#(also i tried to make this feel as 'parents of two tiny humans' as possible)
theha1r · 3 months
@childrenofslumber asked: “Be my valentine?” ( steve + artie )
( be my valentine! )
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Steve smiled at the blonde. "Of course, do you even have to ask?" He looked towards Reese in her arms, Charlie conked out on the couch in the corner. "No way I'd rather spend Valentine's than with you, with them, sticky hands, and Bluey re-runs." He gave a little shrug. In hindsight he knew if he really wanted to, he could probably spend the day in a much more traditional way, but the thing was he didn't want to. Them and their little family was good enough for him, traditional or not. "Although I have to admit ... I didn't get you flowers or anything. Would Spongebob fruit snacks work?"
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chishiyasleftnut · 2 months
Hi everyone \(٥⁀▽⁀ )/This is another fic I wrote in the middle of the night, but I couldn't get the scenario out of my head haha. It's not smutty at all, but I want to experiment a bit with different genres. I hope you'll all like it! (ღ˘⌣˘ღ)
🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤 Genre: Fluff w/ mild angst. Warnings: Minor existential dread, mentioning of abortions. Pairing: Dad!Chishiya x fem!reader.
Plot: After a long day at work, dad!Chishiya contemplates about his new role as a father. Is he even cut out for the job?
1140 words. 🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤
Chishiya had never seen himself as the father type. Perhaps it was the subconscious fear of becoming like his own father - distant and uncaring - that kept him from wilfully pursuing that path. However, despite his best efforts to prevent it, you had managed to accidentally become pregnant and he had had to come to terms with the scary reality of fatherhood. 
It wasn’t as bad as he thought. Sure, the little creature was awfully noisy and smelly at times, but he had to admit that she was also kinda cute. Did the positives outweigh the negatives? He wasn’t sure. But he knew he didn’t completely hate being a parent as much as he originally feared.
Luckily, Chishiya was earning enough money to secure you a long maternity leave, allowing you to bond well with your baby in a way Chishiya never would. He had accepted that and somewhat found peace with the fact that he wasn’t expected to be as close to the tiny being as you were. It was easier to handle having to accept that he was the secondary caregiver and not the primary.
Another benefit of his job were the long hours, which gave him a much-needed break from dealing with home life. He had always used his work as a coping mechanism to deal with every small, negative thing life threw at him, but it was only after becoming a dad that he realised that that’s what his own father did too. It scared him to admit that he shared more than just blood with the man who had been so distant his entire childhood. However, he tried to shake the feeling and convinced himself that he was taking extra shifts to afford your maternity leave. Mh, yes. That was 100% why.
Despite desperately seeking a sanction from the reality of his newfound status as a dad, a part of him was always looking forward to coming home. And so he did this night, stepping into your shared apartment, which was only lit up by the moon shining luminously through the big and modern windows. The apartment, which long ago had been only sparsely decorated (just as he liked it), was now covered in proof of your child’s existence; no matter where he looked, he saw baby toys, neatly folded onesies, and an array of pacifiers in every colour possible.
Trying his best to ignore the way his once tidy apartment had changed, he walked with tired steps through the apartment until he got to the master bedroom. Slowly, he opened the door, mindful of the way it creaked so as not to disturb you or the little human sleeping safely in her comfortable crib next to your bed.
For a while, he stood still in the doorway, examining the way you and your baby’s breathing were synchronised, as if you had become one with one another. Although he would never admit it, he envied you - envied the way you so easily let this helpless child into your heart and how you so naturally took care of her every need in a way that Chishiya couldn’t make sense of.
It was those quiet moments that assured him that you made the right choice in keeping the child. Of course you had discussed the possibility of getting an abortion, but now that your daughter was in front of you - living, breathing, feeling - neither of you would want it any other way. How silly of you two to even consider any other option, he thought with a small smile creeping up on his lips.
With gentle steps, he walked into the bedroom, carefully closing the door behind him before approaching the bed. Despite how silent he was attempting to be, you regrettably woke up. He hated when he woke you up after a night shift - now more than ever. As a doctor, he was well aware of how desperately a new mother needed rest, and he hated taking that away from you for even a moment.
“Go back to sleep,” he whispered while climbing into bed next to you, still dressed in his hospital scrubs. “It’s just me.”
By instinct, you turned around to examine the small child, unable to fall back to sleep yourself until you had assured her that she was safely asleep. Luckily, she was, her chest rising and falling at just the right speed. He admired your natural dedication to ensuring your offspring’s safety and comfort. It always looked like second nature to you; like you were never, not even when asleep, not aware of how your daughter was doing.
Chishiya moved to embrace you, hugging you from behind and burrowing his face into your neck, taking in your scent. And that’s when he realised that work wasn’t his sanctuary; this was. It wouldn’t be easy for him to rearrange his mindset, but he knew he had to try. While you had never complained, he was well aware of how much being the prime caretaker of a newborn was taking a toll on you. You never got a full night’s rest anymore, surviving on napping throughout the day whenever the baby miraculously fell asleep.
That would have to change, and he knew it. No, he not only knew it; he wanted it to change. He wanted to be a better father and partner than his own dad was, and that started with reducing his work hours.
“I’m taking next week off,” he mumbled into the small hairs on your neck, unsure if you were even awake and listening to him. If he was honest, he wasn’t even sure if the comment was directed at you or if he just needed to say it aloud to believe it himself.
To his surprise, you hummed and scooted even closer to him, gently affirming to him that you were listening. Perhaps tomorrow, when he inevitably has to repeat the very same sentence, he will get a more enthusiastic response.
He could only hope that you were just as excited about the new change as he was. Still, he hoped you were without the deep fear that was echoing through his entire being - the fear of failure, of not being good enough for the sweet, innocent baby that was laying just half a metre away from the two of you.
In the last seconds before he slipped into unconsciousness, Chishiya, for the first time, found peace in his new role as a father, coming to terms with the fear of not being enough for the almost doll-like little girl that lay peacefully so close to him.
After all, very few great things were accomplished without fear and worry, and there was no doubt in his mind that this truly was a great thing. He could and would change. The two of you had turned into three, and he wouldn’t have it any other way.
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itshype · 2 years
Please don’t pet me! I am working! (DC x DP)
The Service Animal Cujo notfic that I, personally requested but just like my extremely cringe Batman x Witcher fic, I have to do everything myself. I wrote this but held off during DC x DP week because I’m not participating in that. If I keep writing these, I’ll have to make a masterpost or probably whack them up on Ao3 for archive purposes at some point but for now: Here is the Space Obsessed Danny story and Here is the Kingmaker Danny story! CW for mention of panic attacks in this one!
So! Let’s get going. Danny died. He can’t stop thinking it. He was dead. He’s walking and talking now but he knows deep in his soul that everything’s different now. He was dead and somehow nothing has changed? He feels like something of his journey to hell itself should be visible in his skin – something more than the small exit scar on his left foot. Another dimension was opened through his body and his hairstyle didn’t even shift?
Sam and Tucker are just as freaked out as he is, but they aren’t nearly as frightened. The ghost powers and Halfa stigma won’t come until later, but right now Danny is having difficulty even considering the possibility of leaving the house. With Danny in such bad condition emotionally, there’s no way to cover up what happened, and Jazz takes them all to the hospital.
Now, I know in a lot of fanfics Danny has weird physiology even in human form (lower body temp, slower pulse etc) but I don’t remember any of that being canon so I’m ignoring it. And if it is canon then I am exercising my right to debone the original show like a small chicken and use it to make a flavourful stock.
So, Danny checks out with the doctors except for a weirdly tiny burn but he is having like 5 concurrent panic attacks about everything from “there’s nothing after we die”, “The electricity cooked me”, “Life has no meaning”, maybe even throw in a fun “I came back wrong”.
Hell, maybe he does have weirdly low vitals, but the rapid pulse is countering his slow heartbeat and decreased blood pressure etc. Up to you!
Danny probably ends up being sedated if he can’t calm down but by then there is a different issue. The doctors Fenton have arrived. Now, I think it’s no stretch of the imagination to say that under the wrong circumstances they would dissect Phantom if they got their hands on him but also I know they somewhat care for their children and canon has shown more than once that under good circumstances that they could accept Danny.
When his ghost sense goes off for the first time it’s pretty obvious. He’s in a hospital and instead of a tiny little whisp of silver breath; it’s like a fogbank creeping along a moor, its sea mist rolling in from the horizon of his mouth and whiting out his private hospital room. No one can see two meters in front of their own face, and it takes over a minute to fade. Sam screams out for Danny and tries to grab his hand where she knows it was but can no longer see. Tucker starts at the sound and drops his device, screeching gratingly at the clattering plastic of his PDA hitting linoleum, hard.
When the mist finally evaporates, the Fentons want to take him home immediately and run tests. They think the ghostly influence is ‘obvious’ but the 68-year-old nurse, Beatrice stands like a 5-foot-nothing wall of solid rock and won’t let them touch him. Jazz also angles herself between her parents and the door so if they did somehow manage to get their hands on Danny, they wouldn’t be able to leave without steamrolling her. Then the heartrate monitor goes wild as Danny panics about being a guinea pig for his parents’ less-than-lukewarm lab safety practices and they back off without further interruptions.
That’s the point when it hits them that everything that has happened to Danny is their fault. His accident was because of them, he’s melting down because of them, both of their children genuinely believe that they will hurt Danny just because he’s having weird ghostly side effects to almost dying in a ghost portal. One they built.
It’s a few hours later when they breach the subject of going home, of at the very least making a decision about school even if that decision is to formally take a leave of absence. Sam and Tucker’s parents had made them go home and he’s a lot calmer now but at this stage, his weird ghost powers are causing problems. It seems to the orderlies and nurses that his anxiety is getting worse because he’s turning intangible through cups and cutlery – making it look like he’s shaking so hard he can’t even hold a single cup, and is flat out refusing to eat.  
Even though it’s been less than a day it looks like Danny’s shock is just getting worse. He phases through his bed right as Beatrice and his parents walk through and they think he’s hiding under there out of fear. He tries to explain, confused, and disoriented and deep in denial. Jazz shuts him up. She doesn’t know completely what’s going on, but she knows enough, and she isn’t letting 12 hours of changed behaviour force her to blindly trust her parents.
Beatrice is most concerned. It hasn’t been very long but there’s no reasonable cause for his steep and steady decline. No reason outside of something-something-ghosts.  
That’s when the first few pamphlets come out about therapy animals. They require some time to be trained and the middle of nowhere Amity Park doesn’t exactly have a pool to choose from, but it’s okay to adopt a younger animal and train it themselves.
Danny looks at the pictures of the fluffy bunnies and alert-eared dogs with big, glistening eyes. Then puts them down. There’s no way an animal would be safe in his house.
That’s when the ghosts attack. Danny isn’t the only spectre with a ghost sense and these ghosts are less human due to a lack of ectoplasm. Obviously, the silver fog reappears, and, in his terror, Danny drops to the next floor of the hospital, glitching through his bed and the floor underneath it. He crashes painfully in the middle of the gift shop.
His parents reach the conclusion that due to his extreme ectoplasm contamination; he’s developed a serious allergy to ectoplasmic weaponry, including things like ectoblasts that ghosts have naturally. They’re not…the wrongest that they could be. Unfortunately, they decide that Evil Ghosts TM can sense this weakness and are trying to kill their poor baby boy. Everyone else is freaking out about ghosts being visibly proven but the Fentons knew ghosts were real with zero doubts so they’re rolling with it.
Now, due to the knowledge that he died, Danny is having difficulty worrying about other things like catching up with schoolwork, his weird new allergies/powers or even Dash.
BTW KUDOS to anyone still reading, I know this part was really long, but I really felt like I couldn’t just flim flam over the details of why Danny would need an emotional support/service animal even if it’s fictional.
First day back at school, the Lunch Lady attacks. Danny barely eeks out a win just like in canon.
His parents decide that this is because of the allergies and the ghosts being able to sense Danny’s weakness as I said above. And they take it upon themselves to root out the problem at its source, to find all the ghosts who could hurt their son and imprison them, partly for Danny’s safety and partly for study. Not even they are sure where the divide is between their two loyalties.
So, they look to their now-functioning portal.
Unfortunately, they were massively underprepared, and they don’t come back.
 Jazz sees the locked lab door and leaves them to it, making dinner and making sure Danny knows she wants him to be at school.
He doesn’t go, she lets him not go.
Two days later the boredom is worse than his fear. He goes to school. Danny, Sam and Tucker enter like a single unit. Dash tries some shit and either:
Jazz emerges and smacks his head hard enough he loses vision for several seconds – long enough for her to knee him hard enough to put the continuance of the Baxter lineage into question.
Danny starts panicking again. The teachers always want to side with Dash but him openly attacking a kid who was just in the hospital who doesn’t even lift a finger in defence of himself is beyond the limits of any sane adult’s “boys will be boys”.
Doesn’t really matter, the point is that he’s not looking to fuck around any time soon now that he’s already found out. But he did in fact attack Danny.
Danny goes home. His first attempt at school following his death has failed.
Tucker, separately, goes to a garage sale to buy old electronics to use in his PDA upgrades. He buys a boxful of weird lab equipment that definitely has a microchip or two. When he opens it at Danny’s house as an effort to distract him, a small pink teddy falls out. No one notices it bounce beneath the sofa. Sam or Jazz brings up the support animal idea again but is reminded of the whole “our house is a toxic waste site” thing and backs off.
Weeks pass, Danny develops his ghost powers and Jazz realises their parents are actually missing. She submits a missing person report mentioning the switched-on portal – the lab door was locked from the inside.
So, when Danny wakes up one day and there’s a glowing green dog already with a collar and a toy he thinks “ah yes, a dog that my sibling has procured for me as we discussed many times to help me cope with my own mortality, the near-constant ghost attacks and my parents who vanished.”
So, he puts a leash on Cujo who is happily chewing on his little pink teddy and takes him off to school while Jazz is using her first free period to go bother the local cops about their parents. (Why haven’t they been taken in by child protective services? Either:
Because I said so
Jazz is 18
Jazz used her improbable psychology powers to bamboozle the social worker into leaving)
Everyone at school loves Cujo. He gets all the love and does a very good job of dragging Danny away from ghost attacks (so he can fight them!!)
Jazz doesn’t find out about Cujo until the afternoon but probably lets the whole thing lie because it’s a great solution.
This could go on for some time. Both Danny and Phantom have Cujo but as Phantom Cujo stays in his big form so there’s no connection made. Canon mostly proceeds as normal except the parents aren’t there and there’s no huge issue with Valerie.
Realistically, a fair few high schoolers are probably also on the hunt for a pet ghost dog because if Danny and Danny both have one there must be heaps going around. Danny is also worried about his parents and periodically looks for them but that isn’t the focus of this story so I won’t go into a lot of detail – just clarifying that he’s not a sociopath who finds out his parents are missing and goes “oh ok”.
This could be its own story but let’s get to the DC part now!!
Eventually the Justice League connects the two calls, one about the ghost dog and one about the parents disappearing through a portal. Maybe Valerie complains, or even fanon favourite Wes contacts the authorities about the ghost dog with no official training or certification. Either way the JLA algorithm picks up these two very strange claims from one town and send someone to investigate.
But I mean, parents vanishing from a locked room and a green dog aren’t exactly world ending stuff, so instead of sending an actual busy superhero they send one of the kid heroes.
Now a lot of people will go ahead and put Damian into this. But I don’t really care for him in a dynamic with Danny. But I have another vigilante in mind, one who is less animal crazy, but more dog focused and also has issues with being seen as an actual person.
That's right, it's Conner Kent. And his faithful alien dog Krypto. I've seen a few fics where Danny adopts him, but you know what other family member should think you're an actual person? Your significant other. This could totally be a friendship thing no problem, but I do feel like some versions of canon Connor Kent would get on great with Danny.
Without the looming, repeated threat of vivisection, I think Danny would be a lot more chill about his secret identity and would probably disclose Cujo’s origins to Superboy. Once Connor knows about Cujo (Phantom’s dog) being able to shrink, he can see Danny with the dog once and connect all the necessary dots. Because I stand by the fact that the main reason Danny’s secret ID isn’t discovered more is because there’s no reason for a dead person to have a secret identity but once the concept is introduced then it’s pretty simple. Connor can hang out with Phantom while Phantom does ghost fights because the Kryptonian can’t really contribute but he’s there for moral support.
Eventually, Danny reveals to Connor that he himself was cloned before and talks excitedly about his clone who he considers a cousin. I definitely think without the parents there that Dani would visit more even if she has an obsession with travel, wanderlust or freedom that prevents her from permanently moving in.
This knowledge makes him very upset about how he was treated by his genetic donors, and Connor decides to move in with the Fenton siblings (without really asking the Fenton siblings) and decides that he’ll commute to the watchtower/titans tower/mount justice (depending on which version of canon he’s in sorry I can’t be bothered to figure it out).
Unfortunately, on top of not asking the Fentons, he doesn’t notify or ask anyone in the caped community. So as far as any of them are concerned, Connor went on a minor mission to investigate some missing people and is now himself missing.
Just as a caveat because I don’t feel like getting into an argument today, I used the terms both “service animal” and “emotional support animal” even though in most countries these are not interchangeable legal definitions. I use it in a non-legal way here because emotionally helping Danny – especially when that emotional stress causes physical damage is a service, and also there is the potential for Cujo to help Danny in other physical ways.
Also, there is definitely room here for Dani being buds with Match. I think that'd be neat.
