#❌❌❌❌ does not happen here ❌❌❌❌
sgterso · 11 months
this is a private headcanon i've had for awhile and i've decided to bite the bullet and finally post it ( and hopefully tag it correctly )
given the opportunity during her time in the partisans or soon after, jyn likely would have medically ensured that she wouldn't be able to have children. i'm not going to go into too much detail because this might be triggering but basically, in any verse where this is possible, she doesn't want biological children or to get pregnant, so she ensures that it won't happen. this is a consensual decision and one she doesn't regret over the course of her lifetime. despite that, in any sexual encounters, she does always use proper contraception.
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scatteredskittless · 3 months
Hii can you do a alastor x reader where the reader pays to much attention to catlastor( that cat memes are all over my feed)
Alastor x Reader that adores Catlastor
A/n: I LOVE THAT FUCKING CAT OMGGG ♥️‼️ he’s just a silly little guyy (my cameraroll has been taken over by him)
Warnings: None, just Alastor being a little jealous over a cat 💀
Fluff✔️ Comfort❌ Angst❌ Smut❌
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📻𖤐 A strange looking cat that also looked an awful lot like Alastor showed up at the Hazbin Hotel. Nobody really knew where it came from. It just kinda appeared one day and everybody’s learned to deal with the critters presence.
📻𖤐 You, on the other hand, adored this little guy
📻𖤐 Constantly hanging out with the silly kitty that defied all laws of physics simply because it felt like it and showering it with affection once it decided to let you… it became rare to see you without catlastor, as you decided to name it, by your side.
📻𖤐 Which in turn meant you were spending less time with the actual Alastor.
📻𖤐 At first, Alastor didn’t care much for the creature. Sure he found it odd but it wasn’t a concern to him..
📻𖤐 That was what he thought before all the attention that used to be given to him by you was transferred to that damn cat.
📻𖤐 I mean he knew you were a cat person but cmon… the real things right here! He could not believe he was starting to grow envious over a cat version of himself…
📻𖤐 He wouldn’t say anything about the situation though, maybe occasionally poke fun at catlastor or make comments about how much time you spend with it but not much else other than that.
📻𖤐 Though he would make more of an effort to spend time with you than he usually does to “win” you back. Such as taking you out to eat at his favourite cafés in cannibal town, going on walks with you around hell, stuff like that.
📻𖤐 Once he realizes his efforts are in vain, he’ll be a bit stumped. Why does it still seem like you prefer the cat over him?
📻𖤐 Eventually though Alastor does learn to share you. And also begins to take a liking to the creature that just so happens to eerily resemble him in the process.. even if it did look like it was ripped straight out of a children’s sketchbook.
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Please do not repost, translate, or plagarize any of my fanfictions/writing/headcanons without permission ◟( ˃̶͈◡ ˂̶͈ )◞
ᯓ★ Scatteredskittles
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divinerapturesys · 8 months
Welcome to my Ted Talk about AsPD, or Antisocial Personality Disorder, which the internet likes to coin as sociopath 👌🏻 if you don’t like long infodumps about stigmatized mental disorders from someone who is diagnosed, move on.
Quick toxic rundown: People with AsPD are generally characterized as emotionless, violent, manipulative abusers who kill animals and like to make other people their bitches. The biggest pet peeve we have is the emotionless, sadistic and abusive generalization.
Personally, we are highly neurotic, with highs and lows of: depression, frantic drive, self abuse tactics, chronic fear, lapses of rejection, overwhelming over-analyzation, grey area thinking, false goods and false bads, ultimatums, obsessive compulsive behavior, harsh self demands, and irritability.
AsPD is a disorder that is caused primarily (according to current research) by trauma and abuse in childhood; most notably being emotional neglect and absent caregivers that cause a child to have emotional shutdowns and repression episodes in an attempt to self soothe. Primary caregivers who do not bond with their children are also a factor. Children learn how to behave from those around them. If a primary caregiver is emotionally distant and unavailable, children will learn that is normal behavior and that’s how people are. If a primary caregiver does not provide empathy and sympathy during moments of distress and fear, children will learn that aloofness and disregard of others feelings is normal behavior. If a primary caregiver does not keep a child safe, children will learn that they should not prioritize their own safety or the safety of others. You can find my follow up post regarding this here.
Neglected and abused children often act out trying to get attention and help, often acting out in bad ways because they lack the ability to articulate what they’re feeling and what is happening to them. The pipeline for AsPD typically is: Oppositional Defiance Disorder as a child, Conduct Disorder as a teen, AsPD as an adult. There are a lot of warning signs cueing that AsPD is becoming a risk for development, but often kids do not have a support system to help negate it as it’s their support system that is usually a factor in its creation.
Being AsPD is like being an emotional La Croix 70% of the time. If you’re depressed, then it’s like someone in the other room has depression and is telling you about it. The other 30% of the time, if you’re depressed, your brain doesn’t understand how to handle it so it’s an ultimatum between doing something drastic to remove the Trigger or ignoring and dissociating for days on end.
People with AsPD are very good at ignoring things. Honestly it’s problematic as fuck but it’s not hard to ignore major issues when you just, don’t care. It’s not in the terms of being cruel or making ourselves not care, but the fact that finding the emotional willpower is so far out of our feasible reach we don’t do it. This causes us to piss people off because we don’t have the capacity to care as much as they want us to, even if we can and do to an extent.
Think of it this way: empathy/sympathy is a deep tub of water that everyone has. They can easily fill their measuring cup for the needed amount of empathy without any issues and it’s easy for them. People with AsPD don’t have a tub of water. We have shallow skillet. When we try to dip our cup to fill it, we can’t, it always comes up short and it is difficult to get any water in it as there is no room for the cup to dive. Our ability to care is limited because we do not have the same emotional resources everyone else does.
❌ False Positives & False Negatives ❌
I operate on what I’ve learned are called false positives and false negatives. These are things that are trained into the brain from an early age based off of childhood trauma and other factors. False positives are a distorted version of why we do something to help ourself and for our own good, meanwhile a false negative is something we do because it’s a threat, or based out of fear.
❌ Some of my false positives:
- It is good to be afraid of nothing
- It is good to adapt to someone’s personality if they are stronger than you
- It is good to isolate yourself
- It is good to be a silver tongue because you can get into any place you want
- It is good to become a social chameleon and shape yourself to whatever those around you need/want most, because then you have no chance of being abandoned
❌ Some of my false negatives, which can explain the false positives as well as core beliefs:
- it is bad to be afraid, if I am afraid then I am vulnerable and it can be used against me
- It is bad to be emotional or show concern for others emotions because they do not care for mine
- It is bad to be able to be exploited, because I believe it is everywhere
- It is bad to allow myself to be bored, because boredom begets bad thoughts and no one can or wants to help me when I spiral
- It is bad to not shape yourself to the social circle, because people quickly grow tired of those who do not match them perfectly and being discarded means I failed
My core beliefs can be viewed as the root for the false positives and negatives, because they are based on the core of trauma, abuse and neglect. They come from patterns and instances that make someone with AsPD become the opposite of what they experienced:
- eat or be eaten
- If I don’t show that my bite is worse than my bark, I will be taken advantage of and I must remain on top because the ones on top are safe
- I must look out for myself because nobody will do it for me
- It doesn’t matter what happens to me, therefore it doesn’t matter what people think of me
- If I cannot do something well, then I should not do it at all
- If you are dependent on others for emotional and mental well being, you are weak, therefore I must isolate myself to avoid becoming codependent and a burden and useless
- If I can handle the stress of a situation better than everyone else, therefore I will keep the problem (financial, emotional, mental, etc) to myself to reduce chances of being abandoned due to failure of perfection
People with AsPD are hard to get along with. We often:
- are always anticipating a fight
- lack respect for authority
- ignore social structures to an extent
- tendency to lie if it’ll lessen punishment or if we feel the lie is more acceptable than our actions
- limit social support because it’s wrong to be dependent on others
- have an inflated view of our own importance — which turns into a self ridicule for believing someome like me could be found important to others —
- can be rude and inconsiderate of others feelings somewhat unintentionally
- are unable to read the correct social cues in relation to empathy towards people and animals
- am constantly confused by others dependence upon empathy and inability to make desicions from logic based standpoints
We can’t speak for everyone who has AsPD, nor are we saying that no one with AsPD is capable of being a murderer/abuser etc. but we are saying that y’all need to stop automatically classifying someone as a certain “type” as soon as you know about their disorder.
One last thing I do want to point out is that it is not uncommon for people with AsPD to derive some sort of enjoyment in causing harm, doing something illegal, hurting someone or animals, etc. This entirely stems from lack of environmental control as a child. Being able to control what happens to others or being able to control the things you say or do that hurts someone else is a hefty high to get addicted to; it soothes the underlying itch of not being able to control your own trauma and abuse, so in turn you push these behaviors onto others and enjoy it because it gives you a sense of power and control. Some people with AsPD do genuinely love hurting others, and some enjoy hurting others when they believe it’s deserved or their ire has been stoked. Some enjoy causing pain to those they think deserve it, and others don’t care who they hurt as long as they feel like they’re in control of the situation.
Hope this have some insight into AsPD 🤙🏻 if y’all have any questions, shoot.
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bread--quest · 6 months
It's 2012 somewhere. Welcome.... to Night Vale Tumblr.
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👁️ nvcr-official
Hi guys! I'm Intern Sarah! Excited to be joining you all!
👁️ nvcr-official
To the friends and family of Intern Sarah, she was a good intern and social media manager, and we are sorry to see her go. We will work to find a new intern as soon as possible.
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🦉 dark-owl-records
hes gotten away with shit for too long and im sick of it. tl;dr horrific intern mistreatment with no compensation, mountain denier, homophobic
keep reading
❌ number-one-moonhater Follow
Hey uh. Aren't you a company account? Why are you posting this
🦉 dark-owl-records
L + ratio + god forbid women do anything + your music taste is trash
🙈 seesomethingsaynothing Follow
Isn't Cecil literally gay?
🦉 dark-owl-records
he's homophobic
🪼 jeebyfish Follow
he has a husband...
