#you know how in atla zuko is breaking shit all the time?
theaceofarrows · 3 months
I think that aspec people should get a power up like a video game character every time someone says that their orientation isn't real, so they can just absolutely wreck them
"Oh, you don't think my orientation is real? I guess this superhuman punch I'm about to throw at you isn't real either, or the kick that's going to follow it"
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comradekatara · 2 months
with another atla revival on its way (I hate Netflix) I’m starting to see “shipping wars” again and I’m hating/fighting for my life with all these z*tara shippers. I guess, for me, people who ship them together fundamentally don’t understand or even like Katara and yet they will hail themselves as the only people who get her (in what universe…) and claim that Zuko would have treated her infinitely better than Aang (I can’t with people). I’ve had a look on your page and FAQ and I think we share the same thoughts on the ship with the whole coloniser x colonised aspect (this is not to say I don’t like Zuko, but still). I guess what I’m asking is do you think these people get her as a character? ALSO finding out that the comic book writer shipped them and broke up Mai and Zuko made me feel some type of way.
i like how you said “on its way” only 22 hours ago (as of 2/29) despite the fact that natla fully came out a week ago. that said, i still haven’t seen it, so in my mind it also doesn’t exist (at least until i do actually watch it tomorrow). also, for what it’s worth, i do think that breaking up zuko and mai is the right call, it’s just that the execution was fucking awful, because gene yang cannot write for shit and doesn’t understand these characters. but it’s also really funny that he apparently ships zvtara (like, that tracks) but also their only prominent one-on-one interaction in the comics is when he physically restrains her…. lol. lmfao even.
as for the way zvtara shippers talk about katara and aang it truly is bonkers insane the lengths they’ll go and the reaches they’ll make to justify why their personal preference is, in fact, morally correct. i mean, intellectually correct is one thing, because i believe in making a persuasive argument and citing your sources, but morally correct??? they’ll act like aang is some awful toxic misogynist (yes, i know) and that zuko is in fact a paragon of support and respect for women. when we’ve all seen firsthand how he behaves as mai’s boyfriend (sidenote: the fact that they’ll claim that MAI is the one who is “abusive” to ZUKO is crazy. people hate women so fucking much it’s unreal).
in terms of how they discuss katara, it’s not so much the fact that the ship is literally colonizer/colonized (although it is), but the way that shippers deliberately play into these colonial biases and dynamics when portraying them. i actually think had zvtara shippers not been egregiously racist about it for so long, i wouldn’t really mind the ship itself. like, they are very obvious narrative foils who parallel each other in many ways and their arcs are inextricably bound up in each other and incredibly meaningful to both of them. i can understand why people read katara touching his scar in the catacombs or zuko jumping in front of lightning to save her as romantic. not my personal cup of tea, but like. it’s not NOT there. i don’t even object to people calling them soulmates tbh, because like. yeah. they are???
however. the complete lack of understanding as to what colonialism is or how it functions (ive literally seen ppl say that zuko isn’t a colonizer bc he never personally occupies territory, as if he didn’t BURN DOWN SUKI’S VILLAGE, and that the swt was colonized by the fn because they don’t explicitly occupy land like they do in the ek) really pervades the (romantic) interpretation of this dynamic as i’ve observed it over the years. a lot of katara in fire nation reds, as “fire lady,” abandoning her culture for zuko’s sake (despite this apparently being egregiously problematic when katara does this for aang’s sake). one time i came across a literal pocahontas au?!?!?? like. it’s SO dire.
and beyond the very obvious racism, the way they paint shipping zvtara as feminist and progressive is insane because, as you say, they do hate katara. i don’t know how to explain to these people that sanding down all her flaws and turning her into this angelic maternal endless well of compassion and emotional labor means you don’t actually like her character as it is presented in canon. acting as if katara lacks flaws (she is, in fact, deeply flawed) or so much more mature than the rest of her friends and must suffer that burden every day (hint: she’s not and she doesn’t) until the noble zuko comes along and is so gracious towards her and her alone (he’s literally the most immature of the lot, screams and whines at her, and at everyone) is just. a really impressive amount of editorializing. and they turn aang and sokka into these whiny, idiotic babies to justify that decision, as if aang and sokka are not highly intelligent, wise, capable, and responsible in their own right.
katara and zuko are in fact flawed in similar ways. they’re both impulsive, self-righteous, stubborn, myopic, callous, and filled with an unquenchable, blinding rage. it’s clear that when they are aligned in that rage, their dysfunction feeds into each other and they block the rest of the world out to satisfy their impulses. katara is able to pull back at the last moment in “the southern raiders” in a beautiful culmination of her internal character arc, but the entire build-up to this moment sort of showcases the ways in which they might not be great for each other as a couple. but people will do some incredible mental gymnastics to explain why they are nonetheless always right about everything, and why aang and sokka are always wrong and don’t understand katara at all. also, fwiw, reducing “the southern raiders” to who is right vs who is wrong when it’s actually about how various characters approach and process their grief in a deliberately subjective way is just. god. exhausting. i’m exhausted.
the thing about atla is that it is a well-written show, especially as far as its main characters are concerned. katara is so dear and special to me specifically because she is allowed to be so flawed and three dimensional and realistically human. and ignoring zuko’s myriad flaws means ignoring the depth that apparently makes him the most interesting character to 90% of atla fans. there really isn’t a need to editorialize and reduce canon to fit a neat little narrative, when the narrative that already exists is just. already really solid. and the thing is, i don’t even think you should have to change canon all that much to justify this ship, because it’s one of the central dynamics of the entire show. and yet, people still do. they really do. so i think that’s telling, don’t you?
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mood-2017 · 3 months
initial thoughts after finishing the first three episodes of the atla netflix adaptation bc I have thoughts in my brain (contrains spoiler)
first, things I really liked and appreciated so far:
the cgi looks GOOD, the animals actually look like they belong in this world
the bending looks insane (it actually has impact other than.. yk)
combat choreography and costume design is also a 10/10
idk a lot about score but I like what I hear lol
story progression is also interesting, of course they had to combine 2-3 episodes worth of information to fit their format and I feel like they put a lot of thought into that (it's more of a 50/50 tho)
starting the show with the air normad genocide was cruel but it really set the mood (I may have cried over that one aang and gyatso scene)
the actors actually look like the kids they are portraying
got nothing to complain about zuko, iroh, suki, zhao, etc.
I actually think that they portrayed zuko very well with him being very grumpy and goal driven but also has his awkward moments
I still have hope that they bring out irohs personality more
next, the bad and the ugly oof:
line delivery and interaction between the main characters feel a little stiff and awkward (might get better idk but where is the chemistry??)
I'm sorry but they sucked the life out of katara. If I didn't know the original character, I would find her really boring?? No hate to the actress tho, the lines she was given are just not it imo she did what she could with what she had
NO relationship building between katara and aang?? (they basically cut every important scene of their relationship out? like her being the one who breaks aang out of the ice, her being the first person he sees, her being the one calming him down after he goes into avatar mode at the southern air temple and probably more that I missed) > kind of makes me think that they're actually gonna go for zutara and idk what to feel (we all saw that scarf scene)
still don't know how to feel about them introducing azula, ty lee and mai so early? why introduce them so early when you already have to cut so much from the original to fit the 8 episode format? (their actresses slayed tho)
pacing lacks now and again and makes the flow a bit awkward (probably bc of how compressed it is)
I feel like the adaptation relies on the knowledge of their viewers who know the original a lot, especially when it comes to the main characters bc if this was my first introduction to atla I wouldn't feel connected to any of these characters YET
mind you, I still have 5 more episodes to watch so maybe this will turn around idk
I'd give it a 6,5/10 SO FAR but only bc I'm SO attached to the original so therefore I'm probably not as open minded as someone who hasn't watched the show 17 times
the original is a near perfect show and I think everyone knew, that there was nothing that the adaptation could do much better but you can still tell, that the people behind the scenes have a real passion for the original so I still appreciate everything that turns out better than the movie that shall not be named
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proxissima · 5 months
Least favorite Ozai take you know (you can also name more if you like too)
Even after taking a thorough break from the ATLA fandom in the past year, that Ozai "isn't the sharpest tool in the shed", that people seem to think that he's the dumbest member in the royal family is the take that came to my mind immediately, and it's the one that I still abhor to this day.
Dishonourable mention goes to Ozai being also the most talentless and/or weakest firebender, which tends to go hand-in-hand with the above-mentioned take.
People who spout this nonsense with such confidence make me wonder if they even watched the same show as the rest of us or if they transferred here from some parallel universe, because what part about Ozai shooting lightning like fireworks during Sozin's comet, what part about him sensing the end of a total eclipse in a bunker deep in the earth, from his inner fire alone (all while regular firebending soldiers hadn't even noticed that their bending was gone in the first place!!), what part about Ozai being the only person that was able to summon lightning from both hands simultaneously (in the OG show tbf), near instantaneously and with just a sliver of the sun (never mind that by this point there were only two other people in the world that were even able to generate lightning and neither were on his level), gave the impression that he's an unskilled or untalented fighter?
And that's just listing his feats regarding his lightning, not even his general technique and bending.
Ozai is both powerful AND capable of extreme precision, something people also just love to ignore when they're forced to admit that Ozai is no chump in the power department.
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EOS Azula would absolutely NOT defeat prime Ozai and Iroh would at least have a hard time with him. Jeong Jeong, however, is decisively getting smoked, never mind anyone less than a master; some people need to come down from cloud cuckoo land.
On a side note, I like how in the bottom right picture, it looks like Ozai is bending blue fire when he's unleashing huge lightning bolts in reality.
Another take I despise is the common notion that Ozai wanted to have Zuko dead since his birth, or that he couldn't wait to kill his infant son, which is factually wrong. Even the comics, despite instigating this whole mess, made it clear that Ozai wasn't that bad.
Okay, further tonal whiplash incoming, but there's another topic on my mind. That's your warning.
I also used to hate the notion that Ozai is a rapist and that the relationship between him and Ursa was one of constant abuse. (I think it was a bold move of Bryke and generally everyone to portray Iroh, of all people, as the polar opposite and a demure character, considering his history with women... but Iroh is a whole different can of worms.) Let it be said that I still think the plot of the comics is complete horse-shit in that regard, so my opinion on that hasn't changed.
