#you issued a challenge for which i must conquer
forecast0ctopus · 2 months
What if yellow star trek and blue star trek kissed
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irithnova · 10 months
hey ! You seem to know a lot about siberia so i have a question. When the russians conquered siberia, how much of the indigenous population died, i've heard that actually because siberia is for a huge part non-settled the natives were just overflooded by the russians kind of like in canada but i was wondering if it was true.
Also the cossacks played a big role in the conquest of siberia but i've seen people saying they were russian cossack which i find weird because i was always told cossacks were ukrainians and those who speak russian are just russified due to imperial russia policy. So i wanted to hear your thought because you look like to know about it
I hope it didn't sounded weird or arrogant btw ^^'.
Hey, thank you for this ask.
The Russian conquest of Siberia was a process that happened over several centuries, and it did have significant implications for the indigenous populations of the region. Historical accounts on the casualties can vary though, due to limited records at the time
When the Russians began their expansion into Siberia in the late 16th century, they encountered a diverse range of indigenous peoples. The interactions between the Russians and the natives were often characterised by conflict, disease, and displacement, which of course, led to the decline of some indigenous communities.
We must remember though: The impact of Russian colonisation varied from region to region and depended on factors such as the local policies of Russian authorities, the resistance of the native peoples, and the availability of natural resources in the area.
However, it is widely acknowledged that the conquest resulted in significant demographic changes and hardships for many indigenous groups of Siberia.
Siberia was indeed sparsely populated in comparison to its vast size.
However it's an oversimplification to just say that the reason why Siberia was flooded by Russians was just because Siberian peoples were sparsely populated and "non settled".
Further I have an issue with projecting concepts such as settled or non settled onto indigenous groups. The terms "settled" and "non-settled" are often rooted in a Eurocentric colonial perspective, implying that European-style sedentary settlements are more advanced or superior to nomadic or semi-nomadic lifestyles, and during discussions about indigenous peoples, these concepts are weaponised against them to downplay or even justify their colonisation.
The Russian conquest of Siberia had devastating effects on the indigenous populations. The arrival of the Russians brought deadly diseases that led to a significant reduction in native numbers. There were conflicts and violence with indigenous groups, causing loss of life and displacement. Forced labour and exploitation also took a toll, disrupting traditional ways of life, and many indigenous communities were displaced from their ancestral lands, leading to cultural disruption and challenges.
Regarding the comparison to Canada's history with its indigenous populations, there are some similarities in terms of the impacts of colonialism, disease, and displacement. Both regions experienced significant changes to the indigenous populations due to the arrival of European settlers and the expansion of colonial powers. So yes, it's similar, but not in the way that you said it was (both groups indigenous peoples being "non settled" so that's why they were flooded/successfully colonised).
Regarding the role of the Cossacks in the conquest of Siberia, you are correct that they played a crucial part. However it was primarily Russian Cossacks as opposed to Ukrainian Cossacks.
In the context of Siberian conquest, the Russian Cossacks were an instrumental force in expanding the Russian presence eastward.
On the origins of the Cossacks in case some people are confused: The Cossacks emerged as a social and military phenomenon in the 15th and 16th centuries, primarily in the frontier regions of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth, the Grand Duchy of Moscow, and the Crimean Khanate.
Originally, the term "Cossack" (from the Turkic word "qazak") referred to individuals living on the borderlands, often engaged in various military and raiding activities. Over time, Cossack communities formed and theh developed their own structures and traditions. They were known for their horsemanship and guerrilla warfare tactics, which made them valuable assets for the expanding Russian state.
Cossacks were largely autonomous and governed themselves through a form of self-rule known as the "Cossack Host".
As the Russian Empire expanded into Siberia, the Russian Cossacks became instrumental in the conquest of the vast region. They were well-suited for long-distance travel and warfare in the challenging Siberian environment. The Russian Cossack expeditions into Siberia involved trade, hunting, and conflict with local indigenous peoples.
I need to make clear here that Cossacks were/are not a homogenous group. They came from various ethnic backgrounds, including Ukrainians, Russians, Belarusians, and others. While Ukrainian Cossacks were prevalent in the areas of modern-day Ukraine and Southern Russia, Russian Cossacks were more common in the areas closer to the core Russian territories.
I'm also sorry if it seems like I'm teaching you to suck eggs here but I just want to make this clear:
There is a historical distinction between Russian and Ukrainian Cossacks, but it's important to understand that both groups shared similar origins and cultural ties.
As previously mentioned, Cossacks were originally formed in the borderlands of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth and the Grand Duchy of Moscow (early Russia). Over time, they developed different branches: the Ukrainian Cossacks and the Russian Cossacks being two of them.
The Ukrainian Cossacks were primarily based in the territories of modern-day Ukraine and Southern Russia. They played a significant role in defending the Ukrainian territories from various threats, including raids from the Crimean Tatars and the Ottoman Empire. The Ukrainian Cossacks established semi-autonomous communities with their own elected leaders called Hetmans. One of the most famous Ukrainian Cossack groups was the Zaporozhian Cossacks, who were based in the Zaporizhzhia region along the Dnieper River.
The Russian Cossacks, on the other hand, were based closer to the core Russian territories, particularly in the regions of the Don and the Volga rivers. They were instrumental in expanding Russian influence and control over the vast frontier areas, including Siberia. The Russian Cossacks were organised into various hosts (military units) and were involved in both military campaigns and other activities such as exploration, trade, and agriculture.
While Ukrainian and Russian Cossacks had regional differences and distinct traditions, they shared common cultural and historical roots as East Slavic-speaking people.
Note: terms "Ukrainian" and "Russian" Cossacks don't solely refer to the ethnic background of the individuals but rather to the geographical areas where their respective Cossack communities were predominantly located
As the Russian Cossacks ventured deeper into Siberia, they encountered diverse indigenous populations. Yes; the Russian Cossacks played a crucial role in expanding Russian influence and control over Siberia.
The Ukrainian Cossacks on the other hand, had very little involvement in the expansion into Siberia. The majority of their activities were focused on defending the territories of present-day Ukraine and Southern Russia.
So, yes. Russian conquest of Siberia did have a devastating impact on the indigenous populations. It was also primarily Russian cossacks who were involved in the expansion into Siberia, not Ukrainian Cossacks.
However, I do need to touch upon this. Throughout their history, Cossacks have also faced oppression and challenges under the Russian state. They experienced forced labour  and serfdom in the 18th and 19th centuries, losing their traditional freedoms. Russian policies of Russification aimed to assimilate them into Russian culture. Cossack rebellions, like the Pugachev Rebellion, were brutally suppressed. The Russian government also disrupted their communities through demographic changes and curbed their autonomy over time. 
So. In summary:
We can't put a number on exactly how many of the indigenous population died due to limited records.
It is an oversimplification to say that the "non-settled" nature of the indigenous peoples is the reason why Siberia became flooded by Russians 
The Russian conquest of Siberia was devastating on the indigenous populations.
Projecting European colonialist concepts such as "settled" and "non settled" onto indigenous groups ignores their unique ways of life and implies that a European "settled" lifestyle is superior to the indigenous "non settled" lifestyle and is often used to downplay or even justify their colonisation.
There is a difference between Russian and Ukrainian Cossacks, Russian Cossacks were the ones who were primarily involved in the expansion of Siberia.
Cossack groups themselves have faced oppression under the Russian state.
I hope this was helpful.
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anna-dreamer · 2 months
(I apologize in advance that this one is rather angry. I am in a dark mood, and it's not hard to see why.) So, about predetermined morality and second chances. It got me thinking about Lay of Leithian the rock opera, in the way it exists in Skazki iteration. I took me a while to warm up to it for many different reasons, and one of those reasons was its opening number. I remember, before i saw the whole show, watching a YouTube video with just that song. I didn't like it because it was Námo's number. I still hold the same feelings over this creative decision, although i do really love Polina's direction and many thigs in LoL are now dear to me.
I really don't think Námo is the right character to present this story to the audience, for this story is not his. The Lord of Doom, the cold and reclusive Vala, the one who says things like Not the first, he doesn't get to say something like Слушайте, люди, песню о Лэйтиан. He is not the one who reaches out and shares, he is not the one who narrates and empathizes, he is not the one who releases from bondage - he is the judge, he is the restrictor, and he is the jailer, he is an antagonist to anyone who challenges the Fate. (Well, to most people.) And here lies my issue. This opening number is supposed to explain to the audience why the narrative they are about to witness is a meaningful, worthwhile story. First of all, the characters of it suffered like no others (more than you people, honestly i am not fond of this implication) because they blazed the trail to a new kind of fate. Second of all, they walked a tough path, they did not know what to expect, a lot of times they struggled against a powerful current of fate (though it rather sounds like it picked them up and carried them). That is why we remember them to this day. And you too should remember these great characters; but you also should remember that their deeds made the Black Crown roll onto the ground; you should remember those sacramental lines we love to repeat, мрак не вечен and Враг не всесилен. And now pray tell me, Námo, what does any of this have to do with you?! Wasn't it you along with other Valar who let the Enemy out? Wasn't it you who was supposed to protect Arda from him - and failed to do so? Wasn't it you who abandoned in to fight the Enemy in a hopeless battle which was your responsibility in the first place? You don't get to join in with those who actually suffered, you don't get to claim you share their plight. You are the reason they suffered. One could argue that Námo was convinced by Lúthien, that she showed him the error of his ways, he learned a lesson, hence him opening LoL with those words. Except this is not what happened. Lúthien was singled out by Námo in the first place supposedly because "somehow" she did not find peace in Mandos. Námo, of course, says that there has never been such a case before - yet i will never buy that. In those very Halls Míriel Þerindë abides, and her son Fëanor, and her husband Finwë - those three already hold so much unresolved grief i find it really hard to believe they are just chilling, all good, no problem whatsoever. Not to mention all those elves who never wanted to go to Aman in the first place and must be really struggling in that valarin brainwashing machine! Mandos is not a happy place, and yet only Lúthien somehow gets Námo to listen. Why? I honestly feel like he listened because Narrative Bias, because it is just this kind of story, because Love Conquers All and all that jazz. That is bad enough because SO MANY OTHERS deserve a chance, not mercy even but actual justice, yet only Beren and Lúthien get it because of this prebuilt morality. They are worthy because they are worthy. We are not supposed to question it. Nevermind that everyone else gets to be effectively cast as unworthy ones. But there is another layer, and it is not exactly text-based, but my current reality is such that this reading becomes inescapable. By taking it upon himself to explain LoL to us Námo appropriates its narrative in order to absolve himself of any responsibility. He praises Beren and Lúthien and gives lip service to all the things that people he oppresses actually want - safety, freedom to choose their own fate, a brighter future, the Enemy defeated. Yet the truth is he is the reason and the enabler of such a reality where hardly any of it happens. I hate this. The opening number to Lay of Leithian belongs not to a Vala - but to a human narrator. If we must take inspiration in a biased story about Tolkien's favorite lovebirds, then let us at least do it on our own terms.
