#A short history of Universe Alpha
fredwkong · 5 months
Alphaworld File 1: Oral History
The universe is multifarious, constantly diverging as new choices are made. Spinning away through time, these alternate realities become locked away from our own, so we can never know exactly what would have happened if a single choice was made differently.
Except, sometimes, two of those worlds, careening through the upper dimensions, happen to converge. As they slide past each other, they may line up just so, each leaving behind fragments as they continue their journey into their divergent futures. You’ve never heard of this, because the remnants, mostly data, are swiftly collected by various government agencies and collected into reports on the intercepted reality.
This report collects various scientific articles, personal journals, news reels, and even a documentary series from one such reality, codenamed Alphaworld. In this world, gay men have not only become the norm, but have seemingly replaced all other people. In this world, society is stratified into an apparently biological hierarchy of homosexual castes, based on men’s physical characteristics and psychologies. Upon finishing the following fragment from a peer-reviewed article that was a trace recovered from Alphaworld, please select the next fragment you would like to consume.
An Oral History of the Creation and Initial Spread of the Alpha Phenomenon, by Alpha Dr. Jose Martinez
Until recently, it was not known what sparked the spread of the Alpha Phenomenon which has wholly remade the world in recent years. This was until Alpha Joshua Dearfoot, who resides with his Betas in rural ex-Ontario, stated during a livestream on OnlyFans that he is the original Alpha.
Alpha Dearfoot does not interact with Betas from outside his harem unless they renounce their current Alpha. As this research team contains no unbonded Betas—Alpha Dr. Martinez says we can’t spend too much time with non-harem Betas—we investigated among those close to Alpha Dearfoot, conducting interviews and surveying in the local area to discover as much as we could.
Joshua, as he was known before the emergence of the Alpha Phenomenon, was a PhD candidate in nanotechnology, with a secondary focus in physiology. Photographs kept by his father (Beta to Alpha Sean Barehill) reveal that through his youth and young adulthood Joshua was physically unimpressive, with a physique not even reaching the base level expected of a Beta.
According to a classmate of Joshua’s from university (Beta to Alpha Liam Oliver), Joshua was studious but insecure: “I mean, I used to push him around all the time for being a fa— gay kid. Gay and a nerd? In the Old World, that was, like, the worst thing.” When asked about whether he has properly apologised, the Beta said, in a rapturous voice, “Oh, yeah, Alpha Dearfoot was my first. He disciplined me so well I could barely walk, I came like four times. Then he told me to come join Alpha Liam’s harem. I mean, he wasn’t Alpha Liam then, I was one of the first guys to go full Beta on campus.”
It appears that Alpha Dearfoot had a difficult youth, growing up unable to meet certain Old World expectations of manhood. The masculine stereotypes of Native Americans also seem to have weighed on him, as he was entirely unable to meet them. As his father told us, “Joshua was a sweet kid, but he got bullied for being too short and scrawny, not matching the image of an “Indian” in all these bigoted kids’ heads. He was obsessed with growing bigger, which is why he went into physio.” Remember, in some communities it is normal for a Beta father to continue to refer to his Alpha son by his first name.
According to Sigma Harrison White, a former lab partner of Dearfoot’s who fucked us on his lawn in exchange for this interview, Joshua was obsessed with creating some way to become more manly. “He spent some really long evenings in the lab,” said Harrison while one of us squealed in the grass beneath him. “One morning he came out with this manic grin on his face, said that he’d finally done it, and ran off. Two weeks later, he came back a full Alpha.” At this point, Harrison’s pace slowed down as he became contemplative. “It was only after he started hooking up with all the queer guys on campus that we started becoming Alphas and Sigmas and stuff, too.”
Did Alpha Dearfoot intend for the Alpha Phenomenon to be infectious? A Beta from his harem claims not. “He got home from school one morning all excited about some project he’d finished,” the Beta told us—it seems that he and Alpha Dearfoot were childhood friends. “The next day, he seemed a little different, a little more muscular, more assertive. He seemed really satisfied for about a week, then he got scared. He just kept getting bigger. The day he got taller than me and nearly broke a bar at the gym doing deadlifts, I started feeling the Beta change.
“I went to him and started telling him about my muscle gains and all the weird thoughts and sensations I was experiencing, and he got really scared,” the Beta continued, his eyes distant. “I started to comfort him, and that was when we felt the bond form. It felt so right for him to be my first, to finger me open and fill me with his still-growing dick.”
While we pressed for more details about what may have been the first Alpha/Beta bond in history, the Beta refused to disclose more information, claiming that it was private to him and his Alpha. For the reader’s imagination, see Figure A to find a picture of Alpha Dearfoot from his Instagram profile.
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Alpha Dearfoot appears to have intended to create a nanomachine-based masculinity booster, and the transmissibility of the Alpha Phenomenon, as well as the behavioural and sexual changes it induces, were unintended side effects, perhaps introduced in the particles’ replication process. The effects of the Alpha Phenomenon on aging and physical fitness may also be unexpected consequences of Alpha Dearfoot's programming efforts.
According to Alpha Young Baek Hyeon, who lives in the former New York area with a mixed harem, he and Alpha Dearfoot attempted to “date,” an outmoded practice common in the Old World, during the early weeks of the Alpha Phenomenon’s spread. “Alpha DeWayne and I work well together,” Alpha Young told us by video call, “but we’re both pretty chill even since we changed. Alpha Dearfoot and I couldn’t even stand to be in the same room once I had transformed. He’s one of the most territorial Alphas I’ve ever met, he can barely stand to have another Alpha within a mile of him.” As Alpha Young spoke, we watched a well-trained Beta enter the room with a plate of apple slices and present them to his Alpha.
“He was really torn up about it, too. Even though we couldn’t stop yelling at each other in person or over the phone, he left me a ton of really sweet voice messages about how much he’d liked me before we became Alphas.” Alpha Young took a bite of apple and ruffled his Beta’s hair, causing all of us to shudder with phantom pleasure at the affection. With a contemplative expression, Alpha Young said, “No, I don’t think he meant for any of this to happen.”
While this study has yielded plenty of useful biographical information about the man apparently responsible for the Alpha Phenomenon that changed the world, we appear no closer to understanding the precise mechanism of that change. With better access to the programming of the nanomachines, perhaps it would be possible to reduce the natural aggressiveness of the Alphas, allowing Alphas like Dearfoot to return to their studies or jobs if they so wish. In the following section, we will propose potential opportunities for further research in the effort to isolate the Alpha Phenomenon.
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This series is my way of celebrating reaching 2000 followers! I hope you enjoy this glimpse into Alphaworld and vote on what file you would like to see next. There is no strict update schedule, so you good boys better be on the lookout for a new chapter you can vote on ;)
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solfics · 4 months
kagami taiga asking you out on a date.
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# tags: headcanon, lover!boy, slight confession, college!knb, fluff
includes: gn!reader and kagami taiga (the loml).
author's note: hello! this is my first work. i'm uploading this to test out the waters with how tumblr works hehe. here's a little something for our lover boy, taiga, and how he's like when he's got a crush <3
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�� This man embodies the imagery of a hopeless romantic who's unexpectedly took a liking with the quiet and shy student. True to the eyes of any outsider, the aura he possessed is nothing but that of an alpha—where everyone either wanted him, hated him, or wanted to be like him.
↪ Of course, the first option is always made clear on his end whenever his presence graced the halls of your campus. With him being one of the most loved athletes of your school, you knew what came along with his status, it was inevitable. He was meant to be with the big crowd, in fact, everywhere he went—the crowd goes.
↪ But who knew that all it took was one course requirement for you to be paired up with the big shot athlete that is him, for him to have his eyes on you?
It was the second month of your second semester, which meant that it had been exaclty five months since your interaction with him. Your memory of that class seemed to be a blur, only remembering the fact that your metaphysics professor decided to pair you up with him because he thought that it would be a good idea to spice things up in his class.
You didn't complain nor protest at the idea, however it was not in your list to be paired up with him. In fact, you initially planned on working on the final paper alone, but your plans changed the minute you took sight of the red headed man as he introduced himself to you. Soon enough, the last thing you could remember was him giving you a fist bump and thanking you for your help in said class, and neither of you crossed paths again. Just as you expected, everything panned out in history.
"Uhm, hi?" you looked at the standing figure in front of you. It was none other than Kagami, whom you've not seen in the last few months and the person you least expected to be right in front of you. More questions piled up in your thoughts as you watch him pull out what looked like tickets and placed it near you. "Para saan 'to?" (What is this for?) you asked.
Kagami rotates the wooden chair backwards to take his seat in front of you, not minding the fact that the ruckus in your college's library was because of him. Once he was situated in his spot, he pulled sent a curt nod towards the tickets and spoke, "For the game."
"I know that these are tickets for this week's game, but what exactly does this have to do with me?" you scanned the tickets and asked as you took notice of how your voice seemed at edge, because why on earth would he give you these? It's not like you were friends, right?
"About that..." his voiced trailed off. As you looked straight at him, he caught your curious eyes and felt his breath hitch. "A-About that, uhm..." his ears were getting red, why is that? You asked yourself.
"N-Now I know we never talked about anything back at Sir Reginald's class, and we parted ways shortly after that final paper..." he started off, looking at his own hands.
"And I'm assuming that basketball's not your thing and it's been months since we last talked but..." he was fumbling on his own words at this point, leaving you to bite your lip in anticipation. "But...?" you urged him on. He noticed your small smile and huffed out a short breath.
"But I really regret n-not taking the opportunity to get to know you and tell you about myself and now I just... I don't want to miss my chance again."
You looked at the tickets' details—it was your school against another top university. You chuckled and looked at him, "Is this your way of getting me to know about your insanely incredible skills at basketball?"
The redness of his cheeks and ears were back upon hearing your question, "I promise to make every score count so you going won't be a waste of time," he mumbled which got you laughing.
"I'll watch," you said and looked at him with a smile, "But only if you'll let me talk about any topic over burgers after the game."
He returned your smile with one of his own, the familiar smile from months ago, "Yes please."
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Just a thought here but since alpha trion adopted optimus when he was Orion what would be the other original 13 (dead or alive) reactions to having a nephew?
Assuming this is set in a universe where Optimus isn't the Thirteenth, this will be interesting indeed.
A New Prime?
Alpha Trion had exactly one function, that being to serve as Primus's recorder and prophesier. He was to watch, he was to quietly direct the flow of events, and he was to wait for the day when it would come time for his brother to make his return. That was his purpose, and he was content in it.
However one stormy night, things changed.
Alpha Trion hardly left his archives, but when he did it was always with purpose. He never expected for a storm to blow in and viciously tear across Cybertron's surface. He was forced to abandon his task and seek shelter in among the towering spires that made up Cybertron's wilds. There he waited out the acidic rains and the howling winds that made even the largest mecha struggle. It was unexpected, but it was a momentary setback in his mind... right up until as if sent by some sort of divine power, a young mech emerged from the foliage.
Even though his huge optics and the remnant sensory panels lining his helm spoke of the mech hardly being a vorn into younglinghood, he was large for his age, coming up to roughly Alpha Trion's waist. His frame was slim and heavily armored, his denta were sharp and fanged, and he had claws deadly enough to shred most creatures adorning his digits. He was a dull gray, but his optics were so wide, so full of life. However most notably was the face that the mech had a face and an aura that caused Alpha Trion to pause in consideration.
He looked exactly like Thirteen. He wasn't Thirteen, his spark was too youthful and didn't possess the same touch of ancient power, but Alpha Trion knew him for what he was. This mech was meant to be Thirteen's vessel, his chosen child meant to house him when the time was right. That was all Alpha Trion needed to know to have a good reason to collect the mech and begin dragging him back to Iacon even as he snarled and flailed like a wild animal.
He brought the mech back to his archives and didn't hesitate to begin taming the wild youngling. It was not easy by any means though.
