#[cracks bones] thats fine
sluckythewizard · 21 days
The Altered Beast[FULL SUITE] COULD be arthur bennett or adjacent to whatever hes got going on in tha finale. if ur brave enough. IF UR BRAVE ENOUGH [tldr its just about Things eating Things and becoming New Terrible Things. it also fucking jams]
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actualbird · 1 year
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sable-skies · 1 year
hi thinking abt a last of us au in star wars or something where obi-wan lost anakin during the initial outbreak, was separated from padme and the kids, and years later is tasked with protecting and transporting an immune luke skywalker after thinking they were all dead for the past ~20 years
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plasticsandwich · 1 year
so foggy outside rn im using the shine of this bald dudes head to guide me
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violet-moonstone · 3 months
highlight from the wings of war part 2
so many great moments in this one
oh boy where to start?
ok how about spitelout not being terrible? turns out he's very likable when snotlout isnt around for him to terrorize. him asking hiccup if he wants to pet kingstail because he was missing toothless was very sweet
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every interaction between viggo and krogan was delicious
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viggo blowing on the dragon eye like its a video game cartridge made me crack up
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tuffnut describing his and ruffnut's totally normal sibling relationship
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everyone being weirded out by throk and ruffnut. I love how astrid looks in this picture
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spitelout naming the most difficult dragon after stoick
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toothless being scary!!!
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hiccup being all "dont mind me" around a dragon thats trying to roast him alive
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spitelout continuing to damage hiccup's bones. lots of uncle energy.
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this moment was so funny to me. the music starts building up just as hiccup and toothless approach and then stops immediately after they fly by. if i knew how it make gifs it would be much cooler. one day ill learn...
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fine, ill hold your hand but only because i have to >:(
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I love this little gag between fishlegs and snotlout
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asherxz · 3 months
GENERAL SOLLY DATING HEADCANONS ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
As its stated in my rules, if you dont specify gender or story form, i will assume its gn reader and HCs! Hope thats fine by you, anon! :)
-LITERALLY acts like a stray dog. Barks at everybody, but shuts up when somebody shows him even the smallest bit of affection.
-Speaking of dog-like behaviors, I also believe he tends to follow you around like a lost dog.
-Very loud with the facts he has an S/O. Everybody knows that the two of you are dating, even if you don't want them to. I do think he would try and keep it a secret if you ask, but I can't promise it's a secret for long.
-Big on PDA! Loves hand holding and big hugs. Bone crushing hugs. Your back will let out a few cracks.
-If you're not American, he will refuse to believe so. Oh you're mexican? Not anymore. European? Nah, you just have a special accent. Oh, you speak another language other than English? Nah you weren't born with that language, you just learned it and is scaringly fluent with it.
-Speaking of speaking another language, he will make you translate what he says to that language. He could use hours with that. Be prepared.
-Will ask you at some point to get naked and covered in honey with him, its unavoidable. He will respect you if you say no, but he will be visibly disappointed. Don't worry though, he'll forget. If you accept though? Oooh boy, i hope you're ready for burn marks for when Soldier tries to rocket jump naked with you...
-Uses nicknames such as Cupcake, maggot and sometimes honey.
-I hope you're fine with raccoons, because you WILL have to help him care for his. Don't worry though! I'm sure none of them have rabies... I hope.
-Will take you out training with him, but lets you train in your own pace. Of course, if you ask him, he will help, he can just be a little rough with it sometimes.
-What i'm hinting at is; shower with him. Force him into that goddamn shower. Force him under that hot water and scrub him THOROUGHLY. He may resist at the start, but he'll eventually come to really enjoy it.
-He's not a big fan of having his helmet off, but that doesn't mean he never has it off. Just rarely. He does it much more often when you two are in private.
-He sleeps like a plank. He lays flat on his stomach, arms down by his side, and i hate to break it to you, but he snores. Loudly. Loud and proud cuz 'merica. Do cuddle into him though, he likes that.
-Overall, he would be a fine boyfriend! Maybe a little loud, rough and pushy at first, but after establishing some boundaries, you're all good to go!
I hope you enjoyed this anon! I rly wanted to write more, but i didn't want this to be too long... If you do want more, don't be afraid to ask for a part 2!
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fruit-salad-ship · 1 year
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She's returned from Hisui, some mons find her out in the field in the same spot where she was taken, unconcious and hurt badly, but alive, Val in her arms even in her state. Theyre rushed to the labs, and despite brutal injury, should be fine. Val's put in the ICU, the staff do not leave her alone, if anything were to happen to that pokemon Peach would lose it.
The professor herself is taken home, dosed to the hilt with pain meds, and put in bed after being cleaned up a little, checked out. Some broken ribs, fractures in the hands, a knuckle completly shattered, the healing mons come to her, repair what they can, but theres not a lot to be done about broken bones, those just take time.
Grey cannot explain the clothes, the scars that she never had, healed and seemingly old now, nor the changes in her physical apperance, hairs longer than it was that morning, she's somehow bigger? the notable white streak in the hair??? Only thing she's got on her is a half filled notebook tucked away in a pocket, small but hers, full of scribbles, sketches, mons long extinct in some cases, unusual variants, some kid he's never seen, Val, scenery. Plum in particular thumbs through it for a long while, unaware that this woman had any artistic skill, but it had to be her right? Thats her hand writing... some of it in Ancient Hisuian????? A pretty dead language these days. She said she was from Sinnoh but didnt expect this level of knowedge from her.
Takes 13 hours for her to wake up, the longest 13 hours theyve sat through, neither able to sleep, pacing around the house. When she's finally awake, totally buzzed from painkillers, nothing feels real, its out of body, touching stuff is abstract, the feeling is all wrong, heads fuzzy, she hit the deck pretty hard during the battle with Arcaeus, body went through a lot, she recalls falling for a long time, the impact should have broken her back, cracked her head, but here she is. She must be dead, this is a dream, being back home again like this is not new, she's had this dream so many times since leaving.
It is Val, waking in the ICU and demanding Booker comes to see her immediatly that is the turning point. Since peach left, she'd used taste to ground herself, when dreams felt too real, when reality felt off, taste stays the same. There when youre awake, gone if youre in a dream, or even an illusion. Val tells the Teddiursa to get some potent tasting berry and force feed Peach, only then will she realise this is the real timeline she was suppost to be in. Bob ambles in and sits with Val for the rest of her rest, old friends.
Once Peach realises she's home, truly, her thoughts immediatly go to her partner, and despite dizzy head and a body full of breaks and bruises, she gets on her feet, staggers her way to the labs, finds her partner, in just a bad a way as she is. The two sit together and say nothing, they dont need to. She waits until Val wakes up again, in and out of rest, petting bob as he dozes close. They've gone through hell and back, and now, with her partner, she makes the joke, the one she's sat on the whole time, recalling their original weekend holiday plans.
