total-fandom-tr45h · 1 year
I'm about to write something so fucking chaotic-
All of the Suns, Moons, and Y/ns of my aus meeting in one place.
This is going to be fun.
I should probably include the Eclipses too, don't want them feeling left out-
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syrena-del-mar · 9 months
Very Rarely Do Men Know How to Be Altogether Good or Altogether Wicked
The last five minutes of today's episode left my mouth gaping, it really felt like I was watching a catastrophic accident happen in front of me and I just couldn't look away.
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I wasn't completely sure on how Sand was going to learn about Ray and Mew's history, but I sure wasn't expecting that Ray's feelings would be exposed in such a volatile way. Maybe I’m in the minority here, I’m not exactly sure because I’m seeing a mixed bag of reactions, but I don’t necessarily agree that Sand ever needed to find out about Ray’s feelings for Mew. Much less from Boston.
This is partially going to be a bit of a continuation of my thoughts that Boston has a Machiavellian personality, followed up with SandRay's relationship becoming the unsuspecting 'victim'. Again, I'll be using pulling from Machiavelli's The Prince, but I'm also using his work Discourses on Livy. [Title credit to ch. 27 of Discourses]
Boston, still the Machiavellian 'Prince'
“Another difficulty to be added to the one mentioned above is that a state that becomes free creates for itself enemies rather than friends.”
― Niccolò Machiavelli, Discourses on Livy
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Let me be upfront, I don't hate Boston, I actually enjoy the chaos he brings, but he's a fascinating character to break down and really analyze his actions. The last five minutes was, in my opinion, the most chaos that he has caused out in the open. This was never a situation of Boston 'saying what needed to be said.' This was Boston seeing an opportunity to take control of someone and doing so by unfairly outing Ray's feelings. I, again, stand by the idea that Boston is not a narcissist, but rather a Machiavellian personality type. This doesn't make him a 'villain'; Only Friends does a good job at showing that there are no villains in real life, just incredibly shitty people. Boston is simply a dick, who chooses to play with his friends to feel a sense of control when he doesn't have it. Has he ever cared for his friends? Does he keep them around simply for convenience? Hard to say. That doesn't make him evil, it just makes him a first-class jackass.
In my post where I had stated that he was more of a Machiavellian rather than narcissist, I came to the conclusion that, 'In his viewpoint, he is the kingpin, even in his group of friends, because he believes that he's the one that controls how his friends move since he knows how Mew is developing feelings for Top and is aware of Ray's feelings for Mew.' This time around, he practically admits it right after purposefully revealing Ray's feelings for Mew, "I just want to keep track of my best friends' romantic moments.' Boston hoards information so that he can throw it in people's faces when it fits him the best, there's no 'good intentions' on his keeping tabs on his friends.
Boston knows that TopMew are going to sleep together, they're serious and he's out of the running. Is it simply ego or is it because of self-interest? Whatever the catalyst is, he essentially has nothing holding him back anymore. He's seeing his "friends" getting "serious", while he's out there dealing with known (and unknown) filming of one-night stands he had being used as revenge porn. That'd hurt and anger anyone, but from what has been shown, Boston thrives off of control and so having his sex life used against him would feel like an even bigger blow. They're minor events that are snowballing and Boston likely needs to feel that control again. It's why he pushes Nick down without a second thought when Nick is trying to pull him away (opposed to how Ray lets Sand pull him back). So he claims that control back, he deliberately reveals what he knows, purposefully taking Ray down with him. While he may be feeling like shit, at least he'll be better off than Ray, who's left to pick up the pieces.
Sand and Ray, the intentional destruction of the 'kingdom'
“In general you must either pamper people or destroy them; harm them just a little and they’ll hit back; harm them seriously and they won’t be able to. So if you’re going to do people harm, make sure you needn’t worry about their reaction.” ― Niccolò Machiavelli, The Prince
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Yes, Sand and Ray are in a “situationship.” Yes, they’re constantly getting both physically and emotionally closer. Yes, Sand is developing feelings for Ray (arguably vice versa too). But that’s it. They started off as friends with benefits and while they’ve been shifting around, neither one has fully crossed that line. There was no defined area in the relationship, at least not before the implosion. They’re barely getting to know each other, Sand even calls Ray out because he knew that Ray had never noticed him before, not in a way other than just the Bar Performer.
Ray is working through who he is without Mew, without his crush on Mew. He's come to the realization that while he put Mew as his #1 for many years, he's knows he's not that for Mew, and is slowly coming to the realization that he may have never been. These are his feelings to work out and his alone. Sand and Ray are first and foremost friends, as they had agreed upon and they happen to hook up often. This was what they agreed upon. Even if one or both of them are catching feelings, it does not mean that Ray has an automatic obligation to come clean to Sand.
Arguably, Boston was unaware of this set up, but honestly he didn't need to know. This was not his business, Boston didn't suddenly spill the fact that Ray has had feelings for Mew for years to look out for Sand. No, this was an intentional hit on Ray, where he was positive that it would hurt. Boston has repeatedly used Ray's feelings for Mew for his own convenience (Exhibit A: Meddling at the pool party), whether it be to get Ray to react in a certain way or to have a punching bag. He knew how defensive and reactive Ray would get when he brought up RayMew's kiss and supposed sex (was this ever confirmed?) that they had.
Boston speaks in definite presumptions when he talks about others, he does this to Top and he did it to Ray. He spins realities to how he sees fit and with the confidence that he speaks in, he makes others believe him. It's why Mew never questioned that Top is accustomed to sleeping around and didn't think that Top really wanted anything more than sex, because that's what Boston specifically told him that Top was like. It's why now Sand believes that he has no hour in Ray's life, even when Ray gives him the opening to ask more, because Boston purposefully spoke in definite terms. Even the most secure person would be left feeling unsure and unbalanced.
So when Sand, who knows that their relationship is based on being friends with benefits, is confronted with words from Ray's supposed friend who explicitly states that Ray is in love with Mew and that he's being used as a rebound, what else can he do but believe that?
What little trust and rapport that they had started to build up has come crumbling down. They're frantically gathering the pieces of a 'kingdom' that has been turn into dust, the aftermath of the Prince's wrath. It's why Ray scrambles for the bottle and it's why Sand shuts down. How can they react to what Boston did, when they're struggling to salvage the little remnants left behind of what was supposed to be a blossoming relationship?
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nanaminokanojo · 12 days
-meet cute? a cheesy musical number? forget it! love makes itself known to you through a minor car accident, a broken arm, and a treacherously charming temporary chauffeur
CHARACTERS: sukuna x you/reader | jjk characters
GENRE: full-length smau + prose | bad boy x good girl | college au | a lot of firsts | aged-up characters | strangers to lovers | smut | fluff | angst | ooc depictions - soft sukuna ftw
TW/CW: strong/mature language | adult content so mdni on some parts | mentions of alcohol and/or smoking | mentions of injury, promiscuity and bullying | pet names because they're cute with 2D men | toxic behavior | will add more if something arises
<<prev part 27 next>>
A/N: Contains prose with panels in between. 8th panel is a video.
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Sukuna found it difficult to concentrate on the plot of the movie playing on the screen when Uraume's words to him rang clear in his head instead. He didn't have any intention to hurt you, and after the accident that brought him to you, he didn't think he had the heart to inflict any kind of pain on you. It was unthinkable.
Rather than that, he wanted to do the complete opposite and keep you away from harm as much as he could. He had never met anyone apart from Uraume whom he wanted to be a human shield for, and you were gradually changing that for him. He hasn't seen the full extent of what lies behind your smiles, but he only wanted to see genuine mirth whenever he looks at you. And if he can be the reason why you're always happy, he will make it so you never feel otherwise.
He glanced at you and found you sleeping, your head leaning on his shoulder for support halfway through the film. You looked so peaceful when you sleep. You didn't belong in the world he lived in when you looked like a higher being altogether even in your unconscious state. And yet you did. Sukuna was glad.
In an attempt to make you more comfortable, he placed an arm over your shoulder, his hand holding onto the side of your head to keep you from falling. But then, he noticed everyone looking at him with sly grins on their faces.
"What?" he snapped, causing them all to look away except for Uraume who smirked at him as if he knew something everyone else didn't.
Sukuna ignored that and fixed his eyes on the TV, glancing at you from time to time to make sure your injured arm was in the right position. He ended up not watching the rest of the movie as he, too, dozed off, reveling in the feel of your silky hair between his fingers.
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"Dude, wake up," he heard Yu's hushed tones. "Movie's over."
Sukuna blinked, adjusting to the sudden brightness of the room, noticing how everyone else was getting ready to leave. Taking out his phone, he checked the time, noting that it was already half-past midnight.
"Slept alright?" the vexing male asked him, making him frown when he realized where Yu's eyes were repeatedly glancing.
You were still asleep, snuggled to his side, your form seemingly infinitely smaller than his stature. Just then, your eyes opened and you blinked slowly. The sight was so adorable that he broke into a grin.
"Hey," he greeted you like a lover would, startled when Satoru suddenly squealed like a banshee.
You also straightened up, looking for the source of the sound, breaking the spell that seemed to have engulfed the room with the two of you staring at each other.
Sukuna suddenly felt cold when you distanced yourself from him, his arm tingling at the loss of contact between the two of you. But he concealed that by saying, "Ready to go home?"
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TAG LIST: @catobsessedlady @kyo-kyo1 @junehasnotbeenfound @lavender-hvze @guacam011y @eyered @hellomeow12 @its-princessmara @light-yagami-l @domainofmarie @mythoscalliope @noble-17 @pheonix-eclipses @weebbuscuit @sukunasbudussy @lu-c1na @vinnieswife @the-haitani-baton @iaminyourfloors @needtoloveoutloud @r-ryuko09 @somestardeww @swirlingcurses @stayyyyyyyyyyyy21 @bronze-metal @bronze-metal @kidd3ath
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anais-shiv · 2 months
How serious are we allowed to take this ship?