If I could draw, I would make art of Cujo and Krypto being besties but I cannot so just picture it for two seconds. Done? Great, thanks!
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oryoucouldhavemine · 11 months
TOH Headcanon Dump Post
(Mostly the De-lights because i write them the most lmao)
surprisingly tall but like in a lanky "towers over everyone" way except he has terrible posture
gets overwhelmed with sound, light, people, basically everything if it was unexpected he's probably overwhelmed
Darius is his dad but Raine and Eberwolf are like, honorary parents at this time. Eda and Camila are more like the really close aunts he always visits to me, idk i dont see Eda being a parental figure that works for him (Luz however that is her daughter fr fr)
has lots of scars from Belos trying to "teach him a lesson" about bravery and such and Hunter doesnt think anything about it until hes like changing and Darius does a drama queen dramamgic gasp, hand over chest while leaning against a wall for support
HATES tight clothing, its too restricting he enjoys oversized and loose clothes. in the human world, luz introduces him to skirts and hunter is like "WHY WOULD ANYONE NOT WEAR A SKIRT THEYRE AMAZING"
he also likes purses he thinks theyve gotta be magical or something
touch-starved but has loving friends and family who are here to help him through it
discovers fire trucks and engines in the human world and despises the boiling isles for NOT HAVING THEN WHY DONT THEY HAVE THEM THEYRE SO COOL????
ADHD + genderqueer (p sure both are canon)
SHE WOULD LOVE NEO/XENO PRONOUNS theyd have sm fun with chosing ones
Loves to dress masc and fem and soemtimes combine them in asburd ways but she always surprisingly makes the outfit work
wants a guinea pig farm. no, NEEDS a guinea pig farm. She wants to name them all after her favourite book characters and sew them tiny outfits to match she would KILL a man for a guinea pig farm
considera hunter her older brother and looks up to him a lot
LOVES her gf would also kill a man for her she is the light of her life. luz tries to do grand romantic cheesy gestures like writing amity poems or getting her a massive bouquet of flowers but something ALWAYS goes wrong (amity loves all the gestures regardless)
luz's favourite colour is purple (because of amity ofc)
she HAS to sleep either sprawled out taking up every inch of the bed possible or curled up and swadled like a little baby there is no inbetween
very tactile if luz isnt hugging someone there might me something wrong
im cutting this short i could make fifty posts about luz hcs alone
autistic + sapphic
npw that shes free from her mom, she LOVES to be imperfect, she gets happy whenever she fails a test or a spell because shes ALOWED to be imperfect now
she and hunter did NOT get along at first like even post-s3 they didnt mesh well but they both care for Luz they had to get over it (and now theyre practically ever apart)
admired lillith even more now, she thinks lillith is like, THE COOLEST person in the world but feels akward telling her
has poor circulation so she gets cold really easily
whenever shes stressed or worried, shell pull at two strands of her hair next to her face and like twirl or pull on them to ground herself
unlabelled he/they
brags about having gone to the human realm to anyone who will listen
considers himself an expert on human things despite barely actually knowing anything human
loves playing pranks but is literally terrible at them but everyone humors him and acts surprised (he knows theyre acting)
once took a human SAT just to see if he could and got a higher score than Camila got on hers and she calls him Boy Genius for it
like in Flyer Derby, hes really good at a lot of sports but he plays untraditionally. hes always underestimated by the other team but then ends up scoring all the winning points
hes a silly little guy love him
her comfort person is hunter, she feels strong all the time but it weighs on her and hunter makes her feel strong even at her weakest moments
she likes to knot and crochet! she picked it up in the human world and she finds it so calming and fun except it took her a bit before she actually got the hang of it (she made like five sweaters that had three arms but in her defense!!! she knows a lot of creatures and beings with three arms!!!)
works out! not necessarily to get strong but because working out makes her feel accomplished
amity has been trying out new hairstyles and Willow loves being Amity's pracitce head. You can barely ever find willow without some sort of fancy braid or bun hairstyle nowadays
she wants a horse. shes not actually sure what a horse IS but she wants one
super sweet to every new person she meets until they mess with her friends then she is the scariest person alive
OCD + gay
he discovers what drag queens are and becomes obsessed
"a place for everything and everything in its place" hehas harsh rules about what does where and gets easily upset if his system is ruined
he DESPISES "if you hate messes so much whyd you pick the messiest magic to learn" comments because how DARE you insinuate that abomination matter (PART OF WHAT HE IS!) is ANYTHING like mud its actually very disrespectful of you to think so he says
he and alador had a falling out in their later years of school and to cover up the hurt, darius will argue and tease him but deep down he really just misses him
at the start of him trying to care for hunter, he refuses to admit that he is like a father to him. anytime eda or raine call him a dad, he'll go out of his way to try and prove hes NOT (cut to five months layer when hes legally adopted hunter and they meecilessly tesse him)
acts like eberwolf is the biggest inconvience hes ever met but would kill anyone who tries to harm them (and hed rather die than tell them that)
does things in threes, he doesnt even notice he does it at this point but he'll like rub his hands together three times, tie his hair up with three twists, eat three waffles for breakfast, and when smth isnt in threes it feels verry OFF to him
queer + autistic
very fixated on his work, he needs to be constantly creating and if he isnt creating then hes falling behind and if hes falling behind its the end of the world
doesnt know how to properly show affection, his parents had been pretty strict and neglectful so he doesnt know how to properly show his kids that he loves and cares for them
NOT a tactile person at all. don't touch him and DEFINTELY dont touch him without permission. he has very few people who are exceptions (his kids and Darius) and even then there are limits
hates the feeling of showering so hes a bigger bath person despite darius telling him thats not an effective way to get clean
he has like eighty pairs of the exact same outfit because its the only texture he can stand
darius and his falling out was due to his parents telling him darius was dragging him down and he itched him in an attempt to make his parents proud. he deeply regrets his choice everyday (they fix their shit eventually)
he DOES have a favourite kid but he refuses to tell them such
bisexual + autistic + transmasc
this man gets NO BITCHES none zero trying to find a partner is borderline IMPOSSIBLE for some unknown reason
he runs on a schedule and if something breaks the schedule no matter how small it can ruin his whole day
vrry open with his emotions. he will tell you right away if youre bothering him or did something to upset him
WHY THE HELL IS SCHOOL SO HARD he despises english because why are all answers right and wrong he loves math because there is only one right answer but its still a tricky subject for him
his biggest fear is dying alone he hates being alone its the worst thing ever
WHY IS MAGIC TRICKY AS WELL WHY IS EVERYTHING SO HARD? hes getting better though and hes really good at beastkeeping
clingy emotionally and physically he needs the constant reassurance that people are there and care for him and hes close to his sister and tends to stick to her like glue
bisexual + AuDHD + transfem
when she and edric were younger and realised they were both trans they just switched names and clothes and it took ten years for their parents to notice the switch
RSD [Rejection Senstive Dysphoria] she hates that she has it because someone can say smth as simple as "sorry i cant make it my grandma died" and she'll start thinking of a million different reasons why that person actually just hates her (shes communicated this with her siblings though and they do their best to commincate clearly back with her that no they dont hate her at all)
SO MANY BITCHES people fall at her feet they swoon when she walks by but NONE of them are her type its terrible!!!!
loves her little sister but doesnt know how to show her love through any other way outside merciless teasing
she loves her brother, she does, she just wants to be her own person outside him, to be able to turn around and not see him two feet behind her
loves english and the fact you can make any wrong answer right with enough arguing and debate. math is her least favourite subject WHY THE HELL IS IT SO HARD
has years of detention stacked up but has not attended a single day (she got suspended for a week because of it and was just like YAYYY FREE VACATION!)
will sometimes just sit in her dads workshop while he works and watch in silence because she likes hanging out with people but knows alador cant focus with sound. its both of their favourite times
lesbian + nonbinary
post-s3 runs a music therapy group where they teach people how to play instruments or how listening to music can greatly help their mental health
has been in love with eda since their breakup, they never stopped loving her and would watch from the sidelines with terror as wanted signs got hung up around the BI for years
doesnt mind dressing fem or masc but prefers the more androgynous outfits
has watched hunter from the sidelines and tried to protect them from a distance but could only do so much. post-HM raine goes out of their way to make sure hunter is safe
sees luz as a sort of step daughter and then promptly panics over that realisation for a whole day
gets flustered really easily like why is everything so embarrassing what the hell
very agile, can do backflips and stuff
Unlabelled + he/they
COULD JOT STAND DARIUS AT FIRST darius and eber did NOT get along in their early years of being covenheads but then eventually learned they were both rebels and got closer now theyre kind of like begruding brothers
could kill a man in their sleep and has
loves being dirty, mud is so much fun why doesnt everyone roll around in the mud more?
has also watched hunter from afar for years, hunter used to be sent out on overnight missions into the woods and stuff and eber would follow along and protect hunter so he could focus on his mission and not random forest creatures trying to kill him
Most of these are based on my dadrius series and stuff so if you enjoyed these hcs uou should go read my fics (KaztielCS118 on ao3!!! used to be Im_Basically_Shakespeare but i changed it recently)
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gabessquishytum · 10 months
more trans hob period sex thoughts, this time featuring the corinthian because i think it could be very funny. so! newly remade corinthian gets his first unchaperoned trip back to the waking as a reward for good behaviour, and he decides that the best use of the opportunity is definitely to go see his immortal fuckbuddy. and hob's thrilled to see him, he was... admittedly kind of worried about how long it had been since he'd seen him? but also dream's back and coming by more often and it's got hob absolutely desperate to get his back blown out, thanks. and he's even on his period, which always makes cori go absolutely wild(er than usual).
this time's no exception, hob tries for a bit of small talk but the second cori gets a good smell of him hob's in bed on his back with cori between his legs. no complaints from hob! at least not until there's a knock on his door.
because dream's been keeping an eye on the corinthian, naturally, and he's... a little worried and a lot confused about why his nightmare would go straight to hob when as far as dream knows, they've never met. so he goes to check, the corinthian can tell it's dream at the door and he's throughly annoyed about it, hob does not know it's dream and a minute after cori storms out of the bedroom hob's brain comes back online and realizes. fuck. answering the door with a face covered in blood. not ideal.
the corinthian very nearly gets unmade again when he answered the door covered in blood. it... doesn't exactly help when hob staggers out of the bedroom, boxers hasilty pulled on and not doing much to hide the bloody fingerprints all over his thighs and belly.
hob does manage to talk dream down. eventually. and then has to explain that yes, cori was welcome here. no, it wasn't the first time. hey what do you mean he's a nightmare. ("robbie, baby, you didn't think i was human, did you?" "what the fuck, of course i didn't, i'm not an idiot. i figured you were a vampire! you show up at night and i've never seen your eyes and you're obsessed with blood i think vampire was a reasonable assumption!?")
something something the corinthian takes off his glasses, hob remembers that he's still horny and hey he's actually more horny now, dream gets invited to join in, and hob learns that at just the right angle, cori can eat hob out and get one of his eye-mouths on his clit at the same time. which should probably be very very terrifying but actually just makes hob come so hard he blacks out for a second.
VERY amused and horny about this. I love the Corinthian just simply not realising The Implications of answering the door with his mouth covered in blood. Like, baby boy, even if it WASN'T Dream on the other side, you're gonna arouse one or two suspicions.
Also LOVE Dream lowkey going into suspicious parent mode when he sees Cori showing up at Hob’s place. He's trying not think the worst but the Corinthian is still very much a nightmare and it's not beyond the realms of possibility to imagine him targeting Dream’s literal only friend.
Meanwhile: Hob is just very tired and horny and he was really hoping for an orgasm or two, not a supernatural slanging match on his doorstep. He tells Dream and Cori that they can both come in and make him cum, or they can bugger off somewhere else.
They're both sensible enough to do as Hob says. They can both smell the blood and Hob’s other fluids twining together to make the most delicious scent, and eating him out sounds like the best idea right now.
Hob gets Dream’s lovely, big satisfying cock in his arse while Cori absolutely devours his cunt with all three mouths. He feels so full, like the empty crampy place inside has been perfectly filled up. And he's obsessed with the new sensation of Cori's two tiny tongues licking his clit and labia. He's got his hand tangled in Cori's hair while Dream gently bounces him up and down on his cock, and none of them can stop making noises of pure delight. Cori hasnt had such a good meal since he's been on probation in the dreaming, and he cums untouched purely from the taste of Hob’s cunt.
Hob promptly falls asleep when they're finished with him, and Dream and Cori can't exactly leave (they're being forcibly cuddled by their favourite human, what are they supposed to do?!), and they don't feel like fighting anymore... seems like a good idea to collaborate and see if they can make Hob cum in his sleep, right?
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kyufessions · 2 years
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meaning: lily of the valley’s represent the return of happiness
pairings: single father, idol! jacob bae x teacher! g.n. reader
synopsis: when single father jacob goes to drop off his daughter to their first day of first grade, he didn’t expect to see you there as well.
warnings: fluff, some angst but barely there
a/n: part one of my tbz flower series, you can find the other parts here ! i also put “mx.” instead of “mr.” or “ms.” to keep everything as gender neutral as possible, feel free to change that as you read along ! enjoy ~
“are you ready for your first day of first grade, kat?” jacob questioned his daughter as he helped her hop down from her car seat, a comforting smile on his face.
she nodded eagerly, her smile just as bright as her fathers. “of course! I even get to see my friends again!”
“You saw them everyday this summer, sweetheart.” he chuckled, double checking her french braids that he learned to do specifically for her. When she told her dad she wanted her hair to look exactly like a picture she’d shown him that had a young woman with french braids, he spent the entire night learning how to make them look perfect.
“so? being in school with them is different!” she exclaimed, jumping up and down happily.
kat, shortened for katherine, was the light of jacob’s life. after he found out about his ex-wife’s actual intentions with him, which was to gain fame and money off of him from his idol status, he left her and gained full custody of kat. since she was only two when her parents separated, kat didn’t remember much about her mother. she asked about her sometimes but jacob never told her much since he didn’t really see her as an important part of her life.
as soon as jacob wanted to end things and brought forth the divorce papers to his now ex-wife, all she did was laugh and sign the papers- all her things being gone the very next day as he was out running errands with kat for only two hours. he was hurt for quite some time, but not too long since he knew he deserved better. once he was out of his heartbreak funk, he promised himself to only focus on katherine for the time being. five years later and he hadn’t gone on one date or even so much as kissed someone. his best friends tried setting him up multiple times but never agreed to go, only wanting to focus on his current life. besides, he did a lot of thinking as well during this time.
he thought about his relationship before meeting his fame-hungry ex-wife and how purely beautiful it was. about how utterly in love he was with that person before they parted ways. they only parted ways because he had met his future ex, believing he was more in love with that stranger than he ever could be with the person he truly was in love with. sure, they were only together for thirteen months but he swore he had never felt happier. when he tried to bring those emotions into the present, all he could feel was merriment, contentedness, and love. which were things he thought he felt with his previously described ex, but was just blinded by lust and manipulation.
jacob grabbed his daughter's hand, walking through the front doors of her school and down the hall to her classroom. he listened intently to the small human as she explained how excited she was for her first day, telling her father how she was so grown now. when he reached her classroom she squealed with excitement as they both waited in line for her to check in. and when he noticed who the teacher was, he started to feel like his daughter to an extent.”
“y/n?” he questioned, his eyes widening as he realized he said it out loud.
you smiled politely at him, a small laugh leaving your lips. “i’m y/l/n, pleasure to meet you again, mr. bae.” you knelt down to his daughters height, your smile never leaving your face. “you must be katherine, i love your braids!”
kat’s smile grew wider, thanking her new teacher as her eyes sparkled. “my daddy did them! aren’t they pretty?” she twirled her braids in her tiny hands, glancing up at her dad and hugging his legs before running inside to say hello to one of her friends. he waved goodbye to her before she left, giving her a small forehead kiss and telling her he’d see her later along with an ‘i love you’. she reassured him she loved him as well as she ran towards a cubby, throwing her bag inside and then towards her one friend.
you glanced behind jacob as he stood up with a grunt as he was previously at his daughters height. you noticed no one was behind him and knew no kids were behind you as they all sat in a circle in the middle of the room as instructed. you took this opportunity to speak to your old lover who you hadn’t seen in over twelve years.
“i’d appreciate it if you called me mx. y/l/n, mr. bae.” you exclaimed to him, crossing your arms across your chest as you stared him down. “especially around your daughter.”
jacob gulped, nodding in embarrassment. “i’m sorry, i didn’t expect you to be my child’s teacher i was just shocked.” he smiled awkwardly, making you cringe internally. “you look good.”
