#//but yeah in the time when he goes by the name seamus
troublewithvampires · 8 months
//me: yeah idk maybe i'd be willing to write teen salvatore with some people on occasion.
me suddenly struck with the idea of how fun it'd be to write this little asshole: ok well,
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castle-dominion · 1 year
going to watch rise 4x1 audio commentary I think. director/exec producer rob bowman, actors jon huertas, seamus dever, tamala jones
while eating supper & you play him well Yeah as much info as short as u can!
TJ: This was a hard day bc everybody was joking around & I had to cry & be serious! She went to go touch her chin but had blood on her
SD: It was hard because usually you're listening to the other actor but here we were both just yelling into our phones walking down the hallway as fast as we can & I'm like "I keep saying your lines bro" TJ: what was really hard was being strapped to that gurney, trying to get lines out, bursting through doors
Good! They got a med tech in there helping choreograph
They didn't show the shove I gave him back tho
Susan sullivan is a great actress. Marta, the butcher of south london. She cuts for emotion, doesn't care what your story board said.
Yeah I was actually thinking about how they wree just... in the hallway. I didn't care tho I just assumed I was being silly.
& [the rifle] is pointing at castle See that's a good director.
your WHAT NOW? I know you called him mystery man, the other name, no not shadow man either, that name: deep throat. Pardon me??
TJ while RB is talking about ILYs & GSWs: could that man be any hotter?
RB: i had to promise stana that I would make her look like a cadaver
RB: did she hear it did she not? Me: Oh who knows? She probably DID hear it, but she claimed to remember everything & there is NO WAY she remembers everything. TJ: Oh she heard it she just chose not to answer
I didn't even notice that the man had two phones, funnily enough it was a flip phone & a touchscreen
"we were scared it was going to be an 80s movie"
TJ, interrupting the convo: OH MY GOD SD: stop looking at my ass TJ: SEAMUS, YOUR BUTT SD: don't look at my ass there TJ: I AM LOOKING AT YOUR BUTT SD: Idk why it was lit so well! TJ: THEY WERE JUST PERKED UP, THEY WERE LIKE SITTING UP HIGH, like boing-oing-oing-oing-oing SD: why did Bill light my ass so-- RB: Children may be watching this *laughter, "sorry," & convo goes back to looking like an 80s movie* my mom when we paused to laugh: (speaking at TJ) "They were just Up There, right at eye level!" *holds her hands up to show how "perked up" his booty was* mister seamus dever if you're reading this (if you are then: why? that's weird) I would like to apologize for the actions of myself & my mom & my (hot+gay) older bro (I'll give u his # /j)
SD: Penny. Jonas. Jerald. PJJ as we--.. as I call her. I didn't even as. RB: affetionately
Well bc she's a woman in a male dominated place. Like big bro's mash character. I had a teacher once, I'd say "yes ma'am" all the time but she said it made her feel old. She told me to call her superstar or smth so I started saying "you got it superstar" & it was nice. She even wrote it on my IPP/PLP/SP once. Then FNAF came out & everyone thought I was quoting freddy but I had been saying it for years before freddy.
Paranoid ryan <3 he wasn't paranoid he was just noid
JH/JE: I shoot [gates] winks every once in a while that's my plan SD/KR: I think you're hitting on her
SD: I like how my character has knowledg eof people magazine RB: seam-lessly ; )
wow ok I just had to make a card, STOP making a card, sign a card that someone miscommunicated with my abt, break down & put away my calligraphy pen, listen to my older brother rant about the new DHMIS (which I'm excited abt too) & then listen to "the one thing they can never replace" by john mulaney. Wow
I was right! When I saw the superhero episode I knew it was her! SD: When my wife saw it she was like "Who is that? Why was she so featured?" & I went 'just keep watching, watch next week.'
NO, there was that one time when they made a bet on a murder & caskett was working on one murder & rysposito was working on the other, ofc eventually they became the same case but other than that
they're just watching now, not commenting
SD: I want to hear her, "hey beckett can you get me a cup of coffee?" 'I WAS SHOT IN THE CHEST'
Oh yeah the nanny episode but no they did not sit on the swingset I love hearing them talk about framing & set & decisions
We're in the middle of a third act & we're like "hey so what's the murder about"
oh I didn't notice they remodeled the captain's office! hm! I'm glad they mentioned & explained that. traditional vs masculine, power, all that good stuff. JH: nice grouping
TJ: Gates has a wedding band on. Is she married? RB: Yes to the guy who killed beckett RB: no, idk TJ: but is she with a guy or a girl? Nah she's sadly def with a man. Everyone: but it's new york, it's new york state, *implying that they can still give her a wife* wait holy crap this is before 2015. ny was 2011 tho apparently.
HOLY CRAP that whistle scared me, my older bro has a whistle that means my little brother & a whistle that means me, like in the sound of music, & whenever I hear it I always look. One time a friend at culinary school just whistled, then my head shot up & I was staring at him & he was kind of scared like "what? why are you looking at me" & I had to explain that my brother's whistle language that was like calling my name. Then he would occasionally do it on purpose just to see me jump in shock "big bro isn't here is he?" & there was actually one time we were both heading in to school late, around 6.45am & he whistled from the other hallway & we were able to say hi.
"some parts of this story are dramatized for impact" "JON LEFT WITHOUT TELLING ANYBODY"
Bubble wrap...?
Yeah. I couldn't even see the amps sorry.
You're a drummer rob? They totally should have had him cameo as the frummer in the band or smth
SD: we're playing that jon (JE) is the only one that can talk to her & I (kr) kind of freeze up. Also u apparently can't lie. espt trained not to give up information RB: PJJ came up to me & asked where she was & I said "You're learning very quickly that they all lie" & she's figuring out what to tolerate & what to punish bc they still solve murders. "& we're trying to figure out how we feel about her"
Beckett's place is a permanent set now!
"I give you enough close-ups, you don't need to say that" SD: when other directors tell me 'take your time think through your lines' I say "When you tell me that I get a visual image of rob bowman looking at a watch" (I think /j) just see rob in editing looking over marta's shoulder (sd speaking as marta) "who directed this, rob?"
What is e4? big speeches? wait is that 3xk number two? Ooh I hope they do commentary on that one wait no it is #4, they would not comment on it, crud.
RB as castle: "I'm just a writer who got bored, now I'm getting scary phone calls from scary people"
TJ: Molly has grown <3 uwu RB: Yeah I remember back when she was sweet TJ, sounding like she'd slap him: She's still sweet! RB: not what I meant SD: She's a cagey adult JH: She's a cagey teenager SD: She's a cagey teenager JH: She's a cagey teenager who thinks she's an adult TJ: She schooled me in some of my scenes!
TJ, interrupting the emotional "let becks solve the case" moment they're discussing: Ok girlie moment, Look at that place! Who wouldn't want that? *nice bed, nice furniture, nice wall,* RB: *continues talking about castle teeing beckett up* SD+JH laugh: nobody followed up to your girly moment 'cause you're the only girl here right now you know that might be fun, have all the gals comment. SK MQ SS TJ, prolific women BTS too
RB: Castle can't lift the mattress & carry the scene at the same time JH+SD: No he just couldn't lift the mattress, it was a heavy mattress
rock star skinny jeans apparently my aunt had a friend who would get dressed in the bathtub & let her pants dry to her skin bc they were that tight
JH: Good thing she's there rn bc esposito would have shot that guy by now TJ: right between the eyes JH: hell yeah (ew, cops are not lawyers nor judges, they don't have that power)
SD: Speaking of shotguns do you know what jon got be for christmas? Um what? I have farming family we have guns, I have metis family we go hunting, but us in the city? We don't. Do regular actors living in the big city have guns? just? have guns? get each other guns for xmas? I thought it was really cool for a sec until I realized that he really had no need for a gun. None of my business tho! Guns are fascinating! I mean, if you want to fight someone, do it the honourable way with fists & feet but this is none of my business. I mean he has to protect his home from the impending apocalypse ig.
for now <3
TJ is SO right.
JH: He's got a touch screen too? SD: He's rich of course he's got a touchscreen
Michael Dorn JH: Fanboy moment, I was wrapped & I just hung out for 45 minutes just bc I wanted to meet him
everyone else: thanks for watching SD: *whistling the outro music*
0 notes
hops-hunny · 3 years
Those Bloody Girls
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Pairing: Neville Longbottom x Beauxbaton!Reader
Pronouns: She/Her
Word Count: 2.2k
Request: “I couldn't sleep soooo
Neville absolutely worshiping his beauxbaton gf but his friends think he's full of shit when he tries to tell them about how fucking gorgeous and fantastic she is. And everytime he tries to introduce her to his friends something goes wrong and his friends end up looking at him like he's crazy cuz he's introducing absolutely nothing but air. And separately she has been accidentally meeting all his friends one on one, helping Ron pick up his books in the hall, cleaning off some soot from Seamus face because he looked rather silly, encouraging harry before one of his quidditch matches/Triwizard trials etc and all the while they have no idea that's Nevilles wonderful gf and they all develop a crush on her never telling each other anything so when they finally meet her it's hilarious 😂
Summary: The request says it all
Warnings: None!
A/N: This was such a fun idea. I loved writing this all hail 🦡 anon.
If there was anything Beauxbaton girl's were known for, it was their beautiful looks. They were graceful and diligent, each one graced with the face of an angel, and Neville just so happened to have the prettiest one. They had met during the summer by a complete chain of accidents resulting in one of the greatest blessings he could've ever asked for. Neville was lucky and he knew it, never letting anyone forget.
"Oh bullshit! You're saying she's got a cute face, nice waist, and she can bake? Ha! I'll believe it when I see it, Nev." Ron snorted, Seamus nodding along with him.
"Yeah you expect us to just believe a girl from Beauxbaton of all places chose you? No offense Nev but Beauxbaton girl's have standards and none of us Hogwarts boys meet em." Seamus said, shrugging as he continued to throw rolled up bits of paper in Dean's hair (who still hadn't noticed.). Neville rolled his eyes in irritation, looking to Harry and Dean as well but for once, they were on the same page as the other two.
"Sorry Nev. It's just, a Beauxbaton girl? And from the way you describe it, the most beautiful one in her year if not school?" Harry said, giving him a sympathetic look. 
"Yeah mate. You've gotta understand where we're coming from." Dean chimed, turning his attention back to the assignment in his lap. Neville groaned, glaring at his friends.
"You guys act like I haven't tried to introduce you to her! Every time I try to you guys go and get yourselves into something stupid or I end up busy. Let's all agree that Friday you will meet her, no matter what." the boys all nodded in agreement, not really thinking much of it. After all, there was no girlfriend but if it'd ease his mind, they'd show up.
Ron swore angrily, rolling his eyes in frustration. It was just his luck that he'd drop all his quills and the massive scroll of paper rolling away with his bits of sanity. Normally he'd just collect them and go on with it, not really worrying about time but for once in his god damn life he had made an effort to study for the exam he had next hour and if he was late? All that bloody time would be wasted! However, his worries began to fade as a small manicured (s/c) hand began to gather his quills. His eyes widened as he looked at the girl, mouth gaping.
She had (h/l) (h/c) hair that was an even more vibrant (h/c) in the afternoon sun. Beautiful plush (s/c) thighs (that he'd like to see more from under that little skirt), and not to mention the most beautiful set of (e/c) eyes he had ever seen. But when she smiled? Oh when she smiled, he was hooked. The little emblem on her shirt confirmed his suspicion. Beauxbaton. However what he did miss was the words that were currently leaving her mouth.
"I'm sorry...what?" he asked, causing a giggle to erupt from the girl's mouth. She smiled, handing him the quills that he had dropped.
"I said it's a shame that this happened to you! I hope you aren't too late. I have a free period so I'll carry these to your class for you!" she offered, silence falling over them as he continued to stare at her in awe. His face flushed as she cleared her throat, looking at him expectantly.
"O-oh! Right, yes, thank you. That'd be helpful." He offered her a small smile as he began to walk. The entire time of the walk there, she helped him by quizzing him on the subject and by the time he got there, he felt like he remembered everything!
Everything but asking for her name. He felt like an idiot but for once, it wasn't because of school.
Seamus sat at the cauldron, focusing on the ingredients list. His partner had decided from every other time in potions, that he wasn't allowed to touch anything. They had a perfect grade and didn't want it to be ruined from the likes of him. However, he was growing restless. It couldn't be too hard...right? Wrong, so wrong.
He dropped in a few spider legs, stirring counterclockwise like the book had instructed. However, as it turned an angry red and bubbles began to form, he knew that he had screwed up big time. He tried backing away but it was too late, the potion had erupted in a large explosion, black soot coating his face and hair. Everyone in the class turned to look at him, some laughing while some were utterly annoyed. This was such a common thing that it was a miracle when he didn’t blow something up. He flashed Snape a bright smile, ignoring the way the vein on the man’s forehead twitched and juttered in annoyance.
“Class dismissed.” he seethed out. Before he could issue a punishment, Seamus ran off down the hallway ignoring the harsh yells of the potion’s master. He continued to run and run until he accidentally bumped into a group of girls sending him straight to the floor. His face turned rouge with embarrassment as they laughed at his scuffed appearance but a divine voice broke through the laughter.
“Leave him alone guys! You all go ahead, I’ll catch up with you later.” she said, pushing her friends to go ahead in the other direction. Seamus looked up, admiring how beautiful they were but especially the (h/c) haired one in the middle of them all. She was a walking sculpture, a painting straight from the louvre. She was..
“Hot.” he blattered out, not even realizing his words. His eyes widened as he stood up clearing his throat. Luckily for him she hadn’t heard him, causing him to look up to the ceiling and give a quick thank to Merlin himself. She looked back at him, frowning slightly as she observed the soot on his freckled face. Her eyes lit up as she reached into the small purse on her shoulder, pulling out a silk fabric.
“Can’t have you going around looking all silly! Come here.” she said, motioning for him to lean down. He did so instantaneously, cheeks turning even more red as she licked the small fabric before beginning to wipe at the mess on his face. It was an action his mother had done multiple times but for some reason, he found this to be far more endearing. Her face was close to his, giving him a good look at the light layer of gloss on her plump lips. He couldn’t help but wonder if anyone had ever kissed them before, if she had ever had them wrapped around a-
“All done! I can’t do much for your hair but it’s not that noticeable. I have to get going though, bye!” She said flashing him a smile before walking away. When she was out of sight, he couldn’t help but wonder if that had even happened. Did a beautiful girl really just hold his face and clean it...out of the kindness of her heart? Was it truly possible for someone to look so perfect and act so kind? He didn’t know but he surely did wanna find out. He smirked to himself, standing up straight as he walked down the hall.
“She wants me.”
Harry splashed some water on his face, running a shaky hand through his hair. No matter how many times he’d hop on that broom, zooming around in the sky with the intent to win, he always got painstakingly nervous before a match. He observed his appearance, grimacing at the sickly green undertone to his face. Was he going to puke again? Didn’t matter, he didn’t have time. Sighing he walked out the bathroom, sneaking to observe how many people were in the crowd. His eyes began to wander to the Beauxbaton girls, admiring how pretty they were in the stands. However, what he wasn’t prepared for was for a pretty face to walk over to him, placing a hand on his shoulder.
“Harry, right?” she asked, a gentle smile on her stunning face. His breath hitched as he felt himself be taken by a new set of nerves.
“R-right. Yeah that’s me. I’m, I’m Harry.” he internally kicked himself. How embarrassing. One of the most lovely girls he had ever seen and here he was, making himself look like a fool. His nerves were soothed some when he heard her laugh, a sound like beautiful Christmas bells.
“I think we already established that.” she said, grinning even more. She patted his shoulder as she looked at him, eyes full of sincerity. “No need to be nervous. I’ve heard you’re one of the best players on the field! Do your best out there! I’m rooting for ya.” she began walking off, flipping her Gryffindor scarf around her shoulder. Whether she meant rooting for him personally or the team didn’t matter. A determined look took his face as he began to make his way to his team. He was going to win this, for her.
Friday came around quicker than any of them had expected, not like it mattered to them. They all sat around looking at each other, a shared thought running through most of their heads. As if Neville could hear it, he groaned standing up angrily.
“Guys! I swear she’s real! She’s just running a bit late, she’s horrible with time management. Plus, she’s well known amongst her peers so she’s always getting asked to help with things.” he grumbled, staring at them with disdain. 
“Nev, it’s okay you don’t have to keep lying. We’ll get you a girlfriend since clearly you’re going mad thinking that you have one.” Seamus said, prompting the boy to throw his textbook at the boy which hit his head with a loud thud. They all looked up as peach colored owl flew in, dropping a note into Neville’s hand. The boys set up a bit straighter, unfamiliar with the owl. The boy’s eyes scanned the page, taking in the words before nodding.
“Alright, it seems she wants us to come to her. She’s by the fountain in the courtyard! That’s cute, she forgot she was supposed to come to me.” he chuckled fondly at the thought of his forgetful girlfriend before turning to walk. His friends still sat on the couch, stunned that this girl might actually be real. “Well don’t just sit there, let’s go!”
All of them scrambled up and began to follow their lanky friend, mumbling amongst themselves.
“No way. Do you think she’s real?”
“Well I’ve never seen that owl!”
“This is insane. Okay if she’s real, she definitely can’t be as hot as he said she is.”
“Yeah probably one of the more...unsightly Beauxbaton girls.”
Wrong. Terribly wrong. Th-that was her? It couldn’t be. However, as the girl’s big doe eyes lit up it was slowly becoming a big possibility. And as she ran to him, jumping into his arms, that possibility became reality right in front of their eyes. Neville leaned in kissing the girl, holding her up in his arms. She wrapped her arms around his neck, smiling into the kiss as she pulled away. Her eyes turned to the group of guys, surprise taking over her face. Neville looked back and forth between her expression and the one of his friends.
“You guys alright?” he asked confusedly, setting the girl back on the ground before pulling her into his side. She eyed them carefully before tilting her head.
“Have we met before?” 
“NO!” they all shouted in unison. They all turned to each other in confusion, stepping away from the happy couple.
“You met her too?!” Harry whisper shouted, eyeing the other two. Ron nodded frantically, unable to respond verbally due to the shock and queasiness overtaking him. The beautiful girl from Wednesday was Neville’s girl? Life was not being fair by putting that bird in his hands.
“Like hell I did! She was practically all over me.” Seamus exclaimed, all of them turning to look at the girl who had a lovesick look on her face as Neville rambled on about something. 
“Okay now that one I doubt. I can’t fucking believe this. I’ve been thinking about her all week.” Ron groaned out, crossing his arms angrily. Harry nodded in agreement, grabbing the flask that Seamus had pulled out taking a big swig of it.
“You’re telling me. I did a lot more than think about her if you know what I mean.” Seamus mumbled, eyeing the girl’s rear.
“Sadly I do and I wish I didn’t.” Harry grimaced as the gruesome image popped up in his head. “Come on, we better head back over before they think something is up.”
“My bunny says she met you all earlier in the week! How come you didn’t tell me?” he questioned, watching as the boys practically drooled over her.
“I dunno sorta...slipped my mind.” Harry trailed off, eyes dragging along her exposed midriff.
“Nah I’ll be honest. Bird was too hot and didn’t get her name. ‘S a shame really.” Seamus shrugged, earning a kick to the knee from Harry. “What?! I know you thought it too. Congrats Longbottom, you’ve got a grade A girl there.”
Neville looked down at the smaller girl, smiling some as she looked away shyly at the kind words she was receiving. 
“Yeah, I do.”
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twilightdruig · 3 years
pairing : george weasley x fem!reader
summary : “hi i’m your neighbor and while i know we’ve never spoken but you’re a single parent of two and my sister recently died leaving me to raise her infant and i have no idea what i’m doing, help?” au
warnings : swearing , mentions of character deaths , fluff , au where george lives alone with his two children in a cottage near the burrow , au where fred and cedric live.
words : 2.6k
a/n : this is my first fic so it’s probably gonna be shit (as you can probably tell i’m not good with titles either) but yeah hope you enjoy :> and i might do a little part 2 on this soon
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holly l/n was loved by multiple. a sweet hufflepuff student who was favored by all the teachers and students. her sister, y/n was a scary and intimidating gryffindor who hung out in the library.
ever since the battle of hogwarts death eaters have been imprisoned in azkaban. but, that didn’t mean all harm was gone.
now here y/n l/n was, standing in the heat of the summer, her nephew connor l/n mourning the death of a family member.
the service was beautiful. a few hogwarts students came including luna lovegood and neville longbottom and professor sprout and professor flitwick decided to pay their respects. headmistress mcgonagall sent her condolences through a letter as well.
conner wasn’t old enough to go to hogwarts yet. there was no one else for holly to leave connor with. her husband, ronan died during the war, all connor’s grandparents died and the only appointed godparents were holly’s best friend cedric diggory and her sister y/n.
cedric diggory was now teaching first year flying at hogwarts and is married to cho chang.
y/n was currently doing nothing with her life. she wanted to live alone in a cottage, reading, stitching, picking apples and getting drunk on fruity cocktails. but now? she had to take care of her sister’s spoiled son.
y/n hated children more than she hated the people in her own hogwarts house. more so, she didn’t know how to take care of them.
she had to enroll her nephew in hogwarts, teach him basic life skills and other stuff like that. there goes her life goal on being that cool stoner aunt that hates love and children.
“shit, connor!” y/n exclaimed as her 3 year old nephew accidentally ate a ton tongue toffee made by the joke shop in diagon alley owned by the weasleys.
“sorry aunty y/n”
she was never close to the weasleys. all of them, stereotypical gryffindors, loud and chaotic and always the main characters.
the only thing she knew about them is that one of the twins live next to her. y/n didn’t know how to shrink his tongue and thought it was quite the convenience that he lives next door. he was a single dad with two daughters, maybe he could help her control her nephew and technically her adopted son, now.
she sighed. “put on your coat, we’re visiting our neighbors, ok con?” the little boy nodded in response
went the small cottage came into view, there were two little girls picking flowers on the front yard and a tall red-headed man on the porch watching them.
“hey! weasley!” she yelled with a small smile as she approached the small gate.
“l/n? what are you doing here?” george asked
y/n gestured to her nephew who was holding his now 3 foot long tongue. “he accidentally ate one of your products and i’m not entirely sure how to fix it”
“right, right” he laughed “come on, connor right? i’ll reverse that”
y/n felt a tug at her oversized cardigan. she looked down to see two identical ginger twins.
“hi there!” one smiled.
“hello!” y/n tried to sound as nice as possible. looking back at her teenage years she remembered laughing at kids who fell of their brooms their brooms when she’d watch first year flying. she remembered laughing at seamus finnigan when something blew up in his face. or when she’d laugh at any kid accidentally getting hurt.
“these are for you! they’re pretty just like you” the other twin exclaimed.
“i’m charlotte and she’s billie” charlotte giggled.
“how do u know our daddy?” billie asked
“oh! um, we went to school together and i live just next door” y/n replied
“do you know our uncle freddie?”
“i know all your uncles and your aunt ginny, aunt hermione and uncle harry. they were all famous when we were in school”
“wow!” they both exclaimed
george and connor came back out. “look aunty y/n! my tongue’s normal again!”
“aunty?” george questioned. “holly. she died quite recently.”
“oh! i’m so sorry. i heard about her. yeah. i believe mum sent some flowers for the service”
“yeah we received them”
“i’ll see you around?” george inquired
“yeah, yeah. and i might need some parenting advice? you knew how i was back at hogwarts”
“i am flattered, dear l/n”
“oh hush. and they get along.” she pointed to the three children running around.
