#-end up abusing said student. but continue to ask said student to come to them for advice. -
jasonstodger · 10 months
Could u write a fluff/angst piece where Jason breaks into the wrong house or something but ends up staying & bonds with the reader over having scars and shared trauma?
jkajskajksja YES YES YES! Thank you for the ask, anon <3
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pairing: Jason Todd x ungendered!reader
summary: non-graphic smut | scars | referenced child abuse | trauma bonding | awkwardness
word count: 1.9k
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“What are you doing in my room?”
The figure stares at you, their face masked, void of emotion. Unreadable. 
“You didn’t lock the window,” he says. His voice is rich and deep, and so, so rough it almost burns. “You… are not who I expected to see.”
You stare at them nervously. You’re sat up in your bed, your dorm a dingy, dark envelope of self-pity. Those searching white lenses trail over you, lingering on the many thick, deep white scars, jagged and cruel, that litter your stomach and ribs like rivers of silver over your skin.
“What do you want? I have no money. I’m a student.” Your voice is eerily calm, your heart beating uncomfortably in your chest as the figure takes a heavy step towards you.
“I’m not here for money,” comes the thick reply. His boots slide across your floor again. “What happened to you?”
You swallow, thick and uncomfortable, wetting your lips. You can’t see the man’s eyes beneath his mask. It’s unsettling: “My father tried to kill me 6 years ago. He stabbed me 34 times.”
Your voice is quiet and void of emotion as you repeat the tragedy that continues to haunt you. The figure regards you silently.
“Why did he try to kill you?”
“Who are you?” You ask, little louder than a whisper.
“I’m…” he hesitates. “Jason Todd.”
You rub your sleep-tired eyes, looking at him through the darkness. “Aren’t you dead?”
“I was. But I’m better now,” he says again in his low timbre. He approaches cautiously, scanning the scars on your body. “Your father isn’t here now, is he?”
“He’s in Arkham. They fried his brains.”
“I see.” He continues to stare at you, and you can almost feel his palpable need to take your pain away. “You don’t have anyone with you tonight?”
You stare at him silently, your cheek twitching at the irony of his words. “No one wants to go home with the chick who’s dad sliced her up.”
Silence. And then:
“I’d go home with you.”
You grin wrlyly, but there is no happiness there. “The man who broke into my dorm says he’d go home with me. Tell me why that doesn’t fill me with comfort?”
“Because I broke into your dorm.”
He creeps closer. “I won’t hurt you.”
“Okay,” you whisper, watching him closely.
“... Can I kiss you?”
His mask is lit by the moonlight as he kneels down in front of you, the hard edges of the helmet glistening. Your eyes soften, heart skipping a beat.
“I understand,” he says lowly. He continues to stare at you, the mask making it impossible to see any subtle facial changes. But his voice grows gentle. “Would you… let me stay with you tonight?”
“Why?” you whisper, voice shaky.
“You look lonely.”
“I’m used to it.”
“Just because you’re used to it doesn’t make it okay,” he says softly. 
“I could say the same to you about breaking into people’s homes.”
He tilts his head. “Maybe,” he decrees, and he motions to the spot on the your bed beside you. “May I?”
You stare at him for a moment, trying to decipher him. “... okay.”
He shuffles under the covers, not touching you. For a while, you both lie there in silence.
“My name’s y/n,” you say suddenly, gently. 
“I’m Jason,” he replies.
“Yeah… you’ve said that.”
“Oh. Sorry.” He looks at you, trying to find the right thing to say and do. 
Your voice becomes quiet. “It’s okay,” Your legs touch, and you swallow. “Do you have scars, Jason?”
“Yes.” His voice is low, and he keeps his gaze low too. Like he can’t bring himself to look at you.
“Is it cool? I guess… it’s cool how similar we are. We’re both people broken by the world.”
You don’t reply for a moment, sinking into the bed. You can feel him beside you. It’s strangely comfortable, despite knowing nothing about him. But you can understand that he’s also damaged goods… Just like you. He reaches out, fingertips touching your arm: “We don’t have to talk, if you don’t want to.”
“I don’t mind talking,” you say quietly. “It’s a good distraction.”
He appraises you. “Can I ask you something?”
“Why’d you let me stay?”
You glance at him, his face obscured by the dark and his mask. “I think I was hoping you’d finish the job,” you admit, quiet and vulnerable.
“I’m not here to do that. I’m not supposed to be here at all.”
“That’s alright,” you whisper. 
He pauses, thinking about his next words. “Have you ever wanted to get back at the person that hurt you?”
“I think about killing my dad everyday,” you admit, and your pinkies brush gently against each other.
“Would it make you happy, y/n? If you did?”
“Why not?”
“It wouldn’t change anything. I’d still be scarred.”
“Yeah…” he turns his body in your direction, moving a little closer. You turn your head to face him. “Can I hold you tonight? I… I’d like to feel what it’s like to hold someone again.
“Okay,” you whisper, a little emotional.
He rolls over and pulls you into a warm embrace. He holds you, not wanting to let go. His body radiates heat, and he rests his head against yours. Your hair brushes his skin, and he closes his eyes, taking a deep breath. 
In that moment, you’re both content.
You wrap your arms around him, pressing into his warmth as you, too, close your eyes. “This is nice.”
“You feel good,” he whispers into your hair, his hand caressing your face gently.
You smile, small and sad. “So do you.”
He shifts his body, moving even closer to you. His hips move against yours gently. It’s like nothing in the world matters except that your skin is touching his. Your breathing becomes a little ragged, and you both stay like that for a few moments, just breathing and touching.
You cradle his jaw in your hand, tracing the grooves of his mask, moving to take it off: “Can I?”
“... sure.”
You gently peel off his mask, revealing his face. You stare at him in the dingy lighting, and your fingers brush over the ‘J’ scar carved into his cheek. His breathing speeds up a little bit. Scars are a reminder of when a person is at their weakest. To be allowed to touch them by someone just as damaged as you… so tender and sweet… it feels like blasphemy. 
“You’re very beautiful,” you say quietly.
“So are you,” he whispers back, his hand moving to touch the long scars on your chest. Your breath hitches, almost inaudible.  He moves his fingers back and forth, tracing the ragged lines of raised skin, watching you to see how you react. Your heart races under his hand. “You’re so soft… can I… can I do more?”
You swallow. “If you’d like.”
His body moves against yours, and you press yourselves together, your breaths becoming laboured. His hand moves from the scars on your chest, down towards your hips. You rut against each other, clothed and urgent.
You can feel his body pressed against yours, and it’s like the weight of the world is leaving you. You feel alive for the first time in a long time. And you want to make him feel the same way. Your hand reaches beneath his clothes, feeling the heat and tension building between you. 
He lets out a shaky gasp, your bodies moving slowly against each other. You can feel him, and he can feel you. You both breathe harder and harder, your breaths catching in your throats, as your eyes stare into each other’s souls. 
You can feel everything. Every heartbeat, every sigh, every breath, every twitch and moan. And you know he can feel it too, as your bodies begin to move faster, harder. The two of you are together in that moment, and the world shrinks away.
You move with more urgency, writhing against each other like testy teens. Bodies move as one, your hands searching for every sensitive and intimate spot. There is no more doubt or fear or anger. Just two broken individuals finding each other in the night.
The heat and sweat of your bodies mingles - two shattered and lonely souls finding something less than love in each other, just for a moment. Your heart beats in your ears. 
He breathes quietly against your neck, moaning lowly with each move you make, and his free hand tangles at the back of your head, holding you against his skin as the pressure builds between you.
“Jason,” you moan quietly into his throat. Just for the while, you feel whole. He presses against you, desperately, breath catching in his throat, louder and more needy with each grunt and muffled whine.
Everything else disappears, and the world falls away.
There’s only the two of you - two people alone in the dark, broken and damaged, finding each other and trying to fix what’s left. 
When you finish, you don’t cry out. There is a sharp exhale, and a tightening of muscles. Jason shudders as he grips you tightly, and he holds you, his body sliding against you for a few seconds longer, before he slowly pulls away. Neither of you say anything for a moment as you pant and try to catch your breath. 
The silence is interrupted only by your breathing, soft and quick breaths as you lie still in each other’s arms. You can feel his heart beating beating hard against your own chest, as if it’s still trying to keep up with the rush. 
You’re not sure what to say, staring at him with lidded eyes. “That was… nice.”
He nods his head. You’re not sure if nice covers it, because right now you feel more alive than you have in years. But you don’t say this. You’re not used to feeling this way. 
You don’t want to ruin it.
“You should probably go to sleep,” Jason says quietly.
“Will you still be here when I wake up?” you ask gently, knowing the answer already.
“No. I have to go,” he whispers. The answer is more brutal thant you’d expected. He tries to smile at you, but it feels like a lie. “I’m sorry.”
“I thought so,” you say, choked.
“I…” he searches for something to say, taking your hand in his and caressing your skin with his thumb. “I want to stay with you. For a moment longer.”
“I don’t want to fall asleep,” you admit quietly.
“Can I ask you one last thing?” 
He caresses your face gently with his hand. “Can I… kiss you? Before I go?”
You swallow, leaning closer. “I… yes.”
And he does. He kisses you passionately, like that moment means everything. Like he doesn’t want tonight to end. He closes his eyes and lives in your lips, enchanted by your breath on his skin. There’s a moment, there, when you almost forget who are, where you are: You lose yourself in him.
“I’m glad you decided to break into my dorm,” you whisper as your lips part, bittersweet. You sound fragile.
“Me too.” He looks at you, wishing he could stay. But you know he can’t. “I should go.”
You nod silently, and he gets up slowly, regrettably. He watches you as he backs away. 
“Bye, Jason,” you say quietly, staring at him from your bed.
“Goodbye, y/n. I… I won’t forget you. Thank you.”
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sunlightmurdock · 8 months
Ceasefire | 1.0 | Bradley Bradshaw x Reader
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Synopsis: Bradley Bradshaw is in San Diego, summoned to Top Gun for the first time. Commander “Hyde” Simpson is his flight instructor, and she doesn’t have time for schoolboy crushes.
Warnings: ex-husband!beausimpson, divorce, age gap (rooster is somewhere between 26-28, reader is 38), power imbalance between instructor and student aviator, swearing, angst, rooster being a himbo x
It’s a perfectly fine afternoon. The sun is shining, the sky is clear and there’s a breeze that makes this late summer heat that much more bearable. And yet, nothing feels too bearable for you at the moment.
Your chest shudders as a heavy sob wracks your body, tears pouring freely down your cheeks. Traffic continues to your left. You’ve been pulled over for the past eight minutes because you were crying too hard to keep your eyes open anymore.
All those years ago, when you had first gotten your wings, you had been so sure of yourself. You went through flight school. Went through a stint of living on base. You’d heard just about everything that those men could have said about you. The jokes about fucking you, or you fucking someone else, someone more superior. Back then, you had held your chin high and promised to defy every single one of them.
Now, you’re crying on the side of the road because all of it came true. It all came back to sex. You fucked Beau, your superior. It hadn’t been about rank, or career progression — but that’s all anyone saw, even after you married him. Now, you fucked Bradley. Your student. You know how they’ll paint it. That you abused your power, you came onto him, promised him a fruitful career or something stupid like that.
No one knows yet that it’s Bradley. As much as Jake Seresin can be a cocky little shit, you saw it in his face that he didn’t want this to come back on you. Even when your jaded soon-to-be ex-husband lifted the poor kid right off of his feet and slammed him into a wall.
Always cool, Jake had denied every accusation that Beau could have thrown his way, shoved the admiral off of him and straightened out his uniform.
You lean your head back against the headrest and gasp for air, fighting off the clutches of hyperventilation as best as you can, wondering how you could have let yourself risk your career like this. As you squeeze your stinging eyes closed, you see Bradley’s face. Staring at you from the other side of Jake and Beau’s brief altercation.
He was asking you for permission, silently, you know that. Permission to end this and own up, tell Beau the full truth finally. But he hadn’t, for your sake. For your sake, he had hauled Jake down the hallway and broken up the scuffle.
You hadn’t been expecting to be yelling at your ex-husband to put down one of your students today, is all. You’re blindsided and the emotions are all hitting you at once. You know that Rooster will come looking for you, either now, or later.
The mature thing to do would be to text him and tell him that you need some time alone. After Beau’s tantrum, you’re not feeling too mature about things.
Aching in your chest, pounding in your head, it feels fitting when the already grey sky starts to pour. Silence fills the car as your breathing starts to even out. Shame takes the space of your jagged breaths. You think back to that wild kid who had worked so hard to surpass everyone’s expectations. How you have let her down since then.
Running from the scene wasn’t your best moment. This entire summer has been an endless string of poor choices, and the man who promised to cherish you for the rest of his life is hell-bent on making sure they catch up to you.
Rain coats the windshield, pouring heavy onto the roof of the car. The clouds roll in and the sky goes grey. You’re not sure how long you sit there sobbing, but it’s long enough for the storm to be right over you, that fine sunny day long gone.
Beau’s behaviour today is going to raise a lot of questions. He might be known for his temper, but he isn’t known for assaulting pilots in broad daylight. It’s already common knowledge that your marriage failed and the divorce is messy.
Questions lead to digging. Digging, prying — there’s really no difference there. Someone probably wouldn’t have to dig too far before they found evidence of how you chose to spend your summer.
The second that word gets out that you slept with one of your students, you’re finished. Your career, and everything you worked so hard for, it’ll all be gone. It certainly wouldn’t look good for Bradley either.
On the other side of town, Bradley drums his fingers along the leather of his steering wheel. He spent too long staring just now, so now he’s forcing himself to look away. The pine scented freshener dangling from his rear view could probably stand to be replaced soon.
He shouldn’t have cornered Hondo for this information. He shouldn’t be here. He shouldn’t have let your husband lurch for Jake like that. It was just a little stand-off, no one walked away from it hurting except you. Bradley put you in this position, he knows that.
Swinging open the door to his truck and stepping out into the fine rain, Bradley’s going to fix it. He walks up the driveway, blindly confident because that’s the only thing stopping him from turning around. He lifts his hand and knocks four times loudly against the door.
It takes a while, and Bradley’s just about to lift his fist and knock again when the door is pulled open. Beau stares back at him. Bradley inhales deeply.
“Hey.” He says quietly. Beau stares at him, cold and just as angry as he had looked in that hallway earlier. The rain is starting to pick up now. It’s grey and the afternoon breeze is on its way to becoming wind.
Bradley swallows. He was so sure he would be able to get through this without it leading to a fight, until he looked Beau in the face. There are two things Beau knows for certain — one: he never gave Bradley this address. Two: Bradley is also one of your students.
“We need to talk.” He exhales in one swift breath. Beau blinks. It’s a minuscule movement, but Bradley watches his fingers curl around the door. He doesn’t move. “I know this has got to be hard on you. But I need you to know that it’s not just sex.”
There’s a pause. It’s not that long. It just feels longer because Beau is silently piecing it all together. The young pilot in front of him is the one that has been screwing his wife.
“It was — but it’s not now.” It was just sex. He still hasn’t clocked that he should just shut his mouth. He should stop talking about all the sex he has had with Beau’s wife. Standing just inside the threshold and gripping the doorframe for support, Beau gives him one last chance.
“Bradshaw. What are you saying?”
Bradley shifts on his feet. The nervous energy is just buzzing through him. He can’t stand still. He’s been waiting eleven weeks to get this off of his chest. He almost pushes his hands into his pockets. He wipes them on his jeans instead. Closing his eyes, he bites the bullet.
“It’s me. It wasn’t Jake,” Bradley confirms Beau’s suspicions. “Look, man, I love her. I’m in love with her.“
Silence follows. Bradley considers that a green light to keep talking.
“She’s incredible. She makes me happy, and I- I think I can make her happy too. She deserves—“
He doesn’t get a chance to finish. If they were friends, Bradley might know that Beau had played as a defensive back through all four years of college and had broken eight guys’ collarbones over the course of his time there. Bradley grunts loudly, the air knocked from his lungs as his back slams into the stone paved driveway.
“You think you know what she deserves, you little shit?” Beau spits, his saliva spraying across Bradley’s cheek and making him cringe back, his head hitting the stone.
To add insult to injury, Beau’s shoulder slams into his ribs as they make contact with the ground, winding him even more. Bradley doesn’t have time to register that. His blinking eyes go wide as he watches Beau reel back and ball his hand into a fist.
“Stop, stop! — Wait, Cyclone — Admiral Simpson, shit!” Bradley reasons, gasping and out of breath, struggling to pull his hands free to raise them in defense. You’re going to kill him if he punches your husband. But this is happening either way, no ifs, ands or buts. Bradley watches as Beau winds back his arm. It’s a split second call.
Bradley throws all of his weight into the roll, knocking Beau off balance right as his hand comes down. Beau’s knuckles slam into the stone at the same time as he is tossed off of Bradley, his wrist bending awkwardly under the full force of his weight.
Between their out heavy breathing, they both hear the sickening crunch that Beau’s wrist makes. Bradley leaps onto his feet and turns quickly as your ex-husband rolls onto his back, clutching the injured appendage. Shit. He broke your ex-husband’s fucking hand.
“I told you I just wanted to talk!” Bradley sighs, putting his head in his hands and pacing away from Beau, then pacing back. Beau growls into his unbroken hand, pinching the bridge of his nose. “Fuck, are you okay? — Should I call someone?”
“I’m fine!” Beau snaps back. He’s not, he knows just as well as Bradley does that something is broken. Pulling back, he looks to the sky as the rain soaks his white t-shirt, still clutching his injured wrist. He’s got no choice, he can’t drive like this.
Pushing himself to his feet, Beau starts down the driveway. His shoulder slams into Bradley’s as he passes him. “Drop me off at the hospital.”
Bradley’s eyes go wide, he spins to watch Beau walk over to his car.
“You fucked my wife, you owe me.” Beau calls out without looking back, still clutching his injury. Bradley swallows. He could refuse, sure, but he doesn’t know what the right play here is. You would have the right answer, he’s certain. He fidgets awkwardly, stuck between staying and going. Beau’s voice booms from behind him. “Now, Bradshaw!”
Bradley sighs.
They each slide wordlessly into the front two seats, and Bradley starts the engine. He bites his cheek as the radio kicks in. He just has to say something.
“I fucked your ex-wife, not—“
“She was still my wife up until I signed those papers at 10:56 this morning.” Beau bites back, leaning his head back against the rest and squeezing his eyes shut. His wrist is swelling already.
Bradley shuts his mouth. He knows better than to speak further. The drive to the hospital is silent, other than Bradley’s seventies playlist playing faintly through the speakers. Neither one of them dares move to turn it off.
Beau’s still furious, walking six strides ahead as they enter the emergency room. Bradley trails, his hands pushed deep into the pockets of his jeans. Luckily, there’s a baby screaming as they fall into the metal seats to complete Beau’s paperwork — Bradley can’t stand any more silence.
“You can go now.” Beau spits, struggling to grasp the pen with his non-dominant hand to fill out the insurance forms. The younger pilot taps his foot against the linoleum impatiently at his side, taking no notice. Beau shoots him a look.
He wouldn’t have thought twice about leaving Rooster’s dumb ass here by himself.
The traffic’s heavy in the emergency room for a random weekday afternoon. Rooster busies himself counting the bloody noses and watching the six year old opposite him frown at the Where’s Waldo book in his hand.
“Right there. Behind the lamppost.”
Beau looks up from the paperwork, his features furrowed in a blend of anger and concentration. He glances over at Bradley, then follows his gaze to the book. You’ve got to be kidding.
Bradley turns his head, lips pursed as he looks down at Beau’s struggling left hand and the pen sitting limply between his fingers. “Here. Let me do it.”
“No, no — you keep looking for Waldo, kid. I’ve got it.” Beau snaps back, sarcasm dripping from his tongue. Bradley rolls his eyes as he reaches harshly across. He successfully tears the clipboard and pen from the admiral, but not without first knocking into his blackening wrist.
“Fuck!” Beau whispers. The little boy looks at them over the book, wide-eyed. Bradley’s jaw ticks. He shoots your husband a stern look.
“So, is Beau short for something…?”
“Jesus Christ.” Beau mutters, rubbing a hand harshly over his face. Three and a half hours later, the sun has set and Beau’s still waiting for his X-Ray. Bradley’s half-awake, arms folded over his chest and his eyes closed at his side.
Beau’s phone splits the silence just long enough to startle Bradley awake. He’s just blinking, rubbing the sleep from his eyes as Beau answers it.
“No. You really think she would want to talk to me after what I did? — No, Bernie, I’m at the hospital.”
Bradley sits forwards and yawns, leaning his elbows on his knees. The kid that was sat opposite him has been seen and has gone home now. He considers reaching for the book on the seat he was in.
“Her boyfriend broke my fucking wrist.”
Bradley scoffs, closing his eyes again. The conversation continues at his side, but he isn’t listening anymore. Beau exhales a quick goodbye and they fall into silence once again. It doesn’t last long.
“You should go.” Beau decides. Once again, Bradley ignores him. He’s sat here this long, he can stand to sit a little longer. “I mean it. She shouldn’t be on her own tonight.”
It’s the first thing that they’ve agreed on all day. Bradley turns his head to look at Beau over his shoulder, mulling the idea over for a moment.
“How would you get home?”
“I’ll get a cab.” Beau answers.
Bradley bites his cheek, pursing his lips. “You’re sure?”
“Sure.” Beau shrugs again. Two birds, one stone and all that crap. He doesn’t have to listen to Bradley snoring anymore and he’ll know that you aren’t crying by yourself tonight.
Bradley pushes himself up from the seat, fishing his keys from his pocket. “Sorry. About the wrist, and about… uh…”
“Right. Good luck with the X-Ray.” He finishes. Beau watches him walk away without a word. Glancing down at the swelling that has now spread across his entire fist, he presses his lips into a tight line.
He can’t imagine ever being okay with this. In fact, he’s certain — he’ll never make peace with it. That kid’s not right for you, and he never will be.
The first thing that Bradley notices when he slips back into the driver’s side of his truck is the thick cut through his bottom lip. It’s swollen and hot. He stares at it in the mirror in the sun visor, pushing his tongue out and dragging it across the cut. It could have been from Beau, sure, but it’s probably just from Bradley biting his own lip as he had hit the ground.
He hadn’t noticed. It hadn’t hurt. But he knows that you’ll notice. And you do — it’s the first thing you see when you pull the door open to him.
“What happened to your face?”
“Promise not to get mad at me.” He pushes inside and grabs your hips to walk you with him. The kids are at your mother’s. You’re all alone.
Immediately, your eyes narrow. You know better than to agree to terms as stupid as those. “What did you do?”
“I went to see Beau — wait, wait, don’t get mad,” Bradley breathes out, his thumbs dipping under the fabric of your t-shirt to stroke softly at your hips. “I love you, Hyde, and he’s hurting you. I wanted to make him get it.”
A deep sigh slips your lips as you press forwards, resting your head against his chest and closing your eyes. You’re too exhausted to argue, and whatever has happened is clearly already done. “And how did that go?”
“He tried to punch me and I think he broke his wrist. But it wasn’t my fault, I swear.”
Tags: @cherrycola27 @mak-32 @khaylin27 @stoncms @shanimallina87 @cool-ultra-nerd @angelmavmurdock @gingerbreadandpaper @mizzzpink @whisperofsong @throwinsauce @perpetuelledaydreaming @n3ssm0nique @thedroneranger @abaker74 @marantha @ghxst-heart @diamond-3 @shawnsblue
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kwanisms · 5 months
🎄 Tales from Camp Holiday Special 08 🎄
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➮ professor!Jihoon × fem!Reader wc: 8.3k summary: Jihoon attends Seungkwan's choir event and runs into Y/N. At her insistence, they meet up for drinks after the show. genres/themes/au: angst (but only a bit lol), fluff, smut; holiday themes; non idol au, music teacher au warnings: adult dialogue, female reader, mentions of abusive past, mention of abusive from parent, sexual content (18+ mdni), see smut warnings under the cut! taglist: @yoonguurt @wonw00t @aikisbbq @enhacolor @duchesskaren @sherituhhh @wonderfulshinee @gaebestie @drunk-on-dk @seokgyuu @salty-for-suga @aaniag @dnylwoo @1004luvangel join my taglists: main | TFC: Holiday Special closed! Strikethrough means I cannot tag you. MINORS WILL BE BLACKLISTED & BLOCKED. AGELESS BLOGS WILL ALSO BE BLOCKED.
a/n: Jihoon’s probably has the most angst in his piece of any of these special or original pieces. He’s been very regretful in the aftermath of his story and has wanted things with MC to go further but let things slip out of his grasp. So this is a redemption arc for him. A second chance at a happy ending with MC. Thank you so much for reading and if you like this piece, please reblog as it really helps! As always, this is a work of fiction and all characters are not reflective of their respective irl counterparts. for entertainment purposes only.