Hello! Anais here!
This post is going to be pure word vomit, inconsistent thought chains, and a giant rollercoaster of emotions. 
Before I make many of my points, I will add a caveat or disclaimer that seems redundant but is actually completely necessary for readers to get the whole picture. (See, I’m doing it now.) 
It’s very difficult for me to complete a thought without setting it up with another. 
You ever heard the question “What’s that one fanfiction that altered your brain chemistry?”
For me, there’s no particular fic, but there is a specific fandom/ship that has rewired my neurons as a whole. And that fandom is none other than Dramione. 
(Note: this post will not be a critique of the fandom or any of its works in any way. This post is about me and how I’m slowly descending into madness in the most fragile of ways. [Did you catch that? Eh? Ehh? winks] And it’s about time I spoke my truth.) 
I was introduced to fanfiction at the tender age of 13, in the height of the Harry Potter and Twilight movies. And I was a Twilight girl through and through. (Team Jacob till I die!) 
I only read fanfiction for one purpose and one purpose only, to read about Jacob being with characters other than Bella or her daughter Raincoat. If it weren’t for those early days on Wattpad, I would’ve never discovered that I had a kink for pain, and that I would always choose warm brown skin over a pale cold alternative. 
Then some things happened in my life, I got older, stared dating and hanging out and I simply forgot about it. 
Then, the trailer for Harry Potter and The Deathly Hallows dropped. And in order to prepare, I consumed all seven books of the series in a week. (Oh to still have the young and focused mind that could consume a book in mere hours.) 
To say I loved it was an understatement, so much so that I refused to read any Harry Potter fanfiction I saw pop up on my Wattpad screen. (The old Wattpad that had a brown banner, and a similar font to Times New Roman, and that allowed people to upload entire real life books so long as they purposely added grammar mistakes to not get caught for plagiarism, not saying that’s right but Lordt, what a time.) 
Most of the fics I saw weren’t even about specific ships, they were just about life after the epilogue, with many writers opting to create entirely new characters, usually being children of the originals. Regardless, I ignored them all. Harry Potter was perfect, it didn’t need expanding or alternate universes. 
Fast forward some more, more life happened, and I sort of stopped reading books and fanfiction all together. 
I’m 27 now. 
I found Dramione only last year, through TikTok like many others. And my first fic, like many others, was Manacled. 
It was life changing, riveting, mind altering, and absolutely heartbreaking. 
I needed more. 
So I read and read and read. Joined the Reddit, joined a discord (I love you DADA!) and even started trying to write my own fics. 
Then, all of a sudden my hyper fixation began to wear off, and I started to get bored with the whole thing altogether.
I was kind of disappointed, as it was very difficult for me to start and keep hobbies and even more difficult to make friends. It was nice having something to relate to other people with, even something as specific as liking an HP ship. As someone as socially awkward and shy as I am, I was worried I wouldn’t find another focal point to relate to other people with, and I would go back to wallowing in my own bloody slutty and pathetic despair. (Did you at least catch that one?)
Then I found a new WIP that made me feel like a brand new fan all over again. 
Our lovely Gryffindor and sulky Slytherin had sunk their claws back into me, bone deep this time, (Did you fucking catch that one?!) and I was right back where I started.
So of course, in between replaying smut scenes in my head over and over and over and over again while simultaneously wallowing in my self inflicted isolation, (COME ON PEOPLE IM THROWING EM AT YOU!) I started to ponder: Why in the fuck do I like this ship so much?? 
The romantic relationship between Hermione and Draco is based off a trope as old as the London bridge. Our wonderful beautiful cliché: enemies to lovers. 
We love the idea of someone seeing you when you’re not at all trying to impress them, be friendly or mindful or considerate or empathetic or even cordial, and still falling in love with you anyways. 
Just the raw authenticity behind such a love is so entrancing, that we’ll read the same story over and over again in different fonts. 
At first, I resisted my curiosity regarding Dramione, as I thought Hermione was the walking embodiment of girls get it done, and Draco was nothing but sniveling spoiled bigoted coward and bully. (Not to mention I never noticed how hot Tom Felton actually was in the later movies. Why didn’t anyone tell meeee???)
His feud with Harry added to my dislike of him, but that could somewhat be dismissed as boys being boys. It was intolerance and ignorance towards Hermione that made me hate him. As well as his quick use of threats in his fathers name any time someone so much as disagreed with him. Needless to say, Draco Malfoy was a punk bitch. Through and through. Not my words, take it up with JKR. 
So why on Earth would I ever enjoy reading about him, of all people, falling in love with and being chosen by the Hermione Granger, one of the greatest representations of nerdy awkward beautiful bad ass girls to ever exist, after he regarded her so horribly? And over Ron at that? 
It was a hard adjustment. 
Because to me, their story wasn’t simply enemies to lovers. To me it was a story of a member of an oppressive group, experiencing the mortifying ordeal of being in love with a member of the oppressed. (If you didn’t catch this one just log off.) 
"Anais, it’s not that deep."
I know. I know. But this thought process can’t be helped. 
To put it simply, Dramione reminded me of that one movie with the black girl falling in love with the Nazi soldier. Or another better written version of the book about the Latina girl who fell in love with the klan leader's son. Or even on a less extreme note, about the Asian girl falling in love with the racist boy who actually turned out to be not so racist, seeing he only used the slurs because it’s what his dad taught him and peer pressure made him and he was going through such a hard time back then but he knows better now, and honestly they were only kids, and you can’t help the environment you were raised in and-
Ok, so I made that last one up, but you get the point. 
Manacled being my first fic didn’t really help diminish this connection my mind was making while trying to enjoy this fandom. And that wasn't the only fic that influenced the analysis, because the main premise to many other fics was acknowledging ones ability to grow and change for the better. And the only way to do that, was to acknowledge the ugly shit of their past. 
And no other example made such a direct reference to Draco's past and sometimes present ideologies (depending on the fic you read) as the use of the word mudblood. 
Ah, mudblood. 
Such a dirty, disgusting, abhorrent and absolute slimy fucking use of the English language. 
So obvious in its implication, no different than Shacklebolt or Cho Chang (you really popped off with those didn’t you JK?) that the lack of subtlety almost made the slur hit harder. 
Mudblood. It was simple in it's meaning. Dirty. Inferior. And worthless.
Reading about Draco calling Hermione the ugly name for the first time in CoS made me cringe, but experiencing similar real life altercations made me loathe it’s existence entirely.
"Anais, it’s really not a that deep."
I know! Just, hold on. 
It was such a fucked up word, I hated it. 
So imagine my surprise when I read and heard the word being used so freely and casually in fics, cosplay TikToks, edits and other forms of fandom media. 
And no matter how much I reminded myself that the word wasn’t real, these characters weren’t real, and that the word had no real history because the world it came from didn’t even exist, I could not for the life of me, stop hearing another word as an afterthought every time I read it and heard it. 
Can you guess which word that is? 
Here’s an example of what my mind does whenever the word is used: 
“If you're wondering what the smell is, Mother, a mudblood (n*****) just walked in.”
“Haven’t I told you? Killing mudbloods (n******, he means n******) doesn’t matter to me anymore.” 
“I don’t need help from filthy little mudbloods (n******) like her!”
Do you understand what I go through?! 
Needless to say I prefer fics where the word isn’t used at all. 
Oh to be able to enjoy harmless free fiction without constantly comparing the plight of the imaginary world’s minorities to the very real systemic racism experienced by black and poc people every where. sigh
Yeah, I’m that girl at the party (not really, mostly I’m quiet. Because if I talk, I'll be that girl at the party.) 
It can’t be helped. 
So here’s me, experiencing this fandom for the first time, enjoying enemies to lovers that’s really not enemies to lovers but more like racist learns that racism is bad through falling in love with the very kind of person he was raised to be racist towards and what better way to unlearn bigoted indoctrination than through spending time with said person who just so happens to be extraordinary and not like the others from said group (because if Muggleborns aren't extraordinary are they really worth loving?) and also insanely beautiful and also clever and extremely desirable and the unlearning had nothing to do with that attraction right? He became better purely from his own desire to evolve....right?????? 
(Obviously my interpretation of the ship is extremely biased and a gross generalization. There is no right way to do Dramione. Of course Draco had the capacity to better himself without Hermione. That much is canon. And even though the wizarding world has extreme prejudices within it's society, it was probably nothing compared to how any of them would be treated if the statute of secrecy was broken. There’s levels. Don’t worry. I get it. There's layers.) 
But do you see the implications as it pertains to these two as individuals? Especially regarding their backgrounds?
After my adjustment period, I realized that these implications meant that Draco’s growth was actually extremely complicated. It wasn't just enemies to lovers, it was a complex narrative that called attention to how difficult unlearning toxic and harmful ideologies could be. And while I have no idea if writers and creators ever intended to highlight the parallels between his and Hermione's story and that of very real people who fell in love even when it was dangerous and against all odds, they were impossible not to notice. Thus making his character, one of the realest and most realistic characters of the entire fandom.
And that is precisely why I fell in love. 
(No but seriously, reading about Draco from a such an intimate standpoint from either his or Hermione’s POV had me rethinking my entire dating history, taste in men, and marriage goals. And I’m not just talking about the smut!) 
Listen you know you’ve got a problem when you sit and consume fanfiction for two days straight with barely any breaks for food or sleep.  
I consumed several fics in a short span of a couple of weeks, most of them being smutty one shots. I came to develop, as we all have, a specific preference for certain characterizations. I commented, liked and shared. And I even attempted to write my own (to be announced) Dramione stories. 
I discovered new kinks, was inspired by my oh so talented friends and other writers, and I even considered (still am) dying my hair brown. 
(What? Obsessed. Psh. No. Of course not.)