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candylitaaa · 4 months
IZ HeadCanon: Irken romance & friendship
Long post! And possibly bad translated cuz i used *cof* Google *cof* this time
The irkens are incapable of feeling love romantically but it doesn't mean that it does not exist, even if it is different from that of humans. The irkens are people of pure warlike ambition, galactic conquest and selfishness (Issue 50), but they have their way of relating despite this. For example, Zim knows what weddings, the concept of love and friendship are (Issue 20, 50 and episodes of the series), but he knows that his species does not put it into practice like humans. To begin with, one of the differences is that they don't exactly use the words "love" and "friendship" to describe it, but instead use "alliance" and "companions" (In this HC of course) In Issue 20 Zim changes the word " marriage" for "i would annihilate last" and also said "Irkens only love galactic conquest, snacks and the suffering of it's enemies", so i see it like see somebody with hate and see somebody with less hate.
☺When an irken meets another they find themselves in a neutral relationship in which it can begin negatively (fights, insults, etc.) or positively (decent greetings, kindness [possibly], etc.). If both of them continue to meet and talk positively they could become "Allies". Allies for them, within a relationship, is almost the same as saying "friendship" for us. This could be because:
1-They begin to no longer see it necessary to fight often among themselves (even in companionship and alliances they fight, it's their nature) 2-They believe that the other is an idiot but has a "decent conscience", so they do not ignore each other. At least not so much 3-They begin to like the other's evil personality in general 4-Some or all of the above
☺If they remain allies for a while, they may or may not become "Companions." For them, have someone's company in social relationships is like saying "love", "boyfriends" and other things related to romanticism. The fact of calling it "companion" is because having a very competitive and destructive nature no matter what makes us understand, in some way, that precisely with that irken, hatred does not appear too much. This could be because:
1-The natural hatred they had before is slightly more null, making them patient with each other (The hatred is partly maintained, as explained before) 2-They feel or strongly believe that with that irken they become unstoppable in general 3-The evil or cunning that the other has becomes interesting instead of annoying or just pleasant 4-Between invaders: they feel or strongly believe that when together they are an unstoppable duo that can conquer several planets without problems (Yes or yes there must be one of the above mentioned) 5-Some or all of the above
If their companionship lasts too long and they are irkens who consider themselves strong, they have the possibility of cloning and combining their DNA to create a "Smeet" ("Smeet" is a baby irken). Since they do not have reproductive systems, the only way to create life is through cloning.
☺Things to highlight:
1-They use the words "Companions" and "Alliances" to describe their relationships as well as to say "I know you are my enemy but to defeat him we need a temporary alliance" or similar, making the interpretation depends on the context.
2-Just because they are incapable of feeling romantic love/sexual attraction does not mean that they do not give each other kisses, hugs, praise, go on dates and so on. It is not seen often because they do not usually see the point or need, but some Irkens do not mind trying to do one or more of the mentioned in their own way (Praise like "I know I am the best but I think you are almost comparable to me" [ comparative and challenging but with a friendly tone], hugs that look uncomfortable or nice but short, quick kisses on the cheeks [depending on the irken it can be on the hand, mouth, etc.] and dates that involve the destruction/anger of something or someone that they share in common [getting angry with someone they hate in common, destroying objects for fun and in the case of a relationship between invaders, making fun of those who rule thanks to them]). The Pak only blocks romantic, sexual attraction and in some cases friendship, but part of their culture since before the creation of that technology carried out these activities (in a more loving way for obvious reasons). That's one of the reasons why they know them. Then there are strange cases where when visiting a world where they put this into practice, they begin to like it and do it with their partner.
3- Some Irkens, when they have an alliance that they like enough to give way to companionship but do not want to be one, call themselves "Strong Allies", known as "Strong Alliance". It's the same as saying "best friends" to us. They don't want to fight often, thinks the other have a cool and interesting evil personality, likes to do anything with them and so on, but prefer to stay in an Alliance (being best friends).
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lawonderlandwriter · 2 years
So let me get this straight. Aegon conquered Westeros to defend against the White Walkers and yet no one was prepared for it. Did they just decide it would be Daenerys' problem? Worse, it also means that these idiots decided their personal drama was more important than the upcoming threat of the long night. I want to write a fic where Danny gives them a piece of her mind.
Not sure who all the “they”s are in your ask anon but I’m assuming you mean the characters of HOTD, so hopefully this answers your questions.
I think this judgement is the same kind of judgement people place on Dany for wanting to take back Westeros, yet cheer characters like the Starks for wanting to take back Winterfell. All the “players” in the world of ice and fire throughout history have gone to war over control of all or parts of the Seven Kingdoms. Just because the Targaryens (and Rhaenyra especially) know about the White Walkers, doesn’t mean her war is idiotic personal drama. 
If Rhaenyra were to have given up her claim to the Iron Throne to Aegon II, she would have shown that the Iron Throne is vulnerable. Which would have opened it up to being challenged by non-Targaryens, and according to her father, there must be a Targaryen on the Iron Throne when the White Walkers arrive. 
I saw someone on Twitter speculate that Viserys has a vision that it’s a Targaryen Queen on the Iron Throne, but that could just be wishful thinking. 
And so far as making it Daenerys’s problem... I don't think anyone in HOTD foresaw the downfall of House Targaryen and the realm needing to be reunited before the White Walkers came. Though, with Dany being called Aegon the Conqueror with Teats, it creates SUCH a great parallel that Aegon united the realm to help against the White Walkers, and Daenerys will have to do the exact same thing once she arrives in Westeros. I mean... the symmetry. *Chef’s kiss*
And just because this knowledge has been passed down from ruler to heir in House Targaryen and that the weight of the world quite literally rests on their shoulders, doesn’t mean that they aren’t still actual people with actual personal issues. In the books, Jon knows about the White Walkers too and yet gets caught up in personal business trying to save who he thinks is Arya from the Boltons and gets himself killed over it. Sure, it’s sweeter than going to war over a matter like succession, but it still took him away from his “glorious purpose” of fighting the White Walkers. 
That’s one thing I think George does so well with this whole story is, many of the characters and especially the audience know about the White Walker threat. But that doesn’t stop them from being human and having human desires. We still root for a fave to end up on top, even if there are “more important things” going on. 
That we now know Rhaenrya knew about the White Walker threat makes her character even better in my opinion. Viserys passed that knowledge down to her. He entrusted her with that burden. And that’s got to make her feel that her cause is righteous and that it should be her on the Iron Throne. And I don’t blame her for believing that. 
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Star Wars fanfic idea
(Oh, please, please, please write this. Send me the link, I beg you)
Jango Fett’s twin brother, Janga.
Papa Fett was bad at naming his kids.
Arla and Mama Fett died of a plague two years prior to Jaster squatting in their field
“I’m Janga. Jang-ah. Ah.” The twin emphasized.
Y’all I read so many Industrial Revolution Song of Fire and Ice fanfiction that I thought, “Hmmm, let’s make it Star Wars but with Mandalorian armor and saves Manda’yaim with economics and wit.”
Possible beginning chapter:
The planet Concord Dawn where the Fetts were born…and their family died…
Decades ago, the mercenary group known as the Mandalorians fractured, giving rise to a chaotic splinter group. They called themselves “Death Watch” and filled a barbarian called Vizsla, who believed that the Mandalorians should conquer the galaxy.
Vizsla orchestrated a bloody coup against the true Mandalorians, still loyal to a reformed murderer and journeyman named Jaster Mereel, who believed that the Mandalorians were merely highly-paid soldiers.
On Concord Dawn, Death Watch scattered the Mandalorians…and a hunt began…
“You can’t escape me, Jaster! I’ll burn all your hiding places to the ground and execute anyone who helps you! And when you have nowhere left to run, I’ll have your head!” Vizsla swore while Jaster and his surviving men retreated into a field that provided cover with the tall harvest.
Mereel and his men came across a farmer at the heart of the field.
The farmer dropped his basket and grabbed the rifle resting nearby. Mereel raised his hands away from his blasters.
“Please, we aren’t here to rob or harm you. We just need shelter until the next rotation’s nightfall.” Mereel pleaded. His men kept their blasters holstered or lowered in deference to their leader.
