood completely flabbergasted and perplexed, stumbling over his words and spouting his neighbor's name without honorifics, as if they were best friends since diapers. They were nothing, after all; not friends, not acquaintances, not classmates, he wondered if they were even neighbors.
The receptionist's smile softened, but all Akaashi could see with his trembling pupils was a condescending sneer. It called him a useless fool. "I'm very sorry for your loss, Akaashi-kun." The man prodded the sealed envelope closer to his stiff figure. Akaashi wanted nothing more than to rip it to shreds. "Maybe you should read what she had to say to you. The police said this letter was the only one in the room, apart from the money for reparations."
The more the old man spoke, the more his brain tripped over itself. He couldn't understand. He really couldn't understand a thing. [Name] had died after assuring him over and over she had no intentions of taking her own life. Akaashi had found [Name] was surprisingly skilled at lying. However, he had never imagined she would lie about such a bold decision. Such a painful decision. All of his progress, the one he had cradled so proudly in his cupped hands, faded away in the blink of an eye.
Like a fool, he had thought he was helping, when in reality [Name] remained the same fidgety [Name] with dangerous ideas in that complex brain of hers. He bought her lies, her silence, and her evasions without hesitation. Like a fool. Like a fucking fool.
But hearing there was only one letter — apart from whatever a reparations letter meant — and it was addressed to him brought him an indescribable sense of relief. He was confused as he was relieved. Maybe they had been friends after all. Maybe she had trusted him after all. Maybe not all her words had been lies.
"Stay strong, Akaashi-kun," the man spoke again after Akaashi's silent, internal battle. His smile had become tender once more. Akaashi nodded, clumsily grabbed [Name]'s belongings, and marched with heavy footsteps to the elevator.
His attention strayed to the right, to the door beside the elevator. He was quick to decide he would take the stairs.
The number-plate glared into him, mocking him with only three digits. 404. He had come to hate that number. Below the plate, a rectangular sign stuck to the wood. It read Under maintenance. Please, do not enter. Akaashi skimmed over the words before reaching for the doorknob. His brows rose when the door gave way without a fight.
Finally, after three months of knowing [Name], he was at last entering her apartment. The one she had been so adamant on never visiting, the one in which she produced all those loud noises at night, the one she called her home yet felt so unwelcoming.
Apartment 404: [Name]'s apartment.
A merciless gust of freezing air slapped him across the face as soon as he pushed the door open. Akaashi flinched surprised. His hand blindly groped the wall for a light switch, and in an instant the flat was flooded with light. He stepped inside, holding in his breath, fearing a mere puff of air would shatter the entire building in the blink of an eye. The door shut behind him, his bag dropped to the floor, and he glared at the dent in the wood as he was wrapped in a biting cold.
Now he understood why [Name] never wanted him over at her apartment and what reparations meant. Right by the door, lined-up one next to the other, were trash bags full to the top. He frowned at their contents: broken pieces of wood and porcelain. Deep into the room, he could spot the fluttering of black curtains, dancing frantically alongside the Winter wind. The window was clearly closed, yet the cold barged in through the cracked glass, missing pieces leaving a gigantic gap in the crystal. To his side, he found the opened door of the restroom. He peered inside, only to find a shattered mirror and ground-up mirror shards stained with dried blood, scattered over the white tiles.
The connection popped in Akaashi's head in a split second. [Name] had smashed and walked on her mirror, huh? He felt a pitiful grimace twisting his face.
Closing the door gently, as if to keep the frail memory of [Name] breaking down inside the bathroom, Akaashi stepped away from it. He analyzed his surroundings thoroughly; he needed to understand how [Name] spent her days before somberly reading her last words to him. There was no dining table, no chairs, no sofa, no television. Glancing into her kitchen, only a tied-up trash bag sat by itself. Cupboards and pantry completely empty, drawers saving solely a fork, a knife, and metal chopsticks still in their package.
Akaashi sighed. If her apartment was built anything like his, he was missing only one room, which he dreaded the most. The door to [Name]'s dark bedroom was wide open, allowing a full view to her unmade bed. As a pleasant surprise, he was met with a wooden desk. Compared to every other corner in [Name]'s place, her desk actually looked presentable. Her booklets and textbooks were neatly piled up and sitting on a corner. There were cups holding pencils and pens and markers.
He grabbed the chair tucked beneath the desk and settled down on it. The window by [Name]'s bed was wide open, blinds pulled up to open the path to head out onto the balcony. Akaashi gazed at the moonless sky briefly, before his eyes unconsciously traveled to the swaying rope taunting him. He frowned and immediately looked away. It sent chills down his spine.
Filling his lungs with air and courage, Akaashi turned [Name]'s lamp on. His hand trembled as he retrieved the sealed envelope from his pocket. Akaashi Keiji, it said in perfect kanji, although sloppy, as if the hand that had written it wasn't familiar with the characters — which was probably true. He gulped audibly while ripping the envelope open with a pair of scissors.
Two sheets of folded paper came out.
“Akaashi Keiji,                                  this is my third attempt to write this, so bear with me here.” A smile bloomed on his lips and he released a puffed chuckle. Even while writing a suicide note, [Surname] [Name] remained as nonchalant as ever.
                                “I tried to warn you, but you didn't understand. I'm not sorry, though. I did my best, I know I did, I just couldn't win against your stubbornness. Even now, after I've gone through with my decision, I don't expect you to understand, nor do I want you to. What you'll read in this letter is not only all over the place, 'cause my head is still a mess, but it's also very cold. I suggest you read it with a cup of tea, and, mostly, with an open mind.” Akaashi sighed. There was no time for tea.
                                “First off, let's get the blame out of the way, shall we? I feel you're that type of selfless dumbass that would blame themself, feeling they should've done more or tried harder, you know what I'm saying? Just to let you know, you did more than enough. In fact, you did something—” the word something had been traced over with a highlighter, “—which I didn't think possible. I wasn't planning on letting you do a single thing when you first talked to me that stupid Monday back in Fall. But you somehow managed and I don't know how; pat yourself on the back for that one. If anything, I should be the one to blame, but that's also bullshit. No one's at fault here, yeah? It is what it is. Let's move on.
                                I'm fully aware you tried your best to befriend me (which you succeeded in, mind you) and help me out. You wanted me to become one of the warm ones, didn't you? I told you time and time again that it was impossible, not just because I was born like a fool in the cold, but because I never wanted to become warm. It wouldn't have fit me. I never bothered even giving it a thought. Why do you think I moved here to live all on my own? Because after reading so many books and living new experiences every couple of days, I concluded that I didn't want that. I was fourteen and finishing middle-school when I realized that the praise around me was as empty as the hate; when I realized that life is all about compromises; that you give and take, and when you take more than you give you're an asshole, but when you give more than you take you're an idiot.”
"That's such a sad outlook, though." His words fell from his lips in a soft murmur, brows bending in a grimace.
“It sounds very philosophically depressed, doesn't it? But the truth is that I hate having to live through all those pointless trade-offs, when I know I'm just going to die in the end. I'm only accelerating the process. "That's a very sad outlook on life," you'd say—” Akaashi laughed to himself, “—and you might be right. Maybe it is. But it's the one I'm comfortable with, because it makes sense in my head. I realized so many things that I turned into the mess you came to befriend. Anxious, and scared, and weak, and nihilistic. My head's been such an indecisive and hesitant mess ever since I reached all these conclusions that I ended up confusing myself and losing myself. Those were the moments when I most wanted to die and you'd hear me destroy my own apartment. Because everything was a blur and I didn't know what to do, so I just wanted it all to disappear. My goal was to finish high-school, but I didn't want to take my chances and wait until Spring. You couldn't have changed my decision no matter what. Had you asked me to marry you or give a speech to congratulate you on your marriage, I was never meant to live that long. This had all been planned, even before you met me, and I knew I was going to go through with it.
                                There's something that wasn't in my plans at all, and that's where you come in, Keiji-san. This very note you're hopefully still reading, 'cause I did stay up these past couple nights to write it—” more laughter bubbled in his throat, “—wasn't supposed to exist; I didn't want to write it. I had planned to stay away from my family (I lied, my parents aren't abroad) and take every precaution at Fukuroudani to not make friends. I did everything to avoid people as best as I could to prevent the pain of waking up one day and finding a hand-written note instead of a breathing person. I wanted to soften the blow and cause as little trouble to everyone around me as possible. But then you came around, you talked to me, you forced me to become your friend (thanks!)—” there was a smiling face drawn between the parenthesis. Akaashi mirrored it. “—you reminded me how nice it was to have dinner with company and that I deserved to have a good night's rest somewhere warm and cozy. I'm writing this letter solely because I owe you some closure and I'm not about to leave such a great friend so abruptly without a goodbye. I don't believe in goodbyes either, but I can make an exception this time.
                                To be completely honest, I'd wanted to tell you about my decision. I'd wanted to tell you not to waste your time on someone that wouldn't make it past Spring. I tried to a couple times, but I guess I was too much of a coward to actually bring myself to say it to your face. In the end, I think it was for the best, you know? I wonder if you would've missed nationals because of me. Hopefully no, but better safe than sorry. That's why I waited until you were gone to do it. I'm still not sure if it was the best decision and I guess I won't ever know. What do you think?”
Akaashi closed his eyes to halt himself from reading further. He gave the idea some thought and whispered, "…I don't know, either." Had he known [Name] was planning on dying after all, would he have done anything? What could he have done anyway? It was too late to ponder over it.
“My original idea was to graduate and then die, but you changed practically everything. We started walking to and from school together, I spent more time over at your apartment than at mine, I saved the team's numbers on my phone, and I even checked out one of your guys' matches before killing myself. Although maybe I pushed my luck too much on that one. I may have never been able to leave and then it would've been too late. This isn't to say I died earlier because of you! Not at all!! In fact, you did more good than bad. If it hadn't been for how annoyingly persistent you were, I would've died consumed by the stupid cold. Thanks to you I saw Bokuto-san shine, Konoha-san tried to take me out on a date, Shirofuku-san and Suzumeda-san taught me about volleyball, and so much more. But I was scared of falling too deep into their warmth and not being able to leave — or to put it simply, I was afraid of getting attached and not being able to commit suicide when Spring came. It's been so fun to be with you guys, so it's not like I didn't care what happened to me. It's just that reality is very flickering and Spring was too far away.”
[Name] had known her way around words and was capable of molding them into beautiful lies he despised. But when she spoke straightforwardly, writing down with her own thoughts the kanji characters for suicide, he wished she would have lied once more. He couldn't stand the sight of verbs being expressed in the past tense when talking about her life.
“It had to be now, because later I would have been all alone in the cold again. That's how it's always been. Thanks to you, Keiji-san, I'm dying without regrets and that stupid self-realization you talked about. I'm glad to have made memories.
                                There is one thing I'm very sorry about and I would kneel to beg for your forgiveness (knowing full well that you would give it to me without hesitation, right?). I told you countless times how you were too warm and how scared I was of getting burned. You never burned me, Keiji-san. You were the right amount of warm and always shone so brightly, yet quietly. It was so comforting. And I selfishly took full advantage of your softness. I completely disregarded the fact that the cold can also burn. I'm sure I've burned you. I'm really sorry.
                                Keiji-san, I'm truly sorry.
                                It's because I'm sorry that I want you to keep my scarf. Winter's at its peak and it's very cold out there, so I don't want you to get burned by anyone or anything ever again, yeah? My scarf always kept me warm, so I think it'll work for you, too. Will you keep it?”
"Of course I will. Thanks, [Name]-san."
“I wonder if you replied. You're welcome.”
Akaashi laughed, huffing through his nose like she liked to do.
                                “To bring this long-ass essay to an end once and for all, I only want to thank you. Sounds like some sappy shit, I'm aware, but hear me out. Read me out? Sorry, I'm nervous. Thanks. Thank you for being warm and never burning me, for your time and effort, for your friendship and sharing your friends, which I don't dare call mine. Most of all, thank you for letting me indulge in your warmth, for making me actually live these past three months and for allowing me to die without regrets. Thank you so much, Keiji-san. I'll be watching. You can do it.
—[Name] | 2013 / 5 / 1 |”
Monday morning rolled around faster than Akaashi would've liked. He had wanted to rest over the weekend after enjoying a warm cup of comforting coffee, yet he had fallen asleep on [Name]'s desk. Saturday and Sunday were spent pondering, but never searching for where to point his fingers. He understood [Name] would have come back to life to kick him for trying to find where to pin the blame for her suicide.
On his way to school on that Winter morning, he made sure to buy a single white lily, similar to the one he had placed by — what once had been — [Name]'s door. He appreciated the lack of morning practice as he walked through the third-years' hall. Peeking inside the classroom, he narrowed his eyes in pity at the heavy silence among the students. It seemed they all were trying their best to avoid looking at their dead classmate's former desk.
Of course, Akaashi had no clue which desk [Name] used to sit on, but it wasn't hard to distinguish it; the only one decorated with a teal vase of white lilies had to be [Name]'s. Excusing himself, he entered the classroom, turning heads in his direction at the interruption of uncomfortable silence. Shirofuku and Suzumeda smiled weakly at him, nodding in acknowledgement. He placed his flower among the other dozen and promptly left.
A Winter breeze nipped at his cheeks while he marched through the hallway. Akaashi couldn't tell where it came from. Maybe he was just imagining it — imagining the numbing cold that stole all feeling from the tips of his long fingers. He felt the sheer algor trying to drag him like it had dragged [Name]. But he knew better than to let it win and fought against it with the warmth of his teal scarf, wrapping kindly around his neck in a soft embrace.
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—あごす (agosu) • 2020
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soleadita · 2 years
a love letter to abuela's kitchen (i'm very aggressively shoving myself out of my comfort zone by posting this snippet from something i've been working on, mostly to try to hold myself accountable for actually finishing it.)
Abuela’s kitchen is always warm.
Logically, this is because there’s no ceiling fan or AC, and the windows are in prime position to greedily soak up every last drop of sunlight the days have to give, and the gas stove, in use more often than not, generates a constant cloud of heat.
But if you consider things like spirit and metaphor and poetry—and Eddie does, sometimes—it’s at least in part because the kitchen is the living, breathing, beating heart of Abuela's home.
How could it not be? The tiled floors have hosted decades of Thanksgivings and Nochebuenas and Easters; the counters accommodate tamale-building assembly lines to the tune of laughter and chisme and light-hearted bickering. It’s where Abuela and Pepa gather Eddie and Chris—and Buck, now, more often than not—in huge, welcoming hugs; it’s where Eddie and Chris arrange pan dulces and flowers and cards twice a month each May.
Abuela’s kitchen is always warm, and this makes it nearly unbearable in the unrelenting summers; but this time of year, in the crisp April evenings, it’s the best place in the house. Tonight, it’s filled with tall pots of caldo and beans, pans of rice and sautéed vegetables, the rich scent of tomatoes and onions and garlic cooked down and blended together.
Eddie inhales. This. This is home.
Abuela and Chris have begun to set the table, and Eddie steps in to help. He’s used to being relegated to things like this; that’s what happens when you’re infamous for a lack of cooking skills. Meanwhile, Buck makes a beeline for the counter, where Pepa presides over a roaring blender full of tomatillos and chiles.
“Oh, Pepa,” he exclaims over the noise. He beams like a kid on Christmas Eve, and it's just so goddamn adorable. “You didn’t.”
Buck loves this salsa, which is precisely why Pepa and Abuela make it every time he’s over for dinner. Eddie’s half-convinced that Buck would drink it straight from the blender, no chips necessary, if he could. Like, if someone gave him an entire batch all for himself and then left the room immediately—yeah, Eddie could see that happening.
“It’s nothing, Buck,” Pepa says. Her tone is no-nonsense, as usual, but Eddie can see the smile she’s trying to hide. “Ya sabemos que es tu favorito.”
Buck peers into the blender. “You still need the avocado, no?”
“And the cilantro and limes,” she says. “Grab them from the fridge, chamaco.”
“You got it, jefa.”
Abuela and Chris bring a stack of plates and napkins to the table; Eddie follows close behind with glasses and silverware. Buck weaves around them, pausing to give one of Chris’s curls a gentle tug. Once he reaches the fridge, he’s in there for thirty seconds, tops. He knows exactly what he needs, and he knows exactly where it is.
Buck navigates the space with ease; Eddie’s proud of it.
“Can I help with the salsa, too?” Chris asks.
Eddie meets Buck’s eyes over Chris’s head. Buck raises a brow: Is that okay? Eddie grins and gives a slight nod. Of course it is. Well, as long as Abuela doesn't mind.
“You done with the table, Chris?” Eddie asks.
Abuela waves a hand. “Está bien, Eddito. Si quiere ayudar con la cena, déjalo.”
“Then get over here, Superman,” Buck says, brandishing a bunch of cilantro with a flourish. “Here, wash this and give it to Tía Pepa, okay? Then you can help me squeeze the limes.”
Chris accepts the task with endearing solemnity. Cilantro is delicate, and he handles the leaves like he knows exactly how fragile they are. His palms, his fingers—they’re so small, still. Eddie glances down at his own. Had they ever been so tiny? Had they ever been so gentle?
And then he remembers, with stunning, startling clarity, the summer after Abuelito’s death.
He’d been—what, eight? Abuela had been planning to move to LA soon to stay with Pepa, but until then, Eddie had spent every spare moment by her side. He’d followed her like a shadow, like a duckling, while she bustled around preparing hominy for posole, sifting through bowls of dry pinto beans, roasting tomatoes and chiles and onions on the comal.
Abuela had tucked him beneath her arm, kissed his forehead—and then, one day, she asked if he wanted to help.
That kitchen, tiny and sun-drenched, was the first place Eddie ever truly felt like he belonged. Soft and warm, dim lights and familiar foods. Gentle hands and gentle voices, and a blend of languages that wrapped around him like a fuzzy blanket.