"Maybe we'll get to go camping now." knowing neither want to be anywhere but curled up at home right now. They fought god and came out alive, fuck camping.
Days pass recovering, neither well, but alive, repairing, it takes time. And in that time, Peach tells her loved ones everything, every lie, every hidden secret, all out on the table, Val even shares some memories with Grey and Plum, who have both a million questions, and new found deep understanding for her personlaity and behaviours now. She is sorry, painfully so, and sees she's made a lifetime of mistakes, too afraid to lose what she'd gained, the good in her life something she was not willing to risk, but in being secretive, she was putting them in danger. If they left now, she would understand, theyre free to do whatever they need to. Grey looks at Plum, a moment passing, before the pair get up. Peach thinks to leave, accepting it, but they wrap her up in their arms and squeeze as much as her damaged body can take.
They're sad for her, she has not had it easy by any means, but after being handed that shitshow of a childhood, Peach made something good of her life, and that takes real strength.
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tryingtofindava · 5 months
Hi- this is May be a bit of a little darker/rougher request but-
Can you make a hurt comfort fic for Tim from marble hornets? Maybe he gets a knock on his door late at night, he opens up and its his s/o (they/them) coming over because theyve been having a rough moment with their mental health (mostly involving suicidal thoughts,though they never act on it or hurt themself) and feeling very alone and needing the attention and care of their boyfriend, If I recall correctly hes got run Ins with this kinda stuff before (as he was at risk of suicidal tendencies cannonically), so ig it wouldnt be surprising to him to deal w it.
If thats a little too out of your depth (which is fine!/gen) just write Tim comforting a lonely reader.
I looved your cuddle hcs. Thanks in advance! You write for all of them so well! (And accurately! Which is rare in the fandom since theres a lot of bleed thru from the fanon iterations of tim/brian).
Have a nice day!
𝐓𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐬 𝐢𝐧 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐑𝐚𝐢𝐧 || 𝐓𝐢𝐦 𝐖𝐫𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭 𝐱 𝐒𝐮𝐢𝐜𝐢𝐝𝐚𝐥! 𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫*ೃ༄
tw: suicidal thoughts, angsty lil fic with a ton of comfort.
a/n: this is a teeny bit short
: ̗̀➛Back to Source
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The heavy rain was pelting against the windshield of your car, as you parked it along the gravelly ground next to your boyfriends house.
You step out the car, the rain and your tears mixing together, the weather had already soaked you to the bone. You trudged forward to the cabin. (Which Tim had been staying at currently.)
Knocking on the door lightly, but hard enough to be heard over the rain. A few seconds later, you watched as Tim opened the door cautiously.
You saw the relief on his face when he realised it was just you, but that quickly turned to concern when he saw your tears flowing freely down your cheeks.
He opens the door wider, and it doesn’t take long before you practically pounce on him. Arms wrapping around his neck tightly. Like if you were to let go he’d vanish.
He slowly wraps his arms around your wet, cold, and shaking form. His brows furrowed as he stroked your back comfortingly.
He pulls you inside, so you don’t get even more soaked then you already were. He looks at you with a questioning look gracing his features.
Your voice cracks and breaks as you try and get out the words, you never thought it would be this difficult to speak up about your feelings. You take a deep breath, trying to calm yourself. You then start slowly explain how you’ve been feeling for the past few months.
How your mental health had been dwindling.
The scary thoughts you’d been getting.
He stared at you, feeling incredibly guilty, he’d been through this before… He should’ve noticed the changes in your behaviour. He should have noticed the signs.
He pulls your shaking form into another hug.
“Don’t you ever forget I’m right here.”
He whispers in your ear, placing a hand against your face, wiping your tears away.
“And I always will be.”
As long as he’s there, he’ll make sure nothing bad happens. Safe to say he won’t be leaving your side for a good long while.
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pacifymebby · 1 year
Alfie Solomons / All Things Must Pass
Reader is having a ptsd episode at work when Alfie finds her
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You had that hollow feeling again, that nauseous shallow feeling in your chest and in your bones. The ache that hurt but didn't feel real. The ache that made you feel like you weren't real.
You stood behind a stack of books starring at your trembling fingers, not sure whether they were really your trembling fingers or not. Your mind had fuzzed again. There were things you were supposed to be doing but you weren't doing anything. You couldn't do anything. Somewhere at the back of your brain the list of tasks you'd been given that morning by your boss hovered like fruit flies, barely there at all. The last little tethers connecting you to reality, floating and buzzing but hardly hanging on. Hardly getting through to you because the fog was so thick.
You'd been full of the jitters that morning as you left the little room you rented in Camden Town. You'd jumped at every sharp sound, unable to focus as the bright morning light got in your eyes and the ruckus from the market overwhelmed your senses. You were trembling as you crossed the bridge over the Thames and took your usual cut down by the lock. And when you'd stepped out in front of a horse and cart because somehow - somehow! - you hadn't noticed it, you'd feared not the horse whinnying, hooves kicking up on it's hind legs, but for the man who had shaken his fists and cursed at you reaching for the whip beside him as if to thrash you with it.
You'd cried out, tears in your eyes as you'd fled the scene without looking back, scurrying like a frightened mouse the rest of your journey until finally you'd found yourself in the little bookshop where you worked 10 hours a day for very little money. Still, there were much worse jobs to have and the quiet little shop hardly ever visited, was a haven of yours. A dimly lit little hideaway which shielded you from the hustle and bustle of the grimy city you lived in.
You'd been relieved to close the little door behind you and close your eyes for a moment, pressing your palms flat to the wood, reminding yourself that the dread which overwhelmed you outside would soon pass. You'd feel alright again soon.
You had to feel alright again soon. There were books to be sold. Money to be made.
But that had been hours ago and despite your best efforts you hadn't been able to drag yourself back from that doomed precipice you'd teetered over that morning. All day you wandered around the book shop trembling, eyes darting around the room, your senses in overdrive, every sound startling you; the bell above the door, the voice of a customer just asking for your help, the jingle of coins falling and scattering across the counter when someone dropped their change.
By the early afternoon you felt physically and emotionally shattered. Like you were a piece of fine china which had been broken and then tenuously pieced back together. The glue barely holding your shape. You felt like the smallest breeze might be enough to see you crumble, turn into dust on the mosaic floor beneath your feet.
And whats left after your senses have driven you over the edge? Once the day has ground you down? Theres only so long that adrenaline can last and when it begins to fade, when it begins to drain from your body it takes a little bit of your soul with it. You feel as though you've been dragged from yourself. As though someones cracked you open and scooped your insides out, left you nothing but a hollow shell. A broken teapot glued back together, about to break again.