“they do. and yes, i would love to help you tame that little rascal” george laughed.
“thank you, george. really.”
“i’m just next door, yeah?”
“yeah” y/n smiled “come on, connor. we’re going home. but we’ll definitely be seeing these lovely ladies soon.”
“bye pretty lady!” y/n heard two young voices call after her
“daddy, who was she?”
“is she gonna be our new mommy?”
george and y/n had been hanging out for the past weeks. he had given her advice on taking care of connor and how to deal with children. they also spent time talking about family and their time back at hogwarts. she was told about the attack of death eaters at one of his brothers’ wedding and how his daughters were named after his brothers bill and charlie.
a knock at y/n’s door interrupted her reading.
“oi, l/n!” she heard a familiar voice on the other side of the door.
“weasley” she muttered.
connor recognized george’s voice and the twins’ giggles, he decided he would take matters into his own little hands. connor knew how stubborn his aunt was at the young age of seven.
“hi billie! hi charlotte! hi uncle george!” the little boy squealed.
“hey there, con!” george ruffled his hair while billie and charlotte ran over to y/n.
connor and the twins were two years apart. connor was going to hogwarts the next year. no doubt would he be trouble to professor mcgonagall but everyone knew they were always her favorites.
“aunty y/n! uncle george brought cookies!” connor yelled excitedly. y/n was never the type to bake or cook. she did try to but it always ended in almost burning the house down. she usually fed connor fruits or store bought food.
“you didn’t have to” y/n responded while taking the plastic box.
“oh yes i did” he teased “i heard you’ve been starving this poor little fellow”
“daddy didn’t bake those cookies” charlotte stated “grandma did” billie continued
“oh” she smirked at george then turned to the twins “tell your grandma i say thanks!”
“uncle george! i wanna show you something outside! the twins can come too!”
“connor, what are you gonna show them?” y/n grumbled.
“your paintings! they’re amazing” her nephew jumped.
“paintings, eh?” george smiled “okay, let’s go, champ. see those paintings of your aunt.” the two scurried outside, two redheaded girls following after.
y/n groaned and fell back into the couch, finishing her book.
it’s been a few days since george and the twins came with cooking to y/n and connor’s cottage. she wanted to throw connor a little surprise birthday party.
connor has loved the twins and george so much, he thinks of them as blood relatives. y/n decided to call up cedric and cho to look after connor while she’d do some errands.
the two arrived exactly on time as y/n was preparing to go out. she had on a simple cardigan and loose denim pants.
“ced! cho! hi, how are you guys?” y/n greeted as she saw her old friends apparate into the cottage.
“hi y/n!” cho greeted “hey nerd” cedric snickered.
she sent cedric a small glare before connor jumped at the two.
“uncle ceddy! aunty cho! you’re here” he shouted.
“yeah buddy! your aunt’s gonna run some errands and visit your uncle georgie?” cedric winked at y/n. she had been owling cedric about george and how he’s been helping her with connor.
“are you going out with uncle george?” connor asked, eyes twinkling.
“i don’t know, actually. i might check him out next door.”
“george weasley?” cho teased.
“yes, cho,” y/n rolled her eyes “but on that note, i have to go”
“bye, connor! behave okay?” she crouched down and squished his cheeks.
“bye, ced! cho!” her voice faded when she dashed out the door.
y/n passed george’s cottage to see if he actually might want to come with her and do errands.
she was standing outside the small gate, hesitating. ‘maybe he was busy’ ‘he wouldn’t want to do errands with me’ ‘maybe he would if i told him it was for connor’s birthday’ she thought. y/n didn’t know why she was overthinking her choices. the first time she was standing right outside the gate she bursted in and demanded george to fix whatever happened to her nephew. now, she was nervous. her palms were sweaty and clammy.
she pushed herself in and walked to the front porch. she knocked a few times and was met with a head of messy brown hair.
“hermione?!” she squealed
“y/n!” hermione jumped to hug her old friend.
there were overlapping voices in the background and when they pulled away she was met with multiple mops of ginger hair, a head of blonde hair and another with black hair behind hermione.
“l/n?” ginny weasley asked, quite shocked what she would be doing outside george’s door.
“oh! did i interrupt something? i am so sorry!” she said feeling a bit nervous.
“oh! you must be the dearest y/n george keeps talking about!” an old woman she thought was mrs. weasley approached her from behind her children.
“hi there!” y/n said feeling a little embarrassed she might’ve barged in on a family reunion.
“ah! l/n? i have heard of your family! muggle-borns right?” arthur weasley joined his wife.
“uh, yeah!” she pursed her lips “i am so so sorry i interrupted! i should go. tell george i’ll swing by next time”
“oh it’s absolutely alright, dear” molly reassured her.
“george! there’s a really pretty girl! get your arse out here!” fred yelled to george who was probably inside the house.
“is she here?” charlotte and billie ran to the door.
“hi girls! tell you dad i was here yeah? say i’ll come by next time” most of the weasleys came back in. she took it as her time to go on with her day.
“oi! y/n! wait up” the voice she recognized as george’s called after her.
“george, hey”
“where’r you off to?” george pointed to the small bag that was swung over her shoulder.
“errands. connor’s birthday is coming up so i thought i’d prepare something for him. first birthday without his mum, you know”
“his birthday’s coming up?” george looked as excited as a child on christmas morning.
“yeah. why?” she smiled
“you’re talking to one of the best party planners there is. you also did talk to another one of them… i think”
“oh yeah”
“i wanted to ask if you wanted to come but seeing as to your family is in your house… i’m gonna take a wild guess and say you aren’t available right now” she giggled.
“maybe if you went another day” he said sympathetically. george really wanted to go and prepare connor’s party with her. he treated him like his own and boy did he remind him of how fun it was to be a kid. he loved his aunt so much it was adorable.
“george. seriously, it’s okay. spend time with your family” she laughed.
“yeah, yeah. i’ll see you when you get back” he waved.
connor’s small birthday gathering was in full swing. y/n became acquainted with george’s siblings. bill, charlie, percy (whom she was actually friends with back in hogwarts), fred, ron and ginny. hermione was a very good friend of hers and so was harry. she recognized fleur from that day in the cottage as beauxbatons triwizard champion.
connor had quite a bunch of guests for his birthday. cedric, cho, luna, neville, fred, percy, ron, harry, hermione, bill and fleur and their little victorie. of course, billie and charlotte helped george and y/n fix up the party. mr. and mrs. weasley sent a small cake for connor when they heard about y/n not knowing asingle thing about cooking.
fred offered to take care of the twins and connor while george and y/n ran off somewhere. the two found themselves near a small creek. y/n explained how the cottage was where she’d go off exploring and the only person who knew was holly. she was overjoyed when her sister got the cottage she used as a hideaway.
george was surprised when there were lights and blankets and everything. the soft sounds of running water was calming.
the two were pretty intoxicated when they sat down; stumbled onto the picnic blanket. y/n was sober enough to not spill her deepest darkest secrets. george on the other hand…
“have i ever told you how pretty you are?” george mumbled next to her. y/n only snickered and blushed.
“um, can i hold your hand?” he continued, taking a look at the girl next to him.
“sure” she winked.
“you know” he started again “i actually fancied you a bit back in school”
“yeah?” she rolled over to her side “i wonder… what did you like about me?”
“i don’t even know. my heart just felt so full with you. still does, right now, holding your hand, under the stars by a stream.” he had this glint in his eye when he looks at her.
“hey,” she brushed some hair out of his face “these past few months have been great. and you’re a huge help with connor. you know i’ll always be there for you, right?”
“yeah darling,” he yawned “yeah”
“wait, george!” she sat up “no. don’t fall asleep!”
“fuck” she groaned before falling back down on the blanket.
“i think i love you” she whispered.
morning rolled around and they were still lying somewhere in the forest behind the cottage. some childish chatter and laughs were heard from where they were still sleeping soundly.
until, a red ant bit y/n and george’s intertwined hands. “ah shit!” y/n woke up from the bite. her yell also woke up the sleeping man next to her “what?! what happened?” he jumped.
“oh. did i wake you up?” she asked.
“no. it’s honestly no worries” he said “but i do have a killer headache”
“an ant bit me” she muttered, wanting to scratch it.
“hey, no don’t scratch! i’ve had a lot if experience with insect bites” he explained “want me to kiss it better?” he teased.
“oh, ha-ha” she rolled her eyes but blushed.
“we should probably head back” he checked his watch while standing up.
“ah! there the lovebirds are!” fred exclaimed.
everyone was cleaning up from last night. there were children running around while chasing balloons and each other.
“yeah,” george started “we, um, fell asleep”
“sure ya did” this time ron teased the two.
“i’m gonna clean up here,” y/n offered “you guys should go home. you know, get some rest”
cedric gasped “y/n l/n! are you kicking us out?” he said in mock offense.
“technically, yeah. i doubt connor got any sleep”
“maybe we should,” fleur said with her accent “victorie was very excited for the party she is very worn out”
george snuck behind y/n “i think i love you too” he muttered under his breath. he wasn’t sure if she heard it. she did.
“i’ll see you later, y/n!” he yelled “come on, princesses, we’re going home. we’ll see connor and y/n later”
connor and the twins hugged while y/n said thank you’s to all the guests.
maybe it wasn’t such a bad decision to ask for help.
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Needy | N. L
Pairing: Neville Longbottom x Female Reader
Warnings: Smut, filthy filthy smut! Daddy kink, slight degradation, dirty talk, semipublic sex 
Words: 3,800
Request: Anon; I need my daily fix of some dom nev. unpopular opinion alert my Neville with a daddy kink 👌👌👌
Summary: Reader keeps teasing Neville to win a bet. She may have won the bet but Neville makes sure they both get a prize. 
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The dorm is silent, save for the occasional sound of paper rustling as I flipped through my textbook. It was a nice day, and the rest of the boys were outside enjoying some free time while I was sat inside, stressfully pouring over my potions essay.
A hesitant knock at the door broke me from my concentration. “Come in,” I mumble quietly, cleaning up my quill and turning around to find Y/N, my gorgeous girlfriend peeking her head in the door.
“Hi Neville,” she says excitedly, as she opens the door more and walks towards me, “I hope I’m not interrupting.”
“Not at all love,” I open my arms to her, and she excitedly leaps into them, sitting on my lap and nuzzling her head into my neck, “God I’ve missed you, darling.”
“I know,” she breathes softly against my neck, the warmth of her breath sending shivers up my spine, “I’ve missed you too.¨ She moves her head up slightly, leaving a trail of kisses up towards my ear, as she shifts to straddle my lap, ¨let me make it up to you.¨
I groan as she nips at my earlobe, her hips rocking down very slightly to ghost over my growing bulge. I take her chin in my hands and pull her face towards me, my other hand wrapping firmly around her hip to press her down harder into me. She gasps at the feeling of my bulge against her underwear through her skirt, and I bring my thumb up to run along her bottom lip, pulling it away from where she has it sucked in between her teeth.
¨Suck a good girl for me baby,¨ I feel her run her tongue around my thumb as she moans slightly, ¨such a needy little thing.¨
She pulls away from my hand and I can tell by her breathy laugh and the glint in her eyes that she´s planning something. ¨Not as needy as you.¨
¨What was that baby girl?”
She lets out a breathy moan as I once again bring her hips down against my clothed length, “I said you’re needier than I am.”
I chuckle at her bratty defiance, and even with closed eyes and a parted mouth she’s still smirking. “In fact,” she says, “I bet you anything I am less needy than you are.”
I grip her waist tightly again to stop her moving, “you bet me?”
“Yep,” she looks me dead in the eyes as she pops the P, the smirk never leaving her lips, “I can last way longer than you can without sex.”
“We both know how wrong you are there darling.”
“Well wanna bet on it then?”
“You’re so on.”
It’s only been three days and I can already feel my resolve starting to waver. I know Y/N had noticed too, with the lingering touches, the longing stares, and my lack of focus at all hours of the day it’s hard for anyone to not notice somethings been up with me. And it’s clearly Y/N.
It’s not even anything that they’re doing in particular. It seems that every step they take, every time they raise their hand in class or look my way, I can’t help but imagine them underneath me writhing and moaning my name. Christ, it’s only been three days and already barely hanging on.
That next morning I knew I was in trouble when I heard Y/N’s beautiful melodic laugh coming towards the Gryffindor table before I even saw her. When I turned to look through my heart skipped a beat in my chest.
Y/N was walking towards the table, arm linked with Hermione as the two girls giggled about something, and I couldn’t help my eyes from raking up her body. She was wearing her school uniform from last year, no doubt - her skirt boarding on dangerously short, showing off the tops of her thigh-high stockings when she walked a certain way, and her top, clinging tightly to her body in all the right places, the top button under and showing off a teasingly small amount of cleavage. I couldn’t look away as she got closer to the table, and I knew I wasn’t the only one she was catching the eye of. Y/N’s always been beautiful but right now she looked like pure sin.
“Hi Neville,” she giggles slightly, face turning slightly red at the attention she is getting from people and bends down to place a soft kiss just next to my mouth. I mumble a small good morning back to her, still in a gaze as I watch her sit down opposite me, in between Seamus and Hermione. 
Fred pipes up from down the table slightly, “you look different today Y/L/N,” George joining in to add, “new hairstyle or something?”
“You know how it is some days,” she shrugs, turning back towards me, “just wanted to try something new for a change.” She winks at me and I swallow harshly, feeling my pants get tighter.
The conversation moves on, but Seamus, Dean and I, myself especially, are barely there, too focused on Y/N sitting in front of us looking gorgeous.
“I think his hair looks rather good short, don’t you think Y/N?” Ginny says from next to Seamus, hand resting on his shoulder as she turns her head slightly to look over his face.
Y/N turns him slightly so he’s looking at her, and I can tell by the way his face goes red that he’s struggling to keep his eyes on her face as she brings her shoulders forward slightly to push her tits out more. “I think it would look good long,” she brings her hand up and runs it through his hair slightly, pushing it back, “I always tend to favour it long,” she turns and looks at me and I have to look away before I drag her out of here.
“Ugh, I-I need to go,” Seamus says, quickly getting up and grabbing his books, placing them awkwardly in front of his lap. Hermione, who has now moved further down the table to talk to Ron and Lavender about something turns towards Ginny and Y/N when she sees Seamus runoff and sends them a sly wink. I knew they were in on it.
“Are you ok Neville?” Ginny asks from next to Y/N, and I turn my attention back to them away from Hermione and look between the two girls.
“O-oh yeah I-I’m fine.”
“Are you sure love?” Y/N reaches over and places her hand on mine, “if there’s a problem you can tell me, I’m always happy to help.” She’s leaning forward a bit now too, and my eyes drop down to her cleavage without me even realising, and I’m hoping she didn’t notice. When I look back in her eye she’s smirking at me, she definitely noticed. She knows she’s won.
I go to say something back, unable to get the words out before Harry chimes in tells us all we’ll be late to class if we don’t go now. In the blink of an eye Y/N’s hand is off mine and she’s heading towards class, purposefully swaying her hips more. She turns back and looks at me, biting her lip slightly and sending me a wink, and within seconds I’ve caught up with her, hand around her waist as I lead her towards an empty classroom.
As soon as the doors closed I’ve got my hands all over her, roaming her body and relishing in the small gasp she lets out when I push her slightly against the wall. “You think you can tease me like this baby? You think I’m gonna be ok with you acting like a brat?”
“I'm sorry daddy,” she whines quietly, looking up at me with those big doe eyes that make my heart melt, and nearly make me drop my dominance for a second. “I just wanted your attention.”
I groan as she says that, loving the innocent façade she puts on, “well you've got my attention now baby, look what you did to daddy.” I push my hips into her core, rutting my hard bulge against her as I press my mouth against hers in a searing kiss, muffling the moan she lets out.
“You gonna make it up to me baby?” All she can do is nod slightly as she stares up at me with her lips parted and eyes half-closed. I press my lips to hers again before slightly pushing on her shoulders, “on your knees baby, be a good girl for daddy.”
She gets on her knees and licks her lips, pushing my shirt up slightly and pressing a wet kiss to my stomach. “No teasing baby girl,” I grip her hair, pulling her away from me as I unbutton my trousers with one hand and pull them down slightly, “you’ve done enough of that today.”
With my trousers pooling around my feet, Y/N runs her tongue along with my cock through my boxers, kitten licking me through the fabric as I groan slightly above her, bucking my hips forward. “He a good girl now.”
She takes the band of my pants between her teeth and pulls them down my thighs, my hard cock springing out from their confinement, twitching slightly at the mix of the cold air and Y/N’s warm breath. As she kitten licks my tips, I look down at her moaning at the sensation, moving her hair out of her face to remind her, “pinch my thigh if it gets too much baby, I’ll stop straight away.”
She looks back up at me with those innocent eyes, her thighs spread as she sits back on her knees, revealing the tops of her stockings, giving me a clear view down her top as she bends her head back slightly to nod.
I wanna tell her how pretty she looks like this, all dolled up and needy for me, but my breath hitches as she suddenly takes me down her throat. I pull all her hair back, away from her face as she continues to take my cock as far into her mouth as she can, going at a torturously slow speed.
“Fuck baby girl,” I tug slightly on her hair, and she moans softly, “such a good slut for daddy.”
She drags her mouth off of me, tongue playing with my head before she takes me out of her mouth, leaving me there for a second panting. Before I can catch my breath or open my eyes again she’s back on my cock, running her tongue along my balls before taking it in her mouth and sucking lightly. She pulls away, lips red and swollen, panting and looking up at me with glassy eyes, “I want you to fuck my mouth daddy.”
I look back at her in shock; we’ve talked about this occasionally, but have never actually done it before, “are you sure baby, I don’t want to hurt you.”
“I'm sure Neville,” she stands up again and presses her lips against mine, undoing the buttons on her shirt as she does so, “I trust you.”
With that she was on her knees in front of me again, lips wrapped around my cock, guiding my hand towards her hair. I pulled it up into a messy ponytail with my hand, gripping it tightly to be able to move her head, “you ready darling.”
She looked up at me and moaned around my cock, and that was all the assurance I needed before I was thrusting my hips forward, Y/N taking most of my cock before she gagged slightly.
“Fuck, such a good girl,” I picked up the pace, snapping my hips back and forth faster as Y/N got used to the feeling of me stretching her jaw, slowly taking more and more of me till she was able to deepthroat my whole length, “ugh fuck you’re so good at that baby, fucking perfect.”
I kept going, thrusting my hips as I moaned above her, looking down to see tears rolling down her cheeks, and spit dribbling down her chin. I was worried for a second I was going too hard, my hips slowing down as the anxiety crept in, but Y/N looked up at me, pulling me out of her mouth to stroke my length with her hand, “please cum for me daddy.”
Once again I was in her mouth in seconds, moaning as she hollowed her cheeks and run her tongue along my length each time I moved, “fuck baby, such a good girl, gonna make daddy cum.”
She moaned loudly around my cock when I said that, the hand that wasn’t rested on my thigh underneath her skirt. The sight of her like that, on her knees and turned on for me was enough to push me over the edge; with a few final thrusts, I came, reminding Y/N to swallow it all before I pulled out. Giving her a second to catch her breath, I fixed her hair slightly while stroking her head, looking down at her, completely enamoured by the gorgeous girl in front of me.
She gets up without us even saying anything, and presses her lips against mine in a soft kiss, “you’re so hot when you get like this.” I can feel my face heating up at her words and I giggle slightly as I look down at the ground, “aww come on Neville, you can’t be getting bashful on me after that!”
We both laugh now, and my hand runs along her jaw as she looks up at me, “I can’t help it, love, you turn me into a blushing mess even still.” I once again bring our lips together, muttering a soft I love you before I do, “I still can’t believe you’re mine.”
“Maybe I’ll just have to prove it,” she leans in and nips slightly against my jaw, and I gasp at the sensation, unaware that she’s guiding my hand until she presses my fingers against her underwear, “fuck I’m so wet for you daddy.” Her shaky voice, soft gaze, and the feeling of her rutting against my hand is all I need before I’m feeling my dick twitch again. I lean up so I’m pressed against her now, turning us so she’s between me and the desk.
She’s moaning against my neck as I run my fingers along her, her hands moving down to the zip at the side of her skirt to undo it, before my hand grips hers softly to stop her. “Keep it, ok baby, it looks so hot on you.”
Her bra and underwear are gone in a second and she’s sat up on the desk, legs spread and my mouth on her nipple with my hands still playing with her pussy. She’s whining above me, hips rocking forward to meet my hand as it moves away, chasing more pressure on her clit. I sink down onto my knees, nipping at her thigh as I bring them up over my shoulder.
“Please Nev.”
“Well, since you’ve been such a good girl for me today,” I lower my mouth and lick a harsh strip up her, sucking lightly on her clit. Her hand comes down and snakes into my hair, her own head thrown back as she bites her lip to keep herself from moaning. “Come on baby,” I say as I pull away, running my fingers teasingly through her folds before I sink one into her, “I wanna hear you moan.”
She does, my name falling gorgeously from her lips as she shakily moans. I’m enraptured by how beautiful she is, my two fingers that are now in her tight pussy moving at a rapid pace without me even needing to think about it; as I can’t help but sit there and look up at her, basking in how beautiful she is. She’s panting, chanting my name like it’s the only word she knows head throws back as she lets her hips chase my fingers.
“Fuck I'm gonna cum.”
“Cum for me Y/N,” my own hand goes down to stroke my cock and I reconnect my mouth to her clit, moving my fingers in a come hither motion, “you look so gorgeous cumming for me, love.” Her pussy tightens around my fingers as she lets out a breathless moan, and I slow my movements to work her through her orgasm and let her calm down.
She pulls me up to my feet again, pressing her lips to mine in a soft loving kiss that leaves up both giddy and smiling, “you’re incredible.”
“You’re not so bad yourself.”
She laughs at my comment and I shoot her a toothy grin back, loving the feeling of her hands stroking the side of my face, and down my chest. She pulls herself off the table and presses her chest against mine so she can kiss me again. “I think I can manage one more if you’re up for it.” Before I even have a chance to answer, she’s pulling away from me and walking away, as she sways her hips, towards the teacher's desk, bending over it slightly and giving me a full view of her ass and dripping pussy.
“Christ you don’t need to ask me twice.” I’m on her within a second, my fingers running through her dripping folds, “such a needy little cunt you have darling.”
“Don’t start Nev,” she giggles, pulling her skirt up around her waist, “comments like that is how this started in the first place.”
I laugh along with her, replacing my fingers with my cock as I push it into her slowly, “if that’s what it takes to get you to dress like this again then I’ll be saying it every day.”
She goes to say something back, but I sink into her before she can; her sentence turning into a breathy moan as my full length stretches her, both of us panting as I sit still to let her adjust.
“Please daddy, please fuck me.”
My hips pull back roughly and snap forwards again as soon as she says that, repeatedly pushing into her as deep as I can. My hands come to grip Y/N’s waist tightly, as I repeatedly bring her hips back towards mine in time with my thrusts, letting me get deeper.
“Does that feel good baby?” I ask, wrapping my around her chest to grope her breasts, bringing her body up so her back is flushed against my chest. She nods her head, mouth opening to reply, but only moaning as I hit her g-spot. I nip harshly at her neck, loving the fact that it’ll leave a mark for the next week or so, “Use your words, baby, tell me how good I’m making you feel.”
