#‘bullying doesn’t change peoples minds’ i don’t give a shit ?
bibleofficial · 1 year
my father asked me ‘why do u belittle ur brother so much’ like BC YALL FUCKING CODDLED HIM HIS ENTIRE LIFE SO HES STUPID
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inkpot909 · 8 months
The Stardust Crusaders’ Picks for a First-Dance Wedding Song Headcanons
↳ Gender Neutral Reader. Joseph Joestar is excluded.
A/n: A chill list of headcanons that came to me at 6 in the morning. Jokes aside, I loved putting this together. Although I admit I am a bit biased since I’ve always loved retro music. I did my best to pick music that coincided with the music the characters each canonically listen to (at least, as far as we’re told).
Warning(s): None.
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Jotaro Kujo
-> As the World Falls Down
David Bowie
“As the pain sweeps through
Makes no sense for you
Every thrill is gone
Wasn’t too much fun at all
But I’ll be there for you
As the world falls down”
Canonically speaking, Jotaro’s favorite musician is Toshinobu Kubota. It’s admittedly a rather interesting choice for a man who was a dedicated delinquent in high school.
But music tends to touch people in a special, often times sensitive, manner. And despite looking and acting the way he does, Jotaro’s music preferences are no different.
Yeah, sure, he’s definitely a “whatever’s on the radio” kind of guy, but he has taste.
Separated from others, when he’s in control of the music he’s listening to, his choices give the impression of a casual listener that somehow always has the best picks seemingly with no effort put in at all. Perfectly on brand for Jotaro.
Therefore, he’s likely going to have an unexpected pick.
Therefore, he picks a sappy ballad from an under-appreciated 80s movie. Not because he’s even seen The Labyrinth by any stretch of the imagination, but because he just… likes how it sounds.
He likely heard it one way or another, completely detached from the movie itself, and decided he enjoyed it. Something about the slightly cheesy yet instrumentally enchanting tune gets stuck in his head in a really good way.
There is a reason past “oh, it just sounds nice” as to why he picked it but let’s be honest… he’s going to get a little embarrassed annoyed if he has to explain to you in full detail.
The title pretty much speaks for itself, in his opinion.
Noriaki Kakyoin
-> Every Breath You Take
The Police
“Every move you make
And every vow you break
Every smile you fake
Every claim you stake
I’ll be watching you”
Good god, he’s certainly the Sting fan.
Whether or not you actually like Sting it’s hard to argue against the fact that Kakyoin likely has an overall shit taste in music. Why is this the case? Because he’s been alone the majority of his life and didn’t have any friends to bully him over it.
Not having anyone around him to say “what the hell is this” or just a simple “no” will and has effected him.
He’s the type of guy who claim’s “this album will change your life” before putting on some of the worst pieces of music you’ve ever heard.
Not that he isn’t trying, keep in mind.
This man will stress about what to suggest for days on end. He’s going to take the longest compared to the others in how how much time it takes him to pick. It’ll eat away at his brain, threatening to take every bit of his sanity unless he can think of what he deems as the perfect song he can choose.
And still he manages to not only choose an extremely predictable wedding song, but an insanely creepy one as well.
It’s weirdly charming, in his own odd Noriaki way.
He likely didn’t know what he was doing at the beginning of the relationship due to inexperience, and it’s probably heartwarming to know some things never change.
And it’s completely possible the stalker-ish lyrics of the song didn’t click inside his brain. Not because he doesn’t understand the lyrics per se… but because the poor guy hardly had a grasp on what was actually considered romantic when you first met.
Please, for your own sanity, don’t let the song played at your wedding be one that he picked (with hindsight he’ll probably thank you for it too).
Jean Pierre Polnareff
-> The Air That I Breathe
The Hollies
“Peace came upon me and it
leaves me weak
so sleep, silent angel, go to
All I need is the air that I breathe
And to love you”
Polnareff’s favorite musician isn’t ever canonically specified, but it’s made pretty clear he’s likely a fan of The Beatles. And considering he went through puberty during the 70s, he’s likely going to lean into that era of music.
Generally speaking, he’s got decent taste. Sure, he’s got the music taste of a white suburban father, but his picks are usually pretty agreeable.
That said, he’s definitely a little high and mighty about it.
He won’t go off on the subject too hard whenever you’re around, but he thinks very highly of his preferences. Polnareff’s a huge victim of nostalgia, and a part of him feels a little elitist for having grown up in the time period that he did.
He has had the song for his first dance picked out in the back of his mind for years, swearing that it would be played at his wedding at some point or another.
Hell, he’s probably got a full roster of music in mind for the reception.
For such a monumental occasion, he’s sure to pick a ballad that starts off slow but crescendos into the chorus- easily the type of romantic tune he’d prefer.
And unlike the others, you may get pushback from him if you don’t want that as your first dance. He’s quite stubborn, generally speaking, and this is no exception to that.
Ultimately though, he would eventually cave and do just about anything you want.
But as stated before, he’s had his mind set on this one for literal years. So certainly expect this to be a somewhat tough conversation to have with him if you prefer something different.
Muhammad Avdol
-> I Love How You Love Me
Claudine Longet
“I love how your eyes close
whenever you kiss me
And when I’m away from you I
love how you miss me
I love the way you always treat
me tenderly
But, darling, most of all I love
how you love me”
Avdol’s music taste is left as a complete mystery in canon.
However, because he runs his own shop, he’s fairly attached to the calming instrumentals he often keeps on at the store. Avdol understands atmosphere well and takes it very seriously.
When he’s not working, it’s not very often that he finds himself listening to music.
But when he does, it’s usually music with soft or ethereal overtones (you cannot tell me he doesn’t listen to Enya). Throw in some charming oldies from the 50s and 60s, and Avdol’s in his element.
To put it simply, easy-listening tunes are his freaking jam.
He also enjoys listening to music from all across the world. Avdol is likely well-traveled, and is undoubtedly knowledgeable on other places and cultures. So the preference comes naturally to him.
He’s going to pick something very romantic and slow. A song that, even if you maybe haven’t heard it before, upon the first time listening you just know it’s meant to be played at a wedding.
And, unlike the others, it would take him less than 24 hours to have made his choice. It’s not that he doesn’t put care into the decision, he just doesn’t like making you wait. He’s quite efficient when it’s something this important.
Regardless, he’s the most flexible of the group when it comes to your tastes, so anything you want is perfectly fine with him.
That said, it has to be a ballad. That’s his main request. Avdol’s eager for your input, sure, but he’s going to want to slow dance with you more than anything else.
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quinnyundertow · 18 days
Your writing has made me absolutely fall head over heels in love with Yuta! You write him so well that I look at him in a completely different light now in the manga/anime. Also, I'm very excited for the Toji sequences upcoming in WICYG! xoxo
This made me so damn happy you have no idea! I adore him to know it made you love him more just- BE STILL MY HEART!
I’ve always wanted to write out my Yuta!head-canons and this made me go all in hahaha (Sorry bestie but I hope you enjoy them)
If you forced me to pick a fav from JJK it would 100000% be Yuta. He’s so complex and yet simple as a character. He experienced so much abuse/neglect (from parents, classmates, teachers, even Rika) as a young child due to seeing/having Rika in a non sorcerer environment. Gege said Yuta doesn’t have a close relationship with his parents but is close with a little sister. That’s so easy for me to imagine.
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Yuta! Head-canon: His parents are both working full time when the tragedy with Rika happens. They feel so guilty but relieved that their son survived. As time goes on however Yuta won’t stop crying at night about this monster version of his dead best friend haunting him. At first they would pour everything into trying to get him medical help but as the years go by and psychiatrists say he’s seeking attention the care turns to frustration. Probably culminating in a, “Get over it! I don’t want to hear about her ever again!” Type of argument.
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Yuta!Head-canon: His little sister would have been a safe person to him. Maybe five years younger than him so they really never talked about that girl Rika who “moved away” when they were little. Rika wouldn’t feel as threatened as she’s his sister and a younger child so I could see her allowing him to form a relationship with him. At least at first. Deep down Rika is kind but she’s still a curse jealousy would crop up or a normal sibling fight could have ended with Rika hurting his little sister only for Yuta to further isolate.
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Yuta!head-canon: He is hyper aware of others emotions and if there are changes to someone’s regular personality. He remembers tiny details of everything because that’s how he had to survive growing up. He had to monitor Rika constantly for little changes that could indicate she may explode or cause issues. This aspect also causes him to empathize deeply even with those who may not deserve it. He doesn’t want Rika to kill his bullies because he’s seen the kid menacing him is getting bullied by upperclassmen and understands what that means. That said if they fuck with someone he cares about all that empathy goes out the window and he’s going to make sure it doesn’t happen again.