Now, I’ve entered a phase of careful curation. After having deleted all of my Ao3 tabs by mistake, (fuck the iphone) I’ve been finding fics through very specific filtering rather than recommendations. And when I have the time, reading for hours and hours on end. As well as joining the occasional writing sprint. 
Eventually I’d like to start creating fan art and posting full fledged Dramione stories. This fandom is one of the most beautiful, sexy and entertaining fandoms I’ve ever come across. And when I'm not thinking and about the political and economic state of the wizarding world and how deeply that plays into our favorite ship, I'm actually just fangirling. 
Anyways, that’s all for now folks! 
Anais: out! 
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beefromanoff · 7 months
Going Under Ch. 27
summary: the team has had enough of the lovebirds so they take a little getaway back to the city!
characters: Bucky Barnes x OC
soundtrack: About You - the 1975
warnings: fluff, pop star fantasy x love story, set in an AU where the Avengers reunite after Civil War, pre-infinity war, slight angst, hurt/comfort, lonely reader/OC.
author’s note: okay OKAY this is big, I'm so sorry for the delay! for a while I was getting multiple chapters up in a week and it's taken me like two weeks to finish this one! partly because I wanted to let the last one simmer and didn't know how to follow it up - partly because life was crazy! I had a birthday and was off doing who knows what, but I'm BACK! thanks for the patience and all the loveeee! enjoy!
chapter list
“That’s it. I’m moving back to New York.” Sam declared, pushing back from the table. “I’m about to stab myself in the ears.” 
“Oh come on, it’s not…horrible.” Steve looked at him apologetically as the sound of a headboard against a wall interrupted him mid-sentence. 
A collective groan rang out around the table, Natasha dropping her hand onto her hands and Peter sliding his plate away slowly. It had been just over a week since Gianna and Bucky had officially consummated their relationship and the whole compound knew about it. Those unfortunate enough to share a floor with them had it the worst, hearing the evidence of their passion up to three times every day. Bucky hadn’t helped with training in several days, at Steve’s insistence. When two recruits came in early to get warmed up for their training session and found Gianna pressed up against a wall, legs wrapped around the Winter Soldier himself -- they decided the extra sparring wasn’t worth it. It was an unspoken rule to avoid the dock altogether. What was the setting for their first real kiss had since become a favorite lovemaking spot, especially at sunset. 
As much as everyone preferred not to hear the chorus of moans during breakfast, not one person was unhappy about their relationship. 
If anyone had experienced more than a lifetime’s worth of pain, it was James Buchanan Barnes. 
If anyone had brought color back to his life, a smile back to his face…it was Gianna Cruz. She’d charmed everyone she’d come into contact with on the compound, everything about her oozing genuine sweetness. 
They deserved this. They deserved each other. 
Everyone else, however, couldn’t help but wonder what the hell they did to deserve this front row ticket to a downright pornographic soundtrack. 
The team looked up from their discarded plates, snapping out of whatever daydream they were using to escape reality. Bucky strode towards them, tugging a shirt down over his stomach. His gray sweatpants didn’t leave much to the imagination, especially with the recent excitement not fully out of his system. 
“Sleep well, princess?” Sam called from his position leaning against the counter. Bucky narrowed his eyes, regarding him as though deciding if he wanted to growl something back. He settled on something more peaceful. 
“Funny, because I could have sworn I heard you up around 2am.” Nat smirked. 
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“Now that you mention it,” Wanda pretended to scratch her head in confusion. “I think I heard that too. Or was it 5am?”
“You guys can joke all you want, but I have the room right below them. I might actually need therapy.” Peter deadpanned. 
Uncharacteristically quiet amidst the team’s teasing, Bucky poured himself a mug of black coffee and leaned against the counter across from Sam. He sipped the hot drink, looking mildly amused. 
“Isn’t this the part where you tell us to shut the hell up or you’ll chokeslam someone out a window?” Sam cocked his head. 
“Something tells me he did enough choking last night.” Nat’s smirk only grew. 
A half smile played across his face, stubble growing longer than usual from his lack of shaving over the past few days. He said nothing, sipping his coffee again. 
“Well? Anything to say for yourself there, Barnes?” 
“You guys sound bitter.” He grinned. “You all need to get laid.” 
Gianna’s POV
“Hurry back!” I called from the tangled mess of comforter and sheets, admiring the view of Bucky’s lower back as he disappeared through the door, still pulling his shirt down. My stomach growled. I’d been utterly ravenous lately. Something about sleeping with a super soldier, you’re gonna burn a lot of calories. Thank God my bedroom was close to the kitchen. 
Our routine for the past week had been pretty simple. Eat, sleep…fuck. 
Well, it wasn’t always fucking. Sometimes it was sweet, gentle, soft. Something that could only be considered making love. Other times…
“Bucky…” I giggled as his hand slid up my shirt in the dark, empty training room. 
“It’s okay, we’re so early. Sessions don’t start for another hour.” He grinned, gripping my waist and lifting me up. I couldn’t help the little squeal that escaped me. His hair was still slightly sweaty from his morning run, the smell of him almost intoxicating. 
“If you say so, Sarge.” We walked backwards as he kissed me, holding me up as if I was weightless. I wrapped my legs around him, wanting to be as close as possible every single second of every single day. When my back gently hit the wall, I felt cold metal fingers slide underneath my skirt, searching for panties to pull to the side. 
I wasn’t wearing any. 
Bucky groaned into my open mouth, fumbling with his own waistband instead. In a flurry of sweaty kisses and desperate grips, he was inside me. Right there, up against the padded training room wall. I cried out, biting my lip to keep quiet as our sounds echoed through the empty room. 
My fingers tangled in his damp hair, my head falling back as he kissed my neck, my collarbone. I was putty in his hands. He was so strong. So steady. He held me up with one hand, the other cupping my face as I moaned. He never broke his steady, desperate pace of thrusts into me. 
It sounded like somewhere far away where a door opened and someone sucked in a sharp breath. I was somewhere between utter bliss and intense pleasure and quite honestly didn’t give a shit who saw. When the door slammed behind whoever it was as they fled, I laughed into our kiss until my laughter was drowned by the peak of pleasure he always made sure to give me. 
“Miss me?” Bucky breezed back through the door, two steaming mugs in his hands. He handed one to me as he slid back into bed with me. 
“Always,” I sipped the coffee, not caring that it was bitter and black. I just needed something to stop the growling in my stomach. “Were they mad?”
He grinned. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.” 
“Come on, Buck,” I elbowed him. “It’s been over a week since we’ve been at breakfast, or any meal…I feel bad.” 
“Want me to make you feel good instead?”
“Bucky Barnes!” I gasped in mock offense, ignoring the unironic flutters in my stomach. 
“Don’t worry about them.” He stroked a strand of my undoubtedly messy hair behind my ear. “Besides, they won’t have to worry about it for a few days.”
“Hmm, and why is that?” 
“I thought we could go up to the Tower for a few days. Just us. It’s not like they’re going to miss me in training anyways, clearly they can get on just fine.” Bucky sipped his coffee. “It’s been a while since we’ve been in the city, and we haven’t really ever been…alone. The tower will be empty for a few days. I figured, I mean if everyone wanted, I thought they could fly out for Thanksgiving later this week. There’s a great view of the parade from the balcony and I thought -”
“Yes.” I couldn’t help cutting him off. He over-explained when he was nervous and as adorable as it was, I couldn’t wait a second longer to tell him how much I loved his idea. “James Buchanan Barnes, that sounds completely and utterly perfect.” 
He smiled, shoulders relaxing slightly. “I was hoping you’d say that. We leave in an hour.” 
The Quintet sailed through the night sky, its sleek form navigating the clouds effortlessly. Seated in the co-pilot's chair, Gianna watched the blur of terrain below, marveling at the view as Bucky guided the aircraft towards New York.
"You know, you're pretty hot as a pilot." she remarked with a grin.
He grinned, his eyes fixed on the horizon. "This is one of the more difficult flights I’ve had."
“Really? Why?” Her brows furrowed. 
“Because I need to keep my eyes on the sky, but all I want to do is look at the girl in the seat next to me.” 
Gianna's fingers traced the edge of the console as she blushed. Her gaze rose to the miles of red and orange forest that stretched out before them, soaking in the beauty that was fall in the Northeast. 
"So, smooth talker, what's the plan for our little New York adventure?" she inquired.
"I figured we'd keep it simple. A stroll through Central Park, see the leaves before they fall. Maybe get dressed up in honor of our first dinner outside the bedroom in eight days. And, of course, a visit to that coffee shop you like so much."
Eyes crinkled in adoration, she responded, "You remembered."
"There’s nothing about you I want to forget." He removed his hand briefly from the control panel to squeeze her knee.
"You're smooth, Barnes." She grinned, hugging her knees to her chest in the bucket seat. “But I never said I was ready to stop eating all of our meals in the bedroom.”
Bucky cocked an eyebrow at her, grinning. “As you wish.” 
As they talked, the Quintet flew past the blur of colored below, emerging towards the industrial hues of the city. Bucky guided them through the familiar skyline towards the impossible to miss Avengers’ Tower. Gianna watched the buildings fly by beneath them, fully at ease whenever she was with him. As they descended onto the landing platform that was nearly in the clouds itself, she couldn’t help but feel like the city had never been this colorful in all the years she’d lived here alone. 
The soft glow of the city's night seeped through the curtains, casting a muted radiance in the room. Almost the entire day had been a blur, with their bags dropped on the ground within seconds of the elevator doors closing behind them. They’d collapsed to the ground in a mess of kisses and hands and laughter. 
After dozing off on the criminally soft carpet, they’d settled into Bucky’s room. Somehow, after offering to pour them some wine, Gianna found herself bent over the bar where she had drunkenly kissed him a few months prior. 
After a long, steamy shower, they’d decided it was best for them to go out. Get out of the house, if only to preserve their bodies from the ravenous desires that didn’t seem to be slowing down. 