The youngling who he affectionately named Orion Pax was nothing short of a monstrosity. He was downright feral in every aspect and even with the Covenant offering slight insight into the future it didn't make managing him any easier. Orion needed to be kept away from others for over a vorn while Alpha Trion training him out of chewing on everything. He needed to get Orion some frame alterations to make him more presentable and he more often than not emerged from meeting with Orion covered in claw marks and bites. It was even harder trying to convince the youngling to consume his energon in a civil manner and not eat it like an animal. He was covered in energon more times than he cared to admit as he tried to assist Orion in figuring out how things worked.
It was tiring and all the kept Alpha Trion going was the promise of his brother's return in the frame of the youngling some day. He just needed to make sure the youngling was worthy and then when the time was right, the Matrix could be given and Thirteen could take control. That was the plan, that was all it was. There was no reason to care more than necessary for the feral little thing. He needed to ensure the youngling was educated in all that was related to their history and skilled in all matter of things so that Thirteen could absorb those abilities when it came time. He was not required to be loving or affectionate.
But as with all things, time took its toll and eventually Orion began to calm while at the same time Alpha Trion got attached. It started small, that with Orion uttering his first garbled glyphs in the old tongue as Alpha Trion had taught him. It warmed something in his spark to have Orion call out his designation in a staticky mess alongside hisses and whistles. He found it... endearing. Even as he worked to correct Orion's speech and help him adapt to better speak the old tongue and then later the modern, he always loved the little calls of "Sire" Orion was so fond of crying out to him once the youngling learned the meaning of the word.
He tried to tell the youngling that he wasn't his Sire, but Alpha Trion's spark thought otherwise as a fledgling bond between Orion and him formed. The youngling, as soon as he was somewhat civil, followed Alpha Trion everywhere. Like a loyal guardian he would stay as close as possible, often clinging to Alpha Trion's cape and growling at any who came too near. He was dutiful, watching and keeping an optic out for threats at all times. It was honestly adorable considering his size and his wide optics. He thankfully never attacked anyone, he would always listen to Alpha Trion in that regard.
Of course then Orion had to go and show himself to be curious and only get Alpha Trion more invested in the youngling. He always peeked over Alpha Trion's shoulder when he was reading with little wonderings of "What that Sire?" and so on. Eventually Alpha Trion had no choice but to begin teaching Orion reading and writing, a set of lessons that managed to civilize Orion more than simple instructions did. The youngling was quick to read and write, learning every dialect and sub-class of language in record time. His ability to speak skyrocketed and before Alpha Trion knew it, he saw the youngling as his sparkling more than a ward, especially as he began speaking clearly and expressing greater interest in the archives.
Many a cycle was spent with Orion buried in datapads discussing the past and going over history together. Those were good times, filled with smiles and eager enthusiasm. Alpha Trion grew to truly love his sparkling as Orion grew in knowledge and showed himself to be just like Thirteen in mentality. He was kind, he was soft-sparked, he was intelligent, empathetic, dutiful, and so much more. Thus when Orion was grown and the time came to take him to receive the Matrix.... Alpha Trion waited. He told himself it was because Orion wasn't ready, that he needed further training. As such he sent Orion on trips to study, had him dig into old mysteries, anything to keep him learning and working.
He practically threw Orion down to the pits to get him working with Megatronus and very nearly forced Orion to go meet with Ratchet to learn from him. Perhaps a Prime wouldn't even be needed if his sparkling could stop things before they grew to large... at least that was his hope. He missed his brother, yes. But Orion... Orion was his sparkling who he had raised and forged into the mech he was. He knew based on how he had raised Orion that if asked the mech would gladly give himself to the Matrix and Thirteen. However Alpha Trion didn't want to lose the one good thing he had gained since his brothers scattered.
He tried. He tried so hard to keep it from happening, but with how Cybertron was deteriorating... they needed a Prime. Alpha Trion hated every moment when he took Orion a day before his meeting with the high council and dragged him to Primus's core. He hated himself when Orion screamed out for him as the Matrix was offered. He hated how cruel it all was when his dear and precious sparkling was left to fade away, his spark locked within the Matrix so that Thirteen could take his place.
However, Thirteen never took control. He could sense his brother was within Orion's frame, but Thirteen did nothing, merely pulsing within the Matrix in curiosity. Orion, or rather Optimus was confused but took to his position well. Unbeknownst to the living, the Primes were conflicted and joyous at the same time.
When Thirteen connected to his chosen vessel, the first thing he sensed was the mech's connection to Alpha Trion. It startled him so much that he did not try to force control over the frame offered to him. He instead sat back within the Matrix, watching as the youngling who had been modeled after him fulfilled the purpose set before him without Thirteen even needing to be involved. This one was loved, this one was deeply connected to his brother. Thirteen could never in good conscience ever take his brother's only sparkling from him. Thus he instead opted to serve as a guide, directing Optimus and offering him the wisdom within the Matrix as needed. He was there to bear the brunt of the woes Optimus experienced and he came to quickly care deeply for the youngling.
Optimus was pure, Optimus was just like him. His new Prime was loved, he was kind, he was everything Thirteen was and more. Thirteen didn't need to take control, Alpha Trion had raised Optimus so well it was unnecessary. Instead he came to care for Optimus, watching and guiding as a mentor. He couldn't leave his nephew alone after all.
Solus from within the realm of the Primes did a complete double take when she saw the one Alpha Trion had taken as his own through the Matrix. Her first instinct was to call slag on it, Alpha Trion didn't care for others like that. However upon seeing Optimus she conceded and agreed that Optimus was indeed worthy of her brother's affection. Thus when possible she would speak through the Matrix to Optimus, smothering him in affection through emotional waves. He was so sweet and lovely, a baby Prime indeed. He needed an Aunt there to play a more maternal role throughout everything. She would gladly take on that role.
Prima was skeptical of the new Prime, but those worries disappeared when he saw Alpha Trion of all mecha care for the newly named Optimus Prime. He was marveled even more when Thirteen didn't try to take control of the new Prime and instead served as a guide. Thus not to be outdone, he joined his brother and his sister in teaching, quickly coming to care for Optimus as well. The baby Prime was young but wise. He embodied everything Prima sought in a true Prime, a perfect leader for the damaged world above.
Vector cared very little for the birth of a new Prime. He saw it amidst the push and pull of time that passed him by, however he gave it little thought. If nothing else, Optimus was a chance for Alpha Trion to grow and for Cybertron to change. However he was just one spark among a sea of others, not worth too much attention in the grand scheme of things.
Micronus was confused above all else when it came to Optimus. Why was Thirteen not taking control? Optimus wouldn't fight back, he was too good for that. If he believed it to be for the greater good, he would gladly give himself willingly. So why wait? Why not take what was offered and fix things? Micronus got his answer when he decided to watch the newest Prime and saw how much Alpha Trion cared and how he very nearly cried when Optimus was not locked away and instead allowed to continue living. He did not love Optimus, but he saw how much he meant to Alpha Trion and thus endeavored to teach if only so that Optimus could fulfill his duties.
Alchemist for his part knew about Orion long before he was a Prime and quietly supported Alpha Trion from afar. He was pleased that his most isolated brother aside from the fallen was finally getting some interaction. He was also so very pleased when Orion began wandering to his bar once he got older. Alchemist was perfectly happy to offer Orion some low charged drinks on exchange for a few stories. Orion was such a sweet young mech, he was perfectly content to be a kind listening audial and an uncle to the little mech Trion loved so much. He still remained at his bar offering drinks when Orion became the Prime, nothing changes about how he treated him and Optimus appreciated it.
Nexus had optics everywhere with so many of his component parts running around. He was well aware of Orion and played a role in getting him from point A to point B. He thought it was great fun luring Orion into new situations to try and get the youngling to have fun. He also tended to keep close watch on his nephew at Alpha Trion's behest. Orion was a good mech, but he got himself into all sorts of trouble, especially after becoming Prime. He didn't like intervening too much, but if only to calm his brother, he would drop in at times to make things happen. Optimus never knew it was him, but Nexus knew Optimus and he was fond of the little Prime. Still so very young and worth protecting.
Onyx Prime was not enraptured with Optimus once he claimed the Matrix at first. It took him time to determine Optimus's worth, but once he did, he was willing to offer much needed spiritual guidance. Thirteen offered wisdom, Solus offered love, Micronus offered wits, Prima offered skill, and Onyx brought his understanding of sparks to the table. He was there to direct Optimus to places of interest and helped to protect him from the EM attacks of others that could rattle his spark. The young Prime needed guidance, it wouldn't do to sit back and watch while Optimus dealt with the fallout of millennia of abuse and corruption alone.
Amalgamous thought Optimus was the best thing since processed energon the moment he saw him from within the Matrix. He was just so very pure and so hopeful. Amalgamous adored that about him and was so very pleased when Optimus allowed himself to enjoy life a little bit. Where other Primes guided Optimus to perform better, Amalgamous preferred to instead convince Optimus to rest and relax, to take care of himself after long days. He was also there to feed the little Prime good memories and happy feelings after everything. Optimus needed joy just as much as he needed everything else. And Amalgamous couldn't possible leave his dear nephew to wallow could he?
Quintus for his part didn't care much for Optimus. He preferred creating over watching growth. He would offer bits and pieces of knowledge and come forward to watch when something of interest happened, but beyond that he was content to remain largely uninvolved. Although when Optimus deviated too hard, he would fight bitterly to force Optimus back onto track. It got him scoldings from all his siblings, but to Quintus it was worth it. Sometimes young Primes needed reminders of why they fought. Being allowed only support could lead to imperfections.
Liege was for his part denied any and all access to Optimus when possible. The Primes didn't trust him, they didn't want him whispering lies and other cruel things into their baby Prime and nephew's audials. Thus they fought bitterly to keep him away, however even with their efforts there were times where his influence managed to sneak through. He was not a kind mech, but he did care for his kin to a degree. When he was allowed access, he guided Optimus on how best to use his words to manipulate in quiet ways. He always whispered sweetly, never too loudly and never too boldly. He always made sure to sound as though he were loving and caring, and often, much to his glee, Optimus took his advice.
Then there was the Fallen. Simply put, he felt the shift around him as a new Prime was born, but other than that he knew nothing. He was temped to return to Cybertron to greet his newest brother, but he abstained. It wasn't his place, not after all he had done.
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elbiotipo · 3 months
How to distinguish my space settings from each other: FTL (faster-than-light travel para los que no dominan la jerga) and the Argentine Character (they all have at least one)
FTL: Travelling is done in relatively short (12-72 hs.) flights through a cloudly dimension called the Aether. The feeling is much like pre-jet era flights, with frequent stops for fuelling (they need a fuel called "nafta" which is refined in special worlds). Different currents carry you faster, making for trade routes stretching across the galaxy. Ships range from space-shuttle sized to slow cargo mega-carriers.
Argentine Character: Beto, a guy from Space Chaco (ironically, my most porteño character) who is a space trucker unionized on the CGT (Confederación Galáctica del Trabajo) and loves listening to history podcasts
Space Battleship Aurora:
FTL: Light speed? What's that? This is a fantasy setting. Space Byzantium (literal Byzantium) used galleys equipped with magical sails to transverse the oceans between the crystal spheres and conquer its empire. Sure, now they resemble WWI battleships, but the principle is the same, this is a star ocean.
Argentine Character: Tomás, a huge guy from Bonaeropolis, Terra who is the ship's cargo master and a communist revolutionary who adopts a couple of noble kids who aren't sure of this whole thing yet
FTL: jump devices are only found in old ships or automatized factories from the golden Age of Aquarius where everybody disco-danced. They are fuelled by the very energy of the universe that fuels everything else, METAL, the lml (Liquid Matter-Light), the song of the universe itself. Ships simply "jump" to their destination instantly, as long as you know the song.