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Yuta!Head-canon: Yuta has a circle of people very close to him and once you’re in that circle he is a true ride or die. Ask him for anything and trust that shit is getting done no matter how sketchy it sounds. He is the true definition of unconditional love (We all saw how Rika got and he still deeply loved her. ) and would support and trust you totally once you have proved worthy of it by actions.
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Yuta!Headcanon: He is quick to fall in love and quick to let them go. If you give him even the littlest bit of praise or extra attention he’s going to get a crush on you. He can’t help it. He’s always held everyone so far away from him so any sort of domestic or doting affection would make him melt. That said he has always had to create firm boundaries around himself and others to protect people so if you told him you’re not interested or not to text you he would abide by that completely.
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Yuta!headcanon his personality is that of self sacrifice. He could never be a yandere. He understands and thinks that your life would be better without him in it. How could he try and force someone to be with him? He accidentally did that to Rika and it plagued his mind constantly and was willing to die to let her rest in peace.
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I had so much fun writing these out and sorry I hijacked your post!!! I’m so happy you enjoy the story and Toji’s entry should be fun!!!! Thank you for the ask love!!!
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ryuichirou · 13 days
How do you think the twst boys would react if their partner called someone else's name while they're having sex? I know that this is a very "it depends" question: for example Sebek would probably react pretty differently if Idia said Lilia's name instead of other names (like the tweels or Azul), and the situation would change even more if he was with Malleus instead of Idia... But I'm curious what you think
Sorry for the late reply, Anon! This ask intrigued me for such a long time lol This is so cruel, but also so interesting…😭
You are right, it really does depend on a lot of stuff, but I will try to mention a couple of options when it’s applicable! But also spoiler alert, pretty much all of them would be very displeased (shocking!).
Thank you for asking, and I hope you enjoy the post.
Riddle – off with your head! Jokes aside, I think he would be quite heartbroken and pissed. The only person that I can think of who could fuck up so massively with Riddle is Ace… so he’ll definitely spend an eternity wearing Riddle’s collar, I don’t know what he needs to do to be forgiven lol rip
Ace – he would get mad, stop and start bombarding his lover with questions. What’s even worse is that every other guy that his lover could name (Trey or Floyd for Riddle, Jack for Deuce) is much taller and bigger than him, so Ace’s mind would immediately go to “oh I get it”. He’ll probably lose his boner and start avoiding the other person, but not for long: Ace is vindictive and petty, so once he calms down a little, he’ll start enjoying the other boy being very apologetic and guilty around him. Is he going to bully his lover and punish him when they have sex the next time? Absolutely. He has to restore his ego, too.
Deuce – if it’s Ace who does it, Deuce will be surprised and confused, but then punch him and push him away; they might actually fight a little before Deuce kicks Ace out of their room. It’s not like Deuce wanted to bring extra attention, he was just shocked and upset, but now the entire dorm knows that something happened between the two lol But if this somehow happens with Jack of all people, I feel like Deuce would be too shocked to react properly at first, maybe even start gaslighting himself that he just didn’t hear Jack right.
Trey – if the lover himself didn’t notice that he said something wrong, Trey would seemingly pretend that it didn’t happen and just continue what he was doing. Because stopping mid-sex to address this is way too awkward and he doesn’t want this whole thing, so he’ll just bear with it… which doesn’t mean that he wouldn’t care at all, he actually would care and a lot and probably even get mad (more than he expected to be!), so he’ll get pretty rough all of a sudden, almost sadistic even.
Cater – he would actually stop and address it. He might actually continue if his lover gives him an excuse or explanation, and he might even seemingly play along, but similarly to Trey, he would get rougher. He could also start asking questions about his lover wanting to have sex with that other person, but as if it’s dirty talk.
Leona – he would get mad, he might actually get physical and shove the lover away for doing that, but in actuality being called someone else’s name would kind of tingle him in a weird way. It’s not like he is ever going to address it because frankly, he is too proud for that.
Ruggie – doesn’t really give a shit? He doesn’t expect to be anyone’s one and only, the only thing he’d be worried about is whether he is going to get his credit for fucking someone so nicely or not lol But maybe he just didn’t meet someone he would care enough about to get upset. If he hears any other name from Leona though, he’ll absolutely remember it. Valuable information.
Jack – would get upset and jump to conclusions even if it was an accident, but if it happens mid-sex, there is no way he is going to stop. He’ll get much more rough and possessive though, he’ll start biting and leaving all kinds of marks outside and inside his lover’s body.
Azul – he would get so upset that he might actually not finish, but honestly, it depends. I can picture him shoving the other guy away from him and leaving just as well as I can picture him getting so angry that he just grabs his lover even tighter and starts fucking them even stronger. Oh, and there will be ink. Thankfully, it’s just an octo-boy getting angry and not blot, honestly, I wouldn’t be surprised seeing Azul overblot over this… One would expect him to maybe even start crying, but Azul would smile. Smile in such a terrifying way, as if he completely lost it. Asking about the other name, laughing quietly, finding roundabout way to call his lover a whore that only used him. It would get scary lol but afterwards he would leave… and start thinking about revenge. Ace is vindictive, but Azul? He is the most vindictive person ever, there is no way he won’t start punishing his lover from that point and until he forgives him (so forever). Also, I somehow think that he would be more upset if Idia called him any other name than if Jamil did it; at least he knows not to trust Jamil even though he has a fat crush on him; but with Idia he is genuinely very close, so that would be a betrayal that is almost impossible to recover from.
Jade – while it’s shitty, ironically, this is one of the best things that could happen to Jade because suddenly he has this thing that he could use to torture the other person with. It all depends on a situation, Jade could ignore it and then act like he is hurt for some time and confess after a couple of days that he was actually very hurt by it (not fake at all), or he could start acting hurt right away. Or he could pull the dick out slowly, apologising and saying that he’s going to call the other person if this is who his lover wishes to see instead of him. Especially if someone called him Floyd, THEN it’s extra spicy (and Jade’s emotions are a bit genuine then). Also, if it’s Idia and he somehow manages to call Jade Azul, Jade would have extra fun because now he can play with both of them.
Floyd – he’ll address it immediately, he’ll bulldoze his lover with a “hey, why did you call me that?” very directly. It’s not impossible for him to actually get annoyed and leave, he is still a Leech, so he might do something similar to what Jade is doing. Doesn’t matter who his lover is, he could start asking questions, demanding they tell Floyd everything, refusing to continue fucking (or just stimulating his lover more intensely) until they answer his very invasive questions. Ironically, he would have the most fun with this type of thing with Riddle, when he would pound his guts while Riddle chokes on his own saliva refusing to tell which one of the two men felt better inside of him. And then, after he is all done with Riddle and the adrenalin rush is over, THEN he would get angry and annoyed and want to punch someone.
Kalim – he would assume it’s some kind of mistake at first, maybe he just didn’t hear it right; so he won’t stop and try not to get hung up on it. But he probably won’t be able to forget about it completely and would keep thinking about it, maybe looking at Jamil and that other person whose name he said. There is no way he’d be able to keep his own confusion a secret though, so he’ll just ask Jamil directly and very loudly at some point, and make this whole thing much more awkward that it already is. Poor Jamil probably doesn’t even remember anything…
Jamil – would he really care? I guess he would in a “well anyone would feel shitty if you fuck them and then call them some other name” type of way, at least initially. He doesn’t allow himself any emotional attachment, so it’s not like his first instinct would be to feel bad. And if it’s Kalim who does it, Jamil would think “if he has someone else he’s thinking about, why do I even bother having sex with him?”, playing it off as if he is just doing extra work that someone else could do for him. But the bitter aftertaste would last for quite some time… Also, knowing Kalim, he could very easily call Jamil someone else’s name but that would 100% just be a random name because his brain got too fried due to arousal and he doesn’t know what he’s saying anymore lol Also, just because Jamil “doesn’t care” doesn’t mean that he won’t confront his lover about it. Don’t treat him like shit!
Vil – he would actually be deeply offended by it. I think he would stop everything, demand explanation immediately and maybe even punch his lover if he doesn’t like the explanation that he gets. I feel like this is one of the worst things one could do to Vil lol The level of his anger and heartbreak could be different depending on a scenario (if it’s Jade or Floyd or Trey, then it’s pretty shitty because even if you like someone else, you have to be present for a person you’re shoving your dick into; but still it’s not as bad, just super rude). But if it’s Rook, then unless it’s some kind of Rook-yapping-magic, it’s difficult to imagine Vil actually continuing with the sex after being called someone else’s name. Hey, at least he (or any other guy) didn’t call you Neige, that would be yikes.