🦉 dark-owl-records
yeah and he won't fucking shut up about it
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🤫 cecils-private-blog
Carlos hasn't liked any of my woodcarving posts in THREE DAYS!! I'm so scared what if he's going to break up with me :((
👁️ nvcr-official
Cecil he's your husband he's not breaking up with you. also this isn't a private blog you just put private in the url
🤫 cecils-private-blog
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🏜️ sandeater Follow
tamika flynn spotted in ralph's dairy aisle "slaying" the milk
🦂 scorpiansscuttle Follow
op i know this is a joke but one time i was in the ralphs dairy aisle and there was some butter up on a really high shelf and someone said "don't worry, i'll get it" and i turned around and it was fucking tamika flynn
☁️ average-weather-enjoyer Follow
fake story :/
📚 isurvivedthesummerreadingprogram
No it's true I was there
🚂 traintonowhere Follow
🏜️ sandeater Follow
what the fuck is happening on my post
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👁️ nvcr-official
can you guys please stop sending cecil weird shit... i don't want to have to explain to my boss what a dilf is
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🐚 mariella-shella
Hey guys!! Sorry for the lack of posts recently! I entered a hole in the wall and when I got out I realized I didn't know how long I'd been in there, or where I was, or who I am, and I'm not sure that I'm still the person who entered that hole however long ago. Anyway, the normal posting schedule will resume as soon as I remember what my normal posting schedule was, and if I'm still the person who had that posting schedule!
🌪️ sandstorm-gf Follow
omg mariella!!! missed u so much girl glad ur back!
🐚 mariella-shella
i miss me too
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😎 Anonymous asked: Response to the homophobic allegations?
🎙️ cecilpalmer
🎙️ cecilpalmer
@nvcr-official What does this mean? Is it new slang?
👁️ nvcr-official
uhhhh dont worry about it buddy
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🧤 missy-mittens Follow
hey guys im in quarantine for eating wheat and wheat byproducts uh...send asks?? i might be in here for a while lmaooo
🧤 missy-mittens Follow
oh lights in the sky its been 5 years since i made this post
☁️ glowcloudapologist Follow
how's it going op
🧤 missy-mittens Follow
i miss my family
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🐚 mariella-shella Follow
hey if anyone remembers anything about the person running this blog can you tell me? trying to recover the fragments of my identity from the void of memory lol
🥔 potato-enthusiast Follow
you were really hot
🐚 mariella-shella Follow
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🦉 a-weird-bird Follow
just a reminder that new residents of east night vale are fully welcome to interact with this blog!!!! you will not be harassed and any hate will be blocked. this blog is safe even if this town isn't sometimes <3
🌻 sunflowergirl Follow
This is so sweet, thank you so much! Just so you know, even though it's officially called East Night Vale now, a lot of people still call it Desert Bluffs! Just thought you might want to know :)
🦉 a-weird-bird Follow
i'm not calling it that sorry
🌻 sunflowergirl Follow
What??? Why??
🦉 a-weird-bird Follow
just kind of sucks. as a name
🌻 sunflowergirl Follow
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⬜️ kentuckymeatshower_deactivated11051983
what does this mean....
🌌 cece-xeze Follow
another great post from huntokar herself
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🚁 helicopters-in-your-area Follow
🌲 little-miss-ectoplasm Follow
you don't like pine cliff? 👻 oo ooo?
👁️ nvcr-official
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😁 the-happy-smiler Follow
Hi everyone!! Since Twitter went down, I figured I'd try my hand at this Tumblr thing! I'm so excited to meet all of you!! Hope you're ready for some pictures of CENTIPEDES!! Feel free to AMA about the Smiling God!
👁️ nvcr-official
🦉 dark-owl-records
🎙️ cecilpalmer
📚 isurvivedthesummerreadingprogram
🙈 seesomethingsaynothing Follow
🚂 traintonowhere Follow
🦉 a-weird-bird Follow
🌌 cece-xeze Follow
🐚 mariella-shella Follow
🚁 helicopters-in-your-area Follow
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do something productive ❌
spend two hours trying to figure out where Gale lives in waterdeep based on an old map and the few shots of waterdeep from his tower cut scene✔️
anyway i think he lives on the edges of the castle ward area near where Grinda Garloth residence used to be and if the map is to be trusted i'd say anywhere in the sail street to dock street area
according to this map this is castle ward which also contains the blackstaff tower too
and according to the view outside of Gale's tower you cant really see any clear visible walls only a start of a mountain
so i think this is the only area that has indication of rocks that can show up directly in front of Gale's balcony
also a very faint wall can be seen beyond the mountain which backs up this location
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now in the second shot of waterdeep outside of Gale's balcony you see a few docks at an angle and i believe these are one of the three between sail street and dock street
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and since the map is from Waterdeep: Dragon Heist which is presumably set in 1492 the same year as the game is set i'd say this is plausible with a few differences taking into account constant building developments (like building new docks, putting up a statue, building a new house/shop) that can happen within a year
i found this other map too and i think its here
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anyway that was a fun little activity i love fantasy maps and could get lost in them for hours! keep in mind i can be wrong about this especially since we only have two scenes from the game to go of on
sources : 1,2,3,4,5, and Gale's Romance Cut scene from Bg3
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diorsluv · 5 months
feather , part 18
“ your signals are mixed ”
series m. list previous chapter next chapter
( socialmedia!au )
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liked by luca.fantilli, dylanduke25, jackhughes, and 37,976 others
yourusername tell me that we’ll be just fine
view all comments
username67 wait ok but seeing her torn up like this is NOT okay
_alexturcotte oh no
lhughes_06 even when u lose ur mind?
→ yourusername tell me that it’s not my fault
username89 GODDDD the fact that luke knows the reference and finished it for her 💔
→ username27 fr it was luke NOT baxter ❌
username23 she and luke need to be together i’m begging
trevorzegras TAYLOR SWIFT
→ yourusername mama taylor 🫡
username58 i don’t like this booker guy and for good reason, like he can’t be out here breaking my girl’s heart like this
username33 ok but luke has that missseraphina girl or whatever her @ is
adamfantilli the matching stitch costumes
jamie.drysdale ily and i’ll always support you but you know what i think and i think it’s time you take my advice
liked by yourusername
username9 lets talk abt how she only responded to two people and one of them was luke
edwards.73 you know we’re here for you
markestapa i’ll beat his ass i swear to god
username71 stop they’re so protective of her
mackie.samo say the word and we’ll be there
username45 tbh the insta drama is kind of embarrassing
username68 she’s not acting like herself and it’s all because of HIM
username34 idgaf what balthazar thinks he can get away with but ik it aint this
username8 fuck bjorn
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liked by mackie.samo, colecaufield, _quinnhughes, and 88,117 others
yourusername finally posting the lakehouse pics i was gatekeeping for months 🫣🫣
tagged: jackhughes, trevorzegras, _quinnhughes
view all comments
→ markestapa it’s chesnuts not marshmallows
→ dylanduke25 i know. 😐.
username46 are we just gonna pretend like that post from this morning never happened??
→ username59 if she does it, we do it
trevorzegras I MADE IT ON THE MAIN AGAIN!!!!
→ yourusername trev sweetie you gotta stop acting like i don’t post you constantly
username31 is that luke’s back or quinn’s back
→ yourusername it’s quinn!
colecaufield there’s no way you got QUINN to tan with you
→ _quinnhughes bro you were there when she took the pics
→ colecaufield oh was i??
→ _alexturcotte nah it was me rmb i’m the only one that’s seen her recently
mackie.samo we never see you post yourself anymore 😔
→ yourusername i’m more focused on the scenery around me matthew.
→ mackie.samo OKAY OKAY u didn’t have to pull out the government name
→ markestapa she’s lying she just doesn’t have enough storage on her phone anymore
username26 that pic of jack and quinn i’m dyingggg
jackhughes remember when you burned 12 marshmallows in a row
→ yourusername remember when you said you were in love with me when you got drunk for the first time
→ jackhughes YO
→ _quinnhughes yeah how the hell do you burn that many marshmallows consecutively
lhughes_06 oh so am i just banned from all your posts now
→ yourusername 👎
username15 didn’t quinn accidentally post jack trying to drown her on his public story once 😭
→ username2 WHAT.
next chapter notes ) a little tamer than the past few chapters, AND WE’RE GETTING RID OF BOOGER SOON SO LET’S CELEBRATE
tags: @aliaology @hockeyboysarehot @absolutelyhugh3s @jackquinnswife @freds-slut @love4ldr @blueeyedbesson @43hughes
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iamthat-iam · 4 months
Experience is not linear, and every moment is COMPLETELY unrelated to the last
There really should be no more questions on physical vs imagination, how to experience something... but that still seems to be a topic of discussion soo here's another explanation
This is what you THINK is happening:
I am a person who seemingly went to sleep, then I had a dream of being a Space Cowboy and all the alien ladies loved me. Then I seemingly woke up in the same life as before and I went to use the bathroom, then daydreamed about being an A-List celebrity, then I went to eat breakfast, then I thought about how cool of an idea it would be for me to start a business... It goes on and on
But this is the incorrect way of describing it, and leads to misidentification ❌
See all of this categorization and seperation? Now THIS is what we're pointing to 👇🏾👇🏾👇🏾
"I" seemingly went to sleep, "I" was a space cowboy whom all the alien ladies loved, "I" seemingly woke up to use the restroom, "I" was an A-List celebrity, "I" ate breakfast, "I" started my own business
See how these are all events that "I" experienced back to back, because Awareness DOES NOT DISCRIMINATE. Experience is experience. Period.
"But how do I experience in this world with the senses?" Reread this post over and over and then REALLY ponder on what this means. I promise you it's simple
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userzade · 6 months
once upon a time dashboard simulator
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🥚 humptydumpty
does anyone know if we got another curse tomorrow
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😱 theboywhocriedwolf
GIRL, 👧 HAVE YOU HEARD THE NEWS?📰 Another Diva👑💅🏽🫦 is Down ❌❌😵 after being expelled from the enchanted forest 😤😤that’s right ✅✅ the evil QUEEN put her whole CUNTRESS energy😎😇 into her kingdom 😝 she SERVED🫡 so the rest of us 👶 could get our CURSES😋😋 IN THE FOREST❤️❤️ alas, with ONLY HER LOYAL KNIGHTS BESIDE HER, she must SASHAY AWAY💃💃 or be DRAGgged out SCREAMING 😔😔😔 so put those hands together 🤝🤝🤝 and pour one out 🥂🥂🥃🍾for the QUEEN 🤴 she gave a new meaning to leaving us GAGGED and HEARTLESS😜
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♻️ 📢🧔🏻‍♂️ grumpyleroy
#another fucking curse happened #i don't remember shit
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🦎 isthedarkonedeadyet Follow
day 1273833838:
no :(
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📖🖋️ thetruestbeliever
reblog to give the person you reblogged this from a nice warm apple strudel
♻️ 🪣 jackfelldownthehill
bro what if your mom put a sleeping curse in it again
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🦢 storybrookecitizen83
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#i need her so bad #i would die for her too
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🔍 storybrookeunsolved
does mother superior seem a little shady to anybody else or is it just us 👀
♻️ 🥣 bowlofsoup2013
THE BLUE FAIRY CAN'T BE TRUSTED! the shady blue conspiracy continues!