Argentine character: Two, actually. One is a teen girl isekai'd from 2012 who uses the power of METAL to destroy her enemies, the other is a very chill gaucho from Space Corrientes who herded asteroids and now flies a Hind-like ship kicking ass.
The Greatest Scam:
FTL: This is a hard sci-fi setting. The only FTL is wormholes, which act with within laws of physics as we know them. The AIs who mine bitcoin in the Solar matrioshka brain use them to create incomprehensible processing systems. AIs friendly to humanity and the Socialist Interstellar maintain wormhole gates that allow limited interstellar communication and travel ('human' space is about 50 light years across). These gates are expensive pieces of infrastructure, much like space railroads.
Argentine Characters: None just yet, but many wandering habitats are of Argentine descent, flying under the flag of the URSAL.
Concordia (Star Trek Rebuild)
FTL: Depending on the date, if set in current times none at all (humanity is just expanding through the solar system, think For All Mankind), but if there is a FTL, it's an Alcubierre-like "warp drive", which functions much like in Star Trek, the main limitation is the energy required to keep the "warp bubble" stable. Interstellar travel takes days to weeks, humanity has explored just a corner of the galaxy and mostly thanks to friendly alien civilizations.
Argentine Character: A recently promoted captain born in Curuzú Cuatiá, Corrientes, who is trying to keep the balance between his Usamerican first officer and his Soviet chief engineer.
Biopunk South America:
FTL: There is plenty of space activity, but no FTL and there probably not ever be because of physics (if there ever is, it will be like in The Greatest Scam). As of 2143, there are only unmanned interstellar probes to Alpha Centauri and others which will take decades to reach destination, interstellar exploration is a long-term project.
Argentine Character: Except for Marina, all of them. Even the dolphin. Especially the dolphin.
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uwmadarchives · 6 months
Mapping LGBTQ+ Spaces through the Years
by Chloe Foor, Student Historian 2022/2024
Hello everyone! Welcome to a little project update from your local Student Historian in Residence. The last two months have been filled with research, data collection, and learning new software programs. I’ve had a great time, and I can’t wait to share what I’ve been doing. 
I spent the first few weeks of October doing more research, scouring both the Archives and the Internet to find more locations significant to LGBTQ+ Madisonians over the years. While in the Archives, I looked at the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender (LGBT) Folder 1 Subject File, which has materials from the 1990s to the mid-2010s (see University of Wisconsin-Madison Subject Files collection. uac69, Box 75, Folder 10. University of Wisconsin-Madison Archives, Madison, WI.). The most interesting things to me was a document written by Joe Elder on Reflection on the LGBTQ movement on Campus, which he wrote in the aftermath of the 2016 Orlando Nightclub Shooting. It provided some really interesting perspectives on the LGBTQ+ Rights movement in Madison. 
Online, my main source of information is the Wisconsin LGBTQ+ History Project, which I wrote more about in my last blog post. I didn’t realize that they had digitized copies of old guides that listed LGBTQ+ friendly businesses as far back as 1963. It was fascinating to go through those and find the locations that queer people frequented in the past. The most interesting place that I found that was listed was called Apple Island, which I have seen before in archival research, but I didn't know it was in Madison. Apple Island was a community organization created to promote women's culture, and it was reported that 90% of the clientele were lesbians. My favorite part of the research project is finding these lesser-known spaces, and I can’t wait for more people to be able to easily access them through my project! 
Outside of finding new “spaces,” I spent some time filling in the spreadsheet I use to keep track of each location.  For each space, I list the title, address, significance, and years it was active, but sometimes it's hard to find all of that information on the first pass through. Sometimes, I'll just write the title and a short description, and then I can go back through later and fill in the rest. Now, all 165 entries are fully fleshed out!
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With the spreadsheet being fully populated, I was ready to import it into ArcGIS, a digital mapping software. It was able to read the spreadsheet into different categories and add every space to a map! In the above image, all of the gray makers are for “Purge,” the blue markers are for “Community,” the orange markers are for “Commercial Area,” the purple markers are for “Healthcare,” the pink markers are for “Media,” the green markers are for “Politics,” and the red markers are for “UW”! If you click on a marker, a pop-up window will display with information about the location, including beginning and end dates as well as a short description.
Here is the pop-up for The Crossing:
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In the coming months, I will be working on making a public website to share my research! I also want to host an outreach event in collaboration with the Gender and Sexuality Campus Center and Phi Alpha Theta, the History Honors Society. I’m sure more meetings on the topic will come up in the coming months, and I will make sure to keep you posted! For now, though, that’s all from me!
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numberth1rte3n · 1 year
TH1RTE3N'S TH30R1E5: The Paldea-Kalos War and GameFreak's Subtle Storytelling
Pokémon is not known for its storytelling. The creature-collecting titan doesn’t have a history of crafting complex narratives in their main series games. There have been exceptions to this trend throughout the series’ twenty-seven years. Pokémon Black & White and sequels Black 2 & White 2 tell a bittersweet tale that grappled with a compelling question; which was better: a world built of truths, or ideals? In the Sinnoh Region, Cyrus led Team Galactic to terrorize the people and was barely stopped before his goal of using Dialga and Palkia to destroy the current universe and create another to replace it as its new god was achieved. No big deal!
Pokémon does have a history of making references to serious, sometimes dark events that occur in the world. Lieutenant Surge is Vermillion City’s gym leader, and a… war veteran? What? Where’d “war” come from? Does this imply that there are wars in this fictional world, and that both Pokémon and humans fight in those wars, and sometimes they may even DIE in those wars and need to be buried in places like the Pokémon Tower in Lavender Town? Is that a RAICHU???
Despite this endless potential for exploration, Pokémon strays little from its timeless (some Pokémon fans may say “tired”) story formula: start in Place A, pick starter, battle rival, catch Pokémon on the way to Place B thru Z, battle random trainers and a team of bad guys, become the biggest, baddest trainer in the region, rinse and repeat until there are no more Pokémon to catch nor trainers to fight. Pokémon Scarlet & Violet broke away from this tradition more than any previous title with its open-world gameplay though this formula is obviously still widely accessible and fun for at the very least 22 million people as of May.
What about other Pokémon fans that see its narrative potential? The ones that pour through all the game text, looking for the messages hidden by the developers inside of every trash can, lore book, and NPC conversation in every game? Those people sense something buried deep beneath the surface, and as of this latest entry in the series, they may finally get their wish. They'll just have to look inside… a crater?
Enter: The Paldea-Kalos War.
In Pokémon X & Y, the player learns that the Kalos Region was at war with a “neighboring nation” in ancient times. Desperate to decisively end the war, AZ created the Ultimate Weapon, and used it. The Ultimate Weapon released enough energy to create mega stones and spur mega evolution, and it is heavily theorized the Ultimate Weapon was the catalyst for the timeline split referenced in the Delta Episode of Pokémon Omega Ruby & Alpha Sapphire. Something that powerful had to leave a mark, right?
In Scarlet & Violet, Area Zero is a post-game zone located within the Great Crater of Paldea. In the game, the player learns that Paldea was a mighty empire brought low. This begs the question: brought low by what exactly? Maybe something that breaks timelines? Given that there is some evidence that Paldea and Kalos are geographically connected within the world of Pokémon, if it is true that the Great Crater of Paldea was caused by the Kalos Region's Ultimate Weapon attack, it would be the juiciest mystery to ever be thought up by GameFreak, and allow for some absolutely thrilling storytelling through its implications.
If Pokémon were to ever expand its storytelling potential, now would be the perfect time. If the events of several mainline Pokémon games were influenced by firing a weapon so powerful it tore a hole into the Paldea Region, and the Pokémon timeline itself, that would be nothing short of narrative genius. Pokémon will always be timeless, but it has the opportunity to be so much more if it embraces its storytelling potential: immortal.
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imthefemalemonster · 1 year
⸻ Ablaze
Chapter 1 (/2): First one
Aegond - Aemond Targaryen x Aegon Targaryen (A/B/O Smut)
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⸻ Summary: Defying everyone's expectations of him presenting as a Beta, Aegon ends up presenting as an Omega and is married to his younger brother, Aemond, an Alpha.
Tags: Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics, Smut, Alpha Aemond, Omega Aegon, First time, Kisses, Fingering, Anal Sex, Mutual Masturbation, Hand Jobs, Orgasm
⸻ Read on Ao3
Notes: First time writing A/B/O dynamics, sorry for any mistake in the trope, allowed myself to change a few things - I like it better this way. Requested by anon on tumblr, hope you enjoy it. ♡
Aegon in a dress inspired by this amazing artwork.
Tumblr for requests/ideas: @imthefemalemonster
⸻ Words: 2878
After claiming Vhagar, none at the court doubted that the King’s second son, Aemond, would present as an alpha. Tall and thin figure, cold and threatening, excellent with the sword, well-versed in both philosophy and history. Having presented as alpha very early in his life, much to everyone's surprise Aemond had yet to find a mate. The Prince seemed to have very little interest in others.
Unlike his younger brother, there were less expectations on Aegon’s shoulders. From his personality to his way of living, everyone had assumed he was a beta. Aegon wasn’t a people person, roaming the city, running away from his duties and responsibility. Often he was chased after by his younger, dutiful brother, back to the Red Keep. So it wasn't a surprise, but a total shock when he presented, way later than his brother, as an omega.
At first it didn’t change much in the family dynamic. Newly presented, Aegon had yet to experience the first effects of being an omega. While Aemond had learned over the years to control himself during ruts. They lasted around two or three days, sometimes shorter depending on the time of the year. Usually, they would appear once every month. Only a few weeks after presenting as omega, Aegon experienced his first heat. Lasting a few days longer than ruts for Alpha, around four or five days, he had been an absolute mess. His mother at his side, he had mostly spent the four days locked up in his room, drinking, sleeping the best he could, restraining any thoughts, any motions that could relieve him, scared to lose control more than he already had. The first experience had been destructive and frustrating for the man not used to refrain from his needs.
A few days after it ended, the King had taken the decision to marry his two sons. Not worried in the slightest for Aegon, despite the very evident despair shown by the Prince. Aemond had already grown up shadowing his brother, protecting him, picking him up in the dirtiest streets imaginable. It wouldn’t change much to their relationship, and having a husband acting as a bodyguard to Aegon would be more than necessary. Both of them were made aware about it and none of the men had contested the decision.
During ruts, Aemond would usually spend the day away from everyone, at the training grounds, flying with Vhagar, or in his room, reading. As the ruts were short, he had learnt over the years to manage and handle his own needs. He was not much interested in any sexual intercourse, if he craved it too mich, which could happen sometimes, he would rather relieve himself alone through masturbation and a very developped imagination rather than with someone else. But it had been some months now that his mind would wander away from his usual routine during ruts, more than once he had thought of someone in particular. It had surprised him, because it wasn’t often he would think about Aegon, especially not when jerking off to sleep. The only moment Aemond would worry about his brother was when he was asked to go after him and make sure he had not died in a ditch. When it happened the first time, he brushed aside the thought, but as time went on it had worsened, even more after Aegon presented as an omega.
The news of the wedding hadn’t much affected Aemond. He had little contact with his older brother despite his intrusive thoughts during the last ruts. However, he could feel something had changed after Aegon presented. He felt more… obsessed. He could feel something burning inside him, sometimes both from uncontrollable wrath and excessive annoyance. But it wasn’t Aegon, it was the people around him, people that touched him, talked to him. Anywhere he was that Aemond couldn’t see him, it would make him erratic. His brother would be in his mind at all hours of the day, he wished he could tie them together, having him at his side all the time. He had not expected to be overprotective, especially when being exposed to Aegon’s perpetual sneering face, the one that annoyed him so much in the past. Running after him was never in Aemond’s favorite activities, yet now anytime his older brother wasn’t in his line of sight he would worry, and terribly crave his presence.