However, I won't lie and say that there isn't a certain, morbid appeal in Ozai using sex as a weapon to exert control over people.
There was a fic, I think it was called Queens and Consorts that portrayed Ozai's manipulative and subtle side quite well, where each chapter is written from a different woman's perspective that all are either in or have some business with the royal family. Ursa felt unloved, but when it turned out that she was the only one Ozai truly loved? *Chef's kiss*. The fic deals with the inner workings of not just the royal family but also the political intricacies of the royal court in a captivating manner. I remember it being worth a read, but I digress.
Back to my original point though, I do also have to give Dominion credit where it's due, because the particular chapter, chapters? where Ursa departs, written from her POV, were an interesting read that gave insight into Ozai's character and their toxic and abusive relationship. I liked that Ursa was actually in love with him, but turned to despise him all the same. One part that has stuck with me was, paraphrased, how Ozai would sometimes forcefully take her, but she would spread her legs for him willingly on enough other occasions.
The abuse, in general, is a touchy topic and it's a delicate balance to strike, between giving Ozai edges, without taking away from his humanity entirely, and avoiding making it grotesquely obscene, but if done right, it can add a whole lot of complexity to their dynamic. Needless to say, the comics busted it miserably. Like, so thoroughly, a twelve year old could come up with a more cohesive and interesting plot.
I think this type of characterisation of Ozai works best, when it's not just him, but also the rest of the family to be depicted to have extremely dubious morals that serve as a reminder why exactly no one was objecting to perpetuating a century-long war their ancestor started, but also why practically every member of the following generations was either willing to carry out a genocide/mass murders on their own, have successfully done so, or were actively endorsing it. (It's certainly noteworthy that we know nothing about Lu Ten's mother, and that any of Iroh's past in the military has been carefully tiptoed around in all official portrayals post-ATLA.)
All of this being said, I don't get it when Ozai is the one portrayed as this depraved, sadistic rapist, all while characters like Azulon and especially Iroh, out of all people, are treated as the bastion of moral superiority in the meantime, or something, like they'd genuinely be outraged by... (marital) rape and abuse. These two. It's a bold assumption at best.
It's just kind of a pointless endeavour, trying to apply modern-day (western) morals on the setting ATLA takes place in and pretending [favourite] characters would hold those same values and act accordingly, when it's more comparable to the late 19th century. (Yes, there's enough people on stan Twitter and Reddit who actually seem to forget about this)
Obligatory disclaimer that I've got nothing against modern AUs or whatever. I just don't like it when people are genuinely pretending that is how characters would be thinking in canon.
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lilu-the-almighty · 2 months
nah I'm continuing on my tags from that last post
Azula is a fucking fantastic character. Holy shit she is so fucking good. And I don't think she needed a redemption arc! I wouldn't be mad if she did, but I also think her not having one is? a really fascinating route to take her character? She isn't Zuko. They both had similarly abusive childhoods, they both did not deserve what happened to them, but they aren't the same person, and they aren't going to respond in the same way. Azula was the golden child, and because of that she needs to be better than everyone. She is perfect and she is untouchable and she destroys any threat to that idea with terrifying ferocity. That is how she has responded to her trauma. She has been told since infancy that she is the best and that is what she is important for, and if she isn't the best then she doesn't matter anymore. So that pressure is built on over and over and over again until it breaks her down and molds her into a machine designed only to be the best fucking daughter, princess, and warlord that she possibly can be and anything standing in her way isn't just on obstacle to her goals, but an obstacle to her worth as a human being. If she fails even once, she is better off dead. She doesn't care if she hurts people, she doesn't care if she destroys lives, families, history, anything, as long as she stays perfect and undefeated and important. And that is what her character hinges on. She doesn't care that she is hurting people, so there is no motivation for her to change. She has no reason to WANT to change. All she wants is to be the greatest daughter she can be, and her idea of that is destroying the other nations and making her father proud. That is her biggest motivation over literally anything else in her life. That is a good fucking character. That is raw and uncomfortable and scary. She is the perfect example of the idea that not every victim is in the right. Just because you have a reason to do what you are doing doesn't mean you are justified in doing it. No matter how horrible your past is, some trauma responses are just as fucked up and wrong. She is a terrifying villain and a beautifully written character. And like I said, I don't think fully redeeming her would hurt that, especially since the writers of ATLA are so fucking good at what they do I can't imagine they would do it poorly, but she doesn't need one. She already is a complex, intriguing, fantastic character just how she is. but they would need to spend the time giving her a very good reason to want to change. Zuko already had that reason, he had always had a baseline of morals against needless killing and death even if he was misguided otherwise, and he had already been wronged by his father and the fire nation, and EVEN THEN it took him three whole seasons to change his ways. Azula has NO reason to change because up until the very end of ATLA she is getting every damn thing she wants from the fire nation and has no reason at all to go against her father and the people who worship the ground she walks on. To give her a reason to redeem herself would mean we would need pretty much a whole spinoff Azula show to give her enough time to see the error in her ways and change as a person. Which yu know, I would NOT fucking be against in any way, but that is a lot of work production side and I unfortunately don't think it is going to happen. Anyway though, I support women's wrongs, especially hers<3
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wolfjackle-creates · 10 days
H, K, N for the ask game 😁😁
For this ask game! (Submissions still open)
H: What is your favorite source text for fandom stuff (e.g., TV shows, movies, books, anime, Western animation, etc.)?
Probably TV shows. Though I spent more than a bit of time in the MCU, so serialized film might be a better description. There's been exceptions, of course. (Jane Austen being the notable one.) But I tend to thrive in fandoms where the writers/studios don't quite follow through on all the implications they make. Or something falls just a bit flat that fic can explore the implications of.
K: What character has your favorite development arc/the best development arc?
This is a hard one!
I'm a millennial, so of course I was enthralled by Zuko's arc in ATLA.
Edward and Alphonse Elric from Fullmetal Alchemist are more character studies I adore. Just... The way they had to confront the truth of what a philosopher's stone required and how their journey changed from resurrecting their mom to restoring their (Alphonse's) bodies to bringing down the homunculi. The way they grew as people throughout the manga/show. I just love them, okay?
Frodo from Lord of the Rings. His journey broke him, but he persevered. At first, he made a promise with no idea what would be required of him. But when it got tough? When he started to break under the pressure? When he shattered? He didn't give up. Because the world and his home and Sam were worth everything.
I just really like heroic characters, okay?
N: Name three things you wish you saw more or in your main fandom (or a fandom of choice).
[The answers to this are gonna be dpxdc specific. I know some of these are explored more in their individual fandoms.]
I love when people explore the complexities of Jazz's character. She doesn't always have her shit together, she just pretends to. And she's a bit of a know-it-all with a superiority complex around her intelligence. Again, I know this gets explored more on the DP only side of things, but I don't see it as much on the crossover side of things. (And I do have something in the works for this on my end!)
Repeat the above with Dick, tbh.
I would like to see more exploration of Danielle, too. Like, her character tends to be just "chaos gremlin who loves to travel." But... she went to travel because the DP writers didn't feel like actually figuring out how to fit a 12 year old into the show when Danny's parents couldn't know about her. Danny and his friends were 14, Jazz 16. They were entirely incapable of taking care of a 12 year old, so she was mostly written out of the show after her creation for shock value. I'd love to see more of her as a traumatized, abandoned kid who looks 12 but is really just a few months and has no one she can turn to for help. (Something I also plan to touch on with my own fics.)
The above are just my interpretations of the characters! I know a lot of people see them differently. And I do write my fics with the above characterizations in mind, so I'm definitely aiming to be the change I want to see. (We'll see more of Dani in the upcoming scenes of Bring Me Home. And I have plans for some things involving Jazz.)
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juniperhillpatient · 2 years
"Winter Solstice Part 1: the Spirit World" re-watch :)
I really loved the way this episode was structured. The opening scene shows Aang becoming extremely upset about the destroyed forest & Katara gives him hope for the forest's regrowth with the acorn. The closing scene shows Aang realizing that Hei Bei isn't an evil spirit, just an angry spirit, hurt that the forest was destroyed. Then he gives Hei Bei the same hope he was given. It's just a beautiful parallel.
This was a great introduction to the spirit world & I enjoyed the different color palette used & Aang's realization about where he was. I'm always talking about what a visually stunning show ATLA is, but this is an episode where the animation really got to shine. The scene at the beginning where we see Appa's shadow against the clouds is especially gorgeous.
It's also just a well-written episode that feels almost like a side adventure (in a good way) at first until you realize that Aang is connecting with Roku's dragon & learning about a way to contact Roku. Then it's like "oh shit, this is an important episode!" I love it. Also, it's fun how Zuko's adventure rescuing Uncle Iroh parallels Aang & Katara trying to get Sokka back. As a side note, Sokka is so brave to be the ONLY one to try & help Aang, even if he immediately gets kidnapped. Go Sokka! My man does not get enough credit for this bravery. Yeah, it was a little stupid, but also Aang was getting his ass handed to him & everyone else (even Katara!) was just watching.
Also, the moment when Sokka slips away into the spirit world gives me legit chills. I loved every scene with Aang in the Upside Down - uh, I mean in the spirit world. Very great moment when he's trying to interact with the regular world & to air bend & realizes he can do neither. This episode had some really chilling & genuinely scary for a kid's show moments, which I love.
One thing about this episode that I did NOT enjoy was naked Iroh xD
Also, I'm not necessarily 100% on board with the popular take among many Azula fans that making Iroh & Zuko sympathetic main characters even when they were antagonists is bad writing or unfair narrative framing in & of itself. I like it when villains are built up as complex characters, even while it's made very clear they are villains at the end of the day. So, yeah, I enjoy getting to route for Iroh & Zuko on side adventures.