The farmer stared Mereel down with his rifle, never wavering from the weak point in the Mando’s armor at his neck. The farmer must have heard the honesty in Jaster’s plea or seen something in his body language because he lowers his blaster.
“You lot will stay hidden in the field. You,” the Farmer nodded his head at Jaster, “I have food I’m willing to give to you and your men for the night and tomorrow morning. After that you’re on your own. This fields harvest ain’t ready for another month so don’t kriff with my plants!” The farmer stared down each of Mereel’s men, challenging them to try it and find out what will happen.
“Keep quiet, too.” The Farmer carried on, “I have twin sons that are too damn curious, each with their own blaster rifles. They shot the last squatters in our fields, so either make noise and take your chances or be quiet and survive.”
The True Mandalorians solemnly nod, increasingly regretting their encounter with this farmer.
“Now, Red Cape come and get your bread basket. My boys should be prepping the harvester which is in the opposite field to this one.”
Mereel followed dumbly and returned to his men without issue or the farmer.
Jango and Janga noticed the boot prints the next morning. They were military boots, not their father’s work boots. Shifting the rifles on their shoulders, they silently nodded to each other, agreeing to track their newest squatter.
However their father stopped them.
“Jango! Janga!”
“Da!?!” They yelled in-sync.
“You two should be fixing the harvester not playing out here. Get back to work.“
“What’s in–“ Jango started to ask.
“–the basket?” Janga finished.
“Food.” Their dad replied gruffly, “There’s a beggar in the fields.”
“A beggar?”
“Who is it?”
“The harvester, Jango. Janga. Don’t make me tell you two again.”
They worked in tandem on the engine of the harvester. Jango took the first shift while Janga took the second. It was only around noon that they were interrupted by a rough voice.
“Hey, kids.”
The twins turned to see two armored men. One with a rifle pointed at Jango.
“Let me see your hands. Kriff me, they’re identical.” Vizsla spoke.
“What do you want?” The Fett twins said together.
“Kriff, that was creepy. We’re looking for some bad men. Have you seen any strangers?”
“Other than you?”
“Smart kids. Let’s just shoot them and move on.” The soldier with the rifle remarked.
Vizsla marched closer and kneeled to their level, “I will let him kill the two of you.” Cupping the boy’s cheeks.
The soothing gesture felt off-putting in their tense situation. The soldier had moved closer too. The blaster was centimeters from Jango’s head.
The twins shared a look and nodded.
“Dad gave a beggar some food today.” Jango began.
“We think the beggar wore boots…” Janga tensely continued.
“Soldier boots.” The twins finished.
“Jaster.” Vizsla muttered to himself and straightened away from the boys.
“What now?” The soldier asked for a directive.
“We’ll make sure the boys get home, of course!” He laughed.
Vizsla commed his soldiers to capture the farm. By the time the twins were marched to their house by Vizsla and the soldier, their house was already captured and their father kneeled on the ground.
“Sitrep!” Vizsla commanded.
“The farmer, Fett, hasn’t said anything. We’ve already asked him about if he’s seen any Mandalorians, but he refuses to talk.”
“Well, now that his children are here, maybe he has loosened his tongue.”
The Death Watch soldiers aimed at the twins, who tightly held hands and stared at their father for clues about what to do.
“My name is Vizsla. I am the leader of the Death Watch. I’m looking for a man. A coward. Your boys already told me about a beggar in your fields. Care to elaborate?”
“It was just another beggar. He already left.”
“Really? That’s interesting. Your boys said the beggar had military boots on. You feed every soldier that comes your way? This is the last time I ask nicely…where is Jaster Mereel?”
“Boys!” The twins startled at their father’s attention, “Take care of each other.”
Vizsla drew his blaster and fired a bolt into the farmer’s head. The whine of the gun echoing in the twin’s heads.
The Death Watch leader turned his attention back to the children.
“Well now boys, why don’t you two show me where those boot prints were and I’ll consider letting you live.”
The twins stood in shock. Unable to focus on Vizsla as their father’s dead body remained in full view.
“Boys!” The killer yelled, “where exactly did you see those footprints?”
Before the brothers could even point out the direction, a fusillade of blaster bolts came from that direction. Several of Vizsla’s men were down, and those that remained weren’t enough to deal with Jaster’s men.
Vizsla retreated into a hover car, intent on regrouping with the rest of his men. One of his men sounded the retreat, and Vizsla watched as Jaster grabbed the twins into the cover of the crops.
“Burn the fields!” Vizsla commanded. “There’s no way Jaster will survive that.”
Jango and Janga hugged each other as they mourned. Their minds clouded with grief, only to have a voice cut in,
“Field’s on fire! Let’s move boys.” Jaster informed his men. He turned to the twins, “Your family is dead, boys! Come with us or die here too!”
Janga looked at his brother, he nodded and they followed after the armored men. The smoke thickened and clouded the air and the heat around them grew in intensity.
“Jaster! I can’t see anything!” One of the soldiers up front yelled.
Jango and Janga recognized this trail though. It led to an irrigation tube. Locking hands they shoved their way to the front.
“This way!”
“Come on.”
The fire grew around them and the soldier with the red pauldrons complained, “Can’t see anything.”
“We’re al-“
“-most there.”
“Boys, how the hell do you do that? Wait, almost where?” But his question was answered when the plant-stalks were stomped down. “An irrigation tube?”
“We can crawl-
“-under the fire.”
“Or get boiled alive,” Montross remarked.
“It’s not like-“
“You lot have-“
“A better option!”
Janga and Jango twisted open the cap and Janga braced his hands to help Jango in.
“Wait!” Jaster called out, “I’ll go first. You boys follow after.”
They water slide to the drain outlet which ended outside of the Fett’s field.
“Check your weapons and catch your breath.” Jaster ordered his men, “We’re moving out as soon as it gets dark.”
Another soldier remarked as he poured the trapped water out of his helmet, “Now, we just have to find Vizsla. He’ll need to resupply…”
“We can take you to the closest town.” Janga said as he and his twin watched their home burn.
“They sell food and power cells. He’ll be there.” Janga continued.
“You know how to use a blaster, boys?”
“We can shoot blasters and rifles.” They answered in-sync.
“Our dad…”
“He taught us.”
“Then he was a good man. The twins come with us.” Jaster ordered. The group laid down a plan of action.
Meanwhile at the town, Death Watch had stormed in. Vizsla happy with the assumed death of his enemy, Jaster.
“Alright gentlemen. Two days rest before we head to Moonus Mandel. This town is ours.” Tor relieved his men.
One of the Death Watch soldiers shoved aside a cloaked crippled in his path, “Move it, cripple.”
However, the beggar spun around and the whine of a blaster resounded. The soldier fell dead and the disguised Mandalorian took cover.
Hidden in one of buildings, Jaster commed, “This is Jaster. Phase one successful. Move to phase two. Montross, open fire.”
Several True Mandalorians open fired on the Death Watch soldiers. Boxing the men closer to their vehicle.
Jango ran and slide under the tank, attaching a bomb to the carriage. He rolled out and signed to his brother as he scrambled away.
Janga commed, “He’s done! Blow it up!” Jango skidded next to Janga.
The APC detonated and the twins watched the destruction.
“Phase three complete.” Jaster announced, “Pick off the stragglers.” The words emerged from the comm.
They noticed and recognized one of the surviving enemy soldiers. They raised their blasters together and pointed them at the man.
“You killed-
“-our dad!”
“He was just a casualty of war, kids.”
Then the man charged at them with a hidden blade, they drop their blasters to save their necks.
At the same time Jaster was making his way to what was left of the ride. “Damn!” Jaster yelled when he inspected the empty vehicle, “Vizsla’s gone. Finish off your current targets and pull out!” He ordered.
The boys scrambled for a dead soldier’s weapons as Death Watch’s Second in Command chased after them, “Stop playing soldier…”
But whatever he wanted to say next died with him as the boys fired the blaster together. The twins just killed a man. They just killed. Theyjustkilledamantheyjustkilledaman
Suddenly hands rested on both their shoulders and they looked at the man between them.
“You came through, Jango, Janga.�� Jaster said. “But we have to go. Now.”
“He’s dead.” They whispered as Jaster lifted both of them into his arms.
“Yes. Do you two feel any better?”
“We don’t know.”
“Not yet.”
“Good.” Jaster responded. Tossing their stolen blaster aside. “Welcome to the Mandalorians.”
Montross greeted the twins incorrectly, “Ah, Janga, Jango. Good morning. Have you seen your buir?”
“Right here Montross. Jango, Janga,” pointedly looking at Montross over the correction, “It’s time for your morning drills.”
Do a Rosencratz and Guildenstein
Eyayah - echo
[Agglutinative language - A twin is the echo of its twin. ]
Jaster looked at his boys.
“Jango wants to become a warrior to protect me.”
“And Janga wants to make the armor to protect me.”
His ade wanted to become a goran and verd. Well, Jaster certainly had his work cut out for him.
eccentric, cranky, in a mood - literally *almost insane*
That was what many had taken to calling Janga.
That or “Ashi Jan’ika” (other little Jango). However, that one resulted in fights with those of equal or lesser rank and verbal assault to those above Janga’s status.
(Jaster will never confess it, but he refers to both boys as Jan’ika when he doesn’t know which one he is speaking to…)
But Janga earned his new nickname by his insane forging methods. Janga applied what he has learnt from his sciences, maths, and even history classes into his blacksmithing skills.
Jango understood his twin’s dream better than both the treasury and Jaster. So from his bounty coffers, Jango supported the construction of Janga’s forge.
[Janga invents wootz Damascus steel
Different types of steel pressed together create different colors. By combining dark and light steel, patterns can emerge.