Thats how you felt then as you gazed emptily down at your fingers. Your chest ached with the hollow sorrow which cocooned around you now. Your mind a thick cloud, darker than the smog which lingered over London Town. And this time when the bell above the door jingled you didn't even hear it. Didn't notice anyone come in at all.
"Y/N?" a voice called out from the doorway, their tone as if they'd already called out to you three or four times. That air of concern which knitted a frown on your brow as you concentrated hard on pulling yourself out of the smog for just long enough to recognise him.
"Alf?" you forced a tiny smile as you poked your head from round the stack of books which had hidden you from him, "whatre you doing here?" you asked, your voice strange to the man who knew you so well. He could tell you didn't feel yourself.
"Ah there you are zieskiet," he smiled, his crooked smile tugging at the corner of his scarred cheek, "was beginning to think the tyrant had given you that holiday you deserve..." he said trailing off as he stepped closer to you, got a better look at you.
When he raised his hands to your face and held your cheeks in his palms the frown etched onto his brow and the familiar concern which softened his eyes told you it was no good trying to pretend anymore.
"What you doin hiding away in behind all these books eh?" he asked quietly, his usually gruff voice quieter as he spoke to you.
You looked up at him with guilty glowing eyes, little tears gathered just above your lower lashes, threatening to spill if he kept being so soft with you.
"Hiding..." you said, the sad little smirk on your lips almost enough to break the old man's unbreakable heart.
"Right," he said, his calloused thumb brushing your cheek slowly, "right I thought that might be your answer zieskiet..." he mused, "yeah, I thought that might be the case... Alright then..." he said thinking carefully, looking around the huge stack of books which hid you away from the rest of the store. "Alright poppet," he said, "s'alright your Alfie's here now ain't he, no more hidin for you now eh," he said wrapping his big arms around you and holding you tightly to his chest, resting his chin atop your head as he closed his eyes and thought carefully about what he would do next.
This was a side to the older man which only ever came out for you and you knew that if anyone else around Camden town were to walk in and see him now they would presume their eyes decieved them. That it wasn't the infamous Alfie Solomons holding you so careful and tender in the middle of that mustu bookshop. That it was just someone who looked a little like him, that when they thought about it this man really didn't resemble the callous and cut throat man they were thinking of. But it was, the very same Alfie Solomons who put fear into the hearts of all who knew him. He was the only man on this earth who could pacify you, who could make you feel so safe and secure with the simplest of sentences, the simplest of gestures.
As he held you then, his lips pressed firm but gentle in your hair, you felt your trembling temprement begin to settle. Your nerves beginning to ebb because he was here now, your Alfie, and he was going to do as he always did. Fix everything.
."Right then," he mused, "gonna tell you what's gonna happen next alright poppet," he said kissing your head again, kissing your temple once or twice between words as he rocked you gently and did his best to steady you. "Gonna help you shut up shop for the day..."
"Alfie no!" you gasped looking up at him with wide startled eyes but he just raised his thumb to your lips and pressed down gently on them to hush you.
"I'm not finished yet zieskiet," he mumbled with a soft smirk. "I'm gonna help you close up right, because there ain't no ammount of money you can earn for that miserable bastard boss if yours thats worth you spending your day looking so forlorn right..." he said brushing your cheek with his thumb, as he carried on talking to you in that meandering easy way of his.
"Then I'm gonna take you straight home yeah, you and me, we're gonna go straight home right and you're gonna sit down and take those deep breaths you do and I'm gonna draw you a nice hot bath yeah, relax those tired little muscles of yours, wash your lovely lovely hair... " murmured stroking his fingers through your hair as he spoke, one hand tangled, the other holding your lower back, using his hips to move you side to side in a slow and gentle current.
Your eyes had fluttered shut and when he kissed his lips softly over your eyelids you couldn't hide your smile. Your cheeks blossoming a pretty little shade of red.
"Then I'm gonna bundle you up in the softest towels and carry you straight to your bed where, if you ask me zieskiet, you should have stayed this morning instead of abandoning it and me in exchange for this dreary little cave..."
"This dreary little cave is my..." you tried to tell him you needed the job, you'd tried to tell him that so many times already however and you knew Alfie wouldn't listen. He was stubborn about these things, the things he believed to be the best for his girl.
"Ah ah ah don't start that again my little zieskiet, me an you both know that old cunt don't pay you enough..." he said ever defensive of you, ever convinced that nothing, absolutely nothing would ever be good enough for you. "And besides, if you stay a minute longer, he'll have to pay you for being here right... And I've been already decided yeah, that I ain't leaving your side for the rest of the day right... Which means me yeah, thats Alfie fuckin Solomons, the fuckin grudge of Camden Town yeah, infamous gangland one man horror show... Is gonna be loitering yeah, fuckin lingerin in this murky little... This - quite frankly - dusty old shithole... And there ain't a soul in Camden Town who isn't gonna come in here, set their bookish little eyes on me and fuckin flee to the fuckin high hills of... I don't know... "he trailed off with a shrug, "Durham or somewhere I don't know..."
He was smirking to himself by the time he'd finished, partially amused by his own eccentiricity, how even he'd lost track of what he was saying half way through saying it because he'd been adding those extra embellishments to try and draw a smile from you. Partially because he knew he was right and he knew that you knew he was right, and he was feeling pretty smug about the fact that the both of you knew you couldn't argue with the unfathomable depths of his logic.
"So either way no books are gettin sold today zieskiet, not by you anyway... For fear of soundin like that commie Shelby girl who's always shoutin outside parliament eh, if your boss wants to make his money today he's gonna have to get off his lazy good for nothin arse and fuckin make it himself..."
You giggled then, Alfie's apparent hatred for your boss, who was in reality a very meek and mild mannered, bookish type of man, amusing you, leaving a smile on your face which lit you up a little and eased Alfie's worries for you slightly too.
"There we are," he smirked rubbing his thumb over your smiling lips, poking your dimple affectionately, "thats better eh, a proper view to behold that is poppet," he said leaning down to brush a kiss to your lips,taken back when you latched onto him, clutching at the cotton of his shirt and kissing him back a little harder than either of you had expected you to.
You couldn't help it though. There was something about his over protective streak that, when it came out on days like to day, made you feel like the luckiest girl in the world. Made you feel like his kisses were the oxygen you breathed, the water you drank, and you were suddenly so very thirsty.
He chuckled as he pulled away, caressing your cheek with the back of his hand before taking your face in his palms and framing your beautiful expression.
You didn't look calm or even happy but you did look a little more settled. More than that you were looking up at him with these grateful sparkling eyes, little tears there, struggling to swallow a lump in your throat because you didn't know how to behave when he was so kind to you at times like this. Times when you felt fragile and lost, when you felt like you were letting him down. How could someone so breakable as you be good enough for him, the one man walking horror show of Camden town?