“It feels so good daddy,” she links her fingers through my hand from the back, moving it away from me and down her body to her clit, “I’m so close”
I drill my hips faster and harder into her, my finger rubbing harshly against her clit, helping her reach her release as soon as I can, “come on Y/N. Cum for me. Wanna feel you cum around my cock.”
My words are all it takes to push her over the edge. She’s moaning out my name as she slumps forward, her pussy clenching tightly around me. “That’s it baby,” my movements not wavering in the slightest, “can you do one more for me?”
Y/N’s panting still, slumped against the desk as she mumbles a small, “give me one second.”
I slow down and pull out; rubbing Y/N’s back slightly when she winces as I do. “You ok love?”
She turned over, lifting her body slowly so she is sitting on the desk and giggles as she loops her arms around my neck, “of course. Just took it out of me a bit there.”
I press my lips to hers, opening my mouth and groaning when she runs her tongue along my bottom lip and snakes her hand down my chest to stroke my cock lightly, “come on then, I’ve still got one more to give.”
I press my cock back into her, as our mouths reconnect and once again I start rocking my hips harshly into hers. She throws her head back as she drags her nails down my back, my mouth coming up to connect with her neck.
“I love you,” I moan out, my mouth ghosting over her neck. She lets out a loud moan of my name at that, her pussy clenching around me, whether at my words or at my movements I’m not sure. 
“I love you too,” she moans back softly, pulling away from me slightly to look into my eyes, “I’m gonna cum.” I press my lips to hers again, in a loving kiss that sends shivers down my spine.
“Me too darling, cum with me.”
It only takes me a few more thrusts before I feel Y/N clench around my length, my hips stuttering at my own release that follows. I slow my movements down, riding out both of our orgasms but not pulling out yet, looking down at Y/N lying back against the desk, panting. 
“You’re incredible,” I mumble, softly kissing her collar bone as I pick her up, my dick still buried inside her, and move us over so I can sit down in one of the chairs, Y/N clinging onto my neck and waist as I move. 
We sit still like that for a moment, and I look down at her, curled up in my lap, looking gorgeous as her chest slowly starts to rise and fall again at an even pace. She looks up at me, giggling slightly when she sees me already looking down at her, “I’m sorry I was teasing you all day Nev.”
I laugh with her, forgetting entirely the events that lead up to this, “that’s ok darling, just as long as you don’t go flirting with Seamus again we’ll be all good.”
She sits up straighter in my lap when she says that, looking towards the door, “oh God Seamus. I forgot about him. Jesus do you reckon he’ll be upset with me.” I laugh slightly at Y/N’s worried face, “I wouldn’t worry too much,” I press my lips to her neck again, “any possible anger would play second fiddle to how fucking hot you looked.”
She slaps me on the chest when I say that, giggling slightly at my words, “how can you say things like that while also getting so jealous you fuck me into the teacher's desk.”
“It’s not my fault you’re the most gorgeous witch here. I know everyone wants you, I just take great pride in the fact you chose me.”
“When you pull stuff like that out of your back pocket how can I not,” her lips press slightly against mine, pulling away before she deepens the kiss “I won by the way.”
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harrysweasleys · 3 years
save me a dance // n.l.
summary: Hi!! Could I please request a Neville x Slytherin! Reader? She has a kind soul and became friends with Hermione (who’s the only person that knows about her crush on Neville), but she kept her distance because she knew about what happened to his parents. She goes to the Yule ball with another Slytherin that eventually ditched her, so she sneaks into the kitchens and hangs out with house elves until Neville comes by (knowing that she always hung out with them when she felt sad) and he confesses ^^
warnings: very brief mention of unwanted sexual advances if you squint, mentions of food
word count: 5k
a/n: my first neville fic!!! i’m so excited for you all to read it, i had so much fun writing it :)
[i do not give permission for my work to be reposted on any other platform]
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For what felt like the hundredth time, you woke up to the same view; your Yule Ball dress hanging loosely over the four poster bed, the sunlight streaming through the fabric and onto your chunky bed sheets.
The dress was quite stunning, but Godric, did you dread wearing it. You didn’t exactly feel like dancing the night away alongside some Slytherin bloke while you looked around at all the happy couples, wishing ever so desperately that that could have been you. That you could be the one dancing the night away with the person who had captured your heart effortlessly.
Unfortunately, that plan hadn’t exactly fallen into place. Hermione had done her best to help you out in getting him to ask you, but you ended up being put on the spot when a Slytherin boy named Jasper had asked you during Transfigurations. So, you had said yes, but deep down, that regret was starting to multiply by the second.
You let out a groan, tossed your head back against the pillow, and lifted the warm comforter off of your body. The fireplace in the centre of the room was still crackling away, but within the stone walls of the castle, the cold seemed to never fully fade.
So you threw on your house sweater, your scarf, robe, and a pair of trousers, before heading down to start the day. The snow was accumulating rather quickly outside as Christmas drew nearer, rendering you quite glad that you brought your scarf.
“At least you’re prepared,” Hermione mumbled as the two of you made your way to Divinations, “It’s always freezing in Professor Trewlaney’s room! Oh, how I wish I could have brought mine. Rather silly of me.”
You chuckled, keeping your eyes on the long winding staircase as you responded to her, “Not to worry, I’m sure Ron has a sweater you can borrow.”
Though you weren’t facing her, you could practically feel her eye roll as she scoffed, “Very funny. Such a clever idea. You really are filled with those.”
“I’m just saying,” you turned back to face her quickly before pulling down the ladder to the Divination classroom, “I’m sure he’d think you look amazing in it. Isn’t that what guys like? When their girlfriends wear their clothing?”
“I’m not his girlfriend,” she shushed you as you climbed up, “Be quiet!”
You apologized with a laugh as you climbed into the classroom and made your way to your usual seat at the front by the window, Hermione coming over to join you. Harry and Ron were seated not too far away, but that didn’t really matter to you. From across the class, you spotted Neville.
He was accompanied by Seamus — who seemed quite interested in the tablecloth at the moment — but you so wished that you could be the one sitting across from him.
His vest hung loosely against his body and his dark hair was littering his forehead, eyes scrunched shut as he let out a yawn. As he opened them, you noticed they darted in your direction before snapping away.
You felt a frown form on your lips. Why did he look away so fast? Instinctively, you raised a hand to the top of your head to check if there was anything in your hair.
“What are you doing?” Hermione asked as she dug through her bag, placing the heavy Divinations book on top of the circular table. The book, with its golden lettering, seemed to twinkle under the pink hues of the morning sky.
You shrugged, “Nothing.”
Her eyes followed to where you had previously been looking, and she let out a sigh, “Relax. You look wonderful. There’s nothing to fix.”
You sulked back into your chair, “Hermione, he asked Ginny to the ball. Don’t try to continue your matchmaking.”
She leaned forward on the table, pushing her thick hair behind her shoulder, “Doesn’t mean you don’t stand a chance. Look, I like Ginny, but maybe they’re going as friends. Like you and Jasper.”
“I think Jasper has more than friendship on his mind,” you muttered under your breath, thinking back to the way his hands lingered on your lower back a little too long after you agreed to be his date.
She gave you a sympathetic glance, opening her mouth to speak again, but was interrupted by Trewlaney announcing her presence. The class began shortly after, and you spent the time reading Hermione’s palm and deciphering what your own dreams meant.
According to the textbook, you were going to stumble upon a lot of money as well as possibly fall down a sewer within the next week. Nothing new, really. It was better than Harry’s, who once again, was told he was doomed for death in the coming months.
As the class ended, you stuffed the books and parchment into your backpack and thanked Trelawney for the lesson, following Hermione out of the room. As you made your way to the ladder, you spotted a little red ball on the ground.
You crouched to pick it up, immediately recognizing it as Neville’s remembrall. How oddly convenient that it land right at your feet.
“Oh, thanks,” he muttered as you turned to hand it to him, fingers brushing against his as you placed it in his palm, “This thing likes to try and escape.”
You grinned at him, “You should keep it safe in your dorm.” You tried your best to keep your voice steady as you spoke to him, which was odd, really. Why did you always become so nervous around Neville, who was one of the shyest, kindest people you’d ever met? Crushes were quite strange.
He gave you a small smile and a shrug, “I like to carry it on me. It’s from my nan. I don’t want to leave it behind.”
Your chest felt like it was going to swell at his words, “That’s really sweet. I’m sure she appreciates that you care for it so much.”
As you turned back to face the ladder, Hermione gave you a quick wink and a thumbs up before darting away with Harry and Ron, clearly insinuating that you should walk with Neville. You mentally scolded her before making your way to it, Neville not far behind.
“She does,” he said, fondness clear in his voice, “It’s not like I get anything from my parents, so I cherish anything I get from my family in general.”
Your heart sunk in your chest. Neville had always been very closed off when talking about his family — especially his parents — so the way he mentioned them so casually had you doubting what to say next. You didn’t want to make him uncomfortable by continuing the topic, nor did you want to brush it off like it was nothing.
“I’m sorry,” you said, facing him once the two of you began going down the spiral staircase, “I can imagine it’s difficult. But your nan clearly cares a lot, and she’s lucky to have you.”
His ears turned slightly pink at your words and you had to fight a grin.
The next few minutes were silent until Neville once again turned to face you. There was something about him that always seemed optimistic, despite the fact that he had just spoken a bit about the difficult situation with his parents. Whether it be the smile on his face or the sparkle in his eye, you couldn’t be sure what it was. But Merlin, did you ever adore it.
“She sent me my suit for the Yule Ball, actually,” he said, a bit of a hop in his step as he said the words, “It doesn’t fit perfectly but I’m sure it’ll last the night.”
You let out a small laugh, “That’s awfully sweet of her. I’m sure you’ll look dashing.”
As you said the words, you regretted them instantly. Well, not so much regretted — you meant every syllable — but more so, you wished you could currently fall into the sewer that Trelawney had predicted you’d stumble into.
Throwing out a compliment like that was quite possibly the last thing you wanted to do. Would he react badly? Would he think you were coming onto him? Would this change things?
Were you overthinking?
The corners of his lips curled up into a shy smile and he gave you a nod and cut you short of your internal rambling, “Are you excited?”
Yeah, definitely overthinking.
You let out a sigh, trying to move past your embarrassment and continue your walk to your next class, dodging a few passing students, “Kind of. I’m excited for the music. Not so much the dancing. I’m not very good at that.”
He chuckled, “I wasn’t either. I taught myself, actually. In my room. The lads loved to make fun of that.”
The image of Neville dancing away in the cramped boys’ dorm brought a smile to your face.
“You’ve already got a step up on me, then,” you faced him, “Get ready to watch me humiliate myself on the dance floor.”
You stepped a little closer to him as a group of Ravenclaw pushed past in a rush, and Neville’s hand reached for your arm to help steady you.
“Sorry,” he muttered, pulling away and avoiding your gaze, “But anyways, I’m sure you’re not as bad as you think. Ginny has never danced either, so you won’t be the only one.”
You tried your best to push past the surge of jealousy that washed over you. You already knew he was going with Ginny — hell, you’d know for a while now — but it did not make it any easier to hear. Especially coming from him.
“I didn’t expect you’d ask her,” you admitted, “but I’m sure you’ll both have a wonderful time. She’ll have a good leader to help her maneuver the moves.”
You gave his shoulder a small nudge, trying to act like you weren’t drowning in your own feelings. The thought of Neville holding Ginny close to his body as they swayed to the romantic music nearly made you sick. You liked Ginny a great deal, she was such a sweet girl with a fierce attitude that you admired, but you really wished Neville had asked you instead.
“We’re just going as friends,” he said, “I was going to ask someone else but I couldn’t bring myself to do it. And I’m pretty sure Ginny was also interested in another person in the first place.”
You tried your best to hold back a sigh of relief. They were going as friends. That didn’t mean it would make it easier to see them together, but maybe you could push past the jealousy you felt about seeing them as a couple.
But then the next thing he said hit you; he wanted to ask someone else. Someone he was interested in romantically? Perhaps he actually did like someone, even if that someone wasn’t Ginny. Who could it be? And why were you so irritated? You didn’t even know them.
“Well,” you said, unsure of how to change the topic, “I’ll be looking out for you two on the dance floor.” You wanted so desperately to no longer speak of the Yule Ball. The thought of the night was now dizzying and had you feeling a little faint, to be completely honest.
It was going to be a long day.
— —
You were honestly quite surprised by the appearance of the Great Hall. Usually filled with long tables, chairs, and candles, it was now glistening like a winter wonderland. There was fake snow falling from the ceiling, but it never touched the ground. The room smelled faintly of pine trees and sweets, and you figured that there had to be at least seven Christmas trees littering the room.
To put it simply, the space was beautiful.
Music played softly from the dance floor ahead, and to your right, there was a small table with a few snacks and drinks. There were also quite a few seats around, already occupied by couples and friends.
“What do you want to do?”
You turned to face Jasper, who was waving over at a group of Slytherins further on the left.
“We can go dance,” you suggested, praying he wasn’t going to drag you over to his housemates. Jasper seemed alright enough, but you weren’t a fan of his obnoxious friends. You could very well go the night without hanging around them, thank you very much.
He shrugged, “Sure.”
He linked his hand in yours and tugged you along behind him, bringing you over to the dance floor. Once you got there, you noticed a few familiar faces.
Hermione and Viktor were not far away, and she gave you an excited grin before pointing at her date, who was obviously making love heart eyes in her direction. You couldn’t blame him, honestly. Further along you spotted Fred and Angelina, dancing away as if they were the only two in the room. It caused you to chuckle.
“So do you want to dance, or…?” Jasper asked, placing one of his hands on your waist.
You shivered under his touch. It wasn’t a good shiver, it was discomfort. You wanted more than anything to be dancing with Neville — who you currently spotted over with Ginny, his hands on her waist and hers on his shoulders.
“Yeah,” you squeaked, awkwardly stepping closer to him before putting your arms around his neck. Your throat began to sting as you watched the two of them glide across the floor, laughing as they spoke to each other. It felt quite juxtaposed to the uncomfortable, weird situation that you found yourself currently in.
You began to sway to the music, trying your best not to dart your eyes to Neville every couple of seconds. Jasper was clearly not enjoying this, but you honestly couldn’t bring yourself to care what he wanted. He wasn’t going to get what he came here for and you weren’t going to be guilted into it either.
You honestly couldn’t be thankful enough as the slow song ended. You quickly pulled your arms away from him and you crossed them over your chest.
“I’m going to go get a drink,” you said, not waiting for his response before taking off to the table by the entrance. You heard him call your name as you pushed your way through students, holding the skirt of your dress in your hands to avoid being stepped on, but you didn’t look back.
There was a clearing near the table and you took a deep breath, dropping your skirt and letting out a sigh. Your shoulders slouched as you walked over and grabbed a small glass, not even sure if you were thirsty. The excuse was simply to get away from Jasper. You were regretting your decision to come here more than ever.
“I recommend the punch.”
You spun on your heel, nearly coming in contact with Neville. He was standing behind you, taking a step back after realizing how close he really was.
“Oh—,” you nodded, “Thanks.”
The punch bowl sat in front of you, glistening red under the shimmering lights. You grabbed the spoon and poured yourself a little bit, enjoying the scent of the fruity drink.
You turned back around, giving Neville a forced smile, “I’m sure it’s delicious.”
His eyebrows furrowed and he fiddled with his waistcoat, “Are you alright? I don’t mean to prod or anything.”
Your heart fluttered at his words, “Yeah, I guess I’m alright, really. Just not having a great time.”
Neville’s eyes scanned the dance floor where he spotted Jasper’s familiar blond head scanning the crowd, “I’m guessing it has something to do with your date.”
His eyes found yours again and you nodded, placing the glass down on the table behind you, “My situation is kind of like yours, I guess. You wanted to ask someone else. Well, I wanted someone else to ask me.”
You could see his shoulders sag before he frowned, “I’m sorry it didn’t work out. I’d say anyone would be lucky to have you as their partner, but something about him tells me he’s not enjoying himself the way he should be, being by your side and all.”
You had to fight a grin at his words. How Neville could be so awkward, yet so effortless in his words, you’d never understand. It was one of the reasons you knew you wouldn’t be getting over your crush anytime soon.
“Thanks,” you gave him a smile, looking down to the ground before meeting his eyes again, “You should go back. I don’t want to keep you from dancing.”
You could see the hesitation in his eyes as he scanned your face, but he gave a slight nod, “If ever you want to get away from him, I’ll be there to help you.”
“Thanks, Neville,” you smiled genuinely, maintaining eye contact. He stood there for a moment, looking into your eyes, and you could practically feel how reluctant he was to walk away.
As cliché and typical as it sounds, it almost felt like you were alone in the room, completely lost in his gaze. His eyes brought you comfort that nothing else could provide, and you only wished you could look into them more often. Like dancing, for example. How easily you’d find yourself lost in his eyes if you were dancing.
“No worries,” he gave you a small smile, scanned your face once more, and took off into the crowd. As you watched his head of dark hair vanish, you let out a deep breath. If life could go your way, he’d have his hand linked with yours as he led you back to the dance floor.
But life wasn’t fair like that, was it?
You completely disregarded the punch behind you, stomach feeling like it was in knots, and made your way back to where you left Jasper. Only, you couldn’t find the familiar mop of blond hair anywhere. He was rather tall, so it wouldn’t be difficult to spot him. And yet, somehow, he was nowhere to be seen.
Until you looked to the entrance door and saw him hand in hand with a ginger Slytherin girl, both of them stumbling over their feet as they made their way out.
“Well, that was fast,” you mumbled, a frown on your face.
You stood alone on the floor, couples swaying to the music around you. It kind of felt like a movie — the kind of movie where the girl gets her heart crushed by a guy, and then is ditched by another guy, and then is left alone in the end. A crappy movie, you thought, but one that seemed to fit really well right now.
The music was practically taunting you, so instead of staying put or going to finish your drink, you once again gathered your dress in your hands, and made your way out of the room.
The hallway felt a lot fresher compared to the Great Hall, but that was understandable. Hundreds of bodies in one room compared to the corridor with an open doorway to the winter air.
Though, that wasn’t where you were going. You decided you’d go down to your usual escape spot, and now that all the teachers were chaperoning the ball, you would make it there with minimal interruption.
You spotted the familiar painting by the kitchen entrance, the bowl of fruits, and raised your hand to tickle the pear. The painting swung open and you crawled through the little stone passage, making sure your dress wasn’t going to get caught, before landing on both feet on the tile floor.
“Oh! Miss Y/N!”
Dobby, donned in a little scarf and hat, waved at you from a tabletop.
“Hey, Dobby,” you grinned, “Sorry to interrupt your quiet evening in here. I didn’t know where else to go.”
He patted the table next to him, “Why did you leave so early? Dobby heard the ball was lasting all night.”
You gave him a little smile, sitting down on the stool in front of him, “Wasn’t as fun as I expected. I’d rather spend my evening here. Where is everyone else?” The stool was rather small for a human being, considering it was most likely made for an elf, but if you leaned forwards against the table and kept your feet plastered to the ground, you managed to balance just fine.
He gave a little smile and looked at you with those big eyes, “They are all tired! We have been putting the ball together for days now! They all went to bed.”
The corner of your lips curved up, “Well, now you have company, Dobby.”
He clapped his hands together and let out a little laugh, “Let me show you what Dobby found today. It was in the Gryffindor common room!”
You nodded, knowing that it was most likely a knitted hat. Hermione had been leaving those scattered around the room for a little while now. Little did she know Dobby was the one collecting them all.
As you watched his little body disappear through a small doorway on the far wall, you took a look around the kitchen. Despite the fact that you were certain they had been working non-stop in here for days on end, it was nearly spotless. Pots and pans shimmered under the candlelight, tabletops were clear, apart from a few fruit bowls and snacks. The counters were clean, as well as the floors.
If this place had windows, or maybe a little more light, you felt it would be quite nice.
You sat there silently for a little while, already beginning to feel the sadness of the evening creep in. It was quite a bummer, really. You didn’t know if you wanted to go back to your own dorm tonight or stay out wandering the halls, mind running through all the scenarios on how tonight could have gone differently, how it could have been better.
The only sound you could hear was a light creak, which you eventually realized was the painting swinging open to let someone in.
Panic began to settle in and you stood off your chair, moving to the other side of the table. You would still be very much visible if you ducked, so there was no point in doing it, but you did it anyways.
The last thing you wanted was for Snape or Moody to catch you where you shouldn’t be.
Except, the person that crawled through and landed sturdily on their feet wasn’t Snape or Moody.
It was Neville.
You popped your head back up, eyes locking with his. He looked a little disheveled in terms of his hair, and his bow tie was slightly off centre, but the smile on his face showed relief.
“Neville?” you asked, already feeling a little less panicked. You only hoped Neville was alone. The last thing you wanted was for a girl to crawl in behind him. He wasn’t that kind of guy, you knew that, but your mind went there anyways.
Thankfully, he was alone. The painting swung closed behind him and he gave you a small smile.
“What are you doing here?” you asked, walking back around to the front of the table, this time deciding not to sit on the stool.
His cheeks turned a little pink but he brushed it off and shrugged, “I saw you rush out of the room. I wanted to see if you were okay. I remember you once told me you come here when you’re upset, so I gave it a shot.”
Your mouth felt like it fell open so you shut it quickly, blinking rapidly, “I’m surprised you remembered. Only you and Hermione know about my little escape spot.”
He gave a small chuckle, stepping a little closer, “Are you alright, though? I saw you leave and I didn’t see your date anywhere.”
You gave a shrug, averting your eyes, “He left. With another girl. I wasn’t interested in him that way, but it still sucks.”
He furrowed his eyebrows and gave a shake of his head, “You’re better off without him,” he stepped a little closer, catching your attention once more, “But I get why you’re upset. Funny story, the same thing happened to me. But not in the same sense. Ginny managed to get a dance with Harry.”
You were close enough to put a hand on his shoulder, “I’m sorry.”
Realization caught up to you and you noticed how stupid this gesture probably was, so you snatched your arm back and held it against you. Neville noticed your quick reaction and you could see his gaze fall down to the ground before meeting yours again.
Just like at the punch table, it felt as if time stood still while you looked into his eyes. You could see he looked like he wanted to say something, his stare darting back and forth between your lips and your eyes, but he didn’t say anything for a good moment.
Until one of his hands reached across and held yours. His skin was warm, and you could feel his pulse against his wrist. His heart was beating fast, and if he could feel your own pulse, he’d say the same about you.
“You look—,” he took a deep breath, “You look beautiful tonight. Well, not just tonight. You look beautiful most of the time. I’m just saying, it’s — never mind.”
Your heart seemed to stutter in your chest, goosebumps rising on your skin at his words. They had caught you so off guard that you couldn’t find a way to respond. No words seemed to find their way into your mind. All you could do was smile. A bright, genuine grin that hurt your cheeks.
“Thanks,” you let out a small laugh, linking your fingers with his, “Also, you look pretty dapper yourself. I told you you would, and I was right.”
He stepped closer, his other hand locking with your free one. It wasn’t an overtly intimate gesture — people held hands all the time — but Merlin, did you ever melt into his touch.
“Do you — Can we have a dance?”
You bit your lip to hold back your smile. How you went from standing alone on the dance floor, starring in the most depressing teen flick you’d ever heard of, to standing alone in the kitchen, your hands locked with Neville’s as the candles flickered around the two of you, you’d never know. But you were so, so grateful. And happier than you can ever remember being.