Rook – he would get surprised and immediately start thinking: did he see the signs of these two getting close? Are they intimate with each other? Because if they are, chances are, Rook already knows about it: he knows everything about everybody’s love life lol But still, hearing it from his own lover while having sex is huge! If it’s someone who he has fleeting interest in, he would ignore it as it happens, but then hint at it later (“you should really be honest with your feelings for this one person~ wink” type of way). If it’s someone he is very close to though, like Vil, he won’t stop, but will tease him and then suggest inviting the other person to share their bed. Is he still teasing or is he serious? Your guess is as good as mine.
Epel – his first reaction would be confusion, he might quietly repeat what he’s just heard and blink slowly, looking almost too adorable in his puzzlement, but then he would punch his lover and yell at him, demanding for him to let go of him and fuck off. Well, it might not happen with every potential partner, but this scene is surprisingly easy to imagine lol I think Epel is the type who gets angry first and gets upset and starts crying afterwards, when the anger part is over. I don’t know how jealous Epel is, but being called someone else’s name would still suck a lot. If it happens with Floyd though, he might actually continue having ~angry~ sex with him, while being super mad at Floyd but also enjoying it a bit too much. It’s not like he can run away when he is being squeezed so tightly, and his angry screams would get muffled by Floyd’s massive hand.
Idia – he would get more upset that he himself expected to be; Idia always keeps in mind every possible bad scenario that could happen, and he is pretty pessimistic and paranoid in general, so his first thought would be “right, I should have known better”. But since it’s pretty difficult for Idia to open up (let’s ignore that in almost every scenario we put him in the sex part is very sudden lol), he would feel heartbroken, betrayed and pretty disappointed in himself for believing another human being. Similarly to Azul being the most hurt if it’s Idia, Idia would be the most hurt if it’s Azul. Or Lilia, but to be honest I can’t imagine Lilia calling any names in general while having sex lol But anyway, he would probably get pretty salty and avoiding afterwards. Unless it’s Ortho who does it because in that case Idia would try very hard to be happy for him. And if it all ends up being a big misunderstanding, Idia would still be kind of salty and snarky, reminding about the fact that it happened from time to time.
Ortho – option one: he stops for a moment and asks about it right away; option two: he doesn’t stop, but replays the audioclip afterwards and asks if there is anything his lover wants to tell him. It it’s Idia, he is half-excited half-jealous about the possibility of him getting a boyfriend, so it could go either way, but he would probably try o act supportive… while being super jealous and possessive, as always!
Lilia – he might get pouty and go “huuuh?”, but he is more amused than upset lol No matter who his lover is, he won’t allow him to get away from questions. Are you two that close? Did you do it with him? Do you want to? How do you want to do it? And all of it while still fucking the poor boy. It’s like a mix of a mean lover who bullies with dirty talk and a nasty old man who is very interested in younglings’ love life.
Silver – he would get surprised, so his eyes would widen very cutely, but he probably won’t say anything; he is the type to suffer quietly. Well, I’m not even sure if he would allow himself to suffer: if it’s Lilia, then it’s nothing new. If it’s Sebek, he might actually get more upset, but probably tell himself that they aren’t actually dating, so maybe Sebek is just using him for training… in which case, this isn’t anything new either.
Sebek – if it’s Malleus who does that, Sebek would swallow his pride and bear with it like a good boy that knows his place. Of course Malleus would think of Lilia when he is with him, and Sebek could only wish to be one day good enough to replace this image in Malleus’ head, even though this feeling sucks: Sebek is very jealous when he probably isn’t allowed to be… so he’ll cope by fucking Malleus harder and trying his absolute best to pleasure him in a way that even Lilia couldn’t! So much space for improvement and motivation! And if it’s Silver or Idia, he would get pissed and more aggressive, but won’t stop fucking lol He is very likely to yell at Silver, like Are you asleep?! or something (won’t yell as much if Silver calls him Father though lol), and Idia… oh poor Idia won’t hear the end of it, he’ll get called all kinds of nasty words for being so promiscuous.
Malleus – oh no one is surviving this. He wouldn’t like it at all. No matter who his lover is, no matter what Malleus is being called, if it’s anything other than his name, this world is going to end. I feel like there is some level of getting over it with the rest of the guys, but Malleus? Oh no no no.
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ruthytwoshakes · 11 months
Howdy everyone!! I got super inspired by @a-scary-lack-of-common-sense class swap au and wanted to try my hand at it!
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I really love these designs!! If people like them too I’ll make some full refs and make some more content with them. I probably will anyway because I have so many ideas.
Under the keep reading I added wayyy too much description if you’re interested. You are interested you will read I’m using my evil mind magic to make you want to read
(I’ll address them by their names to make it less confusing btw. Pyro and Spy are called Demonan and Soldier though. I’ll name them one day probably)
For Medic and Heavy I kinda swapped their backstories and personalities. Misha is an only child who comes from a family of, fucked up to say the least, doctors. He lost his medical license for stealing the entirety of a patient’s skin. Misha is much more of a hardass with a superiority complex. Cold and callous. He takes himself and his work very seriously,, thinks he is very scary. The other mercs don’t really give a shit, which infuriates him to no end. He cares about his teammates! somewhere deep down inside ,, like really far down. Probably. Really attached to his tools, names them like how the original Heavy names his guns. He’s pretty fluent with English.
Ludwig is much more silly and caring. He’s the youngest sibling out of his 3 sisters, and took this job because he feels obligated to pay back his family for protecting him and helping him go through college. He’s not sadistic per se, more just, really loves the blood, guts, and carnage of war, and has a very morbid curiosity. He often accompanies the Medic when he's doing operations, if he's not already the patient himself. Misha adores how fascinated he is by all of it, and gladly answers and questions he may have. Very loud and extroverted,, his laughs can be heard from miles away. He kinda scares the other mercs, but he’s trying his best to tone it down. He has a horde of pigeons that just ,, follow him around. He doesn’t really know where they came from. His favorite is named Euripides. He’s intermediate at English.
For Sniper and Scout I kinda kept their backstories the same, they just had different personalities and life circumstances that led to them taking their respective jobs. Jeremy is the older brother of 7 little sisters. His mother had him when she was 16 and going through college, leading Jeremy to have to grow up fast. He and his mom have always had to pick up odd jobs to help pay the bills. One of Jeremy’s bosses took him out onto a shooting range one day and noticed he was a natural. He encouraged him to take up predator/invasive species control to help pay the bills and helped him get started, Jeremy eventually saved up enough to move to the northwest. As he got more skilled, some shady people took note and offered him some more,,, lucrative opportunities. He’s a hick with a slight Boston accent, making him all the more awkward. Pretty introverted, the only friends he's ever had is his little siblings. He’s quick-witted when he wants to be, but usually stays quiet. He seems pretty cold tough, but will change really quickly around little kids. Drinks way too many energy drinks to compensate for his insomnia.
Mick is an only child and basically the Australian version of Scout. Which is a terrifying concept!! he scares me. He’s a pretty extroverted guy, but was still bullied for his scrawny appearance and a lack of mustache hairs when he was little, so he devoted himself to becoming the best track runner in Australia. Also he couldn’t win a fight against anyone and he tended to piss off a lot of people, so running was a necessity. He doesn’t have any siblings, but he has a lot of older friends who treat him like a little brother. He likes to paint in his free time. Took the job to help support his parents and to explore the world, or just New Mexico. Annoying jock bastard. He wears those tank tops with the holes at the sides that just go all the way down,, not even a shirt at that point. Still throws piss at people because I think its really fucking funny.
Nobody quite knows where Soldier came from, not even herself. All she knows is that she’s a General, and a damn good one at that. Although his team would like to suggest otherwise. She’s loud and erratic, missing quite a few cogs in her brain. Not lead poisoned like the original soldier, I’m leaning towards a lobotomy that really melted his brain, soupe de cerveau or somethinf. Even though she lost her mind, she kept her great commanding skills and leads the team in attacks. He can be found planning and strategizing for the next round, or hanging out with the other team’s Demo. A bit silly, a bit goofy. Comically patriotic like the original Soldier. Parleys-tu Français, DO YOU SPEAK FRRRENCH ??? Non tu ne le fais pas, you don’t? FUCK YOU
Tavish and pyros personalities are a kinda combined? I just took little bits from both of them and squashed them together. Tavish is a pyromaniac hailing from Scotland. There’s rumors that he was the cause of the fire storm that rained down on Scotland for about a week, but he’s never confirmed or denied this. His voice isn’t all that muffled, his Scottish dialect is just so thick that nobody can understand him, except for Ms Pauling and Engineer like usual. Tavish can be pretty unstable and hyperactive, but an overall happy-go-lucky guy. Drinks responsibly most of the time! Still depressed! Lots of Molotov cocktails. His favorite animal is the Pegasus, and his life's goal is to find and tame one some day.