The wedding was prepared in a haste. A few festivities, fewer guests. The priority was to have the men mated before one, or the both of them, went mad. Their mother hadn’t been blind to the obvious signal of distress both from Aegon in the presence of other alphas, and from Aemond, who looked ready to tear anyone's throat anytime they approached the first born. The wedding had been planned a few days before the supposed heat and rut period, but fate decided differently and it started on the very same day as the marriage.
The whole day had been unbearable for both Princes. Everything went as planned, preparation, ceremony, almost no words exchanged but what needed to be said. Weather was clement, yet both the men could have melted their respective clothes from the heat of their skins only. If Aemond could contain himself, Aegon wasn’t as good as his brother at this exercise. Sweating, not paying attention to anything that was happening, tripping on his own clothes, mind filled with intrusive thoughts, arousal and pain. Everything he wanted now was to curl up against Aemond, rip his clothes apart, the heat becoming unbearable, whining loudly only wishing he could be taken and bred here and now. He would often look up to his younger brother for any signal, but the only thing he could see clearly were his clenched fists and jaw, the one that would make people avoid him, fearing for their lives. Right now Aemond could have dug his nails in anyone's chest, rip their heart out and watch them bleed to death. All the attention was on them, and especially on Aegon, and it made him absolutely lose it. The only thing he wanted know was take him away, scratch every inches of his blazing skin with his nails, fuck him and eat him whole, mark him forever. Worried at the visible distress expressed by the alpha and omega, Alicent had motionned to her sons to take their leave for the night, terrified that this would end up in a blood bath. Aemond hadn’t hesitated a second, excusing himself and thanking the guests, he guided Aegon away from the crowd.
Closing the door behind them, Aemond led a disoriented, out-of-breath Aegon to their bed. Sprinting through the corridors like teens on a run away, they had exchanged no words, very aware of each other’s needs. Standing close to the bed, body shivering and hands shaking, Aegon watched as Aemond pulled the sheets and cushion off the bed and threw them on the floor in the middle of the room. Desperate and slightly annoyed, Aegon was not in the mood of watching his brother rearrange their room to his taste. Letting a needy whine when Aemond got closer to him, he was rapidly silenced when his brother grabbed him by the waist and laid him down on the sheets and cushion on the floor. Not moving, he waited as Aemond placed himself above him, hands steadying himself around Aegon’s face.
Without warning, having waited long enough, Aemond closed the distance between them with a kiss. It was hungry, wet and noisy. Sucking his brother's lower lip in his mouth, Aemond groaned as he forced his tongue against his shivering brother’s mouth. Melting his in embrace and heat, Aegon didn’t resist, slightly parting his lips apart as Aemond entered. Mixing saliva, smell, tasting every corner of him, moaning in his mouth. Attacking his mouth for several seconds, struggling to let go of the body under him, Aemond broke the kiss, leaving Aegon whining.
“Comfortable enough?”, he breathed, faces and lips close enough they could breathe each other’s air, getting drunk from it.
Aegon nodded, confused. He could feel the hard floor against his back, having only his dress and the messy sheets to separate them, but it wasn’t bothering him, too focused on Aemond’s heat and smell. He felt his brother’s rough hands on his waist as he lifted him up, he was not sitting on his little brother’s thighs, both their crotch hard and desperately grinding one another.
“Good.”, grunted Aemond, “Don’t want you to have a grip on anything else but me.”
The pace was erratic, irregular, animal. Legs spread around Aemond’s waist, holding himself on his shoulders, Aegon was rubbing himself the best he could on his brother's hard center. His dress was obstructing his motions leaving him frustrated. A complete sweating mess against the one-eyed man’s broad body, needily sobbing, incoherently moaning Aemond’s name.
The younger brother had pulled Aegon's hair back, ravaging his neck with kisses, licking the soft and hot skin. Leaving marks with bites was part of the mating process, making sure anyone knew who an omega belonged to. Aemond thought it was utterly boring to have his brother mark on the neck, he didn’t really care if anyone could see it. Anyone knew he was his and his only, threatening them with a dagger or cutting their eyes out would be enough if they ever tried to defy him. His mark would be different, more intimate. Coming back to his senses, intoxicated in Aegon’s smell, Aemond had noticed that his brother was calling his name. Raising an eyebrow he grabbed Aegon’s chin, lowering it. Eyes half closed, still rubbing his groin needily against him, his brother was too dizzy, a moaning mess, to even notice that Aemond was waiting for something.
“What is it, love?”
Aegon stuttered, heat and smell
“Th-the c-clothes”, he cried out, sweating, salivating.
Aemond smirked. Too impatient, needy to devour his brother whole, he had not taken time to undress them - despite their clothes melting on their burning skins. Eager, Aegon had reached for Aemond’s top, undoing it, freeing the man’s body from the leather. The one-eyed man mimicked his movements as he took Aegon's dress off. Hastily rolling the fabric over his shoulders and arms, down to his waist, pulling on the small clothes, revealing his brother's needy and neglected cock.
Struggling with Aemond’s pants, his older brother whined, desperately craving the hard length he could feel under the clothes. Aemond let out a laugh as he pushed his brother back against the sheets, towering him, hips still grinding on each other. Desperately raising his waist for any contact, Aegon let out a gasp when Aemond burning digits grabbed his brother's shaft, stroking it roughly. Sliding his other hand in his own pants, Aemond freed himself, pushing the clothes away. Jerking the both of them in erratic and harsh motions, groaning in his brother’s ear as Aegon was thrusting into his palm, his own hands around Aemond’s shoulders. It looked perfect, exactly like he had wished during his previous ruts. Thighs resting against each other, steadying himself on his knees, head buried his Aegon’s neck, Aemond was fucking himself and his brother in his hands, the friction from their hard cock leaving him breathless.
“A-ah fuck!”, sobbed Aegon.
“It’s very hard…”, rasped Aemond, biting the soft, white pearl skin, “To not bend you over, fuck you deep, breed you on the floor.”
“W-what makes you think”, moaned Aegon between two strokes, “t-that it’s not what I want.”, he stopped, digging his fingernails, feeling Aemond leather pants trusting harder in his sensitive skin, “what I n-need.”
Aemond smirked.
“You only have to ask.”, he growled.
Too fuzzy from Aemond’s pressure on his member, Aegon struggled to form coherent sentences, only pleas and cries coming out of his mouth as he fucked himself in Aemond’s palm.
“You know I’ll do it anyway. Just want to hear how desperate you are for it. Makes me feral.”
“Please A-aemond!”, yelled the older brother, “Please fuck me! Just fuck me.”, voice shattering, hips motions erratic, “D-deep. Want that big alpha cock tearing m-me in half”, he breathed, “Want y-your semen. Breed me please.”
“Aye, love. I can give you that.”, grunted Aemond.
Letting go of their cocks, getting a loud frustrated sigh from Aegon, the younger brother gripped his waist, flipping his frail body over.
“On your knees”, he ordered, and the first born obeyed immediately, raising his ass in the air, “Hands up, don’t move, don’t touch yourself.”, cooed Aemond, “You’ll come from your Alpha’s huge cock only.”
Aegon moaned at the dirty words, eager for what was to come. Raising two fingers to his mouth, Aemond worked them wet as his other thumb was circling his brother's pink sensitive hole. Aegon shivered at the touch, pushing himself on the digit. Leaning in, Aemond accompanied one finger inside Aegon with his tongue. Pushing in, the older brother let out a little sob as he Aemond entered, forcing it inside without pausing. Working him open with only one finger first, alongside his tongue wetting the first born entrance, loud moans escaping his mouth. Scissoring inside with renewed vigor, Aemond was grunting, his brother tight around him, hitting spots deep inside that made Aegon scream. Slowing down, the one-eyed man painfully took his fingers out, leaving Aegon empty and needy, pushing his hips in the air looking for any contact.
“So, so tight”, husked Aemond, “So, so ready for me.”
Aegon smiled against the cushions, drunk into the praises and arousal. Feeling his brother's length against his hot and sensitive hole, he happily moaned when Aemond pushed in slowly. Inch by inch, thumbs softly caressing his older brother's hips, the one-eyed man sunk himself into his brother. Once fully in, he stopped a second, breathing, savoring the delectable sensation of filling up his brother. Moving backward slowly, Aemond pushed in again at half length in an obscene noise of skins slamming into each other. Aegon let out a surprised loud moan, having his alpha buried deep inside him, chasing both their pleasure as Aemond had started to settle at a slow but delightful pace. Leaning in closer to his brother, belly against his back, Aemond suckled, bited his skin. Resting on his reddened cheek, letting himself loudly moan swear words mixed with his brother's name, Aegon welcomed his burning lips on his. Heavy kisses, loud noises from lips and hips collapsing and pounding in an obscene rhythm.
Aemond pushed his brother’s body on the floor, standing above him, cock still burried deep inside as he was fucking himself deep, hitting that spot that would make Aegon cry out the most insane things. Legs spread, ass pounding against Aemond hips, the first born could feel his neglected and hardened cock against the floor, jerking himself off from the friction and pressure of both his body and the sheets.
“Such a good little omega”, breathed Aemond against his brother’s lips, their breaths mixing with their smell and arousal, “You’re being bred so good. I’m gonna spill so deep in that belly.”, Aemond grabbed his brother’s chin, biting his lower lips, still roughly rutting against him, “You’ll be carrying my child in no time.”
Moans muffled by his brother’s mouth on his, Aegon was close. Cock throbbing against the floor, trapped against his blazing skin and the cold floor. Shivers, feeling like shockwaves, course through his body. He could feel Aemond’s thrust losing their regular pace as he was grunting like a beast in his ear, chasing his own release. Cock pulsing inside him, hitting this right spot every time his brother slammed back into him, time slowed until Aegon sensed his body tense, jerk. It was only after a few more thrusts that he came, spilling on himself, the sheets, shivering from the overstimulation as Aemond was still relentlessly fucking into him.
Satisfied he could make his older brother come untouched, Aemond smirked, biting the earlobe as he pushed himself deeper and deeper, harder and harder, the heat and smell of both their bodies mixing. Fire pooling in his lower abdomen, a new and very delightful sensation, Aemond groaned loudly as he came inside his brother, pushing hard for a few more thrusts, making sure not to lose any drops of semen, burying it deep into Aegon. Collapsing on his older brother's body, Aemond stayed inside him, the both of them catching their breath, recovering from the intensity of the intercourse.
Curled up under him, Aemond observed as Aegon breath had become more regular, looking more like discreet snores. Pushing the hair away from his back, kissing softly the sensitive skin, his teeth reached for the Prince’s neck, at the back just under his hair. Suckling on the white pearl skin, he dug his teeth in, biting until it bled lightly. Aegon jumped at the sensation, shivering under Aemond’s hot lips on his oversensitive body. It wasn’t hurting, it was rather very hot, comforting, soft. Licking the few drops of blood that had escaped, Aemond leaned in closer to Aegon, still buried inside him.
“Nobody needs to see my mark”, purred Aemond, gently kissing his husband’s ear, “Only me when I take you from behind.”
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because what's death without life? — @babybloues
1.720 words / Harry x Louis
Really short fluff of nature witch Harry and death witch Louis being in love and kissing for the first time.
This unique fic will put the biggest smile on your face! It's the perfect fic for when you're tired and just got home from work or school, and you want to forget about the world for a little bit.
Tommo the Tease — YesIsAWorld / @louandhazaf
1.775 words / @wordplayfics / Niall x Louis
Seeing Tommo relaxed and shirtless in person was a whole lot different than seeing him gleaming and shirtless on a camboy video.
Short and simmering with just the right amount of spice, this fic is a delicious little snack that will leave you fanning yourself.
us two — wadey_wilson / @wadey-wilson
3.649 words / @1d-library Xmas Xchange / Harry x Louis
Can you tell a story? A story? Yeah. About what? I don’t know. Something nice. Something nice, huh? Alright. Have you ever heard of, let’s say, the making of our universe? Like dinosaurs? Before that. Let’s say, about how out of an incredible explosion galaxies were born, and about how our little world began to spin. About the Sun, the center of our system, and about the Earth’s night guardian—the Moon.