“I’d love that,” you nodded, stepping closer and resting your head against his shoulder. His hands let go of yours and went to your waist, and it felt so right. So right that you completely forgot about how it felt when Jasper was holding you instead.
Your hands went up to his neck, draping them around him and leaning into his touch. There was no music, but it almost didn’t feel necessary. The two of you began to sway slowly back and forth, the only sound being the click of your shoes as you took your steps. You couldn’t even bring yourself to care about whether Dobby would walk back in any second now.
He rested his head against yours as he led the way. It wasn’t much of a dance, but it was quite possibly the most romantic thing that’s ever happened to you. You wished more than anything that you could freeze this moment and live like this forever.
“A hat! Dobby was left a hat — Oh! Hello!”
Neville pulled away instinctively and grinned awkwardly, taking a second to process what had happened before nodding his head in the direction of the house elf, “Hello, Dobby.”
You fought a grin, turning your head back to face Dobby, who was awkwardly looking between the two of you, a large knitted beanie in his hand.
“Dobby can sense he is intruding,” he muttered, giving a little bow before backing up through the door he left through before, “Good night!”
The moment had sort of been interrupted, but you didn’t move away from Neville’s touch, resting your head against his shoulder once more as your laughter died down. Of course, the curious little elf would walk in at the worst moment.
“I knew that would happen,” you laughed, tightening your grip around him a little more. He chuckled, head falling against yours. You could feel his hair tickling the side of your face, the strands unruly and curly as they brushed against your skin.
The night ended up being way better than you expected.
This one you would never forget.
@grierpilots @hxfflxpxffs @mikumana @msmimimerton @pit-and-the-pen @diary-of-an-onliner @thoseofgreatambition @theweasleysredhair @haphazardhufflepuff @awritingtree @thisismysketchbook @valwritesx @vogueweasley @hufflrpuffforfred @phuvioqhile @marvelettesassemble @shadowsinger11 @breadqueen95 @hahee154hq @inglourious-imagines @amourtentiaa @spacexcowgirl @lumos-barnes @gcdricreads @bolaurel
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angelarmitage98 · 3 years
Harry Potter preferences...
How he asks you to be his girlfriend:
His P.O.V:
She was sat quietly in the library reading a book about magical creatures to kill time as she had nothing better to be done for the rest of the day. When suddenly, BANG! A loud noise was heard throughout the entire library, I could see her wondering where that noise came from. I hope she doesn't notice it was me, not just yet anyway. She stood up searching for where that sound came from. So, I stood still behind the old, dusty shelf, waiting for her to come wandering around the corner to find the surprise, I have on my invisibility cloak so she doesn't see me yet. Finally, I see her trotting along to where I made the noise. She looked around as she noticed the little box I placed there for her, waiting and anticipating for her to open it.
Your P.O.V:
I heard a loud noise coming from behind the shelves in the library and before, I knew it my feet took me towards the sound. When I got here, I saw nothing but a tiny little box wrapped in a nice mint green wrapping paper and a golden ribbon. I picked it up wondering who's it could be when I saw a tag attached so I made the decision to check and see who it belonged to. Once I looked I noticed it had my name on it, hmm how peculiar I thought but yet it was so exciting, so I opened it to which a whole bunch of confetti and fireworks flew out, BANG! WOOOSH! WOOO! I looked up to discover the fireworks spelling out, 'WILL YOU (Y/N) (Y/L/N), DO ME THE HONOUR OF BEING MY GIRLFRIEND? - HARRY POTTER' wow, how beautiful I thought, I could not help but have the biggest grin on my face. Suddenly, I hear a noise from behind me, "so, will you?" it was Harry, I just looked at him with the biggest smile ever, this was the best day of my life. Obviously, I nodded my head frantically because of course who wouldn't, it's THE Harry Potter, every girl loved him, and of course, I was one of those girls, and I am still one of those girls.
Your P.O.V:
I've just finished my last lesson of the day and have now decided to go find Ron, I haven't seen him the past couple of hours and I'm worried about him, what if he's sick. I saw Harry and Hermione walking my way and who better to ask about Ron than his two best friends, am I right? "Harry, Hermione, have either of you seen Ron anywhere?" I politely asked. Harry was looking at me in this weird way, and it began to make me feel as though I had something on my face. Hermione elbowed Harry in the ribs which to me was rather odd, but nevermind that I need to find Ron. "Oh, Ron is in the kitchen with the house elves, feel free to go find him," Hermione told me. I could tell she was trying to hold back a huge smile but I wonder why. Hmm, oh well I'll just talk to her about it later. "Ok, thank you," I replied and set off walking towards the kitchen. It took me ten minutes to get here but at least I finally arrived. I walked through the doors to see Ron covered in what seemed to be flour. 'Huh, I wonder what he's been up to.' "Ron, what are you doing? You look like a complete mess." I spoke. "Oh, (Y/N), you're here, erm I was just making cupcakes." The minute I heard the word cupcake, I rushed over, grabbed one and took a bite. "Bloody hell (Y/N), you were supposed to read them first." 'Oops,' I thought. "Ronald, seriously? How was I supposed to know that? And besides, its cupcakes how can I hold back from eating one." I said. "Look, I'll put it back and read them," I spoke again. Lucky enough I only took a small bite and the letter was still written on the cupcake. "Good." He replied. I placed the cupcake back where I got it and look at them to see it said '(Y/N) WILL YOU DO ME THE HONOUR OF BEING MY GIRLFRIEND?' as I read it I felt a small tear drop onto my hand. I then turned to look at Ron with a huge smile on my face. "Ronald Weasley, I would love to be your girlfriend," I spoke ecstatically, knowing that this is the start of a beautiful relationship.
Regular P.O.V:
You were sat at the Gryffindor table when you felt someone tap you on the shoulder. You turned around to see Crabbe stood there with a beautiful white rose. 'Hmm, my favourite.' You thought. "Follow the roses." Was all he said and pointed towards the Great Hall doors. You arose (no pun intended) from your seat and began walking towards the doors. There stood Goyle with another rose in his hand. 'How peculiar' you thought. "Keep going." He said. So you walked through the doors and heard Fred and George shouting your name. "(Y/N), This way, come on (Y/N), move those legs." Which caused you to laugh at them. 'Oh Merlin, these two are strange' you soon arrived in front of them and the boy gave you a rose each. "Just a few more to go." then pointed in the direction in which you're supposed to walk. You looked at the end of the hall and saw Ron standing there and began to make your way there. "Almost there, just head that way," Ron said nodding his head in the direction in which you're supposed to go while handing you another rose. You were so confused as to what was going on but you felt so intrigued to find out what was going on and how it all ends. You continued your walk and came to find Harry with another rose. "Just one more of these and you're there." 'Huh,' you thought. You then began to quicken your pace to see what was lying ahead. You came to a stop when you found Hermoine with the last rose. "Just there." She spoke in her soft voice and pointed outside towards the Whomping Willow, you took the final rose and made your way there. You came to a halt when you say 'Be Mine? - Yours Truly, Draco' written in rose petals. You heard someone say "ahem" from behind you and turned to see Draco. "I would love to be yours." You told him. "Good, and don't say anything about me asking Potter and his friends to help. I did it for you and that's all you need to know." You giggled at what he had said and thought to yourself. 'Best. Day. Ever'
His P.O.V:
So, today's the day I've finally decided to ask out my crush. Her name is (Y/N). She's so beautiful, she has (H/L) (H/C) hair that frames her face perfectly. Her smooth (S/C) skin is radiant when the sun hits it just right. And her li- "Hey Nev, you ok?" A voice pulled me from my thoughts, it's her, oh Godric I'd know that angelic voice anywhere. "Ugh, erm, yeah. I'm good. I'm just getting a couple of books to study. Are you ok? And what you up to?" I already know what she's doing, I know her schedule better than my own and I know she's here to do a bit of light reading but I wouldn't want to say that out loud I mean she will think I'm a complete freak just like everyone else already does. "Oh, ok. You look a little a pale and I thought you might be feeling a little sick, but anyway I've just come for a bit of reading, would you care to join me?" I could listen to her talk all day. "Oh, sure. I'd love too, that would be great, I mean only if I-" "Nev, you're rambling, now just come on, let's go find some seats." "Yeah, sure," I told her as we began walking, we walked all the way to the back of the library and sat down on the seats further back. 'Ok,' I thought 'time to put this plan into action' "Nice book that, how far have you got?" I asked, trying not to let the nerves get the better of me. "I'm just on chapter thirteen, and honestly it seems pretty good so far." "That's good. Can you do me a favour? Go to page five hundred and twenty-one, line seven." I asked her, god I hope this goes well.
Your P.O.V:
Huh, Nev seems to be acting a little strange but that can wait. I've decided to do what he's asked and went to the page and look at line seven. The words 'This was his moment, it was time to ask her, but will she say yes...' Wait. What. Is he... Oh my gosh... He's asking me out. "Oh Nev, yes, yes, yes thousand times yes." this is the cutest thing anyone has ever done for me, and I'm glad it was Nev, I mean I've adored him since we met each other in my compartment of the train.
Your P.O.V:
I was walking down the hall when I noticed if I didn't hurry up I would be late for my next class. I parted ways with my friends and scurried off down the hall towards potions. There's no way I can risk being late considering the fact that I have Professor Snape for a teacher, he's so heartless and doesn't even give you a chance with anything if you're not Slytherin and guess what I'm not Slytherin. I walked into the classroom and realised that he wasn't here yet, phew, I thought. I took my seat next to Seamus as I usually would but for some reason he looked extremely nervous, I wonder why? But before I could ask Professor Snape walked in. 'Great' I thought. The class proceeded as normal and halfway through making my potion, I heard the usual bang come from the side of me, which usually meant Seamus messed up his potion, so I turned to the side to help him fix things as I'd normally do. Only this time I noticed something different. I saw the words 'Will you (Y/N), please be my girlfriend' written within the smoke. I looked at Seamus who said "Will you?" with a nervous smile etched on his face. "Yes, definitely yes," I spoke with excitement laced in my voice. "Miss (Y/L/N), Mr Finnigan. Detention." I heard Professor Snape say The one thing I didn't want to happen today, happened. But in all honesty, it's definitely worth it.
Regular P.O.V:
Today's the day for the Quidditch match. It's Gryffindor VS Slytherin to see which team shall win the final match of the year. Yet even though you should be cheering for Slytherin you're not. In fact, you're actually cheering and screaming for Gryffindor instead, all you keep doing is cheering for Fred Weasley, your crush and George. All you want is for them to win but at the moment they only have 70 points and Slytherin have 80, which of course you're happy with because it is your house team but you'd be so much happier if it was the other way around. You're pulled from your thoughts when you saw a bludger come your way but before it had the chance to get close enough you saw Fred fly down to save the day, he hit the bludger away then turned to you to give a sly wink. You couldn't help but let the blush form on your face. Then all of a sudden they called for a time out and everyone began chattering among themselves confused as to what was going on. Then suddenly Fred was in front of all the players with a microphone at hand "So," you heard him say, you looked right at him to see what he was about to do next. "We all know this gorgeous girl that I always have by my side, she's my partner in crime, well my other one, I also have George." You couldn't help but laugh at that. "Well, anyway, she's perfect and I've been crushing on her for a long time now and well I have this for her." And randomly the team started flying around to spell out. 'Will you please go out with me?' and then Fred began flying towards you. You stood shocked. He arrived right in front of you and said: "So, (Y/N) will you be mine?" You stood nodding your head vigorously not knowing what to say because you felt as though you couldn't trust your words. Fred smiled at you as though he'd won the lottery and screamed through the microphone 'she said yes' and the whole crowd began to go wild. You felt as though you had never been happier in your whole entire life than at this moment right now. This is the start to a beautiful life to a guy you've been in love with for quite a while now and you can't wait to see what the future has in store for you both.
Your P.O.V:
I was sat with Fred in the Gryffindor common room waiting for George so that we could go get dinner, but I wonder what's taking him so long. Suddenly Fred stood up and told me to follow him. "But what about George?" I asked, "Don't worry, we're off to find him." He replied. So I stood up and began to follow him, we had a small conversation about his pranks and how good he feels his and George's prank will be. Next thing I knew we had arrived in the middle of the Quidditch field and saw a beautiful picnic laid out. "Fred, what's going on?" I asked but when I looked up he was nowhere to be seen. "Fred... Fred..." I kept shouting but he wasn't anywhere near here. I sat down on the blanket, wondering what was going on when all of a sudden I felt someone grab my shoulders while screaming boo. I jumped, feeling frightened. I turned myself around to see George stood there, I picked up a pillow and began hitting him with it while screaming at him, telling him how much of an idiot he is for scaring you like that. "Ouch, ouch, stop it, woman, I'm sorry." He said while laughing. "Yeah, you better be, now what the hell is all this you idiot?" I asked. "Well, this dear is a date." He replied. "Oh," I said. "So, erm, (Y/N) how about I teach you to fly." George suddenly said. "Ok," I replied. We got up and he began to teach me how to ride a broom. We had now been doing this for about an hour when all of a sudden I began to lose my grip. I began to fall off my broom and screamed for George and he swooped me into his arms. "Why thank you for saving my life. You're my hero, my very own Superman." I said while laughing "Well if I'm Superman can you be my Lois Lane?" George asked with seriousness laced within his voice which caused me to stop laughing. I stared straight into his eyes and replied with "Nothing would make me happier than being Lois Lane to your Superman." And with that, he flew you back toward the ground where you sat and finished your picnic while waiting for the sunset to come. (You told him about Superman because you're muggleborn and know all about him, so you thought it would be fun to tell him about superheroes and anything related to them).
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sonybees · 3 years
random harry potter characters headcanons because i am bored
includes: fred, george, harry, ron, hermione, ginny, luna, seamus, dean, neville, padma, parvati, cedric, angelina, alicia, katie, cho, draco, adrian, blaise, and pansy.
warnings: slight modern!au, swearing, food mention
these are all headcanons i made on the spot so i’m sorry if they suck. i’m just really bored. it is also all over the place. a lot of these are collabs between some characters. i hope you enjoy though!
(by the way, the little dashes are just dividers)
rest under the cut!
fred would dance around his room at 3 am to literally any song.
jazz, classical, rock, metal, pop he does not give a fuck.
he woke up george once by jumping on his bed and playing all star on his electric guitar.
probably a song writer
uses “life is short” as an excuse to act on his bad decisions
dancing in the rain is one of his favorite things to do
sleeps at 3 am or pm, you decide.
hopeless romantic
good old fashioned lover boy by queen is his song
has a soft spot for hufflepuffs
george loves birds and bugs. completely unrelated to the last one but it’s true.
saw an injured bird outside his room when he was 5.
he cried and immediately took it in.
also cries when someone kills a bug.
thinks the bug’s family would be angry and disappointed in him.
enjoys painting random objects in his room
loves being called pet names
something like dear, honey, or hubby would make his heart burst
loves using them for his significant other as well
hopeless romantic part 2
has a soft spot for ravenclaws
harry is a night owl and he likes reading comic books.
he likes listening to rock music. i said what i said.
prefers being alone
likes quiet places and probably has a hideout
usually doesn’t understand poetry until he reads it like 20 times
has a soft spot for ravenclaws
ron adores ducks.
tears up when he sees them and always used to beg molly to keep them.
still tears up to this day.
not a big fan of seagulls though
he’s scared of them
but eagles are cool
likes country and rock music
also takes an interest in photography
the breakfast club is his favorite movie
has a soft spot for hufflepuffs
hermione loves listening to taylor swift.
reads to her songs always.
ravenclaws save her a special seat in their common room because a lot of them grew quite fond of her
a taste tester for hufflepuffs who go to katie’s lessons you’ll understand this later
she actually enjoys dressing up as well even if there wasn’t an event
has a soft spot for ravenclaws
ginny accompanies dean while he draws.
she just likes looking at other people do what they love so it’s not only dean.
she sometimes zones out looking at hermione read a book, always taking note of the facial expressions and guessing what she just read,
catching harry push his glasses up or cleaning them,
also is with luna every time she paints.
luna has a few artworks with ginny as her muse.
gin likes the simple things in life.
loves board games
sometimes a little too competitive
struts down the hallways with her significant other
she’d never admit it but she loves 10 things i hate about you
has a soft spot for slytherins
luna almost always goes with neville to the gardens.
she helps him with whatever he needs and sometimes draws a few stuff.
she’s a photographer too so she loves waking up early in the morning and taking photos.
amazing at braiding hair
and making flower crowns
likes reading royal fantasy books
watches 10 things i hate about you with ginny
has a soft spot for slytherins
seamus also hangs out with luna sometimes,
talking to each other about whatever.
he thinks she’s interesting and would make great conversations.
she does.
he also took some painting lessons from her
loves pumpkin juice
likes the movie my girl
has cried more than he will ever admit
has a soft spot for slytherins
dean has a wall in the boys dorm room where he puts up all his drawings.
the guys love it and always just stares at all of them in awe.
they’re all so amazing
is usually the first to notice when someone is sick
takes care of them immediately
loves sweaters
knows how to speak in latin
has a soft spot for hufflepuffs
neville goes to hagrid way more often than anyone thought.
he learned how to take care of the creatures, make some awesome tea,
he also sometimes helps hagrid clean his own house.
helps others in herbology
likes green tea
loves overalls
has a soft spot for ravenclaws
padma holds a record of the fastest writer at hogwarts
yeah, she’s amazing at it
ended up publishing her own fantasy book starting at hogwarts
sold out faster than expected
she is also a singer
amazing singer
movie marathons are her thing
prefers crime shows/movies
soft spot for gryffindors
parvati is very very very protective over her sister
does archery and is amazing at it
a very chill person until you mess with her loved ones
loves sixteen candles
adores puppies
watches big bang theory
soft spot for slytherins
cedric plays the piano.
the ravenclaw common room is where the only piano is at hogwarts so he goes there quite often.
everyone loves hearing him play.
other students gather around with their instruments and sing along as well.
wears glasses for reading
netflix type of guy
probably a theatre kid
has a soft spot for gryffindors
angelina also took piano lessons from cedric.
she just asked him one day where he learned it and he said his father taught him and he could tell that she wanted to learn.
so, he offered to teach her.
she was a natural at it and the lessons are always fun, even for the ravenclaws
angelina is also a tutor at hogwarts.
it all started with george and fred and she realized that she actually quite enjoyed it.
all her students love her
has a soft spot for ravenclaws
alicia is always the group leader in every group work she’s ever done.
she’s also usually the main organizer for any event at hogwarts.
she’s usually there with the help of angelina and katie.
they all work very well together
has a soft spot for slytherins
katie has a passion for cooking.
she’s friends with a lot of hufflepuffs and she meets a lot of them by the kitchens.
in there, they watch her cook amazing dishes and baked goods.
she was able to teach a few others how to as well.
the house elves love her.
has a soft spot for hufflepuffs
cho has an interest in fashion designing.
mcgonagall found her making a dress once in an empty hallway with some cool music playing.
minnie was amazed.
she was also able to start a fashion club at hogwarts.
luna, katie, dean and a few other were apart of this club as well.
likes pudding as much as luna does
has a soft spot for gryffindors
draco plays the violin.
pretty unexpected to his friends because he never really told anyone til goyle walked in on him playing in his dorm room.
he is actually very good at it.
combs his hair too often
the type to take too long at the water fountain
finishes his water bottle after like less than two hours of getting it
acts ‘ominous’ to the point where it’s funny
soft spot? for ravenclaws
adrian teaches young students how to play quidditch
his favorite color’s green for nature
actually loves reading and writing poetry
“most respectful”
has a soft spot for gryffindors
blaise seems very intimidating but is actually very sweet
shouts at quidditch games (much to everyones surprise)
loves the rain
likes dark academia movies
it’s basically his whole aesthetic
holds a record for most botts beans that fit in the mouth (without puking)
has a soft spot for hufflepuffs
pansy has a whole drawer of jewelry as she should honestly
actually soft for cats but it’s not like she’ll ever tell anyone
loves playing with other’s hair
massages her friend’s backs
they do the same for her
a goddess at card games
is actually a gymnast
has a soft spot for ravenclaws
bonuses: george and fred’s favorite movie to watch together is bill and ted’s excellent adventure
all the gryffindors have a movie night at least once a week and others from different houses join along as well
hermione, ginny, luna, parvati, padma, angelina, alicia, katie, and cho have girl nights
the same with the guys though it was quite awkward at first due to draco being there but they eventually warmed up to each other (after like 4 months)
no one really knows how draco and the slytherins even got there but yk
they never tell anyone that they’re comfortable with each other now though
tags: @quadrupledeckertaco @audreysmusings @georgeweasley19 @krasivayadarling @crookedhag
and others who i think would enjoy this: @lunalovecroft @whizboyhalo @darthwheezely @sirlorelai @puntuations @cherryweasleys @amourtentiaa @whatthefuckimbisexual @gredmforge (you don’t have to read if you don’t like!)
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lazywonderlvnd · 4 years
this is a tiny soft birthday piece for @l0vegl0wsinthedark -- you deserve way more than u think u do my angel and i hope this lifts ur spirits just enough to enjoy ur day like u should (and while i’m finishing a whole ass fic for you) happy birthday ilysm ❤️❤️❤️
includes: lots of weed smoking, kissing boys, and a room full of gryffindors and slytherins getting along
The chair is definitely made for one person, but that hasn’t stopped Draco from making himself comfortable on Harry’s lap in an entitled manner reminiscent of Crookshanks. In fact Crookshanks, in Harry’s opinion, looks a bit annoyed at the stolen bit of real estate. He’s contented himself with Ron’s lap but he’s watching Draco with an almost human expression of contempt.
There’s a layer of smoke sitting stagnant at about head height, like a potent cloud, that Harry had noticed five minutes ago and can’t unsee now. Had they really smoked that much?
He looks around the room: at Seamus, who is speaking rapidly and with extravagant hand gestures to Blaise in an Irish accent so thick Harry can make out only one in five words; at Hermione, with one of the two circulating joints in hand, laughing with tears in her eyes at something Ginny’s just said; at Luna, holding the other and staring peacefully off into space, completely unaware of Pansy sneaking glances at her. Yes, perhaps they had smoked that much. Goyle looks utterly blazed too, his eyes bloodshot and slitted, fingers positively caked with cheese dust from a bag of crisps. 
Bringing his focus back round to Draco on his lap — who is, from his position, engaged in conversation with Dean — Harry gives a great yawn and shifts a bit, trying to relieve the slight tingling in his right leg. Draco readjusts himself without missing a beat, moving some of his weight around to Harry’s other thigh and continuing uninterrupted in his spiel about … well, Harry’s not sure, really. He thinks it’s something about some artist or another, Draco’s current obsession.
He turns, blinking, to see Hermione holding the joint towards him and shaking it. The ash falls off and lands on the carpet.
“Oh — oops,” she giggles. “Sorry. I said your name a million times. Here, take it, it’s yours.”
He leans over the arm of the chair to reach out as far as he can while being weighed down with Draco, stretching towards her on the sofa, and just manages to snag it with his fingertips. She pulls out her wand and cleans the ash, then turns back to Ginny.
Harry drops his head back and takes a hit, pulling the smoke into his lungs, holding it there, and then blowing it out towards the ceiling. He watches with fascination as it joins seamlessly with the larger cloud. He’s become completely neutralised to the smell of the weed but he keeps getting whiffs of Draco’s shampoo, a brand new one he keeps raving about that’s supposed to work all kinds of wonders on his scalp and hair follicles. All Harry really gives a shit about, though, is that Draco’s smelled like coconut lately, which he very much likes.