We are definitely getting that complex sympathetic villain writing with Zuko so far. Now - where I take issue is with the inconsistency in understanding Iroh's motives. Why is he just napping & soaking in the spring when Zuko is telling him it's time to go? This laziness made sense before he believed they could find the Avatar, but now they are actively tracking the Avatar so his behavior is bizarre & frustrating. "Iroh was always secretly on team Avatar" seems to be the show's later justification but...then why does he seem so pro-Fire Nation, & talk so casually & remorselessly to the earth benders about his siege on Ba Sing Se? That's literally my only issue with this plotline (oh. & naked Iroh. eugh). I love Iroh & Zuko getting storylines where we get to route for them even while knowing they are antagonists, I think it's fun. My beef is with confusing & inconsistent character motives, now that bugs me.
That said - Zuko is iconic in this episode. First of all, he's the only one who notices that Iroh was taken by earth benders. Second of all, he chooses Uncle Iroh even over going after the Avatar. Despite my many issues with Iroh's writing, I do love how he grounds Zuko & we get to see Zuko around someone whom he genuinely loves & cares about. Also, Zuko kicks a fucking boulder through the air & breaks metal handcuffs with his foot! Like damn, okay, go off Zuzu <3 Zuko said "never skip leg day" I guess! xD
Anyway, this was a great episode overall! I loved this introduction to the spirit world & getting to see Aang connect with Roku's dragon & I really loved the Hei Bei storyline & how it was concluded :)
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eyes-of-mischief · 2 years
weekly fic recs | 27
fandoms: atla, bnha, mdzs, tgcf
studying the blade by kryptonianmenace
⚔️ @ thebluespirit 6:56am wait shit i just realized no one knows who i am i can post whatever i want
blue spirit stan @ swordbitch 7:03am @ thebluespirit what are you gonna post?
⚔️ @ thebluespirit 7:05am @ swordbitch i’m gonna say the fuck word
Zuko is a YouTuber making videos under the masked identity the Blue Spirit. Team Avatar is a group of YouTubers who live together that are much more popular than the Blue Spirit. Until one day, Sokka reaches out.
atla x bnha
we are bound, by each crime and every kindness by hyugesoo
Todoroki Shouto dies, ice in his veins and ash in his lungs.
Zuko is born with fire on his lips and tears on his cheeks.
(or, when Shouto is reborn as a prince in a world desperately needing a hero.)
A Demolition Boy & his Cryptid BF by kewltie
Bakugou of the Demolition Squad is famous for running one of the most popular Youtube channels on the web that regularly blow shit up and jumped off a perfectly good building for shit and giggles. He's also famous for his Cryptid BF™, never appearing on camera except for a few bodyshots and all information on him is kept locked up tighter than Fort Knox, therefore drawing all sort of attention and curiosity toward his mysterious boyfriend.
Deku from Deku Explains is a hopeless chatterbox who is known for uploading 20-30 minutes video that talked about his favorite shows and comics and have one of the most devoted following on Youtube. He also can't seem to shut up about his boyfriend Kacchan, who regularly make his presence on the channel as a disembodied voice.
They should theoretically have nothing in common except a shared platform to host their content and an army of fans with an endless curiosity and devotion to their Youtubers. Vidcon is where we lay our scene and the internet is about to get a rude wake up call.
a wild heart to tame mine by theroyalsavage
It's a tale as old as time. Boy moves back to the city he'd fled years before. Boy meets superhero. Superhero saves boy's life. Superhero accidentally breaks the front window of boy's place of employment.
(Lan Wangji just wants to retire from hero work and live a quiet life. Fate, however, has other ideas.)
light travels faster than sound by Anonymous
“Baba,” A-Yuan is saying, tugging happily on his father’s hand. “Wei-laoshi is here!”
“Yes, I see.” Lan Wangji dips his head in Wei Ying’s direction, then begins to gently steer A-Yuan back into the house. “Let’s step aside so that he may come in. Wei Ying, thank you for making time in your schedule.”
“Oh, it was no trouble,” Wei Ying says, waving a hand. It was: he had to rearrange two lessons with other students. “Really, I’m happy to do it.” He realizes he’s still kneeling on the porch, and clambers to his feet. “Besides, money is exchanged for goods and services, right? It’s your money! There’s no need to thank me.”
Lan Wangji blinks. “I suppose… Yes. That is one way of phrasing it.”
(Or: Wei Ying gets a commission, a tutoring job, and a crush.)
he doesn't look a thing like jesus (but he talks like a gentleman) by cangji
kindergarten teacher xie lian is adept at minding his own business and getting on with his life - until he discovers one of his students has a very attractive uncle who may or may not be involved with organized crime.
If You Don't Know How to Blow, Blow for Me by trufflehargau
Xie Lian’s eyes flicked halfway up the length of San Lang’s body, sitting rather stiffly on the sofa. He looked kind of awkward, to be honest. Then again, awkwardness was probably a bit of a given when you were sex-coaching the flatmate you’d only known for two weeks.
Or: Jun Wu has dumped Xie Lian for being bad in bed. Desperate to get him back, Xie Lian asks his new flatmate to be his sex-coach. His new flatmate surprisingly says yes.
hell is the talking type by theroyalsavage
Xie Lian hunts ghosts for the amusement of the internet, has a run-in (or two) with a demon, and falls in love with his best friend. Not necessarily in that order.
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captainkirkk · 3 years
All the fics I’ve read and really enjoyed in the past week-ish. Reminder: This list features any and all ratings and themes.
isn't this the vision that you wanted by nebulastucky
Firelord Zuko - ender of the Hundred Year War, ruler of the Fire Nation, payer of respects and reparations - takes advice and counsel from representatives of every nation, division, and specialty.
But teenage boy Zuko - friend of turtleducks, wielder of fun looking swords, stumbler over words and feet in the presence of cute boys - only listens to two people, and they are conspiring together to ruin him.
or: Iroh just wants what's best for his nephew, and Katara just wants to know everyone's business.
Umbrella Academy
no greater pain (than loving someone who will never love you) by Ford_Ye_Fiji
Five has Hanahaki.
He pushes through anyway.
His siblings don’t notice (until they do).
lies of omission by envysparkler
Ivy’s designed a new serum, and chooses Red Robin as her test subject.
Scum Villain's Accidental Romance System by BurnerAccount
Shen Qingqiu has accepted that yes, this is a novel. And yes, it is going to have stupid plot points that he can (probably) do nothing about. His inevitable, horrible fate is his most probable future - but hey, it's at least a ways off yet, right?
A Stallion novel has stupid tropes, but he's 100% - no, 1000% sure, that these aren't in the standard package.
A-Yuan has At Least Three Friends by wenqing (maniafic)
Xiao Jiu wakes up disoriented, surrounded by strangers, and he desperately misses the nice dream where his name was Shen Yuan.
who is this face I hide by technorat
When Shen Qingqiu is presented with an artifact that shows the happiest moment in a person's life, he reverts to the childish form of Xiao Jiu.
Or, the very bad, no good day of one tiny Peak Lord.
Clone Wars
you hit what you head for by notquiteaghost
Part 2 of love is like falling
Cody stares at the message for a long moment. He commed Fox because Obi-Wan's unconscious, Wolffe's shit at words, and Rex has his hands full with Tano. He commed Fox because he can say fucking anything to Fox, and he couldn't even collect their dead, and one of these days he is going to snap.
He's got no idea if voicing half the shit chasing itself round his head will help, but his alternative is punching a few more holes in the wall, and he has to work out if Obi-Wan'll feel that before he does it again.
Star Wars
Breaking in a New Normal by ShyOwl
In which Luke is Mandalorian bait and Din is thirsting.
And he is not the only one.
How To Design Your Own Prosthesis And Turn The Project Into A Bonding Experience by Jackdaw_Kraai
Part 3 of Civil Wars, Whistleblower Tactics, Schematic Drafting, And The Finer Points Of Sith Adoption: The Essential How-To Guide For The Engineering Jedi
We rejoin our favorite Engineer three days after our adventure on Imperial Center, caught up on the backlog of work and ready to continue his crusade to improve the tech aboard the Lady one piece at a time.
A dire accident puts a halt to that plan, and before the dust has even settled, Luke is rushed to medical under dire circumstances, Darth Vader is besides himself with worry, and Firmus Piett never asked for any of this. Unfortunately, the later two will have to make quick work of the investigation, as shadowy entities creep closer with dark designs, revealing that the accident may not have been that accidental.
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backhurtyy · 3 years
alright i was talking to @bisexuallsokka about some theatre atla thoughts and it spiraled and so now im making a post. here we go, an atla college theatre au that has no plot and no basis other than that i just finished tech week and have a lot of thoughts about what my favorite characters would do in the theatre. these are mostly tech based, just because that's what i know best!! also it's very long, so i put it under the cut :)
so, the thing that started it all- techie azula, or more specifically, carpenter/technical director azula. she runs her shop on a tight ship, where everything must be perfect and precise and the most beautiful damn thing that's ever come out of a university shop.
also, she's not just an amazing technical director, but she's also the best welder in the entire program. she walks in the first day and everyone goes oh god another actor got lost smh... but then she picks up the welder and starts working and everyone goes oh. shit. i see. no one's lines are cleaner than hers. no one's welds are more secure than hers. no one's faster than she is. she's terrifying when she has a welder in her hand and a welding helmet on her face.
zuko is a playwright, director, and actor, and he and azula absolutely have a dumb little actor/techie/sibling rivalry. everyone dreads production meetings with the two of them, because they just spend the whole time arguing, but no one can deny that the shows that they're both working on are the best ones.
katara is either an actress or a costume designer, i can't choose. actress compels me just because of the whole painted lady and june pippinpaddleopsicopolis and sapphire fire thing, but i also love the idea of katara being really good with fabrics and creating amazing costumes.
sokka isn't in the theatre program himself, but he absolutely comes to the shop to help with building the sets because he wants to support the shows that katara and zuko are working on. because of this, he has a weird friendship with azula, which both his sister and boyfriend despise. who let them be friends, they whisper to each other conspiratorially, unaware that azula and sokka are in the shop gossiping about their siblings over the sounds of the table saw and the welder.
haru is a sound designer. i don't know how to explain it, but i know it to be true in my soul. you can trust me, because i'm a sound designer and also i love haru. so there.
basically i'm just picturing haru sitting there with his headphones for hours, clicking through sounds trying to find the absolute perfect sound effect to complete this scene. sometimes toph will sit with him listening to what he has, and she'll give him advice about what to change or add.
jet is a lighting technician/electrician. i do actually have a basis for that, which is that i get the impression that he likes being up high (hello tree fort), and all the lighting people i know like being up on tall ladders and in genies and getting themselves into sticky situations just to hang a light. replace his hook swords with an ERS and a wrench, and you're set!
actually though, i think he'd be really good at mapping out all of the cable runs, remembering what all the different lighting fixtures are, knowing exactly how to program things, and he'd be super fast at hanging a light.
haru and jet are absolutely the annoying theatre couple who spend their breaks sitting next to each other, usually with haru's legs thrown over jet's while they rant about everything that's going wrong. (they're also really cute, though, because if they aren't working on a show together, they'll bring each other food during tech week, just to make sure they're eating and taking a break during such a long night.)