Finally, Gianna emerged from the bedroom, fastening her second earring. She was adorned in a dress that flowed around her, a dark green that pulled a sparkle from her eyes. Standing up from the barstool where he waited for her, Bucky let out a low whistle.
"Wow," he remarked, offering a half-smile. “You look…wow.”
Gianna grinned, a hint of blush coloring her cheeks. "Has it been that long since I brushed my hair?"
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He extended his arm. "Shall we?"
She chuckled, slipping her arm through his. "Lead the way, kind sir."
The stepped into the elevator and Gianna didn’t hide her gaze as it raked over him. A simple black dress shirt with black slacks, hugging him in all the right places. As much as she loved him with bedhead, he looked so damn handsome with his hair tucked behind his ears. As they reached the bottom, she noticed something different – one of Tony's vintage convertible sports cars gleaming in the front circle drive.
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"Is this...?" she began, eyes wide.
Bucky nodded, a mischievous glint in his eye. "A classy ride for a classy lady."
Gianna laughed, genuine surprise lighting up her features. "I…wow. I didn’t expect this.”
"I’m full of surprises," he replied, a smirk playing on his lips as he opened the passenger door for her. 
As they settled into the plush leather seats of the car, Bucky turned the key, and the engine purred to life. They glided through the city streets, the wind tousling Gianna's hair. It was warm for November in New York, but the breeze gave her a chill nonetheless. 
"So why the car tonight?" she asked, watching the city lights streak by.
Bucky glanced at her, a playful grin forming. "I thought it would be good to remind ourselves that we can have a normal night out. No security, no fanfare. Just two people enjoying each other's company."
Gianna smiled, the simplicity of the sentiment resonating with her. "Normal sounds nice."
"Besides," he added, a hint of mischief in his eyes, "I don’t think you need security considering the company you’re in."
She laughed, leaning back against the seat. "True, although I’m more concerned about fangirls coming after you than me these days."
Bucky steered them into the valet circle in front of one of Gianna's favorite restaurants, an Italian place on the edge of town. A soft Frank Sinatra song greeted them as they parked, and he offered Gianna his arm once more as he helped her from the vehicle.
"Ready for a calm, normal night out?" he asked, his gaze steady.
"As long as the night in afterwards is anything but," she replied, her sultry smile a direct contrast to the sweetness of her face. She could have sworn she heard a low growl escape his lips as he held the door open for her. 
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The soft hum of conversation and the clink of cutlery against fine china surrounded them as they enjoyed the cozy ambiance of the intimate Italian restaurant. Candlelight flickered, casting warm shadows on the walls as they savored the last bites of their meal.
As the server cleared their plates, Bucky took a sip of his wine, eyes never leaving Gianna. "You know, you're even more enchanting under this light."
Gianna grinned, her eyes sparkling. "Flattery will get you everywhere, Barnes."
He chuckled, leaning back in his chair. "I don't need flattery. Maybe just a bit more wine."
She lifted her wine glass in a mock toast before downing the rest of her glass, never breaking eye contact.
Their playful banter melted into a comfortable silence as they browsed the dessert menu. The restaurant's atmosphere, the classic love songs softly playing over the speakers, the warmth in Gianna’s stomach from the wine…all of it yielded to a moment that seemed to suspend in time.
Bucky broke the quiet, his tone soft but sincere. "I…I never thought I'd find someone who could pull me out of the shadows. Gianna…you saved me in ways I didn't know I needed saving."
Gianna reached across the table, her fingers finding his. "And you, Bucky Barnes, have saved me so many times I lost count. You saved me from people, from circumstances. But even more than that…you saved me from feeling alone in this world. I've traveled to so many places, performed in front of countless crowds, but it always felt like I was on the outside looking in. Until you." She squeezed his hand. 
Their gazes held, a silent acknowledgment of the confessions they’d both laid bare. The restaurant's soundtrack of old-school ballads seemed to underscore the emotions in the air.
Bucky stroked the back of her hand with his thumb. "I thought I could feel this way. After everything. I didn’t think I could feel so...alive." He shook his head, looking down. “I’m sorry, I’m not as good with words as you.”
Gianna's eyes softened, and she smiled. "Funny, I was thinking the exact opposite. You make me feel alive, too.” 
He raised his glass with the hand not holding hers. “To feeling alive.” Their glasses clinked, the last of their wine not holding a candle to the intoxication from the buzz between them.
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The car purred to a stop in front of the Avengers' Tower, its vintage frame a testament to another time. It was perfect for her forties’ man, with all his charm, Gianna thought as she leaned comfortably against Bucky's shoulder in the seat. The afterglow of their dinner date still lingered as they pulled to the front circle drive. The familiar sight of a small crowd greeted them. Fans, recognizably holding posters and notebooks, mingled with the ever-present paparazzi, their cameras flashing like strobe lights. Gianna shared a glance with Bucky, her expressive eyes conveying a mix of humor and a hint of apprehension.
Bucky extended his arm to Gianna as they stepped out of the car, a subtle nod of solidarity exchanged between them. To their astonishment, the clamor for autographs and attention was almost evenly divided between the pop star and the previously polarizing Winter Soldier.
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A group of young girls, their eyes wide with admiration, eagerly held out notebooks and printed photos for Bucky to sign. Gianna, ever the good sport, grinned at the irony of the situation. Just as she predicted, with his rugged charm and a hint of vulnerability, Bucky was attracting just as much attention from the fans as she was. He paused, looking at her apprehensively. Gianna nodded in encouragement, releasing his arm so he could sign the various things being thrust out to him.
The paparazzi, relentless in their pursuit of a scoop, bombarded them with questions. Gianna, accustomed to the circus of public life, fielded inquiries with her signature grace and media training. "Oh, you know, just enjoying a night out in the city." She flashed her dazzling smile, patiently waiting for Bucky to finish.
Bucky, a stoic figure in the midst of the whirlwind, focused on signing autographs. The paparazzi, sensing an opportunity for a more intimate story, decided to push their luck.
"Sergeant Barnes, any truth to the rumors that you and Gianna Cruz are more than just coworkers?"
Bucky, without missing a beat, shot a look at Gianna, his blue eyes carrying a hint of playfulness. "Did this look like a business meeting to you?"
A ripple of laughter ran through the crowd, the tension momentarily diffused. Gianna winked at him. "He's the best bodyguard I’ve ever had. Very committed to his job."
The crowd chuckled, appreciating the banter between the unlikely duo. The paparazzi, determined to get a headline, persisted. "But seriously, all those nights on the road, living at the compound…it must make for blurred lines!”
This time, Bucky hesitated for a split second, narrowing his eyes at the personal question. He ignored it and went back to signing for the giddy teenage girls.
"Gianna, over here! How was the date?"
"Is it true you two are a couple?"
"Mr. Barnes, are you falling for the pop star?"
The questions came rapid-fire, but Gianna, well-versed in the art of dodging personal queries, maintained her poise. "Can’t go wrong with a meal at Avanzare’s, I highly recommend the lasagna."
Bucky, however, wasn't as accommodating. As fans clamored for autographs, Bucky's only half of his attention was on them, keeping a close watch on Gianna the entire time. No one dared step closer to her with the intense look in Bucky’s eye challenging them. Gianna, fully at ease, smiled and engaged with the fans.
Then came the question that altered the script. "Bucky Barnes, the Quarterback for the New York Jets recently went on record saying he was, and I quote ‘absolutely in love with Gianna Cruz. Do you have any comments for that?"
Gianna rolled her eyes. Another celebrity she’d never met, name dropping her on a late night show in hopes of going viral. An old, tired PR trick. Bucky, distracted from the question by his split focus on the fans and Gianna’s safety, spoke candidly. 
“Yeah, he can join the club.”
The revelation hung in the air, a collective gasp from the crowd. Bucky, realizing what he had admitted, turned to Gianna. She stood there, a mixture of surprise and giddiness on her face, mirrored by the expressions of the onlookers.
"I..." Bucky spoke slowly. “I am so…unbelievably, uncontrollably, stupidly, insanely in love with her.” 
His words were hanging in the night air as he blindly tossed the sharpie he was holding back to a fan and stepped to Gianna. She was beaming so widely her cheeks hurt. 
“It’s about time you said so.” She spoke softly. “Here I’ve been, hopelessly in love since the first week of tour.” He looked down at her, running his fingers down the back of her arms. Goosebumps erupted in their wake. 
“I’m sorry. I love you. I’m in love with you. I don’t care if the whole goddamn world knows it.” 
In a flash, he scooped Gianna up, spun her around and kissed her. Without setting her down or breaking the kiss, Bucky walked into the front doors of Stark Tower, the facial recognition somehow allowing them in despite their faces being pressed together. 
The paparazzi seized the moment, their cameras clicking furiously. The fans, witnessing a real-life drama unfold, erupted into applause. The reporter who’d asked the question blinked, still processing what had happened. 
"Well, that's a headline I didn't see coming."
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solradguy · 8 months
Mr. Rad Guy, I've wanted to get your opinion on something for a while now, and finally snagged what I was looking for on twitter. I normally don't pay any of those transphobic Bridget discourse peddlers any mind, but they bring up her appearence in the canon pachinko game Vastege as supposed "proof" that Strive's story direction for her is a contradictory retcon. This game's plot takes place just three months before Xrd's, and they claim that through her voicelines she is still insisting sternly that she's a man and not to call her cute, but also that she STILL hasn't broken her village's superstition at this point in time. This is the only image they ever have as so-called evidence, so I wanted to see if you know if these lines are legitimately in the game, scrapped content, or made up altogether. I don't trust these lunatics as far as I can throw them when it comes to telling the whole truth 🤨
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This screenshot is from same manuscript of dialog that is in the lore server archives and in the GG VXT archive pack that I compiled and uploaded to Archive.org. As far as I know, these lines were all used in the game and no unused lines have been (or even could be) datamined. Two of the lines here are highlighted so I'm assuming they're the ones these dorks are using to try to prove their point. I've translated them.