He lifts his head and takes another hit, but this time he brings his mouth close to Draco’s ear and blows the smoke into it, causing him to cringe away, startled, while Dean starts laughing.
“You’re so fucking annoying when you’re high,” says Draco, trying for scolding except that his eyes are bright and he can’t quite keep a smile off his face. “Give me that.” He snatches the joint from Harry and brings it to his lips, letting the smoke drift out through his nose and looking like the world’s loveliest and smallest dragon. He must see the way Harry’s looking at him because after he takes his second hit he leans down with a coy grin and Harry meets him halfway in a kiss so Draco can breathe the smoke into his mouth. His tongue follows shortly after and Harry loves the way he can taste the weed on it, earthy and bittersweet. 
He loses himself in it quickly, his hazy, sluggish brain happily forgetting the presence of eight or nine of their friends around them as he drinks his fill. All that’s real or matters is the warm, solid weight of Draco in his lap, the smell of weed and coconut, his soft lips and wet tongue and the gentle fingers on his jaw, stroking lightly. His own hand, the one not draped behind Draco’s back, finds his hip and snakes beneath his shirt, just enough to graze warm skin. Draco smiles against his mouth and hums into the kiss before pulling away and trailing his lips towards Harry’s ear.
“I’d settle down if I were you,” he says softly, his breath tickling Harry’s neck. It’s only then that Harry realises he’s got a semi that’s beginning to dig into Draco’s arse and he lets out a quiet laugh. Just to be cheeky, he brings his lips to Draco’s jaw and kisses down his neck, grinning when he feels Draco shiver.
“But I’m enjoying myself so much,” he whispers, hand sliding from Draco’s hip to his lap, where he squeezes over his half-hard cock, causing him to squirm and gasp in surprise. He grabs Harry’s hand and pulls it away with pink cheeks while Harry laughs against his neck.
“Oi, d’you two fucking mind!” comes Dean’s voice, and Harry looks up to see him watching them with raised eyebrows.
“You don’t have to watch,” Harry tells him, ripping his hand out of Draco’s grip to squeeze his thigh this time, delighted by the squawk of indignation.
“Draco’s still holding the joint, you pillock,” says Dean. “And he’s about to singe your arm with it.”
“I’m not about to singe anybody, you troglodyte,” Draco says, whipping round to glare at him. “Not all of us are bumbling Gryffindor barbarians born without a trace of elegance in our blood —”
“Ow!” Harry yells, snatching his arm from around Draco’s back when something scalding hot touches his skin. Dean descends into howls of laughter while Draco takes Harry’s arm and starts apologising profusely. He goes as far as chucking the joint at Dean, whose laughter subsides as it lands in his lap and he jumps out of his chair before it can burn him. Harry can see it beginning to burn a hole in the carpet.
This is not by any means the first time this carpet has seen a lit joint. Hermione has fixed most of the damage but here and there are obvious reminders, which Harry actually quite likes. There is, he thinks, such a thing as too much cleanliness and perfection. If a burn mark on his carpet is a memory of a good time, he can’t see what’s so bad about it.
“I’m so sorry, Harry,” Draco coos, lifting his arm and pressing a soft kiss to the tiny burn mark.
“You did that on purpose,” says Harry, affecting a deep, childish frown that makes Draco laugh. He cups Harry’s cheeks and kisses his lips once, twice, three times, then his cheek, before pulling away.
“Oh, I’ll need more than that if you wanna make up for burning me,” Harry tells him, cheeky grin back in place. Draco rolls his eyes and Harry hears both Dean and Ron making retching noises while Seamus wolf-whistles.
“Who has the other joint?” Dean asks as he drops the roach into an ashtray on the coffee table. “Someone needs to roll a new one.”
“Harry, you do it,” says Pansy. “Blaise did the last two and they were terrible.”
“What the fuck?” Blaise says, glaring at her. “They were fucking decent, what’re you on about?”
“Harry?” Pansy presses, ignoring him. “Will you? Yours are the best.”
“That’s because he’s good with his hands,” Draco says, bringing his lips to Harry’s cheek again where Harry can feel him grinning.
“You have to get off my lap then,” says Harry, prompting a heavy pout from Draco that makes him look twelve.
“Just do it on my lap, it’s not that hard.”
Harry huffs out a breath but agrees; he likes Draco’s warm weight and doesn’t really care if it’s a little more difficult to do, but mostly it’s because in spite of the burn he’s still half-hard and doesn’t necessarily need everyone seeing it. Dean brings over the flat tray with a mirrored base that Harry likes to use for this purpose and sets it down on Draco’s lap.
Draco makes a game of kissing his neck while he’s trying to roll the joints, causing him to fumble several times to the general chagrin of the room at large.
When he’s finished, Dean removes the tray and all the scattered, ground-up weed on its surface and takes the joints, lighting them both and handing one off to Seamus so the rounds can begin again. Harry wonders vaguely how long it would take for the whole room to fill with smoke and eventually suffocate them.
Draco’s nuzzling his cheek now and Harry slips his arm back around him.
“We should kick everyone out after they finish these ones,” he hums into Harry’s ear. “I’m very anxious to make up for burning your poor arm.”
Harry laughs and squeezes his hip playfully, but he also feels his cock twitch with interest. Their friends will come again, plenty of times; more important is the very baked, very randy Draco in his lap whose mouth looks more inviting by the minute.
“Yeah, all right,” he agrees. 
“Good,” Draco says and kisses his cheek once again. His touchy-feeliness is one of Harry’s very favourite things about Draco when he smokes. It’s like he can’t help it. “I’m gonna get some lemonade actually, do you want anything, love?”
“I’m okay,” says Harry. “Don’t be long.”
With another kiss — on his mouth this time — Draco stands up and Harry takes the opportunity to swat his arse before he walks away. Draco yelps and blushes and smacks his arm but he’s smiling, and it makes Harry’s heart even lighter than the weed does.
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pregnant-piggy · 3 years
Two trees (1/3)
Harry Potter x reader, modern high school AU
This is part of All I want for Christmas is fanfiction
Words: 3k
A/N: this fic is mostly based on my experiences with school theatre. I have joined twice in my school’s plays a few years back and i can only wish it was like this
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Every year the school would do a Christmas production on the day before the Christmas break. And every year your friends managed to convince you to join them in it. But they all had something valuable to add, you had nothing. Lavender had great acting skills and she would undoubtedly get the leading part, like she had last year. Parvati was part of the technics team, so she didn’t even had to sign up for anything. And your best friend Dean had helped write the script, so he was settled too. You on the other hand had nothing. No acting skills, not a writer’s hand and no sense of technicality.
So when the day came that the roles were announced, you were slightly anxiously sitting in the school’s theatre, while your friends were chatting excitedly around you. The row in front of you was taken by a group of giggling girls and in the row before that were some other guys from your year seated.
‘Harry and Ron lost a bet,’ Dean explained when he noticed you were surprised to find those boys there. ‘They had made a bet with Neville and Seamus and lost. So they had to audition for the play.’
You chuckled and averted your gaze from the boys. Soon afterwards Mrs Stanley came to the stage and a silence fell over all who were in the theatre. Mrs Stanley was, despite the fact that you didn’t have classes from her, one of your favourite teachers. She was always kind to everyone and she hadn’t laughed at you when you had auditioned for the play.
She started to name the characters in the play, called The more the merrier, starting with the leading parts.
‘The role for Amy goes to Lavender Brown!’ Mrs Stanley said and Lavender beamed with happiness. ‘And the part of her opponent, Jacob, goes to Ron Weasley!’
Two rows in front of you three of the four boys started to laugh. The back of Ron’s neck turned as red as his hair and Neville almost fell from his chair laughing so hard.
Next to you Lavender and Parvati started to protest. Lavender had gotten up and was staring angrily down at the four boys. Parvati pulled her back down, while giving the boys a nasty glare. She took Lavender in an embrace and shot you a questioning glare over her shoulder. You shrugged back and turned to Dean.
‘Yeah, he was actually really good,’ said Dean, who had been at the auditions. ‘He surprised everyone.’
You looked at Ron and his friends, who were still laughing at him. Your gaze shifted to the mop of black hair that was sitting next to him. You had gotten to know Harry better since he was seated next to you in your history class, because he had been talking too much with Seamus. Despite what his lazy attitude made you believe, he was actually a really nice guy. And smart. He had surprised you with the comments he had made during class.
The rest of the parts were divided too and with every name that was called and that wasn’t yours, you felt both relieved and disappointed. Not disappointed because you had expected a part in the play, but because you wished to have this experience with your friends. You had missed it all those years and they always talked about how much fun it was to be part of ‘the crew’, as they called it.
‘And the last parts, go to y/f/n and Harry Potter!’
You started from your daze and stared at Mrs Stanley. Did she just say your name? You turned to Dean, who was smiling at you. ‘Welcome to the crew!’
‘I am part of the crew?’ you whisper-yelled. ‘I am in the play?’ Dean laughed and nodded as he put his arm around your shoulder and pulled you in for a hug.
The group of boys two rows below you were laughing again, but this time only half of them were. Neville actually fell from his seat this time and Seamus was pointing at Harry while the tears streamed down his face.
‘The rehearsals are every Thursday at four and I expect you all to be there! Please take the sheet with roles with you when you leave the place!’ Mrs Stanley said and she placed a stack of papers on the stage before she left.
Together with your friends you went down and got a piece of paper. On the top of the list stood indeed Lavender and Ron as the main roles. You heard Lavender sigh behind you, while you searched for your own name. Totally on the bottom you found it after the role you were playing.
‘A tree? I’m a tree?’
You turned around to Dean, who was grinning at you. ‘It was the only way to get you in.’
‘A tree?’ you repeated and looked back at the sheet. ‘Do I even have lines?’
‘You do, you do,’ Dean reassured you. ‘You have a conversation with the other tree.’
‘Of course, because one tree’s not enough! Who is my worthy opponent then?’
‘Me,’ a voice behind you said.
You turned around and were faced with Harry. He had an easy smirk on his mouth as he pulled his hand through his hair. You looked at the sheet again. On the paper stood indeed, next to your name, Harry Potter.
‘Oh, great,’ you mumbled before you smiled at Harry. ‘Well, at least it’s nice to know there is someone just as bad as me.’
Apart from being a tree, you were excited for the play and the next Thursday rolled around quickly. You were waiting with Lavender and Parvati in the seats closest to the stage, talking about all and nothing while you waited for the rehearsal to start. Around you were mostly younger students, not a real big surprise as you kept in mind that you were in your final to last year. Two girls were sitting close to you and you listened with half an ear to their conversation. The girl closest to you, with two pigtails, was explaining to the other girl how her family had big expectations for her own future as an actress.
Your eavesdropping was cut short when Harry and Ron, both with long faces, sat down between you and the girls. You now completely stopped listening to Lavender and Parvati as they talked about Lavender’s new math tutor and turned to the two boys next to you.
‘Look who it is, Mr Prince Charming and my fellow tree companion,’ you said. ‘Looking forward to it?’
‘Mr Prince Charming?’ Ron asked confused.
‘Oh, that’s right,’ you said. ‘You don’t know what the play is about.’
Dean had told you as soon as you had gotten a part in the production. It was about a girl, Amy played by Lavender, who shows Prince Jacob, who loathes the holidays, how much happiness Christmas brings to the people. They cross the whole kingdom that belongs to Jacob’s father, King Samuel, together until Jacob is convinced that Christmas is indeed a happy time. In the end he invites everyone that he has come across over for a big Christmas dinner in his castle.
And no one less than Ron Weasley was to play Jacob; hence the Prince Charming.
‘You’ll see,’ you said and at the same time Mrs Stanley walked on the stage, silencing everyone in the theatre.
‘Good afternoon! I am so excited to see so many familiar and new faces! I have no doubt that this year we’ll perform an even better play than last year.’
Mrs Stanley divided the whole group in little ones of four people who had sort of the same roles. You were in a group with the two girls you had listened to earlier and Harry. The girl with the pigtails, who was supposed to be a great actress later, appeared to play the part of a lumberjack and her friend was her sheepdog. You quickly learned that their names were Jennifer and Kayla.
The groups were all given a scene not from the play and it was the exercise to change and play it so that it became an interesting scene. The text would be unaltered, but all the rest was up for change.
Jennifer suggested to make it a melodramatic piece, acting it as if it was the last thing you’d do. However, you and Harry decided against that already foreseeing the embarrassment that would cause the two of you.
‘What if we completely change the context?’ you proposed. ‘Say we make it night instead of day.’
‘And we could be in the woods instead the-’ Harry read the description at the top of the paper, ‘-kitchen.’
Soon your group was working on a way to make clear that it was dark and night and time flew by. After an hour it was time for all the groups to present their pieces. Lavender’s group was first. She was with Ron, since they had the biggest roles, and three other people. You knew how much Lavender despised Ron right now, but there was no trace of it in her acting. And it surprised you how well Ron could act. It was as if someone else was standing on the stage and not the Ron from your PE class this morning who was whining about the laps he had to run.
‘I didn’t know he could act,’ you whispered to Harry, who was sitting next to you.
‘That makes two of us,’ Harry mumbled back as he raised his eyebrow at his best friend acting out a loud scene on the stage.
There were three other groups after Lavender’s group and then it was your turn. As you stood on the stage with the paper in your hand, you regretted ever letting your friends convince you to join them. All eyes were at your group but you saw nothing from the bright lights that were pointed at you.
Luckily for you, the most lines were given to Jennifer and Kayla for they also had a bigger part in the official play. Harry and you stood in the background and occasionally had to shout a spooky word, but most attention was focused on the two girls in front of the stage.
‘But, oh! How could you do that? Please tell me!’ Jennifer shouted out and you had to hide your face behind the script so no one would see your laugh. On the other side of the stage, Harry wasn’t even trying to hide his smile and you gave him a scolding glare. He shrugged and nodded at Jennifer, who was now running around her friend, while this one was trying to recite her lines without betting too distracted by the running figure.
‘Very well, very well!’ Mrs Stanley said when you were done and the four of you were standing on the front of the stage. ‘I like the dramatic approach you have taken.’
‘Yes, we were very focused on that,’ Harry mumbled softly and you chuckled.
‘That was the final group! I am more than happy now I have seen you all act together and I can’t wait to start rehearse the actual play next week!’ Mrs Stanley said and she dismissed everyone from the theatre.
You walked off the stage and grabbed your bag. You took out your phone and saw that Dean had texted you twelve times, asking you how it was going.
‘It could always be worse,’ Harry said to you, pulling your attention from your phone.
‘That indeed, imagine if we had the leading parts,’ you said and laughed as you looked at the awkwardness between Ron and Lavender.
‘I’ll see you tomorrow, y/n,’ Harry said and he walked away to Ron, who was searching for him.
Lavender and Parvati immediately rushed over to you and looked at you expectantly. You rolled your eyes and lifted your bag over your shoulder. While they complained about Ron you left the theatre and headed in the direction of your locker. While you dropped the books you didn’t need at home, Parvati turned to you.
‘So, you and Harry?’
You sighed and closed your locker, leaning back against it. ‘There is no me and Harry,’ you said, lifting your hand to brush away a speck of dust from Parvati’s shoulder.
‘Right, well you obviously had some chemistry there in the back of the stage. Don’t think we didn’t see it, sweetie,’ Parvati said and she wrapped her arm around your shoulder, pulling you with her to the exit of the school. Lavender followed behind.
‘Believe me, there is just as much chemistry between me and Harry as between Lavender and Ron.’
‘Ugh, why did he ever have to audition?!’ Lavender cried out.
The rehearsal got a lot more fun after you started with the actual play. With every week more and more started to come together. Despite the mutual annoyance, Lavender and Ron were a perfect couple and they nailed their parts.
Though you didn’t have a whole lot to do at the rehearsals; there was one scene you were in and you had only a few lines, it was fun to be at the rehearsals. You helped other people learn their lines and spent a lot of time with Harry, sitting in the back of the theatre and joke about the people that were rehearsing their scenes.
One or two times you were joined by Dean, but after he had seen that you were perfectly fine without him, he had decided that there were better things to spend his time on. Parvati was busy all the time with the lighting and sounds so she wasn’t around you a lot. Not that you minded, you had fun with Harry. He was perfect company and even made the boring scenes fun to watch.
In the past five weeks you had grown to him immensely. He had become a good friend of you. It felt like you had known him for much longer than you actually did. His humour matched yours and you felt he was more than relieved to have someone to go through this experience with.
Your scene with Harry was no longer than two minutes. You were two of the trees in the forest that Jacob and Amy travelled through. Jennifer, the lumberjack, and her dog, Kayla, would be on the point of chopping you down, when Jacob and Amy came by and saved you from your terrible fate.  ‘Thank you so much. You saved our lives,’ was your line and when Jacob would ask if you would like to join his feast, Harry’s line was: ‘Yes, please. It’d be a pleasure. Only if there was a way we could move.’ After which you both would be chopped down anyway.
At the sixth rehearsal you were helping a boy, Rick, learn his lines when Harry plopped down next to you, fifty minutes after the start of the rehearsal.
‘So, you just have to go over that last part and then I think you know it all,’ you said to Rick, who thanked you and hurried off to a quieter place to learn his lines. You turned to Harry. ‘Why are you so late?’
‘I had to stay behind with Seamus after our chemistry class,’ Harry explained and put out his arms. His fingers and hands were completely blue. ‘We spilled something and had to clean everything up.’
‘I want to feel sorry for you, but something tells me that you deserved it,’ you said with a small smirk.
‘Well, I’ll let you know that I rushed here immediately so you wouldn’t be alone. I didn’t even wash my hands.’
He brought his hands closer to your face and tried to bop your nose, but you caught his wrists and held his hands away from your face. He started to laugh and tried to get closer to you, but you were in a better position than he and managed to keep his hands away. However, just because his hands didn’t get any closer didn’t mean that his head couldn’t. Suddenly his face was so close to yours that you felt his breath on your skin. Something turned in your stomach and you stared at Harry a second too long.
You cleared your throat and dropped his hands. He leaned back, but since you were thrown off you didn’t notice his hand getting closer until it was touching your cheek. You felt the cold substance of whatever was on his hands leave a print on your cheek and your jaw dropped as you looked at Harry.
Before you could do anything, he had pressed both his palms against your cheeks, squeezing your face in between them. You started to sputter and pushed Harry’s hands away, but the damage was done. You didn’t need to look in the mirror to know that both your cheeks were now the same colour as Harry’s hands.
‘Harry and y/n? Your scene is up next!’ Mrs Stanley called from the front row.
You frowned and looked at Harry. He was staring at you in shock; neither of you had known that it was your scene that was to be practiced next.
Huffing you got up, trying to wipe the blue off your cheeks, but all that happened was that your hands were turning blue too now. And yet, you couldn’t help but laugh at your miserable situation. Harry, who had been rushing after you throwing apologies your way, was visibly relieved to see you smile at him.
‘It’s nothing, Harry,’ you said. ‘But I now do know that you absolutely deserved that detention.’
You went on stage and the bright light from the lamps on the ceiling shone in your face. You had to squeeze your eyes a little to make out where Mrs Stanley was sitting and you found her little away from you, looking at you with a strange expression.
‘What happened to your cheeks?’ she asked.
Next to you Harry put up his hands and showed his blue palms apologetically. ‘I might have stained y/n.’
‘Alright,’ Mrs Stanley said slowly while shaking her head. ‘Are you ready?’
general HP: @kitkatkl @girllety @yuptha-tsme @sleep-i-ness @iamak20 @thefuturelawyer @weasleydream @missmulti @deafgirltingz @moonstarrnghtsky @mytreec @lilulo-12fanfiction @emmaloo21 @kashishwrites @ananad1 @figlia--della--luna @kylosleftbuttcheek @mrs-malfoy-always @thefandomplace @magicwithaknife @mt2413 @aesthetically-hailey @superbturtlemakerathlete @the-natureofme @missswriter
131 notes · View notes
scabopolis · 3 years
the gift of gab, the gift of you
Here it is @thisonesatellite! your 2020 CS Secret Santa gift. It was a complete and total delight to get to be your gift giver this year. That is not hyperbole - you are a gosh dang delight! Each of your message responses left me in stitches and while I will NEVER try and convince you a movie you think is bunk is good, I am delighted at the opportunity to recommend rom coms that don’t make you want to gouge your eyes out. 
This fic is heavily inspired by your love of coffee shops AUs (except...you know, a pub), your travel stories (which I shamelessly incorporated into the fic) and I believe rates about a 4 on the reindeer scale of Christmas cheer.  You’re a total eagle eye, so I just need to say I am well aware that Colin O’Donoghue’s accent in no way resembles an accent from Cork, but I just need that to be ignored, please and thank you.
Also, I’ve decided we’re fandom friends now. Okay? Okay! Finally, thank you to @cssecretsanta2020 for organizing this exchange and being the actual best and most patient fandom soul. 
*** Title: the gift of gab, the gift of you
Summary: Emma needs an Irish man. Wait! No! It’s not what it sounds like. And then the universe just has to go and provide her with the world’s chattiest, flirtiest, blue-eyesiest Irish man in existence. 
Available on AO3. ***
Emma is in no position to complain. From where she sits both literally – (perched upon a comfy barstool in the world’s coziest pub) – as well as existentially – (traveling abroad for the first time in her life) — she is fortunate and blessed. 
It’s just – 
It’s just it would be easier to enjoy it all if she didn’t have to deal with a rather annoying request from her rather annoyingly persistent mother. 
Her headphones are in but Emma still takes great care to speak in hushed tones over video chat. There’s nothing she wants less than to be the loud American who shares her private conversation with an entire establishment. The pub she found is at the end of a quiet lane off of Cork’s high street. The customers within the pub appear to be locals well known by the staff who tend the pub. In truth, she wouldn’t even be having this conversation if it wasn’t for —
“Who have you talked to today?” her mother asks. 
“Uh, I’m pretty sure I thanked the barista who made my coffee. And I ordered a pint in this pub.” 
“That’s not talking.” 
“It is by definition talking.” 
“That’s not what I meant. How else are you going to get to know the city?” Her mom interrupts before Emma can properly formulate a snarky reply. “And don’t you dare say ‘guidebooks.’ Your father and I raised you better than that.”
“Mom, please don’t make me do this.” 
“You said I could have anything I wanted as a souvenir.”  
“What about a mug? I bought Grandma Ruth one with a big fat sheep on it.” 
“Sounds lovely, sweetie, but no.” 
“Mom.” Emma realizes that as a twenty-six year old woman it is probably unbecoming to whine, but her mother is being absolutely ridiculous. Where is her dad when she needs him to rescue her? All he requested was a bottle of whiskey. What a sensible person!
“No. It’s fine. If you don’t want to get your mother the one thing she asked for on this trip that’s okay. I won’t say one word about paying for this celebration trip, or paying for graduate school, or —” 
“Shit, mom. Did you take a Guilt Trip 101 class or just Google how to?”
“Oh, this is natural talent. My present, please.” 
“Fine.” There’s a group of bearded men, the ones she pegged as locals, tucked into one corner of the pub. They’re probably her best bet, but she just arrived last night, and the combination of jet lag and travel nerves make her feel not yet up for that. Which leaves the staff working the bar. 