It hadn’t lasted long; Papi hadn't liked it, had told Mom, when he thought Eddie wasn’t listening, that it would make Eddie soft. Eddie had thought about the worn blue threads of his favorite blanket, Mom’s palm on his forehead when he had a fever. He’d thought about digging his fingers into a bowl of masa as Abuela and his tias rolled little balls and pressed them into tortillas.
Papi’s whispers had been jagged, harsh, like he was pushing his words out around shards of glass; but, back then, soft had sounded like a good thing to Eddie.
There’s a hand on his forearm; he jumps, startled.
“Eddie,” Buck says, low enough for just the two of them. “You okay?”
“I’m fine,” Eddie says, and he means it, too, except his voice cracks, and when he swallows, he tastes tears. He tries again. “I’m really okay. Just – thinking, I guess. Happy.” He gestures to Chris, still holding the cilantro with reverence. “I mean, look at him.”
“He’s pretty amazing,” Buck agrees. He glances sideways, like he thinks full-on eye contact will make Eddie spook or something. “His dad’s pretty amazing, too.”
Yeah, Eddie thinks, but doesn’t dare say. Right back at you.
“Buck, the limes!” Chris calls.
“Be right there, bud,” Buck says. He turns to Eddie and squeezes his shoulder. “You’re really okay?”
“I’m really okay,” Eddie repeats.
And he is. He is okay. The thing that paces and jitters behind his ribcage, settling heavy on his shoulders, swirling around inside his head—it calms, here. There’s something about the contentment in Pepa’s good-natured protests when Buck juggles the limes before depositing them on the cutting board, and the peace in Abuela’s soft smiles, and the joy in Chris’s pure delight at squeezing juice into the blender.
When dinner is over and the room has emptied, Eddie will step in and wash the dishes, the pots, the pans. He’ll pull out the plastic tupperwares and put the leftovers away while Abuela makes coffee. For now, four of his favorite people in the entire world are here, loving each other; what else is there for him to say?
Eddie leans back, gives his entire weight to the doorway, and the kitchen holds him up.
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twistedtummies2 · 5 months
Year of the Bat - Number 27
Welcome to Year of the Bat! In honor of Kevin Conroy, Arleen Sorkin, and Richard Moll, I’m counting down my Top 31 Favorite Episodes of “Batman: The Animated Series” throughout this January. TODAY’S EPISODE QUOTE: “Live from Gotham City! The show that nobody wants to see, but everyone will watch!” Number 27 is…Christmas With the Joker.
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Our previous entry was the highly depressing “Growing Pains,” which many – myself included – consider one of the darkest and most disturbing episodes of the series. In stark contrast, “Christmas With the Joker” is widely regarded as one of the silliest…perhaps to a fault, many would argue. In all sincerity, I’ve always found it ASTONISHING that, apparently, not a lot of people actually like this episode! This includes the show’s creators: according to Bruce Timm, in particular, the creative team behind B:TAS had a really hard time figuring out their take on the Joker. His first two or three appearances, in Timm’s opinion, were sub-par to what came later. And of those three earlier outings, “Christmas With the Joker” – the Clown Prince of Crimes very first appearance – seems to be considered the worst of the bunch. I will never understand this, to be perfectly honest, because – in my opinion – this probably one of Mr. J.’s BEST outings, and is as traditional around Christmastime for me as any version of “A Christmas Carol” or “The Nutcracker” may be. I absolutely LOVE this episode. Is it dark or complex? Not especially. Does it really do anything to expand on the Joker as a character? Not really. Is it a lot of fun to watch? HELL. YES. Honestly, for a first outing for the Joker, a Christmas-themed story may seem like a bizarre choice, but the creative decisions made are just absolute and pure “Joker,” and help to establish this character and his whole persona beautifully. The premise is as follows: after escaping from Arkham Asylum via a rocket-powered Christmas Tree (oh, don’t pretend you don’t have one of THOSE kicking around somewhere), the Joker kidnaps Commissioner Gordon, Harvey Bullock, and reporter Summer Gleeson. He then hijacks Gotham’s TV station signals, to broadcast “the first annual Christmas With the Joker” holiday special! Via television, the Ace of Knaves poses the following challenge to Batman: if he can find the Joker’s hideout and save the hostages before midnight, the Joker will give him a special “Christmas gift.” Otherwise, the three victims will be dunked into the traditional Yuletide vat of acid. (Again, don’t pretend you don’t have one of those somewhere.) Batman must thus try to find the Joker’s lair, all while the Joker – as part of the “entertainment” for his Christmas special – starts causing chaos all around Gotham City and its environs. What I love about this whole thing is how “Joker” it all feels, as I said before. To make a long story short, if the Joker was going to put on a Christmas special, this is EXACTLY how I would expect it to go down. I also love the utter randomness of the villainy he perpetrates here: he doesn’t seem to have any particular REASON to do all this, he’s just causing chaos because…well…it’s what he does! He’s the Joker! I also love the twist about Batman’s “Christmas Present”: a couple times in the episode, the Joker teases that he’s planning to give the Caped Crusader a “special gift,” and of course, we’re expecting something horrible. Some kind of trap, an ambush, a bomb, etc. And what does it turn out to be? A pie in the face. Yep. Just…a pie in the face. It’s not even laced with cyanide, or acid, it’s…just…a pie in the face. I’m gonna be honest…that might the most Joker-ish thing the Joker does in the ENTIRE SERIES. He goes through all this trouble and does so many terrible things – kidnapping people, hijacking television signals, blowing up bridges, spraying bullets and rockets willy-nilly, creating giant killer robots, and so on – and all of this, ALL OF THIS, is just for the chance to hopefully bean Batman in the face with a cream pie. It does not get much more Joker than that: “I will cause mass panic and attempt to sew random death on a scale untold, and I am going to do it with style and panache…literally just so I can mess with you and get a few good laughs.” Again, why don’t more people like this episode? XD
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Tomorrow we move on to Number 26! Hint: “They’ll never slip past me again.”
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lightvsdark18 · 2 years
Twisted Wonderland (Book 4)
Followed Little-Bean and Mewshi Q's playthrough.
Second week of December, Wednesday.
Jafar. Wait. She gets up and thinks for a second. I'll think about it later.
"I mean, there's nothing for me to do beside sitting around and reading a book."
"What about your family, Grim?"
Alice is sad now.
"I guess we're starving during the break."
"I'm guessing you forgot about me and Grim and our need for food."
"Yeah! It's freezing in the dorm!"
"I doubt that."
"... How can ghosts have kids?"
I doubt we will be fed, but we will be warm at least.
"Even if he was lying, there's nothing we can do."
"I mean, you could stay here and freeze with us, Cater."
Alice probably looks annoyed in the photo.
"Okay, now I know that was a threat."
"Okay." Smiles at Ace, then frowns in fake sadness. "I will, Deuce." Smiles again.
"Happy holidays!"
Walks out of the dorm in the morning and the second she sees the snow, she makes a snow angel and gets stupidly happy.
"We should do the fireplace before we start playing some more."
Grim is wearing cat booties to protect the beans.
"Hello." Small wave.
"Well, considering I'm the only girl and you're the only cat monster, it's not surprising."
"Um, I wouldn't say he's relying on us. He just forces us to do his job sometimes."
Tries her best to cook and help out.
"Then you don't have to say anything if you don't want to."
(You can literally get up and leave, he can't force you to stay. Come on.)
"Okay, I'm coming." She's hungry, man, and wants to see another dorm.
Also, it's freezing in Ramshackle.
She is happy right now, even though she's sweating a little bit. Long sleeves, man.
Raises her brow and looks between the two.
"It's nice to meet you too." Smiles.
"I'm sorry, what?"
"Dude, what the hell?"
"Um, please don't force them down his throat."
Holds a stuffed Grim.
She loves his positive energy ;-;
"I really appreciate the offer." She's not asking about why they're staying at the dorm, Grim has to ask that.
"Everything is better than our dorm, Grim."
A bit of knowledge of the world, nice.
(Damn, son.)
30?! Over 30 siblings?!
"It's a breath of fresh air."
"Holy crap." Spins around to see everything in amazement.
"Why would you need all of this? I mean, I understand to in sure you have money to take care of yourself, but this is too much."
Raises her brow at him, then hears Grim mumbling and looks over to see the carpet.
Her eyes widen. The magic carpet?!
Clings onto Kalim for dear life. Scared and amazed.
"Terrifying and beautiful."
Jumps and winces at his sudden loud voice.
"The hell is going on?"
"Um, no, we're not staying if that's the case." She gets up and grabs Grim to leave, but Kalim sends the students to drag her back and sit her down at the table.
"I don't have magic, how can I do defensive magic training?"
"Then do physical defensive training!" -Kalim
*Sighs* "I'll teach you some techniques on how to defend yourself." -Jamil
Diamond in the rough...
"Hmm, it has been almost three weeks since the last overblot. I still need some time to myself before dealing..." Jamil, don't use your unique magic on her. She needs a break. "Yeah, I'll help."
(Welcome to your downfall, Jamil.)
"Okay, first off, that's not how I work. Second, I was about to say no but for some reason I said yes."
Starts running, then gets grabbed and dragged back to the room.
Glares at the two boys. "Hey! Is there at least a bathroom in here?!" ("Yes! It's on your right!")
"The hell is going on?"
Wants to throw the phone, but Grim brings up Ace and Deuce and quickly sends a message. "Help! We're trapped in Scarabia!"
... What Jafar was doing to the sultan.
Glares at the boy in annoyance.
"Hey! Hands off! He's your housewarden, not mine! Why should I listen to him?!" Drags her by the wrist.
Alice is very nauseous and sweating to death because she's wearing winter clothes, not desert-friendly clothing.
Alice will remember this.
Gets excited for ice cream.
For getting ice cream for himself. The fuck?
Glances at Grim.
Furls her brows and leans towards Grim when Kalim's back turned. "We'll talk about this tonight."
Jamil is teaching her more skills.
Crosses arms. "And that is?"
"... Is that really going to work?"
"Before you start digging, we need to talk about what happened this morning. Kalim seemed nice and bubbly, but when he went to get the ice cream he changed. He was with Jamil when he left, so I think Jamil is doing something to him that's causing this change of behavior."
"I hate this..."
Keeping her guard up around snake boy.
Jamil gives her a dorm uniform because she needs a shower and something more comfortable for the desert heat.
The cat has a point.
She glances over to snake boy while the students explain how good Kalim is, and looks away when his eyes glances over to hers.
She is silence throughout the whole discussion.
Freezes at Grim's statement and snaps her head to him.
She wants to shut Grim up, but doesn't want Jamil to suspect her.
Students are making poison. What kind of world I did fall into? No, what kind of school did I fall into?
She gets worried at the students wanting to throw Kalim out of the window.
(You have to drag my ass onto the courtyard.)
Flops on the bed. "We have to do something before the students throw Kalim out."
"Please don't push yourself too much, Grim. I don't want you to hurt yourself."
"I applaud your determination, but I don't know if I can fit through that hole."
"How the hell did I get through that?" (I got wide hips, man.)
Picks up the cat and runs for it.
"Where are we?"
"How we do tilt down without falling?"
Gripping onto the carpet for dear life as it spins out of control and flies through the dorm, then mirrors.
Covers head with arms before crashing against the wall (or the tank) and just lies there dead on the floor.
Sits up and sighs heavily.
Stands up and hides behind the twins.
Doesn't like the comment. "Can you guys please help us?"
Deeply sighs, then groans loudly. "Can you wait until after winter break for the payment?"
"By the way, why are you wearing Scarabia's dorm uniform?" -Azul
"Because we have been prisoned in that dorm for three nights now. Their housewarden has been acting like a tyrant."
"And Kate thinks their vice housewarden Jamil is behind this, but he seems like a decent guy." -Grim
I doubt that.
She feels dread.
She passes out in bed and Grim is dead to the world.
Jamil just sees her eyes peeking over the twins' shoulders.
These freaking guys.
Grim is standing on the desk during the conversation.
"I believe he's being hypnotized by Jamil. Kalim was normal when he was getting us ice cream and left with Jamil, but when he returned he was mean and curel. Also, Jamil was asking us to help him and I was telling I needed time to think about it, but I found myself agreeing to him without meaning to."
Jade is going to confirm her theory.
"And this is why I call you the Sus Trio."
"Sorry to bother you."
She's just watching the game.
Chuckles. "Forbidden lore."
"Yes, sir. Kate is right about Kalim being magically mind-controlled. However, I couldn't get Kalim to say who." -Jade
Alice lies down on the floor while facing the trio before Floyd grabs her, pushes her onto the bed and she is now stuck between the twins. Floyd has his arms around her body which is restraining her arms and resting his chin on the top of her head. Jade has his head on the side of her head and an arm resting across her and Floyd's waist. Azul is curled up and Grim is sleeping on the desk.
What's going to happen next?
Thousand cracks are heard from her stiff body.
She's helping with breakfast.
Helps Grim with his studies and watches the mock fight.
It had been two days of the jointed dorm training camp. Alice was given gym shorts and t-shirt to wear.
She is shocked and staring wide eyed in confusion at deep voice Floyd.
"Damn, son. Coming in clutch."
(With my headcanon that Kalim is pretending to be sunshine and smiles, this scene hurts. He doesn't want Jamil to be like everyone else who are trying to hurt him because of his family.)
(Why didn't Yuu and Grim get mind-controlled? Also, the freaking sounds from the students.)
She's using her training to dodge.
What is that thing behind him?!
Grabs Grim and hugs him while landing on her back. The impact was soften by everyone using their magic.
(That freaking voice.)
Alice frowns and walks over to Kalim, wrapping her arms around him. He hugs her back and cries on her shoulder.
Looks at Kalim. "Doesn't seem to me that he's a good guy considering he just tossed you like you were nothing."
(Get therapy, Jade.)
"You're not helping."
"It seems so."
"Oh, right! Your magic!"
Alice is drinking some water and looks over to jump back at the twins suddenly in merform.
Sitting behind Kalim while on Floyd. This is weird. (Makes me think of Breath Of The Wild.)
Alice is smiling at how funny this is. "We are nothing compared to you."
Runs and hides in the hallway. Her back pressing against the wall behind her, listening to what is going on in the lounge. A blast hits the wall and she covers her head and moves away, seeing the guys sliding and going back in.
The lounge slowly gets quiet and peeks her head out to see Jamil lying on the floor. Her vision turns dark and see the boy's past. She sighs and walks over to the group. Kalim is holding his hand and watches her kneel down and place Jamil's head on her lap.
Hits Jamil with a pillow on the back of his head. "You didn't have to go for the throat. A simple no would have been fine."
She checks up on Jamil in the morning.
"Why do you care if I'm doing okay or not? Ugh, you and Kalim are way too nice." -Jamil
"How do you know if I'm being genuine? I could be kind and actually care about your health, or I'm pretending to be kind just to make you let your guard down and get you when you least expect it. You will never know if my kindness is real or not."
Jamil is both scared and impressed.
"I wasn't planning on giving you this offer, but I did it with every overblot, so I'm offering it. If you need someone to talk to, I'll listen." Then leaves with those final words.
While Jamil is healing, Kalim catches wind of the damaged tables and chairs in the Mostro Lounge and offers to pay for them. Alice tells him he doesn't have to do that. "I know, I want to as thanks for helping Scarabia and because we're friends now." But I didn't do anything. Azul gladly takes the kind gesture as Kalim takes him to the treasure room.
The party happens two days after the overblot.
Oh crap, I forgot about them.
"What? Really?" Checks phone to see no new messages. "Crowley gave me a crappy phone!"
"Wait, really? Wait... Does that mean you went on different trains, boats and planes to just get here? Holy shit, guys, you're the real ones."
"Weellll, they were the ones who helped me and Grim out of the situation we were in. There's a lot to explain."
Kalim lets her keep the dorm uniform she borrowed.
Alice and Grim return to their dorm after the party, wanting to sleep in their own beds for the rest of the break.
Grabs chest and waits for her heart to be calm. (Doesn't introduce himself since it would be the third time doing that.)
Confuse at the receiving a holiday card.
Alice is genuinely surprised at the food. "Wow, he actually kept his promise. And thank you for taking care of the fire fairies for us, I appreciate it."
After eating, showering and throwing on comfy pajamas, she opens the envelope to read the card and finds her first name on it. She feels nice at the sweet words written inside the card and takes note of M.D. Is this from Firefly? It must be considering Lilia was the one to deliver it.
M.D. What was the dorm name again? She thinks about asking someone to tell her the name of Firefly's dorm and who from that dorm have the initials M.D.
She places the card in her nightstand drawer and grabs her journal to write down what happened, then flips to the page with the list. Snake boy - Jafar.
She walks up to the mirror and feels like a bit of a jerk for stepping on Grim's tail. "Introduce yourself first."
... Are you fucking kidding me? Why is Mickey Mouse in my damn mirror?! "My name is Kate."
"I'm in Twisted Wonderland."
"Don't have your tail in my way," she jokingly teased.
She stands in front of the statues of the "Great Seven" and thinks to herself. Jamil mind-controlled Kalim like Jafar did to Jasmine's father. Riddle cuts people's heads off, Leona is the second prince, Azul can make deals with others.
She looks at the last three. Each dorm has one person who overblots and are representing the Great Seven, meaning there's a possibility another overblot may happen. But who?
(Did Ace and Deuce go home after seeing us, or did they stay until the new year?)
During the rest of the break after their lunch, the three dorms chatted among themselves which led to a question from Kalim on how is she attending Night Raven College.
"Um, the truth is, something you wouldn't believe."
"Why do you say that? Did you blackmail the headmage to allow you to attend?" -Jade
"You now have me interested on her answer." -Azul
"It's not like that." Takes a deep breath. "I'm from a different world entirely."
Cue freakout. "D-Different world?! You must be joking?" -Jamil
"I know it sounds fake, but considering I'm a woman, 24 year-old to be exact, inside a school made for boys as a student and have not been sent home by Crowley is all the proof that I'm not lying."