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Due to the original wootz Damascus steel method being lost and the original source of forging it unknown, Janga will include pure beskar as the unknown element used to forge these blades and armor.]
For each blade that Janga makes, he personalizes it by making the handle out of wood.
He bought a grove of trees from Concord Dawn. When he makes a blade, Janga cuts a branch off and uses the wood to create handles or grips.
Janga uses “salamander fur” to insulate and deoxygenate the kiln. It’s a fabric that loves to be set on fire
Jaster and the Goran master cry cause Janga shits on a thousand years of tradition. Jaster once begged to know why Janga would do this to tradition.
Janga rebuffs Jaster by saying that he is, “Mando mandokarla teh manda bat Manda'yaim, Mand’alor”
A Mandalorian having the epitome of Mando virtue from the state of being Mandalorian in mind on the planet Mandalore, Sole Ruler.
And Jaster responds:
“Pare! Ni linibar papuur’gal par gar paklalat.”
“Wait, I need wine for your wit.”
Names his weapons, gear, probes, drones, and droids with reference to pop culture
Jon, Poru, Joji, and Ringo
Kihote and Roshinante
Pinkupansā and Inspekutā Kurōsō
Tùbāgē and Dá-fēi yā and Mǎ-wén Huǒxīng-rén
Méilín and Āsā and Mógēn Lè-fēi
Chapters dedicated to making armor, weapons, and miscellaneous items for Mando + co
-Weapons for Jaster
-Armor for Jango (I saw that suit comparison for Boba and Din and how Boba where’s an old fashion suit when compared to Din’s Armani one. That upset me so I want Jango to have a super cool beskar’gam wootz steel thing)
-Custom helmets for diff alien species, (Janga invents the flexible metal design helmets for Togaruta and Twi’leks) [there’s a tumblr artist who draws mando helmets for aliens. Find them, that’s what I’m referring to with this option]
-Dog collars, ID tags
-Prosthetic limbs
-Little Metal Mando toy (that one toy wear the helmet comes off it was an ancient toy)
-Metal marbles, for games
(I’m just listing things I think a blacksmith makes at this point lol)
Possible chapter:
Janga answered his comm,
“Evening caller, you’re on air with Janga Fett.”
“Janga…” Jango’s voice carried a guilty tone.
“Jango, what’d ya do this time?”
“…We were attacked by pirates. They raided the ship and…and took the knife you made for me. I’m so sorry! I know how hard you worked on that for me; and how much time you put into making it and, and, and it was the first of its kind. I’m so, so sorry!”
“Well, that was heartfelt and sincere. Could you bring Jaster over to the comm?” Janga replied, ignoring his twin’s apology.
Jango said nothing for a few moments and Jaster announced himself on the comm,
“Janga? What is it?”
“Open your app features in your helmet.”
“Find the application named “Ni di’kut mar'eyir””
“Janga, why do I have an app called “Find my Idiot?””
“‘Cause I installed it. Duh.”
Jaster sighed.
“Why are you sighing? You’re gonna be soooo thankful for it in the next second. Open it.”
“Janga, what am I looking at here? There are childish drawings of you and your brother’s face on a…map? Star chart?”
“Ding ding ding!” Janga crooned, “I put a tracker in Jango’s knife.”
“You put a tracker in my knife!?” Jango yelled, sounding offended.
“‘Course I did. You said it yourself. I worked hard on it, I spent a long time on it, and it’s the first of its kind. Of course I built in a tracker into the wooden handle. Since no one sane would destroy such a knife, I figured, it’s as good a place as any to put a tracker. You’re welcome, by the way, as I just found your pirates.”
“Janga,” Jaster hesitated, “Do I want to know how many trackers you’ve installed in others’ armor and weapons?”
“Prolly not, no. Find my Idiot is super popular among parents though. I’m not ashamed of it. I have my own tracker. Jango has several. You have some in your gauntlets and boot heels. What’s more is I donate all the money I make from this to the organizations in charge of the foundlings. Anonymously, of course. The way I figured, I’m already rich, what would I do with all that extra money? Become more rich?” Janga scoffed, “Anyway, thanks Jango. That was a super heartfelt apology. Next time keep my first-of-its-kind knife on your person at all times. Jaster, have fun kicking those pirates’ asses. Oh wait, have you used the whistling birds I made you, yet?”
“No, why?” Jaster replied tentatively.
Janga laughed, “Oh, well…it’ll be fun experience for you then, when you do. Jango, you got to record it for me. Think of it as a way to make up for being an idiot. Anyway, I have orders to fill. Things to build. Stuff to blow up. Laters!”
“Janga, Janga wait—“ Jaster’s pleading was cut off as Janga ended the transmission.
A few hours later Janga accepts another call,
“Late night caller, you’re on the air with Janga Fett.”
“Color? Why were the explosions colorful? How did you make them colorful?”
Janga cackled, “Pretty neat, right?”
“The corpses look like someone dropped paint cans on them.”
“Oh I can’t wait to see the footage! Tell me you’ve got footage!”
Jaster sighed heavily, “Yes, your brother got footage. He would have called you, but he’s been laughing so hard for the past 10 minutes that he’s clutching his gut and crying. You should expect several order requests for your…what did you name them again?”
“I’ve been calling them “Sal-Tracyn be Osik’lane”.”
“”Color-Fire of Horribleness”? Yeah. That, that fits.”
“Well, well. If it isn’t Haat and Haa’it. You sure there isn’t a Ijaat laying around somewhere?” The Mandalorian joked.
“You think you’re so clever…” Janga grumbled and kicked at the ground.
(It’s a twin thing for people to joke, ‘where’s your walking mirror,’ ‘where’s the other you,’ ‘well, here’s dumb. Where’s dumber,’ ‘Tweedle-dee and Tweedle-dum’ they think they’re so funny.)
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therandomavenger · 1 year
My Endless TBR List
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I have accepted the fact that I’m going to die with an unfinished TBR list. And not just, like ‘a few books I never got to.’ We’re talking a full-on bookshelf full with dozens more sitting on the kindle.
This is not for lack of trying. I’ve actually read over fifty books so far this year. I made a goodreads challenge goal of reading 100 books in 2023, and I am on track to meet that goal. But my TBR list keeps getting longer. It’s like a literary treadmill that just keeps going faster and faster, one that I will never be able to conquer.
I have on my bookshelves and on my kindle, over 60 books I want to read. These are the books I already own in some form. The picture I posted is of my TBR shelf. I have a special bookshelf that is only books that I own in a physical format I mean to read. There are 37 books on this shelf. And there are dozens more on my kindle. This isn’t even counting books that I could check out from the library, or that I want to read someday but don’t yet own.
A couple of weeks ago I sat down and made myself a list, putting the books in some semblance of the order I intend to read them. And since then, I’ knocked about four of them off the list. I also, unfortunately, added ten more to the bottom of the list. It’s a problem.
Now, I may be an extreme example, but I think a lot of readers have this problem. One of the problems is that there are so many types of books that I enjoy. I enjoy, especially, Science Fiction, Fantasy, and non-fiction. My audiobook listening tends to be non-fiction. I, for some reason, have a block on listening to fiction. Unless it’s an amazing narrator, I cannot process fiction the same way I process the non-fiction. I made myself listen to the Kim Stanley Robinson Mars trilogy in audio and the narrator was so bad I barely got through it, and it has colored my memory of those books.
I will occasionally read a mainstream romance-adjacent book. I loved Alexis Hall’s Boyfriend Material and have Husband Material ready to go as soon as I get to it. Although, I must say, in general, I prefer to read Queer fiction written by actual queer people. There are exceptions of course.   
I try to read widely, and as this list attests, maybe it’s a little too widely. There are just so many good books out. I want to read all of them. I set the goal in my habitica app to read for at least an hour a day, and I start off with a short story. I read a bunch from Clarkesworld, the Neil Clarkes most recent Best Science Fiction of the Year, moving on to Rich Horton’s collection, which also includes fantasy. Right now, I’m making my way through the latest Writers of the Future collection. Next up is the 2022 Best American Science Fiction and Fantasy Collection.
I basically try to read everything that interests me, no matter the genre or subject, and I am interested in a great many things, which is both a blessing and a curse. I also try to switch things up. I’ll go from a sci fi series to something high fantasy then to maybe some contemporary fiction. I don’t tend to read a lot of Mystery/Thrillers anymore because I read so many of them and they all kind of blended together after a while. I also intersperse the novels and non-fiction with Graphic Novels. I just read the first three Radiant Black volumes and next is Kieron Gillen’s Once and Future  volumes. I don’t read individual issues, because that way lies madness, but the collected editions.
I feel a responsibility to do a lot of reading, because I think it informs me as a writer. I also really enjoy it, it’s not a chore. I am wary of writers who tell me they don’t read a lot. I think you need to read a lot (maybe not as much as I do, obviously) to figure out the things you want to write about. And, to settle a controversy, audiobooks absolutely do count as reading.
So, that’s my reading life right now. I’m making progress, but probably need to quit adding things to the list, at least for a little while.
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jomanila · 6 months
The Players Choice
The Hunter and Huntress
I was with my mentor when I learn to squeeze. Its an organization skills like appreciating a masterpiece. The fear and the triggering effect will have an outlet to get it out of their system. The fear and conquer that the business had the paper is the conqueror you conquer your fear and free from it.
This is a crazy world we hunt for food and for husband to be. We are Greek the song said its buried in our soul.