But he held you so tenderly, as though to him you were the most precious thing in the whole world, as if you were the center of his universe - and you were. And it was hard to doubt yourself when he looked at you so seriously and full of love.
"Come on now my little zieskiet, let's get you home eh, I've come to take you home..." he said gently, holding one of your hands, your still trembling fingers up to his lips and kissing each finger tip delicately one by one, holding your gaze as he did, "gonna take you home and make everythin better eh and you don't need to be scared or worried about anything right cause I'm your old man yeah, and your old man's gonna fix everything now... Gonna make everything better zieskiet, gonna make it all better..."
And like butter in his hands you felt yourself melting for him, your frayed nerves giving in, your mind which had been full ti bursting with arguments and worries and fears, clouding over as you let him take control of everything for you, let him lead you out of that little bookshop, tucked under his arm, all the way back to his house, which was more your home these days than your actual home.
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pocketramblr · 1 year
You mentioned you wanted happy asks for the 5 hc game, so consider:
au where Izuku can use 100% of ofa off the bat without hurting himself like All Might, he is simply unable to lower the percentage below 100%
oh thanks- tho i do think its funny thats about as happy as you can stretch lol
1- so, izuku blows the zero pointer away and doesn't break any bones. part of that's his own body, part of that's uraraka stopping him from going splat. he's very happy, though of course careful not to use his quirk in public or at school- better Aldera doesn't question him suddenly having one, after all.
2- Izuku begins to suspect there's a problem during the quirk assessment test- he's doing great at dashes and jumps and throws, but has very little control- skidding to a stop well after the end of the run, accidentally blowing back the unfortunate classmate behind him, having a long way to run back normally after the jump, breaking the grip test machine, etc. by the time he gets to the ball toss, he's genuinely afraid he's going to change the weather, but well, has to give it ago anyway. (it doesn't change the weather... yet)
3- Aizawa (temporarily) expels Mineta, who in Izuku scoring better was bumped down to 20th place. he says its weird All Might was watching. after, Izuku tells All Might about his concerns, and All Might changes his first lesson- he splits the kids into two groups, based on if they need to focus on getting stronger (Hagakure, Ojiro, Uraraka, etc), or learning more control (Izuku, Kaminari, Aoyama.) Bakugo is in the 'control' group and pissed that he's in the same group as Deku when he obviously needs to get stronger, having not ranked first the other day. All Might tries to explain that's because he saw Bakugo blow up at a classmate but Bakugo just ignores him and moves to the power group instead. (very... real high school teacher experience there). Todoroki's also in the control group mostly because All Might figured he didn't need more ice power, but he stays to snoop on Izuku and AM being kinda sus.
They still don't make much progress on Izuku using less than 100% tho
4- USJ... Izuku and Tsuyu are on the boat, and Izuku very carefully does the smallest jump he can manage to offset OfA's power, but he and Tsu still clear the entire USj and crack the cement when they land. Tsu goes to help the others and Izuku goes to help Aizawa, throwing a punch at Shigaraki and let's just say, Tomura is sooooooo lucky the nomu jumped in the way because yeah. Nomu gets sent back and Shigaraki is like ".... hey thats supposed to handle All Might at 100%" and izukus like "..... is it now". So Izuku's basically jumping back and forth to hit and get away from nomu to keep anyone else from being injured again, but he's not as practices as All Might and the whole plaza is getting torn up for it, sometimes he ends up jumping too far into another area, etc.
but at the end when All Might gets there, they get to both beat up Nomu together so that's cool :) they deserve more team fights
5- after, RG insists on checking All Might over and Izuku too, even though he says he's fine, and once they're alone RG yells at All Might that if he isn't going to call Gran Torino, she is, since not being able to control his output level is putting him at risk, but also every single one of his classmates- what's he supposed to do once they start training against each other?? Toshinori sighs, but agrees.
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georgiaheartsdilfs · 2 years
Kol ruins your dates all the time you lash out and you ask him what his problem is. He doesn't say anything so you scream at him more, he ends up kisses you, then it hits you why. He wants to be with you but he didn't know how to tell you.
Thanks, For Ruining Yet Another Date. | Kol Mikaelson x Reader
my masterlist ↪M A S T E R L I S T
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"so you like pasta?" he says "obviously" I say making him laugh. I had been on a date with a guy named Oliver for the past hour. It wasn't a bad date but I had been on far better dates than this.
"right, right you did order pasta, my bad." he chuckles covering his mouth that was full of food "its fine" I laugh gently.
Oliver and i met through a mutual friend from my work, she says that he's a great guy and that a few things could go wrong but not majorly wrong which made me laugh.
"When was the last time you dated someone?" Oliver asks and I shrug "god the last guy I was, uh 3 years maybe. It's been a while thats what I can say. What about you?" I ask politely.
"Way too long ago, maybe a decade? maybe more." he says causing me to raise an eyebrow. "that's long" I say as he scoffs "tell me about it, i mean you know i've talked to women here and there but I never got past talking to them." he says making me laugh out loud.
Noticing that no one else was laughing I quickly stop "it's fine, it's a good story to tell." he says and I nod "yeah it is." I laugh.
The conversation continues, it started getting late so Oliver offered to walk me home since my house wasn't far from the restaurant we were currently eating at.
On the walk home he place his jacket over my shoulders "thanks" I smile to him "just practising for the next date." he shrugs and I chuckle "so when's the next date?" I ask him.
"Never" a voice interrupts followed by the snapping sound of a bone, spinning around I notice Oliver was no where to be seen so I start looking in every possible direction up, left, right, down "OH MY GOD." I scream.
Oliver was dead on the floor, his head almost off his neck I fall to my knees "oliver?" I whisper "Oliver?" I start slapping him, it wasn't bright of me to do, but I did it anyways.
"looks like your date ghosted you." a british voice cuts me off, I look up to see Kol with a smug look on his face as if he was about to crack from his poorly timed joke "you did this!" I say almost wanting to yell at him but not. Instead I slap his cheek as hard as I could, channelling all my anger and turning it into power.
"ouch, i felt that one." he says rubbing his tongue along the inside of his cheek "you better, you just killed my date." I say under my breath "now how are we suppose to get rid of the body Kol." I throw my arms out in the air "oh please, I can get rid of this limp thing in no time, it's fine." he shrugs "NO IT'S NOT FINE" i yell at him "YOU KILLED MY DATE" I continue.
I push him back angrily "YOU ALWAYS DO THIS, I HAVE A GREAT NIGHT AND YOU KILL THEM JUST BECAUSE YOU CAN." now it was dark, the moon was out and it was bright but not bright enough for everyone to see Kol and I standing next to a dead body.
"WHAT THE FUCK IS YOUR PROBLEM? WHY DO YOU ALWAYS KILL MY DATES WHY CAN'T YOU KILL BEKAHS OR MARCELS FOR CRYING OUT LOUD." my voice was louder than it had ever been, my anger fuelling the volume of my voice.