"Shrimpy is from a different world? I'm now curious what your world is like." -Floyd
"H-How? How did you come into our world? Weren't you in a gateway? And you were wearing the ceremonial robes." -Jamil
"Jamil, calm down." -Kalim
"I don't know how I got here. I have tried to remember what happened before I woke up in the gateway, but I just can't. I remember seeing the carriage and a dark horse, and the fact it was raining, but..."
"What happened before waking up is a blur." She nods to Jade. "Hm. I'm more curious about you from learning of this new discovery."
"As am I. I never thought I would the chance to meet a person from another world." -Azul
She sighs. "If you wish to ask me questions, go ahead."
"Ace, you jerk," she says while chuckling.
When she sees Crowley, she tells him about her theory on the possibility of another overblot since every dorm as far has had one victim in each household and has been happening every new month. Crowley says he will keep an eye and thanks her for bringing it to his attention.
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library-of-ohara · 2 years
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My amazing friends I was wondering if I could please borrow a book for either Robin, Luffy, Marco, Law, Izou and Ace on becoming immortal with their s/o and the interesting ways they find out they are immortal. Angst it up fluff it up how ever you want to take it so long as you’re having fun! Thank you guys for this really fun event, I hope you guys do more after April!!
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You are very welcome <3 and I hope you enjoy bean!
Request by @cyborg-franky
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You’d eaten a devil fruit around a month ago, the only thing you remembered was how gross it tasted.
Nothing seemed to happen.
Had you lost the power to swim for nothing?
Pissed, you just carried on your life.
There had been a big battle, people getting hurt, fatal wounds if not for the Phoenix who dipped and dived, getting to his nakama’s side before it was too late.
Sadly, he’d been too late to get to you, he saw the impact, the blood, everything happened so fast.
He landed by your body, crying out your name as he scoped you into his wings, looking all over for the impact as you laid in his grasp limply.
“Fucking, ow.” You hissed, waking up and rubbing where you’d been hit.
Marco stared as you lifted your shirt, flawless skin, no marks, no blood.
“Am… am I alive?” you said, eyes wide and looked up at Marco who was sharing the same slow blink of disbelief.
“The devil fruit!” you laughed in unison.
“I can’t die?”
“It appears so, yoi!” Marco turned his wings back into arms and pulled you close.
You felt the zoan cling to you, face buried against your neck, you felt the drip drop off tears falling from his eyes, rolling down his cheeks and against your skin.
You took a second, realising what this meant and how much it would mean to Marco. You brushed back his messy blond hair and kissed behind his ear.
“You won’t ever have to be alone Marco; I’ll always be here for you.” You whispered, feeling his embrace tighten as he nodded silently.
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ratsoh-writes · 2 years
That prompt from master list 2. SO is too good too pure
But instead of SO, a good friend
For mafia guys and charm and sugar
Here’s the original prompt:
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Charm: he’s a terrible influence and has taken it upon himself to ruin you lol. Charm will be dragging his poor bestie along on his many wild adventures. Poor friend still feels that twinge of nervous anticipation when charm says he has a “surprise”. Could be flirting with criminals, could be getting milkshakes. You never know
Sugar: you mean his unofficial little sibling? Sugar has adopted you. Welcome to the Wingdings family. When sugar finds someone like this, he holds tight
Snipe: he’s SUPER protective. Snipe doesn’t make friends easily, and with you being so pure, he gets extra protective lol. If you ever pop by to visit, snipe is always around. Especially if one of his other brothers is in. He trusts them not to hurt you, but he doesn’t trust them not to ruin your innocence lol
Bruiser: he’s both scared of and admires you. Bruiser doesn’t hang around very often, feeling like he’s a bad influence. But when he does, he’s a bit calmer and softer. It’s infuriating
Ace: he thinks it’s hilarious that he’s best friends with someone like you, and he loves rubbing it in snipes face. Especially since it’s likely that you’re close with snipe too. However, if anyone ever messed with you, ace would absolutely throw hands
Slim: he likes softy people like you and you get to see a more open and playful side to slim. Around other soft people he’s a bit raunchy and teasing.
Butch: he doesn’t care if you’re a little bean or not, if you’re hanging around butch, expect his dirty humor and rough affection lol. He treats all his friends and siblings the same
Boss: he’s also protective like snipe, but he has less sway in keeping his bros in line lol. It drives boss mad. Boss does tend to have a thing for the softies and could easily start crushing too
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Hello, and welcome to the first episode of Sin Eats, where I tell you what my amazing platonic partner is cooking up in the kitchen! Tonight's dinner menu is...
Thai Red Curry with Chicken
I hate when people tell a long story before a recipe, but I also think I would be remiss if I didn't add a little flavor (hah) to these posts. Anyway, here's some thai red chicken curry. This is one of my comfort foods. I begged Jay to DoorDash it like once a week back when I was in the trenches of my Last Nightmare Job getting yelled and cussed at all day long by entitled business owners. It was a little spot of joy in an otherwise depression-fueled hellscape.
But takeout can get expensive, so why not have your partner cook it for you at home? Not gonna say it's authentic or anything, but it tastes real good.
PSA in this house we measure spices with our hearts and not our measuring spoons. We take the same approach with vegetables. Any amounts listed below are more like... guidelines. Don't let The Man keep you down. Swim free.
You can really put whatever veggies you like in here. The original recipe (link here) has green beans in it, but when we went to the grocery store everyone in Texas was freaking the fuck out about the possibility of Snowpocalypse 2: Electric Boogaloo, so we had to make do with what we could find.
1 lb chicken (breasts, thighs, whatever)
4 oz jar red curry paste (you can make your own from scratch, but some of us have to work for a living)
Thai basil leaves (or 12g [2 tsp] basil paste if all the WASPs bought out the fresh basil for some reason)
250ml (1 cup) chicken broth
17g (2 tsp) oyster sauce (we don't have fish sauce)
30g (1 tbsp) lemongrass paste
35g (2 tbsp + 2 tsp) minced garlic
9g minced ginger root
245g sweet onion
170g (1.5 cups???) frozen mukimame (shelled edamame)
13.5 oz can coconut milk
1 tbsp Extra Virgin Olive Oil (very ace friendly ingredient)
If you're eating this with rice, get it cooking. I cannot tell you how many times I've cooked something to completion only to find out I forgot to cook the rice and now we have to wait 20 to 30 more minutes to eat and I was already hangry an hour ago.
Mis en place baybeeeee. (This just means gathering your ingredients together so everything is ready when you start cooking.) Mince ginger root and garlic (if using cloves. We just use the minced garlic in a jar like assholes), dice onion, and set aside.
Cut chicken into thin strips. Set aside.
Boss your partner around. Tell them to get out another bowl and spoon. They're just being lazy writing a Tumblr post and need to contribute to this meal.
Measure the oyster (or fish) sauce, basil paste, and lemongrass paste. Set aside.
Mis en place done!
Heat the oil in a high-sided 12-inch pan on medium high heat. When a few drops of water sizzle in the pan, it's ready.
Add chicken to the pan and season to your heart's content with salt, pepper, garlic powder, basil flakes, paprika, and ginger. You can add some red pepper flakes if you're feeling spicy. If you're not sure whether you've added enough seasonings or if your combination will taste good, use your nose. If it smells good, it's gonna taste good. Don't worry about spicing perfectly at this stage, though, because you can always add more later in the cooking process.
Cook chicken for 5 to 6 minutes. I usually just use the Jay Method and cut into the thickest piece to make sure it's white in the middle. Nobody's getting food poisoning today.
Move chicken from pan to a bowl or plate. Please don't use the bowl you had the raw chicken in. That's how you and anyone you fed cross-contaminated curry spends 24 to 48 hours living in a bathroom and feeling like death is imminent.
Add more oil to pan if needed. Saute onions, garlic, and ginger until the onions are translucent (around 2 to 3 minutes).
Add curry paste, basil paste, and lemongrass paste and heat for about a minute.
Add chicken broth and reduce heat to medium.
Once it starts to simmer, add mukimame and let cook for around 3 minutes. Give the soupy part a little taste, see if you like it. Go "mmm" loudly in front of your partner to demonstrate what a good job you're doing and how much they should appreciate you.
Stir in coconut milk and return to a simmer. Taste test again and call it "boss ass shit" before spoon feeding some to your moochy qpp who is still typing on Tumblr.
Get some water while it's cooking. You gotta hydrate, homie!
Cook until it's hot. 5 to 10 minutes, whatever. Depends on how hungry you are. If you're a cool kid using basil leaves unlike us, add them whenever you decide it's done and let them wilt.
Make sure you turn off the stove.
Serve and enjoy the shit out of it.
Yield: 6 servings
Calories: ~316 (no rice; 476 with 1 cup rice)
The finished product!
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Here's a visual for how Jay does his mis en place
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This is our favorite type of coconut milk:
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Thanks for reading this far. If you try the recipe please let me know. 💜
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inkyvendingmachine · 3 years
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Misc. Cthulhu!AU Content Masterpost
Welcome to the breakroom! Here we have a collection of all the Cthulhu!AU posts that don’t relate specifically to a chapter of the game or anywhere in the time line exactly. Most are Post Season One though, so if you’re looking to not be spoiled, I’d say wait on this section. Please enjoy the wide selection of art, asks, writing, and more, including some?? fAN ART??? AND STUFF?? OF THE GAME???? wAH
💀 Call of Cthulhu: Haunted Hijinx Masterpost 💀 ✨ Call of Cthulhu Season One Masterpost ✨ 🌙 Call of Cthulhu Season Two Masterpost 🌙
Quiz?? Quiz.
Which Call of Cthulhu Boy Are You? Quiz
Season One  - Personalized Bendy Tarot Cards (S1E4 spoilers) - All the Gold Text (Season 1 Finale Spoilers) - Extremely Important StudioStartup Ship Cuddles - Henry Stein - Sammy Lawrence - Another Another Studio Startup Ship Ask - Joey/Sammy Kiss - Secret Satan Joey/Sammy - Sammy Lawrence - Some light Senry - Some soft Sammy/Joey - Sammy Lawrence Timeline - Collection of Hilarious Text Posts - Sammy’s Drowning Season Two - Silly Time Sam w/ Laserpointer - Jack Fain - Ghosty Jack Fain - Joey / Jack Shippy - Joey and Henry almost look like real investigators - Joey and Bendy but leaning more into uhhh Lurker Zone - Prophet Sammy; Dark on Me - Jack/Sammy/Joey Cuddles, but like, sad, - Sammy: The Real One - What if Sillytime Goat - Sammy and Sheep Traits  - Terrified Peter Sunstram - Rogue’s Blink Sprites - Rogue’s Pixel Adventure - Soft Sammy - Art for Cthulhu Boy Quiz - The Lurker’s thoughts on all the Cthulhu bois - Holding Out for a Hero - Another Collection Of Hilarious Text Posts [Part Two] - Joey/Jack Glasses Shippy - Prophet + Sammy Convo - The Real Trial and Tribulations of Having The Prophet Around - Lost in the Sauce by applesauceofthegrave
Season Three - Sammy + Prophet + Home Misc. - Pixely Bois - Joey Uno Meme - Toony Boys [Sammy][Joey][Jack] - Haunted House Boys by Spook
Write Ups/Asks
- Writing/RP Archive
Season One - StudioStartup Ship Ask - Another StudioStartup Ship Ask - Henry is Ace/Aro (part 2.) - Hahaha wait who had the Laserpointer Season Two - Shitpost Time - Cthulhu Boys but Sims Time - Henry and Joey’s Relationship (part 2.) - Peter Sunstram Thonks - Cthulhu Jack Shippy Asks [Peter][Lurker] - Henry Asks [X][X][X][X][X][X] - How Cthulhu!Jack differs from ‘Canon’ - How does Joey feel about Jack Now? - Sammy’s relationship with Lurker/SillySam - Would Joey ever Propose to Sammy? - General CoC Jack Thoughts - Masked Messenger's Voice
Season Three - Sammy/Cracked Glass Thoughts - Beans Lore - Is Peter an NPC? - How Possessive Is Joey? - Sammy’s Character Sheets
Misc. - Translating the Call of Cthulhu Games to Bendy
Misc. Small Asks: [X][X][X][X][X][X][X][X][X][X][X]
[Technically this is not Cthulhu!AU but it was inspired by it and is very cool so here also have a shout out to this amazing Norman art by Eps]
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woozisnoots · 4 years
modest jeon wonwoo
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° pairing: wonwoo x reader ° genre: university!au, host club!au, fluff ° word count: ~1.7k ° warnings: none! ° a/n: this had no business being this long and idek if i like it lol but I want to specifically dedicate this piece to @wonwoosimp​​ bc she’s literally the sweetest, best bean in the world [insert uwu meme here] thank you for gifting me my very first photocard, I literally cried opening it! I love you so much, I hope you enjoy!
welcome to the svt host club!
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you entered university with a certain goal, a purpose. eventually, you were going to be the pediatric surgeon that the 13 year old you ushered you to be.
…let's just hope the knowledge of your brain was enough to get you through the first four years of pre-med. with your 3.7 high school GPA, you were lucky to get into your first choice college, let alone your current major
from the start of the semester, you dedicated yourself to studying the anatomy and physiology of the body until you knew every nook and cranny there was to know. and the library was the perfect sanctuary to get your shit together
as much as you loved your roommates, their constant fights over closet space and boy toys gave you no peace of mind what-so-ever
bless the library for being opened 24/7. If your roommates found you sleeping on their only working desk, you would find yourself waking up to the sound of tripping freshmen trying to get to their first 8am class right in the middle of the hallway
but the lone table in the corner of the library just on the third floor did you good at staying focused. even provided some good naps in between every now and then
the day before your first anatomy test, you LOCKED yourself in the library. no one was going in OR OUT of the premise just to sit across from you on YOUR table until you fully memorized the different layers of epithelial tissue >:(
gosh, you even scattered all your notes across the table just so people got the memo that this seat was: [OFF LIMITS]
yes, off limits to everyone except a certain jeon wonwoo.
the way you met was abrupt to say the least
besides your table, you had a pretty good view of the entire campus — from the main health science building all the way to the student parking lot
and just below you, an astonishing sight of a mob of screaming girls chasing after a mouse guy in glasses. not to be inconsiderate and heartless, but unless you heard someone scream bloody murder, diving back into your flashcard you go
tissue after tissue, you start to get delusional because at this point, everything is starting to look the same
slumping down into your chair, you take a second to mentally recharge, drinking the water you’ve neglected for the past three hours
you time yourself for a five minute break, going through the notifications on your phone
before you could read your roommate’s ongoing ramble on the latest update of the “crazy good looking, god-like, elite host club that the university has to offer”
a ‘club’ that you didn’t even know anything about nor cared for
you hear a loud ‘thud’ coming from the bookcase in front of you
from the side the tall, lean guy with glasses that you saw earlier emerged with his hands gripping his tricep
you try not to draw too much attention to him. half the reason being you didn’t want to embarrass him by laughing at the fact he ran into a 10 feet tall bookcase
and you did not need this man distracting you. it’s your eight week streak being this productive, a new record for anything you’ve done in your entire life and your pride wouldn’t let you have it if you lost it just because you saw an attractive man on sight
you scribble down a decent guess to the tissue identification question that you’ve been stuck on for the past few minutes, not bothering to look up
“that’s actually dense connective tissue, not smooth”
jolting up from your seat, you look up realizing the guy 5 feet away is now right in front of your face looking down at all your papers
“you can tell because they’re striated”
you stare at him in disbelief wondering how he could have gotten so fast with just looking at it for a few seconds. eyeing him up and down, he definitely looked around the same age as you but he wasn’t someone you’ve seen around the science buildings. and you would know since you took the liberty of familiarizing almost everyone within the department
“do you mind if i sit here?” his hands already on the edge of the chair ready to pull it out from underneath him
“...yeah sure”
“oh i’m wonwoo by the way,” he says as you both exchange awkward stares and knowledgeable nods
okay well since he’s proven that he might be of help to you, you might as let him stay. from what you’ve gathered, he didn’t have any stuff on him aside from his phone that you watch him get out of his front pocket, getting ready to play pacman
forget how attractive he is, this guy has some brains.
for the rest of the day, as you guys sat across from each other, wonwoo would occasionally bounce back and forth between giving you study tips and playing whatever game he decides to play at that moment in time
he was surprisingly really good at this? he knew more things about the subject than your professors did, and that’s saying a lot. like you’ve been looking at cells for WEEKS and you were lucky to get at least half of them. which begs the question:
“how do you magically know all this?”
the blank expression on his face tells you he wasn’t expecting that question but he quickly shrugs it off. “i just know a few things from my parents that’s all”
you would have questioned him further but the time on your phone read “22:57” and you already broke your number rule about sleeping early before a big test
as you pack up all your stuff, wonwoo pushes his chair in, bidding you farewell
“good luck on your test tomorrow!”
you appreciate the gesture, mentally thanking him for his help and proceed to go back to your dorms, preparing yourself to tell your roommate all about the exciting? day you had
laying flat on your back on your bed, you cover the bottom half of your face, quivering under your sheets as you stare at your roommate’s outrageous outburst
you explain what happened and who you met today at the library. when your roommate asked to describe him in more detail, all you said was that he was pretty smart for someone who wasn’t particularly in your major
your roommate lets out a loud scream into their pillow, gripping the bed sheets before giving you the earful of the century
“he’s just being modest. he’s a korean lit major but he’s one of the uni’s top students since both his parents are the head of the science department.
…AND he’s one of the most requested host club members. so you caught yourself one big fish today bud.”
top student? science department? HOST CLUB? none of that was processing in your brain. the one club that you wanted nothing to do with and you just happened to meet their top money maker
the thought didn’t keep you up at night only because you thought that today’s encounter was just coincidence and you probably would never have to see him again.
(sad though, your roommate was right. he is rather good looking.)
the time that it took for you to take your test the next day flew by so fast that you questioned if it even happened. the first step you took out the classroom, you start to second guess all your answers, regretting that you didn’t check a third or even fourth time before submitting
your train of thought halts when you see jeon wonwoo standing in the empty hallway
“i’m sure you aced it”
and just like in a netflix original romance movie, he reveals a bouquet of pink begonias from behind his back while shyly adjusting his glasses
“these are for you. to congratulate you”
weird way to phrase it but you were still gonna take the flowers. “host club tendencies?”