“i know.” was all you said before telling him class was starting soon and that he had to leave. he happily obliged and left, but not before saying how nice it was to see you again after twelve years.
the school year had just started and there were already parent-teacher conferences that had to be held. school had been back in session for two months, and you already hated seeing that same smiling man every morning and afternoon.
twelve years ago jacob decided to leave you for someone else, who he ended up flaunting around any chance he had. at the time you had assumed he was rubbing it in your face, and considering he was your first love it hurt like hell to see them together. whenever a new dispatch photo would drop or they would both do an interview together, you couldn’t help but feel a few tear drops fall from your eyes. it took you a few months to figure yourself back out, and once you did you started feeling okay again.
you began to focus on your future career, making sure to pass all your college courses with flying colors to make sure to get the best job possible for yourself. and that you did. you graduated top of your class with honors, getting a job opportunity in a big city five hours away from where you had previously resided. you figured this would be a fresh new start for you- your dream job in a new city with new memories to be created and new relationships to discover. change had never excited you before, but after having your heart ripped out by jacob bae himself made you change your mind.
you didn’t still hate or resent him. in fact, you admired him if anything. the fact that all these years he continued to be a successful idol with a growing daughter, not once declining in talent or sales when it came to his group was something worth praising. and the fact his messy divorce was in the public eye made everything worse, and not once did he ever say anything negative regarding the mother of his child whether she did the opposite or not. watching jacob get brutally pulled apart publicly for his divorce hurt you in some aspects, because despite him having hurt you years ago he was still overall a sunshine of a human being who deserved respect and support.
tonight was the night of katherine’s parent teacher conference along with three other kids' parents. there were different time slots and jacob chose the last one of the night, assuming he had a schedule to attend to. the first three conferences went by in a breeze, all of them lasting no more than fifteen minutes each. when the third parent finished, you had half an hour before jacob had to come by so you had some time to yourself. you decided to walk three doors down to the teachers lounge, feeling yourself getting tired from the long days work.
you normally didn’t put more than one spoon of sugar into your cups of coffee, but in order to keep yourself awake you needed around three. you poured the irish cream from the fridge, swirling around the mixture and smiling to yourself contently- that was until you heard a knock on the open door of the lounge. startled, you jumped up a bit in your spot in front of the mini kitchen counter which caused some coffee to spill over your baby blue shirt.
when you looked up to see who caused you to make such a mess, you were surprised to see the last parent of the day rushing over to the napkins and helping you clean up the mess. apologies spurted out left and right, saying he didn’t mean to scare you in any way but rather to just capture your attention. you reassured him it was fine, telling him it was your fault for being so scared in the first place. after you both cleaned up the mess, you took a quick sip of the coffee before walking out and back towards the classroom. jacob followed behind you, hating the silence you served him whenever he was around.
you told the father to take a seat in one of the chairs that were set up in front of your desk as you carefully placed your mug on a coaster. you scrummaged through your top drawer and pulled out katherine’s file along with a picture she drew that day, ready to tell jacob about how well katherine was doing in class so far. that was, until he decided to speak first.
“why are you so quiet around me?” he questioned, playing with his thumbs as he watched you. when you looked up to meet his gaze, he felt himself get smaller. “you act like you don’t know me, it’s a bit weird.”
“i’m here to talk about katherine, not us. but if you’d like to discuss that quickly to get it out of the way, we can.” you cleared your throat, setting down his daughters file for a brief moment to say everything you’ve been wanting to for twelve years. “you left me for someone else, flaunted that relationship to the media like no tomorrow, only to end up getting divorced years later. you were my first love and acted like i meant nothing when you left. you just, moved on just like that. to someone who didn’t even deserve any of your attention.” the tone in your voice held no emotion which gave jacob shivers.
he had nothing to say because at the end of the day you were right. his ex didn’t deserve him at all, not then and not now. he was manipulated by her from the start, and he was so young and convinced he was in love that it all just happened before he knew it. he just stared at you, continuing to play awkwardly with his thumbs as you just stared back blankly at him. “i’m sorry, y/n. i was young and didn’t know better. but you’re right, she didn’t deserve me at all-“
“mx. y/l/n.” you corrected, picking back up his daughter's file and pulling out her drawings and progress reports.
for the next ten minutes you showed jacob all of katherine’s progress. the drawing she made of herself with her dad gave him the brightest smile, and hearing about her amazing progress warmed his heart with pride. the meeting finished up rather quickly, ending with you thanking him for coming by and handing him the folder of her papers. you had told him to have a good night and automatically stood up to gather your things, but we’re confused when he hadn’t moved much from his seat.
“you can leave, mr. bae. the meeting is over.” you stated, grabbing your jacket and bag.
“can we talk? please?” he asked, his eyes staring daggers at you with something similar of regret. truth be told, jacob never regretted leaving you for his ex just for the sole fact that at the end of the day, she gave birth to his daughter. but to say he missed you was an understatement, and he sure as hell didn’t want to let you go this time. if you were being put back in his life, it was for a reason. right?
you let out a deep sigh, walking towards the door as you responded to him. “i said all i had to say, mr. bae-“
he followed behind you, touching your arm gently to get you to stop walking away from him. “please just call me jacob. i’m not a stranger.”
“i’m on school grounds, i’m not going to call you jacob. that’s unprofessional of me.” you replied, turning to look at him for a brief moment before walking through the door and motioning for him to follow you so you can lock the door behind him.
he did as you instructed, watching you lock your classroom door and following you through the exit of the building towards the parking lot. “so let me treat you to dinner, we can catch up. if you have the time, of course.”
you walked towards your car, taking your keys out of your bag to open the drivers side door. the sun was just starting to set, the skies a burnt orange with the moon threatening to rise in the skyline. “it’s inappropriate, i’m your child’s teacher. i don’t want anyone to get the wrong idea.”
he shook his head, running a hand through his hair nervously. “no no, we’re just old lovers catching up. it just so happens that you’re my child’s teacher, it’s a coincidence.”
for a moment you just stood there, thinking if you actually should go with him to go eat. you were hungry, and if he was offering that means he must be paying so the food would be free. jacob did have a point, you were only old friends catching up at the end of the day. he stood there in hope you would agree, and when you finally did he thanked you more than a hundred times. you couldn’t help but let out a soft laugh at his happiness from the agreement of his simple invitation, finding it kind of cute.
as you sat across from your ex-boyfriend, you couldn’t help but laugh for hours on end as you both caught up. it was mainly you telling him about yourself, since jacobs life was pretty much all over the media since he still held an idol image, but he still listened intently to every word that left your mouth. he had taken you to a local diner he went to often when he needed some time alone, a diner he never took anyone to because he wanted to keep it a secret for himself. but this was the first place that he thought of to take you to, wanting to share his love of the desserts they offered and burgers they made with you.
in those moments, both of you felt a happiness you haven’t experienced since you both were together. a pure love that had both of you overflowing with joy. each laugh that left your lips has jacob falling for you all over again, wanting nothing more than to hold your hand but being both scared to do so and not wanting to push any limits with you.
you glanced over at a hanging clock above the milkshake machines, frowning at the time it showed. how had two and a half hours passed already? jacob noticed the change in your features, starting to overthink he said something wrong that made you uncomfortable.
“are you okay? did i say something wrong?” he asked, running a hand through his hair yet again out of nerves.
you laughed, shaking your head in disagreement. “i’m fine for the most part, just upset at the time it is right now.”
he glanced at the clock, turning back to look at you and frowning as well. he didn’t want tonight to end, he wanted to stay in this moment forever. being with you made everything around you both dissipate, the world only revolving around the two of you in these moments. he started feeling young again, even if he was only thirty five.
“we should do this again sometime, then.” jacob suggested, handing the server his bank card to pay for everything.
you thought for a moment. should you? was this okay? what if something happened between you both and he left you again like he did all those years ago? surely he wouldn’t do it again, right? all those thoughts had you overthinking for a solid minute, leaving him staring at you awaiting a response that left him to start thinking as well. maybe too much for his liking.
you quickly grabbed your bag, starting to shuffle out of the booth and stand up. “um, this was nice but i’m not so sure. see you tomorrow when you drop off katherine, tell her i said hello.”
and with that you walked out. as if on cue, the waiter brought him back over his card and he thanked him for the meal before running out the diner to catch up to you. he caught you right before you made it to your car across the parking lot, grabbing your arm gently and spinning you around to look at him.
“did i do something wrong? if so i’m sorry, that wasn’t my intention. i just- i missed you a lot. i missed us. i wanted to catch up and see if there was anything still there. i thought there was, am i wrong?”
you shook your head, looking down at his hand since you were afraid to look him in the eyes. “there is but-“
“but what? am i too forward?”
“jacob,” you started, guiding up the courage to look him in his eyes once again. “i don’t want you to leave me. again. if this goes anywhere, i don’t want to be heartbroken again. that’s why i’m scared. and i feel stupid for feeling so terrified of loving you because we’re fully grown adults now but for some reason you make me feel young again, like a lovesick teen.”
he reached up to run his thumb along your cheek, cupping your face in his one hand as his other snaked to behind your back and around your waist. “tonight, i felt a sense of happiness i haven’t felt in twelve years. all those years away from you, i never want to experience that again. i’m not making that same mistake again, and i can promise you that.” he placed a chaste kiss on your forehead, causing you to crack a small smile.
“gosh, the things you do to me, jacob bae.” you mumbled, pressing your forehead against his as you ran your fingers through his grey-turning hair.
“can i kiss you?”
and with a simple nod of your head, he took that opportunity to crash his lips onto yours. every emotion he felt within that kiss is something he had been missing, something he’d been wanting to feel again. and he found all of that within you: his lost love. but since the universe rewarded him with your presence, he wasn't going to let you go again.
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roseofdarknessblog · 1 year
A Warrior’s heart (Marcel Galliard x Reader) » Part X
Word count: 6 430
Disclaimer: english is not my first language, I apologize in advance for any mistakes
Info: canon AU where Marcel didn’t die; also the reader is an Eldian Warrior from Marley but not a Titan Shifter
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A Warrior’s heart (Part X)
You stayed up until morning. There was no way of going to sleep after what your mother told you. Even closing your eyes just for a short while seemed like something impossible. Because every time you tried, all you could see and think about, were the two men. One of them is your father.
And you simply weren’t able to tell, which option would be better. Or the least painful one, to put it better.
In the end... who hurt you less? The man who left even before you were old enough to remember him? Or the man, that was by your side all those years, but let you risk your life and never said a single thing?
Which one of them was the biggest coward?
„It only feels like yesterday that we’ve been here for the first time,“ your sister said, throwing her arms around your neck again. It was slowly impossible to count how many times she did it since you arrived at the port. „I just hope you’ll come back much sooner this time.“
„Yeah... me too.“
The only person you were able to pay attention to, was Commander Magath. The man you knew for so many years. You spent long minutes trying to study his features, just to find a tiny little thing that would tie him to you and Anya. But the more you tried, the harder it got. Suddenly it seemed as if he was the last possible human, who could be your biological father.
And still...
Something inside of you was trying to convince you, that it is him. Suddenly it seemed, that even your mother wished, that it was him. You caught her looking over at him a few times, always quickly looking away, before he noticed.
„I know you hate to hear it, but... I’m really grateful for everything.“
„Let’s not talk about it, okay? If I had to do it all over again just for you to stay alive, I would. Without hesitation, because I love you.“
With those words, you kissed her cheek and slowly pulled away. Not that you didn’t want to hug her. Quite the opposite. But you were never good with goodbyes, they were always too painful. Even more, when your mom almost immediately pulled you into a hug as well.
The Galliards were saying their goodbyes just a few steps away, Marcel’s mom was hugging her older son as if she refused to let him go anywhere. You’ve already talked to Porco and his parents for a short while. The other Warriors weren’t there, because you and Marcel asked them not to come. It was better that way.
„You can do it, I believe in you, honey,“ she said, sweetly kissing your forehead and tucking a few strands of hair behind your ear. „Marcel will keep you safe.“
„I’d rather he stayed here.“
When you looked over at him, all kinds of emotions started rising in your chest. You couldn’t imagine going back with anyone else. Not even Reiner, who was with you for the last five years. You trusted him, but in critical situations, it was always Marcel, you looked for. You needed his guidance and ability to make quick decisions even in the worst-case scenarios.
But his safety was more important than any of that.
„I should...“ you started, looking over at Commander Magath again. Your mother’s eyes wandered in his direction too. „I should talk to him. Maybe I won’t get another chance.“ You kept your voice low, so Anya didn’t hear anything.
„Don’t say such things, everything will be fine. You’ll come back.“
Will you?
In some moments, you weren’t even a little bit sure. Not when everything still seemed suspicious. Why would Marley set up this mission so fast and send only the two of you, if getting Annie back was so important? Marcel’s Titan was the smallest, and even though he was fast and could do a lot of damage with his teeth, it would not stand a chance in a fight with the Survey corps. Now when you saw what happened to Reiner, when he and Bert tried to kidnap Eren for the first time.
You stayed with your family for a little while, before withdrawing for the final time. Your chest was hurting with tons of emotions, but you were able to hold your tears. For their sake. If you never came back, it would be better for them to remember you this way. Brave and daring, without showing fear.
„Commander?“ you addressed Magath carefully with hands curled into fists. You could almost feel your heart beating out of your chest. „Do you have a minute? We need to talk about something important.“
„Of course.“
„Thank you.“ You stood beside him, turning your back to your family and rather facing the ocean. It was still pretty early in the morning, the surface was beautifully glittering in the first rays of sunlight. In moments like these, you truly loved your hometown. „I don’t know how to start. It’s not an easy thing to talk about. And I’m sure it won’t be easy for you to listen and answer me.“
His quiet laugh surprised you. „I think I already know.“
„My mother talked to you a few days back,“ you reacted calmly. His response surprised you, but you didn’t want to show it. „And we had a pretty serious conversation yesterday evening.“
„About me?“ You nodded, trying to stay calm and talk quietly at the same time. This wasn’t a conversation for other curious ears. „So she finally told you?“
„About the possibility of you being my father?“ He wasn’t even startled when you said the last word. It almost seemed like he was waiting all this time to have this conversation with you. All those years, which he spent solely in the role of your superior. „You’re not even a little bit surprised?“
„Why would I be surprised?“
You shook your head, smiling a little for yourself. „Because I was. There wasn’t a moment in my entire life when I thought about you being something more than just my superior.“ Why would you think something like that? Your father was always a faceless man you never got to know. And never possibly the chief of the Warrior Unit you were a part of. „And I still can’t quite believe it.“
„For almost eighteen years I’ve lived with the possibility of having two beautiful daughters, who I’ll never have the chance to properly get to know. Keeping all of you safe has always been my top priority. That’s why I left your mother. Staying with her wouldn’t end well, even for someone with my position in the military.“
You tilted your head back for a while, looking up at the clear blue sky. How peaceful would it be to just fly away? To a place, where nothing like this existed. Where nobody would lie to you and play stupid games with your emotions.
„I’ve always kept an eye on you. Hell, I even tried to get you kicked out of the warrior program, just to keep you safe. But when I learned why you applied in the first place...“ He shrugged, putting his hands into the pockets of his white coat. „You were close to getting one of the Titans. Really close, but I interfered and made your results seem worse.“
„So...“ you laughed again, feeling tears in your eyes. „So you did all of this, but never managed to tell me anything. How could you? Why? I would never tell anyone, not when the life of my family was at stake.“
„It was better this way,“ he said almost too reassuringly, lighting a cigarette. When he offered you one, you refused. „I helped you get your status of an honorary Marleyan even without inheriting a Titan, so your sister could get the medical help she desperately needed. That was the most I was able to do for you and your family. Without getting all three of you killed.“
The docks were full of military personnel, which seemed kind of weird in itself. It wasn’t this busy the last time you were leaving, even though everything else was much more spectacular and special. The whole internment zone cheered on you back then. The day five Warriors left for Paradis to bring it down once and for all, was special for everyone in some way.
„You feared about our safety and all... okay, I get it. But why are you being so open about it now?“ you asked, looking over your shoulder. Your mother and Anya were talking to the Galliards. They all seemed lost in a conversation, Marcel was not a part of. His eyes were on you, carefully watching you and the Commander. „You’re not counting on me getting back home, right?“
Those words held so much pain. You could feel your heart break when he didn’t respond at all. That was the catch of this mission? Marley just wanted to get rid of you? For failing your first mission? Even after they didn’t declare you guilty at the Military court?
„I trained you the best I could, but whatever happens, happens. I have no control over that, only you and Galliard do.“ He too looked over at Marcel. „I’ll take care of your mother and sister.“
„The way you did for the last eighteen years?“ you muttered in an agitated tone, forcing a smile on your lips just for Marcel to see everything is okay. Even if it wasn’t. „Do you really think it’s you? Our biological father?“
It took him a minute to answer. Almost as if he needed to think about something, he should have known for a long time. „I don’t know your sister, but sometimes when I look at you...“ He bowed his head, throwing the cigarette on the ground and stepping on it.
You eagerly waited for his answer, but it never came. Not when Commander Magath silently hissed and turned his back to you. He was breathing hard, almost as if he was battling with the words he wanted to say. The words he wanted you to hear.
„Commander!“ you called after him, expecting him to finish his words.
Only when he continued walking, did you truly feel the pain of this entire situation. He was turning his back on you. Literally. The chief of the Warrior unit didn’t want anything to do with you. Not in the role of your father.
He was just like the other man. The one you thought was the worst person ever to exist. Both of them valued only themselves, but not you or your sister. Family meant nothing to them. Not even in a situation like this. When this could be the last time you see each other.
You waited for a bit and took a couple of deep breaths, before returning to your family for the last couple of minutes. Hugging and kissing them felt even harder than ever before. Your mother was quietly apologizing while kissing the top of your head and almost crushing you in her embrace.
But saying your final goodbye to Anya was much worse. Mainly because you wanted her to know the truth, but there simply wasn’t time to tell her. All you could do was hug both of them back and say a million times over how much you love them.
„Will it help if I tell you, that your eyes look really pretty when you cry?“ Marcel asked, hugging you around the shoulders as soon, as the boat finally left the shore.
„What are you talking about?“ you asked, wiping the tears with the back of your hand. The port was getting smaller by the second, and the people still there disappearing. Your mother. Anya. Commander Magath. „You sound like Porco. Dumb.“
Marcel laughed quietly, kissing your cheek lovingly. „We’ll be back soon. I promise.“
„You have no power over that, Marcel. We don’t know what will happen to us once we disembark at Paradis. Just like we didn’t know five years ago.“
Your whole body was trembling and your heart still racing from all of the emotions. What were you supposed to feel? Nothing could have prepared you for this situation. This chapter of your life, everything about your father, was a closed case for many years. And now was the worst time possible to reopen it.
