#50 days of productivity challenge
burgundyfist · 5 months
DAY 01/50
(06/01/2024, 10:30 pm)
So I'm really sick today. I really wanted to be productive for this challenge, but I'm in pain. Still I didn't want to miss out on the first day so, here's how productive I was today:
Woke up at 11, let myself sleep in a little because I am sick, and the past few days has been stressful
Made breakfast and coffee (which is an achievement because I barely have breakfast)
Organized my study material drawers, notes and question papers
had a hair care day (oiling and deep cleanse)
studied English for 1.5 hours
that's all I did. I promise to try be more productive from next time. Also, this post has no attached photo from my day, because I was way too tired too to take aesthetic snaps. Promise next post will include a photo.
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lacaffeina · 14 days
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4-5/50 days of productivity | 16-17/5/'24
just been picking myself up.
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the---hermit · 1 year
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26/50 days of productivity
Today was my first day reviewing for my second protohistory exam. I struggled to focus I will be honest. Even though I am pretty comfortable with most of the materials (there's a couple of more specific things I will definitely have to review a bit more) I just struggled to stay on the page. My mind keeps wandering. I am really tired and it's starting to show. I can't wait for this to be over, so that I'll be able to take a few days off. I still plan to study for a few weeks after my exam, even though I won't be taking the third one I had planned for July. I realized that the materials are just too many for me to finish working on it in time, so I'll take that in September. I still want to get all the work done in advance so that in September I'll only have to review it. But before all of this I will definitely reward myself with a couple of days off to recharge. I am so tired I can't even read my book during the day, because I simply don't have enough energy to focus on that. I wish I had new yarn to work on a new crochet project, because it would be the perfect hobby to fill my free time at the moment, but I haven't found the time to go buy it yet.
first complete protohistory review (which means I reread my notes, the ppts the professor used during his lectures and my notes and ppt for the presentation I did in class)
set up my bullet journal for next week (I am using super minimal weekly spreads atm and to be honest it's good enough)
set up my reading journal for June (did a very minimal cover page and monthly set up cause my energies are loooow)
practiced Irish on duolingo
continued listening to old episodes of the books unbound podcast
Self care:
read first thing in the morning
📖: She Who Became The Sun by Shelley Parker-Chan
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academicazura · 1 month
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april 28th
hi! i reached 50 followers, so i thought i'd post and say THANK YOU. you guys really make me feel like a part of the community here and i love it.
if you've been following me, you might've noticed i'm going through a bit of a hard time lately. i am taking care of myself, but it's been quite hectic. i need to turn in my physics course tomorrow, and i don't know, it's not my usual level, and i still need to do 15 exercises and come up with something for the study log but at least i'll get some sort of a grade.
after that i'll take a breather, i'll plan the rest of my courses thoroughly, probably make that my whole Wednesday. i'm hoping that this kind of a new beginning or a restart, if you will, will make life a bit easier for me.
are you guys ready for May?! [photos of my May bullet journal routine tracker, bullet journal key and my calendar]
today i
did physics' mandatory assignments (5/20)
went for a long walk
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not-so-bored · 5 months
21 December 2023, Thursday  
108 🎄
Things I have done:
🏫 Classes 
📖 Language and Literature Class (Exam Preparation)  
🇩🇪 German Class
💻 Online meeting 
📃 Bureaucracy 
💻 Submitting the most important university application (🎉🤞🤞)
📋 Planning 
🗒 Literature Revision 
🦉 Duolingo: Dutch 
✍️ Poem (kind of) 
📚 Collection of short stories 
Winter Studying Challenge 
21st December - What was the most memorable holiday celebration you had at school?
I don’t particularly remember any of the previous ones, so maybe today’s celebration during our German Class. I had fun, ate cookies and three or four tangerines. Nice people and pretty advanced conversations in German. Tomorrow is my last Christmas celebration at school btw. 
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nurselearn · 1 year
What are 10 supplies and equipment needed for filing a master patient index?
Patient demographic data: This includes patient's name, date of birth, address, phone number, and any other relevant information needed to identify the patient.
Medical records: This includes previous medical history, lab results, x-rays, and other medical documentation needed to ensure accurate patient care.
Identification and verification documents: This includes government-issued ID cards, insurance cards, and other documents needed to verify the patient's identity and insurance coverage.
Barcode scanner: A barcode scanner is used to scan patient identification and medical records for accurate data entry and tracking.
Computer: A computer is needed to input patient information and maintain the master patient index.
Printer: A printer is needed to print out identification and medical records for the patient's file.
Backup system: A backup system, such as an external hard drive or cloud-based storage, is needed to ensure that patient information is not lost in case of system failure.