STAGE MANAGER YUE. she has all of her notes in her book color coordinated and all of her cues meticulously organized, and is really good at connecting with both the cast and crew. she also is very well versed in all areas of theatre, since she did acting for a long time before switching to tech, and so she has a really good grasp on how to help everyone with whatever problems they come across. and for all of her kindness and her good attitude, she's also really good at commanding the theatre and keeping everything on track.
suki is another character who i could see fitting in a lot of places, but i'm leaning towards acting, just because of things in the show like when she asks to see sokka's ticket or tells him deadpan that she's an elite warrior, only to burst into a smile and say she can get him backstage. i just see her getting a lot of lead roles and having this air about her when she's onstage that commands the entire room's attention.
ty lee is specifically a musical theatre major and always gets dance captain/student choreographer positions. she always keeps the cast and crews spirits up during the exhaustion of tech week, as well as organizes the cast and crew party at the end of the run.
mai gives me big scenic designer energy. no one ever looks at her and thinks she'd be a theatre kid, but she's always there doing crazy math to figure out how to build super elaborate and abstract sets. just, mai combining physics and calculus and art to create the most amazing sets.
i see toph being a sort of jack of all trades and floating around the theatre doing all sorts of things- directing, assistant sound designing, working on the production team and managing finances and stuff... no one's entirely sure what her major is, or if she's even in the program, and when she's asked she just smiles and walks away. no one's going to complain, though, because sometimes when they're on break during tech week, she'll let people pet her service dog.
aang also strikes me as being a stage manager, particularly an assistant stage manager. like he's always backstage, coordinating scene changes and giving cues and stuff. he's also always the one to design and create the programs, and if he isn't working a show, then he's there volunteering as an usher. he's also happy to float around, helping out sound and lighting and costumes and the shop as much as he can. everyone breathes a sigh of relief when they see aang's an ASM, cause they know the show is gonna be smooth.
piandao is the lead technical faculty member, while jeong jeong is the lead acting faculty member. they are married.
thank you for coming to my ted talk.
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thwispsings · 4 years
Atla modern!au headcanons
This is gonna be a long ride so buckle up folks 
Sokka has at least one clothing item with “women want me, fish fear me” (and i’m betting it’s a crop top)
Zuko has to wear a hearing aid on his scarred ear
His vision is also not great on that side
Sokka has a soccer mom car
Sokka is just a huge soccer mom friend
While Sokka is the braincell holder of the group, Zuko is their impulse control
Zuko goes to occupational therapy
The white lotus is a tea tasting club, they have discount cards at Iroh’s teashop
Piandao is a master of the blades
Also distinguished gay
Bumi is basically a cryptid, he’s the jersey devil of omashu
Piandao also once got arrested for fighting cops at pride
No cops at pride just Piandao and his blades
Bato and Hakoda are peak Kevin and Holt (everyone’s dads)
Before they came out Sokka and Katara had a bet going on with Gran gran on whether they would realize everyone already knew or not (gran gran won)
Zuko cannot drive to save his life but he’s incredible good with a motorcycle 
Toph basically lives with Iroh and Zuko, they’re her emotional support family figures
They have family game nights but pai sho was banned after the “great table breaking incident of 2018”
Suki is a master of at least three different known martial arts and some not really known ones
She still stutters when talking to pretty girls
Once a pretty girl smiled at Suki and she tripped and almost fell down a flight of stairs
Whenever a girl flirts with her she looses her cool when a guy flirts with her she is always non-impressed
She and Sokka are the best exes, always trolling each other tho
When Zuko and Sokka started dating her first reaction was telling Zuko “honestly you could do better” 
Toph and Zuko convinced Iroh to start selling coffee on the Jasmine Dragon
Once Toph drank seven cans of redbull in a row just for shits and giggles, Iroh still has nightmares about that day
Whenever Zuko pulls all nighters Toph always puts him to bed, no one knows how
If you go for a non bending au then Druk is a bearded dragon or a ferret, i will not accept other animals
Zuko is the only person that Toph let squish her cheeks, she always giggles at it, it’s adorable, on the other hand, Toph is the only person allowed to touch his scar (she likes to map her friends’ faces with her fingers)
Toph also has an inclination to simply plop herself on Zuko’s lap, he’s warm and very comfortable and he always hugs her without saying anything
Toph knows how to braid her and always braids Zuko’s
Sokka is totally a tiktoker and a streamer
Aang watched too many tiktoks with Sokka and spent an entire month referring to Appa as “fluffly boy” only
Aang’s first friend, incredibly, was Zuko
Zuko painted blue arrows on a hoodie to give it to Aang when he complained about waiting for the tattoos
Aang cried
They are the type of friends that make constant references to events no one else knows about besides the two of them
Much similar to the Toph and Zuko situation, Sokka has adopted Aang as his little brother
They both have their daily Sokka&Aang time
Which usually involves laying with Appa and talking 
Sometimes cloud watching, they compete to see who finds the clouds with weirder shapes
Aang gets Katara flowers every year on her birthday
Their first date was at Iroh’s teashop (mostly so Zuko could be there to calm Aang down)
They hold hands whenever Aang feels overwhelmed
Aang made Katara a total of 37 friendship bracelets and 16 bead necklaces
The two go ice skating every two weeks
Katara has at one point convinced each one of her friends to let her do the hair loopies on them at least once
Katara once fought a guy on an Ihop parking lot and she won
The guy was Hahn and she fought him because he called Sokka a wimp
Katara, Sokka and Hakoda cry every time they watch Balto
Katara and Zuko share Ever after as their favorite movie
Katara is a golden medal swimmer 
Yue lost her hair due to chemo so she has a collection of pretty white wigs
Yue deffinetely cosplayed as Mara from She-ra
Piadao knows Zuko ever since he was five years old
He is actually both Zuko’s and Lu Ten’s godfather
One of his most prized possessions is a mug saying “world’s best godfather” that Zuko made on therapy and gave him for fathers day 
Iroh has a matching but with “world’s best uncle” 
Bumi and Aang became friends after Appa almost ran over him at a park, no one understands this friendship
Piandao and Zuko can communicate solely through nods and grunts, and both understand each other perfectly
*At the tea shop*
Piandao: *grunts and nods curtly*
Zuko: he wants the orange and spices tea and a croissant
*at Piandao’s dojo*
Zuko: *huffs and shakes his head*
Piandao: ah yes Zuko thanks for reminding me, i should see that with your uncle as soon as possible, do you think Jeong Jeong will be able to help?
Zuko: *grunts*
Piandao: no, you’re right, that’s a ridiculous idea
And now the crocverse hcs in honor to @nothing-more-than-hot-leaf-juice
Iroh non-ironically loves crocs
Once he said “let me put them on sports mode” before getting out of the house and Zuko was this close to crying
Bumi is a croc enthusiast 
He non-ironically loves the croc gloves
Bumi is the one who told Iroh about “four wheels drive”
The first time Sokka and Iroh quoted the “WHAT ARE THOSE” vine Zuko actually considered running away to live with Piandao
Jeong Jeong hates crocs with all of his being
Piandao dislikes crocs but he feigns ignorance just to watch the chaos unfold and Jeong Jeong get pissed
There’s a bet going on who’s gonna break Jeong Jeong first
Most of the bets are on Bumi
Piandao once wore a pair of crocs only to watch Jeong Jeong squirm and get all huffy
Sokka gave Iroh a teacup with little crocs painted on it for his birthday
Toph says crocs are the best kind of shoes because “they’re open” 
Iroh has almost as many crocs as he has teacups
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atlabeth · 3 years
transferred part twelve - atla smau
masterlist | part eleven | part thirteen
this takes place about 2 weeks after the last chapter
summary: trying to run from your past is hard, but falling for your brother’s roommate is even harder. little do you know that he’s falling for you as well. 
wc: 3.6k 
a/n: i’ve been writing bits and pieces of this since the start of this series so. enjoy. that’s all im gonna say lmao 
warning(s): cursing, mentions of familial death, mentions of abuse, some angst but also some fluff. this is kind of a heavy chapter because both zuko and y/n talk about their past, but there is fluff at the end. 
You pushed your hair out of your face and tried to blink the sleep out of your eyes, catching a glimpse of the time on the corner of your laptop. 
3:23 AM. 
You should’ve been asleep a long time ago, but all of your professors had decided to schedule tests in the same week so it was one of many, many late nights you had had lately. You thought that they would cool down because midterms were coming up, but BSSU professors kept proving you wrong. Late nights like these were becoming a regular occasion, and right now you just needed a break. 
The tea dates with Zuko were the only things keeping you sane. But could you even call them dates? 
It was the two of you, together, sitting and talking over tea for hours, and they were happening multiple times a week. In fact, you and him had gotten tea together exactly 9 times in the past two weeks — and that wasn’t even counting all the talking during your shared shifts. 
Katara, Suki, and Toph told you that they were dates, you wanted them to be dates, but there was a part of you that was so incredibly scared that you were wrong — that moving past that bridge would ruin the friendship that you cherished so much with Zuko — that you kept things solely platonic. No matter how much you wanted to kiss him every time he gave you that smile. 
But thinking about the complicated relationship you had found yourself entangled in with Zuko wasn’t a break, no matter how many times you had pondered over it before falling asleep in the wee hours of the night. 