Dell is the same personality wise, just more like spy. So a bit more stuck up lol. He also shares the same care that the original spy shows for his team, as long as it benefits him along the way. Dell comes from a long family line of Spy’s that all worked for the Mann brothers, they stole Australium for them and kept them safe from other entity's that wanted to have control over the Australium too. His goggles have all that super cool spy stuff in them, night vision, cameras, a radio. Jane helped him add some new features as of late, . I'm not sure how to incorporate Dell's fascination with trans-humanism into this Dell quite yet. Maybe something to do with his senses? Name’s Spy. Spy Gaming.
Jane is pretty much the same silly little guy,, but now with 11 phds! And he’s not lead poisoned anymore! Nobody’s quite sure where Jane comes from, every time he’s asked he always changes up his backstory. He tends to slack off more than the original soldier, "A good hard-working American always knows when to take breaks!" He's also built a variety of raccoon-themed machines that get into mischief around the base. He and the Pyro are good buddies! He likes reading their stories, and gently encouraging them to write more. He's pretty strict when it comes to safety, and will come down hard on his teammates for messing around. THAT IS NOT OSHA APPROVED HEAD-WEAR MAGGOT!
Demoman is more like Tavish backstory-wise in this. They’re a midwesterner with way too much free time who blew up their family’s corn field by accident when they were little, oh and their parents. Their bio family crawled out from the remains of the farm and took them in after they proved themselves, even with their lack of tentacles and wings. (yeah their parents are the Great Old Ones, cthulhu guys, for sillies :3 ) They still like to do creative stuff (but adult-ified because adults are insecure about having fun for some reason.) like adult coloring books, or oil painting, or having adult tea parties. Demoland is a book that they're writing, and will TOTALLY 100% work on this weekend. They hate eye contact and have never been seen without their bombsuit on, except for Scout, but he can comprehend these otherworldy horrors perfectly fine so idk maybe you have a skill issue or something.
Heavy is Medic
Medic is Heavy
Sniper is Scout
Scout is Sniper
Spy is Soldier
Demoman is Pyro
Engineer is Spy
Soldier is Engineer
Pyro is Demoman
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notes: I was thinking of making Dell Jeremy's father, but I didn't want to change up Jeremy's facial features too much, so Spy remains. Mick has that neck-mic thingy that soap from COD has because I was scrolling through soapghost on pintrest help. Soldier wasn't actually a general, I was thinking he was just somebody who knew too much. But after she got the lobotomy, I'm thinking she did something similar to soldier and tried to get into the military, and failed. Ludwig is the biggest on the team, with Misha having a more agile body type. Still a bear!! Just a bit smaller. This art is a bit old because I've been working on this since MAY?!?!??? ough. Maybe I'll swap some side characters as well! Pauling with Bidwell, Saxton with Helen, if ya want you could give me some suggestions 👁 👁 This is all Merasmus's fault some how, babygirl messes up the timeline for the sillies, the funny haha even. I love her <3333 Also sorry if the info for Jeremy is incorrect, I just thought it would be neat idk a whole lot about hunting.
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The Wayne Family is a mess
Parental figure is Bruce, but calls Clark ‘dad’ sometimes just piss Bruce off <3 (Ignore Gotham War, Ignore Gotham War)
Favourite sibling is he doesn’t have one :3. Okay, he likes Jason a teeny bit more, but he’s pretty fair to all of them.
He sees Damian as his son, but they both refuse to acknowledge it completely. They’re comfortable with how they are now.
He is SO older sister coded. Feels like he is responsible for everyone, and tries to hide when he’s mad/sad, but most of the time his siblings force him to tell them how he’s feeling.
Him and Cass CONSTANTLY exchange ‘I swear to god, these losers’ looks when everyone is fighting/doing something stupid.
While his favourite is Jason, and views Damian as a son, he spoils Tim and Duke HORRENDOUSLY.
Him and Steph gossip about different celebrities 24/7
Is currently dating Babs :3
Him and Selina have more ‘friendsies’ relationship, than mom-son type relationship. When one of them get into a argument with Bruce they start slandering him SO BADLY.
I can hear you guys from on the other side of my screen, but him and Bruce are not on Father-Son relationship stance right now. Bruce sees him as a son, but he doesn’t view him as a father (anymore). But he can talk to him without fighting now. (Ignore Gotham War, Ignore Gotham War)
Favourite siblings are Duke, Cass and Tim. Because yes. He makes it obvious too lol.
Dislikes Damian, but helps him get away with shit just to give Bruce grey hairs.
Jason ‘I hate modern technology’ Todd
Him and Dick teaming up give people HEADACHES. If Bruce/Alfred want to scold them, they MUST be separated.
Stephanie and him are besties and bully Tim mercilessly, since he luvs to steal everyone’s friends. (Damian ur next)
He gets Alfred presents on both Father’s Day and Grandfathers day, and everything in between.
Spoils Cass tbh. It’s all with Bruce’s card, but what people don’t know won’t hurt them :D
He is constantly like ‘Selina u can do SO much better’ but he does like her. Just not as strong of a relationship.
100% Views Bruce as a father figure. Hates David Cain, and just does not care about Lady Shiva.
Favourite sibling is Tim, and is best friends with Stephanie.
People constantly think that Damian and her are biological siblings, so when they ask, she looks them dead in the eyes and tells them ‘He’s my dad’. It gets the reporters confused every time.
Obnoxiously acts like a little Angel, but everyone knows she’s not. “Cass. We all know you crashed the Batmobile. No, you smiling will not change my mind. Yes, your smile is very pretty, BUT STILL.”
Her and Dick are forced to be the responsible ones when everyone is hanging out. With Cass in charge of Dick, and Dick in charge of Cass. It oddly works out.
Loves spoiling Damian, it’s getting concerning. In turn, Damian’s pets love her.
Stephanie spills tea about EVERYONE to her. Even about her classmates, who Cass has never even met. Fake dating Steph as well so that nobody tries to flirt with her during galas, and to explain why Steph is so close with the family.
Babs is a major role model in her life. When Cass needs advice, Babs is the first number on her phone.
She loves Selina. But sometimes doesn’t trust her. Otherwise, she approves of Batcat :) Not that strong of a mother-daughter relationship, but she buys Selina a gift for Mother’s Day, just because she can.
Yes, he does view Bruce as a father figure. He also still views Jack as a father figure but he’s dead now <333 As for Janet…she’s a complicated situation.
Favourite siblings are Dick and Cass. He’s besties with Stephanie, basically tells her almost everything.
Both him and Damian are petty, so they trade insults a lot, but it’s more bantering than fighting lol. They do go out to places together, but they are always acting like they are forced to, or that they would be anywhere else (even though they like hanging with each other)
He will not stop with the ‘middle child’ jokes. He will purposefully make Bruce ignore him just so he give a long monologue about being the middle child. He will then ask Bruce to give Damian up for adoption to redeem himself. Damian is still here :D
Cass is Tim’s wingman. (Which is why it took so long for TimKon/Timber to get together)
Tim gives the best Christmas gifts, followed by Damian. This is mostly because he’s a STALKER.
He likes Babs a lot, but acts like a CHILD, because she’s better at hacking than he his and therefore she stops him from doing a few things. He threw a tantrum once when she activated CHILD-LOCK on his computer.
He adores Selina. Sometimes suspicious of her, but mostly trusts her. Selina spoils him, Duke and Damian to no limits.
Bruce is NOT her parent figure, but she still views his kids as her siblings. Crystal is her mom, she does not consider Arthur her dad.
Favourite siblings are Damian and Tim, Cass and Jason are her besties.
When Jason is mad at the family and going someplace without telling them, he only tells Steph where he is going.
Once, Tim asked how they were her siblings when Bruce or Selina aren’t her parents, so she declared that Talia was her other mom, and made weird stories connecting each of them :D
Cass knows ALL of Steph secrets, because Steph keeps venting to her 24/7.
When Tim and her are together, they start collectively working on a singular brain cell, making the other person next to them having to be the responsible one. On one memorable occasion, it turned out to be Damian.