„Do you want to talk?“ he asked worriedly, rubbing your arm reassuringly and pulling you even closer to his side. „Something made you really upset. You’re not crying just because we’re leaving.“
„I don’t think I can talk bout it now. Maybe later.“  
„Did Magath say something?“
You turned to him with sheer panic in your eyes. „How do you know about that?“
„I mean... you were talking to him, I saw you,“ Marcel replied surprised, furrowing his brow.
„Oh... yeah, you’re right. Sorry.“ Of course, he saw you talk to the Commander, you even made eye contact. That was all he knew. Nothing more specific. Not the possible truth. „No, it’s just something really dumb. Forget it, it’s fine.“
Nothing was fine. Not even close to fine, but you pretended for his sake. It was better to curl up in his embrace and watch the coast of Marley get further and further by the second.
Something wasn’t right about this whole mission, you could simply feel it deep in your bones, but... Saving Annie was worth the risk. You owed her that, even much more. She really was someone special for you, and not just because she had the power of the Female Titan.
„Do you think we’ll meet them again? The 104th?“ you asked after a while, still gripping the rail with one hand, your body leaning against Marcel’s.
„If they survived the battle in Shiganshina... yeah, it’s a pretty big possibility.“
„I don’t want to hurt them, Marcel,“ you whispered, pressing a tiny kiss to his neck.
Keeping your voice low was essential since random soldiers were always lurking around the deck. Just like the one, that saw you two kissing while on the way back home and immediately ran after Magath to inform him. What nonsense. As if the military didn’t have more serious problems than two of their soldiers falling in love.
„We’ll do our best to avoid combat. You have a good chance of slipping into the ranks of the Military police, we just need to get you a uniform. Having your ODM gear already is pretty helpful.“
„I don’t know, somebody may recognize me.“
„Well, I’m not saying you should stick around for a long time. Just until you hear something about Annie or find her yourself.“
„Firstly we need to somehow get behind the Walls.“ He nodded, kissing the top of your head gently. You loved being shorter than him, even more, when he was hugging you and resting his chin against your head. And it was also perfect for forehead kisses, which Marcel loved to give you at any given moment. „We should move during the night when the Titans aren’t active. It will be much safer. If we plan it out right, we could reach the Walls in two nights, and then during the third, we find our way in. Maybe through that passage, that should lead right up to the Underground.“
„I’ve heard it starts somewhere under Shiganshina, then continues under Karaness District, and then straight to Stohess. If it’s true, there is no need for us to even get close to Trost.“
„That would be for the best.“
Going through some tactics was the best thing you could do almost the whole time. It kept your mind occupied, and didn’t let your emotions run wild once more. Marcel offered to talk somewhere in private, but staying up on the sunny deck felt much better. If anything, at least the weather was beautiful, even though you started to feel a little seasick again, after maybe an hour. But it was better than last time.
Ultimately, the two of you spent some hours alone as well. Behind closed and locked doors, where it was only your love and passion speaking loudly and clearly. The fear in Marcel’s eyes grew bigger and bigger with every kiss he gave you, with every touch of his fingers against your skin. The very real possibility of losing each other terrified you, even during the moments when you could feel the other one right in your arms.
When you first started dating, you knew what was ultimately coming your way. Marcel only had a limited amount of years left, while you had the possibility to live a very long life. And sometimes, when you looked over at him in random moments, you were sure that the day he’ll die, is going to be the day the real you stops existing as well.
Something similar was running through your head now as well. If anything happens to him on that island, you simply won’t have the strength to continue and carry out what Marley sent you to do. Yes, his love made you feel strong and determined, but it also made you vulnerable.
„We should get ready,“ Marcel said, letting the tips of his fingers run along your bare back. You could still feel his lips all over your body, his eyes meeting yours in passionate moments full of love.
„I wish we could stay like this forever,“ you mumbled against his chest, pressing a gentle kiss above his heart.
„We’ll have days like that, I promise. Right now we have to think about Annie. Not what Marley and the military want from us.“
„Don’t you think this whole mission is a little suspicious from the start? I mean... why all that fuss around the Military court and everything when they let me go in the end? And the only punishment is supposed to be this? Going back to Paradis for Annie? The thing I wanted to do immediately after the battle in Shiganshina?“
„It feels kinda off, but I’m more concerned about their decision to send only the two of us, with you not even having Titan powers. Like what do they expect from me alone?“
Those were exactly your thoughts. You told the military everything about the Survey corps and their ability to battle Titans, even Titan shifters like Marcel and the others. They knew, how dangerous certain people, like Captain Levi, who almost killed Zeke, can be. But despite that, they didn’t bother to come up with a better plan.
Of course, you were given a lot of instructions and commands to obey. Just like when you left for Paradis five years ago. Everyone was sure all of you knew, what was expected.
However, this time they all seemed really...
„Do you think they want to get rid of us?“ you asked suddenly, before even thinking about saying those words out loud.
Marcel took a deep breath, playing with random strands of your hair. The sun behind the little cabin window almost started to set again. The shores of Paradis had to be close. „I thought about that, just didn’t want to say anything. But then again... if they killed me without somebody inheriting the Jaw, it will be lost to Marley. That would leave them with just three Titans out of the nine. If you don’t include the War Hammer, which is in possession of the Tybur’s.“
„You can’t really count the War Hammer in, they would never lend it to the military in any war conflict. They never did.“
„That’s exactly my point. Losing another Titan would be a disaster for the country. Mostly because...“ the way he paused made you worriedly lift your head from his chest and look into his face. „I heard something about a war between Marley and the Mid-East Allied Forces. It seems they want to take advantage of the loss of two Titans.“
„Great, so when we come home, there will be another war waiting for us.“  
Will the hell cycle ever end? War after war, conflict after conflict. Do the nations really don’t know any better? Why is there always the need for more bloodshed and death?
„Let’s hope not.“
Getting out of bed and putting clothes back on was almost painful. Even more, when you had to put up with the annoying straps from your ODM gear. You didn’t wear it only for a short time, but it already felt like an entire eternity, since you had to have it on almost every single day. It never felt comfortable, the straps kept digging into your skin even through the fabric of your clothes, and making it really sore until it was finally time to take them off in the evening.
A sudden knock on the door surprised you both, while Marcel was buttoning up his black shirt and you were fastening the strap that went across your chest. When you opened, you were met with a tall soldier carrying a rifle tossed over his shoulder.
„Can I help you?“ you asked politely, leaning against the door a little.
„Both of you are immediately expected on the deck, we arrived. However, you are ordered to leave all weapons and supplies here. You’ll pick them up after.“
„After what?“ asked Marcel, appearing by your side and looking the soldier over.
„After you witness what we do to people like you,“ said the soldier with a snarky grin on his thin lips. He quickly looked at your armbands, and with a disgusted expression turned around, leaving you and Marcel absolutely dumbstruck.
You could feel shivers run down your spine, when Marcel put his hand on the small of your back, guiding you away from the door. So this really wasn’t just a simple mission. You didn’t travel to Paradis alone. Somewhere on this boat were other people, other Eldians, awaiting their doom. And you were supposed to watch them die for... what? Existing? Being born into this twisted world?
„Don’t think about doing anything, we can’t help them.“
The steady tone of his voice surprised you. „You knew?“ It only took him a second, when he nodded, looking away from your face.
„The holding cells were getting full pretty quickly, so the military planned this execution ahead. It was supposed to take place in three weeks. Only after that, they decided to send the two of us simultaneously. Why would they spend more money and resources on our transportation, when they can send only one boat?“ 
„You should have told me.“
„What for? It was better this way, trust me.“ With a quick kiss, Marcel grabbed your hand and led the both of you up to the deck. It was buzzing with life, soldiers, and officers almost at every step. Everybody was armed, carrying a standard rifle, you had to leave in the cabin.
When you looked straight ahead, you could see Paradis very clearly. It was just like you remembered it. Looking like an ordinary island, which was home to people like you. Just by the look of the sandy shores, no one would dare to guess what life there was really like. Not even you, when you first arrived five years ago.
You gripped Marcel’s hand a little tighter, while the two of you walked up to general Calvi, whose presence was a real surprise. „Ah, here you are, Galliard, Y/l/n.“
„General,“ you both answered almost at the same time, bringing your right hand up into a typical Marleyan salute.
„I would like it if the two of you accompanied our soldiers during the execution process. If I am not mistaken, none of you’ve ever seen something like this, right?“ The slimy smile on his face made you want to throw up. You’ve met this man a couple of times, but he always scared you for some reason. „Your mission will begin after that.“
„Yes, general,“ was all Marcel could say for the both of you.
When you didn’t say a word, Calvi looked over his shoulder and straight into your face. For some reason, it was suddenly hard to even breathe. „Yes... general,“ you got out at last, biting the inner side of your cheek.
„Very well,“ he answered with another almost frightening grin, turning his eyes back towards the shores of Paradis.
From that minute, everything happened too fast. The boat arrived at the simple docks, right before the tall wall. While you, Marcel, Calvi, and other military personnel stayed on the deck, a couple of soldiers went below deck and brought the prisoners. Roughly thirty Eldians – men, women, and even two children not older than ten years old. You looked at Marcel with horror in your eyes, digging your nails into your palms, just to keep the growing feeling of rage under control.
There was nothing, you could do for them. Nothing. That is what you had to remember. You weren’t the same. No. You weren’t worthless like them. You were... you were a Warrior. And an honorary Marleyan.
You were... somebody.
„Why do we need to watch?“ you asked Marcel quietly after a couple of minutes, now both of you walking to the stairs leading up to the wall. The biggest surprise was, that the General walked right in front of you. His interest in this mass murder process seemed a little out of place. „I’ve had enough when Magath forced me to watch all of you get your Titan powers.“
Those days still seemed like out of the nightmare. Something about your closest friends becoming pure Titanst for a short while and eating the previous inheritor stuck with you even after all those years. It was a few days before the chief of the Warrior Unit called you into his office and gave you the red armband for the first time.
„Don’t think about it, we’ll be leaving soon.“
„Not soon enough.“
Marcel let you go before him, just to make sure the soldier behind your back won’t try anything. Even he seemed unnaturally nervous about this whole situation. Something wasn’t right, this surely wasn’t similar to your last mission. And it had nothing to do with the fact, that the moment you stepped onto the shore, a ton of memories came rushing back. You left barely a month ago, but in some aspects, it seemed as if you’ve seen this place more than a hundred years ago.
The screams, crying, and pleas of the other Eldians were the worst part. You wished to be deaf, so you wouldn’t have to hear their desperate calls for help that simply wasn’t coming. Not after they all were lined up on top of the wall and forced onto their knees with hands tied behind their backs. Every single person had a soldier behind their back with a familiar syringe in one hand.
You got the same one for this mission as well. And you were given the same orders as before – if there won’t be any other option, it has to be you, who brings back one of the Titans. Best if it's the Founding.
„So? What do you think, young Warriors?“ asked the General suddenly, swinging one of his arms around your shoulders. You saw Marcel wince, but there was nothing he could do. „Isn’t it a beautiful sight? Getting our beloved homeland rid of the filth?“ In some other reality, it could have been you. One of those young women, crying for their lives that are going to end soon. „Nobody likes a traitor. A filthy devil, that will stab you from behind the first time it gets.“
„What about those kids?“ you asked almost inaudibly, trying to stop your body from shaking.
You simply weren’t strong enough for watching something like this. Not, when just a month ago you were with the people killing Titans, who came to be this way. You knew from the very start. All of the Titans the Survey corps ever killed were once people like you. Like them. And they had no idea for so many years.
„They were born to the wrong parents. Simple as that,“ answered the General, his arm still around your shoulders. „Just like the two of you. However, you decided to give your life to our homeland and try to plead for the sins of your ancestors.“ Marcel carefully moved a few steps closer so you were within his hand’s reach. He gave you a tiny sad smile you weren't able to reciprocate. „What a shame, that even seemingly brave and devoted people like you can't succeed, right? I think it’s because of that damned devil's blood in your veins. You are never getting rid of that.“
„Did you really think, that the Military court let you go without consequences, Y/l/n?“
With just one nod of his head, five soldiers, all at once, threw themselves at Marcel. You could hear yourself scream louder, than any of the other Eldians, when they simply knocked him unconscious and tied his hands behind his back, so he could not transform into the Jaw Titan.
„Not so fast, little Warrior,“ said the General, suddenly pressing the barrel of a handgun into the center of your back. The air got caught in your throat at once. „Your conversations with Commander Magath were carefully monitored. Without your or his consent, to be precise. I know exactly what you’ve said to him. About your mission, about Paradis, and so on.“
„All I’ve done was...“
„Failing your mission, disobeying the commands you were given, siding with the Island devils, and getting caught up in their illusions. All you’ve done was betray Marley despite our generosity to you and your family.“
„I’ve never betrayed my homeland, General. I swore to protect and serve Marley until the day I die, just like I swore to free all the Eldians from the sins and atrocities of our ancestors and the Island devils. I swore to bring down this island so the world doesn't have to fear it anymore.“
Tears were slowly making their way to your eyes.
That’s why everything looked and felt so off. This wasn’t any kind of rescue mission. You and Marcel weren’t going back behind the Walls for Annie. Your journey was ending right here. Amongst the other Eldians, who were watching and listening in horror.
If your and Marcel’s life didn’t matter anything, what could they expect? If the military could be so cruel to people, that gave them their everything, what chance did the ordinary people stand against them?
„We lost trust in you,“ he said after a short while, both of you looking at Marcel’s body on the ground just a few steps away. „And Galliard as well. He tried to be a master manipulator, who thought nothing could happen to him. He thought he could make a silly little puppet out of everyone, me included. Just like he did seven years ago when he got Braun the Armored Titan.“
„Marcel didn’t do anything wrong. All he wanted was to protect his brother.“
The General laughed and pushed you forward. The barrel of his gun was still painfully pressed deep into your skin. A young Eldian woman gasped when he made you stand beside her, before forcing you onto your knees, holding the gun up to your head.
You didn’t dare to look at her, or anybody else. All you saw was a huge piece of land covered in sand. Your heart was almost painfully slamming against your ribs, while your head filled with so many questions. But the most important of them all...
Did Commander Magath know about the true nature of this mission?
Was that the reason why he was so open with you this morning? He truly knew that you would not return and talk about any of what he told you. Talking with you about that matter was some sort of last goodbye. He even... he even made the promise to protect your mom and sister.
Anya... you did this all for her. So she could live a long and healthier life, which you also wanted to be a part of. You tried to give her everything while paying with your own life.
„Both of you are easily replaceable. The official reports about your deaths are already safely tucked away in my office in Marley, and waiting for the right moment,“ he laughed, scaring you and the people around even more. Only then you realized, that all the screaming and crying had stopped. Everyone was now looking at you, awaiting your faith. „Do you want to hear about your own death? The official one, of course.“
You couldn’t move a muscle. The crushing reality of his words came down on you with such power, that even crying was beyond your strength.
„I’ll be choosing one random person from these filthy bastards,“ he started explaining, waving his free hand in the direction of the Eldians kneeling beside you. „He or she will inherit the Jaw for a short while. A month, maybe? They will be locked up the entire time, their tongue cut off before officially returning to Marley and generously giving the Jaw to the next inheritor.“
„Marcel didn’t do anything wrong,“ you repeated quietly, so it was almost impossible to make out your words. It was like your own voice failed and left you.
„And now about you. Well... after getting attacked by a pure Titan, that killed Marcel and gained his powers, you captured that person, abandoned your mission, and tried to get back with them to the docks. But shortly before our military reached you, a random Titan killed you as well.“
„Nobody is going to believe that. Not our families.“
Of course, they are going to believe it. If they get the official reports, there will be no doubt. Not when the General will put on such a good show as now.
„I don’t even need them to believe,“ he laughed again, the arrogance in his tone making you even sicker. You wanted to rip his filthy tongue from his mouth with your bare hands.
You’ve thought about death many times. But it was never this way. Marley betraying you wasn’t what you expected. Or... maybe you did. The very same day the Military court let you go. It was all just for a show, just to pretend everything was okay. But at that same time, they were planning your execution, covering it up with a made-up new mission.
They never cared about you.
And they never cared about Marcel or Annie, or the other Warriors. They never saw you as people, only weapons, which can stop being useful at any given moment.
And that moment was now.
When you risked a brisk look at Marcel, you felt your whole self break into millions of tiny pieces. There were so many things you’d never told him. And why? Because you so stupidly thought you had time. Even if just a few years, but still.
And now it was too late.
There was no way of getting out of this situation alive. Not with him unconscious and a gun pointed at your head. Not with so many armed soldiers all around, while all of your weapons were left behind on the boat.
You wouldn't be able to save the person you loved the most even by spilling the blood of all people present. Somebody would eventually hunt you down. If not Marley, then the Titans. And if not them, the Survey corps or the other members of the Paradis military.
„Oh, and if you want to know, what’s going to happen to your family...“
„Please, just stop,“ you begged him, tears slowly rolling down your cheeks.
„They won’t be cared for anymore. Your mother can watch your sister die slowly and painfully without the treatment she needs. And after that, we’ll send her to Paradis as well.“
„You monster!“ you yelled at him and spun around faster than he would have expected. The amused tone of his voice suddenly gave you enough power to rip the whole planet in half, just to protect the ones you loved the most.