First line:
I want to break the village's rule/law*, and return to the village as a young man.
*In the official localizations I think they might translate this as "tradition" or "superstition" instead of rule or law.
"Young man" in that line is 男の子 (otokonoko). Do not let anyone convince you Bridget is using the other otokonoko there (男の娘;"young man with a feminine aesthetic"). They like to do that a lot, argue that it's the one that uses 娘.
Second line:
Cute is uncalled for... I'm a man.
In conclusion: Yes. Bridget is using almost 1:1 recycled dialog in Vastedge that she used in XX and the spinoffs. The Twitter grifters' Google Translating was correct this time.
Vastedge's plot may take place only 3 months before Xrd, but Vastedge itself came out in 2013—8 entire years before Strive released in 2021. A lot can change in 3 months in real life, but after almost a decade most people are entirely different altogether (wrt Daisuke and his plot decisions). Also it's a friggin pachislot machine lmfao Like, are people really expecting something as earth shattering as a character as irrelevant to the general plot like Bridget suddenly stopping all of the action to explore her identity on a slot machine? I have no patience for these people anymore. They're just stupid and arguing because they have no hobbies.
There's also the fact that Daisuke originally planned for Bridget to be a cis girl until the very last minute. So if anything her coming out in Strive was just returning to the starting concept. He mentions this in the interview in the back of Artworks of Guilty Gear X 2000-2004. Translation by fairymisao.
(27)---The character Bridget, introduced in Guilty Gear XX, looks like a girl but is actually a boy, right? What was your intention in deciding on creating this kind of character? Ishiwatari: The creation of Bridget as a boy happened at the very last second; during development I was drawing him as purely a girl. It's just that when there is a need to give a worldly backbone (to the game), in order for me to try to not forget each character, and in order to revive the character, I give them my very heart. As a result, the creation of Bridget as actually a boy instead of a girl was because I thought he could become my alter ego. [...]
It's also important to note that Vastedge was the first thing ASW made for Guilty Gear after getting the full rights to the IP back from Sega after the Sega-Sammy merger in 2011 (which they had started to lose a bit before Overture's release in 2004). They were absolutely more focused on making something that would generate income and looked flashy than they were a compelling cinematic experience.
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perryhedge · 2 years
Why Digimon Ghost Game is Episodic
Note: a lot of this is sourced from @RavelMonte on Twitter, who has a lot of great translations and threads about Digimon production across the franchise.
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Recently, there was a soundbite going around where the lead writer of Digimon Ghost Game explained that one reason for the episodic structure of the show is to adapt to the shorter attention spans of children these days. While I don't think that's true (well, attention spans may actually be getting shorter, I do believe that -- but at least, anecdotally it seems that people are more hungry for serialized stories, not less, and that is one of the reasons why anime is getting so popular worldwide). But as Ravel points out, there's another goal here, which is part of the Digimon Reboot project (thread linked below):
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I'm no expert when it comes to these things, but one thing that's important in the media mix business model (which Digimon has always been a part of) is the term 世界観 (sekaikan = worldview). You may have heard this term used in interviews from various Japanese creators. In a media mix structure, the central element is not necessarily a fixed plot or even necessarily characters (characters can be part of a worldview, but not necessarily a specific iteration of a character -- we can see this in the 2020 Digimon Adventure series, where the 8 chosen children remain but their personalities and arcs change drastically). Contrast with something like Star Wars which is continually forced to fit everything into one consistent universe and timeline. Obviously there must be more to media mixes and I'm not an expert on the topic, but I think this video is really well presented and informative:
So anyway, to summarize Ravel's thread and its implications for Ghost Game, one of the main purposes of this show is to unite the disparate elements of the franchise (and everyone knows Digimon is all over the place, especially after the flagship game series known in the west as Digimon World vacillated between raising simulator, dungeon crawler, and musou-style action RPG in just 4 entries). The purpose of the Digimon reboot, brought on by a producer on the (formerly?) successful Aikatsu media mix empire, is not really to "reboot" the franchise and create a new worldview, but rather to slowly incorporate all the existing branches of the franchise as much as possible into one worldview.
Monsters of the Week
One more or less obvious way that this is reflected in Ghost Game (and even more so in the 2020 Adventure reboot) is the choice of monster of the week. There are a few new mons altogether, but also a lot of mons that never appeared in an anime. Of course, every few weeks there is a public update to the newly curated reference book:
I'm only 27 episodes in but let's take a look at the roster of monsters of the week.
There are a few "fan favorite" Digimon like Digitamamon, Arukenimon, Mummymon, and Vamdemon that were villains in former series.
A Deva Digimon from Tamers (Majiramon)
Bokomon from Frontier
Splashmon and Pilomon from Xros Wars
Morphomon from the epilogue film Digimon Last Adventure Kizuna
Some armored evolutions (a concept introduced in Adventure 02, though there are many mons that had never appeared in the anime). For example, Quetzalmon is an armored evolution of Wormmon (a partner in 02) that had previously only appeared in a V-Pet, the original TCG, and some video games. Fans probably do know a lot of these mons from seeing them around.
Mons like Ginkakumon and Sirenmon that were introduced in an online version of the original TCG.
Black variants like BlackTailmon and BlackAgumon.
There are still a few elements of the franchise missing, for example X Antibody Digimon from the CG film Digimon X Evolution and Spirit Digimon from Frontier (though the pre-evolutions to Spirit Digimon did appear in Adventure 2020). There's some lore like the Royal Knights, Three Archangels, Olympus Twelve, Seven Demon Lords, or Four Holy Beasts that may or may not be referenced as well. It's not likely, but it would be cool if they added in Appmon too. But for the most part, these last two anime have really drawn from the entire franchise and made an effort to feature a diversity of mons.
Despite Ghost Game being episodic, even at 27 episodes I can already see an overarching narrative emerging. I don't mean the hints that appear once every few episodes about GulusGamamon and Hiro's dad. There's another story, about all the Digimon that game to the human world and the ways in which they interact and try (and sometimes fail) to fit in. This sort of worldbuilding again draws from all across the franchise thematically.
One major element that we may worry about is, what are Digimon even, and what is the Digital World? Whereas previous series went into depth about the creation of Digimon (notably 02 and Tamers) or the structure of the world (Frontier), Ghost Game notably does not. It's entirely possible, though unlikely in my opinion, that the main trio never go to the Digital World at all. What's more important is that Digimon already exist, they're in the real world now, and though they were trapped there by some malevolent (?) force, this does not seem to be part of some coordinated assault on the human world. They're just there, living their lives. And already we see some interesting implications of this.
For one, there's our main cast, the symbol of harmony between Digimon and humans (as noted by Bokomon, this may make the main trio very important in the future). But there are also more general ideas of a "Digimon partner" (though, since it is shown that Ruri can team up with Jellymon, that concept may be more flexible than in past seasons). Take for example Ajatarmon in episode 24, who loved a particular human so badly it wanted to become one, or Koemon in episode 14, who is grieving over the loss of a human friend. There's also the scientist who we briefly see experimenting Morphomon, in a reference to Last Evolution Kizuna. These storylines usually end with some kind of compromise, though in the case of Ajatarmon we see that sometimes the alienation is too strong to overcome. This is reminiscent of the early, episodic parts of Digimon Savers which saw Digimon integrating into the real world, often as allies but not necessarily partners (my favorite is Piyomon).
Then there's Digimon that are only interested in using humans to meet their own needs, like Sistermon (need for speed), Digitamamon (sees humans as food), Arukenimon (ditto but more horrifying), Kinkakumon (desires a strong opponent), Splashmon (desires moisturizer), or Zassoumon (Gremlins from the movie Gremlins). These can sometimes be reasoned with, but more often than not this kind of encounter ends in violence. This reminds me of the early parts of Adventure, where the concern for the main protagonists was basically surviving this strange world as just another link in the food chain.
There's plenty of Digimon who want nothing to do with humans, notably Angoramon's friends and the ice Digimon from episode 17, but don't have any particular ill will towards them either, possibly unless provoked.
Plenty of Digimon try to help humans only for it to backfire, like Mummymon (wants to be a doctor), Sirenmon (cheer humans with songs), Petermon (save the children), Piximon (chaotic neutral), or DarkLizamon and Seadramon who end up desperate for a way home. Some of them can find a way to fit in, some of them can be convinced to go do something less harmful, but this category tends to be the most unpredictable.
And then there's a handful of malicious Digimon, though notably only one (Vamdemon) has expressed any interest in conquering or destroying the world as far as I can tell. The rest just want to cause mayhem or hurt humans for fun. Rarely they can be reasoned with, but mostly this ends in violence. There are lots of these types of encounters in Tamers and Savers.
Notably, all the previous series were heavily serialized, so eventually this variety of monster of the week conflicts gave way sooner or later to a big bad. Sometimes, it's revealed that all the bad guys were controlled by one super bad guy all along. Other times, like in Frontier, the stakes are clear from the start and the villains remain consistent. But Ghost Game, at least so far, doesn't seem interested in that kind of plot. Instead, it focuses on coming up with often pretty creative ways for Digimon and humans to interact, not schemed up by some genius villain but just as a result of their own desires. Notably, the one Digimon who did seem to be sent on orders by a villain (Sealsdramon), turns out to just enjoy killing for fun. This is an interesting twist on the usual structure, and I think it definitely gives this one series more room to explore those kinds of dynamics.
I've been watching a lot of episodic shows lately, such as another long-running Toei series, Precure. Compared to a lot of episodic and formulaic shows of this sort, Ghost Game really is pretty unique. There's not just one solution to every problem. When I'm watching Precure, sometimes I'm frustrated that a particular fight just seems like an excuse to show the transformation, instead of another vehicle for increasing our understanding of the characters. But I rarely feel that way about Ghost Game, even though it is true that most episodic conflicts don't have any implications for the characters really. Instead, the episodic structure is used to flesh out the world itself.