Stephanie, Dick and Tim love stalking there siblings when they get a date. Just for fun <333. Stephanie and Dick however are the quote on quote ‘embarrassing parents’ energy when it comes to dates. (Tim and Duke are pretty chill when it comes to dates, Bruce, Damian and Jason are the ones who do the shovel talk, and Cass is just staring at you menacingly during the first family dinner.)
Stephanie and Duke are the ones who sneak off to do underage drinking. Tim and Jason are the ones trying to stop them LMAO.
Stephanie likes Selina a lot. She is constantly pestering her to let her see Harley and Poison Ivy. Selina let her one time, and they caused SO MUCH chaos. (Steph is Selina’s second favourite)
He doesn’t see Bruce as a father figure fully yet, but he does love him. He still considers his parents (minus the weird god dad) as his parents.
Favourite siblings are Damian and Jason. Because, in Tim’s words, he’s weird like that. Him and Damian go to movies every month, and we’re especially excited for the FNAF movie. (They LOVE FNAF.)
Duke is also super younger-sibling coded. If everyone gets super defensive of Damian, then he’s the one who can say ANYTHING and get away with it. As a joke, Jason starts referring to him and Damian as twins because when people ask who they’re ‘youngest sibling’ is, everyone keeps alternating between Duke and Damian.
At first he was downright TERRIFIED of Cass. Like he was scared to be in the same room as her. Now they team up to scare everyone else. (Duke is just recording, Cass does the scaring)
Damian only does ‘puppy eyes’ VERY rarely, and it works effectively every time. Duke? He does it for Every. Little. Thing. And most of the time? He gets it. Tim and Cass are the only one who can resist it. Sometimes.
Dick is Dukes idol. He wants to be like Dick in the future :3
Jason and Duke call each other ‘narrows’ and ‘alley’ respectively. Duke also does a lot of shit, just Bruce never finds out because nobody tells on him, so Jason is JELLY of that.
Stephanie and Duke have the most similar taste in food out of everyone else. VERY, VERY sugary. Nobody listens to them when they suggest to eat something. It’s too sugary.
Selina acts like Duke is her biological son as a joke to the press. The press still thinks it’s true. It’s downright hilarious.
Parental figures are Bruce and Dick, though they don’t acknowledge it :) (Ignore Gotham War, Ignore Gotham War) The relationship with Talia…is messy, to say the least.
Favourite siblings are Stephanie and Duke (because obviously???) They use there gremlin nature to a MAX to prank everyone else.
He is the most younger sibling coded person ever. He’s a little gremlin-demon, but if you mess with him, you’re messing with ALL OF THEM.
Upset that Tim and Stephanie broke up, and started shipping Steph and Cass (for shit and giggles, they are the type of besties who act like there in a relationship, and Damian knows this) and constantly asks Cass when she’s proposing so that Steph can be his sister legally as well <33
Constantly bantering with Tim, but they love each other. They just have weird ways of showing it :3
Dislike-Dislike relationship with Jason, but can and will team up with each other to ruin everyone’s day. They also don’t want each other dead ig :)
Only accepts Babs as Dicks girlfriend. No in between. But he will respect Kori. Begrudgingly.
Respects Jim Gordon so much lmaooo.
Has learned the Alfred eyebrow raise. He is now tormenting everyone with it.
Selina is Bruce’s fiancé, but they have a ‘chaotic aunt, and chaotic nephew’ type of bond. Damian is 100% Selina’s fav.
Add your own ideas in Reblogs/Comments!
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thesupreme316 · 6 months
Can I make a request with the boys with a reader who is introverted and how the boys make them feel more comfortable (please add Daniel Garcia he’s my pookie🤭)
AEW STARS React To: Having An Introverted S/O
Pairings: Daniel Garcia x Reader, Eddie Kingston x Reader, Max Caster x Reader, Ricky Starks x Reader, MJF x Reader, Hook x Reader, Christian Cage x Reader
Word Count: 837
Supreme Speaks: otay sorry for being late but here is another post. also OVER 300 FOLLOWERS??? thank yall so much for the support and love yall show my posts💖 please remember that you are loved and appreciated!
Warnings: GIFS ARE NOT MINE, slightly proofread, fluffy as shit
Taglist: @hooks-martin @sheinthatfandom @triscillal @cassie0sstuff @eddie-kingstons-wifey @hookerforhook @batzy-watzy @wwenhlimagines
Daniel Garcia (ya pookie):
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Okay I am convinced that DG is an ambivert
Mans is both extroverted and introverted
So he understands when you need to wind down
Would constantly take you to your favorite places
I would also like to think that DG is that person who would drop everything for you if your battery dies or if you don’t feel well
Isiah: Danny, where are you go-
DG: My baby needs me, now move mushroom
Is perfectly fine with you being shy/introverted and doesn’t judge you at all
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As an introvert, he doesn’t give it any thought
He would find your introverted self adorable
I think to make you more comfortable, he would participate with you in various activities
Because of him being private, he won’t force you to do anything that you don’t want to
Keeps a list of many things you like to do
Doesn’t force you to speak or introduce yourself to others
Knows that you don’t have plans so if he needs to run errands; he’s dragging you with him
If anything he’s your security guard while you sit in the corner on your phone or reading
Ricky Starks:
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We know how spectacular (and bold) this man is
But he is super understanding and caring
Know when he needs to tone it down so doesn’t overwhelm you
He will push you to speak to others but he wouldn’t want you to change
Ricky will try to help you find new comforts but is okay with just the two of you sitting at home and watching tv
To make you comfy, he’ll tease you with loving remarks, letting you know that he adores your introverted self
He’ll also talk for you if you want him to (cause Jesus that man can talk)
Eddie Kingston (ma husband):
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In my mind, Eddie is sensitive and can detect how people from first meeting them
So when he first meets you and sees how introverted you are, he immediately attaches himself to you and becomes your guard dog
He prefers to sit in corners anyway, so your introverted life is his speed
Hates to push “out of your comfort zone” but he will support you in whatever you do
Will ditch whoever to come and check on you; it doesn’t matter who they are
To make you comfortable, he will speak up for you (especially if you can’t say no to people)
Tbh, its like Rottweiler x Black Cat type of relationship
Christian Cage: (ma sugar daddy)
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Teehee this man believes you are just adorable beyond relief
Doesn’t mind doing the majority of the talking when you two are together
I feel like he’ll introduce you to others and if you don’t show interest/or speak up, he is quick to leave with you in tow
To comfort you, he will tone down his extrovertness (? Idk if that’s a word) and make himself available for you to warm up to him
He doesn’t wanna scare you off
Christian will even let up on the teasing and “bullying” others just to make sure that you’re okay
But he will buy you gifts to let you know what he likes you
I feel like overall, the man is changing his himself and personality to adhere to you and your interest
Max Caster:
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I will admit it (cause this is how I visualize it)
He initially fucks up
Max is so damn loud and hyper that he scares you off very quickly
After calming down, he apologizes to you and actually becomes close to you before asking you out
He tries to make you louder and (boldly) confident but is told repeatedly by Anthony and Billy that you prefer to be away from the spotlight and like to be quiet most of the time
From then on, Max tries his best to ensure that he’s not being too loud around you
To make you comfy, I can see him trying to make you laugh at any place or time (so he still doesn’t shut up)
Man is whipped for you and will do anything to make you feel comfortable
That includes taping his mouth shut
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Hehe this man
He will gladly be the mouthpiece of your relationship
Unlike other people, MJF will loudly announce that you guys would need to leave and not lie
“Okay you marks, you all with your repulsive faces and boring personalities are draining my lovely yet quiet significant other. So…we are leaving, peace bitches”
He’ll introduce you to others..but that’s it for fear that you’ll get overwhelmed
Like Ricky and Max, he can talk your ear off if it’s what you need
Or he’ll just sit down and watch TV with you like Hook
Since dating you, he’s calmed down with his arrogance and tries his best not to get angry
Around you….he’s still an asshole to everyone else
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prodigal-explorer · 7 months
i’m seriously still reeling at the idea that roman is the most hated side right now-
like huh??? how???
of course everyone is entitled to their opinions but i did not realize that roman is so unpopular! but now that i think about it, there is so much rampant roman hâte in the fandom and i’m trying to see if there’s any specific reason why.
i am a rampant patton hater, and my reasoning is that he reminds me of people from my past, his bad actions just get brushed aside and forgiven, and a lot of his fans are so mean to me 😔.
people act like roman is some big bad powerful bully when it’s evident that right now, he has the least amount of power out of all the sides besides maybe logan. even when he was put in charge of the courtroom scene, he was coerced and manipulated to the point where the choice was not his own at all.