The 1 Billion Training is what the mentor hinted
This young children are thought to know survival and how to put there pent up emotion with the animals that they have with a toy gun
Why is Good Marksmanship Important for Hunters: Hunting 101
Last Updated On May 14, 2023
Hunting is a challenging and time-honored tradition that requires skill, patience, and respect for both the natural world and the animals being pursued. Among the many essential skills a hunter must possess, good marksmanship stands out as a crucial factor for a successful and ethical hunt. The ability to shoot accurately and precisely is not only important for harvesting the game efficiently but also for ensuring the safety of oneself and others in the field.
What is The Good Marksmanship
Good marksmanship is the ability to accurately and consistently hit a target with projectiles such as bullets, arrows, or darts. It requires physical and mental skill, practice, and natural talent. Marksmanship is an important skill for military personnel, hunters, competitive shooters, law enforcement officers, and others who use firearms or other projectile weapons. The four fundamentals of marksmanship are a steady position, aiming, breath control, and trigger squeeze. Other important factors for good marksmanship include proper sight adjustment, knowing which eye is dominant, and wearing prescription glasses and protective shooting glasses. Practice is essential to improve marksmanship.
The Importance of Good Marksmanship for Hunters
Accuracy and Ethical Hunting
Reducing Animal Suffering By Quick and Humane Kills
Ensuring Proper Animal Control
In situations where hunting is carried out to control animal populations, such as in areas with overpopulation issues, good marksmanship becomes even more critical. Accurate shooting allows hunters to effectively manage animal populations while minimizing suffering. By targeting specific individuals with precision, hunters can help maintain the balance of ecosystems and reduce the negative impact of overpopulation on habitat and other species.
Safety and Responsible Firearm Handling
This includes understanding the fundamentals of shooting, such as proper grip, stance, and trigger control, as well as maintaining situational awareness to prevent mishaps. By emphasizing good marksmanship, hunters prioritize the safety of themselves, their hunting companions, and others who may be in the vicinity.
Precision and Consistency
Effective Shot Placement
Understanding the anatomy of the intended game species is crucial for hunters to make an ethical and effective kill. For instance, when hunting deer, knowing the best places to shoot a deer is essential. These specific vital areas, such as the lungs or heart, require good marksmanship skills to target accurately. By practicing shot placement on targets similar to those animals, hunters can improve their marksmanship and increase their success rates in the field. To learn more about the best places to shoot a deer, check out our related post on the topic.
Long-Range Shooting
In some hunting scenarios, the ability to shoot accurately at long distances is crucial. Long-range shooting requires a high level of marksmanship skill, including knowledge of ballistics, wind estimation, and adjustments for bullet drop. By mastering long-range marksmanship, hunters can extend their effective shooting range and increase their chances of success in situations where they cannot get close to their quarry.
Adaptability in Various Hunting Situations
Hunting often takes place in diverse environments and under different conditions. Good marksmanship allows hunters to adapt to these varying situations, such as shooting from different positions (standing, kneeling, or prone) or in challenging terrain. The ability to make accurate shots regardless of the circumstances enhances a hunter’s versatility and overall effectiveness in the field.
Understanding Ballistics
Choosing the Right Ammunition and Optics
Selecting appropriate ammunition and optics is essential for optimizing marksmanship. The choice of ammunition should be based on the intended game species, hunting conditions, and desired performance characteristics. Similarly, using quality optics, such as riflescopes or binoculars for hunting, helps hunters acquire targets accurately and enhances their ability to make precise shots. By investing in the right equipment, hunters improve their marksmanship and overall hunting experience.
Regular Practice and Training
Practice is the foundation of good marksmanship. Hunters should dedicate time to regular practice sessions to refine their shooting skills. This includes shooting at various distances, practicing different shooting positions, and simulating hunting scenarios. By incorporating the regular practice into their routine, hunters build muscle memory, improve their shooting technique, and maintain proficiency throughout the year.
Equipment Maintenance and Care
In addition to practice, hunters must ensure their equipment is well-maintained and in optimal condition. Regular cleaning and maintenance of firearms contribute to consistent performance and reliability. Properly sighting in rifles and verifying zero before hunting seasons further ensures accuracy. By taking care of their equipment, hunters can rely on their firearms to perform as expected, increasing their confidence in their marksmanship abilities.
Mental Focus and Concentration
Patience and Persistence
Good marksmanship requires patience and persistence. Hunters must be willing to invest time and effort into developing their skills, understanding that mastery is a continuous journey. Patiently waiting for the right opportunity and persistently practicing marksmanship contribute to improved shooting abilities and overall hunting success.
Self-Improvement and Personal Growth
The pursuit of good marksmanship provides an opportunity for personal growth and self-improvement. As hunters strive to enhance their shooting skills, they develop discipline, perseverance, and a strong work ethic. The process of setting goals, overcoming challenges, and achieving incremental improvements not only benefits their marksmanship but also translates into other areas of life.
Respect for the Hunt and the Environment
Good marksmanship is intertwined with respect for the hunt and the environment. By prioritizing accuracy and precision, hunters aim to make clean and ethical kills, showing respect for the animals they pursue. Additionally, responsible marksmanship includes minimizing the impact on the surrounding environment, such as avoiding unnecessary shots and practicing proper bullet and cartridge disposal. Through good marksmanship practices, hunters demonstrate their commitment to ethical hunting and environmental stewardship.
Passing down marksmanship skills to future generations
In conclusion, good marksmanship is of utmost importance for hunters. It upholds the principles of ethical hunting, ensures quick and humane kills, and contributes to responsible wildlife management. Additionally, it enhances hunting skills, increases success rates, and promotes safety in the field. By maintaining equipment, practicing regularly, and developing mental focus, hunters can elevate their marksmanship abilities, build confidence, and foster personal growth. Ultimately, the pursuit of good marksmanship is a lifelong journey that reflects a hunter’s commitment to excellence and respect for the hunt.
How can I improve my marksmanship skills as a hunter?
Improving marksmanship skills involves regular practice, understanding ballistics, and seeking professional training or guidance. Practice shooting from different positions, distances and in various hunting scenarios. Additionally, familiarize yourself with the principles of ballistics and invest in quality equipment.
What are some common mistakes hunters make in marksmanship?
Common mistakes include poor trigger control, inconsistent grip, flinching or anticipating recoil, and not adjusting for environmental factors. Lack of proper sight alignment and sight pictures can also lead to inaccurate shots. Identifying these mistakes and actively working to correct them through practice and training can significantly improve marksmanship.
Is marksmanship more important than hunting knowledge and strategy?
Marksmanship and hunting knowledge are interconnected and equally important. While marksmanship ensures accurate shots, hunting knowledge and strategy provide the necessary understanding of animal behavior, habitat, and hunting techniques. Both aspects are crucial for a successful and ethical hunt.
Can good marksmanship make up for lack of hunting experience?
Good marksmanship can certainly enhance a hunter’s effectiveness in the field. However, hunting experience is invaluable and complements marksmanship skills. Experience helps hunters develop instincts, improve situational awareness, and make sound decisions beyond marksmanship alone.
Are there any recommended marksmanship training programs for hunters?
Several organizations, such as the National Rifle Association (NRA) and various shooting schools, offer marksmanship training programs tailored for hunters. These programs provide comprehensive marksmanship fundamentals, ballistics, shooting techniques, and fieldcraft instruction. Researching and selecting a reputable training program can greatly benefit hunters looking to improve their marksmanship skills.
Lake Streeter
About The Author:
Lake Streeter, A Gun enthusiast, and loves to hunt in the middle of the wood. Always check the latest hunting gears out in the market and try to share his honest opinion with the audience in OUTDOOR EVER.
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fadavitalis · 9 months
Long Distance to Nesting
My very first post on this blog was orginally about surviving my long distance relationship with my (still) partner. I wanted to make this cute ass long story about the longing and everything we went through, but of course in true AuDHD (autism + ADHD for those unfamiliar) fashion I lost attention. That is not the only thing though: going from being at a distance to actually cohabitating is really hard. It can be a dream come true, but you only really get to know how it is to live with someone by doing it. So besides my neurodivergency getting in the way, it was also a matter of not being capable to put time and energy into my blog… and of course a good dose of perfectionism.
When I first met my partner, we were two lost souls with plenty of problems going on mentally, but we were under the impression that our issues were lighter than they were especially on their side. My partner has since been diagnosed with very severe mental illnesses, but to get there came with its own number of challenges. From all that we knew, they were looking to settle together with me and find work or a study to pursue and we would become this dynamic duo of oddballs that could conquer the world.
They moved over to be with me in the Netherlands when I was 21, this was 5 years after our long distance relationship initially began. We moved into a small studio apartment in a big city and just as agreed they went looking for work while I carried on with my study. With not knowing the local language as an added challenge, getting to work was difficult enough, and those they did manage to get into, they were not able to hold down. As their symptoms worsened as they were alienated and suffering from culture shock, so did the did the problems between us.
Without dwelling too long on details and personal information that I do not have explicit consent to share, I convinced them to eventually look for help. The mental health system here is overburdened, especially for the more complex cases. They were on a waiting list for three long years in which I was their only and primary caretaker, next to providing for them off a student loan alone. After so much fighting against the system, they finally managed to get themself a good therapist, and with his help they also got disability benefits so they could have their own income independently from mine.
It was a blessing, immediately our relationship improved as being together no longer was a ‘must’, it truly became a choice. This was a time of much needed healing, heart to hearts, and growth. We found out they are in fact asexual, and that I am pansexual, and that neither of us exactly identify as a binary gender. With jealousy never really having been that much of a thing between us - seriously I only got ‘jealous’ when other people insinuated I should be - polyamory became a healthy and natural choice for us due to our differences in needs and wants out of a relationship. It took me especially a long time to accept it, having been raised a Roman Catholic, and having to take some years of learning about polyamory and unlearning mono-normative instincts before I dared to apply it to our relationship.