This is a wonderful fic, full of metaphors and truths and beautiful images. Read this, if you need something soft and warm; when you want to believe in true love.
drive all night to keep her warm — @thepriestthinksitsthedevil
3.974 words / @wordplayfics / Harry x Louis
After a devastating break-up, Harry discovers that his life is depressingly empty. He spends some time with his best friend Niall and Niall's lovable oaf of a golden retriever and realizes that the missing piece in his life is a pet. Unfortunately, the pet that seizes Harry's heart is a sickly puppy who is hostile towards people after a history of abuse and neglect from her previous owners. Can Harry, with the help of the handsome vet, Dr. Tomlinson, earn this puppy's love and nurse her back to health?
As an animal lover with some rescues of my own, this fic really hit home for me. As stated in the author’s notes, the focus is very much on Harry’s relationship with his dog, with the Larry relationship in the background. It’s incredibly sweet and hopeful and shows how you can change an animal’s life under the right circumstances. A gorgeous fic!
All The Small Things — restless_rebels / @restless-rebels
6.733 words / @1daboficfest / Liam x Louis
Louis finally looked up, staring at the same boy from the laundry room, his hair dry and soft looking, a short quiff at the top of his head. “Hey, uh, Liam, right?” The tall alpha nodded. “Not a problem, Louis?” The omega nodded. “Is your wrist okay?” Before Louis could answer, he felt a rush of calm wash over him, as though he took a shot of whiskey. He watched as Liam closed his eyes and smiled. Louis cleared his throat, having forgotten for a second that he had even fallen. “I think so. I didn’t put all of my weight on it, at least I don’t think I did. I’m sure Harry will insist on wrapping it when we get upstairs either way.” “Good, that’s good.” They stood there awkwardly, Liam’s hands still holding Louis’s arm, both just staring, neither saying anything.
This fic is perfect if you’re in the mood for something lighthearted and fluffy. It features a meet-cute in the laundry room after Louis tries to find a quiet place to study (away from his noisy roommates). From there, Liam and Louis form a quick connection full of the nervous excitement that goes along with starting a new relationship. It was a joy to read!
As always, support the authors by leaving kudos and comments! Happy reading!
If you love a fic that has gotten less love than you think it deserves, submit it to us so we can check it out and perhaps add it to one of our recs! — FYMHM xx
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gayrobos · 1 year
Thirteen Primes masterpost!
I’m posting designs for the Thirteen Primes as in-universe religious iconography, and this is where I’m collecting information on the project and links to all of the pictures.
The basic premise is that the Thirteen are not real people (or, you know, as confirmably real as religious/mythical figures on Earth), so their qualities come from religion and folklore rather than history. Lots of people swear by them, and governments pay a certain amount of ceremonial respect to them, but very few people are dedicated to them. Those who are are generally part of groups loosely based on ancient Greek mystery cults--closed societies with private rituals who may believe more strongly in the mystical powers of their deities. I didn’t do any research on this FYI. These mystery cults are also not limited to Primes; a few other mythological figures have dedicated cults as well.
Primus has a kind of super-prime status, in that people really really think it is real and beneath our feet and responsible for the creation of new life. Expeditions to investigate it never come back.
Religious iconography changes with the times, so I’m intending to take a snapshot of Cybertronian culture at a particular point in history (loosely based on the fic I’m writing with armcontrolnerve right now). The Autobot and Decepticon empires control nearly the entire planet since unification efforts started about four hundred years ago, holding roughly the north and south hemispheres respectively; neither the Prime in Iacon nor the Prime in Kaon possesses the Matrix of Leadership, which has been lost for several million years. Contact is just about to be reestablished with off-planet colonies, and space bridge technology will get big in a couple decades. Indentured servitude is the default for laborer-class Cybertronians, but functionism and ratioism have cultural rather than legal influence. It’s a bad time for the arts. Film and other narrative media are put through the censors to make sure they’re appropriately patriotic.
I’m writing in-character as a kind of clueless religious scholar who doesn’t quite get the extent to which peeling back the layers of historical revisionism on depictions of deities is a political act. In short, their book is deeeefinitely not getting past the censors.
Finished designs:
Solus Prime  -  Prima  -  Alpha Trion  -  Vector Prime  -  Onyx Prime  -  Alchemist Prime  -  Fallen Prime  -  Liege Maximo  -  Micronus Prime  -  Nexus Prime  -  Amalgamous Prime  -  Quintessa Prime  -  Logos Prime  -  Prime Regnant
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fictionalnormalcy · 2 years
So I know I haven’t been all that vocal about this aside from the occasional reblog, but I’m not the biggest fan of HTTYD The Hidden World. I do need to make a full-on post as to why I was unappreciative, but I would like to give a short version. At least what didn’t sit right with me the most.
The ending. Where we see that final intimate moment where Hiccup’s and Toothless’ foreheads are pressed together, and we see the reversal of the scene that hit us hard the most. Them drawing away from each other.
I knew from before, that the ending was supposed to parallel the ending of the HTTYD books. But I abhorred the execution of it.
I’d seen interviews before, where Dean Deblois said himself that ever since they found out the ending of the book series, he wanted the franchise to end the same way. The last book was released here in the States in 2015. Just a year after HTTYD 2, and right at eve of release of Race to the Edge.
But I feel that the way it was structured was absolutely horrendous.
The battle to rescue all the imprisoned dragons and liberate Toothless and the Light Fury, Hiccup saying that humans didn’t deserve dragons, I wanted to tear my hair out.
Because even if you don’t change a single detail of the battle, I hold to this belief and it is rooted.
They always had the capacity of ending it EXACTLY like the books. In that where the dragons didn’t have to leave, but did so anyway. But Hiccup vowed to protect them in his lifetime.
Yes, before I get pummeled, the franchise can be considered a different universe compared to the books. Lemme remind you, Deblois said himself as I wrote above, he wanted these endings to be similar.
The books were a completely different circumstance. The protagonist was Hiccup Horrendous Haddock III. The franchise one may bear the same name but not an explanation as to his predecessors. Closest we get is in Riders of Berk with the episode of “Portrait of Hiccup as a Buff Man”, which gives us that an ancestor of Hiccup’s was indeed a runt as well, although he probably came to change his name.
The series indeed had higher stakes then the events of THW. From Book 9 to Book 12, it was a FREAKING WAR. Between dragons and humans. Either the humans are exterminated, or the dragons. Hiccup was caught in the middle, considered a traitor by both sides. And how it drew its close? The race to find the King’s Things. Hiccup being crowned King of the Wilderwest, living on the island of Tomorrow.
The dragons coming to back down after Furious, the leader of the dragons as the alpha, a Seadragonus Giganticus Maximus who had been raised alongside Hiccup Horrendous Haddock II, had been killed. Hiccup the Third and the second-in-command, a white-scaled dragon named Luna, came to negotiations. Hiccup had undergone all of these trials, been proven king, and he vowed that he would protect the dragons as long as he was alive.
Why? Because as the history of the three Hiccup’s had proved, dragons and humans would always be at odds, always be a fragile peace. After Hiccup the Third had passed, it could happen anew that dragons would become slaves to humans. Three Hiccups, spanned over hundreds of years, displayed that the peace between them could not be held.
That’s what the series was. Hiccup had written his memoirs of what he had undergone in his life that led to it. How as he came to old age the dragons gradually came to disappear, retreating to the depths of the earth. How one day he knew not even Toothless would return. The memoirs were left, for in the future when the dragons would assuredly return. To use what he had written to bring about a peace that would hold more solidly.
To bring it back to the franchise, think about it. Hiccup might as very well have done the same. His little narration at the beginning of nearly everything. For HTTYD 1, Gift of the Night Fury, Riders of Berk, Race to the Edge, HTTYD 2. He is telling us his story of what he endured for six years.
Then THW omits the little narration. Sure there’s the This is Berk, but this was for the dragons they’d rescued, not just for us viewers. When Grimmel gets to Toothless and the Light Fury and the other dragons are forced into the warlords’ cages, these are not the high stakes as presented in book series. Then it takes a pep talk from Hiccup, and it takes six young adults in dragon suits to rescue tons of dragons. The dragons joining in and smiting their captors.
Their ships went down easier than the Dragon Hunters! In RTTE it was dodging arrows along with weapons that could not be obliterated with mere dragon fire. It was three separate dragons, and at one point there was even an extent where even the damn ships were dragonproof. In THW the dragons literally bust through the cages on their own. I could go on but my point is the warlords were far too easy to defeat compared to other adversaries.
They defeated them so easily, yet Hiccup still told Toothless that the dragons had to go. The Hidden World was a safe enough sanctuary for them. He just proved, everything else from the past six years as proof too, that they could fight to make sure dragons were never oppressed.
That’s why him saying they had to go, seemed too out of character for me. The fact of six years of fighting, that the warlords seemed like a simple battle compared to others. Hiccup could have made that same promise as his book counterpart. To vow to protect the dragons as long as he lived.
I want to wager to say that there’s small hints of others trying to instigate peace as well. Before Hiccup’s time. I don’t have enough to say the Hiccups before him, but that at least other Vikings tried. The Book of Dragons short, Bork wrote the book just like the Riders had done. He didn’t write about the best way to kill them.
Also, the Riders of Berk episode I mentioned before, “Portrait of Hiccup as a Buff Man”. What did Hamish accomplish that he felt the need to even hide the fact that he was a hiccup, born small just like Hiccup the Third. We don’t even know if he could be the second or the first. Then I do have another post on this, somewhat wild but I tried to find some kind of rationality. But the creation of the Dragon Eye. I still find it hard to believe that it was created for the hunters to hunt dragons down. Its creation and what it pertains exceedingly sounds like Bork and his book of dragons.
Anyway, that’s what it seems like. Six years of wanting dragons to be free, coming to be that a young man who was called a Dragon Master decided to stop fighting and had the dragons retreat to the depths of the earth. When there was a possibility in front of them.
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mai-atsumi · 11 months
Introduction/ Requests (Open)
I am Mai, a Jojo and One Piece fanfiction writer, and I'm here to tell you what to expect from my work:  1. Inconsistency- I don't usually have a defined post schedule 
2. I don't specialize in angst, and Im bad at it, but I am much better at writing fluff and smut
3. I have favourite characters, and I write about them more often
✖= Smut
❤= Fluff
★= Angst
☀= Platonic
☎=Sensitive content 
Warnings that apply will be in the beginning notes
When it comes to requesting your favourite character, you have to know what is and isn't okay
NSFW/SMUT: Only characters over 17 can be requested for NSFW. This is because if I were to write explicit content with characters under the age of 17 that would be counted as writing bout' children and I'm not cool with that
➨ Exceptions are kissing and making out for some characters (Characters that are 14 or younger obviously won't be making out with anyone) 
I also write character x character!!!
Things I refuse to write: 
Scat play (You are not 5) 
Zoophilia (And I mean a full-on ass animal like a squirrel, that's actually nasty) 
There's probably more, but I don't really want to know more than I already do
Examples of things I can and will write: 
Non-Con/Rape (Depends)
Human Experimentation
Things I can do:
One Shots
Head Canons
Short stories
Requests (Open): 
When giving me a request, I would appreciate it if you got specific
As the reader here's what you can request: 
Reader Pronouns: Gender Neutral Pronouns, Feminine Pronounds, Masculine Pronouns. (I do not use Neo or custom pronouns) 
Reader's Gender: Female, Male, TransFem, TransMasc, Gender Neutral/ Non-Binary
You can also ask for a gender-swapped character (Ex: Female Joseph Joestar, Male Nami) 
Relationship: You can request to have a history with your requested character. (Ex: Avdol's girlfriend, Smokey's best friend, Bruno's older sister, Luffy's sister, Smoker's rival, ect) 
Plot: If you have a specific prompt or idea, like the plot or storyline please say so. (Ex: Proscuttio and Pesci go out on a mission with Reader to kill a politician who is hosting a ball and Pesci and Proscuitto fight over who gets to dance with Reader) (Ex. Reader is sick and Lisa Lisa is taking care of her,) (Ex. Ace meets an old crewmember from the spade pirates and falls in love)
Writing style: Poetry, Novel, etc 
Multiple characters
Alternate Timeline/universe: The Twilight thing where everyone is either alpha, beta, or omega, Modern timeline, School Au, Ect. 