i genuinely can’t think of something roman’s done that’s unforgivable in my eyes.
the only bad thing i can think of roman doing that he hasn’t atoned for is make fun of janus’ name and even that was an act of retaliation, not a bullying action.
he is SO GOOD. roman is so good. he’s not perfect, he’s overly rude sometimes and his coping mechanisms are incredibly unhealthy and he’s immature and naive and gullible. but he bends himself backwards to please others. he’s soooo so so so relatable in that aspect, and i guess i expected more people to relate to him.
i don’t understand how people look at roman and see anything but a terrified, child-like entity with no guidance, no real friends/alliances, and a shockingly good attitude all things considered. he apologizes for his wrongdoings. he tries so hard to change when it’s revealed that he’s done something bad. he destroys himself just to try and get a sliver of forgiveness, sometimes for things that aren’t even his fault. he tries so hard to be smiley and confident and the perfect disney prince, and lately it just doesn’t work because it’s impossible to keep that act up when you’re miserable and nobody gives a shit about you.
ever since janus’ introduction, roman has been nothing but a toy to the other sides, especially patton and janus. he was literally KNOCKED OUT by remus. he’s constantly insulted and put down. and yet he’s seen as the bully by fans?
maybe i’m just super deluded but it’s just so confusing to me 😭 i don’t exactly MIND this because i love being quirky and different and having the unpopular opinion but it just makes no sense in my brain how y’all can hate such a beautiful character.
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xx-slug-xx · 7 months
(Sorry, brain dump ahead)
I need to tell y’all something, but I feel like only my older followers will understand what I’m talking about
When I was writing my informative paper on proshipping and anti shipping, including all the arguments for and against each side, I realized something very important.
I have family that I live with. I have friends with their own families. I have pets. I have a job now with coworkers who I care about. And while none of these things give a shit about fiction and internet morals (hell, I’ve had conversations with just about everyone I know about this stuff, and we all agree for the most part), I would give a shit if I was doxxed and put the people in my life in danger. I realized that if I post that document, and the right people saw it, I would put them in danger. I’m not willing to be a martyr for fandom drama. I’ve seen what antis are capable of doing, I’ve seen how they’ve indirectly killed people and how they’ve directly ruined lives. I don’t want that. I care about, not only my own well being, but also the people who I care most about. That’s not to say that anti harassment and anti censorship aren’t important to me, by any means. But my real life takes precedence over my internet life.
If there’s one thing I learned from that paper I wrote (but didn’t post), it’s that the internet is cruel and unjust. It’s that I could never feel comfortable with myself if I labeled myself as an anti. I made it clear that I’m proship, and that paper I wrote is the reason I’ve come to this conclusion. I did my own reaserch, form an unbiased standpoint, while choosing to side more with antis, and I came out of it as proship. My tastes in fiction have not changed. But my understanding of the topic did change. That paper has nearly a year’s worth of research put into it, and it would piss people off. It would, more importantly, piss off antis. I’ve seen what happens when antis get pissed, and I’ve been on the receiving end of the mild version of it. Many times. I’m not willing to go through the version where they don’t hold back. My paper included many documented examples of it, and since the time of writhing it, there have been so many more. I’m not going to be another one of those people who have their lives ruined over stupid fandom discourse.
It’s more than just internet drama to me though, regardless. I know that this is more than just fandom. At its core, it’s all forms of fiction and what is and is not acceptable. It’s about bullying and harassment, and how it keeps getting worse as time goes on. Not just internet harassment either. It’s happening in the American school system every day, people I knew when I was in high school were forced to drop out, get their ged, or do online schooling because of the real world harassment they were receiving. The way that my generation, and the generation bellow me, views other people is appalling. Bullying is just “funny”, and I can’t stand it. The internet is at the core of this issue, of course. It’s taught impressionable minds that other people are like npcs. Cancel culture has taught us that if you step out of line, even for non-issues, then you are the scum of the earth and deserve what’s coming to you. And if you see someone who steps out of line, you need to be ruthless. It’s better to attack other people, so long as the negative attention isn’t on you. Even the older generations are affected. This isn’t something we should be ignoring, but we are. Antis in fandom spaces might seem like it’s not a big deal, but it’s a rabbit hole that runs deeper than people realize.
My paper made me realize this, it made me realize that society sucks, the government sucks, the internet sucks, and I’m pro-freedom to do whatever you want so long as it doesn’t hurt real people. At the end of the day, I’m not going to be a martyr. I refuse that role. You shouldn’t want to be a martyr either. Be kind to people, that’s what’s important. Create spaces where people know they are safe to do whatever the hell they want so long as it doesn’t hurt real people. Stand up for real people who are being hurt by others. Stop harassment, stop hate. I’m tired of seeing people hurt each other over fictional characters who don’t exist. Don’t put yourself or others in danger. Block people who spread hate, and don’t give them a platform to be hateful.
I’m rambling, but for me, there’s no real good outcome unless people suddenly realize that being hateful because of fiction is dumb. I’ve become tired of trying to explain to antis why it’s dumb, there’s no way to talk to many of them. I also can’t risk the safety of others for an issue that only I’m focusing on. There’s other problems in the world, and in my personal life. I just want to be kind, at the end of it all. And I want others to feel the same. But then again, just being kind to others would solve a lot of the worlds problems if everyone followed that rule.
I need to shut up now though, sorry for the dump lol
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moonlightdancer26 · 1 year
Honestly it bothers me so much that there are people who still think Severus’s dislike of Remus was unreasonable. He legitimately had every right to not like him—hate him even. A lot of people think that Remus didn’t deserve that simply because he “didn’t participate in the bullying,” and can I just say how insensitive that is? So many bystanders exist, so many people stand by and watch as their friends bully people or pretend it doesn’t exist, and to claim that the bully victim doesn’t have the “right” to hate said bystander is downright despicable. It can even be argued—in some cases at least—that being a bystander makes you just as bad as the bully themselves. People who haven’t experienced bullying have no idea what it’s like to see people not giving your suffering a second glance or not bothering to do anything about it; as though it wasn’t worth wasting time on. People have the power to stop or change it, but they choose not to. This especially applies to Remus since he was not only there, but was also in a position of power (a prefect) and still chose to neglect his duties.
And after all this, Remus continuously tries to attach little importance to what happened rather than owning up to what he and his friends did, even though he simultaneously wants to appear apologetic in front of Harry.
Do you guys really think that if Remus just… stopped trying to downplay everything, walked up to Severus, and said the words “I’m sorry for everything,” Severus would resent him as much as he did? Don’t you think that Remus never actually apologising may have had something to do with it? He might act sorry in front of Harry, but it’s easier to play the guilty card when the person you’re doing it to is inclined not to blame you instead of the person you’ve actually hurt. There’s no mention of Remus ever doing that.
Another thing most people seem to forget is that… Severus still brewed him the Wolfsbane potion??? He took the time out of his schedule to brew a very complicated potion for someone he didn’t even like, and he perfected it each time. Some people (Snape antis) may argue that Dumbledore “made him” do it [that’s a flawed argument since his and Dumbledore’s interactions in The Prince’s Tale imply otherwise, but that’s not my point], but he still did it? Should doctors be absolved of any praise for saving people’s lives because “it was their job,” “they had to do it,” or even “it was ‘just’ the right thing to do”?
And he was willing to be civil with Remus in PoA and never said a single direct insult to him during their small interactions (at least until the shrieking shack scene), and he clearly dislikes him less than Sirius, who he doesn’t hesitate to roast the shit out of even in a 5 minute long interaction.
And keep in mind that I’m purposefully leaving out the existence of the prank, which is the biggest factor in all of this. It just goes to show how valid Severus’s feelings are, even when putting aside the fact that werewolf!Remus nearly killed him because of Sirius’s sick idea of humour.
All in all, I think this entire rant can be summarised into one gif:
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stranger-rants · 1 year
Billy wouldn’t bully Eddie, because he simply would not care. He “bullied” Steve because he saw Steve as competition, and even then I could hardly call that bullying. His physical fight with Steve shouldn’t be taken out of context, nor should it position Steve as the primary victim and Billy as the perpetrator. He saw Steve with his sister. Steve threw the first punch. I’m tired of this being treated like a terrible assault when it was a fight fueled by misunderstanding and their inability to communicate because they are stupid teenagers.