It is all well that ends well now. We have been together 15 years and counting, and have been poly for about 4. We have been through hell and back together, something we could not have foreseen while we were still in a long distance relationship, and looking back I sometimes wonder if I had made different choices with the current knowledge. Hindsight is 2020 though and that was a shit year for the most part, even if it is the year I met my girlfriend. I am happy we live as a polycule now, finally in a home with enough space and love to go around. The system that left us to struggle and go hungry still is terrible, but that is why I became politically active, and why now we fight to change it.
Going forward I doubt I will write long essay-like blogposts as often as I have right now. I just felt like this blog might have needed a decent introduction, and some background information to what led me to be the person I am now.
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mortagesbycheryl · 9 months
If I can show you how to Leverage your homes equity to conquer credit card debt, what would you say?
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When it comes to your finances and personal budgets, using your homes equity to conquer credit card debt can be a very smart strategy. Credit card debt can feel like a heavy burden, one that affects your financial freedom and peace of mind. High-interest rates and mounting balances can make it difficult to achieve your long-term financial goals. If you're a homeowner, one potential solution to tackle this debt is by leveraging your home equity. In this blog, we'll explore the concept of paying off credit cards with home equity and delve into the benefits, risks, and considerations associated with this strategy. First, you must understand Home Equity. Home equity is the portion of your property's value that you truly own, calculated by subtracting your outstanding mortgage balance from the current market value of your home. As you make mortgage payments and your property appreciates in value, your home equity increases. It's essentially an asset you can tap into for various financial needs. Second, you must understand the strategy of paying off credit cards with home equity. Paying off credit card debt with home equity involves taking out a loan or line of credit secured by the value of your home and using those funds to pay off your credit card balances. This strategy can be appealing for several reasons: 1. Lower Interest Rates: One of the most significant advantages is the potential for lower interest rates. Credit cards often come with high interest rates, making it challenging to make a dent in the principal balance. By using a home equity loan or line of credit, you could secure a lower interest rate, saving you money over time. 2. Consolidation and Simplification: Managing multiple credit card payments with varying due dates and interest rates can be confusing and stressful. With a cash out refinance or home equity loan, you can consolidate your credit card debts into a single monthly payment, streamlining your financial obligations and making budgeting easier. 3. Potential Tax Benefits: Interest paid on home equity loans or lines of credit may be tax-deductible in certain cases, unlike credit card interest. Consult with a tax professional to understand how this could apply to your situation. 4. Fixed Repayment Schedule: Unlike credit cards, which often have variable minimum payments, a home equity loan typically comes with a fixed repayment schedule. This predictability can help you plan your finances more effectively. There is no reward with risk, right? While using home equity to pay off credit card debt can be advantageous, it's essential to approach this strategy with careful consideration: 1. Risk to Home Ownership: Home equity loans are secured by your property. If you're unable to make payments, you risk losing your home through foreclosure. This makes it crucial to be confident in your ability to meet the loan's repayment terms. 2. Increased Debt Load: By transferring credit card debt to a home equity loan, you're essentially converting unsecured debt into secured debt. Failing to make payments could have more severe consequences on your home and credit. 3. Responsible Financial Management: Using home equity to pay off credit cards shouldn't be a quick fix for poor financial habits. It's vital to address the underlying issues that led to credit card debt in the first place. In conclusion, paying off credit card debt with home equity can be a strategic move for homeowners seeking relief from high-interest debt. Lower interest rates, potential tax benefits, and simplified repayment structures are compelling reasons to consider this approach. However, the risks associated with using your home as collateral should not be taken lightly. Before pursuing this strategy, assess your financial situation, consult with financial professionals, and explore alternative methods of debt reduction. Responsible financial management combined with the wise use of home equity can set you on a path toward a more secure and debt-free future. Wondering if this would be beneficial to you? Contact me to discuss your current scenario and allow us to run some numbers for you. #homeowner #refinance #heloc #lineofcredit #creditcarddebt #debtfree #equity #financialstrategy #homeloan Read the full article
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ferrotone · 10 months
A guide for women to choose the right iron supplement.
In today's fast-paced world, it's essential to prioritize our well-being, but in reality, it is often overlooked, causing low iron levels. You wake up feeling exhausted, struggling to find the energy to conquer the day ahead. Your focus wanes, and even the simplest tasks feel like impossible challenges. Does this seem like an everyday thing to you? If yes, then you have come to the right place.
As a woman, you understand that life can be demanding, from juggling careers to managing households and caring for loved ones. But what if there was a simple solution that could help restore your vitality? The answer is iron supplements.
Red blood cells carry oxygen throughout our bodies, so iron plays a vital role in their production. Maintaining healthy iron levels becomes even more crucial for women, as they are more prone to developing iron deficiency. This is due to factors such as menstruation, pregnancy, and breastfeeding. 
The market is filled with countless options for iron supplements, so selecting the right one can seem complicated. You may have questions like, "Which one is the most effective? Which will be gentle on my stomach? Should I opt for capsules, tablets, or liquid forms?" Don't worry; we're here to simplify the process and equip you with the knowledge to make an informed decision.
In this article, we're here to guide you through selecting the right iron supplement that suits your needs and helps you regain your strength.
When choosing the right iron supplement, several essential factors must be considered. Here's a breakdown of these factors:
Check how much iron you need
Before taking iron supplements, it's crucial to determine your iron needs. This can be done through a blood test that measures your iron levels. Your healthcare professional will help interpret the results and recommend the appropriate iron supplementation.
Check how much iron the supplement can provide
Look at the label or packaging of the supplement to determine the amount of iron it contains. It is typically listed as "elemental iron," representing the amount of iron available for absorption.
Different forms of iron supplement
Supplements with iron come in different forms, such as ferrous sulfate, ferrous gluconate, and ferrous fumarate. These differ in how much elemental iron they provide and how well the body absorbs them. There are also other forms like iron tablets and syrups. However, the liquid form is most easily absorbed by the body. 
Check for side effects
Iron supplements can sometimes cause digestive issues such as constipation, nausea, or stomach discomfort. Be aware of any potential side effects and discuss them with your healthcare professional. They may recommend adjusting the dosage or trying a different iron supplement to minimize these effects.
Elemental iron
Pay attention to the amount of elemental iron in the supplement. This is the actual quantity of iron available for absorption. Different forms of iron contain varying levels of elemental iron, so it's crucial to compare supplements based on this measure. The supplements which have at least 30% elemental iron are considered best iron supplement for anemia.
Convenient dosage
Consider the dosage form and frequency that suits your lifestyle. Some supplements may require multiple capsules or tablets per day, while others offer once-daily dosing. Choose a dosage schedule that is convenient for you and promotes consistency in taking the supplement.
Have an iron-rich diet
While supplements can be helpful, it's essential to incorporate iron-rich foods into your diet. In addition to lean meats, seafood, beans, lentils, and dark leafy greens, fortified cereals also contain good amounts of dietary iron. Combining a balanced diet with supplementation can increase iron levels effectively.
Final thoughts
By considering factors such as your iron needs, the amount of iron provided by the supplement, the form of the supplement, incorporating an iron-rich diet, checking for side effects, evaluating the elemental iron content, and ensuring a convenient dosage, you can make an informed decision.
Ferrotone is the best iron supplement on the market. Ferrotone contains 30% elemental iron, providing a potent dose to support healthy iron levels. Its vanilla fragrance ensures a non-nauseating experience, and the chocolate-flavored liquid iron makes it a tasty and enjoyable part of your daily routine. 
Consult with your healthcare provider to understand the right iron supplement for you. Remember, your health is a priority, and choosing the right iron supplement is a step toward ensuring your well-being.
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BLOG #4: Unleash Your Inner Shark Tank: Learn About Demo Day and Pitching! Why are these events crucial for entrepreneurs?
Greetings, we have reached the penultimate lesson/occurrence that this topic has to offer. A business idea is "pitched" to a group of people who can assist make the idea a reality, according to a website. It's a platform for us to introduce our groundbreaking innovations to the world, where we can gain feedback and feedback from investors and customers alike. Any startup's Demo Day is a day filled with excitement and nerves. It's an opportunity for us student entrepreneurs to present our ventures to the business community, as well as to possible investors and clients. It's a chance to hear people's thoughts, create new contacts, and secure financial backing. Today is not just another day; it is the day on which you will be able to look back and see that your efforts were well worth it.
Successfully communicating our business idea at demo day requires a pitch that is not just concise but also easy to comprehend, memorable, and persuasive. It needs to communicate the nature of the issue we're addressing, the size of the potential market, the benefits of working with us, and the expertise of our team. And it needs to deliver all that in a snappy, interesting package. Keep your cool and your mind on the task at hand on demo day. Do not forget that the entire audience is hoping and rooting for our success.
This semester has been a wild ride of learning and growth in this course. There are several life lessons that I learned and will cherish forever. First, Change is the name of the game. Embrace change - the only constant in life! Second, Discover the power of business-- unlock your creativity and innovative mind with Business! Third, Unlock Your Inner Entrepreneur self-- anyone can do it! Unleash your inner entrepreneur and believe in yourself, take risks, and conquer the Business world. A further point is that "Anyone can be an entrepreneur." More faith and trust in ourselves are called for as we venture out into the corporate world and take calculated risks. Fourth, taking calculated risks is necessary..I am the type of person that is afraid of new things and has a hard time taking chances because of this. Greater risk yields greater return, but we must also be cautious and resourceful. Fifth, exude more self-assurance. Entrepreneurs need to be self-assured above everything else. It is the driving force behind all the exciting, novel actions we take. The lesson that will stick with me the most is to never set boundaries for myself. To bring about positive change, we must challenge ourselves to be more creative. It's up to me to be the kind, understanding companion I wish to have. As if Me against Me or Me in favor of Me. Take risk, unleash your inner shark tank and achieve the best version of yourself.