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🦷 toothfairy
In hiding right now because i owe mr.gold money
could you guys help support my gofundme so he doesn't take my wings
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🤡 charmingfamilyjester
You're laughing our entire town got cursed again and you're laughing
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gaybitchfx · 1 year
Can I get cloud x pregnant Omega reader quq
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-❄️ Character(s): Cloud S.
-❄️ Type of reader: M!Reader
-❄️ Category: SFW + a/b/o
-❄️ Warning(s): intentional lowercase ✨
-❄️ Edited: ❌
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since the day cloud had found out you were pregnant, he had no choice but to melo down on the adventures.
of course, it bummed him out yes, but what made him look past that difficulty was you carrying a little human being inside you that was his.
and with each month he’d get happier and happier and happier despite your mood swings and odd cravings in the middle of the night. such as right now.
“cloud…” you whispered as you shook your mate, him not waking up. “cloud!!” you shouted, this time giving him a good punch and waking him up quickly.
“what- huh?” he mumbled as he sat up and rubbed the sleep out of his eyes. “the baby is hungry..” you said with a soft smile as if you didn’t nearly knock the wind out of him.
“is that so? what does it want this time?” cloud asked with a smile as he glanced at your belly, you were already nearing the end of your second trimester.
“mmmm chocolate, chip, and peanuts. oh and pickles.” you said making cloud nod his head. and so here you two were at the supermarket getting what you wanted, you happily waddling alongside him as if you were a penguin.
“is there anything else our baby wants?” cloud asked and you looked to the side to think for a bit. “mustard on spaghetti.” now that was a new one, but of course, cloud did everything his mate wanted and got whatever he needed as well as what the baby needed.
when the two of you got home you happily ate, your body relaxed till you felt a small bit of pressure on a certain part of your stomach making you stop eating.
“what’s wrong?” cloud asked, worry laced in his voice since you looked concerned but also surprised. motioning him over you grabbed his hand and placed it on your stomach where he could feel the baby do a singular strong kick.
it took cloud a while to process what had happened but when he did my god was he happy, his hands moving all around your belly as his eyes practically lit up with each kick or little punch.
“they’re so active in there just like you.” you giggled and ruffled his hair when he placed his head on your stomach softly.
since that day the baby has done nothing but kick and god was it getting annoying and tiring. seeing as how you were barely able to sleep at night made cloud feel sympathetic towards you.
“please little one let your papa sleep..” you sighed and rubbed your stomach softly, the baby kicking a few times or moving in protest. cloud sat up and stared down at your stomach, folding his arms.
“you want your papa to be happy right? if so let him get some sleep and in the morning you can play all you want ok?” cloud said softly and after a couple, of more kicks, punches, and small movements the baby had stopped making you sigh relieved.
“you’re welcome.” cloud smiles and kisses your lips as you hummed a thank you already starting to fall asleep.
neither of you could wait for this baby to be born, especially since you were the one carrying it, and over time it was just getting heavy and made you feel tired all the time.
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-❄️tags: @jkloserdazai @reallyromealone @lostsomewhereinthegarden
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multi-fandomsfreak · 3 months
Just had a random idea that might be funny, Amy with a female exe reader that took her form. I think it'd be funny to have them start dating and all of Amy's friends being confused as hell as to her dating what kinda looks to be herself.
Amy Rose Dating An EXE!Reader
Hey there thanks for the ask!
Honestly I like that idea. Just imagine dating an existential being who just so happens to be a look-alike of you. Anyways hope you enjoy reading this.~J/Blaze
Pronouns: She/Her
Warning: ❌
Requested: Yes/No
Characters: Amy + Sonic + Tails + Knuckles
Proofread: ❌
Credits: Art by Sapphire_Art_ on Twitter + Banner by narahverde on Pinterest
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- It was definitely a surprise for Amy when she first met you. She managed to stumble upon you just by chance she didn’t mean to. Seeing someone with her looks sort of at first kind of weird her out I mean if you were to see someone who just so happened to look like a demonic version of you you’d be freaked out as well, right? But at the same time she’s oddly flattered that you chose her out of everyone but still slightly weirded out. She didn’t want to get into any trouble from you so she just decided to leave you alone and prayed that you won’t do anything to bother you. Luckily for her you wouldn’t but after seeing the actual Amy who you based your form off of you couldn’t help but grew curious towards her. What was she like? Oddly enough even though you didn’t know why you wanted to get close with. So without much thought you eventually found her and decided to attempt to have a somewhat conversation with her.
- At first she was slightly panicky wondering what you were doing here but once you managed to calm her down then explained yourself about why you were here and just wanted to get to know her she managed to calm down and decide to at least hear you out. Surprisingly she actually enjoyed hanging out with you, she was interested in getting to know about your existence and powers. Now getting to know you a bit more she honestly didn’t mind that you just so happened to be a somewhat look-alike of her. She was more than happy to accept you for who you were, no matter what you were or what you do.
- After developing a friendship with you she pretty much treats you like all her other friends. She treats you with respect and is often very happy to see you come visit her. Sometimes she finds the simplest things to do just so she could have an excuse to go visit you, even if it means she’ll have to change plans with sonic and the others. In return you made a vow to protect her with your life. If you found someone being rude to her you immediately went into defense mode and personally made sure they would learn a lesson. Maybe it may cost them their life depending on how ‘kind’ you were feeling. But you made sure to keep those things away from her to not make her worried about what people say. But sometimes she does become aware of what people say about her but you reassure her that they don’t mean what they said and they are clearly idiots who don’t know what they are talking about.
- Due to yours and her close relationships she eventually developed a crush on you. With you protecting her and making sure she’s alright she couldn’t help it. But she wasn’t sure if you would accept her feelings due to the difference between the two of you. But that doesn’t mean she hasn’t expressed them mostly towards the others. Once they’ve heard her having a crush on someone else (especially sonic) they thought they were hearing things at first. Amy has a crush on someone who wasn’t sonic? Even Sonic himself was surprised but if Amy was happy then they were as well. They did try to ask her for information about you and she was more than happy to tell them. Once hearing what you looked like they just assumed that you just so happened to be a pink hedgehog just like her.
- Eventually though Amy couldn’t keep her crush for you a secret and decided to risk it and ask you to be her girlfriend to which you accepted. Making her shed a slight tear out of happiness and hugging you all giddily. She was more than happy that you accepted her feelings she never thought any would accept her feelings.
- Expect her to be really clingy towards you. I can imagine her love language being a combination of physical touch, quality time and gift giving. She’s a very affectionate person regardless if she’s with friends or a lover. She likes giving gifts to people ranging from items to food.
- She really wants you to meet her other friends Sonic, Tails and Knuckles since she’s already said so much about you to them. At first you were slightly hesitant but eventually you agreed being unable to say no to her so with your permission she gathered the other three so they could meet you.
+ As soon as she heard the three of them at her door she happily ran towards the door and opened it with a smile on her face “hey you three glad you can make it” she said “Don’t worry about it Ames we’re just really excited to meet her” Sonic slight chuckled to himself “yeah especially since for once you aren’t going after sonic” knuckles jokingly said before receiving a slightly above whisper from tails telling knuckles off before Amy waved off what knuckles had said standing to the side to let the other three in to which they did. Amy then went off to go and get you so you could meet them creating a slight tension as they asked questions between them like what your name was? What were you like? Things like that, however as soon as Amy returned with you a slight confusion yet surprised expression formed on their faces. “This is my girlfriend [Name], they’re a bit quiet so please be patient around her.” Amy said wrapping and arm around yours as you introduced yourself to the others. Honestly they were surprised when they saw you, they were somewhat surprised because you seemed to be a nearly identical look-alike of Amy but they didn’t want to say anything about it so they just gave you a smile as they introduced themselves to you.
- Out of the three of them ironically enough I can imagine you being the closest with Sonic. Since he’s pretty much used to having Amy chasing him all the time he’s now got to get used to actually being left alone by her. I like to think that due to her constant affiliation with him he knows what she likes or not so if you're struggling to figure out what to give her Sonic can tell you. You still are somewhat close to the other two but mostly sonic.
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blueyluey05 · 1 month
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(Read if you're interested in SheZap info)
Since you all really liked my AU's version of SheZap, I decided to redraw some scenes from the show them. I also want to share a few more things regarding this version that I never mentioned in my post or changed from it, so here it goes:
-SheZap has retractable claws and pupils that slit like cat eyes
-SheZap does NOT have SHE-S-P
-Their weakness is not messy hair, HOWEVER, their weakness is water due their skin being super sensitive to it (Water is like acid to their skin)
-SheZap doesn't need to sleep but they do it anyway.
-SheZap tends to make animal noises from time to time, this is due to their animalistic behaviour
-And lastly... The eyes. In my previous post, I said that their glowing green eyes only happens when they are shapeshifting or in the dark/angry. While they still when SheZap is shapeshifting, I decided to make it where their eyes can just glow on their own now. I also added a feature where SheZap's green glowing eyes are almost Hypnotic to look at, meaning that whoever makes direct eye contact with the green eyes can't move nor look away, as if they are almost petrified by them. (You'll get to see this in the series later on)
SheZow belongs to Obie Scott Wade
[Spectacular SheZow is a FANMADE series that takes place in an alternate universe. It follows a similar concept to the original show but with a few differences in its own story.]
[❌⚫ PLEASE DO NOT STEAL/TRACE OR REPOST (without my permission) MY ARTWORK ⚫❌]
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faithst · 10 months
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pairing zb1 x gn!reader
genre fluff, tiny tiny angst warnings mentions of food
notes hii anon~ thank you for requesting and i hope you enjoy this 💗
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— kim jiwoong
arguments rarely happen with him
he’s a goofy guy that treats you right 🙏
if an argument does happen, he makes sure to not escalate it
omg healthy relationship ftw !!!
he sits down with you, gently grabs your hands and lets you talk first
he won’t say a word or move an inch, he just listens to you talk while caressing your hand with his thumb
he nods while you talk to make sure you know that he’s listening 💗
“i’m so sorry, love. how do i make it up to you?”