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no-side-us · 5 months
Letters From Watson Liveblog - Dec. 27
The Lion's Mane, Part 2 of 2
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It's funny that Murdoch gets fired now, for simply not answering his boss' question outside of work, but when he defenestrated a dog? No that was fine, who even cares about that.
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Tom Bellamy is a nothing character, but from this line and one before about him "starting from nothing," you can tell he's a real hypocrite for not wanting his daughter to marry someone "outside her own station" when he himself was evidently quite poor at one point.
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What does this mean for Holmes? Does he mean conversations with his housekeeper altogether? Or just ones about local gossip? If it's the latter then it makes sense he wouldn't care, but if it's the former then it's just rude.
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Poor dog. First it gets defenestrated, then its master befriends its defenestrator, and now it seemingly died an extremely painful death. What an unfortunate life for this dog that doesn't even get a name.
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The reveal that the murderer all along was a jellyfish is really funny to me. I love that Holmes, after having fought and captured so many murderers, has to solve a case where the killer is just a non-local animal. It's a shame they decided to kill it.
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Ah Holmes, humble as ever.
Not exactly a mystery the reader could readily solve, but still a fun story with some insight into Holmes' retirement.
Part 1 - Part 2
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dmagedgoods · 8 months
I found the Baldur's Gate 3 Character Development Questions. :)
What about 17, 23 and 27 for Rowley? 💕
Great questions for him, thank you so much! 💕 17: Do they enjoy life as an adventurer? He enjoys it quite a lot. It’s an unexpected improvement to what his life has been like during the last year. Admittedly, he was at a very low point and incapable of getting out of this dangerous pit. It needed the abduction to make things move in a slightly different direction again. He highly enjoys the constant excitement, the dangers, the secrets they discover, and to use his wits and his abilities for more complex missions than just getting rid of the next noble. Rowley firmly plans to expand his job description after they are done with the tadpole mess. 23: What do they do after the absolute crisis? It depends a lot on how the game will end for him, I fear. If he could utter a wish? An adventurous life with Astarion. Traveling with him or finding a nice place to live in Baldur’s Gate they both feel comfortable and good with and doing missions that go beyond simple murder (and maybe refrain from killing altogether or well, mostly), he doesn’t have very firm preferences regarding types of living spaces, he will leave those specifics to his boyfriend as long as they are free and together and he gets to have the thrill of exciting challenges and just some fun. Luckily, they have a very similar idea what this fun entails. Two rogues/adventures/trickster thieves/assassins/problem solvers. It won’t get boring for them, they will make sure of it. Also, Rowley wants to try and find a way for Astarion to walk in the sun again. Of course, there also is the darker thought, in case Rowley helps Astarion ascend and either dies of self-destructive tendencies, because he can’t bear the loss, or alternatively ignores everything he needs, becomes his toy, and dies more slowly because he can neither truly bear to be only this to him nor to lose his freedom. 27: What was their life like before the events of BG3?
Aaand this one you find here.
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kpopsexstories · 14 days
I just finished editing the final story – Winwin's – and now I'm feeling sad 😆
I started this blog in September (I think it was) with the goal of posting one short smut story about each member of NCT 127, NCT Dream and WayV.
Next week, the final story comes out.
Tonight, I just finished editing the final story. I first wrote it months ago. Perhaps it's because I'm slightly tipsy, but I'm suddenly overcome with a bittersweet feeling.
I've poured at least one sleepless night into each of the 21 stories. Sometimes more. I've brainstormed, drafted, rejected, rewritten, edited and proofread each story so many times.
Some came naturally and effortlessly, some went through multiple new drafts. Some admittedly felt like an impossible burden to write, others felt like a breeze and some of the best storytelling I've ever written. Regardless, I'm proud of every single one of these stories and the fresh take they each bring to the series.
I've received hate for not handling certain 'characters' the way some people expected – or for writing k-pop smut in the first place – and I've received love for giving some exactly what they wanted and opening others up to new genres and ideas.
I've done my best work while fully focused on the craft and not at all turned on in the moment even by the sexiest scenes. But I've also been incredibly horny so many times. I've masturbated more times than I can count throughout this project, and secretly it's been my wish that at least one stranger has done the same at least once while reading my work.
At times, I've given up my social life for this project. At the same time, I've re-connected with old friends as I've told select people in my life about what I secretly do on Tumblr. I've found this project incredibly rewarding.
Now, as I've re-read the final story and scheduled it, I can't help but feel melancholic about it. Right now I think it's the best story in the series, but I know that's not true. Each reader has their unique preferences, and each story caters to a different inclination. Still, I've found my audience – you! – and a creative outlet I genuinely love.
In total, the MMSE of NCT series ends at over 104,000 words. That's longer than the average novel! If you include my other series on this blog, that's two novels altogether.
All in less than a year, which is pretty insane to me considering that I once wrote an actual novel which took me 5 years to complete.
So, Winwin's story – which is the last of the 21 members I intended to write about – will be published on Monday (May 27, 2024), and it marks the end of an era.
No matter if you've been here from the start (which is highly unlikely as I had 0 followers at the time) or just got here, I want to thank you! Your likes, follows and messages have been a huge motivator, and the reason I want to keep going.
Because no, this isn't the end. I still have a lot of stories in me, and I intend to explore other groups while also writing more about NCT going forward.
I hope you'll stick around for many years to come 😃
-> Master List (all my published k-pop smut) -> Series: Most Memorable Sexual Experiences of NCT -> Series: Quick Fix Dirty K-pop Imagines -> Series: Mixed One-shots -> Buy Me a Coffee
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geenawrites · 11 months
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[published on letterboxd 7/27/23]
Beast Wars, produced by the defunct Mainframe Entertainment, is seminal children's television. It's the reason Transformers still has a pulse in a post-80s media landscape. It's the Star Trek of the franchise, grappling with the ethics of armed conflict and environmentalism. It's a fantastic series, esp if modern audiences can get past the dated CGI.
But in the twenty-odd years since its end on Fox Kids, Beast Wars has become the Blade of Hasbro's franchise. It proved the franchise's viability to the company, but since then the cast and story of BW have been regulated to the margins in favor of G1 nostalgia. My boys can't even get another show on their own, they have to be supporting characters to Optimus and Co. I hate it.
Rise of the Beasts is pretty much more of the same for the BW story, but worse. The Predacons have been annexed from the story altogether in favor of the Terracons, minions of Unicron. The Maximals are down to Rhinox, Cheetor, Primal, and Airrazor, who play supporting roles, yet again, to Optimus and Bumblebee. I hate it, y'all. Rise of the Beasts is everything I want to see stop for the Beast Wars story. I need Hasbro to put some respect on my team's name.
But, I didn't hate this movie.
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I had fun watching this to some degree. What works for ROTB is the story surrounding Anthony Ramos and Dominique Fishback. Unlike previous TF films, minus Bumblebee, there's some sense of investment in their characters from the script and their integration with the Transformers conflict. The absence of Michael Bay as a director might be the best thing to ever happen for the human elements of this franchise.
The story in general? If you've seen the first two Transformers films, it's basically that. A MacGuffin hunt for a Transformers artifact.
Performances from the voice cast are fairly strong throughout. Michelle Yeoh and Ron Perlman do a lot to make their characters feel like more than what the film allows them. Peter Cullen still putting work as Optimus Prime. Everything he says sounds like something from a Toonami ad and it pleases me greatly. That annoying guy from SNL was even pretty good as Mirage. I him like better as a franchise mascot than Bumblebee, whose talking-through-audio-clips shtick is dull as dishwater now.
There was all this talk about one of the original voice actors from BW (the actor who played Depthcharge) being cast as Rhinox, but his lines were clearly cut because I ain't hear a peep from him.
ROTB is not a great film. It doesn't do the Beast Wars story any favors, the G.I. Joe tease made me roll my eyes more than Mirage becoming an exo-suit did. ROTB honestly seems to prove that the movie franchise doesn't have much going for it in terms of storytelling.
Much like Captain Marvel, it's heavy-handed on the nostalgia callbacks of the 90s and calls attention to itself in ways that it shouldn't. But I had fun watching this, and for a second time, the human element was probably the best part of the film.
Give it a watch if you aren't completely done with this franchise, but do me a favor and check out Beast Wars and Beast Machines. It's good shit.
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bloomingdarkgarden · 11 months
Okay just being honest here all those people who are anti-Lucien and say they don't like him are in denial. Yes you do. Grow up and accept yourself. Everyone likes Lucien. (also so excited to see your Elucien piece, as a multishipper myself this is amazing)
Also, I am living for the angst. Chapter 27 killed me in the best way possible. I'm not going to recover and I'm fully okay with that. Looking forward to chapter 28 <3
Coming in hot honey, I'm here for it.
I get why people are against the pairing. And I think folks lean towards nixing Lucien altogether in response. A huge chunk of the fandom hates Elain too, tbh, and I will defend her quiet existence with garden shears. I personally find Lucien's character- romanances aside- to be one of SJM's most original and compelling. When he broke Hybern's *magic chains* in a hot fuss with his *secret unspoken powers* I was screaming at my walls.
My heart may be Azzy's but my body is definitely Lucien's. From the first time he opened his pretty, wry mouth in ACOTAR I was gripping my armchair like
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just-barrow · 7 months
day 27 of @almost-a-class-act's War Is Helloween prompts!
SAS: Rogue Heroes - David Stirling/Doctor Gamal
Character A cuts themselves pumpkin carving, pie making, or doing some other fall activity; Character B comes to the rescue.
"I'm glad you waited until I got home to seriously injure yourself."
David was sitting on the kitchen floor, cradling his hand as he glared up at Asim.