One of the two men she’s seen pouring pints and serving up food has gone missing. Besides, Emma wouldn’t trust herself in her sleep-deprived state to not say something utterly absurd to the blue-eyed, dark-haired, scruffy bartender. Probably a good thing he’s gone. Much safer is the other man working the bar – the one who refused to serve her Guinness but was very kind about it. While arguably attractive, he is a decidedly less intimidating sort of handsome. Unfortunately, he is in the midst of a heated discussion with one of the patrons, the two of them gesticulating to something happening with a football match on the screen. Which leaves the blonde haired woman currently polishing glasses. 
Emma lightly clears her throat. “Excuse me, ma’am?” When the woman turns to look at her, Emma smiles, and signals her over. She sets aside the pint glasses and tucks the polishing rag into her apron. Her mother, on the other end of the video call, is not satisfied. 
“Did you say ma’am?” 
“Mom,” Emma whispers.
“I said an Irish man, Emma Blanchard Nolan. Man.”
“No. You said person.” 
“The man was implied.” 
“Then you should have been more specific.” 
“Ready for another?” the woman at the bar asks. 
Emma looks down at her half-full pint. “Not quite.” She frowns. “And, uh, you’re not Irish, are you?” 
“No. Canadian.” 
“Ah. Okay.” Emma lowers her voice again and looks at her phone screen. Her mother remains unimpressed. “That’s foreign. Technically she’s a foreigner.” 
The sternness of Mary-Margaret’s expression is evident even over the video call. “Emmaline —” 
“Not my name, mother.” 
“Emmaline Blanchard Nolan, you promised me.” 
“I’ll find an Irish person tomorrow.” It’s about this time Emma realizes she’s rudely ignoring the very kind and apparently Canadian bartender. The one she asked to speak with. What’s more, the very kind and apparently Canadian bartender has been joined by the curly haired bartender. Both of whom peer at her with matching expressions of amused befuddlement. Emma removes her headphones and addresses the man. “You’re Irish, right?” 
“Well, miss,” and the gentle brogue of his accent, even with those two short words, is quite evident, “you are in Ireland.” 
“Excellent! Can you talk to my mom?” She detaches the headphones from her phone and turns the camera around to face the man and woman. “My mom wants to have a conversation with an Irish person.” 
“Irish man,” her mother corrects.
“An Irish man. Out in the wild.” The bartenders stare at her, nonplussed. “It’s her souvenir.” 
The woman presses her lips together – an obvious attempt to stifle a laugh. 
“Well, uh, aye.” The man tugs at his ear. “I guess I could —” He’s interrupted from his stuttering by the return of the blue-eyed, stubbly bartender, hauling a new keg into the back of the bar. 
“Actually,” the woman cuts in. “My husband,” she hip checks the curly-haired man, “needs to replace the keg.” 
“I do?” he asks. 
“He does?” This from tall, dark, and holy hell! also possesses an Irish accent. 
“But Killian is in the middle—”
“Shh,” the blonde woman interrupts her husband. 
“Yeah. Killian is—”
She goes on to shush the man Emma now knows to be Killian. 
“Oh no,” Mary Margaret whispers over the video call, “there’s two of them.” 
“What is happening?” Emma’s not sure which of the two men asked, this whole interaction spinning rather absurdly out of control. 
“I don’t know,” Emma says.
The woman ignores all of them. “I’m Elsa, this is Liam, and that,” she points to Killian, frozen with a hand on the keg like he’s uncertain what to do, “is my very single, very Irish brother-in-law.” And all at once it becomes clear what Elsa’s intentions are. “Killian, can you come over here and help our lovely patron and her lovely mother?” 
“Oh, Emma, Killian even sounds like an Irish name.” 
“Mom!” Originally she found her mother’s request to be silly but harmless. The more people who become involved, however, the quicker it approaches mortifying. Emma watches as Elsa whispers something to her brother-in-law, likely explaining the unconventional request. 
“I’m very friendly,” Mary-Margaret reassures anyone who might be listening. 
“You are a flirt, is what you are,” Emma scolds. “And what would dad say if he found out about this?”
“He asked for whiskey. I asked for this.” 
“Come on, lass. Don’t deprive me of a dashing rescue.” Killian leans across the bar, his hand reaching out for her phone. All that stubble and the blue-eyes and the accent are worse when directed directly at her. “Besides, your mum sounds like a woman after my own heart.” 
“If you’re sure—?”
To her abject horror, the moment she hands Killian the phone, he walks away with it in hand. 
“As requested, milady,” he says to the screen, “one genuine Irish man.”
Her mother’s delighted giggle is embarrassing for all Americans everywhere but it seems to delight Killian. She can just makeout her mother’s question about where he grew up when he rounds the corner, out of her hearing. 
“Where is he going?” Emma asks, craning her neck. “Where is he taking my phone?” 
“If I know Killian, your mum is probably about to get the most thorough oral history of Irish pubs she could have asked for,” Liam says, tossing a towel over his shoulder. 
“Oh. Okay.” She drums her fingertips on her glass. “I’m sorry about all the trouble.” 
“Nonsense,” he waves her off. “This is the most exciting thing to happen in our pub since Seamus and Willy hosted their wedding reception here.” He jerks his chin towards the group of bearded men she noticed earlier, though which one is Seamus and which is Willy she can’t be certain. 
After another fifteen minutes, Emma has finished her pint and Killian still has possession of her phone. He crossed through the room once, merrily chatting with her mother as he regaled  her with the story of how he got the scar on his cheek. 
Elsa is filling a series of pint glasses for a group of women standing at the bar, and Emma feels the need to apologize again. “This isn’t what I expected,” she explains. 
“What’s that?” Elsa asks. 
“I was kind of thinking, best case scenario, there’d be an exchange of hellos and that would be that.” 
Elsa nods, hands the pints off to the women, and then fills one more. “Are you familiar with the legend of the Blarney stone?” 
Emma nods. She has absolutely no intention of kissing the dang thing (her research indicates local teens do all manner of ungodly things to the stone, knowing that tourists intend to kiss it), but it’s on her list to go see. 
“Well, Jones family legend —”
“I take it your husband and his brother are Jones’?” 
“And me by marriage. Jones family legend has it that Killian must have been birthed upon the stone because never has there been a man more endowed with the gift of gab.” Elsa finishes pouring the pint and sets it in front of her. 
“Oh, I didn’t order this.” Right at that moment, Liam returns to the bar and sets a turkey sandwich in front of her. “Or this,” Emma says. 
“Knowing my brother, you might be here a while,” Liam explains. 
“Gift of gab?” 
He nods, pleased that the Jones family lore has reached her. “Gift of gab.”
Liam proves to be correct, which means Emma has ample time to get to know both Elsa and Liam. The two of them are freakishly adept at juggling bartending, interacting with their customers, and keeping up a steady flow of conversation with her. The highlight is hearing the full story of Seamus and Willy (she is able to identify them by their matching navy sweaters – sweaters which Willy apparently handknits for the both of them), two men who worked on the same fishing boat for decades before realizing they were in love. 
“Once they sorted that bit out, they got married three weeks later,” Elsa says. 
“So which one of them is the designated driver?” Emma asks. 
“That whole lot lives down the street.” Liam raises his voice so the group can hear them. “And they do nothing but hassle me every day of my life!” The group all raise their pint glasses and cheer, indicating this kind of teasing is something central to the pub’s dynamic. 
Killian returns from wherever it was he was busy flirting with her mother and sets her phone on the bartop. She looks down at the display only to find it blank.
“Uh, your mum had to run to the market, but she indicated she’ll call you later.” 
“She didn’t even say goodbye? Unbelievable.” As Emma gears herself up for peak mom-annoyance, she gets a text message. “Speak of the devil.” 
4:38 PM - Mom to Emma hubba hubba
“Ah, geez, mom,” she grumbles. 
“What’d she say about me?” Killian asks. 
“What makes you think that text was about you?” 
“Because you have roses in your cheeks.” Emma frowns. She what? “You’re blushing,” Killian says. 
“No I’m not.” 
“It’s getting deeper, I’m afraid.” He takes away her empty pint glass. “Another?” 
“Yes, please.” 
He sets another pint of Murphy’s in front of her (Liam was the one to inform her that one drinks Murphy’s when one is in Cork). “Your mother is lovely.” 
“Yeah, she’s something alright.” She sips the beer and licks the foam off her lip. “What were the two of you talking about for so long?”
“Oh, just having a chat. She wanted to know about the pub and how Elsa and Liam met.” 
“The gift of gab.” 
“Ah,” he says, “Elsa told you of that, then?” 
“Like my mom didn’t tell you anything about me?” 
“It was all good, Emma.” 
She snorts. “Yeah, I’m sure.” 
“Why a conversation with an Irish man?” Emma frowns at Killian, not quite certain of what he’s asking. “For a souvenir. That’s truly all your mum wanted?” 
“Oh, that. In between flirting, did she tell you anything about her and my dad?” Killian shakes his head. “It’s kind of a long story.” 
As if waiting for his cue, Liam comes up behind Killian and slings an arm around his brother’s shoulder. “My dear little brother has time.” 
“Younger brother,” Killian corrects. 
“Shorter brother.” Liam bumps Killian towards the other side of the bar. “Why don’t you keep Emma company?” 
“I have another three hours on my shift.” 
“I think Elsa and I can handle it until Will arrives.” 
“Don’t make me fire you.” 
“You can’t fire me. We’re co-owners.” 
“Fine. Don’t make me quit.” 
Killian rolls his eyes but slides out from under Liam’s arm. He crosses to the other side of the bar and sits beside Emma. “I’ll take a pint, then.” He raps his knuckles on the bartop. “And make it quick.” 
Emma hides her smile in her pint glass. Both Liam and Elsa have been so lovely. There’s no reason to switch allegiances at this point. Regardless of how much she might be tempted by the stubbly-faced, blue-eyed flirty Irish man sitting beside her. 
“Between the two of them and my mother,” Emma says. 
“Yeah, not the most subtle lot.” Liam shoots Killian a glare as he sets the pint down to which Killian responds with the cheekiest grin Emma has ever seen. The interaction has older and baby brother written all over it. “So, your mom and Irishmen. Go.” 
“Oh, that.” Unlike her mother, and even her father, Emma holds the details of her life close to her chest. She’s made the mistake in the past of sharing too much too fast. When people leave her, either by choice or circumstance, it physically pains her to know there are people out in the world with knowledge of her worries, fears and dreams. But maybe it’s the sandwich sitting warm in her stomach, or the jet lag, or simply the buzz of international travel, because she feels inclined to share at least a few details of her life with Killian. 
“My mom and dad both took a gap year after high school and met while backpacking across Europe. They met at the Roman Colosseum, decided to match up their itineraries, and by the time they arrived in Budapest five months later they were in love and my mom was pregnant.” 
“And they’ve been together ever since?” 
“Almost 27 years.”
“That’s quite the story.” 
She nods. “They cut their year of travel short, and went to live with my Grandma Ruth, my dad’s mom. They always talked about returning to Europe, finishing their trip at some point, but by the time I was old enough to leave behind with my grandma, dad was in vet school, mom was teaching, and they were running a wildlife rescue from the family farm. They kept making new plans to travel but they just kept getting pushed back and back and back. Until, one day, they decided to put all that money towards sending me on my first trip instead. So, as much as I fight every silly request she has of me, I would do anything if it made her smile.”
“Your mum and dad never made it to Ireland?” 
“Thus the strange request.” 
“Thus the strange request.” 
“Well, it gave me a reason to chat with the lovely lass at the bar, so for that I’ll be forever grateful.” 
Her Grandma Ruth, Aunt Ruby, and frankly everyone who knows her parents well, routinely comment on the resemblance between Emma and her dad. Apparently in temperament and affectation they are almost identical. But maybe she’s more like her mom than anyone knows because the conversation between her and Killian flows fast and easy. Easy enough that she barely notices when she and Killian finish their pints and Elsa slides new glasses in front of them. Emma’s head is feeling a little buzzy, and that turkey sandwich was more than a couple hours ago. Maybe she can hint at Killian that she wants to go to the Christmas market. Hint even more specifically that she wouldn’t hate if he went with her. 
No, she can’t do that. To even think such a thing would be ridiculous. 
She can’t possibly ask a practical stranger to walk up and down the stalls of the festive market with her. She can’t expect him to want to sample all the baked goods and food they can handle. Or to hold her hand while they drink spiked apple cider. That kind of thinking is romantic, and hopeful, and not at all her brand. 
“This is really your first trip out of the states?” Killian asks.
“I mean, Canada, but that’s so close to home it doesn’t count.” Emma catches herself, eyes darting to Elsa. “Don’t tell your sister.” 
“Your secret’s safe with me.” Killian angles his body on the stool to face her more directly. Without Emma realizing it, they’ve drifted close enough together over the past hour or so that the move makes it so their knees knock together. Emma could move away, put some distance between them, but everything is foggy and hazy in that delicious way, and she can’t bring herself to move. “What does that make me, then? The ruggedly handsome foreigner you intend to seduce as a notch on your bedpost?” 
“Who said anything about seduction?”
“You’re giving me bedroom eyes.” 
“I do not make eyes of any kind. Especially bedroom eyes.” 
Elsa jumps in, setting glasses of water down for each of them. “Yeah, but Killian does. And he needs to put them away.”
Emma tries to react quickly enough to Elsa’s teasing to evade Killian’s detection, to turn away and hide her smile in her shoulder so he can’t see, but the gentle tug on the end of her braid indicates he caught her. 
“Think that’s funny, do you?” 
“You and my mom ganged up against me. I deserve to join with your family against you.” 
“Your mum is great.” He shrugs. “Well, based on the little I know.”  
“I know she can be a little intense. I hope she didn’t—”
“She was as lovely as her daughter.” Before his words can fully sink in, perhaps bringing that blush back to her cheeks, he’s moved on. “You’ll have to bring her with you when you return.” 
She rests her chin on palm, blinking up at him. Okay, maybe she sometimes makes eyes. “What makes you think I have any plans to come back?”
“Ireland gets in your blood. You’ll be back.” 
This time they’re interrupted by Liam. He swipes away the pint glasses in front of them, remaining beer and all. “That’s about all I can stomach of that.”
“What do you mean?” Killian asks. 
“You’ve been flirting with the kind tourist long enough. Time to go.” 
Oh. Emma looks down at her boots. A surge of deep embarrassment heating her cheeks and causing her stomach to churn. “Sorry,” she says quietly, her eyes turned down. “I didn’t mean to—”
“No!” The twin cries from both Liam and Killian startle her. She’s not sure which one appears more stricken by her announcement she intended to leave.   
“Apologies, Emma, I wasn’t clear,” Liam says. He extends his hand to Killian. “Apron.” It takes Killian a moment to react but when Liam stays in his place, his hand extended, Killian removes his apron and hands it to him. “See you tomorrow, little brother.” 
“Not a word.” Liam stalks back over to Elsa who is shaking her head at the whole display. “They’re both idiots,” Liam says, and Emma is just going to pretend she didn’t hear that, thank you very much. 
“Have you been to the Christmas market yet, Emma?” Killian’s voice brings her back to the pub, and this particular bar stool, with this particular man. This particular man who has somehow intuited the secret desire of her heart to go to the town’s Christmas market with him. 
“No. No. Not yet.” 
Killian jumps down from his seat and extends a hand to Emma to help her down. “Come on, love. Let’s sail away.” 
There’s 100 ways Emma could respond to that. She could tell Killian she isn’t his love. She could jump down from the stool on her own. She could insist she’s fine going to the market by herself. But she tries to channel a little magic, that particular magic which for her mom and dad turned one day in Rome into a lifetime, and chooses differently. 
(Not that she’s saying she expects—)
She takes Killian’s offered hand and his answering grin is all the confirmation she needs she made the right decision. 
And so they go to the Christmas market, and at Killian’s insistence she tries mulled wine but quickly trades it in for a cup of boozy cider. They ride the ferris wheel, the cold stinging her cheeks from the top, the lights of Cork spread out before her, and that thrum of love for this place beats loudly in her veins. Suddenly every travel story her parents have ever told her makes sense and maybe Killian is right  – maybe Ireland is in her blood. 
They walk together side-by-side and at a point Emma can’t remember – somewhere between sampling whiskey, buying several bottles for her dad, and licking salt and malt vinegar from hot chips off her fingers – they transition to walking hand-in-hand. The heat of Killian’s skin, even through two layers of gloves, is what she blames for the fact that she actually starts humming along to Christmas carols. Where’s that deep cynicism she has been committed to for her life when she needs it? 
“Told you,” Killian says after the two of them step away from a stall with handmade ornaments. She must have been channeling her mom because she couldn’t stop herself from striking up a conversation with the vendor. Somehow by the end of the interaction she’d agreed to join him and his wife for their annual holiday pub crawl the following night. 
“Told me what?” 
“That you would fall for Ireland.” 
“You get the honor and privilege of keeping me company on my first full night on my first real trip out of the country and all you can say is ‘I told you so’?” 
“I believe what I am trying to say, love, is you appear very much at home here.” 
The sentiment makes everything in Emma buzz, but she does what she does best and works to diffuse it. “Well, uh, I don’t know. Does it ever snow here?” 
“Eh, we get about 50 mm every year?” At her look of confusion Killian smiles. “Not much.” 
“Have you ever had a white Christmas?” 
“Can’t say I have. They’re pretty rare in Ireland.” 
“In that case, I think this means you should come to Maine. We do a great white Christmas.” 
“Maybe I will.” 
“Great. Next year sound good?” 
Killian laughs and squeezes her hand. “Sounds great.”
She hears the faint echo of advice her dad once gave her. It was right when she was fresh off her heartbreak with Neal and wasn’t sure she had it in her to apply for grad school. He said something to her about moments. About the need to notice good moments even in the midst of bad ones. 
Standing here hand-in-hand with a man she met only five hours ago, the glow of Christmas lights dancing in technicolor hues against his cheeks and hair, Emma is absolutely certain this is a good moment. 
She answers Killian’s question by rising up on her toes and kissing him. It’s quick and fleeting, barely a brush of her lips against his, but the look on his face as she pulls away, all bright eyed-wonder, deserves to be classified as a good moment all on its own. 
It takes self-control Emma wasn’t aware she possessed to not drop their shopping bags to the ground, grip him by the lapels of his jacket, and kiss the crap out of him. Instead she loops her arm in his. 
“It’s getting late,” she says. “Want to walk me back to my hotel?” 
He swallows, that poleaxed expression still on his face. “Aye.” 
The next morning, Emma is woken up by the sound of her video call alert and boy it was a mistake to not extend her do not disturb until noon. She reaches out and blindly bats at the bedside table until she makes contact with her phone. As soon as she swipes up on her mom’s call, she squeezes her eyes shut again. 
“Oh, sweetie. Are you still jet lagged?” 
“And a little hungover.”
“Sounds like you had a very eventful night.”
Killian grumbles from somewhere behind her. “What time is it?” he asks.
It’s right about this moment Emma realizes her error. Her mom goes quiet and Emma considers taking the opportunity to end the call. And then maybe ignore every call thereafter for the next five days. 
“Emma Nolan. Is there a man in bed with you?” 
“No,” Emma answers, though it’s perfunctory and not at all convincing. 
Killian presses closer to her, and shifts so his chin rests on her shoulder. “Hello again, Mrs. Nolan. And this must be Mr. Nolan.” 
That gets Emma’s attention and she opens her eyes enough to see her mom and dad sitting beside one another on the couch. While her mom is positively gleeful, her dad looks as though he wishes he could melt into the couch cushions and disappear. 
“There are certain things I don’t care to see,” her dad says. “Certain things I don’t care to know.” 
Emma rotates in bed and onto her back, holding the phone above her head so both she and Killian are still in view of the camera. “Oh hush, Dad, you and mom did it the first night you met.” 
“You told her that?” 
In response, her mom shrugs. “She asked.” 
“And not that it matters, but Killian and I didn’t have sex.” 
Though it didn’t stop them from trading long, slow kisses that left her dizzy and wanting more, more, and more. Killian must have felt the same because it took little to no convincing to get him to stay the night. Perhaps most remarkably, after extending the invitation, Emma had no desire to retract it or pretend it didn’t mean anything. 
“Your daughter was far too drunk to have sex.” Emma turns her head so fast in Killian’s direction she hears something crack. 
“That, for instance, is one of the things I don't want to know about,” her dad says.  
Killian cheerfully waves at the camera, ignoring both her father’s indignation and her glare. “I’m Killian, by the way. Happy to meet your acquaintance, Mr. Nolan.” 
Emma elbows Killian. The man is a total menace. “I’ll call you guys back when I’ve had coffee,” 
“I want details,” her mom says. 
“And I want no details.” 
“Yeah, yeah, yeah.” Emma hangs up the phone and tosses it in the direction of the foot of the bed. She flips over onto her side and Killian mirrors her, reaching out to trace the freckles on the bridge of her nose. “So that was my dad.” 
“He seems a charming fellow.” 
“Don’t let the responsible tough guy act fool you,” she says, and snuggles closer to Killian. He responds just as she hoped, by wrapping his arms tight around her. “He once spent all his money on a cross country train ride and stole oyster crackers from the dining car for food. And during a California road trip, my mom almost froze to death sleeping in her wet bathing suit on the side of the road.” 
Killian chuckles, the vibrations of his laugh making her feel even warmer. “You’re saying they can deal with a half naked man in their daughter’s hotel room?”  
“Yeah, they can deal.” After a moment’s hesitation, Emma slips her hands up and under Killian’s shirt. It’s the one he wore to work, and she can still smell the faint aromas of beer and fried food that linger. She presses her palms against his back and bunches the shirt up, up, and then over his head. 
A girl could get used to the way his voice moves over the syllables of her name. “They might have a problem with a fully naked one, though.” She kisses his bare shoulder.
Killian’s hands move under her shirt to span her waist. Goosebumps breakout across her skin. By the slight twist of his lips, Killian notices. “So you’re saying—?” 
“I’m saying you should quit gabbing and kiss me before they call again.” 
“As you wish.”
And a week later, when she is back in Maine celebrating Christmas with her family and Killian is in Ireland with his, Emma convinces herself she imagined it. She must have. She must have imagined how safe she felt in the presence of another person. Imagined the comfort she felt as he joined her for a quick road trip to Dublin. Imagined that it could feel like your heart was split in two, half residing in the chest of a person you just met. 
But the week of New Year’s Eve, when he arrives in Maine to celebrate with her, she’s startled to find it was all real. 
The morning after Killian arrives, she sits with her mom in her parents’ breakfast nook, the two of them sipping coffee as Killian and her dad make waffles. 
“Not such a dumb souvenir after all, huh?” her mom whispers.
Emma shakes her head, too happy to even react to her mom’s shameless gloating. “No. Not so dumb.” 
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hops-hunny · 3 years
Distance Makes the Heart Grow
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Series Masterlist
Pairing: Mafia Boss!Neville Longbottom x Reader
Pronouns: She/Her
Word Count: 2k
Summary: (Y/n) lives a normal life. But that’s the issue, it’s normal, it’s plain, and it’s growing boring. Everyday she wishes for something, anything to spice up her life. But, when her old school friend (and crush) shows up at her bakery with a new look (and what looks like a new life), what will it bring for her? Will their puppy love grow? Will his big secret lead to the end of them or will it spark a new beginning?
Warnings: none!
A/N: It took me a while but here’s chapter 8 but from Twyla and Seamus’s POV.
“Where are you going, Finnigan?” Harry asked, quirking a brow at him. Seamus smiled, winking some.
“Launching operation ‘make sure the date goes well’. You didn’t think I was gonna miss out on this did you?” Draco eyed him suspiciously as the vein in his forehead began to throb.