— zhang hao
arguments w hao almost never happen
cause you can never take him seriously 😭
but in a case where it does happen; he needs time to think
maybe for a few days cause he’s trying to piece up the right words to say
he’ll ask the other members for advice
during this ‘thinking’ time, he’d still send you texts and funny pictures of himself as if nothing happened
because hao literally cannot go a day without talking to you in any form. so when fights happen; he texts you
eventually he pulls up to your house with his violin and starts knocking on your door 💥
“hey there my lovely partner!! i’m so sorry and i miss you alot. please do not say anything until i finish my song!”
— sung hanbin
another absolute sweetheart
hanbin is a really open minded person so arguments rarely happen
but if it does, he stops it right away before it can actually happen
both of you were a bit sensitive today, nothing was going like expected
this caused a small argument between you two
as the tension increased, hanbin almost raised his voice at you
but he stopped and realised what he was doing and immediately went up to hug you ☹️
“i hate this.. let’s not fight anymore.”
— seok matthew
he’s a bit stubborn when it comes to arguments
yeah, sure he’s salty but he won’t ever let the argument drag for days
after an argument, matt needs some time to recollect his thoughts
but if you ever think that he isn’t gonna make it up to you the same day; you’re wrong ❌
you were about to head to bed, obviously annoyed at him
and he’s like ‘no, stop. we don’t do that.’
“do what..?” you ask, really wanting to escape the tension by drifting to sleep
“we don’t go to bed angry with eachother. let’s sort this out, okay? i’m sorry..”
— kim taerae
he’s absolutely terrifying when it comes to arguments
no, he doesn’t raise his voice or says mean things
he’s quiet, too quiet
taerae needs time to think but it won’t take longer than 1-2 hours
after he recollects his thoughts and emotions, he comes searching for you
and he sees you on the floor beside the bed, hugging your knees
he sits down beside you and intertwines your fingers
there was a brief moment of silence before he speaks up
“i’m sorry, darling. let’s fix this okay?”
— shen ricky
contrary to popular belief he will buy his way out of the fight, he sticks little notes and gives you love letters instead !
you had a fight one day and ricky was thinking of a way to get you to talk to him 💭
so he placed sticky notes everywhere !
you arrived to your shared apartment and there was one on the table infront of the door that read ‘1) hey! welcome home’
there was another on the fridge as you walked into the kitchen ‘2) there’s strawberries in here!’
ontop of the strawberry box, there was another ‘3) i also made you some coffee!’
you closed the fridge, turned around and there was a cup of coffee with a sticky note plastered onto the cup ‘4) you should probably take a shower now, you’re stinky !!’
you walk into your shared bedroom and there was ricky, waiting for you as he handed you a letter that read;
‘5) i’m sorry for the other day.. will you forgive me?’
— kim gyuvin
if its a small argument, he might be extra salty towards you
however, if it’s a big argument; he needs time for himself to think
the ‘time’ he takes ranges from a few hours or sometimes even days
but he’s real clingy, so when he doesn’t get to cling to you; he folds easily 👋
after a few hours, he’s sitting across the room from you
doing literally anything to spark a reaction from you; a joke, a dumb remark, sending you pictures of eumppappa
eventually, he just sits next to you and hesitantly holds your hand
“i’m sorry.. can we not fight anymore?”
— park gunwook
arguments with him are never on serious topics
it’s mostly a debate; apple vs orange juice type thing 🍎🍊
and oh boy, does gunwook have alot of opinions
he starts bringing out logic and safe to say it becomes a bit annoying
so you’re both there, ignoring eachother
gunwook wants to be able to ignore you for days on end but he literally can’t
usually it’ll only take a few hours cause guilt consumes him easily
awkwardly shifts over to you and pokes your cheek 😞
“i’m sorry.. do you think you can forgive me..?”
— han yujin
stubborn 💯
will not be the one apologising
until his friends are tired hearing him complain about you so they just push him to apologise first
also won’t admit he misses talking to you
but he can’t take the loneliness anymore so he takes his chances when he sees you sitting alone
yujin sits next to you, making you quirk an eyebrow 🤨
“i thought you were ignoring me.” you say “i just thought you were lonely.” he responds
you let out a small laugh “uhuh, and?”
“and… actuallyi’mtheonethatsreallylonelyandi’mreallysorry!” he says with one singular breath, making you laugh “okay, yujin. i’m sorry too.”
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© keiwook | 2023
tag @bruhiamistake @trashydez @chxrrymxxnlight @haesunflower @big-uwu-stan @gnwookie @yjhcloud @kpoprhia @channiesprincess @blaycke @watamotee33 @hazyskyline @doobinnies @haechan-nahceah @chanlixed
here to join the taglist !
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delurkr · 14 days
Table of Locked Traits
Mainly for quick reference so I can see what traits are shared by different characters.
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Checkmarks indicate default locked traits. I was going to mark pairs of traits that the wiki suggests are mutually exclusive (where a character can't earn both in the same run), but I checked some gameplays and I saw one of those pairs in the same playthrough, so I left the whole thing out because obviously there's more opportunities to earn the traits than the wiki has noted.
Some interesting things:
I'll do the counting for you. Andrew has 5, Angela has 6, Daniel has 7, Taylor has 8, and John has 9. (The mutually exclusive thing would be relevant to how many they can have at once. I'm fairly confident I've seen John rack up 8 by the end of more than one playthrough though.)
Andrew is the only one incapable of being aggressive 💙
Angela can clearly make fearful choices in the game like the others, but the universe doesn't punish her for it. The double standard is real.
They all have at least one unique trait, but Taylor's is just her default trait (Deceitful) and unlike the others she doesn't have any unique choice-based ones. (Girl, have some originality. Look at Daniel, out here plumbing the uncharted depths of utter cluelessness to earn his Baffled).
Also, I'm still waiting for Taylor to unleash that rumored deceitfulness upon us. Pics or it didn't happen.
Andrew's Resolute is just funny out of context. Like woah, Andrew has an opinion?? nah fam, can't be having that ❌❌ (He literally can't win because Uncertain is right there as another of his locked traits lol.)
But it's even goofier in context because not only is Resolute positive when John refuses the drink, I'm pretty sure John's normal Resolute trait can also increase if he does the same thing that gets Andrew the locked Resolute, which is just them each generally saying that Mary needs to be stopped. The double standard be doubling.
Similarly, there's the way Irritable is one of John's normal traits from the get-go, while Angela and Taylor get cancelled for earning it. The universe is just too used to him being cranky to make an issue out of it (see above statements about double standards lol).
Angela and Taylor are also the only ones who can have Resentful. Like mother, like daughter x2 💞
Shoutout to Daniel's Baffled once again, it'll never stop being funny to me 😂
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chrissbitchhh · 2 months
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briefly based of bad idea by girl in red. this is kinda short and mid but that ok ig.
WARNINGS: allusions to FWB?, making out but no smut, thats kind of it !
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This is probably the worst idea I’ve ever ever had. And it’s way way worse that I’m about to act on it. 
I click send on the one word text and instantly put my phone face down on my chest, I don’t know if he will even answer, plus its 11:00pm on a friday he’s probably busy. Should I have done that, I should go and delete the message and block him and pretend this never happen-
Oh hello sweetheart whats up :) 
I roll my eyes, of course he’s already all pleased I even texted him.
Nothing wrong person.
Rightttttt, no need to be worried, I’ve been waiting for your text.
Uh uh. 
Aww come on baby don’t be like that. What u need?
Should I do this, I could just not answer and Never talk to him again right? I don’t need him? 
U busy?
Never for you ma ;)
Come over? need to talk.
See was that so hard? Omw. See u in 5.
this was such a bad idea. Me and chris had a…thing going on for a while, it was basically just a big game of cat and mouse, of who would give into the other first, we would meet at a party or go over to the others house and then would go silent on each other for sometimes weeks, before one of us gave in. 
I sigh as I turn my phone off and stare at my ceiling. I don’t know why I keep going back to him, I Mean he’s not bad to me but he can’t commit and is so far up his own ass its honestly concerning.
I lie there for a few minutes before I heard rapid knocking on my front door. Hes here. I get up from my bed and walk out of my room towards my front door, I stop infront of it and take a final sigh of pure disappointment before reaching for the handle and pulling the door open.
“Hay” is the first thing he says as I open the door, his eyes trailing down my body and a smirk on his face. His brown fresh love hoodie, camo pants and his messy brown hair making him look a bit to good. This is why I always go back to him.
“Hello chris” I say moving aside from my door so he can step inside of my apartment which he does very quickly, making himself at home very quickly on my couch. 
“You want a drink?” I ask him as I walk over to my kitchen “yeah sure” he replies I nod to myself and grab two Pepsis out of my fridge and walk back over to him and hand it to him, he nods his head to the side signalling for me to sit next to him.
“I was thinking w could go to my room” I said and he nodded getting up “whatever you want ma” he smirks as he starts walking to my room me trailing behind him. The two of us sitting on my bed comfortably. The two of us just looking at each other in since for a few minutes.
“God” he sighs out loudly “your so pretty it hurts Y/n” he says quietly as if he was 7 and sharing a secret in the playground, I smile at his complement as he leans in towards me. I quickly reciprocate and meet him in the middle, our lips meshing together messily but easily, as always. 
Chris quickly moves onto his back and grabs my hips pulling my to straddle his lap, I sigh into him as his lips slowly move to my neck. 
“Chris” I sigh as I feel his lips sucking gently against my neck, my hands easily finding home in his brown curls. “Its ok ma” he mumbles against my neck. I whine and reach my hands to tug at the bottom of his shirt, signalling to him I want it off, he nods his head telling me he wants me to pull it off, he removes his lips from my neck and leans backwards giving me enough access to pull his shirt off his head, his chain falling back down against his collarbones. His chest illuminated by the purple lights on my ceiling.
I run my hands down it as I pull him back into a kiss, I feel his hands running up and down my back, sending tingling feelings through out my body, as it always did when he touches me. He slips his hands to the bottom of my shirt and quickly tugs it over my head leaving my in my black bra and shorts as he he sits back to look me over.
“Fuck… so so perfect” he says before kissing against my collarbones.
I knew it was a bad idea to start this whole thing with chris, I knew what would happen, and I knew it wouldn’t happen to him. And I was right, it has become more than just hooking up to me, he’s become more than that. Which was the whole reason I invited him over today, I need to end this whole thing, I wont be the reason my own heart gets broken, because its not his fault I’ve practically fallen in love with him
“chris” I try and get his attention 
“You ready for more” he asks and I shake my head which causes him to quickly remove himself from me and sit backwards against the headboard. I look down at my lap in embarrassment which is still stretched across his lap. I can tell he’s confused.