The kitchen looked like a bomb had exploded. Flour and apple peels were everywhere. There was a smear of butter on a kitchen cabinet. The sink was so full of dishes Asim genuinely wondered where it had all come from; he couldn't remember them owning that many bowls. The oven door was open and a very rustic apple pie was on the floor in front of it–somehow it was still right side up and in its tin despite looking like it had been launched from the oven.
In David's defense, it did smell amazing.
"Let me see." Asim kneeled next to him and gently took his hand. David had already applied bandaids to three separate fingers of his left hand, blood starting to seep through, and there was an angry red burn on his right palm. Asim started to open his mouth, but David beat him to it.
"Yes, yes, 'use the oven mitts instead of a towel'. I know," he grumbled.
Asim smiled and kissed David's knuckles. "Come on, I'll patch you up."
David deflated a little and let himself get helped upright. With a huff he sat down at the kitchen table and hissed as he tried to make a fist with his right hand. "Stings."
"Did you keep it under the tap?"
"Lukewarm, like you taught me."
Rummaging around in their well-equipped first aid kit, Asim's mouth quirked as he glanced over at David. "Good boy."
David couldn't quite hide his pleased little smile.
Because David had done a spectacularly shoddy job with the bandaids, Asim removed them all and administered some more professional wound care, cleaning the nasty cuts and making sure they were bandaged properly.
"I'm almost afraid to ask how you managed to hurt yourself this badly making one single pie."
"Turns out apples have to be cored, peeled, and diced before you can put them in a pie."
Asim winced, picturing David narrowly avoiding taking his fingers off altogether. "Maybe we should just do this together next time you get the urge."
David pouted. "Wanted to surprise you."
"That you did," Asim sighed, rubbing burn cream into David's mildly scalded palm. He caught his eye and smiled. "You're very sweet to make me something."
"Oh, shut up." A blush crept up his cheeks and he looked away. He groaned when he once again caught sight of the carnage he had caused in their kitchen.
"We'll clean it up later," Asim said, kissing David on the forehead before clearing away the first aid kit. "First, I'd like to try that pie you almost killed yourself making."
Miraculously, there were still some clean plates and forks available. Asim retrieved the pie, now cooled, from the floor, and served them both a slice. It immediately fell apart as he took it out of the tin.
"This better be good," David glowered at his plate before clumsily scooping bits of apple and crust into his mouth.
Asim laughed and took a generous bite.
They stared at each other in disbelief.
"What the hell."
It was the best apple pie they'd ever tasted.
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oasis-nadrama · 1 year
Short summary of Andrew Hussie‘s “Wizardy Herbert and the Mobius Slipknot”
Oasis "Cauchemar" Nadrama, 28/03/2023 This is a short summary of an unfinished novel written by Hussie in the 2000s. We do not know precisely when they started the text, but we do know the file was last saved 07/27/2008. The following summary leaves out some significant characters and events, shifts various scenes around and merges reveals for the sake of overall clarity. Please refer to the complete summary for a more exhaustive understanding of the novel.
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[Drawing by Andrew Hussie]
‘ 1] A nightmare of a summer camp The young boy WIZARDY HERBERT hates fun and magic; consequently, the shady old magician THUNDLESHICK convinces his parents, the EGGWOODS, to send him to a "magical summer camp" under the pretense of an accounting camp. Herbert is the only remaining child of the Eggwood family, since his brothers Louis and Seymour both disappeared. At the gathering, June 5 2004, Thundleshick takes the entire crowd of kids away to another realm, A WORLD OF ETERNAL SUMMER. He then steals all of their luggage (camouflaging his mischief with apparent destruction) before retreating alone in his castle. The kids are attacked by SLURPENOOK DRONES, giant black skeletons with glowing green entrails, which capture them and take them back to FORT SLURPENOOK, an aircraft carrier surrounded by a military fleet, all part of the same faction, in the middle of a lava ocean. In Fort Slurpenook, the malevolent camp councilor SLINUS MARLEVORT reduces the children to slavery. Herbert escapes the skeletons, along with BEATRIX, a girl his age who approached him back on Earth. Little does he know that Beatrix searched for him for years before summer camp. For Herbert and Beatrix are both afflicted with memory issues: they do not remember anything before Christmas of 1998. The duo makes the acquaintance of various other children and teenagers, most importantly GRANT and RUSSET. Grant is a late teenager, around 17 years old, with ulterior motives. Russet is a boy close to their age, 14, alternating between two personalities. One of the Russets is incredibly joyful, elegant and magically skilled, while the other one is depressed, clumsy and cannot use any kind of spell. Distrusting of Grant, Beatrix parts company with the older boy, and also breaks the spell he established to be able to find her, the RUSSIAN DOLL MAGIC. She reunites with Herbert and Russet in the gigantic underground bunker named FORT CROSSNEST where they find COUNCILOR CARMEN, an unhinged character who seems to keep talking to herself, but in fact quarrels with telepathic messages from an yet-unknown entity. Carmen tells the kids they can do CAMP QUESTS to obtain MERIT BADGES and then exchange them for a return ticket for Earth. ‘ ‘ 2] Merit badges and magical locket In the course of the story, Beatrix is attacked by various HUMANIMAL HYBRIDS all sent by Marlevort. They all less interested in the young girl and more in her artifact, a circular locket called the MOBIUS SLIPKNOT. Herbert, despising magic and seemingly incompatible with mystical forces altogether, equips himself with a handgun before starting the camp quests. With the help of Russet and Beatrix, he obtains a large bag of badges, which should be enough to buy a dozen trips back to normalcy. Beatrix leaves Fort Crossnest to find back Grant by reestablishing the Russian doll link. She wants to get the medicine he's carrying for Russet. But right after Beatrix departs, Herbert discovers she's been stalking him! Feeling betrayed, he betrays her in turn, breaking the doll spell once again. This action leaves Beatrix in danger in front of a mighty humanimal, a raging creature destroying the urban environment of FORT PIZZAHUT. Luckily, Beatrix reunites with Grant, other surviving kids, and they escape with their life, using the ship of the Pizzahut faction to go back to Fort Crossnest. Herbert ends up disappointed when reaching Thundleshick in his castle, for the old magician gives him TOILET PAPER in exchange of a preposterous amount of badges, and then Herbert obtains some CLARIFYING POTION to help him see THE TRUTH. Thundleshick, as dishonest as ever, get rid of Herbert by opening a trap door. Herbert falls in the catacombs of the castle, where he finds back his stolen luggage, containing a WEIRD BOOK WITH THE TITLE BLACKENED. It is VOLUME 1. Herbert's book is similar to the one that Marlevort, gravely wounded after a short-lived Slurpenook mutiny, picks up in his safe. This one book is VOLUME 7. Marlevort reads part of the book in order to summon another version of himself, and then transfers his mind in it. ‘ ‘ 3] The magical books Unable to reach Fort Crossnest because of an unpractical water levels mechanism, Herbert tries out a different underground passage which leads him to a version of the WHITE HOUSE covered in vines. In there, he seems to active an OBSCURE CONTAINER; in the container, there is a DARK STONE STATUE. A COUNTDOWN starts. Herbert then accidentally splashes some of the clarifying potion on the weird book and see the title of the text is… "WIZARDY HERBERT". The world of eternal summer and the various characters ALL SEEM TO COME FROM THESE NOVELS, the seven-books series "Wizardy Herbert" made by the young LOUIS EGGWOOD. In admiration of his teenage friend JAMAL K. ROWLING, Louis inadvertantly ripped off the "Harry Potter" series written by Jamal with this creation: he invented a magical summer camp with FOUR FORTS in lieu of the Hogwarts Houses and Allotment Socks replacing the Sorting Hat. Russet picks up the MOBIAN SLIPKNOT in Beatrix's room and, using doll magic, reaches Thundleshick's castle. Russet confesses that he is tormented by his homosexuality; Thundleshick promises to help him out but tricks him into a coma before robbing him and leaving him to the Slurpenook Drones. ‘ ‘ 4] Messages from another you Back to Fort Crossnest, Herbert shows Grant and Beatrix a surprising discovery: a VHS tape carrying a message from someone who seems to be "Future Herbert". But time travel is indicated as impossible in this universe, so it is probably OLDER HERBERT, another version of Herbert invoked from the "Wizardy Herbert" books, just like Marlevort is able to summon other Marlevorts. We learn that back in Christmas 1998, Beatrix's first memories on Earth are seeing an OLDER BEATRIX entrusting her with the Mobius Slipknot before being possessed by an ominous prophecy of Marlevort's reign and dying from a violent disease. In the same winter night, Herbert's first memories on Earth are carrying an unkown cadaver and burying him outside of the family house with his brother Seymour. The VHS message from Older Herbert indicates that the MOBIUS SLIPKNOT is infinitely important, that Marlevort is a huge threat and that everyone is about to die. Herbert, Beatrix and Grant barely have time to digest all of the information before Beatrix is abducted by the most powerful and dangerous humanimal yet, the psychic dog-man hybrid PYCROFT. This entity was the one who communicated with Carmen's mind previously. In the fight against Pycroft, Grant accidentally KILLS an innocent little kid. He hides the tragedy from his friends. Pycroft manages to take Beatrix back to Fort Slurpenook. Beatrix and Russet are reunited in a Slurpenook cell. Russet confesses his desire to kiss Beatrix. She meets his lips... but Russet then fully realizes he is gay. Herbert and Grant then borrow a magical F-16 plane from a near-abandoned airport and head for the lava sea. Time to rescue Beatrix! ‘ ‘ 5] Magical wars In the aircraft on its way to Fort Slurpenook, Grant explains part of the history of this world: from Earth, in the eighties, RONALD REAGAN, THE REPUBLICAN USA PRESIDENT, hijacked the very workings of the summer world, the magical summer camp and its trials, and distorted it to engage Russia in a FULL BLOWN THAUMATURGICAL WAR. The conflict devolved into the local equivalent to a nuclear war, then an apocalypse which engulfed all of the mystical realm. And Marlevort built his empire on the ruins. The aerial battle between the F-16 and the Slurpenook fleet starts well, Herbert's skill with weapons uniting with Grant's magical talent, but turns to COMPLETE DEFEAT for our heroes when Marlevort joins the fight. The evil councilor is about to kill Herbert when, with the unexpected telepathic help of the humanimal Pycroft, Herbert teleports away. Grant manages to land on Fort Slurpenook and to find the cell where his friends are kept captive. He frees them, then convinces Russet to give him the Mobius Slipknot… and disappears with the precious artifact. Beatrix and Russet are left to face Marlevort alone. ‘ ‘ 6] The last answers Doll magic has brought Herbert to Thundleshick's castle. There, Herbert finally gets some answers from the old wizard: - Marlevort is the real power directing all of the summer camp and Thundleshick is his servant. - The Mobius Slipknot is an artifact able to IMMERSE ITSELF AS WELL AS HUMANS FROM THE REAL EARTH INTO BOOKS OF FICTION. Once in the diegesis, both the Slipknot and the human assume different appearances, fit for the local setting. The human being replaces a character from the story, and is stripped from almost all their previous memories. - The Slipknot is also able to EXTRACT FICTIONAL CHARACTERS from novels, repeatedly. - When Seymour Eggwood disappeared from Earth, he was reincarnated into Thundleshick. Thundleshick is Herbert's own brother! After some heated discussion, Seymour Thundleshick teleports Herbert in the sewers of the castle. There, Herbert finds the skeleton of his other brother, as well as the author of the "Wizardy Herbert" books. A SMALL CLAY PARASITE escapes the skull and forces itself in Herbert's ear. He falls inconscious. Meanwhile, on Earth, Ronald Reagan dies. In the world of eternal summer, the countdown on the OBSCURE CONTAINER reaches zero, releasing a SMALL CLAY PARASITE on the MANNEQUIN OF DARK STONE. The parasite merges with the larger statue, which becomes flesh: RONALD REAGAN REBORN, strong, muscular. Reagan, in a spotless suit, starts wandering the world and effortlessly killing extremely creatures. He seems to be the incarnation of power, and the main antagonist.