Kol stands there, the expression on his face still smug and proud of yet another death that is not only on his hands but also on mine because it was my date.
"WHAT AM I SUPPOSE TO TELL SOMEONE WHEN THEY ASK 'HEY WHERE IS OLIVER?' HOW AM I SUPPOSE TO TELL THEM OH THIS PHSYCO THAT I KNOW KILLED HIM RIGHT BEFORE MY EYES AND I DID NOTHING." my voice remained loud, any remaining human or supernatural that was once standing near us had now disappeared at the sound of my furious voice.
"OR SHOULD I JUST SAY THAT AN OLD FRIEND OF MINE CAME TO TOWN, OH DID I MENTION HE IS A MURDEROUS RAGING PSYCHOTIC BITCH." slapping him once more before he grabs my cheeks, pulling me in and placing his lips on mine.
After a while he pulls apart, pointing down at Oliver's limp body "just hit a snag." he started scratching the back of his head.
I point between Oliver and Kol "holy shit, i get it now." my jaw drops in amazement, how truly fucked Kol was.
"you, you. Kill my dates because you can't stand me with other people. You want to be the person I go on dates with." I point to him, squinting at him waiting for him to nod "Well I-" "Honesty is the best policy Kol." I places my hands on my hips.
"Don't ever use outdated phrases." he rolls his eyes "Don't lie to me, you love me." I say "You say that when the guy you went on a date with is dead on the floor, y/n, don't flatter yourself." he scoffs.
"But I do." he mumbles walking off I kick Oliver's dead body before running after Kol "Thanks, For Ruining Yet Another Date." I nudge him and he shrugs "I thought you would have gotten a hint the first time." he clears his throat "So we're just leaving him?" I ask Kol and he nods.
"I'm dropping you off and we'll talk about this tomorrow." he says "Now." I grab his arm stopping him "Now?" he says nervously "Yes, Now." I say sternly.
"So I may slightly be in love with you, that's all." he says chuckling shortly afterwards trying to brush it off "wow. how unlucky am I to have a Mikaelson fall in love with me." I smack my lips "very unlucky." he says making me laugh.
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the pack & mates dealing after the newborn battle
summary: The first few hours after the wolf pack returns to Billy’s house with the literally broken Jacob and reader mc being reunited with Embry. It’s all just pain and fluff
information: written in second person, no mention of y/n, could be read as genderneutral, fluff, pain, everyone is just numb with shock, Embry is imprinted on reader, talks about multiple relationships
authors note: I didn’t go to bed because I felt guilty about posting none-Twilight stuff so to proof a point, here a fic, thats been collecting dust on my PC for probably two years+ 
When the pack rushed in, carrying a screaming Jacob everything happened quickly. 
Between you opening the door for them all, to Dr. Cullen closing Jacobs door behind him, it seemed as if only seconds had passed.
You, Emily, and Kim had come over as soon as Charlie had left and waited there for the pack to come back. 
The scream in the woods was only able to tell you that it was bad. Not how bad or for whom it was bad. 
In the minutes after the initial scream none of you knew if your partner had even made it off that field and Emily almost cried in relief when Sam yelled towards the house to let the girls know they were coming.
Kim and Jared leaned against the couch on the floor.
You all sat together in the living room, cramped onto the small couch and on the floor.
Emily had stopped cooking.
For the first time in forever no one in the pack felt like eating. Instead, she rested her head against Sam’s shoulder, holding his hand tight and pressing her eyes together even closer whenever a cracking bone was audible from Jacobs room.
She sat between his legs and drew circles on his arms and hands while humming a melody you had never heard before. She seemed to be able to tune out the pain of Jacob’s screams entirely, but Jared’s full body twitched whenever they filled the room. 
Then Kim grabbed one of his hands from her waist and kissed it, before tuning out again. You and Embry sat in the armchair, you had your arms wrapped around his neck and ran your fingers through his hair. 
All you knew was that he seemed traumatized and exhausted and scared and tired. They all did. 
You tried to make him fall asleep, but every time Jacob’s cracking bones followed by screams filled the room, he squeezed you a little tighter, pressing his face a little more onto your neck.
You were about a hundred percent sure that he was crying but could not see his face to be sure.
It seemed like forever until Dr. Cullen opened the door again and explained that Jacob was going to be fine after all. He told you that Jacob was going to be in pain when he woke up, and that you should be prepared for that.
“The Morphine should take him out for a while but I have no idea how to dose it for your kind. I hope he is out for bit. I would advise you all to go home and sleep a little. God knows you deserve it.” 
He shook Billy’s hand and then left the house without another word.
For the first time in what felt like forever something like peace entered the small hut. For a short minute no one said anything. Embry had stopped crying and you liked to believe that he finally fell asleep.
Billy was the first to say something: “The Doc’s right, you kids should go home, get a good night of sleep” and with that he turned around to his room and disappeared behind his door.
Kim was the first to get up and she pulled up Jared right after.
“We’re gonna go home, okay?” She said caressing his cheek with her hand and smiling lightly. He only nodded. The circles under his eyes were just as dark as the ones of the other boys.
He probably could have fallen asleep on the spot. 
“Wait, wait” Emily struggled off the couch and walked over to hug him. It was a motherly hug full of relieve and tiredness.
You got up as well and walked up to them. 
“I need one too” you said before wrapping your arms around his torso and hugging him tightly. He hugged you back and rested his chin on your head.
Then he broke you apart and waved one last time at the group. 
Paul got up as well and he already had a cocky smile back on his face, as he walked up to you with his arms open. You were too tired and too relieved to be annoyed by it and so instead you just wrapped your arms around his neck and let him lift you off your feet.
He laughed, as he set you back to the ground where you gave him a peck on the cheek. As Emily hugged Paul, you were hugging Sam. 
Quietly you said goodbye to each other until it was only you, Quil and the sleeping Embry. Neither of them would leave Jacobs side and you were not going to leave Embry alone for even one more second. 
So, you sat with Quil on the couch and watched Embry sleep in the armchair.
The house lay completely quiet for a couple of hours and as much as you tried, you could not help but be pulled into the darkness for at least a little while.
“You know you could lay down and sleep. I’ll wake you if Jake needs anything” You offered when you noticed that Quil could hardly keep his eyes open.
As he slid down against you and onto your lap he said “I don’t know what you mean. I am not,” he yawned “tired at all” he reached for your hand and put it on his head and as you started to run your nails over his skull, he drifted out of consciousness.
You woke up with the first sun rays touching your face. Slightly disturbed you got up to close the curtains and then decided to check in on Jacob. His room lay completely dark, but he turned his head towards you when he heard the door.