“Hay…” he places his hand under my chin and pushes my head up so I’m looking at him again “you ok?” He asks, concern laced in his eyes. I lightly shake my head, getting nervous as I look into his eyes.
“Whats wrong?” He asks quickly, tucking my hair behind my ears so he can see my face, I don know how to tell him we have to stop because I’ve caught feelings, I’m so lost in this whole thing. And completely and totally fucked. 
“Um…” I awkwardly chuckle, his hands lightly come to rest on my thighs, lightly caressing them, telling me to take my time and that he’s here and waiting.
“I need to tell you something, kinda important” I say as I climb off his lap and sit awkwardly next to him, the feeling of his hands too much for me to deal with right now. “Ok..” He says the confusion obvious. I just sit there for a moment as I prepare myself, I don’t know how he’s gonna react, I don’t think he could ever be cruel to me but its still scary that he could be mad or even disgusted.
“Alright, I need you to not say anything till im done ok?” I look at him seriously and he just nods “yeah ok” 
“So basically, I think we need to stop doing this. And its not you! Not you at all. Its actually all me” I let a dry, humourmess chuckle “Ive realised that I’ve started to feel…more things towards you, and know I need to end it because thats not fair on you” I take a breathe in and close my eyes waiting for a reply.
“Not fair to me?” Is all he says as e looks at his hands in his lap. I furrow my brows out of everything thats what he is questioning.
“Yeah, you didn’t sign up for feelings and I get that I don’t want to make you feel like you owe me anything just because we fuc-“
“Y/N’ he quickly cuts me off “your right, I didn’t think I wanted anything real or feelings involved” he starts, stopping to clear his throat and looking over at me.
“But I think..no i know that im in the same boat. I’ve completely fallen for you and it is scary, completely terrifying to bee honest  but if you want to….I would want to Maybe try something real with you..”
I just look over at him with wide eyes at his statement. WHAT? 
“Are you being serious? You don’t just have to say that-“
“Shut up.” He chuckles as he leans over and kisses me softly, the kiss doesn’t last long due to both of us breaking out into small giggles.
“I would really like that” I nod and he just smiles widely and nods his head “me too”.
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sometimesibewriting · 3 months
Don't Die I'm Still Mad At you
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✨Summary: Uryu comes back to you but that doesn't excuse all the pain and hurt he caused you.
💙Double upload whhaaat. But yes since I dipped and came back with an Ichigo oneshot. I thought it would be befitting to upload a Uryu one-shot as well due to how Uryu-centric this blog is.
❌Warning: Lots of Blood & Lots of angst
📃Wordcount: 1601
AO3 Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/55890085
She wished she could sigh a sigh of relief.
But she couldn't.
Her legs shook but they did not fall.
"You guys should get out of here," Uryu repeated.
"But..Uryu." Ichigo began again.
"I would listen to him. "Everyone turned to see a blonde man in all white, another  Quincy. "But if I'm being honest it won't do you guys any good as everyone here is going to die." He pulled out a sword his long hair swaying as he did. Uryu looked towards him.
"I'll hold him off you guys go," Uryu spoke. "But Ishida..." Orihime began. "Are you sure?" Chad finished her sentence. 
Uryu shot the group a confident smile. "This is stupid for a guy who is smart." Ichigo spat. "A compliment from you. wow." Uryu sarcastically said to Ichigo. He didn't show it but waited for her reply but nothing came from her mouth. 
"These won't be my last words, I promise."He smiled at Ichigo who smiled back. "Well let's move on then." Ichigo waved his hand, and everyone followed him but her.
"You're still here you should go with them," Uryu said in his usual voice. She shook her head, and he watched as everyone ran off. "I'm being serious." She said nothing. The blonde man began walking towards them, Uryu's heartbeat quickened he turned towards her. "You don't understand." She knew now was the worst time, but given what had happened and how uncertain the future was, there was never going to be a good time.
"No. You don't understand, you left and went to execute the most dumbass plan I have ever seen. Did you think dying would DO anything?!?!"
Uryu sighed putting his hands on her shoulders, "I'm sorry." She rolled her eyes. "You're not forgiven." 
"I need." He swallowed hard. "I need you to leave I'm serious." His breathing was now unsteady. If she wasn't so pissed she would be thrown off by how upset Uryu was.
"This childish love spat does not amuse me in the slightest." The blonde Quincy spoke as he lunged at them, Uryu pulled her knowing who his true target was. They both hit the ground kicking up dust.
"Shit," Uryu said. "What's his deal?" She asked. "I'm going to create an opening and you're going to run.”
Uryu conjured an arrow like he usually did and shot at the man,debrie flew up into the air making the area look as if it was covered in smoke. He turned toward her once more. "I promise. I will make it out of here, and I promise we will talk but most importantly I will try my absolute best to make it up to you. It was not my intention to hurt you like I did."
She did not know when but he had softly put her chin in his hand, it felt like it had been so long since she felt his hands on her skin, if they weren't in the situation they were in she would have cried. A heavy pressure fell all over her body, and without hesitation, she engulfed her and Uryu in a black mass that came up from both their shadows.
The shot from what she assumed to be his arrow hit them yet unlike the other quinces the arrow it slightly cracked her shield. Causing them to be both knocked over. "What the fuck." She struggled to breathe as she got up, but Uryu recovered quickly. He shot another arrow at the blonde quincy but he reflected it with ease.
"A shadow caster? People say you guys are cousins of the quinces, it's sad that you and your people refuse to stand with us." Uryu shot another arrow but stronger this caused the long-haired man to slide back as he blocked. "Your fight is with me remember." He said as he charged another arrow. 
"Did I not say I'd kill the girl if you ever betrayed me?" This caused Uryu to get furious. "And I said I wouldn't let you hurt her."
She looked between the two men confused, what did she have to do with any of this? She knew she was a princess but her mom denounced the throne before she was even born, so that title carried no power in the slightest. There appear to be no terms between them either. Uryu may be an ass but he wouldn't gamble her life like that. 
"Licht Regen." A bunch of arrows shot at the blonde man, she looked at the shadow beneath his feet conjuring it to wrap around his legs in an attempt to keep him in place. He struggled, breaking free in a few seconds.
He came at Uryu with insane speed knocking him over with his shield, once Uryu rolled on the floor he went to stab his sword down on him. Uryu was faster rolling over once more causing it to catch his cape ripping it. Uryu stood bleeding slightly and bruised. She had Uryu sink into her shadow and show up beside her, he was caught off guard standing up slightly dazed he pulled himself together quickly.
"See why I wanted you to leave." He said out of breath. "Who is this guy?" she asked. "The king's right-hand man, Haschwalt.'
That was when Haschwalt appeared behind them. "I think it's time for me to finish this and join his majesty." Uryu reached out to grab her again but it was too late,  Haschwalt had taken his sword and stabbed her through her stomach. The cry Uryu made sounded completely inhuman as  Haschwalt pulled the sword out of her.
She held her stomach even though deep down she knew it wasn't going to do much. Seeing that much blood on the ground was surreal, especially when it was her blood. She staggered. Uryu caught her slowly falling to the ground with her.
"I never understood such relationships. They always seemed to keep people from achieving their goals and keep them away from their potential." Uryu didn’t hear a word Haschwalt spoke. He was looking down at the girl he held in his arms. 
She was breathing in and out hard, it was obvious she was losing consciousness as well. Uryu began breathing hard his throat now raw and scratchy. His mind was definitely, not clear. It was a mix of anger, sadness, and regret, emotions he had felt before but not in a long time. He had felt these emotions when his mom died as a kid and then a few years later when his grandpa passed.  
This time though he wasn't helpless. There was simply nothing he could have done for his mom. She was already ailing and the Auswählen had done her in, but with his grandpa, if he was only stronger, he could have defeated those hallows and maybe even the soul reapers that had come after. That was all in the past, he was stronger now and he could do something.
Uryu took one more look at her, her hand fell as she lost her grip on his ripped clothing her eyes were half-lidded as he held her face. "Forgive me." He said softly.  She tried to say something but it came out muddled from all the blood in her mouth he hugged her. Haschwalt held his sword above them.
Those were the words Uryu spoke, and within moments he began coughing up heaps of blood over her shoulder, while she sat up now fine. Haschwalt stopped his sword just right above them wide-eyed. "What was that?" Uryu tried his best to speak through the pain and blood that filled his lungs. "My schrift obviously."
It was now her turn to hold Uryu as he struggled, she was confused, oh so confused since when could Uryu do that? What even was a schrift?
Uryu tried to lift himself but fell to his knees, he tried again using the wall behind them to hold himself up. He rested his head on her shoulder. "You understand why I wanted you to run now." He coughed. "Now leave me and go.
"Bu-ut Uryu." She started. "I know it looks dire but I will be fine, but just in case my calculations are off just know I'm sorry, it's been a while since I cared about someone this deeply, and I forgot how to cherish that." If he wasn't currently on his death bed he would have kissed her. Instead, he gave her a tight hug although weak burying his face into her hair.
At that moment she decided to listen to Uryu she slipped out of his arms running in the direction the others went, the mix of emotions she was feeling was heavy. She was angry and came here wanting to beat the shit out of him but she didn't want him to die. There was so much she wanted to say to him but couldn’t.
Haschwalt went to swing at her but froze all his muscles tensed up. His eyes froze with shock and pain. It was now his turn to spew up blood he looked down at his hands as if they were suddenly cut. "The hell is your schrift ?" He turned to Uryu, who got up from the ground as he was completely fine now. "Wouldn't you like to know?" He said with a smirk.
She wanted to look back.
She almost did.
Yet she stopped herself out of fear of seeing him die before her, as well as the fear of her being next. All she could do was pray for what little safety he had.
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newhope8 · 1 month
🐱🐾Comfort from Kitty💕🫂♾️
Here's a random idea I had. This post is inspired by the following two comments. ⬇️ And incidentally enough, this post is dedicated to @vanillacupcakefrosting & @moonlightndaydreams.