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smut warnings: protected sex (do this. Use protection), oral (f receiving, m receiving), switch!Jihoon, switch!Reader, multiple orgasms (m receiving, f receiving), praise (f receiving), body worship (f receiving), biting/marking (f receiving), use of pet names (mainly babe and baby), slightly possessive!Jihoon, Jihoon kinda nuts early on lol but he makes up for it, lowkey highkey lovemaking, and I think that’s all but as always let me know if I missed any!
“I’m telling you, Jihoon, they’re demons! Every last one of them!”
Jihoon rolled his eyes as he opened his door, arms full of grocery bags.
As he entered, his roommate Soonyoung glanced over the back of the couch at him, pausing his game on the big screen. “You need help?” Soonyoung called, setting the controller down. Jihoon nodded as best he could with his phone squished between his ear and his shoulder.
Soonyoung vaulted over the couch, quickly taking one of the leavy bags from Jihoon, allowing him to grab his phone before it fell as Seungkwan continued to whine about his students over the phone. Soonyoung set the bag in his arms on the counter before moving to take the other one, something Jihoon was extremely grateful for.
“Are you listening to me?” Seungkwan asked suspiciously. “Yeah, I’m listening, Kwan,” Jihoon replied. “I’m sure the kids aren’t that bad. You’ve got help, right?” Jihoon asked, as he and Soonyoung started pulling the contents of the bags out and putting them away.
“Yeah, thankfully,” Seungkwan said softly. Jihoon felt the corners of his lips twitch. “Has Molly finally stepped up?” he asked. Seungkwan made an impatient noise on the other end. “It’s not Molly,” he replied. “It’s someone else but they’ve been nothing short of a godsend or whatever the phrase is.”
Jihoon let out a laugh as Soonyoung looked at him with a brow raised. “Look,” Jihoon said. “I’m glad you got help. That’s important. But I really gotta go. I have groceries to put away.”
Seungkwan whined on the other end. “You’re still coming to the show, right?”
Jihoon hummed thoughtfully in response. “You know I am.”
“And Soonyoung?”
Jihoon glanced at his roommate who seemed to have caught on and shook his head. Jihoon narrowed his eyes on his roommate. Looks like he’d have to endure Seungkwan’s panicked fretting on his own.
“No, he has a prior engagement. He apologizes heavily and promises to take you out for barbecue to make up for it,” Jihoon said, a smirk drawing on his face as Soonyoung glared at him, threatening to hit him with a raised hand.
“Hmm, I guess that’s okay,” Seungkwan said in response. “I’ll see you tomorrow night then.”
“Until tomorrow,” Jihoon said before hanging up and setting his phone on the counter.
“I can’t believe you offered me up like that!” Soonyoung grumbled as he took over emptying the contents of the bag Jihoon had been pulling from. “I love that guy but goddamn he worries over the littlest things,” Jihoon groaned, rubbing his temples as Soonyoung finished putting the groceries away.
“I can’t believe he agreed to do the show alone,” Soonyoung said, shaking his head. “He got help, apparently,” Jihoon offered, remembering Seungkwan’s slight evasiveness on the subject. “Must be someone he doesn’t want us to know about. He didn’t really explain much other than saying it wasn’t his coworker.”
Soonyoung narrowed his eyes. “You think he’s seeing someone?” Jihoon shrugged.
“I dunno,” he answered. “It’s possible.”
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The rest of the day, Jihoon spent in his office, going over his students’ assignments. He’d been working as a music theory professor ever since finishing his education and even though he wasn’t actively making music, it was still a good job and he loved it.
It also allowed him to work on his music on the side.
Soonyoung had found work as a choreographer and quickly made a name for himself which allowed the pair to rent a decent apartment in the more expensive part of the city. Soonyoung wasn’t a bad roommate either. He was funny, helpful, and he kept his spaces tidy and always cleaned up after himself, something Jihoon had instilled in him during their college years.
The next morning, Soonyoung challenged Jihoon to a game of Mario Kart and the two spent the morning and part of the afternoon playing video games before Jihoon checked his watch.
“I better start getting ready. Seungkwan will have my head if I’m late to the show,” he explained. Soonyoung grabbed Jihoon’s wrist, checked the time, and grumbled, setting his controller on the coffee table and getting up. “I promised Daniel I’d come help set up for the party,” he said as he started for the hallway leading to the bedrooms.
All Jihoon had to do to get ready was shower and change. He exited his room almost an hour later to find Soonyoung dressed and turning off the console and TV. “How late you think you’ll be?” Jihoon asked, looking up at his friend.
Soonyoung hesitated as he struggled to put his watch on. “Uh…” he trailed off.
“I’m not sure,” he answered. We’re supposed to get some more snow tonight, aren’t we?”
Jihoon glanced out the window, the city blanketed in a layer of white from last night. “Yeah,” he replied. “I think so.” Soonyoung managed to fasten his watch and turned to Jihoon. “Then if the snow gets bad, I might stay at Daniel’s,” he answered. Jihoon nodded as he walked over to the door, slipping on his shoes. He grabbed his coat from the closet as Soonyoung joined him.
“That would probably be the best option. Don’t need you crashing your car,” Jihoon replied as he checked to make sure he had everything. His phone, keys, wallet, coat. He opened the door, Soonyoung following him as he pulled on his own coat.
The pair made their way to the elevator and waited for it in silence, Soonyoung texting someone on his phone. Jihoon pulled his own phone out of his pocket and checked his messages. Seungkwan had texted him in a slight panic but the crisis seemed to have been averted.
The ride down to the parking garage was also silent, Soonyoung still texting who Jihoon could only assume was Daniel. Jihoon focused instead on the lit up button on the wall by the door until the elevator dinged, the doors sliding open to reveal the dark parking garage.
“I’ll see you later,” Jihoon said as they stepped out of the lift and started in opposite directions. “Have fun with Seungkwan,” Soonyoung called, a hint of amusement in his voice. “Have fun at the party,” Jihoon called, turning to look at Soonyoung’s retreating back.
“And absolutely no bringing any girls home!”
Soonyoung simply waved, showing he heard him before reaching his car. Jihoon turned back around and reached his own car, unlocking the driver’s door and sliding into the black leather interior. He turned the car on, plugging the address of the venue to his gps and turned on some soft background music.
Seungkwan lived and worked about a couple hours drive outside of the city, preferring to be in the suburbs rather than the density of the city. Jihoon didn’t blame him and if he could afford the time to commute, he’d probably live outside the city too but his work was here in the heart of downtown.
The drive seemed to fly by and soon, Jihoon was pulling up to the location, pulling into a parking space and cutting the engine. Seungkwan had explained that the show was part of a larger event, a winter festival of sorts. It seemed to be a pretty large affair as well.
As he got out of the car, the sound of holiday music drifted towards him. There were lots of lights and displays. The scent of grilled food reached him and Jihoon suddenly found himself glad he came as he’d forgotten to stop and grab food on the way.
He paid for his entry ticket and made his way into the area, looking around at all the stalls of food, games, and even a few rides. Jihoon made his way past the stalls of food, ignoring the growling of his stomach to head to the building, following the flow of the crowd.
His eyes caught sight of someone familiar. His stomach churned, heart pounding in his chest as he could have sworn he’d seen… ‘Y/N?’ Jihoon tried to squeeze through the crowd, trying to keep his eyes on the figure but by the time he managed to reach the spot he’d seen the figure standing, it was gone.
‘Don’t be stupid,’ he told himself, looking around. ‘There’s no way it’s her.’
Jihoon continued towards the building, trying to put everything behind him and at the back of his mind.
Inside what he could only assume to be the gymnasium, Jihoon noticed how it had been turned into an auditorium. He walked across the wooden floor, memories of gym class flooding his memories but he pushed them away as he spotted Seungkwan across the room speaking to someone Jihoon didn’t recognize. She was wearing a green dress and a green hat to match.
Jihoon watched with amusement as she snatched Seungkwan’s hat off his head and pulled hers off to put his hat on instead before depositing her hat in his hands. Jihoon started to walk over, curious as to who the woman helping his friend was and how Seungkwan knew her.
About halfway across the gym, Seungkwan caught sight of him and waved, making his way over quickly.
“You made it!” Seungkwan said, sounding relieved. Jihoon fought the urge to laugh, opting to nod instead before he peered around Seungkwan at the woman in the green dress who was now sitting at the piano, reading over the sheet music.
“Who’s your friend?” Jihoon asked, nodding towards her. Seungkwan glanced back and Jihoon could have sworn he saw his friend’s cheeks turn slightly pink before Seungkwan cleared his throat. “I’ll introduce you after the show,” he said dismissively.
“We’re going to be starting soon, so go find a seat,” Seungkwan instructed, gesturing to the seats that had been set up. He made his way over, choosing a seat a few rows back and on the end. He looked around, inspecting the room as more people flooded in.
Slowly, the seats filled up, leaving a few empty ones scattered around. Jihoon watched as Seungkwan’s students filed in slowly, taking one of the reindeer antler headbands Seungkwan and his friend handed them before waiting to go on stage.
“Excuse me, is that seat taken?” a soft voice asked Jihoon, making him tense up.
He’d recognize that voice anywhere.
He turned his head slowly, looking up to find you staring back at him. ‘No fucking way.’
Your face conveyed the surprise he felt as realization dawned on you. “Oh my god, Jihoon?” you asked softly. He nodded, getting to his feet. “It’s open,” he said awkwardly, gesturing to the seat next to him. You chuckled slightly, moving to take a seat and settling in as Jihoon sat back down.
“Sorry,” Jihoon said suddenly. “How are you?”
You smiled as you removed your scarf. “I’m good,” you replied. “How about you?”
Jihoon hesitated. How had he been?
When he told his friends about the time you spent together at camp, he’d never told them what happened afterwards. How he’d wanted more out of that summer; more with you. He missed his chance though when summer came to a close and school started again.
The following summer, he never saw you again. He’d been beating himself up over ever since, wondering if or when he’d ever see you again and under what circumstances he might. He never actually expected to see you again.
The first couple years after the summer you didn’t return had been awful for him. He’d been so hung up on you that he couldn’t even look at anyone else so he didn’t even try. Soonyoung was always asking why he didn’t date but Jihoon couldn’t bring himself to tell his friend that he was most definitely still in love with you.
“Jihoon?” you asked, pulling him from his thoughts. ‘Stop thinking. It doesn’t matter anymore.’
“I’ve been alright,” he lied. “Just been working.”
You smiled as you settled back against your seat. “Yeah? What kind of job is Lee Jihoon working now?” you asked with a smirk. “I always saw you as a band director or something.” Jihoon chuckled, looking away from your face and down at his hands as he twiddled his thumbs.
“I’m actually a music theory professor in the city,” he answered. He hesitated, waiting for your response.
“No shit? That’s so cool, Ji,” you said, excitement in your voice. He finally brought himself to look up to meet your gaze. “What about you?” he asked. “What are you doing now?” You grimaced, looking down at your hands this time. “I ended up changing my major,” you admitted.
Jihoon’s eyes widened slightly. “Wait, is that why you never came back to camp?” he asked softly. You glanced up quickly at him. The two of you stared at one another before you finally answered. “No,” you said softly. “I stopped attending camp for another reason,” you said softly.
Before Jihoon could ask anything else, the audience started to clap and the lights dimmed. He looked forward just in time to see the kids climbing the steps onto the stage and then moving onto the riser. He could see Seungkwan’s friend taking a seat at the piano while Seungkwan waited for the rest of the students to get on stage before ascending the few steps and moving to the front.
Jihoon turned to look at you, leaning in. “After the show, will you stay? So we can talk?” he whispered. You nodded, whispering back a yes before the show started.
Jihoon wasn’t sure why Seungkwan had been so nervous about the show. It went by smoothly. He found himself actually thoroughly enjoying it as he watched the kids sing and do their small little dances on the riser. It reminded him of when he was in choir as a kid.
After the last song, the audience applauded, Seungkwan motioning for the kids to bow before thanking his friend for filling in as the pianist at the last minute. The lights came up and Jihoon got to his feet, turning to look at you as you stood, grabbing your bag and pulling your coat back on.
“I need to go see my friend real quick,” he explained. “Seungkwan, the conductor, is a friend of mine. That's kind of why I’m here.” You nodded and gestured for him to go. “I’ll follow,” you said smiling. As you followed, your phone rang and you answered it quickly, keeping your voice down.
Jihoon found Seungkwan standing at the base of the stage, talking to what Jihoon assumed was one of his students’ parents. As he approached, Seungkwan excused himself, smiling at Jihoon before noticing you. Jihoon glanced back and then turned to Seungkwan. “Seungkwan, this is Y/N,” he introduced.
“Y/N, this is Seungkwan.” You looked at him, lowering your phone briefly to offer a kind smile. “Nice to meet you, Seungkwan,” you said politely. Seungkwan nodded before looking at Jihoon as you turned away, continuing your conversation. Jihoon couldn’t tell what was being said but you didn’t look happy.
“I have someone I want to introduce you to as well,” Seungkwan said, motioning for Jihoon to follow him. “Funny how you’ve just introduced me to the woman from your camp story,” he continued softly, leading the way over to the piano and the woman in the green dress.
Jihoon’s eyes widened as Seungkwan glanced back at him. He must have noticed the look in Jihoon’s eye because he immediately followed it with “if I can’t ask, neither can you.”
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You followed behind Jihoon as he and Seungkwan walked to the other side of the stage. Your mother had been calling all throughout the show and you were only now able to take her call.
“I told you I’m not going to be visiting tonight,” you said under your breath. “I have plans.”
“You always have plans. You’re always busy,” your mother snapped. “Too busy to spend time with your family.”
You held back the urge to snap at her. It had been like this ever since you left home. Moving out as soon as you were able to. Living with your mother and stepfather had been… hell. A lot of your adult life had been spent attending therapy to undo the years of abuse.
Now that you weren’t financially dependent on them, you were trying to distance yourself before going no contact but it was difficult. She was still your mother after all.
“I’m out with a friend right now,” you said calmly. You didn’t have time for this nor did you want it to ruin your night, not when things were going so well. “Goodnight, mother.”
Before she could respond, you hung up and put your phone on Do Not Disturb mode. You looked up as Jihoon was speaking to Seungkwan, the pianist looking at you with a kind smile on her face. One you returned before Jihoon glanced at you.
“Sorry Kwan,” Jihoon said softly. “But I’ve got plans.” You noticed how his friend gave him a knowing look and Jihoon turned towards you. “Come on,” he said softly. “Are you hungry?” he asked as he led you towards the exit. You nodded. “I could eat.”
“Perfect,” Jihoon said with a smile. “I’m starving.”
Outside the gymnasium, the food stalls were still selling food. Jihoon led the way over to one, looking at the menu before asking what you wanted. After perusing the menu for a moment, the two of you settled on some eomuk, tteokbokki, and soondae.
You grabbed two waters from the vendor and followed Jihoon over to one of the tables he’d managed to snag. “I haven’t had soondae in so long,” he commented as he handed you a pair of chopsticks. Soondae wasn’t your favorite food but it went well with the tteok so you weren’t complaining.
“So,” Jihoon finally said after a moment of sampling the food. “What were you saying before the show? You changed your major?” he asked. You nodded, chewing on your bite of tteokbokki before swallowing. “Yeah. I switched from music to nutrition,” you answered.
Jihoon’s brows rose. “That’s quite the switch,” he said. “What made you change?”
You hesitated, wondering if you should tell him the truth. The one thing you remembered most about him was that he never judged you when you talked before. He never once made you feel like you couldn’t tell him anything. He’d always provided you with a judgment free safe space.
So you decided to come clean.
“My home life wasn’t exactly the best,” you started, watching as he stabbed a piece of fishcake with a toothpick. “My father died when I was a kid and mom remarried. Mom wasn’t always the… nicest person to be around but it only got worse after dad died. She got even meaner. And her new husband… he was just as bad as she was.”
You hesitated, taking a sip of water before continuing your story.
“I won’t bore you with the details but there was a lot of gaslighting, manipulation, and other similar tactics they used to try and guilt me into doing the things they wanted. When I went off to college, I realized that I wouldn’t have to live with them forever so I focused on trying to do what I loved and making a career out of it.”
Jihoon said nothing, letting you continue without interruptions.
“But I realized that making a career out of music wasn’t easy. And I didn’t want to have to go back to that house. It would make leaving that much harder. So I changed majors. Starting a course for nutrition, knowing I could land a job right out of college with it. But that meant I had to take less arts courses. Which also included band.”
You tried to mask the pain in your voice but Jihoon could apparently still hear it, taking that moment to reach out and place his hand over yours. “I’m so sorry,” he whispered. “You shouldn’t have had to make that kind of choice.” You looked up, giving him a small smile. “Thank you,” you said softly, placing your other hand over his. “It sucked but I actually love my job now,” you added.
“It’s not music, but I still love where I work and what I do.”
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The conversation shifted after that and once you’d eaten, Jihoon found himself asking if you needed a ride home and you thankfully took him up on his offer. The ride was mostly silent except for you giving him directions softly over the sound of the music that played in the background. 
“I can’t believe you took a cab two hours out of the city to go to the festival,” he said as he reached the outskirts of the city. “Well, had I known we lived in the same city and you were coming,” you started, giving him a smile. Jihoon chuckled lightly, resting his hand on the console.
You turned your head to look out your window, your hand resting on your thigh. He was tempted to reach over and take your hand. You’d let him hold it as you walked around the festival, looking at the light displays and ice sculptures and it reminded him of when you’d sneak into his tent and the two of you would lay tangled up on his cot, talking for hours and he would play with your hands, tracing the lines on your palm and lacing his fingers with yours mindlessly.
Going against his better judgment, Jihoon took your hand in his, grateful you didn’t pull away but instead embraced his touch, tracing patterns into the back of his hand with your fingers. Jihoon said nothing, instead enjoying your light touches.
As he pulled up to your building, he felt his heart sink. This was it. He didn’t know when he’d get to see you again, if at all. As he was prepared to say goodbye and possibly ask for your number, you turned to him, giving him a smile.
“Thank you for the ride,” you said softly. Jihoon smiled back. “You’re welcome. And thank you for staying behind and spending some time with me. It made the trip out there a lot more worth it.” He noticed the way your eyes flickered down and back up but before he could even get so much as a word out, you leaned across the console.
Jihoon reacted before he had time to think, meeting you in the middle, one hand moving to the back of your neck as your lips crashed against his. He heard you whine into the kiss, lips parting and tongue slipping into his mouth.
Jihoon didn’t want the moment to end but his lungs started begging for air and he reluctantly pulled back, panting as did you, resting your forehead against his. Neither one of you said anything as you tried to catch your breaths. Finally you broke the silence.
“You want to come up?” you asked softly. Jihoon sighed, pulling back to look at you, hand moving to cup your cheek. 
“I thought you’d never ask.”
Jihoon pulled into a parking space on the street, getting out before pulling your door open for you and helping you out. You led the way, your hand in his as you pulled him through the lobby and past the concierge desk. The ride up to the elevator, you kept a firm grip on his hand and it was only once you were inside your apartment that Jihoon lost his composure. 
You let out a giggle as he kicked the door shut with a little more force than necessary. “Sorry,” he murmured, hands moving to your sweater and pulling it up. You helped him by removing your coat and letting it fall to the floor before lifting your arms as he pulled your sweater off over your head.
“Come here,” he murmured, pulling you closer as you tried to lead him through the apartment, giggling as he tried to stop you from moving. “Stop moving,” he whined. You pulled back to look at him. “Do you want to fuck me here or in the bedroom?” you asked, raising an eyebrow. 
Jihoon’s brow furrowed as he looked at you before cupping your face in his palm, running his thumb over your bottom lip. “I don’t want to fuck you, Y/N,” he whispered, eyes scanning your face. Your own brows knitted together in confusion as you stared back at him leaning in, lips inches from yours.
“I want to make love to you.”
You felt heat rise to your cheeks, the urge to turn and hide your face from him nearly winning except he pulled you into a kiss. “Last time we did this, it ended up going nowhere,” he continued in between kisses as he guided you backwards through your apartment in the direction he had hoped was your room. “I don’t want this time to be just meaningless sex.”
You nodded, following his lips as he pulled back to look at you. “Y/N,” Jihoon said, taking your face in his hands so he could hold you in place and look in your eyes. “I mean it,” he added. “I don’t want this to be just another hook up.. I want this to mean something.” You nodded, looking back at him.
“I know,” you confirmed. “I heard you. I want it to mean something, too.”
Jihoon hesitated, making sure he heard you correctly. “Wait, really?” he asked.
You nodded, leaning in to kiss him. “Yes,” you murmured against his lips. “I do, but I also really want you right now,” you added, pulling him to the door of your room, passing the other doors entirely. Jihoon stopped you before you could open the door, taking both your hands in his. “So if we do this, you’ll let me take you on dates? We can spend time at each other’s places, watch movies, make dinner together?” You smiled, chuckling softly at the potential memories you could make.
“Yes,” you said with a nod. “We can do all of that but right now,” you continued, pulling a hand from his to push open your bedroom door. “I really need your cock inside me.” Jihoon let out a sound like a mix between a growl and a groan, his hand finding its way to the back of your neck and pulling you into a kiss, his tongue slipping into your mouth.
The two of you stumbled into your room, somehow managing to not break the kiss until the back of your legs bumped into your bed. Jihoon wasted no time in pushing you back onto the mattress. Before he could follow, you held him in place by the hips before moving your hands to undo the button and zipper of his pants. You felt his hand cup your chin, tilting your head back.
“You don’t have to do that,” he started. You smiled up at him, lips parting slightly as his thumb brushed over your bottom lip. The tip of your tongue peeked out to taste his thumb and soon he had it in your mouth, pressing against your tongue as you pulled his pants and underwear slowly down, taking your time. You’d forgotten how big he was as his cock sprang free once you’d pulled his underwear down far enough. You continued to push them down before wrapping your fingers around the base of his cock.
Jihoon let out a low hiss as you squeezed him. He pulled his thumb from your mouth, hand moving to the back of your head. “Make it quick,” he said in a low tone, his voice shaky. “Wanna be inside you.”
You opened your mouth, jaw falling slack as he guided your head towards him, the tip of his cock resting against your tongue. He groaned as he pushed your head further, filling your mouth. He kept pulling your head closer under all of his cock disappeared in your mouth.
“Fuck,” he rasped out, his breath still shaky despite his attempts to even it. You pulled back only for him to pull you back closer, setting a steady rhythm as he used your mouth. The only sounds that could be heard were the wet sounds of his cock hitting the back of your throat and his strained groaning.
You closed your eyes, letting yourself get lost in the feeling of his hot cock on your tongue and the salty taste of his precum mixed with your saliva which had started to spill out of your mouth, falling onto your bare chest. Jihoon let out a particularly low groan, forcing his cock into your mouth, the head squeezing into your throat as he came unexpectedly, his cum spilling down your throat.
Thinking quickly on your feet (or not in this case as you were sitting down), you swallowed all of it.
“Fuck,” he cursed, breaths coming out in pants. “Shit, I’m sorry,” he grumbled, pulling your head back and his cock from your mouth. You shook your head, looking up at him. “S’okay,” you replied as he pulled his shirt off and carefully wiped your lips, chin, and chest with it before tossing it to the floor.
“Let me take care of you, yeah?” he said softly, guiding you onto your back before stripping you of your leggings and panties, letting them fall to the floor. Jihoon climbed over you, leaning in to press a quick kiss to your lips before he started kissing down your chest, stopping to pay special attention to your breasts. You sighed, back arching as you felt his tongue drag lazily over your nipple.
“God,” you heard him groan against your skin, his breath hot. “Have I ever told you how fucking beautiful you are?” he asked softly. You moaned, his hand kneading your breast as he started kissing down your stomach. He slid off the bed, grabbing you by the hips and pulling you to the edge of the bed.
“I don’t care how pathetic it sounds,” he started as he forced your thighs apart. “I’m so fucking in love with your body. With you.” You felt his lips on the inside of your thighs, leaving a trail of kisses from your knee and moving closer and closer to your aching core.
Just as he reached your mound, he pulled back, repeating the same on the other thigh. You gasped as he stopped to nip at the skin, sinking his teeth into your soft flesh. “Gonna mark you up so everyone knows you’re mine,” he muttered so low you almost didn’t hear it.
You let out a whine as his mouth moved closer and closer to where you wanted it. “Please,�� you breathed. “Don’t tease me anymore, Hoonie.” Jihoon nearly melted when you used that nickname. “I don’t plan on it, angel,” he said softly, his hot breath fanning over your sex. “Wanna taste you so bad I can barely stand it.” You whined, legs spreading at the sound of his voice. “Please, Jihoon.”
You heard Jihoon chuckle lightly; felt his breath on you. “Don’t worry,” he said softly. “Just let me take care of you.” That was the last thing he said before you felt him lick slowly up your sex, spreading your folds to expose your slit. His tongue passed over it, dragging up to your clit before sucking, making you mewl in surprise as the tip of his tongue flicked against it rapidly.