“so you found out?”
from a distance, you can hear the rushing footsteps from downstairs followed by a sense of purpose. “i think i was bound to” :/
you didn’t know how you felt about the current situation. you had no idea what host club was until you got here and you still don’t know what they even do. for all you knew, this could just be a gesture to get them more clients
but if his actions were genuine… you wouldn’t mind seeing him again
“i have to start learning muscles for our next exam. heard it was one of the hardest ones. i’m not sure if you have more studying tricks up your sleeve?”
“i might.” a cocking little grin now appearing on his face
“good. same place at the library tomorrow then. and this time? try not to bring your dedicated fans wherever you go”
so these study sessions continued. you guys occasionally had to change spots - from cafe to an empty bio lab - if the mob ever saw a single hair follicle that might be his
but each time, wonwoo brought something more just himself. one day it would be coffee, others days it would be food. things to keep you motivated.
for a korean lit major, he was taking a lot of time out of his day to help you, being attentive to all the strategies that help you study and such
possibly making your assumption from months back, true.
by the time finals rolled around, aside from the spursts of review here and there, study sessions became more casual. you didn’t feel the need to overwork our brain since you already knew all the information (something you actually learned from wonwoo himself)
possibly the last meeting you’d have with him was similar to your first: just you two together but him playing on his phone. and yet before the night ended
“i have a proposal.”
“i’m not giving you money for your dumb club.” bold of him to assume you would-
“no but i really appreciate the thought :)
why don’t we turn these study sessions into… study dates instead?”
your assumption after 6 months later: finally confirmed
“but that’s only IF you ace your finals.”
well let’s just say at the very end, you had a successful first semester and are now one step closer towards being the surgeon of your dreams.
plus, you even landed yourself a pretty cool boyfriend in the process
let’s hope his parents put in a good word for you when you apply to med school!
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gaymershigh · 4 years
I finally found a blog for male readers, thank you so much! Could I please request hcs for deuce, ace, and octavinelle trio with an mc who likes to give them piggyback rides? Like man just likes carrying them around. Thank you!
No problem, annonie! This fandom doesn't really welcome male readers that much despite they're so many guys and male OCs in here! I did this in like 2 am and only posted now so please forgive the low qualityness of this fanfic-
Triggers: none!
Deuce, Ace, Azul, Jade and Floyd with a male s/o who likes to give them piggyback rides
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Oh no.
He's very embarrassed.
He's supposed to be the one giving you piggyback rides, not vice versa! Doesn't mean he hates it though.
If anything, he loves it. He's just too shy to admit it.
Public or private, he will be a blushing stuttering mess.
The first time you done it, you two were on your way to the Ramshackle dorm after shopping for dinner. You felt bad for making him hold your things and decided to surprise him with giving him a piggyback ride to thank him for carrying your groceries.
So you decided to do so, which lead to Deuce screaming like a pterodactyl.
But of course, doing it publicly is way worse. Ace will always make fun of him everytime you pick him up and place him on his shoulders with Epel sometimes recording you two.
Everytime you put him on your back, he will be so stiff, you'll probably think he's a mannequin if it wasn't for his heart beating like it's an earthquake.
He'll hug your upper torso and bury his face on the crook of your neck, his soft breathing tickling your neck.
Well, that's if you carry him on your back but if it's on your shoulder...
He's gone, his soul has left his body. You can consider him dead now.
The feeling of his thighs wrapped around your head feels kinda wrong for him but for you? Probably heaven.
The more you do it, the more he loves it. He might be ok with you doing this publicly! That will take a long time though, probably a year or two.
If someone makes fun of any of you when you carry him, they're dead meat.
He will try to give you a piggyback ride in return but if you're above 190cm then you might accidentally crush him.
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He hates it, no doubt. Not only the fact you do this in front of his mates, you do this anywhere, anytime with no warning.
You might take this too far and do this in front of his brother! He's not gonna hear the end of it.
This is going to be new reason why Grim and Ace fights to the death now, Grim kept making fun of him because he doesn't really repent that much about your intimate actions.
To be honest, he won't care about this if this happens in private, he genuinely enjoys and unlike Deuce, he actually tells you he's nice.
That's a big mistake, you think he's now comfortable doing this in public. That assumption didn't last long when you placed on your back and he started screaming utter nonsense.
He likes wrapping his hands around you and placing kisses around your neck if he has the chance, you saw him embarrassed so it's fair if he sees you blushing too, right?
This moron is a huge tease. He might whispers 'god-upsetting' things in your ears and he'll just laugh at you when you get startled.
However, he doesn't mind you giving him piggyback rides if he's tired or in a lazy mood. Maybe you can give him a piggyback ride while running away from trouble maybe?
He prefers it if you place him on top of your shoulders, he likes the tall view and he can give you some head pats to tell you how a good boy you are to him!
If you're the type of guy that everyone loves, he'll LOVE getting piggyback rides even more!
The feeling of pissing off everyone nearby and dating someone do loved makes him feel so powerful, don't even start about the bragging part.
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He seems to be ok with you doing this privately. Yes, he panicked the first time you carried on your back but as time passes by, he handles it in a great way.
Until the first time you picked him up in public.
It was the end of the beans day event and you were on your way to Octavinelle with your very tired boyfriend. He looked very tired so you offered to give him a light back ride, he said yes unconsciously.
So when you do so, he snapped back in reality, he's yelling and wiggling himself to get out of this embarrassing position.
Unfortunately, the twins saw what had happened and he was teased nonstop.
For the sake of your boyfriend's sanity, please don't give him piggyback rides in public. Yes, he wished you two can do it together publicly like lovey-dovey boyfriends but he has a reputation and a professional role to keep.
He has no hesitation to nag at you to stop. If it means his reputation will not be tarnished, he will do it. Don't worry, he'll apologize later.
He's a workaholic and he'll usually ignore your words when it's about his sleeping schedule so do you know what'll make him go to bed?
That's right, piggyback carry him to the bed, he'll repent for a bit but if you wrapped your arms under the blankets then he'll stay silent and go along.
He loves back and shoulder rides equally, he just loves the feeling of being close with you.
Unlike the previous two, he will never accept public affection in general. You might need to travel to a parallel universe just to see a super affectionate Azul.
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Aren't you a brave one? If you two weren't dating he would've snapped your neck.
He's not embarrassed at all, more like shock that'll quickly change to amusement.
He's rather curious at to why you like to do this little gesture. The creatures in the sea never done anything affectionate like the humans do. It's so entertaining to him.
This all started with you keeping him company while the two of you climb a mountain for the club activity. He was a little bit tired and you're still full of energy, so you had an idea to give him a free ride from you.
He quietly gasped as you suddenly brought him to your back and continued back walking like nothing happened. Surprisingly, he didn't seem to asked you to stop probably because there's nobody around.
He warned you to never do this in public since he has a reputation to take care of just like his dorm leader.
He sometimes take this to an advantage of this little habit of yours by making you walk as he wrap his beautiful long arms around you and looking at ground, mushroom hunting.
You probably love shoulder piggyback rides when it's with him. His thick thighs wrapped around your head while he lovingly gazes at you is a godtier experience that will never be forgotten.
One time your friends caught you giving Jade a ride in the forest and their reaction is either shock, confusion or unnerved, this is a blursed sight.
With his tall figure, he'll probably do the same thing to you as well since you definitely deserve it.
He'll let you have your fun for now as long as you don't break his one and only rule, or else you'll face the punishment.
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Unlike the others, he immediately loves this gesture, it's so affectionate and fun, he wished this also happens in his homeland, it's paradise for Floyd!
Please pay respects to Riddle, this is more hell to him ever since Floyd found out about piggyback rides.
Just like his twin, he wonders why you like this so much but he doesn't blame since he loves it just as you!
All of this chaos happened when you see your boyfriend in his mood swings, napping on the usual bench at the courtyard. Not only his emotions mode is bad but he might get caught by Sir Crewel and that will make his emotions even worse.
You kept waking him up to tell him to at least sleep in his dorm or yours but he doesn't even budge. You had no choice but to carry him behind your back. What you didn't expect was for him to be fully awake, asking you excitedly what are you doing.
When you explained what a piggyback ride is, he's all for it. He wants you to carry him 24/7.
He couldn't care less about what other people say. If it's fun, he'll do it.
He's actually the only person in this list that actually supports and persistently asks you for piggyback rides.
The school is like hellfire now. Everyday, students have to witness you and your boyfriend behind your back, running around the halls with Jade trying to stop you two.
He also loves shoulder rides! The fact that he still feels tall without the need to stand is definitely a huge yes for him.
No doubt, giving you a ride is a must for him. You can have a nice view and him running while you're either behind or on top of him is a rollercoaster nonetheless.
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This is the most disappointing fic for me, doing this in a not so good state is a terrible idea.
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laurae-colores · 4 years
A kandriel hc because yes.
Kevin is a nerd. Yes, a history nerd, but still. He loves studying history but sometimes combining his school work with exy and life is so, so difficult. But he really cares about his school results and so every moment of the day not revolving around exy ends up revolving about studying whenever there's a test coming up. And every single time, he drains himself.
That's until that one afternoon when Andrew and Neil come back from their lessons and Kevin is at his desk, a dozen books open around him and the boy so absorbed he doesn't even hear the two coming in.
"Kevin," Andrew calls him.
He doesn't answer.
Andrew tries again, but obtains nothing. Neil walks beside him and Kevin almost jumps when Neil shakes him lightly by the shoulder.
"Oh, it's you two. Welcome back..." He says before instantly focusing his attention back to his homework.
"Kevin." Andrew has a much more serius voice this time, and Kevin lifts his head with a sigh.
"What? Listen, I have a lot of work to do so if it isn't anything important I-"
"Oh, it's actually pretty much important, indeed."
Kevin furrows. "Yeah?"
Neil nods. "Very." He's still caressing Kevin's shoulder in a soothing motion, and Kevin leans on him without even realizing.
Andrew is standing next to them, his arms crossed. "You are exhausted, and that's very much important."
Kevin huffs. "Listen, I just can't-"
"Hush. Your eyebags are disgusting and your pale complexion sucks."
"Kevin," says Neil, "when's the last time you ate something? And when did you sleep last?"
"It was- I-" he rubs his eyes with the palms of his hands. Then, he sighs deeply. "I don't know."
Andrew steps a bit closer, slightly taller than Kevin now that he is sitting. The small difference is enough for Andrew's imposing presence to be towering on him, though. "Go to sleep. Now."
"Andrew I can't. The test is tomorrow, I can't."
"Then sleep a hour or two. Then you can come back studying. It will be useless, going on studying, if you're such a mess."
"No buts. Go. Now."
Kevin gives up complaining but still sighs and pouts when standing up. Andrew follows him, making sure he's actually going to bed. Neil makes a quick sandwitch and brings it to the bed. "Here, eat this before you sleep."
Andrew leans againts the doorframe, his arms once again crossed. "Kevin?"
"You're an idiot."
When Kevin wakes up, his first thought is that he feels better than he has in a while. Then he sees the clock, and his second thought is that he's doomed.
He storms into the main room. "Five hours! You let me sleep five hours!"
Andrew and Neil seem unimpressed. Neil is scribbling something at his desk and Andrew is sitting on his bean bag, eyes on the open book on his legs. He barely looks at him before coming back to the book. "Yeah. So?"
"So?! Are you fucking kidding me? And you, Neil? I am fucking ruined now and it is all your falt and you don't even fucking seem to care?!"
Andrew finally closes the book and gives him his attention. "We know you, Kevin. I know you've already studied everything. You're a damned nerd, for god's sake. Now come here."
Kevin hesitates. He's furious.
He does go, but only because he's actually thinking about spitting the fucker in the eyes.
But when he's close enough, he notices the now closed book on Andrew's legs. "What are you doing?"
"That's my history book, Andrew."
"Perceptive. Now, what are you waiting for? Repeat everything you know to me."
It clicks. Andrew has spent the last five hours reading everything Kevin needs to know for the test. He and his fucking eidetic memory.
And so, they spend the night like this: Kevin talking about medieval Europe and Andrew listening, and occasionaly adding something.
It's 1am when they are finally done. "Can we just repeat that one part one more time?"
"No Kevin, you know it. Now we'll all go to sleep and tomorrow you'll be in the right state of mind and will do your best. Clear?"
A hand strokes his hair and Kevin turns his head around. Neil is behind him, a faint smile and a dish full of sandwitches in a hand.
"You're still awake?"
"I was waiting for you. Now, let's eat something and go to bed."
Kevin usually cannot sleep the night before a test, but now Neil is hugging him, his forhead resting on his chest, and Andrew is hugging him from behind. He falls asleep almost immediatly.
The times after this has happened, Andrew always helps him and Neil takes care of him as he can. He never ends up exhausting himself like this anymore.
P.s. he aces the test anyway.
P.p.s. in the long run Andrew accidentally becomes a history nerd too and randomly corrects people when they say something historically inaccurate. People are always so perplexed?? He has way too much fun but he'll never admit it. Kevin finds it hot.
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dccomicsimagines · 4 years
Mirror Image - Young Justice Imagine
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Requested by Anon -  Can you write where the reader is the male twin of Artemis; who looks just like Sportsmaster, and is planning to dye his hair while thinking negatively to himself because of the unconscious reactions that his mom and sisters give him? And what their reactions would be when they find out?
You sighed, unlocking the door to the apartment. It was late, probably around ten o’clock. You had to meet with a group from school to work on a project. Gotham Academy was all about group work. It made you miss your old school. You were still wondering how you and your twin, Artemis, got scholarships. It was suspicious.
“Who is it?” Paula, your mother, asked. She rolled out into the hallway. Her smile dropped when she saw you. You saw her eyes flash dangerously.
“Mom, it’s me.” A wave of exhaustion washed over you. 
“Oh, sorry con trai.” Paula relaxed. Your heart lifted slightly at the nickname. Her smile returned. “How was your project? Did you get your work done?” 
You kissed her cheek as you went to the kitchen. “Good. We’ll ace the project for sure.” Getting a drink from the fridge, you cursed your genes again. Why couldn’t you have looked more like your mother? You hated that your appearance always made her think of your father first. 
“Artemis is in her room. Will you make sure her homework is done?” Paula watched as you quickly finished your drink. 
“Yeah, sure.” You placed your cup in the sink and left to Artemis’ room. The door was shut with soft music playing inside. You bit your lip before timidly knocking on the door. 
“Mom! I said I’m working on it!” The door opened. Artemis gasped. “Dad.” Suddenly, her fist went flying toward your face, but you ducked just in time. 
You caught her fist. “It’s me, but thanks for that.” Your heart sank. “Mom wanted me to make sure you have your homework done.” 
Artemis yanked her fist out of your grasp. “Sorry, you just look so much like him since you got your last growth spurt.” She crossed her arms, blushing in embarrassment. “I’m working on it.”
“Do you want help?” You found yourself asking her, despite the urge to go lock yourself in your room. 
She made a face that reminded you of the time where she almost stabbed you in the eye with one of her arrows. It was caused by a fight that your father instigated between the two of you. Now you really wanted to run. “I got it.” 
“Fine. Night.” You hurried away and escaped to your room. Locking your door, you sighed, leaning against it. The mirror on your wall glowed from the streetlight drifting in through the window. You glared at it. It shined back your reflection and even you almost thought you were your father for a brief second. You pulled off your shoe and tossed it at the mirror. It shattered, sending glass everywhere.
“(Y/N), what was that?!” your mom asked, her voice coming down the hall. 
“Nothing, Mom. My mirror just fell off the wall,” you said through the door.
Paula knocked on your door. “Are you alright?”
You debated opening the door, but then you thought about how her eyes would narrow as she would first see your father instead of you. “Yeah, don’t worry about me.” 
“Okay.” Paula sounded hurt. You heard her roll back down the hall. 
“I can never win.” You whispered, closing your eyes tiredly.
You adjusted your mask. “Remember we’re not related. Green Arrow just happens to be our mentor. That’s how we know each other,” Artemis said sternly. 
“Yes, you tell me everyday.” You sighed. Artemis relaxed and led you to old phone booth zeta tube in an Gotham alleyway. “And keep my mask on.” 
Artemis turned to look at you. There was the flash of pure resentment before it faded. Even with the mask on, you still looked very much like your father. “You look way too much like Dad.” 
“I get reminded every day.” You nodded for her to go in first. She bit her lip. Guilt flared in her eyes. It made you only feel slightly satisfied. She went inside. The computer spoke and she disappeared in the gold light. 
You entered the zeta tube. The computer’s voice echoed as you closed your eyes at the bright light. You started walking forward to find yourself suddenly walking into the cave. 
“Woah, did you and (Y/H/N) come together today?” Kid Flash aka Wally teased at Artemis. He made kissing noises. You shook your head, smiling when Artemis flipped him off. Wally laughed before zooming off to somewhere. The scent of freshly made cookies floated in the air. 
M’gann flew into the room with a plate of cookies in her hand. “I tried this brookie recipe.” She stopped by you. “Want one, (Y/N)? It’s half cookie half brownie.” 
“Sure, thanks.” You took one and bit into it. It was still warm, melting into your mouth. “This is great, M’gann.” 
She blushed. “You’re welcome.” She flew away. You watched her go to Artemis and offer her a cookie. Finishing off the cookie, you headed to the training room. Conner was inside, lifting weights.
“Hey Conner.” You joined him. He grunted in response. “You want me to add another weight to that? Looks too easy for you.” 
“I’m fine. Everything is fine.” Conner gave you a look that made you glad he didn’t have heat vision.
“You okay?” You raised an eyebrow at him. “Because you don’t sound fine.” 
“Are you okay?!” Conner dropped the weight. It crashed to the floor with a loud echoing boom. “I said I’m fine.” 
You flinched, frowning. “I get it. I’ll leave you alone.” You turned toward the door. Your stomach twisted uncomfortably. 