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Please, if you truly are under the age of 18, don't read this story I've written. When fanfic creators (authors or artists) say, "Minors, Do Not Interact" (MDNI)", there's usually some damn good reasons why. If you decide to read, I ask that you please make note of the below-mentioned content warnings (C/W). ⬇️
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C/W • 🔞❌⚠️ gentle ass play // fingering (anal) :: f-receiving; breast & nipple play; period Shark Week foreplay in general; hand job :: m-receiving; light breeding marking, tho no p-v happens, since fem::y/n is on her period; Minho is briefly mentioned as the y/n's BF (boyfriend), tho he can be referred to however you want >>fiancee, husband, sibling's best friend, your S.O. {significant other}, etc...<<; some cum play; spit play (f-receiving); use of pet names :: reader calls herself "Mommy" & her boyfriend "Kitten"; gentle degradation ... if you squint, i guess; mild praise kink (m-receiving); nursing & tit suckling kink (male pov); graphic mentions of male & female anatomy and bodily fluids; graphic language ... 🔞❌⚠️
Pairing • Minho & female y/n reader 👩🏻‍🤝‍👨🏼💗💙
Relationship Status • Comfortable, experienced, safe, loving, judgement-free 🫂❤️‍🩹
Synopsis • Your boyfriend (Minho) comforts you during your period.
If I've missed anything in the warnings, please let me know. 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻
My a/n (author note) thoughts throughout & at the end of this fic will appear in small purple font; you'll see. 🥰💜👍🏻 Just random ramblings that I wanted to write down/ make note of in that particular moment ...
This little story is just for fun & perhaps some relief from life's worries. Please take it as such. It's not serious, nor designed to replicate the mannerisms of any one Kpop celebrity irl.
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Despite you being on your period (or, as some refer to it, "Shark Week" 🦈), you're still horny and desperate for Minho to ease your aches and pains in some very adult ways. 😏🔥💦
He would totally respect your wishes and leave your pussy untouched, no matter what type of feminine hygiene product you're using (whether it's an internal product or external one). Ladies, we all know what these are. 👍🏻 Minho may ask you to strip to your underwear, panties stay on (you're on your monthly cycle, remember 🩸🩸🩸🩸), yet he leaves you to decide if the bra stays or goes. Your pussy is throbbing, not entirely from being horny, yet from weird period cramps (am I the only one who's felt/ experienced this...??!!), so you're silently thankful your nether region is remaining covered. This weird throbbing has your tits starting to poke against your bra & if you weren't expelling a crimson river from between your folds, you would've sworn a few drops of Minho's favorite dessert had left your pussy hole. Yup, that's right. Your boyfriend's favorite thing to lick up is the cream your body generates. 🫦👅💦💦💦 Doesn't matter if it's pre-orgasm (pre-cum), during cumming or post-orgasm ("the little death" moment), he likes it all. And tells you he does, every chance he can get.
He sees you start to lay back on the bed next to him, yet his brows furrow when he sees you sit back up. Can't stand this fucking tit-choking bra any longer, you gripe to yourself. Reaching behind you, your fingers struggle to undo the clasp. After a moment, Minho hears you exclaim a satisfactory Ah-HA! as you successfully unclip the offending undergarment and fling it to the far corner of your bedroom. Minho fills his dick start to swell at your words. Desperate for some relief of his own, he turns over onto his stomach to press his groin into the mattress. This is a mistake for him, since he feels himself soak right through his undies, no doubt leaving a delicious little stain of his very own on your bed linens.
Turning his head to one side, time goes in slow motion for him. He watches as you lay back once again, twisting your hips to get settled a bit more comfortably, your tits finally free of your bra and poking out in the air. Without his permission, his mouth emits a small arousing gurgling noise, which does not escape your notice. Somebody's going to get to feel really good in just a minute, you think to yourself. 😏💦
Minho feels himself soil his undies completely as he watches the skin around your tits pebble up from the cold air in your bedroom. He cannot wait any longer for you and swiftly gets up from the bed to strip himself off completely. You prop yourself up on your elbows and watch with wide eyes as his dick flops free from his underwear and begins to steadily ooze your own favorite dessert from its tip. 💦💦💦💦🍆 Squeezing your legs together, not entirely to ease the period aches down there, your breath stops as he hops back on the bed and lays down on his side facing you.
He asks you next if he can suckle on your tits. He already knows this is one of your favorite foreplay activities (whether you're on your period or not) and the thought of tasting your full tits, made even fuller with increased hormone levels from your monthly cycle, has him pressing his soaked dick into your hip and leaking all over your leg. (Idk about anyone else, yet when I'm on my period, my boobs do feel like they swell slightly. For reference, I am a 36B bra size irl.) Whimpering out a strained yes in reply, you raise your arms above your head and move your shoulders from side to side to get fully comfy and as sunk into the mattress as you can.
Minho lets himself rub his dick in an up-down motion against your hip a few times before leaning over and taking your right tit in his mouth. Your tits are always sensitive when you're aroused (periodness or no) and the feeling of having your twin peaches 🍑🍑 in full-access-mode for him has you emitting small moans that go in time with the lazy suckling motions of his tongue.
Feeling your favorite dessert start to dribble down your right thigh and leg (Minho's cream), you are suddenly just as desperate to feel him as he is to be suckling on you. Moving your right arm down from above your head, you reach down to his dick with your right hand and lightly start to tickle the base of his shaft. Minho's lips break from your right tit and he nuzzles his nose in between your boobs while he freely emits unabashed moans, groans and whimpers at the feel of your hand being able to freely slide up and down, oh so slowly, along his shaft. There is only one person in the entire world his dick belongs to (other than himself, lol); that one person is you.
He continues to nuzzle his nose in between your boobs as you gently begin to massage him. His right hand comes up to ghost over your stomach and he blindly reaches for your left tit. You're just about to move your left hand to help him find what he's looking for, yet that isn't necessary. Thank goodness, you muse to yourself, for my left nipple had been screaming in agony for some attention since Minho stripped off his undies.
You feel your hand get even more saturated than it already is from Minho's precum. Gently wriggling your hand out from between your bodies, despite his adorable whimpers of protesting disappointment, you bring your hand up to your face and begin licking your entire hand clean. Yup, that's right ... you're having your dessert before your main meal. 😈👅🥵💦 Whoever said you couldn't indulge in dessert first if you wanted to was being ridiculous for no reason.
Minho notices you cleaning your hand off and you feel him start to rut a bit harder into your right hip as his lips regain purchase on your right nipple. Minho, baby ... please ... PLEASE, you moan. For the love of all that's holy and sacred in this world, look to my other tit with your lips. Do you really want any future children I may give you to only have 1 nipple to suckle from? Or are you going to be selfish and just keep both of Mommy's titties for yourself?
You hear your him mumble and groan around your right tit, still so engrossed in nursing from you. Laughing softly to yourself at his behavior, you reach your left hand over and gently tug on his hair, forcing his head up and away from your chest. Baby, why did you do that, he whimper-cries, giving you the sweetest set of doe eyes you've ever seen.
Because Mommy's left nip is sad, you answer. It needs love too.
Here, let me see it, Minho huffs out. He props himself up on his elbows just enough so he can move his head over to your left breast.
Hold my other tit, please, you whisper-whimper to him. It just needs you to hold it while you nurse from the other one.
You slowly bring Minho's left hand up to cup your right breast. He follows your directions dutifully, cradling your boob in his slightly larger hand, yet not squeezing it at all. You begin to moan in earnest when, in the very next instant, you feel his lips attach to your left tit, but not before you watch as he lets a healthy stream of his drool dribble onto your left nipple. His spit beads for a split second on the very tip of your left tit, before it glides down over the swell of the breast itself. Your breath just about ceases completely while you watch him hover his perfect mouth over your drenched tit. His breath comes in short, staccato bursts, similar to the slightly faster rhythm his hips have begun to make against your hip.
Giggling to yourself, you run your hands up & down your boyfriend's shoulders, getting temporarily lost in the lustful yet overall loving gaze he fixes on your boobs. He alternates looking at your twin peaches and your eyes. His eyes suddenly fill with an emotion you cannot put into words and you feel a rather hard lump of tears lodge right in the middle of your throat. You think to yourself that it's partially due to your monthly hormones, which are in full force atm. Indeed, you feel a strong urge to get up and use the restroom (lol, tmi perhaps). Yet, it's something else too, something else entirely. You return your boyfriend's gaze and see his eyes sparkling with tears for you, through his natural manly lust for your body. You get fully shipwrecked in his gaze and feel tears finish beading up along your lashes and starting to trickle down your cheeks. 🥹
Baby, what is it? What's wrong, you hear him ask you. You cannot answer him right away, so you turn your head to one side and bury one half of your face in your pillow. You feel hiccups start to build in your chest, yet force them down. Now is not the time to hiccup in your boyfriend's face, you silently giggle to yourself. Not that Minho would care. He loves every part of you, every part of your very essence. Even the silly & embarrassing noises your body makes on its own, for whatever reason. It's all music to his ears, he loves it all.
Baby, I need you to answer me. Are you ok? You hear him ask you again. You feel one of his hands come up to your left breast, gently wiping off the spit he'd left there mere moments before. His other hand goes to your tummy, which you feel to suddenly start clenching with one of the most painful period cramps you've experienced. He rubs his hand back and forth over your twisting uterus, and peppers the softest kisses 💋 all over your face. He isn't licking up your tears, just kissing you softly.
You force yourself to focus on the movements of his hands and lips on your body, instead of on the nauseating pain that continues to pull through your feminine parts. The uterine cramps start to ease for a moment and you feel yourself start to go soft with relief.
Are you ok, baby? He asks you for a third time. His hands still completely, and you can tell he's not going to continue further until you answer him. You slowly move your head to face him, because you feel the onset of a massive migraine headache starting to form. 😣 Reaching your hands up to either side of his face, it's now your turn to gently wipe up his tears.
Yes, my Leebit, I'm fine. Just letting your love heal me, I guess. It overflows from my heart every time for you and ... and ... You suddenly cannot continue speaking, so you turn your head to the other side and start to cry in earnest. Your shoulders start to shake a tiny bit and you feel Minho reach both his arms under your shoulders to pull you close to his chest. You burrow into his embrace and let the rest of the bodily aches dissipate as you feel his warmth seep into each pore of your skin. You haven't forgotten about Minho's other "concern", for it's still pressed against your hip, its tip is quite wet and very hard. 💦🍆 Before gently pulling away from him, you take a moment to marvel at his self control and respect for your emotions in general. He's not been rutting into you at all this entire time, he's been completely still. His dick has only twitched maybe once, it's almost as if he's told himself to stop until you're settled and calm again.
You watch as his eyes flutter closed & a few more tears trickle down the apples of his cheeks. Your thumbs ghost over his eyelids, using kitten-feather-soft touches to soothe away his tears. Minho leans his face into one of your hands, moving his head barely back & forth. He continues to nuzzle against your hand in this way, until you suddenly feel a sharp pain stab through your gut.