Anyway, Eddie has a reputation in town and Billy came to town not giving a shit about anyone or anything in Hawkins. Why would he give a shit that Eddie runs a D&D club? Sells drugs? Hot wires cars? Listens to metal? Billy smokes. Billy loves cars. Billy listens to metal. Billy is just there trying to control this narrative he’s written for himself - the hot masculine shiny new toy from California - long enough so he can survive until graduation and he can peace out. Like, that boy is not invested in some small town gossip over Eddie “The Freak” Munson.
The way Billy has positioned himself at school is all a strategic move. His abuser disoriented him by moving the whole family two thousand miles away from his home near the tail end of his high school career. This is about getting control back. Billy can play the part of the popular jock while maintaining his interests because he just so happens to have Pretty Privilege. If he had come to Hawkins looking and acting like Eddie, it would have been different, but that doesn’t change the fact that Billy has interests that don’t fit the jock profile.
Why the hell would Billy waste his time tormenting Eddie when he gets no material gain from it? Steve was the target because Steve was at the top of the school leaderboard and Billy was looking to secure his position. Outside of that, realistically Billy’s trying to balance his need to acquire the means to get out from under his abuser’s control with the impulse to just say fuck it all and self sabotage until Neil beats him to death. That’s just the tightrope abuse survivors walk. Like, he is not out here spending precious time tormenting Eddie.
The bullying fantasies St/Eddies write to set up their relationship using Billy show a clear lack of understanding of Billy’s role in that school and how his home life influences his behavior. They also ignore that Steve spent his entire life immersed in Hawkins schools and society and while there is no canon interaction between Billy and a Eddie, it’s canon that Steve calls Eddie a freak and he is very aware of Eddie’s reputation. If anyone was going to casually bully Eddie, it would be King Steve. Like, just be honest with yourselves.
Regardless if you like Billy, you have to understand what motivates him in order to write him authentically. Treating him as this boogeyman that you can add to any story to introduce conflict is so lazy and ridiculous. Even antagonists have motivations and you have to be mindful of them or else everything becomes out of character. People severely overestimate how much Billy gives a shit about what other people are doing. At this point, people just ignore the fact that Billy has said he doesn’t care or doesn’t give a shit about others.
All Billy cares about is surviving. His entire life has been about surviving Neil, and coping (often badly) with the consequences of his abuse. If he ever interacted with Eddie at all, it would be for drugs which is one of his unhealthy coping mechanisms. Why would he alienate the one person who can provide him with what he needs on a regular basis? Billy is a pragmatic person, and everything he does has a purpose even if it makes him look like the bad guy. Please just use your fucking brain when you write about him.
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Of Eye Bags and Sadness
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It has been... a very long time since I’ve posted something new.
700 ish words 
cw:  general yandereness but nothing too heavy
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You've always hated bullies.  Those who pick on others they deem lesser than themselves.  People insist on wrongly weighing each other to decide who is lesser or greater, based on inane things like money.   As a new transfer to this high school, it took all of a few minutes and exchanges to realize that Satozakura high school is no better than the hell hole you came from.  After a brief introduction, you're directed to sit next to the gloomiest looking son of a bitch you've ever had the pleasure of laying your eyes on.  Maybe it's the long bangs, or the dead look in his eye, but something about him pulls at your heartstrings.  
Sometimes, you see weird things.  But most of the time you ignore them.  It's not your problem if someone's got the equivalent of a literal albatross around their neck.  But this boy, although he looks like he'd be surrounded by those pesky demons, has none.  However his whole aura is dampened, heavier than most people.  It feels almost suffocating to be sit next to him, to be adjacent to his cloud of misery.  You reluctantly put him out of your mind in favor of paying attention to the lecture, out of fear of falling behind on the first day.
It isn't until lunch break that you realize why he pulls at your heartstrings so much.  You follow the sound of blunt force and muffled groans to see him, ganged up on by a group of boys with crooked teeth and untucked shirts.
"Hey!! What's your problem?"  you hope your voice doesn’t sound like it’s wavering as much as you feel it like it is.  It must’ve though, because bullies can smell fear like sharks smell blood.
"Lookie here girlie, ain't nobody had a problem with us here before, and no one's about to start looking for trouble.  Why don't you just go back to your prissy little lunch and forget about this yeah?"  he sneered, cocking an eyebrow at you.
"No… uh, I-I'll call the teacher if you don't leave him alone." Your voice definitely shakes this time, as they start to laugh at you.  
"The teacher doesn't give two shits about what happens, looks like you've got a lot to learn about this place, newbie."
"Can't you leave him alone?  It's the first day of school and you're already tormenting him…." As you trail off, you notice a trickle of blood from the boy's nose.  He's awake, but won't meet your eyes.
"Leave him alone??  After I went the whole break without my fun?  You've got to be kidding me, sweetheart."  
The bell rings, and slowly people trickle into the hallways.  
"Looks like you've been saved by the bell shitface.  I'll see both of you tomorrow."
You help him up, and dust him off a bit.  He still won't look at you though.
"Have they always been like this?"
You give him your name, and he mumbles his own back to you.  
Yoshino Junpei has never been one to think good of others.  After all the bad they've shown him, how could he?  This strange girl is likely to be no exception, he thinks, probably just looking to be a hero, or merely taking pity on him.  A small ember of hope sparks though, through the negative feedback loop he lives in.  What if, just what if she did it for him?  Because she cared?  It would be too much, too much for him if he had these nascent hopes crushed.  He just wanted to go home and watch a movie, and put this behind him, but the words found their way without him meaning to.  
"...why did you do that?"  
"Do what?  Help you?" He nods, wiping blood off his face with the back of his hand.  
"Because you looked like you needed help."  you answer, as if it’s the most obvious thing in the world.
And this, this is what changes everything.  After being so used to seeing the worst in people, someone who did the right thing, just for the sake of it, and for him nonetheless, was astounding.  It was a sharp moment of clarity in the fog.
A moment of silence passes between the two of you, as he slowly raises his eyes up to meet yours.  You look back at him with what he thinks could be love.  And he looks back at you with a frenzied reverence that he thinks is love.
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chrollohearttags · 1 year
I’m feeling a little spicy this morning so I’m sorry if I say something wrong, but this shit is really eating me. And it’s part of the reason why I don’t mess with Twitter anymore. So of course, the Grammys were last night and everybody’s talking about it. I don’t really watch awards shows like that but from what I could tell, Beyoncé got nominated and didn’t win, loss to harry styles??? idk nor do I care. Everybody’s all on the timeline, ranting about how it’s an injustice and it’s wrong and this that and the third, right? Which, fair enough, they fuck my sis over every year. They nominate her for views and give it to some subpar nobody who probably didn’t do half her sales. That’s cool or whatever but I can’t help but be over the entire conversation. And this is no shade to Bey bc I love her and I loved Renaissance. With that being said, I couldn’t give a fuck less about these celebrities’ problems when our world is falling apart. I can’t give a fuck if she got 32 Grammies instead of 33 when people can’t even afford to pay rent this month or even buy a fucking carton of eggs. I know this comes off as “fake woke” and fuck it, so be it. But I can’t understand how people are so complicit with our country’s conditions and simultaneously putting these celebs and trivial problems up on a pedestal. Now just two days ago, people were badgering Netflix about the whole password sharing thing and they got them to change it, last night, people were tweeting the Grammys like they had killed their grandmas, cussing them out on behalf of a woman who doesn’t even know they exist. I mean, full on doing the most. And ykw, it is bullshit. But ykw else is bullshit? The fact that billions of dollars went to another country without any semblance of explanation, food shortages everywhere, income having to be three times your rent and not a single job is actually hiring, not to mention the fact that people are getting pennies back in income tax despite paying higher rates this year and the police being funded $1.8 billion and their only skill is killing unarmed black people..no one is getting angry enough about it! Just making memes and moving the fuck on. But god forbid an already accomplished woman loses an award and y’all wanna burn the world down. It’s really frustrating bc imagine if we filtered that outage towards our leaders and made them get off their asses. We might actually get somewhere but your only concern is if you can afford $1500 concert tickets? Be so undeniably fucking for real. I’m not trying to tell anybody how to feel and ik thinking about this stuff too much can become depressing so it’s best not to dwell on it but I just can’t see why if folks can bully a multi billion dollar corporation out of their policy then why can’t we demand a better way of living? I’m just sick of this trivial nonsense being on the forefront of everyone’s minds when we’re literally in hell. Idk man, I think I need to stay off of Twitter for a minute bc that just aggravated me.
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newtthetranswriter · 4 months
Hiiiii! Can I please have a match up on the My hero academia and Avatar the last airbender fandoms?
I’m a bi girl with a preference towards guys, but I wouldn’t mind getting both.