Conner sighed. “Sorry.” He cleared his throat, picking up the weight to put it away. “I...I went to see Superman. He still won’t talk to me.” You turned back to him, surprised.
“What an asshole.” You smiled, sitting down on the bench. Conner kept his back to you. 
“Yeah, I guess he is,” Conner chuckled. You watched the tension drain out of his shoulders. “It’s just hard. I was always meant to replace Superman if he should fall. It never occurred to me that he wouldn’t want to meet me.” Conner frowned, crossing his arms. “I can’t get away from it. I get reminded every time I look in the mirror.” 
You nodded. “I get it.” Conner looked at you curiously. “I look a lot like my dad to the point everyone in my family thinks I’m him for a second before they see me.” You realized Artemis would kill you for mentioning your family, but you figured it was safe as long as you didn’t mention your family was also Artemis’.
“Most people would be happy to look like their father.” Conner sat down next to you. You gave him a sad smile.
“My father is not a good man.” You swallowed hard. 
Conner snorted. You both fell silent for a long time. A weight left your chest for a time, knowing you were with someone who first saw you for yourself. However, reality came crashing back as Batman’s voice called everyone to the mission room.  Conner got up to leave first, but stopped and looked back at you. “Thank you, (Y/N).” 
“You’re welcome.” You followed him, getting a rare genuine smile from Conner. 
“What are you doing here?” Cheshire hissed in your face as she sat on your chest with her knees on your arms to hold you down. “I told you I don’t need your help.” 
“Jade, it’s me, (Y/N).” You groaned. Jade had grown since the last time she tackled you way back before she ran away from home. You had grown too, but she was still making it hard for you to breathe. 
She relaxed and climbed off you. “Sorry. You just look so much like our father.” 
“Right.” You coughed, sitting up. The mission had gone haywire, and you got separated from everyone else. You were just about to get your bearings when Jade jumped you. “How are you, sis?” 
Jade snorted, taking her mask off. She offered you a hand. You eyed it before taking it and getting to your feet. “You joined the Justice League group with Artemis, didn’t you?” 
“Yeah, and you joined the League of Assassins.” You shook your head, rubbing your sore back. She hit you hard. “I can’t believe you work with Dad.” 
“Shut up. It’s the job.” Jade crossed her arms, raising an eyebrow. “Does your group know who our family is? Artemis desperately doesn’t want them to know. She let me go last time we met to prevent me from spilling the beans.” 
“No.” You glanced around, taking in the surroundings. “They think we only know each other because of Green Arrow.” You frowned. “What are you doing here?” 
Jade just smirked before putting her mask back on. “Wouldn’t you like to know?” She patted your shoulder. “It was nice to see you, little brother.” She threw down a smoke bomb and disappeared. You coughed, the smoke going straight into your lungs. “You should change your face. They’re going to find out if you keep looking so much like our father.” Her voice echoed in the room.
You caught your breath. “Where did you...” Suddenly, something hit you hard on the back of the head and everything went black.
A bright light blinded you as you opened your eyes. Your head throbbed like it was being run over by a semi truck. “He’s awake,” Batman said as a black form appeared in your vision. The soft surface you laid on shifted.
“Oh, thank god.” Suddenly, you felt arms wrap around you. From the voice, you guess Artemis was hugging you. “Don’t you ever do something like that again.” She smacked your arm.
“Ouch.” You moaned, blinking as the room came into focus. You sat up. The clean white walls of the cave’s med bay surrounded you. It made you want to puke. “Don’t hit me.” 
Suddenly, a bright light shined into your eye. You jumped, but a heavy hand rested on your shoulder. “I’m checking your pupils.” Batman turned off the light and slowly you were able to see again. “They’re dilating normally, but I suspect you have a concussion at least.” 
Artemis held you tighter and you felt sicker. “Is there a garbage can?” You swallowed hard, a metallic taste forming in your mouth. Artemis jumped away from you and stuck a bucket in your face just in time. 
You felt Batman rubbing your back as you gagged. Artemis went to the door. The rest of the team’s voices floated in, but Artemis wouldn’t let them in. It was at this point you realized your mask was off. Your heart sank.
Once you were done, Batman took the bucket away and handed you a glass of water. “What happened?” he asked.
You sipped the water, glancing toward Artemis. Batman followed your gaze. “Artemis, go call Green Arrow,” he said pointedly. She blinked in surprise before stepping out of the room. Once the door was shut, Batman turned back to you.
“I got separated from the others.” You sipped more water as your mouth dried out. “And Cheshire jumped me.”
Batman stared at you. You hated that you couldn’t see his eyes. His mouth was a firm line. “Your sister?” 
You swallowed hard, glancing at the door in case Artemis came in. “Yeah, she thought I was my dad, but then she relaxed when she saw it was me. We talked a little, then she disappeared with a smoke bomb and I got hit in the head.” You touched the back of your head, wincing at the lump there.
He frowned. “What did you tell her?” 
“Nothing.” You shook your head only to have the pain in your head intensify. “Ouch.” 
“Take it easy.” Batman examined the lump on the back of your head. 
“She asked if I was on the Team with Artemis and I said yes. I asked if she was with the League of Assassins and she said yes. That was it, I didn’t betray the Team.” Your eyes widened, chest tightened.
“I know you wouldn’t. Calm down.” Batman pushed you to lay down again, moving your head so you didn’t lay on the lump. “We’re going to have to do a few scans to make sure you didn’t crack your skull. Your mother has already been called and is up to date on the situation.” 
You sighed. “Damn it. I don’t want to worry her.” You closed your eyes, suddenly very tired.
“Rest now.” Batman patted your arm. You tried to relax, but a nagging memory of your father popped into your head. He laughed, saying you were very much his son, pride radiating from him. You didn’t remember when that happened.
“How long did it take everyone to find me?” you whispered, eyes still closed. Batman was still nearby, washing out the bucket. 
“Twenty minutes. Why?” Batman came back to your side. You heard him set the bucket on the bedside table. 
“Was I alone?” A long silence followed and you knew your answer. “Sportsmaster was with me, wasn’t he?” 
Batman cleared his throat. You opened your eyes to look at him. “He was, but he ran off when Superboy attacked him. The rest of the team didn’t see him.” 
You sighed. “Great. Just great.” You closed your eyes, hating your face once more.
Artemis glared at you from the doorway of your bedroom. At least you knew the hatred in her eyes was for you alone this time. “I can’t believe Superboy saw you with your mask off and next to Dad.” 
“I was unconscious, Artie. What did you want me to do?” You shifted on your bed, staring up at the ceiling that was way too familiar for comfort. A week of bedrest was way too long. 
“Wally was asking me why you look so much like Sportmaster,” Artemis exploded, throwing her arms in the air. “I told him I don’t know, because I don’t know you!” 
You flinched. Her words stabbed at your heart.  “It’s okay. I can explain it when I finally get off bedrest.” 
“Robin’s been snooping around too!” Artemis kicked a shoe on your floor. It slammed against the broken mirror that you had placed on the wall again. The mirror crashed to the floor, breaking the rest of the glass. 
“Artemis!” Paula rolled down the hall with fire in her eyes. “Leave your brother alone. He needs his rest.” She saw the broken mirror. “Clean this up now!” 
Your sister stormed off. “It’s fine, Mom,” you said. Paula came to your bedside and rested her hand on your forehead. “Mom, I have a concussion, not a fever.” 
“I know.” She frowned. “I don’t like that your father hit you.” 
“We don’t know if he did.” You bit your lip, looking away from her. Out of the corner of your eye, you saw her eyes flash. She wasn’t seeing you again. Exhaustion washed over you, deep into your bones. “I’m tired.” 
“Yes, rest.” Paula left the room. Artemis came in and cleaned up the glass. You pretended to be asleep. Your heart burned with the determination to take Jade’s advice and change your face. 
You stared at the box of hair dye as you stood in the boys’ locker room at the cave. It took you a long time at the drug store to get up the courage to buy it, and now you had to work up the nerve to use it. 
Today was your first day of freedom after the week on bedrest. The lump on your head disappeared, but you still felt a dull ache once and a while. However, you promised yourself that you would change your appearance today. The cave seemed the safest place to do that. No one was here at the moment.
Taking a deep breath, you opened the box and read the instructions. It was complicated, but you took out the different bottles. You took off your shirt. 
“What are you doing?” Conner’s voice sounded from behind you.
You screamed, dropping one of the dye bottles into the sink. Luckily, you didn’t open it yet. 
Conner snorted, raising an eyebrow. “Seriously? I scared you?” 
“I didn’t think anyone was around.” You lined the bottles up. Blood rushed to your face, unable to look at Conner. He came over and picked up the dye box. You waited for him to say something.
“You’re going to have to do your eyebrows too or it will look strange,” Conner said, picking up the instructions. 
You looked at him with wide eyes. “So you’re not going to talk me out of it?” 
“Why?” Conner blinked. “It’s not like we’re doing plastic surgery or something. Hair color isn’t that big of a deal. M’gann does it all the time.” 
“M’gann’s a shapeshifter.” You bit your lip. Nerves made you jumpy.
Conner grunted, shrugging his shoulders. He set the instructions down and picked up the first bottle. You smiled, glad to have the help.
“I’m home,” you called as you entered the apartment. You had a skip in your step. Your hair a new, shockingly different color. Thanks to Conner, the dye job turned out better than you hoped. 
“Con trai?” Paula came out of the kitchen with a plate in hand. Upon seeing you, the plate dropped to the floor. “What did you do to your hair?” 
“What? I like it.” You smiled when the look of anger and disappointment didn’t come over her. She was finally seeing you first. You could have danced from joy. 
A deep frown came to Paula’s lips. Your joy faltered. “Wash it out of your hair now.” She pointed to the bathroom.
“It’s not going to work, Mom. I’ve already washed my hair and it’s here to stay.” You shrugged, hiding your pain behind indifference. 
Artemis appeared in the doorway. “What the hell, (Y/N)?” Her eyes almost popped out of her head at your hair.
You smiled, happy when she saw you for you. It was working. “What? It’s my hair. I can do what I like.”  You looked at Artemis. Her jaw was on the floor. “Now you don’t have to worry about everyone thinking I look like Dad, huh?” 
“Is that why you did this?” Paula asked, taking your hand. “(Y/N), I’m proud that you look so much like your father. He was...is a handsome man.” 
You wondered if she was sane. A bitter laugh escaped you as you pulled your hand away from Paula’s. “Seriously?” You looked at Artemis who was scowling. “Both of you never see me first. It’s always Dad. Don’t think I don’t see it.” You snapped at Paula before she could speak. The hurt look on her face made you hesitate, but your pain kept you going. “It’s always this flash of anger and hate before you finally realize it’s me. I’m sick of it.” You spun away to your bedroom, but Artemis grabbed your arm.
“That’s not true...” she began, but you jerked your arm out of her grasp.
“You know it is.” You narrowed your eyes dangerously at her. “Come on, weren’t you just yelling at me the other day for having my mask off and making the team wonder why I look like Sportsmaster?” Her eyes dropped. “Yeah, can’t say anything, can you?” Your voice was colder than you ever heard it be before. 
Hurrying to your bedroom, you slammed the door and locked it. Your cheeks were wet with what you thought might be tears, but you told yourself it wasn’t. You didn’t care, yet your cheeks stayed wet for a long time.
“(Y/N), I have dinner,” Artemis whispered through your bedroom door. “It’s your favorite.” Your stomach rumbled at the thought, but you stayed lying on your bed. 
“Go away.” You turned on your side to face away from your door. 
Artemis sighed loud enough for you to hear. Little scratching sounds came from the door before it opened. “You’re going to eat. I don’t care.” Artemis came in. You turned to find Paula’s credit card in her hand. She used that to open the lock, a trick Jade had taught you both.
You narrowed your eyes at her. She glowered back at you. “I’m not hungry, Artie.” You laid back down and turned away from her. 
“Look, I’m sorry.” She set the tray of food down on your bedside table. The smell made your stomach growl loudly. “I’m sorry I made you feel like I was ashamed of you because you were unlucky enough to look exactly like Dad.” 
You turned and took the food, unable to stop yourself. “Whatever,” you mumbled between bites. 
“Don’t whatever me. I’m trying to make amends.” She crossed her arms. “And I like your new hair by the way. I mean I was shocked at first, but you do look good.” 
Raising an eyebrow, you eyed her as you took a bite of food. “You really think so?” 
“Yeah.” She pursed her lips. “You should talk to Mom. She’s hurt, and she cleaning the kitchen to the point where nothing will be left if we don’t stop her.” 
“Can I finish eating first?” You laughed, happier than you had been in a long time. 
Artemis giggled, plopping down beside you and stealing some of your food. “You’re always thinking about food.”
“I’m always thinking about food? You just stole some.” You nudged Artemis, making her laugh. Suddenly, you felt she was your sister again and for the first time in a long time, you were comfortable in your own skin.
349 notes · View notes
jasper-tarot-reader · 2 years
Hello, Jasper!
I hope you're doing well. It's been a long time since my recent question for tarot.
You know I try to find my occupation now. I'm unsatisfied because I still don't know if I should do what my parents say or I shouldn't. I'm talking about career choice, of course.
I thank you for the career reading you already gave me but now I need another piece of advice about it from tarot.
You also know that I'm into astrology. It's my hobby (and a tool to communicate with people better) for a several years. By the way, I'm not going to be a professional astrologist. Okay, let's get back to the topic... I find my own natal chart pretty interesting because there are a lot of connections with the 5th house (just in case, I will say that this house is responsible for art, entertainment, children, parties etc.). So I assumed that I could self-actualize in the field of art.
Art is my life, actually. I was thinking about getting a creative profession but I'm afraid I won't be able to make money there. I'm the only child of my parents (and only grandchild also). That's why I'm obligated to provide my family with a good and comfortable life in the future. I wouldn't be afraid to make mistakes if I was only responsible for myself. One day I'll write something positive about my life but it's not now. Also... I love art! But I love so many different, sometimes unrelated things. It's dancing, writing poetry and novels, painting, playing piano, singing, stage playing etc. It's hard to choose only one or two activities to work in. It feels like a large accumulation of energy that desperately breaks through all the cracks... But there are so many restrictions that I have set myself and that do not allow this energy to release. I'm scared how many troubles are in my head. Okay, the preface is over.
So, my questions are, will I be successful if I work in a creative profession? And if so, what creative profession(s) do(es) fit me best? (I'm sorry there are two questions. You can separate them and answer only one, of course)
That's all. You know I always highly appreciate your work. Thank you so much for being respectful and understanding to me. I hope you have a nice day!
Wishing you only the best,
Lilou 💛
Hello Lilou!!! Welcome back, it's always good to see you, even if the circumstances of our interactions aren't always in the best of spirits.
In light of these questions, I have selected Storyteller for this reading.
Question 1: Would Lilou be successful working in a creative profession? Answer 1: Ace of Coins [Pentacles] upright
This card depicts the English fairy tale of Jack and the Beanstalk - it represents new beginnings, financial opportunities, and prosperity. The origin of this gift may be unexpected (like magical beans) but through nourishment and support, the benefits could be miraculous. It's time to make dreams a reality.
This is a good sign, but don't be fooled - it will take monumentous work. You'll have to really buckle down and work to get ahead, but if you choose to pursue a creative profession, you may find that it suits you very well.
Question 2: What creative professions may fit Lilou best? Answer 2: Page of Coins [Pentacles] upright
This card depicts Beaivi, the Sami sun and sanity deity. It welcomes the new beginning of spring and summer, a fresh start, and the end of darkness, while also representing hope, setting up solid foundations, and mental wellness. This is a person who is grounded and anticipates the bright future.
This card turns the question back around on you - what do YOU want? It warns you that it will take a while for things to bloom, so maybe having creative arts as your only income wouldn't be good to start with, but look in yourself and figure out what you enjoy enough that you'd be willing to do it over and over.
I hope that this reading helped in some way, Lilou! Feel free to DM me here on Tumblr (though I warn you that it pains me to use Tumblr's DM feature) or on Discord at JasperEspurrWitch#6396 if you want to discuss this reading in-depth.
As usual, leave feedback as another ask that I can publish publicly and tell me what parts felt right, if anything felt off, stuff like that. Until you do, you will be added to my greylist. Please reblog my reading guidelines!
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h0neyjaehyun · 4 years
𝐑𝐞𝐥𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐩 𝐰/ 𝐍𝐜𝐭 127
Back to Talia’s masterlist~
☁︎ 𝐓𝐚𝐞𝐢𝐥 ☁︎
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They are really playful with each other; he likes to make her laugh and vice versa. He likes to cheer her up in tough times since she is really busy. Likes to take care of her in the distance since there are a lot of other members that take care of her and doesn’t want to overwhelm her.
She thinks of him as an uncle, and he thinks of her as his adorable niece. Let’s her do anything to do anything to him like pull him, hug him, cuddle him, but sometimes that’s rare since she doesn’t usually insinuate affection. She would literally introduce her first boyfriend to him first out of all if nct, unless a member finds out before hand and has said it.
She loves his vocals, and honestly wants him to sing to her when she can’t sleep. Adores his smile and tries to make him smile more. She likes to be around him when she feels overwhelmed or wants to just wants to feel his presence. His presence feels comfortable. He helps her with homework and teach her some stuff since he was about to go to a pretty good collage have you seen his iq...its high.
He is always fond of Talia and doesn't mind her taking care of him instead, like most members he likes the attention he gets from her. Since Talia aura is more of a welcome home kind of aura.
~ First impression ~
𝐓𝐚𝐞𝐢𝐥 // He thought she was pretty and very charming. Heard rumors that she was an Ace even though she was born in the 2000s which was pretty young. Noticed she was quiet and introverted. He thought she was adorable and yet looks and acted mature for her age, seen her around the company here and there.
𝐓𝐚𝐥𝐢𝐚 // Her first thought right off that bat was…short. I’m not lying even though she is short herself there is just something about one the oldest first meeting with being short. She has heard his vocals and his name and how powerful his vocals are, and she wasn’t disappointed. She can tell he is a very calm guy just unbothered since when they met Johnny and Yuta were running around.