You closed your laptop and grabbed your jacket that had been carelessly tossed on a stool at the kitchen island, making sure to sneak out of the apartment as quietly as you could. You opted to work in the living room, choosing to camp out on the sofa whenever you had to stay up as late as this, just so you wouldn’t wake up Sokka. Your brother had no idea how much you did for him. 
The cool breeze hitting your face and the shining stars in the sky were a welcome change of scenery from the lifelessness that was your apartment at night and your computer screen that you were sure was going to cause you eye issues later in life with how bright it was. 
You took a deep breath, inhaling and exhaling the crisp night air, and started to walk. You were sure you looked like a mess. You were wearing some flannel pajama pants, a BSSU tank top, tennis shoes, and Zuko’s jacket.  He had never asked for it back after that night at the party, and when you had showed up to one of your hangouts wearing it, he told you that you could keep it — “it looks better on you anyways” — so you did. 
There was something calming about the atmosphere. You knew that a lot of women were anxious about going out at night, especially alone, but that was why you had taken self defense classes. Being friends with Suki was a self defense class in its own, and it was very much appreciated. You allowed yourself to get lost in your thoughts, trying to give yourself the break that you deserved, when the hairs on the back of your neck stood up. 
“You know, it’s not safe to be out alone at this hour.” 
You let out a scream at the unexpected voice and whirled around, your fists already up to defend yourself. When you saw who it was, you laughed, completely shocked, and hit your hands against your legs, trying to calm your rapidly beating heart. 
“Holy shit, Zuko, you can’t just sneak up on someone like that!” you wheezed. You had no doubt that he only had good intentions, but for a second you thought someone was going to try and kill you. You had to admit, the scare was worth it to see the mix of horror and embarrassment on Zuko’s face.
“I’m so sorry!” His hands were held up placatingly in front of him and he let out a nervous laugh as well, but it did nothing to cover up the wide eyes he stared at you with. “I am so sorry, I didn’t even think about that. I- I was just up studying too, and I heard you leaving so I thought you could use some company- I swear, I wasn’t trying to scare you or anything!” 
You shook your head but couldn’t stop the smile on your lips, gesturing for him to come closer while you caught your breath. “It’s fine. Come on, walk with me.”
He fell into step beside you and the two of you walked in silence for a while, the only disruptions being the occasional car that drove by. It was eerily quiet, but with Zuko, it was nice. 
Both of you laughed when you each interrupted the other, and when you motioned for Zuko to go first he shook his head. You paused for a moment, the question on the tip of your tongue, before you decided to take the plunge. 
“I’ve been wondering since I got here; how did you end up as friends with—” You gestured around with your hands. “—this whole crew? It’s kind of a weird combination of people, so I guess I just wanna know how you became a part of it.” 
Zuko sighed and ran a hand through his hair, causing your eyes to widen a little bit as a stammered apology came out. “You don’t have to answer it if you don’t want to-” He gave you a tight smile and shook his head. 
“No, it’s fine. You should know about my life if— if we’re going to keep living together.” He knew the moment he met you, the moment he agreed to let you live with all of them, that he would have to explain his past to you. Hell, your siblings might have already told you some of it — he could only hope you’d still want to be his friend after he was done. 
“”I.. I wasn’t the best person in the past. I was a horrible person actually, and I consider myself extremely lucky that I was given so many chances to change. I hurt people. Bullied people. Got into fights just because I could. I was just- horrible is the only way to describe it. But your siblings, Toph, Aang? They were all people that decided to give me one of those chances, and they’re a huge reason that I am who I am today.” Zuko spoke slowly, and you could tell that this was something he didn’t open up to many people about. You smiled softly at him and nodded, letting him know that he could go on. 
“I don’t know how much you know about my father, but he’s the CEO of our family company. He’s been this huge presence in the business world for as long as I can remember, and he’s responsible for all the wealth and fame that our family has today. And when I was younger, I idolized him. I thought he was the greatest man in the world, that he could do no wrong, and I just followed him blindly. He was the most important person in my life, but.. I was nothing to him.” 
“He didn’t care about his friends, or- or his family, he only cared about power. My mother left when I was young, we haven’t heard a word from her since, and- and I don’t even know if he cared. My father would do whatever it took to become as powerful as he could, and that meant—” Zuko’s voice was getting louder and he cleared his throat, trying to keep his cool. There was a certain hollowness behind his eyes, and it tore you to pieces. “That meant hurting anyone that went against him. Including his children.”  
“I have a sister, Azula. She’s a prodigy in every sense of the word, and my father used it, used her. She was clearly his favorite, and it drove me insane. I mean, I did everything for his approval, but he only cared about Azula. We had a good relationship when we were younger, but my father molded her into the kind of person he wanted her to be, and— and I was jealous of her. He used that against us, purposefully staked the fire of our competition, one that I thought I could somehow win. But we had both already lost the second we started fighting against each other.” 
“It took me a long time to realize that.. that he was abusing us. I mean, he gave me this scar all because I spoke out of turn, and— and I still thought that I could earn his favor, that he deserved to earn my favor! He threw me out of the house when I was thirteen, and I went to live with my uncle. It took an even longer time, but with his help, and the support of your siblings and their friends, I was able to break the cycle. I was horrible to them at first, all of them, and I hated my father for what he did, but it was probably the thing that saved me.”  “And Azula.. leaving her will always be my biggest regret. My biggest mistake. I should’ve forced her to come with me when I was kicked out, I should’ve done something sooner, because maybe she wouldn’t have turned out the way she did.” He swallowed hard, his voice strained. “I came back for her once I was stable, and I helped her get out. I helped her get a therapist. It’s been a long process, but she’s getting better every day. But not a day goes by where I don’t think about what I could’ve done to help her more.”
You instinctively reached out for Zuko’s hand, and to your surprise, he took it without question. You gave his hand a small squeeze and led him over to a nearby bench — without realizing it, the two of you had entered a public park that was near the complex. When you sat down together, you moved so that one of your legs was crossed in front of you and the other was hanging down so you could face him. 
“Zuko.. I am so, so sorry. I don’t think any amount of apologies will be able to get how I feel across, but.. you didn’t deserve to go through that. No one deserves to go through that.” You took both of his hands, thankful for the warmth they provided. “Listen to me. Are you listening to me?” 
He gave a pained smile and nodded. “Yes, Y/N. I’m listening to you.” 
“You are not who you were in middle school. You are not who you were in high school. Okay? Your father is a horrible man, and you wouldn’t have done any of those things if it wasn’t for him. What you did when you were younger wasn’t okay, but the fact that you have so much remorse for it today proves that you’re a good person. Zuko, you are a good person, one of the best men that I’ve ever met in my life, and I’ve only known you for a few months.” 
You were subconsciously rubbing calming circles into the back of his hands —  hands that were still holding yours — while you talked, but it was all Zuko could think about.  “I know you feel guilty about leaving your sister, but you did what you had to do to get out. You came back for her, and you’ve helped her get better. She’s grateful for it, Zuko, I know that much.” 
“Everyone else has forgiven you,” you murmured, staring deep into the fire he held in his eyes. “You deserve to forgive yourself.”
The silence that passed while you gazed into each other’s eyes felt like it lasted an eternity, when really it was only about a minute. Zuko was the first to break it, clearing his throat and looking everywhere but at you as his words tumbled out. “I’m sorry- I didn’t mean to dump all of this on you at once.”
“It’s okay, Zuko, really. I understand; sometimes you just need to talk to somebody. You don’t know how much it means to me that you trusted me with all of that. And.. if we’re still baring our souls to each other, then I guess I have some things that you should know as well.” 
You bit the inside of your cheek; were you really about to tell Zuko about what happened? Most people knew that your mother was dead — killed in a drunk driving accident when you were ten — but you had never told anyone, not even your father or your siblings, about the full effect it had on you. But his eyes told you more than he ever could, and in that moment you knew it would be okay. You could trust him with something you had never trusted anyone else with.
“I’m sure you know that my mother died when I was young.” He nodded and you swallowed, trying to get rid of the sudden dryness in your throat. “It was.. hard. Really hard, on all of us. It was just so unexpected that we didn’t know what to do. We didn’t really have any money to spare, so my dad had to keep working, and I had to take care of Sokka and Katara. I was only eleven, but I basically had to take over the ‘mom’ role. Our grandmother came down to take care of us so we wouldn’t just be a bunch of kids living on our own, but even with her and Katara’s help, it was still hard. Sokka and Katara had to grow up much faster than they should’ve, even though I tried to shield them as much as I could.” 
“It was.. a lot. I won’t lie to you, it was a lot. Maybe too much.” A mirthless laugh hung in the air and you had to blink back the tears threatening to spring. “My mother was.. amazing. She was the only one who truly got me, you know? She was just this— this beautiful spirit in the world, and she brought light wherever she went. And when she died, it left this.. huge, gaping hole in my heart, one that I’m still trying to fill. I- I don’t know if I’ll ever be able to fill it. I thought as I got older it would be easier, but i-it’s not. The three of us joke around by calling Katara mom because of how she is, and they sometimes do it to me, and I know that’s all they are, jokes, but some part of it still hurts.” 
You were rambling now, spilling your soul to Zuko, going into the most mundane details that you had never told anyone. You had taken away the dam that had been holding back the waters of your emotions for so long, and now Zuko was going to drown in them. But you couldn’t stop.
“It’s the reason why I didn’t drive for so long. I didn’t want to, I was terrified of it because of what happened to my mother, but someone needed to be able to take Sokka and Katara around. And- and as I got older, and I started going to parties and people started drinking, I never did. I couldn’t, I was always the designated driver, because I couldn’t leave that in someone else’s hands. I had to be in control, because if I let someone go, then it was like I was killing my mother all over again, and it’s the reason why I always have to be the one driving—” 
You paused to take a deep breath, and as you looked down at your hands, you realized they were shaking. Not just your hands, but your entire body. What the hell were you doing? You let out a tearful laugh, covering your mouth with one hand and shaking your head. “God, I am so sorry, I— I don’t know what got into me.”