Ahhhh, oh fuck, ahhhhh, you moan out. Your hands fly away from Minho's face, pressing as hard as you can in a downward motion on your lower stomach, right where your uterus is. The period cramp is so bad, your back arches slightly off the bed and you screw your eyes shut.
You feel Minho shift slightly in the bed next to you, not leaving your side. He adjusts himself so you have a little more space to move, yet he's still just as close to you as before. It's ok, baby, I'm right here & I'm not going anywhere. Just breathe, ok? you hear him whisper to you.
Through the renewed fog of pain & nausea that threatens to overtake you, you feel his hands settle in place over yours, helping you to press down on your stomach further. Every female is different with her body & how she experiences period cramps, yet pressing down on your uterus is one of the movements that works best for you to ease the aches in the immediate moment. And Minho instinctually knows this.
He leans over your face & kisses your forehead before placing one, single, solitary, loving kiss on your left tit. He doesn't even suckle on it, just kisses it once and moves his mouth away to lay his head on your chest.
Then, as quickly as the pain makes an appearance, you feel your uterus relaxing again and the aches naturally subside. You shift your shoulders from side to side, signaling you want to get up. Minho, baby, I love being your body pillow, yet I really need to pee & change my feminine item out, you say to him. You have been in a healthy & steady relationship with your boyfriend for several years and always feel like you can talk quite openly with him about anything and everything. Yes, I said anything and everything; this includes every little aspect of women's feminine hygiene and gynecological health. So telling him you need to change your pad or tampon is nothing he hasn't heard before. He's a confident man & has the balls to be mature enough to handle such talk in a respectful manner. Some men are fucking babies when it comes to being respectful of a woman's health, yet there are others who aren't this way. They may seem like they're few & far between, yet they are out there ... I promise. 💕🫂🙏🏻
Minho, come on, baby, you huff out a laugh as he nuzzles his nose in between your boobs one last time. I really REALLY need to use the restroom.
You're just so soft and delectable, you hear him mumble into your skin as he moves to sit up in bed.
How the fuck am I soft when I feel so dirty and gross? you ask him.
Because you're you & perfect just the way you are, he answers. I cannot see you being any other way & I wouldn't have you any other way.
Aww, fuck, Minho baby ... I'm going to cry all over again! you moan out, looking at him with more tears in your eyes. Your heart melts even further than it already has as you sit up, scooting closer to him on the bed, and rubbing your nose in the crook of his neck. Despite feeling overall icky from your period, you're still somewhat horny and cannot resist scenting your boyfriend, just a little. 😉
Minho recognizes your signature move with this & you feel his body stiffen slightly. From the corner of your eye, you see his hands move down gradually to his rock-hard dick, which is now steadily oozing the most delicious-looking precum you've seen from him in a while. Its color is a shade of milky white, semi-clear ... the most beautiful you've seen from his cockhead in a while. Your pussy starts to throb with genuine arousal this time, not just residual period cramps. You are suddenly desperate to taste him and this thought has your pussy leaking his cream all over your folds. Your only regret is that because it's the first evening of your Shark Week, your pussy and folds are 100% off limits to him for the next few days ... at least until the heaviest flow has passed.
Baby, what are you doing? you mumble into Minho's neck. What are you doing, you ask again ... giggling at how Minho has suddenly decided to mirror your movements.
Loving you, what does it look like ... he whimpers back. His hands press down harder on his dick and he begins to leave little love bites and nibbles along the juncture of your neck & shoulder.
Are you trying to mark me? you giggle back, with a breathy moan of your own. Minho baby, I really have to pee. Making a more concerted effort to move away from him this time, or else you really will have a crimson accident in your bed, you gently push on his shoulders to get him to detach his mouth from your neck.
Nooo, he whines out. And to keep you in place, he bites down a bit harder, effectively pinning you to the spot for a few more seconds.
Ah, fuuuuuucccccckkkkkk, baby ... Minho ... NOOO, you whine back. Despite your almost having an accident, you push your tits against his bare chest and reach your hands up to tangle in his hair.
He feels your tits on the broad muscles of his chest and reaches a hand up to fondle your left nipple, not forgetting he left off mid-massage of it to check on you. You notice his hand is soaked and you suddenly moan out rather loudly as he lets himself start to push his groin into your side again ... this time in earnest. Your Kitty is determined to feel good and you're going to help him get there. But first, your bathroom stop ... for the only type of bodily fluids you prefer to clean off your sheets is your & his cum. Not pee, not barf, not period blood ... just delicious cum. That's all.
Using what little willpower you feel you still possess, you tangle your fingers in his hair and pull up with intention. His mouth leaves your neck with a quiet squelch and he looks at you with a half blown out expression on his face. His hand stays latched around your left tit, so you quickly detach this part of him from you too.
Baby, he whines at you. He tries to scoot closer again but this time, you're quicker. Scrambling off the bed, you stand up and point a finger at him. I have to pee, baby. Don't you remember what week it is for me?
Yes, I remember, it's just, it's just ... I need Mommy's titties and this ..., he whimpers, gesturing to his painfully hard dick.
My titties will be right back, you chuckle. I will feel better after just a moment. 🧻🚽🩸 Yet in the meantime, you continue, coming up to the foot of the bed and pointing your finger at him again. Lay back for me, and spread your legs. Arms above your head ... and do NOT fucking touch yourself until I get back. Mommy will help you out momentarily.
Will you, truly? he asks. He quickly moves into position as you've directed him to and the sight just about has you doubling over and feeling dizzy. Sweat gives a glistening sheen all over his body and his entire shaft is coated in the only moisture you're even remotely interested in getting nutrition from. Minho's muscular arms are above his head and he grips onto the headboard for support. He tries to keep his hips still, yet the sight of you staring him down, dressed as you are (topless, with just your favorite comfort pair of cotton panties on), has him involuntarily bucking his hips up just a bit.
Yes baby kitty, most truly. I promise, you reply to him. Turning on your heels before you can have another moment of hormonal weakness, you dash into the en-suite bathroom you both share, firmly shutting the door behind you.
You make your way over to your section of the spacious bathroom. Rummaging around in one of your many storage compartments, you hastily feel around for one of your favorite overnight pads in your period supply drawer. Your hand lands on the all-too-familiar wrapper of the pad and when you withdraw it from the box, you see a small post-it note stuck to it.
Sitting down on the toilet, you quickly dispose of your hygiene trash in the small trash can and relieve yourself. Bending over at the waist, you press both hands into your stomach as hard as you can and emit a silent moan, or as silent as you feel you can be under the circumstances. Your uterus is hell-bent bound and determined that you're not going to have much relief from it tonight. It's going to make sure you're aware it's there, at all times, no matter what. You're just glad you're sitting on the toilet, instead of standing up or sitting down. Giving birth to small jellyfish 🩸🩸🩸 during the first few days is always fun, isn't it, ladies? 🫣😣🥴😮‍💨 (For those biologically born with a vagina, you know what I mean & are the only people who will ever understand. For those that weren't {no matter how you orientate/ identify}, take note :: it literally feels like a small glob of jellyfish leaving your pussy hole. I'm not kidding. Periods are a necessary part of life & still not normalized as much as they should be, I think. No disrespect towards anyone/ everyone is beautiful, I'm simply telling things from my perspective as a woman who bleeds each month.)
While you wait for the feeling to pass, you look at the small post-it note you've found stuck to the pad. Un-sticking the note from the pad's wrapper, you unfold it and open it to reveal a short love-note from Minho! 🥹😻😭🤧💌🎀 Blinking back tears, you try to remember any recent interaction when he'd have an excuse to go into some of your more personal drawers in the bathroom. It suddenly dawns on you that just a week ago, you did ask him to pick up some extra pads for you while he'd stopped at the convenience store on his way home from work. You sent him a photo of the packaging of your favorite kind (ladies ... if you haven't tried pads by the brand called Honey Pot, you may be missing out; seriously -- give their pads and liners a try if you use said-products; Idk if they make tampons or not ...) & he came back with 2 packages, plus a baggie of your favorite chocolates & 2 cans of your favorite energy drink.
You involuntary emit a hiccup & swipe a hand across your eyes, in a poor attempt to dry your tears. Realizing this effort is futile, you reach for a handful of toilet paper to blow your nose, hoping Minho doesn't hear you being emotional in the bathroom. 🤧🫣 Straining your ears to hear, all "appears" quiet from the sanctuary of your & his shared bedroom.
Rubbing one hand absentmindedly over your stomach, you hold his note in your other hand & begin to read.
To my dearest baby, You are so very beautiful in each & every way. Don't let anyone ever tell you different. Thank you for being mine. Hugs & kisses, ~~your Kitty 🐱🐾😘 (P.S. I hope these are the right pads.)
You bend over in half again, your chin is resting on your knees. You cry for real this time, not caring two fucks if Minho hears you. The amount of love from such simple words never fails to take your breath away & you feel your heart swell with love for your boyfriend. Usually, such a note would only ever make you smile softly to yourself ... at best! Yet for some reason, his words tug on your heartstrings more than you realize. You chalk this up to your emotions being all over the place in recent days, not just due to pre-PMS periodness symptoms. From your parents' apartment lease being renewed for another year, to your dad's job being topsy-turvy/ toxic workplace, to your own unsuccessful attempts at finding employment and having a large amount of credit card debt {a large amount to you, tho maybe small to others...}, you haven't been able to discern if you've been coming or going.
You take a short, stuttering breath, breathing in through your nose and out through your mouth. You don't feel like you're going to throw up, not really, yet a wave of period-nausea sweeps over you all the same. You press Minho's little note to the side of your face and take several more deep, cleansing breaths. You instantly have his words memorized & you let the love he's conveyed sweep over you, grounding you back to earth and quelling your racing heart.
Placing the note carefully in the re-stocked basket where you keep your pads (for safe-keeping 💌), you finish up your business & clean yourself up the best you can. You look behind you on the lid of the toilet's tank & find Minho has also replenished your favorite flushable wipes. A new package sits there & what would you know ... it's your favorite brand! You didn't even ask him to get these, yet he went and bought them anyway. 🥹
You let yourself quietly cry some more as you wash your hands with your favorite lavender hand soap. Drying your hands on your favorite hand towel that hangs on a small towel rack above the toilet, you pick up the pack of wipes and shake your head. Holding the wipes in one hand, you reach for your Vicks-scented tissues with the other & pull one out of the box. Blowing your nose 2 times in a row (Minho can for sure hear this noise of yours), you close your eyes and breathe in-out again. {Everyone, whatever you do ... do not DO NOT wipe your eyes with Vicks-scented tissues!!!!!! 🫣🫣🫣 They are quite strong and for your nose only!! They may irritate your eyes and no one wants that.}
Walking swiftly to the bathroom door, wipes in hand, you flick off the light and leave the door ajar behind you. The sight that greets you when you re-enter the bedroom has your boobs swelling even more and your tits poking out at full attention.