Example of a request: 
Cherryberrylady: Heyyy Mai! (>_<) Can you write an Annasui x Reader? Like, I really want it to be like, Annasui is stalking Reader a little, like putting cameras in her house type stalking, and in her car too maybe. and like Reader is going home and Anasui is watching them thru the cameras and Annasui like, watches them masturbate..? and he hears them moaning his name. (づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ  Its okay if you don't want to tho!!! Also maybe end it where Annasui talks to Reader the next day and asks them out. ( ゚ヮ゚) Also!! when it comes to the reader can you make their pronouns gender-neutral? 
Mai-Atsumi: Of course, and your request was so greatly written- Only the best of the best could've made such a perfect request... Or
Numberoneacecocksucker: Hey Mai, can I ask for a pre-timeskip Ace x reader where the reader is a member of the Whitebeard Pirates as Thatch's younger sister and Thatch doesn't want Ace to go after his sister but Marco also likes reader to? Make sure its Female gender/pronouns please! Mai-Atsumi: Sure thing! Ill get to it right now! Right after I finish my other request!
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midnight-omega · 11 months
World Basics
Heeyyy yall I decided to kick off this blog by answering some worldbuilding questions posted awhile ago by pheonixwaller
I'm gonna break them up by heading and post them as i go!
Also this is my world and my opinions so like if ur own omegaverse doesn't follow this or you don't agree or do the things i say i dislike its all good its not meant to hurt you we're all just having fun here and we like different kinds of soda :))
Let's go under the cut !
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Let’s start with the world in general. 
What are the overall population ratios? Are alphas and omegas common or rare? Are the ratios stable or does your world have decreasing numbers of alphas/omegas?
I always flip flop on this question tbh
I think the three dynamics are all pretty equally balanced. I always see worlds where betas are way more common than alphas or omegas but then all the world building and all their plots focus on the alphas and omegas. Not to bash this kind of world, like do whatever makes u feel good, but it never made sense to me why a beta majority world would cater to the other two dynamics so hard. It also doesn’t make sense to me when a lot of stereotypical betas read very ace/aro to me and the only ones making babies are the other two. Like… but then how would a majority beta world reproduce? Again this is mostly aimed at the au’s overused stereotypes and obvi there are more dynamic set ups of beta majority worlds but personally I never got it.
So, I think it makes sense that there’s a fairly equal distribution. Sometimes it maybe shifts with time so one is more majority than the others but it always kind of balances back out. I don’t really like thinking about the genetics that deeply either like the whole oh a beta alpha couple couldn’t have an omega child bc blah blah blah like anyone can have anyone idc :>
I will say tho ! I do headcanon female alphas and male omegas to be rather rare with a lot of stereotypes, sexualizing, and discrimination around them. I do have a reason for this but I think that's a different post bc it has a lot to do with like fake human history and fake evolution LMFAO
Can women be alphas, can males be omegas? Can male omegas father children and can women alphas bear? Can betas have children?
Yes and yes! Female alphas and male omegas do in fact exist.
Alpha females cannot conceive in my verse and nor can male omegas father children. Once upon a time they could, but not in modern times. Again this is like a whole evolution thingy I thought up which deserves its own post lol. 
Betas can have children! As long as one partner has a vulva and one has a penis :>
Are there certain physical characteristics that people associate with one secondary or another? Ex: Heavily muscled alphas or soft omegas?
Alphas are stereotyped to be tall and muscular. Omegas are stereotyped to be short, dainty, and soft. Betas get to own their bodies tbh, they don’t have many physical stereotypes. Maybe lean betas, but I wouldn’t say that it's super prominent. 
However, these are not universally true at all. I personally hate the all alphas are huge and love sports and all omegas are under 5 foot and don’t move worldbuilding. Bodies of all dynamics are just as diverse as in irl. These beauty standards and stereotypes exist, however, and are just as destructive as irl ones and do just as much harm to alphas and omegas who don’t look like the posters they see trying to sell them bras or sneakers.
How often do heats/ruts occur on average? Can omegas only get pregnant during a heat or anytime?
Heats occur once every two months although it’s not uncommon for them to occur less frequently or more frequently based on diet and stress levels (exactly like an irl period tbh). Heats last 4-6 days on average, but ofc they can be shorter or longer depending on the person.
Ruts occur about once a month, but same as heats they can be less regular depending on a lot of external factors. Ruts only last about a day and it can be cause for concern if they last longer than that. 
Once mated cycles will tend to sync, although it may take a few months, though they will not be shorter or less severe. 
A beta heat/rut (again smth that deserves its own post lol) doesn’t occur unless they’re mated to an alpha/omega respectively. Their cycles sync to their mates, but their heats/ruts tend to be very short compared to an alpha or omega.   
Omegas and vulva having betas can get pregnant at any time. Omegas are just waaayy more fertile during heat, so pregnancy is almost a guarantee, while compared to out of heat it’s just a chance depending on where they are in their cycle.
How long do heats/ruts last?
Jumped the gun on explaining that one didn’t I oops. To reiterate a heat lasts about 4-6 days with the first 2 days being more gentle preheat like symptoms. The third, fourth, and fifth days are like the heat heat you think of this is when they’re fertile and slick coated and ready to fuck and crampy and tired and sick. The last day or two is like a wind down for the body and the omega is usually just very tired and lethargic. They may also eat a lot to regain strength now.
A rut only lasts a day. An alpha will probably feel irritable and confrontational the day before, and can knot the day of. If a rut lasts longer than two days it is recommended to seek medical help as the body starts to strain and inappropriately allocate resources after too long. Alphas just aren’t built for the long haul like omegas are!
Are mating bites a one-and-done, or can new mates be taken with new bites?
I’m always a little unsure about mate questions.
I think a person can be mated more than once but it’s not a matter of like oh new person bit me old person is erased, it doesn’t work like that. A mating bite is a very serious thing as it creates a dependency to the people involved. This kind of pheromonal and chemical dependency just isn’t erased when a new flavor is introduced. In order to have one mate erased the bond needs time to fade. Unfortunately this time period can be long and extremely difficult especially for bonds that have lasted a long time. It’s like severe withdrawal that often requires outside help and medical attention. Not only can it be physically draining but it can cause severe depression and even suicide. Think irl withdrawal symptoms. It’s an addiction and you have to beat it. 
That’s why it’s not recommended to mate before you’re very very sure you’re ready. It can be erased and you can mate again, but is it worth the pain?
What about kids? Do omega bodies reject sex/children for anybody but their bonded mates?
An omega can be impregnated by anyone. There’s not really… much else to say here lol. Egg meet sperm, doesn’t matter who’s.
Is there an emotional/psychic connection for bonded mates?
When you’re mated to a person you can sort of…smell whatever pheromones they’re emitting to a more specific emotions (a stranger might smell upset but your mate will smell depressed or stressed or distraught). So in a way you can read their emotions much much better, but it’s not psychic and it’s not something you can feel from ten miles away nor is it fool proof!
Can bonding bites be anywhere, or are they required to be on the neck?
Mating bites must be on the neck as the scent glands here are the strongest, most sensitive ones. These ones kinda dominate all the other ones and are in charge of distributing all those good scent chemicals everywhere else. When mixing a scent with another person, aka mating, it needs to be at the control center not at one of the side branches! A bite on the wrist or thigh will feel nice and smell for awhile but it won’t create the dependency a proper mating bite on the neck will. 
Is there anything special about how bonding works? Venoms? Ceremonies? Do they have to consummate within a certain timeframe?
So I kinda talked about it in the other two but to me it's an addiction to another person’s scent and the pheromones in their saliva. You will crave them. The way the smell yes, but also something very carnal that you can’t exactly place. That’s the saliva! The spit is also what will change the scent of the person to compliment their mate’s more. Scents are still unique but you can tell when someone’s been mated or not. This addiction and need for another person can be broken but it’s difficult.
Mating bites will need to be refreshed or they’ll fade and trigger a withdrawal. But healthy mates will crave the bites anyway and refresh on their own accord !
Mating ceremonies usually involve the entire pack/s. They’re large parties and no expense is spared. The bite itself, however, is a private affair. The public affairs and what they entail depend on the culture and religions of the packs involved. A pack following a paganistic lunar cult will probably celebrate under a full or new moon. A buddhist pack might partake in group meditations and light incense together. A catholic one will involve a priest and vows to god. A demon cult might shed blood! While atheist packs probably just have a big elaborate party. Since my world combines made up religions and real world ones the variety is very large!
Timeframe again kinda depends on the people, packs, culture, and religions involved. For example a more freeform relaxed kinda pack might be chill with letting their members mate before even having the ceremony! Whereas a conservative Catholic one would Not accept such a thing at all. Mate bites come AFTER the declaration to god thank you very much!
Think about anatomy. Do omegas have cloaca? Is it only male omegas who have cloaca, or do female omegas have two wombs? Do female alphas have enlarged bits to deliver seed?
Whew this is a hotly contested one.
I’ve toyed with intersex male omegas and female alphas. I’ve played with boy pussies and the idea can be very fun but for this world I think I’m gonna have to stick with the butt babies sorry yall.
Ofc it has to make sense and be sanitary tho so… they’re not really butt babies.
I am in favor of a cloaca and valve system. The vagina doesn’t open into the anus like ive seen in some mock diagrams (do yall want poop in ur vag?), they don’t even share the same entryway perse. It’s like a valve that closes one side when the other is in use. Arousal opens the entryway to the vagina, having to take a dump opens the anus. The tissue here is also way way way more elastic than your average anus allowing for birth with minimal tearing. 
Female omegas only have one womb, there’s biologically no need for two.
I’m in favor of the retractable penis option for female alphas. I want them to be able to give a good dicking down same as their male counterparts :>
Are chances of being an alpha or omega random, or do alpha/omega pairs have greater chances of similar children? Can people breed for better chances of one or the other?
I like it to be random! Maybe something you’re exposed to in the womb that can change or smth like that idk. I just don’t really like thinking out the ratios and who can have what babies, it’s not fun for me personally. I mean irl sex is random so why not all these too? Maybe sperm decides the secondaries as well as primary idk!
Are birth control, heat/rut suppressants, and scent suppressants common, unavailable or illegal on a worldwide basis?
So it kinda depends on the level and what you’re trying to achieve!
Scent suppressants and blockers are very common and sold over the counter as pills, patches that go over the scent glands, or as perfumes/colognes. 
Birth control is also fairly easy to get. Condoms both with and without extra room for knots are available at any pharmacy or convenience store. Female condoms and iuds are a thing for female betas and omegas (these aren’t common for male omegas due to anatomy differences). Birth control pills are also available but these are prescription and come with the typical irl side effects. I will say in conservative, traditionalist packs the pill is kinda frowned upon if taken by omegas since yk they’re supposed to be pregnant.
Heat and rut suppressants… it depends. Very mind symptom relievers can be bought over the counter, but these are very ineffective and just kinda like.. Help with cramps or mood stability. If an individual has a severe rut or heat a doctor can prescribe a suppressant to either reduce the severity/longevity of one, or reduce how often they happen. A rut or heat still occurs on these pills but they’re very manageable. Medications that completely block a heat or rut are illegal as they can have severe consequences. There is a black market for these products and it’s not as hard to find a dealer as authorities make it seem…
Is omega trafficking a problem?