Zuko’s eyes never left yours, his own glassy, and he shook his head. “You don’t have to apologize. Like you said, it helps to tell someone. A-and— I know how you feel, what it’s like feeling like you have to give up the world for your siblings. But you have to take care of yourself too. You’re not just what you can give to other people. You are your own person.”
He was thankful that you trusted him enough to tell you something like this about yourself, something that your own blood didn’t even know, but it also made him realize that you had always trusted him. 
Your point about driving. You liked to be in control so that if something did go wrong, there wouldn’t be any thoughts of what you could’ve done. If something happened, it was because of you and only you. And on your first day of classes, and many trips since, you had let him drive. It was something so small, so insignificant to anyone, but to you it was a sign of trust. 
You trusted him. 
“You’re shivering.” Your voice snapped Zuko back to reality and he shrugged, the smallest smile playing on his lips. 
“I wouldn’t be if someone had given me my jacket back,” he joked. You elbowed him in the chest and stood up, holding out your hand for him to take to help him up as well. Zuko took it and you ignored the butterflies that erupted, setting a steady pace as the two of you walked. 
“We should get back to the apartment. It’s late, and you need to sleep,” you chided. 
“You have bags the size of baseballs under your eyes. I think you need sleep just as much as I do.” 
“I’m special,” you shot back with a grin.
Yeah, you are, Zuko thought. 
The walk back to the apartment was shrouded in comfortable silence and intertwined hands, something that neither of you made any move to change.
Soon enough you had gotten back to your rooms — such a small apartment meant that they were right next to each other — and as you turned on your heel to face him, a shy smile played on your lips. “Thank you. For, uh- coming after me. For listening to me.” 
“Of course,” he nodded. The two of you stood in silence for a while, and then Zuko reached out his hand. Your breath caught in your throat as he brushed a loose strand of hair behind your ear, and the close proximity combined with the surprisingly intimate act caused your cheeks to heat up once more. It was like you were caught in a trance.
Your gaze flickered from his eyes to his lips for just a moment, and you could’ve sworn that he did the same. The air between the two of you was crackling with unseen electricity, and before you could question yourself you were leaning forward. 
You felt him lean in as well as your eyes fluttered shut, and his lips ghosted over yours. Your eyes snapped open and you stared at him, your lips slightly parted in disbelief — he just kissed you. Zuko just kissed you. It was like time had stopped — and then it all came crashing down. His lips came back to yours with an intense fervor, cupping your face in his hands to get as close to you as possible.
It was bliss in the purest sense. You reciprocated immediately, tangling a hand in his dark hair, letting out a soft gasp as your back hit the wall. Despite how many times you had imagined this moment, nothing could compare to the real thing. It was passionate but gentle all the same, and the warmth that spread through your whole body was familiar — it was Zuko. 
Your mind was a jumbled mess. It was split a million different ways; one part suddenly very worried about how your hair looked, one hoping that Sokka and Aang couldn’t hear you, another that didn’t care, but most of them were just screaming about how oh my god you were kissing Zuko.
You knew your whole face was flushed when you finally pulled away, and the warmth of his lips lingered as the two of you stared at each other, breathing slightly labored. You tentatively reached out your hand and softly, carefully traced your finger over a part of his scar. He flinched at the contact instinctively, but you felt him relax and even lean into your touch. It meant more than you could ever say, especially knowing what you knew now. 
“You’re so beautiful,” you murmured, your touch impossibly soft against the cracked skin of his scar. “And you’re stronger than anyone knows. Than you know.” 
You kissed him again, shorter and sweeter than the first but just as tender, trying to memorize the feeling of his lips against yours as he returned it. You smiled at him and pushed your door open behind you, equal parts nervous and exhilarated about what just happened. “Goodnight, Zuko,” you whispered, shining eyes never leaving his until you closed the door.  
As soon as you were in your room you turned around and leaned against the door, smiling to yourself like an idiot. Your hand ghosted over your cheek, the spot where his hands had been, and you sighed dreamily. You had no idea how you were going to be able to finish studying. 
This was definitely more than a small crush. 
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perm taglist: @dv0412 @siriuslyslyslytherin
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also i am so sorry i suck at writing kiss scenes dont roast me please
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FISI’s Favourite Zutara Fics
A lil late for ZFAW’s Saturday prompt, sorry about that! Haven’t had any internet over the weekend. But better late than never!
I’m not gonna lie… a lot of these are angsty af. But I promise you they’re not gratuitous angst! They’re well written, beautiful stories that will make you feel like a better person for having read them. These are my favourite all time fics, ones I’ve read more than once and will continue to read (even though I’m taking a week break from fandom and fic).
 Multi-Chaptered Fics
The Sparrowkeet Series by audreyii_fic
To be honest, this story’s summary doesn’t do it justice so I ain’t including it. Originally a one shot, Sparrowkeet is headcanon for me now. Move over canon, this is where it’s at. Audreyii_fic’s characterisation, world building, and writing is exquisite. It’s incredible. She manages to channel the same fun and whimsical energy from the show while allowing the characters to grow and develop to places I wish they had actually been taken.
This one is a fandom Must Read and one I return to regularly.
 Clothe Me in Seasons, Dress Me in Snow by sadladybug
It is not the memorial she deserves, nor the one she would want. But it can't be helped. He owns no property in the other nations, and he needed to keep her close. Closer than she was in life, anyway.
Zuko's reflections on a life lived and a life that could have been.
This is one of the best written fics I’ve ever read. It’s tragic and deep and will hurt you in all the tender places but you would be doing yourself a favour if you read this. There’s a real bittersweet feeling to it and the love between them is just… urg, visceral.
 Lovable by LadyCharity
Zuko knew that he could not save Azula. He could only try to forgive her. Fittingly enough, those two were one in the same.
I love stories that make Zutara their centerpiece but every now but then a story like this comes along. A story where their relationship builds almost incidentally because the plot and character development straight up hijack your emotions. I got so invested in this story. Zuko is amazingly well characterised and his complicated thoughts and feelings around his father and Azula are incredibly well written!
 One Shots
Lunar Ephemerality by @formerlygoldilocks (goldilocks23)
After multiple failed attempts on his life and years of self-set expectations, Fire Lord Zuko is a shell of the man he used to be. But Katara won't turn her back on those who need her.
I really didn’t expect this to hit as hard as it did. This straight up snuck up on me, fly-kicked my feelings, and by the end I had written an 800 word comment that was too big for AO3 and I had to contact the author directly to send it to her. Awkward. I couldn’t help myself. The side to Katara we see here is so good, her empathy and love for her friends are one of the things I love seeing most in AtLA fanfic. I’m a sucker for Zuko having complete breakdowns and having to piece himself back together too. So sue me. I like it when they suffer a lil bit. The writing is absurdly good and I will be keeping an eye out for any new stories by goldilocks23!
 31 Minutes by @ifyouwereamelodymeg
It's quite astounding, really, how quickly she's learned to translate him. They've spent a grand total of zero time together outside of training, and he's hardly big on chat so she knows next to nothing about his life.
But she knows him, probably better than she knows anyone at the moment – with every tap of his fingers, every crook of his lips, every turn in his voice, he just...
He makes sense to her. It's weird.
I’m a sucker for fic writers playing with style to make the story pop and boyo does this fic deliver. This is one of the rare times that I’ve been dumbstruck at the end of a story— I just couldn’t accept the ending. Because I’m a sucker for pain, (and this story will bring The Pain) I loved it. The ease of Zuko and Katara’s growing relationship in this bowls you over, it’s absolutely beautiful and you find yourself nodding along emphatically when Zuko calls himself an idiot for waiting… “Life’s short, kids, live each moment as though it could be your last,” says this fic as it pulls my heart out and dropkicks it off a cliff.
 i count to five (and life passes by) by @markedmage
Five heartbeats.
I still haven’t forgiven Mage for this one. I think it’s the best thing she’s written to date! I mean, tragic and painful and heart-rending but holy shit is it powerful <3
 The Lake of the Dismal Swamp by @thewhiitelotus
Spook af. Spook (horror) is real hard to do well but thewhiitelotus is coming for your goosebumps and those shivers down your spine. She has a way of balancing beautiful, evocative imagery with action (in this and other stories of her) that just keeps you reading!
 Calloused by @rideboldlyride
Iroh hadn’t been able to watch. The pure horror of a man - a father- burning their child for a slight infraction... He couldn’t do anything to stop it, but he will stop his brother from destroying entirely the kind boy he knew Zuko could be.
This is a painfully underappreciated fic for how great the characterisation is. I know we in the zutara fandom tend to not read stories that aren’t Zuko/Katara centric as often but do yourself the favour of reading this (or listening to it: RideBoldlyRide has done us the gift of recording a podfic for this and it’s stupidly *good*). This story is Iroh confronting Ozai just after he burns Zuko’s face and it kicks.
 four days and three nights by @hinaoyamas (lettersfromnowhere)
Zuko discovers firsthand that nothing is more fleeting than happiness, or more enduring than memory.
Do you like reading stories with a distant, omniscient narrator? The kind that read like a myth from the ancient world? Welp, hit the hyperlink, friend, cause this one’s for you. Not only is the writing exquisite but the characterisation and painful inevitability of the plot is grade A.
 For the Fire Nation by tullyblue12
He falls in love with her for his country before he falls in love with her for himself. A Zuko/Katara AU that explores how love and duty aren’t always mutually exclusive.
There are about 40,000 exquisite lines in this story but here is just one of my favourites: “He falls in love with her for his country first. That’s what his people never understand.” This fic says a lot with so few words, which is something I really look up to! In 2,800 words, tullyblue12 does what some 100,000k fics cant: They make you feel.
 Guide Me Home by Rashaka
To sleep, perchance to dream. Katara and Zuko find a friendship they never expected in a place that seemed impossible.
This is a one shot I will forever wish for a continuation of. The setup is just… so juicy. There’s a real sorrowful innocence to this story that the unique short, dialogue only scenes really punch home. I know some people don’t like dialogue only fics but when done well like in this one, it leaves you with the impression of something deeper than a 1,185 word fic has any right to! 
 Other Favourites!