“Hey Superman” you said smiling as you closed the door behind you to walk up to his window and let some fresh air in.
“How are you doing? Do you need anything?” You decided to leave the curtain partially open, just enough to give the room a slightly spooky smokey lightning. When you turned around, you saw Jacobs face for the first time. It was sweaty… in pain. He closed his eyes before he spoke, trying to find the right words in the darkness.
“It hurts” he pressed forward between his lips and as he opened his eyes a tear rolled down his temples.
Never had you felt this sorry for anyone in your life and as proud as Jacob usually was, he did not mind you running the wet cloth on his night stand over his forehead.
“You’re burning Jake” He just swallowed as you dripped some of the water into his hair and on his chest.
“Then everything’s just as it’s supposed to be.” He answered without looking at you.
“Jake this isn’t normal, you’re so much hotter than Embry.” You heard it as you had said it and bit your lip when Jacob smiled a little at you. You rolled your eyes.
“Okay, yeah I heard it too, I’ll give you that one.” He seemed a little more relaxed after that.
“Do you want me to get you some water? Like to drink” He smiled again and that time he looked like he was in a little less pain than before.
“Yeah, that’d be nice.”
The house still lay quiet.
Jacob chunked his water and fell asleep again shortly after.
Even though it was morning by then, the sky was still dark, and it rained.
So, you climbed into his lap and kissed the top of his head. He cuddled into your chest and you wrapped your arms around him.
You thought about checking on Billy but decided that it might have been a little weird for you to peek into his bedroom and after walking about the house a little you decided to sit with Embry for a while.
He was still sleeping on the armchair, but you were convinced that there was nothing, that could have woken him.
For a while, the only thing you could hear was his calm regular breathing. You could feel him moving under you when you had almost gone back to sleep.
“Embry?” You whispered as he wrapped his arms around your closer,
"mhh" he answered as he placed some small kisses on your neck. You smiled and pulled his head away so you could look at him.
“Good morning handsome” you said and before he could answer, you kissed him passionately. He responded, after a few seconds of surprise and kissed you back just as loving.
When you broke the kiss, he smiled at you a little confused and you knew that all was going to end well.
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persephone11110 · 1 year
Gaining Another Pilot
parental tom kazansky x reader
Warnings: past child abuse, child neglect, abadoment, slight injuries, low self esteem in self, parental tom kazansky
Summary: Reader got accustomed to being self sufficient as a little girl, always stitching herself, making her own food—depending and relying on only herself. She was alot older than the daggers, older than Bradley, she doesn’t need help anymore….doesn’t deserve it. What if Iceman showed her it was okay to be dependent on others.
callsign: Athena , Last Name: Matthews
- readers a captain, and Pete was promoted to Admiral after the successful uranium mission.
- instead of canon bradley being Maverick’s wingman, Reader is. in TPGM: Bradley’s 38 so Reader is 44
Ice was awoken to a phone call at 3’oclock in the morning, his eyes still crusted, still in pajamas. “Yes this is he, Admiral Kazansky”.
He slipped a kiss to Maverick who’s dead asleep on the bed tired still exhausted from the uranium mission. Out of karma he assumed , Ice’s bones cracked reminding of his age, and all the times he ejected during a mission.
Ice’s footsteps creaked down the stairs as he walked down them leading himself to the front door leaving to go and get a pilot of his.
Yet, when he entered the kitchen he was reminded of a man he met three decades ago, a man who was husband who acted just like he was going to go see.
Leaving him a little a note that read “ Cpt Athena Matthew”.
Ice nodded his head acknowleding the person in charged of Athena’s case”Doctor Masons”.
The doctor raised her eyes from the file”Admiral, I was guessing it was going to be you seeing that Admiral Mitchell was here a couple of weeks ago”
He thought back to couple of weeks ago, Maverick almost died—Ice almost buried his friend, and husband; the man thats make getting up ten times easier.
The amount of times he spent in the waiting room waiting to hear his husband was alive after pulling dangerous stunts.
And when he had cancer. The aggressive chemotherapy, fainting spells, a time were Ice and Maverick believed Ice was spending the summer underground.
Pushing his thoughts back soley focusing on Athena and only her.
“How’s Captain Matthews” Ice looked at her hospital door as if he had xray vision to see her.
“Her last ejection gave her level 1 concussion, and broken hand, thankfully thats all she suffered from were grounding her for three days and after that she needs to comeback for reevaluation” Doctor Masons read off the file.
“But I will say this Tom, there are injuries that healed incorrectly due to lack of medical care… something that happens to a child”. With those words the doctor left Ice alone infront of Athena’s room.
He knew what those injuries meant he had some himself. Injuries that have gone untreated and they heal forcefully wrong.
Ice also knew what felt to feel nothing, to feel like nothing, unworthy of love. He wasn’t about to allow his kid to feel it too, Ice would walk through hell if it meant showing Athena how much she means to the team, to him and Maverick.
He pushed the door open, expecting a sleeping pilot not a woman packing her small luggage.
She stopped like a deer caught in headlights“Sir”, Athena turning around ready to salute.
“Were not at work Athena” he reminded her gently. “Looks like your escaping”, again something Maverick has done too many times to count, more and more times Ice thinks this kid related to his husband.
“Ice, and no not escaping just preparing myself to leave”
Ice stood near the bed“Mhm” he inspected her eyes, they were blank—lacking guilt, anger, remorse. Facade Ice said to himself, fully knowing this was going to take awhile—her reputation proceeded her as heartless monster who didn’t care.
Ice knew better, its the reflection of a little girl who wasn’t cared for as a child, a little girl who spent more time in the hospital than outside. A child who knew how to do makeup as it sole purpose was to hide bruises.
“How are you doing kiddo?”
“Fine” Athena answered automatically.
Stubborn as a bull, maybe even worse.
He’s going have to try another angle, this isn’t working.
“Athena, cut the bullshit” he said staring at her sternly, “Want to tell me why you jeopardized the mission” he asked her, but God did this make his heart hurt more. He didn’t give a damn about the mission, only about his kid.
She sat up straighter than an arrow, her eyes glimmering with nothing“Admiral Kazansky I’m deeply sorry, send me on another mission, or punish me and I’ll prove to you that I am sorry Sir” he watched her eyes grow darker again.
He needed a bottle of scotch, and to kill whoever put those words into Athena’s head.
Who told Athena that her life was so worthless?
Who told her she didn’t deserve to tell her side first?
Athena’s facade was still holding up, yet he was getting closer to breaking it.
“Captain Matthews, explain to me why you stayed behind the other pilots when they left? to go to safety?” Ice questioned her, turning his back from her walking to the window staring out of it.
“Sir I was told to complete the mission unless there was danger around me, I’ve flown many missions while in danger and have still finished successfully”, her voice growing colder as she spoke yet Ice could hear confusion leaking into in her voice.