☁︎ 𝐉𝐨𝐡𝐧𝐧𝐲 ☁︎
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Not gonna lie he wanted to adopt her since she was so small and young. He was surprised she was an ace because she was so young. He found her interesting and that she was an English speaker and then was surprised when he found out she could speak more languages. He wanted to get to know her as soon as possible since she was quiet, introverted and she was talented when she was doing a freestyle wanted to get her excited hyper side out.
My guy is TALL so compared to her he looks like a bean stock, and she looks like a bean. At first, she was quite intimidated, but he grew on her. He loves to buy her clothes, take her shopping, and out to eat. Reasons were honestly to spoil her but also for her to relieve stress because she is OVERWORKED. Honestly, she doesn’t like shopping that much because she is one indecisive and two when she is with other people she doesn’t like it because they usually take too long. But with Johnny she deals with it because it’s like he is the designer, and she is the model so she doesn't really pick out the clothes.
He HATES I mean HATES it when she has to go on a diet. She skinny enough and forgets to eat in general by herself so there’s really no point. She is only a minor and she needs to grow up strong, she needs to eat. SO, when people body shame her oh if you haven’t seen Johnny mad than he is when people body shame her for having a curvy body. He will throw hands.
He used to walk her to school if it was still dark outside. Then pick her up as well, when he was able with Mark and the others sometimes would accompany them. They would go out and eat and if it’s just the two of them sometimes they will stop at park and walk around.
First Impressions~
𝐉𝐨𝐡𝐧𝐧𝐲 // Honestly, he thought she was a lost foreigner because she has hazel eyes and her lost look. So, he spoke to her in English only and helped her around. He thought she was really cute and adorable like a puppy. Then saw male trainees in awe of her visuals so kind of grown protective even from that one interaction.
𝐓𝐚𝐥𝐢𝐚 // She thought he was really tall and intimidating cause she was really short. But when he was walking with her to her class, she found comfort with him. Since he did speak English with her. She felt comfortable with him. But at some points Johnny was a bit too much for her since she is really introverted.
☁︎ 𝐓𝐚𝐞𝐲𝐨𝐧𝐠 ☁︎
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Just like Johnny, when he first saw her he thought she was so cute and adorable like Johnny thought and wanted to adopt her on the spot. He will always say yes to her because she has this thing she does with her eyes aka the deadly puppy eyes. She will always be a baby to him no matter what but honestly sometimes it’s the other way around. 
She is his hype girl? Well hype man and vice versa they just love to support each other. He loves to see her dance because he can tell how much passion she has in her dance it’s mesmerizing. He likes to show her off as well and they are always partnered at least once in an album cause they as visual king and queen. She calls him Yongie for fun as she doesn’t like calling people oppa.
Tries to check up on her once in a while since she is OVERWORKED and gets worried when she looks happy and energetic but it’s obvious that she is tired. She is always there with him through scandals, and he is with her through scandals. But there was a time where he just seemed like he abandoned her. He regrets it deeply, and honestly hates himself for it for a long time, kinda scarred him a little.
In airports or public places, he loses her a lot while she doesn't lose him. When there are not that many fans or people (rare), Tali likes to wonder off always asking before her manger or member where they were going and leaving them to go get gifts or some type of snack. So whenever Taeyong is doing a head count he always panics, "Where's Talia-" "Not again." But she always comes back in 10 to 20 minutes span of trying to find her coming back with an innocent smile. Can you blame her all she wanted was to go venture alone T~T.
First impression~
𝐓𝐚𝐞𝐲𝐨𝐧𝐠 // he was surprised when she came up to him since she usually doesn’t talk to anyone. He became soft for her right away when she asked for help with the dance. He thought of her as a lost puppy. He helped her and found out she was a really good dancer, he heard her name around since some trainees had a small crush on the girl since she was pretty.
𝐓𝐚𝐥𝐢𝐚 // she found him a bit intimidating and since he was a really good dancer by from what she heard, she asked for his help naturally. She saw how soft of a person he is and quickly became comfortable with him. He is not so mean as he looks or what sometimes rumors say about him.
☁︎ 𝐘𝐮𝐭𝐚 ☁︎
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When he tells you when he loves her….HE LOVES HER. He could communicate with her properly which makes them talk a lot. If Winwin is not around/ probably hiding(jkjk) he goes to Tali and if she is not around, he goes to Mark. When Winwin is overwhelmed, he hides and left Tali to Yuta and Tali makes a metal note to get back at him for not at least warning her, don’t get her wrong she loves Yuta but sometimes he gets too much for her introverted self.
When they are by themselves they usually speak in Japanese or when they are just talking amongst themselves. The first time he found out she spoke Japanese he was so close to suffocating her cause he found her Japanese sounded cute and basically acting SHE IS MINE NOBODY TOUCH HER and Haechan fought for her love with Yuta. Then her Japanese wasn’t wrong at all it’s just her voice goes little higher pitched when she speaks Japanese which he is fond of.
He is one of those unlucky members that can’t say no to her. She is oblivious to how she has him (and the other members) wrapped around her finger. She translated Korean to him during pre-debut days and sometimes interviews. One of the most protective over her, like the parent line. For example, he doesn’t like when other guys outside of SM talk to her. Even though she friends with a lot of people surprisingly, that’s what happens when you’re are friends with and in Blackpink with girls from different companies.
He also likes to spoil her with stuff like notebooks for songs, headphones, paint etc. Which she loves but hates that he is spending money on her. Then his healing smile, whenever she turns to him just to see his smile he notices and flashes it, then she smiles in return satisfied.
First Impressions~
𝐘𝐮𝐭𝐚 // He thought she was a foreigner from America since he is only heard her speak either English or Korean. Didn’t really get close to her until they got partnered up in language class so Tali can teach him Korean. He spoke in a sassy way in Japanese saying, “How the heck can this little girl help me?” But Tali came back with him with a sassy attitude “Helping you speak Korean dimwit.” in Japanese let’s say he was hooked because she spoke Japanese in such a sassy but cute manner.
𝐓𝐚𝐥𝐢𝐚 // She has seen him around Johnny and the other he found his smile comforting. She was excited to help him learn Korean, but his comment made her sad but also petty/upset so she sassed him back in Japanese. She felt proud in a weird way because she was able to stand up for herself. But understood why he doubted her, but luckily they got along well.
☁︎ 𝐃𝐨𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐠 ☁︎
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HE IS WHOLE ASS MOM TO HER. He is overprotective of her since she is the only girl, and out there are some nasty people. SHE IS ONLY A MINOR….well kinda but still. Fights for custody with Taeyong no joke they have little arguments about it. He is in her emergency contact etc same with Johnny.
She loves his smile, loves him and his personality, because she feels cared for when she is with him even with all the nagging that he does she knows that he just does it because he cares. He helps her with her vocals even though he thinks it should be the other way around cause her vocals are amazing. He thinks her eyes are amazing and really pretty. Loves when she speaks Spanish it’s so foreign to them (Nct) it’s sounds really pretty.
No matter what her age is Tali will always be his baby. Adores her even when sometimes she doesn’t let him in. Doesn’t know much about her past like most members but was there when Jaehyun and Johnny ask her about her family but realizes its more than just Tali not liking her family.
He doesn't like it when she wears dresses or skirts to perform some songs like Cherry Bomb with her high kick. He always nags the stylist not to give her skirts..do they listen? No. But does he give up? Nope.
First impression~
𝐃𝐨𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐠 // Thought that she was near Jungwoo’s age. Because she hit puberty a little early, but he was surprised when he found out she was born in the 2000s. Also her voice can go really deep and then really high so you know when she showed her vocals during vocal lessons, he was amazed and shocked that she asked him for help because she thought his vocals were really good. Then and there he claimed her even at the time Taeyong claimed her before though.
𝐓𝐚𝐥𝐢𝐚 // She was amazed by his vocals and asked him to help her with control and prouncation. She has seen him with Taeyong so she went up to him. He kinda smothered her which made her back off a little, he stopped though but did hug her once in a while. But one thing that definitely stood out to her and that was his really pretty smile.
☁︎ 𝐉𝐚𝐞𝐡𝐲𝐮𝐧 ☁︎
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They are best friends, basically prince and his princess. She calls him her Bon Bon which in Spanish (there’s different types) sweetie or marshmallow. They hangout a lot as in the go out to the movies or cafes or sometimes just listen to music in his room, she doesn't say, but Karma says if for her, she judges him for not having covers on his bed but still goes there. She feels protected when she is with him even though sometimes she gets worried for the objects he handles cause this man is so aggressive with inanimate objects. They are always next to each other unless Haechan and Mark are in those spots. He rather not fight but there are some funny arguments in the middle of fan signing of Haechan and Jaehyun bickering to hug Tali.
She loves his skin cause it’s somehow ALWAYS clear and bouncy and his dimples are her weakness. She loves to poke his dimples before they appear and after it makes him and her smile. She loves to play with his hair, and she likes to kiss his cheek. But with Tali sometimes it’s rare. He is surprised when she does high notes, and here and then she speaks English with him and helps him out with English during the trainee days to improve.
He once saw a text message from Tali’s mother, but it was in Spanish he was curious because she has never mentioned her mother before or her family but decided not to mention it yet. He is such a flirt with her sometimes though, he winks, sends kisses, and makes flirty comments. Fans even have a compilation of it too. Talia is either done with him and doesn't react, gets flustered, or the rare occasion flirts back at him which either makes him flustered, or he continues to flirt. She not gonna lie once a fan said he wanted to be a teen dad and she was flabbergasted and laughed, she even said "noted" which made fans go crazy like is she pregnant 👁👄👁.
Since the age gap is not that big if you think about it, so he doesn't like to introduce his 97 liners friends. For example, BamBam is friends with Karma and he always wanted to meet Talia and asked Jaehyun and he said flat out no, same for Jungkook too. He was afraid that they would flirt with her and also if he did his (non-existent) ass (jkjk) would be beat if he introduced Talia to more guys.
First Impressions~
𝐉𝐚𝐞𝐡𝐲𝐮𝐧 // He thought she was pretty and almost the same age as him just a little younger. Thought of she was a foreigner because of her eyes. Was really fond of her too since she was so quiet and sweet. Also maybe had a little crush on her A LITTLE one. Johnny noticed but asked him when they debuted, he said not anymore but he still feels attracted to her.
𝐓𝐚𝐥𝐢𝐚 // She felt shy around Jaehyun mostly because he was pretty handsome. Also, she thought that he was cute she also had a crush on him but not as big as Jaehyun’s because she usually doesn’t let herself crush on people. But she thought and thinks he is attractive. She loves his vocals and his dancing impressed her and helped him with his vocals and confidence in them.
☁︎ 𝐉𝐮𝐧𝐠𝐰𝐨𝐨 ☁︎
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They are shipped as the two puppies. Like Stays ship Seungmin and Tali as puppy couple #1 but then N-citizens fight them saying Jungwoo and Tali is better like a playful fighting nothing serious. They talk to each other in such a soft way fans love it and find it adorable. There’s usually lots of skinship between them because he finds her so soft and adorable. 
Kisses her cheek sometimes or cheek to cheek connection, and she does the same thing and once they almost kissed and the boys got upset and little jealous….(Haechan and Mark ). He is one of the members that can’t say no to her. Treats her like royalty. She likes to cup his face and have a staring contest. Likes to do her hair since it’s really silky.
When he first joined she always gave him attention and helped him through the tough times. When he can’t sleep, he goes to either Mark’s room unless he has a nightmare, he would make the effort to know where Tali is staying the night to go to her. If someone hurts Tali OH this little fluff ball will get MAD.
She would try to visit him on his hiatus, but tour and solo performances would usually get in the way, so she would send voice messages of encouragement. Once he went down on one knee and proposed to her and Jaehyun pushed him got the ring instead, it was an interesting fan sign. But he really just adores and Talia and her attention. Tali would always comfort him no matter what, she hates to see him upset.
First Impressions~
𝐉𝐮𝐧𝐠𝐰𝐨𝐨 // She looked foreign so he was scared that he wouldn’t understand her. But she spoke Korean to him when they first met and he was really happy. She seemed so sweet so he started to squish her cheeks and call her adorable when he gained confidence with her. In that moment he knew he could go to her a in his time of need.
𝐓𝐚𝐥𝐢𝐚 // She thought he was adorable and innocent with his puppy like features. He approached her and said hi and she said hi back. Then they started talking, then he surprised her with cooing over her after a while of getting know her. Honestly, she was kinda overwhelmed but decided to leave it be since she thought he was the type to get hurt if she told him to stop.
☁︎ 𝐌𝐚𝐫𝐤 ☁︎
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The only member he allows to give him affection from since sometimes she won’t because she herself doesn’t like to be smothered but deals with it. Sometimes when he tells her to stop she does and he can see the sadness and hurt in her eyes and regrets and tells her to keep doing what she was doing, or sometimes when he tells her to stop she goes away from him and he will ask in small, “wait why did you leave, no come back please~” and drags her back to cuddle regretting saying that.
She helps him control the dreamies. Mark will help her with her raps from time to time and she will sometimes help with his vocals. They speak English together and produce together. Sometimes they switch in between Korean and English. Tries to make her rest when he notices she is exhausted. She cried during his graduation because she is proud of him.
They got into a big argument and that was one of Mark’s biggest regrets because that kind of made them awkward but Tali forgave him even though he thinks she shouldn’t have. He was touchier towards her after that than he was before, she doesn’t mind but it was new to her, but she didn’t tease him about it, figured it was a something to make him feel closer to her, like closure.
Very comfortable with her he shares his secrets but noticed she doesn’t say anything about her but doesn’t say anything because he doesn't wanna cross the line. He gave her a nickname Flower since for some reason Tali reminds him of a flower. He whines to her a lot even though she is younger as I said something about Talia and her aura of home, he would say something along the lines of "Flower~ Haechan is annoying me again." "Flower help Jeno is crushing me!"
First Impressions~
𝐌𝐚𝐫𝐤 // Thought she was really pretty, was really awkward talking with her. When they met they had to duet with each other for evaluations. They became friends like that. He heard about her through other trainees about her visuals and talents, he thought she was gonna have an ego. He thought they were joking but when he saw her and her talents they weren’t joking when they said she was the female ace of SM and a very sweet but shy person.
𝐓𝐚𝐥𝐢𝐚 // She was intimidated because she heard many good things about him, especially his rapping skills. It was awkward at first and she thought of him as an awkward fluff ball. She heard things about him through Johnny since she was new, and she asked questions about him since she never really met him.
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haikyuuwaifu · 4 years
Broken Promise
Genre: fluff
Warnings: none
A/N: That’s a wrap folks
Thanks for reading:)
25 years old
That epiphany in the apartment was all Akaashi needed to crank out what would be considered his best work. Titled Pinky Promise, it went on to make the top seller list in Japan, Europe, and the United States. He had finally succeeded in making a name for himself under his pen name Akaji. He went on book tours and did interviews. For three years Akaashi basked in the fame and the glory he so deserved. 
Now that he was a famous author, his team decided he needed social media platforms. Akaashi had never been too interested in twt or social media platforms in general. He believed he was more old fashioned than that. If he had been a little more up to speed, maybe he would have figured everything out sooner. His team handled all his postings and interactions. They controlled who he followed and who followed him; unaware of the fact that the current MSBY Jackals Ace was a former high school friend of his; they never followed him back.
Maybe if they had he would have seen what the rest of the world was privy to. 
On a Tuesday morning Akaashi sat, doing an interview for the local radio station. His hands folded over his lap waiting for the broadcast to begin. With a wave of the producers hand the host began the show. “Good morning Tokyo, we have a very special guest in the studio today” the DJ announced. “Best selling Author of Pinky Promise Akaji, is here with us, and he will be answering a few fan questions.” Akaashi nodded to the DJ picking up his own headphones placing them on his head. The producer cued the first caller as the DJ clicked them in. 
“Alright, caller what is your question?” they asked. “Is your book based off of your own experience Akaji-san?” Akaashi contemplated for a split second before answering. “Yes, Pinky Promise is based off of what I went through and when I grew up.” he stated anticipating the next question. Forty-five minutes later the segment was coming to a close with one caller left. “Last caller, what is your question?” the DJ asked, waiting to start clearing up his work space. “ If in the book, you both went separate ways...is there any possibility you would seek her out to try again? I mean...you loved each other right...and you ended things on good terms, so...why not try again?” they ask with a hint of nervousness in the back of their throat. Akaashi smiled softly answering, “ I have been thinking of what my next move would be for a long time now. I think...now that I am where I planned to be; I’m going to find her again and make her mine.” If only. If only.
~2 weeks later~Onigiri Miya~
You opened the door to your husband's restaurant with the biggest smile on your face. You had wonderful news to share. The past three years have been nothing but marital bliss for the both of you. 3 months after he proposed you married in a small ceremony that ended up being crashed by his idiot twin, both of his loud teammates and Omi-omi who only showed up to ensure that the other three wouldn't go running amok in another country. It was the happiest day of your life until today.
Walking into the restaurant you can’t help but roll your eyes at the scene you walked in on. Atsumu is kneeling over the counter clutching his midsection. You can only assume he said something to rile up his brother and Osamu hit him again. Bokuto and Hinata are no better yelling and screeching about how good the new menu items are and discussing the upcoming match against Bakageyama. The only normal person in all this is Omi-Omi who sits at the end of the counter glaring hatefully at the rest of his obnoxious team.