But fighting blinded by anger was never a wise idea. And surely not against an experienced high-ranking military personnel, who needed just one good move to pacify you. General Calvi’s arm wrapped around your throat, while your back crashed against his chest.
„Don’t waste your strength, you’ll need it. The Walls are far away from here.“
„No... please... no... NO!“ you cried out when he took a syringe from one of the closest soldiers. Trying to free yourself from his hold was useless.
His cold, nasty cackles were the only things you could hear, while the needle penetrated your skin right on your neck. Digging your nails into his forearm, stepping on his feet, and shoving him into the abdomen and chest did nothing, he didn’t let you go. Not before the liquid in the syringe ended up inside of your body.
„Thank you for your service, Warrior.“
With those words, he tossed you away from him, throwing you off the wall. Your scream cut through the air, while your teary eyes tried to catch a glips of Marcel for one last time. But you failed. Suddenly, all you could feel was agonizing pain like never before. It was so brutal, that even landing in the sand far below wasn’t that bad.
Your eyes were fixed on the slightly pink sky and the setting sun, while your left hand grabbed the heart-shaped locket with the engraved letter M for the very last time. The photo Marcel put inside was of you and him as kids, the day before you got chosen to become an official Warrior candidate. On that day, the two of you were still just a couple of ordinary kids who loved to play together. You weren’t living the horror the next few years brought to you.
„I love you...“ you whispered through the tears, delusionally hoping that your words would somehow reach him, give him a goodbye kiss on his cheek where you so loved to press your lips and tell him everything, you weren’t able to. „Marcel...“
The coldness of the locket was the last thing you felt beside the pain, that ultimately disappeared, when everything went dark before your eyes and the person you once were, was lost forever.
All that remained was a primitive Titan without even a glimpse of the girl, your family, friends, and Marcel Galliard loved so deeply.
The end 
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combatfaerie · 6 months
Ficlet: First Family Christmas
Story: 2020: First Family Christmas Word count: 1,055 Relationship(s): Becky/Seth Also available at: AO3 and Wattpad and dreamwidth Summary: Becky and Seth celebrate their first Christmas as parents.
"You didn't have to get me anything," Seth insists, looking over at Roux in her cradle seat. "She's the best present." Before, he'd always thought baby clothes were somewhat ridiculous, but now he can't get over how cute baby onesies are.
Becky just laughs. "She's mine too, you know. You have to share."
"I guess." He pulls Becky onto his lap and kisses her. Their daughter isn't even a month old—the fact that he'll have to measure age in months, even weeks, for a while boggles him—but Becky is already getting antsy and doing what workouts she can. Privately, he wishes she would slow down and enjoy the break for a month or two, but he also understands the urge to get back to routine. She'll be out of action for months, maybe even a full year, and there's no way she's going to be sitting on the couch watching TV all that time. "We made a cute kid," he remarks, glancing over at Roux. "Maybe we should do it again sometime."
"It's a date." Becky rests her head against his shoulder and gazes up at their Christmas tree. Normally decorating the Christmas tree is one of her favourite things, but she was so far along in the pregnancy that her stamina just wasn't there. She did what she could and Seth and his mother did the rest, and it looks lovely. Roux always wants to sit as close as possible to it; even now she's making grabby hands, the multi-coloured lights reflecting in her eyes. "Although maybe we should do like Miz and Maryse and have kids close together so the older one can't really complain."
Seth shakes his head. "Take your time. I'm not going anywhere. Well, I'm going back to work in January, I suppose," he allows, "but you know what I mean." When Roux makes a noise somewhere between a grunt and a coo, Becky slides off his lap. "I've got this one," he offers, reaching over and plucking his daughter from her chair. She feels incredibly tiny and delicate and he's always worried he's going to break her somehow, even though Becky constantly tells him he's doing an amazing job. When he can't smell anything foul, he breathes a sigh of relief. "Not a poop call, then."
Becky laughs. "No. She just wants her dada. She already knows how comfortable you are. Look." Seth has barely lifted Roux into his arms and she's already clutching at his shirt, resting her head over his heart. "I guess if I have to share," Becky laments with a sigh, "she would be the one to get first dibs."
"I've got room over here, you know," Seth replies, tapping the other side of his chest. The fact that he's holding a whole human with one hand is terrifying and amazing and about a dozen other things all at once. Roman and Marek did their best to prepare him, but there was nothing like holding his own baby for the first time. "Unless you think she's going to smack you in the face again."
"I'm sure that was purely accidental. Right, Roux?" Becky rests her head on the other side of Seth's chest and leans across to kiss Roux's cheek. The baby startles a bit, then giggles, snuggling in closer. Stroking the back of Roux's hand with her thumb, Becky sighs. "I'm glad she came before Christmas. I wouldn't want her having a holiday birthday, you know? That's no fun."
"Just imagine how fun she'll be next year," Seth points out. "Ripping open presents—"
"Getting tired and cranky from too many things and too many people," Becky adds, patting Seth's stomach. "But yeah, toy shopping will definitely be more fun. Although right now we have the advantage that everything amuses her. Socks will lose their appeal pretty soon."
Seth tries to muffle his laughter so he doesn't startle Roux, who's starting to fall asleep. "And she doesn't care about clothes or shoes. Not that caring about them is a bad thing," he adds quickly when Becky looks up at him sharply. She's not as into fashion as many of the women on the roster, but she does have a large sunglasses collection—Understandable for someone who lives in Los Angeles, he allows—and a fondness for sneakers. "Just means we could pick up fun stuff for her overseas, right?"
"Nice save," Becky murmurs, stroking Roux's hair. She's already insisting their daughter is going to look like him and Seth can't see it yet, but it still delights him. "We'll have to think about whether we want to bring her with us when we wrestle out of the country. To the UK for sure, so my family can see her, but any further... I don't know."
Seth nods. They've both spent enough time on planes to know that a bawling infant is inevitable. "It would be a lot to juggle," he agrees, "especially when we both have media to do...."
"I'm sure Auntie Bayley would help out." Roux stirs a bit at the mention of one of her aunties, and it makes Becky laugh. Roux hasn't met any of her wrestling aunties or uncles in person yet, but they've all seen pictures and fawned over her on video chats. Bayley and Naomi are her favourite aunties, while Roman and Jon and Finn are her favourite uncles. Seth figures once she meets Big E, however, that might all change.
"Except we might not ever get her back. And we don't want that, do we? Huh?" Seth pats Roux's back gently and she wriggles a bit. It almost reminds him of his dog Kevin wanting to be petted more.
"I'm sure we'd have no problem getting her back once it was diaper-changing time," Becky replies. Then she looks back over to the tree. "We still have presents to unwrap, you know." Most of the gifts are for Roux—from friends, family, even higher-ups in WWE—but she and Seth still have some to open too. Asuka had already sent Becky a mother's care package, but there were still gifts from her under the tree as well.
Roux makes a soft honking sound and Seth recognizes this one: it means she's almost asleep. "They can wait," he whispers, hugging Becky closer. "This is good for now."
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kyovtani · 2 years
Zade my darling idk if you ever got my other Kakucho ask but he 100% is the man who wants to actually get you pregnant. He constantly thinks about how beautiful you would look pregnant, and then further than that the thought of being a dad and having a family with you 🥺🫶🏻
Mitsuya too! oh he loves the idea of having a sweet little family with you, having a baby on your hip while your tummy is round with another ♥️♥️♥️
oh my goodness my sweet gray 😭 tumblr's been fucking around with me the past two days so most of the asks ive answered disappeared or got deleted and i dont know why so im sorry if i didn't respond to yours 💔 but i shall kiss your big brain because if there's one of the two men in tokyo rev im absolutely weak for, it's kakucho and im not even exaggerating (i think its the scar tbh im a whore)
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kakucho just doesn't seem like the type of guy who wants to have a family, which is why you don't really dare to mention it. of course he knows ho much you like kids – your habit of waving at tiny humans every time they look at you easily giving it away, yet he never really gave it another thought.
until one day his boys start teasing him for being such a dad because of him taking care of their drunk asses each time they get wasted. that's when he remembers just how badly he's always wanted to have a family of his own. maybe because his parents never gave him what he needed and he wanted to be better than them, or maybe because he genuinely liked the thought of havinh a baby – with you.
he's had relationships before and never once even considered moving in together because he used to be scared of commitment and being hurt, until you basically waltzed into his life and had him fall head over heels for you. and now, several years later, you're not only living together but also joke about the bonten boys being your kids and having to take care of them without giving birth.
and all of a sudden, kakucho just can't stop thinking about how pretty you'd look pregnant with his baby. the mental image of your big belly and your pretty face glowing from all the hormones and everything it comes with, suddenly seems so much more alluring to him.
and the thoughts of being a dad to a baby that's half his own and half the love of his life are quick to follow, which is why he just can't keep it to himself anymore, no matter how hard he tries to.
"you know", he sounds neevous and the second you shift your attention to him, kakucho tenses up, gripping the steering wheel as tight as possible, "if we happen to have a – uhm – a baby one day, i hope they get your eyes." the words make his heart race and his head spin to the point where he probably shouldn't be driving anymore, all because he doesn't know what to expect.
kakucho can't even deny how heartbroken he'd be if you weren't of the same mindset as him, yet either way his love for you would remain the same.
"oh? i'd want them to have yours", your response is quick and confident, from the way you smile at him, kakucho knows this isnt the first time you've thought about this and a wave of relief breaks down over him, "your eyes, my smile and your nose. but i feel like the first one's gonna be your copy anyway."
you start chuckling at your own words, probably not even aware of the burning blush on your boyfriend's cheek as he tries to comprehend what you just said to him.
the first one...so you do want a baby with him — multiple even.
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thekrows-nest · 10 months
Heh, it’s all good.
After the long, analytical sad asks (poor Mary), time for something relatively nice.
I’m not sure if you’d prefer Jazzy to not be discussed much, being a child character on an 18+ blog.
Some people really don’t feel comfortable with that and I don’t want to inspire weird asks or claims that a child character is being discussed inappropriately. Happy to leave her as a background character. (As she probably should be.)
But if it’s cool, after the ‘Dove inexplicably tries to harm Krow’s loved ones’ wild card ask I had a headcanon that quickly gives Jazzy and Luke some plot armour.
Maybe Jazzy casually does capoeira and is kind of talented?
Off to google. Not sure about after school programs but in SF Columbidae there is a club with free classes available during the term (for kids whose families can’t pay the fees). That fits.
Maybe her classmate’s parent picks them both up after school and then they spar for a hour or two until Luke gets off work to collect her.
She’s still really young (colouring book/tooth gap kinda stage?) and is a bit clumsy, doesn’t have the complex parts down. Normally a chill gentle artistic kid. But she’s got good instincts. She’s confident and strong for her age and her upbringing taught her she should be treated respectfully. She also grew up watching how Krow carried themselves.
For some reason A-hole Dove (or an older child, or a nasty lady?) got an attitude, roughly grabbing Jazzy’s arm, and before either Luke or Krow could react the offending ass was wallpaper.
Krow was horrified (it will not be without consequences) but internally squeeing over their little charge. Tiny, cute, but packing such deceptive power… well, she could almost be Krow’s own daughter. *happy birb noises* *delulu plans about teaching her butterfly knives* They are swelling with pride.
Luke is worried about her being punished for defending herself, he needs to explain Karens the world to Jazzy. But he is also quietly relieved. He feels guilty about working so much at odd hours and Columbidae City is so sketchy.
It’s reassuring that in addition to Krow protecting her Jazzy isn’t completely helpless.
Yeah jeez anon what did Mary ever do to you? /silly
(I appreciate the concern anon and you're very valid to have them, since it is something I had wondered too. I had been hesitant for a bit to even mention Jazzy before because of those connotations. Ultimately I figure I can talk about her a little, both to give context to Luke and even Krow's characters more, and to further humanize them, since she is important to both of their lives.)
It's possible that Jazzy could be learning capoiera (or karate or taekwondo or some other martial art) both as a means for learning self defense but also boosting in her self confidence. It'd further fit for her to learn what with being an afab PoC kid. Luke (and Krow) would wanna make sure she isn't defenseless.
(I wouldn't say Jazzy is super duper young, she's definitely old enough she can read some on her own, but isn't in the double digits yet either) and yeah, that is all very fitting with how I see her as. She's a good and chill kid, but a combo of her upbringing and also looking up to Krow has inspired her certainly.
I think if Krow ever were to see Jazzy actually defend herself, he wouldn't be sure whether to be horrified, impressed or laugh. Probably some combo of all three. In the end probably settle on being proud she can stand up for herself and willing to. (and you know what yes he is totally devising plans to show her how to use a butterfly knife when she's older).
I don't think Luke would punish Jazzy if it was valid reasons for defending herself (and most likely was). Have to explain a bit how the world works certainly, but he has also taught her (and she knows) to not use violence unless needed.
Jazzy is gonna be very capable when she grows up for sure.
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celestiagarden · 2 years
venti, childe, gorou, and kazuha when reader tells them they’re pregnant? <3 (this is a request btw)
Characters: Venti, Childe, Gorou, Kazuha (+gender neutral reader)
CW: mentions of pregnancy
Note:  I love how you felt the need to specify that it’s a request-- I’ve been trying to figure out just what else you thought it could be bro
initially? shooketh. and he has all rights to be, bc like,, youre pregnant with a half-archon kid?? was this ever seen before?? don’t think so
Venti’s got... some perfecting to do before he can be considered a good parent. he’s honestly a little scared if you tell him you’re planning on keeping the baby because he feels he’s not fit to be a parent rn
though he steps the FUCK up so well when he’s needed. especially if you’re as scared as he is in this whole thing. 
he’s so dotting yet clueless throughout the whole pregnancy?? like he’s ready to help you with anything bc you’re gonna have a hard time but at the same time what do you mean you’re craving raw boar that’s not-- no he can’t do that for you
is kind of worried for you through the whole nine months (or less. bc like,, you got a half-god kid in you who knows how long the brewing process takes for this) because what if this kid takes a lot of energy out of you?? he’s never heard of a human carrying a god’s spawn, and the last thing he needs is that something happens to you and he has to try and raise this child alone
ENOUGH ANGST everything went fine, venti is still afraid he’s not worth being this child’s parent but by celestia he’s going to try his best to become worthy
yes, that means he actually monitors his alcohol intake sometimes
Would he want another child? Depends how smoothly the first one goes, but I feel that if you said you wanted another one, he’d be okay. But two maximum!! you both only have two arms! it makes sense!!
what a family man through and through. he’s practically leaping three feet into the air when you tell him. the next thing he does is drop to his knees, hug your stomach and then start thanking you
dude he’s so overjoyed. he’s so excited, people would think he’s the one pregnant with the way he’s glowing--
the most prepared out of all four. mostly because of the (possible) age gap between him and his siblings, but also because he’s probably dreamed of this moment for a big part of his life. 
ever since you told him you’re pregnant, you noticed that he’s been thinking a lot. mulling things over, and coming home earlier sometimes. yes. this man is trying to find a way to retire from the fatui because he’s not about to be a father and be absent from his child’s life. no way in hell
besides, he didn’t save all this money, for this very occasion, and not quit the job.
i’m sorry but sometimes he’s so focused on the baby that it’s almost like he’s neglecting you. despite the fact that the tiny human is living inside you rn. 
every night, like clockwork, he has you settle in bed or on the couch so he can talk to your belly bump
would he want another child? uh?? Duh?? hell, if you think he’ll want to stop at two, you’re TRIPPING. childe wants a tiny army of mini you and him
another one who reacts positively from the get-go!! Granted, this may have happened a little early in his career, but he can work with this!!
as a war general, if he is still at war, it just gives him more motivation to end this conflict and make sure the world is a better place for his partner and their child. 
although he tries so hard to keep his life private, his tail is wagging for DAYS on end (to such an extent where it got sore) and as soon as people even begin to ask the question, he just blurts out “I’m going to be a father!” to anyone who asks. he’s just proud ok let him have his lil moment of glory
he’s so protective?? and doting?? like you could be walking around in your second trimester and he’s here going “nonono sit down what do you need i’ll go get it for you” like GOROU. We are pregnant, not dying. 
he just wants everything to go smoothly, ok :(( he’s always wanted a family, and since you came into the picture, he saw you as a parent. Co-parenting, you know? if something were to happen to you during the pregnancy... he would rather not think about it. 
he feels so bad for you in the later stages of the pregnancy. totally has his tail between his legs and his ears drooping if you ever tell him “you did this to me” bc yeah, he cant even deny it and he’s sorry :(( kind of. not rlly bc he wouldn’t trade this for the world
Would he want another child? Honestly, he thinks it’s totally up to you. he’s very happy with the one little miraculous bundle you gifted him, but if you want a bigger family, he’s all in.
Bro this man kinda just,,, took a few moments to process things. he’s so silent at first it scares you lmao
but he’s happy! Very happy. Kazuha never really imagined himself as a father, or having a family, but the more he thinks of it, the more he accepts it. 
not as enthousiastic as others may be (*cough* childe *cough), but give him some time, he’s stil adjusting to the fact that like, yeah he’s tied down for good now
and it’s not a bad thing!! it’s probably just a little different from what he envisionned. I believe Kazuha was imagining a “us against the world” type of life with you, so this twist of fate kind of shook him a little
but he ends up really grateful for it! in the end, it’s still you two against the world. except that now, you two have a kid on the way. 
the most tightly knit family in existence right here ladies and gents and nb friends
soon enough, kazuha is out here being on of the “family is sacred” mfs and the kid isn’t even BORN yet
would he want another child? probably not. he’s very content with one child, and i think he likes things this way. 