He pulled back, giving your clit a slow lick, glancing up at you where he could see your chest heaving.
One of your hands moved down to comb through his hair, fingers tangling in his locks as your hips started to move. Jihoon grabbed your hips to hold you in place. “Ah, shit,” you whined as he impeded your movements, holding your hips in place.
You propped yourself up on your elbow to look down at him. His eyes were shut, tongue flat as he ran it over your clit repeatedly. You pushed his hair back off his forehead, groaning as you felt your thighs start to tremble. “Jihoon,” you whined, trying to move your hips. He groaned against you, his hands moved, arms wrapping around your thighs.
He pulled back only for a moment to speak. “Go ahead, baby,” he urged. “Ride my tongue.”
His tongue was back on your clit, groaning as he tasted you. You started to roll your hips, grinding your clit against his tongue like he asked, letting out almost pornagraphic moans as your orgasm approached. “Fu-fuck. I’m gonna cum,” you announced, thighs shaking as your walls clenched around nothing.
A wave of euphoria washed over you as you finally came with a broken cry of Jihoon’s name. Your hips slowed to a halt. Jihoon pulled back, grabbing his shirt from the floor to wipe his chin before guiding you back up the bed, lips meeting yours as he laid against you, between your thighs. You could feel his cock poke against your thigh and you whined, wiggling your hips.
“Want it,” you murmured against his lips, pouting when he pulled away to look at you. “Want what, baby?” he asked with a hint of amusement in his voice. “Your cock,” you pouted harder. “Inside me. Want it so bad.”
Jihoon let out a light chuckle at your pouting despite his cock twitching at the thought of being inside you. “You sure you can take it without prep?” he asked, kissing across your cheek. You nodded fervently. “Yes,” you breathed. “I can take it.”
Jihoon fought the urge to laugh, opting to smirk instead as he pulled back, cupping your cheek in one hand. “Alright,” he cooed. “Where do you keep your condoms?” You turned your head, pointing to your bedside table. Jihoon leaned over, pulling open the drawer and reaching in to find the box of condoms. He also found a bottle of lube as well as a small ping bullet vibrator.
‘Another time,’ he told himself as he pulled out a condom, shutting the drawer again and sitting up to open the condom. He rolled the latex down his length. “You sure you don’t need me to stretch you first?” he asked, looking down at you. Shaking your head, you reached out for him. “No, just need it now.”
Jihoon couldn’t help the soft laugh that escaped him as he took one of your hands, the other guiding his cock to your entrance. “Squeeze my hand if it hurts,” he said before taking a deep breath. You nodded, looking up at him with expectant eyes.
Jihoon slowly pushed into you, letting out a groan as your walls welcomed him. You let out a whine but didn’t give his hand a squeeze so he continued, gliding into you with ease. “You feel so good,” Jihoon groaned as he stilled, his cock fully enveloped in your warmth.
“So fucking good, baby.”
You whined in response. “Feels so full,” you commented. “Yeah?” Jihoon whispered, moving his hand to cup your cheek. You nodded, a choked moan coming from the back of your throat as he pulled back, softly thrusting into you. “Sshit,” Jihoon cursed under his breath.
He gave you another slow thrust, slowly increasing speed until he was at a slower pace. You whined, moving your hips to meet his. You wanted him to really fuck you properly. “Jihoon,” you said his name, licking your lips. “Please move.” Jihoon let out a soft laugh, moving his hand down to the front of your throat. “I am moving, baby,” he replied.
“Faster,” you whined, frustration setting in. You heard another soft chuckle from him and decided to take matters into your own hands. You moved so quickly, it took Jihoon a moment to register what just happened.
One minute he had you flat on your back as he thrusted slowly into you, the next, he was on his back and you were on top, fingers gripping the sheets under him as you rolled your hips much faster than he was giving you, riding him. His hands flew to your waist, trying to hold you still.
“Stop it,” he groaned, cock twitching inside you when your walls clenched. “I’m trying not to cum so quickly.” You whimpered, moving your hips faster. “Sorry,” you whined. “I just need more.” Jihoon let out a growl, flipping you back over on your back as he hovered over you.
“I was trying to be sweet,” he murmured, one hand moving to your throat and gripping it firmly but not cutting off your air intake. “But you’re acting like such a brat right now.” He slowed his thrusts, despite your protests. “Jihoon!” you pleaded. “Please just fuck me already.”
He shook his head, keeping the same steady pace. “I already told you, baby,” he started. “I don’t wanna fuck you.” He leaned over, pressing his lips to yours. “But if you don’t stop acting like a brat, I will fuck you and you won’t get to cum.” You whined, shaking your head. “Okay, I’m sorry,” you backpedaled.
There was no way you were going to let him deny you your orgasm. “I promise I’ll behave.”
Jihoon gave you a teasing smirk. “Good girl.”
Your walls clenched around him and he let out a moan. “Keep doing that,” he gasped when you did it again, this time intentionally. “Are you close?” you asked, looking up at him. He nodded, eyes fluttering shut. “I’m almost there,” you replied. Without needing to ask, Jihoon moved his hand to your face, pushing his thumb between your lips and gathering your spit before moving the same hand down to rub your clit in time with his thrusts.
“Come on, baby. Cum with me.”
Your back arched off the mattress with a mewl as Jihoon drove you both closer and closer to the edge. “That’s it, pretty girl,” Jihoon murmured. “God look at you. So fucking beautiful. And all mine, aren’t you?” he continued. You nodded wordlessly. “Say it,” Jihoon growled. “Say you’re mine.”
Your lips parted but the only thing that came out was a moan of his name. You felt him snap his hips hard against you. “Say it. Tell me you’re mine. Only I get to have you like this.” His thrusting turned into pounding, the sound of skin on skin growing in volume and your moans increasing in pitch.
“I’m yours,” you managed to gasp. “Only yours, Hoonie.”
Jihoon let out a deep moan, hips stuttering as he came, filling the condom. He continued to thrust, riding out his high as he brought you with him, pushing you over the edge after a couple more thrusts and hissing when he felt your nails dig into his arm as your cunt convulsed around his cock.
Instead of collapsing on you like his body wanted, he chose to carefully pull out of you and roll onto his back, eyes fluttering shut as he tried to regain his composure, breathing slowly to calm his heart rate.
His lips pulled into a smile as he felt your fingers card through his hair, pushing it back from his forehead before you leaned into him, pressing a kiss to his cheek. He turned his head, capturing your lips with his. “You’re sweaty,” he murmured as you partially draped yourself over him.
He heard you scoff lightly. “As if you aren’t covered in sweat right now too,” you retorted, making him laugh, the sound of it musical and light to you. “We should probably get cleaned up,” you murmured, lightly tracing the curve of his cheek with your fingers.
Jihoon grabbed your hand, eyes still shut and brought the back of your hand to his lips, kissing the back of it. He finally let his eyes flutter open and looked up at you. “Later,” he murmured. “Let me take care of this first,” he added, sitting up to remove the condom, tying the end before tossing it into the small waste bin beside your nightstand.
He laid back down, arm wrapping around you as you laid your chin on his chest, looking at his face as he shut his eyes again, chest rising and falling as his breathing finally returned to normal. Silence washed over the two of you as you continued to stare at him. He looked as if he’d fallen asleep but he opened one eye to look at you through a squint.
“It’s not nice to stare,” he said, his voice gravelly. “I can’t help it,” you replied. “You’re just so pretty to look at.” Jihoon felt heat rise to his face, extending into the tips of his ears which he was sure were red now. “You can’t say stuff like that and expect me to not fall for you,” he replied, rolling onto his side, his other arm coming to wrap around you and pull you closer.
“Maybe that’s what I want,” you replied. Jihoon murmured something into your hair, making you ask him to repeat it. “I said go to sleep,” he said a little louder. “We can shower, stare, and talk in the morning.”
You grumbled, letting your head fall against his bicep under you. “Fine,” you muttered, eyes sliding shut.
You weren’t sure how quickly you’d fallen asleep but when you woke up, it was already morning. Bright light filtered into the room through your blinds as you blinked the sleep away and started to stir. You felt warmth behind you and turned your head to find Jihoon fast asleep, one arm under the pillow under your head and the other wrapped around your waist.
Sometime in the night, Jihoon must have woken up and put both of you under the covers. You stretched your arms in front of you, letting out a yawn and started to sit up. You were held in place as Jihoon curled both arms tighter around you and grumbled.
“I have to get up,” you whined, to which he murmured a no in your shoulder as he ducked his head in the crook of your neck. “Jihoon!” you admonished as he started pressing light kisses to your neck and shoulder, making you giggle as you tried to free yourself from his iron grip.
“No,” he whined as you peeled his arms back and managed to escape, sitting up and scooting to the edge of the bed. You got up, letting the sheets fall as Jihoon made a swipe for you but missed. He fell back against the pillows, pouting at you as you walked away from the bed and over to your bathroom.
“I’m taking a shower,” you announced, looking back over your shoulder at him. “You’re welcome to join me if you’d like,” you added before stepping into the bathroom and closing the door until it was open a crack.
Jihoon rolled his eyes and turned over to grab his phone from the nightstand. He checked the time and saw he had several missed texts from Soonyoung. He ignored them, locking the screen before setting his phone back down and sitting up. He’d deal with his roommate later.
Getting up from the bed, Jihoon padded over to the bathroom door where he could now hear the shower running. He pushed open the door and peered in. The curtain was pulled closed and he assumed you were already in there. He pushed the door open fully before shutting it behind him to trap all the warm air before walking over and pulling back the curtain to find you standing under the stream, water cascading down your body.
He stepped in behind you as you turned to him. “Morning,” he murmured, hands moving to your waist and pulling you into a kiss. “Mm, morning,” you replied as you pulled back and started to grab your body wash and a washrag. Jihoon took the items from you, giving you a smirk when you raised your brow.
“Let me,” he simply said, squeezing the soap onto the washrag. “Gives me an excuse to touch you all over.” You rolled your eyes as he started to scrub the soap onto your body. “Never knew you were so big into body worship,” you joked as he turned you away to scrub your back with a hum.
“I think it’s just you,” he replied, running his hand over your body, spreading the soap further. You leaned back against him as his hand not holding the cloth traveled down your stomach. “Really?” you asked as his fingers dipped between your thighs, his lips kissing at your jaw. “Yes, really,” he murmured.
“Just let me take care of you, yeah?”
You snorted, letting out a moan as his fingers moved against your clit. “You said that last night, too,” you breathed, head falling back against his shoulder as he continued to play with your clit and scrub your body at the same time, moving the washcloth carefully over your breasts.
“Baby, I’ll keep saying that to you every day and every night if you’ll let me.”
You let out a whine of protests when he withdrew his hand from your sex. “Don’t worry, sweetheart,” he chuckled. “Let me finish washing you and then I’ll give you what you want.” You groaned in annoyance as he merely laughed at your impatience. “You better,” you replied. “Now I’m horny again.”
Jihoon stayed true to his words, washing and rinsing your body before he satisfied both your appetites by fucking you against the tile wall and pulling out to cum on your ass which quicky washed away under the stream of hot water. Once both clean and dry and Jihoon had a couple of marks littering his neck and shoulders, you headed out to the kitchen to start making breakfast, thanking your automatic coffee maker for doing its job and making a pot of hot coffee.
Jihoon joined you moments later, wearing only his underwear. “Where are my clothes?” he asked as he approached the kitchen. “In the wash,” you replied. “I thought it would be nice to go home in clean clothes,” you replied. He grumbled about being cold and you let out a laugh.
“Grab a blanket then, you big baby,” you replied. “Or you can check my closet. I’m pretty sure I have some old things that will fit you,” you added. Jihoon padded back down the hall to your room, entering your bathroom and walking into your closet. He started to search, wondering why you would have something that fit him.
He ended up finding a pair of plaid men’s pajama pants and eyed them suspiciously. He grabbed them and carried them back out to the kitchen where you were cooking. “Are these okay?” he asked, holding up his find. You eyed them and nodded. “Yeah, those are my brother’s. They got mixed up in my stuff when I went home during college and my mom did my laundry. I just kept them,” you replied.
Jihoon felt instantly much better and quickly pulled the pants on and walked around the counter to prepare a mug of coffee. The two of you stood in the kitchen in comfortable silence as he made his coffee and you cooked breakfast, stirring the eggs.
“So,” Jihoon finally said after taking a sip and leaning against the counter behind you as you worked. “Are we going to talk about this?” he asked. “About what?” you asked, not looking back at him but lifting your head so he knew you were paying attention.
“About this. About us,” he answered, gesturing between the two of you, even if you weren’t looking to see. “Well,” you started. “What do you want to talk about? Do you want to define things?” you asked. Jihoon contemplated for a moment before responding.
“I’d like to know what direction we’re heading,” he answered. “Are we together? Are we dating? What does this mean to you?” You lifted slices of cooked bacon out of the pan, dividing them between the two plates on the counter before cracking open the eggs.
“I want something more than just sex,” you said as you cracked the eggs one by one. “I said this last night and it’s still true today. I want more than a sexual relationship with you, Jihoon.”
Jihoon set his mug down and closed the distance between the two of you, leaning against the counter next to you. “I want that too,” he stated. “I’ve wanted that since camp,” he added, moving his hand to take your chin in his hand and turn your face towards him.
“It’s a little backwards,” he started as he let go of you, watching you stir the eggs, the clear parts turning white as they cooked. “But I want to take you on a date. I know we’ve already hooked up a few times,” he continued. “But I really like you, Y/N,” he said softly, heart skipping a beat as you smiled shyly at his admission. “I like you too, Jihoon,” you answered softly.
“So let me take you on a date,” he countered. “We can go on a date, see each other outside of the bedroom for once.” You let out a giggle as you stirred the eggs, making sure they were fully cooked before plating them. “Alright, Mr. Romantic,” you said, turning off the stove and turning to him, wrapping your arms around his neck. “Let’s go on a date.”
Jihoon lifted a brow. “Mr. Romantic?” he asked, sounding thoroughly offended, making you laugh loudly before pulling him in for a kiss. “You’re so annoying,” he mumbled against your lips, his smile holding nothing but adoration for your antics. “You still like me though, right?” you asked softly.
Jihoon nodded, reaching up to cup your cheek.
“Definitely,” he answered. “Hell,” he continued, leaning in to press a chaste kiss to your lips.
“I might even love you.”
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ⓘ Graphics made by me. Content and support banners made using a template by cafekitsune. I do not allow reposts, translations, or continuations of my works. All writing and graphics are ©️ kwanisms.
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legacygirlingreen · 9 months
Part 4 - Chapter 4: A Reckoning // Sebastian Sallow x Reader
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Authors Note: Next chapter is up and I apologize in advance for it being more along the lines of filler, I PROMISE next chapter the action is going to be at the forefront, it just needed to be set up. Thanks to everyone who continues to read and support. I truly appreciate you all. Special love and thanks again to @strawberrypinky, 💚.
If you’re new the Masterlist can be found here: https://www.tumblr.com/legacygirlingreen/713709759369560064/part-1-becoming-a-proper-gentlemen?source=share
link to audio section from chapter found here
word count: 7,000
warnings: slight mentions of blood, violence, child abuse
When they finally arrived in the hospital wing, Aesop was glad to finally have a place to set the injured girl. He’s sure that to Matilda, Nurse Blainey, Fig and the others standing nearby they were a sight for sore eyes. His jacket wrapped around her wounded frame in a crude attempt to veil her modesty, the deep cut going down her face leaving her covered in her own blood, and his own aggravated limp very apparent as he carried her towards the closest available bed. 
“Heavens! Is she even still alive, Aesop?” Professor Weasley asked, rushing to the bedside along with the school nurse looking down at the severely injured young woman. The unpleasant groan that left her lips as she was set down, causing everyone to cringe.
“Yes she is.  Someone will need to fetch Officer Singer.” he said, moving himself to sit on the bed next to her, the pain in his own leg suddenly becoming too much for him to bear. 
“Officer Singer? Why?” Professor Ronen said coming closer as the majority of the Hogwarts professors piled in after them.  Sensing it would be a while before anyone would be able to treat Poppy’s small scrapes, Professor Garlick turned towards the hufflepuff saying “let’s get you all fixed up sweetheart, I imagine it will be a while before the nurse can see you”, before steering Poppy to a bed at the far end of the ward.
“Because she managed to take down Victor Rookwood. He is dead.” he explained with an exasperated sigh. Running a hand over his face, he tried not to let the frustration at the situation show. Knowing the world was now rid of such a horrible dark wizard was a good thing, but to know it took a student to do so, no less after being tortured nearly to death didn’t sit right with him. He won’t lie, he was still extremely impressed that she had managed to fight him at all, given her condition, let alone successfully. Watching how she was able to repel the killing curse, using some form of magic he’d never seen to send the curse back into the man, thus bringing his reign of terror effectively to an end. The gasps that filled the room at the knowledge that she had won a duel against one of the most notorious criminals of their time, as a student with little experience within the magical world, confused many. 
“Merlin… why did he take her?” Professor Hecat questioned coming closer to inspect the girl, who was now finally having Nurse Blainey tend to her wounds as the woman forced a potion down her throat. 
“It’s a long story.” Sharp said, finally having caught his breath enough to stand again. He took one last look at the young woman, beaten like a rag doll but somehow still alive. Bending down he placed a hand on hers, squeezing it gently to let her know he was still there before moving back. 
With that Nurse Blainey quickly drew curtains around her bedside, giving them some privacy as she removed the professor's jacket to see the damage inflicted on the young girl. Rushing around she asked the house elf she kept as an assistant to grab potions of various varieties in a hushed voice as she tended to her. 
Y/n tried to keep her pained noises to a minimum, in order to listen in on what the others were saying. The first thing the matron had done when she arrived was force a potion to keep her alert, not knowing if she had a concussion and not wanting her to fall asleep if she did. From there she was stripped of the professor's jacket, along with the tattered camisole she wore, as the nurse brought forth a large bandage to quickly tend to the cuts along her chest before covering her breasts in case anyone came to look. Nurse Blainey, with the assistance of a house elf, helped raise her to sitting upright in order to assess the damage done to her back, as well as fasten the bandage around her so it would stay in place, before moving along to see the damage done to her face.
As the teachers discussed what had happened they almost didn’t realize that young Anne Sallow had gotten up from her bedside, looking stronger than she had in over a year, until they heard someone ask “so she is alive?” from behind them.
They all quickly turned around, recognizing her as Professor Sharp looked back to the bed in the corner, seeing the sheets back, along with two seats occupied nearby her bed. He had expected Ominis Gaunt their friend, as well as Sebastian her brother, but when he realized her twin was absent and in the place he assumed the Slytherin would be, instead was her Uncle, his blood boiled over. 
“YOU!” Never since the accident that cost him his job, his health and a majority of his happiness had Aesop Sharp moved so quickly. It wasn’t but a few moments before he was standing directly in front of Solomon Sallow, his bloodied hands around the man’s shirt collar, pulling him from the chair. Sallow’s eyes barely came to his chin when resting but as he was aggressively pulled up by the ex Auror, Solomon was forced onto his toes. 
“Aesop!” Professor Weasley shouted behind him and as he neglected to care about the audience in which they had collected. 
“I knew you were a vile piece of scum Sallow, but this, this is a new low even for you” he yelled in the man's face as confusion filled the room. Aesop took to shaking the man's collar as he illustrated the point.
“Aesop calm down! Release Mr. Sallow” Professor Weasley continued to attempt to shout from behind him and he temporarily took a step back, dropping the man but keeping him close. 
With the shouting and uproar, professor Ronen quietly encouraged Ominis to escort Anne out of the room, at least until they could discuss what had happened, and the blind boy obliged, taking Anne out of the ward. He was used to removing Anne at this rate from loud outbursts involving Solomon Sallow, only this time he was unsure the extent as to why a professor was angry with their uncle… 
“Aesop, what is all this about?” Fig called out, attempting to alleviate the situation. He himself had witnessed the poor side of the man first hand, but was unsure the depth of how bad the situation they all found themselves in ran. The outburst called him to abandon the care of his protege who was quickly being patched up despite the large variety of flesh wounds she had sustained - the worst of which being the scar forming over her right eye - along with cuts on her back. The bloodied word carved into her skin, noticed by Nurse Blainey at the removal of the jacket, made the matron nauseous… it was evident the torture she had endured before she’d been rescued. 
“He let poachers take her, and not once bothered to contact proper authorities. Not once did he try to help her. That girl would've died if we hadn’t arrived a moment later than we did. He just stood by, let Feldcroft burn to the ground without protecting it. He knowingly would have let her die to cover his own ass.” Sharp shouted, angry that it was him who had to go rescue the girl, frustrated that someone he worked with would allow a girl to be hurt, that he was not bothered as to the state of the girl at all.  It angered him even more to know that he did so to a woman with whom his own Nephew shared relations. 
“What would you have him do Sharp? He was here with Anne-” Matilda started yet was interrupted by Poppy, finally having her small scrapes attended, she spoke in place of the angry professor. 
“He knew about the curse that afflicted Anne. He knew it was Rookwood. He didn’t try and tell the authorities because he was being threatened.” she explained as loud gasps filled the room. Solomon Sallow looked down, having realized he had finally been made, for allowing the curse to afflict his niece for so long. 
“Miss Sweeting you know the gravity of that accusation I presume” Professor Hecat explained as Poppy nodded. 
Hearing the commotion, Nurse Blainey pulled back the curtains, finally showing that y/n was awake. She had been listening, only briefly mentioning to the girl that while most of her injuries were recoverable considering they were bruises or flesh wounds, that unfortunately most of her scars would remain. Other than rest and some pain relieving potions there wasn’t much else she could do. With that she simply conjured a simple shirt to cover her before allowing her to rejoin their angered discussion. 
She looked beaten to hell and back, but she would be okay. The nurse, having picked up on the conversation, walked over to her desk, retrieving the notebook discovered by Poppy and handing it to Professor Weasley. 
“Poppy brought this from the camp when she initially brought Ms. Sallow. It is directly from Victor Rookwood’s desk. I believe a few pages will be… illuminating…” Professor Weasley flipped through a few pages, finding detailed descriptions of the curse, as well as conversations mentioned between Solomon and Rookwood.
“This is… troubling.” Matilda said, passing it off to Hecat who took a look. 
“That is not all… according to Miss. y/l/n -” Sharp started, wanting to recount what she had told him when he rescued her but he was cut off by a strangled voice in the corner. 
“He meant for it to be Sebastian.” The injured girl said, sitting at the edge of the bed, looking much more menacing now with the large scar across her face and the look of murder in her eye. Only revealed to her midst the argument by Nurse Blainey, that Rookwood laced the blade he used on her with something in order to leave behind scars, thus giving her a scabbed but healing wound that went from across the top of her eyebrow to near her nose, thankfully missing her actual eye, as well as some miscellaneous cuts along her chest and the word in which Victor had carved in her back. She had yet to see any of them herself, but as everyone looked at her, they felt her anger pointed directly to Solomon. The man shivered seeing the pure, and unaltered vexation she wore on her marred face. 
She didn’t stop there, against every part of her body screaming to stay down and finally rest, she found the strength to stand up, stalking her way over to her beloved’s guardian. As she yelled the best she could with her failing voice. 
“You knew Rookwood was going to curse one of the twins, and you agreed to let him do it, offering up Sebastian as a sacrifice for your misdeed,” she said, attempting to move closer when Professor Fig intercepted her, holding her back from the man, who ironically was cowering at her outburst. The former auror, the man who so openly would yell at and even sometimes assault Sebastian now cowering because of her no less. Fig spoke in a hushed tone trying to calm her as tears took to her face. The room fell silent as the professors looked between the young woman and Solomon, knowing she cared a great deal for Sebastian. The news alone disturbing them all, but they could hardly imagine her state of mind at discovering her beloved’s own guardian meant for him to take such a horrible fate. 
“Why him?” she quietly questioned as Fig successfully calmed her down enough from anger. Solomon looked at her without much of an explanation, before simply sighing. 
“I know you care for him… I care for him… he’s my nephew… but you have no clue what he was like before you came around… he truly was as reckless and stubborn as my-” Solomon started to speak but was so rudely interrupted when a fist met the side of his face. And then his chest. Followed closely by a kick to the groin. 
No one said a word as y/n broke free from Fig, marching directly to Sebastian’s guardian, and repeatedly using muggle forms of violence against the man all the while shouting a single word through each punch she delivered. “Don’t. You. Dare. Speak. Of. Him. That. Way. You. Foul. Rotten. Git. Of. A. Man.” 
Ultimately it was Professor Sharp who pulled the young woman, still kicking and screaming, off of Solomon despite his desire to let her continue. 
The shock of the injured girl beating the Sallow Twin’s guardian and only surviving family to a pulp stunned the room, with the exception of Poppy and Professor Sharp. As he held the girl, whispering for her to calm down directly into her ear they all felt the castle begin to shake. 