You take note of the fact that no one has noticed your presence and bring your fingers to your lips letting out an ear piercing whistle. “Jesus woman, could you be any louder!” Atsumu grumbles rubbing his ear. “Be nice to me or i’ll tell Omi-Omi that you were the one who stole his body wash and put it back into his bag.” you laughed as the color proceeded to drain from his face. Your husband smiled at you softly before pulling you into his arms. “How was your appointment, princess?” he asks, placing a gentle kiss on your forehead. You snuggle into his chest with a wide grin on your face. “The appointment was fine honey, I’m perfectly healthy and the babies are healthy too.” you mumble waiting for him to catch on.”Well that’s good I know you’ve been feeling a little run down l,” he freezes his mind finally registering. “Babies...as in?” you nod vigorously. “Twins, Samu-chan...we’re having twins!” you exclaim laughing as your husband and his brother both start tearing up simultaneously. “Hey, Hey, Hey! I’m going to be the best uncle these babies have ever seen!” Bokuto screeches jumping onto the chair. “Over my dead body! I’m their favorite uncle...we are family after all” Atsumu huffs crossing his arms over his chest. With a scoff Kiyoomi makes his way over to the two of you. “I suppose congratulations are in order...just don't let that idiot watch them and i’ll consider letting them around me.” you laugh softly waving your hand at him. Bokuto and Hinata have now changed topics to babies and all the things they’re going to teach the twins. As you look at this group of men that have become your family the door jingles alerting you to a potential customer. Your husband greets them as you walk to the back and pull on your Apron.
“Welcome to Onigiri Miya” Osamu states bowing at the new face. After you wash your hands you make your way to the front when Bokuto screams, “Aggaashiii!” you freeze for a moment as your breath hitches at the name you haven’t heard or thought about since that day years ago. You walk out to see Bokuto pulling Akaashi into a hug already rambling about anything and everything. Osamu’s eyes are watching your every move, waiting for you to make the first move. You shake your head slightly and wave your hand in Bokuto’s direction. “I’m fine Samu-chan, it was a long time ago and I’m a different person now.” you hum softly, prepping ingredients to make something for you and the two little beans you're growing.
Akaashi only planned to stop in because his publicist had great things to say about the restaurant. The name itself sounded familiar but he couldn’t pinpoint where he had heard it from. Pulling the door open he walked inside only to be greeted by a familiar dual-haired face. He chuckled as he realized Bokuto-san had remained the same. “These are my teammates, Hinata, Omi-omi, and Atsumu!” Bokuto stated with a wave of his hand. Akaashi bowed respectfully, further acknowledging that he remembered Hinata from his high school volleyball days. “You don’t remember Tsumu, Akaashi?” Bokuto asks, tilting his head at you. He shook his head, “I’m sorry but I can’t put a face to the name.” Atsumu shrugged nonchalantly. Just because the pretty boy forgot who he was didn’t mean Atsumu forgot about it. Atsumu was there that day his brother found you in the park; and he remembered the way your heart shattered watching Akaashi do what he did. With a satisfying grin on his face Atsumu watched everything unfold.
“And this Osamu and his wife! He owns this place and a few chains in the prefecture!” Bokuto explained turning Akaashi around to meet the owner. Once Akaashi regained his setting his eyes widened upon seeing your familiar face. “[name]” he murmurs, hands shaking slightly. You smile tightly and bow to him. “ It’s been a long time Akaashi-san; what can the owners of Onigiri Miya get for you today?”
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austarus · 4 years
Harry Wells x Reader Crisis of Infinite Wells (Part 3 of 5)
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**A/N: The picture/edit/gif does not belong to me. It belongs to @countlesswells
Part 1    Part 2    Part 4    Part 5
*Yes, I know this is super late, but I had so many exams and deadlines shifted due to the transition online. Didn’t help that finals were around the corner either. But I’m back, and hopefully I can make things right with my fics, especially with the fact that we’re not going to get the Alls Wells That Ends Wells episode this season thanks to Ms. Rona (Please don’t come after me T.T). Anywho, this ended up being super, SUPER, long and I have no regrets. I feel that we need this series more than ever. If you already haven’t make sure to check out Part 1 and 2. Don’t forget to reblog and leave a comment, I read them all!
Word Count: 6601
You took in a deep breath, simultaneously opening your eyes to find yourself being hovered over by Caitlin and Cisco
“There’s our sleeping beauty,” Cisco jokes, grinning at you before running back over to the monitors to get a screwdriver.
“Mm, it’s too bright here.” You winced and blinked a few times as your brain had finally registered the bright lights of the Speed Lab. Rubbing your face a few times, you moved slowly to sit up. Stretching your aching body, you cracked a few bones and let out a little noise in contentment. Eyes looking around for a bit, you saw that the Mindscape Machine was still out, and that Cisco had hooked you and Nash onto it. Nash was still knocked out on another bed though because of the sedation. He looked peacefully asleep, as if the weight of his expeditions and the murmurings at the back of his head were gone. He should be coming back soon, I hope.
Cisco noticed where your gaze had gone before grabbing your attention, “Cecile had to go back home to feed a fussy little baby Jenna and Joe, so we ended up resorting to the Mindscape Machine. Went smooth sailing, thanks to our very own resident genius engineer, no thanks needed. All in a good day’s work.”
“I figured when you chimed in saying that we needed to go to the Nexus of Nash’s mind to get out.” You pointed out.
“Nash should be waking up in an hour or so, he’ll be fine I promise. How are you feeling?” Caitlin asked softly as she checked you over for any sign of abnormalities before removing the wires from your head.
“Cold,” goosebumps were already breaking out through your body as a shiver goes down your spine. “Really cold, Caity. Can’t you STAR Labs techies afford heat or something?” You joked, watching a look of fake hurt cross Ciscito’s face, a hand automatically over his heart.
“Dude, it’s like beautiful outside and what am I doing? I was stuck in here babysitting Princess Aurora and Pebble Brain over there until you guys came back to reality. You’re welcome for that, by the way,” Cisco made a face, pointing towards the direction of Nash’s unconscious body with a screw driver before walking back to where you sat, “while fixing these bad boys up,” the mechanical genius gestures dramatically to the tech in the room. “Meanwhile, Barry and Not-Mirror-Iris are on a picnic date in Central City Park enjoying the sunny weather. One which I wanted to do with Not-Mirror-Kamilla first.”
You and Caitlin just giggled at Cisco’s dramatics. Caitlin gave you the ‘all clear’ that your neural functions were still working and that you should be coordinated within your own body.
“So, Persephone,” You rolled your eyes at the nickname and shook your head at the two. Cisco had basically dubbed you and Harry that even before you had gotten together. In secret of course, or else Harry would start throwing things at him for dropping obvious hints of his feelings towards you. It’s at least so much better than Romeo and Juliet because in all honesty, they had a tragic love story and that is something that my love life does not need. More tragedy, internal pain, and suffering. “Did you see your Hades again?”
“I did, yeah.” A soft smile crossed your lips as your mind replays the interaction, your cheeks dusting the lightest color of pink. Your gaze dropped down a bit as Cisco and Caitlin started going “Ooooooo” as if high school gossip girls wanting you to spill the beans while giving you that one look you know all too well. You didn’t have the heart to tell them to stop.
“How is he?” Caitlin asked while Cisco nodded, wanting to know if his friend’s okay.
“He’s good,” you responded with a smitten grin, and then made a little sheepish face. “They’re all good.”
“They?-” Caitlin frowned as she slowly asked with a raised eyebrow.
“-Excuse me? They?” Cisco had a look mixed with dumbfoundedness and disbelief. His mouth slightly open as you saw his mind comprehending that simple sentence. You just nodded with a slightly sheepish grimaced expression. “You-”
“-had to meet the entire Council of Wells and propose to them the Multi-Dimensional idea that could possibly save them all because my boyfriend and a select few of his pals convinced me to since apparently the Wells men tend to have lots of arguments and so they also tend to never get things done sometimes. Yeah. That happened.” You quickly rambling how you met the infinite Council of Wells and then slowed down at the latter sentence with a nod. Cisco and Caitlin were stunned in place as they had tried to keep up with every single word that you said. Before they could even say anything, you spoke up once again as you got off the bed to stand on wobbly legs. “Did I mention that Harry, Sherloque, and Wolfgang are the triumvirate lead of the Council and that Sonny’s their hype man, apparently? I did not ever see that happening.” You ran a hand through your hair, “I have seen things. Standing in a huge lecture-ish mental room in Nash’s mind filled with doppelgangers of Harrison Wells is something I just cannot unsee.”
“No, you can’t.” Cisco added in agreement, his arms crossed. “You met all of them?”
“I mean, sorta. I mainly just stood at the front where the Wells triumvirate take their spots to start their meetings. Ok, so like you know the Galactic Senate from Star Wars where Palpatine and Padme were in?”
“Hell yeah, I do. What do you take me for an uncultured swine?”
“So, like, the layout of the room was sorta styled like that.” Cisco looked slightly mind blown because Star Wars obviously. You located your leather jacket and put it on to have some layer against the cool wind of the AC. “How’s everything coming with the modifications?”
Cisco and Caitlin look at each other before Frost took over for a bit, “I think this is the part where we tell you that they’ve sorta hit a roadblock.”
“Perfect,” you deadpanned, with a slight pain reverberating at the back of your head. I need some coffee, you thought before collecting your things and giving Nash one last glance.
I jinxed myself when I told Cisco that I could handle this. Handle them and their stupidity. A frown plastered itself onto Nash’s face, his head throbbing at the legit argument going on at the back of his head. What about? Who the hell knows or cares? Rubbing his face then his temples when the headache started to radiate to the front, the dark-haired explorer let out another annoyed groan as a doppelganger started yelling to contribute to the argument. I have never been more annoyed at the sound of my voice. Nash’s been trying to mentally block them so he himself can think things out, but collectively it hasn’t been succeeding. His heavy footsteps carried him to the Med Bay, thankful that no one was here at this ungodly hour to see him like this. I need an icepack and multiple pills of aspirin. Nash snorted when a mental image of you scolding him for the number of pills he might take to ease the pain was conjured in his mind. You entertained him, is what he told himself, just like the rest of them.
As he entered the Med Bay, the door creaked and the dim lights from the labs allowed him to see a faint silhouette on the bed. Nash raised an eyebrow as he crept slowly towards the bed, gauntlet at the ready.
“Well, speak of the devil,” he whispered to no one in a low voice, forgetting about the throbbing and disgruntled voices in his head. Nash disengaged his gauntlet. On the bed, you were curled up with a thin blanket, clearly still cold, but sound asleep at this hour. Curled up like a kitten and cuddled up to a pillow. Nash’s blue eyes wandered to what’s beside you, seeing multiple papers messily put together and various binders littering the bed. Due to the dimness, he couldn’t really make out any of the writings on the paper at this angle, but the Wells doppelganger can only assume that they’re medical files for Barry and the others.
Nash’s blue  gaze snapped back to you when you emitted a small noise as you shuddered. He didn’t know why, but he made a beeline for the cabinets and closets, finding another thin blanket hidden in them. At least two are better than one. He pulled the thin cloth over you, ensuring that you would be a little warmer than before. Nash’s gaze softened slightly at your tired expression that you carried even while asleep. Shutting his eyes for a bit only to reopen them, Nash curled his hand into a fist then uncurled it. He let out an inaudible sigh, his right hand reaching out to gingerly tuck a strand of hair behind your ear-
“-Don’t you dare touch her.”
Nash felt as if he was shocked on the spot, retracting his hand rapidly as he turned around, coming face to face with the source of the voice. Harry stood with his hands in his pants pockets, a glare present on his face as he watched his doppelganger with angry eyes. Clearly unamused that Nash was getting close to you. Harry’s words, precise and cold, had cut through the air like a sharpened knife, but you couldn’t hear him.
Nash swallowed, sending Harry a smile of mockery. “Don’t worry, I’m not trying to steal her away from you. Unless-” Nash spoke with a raspy voice.
“-You can’t even if you tried,” Harry retorted without hesitation. Nash rolled his eyes taking a few steps closer to his doppelganger. Both men exuded confidence and intimidation towards one another. “Watch yourself, Nash. I have her heart, just as she has mine.”
“You can keep the little lady, for all I care. She’s just good company, you would know that all too well, wouldn’t you Harry? And what do you know, she still owes me a favor. A favor in exchange for my help. I could have easily said no and kept the both of you separated because why would I care if her little heart remains broken and she loses sleep every night over it?” Nash bit down on the inside of his cheek, ignoring that mental image.
Harry glowered at Nash’s cocky words. “When I get back, I’m going to make you regret those words.”
“Look, I’m not interested in her, Harry. Get over yourself and keep her, she’s not that special anyway.” The tension and malice were intoxicating, hanging heavy in the room.
“Are you kidding me? I’m literally in your mi-”
“-Zhe petit fluer ‘as been overworking ‘erself again.” Nash jumped slightly at the new voice, letting out a frustrated breath before turning his gaze towards the French-accented voice. “And you two are ‘ere arguing over ‘er like ‘igh school boys.” Sherloque stood on the other side of the bed as he examined the papers from his height. He was clearly annoyed at both Nash and Harry, narrowing his eyes with an icy look on his face. “Merde, if you want to ‘ash it out, at least ‘ave zhe decency to do it outside,” Sherloque pointedly spoke, crossing his arms.
Harry and Nash briefly looked at each other before moving their gazes back to Sherloque only to find an empty space beside you. Sherloque had retreated back into Nash’s mind in order to sort things out with Wolfgang and the others. J'ai parlé de mes deux cents à ces deux-là. Sherloque took off his fedora and weaved a hand through his dark locks, glancing at the Nexus of Nash’s mind. “Et ce n'est pas bon de se mentir à toi-même, Nash,” the Frenchmen whispered with a knowing glint in his eyes, a stoic smile on his face.
You scrunched your nose and shuffled into a different position on the bed, almost knocking off a binder stack. Harry ignored Nash’s existence, taking a seat on the chair beside your sleeping form and noticing something that anyone else would have missed if they had not been together with you. Nash watched his Earth-2 doppelganger, seeing a certain look cross through Harry’s eyes. Harry slowly reached a hand out only to drop it knowing that he wouldn’t be able to touch you in this state. His hand formed into a tight fist as he dropped it by his side. Harry heavily sighed, shutting his eyes and running a hand through his hair. Nash raked his teeth over his bottom lip, feeling a tiny shred of guilt at Harry’s inability to be here with you. Reopening his azure irises, Harry’s heart stung, and it reverberated throughout his entire being. Oh, how he yearned to hold you again. To be able to wrap his arms around you and pull you close for warmth.
“She’s still cold,” Harry commented his observation, a slightly sullen expression creeping on his face. He readjusted his glasses. Nash raised an eyebrow at Harry’s words. “Just remember what I said. She’s not a prize. After everything you’ve done, she’d never willingly choose you in any lifetime.”
Nash blinked and Harry was gone, the explorer immediately regained composure of himself and his surroundings. Nash felt the tension leave his body, stretching a bit to relieve his muscles. I swear if I roll my eyes hard enough, they’ll fall out of their sockets. With a sigh, Nash gave you one last look before reluctantly shedding off his jacket and pulling it over you. The dark-haired man left the room without sparing you another glance.
What is even considered a prize anymore?
It’s been a couple weeks since you had entered Nash’s mind and spoken to the Wells men. Since then they had collectively collaborated with Barry, Cisco, and Chester via Nash to make necessary modifications and electro-/neuro-magnetic adjustments. “I present to you attempt #29,” Cisco announces, sliding out from behind the machinery, with a tool in hand, “which coincidently is the same number of one of my favorite Pokémon from the original 151 of the benevolent Kanto region.”
“Female Nidoran?” You and Barry both questioned the looked at each other. Nidoran is a pretty decent Pokémon, not gonna lie. Poison capabilities that are deadly with a combination of ground-type moves can really have opponents running for the hills without the proper Pokémon to counter its abilities and possible move-sets.
“What? She’s literally a freaking queen in battle and her move-set has been improving tremendously with every generation.”
“To be honest, Cisco, you always struck me for a Poliwag kind of guy when I first met you,” you quipped up. “But I got to say (Insert Favorite Pokémon Type)-types are more my style.
“Nerds,” Nash snickered to himself lowly. You whipped your head back to him, not clearly hearing his exact murmured words, but hearing his voice. The others didn’t hear anything. Nash dropped his gaze away avoiding your look, but not before narrowing his eyes at you. You just continued on with a questioning look, this time your thoughts circulating on if you’d done anything to offend this Wells doppelganger.
He’s been avoiding you since you had entered his mind, which at first you respected because having someone else enter your mind and intrude is weird enough, so you gave him his space. But then it started to turn into him throwing annoyed looks at you when you spoke, gradually and fully ignoring your existence in the Labs as the days went by. Even to the point of not seeking you for medical attention like he normally did when he injured himself in some way. Instead, Nash went to see Caitlin.  
At first you thought nothing of it, Nash probably had his reasons for not wanting to speak to you and you had done nothing wrong in reality that you could recall. But then your anxiety continued to climb as one day passed after another. I’m not a bad physician, am I? I mean, I hope I not. I’ve been doing my best to suture and isolate every variable in order to make correct diagnostics. Nash even ignored you when you asked him if he wanted any coffee when you went on coffee runs. Was it the coffee pun I made? Everyone laughed at it.
“How are the modifications to the dimensional extrapolator coming along?” You asked turning your gaze back to the boys. You sort of regretted asking because you know that they’re going to start talking all quantum physics and math at you.
“Well, after analyzing the multiverse extrapolator and running diagnostics it’s… actually not fit to be modified,” Chester explained, holding up the piece of tech.
“Is that the bad news?” You raised an eyebrow at them, glancing back at Nash for any input, but were greeted with silence.
“I mean, this little baby over here may not be as functional as before, but it does still hold a variety of multiversal coordinates. In which we could cross reference those numbers with any pocket dimension coordinates that we happen to stumble across. Which I’ve got to say is so friggen cool! My world just keeps exploding, first there were multiple universes and doppelgangers, then black holes- but I created that on accident- my bad, by the way-” Chester continued in a quick ramble with a huge and excited grin on his face. If you didn’t know better, he seemed as eccentric as the energizer bunny, you just nodded along politely. “-And now we’ve got pocket dimensions! We really are breaking all the rules of physics-”
“-Chester, grab me the-”
Barry leaned in close, cutting off your focus from Chester’s hyper rant and Cisco’s shout, “We basically need to develop a new extrapolator.”