Hopeless by tullyblue12 — Kids grow up fast when a cruel world awaits them. In times of hopelessness, Katara and Zuko grow together. In times of separation, they hope to see each other again.
Speechless by goldilocks23 — Zuko has a medical condition. Or: Zuko speaks in haiku at inappropriate times.
Don’t Follow Me Down by eleventy7 — Katara is the dread queen of the underworld, ruler of the dead, destined to reign her cold kingdom alone. Until a sun god catches her eye. A Hades/Persephone retelling with incredible writing.
I Don't Speak Meow Language by @botherkupo (Boogum) — In which Zuko adopts a cat and Katara just wonders what spirits she pissed off to deserve this fate.
I have the privilege of being friends with some of these authors (they know who they are) and am in near daily awe and gratitude for the works of free fiction they provide us, the fandom. And not just any old stories: Guys... Really good ones!! Can I ask that if you go check out these fics, can you just drop a kudos or a comment their way? If you’re feeling shy just copy and paste this into the comments box anonymously: “WOW! Loved this! Thank you so much for writing it!”
I know it would mean the world to this talented bunch <3
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the-velvet-worm · 3 years
We need to talk about Mai.
The Avatar: The Last Airbender fandom is one that’s seen better days, that’s for sure. Even in its better days, it was full of ship wars and shit takes. It’s always been like that, despite how near-perfect the show is, and that’s nothing that can be helped. We all consume media differently, and that’s what makes so many movies and TV shows so great. Differing opinions are what create discussion and debate, and we should almost always at least entertain them to help get a better understanding of the thoughts and opinions of others. So… let’s dive into one of my most unpopular opinions.
Mai. We all know her as the knife-wielding goth girl, friend to Azula and girlfriend to Zuko. Many have come to the false conclusion that she’s all surface and no substance, that she never cared enough for Zuko, that she was too passive and uncaring and didn’t cater enough to the emotions of the people around her. She turned on Azula to save Zuko, and Ty Lee turned on Azula to save Mai. It’s one of (in my opinion, at least) the most badass and iconic moments of the show. Mai stealthily pinning down all the prison guards without spilling a single drop of blood, buying Zuko, Sokka, Suki and co. just enough time to escape the Boiling Rock is one of the best action scenes in all of ATLA, that much isn’t up for debate. But it’s also one of the most profound and selfless acts of love in the entire series. Zuko, whose mother poisoned his grandfather to save his life, who betrayed his uncle just as he was going to make a major heel turn as a person, was saved by a girl he broke up with… in a letter. I’ll get into the letter later. But for now, I want to unpack Mai’s sacrifice.
She knew exactly what she would be facing by saving Zuko. Azula was right there. And Mai still did it. She resigned herself to the fact that she would have to face Azula’s fury — and her lightning. Mai’s only defense? Her knives. It was a test of speed and precision. Or at least, it would’ve been, if Ty Lee hadn’t stepped between them and taken Azula down. The important part was that Mai was willing to die to save Zuko’s life. “I love Zuko more than I fear you,” is one of the most powerful lines of dialogue I’ve ever heard in my life. It confirmed two things: Mai loves Zuko (which she said with her actions as much if not more than her words) and Mai has only been friends with Azula as long as she has because she actually feared what Azula would do to her otherwise. It was never any secret who had the true power in the Fire Nation royal family — Mai knew that better than most. And still, even after Zuko ditched her in the middle of an invasion, she would’ve traded her life for his without a second thought.
Which leads me to my next point — the letter. Mai read a portion of it out loud. We saw Zuko write it just a few episodes prior. We know from context and dialogue that he didn’t want to leave her, he tells Sokka as much on their way to the Boiling Rock. In Zuko’s mind, he left Mai behind to protect her. But flipping it and looking at it from Mai’s perspective is so key to understanding why she was so hurt. This wasn’t just a case of a jerk boyfriend breaking up with his girlfriend through a text message. This was two traumatized teenagers who fell in love despite all odds, who were separated for three years, and were finally reunited… just for him to leave again. The first time Zuko left, he didn’t have a choice, as we all know. That’s fair. The second time? He did have a choice. He made the right choice. He knew it. We as the audience know it. But who didn’t know it was Mai — she expresses as much. She doubts herself and her relationship with Zuko because of it. She more or less infers that she feels their relationship has been built on a lie — and in truth, it partially has been. Zuko withheld information from her and withheld his feelings. Remember ‘The Beach’, toward the beginning of book 3? That episode where Mai and Zuko (and Azula and Ty Lee) all addressed their childhood trauma and finally began to be able to work through it? Mai didn’t shut down Zuko’s feelings — she actively encouraged him to share with her how he was feeling. In the same scene, Zuko claimed Mai didn’t care about anything, and at the end of the episode, she affirmed that although she had difficulty expressing her true emotions, she did care about Zuko. And I think it says a whole lot about her that even after having her heart broken by him, after opening up to him and offering a safe place for him and getting hurt as a result of that, she still couldn’t let him die.
What I’m getting at is… would a girl who REALLY didn’t care do that? I see a lot of people claim she didn’t listen to Zuko… when was that? In ‘Nightmares and Daydreams’, when she constantly tried to affirm him, comfort him, reassure him, and was met with silence? In ‘The Beach’ when he dumped all of his trauma on her and she sympathized with him but still held him accountable for his actions? She did nothing wrong in those instances. She was never in the wrong to demand decency from her boyfriend — he accused her of cheating because another man looked at her. In what world doesn’t she have a right to be upset about that?
Circling back to the first episode of book 3 — in a scene that many blow wildly out of proportion — Zuko is being his usual angsty self, having a moment of reflection and self-doubt. He’s afraid his father won’t accept him, that going home to the Fire Nation might be a mistake. It’s easy to forget that Mai wasn’t present for the death of Aang, so she has no idea what happened during that scene. She has no idea that Zuko wasn’t the one that killed Aang. She has no idea what Zuko’s been doing in the three years he’s been gone. So… in her head, she assumes Zuko’s just being his usual dramatic self, and makes a joke about not wanting to know his life story to put his mind at ease and assure him that his worries were misplaced. She wanted the same thing she thought Zuko wanted (and I say thought because, well… he never told her what he really wanted because *he* didn’t even know) and encouraged him to strive toward that. She waited for him for hours outside the war chamber in ‘Nightmares and Daydreams’, and when the meeting finally ended and he came back out, she enthusiastically congratulates him on it, she’s happy for him because with her limited knowledge of what’s actually going on in her boyfriend’s head, this is what he wants. Earlier in the same episode, he’s lamenting about not being invited, and then decides the meeting is dumb and he doesn’t want to go to it. And she agrees with him, again, simply just trying to affirm him and make him feel better. She supports him in all things — all things that she can to the best of her understanding of the things.
At the end of it all, communication is a two-way street — Zuko was shitty at expressing himself and so was Mai. That was something they both needed to work on separately in order to be able to come back together. Their separate and individual personal growth does not hinge on their relationship. Mai was not Zuko’s therapist, nor should she have been. She tried to be supportive and be there for him in the only ways she knew how with her very limited (but expanding) sense of sympathy. Mai was a person who never let herself care, at least not outwardly, lest she get her feelings hurt in the process. She did open up to Zuko, and encouraged him to do the same with her, offered him support, unconditional love, and a safe place, and he needed to do some growing away from her, and that’s fine. He should’ve communicated that to her a little better, and she should’ve tried to be more understanding from the start, but they’re still just teenagers. I don’t know many teenagers who can take what they know they are capable of emotionally handling and applying it to their interpersonal relationships as well as Mai does. I was a hell of a lot farther behind in my own emotional development than Mai was at 15.
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firelxdykatara · 3 years
You’re doing a LoK rewrite, correct? Would be really interested in hearing how you plan on fixing Suyin’s character and the Lin-Suyin conflict because……. oh boy. Man there’s a lot to unpack there. This is what happens when we don’t let Toph just raise her fucking kids for the sake of pushing a stupid as hell narrative about working women and single motherhood.
I am indeed!
In... you know, the way I'm doing most of my big potential projects, in that I have a folder with some documents that have plot notes and... some day I may actually get full, finished fics out of them (h2o AU is in there, as is my voltron!atla fusion AU, and uhhhh my book 3 atla rewrite, and a few other things), so... but I will say that the docs I have for my LoK rewrite so far amount to roughly 4.2k words of just Plot and Character Notes, which may some day turn into words of Story, hopefully.
ANYWAY, POINT IS: yes, this exists, and I have Many Many Thoughts.
Including how the Gaang kids would shake out! Cause I know I'm doing Zutara, and maybe Tokka???? Although I don't wanna just leave Suki out either... maybe a throuple??? Or Sukka having an amicable breakup before Sokka and Toph get together--maybe she already has Lin by then, and Sokka helps support her through the grief of losing Kanto???? Idk honestly, I haven't actually figured any of that out definitively yet except that Aang was perfectly happy to settle down with an Air Acolyte from one of the rebuilt temples because he grew up and out of his crush on Katara pretty easily once he hit puberty and matured a bit.
UHHH none of which is actually an answer to your question, because it's a valid one! Which is why I've been sitting on this a while (10 days I'm so sorry) bc I haven't made any solid decisions but I've been letting it percolate around my head a bit. And the more I think about it, the more I really like the Sukka -> Tokka idea (and I don't want to kill off Suki since the kids all deserve their awesome Kyoshi warrior auntie in their lives, and also I want a Sukka kid to be besties with Iara [zuko and katara's youngest] so maybe she gets with someone else after she and Sokka split? I could be talked into Ty Lee/Suki actually, the more I think about it....), but obviously having a stable father figure and a Toph who is... not what LoK made her out to be will dramatically change the Beifong family dynamic.
That said, I think I actually have a solution. (I'm so sorry for what I'm about to do.) Toph has Lin with Kanto--and he passes away when Lin is two or three, which is why she has very few memories of her father. (Although none of this 'she doesn't even know his name until she's 50+ cause Toph didn't tell her daughters about their fathers' bullshit.) Sokka is there for her through it all (all of the gaang is, of course, but you know that it sometimes just hits different when it's someone you're also starting to fall in love with, especially when there are older and much more deeply buried feelings there that are now resurfacing, because at least in my version Toph was deeply in love with Sokka when they were teenagers, but he was in love with Suki and she also loved Suki so she didn't want to mess up anything about their family or the group dynamics by making her feelings anyone else's problem), they fall in love, get married and have Suyin.