“Godrick’s heart!” Fig cried out as everyone looked around confused. 
“Mr. Moon! Go collect the students and escort them all into the Great Hall. Wait there with professors Shah, Howin, Kogawa and Scribner. Everyone else we need to investigate what is going on” Matilda started to try and direct everyone’s attention as y/n stopped them all. 
“It’s Ranrok, he’s drilling under the school, he is trying to get to a repository of Ancient Magic” she explained as the bewilderment took over. 
“I certainly do not follow Miss y/l/n” Weasley explained and Fig took the time to explain very briefly that she in fact could see ancient forms of magic and had been attempting to put a stop to the goblin rebellion all year. 
In the commotion Solomon Sallow was almost to the hospital door, and was intercepted by Abraham Ronan who simply offered an awkward smile while using his body to block the man’s attempt at an exit. 
“Well this is all quite… disturbing and we will be discussing this later professor Fig. But you can’t possibly imagine I will allow you to march a student into battle, one who was very recently gravely injured” she said, annoyed that Fig would even suggest such. 
“Professor… no one else can see what I can. If there’s any hope of stopping Ranrok, I am the only one who will be able to…” she quietly said, looking around seemingly looking for something. 
“I can’t-” Matilda started but she was cut off by the student. 
“It’s her choice, Matilda. Besides, we can protect her as we go.” Sharp explained as he heard a loud cry coming from the hallway. 
“Let me through- where is he? Aesop?!” a voice called out from the hallway, pushing past the others as a short, red headed woman came bounding in, out of breath and very much pregnant. 
“Becca? Oh Rebecca.” He called out, rushing to meet her as she flung herself into his arms. 
“You’re alive. Oh thank Merlin. I got your owl and you hadn’t come home yet and I was so worried-” she cried out as he held her face in his large hands, stroking her hair down as he whispered against her skin. 
“Shhh.. I am so sorry to have worried you, my love. I am alright. But I need you to wait here where it is safe.” he explained and she looked up to him as if they were the only two in the room.
“What’s happening?” She asked in confusion, pulling the tie from his hair, letting it fall back around his face as she combed it down. 
“Goblins, attacking the school. Please promise me you will stay here while I and the other professors handle it.” He said sternly as he lightly gripped her stomach, happy to feel the light kicking. 
“Aesop… that sounds dangerous…” she said looking scared as he continued to try and force her to look up at him.
“Becca please, the safety of every student in the castle is my responsibility.” He said with a frustrated sigh. And she nodded understanding his heroics were something despite retired from being an auror, would never go away. She attempted to speak but he did not let her as she tried to calm her frayed nerves by fixing his hair. 
“And don’t even suggest going down there with me. I need to know you and the baby are safe.” He explained, still stroking her stomach. 
“But-“ once again Mrs. Sharp tried to argue with her husband but he reached down, grabbing her waist and pulled her close as he bent his head down to her short stature planting his mouth on hers as the others turned away abruptly. 
“It is going to be okay. I won’t be alone.” Aesop whispered to her trying to calm his wife’s nerves. She only nodded knowing there was no use in arguing with him. Instead she reached around her wrist, removing one of the bands she usually kept for her own hair, and started pulling his dark hair back from around his face so he wouldn’t have to fret over it in battle. 
“Please come back, Aesop.” She whispered as he once again placed his mouth in hers, pulling away with a determined look on his face. 
“It’ll all be fine I assure you,” Sharp looked over his wife’s shoulder, letting them fall to Solomon Sallow still attempting to escape the hospital ward and he got a bright idea when he saw the man. 
“Sallow, care to join us?” he asked, not really issuing it as a genuine question, but giving the gentleman the ability to seem nobel regardless. 
“I -” Solomon started, stuttering as he attempted to think of a reason as to why he couldn’t. He was instead met with a delicate hand pushing his shoulder. He looked down to once again see the girl standing at his side and he shuddered remembering how it felt to have her fist smash into the side of his face.  
“As an Ex-Auror myself I cannot possibly fathom how one wouldn’t gladly jump at the chance to protect school children… especially considering they would likely face the ministry for conspiracy with a criminal if they didn’t.” Sharp levied. This caused Solomon’s face to turn into a frown realizing what Sharp was attempting to do. 
“Are you threatening me, Sharp?” Solomon asked through an angered breath.
“I wouldn’t call it a threat, moreso just… putting things into perspective, Sallow.” Sharp explained, as if it was any consolation prize. Regardless of if the man helped or not, he still had every intention of marching him to officer Singer to at the very least have his wand snapped for his actions. 
“It doesn’t really sound like I have much of a choice. And what would you do if I simply attempted to walk out of here?” Solomon moved again and she pressed her wand into his rib cage. 
“I wouldn’t do that if I was you. See, that is a threat.” she explained with an annoyed sigh. Looking around she noticed most of the professors had abandoned their posts and were rushing about to situate the school before going into battle. She looked for Professor Fig realizing he too had left, leaving her and Sharp alone with Solomon in the hospital wing. 
Before anyone could continue their terce conversation Ominis strolled back in, dragging Anne Sallow in behind him as he pointed his wand around looking for an explanation. Abandoning her post of guarding Mr. Sallow she moved closer to Anne. Tossing her arms around the girl she hugged Anne to her. 
“I am so glad you are alright” she explained, glad to see the girl finally recovering after over a year of being inflicted with a curse. She decided at that moment she would later discuss with Sebastian about the discovery of Solomon’s betrayal, before bringing it up to Anne. Now was not the time to dump harsh truths on the recovering girl.  
“Me?! You were kidnapped by Victor Rookwood, I am just glad you are alive” Anne said, hugging the girl close, thankful for her sacrifice but guilty it led to such a horrible place nonetheless. They separated for a moment, allowing Anne to finally see the damage inflicted upon her. 
“Oh y/n…” she sighed, her slender fingers tracing over the forming scar over her face as she felt horrid seeing the woman her brother loved so dearly, injured all in her name. 
“This is not your fault. I went into that camp knowing the risks. I am just glad Poppy managed to escape with the journal and you when she did. Scars are hardly anything to concern yourself with.” She explained, hoping to alleviate Anne’s concerns, despite deep down being terrified of how she looked. Worried that based on Anne’s reaction, possibly Sebastian too would no longer find her as fair as he once had. She hardly had time to worry about that now. 
“But -” Anne started when she hushed the girl, placing her arms back around her. Looking over she saw Professor Sharp still attempting to alleviate the concerns of his wife. 
“Anne, I need you to stay here. You are still quite weak and this is far from where the goblins should be. Ominis?” She asked, turning to their companion. The boy, so often ridged, softened at the tone of her voice. She stepped closer to him.
“Yes?” he asked as his unseeing eyes gazed at her. She found comfort knowing at the very least he could not treat her differently in his body language towards her. Ever since she had made it back to the castle she already could tell a difference in how people reacted to her, probably concerned at the injuries she bore. She knew going forward Ominis would be someone who, unable to see her changes, would not treat her differently. She sought solace in that thought. 
“Do you know where Sebastian is? No one has seen him…” she said, concerned she was about to march into battle yet again, without being able to put her eyes on him, nor tell him how dearly she adored him. 
“He was with Professor Fig last I heard. Running an errand to the town. He still hasn’t even seen Anne I am afraid.” Ominis said sadly, head bowed as he realized based on the drop in her voice she was unsure how dangerous this battle was to be. 
“Shall I convey a message if I see him?” Ominis asked after a beat of silence. 
“Just, - no. I will tell him myself. Please make sure Anne will be okay and stay out of sight if for some reason we cannot subdue Ranrok.” she explained, stepping forward and hugging him briefly. He hardly had time to force himself to relax before she stepped away repeating the action for Anne. She didn’t give either of them a moment to respond, as she walked away, hating that it felt an awful lot like a ‘goodbye’ and not a ‘see you later. 
She returned to the professor’s side, as he gave his wife one last embrace before reaching down for her wand, transfiguring the plain clothes the nurse had given her, back into something slightly more fitting for battle. The dark leather and linen wrapped around her body and she stood, ready to face whatever may come. 
“Uncle Solomon?” Anne asked meekly from the bed Ominis had made her relax back into. Everyone’s head turned to see what the girl wanted. 
“Yes Anne.” He said with a sigh. 
“Please keep her safe.” she expressed, wanting her guardian to help do his best to protect the girl on their way down to face the goblins. Solomon’s eyes went wide realizing what she asked, and that no one had told the girl what he had done. He simply nodded before responding. 
“I will do everything I can to keep Ms. y/l/n safe,” he said sternly. While she was unsure the man meant it, to be honest she highly doubted it, he played the role well regardless. 
“Where exactly are we headed?” Professor Sharp asked and she sighed. 
“Professor Fig and I call it the map chamber, it's in the dungeon.” she explained, moving towards the stairwell, to escort the potions master and her lover’s guardian down to face the goblins in hopes wherever Eleazar had gotten off to, he would join them soon enough. 
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Sebastian took the Floo network, hoping it would be faster. He had been so tense he had nearly snapped at the wandmaker, who despite the challenge, seemed genuinely excited about the wand and its construction. Under normal circumstances he too would’ve been intrigued, ever the scholar himself, but these weren’t as such.  
As he reappeared in the school's hallways, just outside the professor's door he was startled to feel the castle shaking. Why couldn’t he just get a break from all the chaos?
Just as he was about to head off in search of what was happening professor Fig reimerged from his classroom, relieved to see Sebastian. 
“Ah Mr. Sallow, I presume Mr. Olivander was able to complete what we needed” he explained, reaching for the wand as Sebastian handed it over. 
“Yes he did. What’s happening? Where is everyone? Is Professor Sharp back from the camp? Is she alive?” Sebastian allowed his questions to fall from his lips rather quickly as the older man looked at him sympathetically. 
“She’s alive. She will be okay. I will say, it was quite disturbing the state she came back in, but regardless I think she is doing the best she can… as for what is happening, Ranrok is drilling under the school attempting to access the map chamber. We don't have much time. I need to take this wand-” Fig started to explain as Professor Weasley came bounding around the corner with Madam Scribner. 
“Eleazar we must hurry! All the students have been escorted to the great hall where- Mr. Sallow? What are you doing here? You are supposed to be with the other students. I must insist you report to the great hall immediately.” She explained, reaching for the Slytherin boy by his tattered robes, pushing him towards the Librarian to head off to the great hall. 
“But-” he started with the librarian cutting him off. 
“Now Mr. Sallow. All students are to report to the Great Hall for their own safety. I won’t have any arguments.” she explained pushing him down the hall despite his attempts to look back over his shoulder at Professor’s Fig and Weasley. 
“Professor Fig please” he begged, hoping the man would allow him to come, to help, to be reunited. Looking down sadly he shook his head. 
“I am sorry Sebastian but she wouldn’t want you anywhere near it. Thank you for retrieving the wand, but please, for your own safety stay put until this is all over.” the man spoke, ashamed to have to prevent the young man from being reunited, yet doing it for his safety nonetheless. 
“No, you don’t understand I need to see her. I can’t live with myself if she dies down there, and I haven’t said goodbye. I love her. Please-” he started but Fig simply looked at him one last time before apparating away with Professor Weasley leaving him with Madam Scribner. 
“Mr. Sallow, please refrain from doing anything irrational.” the librarian spoke and Sebastian debated his chances of escape. He knew his skills with a wand far likely exceeded hers, if he was fast enough perhaps he could slip past her, take the floo network to the dungeon and -
Petrificus Totalus. 
“I am sorry Sebastian.” Scribner said, actually sounding sympathetic to him, as he laid immobile on the floor of the hallway. Sebastian could feel her attempting to levitate his frozen body and internally he screamed to be released, that this wasn’t fair, that he wouldn’t accept his fate of being locked away with other students while she marched into battle alone. 
Yet all he could do was sit there, frozen, as a single tear slipped down his face, his eyes unmoving as he was moved to join the rest of the students in the Great Hall amidst the goblin attack. 
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“How much further are we going?” Solomon asked, out of breath from all the stairs they were maneuvering down. 
She elected to ignore him, annoyed he even felt so uncomfortable as to complain. She didn’t bother letting him know that it was merely down a few more stairs. They rounded the flight that led into the open cavern, giving way to the final bit of stairs, before coming to stand in the long elegant hallway that went into the map chamber. The quick change in architecture from normal stones, to elegant blue and bronze making the potions professor look around in awe.
“If it’s not destroyed in the goblin attack you should come down here and sketch it sometime” she said to Professor Sharp, hoping to alleviate the tension they were all feeling. 
“And why would I do that?” he asked, shocked she knew of his hobby. Unbothered, the girl turned to him with a small smile.
“I found your drawing room exploring the castle. I’d apologize for snooping but truly Mr. Moon is to blame for teaching me alohomora and sending me after those Demiguise statutes… regardless, your art is quite lovely.” she said. 
“Snooping around in a professor's private chambers is quite serious. The amount of house points you ought to lose -” he explained, frustrated the student felt so inclined to go into his chambers appalling him. 
“I hardly think house points matter at the moment but if you feel so strongly when this is over I will take however many detentions you see fit Professor Sharp. Regardless, I still think your art is magnificent.” She explained, pushing open the doors to the map chamber, stepping inside with the two men following behind her. They stood to the side watching as she ran towards the portraits. 
“Oh thank Merlin, it is so wonderful to see you are alive” Professor Rackham explained, glad to see her return and not Sebastian. 
“I am alright, professor. We must hurry. Where is the final trial?” she asked, ready to rush through one last trial in order to gain access to the final repository. 
“It has already been completed. We are simply waiting on Professor Fig and the boy to return-” San Bakar started, confounding her as she had not even attempted the final trial, just as Eleazar strolled in quickly, holding out a wand box as he moved across the main floor. 
“Mr. Sallow returned the wand-” Fig began, only to be interrupted by her. 
“Sebastian? Where is he? What do you mean the fourth trial has been completed?” she explained, looking over the man's shoulders hoping to see his handsome face strolling into the chamber but she was met with Eleazar’s stoic expression. 
“While you were captured, your love took it upon himself to complete the final trial in your absence. Given the circumstances we allowed an exception. He was successful and in doing so, granting access to the final artifact, in which he brought to a wandmaker to construct the key to the final repository” Niham explained, looking down at the girl with a soft gaze. 
“Sebastian, he -” she looked around confounded how he would even be able to attempt such a task. 
“He is safe with the other students in the great hall, but he valiantly faced the final trial so you wouldn’t have to.” Fig explained, setting the wand in her hand. 
“You mean to tell me that my nephew was here? That he neglected his sister’s side for what, some trial?” Solomon asked, reminding everyone in the room of his presence. 
“Need I remind you Sallow, he hardly would’ve had to, if you hadn’t allowed that girl to be taken by Rookwood for so long.” Sharp hissed out, effectively cutting the conversation short. Another loud rumble shook the castle as she looked at the portraits. 
“Victor said that the final repository is below the school, and that Ranrok knows of its location.” she explained and they nodded, indicating for everyone to step back. Doing so, the floor disappeared, as stairs emerged to a doorway below the map. 
“The final repository is here. Protect it. And once the goblins have been subdued we shall begin instructing you how to effectively wield this magic. You are to only contain it. Do you understand?” They asked. She thought for a moment. What she had seen, how Isadora had used it to heal her fathers pain. A small part of her wanted to take it, wield it and save Anne, assuming that the journal had failed. She sighed, realizing if contained she could always come back for it later…
“Of course. I will guard it with my life.” she explained, starting down the stairs with the professors and Solomon. 
Once the large doors opened, the four stepped inside, following the cavern as the castle began to shake around them. 
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“Sebastian” Poppy Sweeting said as the spell was dropped and he could finally move his limbs again. The Librarian had set him at the back of the Great Hall on the floor, after moving his immobile body through the castle. 
He sat up, rubbing his head before discarding his torn school robes. He looked around and saw several other students in his year: Natsi, Garreth, Everett, Leander, Imelda, Samantha and the Hufflepuff directly in front of his face. He groaned, frustrated that he hadn’t been successful and now he found himself locked inside the hall with the rest of the students as the castle shook. Sebastian quickly noted the absence of his sister and Ominis, but figured they were still in the hospital wing. 
Cries were coming from various spots around the room as the first years, seemed distraught as some of the professors and upper class students attempted to console them at the disturbing noises and shaking. 
“Poppy what happened?” he asked, attempting not to be stern with the girl, but his patience for the situation growing thin. 
“I am sorry Sebastian, I truly am… she was insistent upon going into that camp for Anne. Then even more insistent I leave to go warn Anne and Solomon, to escape with the journal.” Poppy explained, looking down at her hands as Sebastian sighed. 
“It’s alright. We can discuss it later. I would, however, like to get out of here.” He explained, picking himself up off the floor. 
“That’ll be hard to do, as the professor’s have charmed the door. My aunt did it herself before leaving with some of the faculty. It’s going to take a lot of magic to undo those charms, and we’d likely get caught before we can mutter the spells.” Garreth explained. 
“Surely there’s a way to get out of here.” Sebastian had hoped that perhaps in the chaos he’d be able to slip away.
“What would we do even if we were successful?” Imelda asked, coming closer to join Poppy. 
“Help her. She went down there with professor Fig. I haven’t much time to explain it, but she’s - she’s not like us. She can see magic that we can’t. I have seen her wield it. It is a very powerful, ancient magic that Ranrok is after. If he gets a hold of it, I fear we may all suffer.” he explained as everyone quietly observed.  
“But we are just students, you can’t expect us to be able to stop a goblin rebellion” Samantha Dale spoke, frustrating him. 
“Did she not help save your brother Samantha?” he asked sharply, turning towards the others. 
“Or help you discover astronomy tables all over the highlands when you are too frightened to go alone Amit? What about beating your flying records Imelda? Or stealing things for your brews Garreth? Hell, she even helped Leander by rounding up his escaped chinese chomping cabbages. My point is that she has spent all year helping each and every one of us. What has she ever asked for in return?” He spoke and they all went sullen, realizing that the new 5th year had gone above and beyond in helping everyone, without ever expecting a return on her kindness. 
“Hell, she’s spent so much time trying to do the right thing in order to satiate your moral fiber Natty or help you rescue magical creatures Poppy. I am not without blame in exhausting her either. I'm afraid by constantly going on about a cure for Anne… When she left the school yesterday she was leaving to help centaurs and wound up captured by Rookwood. I haven't a clue how bad it was but Poppy -'' he started once again and the poor Hufflepuff girl wracked with enough guilt to last the remainder of their school year looked solemnly at the group and shook her head as if to say ‘it was awful’. 
“Regardless, we owe it to her. She has stretched herself parchment thin, and I’ll be damned if she dies down there alone, without aid and out of exhaustion. You can either come with me, or just help me get out of here, but please don’t let her go through this alone.” Sebastian said. 
He turned to Poppy, gesturing to the girl while saying “we would be the most unloyal friends to sit idly by…” before looking at Amit and Samantha and continuing his train of thought. “And the most unintelligent classmates if we can’t find a way out of here”. He then turned to the bulk of their group mates clad in red, “We would be companions who lack the bravery she needs” and then lastly looking to himself and Imelda finally acknowledging his role; “not to mention unfit housemates to be called resourceful, if we haven’t the heart to help when we know we know that power is within us”.   
“Sebastian is right.  She deserves as much help as she can get.” Natty spoke, drawing a thankful nod from him.
“Look I am all for helping I suppose, but how exactly are we getting out of here to even go help? We wouldn’t know where to go even if we did get out to help” Leander spoke and the boy's easy dismissal frustrated Sebastian. Of course Leander would try and weasel out of helping. How the boy was Gryffindor when he lacked any form of bravery in Sebastian’s eyes, he’d never know. 
“I think I may know where they are coming in from” Imelda spoke as the group turned towards her. “Behind the quidditch pitch, and the owlery, there’s a small cave atop the hill. I’ve noticed large machines made from goblin metal, along with many of Ranrok’s loyalists. I warned officer Singer, however I doubt she has done much.” Imelda explained. Thinking of the geography of the castle, Sebastian rationalized that it would make the most sense, as every other side of the castle was surrounded by water, and that would be the only area in which drilling could take place. 
“Still doesn’t solve how we are getting out of here, or what we will do when we escape” Leander insisted. 
“We can use the brooms. We can sneak around to the front of the school, and borrow the flying class brooms. They aren’t that nice, but I imagine they will suffice. Imelda don’t you still have the key?” Everett asked and she nodded. 
“So Imelda and Everett can go snag the brooms. Natty, is there any way you can run by the potions classroom and collect some of the stores from professor Sharps closets? I know he has an abundance of wiggenweld, thunderbrew and invisibility potions because I’ve been making them during detentions. If we are going into battle it may not be the worst idea to come prepared.” Sebastian asked, forming a plan in his mind the best he could. 
“That sounds like a great idea. I can meet Imelda and Everett on the lawn when I am finished.” Natty said with a nod. 
“I will go Natty, and stop in the greenhouse. I have a few plants that could do some damage that I’ve been tending for Professor garlick” Leander explained and while Sebastian wanted to roll his eyes, the thoughts of his least favorite classmate hurling Chinese chomping cabbages at goblins did sound… interesting. 
“We can go by the ravenclaw tower. I have the original schematics for the drills they are using in my dorm room. Samantha, would you like to tag along? You all could pick us up off the roof since we have a rooftop” Amit offered and while Sebastian wanted to question how Amit of all people wound up with Ranroks plans he didn’t question it. 
“Alright that leaves Poppy, Garreth, Lucan and I. Poppy, would you mind joining me to stop by and retrieve something in the astronomy wing that might be useful?” Sebastian asked, alluding to the room of requirement and she nodded not giving away what he meant. 
“Well we know what we do when we get out of here, but that doesn’t do much good if we can’t leave” Samantha explained frustrated. 
“Leave that to me. I’ve been cooking up a brew for quite some time now and I think this is the perfect opportunity to test it out. Want to help me Lucan?” Garreth asked and the younger student nodded. 
“So that settles it then. What exactly does this potion entail Weasley? Or what is our cue to leave?” Sebastian asked skeptically.  
“Trust me, you’ll know” 
To be continued…
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swiftieblyth · 3 months
The Nightshade Sisters: The Sorting Hat
Warnings- dead mom, abusive dad, raised by aunt uncles and godparents, death eaters, Voldemort, violence and murder, Draco Malfoy, Lucius Malfoy, all other Harry Potter stuff
Let me know if there���s anything else!
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Rosie stayed with Ron and Harry as they made their way up to the castle but never talked to them. 
“Welcome to Hogwarts,” an old lady in a which hat said to all the first years. “The start-of-term banquet will begin shortly, but before you take your seats in the Great Hall, you will be sorted into your houses. The Sorting is a very important ceremony because, while you are here, your house will be something like your family within Hogwarts. You will have classes with the rest of your house, sleep in your house dormitory and spend free time in your house common room. ‘The four houses are called Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw and Slytherin. Each house has its own noble history and each has produced outstanding witches and wizards. While you are at Hogwarts, your triumphs will earn your house points, while any rule-breaking will lose house points. At the end of the year, the house with the most points is awarded the House Cup, a great honor. I hope each of you will be a credit to whichever house becomes yours. The Sorting Ceremony will take place in a few minutes in front of the rest of the school. I suggest you all smarten yourselves up as much as you can while you are waiting. I shall return when we are ready for you. Please wait quietly.” The lady walked away and all the students looked around.
“It’s true then,” a pale, blond-haired boy called, making everyone look at him. “What they’re saying on the train. Harry Potter has come to Hogwarts.”
Harry and Ron looked at each other as the first years started merming around them. Rosie took a few steps back not wanting people to see her with him. 
“This is Grabbe, and Goyle,” the boy continued motoning to the two big boys next to him. He smiled and walked in front of Harry. “And I’m Malfoy. Draco Malfoy.” Ron laughed a little and the blond looked at him with disgust. “Think my name is funny, do you? No need to ask you yours. Red hair and a hammy down robe, you must be a Weasley. You’ll soon find out that some wizarding families are better than the others, Potter. You don’t want to go making friends with the wrong sort. I can help you there.”
“I think I can tell who the wrong sort are for myself, thanks.” Harry replied, Draco scoffed and walked away. As he turned he made eye contact with Rosie and smiled a bit, making Rosie blush. As Draco walked away the lady with the hat came back in and looked at them.
“We’re ready for you now. Follow me.” Professor McGonagall stated. She led them into the Great Hall and everyone looked around in amazement.
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“Ceddie, look,” Lacy called as she saw Rosie. “It’s Rosie.” 
Rosie looked over and saw her two siblings smiling at her, and gave them a smile and a small wave, as they did the same to her. Lacy made a heart of her hands and blew a kiss to Rosie.
“Well don’t embarrass her, Lace,” Cedric smiled.
“I’m sorry, I just can’t help it. I’m so proud of her. She’s gone through so much.”
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The group of first years made their way to the front of the room and got ready to be sorted into their houses. “When I call your name,” McGonagall explained. “You will put on the hat, and sit on the stool. Granger, Hermionie.”