“Yes, you finished the mission Captain but at what cost?” he asked her turning to face her“Your life was at stake”. he getting ready to open his mouth when Athena cut him off.
“It would be better sir” she spoke “Better than the others, no point of wasting taxpayers billions of dollars”
Blood ran cold in Ice’s body he wasn’t mad at her he never was. He was mad at the people that have made Athena think her life was expendable.
He wanted to pace his anger out, but fearing he would scare the younger captain.
She looked back up at him again her eyes now scared and fearful.“Sir I like to turn my wings in”.
“I don’t want this to happen again, I don’t want waste anyone’s time or money”.
Ice’s heart broke into more pieces, how dare someone made her think like this.
He sat down on the bed —his face softened.
“Athena look at me please” her eyes staring into his waiting for an punishment to be given.
She was ready, ready to bare her skin.
“You are worthy”, Athen shoke her head, allowing tears to slip down her face. She looked away from him desperately wanting him not see her vulnerable.
“You are worthy”
“You are worthy”
Your loved, your not broken”
A sob cut off Ice speaking, “I-Im sorry” she said again but more emotional this time.
“Come here” he told her, she threw face into his chest.
More sobs came, they got louder before she calmed.
“Shh, shh sweetheart don’t want you fainting” Ice told her sweetly“Minor injuries don’t mean anything your still healing”.
His shirt drench in tears, yet he didn’t give a shit.
“Hold on kiddo, let me text Mav” he told slightly letting her go so he could text.
Ice: I secured the kid
Ice waited for his husband to reply.
Maverick: I figure you could wrangle her better than me, she may fly like me but she has your cold exterior.
Maverick was right she flew dangerous, yet hardly expressed her emotions. But her and Ice are going to work on that together,slowly getting her to open up.
Ice: Look like we have another kid, who’s gonna tell Baby Goose he isn’t the eldest anymore?
Ice kissed her head as he leaned his face down.
Maverick: Duck duck Goose, can’t be me Mr. Kazanksy. I’m busy being Admiral :(
His foolish husband forgets he’s the COMPACFLT.
Ice: You are honey, and set up a room for her.
Maverick: okay okay I will and I’m already working on the room.
Ice: Love you Pete
Maverick: Love you too Tom
Later tonight he’s walking out the hospital with a kid again.
What is with this hospital and Ice, Maverick adopting kids?
Who’s knows.
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onepiecegirlypop · 8 months
I had some weird ass dreams when I was in "a coma" Or at least thats what Chopper said. I woke up with Luffy right next to me, sitting with his legs crossed, staring directly at me. His eyes widened when he saw me open my eyes. "SHE'S AWAKE!" Luffy got up, acting like an insane person, waving his hands in the air. "SHE IS AWAKE SHE IS AWAKE!" Everyone rushed is, Chopper already in the room. I noticed how much my back hurt. I felt like I had been laying in bed for 5000 years. I arch my back in pain. "You've been asleep for a week!" Luffy said, Hugging me. Chopper helps me sit up. every knuckle and bone in my body cracks. I've never felt anything better than this. I hold Luffy's hand and try to stand up. My knees almost buckle but you sit up. "Thanks Luffy" I smile at him and he smiles back. Chopper smiles and changes my bandages. "Your healing well" He says. "except..." Chopper points to your face nervously. I feel my heart beat faster Oh no oh no! what happened! Luffy looks down, a tear goes down his face. "I'm sorry" He says. I swear I flinched when I heard him say that, like I got stabbed. It's hard to imagen his childish brainless ass being sad. so obviously I got kicked in the face when he said that. "Luffy..." I run my hands across his face. He starts crying again. "No no no Luffy it wasn't your fault. I'm fine" I kiss him on the forehead, trying to calm him down. "Y/N just look at your face!" Luffy cries, "It was all my fault" Chopper grimaces. "Maybe she isn't ready to look at her face-" "JUST SHOW HER ALREADY!" Luffy stomps his foot. My heart beats even faster. Luffy is never this upset. What could possibly be so wrong with my face? I take a deep breath, trying to hide my nervousness from Luffy. Chopper sighed and got a hand held mirror. Luffy holds my hand and Chopper gives me a mirror. I got a glimpse of my face and did y best fake smile. "Whats wrong? Now I look cool!" I yelled, trying to cheer Luffy up. Luffy brightens up a tiny bit. I put my hand on his face. "I'm fine" I whisper in his ear. But honestly, on the inside. I thought I looked like a mentally insane weirdo who just escaped the mental hospital, I looked like sally face. I had a massive scar, complete with a black blue and purple bruise. And a scar across my eye. DO YOU KNOW WHAT THAT LOOKS LIKE? Its straight out of a prison movie! I looked even more insane when Chopper put bandages over my face, with purple still showing! Still, Luffy was upset and I haven't even seen my back yet... If i see my back, I don't want Luffy to be here. He would be upset. very upset. He already was that he punched me. especially that I almost drowned, and have a bunch of cuts everywhere, from flying through 2 walls and metal rails. Okay I should probably stop complaining. But it really hurts when Luffy gets upset over it. Every time he sees the wall I smashed through, he will break down. every single time. At least I can boast about being the only person alive to survive one of Luffy's punches, to the head. But still. Luffy is still upset even to this day, there is nothing I can do to make him feel better. So I just keep telling him I look so cool and stuff and then maybe he'll cheer up. Hopefully I can get that hole patched so it won't remind him. But for once, I actually get some peace (with a touch of pain) but Luffy has been quiet lately, its kind of creepy, he just sits there and stares when I read. I'm going to have Nami take him out so he'll get some fresh air. Cause all he does, is stare. stare.
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princesslayia · 1 year
You Don’t need to be the Hero        bakudeku x reader
Author note:  the reader has a earth bending  quirk .