Minho is laying on his side, facing towards you. He has one hand resting under his head and his other hand is laying casually on his hip. He's still very much naked. His dick is still just as rock-hard as it was before and lays out before him on the bed linens, oozing and looking like the most delicious popsicle you've ever tasted. 🍆🍭💦🥵
I guess it's a good thing I brought these out with me, you say to him, coming to a stop by the side of the bed, right where he's laying.
Why is that, my lovely?
You're making a mess & I'm going to have to clean up your puddle. Look what you've done, naughty Kitty, you say, pointing to the very wet & noticeable stain his precum has made from where his dick has been resting against the sheet.
Kitty is sorry, you hear your boyfriend mumble. Can Mommy clean me up?
Yes, Mommy is more than happy to do that for you, you answer. But first, I need you to feel something out for me, you continue cryptically. Walking the 2 steps over to the bedside table, you set the wipes down and move to sit cross-legged on the bed next to Minho.
What is it? he asks you, sitting up to face you properly.
Well, it's 2 things really.
What is it? he asks again, cutely wringing his hands in child-like anticipation.
Being just as desperate for relief as Minho's dick no doubt is, you decide to get right into it. First, I need you to get your hand nice and wet for me with your precum. Then, I need you to feel how clean I've got my ass for you, with that same hand, you tell him.
Minho's eyes almost pop out of his head at your words. He instinctually spreads his legs on either side of you and begins fisting his swollen cock, spreading already copious amounts of cream all over himself and his hand.
Mommy, really?! REALLY??!! he asks you again.
Yes, Kitty, really. Now, be a good boy & let me see your hand.
Minho sucks his bottom lip between his teeth and reluctantly removes his hand from his thoroughly soaked dick. His hand is positively glistening and some of his precum drips down his hand and onto his forearm. Yup, he's that wet already (& there's not a bottle of lube in sight). 💦💦💦🥵🥵🥵
Grasping his wrist in your left hand, you jerk his wet hand towards your face, not that you need further inspection of his efforts. Oh, such a good Kitty for me, you purr at him. Out of the corner of your eye, you see his dick twitch slightly at your praising words. You have an innate sense for being able to tell how close your boyfriend is to actually cumming and you correctly surmise that he's more than close.
I need to make sure your hand is the right amount of wet for my asshole, Kitten. And the only way I want to do that right now is this, you coo at him. Before he has a chance to respond, you suck his soaked pointer finger into your mouth and lick it clean.
Minho lets out another strangled gasp and barely manages to stutter out, Kitten needs to feel how clean Mommy's asshole is for him, PLEASE!!! Yet you hear him and promptly pull his finger from between your lips with a loud & lewd pop.
Go ahead & make me cum, Minho, you whine. And for fuck's sake, please fucking hurry. I may be on my period, yet I'm so close! 💦😭
I'm close too, y/n, he croaks out. Turn around for me then.
As fast as you can on your rather lumpy bed, you turn around and present your ass end to Minho. You hear him give his cock a few more slick pumps, making sure all of his fingers are thoroughly coated. You then feel as he presses his dick up against your ass, though he makes no move whatever to push himself inside in any way.
Gonna feel your sweet little hole now, Mommy, he coos back at you. Dipping both his hands past the back waistband of your panties, he quickly spreads your ass cheeks apart so he can dip one hand down your crack to finger your asshole.
You quickly stabilize yourself on your hands and knees & in the next second, you feel Minho's middle finger circle your rim, tapping on the outer edges of your hole once ... twice ... three times. You feel your orgasm approaching & you screw your eyes shut and forcefully bite your bottom lip between your teeth to stave off the feeling, at least until your boyfriend gets a finger in you. One solitary finger, that's all your ass needs. Just one, for fuck's sake! 💦💦💦👆🏻💦💦💦 Then he pushes his finger in, all in one go. The moan that leaves your mouth is more than pornographic.
AH, FUUUUUUCCCCKKKK, MINHO KITTEN, AHHHHHHH, you holler out. I'm so fucking close! 😭💦💦💦😭🫴🏻🫴🏻🫴🏻
Baby, don't say that! I haven't even gotten in a second finger. How can you be this close to cum---, Minho's words are cut off as he feels your asshole clench so hard around his middle finger, it's all he can do to keep himself from creaming against the backside of your panties.
I'M CUMMING, you moan out, more or less finishing his sentence for him. Again, you chalk it up to monthly hormones, a rise in estrogen or whatever else (in addition to natural horniness) that's surging through your system to cause you to cum so quickly. Your cunt spasms around nothing and you're not worried if you accidentally pee yourself, since you're wearing a slightly thicker pad. (Even when you're not on your period, you don't mind feeling your squirt-slick drenching your panties & thighs afterward, yet if it's anything to do with pee, that's a no-go for you. And Minho knows this about you too.)
Kitten, your hole is so beautiful, he croaks out from behind you. Leaning over your shoulder, he puts his lips right next to your ear 👂🏻🗣 & hoarsely stutters out, Need your hand around my dick ... like yesterday. He gives your fluttering asshole a few more loving pumps in-out in-out with his finger, then withdraws his drenched digit.
Flopping back onto the bed behind you, you hear him moan again. Turning back around just as quickly as before, you direct him to lean up against the headboard of the bed. He hastily complies, then makes the cutest set of grabby hands for you, that you've ever seen. 🥹👐🏻 You settle next to him, your left thigh pressing up against his left thigh, you're sat facing him.
Left tit, I need it, he whines. Tears have beaded up at the corners of his eyes and one drop does in fact trickle down his cheek. 💧
Here, Kitten, it's right here, you whisper. You adjust yourself, cupping your left breast in your hand and presenting it to him. He leans forward, whispers a barely audible I love you to you, then attaches his lips around your left nipple.
You gently & softly run your fingers through his hair as he begins to suckle. Humming one of his favorite songs (☀️You Are My Sunshine☀️), you look down and watch as he open-mouth suckles on your tit, then re-attaches his lips to your breast. It makes your eyes tear up and a few drops fall into his hair as you watch him leave the sweetest kitten licks ever around your nipple, gently pushing and pulling your left breast as he nurses and kneeding the other one with his hands. Minho doesn't notice your latest batch of tears, yet he does hear you quietly humming the song and moans along with you, still suckling you the entire time.
All too soon, you end the song after just one verse. Minho is still very much absorbed in nursing from you, so you decide this is the perfect opportunity to reach down & touch his dick. What you feel has you practically salivating 🥵🥵🥵💦💦💦 :: his dick is rock-hard, very hot, and very swollen. You take a gentle, yet firm-enough hold on his shaft and begin sliding your hand up and down, up and down, up and down. 🫳🏻🫳🏻🫳🏻💦💦💦🍆🫴🏻🫴🏻🫴🏻 He moans around your breast, temporarily detaching his lips from your left nipple, and buries his face in between your boobs.
Wanting to return the favor & check in on him as he's already done with you, you kiss the crown of his head and ask, Is my kitten ok?
Yes, Mommy, your Kitten is just fine.
Is Kitten close?
Yes, Mommy, your Kitten is so fucking close. Please ...
Please what?
Please, Kitten wants to cum for you! Minho whines out.
Aww, Minho baby, I love you too, you coo at him. 🥹 Speaking around the lump of emotional tears in your throat is beginning to take its toll on you, so your next statement is your last audible one for the time being.
Does Kitten want to suckle Mommy's tit while he cums for her? you ask.
YES, PLEASE. I am so wet and hard for you! Minho whine-cries.
Kissing Minho on the top of his head again, you again cradle your left breast in your hand and guide him to your chest. His lips waste no time in re-attaching themselves and he begins to suckle harder than before. Reaching back down with your other hand to his dick, you grasp a bit firmer and begin pumping him off in earnest. He barely makes it 3 more passes of your hand before he's biting your nipple in another "somewhat gentle" mating mark and suddenly your hand is coated in your favorite dessert of all time.
AHHHHH FUCK, KITTEN IS CUMMING, he whines for you. Jerking and pulsating in your hand, you keep kissing the top of his head as his lips leave your well-sated left nipple and he again buries his face in between your boobs.
Your hand does go completely still the instant you feel him start to cum for you. You know he's over-stimulated, just as you were yourself, so you don't want to make him uncomfortable or anything like that. There's a time and place for being over-stimmed sexually, yet now is not one of them.
His hips eventually stutter and stop moving completely as his body winds itself down from his orgasmic high. He keeps moving his nose up and down between your boobs, scenting you even though you both are spent from your orgasms.
Kitten loves you so much, he whispers as he lays back on the bed, gently pulling you with him. Neither of you mind one bit about being partially covered with cum and sweat. What's more important in this split second is cuddling and laying close to one another.
I love you too, my Minho, you whisper back. So, so much. 🥹🥹🥹
As you feel yourself drifting off to sleep, the last thought to cross your mind is how lucky you are to have such a loving & attentive boyfriend. Your heart is full, your body sated to its fullest extent, your period cramps non-existent now & your mind happily spinning with a few random thoughts on how your next encounter with him might go.
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a/n • What did you think, my fellow fanfic lovelies? 🥰 Did you like this little story? This was spur-of-the-moment, I wrote it over the span of just 2 days, which is a personal best for me. I hope I did justice to some of the themes in the 2 comments I listed at the beginning of this post. This is also the first fanfic of my own I've written & posted on here! 💜😍 This comfort story is also the first concerted effort I've made to write anything since August of last year, 2023. And while this is a fic where the main character is on her period in the story, at the time of me posting this I am not on my period, lol. 😄🙌🏻
p.s. • If you liked this story, please re-blog to share it and give me credit. 🙏🏻 While I do not have copyrights on my writings (either on here or AO3), just know that if you plagiarize something of mine {or someone else's}, Karma will come back to bite you in the fucking ass with a vengeance. 😎 No matter how someone identifies themselves, Karens aren't called Karens for no reason. You really wouldn't want to be marked as a KAREN, would you? 🤔 Didn't think so. 😌
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@itsseohannbin @channieandhisgoonsquad @frenchkisstheabyss @queenmea604 @minnieprincess85 @moonlightndaydreams
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