“Oh no,” Herminoie breathed. “Okay, relax.”
“Mental that one.” Ron whispered to Harry as Hermionie got sorted into Gryffindor.
“Malfoy, Draco.” McGonagall called, and the boy from earlier made his way up to the sorting hat. Before the hat was even fully on his head it called out Slytherin. The blond smirked, and walked away to sit with his friends.
“Nightshade, Rosie,” McGonagall called. Rosie’s heart stopped as she made her way up, feeling everyone watch her.
Lacy grabbed Cedric’s arm and squeezed it.
Rosie sat on the stool and McGonagall put the hat on her head.
“Hm,” the hat recalled. “Interesting you are. Nightshade, sister of Lacy Nightshade?”
“Yes.” Rosie whispered. 
“Shy, girl, I could put you in Hufflepuff with your sister, but that doesn’t seem right. You’re intelligent like your uncle, definitely have his brains, and it seems more than just that.”
“I don’t have it, if that’s what you’re implying,” Rosie whispered. “I was just born an animagus.”
 “I see. There’s a darker side to you, a mysterious side. Just like your aunt. SLYTHERIN!” The hat yelled.
The Slytherins started cheering and standing up, as McGonagall took the hat off of Rosie’s head. Rosie made her way to the Slytherin table but looked at her siblings at the Hufflepuff table. Lacy gave her a small smile. “It’s okay, Little Ross. We still love you.” Cedric mouthed to her, making her feel better.
“Welcome to Slytherin,” someone smiled, as Rosie sat down at the table. Rosie smiled, but didn’t reply. Someone patted her back, making her flinch a little. She sat down hoping no one saw and looked down at the table.
Lacy saw Rosie flinch and let out a breath, squeezing Cedric’s arm. “Did you see that?” Lacy asked, trying to get a better few of her sister. “Can you see her? Is she okay?”
“She’s okay. She’s sitting. I saw everything happen. Someone just patted her back, and it scared her.”
“Oh poor girl.” Lacy sighed.
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A tall wizard with long white hair, and a long white beard stood up and opened his arms, getting everyone’s attention. “Welcome,” he called. “Welcome to a new year at Hogwarts! Before we begin our banquet, I would like to say a few words. And here they are: Nitwit! Blubber! Oddment! Tweak!” The man finished, and dishes filled with food of all kinds appeared on every table.
Rosie grabbed some food and started eating, keeping to herself as everyone around her talked with their friends. “So Rosie,” the prefect sitting next to her asked. “Which one of your parents was in Slytherin?”
“Oh um,” Rosie struggled, looking at her food, not wanting to answer. “My aunt and uncle were both Slytherins.”
“What about your parents?” One of the big boys from earlier asked. 
Rosie looked up and saw the two big boys and the blonde looking at her. “W- what?”
The big boys snickered at her response but the blonde just kept staring at her, with curiosity in his eyes.
“You’re parents,” the other big boy replied. “Have you gotten any?”
“Yeah, just not Slytherin.” Rosie lied.
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The dinner finally ended and Rosie followed the Slytherins to their common rooms. Rosie went to her room and lied in her bed while everyone else was in the common room talking. Rosie looked at a picture of her and her family. It was taken last year before the accident. The family showed Cedric and his parents, Rosie, and Lacy, their aunt and uncle, and their younger cousins, Hannah and Emma. Emma was just a few months old in the picture, sleeping peacefully in her mother’s arms, and Hannah who was about five at the time was in her father's arms. Rosie put the picture down and started to cry into her pillow. 
After a few seconds Rosie felt something soft cuddling up next to her, Rosie looked up and saw her cat, Brownie, nuzzling her face into her side. “Hi, Brownie,” Rosie smiled, petting her cat.
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Rosie fluttered her eyes open and looked around the dark room. She noticed that everyone was there, she didn’t know what time it was but she didn’t care, she got out her book and went to the common room with Brownie following close behind. Rosie sat down on the couch in front of the fire and watched it as Brownie jumped into her lap. 
“I miss him, Brownie,” Rosie whispered, stroking her cat. “He was like my dad. I know he was my uncle, but he raised me after… After what happened with my parents.”
While Rosie was talking to her cat, the blonde boy, Draco, started making his way down the stairs to the common room. He stopped when he heard a soft quiet voice coming from the common room. He peeked his head around the corner and saw Rosie, talking, petting her cat who was on her lap. Tears threatened to fall out of her eyes. 
“Ceddie’s been a huge help to me over these past few months,” Rosie explained to the cat, a tear falling on her face. “I feel so bad for Hannah and Emma not being able to grow up with their dad, when he was actually a great guy. I wish my dad was good…” Rosie got cut off by a noise coming from around the corner. “He-hello?” She asked.
Draco walked around the corner and scared Rosie. “Sorry, I didn’t mean to scare you.” Draco explained. “I heard you talking and I was… Well I don’t know, I’ve barely heard you talk so I was listening.” 
Rosie stared at him with wide eyes, a hint of blush on her face. “How long have you been there?”
“Not long, I promise. I’m sorry, it’s just…” Draco struggled. “You don’t talk much do you?”
Rosie looked down at her hands, and shook her head. “It’s not that I don’t like people,” Rosie explained. “It’s just, they don’t like me.”
“Well, I like you,” Draco stated, sitting down next to her. “And I can talk for you when you need me to.”
“Thank you…Malfoy?” Rosie asked, unsure of his name.
“Draco.” Draco let out, putting his hand out to her.
“Rosie,” Rosie smiled, shaking his hand. “Rosie Nightshade.”
“It’s nice to meet you, Rosie Nightshade.”
“You too, Draco Malfoy.”
“Who were you talking to?”
“Oh, just my cat,” Rosie explained, gesturing to Brownie, purring on her lap. “Brownie. I have the cat and my sister has the owl.”
“You have a sister?”
“Yeah. I have an older sister, two younger sisters, and an older brother.”
“Wow, what’s it like having so many siblings? Is it fun?”
“It can be. My older siblings are both in Hufflepuff, so I don’t really understand why I’m in Slytherin.”
“Maybe there’s a reason you’re here. Maybe we were supposed to become friends,” Draco threw out.
“Friends?” Rosie asked. “We’re friends?”
“Yeah, is that a problem?”
“Well I mean, I’ve never had friends before.”
“What why?”
“No one likes me, when they get to know me, and hear about my life. They just pity me.”
“Rosie, I will never pity you.”
            “You don’t know that. You barely even know me.”
            “Then, let me know you. We could be great friends if you give me a chance.”
            “You have to promise not to pity me.”
            “I promise.”
“My mum died shortly after I was born, and apparently my dad became abusive.”
“Oh, Rosie, I’m so sorry,” Draco let out.
“It’s okay. I don’t really remember him, but my sister does.”
“What about your brother? Does your brother remember it?”
“My brother isn’t his son.”
“What do you mean?”
“He’s technically my Godbrother. After my aunt and uncles found out about my dad, they fought to take us in. Once my aunt and her husband had their first kid they decided that we needed Godparents so, it only seemed fitting that they would be my aunt's best friends family. We had all grown up knowing them anyways, and my sister and I had already been really close with their son since birth. How ever, last year my uncle died, so me, my three sisters, and our aunt, and our other uncle, my aunt and mum's brother, moved in with our Godfamily.”
“Oh, Rosie, I’m so sorry.” 
“See, there it is. You’re pitying me, just like everyone else.”
“Rosie, I promise, that I’m not pitying you. I hate that all of that has happened to you, and I want to protect you from the world. If you’ll let me, I want to be your best friend.”
“I’d like that.”
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“How do you think she’s doing?” Lacy asked Cedric as they sat in the Huffelpuff common room. 
“Lace, she’ll be okay.”
“I know. But I’m just so worried about her. She was so worried about being in a different house than everyone she knows.”
“Hey, Lace, she’ll make friends, okay?”
“I know, but Cedie, I mean you know how hard things are for her.”
“I know, Lace.”
“And I mean gosh, she’s so close with Uncle Remus, and I know she’s going to hate not being able to be with him and take care of him during full moons.”
“I know. But hey, she’s going to write to him. You know that. She’s going to be just fine. How about you go to bed? We can see her in the morning.”
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thelifeofplums · 2 years
Own Worst Enemy Part 3
Trigger Warning - Verbal abuse, feeling lonely, negative thoughts, feeling unworthy, replaced MC, unfair treatment towards MC
How long had it been? Ever since that newly cloned version of you had appeared, you, the original Y/N, had become forgotten. You saw the way the brothers clung to your doppelganger, having begun doing things with them that they would’ve done with you.
Like playing video games with Leviathan. Or going to a cat cafe in the human world with Satan.
The many little things that you once enjoyed with the demon brothers were now being done with your replacement.
It made you wonder if you were living a different life or if you were dreaming up an illusion. You wouldn’t be surprised if this was really all just in your head, after all you knew the demon brothers. You knew they wouldn’t hurt you like this.
And so why did the dream never end? Why did this nightmare continue with no end in sight?
“Y/N dear.” Asmo wasn’t talking to you.
“Hey Y/N, you wanna hear of my latest money scheme?” Mammon wasn’t asking you.
“Y/N, Lord Diavolo would like you to have tea at the castle tomorrow.” And that definitely wasn’t for you.
It was as if you were no longer Y/N, you’re identity having been stolen by your identical and perfect self. And that could only mean that the brothers had started to refer to you differently.
They’d say “that one” when talking about you.
Or they’d just say “human”, as if that hadn’t been your nickname since the time you had arrived in the Devildom. Only now it was official.
Even at school, nobody spoke to you anymore. Everyone was always too preoccupied with the all too perfect Y/N who could do anything without a complaint. You had become nonexistent, your school friends no longer hung out with you and you always sat alone.
You were the faulty one. The Y/N who couldn’t do anything right and who only ever disappointed. Of course they’d replace you with a better version. Why wouldn’t they want to hang out with a better version of you who never took no for an answer.
Ugh, what were you thinking? How could you let that cheap copy of you run around thinking they were better than the real version?
Everybody knew that a sequel could never best the original and it was about time people realized that.
You had to start showing that you couldn’t be replaced. Even if your clone could do so much more than you....like getting straight A’s consecutively or acing magic without a hitch....you were so much better, right?
Either way, you needed to do something about this.
“Hey Mammon and Asmodeus!” You had managed to gather the courage to come up to the two demons, having taken all of first period to talk to them.
It had been difficult to get ahold of them as the two of the most popular RAD students were always surrounded by friends and peers. Normally, you would’ve been in the center with them but of course this was no time to linger on those memories.
So it had to have been during class, after the lecture and a few minutes before the bell rang for third period. Lucky for you, both Asmodeus and Mammon had third period with you and the two brothers sat together. It would’ve been a lot harder to talk to them separately, at least that’s what you had previously thought.
“Ugh, I hear this fly buzzing around me, Mammon, it’s so annoying,” Asmodeus said, swiping through Devilgram without a care.
Grinning as if you heard nothing, you continued, “So, I was thinking it’d be nice to go out to the Fall tonight. We haven’t gone together for a while now like we used to, we should get back into it.”
Mammon folded his arms across his chest and looked up at you with exasperation, “Ya got some nerve to ask the Great Mammon to go clubbing with you.”
You took a deep breath to settle the anger rising within you, “It didn’t usually take much asking to get you to come with me, Mammon. What changed?”
Asmodeus scoffed at that, “I’m sure you know the answer to that, unless you really are dumb and need me to spell it out for you.”
It was two against one. And these two were possibly the worst pair, now that you thought about it.
Two of the most popular students, rulers of hell, and of course the center of all the gossip and rumors. And you were no longer the beloved Y/N. No, that was the clone.
You were just...you. And no one wanted to bother with the now average and unpopular human. So of course it made it so much worse when standing in front of Mammon and Asmodeus knowing that fact.
“I’m still Y/N, it’s not like-”
“Y/N!” Asmodeus interrupted you. You would’ve said he had lost interest in you but he never really had any from the start of the conversation. The demon practically skipped over to your clone, “You wanna go to the Fall tonight?”
You heard him giggling and chatting with the other Y/N from across the room. It made you want to cry and scream at him, though you knew it would do you know good. If anything, it would only make your situation worse.
I was the one who asked, Asmo!
Doing your best to remain strong, you straightened your shoulders out but you didn’t dare look at Mammon. You knew where your limits stood.
“It’d be nice to spend some time with my first demon, we haven’t been able to hang out anymore,” you mentioned softly, remembering the good times you had had with Mammon.
You missed it. Missed him.
You heard the chair scratch against the floor, making you aware of the fact that Mammon was now standing. Was he looking at you? Did he care to even spare you a glance?
You took a little peak at him.
A look of adoration decorated his visage, one that you knew all too well. That look of your first man telling you how much he loved you and how you were perfect and beautiful and everything he could possibly want. Even when it wasn’t for you, your heart fluttered the same way it always did you saw that expression.
He was looking at them.
And that was all you needed to know that you didn’t stand a chance. It didn’t take Mammon’s walking around to get to the other Y/N. And it didn’t take Mammon’s blushing face to tell you it was over for you.
No. It was the way he spoke. The joy in his voice, the warmth and silliness that came with being an idiotic lover. So in love with the other person that it changed his whole tone.
You had lost the battle before you even knew it. But you knew when you were defeated and when to give up.
You wouldn’t grovel at his feet for his attention. You wouldn’t beg for him to forget about the other Y/N. You were better than that so you would simply just walk away and hope your heart wouldn’t tear to pieces.
And that was exactly what you did. Only now a hole the size of two demons remained in your once full heart.
“Hey, Levi!”
As if the pain from Asmo and Mammon’s silent rejection wasn’t enough, it felt like you were now looking for more. Which was definitely not the case. It was just that you couldn’t have been so easily replaced by all seven of the demon brothers. You couldn’t allow that clone to have your demons.
It was nearly impossible, you knew. Even Mammon had deserted you so how could you keep going. Only pain waited for you at the end of the road, you could almost sense it. And still you were willing to hope for the chance that not all the brothers could give up on you just like that. If you could even get one brother on your side, maybe you could somehow convince the others that the clone they played around with would never match compared to you.
Which was now what led to you chasing after the third eldest brother. Having returned from school, you needed your best friend on your side. And you had a plan...well not really a plan but it was certainly something.
“Levi!” You called out.
The demon hardly paused as he headed for his room and you hurried to catch up to him as he was surprisingly fast for a shut-in otaku.
“Levi, stop!” You ordered, hoping to see him freeze as usually a command from you would get him to obey.
But it didn’t work. You couldn’t even feel your pact activate as it normally would.
That’s odd.
Maybe if you had more time, you would’ve thought more about why your pact wasn’t working. But you needed to catch up to Levi.
“I want to play a game with you!” You finally said, practically jogging to keep up with him. That made the demon pause.
He turned around to look at you with a bit of a sneer on his face, “Are you trying to get me to let you into my room, normie? I’ve already got Y/N to play games with so don’t bother.”
You grimaced at the sound of your name.
“Well...I don’t see Y/N anywhere so you’ve got no choice but to play with me.” You felt sick with the words you spoke. If it had been anyone else who had the same name as you, you wouldn’t care. But you were talking about your own replacement, a person who was exactly like you in physicality. Probably not mentally as the clone had proved to be smarter than you were, something that you were more than irked about.
“I heard you were looking for someone to play a new multiplayer game with you,” you explained.
Levi groaned in annoyance, “Yeah, but that doesn’t mean you. It’s a strategy game and I don’t think you’d be a good team member for this one. So I’d rather wait for Y/N to finish whatever the hell their doing so that they can play than lose ten battles in a span of a minute with you.”
A flash of anger sparked inside you. For him to say that to your face....the fucking audacity.
“Oh, so you really don’t think I can play, huh? Then how about we play 1v1 first and then we’ll see who’s so bad at your new game.”
You folded your arms and smugly grinned before saying, “Are you scared, Levi?”
His orange eyes lit with that competitive fury you knew all too well.
“Hah? Scared?” Levi scoffed, “so you’re not just stupid but also delusional.”
“Hmph, say all you want but it doesn’t hide the fact that you’re running away from me like a chicken.”
The demon looked at you in silence before sighing.
“Fine, we’ll play one round. But don’t be so sure about yourself, normie.”
You could think of the many times you had made a bad call. One time having involved a locked up demon with a grudge against humans. And now, you had made a bad call about playing against Levi.
Levi had gotten his hands on a Devildom version of Era of Kingdoms, a real-time strategy game and one you had never played. Sure you figured the new game wasn’t something you’d be able to play amazing at instantly, but you thought that the mechanics wouldn’t be too hard to get a grasp at. Oh how wrong you were.
So to say you were beat was an understatement, Levi had fucking demolished you in the span of three minutes.
“I knew it,” Leviathan sighed beside you, “You’ve got nothing to prove, human. You’re just like every stupid normie who thinks they can just randomly play with me.”
You were still staring at the screen. At Levi’s victory and your defeat, feeling as if it were mocking you. Telling you that you could never match against the demon brothers and that you were nowhere near good enough to be with them.
“This is why I only play with Y/N, my best friend. We’d actually have a decent battle and I wouldn’t have wasted my time with them,” the demon went on, “You know, I could be catching up on all my episodes of Stress makes Saduharu bald ,but it’s stressful to avoid stress, so he ends up stressed out anyway, so in the end there’s nothing he can do.”
Your grip on the controller tightened, taking deep breaths to calm yourself.
“This is why Y/N is so much better than you. You really are useless.”
That’s it!
You threw the controller aside and stood up, looking down at Levi who was sitting on one of the bean bags in his room. He didn’t spare you a glance.
“Fine,” you said, “Fine, if you want to replace me with that better and so much smarter version of me, than go ahead. I’m sure you two will have an absolute amazing time and you’ll just completely forget about me. But know I was the first person who actually bothered to care about your stupid games and anime.”
With that, you spun on your heel and marched right out of his room. On the way out, you passed by the other Y/N and you glared at them.
Of course they didn’t pay any attention to you, acting as if you didn’t exist.
It pissed you off so much more than you thought it would. But what could you do? Nobody would listen to how you feel because nobody cared.
You walked down the hallway, the surroundings blurring as you felt your eyes water with angry tears.
Stupid clone. Stupid demon brothers. Stupid everything!
In the heat of your emotions, you had lost all sense of where you were going. Which was what led you to collide directly into a wall, causing you to fall back on your butt.
“Ow!” You exclaimed, shocked at the sudden impact.
A familiar grumble sounded in reply and you gasped.
“You should be paying attention to where you’re going.”
You looked up and that was on wall you had run into. You nearly flinched at the large demon standing over you, his size only seeming to double now that you were sitting on the floor.
“Are you on your way to the kitchen?” You wondered, noticing that hungry look in his eyes.
Beel nodded, “Y/N was going to make me something from the new cookbook I got just yesterday.”
“You bought a cookbook?”
“Yeah,” Beel replied, “And I was hoping that Y/N would be free to cook but now they’re hanging out with Levi. So I have to try and make it myself...”
You frowned at that. You could already predict that Beel would eat the ingredients before he even opened the cookbook. It would be bad if he didn’t have anything to eat and seeing that the clone was occupied with Levi...
“I can help, Beel. I used to always cook for you, you know.” You got back up onto your feet, ignoring the pain in your heart at the fact that Beel wasn’t asking you.
The demon shrugged, “Not sure about that, it’s more complicated than the meals you used to make me.”
You highly doubted that. You had made meals that had tried to eat you before so how difficult could this one be?
And maybe Beel would finally see you and not the clone. That would be a good start for you.
All you needed to do was convince Beelzebub to let you cook for him.
“Well, I just passed by Y/N and they just got to Levi’s room so I can say for certain they’re not gonna be able to help you out anytime soon,” you told Beel, “But I’m sure you can hold out until then, right? It’s not like Levi has played games with them until the next morning...”
You stepped closer to the large demon, “You must be starving Beel. And you were probably looking forward to that dish for a while now, right? Well, I’m free so I could make it for you and you wouldn’t have to wait. How about it?”
Beel’s stomach grumbled and you could practically feel the walls of the house tremor. He looked down at his tummy with a sullen look before finally nodding.
Why...Why did it taste like Solomon’s food.
You would’ve never known from smelling the dish as it smelled delicious. But one little taste test had proved you so wrong.
Could it be you had mistaken an ingredient for something else? That couldn’t be possible, you were certain you had read each ingredient and had done every measurement right. It didn’t make sense.
“Is it done yet? It smells so good...I can’t wait to eat it.”
Oh no. Oh no no no. If Beel ate this you were certain people would think you’d committed an assassination on one of the Seven Rulers of Hell.
“Um...Beel. It needs a bit more time so...uh...but it’s almost done, kay?” You said over your shoulder before you stared down at the substance in the pan.
It looked fine! It looked cooked! And it smelled like food!
Why didn’t it taste like food?!
You looked at the cooking book again, reading over the instructions which you had followed to a tee. It was as if fate just wanted to screw you over. As if the entire world was against you and just wanted you to suffer.
“What’s that smell?”
A familiar voice, not Beel’s, brought an unspeakable amount of relief. Who better to ask about this dish than the all knowledgeable Satan!
You turned to him to ask for help only to immediately remember your relationship was no longer what it used to be. And Satan made it perfectly clear at what your relationship was, what with the look of clear annoyance on his face.
“Beel, you won’t want to eat what the human just made,” Satan said, looking over your shoulder at the food you knew tasted awful.
Beel tilted his head in confusion, “But it smells delicious.”
The fourth born shook his head, “Trust me, you won’t like it. I don’t know how but the human just took a page out of Solomon’s cooking book and made a perfect Solomon specialty.”
You winced, your shoulders curling in with shame.
You looked to Beel, “I-I don’t know how it happened, B-Beel. I mean I did exactly what the recipe told me to do a-and it just turned out like this.”
Apparently Beel just didn’t believe you or Satan, either that or he was just too hungry to actually listen. Either way he took a fork full of food and shoved it into his mouth.
“No-!” Both Satan and you cried out.
But it was too late. Beel’s fork was frozen in his mouth and you could swear he wasn’t breathing anymore.
“Beel, I’m so sorry,” you managed to say, though it came out as a small whisper.
“Beel, can you spit it out?” Satan asked, speaking in the same volume as you as if talking any louder would disturb Beel.
The kitchen was silent as if to pay respect to the death of Beel’s taste buds.
Damn that cookbook! You knew you had done everything perfectly. So why was it so bad?
“Hey guys!”
You knew that voice.
Both Satan and you turned to see the clone standing at the entrance to the kitchen. And in their hands was a plate of cookies.
Where the hell did they get that?
Hadn’t they been with Leviathan? How did they manage to arrive at the perfect time with the perfect solution so perfectly?
“Y/N! Perfect timing, Beel just ate something bad, can you give him those cookies?” Satan said, jumping into action to save his younger brother.
The other Y/N gasped, “Alright!”
In a matter of seconds and a few dozen cookies, Beel no longer looked as if he were about to be sick.
“What did you eat, Beel? I don’t remember you getting this sick since the time Solomon cooked those devil spring rolls for us,” the other Y/N asked, putting a hand on Beel’s arm.
The casual gesture made you stiffen with annoyance.
Beel pointed his finger at you.
Why? You had only been trying to help. Why did things have to turn out like this? Would anyone believe you if you said you had made the dish perfectly? And that you had done exactly what the recipe told you to?
How could it have gone so wrong? Bitterly, you thought maybe the other Y/N would’ve made the dish and it’d actually taste good. After all, it seemed the world was making the way for the clone and a recipe like this would have turned out amazing.
It might just be you. Just your bad luck and whatever was happening to your life now.
A sigh came from Satan, “That’s it, human. I’m taking you out of the kitchen, clearly you’re not fit for this.”
The demon grabbed your arm and dragged you out like a rag doll.
“I don’t know what you’re trying to prove, just leave us alone and you can go back to your regular life,” Satan said as he pulled you down the hallways.
“You mean to a life without you.”
Satan eyed you before pausing suddenly. You didn’t know why he had stopped and you certainly didn’t expect him to pull you closer to him.
It was like the world had stopped. And...for a second you forgot what your situation was like. Forgot that for the past week, you had been cast aside like a broken toy...abandoned and left to collect dust.
His eyes that you knew to be so gentle and warm stared at you with a cold sharpness. It was easy to ignore that detail when Satan was so close to you, so close you could smell that scent of books and ink and that soothing hint of vanilla.
You wanted to kiss him. To hold him close and forget about the pain you had been dealing with. The hurt and loneliness which made you wonder how you used to feel loved. You wanted him. Wanted him to fill that growing hole in your heart that once was filled by the demon brothers. Ironically, it was the demon brothers who had caused that hole.
I just want you back.
The time spent away from the demon brothers was cold and it only made you think of how lonely you were.
Just come back to me.
“Satan,” you whispered, your voice cracking from the sob you had buried deep within to hide your vulnerability.