My personality is quite complicated if I’m honest and even I don’t really know how to call it. I can be the most cheerful and talkative person on the room or the quietest and grumpiest one. I guess it depends on who I’m around. When I’m around people I like and feel comfortable with, I don’t shut up. And I also don’t shut up when I’m around people I wanna annoy. But anyways! I like to think I’m a good person. I never talk behind people’s back. If something they do annoys me or I think it’s wrong, I call them out in the moment. I hate people who act nice to your face and then say the wildest shit about you when you’re not around.
I really like writing. I don’t really have any other hobbies. I also love arguing with people. Especially boys.
I always fall for cocky assholes who think they’re better than everyone. Maybe I just fall in love with frustrating them and the chasing it gives, who knows?
A/N: Hello thank you for requesting and Welcome to my blog. I hope you enjoy this and it's what you hoped for. Anyway enjoy, have a great day and Remember to hydrate or diedrate.
My Hero Academia: Katsuki Bakugo
Katsuki loves that you tell it how it is, and don’t take anyone’s bullshit
He’s a hot head so he has definitely been on the receiving end of being told off by you
At first he would get upset when you would tell him off for bullying Deku but after his change of heart he appreciates everything you have said to him about him being a dick
He truly does appreciate that you put him in his place so many times and helped him realize he was being a dick
Though he does get concerned when it comes to fights with the league of villains, he’s worried you’ll pop off at Dabi or Shigaraki and get yourself killed
As for relaxing with you when you’re writing, he’s all for it, it gives him time with you but also lets him study or just enjoy your presence
The rest of Bakusquad did find your relationship odd at first because how can two hot heads be good together and then they saw how you somehow got him to calm down and be respectful, and they love you for it
Denki definitely making jokes about Bakugo being whipped and consequently getting smacked for it by you and mina, plus a glare from Bakugo
In all fairness the bakusquad is just glad to have someone around who doesn’t let Katsuki be an ass
They also love to hang out with you and just chat about random things, it's a very chill and welcoming environment
Avatar The Last Airbender: Sokka
Sokka loves talking with you and making jokes
He also loves that you don’t take anyone’s bullshit
If yall are have an encounter pre ba sing se with zuko, Sokka nearly dies laughing when you tell Zuko he’s an ass with daddy issues and needs to grow up
After the solar eclipse and Zuko joins the gaang, Sokka finds it funny that you don’t hesitate to tell Zuko he was a dick but that you’re glad he came to his senses
Sokka isn’t as much of a fan when you start calling him on his bullshit though, he’s stubborn and thinks he’s right most of the time
Just tell him you won’t talk with him anymore if he keeps being an ass and he’ll start being better
I can see you and Katara teaming up to put him in his place for being a sexist ass at the beginning of the adventure and any other time he slips up
Overall Sokka know that if you’re upset or think someone is being an ass things can get ugly and doesn’t want you upset with him
You being blunt really helped Sokka realize he was dumb and it was a huge motivator for him to get better.
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tokillamockingbird427 · 10 months
i wholeheartedly agree with ur response to my previous ask, especially with the trilingual and accent one. i imagine its like a somewhat thick-ish accent too that they have (rorke’s is probably more light than logans), since portuguese and spanish are probably the more dominant languages than english. (mainly my hc/theory bc of the fed that was stuttering in spanish and english before keegan killed him during the ajax mission but that’s somewhat irrelevant).
now adding onto ur trilingual hc(?), i imagine logan forgetting certain words and his mind goes absolutely blank in trying to find what the fuck the word is in any of the languages hes fluent in. (example: “i think he went to the… eh…“) and yes, this 100% applies to rorke, and if not the old man is probably WORSE. but unlike logan, rorke is way more fluent in english, as logan cant hold an entire conversation without speaking in either the other two dominant languages. of course though, i would like to think this is when logan decides to speak, because i feel like hes more of a “i hate people so i don’t talk” but is compassionate type of guy. (totally not cause we dont hear the man speak because of the silent protagonist era..)
im not sure what hesh’s(specifically) and the other ghosts reaction would be besides surprised pikachu, “he forgot english? we took THAT long???”, or “what the fuck did rorke DO.”, but im sure itd be something funny or angsty. as hesh and logan in your hc(that i adore cause it honestly suits them) are mixed and dont have that strong of an accent, the accent change from logan when he decides to talk would probably make hesh feel sad in a way, knowing he took too long to find logan before he 1) develops an accent, 2) is now trilingual, and 3) most likely doesn’t remember him or really any of the ghosts if we take that route of angst.
bonus again in favor of your lovely bonus: rorke and logan would absolutely make fun of eachother when they forget a word. (it would also be funny if its other feds who join in but they’re all probably scared of both or they all also deal with the same problem… but they might..)
and i’ll definitely send more asks in the future regarding similar topics like these or hcs in general! :)
— random anon
Logan frustrated to tears because he's gotta sort through three languages to find one word (Four if you include american sign, ASL, headcanon.) when he doesn't even like speaking. He'd make some bad joke about it being the reason he doesn't talk a lot, it's too much work when he can just stand there looking scary and let Rorke do his monologues.
Pls, calling Rorke an old man. I forget he's older than Elias because he really does NOT act like it. They gave him eternal youth in the pit or something because how the fuck was he getting his ass whooped like he was and shaking it off? (Au perhaps, curse of immortality?)
I HC that Logan's selectively mute (as do a few moots of mine) so to me it's not that he hates talking to people, it's just that speaking verbally makes him majorly uncomfortable. So instead he communicates through different avenues. Like writing things to be read, or signing, and even letting Hesh do all the talking for him. (One he uses the most, because it's easiest. Which can be used for angst when Logan then refuses to have Hesh talk for him post pit/beach EHEHHEHE.) He is absolutely so compassionate tho, I love that, I adore giving him a really big heart. Makes the angst where he's cold and angry so much more painful! :D (<- The face of a man who suffers under his own hand)
Oh the angst of the Ghosts being forced to face how much time has passed when they meet Logan again and he's changed so radically his primary language is no longer his "mother tongue." (mother tongue being spanglish, new primary being solely spanish.) Even outside a full "Amnesic Logan" au there'd still be things he'd forget and that is some good angst to explore. Hells yeah.
Hah, Logan and Rorke bullying the shit out of a each other. "Oh you stopped in the middle of your monologue, what was that? Forgot the word did you?" "Stfu that was a dramatic pause." "More like an awkward pause." "I'm gonna put you back in the pit blondie I stg." "Try me you bald bitch." (Subordinates too scared to tell if they're joking with each other or serious)
Can't wait to get more asks from you, I love it :D
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rachelchinouriri · 7 months
I’m making it clear rn. Don’t play with my people
I’ll be honest, yesterday I started feeling angry, it was very small but it was anger. Nowadays I only get angry if things affects me from people I know well in real life or the people around me that I love. The darlings are people that surround me. To be honest, my darlings consume my life every single day in weird and wacky ways and I love them for it. It’s the reason I keep going even on a bad day. But I got angry after noticing one of my darlings might have been getting cyber bullied and anyone who knows me knows, I very rarely/it takes a lot for me to be mad… but damn.
I handled it well for sure, but it made me reflect on what will happen as this fandom grows. I took a mature route yesterday as the situation was minor and stopped quickly, but if in the future, anyone came for my fans… I discovered yesterday … I’d probably lose my shit in an ugly way. I need to work on that for sure because that stems from the environment I grew up in aka being from croydon LOL. Trauma is so funny. Trauma has always taught me to prepare for the worst, nothings even happened but I’m already thinking about future scenarios and weighing the options of how far I’d take it to defend my people lol. Isn’t it so strange how the brain works
I’ve wrote this whole thing in 5 minutes and I will probably forget it ever exists in a few months. This thought is barely even a fragment of my mind… it’s so far back in my mind right now but has the potential to grow and I’m choosing to entertain the thought right now, because I like to pick at my brain and have the ability to tap into different parts of it. Tomorrow I might completely change my mind about this post and disagree with it… but the internet just doesn’t seem to get that the mind works in such weird and wacky ways and my thoughts and mind can change in an instant
That’s the beauty of humans, all humans have a beauty to them at their core even if they make fucked up decisions. I’m giving scorpio right now. I’m a scorpio, Pisces, Scorpio, scorpio, scorpio LOL. Deep af. But I guess that’s why any little story can be made into a song for me. I love that trait about me on the good days. But anyways, gonna go about my day now
Moral of the story: don’t fuck with my darlings idc who you are I will cuss you out then forgive you after x
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