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the-monkey-ruler · 1 year
Hello again Monkey Ruler! Also I'd like to ask...
Is there any JttW movies that're futuristic/modern era? I've watched a few JttW movies where it takes place in the times where it takes place (during the journey), but what about in the future?
Idk I like the idea of both collide. I remember Nezha Reborn being dystopian Steampunk, but I wanna know if there's a cyberpunkish one~
So there are like… ESTRANGED future versions from what I’ve seen.
The two biggest future shows I can think of is like 1978 Sun Wukong and the War of the Stars 손오공과 별들의 전쟁 孙悟空与星球大战 and 1978 Science Fiction Saiyuki Starzinger SF 西遊記スタージンガー which were really big on the science fiction but with Journey to the West. Otherwise, there haven't been a lot of 'future' takes similar to that at least recently.
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There is this one called a 2016 Bling 슈퍼 프렌즈 机械西游? It’s strange and less of a sci-fi and more of a robot movie. And 2010Laughing Journey嘻哈游记 that looks more like some kinda barely Xiyouji connected media.
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And as for modern tv shows or movies, there are just too many to count really. I’m still categorizing the shows but from what I can tell I have about 27 continuations and about 15 of those are in modern times. There are also a few alternative universes that are just a different settling altogether in modern times.
The earliest version of Xiyouji characters in modern times goes back to 1969 The Monkey in Hong Kong 孫悟空大鬧香港 and animated wise was 1980 Ding Ding (Tintin?) Fights Sun Wukong 丁丁战猴王
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There is The Flying Superboard, Goku Midnight Eye, Journey to the East, Magic Cell Phone, Supermonkey Returns, New Journey to the West 2, Spark: A Space Tail, Divine Hunter: Journey to the West, Monkey King Reloaded, Buddies in India, My Little Monkey King, Journey to the West The Legend of the Merman, Till We Meet Again, Mech God of War Monkey King, Non-Human, The Black Troops: The Rule of Burning Sun, Lego Monkie Kid, God of High School, SD Gundam World Heroes, Monkey King and JJ, Journey to the West: The Return of the Three Saints, New Journey to the West: Unexpected Jingxi, Travel Notes of West Lies: Tang Monk Stepped on the Wrong World, Dream Journey 6 Heavenly Dog, Master and Disciple Returned from Journey to the West, The End of the World Journey to the West: The Legend of Erlang God, My Rich Dad, Journey to the West Laughing, and there is so much more but that is only the ones Im aware of now.
So long story short there are A LOT of more modern takes, just depends on what you are looking for really!
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marioswap · 7 months
🍄! :D
Thank you!!
I will be putting numerous little things, I'm sure that's okay uwu
Some of my favourite headcanons and trivia;
Prince Mario is pan (I guess so is Prince Luigi?)
Prince Luigi has naturally green eyes, but he used blue contacts for a good while. Now in the AU's present time, he doesn't use contacts and thus needs to use reading glasses
Prince Luigi is officially dating Prince Peasley in MarioSwap
Prince Mario is more like their father, King Paolo, and Prince Luigi is more like their mother, Queen Caramel
Prince Mario and Prince Luigi have Keepsakes - a magical power in the lineage of Toadstools. This is a homage to the canon fact that Princess Peach used to canonically have some magical powers
Morton Koopa is FMT
In AU's present time, Mario and Luigi are 27 years old
Then, I want to share a few of my favourite scenes from some of the stories! (I could make entire posts about specific scenes or things about this AU and write essays about 'em, maybe I will if people are interested!)
There will be spoilers! ;)
"Please, Mario, we are beyond formalities at this point", the maid translated Princess Holly, who chuckled while she signed.  "We have known each other since we were little tadpoles!" Holly signed, smirking at Daisy.  Mario hummed, embarrassed. Daisy held a grin on her face and eyed Mario curiously.  "She has always been amused of my frog suit", Mario told Daisy; "She's seen me without one on just a few rare occasions." 
Upsy-Daisy - I just find this scene funny :D #bringbackthefrogsuit
Toadsworth pressed his brows down. Ever since he was a kid, Mario had this habit of clamming up when something didn't go his way, when he was anxious, or when he felt incapable of speaking back. After their parents disappeared, Mario stopped talking altogether. Well, he stopped talking to everyone else except for Luigi. A month in and the Travel Paintings had to be locked away. Some weeks later Mario started talking again, with Luigi's support and help.  This situation reminded Toadsworth an awful lot of that time, and he hoped that Prince Mario wouldn't clam up now. Not now, when his voice needed to be heard. "Your Highness, something has to be done-" Toadsworth whispered to him, trying to encourage him, his words echoing in the otherwise quiet hall. Everyone was waiting for his next order. Mario felt everyone's eyes on him, staring holes in his character. Memories surfaced, making him anxious. He felt panic creep its way into his being. Was he going to have a panic attack? Was this how it felt? Oh, to think Luigi has had to go through this so many times-
Family Matters Act 1 - One of the scenes I loved to write, bc I was able to give Mario's character something deeper. What this AU is partly about is looking deep into Mario and Luigi's characters, their bonds and emotions, and I really like to explore them whenever I can.
“I wouldn’t mind having two kingdoms instead of just one. And to be honest, you’re not the worst option. You’re quite pretty”, Tom mumbled thoughtfully and eyed Prince Mario. Mario chuckled awkwardly. Tom tugged the corner of his lips.  “Too bad you gotta die for this arrangement to work.”  “Mh? What-” Mario uttered, and Tom slammed his hand down on Mario, forcing him on his back on the bed. Tom’s palm covered Mario’s head, in an attempt to smother him. Mario kicked with his legs and struggled underneath Tom’s hand, unable to breath and his right arm hurting. He was fighting hard to stay awake. Luigi felt his heart jump to his throat. He felt how panic took over his whole being, and he wasn’t thinking logically anymore. He squeezed through the gap inside the room and ran as fast as his legs took him towards King Boo.  “Luigi-!” Peach gasped and followed him, Chanterelle rushed after them as well. 
Family Matters Act 2 - for Luigi, this is a very meaningful moment. He learns new things about his abilities, which will later have an impact on his mental health (oh these two really need therapy-)
Mario felt his breath catch pace. It was a decision done on a whim, but most importantly it was a choice he made, with no one else telling him he should or shouldn't do it. Prince Mario let go of Haru's hands for a short moment to cup his cheeks softly, and Haru knew what he was after. The tall Prince of Flower Kingdom bent lower, so Mario could kiss him. Haru accepted the kiss, answered it even ever so softly, and held Mario gently by his arms. 
Kingdom Come - For Mario, this is very, very huge thing. His whole life he's been courted, proposed to and pressured for marriage (mostly by Bowser, but other too), he has the whole of Mushroom Kingdom on his shoulders. And this kiss here was maybe the very first this sort of decision he did himself, with no one else pressuring him or telling him what to do or not to do. This determines a lot of Mario's character development, and Haru plays a very important role in Mario's character from now on as well.
“There’s really nothing I can do to change your mind about this?” Luigi hummed a question and leaned his head against Mario’s shoulder. Mario ‘mm-mh’d with a shake of his head. He leaned his head against Luigi’s and answered; “No, Lu. But it is okay. As long as we are together, everything will be okay. And, maybe, a big change like this turns out to be a good one… Sometimes life has to change dramatically, and we just have to let it happen.”  “It’s just a fancy title”, Luigi sighed and pet Polterpup’s head, lying to himself a little as he did. It wouldn’t be just a fancy title, they both knew that.   “Exactly”, Mario hummed.  “I love you”, Luigi reminded him, and Mario answered; “You too.”
This work here is yet to be published ;) I was inspired by the movie's lines here, I just had to add this one!
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