“What made you think you'd ever have a life with us?”
And there it was. The finger to the trigger, the final crack in the dam, the last piece of hope you had held for him.
It took everything in you to step back.
But you did so and you turned away from him.
A humorless laugh slipped past your lips and you shook your head, “You know, I just want to know one thing.”
You imagined the other Y/N, doing what you used to do with the demon brothers, and you felt something dark inside of you bloom. Was it hatred that you felt?
“Is this all just a horrible nightmare?” You asked, your aching heart wishing that it were, “It just doesn’t make sense that this is all happening...like it’s all orchestrated by somebody else.”
You glanced at Satan.
But then he scoffed, “I don’t know what you’re talking about, this is real.”
And you believed him.
To be continued~
Part 4
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pedropascal-y · 1 year
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Look Away From Me - Joel Miller x Reader
joel miller x f!reader
MDNI, 18+, ageless/empty/under 18 blogs will be blocked.
word count: 1.9K
  Warnings: Domestic abuse, mentions of domestic abuse, cussing, violence (typical TLOU stuff), age gap (26 to Joel's 56), ‘cheating’, please lmk if I missed any.
While there is no smut in the first couple of chapters, there will be eventually, and thus the 18+ requirement
  Summary: In Jackson, WY, you are one of the teachers in the community. You are quite young which means Ellie takes a liking to you and she’s not the only one. 
  a/n: please share your thoughts! I’m not new to fanfiction writing but it HAS been a while. I am a massive Joel Miller girl. I will try my hardest to avoid ‘y/n’ but it may happen occasionally. You do have a nickname, Sunny, that your father gave you before he passed. 
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(i made the mdni & arrows picture, credit me if u use it.)
Chapter 1 - Fruits of Labor - 04/13/2023
Chapter 2 - X - Coming Soon
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Wyoming summers are unbearably hot, at least this one was. I pulled my desk drawer open and set my planner and journal inside. He would never let me have something private, so I kept my journal locked in my work desk. “I haven’t patrolled something in a while and Jackson is so large,” Ellie said, drawing on a piece of loose paper. The other students have grouped off to chat while they finish up their assignments for the day. 
“You’ve got this, Ellie, you’re stronger than the majority of the kids here.” I smiled at her, watching her try to hide her blush. Ellie preferred to sit next to my desk and talk to me, rather than the other kids. She was more grown than the others which broke my heart. At fourteen, she lived through more than some of the adults in the community. Besides, unspoken social rules went out the window the moment the world ended. Being friends with a fourteen-year-old was the least problematic thing I could do. Dina placed her paper on my desk and smiled at Ellie.
“Are you coming to the summer party this week, Sunny?” Dina asked me and looked back at her friends. 
“When have I ever missed it, Dina?” I smiled at her, grabbing the paper from the corner of my desk and sliding it into the basket, “Ellie, you and Joel should come! The community hasn’t seen much of you two.” 
She dropped her pencil and brushed her loose hair from her face. “I’ll see if I can get the old man to get out of the house.” Ellie grabbed my calendar and looked for the party. Since I’ve no clue what day it is exactly or what month for that matter, I’ve made a calendar specifically used for keeping track of schooling for the kids. The community picked up on using it because their kids spread it around. 
The classroom fell silent as I stood from my chair and dismissed them for the day. I tightened the braid in my hair and grabbed my apron from the shelf beside me. The sun was shining brightly, the heat was radiating and everyone was wearing as few clothes as possible. The farm was a decent walk from the building they designated as my schoolhouse. I wasn’t one to complain, I loved being in nature. Whenever people were needed for runs, I volunteered to go. There was nothing like a Wyoming forest, the scenery of the hills and mountains was breathtaking, even the thirtieth time around. 
“Hey there, Sunny,” Judith waved to me before bending back down to tend the carrots. I waved back quickly before pulling my apron on. My dress was a pale yellow with small daisies on it. I wasn’t worried about dirt getting on it but if I could minimize the amount of dirt, I was going to. Ellie made eye contact with me as I picked up the small basket for weeds I pulled. She waved and continued walking with Hayden, the teenager who was also assigned to patrol duty. He was interested in her and it was obvious to everyone who ever looked their way. Ellie? Ellie is a, and I am quoting her here, “hardcore lesbian.” I kneeled down in the dirt and started tugging away the weeds around the strawberry bushes. I sank my hands under the freshly turned dirt and took a deep breath. The sun shone on my face and warmed me both inside and out. Ellie stood at the gate of the patch and watched me. “Sunny?” She called out.
“Yes?” I answered.
“Why haven’t you gone home yet?”
“I like being in nature and they don’t care that I help them out.” I shrugged, gently pouring some water onto the leaves of the strawberry bush. Ellie waved Hayden off and opened the gate. She knelt down beside me and pulled a strawberry from the bush. “At least help me pull weeds if you’re going to steal produce, Ells.” I laughed and nudged her. She laughed and tugged on a small weed near the bush she stole from. 
Ellie and I stood up from the ground and high-fived each other for our work. “Ellie?” Someone called out for her. We turned around and I locked eyes with Joel. 
“Hey, old man!” She yelled to him. Ellie watched as Joel locked eyes with me, “This is Sunny, my teacher and part-time gardener.”
“Sunny isn’t actually my name, my dad gave me that nickname.” I smiled and brushed the dirt from my apron and dress. 
“It’s a good nickname,” Joel said, his eyes still locked on me.
“Ew, stop staring, Joel!” Ellie exclaimed and left the gated farm patch.
“I wasn’t staring, let’s go get dinner.” He groaned and waved goodbye.
They continued to bicker with one another as they walked toward the canteen. Judith had left the farm not too long ago leaving me alone to put the supplies away. I tuck the emptied basket into the shelf I retrieved it from and pull my apron off. The walk to my house was quiet, the majority of the population was headed to the canteen or eating in their own homes. 
“Ace?” I called out as I opened the door. Snickersnee rubbed his face on my leg, meowing softly as I shut the door. “Is your daddy not home yet?” I asked my cat. He chirped at me in response. I pressed a soft kiss to Snickersnee’s head. He was probably still working. The house was quiet and still, not even Snic made a sound. It felt uncomfortable to have a quiet home, as a child before the outbreak my house was never quiet. It was always filled with life and music. My dad made sure of it. 
I climbed the stairs and flicked the bathroom light on. I had some dirt smeared onto my face and my hair was half in a braid and the other half a mess. My face was red and sweaty from working so hard. I pulled the towel off the wall and put some of it in cold water. My dress was clean for the most part which was a win on my part. I wiped my face down and relished in the cool fabric cleansing my face. Snickersnee was sat on top of the toilet seat, quietly watching me. I tossed the towel into the hamper and let my hair out. My brush ran through my hair smoothly until I reached the ends of it. Snic hopped onto the counter and rubbed against me. He pressed his forehead to mine and began purring. I pulled my hair into a half-up half-down hairstyle and left for the canteen.
“Sunny! Come sit with us!” Ellie yelled to me as I entered the building. I nodded and headed to the food line. Today’s menu was chicken parmesan, we had more than enough chickens to spare. I piled my plate on and grabbed water before making my way to the table Ellie and Joel were seated at. “Your hair looks good,” Ellie said as I sat down across from her. Joel was on my left, quietly finishing his dinner. “Joel,” She nudged him, and he grunted, “Tell her she looks pretty.”
He looked at me for the first time since I entered the building and I smiled at him. Joel took a moment and nodded, “Pretty.” Ellie rolled her eyes and mouthed an apology. It made me laugh. Although they weren’t blood-related, those two were family. Father and daughter without a single doubt in my mind. The canteen was loud and busy, a signal that today was a good day of work for everyone. Tommy and Maria loved when the canteen was full and lively. It reminded them of all the work that goes into the place. Maria and Tommy walked in with their daughter, Zarah. An infant, she was born two weeks ago and they were on top of the world. The older women surrounded them immediately, desperate to hold the baby. It made me smile, and the community was so willing to help new parents. Bittersweet is how I would describe it. I always wanted children but not with my husband. I don’t want to bring children into our relationship. Ace has been pushing the narrative that he and I have been trying for a baby but we use every precaution possible and we haven't had sex in the past 4 weeks. For that, I am thankful if not concerned. Why would my husband not want to have sex with me? I guess the only time he wants his hands on me is when he’s beating me.
“Alright, well, I’m all done,” I cleared my throat and looked at Ellie, “Wanna help me do dishes for the kitchen crew?”
“Hell yeah.” She exclaimed. I wouldn’t have expected her to be excited about cleaning dishes but she and I were close and loved spending time together. I took Joel’s empty plate from him and placed a hand on his shoulder before heading to the kitchen. 
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“Joel,” Ellie nudged me, “Tell her she’s pretty.”
I rolled my eyes before looking up at Sunny. Her hair was nicer than when she was knees in the dirt and she was freshened up. Clean. She was gorgeous. I cleared my throat and muttered, “Pretty.” Such a weak word to describe how she looked. Ellie knew it and mouthed an apology she thought I didn’t see. I kept shoveling my food into my mouth. My back had been killing me all day and I was starving. Tommy made me miss breakfast today because he needed a crew to help lug the bodies of raiders to the river's edge. 
“Alright, well, I’m all done. Wanna help me do the dishes for the kitchen crew?” She asked Ellie. Ellie agreed quickly and snatched her plate up. Sunny grabbed my plate, placed a hand on my shoulder, and tapped before heading to the sink to wash dishes. Tommy sat down in Sunny’s seat with Zarah. Maria was grabbing herself some food. “She’s married, Joel.” He spoke first, wiggling his finger for Zarah. He had named her after Sarah, he had brought the idea to me a day or two before Maria gave birth. Ellie helped me come to agree with it, my niece is beautiful, with the deepest brown eyes and chubbiest cheeks.
“I see the way you look at her.”
“Got no clue what you’re talking about, Tom.”
“Oh fuck off. You’re my brother.”
“Watch your language.”
“She’s not even a month old. I can say what I want.”
My eyes drifted toward Ellie and her doing dishes. Sunny reached for an extra sponge from the shelf and her dress lifted up. Purple. Her upper thigh had a purple bruise on it and rage bubbled. Tommy was too distracted trying to get Zarah to laugh to notice my fist turning white. The idea of someone laying hands on a woman enraged me already but one as kind and beautiful as her? I wanted nothing more than to murder that son of a bitch she called her husband. “Who’s her husband?” I asked, trying my hardest to restrain the anger in my voice. 
“Ace Hutchinson,” Tommy said.
“The doctor?” I asked him, looking away from Ellie and her.
“Yeah, so stay away from her.” 
“I wasn’t the one who invited her to sit with me, that was Ellie.”
“Ok, whatever you say.”
I watched as Tommy went and sat at the table with his wife, leaving me alone. Ellie splashed Sunny and laughed loudly. It was nice seeing Ellie enjoy herself and break out of her shell. I was glad someone got to see what I get to see every day of my life.
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fanficshiddles · 9 months
Longing, One Shot
Thank you for the prompt toshisurtsdottir submitted:
Loki is a Professor at Hogwarts (let’s say, for fun, he’s the grumpy potions Professor) and has a colleague called Toshi Vernier (also, just a fun name I made up). The two of them have a love-hate relationship. Loki is walking through the halls at night, seeing if any students are out when he bumps into Toshi. Taking advantage of the darkness, the two of them decide to finally give in to their desires and end up in his small potion cabinet ;)
I know how much you love Snape, so I’ve changed/added to this slightly…
Loki was on duty tonight to check the halls, there had been some unruly students the previous few weeks causing trouble at night, so all the Professor’s were taking turns making sure students were behaving.
‘Lumos.’ Loki swished his wand and it lit up the corridor ahead of him as he thought he heard a noise.
He took a few more steps towards the noise when suddenly a tiny mouse came scurrying around the corner with Mrs Norris, Filches cat, hot on its heels.
Loki smirked and shook his head. ‘Evening, Norris.’
The cat gave a small yowl in response as she continued to focus on her prey and ran off in the direction Loki had just come from.
Loki put his wand away, putting him back into darkness. With only the light of the moon shining in through the window to guide his way. But he preferred it that way, it made it easier to catch any students too, if they couldn’t see him coming.
It became eerily quiet as he rounded another corner and came to the large doors of the banquet hall. He opened one door with a creak and narrowed his eyes as he glanced around the large room, there was nothing out of the ordinary that he could see. He backed out and shut the door again, but as he turned around, he was slightly startled as there was a small figure right next to him.
He whipped out his wand and aimed it at the shadow, but he was then aimed at too with a wand, and as his eyes adjusted more with the moonlight, he realised he recognised the silhouette.
‘Not many people can sneak up on me like that.’ He drawled with a smirk as he lowered his wand.
‘I’m not many people.’ Toshi responded as she twirled her wand up in the air and caught it before putting it away in her pocket.
‘Indeed.’ Loki growled low and licked his lips.
Toshi Vernier was one Professor that Loki couldn’t get out of his mind. She was a feisty woman, but he could tell she had a kind heart, even if she tried to hide it for the most time. But she doted on her students, wanting to help them get the best out of themselves.
She always announced her dislike of Loki, but they both knew it was mainly because he had replaced Professor Severus Snape in potions. She and Snape had been very close, but even though they had both really liked one another, neither of them had ever made the first move so their relationship never progressed. Then Hogwarts decided to replace Snape with Loki.
Toshi had been absolutely devasted. Poor Loki had been hurled abuse at by her for the first few months, but then it slowly became more bickering than anything. And Loki was able to give back just as good as he got.
And while in the last five months they often argued and poked fun at eachother, there was no denying that there was tension brewing between them. Toshi would never admit that she had a crush on Loki, that he was so good looking… She knew her heart belonged to Snape… Or at least, she thought it did.
‘What are you doing out of bed?’ Loki asked as he folded his arms over his chest.
‘I’m not a student, I am allowed to go where I want, when I want.’ Toshi said as she turned on her heels and headed down the corridor.
Loki followed after her, easily catching up with his large strides till he was right behind her. ‘I never said you couldn’t. I was simply asking what you were doing out of bed.’
‘I couldn’t sleep. So I thought I’d come and see which poor sucker was on duty tonight. And low and behold, it’s the suckiest sucker of them all.’
‘Watch it, brat.’ Loki growled at her and tugged on her hair sharply, making her yelp. ‘There may not be any students going about tonight to get punished, but there’s a professor that’s walking a very thin line.’
‘Yeah, you wish. You couldn’t handle me even if I allowed it.’ Toshi scoffed as she pulled her hair round over the front of her shoulder so it was out of Loki’s reach.
Loki moved in closer to her so she could feel his breath against her ear, the darkness heightening her senses.
‘Are you sure you wouldn’t like me to try?’ He whispered.
Toshi’s stomach twisted in knots. She wanted him… she really did. But did she want to give in? Could she give in?
Loki grinned widely at her silence, he knew she was conflicted. He slid his hand up her back to rest at the back of her neck, squeezing a little as they walked down the corridor.
‘Let’s make a bet, hmm? I bet I can have you a crumbling mess within the hour.’
Toshi was already keening a little at his hand on her neck, but she tried to remain strong.
‘An hour? Pfft.’
‘Half hour.’ Loki growled.
Toshi looked up at him, though she couldn’t see the expression on his face, she just knew that he was smirking. He always was, the annoying asshole.
They had stopped just outside his potion’s classroom, Loki reached out and opened the door, then waited for her response.
‘I guess I have nothing better to do.’ Toshi said with a shrug as she sauntered into the room.
She’d been in there many times, so knew her way around even in the dark. Most of her time was spent in there with Snape, simply just being in his presence while he worked on potions. Sometimes she had sat in on his classes, hidden at the back. Her heart hurt at the thought, though she didn’t get long to think about him before she felt Loki’s presence on her.
He was surprisingly gentle, at first. He cupped her face in both hands and kissed her deeply, his hands didn’t wander too far as his tongue began teasing hers. She slowly melted into him, and moaned into his mouth when he wrapped an arm around her to pull her flush against him.
Loki smirked against her lips, his hand then ventured further down over the swell of her ass. He gripped her hard, making her squeak. She could feel his bulge already pressing against her stomach through their clothes.
When they stopped for air, Toshi was feeling very flustered. She was starting to think he would indeed have her in a desperate mess for him within half an hour. Maybe less.
‘Time to teach you a lesson, darling. I’m going to fuck the brat out of you.’ He lifted her with ease around her middle and tossed her onto his desk at the front of the class, she went to move but he forced her down on her stomach and pinned her in place with his hand on the back of her neck. ‘No, no. You’ll be a good girl and do as you’re told.’
Toshi didn’t want to let him know the way he was speaking was arousing her so much, so she bit her tongue to keep quiet. But to Loki, her silence was louder than any noise she could make. He knew he was getting under her skin. He was going to win this.
Loki muttered a spell to remove her clothes, she cursed under her breath as she felt the cold air of the night hit her body, making her shiver. Loki slid his hand down her spine and chuckled as he felt her goosebumps rise on her skin, a mix of arousal and the cold.
‘Let’s see what I’m dealing with here.’ He gave her ass a sharp smack, making her gasp. She was about to say something witty but Loki put his large hand over her mouth to stop her. ‘Now now, pet. You don’t want to say anything that will get you into further trouble, do you?’
Toshi rolled her eyes, knowing he wouldn’t see since they were still limited with light. When she just huffed against his hand, Loki slowly removed it from her mouth.
‘Just as I thought.’ He chuckled.
He turned his attention back to her ass, gently rubbing over her cheeks, then he moved further down and he pushed her thighs apart so he could feel her. He cooed in delight as he slid his fingers through her wet folds.
‘My my, you are absolutely soaking already.’ He leisurely inserted two digits into her, curling them unhurriedly over her g spot that he was able to reach easily with his long fingers.
She mewled on the table under him, still being pinned down at the back of her neck while he continued rubbing over her g spot in a torturously slow manner. His thumb took possession of her clit, making her mind explode already and he’d barely begun touching her.
Toshi knew that she had lost the bet. But then she realised something…
‘Wai… wait… what happens if… I lose the bet?’ She whined, her body tried pushing down on his fingers to get more.
Loki chuckled wickedly and thrust his fingers into her a few more times before pulling his hand away completely. He moved around the table to the top of it so she could see his face, lit up by the way the moon was shining in. He looked far too beautiful like that…
‘I thought you’d never ask. And it’s clear you’ve lost already…’ He slipped his fingers into her mouth, making her taste herself.
‘Enough games, just tell me.’ Toshi whined over his fingers and squirmed.
But then she realised that she couldn’t move much because there was a weight that came over her back… A new warm breath against the back of her ear made her tremble.
‘It means I get to play too.’
Toshi knew that voice anywhere. She felt a big wave of emotions hit her. More arousal, shock, anger, sadness, happiness…
‘Severus?’ She gasped and tried looking round over her shoulder, but the way he had her pinned down she couldn’t.
Snape chuckled and then gripped her hair, tugging her head right back so she was looking up at him from upside down. Her eyes welled up with tears upon seeing him again after so long, but then her entire body felt like it was on fire as she realised the position she was.
‘Hello, lovely one.’ He grinned at her and kissed her forehead, making her heart explode. ‘I should have done this a long time ago.’ He growled.
Toshi cried out in pleasure as Snape positioned himself between her legs and she felt the blunt head of his cock press into her, slowly, oh so slowly… But she could feel every inch of him and it was better than she could have ever imagined.
She pressed her face down against the table, the coolness of it on her forehead helping to keep her grounded… for a little while. When Snape bottomed out in her he then, without warning, pulled almost all the way out so just the tip remained snuggled inside her and slammed back into her roughly, moving the table too underneath them.
‘As Loki said, you need the brat fucked out of you. And he’s prepared you so well for me.’ Snape hissed into her ear as he started fucking her roughly from behind.
With every thrust she cried out, her knuckles began turning white from the strong grip she had on the edge of the table.
Snape grabbed a fistful of her hair and tugged her head up off the table, her eyes widened as she could see Loki standing over her, his cock pulled out and proudly straining towards her.
‘Go on, suck him off. Put that filthy mouth of yours to good use.’ Snape demanded and let go of her hair so Loki could take hold and control her.
She didn’t need to be told twice as she parted her lips and took Loki’s cock into her mouth. She sucked him off as best she could, but it was difficult to concentrate with the pounding she was getting from Snape. She could feel his hair tickle her skin as he leaned down to kiss and suck on her neck.
‘Ohh that’s it. Good little brat.’ Loki hummed as he closed his eyes and let himself get lost in the incredible feeling of her wet, warm mouth.
Toshi’s mind had long gone, she couldn’t even remember her own name. All she could focus on was that she was being spit roasted by two gorgeous men that she had fantasised about for a long time now…
Swirling her tongue around Loki’s cock, he forced her head further down so she relaxed her throat as best she could, but her gag reflex did kick in a bit and made her gag on him. But Loki loved that feeling and it pushed him over the edge. He pulled out of her mouth and came all over her face with a loud moan.
‘Your turn, love. Come on, cum all over my cock.’ Snape said huskily into her ear.
He delivered a few last perfectly aimed thrusts into her, that sent her sky high as she clamped down on his cock. She was so sensitive from her orgasm that she could feel his cock pulsing as he hotly spurted his own release deep into her.
Finally, they both had what they’d been longing for for years.
Snape hid a tear that rolled down his cheek as he pressed his face into her hair. While Toshi had tears freely flowing, she couldn’t hide.
When Snape pulled out of her and got off her, Loki then helped her to sit up. She was shaky, but ok. Snape took his cloak and draped it around her to keep her warm.
‘I… I can’t believe you’re here.’ Toshi said as Loki turned on the lights in the classroom so they could all see clearly.
Snape smiled fondly at her and cupped her cheek. She closed her eyes and leaned into his touch.
‘I had to come back for you.’ He said softly.
‘I… have so many questions.’ Toshi said as she shook her head in disbelief.
‘We better go somewhere more private, your chambers.’ Loki said to Toshi as he walked back over to them both.
‘Yes, it’s probably best that my visit is kept quiet.’ Snape nodded.
Snape wrapped his arm around Toshi as she slid off the table, her knees were still weak as the three of them made their way to the door. But they stopped dead when they saw the door was open slightly, with Mrs Norris sitting there watching them all with her judging eyes.
‘Shit.’ All three of them muttered at the same time as Norris then bolted out the door.
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lutawolf · 1 year
TharnType Episode 7
If you guys have missed the previous reviews, they can be found here.
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I love this scene so much for so many reasons. One of them being that though they aren't saying they are together, they really aren't hidden. I mean, Tharn his carrying Type's drink for goodness’s sake! I mean, Techno knows.
Then we have a moment of reveal in which Type admits he is dating someone, but doesn't say who. Hiding and yet not hiding. I especially love the way Techno's eyes slide right to Tharn. Like bitch, you are not fooling me, but I need confirmation. "Let's talk about your "girlfriend", Type" 🤣🤣🤣
I mean, they are getting an apartment together. And there we go, there is Tharn admitting it. But other than Techno, Type sets the hard limit of him not wanting others to know. I know this was a hard thing for people to accept, but he put it out there. He was up front. It's just like guidelines, those are your limits, and they are what they are for your own reason. Tharn accepted this.
Now Type is back in his hometown about to learn some hard truths about himself. The way he talks about Tharn is a clear indicator of someone who is trying to stay detached, but can't. Already calling him, and of course Tharn has to call him out on it. Meanwhile, Tharn has no trouble admitting how he feels. Which is good because Type is the type that needs constant reassurance. When you bring a wall down, it is a bit like mowing the lawn. You don't stay on top of maintaining it, the grass grows back. Same with the wall we put up to protect ourselves.
Both of them ending the call smiling like stupid idiots is so cute.
Kom comes to visit! Kom speaking the truth. You always attract men. In the book, this is especially true. That's one of the reasons that Type is more homophobic than he likely would have been. He was constantly being hit on by guys who had a hard time understanding no. Think about women who have been SA, we aren't surprised that they dislike men because they will continue to be bothered and hurt by men. Just because a man is gay doesn't mean he can't be pushy. I mean honestly Tharn is pushy. It just happened that he clicked a switch in Type, unlike the others. But imagine having PTSD and no chance to breath or recoup. That's what has made Type who he is.
Kom says, "Come on, it's better to be loved than hated." So we are going back to this common narrative. We've seen it in earlier episode. It becomes ironic when said to a guy, but it's very commonly said to females. "You should appreciate all the attention you get." Why though? If someone doesn't want the attention, then they don't want it.
Wait Luta, you're confusing. We've watched enough of MAME to know that the characters pursue. Yup, that is correct. SA survivors have walls a mile high, it's gonna take work to break those down. We need people to gradually boulder the wall, not come in like a wrecking ball. We can't feel threatened or scared. And when we lash out, you'll have to take responsibility. Which is the standing difference. Abusers always blame you where people who actually give a fuck, take responsibility.