“Twyla set you up to this, didn’t she?” Seamus turned once he got to the doorway, flashing him a smile.
“ ‘Course she did!” Before anyone could protest he slammed the door behind him, instantly being greeted with Twyla standing in front of him. She had an unusually large purse attached to her shoulder, bouncing excitedly as he approached her. Her outfit was fully pink camo aside from her shirt which was a white. He eyed her curiously, snickering some. “So much for blending in.”
“Hey if I’m gonna blend in, I at least want it to be cute! Plus I don’t know how your Prada suit is going to help you blend in Finnigan.” she huffed, patting the side of her bag. “But that’s what these are for.” he looked at her in confusion, beginning the walk to the front of the villa.
“What’s in there?” he asked, attempting to peer into the bag. She clenched it closed, glaring at him.
“I’ll show you in the car. We just have to wait for them to pull off.” Twyla replied, pulling Seamus behind the large pillar on the porch. They both watched as Neville helped (Y/n) into the car before climbing in after her. Once the car was far enough out of view they both clammered to the other car in the driveway. The chauffeur eyed them quizzically.
“Mr.Longbottom didn’t mention his second car being taken out. Left over business Master Finnigan?” he questioned, opening the car door for the two of them. Seamus hummed to his question, closing the door after Twyla climbed in.
“Yeah, yeah something like that. Listen, I need you to follow them to their destination. No questions, got it?” the older man nodded, climbing into the driver’s seat before beginning to drive. After a short while they caught up to the car, watching as the two talked, laughing with each other. Seamus and Twyla both looked at the two intensely, squinting their eyes as if that would make the conversation magically easier for them to hear.
“This is pointless! We should’ve bugged the car.” Twyla exclaimed, flopping back into her seat. She was beyond frustrated. She knew the conversation was going well but she just wished she knew what they were saying. The part of her that felt like the girl’s older sister felt slightly protective of her, especially due to her reserved nature.
“It’s best not to worry about things we can’t change. Anyways, what’s in that bag of yours? You seemed pretty excited about it earlier.” Seamus asked, taking a swig from his flask. Twyla perked up at his words, placing the bag on the seat in between them. Unclasping the button, the contents were revealed.
“Ok, ok so! First off, we’ve got disguises. We definitely are going to need those.” he examined the wigs and mustaches that she placed in his lap. They were clearly great quality and in good condition despite their chaotic encapture in the confines of her purse. He nodded, waiting to see what she’d pull out next. “Then I’ve got these IDs in case, ya know, some legal trouble arises. We have plenty of identities to use.” he gasped at the IDs, eyeing them. They were really believable, not a detail out of place!
“Wow, these are extremely realistic, they look like the real thing! Where’d you get them?” he asked her. She laughed some, stuffing the wigs back into her purse.
“Who said they were fake?” he gawked at the girl as she continued to speak. “What? I found them on the ground in different places we’ve been. Besides, using a few stolen IDs is the least of your concerns! You’ve done far worse your entire time here.” she had a point, so he’d give that to her.
“Signor Finnegan, Singora Dundee, we’ve arrived. Would you like me to wait outside for you two?” he asked, as he opened the door for the two. Seamus slid a large noted bill into the pocket of the man’s suit jacket.
“Just wait around the area. Go explore, Giovani! I’ll call you when I need you.” he said smiling at the man as he pat his shoulder. The man’s eyes widened, smiling brightly as he bowed, tipping his hat at his superior.
“Grazie, Signor!” he thanked him before hopping back into the car. Twyla thanked the man as well as they made their way up the stairs of the restaurant. They watched as Neville had a melt down at the person behind the desk.
“Boss must be feeling nice today. I’ve seen him do far worse to people who question him.” he shrugged, opening the door as the couple began to walk off. “I wonder what the commotion was?”
“Name of Reservation?” that. How could they have forgotten reservations? Of course restaurants this high class were sure to have some sort of reservation system. Seamus wiped his hands on his pants, clearing his throat.
“Uh, Johnson?” he panicked, causing Twyla to hit his side. The girl behind the desk scanned the book before her eyes lit up. “Ah, Signor Johnson! Right this way sir.” 
“Nice save.” Twyla whispered to him. However as their waiter lead them one way, Neville’s began to go another. “A-actually can we have a change of tables? We’d like one angled from the one with the view. Signor Johnson here loves to admire the scenery, isn’t that right?” Twyla inquired, watching as Seamus nodded along giving the waiter a hopeful smile. The waiter sighed before smiling back. She giggled some, eyeing Seamus up.
“I’ll see what I can do.”
“Man, this bread is amazing! And can you believe this wine is free too?!” Twyla asked, crumbs falling from her mouth as she washed down her bread with another drink of wine. Their table had been positioned perfectly, giving them a dead-on view of the two. They had been observing carefully, awing at the cute kisses they’d share and turning away when silence would grow over them. A few times the two had to stop each other from waltzing over there and doing something about it.
“Who said the wine is free?” he asked, laughing at the girl’s shocked expression.
“Dray will cover it, I’m sure he won’t mind.” she said, shrugging as she poured herself another glass.
“Yeah, he really likes you, ya know? I overheard him gushing about you to Blaise and..” Seamus’s voice began to grow muted as a feeling overcame Twyla. It was one she knew all too well. Ever since she could remember, Twyla had always had a sixth sense for knowing when things were about to happen. It was like intuition times ten. Most of the time the things she’d feel were so specific that she knew instantly but now? She didn’t know what but she knew something was coming.
“Seamus, something’s about to happen right now. I can just sense it.” Seamus tensed at her words, reaching for the holster hidden on him.
“Something like what? Like danger?” he asked, sitting up straight as he began to grow alert, looking carefully around the restaurant.
“No, more like drama….in really cheap perfume.” she said. He went to ask what but was cut off from a scoff to their side.
“It sounds like you may be smelling yourself, no?” a thick, high pitch french voice sounded off. They both groaned in unison. The man reached for his glass, downing the rest of his wine before he stared at Gisele intensely.
“Why are you here, Gisele?” he said, annunciating each of his words. It was clear from his tone and disposition that the last person he wanted to see tonight was her. Especially after the warning he had given her in the museum. Her smile grew wider, resembling one of a horse.
“I was just having a bit of a meal, you know, before my big show tomorrow. Celebrating my success early.” she noticed the empty chairs at their table, a light bulb going off in her head. “Say...Neville wouldn’t happen to be here with you would he? Well what a dumb question that is! Wherever you are he’s sure to be leading in some way.” 
“He’s not here with us.” Twyla said, standing up in attempts to intimidate the woman. However she just continued to smile with the same stupid smile on her face.
“I see...so he’s here with someone else?” Twyla froze, mouth agape as she looked at the woman. “Ohh I know what’s going on. He’s here with that decoy and doesn’t even know that the two of you are here.” she looked between Twyla and Seamus, satisfied that she had them figured out. “Well if you wanna keep it that way, I suggest you stay here.” and with that she began to walk towards Neville and (Y/n).
“I say we just go after her.” Seamus blurted, beginning to stand up as Gisele began to converse with them. Twyla’s eyes widened, wrapping her hand around his wrist as she dragged him back down.
“We can’t just go over there! Do you know how upset they’d be if they knew we followed them?” she hissed, causing him to sigh, giving her an annoyed look. “Listen, I know you’re worried. So am I! But we’ve gotta watch how it plays out first! Who knows they may surprise us!” Seamus nodded, sitting back in his chair fully. However, she could tell he still wasn’t satisfied. Looking down at her purse, her eyes lit up.
“Hey! Why don’t we put our disguises on that way if it escalates, we’ll be ready! Besides, I wonder what you’ll look like with ginger hair.” she said, wiggling the ginger wig towards him, poking him in the shoulder with her free hand. He looked between her and the wig before grabbing it, putting it on. After it was situated on his head, she handed him the matching mustache and mutton chops to go along with it. Once he was situated, he turned to ask Twyla a question but was caught off guard. She had on a short black wig, a set of bushy brows and a mustache to match. They sat in silence as they looked at each other before they began to howl with laughter, cutting each other off with wheezing and swear words.
“My dress! Look what you did to me!” they heard a loud annoying voice yell, causing the restaurant to grow quiet, including them. They looked at each other before nodding, beginning to walk over to the table. Twyla waved her hand, a set of matching restaurant uniforms appearing on top of them.
“Is there a problem ma’am? Sir?” Seamus asked, causing the three to turn towards them. He had to stop himself from laughing at the way the vein on his boss’s forehead began to twitch. (Y/n) went to say something but Twyla stopped her, holding a finger up to her on mustached lip.
“Yeah we got a complaint from the head chef. You’re to be escorted out of here immediately. Come along now.” Twyla said, gripping Gisele’s arm. As they began to drag her away, she leaned close to the woman’s ear. “Checkmate.” she whispered, watching as the woman’s eyes grew in size. She began to stutter as the two dragged her out, tossing her to the curb roughly. 
“You idiots! You blew your cover, now what are you going to do?” she asked in a gotchaesque tone. Seamus scoffed, beginning to walk to the car. Giovani had returned, a smile on his face and a new pair of sunglasses along with it. He turned once more to look at her.
“We’re done, our job is complete.” he responded, hopping in the car as he waited for Twyla.
“Yeah? And what’s that?” she asked, still on the side of the curb. Giovani moved the car a bit, a stray puddle “accidentally soaking Gisele head to toe. The pair looked at each other smirking before turning their attention back to the model.
“Taking out the trash.”
TAGSLIST:  @vayeya11 @pink-hufflepuff @clancyscookies @elemental-of-magic @beewitchedlou @simpforremuslupin @mottergirl99  @nevillelongbottomsgirlfriend @redpanda-poetry @vibingaesthetically @de4d-s0up  @carlisbaby
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edie-k · 3 years
Living Legend (R/Hr, PG-13)
Title: Living Legend
Summary: Harry confronts his legacy as The Boy Who Blocked
Pairing: Ron/Hermione
Rating: PG-13
Disclaimer: Not mine; just having some not for profit fun.
So, based off discussion of this awesome piece of art shared on the Romione Discord, I wrote this fic. It started as very tongue in cheek idea and ended with some heart. 
Harry entered the crowded pub and glanced around. He’d been held up almost an hour completing paperwork at the Ministry so he expected he was the last one to arrive. It didn’t take long for him to focus on the boisterous group in the back and he made his way towards the table with a grin. 
“Hey, there he is!” said George, with a raise of his glass and assorted greetings joined in from the rest of the group. 
“Oi, thank God, you’re here Harry,” said Seamus. “These two,” he said, gesturing at Ron and Hermione, “are getting gross.” 
Hermione gave an indignant snort and Ron glared at Seamus but he was smirking. Harry laughed as he dropped into the empty seat next to Ginny and gave her a kiss on the cheek. He glanced around the table at the crew - George, Angelina, and Luna were already seated at the other end and Dean was plopping down on the other side of Ron, next to Parvati. There was still an empty seat with a half drank glass in front of it and glancing around the room, he spotted Neville at the bar. He gratefully accepted the mug his girlfriend had slid in front of him. “And what do you expect me to do about the two of them?” he asked, as he took a swig of his drink. 
“Break out some of that cockblocking magic you’re famous for,” said Seamus. The entire table burst into laughter. Harry was so shocked that he momentarily choked.  
“Honestly Seamus!” said Hermione, although she looked much more amused by the comment than Harry would have expected. 
“What in Merlin’s name are you talking about?” Harry asked. 
“Do you not know what cockblocking is? The term seems pretty self explanatory but it’s when-” 
“I know what it means, Seamus,” growled Harry.”I just don’t know what you mean.” 
“I believe that’s his colorful way of talking about the fact that you were the main obstacle preventing Ron from progressing beyond friends with Hermione,” suggested Dean. 
“Uh, in the name of gender equality, he was also the main obstacle preventing Hermione from making a move on Ron,” said Parvati. Dean tipped his drink in her direction in agreement. 
“Human birth control, if you will,” suggested George. 
“The opposite of an aphrodisiac for the two of them, if that’s a thing,” said Ginny. Harry gapped at her, startled by her comment.  
“It is, it’s called an anaphrodisiac,” Hermione supplied.   
“Oh, that’s interesting. What things are considered anaphrodisiac?” asked Angelina. 
“Alcohol, right?” said Dean. 
“Not in my experience,” said Seamus, wagging his eyebrows. 
“That’s not what Cara Johnson told Padma,” said Parvati. 
“Alcohol and tobacco and some other elements that go into pain relieving medications and potions. There was also recently a study around licorice of all things.” 
“Red or black?” asked Neville, who had just returned from the bar with a fresh pitcher. 
“Hmm,” said George thoughtfully. “Licorice wands but droopy. There’s a Wheeze in there somewhere.”  
“Dabberblimps are also said to have an impact on sexual desire but I think that’s more due to the smell,” said Luna. 
“No, wait! Wait, wait, wait, wait,” said Harry, completely aghast. “Are you all saying it took Ron and Hermione two years to get together and it was my fault?” 
“Look, Harry, no one should be saying you were the main obstacle in it. Hermione and I certainly could have done more to rise above it,” said Ron in what he thought was a consoling tone. 
“Honestly, everyone at this table could have done more,” said Neville, gesturing to the group who nodded in agreement. 
“But it is fair to say that Harry carries most of the blame,” said Seamus. 
“Outside of Ron and I,” Hermione clarified. 
“This is unbelievable,” said Harry. 
“Look, Hermione and I have talked about it and there’s no hard feelings. It all worked out in the end.” 
“You’ve talked about this?!” Ron shrugged. “Hermione,” Harry turned to his friend with a pleading tone. “You are the most rational person I know. You can’t seriously agree with this?” 
“I pluck up the courage to ask Ron out and you created as much noise as possible and practically threw a bowl across the room before I could clarify it was a date.” 
“It was awkward!” 
“Are you saying we’ve never done anything awkward for your sake?” Ron chuckled. 
“No but… come on, it was obvious that was a date!” 
“I told you I thought she asked me as a friend and you never said anything!”   
“Wait,” said Angelina. “Harry, there was a misunderstanding between them that you knew about and you didn’t say anything to clear it up?” 
“It was awkward!” 
“Not only that,” said Hermione. “I asked him why Ron was angry with me so I could fix it and he knew why but he didn’t tell me.” 
“It… was awkward,” said Harry weakly. “And! And! The reason Ron was angry with you was ridiculous. You had snogged Krum two year ago. I didn’t want to make him look stupid.”
“Yeah,” said Ron dryly. “You really kept me from looking like an idiot in sixth year. Cheers.” 
“I’m sorry,” Parvati said, shaking her head in disbelief. “Are you saying that if you had one awkward conversation, we would have avoided the entire debacle that was Lavender and Ron?”  
“Yes,” said Hermione. 
“Pretty much,” said Ron. 
Parvati turned to Harry. “Potter, there are hours, days, WEEKS of my life that I will never get back that I spent dealing with that nightmare.” 
“What, do you think it was a picnic for me?!” 
“No! That makes it worse!” cried Parvati. 
“Well, what was I supposed to do?” exploded Harry. “Just go up to Hermione and say, ‘Ron is jealous as hell that you kissed Victor Krum  You should go talk to him and get this sorted before Slughorn’s party’?”
“YES!” shouted the entire table.  
Harry noticed that Ginny had joined the chorus and rounded on her. “What about you? You could have stepped in just as well as I could have!” 
“I was mad at Ron and for good reason!” she retorted. “But yes, I could have done more. I’ll admit, part of it was that up until the point that you kissed me, I was a little worried that you were doing it because you had a thing for Hermione. I was worried that if I helped get the two of them together, you would totally spiral.”
“I thought that was why you were doing it too,” said Dean. 
“You did?” said Ginny with a smile. “You never told me that. I guess we were pretty compatible back then.”
“Hey! Am I not getting dealt enough blows?” said Harry indignantly and the table laughed. 
“Harry was never interested in Hermione,” said Luna with a tone of declaring the matter settled. “I did suspect he fancied Ron though.”
“Wha- okay, Luna, no,” Harry sputtered. “So I’m apparently responsible for the dumbest fight the two of you ever had but-” 
“Not responsible for the fight but you showed a lack of accountability in resolving it,” clarified Hermione. 
“Fine. So why didn’t you get together after Ron and Lavender broke up? You didn’t kiss until the final battle. How was that my fault?”  
“Didn’t Ron tell us Harry tried to break up that kiss too with some sort of snide comment?” George said to Angelina.  
“Snide comment?” Harry asked disbelievingly. “I reminded them that there was a war going on. THERE WAS LITERALLY A WAR GOING ON!” 
“It was coming to a natural conclusion,” Hermione said, rolling her eyes. 
“So that was really the first time you two kissed?” asked Dean. “Because when we uh, met up that spring, it seemed like something was going on.” 
“Well, we certainly made some progress to understanding we were on the same page,” said Hermione. “But things were complicated.”
“It was miserable and it really would have been pretty awkward to start something with Harry around all the time,” said Ron.
“Good call,” said George. “After tonight, I think we all know that Harry’s boggart takes the form of awkward interactions.” 
“At the point we found Dean and Luna, we both knew it was inevitable but we also had to finish helping Harry,” said Hermione. 
“Plus, you want to talk cockblock? Harry has nothing on Griphook,” said Ron. Dean nodded sagely and Hermione wrinkled her nose in agreement.  
“Finished helping me? You weren’t picking up my dry cleaning, we were saving the world!” 
“Harry, you are taking this way too personally,” said Hermione. “We don’t think you were truly trying to keep us apart but your desire to stay out of our relationship and your mild self-absorption caused a lot of complications.”  
“I don’t know why someone would take being called self absorbed personally,” George remarked and Ginny snorted. 
“Hermione, you don’t get it. You’re letting him off the hook too easily because you’re a woman. A man does not prevent a friend from getting laid. It’s basically an Unbreakable Vow that’s entrenched in our DNA,” said Seamus. 
“Ugh,” scoffed Parvati. “I honestly don’t know why we hang out with you.” 
“No, really,” insisted Seamus. “Take tonight as an example. Dean and Neville. You two are solid mates, yeah?” Both men nodded. “Right, so Dean goes up to the bar to get a new pitcher. Who comes up to wait on him but Hannah Abbott. Suddenly, Neville needs a glass of water. And what happens next?” 
Neville turned red. “I uh, I went up to the bar to ask Hannah for a glass while she was waiting on Dean.” 
“And as soon as Neville appears and starts talking to Hannah, I gave him a nudge and say ‘I have to hit the head. Can you bring that back to the table?’”
Harry scoffed. “How does you sticking Neville with the tab help him?” 
“You never did read that book I gave you, did you?” said Ron, incredulously. 
“I didn’t take a piss, I came back to the table so Neville could chat up Hannah. And?” 
Neville gave an embarrassed smile. “I’m taking her out tomorrow,” he admitted. 
“Ha!” Seamus punched the air triumphantly. “One friend getting another friend laid. It’s beautiful.” 
“It’s a first date,” Neville protested. “We’re not going to-” 
“We’ll work on it,” Seamus assured him. 
“Ron’s never tried to get me laid!” Harry shouted desperately. This comment was met with general revulsion. 
“Whoa! Come on,” said Dean, his face contorted. 
“That’s his sister,” said Neville. 
“For fuck’s sake man,” said Seamus disgustedly. The idea that Seamus was disgusted with him made Harry even more defensive. 
“Hermione is like my sister!” insisted Harry. 
“To be fair to Ron and it pains me to do so,” said Ginny. “Ron really only got in our way that one time after we broke up and as pissed as I was at the time, I think it came from a genuinely good place.”
“And I had no idea you liked Ginny until you snogged her right in front of me!” said Ron. 
“You never said anything about Hermione until we were in the woods!’ 
“Oh, Harry, really?” said Ginny with pity. “I don’t think that’s the way to go.” 
“Yeah, okay, but - hey, what about that one time with Cho?” Harry said accusingly to Ron. 
“I called Cho out for being a bandwagon fan one time when I was 15 and now I’m doomed to a life of interrupted shags,” Ron appealed to the room. 
“You’re together now,” said Harry weakly. 
“Despite your best efforts,” joked George. 
“And yet you haven’t relinquished your title as The Boy Who Blocked,” said Ron. 
“You do have extraordinarily bad timing,” said Hermione.
“Back to Seamus’s original point, you two are pretty gross.”
“I’m sorry, are you saying that I still am-” 
“In a much more literal sense now,” said Ron. Hermione gave him a playful smack on the chest. 
“Give me an example!” Harry insisted heatedly. 
Ron and Hermione exchanged a look that was familiar to Harry but he didn’t recognize. “Harry, it really isn’t a big deal,” said Hermione reassuringly. 
“Well, last weekend, right?” said George. “At Shell Cottage for Fleur’s birthday. You wanted to get Ron so he could try those beignets Gabrielle brought and we told you they would be back soon but you insisted on walking down the beach and…” 
“Yeah, and I found them past the alcove and - wait,” Harry stopped suddenly. “Is that why you were-?” Harry made a gesture too vague to interpret but Hermione squirmed in her chair and Ron inhaled sharply. 
Harry’s jaw dropped. “And last month when Ginny and I were over to listen to the Cannons’ match and you were so weird when I came in the kitchen to see why the snacks were taking so long…and Thursday? Hermione is that why you…” He trailed off as Hermione bit her lip and looked away while Ron rubbed the back of his neck. 
“Oh my God,” said Harry incredulously.  
“Harry, we’re so sorry if we made you uncomfortable,” said Hermione, sounding sincere for the first time all night. 
“Oh my God!” Harry repeated louder, this time, disgusted.
“We were making up for lost time, which you have a part in,” Ron pointed out. 
“Oh my God,” Harry said a third time, his tone full of realization.
“Are you okay Harry?” asked Ginny gently. 
“Yeah, yeah,” he said distractedly. A quiet set over the group within the roaring pub. 
“So Neville,” said Angelina in a voice full of forced cheer. “Where are you taking Hannah tomorrow?” 
“Oh, you should take her to this great new place in Hogsmeade. Padma and I had lunch there last week and the dinner menu looks amazing,” Parvati said. 
Harry looked glumly at his drink, barely noticing the glances his two best friends were exchanging. 
“Harry?” came a familiar voice from the fireplace. 
It was the next morning. Ginny was off to practice and would be staying the evening with her team, as she did the day prior to every match. The standing tradition was that on these days, he had lunch with Ron and Hermione. As much as he loved Ginny and knew that Ron and Hermione did too, he liked having time as just the three of them. 
But he had cancelled this morning, citing a hangover and crossed his fingers that Ron would be able to persuade Hermione to leave him be. 
No such luck. 
He heard a whoosh, followed by a second. “Harry?” 
He sighed. “In here,” he called quietly from his armchair. Both of his friends popped around the corner. “Couldn’t hold her off?” 
Ron sank into the chair across from him, threw his legs on the ottoman and grinned. “Actually, I didn’t even try.” 
Hermione tapped Ron’s feet and he scooted them over to give her enough room to sit on the ottoman. “Harry, why are you avoiding us?” 
“��m not,” he mumbled. “Just drank too much last night.” 
“You got there after everyone else so you missed the first two rounds of shots Seamus forced on us and I only saw you refill your glass once.” 
Harry shrugged. “I had a couple drinks when I got home.” 
“Look, we didn’t mean to upset you. Like Hermione said, we had a few before you got there and we were just having a go,” said Ron. 
“Yeah but it was true,” said Harry sullenly. 