Warnings: Cussing, blood, angst, near death experiences( happens to reader)
bad grammar  
word count:  1,232
‘’Midoriya  come back to UA with us there is no need for you to run.’’ IIda say’s as he and his fellow classmates look at the tired boy.” i’m not going back, DON’T YOU UNDERSTAND I’M TRYING TO PROTECT YOU!’’ screamed midoriya as he looked at his classmates. ‘’Well you're doing a pretty shit job at, now you either bring your ass home or we’ll make you’’ bakugou says as sparks start form in his hands.’’Fine, if thats how its has to be so be it’ with that midoriya stands up pulling his mask back on his face getting in a position to fight. ‘’We don’t have to do this please, midoriya just come back to UA.’’ pleads Urakara as she sees her friends getting in fighting positions. With no hope left she puts on a stern face ready to do whatever it takes to get her friend back.’’you don’t always have to be the damn hero you fucking bitch!’’ yells y/n as she steps in the open ready to strike. “YOU WILL COME HOME !’’ yells bakugou as he flies in the air towards midoriya throwing explosions his way, quickly izuku doges and starts to run to the exit. Before he can make his way to the exit todoroki throws a ice ball his making Izuku stumble a little, anger starts to rise in Izuku as he finally see he will have to actually fight his friends if he wants a chance to leave.green sparks start to surround Izuku as he uses the speed to escape behind him he can hear IIda running after, making a sudden turn hr escapes IIda but not before he sees electricity  being thrown his way’’I DON’T WANT TO DO THIS MAN’’ yells kaminari as he throws another strike his way, quickly izuku doges using black whip to slam kaminari into the ground hard.’’DENKI!’’ yells mina as she runs towards him not before throwing a acid ball towards izuku ‘’ talk to me denks’’ says mina as she slaps his face a little ‘’are you a angle’’ says a denki ‘’OH THANK GOD!’’ yells mina as she hugs denki hard. Looking at  his friends he feels guilt for hurting kaminari, suddenly he feels the ground shake seeing dirt surround y/n as she lifts her hand big rocks start to be throw his, using his lighting sped he doges but before he can strike his attack bakugou throws a huge explosion his way causing him to crash hard in the ground with rocks flying everywhere around him. With a new found anger Izuku gets up cracking his bones he feels as electricity surround him without even thinking he amis right towards bakugou, before the energy could hit bakugou y/n jumps in getting hit flying through the slamming hard into the ground you can hear a loud crack as she lands into the earth. Quickly the anger that Izuku fades as he sees his friend laid out on the ground with her arm twisted in an inhuman way. Running as fast as he can he skids to a stop getting down on his knees to cradle y/n's face’’Y/n hey look at me’’ he whispers as he see her eyes start to slowly close ‘’no no no NO’’ he yells as the girl in his arms goes limp. Everything around him seems to slow down he doesn’t noticed his classmates surround him as he holds y/n closer to him ‘’what did you do’’ bakugou says calmly ‘’WHAT THE FUCK DID YOU DO!’’ bakugou says as he roughly jerks izuku up by his costume ’’I - I didn’t mean to, all I wanted to do was keep you all safe not hurt you’’ he cries as he stares at y/n ‘’we need to get her a hospital’’ he hears someone say ‘’i'm on it ‘’ and with that izuku sees y/n being picked by IIda running his way to the hospital. Still in bakugou's grip izuku stares at him with tears in his eyes ‘’I'm sorry Katsuki’’ bakugou can feel his gaze soften as he lets go of Izuku ‘’come home Izuku ‘’ says bakgou as he holds his hand for the boy to take.
Time skip to the hospital 
It's been a week since the big fight between Izuku Midoriya and his classmate. Since y/n was put in the hospital, luckily the only damage she had was a broken arm and a few cuts but that didn’t stop bakugou nor Izuku staying be her side even if they were threaten to be kick out because the two boys would argue about who was wrong and who was right during the fight’’you know all i wanted to do was protect you and everyone from shigaraki’’ izuku says as he sits on one side of the bed holding y/n’s hand while bakugou was on the other side holding her other hand ‘’ you don’t always have to be the hero dek- izuku’’ bakugou says quietly as he stares at the hand he's holding ‘’kacchan  im sor-’’ suddenly they feel y/n stir awake. Both of the boys stare at each other as they watch the young girl open her eyes groaning in pain ‘’y/n You're awake!’’ Izuku grips her right hand tightly ‘’Not so loud idiot’’ says bakugou as he grips y/ns left hand tightly’’ I’m just happy she's safe kacchan’’ says Izuku as he smiles down at the girl. Finally coming to her senses y/n looks to see both Izuku and bakugou holding her hands tightly ‘’wh-whats going on’’ ‘’this dumbass broke your arm’’ bakugou says glaring at the green haired boy ‘’Y/n I never meant to hurt you, all i wanted was to protect all of’’. y/n grips both of the boys hands tightly’’ come closer bot of you’’ whisper y/n, both of the boys look at each other before leaning close to y/n ‘’If you two ever fight and i'm in the middle of it again I will gladly kill you both’’ the girl says with a smile on her face.’’I’m glad your still the same y/n’’ Izuku says with a laugh. ‘HA like I would give you the chance to kick my ass’’ bakugou says with a real smile on his face. ‘’I have something to tell you guys’’ says izuku as he looks at the floor suddenly nervous for what he was about to say ‘’ Y/n , Bakugou I love you both’’ the boy says not looking up ‘’I know dumbass I read your notebook’’ says bakugou ‘’ YOU DID WHAT!’’ yells the flustered boy ‘’ will ya shut up,we like you too idiot’’ bakugou says grabbing Izuku’s hand ‘’really?’’ he looks at y/n to make sure that she indeed like him like kacchan says  ‘’ It’s true I do like you izuku’’ with sudden joy fills the young boy he kisses y/n ‘’ You little shit I wanted to do that’’ says bakugou as he pushes izuku out of the way not even giving y/n a chance to breath before he kisses her quickly ‘’woah’’ is all the girl could says as she looks at both of the boys happily. ‘’ so does this mean we’re a thing’’ ‘’if you want us to be ‘’ says bakugou as Izuku nods in agreement ‘’I do more than anything’’ y/n says softly as she leans against the green headed boy ‘’ then lets be together forever’’ bakugou says as he leans in giving both izuku and y/n a small kiss on the head.
I Suck at ending stories :(
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starstruck358 · 9 months
Cassiopeia's past part 2
Since its a traditional thing to drink a sacred drink when cassie turns 8, you take a sip, and then you'll have to complete your body by:
Eating a bird for wings
Eat a demon for sharper horns (horns are what store the magic)
Eat pink ribbons for 3 hours ( you will grow a star with nice hot pink ribbons that increase your magic)
Then when you turn ten years old, you'll have a full completion of your body, your hair will turn white, and your skin becomes drippy and pitch black.
You only need the black goo too consume big things and defense (NOT TO USE FOR EATING)
but be careful what you'll do. Once you eat it, you'll become it, but just only a little, its a new power
Anyway... cassie's dad gave her the drink
Cassie: ahhh... that tasted good!
It isn't supposed to be good...
Father: heheh... I made a little deal with the Devil...
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her bones crack while she get worser by the minute
10 hours later...
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Cassie: this stupid gift mother gave to me when I was 4... she married that man
Hoshi: cassie-
Hoshi: maybe we can still watch the stars?
this gift... *breathing heavily* (sniff) that basterd... THAT DRINK,
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Peices fall on the ground... her gift was ruined
Hoshi: FINE! (Stupid little jerk)
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Hoshi: s-she ate his face... t-thats why shes so... m-mean...
Hoshi stepped around him and ran away from home....
Later on... a decade later... he built a spaceship to flee and try to go back home in the sky
The End
(For her story)
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