Overall, the information covered in GEE 16's Entrepreneurship Course is a great foundation for anyone looking to launch and grow a business. Any developing entrepreneur may make their business idea a reality by following these key takeaways and putting in the necessary work. Ready to turn your entrepreneurial dreams into reality? Join the GEE 16 Entrepreneurship Course - the ultimate program to equip you with the skills to launch and thrive in your own successful business!
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bopinion · 1 year
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2023 / 14
Aperçu of the Week:
"If freedom means anything at all, it means the right to tell people what they don't want to hear."
(George Orwell)
Bad News of the Week:
Tensions are rising over the status of Taiwan. The U.S. has significantly increased its political presence with reciprocal visits. And yet its position is not clear: on the one hand, it is officially pleased about the lively democracy on the island, on the other hand, it does not shake the "One-China-Policy".
Equally unclear is the question of possible U.S. support in the event of a Chinese military attack. On the one hand, there is the decision to continue arms assistance, but on the other hand, there is denial to provide a security guarantee. And yet (according to U.S. Secretary of State Anthony Blinken) China no longer accepts the status quo, which for years has brought peace and stability to the region.
Meanwhile, China continues to test how far it can push. During the current three-day air force and navy exercises, it is explicitly playing out an "encirclement" of the island and the elimination of critical targets. And they want this to be understood explicitly as a "warning to separatist forces" - in other words, to the entire population. In the process, at least 29 aircraft penetrated Taiwan's airspace surveillance zone.
Should China one day actually decide to seal off the island, the consequences would be devastating worldwide. Two figures: 50% of the world's commercial shipping passes through the Taiwan strait every day. And over 70% of the world's semiconductor production takes place on the island. So China has a very effective threat in its hand, and it doesn't even have to conquer Taiwan to play it out.
Good News of the Week:
Once a month, the public service ARD-DeutschlandTrend polls the prevailing opinions of Germans on current and general political issues. And often enough it shows the inflexibility of the prevailing opinion, for example on topics such as migration or all-time classics like the speed limit on German autobahns. Changes happen slowly and often too slowly in the face of social challenges.
That's why it's all the more gratifying when a topic finally moves into the spotlight, where it simply belongs. Like climate change. This is now (finally!) in first place as the most important problem that German politicians should urgently address. And 44 percent of the population would like to see faster changes. With the 18 percent who feel that the pace of action is appropriate, the deniers are thus finally in the minority.
Since political decision-makers usually base their actions not on necessities, but on polls - i.e. on their chances of being re-elected - this is a decisive breakthrough for me. Even if the fundamental will to change leaves a lot to be desired when it comes to individual measures such as phasing out new vehicles with internal combustion engines - 55 percent are still against recognizing this as a necessity.
Now, the conservative alliance of CDU and CSU, which leads the polls way ahead, must realize that its electability beyond its core clientele depends on its positioning on future issues. Fortunately, conservatism in this country is not as strongly linked to the eternal immobility of the past as it is, for example, among U.S. Republicans.
Personal happy moment of the week:
I am writing this text on my new iPad Pro. The predecessor from the 1st generation was already 7.5 years old and could no longer be updated with some of the apps I work with (yes, for me the tablet is primarily used for work). The fact that my employer gave it to me as a gift in appreciation of my efforts over the past few months is the icing on the cake.
I couldn't care less...
...that Silvio Berlusconi has leukemia. You shouldn't even wish cancer on your worst enemy. But the 86-year-old Italian multi-billionaire and 4-time former prime minister has made every effort to lose all respect. Child abuse, fraud, coercion, corruption, extortion, tax evasion, threats, manipulation, slander, antitrust violations and much more are on the list of misdeeds of this pathological liar. Only political immunity, currently as a member of the Senate, protects him from effective prosecution. But not from illness.
As I write this...
...we welcome spring with sunny Italian music by Laura Pausini and Zucchero Fornaciari. Why should seasonal music be reserved only for Christmas?
Post Scriptum
Happy Easter everyone out there!
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jaysoncarang · 1 year
Memorable events
• Graduated in college with latin honor
• Passed BLEPT 2018
• Got hired in St. Scholastica's Academy (my dream school to have my first experience in teaching)
• Got hired im DEPED
• Had my first year of teaching in a public school
Valuable Possessions
• My family
• My long time true friends
• My education
• My teaching license
• My ipad pro 11
Important People
• The Almighty God
• My dear family
• My self
• My ever long time true friends
• My students
Favorite Activities
• Reading
• Being alone and contemplating
• Listening to music
• Watching tv series and movies
• Teaching
I must admit that it is just recent that I've developed the love for reading. I have only started reading when I was in college. At first, I read because it was a requirement from my course. I took up Bachelor of Secondary Education Major in English. My bachelor's degree clearly explains why reading is a prerequisite requirement for us. Much more, our professors frequently told us before that we must read and read and read. One sack of books is an understatement. We are specializing the English language. And so, one important thing that I must learn to develop is the love for reading. Thus, entering college paved way for my self to indulge and start developing it as a habit. At first, it was very hard for me to begin with. I was so not into reading when I was in elementary and high school. Thanks to my decision in life when I chose my course, I was introduce to its wonders. In my first phase of doing this habit, I experienced difficulty. I had so many issues regarding my comprehension, vocabulary familiarity, focus, and so on. English like any other languages in the world is challenging to learn. You would have to deal with its intricacies, its rules and many more. This is why when I started reading, mostly of the sentences that I had read were ardous to comrehend. There were also words which meanings I didn't know. I, as well, found my self in such dilemma of maintaining my focus in reading. Because of so many difficulties that I had encountered, reading for hours is for me beyond my calabilities. That resulted me to read only occasionally and especially when it's needed when my teachers asked me to. I was so amazed with my classmates in college before. There were so many of them who could talk in English fluently and almost naturally. I pitied myself because I couldn't even construct a single sentence correctly. I almost gave up my course because I couldn't meet the requirement. However, one day, I realized that I should not. Giving up my course is surrendering on my dreams. After that realization, I thought of how I could improve myself and conquering my insecurities. I asked my classmates on how to develop my communication skills. They mentioned reading multiple times. With my very strong will to learn the English language and enhance my communication skills, I force my self to read and read and read. From that then on, it became a habit. And now , I couldn't let a day pass without reading something. Five to ten pages was at least my requirement. Now I can reada book in just a span of one week if I am not busy.
I regret that I didn't know that early the importance of reading and all the amazing things it could give you. Now, my command in the language is so unlikely before—far different from the time reading was not yet my habit. I can humbly say that I can easily communicate what's in my mind. All because of reading.
What would it look like if I were to sketch a passage?
“A large drop of sun lingered on the horizon and then dripped over and was gone, and the sky was brilliant over the sport where it had gone, and a torn cloud, like a bloody rag, hung the spot of its going. And the dusk crept over the sky from the eastern horizon, and darkness crept over the land from the east.- John Steinbeck’s “The Grapes of Wrath”
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“They sat in silence. Dust motes swarm in the slice of sunlight that came through the window.”
–Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie
Tell the readers a story!
Because without a story,
you are merely using
words to prove you can
string them together in
logical sentences.
Anne McCaffrey
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“Another explosion came and the earth vibrated, and one of the naked children crawling after crickets giggled. Then the explosion stopped and the people around her began to move. If she had died, if Odenigbo and Baby and Ugwu had died, the bunker would still smell like a freshly tilled farm and the sun would still rise and the crickets would still hop around. The ward would continue without them. Olama exhaled, filled with frothy rage. It was the very sense of being inconsequential that pushed her from extreme fear to
extreme fury. She had to matter. She would no longer exist limply, waiting to die. Until Biafra won, the vandals would no longer dictate the terms of her life.”
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Tell the readers a story!
Because without a story,
you are merely using
words to prove you can
string them together in
logical sentences.
Anne McCaffrey
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Write down words that suggest or evoke the following:
1. Fragrance- The sweet, tempting air sprayed with Victoria's secrets' popular perfume.
2. Nostalgic odor- When this child hugged me, the familiar sourness from his body that catches my nose seems like the one my late child had after a long day of playing under the sun. I cried again.
3. Tranquility- Looking through the spectacular scene across my veranda. There is something in this picturesque nature that pacifies my raging inner being. I sat down from my rocking chair and I just let the feeling overwhelmed me forever.
4. Excitement- As the longing child peeks through the window, he sees a familiar figure. Though a lot changes from her physique. It was still his mother who had just returned from overseas. He's screaming, crying, and jumping from joy. He can wait to see his mother. He quickly steps down from the staircase, opens the door and hugs her mother so tightly like never before.
5. Boredom- It was just another ordinary day—nothing special. He thought of his routine. Until when will he be doing this? Forever? He was so used t performing it. Nothing excited him after until it would just became another dull and so ordinary day.
6. Mellow- She picked up the old cassette tape. Set it and played. It was Coldplay's Scientist on the air. She closed her eyes and let her emotions be carried away by the song.
7. Joyful- Upon hearing that it was her name being called, tears just started pouring down her cheeks. It was not because of loneliness but all because of sudden unspeakable mirth in her heart. Finally, she passed the licensure exam. Being so happy was an understatement.
8. Sour- His greatest rival in vying for valedictorian in their class was pronounced as one. He smirked upon knowing it. He thought of the instances that this person asked help from him. How underserving he thought.