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multiland · 3 years
Yoon Jeonghan as your boyfriend
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Warning: Contains NSFW
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A fun partner, loves the littlest things he’s able to enjoy with you.
Fun dates with lots of laughter most of the times. Fancy, romantic ones with lots of flirting in others.
Will always mock and tease you. He low-key thinks it’s funny when you get mad and will take advantage of it to start babying you.
Pranks on each other all the time, will also record all of your reactions.
If you have siblings, expect him to plan pranks to play on you with them. However, he will always play the prince charming card in front of your parents.
He wants kids, so it’s a must for you to also like them. He’s really good with kids and truly enjoys their presence.
He’s competitive, but also a cheater. He will always get on your nerves shamelessly.
He hates it if someone else dares to make fun of you. He considers that to be something only he is allowed to do.
Loves bragging, especially when it comes to you. Someone wants you? That’s okay, it’s only going to make his ego boost.
Really confident about your relationship and himself.
Although he likes to be playful, he’s also very attentive and romantic.
Always remembers the things you like, which leads to him bringing some of them to you whenever he’s able to.
If you show interest in his legos, or maybe you tell him you want to help him out to build some, he’s going to melt on the spot.
Seriously, his eyes will get big and sparkly.
Loves watching series with you, bug will get upset if you watch a new episode without him (this rule doesn’t apply to him, of course, let’s remember he’s a cheater.)
The only thing he doesn’t cheat on, is your relationship. If the two of you are official, he takes it very seriously and he’s absolutely loyal to you.
Loves it when you ask him to sing for you.
Also adores when you play with/stroke his hair.
Makes you shy in public because he finds it endearing when your cheeks are bright pink.
Rests his head on your lap/shoulder no matter where you are.
Constantly plays with your hair.
Forehead kisses, small pecks a few times a day.
He will talk to you in tiny. You’re his baby and that’s how he’s going to treat you.
Cuddly af, sleeps hugging you.
Likes it when you wear his clothes. He thinks you look cute and loves to have your scent lingering on the fabric.
Kisses your hands all the time.
Adoration in his eyes when he sees you happy.
He’s a good listener and gives good advices when needed, but most of the times will teach you that the most important thing is your inner peace and you wouldn’t let anyone or anything take it away from you.
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Something simple like "baby/babe" or "doll"
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In all honesty, he doesn't like to fight. He think it's a waste of time and energy.
Prefers talking things out, letting you say what you feel and how you think things could get better.
When he needs to be serious, he will be. He speaks calmly and firmly, trying to be as assertive as possible.
If he's the one who got angry, then trust me, he won't keep it go himself. Jeonghan is very honest and straightforward. If you happen to be doing something/acting in a way he doesn't like or is making him uncomfortable, he will probably tell you before it leads to a fight.
Jeonghan hates it when people tell him to shut up, especially if he's trying to talk about something important. Also hates being yelled at, so you better keep things low and have the best disposition.
I don't think fights would happen often, but if he gets angry and he doesn't find a way to fix it soon, he will likely leave for a while to cool down and not talk to you until he thinks it's the right moment.
He could say things he doesn't really mean in the heat of the moment, which makes him feel terrible afterwards. He will make sure to let you know it wasn't true and that sometimes he can't help having that sharp tongue.
He tries his best, but he's not even close to being perfect. He's a human who gets hurt and is capable of hurting you.
Apologizes a hundred times when he fucks up, and he means it. When he tells the truth, you will just know it.
Now, Jeonghan feels proud when others check you out; but that doesn't mean he can't get jealous. You both need to have limits or it could lead you to an argument.
Gets clingy when you make amends.
Probably leads to make up sex.
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The biggest little shit you'll ever meet.
High sex drive. Strong libido, great stamina.
Likely to be a switch, but leans to dom.
When he doms, he's the hard type. Wants you to obey and you better do, he won't hesitate to punish you.
When he subs, he's the brattiest. Loves to push your buttons and dare you. Won't wipe that smug smirk off his face.
Very vocal. Moans, grunts, hisses.
Filthy mouth. Loves dirty talking to you.
If you're innocent and inexperienced, he will definitely want to corrupt you. If you're experienced, he will really want to challenge you.
A damn tease. He doesn't care if you're in public or not; if he feels like provoking you, he will.
He knows his charms and will use them in his favor.
Very handsy. Struggles to keep his hands to himself.
Too shameless for his own good.
The kind of person to touch you under the table at a family/friend dinner.
He just doesn't give a fuck.
Would follow you to the restroom for a quickie or a good blowjob.
If you're alone, he will start placing innocent kisses on your shoulders and neck, but before you notice you will be in a heated make out session and grinding into each other.
Amazing kisser. Loves teasing you with his tongue or nibbling on your lips.
Also a little bitch capable of pretending he's about to kiss you and then pull away before your lips touch.
Doesn't really like it when you tease him back. It will only make his dom tendencies take over him to, again, make you succumb to him.
Lazy morning sex, late night sex.
Doesn't like condoms.
Loves facefucking, degrading, and possibly choking.
He thinks it's damn hot when you lick/swallow his cum.
Loves it when you pull on his hair, also pulling on yours.
Makes you scream his name, if you don't, then he won't be satisfied.
GREAT at oral and fingering. This man knows what he does.
Good at aftercare gets giggly and really sweet while taking care of you.
Most likely stay awake after sex.
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folklorelise · 3 years
Squad Leader Mom is pregnant!
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Since all the baby incidents that had happened with you, Levi or the cadets, Levi and you had been thinking about having one of your own, but you never actually talked about it. Then one night, as you were reading before going to bed, Levi sat next to you on the couch ready to have that talk with you.
“Y/N.” Levi called your name seeing that you were not paying any attention to him.
“I want to have–.” Levi started but then stopped.
“What’s wrong?” you asked worried, putting down your book.
“Remember when the kids were turned into children? We said that we would talk about having a kid. I want to talk about it now.” he told you staring at you. “If you want.” Levi quickly added.
“Oh right.” you said mumbled.
To be honest, since you joined the survey corps – having a baby never was an option for you. For Levi, having a child at all was never an option, but since he met you, he felt like anything could be possible.
“If you don’t want to, it’s fine too.” Levi said.
“I don’t know.” you admitted. “I loved having the cadets around. It was a lot of fun and I loved them as kids. But a new-born is different.” you paused. “I remember my neighbour; they had one and it was constantly crying and screaming. It looked exhausting. Also, what about my job here? I cannot– I… I can’t go on expeditions knowing that our child could become an orphan.”
“I would never let that happen.” Levi assured you, taking your hands. “I know our situation is not ideal, but can you imagine how great it would be to have a tiny version of us running around. I like that thought. That maybe one day, we could finally retire with our own little family.”
“It does sound nice.” you smiled fondly at Levi. “If that makes you happy, then ok.”
“Really? Because I don’t want to pressure you.”
“I’m sure. We’ll figure it out.”
The more you thought about it, the more you were sure about your decision. You had the possibility to give Levi another chance at having his own family and that was what made you certain of your choice. The next few months were spent in bed with Levi. It was intense – Levi was intense which resulted in making the both of you exhausted for trainings and expeditions.
Eight months into trying to get pregnant, yet there was still no baby in sight. Your doctor reassured you and said that getting pregnant is not an easy task.
You get easily sick during winter, so when a week before the expedition you started to feel nauseous, you just shrug it off. Which you instantly regretted the second you felt like passing out in front of a titan outside.
Eren from far away saw you falling from the sky and did not hesitate a second before transforming and running toward you. He caught you in time from hitting the ground and Mikasa from behind killed the titan that was ready to eat you.
“Mom?” Eren tried to wake you up once Mikasa got him out. “Mom, wake up please.” Eren cried.
Every squad were running toward where Eren transformed, not knowing why he did it. Levi and his squad were the first one who arrived.
“Eren!” Levi yelled at the boy but stopped when he saw you in his arms. A million questions were running through Levi’s mind. He could not move – he wanted to see if you were fine, yet his feet would not move toward you. What if he saw a wound, what if you were already dead?
“Captain,” Eren cried, “I– I saw her falling and I came. She’s not waking up!”
“What’s happening here?” Erwin finally arrived. “Levi wha–.” he asked the captain but stopped when he saw you. “Is she d–?”
“NO!” Eren yelled. “She can’t be, I– I caught her.”
“What happened then?” Erwin asked a member of you squad.
“We don’t know. We spotted a few titans, and we were all going to take care of them. Then – squad leader Y/N was just behind us!”
“She is still breathing.” Erwin checked your pulse. “Levi’s going to take her back, and the rest of us will continue the expedition. You can go too.” Erwin told the cadets.
Every other squads were leaving the scene. Erwin slowly approached Levi.
“She’s ok, you can go and take her back.”
“Ok.” Levi breathed.
Levi slowly approached where the cadets where and took you in his arms. Once you were back, Levi rushed you to the infirmary. The cadets were all patiently waiting outside the room. Every one of them was worried, but Eren was even more.
“What if it’s my fault?” Eren said.
“You saved her!” Mikasa protested.
“When I caught her, maybe I squeezed her without noticing?”
“She is fine.” Jean shouted.
Levi was sitting with them, silently. After just a few minutes of waiting, a doctor came out of the room. Everyone stood up hoping for good news.
“Y/N is doing great. She just needs to rest now.”
“Thank you!” Sasha shouted hugging the doctor.
“Is she waking up soon?” Jean asked.
“She should be up in a few hours top. But from now on she should stay here as the pregnancy is already three months in or something.” the doctor said before leaving for his office.
“The pregnancy?” Levi repeated confused.
“Mom’s pregnant?” Jean asked Levi.
“Mom’s pregnant!” they all shouted excited.
“We’re going to have a little brother or sister!” Connie burst excited.
While the cadets were shouting, Levi was still trying to process the news.
“D– Captain!” Jean quickly corrected himself. “Can we go in and see her?”
“She’s still sleeping, I’ll go and find you once she woke up.” Levi said entering the room alone.
Levi was sitting next to you, waiting patiently for you to wake up. An hour or two later, the cadets could not wait any longer and came into your room.
“Please, can we stay?” Sasha begged the captain.
“Fine, but shup your months.”
A few minutes after the kids came in, you finally woke up. Levi was the first to notice it. He quickly stood up and came near you.
“Y/N, are you feeling ok?” Levi asked.
“Water.” you grunted.
“I’ll get you a glass of water!” Armin volunteered.
After drinking the whole glass, you instantly felt better. You asked Levi what happened and when he explained to you that you fainted due to the pregnancy, you started to cry.
“Don’t cry. It is good right? We’re happy about this.” Levi asked.
“It’s happy tears.” You confirmed laughing slightly.
Levi then left to bring some food. The second Levi left, Eren came and hugged you. Then very quickly everyone else joined the hug.
“You scared us to death earlier.” Eren told you.
“I’m sorry I made you worried.”
When Erwin came back, Levi and you were waiting for him in his office.
“Y/N’s pregnant.” Levi announced it to the commander. “Obviously, she won’t be going to the next expeditions, right?”
“What? Congratulation!” Erwin shouted happily. “That’s really great news.”
“Erwin – the expeditions.”
“Right, of course. Y/N, you have to rest from now on.”
“But I can’t do nothing.” you protested. “I’ll get bored.”
“You’re pregnant.” Levi argued. “You just have to take care of you by staying here. Erwin agrees with me.”
“I–. Y/N if you want to go home and rest, you can.” Erwin agreed.
“I don’t. I’ll stay here and work with you on paperwork, I’ll do everything as usual except going on expedition.” you stated firmly.
Levi knew how stubborn you were, so he did not continue to argue. What mattered to him was that you were not going on expedition. After announcing the news to Erwin, Levi and you went to see Hange to tell them the news. The scream Hange uttered was so loud that Moblit came in running.
“What happened?” Moblit asked worried.
“Y/N is pregnant!” Hange shouted.
“Oh! Congratulation!” Moblit hugged you.
The next person to know about it was Mike, then soon enough the entire survey corps knew about it. After a few days, you decided it was time to go and tell your family about it. You proposed to Levi to come with you since he never met them.
“I’m busy.” Levi told you.
“It’ll just be a day.”
Your parents used to live inside of wall rose, but as your father’s business became more and more successful, they moved inside of wall Sina. You had a brother in the military too. You joined at the same time – he was a year older than you – he ended up being first and chose the military police brigade.
The next morning, you and Levi took a carriage to your home. Your parents made you and your brother promise to visit at least once a month, and you both decided to visit the first Sunday of every month – which was today. You knocked on the door and it was your mother who opened the door.
“It has been so long. Ah, and you must be Levi, right?” your mother welcomed you in.
“Yes.” Levi answered.
“Come in.”
“Your brother is not there yet.” your mom told you. “Do you want to drink something?”
“Tea please, black tea. For the both of us.” you told her.
“I feel uncomfortable here.” Levi whispered once your mother was gone.
“Let’s just tell them the news and then we can go.” you reassured him.
Your mother brought back the tea and she sat on the couch in front of where you were. Your father was nowhere to be seen – he was buying groceries at the market – and your brother was probably still sleeping.
“I heard a lot about you Levi.” you mother finally said.
“Levi’s very popular.” you answered seeing that Levi did not know what to say. “He is humanity’s strongest after all.”
“Good, then I know my daughter is safe beside you.”
“Y/N is strong, and she doesn’t need me to protect her.” Levi insisted, “But that does not mean I won’t do anything in my power to protect her of course.”
“That’s good to hear.” your mother smiled gently.
Just when you wanted to continue to talk, the front door opened, and your brother and father came in. You brother hugged you, then went to hug your mother.
“Captain Levi!” your brother burst out. “You have been going out with captain Levi this whole time?” he asked you.
“Yeah, don’t be jealous.”
“It’s an honour to meet you.” (Y/B/N) told the captain, ignoring you.
Levi quickly started to relax around your family, and you were all chatting together, talking about the military and what your day looked like. After a few hours of discussion, you still did not find the right moment to tell them about your pregnancy.
“When are you going to tell them?” Levi whispered to you.
“I don’t know how to, it feels weird.”
“Do you want me to tell them?”
“No, I’ll do it. I can do this.” you cleared your throat loudly to bring their attention to you and stood up. “I came with Levi today because we had something to tell you.”
“Yes?” your mother smiled.
“I am pregnant.” you announced with a big smile.
“Oh, my dear, that is wonderful!” your mother cried happily.
Your family congratulated the two of you and asked a ton of questions about when it happened, and what you planned to do once the baby arrived. After telling them that you were planning on staying at the survey corps after the baby came. You would probably be less involved, but you could not leave your second family. At night, after taking the extra food your mother had prepared, you left.
“Why aren’t you guys sleeping?” you said seeing the cadets at the entrance.
“We were waiting for you.” Armin said.
“Is that food for us?” Sasha asked excited.
“No.” Levi answered. “Y/N is tired, so leave.”
“I’m fine, I’ll take the food to the kitchen and we can eat this together tomorrow.” you told them. “You didn’t have to wait for me, you won’t be able to wake up tomorrow.” you warned them leaving with Levi.
The first few weeks of the pregnancy were going well – you worked in the office with Levi mostly, but you would also help Hange with their paperwork. Being pregnant as a survey corps soldier meant being able to have extra food during meals, being able to skip cleaning duties. You could sleep in late in the morning and no one would say anything to you.
When your baby bump started to show and you could not fit into your pants anywhere, you would go around in either dresses or in Erwin’s pants that you cut so it would not be too long.
When you were seven months pregnant, Levi started to become more and more protective of you. He would not let you carry anything, not even your food tray. He forbad the cadets to come even near you knowing how reckless they were. Only Mikasa and Armin were allowed to come and help you. Which obviously upset the other cadets.
“But dad that’s so unfair! I want to help mom too!” Jean pleaded.
“Fine, Jean you can help.” Levi finally accepted only because Jean called him dad which was one of Levi’s weak spot.
“Me too then!” the others shouted which only made Levi walk away.
When you heard about it, you reassured them that it was ok for them to stay around you. Around that time, you also stopped wearing your shoes since you could not put them on, on your own. You walked around in your slippers all the time.  
Nine months into the pregnancy and Levi never let you out of his sight. He would rest in bed with you the whole time.
“What do you want to name our baby?” you asked him one night.
“I don’t know. I didn’t think about it much.”
“I was thinking about naming her after your mother if it was a girl.”
“What?” Levi asked.
“If you don’t want to it’s fine too!” you quickly shrug it off. “It’s just–.”
“I’d like that. It’s a great idea.” Levi cut you, “I just thought… I didn’t think you would like that name.”
“Of course, I do! What if it’s a boy?”
You both brainstormed all the ideas you had before falling asleep.
You were outside with Levi during his training sessions with the cadets with a book. They were all taking a break, so you decided to join them, but when you stood up you felt something weird between your legs.
“Captain! Mom just peed herself!” Eren yelled panicking.
“Her water broke you idiot!” Sasha yelled at Eren.
Levi was definitely panicking like Eren, but he would not show it. You took a carriage with Levi direction your doctor’s house. After a few hours of labour, the baby was still inside of you.
“I can’t do that anymore.” you breathed heavily. “Just take it out!” you yelled, taking Levi hand in yours.
“It’s here, just push one last time.”
You let out a last scream and pushed as hard as you could before you heard cries.
The doctor cleaned then wrapped the baby in a blanket before giving it to Levi.