I think it happens and there’s def like awareness campaigns about it the way there are about human and sex trafficking in our world, but it’s not something like extremely rampant and on the radar of most common people. 
Are there power structures based on secondary gender? Are omegas oppressed? Are alphas required to do anything near ruts to prevent violence?
In a traditionalist society the alpha is the top of the food chain. They’re the leaders. Omegas are at the bottom and are expected to be homemakers and childrearers. Betas are kinda like viking women. They can move up and down the rungs as they please. Leader position? Cool just don’t usurp the reigning alpha. Wanna have kids? Cool have fun at home.
There are echos of this in some modern cultures, packs, and religions, however everyday society is slowly moving away from this kind of structure. Stereotypes still exist and are still forced on people, but perhaps not to the same extent.
Omegas are not oppressed, but if they come from a traditionalist pack they may feel forms of oppression even though they are generally okay in society at large.
Alphas were never expected to contain ruts, though sometimes radical campaigns and proposals do throw this idea out there…
Think of famous historical figures. How would they have landed on your gender scale? Was Queen Elizabeth I an alpha? What about Helen of Troy? These historical figures can lead to modern modes of thought. 
Hmm… I think a lot of male leader figures were alphas. I think a lot of female leader figures were probably betas. Religious figures rarely have gender assigned to them to prevent bickering within the religion. Imagine if Jesus of Nazareth was an omega like nah they refuse to disclose that with the goal of making him relatable to all. 
I think in general a lot of historical figures where the secondary gender was known (not sure if Homer would have stated that about Helen of Troy yk? Idk if anyone knew what the fuck Sejong was yk? Like history as a smth we study is very very very new and things just weren’t written down!) they followed their stereotypes. Leader and military alphas, caretaker an activist omegas, business oriented betas. There’s also the very strong possibility that some figures faked their gender to get them there. What if Stalin was an omega? Would the Soviet Union have accepted him if he was? Probably not! 
So even though we are breaking down these harmful stereotypes in this modern day setting, that doesn’t mean we don’t have a long history of pain to unravel. 
What about religion? How has religion handled the secondarys?
!!! Depends on the religion !! I have a super catholic character in the story I'm building this world for so that's the religion I've focused most on. I also made up a little pagan cult for another character so I know about that one too! They honestly deserve their own posts tbh. 
Ultimately at least with Catholicism a lot of it remains very unchanged. Replace women with womb haver and man with seed bearer in any religious text and you basically have it down and accounted for all 6 genders! It’s not too hard to fit religions into omegaverses tbh
I’ll probably make a separate post about my religions later tho
Are/were arranged marriages the norm?
They were the norm and still are the norm in traditionalist societies and packs. Often the head omega of the pack is tasked with pairing off the children either within the pack (if it’s large enough) or with packs closely aligned to them.
Now a lot of the time it’s more left on the individuals themselves they court and mate. Some packs do pressure their members to mate but the person they do is up to them.
When do people learn what they are outside of medical testing? Are they born with a mark or secondary specific trait, or is it a mystery until they present or not?
I always go back and forth on this!!
See in a modern setting like you’d be able to tell what kind of reproductive organs your child has. Yes even between an alpha male and a beta male (there would be evidence of the ability to knot). Maybe not between omega female and beta female tho that one is harder….
But it’s also just more fun sometimes to have it where no one knows! For drama and character purposes I think for this universe I’m going to have it be a total surprise until they go through puberty at about eh like 12-14ish. I think people would have hunches though. Like smells and behaviors can probably clue at least parents and teachers in pretty quickly but kids are literally dumb and oblivious and the kid that always nests will probably be thunderstruck to be an omega even tho it was fucking obvious to everyone else. 
Not to say there aren’t real surprises because I’m sure there are…
Military: Historically are any genders or secondarys not allowed to participate in the military? Are female alphas allowed? What about male omegas?
Tbh I don’t really think about this much? Just not smth that interests me but I imagine the military was an alpha only thing for awhile but included betas bc numbers. For fun tho lets say that omega’s are still not really allowed in. Like you can fight for it but they’re gonna make it hard.
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While I'm here, I made a partial list of worlds with complex life within 20 light years of Earth in my setting, with short descriptions. I haven't figured out names yet, so I'll just name them by reference to the star they orbit.
"Gaian class" here means an Earth-like planet with liquid water, plants and animals, a photosynthesis-based food chain, etc.. I took the liberty of using the term used by John M. Dollan's Arcbuilder universe and the Orion's Arm universe, at least for now. Given the history of my setting as I've mentally plotted out so far, it might make more sense if the setting's in-universe equivalent of the Planetary Classification List used references from bonobo-like human mythology instead of references from Earth Greek, Norse, etc. mythology, and that would eliminate the necessity of eventually having to ask Mr. Dollan if he's OK with me using some terms from his PCL, but right now I don't feel like doing fictional culture mythology worldbuilding just to have an equivalent of when the characters in Star Trek say "M class planet."
Also, as I said, this is an incomplete list, I'm also planning to put Gaian worlds around Sigma Draconis, HR 7703, and 82 Eridani (and a bunch of stars farther out), but I haven't decided what those worlds will be like yet.
Gaian class planet of Alpha Centauri A: A bigger (1.3-1.5 Earth masses), denser, more metal-rich planet than Earth, reflecting the Alpha Centauri system's high heavy element abundance. Gravity is only moderately higher than Earth's (1.15-1.25 G) because of the bigger surface area. The biosphere is quite rich, comparable to Earth's. Climate is similar to Earth, but a bit warmer and with bigger seasonal contrasts because of a higher axis obliquity and the longer year. Oceans are deeper than Earth's and the land to water ratio is lower; the land surface is 120-130 million square kilometers (compared to Earth's 150 million square kilometers) on a planet with more surface area than Earth. There are five continents, but the biggest continent is the majority of the planet's land surface.
The planet has a very big moon (3.5-4.5 Luna masses) in a high orbit (above 500,000 km). This big moon is superficially similar to Luna aside from its higher gravity, being a cratered, basically airless, almost geologically dead world like Luna, but it is much denser and more metal-rich than Luna; it is probably a captured world, instead of one that was formed by an impact.
Gaian class planet of Alpha Centauri B: A smaller and less rich world than Alpha Centauri A's Gaian class planet. There is a single continent, hot and dry in the southwest, warm and wetter in the southeast, cool to cold and wet in most of the other coastal regions, and dry and mountainous in the interior. Fluctuations in volcanic activity over the last few million years have caused considerable fluctuations in atmospheric carbon dioxide, which have caused considerable fluctuations in climate. These climate fluctuations have stressed the biosphere; biodiversity has been reduced and surviving common species tend to be hardier and more generalist than equivalent species on Earth or the Alpha Centauri A Gaian planet. The present climate is broadly similar to Earth's, has been more-or-less stable for the last few tens of thousands of years, and will probably remain stable for many millennia in the future.
Gaian class planet of Epsilon Indi A: This is the Epsindi homeworld.
This planet orbits close to its dim sun, around .5 AU, but nonetheless receives less light than Earth and is a chilly, marginal Gaian world despite a high level of atmospheric carbon dioxide. About a third of the planet's surface is ice-lidded ocean, vast continental glaciers, and cold deserts. The equatorial and subtropical regions are warm, but tend to be dry because the cool climate means less evaporation from the oceans and cooler air holds less water. The planet does not have very much continental crust; the land surface in the liquid water belt adds up to a few tens of millions of square kilometers. Compounding these problems, mountain ranges block rain from most of the warm land that does exist, so this is largely a world of ice, ocean, and desert. This geography means the human inhabitants of this world mostly live in narrow coastal strips of good land and on the many islands that dot the ocean in the liquid water belt. These restricted good lands are peppered with the broken, crumbling remains of the cities and other constructions of the fallen Epsindi civilization. The less technologically sophisticated present human inhabitants often make their humbler settlements in the shadow of these ruins.
Gaian class planet of Tau Ceti: This is the bonobo-like human world.
A smaller, older, less metal-rich world than Earth, for most of the last billion years this was a cool world with low and heavily eroded continental platforms. An upsurge of geologic activity in the last tens of millions of years has caused much new land uplift and mountain-building and also dramatically warmed the climate by pumping large amounts of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere.
Today, the planet is much warmer than Earth. Snow and real cold happen only on mountains, in highland regions, and near the poles. There are essentially no permanent glaciers. Even the polar regions have almost subtropical weather in summer and the polar oceans are basically free of ice even in winter, though the polar lands do experience snow and cold during the dark polar winters. Greenhouse climates have lower equator to pole temperature contrasts, so the equatorial regions are not much warmer than Earth's; the entire planet from the equator to the poles has temperatures compatible with thriving plant and animal life.
Sea levels are high relative to the height of the continental platforms, so much of the continental platform area is covered by biologically rich shallow seas. There is less land than Earth, both absolutely and as a percentage of the surface area; the planet's surface is 25% land and the total land surface is around 110 million square kilometers (Earth's surface is 30% land and Earth's land surface is 150 million square kilometers). The land area is fragmented into multiple continents and many islands. Most land is not far from the sea and has a warm and wet climate. Thus, while there is land than Earth, more of that land is good land. The warm climate does intensify storms, and there are more poisonous plants than on Earth, but aside from this the planet is almost a tropical paradise, with little desert and no cold lands.
There is no large moon, but there are some captured asteroids in high elliptical orbits, the biggest of which is more than thirty kilometers on its long axis.
Gaian class planet of 40 Eridani A: This is the bearfolk world.
For the past few million years, this planet has been locked in a cycle in which its axis obliquity varies from only a few degrees to almost 60 degrees and back again over a few hundred thousand years. For most of this period the average temperature was relatively low and the planet was not very friendly to humans. Low obliquity eras were ice ages, while high obliquity eras had very hot summers and very cold winters. Life here has adapted to this cycle to some extent, but biodiversity has been considerably reduced by the stresses of the obliquity variations. During the cool period, much of the land surface was covered by a very simplified ecosystem in which most biomass was tough, fibrous, nutrient-poor grass-analogues and most animal biomass was a single species of large grazer.
In the last few tens of thousands of years the opening of a new, highly active volcanic rift under the ocean raised the atmospheric carbon dioxide level, warming the planet. This created conditions for forests and richer grasslands to thrive and spread and caused a large-scale collapse of the simple fibrous plant and big grazer ecosystem and its replacement by richer ecosystems (a development that may have been catalyzed by early bearfolk hunting of the big grazers and proto-agricultural ecosystem interventions). Today the planet is in a relatively low obliquity era (obliquity is presently similar to Earth's) and has an overall rather pleasant climate, a little warmer than Earth's. It superficially resembles a quite conventionally Earth-like rich Gaian world, but close inspection of the native plants and animals reveals a relatively low level of biodiversity and many hardy, generalist forms with ability to endure extremes of heat and cold and prolonged periods of darkness.
Many of this planet's native plants are poisonous or otherwise inedible or poorly nourishing to humans, and many of its native small animals are poisonous or venomous, an environmental difficulty that has been very significant to the bearfolk's evolution.
There are three continents, though one is relatively small and another is very thinly populated by the bearfolk because it is still mostly covered by the simplified tough fibrous grass-analogue and big grazer ecosystem where it isn't desert or glaciated. Most of the bearfolk live on one continent, a large land mass that stretches from the northern polar region to a point south of the Antarctic Circle.
Gaian class planet of Delta Pavonis: For most of its history this was cool and dry world, but its sun has now become a subgiant and dramatically increased in brightness, making this a hot marginal Gaian world. Average daytime temperature is over 90 F. There is little surface water, only small seas, so most of the surface is desert, a wasteland of sand and rock baking beneath a blazing, swollen sun. The atmosphere is thin; even in the lowlands oxygen levels resemble a highland such as Tibet on Earth. The thin atmosphere and lack of moisture means the nights can be quite chilly, as the temperature can fall rapidly and dramatically after the swollen sun goes down. The subgiant sun also floods the surface with increased UV radiation. Axis obliquity is low, so the climate is almost seasonless, a year-round brutally hot summer.