(Sokka may jokingly refer to it as a shotgun wedding, but the truth is he wanted to propose well before he found out she was pregnant, his attempts just kept getting messed up in increasingly comedic fashion.)
Throughout all of this, Republic City has been established, Sokka is Chancellor, Toph is something of a defacto police chief--mostly because, at the time, no one else was willing to volunteer, and she jokingly offered to whip the law enforcement, but unfortunately everyone else at the meeting took her seriously. However, she is also the founder of the probending league, and basically her feelings about law enforcement are complicated and she actively discouraged her kids from joining the force which is part of why Lin did. How else do you have a teen rebel phase with a parent like Toph? (Which, in this instance, means tough and firm but fair, with a 'you break it, it's up to you to fix it' attitude and very little desire to actually control her daughters and their behavior.)
Ah, but here's the rub.
Suyin is ten years old when Sokka dies, and Lin is sixteen. I'm not sure how he's killed--maybe by Yakone, to tie it into my plans for Amon and book 1. (Note that I'm not sure when the Yakone bloodbending trial happened in canon, but it doesn't matter. The timeline I'm gonna build will be completely different post-comet, and I'll eventually write it all down so that I can keep things straight.) Which would incidentally provide excellent means of having Katara have a very personal stake in the Amon conflict, and perhaps color the fight between him and Iara, but I'm getting off track. And I think Sokka being killed by Yakone, and Toph being unable to protect or save him, or deliver her own brand of justice to avenge him (because Aang is there to stop her and.... shit probably got ugly, I suspect she didn't talk to Aang for at least twenty years after Sokka's death--and this isn't to say I think Toph is particularly violent or murderous, but in that moment, she absolutely wanted to kill the man with her bare hands, and however much she may have regretted it afterwards, she took a very long time to forgive Aang for stopping her in the first place), is what results in Toph stepping down as police chief.
She didn't withdraw from her daughters or fuck off into the swamp or anything (words cannot express how much I hate that part of her canon history), but she did grieve for a very long time. Lin, meanwhile, felt like it was up to her to keep her family together, while also feeling a desperate need to... prove herself, I think. And because her mother was so adamant that she not join the police force, that's exactly what she does. I think Lin completely misread Toph's intentions, too, and believed that the discouragement was because her mother didn't think she had what it takes, when in reality I think Toph was scared of Lin losing herself in the job like she herself had begun to, and eventually coming up on something she couldn't change or fix and making the same mistakes she had.
(I think Toph and Lin have communication issues largely because they are both headstrong and willful, but where Toph thought she was giving her daughters the room they would need to make their own way, what Lin desperately craved was direction and she felt like that was something her mother simply couldn't understand.)
Suyin, on the other hand, fell in with a bad crowd like in canon. I think that what she desperately needed was attention, similar to Lin craving direction, and Toph was trying so hard not to be her own parents that she went a little too far in the other direction and Suyin began to feel like it didn't matter what she did, her mom wouldn't care, or get angry, or discipline her, or anything. Lin and Suyin butted heads a lot growing up, too, especially after Sokka's death, because Lin tried to rein in her sister's behavior and this was met with resistance and derision because Suyin felt like Lin was trying to be both mom and dad and she was neither but her big sister would never admit to being just as lost as she was and it made her furious.
So when Suyin is sixteen, and Lin is twenty-two and new to the force, The Big Rift happens. Lin catches Suyin and her gang, tries to apprehend her, gets a scar on her face in the ensuing conflict. But instead of abusing her power and sending her problem child off to her mother before fucking off to the swamp to avoid the consequences of her actions, Toph tries to actually fix things. Suyin cools her heels in prison for a while, because she was paralyzed by guilt at the time when she hurt her sister (a few inches lower and she could have slit her throat), and was still there when Lin's backup arrived.
Uhhhhhhhhhhh..... I'm so sorry I rambled for so long, BUT THE UPSHOT IS: I think Suyin learned a bit about culpability and taking responsibility for her own actions, Toph realized that her daughters had different needs than she did at their age (and I think a lot of the problem was that grief clouded her own ability to connect with her daughters, and in trying to not be her own parents she lost sight of how to be the parent her own daughters needed), and Lin, I think, had to realize that she had never fully processed the loss of not one but two fathers and had turned to her job in order to avoid actually confronting the grief that had overshadowed her childhood.
However, she did not forgive Suyin, at least not right away--and she wasn't forced or expected to. Suyin understood that she crossed a serious line, she took her lumps and did her time, and no one shamed Lin for her anger. I think, as a result, she had less reason to hold onto that bitterness, and perhaps by the time the story actually begins, she and Suyin are on much better terms, though I haven't worked it out exactly yet.
UHHH yeah I went on for days lmao. All of this is subject to change, too, depending on the needs of the story whenever I get around to actually writing it all down, BUT these are my initial thoughts, at least.
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I don't know and I'm sorry if you have answered this before, but what do you think about toph being a cop, there's so much hate on it but I personally don't find it that wrong, I'm not sure tho I haven't seen korra yet. thank you:)
I'm going to be honest with you and say that I'm still pretty on the fence about this myself. I've spent a lot of time pondering it, but I'm still not sure where I stand, because I feel like there's an argument to be made both for and against it. Not sure if I'll be able to provide you with a straight answer, but I'm happy to provide some thoughts on both sides of the argument as well as on how and why I think she got into the field, my issues with the way the police force was run in LoK (under the assumption that it was built from the ground up by Toph herself), and what I would have done differently (or rather what I think Toph would have done differently that would have made it feel more in-character, if that makes sense).
The main argument as to why it's out of character for Toph to go into law enforcement is that in the original show she's portrayed as somebody who is anti-authoritarian and has no qualms about breaking the law. Kid Toph is very much a "fuck the rules" kind of person and dislikes being told what to do, so the idea that enforcing rules and regulations would become her future career is definitely confusing. Although I was also extremely confused at first, over time it's grown on me in a way and I can make sense of it. However, I agree that it's still not the most in-character and I can understand why a lot of people don't like it.
Although it's still up for debate as to whether or not she has the philosophy for the job, she absolutely has the skill set for it. I can see her enjoying getting to exercise her metalbending skills on a daily basis. Toph is in extremely good physical shape and is an athletic person who enjoys exercise, and having a physically-oriented job would definitely be good for her. She probably made an excellent detective as well, what with her lie-detecting abilities, seismic sense, and general fine-tuned observational skills. Oh and can you imagine being interrogated by Toph? Scary shit. There's also something to be said about how although Toph hates being told what to do, she absolutely loves being in charge and telling other people what to do. Like they say, "When you get sick of breaking the rules, you make the rules," which is sort of how I view Toph in this scenario. Toph is largely unhappy with a lot of the rules and regulations in society, so I think that if she were offered a position where instead of having to follow other people's rules, she would be able to create her own rules in a way she saw fit, I don't think it would be entirely out of character for her to take it. My headcanon is that she created the police force as a favour to Aang and Zuko because they asked her to and she wanted to feel like she was playing an important role in the founding of Republic City. Toph has many virtues, but humble she is not. I really do think she would enjoy the glory she received in such a high-profile position as the Chief of Police. Would she be passionate about the law, per se? Well no, but I think she would enjoy being able to exercise her unique skill set on a daily basis and would likely get a thrill out of bringing people like Yakone to justice. She would enjoy feeling important. Toph isn't someone I view as really wanting a long-term career, so I imagine her getting into the position was less "I want to be a cop!" and more "Welp, I need to get a stable career eventually, and Zuko and Aang really want me to do this for them, and hey I guess I'll get to metalbend everyday and oh I'll have lots of people to yell at and being in charge would be fun and you know what I don't trust anybody but myself to make the rules in this goddamn city so what the hell, I'll take it." I do think that people forget that Toph wasn't just a beat cop, she wasn't even just a detective. She was the Chief. And it wasn't as if she inherited the system from somebody else, it was quite literally a system of her own creation. She wasn't upholding somebody else's law either, she was creating her own laws. Toph was the law in Republic City, and there are few things that girl loves more than being in charge and telling other people what to do.
Now, as to how the Republic City Police Department was portrayed in LoK, it really didn't feel like a system of Toph's own creation like we're supposed to believe it was. Apparently it was largely inspired by the Dai Li, and the idea that Toph would create a system modelled after the Dai Li is preposterous. Toph hated the Dai Li and Ba Sing Se in general. The RCPD is largely "arrest now, ask questions later" and very focused on security, security, security, which just isn't Toph's style. I've seen people throw around the idea of an alternative system loosely inspired by the Kyoshi Warriors, which is something I do like, and I think Toph would as well. I don't think that Toph would really bother with petty day to day stuff like robberies. The main function of the police force under Toph's control would be to bring "real" criminals like Yakone who legitimately endanger the lives and safety of other people to justice. In fact, I can see Toph wanting to rehabilitate and give a second chance to "petty" criminals, especially youth (this is especially true when you take into consideration that she is somebody with a criminal past herself). As we see throughout the show and the comics, Toph is a forgiving person who gives second chances and will hear you out even when you don't feel as though you really "deserve" it. Hell, even if you are a "real" criminal, Toph would probably still hear you out and give you a chance to properly explain yourself. She's 100% the kind of person who would demand fair trial for every single criminal who comes into her custody, even the guiltiest of the guilty, because that's the kind of person that Toph is. In general I think she would likely be a controversial figure in Republic City who would routinely question every single law the council tried to pass. Toph would flat out refuse to uphold any and all laws she felt were unjust or unnecessary, which is part of the reason why having someone like her in the position would in some ways be beneficial.
To be completely honest as somebody who's read a ton of Toph-centric canon complicit post-ATLA-pre-LOK fanfiction, I've kind of just gotten used to the idea. In some ways it makes sense, in some ways it doesn't, and in my opinion it's far from the worst thing that LOK did to Toph's character. But that's just my two cents.
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