“That makes much more sense, but I was following Chester’s rant, thank-you-very-much. Sort of. ” you nodded sheepishly at your friend before sending him a teasing smile. Barry held his hands up in defeat. Barry let out a laugh. “How’s Iris?”
The speedster nodded, directing his gaze to the side so you two can side bar. “She’s doing ok, keeping an eye on Eva while running the Citizen. The headaches have receded, but she’s a bit disoriented at times. I’ve had Cisco and Chester install different meta security measures in case Black Hole decides to make a guest appearance.”
“But is she ok? Mentally?”
“She’s… jumpy at times. Iris told me she trusted Eva when she entered Joseph’s hidden lab. That Eva was the reason that she doubted herself in seeing the truth and her instinct that Iris’s always trusted. She told Kamilla the same thing. We’re trying to work through it.”
You patted Barry’s back, “Just let me know if I can do anything to help. If it means anything, Harry taught me how to use his pulse rifle for a worst-case scenario.” You grinned up at him, secretly always wanted to have a reason to put your sessions with Harry to the test.
Barry chuckled and shook his head, knowing that Harry would kill him if he had allowed you to be put in harm’s way. “I think we’ll be good, but thanks for the tip.” You pouted at your best friend before a small laugh leaves your lips.
Nash took a glimpse of you over his shoulder as you giggled at your best friend. He thanked the stars that he was able to reuse the tech from an older MAD produced by Harry and synthesized it to become a mental block between him and the other Wells so that they wouldn’t interfere with his thoughts or pop up randomly. Nash called it Psyche Block. All he had to was to make sure it was on whenever he was in the labs. She hasn’t been sleeping well. He could oddly tell with one look. That small moment of weakness allowed the sharpened tool in his hand to slip his grip and pierce the skin through his entire palm. The dark-haired Wells let out a sudden gasp, blood oozed out profusely. A few droplets had fallen onto the hard drive of the Neural Splicer, short-circuiting it. Your ears caught the noise somehow, frowning your eyes caught Nash leaving with quick steps.
“I-I gotta go…” you whipped your head back to Barry, who had watched the glances that you had thrown at the Wells doppelganger since you entered the room. You pointed to the Speed Lab’s exit, “Do this… this thing.” Barry nodded with a teasing grin at your awkward attempt to excuse yourself, gesturing towards to door.
You were already leaving as you spoke to the speedster. Entering the corridor with swift feet you slightly managed to catch up to Nash. Damn him and his long legs.
Nash’s blood ran cold at the sound of your voice. He willed himself to not look back, instead to carry on his way to the Med Bay. You saw that he clearly ignored you, which caused an ache to echo throughout your body. With every fiber of your being, you sprinted forward as fast as you could to come to a stop right in front of him causing the geological myth-buster to stop as well, midway to the medical room with an irritated façade on his features. Nash remained silent as you caught your breath, he held a cautious hand out to put up distance between you both, to not have you come any closer.
You opened your mouth to question him instantly at his gesture, but your eyes quickly caught sight of his bloodied hand. Sharp instincts assessing that the wound had been the cause of his escape from the Speed Lab. “You’re hurt.” You ignored his eye roll, taking a step forward and snatching his hand gingerly to examine it. He hadn’t realized that he stopped you with his bloodied hand. The droplets of red had splattered onto the concrete floor, creating a puddled mess of crimson. “Nash this needs stitches. Immediately.” Looking up at him, Nash exhaled roughly side-glancing away in frustration before meeting you with cold eyes. But you did not yield under the coldness. “I can suture this. All we nee-”
“-I don’t need your help,” was his rapid and frosty response. He blinked at you, holding his ground.
“Then who’s help are you going to need, huh!? Caitlin? Last time I checked she was at her mother’s facility because of the bullet-light-energy shot that Black Hole gave her,” You frowned deeply at him with fiery eyes, you had never combusted like this in a really long time. “Can you suture this by yourself?” You asked rhetorically. “This cut is too deep to just put a band aid on it and call it a day.” Nash opened his mouth to retaliate, but you cut him off in a softer voice. “I know that you hate me,” Nash narrowed his eyes at those words, “but let me help you.”
Nash pursed his lips, looking into your pleading eyes and inwardly cursed himself. With a sigh, the older man followed you to the Med Bay, where you proceeded to stitch him up and fully sterilize the wound from the blood and bacteria/bacteriophages that could enter the cut.
“You’re only looking after me because of Harry.” You heart stopped at the sudden words, slicing the air of the room. “What? Nash, that’s not true.”
Nash let out a mirthless laugh. “Isn’t it?”
“It’s not, I can’t believe you would even think that.” You berated him with a serious look, but he just waved you off. You pursed your lips at the silence. “Why do you hate me?” You looked up as you finished your work, eyes meeting his light blue colored ones that you had stared into before. Nash licked his lips, eyes darting to anything else, avoiding the kicked puppy look on your face.
“I don’t hate you.”
“Was it the coffee pun?”
“The Pokémon nerd talk?”
“Unfortunately, no”
“Then, what is it?”
“It’s- I…” He started, taking a breath in. “Quae dicunt, facite vobis cor eius. Quod pertinet ad eum. Nusquam potuerunt alium, qui non pertinent ad quis enim concupíscit.” The dark-haired man raked an uninjured hand through his hair as he fisted his wounded one, feeling its stitching.
“What?” You raised an eyebrow in confusion. Nash stubbornly shook his head, not wanting to repeat his words.
“Nash, I don’t understand what foreign, dead language you just spoke, but you’re my friend. I’m always going to care for my friends, even and especially when I’m involved with Harry. They’ll always be in my heart, no matter what. And that includes you too, you stubborn idiot.” You grinned at him with sincere intention, placing a hand gently on his clenched fist. A reluctant smile pulled at the corners of his mouth. “Now, you need to let that heal. So, no tech tinkering or spontaneous adventures in the middle of the day until the stitches come off, doctor’s orders.” You winked, smiling widely at him. You moved to leave the room, throwing one last look back at him.
Don’t- Don’t fucking do that, Nash bittersweetly thought to himself as he rubbed his face when you left the room. Don’t give me that… that smile, saying things like that. He sighed for the nth time that day, unfurling his hand to observe your handiwork.
You entered Nash’s mindscape once more, searching for Harry to spend some time with him. Nash had opted to stay behind until you were ready to leave his mind, particularly moody about not wanting to see his doppelgangers because he sees enough of them. He had upgraded the MAD 2.0 so that Cecile’s presence and powers wouldn’t be required for today. Nash, the Wells, and the Team Flash boys have been working closely the past couple of days to ensure that the Psyche Segregator (that’s the current name for all the machines interwoven together) would be fully functional. The extrapolator was essentially finished, it just needed the proper orientation for dimensional coordinates that the Wells doppelgangers would need to report.
You walked down the rocky caves of Nash’s mind before hitting a modern looking corridor that similarly belonged to a level in STAR Labs. With a questioning look, your feet continued on as you decided the top floor would be the place that Harry should reside in with Sherloque and Wolfgang. Entering the vacant elevator and ascended each level, you soon found yourself in front of what looks to be Harry’s office from Earth-2.I guess you can change the layout of things if you’re the Mindscape’s master. You pushed the door open, the lights automatically illuminating the room before scanning the area to find it vacant. Your shoulders sagged a bit. Where is he? I thought Nash told Harry that I was coming. Glancing around a bit, you took a seat at the main desk, finding Harry’s glasses. You made the mistake of putting them on as Harry entered the room with a coffee mug in hand. Harry froze at the door as your gaze instantly locked onto his, glasses still on his face. You blinked at one another. It didn’t take long from a wicked grin to cross his handsomely rugged features at the sight of you.
“Don’t you know you shouldn’t take what’s not yours?” Harry shut the door and came around the desk. So he decided not to show up this time. Harry quickly dismissed the thought from his mind, shifting his focus more to you. He noted your exhaustion and would berate you regarding it later.
“Who said they couldn’t be mine?” You teased back as you stood up, slipping the black frames off you and folding them to clip the glasses onto the collar of your top. Harry let out a deep chuckle, a giggle leaving your own. Your boyfriend set down his cup of java on the upper corner of the desk and dipped down to kiss you. He nipped at your lips when you responded to his sweet kiss before pulling away. Harry enjoyed the slight flush on your cheeks, a reaction only he could elicit with his existence. “What was that for?”
“What? I can’t give my lady a kiss?”
This smooth fucker. The heat in your heart intensified at his words and adoring gaze. You were going to unclip his glasses and hand them to him, but his hand stopped you. To anyone observing the scene, they can literally see heart eyes happening between the two of you. “Your lady may want more than just a simple kiss,” You giggled, your voice lowly enticing before pulling him back in, cupping his face with steady hands as your lips collided. Harry let out a laugh against your mouth, bracing his arms around your waist only to maneuver you to sit atop the cool desk.
Gasping at the sudden movement, Harry pushed his tongue into your mouth. You allowed him to slot himself between your legs, pulling him closer and running feather-light touches through his untamed hair. He groaned against you at your touch. God, you missed this closeness! Every time his lips met yours in fervor his grip on your hips would tighten slightly, sending a small shiver to run down your spine. How is it that this all feels so real?
His name escaped your swollen lips when Harry decided to head south, nipping at the nape of your neck before sucking on your sweet spots. How could he forget where you’re most vulnerable to his touch? Your hands gripped onto his shirt. A small noise left your lips, tilting your head more to the side to give the Harry more access to continue his conquest. The room felt hot, your body on fire at every one of Harry’s kisses as he marked your skin. You breathed his name again and Harry could not think straight. One of his strong hands left your side and cradled your face as his lips re-connected with yours once more in a searing kiss. His thumb gently stroked your cheek. How can the way you simply utter his name allow Harrison Wells to abandon all self-control?
Sherloque strode into the room with his cup of tea only to almost drop it at the scandalous scene in front of him. “Mon Dieu! Ayez de la décence!” You and Harry had ripping apart from each other at the sudden outburst, both of your heads snapping towards him. Harry sent a glare at Sherloque, who responded with an annoyed eyeroll at the couple. “At least lock zhe door if you’re going to get all ‘andsy wizh each ozher,” the detective grumbled before leaving the room and shutting the door. Your cheeks were on fire at this point, opting to look at your folded hands that rest on your lap. But Harry did not look ashamed in the slightest, instead a smirk on his face at your sudden bashfulness. You soon snapped out of your embarrassment when a thought had crossed your mind.
“Did you say anything to Nash?”
“No,” he lied, glancing up towards the ceiling.
“Uh huh,” you looked at him dubiously with narrowed eyes, “you know that I can tell when you’re lying, right?” You spoke with crossed arms.
“…” Harry’s eyes met yours and you raised a questioning eyebrow at him for an answer. He briefly shut his eyes before reopening them, “I may have… warned him not to come near you and such.”
“Warned or seriously threatened to utterly destroy?”
“… maybe a bit of both…”
“What?! Do you not see the way he looks at you?”
“The way he what!? Harry, he’s my friend. Just like Sherloque and HR.” You sighed as he pouted sheepishly at you. “Honestly, you know I only have eyes for you.”
“I know, it’s just…” Harry trailed off.
“It’s just?”
“I’m not here. Physically here, to be by your side. To go home with you at the end of the day. Especially at the labs when other versions of myself show up out of nowhere and seem to try to get all chummy with you.”
You blinked at Harry a few times. “Are you… jealous?” Harry didn’t respond, grumpily frowning at your words as he attempted to avoid your gaze. He didn’t like that word. “You are, aren’t you?” The butterflies in your stomach fluttered as you teased him, knowing that his silence was proof enough. Harry sighed, pulling you in a close hug and you felt his head nod in dejection. Harry didn’t want to admit it out loud, that’s just how he is. You rubbed his back, “You know it’s ok to be jealous, right?” Harry let out a sarcastic exhale, resting his chin on your shoulder. You kissed the side of his head, “How do you think I felt every time a young bachelorette sauntered her way towards you at all those galas that we attended? All those thirst cubes you kept receiving? I swear Jesse had to hold me back before I was about to throw some hands, verbally and politely, but effectively scathing.”
Harry snickered at how you’ve dubbed the cubes he’s received from various women ‘thirst cubes’. “Every night, you were the only thing that I would see.” You gave him a tight squeeze before pulling away to give him a soft kiss.
“And you’re the only Wells that my heart wants to be with.” You smiled up at him before it suddenly dropped.
“What?” Fear grappled Harry’s heart. “What is it?”
You swallowed your own fear that had climbed into your throat. “It’s just… this is the last time that I’ll see you before… we have the systems go online to-” You trailed off as you directed your gaze to the ground, gesturing to your theory going into action as you did so. Harry pursed his lips, tilting your head up to look at him. Your eyes glistened in the calm lighting of the office, your voice cracking, “I’m not going to be there when you wake up, Harry.” The realization struck him as well, his eyes glancing down for a split second before meeting yours again.
“I’ll still find you. I’ll still come for you on Earth-Prime.”
There was a sudden knock at the door that snapped yours and Harry’s attention towards it, followed by a clearing of the throat and a thick German accent. “If you bozh are done in zhere, I’d like for eine kleine assembly to ‘appen.”
Diese beiden schwöre ich. “I don’t… even vant to know vhat you two vere doing.” Wolfgang deadpanned, holding blueprints in one hand and adjusting his glasses. Sherloque stood beside him with a new cup of tea in hand, this time without a fedora.
“We would never-”
“-We were having fun.”
You stumbled over your own words while Harry had owned up to his. You failed to realize the light hickies still on your neck until Wolfgang narrowed his eyes at you and Sherloque rolled his eyes as he watched the exchange. Harry knew they were there; he just didn’t point out that they were visible arm’s length away. Damn it, Harry! Your cheeks heated up and now you’re wondering if your real body now has hickies on them because there’s about to be some words thrown your way by two or three particular members of Team Flash.
“Ah ah ah ah, nein. None of zhat,” the German waved you two off with his hand, “just keep your ‘ormones at a decent level until ve get our bodies back. Zhen you two idiotenliebhaber can do whatever it is you two do when not in a crisis.” You dipped your head down shyly, but that didn’t stop your boyfriend from nudging your side and giving you a smug-ass grin. You glowered at him as he wiggled his eyebrows at you before Wolfgang caught your attention again. “Anyvay, ve need to discuss somezhing else vizh you. Sherloque und I vill also be coming to Earzh-Eins.”
“In case,” Harry started, “I don’t make it in time to recalibrate the Multiversal Communications Projector before all the others. Earth-Prime will essentially give the green light to the others in the multiverse to send in their coordinates.”
“We’ve already figured out Earzh-Prime’s dimensionale coordinates,” Sherloque added in. “Une sécurité intégrée vaut mieux que rien.”
You nodded at their words. I mean it makes sense, but… Wolfgang took out a couple sheets of paper that had been rolled up and hidden in the rolled-up blueprint file, handing it to you. “What’s this?”
“Ein liste of names of all the present Vells who’s neurological vavelengths are entangled vith Nash’s,” Wolfgang stated nonchalantly. “It seems zhat some Earzh are either permanently vacant or do not ‘ave ein Vells.”
“Like Kara’s Earth, old Earth I guess,” You responded, holding the sheets. “She’s Supergirl, used to live on Earth-38. Barry had accidentally multiverse jumped to Earth-38, thanks to Harry. He said that no one from Team Flash’s doppelgangers were on Earth-38, unlike Earth-2 and Earth-19.” Earth-19 Your eyes scanned the list; Wolfgang had done you a great favor in numbering it in Earth order. Could he..? The thought was soon shut out as you looked through the list.
Harry watched as your shoulders sagged, knowing who you were looking for. He pocketed his hands as a fake smile plastered itself onto your face.
The day had finally come. It’s time for the boys to come back home. Everyone had gathered in the Speed Lab. The machinery interconnected to one another as if interwoven into one mechanical creature. Your heart pounded in your chest and those dubious thoughts returned, but you willed them back. You needed to believe that this can work. Chester and Cisco were calibrating the tablets and satellites, running newer and improved diagnostics for this moment.
“That favor, that you owe me,” Nash’s voice caught your attention, snapping you out of your trance. You looked up at him with a quizzical look.
“I’m cashing it in,” Nash’s voice rasped as he took your hand. You humored the geological explorer. “Protect Allegra,” he whispered, his eyes glancing in her direction as her was turned because she was added the finishing touches with Cisco. The simple wish had surprised you, yet at the same time it didn’t in the slightest. “Please.” He sounded like a dying man marching to his death. And in a way he was if this doesn’t work.
“Always,” you nodded at him. Leaning up, you kissed his forehead softly before placing the Psyche Segregator on his head. “Thank you.” Nash remained silent and only closed his eyes as he sat back down. Releasing a breath, he reopening those piercing blue eyes filled with determination, but you can see that behind it there was a form of fear. He nodded. You nodded back at him, taking a step backwards before looking at the others. It’s time. Cisco handed you the tablet that held the ignition keys. You took in a breath, the weight of the tablet seemingly heavier than ever before. A multiverse of lives held within the tips of your fingers, only fate will decide if they live or die.
Your eyes met Nash’s one last time. Doubt choked your heart, but there was no going back. “Here we go,” you spoke each word slowly before pressing the button to ignite the Psyche Segregator.
Translations (Via Google Translate):
J'ai parlé de mes deux cents à ces deux-là - I've spoken my two cents to those two
Et ce n'est pas bon de se mentir à toi-même, Nash - And it's not good to lie to yourself, Nash.
Mon Dieu! Ayez de la décence! - My god! Have some decency!
Une sécurité intégrée vaut mieux que rien - A failsafe is better than nothing
Quae dicunt, facite vobis cor eius - Your heart is its own treasure
Quod pertinet ad eum - It belongs to him
Nusquam potuerunt alium, qui non pertinent ad quis enim concupíscit. - It could never belong to anyone else who yearns for you.
Idiotenliebhaber - idiot lovers
Diese beiden schwöre ich - These two, I swear
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