Most of the planet's remaining plant and animal life is in the small seas and in the vegetated areas around them. These vegetated areas are mostly scrub and "grassland" (technically not grass but a structurally similar native plant) surrounded by semi-desert, as the seas are mostly too small to generate enough evaporation to support extensive forests. Forests are restricted, mostly existing where highland regions close a sea catch rain.
Much of the planet's water is in vast subterranean aquifers (the planet has a lot of porous rock). These aquifers are interconnected with the small seas. Water from these aquifers wells up to the surface in many places, creating many oases in the desert.
Like the bonobo-like human world and the bearfolk world, this planet had some proto-humans transplanted to it within the last few million years. The Delta Pavonisian branch of the human family have evolved into a sapient species adapted to better endure the harsh conditions of their world; compared to Homo sapiens they have a greater capacity to endure high temperatures, a reduced reliance on perspiration, expanded lungs and increased hemoglobin to enable them to better extract oxygen from the thin air, and almost coal-black skin to protect them from the intense UV radiation of their subgiant sun.
Gaian class planet of Eta Cassiopeiae A: A rich Gaian world, though one with a rather limited land area. Most of the land is a single continent that runs from the fringes of the north polar region to the fringes of the south polar region. This continent is quite extensive in the north-south axis, but relatively narrow in the east-west axis. This continent has equivalents of almost every major land biome on Earth, including high-altitude ones in its mountains, so biodiversity is higher than one might expect given the limited land area. The biosphere is still recovering from a mass extinction event within the last two million years. Nights on this planet are often rather bright, illuminated by two sizable moons and the local sun's companion star Eta Cassiopeiae B.
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guardian-of-fandoms · 2 years
Power Rangers Incorrect Quotes
(Over a group chat)
Trini: and here we have a capitalist
Jason: did you just
Billy: Let us all take a moment to appreciate that all of human history and human language and the universe itself alligned to make this joke possible.
Tommy: (Screams)
Jason: (Screams louder to establish dominance)
Zordon: Should we do something?
Alpha 5: No, i want to see who wins. 
Jason, texting Kim: Help! I’m being kidnapped!!
Kim: Where are you?!
Jason: I’m with some strange person in a car, Help
Kim: I’ll call Tommy.
Tommy, answering his cell: Y’ello?
Kim: Where’s Jason?! He texted me that he was being kidnapped!!! 
Tommy: Jason? Whaddaya mean, he’s right next to-
Tommy: I’ll call you back. (hangs up)
Tommy: my happiness?
Tommy, looking at the rest of the squad: I’m happy??
Jason: (Kicks down the door with a panicked look)
Zordon: What happened?
Jason: Nobody died!
Zack: Yoink is the opposite of Yeet.
Trini: But it’s just as fast.
Kim: The lord Yeeteth and the lord Yoinketh away. 
Tommy: Well there’s my eulogy sorted.
Zack: Who thinks i can fit 15 marshmellos in my mouth? 
Billy: You’re a hazard to society. 
Jason: And a coward. Do 20. 
Kim: Here’s a fun christmas idea, we hang mistletoe, but instead of kissing, you have to FIGHT whoever’s under it! 
Zordon: Kimbery, no. 
Alpha 5: Mistlefoe. 
Zordon: please stop encouraging this. 
Kim: Why am i not a banana?
Billy: Because your genetic code dictates that you are human. However, it should please you to know that you share 50-60% of your DNA with a banana.
Kim: Thanks, man.
Zack: Wait, are you telling me some people are 10% more banana than other people?
Tommy: Love is dead and never existed. All you did was betray me as i laid, festered and sick. you are the definition of dread.
Jason: .... are you okay?
Tommy: Kimberly stole my ****ing garlic bread.
Zordon, yelling: This is WITHOUT A DOUBT, the single most IRRESPONSIBLE thing you all have EVER done!!
Trini: Hey, remember that "Selfie with a Monster" contest?
Zordon: You did WHAT
Alpha 5: Oh, i remember that.
Tommy: When i die, i want my tombstone to read, “Mistakes were made.”
Jason: Wasn’t that already on your birth certificate?
Kim: You are now one day closer to eating your next plate of nachos.
Zack: This is the most hopeful thing i’ve ever heard. 
Billy: What if i die tomorrow and never eat any nachos?
Jason: Then tomorrow is Nacho lucky day. 
Trini: Get out. 
Zack, singing to a youtube video: You are, my fire
Trini, quietly: My one desire
Billy, half asleep: Believe, when i say
Kim, not looking up from a magazine: I want it that way
Jason bursting into the room: TELL ME WHYY
Everyone unenthusiastically: Ain't nothing but a heart ache
Zack: Ain't nothing but a mistake
Jason: Tell me Whyyyyy
Trini: I never wanna hear you say
Kim loudly: I WANT IT THAT WAY
Zordon: W-what?
Zordon: Recruit Teenagers, they said. It'll be fun, they said.
Kim: It's called a Fire Extinguisher!?!?
(Glass shatters, something explodes, Billy screams)
Zordon: Don't listen to them. Don't.
Zordon: Alright, everyone pay attention. I have an important announcement to make and i only have a minute.
Team: Why? are you in a hurry?
Zordon: No, i was referring to your relatively short attention spans.
Jason: I'm sorry for all the stuff i said.
Tommy: And for punching me in the face?
Jason: No, you deserved that.
Tommy: Do you ever get so annoyed at everything that you start to get pissed off at even little things, like a spoon clinking against a bowl or people talking?
Kim: I think that's called Sensory Overload, and it's really common in people with anxiety.
Billy: It can also be a result of sleep deprivation, stress, or even dehydration.
Tommy: Thanks, i thought i was just a bitch.
Jason: Synonyms are weird because if you invite someone to your cottage in the forest, that just sounds nice and cozy, but if i invite you to my cabin in the woods, you're gonna die.
Trini: My favorite is "Butt Dial" vs "Booty Call".
Billy: It's called Connotation.
Zack: Also, "Forgive me Father, for i have Sinned," vs "Sorry daddy, i've been naughty".
Kim: Great news! Language is now CANCELLED!
Alpha 5: How do the rangers usually deal with these messes?
Zordon: They don't. they usually create a bigger mess that cancels out the first one.
(Tommy being controlled by Rita)
Jason: Tommy, stop! This isn't you, you've gone mad with power!
Tommy: Well of course I have.
Tommy: Have you ever tried going mad without power?
Tommy: It's boring.
Kim: On a scale from “damn Daniel” to “fre sha vaca do”, how are you feeling?
Zack: In between “it’s an avocado, thanks” and “how did you defeat Captain America”, but as a solid answer I would say “I don’t need a degree to be a clothing hanger”. How about you, Alisa?
Tommy: Probably “road work ahead”.
Alpha 5: I speak many languages, and this is none of them.
Jason, about Tommy: Apparently we’re getting someone new in the group.
Zack: Are we stealing them?
Kim: New or used?
Trini: Wonderful responses, both of you.
Zack: Rules are made to be broken!
Zordon: They were made to be followed. Nothing is made to be broken.
Kim: Uh, piñatas.
Trini: Glow sticks.
Jason: Karate boards.
Billy: Spaghetti when you have a small pot.
Zack: and Rules! 
Jason: I CAN'T DO IT!
Zack: I appreciate it,
Kim: Jason-
Zack: Jason we gotta-
Jason: YOU GOTTA LOOK INSIDE YOURSELF AND SAY “What am I willing to put up with today?”
Jason, motioning to Brainwashed Tommy: NOT FREAKING THIS
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quarks-pussy · 8 months
I... I was writing a post about (the nonexistence of) mirror Jake and was thus pondering many aspects of the mirrorverse and I... I think I cracked it. And it's fucking me up. I think I know what the difference between prime and mirror is and it provides more questions than answers.
There is one glaring constant throughout (almost! we'll get to that) all official media (canon or not) that so much as goes near the mirror universe and it's actually the absence of a, well, ...species? that you don't even notice being absent at first but once you do, it's blatant and you can't unsee it.
There are no Q in the mirrorverse. When looking into possible explanations, I actually stumbled upon a highly intriguing fan theory that postulates that the mirrorverse is a control group created by the continuum (which would explain the consistent family lines and stuff SO well!) to see how humanity would fare without their intervention. This is an awesome theory (that also mashes with stuff said in Pic about how there's only one continuum across the multiverse) and I love it but I do actually have another one I'd like to propose.
The one singular reference to a mention of any Q in the mirrorverse that I could find is this short memory beta page on a Q from the mirrorverse (presumably the mirror version of our(/JLP's) Q) having been banished by Terrans "to a prison outside the known dimensions" which, not to speculate, could be interpreted as the prime universe?? (which would mean the mirrorverse is the actual "prime" universe and the Q (or at least our Q) are only in the prime universe as a means of punishment by the Terrans which would also explain why they don't seem to mess with Kelvin timeline (at least not in alpha canon) or anything else outside prime despite Pic saying they could) but regardless has very "god is dead and we have killed him" vibes that I dig. The singular source for this is the 2005 RPG source book Through a Glass, Darkly (belonging to the Decipher iteration of the Star Trek Roleplaying Game) which is specifically set in the mirror universe and, ngl, I kinda wanna play now.
So even tho Pic either states or implies (afaik it's technically said in reference to the Kelvin timeline or something (but you couldn't fucking pay me to watch enough Pic to check) but not specifically about the mirrorverse) that the Q exist in all realities and can jump between them as they wish, and even tho Through a Glass, Darkly is not even remotely canon, especially in comparison to Pic, I want to believe. The mirrorverse is Like That because the humans banished god.
(Also tho, regardless of which (if either) theory is correct, this does imply that not only have the Q not just "observed" humans but their influence on human history has been extremely positive and literally lead to stuff like the Federation even existing?? There are so many implications to the absence of the Q in the mirrorverse, I can't cope with this...)
Anyway, thanks for listening! And if anyone wants to teach me about the Decipher STRPG and/or play Through a Glass, Darkly with me, hit me up 👍
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brokrok · 10 months
UnderOmega - This universe is based on the concept that the monster kingdom was divided into several parts (like Alpha, Beta, Gama, and so on.) And the history of the monsters was sharpened by people who were followers of an akult group.
People were divided into two camps
-First, those who didn't want to harm the Monsters.
-The second who thought about the complete destruction of the Monstars' species.
Those who reject coexistence with the Monsters gathered in a huge cult that set the goal of "Destroy the misery of hell for the sake of mankind," the cult called themselves (on the name I think) Obsolutnogo Rasvet.
And at the moment, a large-scale war between the three sides began.
The event was called "Bloody Judgment."
Toward the end of the war, the Cult with heavy losses lost, but before the total defeat, they managed to break up into a bunch of troops that did what no one expected. They lured most of the Monster troops into different pescheries (24) and sealed them together with themselves in the dungeon. After these events, the cult ended its existence.
After the war, people tried to get the Monsters out of the dungeon, but all attempts were even... Many of the Mogsters perished in their imprisonment underground, but only a small part of them were able to survive in the dungeon. And they're trying to get out less and less often.
The idea of how to break the barer established by the cult people was proposed by one of the scientists who also fought in the war, the theory of the Essence Club (here I mean the structure of the soul itself, as I wanted to complicate the structure of the construction. So in short, the soul consists of the essence and the shell. Esentia is what is the individuality of a person/monster, character, habits, and moral orientations (it does not affect the memory)) that the exact ratio of sesentia of souls is needed to open the barer like a lock on a door.
Many years have passed since then.
The Ludis have found monsters trapped underground, and continue to live as if they weren't...
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