9. Humid- It was in the middle of summer. She stayed in a room with no ventilation. She is soaked from her own sweat.
10. Cold- On the outskirts of town, an old lady, with no warm clothing to defend herself from the extreme cold the season brings, roaming while shivering, is asking for alms.
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melissamagdalena · 2 years
Purple Rain
© Melissa Magdalene 2018
The pillar fell. It crashed and crumbled all over the checkered floor. All I could do was watch - mesmerised. I couldn't patch it, I couldn't glue it back together, I couldn't erect it up again. So I just watched - bewildered, from my corner on the cosmic shelf. 
As a ceramic cup with wounds and scars and scratches, I am broken too, but I refuse to fall like the pillar did. It's my pride. I will sit here with my chips and bear them till forever if I have too because I am fighting the authoritarian. The one who was there from the day I was created and who has unconsciously been tyrannising me since. When I played poker, I was always dealt the worst hand because the authoritarian took pleasure in my failure. When I ran a race and won, I was over joyed, more so than most because I knew that I had to try harder and I had finally stood on equal footing with the authoritarian and the authoritarian would simply laugh at my childish naivete. 
I am not battling you. I am not battling the world, I am not battling myself. I am not even battling the pillar. I am in no war with anyone in particular or any thing, except for the authoritarian. The strange catch is though that I dont know who the authoritarian is, so I pretended for a long time that it was the pillar. I falsely convinced myself that the issues of my whole existence was the pillar, but it wasn't, it was the authoritarian. 
The pillar has now crashed, it is in pieces and it is waiting on its artisans to patch it up. It can never be what it used to be. In its day, the pillar stood so firm, so strong, so huge, so invincible. No one could conquer the pillar. It was physically completely robust and a blow from its marble arm could push anyone to the floor and leave them with cuts, bruises and ruby red bleeding teeth. Its word was final and anyone who dared challenge the pillar would be shown all the pillar was made of. No one dared challenge the mighty pillar – ever. Yet there it was now, on the floor in a million pieces, waiting on the artisans to fix it. 
I used to think I was weaker than the pillar, but Im not. While the pillar whines for the zillionth time, mourning its loss of youth and robust physical strength and health, something so irritating to listen too, something that makes me feel shame for the pillar, I sit here in my insignificant corner of the cosmic shelf in strong silence. I used to idolise the pillar, in fact I wanted to be like the pillar, even though we are not the same and Ive always been told that a pretty ceramic cup must always be a pretty ceramic cup and nothing more. It must know its corner of the cosmic shelf and be willing to play the doll but not the warrior, except I wanted to be the warrior and I was and I am, but only in regards to the pillar because I am no longer battling the pillar, although for many years I thought I was. 
No, the pillar may have been aggressive and abrasive sometimes, I guess it's hard work keeping an affront of strength when your whole significance lies solely on your physical grandeur of tough marble because when that crumbles, you are no longer what you used to be, the ideology is torn apart, the veil rips and you see truth in all its ugliness and its quite humbling. No, I feel pity for the pillar, although I used to rely solely on it to save me, however now I know it can't save me, no one can, not from the authoritarian. 
So I watch the crumbled pillar with tears in my eyes because I weep for its loss, I weep for its pain, I weep for its suffering, but I mostly weep for its delusion, the fact that it believed itself to be what it could never be and lived trapped inside its psychological cage which its past experiences had forced onto it. See, when the pillar was created, the artisans, they used to drink and gamble and cheat and be downright filthy, vulgar sorts, so the pillar was forced to fend for itself by itself in a world that can only ever respect pillars if they are pretending to be strong. So the pillar became strong, whether it wanted to be strong or not is beside the point and completely irrelevant, but it was shaped by the artisans into a mighty pillar and a mighty pillar it had to be. Final. There was no disputing the matter. The pillar fell. It crashed and crumbled all over the checkered floor. Its millions of broken marble pieces incapable of ever being glued back together again. And I wept for the pillar because it couldn't be anything else. 
Yet when the artisans created me, they were of sound mind and wealthy and ambitious and worked constantly from day to night. I was molded perfectly from the finest ceramic with the prettiest pastel flowers all around my skin and a glowing golden rim around my head, just like a halo. I was the artisans pride and joy, so they gave me everything. Luxury, toys, money, compliments, Yawn, sigh, roll eyes! I was built up into the ideology of the perfect ceramic cup and I hated it. I hated that box, I hated that expectation, I hated that demand. I hated being praised and constantly complimented how lovely I was. 
I just hated being like that spinning ballerina in the jewelry box with the pink fishnet tutu and that annoying, repetitive music  because that ballerina, she is a trapped doll and a trapped doll is all she will ever be and I was not going to be that trapped doll, although I became so, accidentally. So I rebelled against the artisans. I wanted to destroy everything that they had created in me because destroying their creation meant my freedom - only I didn't count on the authoritarian. I may have bewildered the artisans and gotten them to leave me alone in my insignificant little corner on the cosmic shelf, but I could never bewilder the authoritarian because nothing bewilders, surprises or scares the authoritarian. Not even my rebellion and that is what annoys me most!
As the pillar stood strong for many a year, intimidating the artisans with its command and force, I danced like a freak and intimidated the artisans with my rebellion, but no one, nope, no one could ever intimidate the authoritarian. “Red ruby wine!” said the authoritarian, and then poured it into me and mixed it with water. I remember it perfectly. Three parts water to one part wine and the authoritarian told me that life is in my blood. The water is blue and the wine is red and when the two combine, it is violet, like purple rain. The authoritarian knows it all and it's probably why I can't stand authority. 
The pillar fell. It crashed and crumbled all over the checkered floor. Its marble pieces spraying across the smooth tiles like flooding purple rain. All I could do was watch - amazed. The pillar, for all its robust physical strength and power, understood its time of glory had passed and easily submitted to the patched up work of the artisans. I expected the pillar to put up a fight. To be challenging as it had always been. To be problematic and demanding and forceful and confrontational, I was expecting drama and extremity, but no, the pillar simply submitted, fully understanding its misfortune and its weakness. 
So I just watched, surprised yet humbled, from my corner on the cosmic shelf. The pillar, the symbol of strength, understood its place and I still don't understand mine. I could never do that. With all my wounds and scratches and scars, I still have pride. Not a narcissistic pride or vain pride or arrogant pride, but a pride in belief and that I can do whatever I believe and I will do whatever I believe once these wounds and scars and scratches are mended again by the artisans. 
I don't know if they ever will be, but I hope they will be and my hope is pride filled because I believe, I truly believe, with absolutely no evidence and no fact, that I will be mended one day and this is pride. My extreme independent spirit is pride and this is what the authoritarian has been trying to change in me with minimal success yet. The pillar, it accepts its fate, it whimpers and whines and complains and mourns, but it accepts its gruesome fate whereas I can not and will not and so I battle the authoritarian because the authoritarian holds my poker cards while drinking bleeding wine and water out of me which is like purple rain and I believe that it is time I was recompensed for always being dealt a bad hand by the authoritarian. 
Do you see that? I said ‘I believe’ and thus it must be so. Yawn, sigh, rolls eyes! I think this is possibly why the authoritarian is still on my case. Pride can not stir the authoritarian, demands can not stir the authoritarian, prayers can not stir the authoritarian, nothing can, so it is wise and humbling to accept the hand dealt as the pillar has, yet I can not and will not because ‘I believe’. 
The pillar fell, It crashed and crumbled all over the checkered floor. Once the idol of many who would worship its strength and heroic aptitude, myself included, it accepted its misfortune, submitted and allowed and depended on the artisans to try to mend it. I, in my insignificant corner on the cosmic shelf, with wounds and scars and scratches and pride and hope and belief and childish naivete, I am still battling the authoritarian.
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systemstonki · 2 years
World conqueror 2 ipad cheats
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If you, like me, have played the android version and are wondering if this one is better, it is. Battleships have the highest naval HP in the game and have the ability to attack from 2 spaces, like a Field Artillery. I just wish they had a pay version on tablet so I wouldn't have to deal with the cash grab over there. If you like games like Hearts of Iron or any Paradox titles, I would recommend it. Instead, we get to enjoy a game with at least 20 hours of base content, not counting the endless hours of open play. I'm happy to say, they have completely obliterated the microtransaction element in the Switch version. I have the Android variant of this game and, while it is also great, it suffers from the same microtransaction mentality of nearly all mobile games. World Conqueror X is actually very playable and simple. This is all Cheats for World Conqueror 2 500 Medals3 May 3. In fact, I'd say it generally fails in every case. This hacks for World Conqueror 3 works for all Android and also for iOS smartphones World. World Anyone who has played strategy on a console knows how hard the genre is to port over. In fact, I'd say it generally fails in every case. … ExpandĪnyone who has played strategy on a console knows how hard the genre is to port over. There are 40 missions (plus tutorial stages) to conquer. Scenario Mode includes Axis and Allied missions from WWII in Europe and in the Pacific, as you experience key historic battles from both sides. There are two main modes that combine to offer many hours of challenging strategic warfare. Battles take place on the ground, at sea and in the air, requiring careful strategy for victory. You can level up your HQ, capture enemy strongholds and also strengthen your own cities, build landmarks and gain access to powerful Generals. Across dozens of battles and multiple modes you manage a diverse range of troops and military units in turn-based conflict, utilizing advanced strategies such as air defenses, while always being mindful of battlefield environments and cities.
Across dozens of battles and multiple modes you manage a diverse range of troops and military units in turn-based conflict, utilizing advanced strategies such as air This entry in the long-running series offers varied missions, with a strong focus on history to add intrigue to each battle.
Summary: This entry in the long-running series offers varied missions, with a strong focus on history to add intrigue to each battle.
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