They are at the full moon party and everything about Type's body language says uncomfortable. Then the guy comes from Type's behind and touches him. Most SA survivors are triggered by touches from behind, first instinct is to punch and ask questions later. Type didn't physically touch the other students who touched him, just this guy who came up behind him. His PTSD fight or flight was triggered and since he was up against a bar and this dude behind him, his body had one choice. But that's real hard to explain to people in the heat of PTSD or coming off of it. Instead, Type once again lets his hate fester, but it bites him in the ass with his friend. Notice that Type is immediately upset, he is starting to get it.
Here is the thing about prejudice. It takes time to over come. People always crack me up when they meet prejudice with anger. When they think that everyone should magically understand and think like them because they can so clearly see that it's right. But everyone has prejudice. Everyone. Now, not everyone gives into it. But bare with me, and I'll try to explain social psychology. At its core, prejudice is simply an association of a sensory cue to an innate behavioral response. So like dog snarls and often bites, becomes dog that snares bites. Basically, human beings adapted mechanisms to respond quickly to visual cues that our brains deem dangerous without our conscious awareness. What's asinine is sometimes our brains see patterns in stupidly harmless things. You ever get a stomach bug and associate a certain food with that stomach bug, so much so that you won't eat it again. Even though you know it won't likely cause you to be sick again?
Now, most people are intelligent and empathetic enough to control reactionary implicit bias. Unless there is patternization or brainwashing. In Type's case, it's not brainwashing because he doesn't have people telling him how bad gays are, but the opposite. However, he has had repeated bad experiences with homosexuals, so it's pattern process. So what does all this mean? Type is scared, terrified really, and kicking someone like that is only going to make them fight back. Tharn is teaching him and helping him grow, but it's going to take time to circumvent the fear.
It took me a really long time to remove my prejudice towards men. A lot of therapy and support. But the empathy is there for Type, he is trying to be better. I love that he talks to Tharn about it, and it's not made into a big deal. Why? Because Tharn knows Type, and he already knows that the guy must have touched Type. Touch is a trigger for Type as it is for me. Once again, we see Tharn not being shy with his feelings, which is exactly what Type needs.
Type coming back home and Tharn immediately racing to him is a top scene for me.
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Tharn's sad face when Type says he won't tell anyone about them. He knew this, I'm not saying it's right, but I'm not judging it either. Type hasn't had time to come to terms with himself yet. I can understand the hesitation. I understand Tharn being upset. They are both justified in feeling what they are feeling.
The sushi scene is more than just a fun scene. Tharn hates sushi, but here is Type in public trying to feed him. So hell yes, he is going to eat that sushi. And Type hates that he hurts Tharn, so he just wants to do something for him.
The store room again!!! Hahaha!!! Mister, I don't want anyone to know, but I'll let you hold my hand in public while begging. Not suspicious at all. The sales girl is such a fan. Me too girl! Me too!
I really don't like San. Not just because of him trying to get back with Tharn but come one. What he did to Tharn was not acceptable.
I love the Facebook birthday scene. Tharn had no intention of telling Type his birthday. He knows Type will go looking, and he loves that. It lets him know that he is special to Type.
Okay so the scene on the bed. Where Type is spilling bullshit. Notice that Tharn does not meet this with anger. Just a deep sigh and calmness. Type rewards him with telling him that he is already his. The softer Tharn is, the more Type gentles, which is very accurate.
So that's it for this episode. Hope you enjoy this book. If you get to the end. Big Thanks!!! 💜💜💜
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ggadtomarry · 2 years
A messy thing where Severus gets justice
I need catharsis.
I crave a very specific fic and it doesn’t magically appear.
So in the end I wrote it myself.
So yes, an over indulgent words vomit where Albus is a fucking decent man and steps up for the victim of sexual abuse.
Albus punishes the Marauders and helps Severus. Also GGAD.
-James and Sirius-
So, Headmaster Dumbledore called Sirius, James and Remus to this office.
Oh, that’s perfectly normal, they are in detention a week on a week off. Such miscreants, they are. Rules don’t apply to them.
So, here they are, maybe they will get another inspiring speech about showing a good example for the other less fortunate students.
They enter, joking.
Oh, Snivellus is here, Oh well. What’s the matter now?
Albus looks at them. And if they had any self-awareness, they would be quiet, if nothing else. But they never were held responsible for anything. So they just smile their cocky charming smile.
The Headmaster starts with some questions. Like if they know why they were convocated and such.
The Gryffindors make some joke answers, and laugh at their jokes. Severus flinches, but nobody notices it (Albus notices it).
Dumbledore asks about the day before.
Oh yeah, the funniest genius prank.
Just some roughing up between boys, you know?
They will behave. For a while, at least!
The Headmaster looks at them. A beat. Then something starts showing in the air, like dark grey clouds. Fascinating, it’s like a moving photo. Oh, it’s a memory.
A memory about Snivellus upside down while James and Sirius are taking his undies off.
Albus dissolves the memory.
“Do you have anything to say about it?”
James does, actually.
“it was just a good laugh!”
Dumbledore’s blue eyes become icy, hard, and unforgiving.
“You deeply disgust me.”
They flinch, like they were leashed at.
The Headmaster looks at them again. It’s unreadable like a statue.
“Mr. Potter. Mr. Black. You are being charged with accuse of sexual abuse against Severus Snape. Mr. Black, you are also charged with attempted murder. Your families have just got notified, the Aurors are here to arrest you.”
The two boys start protesting, but the door opens, the Aurors come and bind them, while they are screaming and kicking and swearing their families will never accept this.
But Dumbledore just refuses to look at them and he doesn’t answer, and they get dragged away. The whole school will see them getting dragged away by Aurors.
Severus and Remus are speechless.
Dumbledore isn’t.
“Mr. Lupin. You let a schoolmate being sexually abused. With your active decision to let it continue, you deeply shame your prefect medal. I must order you to return it to me, you are not worthy of it. You betrayed the trust I had placed on you.”
Remus moves slowly, like he can’t believe it isn’t a nightmare.
“I am sorry…”
“Did you ever apologize to Mr. Snape?”
Shame. Blush. Eyes down.
“I thought so. Only him can accept your apology, Mr. Lupin. Please return to your dormitory, tomorrow we will have lots to discuss concerning your punishment and corrective measures.”
Then Dumbledore looks at Severus. Severus looks at him as if he had never seen him before.
“I am sorry for what you had to suffer in this school. I am deeply ashamed for not having intervened in time. I do not expect you to accept my apology, but I hope you will let me help you heal.”
Nobody has ever said these words to Severus. Nobody.
“What you had to suffer has broken adult wizards and witches. But you are not alone. There are people, doctors, therapists who can help you. Yes, muggle therapists. Wonderful men and women, I sometimes visit them and I really recommend their services.”
He looks at Severus, and it’s not disgust, it’s not pity, it’s compassion. It’s like rain after the desert.
“My office is always open for you, Severus. Please feel free to owl me anytime.”
Is it a dream?
“You didn’t deserve anything that has happened to you, Severus. You didn’t deserve to be threatened, humiliated, molested. I am so sorry for all of this. You have so much to offer the world, Severus, you have so much potential inside you. The fact that you went on in spite of your hardships is admirable. But you don’t have to do it alone anymore.”
It’s perhaps the best thing that has ever happened to Severus. It’s the best thing any adult has ever done for him. It’s confusing. It’s overwhelming.
Severus starts crying.
And Headmaster Dumbledore, instead of mocking him, or shaming him, just looks at him kindly. Then he looks away, and there are tears in his eyes too.
“Severus!” It’s Lily, running towards him.
She wants to happen what happened to the Gryffindors, of course.
Severus tells her. They are accused of sexual abuse and are in custody.
Lily speaks again, thirsty for particulars.
Severus speaks, too, and it’s a sort of out-of-the-body experience.
“Lily. I am deeply sorry for having used that word. I am ashamed of myself, I shouldn’t have done it and it will never happen again.”
A deep breath.
“But. You left me alone. You left me alone while everyone was laughing at my underwear. You let them sexual abuse me. You don’t have to forgive me for what I did. But I don’t think I will ever forgive you, for leaving me when I needed help. And you didn’t even apologize to me. You are not sorry. I don’t think we can continue being friends. I need time to reflect, at least.”
And Severus leaves, and Lily shouts his name, and it’s damn hard, but he doesn’t turn back.
And… for the first time in forever, Severus feels something like strength. He would have never thought it would happen, but now he looks forward to the appointment with the Headmaster.
After consoling Severus and offering him some rare potions to help him for the night (tomorrow they have to discuss the therapy plans, both magic and muggle ones), Albus goes out.
It has been weeks. He was so very busy.
But then, here he is. Nurmengard.
The prison is empty, as usual, save his only prisoner.
Nobody can enter, nobody can go out. The prison only recognizes his master.
Gellert is awake, waiting for him, maybe he had a vision about this visit, too.
His mismatched eyes are kind, and it’s all Albus needs now.
They are entangled in a hug, and Albus cries.
After a while, Gellert takes him to the sofa, and listens to him. To everything.
Albus confesses his faults. Confesses ignoring an assassination attempt of a boy he was responsible for. They are sexual abusers in his school and he wasn’t aware of them. Shameful.
And then the two guilty ones get dragged away by Aurors. And then the eyes of young Severus so startled, as if no one ever tried to help him before.
Gellert listens. Asks questions. Nods.
And in the end:
“Why, Albus? Why did you intervene now, and not before?”
“Ariana. Those terrible muggle boys. We never understood what they did to her, but sometimes she talked with me and said something about being forced to… They laughing while she cried and begged. I couldn’t, Gellert. I really couldn’t.”
Gellert pets him, and there is so much kindness in this man capable of cruelty and atrocities, Gellert is a real contradiction, always has been, always will be. Albus loves him so much.
“I fooled myself. I was so sure I was giving another chance to wayward boys, arrogant but good boys with bright future. But I was just a coward. I didn’t want to face the truth: that boys who are brilliant, handsome, popular, that boys whom I personally appreciate could be unreasonably cruel and unforgivingly violent.”
He hides his face between his hands.
“I failed”
“Hush, my dear, what is the use of your self-pity? You failed. But you can do better, now. You’ve already started doing it. My strong, courageous, wise, sometimes mislead Albus.”
They kiss. They cuddle together. They also go to bed and find rest and pleasure.
And then it’s morning.
Albus is ready to leave, to enter again into the world Gellert was exiled from because of his actions. It’s ok. Gellert understands.
They kiss goodbye, and then
“Be strong for Severus, will you? Help him?”
“Of course. Always.”
Justice for Severus 2k22.
In this idea, Gellert isn’t a prisoner in an empty room (which frankly won’t help heal and understand and mature a bit), but he lives in his castle. He has the means to reflect and understand the wrongness of his actions. Albus often goes to visit him (another thing very healthy for prisoners) and they are a couple.
Yes, Severus will heal, James and Sirius will pass years in Azkaban, and Lily won’t marry a sexual offender but Harry will still be born, you decide who are the parents!
Last, Albus once upon a time told Tom that using magic to hurt people was neither “taught nor tolerated” at Hogwarts and that people could get expelled and the Ministry could punish them severely. Oh, if only it was true.
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ronweasleysleftnut · 2 years
3 from the romance prompt and 5 from the smut prompts with Steve please <3
This is me trying not to scare you away.
Please kiss me already.
This turned more into an angst to romance/fluff (didn't end up adding smut) lol but I hope you like it anyways <3
T/W - This story does involve mentions of physical abuse. If you don't want to read about that, I suggest you please skip this story and catch me in the next one <3
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Opening Wounds - Steve Harrington
It was hard to get close to Steve. Although he seemed like a happy, cool guy on the outside, he had a lot of problems. Him and Y/n have been friends since they were kids, although he's never even opened up to her, not really.
At their high school graduation however, when his parents didn't show, Steve revealed a side of himself she had never seen before.
He had problems with his parents, that was noticeable from the moment she meant him, but she never really knew the extent of them. She knew they traveled a lot, and she had a feeling (although never confirmed) that his dad had a lot of... anger. But she never, ever, thought that they'd miss an event as big as his graduation.
Steve shrugged it off at first. We arrived early, we were supposed to meet our families beforehand and direct them to their seats before the ceremony started. Mr. and Mrs. Harrington however, never showed. Steve was left alone watching the other students direct some sort of family, even Y/n.
When she came back to where he was standing in line, he smiled as usual. "Hey" Y/n said, placing her hand on her friend's shoulder. "Did your parents never show?" She asked, and Steve's smile only faltered for a minute before he responded "Nah, they're still out of town" he says, "But it's fine" He waves it off, and in doing this removes Y/n's hand from his shoulder.
She can tell he's upset though, his smile doesn't go quite to his eyes. It never does when he talks about them. "Steve..." She starts, but before she can speak again she hears their principal call in front. "Everyone to your places please! We're about to start" He yells, and Y/n looks between the principal and Steve a couple times before biting her lip "We'll talk after" She says, "Of course" Steve responds, and he lets her run off to her proper place in line.
The ceremony went smoothly, names were predictably butchered but at least no one tripped on stage. Afterwards, the students and parents were sent to the gym for an after party. When you entered, there was a photo booth for families to take a picture with the graduate.
Steve walked in, reluctantly, by Y/n's side with her parents. When they got to the photo booth however, he refused to come in. "C'mon Steve!" Y/n said, trying to pull him into the booth "You're practically family anyways!" But the boy removed her hand and took a step back, "It's fine, really" He said, and the same fake smile appeared on his face "I'll just wait out here" but when Y/n got out of the booth, he was gone.
She excused herself, letting her parents go off into the party as she ran out of the gym. She looked both ways down the hallway, and when she didn't see Steve, she just continued walking. She looked around at the people crowding the hallways, but she didn't see him anywhere. Finally, right when she was about to give up, she remembered a place he might be.
Steve tended to skip class, a lot. And although in his Junior and Senior year he stopped doing so as much, he still had the same place he'd go to when he needed a break from class. It was an old drama room, practically the size of a closet. No one went in there anymore since Hawkins got a new drama room years prior. And so one day, Steve broke the lock, and since then he's been going in there.
Y/n walked to this same room now, and when she saw the door slightly ajar, she knew he'd be there.
She cracked the door open more, slipping into the dark room. Steve had previously moved some supplies into the room as well, food, entertainment, and a light source. "One thing my parents are good for, money" She remembered him saying the first time he had shown her the room.
The boy was sitting in the corner, his legs curled into his body and his eyes staring at the ground in front of him. He wasn't crying, but she could see the sadness in his dead eyes. Y/n tiptoed over and slowly sat herself down next to the boy, alerting him of her presence by bumping her knee against his own.
"Hey..." She whispered, and he finally looked over at her and grunted in response. "You left" She continued, stating the obvious to the boy. "I... I just couldn't be in that room" He said, looking away from her again. "I'm sorry" She says, looking away too "I didn't even think of that" But Steve shakes his head at this, "It's not your fault, you don't have to take care of me" Although Y/n felt like she did have to take care of him, especially since he didn't have anyone else to do so.
She looked back over at him, and gulped before reaching her hand over to his own and intertwining their fingers. "Steve" She said, and when he didn't respond she continued "Steve you're my best friend, and I love you more than anyone else in this world" At this he finally looked up, although his eyes were still trained in front of him "I just... I want to know what's wrong"
He bit his lip before turning his head to the girl, and for the first time in her life, Y/n saw Steve with tears in his eyes. She had never seen him cry before, not when he fell, not when his parents yelled, not even when his pet dog died. "I don't want to scare you away" Steve said quietly, his voice hoarse from lack of speaking.
Y/n felt her heart sink at his words, and she scooted closer to the boy, placing her other hand in his and holding them tight. "You could never scare me away" she says with finality, but Steve still looks away, not meeting her eyes. "Steve" She says, her voice hard and determined as she moves so that she's sitting in front of him, "Do you understand? Nothing you say could ever scare me"
He finally looks up and meets her eyes, the tears already gone. "I love you, Y/n" He says, and she can tell by the way he says it, that he means it. "And I want to tell you everything. I always have, but I've been so scared" Y/n gulps, taking it in, but she nods and prompts him to continue.
Steve takes a moment before he speaks, starting from the beginning. "My dad, when I was younger, when he got mad... well he hit me" Y/n's eyes widened at his words, but Steve's own face stayed solid as he continued "Mom didn't like it, but she didn't stop it either" Steve nods at his own words, and Y/n repeats the motion herself, squeezing his hands in reassurance. "When they started going on vacations, it was like heaven. They'd be gone, and I'd be left alone with cash to buy whatever food I wanted. I could have friends over, and, as I got older, I could have parties." He smiles at the last part, but then his face solidifies again as he continues "But it was also really lonely... I started calling my mom, but she only answered sometimes. At first they'd come home every holiday, but then they didn't" he shrugged at this, "I got used to living alone. I just never thought they'd miss this..."
He looks down again, and Y/n sits in front of him in silence for a moment, taking in all that he just told her before responding. "Steve... I'm sorry, I just- I never knew it was this bad" He shrugged, "I never told you" Steve always said he was with his grandparents for the holidays, but now Y/n realizes he must've been at home alone.
"Stevie..." She whispered, and scooted into the boy, hugging him close. His arms wrapped around her as well, and when they pulled apart their faces were inches from each other. "Y/n..." he whispered, "Steve" she responded, their breath mixing at how close they were. "Thank you" He said, his mouth moving closer to her own "Of course..." She responded, but the last part of her sentence was blocked out by Steve's lips meeting her own.
She felt all his pain in the kiss, but all his passion as well. She kissed him back with just as much emotion, and they only pulled apart when they were both out of breath. "I have something to confess" Steve says with a laugh, and Y/n nods "I've been wanting to do that for ages" He whispers breathily, their mouths still closer than normal.
"Come to holidays with my family" She responds, her voice just as quiet as his own. And maybe it was the bliss of their first kiss, or maybe it was Steve's clarity after finally opening up, but he nodded. She smiled, and continued "I know you don't want to seem weak, but trust me, opening up is the strongest thing you've ever done"
They sit there for a little longer, Steve wrapping his arms around Y/n and her head resting against his warm chest. Until eventually they get up and head back to the party, not wanting Y/n's parents to question her absence for too long. Steve goes in with her, greeting her parents with his usual enthusiasm. And as she watched Steve walk around the gym, she knew he'd be okay.
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offender42085 · 1 year
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Post 832
Fadi Jesus Zeineh, Michigan offender 733480, born 2001, incarceration intake in 2022 at age 21, scheduled for earliest possible release on 12/31/2050
Armed Robbery, Homicide, Use of Weapons to Commit a Felony
After listening to an outpouring of anger, tears, and sadness from those whose lives have been shattered by two murders, and regret from the one responsible, Oakland County Circuit Court Judge Cheryl Matthews had few words to utter herself at the hearing.
"The best word for today is agony," Matthews said following statements by the family and friends of South Lyon father and son Kevin and Dylan Stamper, as well as one by the man who killed them, Fadi Zeineh.
"The whole situation is a senseless waste."
She added that Zeineh had caused irreparable pain and his actions had hardened her heart.
Matthews then sentenced Zeineh, who pleaded guilty last month to two counts of second degree murder in the deaths of the Stampers, to 30-50 years in prison.
Zeineh, who was 19 at the time of the crimes and a former South Lyon East student, read a lengthy statement in which he repeatedly expressed remorse and regret.
"I want to apologize for my actions," he said. "Every day I wake up I pray to God and Dylan's family they find a way to forgive me."
Although he said he was "not trying to make excuses," he recounted that he had lived the first 13 years of his life with domestic violence, drug abuse and more.
"I'm begging you not to see me as a bad person," he said, before apologizing to his own mother and siblings, also seated in the courtroom.
"Why did I have to screw up the way I did?" he asked, near the end of his remarks, adding he still hears in the gunshots in his head.
Those gunshots will continue to reverberate for years to come in all the lives left behind in their wake.
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sleepersinger860 · 1 year
Nightmare hell
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Human/Past! Freddy Krueger x Reader(uses they/them pronouns)
Idea:Freddy gets nightmares about his past,so Y/N helps.
"FREDDY!!" A man called out his name in anger,holding a belt in his hand as he gritted his teeth,waiting impatiently for the boy named Freddy to come downstairs. A boy with dark auburn hair came down the stairs,bruises colored his face.His ocean blue eyes became dull as he came down the stairs waiting for his beatings.This boy is Frederick Charles Krueger,and his supposed guardian,Mr.Underwood was beating him for whatever no reason. "You,made my life a living hell and now,its time to take your medicine." Ah shit,its the fucking past,he would've tensed up,but why fear the pain when you can enjoy it,the pain was inevitable after all.The first belting came smack down on his face as he fell."Thank you sir,may I have more" the boy says,in a deadpan tone.He was taught to say this,but now he had enough.He smiled and chuckled,as the beatings got harder and harder.Freddy caught the belt,"You wanna know what's the secret to pain Mr.Underwood?" Freddy asked as he cocked his head slightly."What.Boy." Underwood had said slightly curious and now pissed off. "If you just stop,you feeling it,you start to enjoy it.(I literally forgot the fucking lines,I'm so fucking stupid😂) The boy smiled and stabbed Mr.Underwood with a razor,killing him.A man in the dreams smiled,"Good ol' memories" before the man got sent to the bad memories,his personal hell.
Fuck.This was his most hated memory,his school life.He hated that place,more than life itself.He turned around meeting his former students and teachers.He hated them too,when he looked at them for help,they either laughed at him or scoffed and continued to do their work,Freddy always wanted to burn this school down to its fucking ground.The kids crowded around him as he stepped back,he fell through a hole,but at the end was a light as he fell through it.He woke up with cold sweat on his face as he got out of bed."Damn I need a smoke.." he said as he patted the bed.Where the fuck was Y/N,they're gone..THEY'RE GONE!!! Scenarios raced in Freddy's head as he thought the worse,he rushed down the stairs and yelled out,"Y/N!? Darling where are you?!" "I'm here Freddy,don't worry honey" Freddy sighed. "There you are" He said as he went over to you and wrapped you in a warm embrace."Hey Fred,something wrong?When your voice gets lower it means the something's wrong." Fred's eyes widened at the fact you could read him,but he wasn't surprised."I'm fine dear,why are you up?" he asked you,"Meh,I just woke up in the middle of the night,so I just pulled an all-nighter,plus I don't have work tomorrow.What about you Fred?" How could he explain his nightmares when it was the sole reason he killed all those kids of his bullies,he knew that you knew that he was a murderer and you were fine with it!You even hide bodies with him,but what if he thinks that you'll say its petty and stupid?He doesn't want to kill you..you value too much to him.
"Freddy?" Your voice brings him back to reality as you give a concerned look towards him,putting a hand on his shoulder as he looks at it and squeezes it."I'm fine dear,you do not need to worry about me.Let's get you to bed inste-" "Not until you tell me what's wrong with you!" You interrupted him.No one really interrupted him unless they wanted to go missing by next morning.But like he thought,you were valuable to him and he was shocked you were about him of all people.He stopped in his tracks and turned back to you in shock,but then he sighed."Well,if you insist,It was a nightmare"
"A nightmare? If you don't mind me asking Fred,was what it about?" "..." should I tell them? Maybe they'll understand,sure I will then. "Y/N,come sit down with me on the couch will you? I said as I patted the couch seat next to me. You came to the couch and sat next to me. "It was about my past memories,my most hateful ones,how it led me to be a murderer.It was dark and abusive,kids at my school made fun of me,my past "father" [I said using two of my fingers and flexing them up and down to show quotation marks] hated me and abused me.Reminds me of my mother and the three years i lived with her.So I went downstairs to take a smoke,but I couldn't find you,but now I did and now we're here.I stretched out my hands and put it around you."Wow,that must've been a lot,look I'm sorry that had to happen to you Fred but I'm here,and hey,even if the memories come back,I'll be here to keep ya comfort! they said as they kissed me on the lips."Thanks dear,now you want to watch a movie or kill?" "Movie,I wanna lay with ya in the moment!" They said as they laid against me,rubbing my chest.Y/N makes me feel and do things and they make me go so fucking crazy.That's why I love them.
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cha0ticspacebi · 1 year
You're An Image Caught in Time: Chapter 11
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You got your soulmark when you were very young. You knew who you hoped had left their mark but since they never said anything to you, you resigned yourself to a life of bitter unrequited love. As much as you wanted to meet your soulmate you knew after all these years they must not want to meet you. Though the mark never faded some days you wished it would. Especially after meeting Billy.
☆ You can find me over on A03 as Cha0ticBi ☆ Master list link!
Childhood Friends! Eddie Munson X Reader
Tags: 18+ NSFW (MDNI), slowish burn soulmate AU, reader is in an abusive relationship with Billy Hargrove, Dark! Billy, Eddie is a sweetheart but bad at feelings, hurt/comfort, eventual smut, eventual happy ending
Warnings: rape/non con elements, emotional and physical abuse, graphic depictions of violence, suicidal thoughts
Chapter 11/28 Previous chapter → Next chapter
☆ Eddie POV that takes place within chapter 5 ☆
Why isn’t she getting up? He called our names. Eddie got up from his desk and offered you his hand. He guided you up to the front of the room. Is she nervous? He was worried about you all through giving the presentation. Once it was finished he felt so bad for doing everything but you had froze like a deer in headlights. What was he supposed to do? He leaned in the desk over to you and whispered to try and make you feel better. 