“Hello.” Levi whispered to his child.
“Is it a girl?” you asked weakly.
“It is.” Levi said looking into your eyes lovingly.
“That’s good.” you smiled when you heard a knock on the door.
“Hello.” Erwin came in with Hange and the cadets behind him. “They insisted on coming with us.”
“We bought you some flowers.” Connie handed you the bouquet.
“My favourite, thank you so much.” you teared up.
“You idiot you made her cry.” Sasha hit Connie behind the head.
“Mikasa’s the one you picked the flowers.” Connie defended himself.
“I love the flowers you guys. I’m just very tired and extra emotional.”
“Do we have a baby brother or sister?” Armin asked.
“You have a sister now.” Levi answered. “This is Kuchel.”
“Can I hold her?” Erwin asked.
“Well,” you started, “you are the godfather, of course you can.”
“Me too.” Hange exclaimed.
“You, maybe later.” Levi stated. “In a year or two, so when you drop her, she would be fine.”
“It happened once when you taught us how to hold babies.” Hange mumbled.
They were all around the new-born while Levi was laying down next to you, your head resting on his shoulder.
“You have the best mother in the world Kuchel, you’re so lucky.” Armin whispered to the baby.
One night, at the boys’ dorm, a few months after Kuchel was born–
“Do you think it’s weird for us to call squad leader Y/N ‘mom’?” Eren asked. “Now that she has her own, real kid, what does that make us?” Eren continued. “We’re just a bunch of cadets again to her.”
“Why are you always thinking so negatively?” Jean sighed.
“They’re not our parents.” Eren stated sadly.
“Can you stop being so pessimistic for a minute?” Armin shouted. “She is the closest mother figure I had since I was a child, so stop this. Plus, it’s not like ever corrects us when we do. So just stop, please.”
  You obviously noticed Eren’s attitude changing towards you – you tried to talk to him, but he kept avoiding you. You asked Armin and Mikasa about it and Armin just told you not to worry about it which was not possible.
One night, as Eren was taking a walk on the training grounds, you approached him silently.
“Are you ready to talk now?” you asked him. “And don’t even think about leaving before telling me.”
“I’m fine.” Eren said avoiding your gaze.
“Squad leader Y/N.”
“Since when do you call me that?” you retorted.
“It is your name.”
“If there is something wrong, you can tell me. I’m always here if you want to talk.”
“You have a kid now; you can’t worry about me– about us.”
“What?” you asked confused. “Why not?”
“Because!” Eren yelled.
“Because what?” you kept your voice calm and low.
“Because you’re not my mother! And I’m not your kid. We’re just a bunch of soldiers.” Eren cried out. “You have a real kid now, there’s no need to play family anymore.”
“Is that what you think? Is that what you all think?” you asked but Eren did not answer, “Eren… I may not be your birth mother and I would never dare to replace yours, but you are family to me. You all are. Seeing you all calling me ‘mom’ is fine, if you see me as a mother figure – it’s fine. Because I see you all as my grown-up children.” you teared up. “And that’s not going to change with Kuchel around.”
“You haven’t been spending as much time with us as you used too.” Eren guessed hesitating.
“I haven’t been sleeping much to be honest. Kuchel is crying a lot at night. That does not mean I forgot about you. Or you guys.” you turned around finding the rest of the cadets hiding behind the pillars.
“We weren’t spying!” Jean said. “We just… happen to be there.”
“I’m sorry.” Eren apologise. “I’m a terr–.”
“You’re not. You’re amazing Eren.” you hugged him which resulted in all the other boys joining the hug.
From the window of Levi office, he could see you guys hugging.
“See Kuchel,” Levi pointed at you while holding his daughter, “They are weirdos.” he sighed. “Your mother loves them though. I find them tolerable. I guess you can see them as your older brothers and sisters. You’ll grow up with a big family which is great. I’m sure you’ll love them as much as your mother do.”
Levi would talk to your baby bump when you were asleep.
You would be often seen with vegetables in your hand – always eating them as snacks.
You would cry for absolutely no reason too. The first time it happened, Levi was worried sick. You had dropped your apple on the ground and started to cry. From then on, Levi would just hold you tightly until you stopped crying.
The first time it happened in from of Erwin was when he offered you a new baby blanket. He thought you did not like it, but Levi quickly reassured him that it was fine. “I– I– I looove it!” you sobbed.
The first time it happened in front of the trio – Armin, Eren and Mikasa – it was because Armin kept talking about what he read about baby stuff.
“I will be the best brother ever!” Armin promised with a big smile. “No, why are you crying?”
“This is too much for my heart!” you sobbed. “You are too sweet Armin!” you hugged him.
“I’ll be a good big brother too!” Eren said hugging you.
Mikasa from behind pushed Eren and Armin aside before taking you in her arms.
“You both made her cry, I did not. Obviously, I’m the better sibling here.”
When it happened with Connie, Sasha, and Jean –
Sasha and Connie were walking in front of you and Jean.
“This Sunday is a day off; I’ll probably go and buy something at the market with Connie and Sasha.” Jean told you, “Do you need anything?”
You tried not to let tears fall but it was too adorable for you.
“Mom! Why are you crying? I’m sorry!” Jean panicked.
“What did you do you idiot!” Connie slapped Jean on his shoulder.
“Mom don’t cry, please. Dad’s going to kill me when he’s going to find out.” Jean realised.
At the same time, Levi walked in.
“What’s going on?” Levi asked.
“Nothing!” Jean said hiding your face on his chest.
“Y/N?” Levi said. “Are you ok?” to which you only responded with a thumb up. “Are you crying again?”
“I didn’t do it on purpose!” Jean hesitated, “I’m sorry…”
“It’s fine.” Levi said, “she’s been crying a lot these days due to the pregnancy.”
Kuchel first word is ‘clean’ – Levi is always talking about it when he is around her.
Kuchel favourite cadet would be Sasha. Sasha is only sharing her food with Kuchel and she loves food too.
Kuchel loves playing ‘to fly’ with uncle Erwin and uncle Mike – the giants of the survey corps.
You bought matching outfits for Levi, Kuchel and you which Levi secretly found adorable.
————— ————— 
————— ————— 
Squad Leader Mom gets badly injured
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heyy it's the giyuu simp hiding in your request box ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ mind if i sneak in another request :> just gonna slide this with a belated valentines day card
may i request a giyuu x reader headcanons? where its just giyuu and the reader living a peacefull and happy life with their kids, just fluff of how their every day life goes and giyuu with his kids :D maybe even some headcanons of the other pillars meeting the kids and his s/o (feel free to change the idea ofcc i don't mind if you write it at all (~^.^)~)
Hello fellow Giyuu simp lolol
This sounds really cute! Of course I’ll write it! ʕ◡ᴥ◡ʔ♡
This turned out to be very long haha hope you don’t mind :)
Giyuu x Fem!Reader with Kids!! ♡
AU: Life Without Demons
♡ 𐐪𐑂 ₒ 𐐪𐑂 ♡ 𐐪𐑂 ° 𐐪𐑂 ♡ 𐐪𐑂 ₒ 𐐪𐑂 ♡ 𐐪𐑂 ° 𐐪𐑂 ♡
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♡ 𐐪𐑂 ₒ 𐐪𐑂 ♡ 𐐪𐑂 ° 𐐪𐑂 ♡ 𐐪𐑂 ₒ 𐐪𐑂 ♡ 𐐪𐑂 ° 𐐪𐑂 ♡
Giyuu was the first to ask for kids. It was a shock since you’d figure he’d be too nervous and insecure to think he’d be able to be a father. But he loves you too much to not have children with you. He just can’t picture his life without you and both of your guys’ children in his future.
“Y/N...” he approaches you timidly, “I have um something to ask you...” he kept fidgeting with his hands and struggled making eye contact. His cheeks starting to burn. “What is it, Giyuu??” He sat there a bit, his brows knitted together as if he’d trying to figure out how to compile his sentence. “Let’s have children!” He finally bursts out boldly. You were taken back for a second but smiled wide and hugged him, agreeing with all of your heart.
Giyuu didn’t want too many kids. He only wanted about two children. (Maybe three children he’s thinking on it 👀) And that’s what you both had. One boy and one girl. The boy took more of your looks but also had a good mix of Giyuu as well. He ended up taking his eyes and messy hair but had your hair color and overall facial features. The girl was a very good mix between the two of you. The boy was the eldest child.
Giyuu was the type of parent to spoil his children a lot. You often had to stop him because it got hard for him to say no to them a lot of the times. But when it came down to it, he knew when to be strict and stand his ground. Like if one of your children throws a tantrum for not getting the toy they want, Giyuu would have a stern tak with them about how they need to learn the importance of being told “no” and to handle it like a “big boy/girl”
Giyuu would also do whatever it takes to help you with anything around the house or with the kids. He’d also do anything to spend as much time with his children as possible.
Giyuu also secretly loved it when his kids would get nightmares and ask to sleep with the both of you. He really loved sleeping next to his family and would often invite the kids into the futon even if they didn’t have a nightmare that night. They’d always get really excited and join without hesitation. He also LOVES holding their hands. He loves how tiny and soft they are in his large, calloused ones. He also really loved having them ride on his shoulders
When it came down to being the good cop bad cop, you both had an equal share between it. I can see Giyuu being pretty strict but not to the point where it’s suffocating. He’d still take extra precautions to make sure his kids are safe and don’t get into trouble. He also tries to come to complete understandings with his children when they’re in disagreements with him. He’d sit and talk with them and make sure they don’t feel invalidated or hurt. Sometimes though, he’ll have to put his foot down and tell his children to listen to them and not question his thinking. He’ll often try to come back to them later and explain again.
Kamboko Squad and Pillars’ Reactions to First Born (and general interactions with kids)
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When the news got out to everyone that you both were expecting children, they were all so very excited.
You were a few weeks pregnant and Tanjirou (and the rest of the squad) came by to visit and he was able to smell it off you. You were a little shocked how he was able to notice until he explained how his mom smelled a certain way when pregnant with his siblings. Then it made a bit more sense. Kind of.
Poor little boy teared up because of how happy he was for the both of you. He was so happy to see Giyuu with the love of his life and now starting a family. Inosuke got all those fluffy things around his head. He was very soft and gentle around you and it was really cute. Sometimes he’d just stare at your bloated stomach and it seemed like he was having a psychic conversation with the baby lolol.
Nezuko was very excited to meet the new baby and couldn’t wait nine months! Zenitsu was really happy for the both of you and it really warmed his heart to hear the baby’s heartbeat. He also got very scared for you because he heard that giving birth if very painful and he’d never want to go through something like that either.
They all saw your kids as their own little siblings, especially Tanjirou. Tanjirou is very good with kids so they ended up liking Tanjirou a lot and would often beg you to let him visit more often so they could play with him. Nezuko also saw them and her own siblings and would always volunteer to knit/fix their haoris if they ever got damaged. She always brought snacks (usually toasted rice crackers) for the kids when she visited. She also helped with cooking dinner when she visited.
Zenitsu loved playing with them. Until one day your son found a worm and showed it to Zenitsu and he freaked out and thought it was a snake for a second. He started to become more wary of your son from then on.
Inosuke shared his boar mask with them and would let them ride on his back as he ran around. He also visited one day with a nicely wrapped box (wrapped by Tanjirou) and gifted it to your kids. You and Giyuu were very confused to see that it only had acorns in there.
You had Shinobu do regular check ups with you to make sure the pregnancy was going well. Despite her constant teasing, she actually told Giyuu how happy she was for him. This really warmed his heart and he couldn’t thank Shinobu enough for all her help. She helped with both the pregnancies/deliveries
Mitsuri was so so SO excited to meet the new babies!! She seemed more excited than you and Giyuu! She loves babies and thinks they’re really cute. And the fact that it’s going to be yours and Giyuu’s baby??? Geez, that just makes it 10x more adorable!! She really really wanted to be the first friend to hold the baby so you granted her wish. She was crying so much, she was so happy.
The baby’s cheeks became very red from how much Mitsuri pinched them. She nicknamed him her “Little Mochi” because of his squishy cheeks. (and she nicknamed your girl her “Little Sakura”)
Obanai kept trying to deny how happy and excited he was. “Hmph! I don’t do babies. Not at all.” But then he saw its cute, little chubby cheeks and couldn’t resist. He then vowed to be the greatest uncle to your baby boy (and girl once she visited the world)
Kyojuro was really excited to meet the baby too. His booming voice scared the baby and made him cry so Kyo learned to be more quiet around him. He was so nervous holding the baby but then got more use to it and didn’t want to hand him back. He wanted to hold on to the little boy forever!!
Muichiro was mostly dazed out but waved his finger in front of him and your little baby boy held onto him. Muichiro got very happy. “Y/N, Y/N! Look! He’s- he’s holding on to me!!” You’ve never seen him smile so wide. He’d often visit and be like, “Can I play with him today? I’ve missed him.” And he’d play with him for hours! He was the same with your little girl as well once she came around.
Sanemi kept trying to act all tough. “No! I don’t care about kids! Least of all babies! I couldn’t care less about Tomioka’s stupid ba-“ his eyes widened when he saw the baby. Then you saw the most softest smile on his face for the first time. He hugged the baby tight to him and didn’t let go or move for a while. He might or might not have teared up. But you swore with him that you saw nothing 👀 He’d make plenty of ohagi for the kids and make some extra for you and Giyuu. Giyuu was very happy to see Sanemi opening up a bit more and glad he became better friends with him as well.
“Tch, don’t get too comfortable, Tomioka. I’m only here for my niece, nephew and Y/N.” He was teasing he loved Giyuu too.
Tengen and his wives were all over the baby! His wives loved the baby so so so much!! They even planned out a baby shower for you when they heard the news so a lot of your baby stuff came from them! Once he finally joined the world, all of them teared up from joy. They all took turns holding the baby, playing with him, bouncing him on their laps. Tengen said that if you or Giyuu ever needed help, him and his wives were right there anytime.
The wives loved playing with your daughter! They’d often do her hair and make it really pretty. They’d also often spoil her with new pretty kimonos and hairpins and always said, “Once she gets older, we’ll always have girls nights out! Do all kind of girl talks and girl things! It’ll be so much fun!!”
Tengen got the baby a whole bunch of shiny jewelry and was like, “Ha! Now your baby boy shall be flamboyant! Even more flamboyant than he was before!!” He also secretly found it extremely adorable how he looked like a little baby Giyuu at first. Then he grew to have more of your facial features and it just made it even cuter for Tengen. He had a little soft spot for your daughter because he thought having a daughter would be very precious so he’d literally do anything for her (and would protect her with his life)
Gyomei was SO happy!!! He of course teared up too and was very very gentle with him. It was kind of cute seeing such a large man hold such a tiny little human. It’s like he could fit them each in one palm. He was one of your go to nanny’s and he’d always wear a pink apron when looking over the kids. He’d spoil them with lots of baked sweets. Everytime he visited, he always had a new beaded necklace to gift them. They ended getting too many and he stopped at one point. But he still gave them one on their birthdays
Shinobu found babies/kids a bit icky since they do have many bodily fluids they can’t control and sometimes don’t wash their hands but she still did normal check ups with them and was very good with them. She’d often visit with some new toys for the kids. She even got your daughter and little butterfly clip. Your son felt left out so she got him one too. For a while both your kids refered to her as the “Butterfly Lollipop Lady” since she gave them lollipops after every doctor visit. She’d just smile chillingly at Giyuu and say, “Tomioka-San, I figured you’d at least teach them my name after all I’ve done for you and your wife.” She was just teasing, she secretly loved her nickname
Shinobu also really loved listening to the baby’s heartbeat through a stethoscope. She also loved putting her hand on your belly and often talked to the baby. She’ll never admit to anyone else but she really enjoyed doing these things with both your pregnancies
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lady-ragnvindr · 3 years
I’m back! My final of the day was horrible but at least the horny juice is pumping! (also I may or may not have become too excited about this particular scenario so now it’s also becoming its own X reader for AO3 when I finish it oops)
*cough* just clearing some warnings first... 👀
Omegaverse (obviously), size difference, reader has two cocks and a 2ft tongue, scent kink, sex pollen but it’s actually reader’s scent cause they triggered a rut, tongue fucking, mouth knotting, animalistic/primal sex, overstimulation, cum inflation, breeding kink, spitroasting (male receiving), marking/claiming bites, double penetration (male receiving), breeding kink, dragon cum confers semi-permanent immortality, slightly yandere characters
Okay, so in this setup, Teyvat’s dragons are these secluded and solitary creatures, that are only seen very rarely and decades apart. One is lucky to see a dragon come out of their secret lairs in their lifetime, but they don’t consider it as such, because dragons only ever come out for three things: treasure, war, or... mates.
The thing is, no one knows what happens to these ‘mates’. The dragons just come, towering over the tallest of alphas, roam around the land with their horns and fangs and claws, and then leave with their ‘mates’ on their arms...only for them to never be seen again. So, in the mouth of the people, ‘mates’ are just another word for ‘food’... only with a worse fate. Not that anybody dares to say it to an actual dragon.
In the middle of this, you’re a dragon just over a hundred years old, and you’re just out of your parents’ nest, roaming the land in search of treasure and possibly one (or a few) mate(s) before finally setting yourself with an adult lair.
The humans, however, are nowhere to be seen from where you stand, closing the doors when you pass and hiding their children, and you’re mildly confused, but chalk it off to them having never seen a dragon in their lives. Well, you’re truly majestic, even among other alpha dragons, with your two sets of curled horns and beautifully long tail, but it still hurts a bit seeing the mortals avoid you when you had been so eager to meet them, ever since your infancy’s tales.