“Well,” said Hermione, flattening her skirt nervously. “Yes, all of those things happened. But it was a long time ago. We’ve been together almost three years now. And we were certainly exaggerating a bit to have some fun. So there’s nothing for you to be upset about.”
Harry straightened up in his chair. “You don’t get it! Since I started at Hogwarts, you two have been the most important people in my life and you still are, plus Gin and Teddy. And you cared about me and you two always tried to do what you thought was going to help me and be best for me and last night I realized...I didn’t do that for you!” 
“Harry, you know that’s not true!” said Hermione. 
“Yes it is! I thought about how Cho and I couldn’t even look at each other anymore and I didn’t want that to happen to you two. It was always best when it was the three of us and I didn’t want anything to mess that. You were right, I was so self absorbed!” 
“Harry,” said Ron, rolling his eyes. 
“Of course you were,” said Hermione dismissively. 
“Okay, now I am regretting letting you come over here,” said Ron. 
“We all were!” she said, rolling her eyes. “Harry, Ron and I were so wrapped up in our own drama sixth year that we didn’t realize the depth of your fixation with Malfoy until you had practically murdered him!”   
“Well, whose fault is that? There would have been no drama had I said something! And all our friends think I didn’t say something because I was in love with Hermione. I mean, you must have thought that too,” Harry said miserably, gesturing to Ron. 
“I never really thought you were interested in Hermione but I was terrified Hermione would fall for you,” said Ron.
“What’s wrong with me that you didn’t think Harry would be interested?” said Hermione in a teasing tone that was clearly meant to lighten the mood, flicking Ron’s foot.  
“Absolutely nothing. This git doesn’t know what he’s missing, thank God.”  
Harry ignored them. “Had we cleared that up the year before, we could have avoided a few devastating weeks during the hunt, yeah?”  
“Harry, there’s no way I’m letting you take responsibility for what the Horcrux said or for me leaving you two,” Ron said. 
“We’re certainly not re-litigating any of that,” said Hermione. She turned and looked at Ron. “But when we were talking about all of this at home last night, we both agreed that once we were on the run, we made conscious decisions to not start anything until the war was complete.” 
Ron nodded. “It’s true, I felt the same.” 
“Great, I did it again,” Harry moaned. “You two were worried about me instead of enjoying your evening.”
“Harry, we still enjoyed our evening-” 
“Twice,” interrupted Ron. 
“But you’re our friend and we are always going to worry about you,” Hermione finished, paying Ron no mind. “It actually made me realize that we maybe could have had a relationship and taken care of you.”  
Harry groaned.
 “Harry, you took care of us too,” Ron said. “I mean, in the end, you didn’t want Hermione and I to stop being friends because you knew that would make us just as  miserable as you. And you weren’t wrong. And I don’t know, maybe this was all just the way it was supposed to be. Maybe Hermione and I are better because we got all the petty shit out before we were together. Maybe the three of us are better friends because we focused on that for so long. So we’re okay, if you’re okay.” 
Harry sat silently for a moment. “I’m going to try to be better about the .. you know, blocking. But seriously, I know we have a bit of a don’t ask, don’t tell on the subject but you could have clued me in,” Harry complained to Ron. 
“Fair enough,” laughed Ron. 
“Or you could not shag at parties.” 
“Just… if you suddenly don’t see us, wait at least 10 minutes before you come and look for us,” suggested Hermione. 
“Oi! 10 minutes?” said Ron, offended. 
“Harry,” Hermione sighed. “It is apparently very important for you to know that Ron satisfies me sexually.” 
“I assumed that once I figured out you were willing to do that for him there on Thursday,” Harry said. 
Hermione blushed. “You’re making that sound much worse than it was. And you keep biting your tongue!” she finished, pulling her legs up and shifting back so she was sitting in the chair next to Ron. 
“I didn’t say anything!” Ron said, although he looked very pleased with himself. “Now, can we please go get lunch?” 
“All right, you two figure out where to eat. Give me 10 minutes and we’ll go,” Harry laughed, standing up from his chair. 
“Harry, have you learned nothing? Make it 20,” said Ron. 
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could you do a cedric one shot where cedric and y/n are going together but no one know that and the boys want to go with her and the girls want to go with him? thanks!! love your writing by the way :)
Element of Surprise (Cedric Diggory x Reader)
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“Hey, Y/N?” Seamus Finnigan, her seatmate in Transfiguration said from beside her in hushed tones. Trying hard to make this exchange go undetected from Professor McGonagall’s keen eyes.
Even Y/N looks warily between him and the professor who’s currently walking between the aisle. They’re supposed to be working on writing a short essay about switching. The art of magically exchanging physical features between two targets.
“Can this wait? i’m really not in the mood for detention.” She answered, equally soft that her mouth barely moved.
“This’ll only take a second, promise. Would you like to be my date for the ball?” He asked her, but his eyes stayed watching McGonagall.
Y/N cringed at the prospect of letting him down, despite his tendency to be loud and brash, but Seamus is a good guy. She even considered him as a friend, sort of.
“I am really sorry, Seams. But i’ve already got myself a date.” Y/N answered, her face scrunching with guilt.
“Oh.. I see,” Y/N doesn’t miss the spark in his eyes dimming. Bloody hell this is tougher than she imagined. “That’s alright, it’s worth a shot.” He said, giving her a tight lipped smile.
“Mr. Finnigan, stop whispering and focus on your work instead, i’m growing tired of sending you to detention so do the both of us a favor, dear.” Professor McGonagall barked out.
That successfully shut the both of them up.
Marcus Belby. Ravenclaw. A year above them. He is the nephew of Damocles Belby, a celebrated Order of Merlin-awarded potioneer who in the last quarter of the 20th century, developed the Wolfsbane Potion, a potion that was able to relieve the effects of lycanthropy.
To be frank, Y/N wasn’t even sure of how he knew her. They’re not in the same house, not in the same year, and with no mutual friends. Thus why when he approached her that afternoon in the hallway, startled would be an understatement.
“(Y/N) (Y/L/N), right? I’m Marcus Belby.” He said as he offered his hand for her to shake.
Y/N, still pretty much flabbergasted, slowly extended her own hand to meet his. “I.. um yeah, I know who you are.” She awkwardly replied, stumbling all over her words.
“You see i’ve heard of your finesse in the art of potion making and i’m quite impressed that I just had to introduce myself,” Marcus said, bridging the conversation. “I think you and I, we’re alike. As you may know, potion making is a family business, let’s call it that.”
“Oh um wow,” There she goes again, embarrassing herself to no ends. “I’m flattered truly, thank you, that’s a really high praise.”
“I was thinking would you maybe like to go with me to the Yule Ball? I would love to get to know you better.” Marcus asked, but nonetheless his face remained flat, not a trace of emotion as if he’s merely doing a social experiment on her.
Y/N sighed as she fumbled with her sleeve, “I’m sorry, Marcus. I already said yes to someone.”
Marcus merely raised an eyebrow at her, “I see, should you change your mind later, let me know.” And with that he walked away, disappearing fast around the corner that leads to another hall. Leaving Y/N more confused than ever.
The next day, after Y/N’s done with breakfast, she founds Zacharias Smith blocking her path out. A confident smile on his face.
“Can I walk with you?” The blond Hufflepuff’s chaser asked. Not even waiting for her reply, he took a place beside her and matched their steps so they’re next to each other.
“Can I help you with something, Zachary?” Y/N asked in a clipped tone. Gods, she can’t stand him.
He is insolent and his cynical attitude sealed his place on the list of Hogwarts’s A-class jerks.
“I just want some company, preferably one with such a lovely face.” He said with a wink.
Y/N rolled her eyes both literally and mentally, “Just cut to the point, I don’t have all day.”
Zacharias raised both of his hands in surrender, “Fine, fine. You’re no fun at all, I was only teasing.”
“So i’m thinking you, me, Yule Ball. What do you say to that?” He continued. Y/N can read him with no problem at all, how he’s soo damn sure that he would get a yes from her. Well too bad for him.
“Sorry, but it’s a hard no. Better luck next time,” Y/N said with a shrug, and she left him standing there gaping like a fish in her wake.
“I heard that our favorite girl is on high demand lately? any comments on that?” Fred said wiggling his eyebrows at her, mischief shining behind his eyes.
Y/N founds herself rolling her eyes yet again, she should stop doing that really, but she can’t help it can she when everything is ridiculous.
“I swear this Yule Ball frenzy is driving me mad, people have gone bonkers over it, I never thought I’d have to turn down so many people.” Y/N replied exasperatedly, but of course it’s met with laughter from the twins.
“I believe that’s on you, love. All this suspense of who your mystery date is, people have even began to suspect that you’re just making it up to avoid going all together.” George said.
“Why would I even do that?! I really can’t reveal anything or else it’ll ruin the surprise!” Y/N retorted.
The three of them are sitting on the Gryffindor table in the Great Hall, enjoying a nice and hefty dinner. That was before Y/N founds herself approached yet again, but this time it’s someone from Durmstrang who’s walking towards them, a purpose in his stride.
He looks different though from the others, he lacks the intimidating vibe and stern features, so unlike Viktor Krum and his cronies.
He sent an apologetic look towards her, “I’m sorry for interrupting your meal, but I was hoping that I could talk to you.” He spoke, his voice deep and raspy, the Bulgarian accent is barely there. In fact his English is really good.
Y/N sent him a smile and nod, “No that’s alright really, anything in particular on your mind?”
“My name’s Ilarion but before all that, I would like to start by saying that I found you very beautiful, miss.” He said, a kind smile gracing his lips.
Y/N blushed, both at the compliment and the man in front of her. “Thank you, that’s very kind of you. It’s a pleasure to meet you Ilarion, i’m Y/N.”
“I hope that you don’t find it creepy, but I kind of know that already,” Ilarion said nervously.
“Oh not at all! If anything i’m flattered.”
“That’s a relief.... I actually want to ask you to be my date for the Yule Ball, pardon me for being forward, I know we don’t really know each other but I simply must ask.”
“Oh....” Y/N’s face fell, not this again. She actually felt really bad that she must decline his request, he seemed like a gentleman. But she has promised another. “Believe me I would love too, but I have to decline since I already have a date, i’m really sorry Ilarion.”
But despite her rejection, Ilarion’s smile remains, “Of course such a lovely girl like you would have been taken already, no need to apologize, Y/N. I hope you have a good night.” He said as he reached for one of her hands and gently kiss her knuckles before returning to his table.
“So are you done breaking hearts or would there be more?” Fred suddenly said after watching it all went down.
Y/N nearly dunked her head into her broth in frustration.
The door of the Great Hall opened to reveal the winter wonderland behind it. White decorations and ice structures on every corner. A fanfare playing to signal the arrival of the champions.
Fleur Delacour and Roger Davies in the very front, followed by Viktor Krum with Hermione Granger in his arms. And then all of Hogwarts finally saw who is (Y/N) (Y/L/N) mysterious date. It was none other than Cedric Diggory, who is proudly holding her hands, beaming as if he is the sun.
He led her gently towards the dance floor and only has eyes for her the entire time.
“Ah so it’s him.” Fred said to his twin, the both of them watched as Y/N and Cedric waltzed together, never missing a step.
“I guess none of us won the bet then, since we bet wrong.” George replied as he looked back at Fred.
Both of them just shrugged and they continue to watch Y/N, the belle of the ball. Clad in her flowing gown of turquoise.
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marauders70s · 4 years
a collection of dumb hp-p&r text memes
dumbledore, gesturing: could a depressed person make this???
mcgonagall: your hand is literally rotting off
harry: sometimes I feel like arguing with you is like arguing with the sun.
pansy: you look awful
draco: what up bitch i just ran a 5k
pansy: really?
draco: no i threw up blood in the shower
pansy: that fight with potter really got ya down huh
harry: hey ron are you okay
ron, wearing the locket, staring straight ahead at a tree: yeah i'm fine it's just that life is pointless and nothing matters and I'm always tired.
harry: hermione it's your turn
sirius, at any minor convenience: everything hurts and i'm dying
goyle: I once knew a guy for seven years and never learned his name. best friend i ever had. we still never talk sometimes, because he's dead.
oliver: sometimes you gotta do a little work so you can ball a lot.
mcgonagall: that is incorrect
james, during house arrest: If I keep my body moving, and my mind occupied at all times, I will avoid falling into a bottomless pit of despair.
lily, from the couch: oops
snape, at a christmas dinner: I can still smell her hair at night
dumbledore, pouring a generous amount of mulled wine: Put some alcohol in your mouth to block the words from coming out.
ron: hermione, i'm not using your color coded talking planner
hermione: we need to get good grades on our OWLs!
ron: there's nothing that could motivate me to use it
hermione: well, there's nothing we can't do if we work work hard, never sleep, and shirk from all other responsibilities in our lives.
harry: Professor, I wanna go home early. Ooh, hold on actually, hang on. Yeah, no, I wanna quit and never come here again.
ron: i'm going to tell you all my secrets
hermione: you don't have to do that
ron: I once forgot to brush my teeth for five weeks
ron: I didn't actually break charlie's wand all the way I just hid it and forgot where
ron: I don't know who scrimgeour is and at this point I'm too afraid to ask.
ron: when they have 2 sickles a scoop on salamander eyes i'm not sure where the rest of the salamander goes
ron: when i was a baby fred turned my teddy into a spider and i got so scared my mum took me to a mindhealer and they wrote a textbook about me
ron: i once threw a garden gnome so hard that it hit my sister in the face and began attacking her
hermione, looking up from her book: what did ginny do?
ron: she bit it and it ran off.
hermione: classic
severus: no matter what i do nothing bad can happen to me. i'm like a white wizengamot official who pretended they were mind-controlled after the fall of the dark lord
lucius: I resent that
sirius: thank merlin my great uncle alphard just died so I am fluuuuusheeeeeed with galleeeeooonsss
remus: I'm going to regret this flatshare
seamus: i passed up a gay halloween party to see this troll. Do you know how much fun gay Halloween parties are? Last year I saw three Peverell Brothers make out with three Viktor Krums. It was amazing.
luna: We need to remember what's important in life. Friends, unpredictable creatures, and school. Or unpredictable creatures, friends, school. It doesn't matter. But school is third.
tom riddle: I totally hear you, but I also don't like what you're saying. So if you say no, I will release a giant snake in the bathroom
luna: would you like some -
hermione: no! I am going to run for minister of magic someday, so no, thank you. I mean, not that I haven't - I ate a brownie once at quidditch cup party. It was intense. It was kind of indescribable, actually. I felt like I was floating. Turns out there wasn't any potions in the brownie, it was just an insanely good brownie.
sirius: do i look like the kind of person who drinks water
neville: flying is the worst. I know it keeps you healthy, but merlin, at what cost?
ron: okay, you don't have to join the pick up game -
neville: no no i want to be included. i'll come
james: What I hear when I’m being yelled at is people caring really loudly at me.
sirius: that's not right
mcgongall: I think you’ve got several options. They’re all terrible…but you have them.
peter: this career counseling session is getting a bit intense
neville: how are you handling the...breakup...
ginny: I’m gonna buy some sweat pants and a Gilderoy Lockhart novel. Might as well lean into it.
dumbledore, in the staff room, extremely intoxicated: Who hasn’t had gay thoughts?
james: Goodbye, Lily Evans, my head girl partner. Hello, Lily Potter, my fallopian princess.
lily: i should have never married you. or at least made you wear a condom
james: what's a-
sprout: I’m a simple lesbian. I like pretty, dark-haired women, and man-killing plants.
sirius: A couple more rules: if you ever read a sad book, you have to wear mascara so we can see whether or not you’ve been crying. There’s no noise allowed on Mondays. And no magic after breakfast.
peter: er i'm sorry this was the dorm assigned to me...
remus: Hogwarts Library is headed by the most diabolical, ruthless bureaucrat I’ve ever seen. She's like a death eater but instead of avada kedavra and crucio she uses shame and shhhing.
james: she wouldn't let him into the restricted section without a note
remus, choking back tears: I AM A PREFECT
pansy: I have never flown the high road. But I tell other people to ‘cause then there’s more room for me on the low road.
hermione: If I had a stripper’s name, it would be Equality. for house elves and all beings.
ron: if i had a stripper's name it would be sugar striped candy pole for my -
harry: hermione, DON'T -
sir cadogen: You know, in the 1880’s, there were a few years that were pretty rough and tumble here at Hogwarts. This depicts kind of a famous fight between Morpheus Rane, a prefect in Slytherin house, and Wilhemena Batlock, a Hufflepuff seventh year. The original title of this painting was ‘A Lively Fisting.’ But y’know, they had to change it for…obvious reasons.
bellatrix, in the afterlife: i regret nothing. the end.
harry: I don’t want to be overdramatic, but today felt like a hundred years in hell and the absolute worst day of my life.
tofty: I'm sorry but you WILL have to repeat your history of magic OWL
james: Lucky for me, I’ve processed all my feelings. And I’ve gone through the five stages of grief - Denial, anger, picking on Peter, cat adoption, reckless dueling, cat returning to the adoption place, reading all Martin Miggs books in the series (what i was picking on peter for actually), and not giving a flying fuck.
remus: you can't say fuck
james: oh great i'm going to have to start the process all over again.
remus: peter, you'd better run
dudley: I’m allergic to magic candy. Every time I eat more than 80 sweeties I barf.
fred: how about...81
sirius: I’ll have a glass of your most expensive red wine mixed with a glass of your cheapest white wine served in a dog bowl. Silly straws all around, please.
remus: this is why we can't date in public
neville: I’m gonna get drunk and then I’m gonna order a three course meal where each course is made of dessert.
arthur: I promised myself I was not going to cry tonight, and I’ve already broken that promise five times. But I will not break it a sixth.
bill: dad maybe you shouldn't give a toast while fleur's family is still here
gilderoy: I have no idea what I’m doing, but I know I’m doing it really, really well.
pansy: Use him. Abuse him. Lose him. That’s the Parkinson motto.
draco: I thought the Parkinson motto is don't look at me you whore.
pansy: the motto is really more like a chapter book.
harry: You’re ridiculous and pureblood rights is nothing.
voldemort: wow
tonks: I would like a glass of red wine and I’ll take the cheapest one you have because I can’t tell the difference.
sirius: cheers i'll drink to that
remus: put. the bowl. down.
eh, and just one for the road: “I wonder who else was born in Eagleton. Voldemort, probably.” – Leslie Knope
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lilhawkeye3 · 4 years
An Overdue Chat About Harry Potter
...because no fandom is safe from Tea Time with Hawk.☕️🦅
Oh boy. Harry Potter. Where do I even start? This is just a summary of the things I know/remember, so I apologize if I miss anything major. Warning: this is a long one.
•Described the only black female character’s hairstyle as “worms.”
Pansy Parkinson to Angelina Johnson in Order of the Phoenix: “Hey, Johnson, what’s with that hairstyle, anyway?” shrieked Pansy Parkinson from below. “Why would anyone want to look like they’ve got worms coming out of their head?”
•Had Seamus Finnegan, the explicitly stated Irish character always blowing things up due to his nature. (This is troublesome because it feeds into a stereotype influenced by bias against the IRA).
•Also had the Irish-coded Weasley family be: all ginger, lots of kids, and in poverty (partly due to them having so many kids). This also leads them to be Catholic-coded, as they are in the minority of how the rest of Wizarding Britain is presented.
This stereotype was so well known in Protestant UK that Monty Python even made a whole musical sketch making fun of it. (Context: Ireland is majority Catholic. The UK (England, Wales, Scotland, N. Ireland are majority Protestant.)
•Personally, as a BIPOC: I’m fine with JKR supporting a Black Hermione Granger being cast in the stage play, but she lied when she said she never described Hermione’s race... especially considering she went out of her way to describe the skin color of her non-white characters. Further, she described Hermione’s skin more than once.
Prisoner of Azkaban: “Hermione’s white face was sticking out from behind a tree.”
Half-Blood Prince, after Hermione got a black eye: “Hermione was sitting at the table in great agitation, while Mrs. Weasley tried to lessen her resemblance to half a panda.”
•Kingsley Shacklebolt is a mix between the “Magic Negro” and “noble savage” stereotypes. For those who don’t know, the noble savage is typically seen as an outsider who is untouched by corruption of ‘civilization’ or the society they find themselves a part of. The “Magic Negro” is a term coined by Spike Lee and refers to a Black character that has deep spiritual knowledge, enlightened and selfless, and of course, powerful-- but cannot save the day because... he’s not “fit” to be the protagonist. Kingsley is a Black man, portrayed to be African in the movies by his accent and dress (so doubly an outsider), who is part of the “noble and good” Order of the Phoenix, which fights against the corruption in Wizarding Britain. He is powerful, wise, and beloved enough that he becomes the first Minister post-war. 
And then this essentially happened again with Seraphina Picquery. Yeah.
@cobaltexpositor also pointed out that Kingsley’s name including “shackles” is also extremely tone deaf and they’re right.
•The Patronus is a blatant bastardization of the Native American belief of spirit animals. (Link is to a Native American blog post explaining spirit animals.)
Let’s not forget that time JKR rewrote Native American history to suit her needs and in the process belittled their spiritual beliefs, healing practices, and medicine... and also made them white saviors. And, y’know, used real cultures as props for her imperialistic, fictional history.
Oh yeah, and thunderbirds are sacred to some tribes/Nations, so fuck her.
•Nagini. Oh dear, was that some racist, misogynist content right there. Someone decided it’d be a good idea to have Voldemort’s pet snake, who he used as a soul vessel, start out as an Asian woman who is cursed into an animal form. A South Korean woman was really made into a white man’s pet. I... I have no words. It was so unnecessary and so incredibly racist.
And then JKR explained herself by saying she got the idea from Indonesian mythology, and that Indonesia includes “a few hundred ethnic groups including Javanese, Chinese and Betawi.” Except... the actress, Claudia Kim, is Korean. Which is easily Googleable. (And she’d also previously called Nagini Albanian. And Nagini is actually a spiritual Sanskrit name. Oh, how the list goes on....) So JKR is either stupid, or racist. At this point, I’m inclined to go with both. 
•Leta Lestrange is a tragic mulatta stereotype (”mulatto” is an old term for someone who is mixed white and Black. Please don’t call anyone this now. It’s racist). This caricature was prominent in 19th and 20th American century literature, where a mixed-race person was depicted as sad or suicidal because they didn’t fit into the white world or Black world. It was used to make slave characters more sympathetic to white readers. With Leta Lestrange... her white aristocrat father used a slave spell (Imperius) to kidnap and rape her Black mother. I cannot even begin to explain how fucking racist that is. She’s shown to be bullied at Hogwarts over being an unwanted child. And then on top of that, Leta dies to further the plot and emotional climax of the white male protagonist.
Y’all... I’m so livid about Leta Lestrange. It’s fucking disgusting. 
And then, some tea for the fandom:
•The Death Eaters are literally modeled after the KKK, so please stop saying the main conflict in Harry Potter is not an allegory for race. 
(I also don’t understand the fad with fans tattooing the Dark Mark permanently on your arm when there’s so much more positive symbolism from the series to choose from besides what’s essentially an Burning Cross tattoo, but... whatever.)
•And finally, many fans of a certain character need to hear this one: Severus Snape emotionally abused Neville Longbottom to the point that he was Neville’s greatest fear. He tortured a child under his care (plus used his teaching position to bully nearly a generation of students). That’s... so not okay.
Well. That was quite a bit longer than I expected. Feel free to add on anything I’ve missed.
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