You seemed shocked at his words but you finally managed to say something, “But then I would have missed that lovely performance! Besides Eddie, It was you who did all the work! You planted them, watered them, and did all the music testing. It’s me who didn’t do anything. You’re amazing Eddie! You worked so hard, you deserve to take all the credit on this one.”
Oh shit. He felt his cheeks getting warm. He couldn’t hide it this time. He was blushing. Pulling his hand across his jawline hiding a laugh he came to a startling realization, I’m so fucked.
He didn’t even try to hide his shameless staring after that. If anyone asked him to take a test on what the other students in that biology class were presenting he’d fail. The rest of the class he couldn’t take his eyes off you and he’s pretty sure you noticed. The longing gazes continued into the lunchroom. Does she know how gorgeous she is? That prick of a boyfriend better be telling her everyday. Dustin wasn’t kidding, he’s a real piece of work that one.
“Yeah Lucus has practice tonight but we could still do that,” Dustin and Mike talked and made evening plans while eating lunch. Eddie heard them speaking but wasn’t aware of the words coming out of their mouths, or that his own had opened and started speaking.
“What do you think she’s reading?” When they all laughed he realized he’d said it out loud, Christ I’m losing my mind. I don’t think I can handle much more of this.
Dustin smacked his shoulder, “Buddy you’ve got it so bad. Take it from me, someone with success in these sorts of matters, Talk. To. Her!”
“But,” he curled his lip when Dustin cut him off.
“No buts! Listen, if you really don’t want to tell her that dosen’t mean you can’t be friends with her right?”
Eddie’s eyes lit up when you waved at him with a smile. Yeah I guess just because she’s got a boyfriend doesn’t mean I can’t talk to her in school. Friends is better than the hell I’ve been putting myself through. He grinned at you and turned back to the group.
“Alright Henderson you win, I’ll talk to her.”
The rest of the day he felt like his heart might explode. The thought of actually looking you in your eyes and telling you that he wanted to be friends again sounded way better in his head. The afternoon classes went by way too fast. He still hadn’t decided when or how he wanted to try and talk to you but he knew that if he waited any longer he’d chicken out. I don’t think I can ask her to meet me somewhere in person. I think I need to leave it up to her where she doesn’t feel pressured. Yeah yeah! If I leave her a note and she doesn’t show up well…I have my answer. Ok. The final bell rang signaling the end of another school day. Here we go.
He scribbled a note telling you to meet him in the woods at the picnic table he tells his customers to meet him at. He knew no one would be there and you’d have privacy.
He hauled ass out of the classroom getting yelled at by several teachers but he made it to your locker before you and stuck the note to the metal door before running away. He was pacing outside the hellfire room when Dustin walked up.
“What’s up man? Did you talk to her?”
Eddie shook his head, “I left her a note on her locker telling her to meet me in the woods.”
Dustin’s face flattened. He deanpaned in Eddie’s direction, “Wow. Way to go not giving super creepy serial killer vibes Eddie. You nailed it.”
“I didn’t know what else to do? The thought of asking her to meet me somewhere in person was just too much. I panicked! Shit, I didn’t put my name on the note! What do I do now?”
“Jesus calm down!” Dustin held him by the shoulders.
“You want her in your life right?” Eddie nodded.
“You care about her right?” 
He closed his eyes and nodded harder, “More than anything!”
“Then you have to tell her. Just go,”
Eddie’s fingers reached up and clawed at his scalp, “and what if she tells me to go to hell? I mean it’s what I deserve for pushing her away for so long but fuck man I don’t think I can handle that rejection.”
Dustin laughed, “You’re soulmates stupid! Indulge me for a moment if you will. Show me your mark.” Eddie went wide eyed. He made it his personal mission to make sure no one ever saw it. He wore his leather jacket everyday and even at home he would cover it up with the sleeve of his hellfire shirt. He tightened his face muscles together in an uncomfortable grimace and looked carefully in each direction of the hallway. Am I really about to do this? What if she walks up suddenly and sees it? His eyes rolled back and before he could convince himself otherwise he pulled off his jacket and showed Dustin the bats on his right arm.
“Bats? Really,” Dustin teased.
“Hey, she gave me the mark first, ask her why it’s shaped like this!”
Dustin smirked, “Maybe I will!”
Eddie quickly pulled his jacket back, “You do and you can kiss your spot as my replacement goodbye.”
“Has it ever occurred to you that I don’t want to DM? Maybe I like being a player,” he shook his head, “We are getting off topic! My point is, it’s still there! When did you say you found out?”
Eddie stiffened, “I didn’t.” 
Dustin waved his hand with a look of impatience, “You wanna elaborate?” 
“It's been…a while.”
“If it’s been a while and the mark hasn’t faded then that’s all the answer you need! If she didn’t want anything to do with you the mark would have started to fade. You both are putting yourselves under unnecessary stress by purposely staying apart.”
She’s not doing anything, this is all my fault. Am I really causing her stress? He got lost in his head for a minute, “Am I really hurting her by not saying anything? I always thought that if I kept my mouth shut she’d be better off not knowing. That way she could move on and find someone better.”
Dustin’s eyes softened, “You are the someone better Eddie! Shit, stop being so down on yourself, you’re not the satanist, cult leader everyone thinks you are! Go talk to her,” he checked his watch, “She’s probably waiting for you!”
Crap! How long have I been standing here? He pulled Dustin into a tight hug, “Thanks nerd!” He ran as fast as he could through the empty halls towards the woods.
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Previous- Chapter 1 - Next - Series Masterlist - Series Playlist
Tags/Warnings: Bakugou/Reader, Angst interspersed with fluff and intimacy, ambiguous ending for the first work but will be resolved in a good ending in the second, reader has an empathy quirk, witch!reader, , inspired by St. Trinian's (please go watch it, it needs more love!), institutional exploitation and abuse, first kiss, mentions/references of underage drinking, MINORS DNI
ao3 link here
Chapter 1
The most beautiful things in life always carry pain close behind them. A rose, for instance, cannot be plucked without a prick from its thorns; windows made of stained glass were once jagged, razor-sharp pieces that could cut at the slightest brush of skin. From studying this pattern of things, Bakugou could deduce that the most beautiful people were likely also the most dangerous. However, knowing a thing and understanding it were two different things; Bakugou did not— could not— understand what that meant until he came face-to-face with the most beautiful, most powerful group of young women he would ever meet. 
"Wow," said Kirishima from beside him, his eyes glued to the students entering the gymnasium. "I’d guessed that the rumors were true, but I never thought— I mean, look at them, Bakugou, it's like watching a beauty contest!"
Bakugou scowled, but he had to admit that Shitty-Hair had a point. Each of those girls carried with her a grace that seemed to border on the supernatural, and though they came in every size, shape, and color palette known to man, each individual girl stood out as extraordinary in her own right. 
It made Bakugou angry.
Suki-san— Bakugou's therapist— kept telling him that he should study his anger and try to find its source in order to understand and dismiss it, but he hesitated in doing so today. For now, it was likely that it would be more beneficial for him to keep that rage simmering just below the surface. This way, Bakugou's mind would remain unclouded by any tricks the St. Angela's girls might pull, and right here, right now, winning was more important than self-mastery. He had a chip on his shoulder and a point to prove. 
No one and nothing could beat U.A. These preppy little rich bitches were stupid to even try. 
"So they're pretty— doesn't mean shit," Bakugou replied. "Focus on bringing your A-game. I don't intend for a single one of us to lose today."
Kirishima scratched the back of his head and mumbled something like, "So intense," but Bakugou ignored it as he observed their opponents. They would need every ounce of their concentration to pull this off; U.A. might have the best hero training program in the country, but Bakugou had a feeling that their fencing training might leave a bit to be desired.
"Who chose fencing anyway?" asked Kirishima as he adjusted in his fencing suit, his bulky frame ever uncomfortable in the confining fabric. "It's so archaic."
Bakugou scowled— again.
"If I heard correctly, this was St. Angela's pick. They pick an event, we pick one, then we mutually agree on a third." One of the St. Angela's girls looked over to where he and Kirishima were standing, and as Kirishima stiffened, blushing, the girl winked and blew him a kiss. Bakugou not-so-subtly elbowed his friend, and continued speaking as Kirishima doubled over from the force of the unforeseen blow. "I'm sure they chose fencing because they're good at it— but I'm going to crush whoever comes up against me. Fucking extras."
Kirishima looked suitably chastised, but before Bakugou could make any more declarations, a whistle was blown and Aizawa was calling the U.A. students to gather around him. 
"Alright, we're about to draw names to see who'll play who," said the tired-looking sensei, crossing his arms. "The hard part is over— you've trained to the best of your ability, and all that's left to do is fall back on the work that you've already done."
Dark eyes studied the students gathered round, and the corner of Aizawa's lips tugged upward. 
"On three."
There was no need to offer any further explanation. Kaminari— as the loudest and most spirited of the boys— led the cheer, and Bakugou bared his teeth in a fierce grin.
"One! Two! Three!"
"Plus Ultra!"
Triumphant fists shot up into the air, and wild screams erupted from the bleachers where the girls from U.A. were seated. As nice as it was to hear a roar of encouragement from the sidelines, Bakugou felt oddly uncomfortable without his female classmates competing with them; it felt as though half of the talent in the class was missing, and in a way, Bakugou supposed it was. 
Across the way, the St. Angela girls were smirking, and Bakugou scowled once more, fired up and ready to go. 
"Alright, draw," said Aizawa, holding out a box with a hole at the top. "Best of luck to you all."
Bakugou bullied his way to the front of the line, insistent on being the first to jam his hand into the box, and when he withdrew with his prize, he unfolded the paper to find a name written in unfamiliar handwriting. 
"(Y/N)," it read, and Bakugou repeated the name.
He looked up, and across the way, he found that one of the St. Angela's girls was staring at him. She stood stoic and unsmiling between two others— one a petite blonde, the other a tall, menacing girl with inky-black hair and olive skin— and as her gaze met Bakugou's, he knew instantly that there was something dangerous about that girl. 
He knew, because of all the St. Angela's girls he had seen so far, she was by and large the most beautiful of them all. 
"Good luck," said Blair, tossing her pin-straight black hair as (Y/N)'s name was called for the first match. "Not that you need it."
(Y/N) would ordinarily have laughed, but today she was more wary than usual. It was true that she was the best fencer at St. Angela's, but something about the competitors from U.A. unsettled her. The waves of emotion she felt rolling off each and every one of them were staggering, and not for the first time, (Y/N) cursed her quirk. 
Empathy, she thought, stepping up to face her challenger. Why did it have to be empathy? 
Empathy— it’s often said that comparison is the thief of all joy, but empathy was comparison’s bigger, uglier sister, and (Y/N) had learned the hard way which had the worse kick. If (Y/N) lost, she would be buried in the triumph of the victor; if she won, she would drown in the loser's shame. Comparison couldn’t touch that, and even as she extended her hand to formally greet her opponent— one Bakugou Katsuki— she did her best to swallow the dread of either outcome. 
You're strong, she told herself. You're the strongest. You are a St. Angelian, a witch, a force of nature, an agent of change. This is only a stepping stone in your path to holding the world in the palm of your hand. And besides, you took your dose this morning— nothing can go wrong. 
An inhale, an exhale, and all doubt was gone. It passed over her and through her, and all that was left was her beating heart and her heart beating. The stillness of certainty washed over her, and the pre-match testing began, giving her ample time to study her opponent.
Bakugou Katsuki was a tall, broad thing, all long legs, buff arms, and bulletproof resolve— a fine opponent in terms of physical prowess. Likewise, his spirit was admirable; a fire burned bright and hot inside him, and the capacity to hurt, to maim, to kill was latent just beneath his skin. She could feel it as his desire to crush her flared with every tentative test-crossing of their blades. (Y/N) knew this kind of person, had known many like him before; Bakugou Katsuki intended to win at any cost. Had (Y/N) been a lesser woman, (Y/N) might have been afraid of him.
It was unlucky for him that she was no lesser woman— (Y/N) would be the one to do the crushing this day. 
Still, she supposed, it would take some doing to manage a victory against such a specimen. Bakugou was strong, long and lean, if, perhaps, not as skilled as she; it would take a great deal of effort to counteract those traits. Determination was half the battle, after all, and Bakugou seemed to have it in spades.
Don’t be silly, she thought to herself, fighting off a shiver as she felt Bakugou’s rage ripple over her. You’ve trained for this moment your whole life.
Still, when she looked at Bakugou, (Y/N) couldn’t help but imagine the worst. Silently, she tightened the grip on her saber and steeled her resolve. There would be no losing today. Not for her, and not for any of her sisters.
A few moments more of testing the machines, and everything was ready for the match to begin. Breathing deeply, (Y/N) closed her thoughts to all else but speed and steel, and she allowed herself to fall back on the practiced ease of years of training. Her mind and body knew their place, and she allowed the energies within her to sync and her focus to center on one thing:
For the first touch, (Y/N) rushed Bakugou, slipping inside his guard almost immediately and winning a point. The U.A. crowd cried out in a mix of dismay and astonishment, and Bakugou growled, but (Y/N) barely heard them. She had one purpose; she was to win this match, come hell or high water. She would die to win. She would kill, if she had to.
For the next, she let Bakugou carry the rhythm until she found an opening, slashing her saber against his unguarded hip joint. Now angry, Bakugou charged her, obviously expecting to be met with the same toe-to-toe aggression he'd previously experienced from her, but her feet danced backwards, making him chase her enough that he stumbled and handed the touch to her on a silver platter. 
With another wave of anger came panic, insecurity, and self-loathing from Bakugou, and it hit (Y/N) like a punch to the gut. She felt sick with the force of it as the swordplay commenced, but she couldn't relent. The next touch would be hers, and the next, and the next. They were hers by right, and she would not give them to someone who hadn't earned them from her. 
"Come on!" he raged at her, his voice gravelly and furious beneath his helmet. "Don't toy with me, fucking fight!"
He thinks I'm underestimating him, (Y/N) thought, amusement fluttering in her chest at the thought. Or he could simply be goading me into acting rashly… but either way, I suppose it makes little difference. 
I'll crush him no matter what. 
By the end of the match, Bakugou hadn't landed a single touch. His anger, his loathing, his insecurity had only grown, and (Y/N) was fighting nausea as they shook hands after she was declared the winner. 
I'm sorry, she wanted to say as her quirk came back into sharper focus and she felt the full force of U.A.'s crushed spirit. I didn't have a choice— I'm from St. Angela's. Losing can't possibly be to you what it would be to me. I have to be the best of the best. I have to.
But the meaning would be lost on them. Instead, she graciously accepted her victory and returned to her seat beside Blair and Sabrina.
"You lucked out," said Blair casually, crossing her legs. "He's handsome. I bet he'd fuck you if you asked."
(Y/N) followed Blair's gaze to Bakugou's furious expression, his hair damp with sweat, and she frowned. 
"He's not that kind of guy," she surmised, watching him swat away the comforting hand of his red-haired buddy. "He's… intense. It'd be all or nothing."
"Then you don't mind if I try my hand at getting it all?" Blair asked with a raised brow. "I'd love a hothead like that for a devoted lover."
Blair was in the throes of a darkly salacious thrill at just the thought, and (Y/N) scowled. 
"Don't play with him," she warned her friend. "He's too sincere. You play with that kind of fire, and you end up on the receiving end of the murder that starts someone's villain origin story."
Blair rolled her eyes. "Whatever. Candy-cane over there is prettier anyway."
A boy with red and white hair stepped up as his name was called, and as if Fate had been listening in, Blair's name was called right after. 
"Ciao," she said with a wink as (Y/N) watched her leave. "I'll be back when I've won."
Beside (Y/N), Sabrina sighed. 
"Yeah, I know," said (Y/N), and Sabrina laughed. 
"She doesn't mean anything by it," the petite blonde soothed, hooking her arm through (Y/N)'s. "You can feel that much with your empathy, but I see it too. She's just— she's lonely, I think."
She's ambitious and greedy, (Y/N) thought but didn't say. 
"She wants everything," said (Y/N), "And she'll stop at nothing to get it."
Sabrina hummed. "A side-effect of being powerful, I think."
We're powerful too, (Y/N) wanted to say. We're the big three, the creme de la creme of our school and our coven. She is no more and no less than we— power is no excuse for acting thoughtlessly. 
But (Y/N) kept silent. She wouldn't have said anything Sabrina didn't know anyway, and she wasn’t in the mood for an argument. 
The sword. The shield. The will. Three in one, one strength together stronger than its parts. Sabrina, with her Barriers and Runes of Blood, Blair, with her Touch and Transfiguration, and (Y/N), with her Knowing, her Calling, and her Commanding— together, they were unstoppable, the most powerful witches of their generation with the most mundane quirks. Their will would shape the future; their placement in the world would be chosen for them like pawns in chess, and they would help shape the fate of the nation, the continent, the world. They would be nothing short of queens. All the pills, the endless studying, the never-sleeping would all be worth it, in the end. It was their key to ruling the world.
And yet, why did the yoke of it feel so heavy to (Y/N)? Why was there so little choice?
How could such a lack of agency ever truly be power?
(Y/N) shook her head, clearing her thoughts. This was neither the time nor the place for these thoughts. Now was the time for winning— the time for introspection would come later. 
U.A.'s defeat was humiliating. 
Bakugou could barely contain his ire as he watched match after match end long before the time limit. It was clear that U.A. had been woefully unprepared to face such skilled opponents— and, with every victory, the evident boredom of the St. Angela's competitors became more and more intolerable to both himself and his classmates. 
"Look at them," Kaminari huffed, crossing his arms. "They look like they're watching paint dry."
"Might as well be," said Todoroki, watching Kirishima fold under the pressure applied by his opponent. "It's like they're our perfect foils— it doesn't seem like this girl is even breaking a sweat, and she's got Kirishima-kun backed into a corner."
It was shameful, but true. Even on the next point, Kirishima's opponent— the tiniest student Bakugou had seen all day— charged him so quickly that he was forced to shuffle clumsily backwards, losing his balance as he went.
"Fight back!" Bakugou yelled over the talking all around him. "Don't let her get away without a single touch!"
A few half-hearted encouragements followed Bakugou's outburst, but U.A.'s spirit was as crushed as St. Angela's spirit was lazy. Kirishima looked briefly over in acknowledgement, and for a moment, Bakugou thought his words might have reached Shitty-Hair— but then Bakugou noticed the slant of Kirishima's posture, the droop of his shoulders, and it became clear that even the manliest of U.A.'s students was already too defeated, too far gone inside his own head to even consider reaching for even a single point. 
"Dammit," Bakugou swore. "It's already over."
Todoroki looked over. 
"There's still time in the match for—"
"I said it's fuckin' over, IcyHot."
And it was. In hardly any time at all, Kirishima lost just as badly as the rest of them, and returned to his seat uncharacteristically dejected. 
"I'm sorry," he said quietly as he settled in next to Bakugou, his spirit utterly broken. "I don't— I don't even know what happened, it was all just so fast—"
Unsure of exactly why, Bakugou put a hand on Kirishima's shoulder, stopping him. He found that the gesture felt right, and though he should probably have stopped while he was ahead, he decided to push forward and allow himself to be honest, just like his therapist said. 
"There was nothing you could do," he said gruffly. "There's nothing any of us could have done. We're outclassed here."
Kirishima looked a bit shocked at first, but then he smiled a little, and Bakugou knew he'd be alright. 
At the end of the day, when U.A. had borne all the shame and humiliation that there was room for it to bear, the students of either side lined up to shake hands. Frankly, Bakugou would rather have blasted his own hand off than shake a single one that belonged to St. Angela's, but he managed to grit his teeth and bear it— or at least he did until it came time for him to shake hands with his own opponent, at which point he promptly lost all sense of sportsman-like conduct in the face of her impassive beauty. 
"Good match," she said quietly as she looked up at him, her hand outstretched. As he looked into her eyes, he found that they were as tranquil and as timeless as a pond in an impressionist painting, and Bakugou wanted to light a fire in them just to watch them burn. "You did well, truly."
"Fuck you," he replied, flatly refusing to shake her hand. "Easy words from the winner."
She frowned then, and Bakugou had to fight a losing battle with fixation on her lips. 
"With training and some patience, you could surpass me in a month," she told him, turning her hand so that he could see the paper tucked neatly into her palm. "I wanted to give you the name of my instructor because I thought you'd enjoy learning the sport from a master, but I see that I may have been mistaken."
Bakugou hesitated, wrongfooted by this sudden kindness. Her eyes— once soft and demure— had hardened at his vulgar response, and he expected her to withdraw her hand and her offer immediately. To his surprise, she did no such thing; instead, she waited patiently for him to take the proffered paper. 
"It won't bite," she said with the beginnings of a smile. "Naturally, I'm a different story, but I promise I'll behave."
Bakugou took the paper, and she did smile then. It was a real, genuine smile, if a quiet one, and Bakugou felt a bit queasy watching her eyes relax back into a casually sweet expression. 
"See you, Bakugou-san," she said as she moved down the line, the disgruntled girl behind her already shoving her hand under Bakugou's nose. "Better luck next time."
Little did either of them know, he wouldn't need luck next time— but Bakugou's heart accepted the well-wishes regardless of his own will. Something about this girl was different from anything he'd ever experienced, and despite himself, he was curious to find out just what it was about (Y/N) that was so fascinating. 
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awlumii · 2 years
i think in the witch/herbalist!reader au, cyno would probably be like albedo in that his role doesn't differ too much from canon... but i guess instead of him punishing those who abuse knowledge, he'd be from a council of mages that keep tabs on others to ensure that they're not misusing their magic? maybe? is he just responsible for delivering criminals? does he kill them if they resist too much? idk, but hear me out:
the point is that your mentor was super high on the council's watch list (i have an idea as to why, but i need to flesh it out some more) and after they died, they left you with all of their work, forcing you to take up their mantle, which you really don't want to do — you literally just want to be a good herbalist.
the council is shocked to learn that that absolute menace (your mentor) had an apprentice; at the time of their death, they were essentially at their most dangerous, so to prevent further disaster, they promptly send cyno to deal with this apprentice — to deal with you — as quickly and as cleanly as possible. they fear that in the time that it took them to know that you existed, you may have expanded upon your mentor's work and become even more of a threat than they once were. you need to be taken care of immediately.
i'm sure that to cyno, this is just another job. not that he underestimates your abilities — the student can quickly become the master, after all — it's just that the council always makes a big deal out of stuff like this, and he always delivers. plus, they're probably right. he's seen your mentor's files — since you have unlimited access to that stuff, there's no telling how much havoc you could've wreaked on your kingdom thus far. it doesn't matter how strong you are; he will do as he always does, and deliver swift justice.
the file said you were in the forest on the outskirts of the kingdom. at least he didn't have to worry too much in case a fight broke out. as he approaches your cabin, he feels a wave of raw energy stop him in his tracks. the sheer amount of power makes him hesitate for a split second before he continues on. he readies himself for a fight. soon enough, he spots a figure hunched over a little ways away and noticed that it's the source of all the power. it's you.
cyno charges you with no warning. his footsteps are quiet, but not silent — just before the tip of his blade can make contact with your shoulder, you're parrying him away with a staff that you conjured in the blink of an eye. your reflexes are good, he notes. but that won't save you. you shout at him, demanding to know what it is that he's doing and why he's doing it. cyno, kind as he is, tells you that you need to be exterminated. he doesn't tell you why. instead, he charges you again, and finally, a battle ensues.
the battle is a little lengthy, but comes to a halt when you actually manage to get the upper hand on him. you've got cyno pinned to the ground with the tip of your staff in his face. you could change the tip into a blade and end his life, but you don't. instead, you ease off of him and extend a hand to help him up. cyno eyes you warily and asks why you're helping him. you huff as you catch your breath and tell him that you never wanted to fight in the first place; you just wanted to put him in his place to get him to stop. since you technically won, the battle was over, and he could leave you alone.
cyno is... baffled by you to say the least. you're supposed to be this horrible threat but instead you're ushering him into your cottage to treat any wounds you inflicted upon him. upon closer inspection, cyno understands that you're not a threat at all — he can't say the same for your demon familiar, though. you also have another little cat named qiqi. a peculiar little thing, she is, but she's cute and harmless. the demon is really the only thing that he needs to keep an eye on.
ig i'm trying to say that cyno basically has to keep an eye on you.. and he helps you hone your powers/knowledge for good just in case — he's like a mentor, in a way, but also a student because he's not too sure what exactly it is that you've been left with. he's a good person basically, but it remains unspoken that if you fuck up so much as once, all bets are off.
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