And then, a presence makes itself known- or three, to be more precise. Two omegas and a beta, you can tell, and you wonder why they’re approaching you so cautiously, but you’re excited nonetheless. From their smell, you can tell they’re unmated, and you hope that if they’re not here to be your friends, they’re here to be your mates.
The first to approach is Scaramouche, in service of the Tsaritsa to investigate he rumors of a dragon descending (form where, he doesn’t know). He smiles and talks with glee in his eyes at the smile filled with pointed teeth that greets him, and you can feel your chest swell with pride. It’s all going well (all too well even, the unmistakable scent of pleased alpha making his omega reel in want), until the traveler comes too, scowling at him and loudly warning you about Scaramouche’s hidden nature and his probable ill intentions (nothing you hadn’t already noticed, of course).
Aether goes on, introducing himself and offering to help you for a while if you don’t know where you’re going, ignoring the tiny part of his brain that tells him he also wants to use you for his own benefit, finding his sister, but also the much louder one that screams ‘alpha! mine!’ in the back of his mind. Well, if he gets what he’s here for, he might as well be lucky enough to-
And then the third man comes forth, a refreshing smell of qingxin coiling around him just like the white snake on his shoulder, and Baizhu ropes you in his talk, friendly and surreptitious and he sounds out information about you you’d gladly give him in an instant had the ruse not been up. He asks about how life is like for a dragon and curious questions about your tail, and hides his need for knowledge just as much as the saliva already pooling on his tongue at the sight of you, your built form more than a head taller than he is, and the sheer strength you carry in yourself (And the other dragons said you were small for an alpha...)
The curious behavior of them is enough to rope you into their banter, a purr almost forming in the back of your throat at their sight and their scent, mixing so well with your own, but you hold it back for a while, knowing neither of them has tried anything with you. But they will, you’re sure, and you can wait for it for as long as they want.
It’s a few weeks later until your prediction comes true, a week full with lingering tension and careful touches that last just a bit too long and just a bit too little to be not nearly enough at every turn. You’re in the cave you’ve claimed as yours for your stay in the mortal world (only waiting for your little mates to come around), tail loosely curled around the three of them just enough you can chalk it off to a mindless behavior. You chuckle at yet another bickering between Scaramouche and Aether, the sore jabs and quick nips exhilarating to watch, as you prop yourself against the stone wall and play with Baizhu’s hair, his head resting on your lap.
And then, a hand is grabbing at your wrist, propping it against Baizhu’s cheek and him nuzzling against it, vibrant amber eyes staring straight at yours. “So, how do dragon mates work, even?” he says in that silky, languid voice of his, and you feel yourself twitch in interest.
The sounds of the conversation around pause all of a sudden, and now all three of them are looking directly at you, breaths hitched and scents sweetening just a tad, making your mouth water. Slightly nipping at your lip, your gaze wonders through each of them, finally setting down on Baizhu again only to ask, tone a bit more low now, “What do you want to know?”
The curious eyes shift lower on your form, and you feel, just for a moment, that the glint in their eyes could be more menacing that what you see. And then, Aether is shifting closer, now right in front of you sitting back on his knees, and Scaramouche has moved to your side only to stare closely into your face with a devious smirk.
Baizhu turns, and your attention is back at him now. “Perhaps... you’d like to demonstrate?” he says, already trailing a hand through your waistband and you can’t contain yourself anymore.
You snap, feeling the fire burning through your veins, liquid lust escaping through your scent and into the air. You grip at Baizhu’s neck only to pull him up for a fierce kiss, your tongue unraveling from within to shove down his throat, and he whines. Your tail is curling around the other two, death grip as it pulls them by the waist to pile against your heating body, and Aether whimpers, the steady filling of your cocks rubbing on him now that he’s climbed up your lap.
Scaramouche grips at your bulge then, still covered by your clothes, and you groan, leaving Baizhu to grasp for air as he holds right to your frame as you bite into the harbinger’s neck, fangs already extended and ready for marking. The surprised moan that escapes his mouth is almost as nice as the way he turns limp into your arms from shock, only to grab your hair and hold you against his neck, you biting and licking all too eagerly before you feel cold air and deft fingers hit your skin.
A sigh leaves the blond’s pretty lips, and you look down just in time to see him start nuzzling into your cocks, inhaling your scent and looking hazily up to you. He moans as he takes one of your cocks into your mouth, Baizhu’s trembling hand reaching to caress his cheek and tug at your other cock, and you groan as you pump out more of your scent, wrapping your tail tighter against Aether’s waist and moving to rip your mates’ clothing off.
You don’t waste time to maneuver Scaramouche’s hips into your face, his always smug face contorted in pleasure as your tongue breaches his hole, a frenzied rhythm inspired only by your growing need to mate, and breed and to claim. You grip into Baizhu’s head to guide him to your other leaking, dripping cock, and he moans as he laves his tongue on it, intent on pleasuring you the best he can as you hold right to his hair with pricking pain that goes form his scalp right to his cock.
The messy sounds in the cave get drowned by the rain outside and you feel yourself on the brink at all the sensations, thrusting up into the receiving mouths working desperately at you and making Aether gag, taken aback, and Baizhu thank his lack of a gag reflex. Scaramouche, you know, is also more than desperate to get off, shaking his hips and trying to send himself further down your tongue, crying already with a fucked out face and you wonder just how sensitive he is as you lick more intently, feeling your thighs flex and high peak as you slam both Aether’s and Baizhu’s heads into your new protruding knots.
You feel Scaramouche come on your tongue then, triggered by the smell of pleased alpha inundating the cave, and your tongue works faster as the slick drops down his thighs, cum spurting from him only to fall into his stomach and the wall on the back. You don’t stop your licking though, working him up again to a strangled cry as he’s forced to quickly wind up again on it and cum until your knots come down enough to get to actually fucking your mates dry.
The growls you make reverberate against the walls of both the cave and Scaramouche’s hole, and the minor twitches on your cocks has Aether’s eyes suspiciously water, his tongue doing its best to lap at you and keep you satisfied.
Baizhu leaks his scent then, the calming scent just enough to get you to let Scaramouche up, shaking legs struggling to hold him as he drops on your side and drapes his head on your shoulder, and you ride the rest of your high out to his satisfied purrs.
You must have fallen asleep at some point, because when you wake it’s to your little mates draped all over you and the burning need to breed. With much less grace that you’ll want to acknowledge later, you groan at the feeling of your rock hard cocks dripping on your chest, and makes quick work of lifting Aether up and unceremoniously dropping him into your cock, and he screams as he wakes up, feeling a size much too large for himself breaching into him all at once. He pants, feeling your soothing hands on his hips as you nip his neck in apology, but you don’t stop until he’s flush against your hips and barely a second to adjust before you’re hammering up into him, grunting at the feeling of your other cock rub against his cleft.
It’s not nearly enough to get you off and you’re about to try and jam everything inside Aether all at once when Scaramouche wakes, scowling at the noise, before stopping himself to the sight. You growl at him, and he looks at you with sheer want on his eyes, and it’s in more of a roar than an ask that you tell him to ride your cock, and he whines, yet makes no move. You sneer, reaching for his hair as you mercilessly yank him into your cock and stuff his hole full all at once, copious slick aiding your work and you can feel him clench at you as he chokes on his words. He whimpers and cries as you thrust up, roughly, barely hitting his prostate in a way that has him screaming for more and arching his back, and you stuff your tail up in his mouth to stop his whining, leaving only muffled whimpers to fill your ears.
Baizhu stirs awake to this vision, the pretty blond clutching at your back and arching to rub against your belly as you fill him up and fuck the pretty, loud sounds out of his lips, and the other artificially arched in a bow as he’s fucked on both ends, and he can’t believe how hard he’s gotten and how grateful he is he left Changsheng and Qiqi to go over on a mission for the week. He wastes no time in nuzzling to your neck and hump into your side as he bares his glands to you, and you waste no time to accept it before diving down and biting hard enough to draw blood. He’s moaning, then, trailing wet kisses over your skin as he speeds up his humping, panting and moaning as if he was a bitch in heat, which he might as well be at this moment.
You dive down as you feel yourself reach completion again, speeding your thrusts and slamming Aether’s hips back on yours as Scaramouche is sluttily rocking back and forth on your other cock, and claims the blond’s bare neck in a single, twisted bite, your teeth so large against his slim neck you grunt and cum right on the waiting bodies above you, knots firmly against the omegas’ stretched entrances, and Baizhu is panting loudly and cussing as you lick the blood away from Aether’s neck only to open again the matching wound on Scaramouche’s.
They come, untouched, still riding on your hips from oversensitivity and Scaramouche is tamer than you’ve ever seen him before, and Baizhu is trailing up again to catch your lips as he grunts and comes on your side, and Aether’s looking so pretty you might as well just keep on fucking him until he can’t take it anymore (and then do it again).
Your omegas look so beautiful like this, fucked out on top of you and even falling over each other, too tired to even process it, and their cum stuffed bellies bulge and satisfy a primal urge in your alpha to keep them well-bred, full of pups and begging for more.
You wrap your tail around them, and decide to wait again for the next wave of your rut, only for Baizhu to tell you to ‘wait for him for a bit’, with the calm playfulness only he can achieve and you thump your tail lightly on the ground in acknowledgement.
It takes not long before he notices when your cum starts to leak from where your knot subsided, and it’s at this moment that he gently pulls the two omegas (or tries to, before you move them yourself) to both your sides and out of your cocks. You whimper at the loss, cold air of the cave and the rainstorm outside replacing wet, tight heat and is about to protest before he groups both of your cocks together and aligns to his hole, sinking down with a hitched breath.
He sighs, adjusting slowly to the intrusion, before he pouts, “I didn’t get to have my fun yet”, and moans when he’s finally meeting your still barely deflated knots with his shaking hips. As you move your hands to his waist and grips, hard enough to leave marks for days, he smiles languidly and laughs, saying there’s something he noticed on your cum. “It heals people, doesn’t it?”
You grunt, thrusting into him the softest you can so as not to wake the tired out omegas on your chest, and nods, saying it’s what helps dragons keep their mates for their whole lives. His eyes sparkle and he gasps, sinking down harder and you can barely contain yourself as to not flip you both out and fuck into him like there’s no tomorrow (someday, you think distantly through you lust-dazed mind).
“Yes, I noticed,” he gasps, and it seems he’s hit an extra good spot, so you shift your hips until you’re aiming right at the spot, the double girth brushing at all his right places at once and he has to hold himself back as to not be too loud. “I wouldn’t be able to take both these monsters at once if not,” he gasps, finishing his thought as you chuckle. It’s not long before he’s coming, clenching down on your cocks as he shivers, and you moan at the welcoming heat, spurts of slick still so little compared to your omegas but delightful nonetheless. He crumbles onto your chest, grumbling something, and nods when you grip harsher at his hips, and you waste no time in wrapping two rings of your tail around his waist, propping his head up with the tip and setting up a much harsher, much faster pace, seeking to destroy the beautiful man you’ve been gifted with. And his self-control is gone at his time, muffling his whines and pleads only by biting into his own hand as harsh as he can, the other twisted into your hair in a tug that makes you want to ruin him. And you do, diving down for the final mark on your beautiful strike today, right over his gland, and he’s spurting again with a hitched breath, making him clench and trigger your orgasm as both of your knots are shoved in his right hole, and he swears he’s gonna cry himself dry at this point.
As you leave his neck and licks soothingly at the wounds, you can’t help but rumble again at the beautiful sight of all your three mates, stuffed full and fucked out for the day.
It’s not for a week later that the four of you leave the cave, your rut finally done with and thankfully not triggering any of the omegas’ heats, thanks to their steady use of suppressants. You smile as you walk towards the nearby town, preparing to finally decide where your adult lair is gonna be, and you couldn’t be happier as Aether pulls your hand, leading the group as Baizhu saunters behind and Scaramouche is snarling and snipping sarcasm at the blond’s behavior, and discreetly snarling at everyone who looks at you slightly too long. Your smile grows larger, appreciating how cute they are, clinging to you and scaring off the few people that seemed a bit too interested as well.
So cute, just for you.
Even if you know they would try to kill anyone who ever upset you or tried to talk to you again, but that’s okay. With three beautiful mates like these, who would need any more?
This has gotten much longer than I wanted even with all the cuts and edits I made, so I hope you like it bestie 👊🏻😭
Babe this is some good shit, each time I kept scrolling I didn't wanted to end 😫
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sixeyesgojo · 3 years
JJK characters with their newborns
Summary: The birth of their child brings forth sparkling stars in their irises.
Characters: Gojo, Toji, Nanami, Megumi, Yuji, Geto
Content warning: childbirth (nothing explicit)
A/N: minor characters are aged up || request + a birthday present for my dear friend @assbuttbaek
Happy birthday ♡ I love you so much! Hope you have a good one (tell me all about it hehe)
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Gojo Satoru
Satoru couldn’t keep still at all, until the doctor called for him.
“My little baby girl,” he cooed with such a tender voice, “Daddy can’t wait to get to know you and spoil you rotten. We might need to run from Mommy sometimes but it’s okay, I’ll protect you at all costs.”
The first time he saw his newborn daughter... it was as if lightning struck him. The warm feeling spread throughout his entire body. It got even worse when the doctor told him to hold the baby.
Like a wildfire, the joy intensified tenfold and he couldn’t contain the happiness on his face. Perhaps it was the brightest and most genuine smile anyone had ever seen on his face.
Then he turned to you, his wife. The look on his face made it evident just how happy he was.
“Sorry honey, but I think I already love this one more than you.”
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Geto Suguru
“Three girls? Gosh, I can already see my hair turning white,” he joked. He was trying his best to sound cool and collected but it was impossible. Suguru’s body shook slightly but he wouldn’t ever allow his body to let go of the small bundle in his arms. One look was enough to make the overwhelming feeling of joy take over and soon, tears were brimming in Suguru’s dark eyes.
He swore not to cry but heck, that was easier said than done. His heart was about to break out of its cage, it was beating that hard.
To him, even finding someone like you was a miracle itself. Never ever did he imagine having a family, considering the dangerous path he had decided to take.
The gaze in his eyes was so tender as he looked at the baby in his arms. Mimiko and Nanako would finally have a little sibling to take care of.
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Fushiguro Toji
Wasn’t that dangerous? The fact that his hands could easily crush this tiny creature with his bare hands? No, no, he couldn’t afford to have dark thoughts like these. Not when he was blessed to be able to hold the little infant in his strong arms. Toji might have spent years, crafting a tough image of himself, but for his family, he would always be a big soft-hearted man. Truthfully, they were his one and only weakness but also the biggest gift given by God.
“Megumi. His name is Megumi.” For the first time in a while, Toji’s face didn’t display the neutral facial expression he usually put on around others.
“Sir, what shall his name be?” the doctor asked. A son.
It took him a moment to register that someone talked to him, he was that mesmerized by the little human made out of his own and his wife’s love.
Toji could already tell after a few minutes of spending time with his son. This little bundle of joy will undoubtedly turn Toji’s world around.
Megumi, his personal blessing.
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Nanami Kento
He couldn’t wait to dive into this life, the domestic life. Couldn’t wait to do all the things a dad does. Bake bread with his child, teach them how to play various games, help them doing their homework, fight off talk to other parents if it concerned his little one, be a good role model.
The small baby in his arms stirred and cried out; Kento felt like it was the most rewarding thing to hear in this moment. He was willing to work much harder if it meant that this little one would have a good life.
All of these thoughts were in his head when he first held his newborn baby. A sudden wave of gratefulness flooded his heart. He wasn’t someone who cries but somehow, this situation got him extra emotional.
Was it like this for everyone?
Maybe work wasn’t so shit, after all.
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Fushiguro Megumi
This man. You had to only look at him and you knew. To anyone else in the room, his face might have seemed like a pokerface. That was an entirely other matter when you looked at him though. You definitely noticed the way his lips twitched every now and then, the way his eyes softened, the way he tried to keep his emotions in.
He didn’t need to express anything with his face at all. You knew and that was enough for you.
Once upon a time, he was so sure he wouldn’t be able to save anybody and therefore not be rewarded with anything good in life - unfairness was all he knew - but now? His life had taken such a turn, in the best way possible and all he could do was thank you and this new life the two of your brought into this world.
Megumi took your hand into his big one, stroking it tenderly while his other arm held the baby securely. “Thank you so much,” he mumbled softly.
“‘s my pleasure, ‘gumi,” you replied, exhausted from the labor.
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Itadori Yuji
“This is really...?” Yuji was baffled. It didn’t click in his head yet. Although the doctor already confirmed it several times, Yuji couldn’t help but ask again and again. It was unbelievable to him - but in the best way.
It wasn’t until you’ve had it with his antics and confirmed it yourself, yes, this is his kid and yes, he is a dad.
Then, his brain seemed to acknowledge it, judging from the way his face beamed and his lips stretched into a child-like grin. The man couldn’t contain the happiness in his body as he jumped around the room, screaming out praises and “Yahoo!”s (until he was reminded that noise could possibly disturb the baby).
When he finally calmed down, you could see the stars in his eyes as he touched the sleeping baby’s hand. “Look look, it’s sooooooooooo small!” he whisper-shouted. The excitement of this man never quite went away.
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Taglist (opennnn): @megumifushi​ @assbuttbaek​ @bleueluna​ @cutie-aquarius​ @yujisabs @aceilora​ @emilystaysgold 
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