Security measures: This includes measures such as password protection and encryption to ensure that patient information is kept confidential and secure.
Training materials: Training materials, such as user manuals and training videos, are needed to ensure that staff members are properly trained to use the master patient index system.
Maintenance and support: Regular maintenance and support of the master patient index system is needed to ensure that it is functioning properly and that any issues are resolved quickly.
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penthusiastic · 1 year
Day 1/50
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Spring term of my first year at uni started this week. I had a day off today. I went on a study picnic in our hostel park with my roommate ( @studyingisfunmedh ).
Made notes for Discrete Mathematics and revised what was taught so far. Looking forward to immerse myself in the beauty of learning and studying for this fresh new semester. <3
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Making a Priority List/ Planning
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(1/50) Planning/ Prioritizing Challenge: So, I am going to start a personal planning streak where I make realistic goals that I feel like I can easily accomplish. I am trying to balance any stress levels and workability. Hopefully, this will push me more to finish my assignments earlier on.
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miss-shirley · 1 year
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22.02.23 - Day 50/103
More studying and summarising!
wrote my English and bilingual teaching flashcards
made a mindmap of all the pedagogy topics
studied some of the theorists we should name-drop in the exam (very tedious)
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studyingisfunmedh · 1 year
Day 10/50
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Today, i made notes on legal aspects of business in the library, read three chapters of the daughter of smoke and bone, ate fruits, watched the sunset, slept on the grass, and went to eat ice cream with my roomie ;)
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burgundyfist · 5 months
Day 05/50
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studied math dynamic chapter for 2 hrs
home tutoring session 2 hours
math straight line practice 1 hr
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lacaffeina · 16 days
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3/50 days of productivity | 15/5/'24
truth to be told, i'm feeling like i've hit rock bottom by my own hands and it's so hard to cling onto the idea that i, too, am worthy of Allah سُبْحَانَهُ وَتَعَالَىٰ's mercy. ups and downs. ups and downs. perhaps one of the best but the hardest things is the fact you gotta keep on going and living with yourself. hopefully tomorrow's post is more positive, in sha Allah.
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the---hermit · 1 year
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16/50 days of productivity
It's yet another rainy day, but I am indeed feeling better. I am still a bit more tired than usual and I struggle to stay focused for long, but it's overall much better. I can't wait to spend tomorrow reading and relaxing to recharge before the new week.
wrote a couple of book reviews
edited all the book reviews I have in my drafts (I have fallen behind a bit espeically with reading challenge updates, but those will take a bit more time to be posted. Look out tomorrow because there'll be a few book review posts!)
watched and annotated one and a half history of religions lectures (I was losing focus so I stopped half an hour before it was done, I'll finish it on Monday)
highlighted all my new notes
made the new weekly spread in my bullet journal
updated my reading journal
practiced Irish on duolingo
Self care:
read first thing in the morning (I started my day with reading an interview with my favourite graphic novel artist and then reading about hobbits, 10/10 would recommend)
📖: The Hobbits Of Tolkien by David Day (I am so obsessed with this book, I am so glad I randomly found it yesterday it's bringing me a lot of joy)
🎵: Animal by PVRIS
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starboltz · 1 year
☆I'm starting a 50 days of productivity challenge today!☆
Starting today, I'll be recording my progress in trying to be a more productive person before I graduate. My main goal in this is to become more disciplined for college, but I also want to get some fun out of this as well. I'll personally record my progress each day, and post how I'm doing each Friday!
Wish me luck!
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hsn1 · 21 days
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Finals on the door steps , i just finalize my finals study plan to be started tomorrow , but , today i have to finish my Biostatistics paper assignment even if have no clue what is inside it ,,, epic study day is waiting
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not-so-bored · 6 months
3 December 2023, Sunday  
90 days of productivity
Things I have done:
🦉 Duolingo: German
📧 E-Mails (🥳)
🖥 Advent of Code 
📔 Language and Literature Homework 
🗒 Literature Revision
🗒 English Revision
📺 Video essay on the cruelty of infinite growth 
💬 Discussion about philosophy 
💬 Discussion about books with my brother
🤩 Philosophy 
📚 Warum gibt es alles und nicht nichts? by Richard David Precht 
Winter Studying Challenge 
3rd December - What is your least favourite thing about winter?
Chapped lips and cracked skin on hands (yes, I'm aware of the existence of chapsticks and creams, they barely help)
Winter Wonderland Studyblr Challenge
DAY 9.  Is there something that you specially like/dislike about holiday season?
I like the atmosphere of the holidays, the dishes, gifts and meeting some of my relatives. The commercialization of Christmas destroys this unique atmosphere, in my opinion. And I don't like rush and chaos.
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